fluffi-dragon · 2 years
lee kaeya and ler rosaria!! can definitely see her using her claws on him mwahaha
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Evil Evil Claws >:>
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eliasiis · 2 years
SINCE REQUESTS ARE OPEN ragbros with Lee Kaeya please-
oh my god this was so fun to write. first of all i am SO ler for kaeya like it's crazy. secondly. writing ragbros is so fun their dynamic if they were friends again is so fun to think about i love to read like... different interpretations of ragbros friendships but i stand by a mutual friendship of teasy bickering ok its just. chefs kiss mwah
ragbros <333
word count: 1.4k
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It hasn't been too long since Kaeya and Diluc... Reunited, for lack of a better word.
It's a very tentative sort of reunited- The kind where they're both afraid to say something that'll set the other off, or maybe they'll say something they don't mean and it'll shatter everything.
But that hasn't happened yet. They're careful around each other. They're cautious, walking on eggshells that if they think about it rationally, aren't really there.
But it's nice to... Get along again. If Kaeya sees Diluc in Mondstadt he has the privilege to actually have a conversation with him rather than pretend he never saw him at all.
Now, though, Kaeya leisurely strolls into Angel's Share. After hours, of course.
Diluc barely glances at the door before he speaks. "We're closed... Oh, it's you." If Kaeya weren't paying attention, he wouldn't have noticed the small upwards quirk of Diluc's lips. He makes himself comfortable on the stool near the bar, right across from his brother.
Kaeya does his usual smirk, leaning his elbows on the bar with his hands clasped beneath his chin. "If you're closed, you should lock your doors, don't you think?" He asks.
Rolling his eyes, Diluc crosses his arms. "Forgive me for that. What'll it be?" He asks, casually setting his hands down on the bar. It really wouldn't usually mean anything, but Diluc acting so casual even with Kaeya's presence around makes Kaeya so much happier than it should.
"Mmm.... Surprise me," He says, lazily tapping a finger on the cold, wood surface.
"What makes you believe I won't just give you grape juice?" Diluc teases, yet turns around and starts making one of those unbelievably delightful concoctions of his. God, they're good.
"You wouldn't do that to your poor brother, would you?" Kaeya says, starting with his damn puppy eyes- Diluc wasn't even planning to actually give him grape juice, but he averts his eyes anyway. Those eyes could make the most stone-hearted man crumble.
He presents Kaeya with a drink. It's pretty, that's for sure. Two colors layer over each-other, a peachy orange at the top and a nice, light pink at the bottom.
"Well, what is it?" He asks, swirling the drink around a bit. The colors mix a bit more. It's almost... entrancing.
"You said to surprise you. Try it yourself," Diluc says. He matches Kaeya's tapping on the bar, but his seems a bit more impatient, like he's waiting for Kaeya to try it. He knows his drinks are good, but he also knows that he knows Kaeya's preferences and this is a little... Different. On the topic of walking on eggshells, even this feels like one of them. Like making a drink he doesn't like could be...
(He doesn't use the word betrayal anymore. Not when it comes to Kaeya.)
"Mmm! Oh, Diluc, your skills never fail to amaze me." Kaeya takes leisurely sips of his drink, leaning forward on the counter. The comment is genuine, but his tone is playfully teasing.
"Is that so? I seem to remember you talking with Rosaria the other day... Hmm... About how you just can't stand a certain drink I make." Diluc remarks, making the most unamused expression he can muster- Which is to say, he still looks pretty amused.
Kaeya gasps, as if in offense. "Have you been eavesdropping on me? For shame, 'Luc. I should've known you'd do something like that." He shakes his head in disapproval. Diluc comes around the bar to sit on the stool beside his brother.
"You're always sitting right in front of me. Was I supposed to tune you out?" He asks, punctuating his remark with a gentle poke to Kaeya's side, just thinking it'd be a casual sort of contact- Something to shorten the distance between them just a little more, but he's surprised when Kaeya squeaks and bats his hand away, trying to cover it up with a cough.
"Kaeya... You're still ticklish?" He can't help but ask, letting his small smirk grow into a sort of fond smile mixed with something more teasing.
"I- Well, it's- Are you?" Kaeya's attempt to turn the attention off of himself is a total failure, and to save it he tries to retaliate with a poke to Diluc's side instead. This fails as well, when Diluc catches Kaeya's wrist in his hand before he can make it.
"Answer the question, Kaeya."
"...No, I don't think I will."
"Well, I can just find out myself then." Before Kaeya can make any attempt to run away or deflect, Diluc already has two hands squeezing at his sides, thumbs massaging into his skin over the thin material of his shirt.
"W-Wait! Nohohoho fahahahair! 'Luc, You bahahastard!" Kaeya squeals, covering his smile with one gloved hand and desperately pushing at Diluc's shoulder with the other.
