#learning i am an omnivore of knowledge
when you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy! then, send to your last ten people in your notifs (anonymously). you never know who might benefit from spreading positivity
Literature, the great love of my life
Music, especially in vinyl
Travelling, also alone, especially exploring different cultures from my own
(Italian) Coffee
My closest friends, who've become my found family <3
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gay-artificer · 1 year
For the slugpups and eating insects thing - would that be sort of an empathy thing, and less a moral choice thing? A "If other creatures want to eat me, then I die. I don't like dying. If I eat this, then it will die" sort of thing?
I'm not knowledgeable about these sorts of things in any way, so there is probably a better way of rationalizing a wild animals understanding than putting human level empathy, though I know at a certain point some species do seem to understand death and mourning for the dead - elephants come to mind-
So then would a slugcats process be less "I am killing other things, and that's Evil" and more "I am hurting other things. I don't like being hurt. Then they don't like being hurt?" sort of thing ?
In the Artificer's case, then would that be an understanding of being in pain themself, and choosing to place that pain on others, knowing what it feels like?
(..I have little idea what I'm talking about, but you're someone with better understanding of nonhuman intelligence/sentience sort of, so would empathy fit in any way?)
Honestly im not great at this either (so forgive me if I get some things wrong here), but I was framing it in that way due to the fact that morals are defined as 'A person's standards for what behaviors or beliefs are acceptable to do" Which, in the context of how I was describing slugpups, would be a choice made from a discomfort with the idea of harming an organism (potentially because it understands it itself doesn't like to be harmed, and understands it has the ability to harm another) (The confusion might be more that Im using the term 'moral' just to define the concept of a code of behaviors that are fine and ones you make the personal choice to avoid doing, and not a full understanding of like, something being 'good or bad' as how we define it. I don't think slugpups think eating a bug is bad, but they do have the capacity understand that harming the bug themselves isn't something they like or want to do) I'm not really smart enough to get to deep into the subject of like, emergent cultures and the development of moral codes in animals. But I think if an animal was smart enough to understand the 'weight' of harming something or killing, and have a discomfort with being the one to do that enough to make the active choice to avoid it- than that could be called a 'moral' because its a behavior that the creature is deciding it wants to avoid. Even if its less for an understanding that the behavior is 'wrong' and more that it understands that doing it isn't something it wants to do. Slugcats in particular are omnivorous, so they can make the choice to shift their diets if directly killing prey is an issue for them- so in theory that can be a behavior it teaches to offspring. Potentially creating a subcommunity of slugcats with a completely separate set of food behaviors that wasn't formed from environmental pressures and adaptive learning, but out of preference for actions.
Slugcats are at least semi-social too, so they absolutely have the capacity for the development of what we could call empathy for others, which emerge in social animals to help guide behaviors with their fellows. Although I agree that you have to be careful ascribing 'human' emotions to animals, we are also social animals- and things like empathy are important to social bonds and communication. I'd have to refresh my reading a bit, but in particular animals that we've seen displays of empathic reactions in tend to be particularly responsive if its a friend vs. an unknown individual, so there is a social angle to it. (I should also note that in-game, the behavior is attributed to the trait 'sympathy' which is the understanding and reaction to the pain of others. 'Sympathy' is used for all the creatures in RW with personality values, however in lizards (non social) it's only a modifier to aggression, rather than influencing any behaviors like it does in scavengers and slugpups) (For clarity, sympathy is generally understood as a sort of 'pity' or a reaction to the distress of others. Empathy is a deeper connection to the pain, or 'understanding it from their perspective' and sharing the feeling. Slugcat knowing it can hurt something and choosing not because because it makes it feel bad is closer to sympathy, while slugcat understanding that it could hurt something and choosing not to because it understands what it means and feels to be hurt is closer to empathy.) In Artificer's case it could be a lot of things, from an understanding that they were harmed and seeking retaliation through aggression- to a more complex mindset that they are inflicting their own specific pain (death of conspecifics) onto scavengers. The latter would be the more 'human' expression of revenge, while the former would be a more generic type of retaliation. (Which we have observed in animals, but retaliation tends to be 1) quick, animals don't set up plans to get back at people and 2) generally targeted. A monkey might attack the offspring of another who beat him up (because they can't win against the other themselves) but it usually ends at associates of the target.) I think it was the result of a rather simple situation created by the way each side reacted to things: A pup violated the scavenger's rules, they attacked the pups and killed them, Artificer responded by attacking the offending tribe, and then the scavengers mark them as a threat- creating a situation in which aggression is met with aggression on an increasingly damaging scale until both sides are dedicating everything they have to each others destruction. It doesn't even really need to be a particularly thought out reaction from artificer... just an endless spiral from two sides who respond to violence with violence.
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quitealotofsodapop · 3 years
MvA assorted headcanons
So many years together has made the core monsters inseperable. If something affects one member, it affects the group.
All. The. Monsters. Are. Family.
It takes Susan a while to understand inside jokes and past incidents because of being the most recent addition.
There are Other anomalous creatures kept in Area 5X, but they are either non-sentient and/or are too dangerous to be kept around the more human-friendly monster group.
Area 5X is so gotdang big because they were expecting a lot more kaijus like Insecto to crop up. Sadly not many have surfaced to justify the space.
There’s a hangar in Area 5X full of wrecked UFOs. Some are spacecraft wreckage while others are stuff like weird meteors (Susan’s is in there), and at least one alien creature that got crystallised upon entering Earth’s atmosphere.
There’s significant difference in staff employed at different points throughout the past 50 years. There are far more women on the Area 5X worksheet than back in the 50s, and the guards are generally more sympathetic towards the monsters. Many modern staff members have been reprimanded or let go for failing to uphold secrecy, or for unnecessary cruelty towards the monsters.
Budget cuts were a legitmate concern up until the Battle of Golden Gate Bridge. The facility was far more barebones and sterile before the government had to formally recognise Area 5X’s importance. There have been a lot of redecorating at the facilty since the fat checks started coming in.
Putting individual characters under read due to length.
Enjoys many hobbies considered stereotypically feminine; baking, sewing, cosmetics, etc...
Grandparents and extended family are farmers or are atleast connected to the business. Modesto is the agricultural centre of California after all. Her parents were the first of their generation to go against the mold and seek out white-collar careers.
Studied cosmetology in school and was working at a beauty salon to save up for her and Derek’s wedding.
Is very athletic and grew up doing a number of physical extracurriculars like cheerleading, dodgeball, and roller-derby.
Grew up being teased for being the shortest kid in her class/family. They still tease her for it.
Greatly fears causing collateral damage and/or harm to others through her size.
Has issues with anxiety, worsened only by her new job as “savior of earth”. She wishes for a confidant to tell her worries to.
Married life with Derek was doomed to fail. Susan had a plan in place for what came after the marriage, and focusing 100% on Derek’s career was not it. There’s also the line from Derek’s mother about Susan being “the weatherman’s wife”, implying that she was to be the homemaker and not have a career of her own. It’s possible that Susan was planning to settle down and have kids with Derek, but the lack of control she had in moving to Fresno implied that more was going on.
Is currently “taking a break” from love and dating, despite gaining many new admirers.
Tries her best to return to Modesto to visit her family and friends whenever possible, though work often keeps her away for weeks at a time.
If she retains her height-shifting abilities as in the series; Susan goes through really bad “growing” pains.
Was frozen in his relative late-teens during a cold snap. Got shifted around until he ended up somewhere in Greenland before being discovered by modern humans. Post-thaw he went a bit wild, swimming frantically back south to try and find his old enviroment.
Was one of many scrappy youngsters in his troop, with a number of adoptive parents. The strongest ruled the troop, and Link was fairly weak in comparision to the leaders. He had gotten into a fight the day of his freezing (over something silly in hindsight) and swam away to sulk. When he didn’t return after the cold snap - the troop accepted that he had likely died out on his own.
Likes to freak out humans by making up weird biology facts about his species and ones he’s fought against - like joking about laying eggs or having his tail dettach and regrow like a lizard. However there’s some things he has to ask about, because he doesn’t have medical knowledge or words to describe something.
A lot of his macho behavior came from imitating the guards who kept watch on him. 1950s violent military alpha males aren't a very good role model for someone who doesnt know what societal norms are yet. Link was a lot more insufferable back in the day but chilled out as he began interacting with other walks of life.
Has a high paternal instinct and immediately becomes softer around kids and smaller animals.
Has body language similar to a cat/alligator. Slaps his tail when angry or in deep thought. And yes; Link purrs/rumbles when happy.
Loves monster movies - especially the ones where the monsters “win”. He cried when he saw “Beauty and the Beast” and then immediately booed loudly when the Beast turned human.
Does Not Trust doctors or scientists due to bad past experiences. Will only go to Dr Cockroach and Monger if he ever gets hurt/ill. Gets stressed fast if he has to be in a waiting room or doctors office.
Link had no idea what gender indentities or orientations were until recently - he did come from a pre-human civilization that really didnt mind/care about the schemantics. It took him some time to wrap his head around it. He identifies himself as bisexual after much thought and many hours alone on the computer.
Don't press him about his body. He's built different from humans and cis people. He will punch anyone who doesnt respect his or anyone elses identity.
Has been in love before. It didn’t end well.
Will occasionally wear clothes, but finds it a challenge to find anything that fits him. Will give any shoes he finds to Dr Cockroach and BOB to eat.
The best driver/pilot out of all the monsters.
Dr Cockroach:
True name is Jaques-Yves Herbert. Prefers to just go by "Dr Cockroach" because he dislikes the association with his birth family.
Picks up human languages very easily, although not as quickly as he can understand animals.
Parents were a mixed scientist couple. His father was an aggressive “Strong British Man” that would beat him son down for not following orders or for not meeting his standards for a man. Dr C turned down both chances to attend his parents funerals.
This man isn’t straight. He probably uses old-fashioned slang when asked about romance such as; “I am Uranian” or “I wear a green carnation”. It took Susan a few times to realise what he meant, as she is used to a more open minded enviroment.
Got the idea of transforming into a cockroach from reading Franz Kafkas “The Metamorphosis” as a child. He sympathized with Gregor’s abusive situation, and began considering the possibilties of how one could survive better as a creature like a cockroach.
Studied in biology and entomology in the Uk before moving to the states to follow engineering. Obtained his degree in Dance as a “side gig” in University.
Has been barred from free access to the coffee maker/machine due to overnighters. Once stayed awake so long that he forgot the letter “R”.
Owned a terrarium of Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches throughout college. He mourned each of them when his roommate’s iguana got into the tank.
Was a "beatnik" back in the day and still kinda is. Embraces and encourages modern counterculture as he himself was not given such acceptance in his youth. He has however shamefully eaten his old Lenny Bruce album.
Hasn’t actually aged physically since his transformation. He attributes this to the fact that certain athropods can’t age physically beyond maturity. Link is very jealous.
Has obtained more degrees while in captivity, as Monger allowed him access to research and learning materials. He has however had his allowances revoked for previous escape attempts/doomsday devices.
Does still enjoy human food, but the cockroach instinct of "eat detritus" tends to overrule his eating choices. Can’t cook either.
Ironically a terrible driver. The damages from previous drives has made Monger restrict him from operating even a razor scooter.
Pretty much considers himself human. Was created by them, raised by one (Monger), and talks like one. Gets sad when he's reminded that no other humans are blue blobs like him.
Absorbed some dna from the scientists present at his "birth", leading to his eye, speech, and omnivorous diet.
Doesnt actually need to breathe (as he can just absorb oxygen through his mass) but the fact that humans Do means that BOB thinks he has to as well.
