#law and order svu fluff
x-bluefire-heart-x · 2 years
Please be more careful
I have started to re watch Law and Order SVU. I haven’t gotten to Rafael’s seasons yet but I got hit with this little fluff piece. I hope you like it and I hope I did Rafael’s character well.
Master List
Prompt List
Warning for slight mention of injury and violence. But no graphic descriptions.
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“I promise it is not as bad as it looks,” you tried to play it off as Olivia stood beside you at the back of the ambulance. “I have had worst.”
“Y/N you got stabbed,” Olivia sighed gesturing towards the bandage wrapped around your waist.
“Lightly, it didn’t go to deep and they were able to stitch here no-” You were interrupted by a panicked voice shouted your name. Olivia looked towards the shout waving for the uniforms to allow ADA Rafael Barba pass. He strode quickly towards the two of you, eyes wide as they took in the bandage and the blood-stained shirt hanging of your shoulders.
“Are you okay?” he reached out for you before he stopped. You smiled gently at him reaching for his hand and grabbing it tightly. Olivia patted your shoulder and left the two of you alone. Rafael stepped closer to you, his other hand reaching up and cupping your cheek, his thumb stroking your skin.
“Rafi, I’m fine,” you smiled. “It was just a light stabbing and you should see that other guy.” Rafael huffed at a laugh, eyes glancing down at the bandage before looking back up at you. His face while slightly amused was full of concern.  
“Carino, a stabbing is never light,” Rafael responded with a tone of both exasperation and amusement. “How did it happen?”
“The perp managed to get the jump on me while I was getting the victim out,” you shrugged. “He managed to stab me before I could react but that was all he managed to do before I knocked him out against the wall. The knife didn’t get to go in too deep, so only a few stitches.” Rafael bent down and gently kissed your forehead. He looked up towards the EMT coming back to the ambulance.
“Are they could to go?” he asked not trusting that you weren’t undermining the injury.
“Yes sir, the Detective only sustained a small injury, the stitches will dissolve on their own,” the EMT agreed. “They can’t do any strenuous activity and shouldn’t return to work for a few days.”
“Thank you,” you smiled at the EMT and stood up tugging on your bloody shirt to make sure it stayed on. Rafael pulled his hoodie off, taking your shirt and replacing it with his hoodie. “Thank you love.” He moved to your right side away from the injury. He offered you his arm and you grinned placing your hand in the crook of his arm.
“Come on, you’ll be staying with me while you recover,” Rafael stated not leaving any room for argument. He led you towards a cab, and opened the door for you helping you before sliding in behind you. He gave his address to the driver and allowed you settled into his side resting your head on his shoulder.
“Oh? Well, twist my arm, I guess I can stay with you, it’ll such a rough time,” you giggled. “…I think the painkillers are kicking in fully now.” You blinked.
“I think they are, but that’s probably a good thing,” he agreed. “And you heard the EMT no strenuous activity. So, you’ll be resting and not lifting a finger.”
“Rafi,” you whined. “I got lightly stabbed in the side, I didn’t even need to go to the hospital, I don’t need you to wait on me.”
Rafael smiled softly at you and brushed your hair out of your eyes as you blinked up at him. He raised your hand to his lips and gently kissed the knuckles.
“Let me, please,” he whispered. “I was worried when Olivia called me. My heart was in my throat until I saw you.”
“I’m sorry,” you whispered as well matching his tone.
“No Carino, you don’t need to apologise, I know your job is dangerous,” Rafael kissed your knuckles again, looking away as the cab arrived at his address.
He paid the bill and helped you out. Your adrenaline was wearing off and the painkillers were starting to make you sleepy. He was careful as he wrapped his arm low around your hips letting you put your full weight on him.  He led you up to his apartment careful of your injury. He led you to his room and sat you down on his bed where you swayed a little.
“I’ll get you some clothes to sleep in, and then we can go to sleep, okay?” he said going to his dresser to grab some baggy sweat pants and one of his old Harvard shirts. You nodded and reached up to try and unzip Rafael’s hoodie but your fingers didn’t wanna cooperate.
“Rafi, I can’t get the zipper,” you pouted looking up at him. “Help?” He tried to hold back his smile as you looked up at him eyes slightly hazy from the painkillers. He placed the bundle of clothes on the bed beside you before coming to stand between your legs.
“Alright,” he nodded.
“No funny business though,” you added tapping his thigh. “No strenuous activity.” A light giggle left your lips as you looked up at him. “But after I’m cleared...” you trailed off as he managed to get you undressed and helped you into his borrowed clothes.
“Yeah, yeah,” he muttered losing the battle with his amusement. He helped you get under the covers. “Come on, let’s get some rest.”
He went through a shortened routine before joining you. You automatically snuggled up to him turning so your back was to him and wiggled until he sighed and slotted himself against your back and gently wrapped his arm around you. He kissed the back of your neck breathing you in. His fingers trailed up and down your stomach.
“I’m okay Rafael,” your assured him grabbing his hand and bringing it to your lips. Before putting it back and linking your fingers together.
“I know, just please be more careful,” he breathed squeezing your fingers. “I know that’s a lot to ask but I love you to the stars Carino.”
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 5 months
Can You Stay?
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Olivia Benson x fem!reader
Warnings: sexual assault/rape (not graphic or anything, this takes place after the fact), trauma, hospitals, rape kit, established relationship, hurt/comfort, some explicit language, brief mentions of self-harm
Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: You're assaulted by a man the SVU just can't seem to convict. Olivia is used to victims, she's used to the aftermath of a rape. She's not used to walking through it with someone she loves as much as you.
“Let me see her!” Olivia yelled, shoving Fin so hard he slammed into a wall.
“Liv, you can’t be here as a cop,” Elliot argued, holding her back.
Olivia ran her hands through her hair, angry beyond reason and worried out of her mind. “I’m not, Elliot! I’m here because my girlfriend got raped. Now get the fuck out of my way so I can take care of her!”
Elliot lifted his hands in surrender. “Alright, just… you gotta let us do our job, okay?”
Olivia shoved past him and into your apartment, desperate to find you, to see you, to hold you and protect you. When she found you, shaking and huddled in a corner of your bedroom, it shattered her, but she didn’t feel sad, not yet. That would come soon, she knew. What she felt now was blinding, white hot anger at the man who’d done this to you.
You were so traumatized you didn’t even seem to notice her. Your eyes were glazed over, and you rocked back and forth, your head banging lightly into the wall each time. Munch sat on a corner of your bed, and Olivia looked at him, silently asking if you’d said anything yet. John shook his head. So it had just been the 9-1-1 call so far then.
Olivia lowered herself onto the floor next to you, careful not to touch you, to frighten you. Your hair was dripping wet, and the water had blotched your t-shirt. Her stomach sank. It was him again–Cleary–she just knew it.
“Sweetheart,” she started, her voice soft, looking into your blurry eyes. “It’s just me.”
You couldn’t bring yourself to look at her, but your eyes filled with tears, and you started banging your head against the wall with more force.
Olivia placed her hand between your head and the wall to soften the blows. You wanted to hurt yourself. You wanted to hurt so much that you forgot what had come before. But you couldn’t bear to hurt Olivia. You put your head in your hands instead and when you finally spoke, your voice was small and hoarse.
“I can’t stop shaking.”
“It’s okay,” she soothed, still not touching you. She’d let you initiate touch if you wanted to. “That’s normal. You’re in shock, okay, baby? It’ll pass.”
“He came in my window, Liv,” you stuttered, unable to breathe deeply enough, your fingers tingling with the lack of oxygen. “He came in my window. I thought it was locked. It– it sh– should have– been l–locked.”
You scrunched your eyes shut and shrunk into Olivia, her arms wrapping firmly and protectively around you as you buried your face in her neck and gasped for breath. She rubbed your back, resting her chin on the top of your head.
“Shh,” she whispered. “Just breathe, baby, breathe.”
Elliot entered the room and sat on the bed with John. Olivia met his eyes, and she saw that he hated to do this. They were always aware of the ways in which an investigation might come off as insensitive to the victim. In fact, they did everything they could to be kind and empathetic and caring. But it had never been clearer than it was now that questions and probing, while necessary, would likely only make your horrific night worse. 
You coughed, trying to desperately get enough air, the room swirling around you. You tried, you tried so hard to fight the darkening edges of your consciousness, but you couldn’t breathe. The last thing you remembered before blacking out was grabbing onto Olivia’s jacket.
“Shit,” Olivia muttered, as your body fell limp against her. “El–”
“On it,” he said, pulling out his radio and walking to the living room. “Yeah, we need a bus at Mott and Spring. Unconscious female. Rape victim, panic attack.”
Olivia laid you gently on the ground, brushing your hair out of your face and placing her fingers on your neck to ensure you had a pulse. It was hard to pass out from a panic attack–which showed just how scared you were. She sighed and watched you, holding back tears, as she brushed her thumbs back and forth across your wrist. She wanted to feel your heartbeat. Just to be safe.
“You okay?” John asked her.
Olivia shook her head, biting her lip. “No.” She smiled wryly, her eyes wet. “But I am dangerously close to committing a felony.”
“We’ll get him, Liv,” John assured her.
“We haven’t yet.”
“We will.”
When you jerked awake, gasping, your heart still racing, Olivia squeezed your hands and bent down close to you. “Hey,” she soothed. “Hey, you’re okay. It’s okay. I’m right here. Just keep breathing.”
She lifted your head onto her lap and you curled into yourself, your hand gripping tightly to hers. When the paramedics came, you shrank away from them and into Olivia, who might very well have assaulted an EMT to keep anyone from touching you and further traumatizing you.
“Can you walk?” she asked, and you nodded. “I got her,” she said forcefully to the paramedic who reached out for your arm.
Olivia walked you out of the room, out of your apartment, down the elevator, and into the back of the ambulance. She never once let you go, never once removed her arm from around your shoulder, glaring bullets at anyone who even came close to you.
Rape kits were always hard, no matter who the victim was, but it was excruciatingly hard now that it was you. Olivia almost couldn’t look at you as you talked the doctor at the ER through your assault. She wanted to cry, she wanted to shoot something, she wanted to hold you and never let you go. She would do anything, anything, to go back in time and have you stay at her place instead. Or, even better, to have been at yours so she could have shot the son of a bitch in self-defense. She didn’t know if she’d ever forgive herself for not being there.
You cried when they swabbed you, your body tensing in panic, hand squeezing Olivia’s so hard that little half moons formed on her skin under your nails. Olivia looked at the ceiling, willing herself not to cry. She felt like her heart was being fed through a shredder. It hurt more than anything, hurt so bad she was nearly bent over with it, to watch you cry. To watch your body flinch away from touch and comfort. To watch you poked and prodded and examined under the harsh fluorescent lights, the smell of alcohol sterilizer permeating everything, when you had already been through so much.
When they finally discharged you, Olivia pulled your softest, most oversized t-shirt and sweatpants out of her bag. She’d brought them from your apartment, knowing that they’d take your clothes for evidence. She dressed you gently, carefully, your eyes bloodshot, face streaked and puffy from tears.
She had Elliot drive you both to her apartment in a squad car, knowing you wouldn’t want to see anyone else, that you wouldn't be able to stomach a cab or the subway.
In the apartment, you sat on the edge of her bed, face blank, terrified to go to sleep. You couldn’t say anything, couldn’t speak. It was as if, after telling what had happened, your voice had switched off.
Olivia brushed your hair out of your face, bending down to look into your eyes.
“Do you think you can try to sleep, sweetheart?”
You nodded, exhaustion hitting you hard as the hours of adrenaline started to wear off. You crawled into bed, and Olivia pulled the covers over you. You struggled to keep your eyelids open, and Olivia gently kissed your forehead.
“Go to sleep, baby,” she whispered. “I won’t let anyone hurt you, I promise.”
You grabbed her hand as she stood to leave, turning off the light.
“Can you stay?” you whimpered, tears welling up again, no matter how hard you tried to fight them.
Olivia wordlessly lifted the covers and pulled your body into hers, and you breathed easy for the first time in hours. Her arms were strong around you, her heartbeat sure and steady, hands soft as they ran through your hair. And you knew, you knew, that she would keep you safe.
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storiesofsvu · 1 month
Love You Always
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Rafael Barba x reader warnings: language maybe? it's pure fluff y'all. This was a request that I took a little bit of a spin on but the end result is the same and the prompt still fits and works lol Quick reminder: as Barba has over 50 ppl on his taglist and that is tumblr's max, if you do not interact with this/other barba post you will be removed for someone who is on the wait list who actually does want to read and interact.
When you’d made the move from a small town in Pennsylvania out to New York you really had no idea what was in store for you. Getting the opportunity to live in the city was a huge enough thrill on its own, delicious food, incredible night life, easy enough to get around and a plethora of places to meet people. Work was consistent, busy enough to keep you stimulated and making money but never overwhelming, you always had weekends off and were reminded you never had to take work home unless you really wanted to.
The level of freedom you felt was an incredibly good thing, especially considering your boyfriend seemed to never stop working. You were free to swing by on your lunch, making sure he ate something other than chocolate covered espresso beans and would happily be the one to drag him out of the office at the end of a long day. Though you had no complaints about the matter, you loved him no matter what and knew that what he did was important, not to mention incredibly admirable.
The two of you had moved in together a couple of years ago, a nice two bedroom apartment smack in the middle of your commutes. Rafael had turned the second bedroom into a home office but hadn’t completely taken it over, leaving half of it for you to outfit however you’d like. He never wanted it to just be his space, wanted to make sure you always felt welcomed and wanted even if the most you normally did was curl up with a book in the arm chair beside his desk. He utterly adored having you around, the quality time beside another human was more than enough for both of you, you were able to communicate without words by now. There were moments where Rafael wouldn’t even realize he’d been letting his work stress him out until your gentle hands were on his shoulders, massaging out the knots. There were other moments where you were so sucked into your novel you had no idea how much time had gone by until he was pressing a kiss to the top of your head, mentioning you’d both missed dinner.
There had been talks of the future of course, some of them happening before you bought the apartment, making sure you were making the right investment, but there had never really been a talk about marriage. You’d talked about where in the city you wanted to live, decided on kids or no kids, if you wanted to stay in the same career path, what you’d like to do after retiring and while you knew you were in each other’s stories, a ring never came up. You loved your romantic movies and Rafael knew that, often watching them with you, a small smile on his face as you tried to hide your happy tears or blamed your sniffling on allergies. He knew you were a hopeless romantic and did his best on a regular basis to show you how much he loved you, flowers, treats, fancy date nights and the like.
The first time marriage truly came up was when you were out for dinner and witnessed a very public proposal that you immediately turned your nose up at. Rafael raised a brow and you let out a small laugh, explaining that not only were they incredibly tacky, nearly forcing the person answering to say yes, but this one in particular was going to end in a fight once they were home. Never ask a question like that if you don’t know the definite answer. On the other end of the spectrum, the two of you had a fantastic date night and you were certain it ended better than the not so happy couple.
