#learn astrology arizona
magicalmoongarden1 · 28 days
Astrology Readings Arizona - Personalized Insights for Your Life
Learn the esoteric lessons found in Astrology Readings Arizona. These personalised readings offer you insightful astrological direction that is intended to clear your path and improve your day-to-day experiences. Our knowledgeable astrologers can provide guidance and clarity depending on your particular zodiac sign, regardless of your level of experience with astrology or level of familiarity with the cosmos.
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hooked-on-elvis · 6 months
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Lynn Kellogg (Marcie, the can-can girl on "Charro!") about Elvis
Interview published on Tiger Beat magazine, July 1969 issue
ELVIS PRESLEY's Hippie Co-Star Thought He Was A Square by Ann Moses
The studio door flew open and out came tall and lovely Lynn Kellogg. Her beautiful golden blonde hair hung down on her shoulders which were covered by an Edwardian style leather coat. Wide wool trousers, a fugal change and huge round sunglasses completed the output.
She looked just as you would imagine the feminine lead in "Hair," the tribal love rock musical, but NOT as you picture the can-can girl and Elvis dramatic movie "Charro!" Just the same, Lynn chose to leave her role in "Hair" on Broadway to star with Elvis in his latest film "Charro!" To be sure, it wasn't Lynn's admiration for Elvis that made her take the part!
"Not at all!" She will blatantly admit.
"I always felt Elvis was a good singer, but I hated his songs and that hairdo." I was working with Elvis for three weeks in Arizona and one week in Hollywood that changed her mind quick.
Although four weeks isn't much time to get to know someone very well, Lynn says Elvis is such an open and warm person that he's very easy to get to know. And like!
"Once I got to know him, I found he was a very nice gentleman; and a very good actor. I've heard many directors say they would like to use him in a movie as an actor instead of as Elvis Pressley. Working with him and watching him back, I can see what they mean."
In "Charro!" Lynn guarantees the audience will be seeing Elvis the Actor, and Elvis at his finest.
"I think Charro!" is a very good film. I don't like that type of film myself because it's violent and I like to see films that set a good example. For the type of movie it is, it's very good. My new saying is, "Forget about telling it like it is, tell it like it's supposed to be!"
Lynn observed that Elvis was happiest when he was working the hardest.
"He thrives on work. Between shots we fiddled around together and we got into all kinds of harmonizing. His guitarist, Charlie [Hodge], was with him and we all sat around and sang. It was a groove. We all went swimming once at the hotel and that was fun."
During some of the breaks and filming on the set, Lynn had a chance to learn more about Elvis The Man.
"It may surprise some to know, but Elvis studies Yoga. And he knows all about astrology. I don't know how deeply he goes into it, but he sure knows enough to carry on a lively discussion about it. I think the most important thing about Elvis is not that he knows so much about astrology or whatever, the important thing is he knows where he's at!" "One day I had a short talk with Col. Parker. I said, 'Col. what's the secret to your success?' And he said, 'First, you've got to have a talent.'"
When Lynn finished on the film and said goodbye to Elvis he invited her to visit his mansion in Memphis. She was working in Memphis last Christmas, so she dropped by to say hello.
She became excited just recalling the experience. “What was the place like?” I asked.
"Oh! Wow! It's fantastic! He used to show it off to people, really open the door and let them in, but he had to put in new carpets every month, so he quit." "When you first pull up to the gates, the gates had big musical notes on them. Even though it's out in the country, there's traffic going by all the time in a steady stream. The house looks like Tara from 'Gone with the Wind.' Because it was Christmas time, he had blue lights outlining the house and all the way along the driveway."
"When you first go in, off the entryway, there's this one whole entire huge room and the walls are filled with gold records and mementos. Then he has two long rows of drawers, like in a record store, and each one is filled with scrapbooks. Just thousands and thousands of things!"
"I was with some friends and we only stayed about an hour. His wife, Priscilla, was there and some of his friends. We went into the living room and there's a huge double piano--I don't mean two pianos--but two keyboards on one side and it's all in gold leaf!" "His bedroom is really something else! There's a huge bed and on the ceiling he has two television sets. Then there's a button that you push and armrests come down. There's also two radios in the control panel." "He said he wanted to show us his 'closet,' and he just laughed and laughed and he led us into this huge room. That was his 'closet'. It was so wonderful, because he was enjoying all this is much as we were!"
Lynn has kept very busy since filming "Charro!" She has just finished guesting on "The Jonathan Winters Show" and "The Glen Campbell Goodtime Hour."
Article published by Ann Moses on her Facebook page on August 25, 2021
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a-sterling-rose · 1 year
Day 24: NASA- Casper High Astronomy Club
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Thought it would be fun to expand on the club members from one of my Danny Phantom Writing Prompts. I’m on the fence if I should write a fanfic or draw a comic to properly expand on this prompt. Which one would you be more interested to see?
Position- Vice President
Ethnicity- Native American
Relationship Status- Single
Grade 11th- Junior
Aesthetic- Celestial Spacecore
Aspiring Profession- Space Historian
Fun facts:
- Believes all the ghost activity in Amity Park is actually alien as he doesn’t believe in ghosts.
- He is Navajo
- Is a totally ready to talk about aliens with anyone.
           - Totally experiences pretty privilege because of the amount of girls who are willing to listen to his ramblings.
- Prefers Star Trek over Star Wars.
- His uncle has land in Arizona that he always goes to visit during the summer to experience UFO sightings. Is totally down to bring everyone along so they can all make their findings more believable.
            - Danny doesn’t have the heart to tell him these ‘alien sightings’ in Arizona are Cowboy Ghosts.
- Doesn’t want to date anyone in Amity Park, so is waiting until college to properly look for a boyfriend.
Position- President
Ethnicity- Biracial: Filipino/White
Relationship Status- Taken
Grade 11th- Junior
Aesthetic- Whimsigoth
Aspiring Profession- Uranographer
Fun facts:
- So many people assume she’s into astrology that she learned about it just to annoy people enough to leave her alone, but ended up really liking it and does birth charts for a decent income.
              - Has an older sister, Erika, who did something similar: She learned about Christianity to ward off perverts but ended up really resonating with the religion. Erika is currently in college to become a nun.
- Doesn’t care about Star Wars or Star Trek.
- Has the voice of a trumpet.
- Is dating the former Quarterback of Casper High, Ryan White, who is away at college.
- Yes, she does carry around biodegradability golden glitter in her pockets just to toss around for pizzazz/surprise diversion. 
- Blob ghosts always try to attach to her whenever they get the chance for some reason.
             - The reason is because she’s a type of liminal: a psychic to be exact. Blob ghosts are naturally drawn to her because they can sense her energy- they want to become a part of her. No, she doesn’t have special abilities beyond naturally seeing ghosts without Danny’s influence and naturally being protected from mind-control.
             - This is how Danny finds out he unintentionally made the entire City of Amity Park psychics, thus making ghost activity even more prevalent. Vlad moving to Amity Park just makes Amity Park more noticeable to stronger entity's. This is why ghosts are still not believed despite the amount of ‘proof’ Amity Park citizens post online/new reports about it.