Shares some physical characteristics with tomatoes/nightshade plants, as he is technically half tomato. He refuses to eat tomatos for this very reason, considering it cannibalism.
Attracts garden pests looking for a tomato plant. This unwittingly makes BOB a pretty good bug zapper.
Still retains his "mental broadcast" ability from "BOB's Big Break" although at a more subtle level. He tends to parrot the things he accidentally "eavesdropped" on.
Is empathetic, and can tell when others aren't doing ok emotionally. Will flop down on someone who’s really sad to comfort them. No brain, only heart.
Best cook out of the monsters. If he doesn’t forget what he’s making at least.
"Whats a gender? Can I eat it?"
Core body is that of a Japanese Silkmoth, although she ended up being spliced with other animals present on the island during her initial mutation; namely ants and ground squirrels.
Eats over a literal ton of mulberry leaves per day. Also enjoys oranges.
Secretly wishes to be more humanoid.
Was only able to pupate and transform due to physical trauma. It seems that her transformation was like a “power-up” that required her to be in geniune distress for it to activate.
First language is Japanese. She learned it from the intial recovery team, and later developed an understanding of English from years in Area 5X.
Goes into torpor in cold weather. Pretty much impossible to wake her up for missions during Winter, as she needs to “rev up” before becoming mobile.
Still very much Link’s best friend. Still enjoys sports, chicks, and beer.
Full name is; Warren Rex Monger.
Is very protective of the monsters and will defend them to the death.
Pretty much raised BOB (as seen when BOB was a baby blob in “Night of the Living Carrots”), and considers him his “freaky gelatinous son”.
Has a reputation of being a “control-freak” due to his aggressive overseeing of the monsters’ containment. This toughness is partly because of incidents that occured without his knowledge. Lets just say some scientists have been wedgied/fired for running experiments on the monsters without Monger’s approval.
Has a very “Ron Swanson” emotional response and view of the world. Crying is acceptable only at funerals and at the Grand Canyon (if he hadn’t lost his tear ducts in the war).
Has been married multiple times. Will not confirm or deny if he is currently seeing anyone.
Invisible Man/TiM:
Legit got out but no one at Area 5X is sure how. He suffered a geniune medical emergency and disappeared after surgery. The other monsters were informed that he died from complications to deter them from getting escape ideas.
Is able to be detected in Infrared light. Dr Cockroach managed to rig up goggles to view TiM in case of injury and to foil pranks.
Was a scientist working on an invisibility potion for the military and used himself as a guinea pig. Hasn’t actually been able to replicate his results since - thinks the effect may have been caused by a genetic abnormality.
Dr Cockroach and him are massive rivals. Both actually met eachother pre-transformation through a CalTech expedition. This makes the pair one of few people that have seen the others human face.
Is 100% naked. Was forced to wear clothing once this was discovered.
A massive prankster and a cynic. Him and Link were a force to be reckoned with.
Has revisted the facility multiple times and has started a number of ghost stories.
Any additions are welcome! I proably have alot more to dump about. Might make one of the alien characters from the series
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phantom-of-nrc · 4 years
Hello! First of all, thank you for doing this, I would like to have a twst matchup.
I'm not a minor, an ENTP Aquarius 8w7 self-preserve and chaotic evil. Am a decisive and assertive person, basically a natural-born leader. Though I like to procrastinate and lazing around, I always finish my job in perfection. Academically, I excel in school easily though I am not a perfectionist. I am a messy and quirky person, I don't mind imperfections. Am a stubborn and rebellious person, I would question laws and I don't mind getting into an argument as long it would be beneficial in long-term investment. I can't cook nor swimming, just naturally bad at it. People call me different, unique, yet passionate and cheerful. I don't adjust myself to others, I believe everyone has their originality and I hate stereotypes. I rarely get carried over by emotions. I wouldn't say I am responsible, but I am independent.
My hobbies would include sleeping, reading, gaming, and surfing the net. I am a really curious person so I don't mind challenges or unfamiliar stuff. I am confident as I always try to keep a good face in public through fashion and makeup. I have a soft spot for animals, I found them adorable and need to be protected.
My preference is someone intelligent as I value knowledge and leaning toward the introvert side to balance my extrovert-ness.
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Additional information: Oh wait I forgot to mention am a girl on my previous ask, Once again, thank you!
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ℌ𝔬𝔴 ℭ𝔬𝔪𝔢?
🦁 Well, well. This is a surprise.. It seems that you’ve caught the attention of the lion himself! 
🦁 As lazy as this man is, he is far from airheaded, this beastman has plotted his way through, if he wasn’t such a sloth, I have no doubt he’d be one of the bright students of NRC. All he really needs is some form of motivation... Perhaps in the form of a fellow lazy little herbivore..? 
🦁 While you do finish your job, Leona here isn’t exactly... That responsible for his school duties, opting to nap under a tree instead of attending classes so he could graduate out of the school.. Not that he’d complain, he prefers living on the campus rather than the place his oh-so noble brother rules over. I have a feeling that there might be friction between the two of you, an enemies-to-lovers trope, perhaps? This might be interesting...
🦁 He wouldn’t really pay that much mind to you, thinking you might just be another herbivore but imagine the surprise if he sees how bold you are.. In a way, he did stereotype you. A bad move on his part, but it did leave an interesting discovery on his part.. You’re definitely not a herbivore.. You are now hereby dubbed as ‘Omnivore’.
🦁 There are plenty of students with leader-like qualities in this school. For goodness sake, the dorm leaders of each dorm wasn’t a dorm leader for nothing. But perhaps it’s the streak of rebelliousness in you that got him looking your way. Most people usually like to be organized.. Take Riddle and Vil for example.. Discovering that not only are you rebellious, but you can also be messy and quirky, you don’t mind imperfection?? Now that got Leona’s eyebrows lifting up. Adding your originality, your uniqueness, now that got him hooked on curiosity... Alas, this man is too lazy to get up from his napping spot to even approach you.
🦁 There was one thing though, once the two of you spoke to each other, he’d learn how you’re not one to bend on your knees that easily. It... It somehow irks him, I guess that comes with the charm.. The two of you may clash foreheads somewhere in the near future.. It seems that Leona made not one, but two rivals now..
🦁 He’d be surprised once he learns you’re naturally bad at swimming or cooking. He’d be ordering Ruggie to come to save you if someone ever dares to push you in some source of water, but if there’s no one around.. He’ll have no other choice but to save you himself. He wouldn’t want entertainment to leave him now. 
🦁 Sleeping and napping is the number one must-do in your quality time with him, he doesn’t know why but the nap is much better with you. If you’re not in the mood to sleep, opting to play games, read or just surf the internet, please let him sleep on you or your lap.. Not like you have a choice, he’d just lay on you without a word-
🦁 The curiosity and confidence you have is something he’ll grow fond of. Although he won’t know it, the fondness would creep on him before he realizes it. Also, fashion and make-up? Please help this hopeless beastman.. This man wears SANDALS in his school uniform-
🦁 Once this man spots you, whether in the crowd or in the hall, from afar.. His pupils would dilate. If you take a closer look, you’d see his eyes dilating like a half-overgrown cat he is. If you noticed his dilating eyes and you point it out, he’d be denying your... ‘Claims’.. 
 Yet another clear day in the land of Twisted Wonderland, a calm and gentle breeze, the sun up high in the sky, the rustling of leaves as the wind weaved through them. Indeed, it was the perfect day for a nap. With peace, the lion can fulfill a satisfying nap under a tree.
  It was one of those rare days where the Ramshackle residents get a whole day for themselves, no overblots, no problems from other dormitories that the Ramshackle residents need to clean up, no Headmaster Dire Crowley shoving tasks to the students of Ramshackle. Finally, a day you can dedicate for yourself, the constant responsibilities Dire Crowley would put on the two of you despite the other schoolwork that required your attention can get tiring. So to finally have a day for yourselves is a blessing itself...
  With a perfect day, it was a chance one couldn’t pass up for outdoor activities. Being one of those few people who decided to catch some fresh air, perhaps find a shade to take shelter on as you resume catching up with the internet. What better place to go to than the Botanical Garden and its beautiful floras?
  It took a while to reach the Botanical Garden. You had to admit, it was difficult to choose a spot to relax in when there were so many aesthetically pleasing and relaxing spots to choose from. After a slightly long time of searching for a spot, a rather large tree had come to catch your eye. Its trunk was thick and sturdy, branches were covered with leaves, the shade cast by the leaves was more than enough to protect you from the heat of the sun.
   Settling underneath the tree, into the shade it cast, you opened the book currently in your arms. Savoring the aesthetic of the situation, it felt calming. A good temporary change of pace compared to the days of running around with Yuu and Grim. A much-needed relaxation after being dragged into another world and a much-needed time free of any interruption.
 Settling underneath the tree, into the shade it cast, you opened the book currently in your arms. Savoring the aesthetic of the situation, it felt calming. A good temporary change of pace compared to the days of running around with Yuu and Grim. A much-needed relaxation after being dragged into another world and a much-needed time free of any interruption.
 You were invested in the book, never looking away from the words as the occasional rustling of leaves didn't bother you. That was until...
  You saw a boy with animal ears and tail, hyena ears and tail. You’ve occasionally seen many of them around the campus. Your eyes then traveled to wherever the hyena boy was looking. What greeted you were half-lidded summer green eyes, looking back at you.
  There was something about meeting his gaze that made your heart jump. It wasn’t love, but perhaps you were only startled. Was it the slit of his eyes? Perhaps.
  Somewhere in the future, those slit eyes that somehow startled you will no longer startle you, but make your heart spike up in love. Those slit eyes that would startle you would dilate the moment his gaze lands on you.
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Why Otters are Small Dinosaurs
I dare you to try and prove me wrong.
*mic drop*
*hurriedly runs back to pick up microphone and continue as the subject is much too riveting not to be expanded*
So after an intense discussion with my Wife - who has demanded for precisely 30% of the credit of this post - at our weekly candlelit dinner, we have both come to the conclusion, that of which She tremendously persuaded me and did win: otters are, undoubtedly, small dinosaurs.
Now I will push a combination of mine and Her attempts onto you, my beloved audience of otter enthusiasts, and I expect each and every reader to agree to the sublime statement, in accordance to the ten pieces of photographic evidence belonging to this post (my Wife presented me with almost triple the proof, but of course, the limit for this site has to be ten).
1) This. This absolutely fundamental picture - the start of this whole journey. I call them ‘diplotters’ and the impact this photo will have on your life is more meaningful than the entire Renaissance era.
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Undeniable proof that otters share their genes with dinosaurs and, what we can speculate even more, are a part of the diplodocus branch.
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A fluffy young otter depicted here. And a dinosaur rightfully so. This majestic little flop has the proper face of a dinosaur. Every time I look him into the eyes I feel myself astral project back into the era of those roaming reptilian rabbles; it is a captivating stare.
3) and 4)
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As widely known, thanks to Steven Spielberg's ‘Jurassic Park’, there are carnivores, omnivores and herbivores within the Jurassic Kingdom. The same is applicable to otters. Here these two photos prove that otters eat both greenery and devour the souls of fish. Since there are different species of otter also, it is not so very far fetched to presume that some are carnivores, some omnivores and some herbivores. Coincidentally just like dinosaurs!
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Check out the razors on her! That nose is close enough to a snarl! I am unsure whether to be struck in fear at the terror she emanates or proud that she has embraced the roots of her ancestry.
What can be visibly seen, a human hand is holding her back. As all carers and owners of otters learn and know, these animals cannot simply be left alone around humans without any captivity. ‘Jurassic Park’ illustrated the consequences of ignoring these rules.
