#[montage of all the heroes dying]
downtofragglerock · 3 months
For @lakesbian some teen titans-style Undersiders adaptation episode prompts
The Undersiders get captured by the prt and it's up to Rachel's dogs to launch a heist to rescue them and save the day
Alec and Aisha put on a Punch and Judy-esque puppet show starring lung and kaiser and nearly trigger a full on gang war by having the puppets sloppily make out
coil gets the Undersiders to shill the autobiography of completely unrelated yet nonetheless cunning and ingenious ex-prt strike team member thomas calvert
Taylor goes to a book singing of an author she likes and Lisa tags along. Unfortunately, a hero is also there, and now they have to play a game of cat and mouse so they aren't figured out and apprehended
Season-finale type deal where coil reveals the reason the Undersiders have been so successful in their antics is because he needed to keep dropping the other timelines because by sheer coincidence they all ended with him dying in ridiculous and undignified ways. We are then treated to a montage of said erased deaths
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princeescaluswords · 7 months
Villainizing Grief
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I was thinking about @theobule-caul's post here about how often fandom defends its celebration of villains (but only if they're good-looking white male villains) at the expense of female characters and characters of color. What's insidious about this is how subtle it can be, so subtle that fandom can tell itself that it's just telling an alternative story and not actively engaging in racist double standards and erasure of female characters and characters of color.
I can think of no better example than the way the Sterek fandom loves to rewrite the end of Season 3B of Teen Wolf. In Insatiable (3x11), the nogitsune, wearing Stiles's original body, has the oni kill Allison Argent. It was a shocking moment for the audience as well as for the characters. Scott ends the episode having led Allison to her death and holding her cooling corpse. It's tragic.
For a traditional television hero, the next episode would have been about Scott coming to terms with the love of his life dying in his arms, but Teen Wolf chose not to do that. The first scene in the next episode is Chris Argent instructing Scott on how to create an effective cover story about Allison's death, implying in the line "it's what we do" that Scott can't grieve right now. He must be the leader that he never wanted to be. Instead, other people -- Stiles, Isaac, Chris himself, and even freaking Ethan (notice a pattern) -- get emotional scenes which express a reaction to Allison's death. Scott won't be able to mourn Allison until the season ending montage, where he gets ten seconds of silent crying in his dining room (as I frequently say at this point - Don't strain yourself, Davis). Instead, Scott spends the final episode focusing entirely on saving Stiles to the point that even after such loss, Scott won't contemplate Stiles's sacrificing himself to save others.
Jeff Davis did know his audience. He knew that he should have only white male characters get to express feelings about Allison's death in The Divine Move (3x24). Scott doesn't. Lydia doesn't. Noshiko doesn't, and it was her oni that killed an innocent girl. In fact, Scott won't mention Allison by name until the Benefactor (4x04) -- four episodes into the next season -- when he's forced to tell the Sheriff that her name is a key word for the dead pool. He won't get to actually verbally admit that she died because he led her to fight the nogitsune until Monstrous (4x10) when he's talking to Liam and even then doesn't have time to actually express more than a fleeting emotion about it. Scott won't perform any sort of mourning until the first episode of Season 5. For a relationship that Jeff obviously considered one of the cornerstones of the series (so much that it was the focus of the reunion movie), it seems strangely thin, doesn't it? But Davis understood how little his audience cares about a character of color's feelings.
But don't worry! Here comes the Sterek Fandom to the rescue! They will give Scott the opportunity to grieve! Yay!
It appears all the time; it's very popular. When you look at stories where Scott is a Bad Friend or Stiles is Pushed Out of the Pack, it is very frequently due to Scott's reaction to Allison's death. There's a new story today where Scott is angry and blames Stiles. Don't worry, Scott will be made to apologize for grieving by the end of the story. In various and numerous stories, Scott has been lectured or scorned by his mother, by Derek, by Lydia, by the Sheriff, or by Peter (!?!?) when it's made perfectly clear that Scott McCall's primary and unending mission is to focus entirely on Stiles's emotional state and accept anything that his "best friend" decides to do, whether it's show up drunk to Allison's funeral, abandoning Beacon Hills, refusing to talk to Scott and instead choosing Jackson to be his new best friend or sleeping with a Hale.
The twisted part of this is that the Sterek fandom takes what happened in canon -- Scott sets his grief aside to take care of Stiles -- changes it to its opposite in their writing, and then uses that grief to make him the bad guy. It might seem strange, but it serves very specific purposes.
Doing this undermines Scott's and Allison's relationship as the predominant relationship of the show. Sterek fandom has been wanting to do this since Season 1. It's necessary for them to argue that Scott didn't reject Derek or Peter because they were brutal and selfish, he rejected them because Scott was obsessed with Allison. The fact that Scott clearly wasn't -- especially in this situation -- reinforces the canon reason that Scott wouldn't follow Derek or Peter, and it is hard to write apologia for a villain character if the lead protagonist had a legitimate grievance against them.
Doing this denies Scott's virtues as the lead protagonist. This is basic bashing. Even though canon Scott again and again showed compassion and concern for people he had every right not to do so (to the point that Stiles keeps scolding him about it), if they can portray Scott as focusing on his own emotions, they can argue that he's essentially selfish. Think about that -- they leapt at a chance to show a boy grieving for the girlfriend that died in his arms in order to convince their audience he's a villain.
Doing this makes it easier to conjure a relationship for Stiles and a white male character which supplants Scott's relationship with Stiles. It isn't enough for them to craft a relationship between Derek and Stiles (or Jackson and Stiles or Peter and Stiles) that didn't exist in canon -- which are completely legitimate ships, by the way -- because they also have to destroy his pre-existing relationships in a feat of bitter envy.
On the surface, it might easy to miss the connection between allowing a character of color to grieve and using it to promote white male characters (and defend white male villains), but it exists. Grief isn't bad in Sterek stories if it's Stiles or Derek grieving. Grief is bad when Scott grieves (someone other than Derek or Stiles and even then he can be scolded for even thinking that his grief is on the same level as Derek or Stiles's). This is exactly what the original post was talking about it when it complained about "sometimes transplanting whole story/personality elements of characters of color / female characters onto their white villain faves to explain why they're 'sympathetic' while also denigrating the CoCs/FCs for the exact same traits." Grief, as Jeff Davis perceived, is only heroic when a white man does it. In a character of color or a female character, it's an obstacle.
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mccallhero · 8 months
okay so i just finished ouat for the first time ever (watched it years ago but stopped in s5b) and i just wanted to ask one question about the finale lmao
(discussions of r*pe, the r*pists on the show, the erasure of graham, and regina's crimes)
first. some context. i absolutely hate what happened to graham's character (being r*ped and then murdered by his r*pist and then the crime never ever ever ever being acknowledged) and it's really really hard for me to like regina's character after that. for the longest time i always told myself it was the writers that didn't actually understand what they were writing, and then once they did, they tried to ignore it and sweep it under the rug because that wasn't their intention for regina's character
for example, with the other two r*pists on the show (there's arguments for a lot more, but these ones are confirmed in the canon), zelena and mother gothel are both treated as villains (regina actually calls zelena out for the r*pe, telling her she 'deceived robin in the most vile way possible,' which is another reason i thought the writers were trying to kinda retcon what regina did to graham once they realized what they had actually written). zelena eventually does get her 'redemption' (kinda. the only person who ever treats her well is regina. we just stop seeing zelena with other characters. the only exceptions really in s7 are wish!killian, robyn, and chad and they all don't know about her true crimes), which is something i hate, but again, zelena and mother gothel (for the majority of their characters) are treated as villains, which is genuinely why i thought for over a decade now that the writers realized they made an oopsie with regina and graham and just ignored it
however. then i watch the season 7 finale
and regina's getting crowned the good queen which. okay. interesting take i guess (love or hate regina's character, she burned down entire villages, who the hell is voting for her???). and then regina, the good queen, supposedly forgiven and redeemed for all her past evil deeds, gets to give a speech. in fact, the last speech that's ever given on ouat, the last words ever spoken on the show is this speech
she starts off by saying: 'i thought my story came to an end a long time ago, and then new people came into my life... people who gave me a second chance. i can't wait to see what's in store for me next. well, for everyone'
and then with this speech, as it continues, there's a lovely little montage to give us a reminder of the journey that was ouat and all of the characters along the way
regina says: 'i refuse to believe there won't be more adventures' and we see the jolly roger, charming on horseback, rumple in the heroes and villains au on horseback (interesting choice), grumpy being hatched, jiminy cricket, pinnochio and gepetto being swallowed by a whale, regina casting the dark curse over snow and charming's dying body (.......), emma freeing merlin from the tree, elsa using magic, ursula and maleficent tussling, monkey!walsh, rumple being bitch slapped by a bear, belle being attacked by fire-doggie!phillip, snow hitting charming with a rock, and cruella's stank breath
these are all, so far, decent choices. some are a little iffy but, for the most part, just moments reminding us of everything that's happened
and then regina says 'more love' and we see outlaw queen, snowing, swan believer, phillip and aurora, rumbelle, henry and violet, cinderella and her guy (shawn?), jasmine and aladdin, snowing again
this one's a little more questionable (just like. where is captain swan? and why is swan believer here when everything else is romantic love? did someone mix it up? idk. not the point but still)
'more family' and we see snowing and baby emma, emma and baby henry, the heroes in s2 walking together, snowing and neal, gepetto and pinnochio, henry smiling, and the last supper ouat version
this one's fine. i think including gepetto and pinnochio there is kinda funny when it could be replaced by any other scene of the actual main family (regina and henry maybe???????????????)
and then. finally. why i am making this textpost
regina says 'and yes, there will be more loss'
and. okay. we see robin dying, robin's funeral, regina at her father's grave, and then ???????????????????????????? for SOME REASON they show GRAHAM DYING????????????????????????????????
