#let draco takes care of you pls
suugarbabe · 1 year
Lover (II)
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[Chapter 2]
this is the final part do not ask for a third pls
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x Reader
Word count: ~1.8k
Warning: none
You were fighting to keep your eyes open. Normally you loved charms, loved learning new spells and mastering ways to mess with the boys. But the stress of your other classes was keeping you up at night. 
Mattheo knocked his shoulder into yours, “You still with us, love?” You made a soft grunting noise in response, earning a chuckle from him. He pulled on the sleeve of your robe until your head fell to his shoulder. 
He let you lightly snooze like that until class was over, tapping your nose several times until you stirred, “Wakey wakey, princess.” You sat up, eyes shooting open, “W-what did I miss?” 
Pansy snorted beside you as she packed her bag, “Just all of charms. Don’t worry, Matty boy let you take a nap on his shoulder.” She winked at Mattheo, who only glared at her for the teasing. 
You didn’t notice this interaction as you were covering your face, groaning, “Teo, why did you let me sleep during class?” 
He sighed, “Maybe because you’re the smartest witch in charms class and you needed a break. You’re stressing yourself out, all the lads can see it, too. They’re just too afraid to tell you to your face.” 
You grinned at this, “I like that they’re a little afraid of me.” Mattheo laughed, leading you out of the classroom and down towards lunch, “They’re a lot afraid of you, love. And I know you like it you little psycho.” 
You punched his arm playfully. Despite you not nearly being strong enough to inflict pain on him, Mattheo grabbed his arm, displaying a large pout. 
You entered the great hall together, making your way to your group of friends. Enzo barely let you both sit down before he started talking, “You both attending the party tonight?” 
Mattheo looked at Enzo like he had two heads, “Do you know who I am?” 
Enzo nodded, “Yeah, good point.” He turned to you then, “Y/n/n? Party?” You smiled, “Course, Enzie. Wouldn’t miss it.” 
Mattheo felt a stirring in his chest, like a bubbling, or burning when you used your nickname on Enzo. His face must have displayed his inner feelings because Draco leaned over to whisper in his ear, “Careful cousin, your little green monster is showing.” 
Mattheo turned to him, “What are you on about?” Draco smirked, “You’re jealous. That Y/n is being sweet to Enzo, of all people.” 
Mattheo’s shoulders relaxed a little. Draco was right, he was being ridiculous. Enzo was like everyone’s child, you were just being sweet to him because that’s how you were. 
“What’re you gonna wear, y/n/n,” Pansy always tried to get you to dress the most scandalous at parties, especially one’s your house hosted. Usually you just opted for something simple, but tonight, you were on a mission. 
“I was thinking maybe we could get ready together? Maybe you can even pick an outfit out for me, Pans?” Pansy was giddy with excitement. 
Mattheo’s cheeks grew warm just thinking about the outfit Pansy might pick out for you. Pansy was a confident woman and, thus, wanted every woman around her to feel as confident. Mattheo thought you were beautiful, no matter what you wore. However, you usually stuck to more moderate clothing choices. He wasn’t sure how he was going to be able to handle it if Pansy dressed you in anything remotely similar to how she went to parties. His head might explode on sight. 
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“Oh that’s the one. Yes. You have to wear that one, please, y/n/n,” Pansy was fawning over you in the outfit she had made you try on. You had on a pleated leather miniskirt with a velvet cropped tank top that was the prettiest emerald green. 
You did a little spin, “You don’t think it’s too much? You know I don’t usually dress up like this for parties, or in general.” 
“Yeah, I know. But Mattheo will be absolutely drooling over you when you come down in this.” Thankfully Pansy was digging through her jewelry and didn’t see the way the blood rushed to your cheeks. “W-why would I want him to do that?” Your voice came out more cautious than you would have liked, wanting it to be stoic and nonchalant. 
Pansy gave you a knowing look in the mirror as she clasped a silver necklace around your neck, “I see the way you look at him, love.” 
“I don’t - I, erm, what I mean is- ugh, fine, yes, okay.” You were a stuttering mess, not able to hide the truth so you just admitted it. 
“I fucking knew it!” Pansy was bouncing on her toes now. You shushed her, “Calm down, it doesn’t matter. He doesn’t feel the same way about me. Just sees me as a…friend.” The word felt like vinegar in your mouth. 
“I think you should talk to him about it,” Pansy said it so casually, like she suggested you ask him about potions homework. 
You couldn’t help but scoff at her, “Are you mental? I could never risk our friendship like that. He told me the other night at the lake that I was his best friend. Emphasis on the friend, Pans. That’s all I am to him.” 
“Right,” Pansy’s tone told you she was not convinced, “You mean to tell me the boy who who willingly carried you on his back to a ‘special spot’ that’s just for the two of you, who took time out of his night to sit with you while you were freaking out, who laid with you to watch the bloody stars over the lake and then carried you all the way back to the castle and tucked you into bed, only sees you as a friend.” 
Pansy shook her head as she walked into the bathroom. You looked at yourself in the mirror again. Observing the way the skirt fell to your mid thigh. Would Mattheo like that? Would he see you and, as Pansy put it, ‘drool over you’? The other things she said played in your mind. How differently Mattheo seemed to treat you. You never really put two and two together. 
You had always figured it was because you were the first girl in the group that he was nicer to you. He was always affectionate with you, giving you long hugs, kisses on the forehead. Holding your hand to stop you from nervously biting your nails. 
He was always there to calm you down, rub your back and hold you when you cried or someone broke your heart. Always promising to hex anyone that did you wrong. You always told him it was unnecessary but one look at Theo or Draco and it would get taken care of somehow. 
You found yourself sat next to Lorenzo on one of the love seats in the corner of the party. Your group had formed a circle, Mattheo sitting across from you. His eyes seemed to never leave you, whether you were aware or not. He was watching closely to every move Enzo made, making sure he kept his hands to himself, appropriate distance from you. 
He was paying so little attention to the game he didn’t even realize that the bottle had landed on him. “Truth or Dare, cousin?” The smile Draco was adorning was not one Mattheo was fond of.
“Erm, truth.” Mattheo figured this would be the safer choice, but soon learned it was anything but.
Draco leaned back in his chair, glancing around the circle until he met your gaze, then turned back to Mattheo, “When are you and Y/n going to admit you’re in love with each other.” 
You nearly choked on your drink, causing Enzo to pat your back viciously while trying to hide his laughter. The entire circle seemed to agree, but you and Mattheo were quick to deny the allegations with a chorus of “he doesn’t see me that way” and “she’s way too smart for me” with some “we’re literally best friends”. 
The group was not happy with either of your responses, and before you knew it you were being dragged by Pansy toward the broom cupboard while Theo and Draco dragged Mattheo. You both were shoved into the small closet, leaving very little room between the two of you. 
The door was slammed shut while Draco muttered a locking charm. “You two are going to stay in there until you admit your feelings for one another,” Theo shouted. Pansy’s voice was heard next, “I’m tired of you two ignoring it, just bloody admit it.”
The floor was suddenly the most interesting thing you had ever seen. You both were silent, avoiding the other the best you could. You could hear the music blaring through the closet door. You flicked your wand, casting a silencing charm. 
“Sorry, music was…hurting my head,” You spared a glance at Mattheo only to find he was already looking at you. Mattheo’s eyes were one of your favorite things about him. Where everyone else just saw brown, you saw honey and autumn leaves. When he looked at you his eyes were soft, flecks of gold dancing within them that reminded you of a flame. 
You opened your mouth to say something the same time as Mattheo, but where you were at a loss of words Mattheo’s seemed to pour out of him.
“Y/n/n, I love you. Like really, truly, all encompassing in love with you. Merlin, I have been for years. And I know you don’t feel the same but-”
“I do,” you had to interrupt his ramblings, he had to know the truth. 
“I love you, too, Mattheo.” 
He took a tentative step closer, like he was making sure you were real. Making sure you really just echoed his confession. Your back was to the wall as he cupped your cheek, his other hand gently gripping your waist. Your hands were flat on his chest as you looked up to meet his eyes again. 
His body seemed to work faster than his mind as his lips met yours in a searing kiss. Years of passion coming out in a single moment. Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him impossibly closer. 
You were so enthralled with each other that neither noticed the sound of the door unlocking until it swung open, cheers and whistles of encouragement from your friends bringing you both down to reality. 
“Bloody finally!” Blaised shouted, causing you and Mattheo to look shyly at the floor. The rest of the group shouted a mixture of congrats and relief that you two seemed finally together. 
Mattheo stepped out of the closet first, holding out his hand for you to take hold, “C’mon, lover. Let’s rejoin the party, yeah?”
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softwebss · 2 years
alr i'm request something from you how harry potter boys would react if your sick <3333
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pov: you're sick . how the hp boys would react to you being sick
♡ synopsis: how the harry potter boys would react to you being sick.