The second time it technically came up Rafael was coming home entirely too late and while you didn’t have particular plans, you had happened to fall asleep on the couch waiting for him. He felt a pang of guilt wash through him when he found you, half full glass of wine on the coffee table with an empty one meant for him. When he woke you up to get you to bed he apologized, promising that it wouldn’t happen again. You let out a soft giggle, still half asleep and mentioned something about it not being a problem, you knew you were his side chick, he was married to his job after all, it was his wife and you were okay with that.
The third time it came up when your cousin’s wedding invitation came in the mail and you asked if he wanted to come with you. He laughed, saying of course he did and pressed a tender kiss to your cheek, he was your plus one forever after all. You returned the laugh, letting him know it was back in Pennsylvania, it would be a minimum of a three day trip out there, you’d have to leave midday Friday and likely return late on Sunday, if not Monday. He simply shrugged, saying he’d make absolutely sure that his schedule was cleared, this was something that was important to you and he didn’t want to miss any of those.
Rafael had been expecting the usual wedding festivities, friends new and old reuniting between a couple of smaller hotels or bars around the town. Some whom had kept in touch, some who hadn’t spoken since graduation. There was plenty of catching up, questions asked and answered about careers, families, kids. He was prepared for all of that, prepared to whisk you away the second anyone started nagging a little too hard about getting married or starting a family of your own. Instead he was met with you laughing, winding your arm in his and saying that the two of you were your own family.
What he definitely wasn’t expecting was to be hit with a brick wall of emotions when the actual wedding started. Everything was so incredibly beautiful, the church lit up perfectly, stunning bridesmaids dresses that correlated with the groomsmen pocket squares, ties and socks. The flower arrangements were gorgeous, the music matched the vibe immaculately, every single detail you could imagine was well thought through and executed amazingly. His hand in yours as the ceremony started, his thumb brushing over your knuckles as the bride stepped into the room and he knew you would be teary eyed in a matter of seconds.
He couldn’t help but watch you throughout the ceremony, a small smile on his face, one that you caught and smiled back to every time you looked over at him. You loved love, and you loved him and that made him feel so incredibly warm inside, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. Your eyes glistened in the sunlight, a glimmering of happy tears in them as the couple began their vows and it became very obvious you weren’t the only hopeless romantic in the room. They told stories of their childhood, how they’d been best friends at such a young age, how through time they had went their different ways but always seemed to find their way back to each other. How they’d gone to different colleges, lived on opposite sides of the country and even when they didn’t stay in touch, life had a way to keep their invisible string intact. How she’d been smitten from the moment they reconnected, how he surprised her on their first anniversary with a plot of land where she’d always dreamed of living, and how he was going to build their dream home. How much they meant to each other, that they wanted to spend the rest of their days and then some together, how much they believed in destiny and how thankful they were that they were brought back together and realized what true love was because it was so often sitting right in front of your nose.
Rafael didn’t think he was a sap, but the misting in his eyes would prove otherwise.
The way your hand was softly squeezing at his thigh whenever something particularly romantic or emotional certainly wasn’t helping either. And the look of complete love, awe, hope and longing reflecting from your eyes was enough to drive him wild. He found his heart beating faster in his chest, butterflies racing in his stomach, he wanted to be the one on the receiving end of that kind of a look. He was utterly lost in his romantic thoughts until the couple kissed, the church erupting in applause and you were tugging him to stand, cheering to celebrate their new union.
He managed to keep his cool throughout dinner, though he got a little misty eyed when the speeches started. Out of pure instinct you were cuddled into his side, the more intimate and loving the stories and speeches got, the closer the two of you got to each other. There was nothing either of you wanted than to be with each other and this celebration of love was solidifying it.
The two of you were up on the dance floor, encouraging your nieces and nephews to burn off all the sugar from the cake dancing around as wildly as they could before having to leave. A slow song started and you thought for a moment you were leaving the dance floor until Rafael grabbed your hand, a sparkle in his eye as he twirled you under his arm and then his other hand slid around your waist, leading you in a slow rhythm around the dance floor. A blooming of happiness started in your chest as your cheek rested next to his, small smile on both of your cheeks as you danced.
“You’ve been quiet,” you murmured, “not having any fun?”
“Quite the opposite.” He chuckled, his lips brushing your cheek.
“Then what’s going on in that brain of yours, hmm?”
“I’ve been thinking.”
“About?” You asked, your head coming to rest on his shoulder.
“You.” He replied, his hand rubbing at the small of your back, “love. This.” You felt his hand come off your back, gesturing to the room, “How beautiful it is. How beautiful you are. How happy I am with you, and that I want that kind of happiness forever. That I want this. With you.”
“Careful Rafael, this is starting to sound like a proposal.” You teased from your spot on his shoulder, feeling his chest rumble as he chuckled.
“Never. That would be incredibly inappropriate, I’m not one to steal someone’s moment.”
“Sure.” You laughed and he playfully rolled your eyes as you lifted your head up. The hand he had holding yours moved to cup your face as you stepped even closer together. His eyes gazed into yours with nothing but absolute adoration.
“But believe me when I say this, I’m going to marry you one day and one day soon.” His thumb brushed over your cheek and you felt a dopey smile take over your lips, “our own special day where I get to tell everyone just how much I love you, how I’ve loved you since the moment I met you, how you deserve the entire world and I got so incredibly lucky because you chose me.”
“And I would a million times over.” Leaning in you pressed your lips to his, a small sigh relaxing both of you into the kiss as you continued to sway. Your cheek came to rest against his once more, his hand briefly cupping the back of your head before moving back to your waist. “Because I love you Rafael, more than anyone in the world. I’m lucky to have you to love.”
“I love you too.”
He pressed a tender kiss to your temple, continuing to guide you around the dance floor until the song came to an end. For the third time today he found a misting of happy tears in his eyes, the same ones reflecting in yours except this time it was because of your own love, your own little secret that no one else in the room knew quite yet. That not only did you have a future together but he was going to be able to call you his wife, and that meant the entire world to him.
@fandom-princess-forevermore @bisexualcrowley @detective-giggles @plaidbooks @averyhotchner @beccabarba @itsjustmyfantasyroom @permanentlydizzy @prurientpuddlejumper @letsdisneythings @neely1177 @mrsrafaelbarba @lv7867 @bisexual-dreamer02 @skittle479 @amelia-song-pond @madamsnape921 @altsvu @svulife-rl @caracalwithchips @mysticfalls01 @ssaic-jareau @barbasbodaciousbeard @alwaysachorusgirl @beardedbarba @michael-rooker @rafivadafreddy @darkheart-brightsmile @australiancarisi @tinyboxxtink @ex-uallyactive @lawandorderuswnt @lustvolle-liebe @sia2raw @narvaldetierra @dxtery @lannister-slings-and-arrows @poisonedcrowns @anlin2058 @xoxabs88xox @momlifebehard @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @godard-muse @somethingimaginative17 @alexxavicry @dextur @onmykneesformarvel @kmc1989 @valentinesfrog @silversprings-mp3 @wittygutsy @gamma-rae-bursts @int4n @just-moondust @deanwinchestersgirl87 @bubbleswrld
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 9 months
Bye Bi Bottom ~(s1)!Olivia Benson xFem SVUDetective!Reader
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Summary— You, Jeffries, and Munch have a little debate about Olivia…
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: implied smut, fluff, kissing, top/bottom relations, betting, light teasing, etc.
Enjoy (;
“What are you saying, do you hear yourself…??” You quietly exclaimed, sitting across from John in the SVU station.
Munch threw his hands up in defense, which you quickly swatted back down to not draw attention.
“I’m just saying…,” Munch defended his claim, “Olivia… she might be top with men, Cassidy being the perfect example, but she is not one with women…”
“Are you calling Olivia a bottom, Detective…?” You whispered harshly, “She’d have your head, you know…” you warily chuckled.
“But that doesn’t mean I’m wrong!” Munch exclaimed.
The last bit was a tad too loud unfortunately…
“Wrong about what?” Monique chimed in.
You groaned lightly, putting your hands in front of your face. You couldn’t believe this. John was quick to fill Monique in.
“Hey.” Monique said, swatting you with the file in her hand, making you look up at her from your seat, “Just ask her” she said with a mischievous smirk.
Monique said it like there was nothing to it. Like it couldn’t crush all the time you spent cultivating a professional relationship with the woman. It wasn’t that easy. Or was it…?
“Fine…” You groaned again, “I’ll ask.”
Both Monique and Munch seemed far too happy with your decision, but you didn’t have the time or headspace to think about that right now.
As five pm came around, the team started to go home. You caught Olivia on her way out of the station.
To yo ur delight, the woman happily agreed to drinks down the street. You too walked down the road to the bar together, and pretty soon, you were sat inside and sipping on some drinks.
Talking seemed to come naturally, and you to talked late into the night. Before you knew it, it was 11pm. And you still couldn’t pin point the whole reason you had asked Olivia out in the first place. It was bugging you.
But before you could even ask, the two do you were leaving the bar and about to split to go your separate ways home. Suddenly, you felt the intense urge to kiss Olivia. Before the woman could walk away, you pulled her into a kiss. She gasped, but quickly reciprocated.
After a few minutes you pulled away, and her eyes told you everything.
“I’d like to take you home…” you breathed out.
Olivia bit her lips and her cheeks went a little red.
“I’d like that…” she confessed in a whisper.
The next morning you were at the station bright and early as usual. Munch and Jeffries had been giving you suggestive glances and gazes all morning, which you simply ignored. You weren’t going to give them anything.
However, when Olivia walked into the station, late and limping, they had their answer.
Monique seemed a little vexed as she handed John cash after Olivia had walked away for the moment. John couldn’t help but chuckled lightly.
“Wait… What was that…?” You said in a low tone, not wanting to be overheard.
Munch waves the money around with a grin.
“Did you… did you bet on me…??” You said with shock and awe.
“Yep.” He said proudly, “and by the way Olivia unsuccessfully walked into the station, I won.”
Your face went a little red at his words, thinking back to the night before.
Olivia Benson Masterlist
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naturesapphic · 5 months
I’d love an angst/comfort filled Olivia Benson x reader if you’re willing!
Olivia pulls reader into her office after noticing she’s been a little off, distant and disengaged with the rest of the squad. Reader reluctantly opens up on an incident from a couple of days prior, at a school reunion. (Incident being someone made unwanted advancement at reader, groping her and making her touch them.) She tells Olivia nothing more happened because she finally broke free and left. She starts crying from all the overwhelming emotions and Olivia reminds her she did nothing wrong and is there for her.
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High School Reunion
Olivia benson x fem!reader
Warnings: groping, little bit of SA, Olivia being a protective sweetheart
Olivia knows you. Too well to be exact. You are her best detective and her partner. She knows you inside and out and knows that something isn’t right. You’ve been distant and quiet from everyone, especially her. She wants to give you your space but ever since you’ve been back from your high school reunion it’s been like you’ve completely changed into a different person. “Y/n? Can you come inside my office for a second please?” She called out for you.
You slowly got up from your desk and walked over to her. She gave you a loving look and helped you inside as she shut the door. She motioned for you to sit on the couch and she followed behind, sitting close to you but not too close since she wants to give you some space. “What’s been going on? You’ve been distracted and barley been focusing. You know you can tell me anything.” She gently asked you and your eyes fill up with tears. You didn’t mean for all this to happen. You were trying to stay normal about it but of course your boss/girlfriend would know something was up.
She’s a captain and before that she was a detective! You couldn’t hide anything from her. Olivia noticed how your eyes filled up with tears and she felt her heart drop. She didn’t understand what happened but she was going to figure out soon. “You know you can tell me anything y/n/n…” she said as she gently grabs your hands in hers and gives you a reassuring look. You take a deep breath in and you start to tell her what happened.
~ flashback ~
Today you were going to your high school reunion. You let liv know about where you were going as she let you get off work since there was no new cases to worry about. You were a bit hesitant to go without her but you knew she had a bunch of paperwork to do so hopefully in the next one she could make it.
Walking into your old high school felt so weird. You couldn’t believe ten years has past by so quickly but at the same time you could. You saw some of your old classmates and friends and went over to them to mingle. After awhile you felt a presence staring at you from afar. You turned around and saw that a boy from your school was eyeing you up and down.
You knew that years ago that he had a big crush on you but he never made any attempts to do anything about it but honestly you were glad he didn’t. You always got a bad feeling from him and you still do now. Feeling uncomfortable, you tell your friends you are going to head to the bathroom right quick. You head inside the ladies room and splash some water on your face.
You hear the bathroom door open and assume it’s one of your friends checking on you but it’s the boy from earlier. You felt your whole body freeze up as he comes closer. You can see him talking but you don’t hear anything besides the beating of your own heart thumping in your ears. He comes up behind you and starts groping your everywhere and make unwanted advances and movements towards you.
You felt so disgusted but yet your body still wouldn’t let you move. You felt his hand grab yours and you look down to where he was going and your eyes widen. You snatched your hand away and turn around to slam your foot against his balls. He screams out and falls to his knees, grabbing his area while you flee out of the bathroom.
You didn’t tell your friends or teachers goodbye as you run out of there as fast as you could. What would the squad think of you? What would Olivia think? Will she leave you? You couldn’t think straight as you ran towards your car and drive home.
~ flashback over ~
“Nothing more happened before I broke free, but that’s what happened…I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you sooner!” You say as you start crying hysterically. Olivia pulls you into her strong comforting arms and holds you close. “Hey hey shhhh…you did nothing wrong babygirl…I’m so proud of you.” Olivia whispers against your ear. “You have nothing to be ashamed about princess…” she spoke again and you nod against her as your cries turn into little sniffles.
You raise your head up and look into her eyes. She flashes you a small but reassuring smile that everything will be alright. Finn opens the door and his eyes widens at the scene of your red teary face and the look of anger in Olivia’s eyes. “Everything alright?” Finn asks as he looks between the two of you. “We’re fine. Just another case we have to do.” Olivia states as she pulls you closer to her side and gives Finn a little nod that he understands and recuperates.
Finn closes the door and Olivia puts her attention and focus back on you. “We are going to find and get this guy I promise my love. No one hurts you and gets away with it.” She says with a hint of sternness in her voice but not directed towards you. Never. You nod and snuggle in closer to her, you knew that y’all have loads of paperwork to do but those will be done later. Right now, Olivia will hold you however long you want. She will always be there for you, every step of the way.
A/n: thank you for this request anon and I hope you like it! And I hope the rest of y’all enjoy it too! Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y’all!