and at this point i don't care what else they show because regina's then saying 'because that's just a part of life' and i am just wondering. HOW. after SEVEN SEASON. did ouat think that was a good idea
and it genuinely makes me feel nauseous because yes, he is a forgotten victim, he was controlled and r*ped and murdered and nobody ever found out about it and, in fact, he is rarely ever even remembered (emma wearing his shoelace was such a fucking blessing to know at least ONE PERSON cared about him after he had died. that he at least wasn't forgotten by her) but for YEARS i thought it was just ouat being ouat and trying to ignore their mistakes because addressing them would make regina truly unforgiveable
but then. regina. in her final act of being truly redeemed, switched completely from the evil queen to the good queen, her crimes being forgiven by her victims and everyone electing her to be queen (WERE THERE NO OTHER CANDIDATES?), regina reminds us of the crime that she never ever told anyone about, the crime that she will be taking to her grave, and we see graham dying (because she r*ped and then murdered him)
and it just feels so so so wrong. ESPECIALLY. especially. ESPECIALLY after season seven, where we're forced to watch rogers be taunted by his r*pist, the knowledge of her crime being unknown to him (she taunts wish!killian too when he does know), and that entire plot is sickening and heartbreaking but that's what it's supposed to be. like one of the biggest plots of the season was about a r*pist taunting her victim and destroying his life and making him miserable and being the cause of his death (gothel poisoned wish!killian's heart, regina crushed graham's, wow ouat sure does love their parallels). never once are we expected to be on gothel's side and literally everyone on the show hates her besides characters she is also manipulating (ivy and anastasia). so how are they going to have that be one of the main plots of the season (if not the main plot, considering it's why rumple dies and killian/alice/gothel have the most backstory eps out of any other plotline) and then do this?
how are they going to give regina her redemption and then remind us of graham's death, arguably one of her worst crimes that is kept secret from everyone on the show? she took his heart and then commanded him to her bed chamber and then created a curse where they had a sexual relationship despite graham being miserable every single day and never wanting or feeling anything because oh yeah she stole his heart and controls him. and then she killed him when she couldn't control him any longer
and now she's the good queen, getting her second chance? ('second' chance. okay ouat. sure)
how are they going to forgive regina for her crimes while reminding us, the audience, that nobody even knows about graham?
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vaalthus · 4 months
The End of Magic Part 1 (spoilers)
Ah and here we are...
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Ya know I already understood that there was already a layer of egotism behind Jaania trying so hard to defeat us, to ensure her vision of a perfect world came about, but to hear in the aftermath that she drained herself to the point that even had she won against us she wouldn't have been able to enact her spell really is something else. Though I suppose it really goes to show how desperately she wanted to prove that she was the hero of this story now.
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At least now, she's willing to admit that motive was coming from an unhealthy place, it's just a shame it took being so utterly crushed and hitting rock bottom for her to realize that. But oh boy does it put some of the jabs she throws at us in other parts of the story in a new perspective.
Moving on to more pressing matters however,
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I just love this reaction image from Warlic so much. Bro was seriously just like: "OH SHIT, GOD IS AWAKE!!!"
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I actually kind of love that Warlic, when presented with the threat that is Aequilibria awakening, immediately resigns Lore's fate to annihilation and for any survivors to flee the planet. And he's right to think that way because as he lays out the crux of the problem Loreians are trapped between a rock and a hard place. They aren't equipped with the might necessary to challenge the Elements and destroying the Core would just kill everyone and everything and I highly doubt talking to them is going to convince them to not destroy the world as everyone knows it. So, what other option is there but to run away?
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Fortunately for the inhabitants of Lore, Jaania plans to redeem herself by turning the Aequilibria into spaghetti water. Okay jokes aside this is pretty decent plan to keep the Elements from erupting while still giving allowing mana to flow to all of life on the planet at least until we can figure out away to avert the crisis completely. Truth be told I think this is a rather fitting fate for Jaania. She strove to dramatically alter the foundations of Lore to achieve a state of perfection and now she must do all she can to preserve those foundations lest letting everyone on the planet dying.
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Ah character growth ya love to see it.
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I also love how that there was no way Xan was going to get left out of helping Jaania and Warlic hold the Aequlibria at bay when they started cooking up ways to account for their spell eventually degrading. That and the fact that they are known as a bit of trio so it only makes sense for him to be included in this vital moment. In a way, Jaania, the past version of herself anyway because present clearly was not okay with Alex getting mixed up in this, got what she wanted: for them all to be working together. It's just a shame it took so much heartache and world ending catastrophes for that to happen.
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Man I love me some plan executing montages
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I'm becoming increasingly convinced Kathool was taking inspiration when transforming Remthalas into his eldritch form. Also, starting to see what the Aequilibria meant when they proclaimed they made the twins in their image, as their better children.
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Ah so Sepulchure had Akriloth Jr. all along. I suppose it makes sense given he would have wanted to keep the young great dragon close for his own means when he was left a shell of his former self. It's good he's kept him a secret though I kind of wish Ahisma and Tipu had lived to see them again. There is still the matter of Akriloth's responsibilities as the defender of the Plane of Fire which will have to wait for now of course, but I suspect them living up to their role will be vital in future storylines.
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This image breathes new life into me, that is all.
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cyberphuck · 1 year
Assassin’s Apprentice Abridged: Part Two
Read Part One (My friend Razz wants to understand my Farseer Trilogy shitposts but doesn’t want to have to actually read the books, so I decided to summarize them. This turned out to be much harder than I thought it would be! Here’s part two of ASSASSIN’S APPRENTICE: ABRIDGED!) When we last left our hero, Fitz was a little baby following an old man into a hole in the wall.
"Gosh, Chade," Fitz says, after a wholesome montage of him learning how to steal things and poison people, "I love hanging out with you. It sure is neato to have a friend. I get to do all sorts of pranks around the castle, and once in a while the King even calls me to his rooms to remind me I'm a tool of the Crown!"
"You know what would be really funny?" Chade asks, eyes alight with glee.
Jump cut to Fitz's Twilight-esque depressive episode. He lays in bed for days, staring at the wall, refusing to get up. Burrich comes up to his rooms to ask Fitz what the fuck is going on with him and assumes he's dying.
Fitz can't tell him that Chade asked him to steal from the King and he refused, because everything about Chade is a secret. Burrich doesn't know that Chade told Fitz that if he wasn't game to yoink something from Shrewd's chambers, that he could get the fuck out and never come back.
"Watch this, Shrewd! You can actually pinpoint the second when Fitz's heart rips in half!"
(Burrich tries to cure Fitz's ailment by introducing him to alcoholism. He's like ten.)
Sitting in his room alone and drunk, Fitz starts wailing. He cries and cries until Chade finally comes back down through the secret wall-door to hug him. "Me and Shrewd wanted to see if you were really loyal," he says. "So we traumatized you. We really wanted to introduce you to depression, alcohol, and abject betrayal at a young age and this was the quickest way to do it."
"I want my mommy," Fitz sobs.
"There, there," Chade says, drugging him and leaving.
Later, Fitz is summoned to speak to King Shrewd again, who explains that it was all his idea to give Fitz borderline personality disorder and absolutely does not apologize for it. Fitz takes a knife from the breakfast table in Shrewd's room, brings it back to Chade, and stabs it into the mantle above the fireplace.
I like to think that every time Fitz throws himself into needless danger for the next ten books, Chade looks up at that knife and goes "lol. lmao."
"Hey Lil Accident," says Head Scribemaster, "you're pretty good at writing. You wanna be my apprentice?"
"Gosh. I'd get to go places and do things," Fitz marvels. "And almost none of them would involve poisoning people!"
Chade Mission-Impossible drops from the ceiling and hangs above Fitz for long enough to tell him that no, he can't be a scribe's apprentice, for one thing he's already learning to be an assassin, and for another Fitz is kind of an important political tool, being a bastard of a Prince, and someone would definitely murder him.
"Sorry," Fitz tells the Scribemaster, "my uncle said no."
"But you can go down into town and buy some stuff for me, since you've been good," Chade says, reeling back up into the rafters.
Fitz jumps to his feet. "Oh, boy, social interaction! I haven't seen my hoodlum friends in a year! And you know who ELSE I haven't seen in a long time? MY MOM!"
He strides happily past a sad woman in the street wearing an anime mom side ponytail, completely ignoring her in favor of his old friend Molly Nosebleed, who goes by Molly Chandler now that her dad has stopped punching her in the face.
"You're the only girl I know, besides that hysterical woman over there screaming that I'm her son," Fitz says. "I think I have a crush on you."
"Neat," Molly giggles.
Lovestruck Fitz gathers his groceries and heads back up the road to the keep. Princes Verity and Regal ride by, carrying a banner that says "CHIVALRY'S DEAD. THE PRINCE, NOT THE CONCEPT. I MEAN THE CONCEPT IS ALSO DEAD, BUT THE MAIN POINT OF THIS MESSAGE IS THAT PRINCE CHIVALRY FARSEER HAS FALLEN FROM HIS HORSE AND"
Burrich shaves his head. And his beard. And his eyebrows. And his dog's hair. And Fitz's hair too, for good measure. Fitz, rubbing his new buzzcut, says "God, if you loved him so much, maybe you should have married him," and Burrich flings himself into the sea.
"We should be careful," Chade says, later. "Because Chivalry was probably murdered. Anyway, you're going on a road trip. tl;dr one of the dukes isn't properly manning the watchtowers that keep vikings from viking the coast, and Prince Verity has to go deal with it, and you're going with him."
"What's a teal deer?" Fitz asks.
Wandering around outside the castle later, Fitz runs into Shrewd's Fool with a capital F, the albino freak-child that cartwheels around in the King's wake all day.
"Oh no," Fitz says. "Are you lost, little freak child?"
"fjdaklfdafds," says the Fool.
"Come on little fella, I'm not gonna hurt you," Fitz smiles.
"FDAJKFDLALSDFAS," the Fool repeats, louder.
"Do you need an adult?"
The Fool steps up to Fitz, grabs him by the shirt, yanks him down to eye level, and says, "Fitz Fixes a Feist's Fits. Fat Suffices, you fucking beautiful dumbass."
Fitz stares at him.
"I thought you were too dumb to know how words worked," he says finally.
The Fool flips him off and cartwheels away.
