#law of attraction money affirmations
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Discover the power of positive affirmations for improving your health and well-being. Learn how to use affirmations to cultivate a positive mindset and promote healing, with examples and tips for creating your own personalized affirmations to support your journey towards optimal health.
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bitchy-craft · 2 months
Money: Affirmation Series
Hello and welcome to this post! In here I will be giving a few career growth affirmations. I hope you all enjoy and find this useful.
Masterpost > Paid Readings
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I am financially abundant and prosperous in all aspects of my life.
Money flows to me effortlessly and abundantly, supporting my goals and dreams.
I attract lucrative opportunities that align with my passions and values.
I am worthy of wealth and success, and I embrace prosperity with open arms.
My wealth grows exponentially as I invest wisely and manage my finances responsibly.
I release any limiting beliefs about money and welcome abundance into my life.
I am grateful for the financial blessings that come my way, big and small.
I am a magnet for financial abundance, attracting wealth and opportunities with ease.
I am in control of my financial destiny, and I create abundance through my thoughts and actions.
I deserve to live a life of abundance, and I am open to receiving all the wealth and prosperity that the universe has to offer.
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Tip: The more you repeat the more effective affirmations are
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whateveripostiattract · 9 months
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Money comes into my life effortlessly 💰💸💵💶💷💴🤑
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thejournallo · 4 months
Manifestation Method Masterlist!
This is a master list for every manifestation method because the other one was getting messy, and I don't like messy!
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I want it, i got it:
Tips for manifesting Manifesting Physical Appearance Manifesting overnight (or at a certain time) How do i manifest WITHOUT a method? the diary method the 55x5 or 33x3 the 3-6-9 the 2 cups subliminal scripting vision board the rose quartz the pillow method the movie method the 17-seconds acting as if (Wouldn’t it be nice if) S.A.T.S manifestation box the cross method placebos left/right a love letter robot affirmations "i am" list the void state the void state pt.2 the eavesdrop the Q&A can i please have more? W.I. freauencis and vibrations Energy Exchange HOW-TO LIST How to manifest when you don’t believe The Dream book The Difference between the void and the void state it is happening. How to fight a negative thought Wish-list.
My other lists
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venuslilgirl · 8 months
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The energy of money flows to me with ease.
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hanraemi · 8 months
Manifest easily
The most common method which is easy, but you're making it hard?
So First of all I want you'll to know that EVERYTHING, basically ANYTHING you want in reality you have to get that in your mind first! Your mind is the factory it makes your desires and turn that into reality, so let's make your desires!
We all call it a type of visualization method, but it's a bit different, it's called;
1.) I need you to go to a place where no one disturbs you okay.
2.) Sit in the most comfortable manner you want, you don't really need that crossed legs or laying on your back.
Position yourself in a way your body won't feel any difficulty.
3.) Picture the thing, the desire, what you want to manifest, you don't have it yet you are picturing it.
4.) Now, it's your, feel how you would feel on the moment you knew your desires are REALITY now! Example; you want a promotion, picture your Boss coming to your cabin and telling you the good news. Feel how you would feel.
5.) Now time travel to 1 hour later after you have manifested your desire. Same example, you got promoted an hour ago, now feel the feeling that your family members, and friends, you know, are calling and texting you , congratulating you. Picture what will happen after an hour later.
6.) Now Picture yourself 24 hours later after your desires are REALITY already. Same example again, now 34 hours later, the next day you're going to office but not at the same cabin! You're promoted, and now your role in the office has changed too. What would feel 24 hours later ?
NOTE; Whenever you visualise, feel. See what you want to see. Hear what you want to hear. Feel what you want to feel.
7.) Open your eyes slowly. Tada ✨ you just got it. You manifest already! It's as simple that.
Feeling is the key!
(ALSO, if you feel trouble focusing or imagining, write, write all those steps in present form.)
The job you want, exist. The relationship you want to be in, exist. The person you want to be with, exist. The money you want, it's here everywhere. The success you want to achieve, it's here so many ppl got that. The everything you want is here, it exist, and it's your the moment you visualise getting that!!!
Done ✅ what's more nothing at all, you have that already and just feeeel it!
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mothicbeauty · 7 months
I am worthy of financial wealth.
I am worthy of financial wealth.
I am worthy of financial excess.
I am worthy of financial excess.
I am worthy of financial abundance.
I am worthy of financial abundance.
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st4rtar0t · 8 months
Money and success affirmations
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"I am worthy of abundance and success."
"Money flows to me easily and effortlessly."
"I attract wealth and prosperity into my life."
"I am open to receiving unlimited sources of income."
"My actions create constant prosperity."
"I am financially free, and money comes to me naturally."
"I believe in my ability to achieve financial success."
"I am a magnet for wealth and opportunities."
"My bank account is overflowing with money."
"I am deserving of all the good things life has to offer."
"I am a money magnet, and I attract abundance."
"I create wealth and abundance in every aspect of my life."
"Every day, in every way, I am becoming richer and richer."
