#lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song
mazzystar24 · 6 months
1. Purely because that would be prime tv and also because I can personally confirm any pair of siblings who grew up in the early 2000s will automatically go into scream singing at eachother mode when this song comes on, my personal karaoke choice (I say as if I do karaoke)
2. Listen this song is not only so firefam and co coded but also it would be very funny with Oliver’s hatred for singing because the opening lines are “What would you do if I sang out of tune? Would you stand up and walk out on me? Lend me your ears, then I'll sing you a song I will try not to sing out of key”
3. I watched 27 dresses too many times what can I say
4. He’s a confirmed Bruce Springsteen fan, it’s a good ass song and also father son Bobby duet? 🤷🏽‍♀️
5. Bisexual anthem. Next question.
6. Similarly no bisexual has ever not had a very deep love for queen and David Bowie but specifically this queen song is very buck coded🫡
7. The crack option (I say as if they aren’t all) because that’s the funniest shit ever like envisioning it makes me laugh
8. Similar to 3 I watched 10 things I hate about you too many times
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kingbirdkathy · 1 year
Hi! I love your art so so much!! I found you on ao3 through Clint Barton ships and immediately had to follow you on tumblr — you are so talented and I love every single piece you draw!! Thank you so much for blessing us with your art 💕💕 What are some of your favourite Clint Barton fics? Any ship of him is good, even gen, I just really love your taste!
Thank you!! I'm not so active in marvel fandom now, but yes I have read like thousands of fics of him, so here are some of my fav ones:

A Good Feeling by dentalfloss
Dear Clint Barton (circa age 7) by pollyrepeat
late dawns by shatteredhourglass
Phil Coulson is not a crazy cat lady by nyargles
the soles of your shoes are all worn down
Wiping Off the Dust by dentalfloss
The Right Call by thegraytigress
In Visibility by cat_77

Anchor Point by anarmydoctor
A Step to the Left by dentalfloss, thoughtreflex (dentalfloss) 
Hawkeye's Revenge by NightWind
Green Looks Better On You by anarchycox
Off The Grid by cakeisnotpie
The Sorites Paradox by quomores
Trust by Neery

A Lifetime Of Dreaming by shatteredhourglass
Disparity by AvaKelly
Ghosts by AvaKelly
Friends Don't Let Friends Wait Too Long by ArtaxLivs
Down Below by ClaraxBarton 

something magic, something tragic
Fire in My Soul
keep making trouble (til you find what you love)
by squadrickchestopher (I love her bratty Clint SO much)
I'll Keep You Safe Here With Me. 
The Other Man out of Time
by sara_holmes
Be All You Can Be
Dear Super-Secret Diary
Hydra's Bite
Out On A Limb
The Romance of Bureaucracy
Glitter, G-Strings and Other Mission Hazards 
Living in The Present 
by flawedamythyst
if god is in the lens 
by shatteredhourglass
Sing Me That Old Song Again
The Wolves of Timely
by mariana_oconnor
A pinch of magic and a dash of passing time by hopelessly_me
Attachments by Lissadiane
Coffee Spoons by cakeisnotpie
Gold On Your Fingertips by Kangofu_CB 
It's Dark and There Are Wolves by Lissadiane
Lend An Ear by DustToDust
Moving in Tandem by AHM1121
Nobody Lost, Nobody Found by ClaraxBarton
Once Lost (now found) by Teeelsie 
Starving for the Lightby thepartyresponsible
Sweet Home Was Home by there_must_be_a_lock
With Us (Or Without) by dentalfloss
Your daughters shall be soldiers, Your sons their patron saints  by LittleRedCosette
In The Wake of Your Sunrise   by squadrickchestopher

Through the Glass by dentalfloss
You Move Like a Dream I Had by Serenitala

Time by DustToDust
All in the Name by DustToDust
Double Stamped by Reiko009

Singing in the Dead of Night by arsenicarcher (Arsenic)
Hope Is a Thing With Feathers by imafriendlydalek, orbingarrow

Mokusatsu  by shadesfalcon
Six Feet Underground by shatteredhourglass

All/Clint: Cycle of Disaster by 27dragons
Frank Castle/Clint: Make Your Peace by thepartyresponsible
Jason Todd/Clint: Shatter Together by thepartyresponsible
HunterHawk (Clint Barton and Dean Winchester) by cakeisnotpie
Tommy/Clint: Two Warriors by TheSparrow93
Mob: One Hell of a Show by MillyVeil
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pavlovianfuckery · 3 months
this is where i'd put my frankenstein joke IF I HAD ONE
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if he wasn't so much fun we would not be having this problem, but alas he's just an all around delight, so ig i'm welcome and you're sorry
linky for the ao3-ly inclined: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56915101
3.6k of e-stim stuff and banter under the cut, you all know the drill, minors fuck all the way off etc etc
You can hear his annoyed grumbling as you round the corner, so rather than walk in as you had originally planned you stay back, watching through a crack in the door. The yellow light of the desk lamp lends a warmth to his skin, making him look almost alive as he rakes a hand through his hair. He makes an annoyed face at the laptop screen and for a minute you think he hasn't noticed you yet.
"Are you just gonna stand there and stare, or...?"
That's as close to an invitation that you're going to get so you step into the office, closing the heavy door behind you.
"Feel like taking a break?" Stepping behind the desk, you run your hands over his tense shoulders. Maybe your little scheme has decent timing, after all.
"It's a very tempting offer, but as you can see," he gestures to the stack of papers, piled high on the corner of the desk, then rubs his hands across his face, "I've kind of got a lot on my plate at the moment, doll. Rain check?"
"You're no fun," you pout. "Can't you come by my place after?" Leaning forward, you whisper in his ear in a sing-song voice, "I'll make it worth your while..." When he hesitates, you press a quick kiss to the nape of his neck, his pale hair tickling the tip of your nose as you pull his scent deep into your lungs. "You won't have to do any of the work, scouts honour."
He pulls away and looks over his shoulder at you, brow raised. "Since when were you ever a scout?"
"Since I was hoping that you'd be my guinea pig for an hour? Two, tops."
"You're not exactly selling it."