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I much prefer the term Demon for this specific otter. Those black holes for eyes, I’d rather swim the Artic Ocean then wonder what knowledge resides behind those pupils. A horror for myself to look upon, yet I must subject you all to the pain too. There is too much pure dinosaur energy radiating from this creature for it not to have a mention.
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Are dinosaurs not widely known for their flamboyant dress up? Palaeontologists have admitted to downgrading dinosaurs to simple skin and bone, ignoring possibility for any fabulous flaunted feather. This babe here knows exactly what’s part of its Jurassic nature: a beautiful statement for a beautiful specimen.
8) Aquatic dinosaurs are too underrated these days. But otters, otters will make up for the lack of representation of these bad boys.
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Watch her go! Bubbles everywhere, she is Speed. An aquatic dinosaur, indeed, and a valuable addition to the list.
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The evil side eye in this little sprite. I can tell straight away he will be up to no good, as dinosaurs did since their beginning.
And his quiff! Such a looker. Tyrannosaurus Rex obtain a similar reputation and style. A great disappointment if this little guy here wasn’t named after his great grandfather, Rexy Jr.
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Last, but not least, for after this post, there is no doubt you will all be raking the search results of Google for otters galore, river, lake, or sea, and all of them small dinosaurs.
A new born otter with such ripe dinosaur features to her. Sharp claws, large head, a whipping tail, fearful growl. There is no need for Photoshop skills from me, this image could not be less fake or more evident.
Need I say more? Otters are small dinosaurs.
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lamaestramendez · 4 years
en route to fascism
Ok, class.
I am angry. I am words I cannot use on this blog out of the very remote possibility my actual students google me.
Our 45th president (henceforth known as 45 because I refuse to give him the name recognition that he wants) is a fascist pig. Let me teach you about this terminology so that you understand my full meaning.
Let’s begin with “pig” as it’s a more commonly known term than “fascist.”
Pigs, also known in English as hogs, swine, etc. Let’s look at my favorite the Oxford English Dictionary for a literal definition.
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Notice that the 1st definition in the noun section is a literal definition, “an omnivorous domesticated hoofed mammal with sparse bristly hair and a flat snout for rooting in the soil, kept for its meat.” I’ve been told that pigs are delightful creatures with higher intelligence than many other small mammals. That is NOT my meaning. In defense of the pig, I share share some pictures of its beauty for you, class, to enjoy.
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Image by <a href="https://pixabay.com/users/skeeze-272447/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=1507208">skeeze</a> from <a href="https://pixabay.com/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=1507208">Pixabay</a>
Look how clean they are! Want some more cuteness before we get metaphorical? Check out this pig swimming with a bird!
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Image by <a href="https://pixabay.com/users/larsen9236-47917/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=171908">Lisa Larsen</a> from <a href="https://pixabay.com/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=171908">Pixabay</a>
Okay, now to all pig-loving friends, I beg your forgiveness. I cannot come up with better word choice. Pigs are not despicable creatures. I’m even somewhat fond of them. However, the only other terms that convey my full meaning when I say “fascist pig”, are inappropriate for my real life students to be reading when they inadvertently google me and stumble upon this post. I love them too much to expose them to that kind of English.
So when I say “fascist pig,” I am not referring to the many, many good qualities of the wild boar’s descendent. I am referring to those characteristics which humans find repugnant because we are wired differently than pigs are.
Yucky traits I am referring to with the term “fascist pig.” (Feel free to skip this section if you have a delicate stomach).:
Pigs, for instance, do not sweat, so they cool off by covering themselves in mud. Clever idea, right? Modern humans from my culture wouldn’t do that because the mud would dry out and stick to your hair; there could be something nasty in it; and dry mud under your nails is unpleasant. We also sweat, so mud as a cooling technique is rendered unnecessary. 
Pigs are not picky eaters. My dad is the son of a large animal vet. When I was a kid, he told me about how farmers have pigs go into a cornfield after the cows have finished the post-harvest leftovers because the pigs will eat whatever unprocessed corn is left from the cow’s droppings. Needless to say, the image stuck what me.
Due to the rooting through excrement habit, pigs stink.
Now on to the word, fascist. Following is a screenshot of the Oxford English Dictionary’s definition for the term “fascism.”
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The screenshot demonstrates that the definition of fascism is, “an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.” The next line explains a way the term is used generally to mean “extreme authoritarian, oppressive, or intolerant views or practices.”
Examples of 45′s fascist behaviors:
Children separated from their families in concentration camps. I have second-hand knowledge of this. The Gestapo Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) locked up a friend of mine for 45 days. He was taken from his uncle. He was 5 years old. Here’s his story: https://youtu.be/Xa6NYkQWF4I . It’s also been documented by many reputable news sources. https://apnews.com/9794de32d39d4c6f89fbefaea3780769
Children and adults placed in hieleras (ice boxes/coolers). I know people from multiple Central American countries who have suffered this at the hands of ICE. What happens is , the family turns themselves into ICE to apply for asylum. ICE locks them up and turns the temperature down to just above freezing. ICE lets them go within 3 days. There is no benefit to these families making up this story. Being from different countries, they did not know one another before telling me the exact same story. Here’s a similar story that happened to another family from a reputable news source: https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/trump-s-family-separation-policy-never-really-ended-why-ncna1025376
Flint, Michigan still does not have clean water. Yes that’s more in the hands of state government officials but I don’t see 45 using any political clout to help mitigate the situation. https://detroit.cbslocal.com/2020/07/30/michigan-supreme-court-rules-flint-class-action-can-proceed-over-lead-in-water/
45 is violating court orders in regards to DACA. ***Side note: Just like Andrew Jackson. Can we please take him off the $20 bill and replace him with Harriet Tubman already???*** https://www.npr.org/2020/07/28/896334928/trump-administration-will-reject-new-daca-applications-administration-official-s
Journalists are arrested and manhandled by law enforcement when covering protests which is a clear violation of the 1st amendment. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/29/arts/television/cnn-arrest.html
He’s attacking his own citizens. https://www.npr.org/sections/live-updates-protests-for-racial-justice/2020/07/27/895713277/tear-gas-fired-on-protesters-again-during-overnight-protests-in-portland
He thinks Kim Jong Un is awesome. https://www.npr.org/2017/05/02/526520042/6-strongmen-trumps-praised-and-the-conflicts-it-presents
He’s trying to lengthen our border wall - again, shades of North Korea. https://www.npr.org/2020/05/25/861837314/trumps-border-wall-would-go-through-laredos-historic-downtown
140,000 deaths from COVID keep getting minimized. Steps to mitigate the pandemic keep getting minimized. https://www.npr.org/2020/07/19/892787298/some-young-people-have-the-sniffles-trump-downplays-the-coronavirus-severity
I’m starting to work myself up into a state with this list. In order to preserve my sanity, I’m skipping the rest of the reasons and going to the most salient one.
45 is advocating for a delay of the 2020 presidential election. See this screenshot from twitter?
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Delay the election?????????? A delay would inevitably extend the length of 45′s current term, no matter the election’s outcome. That’s not how a republic works. It’s how a fascist who is trying to make it look like he’s operating in the people’s best interests, steals absolute power for himself.
Post-Nazi Germany, Germans often said, “We didn’t see it coming.” I say that is a bunch of baloney. I say, Hitler’s contemporaries did not WANT to see what was happening, so they lied to themselves to make their own reality more comfortable.
You should not be comfortable right now. You should be sick with worry.
Get the word out about the evil that is happening in America. Our own citizens are victims of 45′s fearmongering. Do not let them be comfortable with his actions. If you are silent, you are complicit. Do not be complicit. A true American pulls all the stops to make this country that we LOVE a better place. Staying silent in the face of fascism has the opposite effect.
Oh, and in case you forget, today’s learning objective is to understand why I am correct when I describe 45 as a fascist pig.
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mrpinner · 4 years
My Name is Adrian, i am an omnivorous reader, i love to learn new thing and share with those that may not have been there. Because i love to read and share accurate knowledge with fellow homo sapiens, i have built a good number of platforms that not only teachers but has helped a lot of my readers achieve their goals in Real State and business. 1. I Built a local Construction Estimation platform where intending landlords, students and contractors could learn useful tips to enable them reach their goals. Here you get to learn tips about cost of fencing a plot of land, cost of molding blocks 2. I am a lover of beautiful songs, so i built a platform that helps people View, listen to and download Latest Nigerian Gospel Songs. On this platform you get Mercy Chinwo Worship songs 3. I am a researcher, my mum really taught me a lot when it comes to shopping groceries for domestic use and because i love my Civil Engineering profession, i have built a cost research platform for anyone that would love to know the price of things in my country Nigeria. See Price of Food Stuffs In Nigeria Here is just a few reason why you must love Adrian
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rootsooman · 5 years
How can we Vegans employ moral relativity when dealing with carnist cultures?
I am a vegan from a trod-on background. I come from people who were herded, bred, farmed, and killed with impunity because (even today) we were and are considered non human animals (beasts of the field). And as carnivores feed on herbivores, likewise us human omnivores ate both plants and animals. The difference here is that, in ancient times, animal life was sacred. So were the lives of trees, yams, forests, rocks, stones and water bodies.
Killing was not taken lightly, and heavy superstitions and tribal law ensured that extinction was not possible. Even when slash and burn techniques were used for farming and planting, the jungles were still thick and the lower population density and the lack of money (we used cowrie shells or traded) meant that massive land destruction was unnecessary because eating and feeding our families was not a corporate enterprise. We had no need to import or export food. We farmed, we gathered, occassionally we hunted. Humans are of course, majority practicing omnivores despite our very frugivorous biology.
Now we are all in the 21st century. Us wild folk and us industrialized folk. And now, thanks to decades of progressive thought, vegans can be found among us all. But a big problem with mainstream vegans and purely animal rights vegans is a tendency to forego moral relativism when dealing with omnivorous/carnist people. This is a grave mistake that not only is ethnocentric, speciesist in itself, ableist, classist and downright wrong, but it further isolates all creatures from the cause of veganism REGARDLESS of how the fate of non human animals is tied in with human animals and the environment. Using arguments like health, aesthetic and the frugivore theory do not help veganism either. A first world, educated, westernized/industrialized person can not begin to understand the complexity of the relationship between peoples and their food and their beliefs if they grew up in a society and world that offered them CHOICES at every turn.
Choices are not something that comes freely and easily to individuals who were moulded and shaped by an environment that has existed for thousands of years longer than veganism. Change has never been a quick or easy process. Evolution of thought may be quicker, but not by much. When approaching populations who sustain themselves on hunting, just imagine how absurd it would be to stop lions from hunting. Lions do not kill for sport. They have been seen in the wild saving the lives of helpless prey animals. Their carnivorism is biological. You may say, well, humans, we have a choice because we are not carnivores. True, but the illusion of a choice is relative to your society and sustainability. Some tracts of land are very dry and NOT abundant in adequate plant foods. Thus, patterns of eating are highly dependent on historical, geographical and cultural eco systems.
Importing corn to a desert could very well cause digestive issues or make indigenous farmers poor. Look what happened in Haiti when Monsanto flooded it with FrankenRice, causing native farmers to lose their entire food security and independence, and how Big Government made the native (tropical adapted) Haitian pig go extinct over a swine flu scare. Now there is HUNGER that is virtually irreversible. This same patronizing attitude is being adopted by vegans: "Why can't they just grow kale and wheat and almonds to make almond milk? We can just send it there! Presto!".
And watch a country starve?
As vegans we have to accept the FACT that the world will not be vegan ANYTIME soon. It is up to us to decrease as much as practically possible, the suffering of our fellow animals (human and non human) and our environments. It is not as simple as forcing people to give up eating meat.