♡ warnings: fluff, mentions of sickness, medicine, a bit of swearing, draco being suggestive and nsfw because hes like that-
♡ a/n: love im so sorry for posting this late!!! my midterms and exams have been KILLING me omlll- i hope you like it tho!!!
harry potter
he would be so worried???
poor boy would buy everything to help you get through your sickness
no matter how low key it was
you could have a slight cold and thirty seconds later he'd be rushing in the common room with thirty tissue boxes and cough syrup
he would also let you borrow his sweaters and mufflers to keep you warm
actually, he would insist on you to borrow them
and the amount of care he would show for you? omg
"i just coughed-"
he would snuggle with you, no matter how many times you'd tell him that he'd catch your cold
harry loves you more than anything tbh
ron weasely
hes a little shit about you getting sick
but he actually does care for you- but he wouldn't dare to show it
"shut uppp!"
if he sees you shivering in your bed, hed crawl up from his and snuggle with you, with affirmations.
but by the morning he's himself again.
gobbling chicken fries and laughing whenever you sneezed.
smh ron, smh.
cedric diggory
hes very calm about your sickness
he'd be solemn about what medicines to give you, and when to bring you to the infirmary.
"i can handle it :)))"
"why do you have fifteen pills in your hand- CEDRIC WHA-"
actually nvm hes having a mental panic attack rn
all he wants is you to be calm and quiet and let him handle stuff
draco malfoy
he would be so caring
perfect bf tm
draco would magic up whatever you wanted
soup? he had it
tissues? he had it
the blood of unicorns to keep you young and beautiful? you didn't ask but he's already made the plans to go fetch it
actually tho hes gonna take care of EVERYTHING!!!
and he'll look so goddamn cute while doing it omggg
but he'll flirt with you while doing so because its draco oml
"sugar, I can't wait to flip you over the common room counter when you're healthy and let you ride m-"
"SHE IS?????"
neville longbottom
i feel like not enough people acknowledge that neville exists-
he would be so overprotective
neville would magic the temperature to make it comfy for you <33
bro loves you too much smh
forehead kisses? yes pls.
he would never let you do anything that would worsen your condition
eg. taking long showers
going in the cold w/o a muffler
hes so sweet about it oml
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psycho-killer-writer · 9 months
Dom!Draco Malfoy smut pls?? (u can ignore ofc)
my first story with smut lets be nice. Also didn't edit it I got lazy so if grammar errors or mistakes... oops.
summary: after accusing draco of cheating, you confront him and realize your were all wrong he must punish you for that ridiculous accusation.
Dom! Draco x fem reader
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"THAT STUPID ASSHOLE! I fucking hate him, I'll kill him, how dare he... breath" I say in rushed breath trying to catch my breath. "really breath is that why your like going crazy" I love pansy like a sister but I'm gonna punch her in the fucking throat, "of course not but I'm angry so I can say what I want"
Pansy looked with complete confusion "how about you just tell me the problem". Oh yeah the problem kinda forgot what I was complaining about, that's what men do I guess. "That albino looking mother fucker had the audacity to take Astoria grass green or green glass, whatever who cares what her name is" I sneered.
pansy rolled her eyes giggling "you know what her name is"
"of course I know what her name is, Its fucking Astoria Greengrass for christ sake I have oddly sexually confusing dreams about her" I rant then pause hoping I didn't sound so crazy, pansy's just stares then shrugs "who hasn't".
"anyways like I was saying, he took her to meet his mom! who does that people that date and commit that's who" I was seething I thought what we had was passionate, animalistic, even say love but hey to early to tell.
pansy snorted "what are you gonna do go up to his room and demand he stop seeing Astoria, and tell him to stop existing around her."
I scrunch in disgust "oh god no im not some tacky pick me girl".
No thoughts just anger and a little bit of delusion I walk up to his stupid door and bang on that stupid door, so loud that it rattles the hallway. Then the stupid door is ripped open and his stupid anger face is in front of me.
"who the he- oh hey" he says in sudden softness once he realizes who is causing the scene. "miss me that much the whole hallway can hear how wet you ar-"
he is suddenly caught off once I slap him across the face his face is suddenly whipped to the side, and he looks ahead past me in shock... then anger.... then he smirks at me and licks the inside of his cheek
I didn't even let him speak when I push past him and turn around to face him while he close the door.
I just start unloading all the crap (mostly insecurities, but pride ) I have been holding in. "how dare you I gave you my virginity, does it look like im one of those people who pass it around letting everyone get in here.. don't answer that. Then you bring that tall drink of water I have dreamt her kissing all over this body, to your mothers house. YOUR MOTHERS HOUSE! I doubt that prude can do the things and I can do and let you do the things to me that are disturbing but weirdly make me horny."
Don't know where I am going with this but I feel this heat and I'm just going to keep yelling and not know where this is going to go.
" so I guess I was nothing but a body to you, im not good enough to be yours, to meet your mother, and maybe in the future I won't be married to you that I sometimes fantasize about, and your mother won't love me so much that she gives me all her clothes in her will, and I'm getting off track again SEE THIS IS WHAT YOU DO TO M-"
I don't even get to finish my speech because he yanks me from the back of the neck and kisses me hard on the mouth I almost couldn't breathe
after a while we both gasp for air and he keeps are nose touching "God the things I should do to that mouth". dammit he knows how to make me drip.
I looks at him in confusion and heartache how can he ask for this knowing the pain he is causing me.
"One, I don't know how you found out and I don't want to know, all I know your kinda crazy and to never hide anything from you" he chuckled and I was about to kick him in the ball when that smart son of a bitch block my leg.
"I took Astoria to the manor to tell my mother that we are not going to be committed to each other, since we were kids we were supposed to be married at 20, but I met you and there is no one I would rather be with then the insane girl that turns me on when she giggles, or my heart that skips a beat when you look at me or touch me." we both chuckle and I have a tear going down my eye.
god I feel like an idiot.... I win... wrong moment
"I feel like an idiot" I am embarrassed
he smiles pushing my hair away from my face "don't be it just shows your the one... I love you " he expresses
I gasp I forget ho to breathe, fucking suck it Astoria " you what?"
"I love you" he repeats
"one more time didn't quite catch you"
he chuckles and throws his head back "im gonna take it back"
"to late mister its out there forever"
" as much as I love make up sex I gotta punish you for acting like a spoiled brat" he said gripping the back of my head with my hair "ima fuck you so hard it's gonna feel like I hate you"
he rips my shirt wide open tearing it right down the middle and tearing it to pieces throwing it across the room. Leaving me in just my skirt and white bra.
He places his hands on my breast and squeezes with suck adoration "God these thing are so beautiful, and so goddamn sexy" he grips them tight then reaches behind and break the clip. Ripping of my bra
" that was my favorite one " I whimper, your so lucky i'm turned on jerkface
" what did i just fucking say" he seethed grabbing my jaw "you wanna run your mouth, then I wanna hear you scream"
He yanks my head toward him and kisses me with such love and anger at the same time. "Get on the bed and turn around on your hands and knees."
Fucking finally... holy shit i'm such a slut
I climb on the bed sightly nervous and very excited for what he is about to unleash on me. there I sit only in a skirt and my garter stockings, my boobs completely open and sensitive.
ready to be used
I feel his presence right behind me and his cold deadly hand riding up my leg to the ends of my skirt pushing it up to mu hips, only to reveal that I 'forgot' my underwear.
"ohh fuck" he seethed and gripping my flesh tightly "you knew what you were doing, you wanted to be in this position didn't you, you filthy little slut" feeling his grip tighten only shows how wet he is making me.
"oh sorry, I guess I left my underwear in Potters room after he fucked my brains out... oops" I look over my shoulder and give him a sadistic smile. Of course im lying I just like to poke the dragon a little bit.. or the ferret if we are getting technical.
I don't even get the chance to to process before he gathers all his strength and completely rips the skirt off of me
dam he is on a roll, my big mouth is going to make me run out of clothes
"please keep fucking talking let me punish you more, cause after this you won't be able to even speak."
i'm to fucking insane for this to turn me on
"oh fuck yes please punish me, I dererve it im a bad girl" I whimper. He simply smiles and groans out "oh yeah baby you are I say the punishment fits the crime"
He then slaps my ass, and I let out a slight gasp. "fuck your practically dripping, you like that don't you" he demands while slapping the other cheek.
"Count slut" he says while he spanks my right bum.
"three" I whimper how can pain fee; so good
"five" im tearing up from the intense feeling
Draco put all his force in the last one I couldn't help but cry out and moan at the same time.
he messages my red flesh and leans down to kiss it "fuck baby you did so good, you take my punishment like a good girl.
he then proceeds to reach down my heat and feels how wet I am I let out an involuntary moan and my thighs tremble lightly .
all of a sudden im flipped on my back and he then proceeds to kiss me, we are both turned on we are making out without a care in the world its messy and hot and we don't care, I gasp for air and he then starts to kiss done my body while kissing each breast with such determination, I forget how to breath. "Draco please, I can't I need to feel you" I gasp
"you will baby soon, I gotta make sure your nice and prepped" he says while kissing the inside of my thighs
he grips my my thighs that are placed over his shoulders and I can see the dents in my skin his long fingers are doing.
I feel a long wet lick going up making me shiver and right when he licks my clit and sucks hard, so roughly nibbling on it. Giving me a sense of pain and pleasure at the same time not able to control myself I let out shrieks and moan; trying so hard to keep it in.
he can easily charm the room, but something about someone hearing the sounds of pleasure rattles Draco in a way that challenges him to challenge me. I can't take the pleasure the way his lips suck my clit then enters his tongue in and out of my pussy makes me gasp.
"yes, yess, ohhhhh fuck " I moaned out in high pitch
ohh yes, yes don't stop, ohh fuuu-" I became inherent too focused on my pleasure to even
next thing I know he enters his long cold fingers once again and curls them which makes me gasp and wither . "ahhhhh yess, fuck yes" I can't stop screaming
he looks up with is cold grey eyes and smiles.
