#pagan dawn? anyone?
iluminaru · 9 months
My favorite td couples in honor of the celebration
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Merry Christmas/Happy Yule to all of you! I hope you are having a great time :)
So in honor of celebration, I've decided to draw my most favorite couples.
My headcanons about how each couple celebrate:
Heather and Alejandro usually visit some Christmas fairs, watching films/movies, throwing snowballs at each other and pushing each other into a snowdrifts.
Gwen's mother always arranging a family Christmas trip. Courtney usually spending Christmas all alone watching TV, baking cookies and texting her girlfriend.
Dawn and Ezekiel always arguing about what they should celebrate, because Dawn is a pagan and Ezekiel is a Christian. They always ending up with a some sort of a compromise.
LeShawna and Harold are talking a day just for themselves to try different activities. Harold loves to brag about random things and LeShawna is a good listener.
MK and Julia started a podcast. Their favourite thing is reading r/AITA.
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the-final-sentence · 9 months
Top Final Sentences of 2023
He knew that on the day of his death he would see her face and he could hope to carry that beauty into the darkness with him, the last pagan on earth, singing softly upon his pallet in an unknown tongue. Cormac McCarthy, from The Passenger
And there are so many silences to be broken. Audre Lorde, from “The Transformation of Silence into Language and Action”
For Guinevere Tallow, it felt like coming home. Ethan M. Aldridge, from Deephaven
And we laughed and held each other and filled our hearts with the faith that we could always do that, always blow away the clouds that threatened our stars. Andrew Neiderman as V.C. Andrews, from Honey
But as anyone who loves reading and writing quickly learns, both activities allow you to commune with the living and the dead, to listen to the thoughts of those who have come before you and argue, cajole, and sing praise for them in response. Kaitlyn Greenidge, from “Books for a Black Girl’s Soul”
The greatest shame would be to reach the end of our lives and have the epitaph read, ‘They worked really hard.’ Roxane Gay, from “Yes, Your Job Is Important. But It’s Not All Important.”
The sky is gory with stars, like the insides of a gutted night. Julia Armfield, from “Salt Slow”
Sometimes, even in towns built on curses, at least once in a blue moon, things turn out okay. Ryan Douglass, from “Knickknack”
Eventually, if we speak the truth to each other, it will become unavoidable to ourselves. Audre Lorde, from “Eye to Eye: Black Women, Hatred, and Anger”
In the distance, the darkness has started to lift like a veil, the first light of dawn spilling over the Beijing skyline, a promise of all the beautiful and terrible and sun-soaked days to come. Ann Liang, from If You Could See the Sun
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vinylfoxbooks · 2 months
July 18 - Fake | @jegulus-microfic | wc: 822 Part 14 of Medium!James AU Previous Part | First Part
Yule is both not at all what Regulus expected, and yet completely what he expected, though James has told him that the Potters don’t celebrate the holiday in the way that other Pagans or traditional families do, they remain more lax about it because the Potters have never gotten super traditional and down to the true holiday when they celebrate anything. “We prefer to celebrate how our hearts want to celebrate, not how the textbooks say that we should.” Was James’ way of explaining it, and Regulus liked that. It also explained why there were several aspects of Christmas in the way that they celebrated Yule instead of sticking strictly to the religion’s celebrations. 
That being said, it’s Christmas day and everyone is sitting around the living room. The previous day, Pete and Marlene’s family came around and the families exchanged their presents and Remus stayed long enough the other day that everyone had their gifts wrapped and Remus was able to take his and his family’s gifts to his house when he left. So right now, it’s just the Potters, Sirius, and Regulus. 
Everyone would up at a reasonable time in the morning -- apparently something that Sirius required of the Potters when he moved in because Monty and James have the horrid habit of waking up at the ass-crack of dawn to go running even when it’s cold as fuck outside -- and they all sat around the table, having breakfast and their morning drinks of choice. Then they migrated to the living room where the gifts were sitting. 
Sirius got a bunch of records, some jewelry, and a nice custom leather jacket that Monty and Effie customised for him. James got an assortment of things, including a nice, leatherbound journal from Regulus since they were talking about needing a new journal to track their spells and divination. 
Regulus wasn’t expecting to get as many presents as he did. Some muggle books that Effie thought he might like, advanced potions books from Monty, some of which even had his own notes and annotations and the man telling him that he’d be more than willing to take Regulus on as his apprentice -- which Regulus will deny to anyone who accuses him otherwise that he teared up at the sentiment -- Sirius gave him the present from him but told him to open it privately, which did make Regulus was suspicious. Remus had gotten him some more books, ones that, from the letter that he left in the box, he enjoyed that Regulus might like. 
And James? James got him a whole new set of rings. When questioned, they tilted their head a bit and smiled, “You stopped wearing most of your rings after starting to talk to Remus.” They note, and Regulus hadn’t even realised that they noticed that, “I imagine it’s because most of your rings are silver. These are fake silver rings, though they’re still a good quality so you don’t have to worry about tarnish.”
Sirius nods, “I have the same material, got them from the same store and everything, they’ve lasted me a long time and have no effect on Remus.” 
“Thank you,” Regulus smiles. Admittedly, he had been missing his rings but didn’t want to wear them, “You also made me another ring.”
James nods, “Since your last one broke, I wanted to make you another one.”
“Thank you, Jamie.” Regulus smiles, leaning into their space just a bit more. Effie and Monty opened their gifts next, receiving some random things, though Monty did get Effie a stunning, dainty necklace embedded with diamonds and lapis and James got for their parents cookbook that they had made of all of their parents’ favourite recipes so they could be all in one book. 
When the day was done with and over -- really, when they finished with the whole gift exchange -- then everyone split up and went to do their own thing until later that night. Which is how Regulus found himself lying down with James in their bed, talking quietly and Regulus half asleep, after Regulus and Sirius snuck into the younger’s room and Regulus opened his present from his older brother, that being two new binders, one in almost his exact skin tone and one in black, and the explanation that he knew Regulus was needing new ones.
“You’re not a morning person are you?” James asks, humor in their tone, “We got up at nine in the morning and here you are, exhausted.”
Regulus grumbles, “‘m not a morning person. The only reason I wake up as early as I do is because when I try to sleep in, I hear my mother’s voice shouting at me.”
“An effective internal alarm.” James laughs, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to his lips, “I’m glad you liked the rings, and thank you again for the journal.” Regulus doesn't deign them with a response, just choosing to kiss them once more.
Next part
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warmaidensrevenge · 7 months
It's not a never
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Pairing: Eddie x friend!fem plus size reader
A/N: Hi! So I lied. This is gonna be a three part series. I was getting a little carried away with everything I wanted to put in this fic. So that pushed it out to one more part. Tonight's part is basically filler. Just a heads up this is a slow burn. So if you don't like that kind of fic, this one is not for you. Anyways, thanks for reading. As always love ya. Byyyyeeeee
I do not give permission for my work to be posted anywhere else. Please respect all creators. Also, all pictures and songs are from a Google search and found on Spotify. A credit to original posters and artists. Thank you for your work.
Word count: 3,230
Warnings: 18+ no minors please. Language, angst, pinning, slow burn, slight fluff and not proof read.
Summary: A trip to be remembered and a confession that leaves Eddie puzzled.
Part 2
Bags were packed and loaded. Snacks and drinks were bought. A Ziploc bag full with coins for tolls and a map were in Eddie's glove box. And hours of music were picked. All that was left was to wake up at the ass crack of dawn. 
This senior ditch day was going to be epic. Months and months of saving and scrimping was all going to be worth it. 3 days of total and complete freedom. The road trip of a lifetime. One last hurrah. Together. 
Only this was gonna be tough. Being in close quarters with you for 3 whole days. How was he gonna deal?
Lately he was doing pretty good at keeping his feelings at bay… well that wasn't true. You had left for a week after the senior outing to visit the college you got into.