"It might be a little kinky..." You waggle your eyebrows at him, "You sure you're not at least a little curious?"
"Well, when you put it like that," he slaps the laptop closed and spins the chair around, grabbing your hips and pulling you closer. "I might be able to spare just an hour, if it's urgent."
"It really is."
He lets you lead him to the bedroom, and it should be nothing. It's not like you could actually hurt him even if you wanted to, but it almost feels like something approaching trust all the same, gossamer thin though it might be. It makes your heart skip a beat when you reach for his hand, and he doesn't shake it off. ‘It's nothing’, you keep telling yourself. For your sanity if nothing else, it needs to be nothing.
There's something almost endearing about the way he toes off his shoes and folds himself into a tailor sit on top of the covers. He stands out like an ink blot on your bed, all blacks and greys against the worn out coverlet with its faded flowers.
"You look good in my bed, you know." Sitting down next to him, you card your fingers through his hair, nails gently scratching his scalp.
"So, is stroking my ego part of your little experiment, or...?" He leans into your touch with a lopsided grin.
"No, but you can consider it bonus content, if you like."
"What if I've got something else for you to stroke?" He looks up at you through lowered lashes, probably aiming for coquettish but ending up closer to a leer.
"Funny you should say that, actually..."
"And here I thought we were a bit past hand stuff," he frowns, "have I severely overestimated our relationship here, or...?"
"The fucking cheek of you," you swat at his arm playfully and try not to dwell on the word ‘relationship’,"one of these days that mouth is going to get you in trouble."
"That a threat or a promise?" He leans in close and the look on his face is almost serious, making your stomach twist in knots.
"Could be both," you shrug, not meeting his eyes,"Keep teasing me and you might find out. But for now, just stay put." When he opens his mouth to no doubt argue, you put a finger to his lips. "Shut." And he doesn't say anything. What he does is smile and run the tip of his tongue over the pad of your finger in the most lewd way possible, staring you down the entire time. "You're just trying to wriggle out of being my obedient little guinea pig," you reluctantly pull away from his mouth,"aren't you?"
"You neglected to tell me the obedient part." Now it's his turn to pout, though it's not exactly convincing. "So what are you going to do, now that you've lured me here under false pretences?"
"If you can behave for more than seconds at a time, I'll show you." You lean over the side of the bed, feeling around for the storage box that you keep there. The box itself is easy enough to find, but the particular bag you have in mind, not so much.
"Who says I can't behave?" Whatever point he's trying to make goes up in smoke, because the words are barely out of his mouth before you can feel his hands cupping your ass, making you roll your eyes, not that he sees it. Finally managing to grab the bag you were looking for, you pull it up on the bed. You have a sneaking suspicion that he's never done as he's been told in his life, but rather than mentioning that you open the bag, sorting through the contents.
"I see you weren't kidding about turning me into a science experiment," he sniffs, picking the power box up and turning it in his hands. When it doesn't seem to contain any clues, he puts it back down.
"How about a deal?" You plug everything in, checking the connections as you go. "If you don't have a good time, I'll let you have your wicked way with me, however you want."
"That deal would probably work better if I wasn't already doing that on a semi-regular basis," he chuckles, shrugging his jacket off,"but I'll play."
"You're such a good sport, in fact that's one of the many things I like about you."
"Oh, so you like me, do you?" He uncrosses his legs and leans in close,"you like me," he continues in a sing-song voice, eyes flicking to your lips with a self-satisfied smile.
"How could I not? " You slide a finger under the hem of his t-shirt, making the soft fabric ride up, "you're not only good-looking, but so humble, too."
"And you're still into it," he grins and twists a strand of your hair between his fingers and gives it a soft tug, "I can tell."
His thin lips are still curved into a smile when he kisses you, perhaps even a shade softer than you'd been expecting. It makes your heart flutter against your ribcage in a futile little dance that keeps going even after you pull away.
"As much as I enjoy kissing you, that wasn't all I had planned for tonight, actually." You hook your hand in the tight waistband of his jeans and pull, "these are probably going to have to go."
"'Probably'?" The puzzled face he pulls has no right to be adorable, and yet.
"I mean, my plans did involve your cock, so..."
"Did they, now? Guess you better take them off, then."
While the thought of unwrapping him like a gift doesn't lack appeal, it's not exactly practical. The button pops open easily enough and the zipper slides open without a fight too, but that's about it.
"You could give me a hand, you know," grumbling as you get started on peeling the tight denim down.
"You did say this was an 'experiment', right?" He lifts his hips off the bed, apparently the only assistance he can be bothered with."If I interfere too much it might skew the results. Besides, maybe I like watching you struggle. "
"Somehow that doesn't surprise me." You manage to get the jeans down his thighs, but only barely. "You know what?" You throw your hands up in defeat, leaving the thick fabric bunched around his knees. Pulling his boxers down as well, you decide to leave him like that for now. At least he won't be able to run off in case this doesn't work out. "I can work with this, I think."
"Not sure if I should feel insulted or flattered, here." He leans back on his elbows, watching you.
"You could be a bit more cooperative, you know." You stick one of the adhesive pads down on the top of your wrist, making sure that it's secure.
"But making you work for it is much more fun," he pauses, then goes on to add, "for me, anyway."
There are a few places you could stick the second pad, but in the end you settle for about an inch above the base of his cock.
"So..." you settle in next to him, sliding your wired up hand around his length, making sure to get as much contact as possible. He's lovely and smooth in your hand as you stroke him, keeping the touch light. "Let's give this a try, see if it'll do anything."
It's simple to operate the box one-handed, so you turn it on and set it to a constant channel, then slowly start turning up the power. "Let me know when you can feel it." Increasing the power one level at a time, you lean in for a kiss. The way he licks into your mouth is eager, bordering on impatient as he pushes his hardening cock against your hand.
"Try to stay still," you warn, trying not to giggle, "if I slip I might zap you, and I don't think that'd be much fun for either of us."
As it turns out, he actually can do as he's told, because his hips still almost immediately. Not sure how, or even if, this will work since he's not precisely alive, you keep pressing the + button every few seconds.
"That tingles," he gasps and buries his face in the crook of your neck with a breathy little laugh, "what is that?"