"Are you in any position to be insulting me, Kaeya? For shame." He mimics Kaeya's earlier words right back to him, climbing up to scribble his fingers under his arms, to which Kaeya reacts with a high-pitched squeal and howling cackles. He slams his arms down as tight as he possibly can, still squirming about. "You'll fall off the stool if you do that," Diluc comments, still chuckling.
When Kaeya looks Diluc in the eye, he detects such a soft fondness that he has to look away. His squirming becomes significantly less because he wants to get away and more because he can't help it. "Oh, shuhut uhuhup! Nohoho, Luc, Not thehehere-!! AACK-!!"
He feels the lightest poke to his hips and Kaeya screeches. The only thing he can think to do is retaliate. He knows somewhere Diluc used to be incredibly ticklish and can only hope that he still is.
Grabbing at Diluc's ribs, Kaeya gasps with relief and curls up in his seat when Diluc flinches away.
"...I'll make you regret that, Kaeya."
Kaeya jumps out of his seat, holding his hands up in front of him as if that'll save him.
"Waitwaitwaitwait- 'Luc, H-Hold on, you don't want to do this!"
"Is that a threat?"
"I- What?!"
"Lost your wit, Kaeya?"
Diluc inches closer with a dangerous look in his eyes. If Kaeya's good at anything, it's running. He darts up the stairs with a silly, unrepressable grin on his face. His legs feel like jelly and he's almost bursting with a giddy energy as he hears Diluc's quick footsteps following him.
Before he can turn the corner, Diluc's dashed in front of him and he's just run straight into his brother, causing a domino effect. They both fall straight to the floor.
Kaeya can't help it, he rolls onto his side and doubles over laughing, because how can they still be so childishly stupid?
He cracks his eye open to look at Diluc, and he notices that they're both laughing. Diluc's covering his eyes with one hand, and his laugh is still so bouncy and happy, just as it was when they were kids. Only, now it has a more mature, rich sound to it. Kaeya rolls onto his back again, panting.
"We're not done here," Diluc says. He has an evil smile on his face and Kaeya does try to get up to run away again but his legs are jelly and he just flops back downward.
Diluc grabs his hips and starts clawing and Kaeya can't even think. The ticklish feeling is both delightfully silly and unbearably intense and he cannot believe this is happening right now. "N-No! Fuhuhuck! Oh, Archons, EEK-!! Dihihiluc! Stahahap, I can't! I cahahan't!!"
"Wow. You're usually a lot more cocky than that. Apologize." Diluc massages his fingers into Kaeya's hip-bones and he involuntary bucks, smacking at Diluc's hands to no avail.
"For Whaahahahat?!? I dihihidn't-!" Before he can finish his sentence, Diluc moves his one hand to scribble under his arms while the other stays at his hips and he just gives in, shrieking and bucking and trying to escape the hands of his evil brother. "I'M SORRY! I'm sohohohorry!" He apologizes without even knowing what he's apologizing for, but before he can even react, Diluc's hands have stilled and he's already standing.
Panting like an idiot on the floor, Kaeya glares at Diluc. As much as he can with that grin still plastered to his face, anyway. "Why? Explain what your goal was just now."
Diluc mockingly hums, as if really thinking about it. "I felt like it. You were apologizing for insulting my drink, by the way."
"Hmph. Well, maybe you should've taken my advice."
"Maybe you should watch your mouth before we go through all that again."
"You wouldn't dare!"
"I definitely would."
Kaeya rolls his eyes, playfully punching Diluc's arm and flinching when he receives an evil glare in return.
He missed this.
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ticklystuff · 2 years
if your still doing the genshin team heres mine fem!traveler jean yanfei and rosaria
not accepting anymore thx! ^^
hewwo! thanks for the ask and hope you enjoy!
who’s the most ticklish character
it’s lumine! i headcanon that both twins are equally sensitive and she gets tickled by yanfei all the time
who’s the character that most people would assume is ticklish, but actually isn’t
none of them!
who’s the character that everyone gangs up on and tickles
lumine! she's so cute when she laughs. i feel like rosaria isn't someone that would normally enjoy tickling but her heart melts a little bit when she hears lumine giggling so she might join in maybe lol
who’s the character that somehow knows everyone else’s tickle spots and reveals them to others
yanfei and she's so smug when she goes about revealing them too
who’s the character with one specific tickle spot that only one other person knows about
jean knows that the middle of rosaria's back right along her spine is really ticklish. she only knows because barbara was mentioning how rosaria came back injured one night and while she was patching her up she got to hear rosaria laugh for once when she touched her back
who’s the most likely to win gang tickle wars
probably yanfei! i can't really see rosaria really trying at these and i feel like jean would just be really stiff the whole time lmao like they're tickling her but she's curled up in a fetal position while they do lol
i do think rosaria could win if she really tried though!