Position- Secretary/Treasurer
Ethnicity- Irish
Relationship Status- Taken?(context below)
Grade 10th- Sophomore
Aesthetic- Casual Spacecore
Aspiring Profession- Chemical Engineering
Fun Facts:
- Always working on a model rocket he consume builds himself.
- Cherishes the shirt Becca helped him design.
- Prefers Star Wars over Star Trek
- Gets into a lot of conflict with his teachers because he doesn’t solve his assignments the way they teach it, but still gets it right.
           - Is the main reason Danny was able to raise his grades easily as Robbie is able to explain it in simply(Sam, Tucker, and Jazz can only explain things academically).
- He’s happy Danny joined the club as he isn’t the only white boy anymore.
- He’s frequently takes girls from Casper High’s rival school out on dates, but he’s very clear he doesn’t want anything serious.
- Bonfires/star gazing is usually done at his house as far enough to where he doesn’t worry about light pollution.
- He does everything in his power to keep the club busy as to not be harassed to join basketball/any other sport. 
Position- Member
Ethnicity- Nigerian
Relationship Status- Single
Grade 9th- Freshman
Aesthetic- Casual Goblincore
Aspiring Profession- Astrobotany
Fun Facts:
- Her Dad, Mr. Ringler, is the club’s sponsor.
- Knows how to do embroidery and usually puts mushrooms/celestial designs on her plain clothing.
- Regrets helping Robbie design his favorite shirt(but is happy he likes it so much).
- She is always in the club room as it’s her safe space/she likes spending time with her Dad.
- She points out to Danny how their grade is ‘the cringe of the school’. Becca is always hangs out with upperclassmen, thus why Danny never noticed her before.
                - Danny can’t unseen it.
- She grows mushrooms in the club room, amethyst mushrooms to be exact. 
- She plants little mushroom figurines(which she makes) wherever she goes just because she can.  
- Becca is the last to warm up to Danny joining the club, but customizes him a jacket once she’s finally comfortable with having him around. 
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wixhavenwizes · 2 months
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JAN LUIS CASTELLANOS, HOMOSEXUAL, CISMALE + HE/HIM →» RAFAEL CRUZ? they’ve been spotted around the CROSS common room. i hear they’re 24, and a THIRD YEAR at wixhaven, with an interest in SPELLCRAFTING AND MAGI TECHNOLOGY. they’re originally from PHOENIX, ARIZONA. rafael is gifted in ANIMAGUS, LEGILIMENCY, OCCLUMENCY, WANDLESS, NONVERBAL MAGIC, APPARATION/DISAPPARATION. they seem to be creative & intelligent & idealistic, but also impulsive & proud & vindictive.
name: Rafael Cruz nicknames: Rafe or Rafa date of birth: December 3rd height: 5'11 dominant hand: Right
parents: Sophia Cruz (mother), Gabriel Valencia (father) siblings: ---- cruz pets: Mirabel (Mimi) Owl
astrological sign: sagitarius (sun), libra (moon), gemini (ascending) positive traits: adventurous, nurturing, loyal, courageous negative traits: chaotic, brash, self-centered, spiteful habits: Cracks his knuckles when he's deep in thought or anxious, eats incredibly fast, will try to pet every dog or cat he comes across, bounces on the balls of his feet when he's feeling impatient or anxious. quirks: Has a very short attention span if he's not directly engaged, makes inappropriate jokes to ease tension, takes on more jobs and responsibilities than he can handle, hates saying no to people when they ask for help. The way to his heart is absolutely his belly, you cook for or feed him and he will be your #1 fan. Because of a broom accident when he was 14, he's terrified of heights, and can't fly on a broom for shit. pet peeves: People saying or insinuating he isn't capable of doing something. Having to be vulnerable or "weak" in front of people. Being pitied or coddled. hobbies: Reading, Hiking, watching Quidditch, Partying, scamming poor sweet 1st years, slaying. animagus: black cat sexuality: homosexual position: bottom verse
clothing style: He tends to lean more toward the sporty side, gym shorts, sweatpants, hoodies, tank tops. If he's dressing up, he tends to lean toward fitted button ups with a few buttons undone up top, skinny slacks (if they aren't too tight around the ass, then what's the point?). If he's really feeling himself, he will bust out the tailored three pieced suit. prominent features: His very prominent jawline, his nose, and his big brown eyes. Bio:
In any other world, Rafe should not be at Wixhaven. Born in a lower class non-magical family, or at least what he assumed was non-magical, he had always figured he was destined for mediocrity at best. His father was out of the picture before he was even born, and his mother, with two kids, was... not meant to be a mother. Her chronic drug abuse made caring for herself, let alone her family next to impossible. Needless to say, him and his brother entered the foster care system at a very young age, and if it wasn't for the letter inviting him to magic school, he probably would have been stuck.
Being introduced to magic as a kid was what fundamentally changed Rafe's life. He'd always been surprisingly bright given his roots. School came so easy to him it actually bored him, so when he was asked to leave a mundane school to become a wizard, it was as if he'd won the lottery.
As easy and normal school had been for Rafe, magic school seemed to come just as naturally. The difference was, he found himself actually passionate about it. Learning about charms, potions, spells to transform objects and even himself into other things, was fascinating to him. Granted, he did garner a reputation at his school for abusing his affinity for spells. Sneaking off campus, sneaking into other boys' dormitories passed curfew, breaking into other houses common rooms to prank them, figuring out how to concoct potions to inebriate you without needing to use or obtain alcohol. Yeah he was incredibly smart, but had knack for being problematically chaotic. It had gotten to the point where he'd almost gotten himself and his friends expelled from school for trying to steal an artifact from his headmaster's office. Luckily he was given grace by the professor who caught him, and was only punished through chores and school labor.
As great as magic school was, it was only nine months out of the year. Every summer, after school, Rafe was forced to go back to the mundane world, and since he had no blood family to take him, he was always forced into another foster home, another family to "care" for him while he waited to return to his real life. As either a blessing or a curse, he very rarely returned to the same home twice, and as time went by it only solidified his attachment to the people he knew in the wizarding world. Even still, he tried to hide the fact that he was essentially homeless from his friends at school. He didn't want them to pity him, or to think that magic was his only means of survival. Still, despite his insecurities, his friends from school were his family, his brother was his everything, and as time went on he only felt connected to those people even more.
Graduating from school was not so much of an accomplishment as it was a right of passage. He was a wizard as far as society saw it, but he wanted more. He needed more. He couldn't go back to the mundane world knowing what he knew. When he was given the opportunity to go further with his education, when Wixhaven invited him to study, of course he accepted on the spot. The first few years have been a blur for him. He's still found a love for spell work, for arcane deconstruction and then reconstruction. That being said, he's still as chaotic as he was as a teenager at times, and just wants to have fun.