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cabotwife · 10 months
I have an idea for a reader and Olivia Benson if you’re happy to write it. 2am Olivia gets a frantic call from reader, she’s hyperventilating and her words are coherent. Olivia manages to get out of the reader that she’s home and rushes over. As the approaches her apartment she notices the front door ajar and inside is a complete mess. She hears reader sobbing in her room, and notices she’s naked and bruised and scratched. Reader confesses her ex forced her way in and attacked her. Reader begins to space out lost in her emotions of insecurity and worthlessness, she unknowingly advances on Olivia and ends up kissing her.
thank you for your request! i hope you enjoy 💗
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Enter The Night
Olivia Benson x Fem!Reader (tho r isn't described with any pronouns)
warnings: implied assault/rape (up to interpretation), typical SVU themes, poorly written fluff, not proofread
word count: ~1314 (longest one on my page so far yippie!!)
a/n: i love writing for my svu girls! there's definitely not enough fics of any of them, and my requests are open for them all :)
Olivia is jolted away by the sound of her phone ringing. she rubs her eyes as she groans, looking at the alarm clock on her nightstand.
2:43 am.
she sighs as she grabs her phone, her eyes straining at the brightness as she turns it on. the call had already ended, but she decided to check to see if it was important or not.
she frowns when she notices you’ve called more than once. she quickly clicks the ‘call back’ button, pulling the phone up to her ear as she adjusts her position in her bed.
she has an unsettling feeling forming in her chest as the phone continues to ring. finally you pick up the phone.
“y/n?” Olivia’s voice crackles through the phone.
the glass from your shattered phone stabs through your hand as you grip it tightly, pressing it against your face. you breathe heavily, unable to form any words as you can feel yourself slipping out of consciousness.
“hello? y/n?” Olivia repeats your name, worry filling her at the sound of your labored breathing. “can you tell me where you are, honey?”
suddenly the line goes dead, a sharp ‘beep’ can be heard on both sides.
“y/n?” Olivia says panicked as she tears the phone from her ear, she quickly tries to call you again, pulling her phone away to stare at it when it goes straight to voicemail.
the brunette swiftly pulls herself from her bed, hurriedly putting shoes on and grabbing her keys as she attempts to call you again. she rushes out the door of her apartment, not even bothering to change from her sleepwear.
the entire car ride is full of dread and worry, she had a quick phone call with Fin while in the car. she needed to make sure that someone knew where she was going, in case something goes down or she needs back up.
she sloppily parks in front of your apartment building, quickly rushing out of the car and into the building. she practically runs up to your apartment.
Olivia can feel her heart drop into her stomach as she nears your door, noticing it’s open.
“y/n?” she calls, pushing the door open. “oh my god.” she stands in the doorway in a state of sudden shock, everything was destroyed. there were spilled flowers on the ground by the entrance, couch cushions thrown off the couch, picture frames and trinkets spread over the floor by the kitchen island.
she continues into your apartment, taking notice of the shattered glass and blood on the kitchen floor. she freezes again when she hears the sound of heavy breathing. the brunette walks slowly towards the sound.
“oh my god, y/n!” Olivia breathes as your barely conscious body comes into view.
you were laying on your kitchen floor, slouched over against the cabinets, your body cut and bruised, your shirt is missing and your pajama shorts are ripped.
Olivia rushes over to you, dropping onto her knees to cup your cheeks, “hey- hey open your eyes for me.” she says, her voice uncharacteristically shaky.
you open your eyes ever so slightly, attempting to focus on the brunette woman in front of you.
“’livia..” you mumble, your voice raspy and you're quickly thrown into a coughing fit, blood flying from your mouth.
Olivia takes a sharp intake of breath, “i’m going to get help, okay? you’ll be okay.” she mumbles, whipping her phone from her coat pocket, calling Fin to tell him she needs paramedics at your apartment. as she’s speaking on the phone she peels her coat off of herself, wrapping it around your body in an attempt to cover up your near bare body.
she sets her phone down as the call ends. “help is on the way.. can you tell me what happened, sweetheart?” Olivia whispers as she strokes your hair gently, glancing towards the window to see if she could see the lights of the ambulance approaching.
you look up at her with tear filled eyes, “she got me, ‘livia.. she got me.” you whisper, your voice cracking as the tears begin streaming down your cheeks.
Olivia didn’t need to ask to know who you were talking about, she knows it’s Max, your ex girlfriend. since the time she began getting close to you, she had always promised to protect you from your abusive ex girlfriend.
the brunette’s eyes search over your face, “we’ll get her.. okay? what did she do to you?” you drop your head back onto the cabinet, your eyes closing slowly, “hey- hey no, keep your eyes open, honey.”
you force your eyes open, trying, and failing, to focus on Olivia, “’m sleepy..” i mumble, my eyes drooping again.
“come on, y/n, stay awake for me..” her voice is panicked as she pats your cheek, you drift into unconsciousness.
Olivia stands up as she hears footsteps approaching, hearing the sound of the ambulance sirens outside of the building. the brunette rushes towards the ajar front door, stepping out to wave the paramedics into the apartment and showing them where you lay on the floor.
the next few hours are excruciating for Olivia, you had to get surgery in order to remove the shattered vase pieces from your back, and you’re now laying unconscious in your hospital bed.
Olivia is seated next to the head of the bed, no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t fall back asleep, she needed you to be okay.
“liv?” you mumble, your voice hoarse for a number of reasons. your head is pressed against the bed as you squint your eyes over at the older woman sitting beside you.
your sudden voice causes her to jump slightly, her eyes shooting from the book she was reading to you. “y/n.” she breathes as she stands up, leaving the book on the chair as she leans over you.
you grin up at her, “hey, ‘livia.”
“hi,” she whispers, running her fingers through your bangs as she stares down at you. “how're you feeling?”
you hum, shrugging your shoulders but the movement makes you wince, “i dunno.. did you get her?” as soon as the brunette frowns you know, she's still out there.
the room goes silent all except for the buzz of the lights and the slow beeping of the heart monitor. 
“thank you.” it comes out as a whisper, but it confuses her nonetheless.
she scrunches her eyebrows in confusion as her eyes meet yours once more. “for what?”
it's silent for a moment before you respond, “for answering my call.. i suppose.” you gaze up at her.
a smile tugs at the brunette's lips, “i'll always answer when you call me.” she says gently “no matter the time, or the day, or how i feel..”
you giggle, “even if you hate me?” 
her smile falls, but only slightly, “oh, y/n.. i could never hate you.” she whispers, her hand cupping your cheek.
you can feel your cheeks heat up slightly, “oh.” you meet her eyes again before your gaze drops to her lips. slowly you lean in before eventually you're pressing your lips to hers in a tender kiss.
once you realize what you’ve done you pull away, eyes wide. 
it’s silent.
your eyes begin filling with tears, “liv-” before you can say anything, Olivia leans in, kissing you. you quickly reciprocate the kiss. when you both pull away she is smiling at you, her eyes soft and her feelings towards you are evident in them.
“i’ve wanted to do that for a while..” she whispers, her thumb gently rubbing your cheek bone. 
“yeah?” you chuckle, the tears that were in your eyes had now run down your cheeks, being quickly rubbed away by the brunette.
“mhmm,” Olivia hums, a loving smile on her face as she holds the gentle eye contact with you.
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p3ndeja6 · 4 months
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₊ ⊹🪻 ✧ ˚. ᵎᵎ 🔮
n.amaro x reader
summary: you were younger then nick by a couple of years, and sometimes he’d come over to your apartment after late nights at the precinct, he’d come over to just enjoy peace and serenity
content: fluff, reader is in school (2nd or 3rd year of college) suggestive acts (nothing extreme), age gap!, mentions of sexual abuse due to svu cases, nothing too triggering, just a fluffy one shot overall
super short
✧ ✧
it was late at night, you were working on an essay that was due by the end of the week.. you were getting strained and decided to take a break and call it a day.
You made yourself a quick meal, spicy buldak noodles, a sandwich and your favorite drink that was saved in the fridge. You prepared your meal as you were watching your favorite show. you were almost done preparing your late-night snack when you heard the doorknob shake.
You lived a pretty safe vicinity so the chances of a burgler were slim, but you still were vigilant about your safety, you quickly grabbed your broom and held it tight.
Upon your discovery, the door opened and you saw your boyfriend… nick.
You sighed of relief, and he looked at you worried
“Jesus Nick, you scared me!” “geez sorry, i thought this neighbor was safe?”
you put the broom down, “I mean it is but you never know” “yeah.. tell me about it”
he walked to you as you went back in finishing preparing your ramen, he went behind you and grabbed you hips and nuzzled his head in between your neck, kissing you, making you giggle due to his stubble
he continued and you moved your head slightly to give him more access, he took this as a sign to continue. You tried not to get distracted but you let a soft moan escape.
he laughed,and started moving up your body; cupping your boobs. You laughed and finally pushed him away
“stop Nick” you laughed “I want to eat, I’ve been working on an assignment for the past 5 hours.” he let go and laughed “my hard working girl, okay okay I’ll let you eat but next time, you’re all mine!”
you shook your head in sarcasm, he took of his jacket and unbuttoned his white shirt a couple of buttons down, and took off his shoes. He adjusted himself on your couch, and laid there with his eyes closed taking in the aroma therapy essential oils diffuser thats going around your room.
you look at him, now realizing that he’s here strangely. Nick stops by late nights most weekends or if it’s a weekday he’ll let you know earlier in the day if he’s stopping by, but it’s currently a Tuesday at 12:36 am.
“hey Nick?”
he hummed in response, most likely getting sleepy
“not to sound rude or anything.. but why are you here? It’s late on a Tuesday night, shouldn’t you be at your place?”
He opened one eye and looked over at you
“do you not want me here?” He said a bit suspicious
“oh god, no like yeah I do, but I just realized what day it was and you know you usually let me know when you’re coming over and it’s usually weekends you spend the night with me, I just found it odd you came to visit me tonight” “I love it when you’re here really”
you finally finished your ramen and took it towards the couch where Nick was, and started eating as you waited for a response.
he was hesitant in his answer, he seemed stressed and frustrated.
“today we had a tough case.. a rape case..”
you look at him attentively, making sure you are hearing him and that he has your fullest attention.
you nod in continuous
“and well… it’s about a 8 year old girl who’s after school teacher has been acting inappropriately with her.. you know like touching her where she shouldn’t be touched”
“oh my god” was what you let out
“yeah, and her home life isn’t easy, this one was a bit tough to work on dude to how young and bright this little girl is. I hate to see anyone take it away from her”
you put your ramen down and get close to him, caressing his hand.
“and being here.. with you just brings me peace. All is perfect here, so sorry i came unexpected but i really needed to see you”
you smiled at him
“awe baby, you know you are always welcomed here, I love having you here, never goes a day where I don’t miss you”
you make him look at you and caress his cheek, looking so attentively at his eyes, leaning in and kissing him so gracefully.
he takes you in, and guides a hand on your neck. You move to his lap and continue to kiss him, sucking on each others lips, and you slightly grinding on him
he groans a bit and you continue to bit his lip. You pull away with his lip in between your teeth and stare at him and run a finger across his now plumped lips
“thank you for coming over”
“thank you for having me”
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maximoffcarter · 1 month
Bad idea.
Pairings: Casey Novak x reader.
Warnings: SMUT.
Summary: The moment reader joined the squad, she knew she was lost the moment she laid eyes on ADA Casey Novak. After a tough case, they decide to celebrate it at a bar on a crowded Saturday night. There might be a turn of events.
A/n: And the winner is here, as promised😏 Spicy Saturday Night (or maybe morning for some of you or afternoon…) So…not gonna confirm or deny that this was a personal request? It was an idea I got for something I read, and couldn’t help myself but to write this and share it with all you beautiful people cause I know yall love some spicy times with Casey Novak😌 I’m working on your requests guys, I’m slowly coming back to writing and they’ll be posted as soon as I finish them. Thanks for the love and for keep reading my stories🥹 Keep the requests coming you guys! Enjoy and leave your comments, reblogs, hearts, whatever you'd like, will be very much appreciated🫶🏻
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*not my gif.*
One thing about working at SVU was the exhaustion that they felt after every single case. So, for the first time in a while, they all had agreed to go to a bar to celebrate a win after days of stress. The problem? It was Saturday night, so of course the place was going to be crowded, and they even felt somehow weird to be surrounded by younger people, but they still decided they’d have a great time. They found themselves a nice place -in the very corner of the bar-, but at least they had some place to sit. As soon they found the table, they started ordering some drinks and some snacks, soon enough they started chatting and joking around, wanting to forget about the job for at least that night.
As they engaged into conversation, Olivia was soon to push y/n to talk to Casey. Since y/n joined the squad, the very first moment she had laid eyes on Casey, y/n had been in awe of how beautiful and gorgeous Casey looked that day. Since that day, y/n was a mess whenever she was around Casey, of course, she was professional when she needed to be, but she couldn’t help but be a bundle of nerves whenever Casey stood beside her, or sat beside her, anything Casey did, and y/n was melting. But tonight, the squad had planned to give them a little push, hoping that their little plan would work.
It was after Munch and Fin arrived that they had figured out that they had grabbed a small table with obviously not enough chairs, and there was only one left. Olivia took this opportunity to look at y/n and then around the table and put out there her idea.
“Guess someone will have to share because there is no way we’re getting an extra chair with this crowd.” Olivia chuckled softly as she looked around the table, but specifically, to y/n.
Fin turned to look at Munch as he laughed. “Wanna sit on my lap?”
Munch scoffed as he took the seat before Fin could even think about. “In your dreams.”
“I’m good here in the booth. It’s comfortable and spacious.” Melinda shrugged as she took a sip of her drink.
“Oh, I could move to the booth, but one of you guys have to move.” Olivia grinned as she looked at y/n, who was looking at her confused.
“You want me to move? To where?” Y/n shook her head, the alcohol making her mind take its time to process things.
“You can sit on my lap.” Casey simply said, a small smile on her face as she looked at y/n.
Y/n’s eyes widened slightly as she looked at Casey. “W-What?”
“There you go! Problem solved. Fin, take my chair, I’ll take y/n’s place but let me get beside Melinda so you guys can easily get up.”
Before y/n could finish registering what was happening, Casey took her hand and stood up with her so Olivia could go ahead and sit beside Melinda. Casey sat back down and didn’t even hesitate to pull y/n with her and soon enough, y/n was sitting on her lap. The squad soon engaged back in conversation, completely ignoring the fact that y/n was now on Casey’s lap, and had her arm wrapped around her waist as if Casey was trying to stop her from leaving. Y/n tried to focus on her drink, her mind spiraling with thoughts as she tried to process the fact that this was even happening. For a moment she thought the alcohol was making her hallucinate. Casey noticed how quiet y/n had become, thinking that maybe y/n had been drinking enough and it was getting to her.
Casey tilted her head slightly, enough to be able to look at the side of y/n’s face. “You okay, y/n?” Casey asked gently, her eyes searching her face to make sure she had heard Casey.
Y/n turned her head and offered a smile. “W-Why wouldn’t I be? Just…focusing on the conversation.” She chuckled softly as she patted Casey’s thigh without even thinking about it.
Casey raised her brow but didn’t say anything about it anymore. But then, something inside her mind clicked. She grinned softly as she nodded, grabbing her drink, and taking a sip of it. “If you say so, princess.”
Y/n’s breath hitched when Casey called her princess, she felt her cheeks heating up as she stared at her. She scoffed as she shook my head, trying to play it cool to not show her the effect she had on her. “I’m fine. Just focusing on Fin’s conversation.”
