#legend of korra remake
they can never make me hate you
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(collage by me)
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leonkennedyismine · 5 months
I'm going insane for him
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meiko333 · 7 hours
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Happy Birthday Bisexuals! 💗💜💙
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confusedgoldenflower · 6 months
Can’t find my post about shows that deserve remakes, but I wanna add Korra to it. Insert the many video essays on how it flopped—and NO it’s NOT bc the avatar’s a girl, stfu. Or any queer rep.
But both Atla’s spiritual and actual sequels deserve better. Stop the LA “adaption” and put that money into fixing Korra, inaugurate another generation into this fantastical world🙂
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Rewatching season 1 of Korra is constant whiplash - damn near every part of it either makes me go "that was fucking brilliant" or "that was fucking stupid". No wonder I've been obsessed for a decade
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megashadowdragon · 1 year
lok remake idea without the rant
the legend of korra will get more episodes and filler content to showcase the krew interacting more and mako and bolin will get training from korra in fire and earth bending  traditional forms which will help them improve ( though mako will still be the more talented bender of the 2.
korra is meant to be aangs opposite so how about korra training the bending members of her krew in contrast to how aang was trained by his gaang
regardless lok will end with makorra getting back together
“always thought that  pacing was an issue with Legend of Korra too, having only 13 22-minute episodes to tell a season-long story made it feel rather rushed. I do like just watching the main cast hang out with each other and be friends. They have great chemistry! That was always something missing in Korra. “
1. the lok remake with asami being an equalist spy
I feel they planned on asami being an equalist spy but changed  it when they got to the episode where it was supposed to be revealed with hiroshi but changed their minds without going back and changing anything they wrote beforehand.
( I dont get why asami wouldnt know hiroshi hated benders
“she would serve as a foil to Korra. Asami is rich, traditionally feminine, and when she and Mako meet she showers him with praise and lavish offerings. Korra’s a tomboy, doesn’t come from money, and she and Mako are constantly snarky toward each other. I think it would work well if when it was revealed Asami was a spy, Mako would have an epiphany where he saw the girl who really cared for him and liked him for him was actually Korra all along. it would have made the love triangle resolution a lot smoother, and given Mako a clear choice on which girl he should be with, even if it was an easy one.
(from someone I was talking to online I forgot what their tumblr url was -
and of course I agree with this post so I would make some changes with kuvira in both my ideas for a b4 remake and a full one
( though to be frank I prefer a book 4 remake which ends with makorra getting back together be made beforehand to make a rebuttal to the idea  that the mako who made the mistakes he made in original lok. Where asami was just a sweet girl  needed to be specifically punished for mishandling the love triangle. I feel korrasami was just popular due to the fact its a same sex ship and the desire to spite mako  for daring to be flawed lets be real here korra was just as responsible for the love triangle as mako  he didnt do anything that required punishment. ( korra kissed mako forcefully he kissed back in the heat of it due to his feelings and then kept it from asami and was a bit of a jerk thats all
he shouldnt have kept it a secret from asami
makos flaws and mistakes were acknowledged and treated  as such in the original lok  the claim that because book 1 ended with something good happening to him it was ignoring his mistakes or treating him as if he was in the right is bs.
but thats a personal note
and to be frank without doing that it would feel like I am demonizing asami to get her out of the way .
( I have to be frank asami in original lok didnt do much
as a part of if a love triangle with 2 girls and a guy just pair the girls together idiocy
in the b3 scene have kuvira introduced much earlier and have kuvira join the krew in b3
2. keep asami the way she is  but include a conversation where asami believes that hiroshi let go of his hate for benders ( a private one which  korra overhears )
also in the b2 moment emphasize that mako and asami didnt get back together  but asami was interested in  on him 
and the scene before mako got arrested asami showed up to his room and tried asking him out making a move on him and he gave in ( she would have been making these attempts 
   mako had just given in due to lonelinness and didnt want to lose asami   since in his eyes he lost korra and bolin and him grew distant
ikkinthekitsune . tumblr . com/post/109794670332/so-mako-didnt-have-any-unresolved-feelings-for#notes
As Cousin Tu said in Remembrances, Mako’s afraid of disappointing people and ends up inevitably disappointing everyone in his attempts to avoid disappointing anyone.
I don’t think he had feelings for Asami.  I think he was really surprised when Asami kissed him the first time, but hoped that would be the end of it (he seemed really uncomfortable about it, to be honest).
Of course, that didn’t happen, because Asami was still looking to get back together with him (likely because of the instability in her own life).  He didn’t really seem to respond until the scene immediately preceding his arrest, and even there, it took a lot of pushing to get him involved in anything romantic.
And so, I think Mako was more motivated by the desire not to upset her than because he thought she needed him.  Of course, that just meant more hurt feelings in the end, but that didn’t mean that avoiding hurt feelings wasn’t what motivated him.
ikkinthekitsune . tumblr . com/post/125704875727/why-do-you-think-mako-was-afraid-of-disappointing#notes
Anonymous asked: Why do you think Mako was afraid of disappointing Asami in Book 2? It seemed like he was more afraid of losing/upsetting Korra than he was Asami. Because once Korra came back he totally forgot about Asami. That’s what made me feel like his interactions with her were more out of vulnerability after his breakup with Korra rather than being afraid of disappointing her.
I agree that Mako seemed more afraid of losing/upsetting Korra than Asami – the show made it pretty obvious which one of them Mako felt the strongest about! – but I don’t think it’s impossible for him to have felt really afraid of losing/upsetting Asami, too.
It seemed to me like Mako was reacting instinctively to situations as they came up.  So, when Korra was gone and Asami was pushing to spark something, Mako was concerned mostly with losing/upsetting her (possibly exacerbated by him feeling like he already had lost Korra)… but when Korra came back, his fear of upsetting/losing her again overpowered any feelings he had towards Asami.
