#legit though I am due changing my @ to that
crimsonxe · 3 months
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I can't remember if I ever read Settling Dust, but I am now and this particular part does so much. The normally in charge Chloe being the one leaning on the railing to Max being in charge, the name-play on Max's name including Max's liking "my Max" from Chloe, and ofc the kiss.
On top of that I love the approaches the series takes to so much:
The Storm: essentially that all the changes Max made were the winds swirling to form into it. That she then has to face as her older self and one by one pull away from it (not erasing those changes just unbinding them from the swirling mass collection).
The AmberPrice and Pricefield relationships: Delivers an AmberPrice happy branch and Pricefield one, but also launches into True Colors with Chengrich too. I'm ngl it legit hurt seeing Max leave the AmberPrice branch due to the bond she'd developed with the two (and ofc AmberPricefield), I wish there was some way for Max to just go between the branches easily
The approach to multiple character versions: Really pushes that AmberPrice branch Chloe had entirely different experiences (basically is the sequel to BtS) from her LiS1-Pricefield branch version, which leads to not only differing characterization but also different dynamic with Max. One never went through the events of LiS1 that led to bonding with Max, thus is bff with her; the other did go through them and loves her romantically. Not to mention also giving an explainer for LiS1-Rachel and BtS-Rachel being different.
I don't get why certain people try to act like this series is some disaster/awful of a series and its some blasphemy to mention them (though I have every belief in more cases than not its to do with Pricefield). Now to dive into the True Colors comics
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katyspersonal · 3 months
Sort of continuation of a previous post about SOTE stuff from today gnghvb
1) I really liked it when I've spotted an owl with horns in Abyssal Forest :^)
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Horned animals in Shadows Realm drop the horns explaining how here Crucible is stronger and that's why some animals here grow horns even if that doesn't fit their species!
2) Like I said, I asked @jarognieva 's help to defeat Midra and then accidentally defeated him myself while she just needed like 3 minutes to help me 🤡 So instead, I asked her help to defeat that awful Knight in the purple flowers place that from my knowledge was keeping me from finally meeting Trina! But she kept being summoned by random people (🤡🤡🤡) so I FINALLY helped to solve the problem by recommending a set shared password for summons XD Thank you @fantomette22 for this idea, it is always helpful
3) Jara also shared with me that this knight was weak to Holy! I still needed a rebirth after having to change my built for Midra earlier, so I decided to make it Faith instead of Intelligence! I swear every other DLC boss has me figure out how to cleverly change my character.
So I forgot to screenshot our epic encounter (🤡🤡🤡) gghyhgj And we went straight to get our asses kicked XD She also gave me useful advice on eating turtle necks for stamina (that I legit always forget to do) and to alter my Cracked Tear mix! It helped! Then she asked to not attack until she joins (that was with a delay due to arena specifics)... and that ALSO helped! Then she reminded me to use anti-frost items. And she was RIGHT about Holy damage hitting like a tank!
4) It was really hard though, and I was about to give up and drop it again but she told me to shut up and that we got it gfhghhh Bit by bit, our attemps got better, but eventually...
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YEEEEES THE BITCH DIED!! It was basically the very last moment too!!!!! I was out of EVERYTHING AAAAA
5) Honestly though, as much as I dread this boss and never want to fight him again, these items are cool:
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6) Basically every single advice Jara gives is super useful, girl never underestimate yourself gfhtfhg And separate thanks for encouraging me to not give up xD
7) Like I said, Midra exhausted the culmination for today so I decided to not go meet Trina yet and instead pick remaining items I missed today! I went back to Darklight Catacombs first! Hey remember how I was surprised that it didn't have a Knight of Death, after all? Well,
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It actually DID! There is a nook where you can loot the full set from a corpse!! It is on the second "floor" of this place! Remember that odd ladder you saw and strangely a rooftop down in the pit? That area has a tiny crack in the perils on the side where you go to activate the light! Here is ( x ) just the video how to get this set!
So basically, they are like this because they refused to turn on Godwyn just because he died a little and had a bit of rebranding from Electric Knights to Death Knights 😔 Really bittersweet
8) And the next item I've missed was this torch!
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They are ACTUALLY committing to making a torch for every type of fire here! I bet there will be one for Messmer's fire too!
This torch became accessible after the lever to move the bookshelf was pulled, as now you can jump ON that bookshelf and access the platform above!
9) It is also actually picked from a distinct corpse of Nanaya herself!!
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Someone also placed a note RIGHT on her, so I had to go offline just to take the screenshots 🙄 She has black hair, and suuuuch detailed clothes..
10) Remember the note revealing that Aging Untoucheable CAN, in fact, be touched? It is all to get this item:
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And that was a ROYAL PAIN to get
Okay so like... Basically I am SO bad at Soulsborne games that the journalist who couldn't complete the Cuphead tutorial would probably laugh at me -_- That includes the fact that until this day, I honestly had NO idea how TO parry in Elden Ring! This whole time I assumed that parrying just meant attacking right after blocking! After about five minutes of back and forth screaming at @val-of-the-north over how nothing seemed to work we deduced that the shield itself needed to have 'Parry' as it's skill!
So I've learned about a gameplay mechanic crucial for close combat 2 years later after the game got released (🤡), but that wasn't all. It was very, very, VERY hard to catch the window to deflect that enemy's attack! In like 20 attempts only one was successful, but the critical hit that followed didn't KILL it! I complained to VA about it... and learned that I could actually have attacked it for a few more seconds after critical hit! So........ like other 30 attempts followed (🤡)
I basically had to muscle-memorize every single step and move, but I did it as you can see!! No reason in particular, just completionism, but I actually start to love how this DLC makes me overcome my natural weaknesses as a player! It is designed to not let anyone win with the level alone x)
11) Directly you say? :p
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How many things that plague the Lands Between originally come from here? Formless Mother, those red Kindred of Rot I've seen earlier probably hint that God of Rot comes from here, now this?
Okay I think the next time I'll go meet Trina and explore other paths which Shadow Keep leads to! At least half of the locations is done by now *cries knowing all my friends already beat or almost-beat the whole DLC days ago*
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wrestlersownmyheart · 6 months
"Her Outlaw Hero" (Sons Of Anarchy-Chibs Chapter fic) Chapter 2
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Disclaimer: I own nothing but the Original Characters in this story. I am only using Kurt Sutter's characters from Sons of Anarchy. He created the characters and the show—I am in no way taking any credit for his creations. This story is for entertainment only. Content/Warnings: Violence against both men and women including rape. Summary:
Adelaide Watson is fleeing Tennessee—on the run from her violent past.
When she has a car accident on a lonely road in Charming, California, she has no choice but to walk to town for help. But help comes to her instead. In a very unexpected way.
NOTE: I couldn't bear the ending to Sons Of Anarchy, so this is what I came up with. Jax didn't die. He instead does prison time. And there's a few other tweaks I came up with. Hope this doesn't bother anyone, and hope that this story is enjoyed!
Chapter 2
"This is killin' me inside, brother," Chibs Telford said, his Scottish accent thickening even more with the emotion in his tone. He and Jackson Teller stood outside the chapel of their newly renovated club house. He looked Jax in the eye, and whispered, "Are ya sure this is what ya want, Jackie boy? You can do your prison time and come back, ya know that, right? The club won't be the same without a Teller—without you."
