#let Jaime lead this shit
nico-di-genova · 1 year
Blue Beetle is my favorite DC film I think???? Where tf did DC pull this from???? How did they have fail after fail and then create this masterpiece????
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
What about Jaime liking someone who works at/owns a flower shop so he keeps making excuses to come in and get flowers? Richmond is real confused about why he’s giving away so many bouquets all of the sudden
(Ps I love love love your work! I’ve got it so I get an alert whenever you post because of how much I love it!)
this one turned out SO CUTE I hope you like it!
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wishing on every one
You know you’re fucked as soon as he walks through the door of your shop. 
Then he tells you he’s looking for flowers for his mum who’s visiting him for the first time, and you know you’re extra fucked. 
He’s absolutely gorgeous, especially in the soft light streaming through your flower shop windows, framed by the vibrant hues of the plants lining the shelves.
Then he says, “I’m Jamie,” peers at your name tag, and tells you that you have a lovely name. You’re blushing the entire time you lead him around the shop, answering each one of his questions as best you can without stuttering. He cracks jokes, picks out a nice bunch, and leaves you one flower for yourself on his way out. 
And then, the next week, he comes back. 
Jamie Tartt, AFC Richmond’s star footballer, comes back to your shop and flirts with you again. 
Of course you know who he his, you knew the moment he stepped through the door. You live in Richmond after all, and you agree with the great Dani Rojas that here, football is life. It’s just hard to believe that your favorite footballer is back in your tiny little store and maybe sort of kinda definitely flirting with you.
You don’t let it get to your head (much). It’s Jamie Tartt, you’ve seen him on Lust Conquers All. To him, flirting is like breathing. You also don’t tell anyone, although you feel like you’re bursting inside. Your flat mate notes that you’re smiling more and that you always seem to be humming, and could you please maybe be careful when you’re skipping around because she just mopped the floor and doesn’t want you to slip. 
But Jamie Tartt keeps coming back; first once a week, then twice, then about every other day. He follows you around as you help him choose flowers for all kinds of occasions, and then he’a gone again, leaving you to wonder which time will be the last. 
At Nelson Road, things are in chaos. 
Ok, maybe chaos is too strong a word. Things are… out of the ordinary. 
Well, but things have been out of the ordinary ever since Ted Lasso showed up. 
Things are… weird. Yeah, that’s a good word. They’re weird. And “they,” refers to Jamie. 
It starts off simple enough. It's Sam’s birthday, so Jamie shows up with some flowers. He heard Sam say they were his favorites, so it makes sense that he’d bring them. No one notices anything. 
The next week, he’s brought some for Ms. Welton. 
“It’s for all the shit you do that we don’t know about,” he explains. “Didn’t want you to think we didn’t notice.”
Rebecca doesn’t comment on the double negative, just smiles and says, “Thank you, Jamie,” as Keeley sits forward on the couch in a slight state of shock. The Jamie she was with had never done something like that for her romantically, and here he is doing it platonically. Holy shit, he really has changed. 
Rebecca also doesn’t take the flowers to mean something they don’t. She knows that the team looks to her with the same respect they would afford an older sister or even a mother (although she is not old enough). Strangely, she doesn’t mind. It makes her feel loved in a way she’s unused to, and the flowers from Jamie hang upside down on her wall so they can be immortalized. 
Barely a week after that, he’s gotten some for Keeley. “It’s to make up for the ones I never got you,” he tells her. They’re all bright pink with fluffy petals. Keeley wraps her arms around Jamie with a squeal of delight. Roy grunts angrily, so Jamie pulls out a bunch of dark red and black flowers. “Didn’t leave you out, grandad,” he grins as Roy pretends to hate the bouquet. But even he isn’t cold-hearted enough to hate flowers.
Suddenly, people are getting flowers every other day. It’s become Jamie’s thing. Ted gets some sunflowers when he seems like he’s missing home a little extra. Will gets a bunch of sweet-smelling flowers that Jamie doesn’t know the name of, but he knows that purple one’s lavender because he remembers how you told him it reminded you of growing up. Dani gets a bundle of tulips and it almost makes him pass out from excitement, but luckily Isaac is there to catch him. 
Dani is firmly seated on the bench in the locker room and Jan Maas has removed all tulips except one, and now Isaac has the chance to turn to Jamie and ask the question that’s on everyone’s mind. 
“What gives, bruv?”
Those three words make Jamie turn bright red, but he shrugs it off with a laugh. 
“What, can’t get me best mates flowers?”
“It is a little better than the PS5s,” Richard says. There’s a chorus of agreement, much to the surprise of Coach Beard. 
Jamie thinks he’s in the clear and his face isn’t red anymore but then Dani says, “Jamie Tartt, why did you decide to give us flowers and not some other expensive gaming device?” and Jamie knows he’s completely and utterly fucked. He did not think this far. He has no excuse, no lie, so what comes out of his mouth is, “The flower shop girl’s fit,” and then the locker room completely descends into chaos. 
The boys are firing questions at Jamie faster than he can even understand them, and Ted’s just laughing at the pure pandemonium. He remembers similar moments when coaching other football teams, American ones, and the good feeling that comes along with “boys being boys,” in the way the phrase was originally intended. 
All pertinent information is successfully extracted from Jamie before the team heads home, except your name and which flower shop it is. Colin says that’s the most important bit, but Jamie refuses to tell them more than the fact that your laugh makes the sun shine brighter. Isaac nods thoughtfully and Roy shakes his head, but it’s with a fondness he reserves only for his team. 
It could be any shop, really. There are conversations across the parking lot of the best way to figure out which one it is and Jamie’s getting nervous when he hears Ted’s voice call his name.
He turns, and Ted hurries over to where Jamie’s car is parked. 
He carefully places a hand on Jamie’s shoulder (softly, unlike the crushing grip of his father) and looks Jamie straight in the eye. 
“Jamie, life’s too short to beat around the bush. You like her. I think it would be best if you rose to the occasion and just asked her out. I be-leaf in you, son. You just gotta get clover it and do what you gotta do.”
Jamie doesn’t pick on the flower puns until about the third one. He’s laughing a little bit and Ted is too, all while regarding Jamie with a soft look that Jamie always wished his father would give him. Ted pulls Jamie in for a hug and says, “In all seriousness man, we’re rooting for you.” 
Jamie gives him a look, which makes Ted hold up his hands in defense. “Alright, alright, I’m done,” he says. “For now.” Then he winks and headed to meet Coach Beard. 
It’s the middle of the afternoon when the bell on your door jingles, and you look up from the register hoping to see Jamie. 
Instead, you see a middle-aged man with a mustache smiling at you. 
He says, “Howdy,” in a way that is so very American, that you can’t help but break into a wide smile. 
“Hi!” you reply, “How can I help you?”
“My name’s Ted Lasso,” he says walking toward you. “I coach football here in Richmond.”
You’re still grinning. “I know who you are, Coach Lasso. I’m a big Richmond supporter. Have been since I was a kid.”
“Just Ted is fine,” says Just Ted. “I usually don’t like to introduce myself along with my job title because it makes me seem all uppity, but I thought it might make more sense if I did.”
You scrunch your nose in confusion so Ted says, “You were expecting to see Jamie today, is that right?”
You nod. Shit. Shit, shit, shit. Jamie’s coach is in your flower shop and he knows that you like him and he’s probably going to tell you you can never see Jamie again because that’s the only logical reason he’s here, right? Maybe Jamie’s been skipping practice to be here with you and that all has to end now because football is life and you of all people should know that. Shit. 
Ted must be able to see the panic on your face because he shakes his head and says, “Don’t worry darlin’, it ain’t anything bad. I’m only here to let you know that boy’s got it down bad for you.”
Wait, what?
“Oh,” you reply. 
“Yeah, oh,” Ted chuckles. “Why’d you think he was here all the time?”
“I- I don’t know,” you say. “He flirts with everyone. I’m nothing extra special.”
Ted shakes his head again. “There’s where you’re wrong. You’re somethin’ extra special. Did you know I found you based on the way Jamie talked about you alone? He didn’t even give your name, but I’ve been in here once or twice myself and I must say, he was right when he said the sun shines a little brighter when you smile. I figured it had to be you the moment he said that.”
You’re smiling again. Jamie said that about you? To his coach?
Ted’s talking again. “Listen,” he says, a little more serious, “Jamie’s like a son to me. And sometimes dads need to give their sons a little push so they can get rid of their training wheels and just go for it, you know what I mean?” 
You’re at a loss but Ted just grins. “I got here exactly three minutes before the boys take a break for lunch, which means that Jamie should be in here-” the bell at the door jingles “-right about now.”
“Coach?” Jamie asks, looking very adorable and very confused. “What’re you doing here?”
Ted shrugs. “Sometimes dads gotta take things into their own hands. Give you a little extra boost, as it were. Figured you’d be in here forever before you got the guts to make a move and by then Nelson Road would be completely overrun by flowers. Not that that’s a bad thing,” he says with a glance to you. “Anyway. I’ll be on my merry little way. Beard’s saving me a seat at our favorite lunch spot.”
Ted waves a two finger goodbye and pats Jamie on the shoulder as he heads out the door, bell ringing behind him. 
“So,” you say, making your way around the counter over to Jamie. 
“So…” he replies, looking down at you. 
You take his hand. “Heard from a reliable source that you have a crush on me.”
Jamie grins. “Ain’t a crush babe, I’m a grown lad.  Think it’s somethin’ a little more real.”
“Uh huh,” you say, smiling back at him. “Well it just so happens that I also have a crush on you as well as a thirty-minute lunch break that starts right about now…”
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peachy-panic · 3 months
Wrong Place, Wrong Time (pt. 1)
Whew. After months (almost a year?) of marinating this chapter, I've decided to cut it in two. Thought about titling this chapter: Shit Hits The Fan. Enjoy!
WARNINGS: BBU setting, struggles with bodily autonomy, recovering alcoholic, mentions of violence
Jaime hits the ground with more force than he expects. His back takes the brunt of the fall, and for a moment, he is rendered breathless. A few weeks ago, the impact might have triggered a memory of real violence. Now, he gulps in a few deep breaths, feeling the grass at his back, until Ezra’s face eclipses the sunlight overhead. 
“That was better,” Ezra says, extending a hand. Jaime takes it and lets himself be pulled to his feet. 
“I can’t seem to stay on my feet,” Jaime huffs, frustrated. He swipes an arm across his face, pushing aside the hair that clings to his forehead.
“You’re doing fine,” Ezra says. “Getting knocked down is half the process of learning.”
Jaime grimaces. “I must be learning a lot, then.”
Ezra grins. “You are,” he says, sounding like he might actually mean it. “You’ve already improved from where we began. For now, take five and drink some water.”
“I can go again,” Jaime insists, already rocking back into his sparring stance. 
“We have all day.” Ezra grabs Jaime’s water bottle and pushes it gently against his chest. “You’ll burn out quickly if you don’t pace yourself.”
At the finality in his tone, Jaime relents and collapses back onto the grass. He downs half his bottle in one go. 
It’s been over a month since Ezra offered to teach Jaime how to spar. At first, the idea unsettled him in a way he couldn’t pin down. He didn’t understand the point of it. Ezra knew more than most how little Jaime’s ability to fight mattered; it isn’t an imbalance in physical strength that keeps him in his position. It is the law, the society, and the institutions decades in the making that hold the end of Jaime’s leash. Something about learning the art of self defense and knowing he is never allowed to exercise it feels more cruel than not learning at all. 
One session, Ezra had wagered. Train with me once and see how you feel.
The first time, Sebastian stayed to observe at Jaime’s request, perched on a piece of exercise equipment in Ezra’s basement gym. Jaime, who spent the week leading up antsy and nervous, watched with rapt interest as Ezra wrapped his hands. 
They started slow. 
The first time Jaime hit the ground, the room went silent. In the split second of shock and pain, a flare of violent memories flashed before him: a handler shoving him onto his back, his foster father slamming him up against the hallway wall. Distantly, he heard Sebastian’s voice break through the budding panic. “Maybe we should call it a day?”
Something about that—the grounding reminder of where he was, who he was with, and that the choice was his to walk away—snapped him back into his body. Ezra watched him from where he stood several feet back, not coming to his side and not saying anything in response to Sebastian’s concern. Instead, he watched Jaime, waiting to see what choice he would make.
The choice was his.
Jaime pushed himself onto shaking legs, nodding once to Sebastian before meeting Ezra’s unwavering gaze. “Let’s go again.”