"I release all negative beliefs about money and invite positivity into my financial life."
"I am grateful for the abundance in my life and excited for the wealth that is on its way
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feminineenergylife · 3 months
March Money Affirmations
 💰 I am always financially secure
 💰 Money comes to me with ease
 💰 I am financially abundant
 💰 Money loves me
 💰 I always have enough money to afford my wants and needs
 💰 I am financially set for life
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itboyaugust · 6 months
💸 money affirmations pt II 💸
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money affirmations pt i
💸 money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways
💸 i love having extra money
💸 it is safe to have money
💸 i am deserving of any amount of money i desire
💸 i am always financially supported
💸 i always have more than enough
💸 i love to spend my money on…
💸 i make $_ a day
💸 i make at least $_ every month
💸 money just keeps showing up and it feels amazing
💸 money is so easy to manifest
💸 i love money
💸 i have more than enough money
💸 money flows to me constantly and without any resistance
💸 i am always taken care of
💸 i am always supported by the universe
💸 there is more than enough money to go around
💸 i love feeling into the energy of money
💸 i feel supported and empowered by money
💸 i deserve to be massively compensated for my work, my passions, and my art
💸 people love to pay me
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nondualiber · 2 months
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first of all, this happened like a week ago or something. okay, so, i'm going to keep this short. i was in some sort of "manifesting block", i was OVER complicating things, my mindset sucked, blah blah blah blah. that's essentially the reason i wasn't posting (and will continue to not be, probably); because i was focusing on my life and actually manifesting new stuff.
warning; kind of long post ahead, talking about how i did it my journey blah blah blah. if you want to see the success story directly js go right to the bottom
first, a bit of background; i have manifested things in the past, but mym indset was always shitty. when i archieved my manifestations i would say it was a coincidence, i was obsessed with the 3d, and what i'm saying has been going on for *years*. for the past 6 months i was in this vicious circle where i'd try a method full of hope, then eventually lose confidence because of some negative beliefs and give up in three days. i'd have a one week meltdown, then search for a brand new method, and repeat. clearly, i didn't manifest anything lately. and i didn't know what i was "doing wrong" because i had manifested lots of things in the past, but i didn't know how nor how could i do it now.
okay, so. like a week ago, when i was in a terrible mood, i decided to stop using tumblr to see information and talked to this bot on character.ai, that assesored me a lot on my mindset. it suggested me lots of things: since i had 0 trust in the law, start to manifest little things i didn't care that much about so i had "proof", actually stop caring, etc. (i really recommend that bot if ur struggling with the law) but the most important thing, it challenged me to try a new "method" i had heard of before, but because of my shitty mindset, i didn't try because i thought it wouldn't work or that it was "too good to be true" or whatever. the method was literally just keep going with my day knowing that i already had it. and oh my f*cking god.
i won't say it just "clicked" for me because i hear that a lot & i things that's just not how it works. at least i can't "click" with something i don't know. what i can say is that at first it wasn't easy, i still had some doubts, not gonna lie, but i just ignored them and keep going knowing that i already had it. i got used to it really fast, and THAT'S how i knew this was the way, because i felt liberated. if you read my blog you'll probably know i talk about that all the time, but my idea of manifesting is that it has to feel liberating, not like a chore, a price to your desires or anything else. i was liberated, because i knew it was done, that i had nothing to give in exchange, that i was free of the 3d & its circumstances. i was Me, and I was free.
this was the best thing i've ever done in my journey. in only one week, i've successfuly manifested:
money: (me and my family are kind of wealthy tbh, but i am bratty asf & always want more money to buy me things 😜😜) my mother recieved 200000 pesos (my country's currency) out of literally thin air on her bank account a random tuesday. she doesn't know who send it or why. i don't know about the u.s.a since there 200000 pesos are 200 dollars, but in our country, that's a LOT of money.
self confidence: i've been feeling super insecure lately. like, i am insecure since i have memory, but since this year started it has become WAY worse. i'd literally cry almost every night. now, i def wouldn't say it's all gone, but it's gotten much better. i've been feeling pretty lately, and if i didn't felt pretty, i would hardly think about my appearence at all this days. i am constantly feeling like i have one less weight on my back, which i am gratefull for :)
discipline: ngl i am forever a lazy girl and a foodie. I have always wanted to be more productive - study more, exercise more, talk to my loved ones more often and eat healthier, but discipline is something i struggle with a lot. however, since i have shown better discipline i have had some of the most useful days of my life: i went out with my friends three times in one week, ate much better than i usually do, exercised EVERY DAY without fail (even while on my period) slept well and passed all four exams this week with an 85/100 on my worst one and two 100s.