" you like that dont you. oh fuck yes look at you its like your begging for it. ima fuck you so good, for that little stunt you pulled" he seethed
I couldn't take it anymore I couldn't hold it I came so hard. "ohhh fuccc, ahhhhh" i couldn't control it my juices sprayed Dracos hands, he would stop he kept curling his fingers in me. I was so sensitive my legs were shaking I was shivering with over stimulation.
he crawls up toward me looking into my eyes and smiles and kisses me hard with love and compassion, we break apart nose touching.
he keeps eye contact and tells me " your such a good fucking girl you know that, merlin you come too good." he exhales with such satisfaction.
"you know I love you right" he looks at me with adoration
"of course, I made you repeat it like three times" I giggled
"good because im going to fuck you like I hate you" he says dropping his smile into something sadistic
he quickly pulls away and flips me on my stomach again picking up my legs to balance myself. He slaps my ass and enters me slow to accommodate his huge size and after a while he pulls out and and pounds into to me with no mercy.
my eyes cross as the sudden intrusion draco grabs my hips and continues to pound me from behind the room filling with skin slapping and moaning. thrusting into me with such determination and ruthlessness I can't stop screaming
"holy fucking shit take my cock you dirty girl" he tells me groping my hips hard where my skin starts to tingle and pound into me relentlessly.
"ohh yes , yes fuck me I deserve it" I grip him so hard having his cock enter my pussy nonstop.
draco then grabs my hair by the roots and pulls my head back and puts his face above mine "you like being treated this way being used like some possession a slut just for me, now open that goddamn mouth" as I obeyed his order he spat in my mouth and I swallowed it with delight then kissed me it was messy and wet but we didn't care all we focused on is the pleasure of him fucking me roughly.
"holy fuck i'm gonna come, i'm so close" I screamed he then spared me hard and pulled away. I shivered from the emptiness
"you better hold it cause i'm not done" he whispered in my ear, suddenly he flips me on my back and grabs me by my thighs and hooks his hand under by leg onto hip and enters me again with more passion and fill me up all the way I can feel the warmth of his cock invading me while he controls me moving ui and down due to his hands moving me on his cock he groans and huffs from the squeezing of my walls.
"yes- yes -yes" I say in high voice small tears forming my eyes from the pleasure and I can't handle it "hell yeah baby cry those happy tears for me milk me like a good girl". h go forward and puts his weight on his hand on my throat and goes at a faster pace pounding me while squeezing my throat I couldn't handle this amount of pleasure
"fuck mee yesss ahhhhh" I come hard around his cock I can't take it y eyes roll to the back of my head while he lowers his pace but takes deep thrust while he comes in me.
"look at me while I come in you dirty girl, fuck yes you like that, me filling your pussy take it like a good girl" he says as he empties out inside me as I calm down from my high .
he pulls out and I whimper from the emptiness he kisses the side of my calf and sides at me as he relaxes my legs and joins me next to the bed and we look up at the ceiling in exhaustion.
draco is the first to look at me he Tuens his head "you should slap me more often" I laugh at his comment "the way you act there would probably be plenty" I say turning my body and lean top to look down at his beautiful face "I guess its only fair that I should apologize to you"
"uhh yeah sounds reasonable" he smiles at me twirling the end of my hair
"good then"
"waiting for my apology"he looks at me with a smug face, and I look at him confused "I just did, didn't you hear me."
"what you said you should apologize but you didn't do the action" he says smugly
" take it or leave it ferret" I say and I wrinkle my nose in his face and he does it back reaches up and kisses me. "oh you love testing my patience don't you babygirl"
"all joking aside I really am sorry for invading your privacy and going all phyco" I admit with guilt and embarrassment
"I will admit it was kinda a turn on especially your little rant about us getting married" he snickered
"please forget about that I was seething I don't know why I was saying all that.... out loud" I added and he pulled me down to lay on his chest underneath the covers and made me look in his eyes "that all I think about and dream every night darling, because I love you" he confessed and I swear to merlin I came a third time.
"good because I love you too" I respond and all was right I put my head on his chest and basked in each others company
" So in this vision do we have a dog: draco asked and you always loved his soft spot for animals and remembered he was never allowed to have a pet.
" No, but there is a ferret" and si felt a smack on my ass I laughed " of Course there is a dog, you couldn't pick one so you chose both"
"good" he said and smiled pecked my lips and held me as we fell into the night slumber.
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sitp-recs · 1 year
Can you do "Harry takes care of Draco" too? 👀 (and if I may rec a rec, pls include Let's Pretend the War Is Over by pir8fancier)
I’m sorry for the late reply, anon! Oh love me some pir8fancier, a great (and imo underrated) author. Here are some other recs for this trope, some of my all-time favorites here:
Let's Pretend the War Is Over by pir8fancier (M, 8k)
The war is over and Draco is alone, fighting demons of a different nature. This is obviously an AU by now. Written after "The Half-Blood Prince" came out.
Between Myth and Man by @slytherco (E, 16k)
Draco, lost and a little broken, navigates post-war reality convinced that people like him should not be allowed to make their own choices. To solve the problem of his self-sabotaging tendencies, he starts taking a few drops of Veritaserum every morning.
Savage by marguerite_26 (E, 18k)
In a post-war world that lives in fear and ignorance of werewolves, Draco Malfoy has taken every step to keep his condition hidden. When the delicate balance of his life shatters in a single moment, it is Harry Potter alone standing in his defence.
Strange Bedfellows by ravenclawsquill (E, 30k)
When Harry encounters a frail and fidgety Draco Malfoy at the Ministry, he just knows something is wrong and he’s determined to get to the bottom of it.
Inside Your Mind by @lazywonderlvnd (E, 36k)
Goyle's taken it upon himself to act as Malfoy's personal, one-man guard and Harry can't help but feel like it's only making the bullying worse.
The Sinner’s Redemption by oldenuf2nb (E, 55k)
When Headmaster, Harry Potter, loses his Potions Professor - is he willing to fight the system to employ the one person he knows will excel in the position?
Super Rich Kids by @thusspoketrish (E, 81k)
Draco Malfoy has become disillusioned by the glitz and glamour of the scandalous lives of the Post-Second Wizarding War Pureblood Elite. Enter: one existential crisis, one group of thieving cynical friends, and several terrible, terrible decisions.
Nor All That Glisters by @sweet-s0rr0w (E, 110k)
Lonely and frustrated on house arrest, with no prospects for the future, Draco begins brewing Felix Felicis in an attempt to improve his lot. Just in the short term, of course. He isn’t a total idiot.
There Is Always the Moon by @firethesound (T, 159k)
Draco's life after the war is everything he wanted it to be: it's simple, and quiet, and predictable, and safe. But when a mysterious curse shatters the peace he'd worked so hard to build, there's only one person he can trust to help him. After all, Harry Potter has saved his life before. Now Draco has to believe that Potter will be able to do it one more time.
Number Seven by sara_holmes (M, 253k)
Harry already has small children, an ex-wife, annoying colleagues and an international crime ring to deal with. So when Draco Malfoy reappears after eight years AWOL in France, of course Harry is going to leave him well alone...Right?
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A/N: I replied to a request ages ago it was george Weasley x fem Slytherin reader ending with smut and I just spent like 3 hours editing and adding to it to improve it. Here you go :) 💗
Warnings: smut, p in v, praise kink if you squint (barely there), orgasm denial, overstimulation, cunnilingus, deapthroating, Draco kinda being an ass, harry kinda being an ass too, swearing idk if I missed anything out let me know please :) ❤
Word count 4350 (yes I did make it so it was an even number for people with OCD like me because it's something normal and shouldn't be alienated it should be acknowledged and people should do things to help people with OCD out)
"George, Geooooorgggeee GEORGE"                  George snapped out of his day dream with a start. "What fred" George said rolling his eyes lifting his head from his fist to look at his twin. "You're staring at her... AGAIN" Fred said exasperated.
"How can I NOT she's gorgeous, she has nice eyes, nice hair, amazing smile, her laugh literally sounds like a Phoenix song and don't even get me started on her personality... " George rambled on dreamily
"She's a Slytherin George" Harry deadpanned interrupting him rudely
 "She's not actually half bad mate considering that she's a pure blood Slytherin and all that she doesn't seem to obsessed with purebloods" Fred told the bespectacled boy pointedly
"See" George said
"Even Fred agrees that she's amazingly gorgeous"                         "woah woah woah I never said that... " Fred started
"George stop being a mushy simp and just go ask her out if you're that in love with her " Ron said annoyed
"But what if she rejects me or.... " George started. It's unusual for him to be so hesitant in asking a girl out this completely opposed his usual confident demeanor.
"JUST GO" Harry Ron and Hermione said in unison
"Fine fine I'll go but if I get rejected all three of you owe me 5 gallions" George exclaimed standing from the Gryffindor table and walking over towards where you were sat at the Slytherin table
"Hey Y/N...." He started 
"Oh here comes the carrot top blood traitor " Draco interrupted seethingly                             
"Draco shut up and stop" You said to him firmly                                    "what I'm just saying it how it is Y/N" he said clearly annoyed by the presence of George        
"I said.... Stop" You said firmly glaring at him furiously  
"Fine" he said moodily and returning to the conversation he was having with pansy
You stood up and walked over to where George was stood a couple of feet away                          
"I'm so sorry about him" you said "he's actually really caring beneath all of the pure blood shit his parents just sort of brainwashed him.. Especially his dad. Anyway sorry I'm rambling on what's wrong? " 
 "It's fine don't worry I don't take it to heart but thank you for you know... Standing up for me" George told you  blushing ever so slightly                                                                       
" that's absolutely fine I'm glad to help out a fellow blood traitor " you said jokingly. Everyone knew that you had a horrible relationship with your parents and they had disowned you so for now you were living at the Malfoy man or much to Lucius' dismay.