Ever since that day, Jaime has taken to training with a level of enthusiasm he didn’t realize he was still capable of feeling. There is an itch for it under his skin when he wakes up some mornings. When he stretches, he relishes in the way his muscles burn from their previous session. On his morning runs, he thinks through new techniques Ezra showed him and commits to perfecting them next time they meet. 
On the evening after their third sparring session—Jaime still sweat-damp and shaking from exhaustion in the passenger seat of Sebastian’s car—he realized that this feeling was familiar. It was a sense of liberation he hadn’t felt since he last sprinted across a soccer field under the stadium lights, since the night he tore off across the backyard of a party with Derek at his side, high on the revelation that he might want to kiss him. It was the realization that training with Ezra made Jaime feel in control of his body for the first time in a long time. And that is a gift he can never repay. 
Ezra sinks down onto the grass beside him, uncapping his own water bottle. It’s almost embarrassing how he barely breaks a sweat against Jaime. Maybe one day he’ll give him a run for his money. 
From the screened window above the kitchen sink, Jaime can hear laughter from inside the house. He titled his head and smelled… something? Sebastian and the others insisted they would take care of dinner tonight and leave Jaime and Ezra to their workout. Jaime doesn’t know much about Sam and Aria’s skills in the kitchen, but…
Ezra smiles at him, nodding his head toward the sound. “How do you think it’s going in there?”
Jaime shrugs and lets his head fall back, enjoying the sun on his face. Spring is starting to blossom, slowly but surely, and it’s the first warm day of the year. “Nothing is on fire,” he says. “So it can’t be that bad.”
“Cilantro can substitute oregano, right? They’re basically the same thing?”
“No,” Sebastian and Aria say at the same time. Sam’s expression falls. The frown paired with the 1950s-housewife-style apron creates quite the endearing image.
“It’s not too late to order Thai food,” Aria mutters, pouring herself another glass of wine. Sebastian chuckles around a swig of lemonade. 
He didn’t make a big deal about staying sober these last few weeks, but he’s pretty sure Aria clocked it anyway, judging by the way she has kept the bottle out of arm’s reach of him all evening. He pretends not to notice. She pretends not to notice him not noticing. 
It’s been a good day. 
He can tell Jaime tried to hide his enthusiasm about a return visit all week. He never asks him about it outright, but his demeanor visibly perks up at any passing mention of Saturday dinner at Sam and Ezra’s. Sebastian offered to take him over there before work on any given weekday so that Jaime didn’t have to spend the day alone in the house, but that’s where his enthusiasm waned. Jaime isn’t quite comfortable enough to be alone with anyone except Sebastian, but Ezra comes close, he thinks.
It’s good. It’s so good to see Jaime like this—surrounded by people who care about his well-being, expressing more autonomy than he has ever been allowed in Sebastian’s presence. It’s moments like this that tempt Sebastian into believing that it was worth it, slogging all these months through the misery of WRU, just to bring him to Jaime. To bring Jaime here.
And maybe it was worth it so Sebastian could meet the others, too; his first friends in a very long time. 
They are laughing when the front door opens, so none of them hear the unexpected entrance until Julian Hernandez is suddenly standing in the doorway.
The room goes silent. Sebastian nearly shatters the glass in his hand to keep it from slipping to the floor. 
“You need to leave,” Sebastian says, the panic overriding any facade of politeness.
Julian, who is skeptical of Sebastian on his best day, says, “Excuse me?”
“Shit,” Aria says, stepping up beside him. “Jules, he’s right.”
Julian looks around, taking in the sight of all of his friends there without him, and Sebastian thinks he sees a quickly masked flash of hurt pass through his expression. “You asked me to take a look at your transmission last week,” he tells Sam. “I brought my tools.”
“I did say that,” Sam says. “But I didn’t mean tonight. I’m sorry. This… isn’t a good time.”
His mouth presses into a thin line. He glances over at Aria. “Yeah,” Julian says. “I can see you’re busy.”
“It’s not like that, Jules.” Aria insists. “Tate’s—” she starts to say. But it’s too late. It’s too fucking late. 
Because then the back door slides open and Jaime steps through, trailed by Ezra. They’re mid conversation, murmuring quietly. Both of their shirts are soaked through with sweat, clumps of hair clinging to their foreheads. Jaime is smiling—honest-to-god smiling—and Ezra is laughing at something he said, until his eyes meet Julian’s from across the room and he goes still. He puts a hand on Jaime’s shoulder. 
“Fuck.” It’s Julian who says it, a breathy whisper as he realizes the clusterfuck he has just set in motion. 
It’s the last sound in the room before shit hits the fan. 
Jaime is the last one to spot the new presence in the room, and when he does, his entire body locks up. The blood drains from his face, making his pale skin nearly translucent. His knees hit the ground before anyone can intervene. 
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wawamouse · 13 days
Oz Rewatch 3: S5E04: Next Stop Valhalla
Jaime tries to kill Guerra and is killed instead; Miguel feels guilty; Alicia Hinden comes to Oz with the dog training program; Augustus, Penders, and Miguel are selected
Miss Sally’s Schoolyard to become Sallycise; Brass confirms to Rebadow he bought the lottery ticket; Martinez hits Brass with a shit cocktail; Gloria tries to get Martinez put in the hospital and then beats him up when he keeps touching her face
Beecher and Schillinger fight during an interaction session; Schillinger antagonises Schibetta;
Peter Marie visits Keller; McClain visits Keller
Winthrop and Guenzel arrive at Oz; Guenzel is taken under Beecher’s wing while Winthrop becomes a prag for the Aryans in Unit B
Frank Urbano arrives at Oz; Beecher asks Pancamo for the Italians help in protecting Guenzel; the Aryans and Italians get into a fight
Gloria tells Ryan he has to tell his mother about his crimes; Ryan breakdances instead; Shupe tells O’Reily that Li going to rape his mom; Ryan and Cyril kill Li
Augustus continues to grieve his mother and ends up breaking his sobriety
Omar annoys Emerald City and Said with his singing, McManus gives him a supply closet to practice in; Redding demands Omar use it to sell drugs; Lalar and Arif complain to Said that he’s neglecting his role as leader; Robson tortures and kills Lalar
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Sister: That’s why they gotta stop announcing everything they do in this show, like...
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Sister: I feel like [Norma’s] just dead at this point.
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Sister: I feel like they’re leading up to him being like a mass shooter or something. Me: You think he’s gonna snap? Sister: He seems like the type...
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Sister: …I think being free would making him happy. I mean, [Toby] had that whole vision about being free that did not include [Chris], so I think he’ll be fine.
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Sister: You can just tell them anything and they’ll let you through…
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Sister: What’s wrong with this guy? What’s he in for? Me: Hate crimes… Murder, officially, I think. Sister: Hate crime? What’s he sniffing people for? Me: He's just a perv...
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Sister: …That’s so gross… In my sickened state*, I can’t even summon a bleugh. Me: [Retching noise] Sister: Thanks. (*We got some booster shots yesterday and Sister always gets sick afterward lol)
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Sister: When are they going to address that guy whose wife also died? Me: Never. Sister: So why did they introduce her?! To spout off some facts and get shushed by the priest?? Me: Maybe there was originally supposed to be more of a story to it and it go cut. Sister: No, they just wanted to do their little after school special moment and then not deal with it. You know, if any of the Muslims should be having the issues in these episodes, it should be the other guy (Arif), not Mr. Said... Me: They could have issues together. Sister: Yeah. Kill the Nazi helper dude. The one who's egging everything on. Schillinger doesn't even really do stuff on his own anymore. Before, he didn't want to fight and wanted to become a Jesus freak and it was always that guy whispering in his ear. And now look.
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Sister: How we know he’s not gonna build a bomb in there? … Oh, I guess they took away all the cleaning supplies…
Stray Thoughts
Sister says Jia Kenmin and Li Chen’s plan to provoke Ryan so they could kill him in self defense was really not thought-out
Sister is convinced that someone is going to die for one of the dogs
Sister believes that killing Robson would get rid of most of the Aryans’ bite since she views him as being the worst out of all the Aryans
Final thoughts
The scene where Robson and what’s his face torture Lalar is the toughest scene to watch in the entire show, imo. And it pisses me off (like, I’m actually getting mad thinking about it right now, lol) that Robson gets more expansion in terms of character as the show progresses, too, because whooooooooo gives a shit about a Nazi?! They still haven’t followed up on Arif’s wife LMAO. Also Urbano gets introduced this episode and they don’t end up doing shit with him, really, either. But let’s learn about this asshole!!
Sister: I feel like they’ve run out of storylines with the Muslims and are just repeating past ones. Wasn’t it [Arif] who was the one complaining about Said’s leadership the last time? And then he couldn’t handle it which caused the whole thing… and now he’s doing it again? Me: I think they just don’t like when Said helps other people. They complained when Said was spending time on Beecher, too… Sister: Yeah, [Arif] is so needy… He’s like “you’re spending too much time with your roommate who you have to stay in a cell with” and also every time he is around, [Said] just wants [Omar] to be quiet anyway…
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
Please what about Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle) x shyreader x ex!Billy Batson? the adopted daughter and well known superhero/protege of the only Wonder Woman where the gods & Zeus gifted his adopted granddaughter powers & weapons. Jaime deeply in love with her tho they’re dating, fluffy. https://pin.it/37REnv4
Bonus: her, Damian Wayne and Jon Kent being bestie trio. Jaime, Jon & her being fliers trio
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Things between you and Billy didn’t work out (bummer) and so came the joint decision to call it quits. Enough said.
Damien wanted to get rid of Billy permanently but had to be talked down from actively doing so by you and Jon, telling him how that wouldn’t be necessary and that all you needed was some time and comfort from your dearest friends. Yet in Damien’s eyes, the offer to be rid of Billy was still very much on the table.
All you have to do was just say the word and he’ll dispose of Billy for you.
Now did it hurt? Yeah naturally, but you were back on your feet within record time just in time to for whispers of a new hero by the name of Blue Beetle found itself reaching you and your friends ears.
So after a long winded debate amongst yourselves you, a begrudging Damien and Jon decided to indulge your curiosity and set off to meet up with the newest hero on the block; Which -whether you were aware of it at the time- happened to lead you into meeting your now boyfriend, Jaime Reyes.
Khaji-Da would probably think you and Jon as potential threats, completely dismissing Damien at first until being proven wrong for underestimating him. Kinda like;
Khaji-Da upon first meeting Damien: what’s this sassy lost child?
Whereas now the Scarab would then constantly forewarn Jaime of Damien’s presence whenever he was spending quality time with you.
Damien is just watching out for you in the only way he knows how and Jon happens to get himself caught into it more often then not at this point but has proven to be just as defensive over you as Damien in some instances.
Khaji-Da: Jaime, I sense a threatening presence behind you.
Jaime: who- *looks over his shoulder to see Damien just stood there menacingly as Jon brightly smiled from beside him, being none the wiser.* oh. I see what you mean now.
Jon: he’s nice, isn’t he Damien.
Damien, sharpening his sword whilst keeping his eyes on Jaime and you : hmmm
Jon: jaime and y/n are cute together.
Damien: hmmm
With that kind of out of the way, let’s move forward and focus on your’s and Jaime’s relationship because honestly it’s tooth rottingly sweet.
First off Jaime will always, and I mean always, look at you as though it was the first time he was seeing you after you, Damien and Jon assisted him in battle. It was a wide doe eyed look filled with awe, wonder, admiration and immediate infatuation that pre-relationship you often found it adorable how hard Jaime tried to find the time where you weren’t being tailed by either Damien or Jon or both of them together, just so he could spend some alone time with you.
When he did manage to catch you alone, it always ended the exact same with Jaime walking you back, lending you his hoodie when he noticed your lack of warm clothing, smiling to himself when he saw you muzzle yourself deeper into his warmth that had transferred over to the hoodie. Before proceeding to pushing the hoodie back into your hands when you tried to give it back to him; Not so subtly hinting at you that you should give it back to him the next time he sees you as he wished you a goodnight as he heads back home with images of your sweet smile locked within his head, all the while a dopey grin spread across his face as khaji-Da comments on his ever growing fondness towards you.
This type of shit never stopped even long after you started dating, if anything it only became more rampant to the point where your cheeks would be hurting from all the smiling Jaime had you doing because that’s the effect he had on you and you loved it more then anything. It was a breath of fresh air to be in love once more and to get to be in love with Jaime Reyes was a blessing sent from the gods, it was almost as though you were in a honeymoon phase of your own when you were with Jaime, you felt alight with him as he did with you and that in of itself is beautiful.
Love is beautiful.