which character has a kink for tickling
i don't think any of them would!
which character didn’t even know they were ticklish until another character tickled them
yanfei! she's never been tickled by anyone before joining the team but i can see her being a really big ler and finally finding out she's ticklish when she tried tickling rosaria and ended up ticking her off and rosaria gave her revenge tickles lol she doesn't try and tickle rosaria as much now
which two characters have tickle fights all the time
yanfei and lumine! they're practically sisters in the team and are constantly sneaking up on each other
i can also see lumine and yanfei teaming up and tickling jean when she's working too hard to try and get her to have a break or something
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sleepysheepytea · 2 years
I started playing genshin cause of ur cute pics!! I love ur style! Ive been playing and thinking about Rosaria bullying Barbara w some tickles when jean isnt looking
aw thank u sm!! and hehee lee barbara is very underrated~
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fluffy-ami · 3 years
I haven't seen all that much content about the Genshin ladies, and I absolutely love them!! There's so many fantastic women in Genshin I love them all and they deserve all the attention and appreciation!
Could I request hcs for Lisa and Rosaria??? 💜⚡🖤❄️ (Ik they don't interact, I mean like each one individually)
Also have a nice day Ami you're wonderful and so talented 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
A/N: THIS. THIS IS💓💕💞💘💗💖. CAI I- Okay, let's go-
Lisa ⚡
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Okay-okay-okay-okay-okay-okay, but first of all, lady Lisa is absolutely mean (ask Kaeya about it and he'll try to do his best to avoid this topic akskdichsk)
Because, my dear comrades. Do whatever- and I mean literally whatever it takes to return books to the library on time, or else there will be... consequences~
Yep, I already mentioned it in my Kaeya hcs, but Lisa just casually wrecking anyone who's foolish enough to underestimate the tired librarian's power is an absolute GOLD–
Actually, yeah, let's talk about them. Kaeya, Bennett and Razor (and, sometimes, our cutie traveller~) are usually the ones who stay in the library longer than they expected lmao- People of Mondstadt actually call them “The Unfortunate Ones”, fight me again agahasjjsajkdjb-
Well, we all know why Kaeya does this. I mean, he always returns his books late on purpose, but always kinda regrets it in the end, but then does it again-
Bennet is just unlucky enough to never make it to the library on time, let's be real. But sometimes our Benny boy is having a bad day, and Lisa always notices it and will do her best to be gentle and cheer him up instead of really "punishing" him ✨
And, when it comes to Razor, tickling is a pretty good way to make him study harder XD
Okay, but let's just agree that Lisa's nails are a deadly weapon-
And you can't tell me that she doesn't use it when she wants Jean to stop overworking herself. Lisa really has to tickle the Acting Grandmaster out of her chair sometimes ajdbsjsnksjd-
And the teasing, of cooooourse...
“What? Oh, you can't take it? But you can take books from the library and forget to bring them back every time, don't you, sweetie?~”
“Want me to change spots? How about heeere? No? Ah, I like that spot, I think I'm going to stay here for a while...~”
Another little detail about Lisa as a ler - she always tries to look bored while completely wrecking you to tears. Like, for example, if you try to call for help, laughing your head off, she'll just yawn and then dig her nails right into your worst spot as a reminder that no-one can save you from your punishment~
But Lisa knows each person's limits, so she'll never go too far. And she'll offer you a nice cup of tea as an apology, right after she's done with you~ ☕✨
It's actually dangerous to try to tickle miss Lisa back, because:
You'll only give her another reason to completely wreck you.
She will completely wreck you.
But if you can catch Lisa off guard and attack her... man, the chuckles- 🛐
I think that she's not very ticklish, but tickling on her hips, sides and neck can make Lisa laugh pretty good ;3
But also, she's definitely the type to tease her ler back, reminding you that you're dead anyway 🌚
Rosaria ❄️
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Rosaria usually doesn't tickle anyone, so if she does, then either you managed to really piss her off, or she thinks your reactions are cute (but she will never admit it out loud though)
I think she sometimes tickles Venti, Kaeya (woooow, who would've thought, Ami-), and also Barbara, Traveller and Diluc from time to time.
She spends a lot of her time at the tavern, so Venti and Kaeya became her drinking buddies pretty quickly. So, one day, she saw a very amusing scene with the corner of her eye...
“Dihihiluc plehehese!..”
“I've told you already - it was your last glass for today!”
And her brain was like “Adorkable✨ಠ_ಠ”, so now our little bard suffers random small (and sometimes not so small) tickle attacks from Rosaria. She literally needs to just lightly poke the back of his neck with her finger, and Venti will immediately scrunch up his shoulders, giggling silly. Same thing with Kaeya. And Rosaria really enjoys hearing their little squeaks and seeing how their faces turn lightly pink from embarrassment ahiosyodocch-💞
And she just can't help but poke Diluc a few times whenever he gets annoyed with some late guests, because “Man, loosen up a little, bro-”
Rosaria tickles Barbara just because “Sis, you really should start thinking about yourself more”
Also yeah, KILLER NAILS X2
My personal favourite scenario with ler Rosaria..? Well...