“I wasn’t even talking.” Fin snapped as he looked at y/n, suddenly all of their attention was on y/n.
Y/n turned to look at Fin. “You were.”
“I finished like 10 min ago.”
Munch grinned. “Someone is distracted I see.”
“I…” Y/n looked at him and shook her head, huffing a chuckle. “I’m not. I really thought he was still talking.”
“And you also seem to be a bit drunk. You’re all flustered there. Or are you blushing because you’re sitting in Novak’s lap?” Melinda teased as she smirked.
If stares killed, Melinda would surely be gone by now. She sighed and offered a fake smile to her, cursing inside her mind as she saw her laughing at her reaction. “I’m fine. I won’t drink anymore if that’s what you’re worried about.” She shrugged as she finished her last shot and looked back at them.
Casey chuckled at her stubborn nature - finding it both adorable. She rolled her eyes, not believing a single word that came out of her mouth. “Right, because you’ve been soooo good at sticking to your word so far.”
They let it die for a while, returning to their conversation, but Casey was still amused by y/n’s reaction. She had been acting differently before she had sat on Casey’s lap, and if Casey didn’t know better, she’d say that she was uncomfortable sitting there, but she knew that she didn’t actually mind, more so because she knew about y/n’s crush on her. She tried to hide her smirk behind her drink but couldn’t help the thought that this was her chance to tease her a bit. A tiny teasing was no harm.
Casey gently placed her hand over y/n’s thigh, lightly squeezing it, the alcohol was definitely making her bolder. She leaned in close to her, her breath lightly hitting her ear. “You're so cute when you're blushing like that, princess. You know that?"
At first, sitting on her lap didn’t seem like such a bad idea, now, it just seemed to be the worst/best idea she could’ve had. And this was when she thought it was the worst; as she was having a sip of her drink, suddenly she felt Casey’s hand on her thigh and her breath hitting her ear, making her choke on her drink. She swallowed hard as she heard Casey’s words, slightly turning her head to look at her, her lips parting slightly as she tried to suppress the moan that was stuck in her throat. “I…t-thanks.”
Casey chuckled at her reaction, seeing the way when just her hand on her thigh and her breath on her ear affected her so much. She decided to have a little bit more fun with her, just to see how she would react, and maybe get a better look at that cute face of hers when she blushed. She gently gripped her chin, turning her head to face her now. She smiled, her eyes staring into hers. "Can I tell you something princess?"
Y/n’a breath hitched slightly as she looked into Casey’s eyes. She licked her lips nervously as she nodded. “S-Sure.”
Casey leaned in again, her lips brushing against y/n’s ear as she spoke, not wanting anyone else to hear what she was going to say. “You know, you've been driving me absolutely crazy, sitting on my lap." She whispered as she smirked, her hot breath teasing over her ear again.
At that point y/n felt like she’d have some sort of heart attack or that she’d simply stop breathing at some point. Her eyes never left Casey’s, the whole time she spoke. Did she know? About the crush? She had to; she knew she couldn’t lie to Casey. Her words made her whole body shiver, cursing under her breath on how she had such an effect on her with simple touches and words, her face just inches apart from hers, and she wanted to just lean in and-
“You guys should definitely get a room. It’s getting so hot in here.” Melinda chuckled softly as she high five Olivia.
“You have our girl dying over here, Novak. Her little crush is full on showing.” Elliot smirked.
Y/n rapidly snapped her head to look at Elliot. “What?! I do not have a crush on Casey. Casey and I are good friends. That’s all.” Her voice wavered as she spoke, a hint of shakiness.
Casey had to hold back a laugh at y/n’s sudden response to Elliot, at the way her voice went up a pitch and how defensive she was. Instead, she chuckled softly, continuing to smirk, knowing that there was some truth to Elliot’s statement. She lightly squeezed her thigh, giving her a little warning to not get overly defensive. "Oh, don't deny it. Anyone can tell that you're obviously in denial about your feelings for me."
Fuck. She knew. She fucking knew. Y/n turned to look at Casey for a moment and then turned to look at Elliot and the squad. She was so going to kill them for doing this. She chuckled nervously and shook her head. “I do not have a crush. You’re reaching.”
“She’s got you on her lap and you’re one breath away from passing out. C’mon, y/n. You’re not that good at lying.” Munch chuckled.
“Or maybe they’re really just friends, let it go, guys.” Fin joked, chuckling with Munch.
Casey smirked once again as the squad started going in on y/n for having a crush on her, knowing good and well that she did. She gripped y/n’s thigh a little tighter, seeing how she was getting slightly flustered and tried to deny it all once again. She decided then to chime in, leaning down and to her ear, whispering while squeezing her thigh again, her tone slightly cocky. "You sure you don’t have a crush on me, princess? You’re getting awfully defensive.”
Y/n was slightly startled as she felt Casey squeezing her thigh, a small whimper leaving her lips. She was starting to regret wearing a skirt that day. “N-No. I mean…I’m not defensive. It’s just the alcohol.”
“Ah, the alcohol. So, it wouldn’t do anything to you if Casey just started kissing your neck or something like that.” Olivia raised her brows as she smirked.
Casey’s smirk only widened as she heard that small whimper escaped her lips, taking that as a good sign that she couldn’t hold back her reaction to her anymore. Her hand kept gently rubbing up and down her thigh. "Yeah, would it?"
Y/n sighed as she stared at Olivia, wanting so badly to slap her right on the face to wipe off that smirk. She was pushing, and she knew it. “Why don’t you drop it, Benson?” She faked a smile as she grabbed her other drink.
Once again, the squad dropped it, and started chatting again, but Casey was amused and slightly annoyed by the whole situation, seeing how she was trying to deflect the question and avoid further discussion. She couldn't just drop it the way y/n wanted her to. She watched as she took another sip of her drink. She leaned into her ear again, her breath lightly brushing over it as she spoke. “You didn't answer the question, princess."
Y/n almost choked on her drink again as she spoke in her ear once again. She felt her chest heavy, and it was getting harder to breath. She tried to play it cool, pretending like she was listening to the squad’s conversation. She licked her lips softly and cleared her throat, looking down at her drink and placing the glass on her lips just so she could cover them, and the squad couldn’t see that I was answering Casey. “No…it wouldn’t.” She whispered softly as she took another sip of her drink. But of course, that was a lie, and she knew that she knew it.
Casey chuckled upon hearing her answer as she knew that she wasn’t really being honest with her response. Her hand continued to rub up and down her thigh, gently squeezing it every now and then. “And if I just started kissing your neck, what then?" Casey smirked.
Y/n’s breath hit her at her question, feeling shivers running down through her whole body as she tried to remain calm or at least put together. She sighed softly as she shook her head slightly. “You wouldn’t.” She whispered back.
Casey smirked even wider, loving the way she was shaking just at her question. She continued to gently squeeze her thigh, her hand occasionally shifting a little further up and then back down. She gently placed her chin on her shoulder, her lips getting inches away from her neck. She gently bit her earlobe, gently speaking against her skin. "And what makes you think I wouldn’t, princess?”
Y/n gasped quietly as she felt her biting her earlobe, the way she kept gripping her thigh, the way she kept whispering in her ear. She was driving her insane. She swallowed hard as she tried to focus on both Casey’s words and also the squad’s conversation. “Casey, you need to stop…” She whispered softly, but her voice wavered again, betraying her because she knew deep down that she was dying to feel her.
Casey chuckled against her ear once again, thoroughly enjoying hearing the way her voice wavered. She pressed a light kiss to her neck, her hand gently shifting even further up on her thigh, getting under her skirt, getting so close to her underwear. “But why should I stop, baby?” She continued the gentle kisses on her neck, moving to her pulse point, licking it softly and then nipping slightly.
Y/n bit her lip and swallowed back the moan that wanted to come out, closing her eyes for a slight moment but remembering where they were, so she tried to keep her eyes open. She placed one of her hands on the side of Casey’s thigh, gripping it tightly, not sure if it was to stop her or to encourage her to keep going, or just to hold onto something. She licked her lips slowly, trying to calm her beating heart. “Casey…” She whispered softly, a moan getting stuck in her throat again.
Casey couldn't help but chuckle enjoying the way y/n’s hand instinctively squeezed her thigh. She continued to kiss and gently suck on that sensitive spot on her neck, wanting to hear her make those delicious sounds. Her hand finally reached the spot where she knew she so desperately needed her, gently rubbing against the fabric of her underwear. She hummed against her skin as she spoke. "Yes, princess?"
She gasped as she felt her fingertips brushing against her underwear, and the way she kept kissing and gently sucking on her neck. Her eyes widened slightly and were filled with desire as she instinctively bucked her hips, wanting to get friction, anything that would help her with the throbbing between her legs. But just as she was about to answer her, the squad had brought their attention back to them which made her grip Casey’s thigh to stop her.
“You looking a little nervous there, y/n. What is Casey telling you, huh?” Olivia teased as she smirked.
“It would be so much fun to see how you definitely do not have a crush on Casey.” Melinda smirked as she kept pushing.
Casey wished Olivia and Melinda wouldn’t have interrupted, she wanted y/n to keep bucking her hips against her, but she pulled her hand back, but she didn't stop the kisses on her neck, enjoying the frustrated groan that she tried to hold back. She glanced up at Olivia and Melinda, seeing the smirks on their faces and the way they were trying to push the issue further. “Oh please, she's fine. Just a little flustered right now." She retorted, shaking her head in disbelief. She was about to continue with her teasing, but she was cut off by her phone ringing in her pocket. She quickly pulled it out to see who was calling.
“Boyfriend calling, Novak?” Elliot teased as he raised his brow.
Casey chuckled at Elliot’s comment, clearly amused by it. She pulled the phone out and quickly glanced at the caller ID before returning her attention to them. She realized that it was the perfect opportunity to tease her as she noticed y/n tensing up at Elliot’s question. It was just too perfect to pass up. “Actually, it’s my girlfriend,” Casey said, nonchalantly. “She’s probably calling to check up on me.”
Y/n felt her heart dropping at the mention of a ‘girlfriend’, suddenly feeling butterflies in her stomach but definitely not the good kind. She felt sadness take over her and she felt sick to her stomach at the thought that even right now, she had just been teasing her, touching her, and kissing her neck, it could mean something, but it didn’t. She suddenly shut down and looked down at her empty glass and going quiet.
“Girlfriend?! And you didn’t tell us?!” Munch asked surprised, and suddenly the squad, especially Olivia, were staring at y/n before turning their attention back to Casey.
Casey internally cursed at herself as the squad erupted in shock at her 'news', realizing that her plan to tease y/n, backfired big time. She should've known better than to play with her feelings like that. She was distracted from her thoughts by the noticeable distance now placed between the two and she immediately regretted opening her mouth. Casey quickly realized that she needed to try to salvage the situation somehow, and so she did the only thing she could think of: she lied. “Yeah, I’ve been seeing her for a few months now,” she said, trying to keep her voice steady.
It seemed like time had stopped right in that moment, and suddenly, y/n was completely sober. She licked her lips anxiously as she kept her stare to her glass, not wanting to look at Casey, and suddenly feeling uncomfortable on her lap. Why would she be like that if she had a girlfriend? Why would she do all that if she was seeing someone else? It was painful. “I’ll go get more drinks.” She said before she stood up quickly and walked to the bar.
Casey’s heart stopped entirely as she saw y/n walking away, wanting to slap herself from trying to tease her with that. What was she even thinking that she’d get? Maybe she wanted to see her get jealous, maybe she just wanted to see how far she could go before y/n actually confessed that she had a crush, but she had taken it too far. And then, she heard Fin saying something about a guy, and as she turned to look at the bar, her heart shattered witnessing the interaction between y/n and some random guy, feeling a wave of jealousy wash over her despite having no right to because she had caused this. She bit the inside of her cheek to keep herself grounded, hating the way her mind began to race with ‘what-ifs’.
As she forced herself to look back at the team, she was met with the sight of Olivia giving her a knowing look, a smirk forming on her face. Melinda couldn't help but stifle a chuckle while Munch silently mouthed 'damn' at Casey. “I know, okay? I fucked up.”
“Then, go and fix it before you actually lose your chance.” Olivia raised her brow as she elbowed Casey.
For a few more moments, Casey remained frozen in her spot, watching the way y/n laughed and joked around with the guy. She watched for a few moments, before she noticed that she had said something to the guy and then made her way to the bathroom, but then Casey noticed how the guy looked around and followed behind. Something inside her snapped, and she found herself standing up, making her way towards the bathroom too rapidly.
Casey made sure to hurry up before the guy could even think about walking in the bathroom, bumping into him and looking at him with a fake smile. “Sorry, girls' bathroom.” She shrugged before she walked in and closed the door, locking it. She watched as y/n leaned over the sink, the sight of her like that only making the heat in her body flare even more. She waited a few moments before stepping up behind her, her hands gently resting on her waist, the heat of her skin now transferring to hers. She gently pressed herself up against y/n’s back, her body pressing against hers, her voice a soft whisper in her ear. “You didn't think you could just walk away after that, princess?"
Y/n had been so distracted, her mind was entirely in another place that she had not heard Casey walking into the bathroom. She let out a gasp as she felt her hands resting on her waist, looking at her through the mirror as she pressed herself against her back. I took a deep shaky breath before I could actually get my words out. “What are you even doing here?” She whispered softly, my eyes not leaving hers through the mirror.
Casey felt good knowing that she still had a reaction to her touch, that maybe there was still a way to salvage this. “We need to talk.”
Y/n scoffed as she pushed Casey away and turned to face. “We don’t have anything to talk about. You can clearly see I’m not drunk, and I perfectly am conscious of what happened back there.”
Casey’s gaze darkened at her stubbornness. She stepped closer to y/n, closing the already small distance between the two, her eyes locked with hers. It was clear that she wasn't going to back down. “You don't have anything to talk about? Really?" She let out a humorless laugh as she shook her head. “You don't have anything to say to me after I saw you with that guy and he was following you here?”
Y/n furrowed her brows, confused as to what she meant the guy had followed her, but then she scoffed, taking a step back without noticing that her back was almost hitting the wall. She shook my head and then shrugged nonchalantly. “I don’t know what I have to say about that. I wanted him here. We were going to have a good time. And either way, why do you care? Don’t you have to go home to your new girlfriend? I’m sure she’s missing you terribly.” I grinned sarcastically.
Casey felt the pang of jealousy hit her, her heart clenching at the thought of that guy coming in here to fuck her. She clenched her jaw, her eyes narrowing as she stepped closer to her once again, her body almost pinning her against the wall behind her. “You really think I don’t care?” She took another step closer, her voice low and intense as she spoke. “You don’t think I care that I had to watch you smiling and laughing like that with someone that isn’t me?”