"This is exactly what I want, Chibs," Jax said softly, a bittersweet smile crossing his face. "I want to pay my debt to society. Then I want to come home to my wife and take our boys, and go somewhere nobody knows us. We need a fresh start." He grinned at his comrade, true peace on his face for the first time in ages. "You'll do great as Prez, I know you will. I'm depending on you to keep the club clean, brother," he said, grasping the older man's shoulder. "It's time we changed our ways and did some good for society. At the very least—not do any more bad than we've already done."
"I get it, Jax. I get it," Chibs replied, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "I guess inside, I'm just an 'ol softie. I hate to see ya go. But, I do promise to keep the club legit. We're done with the outlaw life—even though that's all we'll ever be seen as."
Jax nodded, "Yeah, I know. But you'll know the truth—you all will." He patted Chibs on the back hard, and nudged him to through the chapel door. "Now, go get the votes done, Prez," he said, trying to sound light-hearted. "Patterson and her lap dogs will be here soon to cart me off."
Chibs puffed out a sigh as he closed the chapel's doors behind him. He sat in the VP's chair at the reaper table and scooted the chair nearer the table. Giving a nod to the other club members, he finally managed to speak over the lump in his throat.
"Okay, fellas. We're having this meeting because Jax wishes to step down as president—due to his serving prison time. And he also wants to be excommunicated from the club upon his release."
One could have heard a pin drop on the floor.
It was no surprise because Jax had spoken to each member and voiced his wishes, but it was still difficult for the men to imagine not only the Sons of Anarchy being minus Jax Teller, but to imagine the club excommunicating him. Excommunication from the club was the equivalent to the military issuing a soldier a dishonorable discharge.
But that's what they were asked to do, and that's what they planned to do. Difficult as it may be for them. The club life was seldom an easy one.
"We'll vote them both at the same time because we're short on time. All those…All those in favor," Chibs stammered out. He swallowed hard to gain his composure and began again. "All those in favor of Jackson Teller stepping down as President from the Sons of Anarchy, and all those in favor of excommunicating him." He turned his gaze to his left and wordlessly indicated that it was time for Quinn to begin the vote.
"Yea, and yea," Quinn said a dead look in his eyes. Ignoring his emotions was the only way for him to say the words without choking up.
"Yes, and yes," Bobby stated with little hesitation. The older man knew what it meant to Jax to leave the club and start a new life. As much as Jax loved the club, it'd almost cost him his family.
"Y-yea, and yea," Juice stuttered out, and then breathed out a loud sigh.
"Yes, and yes," voted Montez, looking down at the table as he spoke.
Rat glanced around the table and then down at his hands, obviously conflicted. He felt Tig place his hand comfortingly on his shoulder. Glancing up into the older man's vivid blue eyes, he knew what he had to do.
"Yea, and yea," he finally spoke.
Tig nodded in appreciation of the younger man's devotion to their club then turned his gaze on Chibs. "Yea, and yea," he said, after taking a deep breath.
Chibs nodded in solidarity to his fellow club brother and then shifted his dark eyes to Happy.
Happy uttered a soft curse before speaking louder, "Yea, and yea."
Wishing the voting would've taken a little longer, Chibs battled for the strength to do what he knew he had to. Wiping at a tear, and clearing his throat he managed to say softly, "Yes, and yes." He picked up the gavel and then cleared his throat once more, "Jackson Teller steps down as President and will hereby be excommunicated from the Sons Of Anarchy." He tapped the gavel on the table and then slid it over to Jax's empty place—the seat that would very soon be his.
But he couldn't be happy about it.
Jax stood at the MC's bar before his family and friends with a beer in his hand. Tara stood at his side with Thomas in her arms and Abel standing beside her.
"I wish it hadn't come to this," Tara whispered, jostling Thomas on her hip. "I hate you have to do more time just to ensure we get to leave Charming."
"I hate it too, babe, but nothing's for free," Jax replied, ruffling Abel's blond hair as he spoke. "Besides, I'd be kidding myself if I thought I was gonna get out of this with no prison time. If I'm lucky, I'll get out in seven years on good behavior. After that, we can get out of here and go anywhere you want to go."
Tara looked sad for a moment and seemed to have trouble with her words.
"What is it? You can tell me," Jax prodded her with a soft kiss to her mouth.
She smiled softly up at him, "I've just been thinking… Gemma and I had a long talk yesterday. We started out kind of heated—like we usually do," she chuckled slightly, "But I think we really got through to each other. She agrees that she's been way too possessive of the boys, and I realize that I was wrong to keep her from seeing them as much."
"So…" Jax said slowly, "What exactly does this mean?"
Tara smiled happily, "We are working on our differences. And I think… While you're in prison, I think I want to stay in Charming."
Jax grinned happily, "Really? That's what you want?"
She laughed, "Yes. Charming is our home. I used to have trouble accepting that, but it is. You have the club on the right track, and Chibs will keep it that way. The club is our family too. And I've been selfish to try and keep you from it. The guys have always been good to all of us. I can't make you turn your back on them and leave them behind."
Jax chuckled and slung his arm around her shoulders, "Well, they already held a vote—I'm stepping down as President, and I'll be excommunicated upon my prison release."
"Oh, no," Tara exclaimed, "I'm so sorry! I should've-"
"Don't sweat it, babe," Jax told her. "I was ready to leave the club, and the excommunication was my idea. These guys will always be my family. I can still hang with them."
"Are you sure that's okay with you?"
"It's totally okay," Jax promised her. "This is our happy ending, Tara. Let's be thankful because this all could've ended so much worse."
"I know," Tara agreed, touching her forehead to Jax's. "I hate that you are going to prison, but I'm just so glad the worst part is over."
"Me too," Jax agreed. "Now, I'd better make my parting speech. Patterson will be here soon."
Giving him an encouraging smile, Tara moved herself and the boys aside so Jax could speak to their large group of family and friends.
"Well, everyone," he started, "I just want to start by saying, I love you all. You've all been there for me, in one way or another, and I can't thank you enough." He paused then, and swallowed hard. "You guys are as much my family as my mother, wife and sons. I wanted to make the Sons Of Anarchy legitimate, and fulfill my father's legacy, and with these men's help," he gestured to the rest of the club members, "Well, I think we've achieved that. And I couldn't be happier. I just wish I could be here for the next seven years instead of prison so I could enjoy it. Which reminds me, my wife just made me even happier when she informed me that she'll be staying here with my sons and we'll continue to live here instead of moving off somewhere."
The large crowd roared and hooted their approval. Jax laughed and let them carry on for a moment before he raised his hand and indicated he had more to say.
"Also, I'm stepping down as President of the Sons of Anarchy, and I will be excommunicated upon my return—by my own wishes," he clarified when he heard several gasps. "This is what's easiest for the club, and what's best for the club."
"Actually, Jackie boy, we took another vote a little while ago."
Jax turned toward Chibs' voice, and found the Scotsman to be wearing the grin of a Cheshire cat.
"As the new president, I proposed we vote to veto the last vote—the one that excommunicates you, brother. We can't have that. The vote passed. When you get out of prison, you are welcome to have a vote, and a seat at the reaper table if you want it, or you're free to leave the club without being excommunicated. Either way, you're family. We can't punish you—not when you've done so much good for this club."
