#left it a little open for interpretation bc I couldn’t decide what they were doing 🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️
@galactia said:
❝  do you need me to slow down?  ❞ Kaeya framed Signe's face with his scarred hands, brushing mussed strands away from her eyes.
🌶️ starters || Accepting! 🔮
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“Please don’t,” are the first words that tumble out, unfiltered and without thinking if the shake of her head and ragged tone of voice are anything to go by. In the heat of the moment, the Captain’s gaze is almost too intense to look at, made more so with just the one eye, so she opts to lean up and chase his lips instead.
“—want you to keep going,” she breathes, honeyed eyes half-lidded as she relaxes back into bed again. And then, somehow, she manages a debaucherous grin and a breathy laugh, and she returns to meet his eye again. “Give me your all. I can take it, I promise.”
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yanderememes · 3 years
hol’ up just got an idea and i wanna share it bc it ties into the whole “yandere” thing.
-it’s dark out and raining
-giorno walks on along the concrete pavement until a building with tacky bright neon lettering beside a cartooned woman wearing lingerie catches his eye.
-some of the stress from being the head of passione has been slightly getting to his head as of late and he needs to relief the stress some way. so, he enters.
-as soon as he walks through the threshold of the joint, he is met with the aroma of various alcohols, near bare women performing their exotic dances on tables and poles, and their on lookers. this place is beating heart of sin.
-no different from other place like this he thinks.
-as he strides through the joint, many people recognize him and are immediately affected by his gravitas; some bowing their heads, some hiding under tables, or some leaving entirely out of fear.
-quickly, the word that the giorno giovanna was in the building reached the owner and he immediately ran out to greet him and offer him the best drinks and dancers he had for free.
-giorno, declines, leaving the owner in a blend of astonishment and concern.
-his eyes fixate on one dancer in particular.
-this dancer dances in awkwardly on the pole compare to the others-in a charming way in his eyes. they are wearing a pure white lingerie set that contrasts the darkness of the place.
-he walks towards them as though he was in a daze
-the owner picks up on his fascination and is flabbergasted
-“s-signiore, they just started 2 weeks ago! they’re inexperienced!”
-giorno didn’t hear the man, or if he did, he didn’t care.
-he takes a table in the back and watches their awkward beauty unfold before him in the form of exotic dancing.
-he stays for hours. strangers try to strike up a conversation with him, he ignores. workers offer him drinks, he ignores. dancers offers him a private room with them, he ignores. his emerald eyes just follow every move this awkward dancer is making. drinking every detail of them, enraptured by everything they do.
-eventually, the dancer had to clock out, and retreated to her boudoir backstage to change.
-Giorno waits outside for them.
-as soon as the dancer was in giorno’s view, he follows them until they are home.
-next time they dance, he would make it was for him only.
Ok, I'm officially convinced that y'all are mind readers cuz why is this hc so similar to how I interpreted yandere Giorno would meet darling 🤔
Thank you anon for this beautiful ask 😭 y'all are really out here feeding me with yan Gio content that I've been looking for. I'm imgaining that before Giorno stalks you home, he would frequently come visit you. Ignoring the rest of the workers, his eyes focus only on you. You don't notice cuz you're too worried about making mistakes in front of your manager. You're already so inexperienced, the manager was kind enough to give you this job, despite him being a bit of am asshole sometimes. This definitely wasn't your first choice but you really needed the money. Little did you know that all of this would change with a certain someone's money and power coming into play.
Also, under the cut are my personal hcs on how yandere Giorno would meet his darling! ❤️ It's pretty similar so feel free to spot the differences! 🥰
I always thought that Giorno would fall for an empathetic, compassionate, intellectual darling. Someone who could keep up with his botanical talks but also add their own piece to it. But also due to the nature of his work, he'd fall for someone who is very caring and accepts both the beauty and ugly of the world. Giorno never thought about finding a romantic partner and he couldn't care less about marriage or starting a family. Passione is his pride and joy.
Fast froward to a 22 year old Giorno who just finished his mission as Don along with Mista and Fugo. He gets a call from Fugo that they'll be late to pick him up due to traffic, so Giorno is left by his lonesome in this grand conference hall. He stumbles across a poster: the effects of eating disorders within elders. It looks to be some sort of psychology conference presentation.
Giorno always had an interest in psychology. His curiosity flared and decided to enter the conference room where he simply stood by the door, hands in his pockets and watched the speaker.
The way you spoke with such confidence and pride in your speech about your thesis was astonishing to Giorno. He loved listening to your research findings because he found them so intriguing. When you were done with your presentation and the conference came to an end, Giorno was surprised by his own actions that he would come up to you and spark a conversation. He just wanted to know more about your thesis in detail.
Hours fly by and Giorno forgot all about Fugo and Mista coming to pick him up. He was so enthralled in his conversation with you that he had no concept of time. He loved how you had a passion of your own in psychology. He loved how you had a dream to become a psychologist. And how you wanted to be a psychologist because you wanted to help others. But unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. Your classmate interrupted your conversation with Giorno, telling you that it was time to head back to the hotel with the rest of your class.
You left and said your goodbye to this mysterious but handsome blonde man. Giorno only realized at that moment that he totally forgot to ask for your contact number. He only knew your name from the poster and that your a graduate student on an abroad trip with your professor and classmates to meet fellow psychologists here in Italy.
Not a few seconds pass by and he gets a call from Fugo that they're here to pick him up. When he finally reaches his villa, one of Giorno's henchmen opens the car door for the Don and greets him as usual. Giorno had time to think on the car ride home. And after some thought but what was mostly fueled by instinctual desire, he decides to take a leap of faith.
"Antonio, find me information on y/n. I want the report in by tomorrow evening." Giorno orders
"As you wish, Don." Antonio responds as he bows his head
Giorno wanted to know more about you. Every little thing about you. He wouldn't call this love. It can't be. He only just met you. He's just curious, that's all. But unbeknownst to both you and Giorno, this was only the beginning of his lovesick spiral.
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risjime · 3 years
ok I know I sent one in a while ago but your event was too good to pass up and I just thought that this one with akaashi would be cute 🚶🏻‍♀️
another 3 of hearts please and I’m excited to see what you do with this one 👀🥰
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a/n: this turned out so damn soft (also a little long oopsie) n i actually really love it. plus those domestic akaashi hcs i did a couple days ago??? idk maybe it’s akaashi week on risjime or something 🤍 // also i’ve never been to a chocolate factory so this is probably inaccurate n i’m sorry abt that lmao
with: akaashi; gn!reader
content: absolute pure fluff
wc: 0.8k
participate in my 300 event!
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you slowly stir awake, rubbing harshly at your eyes as they adjust to the morning’s light. akaashi looks down at you peacefully from where he lays, head sitting in the palm of his propped hand. with his free hand he runs a warming touch along your arm, “morning, sweetheart.” leaning down, he gently kisses your temple, “any ideas for what you’d like to do today?”
you were spending the weekend over at your boyfriend’s apartment, and last night you had a fully planned day of events. today though, the two of you left it up to instinct, opting to see where the day would take you. you’d at least need some kind of starting point though.
“there’s a chocolate factory, it’s not too far from here,” you start, voice still groggy and tired, “basically you can make whatever chocolate you want, you can choose the ingredients, flavours, everything! i’ve always wanted to check it out!”
keiji loves how excited you get about your dates together. whether it was you or him planning things, you were always excited to spend time with him and you let it show. you were a beautiful, glowing light in his life, able to make even his most stressful days better.
he smiles down at you brightly at you, “then it’s settled, a chocolate factory date it is.” he rolls on top of you when you nod eagerly, playfully attacking your neck with continuous kisses, leading you to giggle at the contact.
you make your way to the factory early in the afternoon, deciding to commute the way since it makes for part of your adventure. there are a couple of people already there but it’s a relatively small group, so you and keiji get a whole work station to yourself. looking at the different ingredients listed, you turn to your boyfriend with an idea in mind, “ooh what if we made one for each other?”
he thinks it over, adding, “what about we make a chocolate that reminds us of each other?” he laughs when your eyes grow with excitement.
agreeing upon the idea you immediately get to work, trying to keep your selections hidden. you decide to keep your bar very minimal and balanced in flavour, but you lean the additions to the sweet side. he tries to peak over to see what you choosing a couple times, but you quickly catch him, he flashes you a cheeky smile when you give him a look.
when you’re finished, your result is a classic shaped bar made of marbled milk & mint chocolate, with a light infusion of chocolate sprinkles.
he raised a brow, an amused expression gracing his features, “you chose mint because it’s my favourite didn’t you?”
“no! i chose mint because it’s reminds me of how calm you are, even when you’re internally freaking out you approach problems really well. i admire that.”
a blush covers his cheeks as he breaks eye contact, “that’s- that’s sweet, love.”
he turns to present his own creation, showing you an array of small confectionaries. your eyes travel over several combinations of chocolate, infused ingredients and toppings. when you look back up to him, you find his eyes already following you shyly.
“i can’t describe you in any single way. there are so many little things about you, and they’re all important. they’re all things i love about you, i couldn’t leave anything out.”
“keiji, this is- i don’t even...” your words fall short, unable to string together the pieces of appreciation and tenderness you feel in this very moment.
he sets down the tray and pulls you into a hug, placing a sweet kiss on top of your head. in doing so he tells you, no words are needed, because his love is the same as yours.
after the chocolate factory, you impulsively decide to finish off your day at a nearby beach. it’s only about a forty minute bus ride, but once you arrive the sun is already making it’s descent.
keiji looks at you, his eyebrows furrowed, “i’m sorry we couldn’t get here a little earlier.”
“no this is perfect,” you quickly take off your shoes and socks, nudging for him to do the same.
he’s a little confused by your sudden rush of energy, but he’s going along with it in hopes you’ll explain. with your shoes in one hand, keiji’s hand in the other, you rush toward the water, stopping just short of the tide’s furthest trail. you settle yourself into the soft sand, clothes certainly picking up the granular pieces, but you don’t mind it all too much. your boyfriend sits next to you, looking at you curiously.
you point out to the water peacefully, “look how beautiful the sun reflects when it’s setting.”
and truly, it is, he realizes as he watches the way the sky’s colours interpret the waves in a completely unique way. you rest your head on his shoulder, sighing happily as he wraps his arm around you. you watch the sun set just like this, before making your way back home, enveloped in his warmth the entire time.
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bc i really like this one: taglist (open): @readywhorenot @ilhvm @miss-minty-writes
© risjime | do not repost! reblogs are appreciated ♡
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krreader · 4 years
true damage.
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pairing: jeon jeongguk x idol!reader  fandom: bts warnings: language genre: angst  word count: 1.3k+
summary: the entire world thought you and jeongguk were rivals, but you weren’t. at least you thought you weren’t. but if that’s what he wanted, then sure.. you could give him a true rival.
a/n: okay but hear me out. this is SUCH a good multi-chapter story idea that I’m truly thinking about making more out of this. I always write stories in which your group and bts are friends but like, imagine them hating each other bc of rivalry and other things. idk, let me know what you think!!!! (Y/G/N) is your group’s name. also, the rap verse at the end is from the song giants
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You really didn't know what brought this on, you truly thought that you and him had hit it off at that party two months ago and that all those messages that were exchanged afterwards and all those late night calls had meant something to him like they meant something to you.
Before you got to know him, you didn’t really know what to think of Jeongguk other than that he was really talented. People often compared the two of you with each other, but even then, you didn’t think of him as a rival, not even after everything went down between one of your members and Jimin. You still didn’t hold a grudge then.
You were both the maknae's of the group, both the ones that people thought were good at everything.
Singing, dancing, rapping and everything in between.
But you never thought of it that way, otherwise you never would have approached him in the first place. And besides, this industry already was toxic enough in itself, you didn't have to put each other down behind the scenes too, that was unnecessary drama.
And Jeongguk had seemed to be on the same page. When you first talked at that party months ago, he completely agreed and said that he didn’t like this rivalry that people thought you and him had. You had laughed a lot that night and had exchanged numbers with the promise of getting to know each other better.
And you had.. everything was going great.
Yes, you had a crush on him, but you kept that to yourself. For now, he was just a friend and that was something that you cherished a lot in itself too.
Nevertheless, what you read on your phone right now made you think that maybe only one of you had thought so.
“Jeon Jungkook, South Korean singer-songwriter, band member of the famous boy band BTS spills the tea on his relationship between him and (Y/N), member of global phenomenon (Y/G/N).”
Your eyebrows furrowed as you read the title over and over again, not understanding what in the hell there was to spill.
You talked in person once, you texted each other and yes, sometimes these messages held a flirtatious undertone, but that was it.
Jeongguk was currently in the US, so this was an American article. You hoped that maybe, like they often did, just twisted his words a little. Maybe he didn't spill anything, but just mentioned your name or something..
..so you clicked on the video.
“Now, you guys might have heard that only two months ago, (Y/G/N) was sitting on that same couch.”
Bangtan all nodded and let out quiet 'Ah's', not really knowing where that interviewer wanted to go with that statement.
“Back then, (Y/N) told us about a track that she was working on, a solo track, that is dedicated to someone.. she didn't outright say it, but she made it seem like this was a song about two young people who could be more than what they are now if society just let them. And then we came across this picture,” the interviewer showed them a picture of you and Jeongguk at an award show, just.. laughing. Jeongguk immediately started chuckling, the rest of his members already making fun of him, “So could this be about you, JK?”
Namjoon quickly interpreted, a grin still on his face.
“Ah, no, no, no,” Jeongguk shook both head and hands, “We.. uh.. rivals?”
You gulped down hard when he said that.
“Yeah, I heard that! I don't think she see's it that way, though. Personally, I think she actually really likes you.”
“Ah, really?” Jeongguk chuckled once again, then scratched the back of his head, “Just rivals.”
“Not even friends?” he tried to get even just the tiniest drop of tea, but Jeongguk wouldn’t budge.
“Just rivals,” he repeated for the final time, this time, with more seriousness in his voice.
Namjoon decided to add something more to complete this topic, “KPOP has become a competitive market, you know? Even when we’re in the same industry, it’s not easy to find friends.. you never know, after all.”
He made it seem you like you were.. using Jeongguk. 
“Oh, I completely understand. You can never be too careful.”
And so they moved on.. just like that.
You slowly put down your phone on the table, upside down and just stared ahead of yourself with a slightly open mouth.
Not easy to find friends.
You never know.
He thought you were nothing but a rival.
So what he said then.. everything he said.. was that a lie? All the compliments he's given you? All the sweet talk? Did he even care about you in the first place, or was this just an act so you'd give him information about any upcoming music? Maybe it was the other way around, maybe he wanted to use you.
“Hey,” one of your band members entered the kitchen, “You still down to work on your solo today?”
You didn't reply right away, your nails clicking on the surface of the counter a few times, before you looked up at her, “I want to change it.”
“What?” she took a sip from her orange juice, a confused look on her face, “What’s that supposed to mean?
“Can you give me a day?”
“You.. you want to change everything?” she nearly spit everything out again, “Really?”
“Yes,” you pushed your phone towards her, “For a good reason.”
And once she watched it, she realized why you suddenly didn't want to release a song called 'Into You' anymore.
She offered to help you, like she had helped you on the previous song, but this was something you wanted to do on your own.
Like you had something to prove.
And fuck.. you really did that.
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“Why are you looking at her like that?” Hoseok whispered to Jeongguk as they sat down in the arena filled with screams.
“I want to talk to her.. she's not answering any calls or messages.. I just need to know what's going on.”
“It’s probably about that interview,” Taehyung said with a sigh, “You shouldn’t have said it so harshly.”
“What was I supposed to say, hyung? That I like her too?”
“Of course not, but.. you know what I mean.”
He knew you had your solo performance today before your group would come on and you’d perform your newest song together, so he hoped he could catch you behind the stage, at least for a moment.
But who he ran into instead, was your band members.
“No,” one of them instantly said, “Everything she has to say to you, you can hear in her song.”
“What?” Jeongguk furrowed his eyebrows, “What is that supposed to mean?” Taehyung and Jimin stood behind Jeongguk and all of a sudden it felt like the two most popular groups in high school were up for a dance battle. It wasn't a nice atmosphere.
“We're 'just' rivals, Jeongguk. All of us,” she cocked her head to the side and smiled sweetly at him, “And besides, if I were you, I’d stay away from us. Who knows, maybe we just want to use all of you for clout.”
“That's what this is about?” his eyes widened, “What was I supposed to say? I was put on the spot, I couldn’t exactly tell him that I liked her, right?”
“Seriously,” Jimin interrupted, looking at your band member, “Don't be like that..”
“Oh, you don't talk to her, Park Jimin,” another band member took a step closer to him, “Not you. Not after everything you did.”
Your groups had too much history together and at this point, too much bad blood.
Maybe you all had hoped that with you and Jeongguk you could finally reconcile. All of you.
But the opposite happened.
And so Jeongguk had to watch your solo performance with a fake smile on his face in case the cameras would land on him.
And with each word that left your mouth, he knew that it was meant for him.
“What song is it?” he had chuckled over the phone, “It's about me, isn't it?”
“The title is ‘Into You’,” you had smiled, cuddling into your pillow, “I hope you'll like it.”
“It's from you. I'll love it, no matter what,” Jeongguk sighed, “I really can’t wait to hear it, (Y/N).”
“Maybe.. once I’m done with it.. we can.. I don’t know..-”
“Go out?” Jeongguk had interrupted.
“Yeah.. I’d.. love to.”
“Me too.”
Oh, how things have changed in a matter of weeks. 