"You like it?" For a minute you just hold him, letting him twitch against your buzzing palm.
"Jury's still out, but..." he trails off as you slide your thumb over the tip of his cock, changing the path of the current. While waiting for him to make up his mind, you keep doing it, feeling him get wetter with every swipe. Back and forth, back and forth, not trying to rush.
"That's," he shivers, voice catching, "oh, that's good."
That's a decent result, considering how you weren't sure if it would work at all.
"Good enough that I can try something else?" While this had started out as a go-with-the-flow kind of thing, you had a pretty good idea of what you really wanted to do.
"In a minute, just...don't stop, not yet." It's not exactly begging as he lays next to you, but it'll do. And it's hard to resist when he asks so nicely. Besides, it gives you a bit of time to 'experiment', even if it's just an excuse to get to touch him some more. Sliding your hand over his shaft in a twisting motion seems to work pretty well for a start, because he keeps straining against the bunched up fabric trapping his legs and making encouraging little noises that go straight to your core. Careful not to lose contact completely, you slide just the tips of your fingers over him, the reduced area making the stimulation skyrocket.
"Still good?" When he doesn't respond you let go of him almost completely, leaving just the pad of one finger still touching him, rubbing across his slit. You can almost see the current shooting straight down his cock and if he was alive it might have been pretty uncomfortable, but if his reaction is anything to go by his every nerve-ending is lighting up like a christmas tree. "Hmm?"
"Fuck," he grits out, shivering again."That's intense, you should probably..."He frowns, biting his lip, "yeah, you gotta stop, or I'm..."
Rather than cutting the evening short you turn the power off.
"I'm just going to," you reach over and peel the pad off of him, "get that. You good?"
"Just give me a minute, doll. " For a moment he just lays there, sucking down air he doesn't really need, and then he laughs. "You didn't have to take it off, you know."
"It's fine, I mostly wanted to see if it would even work on you." Removing your own pad, you slide the hand up his shirt, resting it on his chest. You can feel his heart thump-thumping against your palm, maybe even getting close to 20 beats per minute. "I have other plans for you, if you're up for it."
"What kind of plans?" He looks pretty silly like this, pants around his knees and hair standing on end. He doesn't seem to really care, but he finally kicks jeans off, discarding them on the floor.
"Wait and see." You rummage through the bag, gathering up the bits and pieces you're going to need. Not everything you pick up gets his stamp of approval, though.
"Condoms, really?" He huffs and makes a grimace of distaste.
"Give me a chance here, will you? This'll be good, I promise." He doesn't seem convinced but he lets it be, for now. "I need to do a bit of setting up for this, think you can be patient with me for a minute?"
"Are you saying that I'm not usually?" He watches as you snap on a pair of nitrile gloves and get to work on straightening out the cables that keep wanting to tangle, ignoring his blatant fishing. Picking up a partly insulated rubber ring, you give it a little wave in the air.
"Does your generous mood extend to this, or am I pushing my luck here?"
"Obedient guinea pig, remember?" He spreads his legs, offering himself up and nearly making you blush, "knock yourself out." The stretchy ring goes over him fairly easily, but he still gives a little hiss as you slide it over his balls. "Careful with the goods, there."
"I think you'll live." After making sure it's nice and snug, you scoot back to the edge of the bed. "This will be easier if you sit here, actually."
For once he doesn't question you, swinging his bare legs over the edge of the bed.
"Good boy." You kiss the corner of his mouth, then get back to work.
The look on his face as you drop to your knees between his legs is nothing short of indecent.
"Now this, I really like," he drawls,"you look good on your knees."
"Keep the flattery coming and who knows, maybe I'll get on my knees for you more often." The flattery is actually entirely optional, but he doesn't need to know that. The pale skin of his thighs is very tempting, and you can't quite resist the urge to press a few kisses to each side as you set the rest up. The new pad is a bit smaller and slimmer, making it easy to stick it down on top of his cock right behind the head, but when you rip the foil packaging open and get the condom out, he pulls a face again.
"What do you even need that for?" He even has the gall to roll his eyes at you, "It's not like I can knock you up."
"That's true," You nod, get a pair of scissors out and snip the tip of the condom off," but without it, this will be like french kissing a bug zapper, so if it's all the same to you..."
"Alright, I think I get where you're going with this." He lets you roll the offending rubber over him, double checking as you go that everything is connected properly.
"Just a few dabs of this and we should be good to go." Grabbing the bottle of conductive gel you dispense a decent sized blob and apply it under the open part of the ring, making sure there are no dry spots. "Now, let's see..." You turn the box back on and set it to a rolling wave pattern, slowly increasing the power. "I don't want to turn this up too high, so..."
It only takes a few more button presses for his cock to stir, throbbing slightly in time to the ebb and flow of the current.
"Huh," he squirms a bit, fidgeting. "That's different."
"Good different or bad different?" You turn the power up a few more levels and slide your free hand around his cock, giving it a gentle squeeze before cupping his balls, covering the exposed part of the ring with a gloved finger just in case. He watches you with heavy-lidded eyes as you run your lips over his leaking tip. "I want to suck you like this," you bat your eyelashes up at him innocently, enjoying the way his eyes go dark at the words. "Can I?"
"You don't need to ask for permission, you know." His knees spread just a fraction wider, his full attention fixed on your lips.
"You like it when I do, though." It's very distracting to have his cock bobbing right in front of your face like this.
"Guilty as charged."
It's a bit different, giving him head like this. Not that it's usually a chore, far from it, but with the machine doing a lot of the work you're free to just enjoy the way he twitches and throbs between your lips. Gently swirling your tongue over the exposed head has him groaning, tangling a hand in your hair.
You're not delusional enough to think that you might get anything like a 'please' out of him but the noises he's making are almost as good, and with one hand on the controls it's easy to keep him squirming until you decide to stop. Not that that's going to happen anytime soon because he looks delicious like this, knuckles white as he grips the covers and just barely stopping himself from thrusting all the way down your throat. It's a dizzying feeling, being able to reduce him to this desperate thing, his usual tight control slowly crumbling as you bring him closer and closer to the edge. When you slide your tongue against the sensitive underside of his tip and give him a few slow sucks, the sound falling from his slack mouth can only generously be called anything other than a whimper.
