#leena tag
princemick · 1 year
Re: Nipple piercing discussion, look into an over the counter lidocaine product to use before the piercing. I get laser hair removal and the 5% strength cream works wonder, I don't feel a thing.
OH! shit ty that's actually a really good suggestion!
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leena-with2ee · 28 days
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3rd life desert duo has me in a chokehold. This took so friking long, its the biggest digital artwork i've done and also the second i've done with Krita, so it was good practice at getting to know the programm more. I hope you can read my handwriting, if not: its the lyrics from "fruits" by Paris Paloma ("Angel" he calls me, does he know that I'm falling, from the precepie, that I tripped off long ago). I saw so many cosplayers use this song so I wanted to draw it.
Textless version:
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brownbirdtown · 4 months
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HOOO I DID IT drew my digimon tamer group and their partners :]
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Actually I lied, there's more but these two are the only ones of the past group seen >:]
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chriscdcase95 · 1 year
So I discovered “Tamara”, and have some thoughts...
So, I recently caught wind of this 2005 film, Tamara, which has been a bit of attention. Apparently this movie’s been getting some traction, but not a lot of love on here.
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There’s very few posts on here about this movie, and as of this post, only two AO3 works based off it.
I don't see how this apparently went under the radar for so long, as it has the makings of similar cult classics such as Ginger Snaps, The Craft, Jennifer's Body and All Cheerleaders Die. So after checking it out, I figured I would give my thoughts, and spread the word.
Tamara Riley is a shy high school student, who lives with an abusive father, has a crush on her hot teacher, Bill Natolly, and looks for escapism through witchcraft. 
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Tamara is also a target of bullying, especially when she writes an article exposing her school's jocks for using steroids. Besides Natolly, only one other person seems to treat Tamara with any decency, and that would be Chloe, a new student who tries to befriend Tamara, but never gets the chance. 
For the first third of the movie, this is the story of a girl, who cried a river and drowned the whole world. She looks so sad in photographs but...It gets worse from there.
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For the first third, Tamara is a pretty sympathetic, likable, but flawed protagonist. As a villain, she is Jennifer Check lite (despite predating Jennifer by four years). Jenna Dewan really sells both sides of Tamara, with her performance as both being what carries this movie. 
Tamara has a crush on her teacher, despite him being married and trying to conceive a child with his wife. Tamara even attempts a love spell to bind their fates together.  
What's this ? A Villain Protagonist in a horror movie is problematic ? Stop the presses! 
Tamara's initial flaws are believable and part of what makes her sympathetic; she wasn't malicious, and it's pretty clear before her transformation, she's socially naïve and gullible. This leads to Tamara's demise. She's lured into a ‘date’, with who she thinks is Natolloy, only to be lured into a prank orchestrated by Shawn. 
Shawn is the movie’s secondary antagonist, and resident Hate Sink; a jock who was ousted from his team when he was exposed for taking performance enhancers, and refused to take a drug test. 
So Shawn get's his friends, and three newcomers to lure Tamara to a party, tricking her into stripping on camera, in a prank which I'm pretty sure qualifies as sexual assault (not helping is that Shawn is later revealed to be a serial rapist). 
When Tamara is accidentally killed in the ensuing struggle, Shawn threatens the rest of the party into secrecy while disposing of Tamara's body...and now they gotta pay with it for their lives. 
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See, Tamara's ritual could only be completed when she spills her blood, but she ultimately backs out on it; but when she's killed, her blood spills completing the ritual without her knowledge and consent. From there, Tamara rises as a confident, sultry and vengeful revenant, out to take what she thinks is hers. 
What keeps Tamara tragic is, this movie is clear that what she's doing isn't really her her. Tamara's villainous personality is the result of magic she took in from her ritual, making her a near 180 of her mortal self. 
Towards the end, she has this “What have I done/become ?” moment where she realizes she's become a monster, only to snap back because the spell is just stronger than her. 
As a villain, I think Tamara was at her best when seeking revenge; she takes no one's bullshit, unapologetically vengeful, wicked, and has a sense of poetic justice.
Most of her villainy is brainwashing and enslaving others, tormenting her victims with hallucinations, and through some ironic  punishment. Tamara only directly kills two people, both of them being gnarly; she tells her abusive alcoholic dad to finish his bottle, and the guy is forced to eat it. 
