#leshawna x Gwen
mikatoonist · 5 months
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gwen’s going through something when leshawna does her lipstick 🤔🏳️‍🌈
wanted to do some ship art of these two! it’s so underrated 🫶
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total-feminism-takes · 3 months
Dear all mods! It's Lesbian anon here! I want to know your favorite AU tropes in fanfics and 3 top ships in TD!
Please tell if you like?
Thank you for your time!
Hello hello Lesbian Anon!
Here are everyone’s favorite tropes and ships 🥰
Mod Blaineley
Fanfic tropes: slice of life, rewrites, coffee shop aus
Fav TD ships: gweva, katsay, alenoah
Mod Emma (Reboot)
FanFic Tropes - Time travel, no romance, destroyed/overthrow the government, enemies to friends, friends to enemies, found family, canon rewrite, canon divergent, any character centric fics of my favs (to bad they are either hated by the fandom or don’t care about them) (I think those are my favorites from the top of my brain)
Total Drama Ships!
2. AleTrent/DunTrent (I can’t decide ok)
3. Gwen and leshawna (i don’t know but when rewatching island it hit me ok and i forgot the ship name..)
Mod Julia
Fanfic tropes: apocalypse, high school au, slice of life, magical girl au, mystery, not what it seems type of thing/secret psychological horror horror, fallen hero, angst in general, and betrayal. (these may not be entirely accurate but I don’t think of my favorites much since I don’t read fanfics much.
Fav TD ships: Lyler, Zoke, and Duncney or Mkulia
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robstarsupremacy · 3 months
my fav canon tdi ships
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Gwen: So, are you two dating now?
Heather & Leshawna: Yes.
Gwen: Why?
Heather: I happen to find Leshawna very appealing.
Gwen: Yeah, I can understand that. I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with Leshawna.
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iluminaru · 6 months
My favorite td couples in honor of the celebration
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Merry Christmas/Happy Yule to all of you! I hope you are having a great time :)
So in honor of celebration, I've decided to draw my most favorite couples.
My headcanons about how each couple celebrate:
Heather and Alejandro usually visit some Christmas fairs, watching films/movies, throwing snowballs at each other and pushing each other into a snowdrifts.
Gwen's mother always arranging a family Christmas trip. Courtney usually spending Christmas all alone watching TV, baking cookies and texting her girlfriend.
Dawn and Ezekiel always arguing about what they should celebrate, because Dawn is a pagan and Ezekiel is a Christian. They always ending up with a some sort of a compromise.
LeShawna and Harold are talking a day just for themselves to try different activities. Harold loves to brag about random things and LeShawna is a good listener.
MK and Julia started a podcast. Their favourite thing is reading r/AITA.
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insensitiveroses · 2 months
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yeah she likes kissing guys but she likes kissing girls more
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sug4rsicle · 10 months
Did I forget to tell y'all that I'm also into Total Drama
Here's my fanart so far, It's mainly sort of a series where I draw all of the characters, but I'll do other td content. Also Harold my beloved♡♡♡
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canonically47 · 5 months
no you don't get it gwuncan is SO GOOD but only in theory because it's SO BAD in canon but if it was strictly a fanon ship it would be flying off the shelves
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romancemedia · 4 months
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total-loser-island · 2 years
Hola! I'm V and I'll be writing headcannons of any of the total drama characters... Or at least the characters in seasons I've watched so far. Though granted I will totally get some minor canon stuff wrong (i.e. pets and relatives) and will be switching things around personality wise because I've claimed all the characters and I get to throw them in the dishwasher with a bit too much soap and watch listen to them shake around until the dishwasher makes thudding noises.
Who I write for:
Okay enough of that here's the list of characters so far, and be warned it may change since I only just finished season two.
Chris McLean
Chef Hatchet
I'm going to be honest I will write about most things, and to be clear, all characters will be aged up to 21 and over.
With that being said I don't write for kinks involving scat or piss, heavy non-con/assault, and anything underage. As well as obvious stuff involving animals and corpses in an nsfw sense.
Most everything else is fair game, including consensual non-consent. Though I don't expect to be getting many, if any nsfw requests, I'm fine with them and writing them.
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maybegays-blog · 4 months
Request back open! and 1 more request rule added. Also Total Drama is added to the list aswell (season 1 women that I’m in love w)
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robstarsupremacy · 3 months
fav gen 1 total drama ship?
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Gwen, about Duncan: Thoughts?
Leshawna: And prayers, girl.