also introduce in b4  izumis daughter  maybe have a scene where she gets a crush on mako but having solved his problems with emotional conflict and avoiding conflict he out right rejects her softly ( in book 2 when asami kissed him he looked uncomfortable with it  an was glad that she didnt follow up he was so afraid of dissapointing people  he couldnt even say no to asami (plus he was still hurt about breakup and wanted stability )  so mako learned ho w to say no and that sometimes in life you end up disappointing people that doesnt mean  you will burn bridges  
mako rejecting izumis daughter would represent him growing past his flaws of being so afraid of disappointing people he hurts everyone   an example of maturity ( optional instead have the scene be mako sparring with iroh and izumis daughter and winning paralleling how korra first appeared winning with fire bending like how korra first appearance in b4 after the fight reminded me of makos first appearance )
this applies to both options
possibly have a conversation with katara about losing his parents at a young age and having to raise his sibling ( it would just be nice to see the krew ( 
maybe explore how there is triad spies in the police department and due to makos history some people suspect he is one or want to use him as a scapegoat ( an  part of the reason mako did well in truth because mako kept to himself and focused on his work not socializing with his coworkers it prevented information from being leaked out  when he got into a case  
also have  mako gain some special fire bending type 
the purifying fire
An evolution of Energy Reading, allowing a firebender to cleanse dark energies in humans and spirits as well as neutralise poison and other toxins maybe even prevent someone from bending an element inside their body ( like nullifying blood bending) by burning the blood bending grip and stopping breath bending if the fire was used beforehand
 be it the b4 remake or the full lok remake mako gets a purifying fire and heat sense though when it comes to purifying fire it would be a recent think b4 wise and he was experimenting with it  when he broke free of a bloodbending grip
and it being just before he got news about korra
 ( or it happened a bit before that so he began on training himself to be able to control it at will before he immediately went to korra and figure out if it could effect poisons and toxins/korras physical issues
also change amons appearance as an adult so he would have a darker skin tone like he had when he was a kid ( possibly amon and korra would be related to each other given how kid amon resembled korra though I may be imagining things
also have the krew actually have bonding moments together expanding upon lok
“always thought that  pacing was an issue with Legend of Korra too, having only 13 22-minute episodes to tell a season-long story made it feel rather rushed. I do like just watching the main cast hang out with each other and be friends. They have great chemistry! That was always something missing in Korra. “
and fire chakra deals with willpower and is blocked by shame have an arc where mako deals with his shame regarding his work with the triads (and in remake make it so while bolin worked the numbers mako did as well  he had seen people be killed by triads and is partly ashamed of not doing anything ( 
which leads to makos growth as a firebender learning a purifying fire
  I mean Japan associates fire with purification so it being possible to create a fire bending technique ire to purify your body of a benders attempt to control an element in your body and to purify poisons makes sense
and it would prove that general wrong
 the purifying An evolution of Energy Reading, allowing a firebender to cleanse dark energies in humans and spirits as well as neutralise poison and other toxins maybe even prevent someone from bending an element inside their body ( like nullifying blood bending) by burning the blood bending grip and stopping breath bending if the fire was used beforehand
( actually it would make sense for mako to awaken this power in between b3 and b4 due to his wish that he could have  helped Korra  and after a conversation he heard/remembered like a kid wondering after hearing  parents tell their kid  that the fever is his body fighting off the infection if that means fire bending can be used he ended up trying to experiment to see if it is possible to develop it )
( post b3 he asked katara if she knows anyone who could help train him as a firebender ( in the b4 remake during the timeskip he learned how to fight h2h so there wont be any weaknesses to eploit he doesnt want to be used against korra like what happened with tenzin
 ( he ended up talking with zuko who he went on a bit of a spiritual journey with  
 ( I mean bolin gained a special branch of bending  ( him being the only one who uses it ) so why  not having mako invent one 
which is what happened with katara and toph)
or mako could expand lightning bending to  reading the bioelectricity in someone’s body to tell when someone is lying/predict their next move during the b4 time skip he can tell when someone is lying
 (I mean it is a skill that I can imagine would fit for a detective and something batman would like to get ( lots of people joked about lok being in Gotham and then compared mako to batman due to their backstory )
 in this advent he would be shown doing the dual lightning trick that ozai did
  fanons suggest) 
give mako a moment with katara and/or zuko 
mako was said to be zuko lite 
which I can see but he also has similarities to katara 
and it would be neat to have moments with them 
like in the situation where asami wasnt an equalist spy  which I will call lok remake option 2 ) zuko was there during remembrances  and he brings up he made much worse mistakes when he was young and stupid 
and zuko helped guide mako with his mistakes 
and  mako and kataras conversation will bring up the similarities of their backstories and how katara had to act like a parent to sokka  etc
( mako in the lok remake keeps the scarf with his grandma outright refusing it because it was makos keepsake from his parents )
these are some of the ideas that could be used in the remake:
shewhotellsstories . tumblr . com/post/654105804175261696/
I saw some of the fandom reactions to Mako before watching tlok and after watching the first few episodes I was a little annoyed at how not terrible he is. When I think about the things that happened in the first two seasons I interpret it as him honestly not knowing what to do as opposed to wanting to be hurtful. He hasn’t had a parent since he was 8 and his only companion has been his little brother. Of course he knows nothing about communication or conflict resolution.
And Bryke just kept introducing potentially compelling storylines between Bolin and Mako and doing nothing with it or playing it off as a joke. The bending bros aren’t getting along in season two? We could’ve seen that the tension was due to Bolin wanting to be Mako’s brother and not his son and Mako not knowing how to let the dynamic of their childhood go. Instead, we got Bolin letting fame go to his head. Bolin decides to adopt Kai and mentions eating out of garbage cans. We could’ve seen them acknowledge the traumatizing nature of poverty and how both boys are projecting onto Kai in different ways, but no. Bolin’s just a goof, so funny. If Mako had to be a cop he could’ve had disagreements with Lin that lead to him explaining that something needed to be done to address poverty, because if there weren’t so many poor kids in the Republic City then the gangs wouldn’t have an endless stream of new recruits. We definitely should’ve seen Bolin genuinely concerned about the prospect of Mako going to prison, but stupid jokes were a better use of time I guess. So. Many. Missed. Opportunities.
also reference bolins supposed insecurity/ or feeling inferior to his brother for I remember that being stated  this possibly motivation for what happened in b2  and a way he could be manipulated by varrick
also for wu change  if we do a b4 remake before the full remake we go to wu being a woman as depicted here  and then full remake with asami as an equalist spy  with a kid wu
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( I have noticed that every woman makos age that he knew wanted to get with him it would be neat for him to have a female friend who didnt want that
so in the asami as an equalist spy remake ( izumis daughter wouldnt be interested in him romantically since I wouldnt need to demonstrate makos growth)
or just kid wu in general
ikkinthekitsune . tumblr . com/post/147464055579/considering-you-understandably-have-some-issues
Biggest change to the initial setup?  No Prince Wu.  Instead of an obnoxious overgrown child of a Prince, our heir apparent is introverted, lacks the confidence to refuse just about anything, and is terrified of being in front of crowds.  He’s the (implied-to-be illegitimate) child of a distant relative of Hou-Ting and a Republic City citizen.  Oh, and he’s all of ten years old.  In other words, everything about him screams “Raiko chose this kid as a convenient puppet” (instead of offhandedly implying it once and forgetting about it as was done with Wu). All of the time Wu wastes on comic relief in After All These Years is used to explain the political situation: the prince is a figurehead meant to display the trappings of royalty and legitimize Raiko’s chosen advisors.  Kuvira’s supporters hate him not just because he’s royalty but also because they think he’s essentially giving the Earth Kingdom away to an imperialistic foreign power.  Mako’s there to protect him both because Raiko ordered him to and because he’s one of the few cops the prince is comfortable around; as such, Mako actually feels bad for the kid and wants to protect him. (This prince is legitimately terrified by the scary adults throwing pies at him and bursts into tears as soon as they’re out of harm’s way.  Mako comforts him and makes him feel a little better.) Korra Alone is close to perfect and stays pretty much as-is, albeit with Korra’s loss in the Earth Rumble ring being far less embarrassing – she gets some hits in, and the end makes it even clearer how distracted she was by Dark Avatar Korra. The Coronation follows up on the political changes.  Instead of being all excited about how awesome he thinks the ceremony is going to be, the prince is afraid – of being on stage (Mako assures him he’ll do fine), of being king (Raiko assures him that his advisers will do all the work), and of Kuvira (Raiko assures him that she’ll step down).  The prince thanks Kuvira and lets her speak the way Wu did in the show, except that it’s sort of implied that he’s looking for an excuse to not have to stay up at the podium for longer than necessary.  Kuvira, of course, uses the opportunity to take over… and specifically points to Raiko’s use of the prince to control the Earth Kingdom as a reason why she’s justified in doing so.  (The prince hides behind Mako when this happens.  =( )  Some of the time saved by not having Wu freak out about the loss of his throne is used to show us the meeting of the world leaders, where they talk about why they think Kuvira is dangerous (she’s very with-me-or-against-me) and what they can do to stop her (not much as long as she limits her ambitions to the Earth Kingdom).