He missed you more than ever. But over those few days, he reflected back on everything. Sure how he now felt about you came unexpectedly. Still, he never wanted to be with anyone more. Especially since he realized you were perfect for each other.
However if he decided to make a move, there was no certainty that you would be up for it. Also, what would it do to the friendship? You guys had been friends way too long. It would be awkward. 
So he chose to push all that he felt away and enjoy this last trip with his friends.
It was 4 am on Friday and everyone was ready to hit the road. You had just hopped in the passenger seat with a huge thermos of coffee. 
“ Sorry. Thy birth giver wanted to pray for safe travels and a safe return.”
Eddie smiled. “ Welp, hopefully one of the pagan gods heard her.”
You turned around and offered up some coffee and donuts to everyone. When you turned back, you pulled out the map.
“ Okay Eddie. Please for the love of all that is holy. Please don't kill us.”
He chuckled. “ Ye have little faith kid.”
You rolled your eyes and took a bite of a donut and pointed forward. “ Let's do this.”
Everyone whooped and hollard. “New York! Here we come!”
3 hours later
“Oh crap! Munson please!” Jeff whimpered.
Gareth backed away a little. “ Man oh man. I told you not to have that second cup of coffee.” 
Eddie shook his head while you were laughing your butt off.
“ Calm down.” He said. “ The next gas station in 3 miles out.”
“ I-I don't think I- I can hold it!” Jeff stammered.
“ YOU BETTER!” Grant yelled.
You turned around. “ Guy, guys guys!” It's gonna be fine. Jeffrey. 2 ½ minutes. You can do this. Just squeeze.” 
You looked back at Eddie and just grinned away. All he could think about was how nice your eyes looked. 
As soon as he pulled into the parking lot, Jeff kicked open the back door and ran into the store.
Once Eddie turned off the engine everyone sat there quietly for a few seconds before laughing like crazy.
When it died down you guys got off to move your legs around.
Eddie went to fill up while the other guys went to see about some real breakfast. 
He had just put in the gas nozzle and turned to find you doing toe touches.
He shouldn't have done it, but he did. He checked you out. Loving how your leggings hugged your round bottom. How beautifully wide your hips were.
When you stood back up you walked towards him.
“ Eddie? Can you pop my back?”
He nodded and took a step closer to you. “ Turn around and cross your arms around your chest.”
Once you did as you were instructed, he stepped behind you and wrapped his arms around you. He then took a deep inhale in and caught a whiff of your shampoo. He instantly got goose flesh. 
Stop it! He told himself.
After lifting you up for a second, he quickly put you back down. Your bottom brushed his lower half in the process. 
His hands fell down to your hips. He mentally had to tell himself to not pull you to him.
“ W-was that okay?” He nervously asked.
You turned around and nodded. Bodies only inches apart.
“ So much better. Thank you.”
He stared at your lips as you spoke. Were they always so full? They definitely looked incredibly soft.
“ G-good.” He stuttered as he kept looking at your mouth and thinking.
“Eddie? You okay? Do I have something in my teeth?”
“ Hmm?” He met your gaze. “ Yeah. No. Yeah. You're good. I just ummm…sorry I was just trying to decide if I should take a leak.” 
“ Alright dude." You held up your hand. " Too much info. Go, I'll finish pumping.” 
With that said he practically ran away. Rushing into the first stall that was empty. While sighing deeply he cursed himself. He really wanted to kiss you.
His thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a god awful stench.
“ UGH! Jeff what the hell man?! Ever heard of a courtesy flush?”
“ S-sorry man.”
Eddie smiled when he saw the buildings in the distance. He looked at you and your eyes were so big. 
“ Guys look! We're almost there.” You said excitedly. 
Gareth moved between you and him. “ Awwwww yeah baby. Just think, in a couple of weeks we're moving here.”
Eddie caught a sad look on your face. He knew how bad you wanted to go to Columbia. To be close to them while they followed their dreams to be rockstars. But things didn't work out. Instead, you were going to a college on the west coast. 
It was a good school. Everyone knew that. It had a great biology and geology department. Something you were excited about. Still, you were scared because you didn't know anyone there. Everyone you knew and loved would be on the other side of the country.
That's why Eddie understood the sad face. He remembered conversations he had with you about it. He remembered wiping away your tears as you told him about your rejection from Columbia. And though he was the one to talk you into getting some California sun, he now realized he didn't want you to go either.
He tapped your knee and started writing.
‘ okay?’
You peered out the front windshield and slightly shook your head. Then you put your hand on his and squeezed it gently. Letting him know you would be fine. 
He knew you would be. You were awesome and you would make friends easily. It's just now he didn't know if he would be okay without you.
You put your finger against your lips.“ Shhhh! Guys I know you're freaking out, but I need you to trust me.”
Everyone was following you down these concrete hallways for a good 5 minutes now. After checking into the hotel and getting food, they had all found themselves sneaking into a building.
Jeff was the first to doubt you. But as soon as a security officer came close to catching you guys, everyone tried to convince you to turn back.
Eddie looked into your eyes and nodded. “ Okay.” He whispered. “ If we go to jail, it better be worth it.”
You held out your hand for him. “ It will be. I promise.”
Your hand was everything he thought it would be. Soft, warm and fit perfectly in his. He swore he would follow you anywhere if it meant that he could hold your hand. 
Once you guys were finally in the spot, you told them to stay put. When you let go of his hand, he now felt like a part of him was missing. 
You were only gone for a second. But in those few moments they had all realized where they snuck into.
Eddie was speechless. There were absolutely no words that could describe how he felt. 
A few spot lights turned on. Pointing directly in the middle of a huge stage.
You returned on top of it. “ So?”
“ Shit!” They all said in unison.
You gave them a huge smile. “ I know right? Obviously you guys can't perform or anything like that. But I wanted the first time you step foot in here, that it's with your biggest support. Cuz I know one day I'm going to be standing right there… screaming my head off.”
They looked at the spot where you pointed. It was right in front of the platform.
You locked eyes with him.“ So get up here and take it in.”
The guys looked at each other then ran to get up too. Once up there you asked for help getting down. You then watched them laugh and wrestle playfully.
“ Alright freaks!” You announced. “ Imagine this.  Every seat is full. And the floor is packed with bodies. All waiting for you.” 
They all stared at you after moving to their respective place. As if they're standing by their instruments.
“ The crowd is chanting. Corroded Coffin. Corroded Coffin….Then the lights go out. The ones that are sitting jump up and everyone screams in anticipation. But then... it goes silent…”
Eddie pictured everything. It was all him and the guys ever wanted.
“ Then they hear you.” You point at Gareth. “ Then you.” You looked at Jeff. “ Then of course you bud.” You nodded towards Grant. “ And finally the strum of a guitar along with oooooohhhhs and awwwws from you.”
Eddie finally had your eyes on him. And he knew right then and there that he was in love with you. It wasn't just a silly crush anymore. It was the real thing. The can't eat, can't sleep, the winning touchdown, the home run, the one in a lifetime love.
He loved you because you loved them. You believed in them. And the way you laid out the scene with so much conviction, it had him convinced that they were gonna make it too.
You smiled at him and continued. “ And while you blow off the roof of this place, the crowd sings and sways with you."
Later that night everyone settled into the shared room. Gareth and Jeff in one bed, Eddie and Grant on the sofa bed. And of course being the only female of the group they gave you your own bed.
Eddie has just come out of the shower to find everyone asleep. Except you. You weren't even in the room.
He looked at Grant who took up the whole bed and he sighed. Looked like he was gonna sleep on the floor. 
He waited a minute to see if you would come back but after about 5 minutes, he went to look for you.
You weren't far though. He found you sitting on the steps reading something.
“ Hey kid. Whatcha doin?”
You gave him a quick little smile before looking back at your book. “ Uhhhh nothing really. Just checking out courses.” 
He sat next to you and pulled out his pack of cigarettes. Before he could light one you plucked it from his mouth.
“ No you promised. No smoking on this trip.”