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dozing-marshmallow · 8 months
Pls i NEED more Chris McLean x reader. I NEED😭🙏 ive read everything of him on here😓
So pretty please something like chris mclean x wife reader and like, the whole tdi cast gets to meet her bc they didnt believe that Chris had a wife at first?😇
TRUST ME WHEN I SAY I feel the exact same way😫 I love Chris so much and it’s such a huge pleasure that I can write for him while having other people who love him enjoy it as welllll. I will be writing him for a very long time so you can always expect something new evolved around him to come up ;)<3
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Having your daily hug with Chris, the tender moment reminds you of what he told you earlier.
“Were you being serious when you told me the kids laughed at you when you told them you were married?"
“Mhmm.” he responds from underneath you,“They called it a sick joke and told me that stand up comedy was way out my league.”
“Aw darling.” you kiss his forehead,“I’m guessing you’re gonna ask a favour for me to stop by to prove them wrong?”
He raises an eyebrow,“What do you mean? Stand up comedy is in my league. I just don’t prefer it, doesn’t mean I’m not good at it.”
He can be so silly sometimes,“I meant your marital status, baby.”
“Oh, yeah...” he holds onto your wrists,“Please?”
You let your body relax completely on top of his, still smiling,“Your wish is my command.”
“Aw what’s the matter, McLean? Couldn’t your wife make it?” Duncan was the first to pick up on ridiculing Chris, eyes still puffy from his chronic cries of laughter from last night. On another circumstance, Chris would’ve been fuming, had he not have reason to smirk.
“How sweet of you to worry, Duncan!” the host begins off, clasping his hands,“But she’s made it in one piece!”
On cue, you walk into the mess hall, linking your arm with Chris’,“Hii everyone! So happy to finally see you all in person!”
All conversation died.
Everyone turns to you.
This woman they’ve never seen before... 
His... His wife?
Were they hearing that right?
No way... He was being serious?
Chris was rolling on the inside at the shared alike look of being slapped spread across the contestants, especially of the mocking kind.
“I...didn’t know you had enough space in your heart to love someone else!” Beth’s the first to break out of her ice of shock to chirp.
“Surprised?” Chris chuckled, allowing you to introduce yourself, which was not what you guys decided.
“Yeah, I’m (Y/N)! This hot mess’ wife...” turns out improvising in front of teenagers wasn’t as fun as it sounded,“Sorry, I’m...not too good with words, so...help yourself to these cupcakes I made for you guys. I made them as a way to say how huge of a pleasure it is to meet you all!”
As you turn around to unwrap the trays, Leshawna clears her throat to privately address the cohort,"One of two things are gonna happen. One, those cupcakes are filled with maggots and hair. Or two, it's the first actual food we're gettin’ on this set."
Everybody nods in agreement.
They were right to inspect the wrapping and texture with their noses and eyes.
Yet didn’t expect to have the flavour of delicate buttermilk crumble on their tongues.
Oh my God...
Maybe they were deprived from having treats so long on the show, but it was unanimously categorised as a whole new delicious nonetheless.
The punk delinquent scoffs over,“Yeah... I’m not buying that’s his wife.”
“That evil maniac with a permanent smile is probably holding her hostage!” The ginger geek dramatically pinpoints.
“I can see why, these are too die for!” Owen squeaks, scoffing down an entire cupcake, wrapping included, not comprehending what situation it would mean for you if you really were abducted.
“Hm... Maybe he’s paying her.” Gwen suggests alternatively after taking another glance at you: it was your arm around him. Too touchy to be forced...
“I’d understand if he was hot like me, but he’s not even halfway there! Where would he find someone willing to do all that for him? No amount of money should convince anyone to ever lose their dignity for the likes of him." Justin criticises out of his internal debate of skipping the cupcakes or not.
“You’d be shocked if you’ve seen the fansite.” Noah opposes like it was the most known thing.
Speaking of which,"Sierra.” Heather directs, taking sudden control of the situation and everyone’s eyes to peel towards the superfan whose mouth was staining in the same dye as her magenta hair, perking up from her snacking at the mention of her name,“You know everything about everybody. Say, is Chris paying that woman to pretend to be married to him for laughs?"
The girl whose lifeline was Total Drama quickly swallows the last portion of her cupcake to appease her idols with a packed answer,“Oh, no! It’s all true! Unfortunately. Those two got married way before Total Drama was aired. A lot's happened... My mom waited years for Chris to propose to her and there he goes, chasing after that nobody! Do you have any idea how painful it is to see my mom’s husband having an affair? (Y/N) is nothing but a block of concrete, blinding Chris from seeing his true soulmate! A.k.a my mom!” The last few sentences gradually grazed with personal prejudice, but not enough to throw the next cupcake away.