"...Weird," Fitz mutters. "Whatever, time to go to NEATBAY! I hope I get to kill somebody!" On the way to Neatbay (in a riding party consisting of Prince Verity and like half the staff of Buckkeep), Fitz pals around with stableboy Hands, and meets Mysterious Old Person Lady Thyme, who is a person that sucks in every way possible.
Hands whispers to Fitz that everyone in Buck knows that Lady Thyme sucks and avoids her. Lady Thyme shrieks that you whippersnappers better not be liking yourselves up there!
Fitz and co. finally arrive in Neatbay. It's a walled city like the place in Attack on Titan, with concentric fortifications like an obstacle course that Vikings have never been able to Vike all the way past (this will not be important again until the next book). It's ruled by Lord Kelvar and his trophy wife and if Kelvar doesn't get off his ass and start manning the watchtowers Fitz might have to poison him to death.
They have dinner. Fitz hates rich people. He eyeballs everybody at the table.
That night before bed, Verity calls Fitz into his room. "What's going on with Lord What's His Face?" He asks the boy.
Fitz explains a very complex situation about how Lord Kelvar is clearly trying to impress his Young Hotness Wife with lots of jewels and shit and his Young Hotness Wife is trying to impress everyone else with her jewels and shit and meanwhile all those jewels and shit could be going to pay to man the watchtowers and the roads, and Kelvar has to take some pride in doing it or else he'll become embittered and...
"I'm going to tell Lord Kelvar to stop being a puss and man the watchtowers," Verity says, and turns over to go to sleep.
Fitz facepalms.
Late in the night, Fitz wakes up starving and ninja-sneaks down to the kitchens to grab a midnight snack. While he's there, a woman comes in with a little doggie wrapped in a blanket.
"My poor little doggie is dying," she sobs. "This type of dog is a small hunting dog called a 'feist,' by the way."
"Hack," says the dog.
"I think your dog is choking on something," Fitz observes, whipping out his stethoscope. "Yeah, there's definitely something jammed down there. Let's get it out. Hold your dog steady."
Fitz finds a long hook, slathers it in butter, and wiggles it down the dog's throat while the dog yowls and pees and scratches the Mysterious Blanket Woman. It takes a minute, but eventually he manages to dislodge a chicken bone from doggie's gullet and they all sit back, panting, while LeVar Burton comes onto the screen and lectures the audience about never letting your pets eat poultry or fish bones and the importance of limiting table scraps and keeping them on a healthy diet. Thanks LeVar!
"You saved my doggie's life," Blanket Woman says, and pulls back her blanket to reveal that she is actually Lord Kelvar's Young Hotness Wife! "I shall repay you in any way you wish."
"I'm thirteen," Fitz says.
"Any way you wish," the woman repeats.
Fitz scratches his head. "Oh! Tell your idiot husband to man the fucking watchtowers before you get Vikinged to death. I mean," he amends, "I had a prophetic vision that a strong and graceful trophy wife spread out her arms to protect the laaand wooooo~"
Then he goes back to bed.
...And is woken up YET AGAIN by a servant telling him that Lady Thyme is demanding his presence down in town.
Oh. Joy.
Fitz gets dressed, saddles up Sooty the horse, rides to the inn that Lady Thyme is staying at, knocks on the door. "I heard you're calling for me," he sighs. "Are you dying or something? Please say you're dying."
Chade opens the door. "Fooled you, boy," he cackles. "I am Lady Thyme! And we have to go to Forge right now."
"You made me empty out a pot full of your shit every single morning for five days," Fitz says.
"Get on your horse," Chade orders, and they're off.
"You know, I've never actually seen you outdoors before," Fitz says as they gallop down the coast. "It's-- are you snorting coke right now?"
Chade sneezes, wiping his nose. "Stay in school."
They ride hell-for-leather for Forge, a little town known for two things: iron exports and being raided by Vikings. They manage to get there twelve hours after the nick of time because Chade had to return some VHS tapes, and find little more than a completely burned-down village and some zombies.
"Chade, are those slow zombies like in Dawn of the Dead, or fast zombies like in the 2004 Dawn of the Dead remake?" Fitz asks, watching the zombies shambling around and fighting over pieces of rotten bread and pairs of pants.
"Run," Chade advises, and they do.
On the road out, they pass a bunch of non-zombie survivors moving all their slightly singed possessions to another town. Nobody wants to stay in a town infested with zombies, which the people of the kingdom start calling Forged people, or just Forged, because one of the rules of zombie movies is that none of the characters can say "zombies."
Over the course of the next few months, more and more people are kidnapped by Vikings and Forged, but no one can agree exactly what should be done about it.
And then one night, Fitz is picking his nose alone at a table in the kitchens when another mysterious woman approaches him…
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rosetintmyworld84 · 11 months
I feels cheap, is the thing
So on the whole for OFMD season 2, episodes 1-5 were perfect, and episodes 6-8 felt rushed, and any plot points that weren't part of the Stede and Eddie show were seriously pushed to the wayside. Think about all the scenes featuring the rest of the crew, in moments that aren't about Ed and Stede in episodes 6, 7, and 8. They are incomplete. I think ultimately we can blame WB for that, since there are less episodes this season. But that finale should have been much longer.
***OFMD Season 2 Spoilers under the cut***
They were trying to go for an epic battle, and instead we got a handful of fight scenes, everyone running away, and Izzy being shot and dying almost as an after thought.
I'm not really going to get into whether or not he should have been killed (he really shouldn't, because killing a character off just after all the massive character development for their redemption is cheap and overused and I thought OFMD was better than that), but it should have had way more of an impact. On everyone. Not just Ed. Because that was kind of the whole point of Izzy's arc this season, moving beyond Ed and finding family and belonging with the rest of the crew. HE'S THE NEW FREAKIN UNICORN FOR GOD'S SAKES! They should be EFFECTED by his death. And his final words shouldn't be consoling Ed, and telling him that he has friends now. For that scene, it should have been Izzy being fatalist and maudlin (you're born alone, you die alone), and ED telling him he has family, that HE was loved. Even Stede seems kind of unbothered about Izzy dying. For all that "Ed, Stede, and Izzy's arcs are tied together" it sure seems like Izzy became an after thought.
But again, ultimately everything felt incredibly rushed, and because of that we get half a plot. Think back to season 1, where we had a full season long arc of Jim/Oluwande, where they were basically the basis of the B plots for almost the whole season, sort of being a mirror to the main romance. So far in season 2 we get Jim and Olu getting new love interests, kind of? There was the beginnings of relationship development through episode 5, and then it just kind of stopped. Because we kind of stopped spending any real amount of time with anyone that wasn't Ed and Stede. We don't get the deep dives into the rest of the crew. We don't get something like the growth of the Black Pete/Lucius relationship over multiple episodes, without it being forgotten or overwritten (literally the entire plot of Izzy's relationship with the crew of the Revenge and Stede). Frenchie and Jim, integral in the first 3 episodes are afterthoughts. Roach, Black Pete, and Wee John are barely in the episodes.
We get some moments, but they aren't connected to anything else happening. It is all planting and no payoff. It's Buttons becoming a seagull to just make a weird cameo at the end. It's Stede leaving piracy with Ed after NO conversation at all. It's the crew riding off with Zheng and Spanish Jackie, and WHO THE HELL IS CAPTAINING THIS SHIP? It's the Republic of Pirates still under occupation, because they didn't do the big damn hero thing.
And I get it, they weren't sure if they'd get a season 3 so they wanted everything wrapped up, but the plot suffers for it. It's an amputated story, where nothing feels earned, or completed. There was more narrative weight tot he death of Karl the seagull than Izzy Hands.
I mean why have him make the speech about belonging, if no one seems to care that he dies?
All of this to give more air time to Ed/Stede, and they still didn't really complete that either. Things I loved about the finale, the opening with Ed totally not knowing how to do any actual fishing work, parallel to episode 1 at Jackie's with the occupation, Zheng getting used to failing, Izzy being a legend, and badass montage. Just really wish they'd have actually done something with this episode other than looking kind of cool.
I wish the last 3 episodes had the time they needed to breath and be full episodes, but here we are.
Anyways, the great thing about fandom is ignoring canon when we want, or fixing it, so I'm going to need lots of fic filing in the grieving of the crew, and also seagull Buttons raising Izzy from the dead on my desk by next week.
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watchingspnagain · 8 months
Rewatching It’s a Terrible Life
Welcome to “Sam and Dean are Just Steps on the Bossman’s Ladder: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
Up today, s4e17: It’s a Terrible Life
Dean Smith works a middle-management white-collar job at Sandover Bridge and Iron, and Sam Wesson is a grunt in the IT department there. Sam thinks something about this life is wrong, and when he runs into Dean he could swear they’ve met before. But Dean brushes him off until employees start dying real weird in the company. When Dean witnesses an IT tech stab himself in the throat during a panic attack over filling out a form incorrectly, he accepts that Sam might be on to something. The two work together to research the company and the deaths, eventually realizing the ghost of the company’s founder is compelling workers to kill themselves if they don’t give Sandover their all. Smith and Wesson dispatch the ghost (after finding some helpful tips online from the Ghostfacers), and eventually Dean’s boss reveals that he is actually Zachariah, an angel who arranged this little interlude for Dean to help him remember that he is and always will be a hunter at heart. Dean doesn’t take kindly to this interference from the angels and promises that one day he’ll stab Zachariah in his face.
Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
 [and we begin:]
Lor: bounces I love this one
it is a good one
he looks so ridiculous in that shirt and tie
and I love that this show is like "ep 16: torture, hero almost killed by a demon who tortured him in hell for 30 years. ep 17: alternate universe shenanigans"
mmm. someone should maybe take him out of them
they like to mess with us
simmer down
omg this guy plays such a hilarious weirdo on Psych
omg Dean Smith. you do not need to lose any weight. eat a cookie
kill a ghost
LOL Sam's face
even Dean Smith makes "no homo" jokes when no one else brought that up pets him go to therapy, baby
it’s crazy to me that Sam is uncomfortable in this fake life but Dean suspects nothing
yeah it is WEIRD
but it fits with his "I can fit in anywhere thing"
hm. I wonder if it’s more “I’m so unhappy in the life my daddy forced me into” thing
oh definitely
my god he FITS in that shirt
he should really stop being work buddies with this asshole
(omg I am seriously wearing almost EXACTLY that other dude’s outfit right now)
poor Sam doesn't fit in his cubicle
graphic t with ratty flannel over
it is the BEST outfit
oh Sammy, sweets, I’ll nap with you
simmer down
I love how he does NOT fit into that cubicle
Dean’s profile. just DAMN, son
they made him extra pretty this ep and I love that they bothered
he cleans up super nice
Dean, you know you have some vampire romance novels under your perfectly made bed
“you overshare”
the tiny montages of the workplace mundanities
“I hope they spank me” this boy is naughty
look, we've all been where he is. no evil ghost needed
omg Dean's pretty pretty face. his LIPS
omg Sam and Dean are both researching it and asking the same questions on their own. i love it
“did you shave?!”
"the dash-Rs"
“hey, guy”
omg his back in those suspenders
omg EW
i always forget this one has some serious ew horror moments
poor Dean so shook
but not as shook as a normal person, which is kind of awesome
the way his voice kinda fails on "neck"
I love the way he just totally took charge with Ian (even though it didn't work)
why did he bring his bag?
security laptop. it makes him feel safe
emotional support laptop
"no that would be nuts" HAAAAAHHAHAHAHA poking fun at their own show history
"some skills I happen to have"
okay settle down, Taken
I admire from afar
Dean’s arms in that shirt
“right?!” BOYS
"I am dying to check this out." "Right?" YES
SNORK! Look, I’m always like this. It’s weirder when you do it
Fair enough
your desire to trot at any given moment is, like, lukewarm
at best
which is, of course, completely cool - PUN INTENDED - I’m just saying that when you bump it up to hot-trotting, it’s just different
I get it
whereas my trotting enthusiasm always runs at toasty, minimum
except for the GIANT BOWL OF APPLES
eat a food, Dean, I beg you
LOL toasty trots
(also, their NAMES)
your daddy raised you better'n that
did he, though?
I think you mean Bobby raised him better
(YES I am kissing whoever decided to give them OTHER gun names platonically on the head)
Bobby is his dad in the universe, that's what I meant
"instructional videos"
I forgot they were in here!
THIS IS LIKE THE BEST JOKE that they learn how from them who they hate who learned it from them
I LOVE IT kicks feet in glee
nrrrrrf Dean's dumb buttondown tucked into his dumb dress slacks
“yeah now sucks"
his portfolio is in the sewer. poor rich baby
"useless douchebags the Winchesters"
"possibly all states"
and Dean's face at the idea of digging up bodies
omg Dean hiding
oh man another super gross bit coming
“…what?” SAM
poor Bean
poor sammy
"take the stairs"
aw Dean's little swallow
"I have no idea"
oh boys
hey! stop throwing my Dean around into things!
ooo the teamwork
I love that Sam immediately clocks that the way to help Dean is not to help him but to dispatch the ghost
so smart
“that was amazing!”
pets him
“how would we live?”
"you don't wanna go fighting ghosts without any health insurance" I LOVE HIM
I LOVE that Sam instinctively knows who he is
And his family is Bobby, Ellen, and Jo
well, Bobby at least
“you don’t know me, pal” ooof
"you should go" sigh
he BENT the poker MY GOD
Dean, hold out for your own angel
"my GOD am I hungry"
trots in with a bag of cheeseburgers and fries and pie
"gross. no thank you"
“gross” HAHAHAHA
lololol Dean
ass clowns in monkey suits
how did they not realize how he would respond to this?
his idiolect! I cannot
Cas coulda told them. No way they ran this by him
daddy issues
he’s not wrong there
"I will stab you in your face" AND HE DOES
his face journey after "fornicate with women" is something else
look, Dean, I'm here to tell you you can hunt and still have the lattes
and fuck all of them for doing all this to Sammy too but not bothering to explain
like Sam goes from "my brother is beat to hell in a hospital bed" to being mind fucked and then no one bothers to tell him what's up
so mean. he needs comforting.
I think we've talked before about how if they'd given Dean a life HE MIGHT ACTUALLY HAVE HAD, like running his own auto shop, restoring cars, with either Cassie or Cas, he would have STAYED THERE FOREVER
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killacharacterbingo · 10 months
Prompt Master List
(Updated as prompts are added)
If any prompts don't make sense check this post: A prompt explained and A prompt explained II
Switching Places
Near-Death Experience
Dumb Ways To Die
Blood Loss
Your Worst Fear
Hard Choices
Dead On Their Feet
Hero/Villain Swap
Tomorrow Isn't Promised
Car Accident
Presumed Dead
Canon Compliant
Never Meet Your Heroes
Dictionary Death
Friendly Fire
13th Reasons Why
Musical Death
Survivor's Guilt
Conversation With Death
Collateral Damage
Test Subject
Pulling The Plug
One Punch Can Kill
Medical Malpractice
The Blip
Cast It Into The Fire
"I Have The High Ground"
Once Bitten Twice Shy
Bleeding Blue
To Be Or Not To Be
Car Crash
Mugging Gone Wrong
Into The Woods
Death Of The Soul
Dormammu, I’ve Come To Bargain
The Cake Is A Lie
Even Heroes Die
With Great Power 
Sacrificed To The Gods
“Sometimes Death Is Better”
"I Finally Have Something To Leave Behind"
Natural Disaster
Mistaken Identity
Ten Years Later
Not So Secret Monologues
180 - The Character Doesn't Die
Final Destination
Raped To Death
Chronic Illness
Outed As A Spy
Bulletproof Vest
Sung To Sleep Forever 
A Soft Epilogue 
Wait For Me In Valhalla 
“I Was Saving My ten” - pain scale
“There’s A Boat Jack” 
Married Life Montage 
“You Have Your Mother’s Eyes” 
Russian Roulette
Guinea Pig
Karma’s A Bitch
Toxic Gas
Famous last words
"Hey, i think we're going to be okay after all!"
"I'll always come back!"
In another's arms
"You can rest now..."
A long time ago
Falls through the Ice
Asthma attack
Pushed to the Limit
Commotio Cordis
Death row
Breaking the 4th wall
Wikihow to Die
Time loop
“If I can’t have you…”
Cardiovascular collapse
Allergic reaction
Erased from existence
Dead all along
Dying alone
Blood from the mouth
Patient zero
Old age
Fatal Weakness
One moment stretched into a thousand
Origin story gone wrong
Area 51 raid
Trapped in a tiny space
Hanahaki / Hanakanjo / Hanauso
Death by ordinary illness
Hit and run
Mercy Killing
Plane crash
Brain death
Death by seduction
Death bed confession
Organ Transplant
Their Legacy Is continued
Bound By Fate
Running out of time
Can’t breathe
Shot down
Saving Throws – DnD
Smoke inhalation
Death by coconut
“Help me!”
Climbing accident
Blood-stained tiles
“You weren’t meant to be there”
“I love you”
“No… not like this”
Dug their own grave
The AO3 Curse
Deathly kiss
Going through hell
Meeting at the gates
Return from Hiatus
"watch out for the flying blades!"
Left for dead
Strapped to a bomb
Hunger games
Order 66
Murder on the dance floor
Come to terms with death
“It’s okay”
Keeps dying
Letting go
Neuromuscular blockade
Unfriendly pet
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy
Faking their own death
Post traumatic amnesia
Schrödinger's paradox
Arbitrary hilarious death
Lack of Oxygen
High altitude
Diving deep
180 - the character becomes the killer
Angel of death
"You're going down with me!”
Never got to say goodbye
Graphic gore
The end of the world
Uploaded to the server
Sheep in wolves' clothing
Adrenaline crash
Alternate universe ending
Acting on instinct
“I miss you…”
Those left behind
Wind phone
Life support
Time Paradox
Temporary character death
Death during childbirth
Life flashing before your eyes
… Needs a hug
Returning home
Internal bleeding
Death of the universe
Last person alive
“Sorry I have already tried and failed at it.”
“I told you so”
Should have seen it coming
Bad Aim
“Kill me instead…”
Warning shot
Canon died a brutal yet Necessary death
On the run
Not guilty
Knocked over by the wind
Killed by a garden gnome
“Did you fall? Or did you let go…?”
Bleeding from the ears
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nyxvamps · 2 months
i neeeeeeeed another 10 seasons of mha. i need it to be about them all in their second year and it’ll mainly be about their daily live as hero students. but i need it to start off with these traumatized children slowly learning to relax. to be kids with no responsibilities yet, again.
learning how to not visibly startle whenever a door shuts to hard. or how to stay in bed all night and not sneak out to do head checks at 2am. or not losing sleep over vivid gruesome nightmares. etc.
and as this happens, they start to build themselves. you see them make more relationships within/and out of class. you see them settle into being a teenager in highschool.
i wanna see (this is gonna take awhile) secret sleepovers after aizawa does his head checks. watching movies in the common room. being gym partners after school. going to the store and needing to get livable groceries for the week. making schedules for chores and making dinner. staying up together because the nightmares are getting bad. crying over a bad ex from the support course. game nights with boardgames and truth or dare and ashido brought just dance.
i need painting nails and shit talking at a ‘no boys allowed’ night. kaminari dares kirishima to sneak in and he ends up staying all night because ‘have you guys heard that tetsu’s been trying to talk to monoma?’, nails painted and face mask on. someone getting their ears pierced in the bathroom at 1am. stress baking/cleaning. chasing koda’s rabbit because she’s being a little shit and keeps running us in circles. class wide sparring tournaments as a fun game on their days off.
clothes shopping with a try on montage. going out to eat or having picnics. being recognized in public and being hounded by paparazzi and civilians. impulsively dying and cutting their hair. blasting music through the whole building while deep cleaning the dorms. forcing aizawa to join in on movie/game nights. knocking on aizawa’s door in the middle of the night because they don’t feel safe after a nightmare.
aizawa being a reluctant shoulder to cry on but he slowly turns into someone who actively seeks these kids out when he knows somethings wrong. he follows the group during shopping trips holding bags. he has all of their birthdays marked on the calender in his room. he doles out detentions like they’re free. he has to break up prank schemes daily. unfortunately, he does have to carry around a backpack with extras/supplies in it because this class is made up of the most destructive children he has ever meet. glasses, shirts, money, socks, quirk resistant gloves, first aid kit, protein/granola bars, etc.
and then another 10 for their 3rd year.
shit like this if you please, horikoshi😌🔫
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Just wanted to say that your idea of the backstory being in puzzle pieces is so good I kindda wanna know how would you do a one-ahot backstory comic for Eddie.