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The revenant revenge plot was where the movie was at its best, IMO. I honestly wish they kept it as a revenge story for the third act. Preferably with Shawn as the de-facto antagonist.
If one thing holds Tamara back, I think it's her obsession with Mr. Natolly; and the movie is pretty weak in the last third, focusing on a rescue mission for Natolly and his wife. You can make the argument Tamara is magically bound to her crush - her spell was to bind their fates together. But I still think it takes away from Tamara's agency. 
Tamara’s not like Jennifer Check, Ginger Fitzgerald or Nancy Downs - whose transformations highlight toxic qualities that are already there - it’s literally “Dark Magic rewrites her whole personality”.
As for the other characters, a few others stand out.
Mr. Bill Natolly and his wife Alison are pretty likable, and are the more sympathetic characters. They both mean well, and are genuinely excited about starting a family. 
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Bill genuinely wanted to help Tamara, and she misreads his singles and tries to kiss him. Bill is understanding of Tamara and tries to explain things to her, before she walks out in embarrassment. 
Bill, through no fault of his own, is roped into this drama; he was bound to Tamara's "spell", and it was only cast when Tamara was murdered. Now that his life is bound to Revenant!Tamara, and the only way Tamara and her spell can be broken is if Bill makes a sacrifice of his own.
There's also the film's ostensible protagonist, Chloe Bowman.
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A new girl who stands up for Tamara, Chloe soon becomes a witness/unwitting participant to the prank, and Tamara’s subsequent murder. In fact, Chloe's attempts to help Tamara gets her mistaken for a perpetrator and is what escalates the fight. As a result, Chloe feels guilt for Tamara's death. 
Not helping is that Shawn intimidates the party, including Chloe's supposed boyfriend, into covering up the incident. Chloe’s is kind of a hit and miss. As a protagonist, she's pretty bland and is mostly just along for the ride. 
On the other hand, the pieces are there to make her a great character, and to have a dynamic with Tamara. It's just they aren't really utilized. In the original script, it would be revealed that Chloe is a closeted lesbian, and implicitly in love with Tamara. In the final film, Chloe is also the one who breaks through to Tamara. 
Near the end Tamara looks into Chloe's mind, learning that she genuinely cared for and tried to help her. It's this that allowed the real Tamara to resurface and break down over what she's done and become.
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Like holy shit, that sounds like the climax for a tragic love story, doesn’t it ?
Unfortunately, outside of that, the movie doesn't do much with these two; they don't really bond before Tamara's death; no significant interactions following her resurrection, until the climax. 
Chloe feels like she's supposed to be the Needy Lesnicki or Sarah Bailey of this story. But unlike Jennifer's Body or The Craft, we don't get that same “Sapphic Enemies/Broken Friendship” that we get with Jennifer x Needy, or Sarah x Nancy.  
It feels like a case of They Wasted of a Perfectly Good Plot/Character.
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Would I recommend this movie ? Sure, but it's really nothing spectacular. I think All Cheerleaders Die or Jennifer's Body are closer to what Tamara was trying to be or could have been, but it's not completely unsalvageable. 
And for what it's missing, that's what AO3 is for, amiright ?
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neroushalvaus · 2 years
Aina välillä mä mietin nimimerkki Kaisa-Leenan kokemusta Helsingin lesboskenestä, jota hän kuvasi 96-lehdessä vuonna 1976, ja mietin, mitä antaisinkaan, jos tällaiseen karhunpesään pääsisin eksymään.
Uusi tulokas tarvitsee aimo annoksen kylmää järkeä ja harkintakykyä tehdessään tuttavuutta suurkaupunkiemme lesboyhteisöjen kanssa. Ensimmäiseksi törmää nimittäin ns. "härkälesboihin", joiden elämänmuoto muistuttaa entisajan Härmän häijyjen touhuja. --
Ensimmäinen kosketukseni "piireihin" tapahtui Helsingissä Vanhan kellarin "viinituvassa". Katselin järkyttyneenä ympärilläni pyöriviä aatteemme eturintamasotilaita. Tosiaan sotilaita, sillä yhdellä oli puukko vyöllään, toinen poltti piippua, kolmas ja neljäs kittasivat neloskaljaa kymmenen minuutin pullovauhdilla ja loppu sakki hymisti ympärillä ikään kuin yhtenä kuorona.