"Keep doing that, fuck..." His head falls back, the pale column of his neck almost too lovely as he gives a throaty little laugh, sliding a hand around the back of your head. "Don't stop," he moans, "don't you fucking dare."
His grip is soft enough that you could probably pull away if you wanted, but the point of this isn't to leave him hanging, at least not any more than you already have. Not that he's ever been anything close to shy with you, but when he pulses on your tongue and finally spills it might be the most noise you've ever heard him make, or close to it. The way he floods your mouth has you struggling not to choke and for a few moments you're stuck between turning the power off and having to focus on swallowing fast enough to keep up.
In the end you don't quite manage either, leaving you with come dripping down your chin and him trembling from over-stimulation, his legs nearly snapping together like a steel trap. Then he's pushing you away, back arching off the bed, and for a minute you consider leaving the machine on for just a little while longer. But ultimately you decide against it and cut the power, leaving him splayed out on the covers. Removing everything is a delicate affair as he shivers under your touch, but too sated to move yet.
Watching him come down you try to clean yourself up a bit, and you think that there is possibly something to be said about self respect, or perhaps your apparent lack of it. You had known from the start that getting involved with him in any way was a terrible idea and that it would end in tears, at least on your part. But that doesn't mean it's any easier to resist, especially when he's stretched out next to you all spent and relaxed. Vulnerable. Even though you know damn well that all of this is nothing, means less than nothing, your heart still swells until it feels like you might choke on that, too. It's a melting, humiliating thing, but if he'd ask you'd let him crack your ribcage open and lick it out of you like so much molten marrow.
"Not that this wasn't fun, but," he rakes a hand through his hair, oblivious. Or maybe not, who knows. "I should probably get back to work."
"Yeah, probably." He's always quick at getting dressed at your place, so fast that he could probably teach a class on how to slip into skinny jeans in under ten seconds. It would maybe be funnier if he wasn't nearly always so eager to leave. Rather than wallowing in self-pity, you busy yourself with tidying up, tossing the relevant things into a 'to clean' pile. "I'll see you later?"
"Sure," he grabs his jacket and then he's swanning out the door, calling over his shoulder, "I'll call you."
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everynya · 6 months
nat i must ask what are your top five hello happy world songs
sol…you don’t just ask a crazy person what their favorite bandori songs are esp for their favorite group…. we’re gonna be here a while..LETS GET INTOOOOO IT
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5. Goka! Gokai!? Phantom Thief!
i’m predictable. this one literally is so iconic to me (it is) lmao like its so fun and cute and i would put it higher but rest of my faves are (but this one gets a special shoutout cause the event story for it is so good)
4. We Can☆Hurray!
outfits are so cute and fun, im p sure the 4 star kaoru for the set from the album was like one of my first ones and generally I LIKE THE VIBE
3. Sing Alive by Roselia.
Yeah I’m sneaking in a real one in a hhw tierlist. This one is for my girl Yukina you know I’ll always support you anyway I may have blanked and side tracked while I wrote this list so THATS why this is here uh anyway. Y’know what while I’m here also listen to Mornofica’s cover of Melissa and Poppin’ Party’s cover of Cherry Bomb…Cause I said sooooo
2. Alien Alien
cause you know damn well i’m gonna put one of theeee best oneeees, like i stream this one all the time its so good and i have no other reason but its cute…
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A pleasure to meet you, my lady
I've come from western lands for love, to meet you
It's sudden, I know, but please don't be surprised
Would you please be my princess?
Are you worried, my lady?
That sad face doesn't suit you, there there, lend me your ear
If it would please you, come with me
Throw everything away, and we'll run to the land of the east
I'll cast a gentle spell
On those red, lonely lips
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Come now, change into your dress
Finest princess of this world, shall we dance?
You are sought after by one and all
But I'll drive us to a haze
And steal a love’s kiss
Close your eyes, I have a present
That star shining in the sky will be ours
You are sought after by the world
But I'll make sure that we are for real
For your name is Juliet
Don't leave me, young lady
You're meant to stay smiling by my side
And if tears are shed, they'd be tears of happiness
Let's keep walking side-by-side, smiles never fading
So how about it, young lady?
I promise I'll offer this body of mine to you alone
If you have a bad dream, I'll wrap you up
And stay by your side until the morning comes
I stretched out my hand, wanting to touch
Your clouded eyes, and sighing lips
Come now, run on your bare feet
Finest princess of the world, run to a world of dreams
Rid yourself of your unease
Break the rules a little
What I aim for is a love's kiss
I'll take your hand and lead you away
The gems asleep beneath the sea will be ours
You are sought after by the world
But I'll make sure that we are for real
For your name is Juliet
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I will protect you at the cost of my life
So come to me
To an unfading scenery that you won't regret
So come to me
Your choice?
I won't hand you over to any other
I won't surrender you to anyone
Come now, change into your dress
Finest princess of this world, shall we dance?
You are sought after by one and all
But I'll drive us to a haze
And steal a love's kiss
Close your eyes, I have a present
That star shining in the sky will be ours
You are sought after by the world
But I'll make sure that we are for real
For your name is Juliet
My eyes are filled with nothing but you
I'll show you how serious I am about us
For your name is Juliet
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"What would you if I sang out a of tune?, would stand up and walk out on me?
Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song and I'll try not to sing outta key."
Is she buzzed? Just a bit.
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inboxinspirations · 1 month
30 Starters For Muses Who Are Bards & Those Who Interact With Them
"As a bard, I am not just a musician, but a storyteller too."
"Can you please stop fiddling? I got a headache."
"It is my mission to make the world a more magical and wondrous place through my music."
"Hear ye, hear ye, come gather around and lend me your ears!"
"With my music, I hope to fill your hearts with joy."
"Can you play me a song?"
"Every party would be incomplete without a bard."
"Care for a ballad?"
"Music has the power to heal, to inspire, to unite."
"A true bard knows that the greatest treasures are not hidden below the earth, but in the stories that we tell."
"You have a beautiful voice."