Alright, I'm definitely not as good at writing as you are, but I'll give it a shot.
This is a bit long so I'm putting it under a read more
Also, some warnings for child abuse, physical abuse, school trauma, bullying and brief mentions of ableism
One of my ideas is that there could be 14 different scenes or memories that he looks back on, as a reference to the 14 pieces in Elgar's Enigma Variations because I just think he'd love them. Each section is a double page spread, with some being like typical comics with panels, and others being like single illustrations.
We could start with him being an adorable baby in his mum's arms, his dad standing next to her. Their body language seems happy, but there's something in the eyes that could hint that not all is well.
Edward is in school. These pages can be a montage, in the shapes of different jigsaw pieces. I'm probably projecting here, but I think maybe he could start off excelling academically, being top of the class, but finding himself too terrified to do anything less, his grades only starting to slip once he decides he's above grading systems of lower intellect. So anyway, the panels are of him getting good grades, but struggling a lot socially. There can be whispers amongst the students, rumours that he must be cheating.
Edward gets hit by his father. His mother tries to protect him but to no avail. Near the end, the panels dissolve into being a crossword with the words "moron" and "liar" over and over.
One of his teachers gives him a book of riddles. There is then another jigsaw montage thing of him reading it whenever he can: at break, at home, hiding it under the desk in class. He is getting very absorbed in it.
Edward is a teenager standing lonely at high school (middle school in the US but like Year 7 over here), with the silhouettes of people mocking him. The silhouettes can have crosswords inside, maybe with some insults (although realistically they would definitely be saying slurs and I wouldn't want to put ableist language in it so it would have to be toned down)
Edward's father destroys his book of riddles. He snaps at his father, who proceeds to beat him much more, berating him the worst yet.
Edward is growing up. The background is a jumbled assortment of jigsaw pieces in different colours. He looks miserable.
Edward is an adult now, and leaves home.
Edward is reading the newspaper. On one page is a crossword, full of words relating to Batman but also intellect, like "Genius", "Greatest" and "Detective" being connected to each other, "Hero", etc. On the other page is a picture of Batman. Perhaps Edward has annotated the newspaper article and drawn on it.
The Riddler finally meets Batman, and fights him. It is clear that he is in awe, even when he is defeated.
Edward is behind bars, looking miserable again.
Edward is out of prison, and meets Query and Echo
Query and Echo are now working with him, wearing themed spandex as well. He looks so happy to finally have friends who care about him, but then the police sirens come, and everything turns to blue, and all you can see is black lines of his face full of dread and fear of losing everything.
The last scene, as the Finale, is him looking at the future, sprinkling in a little bit of existential angst. He is in the front of the page, with jigsaw pieces in the background, all jumbled up, and showing different possible futures of him; we could see glimpses of him as an old man, and him wearing a crown, and him covered in blood dying. There are also some of him being happy, this is very important because we need hope and he deserves to be happy. Maybe he's posing like his mother was on the first page, holding his question mark staff like she was holding the baby, with the same look in his eyes as she had. Behind the Riddler, there are jigsaw pieces that are connected so they're in the shape of a question mark, and they could show his grave, conveniently cutting off the date of death on the headstone, with a flower or two laid on the grave because I think we need to show that someone does care about him. It could say "What am I?" at the bottom.
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Yknow i had to do it to em (play eye of the tiger based off of the chapter title, i think I’ll play gonna fly too, training montage music) 
Love the dialogue already, Rena I love you dearly. 
I know you made the massive time skip because of your break from Panthera while writing, But i do actually quite like how it means they’ve been at this for almost a full year by now
Insane for this. “Yes and no, that was Ladybug’s training” 
The fuck will she do to them. I am so ready to find out
I hope LB doesn’t interfere too much, I want to see how everyone deals with this side of Panthera
It’s hard to be fast at falling- hHA i am actually wheezing, i love this
Help this is awesome
I’m terrible at commenting on action, but this flows really smoothly and I’m loving how Panthera is explaining shit to them while they are flailing 
I feel like LB will be pulled in to make a point about team work
How is she wearing a hat with the cat ears
Awww Anarka tips cute
I love this
I enjoy Panthera beating hte three of their asses
I’m really waiting for the moment the tension between LB and Panthera explodes, because the push and pull between them can’t keep up like this! Especially because you have hinted at the Akuma becoming more dangerous 
Thats an argument / conversation I can’t wait to read.
Well i can wait, I would rather things are appropriately set up and you were happy with writing them Cap. does that make sense?
Help not Chloe hating Nadia, tbh she gives me bad vibes considering how ready she was to use children to boost her own show rating. 
Also, stealing a reporters microphone is such a funny idea.
I still find it funny that Juleka is so bothered by not knowing who rena is. 
I love the alya appreciation, she’s a really really fun character especially in this, Chloe buying her an expensive camera is so funny though
“They only ask me why I’m a boy on an all girl’s team and if I’m dating you guys.” Carapace huffed, tugging at his hood. “I’m also bi but I’m thinking of aiming for dating a dude next time I’m looking to date just so I can spite them.”
Mainly because i was just thinking that “huh, i forgot that without Adrien as Cn team miraculous really seems like a girls thing
“They’re not my rules” 
Juleka saying this to them really forces them all to see that the partnership is unbalanced
This is like the different expectations of my divorced parents this sounds stressful to be in a team with 
Interesting to see Juleka’s rules though
I like this team conversation, I’m very curious about how much we’ll see with the five of them
The talk about dreams is fun, I am curious about what Chloe will end up wanating to do 
The whole “Oh was that an implication thing?” was cute
Juleka thinking the fact that we all end up dying is a reassuring thing is so funny help
leaving the three to a long moment without their two leaders. Or.. was it leader and her second in command.
It is very interesting that they never thought of it like that before though, I’m pretty sure the media had implied that Juleka was second in command, or that might have been Juleka bias working 
Cap you have no idea how insane i am for the inevitable LB and Panthera disagreement on how to run things, like I feel like there will have to be a big push because Juleka is unlikely to challenge it without them even though she feels really strongly for it
But Alya’s observation has just made me more interested
I do need it to be known that I’m not trying to vilify Marinette! I love her character in this! She’s so interesting with how she sees things and how dedicated she is, and she is a good hero!
I’m just.. Really interested to see what happens when Panthera and her are actively opposing each other
The fact that Panthera fights like she’s dancing has me feeling wild 
And actually helps me visualise how she fights a lot more, not that it was hard before but this makes a lot of details click
We all know LB has just not asked Fu about it at all
I’ve never really stopped to wonder why
I think I assumed it was because she didn’t want to maybe go against Fu, but I don’t think that really fits…
More to think about, though I do apologise if you’ve made that particular motivation clear and I’ve accidentally blanked it!
Oh shit
Never mind
Were talking about the metalica moment that’s crazy insane
Never mind fade to black
God I am so curious about what she’ll be able to do with that when it is more controlled
Hang on wasn’t she not transformed? Oh no, nvm plagg can leave the ring now
the end was so cute- help not Chloe buying expensive shit for people, love that for her
I seem to have said less than usual! i'm a bit frantic rn, so sorry about that! I'm not sure how much either of my asks made sense, they really are just stream of conscious so I do apologise for anything that is confusing!
Im glad you liked the time skip- Ive heard some comments expressing their unhappiness or discomfort with it so,, yeah;;
I can't wait for panthera and ladybug's dynamic in season 3. if you guys love ladynoire toxic yuri oh boy season 3+4 will be the seasons for you guys <3
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I just realised Something about a portion of fandom I don't really engage with all that much. Because I don't want to, btw.
In all other shows, movies, books, etc, every single bad person is at least somewhat 'ugly' according to the narrative. The 'problematic' characters rarely get acknowledged because there are so many good looking characters who are good themselves (I remember Annabelle from the first book of Percy Jackson, I think, and there were more ofc).
However, Rowling's main idea about appearances was that it was an illusion. Every single good looking character is either reprehensible or ends up dying (Cedric) in the same book they were introduced*. The story wants to be relatable to how every teen feels, and no matter what, we all have insecurities.
However, they're just teens, and on top of that, at least one or more of our main teens have done something terrible or badwrong (Hermione with skeeter and Marietta). So, they aren't exceptionally beautiful and neither are they exceptionally good. Even the side characters who are popular come across as jerks to some of their family members, making their sibling cry.
This creates a problem for the people who don't have a sense of self yet, or are so scarred they can only look at life through black & white lenses.
The Halo effect playing greatly onto the above, we're presented with another set of teens, two of whom are described as extremely sought after by the opposite sex, one of whom is popular, and the final one who has endeared himself by showing ugly Snivellus his place (via map and the Verbal Sparring). They all, by the end of this introduction, understand that Snivellus is badwrong and doesn't deserve anything good.
'It's clear he's the villain, and has been since forever, see, these people agree with me and they're the Protagonist's parents.' Whether this is believed because of the Halo effect or taking Harry's perspective to mean a God pov, I can't tell. The point being, they are even more convinced.
They want an escape from how difficult it is to sort out their feeling about these people the author keeps throwing at their face so why not attach to the characters who are dead or strongly attached to the protagonist (so they can never be badwrong in later books). A safety blanket of sorts, if you will. And in doing so, they completely ignore the nuances of the scenes presented in the last book. Because they are attached, they'd rather call badwrong Snivellus' love impure than explore what the montage of all his memories implied. That beauty is skin deep.