Jax was clearly moved as he walked over to Chibs and grabbed him in a rough bear hug.
"Thank you, brother," he whispered in his ear. He pecked him on the cheek and then proceeded to hug the rest of his brothers. "I can't thank you guys enough. I couldn't ask for better brothers."
"Likewise," Tig said, returning his hug.
The sound of a car pulling up outside shifted the light-hearted atmosphere into a sadder one.
"That's my ride," Jax quipped with a chuckle. Immediately, Tara and Gemma shot forward to have a last hug and kiss from the man they both loved.
"I love you," Tara said, kissing him softly on the mouth. "And I'll be here when you get back."
"I know, darlin'," he smiled. "I know you will. And I love you too."
"You be careful," Gemma said, reaching out to hug him, "I love you, baby."
"Love you too, Mom," Jax returned, kissing her cheek. "You two get along and take care of my boys."
"We will," Gemma said, "You just worry about you. Everything will be fine here."
Tara nodded her agreement and kissed him one last time before he knelt down to Abel to say goodbye.
"You take care of your brother and Mommy while Daddy's gone, okay, big guy?"
Abel nodded and smiled up at his dad, "I love you, Daddy."
"I love you too, son," he replied. Then he held Thomas for a moment as D.A. Tyne Patterson walked in with an officer to make Jax's arrest official.
Within minutes, Jax was cuffed, read his rights and unceremoniously escorted out the doors of the club's front door.
His family and friends watched in heartbroken silence as he was driven away, and Tara began her long wait for a new beginning with her husband.
If you want on my tag list just let me know! 🙂
Tagging: @mrsfilipchibstelford
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Just had a fun idea 💡- if someone else were adapting the Roycegaryens from book to screen, what sort of changes do you think might be made to their characters?
Okay, but this is such a fun thought experiment! And after finally emerging from my Crusader King's 3 hole (made a new dynasty twice, hoping this second attempt goes well & that I can successfully create a dynasty of hot witches) I am ready to tackle it!
Just gonna get the "bad faith" points out of the way first. If it were HOTD's show runners & writing team, they'd be dumbed down & we would wind up skipping most, if not all, of Aemon's Bisexual Boy Winter arc at White Harbor (pay no attention to the fact he's there during the summer. If I'm calling Ella's time in Essos "hot girl summer" even though she's there during the winter, then I'm gonna call Aemon's time with the Manderlys something equally as thematic but incorrect). We'd probably also have to suffer through fully blonde!Yorick just to make the wig easier, & maybe even blonde!Aemon going off of the fact they changed Rhaenys's hair from black to silver. Anyway, having gotten the bad faith, HOTD critical stuff out of the way, let's move onto some actual thought experimenting, lol
I think Yorick's childhood crush on Alicent would probably be cut or transferred onto to Shireen, just to tidy some stuff up & get rid of things that aren't really plot points or something to serve the narrative. Yorick's childhood crush doesn't really serve much since it fizzles out after he's betrothed to Shireen. I also think they'd probably make the Yorick/Rhaenyra/Shireen thing messier--not necessarily have there have been a thing with Yorick & Rhaenyra (although that probably wouldn't be off the table given they turned Nyra & Alicent into a situationship lol), but just probably misinterpret why she's weird about him (either through not getting it, or to make it easier for audiences to grasp). His angst would probably also get dialed up, or they'd get rid of him being willing to cry to make him manlier or something, because "men with short tempers aren't getting emotional & crying" or something.
The girlbossification of Rhaella Royce would be so real. A lot of her rougher edges & the times I let her be wrong would get sanded away to make her a bland, palatable, Girl Power fantasy. She'd get the adult!Rhaenyra, post-popularity-boom/fanon!Daenerys treatment, really bad. Because on paper she's got the perfect traits for that: has a dragon, has several hobbies that aren't seen as traditionally feminine, she more-or-less gets to do what she wants & doesn't see super extreme (or sometimes any due to circumstances) consequences, she can kind of steamroll her way into getting what she wants a good chunk of the time while still being likable because she's gregarious & charismatic, I legit had a comment on my fic calling her a feminist once. Like...she'd just really easily be able to be a Sexy Girlboss We Try To Have Cater To Everyone treatment. I don't like it, but unfortunately it's much easier for me to see how her character would be botched in an adaption than it would be to see objective/neutral/perhaps even positive changes.
In terms of Aemon...I'm not super sure. There's been so little of him so far & he's still unfolding to me in a way. Like, I know where I'm going with him & I know his personality & his deal, but I haven't had as much chances to play around in his head as I have his older siblings, y'know? In general, I think there'd be a very real chance his first relationship would either be cut altogether, or just glossed over to make sure we know it happened (kind of like how we didn't find out Laenor was gay until the episode he got married in 😅)--although I think cutting Medraemon would do a disservice to his healing arc. Guess it would just depend on how the adapter(s) would feel about having the two canon, very real, very equally good for him, relationships when moving Aemon from page to screen. He'd also either have his edges sanded away like Ella, or he'd have them made even worse like Ser Criston Cole (again, it depends on the person adapting him for a show feels about him), either way His Deal™️ would probably get simplified for ease of understanding like the Yorick/Rhaenyra/Shireen thing.
All of this said, I'm not really someone who understands adaption super well so I'm pulling a lot out of my ass. I am beyond open to how anyone else things my Roycegaryens would get adapted into a televised version of SOTF, because it really is an interesting thought experiment & there's probably someone else who'd have ideas on what would happen there as well.
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adambja · 10 months
Did your aff free tape still work even if there is negativity around me and due to that negativity I overthink sometimes. sometimes when i listen to your tape all those bad things and experiences came in my mind automatically , even though i don't want them but I get lost in it and after some time i suddenly remember that I'm listening your tape . I know , I am involved in something that is illusion and fake ... Due to this fakeness I sometimes imagine things that would feed up my ego for example - if someone says I'm not good in studies and insults me or tries to make fun of me then I think i should manifest that I'm master in that subjects and show it off in front of them or sometimes want to give them the taste of their own medicine.......but my dream life is completely different 😭😭😭 , I catch myself with all those nonsense thoughts so many times. A few days ago all things were well but now again suddenly all bad things increase around me and it's effecting me to be very honest and i also know i should not get effective to them , i feel like I'm being watched ( but i know no one is watching me ) / I have no privacy , like these bad people gonna interfere in my life and judge me ,make fun of me and I could not do anything ......... So did these negative thoughts enter my subconscious and manifest as you tell that ( your aff tapes )it works directly with our subconscious mind................ And Here I think / feel all this bullshit some times in the day ( but i affirm as in my way hand to hand) and as I told you before it pops up before my eyes and tries to influence me while listening to your aff tape or trying to relax.....
I know it's long but it's okk if you don't answer but please mad for this confusion / negative question .
Please take a good rest.... Waiting for new tapes ... If you don't mind can you tell when you're gonna release them...
First of all your question is legit!! Even if it's negative sometimes we have to go there so we can know where did we go wrong!!
I love it
And I know it's long but everyone has to read it
That negativity is because of your assumptions the tape makes it very visible to you so you can change your assumptions and just move on with your life and change it!!
Also the whole other things are self-concept issues so wait for the free general self-concept tape it will help you a lot!!