“Wait, but if Chris did get married to your mother... Wouldn’t that make you his stepdaughter-?“ Alejandro posited, already having a hard time imagining Chris take that role biologically.
"So Chris,” Cody interrupts the impending awkward ambient Alejandro’s phrasing would bring, steering the conversation back, still bewildered,“...really does have a wife."
Bridgette takes her slo mo time in grabbing another frosted vanilla good, rethinking, the same man that laughed at their pain,"I...honestly don't know how to feel about that."
"Huuu... I feel like I went overboard with cupcakes, Chris!” you freak out to your husband, fidgeting with the sleeves of your turtleneck,“Why did I pick to make something so childish? I should've picked something more formal... Like a dish from my home country..."
"Relaaaaax, no one else is thinking about that." Chris assured, biting into one of your delicacies.
You continued to murmur on,“I wanted to make something universal, a collection of sweets so in case one likes a certain flavour more than others... I thought teenagers around here liked cupcakes... I feel like such a fool... I hope they don’t think I see them as childish...”
He grabs one and holds it horizontally to your lips, painting them yellow,“It’s not just teenagers that like them, (Y/N). Besides, they are children. Children like things that are childish.”
That’s true... Your paranoia’s sunk,“Well... They seem to be enjoying themselves. I’ve been worrying for nothing.” you smile, drawing your finger on his stubble to take for licking,“You had some icing there.”
Turns out, you were really nice.
The angel to Chris’ devil.
The sun to Chris' moon.
The calm to Chris’ energetic.
“So (Y/N)... I just...have a quick question on behalf of everyone else.” The CIT girl shields her mouth with her hand, like she didn’t want anyone else to hear.
“Of course, Courtney. Whatever would you like to know?” you welcome her, all kinds of possible questions cloud your mind.
She tightens your shoulders in her palms,“What the hell do you see in Chris?”
...You expected that one,“Why, I see a strong, handsome, hilarious man. A goal-driven, deep down caring, loving, in need of love man.”
Now the only true thing she heard was “goal-driven”- to kill them as spiritually as possible. Maybe even physically.
"You're not brainwashed, are you?" Her eyes widened like your answer had tossed her deeper in her horror.
"Get her to blink two times in a row if she needs help!" Tyler shouts, unintentionally defeating the purpose of being discreet from his clean intention.
"Hm?” Teenagers are so funny!,“It's not brainwash when it's love! After all, wouldn't you say you've found yourself in love with someone you never thought you'd be with?" You smile warmly at the type A when the butterflies fluttered an external reaction across her freckled face.
"Th-That's different!” she impulsively shrieked before closing her mouth in embarrassment. She looks around, and after making sure no one was judging her, she continues speaking, back to her whispering voice,“That’s Duncan. This is Chris.”
“Well, we both seem to have a type for the ones that went to jail, don’t we?” you wittily mention, giving her a wink to the similar parallel.
Leaving Courtney to her common dynamics contemplation, there was no better timing for Owen to ask if you had any more cupcakes to give.
“I’m so happy you liked them! I’ll tell you what, I can make more and send them to you."
“Don’t get too flattered. Bed crusher there would eat anything, even things you can’t call food.” The overruling antagonist scornfully gestures, her hair as black as her heart.
“...Ah, right.” you shouldn't have thought so highly of yourself over baking. To Owen, they probably weren’t good, just something to give his appetite.
“Well... That's not entirely true...” The foodie looks to the side uncomfortably for a moment from Heather’s harsh perspective,“Having eaten a lot of things gives me a solid judgement on a variety of tastes. With that said, I’d specifically be really happy to eat (Y/N)’s baked cupcakes again. You can't buy that kind of quality!"
Aw! “Thanks, Owen!” it’s no mystery why everyone was in his support back first season!
“You didn’t use any store bought cake mix, did you?” DJ asks, his naturally kind pitch of voice crunching up an otherwise accusing delivery his words may have played.
“Nope! If I was gonna have half of the ingredients already done for me, I may as well have just ordered the finish product.” the truth radiates through your magnetism, not as magnetizing as your husband, smothering you away in his arms.
For some reason, no one said anything right away. Like taking an exam, silence had scattered among these group of teenagers.
"I'm convinced she has Stockholm syndrome."
Up till Harold breaks it.