As soon as sister Rosaria joined the traveller's team, regular physical trainings definitely became a thing. After studying her new companions closely for some time, she came up with an idea of how to make her trainings a little bit more fun for them. It looks like a regular game of tag. Rosaria is usually the one who hunts her friends, but she can actually make a very good team together with Razor, because he's a master of so-called “Tickle hunting” lmao-
And merciless ler Rosaria is gold, but soft sister Rosaria just makes my heart melt tho–
So whenever she catches one of her friends, starts tickling them and hears their shrieky giggles, the corners of her mouth go up slightly. Even if no-one can see it.
Also, she's not very talkative during the tickling. Rosaria doesn't that she's good at teasing, but sometimes she can be pretty mean without even realising it XD
Oh, and I can't stop thinking about...
Okay, imagine our traveller just walking around in Mondstadt at some late hour. And sister Rosaria is just chilling in some dark corner, she's on duty, she's serious. But she sees the traveller in the street and goes: ಠ_ʖಠ
So she will chase them and tickle them until they promise that they'll go to bed immediately (“Believe me, you don't want to become bags-under-the-eyes besties with me, there's really no pleasure in it” apjdskks-)
It's time for....... Lee!Rosari–
Like- the traveller was the first person in Rosaria's life who tickled her adjsjs my heart-
She's just so cuuuuuute, you can see her blush if you touch a very sensitive spot (but she will never let you even touch her if she doesn't trust you enough, of course)
I think that her most ticklish spots are her tummy, ribs... And her ears are also very sensitive <3
Her laughter sounds a little bit awkward and she tries to hold it in as long as possible, she's still not quite used to the sensation. But, once again, if you decided to tickle Rosaria, that means you're really in for a tickle attack from her and she won't hesitate~
(also, additional tags because my own writing killed me)
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fanfic-chan · 2 years
Eyyyy! Happy Tickling Day everyone! I honestly had no idea that was a thing until this morning but as soon as I'd caught wind of it I just knew I had to post something! This work was heavily inspired by this piece by @sleepysheepytea! Please go check them out cause they are absolutely and amazing! I hope you all like it! <3
Brotherly Love
"Alright Bennett, so what you wanna do is shift your weight forward just a little more when you swing and- Woah! Wait! Look out for the-"
Bennett let out a startled yelp as he suddenly found himself sprawled out on the ground, having tripped rather ungracefully over an exposed tree root and into a bush (not a thorn bush, thank goodness), dropping the wooden sword he'd been practicing with. Oops.
The young adventurer let out a nervous chuckle when Kaeya suddenly appeared standing over him, concern written all over his face, but it lessened considerably when he caught sight of Bennett's sheepish smile.
"Hehe um, sorry… Guess I should be more careful about my surroundings huh?" He apologized, a light blush spreading across his cheeks when the knight chuckled in fond amusement, reaching out a hand to help him pull him out of the bush, which he gratefully accepted.
"Yes, it definitely seems like it, but no worries, we'll just have to add 'situational awareness' to your training regimen. For now though, why don't we go ahead and head back to Mondstadt and get something to eat from Good Hunter? My treat." Kaeya chuckled at the way the little adventurer's eyes seemed to light up at that, and his stomach chose that exact moment to rumble, making the boy blush slightly.
"I'll take that as a yes."
Things were relatively peaceful on the way back. Well, peaceful when taking Bennett's unfortunate luck into consideration, and it only took them about three hilichurl ambushes and a very close call with a falling tree branch for them to reach the main path back to the city.
"..Hey, Kaeya?" Bennett said, finally breaking the comfortable silence that had fallen between them a while ago. The knight hummed in acknowledgement, tilting his head slightly to indicate he was listening.
"I just wanted to say thanks for today. It was really fun getting to train with someone for a change. Not a lot of people like to be around me because of my luck so I appreciate you taking the time to teach me when you probably have other more important things to do."
Kaeya blinked, feeling a bit caught off guard by the admission, but he quickly caught himself and ruffled the younger's hair playfully. "Kid, it's really no problem. I like spending time with you. Taking a few hours off each week to train you isn't something I consider to be a sacrifice. On the contrary, I rather enjoy it. It's kind of like having a little brother in a lot of ways."
Bennett whipped his head around at that, eyes wide in shock. "Wow, really? You mean that?!" 
Kaeya chuckled, pulling the younger into a sort of playful headlock even as the other spluttered in protest. "Of course I do. Would I ever lie?"