The thing about people who like such black and white scenarios and people is: they will always fall prey to the Halo Effect. And it's extremely painful to be disillusioned about your favourites. So they may never get disillusioned.
All this to say, sometimes I wonder why that part of the fandom is like 'that'. And it's just that this is the safety net in this series, or this is just how vanilla people outside of fandom coming in can take.
And that's fine (coz I'm crazy for the marauders era as well, just with a slightly wider taste pallet).
TL Dr: The antis are attracted to wholesome ships and since Rowling made it so difficult to find such ships until much later where you are emotionally connected with each character, the antis attached to a bunch of (mostly) dead people who, by association to the Hero of the story, being pretty, popular, and clear on their behaviour with the badwrong confusing character, are all good. They were desperately looking for the safety net in the books and found some. Also, since antis are the way they are, maybe they believe the fictional character being dead means people would not criticise their wholesome ship? Idk.
*The only properly handsome man - Bill - barely gets mentioned, marries a beautiful woman, and imo the only reason he doesn't die is because he didn't revel in his handsomeness or popularity (him liking Snape in school is so cute + that disqualifies him from being popular with the antis since he likes the badwrong character). Also, he was literally scarred on his once handsome face to show that his wife actually loved him and didn't just choose him to have beautiful babies. Her being a veela and owning her Frenchness were already flaws (in the narrative's opinion) so all she needed was a scarred husband. Now, they both don't have to die 🤣.
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time-bone-swap-au · 1 year
Character Info: (Destiny’s Lament)
Part 2
Part 3
Bai He:
Age: ranging from 14-20 years old. Though the creator prefers that she is around 14/16 as she really does view her as a child. (No ships please)
Info: Bai He is the Reincarnation of Lady Bone Demon, after LBD splits her and MK’s soul in half, she gives one half to MK and steals MK’s half into her own, reincarnating so that the soul will be lost. Bai He takes the place as Wukong successor with the hero name ‘Lady Lily Valley’ or ‘Lady Lily’ she has all the powers of MK with a few alterations such as Soul Eyes and slight Ice Powers when building her mech.
Bai He’s biological parents wanted a son, however got a daughter instead, so by the age of 5 they abandoned her in an alley before Tang found her. Unlike MK, Bai He gets adopted by Tang, somewhat reversing the roles, she heads to Megapolis city when Tang and her move there. Both of them live in the apartment above Pigsy as long as Tang gets the job as Waiter.
Bai He is a gaming streamer, both Mei and her decided to switch content which is how she found the staff.
Bai He likes to call Tang ‘Mom’ because his voice sounds more like a mom than a dad. And because he acts more motherly than fatherly.
She also uses Tang’s scarf to wipe off glitter instead of tissues because she refuses to stain anything that is white. (Yes this has been a problem, especially during her…erm… ‘Shark Week’) Tang has only convinced her to stain pads, but has yet to convince her for anything else.
Her fashion choice consists of pink, black and white, after the events of Season 3 (now 4) she opts for more pink and blonde colors, refusing black, white and blue, at some point she even tried dying her hair pink, before finally accepting who she was and putting that behind her.
She is unaware of the changes in the timeline, until Season 3 (Now 4) when she gets confirmation of her identity as Lady Bone Demon.
Tang Shifu:
Age: Around 30-40
Info: Tang was in 2nd-year college in Japan, when he first adopted Bai He, opting to raise her despite his roommate’s protests. He dropped out in his 3rd Year despite his parents’ protests because his roommate was neglecting her needs whenever he was busy. Tang moved back to Megapolis with stolen money from his parents and never looked back, choosing to raise Bai He than to please his parents high expectations.
They met Pigsy after Tang was craving for some noodles and Tang worked at Pigsy’s for a bit before finally landing a teaching job somewhere.
Tang cares a whole lot for Bai He, even willing to run towards danger just to see her safe. The scene in the pilot completely traumatized the man and made him a little overprotective before Season 2.
Tang was aware of his shield powers prior to Season 1, he was nearly hit by a car and ended up acting on instinct, which is one of the reasons he started researching about Journey to the West.
Tang has a brother in this AU, who owns the Golden Cicada yum yums website. I won’t do name drop yet but his brother speaks like Porty MK and does actually care for Tang, which is how he moved back to Megapolis despite being in Japan.
Tang is less cowardly here, but still continues to be a freeloader. I also removed some of his ego, so in season 4 (now 3) during the training montage, Pigsy and Tang’s roles switch for a bit, except Pigsy still keeps his personality. (Being a father can do that to you, you get stress than be laidback)
FreeNoodles is canon here, but they only marry during Season 5 (FANMADE) during the Bone Bros arc. He, Pigsy and Sandy met in high-school, Sandy and Pigsy were in a biker gang and Tang was the sassy Honor Student. Pigsy and Tang broke up after Tang had to go to Japan for College.
Tang doesn’t mind being called ‘mom’ but it was certainly a problem when Bai He got lost in the city once and she asked to call her ‘mom’ that they thought Tang was trans. He wasn’t, the only thing queer about him was he was gay.
Tang wears his design inverted (Instead of Red being the dominant color, it was white) this was to prevent Bai He from using his clothes to wipe off glitter, at some point he tried Washing his scarf, but has since given up on removing the glitter and only mildly washes it. Once every week all the glitter is washed away, but the rest of the days, the glitter stays on. The Lily pin on him is not given from Bai He, it was a gift for Bai He from his brother, but Bai He doesn’t like pins so he wore it instead. The only thing given to him from Bai He is the rainbow bracelet.
‘Did you color it rainbow because you like rainbow?’
‘No because you’re gay’
‘Ah noted.’
He is unaware of the changes in the timeline.
Pigsy/Zhu Dachu
Age: Around 30-40
Info: Pigsy had just newly reopened the restaurant months after his mother’s funeral when Tang showed up with Bai He. All those feelings rushed back to him in that moment, but he played it cool.
Pigsy has a delivery boy, still yes, Bai He had a TEMPORARY crush on him but got over it after a while.
Pigsy and Bai He have an Uncle-Niece Relationship, however Bai He started shipping him with Tang. (Again instead of MK’s dad effect, it’s Uncle effect for Bai He)
Most of Pigsy and Tang’s role switch, so in the pilot it was him comforting Tang instead of Tang comforting him. However he did come with them as Tang was just as cowardly in the pilots before Bai He got a near death experience.
Pigsy is just in the background as Sandy, honestly since Tang and Pigsy switch roles at times it’s hard for me to actually add some sort of stuff for Pigsy. So his info is really short.
He still has the same personality. He and Tang broke up when Tang had to go to Japan and Pigsy had to go back to his farm. In this AU he actually has a lot of relatives, it’s just that…he hasn’t met any of them. Pigsy is also fatherless, having lived with his mother and aunt for a while.
His design doesn’t change until Season 5 (FANMADE) when he opts so wear a Red Scarf that acts like a choker. He only wears it during missions with Bai He or when he’s not in Pigsy’s Noodles. Pigsy also has his ‘Pig Demon’ form, however the reason he opts for the Smaller form and he looks less like a demon because demon kind has evolved that certain demons who don’t add human meat to their diet, don’t have certain features like a normal demon, such as colored eyes. The big form is activated only upon great strength as it actually requires a lot of human meat.
He is unaware of the changes in the timeline.
Sandy/Sha Dali
Age: The Somewhere around 30-40
Info: He’s been friends with Tang and Pigsy since High-School.
His past of violence still remains, (I am waiting for a Sandy backstory because it just MIRRORS Sha Wujing)
Also- for funsies, yes, Sandy is Sha Wujing in this AU, no reincarnation no death, nada, he is Sha Wujing, no one knows this because he’s just that good at acting that he needs a damn Oscar.
Sandy/Sha Wujing, fell in love with cats, not just for therapy, he just-
He grew soft on them.
Sandy still has his powers from his prime years, but due to his years of violence and his want to keep it from everyone that he’s Sha Wujing, he doesn’t say anything.
Why is he in high school? He needed to learn the basics of the mortal world, and libraries weren’t really helping him. (It also couldn’t help him find a job, unlike Wukong-)
He will reveal this in the Bone Brotherhood Arc.
Since MK seems close to Sandy, due to how many episodes where Mei, Sandy and MK are the focus exists, Bai He is also close to him and the other reason is because of cats.
Sandy helped Pigsy reopen the restaurant before getting into therapy.
And he’s been suffering seeing Pigsy and Tang during the first years of their relationship, having third-wheeling the whole thing for a long time and already planning their wedding to be a mash up of what Pigsy and Tang wanted their weddings to look like.
No he doesn’t feel weird that Pigsy and Tang are marrying nor dating he knows reincarnation is not the same as the past life.
He stayed in the biker gang because of Pigsy and is actually surprised how much the reincarnation differs from the both of them.
He actually wants to help Wukong, but he doesn’t want to risk his identity.
Actually knows more than he lets on, in fact I’ll make him an important character because Sandy appreciation is a go.
Sliktea might be canon.
I’ll say his new design consists of Flower Tattoos, that’s about it, nothing much really. The only one who actually frequently changes outfits is Bai He.
He is aware of the changes of the timeline.
Mei Dragon/Long Xiaojiao
Age: 23 or younger.
Info: Mei and Bai He met in an arcade.
Mei’s a stunt streamer, where she livestreams her races and her stunts.
Mei’s fans don’t believe she’s actually friends with Bai He until Season 4 (now 3)
Mei has more followers than Bai He (surprisingly)
The sole reason Bai He is even a hero in the first place.
No more Samadhi Fire, she actually learned from Red Son that having the Samadhi Fire takes half your lifespan. (Aka, she will die from sickness because it never really had a proper form to begin with)
Mei obviously doesn’t trust Wukong like in the show, but as The Bone Bros arc commences she starts to sympathize with him.
‘What’s the use of powers if you can’t use them?!’-To Ao Lie
‘What’s the point of being strong if I can’t help my friends?!’-To her, during the Bone Ore Brothers arc
Mei is also kind of into conspiracy theories.
Not into the boring history stuff and wants to skip right ahead to things.