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sorceressofthenight · 2 years
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Here I am with another health related asteroid, still trying to slowly recover from some health issues (sorry for the delay in getting this complete). Just like last time, mandatory warning that this post is not intended to be medical advice and you should consult a doctor if you have any medical concerns.
Panacea is a goddess in Greek (and later Roman) mythology, with her worship closely tied to the Cult of Asclepius. She is most commonly described as one of the five(?) daughters of Asclepius and his wife Epione, all of whom represent a part of the healing process. Panacea’s role was the administration of healing medicine. She presided over all forms of curatives, carrying potion with which she cured all diseases and was included in the Hippocratic oath. While some artwork and hymns have survived, like her sister there aren’t any surviving myths. What does survive is a river named after her (Zlatna Panega, Bulgaria) and the medical concept of a Panacea, a medicine which could cure all diseases – obviously this does not exists, but some less than ethical doctors might still claim to have discovered it (for a hefty price tag). I do however recommend looking into the Cult of Asclepius if you want to learn more about Panacea.
The asteroid Pacacea was discovered by Edward L. G. Bowell on the 7th of September, 1980 in Arizona, USA. Due to its recent discovery, the asteroid doesn't have its own symbol nor much astrologically-based information, however it is note worthy as an asteroid named after mythology as that is something becoming less and less common. The asteroid takes around 1,941 days to travel around the zodiac, spending roughly 162 days in each sign.
Within my own research into the asteroid, Panacea can be used to represent the native’s medication, relationship with pharmaceuticals and alternative medicines, and usage of alleged cure-alls. Remember to check the sign, house, degree, and any aspects Panacea makes when interpreting this placement. You can also have a look at Panacea’s persona chart if you feel confident enough.
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bucklikethedollar · 2 years
i love a tag game i love talking about myself i love @knightrelic for tagging me in this
1. nickname: bucky actually is my nickname! my last name is buck, so bucky was kind of a natural next step lol. even my dad used to be called bucky when he was younger
2. sign: pisces sun, libra moon, gemini rising. i do not believe in astrology and the only one of those i knew off the top of my head was my sun sign lol
3. height: 5’11, but that bumps up to 6’ if i wear my docs
4. last thing you googled: “did chadwick boseman do his own singing in get on up”. my dad and i watched it last night and i was curious lol. for those interested: it was mostly recordings of james brown, but but boseman did do some singing in select parts (he was great btw) and all of his own dancing!
5. song stuck in your head: father and son by cat stevens. i have a playlist called “most beautiful songs ever written” and that’s on it
6. amount of sleep: i went to sleep at around 3, and technically woke up at like 10:15, even though i stayed in bed and chilled for like 45 minutes before getting up, so that’s ~7 hours
7. dream job: tattoo artist! saving up for my third tattoo rn, and i wanna see if there are any shops looking to take on apprentices or receptionists or something as soon as i have the time
8. wearing: cassette tape socks, green pants with a chain for a belt, plain black sweatshirt, red & blue flannel, and earrings that look like i have screws stuck through my ears
9. books/movies that define you: not 100% sure if i understand this one, but i’ll just ramble a little i guess lol. movies: my own private idaho, bill and ted’s excellent adventure, monty python’s meaning of life, the muppet movie, walk hard, the silence of the lambs, the wall. books: house of leaves (mark danielewski), johnny got his gun (dalton trumbo), the raw shark texts (steven hall), the martian (andy weir), the time machine (hg wells), eunoia (christian bök) , frankenstein (mary shelley), the great gatsby (f scott fitzgerald). that is… more than i intended to list for either category lol
10. favorite song: in general it’s the re-recorded version of bloodstains by agent orange, but i’ve been listening to a lot of showtunes recently so hosanna fro jesus christ superstar and try me from she loves me are up there too
11. instrument: i’m mainly a singer & guitarist, but i also play ukulele and harmonica (i’m a bit better on ukulele but it’s been a looong time since i’ve practiced lol). i’m working on learning poems, prayers, & promises by john denver on guitar rn and man is it a doozy. guy fucking loved his altered travis patterns huh
12. aesthetic: i have,, no idea. sometimes (usually when it’s warmer) i lean a little towards grungy, but nowadays i look a little more like a cool librarian just cause it’s cold, but then i tend to look kinda preppy when i have to dress up for something, and i also have “sexiest person at this grocery store” disease so it’s… kind of all over the place. i like fun socks? i wear a lot of jewel tones??
13. favorite author: there are very few authors of whose works i have read more than one, but my all-time favorite book (house of leaves) was written by mark danielewski, so i’ll go with him. that being said, madeline miller writes gorgeous prose, james joyce has fantastic control of the english language (even if ulysses murdered me), and andy weir is fucking hilarious
14. fun fact: ooo lemme think. my belly button is off-center. i can wiggle my ears. my mom owns a car that used to belong to billy joe armstrong and i got to drive it to my senior prom. i can tap dance. i have a small but growing collection of funny mugs i find at thrift stores. i don’t know how to dive. i once drank worcestershire sauce on a dare from my sister. i’ve lived in arizona my whole life but i’ve never seen the grand canyon.
i guess im supposed to tag 14 people for 14 questions but like bracken said i don’t know 14 peoples so i’ll just tag @commander-vas-normandy @mattmurdockspainkink and @localmvthman along with anyone else who wants to do it! :•)
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carxzrito · 5 months
About me !
adrian/a. she/him. pansexual. bigender. poly.
cabin 13. ravenclaw/hufflepuf. intp. libra.
likes - marvel, anime, manga, folk music, kpop, twich, cine, cultural food, astronomy and astrology, history, feminism, literature, physics, science, idioms, berries, make-up, actors and pop culture, brooklyn 99, the lord of the rings, karate kid, STRAY KIDS, models, barbie, lalaland, multiverse theory, tua, the good place, the black phone, atla, atlok, community, inside job, lucifer, stranger things, good omens
nobody is free until we all are!!
100% mexican, speak spanish as first language, living in MI, learning french, gummy and arizona lover, dancer, ib, skincare fanatic, lego n music to relax, drunk to avoid reality!
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adeadlyspy · 1 year
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PSA.  this one might be a little boring, i apologize in advance. however, lately i’ve been looking to the stars in trying to understand myself in a way that makes some sort of sense. and to be quite honest, astrology has been in my life since i was basically born. i just never fully paid attention to it up until about a year or so ago. i believe this is important because it does explain how a person can operate. it partially explains why person responds or acts on certain feelings, it’s also for the past, present and future of a person’s life. it tells how a person can navigate through life, even without believing in astrology. it sounds crazy, i know. but it’s eerie of how this subject becomes accurate. this post is going to dive in on sam’s big three placements, evolved. maybe i’ll do more placements if my brain lets me.