You honestly didn’t think you’d get back into a relationship since Billy but you were glad that you were wrong because Jaime brought you to life, you were able to breath and be yourself with Jaime without shame of who might be looking and you hoped that’s how he felt with you, because you wanted him to be just as comfortable with you as you did with him. And he did. Jaime felt all that you felt with him but tenfold, he loved love and he loved being in love with you. It didn’t matter how long you’ve been dating for because Jaime would always feel as though he’s falling in love with you with each and every day.
Cliche as that might seem but it was the gods honest truth! Jon and Damien couldn’t ignore that fact either given how they could read you like a book due to how long you’ve been friends. You’ve never looked happier then you did when you were with Jaime and vice versa.
You’d hold hands whenever you felt convenient, giggling away with one another as the brightest smiles spread across your faces, completely and utterly lost within one another to the point where it seemed that the only thing that either of you could hear was the sound of each other’s childlike chuckles and voices that tasted as sweet as ambrosia.
*You and Jaime being cute and shit*
Damien: 😑😒🤢
Jon: 🤩☺️🥹
Bonus content based off a video I saw:
Jaime, siting next to you: don’t look now but I think that guy in the seat opposite you has a thing for you.
You: ???
*Jaime, then rushes himself to sit in the empty seat opposite you, smilingly widely as he stares at you.*
You: 🥺☺️🥰 Aww Jaime!
Jon: Aww jaime!
Damien: I think I’m going to puke-
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stackthedeck · 10 days
Do you know of any good booster gold reading lists for a beginner to his comics? You're converting me
I've made a few videos about with reading lists for him on tiktok they're in my comic recommendations playlist but also like I fully understand not wanting to open that app
there's this thread on twitter that gives specific issues so you don't have to read decades of comics this is a good way to get an idea of the character quickly. It's a fast way of reading but I find the skipping between books tedious and not as much fun
there's also this very helpful very exhaustive spreadsheet of every appearance of Ted and Booster! Very helpful, but you don't have to read everything for sure
And then I'm going to put my own personal reading list under the cut and it's a lot so remember you don't have to read everything and there's no shame in skipping around!
Must reads
Booster Gold 1986— This is the first appearance of Booster Gold, obviously you've gotta read it. It's only 25 issues and is legitimately such a fun and interesting read. The way information about him is slowly revealed is good I wish I could have been there when these were releasing
Justice League International/America— some people read this as they read Booster Gold (refer to the twitter thread I linked if you want to do that) I didn't and I wasn't confused when reading it. I kinda like reading it all without switching to the other book. This is a huge stretch of comics and I'm not saying you should read it all... but I'm also saying it's a very good era of comics and I enjoyed it a lot. If you only want Booster related issue refer to the spreadsheet.
Countdown to Infinite Crisis— woah big skip in time! Let's just say after JLA ends Booster and the team have a... controversial stretch of appearances. Countdown is just one big long single issue and it's beautiful, gotta read it.
The OMAC Project— this is the fallout of countdown and I really enjoy Booster being angry and it helps set up Infinite Crisis which I guess you should also read but I'm really take it or leave it with that event.
52 weeks— (not to be confused with new 52 I made that mistake) This book works surprising well for having four authors and so many characters to juggle. Booster is a huge player in this event and it's very enjoyable to read as a fan of him. This event also leads directly to his second solo
Booster Gold 2007—this shit fucks so hard!! I love Booster as "the greatest hero you've never heard of" he has so much character growth, fun stories, and an amazing supporting cast! The numbers can be weird if you're read it on a certain pirating website so start with 1 through 6 then go to 0 back to 7 through 10 then issue one million then back to 11
Justice League Generation Lost—this is basically the new JLI but with Jaime Reyes as the Blue Beetle because Ted is gone. It's a very fun dynamic with this new old team and it works so so well especially Booster and Jaime's friendship. This one I do recommend reading with the Booster Gold solo so after issue 32 of Booster Gold, start Generation Lost and basically switch back and further every issue
Please Read Them For Me
Extreme Justice— this is an aggressively 90s run and is largely ignored by the comic community and canon BUT I SWEAR IT'S GOOD! Booster is essentially in an iron lung and he is not handling it well. Booster got flattened by JLI quite a bit and I really do think this run added some depth back to him
Time Masters 1990—Booster is barely in this, but trust me Rip Hunter is important and it's a very fun and interesting time travel adventure with a really cool group of characters
Time Masters: Vanishing Point—No connection to Time Masters 90 except that Rip is here. But Booster has a lot of really good moments in this. Ignore the Batman bits this is truly just a story about Rip and Booster
Origin Story revisited
(Both BG 86 and BG 07 establish and revisit the origin story so you'll get to them as you're reading)
Secret Origins 1986 #35—honestly a pretty standard origin story but I really like how this story highlights Booster's relationship to his mom and sister
Justice League Quarterly #10—I hope you're reading the quarterly and annual issues when reading JLI because they are some of the best stories but this one in particular is just beautiful
Action Comics 2016 #993-998 (Booster Shot)— Really this is more of a funny action packed and surprisingly heartfelt team-up time travel adventure with Superman and Booster, but this does provide additional context to Booster's origin story and I like it a lot. This story is really really so good
Just Plain Fun
Martian Manhunter #24— Booster and Ted steal all of J'onn's. oreos. this is an incredibly iconic issue, it's hilarious and just the kinda hijinks you want from the boys
Blue and Gold— I personally think this run is deeply out of character and a little too "lol memes" for me, but it does have some good like Trixie coming back and seeing Ted and Booster together again
Blue Beetle 2023—issue 7 is the main Booster story but he has other appearances in this run read the whole thing it's short and so good actually just read every blue beetle solo. It's a really visually beautiful time travel story and I love Booster and Jaime being friends even now that Ted is back
Batman Brave and the Bold #13-15— it's a fun time shenanigans story with the Jurassic Justice League what's not to love
DC's 'Twas the 'Mite Before Christmas— a cute christmas story with Booster and Rip and what I cling to in hopes that Rip will return to DC comics soone
Harley Quinn 2016 #70-74— this is a controversial take but I like Booster and Harley together, as a temporary couple at least and definitely as friends and partners in being silly. This story gives Booster an unexpected amount of emotional intelligence and it's nice
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bubble-tea-blossom · 2 years
Slip Up
Pairing: Joel x f!reader
Rating / Warnings: E for Explicit sex so 18+ Only. PIV. Oral sex. Slightly rough sex. Use of “good girl.” Violence at the beginning (killing Infected)
WC: 6k
Summary: Despite agreeing to keep your thing a secret, Joel can’t help but slip up when he almost looses you. 
Part One
A/N: Cross posted to my AO3
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“There he is, finally.” Tommy grumbles besides you, and you turn to see Joel walking towards the stables, “He hate’s being late, the hell was he doing?”
Me. You think. Instead you distract Tommy with a new subject.
“So where were you thinking on bringing the new recruits?” You ask, giving your horse a cheek scratch.
Tommy watches Joel disappear into the stables before turning to you.
“Was thinking since we’re a big group today, split into three groups, one senior member per newbie. Go as one group to the first check point then meet up at the last before heading home.”
You look over your horse’s neck to watch the slightly nervous new recruits wait on their horses.
“What do you think?” Tommy asks.
There’s 3 of them, Kiera, Tiff, and Jaime, and apparently they’ve all been good so far on the group patrols, so by splitting up Tommy is wanting to test them how they work in pairs. Smartly since they would partnered with someone Tommy trusts, which is himself, Joel and you.
You look over at them, quickly scanning them as you think about Tommy’s plan. The two women look quite comfortable and even a little bored as you all wait for Joel.
The young man seems a little unnerved being on the horse. He keeps tensing up like he’s trying not to shit himself when the horse swishes it’s mane or shifts it’s weight.
You make a mental note to check in with him and see to get him some riding lessons. ASAP too if just sitting on one is making him nervous.
The plan seems like a smart one, a general progression to see how they do in just pairs.
Since you can’t think of a good reason why not, you say, “Works for me.”
Joel’s finally walking through the doors, reins in hand as he leads his seal brown gelding, Old Beardy.
You notice the top of his cheeks just a little above his beard line, are a little red still.
“Good of you to join us.” Tommy says with that sarcastic tone of glee that only a younger sibling gets when picking on the faults of their elder.
“Sorry folks.” Joel says to the group as he swings Old Beardy’s reins over his head before mounting up.
Tommy takes the lead out the gates talking with the new recruits, Joel following quickly and you bringing up the rear on your mare.
As Tommy fills in the newbies on the plan, you catch up to walk side by side with Joel.
“So Joel, had something exciting going on at home or something?” You say with a casual tone, keeping any trace of a hidden meaning out of your voice.
Joel looks over with a squint only to receive your flash of a smile. His squint turns mischievous as he replies, “Yeah, I think some little beaver was having away with my wood.”
Your jaw drops a little at his blatantly ill-hidden innuendo spoken just a few feet behind everyone. You recover quickly and instead hum in understanding as if that sentence makes perfect sense.
Once the group reaches the first checkpoint, everyone was aware of the plan. But before you could reach the building the echos of infected can be heard from a grocery store a street down.
The horses are dismounted and weapons drawn as it is decided that you all go in as a group to deal with this first.
Good thing too because there’s at least 10 infected in there.
Tommy takes the lead, sending people in certain direction, everyone moving silently. It seems like they’re all Runners as well, to make things a little more complicated.
Things seem to be going smoothly as you and Kiera take down two runners stumbling in the same direction down the ice cream isle. You’re hunting knives slicing through the Runner’s throats before they can let out a scream.
You round the corner just in time to see Jaime step in front of a runner facing him. It lets out a scream as it makes towards him. This sends every single infected remaining into a frenzy, and gunshots ring freely in instant reply.
Kiera’s a quick shot and pings the Runner through the head before it can get too close to Jaime.
You shoot the next to Runner that run into view with your Winchester. You slam the lever back up to pop the next bullet into place, and take aim at the next Infected.
None to quickly and yet not quick enough, silence falls on the abandoned grocery store. You run up to the registers in a few long steps and jump up onto the conveyor belt.
With a quick scan you see most of the rest of the group. And no signs of any remaining Infected.
“All here?” you call out and everyone roll calls nice and quick.
You jump down next to Tommy as everyone makes their way to you at the front of the store.
“Jaime.” you hear Joel say intensely, and you snap your head over.
“Remember, if there’s no fungus on the head they can still see.” Joel says, his tone short.
Jaime looks as if he’s about to fall over, and he nods out a quick “Yes, sir.”
You don’t blame Joel, but you still felt a little bad for Jaime who looks deeply embarrassed.
“Everyone good?” Tommy asks, and a sigh of relief is felt pass around the room when everyone reports all safe and sound.
Tommy turns to with you with a look as you share an exhale, making your way to the exit back to the horses. Everyone mounts back up and Tommy leads the way to the doctor’s office, where the first checkpoint is.
It’s a short ride, only one street down, and Tommy and the new recruits jump down so he can show them where the log book is and the route map.
You stay outside, across from Joel, both seated on your respective horses.
Neither of you say anything, looking at each other with a soft smile on both of your faces. Sometimes one of you tips your face up toward the breaking sun. Feeling it bring warmth to the air as the sunrise fades in.
Once they’re done, Tommy and the other three join you and Joel back outside.
“I think Kiera should go with Joel,” you say quickly before Tommy can announce the partners. Kiera is a great shot and handled everything extremely well today, she’ll be the least likely to piss Joel off.
“And I’ll take Jaime. Tiff you can go with Tommy.” you finish, waiting for Tommy to say anything in disagreement.
Tommy shrugs his shoulders, “Seems good to me.” he announces and people part with their respect partners, quick words of good luck passing around.
“Lead the way Jaime.” you tell him encouragingly. He looks up at you with an embarrassed appreciation for your effort.
As he pulls ahead, you cast a quick glance behind you. There you see Joel doing the same, the both of you looking backwards on your horses so you can share a last secret goodbye.
With an effort, you pull your gaze back in front, focusing on Jaime.
You make your way down the trail with Jaime in relative silence. One check point is passed and no Infected in sight. The trail seems quiet so you strike up casual conversation.
The next checkpoint comes with two more Infected in a little trinket store. A Runner and a Clicker this time. You dispatch the Runner, and Jaime takes down the Clicker well on his own.
You give him a nod of acknowledgement as you remount your horses.
The third checkpoint comes half an hour later and is all quiet as well. You rendezvous at the last checkpoint and wait for the others to join up. They all come good and clean, with various excited reports between Kiera and Tiff.
“There’s a fuck ton of ‘em in the school, we’re gonna need to all go clear them out.” Tommy announces to the group and you all take a quick rest to water and check amo.
You set off all again, Tommy in the lead and you and Joel bringing up the rear.