Also consider Food Deserts. When all you have ever been exposed to for generations are cheap, calorie dense packs of Oscar Meyers bologna and other awful scrap cuttings leftover by the privileged, plus, being ridiculed and debased for enjoying fruits like watermelon (cheap, filling, healthy, abundant) there is no way you can safely just go vegan without first reversing years of (psych+phys) damage and relearning everything, yes, everything you know about food. Some populations' relationship to their foods has been damaged beyond recognition and it will take time, patience and understanding to help fix that. We have to wear their shoes to understand how to approach their change. You have to wear our shoes.
You have to put on that skin, and see yourself made out by society to be a monkey, ape or beast for enjoying a f***ing fruit. Imagine having to show up to a job interview and the employer thinking, "I'm supposed to hire and pay a comical creature like this, when I can hire a person to do the job?" All because of decades of damaging imagery. If you can't feel what it's like to wear the pelt, don't discourage anyone from wearing the belt.
The lowest cancer rates in the world are found amongst us "primitives". We also lack the eye, dental + heart issues, high blood pressure and lactose-caused diseases of our Westernized breeds. Our populations in modernity tend to die from DIET based disease rather than environmental ones like malaria. Yes, meat plays a large role in that, but the root cause itself isnt general meat consumption but industrialized meat consumption. Meat was never the largest portion on the plate for "primitive" people. It was the smallest.
While modernization can alleviate some of those problems, we have to understand too that most of these "gifts" from the elite (yes, that includes all 1st world beneficiaries of 1st world perks) come with a catch and are built on centuries of exploitation: human, environmental and non human.
"I'll feed you, clothe you and cure you if you eat like me, talk like me, sh!t like me, sit like me, do this for me, and live like me" and that is NOT the answer. Building American toilets instead of squat toilets? The gift is double edged: better sanitation and, as a bonus? colon cancer. Likewise, veganism in its current mainstream form cannot simply be applied to any given people or place. It has to be bio-suitable and enviro-suitable. Acknowledging unique needs is not politically incorrect, it is necessary. Tarzan is not the answer. Grassroots is.
I am lucky to come from a population that is 90% lactose intolerant. But that doesn't mean going vegan was easy, but I am glad for every single one of the 6 years that I have been and won't be turning back. However, being that I and the cows are one and the same in our plight, I know what it feels like to be so domesticated and severed from my instincts as to be heavily reliant on the elite (which yes, does include you vegans of privilege as much I love you and thank you). For a while, cows were fed other cows. It hurt them but they were hungry and it was what they knew. Likewise, severing reliance on our breeders requires an overhaul of identity that moves away from the corporate (national) to the environmental (natural).
Please approach cultures armed with knowledge AND understanding before proposing Veganism. Transitions can only be relative, and the world will never be 100% vegan. It was pristine before veganism. The culprit is western civilization, not carnism. And we have to reimagine "civilization" (colonial elite corporate hegemony) before we can reimagine carnism.
I'd like to end this piece by saying thank you to all the western vegans who use so much of their time and power to further the vegan cause. Your work is valuable wonderful and is making waves in the push for a safer, more sustainable, more beautiful world. Just remember that being a savior should never be the goal. A savior has a position of power and we do not need any more of those. We need grassroots level change.Meaning, learn from us, do what you can, then move on.
A creature that cannot feed itself is a PET.
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naturecoaster · 5 years
Rescued Bear Cub to Live in Homosassa
The Ellie Schiller Homosassa Wildlife State Park is part of a cooperative effort between the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission and state-wide bear rehabilitation facilities. Each year, up to 11 rescued Florida Black bears are given to the park for rehabilitation and release back into the wild, but Park visitors never see them. “We have a 100% success rate for our rehabilitated bears,” shared Andrea Junkunc, Park Services Specialist, at the first viewing of their latest project, Maximus.
Maximus, the Orphaned Baby Black Bear to Live at Wildlife Park
On Wednesday, July 31, 2019, the six-month old bear cub was introduced to the public at the Park. A bundle of ebony fur, Maximus bounds into his life as the newest permanent resident at Ellie Schiller Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park! He was rambunctious and curious when NatureCoaster visited, playing with the water in his trough and eventually sat up in it, like a bathtub. He climbed the walls of his chain link temporary habitat, pulled on saw palmetto leaves, tasted sticks and everything else he could.
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Maximus the orphaned Florida Black bear cub got into his water trough, using it like a bathtub when introduced to the public Wednesday, July 31, 2019. Image by Diane Bedard. Max was simply adorable. Being the first day he was interacting with the public, the Wildlife Care team had several members looking after him. “We are pleased with how well he is doing on his first day of seeing so many new people,” Trisha explained. Although he has been bottle-fed, cleaned, crate trained, and bonded with his caregivers, it is a big first step for an orphaned wild animal to meet a crowd – even if they are all fans. Max seemed to take it all in stride, playing with everything within his grasp like a little bear should.
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There is an entire Wildlife Care Team at Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park, headed up by Trisha Fowler. Together they rehabilitate some of Florida's orphaned wild animals. They came out on Wednesday to help Max transition to his public encounters. Image by Diane Bedard How Maximus came to Ellie Schiller Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park Born in the wild in February, young Maximus was orphaned by his mother in the Florida panhandle for unknown reasons. He was found by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) weighing a mere four pounds at the time of rescue. Fortunately, Maximus’ mother is a tagged and collared Florida Black bear, so FWC was aware of the situation.
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Max playing in the rehabilitation area of the Wildlife Park. Image courtesy of Joe Dube. The tiny young bear received medical care and around-the-clock supervision, requiring frequent feedings. Despite caregivers’ best efforts, FWC deemed the young bear non-releasable and it just happened that there was space available for a permanent resident bear at Homosassa. Maximus the Orphaned Bear Cub receives Committed Care at the Park At the Ellie Schiller Homosassa Wildlife State Park, Darin Wilson was given the opportunity to care for Maximus. As a Ranger who has been part of the Wildlife Care team for 2 years, Darin is thrilled to be working with ‘Max’.
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Darin Wilson interacts with Maximus. Darin has been given the job of bonding with Max to help in his care and training. Image courtesy of Diane Bedard Max was about 11 pounds when he came to the Wildlife Park in March. Darin has been working closely with the bear cub, bonding with him. He teaches Max crate training, as well as cleaning and feeding him. “How many people can say they bond with a bear for their job?” Darin tells me with a wide grin on his face and palpable joy. “The bond is great for enrichment for Max, and for me.” Max is nearly 40 pounds now. He is fed fruits, vegetables and omnivore food. He also gets dog food as a protein source to help him grow strong - and two smoothies a day!
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Maximus the baby bear will be on display at the Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays from 2:30 - 3:30 pm. Image courtesy of Joe Dube. Homosassa Wildlife State Park helps to Rehabilitate and Release Orphaned Bears Year-Round “Florida’s only Wildlife State Park not only works in cooperation with FWC to rehabilitate orphaned black bears and release them back into the wild, but also has the facilities to house several non-releasable bears,” says Kate Spratt, the Park’s Service Specialist. There are facilities to rehabilitate up to 11 bears at the Park. These are behind the scenes and manned by the Wildlife Care team, headed up by Trisha Fowler.
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Trisha Fowler leads an amazing and committed team of wildlife biologists, specialists and volunteers who rehabilitate Florida's orphaned wildlife. Here she is answering questions from the public as she interacts with the Wildlife Park's newest resident. Image courtesy of Diane Bedard “Bears are typically born in February and brought to the Park by June for rehabilitation. We try to get them ready to go back to their natural environments by January of the following year when they are big enough to safely integrate,” Andrea Junkunc explains. “FWC tracks the bears and none of our bears have been found after release.” Managing and Integrating Homosassa’s Newest Resident with the Park “We will be bringing Max out on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays from 2:30-3:30 for the public to see until he is old enough to safely enjoy the Park’s bear habitat without supervision,” Trisha Fowler tells the onlookers, “He will be living in the bear rehabilitation area until then. When he is mature enough, we will bring him to the Florida Black bear habitat for a day, with Biddy living in the rehabilitation area and then exchange them, giving both an opportunity for solitude and public interaction.”
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Each orphaned bear is taught the skills that its mother would have trained it for by the staff. Because Max was so young and tiny when rescued, FWC deemed him unable to return to the wild. He will be an ambassador for his species at the Park. Image courtesy of Joe Dube. With Max not being Biddy’s offspring, it is unwise to put them together. Florida Black Bears are part of Homosassa Springs Wildlife Park’s History Prior to Maximus’ arrival, the State Park housed one adult Florida black bear, Biddy. She arrived with her twin brother, Brutus, as cubs in the early 2000s, residing at the Park ever since. With the passing of Brutus in 2018, Biddy has been the only resident Florida black bear in the park.
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Brutus and Biddy were brother and sister black bear residents of the park until Brutus passed away in 2018. Photo by Joe Dube “Bears tend to be solitary creatures,” Andrea explains. “Biddy enjoys her solitude as bears in the wild typically keep to themselves.” Keeping this in mind, Biddy and the newcomer Maximus will spend time on exhibit separately, following a rotating schedule like that of the panthers who reside at the Park. Volunteers are the Heartbeat of this Wildlife State Park On Wednesday, July 31, Park volunteer Mary Ann Desimone explained about Florida Black bears, including their eating habits, life expectancy, typical lifestyle and range. She answered questions for the 40 or so visitors who came to greet Maximus on his first day interacting with the public.
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Mary Ann Desimone, 24-year Park Volunteer is a two time graduate of bear college where she learned about the Florida Black bear and how to best communicate that information to the public. She is seen here on July 31, 2019 answering questions at Maximus' first public exhibition. Image by Diane Bedard “I have been to bear college twice in the 1990s, the ‘Cubs for Kids’ training. I love animals, teaching and interacting with children,” Mary Ann explains about how she acquired her knowledge of Florida Black bears. She has been volunteering at the Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park for 24 years. Interested in coming to the park to view the young Maximus?
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Come to the Ellie Schiller Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park and meet Max. He is so cute and full of energy that you will be glad you did! Image courtesy of Joe Dube. Maximus, the orphaned Florida Black bear, will be in a special exhibit located on the Wildlife Walk across from the bobcats on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays from 2:30pm to 3:30pm, weather permitting, until he is mature enough to release into the bear habitat. Visitors to the park may see Maximus at that time and speak with a ranger about him. The park entrance is located at 4150 S Suncoast Blvd. in Homosassa. Hours are 9 am to 5:30 pm daily, with last entry at 4:45 pm. The cost for entry is Adults (age 13+) $13, Children (ages 6-12) $5, Children 5 and under, free. For more information, call the Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park office at 352-628-5343. Postscript: Special thanks to Joe Dube for the excellent photos of Max and to the Wildlife Care Team at Ellie Schiller Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park for taking the time to answer our questions - and their commitment to Florida's wildlife. Read the full article
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sage-selfships · 6 years
Sage H. D. - Bully Self-Insert
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This is my Self-Insert for Bully/Canis Canem Edit! I made the art myself and would appreciate if you didn’t use it! The Template was created by Silkvale and found here! I will post updated versions to @kitty-selfshipping so uhm yeah, follow that blog to read it when it’s totally finished or edited.
If you are interested in reading the current info about my Bully Self-Insert, please read under the cut!