He gave you a thin lip before taking back the smoke and returning it to the carton.
“ You really should quit. I don't want to see you end up with an oxygen tank.”
He put the pack back in his pocket. “ One day. I promise.”
You flipped a page. “ I'll keep you to that.”
You guys sat quiet. Listen to the bustle of the city. Eddie was trying to gather the courage to tell you how he felt. But he was scared. What if he took a leap of faith and it turned ugly? What if you did like him the way he liked you and things didn't work out? Or what if his confession lead to you guys not being friends anymore?
Doubt filled his thoughts. But then a bit of hope shined on him. What if it did work out? What if you guys made it past the long distance thing and were truly happy together? What if this love was meant to be?
“ Eddie?”
His inner rambling came to a halt. “ Y-yeah?”
You closed your book and started fidgeting with the corners. “ You know you're my best friend right?”
He softly cleared his throat. “ Yeah.”
“ And we always tell each other everything.”
He nodded. “ Yeah.”
You sighed a little. “ So you know that I have family out here….well my uncle actually works as a security guard at the garden. He worked tonight…he knew we were coming and he did me a solid…we wouldn't have gotten in trouble if we got caught.”
For a second there his heart sank. He thought you were gonna say that you liked him too. But then he smiled and wrapped his arms around you. 
“ I'm really gonna miss you.” He said softly.
You hug his waist. “ I think I'll miss you more.”
The hug lasted a minute or so, but it was the best damn hug he had ever had. And when you tried pulled away he hugged you tighter. Making you giggle. 
When he finally loosen his grip, you stared deeply into his eyes. The way you sat there, it was like your eyes were trying to tell him something your mouth couldn't. It was almost as if you were asking him to kiss you.
He was gonna go for it. He was gonna take that leap. However the second he leaned in you yawned. Pulling completely away from him so you wouldn't do it in his face.
“ Wow I'm beat. We should get some sleep. Big day in Time's Square tomorrow."
He frowned at the fleeding moment that seemed to be fate. 
“ Yeah you're probably right.” He conceded to it. “ You think you could lend me a pillow and that blanket you brought?”
You looked at him and raised a brow. Silently asking why?
“ Gonna crash on the floor. Grant's a bed hog.”
You laughed lightly and yawned again. “ No. You can sleep with me.”
His breath hitched in his throat while asking a shaky. “ W-what?”
You grinned and stood up, holding out your hand. “ Like when we were kids. If you're worried that I'll get handsy then we can make a pillow barrier.”
He chuckled. “ Maybe I like handsy.”
He regretted it as soon as it came out.
The silence that followed his comment nearly made him shit a brick. You stood there with an almost visible question mark above your head.
Shit! He thought. Shouldn't have said that.
You then shook your head and laughed. “ Stop being weird and take my hand.”
He practically wiped his brow and said whew before grabbing your hand. Allowing you to lead him back.
He laid there for a while thinking about all that happened. He couldn't believe he was gonna kiss you before telling you how he felt. That wasn't the guy he was. He always made sure he got consent. And with you it would be no different. All he had to do was get some real alone time with you so he can finally say something.
When we get home. He said to himself. 
He heard you sigh and felt you move a bit. Then he felt your arm sliding across his stomach. Without thinking he lifted his arm and gently pulled you closer. Slipping his arm under your head. 
Both of you sank further into the bed. He smiled and his last thought before falling asleep was how much he loved you.
The next day and a half was the best in his life. Exploring the city, eating the best pizza and getting some information about playing at clubs when they moved there. It was fantastic. 
Now it was time to head home and finish up the school year.
The drive seemed longer this time. More quiet. And he knew why. In exactly 2 weeks things were going to be different. Everyone was going to graduate and their adult lives were going to start. For a long time he couldn't wait to get the hell out of Hawkins. So did his friends. But now that it was happening, it was so hard to see the next chapter. Well with this little monster of love inside him.
When it was time to switch off. Jeff and Grant traded places with you and him.
You guys crawled in the back with the sleeping Gareth and tried to catch some z's. 
You leaned your head on his shoulder and started to hum a familiar tune. He put his hand on your knee and started tapping to the beat. He caught a small smile from you. 
“ Hey Jeff? Could you drop me off first when we get into town?” you asked.
“No problem.”
You went back to humming and Eddie was trying to figure out what exactly he was gonna say. Before he knew it he was sound asleep with you. 
Until he heard the vans break squeak to a stop. 
He opened his eyes and saw they were in front of your house. You had just opened the door and hopped out. 
Though he wanted this to be a private moment, it was now or never.
He sat up and followed you. “ I need a minute man.” He said to Jeff. “ Hold up kid. I'll help you.”
You tried to refuse his help in carrying your duffle bag, but he could see you were too tired to try.
You stoped on at your doorstep and reached for your bag. “ Thanks Eddie.”
He handed you the bag and took a deep breath. Just as you turned to open the door he said your name.
“ Yeah?”
His eyes fell to the ground as he rubbed the back of his neck. “ Uhhhh nevermind. I'll tell you later.”
You cleared your throat gently and took a step towards him. “ I hate when you do that.”
His gaze shot up to yours. “ D-do what?”
You put your free hand on your hip. “ When you look like you have something important to say then just brush it off…Just tell me because I'm gonna be up all night wondering what you wanted to say.”
He looked away and stood quiet for a few seconds. “ I-I’ve been acting different lately.”
“ I know.”
He met your eyes again. “ Yeah?”
You didn't say anything, but he knew that you did.
“ So I-” he cut off. Suddenly his nerves were getting the best of him. “ I don't- ummm shit…I- well the reason…damn it! I cant- I don't know-”
You grabbed his hand and lightly squeezed it. Letting him know that it was okay. To calm down and take a breath.
He took a deep inhale and slowly let it out. “ I think possibly, maybe I’ve fallen for you.”
Your expression after that gave him a sinking feeling. You didn't feel the same.
Your frown said it all.
“ I'm sorry. I-I just needed to say something.”
You nodded but surprisingly you didn't let go of his hand. You were actually staring at his hand in yours.
“Eddie…I want to talk more about this. But I can't even think straight and my knees are about to give in.”
That wasn't what he was hoping for. 
“Right! Umm yeah. Sorry, just forget I said anything.” He said trying to walk away. 
But you held his hand firmly. Preventing him from taking a step further. “ No. Don't do that.”
He looked back at you and you had your eyes closed. 
“ Eddie, this is important. If it wasn't then you wouldn't have said anything at all…This deserves a real conversation that I can't give you right now. So please don't leave thinking that I don't feel the same way."
He was in disbelief. Did he hear that right?
You gave his hand one last squeeze before letting go and going inside.
He stood there staring at the door. Did he dream that? You like him too?
Gareth rolled down the window. “ Munson, let's go. I wanna go home!”
He sighed and smiled to himself. " Y-yeah. Okay."
@salenorona23 @browneyes528 @ohmeg @eddiesguitarskills @crookedcrone
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helenabuu32 · 1 month
Hey! I haven’t been on tumblr for probably over a decade at this point, so this is my first post introducing myself to get back into it!
My name is Bea! I’m Canadian, 25f, Pagan, bi and used to be a full time artist (polymer clay, jewelry, painting, drawing, etc). I’ve always liked writing self insert fanfics for my own enjoyment when I can’t find a fic to scratch a particular itch, and always thought it would be fun to run an ask blog where I can take requests or post my own hcs, drabbles/oneshots, and even some art for my favourite characters!
My current 24/7 obsession is JJBA, especially Golden Wind, and specifically, Leone Abbacchio. My favourite parts are 3 and 5 and I’m currently on part 6 of the anime! Other anime’s I love are Fruits Basket, Dragon Ball, Darker than Black, Inuyasha and much more that I cannot think of atm.