"Quit assaulting my ears!"
"I think this is the perfect moment for some music."
"In battle, a bard is a useful ally. Their words of inspiration can uplift and strengthen the hearts of warriors."
"Can you teach me how to play the lute?"
"I have written a new song. Would you like to hear it?"
"Music is a universal language that speaks to everyone."
"Why so glum? Let me play you a song to cheer you up."
"I wrote a song about you."
"Luckily, I have the perfect song for the occasion."
"Can you please sing something other than that annoying jingle?"
"Shut up! Your voice is making my ears bleed."
"I'm a professional troubadour. Of course I can play the lute."
"Music is medicine for the soul. It soothes the hurt and heals the heart."
"Any song requests?"
"Let me regale you with a tale of adventure and mystery."
"One more note and I'll shove that lute down your throat."
"Let me serenade you. I wrote this song just for you."
"Your music moves me, bard.'"
"I have a song that will make your heart sing!"
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“It doesn't bother me,” Eugene says with bravado he doesn’t feel, “but I don’t want Rapunzel getting reminded that her boyfriend is a”—liar, cheat, thief, criminal—“bad person.” “You’re not a bad person,” Varian tells him gently. “You’re no worse than me.” Or: the one where someone looks at Eugene and only sees Flynn, and Eugene has to deal with that.
Whumptober Day 13: Cold Compress
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What is your Enneagram type? Is a type 9w1, but also really resonate with 4.
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why? History. I love history. Tell me all the most random obscure factoids about our past that will impress but likely amount to nothing.
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.) Caelum. No hate to the little cutie, but he really reminds me of the kids I used to teach back when I worked at a preschool. I loved them to death, but there's a reason I'm not a teacher anymore. Also Ollie. No hate, just no interest.
Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to. Phantom of The Opera. My first musical love.
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend? Sam. There's something comforting about his accent. I'm a Texan, born and raised. I feel a kindredship with him. His frustrations when he finds "Darlin's" pantry and fridge empty is so southern, I felt seen in my heart of hearts. (Still wanna date him tho...)
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? (For example, my boyfriend knows I’m ready to sleep when I start talking about space.) It's either ADHD, Christian theology and apologetics, or history. No inbetween.
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo. "I pray at my altar of slush, yeah, I live for that sweet frozen rush." Before Gavin, Heathers converted me to the cult of the 7-11 Slushie.
Tell me about your favorite playlist at the moment. Beauty and the Beast Broadway OST. Trying to learn the part of Belle. Why? No reason.
What’s your guilty pleasure media, and why? Heathers. A musical that features underage drinking, sex, suicide attempts, and murder! Heaven forbid!
And whatever else you think tells me about who you are! I love research and learning, but it does have to be on my own terms. I'm also really painfully shy at first, and I'm horrible at remembering...anything really. I love listening to people nerd out around or to me, because I love that they feel comfortable enough to not worry what I'll think of their passions, even if it's something I have no personal interest in.
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Okay, now hear me OUT, lend me your ear. I’m thinking “shy introvert meets comfort extrovert” vibes. I’m thinking “musical theater nerd meets EDM raver” gap couple vibes. I’m thinking Hudson.
The little ways the two of you contrast would be so cute in a relationship. Like, I don’t think Hudson would be a musical theater guy at least at first, but he likes when you sing it, plays your favorite songs on the station when he knows you’re on the road and listening. He knows nothing about history, but he always has a new documentary picked and queued for when y’all destress after your days at work.
Then there’s the big ways. Hudson knows you’re shy, but radio hosts are skilled at getting people to talk, at letting people know how genuinely interested they are. Hudson knows 9w1’s can be more inclined to listen, to blend in, to mediate, but he is always there to make sure to listen to you and to sing your praises when you stand out.
All I wanna do is get to holdin' you/ And get to knowin' you/ And get to showin' you/ And get to lovin' you
I’m talking a lot about Hudson being sweet, which he is, but he’s also a fuckin menace. He loves that you’re from Texas, especially if you have an accent, and play the most ludicrous country music around the house to get you to dance with him.
If I were to pair shy with shy, introvert with introvert, you and Geordi would be a darling match. He could benefit a wonderful, patient listener, and I think he’d take you to any musical you want, even if he’s not a fan. Guy, in my head and in my heart, I know to be a musical theater boy. I think he could play a fun, devil may care Danny Zuko or Sandy across you, and he’d have a great time.
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
Note: back to our regularly scheduled positivity 💕
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accelerandy15 · 2 years
Part 3
[I'm other words, I'm aiming to be Cinderella. So where are the hints of my love story? It's not that sweet!]
Hiyori finished the song humming along to the melody until the song ended and pump a fist to the air with a cheerful'yay!'
"Wohooo we love you Hiyori!" Juri happily applauded.
"Why are cheering like a fan in a live concert now?" Chizuru asked despite clapping.
"What are you talking about? We've always been Hiyori's fans. If this is a concert then that means I should show off too. " Juri winked and got up from her seat approaching Hiyori. "I'll take the mic next please~"
"Here you go."Hiyori gladly handed it to her." So what song are you singing to Juri-chan?"
Juri's eyes sparkled."You'll see. So lend me your ears too ladies! "
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hisgrief · 5 days
What would you think if I sang out of tune? Would you stand up and walk out on me? Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song And I'll try not to sing out of key Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends
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graaaaaayy · 5 months
I remember lyrics without any issues but it seems my head is filled only with lyrics and nothing else fits in there anymore..
And at least this way I can tell someone all the lyrics that come to my mind (everyone else finds it annoying when I do this in person)
Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song and I'll try not to sing out of key
Ohooo I get by with a little help from my friends (you in that case)
you’re literally a lyrics encyclopaedia who tf finds that annoying I will fite them and set them on fire. is that Vance Joy ? It’s vaguely familiar but I can’t place it.
and thats very true I don’t know where id be without my friends
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adriane-after-dark · 9 months
no one:
absolutely no one:
not a single soul:
Me: *gets out of the shower*
The smoke detector in my partner's bedroom: What would you think if I sang out of tune? Would you stand up and walk out on me? Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song, and I'll try not to sing out of key. This is not a request.