Y/n furrowed her brows as she stared at Casey, swallowing hard as she stepped closer to me, her heart beating faster with anger and sadness too. Why was she doing this to her? Why was she torturing her? She had someone back home and she still wanted her to just stay behind and do nothing for myself? It hurt. “And why would you care? You should care if your girlfriend does that. You and I are friends. Why would you care if I decide to take him home and fuck him?” She raised her brow as she defied her, not wanting to give herself up and let sadness take over her.
Casey’s eyes darkened at her defiant tone, her heart breaking at the thought of y/n with someone else. There was a desperate pang in her chest, her hands clenching into fists at her sides out of anger and frustration. Casey suddenly lunged forward, closing the distance between them, and pinning y/n against the wall, her body pressed against hers. “Because I can't stand the thought of you being with someone that isn't me," she snapped, her voice dripping with possessiveness.
Y/n gasped loudly as she felt her back hitting the wall, her eyes widening slightly as Casey pressed her body against hers. She looked into her eyes and her breath hitched slightly. If there was any alcohol left in her system, it was completely gone now, she was more sober than ever. She swallowed hard at her words, and then they hit her, her lips parting slightly. “You…don’t have a girlfriend, do you?” She whispered softly as her eyes darted all over her face. “You said that to get a reaction out of me.”
Casey felt her own heart racing in her chest as she finally had y/n pinned against the wall, the proximity making her feel alive. Her gaze remained fixed on hers, her body pressed firmly against hers, as she spoke in a low, almost inaudible whisper. “I lied," she admitted, her voice barely audible above the bass of the bar music that leaked through the bathroom door. “It was a stupid move, and I shouldn't have done it." A sad huff of laughter left her lips.
Y/n’s whole body shivered, her heart now pounding in her chest as she let her words sink in. She licked her lips softly as she stared into her eyes, suddenly her stomach was filled with butterflies, and this time…they were good ones. The sad huff of laughter that left her lips, it made her realize how she had regretted saying that. Casey had shown so many signs that she wanted her just as much as y/n wanted her, and she had been blind. She placed her hands on her neck, keeping her head up so she could look into her eyes. “Then show me that I belong to you.” She whispered softly.
Casey’s breath hitched at the feeling of her hands on her neck, the words leaving her lips igniting a fire within her. Without a moment's hesitation, she leaned in, her mouth crashing against y/n’s in a fierce and passionate kiss. It was a kiss filled with months of unsaid words and pent-up desire, her body molding perfectly against hers, leaving no space between the two of them. Y/n felt her breath catch in the back of her throat, she let her eyes flutter shut as she felt the passion and the fierce feeling on the kiss, it was finally happening, letting herself completely melt against her, wrapping her arms around her neck, pulling her closer. She didn’t care about how needy or desperate she might’ve seemed. Y/n let her tongue swipe against her bottom lip, asking for entrance, making Casey gasp at the feeling of her tongue against her bottom lip, and she willingly parted her lips to let her in, her own tongue immediately coming out to tangle with hers.
Casey pressed her hips against y/n’a, trapping her against the wall, her hands roaming over her body, desperately wanting to feel more. She broke the kiss for just a moment, her breathing heavy and her voice low and husky. “You have no idea how badly I've wanted you, princess... ever since the first moment I laid eyes on you..."
Y/n bucked her hips against hers to find any sort of friction. Her hands moved up to her hair, trying to keep her closer, but then she felt shivers running down her spine at Casey’s words, her lips parting in surprise as she stared into her eyes.* “Really?” She asked softly, not believing her words, and thinking maybe it had been the alcohol talking.
Casey leaned in, her lips brushing against her ear, her fingers caressing the exposed skin of her thigh, slowly trailing up higher under the fabric of her skirt. She nuzzled into her neck, her voice low as she spoke. "Yes, baby…you have no idea how much I’ve wanted to touch you, to feel you, to taste you…”
Y/n let out a shaky gasp as she felt her fingers caressing her thigh once again, making her whine quietly. She threw her head back and closed her eyes, giving Casey more access to her neck, her fingers ran through her hair, gripping it to keep her close. “I-I’ve wanted you too…so badly. God, I need you so badly, Casey.” She breathed out as she moaned, her hips bucking more into hers.
Casey smiled against her neck, she trailed her fingers a little higher under her skirt, her teeth gently biting down on her neck, marking it with a small bite. Her voice low and husky as she responded. “Mmm…I can tell just how badly you need me."
Y/n moaned louder as she bit down on her neck, thankful that the music was loud enough for her moans to stay in the bathroom. And when she felt her fingertips tracing her inner thigh, she couldn’t help but breathe heavily. “Please, Casey…I need you…” She moaned out as she moved her head to stare into her eyes, her hands gripping her shoulders.
Casey moved her leg between hers, her thigh brushing against the sensitive spot between her legs, the only fabric separating their bodies were y/n’a underwear and her pants. She moved her hand further up her thigh, her fingers gently tracing along the edge of her underwear. "Please what, princess?"
Y/n wrapped on of her arms around Casey’s neck to support herself while the other stayed gripping her hair, feeling like her knees where about to give up because of the pleasure she felt. As her fingers traced the edge of her underwear, she let out needy moan, her hand gripping her shirt. “F-Fuck, Case. I need you. Please, just touch me.” She whispered softly as she stared into her eyes.
Casey leaned in, her lips right next to her ear as she whispered. "Is that what you need, princess? For me to touch you?" Without waiting for an answer, she pressed her leg even harder against her center, her hands moving to lift up her skirt, which was now rucked up around her waist, one of her hands moving back to her hips and the other teasing her inner thigh, getting so close to where she needed her.
Y/n gasped loudly at her sudden moves, the pressure her leg was putting against her center and the way her hands rapidly moved to lift her skirt. Her hand gripped Casey’s shirt and the other moved to her neck, bringing their faces close, their lips brushing against each other as she bucked her hips against her leg and hand. “Please stop teasing me and fuck me. I need you now, Casey.” She groaned softly, desperate to feel Casey’s fingers inside of her or any sort of friction at this point, her underwear surely ruined.
Casey leaned in, her lips brushing against her, chuckling darkly. "Mmm…desperate, are we, princess?" she teased, a sly smile on her face. She moved her underwear aside and her fingers finally moved towards her pussy, gently she ran them between her folds, feeling the wetness that has accumulated, a soft moan leaving her lips.
Y/n chuckled softly against her lips, blushing slightly at her words. “Can you blame me?” But then, she felt her fingers, a shaky gasp escaped me as her body arched against her. She let out another moan. "Oh god…please, that feels so good…" She whimpered softly, barely able to get the words out.
Casey moved her fingers in gentle circles, moving through her folds, to her entrance but avoiding her clit. Her lips moved to her neck, leaving a trail of gentle kisses and bites along the sensitive skin. "Mmm…I love the way you moan for me, princess..." She smirked before she slipped two fingers inside her and began to slowly thrust her fingers in a slow motion.
Y/n moaned loudly, and rested her forehead against her shoulder, small pants leaving her lips as her fingers moved inside her, her hips instinctively moving with her. “F-Fuck, Casey…” She moaned as she buried her face into the crook of her neck.
Even though they were in a public place, Casey didn't care at all if anyone heard them or what they would think. Casey started a quick rhythm, adding a third finger and curling them inside her with each thrust. She then pressed her thumb to her clit, so she could push her closer to the edge with each thrust. Her lips were attached to her neck, nibbling, and licking every inch of her neck. Y/n tried so hard to stay quiet, knowing perfectly they were in a public place, specifically, in a bathroom, but she couldn’t keep her moans inside when Casey was making her feel so good. It was becoming harder to breathe, her body trembling and her hips thrusting more into Casey. Her brain went blank when she felt the way she was fucking her, the way her lips kept nibbling and licking her neck. She was close, she could feel it. Y/n grabbed Casey’s face and crashed their lips together.
Y/n could barely kiss her, panting more than anything, moaning loudly, she felt her body begin to melt. “C-Casey…I…I’m close…”
Casey’s fingers continued their quick and relentless rhythm, the kiss messy and sloppy at some point. She crooks her fingers into you, rocking them in and out with a wet squelch. She broke the kiss as she panted, biting her lip, and pulling on it before she stared into her eyes, grinning softly. “Come for me, princess. I want to hear you…” She curled her fingers and leaned down to nip on her neck.
It became almost impossible to speak, y/n’s words becoming broken and shaky, her breath getting more and more labored as she got closer and closer. “Oh God…I’m…I’m gonna-“ She gasped out, her body trembling and her knees shaking, her hips moving against her fingers, trying to find the release she desperately needed. “F-fuck…” The feeling of her fingers and her words were enough to bring her right to the edge, gasping and trembling. With a final push, her back arched, her moans getting louder as her body literally twitched as her climax hit. “Casey! F-fuck…!” She couldn’t stop herself from screaming her name, her grip tightened on her as she came.
Casey continued working her through her orgasm, her fingers not stopping, wanting to prolong her pleasure for as long as she could. The feeling of her body trembling against her was a feeling she never wanted to forget, and she didn’t stop until her body finally relaxed. She slowly pulled away, her heart racing as she stared at her, completely in awe at how beautiful she looked at that moment. “God, you’re gorgeous…” She whispered as she pulled her fingers out slowly, bringing them to y/n’s lips. “Open…”
She couldn’t help but feel a mixture of emotions swirling inside her, her entire body on a high after experiencing such intense pleasure. As she heard her calling her gorgeous, her cheeks turned beet red, she couldn’t help but bite back a smile, panting heavily as she tried to calm down. She grabbed Casey’s hand, wrapping her lips around them, licking them clean, her tongue swirling around her fingers and moaning at her own taste. She pulled her fingers out of her mouth with a pop, her eyes meeting Casey’s. “Thank you. You’re not so bad yourself.”
Watching y/n clean Casey’s fingers off like that, seeing her taste herself, it was absolutely sinful. Casey was absolutely enraptured by her, and she found herself unable to take her eyes off of her. With her free hand, she brought it up to her face, brushing back her hair, gently caressing her cheek. “God, you’re so beautiful…so perfect…”
Y/n leaned against Casey’s hand, turning her head slightly to kiss her palm, her breathing slowly coming back to normal. “So are you…I’ve wanted you for so long.” She chuckled softly as she stared into her eyes.
Casey smiled, her heart swelling with affection. Her hands moved to y/n’s waist, gently pulling her closer, wanting to be as close as possible. “I’ve wanted you for months. You were all I could think about. And…I am so sorry about the girlfriend thing. I thought I’d tease you about it and now I know it was a fucked up thing.”
Y/n smiled softly as she shook her head, her hands going to Casey’s neck and traced her jawline with her thumbs. “I mean…it was a fucked up thing but…it’s alright. You made up for it.” She grinned as she chuckled, leaning in, and placing a chaste kiss on her lips.
Casey sighed softly as she leaned her forehead against hers, chuckling softly too as she shook her head. “You know the squad won’t stop teasing us about this, right?”
“Oh, that I am sure of. I’m already preparing myself.” Y/n chuckled again as she pulled away enough to look at Casey, running her fingers through it. “So…can I return the favor?” She bit her lip softly as her eyes darted down to Casey’s lips and then back to her eyes.
Casey chuckled softly at her words but smirked, her hands moving to fix y/n’s skirt, pulling it down but not before she squeezed y/n’s ass. “How does going back to my place sound? I think we would be way more comfortable.” She raised her brow as she leaned down and kissed y/n’s jawline, trailing her kisses down to her neck.
Y/n felt butterflies in her stomach at the thought of going back to Casey’s place, nodding her head a bit too eagerly. “Sounds perfect.” She then pulled Casey’s hair and made her look into her eyes, smirking as her fingertip traced her jawline and down to her neck. “I definitely want to take my revenge on all the marks you left on my neck.”
“Thank god winter is here. Turtlenecks won’t be such a pain in the ass.” Casey laughed softly along with y/n before she took her hand and pulled her with her out of the bathroom.
As soon as the squad noticed the girls walking back to them hand in hand, they started cheering and clapping, Munch looking at his watch and then back to the girls. “Record time, less than 15 min. I’ve heard the record is 20.” He teased as he laughed with Fin.
Y/n rolled her eyes as she grinned and grabbed her purse. “You guys are the worse.”
“Oh, but it worked, didn’t it?” Olivia smirked.
Y/n stared at her for a moment, now understanding why she had been so pushy about her wearing a skirt and sitting beside Casey. She could only shook her head and smile. “Thank you I guess.”
Casey nodded as she smirked. “Indeed, thank you. We’re gonna leave, though. Thanks for the drinks, and next round is on me.” She said as she left some money on the table and grabbed y/n’s hand again, pulling her to the exit.
“Your neck looks so pretty by the way, y/n!” Melinda yelled as she laughed with the rest.
“They’re really not gonna leave us alone.” Y/n said once they left the bar, standing outside and looking into Casey’s eyes as they stopped to wait for a taxi.
Casey chuckled softly as she put a strand of hair behind her ear and leaned down to place a chaste kiss on her lips. “Let them talk. At least everyone will know that you’re mine.”
Y/n smirked as she leaned in and kissed Casey again, squeezing her hand. “It was definitely not a bad idea to wear this.” She whispered softly, chuckling with Casey.