"Stockholm syndrome?! Come onn, you know that’s not a real thing!” Lindsay asserted, turning to Beth,“Is it a real thing?"
The nice-hearted nerd smacks a hand to her forehead. Rather than finding humor in uninformed Lindsay, Trent finds his eyes trapped on the sight of Chris’ hand holding onto yours, fingers locked, palms resting. Above all his faults, Chris...still had you.
That kind of love...hard to find, lucky to have.
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writerofadream · 5 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter Twenty Five: He's like whiskey, she's like champange
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^^ Duncan next chapter-
I’d like to apologize, I’ve been absent cause my friend was evicted and needed a place to stay and I was busy trying to help her out. Here’s a new chapter!
(Are you excited? This is the episode you get voted off! But it’s okay because I’ll do a ‘you both coming home’ chapter ‘spoiler: someone might be pregnant.’)
It had been pouring all week, you thought you were going to lose your mind. You love rain as much as the next eccentric teenager, but there comes a point where you're this close to drowning yourself in the next puddle you see.
You and your fellow campers sat on opposing stairs. Heather painted her nails while Gwen drew a picture of every single camper she had met, and then Duncan was carving a spear and held out his hand to you which was holding the various types of blades that he desired to carve.
Chris made an announcement that your mind didn’t really process because the RAIN WAS SO LOUD.
Gwen and Heather began arguing over Leshawna getting voted off. Honestly you were this close to accidentally dropping the knife into Heather's eye socket. There comes a certain point where anybody will lose their mind. 
That last challenge was horrifying. 
Your body subconsciously shuddered and in moments Duncan had his sweatshirt around you, but it seemed like he didn’t even move.
You smiled and pecked him on the lips. “Why are you making me like this weather?” Your boyfriend grumbled. “Because I’m your fantastic girlfriend and I make everything better.” You stuck your tongue out. “Mhm better be happy that’s true.” Duncan smiled.
Gwen and Heather both went inside their cabin, and slammed the door shut. You stifle a laugh. 
“Wanna go inside?” Duncan gave you a suggestive wink. You smiled, giving him another kiss before you ran inside.
“Come get me, Tiger.” You winked and he smiled jumping up onto his feet. “Alright scorpion.” You slammed the door shut in his face running to hide in your cabin stopping yourself from the giggles that wanted to burst.
The next morning the rain had finally stopped, but it had severely drowned everything around you. “You think you would’ve gotten into Noah’s ark?” You asked your boyfriend, genuinely curious. 
You wore a shirt that covered your neck (keepsakes from last night), and a pair of flared jeans that made you look like a hippie in the eighties, much to Duncan’s delight.
“Mm, I’m not sure. I don’t believe in things I can’t see.” He watched a chair float by, the cabins were currently floating in the water but no one else had gotten up yet. 
“Well what do you believe in?” Now you were curious and intrigued. “Well I believe in your strength. I believe in my moms wisdom. I believe in people.” He grabbed your hand and squeezed it. 
A small aww came out of your mouth and he blushed. “How about you darlin’?” He asked putting his chin on your shoulder.
“Hmm. I believe in myself and you. I believe I’ll see my mama again and I believe that if you put your mind to it you deserve it.” You declared and he laughed. 
“So much justice in that mind of yours but you never act on it.” He teased and you rolled your eyes.
“Because I was never meant too, honey we lived in the worst city, in the worst town, in the worst place. We were kinda destined to be horrible.” You sighed sadly. “But we’re going to do better than that aren’t we?” He asked, smiling. 
You nodded.
Suddenly you heard Gwen and Heather scream.
“Oh look at our favorite girls!” You smiled and walked out of the cabin briskly before falling into the water.
Duncan followed but he cannonballed in much to your annoyance. The girls were grumbling, which seemed all they could ever do. You watched a fin circle them. 
“Shark!” Duncan screamed, ruining your fun. All four of you quickly got out of the water and back onto the cabin, shivering from the chill.
You watched the shark eat the wood structures. “Have you ever been eaten before?” You asked, you knew a good chunk of his fathers punishments but not all of them. 
“I’ve been mauled by dogs when I was like six. Sharks, no.” He shook his head staring at the creature. “Owen!” Heather screamed and for a moment you thought the girl had an ounce of sympathy for the blonde, but then you remembered.
She was Heather.
Of course she didn’t have a heart.
She wanted the shark to eat the overweight boy and you knew your boyfriend (cough, husband, cough) would throw hands if anything happened to his third boyfriend, you smiled at the thought and Duncan raised an eyebrow and squeezed your hand.