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thekrows-nest · 5 months
Ok. I had been thinking that Krow might be living in an abandoned building on brownfield land. (Brownfield is land that is abandoned or underutilized due to pollution from industrial use.)
Other thoughts were a protected heritage house that’s been left to crumble so the land can legally be reclaimed, or land that’s left unoccupied in legal limbo. Like the government acquired it for a project that was abandoned.
A brownfield area makes sense though. It’s a bit further out in a previously industrial area hence the scooter, it’s not being built on or getting a lot of traffic coming through so there’s nobody coming by to check the situation or snitch.
All of the home renovation could have been to repair a neglected building but it could have also been to convert an ex-industrial building or something not intended for the purpose into a more comfortable dwelling.
And since Krow probably doesn’t have the money to buy a house and probably wouldn’t be allowed to do extensive alterations as a renter, I think he might be squatting. With luck he manages to stay long enough for squatters rights.
I am a bit worried about the food garden and tainted soil but Krow is a smart birdie and will have checked. Possibly even settled somewhere with low levels according to what he found online or for a low fee used an abandoned but legit address to send for actual soil sample results. 
Maybe Krow uses drums of topsoil, or grows sunflowers and discards them just to be sure.
Maybe he still plants sunflowers even now he’s sure the soil is ok so the birds will come eat the seeds.
Stop getting into my head and coming up with better ideas than me. /silly /j
This is basically close to what I had originally conceptualized for Krow's house, so I will go ahead and confirm a few things. Buuuuut I may have to shift things around and borrow from you Krowspiracy because once again. You give me extremely good shit to think on.
I'll hide my stuff under a read more in case folks want to keep the mystery going a bit more. But yeah. SPOILERS about Krow's living situation under the cut!!
What I'll say is that down below is mostly what I FIRST conceptualized for Krow. I do not know how much I'll keep, and how much I'll shift and change. But I still wanna explain some things.
You are totally correct in that he is squatting.
When Krow first came to Columbidae City, he really had no money or documents to his name, so he legally really couldn't rent any sort of house, apartment or the like, let alone ya know... BUY a proper piece of property.
He basically moved from spot to spot in the city for a year or two, learning very quickly the ins and outs of the city, the face it shows and its dark underbelly. And Columbidae City has a very dark underbelly.
I gotta do some explanation before I totally get into the deets of Krow's living situation for it to make total sense. It's been hinted at in previous posts, but Columbidae City does have something of a crime problem, specifically related to gangs and mobs. It has gotten better, but in it's past it was much, MUCH worse.
From the 50s to about the 70s, the city was ruled in all but name by certain criminal groups, each having their own turf and stuff. This included various houses and buildings that they all owned and used as fronts. One such group had houses in a nicer neighborhood and ran bed and breakfast fronts.
When the city officials finally got their shit together, and after years, even decades of planning and gathering intel, had a major crack down and seized control of the city back from these criminal groups. That included busting down these various fronts.
The neighborhood that this one mob had and ran their bed and breakfast fronts has been basically abandoned since, the city leaving the once large and opulent houses to squander and rot, and no investment group truly has the balls to go in and do anything with the place. Very, very terrible things happened in secret in those houses.
Krow... Krow is basically squatting in what was once one of these houses.
It was once a very nice place, and one can see the remnants of its past glory still in the Italian inspired architecture, the left over furniture and stuff.
Krow, being a clever birdie, also discovered the house's secrets. Specifically, secret rooms. These are where Krow truly lives. One of these rooms is also where he would keep Dove if he were to decide to kidnap them (and partially why Dove would have a VERY difficult time to get out, if you don't know the means of getting in or out of these rooms, you're... not going to). He keeps the rest of the house looking mostly abandoned, but has made necessary repairs and modifications so that he can still effectively live in it (and it won't collapse on him).
He would keep rain water barrels and the like and grow foods and stuff in planters and such, likely in the back out of immediate sight from the front of the house or from the road.
This neighborhood is also basically a bit of a ways from the city proper, and the buses do not go here (for it was once a ritzy fancy neighborhood, and we know how the rich feel about public transport like buses), but even once the neighborhood became abandoned and got the stigma it did, REALLY no public transport goes there. The place is essentially a modern ghost story town, err, neighborhood.
I very much like the idea of perhaps other companies using it as a dumping ground for waste, which could make it even MORE undesirable to try to work with what is there and do anything, and even for the homeless to squat.
The idea of Krow having planted sunflowers to help with the soil is so good too.
Going with the idea that he is generally 25, I would say he has been living in that house for 5-6 years, so he is actually getting close to being able to claim the house and property as his own legally (I believe I read in places in the US it is about 7 years?)
But yeah. This is why he never tells Dove where he lives, why he's hesitant to, and also a bit why they could be kind of screwed if they do wind up kidnapped.
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prototypelq · 8 months
GRABS YOU OHHH MY GOD I WASN'T HALLUCINATING YOU'RE A HORIZON FAN OUGH on all fours barking howling I love the series SO Much I'm unwell and have a shrine to Aloy.
I hope it's okay to ask you- who's your fav HZD/HFW character??
Oh WAS I mutual my dear
quick sidenote: sorry for disappearing a bit, I will shortly return to messages and fic commentary, january's been busy xD
HZD was pretty much my 'first big gamer pants' game, it was the first game I played on my ps4 and I sunk hundreds of hours into it, big thanks to photomode for that too! (some self-marketing, I have en entire #hzd photomode and #hfw photmode tags for that)
I remember first seeing an announcement trailer of it and then being really bummed out they changed the aim hexagon from that gameplay showcase to industry-standard circle xD.
So, uh, yeah I am a big Horizon fangirl, though let's just say the HFW story twists had me...somewhat loose interest in this series, it feels too much 'marvelised' to me now. Still, the games are great and I have no choice but to follow where it all will go next.
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Tomato Captain Husbando is my absolute fave. I lost all sense and went rabid when the HFW trailers with him present dropped, it was insane.
Normally I am neutral towards character shipping, like I don't care much for it. Then someone like Erend drops along and oh boy. I legit missed him when playing FW because it felt cold, and very far from base game and just damn, I missed him a lot. Fictional man obsession imprinted on him I swear
Varl is also great, his random bush jumpscare at the start of HFW was hilarious! I cannot make up my mind if I wanna burn him with a flamethrower if I see that beard again or if it's not too bad on him... The moment where he, Erend and Aloy all went on a mission together was comedy gold I would never ever forget, it was adorable.
Kotallo is great, no questions asked. I love seeing disabled characters being badass, and he had a great arc coming to terms with that disability, very good food. (member of a One Armed Nero Supremacy Gang)
I also love Horizon for giving us lots of cool side-characters and stories to explore! There was a sidequest with a captured Nora woman, who had avenged her offenders and then had to make due with surviving as a 'cursed' Nora, really liked that one. The young tenakth get injured by acid spitting machine sidequest was awesome, the musical banuk who played pipes in frozen dam like drums is my fave FW spot, the Lowland Tenakth grandma she is just the best...
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Yeah I love this series a normal amount)
Bonus, fav machines: Behemoths, Broadhorns, Dreadwings (their battle theme is sooooo goooooood)
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bridgyrose · 8 months
Hold up, Salem has a child? Is it Ruby? Is Tyrian the father?
