#learning html and css on the fly
gavinom123 · 1 year
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my ass has not been drawing ive literally been making a website instead LOLLL
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aaurus · 2 years
touching grass is not enough i need to kill a man
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themonsterthing · 7 months
Millenial Art Musing
Gather round, younglings, I’m about to tell a story about ye olde days. *rocker creaks*
My first and most beloved art form, the art that made me who I am, that made me as good as I am at what I do, is dead, is gone, is unreachable.
That might sound dramatic, but I mean that literally. My art form does not, can not, exist anymore. And that's a good thing, because of what it says about accessibility.
I was listening to one of my favourite ever albums when I had this realization today, Johnny Hollow’s 2003 self titled symphonic goth masterpiece. How I found this album was because they had an amazing website. No, really. Amazing. It was a flash masterpiece, where bugs crawled across the screen, different sound clips echoed over different sections, and you unlocked hidden tracks if you answered riddles. It was an artistic triumph. I do believe it won awards.
To modern internet users, that sounds absurd. But I was a web designer back in the days of hard coding, of fixed resolution design, of the surety that everyone was looking at your work from a very similar setup. I got out of web design when it become about scalability, when content management systems were becoming the new norm. Flash hasn’t existed in years, as a design form.
HTML is still the bones of the internet, but it has grown wings and learned to fly. This is good. My art form was not about making things as useable as possible - it was about individual design. Oh what, you have trouble reading 8px Courier in low-contrast color tones? Oh well! It’s art.
The internet should be for everyone, and what I was designing was not that. Yes, it was beautiful, but it was definitely art, not for conveying useful information or accessing tools. Would it be cool if I could make that kind of art again? As pure art? Yes. But there would be no way to make that happen, unless you did something scalable but artistic for the eight million ways people access the internet now. Which is not possible, so maybe if you could control every aspect of the way it was consumed. Which is not possible. Maybe I could do it as an art exhibit, where people came and sat on computers and clicked through incredibly slow pages on 56k to the humming of the computer fan. Ah, the old days.
I am who I am because of my first art. I became a programmer to make Sailor Moon websites, back in the days of Geocities and Angelfire. I learned whole other languages, could speak them fluently, still know common hex codes. (People ask my favorite colour, and I always say French Grey. But really it’s #E6E6E6.)
It is a bizarre and beautiful world to have come from. I miss the camaraderie of the my fellow web designers, those of us trading CSS hacks and joking about the best font style. One person with a credit card who owned a domain and hosted all their buddies, the joy of ridiculous subdomain names.
I am delighted by what the internet has become. But oh, the olden days.
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sunnycowleaf · 1 year
I'm literally so proud of my lil neocities so far. It's not done but it's coming along really well ;v; for someone who'd learning CSS and HTML on the fly here
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Can I know a bit more about your social media au???? I love social media aus! And I would freaking LOVE to have a snippet if you have one to share💕
okay so i actually have a few ideas but i'll share one that's the most fleshed out :D
it's very george and alex centric - they've got a plan to soft-launch their relationship (there is a spreadsheet and everything). and it's all going perfectly to plan until boom! lestappen madness. chaos reigns, it's (hopefully) going to be very funny
this sounds a little all over the place, which it very much is! but i think it's going to be fun, and it's nice to imagine a world which is a little bit kinder than our own :)
my only real issue i'm having is the formatting. i don't know if i can be bothered to learn html and css for this, honestly - but if anyone knows any tutorials, please tell me!
under the cut is a snippet! i don't have usernames yet at all, so apologies for the blank spaces:
georgerussell63 3h
[Photo: two coffee cups, one which has 'George' written on it. The other is twisted away so that only the letter 'A' is visible. In the background we can see a window, looking onto an airfield with planes dotted around.]
[Screenshot of George's story showing the two cups]
so george is flying out with alex? interesting
#this is just more evidence for my theory #because why wouldn't they post a picture of them together unless they were trying to hide something? #i'm connecting the dots
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everyone freaking out about george and alex potentially travelling together as if we don't know they've done that lots??? maybe they just don't want to be swarmed at airports
#look i want galex as much as the next person #and i agree they've been spending a lot more time together but this is just a recipe for disaster
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alex_albon 2m
[Photo: A selfie of Alex, grinning at the camera. He's pointing towards a sleeping George next to him, George's mouth slightly open as he sleeps. He has an earbud in the ear closest to Alex; Alex has a matching one in the ear closest to George. Text underneath them reads: 'he couldn't even make it to the end of our film 😂'.]
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allyanaleizel · 4 months
Hello, internet!
I have a confession to make. I find Instagram too overwhelming now with all the reels and the algorithm. Twitter (now named X) feels like a graveyard. I feel a bit uncomfortable to put my life on TikTok. I don’t think I have the following to start a newsletter. I know I’m not eloquent enough to write amazing things on Medium or Substack. So, where do I go?
