#legacy rewatch
fights4users · 1 year
Why’s he stand like that?
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What is that stance… Rinzler buddy? You ok? I mean clearly not but - 😭
Standing both in attention but also ready to do jazz hands at any moment. The ol’ Rinzle dazzle
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delioncourtes · 1 year
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allthe-starss · 5 months
angela giarratana could do carmy berzatto but jeremy allen white couldn’t do ketchem poppy
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auseyre · 5 months
Legacy is one of the major themes of KinnPorsche, and the show is brimming with examples. Physical legacies like the rings and the house, and so many psychological ones. Legacies of hate and love, of regret and trauma, of abuse, of honesty and deceit. 
We never get to meet papa T(though we get a pretty clear picture of what he was like), so that leaves Korn as the primary arbiter of legacy in the show. In one way or another, he directs almost all of it. And hey, it’s an outsider that wears a tattoo that says ‘there’s no legacy as rich as honesty’ because that sure as hell isn’t a Theerapanyakul motto. There are two specific legacies that I want to mention though. 
“Tragically, your worst enemies will always come from your own household.”
I’ve gushed before over the three sets of brothers and how they’ve defied the legacy of sibling hatred and harm that came before them when it would have been easy to do the opposite. I will always stan sibling love and I adore all three sets of relationships. But the rewatch made me actually delve more into that legacy. 
The first time I watched, I just assumed that Korn and Gun had always been in competition, always hated each other, and that was the legacy that got passed on to their sons, but I don’t think that’s true at all. I think at one time, Gun looked up to and admired his big brother. I think it was them and Nampheung against papa T... or at least Gun thought it was. Until the events at the Kittisiwasds house. 
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When everything goes down, Gun isn’t angry, he’s in disbelief, he’s devastated by Korn’s actions, something that I don’t think would be true with the relationship we see between them now. Now, he knows his brother is a cold-hearted bastard. Tellingly, when he finds out Nampheung is alive, he is shocked back to the Gun he was then, not the cold, angry man he is most of the series. 
Korn crafted a new legacy that day, one of broken siblings, competition, distrust, and hatred between the main family and the minor one. And I think he did it deliberately to cover his ass. Who would ever believe a word that came out of the Gun we see against benevolent dictator Korn? Everything Gun said would look like jealousy. As long as Korn kept poking at Gun and the minor family with a stick, he never had to worry about any of them developing a relationship with his sons.
He never had to worry about Gun stumbling onto any information he shouldn’t about Nampheung, Porsche, and Chay. He never had to worry about any of his secrets coming out. Even Kinn didn’t really understand why his uncle hated his family... he thought it was a matter of money and power envy. And Korn wasn’t wrong. It barely took anything for Porsche and Vegas to stumble onto part of the truth, just a little communication.
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The kind of communication that Korn spent years sowing distrust to prevent. (Porsche is sorry, not sorry to keep fucking up your shit, Korn.)
That means if you were to encounter the pressures these king snakes exert, your heart would fail to pump blood—that's how strong this is," 
Korn is a king snake. He holds on tight to everything he loves, and everything he hates with the same fervor, constricting until they can’t breathe, until their hearts can’t beat. His sons have learned this lesson well, flailing in his coils their whole lives. Khun is trapped in the house, with lots of toys and some playmates to keep him occupied. Kinn is trapped under the weight of family love and responsibility, and Kim is trapped on a barely visible leash, No matter how much freedom it seems he has, it’s still an illusion. It’s no surprise that they do their best to reject that legacy from Korn. They actively strive to be different from their father in the way that they handle relationships. 
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And Kim all let go. 
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We know it’s not easy. They all try to be stoic about it, Khun playing it off like he's not hurt, not missing his baby brother and leaving first, Kinn and his stiff upper lip, waiting until Porsche is gone before kicking at the handcuffs, the symbol of them tied together and Kim who tries to stifle all emotion, holding it in until he can’t any longer. We see the heartbreak and regret but they still let go. They will wish and want and ask, but they won’t be their father, won’t tie someone in ways they can’t escape, won’t hold them with lies and manipulation, won’t smother the thing they love until there’s barely any life left. 
There’s a line that Korn uses from the utterly fantastic, amazing fic Wings of a Butterfly https://archiveofourown.org/works/39799374
  .... “you can’t sharpen a blade with silk” and I think about it often okay, because the great irony of Korn’s legacy is that in some ways, Kinn modeled himself after the man Korn pretends to be, not the man he actually is. Yes, he’s more impulsive and irreverent — gifts from his mother as he’s told us, but the kindness, the gentleness, the guy that cares about his people, like Pete said, that’s all from the mask Korn wears. 
Korn spent a lot of years moving pieces on the chessboard, only for everybody else to wind up playing another game entirely. His sons won’t be like him, and his nephews won’t be like the man helped create (Porsche, Porchay, and Pete are sorry, not sorry to fuck up your shit, Korn). He may get to write history, but he won’t get to write the future. 