The Republic City part of Reunion is way more tense because Team Avatar are looking for a terrified kidnapped child instead of an aggravating jerk.  (The prince still gets to ask Korra to go into the Avatar State because he wants to see her eyes glow, but it’s actually kind of endearing since he’s a little kid.)
and we could have cute moments with korra and mako taking care of kid wu
also we can make it so mako has a good rep among the orphans
It is a touch weird that the moment Bolin and Mako get some actual characterisation, suddenly people dislike Bolin and accuse Mako of hijacking the show.
One episode devoted to a policeman attempting to crack a conspiracy does not a hijacked show make, particularly Korra’s business will probably eat the rest of the show. Mako’s finally got something to do beyond just being Korra’s bf/probending… and people are complaining about it?
Also I’d wish people’d stop calling Bolin “Sokka-lite”, he’s his own character and he might be more comic relief than the others he still has a personality of his own. Mako treating him like a child probably didn’t have the best effect on him, both making him kind of act childish which in turn leads to Mako being dismissive of him. Just saying that there’s actually a reason for why he acts as he does, rather than just “lol look at the funny guy!”.
Considering how, even in the previous season, Mako’s inability to take his sibling seriously or accept his help lead to him being abducted by Equalists, it’s not really surprising that Mako wasn’t really quick to react when Bolin ended up in an abusive relationship. He probably chalked it up to another of Bolin’s “wacky hijinx” and chose not to get involved when really, if there was a situation that required his surrogate parent touch, that would have been it.
I don’t know, I think that they do have unique personalities between the two of them, and their actions do make a degree of sense within the context of the show. Mako treating his brother like a child and dismissing him lead to Bolin being more open to being manipulated by Varrick and the movie star lifestyle, for example.
Can’t help but think that Mako really makes these problems for Bolin, both by treating him like a baby and dismissing anything he does as childish, which leads to Bolin making stupid decisions as he hasn’t really been allowed to make adult decisions or take responsiblity for stuff. Which leads to him falling in with gangsters when he attempts to help Mako raise some cash. Or dating an unstable and violent person. Or getting confused as to what the concept of “acting” is…
I like the characterisation within Legend of Korra, the behaviour of all the characters makes sense within the context of the show itself, just like with Aang and the characters in Airbender. Of course Korra would be a little arrogant, she’s know she was special from a very young age, but that doesn’t make her a bad person. Of course Kya would be more “free spirited” than her brothers, she has neither the responsiblity of continuing the Air Nomad culture like Tenzin nor the need to overcompensate for a lack of bending like Bumi.
Actually, come to think of it, parenting and how it can effect a character’s personality seems to be a theme running through both the two shows. Korra’s isolated childhood made her kind of naive about how the world functions, just like how Mako’s babying did the exact same thing to Bolin.
Mako and Bolin are actually working out to be pretty interesting. Which is actually pretty good going for characters pitched just as comic relief and “Zuko without the angst”.
source:ikkinthekitsune . tumblr.com/post/63844176139/random-thoughts-on-bolin-and-mako#notes
maybe we can emphasize the above effects on mako and bolin by having katara come in and talk with them about  their relationship and gives mako advice  
lets carry on the mako babying bolin issues and carry it on in b3 where katara brings it up or they can have a scene where katara brings it up  when she meets them either trying to warn mako about babying bolin at southern water tribe 
or the conversation begins while they are on the boat to confront zaheer.
 where mako learns to stop babying him
and zuko an mako can have a conversation where mako talks about his own issues/past  
and makos mistakes are brought up and zuko will act as makos iroh
bringing  up how mako was so afraid of dissapointing people that he dissapointed everyone (  which works in any of the  remake ideas be it a lok remake with asami an equalist spy or not ) 
where mako trains in the traditional style of fire bending under zuko and its brought up that while probending is good and all probending abandons the spirituality and development of the traditional styles)
and have mako and zuko talk
so the meditation would lead to his development  ( maybe mako and zuko have talk while Korra is bed ridden and zuko offers to guide him   and be his fire bending teacher     since mako felt guilty since if he was stronger he could have taken out the water woman much earlier)
( maybe his part of remembrances with some focus on his issues which would lead to his  thoughts on korra and how she inspires him)
    ( its mentioned that mako and bolin in b1 have begun to eat more nutritious food ( mako especially always made sure that bolin got food more often then him when they were on the street)
and mako began to train his body more to learn how to fight without his bending so he trained with korra after bolin was kidnapped.
mako turning down  zukos granddaughter after  the timeskip remembering zukos talk about how  makos flaw being so afraid of disappointing people he disappoints  everyone and while wanting to not hurt people   is good sometimes the desire to do that can hurt more people 
 mako realizes   its best to straight up  turn her down immediately for not doing so may cause a situation where  he caused her more pain. 
  like how if he just turned asami down when she kissed him  or when she asked him out for a date rather then avoiding it  due to desire to not hurt her    the pain she would feel would have been lesser then it had been in b2 finale   etc
and mako and korra could have the talk which makes it so that mako was helping korra even before tenzin came in while asami completely failed in helping/supporting korra
Anonymous asked: I don’t know if you’ll invest some time writing a fic or at least analyze this scenario wherein Korra talks to Mako instead of @s $ami (Remembrances). How would the conversation have gone? Would Mako have been more effective? It’s a shame that Tenzin’s speech in Remembrances was the only thing we got in the series in terms of summarizing Korra’s arc– in an episode where some fans would prefer to skip because it’s just a “clip show”.
I’m not sure I’d get the time to write a fic, but I can definitely analyze the way the conversation might have gone.
So.  First things first: Mako would have been a bit more confrontational initially.  He definitely wouldn’t have used tea as a pretext to get her to talk; instead, I think he’d ask her, “Is there something wrong?  You’ve been really distant lately and I’m starting to get worried.”
That, I think, could lead into an explanation for the only-writing-to-Asami thing, which would be really valuable in terms of Korra’s characterization.  Mako could confirm that he’s willing to support her no matter what, and Korra could agree to try to let him in more.
From there, the conversation would move back onto the same general track: Korra’s thinking about what Toph said, and it’s really weighing on her.
“I’ve just been thinking about something Toph said. She told me that the world doesn’t need me and it’s basically pointless to try and stop Kuvira.”
I think Mako might actually ask whether Korra was mischaracterizing Toph’s philosophy – “Are you sure that’s what she meant?“  If he did, I think the conversation would go down a much more productive line much faster, because he’d get Korra thinking about why Toph said what she said (ie. she was challenging Korra to push back against the idea that all human efforts amount to naught) instead of framing it as too ridiculous to consider.
It seems unlikely that Mako would be able to work in a speech like Tenzin’s (though I suppose his thing about how much she inspires him could be repurposed to that end =) ), but I think he’d be much more effective at guiding Korra away from unproductive lines of conversation (“am I a good or bad Avatar?”) toward the issues that were really bothering her (“how should I understand what Toph said?”).
source: ikkinthekitsune . tumblr . com/post/110888041425/i-dont-know-if-youll-invest-some-time-writing-a#notes
( maybe mako and tenzin could both get scenes with helping korra where tenzin just adds to makos support for korra.
 or in the option 2 remake
 ( this would be for the  and book 4 remake)
it would be stated korra only sent the letter (  it was implied to be only one letter  given the wording) and korra wouldnt see any letter asami sent back.
and that she sent the letter because she crossed out mako and bolin as options
( it would be stated that she didnt want to burden them  which is why she sent a letter to asami who wasnt as close to korra as mako and bolin)
plus asami had to build up her company after taking the loss and rebuild on who she is etc
( korra sending a letter to asami doesnt mean she is closer to asami  or asami understands her better) 
 (and it would emphasized that korra isnt as close to asami as she is to mako and bolin by creating a distance between them or focus on korras interaction with mako and bolin and treating it differently from korras relationship with 
like it being outright stated korras had issues with focusing on korra the avatar and not korra the person.