Macaque trains her too, not sure who would teach her how to actually use a sword though.
Dragon Form is much stronger, we might get full dragon.
Not sure how to make her design yet, it’s still in the worlds (or maybe she hasn’t changed design)
Is unaware of the changes in the timeline.
Sun Wukong
Age: 5000 years old or something-
Info: In Season 1 he’s the same old mentor as always, but in Season 1 he’s actually more active as a mentor figure, in Duplicatnation, since Bai He doesn’t work in Pigsy’s shop and is doing fine as a Gamer Girl, while being sassy and setting boundaries for her schedule (Yes, Bai He is a responsible little lady) Wukong texts her her lessons (With Email of course)
Wukong goes to MBK for criticism and guidance of being a mentor, the most important advice Wukong gets is ‘Don’t let your student get into the big leagues yet if you think they can’t handle it, do it yourself if you have to’
Bai He still thinks he’s not as good as a mentor as Macaque, which is fair since Wukong’s lessons are often vague. Something he picked up from both Subodhi and Tripitaka.
Wukong gets therapy from MBK, and has been since after the Journey.
Wukong is a part of MBK’s make-shift brotherhood, called ‘The Bone Crown Brotherhood’ (I accidentally misnamed it in the artwork for ‘Accepted Fate’ ) Jin and Yin might not be in good terms with him, but he is with them.
Wukong constantly gets nightmares, which makes it so MBK would manipulate his mind and cause good dreams. This would lead to a spiral of improvement for MBK, because this allows him to trap Macaque in an endless dream, making possession a bit harder to break without spreading himself too thin.
After Season 3 (now 4) Wukong is no longer active as a mentor figure. The role was given to Macaque.
Wukong wasn’t the one who sealed DBK 500 years ago.
He won’t interact with the gang after Season 3 (now 4) and is reduced to just talking with the Bone Crown Brotherhood.
He won’t tell anyone he’s getting therapy, nor has he relayed this information.
Wukong would tell MBK about Bai He’s improvements, adventures and even events related to her, making him an unwilling informant.
Wukong was the most willing host of MBK. For some unknown reason.
Nezha and Wukong are actually on good terms in this timeline, Nezha stumbled upon MBK’s dream spell and wanted to actually talk to Wukong.
Misty or MemK has been with Wukong since the events of Season 3 (now 4) Wukong refuses to inform anyone.
Wukong actually thought Macaque was dead, seeing him betray everyone is what made him salty.
He knows how to do a lot of things, like make old time medicine and singing.
He can read and write, his eyesight is just fucked and he’s relearning modern Chinese (Guys, he’s called ‘Intelligent Stone Monkey’ for a reason)
His design is still the same as the show, when possessed he looks different (obvi) and after the events of season 3 (now 4) he wears a yellow sweater with dark red pants.
Without Glamour, Wukong has burns all over his fur and a slight wound from his head that has yet to regenerate. It was probably because the circlet was on his head for a prolonged period of time compared to his other scars.
He is unaware of the changes of the timeline, until Season 3 (now 4)
Age: 5000 years or something (The Pokémon card isn’t canon)
Macaque didn’t die to Wukong here. He died under different circumstances and was revived by MBK for unknown reasons.
Macaque has the ability to hear the past, present and future, thus causing him to fear MBK and break his oath more early.
Prior to the series, Macaque was locked in a mountain with his name. ‘Liu’Er Mihou’ and had the one key plan to defeating MBK, which Bai He took.
The reason Jin and Yin were at the mountain where he was locked up, is because they were guarding the mountain. But once they got word of MBK’s plans, they made Bai He and Mei release Macaque.
Macaque isn’t playing villain, nor does he hold Ill will to Wukong (Because he already knows how this plays out) he just steals Bai He’s powers, because he knows that it’s a combination of LBD and MK’s powers.
Unfortunately this made him incredibly weak, as he could take Wukong’s powers, but not LBD’s so this caused him to be helpless as he was possessed.
When possessed, Macaque can see and hear anything but can’t break free, he’s been a thorn on MBK’s side for a while.
Macaque was only given brief minutes of being free from possession, however was closely monitored by the Mayor who was also possessed.
Remember this scene?
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Macaque was in the basement the whole conversation.
Season 3 (now 4) served as Wukong’s replacement, slowly shifting the mentor figure from Wukong to Macaque.
Macaque was heavily tortured after Season 4 (now 3) to be more compliant to possession.
Still a theater kid, can sing.
Macaque’s design only changes in Season 3 (Now 4) and when he’s possessed. Macaque wore a red, black and white hanfu (Help I don’t know if it’s a hanfu) with a red scarf and black arm plates. With a bone headdress holding his hair up and affected his hair to he white, plus revealing his six ears. (Which surprised Peng, cause he thought ‘Six Ears’ was just a title)
He is aware of the changes in the timeline due to his ability to hear through time.
Red Son
Age: Possibly also 5000 years old, it’s hard to tell because the Samadhi Fire was split when Tang Sanzang was still around.
He’s pretty much the same, I’m only changing his design in ‘Accpeted Fate’
You know, his less screen time makes sense in this AU, cause Season 4 and Season 3 switch, which could mean they were trying to have a good time with their little truce but NOOOO, Azure just HAD to ruin their bonding moment.
Red Son learns the truth about the Fire because of the events of Season 4 (Now 3) he refused to confront his parents about it.
This is a motive for why he went in and grabbed the fire for himself, not to make himself stronger, but to take responsibility for the fire he could not control.
Additionally, instead of Red Flames, he can control its heat to be so hot that it turns blue.
Red Son’s flames come with his emotions and determine how intense those emotions are, whether he’s actually really, really angry, or really really stressed, which also causes his hair to turn blue.
Red Son has more adept control over the Samadhi Fire, having trained with regular fire his whole life.
Red Son actually has extra dialogue when the roles switch during the time he was trapped in crystal.
‘I can’t believe I’m being…useless again…I can’t even control my own Fire!’
This is when PIF and DBK start realizing how much shit they place their son into.
(Tbfh those who say Mei is annoying and shouldn’t have gotten the Fire and dragonfruit shouldn’t exist, I’ll just say this- I as a multi shipper, will say that Mei who is born with strict parents or at least implied that they only started to accept her because she suddenly was chosen by the blade of her ancient ancestor, she out of everyone would’ve RELATED to Red Son more since she had at least a similar experience with him, which is why their relationship is so impactful and so important. Because only these two would definitely relate to whatever their parents raised them to be)
Red Son actually gets more attention in the Bone Ore Brothers Arc.
He considers Nezha a brother.
Also because Nezha kind of babysat him while his mother was trying to conquer the world.
Again I won’t change his design.
Is unaware of the changes in the timeline.
Mayor/General Shi
Age: ???? Somewhere 5000??? Maybe???
Mayor wasn’t bad-shit crazy, in fact he since he was emotionally involved with MBK and got to know him as a person rather than a god, (Like the original) he didn’t go insane.
Of course MBK gave him extra power, using some souls but not enough to drive him insane, this also extended his LifeSpan.
MBK just used those same souls and used it to take control of them.
He refused to fight MBK, thinking of him as his nephew.
Mayor ran for Mayor because MBK was too busy, when MBK arrived apparently he was running against Jin and Yin.
Mayor actually adopted MBK’s last name, whatever it was, he is one of the few who actually knows MK’s real name and last name. People actually get stunned when he writes his real name on paper.
Can draw a perfect circle.
Mayor went into a state of depression when MBK died, but he was one of the fastest to accept and recover from his death. His time as General serving as a method of healing.
It still hurts though…
Mayor went through finding the Bone Bros and is actually also an uncle figure to them, it’s just that they don’t listen to him half the time.
Mayor has a pet bird.
Mayor is the only one who actually visits Wukong for his mental health, replacing MBK as Wukong’s therapist.
Mayor has since kept this a secret from anyone else.
After the events of Season 3 (Now 4) he no longer has his powers, nor his immortality, so he will die one day.
Has retired from the fighting and now acts as support, knowing necessary runes and spells in order to heal people. (Tang Sanzang and Subodhi proved that mortals can use spells)
Design is still the same except after Season 3 (Now 4) when his design slowly gravitates to the color green.
Is aware of the changes in the timeline.
Jin and Yin
(I think I’ve been color coding them wrong-)
Ages: 5000+ years old, (Possibly older than Wukong)
Due to the implications of a memory seal, the Bone Ore Brothers remember what happens in the last timeline.
As such when they heard of MBK, they decided to follow them and find out it’s MK
MK adopted them as brothers.
Jin and Yin have Celestial Realm forms and powers. They have been sealed by Lao Tzu however.
Jin and Yin regain it during the Bone Ore Brothers arc.
So yeah Lao Tzu is probably dead? Idk-
After the Bone Ore Brothers arc, Nezha becomes an honorary brother.
Jin and Yin somehow know how to control MK’s baby powers minus the Wukong related ones.
Jin and Yin only get off for community service, the sole reason is because Nezha is already dealing with Heaven since Season 4 (now 3) because Jade Emperor is dead. He doesn’t want to deal with these two.
Mayor takes full responsibility.
Designs will be explained later, I’m already getting tired-
They are aware of the changes in the timeline.
MBK/MK/Qi Xiaotian.
(Finally the main gal himself!)
Age: ????
MK was still born a stone monkey from his original timeline, HOWEVER, when LBD transported her to this new timeline, that part of history was erased but not MK. He is still a stone Monkey.
Their reincarnate however is not a stone monkey, and is in fact a monkey revived from ice.
Still has his powers even when reincarnated, the LBD part of her was just as stubborn.
MK is Genderfluid.
MBK like Bai He still retains some power he has, such as Nimbus Cloud and the ability to create clones to some extent.
His powers sometimes spark Gold.
Was completely stripped of his powers other than those two, and has to rely on LBD’s powers, which slowly corrupt him as well as his sanity of being alone for too long.
Was with Wukong the longest, in fact this is why Wukong was so easily manipulated and so easily affected by his death, they made Wukong open up so much that Wukong didn’t even consider that his one and only friend that didn’t yell at him for once was betraying him.