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anida14a · 2 years
Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 257: New Year’s Party and All Might Feels
Previously on BnHA: The kids ate some yummy cotton candy and got to demolish a bunch of robots in flashy and expensive ways, because U.A. is every child’s dream school and All Might is getting closer to finally achieving his goal of being The Cool, Fun Teacher. There was also some cute Kirimina and Izuocha stuff, and also some panels of All Might watching Deku with a wistful dad smile which was both heartwarming and also makes me slightly terrified for his chances of surviving to the end of this series, but what else is new. Anyway so after class we cut to Aizawa and Mic who were all “we’re still sad fyi” until the Big Three interrupted them to get Aizawa to come help with Eri’s quirk. Meanwhile, All Might sat down with Deku and Kacchan and gave Deku a notebook all about THE PAST SUCCESSORS AND THE SIXQUIRKS. And we’d better be covering that pronto in this chapter because holy shit I had to wait two weeks after that cliffhanger and that was not fucking fair.
Today on BnHA: Kacchan and Deku read about the one quirk user WE ALREADY FUCKING KNEW ABOUT before they get bored and decide that WE DON’T NEED TO HEAR ANY MORE ABOUT ANY OF THOSE OTHER LAME QUIRKS APPARENTLY. In an effort to console me, All Might reveals that Shimura Nana’s quirk was THE POWER OF FUCKING FLYING YEAH BITCHES, which does admittedly warm my heart. Also Deku and Kacchan have an entire page of going back and forth at each other like the squabbling siblings they are and that helps too. Also we then cut to all of the 1-A kids having a New Year’s party, and yeah, Horikoshi admittedly knows how to play me like a goddamn fiddle I guess. The chapter then takes a sudden swerve for the nostalgic, with Deku and pals reminiscing about how much they’ve grown and how lucky they are, before we cut to All Might who’s sitting on a bench having Winter Night Angst until he’s comforted by Aizawa of all people, because this chapter is actually fucking great. And then we cut to THREE FUCKING MONTHS LATER LMAOOOO [blows noisemaker] SHIGARACALYPSE 2020 COMING ATCHA KIDS. WOOP WOOP.
okay so I have been persuaded to try out the fan scanlation this week! for several reasons: (1) the new scanlators have had a few weeks now to improve their game and I’m curious to see what the quality is like, (2) there are already spoilers all over my dashboard lol and I’m tired of trying to dodge them, and finally (3) I have nothing else to do this afternoon and I wanna read it. SO IMMA READ IT. BRING ON THE SIXQUIRKS OF DEKU THE NINTH
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I assume that those are the two shadowy ones, then? Bakushadow and PonytailShadow? goddammit. meanwhile even if we didn’t have that whole mystery, the second user would still be the one I’m most curious about, because (s)he was the first one to actually get OFA handed down to them, and to say that I’m curious about how exactly that went down would be putting it mildly. like how the hell did Lil Bro figure out that he could pass his fucking quirk down to people. and what exactly was the trial and error process involved, if any. was he just like. “dude, come here, I want to try something okay? this is gonna sound really fucking weird but hear me out... I want you to eat my hair” 
sob, honestly a time-traveling Bakugou who already knows how The Whole Deal Works might honestly be the least bizarre explanation. I have so many questions ughh
btw I do also want to call attention to the fact that this chapter is titled “make it your own”, a.k.a. the mantra that Kacchan has been trying to get Deku to adopt since the provisional license exam. so this I do like. that is very promising
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motherfuckin time travel is starting to sound more and more likely you guys. oh my god. but how?? someone’s quirk?? or maybe they can just get Mei to build them a machine. fuck it, she’s already upgraded Deku’s costume ten thousand times with random crap, what’s one more. you read it here first, Deku’s next upgrade will be gloves that carry him back and forth in time
lmao Katsuki
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on the one hand that is very rude, but on the other hand I too would like him to get to talking about the ones whose quirks he actually did learn about. so yeah. [taps watch] we gonna do this All Might, or
lmao Deku’s asking about Blackwhip and meanwhile Katsuki’s just PICKING UP THE NOTEBOOK, WITHOUT EVEN ASKING, YOINK
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(ETA: Kacchan with a normal face is such a rare Charizard of a panel that I just have to stop for a moment to appreciate it. take a good look everyone, we probably won’t get this again for another 50 chapters.)
fucking thank you Kacchan. holy shit. I mean All Might worked hard on it, might as well make use of it. and never mind the explicit “FOR YOUNG MIDORIYA” plastered on the cover I guess lol
also!! BALDY FINALLY GOT HIMSELF A NAME OMGGGGG. “LARIAT.” we’ll see how Caleb translates that tomorrow, I guess. I have no idea what it means but I’m excited!!! yay naaaames
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(ETA: also there’s the expected “go” since he’s #5. so that’s apparently still a thing, meaning the mystery behind nos. 2 and 3 is still as perplexing as ever. maybe a bit of a stretch, but does anyone suppose that the “己” at the end of Katsuki’s given name could be interpreted as kind of looking like the Arabic numeral for two? eh? eh??)
seems to be causing a whole lot of collateral damage, but hey, price you pay for being a badass
oh my god my sons are bickering
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(ETA: but lmao though at Katsuki being all “YOU THINK EVERY FUCKING QUIRK IS AMAZING” because sob it’s true.)