You crashed into land and everybody quickly came off the boat grateful for the crash.
“Anything broken?” Both you and Duncan did a quick 5372 assessment of each other, which was fancy terms for a quick look over.
“Is anyone else creeped out about this island?” Gwen mumbled an anxious look across her face and you squeezed her shoulder in sympathy. 
Heather obviously decided to feed Gwen’s fear and you watched your boyfriend lay down on the sand by a bow and arrow. You laughed, and squatted down, kissing his forehead.
“Wake me up if you get hungry and we’ll go hunting.” Duncan grumbled before he tried to sleep on the sand causing Gwen to begin an argument, “We need to find food and shelter, we need to at least make a raft!” Gwen whined and without missing a beat Duncan pointed at you, who had made one as soon as you stepped on the island.
“I’m in love with a girl who completes everything in four seconds. Get used to it, sister.” Duncan said his eyes still shut in relaxation. 
“I’m not using that unless it’s made by a sane person.” Heather shrieked, causing you to roll your eyes. “I’m sorry, hun. I’d just prefer it done by a professional.” Gwen said sheepishly rubbing the back of her neck, a blush rising on her face.
You stared at the camera, annoyed. “I look at Duncan and we both think ‘Maybe juvie was the better choice.’”
As Duncan and Gwen begin their argument, you occasionally chiming in, you notice Heather walk off to find shelter. For the first time ever, you think, you might actually respect the diva queen. 
You watch her climb into a treehouse and you see a pulley on the outside of the door, your voice catches on your throat to be careful, and when she opens the door a skeleton falls from it causing her to fall backwards and scream.
One by one you'll notice huge bones lying around the area. There are dinosaur bones, as well as human bones. 
“Think we’re still upstream from camp?” Heather yells at Duncan. “I’ve been wrong before.” He says in his defense. You resist the urge to roll your eyes at the near constant bickering, half the time there was no point to the madness.
You all went back up the treehouse ladder to investigate the house once more. You poke the skeleton and are not surprised when you see the strings. “This is like Boney Island.” You grumbled, not enjoying how the skeleton made you think of your mom.
Heather agreed. “Unfortunately, the she-devil is right. This is another survival challenge. I’m not scared of you, Chris.” She yelled into the air hoping the mad-man would respond to her calls. 
Duncan and Gwen began arguing but you knew Gwen’s anger was just forged out of fear. You knew, Duncan knew the drill. You had escaped multiple prison’s and landed on islands before, there was no reason for him to be scared.
“Every camper for themselves. Let’s go Y/N.” Duncan ordered and grabbed your wrist, albeit a bit harshly and led you away, picking up his bow and arrow as well. 
Gwen waved goodbye sadly. 
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“Can you help me with my form?” You looked up and saw Duncan struggling with the quickly crafted bow.
You lightly smiled and took the bow gently out of his hands and showed him how to do the form. “Release the bow, any target.” He told you, smiling. You nodded curtly and your eyes searched through the forest before landing on a distant coconut. You held your breath for five seconds, and let out for ten.  
“Oh where did that go?” Duncan grumbled, causing you to point into the forest. 
You and Duncan were eating fruit by the beach as you watched Gwen try to dock on the boat you had crafted. You stifle a laugh behind your palm each time she falls into the water. Once she finally gets on she turns to look at you.
“Since you made the raft, Y/N you can come if you’d like.” Gwen made the offer but glared at Duncan. “I want your egg if you're coming.” She demanded and Duncan sighed, throwing the large egg into the grateful girl's hands.
You pushed the boat away from the sand and Heather ran from the treehouse screaming offers so you’d take the girl with you. You sent Duncan a look trying to convey that you were going to get off if Heather came on board.
Thankfully Gwen must’ve sensed your nervousness and began paddling away quicker than before. She had been paddling for around two hours before Duncan broke the silence. “You paddle like a girl.” He grumbled, and then you promptly punched him. 
Who said true love doesn’t exist?
 Gwen looked set on cursing him out but you spoke up when you saw the island again.
“Gwen, are you rowing in circles?” She shook her head as you redocked the island, “What the hell! That will cost you one omelet.” Duncan yelled, snatching the egg from off the boat.
They began to engage in a game of tug-a-war. “Get your hands off my egg, crazy.” Gwen screamed at Duncan, who’s eyes flickered with sadness.
You growled and stalked up to the two, dropping to your feet and swinging your leg under hers to knock her right down. You caught the egg right before it fell. Gwen pointed at the sky and you looked up. There was a huge dinosaur above you.