" so what can I help you with? " you asked grinning up at him
"Well I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to maybe go out to Hogsmede with me this weekend" he said blushing furiously scratching the back of his neck nervously
"Of course, I would love to ! " you said happily "do you want me to drop by the Gryffindor common room then we can walk down together? " you asked
"No absolutely no you're the lady so I'm picking you up at YOUR common room okay!? " he said pointedly regaining his usual confidence now that he hadn't been rejected. He wasn't about to  let you be the man of the date you deserve to be treated like a princess                                   
"okay so that's a date then? " you said smiling. You were pleased that finally one of the boys that had asked you on a date had the decency to pick you up. (You have had A LOT of boys asking you out because you were the heart throb of Slytherin. You weren't a slag or anything like that but you'd been through a quarter of your year )
"Yea sure.. That's a date " he replied                   
  "okay I'll see you on Saturday I'll talk to you later or I'm going to be late for charms " you said checking your watch                                  "ok, see ya" George said
You both turned to walk away but then             
"George hang on a sec" you said jogging over to him                             "What's wr..... " he started. But you cut him off as you stood on your tip toes and kissed him lightly on the cheek "thanks for asking me out" you said and before he even got a chance to open his mouth to reply you had already jogged off to your next lesson.
Fred walked back to his friends stunned and madly blushing.           "So you got the date then judging by that oh so innocent gesture that left you in this state" Fred said grinning madly knowing that he would tease George for at least 2 weeks for being in such a state after one kiss on the cheek by a girl
"Yea" George said still stunned his cheeks flushed still
George stood outside the Slytherin common room waiting for you to come out.
"Sorry I kept you waiting I couldn't find my purse and I wanted to pop into zonko's so I wasn't about to leave without my purse"  you said slightly flushed you had just spent the last 10 minutes rushing around looking for your purse.
"That's absolutely fine and thank God you're off into zonko's because me and Fred need some more Dr Filibuster's Fireworks we ran out last week when we got detention for setting them off during transfiguration" George said smiling at the memory
"Right then good sir off to zonko's we go" you said poshly                 "Why of course my lady" George replied playing along and and bowing deeply offering you his hand graciously. You took it just as graciously                                                     
"why thank you kind sir" you said
You both walked off laughing and chatting animatedly. Once you had been to zonko's for a few hours George turned to you and asked                           
"Where to next? "                                                     
 "We are NOT going to madam Puddifoots anywhere but there! " you said seriously             
"Oh thank god you said that! " George said sounding relieved           "three broomsticks? " you asked                            
"Yep definitely" he replied grinning.
Once you had arrived at the three broomsticks and chosen a table George asked "butter beer? "                                                   
"yes please let me get out my pur... " you started but George interrupted you                     
"absolutely not fuck no I'm not letting you pay for your own drink I'm paying and that's final. Now do you want your drink hot or cold" he said firmly giving you a dont-you-dare-argue-with-me look. Usually you would pay for it yourself as you had been brought up to be independent and do everything yourself (another toxic trait your parents had passed onto you)
"George are you sure?? " you said feeling a little bit guilty               "yes I'm absolutely sure" he said "hot or cold? " he asked again      "George it's in the middle of summer... " you said looking at him with a 'seriously' look             
" I take that as cold" he said laughing and going to order your drinks. About 2 mins later George came back with your drinks he sat down and took a sip. You looked at him and snorted with laughter.                                     
"What?? " he said confused                                   
"you've got a little something there" you said pointing to your the end of your nose. George had gotten the froth of his butter beer on his nose. He wiped the tip of his nose with the back of his hand.      "Have I got it?? " he asked                                        
"yea" you said laughing
   He hadn't got it but you thought you'd have a little fun and let him believe that he had.            
"Y/N I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to come back to the Gryffindor common room once we've got back to the castle instead of going back to yours? " he asked                                             "Yea sure I'd like that" you said smiling and trying to surprise your laughter at the fact that he still had butter beer froth on the end of his nose luckily he didn't notice.   
After about 3 rounds of butter beer you both decided to head back to the Gryffindor common room.                                                            "Do you think your friends will be ok with me in your common room considering I'm a Slytherin? " you asked George                       "Of course they will! " George said surprised      
"Are you sure? . You don't think I'll make anyone uncomfortable do you? " you asked      
George half absent mindedly threaded his hand through yours and said "I promise no one is going to mind"
He noticed that he had taken your hand in his and let go immediately                               
"sorry" he said "I wasn't thinking"                       
"no it's ok" you said grabbing his hand again and looking up at him "I liked it" he down smiled at you holding onto your hand more tightly.
You got to the portrate of the fat lady George stood there and said "shit I forgot the password ummmm.... "
"Daisy's " you said and the door opened George looked at you "how did you... "                
"overheard one of the prefects telling Neville the other day" you said smiling                             
"you're amazing" he said awestruck "after you" he gestured 
You walked in and looked around                             
"oh my god it's so much nicer in here, the Slytherin common room is shit compared to this " you said amazed. George laughed            "I'm glad you like it , come on " he put his hand on the small of your back and guided you to the sofa. He sat down and you sat next to him he put an arm around you and you leant into him
"Ah is this the lovely Y/N? " Fred said coming over to you and George offering you a welcoming smile he sat beside you and you offered to shake his hand. He took your hand but jumped back immediately. You and George shook with laughter   
"Electric shock ring" you said wheezing "got it from Zonko's"  . Fred grinned at you then looked at George                                              "I like this one" he said then he looked at you "welcome to the family"
He looked at George again and then furrowed his brows slightly looking at the froth still on his nose. "Geo.." He started but then stopped as you put a finger to your lips and mouthed "don't tell him"   he winked at you understanding the assignment
Luckily George didn't notice this interaction as he was too occupied with the arrival of Harry, Ron, Hermione and, Ginny.
"Hi Y/N" Ginny said as though you had been friends for years
"Hi Ginny " you said smiling kindly at her
"Oh yea sorry hi to everyone else as well " you added
"Hi" Hermione said sitting down opposite to you  
   "Hi" Ron said sitting next to Hermione
"Hi" Harry said coldly sitting on the other side of Hermione which was a mistake because as soon as he sat down Hermione elbowed him hard in the ribs
"Ow what did you do that for? " he said to Hermione
"Because you need to watch your tone not every Slytherin is an asshole " Hermione said pointedly
"It's ok I get it"  You said looking down "I guess.... Not everyone knows how amazing I am " you said putting the back of your hand to your forehead and pretending to faint onto George.
Everyone laughed and Harry let out a sort of snort of laughter
Hermione elbowed him again looking at him pointedly. He rolled his eyes"Sorry" he said half hartedlh "i guess you don't seem too bad"
"Don't seem too bad! " you exclaimed looking scandalized "What treachery is this? " you said looking to George wide eyed and offended
"Why my lady, I do not know! " George said playing along       "Alright I take it back your amazing" Harry said laughing at the shared ridiculousness you and George had. He was still a bit cold towards you after that but eventually he warmed up to you and stopped being an ass.
Somehow Fred had managed to tell the others not to mention the butter beer froth without George noticing. So after an hour or so of just the 7 of you talking George said
"Why do you lot keep staring at the tip of my nose ? "
"No reason " Fred said innocently                            
"pffftt yea right" George said sarcastically. He got up to look in the mirror just above the fire place he turned around and looked at you.
"You little shit" he said "you told me I got it" he said wiping the froth off of his nose
You and the others laughed
"So you're telling me that for the past 4 hours I've had this shit on my face"
You and the others were now histerically laughing at Georges pissed off face
"Yep" you said grinning at him maliciously.He came over to you grabbed a pillow and threw it at you. You caught it and threw it back hitting him square in the face. This kick started off a big pillow fight between the 7 of you. You ran up into the boys dorm as George ran after you with a particularly big pillow. You managed to get up there 15 seconds before he did. You grabbed a pillow off of one of the beds and drew the curtains around the bed but hid underneath the bed knowing that you could ambush George when he opened up the curtains on the 4 poster bed.
George came up with his pillow and (predictably) went straight to the bed with the curtains closed. He ripped open the curtain and lept onto the bed expecting to find you there. You shot out from underneath the bed and ambushed him. He flipped onto his back and held his arms above his face laughing. You were almost straddling him with both your knees either side of him you were hovering just above him. After a couple of hits you threw the pillow to the side and put both of your hands either side of his head panting slightly.
"Accepts defeat! " You told him grinning              
"never! " he said and flipped the two of you, so he was above you.
"Ha" he said
"ugh shut up" you groaned                                        
"make me " he started smirking                            
"fine" you replied. You trapped the back of his neck and brought his lips crashing down onto yours.
You kissed him passionately and to your surprise after a couple of seconds he kissed you back with just as much passion .
He reacted instantly and within seconds his hands were trailing down your body and stopping  at your hips, his thumbs caressing them.
He pulled away from the kiss , flustered and slightly pink in the cheeks.