“Moving too fast like I'm moving in slow-mo I'm a God better ask if you don't know Honey better put your pride aside I'm a Benz and you're more like a Volvo Your best stuff looks like my worst, synapses fire and burst Got the whole crew with me' Bout to deal damage, you know we ain't average I ain't gonna say this again But this my time better look in my eyes I'm a genius in disguise, wear my heart on my sleeve And you forced to oblige to a queen in her prime Everybody get in line, sit back, watch the stars align I finesse like my life on the line was a diamond in the rough And now I shine”
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notveryglittery · 4 years
birthday prince (4)
summary: patton knows that roman is the bravest, strongest hero of them all.  words: 1,500 / ship: royality (patton/roman) author’s note: this is part four of my Giving The Gay Anything He Wants series for roman’s birthday (june 4)! all ships are written implied romantic but i’m not stopping you from interpreting it otherwise. check the end notes on ao3 for credit on these gifts (bc i don’t know where to put them in this post)! i hope you enjoy!!
part 1 (roceit) | part 2 (logince) | part 3 (prinxiety) part 4 (royality) | part 5 (dlampts) read on ao3
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The sun was relentless in its heat, beating down on Roman without remorse. It felt like he was baking inside of his armor. Sweat trickled down the back of his neck and he couldn’t help but squirm uncomfortably at the sensation. He held a hand up to his forehead to shield his eyes and squinted at the imposing mountain towering above him. He was mere hours from his destination and the prospect of being so close to completing his quest filled him with energy and determination. With renewed vigor, he began his ascent.
Time was lost to him as he progressed. He steadfastly ignored his aching limbs and focused instead on keeping his breathing measured. Each step was careful but sure, so as not to lose his footing or make a wrong move. Every so often, a cloud drifted across the sky, blocking out the sun, and providing him momentary relief. He passed by a number of trees, tempting him with shade and rest, but still, he pressed on. The higher he climbed, the more frequently the wind blew; this, too, helped keep his resolve up, encouraged by the breeze pushing at his back.
And finally, he found himself at the mouth of a cave. The sunshine only went so far before darkness engulfed the tunnel. He took a deep breath and marched forward. He drew his sword from its sheath and whispered “iluminar;” the blade lit up with a radiant glow, providing him a consistent source of light. While some rational part of him knew that he ought to move slowly and check for traps, the eager realization that he had reached the home stretch egged him on. Without really noticing, he’d quickly gone from a steady pace to a power walk to a dead sprint.
When he came skidding to a stop at the entrance of an open chamber, it was as if his heart was trying to jump up and out of his throat, and his breathing was strained. There, though, at the far end of the room and just barely discernible in the low light, was his love. A resounding thud interrupted him the moment he began to call out.
“Well well well,” purred his greatest enemy, “it certainly took you long enough.”
The Dragon Witch prowled back and forth, blocking Roman’s view of his dearest companion.
“Release him!” Roman shouted, darting along the walls of the cavern, and learning better the lay of the land as light fell upon the space. “And I might spare you!”
Her laughter was a rumbling echo, shaking bits of rock and dust from the ceiling. “You are funny, little prince. I’ve so missed your ridiculous demands.”
Roman stumbled, backed up, and leapt just in time to avoid the Dragon Witch’s tail sweeping his feet out from under him. From his side, he pulled a dagger. Without much aim, he threw it in her general direction, knowing at least that with a target as big as she, it would be hard to miss.
Every thought rushed from his head at the sound of Patton’s cry. At the reminder of what was really at stake here, Roman came to a halt, and faced his foe. There was no saving Patton and leaving the Dragon Witch be. He had to defeat her in order to get Patton out. It was easier said than done, apparently. One beat of her wings had him knocked back and onto the ground. He slammed hard into metal bars and grunted in pain, blinking the stars from his vision.
“Oh, honey,” cooed a voice from above him.
An arm reached through its prison, one hand reaching forward to cradle his cheek. Lips pressed against his forehead, a kiss so gentle he wasn’t sure it was real.
“Show her who’s boss, sweetie,” Patton murmured.
As if by magic, all of Roman’s sore muscles and minor wounds were wiped away. He was emboldened by Patton’s gift, his strength invigorated, and he was certain now that nothing would stand in his way. He left a lingering kiss on Patton’s knuckles and retrieved his sword before standing. The Dragon Witch looked infuriatingly smug to have taken him down so easily and that, Roman decided, would simply not do.
As we expect most stories to go, our brave hero came out victorious. There were close calls — a claw too close here, teeth too sharp there — just as there were defining strikes — the final plunge of his sword into the Dragon Witch’s heart. She disappeared, scattered into ashes, and silence fell over the chamber.
“Woohoo! That’s my knight in shining armor!”
Roman startled, dropping his weapon, and darting for Patton’s prison. Without her presence to keep it locked, freeing him was no issue. Roman ignored that he hurt all over and instead, held onto Patton as if letting him go meant he’d lose him forever.
“I’m okay,” Patton reassured, taking Roman’s helmet off, and carding his fingers through his hair. “You did it! You’re amazing! I’m so proud of you.”
“Please,” Roman laughed breathlessly, clinging to Patton all the more, “it was nothing.”
Patton leaned back, taking Roman’s face in his hands. His expression was stern. “It was spectacular. I love you so much. You’re incredible.”
“Patton,” Roman whined, hoping he could blame his redness on exertion instead of blushing.
“Let’s see what treasure awaits you!” He exclaimed, allowing Roman some shred of mercy, at least.
He took Roman’s hand and pulled him along, further back into the cave. The hoard was piled all the way to the ceiling, a good 20ft of gold, jewels, and trinkets. Roman shed his heavy breastplate before they knelt down, groaning in relief at being able to move freely and stretch properly. This also meant taking Patton into his arms once more, hugging him to his chest.
“This is my favorite prize of them all,” he muttered, pressing his cheek to the top of Patton’s head.
Patton giggled. “You haven’t even seen all of your options.”
“Hmm, none could compare to you, my heart.”
“Oh, hush!”
Eventually, Patton did manage to convince Roman to at least look at what all was laid out before them. The first thing to catch his eye was a crown, embedded with gems of every color of the rainbow. It was bright and it fit him perfectly and he never wanted to take it off.
“I’m going to make special bobby pins for that one,” Patton said offhandedly. When Roman gave him a curious look, Patton returned it with a knowing expression of his own. “You wiggle, dear.”
If Roman wasn’t sure what Patton could possibly mean, it was proven hardly five minutes later. They found plenty more jewelry: bracelets with charms that all must have been picked just for him, silly bandz that looked like they might glow in the dark, and colorful hair clips in all sorts of shapes. His joy at so many accessories led to plenty of head shaking and hand fluttering; the crown only just barely stayed on and that might have had something to do with Patton keeping a careful eye on it.
“You were my hero today, Roman,” Patton told him on their way back out. “You are every day, you know?”
Roman shrugged in a noncommittal sort of way, as if he wasn’t sure whether or not he wanted to say thank you or disagree completely. His hand squeezed tight around Patton’s, though, trying to convey his gratitude. The sun was setting by the time they made it outside. It was chillier this high up on the mountain now and Roman no longer had his adrenaline to keep him warm. Not that he didn’t have something even better at his side to help with that…
“Wanna take the easy way home? I could go for some hot cocoa.”
“I like the sound of that very much,” Patton agreed.
It was only a blink and they were no longer buffeted by sharp winds but on safe stable ground instead. Whatever ailments Roman had suffered in the Fantasy Realm were left behind; now he only felt comfort, inspiration, and fondness. … Okay, maybe hunger, too.
Patton surprised him with another kiss on the cheek and then another to his lips. Roman didn’t let that one go, savoring the sweet taste of his one true love. While neither would have minded this lasting quite some time, their stomachs had other ideas in mind. They parted, giggling as their bellies growled noisily.
“Okay, okay,” Patton relented. “Dinner time.”
“Can we have pasta?”
“Sweetpea, you know we’re making all your favorites.”
“... Peach cobbler, too?”
“I love you,” Roman said, as if Patton had just promised him the world.
“I know. Happy birthday, my knight.”
Going to bed that night with Patton curled up beside him, full on delicious food and drink, on love and precious reminders of everything he had, Roman couldn’t think of anywhere else he’d rather be.
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I know you don't like BC anymore because of S7 But I like the way you answer the questions That's why I decided to ask I rewatched the first four seasons and realized something strange My question is long so I took it apart CL was never conceived as a big love At least JR didn't do that Maybe KS worked for it, and when he came back 130years later, still CL S6 continued but I thought it wasn't the original plan for JR.
People call it big CL, but I don't really understand what CL is being mentioned At least romantically The same is true for BC Before Finn's reaction 108 there was only friendship development jealousy confirmed this For CL,this only started at 214 But even then,C said she was not ready to have a relationship with anyone "in general" So he was saying this to himself.Well a few episodes ago, because love was a weakness, kept B away from herself B didn't send anyone to look for her s1e11
I'm not sure if these asks are in the right order or if there were suppose to be more asks, but these are the ones I got.
I very rarely talk about show Bellarke anymore because as you said, I don't ship them anymore. I'll try my best to answer this but honestly, I just couldn't care less about show Bellarke and I would never want Clarke anywhere near Bellamy (so I'm not sure I can be empathetic towards her)
Basically this is my interpretation. Lxa wasn't supposed to be Lxa at first. They wanted a child actor to play Heda but for different reasons that didn't happen. They cast ADC. Everyone knows Lxa was there to be an antagonist to Clarke but also a mirror to who Clarke could be.
Then they saw chemistry between Clarke and Lxa and it was Kim who suggested they kiss (if I remember it correctly). There were no plans to write CL the way it ended up being written. Jason only had the Lxa story for season 2. They didn't plan on having Lxa in season 3.
Then came the fan reaction to Lxa and CL. Jason was clearly surprised but also happy with the reaction and it fed him. He used that popularity and reaction to push for more Lxa/CL. Yet he still had no long term plans for them. But he wanted to buy more time, more screentime/scenes for them.
Since ADC had already signed with AMC, they had to fight to get ADC back in order to "finish the story". A story that Jason hadn't even planned on by the end of season 2. He even said the plan was for the story to go on and for everyone to know Lxa was out there with other grounders doing her job but not part of the story on the show. But he wanted to use her popularity to sell the show and elevate it into the sort of show he wanted or believed he was making. From the moment Jason started writing season 3, Lxa was always going do die, it was even hinted at in season 2!
So he developed a romantic relationship within 7 episodes. What was shown on screen was not what he was saying online. He used fans and their love for the character, to sell season 3. I do believe Clarke and Lxa had a connection and understood each other. I think they were attracted to each other. I think Lxa was into Clarke more than Clarke was into Lxa. Not because Clarke couldn't but because they didn't give Clarke the time to fully develop those feelings. Lxa already had them. Right when Clarke allowed herself to acknowledge those feelings, they killed Lxa.
I think Lxa was supposed to be an important character for Clarke for many different reasons and I would never claim that they weren't romantic/had feelings because they clearly did but the notion that a two week romance was THE relationship for Clarke, as an 18 year old girl, is ridiculous.
I think the disconnect here is that CL shippers and Jason (when he tried to do damage control after) sold CL as big, important and everlasting relationship on a 7 episodes built up. The vision of what fans wanted for CL, what they saw for CL, what they wished for CL was sold as canon after 7 episodes. I would argue, fans elevated CL to that status from sheer WISHFUL thinking of what wanted CL to BE but that they in canon weren't, at least, they never got the built up or time to BECOME what fans saw in their vision. But they made it "the truth" on social media and made it canon in their minds and sold CL as such after only 7 episodes. Regardless of the fact that it was Clarke's show, Clarke's journey or the fact that Clarke was only an 18 year old who had her entire life in front of her.
The way in which Jason killed Lxa also goes to show how little he understood fans and how little he cared about any emotional connection to Lxa. He cared as long as the story gave him want he wanted for the show; recognition, an audience, money, more seasons etc.
The backlash against Jason is a huge part of how the story was told after season 3. Suddenly even on the show, they started writing Lxa and her memory differently and they gave more meaning to the relationship that had ever gotten in the scripts. The I love you in 3x16 was ADR. It was added only AFTER the backlash. It wasn't even in the script. The Lxa mentions in 4x01 (Clarke and Abby's talk wasn't even scripted at first. The actor playing Abby made them write it and keep it in the episode). All these extra Lxa mentions, rewriting the relationship or the build up of the relationship was damage control. It was an answer to all the criticism. To give CL more depth and meaning after death. As if it was good enough for fans. It wasn't.
The thing is, people say "oh you only call it damage control and not canon because you don't ship CL". The thing is, it's such an insult to themselves and their ship when they say stuff like that. CL fans should acknowledge that they were used and that most of the things after season 3 was damage control. That should be the real problem here, that they were used like that. They should want and expect better than a pitty damage control tour. CL could have been great and exactly what they envisioned CL to be or become. But they never got the screentime to become that. They killed Lxa off right before their potential could be reached. So now all that lost potential has somehow been made into being canon because CL fans think "this is what CL was even though they never got the time to achieve it). That's the thing. They COULD have sure but they never did. They ended with the potential but the potential in your vision is not canon. Yet they made it so.
So we have fan backlash against Jason and the show and it changed a lot for the story due to damage control. And through Lxa's popularity, she became some sort of martyr in their eyes and so much interest and equally pressure would put on the show, Clarke and Jason, that they keep Lxa as a ghost in the story. Clarke was never allowed to grow up and have a life outside of Lxa, the show started to revolve around the AI and even though there were several other commanders, it somehow always came down to Lxa. And then Jason got a chance to right his mistake when he got ADC to come back. To win some points with fans. Look how great he is, right? But yet again, he showed his true colors. He didn't make CL endgame, he didn't even bring Lxa back. He literally had ADC on set again and he made her an alien in Lxa's clothes. If we are gonna talk about ship, you had the actor right there and could have made it become real since you CLAIM you did it for fans. Yet. He. Did. Not. Do. That. He made Lxa an alien. And then what did he do? He did an interview where he claimed it was a "greatest love" yet he never once told that story in the finale. He didn't even let Lxa be Lxa. But he could do an interview playing with people's emotions again because it would give him support and extra points from CLs. But in canon? He never had to follow through for a single second. It was all left in the open.
So no, not much of anything was his original plan and it shows. Personally, I think he thinks losing Lxa was his biggest mistake (only after he saw the fan reaction to her) and if he could, there is no doubt in my mind he would have kicked Clarke out as the main for Lxa.
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Love & Lasagna- Chapter One
I know I have a couple of requests waiting but those are almost finished and should be up in the next few days. I’ve had a lot going on since school let out and I got really behind in my writing. BUT I hope you guys enjoy this new series, and should be updating the others very soon. Let me know if you’d like to be added to this taglist or to my permanent taglist. 
This is a Prof!Gwilym x Reader. 
Warnings: 18+, smut, maybe some cursing, forbidden romance, unprotected sex (no glove no love, peeps)
Word Count: 4.5k+ (I can’t check for sure bc Word has decided to glitch)
It was a rainy Wednesday afternoon. Y/N tapped the end of her pencil on the table, barely paying attention to the words drifting from the professor’s lips. After a particularly grueling shift the night before at the local café she worked at, she found it increasingly difficult to stay awake. This was her favorite part of the day, her class with Dr. Lee. She was his graduate assistant, and although the freshmen in World History 101 could be a little tiresome, she loved her job. What she loved even more, however, was how close she had become to Dr. Lee. He was British and had moved to the U.S. to teach at the university she had been at since undergrad. His face was striking, with a subtly pronounced jawline covered in light stubble, and his deep, hazy blue eyes were set off by his neatly coifed brown hair. Today, his tall, slender (yet still muscular) frame was accentuated by a crisp white button-down tucked into a perfectly tailored pair of tan chinos. Even in her drowsy state, Y/N swooned internally.
Though there was always an air of professionalism between the two, she couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like to kiss him. She shook the thought out of her head. He may not be her professor anymore, but he was still her superior. Not to mention he was on the committee overseeing her thesis. But she couldn’t help be remember fondly the first time they graded exams together.
She had been in her office after hours attempting to grade some of the 100+ papers she had stacked neatly in front of her. Gwilym had been on his way out when he heard the faint sounds of music coming from down the hall. He hadn’t expected to find you, but there you were. She startled at the sound of him knocking on the door. “What are you still doing here?”
“Uh, well, some hard-ass left a giant stack of papers here for me, so…” Gwilym laughed and her face broke into a wide, toothy smile.
“I’m sure he- or she-“ Y/N giggled. “- meant well. Maybe I could be of some assistance?”
“Well, I mean, considering you’re the hard-ass in question, I figure that would be the least you could do. Your office or mine?”
Gwilym glanced around at the small, cramped space. “Mine. Definitely”
He picked up the stack of papers while she slung her backpack over her shoulder. After locking the door, she followed him down the hallway to his office. Since he was one of the more recent professors to join the history department, he had also been stuck with a drab basement office. Y/N had been in his office many times. It was the same size as the TA office she shared, but with only one desk it was significantly more spacious. After settling into a pair of chairs, Y/N and Gwil settled in for a long night of grading. They sat in comfortable silence, interrupted every so often by exchanging jokes about some of the responses the students had left on their exams. “This one really thought Henry VIII broke with the church to marry Elizabeth I, his daughter!” The two laughed heartily and a conversation about the prevalence of royal incest ensued. The night continued on this way until Y/N had some trouble making out one of the written responses.
“Dr. Lee- “
“Gwilym.” He corrected.
“Right. Gwilym. Can you make this out by any chance? This one must think they’re a doctor.” Y/N walked over to where he was sitting, and leaned over his shoulder, placing the stapled packet within his view. His breath hitched at how close she was. She noticed but interpreted it to mean that she was crossing a line. She cleared her throat and took a step back.
“Ah, so the question is ‘what was the name of the pope who excommunicated Henry VIII,’ and they appeared to have answered incorrectly. Unfortunately, ‘that one pope dude’ is not a sufficient answer.” They laughed together again, and he handed the paper back to her.