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to understand better:  the SUN sign is a person’s ego/the sign they’re born under. the MOON sign is a person’s emotions/emotional process. the RISING sign is a person’s personality on the surface.
sam was born on february 6th, 1986 at 5:35pm in phoenix, arizona. she has an aquarius sun, capricorn moon and leo rising.
aquarius sun  ---  an air sign. this placement does not follow the typical standard of fulfilling its ego. they have the tendency to be the rebels / the weirdos of the zodiac. they do not bend to the rules of society. they are in love with humanity but can be very detached from it. aquarians are deep thinkers and lovers of knowledge, they’re usually heavily invested in several subjects or hobbies. the defining trait of this zodiac is being a freedom lover. they do not appreciate restriction in any form. they do not have tolerance for those who wish to restrict an aquarius. they require a lot of space to grow and learn. with a deadly combination of unpredictability, aquarians often get themselves into some of the wildest situations.
capricorn moon  ---  an earth sign. this placement is detriment to the moon’s natural placement (cancer). this means her moon sign is uncomfortable in this placement, finding difficulty to express emotion on a vulnerable level. capricorn moons are practical, hard-working and ambitious. at times, they can become serious, withdrawn and heavily invested in their line of work. pragmatic, loyal and responsible, it is known for this sign to have a tendency of growing up too fast in childhood or missing parental guidance. contrary to belief, capricorn moons are extremely capable of emotion. they are one of the most vulnerable and soft hearted of the zodiac, they simply choose to analyze before they react.
leo rising  ---  a fire sign. this placement represents the personality that shines through the most and also represents the chart ruler. sam’s chart ruler is the sun. strong minded with clear intentions, leo risings are the very essence of confidence and vibrancy. artistic souls with a flair for drama, this placement is highly creative in their hobbies and in their line of work. naturally flirtatious, leo risings certainly know how to brighten up a dim room. they are known for attracting attention anywhere they go, whether it is intentionally or unintentionally. it is said that there is an aura about leo risings that draws people in curiously, most would say it’s their charming personality and kittenish behavior.
NOTE:  mixing all of these signs together makes one complex character. both aquarius and leo have the tendancy to feel free while capricorn is the main sign of restriction and seriousness. samantha naturally has the tendency to flip between both being silly and being aloof, even towards the ones she loves the most. on top of mental illness and experience, it can be extremely difficult to have the placements if there is no shadow work to be done. (shadow work is an internal mental health process that one most follow in order to progress and think critically.)
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kaisa4kn · 2 years
Dear future pilot,
Congratulations! We are delighted to inform you that the Galaxy Garrison, Space Exploration and Research Centre, has accepted your training application. You will soon be attending your first classes, where you will be learning what there is to know in order to become a professional pilot and/or researchist in the technological fields of astro sciences.
About the Garrison
Galaxy Garrison, Space Exploration and Research Centre, is a military base and academy located in the deserts of Arizona focusing on training and recruiting young, aspiring pilots and scientists.
“Galaxy Garrison exists to turn young cadets like you into the next generation of elite astro explorers.”
– Commander Iverson, expanding on the school’s purpose.
There is a list of rules the students have to follow that maintain order in the community, so it is extremely important that they are followed strictly and precisely as written. There are also multiple programs and option courses, as well as after hour programs that the trainees can attend, they will be listed underneath the rules.
- Cadets are permitted to roam freely in the centre, as long as they are within their restrictions. It is still a military academy, and limits shall be respected.
- They are given a 9 pm curfew, so every student must be in their dormitories by that said time.
- There are multiple passwords hidden in the rules, ones like: astro
- Students shall wear their cadet uniforms at all times during school hours and when they are required, except on weekends when casual wear is permitted.
- Must be at the very least semi-literate.
- Students shall be respectful of the equipment of the school and others.
- Another word that shall be said upon entering the chat, as it is a second password, and it is ‘jupiter’.
- Cadets shall not bully, ooc that is.
- Of course it also isn’t in the school’s rules to bully, but we all love some good angst so story-wise it is permitted.
- please use brackets or some other form of indication that you are speaking ooc when you are.
- Nothing 18+ please. If anything like that were to happen it has to stay in the dms.
- No forcing ships, it could ruin the experience of another roleplayer.
- Students are not permitted to dance to the music playing from the speakers on monday mornings, we are trying to fix the rickroll incident and would appreciate if students didn’t encourage such bad behaviours (yes I’m looking at you Matt).
- One more thing—password: apollo
➪ Compulsory:
• English—Mr. Harris.
• Mathematics—Professor Montgomery
• Astrological and Geological Sciences—Adam W.
• History of Space Discoveries—Adam W.
• Health, Fitness and Survival Training—Takashi Shirogane, K. Ryu
• Fundamentals of Robotics and Equipment Operations—Samuel Holt
• Fundamentals of Space Flight—Hedrick T.
➪ Option Courses:
• Advanced Robotics—Samuel Holt
• Engineering and Technology—Professor Montgomery
• Flight Training—T. Hedrick
• Medical Training—J. Dos Santos
• Defence Against Alien Attack—K. Ryu
• Skill and Strength Development—Takashi Shirogane
After Hour Programs:
• Paintball—Takashi Shirogane, K. Ryu
• After Hours Arts Program—Mr. Harris
• After Hours Choir—Adam W.
• Will add more if requested.
➪ 𝔽𝕒𝕔𝕚𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕖𝕕 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔼𝕩𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕤:
• Satellite Communications
• Simulator Rooms
• Classrooms
• Dormitories
• Instructor’s Lounge
• Indoor Pool
• Rooftop Tennis
• Will add more if requested.
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magicalmoongarden1 · 1 month
Mercury Retrograde Alert: What Arizonans Need to Know
Mercury Retrograde was out with the new astronomy-inspired product – Arizona – the perfect companion for a smooth wedding of cosmic energies and your personality. Finely crafted and ready to be your on-the-go-shield against the many chaotic effects caused by Mercury retrograde In Arizona, this unique bracelet is inspired by the celestial bodies.
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sanguinecharm · 3 years
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“from this new and intimate perspective, she learned a simple, obvious thing she had always known, and everyone knew; that a person is, among all else, a material thing, easily torn, not easily mended.”
                                                                                                — Ian McEwan, Atonement
ooc introduction ;
hello hi there ! my name is shannon , i use she / they pronouns && i’m from the not-so-good old united kingdom : and this is my second muse , riley leigh ! she definitely comes from the lilo-and-stitch philosophy of ‘ broken , but still good ’ and she’s just trying her best at all times so i hope you enjoy coming on her journey with me.
aesthetics ;
a stack of vinyls carefully arranged in a colour gradient ; sunset-esque , sunrise-esque . nobody knows , but this little change in the record store is how she portrays whether she’s having a bad or good day. disorganisation. hidden evidence of substance (ab)use swept under the metaphorical carpet. another night’s tear-stained visage and the question of whether they’ll scar this time. 
a heart made for more than one other. don’t let her break this, let her hold it lightly. baseball caps && stolen clothes from her partners , too-big and comforting. sobriety chips that feel like lies. the burden of too many secrets. the door her father left through is still wide open. being the family disappointment. tired eyes && messy buns : nirvana playing as the sun rises. that band t-shirt from her first concert : she’s never felt so alive since.
ship to wreck by florence and the machine. you don’t get me high anymore by phantogram. listen before i go by billie eilish. nola 1 by pvris. the lobster (2015) dir. yorgos lanthimos. achilles come down by gang of youths. youth by daughter. 
basics ;
NAME : Riley Persephone Leigh
NAME MEANING : “valiant” / “bringer of destruction”
AGE : Forty-two ( born 11 October, 1978 — Phoenix, Arizona )
GENDER : Female ( cisgender )
ORIENTATIONS : Pansexual & panromantic
RELATIONSHIP STATUS : In a relationship with Dominique Rivera and Kayla Yu.