(Not an actual, legit child. In this AU, those with silver eyes are her children because she's the reason they're around due to magic bullshit. So no, Tyrian is not the father)
Tyrian dropped Ruby in front of Salem, grinning as he bowed. “A gift for my goddess.” 
Salem stood up and looked over the girl in front of her, watching her struggle against the ropes that bound her. She used a foot to lift the girl’s chin, frowning when she saw her silver eyes. “Thank you, Tyrian. You did well.” 
“All for you, my goddess.” 
“Now leave.” 
Tyrian gave a bow, looking down at Ruby with a sinister grin. “Yes, my goddess.” 
Salem waited for Tyrian to leave before taking the gag out of Ruby’s mouth. She ran a finger across Ruby’s cheek, staking at her silver eyes. “You look just like her.” 
“Let me go!” Ruby said angrily, still struggling against the ropes. “My dad will come after me-” 
“No one will come after you here.” Salem pulled away from Ruby and walked around her, looking over the girl. A frown crossed her lips when she saw how her clothes had been torn, no doubt by Tyrian before he could drag her here. “Though, I am surprised he was able to find another one of my children. I thought your mother was the last of them.” 
“You… you know my mom?” Ruby asked quietly, no longer struggling against the ropes. “Where is she?” 
Salem didnt answer, leaning over and cutting the ropes that held Ruby. Once the last of the ropes fell from around Ruby, she used a glyph to summon a few grimm hands to hold her down. “She told me she was the last of my children, that there werent any others left. And yet, here you are, still out there.” 
Ruby whimpered as she felt the hands pulled her down. “What… what are you going to do to me?” 
Salem stopped and looked down at Ruby, letting her go as the glyph and hands disappeared. “I’m not going to do anything to you. I’m going to help you.” 
“H-help me?” 
Salem offered a hand to Ruby. “I’m going to teach you the truth about your world, and your place in it. You will have a place here by my side, and I will give you a world where you’ll have your mother with you again.” 
Ruby took Salem’s hand, standing up. “Give me a place?” 
“You are one of my children, someone that will only ever be used as a tool. But I can help you be a harbinger to our new world. All I ask is for you to trust me.” 
Ruby looked away, hand still in Salem’s as she spoke. “I trust you.” 
Salem let go of Ruby’s hand with a smile and started to walk off. “Then your training starts today.” 
“Training?” “In order to make sure we can bring in this new world, you’ll need to train to hold your own.” Salem motioned for Ruby to follow her as she walked down the hall of the castle. “And part of that training will be learning about the truth of this world. The history of our world that was erased by Ozma, the movement that happens in the shadows, the war that you would become a weapon in. Things that will change how you see the world around you.” 
“I… I dont understand.” 
“For starters, magic is real.” Salem raised her hand and created four balls of purple magic, letting them circle around in the air in front of her. The orbs slowly turned into a few images of her daughters, laughter echoing around in the hallway. She closed her eyes and closed her hand, the orbs disappearing and the laughter stopping. “The grimm arent as mindless as everyone likes to think they are, and the gods are real.” 
Ruby stopped as she listened, her eyes still focused where the balls of magic had been. “Those were all supposed to be fairytales…” 
“All fairytales have a grain of truth to them. And the ones you know are a record of things past.” Salem turned around to watch Ruby, motioning for her to follow once more. “And I can show you all of it.”
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shrivelfigstudies · 2 months
i am doing much better.
situations haven't changed. but i was able to talk about them to the person i felt i needed to, and i'm handling it better.
but shit, dudes. life is so scary rn. read under the cut if you're curious.
so, when my mom was pregnant with me she had uterine cancer (a cancer i later inherited). after i was born, she got a complete hysterectomy. her doctors now think, 24 years after that surgery, that her cancer is back, but maybe in her stomach this time. so she had some imaging done, a biopsy, and we're awaiting results.
this is scary for multiple reasons. not only is it scary because of my mother's health (she's 65), and mental health, but also - i live with my parents. my father is disabled, and my mother is the bread winner. i am a full-time student, and i would have a part time job, but i live in a remote village and there are no jobs that will either hire me, or that i qualify for (that are part time, anyway). so, my mom truly is the breadwinner. she also takes care of about 1/3 of my 33 year old brother's family bills (he has 3 special needs children).
so not only am i scared because of my mom's health and what that would entail for HER, i'm scared about what that could entail for the whole family. there are so many domino effects that are likely to occur if she does have cancer, and i can only predict some of them. they're all scary though. the knowns, and unknowns.
secondly: my dad is disabled, as i stated. he's getting around more physically than he was when i was a teenager (just due to his own stubbornness, and one slightly successful surgery), but mentally he is declining more and more by the month. he has severe traumatic brain injury, has really bad PTSD, and also is autistic (with severe communication challenges). my mom allows me to live at home, because i'm who takes care of my dad and makes sure he eats, drinks, showers, and doesn't run away. i've had to help bathe him at times when i was younger.
i'm going through it with him, because for most of last week, things with him were so bad that we almost had to send him to the psych hospital for a few days (something we've had to do a few times in the past). it was so bad this time though, and he had to go to the ER where he had hurt himself, that his psych and therapist said if he continues declining like this over the next month or so, we have to look at putting him in a care facility full-time.
that would be best for him for his physical needs, yes - i know that full well. however, he's already had su!c!de attempts being home (mainly when i was a kid and a teenager). he already complains about not having freedom (we have one vehicle that mom uses, and he has no friends here + he is physically unable to hike or camp anymore like he wants to), and i'm really worried about what would happen if he was sent to a facility where he would have even less freedoms... plus, he would be even more alone. i'm his best friend. we don't have a father/child relationship - to summarize, my parents were separated when i was growing up and he worked in a town 4 hours away, so he only came home 2-3 times a month to see me and my brother, and he never lived with me fulltime until i was 15 - but rather just a friendship.
then, my partner has had a really bad couple of weeks since he started therapy, and ofc due to therapy itself AND his emdr, he's just been Going Through It. so i've been really worried about him, and there isn't anything i can do to help him.
there isn't anything i can do to help, lessen, or remove *anything* going on in my life right now. at all. everything is happening, or probably about to happen, and i just have to be okay with it.