They sat there grading for another hour, Gwilym glancing at her every so often. Her soft, Y/S/C face was framed by stunning Y/H/C hair. He had noticed it before, but only now did fully take it in. Not only was she intelligent, but she was undeniably beautiful and had a sense of humor that perfectly matched his own. When they finally called it a night, she waved goodbye as they went their separate ways. He watched longingly as she walked away, relishing the subtle swaying of her hips. Little did he know that she had fallen asleep that night touching herself to the thought of him. 
Dr. Gwilym Lee glanced up at Y/N occasionally as he droned on. Y/N was a bright student. Typically attentive and engaging in class, he couldn’t help but wonder why she looked like she was going to pass out at any given moment. Sighing, he shut down the projector and dismissed the class. The other students quickly disappeared while Y/N collected her things, not noticing Dr. Lee striding towards her desk as she shoved her notebook into her bag.
“Y/N?” Her head snapped up, meeting his gaze as a deep blush rose to her cheeks. “Are you feeling quite yourself today?”
His accent never failed to make her knees weak, but she steeled herself and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ears. “I’m sorry Dr. Lee, I just had a late shift last night and my car wouldn’t start when I clocked out. I had to walk all the way back to my dorm and I had barely been asleep when some idiot pulled the fire alarm. By the time they let us back inside, I had to shower and get ready for my meeting with Dr. Barnett. I know that’s not an excuse, I won’t let it happen again.”
She was so frantic that Gwilym placed a calming hand on her shoulder. Y/N’s heart fluttered at his touch. “Don’t worry, Y/N. You aren’t in trouble.”
Letting out a sigh of relief, she felt visibly more at ease. “Thank you, Dr. Lee.”
Chuckling, Gwilym gave her shoulder a squeeze before letting his arm drop. “I’ve told you, Y/N. You can call me Gwil.”
“Right, okay. Gwil.” A smile crept across her face. She shifted her weight from foot to foot. Being this close to him made her nervous.
“Next time something like that happens, call me, yeah? I don’t live too far from campus and I’d rather lose a little sleep than have you walking alone at night, okay?” Her eyes widened, but she nodded.
“Do you have other classes today?” He looked at her inquisitively over the rim of his glasses. She shook her head. “Work?” She shook her head again. “Good,” he smiled. “Why don’t you try to go get a nap in, yeah? I had been hoping to discuss your thesis progress, do you think you’d be up to meeting me in my office later this afternoon? About 5-ish?”
“Sure thing, Dr.- I mean, Gwil. Sorry. I think I can manage that, Gwil.” He chuckled at her as she mentally chastised herself.
“Wonderful. I’ll see you then, just make sure you get some rest first.”
Y/N made her way back to her dorm room, but instead of going inside to sleep, she was confronted with a ribbon tied to the door handle. Shit, she thought. The ribbon was the code she and her roommate, Georgie, had decided on to signify when they had a “companion.” Unfortunately for Y/N, Georgie had been using this code at least three times a week. She was still in her undergrad, and although she was always friendly, Y/N couldn’t help but wish she had forked out the extra cash for a single dorm. Or an apartment, she thought. Georgie was only 19, and at 24, Y/N felt a bit out of touch with the culture of sex and partying that Georgie had bought into.
Sighing, Y/N walked back across campus to the building that housed the history department. If she couldn’t sleep in her own bed, maybe she could at least find respite in the TA office. It was small and she shared it with about three other TAs. The office was tucked away, out of sight in the cold, dank basement, with four desks crammed tightly inside. She breathed a sigh of relief when she found it empty, the other assistants out for the day. Y/N flicked off the main light and turned on the small lamp she kept on her desk. Her desk was tucked away in the corner and covered with books for her thesis. Pushing the books to the side, she zipped up her hoodie and laid her head down on the desk. She had just started to doze off when she heard the door open.
“Y/N? I thought I told you to go home and sleep?” Y/N peered up at Gwilym, who stood in the doorway.
“You did. And I tried. Except my roommate was too busy not sleeping, if you catch my drift.”
Gwil’s cheeks flushed. “Ah, yes. Well, you should have texted me. I forgot I had to go to a departmental meeting this afternoon, so my apartment will be empty until later tonight. I could give you a key, if you’d like, that is.”
It was Y/N’s turn to blush. “Oh, you don’t have to do that. I’ll be quite alright- “
“Y/N, please. I insist.” Gwilym slid his spare off of his keyring and handed it over. Y/N nervously took it. He pulled a blank piece of paper out of the printer on one of the desks and scribbled something on it before handing it to Y/N. “This is my address. Like I said, it’s pretty close to campus.”
“Thank you, Gwilym.” He nodded at her before muttering goodbye and turning to leave.
Y/N soon found herself standing in front of a small stone house, glancing back down at the scrap of paper to make sure she was in the right place. This is it. She walked up the pathway and unlocked the front door. Stepping inside, Y/N walked down the short hallway to the living room. The first thing she noticed was the books. The room was small, but with a cozy feel. There was a fireplace on the center of the back wall, with a leather couch and matching chair facing towards it. On the wall behind the couch, stood four tall bookshelves overflowing with books. Upon inspection, Y/N noted that they were predominantly history-related, with a few fictional classics thrown in. They were all meticulously organized by genre, then chronologically based on the period they covered. She chuckled to herself. Typical historian. It was how her own tiny dorm-sized bookshelf was organized.
It took minimal exploring to find the bedroom, given it was the only closed-off room aside from the bathroom. Inside, she found an immaculately made bed with white sheets and a matching white down comforter. It looked so comforting and inviting that Y/N almost climbed in still wearing her jeans. Shit, my jeans, she thought. With her dorm room occupied, she hadn’t been able to snag any of her pajamas. She could always sleep in her underwear, but then what if Gwilym came home and saw her? Would that really be so bad? She shook the thought out her head and walked over to the dresser, hoping he wouldn’t mind if she borrowed something. She pulled out a long pair of oversized, plaid pajama bottoms, and a plain white undershirt. Gwilym was relatively slender, but somehow Y/N managed to fit her hips into the pants. After changing, she pulled back the comforter and dove in. It felt like a cloud to her tired body, and she buried herself under the blanket. It took mere seconds for her drift asleep.
It had been a long day for Gwilym. The meeting had run late, and it was 7:45 P.M. before he finally made it back home. He could hear light snoring coming from his bedroom and opened the door slightly to get a look. Y/N was still there, fast asleep. Her hair was a disheveled mess atop her head, and her lips were parted just enough for a small bit of drool to escape. Beautiful, he thought, though he immediately felt guilty. At 29, he was only a few years older than she was, having only finished his PhD two years ago and had been lucky enough to find a position shortly after. Age, however, was not the issue. Though she was not his student, she was still his assistant. The other professors would not look favorably upon such a relationship, though he had thought about it often.
She’d been his assistant for most of those two years, and over the course of that time he had fallen hopelessly head-over-heels. They often chatted together while they graded the undergraduate students’ papers and exams and found that they both had the same dry sense of humor. He loved the way her eyes always shut when she laughed, how she tugged on her ear lobe when she was deep in thought, and so much more. Sometimes he even thought she might feel the same but had brushed the notion to the side. She would never love someone like me, he thought. Little did he know about the butterflies that plagued Y/N every time she was in the same room as him.
He gently shut the bedroom door and made his way into the kitchen to put the kettle on. As he waited for the water to heat up, he picked up one his books and settled into the leather chair. Soon after, the kettle began to whistle. Shit, he hadn’t thought about the noise that came with making tea. He silently chastised himself, hoping he hadn’t woken her. He knew how much she needed the rest.
Y/N shot up in bed at the sound of the whistle. She looked over at the clock he had on his nightstand. “Shit,” she muttered to herself. She’d been asleep for almost five hours. Hearing noises coming from the kitchen, she begrudgingly climbed out of the warm comfort of the bed.
Gwilym had taken the kettle off the heat and was digging around searching for a mug. “Gwilym?” At the sound of you voice he whipped his head around.
“Y/N. Please forgive me, I forgot how loud the kettle was.”
She rubbed her eyes, still heavy with sleep. “S’okay. It’s my fault for oversleeping.”
He glanced up and down, recognizing the clothes she was wearing as his own. A grin tugged at the corners of his lips. “I see you made yourself at home.”
Her cheeks burned red, and she stuttered, “Oh, uh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to sleep in my jeans, and I couldn’t very well sleep naked- oh my god.” She didn’t think it was possible, but she felt her cheeks get even hotter when the word “naked” left her lips. “I’m so sorry, I’ll just go change and I’ll be out of your hair.”
As she turned to walk back to the bedroom, Gwilym reached out for her wrist without thinking. “Please don’t go. It’s alright, love.” It was his turn to blush. In a moment of spontaneous boldness, he commented, “Looks better on you anyways.”
Her eyes widened and she looked down to hide her smile, though it didn’t go unnoticed by Gwil. Clearing his throat, he tried to ease the awkward tension. “Would you like to stay for dinner? We never did get the chance to discuss your thesis. I’m not the best cook, but I can make a mean lasagna.”
“Anything would be better than another night of microwaved Ramen. And if I see one more Lean Cuisine I might die.”
Gwilym laughed. “Well, we mustn’t have that. God only knows where I’d be without you in class with all of those freshmen. If I hear one more question that could be answered by reading the syllabus, I WILL die.” They both giggled at that.
Y/N walked around the small kitchen island. “So, chef Gwil, how can I help?”
After dividing up tasks, the two quickly completed their masterpiece and placed it in the oven. “How long do we wait?” Y/N rubbed her stomach, not realizing until just then how hungry she was.
“About forty-five minutes,” Gwil said as he set the timer on the stove. Y/N let out a groan and Gwilym laughed at her reaction. “There, there, it will pass in no time. Oh, hold on. You’ve got a bit of sauce- “
He reached over to wipe a bit of tomato sauce off of her cheek with his thumb. Her breath caught as his sudden touch. He gulped and started to pull his hand away but was surprised when Y/N placed her hand over his. He stepped closer until she could feel his breath on her forehead.
“Y/N,” he whispered. She felt a chill run down her spine.
“Gwilym.” She closed the short distance between them and pressed her lips against his. She was surprised at how soft they were and even more surprised when his hand left her cheek and slipped into her hair, pulling her closer to him. He politely swept his tongue across her bottom lip before deepening the kiss. She moaned into his mouth as Gwilym reached around her to lift her up, setting her down on top of the island counter. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him in.
“Do you have any idea what you do to me?” He uttered between kisses.
“I think I have some idea.” She pressed her hips into his pronounced erection, and he let out a soft moan.
The t-shirt she had borrowed from him started to fall off her shoulders, and Gwilym pressed kisses to the exposed skin, working his way from her shoulders to her clavicle. “You’re so incredibly beautiful, Y/N.”
“I’ve wanted you for so long, Gwil.” She answered, her head falling back as he marked her neck.
“And I, you.” He lifted her back up, allowing her time to wrap herself around him more securely before carrying her into the bedroom. He laid her back down on the plush comforter she had been buried in not too long ago. Y/N tugged at his belt, unbuckling it quickly before plunging her hand underneath the waistband of his pants and boxer briefs. His breath caught in his throat as she palmed his bare erection. She could tell by the outline on his pants that he was large, but she never expected what she found when she finally freed him from his underwear, working her wrist up and down him in steady strokes. He moaned before pushing his pants the rest of the way down his legs before kicking them off the bed, with his shirt quickly joining them on the floor. She only paused her movements for Gwilym to pull his t-shirt over her head and stood up briefly to remove his pajama pants from her body.
She started to climb back into the bed, but Gwil stopped her gently. “Please, let me just take you in for a moment.” She blushed but complied. Gwilym had often wondered what she would look like undressed, but now that he was confronted with the reality of her standing in her underwear in his bedroom, he was speechless. She silently thanked God that she actually managed to put on a matching bra and underwear. He quietly admired the way the purple fabric contrasted with her skin, then patted the space on the bed next to him. She belly-flopped onto the bed, and he let out a loud laugh. She grinned at him before moving to straddle him. His eyes shut at the erotic feeling of his naked member brushing against the thin fabric of her panties. Putting his hands on her back, he held her in place as he moved up the bed until his back was against the headboard. He cradled her in his arms and she slowly ground her hips into his.
She could feel his erection growing harder and the neediness she felt in the pit of stomach was becoming unbearable. Sensing this, Gwilym looked into her eyes. “Are you sure this is what you want, love?” She nodded fervently. Gwil reach behind her to unhook her bra and she stood up on the bed so that he could pull her panties off easily. She sat back down next to him and let her head fall back on a pillow. Gwil positioned himself at the foot of the bed and lightly pushed her knees apart. He trailed kisses up each of her thighs before finally settling in the spot she needed him most. Her body jolted with pleasure as he attached his lips to her folds, and she absentmindedly laced her fingers tightly in his hair to hold him in place.
“You’re so wet for me,” he breathed before reattaching to her clit. His name tumbled from her lips, over and over, the sound like heaven to his ears. When she moaned as two of his fingers slipped inside, he rutted his hips into the mattress for relief. “D’you like that love? Come for me, Y/N.”
He continued pumping his fingers and felt her start to tighten around them.
“I need you Gwil. All of you, please.”
God, even her whining is enticing, he thought. “Don’t worry love. This isn’t even the start of all the things I want to do to you. Want to make you feel good,” he murmured into her pelvis. “Do you think you can take one more, sweetheart?”
When Y/N nodded, Gwil carefully added a third finger and began pushing his fingers into her with more aggressive enthusiasm. She began to unravel around his unforgiving pace and felt herself tiptoe closer and closer to the edge of pure bliss. His mouth and fingers were relentless, and even as she fell over the edge, he kept up his pace until she was convulsing with the best orgasm she’d ever had. He pulled his fingers out of her, and the sight of him licking her wetness off of his fingers was almost enough to make her fall over the edge again.
Gwilym slid up the mattress until his face was level with hers. She turned and placed her hands on either side of his head before initiating another deep kiss. She pulled him until his entire body hovered over her own. His lips attached to her neck, and though she was still sensitive from her orgasm, she didn’t want to wait any longer. “Gwil,” she breath into his ear. “Please Gwil.” Her hand snaked down the length of his torso until she felt his member in her hand. He was so worked up that he bucked into her hand as she began stroking him. “You’re so needy, baby. Tell me what you want.”
Her words elicited a quiet moan from him. “You. Just you.” His lips met hers hard before he aligned himself with her entrance. He looked into her eyes once more. She nodded and he finally entered her.
Y/N had been with other men before, but none of them had even come close to filling her up as fully as Gwilym did. Her eyes rolled back in her head as he gave her a moment to adjust. After a few seconds, she pushed her hips up to meet his, silently giving him permission to begin.
He started slowly, afraid of hurting her. She felt heavenly around his cock, like she was perfectly made just for him. But she was just as needy as he was and kept bucking against him in an attempt to speed up the pace.
“So eager,” he chuckled. “Use your words, Y/N.”
“I need more of you, Gwil. God, I need more.” A moan escaped her lips at his tantalizingly slow pace, and he smirked down at her.
“All you had to was ask, my sweet, sweet girl.” He pecked her cheek before sliding his hand behind her head. He readjusted his weight and held her close as began to thrust into her with a renewed sense of purpose. He wasn’t going to last long, especially not with the cries that were flowing from her lips. She was so warm, and all she wanted, at least in that moment, was him.
When Gwilym felt her walls tighten again, his movements became more erratic.
“I’m so close, love.” He was struggling to hold back, but he knew he couldn’t for much longer.
“Me too, oh my God Gwil please. Please.” That was all it took for his hips to stutter as he released his warm, sticky fluid inside of her. The warmth the coated her walls was enough to send her tumbling back over the edge. Her vision went black and he continued moving inside her, coaxing her through the wave of pleasure that had taken over every inch of her being.
Her body trembled as she came down from her high, and though he was gentle, she cried out when finally pulled out of her. Gwilym held her tightly, steadying her as the began to come back down to earth. He sweetly kissed her temple, her nose, then her mouth. She parted her lips, inviting him to deepen the kiss. They laid there making out for short while.
Suddenly, Gwilym broke the kiss, pulling back slightly but his hand remained fully entwined in her hair.
“Y/N, I want you to know that this wasn’t just sex to me.” She looked up at him with wide eyes. “I know there are consequences to what I’m about to say, but I have to say it. I have been in love with you since the first night you came into my office to grade.”
She didn’t hesitate. “I love you, Gwilym.” She looked up at him through her eyelashes, taking in the surprised look on his face. He hadn’t dared to hope that she would feel the same way and hearing it out loud was more than he could ever want. “How do we do this?” She asked.
“I don’t know. You only have a few months before you graduate. We just have to keep this between us until then, and maybe for a little while after to avoid suspicion of foul play.”
Y/N didn’t like keeping secrets but knew that in this case she’d have no choice but to make an exception. “What about my thesis?”
“Well, we’ll just have to continue as normal. It would look odd if I suddenly resigned from the committee.”
Y/N nodded, and Gwilym pressed a knowing kiss to her temple. “I know this is difficult,” he said. “But I love you and I want to be with you. It will be okay, Y/N. No matter what happens, you will always have me.”
She smiled, and then jumped up out of the bed. Panicked, she looked at Gwilym and shouted, “THE LASAGNA!”