Here I am, in the platform where I basically started and learned how to express my creativity. The good ‘ol Tumblr blog. A lot of things have definitely changed and there’s a bit of learning curve into navigating the interface again. I do, however, find some comfort in feeling like I’m just talking to myself. No number of real-time views, no algorithm, and not a single care whether or not I gain followers.
It’s been almost a decade since I last used Tumblr seriously. I know it’s dramatic to say, but this place is truly where I discovered my skills and passion. There was a time when doodles were a thing and I became that girl in high school who would just doodle during math class. I would get scolded by my teachers but it never really bothered me. I also remember getting into coding my own Tumblr themes, that’s why until now some basic CSS/HTML is ingrained into my brain. I learned how to use Photoshop, Paint Tool SAI, etc. I got into digital photography because everyone else on my feed was doing it. Even though I had the most beginner friendly DSLR, I treasured it the most up until college. Basically, I was a sponge. Anything that piques my creative interest, I would always try my best to learn something about it.
10 years later.
Sometimes when we look at our current self and where we are now, we tend to overlook the progress we’ve made throughout the years. Writing this somehow makes me smile. Because even though I know deep down that I’m not a hundred percent satisfied with who I am at the moment, I know that the person I described in my last paragraph is extremely proud of our progress. I wish I could tell her that we graduated at our dream university with flying colors and best solo thesis award. I wish I could tell her about the projects we’ve done and that we have a published children’s book locally. Lastly, I wish I could tell her that the things that made her feel “weird” in high school is now her part of her career that funds her bills, little travels, and dates with self & friends.
I am, by no means, saying that I am successful by society’s standard. There are boxes in my artist career checklist written 5 years ago that I no longer what to pursue. I am the kind of person who believes that success is defined by one’s self, and it’s not only limited to career but your life as a whole.
The shift.
If you’ve been following me on Instagram, you might’ve read a couple of stories I’ve shared about struggling with burnout and finding motivation to create personal art again. At first I was convinced that it was just a creative burnout. But, a burnout can’t possibly last for years, right? 😅 My second theory is that maybe deep down I wanted to just prioritize having a creative day job, since it brings in money to pay the bills. My last theory is how I feel like I’ve associated my creativity to my emotions, and that I could only create when I’m really going through something. (Like a heartbreak or during the peak of the panini.) And since I’m at my happiest state, I no longer feel the need to escape through art.
Whether it’s a burnout or something else, I do believe that I’m just taking my time. Quoting Ursula from Kiki’s Delivery Service, "Stop trying. Take long walks. Look at scenery. Doze off at noon. Don’t even think about flying. And then, pretty soon, you’ll be flying again.”
I don’t want to put myself in a box.
When you have a lot of interests, it’s kind of difficult to find an outlet for all the things that you want do. The internet advice always seem to tell you to “find a niche and stick with it.” But…what if I don’t want to? I really thought my dream was to become an independent illustrator, but somehow I found myself enjoying design too. As I described earlier, I am the kind of person who likes to explore anything that piques her creative interest — and this took me a while to fully embrace. Throughout the years, I also learned that I have non-creative skills that can thrive in a workplace such as team & project management. So why put myself in a box when there’s so much more out there that I can try out?
I still have a lot to figure out, but I’m slowly trying to get back to things I enjoy doing. I’m just really calm and happy right now being the most basic adult with her day job on weekdays and doing her silly little chores on weekends.
Whew, this is one lengthy post. Maybe I am a yapper, after all. Haha! But I do hope to share more of my life and thoughts here. If you’re still reading this, thank you and I hope you have a great rest of your day!
All love and sunshine,
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charvichirps · 1 year
I missed the first day of #codetober, but I'll make up for it by combining two days' worth of updates into one.
Maintained my Duolingo streak, which is now at 44 days. 🔥
Solved coding challenges on LeetCode.
Organized my Notion workspace. 🧹
Made progress in my Udemy course.
Went out for a walk. 🚶‍♀️
what got you in programming?
Ah, this is a tough one, I'm not exactly sure. It's a bit of a journey, and I can't pinpoint a single moment. Back in 5th or 6th grade, we had computer science as a subject, which introduced me to tools like Microsoft Office (Word, Excel), and basic HTML. Although I wasn't particularly interested at that time, I found it more enjoyable than some other subjects.
During my 11th-grade Python class, something clicked, and I truly fell in love with it. I created a simple game called "kite-flying", and presented it in front of my class. Despite its simplicity, with lots of repetitive input like typing '1' or '2' frequently for player movements and primarily consisting of if-else statements, what made it special for me was the incorporation of turtle 🐢 graphics and sound effects 🔊 using the winsound module. I'm aware that there's room for improvement, and I do plan to revisit it someday to give it a revamp. Nonetheless, considering it was my very first project, I still hold it in high regard and take pride in what I accomplished.
what programming languages do you know?