“Pretty morning.” you say amicably. Joel gives you a knowing look.
You keep quiet the rest of the way there. You know how seriously Joel takes things like this. And you don’t blame him, and it actually makes you feel safer with him around.
But you also know how intimidating Joel can be to those who don’t know him. He’s big, and doesn’t hold himself to make himself smaller, he stands tall and faces you directly when he speaks to you with intense eyes that don’t miss anything, usually with a frown on his face.
And yet, your first interaction from way back, you remember doing a double take when you saw him, feeling drawn to him.
Your thoughts of Joel’s intimidation score are flicked out of your head when you hear the shrieks from outside the school. Tommy was right, there’s a fuck ton of them. And they all click.
You all dismount like cats jumping down from the counter. Quick and silently.
Tommy opens one of the four main doors. He flags everyone through, you first this time. Jaime hot on your heels to keep up with you still.
Tommy directs you down an aisle and you take it in confident silent steps. Your first target is shambling in somewhat erratic directions, making it quite risky for a stealth kill, but it’s necessary with so many Infected in this confined space.
This particular Clicker is agitated, it sways back and forth a lot more aggressively than most Clickers do while at ease.
You spend an extremely respectful amount of time waiting for your moment with how twitchy it already is. The problem is choosing a time to strike. Every time you brace to leap onto it’s back it moves again. You know you’re taking too long trying to find the right moment. Hopefully the others have taken down more than you have.
The slightest too heavy of a step sounds behind you and you whip your head around to see Jaime right behind you. You usher him back quickly as the Clicker starts it’s way toward you.
You luckily don’t have to make a run for it because it startles at something in the other direction. You stand still with Jaime, catching your breath, heart pounding a little faster than it already was.
You look around and see another Clicker a little bit away, standing still, hunched in on itself. The only movement it makes is the occasional twitch of it’s head accompanied by a croak.
An easy kill, and not too far away so you can help if you need to. You touch Jaime lightly on the shoulder and gesture for him to go take care of that one.
He looks frazzled, wide eyes and nervous as he nods. You give him a soft pat in encouragement as he steps around you. Maybe you shouldn’t send him out, just tell him to leave while you and the others deal with things. But then it’s too late and he’s already a step too far. Well, if he’s going to be on patrol he needs to be able to handle this.
You turn back to your own current target, refocusing on it. You take more slow steps, as it stumbles squarely in front of you, back turned to you.
You take a few quick light steps, just one more and you can finally tackled it safely from behind.
You’re halted in your steps when an ear-splitting bang cracks through the room from behind you. Close enough you know it’s Jaime shooting.
The Clicker one step away whirls around with a scream and stumbles right into you. You let you a scream accidentally as you brace your arms against the clawing Clicker. It slams it’s weight full force against your palms, sending you to the ground.
You fall on your back hard with the weight of the thrashing monster. Your elbows are locked as you yell with effort to keep the thing from tearing your throat out. It’s fingers come within a millimeter of your nose, it’s teeth snapping together with audible clicks. You don’t know how much longer you can restrain it.
A deafening bang rings close over head and the Clicker falls to dead weight, still being held upright by your straining arms for a split second. You quickly fling it aside, scrambling upright.
Joel is there with his smoking revolver, one hand lowering it while he bends to grab you around your waist to help you up.
You lean your weight into his hands in comfort for a split second before the two of you separate. There’s no time for greetings with the size of this group of Infected howling their way closer, so you leave each other to reach for your guns instead.
Everyone has opened fire and all hell has broken loose.
You stay by Joel’s side the entire time, the two of you moving around each other as smooth as water rolling over a stone.
Finally silence falls after what seems like at least 5 minutes of shooting.
You come to stand still, quickly counting people in your view.
“Everyone here?” Tommy calls out and everyone again shakily call back.
“Jaime!” Joel rounds on him, leaving your side to approach the young man. Jaime’s reaction airs similar to Simba seeing the stampede of water buffalo.
“What the hell was that? Why did you shoot? You almost got her killed along with everyone else.” Joel barks out, reprimanding him harshly. It’s a little much, and too soon. Jaime looks like he’s about to cry.
“It turned around,” Jaime starts to explain before Joel cuts him off,
“They were Clickers. Clickers can’t see-“ “Joel.” Your one word halts his verbal lashing in it’s tracks.
The room falls silent as you share a quick look with him. And even as you make heated eye contact, you notice in the back of your head how the warm sunrise makes his tan face glow.
Joel holds your gaze for a moment before looking away, walking back to the horses.
Tommy clears his throat and everyone shifts on their feet to relieve the tension.
“Alright everyone, let’s head back.”
Tommy quickly looks back and forth between you and Joel as everyone follows him outside.
There was something off about that millisecond interaction you had with Joel.
Joel was serious about this stuff, but he’s not usually so intense and harsh. He didn’t sound like he was just worried about another Jacksonite. He was terrified.
Tommy had heard Joel sounded like that about Ellie’s safety plenty, and even about his own safety. But Joel loved both Tommy and Ellie, and was therefore extremely protective over them both.
That’s when Tommy’s steps falter a little bit.
He snaps his eyes to you casting a slightly mournful look at Joel’s back and it all clicks.
Holy shit.
You aren’t being very careful when you go over to Joel’s midday.
The ride back was tense and quiet. Joel and you going separate ways home without many words in parting.
Yet at home you were too restless to rest. So, snatching your sweater off your chair, you leave your home. You can’t wait until the cover of night. You need to see him now.
You take the time to sneak to Joel’s back door. You can see your reflection in the glass as you wait for him after your knocks. Joel slides it open quickly, after seeing it’s you.
You step in without waiting for an invitation. Brushing past him into the warm glow of his house, stepping into his space. You notice his comforting smell, he must have showered when he got home. It’s a scent you’re becoming more and more acquainted with.
“Hey.” you greet, looking up at him. He’s frowning again. He used to do that so much when you first met him.
But when he meets eye contact, the frown melts off his face.
“C’mon, let’s go sit.” You speak up, taking him by the hand, leading him to the couch that’s facing the back door.
You sit him down and sit right next to him, taking both of his hands in yours. You bow your head and he mirrors you, resting forehead to forehead as you exhale.
You sit like that for a little bit, breathing with each other, hands clasped. You break the contact to look at him. You reach up and tilt his face down so you can press a kiss to his forehead.
You gently pepper kisses down his face. Over his eyelids, his cheekbones, the bridge of his nose. Before finding their way to his lips.
His lips part for you quickly, as he kisses you back.
It’s not a long kiss, short but sweet as you pull back a little bit.
Joel's terrified. You can see it in his eyes. He thought he lost you. He doesn't want to let you go.
You can tell from the way he runs his hands up and down your arms. The slightly frantic look in his eye. He wants to dig his hands in and not let go. Good thing you want that too.
This time when you lean forward he rushes to meet you. Almost smacking each other, you recover just in time and begin to kiss him passionately.
Never stopping your kisses, you swing a leg over his hip and climb onto his lap.
"I'm here." You tell him through breaks in your furious kisses.
"I'm here for you." You reiterate which makes him slow his kisses to a gradual stop.
You look him square in the eye as you take his hands from your face, and slide them down yourself, before setting them on your hips. Then you wrap one arm around his torso while the other arm goes to thread through his thick his hair. Interlocking lips again and you dig your nails in harder than you've ever before, then rolling your hips down hard, feeling the relief rush through you with the weight of his hardness press against you even through your clothes.
He responds a few kisses later, fingers digging into your hips bones as he drags you against himself this time. You answer with an excited moan.
He gets the message.
He literally flips you over to your back, Judo style, one hand grabbing your knee to bring up over his hip. It's gentle, he cushions your fall to the couch, eyes expectant over you as he reads your reaction. When a pretty smile splits your face, he continues with a press of his soft lips against yours, hands drifting lower to cup your sex directly.
You hum in your chest as your knees instinctively fall to the side, opening up t o him. He closes that space as he grinds his palm right on your clit. It sends a stake of electricity up your body.
You break apart with a "fuck" and grip his hair tighter. He's rubbing strongly with the perfect amount of pressure to be intense without crushing.
Over and over, he strokes you steadily as you dig your fingers into the muscles of his back. He’s pushing you closer and closer to the edge surprisingly fast. Maybe your blood is still hot from the fight. You drag your fingertips down his broad back, feeling the space between the two of you heat up.
Quicker than you expected, you feel your insides flutter, and you gasp out a surprised moan as you fall over the edge. Once you've finish switching, you blink your eyes open, a bit confused and a touch embarrassed by how fast he made you come.
Yet Joel looks nothing but pleased. Big, warm, eager hands going to your zipper, while you quickly half sit up so you can do the same to his.
He lets out a satisfied grunt when his fingers part your lips and feel how wet you are. Rucking your jeans and underwear down your legs to your knees, he slips two fingers deep inside. Finding your cunt warm and greedy, the narrow angle of your hips from your jeans half off making you tighter in this position.
You ruck his jeans and boxers down his hips, just enough to pull his dick free. You immediately grasp a hold and he grows harder quickly in your hand as you begin stroking him.
You were already wet before he started touching you and you’ve only gotten wetter post your orgasm so Joel is quickly coaxing a third finger past your entrance. It brings a slight burn from the cramped position, but any sting is rubbed away with Joel’s massaging finger tips, rubbing you everywhere you need. You hum through your chest your appreciation, your forehead resting against his as he braces himself over you with his other hand, pressing against the cushions by your head.
Joel's big, so you don't like to skip foreplay, but right now with him three fingers deep, your fist wrapped around his length only a few inches away from your plugged hole, your want for him to sink inside you becomes unbearable.
It's what you need after this afternoon, to press as close as possible, as you recover from the close call.
Joel seems to agree because close he's removing his fingers and instead pressing his hips to yours, guiding his tip to your hole. He rubs himself against you, dipping his cock in your wetness before running himself up, splitting your lips as he rubs at your clit.
You jolt and go to beg him to just fuck you already, but he's already sinking inside. His cock splits you open slowly, nestling deep inside as you feel your whole body spark with pleasure.
Your mouth falls open a little as he pushes in with your inhale, a rumble of pure pleasure sounding from his chest. The sound is deep and gravely, making your pleasure spark higher, hearing it.
It’s a good thing he’s been fucking you so often, your pussy’s grown accustomed to him spreading you apart, but you remember the first time he fucked you, this process had taken much longer.
Joel holds there, deep inside, your walls gripping him tightly but adjusting quickly. You tilt your chip up to look at his face. The expression on his face, his jaw loose, eyes glosses over with pleasure you feel mirrored on your own.
He’s still waiting for your go ahead, either as a self-assurance or a tease, he always waits for you. So you give it to him.
“C’mon Joel, fuck me.” you plead, your voice throaty as you grip his shoulder tighter.
You see something change in his eyes, something you haven’t seen before. He finally responds with a strong roll of his hips into yours, and your eyes roll back as he finally starts to give you what you want. You like keeping your hands on his back, moving a little lower to feel his muscles working to pump his hips against yours, fucking himself within you.
You can only imagine what it must look like from the outside, his broad form covering yours, your knees framing his hips with your jeans and underwear bunched up around them. The image of Joel fucking you into the couch makes muscle clench, shutting your eyes, pussy suctioning onto the thick cock inside it and your hands turning into claws dragging down his side.
Before you can feel bad for the scratches, Joel’s moaning against your cheek.
You feel gentle fingers tip your chin up in contrast with the relentless thrusts against your lower half.
“Sweetheart, look at me.” Joel whispers, somehow his voice is tender while he simultaneously pounds you so hard you slide up and down on the couch. You know your hair is going to be a fucking disaster after this. Gravity only pulls you further onto his cock when you come back down as he thrust up, making your eyes clench shut harder.
“I want to see your pretty eyes.” he asks, and you give him what he so beautifully asked for.
Blinking your eyes open, you meet his. His pupils are so dilated they look almost black, the green nearly swallowed up.
Joel rewards you with some more kisses, the touch of his tongue against your lips makes them tingle as if he shocked you somehow. But in a good way, a really good way.
One of the many nice side effects of Joel being a guitar player is he knows how to create a rhythm, combine that with accurate fingers as he reaches down to stroke your clit and thrust into you at the same time. You can sense his desperation for you, he needs you to come, now.
Well at this rate he’s going to get his wish pretty soon. He’s driving you relentlessly towards the edge.
You’re so close, you can almost taste it, your entire body seizing up as it prepares to fall over that cliff. You feel your heart jolt in absolute terror at the sound of heavy knocks on Joel’s front door.
Now your body has clenched up in a bad way, and you and Joel wait there, silent and still.