Duncan grabbed the egg out of your hands and began running.
“Come and get me birdie!” He yelled trying to draw its attention. Suddenly the large dinosaur swooped in and picked up Duncan in its talons, and flew back into the air. 
A hoarse scream fell out of your mouth.
You grabbed a stray line of rope and with all your strength threw it around Duncan’s ankles, and then the bird lifted you into the air. With all your expertise from military camp you scaled the rope, and climbed onto the feet of the dinosaur.
Duncan had his eyes shut, but he felt a hand on his wrist and they flew open. They softened once they saw you.
Over the harsh wind you heard him yell “Marry me?” and you tried not to cry. “Anytime, anyplace baby.” You yelled in return. 
Then the dinosaur dropped you, right into Owen’s arms.
Who for some reason had a beard?
Suddenly Gwen came barreling into you guys, and Owen scooped her up as well. “My brethren!” Owen yelled. But then a snake fell around his shoulders.
“Let me rephrase that… RUN!” he dropped you all to start running up the ladder into the treehouse.
You all quickly followed in pursuit. 
Gwen watched as you sat on Duncan’s lap, your stomach facing his. You wrapped your arms around him, and dug your chin into his collarbone, trying to feel his heartbeat. “Still here sweetheart. I promise.” He whispered.
“We need to confess our sins.” Gwen’s eyes flickered up to Owen and she scoffed. “I’m serious, I did it and I feel great.” The blonde smiled clearly dehydrated. 
“Oh my god, so you killed his dad?” Heather gawked at you. “You set her dad’s office on fire-” Gwen’s eyes widened staring at Duncan. You both nodded sheepishly. “...Yes, but still not as bad as what you did, Gwen. Even if that's your real name.” You teased, with a kind smile. 
“Or even Heather.” Duncan looked the rich-girl up and down. 
“My brother deserved it.” Heather grumbled.
You were staring at Chris dumbly. “Oh come on princess, surprised to see me?” he gave you a smirk and holy hell there was no greater urge you had then to punch his stupid face into the stupid ground and beat him until he was black and blue.
“Time for a campfire, my children.” Then he promptly skipped away.
“I’m going to kill myself.” Duncan grumbled as he washed the war paint off his face in your cabin.
“Honey, it’ll be alright. We always stick together right?” You hugged him from behind. “If I lose you tonight, I don’t know what I’ll do.” Duncan turned around and kissed your knuckles.
You smiled sadly. “Mi amor, even thousands of miles apart, I’d still be right with you. You are the keeper of my heart, forever until even the gods die.” You whisper and lightly kiss his lips.
“Plus, it’s not like there’s gonna be some plot twist or something.” a laugh falls out of your mouth.
“Tonight, there is a twist on the campfire. Since I lost so many interns in the production of this video, management said I’d have to let them vote a camper off. Which kinda is boring but whatever.” Chris grumbled, and Chef handed him the envelope before scurrying off. 
Chris opened it and his mouth dropped, his eyes widened, and somewhere in there you saw an ounce of pure and utter anger. Something that guarantees that the interns are going to have a hell filled week for the next couple months.
“The one who will be leaving us tonight is…”
Duncan squeezed your hand tight.
“Y/N L/N.” 
You felt something break, and it didn’t come from you. You looked at Duncan and saw his entire personality shift. He went blank, cold, and calculating. 
“HE’S OUR’S NOW BITCH.” You saw a redhead intern scream at you, before she went back to the intern-side of camp. Duncan nearly pulled out his gun, but you stopped his wrist.
“I love you, and if you don’t win, my love, I will kick your ass, understand?” You kissed his lips, and he nodded swiftly trying to withhold his anger.
You began walking away but Chris couldn’t stop himself.
“I’ll miss your face, along with other things, beautiful.” Chris winked, and a soft smile appeared on your face. You stepped in closer towards him. Then promptly punched him straight in the nose, and kicked him in the groin, he groaned and fell to the ground.
You stepped onto the boat of losers and began to drive away. 
But when has Y/N L/N ever played by the rules?
You stepped next to the captain with a fond smile, and quickly knocked him out, dumping him into a lifeboat and letting it go into the water. You walked back to the steering wheel and began to drive… straight to New York.
There was this anger, in the back of your mind. She was yelling at the top of her lungs, to have control, and like a calming wave, you let it. Being on that island, did you no favors.
You had it easy, food, a shelter, freaking Duncan. But now it was time to go back, to get the messy things done.