(on the option 2 remake where we keep asami the way she was 
I would have asami leave the the group in b3 ( and rejoin at the end framing her helping korra get dressed as partly motivated by guilt of not being there) a
and have kuvira be the one who temporarily joins team avatar
option 1 and 2 remake
either have bolin genuinely worried about mako being arrested and while he doesnt believe it was varrick he believes in mako
or  have it addressed and and have it hang in the back of makos mind while imprisoned
 old-and-new-friends . tumblr . com/post/641151506271420416
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Bolin goes "sowwy?" And Mako's response is "Don't worry about it".
Lin goes right back to being someone Mako looks up to.
That's the end of it.
Whether it slowly rots in Mako's head or not, is never addressed. If he's mad, he doesn't show it. If he distrusts them, he doesn't show it. If he lives with the idea that the people he cares about don't care about him, he doesn't show it.
It's just dropped because at the end of the day, no one actually cared about it. That's just sad.
and maybe change it so lin does look into it
in regards to the book 2 mako telling raiko it will be again emphasized that mako was in  the right to tell raiko
megashadowdragon .  tumblr . com/post/663527012751769600/lok-remake-ideas-and-bit-of-a-rant
mako is pretty much a combination of katara and zuko
korra to aang
bolin to sokka
mako to zuko and katara
he was described as zuko minus the angst beforehand
mako and zuko were both jerks with hearts of gold who had some form of emotional conflict ( of course the difference means that mako didnt need to suffer the way zuko did, if mako needed to be punished for his mistakes with how his story ended then zuko should have been punished with his ending
ikkinthekitsune . tumblr . com/post/72568532337/makos-biggest-character-flaw-is-his-inability-to#notes
Anonymous asked: Mako's biggest character flaw is his inability to make a sound decision and commit to it. At first, this is frustrating, but what else is to be expected from an Expy of Zuko, who spent nearly that whole series jumping sides?
I suppose.  XD  I wouldn’t exactly call Mako a Zuko Expy, though… at least not more than I’d call him a Katara Expy.  He’s “the firebender” like Zuko and “the one forced to grow up too fast” like Katara, but he’s definitely his own person rather than a copy of either of them.
Looking at Mako and Zuko’s respective indecisiveness, for instance, it isn’t coming from the same place at all.
Zuko’s indecisiveness was always a sort of nature-vs.-nurture sort of thing.  Zuko’s innate temperament was good and he had a functional conscience that told him not to do bad things… but he was brought up in an environment in which it was impossible to gain the respect from his father that he so desperately desired without doing bad things.  His inability to commit comes from his own clashing desires and was resolved when he realized that he might never get validation from Ozai but that was okay.
Mako’s indecisiveness, on the other hand, is much more other-centric.  Most of the things Mako struggles with involves a situation in which someone is bound to get hurt no matter what, and he’s forced to decide which response is the lesser of two evils.  He has one primary motive – to avoid causing pain – but it’s in conflict with itself even when there isn’t a second motive for it to conflict with.
That difference, I suspect, explains the differing audience reaction, too.  Zuko’s conflict is a rather masculine, Hero’s Journey “confrontation with the father” sort of thing, while Mako’s is decidedly not.
mako never needed to go through the suffering that zuko did during atla during lok  ( mako did suffer and go through hardship since his parents died before lok began
people had ignored that and just saw him as the guy with 2 girls who are attracted to him etc and only started to like him after he had gotten stuff taken away which is annoying 
#lok #atla #mako #katara #fanwank #because I do #remember them complaining about how Mako was nothing like their precious saintly Katara that could do no wrong #and how Mako didn't deserve to be compared to Katara #like pls they fufill the same role and function both story/plot-wise and group dynamics-wise #they both make a crapton of mistakes that they rectify before the end of the series #they both have a sibling that fufills the comic relief role and also has their own character arc #they're both bending prodigies #hell they even have the same temperment to a point #and people got so angry
mako and katara both had something from a dead parent which acted as a memento ( which they wore on their neck) 
and were both hated for having trauma in a way that arent easily romanticized
for the remakes 
I would get rid of the  retcon bryke made  of his motives as “fame, money” rather than “pro-bending was important to my brother and it was an opportunity to earn money honestly even though it represented a risk and Toza was probably the first person to show us any genuine kindness without trying to use us but I definitely didn’t trust him at first, etc. etc.” in every version ( and bring it up in remembrances ep in the b4 remake where we go with the pro-bending was important to my brother and it was an opportunity to earn money honestly even though it represented a risk and Toza was probably the first person to show us any genuine kindness without trying to use us but I definitely didn’t trust him at first, etc. etc  instead of the fame and money retcon.
and in the full lok remake we will still say that he went to  pro bending because “  pro-bending was important to my brother and it was an opportunity to earn money honestly even though it represented a risk and Toza was probably the first person to show us any genuine kindness without trying to use us but I definitely didn’t trust him at first, etc. etc
(or maybe make it so that in the full lok remake
( I would bring republic city hustle into an episode 
but maybe give it a dark twist in that the gangsters did have toza killed ( but when bolin wasnt looking ( the confrontation did happen but they said that toza would have to stay away from those boys in exchange claiming they dont want his bad influence
and while mako was away from them they would tell mako to kill toza in exchange for never harming bolin and letting them go this would be  a source of guilt and blocking the fire chakra for mako 
you know it would be interesting if makos lightning bending evolved so he could read the electrical signals in the brain ( at first he had to touch someones head) but eventually he could read them by just standing there at first it was just being able to be a lie detector  ( I mean he would be the 2nd police officer member of team avatar ( toph so why not create a fire bending equivalent to lie detection)
maybe in the scenario where asami was an equalist spy he would think about that when he heard stuff about bio electricity after overhearing varrick/bolin talk about something varrick said.
and after some training (  like sometime after  b4 he trained that ability so he can read a persons moves before they do them ( right before)
which would parallel the smooth moves that amon pulled where he subtly bloodbent people as they fought to guide them ( which is a theory I had seen) 
since amon and his brother  can foil/parallel mako and bolin ( heck amons brother was once cute and soft reminding me a bit of bolin )
amons fake story to mako’s real story
and in the b4 remake ( keeping the past volumes same )  he just got stronger to keep up with korra for he feels if he was able to take down the water arm lady sooner korra wouldn't have gotten captured 
or mako just remains the same level of strength
( 3 ways to go  
( some of the ideas above  will remain the same for the full lok remakes
1. a book 4 remake ( fem wu) and then a full lok remake with asami as an equalist spy ( kid wu)
2.a full lok remake where asami remains the same  ( kid wu)  and in this one we have asami go back to republic city due to business concerns ( like she had an arrangement for a meeting and korra agreed that she doesnt need to come with them and can leave when its too close for comfort . ( so we can keep some of korra  and asamis friendship scenes) or some other excuse to separate her from the krew so kuvira can come in  
3. where we keep the lok remake with  a equalist spy  even though we don't get a b4 remake  . (kid wu
ikkinthekitsune . tumblr . com/post/111088014089/wouldnt-it-be-great-if-it-was-actually-kuvira#notes
Anonymous asked: Wouldn't it be great, if it was actually Kuvira, who was one of the members of team Avatar instead of Asami? Or if she was introduced somewhere in B2 as Mako's partner in the force? I know it would've change the story a lot, but imagine the level of emotional investment in Korra/Kuvira B4 conflict, if Kuvira was actually the reversed Zuko of new TA. She starts as lawful police officer, travels with the Krew to Zaofu and gets literally possessed by Su's ideas of progress in B3.