Katsuki please. first of all WHY WOULD YOU ONLY GO INTO DETAIL ABOUT THE ONE FUCKING QUIRK WE ALREADY KNEW, and two, I kinda need at least one of those quirks to be at least a little bit badass, because fucking shit you guys, uhhhh. [gestures frantically to the last page of chapter 255]  nyghhnghh. and also!! [gestures to the last two pages of chapter 245] ...
hmm so All Might says that Kacchan is right, and that it makes sense that most of the quirks would be weak ones because AFO made it his business to stomp out any strong quirk users on account of the whole “he’s fucking evil” thing and all of that world domination biz
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look how evil
oh wow
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goddamn that’s one hell of an image. all these fallen heroes desperately trying to make sure that their power, the world’s only hope, doesn’t die out with them
so then from the way All Might makes it sound, it seems like some of the successors maybe weren’t carefully selected at all, but instead they were just the ones who happened to be in the right (wrong??) place at the right time. maybe some of them were fellow soldiers in the war against AFO, and when their comrades fell they were there to pick up the gauntlet. that actually makes a hell of a lot of sense
and also the way they seem to be passing on the quirk appears to be the blood-on-blood method rather than the hair-eating method, so that also potentially addresses my snarky rambling earlier in this very recap lol. Lil Bro may not have meant to pass it on at all; he might have just been gripping some spiky-haired passerby’s hand while mortally wounded, and knowing that his time was up, and hoping against hope that this MYSTERIOUS KACCHAN-LOOKING STRANGER would somehow be able to take up the fight and continue what he started. and then lo and behold
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SO, I GUESS WE JUST DON’T CARE ABOUT ANY OF THE OTHER QUIRKS THEN! WELL FINE. let’s just never talk about anything I’m dying to know about again ever!!
“seems they’ve all died young” WELL ISN’T THAT JUST FINE AND FUCKING DANDY. what a wonderful legacy All Might has bequeathed unto our sprightly green protagonist. what a barrel of laughs this has turned out to be
sob my son literally doesn’t know how to take his foot off the gas
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but I guess it’s not necessarily a bad thing to have someone there who only relentlessly knows how to go forward, forward, forward
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(ETA: I left the edges of his speech bubble in while cropping this so everyone can appreciate just how spiky it is.)
me too kid!! you were playing quirk bingo, right? it was only a matter of time before someone came along with flying powers and we all knew it. I’ve been saying it and saying it, Deku was born to touch the sky
lulz he’s screaming at Deku that he can already fly with his explosions, so now while Deku works on mastering his own flying quirk, Katsuki will pull ahead of him SO THAT MAKES HIM THE WINNER I GUESS. lol honestly this speech is one of the nerdiest things he’s ever done and I almost wouldn’t have been surprised if he’d ended it with “OWNED!!!” watch him look around for a mic to drop
oh my god
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this isn’t even rival energy, this is sibling energy. like, this one panel is some of the rawest fucking sibling energy I’ve ever seen. the relentless shittalking, the competition over absolutely nothing, the ridiculous faces... just, wow
anyway so I have a ton of thoughts about Katsuki’s current feelings toward Deku ever since the Endeavor and Natsuo “you don’t have to forgive me” thing, but the short version is that I think Katsuki lately has actually been really worried about upsetting the status quo with Deku, and, well... “losing” Deku, so to speak. I think during the internship he finally clued in to the fact that he actually had been a real certified jerkweiner to Deku, but more importantly he woke up to the realization that he doesn’t know for sure if Deku actually has forgiven him. like, he’s been going around thinking that it’s in the past, that it doesn’t matter, and then along come the Todorokis with all their drama, and he sees that and he realizes oh shit, sometimes people secretly have tons of resentment that’s just burning away at them underneath and shit!
and so the thought is kind of eating at him now that Deku might not have actually forgiven him, and he’s actually really scared of that, and so he’s reacting in two different ways: one, by being irrationally annoyed/angry with Deku for having that power over him (the power to either forgive him or not), even though that’s his own fault; and two, by trying in his own way to aggressively push things toward being the way they were back when they were little kids before their whole falling out. which, in his mind, means them being rivals. like, in the second character book, there’s a section that’s all about the characters’ relationships with each other, and in for Deku it says he views his and Kacchan’s relationship as “childhood friends”, but from Katsuki’s perspective, their relationship is listed as “childhood rivals.” so yeah
anyway so I guess I lied about this being “the short version” (I’m gonna have to essay about this more in a separate post I think), but basically I think that in Katsuki’s mind this kind of juvenile making-faces-and-egging-each-other-on thing is how he interprets their friendship, and he’s very awkwardly trying to get back to that
anyway! I got hella sidetracked there so let’s get back to the plot shall we. there’s a sweet panel of All Might smiling at the two of them because I think he also sees that this scene is somehow heartwarming in its own bizarre way lol
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(ETA: stray thought -- it’s an absolute fucking delight to see all of the male characters cooking for once while the girls, as far as I can see, are just sitting around chilling in the living area. like I’m sure they are helping as well, but you have no idea how fucking refreshing it is to not have the girl characters be all “WE’LL COOK FOR YOU BOYS SINCE YOU’RE SO HOPELESS AND/OR YOU’RE WORKING SO HARD TEEHEE.” holy shit. it’s great.)
to answer your question, Sero, they’ve been having secret powwows with All Might and discussing things like how Kacchan is objectively better than Deku it’s science, and how to make Deku fly. what have you all been doing
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is that Tokoyami running like a Hanna-Barbera character in the background. every time I think I have a handle on his character Horikoshi has a new twist ready to keep me on my toes. also lol at Kirishima remembering how Kacchan did jackall to help during the Christmas party, and making sure he does his part this time IF HE WANTS TO EAT
(ETA: lol so after rereading this that’s clearly Deku in the background. I still think it looks more like Tokoyami though! but obviously the two of them are the only ones still in their uniforms, so.)
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TODOROKI SHOUTO!! YOU HAVE BROUGHT SHAME UNTO YOUR FAMILY! lmao he’s so quick to answer “IT WAS ME I DID IT” with his two fucking exclamation points too lol. I don’t know why that’s so amusing to me but it is and I love it
meanwhile Horikoshi got a little too playful when drawing that Momochako page there huh. drew the back of her head but was then like “BUT THEN YOU CAN’T SEE HER ADORABLE SMILE” but he couldn’t be assed to redraw it so he improvised. IT’S CALLED ART
ahhhhhhh class B is joining them yesssss!! and Kodai’s bringing a couch oh my god such an excellent and practical application of her Ant-Man quirk to make sure everyone has someplace to sit these children are so cooperative and wise
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oh my god they’re starting to reminisce, no my emotions were not ready for this please chill out kids
look at them talking like they’re all grown up now
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you do realize you all are still just babies right. “it was a crazy ride... back then we were so young...” is that Joe Cocker’s version of With a Little Help from My Friends I hear playing in the background. why has the film quality gone all grainy. what is this what’s happening
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as expected from the resident 40-year-old. please tell these children to get a grip. they’re out here talking about which Roth IRAs they’re going to get and how much their lower backs hurt
also, this scanlation hasn’t been too bad so far, but I feel like knowing it’s “Iida” and not “Lida” is like the bare minimum of translating a chapter of BnHA. like at least get the names right. but anyway I cropped that part of the panel out regardless because Mineta’s face was ruining the atmosphere so it’s all good
oh no. oh shit wait. what’s going on here
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do not tell me this is one of those “calm before the storm/AND THAT WAS THE LAST TIME EVERYONE WAS ALL TOGETHER AND HAPPY EVER AGAIN” things. please no. please tell me I’m overreacting and grossly misinterpreting the general vibe here. fuck
also though, you see that bit in the Kacchan panel though lol. so yeah their relationship is just like that. it’s weird but they like it
jesus christ now Deku is sitting there saying “I’m very fortunate” with this face like he’s just DARING fate to come on over and punch him in the balls. DEKU!!