Languages I'm confident in:
Languages I've learned as part of college courses but am not as confident in:
C (somewhat familiar)
NoSQL (MongoDB)
Bash (somewhat familiar)
Assembly (we had 8085 and 8086 in microprocessors class) - I just know a tiny bit of it.
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worminthelibrary · 1 year
studyblr introduction
hi everyone! i’m starting a studyblr/bookblr/langblr all in one (?!) in order to track my summer study progress, so here’s my introduction! i plan on using these to track and motivate myself to keep up with my summer studies and reading.
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about me
my name is indigo
i use they/them and she/her pronouns but any pronouns will fly
starting my third year in university in the united states and i’m 20 years old
i study justice studies (polisci but better) my focus is radical politics and advocacy
i have a minor in spanish linguistics
record my progress in learning cantonese(summer project)
study html/css/python as a summer project
develop proficiency in graphic design in preparation for my fall internship :)
i love coffee and milk tea!! (i do NOT like fruity flavors in my coffee!!) i love visiting different cafes!
im like if a crow loved writing - i love all types of collecting, journaling, scrapbooking, doodling, and i have many different types of physical and digital notebooks.
i have the writing Impulse and i write a lottt (i will post some of it here!)
i am jewish, and judiasm is a qualified Interest of mine, alongside other religious and spiritual studies! i also love philosophy and tarot!
i tutor ib and ap english and history classes so i may post some materials and tips at some point??
what i will post
digital scrapbook pages
pictures of my reading journal
scans/pictures of my notes and journal pages!
possibly: web weavings!
i hope to turn this blog into a memorial of my summer studies basically!! hopefully it will extend into my formal studies as well when next semester begins! note, this is a sideblog and my personal ( @heavenscow ) was intended to be studyblr, but here we are again... before i sign off, here are some blogs who inspired me to start!!
@starrystvdy @studyffocation​ @areistotle​ @elnstein @notesworthtea​
there’s probably more but that’s all i can track rn! hope somebody can stumble upon my blog and enjoy some of my posts!! happy studying!
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applesandbannas747 · 8 months
What’s a strange or funny rabbit hole you’ve dived into when researching for your fics?
oh man I end up in strange corners of the internet for research all the time jsfsa I know there have been a couple times I've stopped and stared at my computer being like how in the fuck am i h e r e but I can't remember any of the truly outrageous moments like that, so here's a general list of some of the more silly things I've done in the name of research
During my last semester of college I switched my major in my school's system thingy to see what requirements and hours were needed for a nursing degree for Eugene in Breakable Things (changed it back after obviously but my advisor was like bestiE what the fuck is this?? you have 2 months of student teaching left and you're bailing nOW???)
How to move a mattress on your own, specifically up stairs because the shape/weight is awkward for a single person for Eugenia in Getting Even
Tutorials for dancing, cooking, etc etc to get the cadence and terminology of teaching those things down
I have spent a LOT of time learning CSS and HTML coding to an extent for silly workskins
So much research about custody laws for Truths, involving a multi hour long conversation with my unfortunate law degree having mother where I asked about shit endlessly
Objectively hilarious because of how much I should have known on my own is how I had a conversation almost as in-depth and full of questions as the child custody talk with my mom about airports with my dad when writing Connections because airports are a nightmare for me and until this year when work and friend obligations left me with no other choice, I had not been in an airport since i was almost too young to remember. I'm not bothered by flying, to be clear, it's specifically the hellish noise, crowdedness, and confusion of airports and how you get yelled at at them for not knowing the systems even when every airport has slightly different systems. my autistic ass could never. so yeah. poor father man had to spend hours of his life answering my specific and strange questions about something so stupid
I've also entered in flight details, looked up and sometimes made dishes, and read conversations out loud over a song to make sure about how timing would work
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nameofallteams · 19 days
299 Hackathon Team Names For Codefest Contests