"Well… Yeah actually. You do it all the the time." 
This time it was Kaeya's turn to be surprised, and Bennett took his momentary surprise to squirm out of his hold. The younger took one look at his shocked, mildly offended expression and burst into a fit of giggles. 
Kaeya's expression softened a bit at the sight and sound of Bennett's carefree and happy laughter. He was glad that the kid felt so comfortable around him. He didn't let a lot of people get so close to him these days outside of the Knights of Favonius or his occasional drinking nights with Rosaria, and even then it didn't always have the same familial feel to it if things were particularly busy. It was kinda nice honestly to have someone outside the workforce to spend time with.
However, that didn't mean he was just gonna let the little brat get away with laughing at him like that.
Looks like a good time to fight fire with fire then.
Or rather, laughter with laughter, in this case.
"Oh? You think that's funny you little fireball?"
"I- I'm sohohorry! It's just, yohohou're face just now was priceless! Pffftt- Woah! What the?! Kaeyaaa!"
In an instant, Bennett's whole world was turned upside down as the blue haired cryo user suddenly scooped him up and tossed him around his shoulders.
"Oh, my apologies. I just thought this would help us get to Mondstadt a little quicker without having to stop while I teach you a lesson for accusing me, the trustworthy and beloved Captain of the Knights of Favonius, of being a liar of all things! I would never!" Kaeya made a big show of feigning hurt as he adjusted the younger boy around his shoulders to make sure he wouldn't fall.
"Revenge? Huh? Wait, what do you mean by- MMMPHH! AHHahaha!! Kaeyahahaha! Not thahahahat!! Puhuhuhut me dohohown!!"
Kaeya smirked evilly as the kid fell into an instant fit of hysterical giggles, kicking out lightly and pushing at his face as he gently scribbled his fingers along his exposed side and one of his knees, continuing to walk casually as if he wasn't busy tickling the living daylights out of Mondstadt's resident unlucky adventurer.
"One thing you should know about having older brothers, and trust me, I know from experience, is that they can be absolutely ruthless tickle monsters if you cross them. Did you know that Bennett?"
"Nohohoho! No I dihihihihihidn't!! Hahahaha!"
"Ah, well that's ok. I'll teach you right now then! It'll take us atleast another, hmm... ten minutes or so to reach Mondstadt, if I'm guessing correctly. That gives us plenty of extra time now doesn't it? Think you can handle it tough guy?"
"Hehe! Bring it on!"
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novum-constellatio · 4 years
Genshin Impact | headcanons
a/n: my obsession with genshin has come to this point and I have zero regrets <3
warning: none
I have yet to play with certain characters, so they'll stay headcanon-less for now ¡
.      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .
Amber: a really skilled ler and a pretty sensitive lee, but you can't hold her down long enough to effectively do anything before she counter attacks
Kaeya: he's a ler, through and through; even if he is ticklish, that's a sacred secret no one has come close to figuring out because he's that good at avoiding getting himself in those situations
Diluc: he's neither because tickling just seems childish to him - in reality tho, he's actually a lee because he's pretty sensitive all over, especially if the ler has cold hands ;3
Jean: rarely engages in any kind of tickling activity, but she'd most likely be a ler-leaning-switch; is a lee to only a handful of people
Lisa: such a ✨ ler ✨ that would, no doubt, destroy you if you ever wish to engage in a tickle fight with her - trust me, that'd be your biggest mistake ever
Razor: he'd be a lee or a lee-leaning-switch because those tickly touches would be the best thing he has ever felt and he loves being tickled, but sometimes he can dish em pretty mean too~
Venti: smug ass ler who I like to headcanon as not having any major weak spots? You'd be so confused with his reaction, but Venti either isn't ticklish at all or his sweet spots are well hidden - don't provoke him either cause he's ruthless ✌🏻
Male traveler: I don't think people give him the opportunity to actually tickle someone, so he's always been a lee in my eyes because they'd find him to be adorable, yus yus
Female traveler: on the other hand, I feel like Lumine would've won most of their tickle fights because she isn't that ticklish and she's a pretty mean and calculated ler, so Aether was always a goner
Sucrose: she is too shy to actually initiate a tickle fight, let alone fight anyone off, so she's definitely a lee and probably enjoys being tickled more than doing the tickling
Albedo: did not come to play around, so definitely a ler who switches only when lovers are involved - meaning, he knows how to let loose and have fun from time to time
Barbara: she'd have these adorable giggles that make people want to tickle her more and more, so by default - lee! But, give her enough time to figure out your weak spots and she can retaliate well :3
Bennett: he's most likely a switch! Tickle fights are his favorite past time and you can rarely win against him - unless you catch him off guard ;)
Mona, Klee, Diona, Rosaria, Fischl and Noelle are yet to be added!
.      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .
Xiangling: she's a switch cause she's a feisty lee and, most of the times, you can't keep up and she'll easily overpower you and wreck you :3
Zhongli, Beidou, Chongyun, Keqing, Ningguang, Qiqi, Xingqiu, Xinyan and Xiao yet to be added!
.      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .
Childe/Tartaglia: even if he has some tickle spots, you can never find them because he never lets you get the chance; such an evil and calculated ler, no doubt about it
Signora: 10/10 ler, I don't have anything else to say other than 1) she's hot af and 2) please wreck me
Scaramouche yet to be added!
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nekoma-not-lee · 3 years
RP Rules
I keep it strictly SFW, so you should too! Kissing and hugging/14+ stuff is okay, just nothing sexual or weird please.
Please do not kill off a character without permission! It gets really annoying!
I do rp with more than one person at a time as well, like group roleplays, so we can do stuff like Saioumami or Saioumota.
Please don’t spam the chat T^T
I like to make roleplays public, so you can send me an ask for an rp. If you’re anonymous, then put your @ down on the end of your ask.
I don’t only rp for the fandoms that I write for, I rp for a few more.
Please tell me in dms what your triggers are before roleplaying with me.
You are more than welcome to dm me :3 bc I won’t be able to dm you (social anxiety go brrrrr)!
Info Page
Card <3
Sentence Starter Prompt List
Tickletober Masterlist
Ler Leaning Ranboo Week Masterlist
Switch Sapnap Week Masterlist
YTTD Masterlist
Characters I RP As
Assassination Classroom - Gakushu Asano, Itona Horibe, Kaede Kayano, Karma Akabane, Nagisa Shiota, Rio Nakamura, Ritsu
Blue Exorcist - Amaimon, Izumo Kamiki, Rin Okumura, Renzo Shima, Shiemi Moriyama, Yukio Okumura
Boyfriends - Felix, Vincent
Creepypasta - Ani the Wight, Ben Drowned, Bloody Painter, Eyeless Jack, Homocidal Liu, Hoodie, Jane the Killer, Jeff the Killer, Lazari, Lulu, Masky, Sally Williams, Suicide Sadie, The Puppeteer, Ticci Toby
Danganronpa:Another Episode-Ultra Despair Girls - Izuru Kamukura, Komaru Naegi, Kotoko Utsugi, Monaca Towa, Nagisa Shingetsu, Toko Fukawa
Danganronpa-Trigger Happy Havoc - Aoi Asahina, Byakuya Togami, Celestia Ludenberg, Chihiro Fujisaki, Junko Enoshima, Kyoko Kirigiri, Makoto Naegi, Mukuro Ikusaba, Sayaka Maizono, Toko Fukawa
Danganronpa V3-Killing Harmony - K1-B0, Kaede Akamatsu, Kaito Momota, Kirumi Tojo, Kokichi Ouma, Maki Harukawa, Rantaro Amami, Shuichi Saihara
Date A Live - Kaguya Yamai, Kotori Itsuka, Kurumi Tokisaki, Mana Takamiya, Miku Izayoi, Origami Tobiichi, Shido Itsuka, Tohka Yatogami, Yoshino Himekawa, Yuzuru Yamai
Death Note - L Lawliet, Light Yagami, Misa Amane, Near (Nate River)
Demon Slayer - Akaza, Enmu, Giyu Tomioka, Kanae Kocho, Kanao Tsuyuri, Kokushibo, Kyojuro Rengoku, Makomo, Mitsuri Kanroji, Muichiro Tokito, Muzan Kibutsuji, Nezuko Kamado, Obanai Iguro, Rui, Shinobu Kocho, Spider Demon (Daughter), Spider Demon (Mother), Tamayo, Tanjiro Kamado, Yushiro
Fate/Stay Night - Archer, Gilgamesh, Rin Tohsaka, Saber, Shirou Emiya
FNAF - Ballora, Bon Bon, Bonnie, Circus Baby, Funtime Chica, Golden Freddy, Jack-O-Bonnie, Lefty, Lolbit, Mangle, Nightmare, Nightmare Bonnie, Nightmare Mangle, Nightmarionne, Phantom Mangle, Phantom Puppet, Plushtrap, Puppet, Rockstar Bonnie, Roxanne Wolf, RWQFSFASXC/Shadow Bonnie, Springtrap, Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica, Withered Bonnie, Withered Golden Freddy, Vanny
Genshin Impact - Albedo, Alhaitham, Ayaka, Barbara, Candace, Childe, Chongyun, Collei, Cyno, Diluc, Ei, Eula, Faruzan, Fischl, Freminet, Furina, Ganyu, Gorou, Heizou, Hu Tao, Kazuha, Kaeya, Kaveh, Keqing, Kirara, Klee, Kokomi, Kujou Sara, Kuki Shinobu, Layla, Lynette, Lyney, Nahida, Navia, Neuvillette, Nilou, Ningguang, Qiqi, Razor, Rosaria, Shenhe, Sucrose, Thoma, Tighnari, Aether, Venti, Scaramouche, Xiao, Xingqiu, Yae Miko, Yelan, Zhongli
Voltron - Axca, Ezor, Keith, Lance, Lotor, Pidge
MHA/BNHA - Dabi, Denki Kaminari, Fumikage Tokoyami, Himiko Toga, Hitoshi Shinso, Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Kyoka Jiro, Momo Yaoyorozu, Shoto Todoroki, Tamaki Amajiki, Toru Hagakure