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storywriting · 5 years
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[ Bc yall have foolishly greenlit my Nirvash Headcanon production, here is a general discussion of who I think Nirvash is and I’ll thank you to give me excuses to be more specific. ]
First things first. The Nirvash is the first creature Eureka ever had a conversation with or considered her friend. While Eureka had to learn to speak to people, the ability to communicate with her own kind is one of the few things she was born knowing, so she took to Nirvash right away. The Nirvash is unfortunately one of the main factors that ended up landing her as an emotionally stunted military dog instead of having a normal life where she is nurtured and fully educated by humans. I honestly think if the folks in the lab hadn’t realized her piloting potential, Eureka would have been raised as a completely different person. Since science had never been able to crack the Nirvash typeZERO, she was very valuable to have. They didn’t waste their budget on anything else once they knew that.
I also think the Nirvash had never been called Nirvash by people prior to the discovery of Eureka. Nirvash was exclusively called the typeZERO until Eureka was able to communicate enough to tell humans the name.
Vaguely related, Eureka’s name is also not human given because she is named after an event experienced by the scub coral and it doesn’t make sense to me that humans in 11005 or whatever would think to name her after something that happened in like 2005.  Eureka’s name comes from the very first time Scub Coral entered Earth’s atmosphere, where it crashed into a satellite and was forced to make a home in the Earth’s oceans. Based on what Sakuya says, it’s likely that the whole of the coralian system became aware when it was decided Eureka would be born. Nirvash likely told Eureka her own name if she didn’t already know it herself.
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Archetypes are sexless, so as one might expect, Nirvash doesn’t have a particular concept or interest in gender identity. Eureka calls Nirvash “he” in the original series dub and “she” in all future adaptations. I suspect that using “he” might have originally been a mistake by the localization team since Nirvash isn’t voiced until the very end and the Japanese language doesn't really ever require a speaker to designate a gendered pronoun. Whether it was a mistake or on purpose, I tend to explain this by just saying that Eureka copied the words other people used whenever she would personify the Nirvash to them. That would be in line with her character.
Eureka also speaks about Nirvash like a child quite often even though Nirvash is most certainly an older life form than she is. I suspect this is to do with a difference in experience and the higher barriers of understanding for a creature like Nirvash. Put simply, Nirvash is a less developed creature than Eureka is.
In the AU movie archetypes arent the same type of creature as in the main series--they were made or evolved differently.  In the film, the Larval Nirvash is somewhat intelligent. Larval Nirvash pays attention to people and tries to participate in conversations despite being unable speak. 10/10 very tiny and cute and runs around, always doing their best.
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I honestly believe that main series Nirvash has a similar temperament and level of intelligence to this AU iteration.  Also, the way Eureka speaks about Nirvash, like a child, in my mind supports the idea that the Nirvash is capable only of very simple thoughts and ideas early on. Nirvash isn't enlightened, per se. At least not at the beginning. Nirvash is a failed attempt at making a person. It makes sense that Nirvash would be less advanced.  If we could hear Nirvash's early conversations with Eureka, I suspect Nirvash's interests and concerns would sound pretty simplistic. I hesitate to compare Nirvash to any stage of human development tbh, mostly because it seems like Nirvash is very intelligent about certain things (like in battle, Nirvash makes very strategic choices), but probably couldn't even match a toddler on other things. Emotional intelligence, for example, is probably something that takes a while for Nirvash to pick up even the tiniest shred of.  Still, Nirvash's wants and feelings do seem to become slightly less simplistic over time. Still simple compared to a person, but the feedback Eureka gives originally is like "nirvash is happy" and by the end it's more like "nirvash feels x complex way because of what they did when x happened and how it turned out". Put simply, Nirvash knows what Nirvash knows, but not much else. Nirvash is maybe like Eureka in that regard. They're in their own weird stage of development where some of their stats are maxed and some of them are like...what are you even doing.  I also pretty strongly headcanon that, like Eureka, Nirvash's understanding of the world and of humans is growing as the series progresses, which I think is fairly substantiated but rarely addressed directly.
As the audience we don't get to see the way Nirvash communicates very often, especially not in any direct easy-to-be-understood-by-people fashion. If you want to learn anything about Nirvash as a viewer you have to speculate based on the few times Nirvash displays some will of her own, or go by the very little information Eureka gives about what Nirvash is thinking. Eureka is somewhat private about her relationship with Nirvash at times, which I find interesting, but that’s a topic for another post.
I pretty strongly headcanon that Nirvash sort of dislikes people, or at the very least, mistrusts the ones she doesn’t know.  I believe this because Nirvash outright refuses to be piloted, even by people with compac drives.  Compac drives are the "keys" humans use to communicate with LFOs, but LFOs cant really communicate back. We know that Nirvash for whatever reason really didnt want to be piloted, but then Nirvash met Eureka and felt willing to activate for her because they could converse and agree on things. No compac drive required for that.  Nirvash will fly for Eureka because they can have a relationship that is a two way street.  It doesn’t require the kind of faith Nirvash would need to let a human do whatever they wanted.
I suspect when Eureka is piloting there is a lot of give and take. They're discussing what they should do.  They compromise on a course of action by combining their understanding.  The trouble any time there is something going on between the Nirvash and Eureka is that it's not a conversation the audience gets to hear. We just have to watch and do our best to interpret
I think that over time Nirvash comes to appreciate and even like some humans and seeks methods of communication with ones she vibes with.  Ultimately the Nirvash does become more able to understand and commune with people because Eureka acts as a cultural bridge between them.   I really like the idea that Nirvash becomes interested in communicating with humans in the limited ways available to her, but only after spending a lot of time with Eureka and taking a shine to Renton. I also know the show gives Nirvash a clear human sounding voice that makes understandable words but I honestly hc that Nirvash sounds more abstract than that in most situation. Like idk, machine noises, Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites™ or something like that.  I think if a human was able to hear Nirvash in any passive sort of way, it probably wouldn’t really sound like language. Eureka can always understand Nirvash but if you're Renton or maybe Ao just hanging around and are somehow catching bits and pieces of that consciousness floating in the air it's gonna feel weird and garbled in your brain unless you're able to make that more direct connection with the Nirvash somehow. It's just not natural to humans, it's not their first language.
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On the subject of Nirvash getting on with humans, there is eventually a situation where Renton has to pilot the Nirvash himself. This is on the tail end of Eureka being really down and not really explaining why.  Sometimes when she touches the Nirvash she starts to bleed and it becomes clear that The Girls Are Fighting™️. When Eureka sees Renton piloting she is taken aback by the fact that Nirvash would allow somebody other than her to pilot alone. Also, she comments on how that's 'not Nirvash's style'. It's left ambiguous what exactly her meaning is there, but she becomes pretty upset. There are a few ways I've interpreted it, though it's hard to pin down exactly. One possibility is that she’s upset because Renton and Nirvash Did A Violence. Alternatively it could be because the fighting Eureka saw from them was obviously more of Renton's own will than the give and take she prefers with the Nirvash. Another option is that Renton is not imposing his will, but rather bringing out something in Nirvash Eureka doesn't recognize and isn't comfortable with being a stranger to. Eureka is at this point very stressed that the Nirvash wont talk to her. She seems to go from very excited that Renton makes the Nirvash happy to very distressed that Renton is changing her relationship with the Nirvash. Nirvash is probably one of the only relationships Eureka has where she is comfortable and feels she is on the same page nearly all the time, so it's jarring for that to be challenged or changed. 
A lot of the conflict with nirvash is never clarified in stone, but we know for sure that Renton causes Eureka to change and that's a big deal for everybody involved. Nirvash and Eureka don't really know change before this.  In terms of Nirvash’s opinion, we know mostly about the parts Eureka reacts to, but if you think about it we dont really find out why Nirvash likes Renton in the first place or what initially caused Nirvash to becomes less open with Eureka. It's hard to place exactly what the conflict is. Just that it involves Renton and it involves this change. Despite Eureka being the best creature humanty has for communicating with Archetypes there are still certain barriers between them. They are the same creature, but theyre vastly different versions of the same creature with vastly different capabilities and experiences. Nirvash and Eureka will inevitably end up in situations where they don’t see eye to eye if for no other reason than their mental and sensory experience is vastly different from one another. I suspect that Nirvash is at times jealous of Eureka going off and having experiences and relationships with others, in the same way Eureka gets jealous when Nirvash seems to prefer Renton over her.
That all said, I do think Nirvash does have some sense of right and wrong even without Eureka’s guidance, but Eureka shows evidence of chiding or suggesting morality to the Nirvash throughout. Things like compassion and a moral compass seem to be way more pronounced for Nirvash later on in the series, after like 40 episodes of bonding and getting into and out of trouble together.  Again, we can’t know all the details because the audience doesn’t get any unfiltered version of Nirvash’s perspective, but we know for sure that Eureka (and eventually Renton) is very very important to her even when the they are in conflict. In turn, Eureka regularly demonstrates that she trusts Nirvash implicitly and seems to respect Nirvash's judgement in many kinds of situations. The Nirvash is a member of the family through and through. She’s always down to help the cause, and she appreciates the great privilege involved in having a front row seat to Eureka’s experience. The Nivash has had an unprecedented opportunity to become enlightened about other creatures in ways the rest of the Scub Coral could not. In another life Nirvash could have had any number of destinies, possibly even safer ones with less strife and less change. She was never essential to the plan of putting yet another humanoid coralian into the world and could have moved for anybody else and had a completely different life. Maybe in times of conflict Nirvash thinks about that, but if there’s one thing that’s canon as hell I know that Nirvash would never trade away being loved by the Storywriter.
We stan a queen.
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yaboylevi · 5 years
hey vivi how are you? hopefully you’re doing good ! question in your personal opinion do you think that we stopped seeing eren’s caring side towards levi bc of what happened in RtS arc? do u think like in a way he resents? or feels betrayed by levi’s actions? i mean eren trusted levi kinda blindly i would say so maybe he felt a little deceived by levi ? anyways i’m just curious on ur thoughts on this, have a good day! :D
Okay hi, so…I got this question once in the past already and I decided to not reply for various reasons. I didn’t really feel like replying to this either, as you could guess by how long it took me to actually reply (I actually typed a full answer 3 times in these 2 months but deleted all of them aahh). But I have a question for y'all I would really love hearing an answer to: Is this a common interpretation/headcanon in the ereri fandom recently?
So, anyway… if they were real people experiencing such a development, based on MY feelings and how I’d react, I would say yes, it would be normal for Eren to have developed a sort of resentment once things calmed down a little and he thought back on how absolutely unfairly Levi treated him back then: he agreed to give Eren the serum only to take back the offer at the last moment; he basically told him to shut down his own feelings, dismissing them, when Levi himself couldn’t do the same; he lost his patience and punched him in the face with such strength that he made Eren lose half of his teeth. I understand why it happened: Levi is not emotionally mature at times, imo, and it was a charged development with important lives at stakes and they were all mentally and physically drained. But he didn’t even apologize.
Granted, no one apologized. However, Eren and Mikasa were made to feel responsible for everything that went down by a number of people (Hange, Floch, the other military in Paradis), and were punished for it. I don’t feel Levi held them responsible because I think at one point he realized he acted worse than them and also understood why they all behaved that way.
Either way, Levi never apologized, even though we could argue that Levi telling them to never regret their choice (as if they even had a say in the matter…) and ruffling their hair was a sort of double apology (i.e: I forgive you and I hope you can forgive me). If it was real life, it wouldn’t be enough, in my opinion.
So long story short, I would feel betrayed alright, if I were Eren. Because Eren has always believed Levi was the better man, someone he could count on to be fair and mature. Levi was none of those things during their altercation on the rooftop.
But if I were to look at the whole situation through the lenses of what is ACTUALLY portrayed in canon, I feel the answer to your questions is no, as it isn’t given the proper depth, for 3 reasons:
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1. It seems like there were no grudges left amongst all of them. Especially in chapter 108, they all behave naturally, as they used to do before the timeskip, before the Shiganshina fiasco happened (Isayama would’ve shown it to us if it wasn’t the case). I feel there is tension only between Eren and Armin. Also, there aren’t many instances where the 104th need to rely on Levi’s mentorship as before because they aren’t at war, and international matters are in Hange’s hands so they all rely on Hange when searching for an opinion. But I would like to believe that, when Eren couldn’t see eye to eye with his friends, he consulted with Levi, because they often talked about “feelings” rather than “actions” (so it doesn’t matter if they’re at war or not in their case), they have very similar opinions and went through similar experiences in the past. But so far there’s nothing that supports this in the manga. There’s just that tiny panel of Levi saying that they’ll talk later, but I feel it was forgotten/unimportant. Anyway, no grudges mean they have all forgiven one another because they all understood the others’ actions in Serumbowl…or Isayama simply didn’t care about exploring such conflict amongst them because he had other, more important things he needed to tackle in the story, so he made all of them forgive each other off-screen, with no repercussion whatsoever on their relationships.
2. Eren and Levi barely interact during and post-timeskip, and what we see of their relationship is a shadow and/or a copy-paste of what has already happened in the past (Levi kicking Eren, Levi thinking back only to their first encounter as if everything that happened later on had no weight, Levi acting as Eren’s bodyguard, Levi thinking of Eren as hope). Nothing new, whereas Eren’s relationship with other characters has changed quite a bit.
If we consider it from Eren’s point of view, he stopped opening up to his friends after talking with Yelena, but before that, he was quite open about his opinions with both his friends and Hange and Levi. Levi, though, during these moments, felt distant, opinionless, almost like a background character. And it’s true, Eren kept secrets from his friends and comrades, but he was justified, considering the military’s and Hange’s treatment of Eren himself when it came to his titan’s powers. He always spoke his mind in every other instance. We don’t see Eren and Levi talking, because…I don’t know. But I don’t see resentment from Eren, nor from Levi. And Levi, oh, he should have a lot to talk about. Not only with Eren. With Mikasa, too, about their shared family. With Hange, about Erwin. But he’s just…there.
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So the fact that two characters who used to share so much screen time together, who shared such a relationship where one of them used to guide the other, and the other used to open up to the mentor in private in the past, and who both used to play into the same themes of the story, now share close to no screentime, conversations, and themes, makes me think that it is either just to show Levi’s distance to their cause as a whole and Eren’s frustration with everyone in general, OR Isayama simply has no intention of keeping their relationship relevant anymore. And this last point brings me to number 3.
3. Isayama has dropped a significant amount of relationships or characters throughout the series, and sometimes it was very disappointing (Annie, Bertolt, Historia, Ymir, Mike come to mind). I didn’t think it could happen with the series’ most popular character and the protagonist, as they had consistent importance together throughout the whole series until the change of POV in the Marley arc (so for 80 chapters), but it may have as well happened for real.
With Levi dead or out of commission most probably until the end of the story - and so he will never meet with Eren again to have one of their usual talks - and with Eren in the middle of probably the last fight of the story where he will almost certainly die, I can see closure for Eren only in regards to his friends of the 104th. That’s also where the main focus of this whole arc has been. No closure for Levi re:most of his “bonds”. And again, in Eren’s memories in ch120, we see a shot of Levi from the Female Titan Arc, even though Eren and Levi had other relevant conversations down the road. Couple this with Levi’s flashback of an Eren from their first meeting in volume 2 (?), and I get the feeling Isayama has no intention of making them relevant to each other ever again. He decided to 1. make Levi’s character about revenge - and I’m curious to see what he will do with Levi, because he has already punished him for it so I’m waiting for a conclusion - and to emotionally separate him from the main cast, and 2. to make Eren a solo player who may have absorbed Levi’s teachings in (maybe) the wrong way, but his mentor won’t ever be there to confront him about it, because it’s not important as long as Armin, or someone else among the 104th, will act as Eren’s moral compass.
And it is kind of disappointing. It feels like wasted potential and abandoned character development. But I’m also biased about it.
1. Eren has stopped talking to everyone in his group of friends after talking with Yelena. Levi is the one who feels the most distant in such group prior to that.
2. The fact that Eren hasn’t opened up to Levi about certain things could be: a. because we still haven’t been shown this (but I gave up on it, as new important memories were highlighted in ch120 and Levi’s not part of them); b. Eren doesn’t believe Levi has answers for him anymore or that his opinion is valid, as following the Serumbowl fiasco (but there is nothing that supports this in canon); c. Isayama just doesn’t feel their relationship is important to the story anymore.
3. My personal opinion is that Isayama just decided to take a different route with them singularly, in particular axing Levi’s character, and they will never be relevant to each other ever again.
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withallthingslove · 5 years
avengers endgame spoiler-filled review
below the cut bc spoilers obviously
even after two viewings this movie is super overwhelming so I’m just gonna jump right in
- clint’s family disappearing was so haunting and traumatic omg
- i didn’t like the music choice over the marvel opening crawl
- nebula was so adorably intense when tony playing footbal with her
- carol is such a bad bitch she just carried an entire fucking ship through space
- steve running up to tony and holding on to him... that was content I didn’t know I needed
- the pepperony hug ughhh I’m not a huge gwenyth paltrow fan but she was so good as pepper in this
- honestly I get tony has been through a lot but he was such a dick back at the avengers compound. I’ve always preferred steve to tony and that scene really displayed why. Yes tony was right something bigger was coming, but his way of going about preventing it was proven wrong both times. I don’t consider ultron to be super canon because joss whedon sucks but tony’s first idea to try and solve it failed, and then the accords also failed and even rhodey regretted it. Infinity war was basically “hey yeah the accords was dumb af and steve was right and now the avengers are scattered.” Both tony and steve were selfish and made mistakes in civil war but the fact that it had been over three years and tony was still soooo angry with steve and holding a grudge just rubbed me the wrong way.