Biographical Information Full Name [& Pronunciation] - Sage Holland Drage ( S AI J ) ( H AW - l uh n d ) ( d r ai j ) Meaning - Herb or Prophet, Ridgeland, Dragon Set Age - 14-15 Certified Birthdate - 12 January 1992 (not my real birth year, but shh) Astrological Sign -  Capricorn Pronouns - They/them or He/Him Aliases & Preferred Nicknames – Dumbbell - Sage might not actually like the nickname, but Mandy WIles insist on calling Sage it whenever Mandy sees Sage, so Sage is  Dragon - As some people may not be able to pronounce Sage’s surname, Sage just call themselves Dragon to make it easier for everyone. Ms. Shy - Even though Sage prefers to go by he/him or they/them pronouns, people insist on calling them ms, and many people consider them shy because of how they seem terrified of new people Puppy - A nickname Sage got from Kirby Olsen, that they claim matches their general personality Ethnicities Distant Descendants : American, British,  Dominant Descendants : Norwegian, Swedish, Danish Physical Description Hair Color - Brown Eye Color - Blue Weight – Height - Typical Clothing Wear :  Maroon or pink vest, purple skirt, blue bow, purple bow, pink shoes - School   uniform  Red stained dress and blonde wig - Halloween costume, that is supposed to resemble Carrie White from the movie Carrie Faux fur coat, faux fur ushanka - Winter attire Figure/Build - Distinguishing Features/Scars/ or Birthmarks – A mole just over their lip Explain: Tattoos: Piercings: Frequently Worn Jewelry: Choker belt around their neck Personal Information Current Living Arrangements - Sage currently lives with three of their American relatives, but also they technically live at Bullworth, in the girl’s dorm Originated from - Vestfold, Norway Traveled Territories - Hobbies -   Fears – Spiders, snakes, insects, heights, scarecrows, most of the jocks Religion/Beliefs – Atheist Why?: Sage grew up in an atheist family, as simple as that. Health Behaviors Physical Ailments/ Disabilities/ Issues – Addiction(s) [Sex, Drugs, Smoking, Alcohol, Other]  Why?: Any regular medication taken? – Medication for their Iron Deficiency and for their Hives Chronological Information Profession - Student Likes - Dislikes - Goals/Ambitions – Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience - Story behind experience: Weapons/Equipment - Sage mostly fights using their hands but can use a baseball if they need to Personal Attributes Personality - Strengths - Weaknesses - Good Habits - Bad Habits - Fetishes/Strange Behaviors - Stereotype - Shy kid with few friends As you know them better(and you like them) : As you know them better(and you hate them) :   Ratings on Personal Qualities (don't go overboard make reasonable stats for your character) Physical Strength : 4/10 Sage might not regularly train, but surprisingly Sage is stronger than they seem Attractive : 5/10 Sage doesn’t consider themselves the most beautiful and mostly blames it upon their parents and grandparents for how they look Honesty : 7/10 Sage hates lying in general, but still does lie if they need to. Rule Abiding : 3/10 Sage thinks certain rules are to be broken and others are to be broken. Sociability : 3/10 Sage is quite shy when it comes to meeting new people, but if they muster up enough confidence they can make new friends. Bullworth Academy Information Reason for enrolling: Sage has lacked disiplince and Sage’s parents had relatives that lived close Bullworth, so they decided on sending them to a Clique - Standing and Rank in Social Circle  - Room Number – 4 Roommate(s)-  Zoe Taylor & Beatrice Trudeau Favourite Subject(s) – English,  & Art Why?: Sage loves English because they’ve felt so motivated and  Least Favorite Subject(s) – Why?: Favourite Teacher – Mr. Galloway & Mrs. Philips Why?: Mr. Galloway - Sage takes a liking to Mr. Galloway, mostly because he encouraged and gave Sage a warm welcome to the school, during Sage’s first day at Bullworth Mrs. Philips - Sage got a few compliments Least Favorite Teacher –  Mr. Slawter Why?: Sage is quite afraid of Mr. Slawter, mostly because he yelled at Sage during their first class Knowledgeability Language(s) – Norwegian, English Schooling Level - Grade 8-9, Expertise – Chemistry - Math - English - Geography - Sage knows a few things, like where certain European countries are, but after that, nothing more Politics/Law - Economy - Cooking/Culinary - Shop - Botany/Biology - Mythology - high / Sage knows a lot about Norrøn Mythology and enjoys learning more and more about it Art - high / Sage highly enjoys Art and feels that they know a lot about the rules about realism and perspective Photography - Sage knows how to use a camera, and what settings look good or not, so they consider themselves at a 5/10 Reading Level - Overall Intelligence Level(s) - Interpersonal and Naturalistic. Relationships Statuses   (once you list characters here, delete them from the other list near the end of this information sheet, makes things less confusing) (Also, please describe the relationships of your character with other characters) Trusted Companions Closest Friend(s) –   Milliz - “I trust her with my life. Nothing more or less to say. And might I add that her and Earnest are really freakiNG ADOREABLE?” (Jeg beklager ikke for at du er satt på denne lista, Milliz) Friend(s) -   Kirby Olsen - Despite Kirby being a jock and Sage being afraid of most of the jocks, Kirby and Sage are pretty close and    
Hated Rivals Worst Enemies – Intolerable Students - Harmless Acquaintances Tolerated Students - Tolerated Townsfolk - Hot Encounters Hinted Attractions - Crush(es) - Lover(s) - Gary Smith, Jimmy Hopkins and Petey (Ey, don’t judge me please or make comments about this please, I just ship myself with all of them :( I will also make like another post or tweet where I just describe everything from lore to headcanons about this ) Ex(s) - None Extra Information Eating Habits Omnivore/Carnivore/Herbivore – Favorite Food(s): Favorite Drink(s): Disliked Food(s): Disliked Drink(s): Added Information Proclaimed Theme Song(s) - Either Dancing Queen by ABBA or Scent – Favourite Color: Favourite Season: Favourite Animal: Sage  Favourite Music Genre: Sage can’t really choose, but they are very fond of country and Pop Most Memorable Quote – Various Quotes Through Interaction :  “ Walking around – “I sure hope Mandy was joking when he called me a dumbbell...” “I don’t know jack dritt about math, how am I supposed to get a good grade?” “Gary mentioned something about rats, wondered what he was on about.” “I’m considering joining a clique... but which one?” “ “ “ “ When the fire alarm goes off – “Stuff like this always happens when you least expect it.” “Sure hope this isn’t a drill, I don’t want my slippers to get wet again without reason.” Greetings Good Terms: “Hiya!” “Hey there, best friend!” “How ya doing, sweetie?” “How are you doing, buddy?” “Hey, anyhting fun happen recently?” “Bro! What’s up?” “Heisann!” (Norwegian for ‘Hey there’) Bad Terms: “Please leave me alone” “I rather not talk.” “Ew.” “Get out of my face!” “Leave me alone!” “Continue being around me and I’ll beat you up! Or cry!” Saying goodbye – Good Terms: “Have a good day! “See you later!” “Hope you have a good night!” Bad Terms: “”See you in Hell, I uhm mean class.” “Leave already.” “I’m getting a headache, gotta go.” “Byyeee, see you never.” When Flirted With – Good Terms: “I uhm...” “Thank you....” “Well I uhm, thank you so much! I uhm haha, we should hang out or something!” “I feel flattered. I’ll uhh have to go over there until the blushing stops.” “Continue acting this sweet and you’re going to be getting ladies really quickly.” “ “You’re such a sweetheart!” “If I were of age, I would marry you right here on the spot, but I’m still too young.” Bad Terms: “I wouldn’t say I don’t like you, but I’m not that interested.” “Not to be rude, but no.” “That better not be trying to make me blush, because it didn’t work at all.” “ “
Watching a fight – “I know I shouldn’t watch this crap, but damn it feels so right, right now!” “ Attacking – “I’m sorry!” “I have no choice in this situation, so I apologize beforehand!” “I learnt this one from my friend!” While Fighting – “I really wish it didn’t have to end with one of us being hurt!” “Ouch! Thanks, I guess!”
Chasing someone – “You can run, but you can also hide!” “Come back here! please...!” Out of breath – “This always happens....” “Why do I have to have iron deficiency? When hidden from – “ Knocked out – “ Stinkbomb explodes – “I can’t see shit!” “I should be happy I can’t smell anything from before!” Opinions on students who reside at Bullworth Academy– (in alphabetical order) Bullies   Davis White: Ethan Robinson: Russell Northrop: Tom Gurney: Trent Northwick: Troy Miller: Wade Martin: Zoe Taylor: Greasers Hal Esposito: Johnny Vincent: Lefty Mancini: Lola Lombardi: Lucky De Luca: Norton Williams: Peanut Romano: Ricky Pucino: Vance Medici: Jocks Bo Jackson: Casey Harris: Damon West: Dan Wilson: Juri Karamazov: Luis Luna: Mandy Wiles: Ted Thompson: Nerds Algernon Papadopoulos: Beatrice Trudeau: Bucky Pasteur: Cornelius Johnson: Donald Anderson: Earnest Jones: Fatty Johnson: Melvin O'Connor: Thad Carlson: Non-Cliques Angie Ng: Christy Martin: Constantinos Brakus: Eunice Pound: Gloria Jackson: Gordon Wakefield: Ivan Alexander: Karen Johnson: Lance Jackson: Melody Adams: Pedro De La Hoya: Ray Hughes: Sheldon Thompson: Trevor Moore: Preppies Bif Taylor: Bryce Montrose: Chad Morris: Derby Harrington: Gord Vendome: Justin Vandervelde: Parker Ogilvie: Pinky Gauthier: Tad Spencer: Opinion on Adults who teach and patrol at Bullworth Academy – (in alphabetical order) Miss Danvers: Miss Peters: Mr. Galloway: Mr. Luntz: Mr. Matthews: Mr. Wiggins: Mrs. Carvin: Mrs. MacRae: Mrs Peabody: Ms. Phillips: Neil: Prefects – Edward Seymour II: Karl Branting: Max MacTavish: Seth Kolbe: Opinions on People in the cities of Bullworth – (in alphabetical order) Townies Clint(aka Henry): Sage doesn’t like saying it, but they’re quite afraid of him and  Duncan: Edgar Munsen: Gurney: Jerry: Leon: Omar Romero: Otto Tyler: Residents in the city of Bullworth – Bethany Jones: Denny: Dr. Bambillo: Krakauer: Mihailovich: Miss Abby: Mr. Brekindale: Mr. Buckingham: Mr. Castillo: Mr. Doolin: Mr. Huntingdon: Mr. Johnson: Mr. Martin: Mr. Ramirez: Mr. Salvatore: Mr. Smith: Mr. Sullivan: Ms. Rushinski Mrs. Lisburn: Osborne:
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kittyboones · 5 years
Sage Holland Drage - Bully Self-Insert
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This is my Self-Insert for Bully/Canis Canem Edit! I made the art myself and would appreciate if you didn’t use it! The Template was created by Silkvale and it can be found here! I added an extra, maybe not as necessary category in the Hot Encounters category, just for fun!! And I added a few teachers! This is the finished version of this OC/self-insert! if you want to see previous versions, please go through this tag to see previous versions!
If you are interested in reading the current info about my Bully Self-Insert, please read under the cut!