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squadmuse · 5 months
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
It takes a while for Rafael to open up and be truly affectionate with you. He’s slower than most, but still a gentleman and spoils you whenever he can. As your relationship progresses however and as Rafael feels more and more comfortable with you & your relationship together, then he is extremely affectionate towards you and absolutely cherishes you. Cuddles, kisses, hand holding etc. you name it, when Rafael treats you like this, you’re The One for him.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
You and Rafael click quickly as friends and have a great friendship together. You’re an Assistant United States Attorney while he is an Assistant District Attorney for Manhattan, and can usually be found in each other’s offices having lunch and a catch up. He loves that you’re snarky and sassy like him, and unafraid to stick up for yourself & victims and survivors. Rafael is a great friend to have, he’s always a phone call away, with the greatest advice and shoulder to cry on if needed. He loves surprising you with tickets to a Broadway show, museum tours etc.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Rafael isn’t the cuddliest at the start of the relationship but he melts easily after a while with your hugs and cuddles. He isn’t used to affection unless from his Mami or Abuelita. Rafael loves hugging you from behind, cuddling on the couch or in his home study & office after hours.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Only when Rafael knows for certain that you are The One 100% will he want to settle down fully. He didn’t have the nicest home life due to his father and has had his heart broken by people he loved & trusted. As he has been a bachelor for years, Rafael is adept at cooking & cleaning but takes his laundry to the dry cleaners. His house is pristine, but he longs for the day that you & him are married with a child playing with their toys in the living room.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Rafael is a gentleman, somewhat old fashioned yet distant at first so he would likely break up with you face to face. He thinks it rude to do it over the phone or to ghost someone especially if they’re someone like you.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
You and Rafael are together for a while before he decides to propose marriage, as he wanted to be certain you were not going to break his heart or leave. You’ve moved in together after a couple of years and Rafael knows you’re not bothered by his wariness & past. Once he proposes, you marry within the year in a quiet close knit ceremony at the Catholic church nearby as a tribute to his Mami & Abuelita.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
As he was abused physically and emotionally by his own father and had his heart broken before, Rafael is gentle and kind towards you. He might be less so at the start, accidentally screwing up or putting work before you, but after a while Rafael becomes an open book to you. He’ll never ever raise a hand or fist to you, and he never curses or swears at you, but sometimes he does snap or bite when he’s stressed.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Rafael hates admitting it but he loves hugs, he’s so touch starved and loves getting to collapse into your arms after a long stressful day. He’s very gentle with his hugs, rubbing your back as you rest your head in the crook of his neck. Sometimes he hums a song at night.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
As said before, Rafael doesn’t say I Love You for a while but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t show his love for you. He struggles opening up, showing himself truly and being vulnerable with anyone, and when he gets to that point of being vulnerable & comfortable, then he says it quickly and doesn’t stop saying it.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Rafael does get jealous but it is down to the insecurities he has himself and not about you, he’s been dumped for other guys before and he knows how incredible you are that Rafael always wonders — why did you choose him of all people to be with, what is so loveable about him? Rafael will busy himself with work more often when he’s feeling like that, but he also gets possessive to an extent and makes sure to let you know how much he loves you.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Rafael Barba aka Makeout King. He is almost timid at first, scared that he might’ve crossed the line when he kisses you that first time. But his kisses are electrifying, intoxicating and downright sweet at the same time. When he’s fully comfortable with you, Rafael can’t stop kissing you and will kiss anywhere he can on you.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Rafael doesn’t have much if any experience with kids, especially babies. But he isn’t against them, and he loves getting to teach them things, whether it is some basic Spanish, a fairy tale book or some random facts. Rafael worries about hurting children, having seen how his own father acted and behaved. After a while, Rafael does get more comfortable around younger children as you have nieces, nephews and godchildren that all end up calling him Tío Rafa.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Rafael hates mornings, and only brightens up when you suggest showering together to save time… although you sometimes end up rushing out the door after too long in the shower together. In the kitchen, Rafael makes a beeline for the professional coffee maker that you bought as a birthday present for him and makes a very strong coffee for himself and a cappuccino for yourself. Usually, Rafael has prepared his briefcase & outfit the night before. You make sure he takes some actual lunch with him also.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nighttimes are spent together either in Rafael’s study (he brings his work home now that he has you, not staying extremely late at the office) and you end up working together or talking about work, life and each other. Rafael gives you a massage while you pour him a small glass of his favourite scotch.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Rafael is very slow to open up and reveal things about himself. You met Lucia by accident, as you had dropped by his office at Hogan Place to talk/argue about a case that each of you were certain to have jurisdiction over, and there she was when you greeted him with a “Rafi amor…” - needless to say Lucia hated that Rafael had been hiding you away from her. You try so hard to make Rafael realise that his traumatic past doesn’t define him or who he is.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Rafael is usually very patient with you, and especially with you compared to others. He tries so hard to not get angry or even irritated by you, but when he’s had a bad day at work or having one, every single thing anyone does seems to annoy him.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Rafael has a giant brain and incredible memory, but sometimes when he’s stressed out with case after case, he does end up with things slipping his mind and he hates it. Rafael is also able to remember things you’ve said you have liked in passing or in conversation, even months back but he remembers it and buys you whatever it was.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Rafael’s favorite moment in your relationship was when he brought you to his Mami, Lucia’s home for the first time for Sunday lunch & dinner. You and his Mami got along instantly, and he was amazed at how quickly his Mami liked you as she was usually overprotective of him. It was that day, seeing you laugh and smile with his Mami, that Rafael knew you were The One and that you fit in perfectly with his family.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Rafael is very protective of you, and would have an armed escort following you around if he could. He’s had people blackmail him in the past and death threats against him, but Rafael doesn’t worry or care about himself, his main focus is you. Rafael likes knowing how protective you are of him in return, how much you love and look out for him.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Rafael puts a lot of effort into dates, anniversaries and gifts, only the best will do for you in his eyes. Both of you work as attorneys and have long hours, but Rafael will spoil you with an anniversary trip to Gstaad or The Bahamas, a nice bottle of champagne or wine, a nice pair of Christian Louboutin heels etc. Every day however, he does his best to be an excellent boyfriend or fiancé or husband and enjoys just being with you.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Rafael can get hyper-focused on work and ends up working himself thin and bare. At first in the relationship, he would prioritise his Mami & Abuelita over you and while it didn’t bother you, he did it a lot until he realised that you were upset. He works long hours too, and sometimes your hours don’t match up or your vacations either and Rafael is a man on a mission when it comes to his career and will at times, prioritise that.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Rafael Barba is very vain. He has his hair and beard styled & trimmed perfectly, has complimenting colours in his outfits with ties matching pocket squares etc. and he hates it when he starts going grey (but slowly comes to love it too when you let him know how hot you find it)
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
When Rafael has let you into his life, his heart and soul, he feels very incomplete without you there and wonders how he became such a man — but he realises it is because how he loved you, you are & were his soulmate.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Rafael loves taking you dancing, and shows off his move to you on the dance floor. It helps his anxiety and insecurity by showing off, doing fancy little moves to impress you.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Rafael doesn’t like anyone who is demanding, too high maintenance or clingy, and he doesn’t like abusers or alcoholics. Also anyone who doesn’t respect his position, his Mami & Abuelita is out the door ASAP.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Rafael can be found some nights asleep at the desk in his study, and you always wake him up as you know he needs to sleep in bed because of his back. He also loves that you have a ton of cosy blankets & quilts on the bed, it seems to help him sleep much easier.
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Hey the lack of Elliot Stabler x Reader content out there is killing me 😭 was wondering if you could write something sweet with him, maybe like looking after a reader whose case the team is working on cause she’s still in danger from whoever committed the crime against her? Thanks :)
You were a ghost, a shadow in a world that had suddenly become too bright. The case was personal, a wound that throbbed with each passing day. The police, led by the relentless Elliot Stabler, were your lifeline, your only beacon in the storm. But as the investigation progressed, you found yourself becoming more than just a case file. You were becoming a fragile piece of evidence they needed to protect.
Elliot had taken an immediate liking to you. There was a quiet strength about you, a resilience that mirrored his own. But beneath that exterior, he saw a woman haunted by fear. He'd seen firsthand the toll a case could take, and he wasn't about to let you go through it alone.
He found himself checking in more often than necessary, making sure you were safe, that you were eating, that you were getting enough sleep. It was a role he hadn't expected to take on, but it felt right. Almost like a duty.
One evening, as a storm raged outside, you found yourself alone in your apartment, a prisoner of your own fear. The wind howled, mimicking the turmoil within you. Your phone rang, the familiar ringtone a jarring interruption to the silence. It was Elliot.
"Hey," his voice was a warm anchor in the tempestuous night. "I know it's late, but I just wanted to check in. You okay?"
Your voice, when it finally came out, was a mere whisper. "I'm scared, Elliot."
There was a long pause before he responded. "I know. I'm really sorry about that. You shouldn’t have to feel this way."
You could almost hear him taking a deep breath. "Listen, I'm coming over. You’re not alone, okay?"
Relief washed over you as you heard the familiar sound of his footsteps approaching your apartment. When he finally arrived, he enveloped you in a tight hug, his body a shield against the storm.
"You're safe now," he murmured, his voice low and comforting.
You nodded, burying your face in his shoulder. The scent of his aftershave, a familiar blend of wood and spice, was grounding. It was a tangible reminder that you weren't alone.
As the hours passed, the storm began to subside, its fury replaced by a gentle patter of rain. Elliot tightened his grip, as if sensing your growing tranquility.
"You should get some sleep," he suggested, his voice barely above a whisper. "I’ll stay here with you."
You hesitated, not wanting to let go. But sleep was a distant memory, and you knew he was right. With a heavy heart, you pulled away slightly, looking up into his eyes. They were filled with a tenderness that took your breath away
He leaned in, his forehead resting against yours. "Close your eyes," he murmured.
You did as he asked, and as the darkness enveloped you, you felt a sense of peace you hadn't experienced in what felt like forever. With Elliot by your side, the world seemed a little less terrifying.
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 4 months
Hii, i love your storys and i hope you could do a Casey Nowak one, were casey is older than the reader. Casey has her menopause and has not that much of a high sex drive anymore and other menopause symtomes. She is really scared that the reader will leaver her. They have to find a way to handel the "problem".
Hey, friend! Hope you enjoy! 💖 - illdowhatiwantthanks
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Casey Novak x fem!reader Warnings: implied sex, discussions about sex, menopause, explicit language (please let me know if I've missed anything!) Word count: 1.4k
Summary: Something's wrong with Casey. You can tell. But she doesn't seem to want to talk about. You're worried you've done something wrong, but it turns out to be something neither of you have control over.
It was one of those days that should have been perfect. A light rain outside served as the perfect excuse for you and Casey to stay in bed all day. And, for the most part, that’s where you’d been. Besides a late brunch–pancakes eaten hot as you stood by the kitchen counter–you’d been lounging around. Casey had gotten a bit of work done, but her laptop sat abandoned on the nightstand now as you straddled her hips, lavishing her in long, slow kisses. You took your time with her; you had time to take today.
But there came a moment when you realized, even as aroused as you were, that Casey was no longer kissing you back, not really. You pulled back, looking at her curiously, tucking her hair behind her ear.
“You okay, love?” you asked.
Casey avoided your eyes. “Yeah. I’m sorry, honey, I’m just not feeling it today.”
“That’s okay,” you assured her, moving to lay beside her. And it was. It was always okay if Casey wasn’t feeling it. But you couldn’t help the aching in your lower stomach, the wetness pooling that you knew would probably not be taken care of today. And probably not tomorrow. The truth was, Casey hadn’t been feeling it much at all lately, which was odd for her. For the entirety of your relationship, over five years now, Casey had always had by far the highest sex drive of the two of you. But now, it was like a switch had been flipped.
Nevertheless, you tried your best to be loving and supportive, wrapping an arm around her waist and pressing your face into the crook of her neck. But as soon as you did, Casey squirmed away, huffing.
“Y/N, just…don’t touch me right now, okay?!”
Her voice was rough, harsh, and you flinched. Casey sighed and covered her face with her hands, flushing deeply. You moved away, watching her with concern. Casey never yelled at you. And she always liked to be touched. So much so that you teased her about it. Something was wrong. And it had to have been something you did.
You wondered what it was. It must have been something bad for Casey to react like this. Casey was so direct, she didn’t let anything fester. So for her to avoid talking about it? You wracked your brain, going over the last weeks and months of your relationship, trying to figure out what you’d done to drive a wedge between the two of you.
You felt tears form in the corners of your eyes. This had never happened. Not with Casey. You talked things through. You worked things out. You left nothing unsaid or unspoken. You were suddenly terrified that something had ruptured, something that you wouldn’t be able to fix.
“I’m sorry, Casey,” you whispered, your voice shaky.
She turned quickly to look at you, her eyes wide with surprise and concern. “Oh, honey, for what?” she asked, wiping a loose tear from underneath your eye.
“I can tell something’s wrong,” you said, your voice quiet. “Did I do something? Did I hurt you?”
Casey exhaled heavily, a few of her own tears glistening in her eyes.
“It’s not you, sweetheart, it’s me,” she mumbled.
Your heart dropped all the way to your stomach. It’s not you, it’s me. That’s what people said before they left you.
“Are you breaking up with me?”
“No!” Casey groaned and rubbed her temples, chuckling a little. “But you might want to break up with me after this.”
“Casey,” you pleaded. “Please talk to me. What the hell is going on!?”
She sniffled, a single tear dripping down the side of her face, and you grasped her fingers in yours.
“I haven’t had a period in three months.” She spoke quickly, as if afraid she might not get it all out.
Your hand shot to your mouth. “You’re pregnant!?”
Casey choked out something that was somewhere between a laugh and a sob. “Y/N, I’m gay. How would that even happen!? I’m not pregnant.” She took a shaky breath. “I’m starting menopause.”
You were silent for a moment, watching as Casey squeezed her eyes shut, trying (and mostly failing) to suck the tears back into her eyes.
“Oh,” you said, when you finally spoke. And then felt like an absolute idiot that that’s what you led with. But this was new, and you weren’t really sure how to address it. You were years, maybe even decades, away from menopause yourself, but you wanted to do all you could to support Casey.
“Well, are you…” You stumbled through your words, as if tripping over rocks. “Do you feel… okay? How are you– God…” You covered your face with your hands. “I’m so sorry, love, I’m completely fucking this up.”
When you removed your hands from your face, you were shocked to see Casey shaking with sobs.
You surged toward her. “Hey,” you cooed, your voice heavy with emotion. Your hands stopped just before touching her. “Can I… Is it okay if I touch you?”
She nodded, shuddering, and you pulled her onto you so that she could rest her head on your chest and you could wrap your arms protectively around her, placing a flurry of kisses on the top of her head. When her tears had subsided and her breathing slowed, you carded your fingers through her hair, hoping the rhythm would help calm her.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N,” she said, her voice rough from crying. “You’re not doing anything wrong. I just… I’m hot as hell all the time, and I’m moody, and I’m dry as the fucking Sahara.”
“You are hot all the time,” you teased, resting your chin on her head.
She swatted at your arm. “This just…” Casey sniffled again, wiping her face with the back of her hand. “It’s not what you signed up for. I don’t want you to feel trapped.”
“Casey.” You sighed, caressing her cheek. “This is exactly what I signed up for.”
“No, it’s not. I’m basically an old lady.”
“Hey,” you said, tilting her chin up so she had to look at you. “I can assure you that you’re not an old lady. You know how I know?”
Casey shook her head.
“Because I don’t want to fuck old ladies.”
She rolled her eyes, but smiled a bit.
“Now when you’re actually an old lady, like a little meemaw, and we’re living in the retirement village, I’m sure then I’ll want to fuck old ladies because I’ll be old, too, and my tastes will have grown with me. But for now? No old ladies. Only MILFs.”
Casey giggled, and you smiled, glad to see your girl feeling like herself again.
“Okay,” she conceded, still a bit hesitant. “But you deserve sex if that’s what you want. And I… I don’t really want sex very much right now.”
You stared at her, eyebrows raised. “Come on, now, Counsellor, you work SVU. You know better than that. Nobody deserves sex. That’s not how it works. And I think you forget that I know my way around a vibrator.”
“Yeah, but–” You shushed her quickly with a finger pressed lightly on her lips.
“No buts. I love you, Case. Not because you’re great in bed. Although…” You shrugged. “I mean, you are. I love you because you’re you. That’s not gonna change.”
Casey sighed. “Okay,” she whispered, snaking her arms around you.
You sat like that for a few minutes, relieved to be on the same page again, to know what was wrong. And even though you might not be able to fix it, you could at least be there for her.
Casey finally spoke, her fingers playing lightly with the drawstring of your sweatpants. “If you wanted to try out the vibrator… Maybe I could watch?”
You shot up, staring at Casey as she smirked at you, desperately hoping she was serious. “Really?”