You both felt it now ,the definite sexual tension between the two of you, he was already half hard and you were begginng to get wet a dull ache that needed to be cured setting between your legs. You both knew what was gonna happen next. And things became more serious as the sexual tension built up.
He looked into your eyes "This ok? " he asked not wanting to do anything without your permission (COZ CONSENT IS FIT)
He uooked his thumbs into the band of your jeans to indicate what he meant, not that he needed to though.
You nodded your head
"Words sweetheart. I won't do anything without verbal consent " he said slightly cautiously
"George? "
"Ruin me" you whispered seductively
His lips smashed down onto yours as you both made out passionately. He brought his knee up and settled it between your legs putting the much needed pressure on your aching (and now dripping wet) pussy.
"George please" you said breathlessly, wanting more.
He took action heeding your request and gradually you began to undress each other as you continued to kiss.
George stopped the kiss his hands on your bra clasp. He looked in you again, looking for consent. You gave a small nod and he took off your bra (with a tiny bit of difficulty) and threw it to the side. He stared at you completely dumb struck
"You're fucking gorgeous" he said kissing the valley between your breasts
You chuckled your breath hitching slightly at the contact "you're not to bad yourself" you said staring at his abs
He grinned and started kissing his way down your body. He stopped came back up and began to knead your breasts with his hands.
You let out a soft breathy moan, which spurred him on further. You had very sensitive breasts so every touch felt like heaven. He began to play with your nipples alternating between sucking on your right nipple and kneeding your left breast one minute then sucking on your left nipple and kneeding your right breast the next minute.
After about 5 minutes of this he moved back up to your lips and began making out with you again, eagerly you met his lips and kissed him back. His moved away from your lips slowly kissing his way along your jawline and finding the sweet spot on your neck and sucking on it leaving a (very dark) hickey behind and making you moan softly at the sensation.
After making a few more (noticeable) hickeys on your neck, he slowly kissed his way down your body keeping eye contact with you the whole time. When he got to your knickers ((panties if you're American)) he asked
"May I? "
"Yes" you said "please,... Be my guest"
He smiled and took your knickers ((again panties if you're American)) off and spread your legs gently with his hands. He looked you in the eyes before dipping down and slowly licking the length of your pussy. You let out a moan and thread your hands through his hair, not to push him just to have your hands there.
"Fucking gorgeous girl" he said, more to himself but it made you blush nonetheless
After a few more slow licks, he started to speed up. Focusing on your sensitive clit he alternated between circles and flicking your clit with his tongue. Every now and again he dipped his tongue into your cunt and tested your hole. He would start and stop his actions alternatively so when he started again it was a pleasant surprise that made moans and profanities spring from your mouth. You noticed you were coming close to your orgasm and chased it, you began to slightly buck your hips into him whilst your moans and the string of pleas' and sweet nothings became more frequent and louder . He lapped at your pussy faster and your moans were now just endless strings .
You felt a knot forming in your stomach as he focused all of his attention onto your bundle of nerves
"Gorge... " you moaned out your hands curling into his hair
He seemed to understand and started sucking on your clit and brought up two long slender digits and began to pump two fingers into your (now drenched and dripping) pussy. You felt the knot get tighter and tighter until it almost snapped.
Just as you we're about to cum George stopped much to your dismay
"George please" you whimpered
"Shhhh I've got you love " he cooed as he brought your legs up onto his shoulders and used one hand to arch your back wonderully. He delved back into his actions faster than before and your nerve ending we're deliciously tingling, every part of your body tingling in anticipation. The new position brought you onto new levels pleasure and after another minute off all this the coil that had been getting tighter and tighter and tighter finally snapped.
You tilted your head head back letting out a loud moan your thighs shook around his head . He continued his actions relentlessly and you were sure he sped up.
"Fuck George I can't.. " you whimpered, begging to get overestimated
He lifted his head his chin covered in your juices, "c'mon love give me another one you can do that for me can't you? "
"Okay" you said
"Good girl" he said as he went straight back to his assault on your pussy.
He pushed up a bit with his hand, arching your back more as he hummed into your pussy sending vibrations through your body. It didn't take long for you to cum again as you were still extremely sensitive from your last orgasm.
The coil snapped again and you came, hard, your thighs shaking again and your hands gripping onto the bed sheets and you let out a string of (almost pornographic) moans, praises and profanities.
He slowed his actions wanting to fully milk you of your orgasm before stopping and wiping his ching with his fingers and then sucking them clean.
"God you taste amazing" he stated almost dreamily
Panting you said  "you're good, like.... Really good"
He grinned and replied "it's only going to get better from here"
"Fuck I don't know if I can come again" you said uncertain as you were already overstimulated
He moved back up to your dance and put a finger underneath the tip of your chin and kissed you softly and gently.
"Don't worry love, I'll go gentle with you"
He unbuckled his belt and took his trousers off discarding them somewhere near the foot of the bed on the floor. He pumped himself a couple times before you sat up and moved his hand out the way.
"Let me" you said, wanting to repay the favour
He gave you a nod leaning back onto his elbows and you started pumping him up and down slowly. He hummed in appraisal as you spread up your actions.you leant down and took his cock into your mouth taking him completely
"Fuck" he moaned as he tiled his head back closing his eyes.
Your deal throated him until he nearly came and he put a hand in your hair stopping your actions
"Keep going like that and I'll finish before I'm inside of you"
You stopped and sat back up and he did to before leaning over to get a condom out of the draw on the night stand.
"Wrap it before you tap it" he grinned and slid the condom on his dick
You laughed lightly. He put his hand on your hips gliding you to lay down and you complied and one again he was on top of you.
He hovered over you his penis at your entrance
"You ready? "  he asked cautiously
In answer to this you flipped the two of over so you were on top and you slid onto his dick, completely bottoming out the both of you letting out a loud mian. You gave your self a minute adjusting to his size, he was a bit bigger than  the guys you've been with before.
"I take that as a yes" he said breathless pleasantly surprised by your actions
You began to ride his dick your hands ghosting his soft ripple of abs. You were slow at first then gradually became faster. You were both letting out streams of moans and saying sweet nothings to each other as you both neared your climax.He became needy and he started to thrust his hips up to meet yours and you started thrusting in sync.
He bought his hand to your pussy to stimulate your puffy overused clit further with his fingers and in return you kissed him slightly biting his bottom lip with the overstimulation of pleasure , your hand threading through his hair, almost massaging his head.
As you both neared your climax your motions became sloppy and out of sync. He came first , groaning out your name as you continued your actions until you came every nerve in your body deliciously burning, your pussy clenching around his dick as pleasure harshly ripples through you as you cane for the 3rd time that night just this time you came around his cock moaning out his name in vice versa.
You collapsed beside him both of you panting. "Best. Ive. Ever. Had" he stated firmly threading his hand through yours and interlocking your fingers.
"You took the words right out of my mouth" you replied
After about 5 minutes of the two of you you just laying there catching your breath and restoring your heart rates to normal he sat up.
"I'm gonna go clean up in the shower..... Care to join" he said"I would love to" you replied
------------------------------time skip :)---------------------------------
After the two of you showered and dried yourselves off (he mostly took care if you since you could barely walk)  you walked (actually he carried you bridal style) back into the dorm.
"You can borrow some of my Pj's if you want" he offered placing you gently on the bed and pulling out to pairs of PJ's
"You want me to stay the night? " you asked surprised
"Umh..... Yea! Obviously" he said as though it was the most abvious thing in the world
You grinned "chuck us the PJ's then"
He laughed throwing them to you "Y/N you can stay any night you want"
"Thanks" you replied putting on his PJ's. Obviously they were too bug for you but you didn't didn't mind as they were comfy. You both got into his bed (him spooning you from behind) and you both fell asleep after about another half hour of just talking about nothing.
A/N: second time writing smut I'm pretty sure it's shit but who cares. If you have constructive criticism PLEASE feel free to comment thank you so much for reading and please request because I'm bored.
Love from me ❤❤
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draco-dormiens · 1 year
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draco x fem!ravenclaw reader / postwar au series
warnings: angst, strong language, a little steamy
wc: 2287
pls let me know if you want to be tagged!! if your name is bold, i couldn't tag your blog :( tags at the end ♡
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Chapter Seventeen - Hope is a Heartache
"To do what, exactly? Upset her even more?" Hermione snaps, and Draco lets go of her wrist.
"I should scold you for making my friend suffer," she goes on to say, "do you have any idea how hard tonight is for her? What makes you think I'll allow you to make it worse?"
Draco stands, speechless. Hermione is heaving, her eyes hard and cold. He knows the look all to well. He lets out a deep, defeated sigh.
"Please," he pleads quietly, a tone Hermione has never heard before, "please. Let me go after her."
Hermione steadies her breathing, and straightens her posture.
"What are you planning," she asks cooly.
"I just want to talk to her," Draco says sincerely, "that's all. I don't want to hurt her anymore."
"I'm afraid it's too late for that," Hermione mutters, "the damage is very much done, Malfoy."
"She's told you everything then, huh?" he chuckles sadly.
"As if she wouldn't," says Hermione.
It fell quiet for a few seconds. Hermione could see the turmoil in Draco's features. Momentarily she feels for him and the weight he must be carrying. Just then, from the corner of her eye, she spots Edward frantically looking around the entrance to the Great Hall.
"Go," Hermione speaks quickly, ushering Draco to move, "I'll distract Edward."