I also love Buffy, The Boys, and have been enjoying Invincible and most recently The Bear! I love video games and I’m a huge Nintendo nerd - Twilight Princess is my favourite game of all time and I love LoZ and animal crossing! Also love stuff like Stardew Valley and casual horror games. Baldurs Gate 3 and DND stuff are super awesome too. As far as music goes, I’d say I’m an alt/punk rock gal but here are my favourite bands: MCR, Nirvana, Sublime, Gorillaz, One-Eyed Doll, Evanescence. I do also indulge in late 90’s/2000’s pop!
Here’s some characters I would LOVE to write for if anyone would like to give me a chance!
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure:
Part 2: Joseph Joestar, Caesar
Part 3: Jotaro Kujo, old Joseph Joestar, Kakyoin, Polnareff, Avdol
Part 5: Bucciarati, ABBACCHIO, Mista, Fugo, Narancia, Giorno and Trish (this is the part/fandom I’d love to write for most ATM)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
Buffy, SPIKE, Angel, Willow, Xander, Cordelia, Giles, Oz, Tara, Anya, Dawn
The Boys:
BUTCHER, Frenchie, Kimiko, MM, Hughie, would love to do some HCs for the 7 too!
Fruits Basket:
Literally everyone, but Kyo, Hatsuharu, Hatori and Ayame are favs
Stardew Valley:
I would honestly write HCs for anyone but I would love to do stuff for SEBASTIAN, Sam, Abigail, Leah, Elliott, Maru, Shane, Penny, Harvey….basically any romancable character!
I’ll update when I can think of more characters as well!
Since this blog is a clean slate, I’ll most likely follow anyone back but I do ask that we keep mutuals to 18+ please! I’m honestly pretty lonely when it comes to talking to people about fandom stuff so I would love to make some friends on here and my messages and asks will always be open :)
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Spiritual Dieties
A/N: Just realised that I've included a list of god/esses BUT Christian will be excluded because theirs is too BIG, seraphims, archangels, and the names of who is what that is it's own seperate post -_- they're christian witches so even my own opinion of christianty (I don't hate them but dont love them either) I would still respect anyone who still follows it.
Divine status, quality or nature. A god or Goddess, a supreme being. Most well known in Persian/Norse/Celtic/Greek/Roman/Egyptian/Hindu/Pagan/ Christian Angels-Demons, etc.
Celtic Gods:
Alator: God of war and protection, name means “he who nourishes the people.”
Albiorix: God of protection and war, name means “King of the world.”
Belenus: God of healing, name means “Bright one.”
Borvo: God of healing waters and minerals.
Bres: God of fertility, tyrant ruler
Cernunnos: Horned god of Nature, fertility, the underworld, wealth and fruit
Esus: God of strength and human sacrifice.
Lenus: God of healing, associated with Roman god Mars
Lugh: God of the sun and craftsmanship, justice and ruleship
Maponus: God of music, poetry and youth
Nuada: God of healing, the sea and warfare.
Celtic Goddesses:
 Brigantia: Goddess of rivers and waters, poetry and crafts
Brigit: Goddess of fire, fertility, healing, cattle and poetry
Ceridwen: Goddess and sorceress, poetic wisdom, prophecy, magic and rebirth.
Epona: Horse goddess, fertility and cornucopias, horses and mules
Medb: Goddess of sovereignty and motherhood
Morrigan: Goddess of seafarers, fertility, and abundance
Nemausicae: Mother goddess, fertility and prosperity
Saitada: Goddess of grief.
Norse Deities:
Baldur: God of Beauty, peace, innocence, rebirth.
Bragi: God of Poetry, music, the harp
Hodr: God of Winter, Blind God, god of Darkness.
Hoenir: God of Silence, passion, spirituality, poetry
Kwasir: God of inspiration, god of wisdom.
Loki: God of trickery, mischief
Magni: God of strength and bravery
Njord: God Of the sea, wind, fish and wealth.
Odin: The allfather, God of war, poetry, magic and wisdom.
Thor: God of Thunder and battle, protection of mankind.
Try: God of War and Justice, god of skies
Ulr: God of skis and bows, god of winter.
Ali: God of revenge and vengeance.
Eir: Goddess of healing and medical skill.
Eostre: Goddess of spring and dawn.
Freyja: Goddess of love, fertility, battle and witchcraft
Frigg: Goddess of marriage and motherhood, Queen of the gods.
Gefjun: Goddess of fertility and plough, abundance and prosperity.
Hlin: Goddess of consolation and protection
Jord: Goddess of the Earth, Mother Earth.
Nanna: Goddess of joy, peace, and the moon.
Nott: Goddess of the night and darkness.
Sif: Goddess of the harvest, grain and earth
Sigyn: Goddess of fidelity, mercy and mourning.
Skadi: Goddess of Winter, mountains and skiing.
Sol: Goddess of the Sun and healing
Vor: Goddess of Wisdom, knowledge and awareness. 
Greek Goddess
Greek Gods:
Roman Goddess Minerva
Roman Gods
Egyptian Gods/Goddess
Persian Gods/esses
Ahura Mazda
Angra Mainyu
Vohu Manah
Spenta Armaiti
Aka Manah
Kshatra Vairya
Azhi Dahāka
Apam Napat
Hindu Gods/esses
What is similar?
One type of ‘Leader’ along with a ‘Mother’ a ‘son’ or ‘Consort’ a god of death, healing, creativity, the Sun, the Moon, wisdom, mischief, fertility. Or some deities symbolise a couple of things based on their story. Or domain that they rule over. But most do have similarities or cross over to other religions. For example the Roman gods are just the Tumblr edgy oc’s of the Greek Gods. {And the Romans twisted greek stories but those stories is what we in modern day take as 'canon' }
“Our gods are stronger and better than yours!” ha, just kidding.
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thewitchfarhan · 1 year
Why are you reblogging from evilios? Do you know that they’re a zeus apologist, right? 💀💀💀
I'm going to preface this by saying this is going to be a *MONSTER* of a post, so be warned - it's gonna be long.
TLDR: “But when it comes to the spiritual people I follow and reblog from on Tumblr - I have the following rule for myself:
If I like it, I interact with it, if I don’t - I won’t. If the blog isn’t upsetting to me or triggering me then I’ll follow, if it is - I won’t. If someone isn’t harming anyone by their spirituality then I’ll respect it, but if they are - fuck 'em.”
Hi anon - thank you for your inquiry. This is actually something I have been pondering for a bit and I feel ready to express my feelings around this issue.
To start - I am *very* new to the Hellenic Pagan community. While I have been a practicing Witch and Pagan for about 10 years - Hellenic Paganism is not a practice I have worked with/within prior to 2023.
Additionally - I make a point to not pass judgment on a spiritual belief or path before researching it from a third-party point of view, and examining the historical documentation available (as opposed to just taking into account UPG).
With that being said - my feelings toward Zeus as a deity/spiritual entity are negative (as you can see below from a previous post I made).
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A good portion of the myths about Zeus that I am familiar with have heavy themes that center around male entitlement, assault, r*pe, and misogyny. All of which are not only morally reprehensible - but also somewhat triggering for me as someone who grew up Catholic.
I have seen individuals say that you have to take into account the “historical context” in which myth and religious texts are written. I have seen individuals say things along the line of “These myths were written by misogynistic men so they projected their own values and beliefs onto Zeus, that’s now who Zeus really is!”
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[I'm going to use the anon above as an example because their thoughts and sentiments are ones I see often from Zeus Devotees / Zeus Worshipers]
I’m not in the business of trying to tell others what to believe - not because I think all beliefs are valid - but because I know it’s pointless.
However, if you are going to use Greek Myths as the source material for your religious practice - then it would be more logical to compare these myths - not to Paradise Lost - but to the Bible.
So, if Greek Myths (the basis of Hellenic Paganism) are symbolic and not to be taken literally - then prey tell where are you getting your canonical information from? Which religious texts *are* to be taken literally?
The bottom line, and answer to this quandary, is this:
All religion is invented. All religion is made up. All religion was created by humanity.