She nodded, propping herself up with her elbow. You launched yourself out of bed, full-on sprinting to the closet, where you kept all the toys. “Ohmygodohmygodohmygod,” you breathed.
Casey laughed and called out, “You better not come too fast! That’s no fun for me.”
You grinned, poking out of the closet to point at her. “See? I told you! MILF.”
Casey shook her head playfully, relieved that you’d taken the news so well. And so, so happy that you were hers. As you rifled through the closet, you felt much the same.
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storiesofsvu · 23 days
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Amanda Rollins x reader warnings: none? brief mention of pet abandonment. all cutesy fluff. Man. I rarely ever get requests for Amanda, and every time I do I am reminded of HOW MUCH I LOVE HER. More justice and love for Ms Rollins please. I need to think of more ideas for her. Love Amanda? Sign up for the taglist here! Got an idea for a story? Send it on in here!
Even though you missed the jingling of Amanda’s keys in the hallway you knew she was a few steps from the front door at the way Frannie’s head popped up, looking over the back of the couch at the incoming noise. After a couple of sniffs she seemed satisfied, plopping her head back down beside you, continuing to chew on her bone. You gave her a little scratch behind the ears and let out a breath, your pulse quickening at the sound of Amanda’s keys in the lock.
She opened the door to find you on the couch, television turned on to Bluey as you were (presumably) cooing to Frannie.
“Oh, that’s it.” You laughed softly, “such a good girl. Okay, ohhkkay, ssssh.” Your hand reached out to pet her as she let out a low whine. “I know, I know. She’s home now, okay.”
“Awee.” Amanda let out a chuckle, “did someone miss me?” She whistled quietly, “c’mere girl.”
Frannie popped up on the opposite end of the couch from where you were facing, quickly jumping down and trotting over to her mom to say hello. At first, distracted, Amanda didn’t notice, cooing at her dog as she gave her a very welcoming pet and big scratch. Her ears picked up another whine that definitely wasn’t human and her head titled back up to catch you with a sheepish look on your face.
“So… if Frannie is over here…”
“That was… my stomach?” You offered with a wince and Amanda let out a small scoff of a laugh. She straightened up, letting out a small sigh as whatever you were hiding on the other side of the couch let out a yip.
“Sounds like you haven’t eaten all day.” Her hands fell to her hips, “what’d you do?”
“I… did not do anything.” You made a little kissing noise and the other dog finally popped up into Amanda’s sight line over the back of the couch. It looked like a chocolate lab, big enough to look like a fully grown dog but small enough Amanda knew it was likely still just a big puppy. You cupped its head in your hands, making more kissing noises as it sniffed at your face as your voice slipped into puppy dog mode. “But some big meanie left this gorgeous angel in the alley way.” You turned to look at her, “I told you I heard something crying last night. Bastard left her outside in the storm all night tied to the damn dumpster. I saw her when I went out this morning.”
“Are you absolutely sure someone wasn’t coming back for her?” Amanda asked, slowly approaching the back of the couch as you went back to playing with the dog.
“Yes.” You nodded, nodding the dog’s head in your hands as you did so, “yes, I am.” You looked back to your girlfriend, “I went back down with some food and water right away, she was super friendly and just wanted some love. I left her all afternoon just in case, it was already getting dark and the poor thing starting crying again. Frannie and I just couldn’t bare listening to it anymore.” Your lips formed a pout and Amanda could almost see the glistening of tears starting in your eyes, “when I went back down she was just so happy to see us! Instant friends with this one, I tell ya.” Your hand reached out to give Frannie a little scratch. “Then I found the note on her collar…”
“Someone really just left her?” It was her turn to pout, finally reaching out, letting the dog sniff the back of her hand, giving it a few licks before she scratched her behind the ears.
“Yeah. Note said she was a Christmas present for the kids, but the kids weren’t ‘doing their chores’ of taking care of her and the family didn’t want her anymore.” You said the last part in just over a whisper as you covered the dogs ears, “she’s house trained, no issues and is up to date on all her shots and stuff. Though I did make an appointment with the vet for tomorrow just in case.”
“Baby…” Amanda’s head tilted and you let out a sigh at what you knew must be coming. “We can’t keep her.”
“Why not?!” You whined and Amanda nearly laughed as both the new dog and Frannie let out whines in practically the same pitch as all three of you stared up at her.
“We… already have Frannie.” She gestured, “and I work late hours. I feel guilty enough leaving one dog cooped up in a one bedroom apartment all day.”
“I work from home like, eighty percent of the time, you wouldn’t have to worry about us. Besides, another big dog means another level of protection.” You countered, “you always say you wish I was safer out at night, or when you’re working overnights. Can’t get much safer than this.” You gestured to your lap which was slowly being taken over by both dogs, Frannie nuzzling at ear while the other one licked your cheek.
“She does really seem to like you.” The blonde replied, chewing on her lip.
“They get along perfectly too!” You bartered, gesturing to the dogs as you picked up a toy, swinging it between them before tossing it down the hall and they both ran off, instantly starting to play with each other like they’d grown up together. “See? Instant best friends. You can’t deny Frannie that.”
“Oh my god.” Amanda laughed, running a hand over her face. “What happens when you’re out for a walk and the kids see their dog and come crying wanting it back?”
“Note said they live in Staten Island, left her here so that wouldn’t happen.”
“They seriously drove all that way to dump her in the garbage? When there’s plenty of shelters all around the city?” She wasn’t just frustrated, she was pissed now, a feeling the dog could sense as it jogged down the hallway and went right up to Amanda, nudging at her legs until it was getting pets, “oh you poor thing.”
You knew it, a smile creeping up on your lips as Amanda crouched down to actually greet the dog and her face instantly melted. The look of love and adoration immediately taking over her eyes as she cooed at the dog who nuzzled as deep into her as it could.
“Oh, you’re a good girl.” She cooed, “such a sweet girl. What’s your name, hmm?”
“Cocoa.” You replied, and the dog let out a quiet bark.
Amanda stood back up with a small sigh, glancing between the two dogs who immediately started playing together again before looking over at you.
“Puh-leeeeaaase.” You pulled an overdramatic pout and faked crying.
“You are worse than a child, you know that?”
“At least I have my own source of income to support Cocoa and now we’ll each have one to walk when we take them out. I mean, Manda… look at them. They’re so happy, she’s so much happier not being tied to a dumpster in the rain… you’re not going to ruin that, are you?”
“Wow.” She laughed, rounding around the couch to drop down beside you.
“Well?” You batted your eyelashes, “yes?”
“Fine.” She finally agreed with a small smile and you let out a shriek, launching toward her to pepper her face with kisses.
The noise alone was enough to pull both of the dog’s attention, barks echoing through the apartment as they jumped back up onto the couch, jumping on the both of you, cold noses and wet kisses getting everywhere they could.
“Okay, okay.” Amanda laughed, gently pushing Frannie down onto her lap, “you win, you win.” She booped her nose, “you got a new sister, happy?” Frannie agreed with a small woof, rubbing her head into Amanda’s hands.
“You hear that?” You cooed to Cocoa, scratching underneath her chin, “you get to stay! Welcome home Cocoa.”
You looked back to Amanda with such love and happiness in your eyes that she knew there was never a way in a million years she would have actually said no to the whole thing. She loved you too much, loved seeing you happy too much and this way Frannie would have someone to play with when no one was home.
It was a win win for everyone.
@mickey-gomez @hbkpop @bisexualcrowley @red1culous @imlike-so-gaydude @altsvu @lesbianspacecowboy @wannabe-fic-reader @gaylorrds @beccabarba @mysticfalls01 @alexbllake @infernumlilith @australiancarisi @wandas-wife @emskisworld @samwithnoplan @multifandomlesbianic @sia2raw @dxtery @anlin2058 @itisdoctortoyousir @alexxavicry @daddy-heather-dunbar @evilregal2002 @7thavenger @m00nkn1ghts @sapphicprentiss @geekyandgay98 @onmykneesformarvel @desperate-gay @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @noahrex @temp0rary-bliss @wittygutsy
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 7 months
Taking Care of My Girl ~Dom!Rafael Barba xFem Sub!Girlfriend!Reader
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Summary— Aftercare with Rafael.
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: Implied smut, aftercare, overstimulation, implied dom/sub relations, implied daddy kink, comforting, physical comforting, kissing, post-sex bliss, etc.
Enjoy (;
You let out a breath you didn’t know you’d be holding as your body went limp against Rafael’s.
“Rafi… that was fuck…” you breathed out with a light chuckle, too speechless and fucked out to finish your thought.
“I could say the same thing, Mierda…” Rafael sighed in content, letting out a chuckle as well and using one hand to swiftly swipe his messed up hair out of his face.
The man was holding you up from behind, and his cock was still deep inside your core. You ran a hand through your now messed up hair, before turning back and looking at the man who had just fucked you to ecstasy. You were both beaming with blissed out smiles. His fingers traced mindless patterns along your now sensitive skin.
“I’m going to pull out now, hmmm hermosa…?” Rafael gently told you.
“Alright. just… slowly please, Papi…” you responded still in your sub space, your eyes fluttering shut for a moment as your body tingled in the after affects of your orgasm and as the overwhelming wave of post-sex hit you.
“Mhmmm, always.” he sighed reassuringly, before slowly pulling her length out from your core.
You winced slightly at the adjustment of Rafael’s dick pulling past your sensitive walls. His hands were now soft and caressing your shoulders and sides, holding you steady and comforting you through the brief discomfort, compared to the vice grip he had your hips and shoulders just mere moments ago when you were screaming his name as you came together.
“Such a good girl, Cariño…” Rafael cooed in your ear, once he was fully out of you.
His warm and sexy hands then guided you to lay down on the bed. And Rafael came up against your back, big spooning you while running his fingers through your hair and whispering strings of praise in your ear.
“You did good, Querida… so good… bueno nena, mi amor…” Rafael praised you with gentle, soft love.
Your body’s numbness and limpness had faded, and you were now trembling lightly. Your breathing was still shallow, and your head was spinning.
Rafael tended to have this effect on you. Curse him and whoever gave him the genes of not only a silver tongue, but also ten nice thick fingers, on top of a back breaking, leg splitting cock…
He began to rub and massage your trembling and sweaty frame with his hands in soft and loving motions. His mouth gave you kisses along your back and shoulders and neck.
You sighed, finally able to take a breath and resurface from your deep mindset that reeked of sex and power and control. Your eyes fluttered closed as you leaned back into Rafael’s sweaty body, humming in happiness at the skin on skin contact.
“There’s my Cariño…” Rafael hummed with a smirk caressing your side now, always proud of how blissed out he made, but just as happy to have his girlfriend back.
“Mmmmmm…” you hummed, turning your head up and back to look at him, then leaning toward him and rubbing your nose against his lovingly, cupping his cheek with your hand, “I love you, Rafi…”
After rubbing noses, you two landed on being head on head, just laying together with closed eyes in peaceful love.
“Mmm, I love you too, hermosa… mucho mucho, mi amor…” Rafael breathed out under his breath for only you to hear.
You both couldn’t help the bright, blissed out smiles that spread across your faces. And you both laid in each other’s arms, taking in and enjoying the moment, while you regained your composures.
You began to doze off in Rafael’s arms, and his heart melted at the sight. Somehow, the cutthroat, ambitious DA that took down rapist and pedophiles had fallen for you and had turned into the biggest softie. He couldn’t deny that he loved who he was with you, just as he enjoyed who he was at work.
He let you sleep for about 20 minutes, drinking in your blissful, resting form, before gently tapping your thigh and rocking you back awake. You snorted a little as you came back to Rafael, stretching a little in his arms still as you woke up.
“I would have let you sleep, but I want to make sure to get you cleaned up, fed, and taken care of, Cariño…” Rafael hummed lovingly.
You now flipped over to your other side slowly as you could feel your impending soreness. Now facing your boyfriend, you looked at his pearly green, caring eyes and your heart melted.
You leaned in just enough to gently place your lips on his. It was a light kiss, short and sweet, but filled with so much unsaid love and care. You then pulled away, too soon for both of your liking, but content at the same time.
“Mmmm thank you… you’re so kind to me…” you hum, your mind still a little fuzzy.
At this, Rafael brought his hands up to your cheeks, and his gaze bore into yours.
“Of course, mi amor… you deserve all the love in the world.” He genuinely said, with a hint of vulnerability and a whole lot of care.
It was Rafael’s turn to press his lips against yours now, before pulling away after a moment with a smile.
“Now, let me go get a warm washcloth, hmmm…? Then I’ll clean you up, maybe we order some take out, I can give you a bath, then bed…?” Rafael breathed out.
You smiled back, pressing your body into his and wrapping your arms around him.
“Yes please…You take such good care of me…” you murmured into his warm and sexy chest.
Rafael chuckled lightly, slowly getting up from the bed, placing a kiss on your forehead before standing up completely.
“For you? Anything, Cariño…” Rafael hummed, before going to get that warm washcloth to clean you up.
Rafael Barba Masterlist ~Coming Soon (;
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naturesapphic · 9 months
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Olivia benson x fem!reader
Warnings: smut and y/n drooling over Olivia
The front door slammed shut while you were in the living room reading your book. You pushed your glasses up on your nose so you can see and you see your girlfriend olivia. “Hey sweetheart.” She smiled at you, showing off her perfect smile as she was walking over to you. “Hi.” You shyly said at her and she smiled even bigger. “We’ve been dating for a while. Shouldn’t you stop being so nervous around me sweetie?” She asked with a cocky and firm tone that made you weak in the knees.
“I can’t help it liv. You always make me so flustered. Even when you just breath near me I wanna faint.” You explained to her as you got up from the couch to head to the kitchen and she started following you. She let out a hard laugh which made you smile. “I do darling?” She said smirking and looking at you intensely as she got closer to you and you were backing up until you hit the kitchen counter with your back. She smirked and got close enough to your face that you can feel her breath against your lips. “Y-yes…” you whispered out and bit your lip at how she was looking at you. Olivia’s arms went around your waist and pulled you against her so yall were touching.
You looked up at her and was met with her brown eyes staring intensely in yours. Then, olivia captured your lips in hers and you recuperated back as you wrap your arms around her neck. She suddenly picks you up in her strong arms which makes you squeal and started laughing. She smiled up at you and carried you up the stairs to y’all’s room. She kicked the door open gently with her foot and went to the edge of the bed and put you on it. You got up on your knees to where she was standing up and bite you lip as you admired her. “I fucking love how short your hair is…it makes me wet every time I see you…you give off daddy vibes.” You giggled at the end and she chuckled at you.
“I’m glad you think I look so good with my hair babygirl. I wasn’t too sure about it but now I am.” She said smirking at you as she flexes her arms as she’s pushing her hair back making you whine out. “Babyyyyyy…stop teasing me…and fuck me.” You said as you were unbuttoning her blue button up shirt. She chuckled down at you and watches you as her eyes grow with lust. “Slow down sweetheart…I’m not going anywhere.” She said with a low voice that make you more weak in the knees. You finally got her shirt undone and pulled it down her strong, muscular arms. You smiled up at her as you run your hands up and down her chest. “Your turn sweetheart.” She said as she goes to the bottom of your shirt and pulls it over your head. You reveal to her that you didn’t have anything on underneath it and her eyes immediately go to your breast.