Biographical Information Full Name [& Pronunciation] - Sage Holland Drage ( S AI J ) ( H AW - l uh n d ) ( d r ai j ) Meaning - Herb or Prophet, Ridgeland, Dragon Set Age - 14-15 Certified Birthdate - 12 January 1992 (not my real birth year, but shh) Astrological Sign -  Capricorn Pronouns - They/them or He/Him Aliases & Preferred Nicknames –   Dumbbell - Sage might not actually like the nickname, but Mandy WIles insist    on calling Sage it whenever Mandy sees Sage, so Sage is kind of used to this  nickname   Dragon - As some people may not be able to pronounce Sage’s surname,          Sage just call themselves Dragon to make it easier for everyone.   Ms. Shy - Even though Sage prefers to go by he/him or they/them pronouns,    people insist on calling them ms, and many people consider them shy because of how they seem terrified of new people. This nickname was first given by          Gord Vendome.   Puppy - A nickname Sage got from Kirby Olsen, that they claim matches their general personality and as Kirby claims, matches the fact Sage has puppy eyes ‘that could melt the coldest of hearts’.   Handsome Holland - because of an incident with the greasers, Ricky started calling Sage handsome and man does Sage blush every damn time   Dragonborn – Because of Sage secretly is a bit of a nerd, they obtained this nickname from the nerds when they found out they enjoyed roleplaying games like   Freddie Mercury - Mostly because of how much of a drama queen Sage can act like when they feel like it, some of the Preps have realized Sage fit the description of Bullworth’s Freddie Mercury and maybe it’s because of the fact that Sage, just like Mr Mercury, is Bisexual   Posh Spice – Maybe it’s because of how posh and ladylike Sage gets when they are dressed extremely nicely, or maybe it’s because of how Sage is not such an innocent girl like Victoria sang herself back in 2001 Ethnicities  Distant Descendants : American, British, Italian Dominant Descendants : Norwegian, Swedish, Danish Physical Description  Hair Color - Brown Eye Color - Blue Weight –  Height -  Typical Clothing Wear :  Maroon or pink vest, purple skirt, blue bow, purple bow, pink shoes - School   uniform  Pink silk dress and blonde wig - Halloween costume, that is supposed to   resemble Carrie White from the movie Carrie  Faux fur coat, faux fur ushanka - Winter attire  Plaid pink pyjama pants, striped yellow and black crop top - Pyjamas Figure/Build -  Distinguishing Features/Scars/ or Birthmarks – A mole just over their lip Explain:  Tattoos:  Piercings:  Frequently Worn Jewelry: Choker belt around their neck Personal Information  Current Living Arrangements - Sage currently lives with five of their American relatives, but also they technically live at Bullworth, in the girl’s dorm Originated from - Norway Travelled Territories -  Hobbies -   Fears – Spiders, snakes, insects, heights, scarecrows, most of the jocks Religion/Beliefs – Atheist Why?: Sage grew up in an atheist family, as simple as that. Health Behaviors  Physical Ailments/ Disabilities/ Issues –  Addiction(s) [Sex, Drugs, Smoking, Alcohol, Other] As stupid as it sounds, Sage is kind of addicted to eating sugar icing. Why?:  Any regular medication taken? – Medication for their Iron Deficiency and for their Hives Chronological Information  Profession - Student Likes -  Dislikes -  Goals/Ambitions –  Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience -  Story behind experience:  Weapons/Equipment - Sage mostly fights using their hands but can use a baseball if they need to. Personal Attributes  Personality -  Strengths -  Weaknesses -  Good Habits -  Bad Habits -  Fetishes/Strange Behaviors -  Stereotype - Shy kid with few friends As you know them better(and you like them) :  As you know them better(and you hate them) :   Ratings on Personal Qualities  Physical Strength : 4/10 Sage might not regularly train, but surprisingly Sage is stronger than they seem Attractive : 5/10 Sage doesn’t consider themselves the most beautiful and mostly blames it upon their parents and grandparents for how they look Honesty : 7/10 Sage hates lying in general, but still does lie if they need to. Rule Abiding : 3/10  Sage thinks certain rules are to be broken and others are to be broken. Sociability : 3/10  Sage is quite shy when it comes to meeting new people, but if they muster up enough confidence they can make new friends. Bullworth Academy Information  Reason for enrolling: Sage has lacked disiplince and Sage’s parents had relatives that lived close Bullworth, so they decided on sending them to a Clique -  Standing and Rank in Social Circle  - Room Number – 4 Roommate(s)-  Zoe Taylor & Beatrice Trudeau Favourite Subject(s) – English,  & Art Why?: Sage loves English because they’ve felt so motivated and  Least Favorite Subject(s) –  Why?:  Favourite Teacher – Mr. Galloway & Mrs. Philips Why?:  Mr. Galloway - Sage takes a liking to Mr. Galloway, mostly because he encouraged and gave Sage a warm welcome to the school, during Sage’s first day at Bullworth Mrs. Philips - Sage got a few compliments Least Favorite Teacher –  Mr. Slawter Why?: Sage is quite afraid of Mr. Slawter, mostly because he yelled at Sage during their first class Knowledgeability  Language(s) – Norwegian, English Schooling Level - Grade 8-9, Expertise –  Chemistry –   Math –   English  –   Geography – low / Sage knows a few things, like where certain European countries are, but after that, nothing more Politics/Law – low / Sage doesn’t really find any reason to take interest in politics and doesn’t really understand it Economy –   Cooking/Culinary –   Shop –   Botany/Biology –   Mythology – high / Sage knows a lot about Norrøn Mythology and enjoys learning more and more about it Art – high / Sage highly enjoys Art and feels that they know a lot about the rules about realism and perspective Photography – medium / Sage knows how to use a camera, and what settings look good or not, so they consider themselves at a 5/10 Reading Level –   Overall Intelligence Level(s) -  Interpersonal and Naturalistic.  Relationships Statuses   Trusted Companions  Closest Friend(s) –    Milliz - “I trust her with my life. Nothing more or less to say. And might I add that her and Earnest are really freakiNG ADORABLE?”   Friend(s) -    Kirby Olsen - “Damn, I consider him my best friend out of most of the students at Bullworth.” Despite Kirby being a jock and Sage being afraid of most of the jocks, Kirby and Sage are pretty close   Beatrice Trudeau - “She might be a nerd, but I’m lowkey a nerd so we gotta stick together” Sage might not act like it, but they’re a big nerd and therefore easily became good friends with Beatrice.   Pinky Gauthier - “excuse me? She’s one of my best friends!” Sage and Pinky quickly became friends, mostly because of how Sage was wearing Aquaberry when they first came to Bullworth and the fact that Pinky was friends with Sage’s cousin from before.
Hated Rivals  Worst Enemies –  Intolerable Students -  Harmless Acquaintances  Tolerated Students -    Zoe Taylor -       Tolerated Townsfolk - Hot Encounters  Hinted Attractions -    Bif Taylor - Sage finds Bif a bit charming and he surprisingly acts slightly kind to them, but he’s dating their cousin so😔   Tom Gurney - Sage realized really quickly that Tom was the least violent one out of the bullies and found him a slight bit charming and funny, but they don’t really hang out that much so..   Ricky Pucino - Sage found Ricky a small bit scary in the start, but quickly developed a small crush that they seem to forget about really easily Crush(es) - Gary Smith, Jimmy Hopkins and Petey Kowalski, before Sage started dating them Lover(s) - Gary, Jimmy and Petey, after they started dating them Ex(s) - Just some Norwegian guys they used to go to school with that Sage happened to like Admirer(s) -   Ivan Alexander -    Bucky Pasteur - Sage, only really being friends with Beatrice and    Casey Harris -    Dan Wilson -  Extra Information  Eating Habits Omnivore/Carnivore/Herbivore – Omnivore  Favourite Food(s): Sage likes pizza, but they just like just food in general Favourite Drink(s):  Disliked Food(s):  Disliked Drink(s):  Added Information  Proclaimed Theme Song(s) - Either Dancing Queen by ABBA or Dum Og Deilig from Knutsen Og Ludvigsen Scent –  Favourite Color: Sage can’t really decide between pink, maroon or beige. Favourite Season: Winter Favourite Animal: Sage can’t decide, so they usually just say dogs Favourite Music Genre: Sage can’t really choose, but they are very fond of country and Pop Most Memorable Quote – “ Various Quotes Through Interaction :  “ Walking around –  “I sure hope Mandy was joking when she called me a dumbbell...” “I don’t know jack dritt about math, how am I supposed to get a good grade?” “Gary mentioned something about rats, wondered what he was on about.” “I’m considering joining a clique... but which one?” “ “ “ “ When the fire alarm goes off –  “Stuff like this always happens when you least expect it.” “Sure hope this isn’t a drill, I don’t want my slippers to get wet again without reason.” ”OH SHIT!” ”I owe whoever did that my life!” Greetings Good Terms:  “Hiya!” “Hey there, best friend!” “How ya doing, sweetie?” “How are you doing, buddy?” “Hey, anything fun happen recently?” “Bro! What’s up?” “Heisann!” (Norwegian for ‘Hey there’) Bad Terms:  “Please leave me alone” “I rather not talk.” “Ew.” “Get out of my face!” “Leave me alone!” “Continue being around me and I’ll beat you up! Or cry! Or even both!” Saying goodbye –  Good Terms:  “Have a good day! “See you later!” “Hope you have a good night!” Bad Terms:  “”See you in Hell, I uhm mean class.” “Leave already.” “I’m getting a headache, gotta go.” “Byyeee, see you never.” When Flirted With –  Good Terms:  “I uhm...” “Thank you....” “Well I uhm, thank you so much! I uhm haha, we should hang out or something!” “I feel flattered. I’ll uhh have to go over there until the blushing stops.” “Continue acting this sweet and you’re going to be getting ladies really quickly.” “You’re such a sweetheart!” “If I were of age, I would marry you right here on the spot, but I’m still too young.” Bad Terms:  “I wouldn’t say I don’t like you, but I’m not that interested.” “Not to be rude, but no.” “That better not be trying to make me blush, because it didn’t work at all.” “Get lost!” “I ain’t interested!” “Yikes, no thanks.“ Watching a fight –  “I know I shouldn’t watch this crap, but damn it feels so right, right now!” “ Attacking –  “I’m sorry!” “I have no choice in this situation, so I apologize beforehand!” “I learnt this one from my friend!” ”Either you run away or I keep hitting!” While Fighting –  “I really wish it didn’t have to end with one of us being hurt!” “Ouch! Thanks, I guess!” Chasing someone –  “You can run, but you can also hide!” “Come back here! please...!” Out of breath –  “This always happens....” “Why do I have to have iron deficiency? When hidden from –  “We aren’t playing hide and seek!” Knocked out –  “This sure does remind me of my first day...” Stinkbomb explodes –  “I can’t see shit!” “I should be happy I can’t smell anything from before!” “I envy ducks: they wouldn’t have the ability to smell this!” Opinions on students who reside at Bullworth Academy– Bullies   Davis White:  Ethan Robinson:  Russell Northrop:  Trent Northwick:  Troy Miller:  Wade Martin:  Zoe Taylor:  Greasers  Hal Esposito:  Johnny Vincent:  Lefty Mancini:  Lola Lombardi:  Lucky De Luca:  Norton Williams:  Peanut Romano:  Vance Medici:  Jocks  Bo Jackson:   Damon West:   Juri Karamazov:  Luis Luna:  Mandy Wiles:  Ted Thompson:  Nerds  Algernon Papadopoulos:  Cornelius Johnson:  Donald Anderson:  Earnest Jones: Sage has a strange friendship with the leader of the nerds: There are times where Sage find him the most annoying person and would love to beat him up and there are other times where Sage can relate a lot with him and talk about video games to him Fatty Johnson:  Melvin O'Connor:  Thad Carlson:  Non-Cliques Angie Ng:  Christy Martin:  Constantinos Brakus: Sage has a strong grudge against Constantinos because he snitched on them when they were sending notes to Kirby in class. Eunice Pound:  Gloria Jackson:  Gordon Wakefield:  Karen Johnson:  Lance Jackson:  Melody Adams:  Pedro De La Hoya: “Doesn’t he like, pee his bed and get bullied a lot? I guess he’s okay, just too weak and manipulative for his own good.“ Ray Hughes:  Sheldon Thompson: “Oh look at me, I am Sheldon, all the teachers love me! I hate that kid. Annoying and desperate.” Sage has a literal grudge against him and just like everyone, thinks he is a teacher’s pet Trevor Moore: Sage has no general opinion on  Preppies  Bryce Montrose:  Chad Morris:  Derby Harrington:  Gord Vendome:  Justin Vandervelde:  Parker Ogilvie:  Tad Spencer: "Big fat ego. He’s the least best prep, after my cousin of course!” Opinion on Adults who teach and patrol at Bullworth Academy – Edna: “She’s... interesting. Underrated, but I wouldn’t consider her the best. She’s kind of rude.” Dr. Crabblesnitch: “Well, he might be my principal, but he sure isn’t much of a pal. I mean, he isn’t friendly, you know?” Miss Danvers: “She might not have done anything towards me, but she gives Derby special treatment and she kind of was a bit rude to Jimmy like last year, so I don’t whether to be respectful towards her or not.” Miss Peters: “She forced me into doing a show I didn’t want to be a part of, so she isn’t getting no respect.” Mr. Galloway: “Can I just say: Best teacher, obviously. He might be an alcoholic, but I don’t judge.” Mr. Luntz: “Strange but nice guy. I respect him.“ Mr. Matthews: “I am sorry, but I don’t know who he is because I might uh be skipping some of my classes.” Sage skips their geography classes, so they have no knowledge of who he is. Mr. Slawter: “He yelled at me on my first day, so I guess I’m kind of scared of him, because he has a booming voice.” Mr. Watts: “Strange man. Strange, very strange man.” Mr. Wiggins: Sage can’t find a reason to find Mr. Wiggins an interesting teacher to listen to. Mrs. Carvin: “I don’t really know her, but I know she’s the librarian so..” Mrs. MacRae: “That woman freaks me out.“ Mrs Peabody: “I don’t have anything against her, but she shouldn’t be so old fashioned.“ Ms. Phillips: “Favourite teacher! She’s great! She encourages the students to do their best and she isn’t against any kind of art!“ Neil: Sage doesn’t really know who Neil is and doesn’t bother learning, as they don’t have. Prefects –  Edward Seymour II:  Karl Branting:  Max MacTavish:  Seth Kolbe:  Opinions on People in the cities of Bullworth – Townies  Clint(aka Henry): Sage doesn’t like saying it, but they’re quite afraid of him and Leon Duncan:  Edgar Munsen:  Gurney:  Jerry:  Leon: Sage is scared of him and Clint. Omar Romero:  Otto Tyler:  Residents in the city of Bullworth –  Bethany Jones:  Denny:  Dr. Bambillo:  Krakauer:  Mihailovich:  Miss Abby:  Mr. Brekindale:  Mr. Buckingham: Sage thinks he isn’t that special compared to other people but thinks he is one of the nicest residents of Bullworth they have met. Mr. Castillo:  Mr. Doolin:  Mr. Huntingdon:  Mr. Johnson:  Mr. Martin: Sage sympathizes him and often can relate to what he is saying. Mr. Ramirez:  Mr. Salvatore:  Mr. Smith:  Mr. Sullivan:  Ms. Rushinski  Mrs. Lisburn: Osborne: 
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crazybagofchaos · 6 years
Cultural Appropriation
I am on tumblr now for about a month and i see sth thats super super weird to me.
