#lava hills
vintagecamping · 1 year
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Some hikers admire the Lava Hills.
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pumpkinrootbeer · 9 months
i do think it is legitimately very funny whenever someone tries to make the claim that lavabending is inherently a very slow subbending and therefore not good in a fight. specifically when using that argument against Bolin's skill as a bender.
Sure, I feel like in very specific instances with Ghazan that could be a fair argument to make. It takes him a moment to destabilize the Ba Sing Se wall and for him to kick up enough lava to destroy the airbending temple. (to the point I would argue that if Bolin had been versed in lavabending like he was in s4 he would have swept the ground with Ghazan), but in moments where he's actually in a fight his lava is incredibly quick.
Just the lava frisbee on its own is an incredibly quick move
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But making that argument with Bolin in particular is absolutely batshit when outside of lavabending he is an incredibly quick fighter. I would say it is one of, if not the, most defining things about his fighting style. He moves very, very quickly and uncharacteristically agile for a earthbender. This is a known thing. Like
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I am not the first person to say this but no other earthbender does backflips like he does. And THEN with lavabending he is just as quick if not more so
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Bolin since season 1 has had an uncanny knack for bending incredibly fast, and his lavabending is no exception to that rule. It's honestly something that haunts my brain all the time because how quick he is with it low-key breaks the balancing? a little?? Like earthbending was always shown to be very strong but in turn it was slower than other types of bending, but with Bolin that doesn't really seem to be a hangup he has.
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mmm thinking about joe hills' conecorp prank again. about how he built a giant (deformed) traffic cone around cub's entrance fountain in season six, convinced that cub wouldn't log in because it was thanksgiving, only for cub to log in halfway through, giggle and then log out to properly react to the prank later. it's just... conecorp... world's best wordplay
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gaeaeagle · 2 years
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Fingers crossed for another civil war so we can experience Joe Hills' war tactics again. The true god of WARD and a master of psychological warfare.
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fyeahsonicthehedgehog · 8 months
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Ok, so movies you watched as a kid?
Run-down time
Major spoilers for certain movies so I'll cut
I loved this movie, and still do. Delgado's character is *chef's kiss*. I think the first movie is better than the sequels. The human cast for the first one was great but they changed the cast for the second movie.
Aunt's niece stays to dogsit for her rich aunt while she's in Europe. Rachel takes the dog with her and her friends to Mexico. Chloe is dognapped. Brought to the dog fights. Introducing Delgado's character. Depressed middle-aged brooding ex-cop. Opens the cage(though if he could do that why didn't he do it a long time ago??). Saves Chloe from el Diablo (the Doberman) but not before letting all the other dogs escape. Carries Chloe -scales barbed wire fence and hauls over it- in what can only be described as the coolest dog move ever. A roller coaster of emotions and then El Diablo finds Chloe and Delgado helps her hide in a museum until they're clear and he takes her to a pier where he goes to talk with his police dog cousins. The landscaper (Sam) and Rachel(the rich woman's niece) team up to find Chloe, and end up finding homes for two strays from the dogfights. THE TRAIN SCENE. Delgado takes Chloe to a train yard where they meet a coyote. No, seriously I love the detail where the coyote is a literal coyote. Delgado puts Chloe on the train and tells her he isn't coming with her. The train leaves. 'don't turn around don't turn around' *turns around* 'Delgado!' 'Chloe!' 'Delgado!' *jumps on - slips* 'Hold on, I'll pull you up' Delgado, scrabbling around trying to push himself up, 'STOP HELPING STOP HELPING' They end up jumping off the train and walking in circles in the desert. Chloe realizes Delgado has no sense of smell. Cue the backstory about how he lost it to Diablo. They're attacked by mountain lions(I'm pretty sure cougars are solitary so I'm not exactly sure why a pride/band was hunting them, I think it was just for plot reasons). THE ABSOLUTE DUSTSTORM OF CHIHUAHUAS. Love Montezuma. The Chihuahua City. Also Papi. These movies were not so vaguely racist.
The rest of the movie was great.
2. Bolt
I LOVED this one.
A TV show in a movie.
Bolt's nose is like the size of Wyoming. His superpowers are so cool. PENNY!!! (she got captured in the show) The cats. *Escapes*
The scene where he runs straight into a fence.
The pigeons helping him.
No, you got to twist, then pull.
I can confirm this is a method I use for stuck things all the time and it does work.
Where he gets the leash stuck around him and Mittens. *Holds mittens over the side of a highway* Another great train scene.
Jumps out the back of a truck.