Ensimmäisen tunnin ajan istuin mykkänä paikoillani. En uskonut silmiäni, en uskonut korviani, niin epätodelliselta kaikki tuntui. Mitä myöhemmäksi ilta muuttui sitä kovemmaksi kävi meteli ja kielenkäyttö. Ensi kertaa näin, kuinka tytöt kiroilevat kuin nauhalta riidellessään kaljapäissään toisistaan. Minulle vakuutettiin että tällaista se vain on ja parasta tulla joukkoon mukaan, niin kyllä siitä estot katoavat. Niinpä, tosiaan. Vaihtoehdot näyttivät ensimmäisen lesboillan tuloksena valuvan maan rakoon. En koskaan epävarmuuden ja epätoivonkaan vuosina ollut niin yksinäinen ja lohduton kuin tämän ravintolaillan jälkeen. Poistuin hiljaa joukosta enkä vieläkään voi unohtaa perässäni eteiseen tulleen humalaisen tytön kirkaisua: "hei, se karkaa"!
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wobspots · 10 months
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i forgor to post my doddles 💀 been trying out moe style, not too happy w it yet :// girlie with the red hair is my oc, Leena :) and the first one is the fruit of me letting my mind wander on a healing!Griffith.... last one is a piece by my friend called "Datena" (pencil on back of test sheet, 2023)
oh yeah and I changed my user :]
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eyestrain-addict · 2 years
This is my favorite genre of character
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theglizzyhive · 2 years
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Why would you try to fight it? Something so natural The waves come, you gotta ride it If you wanna stay afloat
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milflewis · 2 years
32 yukierre
ok so. ik that you sent this by accident bc of another thing but i forgot to delete it and was looking for short prompts to fill bc i was taking a break for studying and this happened. here’s a short fic of them when they’re older but not wiser and reconnecting
“Hey, sorry to interrupt but are you Esteban Ocon’s ex-teammate?”
Pierre puts the champagne glass down on the counter he’s leaning against before turning, already feeling his face pull into a smile. Yuki grins up at him, hands in his pockets, dark suit pants pulling across his thighs, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His tie is loose around his neck, hair messy and falling into his eyes, and, god, Pierre has missed him.
“You asshole.”
His head tucks into Pierre’s shoulder like it used to, arms under his, body small and compact and warm. He smells different, something more floral and soft than he used to.
Pierre makes himself step back instead of pressing in closer. He tells himself it’s because they’re in public — Jenson trying to duel Sebastian for Lewis’s hand with forks a few feet away, or maybe he’s trying to fight Lewis for Sebastian’s, either way, the two grooms are laughing, rings golden and bright on their fingers — and not because he isn’t sure if he’s welcome anymore, after all these years.
Yuki steps up beside him, stealing his glass, raising it to George across the room who yells his name followed by Alex’s drunken reenactment of Daniel’s ‘Pierrrrrre Gaslyyyy!’, Lily laughing between the two of them. Pierre rolls his eyes, unable to stop smiling, some things never change. He presses his lips together as Yuki hums, swallowing half his drink, mouth along the edge of the glass that still has smudges left by Pierre.
There’s a faint pink sheen across the rim when Yuki pulls away. “Get your own,” Pierre says, snatching it away, fingers glancing off of Yuki’s rings. The skin on the tips of his fingers is clean and unbroken. When did you stop biting them, Pierre thinks and downs what’s left of his drink, ignoring the slight hint of raspberry that wasn’t there before.
Yuki just smiles, slow and lazy, tilting his head to the side, chin coming to rest on his open palm, elbow on the bar. “Why? You taste so much better than me.”
He fake winces, mouth pulling to the side, chin dipping down, as his smile turns sheepish, like it always used to when he said stuff that wasn’t, wasn’t — wasn’t right and tried to play it off as an accident, a language faux pas, even though Pierre knew that he just said it to — because he wanted —
(It’s been six years since Pierre last saw Yuki, drunk and singing ‘I Kissed A Girl’ at Charles’ retirement party, arm around Mick, ignoring Pierre watching him from the corner, and he still hasn’t been able to figure what Yuki wants.)