Kuvira as a member of Team Avatar would have been amazing.  It’d have definitely added a ton of weight to Book 4.
I think her backstory in Zaofu is pretty important to her character, though, so I can’t see her joining the team any sooner than Book 3.  So here’s what I’d do, changing as little of the first half of the show as possible:
Turn Asami into an airbender.  This would create a perfectly reasonable transition point for Asami and the Fire Ferret trio to go separate ways – she’d leave with Tenzin to go to the Northern Air Temple in In Harm’s Way.  That’d leave an empty spot in Team Avatar as of The Metal Clan. Introduce Korra and Kuvira early in The Metal Clan.  Maybe she’d come over to Korra after Su introduced herself but before Su called Korra on her lie – she’d tell Korra how much the change Korra made in the world inspired her, and maybe express a bit of frustration that Su didn’t mention that she was her foster child. Have Kuvira assist Su in teaching Korra to metalbend – say, Su uses Kuvira to demonstrate techniques on, or something, then has her go back to her guard duties. Involve Kuvira directly in Team Avatar’s search for the traitor.  It’d be a good way to show how aggressive she can be towards people who betray her trust, as well as give her more of an opportunity to become closer to the team. Have Su send Kuvira along with Team Avatar to find Aiwei.  This is the real changeover – from here on, she takes much of Asami’s role. Korra and Kuvira are the ones who stay behind when Mako and Bolin go into town, giving them more time to talk. Kuvira’s the one Mako sends off with Korra on Naga.  This requires some rethinking in regards to their capture – earthen barriers aren’t going to mean anything to her.  I’m thinking they get taken by surprise and the Earth Queen’s forces threaten Naga (offscreen; Kuvira tells Korra about it when she wakes up). The adventure in the desert goes differently (the escape would be more about Kuvira being an unexpected metalbender in a metal airship than about the airship being a hunk of junk), but it offers a good opportunity for Kuvira to be a bit overly willing to do nasty things to the airship crew and Korra to hold her back.  If Korra still ends up frying the sandshark, Kuvira kind of calls her out on it.  ;) The fight on Laghima’s Peak goes a bit differently – Kuvira doesn’t get thrown off the side by a combustion blast incidentally, but instead jumps over the side purposefully in order to save Tonraq. Kuvira wants to go to Republic City to make sure Korra’s going to be alright, but Su tells her she can’t. Cue a very similar Book 4, except that Korra is a lot more invested in Kuvira’s fate, Bolin has a better reason to side with her, and we’ve already seen some of the characteristics that define Kuvira, like her aggression, inability to deal with betrayal, and her issues with Su.
in a full lok remake it would be emphasized that aang didnt invite kya and bumi on those trip because he felt they would find it boring since it was mainly a spiritual journey/monk stuff with the fun parts that tenzin mentioned just being a break  from the monk stuff ( the point was to be a spiritual journey and explore air nomad/spiritual sites to learn about the history) and that the fun stuff were just small parts which could be called breaks from the air nomad stuff
also in the full lok remake mako would be outright called a prodigy and the reason he wasnt stronger was due to lack of training. and spiritual issues
It is a touch weird that the moment Bolin and Mako get some actual characterisation, suddenly people dislike Bolin and accuse Mako of hijacking the show.
One episode devoted to a policeman attempting to crack a conspiracy does not a hijacked show make, particularly Korra’s business will probably eat the rest of the show. Mako’s finally got something to do beyond just being Korra’s bf/probending… and people are complaining about it?
Also I’d wish people’d stop calling Bolin “Sokka-lite��, he’s his own character and he might be more comic relief than the others he still has a personality of his own. Mako treating him like a child probably didn’t have the best effect on him, both making him kind of act childish which in turn leads to Mako being dismissive of him. Just saying that there’s actually a reason for why he acts as he does, rather than just “lol look at the funny guy!”.
Considering how, even in the previous season, Mako’s inability to take his sibling seriously or accept his help lead to him being abducted by Equalists, it’s not really surprising that Mako wasn’t really quick to react when Bolin ended up in an abusive relationship. He probably chalked it up to another of Bolin’s “wacky hijinx” and chose not to get involved when really, if there was a situation that required his surrogate parent touch, that would have been it.
I don’t know, I think that they do have unique personalities between the two of them, and their actions do make a degree of sense within the context of the show. Mako treating his brother like a child and dismissing him lead to Bolin being more open to being manipulated by Varrick and the movie star lifestyle, for example.
Can’t help but think that Mako really makes these problems for Bolin, both by treating him like a baby and dismissing anything he does as childish, which leads to Bolin making stupid decisions as he hasn’t really been allowed to make adult decisions or take responsiblity for stuff. Which leads to him falling in with gangsters when he attempts to help Mako raise some cash. Or dating an unstable and violent person. Or getting confused as to what the concept of “acting” is…
I like the characterisation within Legend of Korra, the behaviour of all the characters makes sense within the context of the show itself, just like with Aang and the characters in Airbender. Of course Korra would be a little arrogant, she’s know she was special from a very young age, but that doesn’t make her a bad person. Of course Kya would be more “free spirited” than her brothers, she has neither the responsiblity of continuing the Air Nomad culture like Tenzin nor the need to overcompensate for a lack of bending like Bumi.
Actually, come to think of it, parenting and how it can effect a character’s personality seems to be a theme running through both the two shows. Korra’s isolated childhood made her kind of naive about how the world functions, just like how Mako’s babying did the exact same thing to Bolin.
Mako and Bolin are actually working out to be pretty interesting. Which is actually pretty good going for characters pitched just as comic relief and “Zuko without the angst”.
source:ikkinthekitsune . tumblr.com/post/63844176139/random-thoughts-on-bolin-and-mako#note
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sixth-light · 5 months
Finished watching the Netflix ATLA live adaptation, having gone into it with absolutely no expectations whatsoever or intention to necessarily go past the first episode if it didn't catch my attention. While it was firmly unnecessary when ATLA existed as an entire piece of art as its creators intended it...it's not half bad? Like, talented cast including the newer actors, decent cinematography/costumes/etc, but what worked most about it for me is that it takes a very similar approach to the WoT TV show in regards to its source material.
Namely, it's working with a closed canon and it's very clearly trying to adapt the entire story rather than do a 1:1 adaptation of each section. So, like WoT, it's unafraid to chop and change up the story order, to introduce characters earlier who only came into prominence later in the original work, to give more depth and space to its villains, and to straight-up write new material rather than trying to stick meticulously to the original text wherever possible. It also does a lot of work to tidy up some of the less-well-aged parts of its source, which lands probably 90% of the time. Basically, it's doing the work to keep me as someone who knows the original story well interested by giving me new scenes and things to chew over without losing the essence of the original. If you're going to do a fairly unnecessary high-budget live-action remake of a twenty-year-old cartoon series, that's not a bad way to go about it.
Let it not go without saying that it has also cast Asian and Native actors as well as handing the story over to Asian-American/Canadian writers and directors and that does matter. Unlike WoT it doesn't have a gay agenda, but to be fair the first season of ATLA (original flavour) barely had a romantic agenda period.