Cows and Crows don’t have religion. They do not build altars or shrines. They do follow religious codes. They do not worship or name divinity.
We can trace a before and after period for every religion's existence. There is not one religion that has existed from the dawn of time (and if anyone claims such they’re lying because humanity evolved from other species who definitely did not have any concept of ‘religion’).
So, with that being said, if you aren’t part of an organized religion/coven/cult - then you have two options.
1. Interpret all holy and traditional texts as literal and abide by their ever moral, rule, and decision within your personal practice.
2. Acknowledge that you are picking and choosing what you believe to fit your own moral and personal narrative. Admit that you are making up your own personal gnosis and acknowledge that any judgment of your personal practice is also a judgment of your person. Admit that if you aren’t taking source material literally (which is a totally fine thing to do) you are inventing your own religious gnosis.
Want to worship Zeus and ignore all myths that portray him as a r*pist? Go ahead! I have no issue with you. Just don't try to somehow make those myths "valid" or "just symbolic" - just admit what you're doing and move on.
Because if you’re going to go around saying “Oh this historical information is valid but the other one isn’t and shouldn’t be judged from a modern lens!” then congratulations! I’m going to view your practice through the same lens as those who praise the Christian God as an all-loving entity and ignore the fact that (according to the story of Noah’s Ark in the Bible) he murdered every single adult and child on planet Earth, aside from a chosen few.
At the end of the day - do what you want. I don’t have any authority to stop you and I’m not gonna fight with you. But if you want my personal opinion on Zeus worship it is this:
Zeus, for me, is categorically defined by his actions. While there are many stories of SA and Abuse in Greek Mythology, Zeus as King of the Gods takes the cake. Not only because of the sheer number of stories that center around him committing acts of SA - but also because as the King of the Gods, he should be held to a higher standard.
Since I am not part of an organized religion/coven/cult - I get to choose how I interact with spirituality, and for me, that includes judging it through a modern lens.
I chose to not ignore the myths that portray Zeus in a negative light because I think the sheer number of those myths defines Zeus' character and what he represented in ancient times.
But when it comes to the spiritual people I follow and reblog from on Tumblr - I have the following rule for myself:
If I like it, I interact with it, if I don’t - I won’t. If the blog isn’t upsetting to me or triggering me then I’ll follow, if it is - I won’t. If someone isn’t harming anyone by their spirituality then I’ll respect it, but if they are - fuck 'em.
Feel free to send any follow-up questions, I could talk about this shit for days.
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sparks-chaotic-cove · 9 months
Hello folks!
Welcome to my blog! It's a chaotic cove of writing, art, brainrot rants, and reblogs of course!
Name: Spark(s) (May also refer to me as: Sunset, Dawn, or Lizzy/Lizzie!)
Pronouns: She/her
Status: In a relationship! To keep my boyfriend's name private, I'll be calling him "Okapi" for now-
life series
percy jackson
other rick riordian series
warrior cats
What I do/create:
Worlds (story worlds)
I am a safe space for almost everyone. No pedos or zoophiles or people who entertain themselves by ruining other peoples' lives with zero care.
But I AM a safe space for Furries, Therians and Otherkins, people of the lgbtq+ community, religious folks, and literally anyone else, honestly. Respect me and I will respect you. Even if you do not respect me I will not go out of my way to make a mockery of you.
Please note that I am uncomfy with demonic imagery- this includes stuff like horoscopes, divination, mark of the beast, ouija boards etc. Zodiac stuff is fine, as well as characters who happen to be demons in a fantasy world! Additionally, I am uncomfortable with making a mockery of any religion. This includes Christianity (and further, Catholicism), various pagan traditions, Buddhism, etc.
If you are questioning why this is, I am Christian.
Keep in mind; if you would not insult a follower of Islam or a Pagan or Buddist or Hindu for their beliefs, do not insult me for mine. I am willing to discuss my beliefs privately, and civilly. I will not stand for a catfight purely based on your hate of others who claim to be of what I believe but by their actions reveal themselves to be unaligned.
SparkRambles (brainrot rambles, rambles about stuff, etc)
Sparkart / Sparkdraws(my art!)
Sparkwrites (my writing/poetry blurbs)
Sparksings (me singing)
Sparkrants (me ranting about anything)
Sparksilly (silly posts, pointless posts, joking rants, etc)
Sparkpoetry (poetry-)
Sparkgrows (Garden/plants)
Fandom/archiving info tag(s):
Skyboundlog-Avicane (also just "skyboundlog")
Reblog tags:
Happybits - Happy videos/images/posts that make me smile
Writinghelp - Writing/worldbuilding tips
Artref - Art references
Quotes - Cool things I like to read, usually short quotes
Gardennotes - Garden related shenanigans and garden tips
Healthtips - Health related tips!
Chat sona archive:
Rune - Periwinkle spark (tazikki) Vast - Vincia, magpie holding a periwinkle Marcel - Zori - Scarlet tanager Sylph - Del, red throated hummingbird Armor - Zegari the Tegu Lizard
FableSMP: (over)
Wolf/Fenris - Garnet spark Rae - Vermillion spark Centross (x) - Keripa Momboo (x) - marigold bush / Poppy Icarus - nearby poppy Jamie - brown rabbit/bunny
MerSMP (Mostly over):
Gyn - Meridee Theo - red-stained remora Cella - pink pebble
Mara(?)(zenni) - Junetia ("June")
Wild West SMP / WWSMP
Draxas - Cracked Lapis Scorpion (Lazip) Artisan - Axinite the Fennec Beckett - N/A RedBite - N/A
I do not have any other blogs currently! <3
Welcome to the cove, people from to and fro!
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breelandwalker · 11 months
Hey, love your book and podcast! I've been an invisible fan for years haha. Thank you for providing so much insight, it's really helped me in my personal spiritual direction. :)
I wanted to ask, have you heard of the whole, "you can't buy your own tarot deck, someone must give it to you" theory, I've had it thrown around at me a few times, personally mine was bought by me, however my first deck was given to me. What do you think about it?
Personally? And with an eye to the history of tarot and modern witchcraft? I think the idea of "needing" to receive your first deck as a gift is a relic of a Golden Dawn tradition that got pasted onto some hand-wavey fictitious Romani tradition by the modern witchcraft movement....and then it got repeated over and over until everyone forgot how recently the tradition was created.
(Which is what happens when several generations of witches are taught the history of their movement by a very small number of pagan authors rather than reading actual history books, even though Drawing Down The Moon was right there.)
That happened with a lot of things in modern witchcraft, actually. There's lots of things that we have perfectly good documentation for that shows certain things were invented or added to the canon VERY recently, by practitioners who are still living, but they get called "ancient" because some people don't believe things have value or legitimacy unless they have antiquity. (My podcast senpai Trae Dorn had a MARVELOUS chat with Aidan Kelly about this very topic on BS-Free Witchcraft.)
In all fairness, if this is news to anyone, there is absolutely no shame in that. We don't know what we don't know, and it's not like they teach the history of the modern witchcraft movement in public schools.
And if some witches prefer to receive their first tarot deck or oracle deck as a gift, that's fine. But it's not a requirement and nothing bad will happen if you go out and pick a deck yourself. There's a pretty sizeable market that depends on people buying their own decks, actually.
I actually covered the history of tarot cards, including the likely origin of the "first deck must be a gift" motif, in an episode of Hex Positive back in 2021. If you're interested, you can check out Ep. 019 - The Trouble with Tarot.
Hope this helps! 😊🎴
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simplegenius042 · 2 months
OC Inspiration Game
Tagged by @imogenkol
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @noodlecupcakes @voidika @skoll-sun-eater @josephseedismyfather @aceghosts @inafieldofdaisies @icecutioner @derelictheretic @shallow-gravy @shellibisshe @direwombat @strangefable @rhettsabbott @josephslittledeputy @cloudofbutterflies92 @cassietrn @carlosoliveiraa @adelaidedrubman @g0dspeeed @wrathfulrook @afarcryfrommymain @strafethesesinners @turbo-virgins @raresvtm @softtidesworld @starsandskies @ladyoriza @la-grosse-patate @florbelles @titiagls @minilev @yokobai @thewanderer-000 @omen-speaker @justasmolbard @alypink @thesingularityseries @nightwingshero and @lulu2992 + anyone else who'd like to join.