CURRENT RESIDENCE : Elmerton , Florida
LANGUAGES SPOKEN : English && French && moderate Spanish
OCCUPATION : Blue Moon Records employee
TIME IN ELMERTON : Thirty-seven years
personality ;
riley tries her best : she really does , even if not-so-many people put belief in that. doesn’t it always seem to be the earnest who life takes out its grievances upon ? perhaps some of where she is now comes from a life’s not fair mentality she developed as a teenager and has been internalising ever since. but she means well & in her heart of hearts desires the unconditional love she’s bored of hiding.
MBTI : ENFP-T ( The Campaigner — 53% Extroverted && 59% Intuitive && 85% Feeling && 92% Prospecting && 100% Turbulent )
ENNEAGRAM : Six, with a Five wing
ASTROLOGICAL PLACEMENTS : Libra sun && Aquarius moon && Gemini rising
THEME SONG : Burning Pile by Mother Mother
LANGUAGE OF LOVE : Receiving Gifts
appearance ;
riley never wants to have made herself physically uncomfortable with what she’s wearing ; much of the time she’s definitely inclined to casual comfort over style , which is definitely why she’s kept her job at the record store this long. she just . . . fits , and that’s a sense of belonging she’s always struggled to find anywhere else. but she’s one of those people who pull off the minimal-effort aesthetic in just that way : quite effortlessly. but you might have to remind her to take her hair out of its bun or ponytail before she goes to bed , and she will wear that tears for fears t-shirt until the day she dies.
FACECLAIM : Natalie Portman
HEIGHT : 5 ft 1 in
FASHION : Comfortable jumpers ; old , worn band t-shirts ( Queen , Tears For Fears , Nirvana etc. ) ; trainers ; messy buns && baseball caps ; trench coats ; highly casual , most of the time.
familial ;
MOTHER : Rosamund Leigh née Forster
FATHER : Jonathan Leigh ( deceased )
SIBLINGS : Sybil Leigh ( older sister ; 50 )
PAST PARTNERS : N / A  ( please feel free to contact me if you want connections ! )
OTHER : TBD ( please feel free to contact me if you want connections ! )
reference ;
SUBPLOT #1 ( muse AX ) : Accept The Things I Cannot Change — Riley is six months sober ; well , she doesn’t drink and that counts , doesn’t it ? She said ‘ sober ’ and not clean , which would apply to the substances she is hiding from everyone , even her partners. Addictive tendencies run in the family but no one has quite caught on. 
SUBPLOT #2 ( muse I ) : Polyamorous Secrets — I’ll love you forever, Sid. Yes. That’s the problem. Riley has been in a relationship with Dominique Rivera for seven years , and then they both fell for Kayla Yu. But Riley’s sick of hiding , Dom’s been involved in this a long time and is slightly more inclined to tell , but Kayla . . . doesn’t want to & is outright hostile to the idea.
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mightshad0w · 4 years
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Alternative Univers:
He comes from a noble wizard family, from the North of Italy.
He leaves for Beauxbatons magic academy, when he was eleven.
His wand is made from Cypress and his heart is scales from the White River Monster. It measures 35 cm (13.77 inches) and is slightly flexible.
Its handle is gilded with gold leaf and along the wand adorned with golden arabesque.
He has a Kneazle, of ash colors, which he affectionately names "Atchoum"
His patronus is a Lynx.
He is very good at the art of dueling magic and designing potions.
He fought Levi Ackerman many times, ending in a draw.
At the end of these studies, he left to travel around the world and ended up living in Romania, in the company of dragons.
He was born into a very modest family, his father is unknown and his mother is a witch.
He was caught in the Beauxbatons magic academy, but only narrowly.
He inherits his mother's wand and his owl, called Libitina.
His wand is made from elderberries and his heart is made from Thestral horsehair. It measures 29cm (11.41 inches) and is rigid.
He is an undeclared Animagi, he takes the shape of a crow.
Its patronus is also a crow.
He is gifted in biology and in the care of magical creatures.
He often ends up in the infirmary, because of the magic duels he does with Levi Ackerman.
He now lives with Erwin Smith, whom he met while traveling in the United States
He comes from an American aristocrat family, he is an only child.
All his family are pure blood wizards, he is very proud of it and is a bit arrogant on this subject.
He owns a red Maine Coon (which is actually a hybrid with a Kneazle), named "Mister Eyebrow".
He is enrolled in the Ilvermorny magic academy and is in the Horned Serpent house.
His wand is made from Rowan wood and his heart is a Phoenix feather. It measures 38cm (14.96 inch) and is rigid.
The handle of his wand is decorated with a carved dragon bone.
His patronus on a Bald Eagle.
He is a leader at heart and loves group work, if possible well done.
He now lives in Arizona in search of the thunderbird. Levi Ackerman's meeting allowed him to help him in this research.
Hansi is a Franco-Belgian witch, his mother is a biology teacher for Beauxbatons and his father is a wand designer.
She learned with her father how to design these objects, she even tried to design one when she was younger.
She was received at Beauxbâtons but would have preferred to go to Hogwarts.
She owns a Eurasian eagle-owl, named "Lunette"
His wand is made of Mahogany wood and his heart is made Basilisk horn. It measures 40cm (15.74 inches) and is very flexible.
Her patronus is an otter.
She loves alchemy and astrology.
Like her father, she manages to make chopsticks and has the ability to repair them.
At the end of these studies, she took over her father's shop and became a wand designer.
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whathebash · 4 years
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⌠ BOOBOO STEWART, TWENTY-THREE, CIS MALE, HE/HIM ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, SEBASTIAN “BASH” STEWART! according to their records, they’re a SECOND year, specializing in KNIFE FIGHTING SKILLS, SWORD TRAINING, PRECISION SHOOTING, FIREARMS & SWAT TRAINING + MEDICAL TRAINING; and they DID NOT go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (messy manbun, lips pressed together tightly, head stuck in a thick book). when it’s the (cancer)’s birthday on 6/30/1997, they always request their VEGAN CHEESESTEAK from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation.