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Choosing a creative and unique team name can set the tone for a successful hackathon or coding competition. Whether you're looking for something funny, clever, tech-inspired, or just plain cool, a strong team name can boost your team’s energy and make you stand out. Here's a comprehensive list of 299 hackathon team names that will inspire your coding journey and bring a little fun to the world of code. Tech & Coding-Themed Team Names These names pay homage to the world of programming, with a nod to various coding languages, frameworks, and tech culture: - Null Pointers - The Bug Slayers - Code Monkeys - Debug Thugs - Stack Overflows - Code Warriors - Ctrl+Alt+Defeat - Syntax Terminators - The Hack Street Boys - The Programmed Ninjas - Git Pushers - Byte Me - Code Crackers - Binary Bosses - Full Stack Force - 404: Team Not Found - Algorithmic Avengers - Ctrl+Alt+Elite - Runtime Terror - The Codebreakers Funny Hackathon Team Names A little humor never hurts, and these funny team names will show your competitors you mean business but are still ready to have fun: - Compiling Errors - Segmentation Fault - Java the Hutt - The Semicolon Squad - Mission Unpossible - The Loops of Fury - Noobz R Us - Pirates of Silicon Valley - #IncludeUs - Hack of All Trades - Hack to the Future - The Internet Explorers - Debugger Ducks - Return of the Bug - Bros Who Code - Coding Ninjas - Error 404: Name Not Found - Keyboard Ninjas - The Rebooters - Too Lazy to Fail AI & Machine Learning Team Names If your hackathon team is all about AI, data science, or machine learning, these names will help showcase your tech-savviness: - Neural Net Ninjas - The Tensor Kings - Machine Learning Maestros - AI Aces - Algorithm Architects - Bot Squad - Deep Learning Dynamos - The Neural Networkers - The Data Wizards - Intelligent Agents - Quantum Quants - Data Miners - Code AI-lerts - Model Builders - Artificial Intelligentsia - Predictive Pioneers - Cognitive Coders - Matrix Manipulators - Hidden Layers - Data Decoders Cybersecurity-Themed Team Names For teams focused on security challenges, these cybersecurity-related team names are perfect for showing off your hacking prowess: - The Firewalls - Hacktivists - White Hat Warriors - Secure Coders - Encryption Experts - The Ethical Hackers - Cyber Sleuths - Malware Exterminators - Security Buffs - Phishing Phighters - Trojan Warlocks - The Encrypted Ones - 2-Factor Freaks - Cyber Defenders - The Hash Slingers - Data Guardians - Zero-Day Warriors - Penetration Pals - Bug Busters - Cyber Ninjas Web Development Team Names For web developers, these team names give a nod to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other front-end/back-end web technologies: - HTML Heroes - CSS Messiahs - JavaScript Junkies - Full Stack Fanatics - The DOM-inators - The Bootstrap Bros - AJAX Avengers - The Responsive Rangers - Web Wizards - React Native Nerds - CSS Assassins - The Code Inspectors - Front-End Force - RESTful Rebels - The Static Shockers - HTML Hackers - The Webcrawlers - The Devtools Division - The Angular Attackers - The Web Geeks App Development Team Names If your hackathon project focuses on mobile or app development, these app-themed names are a great fit: - App-tivists - The Swift Squad - Android Annihilators - iOS Innovators - Appetite for Code - The Mobile Marvels - Swift Slayers - App Architects - Java Junkies - The App Legends - App Attackers - Mobile Mavericks - CodeCraft Mobile - Code Surgeons - Swift Coders United - The Droid Squad - Mobile Ninjas - Push Notification Ninjas - Mobile Machine - App-o-Holics Cloud Computing Team Names For cloud-based hackathon projects, these team names reflect the high-flying world of cloud computing: - Cloud Commandos - The Cloud Gurus - Azure Avengers - Serverless Savants - The Cloud Native Coders - Lambda Legends - AWSome Team - Cloud Kings - Kubernetes Killers - Cloud Control - The Skycoders - SaaS-nators - The Cloud Conquerors - Fog of War - Multi-Cloud Magicians - The Elastic Engineers - API Avengers - The Cloud Nine Coders - Hybrid Heroes - Server Sorcerers Hardware & Robotics Team Names If you're building something physical or diving into robotics, these team names will represent your hands-on spirit: - RoboCoders - The Circuit Breakers - Hardware Heroes - Byte Bots - The Gearheads - Code Mechanics - Automation Nation - IoT Innovators - The Robotic Rulers - The Motherboard Mafia - The Pi-thons (for Raspberry Pi fans) - Servo Kings - RoboWarriors - Giga-Bots - Robotica Legion - RoboCrafters - The Hardware Hustlers - Code-Bots - Wires and Bytes - Circuit Crushers Team Names for Data Science Enthusiasts Data is king in today’s tech world. If your hackathon project is focused on data science, analytics, or big data, these names will resonate: - Data Crunchers - The Big Data Ballers - Data Wizards - Insight Igniters - The Number Crunchers - Data Whisperers - Data Wranglers - The Data Syndicate - Big Data Brainiacs - The Data Scientists - Analytics Avengers - Data Crushers - The Predictive Pirates - Data Knights - The Data Streamers - Data-Driven Divas - Cloud Data Creators - The Insight Masters - The Trend Trackers - The Data Geniuses AI-Powered Team Names For teams diving deep into artificial intelligence, these AI-themed names will make your team sound cutting-edge: - AI Revolutionaries - Machine Learning Masters - The AI Innovators - The Intelligent Agents - The Neural Network Ninjas - Cognitive Coders - DeepMind Devs - The Algorithm Analysts - AI All-Stars - Neural Ninjas - Cognitive Craftsmen - Brain-Byte Bots - The Learning Machines - Reinforcement Raiders - AI Enforcers - The Code Intelligentsia - Artificial Intelligence Alliance - Smart Coders - Deep Learning Hackers - The Singularities Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Team Names If your hackathon project revolves around blockchain technology or cryptocurrency, these names will let everyone know your focus: - Blockchain Bandits - Crypto Crusaders - The Ledger Legends - Decentralized Dynamos - Blockchain Brains - The Mining Minions - Crypto Kings - Smart Contract Coders - The Hash Shredders - The Decentralizers - Block by Block - Token Traders - Satoshi’s Army - The Coin Cowboys - Blockchain Innovators - Crypto Wizards - The Ledger Lords - Crypto Knights - The Chain Reactions - Decentralization Nation Futuristic & Cool Team Names For teams that want to project a futuristic, tech-savvy image, these cool and edgy team names are perfect: - The Quantum Coders - Cyber Knights - Future Forward - The Innovators - Technotron - CodeBots United - The Code Lords - The Next Gen Coders - The Future Thinkers - Cyberspace Kings - The Singularity Seekers - Innovation Igniters - The Virtual Vanguard - Tech Titans - The Cybernauts - Matrix Manipulators - Codebreak Revolution - The Next Big Thing - The Inno-Masters - The Futurists Short & Catchy Team Names Short and snappy names can be memorable and impactful. Here are more concise hackathon team names that pack a punch: - Byte - Hex - Sync - Bug - Algo - Bits - Ping - Bash - Null - Flux - Node - Cache - Chip - CodeX - Loop - Botz - OptiCode - HackX - Cipher - DevOps Geeky & Nerdy Hackathon Team Names For the teams that embrace their inner geeks and nerds, these names will proudly show your love for all things tech: - Nerd Herd - Geek Squad - The Binary Beasts - The Nerdy Bunch - Techie Titans - Code Geeks - Digital Dorks - Nerd Ninjas - Geek Gods - Geek Mode - The IT Crowd - Nerd Alert - Geek Freaks - The Byte-Sized Geeks - Coder Clan - Pixel Geeks - The Nerd Brigade - Geek Avengers - Tech Nerds - Debugging Nerds Space & Sci-Fi-Inspired Team Names For the team with a love for outer space, science fiction, or cosmic mysteries, these team names are out of this world: - Space Invaders - Starship Hackers - The Code Awakens - The Codalorian - Cosmic Coders - Galaxy Brains - The Warp Drivers - Code Nebula - Hyper Hackers - Astro Coders - Rocket Propelled Coders - Space Hackers - Intergalactic Innovators - The Code Side of the Moon - Star Commanders - Beyond the Code - The Black Hole Bytes - Planet Hack - The Code Trek Conclusion There you have it—299 creative, funny, and inspiring hackathon team names that will bring your coding team together, boost your confidence, and make you stand out at your next Codefest or hackathon. Whether you want something witty, techy, or futuristic, this list offers a wide variety of options to help your team express its identity and creativity. So, pick the name that resonates with your group’s energy, and get ready to code your way to victory! Read the full article
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kumarom · 2 months
CSS Cheat Sheet
A cheat sheet is a concise, quick-reference guide that provides essential information on a specific topic or subject. It serves as a handy reference tool for individuals seeking quick access to key details, formulas, or commands without the need to delve into extensive documentation. Cheat sheets are particularly popular in technical fields such as programming, web development, and various software applications.
In the context of programming and web development, a CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) cheat sheet, for example, offers a succinct overview of the language syntax and key concepts, helping developers apply styles to HTML elements efficiently. The cheat sheet typically includes information on selectors, properties, values, and common styling techniques. It acts as a valuable aid for both beginners learning the basics of CSS and experienced developers looking for a quick reminder or reference.
Cheat sheets are designed for ease of use, often presenting information in a clear and organized manner, making them an ideal tool for on-the-fly problem-solving or when working on coding projects. They promote productivity by eliminating the need to sift through extensive documentation, allowing users to focus on the task at hand. Whether in print or digital form, cheat sheets are an indispensable resource for individuals navigating the complexities of programming languages, frameworks, or any domain where quick access to information is crucial.
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ranjitha78 · 9 months
Opening Up Interactivity: JavaScript's Magic on the Front End
JavaScript is a powerful technology that adds life to websites, making it stand out in the large and dynamic field of online development. JavaScript is the wizard that enchants the front end with interaction if HTML provides the framework and CSS gives style. Let's explore the enchanted realm of JavaScript and learn how it improves front-end user engagement.
Choosing the top full-stack developer institute can further accelerate your journey into this thriving industry.
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Chapter 1: The Language of the Web
The web is programmed in JavaScript, a lightweight, flexible scripting language that runs in the browser itself. Because of its compatibility with HTML and CSS, developers can work with web pages on the client side, resulting in a smooth and dynamic user experience.
Chapter 2: The Dance of DOM The Document Object Model (DOM) is the fundamental component of JavaScript's magic. Consider your web page's DOM as a virtual representation. With JavaScript, developers may navigate and work with the Document Object Model (DOM) to update content dynamically without requiring a complete page reload. An experience that is more engaging and user-friendly is produced by this responsiveness.