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no!!!! [swipes at the air in an attempt to ward off the oncoming plot] go away! shoo!
and interestingly, Tokoyami is watching him!
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do you want in on this plot too buddy. is that it. well your mentor has gotten himself all wound up in this spider’s web by this point, so why not. if we’re gonna have angst I guess the more the merrier
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is he going to talk to him about Eri. or the whole Noumu thing. ahhhhhhh
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someone please tell All Might he needs to stop acting like he’s about to die. holy shit. this is reaching unacceptable levels. the fond smile while watching Deku’s progress. another fond smile while seeing him and Bakugou going back and forth, perhaps feeling reassured that someone else will be there to look out for Deku once he’s gone. giving Deku a notebook with everything he knows about OFA. and now SITTING ON A BENCH ALONE IN THE DARK IN THE MIDDLE OF WINTER WITH HIS HANDS FOLDED IN HIS LAP JUST THINKING THOUGHTS!! AND AIZAWA’S ALL “WHAT ARE YOU DOING” AND HE’S ALL “NOTHING... JUST...” HOLY FUCKING SHIT ALL MIGHT COULD YOU PLEASE NOT
but anyways so what’s this you say about training Eri now
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he doesn’t know if he’ll be here come springtime, that’s what’s up. the clock is ticking on Nighteye’s prophecy, and even though he swore he’d live and punch fate in the mouth, you never know though and shit but this is depressing. anyway if my guess is right he may be about to share the secret of OFA with Aizawa though, because that’s what I’d do if I thought I was possibly gonna die and my student might need someone to continue mentoring him once I was gone. so, you know, still a bummer but also YES ALL MIGHT DO ITTTTT
oh nope nevermind he’s just rambling and Aizawa doesn’t have a clue wtf he’s on about
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fffff this is some prime grade A All Might angst right here, the gods have blessed us after so long oh snap oh dang
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so then maybe he doesn’t think he’s dying lol. well whatever. I think it’s probably a little of column A, a little of column B, that sort of thing but hey
yo you guys, Aizawa bonding with All Might is just. [chef’s kiss] it’s been so long. I don’t think we’ve had a long scene between them since the parent teacher meetings oh my god. Aizawa definitely respects him so much more now and it’s great
totally off subject btw, but the third light novel has a chapter where the teachers all meet up at a local bar and get trashed and talk about all kinds of crap, and Aizawa drunkenly tells All Might he respects the hell out of him, and it’s an absolute delight and everyone should read it. here’s the link to the Viz edition. it’s easily the best of the light novels (though I haven’t read the fourth one which is coming out in March), and an enjoyable read from start to finish. anyways thus ends my unsponsored plug, now back to our regularly scheduled programming
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yep. safe to say the days when he thought All Might was an attention-loving media whore are long gone. fuck I love this
oh my god oh my fucking god
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wow. just. ...shit. this is a message that I think everyone should hear, first of all, and this is easily one of the most gorgeous and profound panels this manga has ever had. like holy shit I almost cried
and second of all, tell me something, how is Aizawa the most comforting, gentle, supportive, encouraging man in the universe, and how did we get so lucky, and can you believe this man wasn’t even planning to become a teacher holy shit. we can’t afford to lose him, ever
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my god All Might is pinching the corners of his eyes and apologizing I can’t. STOP OFFLOADING ALL OF THESE ALL MIGHT FEELS ON ME. even now, after everything he’s given, he still feels like it’s not enough. it’s in his nature to feel restless, to want to do more. he’s earned the right to rest -- earned it more than anyone in the world -- but he can’t, and he feels guilty and helpless because the burden he shouldered for so long has been passed on to everyone else now, and he knows how heavy it is, and he was so willing to carry it even if it destroyed him, but he can’t anymore! and then to have someone come along and say “it’s okay, you’ve done enough, you’re doing enough, you are enough,” just. shit shit shit shit shit. I can hear Horikoshi’s truck beeping as it backs up to dump YET MORE FEELS all over my goddamn house. there are feels being tossed out of an airplane door overhead with little parachutes. fucking paperboys are riding by on their bicycles and whipping them at my face screaming “EXTRA! EXTRA!” fucking...
-- HOLY SHIT!?!?
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well my jaw just dropped. um. [peeks at calendar] do you mean to tell me that we’re just CUTTING STRAIGHT TO THE PARTY NOW, JUST LIKE THAT
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Horikoshi: [poking his head in the door] hey what’s up guys just thought I’d toss in this panel of Ujiko here to remind you all that Spring is when --
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lol. here I was hoping we had at least a little more time before the whole “we’re fucked” thing kicked in, but I guess the apocalypse waits for no one. gentlemen it has been a privilege playing with you tonight
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ajstking · 3 years
dynamic tags for @petervel, @cairspian, @proditeur, @hyliacursed and @valiynt 
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"Would you like a nice, non genital ask? How're you doing?" ((Stop letting Dio suffer))
(( :3 ))
“How refreshing, it is you again. You are quite the welcomed guest, so I wouldn’t mind something different from you..” Dio pointed at her, his pearly whites glistening in the moonlight from his fanged smile. “I am fine at the moment, even better now that you are here..”
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