Kingdom Hearts - Axel, Demyx, Naminé, Riku, Roxas, Sora, Xion
LOZ - Link, Midna, Mipha, Saria
Super Danganronpa 2-Goodbye Despair - Chiaki Nanami, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Gundham Tanaka, Hajime Hinata, Mikan Tsumiki, Nagito Komaeda, Peko Pekoyama, Sonia Nevermind
You and Me and Her - Shinichi, Aoi, Miyuki
Your Turn to Die - Sou, Keiji, Sara, Ranmaru, Midori, Kanna, Gin, Reko
Obey Me - Belphegor
Mystic Messenger - Saeran, Jumin
Mr. Love Queen’s Choice - Kiro, Victor
Tokyo Ghoul - Kaneki, Ayato, Juuzou, Hinami, Nishiki, Hideyoshi, Urie, Saiko, Ichika (Kaneki’s daughter)
Kagerou Project - Ayano, Ene, Konoha, Kano, Shintaro, Takane, Azami, Kuroha
Honeyworks - Haruki, Mio
The Wise Man’s Grandchild - August, Shin
Haikyuu - Sugawara, Nishinoya, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Kuroo, Kenma, Oikawa, Iwazumi, Akaashi
My Little Pony - Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie
Pokémon Sun & Moon - Gladion
Pokémon Journeys - Horus
Hunter x Hunter - Killua
Honkai: Star Rail - Stelle(female main character), March 7th, Dan Heng, Asta, Serval, Herta, Arlan, Himeko, Jingliu, Lynx, Seele, Natasha, Qingque, Tingyun, Clara, Bronya, Bailu, Yanqing, Jing Yuan, Silver Wolf, Blade, Kafka, Fu Xuan, Topaz, Huohuo
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tickly-trashcan · 3 years
any barbara headcanons ?
ahhh yep! Barbara is so cute, i love her little song~ I hope you enjoy these headcanons!
Barbara is quite ticklish, but she can also be a rather intimidating ler
Her sweet and caring nature are key to her tickle antics, she can really catch people by surprise when she suddenly starts tickling them
She has quick and nimble fingers too, so it’s pretty easy for her to get people laughing
She doesn’t tease people when she tickles them but she’ll compliment them and laugh along with them
She tickles the other sisters occasionally, never Rosaria though, she’s a bit too scared to try and tickle her
She tickled Jean a little bit when they were younger, but she doesn’t do much of that now that they’re older
Jean will still poke her on occasion whenever they see each other, but Barbara is too nervous to poke Jean back
Other than that though, she’s a lee most of the time and doesn’t do much tickling
The other sisters like to tickle her as well, and she has the cutest laugh you wouldn’t even believe
It’s really soft and melodic, but it can get a bit squeaky depending on where you tickle her
Her tickle spots include her knees, sides, and her tummy
She doesn’t mind being tickled, but she prefers to be the one doing the tickling
She has a fun time listening to other people laugh, it makes her happy and she wants to make other people around her feel happy so tickling is often a go to for her
She tickles people so often that sometimes she does it out of habit, like she’ll be hugging someone and she’ll gently trace their sides on accident
That’s all I have for now, hope you enjoyed! Have a lovely day~
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lesdreams-author · 3 years
Pregnant Lisa mini fic part 3 (even more angst, I'm so sorry)
B: " I will need towels and warm water."
She says, feet carrying her to Lisa's side. Lisa who seems pained, whose face is so white like a ghost.
Barbara hears her sister footsteps moving away to gather the needed things. The truth is she needs a moment alone, to gather her fraying nerves, to don't go into full panic.
Her sister in law looks so fragile, this woman that always looks bigger than life itself seems ethereal, a step from leave them.
L: " Barbara"
She whispers and the deaconess feels tears gather in her eyes.
B: " don't worry, Lisa...We are going to fix it."
The pained smile the brunette gives her breaks her heart.
B: " I will fix it. I can fix it."
She says again because she needs to believe, she needs hope right now.
And yet the tears in Lisa's face only drips silently.
L: " Please, Jean-"
Barbara doesn't want to hear it, doesn't want to know those potentially mournful words. She isn't ready, she never will be ready, to hear it.