The couch you’re on is in the living room which is viewable from the front door if the person should walk in. There’s no way you and Joel could detached yourselves from each other and straighten out your pulled down clothing in time.
“Joel, I know you’re in there. You can’t just ignore me.” Tommy’s voices flows from the other side of the heavy wooden door followed by more rapid, agitated sounding knocks.
You feel shock and let out a quiet gasp before you can snap your mouth shut when Joel starts grinding against you again.
“It’s just my brother, he’ll go away.” he mouths, barely audible.
When Tommy knocks again, you know you should stop and get dressed, it’s too risky. But you’re so desperate for Joel, that even with him still fully seating inside you, his inaction is making you ache with the orgasm that had been within finger reach mere moments before.
You do your absolute best to breathe as silently as you can when you start grinding back down onto Joel, and you feel him pick his pace back up.
He was right, you hear Tommy groan out a curse and stomp down the steps not even a minute later.
By that time you’re near your peak again. Your body tensing all over so hard it’s starting to shake. Joel’s fingers rubbing you perfectly on the outside and his cock rubbing against you perfectly on the inside, driving you higher and higher.
“Are you gonna be a good girl and come around my cock?” Joel rasps near your ear. His lips going to lick and suck under your jaw. You thrust your chin up to give him more access, and gasp out a “Yes” as clearly as you can with your irregular breathing.
The sparks of pleasure from his mouth against the sensitive nerves along your your throat is enough to throw you off the edge.
“Oh, good fucking girl.” He moans, feeling your grip shudder around him. He slows the rolling movement of his hips down so he can focus on the sensation of you coming on his cock. But he never stops completely, purposefully rubbing at that one spot in particular to prolong your orgasm.
Finally, your body shudders one last time, and you realize your eyes are screwed shut. You blink them back open, your heart slowly coming down, before a gasp is being ripped out of your throat at the force of Joel’s sudden thrust.
“I’m not done with you.” Is all he says as he picks his pace back up, fucking you long and hard, his breathing hard in between growled groans.
If you thought you were wet before, after coming a second time, you’re like a slip-n-slide.
Your wetness spread around your inner thighs by his thrust and coating his length completely, so when he pulls out of you completely you see his cock shines with it.
“Turn around.” he growls. You do your best to follow his orders, but your heart is still beating so hard moving is difficult and your brain feels drunk with endorphins.
You must not be moving fast enough, because Joel takes hold of you under the shoulders to pull you upright and then flip you over in one move. He scoots you a little further so your face isn’t being crushed against the arm of the couch and so you’re instead resting over it.
With your front on the arm and your ass in the air, your wet, well-fucked, exposed pussy in the air on display.
You don’t have to wait long before Joel’s sliding within you again.
“Fuck yes.” you groan out, the ache he brings 100% welcome.
He hits much deeper in this position, and you feel the head of him nudge against the end of you. Pushing your limits to get as deep as he can, the sensation strange in a wonderful way. You’ve never felt this full, it feels like he’s at your bellybutton.
Your orgasm comes as a surprise to Joel but mostly to you. You had about a split second warning before you were coming again, gasps and grunts being ripped from your chest before you collapse back onto the couch arm.
As you lay there, huffing and puffing, Joel grabs a handful of your ass and bounces you up and down on his cock.
It feels good, but it’s also a little too much so soon after your second orgasm of the night. Your nerves feel plucked raw, exposed like a live wire.
Joel’s other hand takes a hold of your other cheek, fingertips massaging your muscle briefing before they’re spreading you apart, and you know he’s taking pleasure watching his cock sink inside you before slowly sliding back out. Over and over.
“Fuck, you’re so wet.” he groans. His movements speeding up again. When his hand reaches under you to rub at your clit you whimper.
“It’s too much, Joel.” you hate to say it, but you don’t think you can come again, you’re too sensitive.
“You can take it. I know you can.” he responds. He trusts you to tell him when he needs to stop, but he can feel your body preparing for another orgasm.
You never want to let him down, so you calm your breathing, and relax into the rocking of his hips. Not long after, his rubbing of your clit crosses the threshold from ‘too much’ to ‘not enough.’
Soon you’re whining, and throwing your hips back, spearing yourself harder onto his cock and his ministrations speed up.
In tandem with his movements, you hear him behind you grunt out curses and you can tell by the sound of his voice, he’s close as well.
Impossibly, he seems to grow harder inside you, and you come for a fourth time, the feeling of your walls throbbing while being spread so far apart is toe curling, and an embarrassingly guttural groan comes from you.
Good thing you’re too blissed out to care.
Besides you have Joel behind you cooing praise at you, “So pretty. Feels so good sweetheart.That’s a good girl. Fuck you’re so soft and wet.” His jumbled sentences another marker that he’s not going to last much longer.
“I’m gonna come.” he groans out and you slap your hand behind you against his arm and he gets the message and pulls out.
As quick as your shaking legs can, you jump off the couch and kneel in front of him while he follows your movements and sits back down on the couch.
You take him in one hand around the base of his cock and seal your lips over his head. 

Joel throws his head back with a groan, and you start licking his tip, rubbing with your tongue along the underside while sucking with your mouth and pumping his base rapidly.
Joel’s hand tangles in your hair, grunted out curses filling the air before he’s pulling you a little deeper. You let him and his hips arch off the couch to push further into your mouth as he finally comes.
You don’t stop licking or stroking, meaning some cum you don’t swallow in time smears across your lips.
At Joel’s gentle double tug at your scalp, you release him. With a feather light touch you lick off any mess on him you left behind, looking up at him to make sure he’s watching you clean his cock.
When you’re done, you sit back on your heels, doing your best to scrape off any cum from around your mouth and suck it clean. You’ll need to go wash your face, but this will do for now.
Joel helps scoop you back onto the couch and the both of you slowly shuffled clothes back into place.
Once you’re finished, you turn to look at him.
He looks calmer now, a pleasant look on his face, his eyes soft as he looks back at you, his hair a mess, cheeks red. He looks well fucked.
“Can I stay the night?” your voice is a little sticky.
“Of course, sweetheart.”
“Good, cause I don’t think I can walk.”
Tommy scales to steps to his brother’s house two at a time. His mind is racing, and he needs to talk with Joel.
Two years of Tommy trying to set him up with various people, and Joel always coming up with an excuse of why not.
At first Tommy had thought it was trauma. He knew things were hard after Sarah’s mom left, and then loosing Sarah like that, would make thinking of a family of any kind too terrifying.
But Tommy had made it clear it didn’t need to be family, Joel didn’t need to find someone to marry like Tommy had found Maria.
But Joel didn’t even seem interested in a casual fling, or even a one-night stand.
Because of you.
Tommy couldn’t help but chuckle, you were sweet, and kind, and protective, and good with a gun. Now that he’s thinking of it, he’s not that surprised Joel feel for your charms.
No, the question was how the hell did Joel manage to make you fall for his, seeing as in Tommy’s opinion, Joel had no game whatsoever.
He was an ornery, grumpy, old and closed-off bastard. Who never talked to anyone, and never seemed to show any interest in anyone.
Apparently not.
Now that Tommy is thinking of it, his pain-in-the-ass brother has been in an uncharacteristically good mood recently.
How long have you been a thing then?
Tommy needs answers. So he pounds on Joel’s door even when there’s no answer the first time.
“Joel, I know you’re in there. You can’t just ignore me.” Tommy calls through the door.
Joel never goes anywhere, he always just stays home, playing guitar or carving. Tommy is the one who has to drag him for any social interaction so Tommy knows 100% that Joel is in there and ignoring him.
Fine. If Joel’s going to be rude, Tommy’s not going to worry about being rude either. He jogs down the stairs again, and turns around the side of his house.
Tommy knows where Joel keeps the extra key to the back door, under the doormat (very secure) so he’ll just sneak in through the back and then Joel really can’t ignore him.
Only, when Tommy gets to the back porch, and rounds the corner and bends down to move the door mat, he sees something that takes his brain half a second to catch up before he can duck out of view again. There on the side of the sliding door, out of sight, Tommy stands squeezes his eyes shut as hard as he can as if that can seal out the memory burned into his eyelids of his brother obviously having sex with someone on the couch.
He couldn’t see who it was underneath his brother, but given one guess, Tommy has a pretty strong suspicion.
He feels a shudder go down his back at the familiar feeling he remembers feeling when he was 10, and Joel was 16.
Little Tommy had wanted to talk with his older brother as well, the Atari wasn’t working. And so naive Tommy had walked straight into Joel’s room while he had his girlfriend over “studying.”
Present-day Tommy rushes down the steps of the porch, blinking hard each time, hating feeling like a 10 year old again.
Tommy knows he can’t tell anyone, but right now he just needs the comfort of Maria to forget what just happened.
He’ll never sit on that couch again.
A/N: Sorry Tommy lmao, but I feel like as a younger sibling, it is your destiny to walk in on your older sibling at least once.
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atopvisenyashill · 10 days
i did a “all gays” thing for my birthday last year but i was too lazy this year. instead here is my opinion of farscape & asoiaf characters, comparing characters i think are similar.
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if you like theon greyjoy…i think you’ll like john crichton (he’s the main character).
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Conga Line Of Trauma
Very loose grip on reality
Struggles with choosing between the family he’s been kidnapped into and the family he was born into
Top Two best story arcs about male victims of sexual trauma imo
Copes by imagining himself as a character in a story rather than face his reality
Pathetic wet cat of a man
if you like jaime lannister…i think you’ll like aeryn sun
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theyre hot shit and everyone knows it even though they hate it - the ☀️ radiant aeryn sun☀️ and “was there ever a man as beautiful and terrible”
Well known for being good at their job (which is killing people)
Idealist that got that idealism beaten out of them
constantly repressing emotions
an arc that is very romance centered but atypical as a traditional romance
if you like brienne and/or sandor…i think you’ll like ka d’argo.
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Young, experienced but not too experienced military type
Struggles with idealism and what being a soldier/knight should mean
Not forthcoming about backstory
Struggles with temper
Cool And Important Weapon And Mount
Considered mindlessly violent by many
Very weird about romance and sex
if you like catelyn stark…i think you’ll like pa’u zotah zhaan
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religious and maternal
pacifist tendencies but also will cut a bitch if pressed
Infamous for being unpleasant
Traumatic death scenes
Questionable relationship with the concept of dying and staying dead
if you like sansa and arya stark…i think you’ll like chiana
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Their Series’ Hottest It Girls
Idolizes rebellion leading older brother (who ultimately abandons her in favor of his rebellion)
Desperate for family
Holds emotions close, but highly emotional
Taste for finer things in life
Baby of the group
Struggles with grief and anger
Spunky go getter
Questionable taste in romantic relationships
if you like tyrion lannister….i think you’ll like scorpius
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mother died birthing him and he struggles with this immensely
tormented by a crazy ruthless woman in power
feels betrayed by a lover of a lower social status just trying to get by and gets real violent over it
The Anti Villain - has very good reasons to be insane but holy shit is he insane
Always survives despite all odds against him
If you like Joffrey Baratheon…I think you’ll like Dominar Rygel XVI (hear me out!)
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Absolute ruler who faces civil war
Wildly misogynistic weirdo
Weak grasp on morality
Turned into a violent, selfish asshole as a trauma response
Hates women yet his deepest, most profound and intimate relationships are with a woman he’s not even fucking
Remains selfish and violent throughout the story but also, if you talk shit about him i will throw hands
if you like samwell tarly…i think you’ll like Pilot.
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Couple of sweet fools
Underrated for being a bad ass
Intimate relationship with a Very Cool Lady From A Bad Situation (gilly/moya. moya is a living ship btw).
Just wants to be a nerd and hang with his gf (again, gilly and moya)
Doesn’t believe in himself the way he should
if you like stannis baratheon…i think you’ll like bailar crais.
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Is he a hero? is he a villain? is he an anti villain? is he an anti hero? you decide!
loses his everloving mind after his brother dies
sad traumatic childhood backstory
an arc focused on what service and leadership means
HE thinks he’s the straight man in a circle of freaks and he thinks this while being objectively the biggest freak there
and last but not least let’s go to my babies!!!!
if you like bran stark…i think you’ll like stark.
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Overwhelming magical abilities
Connects magically in intimate, voyeuristic ways
Potentially unkillable
Considered a sweetie by Local MILF (his mom/zhaan)
Struggles processing a personal loss
A narrative focus on the importance of bodily autonomy
Doesn’t have as much screentime/page time as he deserves
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lvrhughes · 1 year
You're Hurt, Let Me Help | T. Zegras
pairing: Trevor Zegras x f!reader
word count: 2.1k
summary: After being hired by the ducks at the teams medic, everyone but Trevor loves you. No way knowing why Trevor had never liked you, until Jamie figured it out and Trevor gets hurt in a game.
warnings: small injuries?
requested: no
not my gif!