Chapter 3: Event Handling  Imagine a button that triggers a pop-up or a form that validates user input as you type. JavaScript makes it happen through event handling. Events like clicks, key presses, and mouse movements can be detected and responded to in real-time, allowing developers to create interactive and responsive interfaces. Choosing the best full-stack developer courses in Hyderabad is a crucial step in acquiring the necessary expertise for a successful career in the evolving landscape of full-stack developers.
Chapter 4: Asynchronous Charm in AJAX AJAX (asynchronous JavaScript and XML) demonstrates the asynchronous capabilities of JavaScript. Web pages can transmit and retrieve data to servers in the background using AJAX without requiring a page reload. The key to contemporary, dynamic web apps that smoothly refresh content is this asynchronous magic.
Chapter 5: Validation on the client side The days of waiting for form input validation from the server are long gone. With JavaScript, developers can validate user inputs on the client side, verifying them in real time and giving immediate feedback. This lessens the strain on servers while also improving the user experience.
Chapter 6: Updates to Dynamic Content JavaScript allows material to be changed dynamically on the fly. JavaScript ensures that viewers receive the most recent and pertinent information without forcing them to reload the entire page, whether it's changing an element's text, adding or removing elements, or receiving and displaying data from a server.
Chapter 7: Flowing Transitions and Animations Smooth animations and transitions are made possible by JavaScript's real-time DOM manipulation capabilities. JavaScript gives static web pages life, transforming them into visually appealing and intriguing content with everything from subtle fades to intricate interactive animations.
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In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, JavaScript remains a cornerstone for creating rich, interactive, and user-centric front-end experiences. Its versatility, coupled with the power to manipulate the DOM and handle events, empowers developers to craft websites that not only look good but also engage users in ways that were once thought impossible. As we continue to explore the possibilities of web development, JavaScript stands as a testament to the magic that happens on the front end. So, let the enchantment begin, and may your websites sparkle with the interactivity that JavaScript brings to the table.
If you want to learn more about digital marketing, I highly recommend the Full Stack Developer course in Hyderabad because they offer certifications and job placement opportunities. Experienced teachers can help you learn better. You can find these services both online and offline. Take things step by step and consider enrolling in a course if you’re interested.
I hope I answered your question successfully. If not, feel free to mention it in the comments area. I believe I still have much to learn. Have a great day.
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piyush2002 · 11 months
In the digital age, the internet has revolutionized the way we communicate, share information, and connect with others. One of the most prominent ways individuals and businesses alike have harnessed the internet's potential is through blogging. Blogging, or maintaining an online journal or website, has become a powerful tool for self-expression, information dissemination, and even income generation. In this article, we'll explore the world of internet websites and how they have empowered people to share their thoughts, expertise, and passions with a global audience.
What is internet website
An internet website, often simply referred to as a "website," is a collection of web pages and digital content that are accessible through the World Wide Web (WWW) using a web browser. These web pages are typically associated with a common domain or subdomain and are hosted on web servers.
Websites can serve a wide variety of purposes and can include different types of content, such as text, images, videos, links, and interactive elements.
Websites are designed using various technologies, including HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) for structuring content, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) for styling and layout, and often incorporate scripting languages like JavaScript for interactivity. Websites can be static, with fixed content that doesn't change often, or dynamic, with content that is generated on the fly based on user interactions or data from databases.
Websites are accessed by users through the internet by typing in a specific web address (URL) into a web browser or by clicking on links from other web pages or search engine results. They are an integral part of the internet and play a crucial role in providing information, services, and entertainment to people worldwide.
Importance of internet website
Websites are of great importance in the modern digital age, and the internet has become an integral part of our daily lives. Here are some key reasons why websites are important:
1.Information Access: Websites are a primary source of information on a wide range of topics. They provide access to news, research, educational materials, product details, and more. The internet has democratized access to information, making it available to people all over the world.
2.Communication and Connection: Websites enable communication and connection on a global scale. Social media platforms, email services, and messaging apps all rely on websites to function. Websites also facilitate communication between businesses and their customers.
3.Business and E-Commerce: Websites are essential for businesses to establish an online presence. They serve as a digital storefront where customers can learn about products or services, make purchases, and get in touch with the company. E-commerce websites have revolutionized the way we shop.
4.Marketing and Promotion: Websites are a crucial component of digital marketing strategies. They allow businesses to reach a global audience, advertise their products or services, and engage with customers through content marketing, SEO, and online advertising.
5.Branding and Credibility: A well-designed and informative website can enhance a company's credibility and brand image. A professional website can instill trust and confidence in potential customers.
6.Accessibility: Websites are accessible 24/7, making it convenient for people to access information, shop, or interact with businesses at any time. This accessibility is particularly important in a global economy with different time zones.