As I said: it's not necessary, but it's not at all bad, and I will watch the next season at least on purpose. I think if we're going to be trapped in remake/adaptation hell for the foreseeable future we can do worse than have them made by people trying to give some new dimensions to the story. I also think the people making this show would do a hell of a job with a Legend of Korra live-action show, and that is a story that didn't get its full due originally and would benefit from being made for an older audience. Plus, the gay agenda is right there. If this show does well enough to greenlight a Korra show...I could find some genuine excitement about that.
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datcloudboi · 9 months
List of Video Games Turning 10 Years Old in 2024
Alien: Isolation
Assassin's Creed: Rogue (the one where you play as an Assassin turned Templar.)
Assassin's Creed: Unity (the one set during the French Revolution.)
Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky
Azure Striker Gunvolt
The Banner Saga
Bayonetta 2
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea (the DLC where you go back to Rapture)
A Bird Story (a sort of spin-off of "To the Moon")
BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! (is this a sequel to 1 or a prequel to 1? I forgor)
Bravely Default (in North America)
Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (the one with K*vin Sp*cey)
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 (to date, the last new Castlevania game to release)
Child of Light
The Crew (going offline at the end of March)
D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die (a wonderfully strange game from the guy that made Deadly Premonition)
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc (in North America)
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair (in North America)
Dark Souls II
Deception IV: Blood Ties
Demon Gaze
Diablo III: Reaper of Souls
Disney Infinity 2.0
Divinity: Original Sin (from the team that would go on to make Baldur's Gate 3)
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Dragon Age: Inquisition (the winner of GOTY at the very first TGAs)
Drakengard 3
Earth Defense Force 2025 (EDF! EDF! EDF!)
The Evil Within (from the creative director of Resident Evil)
Fable Anniversary
Fairy Fencer F
Far Cry 4
Freedom Planet
Guilty Gear Xrd Sign
Hyrule Warriors
Inazuma Eleven (in North America. And digital only.)
Infamous: Second Son (as well as its expansion, First Light)
Kirby: Triple Deluxe
The Last of Us Remastered (just one year after the original version came out...)
The Legend of Korra (the game from PlatinumGames that you can't buy anymore)
Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
Lego The Hobbit
The Lego Movie Videogame
Lethal League (from the team that would go on to make Bomb Rush Cyberfunk)
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII (the third and final chapter of the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy)
Lisa: The Painful (yes, really)
LittleBigPlanet 3
Lords of the Fallen (not to be confused with Lords of the Fallen, which came out in 2023)
Mario Golf: World Tour
Mario Kart 8 (the original version)
Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes (the prologue to Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, which came out 18 months later)
Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor
Might & Magic X: Legacy
Murdered: Soul Suspect (it's like Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective, but not as good)
Natural Doctrine
Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty! (a from the ground up remake of the first Oddworld game from 1997)
Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures 2 (yes, it got a sequel. I don't know how or why.)
Persona 4 Arena Ultimax
Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth
Pokemon Omega Ruby & Pokemon Alpha Sapphire
Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy (the last time that Professor Layton himself was the protagonist. At least, until the New World of Steam comes out)
Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Pushmo World
Risen 3: Titan Lords
Sacred 3
Samurai Warriors 4
Shadowrun: Dragonfall
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse (the 3rd one)
Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments
Shovel Knight (yes, really)
Skylanders: Trap Team (the 4th one)
Sniper Elite III
Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric
Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal
South Park: The Stick of Truth
Steins;Gate (in North America)
Strider (the one from Double Helix)
Sunset Overdrive
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS (or Smash 4 for short)
Tales of Xillia 2
Tales of Hearts R
The Talos Principle
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call
Thief (the reboot)
This War of Mine
Toukiden: The Age of Demons
Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark (this game merged the storyline of the War for/Fall of Cybertron games with the storyline of the Michael Bay movies. I’m not joking)
Valiant Hearts: The Great War
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
The Walking Dead: Season Two
Wasteland 2
Watch Dogs
The Witch and the Hundred Knight
The Wolf Among Us (sequel this year!)
Wolfenstein: The New Order
Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z
Yoshi's New Island
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onefail-at-atime · 8 months
Truth time.
Hating on a show before it even premieres all because of developing changes is very narrow-minded. You've already given up on the actors who have poured their soul into every scene. You've given up on the animators who have given every ounce of their artistic energy to ensure we have an authentic final edit. You're giving up on the choreographers who specialize in martial arts that were beyond excited to consult on a project of this scale.
So yes, some things have been changed. Does that mean it will be terrible? Who knows. But you haven't even given it a chance.
Changes are a part of life. In the world of remakes, I think we've already learned that change is needed to draw attention to a new audience. Personally, I welcome newcomers to the ATLA fandom. They'll have the chance to watch the original series, to watch Legend of Korra, to read the comics, to read our beloved fanfics.
I have Asian and indigenous friends who are incredibly excited to see the live action and support the actors 100% no matter what the final story arc will be. It means so much to them that Netflix took the time to build out a cast in a way that is far more authentic, casting-wise than either the original animated series or movie that shall not be named was. By dismissing the show before the premiere, you're dismissing their work and their own creativity.
So, please. Slow up on the hatred for some of us out here who want to give the show a chance. Will it be a hit? Probably not (it is Netflix). But does it deserve to be judged on the series itself and not assumptions that are already being made? Absolutely.
Seriously, the level of anger and frustration in these posts is depressing and in a world that is plenty depressing on its own, why don’t we all take a step back for a few weeks and just chill.
If you're not happy with the changes, fine. Don't watch it. Just don't try to ruin it for others by influencing their opinion before the show even premieres.
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raeynbowboi · 7 months
I couldn't Finish One Episode of Netflix's Avatar Reboot
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I went into this show optimistic. I really hoped it would be fun and enjoyable. Instead, what I ended up with was just tedious. I got about 37 minutes into the first episode before I'd had enough, turned it off, and decided to rewatch the animated version instead. I get that this show wanted to be a gritty dramatic version of the show, but it didn't really succeed. Okay, actually seeing the Air Nomad Mass Unaliving was certainly darker than anything the cartoon showed. But in the process, everything else about the original was scrubbed away. Every single actor was wooden and stiff. Aang and Gyatso's teasing around is said with as much emotion as Zuko uses when scolding his crew. There is no emotional weight to any character's dialogue. And the jokes are horrible. There's a moment where Aang just repeats the word 'Sky Bison' over and over again. Which seems like very juvenile humor. I thought this was supposed to be the gritty dramatic adult version, so why the juvenile humor? Pick a tone and butcher it. And Gramgram really put the nail in the coffin. She just starts reciting the show's opening monologue, Aang runs out of the room, and Gramgram keeps expositioning to the Waterbenders in the room like Aang didn't even leave. And then Aang talks about how heartbroken he is with the exact same tone of voice he used when joking with Gyatso because tone is dead, apparently. At which point, I promptly turned the show off. I expected it to be different, but I was just bored. In its attempt to be darker and more mature, the show missed the human core that made the original so charming, which was the warmth of the characters. Without it, it just feels soulless and lifeless. At the same time, the original actually feels more mature than this version because there, emotions had weight and value. Worse still, it wastes so much time expositing so many things that the original got across painlessly and seamlessly through natural dialogue. Honestly, if Netflix had just done the effortless braindead thing and just made a shot-for-shot line-for-line remake, it would have at least been entertaining. The actors would have at least shown an ounce of emotion. I'm certainly not impressed. I'd rather watch season 2 of Legend of Korra on repeat than episode 2 of the Netflix reboot.