"Thanks, Granger-"
"Don't thank me," Hermione spits as she hurries towards the bewildered Ravenclaw boy. Draco could hear her telling Edward that Y/N isn't feeling too well, and that she just needs some time to gather her thoughts.
He rushes through the castle, panicking that you've retreated to your dorm and out of his reach. He makes haste towards the tower, thinking it must be where you've ran off to. Draco opens every door he comes across, skidding around each corner. When he passes the girls toilets, he hears a soft sob coming from within. He takes the chance, not caring who might see him running into the girls lavatory. The quiet whimpers echo in the dark space, and Draco comes to a halt. 
"Y/N?" He speaks out, his voice sounding like thunder against the silence. The sobs stop, and a few fleeting seconds pass. One of the toilet doors open, and out steps you.
"Why?" is all you say, beautiful eyes filled with tears. The shadow of the door hides your face, but he can see them glistening in the moonlight. Draco rushes to embrace you, but you step back into the dark. He takes a cautious step backwards.
"What happened back there," he asks gently, but you just shake your head.
"Nothing that concerns you," you mutter quietly. Draco fills with frustration yet again.
"Did he do something?"
"Draco, please," you whimper from the dark, "just go. Astoria will wonder where you've gone."
Silence yet again protrudes the atmosphere. A slight drip from a tap echos in the night as if it were a mighty waterfall. Draco runs his hand through his neat hair.
"Y/N," his voice cuts through the quiet, "can we talk? Please?"
Finally, you emerge from the darkness. Even though your eyes are red and cheeks wet, Draco still thinks you're the most beautiful person he's ever had the pleasure of knowing. His eyes scan your features, the spill of moonlight allowing him to bask in your beauty.
"Talking won't change anything, Draco." You whisper, and he moves to swipe a tear from your cheek. You let him do so.
"You look beautiful tonight," he whispers back, choosing to ignore the truth you spoke, "a true picture."
"Thanks," you swallow hard, moving away from the hand on your cheek. His heart hurts.
"I understand tonight has been difficult-"
You scoff, cutting him off as you aggressively wipe the tears from your eyes.
"Oh, please," you choke, "you know nothing, Draco. If you really must know why I'm sobbing in the loo, Edward tried to kiss me and I ran. I feel like the worst person on earth. None of this is his fault and I left him standing there like an idiot."
A new wave of hot fury enters Dracos veins. It's wrong, he tells himself, to be so wound up, but the sheer thought makes his stomach drop to his feet. He tenses, hands curling into fists, and he wants to go back a lay one right in Chambers face. He has no right to be so mad, and yet, he simply cannot stop himself.
"Are you serious?" He says lowly. You let out an annoyed sigh.
"Yes," you spit, eyes locking with his again, noticing how his have changed completely, "and you have no right to look so infuriated about it. I'm not your girlfriend."
That only pushes him further. His chest begins to heave slightly.
"I'm very aware of that fact," he says, his voice now dangerously low, "and yet, the thought of him anywhere near you makes me feel physically sick."
"This is your choice," you yell at him, voice bouncing off the walls, "we're in this sitatuion because of you, Draco," you take a sharp breath in, throat aching from the sheer volume you just spoke at, and his face is a picture of devastation. He stands, staring back at you as a broken man, his eyes glazed over with a white-hot rage.
"As if I need reminding," his voice does not raise, but stays at that low level, and the sound of it sends a cold shiver down your spine. He steps forwards, coming to hover above you, and you almost cower at his presence, "I haven't done this by choice," he goes on to say, "and yeah, it might be selfish, but I want you. So bad, and if Chambers had-" he stops himself and takes a breath, "I can't help it. You're just... everything."
It stings like salt in a wound. The reality of how far apart you are is incomprehensible. You want to shout and rage about how unfair the world is, but from the look in his eyes, he's already doing that inside his head.
"I'm everything except for the right person," you then say, voice wobbly, "I'm not a pureblood, I'm not one of your mothers favourites, and I'm certainly not good enough to be a Malfoy."
Draco pauses.
"Is that what you really think?" Draco's face is a look of pure shock, "that's fucking stupid."
"Is it?" you then yell again, "because before we started whatever this is," you gesture wildly between the two of you, "you hated people like me. It was bore into you, and deep down that's the reason you chose Astoria over me."
"Again with the fucking choosing," Draco then yells back at you, "no one's choosing anything, you know why this is happening."
"Because you don't have the guts to stand up to your mother, that's why this is happening."
The volume of your voices could rattle the glass in the window frames. Echoing in the dark, melancholy bathroom, the pain you were both battling through was spilling out of your mouths.
"This isn't entirely me," Draco then paces forwards, forcing you to back up, "you gave up before we'd even started. You were the one who said we needed space."
"That's rich, coming from you," you spat venomously, "I only said that because I had to."
He's inches from you now, your faces almost touching, your back against the cold stone wall. The sound of shouting voices was replaced with heavy breathing, and Draco's eyes were onyx, a mixture of frustration and pure want. The tension was building, the air becoming thick, as he inches even closer, brushing his lips over yours. "Please," you mutter, and he wasted no time. Within one swift second, his lips were on yours.
Large hands come to grip your waist, pulling you against him. His lips were soft, smooth, and felt like heaven against yours. You relax into his embrace, kissing him back with fervour. He moans softly into your mouth, sending a wave of electricity throughout your entire body. His hands wander, and you let them, touching, tracing, squeezing gently at your hips, and finally, one moves to cup your neck, pulling you impossibly closer. It's as if he can't get enough of you, the taste of the sparkling drink on your lips, the feeling of your body under his touch. His mind begins to wander to a sultry place, and as if you read his thoughts, your teeth bite down gently on his bottom lip. The sound it rips from him is almost feral. Trapping you between his warm body and the cold stone, his lips move from your mouth to your jaw, to your neck, nipping gently as you breathe his name. His movements falter ever so slightly at the sound, and a tiny, breathless moan resonates against your skin. What felt like forever was in fact only a few fleeting minutes when Draco's grey-blue eyes finally meet yours once more, both of you hazy with lust.
"So beautiful," he whispers, fingers now tracing your jaw, "my girl."
You take in a sharp breath, feeling an ache below your abdomen. Never had you felt this intoxicated with someone before, all this pent up frustration was getting the better of you both, and the nearest cubicle was looking like a grand bedroom to you right now.
Then a voice that could dull even the brightest of rooms penetrated the air like an unwelcome chill.
"This is the ladies room, you know."
Draco breaks from you instantly and spins with red lips and flushed cheeks, to be met with the worst person to break up your intimacy.
"Pansy," he breathes, panic flooding every vessel in his body.
He stumbles, trying and failing to ask what she's doing here, and your throat closes up as soon as you realise who had just seen you both embracing each other.
"I was a little late arriving," she then says airily, strutting forwards as her long fingernails graze the edge of a basin, "my parents don't agree at the best of times, so getting them out of the house together is a real struggle. But, you know all about that, don't you, Dray?"
The nickname tastes like acid in your mouth. She smiles a devilish smile, and you want the ground to swallow you whole. Embarrassment is outweighed by fear, because Pansy Parkinson was a godless woman. Due to her undying love for Draco, her jealous spurts have almost ended the universe several times, and, thanks to you, she had just witnessed her newest vendetta.
"Pansy," Draco says as calmly as possible, "why the hell are you here?"
"Oh, in the ladies bathroom, you mean?" she says, sarcastically, "well, I was only coming here to powder my nose, but it seems I've stumbled across something much more interesting."
Her eyes were gleaming with ill intent. Draco's knuckles were white. You, on the other hand, stood completely still, barely drawing breath.
"Pansy, please turn around and-"
"You're a Ravenclaw, aren't you?" she then says, cutting him off. Her heels click against the tiled floor as she nears you. Draco moves slightly to stop her getting any closer, and her dark eyes slide to meet his, "I remember her. Halfblood, right?"
"Pansy," Draco stresses one last time, his voice shaking with fury, "please, for the love of God, turn around and pretend you saw nothing."
She backs away slowly, stopping to stand and fold her arms, putting her weight onto one hip. She smiles that awful smile once more.
"You're parents don't know, do they?" she then utters slyly. The amusement in her voice is sickening. Then she gasps, dramatically putting her hand to her mouth, "and Astoria?"
"Why the fuck are you even here?" Draco then seethes, louder and more impatient, "McGonagall seriously invited you and your pathetic parents?"
"Now, now," Pansy giggles, "don't get mad with me, Dray. I merely came here for my own personal reasoning. I had no idea you were wooing a halfblood-"
He closes the gap between them, and Pansy lets out a genuine squeak of surprise. You grip your dress in a sorry attempt to ground yourself.
"Listen," Draco's low, dark voice returns, "all I'm asking is that you keep your damn mouth shut."
"Ashamed?" Pansy then whispers, eyebrow quirking. She's braver than she looks.
"Not even close," Draco then mutters back, his fists so tight his nails were digging into skin. Your body feels cold, a sweat trickling down your back. There was no way this could get any worse, but then Draco speaks again, "this woman is everything to me, and if you try and hurt her, I swear to God I will ruin your life, Parkinson. Don't forget, I know you too well."
Pansy swallows thickly, her mouth turning into a sour frown. A few suffocating seconds pass.
"Like I'd gain anything from telling," she then spits, "I'll keep your dirty little secret, Draco. Besides, wouldn't want your mother finding out how you chose to spend your free time."