reciving a compliment in public: since i tried to start manifesting things that seem "easier" for me to acomplish, i tried manifesting this because it was rare but not impossible. so, like 3 days after i started to embody the state of someone who's always complimented by strangers, i went to the sjopping centre with my friend. then, two guys walked by us and one of them said "i want the instagram of that lady"! notice that during the whole time i was in the state, i visualized that people were asking me for my instagram + i've noted that when i'm in public, i catched people's eye more. yesterday, a guy won't stop looking at me in the café and i think he tried to approach me :)
i'll keep escalating on the "level of difficulty" of the things i manifest as my mentality becomes accustomed to the fact that everything is equally easy to manifest -which is a fact already, i just have a hard time accepting it-, and, of course, i'll be updating ;)
conclusion; look for what works for you. for what makes you feel good & secure that you have already what you want. search a "key" that makes you (actually) not give a f*ck about the 3d, if you have negative beliefs, don't ignore them. work from them, and of course, persist! let your mindset keep you on track.
that was all for today, love ya ♡
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bitchy-craft · 11 months
Money | Affirmation Series
Hello and welcome to this new post! Because many people thought it would be a nice idea to have an affirmation series on my page I thought it would be a good thing to try out. In this post I'll give a few money affirmations, I hope you guys like them and find them useful!
Masterlist > Questions
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I am worthy of abundance and prosperity in all areas of my life, including finances.
I attract money easily and effortlessly into my life.
I have a healthy relationship with money and manage it wisely.
Money flows to me from multiple sources, both expected and unexpected.
I am grateful for the abundance that surrounds me and for the opportunities to create wealth.
I release any limiting beliefs about money and open myself to unlimited financial possibilities.
I am a magnet for financial success, and I attract lucrative opportunities.
I deserve to be financially secure and enjoy a life of financial freedom.
My income is constantly increasing, allowing me to live a comfortable and abundant life.
I use money as a tool to create positive impact and contribute to the well-being of myself and others.
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Tip: The more you repeat the more affective affirmations are.
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raesworld1 · 10 months
20 Affirmations/Mantras for a Financially Abundant Mindset:
I am thankful that I always have money to do whatever I want in my life.
I attract money easily and effortlessly.
I have multiple incomes to support me.
I deserve a comfortable lifestyle.
Money is energy and energy is unlimited.
I embody financial success.
Financial success is my birthright.
I am worthy of receiving large amounts of money.
The money I spend will always come back.
I am so thankful my bills are always paid on time.
Thank you for my unlimited income sources.
I attract abundance and prosperity with ease.
I allow money to flow to me.
I earn money doing what I love.
I earn money doing what I want.
I align myself with the flow of prosperity.
I align myself with a slow, comfortable and abundant life.
I am a money magnet.
Financial blessings come to me and those around me.
I am grateful for the abundant opportunities that await me.
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nico-esoterica · 2 months
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"But Nico, I'm broke 😭" - 50 Money Affirmations 💸💴
Affirmations are just thoughts. All manifestation is is consistently thinking in your favor. I've been changing my thoughts around money over the past year and through out the turmoil and bullshit, what kept me going was constantly believing I'd always have money coming in and I was 100% correct. The more confident I grew, the more I'd make. I once rose over $600 on Twitter to support my ex best friend who I was a caregiver for bc I believed I could make it happen. I've also manifested $500 as a lump sum that I shared proof of on my old blog. This year I will optuple that (x8) and greater.
You don't have to use any of these. This post is just meant to inspire you to come up with your own so you can make this work for you. Idc how weird or repetitive they sound. I told y'all I'm moving different.
Btw, Revision is a method where you can erase anything from your experience by deciding it didn't exist. Works wonders on people dealing with trauma but anyway -
"Money comes to me out of nowhere."
"Money flows to me from all directions."
"Holy shit I keep making so much money."
"Money (fucking) loves me."
"Money is addicted to me."
"I've always had money." (Revision method)
"I'm a money magnet."
"I'm (so/finally) financially free."
"I can afford anything I want."
"Money never bothers me."
"I never have money problems."
"I have 0 debt."
"All my debt got paid off."
"I don't have any loans/I've never had loans." (Revision)
"My rent is paid / I love that my rent's paid"
"All my bills are paid."
"I never have to worry about money."
"Remember when I used to worry about money?"
"I love money and money loves me."
"I'm money's sugar baby."
"Money loves spoiling me."
"I was born to be rich."
"Being rich is my birth right."
"I love being rich."
"Money's my best friend."
"I never stop making money."
"Money comes to me so easily."
"It's so easy for me to make money."
"People keep giving me money."
"I keep finding so much money."
"I've made enough money to pay everything off."
"I have enough money to pay everything."
"I'm so lucky with money."
"Money serves me."
"Money's my bitch."
"Money grows on trees for me."
"I keep winning the lottery."
"Winning the lottery is so easy."
"My tax refund (is/was) so fucking high this year."
"Whenever I (blink/breathe), I make money."
"Money's addicted to my bank account."
"I get paid to exist."
"My money grows everyday."
"I'm the king/queen of making money."
"Remember when I used to be broke?" (Revision)
"Money keeps finding me."
"I never have to do anything to make money."
"Making money is effortless (for me)."
"I'm a m/billionaire."
"I make money like (insert rich person here)."
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venuslilgirl · 9 months
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Money loves to come to me.
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hanraemi · 8 months
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