'What is this red liquid oozing out of my paw?'
'It's blood, you idiot'
*Stomach growls*
'You evil agent of the green-eyed man poisoned me, where is the antidote?!!'
*Brings him to a campground/Trailer park/cookout* 'There's your antidote' (it's food)
Mittens has to teach him how to beg.
RHINO (I love him)
The journey scene was amazing.
The carboard boxes.
The song.
The trailer.
Playing with the labrador.
Dude when they get captured by animal control.
They literally blew up the pound.
When Bolt gets to Hollywood and thinks Penny replaced him.
Mittens going to 'get back in there'
The fire scene
twas perfection.
The mom quits and throws the agent out of the ambulance.
And then domestic life.
'I thought I lost you when you ran away and tried to find me'
3. Moana.
absolute bops
My favorite characters were Rosebud and Mudbud
5. Shark boy and Lava Girl
6. Spy Kids
7. Homeward Bound
8. Balto
9. Call of the wild
10. A dog's purpose
Literally the only time I ever cried during a movie was when the dog got shot protecting the little girl as a police dog
11. Any one else remember Dolphin Tail (was it tale?)
13. White fang (the animated one with the golden brown wolf put in the dog fights)
14. SPIRIT stallion of the cimarron
One of the greatest masterpieces
15. My Little Pony the movie
(the one with the storm king and tempest and sia lol)
I'll probably update this list later.
More recent movies
Spies in Disguise
Again I'm probably going to update this as I remember them
I'll also probably do one of these for shows
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konakoro · 6 months
Miss living in eastern Washington
A good, long scream in the shrubsteppe would fix me...
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semi-sketchy · 8 months
I seriously just lost 3 S ranks. What the hell. Nothing else in the game functions like this.
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kradogsrats · 9 months
anyway, THIS is why I fucking hate the wiki, just look at this shit:
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know where that citation goes? somewhere super fucking useful:
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well okay, I have the artbook right here next to my desk... what does it actually have to say about magma titans?
well... about 2/3rds of that:
Magma Titan Magma titans are huge sentient beings made of burning hot lava and rock. Though dangerous, at heart they are just like so many other creatures of Xadia: peaceful unless provoked. Queen Sarai tried to impress this message of compassion upon the leadership of Katolis, but even Harrow did not heed her words. Image caption: The magma titan towers over its barren domain, hot lava flowing under its rocky carapace. Image caption: The detailed texture and glowing cracks of the magma titan design were a challenge for the 2D/3D style of the show.
and that's all, literally that is it, I checked the entire rest of the book out of fucking spite just to be sure
so whomst, may I ask, declared the magma titan to be a creature of the Sun primal? because they're fucking wrong
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thephilosophah · 2 years
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i don’t even WANT to tell you how long it took me to figure out a design for him
(i mean sapnap, not mars. mars is a perfect angel and nothing he ever does could bother me)
and before anyone asks yes his whole look is meant to look like a panda’s fur pattern
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perihthiscasual · 2 years
Did I spend 20 minutes in the shower crying at Kashil about how upset I am with Dark Souls & how Solaris is doomed & the only way to fix it is restart the game but MAN do I not wanna restart the game I fucking hate it - but my BOY WAS DONE DIRTY & I'M just
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dlyarchitecture · 1 year
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scarrrrred-for-life · 2 years
I’m watching joe hills for the first time and y’all. He is stressing me out So badly
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donnieluvsthings · 2 years
so far my sonic mania experience is me getting excited over some little detail and then realizing i only noticed those details bc i have played the original classic games Too Many Times
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roikinneret5784 · 2 years
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from: https://www.instagram.com/p/CDtDl53FCAc/
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moonrevolutions · 1 month
°✩₊˚.⋆ anonymous. meme. still accepting!
i loooooove cars! i love vehicles and everything about them. i love the smells of smoke / exhaust and oil and leather interior. i just absolutely love that shit sooooo much!!! at one point last year when i was sad @shadowhoops took me to autozone to ' take in the smells ' and look around because it calms me down. since then we do that every now and again when i need a pick-me-up...
im sure this stems from the fact that i spent a lot of my time growing up at auto repair shops cuz of relatives working at them. i did take an auto class in high school, i had a boyfriend that was restoring a chevelle from the 70s and i helped.
u kno.... idk.... something about cars. mechanics. automotives.... love watching factory processes too.
back to the going to autozone for smells thing when im sad... i also go to hardware stores for the same thing.
aaahhhh....... the smell of a hardware store while admiring expensive drills and drill accessories..... cant be beat. cant be beat.
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