She gives you a look that most certainly could kill a man, and you feel yourself physically shaking. Pansy locks eyes with Draco one last time, before turning on her heel and storming out of the bathroom like a scolded child. The silence once she disappears is deafening.
"It's okay," you manage to croak, "you don't need to say anything."
"She won't. She might be a snake, but for me she'd keep her mouth shut." Draco looks frantic, eyes all over your face. He was panicking, trying to convince himself that Pansy wouldn't betray him.
"This isn't about me," you say, concerned, "this is about you and your parents shunning you for a life time, over me of all people."
"Don't say that," he said, coming to cup your face in his hands, "they can do what they want to me. I just don't want you getting hurt anymore."
Even when his worst nightmare was close to becoming a reality, he was still all about you.
"Draco," you smile faintly, taking his hands from your face, "you're always thinking of others, and never yourself," you hold his hands in yours and press a gentle kiss to his face, "please, for me, think of your own feelings for once."
You make him feel so loved, so wanted, and if he could stay in this toilet forever he would. Your shiny eyes, gentle touches and kind words are all he needs to feel safe in this world. He presses his forehead to yours, and closes his eyes contently.
He wishes he had the courage to stay here.
"It's not fair," he whispers, and silent tears run one after the other down his cheeks.
"Life isn't fair," you then whisper to him, nudging your nose against his, "but I like to think that, maybe, in another lifetime, we're happy somewhere. Together."
There's a comfortable silence between you.
"Do you think Pansy will do anything?" He then mutters to you, clearly still worrying, and you bring him into a hug. He holds you impossibly close.
"I don't think she has the guts," you laugh lightly, but it's still sad, and deep down you're fearing the exact same thing, "Draco, you have more power over this situation than you think, and Pansy has no proof. I doubt your mother would believe her babbling."
He nuzzles into your shoulder. You're not sure if you even believe yourself, but Draco's body is relaxed in your embrace, and even if your words are fragile enough to snap, they did their purpose.
"At least I finally got to kiss you," he mumbles, and you smile through trickling tears.
"We better get cleaned up, Draco. Our dates will be waiting for us and we don't want to cause anymore suspicion," you say softly, breaking from him.
Before he can say anymore, you're stroking his cheek one last time and waltzing out of the bathroom, but not without one more look back at him. Draco remains frozen to the spot, unable to move a muscle. Both his longing desire and worst nightmare had come to fruition within moments of each other. Eventually he wipes his eyes on the sleeve of his jacket and leaves the bathroom, entering the hallway to hear the faint sound of music drifting through the castle. He has no intention of heading back to Astoria, so instead, he shoves his hands into his pockets and heads for the outer grounds of the school.
The night air is cold. The grounds are bathed in a golden light from the castle windows, and he walks the path down to the Quidditch pitch. No one will be there at this hour, surely. He walks into the entrance. The stands are bare, showing the wooden skeleton of the arena. He halts once he reaches the middle of the pitch. It's silent. The distant hoot of an owl sounds as he stares at the stand you were sitting in during his practice. Life isn't fair, you said. Isn't that just the truth, he wonders. He then turns his attention to the sky and the stars that litter the inky blackness, and thinks back to your days stargazing in the tower. An overwhelming sadness protrudes him, as he takes a deep breath and mutters to the heavens;
"Aunt Bella, please pick on someone else for once."
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disclaimer: i do not own hp or any of the characters in this story
dividers from: @firefly-graphics & @happy-ash-edits
@lovesanimals0000 @cappgyuccino @lightning1ce @onlygetaway @honeyyypeach @namelesslosers @ghostyv @mikadorbs @redactedhimbo @morganadpl @scarecrowscaresthomas @camille-1019 @valkyrie418 @animeloverfreak310 @budugu @marplest @torresbarnes @bunny24sstuff @champagneesupernova @serafilms @siriusly-parker-main @lovely-maryj @i-bitch-you-bitch @astablacksword @sun-fiower-seed @tinafuentes @venusjustleft @omgitstatertot t @aangsupremacy @ilovezy @leclerc16s @aslanvez @talesofadragon @hnyusui @3vasaur @the-skys-musical-echo @yeolsbubbles @idk-dolans @xx-kiraa-xx @sunbruized @vinkiesz @snickersmee @fandomrulesall-blog @astheraa @idkatee @marsanhwa @vintageoldfashion @63sucker @j-n-i-c-o-l-e @born2222die @anarchistsons
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nightwhispcrs · 8 months
— valentines ball mini event starter call under the cut ; dont be shy !! 3 starter cap per mun , pls . if you want to plot anything for our event thread / if any of these blurbs give you an idea , dm me after requesting the starter ! otherwise i will be writing them random .
**if we have blind dates , i will dm you about plotting and which of us writes the starter , so please don't request those here .
adam newman , 33 yrs — ( 3/3 ) dru , maggie , olenna
adam will be his usual flirty , gossip-y self . coming from the soap opera world , the relationship drama the revolves around valentines day is his wheelhouse , so feel free to unload your tea on his ear at the bar and let him help you form revenge plans . ( date : olenna tyrell )
arnold novak , 28 yrs — ( 2/2 ) jester , shen wei
being on a blind date with a stranger is one of arnold's worst social nightmares , so please distract him with anything you can . a dance , illicit substances , some gossip , or whatever else your heart desires . he will however be very engrossed and excited to view the exhibits and will probably be using them to avoid social interaction . it's canon that he's a BIG fan of butterflies , so catch them there . ( blind date : shen wei )
charlie dalton , 26 yrs — ( 1/3 ) neil
they're having the time of their life . still in denial about the feelings he has for his best friend , so charlie will be running around being a menace . probably trying to break into anything and everything that they shouldn't , and probably carrying around a couple flasks of mysterious liquor . ( "platonic" date : neil perry )
craig manning , 23 yrs — ( 0/2 )
on a date with his boyfriend , but craig can either get involved in some chaos or lend an ear to someone who needs it . he's sober , so can take care of anyone who's been a bit .. less than sober . you may find him around the insect exhibits ? fell like he'd think bugs are interesting . ( date : j.t. yorke )
eli joseph stock , 22 yrs — ( 1/2 ) auden
on a date with their partner , but will be quietly strolling through the exhibits as well . probably spending most of their time in ocean hall . they're from a beach town , so feels like home . a bit skeptical of valentines and pda in general , but will withhold judgement to themself . ( date : auden west )
fred flintstone , 40 yrs — ( 1/2 ) meredith
he's pining for nigel and in denial . also , seeing his dinosaur pets as skeletons is scarring and upsetting , so he's really having a hell of a time . ( blind date : meredith grey )
irina denali , 28 yrs — ( 3/3 ) bella , vic , cindy moon
moody and broody but still a beauty . she'll use this as an opportunity to dress up and look absolutely stunning , and she'll be quietly observing everyone's relationship drama . being 'immortal' yet having died , mummies kind of freak her out so she'll prob be over there . ( blind date : belle french )
jack shephard , 35 yrs — ( 1/2 ) hannibal
if anyone needs medical assistance , jack can help ya out . otherwise , he'll probably be sipping a gin beverage as he strolls through the exhibits . it's rare he spends time just hanging out in museums for fun . the polar bear will prob trigger some memories from back home ... you might catch him trying to hide a spiral . ( date : michael corleone )
katniss everdeen , 22 yrs — ( 3/3 ) rue , a-xiang , peeta
please let this person live and have a good time for a night . i might allow katniss to just have a nice time and enjoy a romantic evening , in love once again . i don't trust the admins with a peaceful evening *eyes emoji* but ... we'll see how things pan out . ( date : peeta mellark )
lee jordan , 28 yrs — ( 2/2 ) wei wuxian , hongjo
distract lee from the very secret feelings he's rekindled towards draco . let him get caught up in your drama , or run around with him causing trouble as he whines about how very very single he is . expect him to pry about your love life for his podcast - he loves gossip . ( unofficial hate-date : draco malfoy )
max goodwin , 34 yrs — ( 1/2 ) carlisle
my medical director doesn't get much time to relax , so he's enjoying this night . max is very very friendly and will be genuinely interested in meeting and getting to know knew people . a very curious mind , expect him to share some good advice while gazing at the exhibits .