- I really felt for thor when they went to get thanos. Chris hemsworth’s acting in that scene was so good when he realized they had failed
- again who on earth put steve in charge of a support group. And while yes its nice to have some lgbtq representation marvel is way behind on that so to me it did not feel like enough
- paul rudd did so well in this movie and scott is such a good dad ugh
- 10/10 would die for morgan stark. She is soooo cute and it was hilarious when she was like “mom told me to come rescue you”
- i know a lot of people are mad at tony dying bc he could have “retired” but that scene with his daughter before steve, nat, and scott show up shows he could not. He still had a garage where he built iron man suits and suits for pepper. That’s not what someone does when they are out of a fight. That’s why he fell back into it so fast because he never left it. He was still tinkering and preparing and even when he retired he was still fully ready to go back
- i like professor hulk but at the same time i miss bruce
- tony and steve love each other so much it made me so happy when tony showed up at the compound. they’ve had their differences but there is real love there
- speaking of real love I will still never forgive joss whedon for taking clintasha away from us like yes their platonic friendship is great but UGH. They love each other SOOOOOOO much 
- tom hiddleston as loki always steals the show and i miss him so much. I was convinced he wasnt dead so I’m sad that he was still dead in the current timeline. But maybe since there is now an alternate dimension with loki and the tesseract he will show up again
- him impersonating steve, his side eye, just... *chefs kiss*
- the america’s ass comment... amazing, iconic, beautiful. And then steve’s “yeah I know” comment to his 2012 self. I’m so glad the russos let steve be funny
- I love how much winter soldier played into this one especially since it was the russo’s first mcu movie. The elevator scene... steve outsmarting the hydra agents. Secretary pierce showing up... and then steve fighting his past self was just *chefs kiss* again. The fact that he knows his own weakness is bucky and uses it against himself 
- not excited to see tilda swinton’s character because its just a reminder of marvel’s whitewashing but I appreciated it trying to explain the timeline/dimension stuff
- i also loved that at the army compound tony was able to get closure with his dad, something he deserved for a long time. I think that was another hint he was going to die because his arc was completing while steve’s.... the look on steve’s face when he saw peggy just broke me. absolutely broke me. Steggy was my first ship in the mcu and so steve and peggy hold a special place in my heart. The fact she still keeps the picture of tiny steve after all these years (a reference to agent carter)... they both moved on enough to enjoy life but never truly moved on enough to leave the other behind. And so while tony was getting closure, steve was being reminded of what he wanted most and couldn’t have. I also loved the tie in with agent carter and showing Jarvis this movie was truly a fan service to us all
- okay so rhodey/nebula: so ive never been a huge nebula person but i really liked her in this movie. I loved rhodey’s line about “you work with what you got” as far as their disabilities. I felt so bad for new nebula because old nebula SUCKKSSS and I hate she had to face her. I loved that in this movie thanos was wearing his armor because 2014 thanos was not as strong or secure with himself. His energy was SO different compared to the thanos we saw in infinity war so props to josh brolin
- natasha/clint: Well go ahead and rip my heart out. The audience knows only one of them is coming back but they have no idea. And they love each other SO FUCKING MUCH they both tried to sacrifice themselves to save the other person. That is true love. Jeremy renner is such an underrated actor and his reaction to natasha dying just killed me. But so did scarlett johansson’s acting as much as I hate to admit it because I’ve really stopped liking her as much due to her recent acting choices but she played that scene so well. And I will miss natasha romanoff forever. She deserved so much more and paved the way for all the other female superheroes in the mcu
- everyone crying over nat and especially steve broke me. They had such a special friendship, almost as strong as her and clint and I feel so many people forget that because of how natural they were together. And her last words to him were that she would see him in a minute and then she didn’t come back..
- i just realized i havent talked about thor and thats honestly because my brain blocked it out. I like that they explored his depression but dont like that he was made the joke of the avengers and I don’t think it was handled well. I did enjoy his conversation with frigga and by that I mean it made me cry. (also loki deserves a conversation like that too don’t @ me)
- And then sam says “on your left” and all the characters come and the music... poetic cinema
- thanos is a weak little bitch and as soon as wanda was beating him he was fine with his own troops dying just so he could get away
- sebastian stan has no business looking this good my god
- I forgot how much I missed peter parker
- I didn’t notice mbaku until my second viewing and honestly the wakandan characters were shafted like poor shuri we didn’t even know she was dusted until a few weeks before the movie
- I know everyone loves the scene of all the women characters carrying the gauntlet but honestly marvel has a long way to go before they reach equality and it honestly wasn’t enough for me
- side note pepper fighting back to back with tony was awesome
- ugh tony’s face when he realizes what he has to do and he looks at strange for confirmation... give rdj an oscar like my god. He knows that the past few years have led up to this moment and he is absolutely terrified and determined and I am tearing up while writing this because I am remembering it so vividly
- peter parkers goodbye had me crying why is tom holland such a good actor
- pepper’s goodbye BROKE ME... “you can rest now” I think that is the epitome of tony’s arc. For his entire storyline he has been trying to right his wrongs and save his friends and the world and that is so much for one man to carry on his shoulders and everyone knew it would be the death of him. I know tony stans are pissed off that he died, but I don’t see him just being able to retire. Obviously I didn’t want him to die, but his whole storyline has been leading up to this. He truly got a hero’s sendoff and was solidified as THE hero of the mcu. This era started with him and it ended with him. It was a beautiful sendoff for the character that started it all. And I don’t think rdj would go along with it if he didn’t approve
- Steve’s ending.... so I knew from spoilers what would happen and while it was something I wanted in theory I was pissed when I first found out. But it somehow worked. If you look at steve’s arc, he has always been a man out of time. For everyone getting mad he was hung up on a girl he kissed once, it’s pretty much confirmed in agent carter that he and peggy were on the DL for 3 years. she wasnt just a crush he knew for a few months. They loved each other and fought side by side for three years and time took him too soon. In age of ultron the only part I liked was steve’s vision where he gets a dance with peggy. As much as he moved on in the present, the possibility he missed with her always haunted him. You can tell in peggy’s video in the winter solider that even though she married and had kids, the thought of steve still gets her choked up. When she sees him as an old woman she immediately crumbles. They both have referred to each other as the loves of their lives. 
- So with that said, I don’t think it’s weird or out of the blue that he would suddenly decide to try and go back to peggy. They won, bucky is back and safe, sam is back and safe, he can finally rest, and he has the tools to go back in time. The way I interpreted it, Bucky 100% knew what he was going to do. The look on his face, the tone of his voice. He knew Steve was not coming back, and he also knew he deserved to have that happy ending. So while sam and bruce thought it would only be 5 seconds, bucky turned away from the machine, knowing steve wouldn’t show up there. I ship stucky too because I just want steve happy so while at first I was like “how could he leave bucky??” watching it on screen it made sense. Bucky approved of his choice, and while he was saddened by it, he understood it. 
- In my interpretation, I don’t think steve stayed in the main timeline. I think him going back created an alternate timeline where he married peggy, dissolved hydra earlier, and freed bucky earlier. At some point, those two timelines merged, and he wandered over to where he knew they would be. OR after peggy died, he used the technology to travel back to that timeline when he was old. Or my friend suggested he could have met tony stark in his alternate timeline and asked for his help. Who knows. He literally came back with a shield, meaning he was at one point captain america again in that timeline. I don’t think there is anyway he could just stay quiet for 70 years about bucky being tortured and peggy running shield that was secretly hydra. I refuse to believe that. If the russos come out and say that’s what he did, then I’ll backtrack and say I don’t approve of steve’s ending. But as of right now I’m okay with it. 
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thedeaditeslayer · 5 years
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Bruce Campbell Calls Hosting ‘Ripley’s Believe It Or Not’ A ‘No-Brainer,’ Pans Hollywood’s Lack Of Originality.
This interview includes a hint of more “Evil Dead” but for what we would like you to consider is to take it with a grain of salt. The interview covers various topics but mostly Ripley’s Believe it or Not.
Over the course of his storied career, actor Bruce Campbell has brought to life many memorable, colorful characters. As the definitive character-actor-trapped-in-a-leading-man’s-body, he’s portrayed Elvis in the campy Bubba Ho-Tep, Ronald Reagan in Fargo, Sam Axe in Burn Notice, and is, perhaps, best known as the Deadite-killing Ash Williams in Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead franchise.
As the Travel Channel prepares to relaunch Ripley’s Believe It Or Not!, Campbell finds himself in the role of host, introducing us to a fresh round of the spectacular and amazing. Over the course of 10 episodes, he’ll invite viewers on a journey to explore the lives of people capable of incredible things.
“Shooting this iconic series in the Ripley’s warehouse was actually unbelievable,” said Campbell. “I was blown away by the treasures that unveil a fascinating time capsule into the past and present. Fans are not going to be disappointed when they see the scope of wonderful and weird stories we reveal every week.”
Bruce Campbell was groovy enough to get on the phone with me and talk about his new gig with the Ripley’s relaunch, the fates of some of his iconic characters, and the lack of originality in Hollywood — all with the grace to forgive my fanboying.
Kevin Tall: Hey Bruce! I appreciate you taking some time to talk to me.
Bruce Campbell: I happened to be in the neighborhood so I thought I’d step in.
KT: I usually make an effort to at least pretend to be professional but I’m not sure I’m going to pull it off today.
BC: That’s exactly right.
KT: I do want to say it’s an honor to talk to you and I promise I’ll do my best to keep my inner fanboy in check.
BC: Very good.
KT: Can I call you ‘El Jefe’?
BC: Whatever you’d like, sir.
KT: Groovy. Alright. So, coming soon to a cable network near you, you’re hosting the newest incarnation of ‘Ripley’s Believe It Or Not!’ on the Travel Channel. How did you come to be attached to the project?
BC: Things come across the old desk, you know, and you evaluate them. And this was a no-brainer. I still have the Ripley’s book, the red cloth-covered book with those strange illustrations of people doing crazy stuff inside. As a kid, I had it on a shelf so I’m like, ‘Yeah I know Ripley’s.’
And I haven’t done a show like this in a while; I’ve hosted stuff. Back in Detroit, I got my Screen Actor’s Guild card doing training films for industrials, for Chrysler, and some of the other companies. Now I’m back doing it again, so here I am… I guess, showing people, in this case, it’s not about the cross-section of a Chrysler car seat but people doing extraordinary things.
KT: Ah, cool. Part of me thought this revival of Ripley’s could have just been a thinly-veiled attempt at revenge on Dean Cain for stealing the television role of Superman out from under your chin in the 90s.
BC: No, no revenge necessary on Mr. Cain. I see him at conventions all the time.
KT: While I do feel you have the superior jawline, I was a huge fan of ‘The Adventures of Brisco County Jr.’ There have been several Supermen but there was only one Brisco County. Er, two, if you count his dad.
BC: Anyone can play Superman.
KT: Would you ever consider reprising the role of Brisco?
BC: Brisco would be fine. You could do Brisco Rides Again. He started as a lawyer and then someone has to get killed. I’ll put the spurs back on, sure.
KT: So I got to see a screener of the first episode of Ripley’s. I have an idea if you’re open to suggestion.
KT: Do a follow up in which you balance on a slack line while swallowing a sword and someone throws playing cards at you from a ladder balanced on someone else’s chin.
BC: [Laughs] I think you’ve got it. I think you should work for the Travel Channel.
KT: So your parts were shot on location at the Ripley’s warehouse in Orlando.
BC: Yes, yes, we shot at THE warehouse.
KT: Did you get to see anything amazing or… unbelievable?
BC: You know, the warehouse, where would you start? It is the closest we have to one of those Indiana Jones-type warehouses. It’s probably the most richly appointed warehouses in the world, I would say. They’ve collected for a hundred years. I can’t think of anyone else, maybe the Smithsonian, but Ripley’s is probably a close second. Ripley’s might have more stuff than the Smithsonian, that would be a fun one to test.
KT: Which do you think would have more body parts?
BC: Well, Ripley’s would have more body parts.
KT: OK, but the Smithsonian does have John Dillinger’s, well, you know.
BC: So the rumor goes.
KT: As they say. So, speaking of ‘Believe It or Not!,’ I still can’t believe you retired iconic character, Ash Williams. Are you sticking to that? No way I can talk you into reconsidering?
BC: Yeah, I’m sticking to that; it gets easier every year.
KT: [Laughs] Fair enough.
BC: I’m still doing video games, I’m doing voices for Ash. I’m just not going to grovel in the blood anymore.
KT: I think that’s fair. It’s not retiring the character, just a retirement plan.
BC: I’m retiring from certain types of roles, ones that require looking at tennis balls on sticks.
KT: I’m excited to see you’ve got the paperback for ‘Hail to the Chin’ coming out; I was a big fan of ‘If Chins Could Kill.’ Although when you were teasing that on social media, I think a couple of fans interpreted that as a little bit of foreshadowing of a new gig for Ash.
BC: That’s fine. Fans are always going to do that. Everyone’s a genius, everyone’s got opinions and the internet fans the flames. No, it’s all good. They’re going to see different versions, they’re going to be seeing more ‘Evil Dead,’ too. We’re not done with the ‘Evil Dead’ saga, more stories to tell.
KT: Do you think Fede Alvarez might return?
BC: I don’t know, Fede’s a big Hollywood director now. I don’t know if Fede needs this. We’ll have to see.
KT: Everyone needs a passion project.
BC: Fede had it. Fede came and pitched his version of ‘Evil Dead.’
KT: Any juicy tidbits you want to tease from the ‘Requiem For Ash’ Edition?
BC: It’s a fuller explanation of the birth, life, and death of ‘Ash vs. Evil Dead’ and then the ultimate retirement of that character. It’s a little more of an essay approach, it’s a little more esoteric.
KT: Psychologically, what is it about Ash Williams that inspires such devotion from fans?
BC: Because he is the fans, the fans are him. Ash has no skills, Ash doesn’t come from another planet, he comes from Michigan. He’s the guy you want in the foxhole, but he probably got low SAT scores. So people watching him, I think they root for him because they’re like, ‘Damn, that’s like my neighbor. That’s like if my neighbor decided to save the world from evil.’ Kind of like that. That’s how I look at it and that’s how we played it. That’s why it was worth bringing the guy back 48 years later to try it again… He’s the ultimate anti-hero, anti in that he can’t even get out of bed, you know?
KT: He comes across as an oafish, ill-mannered lout as well.
BC: Of course, but you know what? He was written in an ancient book, so there’s more to him than just the trailer park guy. That’s what was fun exploring.
KT: The prophecy of the ultimate average guy.
BC: Exactly.
KT: Got it. You’ve had a number of memorable, colorful roles over the years, from Ash to Brisco, Autolycus to Sam Axe, even a fictionalized version of yourself in ‘My Name Is Bruce’ (shout out to Guan Di, the patron saint of bean curd). Is there one, in particular, you’ve enjoyed playing the most, above all others?
BC: Elvis was pretty fun. I think most American males would have enjoyed playing that part. Playing President Reagan on ‘Fargo’ was fun, I used to imitate him with my buddy, John Cameron, who produced that show. In the ’80s we were both subjected to endless Reagan on television. That was fun.
KT: Have you been in that situation professionally, where you’ve gotten kind of a lousy role on a great show?
BC: Well, I’m better at saying no to stuff now, so hopefully I won’t find myself in that situation nearly as much.
KT: Circling back to Elvis, there was talk of a ‘Bubba Ho-Tep’ follow-up years ago. What are the chances of that coming together?
BC: Zero. I’ve retired that character as well. I’ve notified Don Coscarelli and Joe Lansdale. You know, it’s Don Coscarelli’s project, he’s more than welcome to forge ahead. We couldn’t crack the script the way I saw it and we were going to come to loggerheads. I didn’t want to do that, so I backed out because I know now if the script isn’t where it needs to be, the movie will not get there either.
KT: Marlon Brando advised a young(er) Johnny Depp to play Hamlet before he got too old for the role. Are there any of those iconic types of roles you’d like to tackle?
BC: Of iconic people?
KT: Yeah. Just those classic roles from that sort of timeless production, like ‘Hamlet.’
BC: No. No, I don’t, because I like original stuff. I mean, if we’re going to remake something, let’s remake our own stuff. That’s the case with ‘Bubba Ho-Tep.’ It won’t be as good and people will only remember that you blew it on the second try.
KT: So the legacy of the project would be one of failure.
BC: You have to have original stuff out there to make up for the movies that have a seven, eight, and nine after them.
KT: The old maxim is that there is such a thing as too much of a good thing.
BC: Yes, except ‘Ripley’s Believe It or Not!’ There’s never too much of that.
KT: [Laughs] Well played, fair enough. Fan question: Who would win in a left-handed arm wrestling match, Ash Williams or Sam Axe?
BC: I don’t do those questions, because they’re hypothetical and impossible to answer.
KT: Can you hook me up with a six-pack of Ash’s favorite beer, Shemp’s?
BC: No, because it’s fake.
KT: Well, Bruce, I came here to ask questions and kick ass, and I’m all out of questions.
BC: Let’s go kick ass!
KT: Again, thanks so much for taking some time to talk with me and putting up with my silliness and unending admiration.
BC: Yeah, my friend. All good. Thank you, sir. Have a good day.
KT: Thanks, Bruce!
BC: Cheers.
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xukunstellation · 6 years
Stuck || Xiao Gui
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Title: Stuck Pairing: Reader x Xiao Gui Genre: EnemiestoLovers!AU + College!AU + fluff Word Count: 2397 Summary: During a game of truth or dare, you find yourself stuck in a closet with the person you hate the most: Xiao Gui. Warnings: Mentions of alcohol and claustrophobia
A/N: My first Xiao Gui fic! It’s taken me way too long to write for him. I love this little bub so much. Please continue to shower him with love and affection, ty. The request originally only asked to be an enemies to lovers au, but I put my own spin on it and made it into a college au as well (which I’m modeling after American standards bc that’s all I know lol). This is also the longest fic I’ve ever written so far on the blog, so definitely putting it all under the cut. Happy reading!
“Come on, (y/n)! Live a little!” your friend Zhou Rui begged you through the phone.