Decided to do 10 OCs; five for my protagonists, and another five for my antagonists. You can find them under the cut:
rules: share your oc and two characters from other media that influenced them the most
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Will Byers (Stranger Things) | Viktor Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)
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Khan Makyr (DOOM: Eternal) | Odin (God Of War: Ragnarok)
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Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine) | Beatrix "the Bride" Kiddo (Kill Bill) | Julie Canaro (Superfast!)
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Pagan Min (Far Cry 4) | The Elktaur (Centaurworld)
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Raine Whispers (The Owl House) | Aang (Avatar The Last Airbender (2005))
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Hugo Strange (Gotham) | Kenjaku (Jujutsu Kaisen)
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Valeria Garza (Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2022)) | Satoru Gojo (Jujutsu Kaisen)
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Toji Fushiguro (Jujutsu Kaisen) | Proximus Caesar (Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes)
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Jinx (Arcane: League Of Legends) | Ellie Williams (The Last Of Us (2023)) | Izabella (Transformers: The Last Knight)
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Mahito (Jujutsu Kaisen) | Koba (Planet Of The Apes Trilogy)
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bywandandsword · 11 months
So I watched Good Omens 2 for the first time the other day (and I'm being very brave and normal about that ending, thank you), and my brain went "Well all of the angel's names end in -'el', which makes sense cause that means 'God', but Lucifer and Satan don't fit into that naming convention, so where did those names come from?"
And turns out, the answer is fascinating.
The name Lucifer is from Roman paganism and was originally the name of the planet Venus and son of the goddess Aurora (goddess of the dawn). He was also called Phosphoros or Heosphoros, and he heralded of the dawn (it's cute that he's job was to announce that is mom was there)
The original mention of "Lucifer" in the Bible was actually a reference to a fallen King of Babylon, but the translation of the word that means "morning star" to Lucifer has since been abandoned by scholars. This is why historical context of Bible verses matters!
The motif of a being striving for prominence in heaven and then being cast down to the underworld originates in the motions of the planet Venus, also known as the morning star. This motif in myth "The fall from heaven motif is also in Canaanite mythology with Attar trying to get the throne of Ba'al and failing
And then, because I know Satan as a figure isn't really a thing in Judaism, I wondered how he got into Christianity
the Hebrew word "satan" just means "accuser" or "adversary" and in the Old Testament is applied to anyone as an antagonist in the narrative, angels and humans alike
In between the writing of the Old and New Testaments, there was a lot of empire building by Persia and Rome, which led to a lot of contact between religions and idea sharing. One of the ideas that was popular at the time was the separation of Good and Evil into rival forces from Zoroastrianism. While good and evil figures exist in all mythologies, this influence seemed to basis for this binary world view in Christianity
In the New Testament, a lot more references to a satan were added, normally referring to any force that opposed early Christianity, and over time they were conflated and attributed to one being/the Evil Side. The way people talked about it went from someone acting as a satan to people acting as agents of Satan
Then! In looking into all this, I found a mosaic that's thought to be the earliest known depiction of Satan from the 6th century depicting the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats and it's very surprising
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(image: mosaic depicting three haloed figures on a rocky green field, Jesus in purple is seated the center, a winged angel in red to Jesus' right and a winged angel in blue to Jesus' left. Both angels have their right hands raised with the palm to the viewer. Jesus is gesturing to the three sheep that stand in front of the angel in red. In front of the angel in blue are three goats)
So the angel in blue is supposed to represent Satan, and in this parable Jesus is explaining Judgment, using sheep to represent those going to Heaven and goats to represent those going to Hell. And this got me thinking about how Satan has been depicted and asking "is this why Satan is so strongly associated with goats?" and the answer is yes, but also no
Because Satan is associated with Evil, and Evil is conceived as anything that is not of God or aligns the the Church's teachings, most pagan deities at some point got associated with Evil or conflated with Satan at some point. Because Rome was the origin point for the spread of Christianity, the two main deities that Satan was conflated with were Hades, which is where the pitchfork imagery and Hell originated, and Pan, which is where Satan being horned and hoofed came from
Hell became conflated with Hades (the place) and because it was Evil, became a place of torment/punishment. This conflation also went well with the previously mentioned "fall from Heaven" motifs which all together originated Satan's mythology
Pan also became associated with Satan for a couple of reasons. One reason was because Pan as a god is associated with pastoralism and roads (which is very interesting considering the Devil's associated with road, especially crossroads), but more importantly, Pan is associated with wild spaces, places outside the realm of Society or "Civilized"
If you know anything about ancient Rome, you know there's nothing that makes ancient Romans nervous more than "uncivilized" things (read: places not under Roman control). Therefore it makes sense that Pan would get conflated with Evil
Pan is also associated heavily with sexuality and his fauns are notoriously sex pests in the mythology. With Rome's newfound obsession with chastity and demonization of anything sexual, it also isn't a surprise that Satan became an overtly sexual being
However, through the middle ages, while Satan was depicted as horned and monstrous (hilariously often with a second face in place of his junk), he wasn't super associated with goats until relatively recently
There is the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, and there is the scapegoat tradition that takes place at Yom Kippur, where a goat was given all the sins of the community and then released into the wild, but there was also a goat that was dedicated to God and was sacrificed for the holiday feast, so the strong associated with goats and Evil doesn't really exist in the Bible
There's some association with goats and evil in continental European depictions of witches, but that seems to be just cause they're more ornery than sheep, and their association with shepherdesses, like how witches were associated flying brooms because a lot of breweries were run by women and the symbol of the trade was brooms. Basically, witches and evil were associated with things that women of any societal independence had
However, where the goat symbolism really took off for a couple reasons. The first being Goya's paintings of witch's sabbats in the last 18th century that depict the Devil as a goat. This might be reference to the motif that was popular in Spain at the time of an upright quadruped performing routine human activities as a satire of men's follies. Goya specifically used goats, but other depictions of the Devil at the time also used bulls or any other generic horned figure
The second and BIGGEST reason was the image of Baphomet drawn in 1856 by Éliphas Lévi (Remember, this was the time when interest in the occult was high and things like the Spiritualism movement really started kicking off)
This depiction of Baphomet is really interesting in and of itself because Lévi basically cobbled together a bunch of different things from Victorian occultism
Baphomet is meant to be "symbolization of the equilibrium of opposites...half-human and half-animal, male and female, good and evil, etc. Lévi's intention was to symbolize his concept of balance, with Baphomet representing the goal of perfect social order"
The goat part specifically references the "Goat of Mendes" mentioned by Herodotus, who's favorite thing was being xenophobic as fuck. Herodotus says that the Goat of Medes was worshipped in Mendes (the greek name for the Egyptian city Djedet). He goes on to say some pretty slanderous things about the people there but the deity he's referring to seems to be Banebdjedet
Banebdjedet is an Egyptian ram-headed god (are we really going to take the word of Herodotus seriously when the fucker can't even tell goats and rams apart????) who's associated with creation, pottery, and fertility of the Nile floods
Lévi, and other Victorians, took Herodotus at face value and ran with it in his depiction of Baphomet
Baphomet as a figure on the other hand comes from Crusader days, where allegedly the Templars worshipped Baphomet as a deity
The name Baphomet originates from an account of the siege of Antioch; "As the next day dawned, they [i.e. the inhabitants of Antioch] called loudly upon Baphometh; and we prayed silently in our hearts to God, then we attacked and forced all of them outside the city walls". However, the 'Baphometh' the people of Antioch were calling come from the name 'Bafomet', which French troubadours were using to refer to the prophet Muhammad
The idea that the Templars were worshipping Baphomet come from the fact that, because they lived in a predominately Muslim society, some Templars converted to Islam or adopted Muslim practices in their own worship, and they were vilified as a result. So, like with Herodotus, it just originates with the demonization of other people
Getting back to Satan, Lévi's depiction of Baphomet as the "Sabbatic Goat" really became popular among occultists, being used to represent evil in several practices
The imagery got picked up by the King of Fuckwads and Douche-canoes, Aleister Crowley, who made it a central part of his tradition. Because Aleister Crowley unfortunately had such a strong influence on ceremonial magic traditions of the 20th century, the imagery was merged with other horned/antlered deity imagry and was used to represent the Horned God in British Ceremonial Witchcraft and all the derivatives of it (ie; Wicca, Traditional English Witchcraft, ect.)