PLUS friends of mine that i've had for legit 6+ years are ghosting me out of nowhere (not removing me from socials, but just blatantly ignoring me) and i don't know why??? and like, part of me thinks i deserve it bc i've cut quite a few (toxic) ppl out of my life this year, so maybe i'm toxic to these ppl too and they're doing whats best for them??? but they've *never* had *any* conversation with me regarding behaviors they found problematic with me, so i just... idk. but yeah, i have a much smaller support group than i thought i had. and the only person i felt 100% comfortable talking to abt any of this was, sadly, my partner - and i had to wait a good 2 weeks before he was even in a position where i felt he could even somewhat handle what i was throwing at him. (he handled it well, didn't take it as his own, but helped me calm down a bit.)
but yeah. shits just... shit. also i have to put my dog down at the end of summer/before winter, as she's almost 13 and is barely mobile and her kidney disease is reaching its last stages... so. i've had her for literally half my life. which is *wild*. so there's grief in that as well.
but yeah.
anyway. :)
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cemetery-irises · 4 months
i am going insane. woe my hyperfixation amalgamation be upon ye now and forever (yes. pokemon team posts part 1)
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now. ive explained norton before but i wanna revise it and sound more legit/put together than i did when i flung this at mach speeds to my friend gold BUT
first off. the toxtricity. as i've said sooo many times norton's born and raised in spikemuth, and he takes pride in it. despite the rundown/dilipadated appearance, the locals are still upbeat and lively, and piers keeps it all kicking. norton has a lot of respect for piers as well-- despite how he's a gym leader, he's in the same situation as the rest of spikemuth, and he's super fair about everything he does. i think while norton was younger he'd help out in the ways he fan. maybe he babysat marnie from time to time! but basically, he holds a lot of pride in his hometown and he has an equal amount of respect for piers despite being older than him (i see piers as about 25 to nortons 28), and he likes showing off what he takes pride in! toxtricities appear to charge attacks by strumming the chords on their chest, resembling the motion one would make playing a guitar :] i decided on the high-amp form since norton is fairly competitive during the battles themself (though he recovers from losses with a lot of grace. its pretty much a hobby to him so he doesnt get too worked up) and also, toxtricity tend to be somewhat arrogant as norton can be :]
ok. okay so. meowth/perrserker. i know the fandom didnt recieve this line very well (i wasnt too fond of it either) but. listen okay. meowth are generally known for collecting coins. the galarian meowth are specifically tougher due to being seafaring companions, and kantonian meowth dont get along with thwm. alolan meowths, who are used to luxurious lifestyles, also don't get along with their galarian counterparts, despite being the same species with little differences. perrserkers also enjoy battles and are competitive :]
corviknight is. kind of a stretch but bear with me. i gave him a rookidee originally for the sake of the new fool's gold accessory for this season, the broken cage, since rookidees have yellow feathers similar to canaries. also as an offhand reference to leave the mines. the corviknight itself symbolizes wanting a change of pace/scenery/environment for similar reasons, since in galar, corviknights are a means of transportation (one of the only ones other than trains or bikes if you dont want to walk) and they can go wherever its desired to.
barboach are cavefish that are local to the galar mines! overall the line just felt fitting </3 ive not much to say on it
the wimpod...... the wimpod is so very dear to me. little bug that scurries around his feet. they're cowardly and also native to galar mines, and i imagine he shooed away some other pokemon that were harrassing it (stunfisk perhaps) and afterwards the wimpod kind of just. followed him around the rest of the day so he caught it. he hypes it up so much and is very encouraging towards it, and it becomes his ace pokemon once it evolved to a golisopod :3
as for the boldore, he's had it since he was a kid. as a roggenrola, it was one of the only things his dad had gotten norton before his death, and norton bonded with it quite easily. despite not wanting to be a rock type specialist like the other workers, he's very attached to it!! overall, he cares a lot about his pokemon and you can really tell how much he loves them and how proud of them he is. he's one of the (arguably) few people who fully realizes how important pokemon are, and how much they've helped shape society since he'd never been someone to take anything for granted.
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orpheus deross..... thw only person who could rival bede's bastardness.......
honestly, i wasn't sure what to do with him. i just knew he should be a dragon type trainer because it'd be funny for frederick's fairy type ass to mop the floor wjth him immediately. however! there is reasoning for some of them. actually really just the appletun. norton gives him an applin and he decided to keep it with him + evolve it. also, i think noivern's personality is somewhat like norton's so it'd be funny if orpheus told norton he reminded him of his pokemon once or twice
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Also another thought i have is that ill probably forever just think of Sebastian as my gay/asexual bff and no one can change my mind about it
I feel like I'm conflicted because I understand and can see his appeal, though I personally relate to the idea that it would be more likely for me to be his bff than necessarily coupled with him. I feel like we just have too much of the same disaster gay reckless energy [+ feelings???? what are those?????] to ever see each other that way.
That being said. I gotta give credit where it's due, some of his CGs POP TF OFF--like god DAMN he might not be mine but I am looking respectfully. Wish I had a fraction of his drip fr
Imma put a screenie of his latest Bday Story CG under the cut because it was legit gorgeous, just in case anybody wants to see it:
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soxcietyy · 2 years
A new Beginning
Yuta Okkotsu
"Your kidding right?" Yuta sighs heavily as he paced around his living room. His steps echoing in the empty room. He was currently on the line with Gojo, One of the biggest Yakuza bosses in Japan. Well he is considered one of the big three. Nobody really had a say on who was actually number one. It was always hard for people to define who was the most powerful. "Now why would I be kidding?" Gojo laughs. Gripping onto the handset of the phone he pulled the cord with him. Listening to his non stop ranting. Until he stopped at a mirror near where the phone sat. He grabbed his cup of whiskey and looked deeply into his face. Taking in the fact that his eyebags looked no better than yesterday. His sickly pale skin didn't seem to want to help him look better either. Taking down his almost finished drink he set the empty glass down firmly and wipes his lips. "You realize I no longer take orders for you right Gojo? I left the clan long ago. I don't want to partake in that type business anymore." Yuta said looking down at his right arm that was missing it's pinky finger.
It was a Yakuzas tradition of cutting their pinky finger when they decided to leave. They had other traditions that Yuta wasn't quite fond of. For example covering yourself in tattoos. Yuta thought of the body being purse and that it shouldn't have any type of markings. Unfortunately he had gotten himself a tattoo when he was young. Due to him being part of the Gojo clan.
"Don't tell me I cut my finger off for nothing." Yuta said.
"Of course not! You where one of my most trustworthy subordinate. You where like a example to the rest on how someone respectful does things. Now speaking of you being one of my close subordinate your also family."
"Distant cousin" Yuta says as he leaned against the wall. Yuta did not in fact join the Yakuza because he wanted to, but was placed into it due to being related to Gojo. If it was up to him back then he would on never joined. All of this did nothing but change him. He wasn't sure if he could consider it in a good or bad way. Back then he was a weak sheepish person. He would always be the one they picked on. The laughing stock out of the bunch. Until...
"Your legit one of my only family members and I have to look out for you. Look Yuta please do me one favor. Go to the states, make a group of your own, and make sure you stay safe." Gojo interrupts Yutas train of thought. It takes a few seconds before he could continue. "They found out about how we're related and their going after you now. I know you retired and I'm sorry I wasn't able to keep you out of this mess. But you don't have time and I do not have the capability on keeping you safe from Sakuna and Geto. Theres only so much I can do with my power. I'm sending Inumaki and Maki with you."
"Gojo Im not leaving Japan, I am fully capable of taking care of myself." Yuta raised his voice agitated. He hated how he was being treated so weakly.  Suddenly a loud chiming sound came from the grandfather clock. Showing that it was now 12 am. Yuta turned his attention to how the clocked moved. Something felt off, it felt like something bad was about to happen and he knew Gojo could feel it too. Seeing how they both fell silent around the same time. It didn't even take a minute until the windows around Yuta began to shatter. Bullets came flying in as they where shot in. Yuta threw himself onto the ground. "Shit they must of somehow connected to the line. Yuta head to the states now!" Gojo yelled over the phone before before hanging up. Yuta leaned onto the wall grabbing his left side of his stomach. He had been shot and was now bleeding all over his white button down. He knew he couldn't go out this way so he proceeded to army crawling out of the room. That was the last time he was ever seen in Japan.