NAME: James Belikov Sebastian Stewart
BIRTHDATE:  June 30, 1997
ASTROLOGY:  Cancer sun / Taurus moon / Aquarius rising
HOMETOWN: Fredonia, AZ
RESIDENCE: Roseville, VA  ( Gallagher Academy )
GENDER:  Cis male  ( he/him )
HEIGHT:  5'8"
HAIR COLOR:  Dark brown
EYE COLOR:  Dark brown
TATTOOS:  coordinates of Munich  ( where his parents had been killed ) on the inside of his right arm,  a paw print on the bottom of his arm/shoulder, a Japanese quote on his side, an eagle on his back between his shoulder blades, a band around his left arm
KNOWN LANGUAGES:  English, Russian, Japanese, Spanish, & some German, French, Italian
Vladislav Belikov:  Father, Blackthorne alum and former Brotherhood member turned spy for hire, deceased
Rosemarie Belikov:  Mother, spy for hire, deceased  
Aurora Belikov Spencer Stewart:  Younger sister, second year at Gallagher Academy  
Clarissa Belikov Summer Stewart:  Younger cousin sister, second year at Gallagher Academy
Sebastian Stewart was born James Belikov, the eldest son of two spies whose world-renowned families had been in the business for generations. Him and his sister Aurora lived fairly sheltered on their Arizona ranch for the first few years of their life, cut off from civilization, with only their parent's visiting friends as rare guests. From a young age they both were groomed by their parents to be the absolute best, and nothing less. Jay Belikov grew up with a gun in his hand before he learned how to ride a bike, and instead of receiving a car for his sixteenth birthday, his parents let him and his sister join them on professional missions.
Even before they were old enough to assist on missions, the Belikovs often let their son and daughter travel along with them to wherever the mission was, only staying back in Arizona when the stakes were too high. They had never known spy prep schools or universities like Gallagher or Blackthorne existed until their family friends began enrolling, and the news trickled down to them.  Their parents had always been very adamant that the schools were useless, and the best training they could receive was by their sides, where they were treated like professionals. It was a position most budding spies would kill for.  
From a young age, he had always hated the spy life. Part of it stemmed from the fact that he was never given a choice in what he wanted to do with life;  his parents were world-renowned spies, like their parents, and their children would be the same.  Him and his sister had grown up where failure was not an option, nor was arguing.  His parents, though both kind and caring in their own way, made it clear that if they wanted out of the spy life, that meant losing them for good. And while he didn't always agree with them, family was EVERYTHING to him. So he learned to push down his own feelings and keep on trekking, for the sake of his family.  
In May, his parents had been on a mission when he and his sister were given word that they had been killed on the job, and were immediately sent into witness protection.  It wasn't until being contained that they learned a little more :   their deaths hadn't had anything to do with their most recent job, but likely due to a previous one that James, Clarissa and Rory potentially participated in.  Being placed in witness protection was for their safety,  and with it came new identities. Sebastian -- who insisted on going by Bash -- was devastated and in shock, but he had hoped that maybe this would mean a reason to be pushed into the normal world, one where he could leave the spy world for good. Instead, him, Aurora  ( now Spencer )  and Clarissa  ( now Summer )  were detained at a facility for six months, where they were unable to see any friends or family, have contact with the outside world, or do anything that could be considered a security breach before being sent to Gallagher Academy. 
Bash and his sisters joined Gallagher Academy halfway through the fall semester, thrown into majors they didn't pick and classes that had already finished midterms. For a boy who had never been to an organized school before, to say it had been culture shock would be an understatement.  However, it turned out that school was actually… something he liked ?   Not the classrooms and curriculum themselves, but being in a place with other people his age, all with similar backgrounds as him, and -- even better -- ones with different backgrounds.  Though he's met quite a few spy families through his parents, seeing them had always been few and far between, making it a very alienating lifestyle.  It was nice to be around people his own age, and though shy, Bash had been able to make friends and start a life for himself.
At the beginning of the new year, Bash had been able to change one of his majors from combat to medical training, an area that's always interested him from a young age   ( unfortunately, he was probably the only boy in America who had parents who didn't want him to be a doctor ) .  He also entered a relationship -- his first ever -- with a girl he had been penpals with when he was younger.  Of course, he couldn't tell her that he was her old friend Jay, though the truth always finds a way of coming out.  She learned the truth on the night of the Valentine's Day party, causing a rift between them right in time for the three day school-wide lockdown and murder of his very own roommate. Eventually they reconciled and he told her the whole truth, and she became one of two people outside him and Spencer who knew the truth about his identity.   
That wasn't the only twist in the semester, unfortunately.  A few months later, an email blast was sent around with names of previous members of the Brotherhood, a terrorist organization that had targeted Gallagher once before, and had now returned.  Bash's father had been on that list.  This was all news to him, who had never thought his father had anything to do with spy schools, based on how he had been raised.  With his Uncle Jack  ( not related, just a close family friend )   at Gallagher as one of the alumni mentors, he had been able to learn the truth :   his father had actually attended Blackthorne Institute. Once that bubble had been popped, Bash slowly began to see his parents in a new light.
After a particularly challenging semester, Bash had been happy to get invited to Berlin for a summer internship -- not because of the experience, but because he and Spencer still had no home to return to while school was out.  They've officially been in witness protection for a year, and as far as they were aware, no strides had been made in their parent's case, so they decided to take matters into their own hands.  Bash asks his encryption major girlfriend to look into the deaths of his parents, and from hacking into the German Intelligence's system, she was able to find that they had been killed in Munich, at the hands of an assassin -- and Bash's roommate's father. 
So the hunt to learn more about their deaths and the potential danger he and Spencer are in continues, all while Bash is beginning to get blackmailed by an anonymous source that knows about him and his sister's past... and threaten to expose it.  He hasn't told anybody about it, not wanting to worry them, but with so many moving parts going on in his life -- as well as an unknown future -- Bash is beginning to lose control.
Bash is a quiet kid, not one to say much. After being homeschooled his entire life and being surrounded by nobody but his family, he’s pretty socially awkward around strangers and new people. His way of getting around it is keeping his head down and trying not to make waves, which is exactly what he does at Gallagher, though he has since found himself with more friends than he ever thought possible.
He had been raised not as an individual, but as one cog in the machine, and he always considered himself as such. His own individuality and thoughts and feelings had never really been something Bash had to take into consideration, so he's still really trying to figure out who he wants to be. Above all, he wants to get out of the spy world, but even with his parents being gone, he's afraid of ruining their legacy and losing his sister in the process. Now that his parents are gone, he wants more than ever than to make them proud. 
Bash is very non-confrontational and passive, a textbook people pleaser. You could pour soup into his lap and he'd apologize. He's a great friend, and an amazing listener  ( the type to actually remember when you tell him things ) ,  but as a conversationalist ?  He could be better.
He's fluent in Russian because it's his father's native language, and knows Japanese because of his mother.
Bash is fiercely protective of his little sister Spencer, even though he knows she can take care of herself. 
Of all the different lessons and skills his parents had taught him, Bash has always been best at hand-to-hand combat, excelling above most men his age.  There's rarely a fight that he'll lose -- it's one of the reason he switched out of combat major to something different, because he didn't love the attention that came with it. He rarely fights or works on his combat skills, though he's always willing to help a friend out who needs it.  He's a great tutor.