In the original series, the strings were being pulled by mysterious hooded figures, but MK figured out their plans early on in the season (Inspired by a theory) and decided to kill them all off, he’s the one pulling the strings, as for Season 5 plot holes, I’ve already got this covered.
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denimbex1986 · 8 months
Andrew Haigh’s mysterious, beautiful and sentimental film is a fantasy-supernatural romance about loneliness and love. It concerns the climacteric of middle age when you realise you are probably nearer to death than birth, there is no guarantee that you will live your life inside a relationship and your parents were ordinary, vulnerable people – just like you.
All of Us Strangers is adapted by Haigh from the Japanese novel Strangers by Taichi Yamada, translated into English by Wayne Lammers (already filmed in Japanese), possibly tilting away from the the original’s tone of disturbing possibilities towards a melancholy sweetness, and very much keeping its feel for the eerie and the uncanny but finding something gently revelatory in these things.
Andrew Scott is Adam, a screenwriter in the first phases of depression, listlessly working on a script inspired by his relationship with his late parents, who were killed in a car crash when he was 12. In semi-silent montages, Haigh shows us Adam neglecting his work, watching daytime TV, eating biscuits, broodingly going through old photos of his childhood and putting the music of that era on the turntable, namely Frankie Goes to Hollywood’s The Power of Love. He lives on his own in an apartment in a modern block in London, a weirdly Ballardian-looking high rise in which he fancies himself to be the only occupant – or almost. Adam notices another man who keeps roguishly catching his eye: Harry, played by Paul Mescal. Like Adam, he is lonely; unlike Adam, he is a bit of a drinker. The booze emboldens Harry to approach Adam.
Just as this tricky relationship is beginning to take off, Adam goes on a whim to see the old suburban neighbourhood near Croydon where he grew up. Here, he makes a sensational discovery: mum (Claire Foy) and dad (Jamie Bell) are somehow still alive and living in his old house, which is decorated and furnished just as it was in the mid-80s. They have not aged and greet him with a mild, wry bemusement and easygoing welcome, as if Adam was home early from a term at uni and wanted his laundry doing. This is not a writerly reverie that Adam is having; he is by now about the age his parents were when they died and the universe has given him this secret miracle, to speak with his parents as an adult about his life, being gay and being on the verge of a relationship.
In its Englishness and politeness, All of Us Strangers reminded me a little of Ian McEwan’s The Child in Time and also Will Self’s The North London Book of the Dead, whose hero discovers that, after dying, his late mother has gone to live in a flat in north London’s Crouch End. (In Self’s novel How the Dead Live, we find that dead people go to live in bland suburbs.) When Adam first has a solo chat with his cerise-tracksuit-clad mother in the kitchen – she has briskly told him to take off his wet things after he’d been caught in the rain on his way over – I found myself thinking of Marty McFly’s Freudian encounter with his mother in Back to the Future. Yet the implications are not comic in the same way. His mum looks at Adam and realises that he looks exactly like her dad, the kind of epiphany that indicates that this quasi-ghost-mum is not simply a figment of his imagination.
His mum and dad aren’t angry about his gayness, nor do they make any show of being unimpressed, surprised or matter-of-fact about it – they don’t do the traditional twinkly-eyed we-knew-when-you-were-eight-years-old bit parents sometimes have to do in art, as in life, with varying degrees of sincerity. His dad does wryly say he could never catch a ball. His mum is frowningly concerned about the “lonely” or “childless” way of life he has chosen, evidently unaware of legal and cultural changes that have happened since she died. There are further fantasy scenes in which Haigh indulges in a note of comedy and even whimsy: Adam climbs into bed with his parents, wearing an enlarged version of his childhood PJs, and it’s a measure of the absolute seriousness with which Bell, Foy and Scott play the scene that it doesn’t just come across as silly.
As for Adam and Harry’s relationship, it continues to hold out the promise of happiness, with interesting dialogue scenes: they discuss the way the word “gay” has been replaced by “queer”. Harry’s theory is that “gay” was discredited by being used as a term of abuse in school: a “gay bike”, “gay haircut”, etc. Opinions may be divided over the film’s final scene, whether it takes this drama too far into another (familiar) genre and whether the scenes in which we’ve made such a tearful emotional investment have merely been misdirection. But what tremendous performances from all four; what style Haigh brings to this movie, fusing the themes of romantic relationships and intergenerational relationships of his previous movies Weekend and 45 Years.
It’s a heartstopping moment when Adam walks broodingly through a park and sees, in the distance, another man who briefly gestures with his head towards a thicket of trees; Adam follows, but the scene isn’t what we think. The film is an enormously satisfying and affecting experience.'
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bengiyo · 2 years
The Eclipse Ep 11 Stray Thoughts
It's been a lot of fun watching this with everyone. I'm really looking forward to seeing everything come to a head with this episode. This has been one of the most outright political shows we've had, and in many ways I think its ideas are more coherent than other attempts. Excited to see what the final thoughts it has for us will be.
I wonder what car manufacturers do when their vehicles get used in productions they don't like.
Chadok being there when Dika died doesn't surprise me.
We've only just started and I need to pause to praise First making his voice crack at the realization of the horrors he's been groomed to perform. This is a great emotional breakdown.
There's really something special in this show's messaging that agents of the system can recognize the harm they've done and change. They can choose to work against the system and try to do good.
That's right, Ayan. You teach him how to love you.
I'm kinda sad that Akk gave the necklace back.
Ayan is such a romantic. Still, I can't help be feel him doing everything he can to reassure Akk that he is loved and not alone. He needs Akk to know that there is always another dawn, because he doesn't want to lose him like he did with Dika. Ayan shouldn't have to feel this way. It isn't his fault he didn't know what was going on with his uncle or how to prevent what happened.
These two are gonna break me with this pin as a wordless comforting gesture across the room. Ayan is so clever.
I don't have a problem with Akk accepting this award or getting the scholarship (if he gets to keep it). In the words of Brian Kinney: "There's nothing noble in being poor."
Ayan and Thua shouting out for the world remembers, along with the other students following suit, is a good example of coalition building. The World Remembers has been relentless and clear in their messaging. It has garnered sympathy that can finally pay off here.
And now it's muddled already. Thua is not wrong. Finding justice in all this does require the truth. Not keen on outing Ayan and Akk, but I get why Thua needs to counter Ayan's credibility.
Oh Wat and Kan. We're going to spin this?
First and Khaotung are great criers.
Seeing Neo and AJ play righteous fury is very fun, even if I know this is deeply upsetting for every character involved. Ayan is right to direct everyone's focus up the chain of command, particularly in a culture that seems to value hierarchy so much.
Khaotung Thanawat Rattanakitpaisan.
Seriously, he's so good. The build up to this confrontation is so well done, and his emotional outbursts come in waves.
Oh shit it's Teacher Sani with a steel chair!!!
Well, we called the relationship between Chadok and Dika. I'm actually glad the show is going there. We know that there were gay Nazis, and I think it's important to highlight that this happens in oppressive systems often.
I'm so glad we're getting a sad secret dating montage. The audience benefits from the empathy this will engender.
Oh my that was more heartbreaking than even I expected. Goddamn. (But also, well done, everyone).
Akk asks the most important question, and then we just cut away? Come on, now.
Absolutely loving this fierce determination to achieve his ends (fuck the consequences) from Thua. Many of us have treated him as passive in all this, but I love this reveal that he was sick and tired of being sick and tired.
I love Thua so much. Absolutely phenomenal work from Louis in the final parts of this show. Thua realized he couldn't wait for a hero and decided to make the call himself.
I feel like there is always too much water in Thai school pools. Don't their care about displacement?
I'm dying at this movie crew. Akk coming out as a BL Actor because it's Thailand's soft power is SENDING ME!! I have so many thoughts and questions that don't fit this format.
Kan found his bravery. Perhaps seeing that Thua had more guts than all of them was the final push.
Oh well that was adorable.
I love the many different laughs we've gotten out of Khaotung in this show.
Haha I love them recreating earlier moments from the show. It's a real student project now.
Looks like a lot of resolution and a denouement next week. I hope we see the movie crew reconcile with The World Remembers before this ends.
We beat the episode 11 curse!! Congratulations!
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lunar-years · 1 year
stranger things for the fandom ask game?
the character i least understand: I guess Henry, lol. Man gave that whole dramatic ass speech in s4 about how much human existence sucks and everything is terrible and I was just like okay so you're doing all this for the dumbest reasons possible when you could have just gone to therapy. nice!
interactions i enjoyed the most: Will & Jonathan s4 hug, Robin coming out to Steve, Jancy s3 goodbye (she wants to hide him in her basement I'm literally still crying), Jancy's romcom first kiss, The s1 scene where El saves Mike on the cliff and the kids hug. generally sooo much of season one honestly, like there are so many iconic moments. My favorite scene of the show is still the Heroes montage in s1 where Jonathan&Joyce and Mike&Karen hug.
the character who scares me the most: Brenner. So glad he's gone he was terrifying.
the character who is mostly like me: I think I'm a fun mixture of Nancy & Jonathan :)
hottest looks character: Nancy <3 queen!
one thing i dislike about my fave character: Ok going with Nance. One thing I dislike is that she can be impulsive to the detriment of the people around her and sort of blind to other people's POV because she does tend to think she's right about everything. And usually she is! But not always. This was a big part of the s3 jonathan/nancy conflict. But I also think impulsion can be one of Nancy's best traits! So it's complicated.
one thing i like about my hated character: my hated character is Billy and I honestly like nothing about him, lol. but like. I guess I like that he fought to retain his humanity in the end and sacrificed himself for max and the others.
a quote or scene that haunts me: MAX AND LUCAS WHEN MAX WAS DYING. Jonathan throwing up after seeing Will's body in s1, Hopper cutting open the fake body
a death that left me indifferent: Eddie, lmao. But also like, Brenner obviously.
a character i wish died but didn’t: Henry Creel <3
my ship that never sailed: I ship byler in an extremely low-key non-committed way so I do hope they sail in s5 :) Other than that all my ships are currently canon lol.
thank youuuu!!
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