7.Educational Resources: Educational institutions, from schools to universities, use websites to provide course materials, online classes, and other educational resources. Websites are valuable tools for distance learning and online education.
8.Government and Public Services: Government websites offer citizens access to a wide range of services, including tax filing, obtaining official documents, and accessing public records. These websites streamline administrative processes and improve government-citizen interactions.
9.Entertainment and Content: Websites host a vast array of entertainment content, including streaming services for music, movies, and videos. Blogs, forums, and news websites offer diverse content for entertainment and information.
10.Research and Collaboration: Websites and online platforms enable researchers, professionals, and organizations to collaborate, share information, and access databases. Academic institutions often provide research resources through websites.
11.Global Reach: The internet allows businesses and individuals to reach a global audience, expanding their market and influence beyond local or regional boundaries.
12.Convenience: Websites provide convenient ways to access and interact with various services and information, saving time and effort.
How online websites earn money
Online websites can earn money through various revenue-generating strategies and business models. Here are some of the common ways in which websites generate income:
● Display Ads: Websites can display banner ads, video ads, or native ads provided by advertising networks like Google AdSense, Media.net, or Taboola. Website owners earn revenue based on clicks, impressions, or other engagement metrics.
● Sponsorships: Websites can partner with companies and promote their products or services in exchange for sponsorship deals.
● Affiliate Marketing: Websites can promote products or services from affiliate partners and earn a commission on sales generated through their affiliate links.
2.Subscription and Membership Models:
● Some websites offer premium content or services behind a paywall, requiring users to subscribe or become members to access exclusive content, features, or community benefits.
● Websites can sell physical or digital products directly to consumers. They earn money through product sales, and they can also offer upsells, cross-sells, and additional services.
4.Digital Products and Downloads:
● Websites can sell digital products such as e-books, software, templates, courses, or stock photos.
5.Donations and Crowdfunding:
● Some websites rely on donations from their audience through platforms like Patreon, Ko-fi, or crowdfunding campaigns on Kickstarter or
6.Content Licensing:
● Websites with valuable content, such as images or articles, can license their content to other websites or media outlets in exchange for fees.
7.Lead Generation:
● Websites in industries like insurance, finance, or education may generate leads and sell them to businesses looking for potential customers.
8.Online Marketplaces:
● Online marketplaces like Etsy, eBay, or Airbnb earn money by charging fees or commissions for facilitating transactions between buyers and sellers.
9.Freemium Models:
● Websites offer basic services for free but provide advanced features or premium versions for a fee. This is common in the software and gaming industries.
10.Sponsored Content:
● Websites can create sponsored posts or articles on behalf of advertisers and receive payment for featuring the content.
It's essential to choose the revenue model that aligns with your website's content, audience, and goals. Successful websites often use a combination of these revenue streams to diversify income and reduce reliance on a single source.
In the digital age, having a strong internet presence through a well-designed website is essential for the success of any business. It enhances your credibility, provides 24/7 accessibility, and offers cost-effective marketing opportunities. It also opens the door to a global audience, showcases your products and services, and enables customer engagement and communication.
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ineeddev · 2 years
FRONT-END Developer needed The Position: A new startup is seeking a Magento Developer who is motivated to combine the art of design with the art of programming. The developer transforms completed designs into live, interactive web experiences with beautiful, clean code and works with back-end developers to integrate everything from interactive landing pages to full-fledged dashboards and web apps. Your code is so gorgeous that it’s breathtaking. You are one sharp cookie. You keep it 100. Your smile is the sunshine that brightens up everyone’s day. You would do anything for your fellow comrades. You have a date with destiny and the only thing on the menu is GREATNESS. We work with git, chat on Slack and our team structure is flat and open. Self-motivated individuals tend to thrive best here, and we are looking for someone filled with inspiration and who isn’t afraid to take initiative. This position is for someone with a deep understanding of Magento. You have built your own themes and plugins before and possibly even contributed to Magento Core. You are up-to-date with the latest and greatest trends and technologies because you are engaged in the open source community and you enjoy building software that pushes the web forward. We would love for you to join our team! Responsibilities Write solid and re-usable HTML, CSS and JavaScript for websites and applications Build responsive websites that function perfectly on any device or browser size Perform cross-browser compatibility tests and iterate to work through the bugs Collaborate with both UX/UI Web Designers and Backend Developer to bridge the gap – between graphical design and technical implementation in order to complete projects, websites, platforms and other web experiences. Breathe life into user interface by integrating completed designs and code using Magento Optimize application for optimum speed and scalability Learn new technologies and share your ideas with team members Skills & Experience: Expert level skills in HTML, CSS and JavaScript Complete understanding of the Magento core software and its functions at the code level. Experience building custom Magento themes and know the go-to plugins. Mastery of Magento coding and security best practices. Hands on experience with the following: SASS/SCSS GIT/GITHUB Experience with React, Angular, or other JavaScript frameworks is a bonus. Experience with less or sass frameworks Solid command of responsive layouts 3+ years of working in the agency industry Testing experience (a plus) Understanding of cross-browser compatibility issues and ways to work around them Zero intimidation of new technologies and ability to self-teach quickly yourself on the fly Ability to communicate positively and honestly�– Strong work ethic and reliability Please apply with your updated CV. #frontend #frontenddeveloper #frontenddevelopers #frontenddevelopment #egyptjobs