What he's not good at is anything that involves cracking a textbook. Bash is an undiagnosed dyslexic, so reading and writing has never been his strong suit.  Luckily, when you're homeschooled by crazy spy parents, it's not really a skill that's needed.
For his most recent birthday, his Uncle Jack had gifted him a fishing boat that he had previously owned, named after James himself. Don't ask me where it is right now because I have no idea.
He's been a vegan since he was sixteen. His mother had been a vegan for as long as he could remember, so even before he fully made the change, it was often all he ate. Bash was a total mama's boy, as if that's any surprise.
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scifigeneration · 4 years
How technology can combat the rising tide of fake science
by Chris Impey
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A crop circle in Switzerland. Jabberocky/Wikimedia Commons
Science gets a lot of respect these days. Unfortunately, it’s also getting a lot of competition from misinformation. Seven in 10 Americans think the benefits from science outweigh the harms, and nine in 10 think science and technology will create more opportunities for future generations. Scientists have made dramatic progress in understanding the universe and the mechanisms of biology, and advances in computation benefit all fields of science.
On the other hand, Americans are surrounded by a rising tide of misinformation and fake science. Take climate change. Scientists are in almost complete agreement that people are the primary cause of global warming. Yet polls show that a third of the public disagrees with this conclusion.
In my 30 years of studying and promoting scientific literacy, I’ve found that college educated adults have large holes in their basic science knowledge and they’re disconcertingly susceptible to superstition and beliefs that aren’t based on any evidence. One way to counter this is to make it easier for people to detect pseudoscience online. To this end, my lab at the University of Arizona has developed an artificial intelligence-based pseudoscience detector that we plan to freely release as a web browser extension and smart phone app.
Americans’ predilection for fake science
Americans are prone to superstition and paranormal beliefs. An annual survey done by sociologists at Chapman University finds that more than half believe in spirits and the existence of ancient civilizations like Atlantis, and more than a third think that aliens have visited the Earth in the past or are visiting now. Over 75% hold multiple paranormal beliefs. The survey shows that these numbers have increased in recent years.
Widespread belief in astrology is a pet peeve of my colleagues in astronomy. It’s long had a foothold in the popular culture through horoscopes in newspapers and magazines but currently it’s booming. Belief is strong even among the most educated. My surveys of college undergraduates show that three-quarters of them think that astrology is very or “sort of” scientific and only half of science majors recognize it as not at all scientific.
Allan Mazur, a sociologist at Syracuse University, has delved into the nature of irrational belief systems, their cultural roots, and their political impact. Conspiracy theories are, by definition, resistant to evidence or data that might prove them false. Some are at least amusing. Adherents of the flat Earth theory turn back the clock on two millennia of scientific progress. Interest in this bizarre idea has surged in the past five years, spurred by social media influencers and the echo chamber nature of web sites like Reddit. As with climate change denial, many come to this belief through YouTube videos.
However, the consequences of fake science are no laughing matter. In matters of health and climate change, misinformation can be a matter of life and death. Over a 90-day period spanning December, January and February, people liked, shared and commented on posts from sites containing false or misleading information about COVID-19 142 times more than they did information from the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization.
Combating fake science is an urgent priority. In a world that’s increasingly dependent on science and technology, civic society can only function when the electorate is well informed.
Educators must roll up their sleeves and do a better job of teaching critical thinking to young people. However, the problem goes beyond the classroom. The internet is the first source of science information for 80% of people ages 18 to 24.
One study found that a majority of a random sample of 200 YouTube videos on climate change denied that humans were responsible or claimed that it was a conspiracy. The videos peddling conspiracy theories got the most views. Another study found that a quarter of all tweets on climate were generated by bots and they preferentially amplified messages from climate change deniers.
Technology to the rescue?
The recent success of machine learning and AI in detecting fake news points the way to detecting fake science online. The key is neural net technology. Neural nets are loosely modeled on the human brain. They consist of many interconnected computer processors that identify meaningful patterns in data like words and images. Neural nets already permeate everyday life, particularly in natural language processing systems like Amazon’s Alexa and Google’s language translation capability.
At the University of Arizona, we have trained neural nets on handpicked popular articles about climate change and biological evolution, and the neural nets are 90% successful in distinguishing wheat from chaff. With a quick scan of a site, our neural net can tell if its content is scientifically sound or climate-denial junk. After more refinement and testing we hope to have neural nets that can work across all domains of science.
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Neural net technology under development at the University of Arizona will flag science websites with a color code indicating their reliability (left). A smartphone app version will gamify the process of declaring science articles real or fake (right). Chris Impey, CC BY-ND
The goal is a web browser extension that would detect when the user is looking at science content and deduce whether or not it’s real or fake. If it’s misinformation, the tool will suggest a reliable web site on that topic. My colleagues and I also plan to gamify the interface with a smart phone app that will let people compete with their friends and relatives to detect fake science. Data from the best of these participants will be used to help train the neural net.
Sniffing out fake science should be easier than sniffing out fake news in general, because subjective opinion plays a minimal role in legitimate science, which is characterized by evidence, logic and verification. Experts can readily distinguish legitimate science from conspiracy theories and arguments motivated by ideology, which means machine learning systems can be trained to, as well.
“Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.” These words of Daniel Patrick Moynihan, advisor to four presidents, could be the mantra for those trying to keep science from being drowned by misinformation.
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About The Author:
Chris Impey is a University Distinguished Professor of Astronomy at the University of Arizona
This article is republished from our content partners over at The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. 
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jtownraindancer · 5 years
Sam Winchester x Reader: Books
Every town had some little quirk that made it stand out.
There was the small town in Idaho with the Farmer's Market that still had the best blueberries he had ever tasted, the one place in Georgia that looked like it fell from the pages of a storybook, that place in Arizona with the best running paths he had yet to explore.
This town was similar to so many others- small police force, volunteer fire departments, one newspaper covering hundreds of miles, and the nearest city an hour's drive away.
But the one thing he could say for this town was that it had, undoubtedly, the most beautiful library he had ever seen.
The plaque gave a brief history of the place, originally a mansion belonging to one of the town's founders, later donated as a community centre, until finally it was revamped to its current purpose.
It had been ages since his passing interest in architecture, but he also knew well enough that this would have been a marvel back in her heyday. Even now, against a backdrop of grey and khaki buildings with their vibrant splashes of colour, the bright purple uniformity of the exterior, the marble steps, and the stained glass windows were breathtaking.
The inside was just as extravagant, most of the original woodworking and some of the original decor still proudly displayed. The small elevator still boasted hints of its Edwardian predecessor, and the stained glass inlay of the former ballroom ceiling provided plenty of natural light, nixing the necessity of the crystal chandelier.
Every room seemed to be overflowing with warmth and light and knowledge, an entire floor of the building dedicated to fiction, another to children's literature, yet another two to nonfiction.