You were casually chilling in your dorm room hoping to finally get some relaxation time after a long day of classes. While you did manage to catch an hour or so to nap, your plans for peace were thrown away the moment your best friend Zhou Rui called you in order to convince you to go to this college party being held by one of his friends later tonight.
“You already know I’m not much of a party person,” you whined.
“It’s still better than whatever you choose to spend your Friday nights. You’re always cooped up in your room!”
“There’s nothing wrong with binge watching my favorite drama!”
You can virtually imagine him rolling his eyes at you. “It’s college, kid. You can afford to give up one Friday to have some fun. I’ll be there with you the entire time,” he reasoned.
Knowing how persistent he could be, you sighed in defeat. You guessed he was right. This week was packed with assignments, so you barely had any time for any kind of enjoyment. Maybe a party would be good for you.
“I don’t have anything to wear,” you grumbled.
“Good thing you have me as your best friend in the entire world,” he sung, hanging up the phone shortly after.
As soon as you ended the call, there was a knock on your door. Rolling out of your bed, you opened the door to find none other than Zhou Rui standing there with a triumphant grin. He casually waltzed into your room and straight to your closet in order to cultivate an outfit for you.
“I’m pretty sure I can come up with something that doesn’t make you look like a bum.”
“Wow, rude. Best friend in the entire world, my ass.”
“It’s all love, kid.”
In little to no time, Zhou Rui easily managed to match a couple of your clothing items to make a bomb outfit. Not that you had any doubt that he would. The male was a fashion model for a reason.
After the both of you were ready, the two of your trekked over to whatever fraternity house the party was being held. It was slightly difficult to figure out which house it was considering all of the fraternities were hosting parties to kick start the weekend. Thankfully, Zhou Rui is pretty smart so the two of you made it to the party within good time.
As you watched Zhou Rui bro hug the host of the party (a popular senior named Qin Fen who was graduating this year), you scanned around the crowded room to see if you could spot any other familiar faces. In the middle of the mass of dancing bodies, you saw Cai Xukun who you shared your 10 am class with. Not too far from him was Wang Ziyi who was DJing the music for the party. Near the alcohol table, you recognized the one chugging a beer keg as Lin Yanjun (oh god, you prayed for his liver). In the corner of the room, you spotted your good friend Zhu Xingjie and his friend Zhou Yanchen.
And that’s when you spotted the devil incarnate himself.
Wang Linkai. Better known as Xiao Gui.
He was standing behind Xingjie and Yanchen so you barely noticed he was there. Feeling eyes on him, he turned to look in your direction. The two of you made heated eye contact as you glared at each other. Then, Xiao Gui proceeded to mockingly blow you a giant kiss, smacking his lips obnoxiously loud. With a look of disgust, you pretended to catch his ‘kiss’ and overexaggeratedly smacked it on your ass, causing Xingjie and Yanchen to snicker at Xiao Gui who glared harder from the burn you gave him.
You rolled your eyes and made your way through the crowd to try and find your best friend. You spotted him chatting with his friend Qin Zimo, a classmate you’ve met a few times who you remembered as being quite sweet, so you were surprised to see him at a party like this. Apologizing to Zimo, you dragged Zhou Rui away.
“Rui! You didn’t tell me that he’d be here!” you huffed angrily.
“Tell you who would be here?” he asked in confusion.
You nudged your head sharply to the left. Zhou Rui followed the direction until he saw where Xiao Gui and his friends were standing. He groaned loudly.
“Seriously? Xiao Gui?” he looked at you unimpressed.
“Duh, who else?”
He shook his head and responded, “I didn’t know he’d be here. Just ignore him.”
“How can I ignore him when he’s over there just... just...”
“Just what?”
The male deadpanned. “You sound ridiculous, you know that? What’s the deal between you two anyway? The two of you hate each other’s guts for seemingly no reason.”
You crossed your arms over your chest, a frown pulling at your lips. “He’s the one that started it. The little prick is always finding ways to mess around with me and get on my nerves. He’s a huge jerk and I won’t stand for it,” you spat.
Zhou Rui gave you a thoughtful look and reasoned, “Why don’t you give the guy a chance? From what I heard from Xingjie, he’s actually not a bad person, so I’m not sure why he acts that way around you. I’m not saying you two have to be buddy-buddy or anything, but it would be nice to have you guys not try and kill each other every time you both are in the same room.”
“Me and Xiao Gui? Getting along?” you asked in pure disbelief. “Like that would ever happen. Not in a million years.”
At this point, Zhou Rui looked defeated, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to get through your stubborn self. Throwing an arm around you, he began leading you away to the other room. “Let’s go, grumpy cat. I think a game of truth or dare can make you feel better.”
The game was already in progress but no one seemed to care that you joined in midway. A few rounds in, you did feel slightly better as you laughed at all of the absurd things people were dared to do. Some guy had to call a Chinese take out place and ask if they served sushi. Another guy had to brag on weibo about how much his “milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard.” One girl was dared to depict a human life through interpretive dance (she was also very drunk, so it was an entire mess). 
Much to your displeasure, you noticed Xiao Gui and his crew join in the game. Luckily, he sat all the way across from where you did. You tried your best to ignore the feeling of his eyes on you. Eventually, it was your turn to play and the asker coincidentally was Zhou Rui.
“Truth or dare, (y/n)?”
You debated in your mind for a bit before replying bravely, “Dare.”
However, you regretted your choice the moment you saw the shit-eating grin that appeared on his face. 
“I dare you to be locked in a closet with Xiao Gui for the remainder of the game.”
The entire room erupted into cheers and wolf whistles at his words. Your mouth dropped open in disbelief, immediately looking towards Xiao Gui who looked a mixture between smug and pissed off. 
Vowing to get revenge on Zhou Rui later, you mentally cursed at him before stomping your way into the nearby closet that was held open, not even waiting for Xiao Gui to follow you. A minute later, the male joined you in the closet. Without a second to waste, the closet door was slammed shut along with the tiny ‘click’ signalling that you were officially locked in with your worst enemy.
Fumbling around in the dark, you hovered your hands in the air near the walls to try and see if you could find a light switch. Unfortunately, the light switch was outside of the room. Stepping to the side, you bumped into a hard chest and stumbled back a little before being caught with an arm around your waist to steady you.
“Easy there, tiger. You want to be all over me that badly?”“ Xiao Gui questioned teasingly.
“Piss off,” you snapped.
You were quick to step away from him, his arm falling to rest by his side. Carefully, you slowly backed up to a wall and slid down to the floor tiredly. You heard shuffling and guessed that Xiao Gui had done the same across from you.
“I can’t believe I’m locked in here with you,” you grumbled to yourself.
You heard him scoff, “Last time I checked you’re the main reason we’re in this shit to begin with.”
“Trust me. The last thing I would ever want to do is be stuck with you. Now shut up.”
“You were the one who started talking to me first, idiot.”
“Then, stop talking to me. This’ll go by a lot faster if we pretended like we aren’t sharing the same air.”
It was silent after that except for the sounds of drunk cheering and muted music being muffled through the thick closet door. There was light breathing coming from across from you. Looks like Xiao Gui decided to utilize his time by taking a nap. Aside from that, everything in the closet was pitch black, You couldn’t see anything at all. Neither of you had your phones (Zhou Rui made sure to take them from both of you), so you didn’t know how much time was passing and you had no idea when the game would end. 
You sat there quietly as you tried to distract the uneasiness that began to rise in your stomach. As far as you knew, you didn’t really have a fear of tight spaces. But there was something about not being able to see or move much that started to negatively affect you. Gripping your hands into fists, you pulled your knees up into a fetal position.
“Xiao Gui...?” you called out quietly. Seeing that he was asleep, he didn’t hear you at all. Mustering up your courage, you called out to him louder.
“Xiao Gui!”
The said male groaned in annoyance from being awakened. “First, you tell me to stop talking to you. Then, you proceed to wake me up to talk. What the hell do you want?” he complained.
“Do you think they’ll let us out soon?” you asked softly.
“How am I supposed to know? I’m just as clueless as you are,” he answered before continuing with a mocking tone, “Why? Is little (y/n) scared of the dark?”
You refused to answer him. To tell the truth, you were indeed afraid but you didn’t want to admit it to him. He wouldn’t let you hear the end of it and you don’t need that kind of torment right now. As the silence grew louder, so did the sound of your heart beating in your ears. Your body was shaking at this point.
You almost screamed in fear when you felt movement next to you, only for you to realize midway that it was Xiao Gui who was now sitting beside you. He  proceeded to wrap his left arm around you and pull you tightly to his side. This was the closest you had ever been to him. He smelled of clean linen with a hint of citrus. It was a calming scent that put you slightly more at ease along with the comfort of feeling something warm around you.
“What are you doing?” you meekly said, not used to this kind of behavior coming from Xiao Gui of all people.
“It’s obvious that you’re afraid. I’m not going to sit around in silence and watch you have an entire breakdown,” he said. 
His voice was surprisingly soothing and low, as if he was avoiding trying to scare you any further. You felt the presence of his hand linger in front of your face for a little before gently pressing it your cheek and wiping away a stray tear from your eye. You hadn’t realized you were crying. 
You turned your head in his direction and wondered out loud, “But why? You don’t even like me.”
“I actually like you a lot.”
To say you were shocked was an understatement. Your worst enemy likes you? As in actually having feelings for you? 
“That doesn’t make any sense. Why are you always acting as if you hate my guts?” you questioned.
The darkness of the closet disguised the longing look in Xiao Gui’s eyes. “That’s a good question. I didn’t mean to be like this. When I first realized I liked you, I was completely confused as to how to deal with these feelings. I’ve never liked someone like this before. I panicked, so my reaction was to act like a jerk in order to get your attention. Unfortunately, that plan backfired on me.”
“No shit, Sherlock.”
He chuckled sadly, “Yeah, I deserved that one. When we get out of here, you can go back to ignoring me. I won’t bother you anymore now that I know you practically despise me.”
You didn’t realize it yourself but your body had subconsciously leaned on Xiao Gui’s shoulder the entire time he was talking. There was something about the gentle way that he held you and was talking to you that made you feel comfortable and most importantly... safe. In his arms, you felt safe. 
“You know... you could have just came up and talked to me. I would have given you a chance,” you stated matter-of-factly.
He seemed to think this over before replying, “Well... I’m talking to you now. Is that offer still available?”
You hummed in response, “Take me on a few dates and we’ll see from there.”
The sound of the door unlocking reached your ears, followed by the blinding colors of fluorescent lights as the door opened. There were more wolf whistles and cheering from behind Zhou Rui, who stood at the door with an I-told-you-so face. Rolling your eyes, you stood up and exited the closet with Xiao Gui’s arm slung over your shoulder. You had a feeling you’d be stuck with him for much longer than you think.
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kanamesengoku · 6 years
I know this is probably the most stupid thing to ask, but I'll ask anyway. What did you think of Joe and Yuuri's last fight? I thought it wasn't up to the level they maintained earlier. They didn't even animate the full fight. To be honest, I felt a bit disappointed. They left a bunch things unexplained, and I think they shouldn't have done that... Considering the fact that MB won't get a second season. What do you think?
Firstly, it’s not stupid at all! I’m always happy to discuss stuff
there was absolutely no way they were gonna be able to fit a full, 13-round fight (honestly even like 6 or 7 rounds i couldn’t see happening easily) into a single ep, so going in i personally wasn’t expecting it to be much more than it was
tying up the open plot threads (how Yukiko’s storyline wraps up, how the gear removal fully affected Yuri, more on Nanbu’s sensing-but-not-seeing (this one didn’t really have to get “finished” per se, but it was a nice touch), etc) had to get in there somewhere too, and the callbacks (raindrops, “time stop”) to the first ep were pretty much a given
overall they did try to cram a lot into that final ep, but i don’t feel like we would have really gotten a great deal more/something vastly different even if they had omitted some or most of it? 
idk i didn’t end up feeling like i missed out on anything- there’s really only so many ways you can animate them punching each other repeatedly before people start to shout “boring!” anyway
imho one of the reasons that MB is great is exactly because it has a lot of that subliminal/not directly spelled out stuff going on- little parallels to catch, stories that mirror other stories, visuals saying something instead of dialogue saying it, all those kind of things
yes, there was a lot unexplained (why exactly did Yuri end up wheelchair-bound? is it permanent, or just because he’s still in recovery? why did Joe decide to quit the ring- bc he felt he could never top that fight? injury of his own? something else?) and they’re good and valid questions, but personally i really enjoy a story that leaves room for some future thinking and interpretation so it was a great finish for me ^^
Also keep in mind that one of the bonus episodes that’s coming with the DVD releases is an “after the final episode”-episode, so we might see more detail or explanation there, too!
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forzalando · 7 years
Give Me A Chance - George Weasley
HI HELLO HELLO this is a George request from the lovely, wonderful, beautiful Rosie ( @thephelpstwins )!! I hope you like it AHHHH :)) i love you so, so much!! 
@thoseofgreatambition I hope you like this as well, thank you for getting excited about it with meeee :)
Request: marissa!!! “give me a chance” + “i’m so in love with you” with george ??? maybe the reader thinks he isn't serious bc of the twins reputation as jokers idk ??? you're the queen of writing here so i trust your judgement my love!!!
Pairing: George Weasley x Gryffindor f!Reader
Warnings: language ha ha ha sorry I have the mouth of a sailor, mentions of d*ath (Harry’s parents), dark humor joke, alluding to sex
Y/N: Your Name
Word Count: 1.8k
For the third time that week, George Weasley was kneeling in front of you with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. This time, however, he was reciting some cheesy poem that you were sure he bribed his sister to write.
“Oh, Y/N, I long for your kiss, If Voldemort kills us all, You’re the only lass I will miss,
Please, accept these flowers, My heart burns and yearns for you, I think of you every minute of the hour, I can’t believe you don’t feel it too,
Just give me a chance, You won’t regret it one bit, I swear on Fred’s life, I’m really not an insufferable git!”
You rolled your eyes dramatically, and walked away without acknowledging George, leaving Fred in fits of laughter and a frown on George’s face.
He didn’t know what to do about you; he had tried subtle, he had tried playing hard to get, he had tried making you jealous, and none of it had worked. Now, he was resorting to the lowest of lows; embarrassing public displays of affection.
It was definitely not his first choice to get your attention, but he was all out of options and didn’t know what else to do. He thought it was funny, to be honest, and enjoyed writing stupid love poems or picking flowers for you.
You, on the other hand, were completely mortified because of his poem. If Voldemort kills us all, you’re the only lass I will miss? If there was one thing George Weasley was not, it was tasteful.
The entire day, people were teasing you about George’s ‘poetic and romantic’ gesture; all you could think about during your last class was hiding in your dorm for the rest of your life. When Charms was over, you practically ran all the way to the Gryffindor common room.
When you reached the portrait of the Fat Lady, she giggled and raised her eyebrows at you.
“Sherbet Lemon,” you grumbled, eager to crawl under your thick blankets and never face the world again.
“Oh, no, I have strict instructions not to let you into the dorms yet!”
“You can’t ban me from my room! Who told you I can’t go inside?!”
“I think you know, however, if you need a hint, he has red hair.”
You let a frustrated scream erupt from your throat, and turned around, only to come face to face with George Weasley. He opened his mouth to speak, but you cut him off.
“George Weasley you tell that woman to un-ban me from the common room this instant or I swear to Godric, I will NEVER speak to you again!”
“You already don’t speak to me, so I don’t have anything to lose, now do I?”
You blinked rapidly at his words, realizing you really didn’t have anything to threaten him with.
It wasn’t that you hated George, very far from it in fact, but you stayed away from him in order to protect your heart. You had spent the last year or so falling harder and harder for him just by observing from a distance, and you flinched when you thought of how you would feel if you let yourself get close. He had stolen your heart without even trying, and that thought scared you to death.
“Please, Y/N, just one date. That’s all I’m asking for and if you hate me even more afterwards, then I’ll give up on you. All I’m asking for is one chance.”
“I won’t give you a chance to break my heart George, it’s not going to happen. So, I would greatly appreciate it if you would stop embarrassing me in public with your silly antics.”
“Break your heart? I don’t want to break your heart, Y/N, I would never do that.”
“Well if that’s not the reason you’ve been chasing after me for the past week, then you must have a bet with Fred or Lee. Am I a bet to you, George?”
“A week? Y/N, I’ve been trying to get you to go out with me for damn near four months!”
Suddenly, you recalled all the times George had cheekily complimented you on your hair or your eyes. You remembered how whenever you entered the common room, he seemed to pay extra attention to Alicia, Angelina, or whichever girl was nearest to him. You thought of the two weeks he didn’t speak to you at all, which had bothered you so much more than you would ever admit out loud.
“That was you trying to flirt with me? Or get my attention? George…you went from too subtle to being positively annoying! I thought you were teasing me or trying to make a fool out of me!”
“Well, I thought the grand gestures would work, I mean, Harry told me his Dad did stuff like that for his Mum and look where they ended up!”
You raised your eyebrows and your mouth opened in shock, while George’s face turned as red as his hair due to how his comment could be interpreted.
“Oh, fucking hell, I didn’t mean dead, I meant married, don’t look at me like that!”
Your laughter echoed through the halls with George soon joining in. The two of you were doubled over and clutching your stomachs with one hand and wiping tears with the other. However, all of a sudden, George stopped laughing and started staring at you while smiling.
“I think that’s the first time I’ve ever made you laugh! I finally made you laugh and now I can die happy.”
“I laugh at all of your jokes and pranks, George, I just hide it well.”
The lighthearted atmosphere disappeared, and George sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair.
“What did I do to make you hate me, Y/N?”
“Oh, George, I don’t hate you. I…well, what I feel for you…it’s far from hate, and I’ll just leave it at that.”
“Then why won’t you go out with me?”