5 years later
New York City, 1965
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Yea I had the audacity to start a new au even though I haven’t finished my current one.
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Steph's Crew - Bonus Scene (Friendship Day)
I've been trying to clear out the storage on my laptop, and I found some really precious scenes that I forgot to include in the dialogue series! Reading them again after not seeing them in a while really made me smile. Thought I'd share one with you real quick.
This scene is a bit of a flashback. Takes place at the start of Year 7 (so the characters are about 11-12 years old). It is a Brelise scene (you know how much I love this dynamic lol), and it's essentially their friendship origin story. A lot of people I've shared this story with had expressed confusion as to how these two became as close as they did, especially considering how different they are. So I thought I'd give them a nice wholesome starting point.
Something I should make clear to you is that they've known each other for a really long time before this point (they went to the same primary school), but this is the point where they become actual friends (since you can be in a person's life for a while, but not really know them or have a close bond with them).
(Today is Friendship Day. It is a big annual trip that the school does in late September, where all the new students in Year 7 and Year 12 get taken out for the day in order to build relationships and learn new skills. Everyone always has fun on this day, and it is a great way to get used to being in a new school and making new friends, like the name of the trip suggests. About halfway through the Year 7 final group activity, Elise notices Bret sitting outside by himself, facing away from the window. She leaves the room and goes out to go check on him)
Elise: Bretton Christopher Carter.
Bret: (looks up from his phone) Oh. Hey, El.
Elise: What on earth are you doing? Why are you using a cut-down tree log as a bench instead of having fun with everyone else?
Bret: Because I want to.
Elise: (sits down beside him) Why?
Bret: Because I feel like a failure.
Elise: Ok… why's that?
Bret: Today's Friendship Day. The whole point of today was to make friends, and barely anyone has wanted to work with me since we got here!
Elise: Maybe they would if you took things seriously for once...
Bret: I AM being serious! It's not my fault that everyone else thinks I'm not, is it?
Elise: Well, I mean… you do have a reputation. Mostly due to actual legit facts. And I get that changing people's minds about you can be hard, but something you need to understand about life is that people are going to judge you based on your past actions, whether wrong or right.
Bret: I know...
Elise: But hey, look on the bright side. You still have a bit of time to turn things around. You can still make a friend, the day's not over yet!
Bret: May as well be. Nothing's happened so far, so it probably never will happen.
Elise: (rolls her eyes) Certainly not with that attitude, it won't.
Bret: What's that supposed to mean?
Elise: No-nothing!
(Bret glances at Elise, clearly not convinced)
Elise: It's just that it won't kill you to lighten up. Having a positive attitude works wonders, believe me.
Bret: It's hard to be positive when positive things aren't happening to you.
Elise: Oh, I know, I know.
Bret: Making friends was so much easier in primary school. You didn't need to get to know one another, you could just throw a ball at a kid, and then sooner or later, the whole class is out playing catch together.
(Elise chuckles at this)
Bret: There wasn't any need for formalities or nothing. Back then, we just had fun and just... acted like yourself. That's it.
Elise: Those rules still apply now.
Bret: No, they don't. Everything's different now.
Elise: But does it have to be?
(There's a slight pause between them as they think about this)
Elise: (nudges Bret's arm) Come on, B. Up you get.
Bret: What?
Elise: (stands up, pulls Bret by the arm) We're going back inside.
Bret: (stands up) Why?
Elise: To have as much fun as we can before the end of the day. And then, later on, I'm walking you home.
Bret: …Why, though?
Elise: 'Cause that's what friends do.
Bret: (smiles) Really?
Elise: (smiles back) Yeah. I think. (pauses) I don't know, I've never done this before.
And then, six years later, they fell in love haha.
But yeah, that's basically it. It's sweet! They're both so awkward lol.
The actual chapters/book I've been working on reveals that the walking home together after school ended up being a routine with these two (The introduction to these two characters is them driving to the park to meet up with the others lol. They're singing and rapping along to "Empire State of Mind," I think. Not a big fan of it nowadays, but back in the early 2010s, that song was my jam). They'd go home together almost every day, and they'd discover new places in the town because of this (like their favourite record shop, for example). Once Elise got her own car, they'd drive home after school instead of walk.
Btw, the concept of "Friendship Day" was actually a real thing in my secondary school. Anyone else have an experience like that? Or is it just me?
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ivyblooms · 10 months
Hiiii this might be weird lol but I saw your addition to the post discussing the correlation between the gay trans men phenomenon to misogyny and you brought up the topic of rising trans slash in fanfics - as someone whose been in fandoms for like 10+ years you’re sooo right!! Even though I do read all sorts of fanfic (gay, lesbian, platonic) I’d say I’ve always had a more critical approach in fandom stuff (plus getting more into radfem theory about 3 years ago) and from the get go I always saw the ~majority~ of male slash fanfic created by women as an expression of romance/smut through a non-misogynistic lens; “men get to be people while women are women yadda yadda”. A perception I’ve always had at the back of my mind, so it always confused me when in the past 5ish years suddenly women who had consumed so much gay fanficton were proclaiming they must actually be gay men
You mentioned the rise in trans slash media and honestly I thought I was going crazy lol. There has definitely been a huge shift, where suddenly the components that made the work gay could just be altered and it’s supposedly still the same. Apologies if this seems vulgar but the switch to now male characters actually being trans, feminization in sexual/non sexual manners, and sometimes just having a “boyp*ssy” at minimum has been really fucking weird, and in some fandom spaces I’m in the change seems to have skyrocketed in the past ~6 months
Honestly sorry for the random ramble and feel free to disregard but I would love to know if you have anymore to say on this topic. I think I’ve only encountered one light discussion overlapping fanfiction / feminist theory, so it’s always interesting when I see the topic brought up!
No worries sis, it's not weird.
I am there with you. I'd been noticing the trend but when I wanted to have a quick look at Captain Marvel femslash I was like 3 pages of results in and still hadn't seen one that didn't include 'girlpenis' or equivalent. I was legit annoyed, the last thing anyone wants when looking for fxf is the word penis getting involved.
I don't want to discount homophobic fetishisation of course. As a lesbian I never really believed that was real until I finally saw some hetero fandom friends genuinely being sexually attracted to males cast in live action versions of a cartoon and I was like .. wait a second u guys were serious?? So yeah thats real, but I highly doubt it's the main reason. Especially when so many lesbians are super into slash fic as well.
So to your point, while I do think the popularity of gay male slash fiction has largely been due to women wanted to escape misogyny, I don't believe it's been a conscious thought. I don't believe many of these girls and women actively thought they are lesser than men, I don't think choosing to write mxm was a decision to highlight misogyny, I think it's just an entirely internalised 'feeling' that somehow putting a woman with a man is demeaning or inequitable therefore they want their favourite blorbo to be with someone that doesnt give them that feeling. And, to straight women, men are hot.
Like notice how so many of the pov men in older mxm fics are the one that bottoms? Even the concept of strict set in stone roles for top and bottom defining your character (seme and uke) really is more reminiscent of hetero relationships that actual real life gay relationships. I truly do think there is reason to believe this is due to making one character (the bottom) more relatable as a subconscious woman stand in. They were always shorter, they were almost always weaker, they had less body hair, they were almost always prettier and more feminine, their male genitalia was small and often barely remarked on and there was no question that their main participation in sex was being penetrated. They were trans men before the idea of trans men and gender being unrelated to sex really ramped up.