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Ever since you’d been hired to work as a medic on the ducks, Trevor hated you. He would actively avoid you, if he got hurt? He’d find the other medic, if they weren’t working? He’d lie through his teeth, say he was fine even if anyone could see he was in pain.
There was never a clear reason why he hated you, you’d always try to be nice to him, just like with everyone else. Yet he still didn’t like you. It confused the entire team, you were so nice to all of them and you were gorgeous to all of them too, so why did Trevor hate you? No one knew, not even Jamie. 
You were in your office, filing some leftover paperwork you’d found, practice happening in the rest of the arena. Soft music was playing in the room while you tidied around, just killing time, until your peaceful cleaning was broken by a knock on your office door.
“Come in.” you yelled to whoever was on the other side, that person being Jamie Drysdale.
You looked up to see him enter, greeting him with a “Hi Jamie” and a smile.
“I need to talk to you.” 
“Okay, what’s up Jaim?” using the nickname you’d always used for him, since meeting him. 
“Trevor, he’s ugh I don’t know,” he ran a hand through his hair while you stared back at him “I don’t want you to take this wrong at all because we all love you and never want you to leave, but Trevor since you’ve gotten here, I don’t even know how to say it. It’s like he’s completely different. He stopped telling me everything when you showed up and know he’s fighting more in practice. And I don’t know-”
Jamie was cut off by the loud slamming of a door and the storming towards your office. Jamie looked almost terrified, you probably looked the same. 
The door opened quickly, pent up aggression being released on the door. It hit the wall, making a loud sound causing you and Jamie to flinch. Trevor’s eyes were dark, not looking at anyone. 
“Jamie, let’s go.” There was no asking tone in his voice and a few seconds later, when he finally saw the fear in his best friend's eyes, did he add a “please?” at the end.
 Jamie just nodded, waving Trevor to go ahead while he bid goodbye to you. 
“What happened?” the first words out of Jamie’s mouth when he walked into the locker rooms to see Trevor packing all his gear away. 
“They kicked me from practice.” Trevor was very dry with his words, not going into detail about why. 
Jamie knew he’d need to know at some point, they don’t just kick you for nothing, but he’d find out when Trevor had cooled down a bit more. So he just nodded at Trevor, leading them out to the car to drive them home. 
An hour had passed since arriving home, Trevor seemingly more calm now, just watching tv now. 
“So care to tell me what got you kicked?” 
Trevor whipped his head to glare at Jamie. Trevor opened his mouth but was cut off by Jamie. 
“Don’t speak if you're going to get mad.” Trevor knew Jamie didn’t like him getting mad especially with nowhere to take out his anger right now if he did.
So he took a breath, tried to stay as calm as possible, and tried to explain everything to Jamie. Everything he’d been keeping a secret, bottled up inside for months.
“Some of the guys, they were talking about intentionally getting hurt and shit to go see Y/n, but they were saying disgusting shit about her! Like how good she looked in the little black dress she wore to dux in tux and worse and I couldn’t take it so I snapped. They shouldn’t talk about her like that, she’s so nice, it’s fucked up.” his rant continued on, majorly talking about you. 
When he did stop to breathe a bit Jamie was quick to put his two cents in, with the new conclusion he’d drawn.
“You’re in love with her.”
That shocked Trevor, knocked the air out of him, shocked. Trevor choked on air when Jamie said that, coughing after.
“No I am not.”
“Ohh dude you so are!”
Trevor didn’t answer, he didn’t need to. He wouldn’t admit it to himself that he fell for the team’s medic, but clearly Jamie would tell it to him. He didn’t say anything else that night, just walked to his room and laid there for hours. He slept, maybe, 4 hours, and that was a struggle. His mind was racing, filled with thoughts of you, if he was in love with you, how could Jamie tell? fuck, what did Jamie know, he’s not in love with you. That’s what he told himself all night, yet when he fell asleep you haunted his dream, kissing him in his dreams, teasing him. Those were the dreams Trevor woke up in a panic from, freaking out about how he was dreaming about you, how he hates you. freaking out because if he hates you, why is he dreaming about kissing you?
He’d made it through the rest of practices before the game without being kicked out, a little thing but he was happy. 
“Yeah i had to go see Y/n after Trevor’s little tantrum, she asked what happened i just told her he went psycho. She didn’t laugh or anything, she seemed tense.”
Trevor was eavesdropping he’d admit but hearing that you were tense talking about him, it sparked a little something in him that thought maybe you cared about him. Despite him being such a dick. Oh God he’s fucked up, he was an absolute asshole to the sweetest girl he’d ever met, he had no chance with her, so fuck it why be nice now. He still hated her. 
Your office was peaceful today, no storming, no one knocking, no random paperwork left on your desk. You had your music on quietly, humming along, waiting for someone to come in like you inevitably knew they would. 
And they did, they being Jamie. 
“Hey Jam.”
“Hi Y/n/n.” he greeted back with a smile. “So I've got some updates on Trevor.” 
“Jamie, why are you giving me updates on trevor?” The confusion and slight annoyance in your voice evident. 
“Because he’s in love with you.” He said it so casually you almost choked on the water you had been taking a sip of.
“What the fuck Jamie, no he is not.”
Jamie laughed a little.
“That’s what he said too, but I can read him like an open book by now, he’s so in love with you. You know he got in that scrap at the other practice because some guys weren’t talking so lovely about you?” 
You took a minute, absorbing the information. No fucking way did he love you, Jamie had to be wrong. 
“No. Thanks Jamie for this information. I’ll message you if I ever need drama again.” and with that you shooed him out of your office. 
The next game was an aggressive one, you couldn’t count how many people were slammed into the boards that night. But one particularly aggressive hit caught your attention right before it happened, you knew it’d be bad. Yet it was worse than you imagined, the opposing team's player slammed Trevor into the boards, having him at a horrible angle, Trevor went down fast, grabbing his arm. The whistles were blown and Trevor was helped off the ice, being practically dragged to your office. 
When he did show up in your office he tried to leave, as soon as the others who brought him here left he was up and saying he was fine, he needed to go back and play more.
“Trevor, you're hurt, let me help you.”
The gentle tone of your voice made him want to melt right there, your voice was so calming it made sense why everyone trusted you. So before he’d collapse of pain or the mix of pain and you voice, he sat back down. 
You walked up to him, he stayed still for once.
“Are you okay if I touch your arm?” he nodded, letting you reach out to find what happened.
When Trevor winces you immediately pull your hands away, making sure he was okay before continuing. 
“So it seems like you might’ve fractured a bone, dislocated your shoulder, and your elbow.”
“Fuck” he just mumbled quietly under his breath. 
“Trev, I think you should go to the hospital. I know I can make you and I know you hate me but please, I can fix the dislocated shoulder and elbow but the fracture. I don’t have the right things to fix that and I don't even know if you fractured anything, it’s hard to tell without an x-ray.” 
Your voice was like music to his ears, and the way his nickname rolled off your tongue had him weak. 
“Can you fix the dislocated parts then I'll go?” 
You nodded warning him it’d probably hurt. He knew it would and he knew that if they did this at the hospital they might’ve given him something for the pain but he wanted more time. So he dealt with the pain the best he could, his hands gripping the first thing he could reach, it wasn’t long but damn did it hurt. 
“You're all done, now please Trev, go to the hospital.” It sounded like a slight beg. 
“I’m sorry.” was all he said, leaving you confused.
“I’m sorry, I’ve been a dick to you and you’ve done anything but be nice to me.”
“Trev, it’s okay-” he was not okay with you just pushing it off.
“No it’s not, I should've just manned up and admitted it to myself.” that left you almost more confused than when he started. 
“What’re you talking about?” 
He didn’t answer, staying looking at the ground before rising from where he was sitting, he walked over to you, his hand rising to cup your cheek.
He knew he didn’t absolutely fuck up when you leaned into his touch, but that didn’t help his nerves.
“I think i love you.” he was barely above a whisper, had you not been right in front of him you would’ve never heard him. You felt a smile grow on your face, letting your eyes meet trevors. He looked terrified, he looked like he was prepared for you to punch him or yell at him. 
Yet you did neither, somehow shocking him by leaning up to kiss him. 
He wrapped his free arm around your face, your arms wrapping around his neck. 
“I think i love you too” you said when you pulled away for air, making a smile grow on his face.
“Yeah” you pecked his lips once more before placing your hand against his chest when tried to lean in for more. “No no, you’ve got to go to a hospital, you said you would.”
“I’ll go, if you come with me?” those damn puppy eyes made you want to say yes immediately but you were at work, until the game ends you can’t leave. 
“Trev, I can't right now. I'm still working.”
“No you're not.” He was so proud of that statement, he noticed a couple minutes ago the game ended. Sure enough turning around the final score flashed on the screen and just the reporters were left talking. Looking back at him he had the biggest smile on his face.
“My car or yours?” you asked, giggling slightly.
“Yours, I’ll message Jamie to drive mine home.”
You nodded, moving away from him while he messaged his roommate to gather your things. 
So that night was spent driving Trevor to the hospital, waiting with him in the hospital, learning he did fracture something but it wasn’t major and would heal on its own, and him begging for you to stay the night with him. He even offered to kick Jamie out for the night. You did not approve of that offer. 
Trevor ended up going home with you, stopping by his place to check Jamie had made it home safely and to grab his clothes. He told Jamie what happened before running out the door with his things into your vehicle, and finally you two passed out with each other. Trevor’s hands never left you the entire night, and he’d never say it yet but the sight of you wearing his t-shirt made him want to do anything you’d ever ask of him.
He’d later take you out on two dates before asking you to be his official girlfriend, with you saying yes in a heartbeat. Jamie did still love to gloat about being right from time to time but he was happy his best friend was happy.
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// i walk into your askbox with a mustache on
hello person ive never talked to before, what about the redux psychic lore are you willing/able to reveal at this time and how is it different from the pre-redux psychic lore
hello person ive never talked to before!
well definitely one thing i can say for certain is that i am CLAWING AT THE WALLS trying to restrain myself from having my psychic characters interact with other psychic characters about openly psychic shit. like whenever someone has their character talk about their experiences with their psionics and/or asks about others’ experiences im like HURGHURGRHUGRHURGRH BE STRONG TURT BE STRONG
hopefully i can let them be out soon :)
but anyways! hmmmm what can i say about psychics that isnt spoilers….
oh well i definitely think i can mention that like. a key difference between my pre-redux and redux psychic lore is that in predux (thats what im gonna call it now) jaime and victoria were VERY open about being psychic. in fact victoria had practically made it her entire personality. and because of this overall openness of psychics, there were entire institutions centered around education, law, and a whole lotta other shit. and there was this assessment of skill level to determine what areas that a psychic in training may need to improve (though many also used these assessments as a tool to rank psychics by hypothetical power). this was called the PSI: the Psychic Skill Inspection. and while i could talk up a storm about how the PSI used to work or all the nuances of the old Psychic lore. im just gonna. not. bc much of it hardly applies anymore anyways lmao
in redux, because of the more hidden nature of psychics, there isnt NEARLY as much research or institutions put in place specifically for psychics, so stuff like the PSI doesn’t really exist. ive learned my lesson from predux: dont do number shit. the minute you start actually calculating numbers n stuff it quickly leads into a power creep where others are like “well my psychic has BIGGER numbers”. but yea with no PSI, there are no “rankings” so no one really knows who the “strongest” psychic is. no one really knows the true limits of a psychic’s power.
no one really knows much about them at all
which makes them seem all the more terrifying if you aren’t psychic
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dailysabinasmuts · 1 year
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Jaime giggles as she watches you strip; cmon, show her what you got! Oh. What the fuck! Thats HUGE! Holy shit! Jaime lifts up her oversized shirt to reveal her already naked crotch, yeah there is no way that's going to fit in her pussy... Well she should be able to fit you all in her ass though! Beaming, Jaime slathers your enormous erection with lube, there's no way she's going to stick this thing up her butt without some help! She shoves you back onto the bed, already panting in anticipation of the bludgeoning her guts are about to recieve. Stradling you, she drags your member up towards the ceiling, before standing up so that she could mount it. Jaime barely even has to bend her knees before your girthy tip is probing at her enterance.