“It’s our last year at Hogwarts, and we only have a little over a month left. When we graduate, you’ll start your joke shop with Fred, and I’ll start my training to be a healer at St. Mungo’s. I won’t let myself fall for you anymore than I already have only for our relationship to end before it can even really begin.”
George stared at you with wide eyes, blinking rapidly as he tried to process your words. His heart felt like it had dropped to the bottom of his stomach; and he couldn’t believe that you weren’t going to give him a chance because you were simply afraid.
“You don’t get it, do you? Godric, Y/N, I’m so in love with you. You’re always on my mind. Even when I’m asleep, I dream of you. My amortentia smells like your shampoo! I’ve been asking you for one date, but I want that to turn into so much more. I wouldn’t leave you or neglect you after graduation.”
“You can say that but it doesn’t mean you’ll follow through!”
“Are you really going to spend the rest of your life refusing to take a chance because of your fears? That’s an awful way to live, Y/N, and if that’s what you decide then I feel sorry for you. I would never hurt you, or abandon you, and if you’ll let me, I will love you for the rest of your life.”
“You’re barely eighteen, are you sure you should be making promises like that?”
“Y/N, there are two things I am sure of in life: one, Fred and I are going to own the most fantastic joke shop the Wizarding World has ever seen, and two, I love you so much it’s impossible for me to ever stop.”
“Okay, what? Are you saying okay to the date or to me loving you forever?”
“I’m saying okay to all of it. I want all of it, I want all of you, George.”
“All of me, eh?”
“You prat, why can’t you just let us have our first moment? Why did you have to go and say something like that?”
“You’re grinning like a Cheshire cat; I know you’re not really mad.”
You promptly realized that you were, in fact, smiling like an idiot, and that all of the portraits around you two were watching with wide eyes.
“George, the portraits are staring at us.”
“I suspect they’re waiting for me to kiss you or something crazy like that.”
“Well, then, give the audience what they want, don’t keep them waiting any longer!”
“Maybe I should make them wait, they’ve been ignoring me for months because they were afraid I would break their heart.”
You pouted as you realized he was speaking about you, and a large, toothy grin spread across George’s face.
His smile was the last thing you saw before he pulled you into him and crashed his lips to yours in a breathtaking kiss. He pulled away and shot you a mischievous wink while softly tugging on your lower lip.
“Sorry, love, I had to. Honestly, it would have been torturous for me to wait to kiss you now that I can.”
“You obviously underestimate just how much I want you, but that’s a conversation for another time, preferably late at night, with much less clothing on.”
George’s jaw went slack, and a gasp of shock left his swollen, pink lips.
“Sherbet lemon,” you whispered softly.
The Fat Lady finally opened the portrait, and you dashed inside, leaving a speechless George Weasley pondering your words for a fraction of a second.
He raced in after you, only to find you halfway up the steps to the girl’s dormitory.
“You’re insufferable,” he shouted after you. “But, what about our date? Where are we going? What are we doing? Can I do you? I mean that can wait, but at this moment it’s kind of the only thing running through my mind.”
You chuckled and turned around to see a giddy smile adorning George’s handsome face and a delicate blush coating the apples of his cheeks.
“Hmm, meet me outside the Great Hall on Saturday at noon. Impress me with your date planning abilities, George Weasley, I want to be surprised.”
“Y/N, prepare to be utterly amazed. I will make you fall in love with me because of my incredible date planning skills.”
“I’m already in love with you, idiot.”
George dramatically blew you a kiss, and you giggled at the massive smile on his face.
You watched him head up the stairs to the boy’s dorm and smiled at the way your heart hammered in your chest because of him. It was very, very rare for you to take chances, and when you did, you always regretted it. But you knew in your heart, your mind, and your soul, that George Weasley was the one thing in your life you would never, ever regret.
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lazyfox411 · 7 years
VLD Whumpmas  Day 2: Indigestion
for day 2 of @vldwhumpmas2017​ !!! I decided to go with keith again. I wrote this last night when I was high off ibuprofen bc I have a nasty cold so I'm sorry if parts don't make sense
“It’s an Altean holiday,” Allura explained. “It’s a time to spend with family, a time for being thankful. Gifts are exchanged, and decorations hung,” the princess’ eyes gleamed with memory, “and oh, how beautiful the castle halls looked glimmering with lights and sparkles!” She clasped her hands under her chin, balancing on the balls of her feet as she imagined how it would look to have the castle all lit up and decked out once more.
“And the children,” Coran said wistfully, “gathering round to hear stories of the ancients, and share sweets, and sing songs. And the guests—oh, the guests! The castle was brimming with ambassadors and dignitaries from all over the galaxy! We laughed, and drank, and a great feast was prepared. Such wonderful times.”
“That sounds a lot like some of the holidays we had on Earth,” Lance mused.
“Really?” Allura asked. The paladins all nodded. “That’s amazing! Perhaps…we could celebrate together?” Allura’s excitement was barely contained, but it had already grown on the rest of the team. They cheered.
“Hunk, my man, you have truly outdone yourself this time,” Lance said, tapping his fingers against his plate in anticipation as he surveyed the array of food in the dining hall.
“This wasn’t all me, dude. A ton of our guests brought dishes from their home planets. It’s amazing!”
“It sure is,” Lance nodded, “I just wish we didn't have to wait at the back of the line.”
“It is common courtesy,” Allura reminded him, “our guests are served first.”
Lance scowled even though he knew she was right, and waited to take his place at the end of the line. He spotted Keith in front of him, and decided to give him a playful nudge. “Outta my way, mullet, I'm starving.”
Keith started to glare at him, but he picked up on Lance's smile and smirked back. They raced each other to get in line. Lance was pretty sure Keith let him win. He took a place in the long line of coalition allies behind Kolivan, and Keith shuffled behind him. They were all in good spirits, the magic of the Altean holiday Lance had long since given up trying to pronounce the name of making them all eager to smile and laugh.
The spread of food all of their alien guests had brought for them to enjoy had Lance's mouth watering just by looking at it. As much as he enjoyed talking to all their guests and meeting the kids from planets they’d freed, and taking pictures for his scrapbook—yes, Lance has a scrapbook, don’t judge him—his mind had started to wander. How much time had passed on earth? Had his family celebrated the holidays without him? Did they think he was dead? Did they miss him?
“Are you okay?”
Lance felt his ears turn red. He turned to find Keith staring up at him, owlish eyes filled with concern. They’d been getting along a lot better lately, but Lance was still a little surprised Keith had picked up on anything.
“Yeah,” Lance smiled. “I'm good.”
Chatter filled the room from guests who had already been served and seated at a clutter of small round tables. The line slowly dwindled until those at the back were practically jumping for joy. Lance filled his plate with the delectable pastries, meats, and sweets that lined the tables. He tried to make small talk with Kolivan to keep up the appearance that he was, indeed, fine, since Keith was still eyeing him dubiously. Kolivan was as good a conversationalist as Lance was a mathematician, that is to say, the conversation didn't continue past some offhand pleasantries. Lance focused on the food instead, since it was right in front of him. He would have to circulate the room and talk to their guests about what each dish was called. He really loved learning about all the diverse cultures that were in space. He watched Kolivan wrinkle his nose at a particular plate of food, but it looked good to Lance, so he took one of the little pink fruit slices for himself. He found a place to sit next to Pidge and some Olkari scientists. He tried to follow their conversation, but he really didn't understand what they were saying. He'd have to ask Pidge to explain it to him later. For now, he busied himself with snapping a few more photos for the scrapbook. Maybe he could show it to his family if he ever made it back to Earth. If.
He spotted Keith, standing uncomfortably in the middle of the crowd, holding his plate and looking for a place to sit.
“Keith!” Lance waved him over. Keith smiled, the tiny little smile he always seemed to get when he found people being nice to him. He joined Lance at the table.
“Hey, Lance.”
“Hey.” Lance said, more awkwardly than he’d intended. He saw Keith had taken the same little pink fruit slice. “What do you think this is?” Lance asked.
Keith didn't seem to mind the random subject. He picked up his own fruit slice to scrutinize it. It almost looked like a tangerine piece, except pink like the blossoms of a cherry tree, with tiny black seeds scattered throughout.
Keith shrugged. “Looks alright.”
They each took a bite at the same time, the sugary citrus taste bursting onto their tongues. It was a lot better than food goo, and they both finished their fruit in seconds.
The crowd seemed to have shifted, because next thing Lance knew, Pidge and her science friends were gone and Hunk was seated next to him instead. They made a game of trying to guess what food belonged to which planet that was being represented here.
“Hey, Keith,” Lance turned to his fellow armour-clad friend—not what he would have liked to wear to a party, but it was the closest thing to formal wear they had. “Where do you think this one comes from?” He held up a tiny cake for Keith to inspect. Keith had grown distant in a matter of minutes, and was now slumped in his chair with his arms crossed. He looked up at Lance's question. “Huh? Oh, uh…I dunno.”
“You don’t even want to take a guess? Come on, mullet, lighten up, it’s a party.”
Keith's eyes widened, and he paled. He jumped from his seat. “I-I gotta go.”
Lance watched him practically run out of the dining room. He frowned. Before he could think about it more, Coran was calling everyone’s attention for a toast.
After too many minutes of Coran regaling everyone about the good old days and how glad he was that they could converge in peace and comradery on this holiday Lance still couldn’t pronounce the name of, Keith still hadn't returned.
“I'm gonna go look for him,” Lance murmured to Hunk before excusing himself from the table. He checked everywhere, power-walking around the castle like a man on a mission, but he didn't find Keith. The last place to look was Keith's room. Lance knocked on the door. Something shuffled inside.
“Keith?” he called. “Buddy, you in there?”
“Go away, Lance.”
“What’s wrong? You totally just bailed on me—I mean, us. Me and Hunk.”
“Nothing is wrong. Leave me alone.”
“Obviously something’s not right. Are you going to tell me, or do I need to come in there?”
No answer.
Lance pressed the panel that opened the door and it whooshed open. He stepped inside. The lights were on, but they were dimmed. Keith sat on his bed, hunched against the wall, knees pulled to his chest. “Get out,” he snapped. Lance met his eyes, and there was a strange expression painted there. Fear?
“Hey, man,” Lance said gently. “What’s up? You can tell me.” He made the bold decision to sit on the edge of Keith's bed.
“I'm fine,” Keith bit. “Leave me alo—” he was cut off by a loud rumbling noise.
“Was…” Lance chuckled, “was that your stomach?”
Keith looked absolutely horrified. “No,” he lied.
“Dude, relax, it isn’t a big deal—”
“I can't relax, Lance, my stomach is trying to kill me!” Keith curled in on himself further, hiding his face in his knees.
Lance sighed. “You really don’t feel well, huh, buddy?”
Keith shook his head.
“Do you think it was something you ate?”
“All I had was that little fruit.”
“Hm. I’ll ask Coran about it.” Lance stood to leave, but Keith caught his arm.
“No, don’t bother Coran. I’ll be fine.”
“Keith, we’re dealing with alien food. What if you're allergic? What if it was poisoned or something?”
“Y-you think it was poisoned?” Keith asked worriedly.
“No, I don’t, I'm just making a point. Let me go talk to Coran.” Lance left before Keith could protest.
It didn't take long to find Coran. He was entertaining a large circle of people with what Lance could only describe as a strange interpretive dance. He tapped the older Altean on the shoulder, “Could I borrow you for a sec?”
“Absolutely my boy!”
Lance pulled him away to talk privately. “So, um, about the food—”
“Oh, yes! Isn’t it wonderful!”
“It’s great Coran,” Lance agreed, “but do you know those little pink fruit slices?”
“Of course! The Yeuranian plum! A delicacy!”
“Right,” Lance continued, “well, I think Keith is kind of having an adverse reaction to it. Like, he’s got a really bad stomach ache.”
“Hm,” Coran twirled a finger through his moustache. “I wonder…those plums contain compounds that are not easily digested by some species. Perhaps Keith's galran heritage hasn’t given him the proper enzymes to digest it properly.”
“Will he be okay?”
“He’ll be fine,” Coran assured. “Uncomfortable, no doubt, but no lasting damage.”
“Thank you, Coran.”
Lance opened Keith's door for the second time that night to find Keith hadn't moved an inch. “Hey, buddy,” he said softly. “Listen, I talked to Coran, and he said you’ll be fine. Just something about you not having enzymes, or alien indigestion or something, I don’t know. I got you some water and a couple extra blankets, if that would make you feel more comfortable?”
Keith grunted in response.
“Here,” Lance said. He handed Keith the water pouch he'd snagged from the kitchen and then stood up and opened the closet. He pulled out a set of pyjamas, though he'd never seen Keith wear them he'd known they were there, all the paladins had them.
“Change into these,” Lance told him. He gave Keith the fuzzy red fabric. “You'll be comfier than sitting here with your armor on.”
Keith whined. He really didn't want to move. Lance sighed, and pulled him to his feet, much to Keith's dismay, though he stood patiently while Lance helped him take off the armor. They got Keith changed, and Lance helped Keith lower himself back onto the bed. As he made Keith lie down, Lance's hand brushed Keith's side and wow nobody was supposed to be that bloated after eating a tiny fruit.
“Does this feel any better?” Lance asked once Keith had had some water and was tucked neatly in bed.
Keith nodded, eyes shut and his mouth in a tight line. “You don’t have to be here. Go back to the party. I know you were having fun.”
“Well, yeah, I was, but you're way more important than that. You look and sound miserable, I'm not going to leave you here by yourself. That’s not what a friend does.”
Keith didn't say anything. His face was pale and his breathing was laboured.
“You okay?” Lance asked.
“Yeah. Just…I really don’t feel good.”
Lance's heart went out to the poor guy. They were all supposed to be having fun, and here was Keith laid up in bed.
“Is there anything else I can get you?” Lance asked.
Keith shook his head. “You’ve already done way more than you had to.”
“No, I did what any decent person would do. I just want you to feel better, buddy.” Lance had a strong urge to reach out and pet Keith's hair, but he held back. “Do you want a tummy rub?” he asked instead.
Keith cracked an eye open. “What?”
“Like this,” Lance murmured. He put a hand over Keith's belly and rubbed in gentle circles. “It'll help you feel better.”
Keith mumbled a sound of agreement. “’S’nice.”
Lance didn't stop, even after all the guests were long gone from the castle, even after Keith had dozed off. He stayed until morning, when Keith’s stomach stopped being so angry and Keith felt well enough to get up. He vowed that next time they ate alien food, he'd ask someone what was in it.
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daddymenrah · 8 years
Open To Interpretation: Negan x Reader
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Warnings: Inappropriate teacher/student relationship (student is of legal age in the US and UK), smut, the usual. Also, I wrote the character a little more like myself bc I feel like I keep writing the same kind of reader and its getting tedious. Hit my inbox if this is you af. ALSO HIT MY INBOX IF YOU’VE EVER HAD ANY KIND OF TEACHER/STUDENT RELATIONSHIP? SPILL THE TEA I’M NOSY.
Word count: 4448  
“Preserving innocent life, orderly living in society, worshipping god, educating children, and reproducing.” His deep, gravelly voice fills the lecture hall. All his students are enraptured, a rare thing for many teachers. He pauses before continuing. “What are the issues with these precepts that Aquinas put forward?”
 You bite your lip anxiously. Answering questions in class isn’t an issue for you, in fact your teachers often tell you to give the other students a chance, but your Philosophy and Ethics professor makes you somewhat nervous. Tall, late forties, gorgeous black beard with silver streaks and piercing hazel eyes. The recipe for a crippling medley of anxiety and attraction.
 Despite this, impressing him and getting your grade is often the reason you manage to pluck up the courage to respond to his queries, his opinion of you is something you are very conscious of. You glance around the room to see no one has raised their hand. You decide to take one for the team, slowly lifting your arm from the desk.
Professor Negan’s head turns in your direction, a somewhat predatory grin spreading across his handsome features.
“Y/N. Let ‘em have it.” You try not to smile too hard at his confidence that you’ll give a good answer, but it proves to be rather difficult when he’s urging you on with one of his own infectious smiles.
 “I think a lot of issues arise with these precepts, mainly that there are too many grey areas and not everyone agrees with the idea that these should be prioritised by society as a whole.” A small smirk plays at the corners of his lips. “Not to mention everyone has different ideas as to what these precepts involve.”
 “Such as?”
“The definition of orderly living in society differs massively from person to person. For example, someone might consider a party going on past twelve as relatively orderly, but their neighbours might disagree.” Professor Negan along with the rest of the lecture hall chuckle at your scenario.
 After spurring the sharing of ideas and opinions, the rest of your classmates were more agreeable to putting their own out there. The opinions differed massively, and Negan appeared to be having fun listening to everyone debate heatedly. The class was so animated, that it almost drew into lunch break.
 “Alright fuckers, I think you’ve assaulted my ears enough today. Go do whatever it is the youth of today does on their break.” He shooed all of you out of the room, but just as you were leaving he caught your arm. “Hold up a sec, Y/N.”
 Most people who come into some form of contact with you on a daily basis know not to touch you without being on a certain level of closeness with you, but professor Negan is an exception to this rule. You really couldn’t care less that you don’t know all that much about him other than his name, penchant for cursing, and views on the subjects he taught, his touch sets your entire being on fire.
 Once the class is empty, he backs up against the front of his desk, resting his backside on the edge and his hands either side of him for support.
“I marked last weeks essays…” He begins.
“You realise you set those two weeks ago.” You correct him. His eyes widen slightly, and then he sighs.
 “Shit, whatever. Anyway, I marked those. What I wanted to tell ya was that yours was ridiculous.” Your heart drops in embarrassment, and it must have shown on your expression. Professor Negan chuckles. “Don’t cry kid, I meant ridiculous as in ridiculously fuckin’ good. You thinkin’ of doing a masters by any chance?”