Anger was your coping mechanism. It kept you on the path you wanted, and the path you wanted currently entailed making sure that your fiancè would have his dream life to come back too. Anger gets things done, sadness does not.
[The camera zooms in on a small ring on your finger]
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I’d like to thank all my wonderful supporters, who stayed with me, throughout the series. There will be an epilogue probably tmw, and soon I’ll start the second season.
I love yall!
Mick got out of his seat and walked over to the door which was currently being pounded on.
He and his brothers were in shock, their little sister just got voted off? Poor Duncan, he was losing his shit on TV right now. Since the show started all the brothers had been at Mick’s house for viewing.
Mick opened the door and his jaw dropped. There you stood, you wore a pair of black jeans, along with an old WSC sweatshirt which looked like Duncan’s, and you had a cocky smile which Mick could tell was fabricated.
“Miss me?”
“Well I’ll be a son-of-a-gun.”
tagged: @lostsomewhereinthegarden
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total-drama-atlas · 1 year
Character Headcanons
this is just sexuality and gender hcs lol but here we go! I'm going to go in first elimination order in their debut season, except for the new cast (because i haven't finished the season yet, so I dont want to spoil it for myself) which will be in the order that i remember them, then the hosts.
Ezekiel: I think he's cishet. just the homeschool stereotype and all that. but maybe he discovers something about himself between meeting alejandro and going completely feral
Eva: she's a butch lesbian. i personally think she's cis, but i could see transfem eva
Noah: gay trans man. i mean have you guys even seen his character
justin: I think he's aroace. again, i personally think justin is cis, but i could see him being trans
katie: trans lesbian. i just know it okay
tyler: he's bi. he absolutely had a crush on alejandro. you can't change my mind. i also think he's cis but again, i could see him being transmasc
izzy: shes transfem. of course. and i think she's a lesbian, but i could see her being bi or pan. assuming she's lesbian, her relationship with owen could either be just strategy or comphet. you decide
cody: have you seen the way that boy dresses? trans man bisexual disaster.
beth: personally, i think she gives cishet vibes, but i could see her possibly being bi and/or transfem.
sadie: obviously lesbian. she and katie are in love. of course. and idk if she's cis or trans. i could see either. but I think she is also trans. t4t
courtney: as much as i love duncney... i think courtney is lesbian. i think she has extreme comphet and she doesn't realize her sexuality until wt, and then doesn't come to terms with it and accept herself until all stars. but i think she's cis
harold: transfem harold is canon. to me. idk their sexuality tho. i could see them as omni or pan tho.
trent: bisexual trent is so real guys. again, i personally think he's cis, but I could see transmasc trent
bridgette: i could see her as transfem, but I also could see her as cis. also she gives me pan vibes but I can also see her being straight. idrk
lindsay: shes pan. i just know it okay. i personally see her as cis, but again, i could see transfem lindsay. or transmasc lindsay.
DJ: cis, aroace. he's just a really sweet guy
geoff: cis, bisexual. i just know it okay
leshawna: cis, bisexual. i just. i just know it okay
duncan: cis bisexual. he'll call you a slur tho
heather: transfem lesbian. trust me guys. i could also see her being ace tho
gwen: transfem bi. i just know
owen: cis bi. he is canonically bi btw. he had a crush on justin. it was played as a joke but. that's just what happened
blaineley: i could see her as straight or queer honestly. i personally think she's cishet.
sierra: transfem. for sure. and i think she's a lesbian with comphet. just like heather and courtney.
alejandro: I think he's cis, but i could see him being trans. also he's bi. trust me. but i mean i could see him being gay. it's plausible.
staci: she doesn't have enough screen time for me to tell. she has like. ten minutes total. but shes trans
dakota: transfem pansexual. i just know it okay
B: i think they're nb, or at the least a trans man. i mean. his deadname is a traditionally feminine name.. it lines up. they're not cis i can tell you that much. anyway i think he's aroace
dawn: genderqueer panromantic ace. just trust me okay
sam: he gives me cishet vibes, but also i could easily see him being bi or pan.
Brick: i feel like he's cis but I also like the idea of him experimenting with gender nonconformity. and as much as i like jo x brick as a ship, i also think brick is probably gay. or bi with a heavy male preference
anne maria: transfem anne maria is canon. to me. anyway she's very much bi.
mike: i feel like he's cis but i could see him as trans, and i think he's pan. i'm also treating his alters like separate characters, though i know very little about multiple personality disorder, so idk if that's exactly how that works (feel free to correct me in replies)
vito: i hc him to be cis but idk. also he's pan. if vito finds you hot, it doesn't matter what you've got going on.