“You are so gorgeous babygirl. All mine…” she says with a low tone which she knows drives you up the wall as she moves her hands from your stomach up to your breast. “So pretty…” she says gently as she softly massages your breast in her hands. You moan softly at the contact and you gasp when her fingers start pulling on your rosy pink nipples. “A-ahh…l-livia fuck…” you breath out and she smirks down at you, she loves seeing you so breathless and whiny and she hasn’t even fucked you yet. “Lay down for me princess.” She softly demanded you and you laid down in the middle of the bed on your back. “Such a good girl.” She praised you and you smile at her in response. Olivia took off her sports bra, along with her pants and underwear. You laid there, admiring her as she took off each piece of clothing off her strong body. You felt something wet on your mouth and you realized that was actual drool coming out of your mouth. You quickly wiped it away, embarrassed as fuck but Olivia noticed. “I saw that sweetheart. I never knew someone could literally drool over me.” She chuckled out as she gets on the bed with her hands and knees and crawls over to you.
Until she stops at your legs, she then pulls you closer to her and you both giggle at the action. She pulls down your shorts along with your pink underwear and she throws your shorts on the floor but keeps your underwear. She sees that they are wet and she smirks at you “you already this wet babygirl? Tsk tsk and I haven’t even really touched you yet…what a little slut.” She said as you bit your lip and looked at her intensely. “I’m your little slut daddy.” You said innocently and you visibly saw her eyes darken with lust. “Damn right I am.” She responded with a low voice as she leans down and smashes her lips with yours. The both of you moan into each others mouths at the feeling of y’all’s lips together. Your bodies were pushed up against the other and hands were exploring. You felt her tongue trying to push through your lips and you granted her by opening your mouth. Her tongue slipping in yours and was feeling every inch of your mouth. As her tongue was exploring your mouth, one of your hands were in her short hair, slightly pulling on it, and the other was on her back. She pulled away gently as a string of y’all’s salvia was present and she licked her lips at you.
“I need to taste that puffy pussy of yours…” she demanded and she laid down on the bed. “Sit on my face princess.” She instructed you and you crawled over her body and hovered your dripping pussy over her face. “Gosh…I love this pussy right here…I could eat you for breakfast, lunch, and dinner…” she rasped out and you blushed bright red. You then lowered yourself on her face and was rewarded by her tongue pushing through your folds, suckling on you. You moaned out her name loudly and reached down to grab onto her hair. Olivia’s tongue swirled around your clit and sucked hard on it which made you thrust your hips up. “F-fuck!” You gasped out as pleasure was going through your whole body. She kissed your clit softly as pulled away from it and started leaving open mouthed kisses all over your pussy. “Love. this. fucking. pussy. Mine.” She breathed each word after every kiss she made on you. Her tongue suddenly dipped into your pulsating hole and she started to tongue fuck you. “O-Olivia!” You moaned out loudly and started riding her face.
Your legs started to shake and you begged her to let you cum. “P-please livia…need to c-cum…” you pleaded and she gently tapped your thigh twice to let you know that it’s okay. You felt the orgasm hit you like a ton of bricks and soon enough you were cumming in her mouth as you were pulling her short hair. You panted as you fell on the side of the bed beside her, trying to catch your breath. “Fuck…I love your mouth.” You said breathlessly and she laughed. “I’m glad you do sweetheart. Can I try something?” She asked you. “Of course. I trust you baby.” You reassured her and she carefully got on top of you as she aligned y’all’s pussys on top of each other. Making direct contact the both of you moaned and Olivia started rubbing her clit onto yours. Olivia’s breast hovered over your mouth and with each movement, they moved back and forth and you were so tempted. You leaned up and attached your lips to her pink nipple and started suckling. Olivia moaned louder at the extra stimulation and started praising you since praising makes you even hornier. “That’s a good girl. Go on sweetheart…keep sucking on them darling…such a good girl. My perfect baby.” She praised you and you blushed red from them and from her fucking you. Soon enough, both of you were cumming on each other and moans were spread in the house. Olivia collapsed on top of you and was breathing hard. You run your fingers through your girlfriends hair and start rubbing her back soothingly.
“I love you Olivia benson..” you whispered to her and gave her a loving kiss on the top of her head. “And I love you most y/f/n (your full name).” She whispered back and leaned up to give you a soft kiss on your plump lips. You smiled in the kiss as did she and Olivia rested her head back on your chest. Y’all then went to sleep in each others arms that night and had an amazing sleep. You sure did love Olivia’s short hair and now she definitely knows it.
A/n: 1545 words damn lmao when I first started this I was on my period and I was extremely horny for Olivia’s short hair so that’s how I came up with this lmao Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y’all :)
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urrockstar-xe · 11 months
detective sweetheart - n.a x fem!reader
posted nov 3rd, 2023 12:22 am
this was what i did for my "based on my day" challenge (i spent it watching svu season 14 lmfao) its also my first time writing for nick amaro or any detectives in general so I'm sorry if he's a bit ooc, its also a crossover with criminal minds and i think i made up the whole technical analyst assistant thing but that's my job in my criminal minds DR lmfao. hope you enjoy :)
this includes alcohol (reader consumption), use of Y/n, and possibly wrong wording for FBI stuff?? the reader likes children (in a not creepy way). Jennifer Jareau
summary: the BAU's technical analyst assistant develops quite the crush on SVU's detective Nick Amaro
word count: 0.8k
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You sat quietly in a bar, sitting amongst a group of FBI agents you knew well and a few detectives you’d just recently had the pleasure of meeting, chatting about the now-closed case and a few chatting about their children, you hadn’t spoken much, too busy trying not to stare at Detective Nick Amaro.
“Detective Amaro, this is Y/n L/n, she’s our technical analyst assistant, our official technical analyst is back at Quantico focusing on another case” Your boss, Aaron Hotchner, introduced you to one of the detectives you’d be working with for a necrophilia serial killer case, 
You two spent the last few days working very closely together on this case. 
Penelope had been working on another case and due to a small fire that you and Penelope accidentally started with a candle in your already small office, Hotch decided to bring you with the team to Manhattan.
And of course, with your luck, Penelope couldn’t be there to fangirl over the hot detective with you, so you had to deal with the consequences of your short attention span all on your own, (granted our beloved Spencer did try to relate and fangirl with you, he did his best, but he was quite busy getting into conspiracy arguments with Sergeant John Munch).
Now that the case was over, Hotch decided that the team was in no rush back to Quantico and could leave in the morning, so while he called in early and left back to his hotel, the rest of you went out with some of the SVU detectives,
Including Nick 
of course.
“What about you? Got any kids?” Nick asked, accidentally snapping you out of your trance, as he handed JJ back her phone after she showed him a photo of her boys.
“Oh, uh”
fuck, he smelt good, why did Derek have to sit you right next to him?? 
“No, no kids, I do adore them though” You smiled in a way you hoped wasn’t too awkward, before Emily spoke up “She’s great with them too! I mean they just love her” 
Nick smiled at that, nodding as Emily talked. 
You laughed awkwardly in response, “she’s exaggerating” you whispered just loud enough for Nick to hear, earning a laugh. 
oh my god, he LAUGHS?
“As much fun this has been, I’m gonna call it a night” JJ announced, standing up from her seat, her actions mirrored by Spencer as he agreed. 
They were shortly followed by Olivia, Fin, and Emily. Derek went home with a pretty girl (obviously) and finally, Rossi left with Rollins, after she offered him a ride back to the hotel.
That left, you and Nick, alone
of fucking course
“So, miss L/n, how was your first time in New York, huh?” He asked, taking a sip of his bourbon or was it whiskey? Maybe scotch? You couldn’t remember
“Oh, you mean besides the corpse-loving freak? Pretty great, thanks for asking, Detective.” you joked, feeling less intimidated thanks to the vodka cranberry sitting in front of you.
He laughed, “Yeah, dumb question” he shook his head almost embarrassed but you were eating it up.
“How was your first time working with the BAU, hm?” Nick smiled as you practically hummed the question, he thought it was cute, and you could tell, which only boosted your confidence.
“Gotta be honest, I was worried you guys would swarm in and take everything over but, it was a lot easier than I expected” You nod in response, 
“A lot of people think that, but typically it’s an ego thing. was it an ego thing for you, Nicky?” The nickname had slipped off your tongue with ease as you teased your schoolgirl crush, having called him that just a few days ago when you first started working together.
Nick scoffed, “What? No, absolutely not” but the small smirk on his lips was a dead giveaway. “Okay, maybe it was kind of an ego thing, just a little bit” he whispered his confession. You all but giggled in response
“It’s gettin’ late, what do you say I walk you back to your hotel huh?” he offered, standing up and putting his coat on before reaching for yours 
“I’d like that, thank you, Detective” You smiled, standing from your seat and sighing as he carefully put your coat on for you.
The hotel wasn’t far but god you wished it had been, it would’ve given you some more time to flirt with the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen in your life
(exaggerating? Pft nuh-uh) 
But yet, here you stood, in front of the tall building that ruined your excitement.
“Hey, uh how would you feel if the next time you were in New York, I took you out?” Nick asked, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jacket, his tie hanging loosely around his neck.
You smiled, hoping the lights surrounding you both hid the blush on your cheeks instead of accentuating it. “Or if you’re ever in Virginia?” 
He smiled, nodding. 
“I think I’d like that a lot” You responded, quietly, suddenly very sober.
“Great, have a safe flight back home, alright?”
it's already over
“Thank you for walking me back, Nick” 
“Anytime, goodnight, sweetheart” he smiled once more.
“Goodnight, detective”
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elizabethsnuts · 2 months
Late Nights
Calex x Daughter!Reader
Summary: You and Alex have trouble getting to sleep so the two of you play games while you let Casey rest.
The apartment was quiet except for the occasional hum of the refrigerator and the distant sounds of New York City nightlife filtering through the closed windows. The soft glow of a lamp on the side table cast shadows around the living room, creating a cozy, dimly lit, environment.
Alex sat on the couch, her eyes heavy with fatigue but her mind refusing to let her rest. Insomnia had become an unwelcome but not unfamiliar companion, making the nights feel endless. She glanced at the clock on the wall—it was nearing 2 AM. Beside her, you were sitting restlessly. You were going through a sleep regression, waking up multiple times each night and demanding attention. It was exhausting for both Alex and Casey, but Alex insisted on letting her wife sleep.
Casey had been through a particularly gruelling week at work with back-to-back cases, uncooperative witnesses, endless paperwork and very many court sessions demanding every ounce of her energy and focus and Alex knew she needed her rest. She had promised herself that she would let Casey sleep through the night, even if it meant staying up and keeping you entertained. It’s not like she could sleep anyway.
You squirmed on the couch, your tiny fingers clutching your favourite stuffed duck. "Mummy, want Mama," you whispered, your voice plaintive.
Alex smoothed back your soft hair and kissed your forehead. "Mama needs to sleep, sweetheart. She's had a tough week. How about we play a quiet game instead?"
You pouted but nodded, your tired eyes shimmering with curiosity. Alex reached for a stack of picture cards she kept nearby for such moments. They were simple, colourful illustrations of animals, objects, and scenes designed to capture a toddler's attention.
"Okay, Y/N, let's play 'Find the Animal.' I'll describe an animal, and you have to find the right card. Ready?" Alex explained.
Your eyes lit up, and you sat up straighter. "Ready!"
"Alright," Alex said, suppressing a yawn. "This animal has a long neck and eats leaves from tall trees. Can you find it?"
Your face scrunched in concentration as you sifted through the cards. "Giraffe!" you exclaimed, holding up the correct card.
"That's right! Good job!" Alex praised in a whisper, feeling a small burst of pride despite her exhaustion.
The both of you continued the game, your giggles and excited answers filling the quiet room. As the minutes ticked by, Alex found herself smiling more and worrying less about the late hour. This moment, despite the fatigue and the challenges, felt precious.
Eventually, your energy began to wane, your movements slower and your eyelids drooping. Alex gently guided you to lie down on the couch, covering you with a soft baby blanket. She sang a lullaby in a hushed tone, hoping to lull you into sleep.
But you were not ready to give up just yet. "Mummy, want Mama," you murmured again, reaching out with your tiny hand.
Alex took your hand in hers, holding it gently. "I know, my love. Mama will be here in the morning. How about we count the stars on the ceiling? That can be our game until you fall asleep."
You nodded, your eyes already half-closed. Alex gently lifted you to rest on her chest and began to count in a soothing voice, pointing to the glow-in-the-dark stars they had stuck on the ceiling months ago. Slowly but surely, your breathing evened out, and you drifted off to sleep.
Alex sighed in relief, her own eyelids feeling unbearably heavy. She leaned back on the couch, intending to stay awake a little longer to make sure you were truly asleep. But the warmth of your little body on her chest and the soft hum of the TV lulled her into a deep, much-needed sleep.
When Casey emerged from the bedroom the next morning, she was greeted by the sight of you and Alex curled up together on the couch, both sound asleep. She smiled tenderly, her heart swelling with love and gratitude.
Quietly, Casey walked over and draped a blanket over Alex, who stirred slightly but didn’t wake. She kissed the both of you on the forehead before walking into the kitchen to start breakfast, feeling more refreshed and awake than she had in days.
As the smell of coffee filled the air, Alex's eyes fluttered open. She looked around, momentarily disoriented, before her gaze settled on Casey bustling in the kitchen. You were still asleep on her chest, clutching your stuffed duck.
"Morning," Alex whispered, careful not to wake you.
"Morning," Casey replied, leaning down to kiss Alex's forehead again. "You should go back to sleep. I've got Y/N."
Alex shook her head, stifling a yawn. "It's okay. I'm already up." She carefully disentangled herself from you, which earned her a quiet, sleepy whimper.
Casey nodded, giving her a soft smile. "How did it go last night?"
Alex stretched, feeling the remnants of fatigue in her muscles but also a sense of accomplishment. "We managed. Y/N/N had a hard time settling, but we played some games, and she eventually fell asleep."
Casey walked over with a cup of coffee, handing it to Alex. "Thank you for letting me sleep. I know it hasn't been easy."
Alex took a grateful sip of the coffee, savouring the warmth. "You're welcome. You needed the rest. Besides, it wasn’t like I could fall asleep anyway."
You suddenly stirred, your eyes fluttering open. You looked up at Alex, then over at Casey, a sleepy smile spreading across your face. "Mama!"
Casey scooped you into her arms, showering you with kisses. "Good morning, baby. Did you have fun with Mummy last night?"
You nodded, still half-asleep. "We play 'Find the Animal' and counted stars."
Casey looked over at Alex, her eyes filled with love before she looked back down at you. "Wow! That sounds like so much fun."
As the three of you sat together, enjoying the quiet morning and each other's company, the tiredness of the night before disappeared.
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