“Your drink, I mean,” Yuki adds, still smiling. Pierre shoves his shoulder, not quite laughing, and reaches around Yuki to grab two more glasses.
He sips at one of them, Yuki’s eyes never leaving his, before holding it out, arm half bent at the elbow between them. When did Yuki get so close?
“There. So it tastes better.”
Yuki rubs a thumb across Pierre’s knuckles as he takes the drink. His throat is one long line as he swallows, mouth wet and raspberry pink, “You always were my hero, Gasly.”
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princemick · 11 months
this is such an interesting perspective n cultural difference tho!!
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bc most people I know dont have to cover up so its not that big a thing and cleaning up yea but they know we're coming so they just make sure the house is clean or they dont really care bc we're family so a clean house isn't important
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musingartblog · 7 months
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2bu · 7 months
torture your pick and skin for pepper 😃
ough >:3 WE DOIN' LEENER + PEPPER!!!
torture: Has your OC ever been tortured? Would your OC ever torture someone else?
SO... Yeah. For Leena, if you don't want to read her incomplete/unedited history, the TLDR is: She was murdered, turned into a robot and made to serve as a replacement housewife. Unfortunately for her world, she was the fated heroine said to bring justice for all robots like herself, and sure enough, at first, she succeeded, but was later captured, tortured, and discarded/displayed. She is now a villain who... well, murders people for various different reasons (though it's pretty rare that she kills people funnily enough). Though, no one knows SHE'S the villain besides like, her best friend, the underground crime ring, and her wife (who is also a villain). She is currently serving as one of my worlds' president lmao. Torture is something she ABSOLUTELY is for and loves to do personally. She's slaying (literally)
skin: How comfortable is your OC in their skin? Do they grapple with anything that lives inside them—a beast, a curse, a failure, a monster? How do they face the smallest, weakest, most horrible version of themself? Are they able to acknowledge it at all?
Peps... or well, Meg, is. Complicated LOL! They're cursed with premonition... future visions. Sucks, but at least they seemed to believe stuff was fixed, and are kinda haunted by that. They've always... been mostly uncomfortable with themselves, though. They ignore shit as best as they can, but this is moreso due to being autistic and having issues with sensory regarding their body. However, their body's been replaced so many times to where they... ignore everything as best as they can...
oc asks - not-so-nice edition | send asks here!!!
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leena-with2ee · 2 months
My friends and I discovered that none of us are able to draw men. Especially their hair, so I’ve been practicing quite a lot, drawing different short hair styles. I do think I can do it now better, but here are some pictures of us figuring out we can’t draw guys
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sinnerclair · 11 months
hey idk if this will work but i wanna introduce a story of mine
signal lost:
after a dog sled accident, a group of five adults get stuck in the snowy tundra of finland, and have to find a way out
but things aren't all what they seem
this tundra is something you wouldn't expect
(based off that which gave chase)
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urmomsstuntdouble · 1 year
Tubbo’s lived his whole life underground. Seeing the surface doesn’t go as expected. Things only get more confusing and more dangerous once he meets someone who defies all expectations.
or: a story very loosely inspired by the city of ember book series, wherein ctubbo goes on adventures and uncovers a nefarious plot. possibly the first in a series!
feast your eyes on chapter 2!!! i have made a design sheet also for this world and characters that i want to fix up and make it look pretty but i would Like to post that soon also, so stay tuned for that!! go read my fic pls
(Important!! this was originally called “Going Down?” bc i couldnt think of a title but then i changed it because well that was not a very good title imo. just wanted to say in case there was confusion!!)
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minileena-sfw · 1 year
Oh hey I should probably post something here
Might as well be the google doc archive of every story I ever wrote back on twitter!
I’m still working on some formatting and adding proper CWs for each story, but if you know me from Twitter and remember my Aspenn and Mae story, all 53 parts are tagged and formatted. It’s kiiiinda sfw? Up until like part 30-ish where I kinda go ham with the fucked up content but yk what suck it up I’m proud of it :)
Right the link ok here it is
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