Svetlana: transfem lesbian. trust me okay
chester: cishet ally.
mal: look i like the queer hcs for mal. y'all are so real for that. but i think he's cishet and homophobic and transphobic
manitoba: trans manitoba is real. to me. also he's pan. trust me y'all
jo: trans butch lesbian
scott: cis gay man
zoey: she could be either cis or trans. i think she's transfem. and also she's pan. i don't think an explanation is necessary
cameron: she was very sheltered, so i doubt she would have been exposed to LGBTQ+ stuff so she wouldn't know it at first.. but I think cam would be transfem. bc i saw a post where someone said that it would be funny if cameron realized she was trans because lightning kept calling her a "girl" and that was her awakening lol. anyway she's ace
lightning: cis gay man
beardo: he gets like ten minutes of screen time and he doesn't really talk.. cis bi
leonard: cis gay. i just know it
amy: cishet +homo/transphobic (i'll explain in a minute)
rodney: he's cis, okay. and pan. i just know it
sammy: shes transfem lesbian. trust me. That's why Amy hates her sm. it lines up with real experiences that I know people have
ella: she's bi. i just know it. but i'm not sure what their gender situation is.. but she uses she/they pronouns
Topher: cis gay man. just look at him i mean
dave: cishet. undecided on his opinion of queer people. (he decides he's an ally when he finds out sky is queer but he then declares himself homophobic when she rejects him) he would call you a slur
scarlett: transfem lesbian.
max: transmasc gay.
jasmine: transfem bi
sugar: cis lesbian
shawn: transmasc pan. i just know it okay
sky: transfem bi/pan. i just know it okay. also that's why dave decided he's homophobic and transphobic now
Tammy: trans lesbian. trust me okay
Pete: cis gay. also he's married to gerry
Gerry: cis gay. also he's married to pete
Ellody: trans lesbian. also she's dating mary
Mary: cis lesbian. also she's dating ellody
laurie: cis bisexual. also she's dating miles
miles: trans lesbian. also she's dating laurie
tom: cis gay
jen: cis lesbian
kelly: cishet ally
taylor: cishet homophobe
jay: major cishet vibes. but idk he might learn some things. once he's actually esposed to the outside world
mickey: see jay.
lorenzo: cishet. i didn't really care for the stepbros team so i haven't really put much though into it
chet: cishet. see lorenzo
rock: nonbinary bisexual. also he's dating spud
spud: trans gay man. also he's dating rock
dwayne: cishet homophobe
junior: he's like. 11. i'm not saying you can't have figured our your sexuality and gender at that age. but junior definitely hasnt
ennui: trans bi man. canonically dating crimson (and i'm keeping taht)
crimson: trans bi woman. canonically dating ennui (and Im keeping it taht way)
stephanie: cis bi woman. i just know it.
ryan: cishet ally
devin: cis bi man
carrie: cishet ally (she's a HUGE ally okay)
kitty: cis lesbian
emma: cis lesbian
josee: transfem lesbian
jacques: trans gay man
macarthur: trans butch lesbian. also she's dating sanders
sanders: cis lesbian. also she's dating macarthur
brody: cis pansexual. just trust me okay
axel: trans butch lesbian. also she's in love with nichelle
nichelle: cis femme lesbian. also she's in love with axel
emma: cis lesbian with extreme comphet
chase: cis bi man with lots of internalized homophobia. anyway he's in love with ripper
ripper: cis bi man. also he's in love with chase. (i don't like ripper or chase. they're perfect for each other tho)
wayne: cishet ally (he's canonically an ally!!)
raj: cis gay. also bowraj for life
bowie: cis gay. also bowraj for life
i need to make another block of text bc i reached the character limit lmao
scary girl/lauren: transfem lesbian. i just know it
zee: nonbinary pansexual. trust me
julia: cis lesbian. but she'll call you a slur. she's dating MK
damien: i think he's a cishet ally. but i could see him as bi
caleb: cis aroace. no i will not elaborate
millie: transfem lesbian
priya: cis lesbian
MK: nonbinary lesbian. they're dating julia
The host with the most, chris mclean: trans gay man. he'll call you a slur tho. he's married to chef
Chef Hatchet: cis gay man. he's married to chris
Don: cis gay man. he hates chris's guts.
that's every character. anyway next week it's going to be a tierlist of all the characters <3
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