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timtonki · 2 years
Simple css navigation bar
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Simple css navigation bar code#
Our menu-items now look stacked one below the other. Adding a border can help us to segregate menu-items from one another.Giving it some padding will obviously give it some size and space to breathe.You may, however, take a different path if you want. Making hyperlinks take the color of their parents is my way of simplifying the theming task.We don’t need any underline in our hyperlinks, as they don’t always look pretty.This way we avoid thinking much about their appearance on different screen resolutions. Making hyperlinks and list-items block-level makes them appear clear and wide.Setting the line-height to 1 will avoid any sizing issues later if you wish to modify the menu.Let’s understand each of the above-mentioned properties one-by-one:
Simple css navigation bar code#
Observe the code below, and we’ll take a look at each of its parts after that. Next, set up the navigation container, the menu list, and the menu-items. You may not need this step if you are already using a CSS reset.Īlso make sure to hack the box-sizing for your document before proceeding further. Let’s start with normalizing our lists so that they won’t add up default margin and padding to our menu. I’ve also tried best to keep it mobile-first, and then enhanced it progressively for bigger screen sizes. I’m trying to keep it look as simple as possible, and that’s why I’m breaking it down in chunks. The Sassy CSSīelow given is the boilerplate I wrote to create these simple yet good-looking menus. There only I added my float and inline-block things, I’m not using it anymore as most of the browsers now support flexbox. Tip: I have used CSS at-rule in past to have old browsers supported. Another alternative is to make the list-items inline-block in display. If you still prefer to float the menu-items to left, you should use the micro clearfix hack to clear the floats. I’ll rather be making it a flexible box for the simplicity sake. I’m gonna avoid floating our list-items to the left or right. If you just started learning front-end, and thinking to float things to the left to form a menu–I have a note for you here. It’s only for segregating elements from one another and marking the starting and end for each. I prefer BEM methodology to name my classes every time I work with CSS.Īnother thing you may have noticed in the above markup code are those HTML comment tags. Classifying elements keeps you away from specificity in CSS, although I’d advise not to overdo it. menu acting as our link list, with different child items ( ) that form our menu altogether.Īs you can see above, I’ve used classes with pretty much everything except list-items and hyperlinks. navigation is acting as the container for our navigation. Note: Replace # in the hyperlinks with suitable URLs when deploying to your project. In the body section of your HTML document, add some hyperlinks within an unordered list () and wrap it inside a. So, let’s start with opening our favorite Text editor and write some HTML and CSS. I’m covering only the default presentation in the tutorial to keep it simple. The demonstration contains menus in different themes and color schemes. I’m gonna make use of HTML5 nav element (), unordered lists () and hyperlinks, of course. to make it more attractive–of course with CSS
Add some cosmetics like colors, animation, etc.
Give it a look of horizontal menu by making it appear inline with CSS.
Let me break down the concept into simple steps to make it easy to understand: We’ll end up with a simple yet good-looking responsive navigation menu eventually. We’ll be using simple HTML lists to bring out a simple and easy link list. The Idea of CSS-only Responsive Navigation Menuīasically, this technique moves around using HTML lists.
Touch-friendly CSS Responsive Multi-level Menu.
If you are looking for fly-out menu solutions, below are some handy resources: Note that this is not going to have sub-menus. I assume you already have the basic idea of using HTML and CSS. Let’s take a look at the most commonly practiced technique to design a simple navigation menu. We all know that simple and easy navigation is one of the most important parts of a web layout. Today you can easily make stuff semantically sane, prettier, and adaptive to different screen sizes. Long gone are the days when people used to build web layouts and navigation with HTML tables. What could be the simplest form of navigation on a web page? If a horizontal responsive navigation menu popped in your mind after reading that question, that’s exactly what you’re gonna learn to create in this post. Published on Januby Rahul Pure CSS-based Responsive Navigation Menu Creating a Simple Responsive Navigation menu with CSS
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lunathrix · 2 years
every time i visit your blog your icon just starts shrinking for some reason until it becomes tiny and suddenly goes flying off the top of the page. the first time it happened i felt like i was losing my mind. no idea if this is on purpose or if tumblr is just glitching out on your specific blog but either way i would like to thank you for ten minutes spent laughing at Smug Tiny Chara zooming off into the void repeatedly.
Ah, that would be the remnants of me learning basic html & css for fun a few years ago. I forgot I did that with my icon. Glad it still haunts people to this day!
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