Jaime lets out a breath, as she slowly forces your bulbous cock head into her asshole. She grits her teeth, until she pushes enough in that the rest pops inside of her, causing her to gasp with release. FUCK its so big! Like, she's used to getting double penetrated, but this is insane! Giving in to gravity, Jaime uses her body weight to slide herself further down your shaft, moaning and clutching at her stomach. Then the easy going ends, as she reaches the chokepoint that leads even deeper into her guts...
Jaime stops there, and instead of going further starts to bounce on your cock, making you both groan with pleasure. Soon enough the veteran slut has gotten the hang of your absurdly sized dick, and is confidently riding its upper half as she rubs herself. After a couple sputtering orgasms that paint your chest with squirt, Jaime feels brave enough to venture deeper. She slows her breathing, allowing herself to relax as she gently forces you into her guts. Jaime's eyes widens as she gets past the painful inner barrier, moaning in distress as she violates herself with your cock. By the time she has reached your hilt, her face and pale and she is unconciously drooling. Regaining some semblance of control, Jaime removes her large shirt, revealing the perverse bulge that is your dick on her tummy. She pokes at it in disbelief, what the fuck thats almost at her ribcage!
Snivelling, Jaime grinds on you, before moving on to careful bounces to help get her belly used to getting abused. You meanwhile are in heaven, never before has a girl managed to even take half your dick, let alone the entire thing! Finally, Jaime feels confident enough to get serious, and pulls up enough that she's back at the halfway point; then she sits on it. Jaime squirts, blubbering and spasming as she orgasms from the pain and pleasure of having her guts forced out of shape. That flips her switch, and soon she is gasping like a bitch in heat as she rides you. Giggling with perverted excitement, she stands all the way up until your tip is the only thing left in her, before she slams herself all the way down in one fierce motion. You groan in torment as this nymphomaniac fucks you, using your massive cock like a meat dildo. Jaime cums repeatedly, her face as flushed as her sopping pussy, screaming with joy as she fucks your huge length. With a moan, you announce your coming climax, as Jaime redoubles her efforts to drag your fat load out of your balls. You had better fill up her fucking guts, pump her stomach full of jizz, make her puke your filthy fucking seed- OH HOLY FUCK YES! Jaime screeches in triumph as your semen gushes into her, swelling her tummy until it bulges and jiggles obscenely as she continues to ride you.
Jaime gurgles with delight, fondling her now swollen stomach as she grinds on you; you've got more in you right? She's going to drain every drop out of you, so you had better hold on, fucktoy 😈
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itsscromp · 1 year
Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle X Reader platonic
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A/N: Hi again everyone, my blue beetle headcanon is a sleeper hit. With the movie edging closer and closer, I decided to make a full-fledged story of how the reader met Jaime and also discovering he is blue beetle. So let's start. Word count: 1.7K
You just moved to El Paso Texas after your parents divorced, opting to live with your dad, even though it means a new school, new people, new everything. The apartment your dad rented was small, it didn't leave room to decorate your room the way you wanted for how small it was, but it was home. School on the other hand was a nightmare. The new kid in town is a bully's dream target.
"Hey, new kid right" This bully greeted you at your locker.
"Yes ??" You had a feeling this wasn't going to go well
"Name's BLY/N, I'm sure you heard of me when you came through the doors"
"Look, dude, I know where this is gonna go and I'm not in the mood" You shut your locker and tried to move on, but this pissed off BLY/N to shove your face into the locker.
"Listen, new kid, I run this school and you do what I say when I say, and if you try to snitch on me to any teacher I'll make sure you go home with more than just a black eye." But then the force of BLY/N's hand was eased and you heard a thud on the ground. Someone punched them.
"Come on BLY/N leave them alone" a boy spoke up
"You'll pay for that later Reyes" they got up and walked off
"Thank you..." you spoke up
"People like him need to pick on someone their own size, are you ok ??" He immediately turned his attention to you looking for any injuries.
"I'm fine, thank you though"
"Your new here right ??"
"Yeah, well I mean you got your answer from them"
"Sadly, and I know he's gonna kick my culo later"
"Guess you gotta find another way home, I'm Y/n by the way"
"Jaime Reyes, and don't worry I know another way out I'll show you."
3PM arrived as everyone went back home, Y/n and and Jaime could see BLY/N waiting for the two.
"Alright time to kick it into motion."
"How ??"
"Follow me"
he then brought you to one of the empty classrooms with windows leading out to the outside, and out of sight. Climbing out the window you made it too the bus without being spotted.
"Dude that was genius !!" You smiled
"Always best to have a back up plan"
After that you and Jaime were inseparable, You always looked forward to meeting him at the front of the school every morning. sharing about how your progress in the latest video game you were playing. Even having him visit your apartment to play said game. Your dad was happy that you made a friend since the move. Then news emerged of a new metahuman as the media calls it spotted in El Paso, going by blue beetle.
But what y/n didn't know was that Jaime was the one donning the suit. About a week ago he came across an alien scarab artifact inside a burger box after the person that gave it to him told him not to open it. The scarab activated and attached itself to Jaime, Granting him the ancient abilities of the blue beetle. A whole armour, the ability to fly and a range of weapons on tap. He only just had to think of said weapon and Scarab creates it. But now being blue beetle comes with the risk of dangerous people going after people close to Jaime, including you.
The next week he came back to school, and you immediately rushed to him.
"Jaime where were you, I tried calling and texting you"
"Oh... my uh, the number changed. I got a new SIM card so I had to get a new number." thank god he actually did, after getting the new number the two carried on like normal. But with scarab being the host to Jaime, He could only hear scarab talking in his head. It took every bit of him not to say anything to scarab in front of y/n.
It was then on Friday evening that y/n was having a sleepover at the Reyes's residence. His family was warm and welcoming. Almost like a second family if you will. But as you were looking through your duffle bag you left your wallet back home.
"Ah shit I forgot my wallet at home I'll be back"
"OK but be back soon, Mom makes a killer enchilada."
After going back home and retrieving your wallet you were walking back to the house. the taste of an enchilada never sounded so good about now. But as you continued walking home. you felt a cloth cover your face with a funky sweet smell. Then total darkness hit you.
Jaime grew increasingly worried about why you haven't returned home yet. You were just getting your wallet.
"Mijo is y/n coming back ??" His mom called out, dinner just about ready.
"I don't know Mama, I tried calling them a couple of times but they didn't answer."
After a little while the home phone began to ring.
"Reyes residence" Jamie's dad answered
"Is y/n their ?? it's their father"
"Is everything ok ??"
"Y/n is missing, their not answering their calls and someone found their phone on the ground."
"Oh my god, we'll go out and look for them"
"Thank you"
After he hung up, the Reyes's then took to the streets, calling out your name trying to find you. Jaime in the heat of the moment activated the blue beetle armour and went to where you were last seen.
"Jaime this is very dangerous" scarab spoke up
"I know scarab but y/n is in danger, you heard what my dad said"
"But you need to practice caution, what if they find out your blue beetle."
Scarab always worried about the what if's but right now Jaime wasn't hearing it right now. His best friend was in danger and he needed to save you. Landing where you were last seen. Jamie looked at the ground.
"Scarab, can you be able to track y/n's footprints ??"
The eyes of his armour began to then decode all the foot prints on the ground that day into one, which then lead to a trail.
"These should be their exact footprints Jaime"
Following the footsteps, Jaime then stopped when the footprints seem to have been shuffled around.
"I also sense a hint of chloroform" Scarab scanned the area finding the scent.
"Y/n must've been drugged, can you trace the chloroform ??"
A new path was revealed through the eyes. the chloroform then ended up on the road as it seems that whoever drugged y/n took them away. Wasting no time the wings of the armour activated as Jaime followed the scent.
"Please be ok buddy..."
You woke up in a dingy warehouse, a bag over your head as you come out of your anesthetic, looking around your panic setting in
"HELP !!!!" you called out but no one heard you until a person took off the mask, only it wasn't a person it was a metahuman, It looked part human part.. coyote.
"Don't waste your breath, no one will hear you from here" This creature then gently dragged its long sharp nails along your skin.
"What... what do you want... ???"
"Well its simple, your dad F/n if I'm correct, turned me into this."
Revealing his form, my god was he terrifying.
"My dad did no such thing"
"Oh but you're wrong young one" He then flicked on a light to reveal newspaper articles and photographic evidence on the lab accident that caused the coyote's transformation.
"He was a part of the crew that turned me into this, none of the others have been so helpful. It was my lucky day when I learned you two have arrived in El Paso."
"Look it was an accident ok ?? my dad would have.."
He then tossed a huge chunk of debris, flying over your head, this villain had monstrous strength.
"He turned me into this !!!!" He yelled at you and stomped over to you
"And I will find that cure from him, one way or another" It was then he dragged his sharp nails along your face again, this time scratching deep and drawing blood.
The doors busted open revealing blue beetle as his had then turned into a cannon
"Let him go !!!"
"Aah blue beetle we finally meet, If you wanna get him your gonna have to go through me" He then howled and charged at him on all fours, and a massive fight ensued with Jaime almost losing the battle, but Scarab activated a super strength module in the armour and the tides were turned. The coyote taking punch after kick from Blue Beetle, ultimately getting knocked down, rushing over to you he freed you from the ropes that tied you.
"Are you ok ??' his voice was distorted from the mask so y/n couldn't tell if it was Jaime.
"I am... Thank you"
"Come on Y/N/N lets get you...."
He just spoke your nickname. Y/n looking up at him in disbelief.
"Jaime ??"
The mask on the armour disintegrated revealing indeed, Your best friend Jaime.
"I know I have a lot of explaining to do, but the short answer is I didn't want you getting hurt because you knew who I was. I couldn't risk that on you or on everyone."
You froze for a bit before hugging him tightly. Your best friend the blue beetle saved you. Your best friend Jaime saved you.
"Thank you Jaime"
He wrapped his arms around you as well, holding you just as tight, He was glad you were safe. Police sirens were heard in the distance as Jaime's mask came back.
"Guess I gotta go, Ring me when your home ok ??"
"Got it, and hey save some enchilada's for me ok buddy??"
Jaime smiled under his mask and flew off into the distance. Police showing up as they guided you to safety while they called in a different department to deal with the coyote.
Your dad showed up not long after the police called him telling him you were found and safe.
"Oh my god y/n" he rushed to you kissing your forehead gently as he embraced you. glad you were safe. "What happened are you hurt ??"
"I'm fine dad" You twitched a smile as you looked up in the sky seeing Jaime fly off
"Blue beetle saved me"
Your best friend was a superhero, He saved you and always will. No matter what.
taglist: @callofdudes
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thenixkat · 2 months
Just picture instead of the bullshit that was everything Rebirth did and how much it fucked up Ted's character and turned Dan into less than an afterthought:
(Using the Palmera City is also Hub City and somewhere in Texas not terribly far from El Paso for setting)
The Covenant of Ka (retconned to be a cult of assassins, mystics, and warriors that formed around the Blue Beetle that held the title before Kha-Ef-Re) tries to steal the Scarab from retired superhero Ted Kord and kidnaps him to perform a magic ritual to break his bond with Khaji Da as its host since he refuses to use it due to previous 'murderous alien parasite tried to make him and his mentor who it revived from the dead fight to the death over the title of Blue Beetle'.
Let's say they use the (considered inferior due to being made by Kha-Ef-Re, the Blue Beetle that no one liked and who broke the passing down of the true blue Scarab for 3000 yrs, who used impressive by Earth standards magic and non-consensual cloning of a chunk of Khaji Da) as part of the ritual to un-Blue Beetle Ted by forcing him to bond with the inferior Scarab via brainwashing/mind control.
(in this the Red Scarab not having a copy of Kha-Ef-Re's personality in it, is its own very very young and inexperienced but murderous, ruthless, and hedonistic personality)
Retired chubby ex-superhero turned full time CEO and researcher Ted Kord isn't a push over mind you, and puts up a good fight against Scarab. Which leads to Khaji Da being lost somewhere in Texas due to falling out of both fighters' hands during the battle. Ted does end up kidnapped. And the ritual happens to break his bond with Khaji Da as the Covenant of Ka can track down the blue Scarab's unique energy signature later.
Due to the ritual and mindcontrol, Ted Kord is overpowered by the consciousness of the red Scarab and becomes Blood Beetle. Who is then sent to retrieve the blue Scarab so the Covenant of Ka can appoint a new willing Blue Beetle.
(B/c we love face-monster turns in this house. And let's throw a dark mirror at Jaime.)
Meanwhile, Jaime finds a neat blue bug-shaped rock while walking to school with his friends one day. That fuses itself to his spine when he sleeps that night and starts giving him superpowers. And gets him mixed up with the local superpowered street gang (The Posse) and the local magic artifact-collecting crime lord (La Dama).