In comparison to some of the libraries he had seen, it was still fairly small, with some rooms dedicated to meetings and studying, others to magazines, newspapers, and media, various oak tables set up between shelves, a play area, and at least ten different computers.
But for a town this small, he was still pleasantly surprised by just how much it had to offer.
He took a few moments to wander, simply enjoying his surroundings- the detailing in the plastered ceilings, the stuffed peacock, the ancient astrologically thematic grandfather clock- before making his way to the local history section.
The ghosts they were chasing down were proving to be far more a pain than either he or Dean could have anticipated, and they were both getting mildly irate about it.
He wanted to go home for a few days and crash. But they had to finish this case first.
"'It's just a quick salt-and-burn, Sammy,' he says. 'We'll be done before you know it,' he says." Sam scowled at an empty bookcase, with only a nearby portrait serving witness to his annoyance. "Dammit, Dean."
Much to his continuing dismay, most of the books he was looking for were not on their shelves, despite still being checked in on the database.
With an annoyed sigh, he made his way back downstairs, approaching Circulation as politely as possible, and learning quickly that the books were most likely being hoarded at one of the many tables upstairs. Fortunately, the librarian's assistant decided to guide him herself, chit-chatting the whole way about who he was, his favourite author, what brought him to town, and any other detail she was able to tug out of his fake identity.
The hoarder was soon located, at least one dozen history texts scattered in front of you, each opened to different pages, your fingers typing quickly on their laptop, one index lifting temporarily before you finished your sentence.
Your tired eyes met his over the laptop lid, a warm smile soon following as your attention shifted to his guide. "'Sup, Anne?"
Introductions were soon made, his situation explained, and you freed up the remaining chair, gesturing at the pile of literature as Anna returned to her post. "Have at 'em. But you lose any of my bookmarks, and you're dead."
He fought a smirk, only to force it away at the completely sober expression on formerly jovial lips.
"I'm not joking. I've spent too many hours trying to get this damn chapter written, and so-help-me-God, you ruin my flow, Pretty Boy-" You followed your proclamation with a slow trace of your fingers across your neck, steady and certain.
He offered mock surrender, trying and failing to hide his smile when you beamed at him.
"Cool, cool, cool. Cookie?"
In a surreal way, it almost reminded him of his college days, as many decades ago as they were for him. Finals Week often had him camping out in the library, sharing snacks and a study room with other students as they all frantically tried to finish essays and memorize hundreds of pages of text they had understood the week before.
Every once in a while, during a small lull in your writing and another dead-end in his research, the pair of you would take a short break, exchanging small talk, gradually shifting into more personal details.
He found it easy to be honest with you, to the extent he was able, anyway. It helped that you had some core common interests, bonding through book references and your combined fascination with serial killers.
At one point, when he had been suspicious about how on-target your one guess was in regards to "the chip on his shoulder," he had slipped in a "Christo," earning nothing but a vaguely concerned, slightly amused "Gesundheit," in response.
He was quick to turn back to his work, blaming the changing light and the late hour and internalizing his panic at how much he had already confided in you.
Too much more, and he'd surely be putting a target on your back.
With any luck, he'd find the gravesite before sunset, and they could wrap the case up tonight, head out tomorrow, and he'd never have to worry about coming back to this town again.
You turned back to your own work, and quite some time passed before he started to grow aware of how little writing or reading you were doing, and how much staring you had taken up instead.
Your gaze was heavy on him, and soon enough it was the only thing he could think about.
"Can I help you," he finally snapped, turning his focus over to his fellow patron, who had blatantly given up on work for the night, laptop put away and bag resting on the table.
You seemed surprised to see him addressing you, eyebrows shooting up and lips parting slightly. But then a soft smile was fast replacing the shock.
"Not really. Just-" Your head turned slightly, reminding him of Cas. "I guess I'm just trying to figure you out."
The lighthearted reply had all of his frustration drifting away, a small scoff riding the wave. "Good luck."
Something in your expression shifted, something he couldn't quite read. "Is that an invitation?"
He was about to reply, ready to offer a denial, but-
Sam took a moment to trace over your slightly mussed hair, the tired, playful eyes, the pencil behind your ear, the soft glow of the lamp framing your entire face in gentle light.
You were peaceful company with a warm heart, good humour, and a quick mind.
Fuck it.
Maybe it was time to try again.
"Not really, but um-" He frowned, feigned fatigue. "I could go for a coffee. You?"
Your smile did more to brighten the dim room than any megawatt bulb could have ever hoped to dream.
"I know just the place."
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acilykos · 4 years
Tag Game
I honestly love tag games, so thanks for your tag @ahobaka-trash 😂
Rules: Answer these 20 questions tag others
Name: Ioanna
Nicknames: Io
Zodiac: Leo 🦁
Height: 1.63m (or 5'3" for the Americans lol)
Languages: Greek, German, English, and French (which I'm currently still learning + a few others I kinda learn, but don't have enough skill in yet oof lmao)
Nationality: Greek 🇬🇷 (by blood) / German 🇩🇪 (citizenship + born/live here lol)
Favourite seasons: Mid Summer and Fall
Favourite Flower(s): Jasmine and Sun Flowers
Favourite Scent: Books/Bookstores, Vanilla, Cherry/Strawberry Scented Candles
Favourite Colour(s): Blue, Red, and Green
Favourite Animal(s): Lions, Hawks, Wolves, and Dolphins
Favourite Fictional Character(s) (cuz I can't choose just one): L, Kagami Taiga, Midorima Shintaro, Theon Greyjoy, Joseph Joestar, Caesar Zeppeli, Kakyoin Noriaki, Kujo Jotaro, Diego Brando- (this list ain't gonna finish)
Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate: Uhhh, Tea 🍵
Average Sleep: probably between 6 - 7 hours maybe more when I take a nap, or it's a weekend or break or whatever else allows me to fucking sleep-
Dog or Cat Person: Both
Number of Blankets: Only one lol
Dream trip: Really long; Road Trips would be really awesome with a few friends. Somewhere close to the sea, but also somewhere in the North or South inland. Really, just anywhere nature, city would be cool too, but I think I'd rather spend a night out in the Arizona desert stargazing rather than in a loud ass city (not that I wouldn't mind taking a night trip through New York or Shibuya or whatever, completely the opposite). As long as I can see the world, I don't really mind what's it about. (Though, chances are higher that if you tell me that the place has water, I will without question come along. Whether it's a river, a little pond or a small stream, I just adore places with water sources)
Blog established: Uhh sometime in late fall or winter in 2015..? I think? Shortly after I got into Death Note, but I didn't use it regularly until I got into Hetalia in 2016 oof
Followers: 276 (lmao thanks for putting up with my bullshit)
Random Fact: I'm a nerd concerning space (astrology and astronomy) and I believe aliens are existing somewhere out there in the infinite depths of space
Tagging: @oceaneffectk1d , @fandomprincess20 , @slayersfan132 , @kelandry5 , @teotangerine (If u guys want obviously; and anybody else who wants to: just feel tagged lol)
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