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redwiccanrobin · 7 months
I keep seeing people say the live action show is going to be bad only because Bryke is no longer involved. Now, I’m not particularly interested in the show because live action remakes just don’t do anything for me, personally. But I think y’all are giving Bryke way more credit than they deserve. Let’s discuss.
First, I think we should acknowledge the more problematic aspect of them creating the show in the first place. While I love Avatar, Bryke are two white men who took the aesthetics of many different Asian cultures to create their world. And most of the voice cast were also white. If there were Asian voice actors, they were either a background character or a villain (besides Iroh and Zuko, of course). Now, I know that some of you may have read that and thought about how the actor playing Sokka is not only white but lied about his ethnicity. Don’t worry, I’m mad at that as well and I’m beyond frustrated that Sokka has been whitewashed not once, but twice in the name of a live action interpretation.
And speaking of live action interpretations, let us not forget Bryke’s role in the 2010 movie. They announced their decision to leave this new show due to it not matching their vision. But they had no problem with the film that casted almost exclusively white actors to play characters of color. Again, if there were POC in the movie they were either background actors or villains (again, besides Iroh and Zuko). When people bring up the movie, they blame Shamalan for every aspect of it. Yes, he did not direct a good movie. But, at the end of the day, Bryke wanted this movie to happen. Everyone else, including Shamalan, wanted a season four but they were dead set on the live action movie that whitewashed most of the characters. And they were fine with that. That didn’t clash with their vision despite relying very heavily on non-white cultures to make their show.
Outside of the whitewashed movie, their creative choices are… interesting, to say the least. And we didn’t get to see those because the writers pulled their weight and tweaked the original concepts. Toph? Bryke wanted her to be a boy and be in a love triangle with Aang and Katara. It was the writers who made her a girl. Azula? Again, Bryke wanted her to be a boy and, again, the writers made her a girl. Katara fighting sexism in the Northern Water Tribe? They wanted her to be fighting for Aang, not herself. It was the writers decision to add in Katara fighting against a patriarchal system. Many of the episodes that people point to as their favorites (Zuko Alone, The Puppetmaster, The Southern Raiders) were not written by them. Yet, they get the pats on the backs from casual viewers and even some dedicated fans.
Do you know what happens when they do have creative control? At best, it’s mediocre, at worst, it’s bad. Let’s first take a look at their continuation of this universe by looking at Legend of Korra. The writers that made those iconic and beautiful episodes in ATLA? For the most part, they’re no where to be found. And it shows. LoK was a mess from the very beginning and never quite got its footing. Yes, I will acknowledge that Nickelodeon fucked them over. Yes, I do have respect for them for sticking to their guns and making Korrasami an item and giving us not one but two bisexual women of color. But besides that? It’s just a very mediocre show with mediocre writing.
But we see how truly bad things can get with the ATLA comics. Now, I do need to acknowledge that they didn’t work on that comic alone. So, like the movie, there are others to blame for the mess. But Bryke signed off on everything and wrote some of it themselves. And, boy, are they bad. A large number of the ATLA fandom do not like these comics and there’s definitely a reason why. Including out of character moments, prominent sexism with how the women are written, and just downright bizarre discussions, it’s not that much of a surprise that we don’t like to acknowledge it. In my opinion, no one got screwed over more in those comics than Katara. They make her a trophy girlfriend. A shadow to Aang rather than being her own character. That girl we watched in the show, the one who was vibrant, layered, complex, was gone. In her place, a hollow shell. And they would continue to show disrespect for their own character in LoK where she has been upgraded from trophy girlfriend to trophy wife. They didn’t even care enough about her, besides her being the wife of Aang and the mother of his children, to give her a statue! All the feminism we see in the original show? It definitely wasn’t Bryke.
I don’t know how this new live action show is going to pan out. It could be great, it could be bad. It could just be meh. But none of those outcomes have anything to do with whether or not Bryke was involved. Because they may have created ATLA, but they weren’t the ones who truly breathed life into it.
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i feel like we’re finally at the age of information transparency on the internet that studio head execs are showing their own asses in an unprecendented way. like we all knew they were bigoted old farts who hate minorities and animation as a medium BUT now we have the entire hbo max tobacle, and that’s only the most obvious.
recently two tv shows for wings of fire and phoebe and her unicorn were cancelled– the first because of netflix budget cuts and the second because “nobody wants to watch a female-led show.” as for the latter, that’s so obviously not true that it’s laughable, what with basically every disney animated show being female-led and extremely popular incl. owl house and amphibia, legend of korra being revered rightfully for its badass queer woc main, the female-led infinity train seasons being just as popular as the male-led, my little pony getting a terrifying number of fans... i don’t even have to explain this to y’all i don’t know why i am, it’s just obvious that isn’t the case. the reason i lumped it in with wings of fire though is it shows that these execs literally have their heads so far up their own asses they don’t realize that they’re literally throwing away money. both wings of fire and phoebe are EXTREMELY popular with their target demographic– i work at a library and go to bookstores like, once a week, and wings of fire is THE kids’ series right now– every library and bookstore has a dedicated shelf just for it, every kid in the us and canada reads these gay lil dragon books. i don’t know much about phoebe but i do know that i have to shelf her graphic novels every goddamn day so they’re getting checked out constantly. making these shows would give these studios an immediate HUGE audience but they don’t want it because.......... ???? honestly the only thing i can think of is bias against animation, but also i do know that while WoF is very cishet in the first few books, later books add quite a few queer dragons and that could def be a reason. 
netflix also recently told craig mccracken, creator of some of the most beloved kids shows of the 2000s, that “original content doesn’t sell anymore” and they need to do reboots and remakes instead. which is funny coming from the company that made stranger things which, while nostalgia-bait for the 80s, is an original fucking story. also the owl house and amphibia are disney’s top shows rn. the most popular kids movie right now is encanto, a completely original story. and that’s just in KIDS MEDIA, do i need to bring up the popularity around everything everywhere all at once, squid game, the knives out franchise, etc? we’re in an age of remakes and reboots yeah but original stories can still make money and gain fans if you make a good fucking product. but netflix doesn’t care about that, as evidenced by how fast they cancelled first kill and also every other show that was good.
and idk what it is but something about the state of the internet right now means that we’re all seeing this in a way we hadn’t before. we’re all seeing how fucking dumb these execs are– well, dumb or actively malicious. or even trying to commit corporate suicide for some reason. it’s just interesting to me that all this is happening now when in the past we were just kinda like. stuck with whatever we got
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sibblank · 1 month
lily orchard is remaking her legend of korra video and i don't get it. like i get why she remade her steven universe video that's still revelvant but why korra, what is this gonna accomplish
there's no currently airing mega-popular western cartoon to discourse about so I guess there's not much to do besides go back to the well of what "worked" before
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liyawritesss · 8 months
ᖴᒪOᗯEᖇᔕ Iᑎ ᗷᒪOOᗰ
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Hello lovelies! It’s been a while since we’ve had an event around these parts, so with the new year in commencement and with February coming up, I wanted to do something special to celebrate all the accomplishments I have achieved on this account with the lovely people who follow me! Therefore, to commemorate Valentines Day, Black History Month, and the milestone of reaching 3,000 followers, I have organized this event titled “Flowers in Bloom” to bring in the new year!