It makes perfect sense to me that the next step in that train of thought, that men and women feel unequal and gender is not related to sex, is "well I relate to men as an equal therefore I must also be a man". Like if you haven't stepped back to understand your own bias, how would you ever realise the true answer is women are equal humans despite the way the world treats us? It's not correct and it comes from a place of homophobia where straights consider gayness a club they can join on a whim rather than a meaningful material experience, but it's understandable that's the leap being made.
You are right, it has gotten so much worse over the last six months. Maybe ABO has finally become truely accepted and now anyone feels they can put any genitals on any character like its a mix and match. Maybe trans ideology has finally fully taken over the majority of fandom spaces. Maybe actual gay writers and fans got sick of so much unwanted hetero we have started dropping out of popular fandom spaces.
Seriously trying to find gay fanfiction now is so much harder than ever before, but it's something people not in fandom spaces are missing because if you see nothing more than the characters in ships you'd think it was gay. Fandom spaces are becoming hostile to homosexuality in a way I wouldn't have predicted 10 years ago. I think they probably always were, tbh, it was just that misogynistic straight women didn't realise they had another option and could get by on the fetish until they found this solution.
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skyplayssplatoon3 · 11 months
Ramblin' some thoughts about the new season / game / etc
I really wish I was more hyped for the new season, but I don't really have much TO be excited about, and I definitely feel the 3 month update cycle isn't for me
I have no new weapons I even wanna bother playing (I always try them all out for a bit but I just don't vibe with 90% of them), Bluefin comin back is neat but not my fave, and the new map I like but it'll REALLY depend on how it actually feels to play
(NEW FLINGZA MY BELOVED...Final update probably, I fear /bricked)
BIG RUN IS HYPE THOUGH...I've super wanted another King Salmonid and we got one!! So I can definitely take that!
Though I think the squads in Turf War are definitely doing more harm than good for me these days 😔Don't get me wrong, it's amazing you can just squad up with your pals and have fun!
But in terms of learning new weapons, it's hell when you try something 100% brand new, and get paired against Top 500 X Squads CONSTANTLY (and I mean constantly, I legit saw the same Top 10 Gold X badge player like 7 times now in -Turf Lobbies-, I am nowhere NEAR their skill level /bricked)
And I feel bad squadding up with friends for new weapons cause I feel myself dragging everyone down with terrible performance, so that kinda messes up my fun personally, so I'd rather just practice on my own but THENNN /dies
I ain't worried about like winning a lot or anything, but the matchmaking makes it feel like a pointless endeavor sometimes when there's no spawn bubbles to sit and plan in and instead you just get mega camped 50x over trying to press a button /dies
Splatoon 3 is definitely the better game in a lot of ways of content, but the differences over time made me realize I'm just not adapting well to the changes
And after over a year, I'm not sure I'll ever adapt 😭
AT ANY RATE, I got other games to play soon! Super Mario RPG is very soon, Pokemon DLC is next month, etc! I'll run around in some other games to keep my sanity
It's just a little sad; I had big aspirations to try and be more competitive, maybe to nab a Top 500 X badge myself!! But nowadays due to the regional matchmaking, I can't even GET an X Match anymore LMAO;;; I tried like 3 times and it just keeps kicking me out after 200 seconds
Plus I just can't seem to keep up these days, so yeah, in before "Skill Issue" cause believe me, I'm aware /dies
I'm thinkin' Splatoon 2 was the peak of my competitive skills and, now I just get to coast occasionally as a casual player, which is fine and is probably for the best!
NOT TO SOUND TOO BUMMED OUT KJAHSKJHAS I had these thoughts for a long time now, and I may just be growin' out of the game itself a little bit, which sucks cause I love it so much, but it's gonna move on with or without me
BUT I will still have fun where I can, and I really hope other folks got something great out of the new Season updates so far!!
We got Splatfest and Big Run soon, so hopefully we can all have fun with that! SORRY 2 RAMBLE, just kinda wanted to get some stuff out there
Nothing's happening to this blog or anything; game or not I'm still a fan of the series!! HERE'S HOPIN' SIDE ORDER IS FUNNN
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dangermousie · 2 years
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Done! And we close the show on Ramo and Sibel happy and at peace, at a picnic with his family and loved ones. looking forward to a life of peace.
I agree with @academyofbrokenhearts that this is more of a respite than any true “forever peace” though. Even if Ramo and co retreat to Adana (and they will) and he will retire (he may try, he’s exhausted) and even if he actually decides to go legit (dubious), with his insane reputation (he blew up the entire mob in Istanbul. After beheading Adana mob back way when), there will always be people coming after him for revenge (think how many he’s killed) or just to try to show off and make their name by killing “the executioner of kings.” Now, I think he’s smart as fuck, he’s going to stay on top of all of that and live long and die in his bed, but they aren’t gonna have a violence-free hippie paradise.
It’s a lovely moment of tranquility to end on, though.
I have finished 40 eps, which due to Turkish running times is well over 90 hours in, I think, around 2 weeks. My eye bags have eye bags. I think the last time I marathonned a Turkish show this hard was GB years and years ago. And my verdict? WORTH IT WORTH IT WORTH IT!!!
It is not my n1 Turkish show (that is probably Fatmagul), but it is definitely going onto all-time faves list and Ramo x Sibel are definitely my n1 ever Turkish show couple. I preferred the first season (which to me, just as Cukur’s first season, is a basically perfect show) to the second due to the changes (some of which was out of their hands due to cast changes thanks to lengthy covid hiatus, and some due to narrative changes between two sets of writers.) I preferred the seedy vibe of s1 to polished one of s2, I liked that s1 resembled an (enhanced) reality and missed Adana, I missed the women being in gunfights and the family counsel, I also preferred when Ramo wanted revenge, peace whatever way for his family and to rise in the mob, rather than just revenge and peace whichever way for his family. But they did a good job writing the changes and honestly, seeing what disasters dizis turn into when they run for a decent lengths and between seasons (and not even seasons that had such issues with cast changes and covid insanity as this did), the fact that s2 is so overall solid (despite some tonal shift and occasional holes) is a miracle.
BUT! While s2 was flawed, Ramo remained fucking amazing, the ship was unreal, Sibel had a spine of steel, supporting characters were largely wonderful to follow (and, consistently, this show did something not enough dizis do - gave the mains lion’s share of screentime. Dizis tend to have large casts and sometimes drown in them. The makers of this knew they had Murat and Esra so why not use them to the utmost. Smart!) The plot was twisty and fun (and when they ran out of things circa 36-38, they quickly wrapped up the story. More shows need to know when to leave.)
This was a great watch and in my Top 5 Turkish shows of all time. Also, I will now watch everything Murat Yildirim has been in (that I haven’t seen yet.) That man makes me thirstier than the Sahara. He’s not unreal beautiful like some Turkish actors - he’s the kind of handsome you will give a second glance in the store, but you can imagine him in the store in the first place, if you know what I mean, but that makes him more appealing, and that charisma is insane.
Anyway, goodbye Ramo, you were amazing!!! @academyofbrokenhearts I am in your debt for pushing this on me!
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