B: " She is coming back, she was only gather some stuff. Now, let me examine you."
•́ ‿ ,•̀.•́ ‿ ,•̀.•́ ‿ ,•̀
She was in the church hospital, tidying the medicine cabinet with the new supply when she heard running footsteps.
Barbara is already used to the frantic routine in the hospital. Soldiers hurt and needing medical assistance, civilians suck and searching for help. So when she hears the hurried steps, she turn the the door, stethoscope in hands. She is a healer but above everything else she is a doctor.
When the door opens, she is shocked to see her sister panting. She is alarmed that something could have happened with her but then Jean smiles.
J: "Barbara! I'm going to be a mother!"
This makes her open her mouth in surprise. And then, the thudding of her heart catch with her feet. She jumps, laughing.
B: " the magic worked!? I'm going to be a aunt!?"
She jumps in her sister arms, hugs her so tightly that the older blonde complains.
Her sister and Lisa was trying for a while, they even asked for her help. She was so happy for them, to be part of this so warm moment.
J: " yes! We came from the hospital a few minutes ago!"
B: " wait...Am I the first person to know besides you and Lisa?"
The blush in Jean's face says everything and Barbara can't stop feeling her heart expand.
J: " well ...You going to be her auntie so..."
Barbara who thought she would never have this, a family, feels grateful, feels warmed for her sister have met Lisa, feels the most lucky girl out there for have the best sister in law in this world. Because Lisa changed her sister life and made everything better for her family and this ...Barbara will never forget.
( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀).( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀).( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀)
Jean comes back a while later, arms loaded with white towels and a bow filled with warm water.
Barbara tried to find the source of the bleeding but she feels there's beyond her. There's too much blood to see anything. She used her
Flashlight to try to see something but she couldn't see nothing beyond blood.
B: " give me a wet towel please "
Jean does so, Barbara can see her sister hands tremble while she wets the towel and wring it.
The deaconess takes the towel and cleans superficially in between Lisa's legs. There's so much blood, the towel comes back red, a vivid red.
The look in Jean's face is fearful, she can see that her sister is teetering a panic attack.
B: " cut some smaller pieces, please."
She instructions, trying to snap her sister, to maintain her occupied, to not ler her be consumed for the fear and panic.
Lisa whimpers, hands on her belly, on the big bump that represents her daughter, Barbara's niece.
( ꈨຶ ˙̫̮ ꈨຶ ).( ꈨຶ ˙̫̮ ꈨຶ ).( ꈨຶ ˙̫̮ ꈨຶ )
B: "I'm going to be a auntie now, Rosaria. I need information!"
Her girlfriend roll her eyes. The redhead came along with her to the only bookstore in Mondstadt and when she discovered Barbara wanted to purchase books about babies she couldn't stop laugh.
R: " you know how look for a baby. You usually deliver lots of babies!"
B: " there's a big difference in between assist mother's in deliver their children and care for they. I want to be able to help my family!"
R: " Geh, the baby not even was born and you already a pampering aunty."
B: " and I'm proud of it. Now, help me to find a book about correct feeding."
Her sister in law is barely pregnant, not even showing yet but she can't stop dreaming about her little niece. She usually wonders if the baby will have Jean's hair or eyes, if the baby will look similar to them (Barbara herself, her sister, their mother), if she will like her aunt.
Rosaria finds this silly, she says nobody would resist her. But Barbara has her doubts. This baby, this little angel will be the child of the most important people in her life.
She can't wait to meet her.
B: " I'm sorry, Lisa. But I need to be able to see...I'm sorry."
Before she does it, she already can hear what will follow. She inspires deeply and moves.
Lisa welps, scream agonizing on the bed. Jean is the one to held her, to cry silently while Barbara tries to clean her deeply.
I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry....
She wanted to be in the hospital with all the right tools, she wanted to have a anesthesia in hands, anything to make Lisa stop hurting. She wanted it to be a nightmare, she wanted it to end.
The little cloth comes back soaked in blood but when Barbara shines the Fleshlight she can finally see.
Her heart drops, a cold shiver goes up her back.
It's indeed too late. It's indeed a nightmare.
I'm so sorry ...I'm so, so sorry...
She can see the baby head almost breaching the channel, even worse, she can see the membrane connecting the umbilical cord to the placenta in the cervix.
Vasa previa
J: " how is it?"
Lisa looks at her, eyes dripping.
L: " the baby...?"
How can Barbara start to say it's already too late...maybe too late for both they.
How can Barbara be the one to shatter even more their dreams?
...to be continued
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fanfic-chan · 2 years
Diluc, in a ler mood: *Makes eye contact*
Venti, Rosaria and Kaeya, drunk af: EVERYBODY SCATTER!
Venti, Rosaria, and Kaeya when Diluc makes what they ominously call, "the face":
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