Everyone tries to so hard not to insult and use other peoples Knowledge and Traditions.
Like hairstyles Phrases costums.
It just seems so so weird to me.
Should i now be insulted when straight ppl decorate wear and like rainbow colors
Or if omnivorous ppl eat seitan and tofu
If ppl build half-timberd houses , brew beer, drive cars or celebrate Oktoberfest anywhere.
Since those are all parts of "my" cultur.
Of course it it's rude to wear a Halloween costume of native American or Romani the same it would be rude to wear a completly wrongly designed dirnl. Take it as sth worn in all of Germany (it's not it's just in 1 state) and call it sth slurry.
But ppl not beeing allowed to use the concept of chakras or shamanism is like people not beeing allowed to use traditional Chinese medizin.
Stevia as sweetener kombucha and sushi and mate tea are all very traditional things.
Asian teaplant tea is ritualistic and has meaning her we still do it . Every day in a very very mundane manner.
I don't say we should not be respectfull towards eachother.
But feeling guilty for things and blaming ppl for things they ancestors did is freaking stupid and just leads to resentment and hate.
The same you shouldn't rest on you ancestors or even close families accomplishments.
You define your self.
Don't be rude and don't hurt others but don't restrain from learning from others.
Oh also hating on guys bcs they have it so much better is pretty low.
Not all guys are bad.
The system that benefits them was build over several 100 of years and hating on it won't change it.
Fighting for our rights is good and we should change a rotten system that financially benefits mostly white men.
But not by hate.
Maybe actually the opposite.
Teach boys that they are equal to girls that they are just the same . Both are strong both are kind and that beeing nice is no weakness but a great power.
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tyree403 · 6 years
📖 + Xanos
Send me a 📖 + name if you wanna see the information my muse has written about your muse.
Name: Xanos
Species: Drakoni
Diet: Omnivore (Perhaps.)
Danger Level: Potentially High
One of my mentors. They’ve taught me many things and I am in their debt. A good friend to train and have. Xanos is a being I’ve never heard before, but from my understanding, the Drakoni are a peaceful race. And if I manage to get access to my old notes again, I will be able to fully explain what they are, but I digress. 
Xanos is an old monster who has fought many battles throughout his years, protecting the innocent. He’s like a war veteran, but unfortunately, suffered through many traumatic experiences that wears his mind. He wields ice magic masterfully from my knowledge and uses an assortment of spells. 
Xanos’ behaviors are generally well-mannered and kind towards normal civilians, however, when faced with a criminal, many problems arise. His biggest problem I have with him is his narrow-mindness, and dogmatic ideology. When combined with the mental disorders that I can’t identify, you’ll have a dangerous concoction on your hands. And it’s arrogant to judge someone under those conditions. He wouldn’t take the time to learn more about the situation and the context since dogma claim moral absolutes and automatically put the person in a higher position to judge. And I’ll say, one should judge themselves before they judge others before they condemn someone. I have assumptions that Xanos had wrongfully accused and hurt or killed people in the past because of this. 
I understand his desire to help and protect people, but as soon as you throw away logic and don’t invest the time to verify your accusations, you’ll become just as bad as the criminal. Also, I didn’t appreciate him trying to force his dogmatic ideas onto me. I operate on logic, and evidence. As a free-thinker, this infuriates me. 
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2064 Read Only Memories: A Review
If you haven't played this game, then are there other point and click, cyberpunk kidnapping, mystery games that came in the Racial justice bundle that you think I should check out? Let me know all about them in the comments.the garden center of my closest hardware store and I’m trying to decide if the start up cost of 15 bucks in in my budget.
Welcome back to another video game review here on Mummified Games. Today were going to be taking a look at the modern Point and Click Mystery game 2064: Read Only Memories. By Midboss.
This game has a lot of charm to it. I Love how this game presents itself. The Music, art, story, and voice work, is all great and do a really great job of pulling me in. I did not want to stop playing. This was the first time where I was like okay maybe i play for 2 hours. And then write the review. But sadly there was no way I could do that if I wanted to make my deadline.
So the game is a future cyberpunk scene where Humans have found a way to cybernetically and biologically augment their bodies. Sort of just like every other Cyberpunk cenario. Just par for the course at this point.
Wouldn't have it any other way.
But what's great about this game is that it's not overly burdened with the constant narrative of life sucks and there's inequality and class disparity.
It's not dystopian cyberpunk, it's more optimistic. People seem to really be jammin with the future that they find themselves in. For the most part.
So it's your standard affair people are making so many augmentations to themselves in so many different ways. That there is a rebel group that is coming up that wants to see humanity return to who they were.
Not like a full blown god's perfect image, it's not a religious thing. But still embracing tradition and what makes humans human.
I don't know if we have the science to make Snake people then I'm all for it.
Ooo la la.
There are Robots that this big company is making that are designed to Walk like the humans, talk like the humans. But it's all just fancy code. And then the game tells you about one scientist that is working on transcending that limitation of just fancy code. And make something new.
Story intro out of the way, The scene opens with your less than standout apartment and you learn that you are a journalist, sort of.
And after you go through a nothing of a tutorial. As in like it's almost not even there cause it's so basic. You write a report and then go to bed.
In the middle of the night a little blue robot hacks your door. And breaks into your apartment. Interfaces with your computer, cleans your apartment and also tries to clean the old computer, bricking it in the process.
You wake up and they tell you that they have selected you out of all known contacts of their master to help them track their master down. He was Captured last night and you need to join the robot to track down their master.
The robot's name is Turing, probably named after the real person Alan Turing the Computer Scientist.
A note about the dialogue and interactions with Turing. ALL THEIR LINES ARE VOICED! This game gives you so much during the process. There is a lot of reading to be doing in this game and luckily it's not all put on you.
I don't want you to think that I don't like Reading. Or that I think reading is hard. But if I'm meant to put multiple hours into a game. Doing nothing but reading for the entirety of it can get tiring
So I'm glad that so much is fully voiced. Gives you the chance to look down and tweet your love of this game for a second.
And that if there is a name or something that comes up you instantly know how it's meant to be pronounced. Instead of having to wait till you say it outloud in a video game review and suddenly everyone thinks “wait Tony, you say its like that? Wow okay”
Look, I have yet to hear anyone talk about Itch in casual conversation so I have no idea if you need to add the Dot I O to the end of it or if I sound like a Boomer who says out loud Dot Com at the end of every website name. “Yeah i just look it up on Google Dot Com”
I'm trying here folks I really am.
So after Turing tells you about what they need you join them on their mission to track down their creator and figure out what's at the bottom of this whole thing.
A note about the profile creation scene, it's quite funny and I thought it was super cool how they include multiple ways of character settings.
There's nothing visual that you can do to change your character so there's that. But Turing asks you for your name, you just type it out and I was excited for maybe a robot voice that was going to try to pronounce Mummified but it didn't go well.
Asks you for your pronouns, Yes! I love it. I would expect nothing less from a developer like Midboss. The people who host the Steam Summer of Pride Sale for the last couple of years Highlighing Queer games.
But the fact that they don't just limit to just He/Her/They but also Zir, and another one that slips my mind. And also an option to input your own preferred pronouns. SO COOL!
And I was ready to maybe answer one more silly question. That's where I was thinking the game would take things, assuming based on its sense of humor and the jokes that would come up in this game.
But no it was a real question about dietary needs and restrictions, to be kept in mind when out and about and talking about food. Holy crap that's so cool.
So the game gives you options like Omnivore, Vegetarian, Vegan, Halal, Gluten Free Dairy fr
What a super cool thing to include in your game. This just adds to the inclusion that is offered to players of all different ways of life.
So I just hunted down the list of food options in the video recording I took of this game and I'm reminded of just how funny this game is.
There are great jokes in this. There are subtle allegories to our own real world things in this game.
Turing says they found a better door that you could use to replace the current door you have due to its sub standard encryption features to prevent people from hacking though. And they recommend a particular model of door and mention it has over 300 reviews on Congo.
Wait... Congo. HA! Okay that got me. Cause you know Congo the river. And the Amazon river. I thought it was funny.
Also there is a joke about the Creator having a list of different things on the TV that they were watching like Ted’s Tech Tips. That one got me, because it might not be a thing but I'd like to think it's a nod to Linus Tech Tips.