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wooldawn · 1 year
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amethystsoda · 1 month
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scifi films I need to give another watch + make sure if they’re nostalgia good or good good 🪐🛸👾
(pacific rim gets a free space on the bingo card)
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hamcakevaletguy · 7 months
Amangela in BAF Legacy my beloveds
Their first character interaction in game being “You’re too much” “Too much for you?” —> “Suck that, Irishman!” “I will suck anything that you want me to.”?
Amanda’s first instinct when meeting Katchem was to say “I almost got shot with an arrow right there…in my heart!” as Danny?
Angela (as Belinda II) calling Amanda (as Sandy) “my girl”?
Amanda’s characters constantly trying to reestablish a relationship after the twin betrayal?
Regina knowing about Final Girl’s ex? Always agreeing with her? Calling her cute and fun? And immediately flirting with her when possessed by Edwin?
I’m literally obsessed with them.
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Ezra didn’t even make it an hour into his first night with the Noti before he felt the walls closing in on him, the darkness crushing his windpipe. It wasn’t that the sleeping compartments were small— they were, but if there was one thing Ezra was good at, it was making do with cramped spaces. The problem, he thought, was the opposite. This small, dark room with incomprehensibly friendly beings resting on the other side of its walls was the safest place he’d been since he’d stepped on the gunship that took him to the Imperial complex. It was the first safe place he’d been in weeks. 
The first place that gave him time and room to consider the enormity of what he’d done. 
It came at him all at once, all that terror and all that hopelessness, and he had to get out, had to see something other than the crushing reality closing in on him— 
He stood before even really making the decision to and scrambled out of the sleeping compartment, doing his best to step softly for his new roommates even as he staggered madly for the door, bursting into the dry, open air. He shut the door behind him, as carefully as he could with shaking fingers, and turned his face to the night sky. To the stars that, for the first time in his life, were entirely unfamiliar. 
He squeezed his eyes shut.
I want to go home.
The wish was childish, and selfish, but he could no longer push it aside. It ached in every part of him, stabbing him with every breath, and the image the words brought to mind was enough to make his eyes sting with tears. He squeezed them tighter— and the image shifted. It was no longer Lothal as he remembered it, dusty grasslands and dark domes, but Lothal as he had seen it in a vision on a dark, all-but-hopeless night much like this one. 
It’s so peaceful, he had said, and the specter of his father beside him had replied, that is all going to change when the Empire arrives. 
Would it change back now, he wondered? Had his sacrifice been enough to take the darkness of the Empire out of the picture, to return Lothal to blue skies and white towers? Would he ever get the chance to find out?
And then he heard the words his father had said next, as clearly as if Ephraim Bridger was standing next to him again. You’re going to need to stay strong. Can you do that, son?
Yes, Ezra had answered then. Even reeling from knowledge that his parents were truly lost forever, he hadn’t hesitated. Perhaps he would have if he’d known what was coming next: that he would see his home razed to the ground and his Master burned to ashes before his eyes, that Lothal’s best hope would be for him to fling himself beyond any sense of familiarity or family with only the slimmest chance of his return. 
He would need to stay strong, if there was any chance of Sabine finding him as the friend she’d loved. But what if he faced life here, day after day after day, and she never came? What if she burned like Kanan had and he never knew? If this was where his strength had gotten him, what good was it?
Without hope, his mother had told him, standing on his other side in that vision of a peaceful Lothal, we have nothing. 
Ezra had no parents, no Master, no family in this galaxy and no way home. He could give up hope— and then he would truly be lost.
Sabine would find him. She would. And he would be waiting for her when she did.
He took a deep breath, and then another.
“Yes,” he told his father again.
And he opened his eyes. 
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frankiebirds · 4 months
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okay. what if i cried. what then!
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matchalovertrait · 7 months
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Dulce is trying to retain all the techniques the chefs are using in Diced Junior, one of her favorite shows ♡
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fights4users · 1 year
Absolutely losing my mind at the entire scene when clu and the others explore Flynn’s hide out. They don’t understand half of what they’re looking at (missed opportunity to have one of the guards jump on the bed) and it’s hilarious they’re so freaked out. Had to mute the audio because I was laughing…
Jarvis knocking over the decorations kills me. Clu being freaked out by the chandelier as well. ALSO HOW FLYNN DECORATES LIKE A MID 2010s HGTV MOM 😭
I couldn’t include the “dad doesn’t love me temper tantrum”
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leotanaka · 8 months
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the way cate was looking at may from the very first moment she met her 🥰🥰🥰but yeah, cate/may completely came out of nowhere seven episodes later.
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inquisitor-apologist · 3 months
Imma be real I do not remember Legacy at all. Is this the one where Kanan’s knighted?
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elenaglbrt · 6 months
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elena gilbert icons 2x04
tv show: the vampire diaries
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baflegacy · 7 months
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my baf legacy character ranking if anyone was interested 👀
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toastingpencils37 · 5 months
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Bro what is it with Nya and hitting people in the head with deadly weapons.
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