Meanwhile, Vic Sage/The Question starts investigating the disappearance of his friend after getting contacted by Ted's wife/confidant/assistant/copilot Traceywho's running the company in Ted's absence. Apparently, Vic can sense chi and tracks what he thinks is Ted's chi signature after examining the scenes of the fight and finds Jaime a very new meta in over his head and dealing with a lot. (The chi signature that Vic thought was Ted's was actually Khaji Da's)
The Question becomes Jaime's off-and-on mentor as he continues his search for Ted Kord.
Jaime dealing with having a Zen Buddhist, weird conspiracy theorist, faceless, somewhat able to do magic but prefers martial arts, street level detective politically focused superhero attempting to help him with magical shit, alien shit, assassins, and another bigger badder fucker in an alien magi-tech bug suit all out to get the kid. Both coaching him in how to superhero better, learn how to fight without the bug suit, and pointing him at places to try and help get the Scarab out of him and/or showing him how to help people outside of heroing if he really doesn't want to be a superhero.
I think it is very important that Jaime is presented repeatedly with options to not be a superhero if he doesn't want to be. Like shown superpowered folks who choose to live as normal people (like Mr. Calhoun and my version of Tracey who is magic b/c I think it'd be neat and also funny to have two magic Traci/Tracey's running around)
And so and so, several adventures. Eventually, folks figure out that Blood Beetle is Ted and rescue him. And congrats Jaime you have two mentors now. Tho Ted is more cynical about Khaji Da being very fucking dangerous given past experiences and the murder puppy red clone of Khaji still stuck in him just suppressed. On the plus side, Ted is more straightforward mentor and around more and a bit more personable. (Also Ted Kord's tendency to take care of people he cares about. Like that man has got the Reye's family's back financially for life.)
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yellowocaballero · 1 year
milagro!!! i LOVE GL!milagro stuff. is guy still the first GL she meets? i am v curious what his story (and john’s) ends up looking like in this au in general, but my first exposure to him was in jaime’s bb run so i’m hoping that pseudo mentorship still exists here somehow
Green Lantern Milagro is the most god-tier take and we need to return to it. My "Kyle rebuilds the GLC to be woke and Milagro is the most feral Lantern" idea is actually super old - I think it's in the Reverse Robins Universe, in some unpublished stories - but it's still good. Let the furries make the judicial system. Do it. Let them free.
Let's say:
Guy Gardner was the second Green Lantern on Earth. Everything that Hal was, Guy is not. He's a hothead, meathead, go-getting action hero wannabe who has to be the biggest, the best, and the strongest. He's abrasive, selfish, mean, and short-sighted.
Guy Gardner is exactly like Hal Jordan: an All-American hero, angry and rude in a way that his colleague John Stewart could never get away with. He's part of the NRA and thinks Trump has some points. Too wimpy to make a good President, though. Give him a President who can last five minutes in the ring with Guy Gardner!
Despite his differences with the more professional and cool-headed Hal, he was shocked and horrified at Coast City's destruction. Where other heroes expressed sympathies and turned away in discomfort with his overwhelming pain, Guy stayed with him. He doesn't like to spread it around, but he's a registered school councilor - doubled with his middle school gym teacher thing - and he stayed at Hal's side through his grief as long as Hal let him.
When Hal disappeared, Guy was the one who knew in his heart that he had killed himself. He had been expecting it.
He had not been expecting his ring to break.
Guy loses it all. His power, his respect. He can't go back to who he used to be. He's not a gym teacher or school counselor anymore. He's Guy Gardner. You can't ask Guy Gardner to be a civvie.
The only thing he keeps is his Justice League International membership. He wanted to quit, but his friends (family, but none of them would admit it) needed him to stay. They had already lost the second Blue Beetle so recently, and they can't lose anybody else. Booster Gold's grieving his husband too. In that way, in some way, Guy's still needed. Guy has to be needed. But Guy has to be a hero too, and he feels like he's dying slowly by degrees in powerlessness.
Then Booster calls the JLI, drunk as a skunk and deep in a panic, saying that there's this kid in El Paso running around with Dan Garret's scarab in his SPINE, how did this even HAPPEN, how did he get it WORKING, where the hell is TED - Ted's dead, he's still dead, what the FUCK do we do, he's a baby he's gonna DIE TOO, everyone's gonna DIE -
A gym teacher and licensed counselor knocks on he door of a house in El Paso.
Booster was right. Jaime Reyes is a snot-nosed kid who's getting his ass kicked up and down to Sunday in every fight, and either he's gonna get himself killed or he's gonna blow up the city. Nobody else but the JLI ever gave a shit about Ted, and nobody's gonna give a shit about this kid with an orphaned legacy. He needs a personal trainer and mentor and he needs one right now. Jaime Reyes needs a hero, even a washed up old asshole like Guy Gardner.
And his little sister throws a heck of a punch. Oh, Guy is keeping Milagro. She's learning boxing!
An asshole, shallow kid enters the scene. A new ring appears. The last Green Lantern disappears to find the truth. Guy leads his own life. It's not like his old one, but it's good. That kid Jaime's become a good hero, and his little sister is the coolest kid on the planet. A Trumper on the street says something shitty to Jaime and Milagro about illegals and Guy lands on him the signature Guy Gardner punch. Trump's an asshole idiot, anyway. Next time, Milagro lands the signature punch. She has learned well.
A young man returns. A truth is told. A fucked up orange ring is on Guy's finger. And now he'll have to learn how to be a hero all over again.
The orange ring isn't powered by bravery and willpower. It's powered by greed. It's a greedy, cruel ring. It's mean. But Guy's pretty greedy too. And Guy's a mean son of a bitch.
Guy Gardner is the first Orange Lantern. And he's everything Hal Jordan is not: a man with a voracious need to protect and help. A man with an endless appetite for love, and to give love. A school counselor, and a mentor to some pretty nifty kids. Guy can never get enough of being a hero. He'll never stop. And he'll always help.
Because he's Guy fucking Gardner!
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I'm torn between wanting Jamie to stand up to his dad and tell him to stay out of his life (although the Wembley ep was sort of that and I think that no matter how much he has come on as a person, I think it would be too hard for Jamie to actually face his dad down and say that too him), and wanting James Tartt Sr to try something to hurt his son again and a vengeful Roy Kent come swinging out of nowhere to turn his face to jam.
Hiya, sweet nonny!
Though I certainly get the desire to have Jaime stand up to his dad in a more comprehensive and verbal kind of way, and in a moment when he’s no longer cowed by his father but faces him head held high, I think I’d rather not have another full on confrontation between the two of them. Partly because we’ve (sort of) been there, done that, partly because I just really think Jamie deserves never to have to deal with that prick ever again.
Then again, Jamie is clearly haunted by his old man still, not here but still kind of there, and perhaps the catharsis he needs is to let his dad know once and for all what he thinks of him, and that they’re done.
Only, most of the time, in most of our lives, there is no catharsis; not one single moment of great release than leaves us cleansed and ready to tackle the world anew without the burden of what came before and hurt us. Most of the time, I think, we just learn to live with the pain; blunt it, too, with time or experience or forgetfulness.
And love.
See, I don’t think that James Tartt, as we’ve seen him, will ever be able to give Jamie what he needs. There’ll be no reasoning, no realization of guilt, apologies, or amends. A confrontation will only ever lead to spluttering defiance and challenges. So what then if Jamie dismisses him with one hell of a zinger? Does that soothe the ache of a young boy who just wanted a father? Does that lessen the trauma of a fourteen year old brought to a brothel? Does it in any way make up for the times he was met with scorn when he should have been cherished?
(This is not an argument that you should never forgive because harm done cannot be undone; it’s an argument that James Tartt Sr. is unable and/or unwilling to participate in any attempts of reconciliation and is therefor best ignored.)
To me, the way Jamie gets over his father – slowly, painfully, and probably never completey – is by… just not giving it any more time that he absolutely has to (those ghosts in his brain, they’re still there). There’ll be times when he needs to grieve or rage or fall apart, and that’s fine; the rest of the time, his father is best forgotten and ignored in favour of the people that love Jamie, and that he loves in turn.
This doesn’t heal all aches either, of course. The damage done by his dad lingers. We do all of us learn to live with the scars.
I get that this is not as dramatic and immediately satisfying resolution as Jamie asking his dad to fuck off (even if they’re not actually mutually exclusive), but to me it just seems truer and in keeping with a series that had Jamie punching his dad be a heartbreaking moment rather than a triumphant one.
Roy now… Well, Roy really needs to learn to solve his and everybody else’s problem with something other than his fists and shouting so I can’t fully get behind him physically assaulting Tartt Sr. (sexy a thought as it might be), but I am exceedingly keen on the notion of him being protective over Jamie when it comes to this. Like, I dream about him stomping into Ted’s office and going what are you going to do about Jamie’s fucking dad?
“Well, Roy,” Ted begins, but Roy cuts him right off:
“Man City match is coming up and you know the piece of shit is going to be there.”
“Jamie told you he’s worried?”
And Roy hesitates. “No, but… “
He doesn’t say: No, but I watch him.
No, but I see the look on his face when he doesn’t know anyone’s looking.
No, but I know him, and I know the way he hunches his shoulders when he’s feeling down, I know that wide smirk flashing by when he doesn’t want you to notice his eyes.
I know his sharp tongue twisting round his mouth as it shies away from the words he’d rather not say.
Roy says, “He shouldn’t have to deal with that shit.” And he adds, as if needing to add justification (for himself, for the other coaches), “It won’t be good for his play if he’s distracted.”
“Mhm.” Ted nods, but nods in that carefully friendly neutral way that makes it damned clear he’s not fooled. “Well, what do you think we should do, Roy?”
Bring the paint, I’ll bring the ropes, Roy doesn’t say. “Can you make sure he’s not allowed into the stadium?” he asks Higgins.
And Higgins nods, yes, of course, and he’s off to make the phone calls, and Ted’s still looking at Roy with that infuriating understanding in his eyes.
“You think he might try something outside?” Ted asks, and it’s so matter-of-fact, such a straight fucking question for a situation as tangled as they come.  
“Maybe.” Roy’s face is a mask, is stone. He is already moving towards the door. “I’ll fucking sort it.”
Jamie might not have a father worth shit but he’s got a team and he’s got Roy, and that will be plenty.
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aenslem · 5 months
Ship asks, Bering and Wells edition!
what’s your favorite headcanon of them?
what’s your favorite canon moment of them?
rant about them
well, my headcanon for them is that they actually end up together, but nobody knows :D they suspect, but pretend they don't see, like I am pretty sure that they would not want their relationship be known to everyone, at least not in the beginning, maybe half or an year after asjkhajkhd so it would all lead to stupid situations, cos I love when they have fun and just laugh and nobody dies
I have 2 fav moments, actually more, but I can't choose all, the first would be 'we're forever destined to meet at gunpoint' the moment I realized I ship them, the quote that made me go insane, the entire scene, the entire episode is like the best thing ever, whenever I feel down I just go and rewatch for the team, instant boost, best thing ever.
and the second is from 'reset', I will just throw screenshots here, cos I have no ability to put emotions into words when I watch this scene
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anybody expected me to not go insane over them after tHIS??? come on this is like all of my ships at its finest, this is such a doctor x master thing to do
but also Emily Lake scenes?????? this shit should come with a warning honestly
I knew I will fall for HG Wells before I even saw her, because let's be honest, you can't not fall for Jaime Murray, look at her, she is the best, but I definitely did not expect to fall for the ship so hard, like I did not know anything about this fandom before I started watching it, nobody told me there is tHIS! you have to give a fucking warning here for the newbies, look at me, years passed and I come back to gif every goddamn moment with them, I have not finished giffing it all yet, cos I can't gif some scenes in peace
how do you gif HG's sacrifice without 3 mental breakdowns in between????/ I giffed this part from reset and wanted to chew on my laptop cos you can't just gif it and not yell every second of the process
that's insane they are not canon, but who gives a fuck about canon, cos they are more than canon, they are literally the definition of angst and pain, I will forever hate the show for doing what they did and giving them straight lovers and making myka and... well, I never finished the show cos of that. cos how can I?? anyone remember this show for myka and pete being together? I don't for sure, and I don't really see anybody talking about it after so many years, we remember the good things - which are Bering and Wells lol. yeah, I know there were many great things in the show, stories were fun, characters great, etc, but I remember this show and still gif it and love it due to Helena Wells, and specifically this pairing, I don't think I would have loved it the way I do if there was not HG or this couple. They are WH13 for me. and while being canon is not important for me, just imagining what an impact they would have if the show let them be together, that would be fabulous.
anyway, they are the best thing in the show for me
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