This game is filled with great cute jokes. There are a couple of options that the game gives you when you wake up to see a strange robot in your room, some of the reactions are more fearful. And while reading them as an option I thought to myself WHY?
This little friend is Cute as hell. There's no way I would be scared of them. Their cute faces and little arms. I love them so much.
So the story is sound and the writing in it is so well done. The voice acting is great as well. Turing sounds innocent and has a cute childish nature to them, but they’re not dumb to say the least, they’re still the most advanced AI program in the world.
The gameplay is also stellar. Most of the interactions with things in this world are done with 4 different options.
Look: The game will give you a description of what the item, thing, person, whatever is.
Talk: If it's a person you can talk to them. Or sometimes things have voice commands.
Take/Touch, you might be able to pick something up or turn it on. Computers would take you to another window and you could do other things inside it.
Use time on: At the start of the game you're given an ID card and you pick up a pair of headphones in your apartment. The id could be used to get you places or scan for whatever might come up. Or you can connect your headphones to random things to hear stuff. What's funny is that you can use your headphones on almost anything and you can get some description of what you hear.
Real basic stuff. Like it's described. It's a Point And CLick Mystery Game. A lot of the game is being given a scene and you can talk to people in it, or interact with the things on the static screen.
Everything in this game flows so well together. Nothing takes you out of the experience. Its a story that takes you in and doesn't let go.
I think this is a game that I can fully recommend to people no matter what. If you have it. If you were curious about it. If you’ve never heard of it. Any range of feeling and knowledge of this game I highly recommend you go check it out.
If you have this game tell me your thoughts on it. Do you think Jessi was a jerk or if she is justified in her standoff-ness in her attitude?
If you haven't played this game, then are there other point and click, cyberpunk kidnaping, mystery games that came in the Racial justice bundle that you think I should check out? Let me know all about them in the comments.
In the meantime. Ah gee folks i really am thinking hard about that jade Plant. I'd love to get one. But my cable bill is coming and I know I need to take care of that first. Oh well. Maybe next month.
You all do the Youtube Dance, Like, Sub, Bell, Comment, and share this video with someone you know.
And as always hackers, Keep Digging, and we’ll make it out sometime.
See you in the next one.
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Allow Me To Introduce Myself
I’m not really good at talking about myself unless prompted, so I’m just snagging a Bio Template and a Questionnaire and filling it out. I might add to it, IDK. I know you’re supposed to be asked these and then answer, but I don’t have any followers, soooo... BASIC INFORMATION Full name: Nah. Call me Vitki. It kinda means something like “shaman” in old Norse. Visindi means “knowledge”, which I’m always after. I love learning things. Pronunciation: “Vit-kee” “Vis-IN-dee” Nickname(s) or Alias: I haven’t chosen a male name yet, so we’ll stick with Vitki or V. Gender: FtM. If you have a problem with that, I suggest you move on, or “DNI”, as the kids say. Species: Age: 28... I think? Birthday: 9/24 Sexuality: How do you get the eggplant emoji when you’re on the computer... Nationality: Idk. I’m a whole jumble of things. I look like your typical white American, though. Religion: I don’t even know. I think the best way to put it is Atheistic Asataru Shamanism... I’m still figuring myself out. Place of birth: South Carolina. Current Resident: Indiana. Languages: English. I know. I’m mundane and sad. I want to learn another language, though. I just don’t have a way to take classes or anything. Relationship Status: Married PHYSICAL APPEARANCE Height: 5ft 3in Weight: 180lbs. Yeah, I’m chubby. I don’t have the motivation to do anything about it, though. I do have a goal, btw. I swear I’ll never crack 200lbs. Hair Colour: Black, usually Hairstyle: Short, messy Facial Hairstyle: Clean, right now. I haven’t transitioned, so I really can’t do anything about that. Eye Colour: Brown Tattoos: None yet, unfortunately, Piercings: Ears HEALTH Smoker? Nope. Never. Drinker? RARELY. I can’t really handle the smell of alcohol, so I kind of avoid it unless I feel like I NEED to get a little drunk. Even then, I really only drink Mike’s Hard Lemonade and shit like that. Recreational Drug User? Which? No. And I would ONLY consider cannabis. First off, though, it’s illegal. I wouldn’t have a problem with it if it was legal, and I do wish it was so cops could focus on shit that needs to be dealt with. Smoking anything just doesn’t appeal to me. Addictions: None that I can think of. Allergies: None that I know of. Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: I am SUPER. FUCKING. BLIND. Without my contacts. And I get worse every year. I’m really terrified of getting so bad that contacts and glasses can’t fix it. PERSONALITY Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Fears/phobias: Talents/skills: EATING HABITS Omnivore/Carnivore/Herbivore:  Favourite food(s): Favourite drink(s): Disliked food(s):  Disliked drink(s):  HOUSE AND HOME Favourite type of house/home:  Do you share their home with anyone? Who?  Significant/special belongings:  CAREER Level of education:  Current job title and description:  FAMILY, FRIENDS AND FOES Parents names: Are parents alive or dead?  Still in contact with your parents?  Siblings? Relationship with siblings?  Other Important Relatives: Partner/Spouse:  Children:  Best Friend:  Other Important Friends:  Pets:  50,000 Questions 1. What’s your favourite colour? Icy blue. It used to be red, maroon, or terra cotta, but my personality has kind of... calmed down since then, I guess. That doesn’t mean I don’t still get mad, though.
2. What’s your favourite movie? Forever Lion King. I do really like other movies, but if I had to watch only one for the rest of my life, it would have to be Lion King.
3. What’s your favourite book? I don’t really have a favourite book. I really like a few different series, though. Harry Potter is a big one, but I really like Guardians of Ga’Hoole as well. I feel like it doesn’t get the recognition it deserves because the movie didn’t give it justice (even if it was really good on its own). I also used to be REALLY in to Warriors, but I’ve kind of resented the Erins ever since the “bad kid atheists” arc. Don’t even get me started on that.
4. What’s your favourite kind of food? Italian, I think. I’m super, ungodly picky, but I feel like a lot of the food I can eat is used in Italian food a lot.
5. What's your favourite kind of weather? Storms. Precipitation. Rain, sleet, hail, snow, anything. Also heat storms are nice.
6. What’s your favourite season? It’s between Autumn and Winter. Really, just the 6 months out of the year that aren’t sweltering hot. I hate heat.
7. Have you ever been in love? Well, I’m married, so I’d have to say yes.
8. What’s your favourite animal? Don’t ask me that. It all depends on my mood at the time.
9. Favourite thing about where you live? It’s a little bigger than a town and a helovalot smaller than a city, but it’s close enough to where the interesting places aren’t a day’s drive away.
10. Have you ever been overseas? No. The closest I can say is I lived in Hawaii for three years, but that doesn’t really count.
11. What’s your favourite place in the whole world? Any place that doesn’t have people in it.
12. What’s your favourite kind of music? I’m not too certain, really. My taste is kind of eclectic. I grew up on country, so of course I hate it now. I like Evanescence, Linkin Park, Five Finger Death Punch, Disturbed, Three Days Grace, Nickleback (I know), Seether, Eminem, Korn, and certain songs from certain bands, but not the band itself. I honestly really love pagan-style bands like Omnia, Faun, and others.
13. Where would you like to visit? Anywhere in the UK or thereabouts, really. England, Scotland, Ireland, Norway, etc.
14. Biggest fears? My biggest fears have always been giving birth and having my spine messed with. I’ve done both twice, so I’m good. Mostly I’m just afraid we’re never going to be able to live in our own house, which isn’t the end of the world, really.
15. Do you believe in the paranormal? I don’t know. There’s things I’d really LIKE to believe in, but once you’re an atheist and a skeptic, it’s REALLY hard to believe in anything that can’t be proven logically.
16. What’s your star sign? Libra... Or Virgo, if you add that weird 13th zodiac...
17. Favourite sport? I actually hate sports. But I do respect the old ones like soccer (the rest of the world’s football) and tennis. I don’t follow any team for anything, but if I absolutely had to watch one for the rest of my life, it would probably be UFC or Hockey. They’re just fun to watch.
18. Do you collect anything? Animal figurines, when I can... There’s other things I’d like to collect, but I don’t have the space or money for them. 
19. What’s something that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? Hot Chocolate, Kittens, Puppies, 
20. Do you play any instruments? Besides the basic recorder, my first instrument I’ve ever played was the French Horn. I don’t know why. After that it was the snare drum, which I enjoyed a lot more. I played a little bit of the drum set when I was in school too. But I really don’t play anything now. I’d like to play the drum set again some day, though.
21. What’s your favourite drink? Hot Chocolate is good for cooler days, but my other favourites are Cherry Dr. Pepper, Cherry Pepsi, Lemonade, and Raspberry flavored anything.
22. What’s your favourite holiday? Halloween. Christmas/Yule/Saturnalia/Winter Solstice is a very close second, but I get more excited for Halloween/Samhain than my own birthday, which is a month before it.
23. Do you have any hobbies? I used to do this thing called drawing. And this other thing... I think it was writing? Sadly, I don’t have time any more to do those things, being a parent and all...
24. Do you prefer day or night? Night. Forever. I hate the day time. Night is so much quieter.
25. Do you have any bad and/or anxious habits? I used to pick at my nails, then it was my eyebrows, for some reason. Right now, I’m picking at scabs on my scalp. I need to quit that.
26. What’s your favourite kind of fashion? IDK. I mostly dress in a t-shirt and jeans. If I had the money, I’d probably buy some badass gothic shit or modern versions of old-timey garb.
27. Do you believe in anything enough to fight for it? Physically? IDK. I’ve never fought anyone in my life. I mean, I’d rip the spines out of people’s backs if they mess with my kids or anyone I love, but to fight for an idea is different. I guess if it came down to people’s rights being taken away and shit, like if they were to cart my loved ones into a concentration camp, I’d be having something to “say”...
28. Do you have any obsessions? Frequently
29. How do you deal with stress? I don’t
30. Do you want children? I have 2
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draftsxverses · 3 years
05/14 - Day 5
I managed to walk outside today with my parents. The sun and the flowers are comforting. 
I forgot to cancel my Canva subscription (I was on a free trial), even though it was on my calendar. I uninstalled Outlook, so of course I didn’t get alerted or maybe I did, because all my calendars are synced? I likely didn’t care enough to cancel. 
I noticed our thoughts about their death slowly changing, especially when we are surrounded by nature. We are remembering the good times now and finding comfort in the knowledge that they were surrounded by their loved ones virtually and for some time in person when they took their last breath. It’s still painful to remember them in every way, but we can’t do much except hope that it would get easier each day. 
I bought takeout from a Vietnamese place. The Tamarind pad thai was decent, but the tofu vermicelli was ridiculously spicy. My transition from omnivore to vegetarian is going well so far. I cannot look at a chicken dish the same way again. My mom ordered cashew chicken (?) earlier and I thought - factory farming, chickens in tiny cages, etc. 
What else did we today? I watched a movie with my parents (they watched it already but wanted me to watch) called The Upside. Although it is a story that challenges stereotypes about physical disability, I found the plot and the characters to be quite typical (By the way, I forgot to mention yesterday that we watched Green Book before we slept - Now that is a movie I would highly recommend.) 
Conversation topics today included lessons learned from past relationships and how I established the few friendships I have now. I talked for 3 hours again today. Goodness. I am running out of stories! 
Listened to highschool OPM and felt nostalgic
I think it’s the first time since August that we didn’t have our Friday night/Sat morning (PH) movie. I feel like it’s going to be like that for a while. I don’t know how long I would need to feel better. 
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