The event will have a total of three categories; Valentine Drabbles, Match-Making, & Love Letter Requests. These three categories will ensure that everyone gets the chance to read and/or request something they like, and I get to challenge myself writing wise and time-management wise!
Check out the categories, rules, and fandoms included in this event below!
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ᖇᑌᒪEᔕ & ᖴᗩᑎᗪOᗰᔕ
The general rules surrounding this event are as follows:
The Valentines Drabbles are specifically for black characters. These will be posted every day for the month of February, and will not be substituted. The Valentines Drabbles are 500-700 words each based on a prompt list provided, so you’ll have an idea of what will be written that day!
The Match-Making segment will span all the fandoms that I am in! How it will go is that you will send in a little entry about yourself, including whatever you want to include to describe yourself as best as possible so that I may give you the best match possible! These descriptors can include: your name, likes/dislikes, interests, etc.
Love Letter Requests are like any other request that one would submit to their favorite fanfic author; except these will be limited to 500 words for time and efficiency, but you will be able to ask for a character of your choice from the fandom list provided!
The Fandom List Includes:
My Hero Academia
Arcane: League of Legends
K/DA / True Damage
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Avatar: The Legend of Korra
Marvel’s Black Panther
Marvel’s Ironheart
Marvel’s Spiderman
Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse
Insomniac’s Spiderman (1, Miles Morales, & 2)
Mortal Kombat
Resident Evil (2-4 (Remakes Only), 5, 7-8)
Assassin’s Creed (All Main Titles)
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ᐯᗩᒪEᑎTIᑎE ᗪᖇᗩᗷᗷᒪEᔕ
The Valentine Drabbles will be the drabbles I post every day for the month of February, according to a prompt list I’ve formulated. The list of characters are all black characters from the variety of fandoms I write for, to center these black characters and their stories from their respective source of media. The said fandoms will include games, television series, anime, cartoons, and movies.
Prompt List:
Day 1 - Diamonds
Day 2 - Friendship
Day 3 - Flowers
Day 4 - Cheek Kisses
Day 5 - Secret Admirer
Day 6 - Acts of Service
Day 7 - Star Gazing
Day 8 - Chosen Soulmate
Day 9 - Promises
Day 10 - Gift Exchange
Day 11 - Chocolates
Day 12 - Devotion
Day 13 - Carnival Date
Day 14 - Secret Relationship
Day 15 - Love Letters
Day 16 - Situationship
Day 17 - Dinner Date
Day 18 - Gift Giving
Day 19 - At Home Date
Day 20 - Confessions
Day 21 - First Kiss
Day 22 - Music
Day 23 - Quality Time
Day 24 - Cuddles
Day 25 - Pictures
Day 26 - Notes
Day 27 - Matching Outfit
Day 28 - Soft Launch
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As stated above, the Match-Making section of this event is fairly simple: send me a brief description of yourself, including a name, likes/dislikes, interests, aesthetics, etc, so that I may pair you up with the best possible option for you! With the Match-Making, you will get a general synopsis of what I think you two will fit well together, and a few headcanons/scenarios that would describe the dynamic between the two of you! Who knows, maybe you might score a date with your lovely match!
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ᒪOᐯE ᒪETTEᖇᔕ
You can send in requests for the event like you would normally send in a request to any other author for your favorite character, and you will receive a cute love letter for said character! This will either be in the form of an actual love letter gifted to you from the character of your choice, or a brief storyline consisting of you and your chosen character. Both will be limited to 500 words, but you may also choose a prompt from the given prompt list in the Valentines Drabble section of this post if a scenario doesn’t come to mind for you!
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All things pertaining to this event will be tagged with #flowersinbloom🏵 so that it may be easier to find on my account. I hope everyone has fun here for the month of February, and remember; Black Lives Matter, black characters in entertainment media matter, love comes in all shapes and forms, YOU are loved, and that I am forever grateful to each and every one of you who make writing and fandom a comfort and loving experience for me.
Happy Black History Month and Happy Valentines Day folks! 
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hey maybe instead of remaking the universally beloved atla, they should have tried to remake the notoriously less loved and darker Legend of Korra
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sleepingdeath-light · 2 years
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last updated on : 16 / 09 / 2024
listed below are all of the fandoms that i am a part of and will write requests for. fandoms are listed alphabetically as they appear — and all are open for requests.
* = sfw requests only
animated (full or partial) series
-> aggretsuko
-> attack on titan
-> beastars *
-> black butler
-> brand new animal
-> bungo stray dogs
-> deadman wonderland
-> death note
-> delicious in dungeon / dungeon meshi
-> demon slayer
-> hetalia
-> jujutsu kaisen
-> kakegurui
-> my hero academia
-> no longer allowed in another world
-> amphibia
-> arcane
-> avatar: the last airbender
-> bluey *
-> epithet erased
-> ever after high
-> fionna and cake
-> gravity falls
-> hazbin hotel
-> helluva boss
-> monster high
-> murder drones
-> star wars: the clone wars
-> steven universe
-> the amazing digital circus
-> the legend of korra
-> the owl house
-> winx club
animated films
-> disney masterlist (general)
-> disney masterlist (encanto)
-> dreamworks masterlist
-> ghibli masterlist
-> alice in wonderland (incl. remakes)
-> aladdin
-> beauty and the beast
-> brave
-> cinderella
-> elemental
-> encanto
-> frozen
-> mulan
-> peter pan
-> pocahontas
-> princess and the frog
-> raya and the last dragon
-> sleeping beauty
-> snow white
-> tangled
-> the little mermaid
-> how to train your dragon
-> rise of the guardians
studio ghibli
-> howl’s moving castle
-> kiki’s delivery service
-> princess mononoke
-> spirited away
-> when marnie was there
-> cookie run: kingdom / ovenbreak / witch’s castle
-> mystic messenger
-> baldur’s gate 3
-> bioshock
-> dachabo! digi-pet sim!
-> dark deception
-> dead by daylight
-> deltarune
-> disco elysium
-> doki doki literature club *
-> five nights at freddy’s
-> hollow knight
-> overwatch
-> pokémon
-> resident evil 8
-> silent hill (all)
-> something’s wrong with sunny day jack
-> the groom of gallagher mansion
-> undertale
horror films
-> writing masterlist
general horror
-> the conjuring
-> wrong turn: the foundation (2021)
-> a nightmare on elm street
-> black christmas (1974)
-> bride of chucky
-> carrie
-> firefly trilogy
-> friday the 13th
-> halloween
-> house of wax
-> it
-> jennifer’s body
-> laid to rest
-> malignant
-> predator (& prey)
-> scream
-> silence of the lambs
-> the black phone
-> the boy
-> the collector
-> the texas chainsaw massacre
live action general media
-> bill (2015)
-> fantastic beasts
-> harry potter
-> star wars (all)
-> the chronicles of narnia
-> the pirates of the caribbean (all)
-> andor
-> bbc ghosts
-> bbc quacks
-> bridgerton
-> kenobi
-> marble hornets
-> spy (2011)
-> the book of boba fett
-> the mandalorian
-> the wrong mans
-> yonderland
-> you me and the apocalypse
marvel properties
-> mcu masterlist
-> non-mcu masterlist
-> avengers
-> black panther + wakanda forever
-> black widow
-> captain america
-> captain marvel
-> doctor strange
-> eternals
-> guardians of the galaxy
-> iron man
-> shang-chi and the legend of ten rings
-> thor
non-mcu media
-> deadpool
-> venom
online media
-> welcome home /// playfellow vers
-> creepypastas
-> the scp foundation
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