A few theistic satanist groups also branched out of these ceremonial magic traditions and used Baphomet. Because of the nature of many of these groups (being loud, dickish, and as inflammatory as possible). Combined with the Satanic Panic of the '80's pushed Baphomet as the representation of Satanism to the broader public, rather than just in the social spheres of occult nerds
This of course influenced later branches of Satanism, like the non-theistic Satanic Temple, and popculture depictions of the devil, such as Black Phillip in Robert Eggers' The VVitch
It's all very fascinating. It's so interesting to see how Satan as a figure came about and evolved over the centuries and how that evolution is so rooted in their historical contexts and the values of the people in those times, and how they view the Other. I didn't even get to how the Protestant Revolution or Paradise Lost or Appalachian/Southern folklore changed the depiction of the Devil in the popular consciousness, but it's all super fascinating
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genderfluidgothwitch · 10 months
How did you wind up Pagan, and what's your favorite part about it?
Oh there's a lot to this lmao.
Okay, so growing up, my mom was part of this online forum for moms (she found it through a friend) and this group had fairly diverse beliefs, and my mom always thought we should be introduced to other ways of life as a purely academic exercise. This is where we found my ex-partner and their family. Ex and mother were both Wiccan, although at the time my ex just knew it as a form of paganism. They didn't realize it was the Wiccan faith until later, iirc. Anyways, that was my first basic intro to paganism.
Several years later, when I was struggling with my Christian faith, I was trying to figure out what I could do in terms of religion and spirituality. I always enjoyed nature, and my ex thought I would enjoy Wicca, so I started doing some research. We cast a few spells here and there, but it was that first spell we did together that really made me stop and realize, there's something here for me. So I did some more research, started kinda doing my own sort of magical thing. Then the shit hit the fan. My ex turned out to be a really bad person, so I had to find a way to get out of their massive pile of bullshit. So I did everything I could to get them out of my home (including packing their shit for them). When I finally got a chance to breathe again, I sat down and was honest with myself. Was I doing this because of my ex, or was I doing it for me?
My answer came last August when I had a severe mental breakdown. I was crying every day, stoned from dawn to dusk, and I didn't want anything to do with anyone. I talked to... three? people consistently during that time: my husband, my wife, and @xmarinaryx. I was so fed up with the pressures being placed on me at my job that I just fucking broke. I didn't start even trying to recover for two months after. But when I did, I started think about where I found my comfort most: books. I picked up a book series I had began years and years ago, but never got to finish because I could never find the last book. Even so, still without the last book, I decided to reread the series. Vampyres, magic, nocturnal school, it was practically my ideal life as a child. Then I reread the first book and I felt this connection to the Nyx in the book, the goddess of the night and vampyres, and she was depicted as a loving, caring, compassionate goddess. She wasn't evil because she was darkness personified, she was a tender pair of arms wrapped around you as you cried on her shoulder.
And that's when I realized, there's nothing stopping me from worshiping her.
I started calling myself a pagan more consistently. It was something that felt more encompassing of me, my ideals, and who I was. I love the earth, I love my goddess, and I love being a witch. It's as fundamentally a part of me as my blood, and I can't say the analogy to being live-giving isn't apt. Paganism, specifically the earth-centered spiritual practice, is my home, more than a church ever was. We only have one earth. There's millions of churches. I'd rather be at peace with what I can see, versus what I'm told.
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ornithia · 2 years
lmao i got blocked for this
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i, a living, breathing, real-life existing aroace individual, a literal example of the very category you specifically attempted to white-knight, asked a genuine question regarding the puritanical "white-washing" of the general identity to which i and several of my peers belong to - but i suppose confronting your own bigotry was just too much to handle, eh?
let's go over your "values":
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so you're not a "radical inclusionist" (w/e that means) ... but by your own logic, excluding certain marginalised groups (such as the select "undesirable" and "dirty" asexuals that do not fit the pure stereotype mold) precisely means you're also not a real leftist, but a "Republican in training" (this is literally YOUR own definition in YOUR own words)
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so ... people like you, then? also awfully convenient that all of this info that constitutes blocking was hidden below a read-more, btw. (also, you commented on someone ELSE's post. i'd say that's fair game - maybe DON'T comment publicly at all if you truly don't want to engage with anyone, especially not if you're requiring them to read a whole TOS essay of your "voids" and "warranties")
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this one was a little further down ... buddy. MOST people who ship alastor are asexuals themselves, safely exploring their identities and analysing their experiences through a fictional proxy. i can ASSURE you the majority of us are not aphobic, we're simply diverse, as human beings are wont to be. trying to fit us all into a neat little box and weeding out those who do not fit your standards or rhetoric, on the other hand - now THAT'S aphobic as all shit
going over the DNI list now and:
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lmao WHAT. please research the history of humanity and the arts, i GUARANTEE you that most people who've written/created analogs of terrible things (since the very dawn of human creativity) have not PERSONALLY engaged in horrific deviancy so much as commentated on it, in order to make a point about its horrors and use it to tell a greater message. (also "predators in the making" is literally a dog whistle used in right-wing circles, specifically the ones that embrace terf-rhetoric, are homophobic, anti-feminist, and pro-censorship with the intended goal of resetting society to the "nuclear family" aka institute a social order in which the queers don't exist, women exist purely to spread their legs and pop out babies for their masters Men, children are DANGEROUSLY isolated and taught to be ignorant of the world that exists beyond their neighborhood so that when they eventually grow up they end up xenophobic Adults unable to cope with the notions of Different and New and far less able to creatively relate, empathise, or put themselves in others' shoes, for better or worse.
also, THIS is why ACTUAL critical thinking matters, and not just lazy broad strokes of some supposed "general morality", like holy shit you'd think you'd realise this given you consider yourself a "💜Beginner Satantic-Pagan Witch" and all the maligned things that THAT would imply based on a surface-level understanding of satan/lucifer's origins without actual research into the religion, like - based on the name alone, most people would assume you have a sadistic and LAUGHABLY disproportionate desire to see humans suffer due to a petty and envious "sibling rivalry" over the fact that god doted on humans just a little "too much" for lucifer's personal liking (per the canonical texts of the abrahamic religions)
OBVIOUSLY that's not the case, as there's ALWAYS more to the picture; you criticals should try applying this philosophy more often, you all seem so miserable all the time it's hard to imagine how this COULDN'T help
as for the rest of the list ... honestly, it isn't terrible. MOST of it is reasonable. pity, as we could've potentially been friends - had you just chosen to NOT speak on behalf of ALL asexuals with 0 consideration for our varied and complex nuance and spooked yourself into blocking me over a reality check
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themaresnest-dumblr · 2 years
Since It’s Coming Up To Halloween, A Good Time To Repost And Update This - Your Handy Goth-U-Like Reference Sheet!
Readers! Have you ever been stuck with trying to think of a Goth band your Gothophobic friends might like and thus give a chance at Halloween?
Here’s your handy cross-reference sheet courtesy of your super soaraway Mare’s Nest!
The Cure: People who still watch ‘Bagpuss’, play the American McGee’s ‘Alice’ series, think Tim Burton is the greatest animator of all time, 99.99999% of all Cosplayers, and people who like eating toast.