 You sigh in relief.
“I haven’t given my masters much thought.” You admit. He nods in acknowledgment.
“Well, when you get round to it, I’d consider this. That’s if ya haven’t got another master in mind.” He winks, your jaw almost falls right open at what he’d just insinuated. Surely he couldn’t have meant that?
 He slips his glasses off and wipes the lenses with the hem of his t-shirt, then nudges them back onto his gorgeous face. You can never decide whether you like him better with or without specs. Not that it matters, since you’d screw him either way.
“Have I got somethin’ on my face?” He teases, eyebrow cocked.
 “Other than your glasses?” You say, praising yourself internally for coming up with a witty response. He chuckles deeply and waggles his insanely long index finger at you.
“You better watch I don’t give ya a detention for sassin’ me.”
‘Yeah cuz, that’d be a real punishment.’ You think, biting back a smirk.
 “Woah, what?” Professor Negan’s expression is shocked, but his lips are quirking at the edges as if trying to hold in a smile.
“Hm?” You reply.
“Did you just flirt with me, Y/L/N?” And then you realise, with dismay, that your thought had subconsciously vocalised. Your cheeks warm but you roll your eyes playfully in an attempt to hide your embarrassment with nonchalance.
 “Interpret it how you want.” You shrug, then adjust your bag on your shoulder and make a move to leave the hall.
“Well shit, I ain’t complainin’.” You hear him mutter, and you turn right back around. Professor Negan has his arms folded and a mischievous smirk sitting shamelessly his features.
 “Don’t look so fuckin’ shocked. You’re an attractive girl.” He laughs.
“And also one of your students?” You retort, still in disbelief that he was being so blatantly inappropriate with you. However, it wasn’t an unpleasant disbelief.
“You’re of legal age. You can do what you want.” You like how he phrased that.
 “I’m pretty sure there are still rules regardless of age.” You reply, Negan simply shrugs.
“I once knew this smart chick who said, ah what was it… Interpret it how you want?” At this point your stomach is doing multiple flips and there’s a giant smile threatening to break out on your face.
 You’ve fantasised about how this might come to happen, but it’s so different now that it really is. There’s thinking about it while in bed at night, touching yourself to the thought of Negan’s voice saying your name, and then there’s standing right in front of the real thing as he propositions you.
 He pushes off the desk and takes a few steps towards you.
“You’re a big girl, you know what it is you want.” He murmurs, lifting your chin with his thumb and forefinger so that you’re forced to look him in the eye. “And you know how to get it.” His lips are tantalisingly close to yours, but he doesn’t move any further. “I have an evening class that finishes at six. Do with that information what you wish.”
 You left Negan’s classroom feeling choked up with a mixture of shock and excitement. You wanted to tell someone, anyone, especially your best friend who you knew was on her lunch break too. But you restrained yourself. You trusted her of course, but you didn’t want to tell her only for nothing to come of it. You had to make a decision first.
 It was your last lecture of the day so you left the building and made your way to your car. Setting your things down on the passenger seat, you started the ignition and began the drive back to your apartment you shared with the aforementioned friend. You tried to distract yourself from the decision you had to make by listening to some of your favourite songs.
 Much to your dismay, virtually every song had some kind of reference to a significant other or a love interest, and you found your mind flashing back to Negan each time. You knew the excited sickness in your stomach wasn’t going to go away unless you declined professor Negan’s proposition, or you went and found out what was in store.
 Honestly, you desperately wanted to agree. There was a very clichéd, romance, drama movie type feel to your situation. You felt as though you were the troubled heroine of the film, walking the fence between right and wrong, following the rules and following your desires. You shook your head at your own melodramatic musings and focussed on finding a parking space.
 Once you’d parked up, you grabbed your stuff and hurried through the apartment building lobby, and into the lift. You tapped your foot impatiently as it took you to your floor. You were restless, there was a sense of time running out. Whether you went or not, you still had to make a decision, the sooner the better.
 As you rushed out of the elevator at your floor and powerwalked to the door of your apartment, you continued to ponder this. A quick glance at your phone in your hand told you it was already one o’clock. You had about three hours to make a decision that would allow you to get ready and arrive at six. You nearly smacked yourself in the forehead, the way you were thinking was already in agreement to the idea of actually going.
 You dropped your bag down by the door and shoved your sneakers off. You went to make yourself a drink before settling down on the couch and thinking the whole predicament through properly.
 What exactly would meeting with professor Negan alone entail? ‘Oh come on’ You think to yourself. You know damned well what it’ll entail. Well, to an extent. The man exuded sexual confidence. The way he’d swagger back and forth while explaining something, or when he’d stagger crotch-first when something made him laugh.
 Maybe you were just dirty-minded and presumptuous, but the reality was it was highly likely that if you went, you were going to have some kind of sexual encounter with your philosophy and ethics professor.
 And that excited you to no end.
 It’s half past five and you’re taking a last glance at yourself in the mirror before leaving. You’ve sex-proofed your makeup, should what you think is going to happen, happens. Smoothing down your outfit, that consists of tight black jeans and a flattering blouse with just enough cleavage showing, you leave the apartment.
 The sensation that’s gripped your entire being is one of trepidation. Akin to the feeling of sneaking out for the first time, or smoking weed unbeknownst to your parents. You know you shouldn’t be doing it, and you damned well you could get in trouble for it, but you also know that it could be one of the most unforgettable experiences of your life.
 And that is what powers your legs to walk out your building and to your car, key in ignition, engine on. When you spot your college in the distance, you play that one song that makes you feel irresistible, strong, sexy. By the time you’ve found a parking spot near to the building, you feel less nervous, and more ready. The anticipation alone is turning you on.
 Professor Negan is inside finishing up a class, probably thinking about whether or not you’re going to show. You wonder which he thinks is more likely. Despite being what you like to think is subtly flirtatious in class, you doubt he thinks you really have the guts to come here after hours and potentially fuck your teacher. Do many people have that kind of rebellious streak?
 You’re walking through the doors and nodding to the receptionist, and your mind flicks back to the lesson this morning. Negan’s words replay in your mind. ‘Orderly living in society.’ This sure as fuck wasn’t considered orderly living in society. Aquinas was an idiot in your opinion if he really thought this was the way humans should live to get the most out of life.
 But as you spot Negan’s class filing out of the room, that lurching feeling in your stomach returns. You feel almost short of breath, but you surge on, weaving through the yawning students, complaining about evening classes and how they just want to get home. It’s ironic in a way, they’re all desperate to leave while you’ve been on edge virtually all day about coming back.
 You dither by the door momentarily, listening to see if there are any students left in there. You can’t hear anything, so you walk in. Negan is sitting at his desk chatting to another teacher. Your throat closes up, but you act as normal as you possibly can. You can’t let it seem like you shouldn’t be here.
“Hi professor, I’m here to grab that essay you revised for me?” You say as confidently as you can.
 Negan’s head turns to look at you, that grin, slow as molasses, spreads across his lined face. He looks you up and down before giving you a more PG smile.
“Rick, this is one of my best philosophy students. Y/N L/N.” He states, indicating to you with an open-handed gesture. The teacher smiles and nods to you.
“Hello, Y/N. I’m Professor Grimes from the law department.” He has a slow, southern drawl that could put you to sleep if you listened to it for too long.
 He isn’t too bad looking himself, about the same age as Negan, but clean shaven with sharp blue eyes. He has a no-nonsense look about him.
“Nice to meet you.” You smile back politely. He turns back to Negan.
“Well, I’ll let ya’ll get on with whatever it is you big thinkers get up to.” He jokes.
“Oh we have plenty of fun.” Negan assures him.
 You’re almost shocked by his brazenness, but it’s professor Negan. Once professor Grimes has left the classroom, Negan stands and follows the man’s path. He pulls the blind down over the small window in the door. At this point, it’s beginning to feel very, very real. Once he’s facing you again, he groans, letting his eyes wander slowly from your face right down to your jeans that are clinging to every curve of your legs.
 “The hell are you tryna do to me?” He mutters, prowling towards you like a lion to its prey. Standing only several inches away from you, he inhales sharply. “Can I touch you?” You nod a little too eagerly, and he chuckles darkly. “Oh sweetheart, I can tell you’ve been achin’ at the thought of this all day.” Your cheeks warm substantially, and his large hands go to rest on your hips. He squeezes them just a little, a sound coming from his throat that sounds almost like a purr.
 “I’ve been wantin’ to touch you for so long. You’re a fuckin’ tease, Y/N.”
“I am not.” You reply indignantly. Negan laughs loudly.
“Alright then, you’re a fuckin’ liar too. Leanin’ over the desk just so in your low cut shirts, suckin’ on the tip of your pen, droppin’ your papers right in front of me and bending down to pick ‘em up. I got the hint, sweetie.”
 You decide to play coy for a little longer.
“The hint of what?” He pulls you flush against him and leans down so his lips are beside your ear.
“The hint that you want me to bend you right over this desk and fuck you so hard that you’ll never forget ol’ professor Negan.” Your jaw goes slack. “You’re the only one of my students that calls me professor. I think you know that it gets my dick real hard.”
 His potty mouth has always made you warm between the legs, but now you can quite literally feel yourself soaking through your underwear. Normally you’re relatively confident in sexual encounters, but you’re utterly speechless at this moment in time.
“But you know, there’s something else I’ve always wanted to hear you call me.” Negan adds, feigning pensiveness.
 “What’s that?” You manage to ask.
“I really fuckin’ like the thought of havin’ you over my knee, callin’ me daddy while I spank that round ass of yours.” As soon as he says that, it’s all over for you. You moan involuntarily.
“Please professor Negan, spank me.” You beg, not even sure if it’s you saying these words to your teacher.
 “You better pull those tight pants down and get on my lap, baby. I think it’s about time I punished you for all this fuckin’ teasin’ you’ve made me endure.” Negan plants a quick, but hard, kiss to your lips, then goes to pull his chair out from under his desk and sits on it. You go to undo your jeans, but he stops you. “Uh uh.” He shakes his head. “Put on a fuckin’ show for daddy.”
 You turn away from him, slowly wiggling out of your jeans. Once the waistband goes below your ass, you bend right over to step out of the pant legs. The feel of Negan’s eyes on your backside has your entire body burning.
“Get over here.” He demands. You do just as he says, walking slowly towards him. “You just fuckin’ love to tease daddy don’t you? I’ll teach you a god damn lesson you’ll never forget.”
 Negan settles you over the thighs of his long, muscular legs. He tugs on your panties, you’re wearing your sexiest black pair.
“Mm, is this the kind of shit you’re wearing underneath those clothes in my class?” He hit then nail right on the head. You nod, lip drawn between your teeth in anticipation. “You bad, bad, fucking girl.”
 And without warning, he brings his palm down hard on your bare ass cheeks.
“I want you to count, baby.” He whispers.
“One.” You say, still relatively composed. He repeats the action, ever so slightly harder. “Two.” It hurts in a delicious way, but you crave something more, something harder. Before he goes to smack you again, you speak up.
“Professor Negan?” You glance up at him.
“You better have a damned good reason for interruptin’ me while I’m spanking that sweet ass of yours.” He replies, eyebrow cocked in a playful glare.
“Do you… Do you think you could use your belt?” Negan simply stares at you in disbelief. You can feel yourself turning red from embarrassment, this is not how you wanted it to go down.
 “Would you look at my dirty girl, askin’ to be spanked with my belt.” He sighs dreamily. Relief floods your body. He unbuckles his belt and slides it carefully from his trousers, not wanting to make you slide off his lap. He then proceeds to loop it around his hands, you’re breathing heavily with excitement.
 The first time the leather snaps against your skin, the sensation is new, and stings like a bitch, but in the best way possible.
��Please professor, more.” You moan, surprising yourself with how needy you sound.
“Doesn’t sound like much of a punishment but because you look so fuckin’ good right now I’ll let you off easy.” Negan chuckles.
 He does it again, and again, and again. Harder and harder each time. You bite down hard on the base of your thumb to stop yourself from crying out too loud. Just as you’re mentally preparing yourself for the next blow, a knock on the door gets both of your attention.
“Get under the fuckin’ desk!” Negan hisses, helping you under.
 You try to keep absolutely silent.
“Come on in.” You hear Negan call out. His legs are stretched out either side of you under the desk. Your eyes travel up them, until you spot an unmistakable bulge at the zipper of his pants. You hear footsteps approaching the other side of the desk and a voice you recognise from earlier. It’s professor Grimes if you’re not mistaken.
 Negan pushes himself further under the desk as he converses with Grimes. You can hear them discussing some kind of issue with covering shifts during exam season. You’re pretty crushed under the table, if you were to stretch the upper half of your body into his lap, you’d feel a little less squashed…
You shift as carefully as possible, moving forward onto your knees. You feel Negan twitch slightly at the feeling of you moving. You gently undo the button of his jeans, and unzip his pants as quietly as possible. Negan coughs to cover the sound of the metal teeth coming apart.
 “Is that your belt?” You hear professor Grimes say.
“Oh, yeah. Gotta get comfy for a long evening of marking, am I right?” Negan laughs. You wouldn’t be able to sense there was anything wrong from the tone of his voice. At least not until you pull his dick out of his pants and slip the huge appendage into your mouth.
 Negan makes a strange noise and starts choking violently.
“You okay, Negan?” You hear professor Grimes.
“Yeah, just fuckin’ peachy.” He replies, sounding somewhat strained. You would smirk if your mouth wasn’t stuffed with Negan’s cock. You begin sucking, swirling your tongue around his thick tip.
 You hear professor Grimes continue you to talk as you take Negan’s dick further into the back of your throat, when all of a sudden Negan interrupts.
“Hey man, as much as I’m enjoyin’ this fuckin’ riveting conversation, I got a lot of shit to do.”
“Alright, alright, I’ll be on my way.” Professor Grimes sounds irritated, but you can make out the noises of his footsteps leading away from his desk.
 “Have a good evening, Rick!” Negan yells after him, then pulls you from out under the desk, his dick popping out of your mouth in the process. “You,” He breathes, “are gonna get me in a whole lot of fuckin’ trouble.” He yanks you up hard and bends you over the desk. He rips your panties down and shoves his jeans to the floor. “I’m gonna fuck you so fuckin’ hard you’ll never be able to look at this fuckin’ desk again without creamin’ your fuckin’ undies.”
 “Oh god, please do.” You gasp, feeling his tip tease your soaking wet pussy.
“God? Close, but sweetheart, daddy works just fine.” And with that he pushes violently inside you. He thrusts in and out of you at an unforgiving speed, groaning profanities as he goes. All you can bring yourself to do is hold on tight to the edge of the desk and moan his name.
 “You’re gonna be thinkin’ about this when you limp into class tomorrow, I can fuckin’ assure you.” He threatens. “I’m gonna tear your dripping cunt to shreds.”
“Yes please, daddy.” You cry, tears of sheer pleasure pooling in your eyes.
“And you better not try and skip because your pretty, little pussy is achin’. I’ll be givin’ you detention all week.”
 “I won’t daddy, I promise.”
“I wanna see that ass sittin’ up straight at her desk, ready to take in knowledge, then take in this dick once everyone’s gone.” “I will, daddy, I will.” You whine. His thrusts are becoming quicker, more erratic.
 “Shit, this young pussy is gonna make me cum.”
“Wait, you’re not wearing-“
“I wanna see that cunt dripping with my cum.” Negan pulls you up, off the desk and then shoves you against the whiteboard, re-entering you with no difficulty whatsoever thanks to how wet you are.
 He keeps your wrists behind your back with one of his hands and the other tight around your throat.
“Are you gonna cum all over this dick for daddy?” He growls in your ear.
“Yes, oh fuck yes.” You’re practically screaming in ecstasy.
“Cum. Cum for me right fucking now.”
 And though you never thought it possible, his words bring you right over the edge into writhing, sweating, heaven. He follows very soon after, his cock pulsing inside you, painting your walls with his thick, white cum.
“Holy fuckin’ shit.” He pants, sliding out of you. You’re frozen against the whiteboard, the very whiteboard you’ve copied notes from many times.
 You vaguely hear Negan rifling in his desk for something, then you spot him underneath you.
“Mm look at that.” He purrs. You realise with horror that he’s watching his own ejaculation drip out you, holding tissue directly beneath, ready to catch it. “That is a fuckin’ sight to see.”
 There’s not really much you can do other than wait till the majority of Negan’s cum has left your body, then pull your stretched panties up and find your jeans.
“Shit darlin’, that might just have been the best fuck I ever had.” Negan grins at you, wiping his brow with the back of his hand.
 You smile awkwardly.
“I’m inclined to agree with you there.”
“Hey what happened to ‘daddy’ and ‘professor Negan’?” He teases you. He narrows his eyes at you in jest. “Ah, I see how it is. Once you get off, all that nasty shit goes away.” You’re bright red for what feels like the millionth time today. “Hey, that’s totally fuckin’ cool with me. A sweetheart in class, but a dirty whore when it comes to the ass.”
 “Please stop.” You groan. Negan laughs softly, all signs of playfulness gone from his face. He looks weirdly calm.
“You need a ride home or anything, princess?”
“I’m good, I drove.” You smile back.
“You know I was jokin’ about you not being allowed to skip right? If you’re hurtin’ I want you to stay your ass at home.”
 And just when you thought you’d been sexually sated for life, Negan’s caring side made you want to hop on his dick all over again.
“I’m sure I’ll be fine.”
“Alright, alright, strong woman. You get home and go to sleep.”
“It’s after class, don’t tell me what to do.” You joke, walking towards the door.
 “Oh yeah? Sounds like you want me to show you who’s boss again.” He calls after you.
“Interpret it how you want.” You wave, smirking to yourself and closing the classroom door behind you.
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