Sisters Of Mercy: Politics undergraduates, Guardian readers, people who when they get drunk will defend General Woundwort in Watership Down as a ‘misunderstood victim of events’, people who deny being Goth dusk till dawn.
The Mission: Harry Potter/Worst Witch/Doctor Who fans and weekend pagans who like cosplay. A lot. Those who think The Hobbit movies were better than the Lord Of The Rings ones even if they were less canon, and Captain Campion was a better Chief Rabbit of Efrafa than General Woundwort anyway ...
All About Eve: Fans of My Little Pony, The Chalet School/Mallory Towers/St Claire’s, essential oil baths with scented candles, and buying Amazon rainforest sized amounts of quaint writing paper which they never get around to using.
Die Laughing: See All About Eve and The Mission.
The Cult: people who like heavy metal but could do without the whole Dungeons And Dragons or pretending to be teutonic knights vibes. Also people who like tassles. Lots of tassles.
Merry Thoughts: Sisters of Mercy and Cult fans into Pokemon.
Fields of The Nephilim: ‘Sandman’ comic book fans, people who binge watch ‘Stranger Things’ and ‘The Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina’, theology students, Spaghetti western fans, adrift prog rockers thinking ‘oh well, suppose it will do,’ actual pagans that haven’t gone down the all-out-and-listening-to-Fairport-Convention route yet.
Killing Joke: Science and Engineering students who read a lot of old school SF but regard the fanbase as boomer stoners. Those who fancy Geordie. DC Comic fandorks who only like them because it entitled their favourite Batman story. Star Wars fans who only like them because Mark Hamill played the Joker in the tortuous ‘film’ version of said Batman story.
Bauhaus/Love And Rockets:  people who insist that all original classic horror movies in black and white are far superior to their colour remakes.
Rosetta Stone - Miserylab: people who insist all original classic horror movies in black and white are far poorer in comparison to their colour remakes - even the remakes done by Hammer Horror.
The Horatii: those who like old school New Romantic videos with yachts and marigold glove monsters.
Aurelio Voltaire: They Might Be Giants/Pinky And The Brain fans.
Marilyn Manson: David Bowie fans who wished he’d gone more hard rock.
Dronning Maud Land: Fields Of The Nephilim fans who liked the Monty Python movies and post-Python spin offs better than the TV series.
Forthcoming Fire: Retro 8-bit computing fans.
London After Midnight: rubber and silk perverts and people who still believe villains on TV/in film should talk in a silly croaky voice and cackle loudly at the end of every sentence.
Siouxsie and the Banshees: Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker era Doctor Who fans, people who like hanging around big f**k off sized museums, punks, anyone who likes the Beatles or their copycats. eg. ELO, Oasis. Also your parents and grandparents. Just keep them away from the ‘Join Hands’ album.
The Damned: Those who will defend to the death every single Addams Family reboot, no matter how ill conceived in plan or execution. People who think Captain Sensible is ‘funny’. Harry Potter fans who think Rat Scabies would have made a better dad for the Weasleys in the movies.
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dark-nimbus · 10 months
Welcome to the Void!
About Me
I’m Nimbus (they/them), but I’ll answer to any of my other names and users. I’m just a giant fuckin nerd with no idea how I ended up here. Also a broke sleep-deprived college student with raging ADHD but we vibin’ ✌🏽
Enby Panromantic/Demisexual (if you’re bothered by that statement this blog is not safe for you)
Polytheistic pagan witch
East Asian transracial adoptee (transracial as in adopted and raised by people of a different race)
Aspiring artist and writer
If it wasn’t already clear from the college student mention, I am indeed an adult. No age number because 1.) I don’t actually know it and 2.) people for whatever reason act creepier when I do put a number
General Blog Info
You know how some people have an art dump account? This is my nerd dump account. Enjoy this dumpster-fire of a blog lmao, I post what I please without rhyme or reason
Possible content you can expect to see:
ThePandaRedd memes
Nerdy fanart
Essay rants on nerd shit and mainstream media
Fics? Maybe? Eventually? Idk y’all are gonna need to request shit I already got my hands full with my own writing projects
Blog Warnings
I am. The most inconsistent bitch on this Earth. I’ll more often than not appear for a time then randomly dip. I promise I didn’t abandon this blog I just have ADHD 💀
While I’ll never go into sexually explicit content on this blog, I do talk about other controversial, mature, and potentially dark topics. I’ll always have content warnings at the top of those posts, but please be aware of your own triggers and mental health
Minors are welcome here, but keep the above note in mind and be respectful
RCTA/ECTA (aka the racist/misappropriated kind of transracial)
Queerphobic (including transphobia, homophobia, biphobia, acephobia, etc)
A trump supporter
Support cultural appropriation
Support AI
Publicly advocate for piracy
To be added
Notes About Rant Essays
I try to choose my topics based on what problems I notice and what I have a deep understanding of or affects me directly. If I myself don’t experience it I speak based on the communities I’ve surrounded myself with and my own in-depth research. That being said while I am many things, being omniscient and having every experience in the world is not one of them. If I speak on something directly relating to you that isn’t completely factually accurate or is offensive/insensitive to that community you’re a part of, please let me know. I have an ask box and my DMs are open, and I’m open to conversation and criticism as long as you’re respectful and have constructive intentions. I try to educate myself as best I can, but I am still human and still learning. However I will not accept any conversation that vehemently insists on defending anything or anyone listed in the DNI section above. There’s no excuse for bigotry, ever
Nerdy Interests
More will be added to this list as I remember them or find more interests. If you don’t see something but want to know if I enjoy or will make content regarding it, feel free to leave something in my ask box
Also: if there’s anything problematic about any authors or things listed, please let me know. I try to ensure what I enjoy has no negative content within or attached to it, but my awareness of such issues is nowhere near perfect
Critical Role
DC Comics
Mr. Miracle
Titans (not HBO)
Young Justice League
Marvel Comics
Video games
Assassin’s Creed
Until Dawn
Arslan Senki
Boku no Hero Academia
Shingeki no Kyojin
Studio Ghibli
Vinland Saga
Fullmetal Alchemist/FMA:B
Ranger’s Apprentice
Adrienne Young
Margaret Rogerson
Ready Player One
Lord of the Rings
Not Even Bones
The Witcher
Purple Hyacinth
Cape of Spirits
Midnight Poppyland
Loving Reaper
Love Advice from the Great Duke of Hell
Third Shift Society
Spell for a Smith
To be added
TV shows
Avatar: the Last Airbender
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
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@definegodliness You got me on a day off from work so here goes... my URL made up of songs (songs in my Spotify liked library)
Guinevere - Crosby, Stills, Nash Enjoy Yourself (It's later than you think) - The Specials Never Going Back Again - Fleetwood Mac Victorious - Wolfmother In Hell I'll Be in Good Company - The Dead South Evil Woman - ELO Virtual Insanity - Jamiroquai Everyday is Halloween - Ministry
O Fortuna - London Philharmonic Orchestra For Whom the Bell Tolls - Metallica
The Killing Moon - Echo and the Bunnymen Hallelujah - Leonard Cohen Edge of Seventeen - Stevie Nicks
Wicked Game - Chris Isaak Once I Loved - Astrud Gilberto On a Clear Day - PM Dawn Devil's Right Hand - Johnny Cash
@definegodliness Ha! And you thought having a long URL would stop me! Bwahahahahaha! I like a little bit of some and a lot of other music genres which gives me a huge list to choose from in my library!
Come to the woods when you have a real music challenge, sir! Imagine if I had dipped into my collection of pagan, new age and world music..and now I must away..back to where the swamp/wood witches live (with Wifi of course).
P.S. I like your list, many of those songs are in my playlist as well.
Anyone else want to do this challenge? I won't tag anyone but if you feel so inclined, spell your URL with songs (you actually listen to, don't just pull up random songs on the interwebs)
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