michael guerin , 31 yrs — ( 3/3 ) qingge , childe , tatia
being at museums like this is kind of horrifying for michael , because as a secret alien , michael's biggest fear is that the government will find him out and he'll end up himself as an exhibit in this place . also he's single and lonely - what's new - so he'll be drinking his worries away and gawking at the "human origins " . ( blind date : tatia )
monica geller , 27 yrs — ( 1/2 ) laurie
looking hot and stressed . don't think for a second that monica has forgotten how violent and chaotic balls of the past have been in washington . she'll be doing her best to stay present , but she's going to be waiting for something terrible to happen at any moment . ( "platonic" date : laurie strode )
naomi pierce , 34 yrs — ( 2/2 ) junyi , kendall
girly is looking like a 100/10 and will be happy to share some champagne and relationship advice . events , galas , museums , etc. are commonplace to her so she's in her usual public-facing-mask element . she probably wants some of the gems on display . ( date : kendall roy )
parvati patil , 22 yrs — ( 1/2 ) cho
she's feeling mischievous but doesn't know where to place that energy . eeriely familiar feelings of a ball are haunting her , but parvati doesn't have her memories of hogwarts back yet so she won't know why . will probably take this opportunity to make new friends or flirt . ( blind date : cerridwen )
ramona flowers , 25 yrs — ( 1/2 ) ellie
ramona is , of course , very open to being messy and kissing someone other than their date . they're very open to anything , actually , and they're not above putting some graffiti on some priceless artifacts . ( blind date : tigris snow )
reid oliver , 37 yrs — ( 1/2 ) brennan
dr . reid thinks this entire social event is a huge waste of time , but he is a biggg fan of the free food . for someone who makes as much money as him , a neurosurgeon , he really should have a better palate and spend money on quality food , but he loves free stuff . plus he's looking pretty good in a suit . ask him for a dance if you want , but he'll definitely deny you /: sorry he's a dance-hating bitch . ( blind date : brennan sorrengail )
richie jerimovich , 42 yrs — ( 2/3 ) nat , bellatrix
i bet you've never seen a man this drunk and messy looking this good in a suit before . if you want him to stop rambling about his former drunk adventures back home , just kiss him or something . ( blind date : bellatrix black )
robin buckley , 24 yrs — ( 2/2 ) nancy , maya
they're very excited to be on a date with a very pretty girl !! you might catch her freaking out in the bathroom about it tho . she's also very very impressed by all of the pretty things on display . plus she's looking cute in her vintage dress . ( blind date : maya hart )
roman roy , 36 yrs — ( 2/2 ) tatum , tyrell
will be judging everyone's attire , relationship , and the quality of the alcohol at the bar . but he'll look good while doing it ! he really doesn't understand consequences of actions , so feel free to pull my chaotic man into anything . ( date : tyrell wellick )
tucker mccall , 45 yrs — ( 1/2 ) ceres
mr. wildcard homewrecking gossip king himself . will certainly insert himself into anyone's relationship drama given the opportunity . if you want to flirt , gossip , or have any deep conversations about the meaning of life , he's your guy . ( blind date : ceres vurith )
zahra bankston , 40 years — ( 2/2 ) alex , qui-gon jinn
she's the director of national intelligence , so i promise if you're doing anything stupid , zahra already knows and it isn't getting past her . she's enjoying this time to bump elbows with washington's elite though , so whether she actually says or does anything at this very moment is another story . also , you bet she's looking absolutely incredible . ( blind date : qui-gon jinn )
zoe rivas , 24 years — ( 1/2 ) annabeth
wrapped up in a beautiful gown , zoe will be ready to mingle or invite you to dance . they'll probably be in the darker rooms centering around electricity and the night sky because it's more calming and beautiful than the main floors swarmed with the entire city . ( blind date : abigail mckinnon )
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zombu7 · 2 years
imagine omegaverse pottercest ...
harry being a cute omega (he and ginny, an alpha, divorced years ago) that works, he's either a professor or head of the auror division, and takes care of the home. james and albus are alphas and are both panting after harry, and get into fights over it all the time. but only when they're at harry's house, since his scent, which is everywhere, gets them riled up. whenever harry intervenes, they have to lie about the cause of the fight because they can't just say 'we both wanna breed your hole' LMAO
and imagine that they get increasingly more daring with their dad. one of them steals a piece of his clothing (maybe something from his heat👀) and uses it to wank.
they get really horny over the idea of harry doing household chores too. just watching him cook while they sit down at the dining table, thinking 'this is where he should be', while also imagining bending him over the counter and railing him.
and when harry's in heat, or even pre-heat, they literally lose their minds. can't be anywhere near harry because they'll probably take and mate him
they're both uber territorial over harry, like to an obnoxious degree. they chase away all of harry's suitors and complain that 'aren't we enough dad? why do you always have to go looking for some weak alpha when we can take care of you😢?'. so when harry brings home draco or someone else one time to meet them, they act super hostile, and the man lowkey suspects they're jealous. but when he tells harry, harry insists that he's letting his own jealousy cloud his perception. harry also tells him they can't go out anymore, as he can't date someone his children don't approve of, as they're the top priority in his life. when the man leaves, james and albus are just glaring smugly over harry's head and hugging harry. harry is none-the-wiser
I have so many ideas for this pairing, you are a godsend for picking it up as well! your art is gorgeous <3
I’d read this so bad pls I neeeeed it omggg single omega dilf hp being Gatekept by his sons and hawwy being none the wiser is so hot fuck 😭🫶
Al and James having some sort of shaky truce whenever there’s someone else besides Just then that are after their dad 🤭 each other they can totally handle as much as it annoys the alpha inside them but the moment an Outsider tries to claim whats theirs they will not have Any of it!!
Also I think itd be soo funny if Lily luna (beta) is the only sane one in their family watching all this unfold rolling her eyes meanwhile ginny is watching how obsessed they are with HP every time she visits like “huh. They really ARE my sons 🥰… but that’s concerning 😦”
Just… Albus and James guilt tripping their dad is sooo good and Harry knows that sometimes he can be harsh, he’s never had a proper dad before so he wouldn’t know, and he just wants what’s best so he really will let his sons do whatever to him 🤭🤭🤭
Thank you so much for bringing this brainrot back to me JFBFBDV I LOVE ALL OF THIS I’ll call u the a/b/o pottercest anon haha
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ahqkas · 4 months
hiho! good morning, i hope ur doing well and eaten breakfast!
I GENUINELY THINK that draco teases ron for being 'obsessed' with the slytherins, namely his gang LOL!! ron would be glaring at them at the other side of the room and they'd be minding their business,, (they're the reason why he cant focus fr) ,, ooh, go on ahead! reading it is fantastic HAHAHA, but i wont spoil!! the books are in english for me c:
YOURE SO RIGHT.. mattheo definitely had second thoughts when he joined the friend group, intentionally side-eyeing them and judging them in his mind,, i hc that the whole friend group started bc draco was like "guys were purebloods lets be friends fr!!" but everyone had their skepticism and reluctances, but they still managed to tie and bond together <33 for me personally i see them as the found family trope ykyk, they gossip and trash talk ppl (probably.. HELP) and they'd be doing some side quests !! mattheo would be quite hesitant for a while due to his attachment issues, theo's probably the one inviting him because "come on dude!! live a little!!",, but rlly, i think what makes me grow fond abt their dynamic is their shared bond. they all experienced trauma, and that's like their mutual bond-- they're each other's family and home, the one they've been missing their whole lives ykyk..
ooh i have seen the movies, but its been a while lol, but i'll see to it!! share ur hcs pls :0
anww, i hope ur having fun and resting well! take care of urself always ^^ - c: anon
good morning angel 🫶🏻 thank you i hope you do too ! i should reread at least the main part in the chamber of secrets so i know how to form these hcs bc i want them as accurate as possible 😭 “oi, weasley! a bit obsessed with us, aren’t you 😏” “shut it, malfoy🤬🤬 !!!” i love this beef between them sm helpppp
it’s so ironic with the pureblood thing bc mattheo is half blood considering voldermort is one as well 😭😭 draco was probably told by lucius that he should befriend the dark lord’s son so they’ll get on their good side && draco went with it but after some time he actually grew to like the presence of the riddle heir , YES the found family trope !!! that’s so them , they find comfort in each other after all the trauma they got / are getting through
soo i think snape would be more reserved towards mattheo , as he’s both slytherin and voldemort’s son , yk he wouldn’t take house points from him even if he caught him beating life out of someone and if mattheo managed to get a detention from snape , the professor wouldn’t make him clean toilets and other nasty stuff like this . and yk how he was tasked to watch over draco in the 6th movie? i think snape would be tasked to watch over mattheo as well but for a completely different reason and that is so people like dumbledore or mcgonagall won’t try to turn him against the dark side
i look forward to hearing ur thoughts ! <3
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itoshi-s · 2 years
*inhale* hello zari😫🥹I MISSED U SOOO!!! i hope you’ve been having a lovely holidays and staying toasty warm ! i wanted to drop by and *ahem* give you some thirst over slytherin! rin to warm up your brain hehe
slytherin! rin who’s a pompous pure blood that struts the halls of hogwarts in confidence. you’d think he’d be 100x worse than draco malfoy and join in on the dreadful boy’s torture on poor neville but instead, the boy sneers at his fellow slytherin, “preying on the weak shows how incompetent you are malfoy.”
walking hastily away from the scene rin rolls his eyes in annoyance over his peers, how could they pay such wasteful attention to something lowly such as bullying as a means for entertainment and show of power he’ll never know, he’d much rather focus on his studies to prepare to take over his family’s business as an itoshi heir, and to also kick gryffindor ass since he (not to brag, but he thinks it deserves bragging rights) not only took position of seeker, much to isagi’s dismay, he’s far in too deep to take a rest now.
in the midst of his thoughts he fails to watch where he was going and bumps into a… less taller individual, hearing the small “oof” of them he skids to a halt and looks down to see you. the bright yellow of your house’s scarf showcasing your hufflepuff pride you rub your arm in attempt to soothe the slight ache from bumping into itoshi rin.
“ah i’m sorry! i should’ve moved out the way since you in such a hurry! are you o-“
“no need to apologize.” he mutters, trying to keep a straight face around you. he’s always like this! WHY? you, who he notices takes care of the flowerbed at the kindness of your heart, you, who always makes sure to have an extra quil ready for him since he always loses them, you, who always offers to be his partner during potions since no one else wanted to ask.
he should think you’re annoying. a nuisance. a pain in his neck. how dare you act like you care for him? was he weak? was he seen as someone who needed help? from no other than a hufflepuff? he should think this way— after all his slytherin pride is on the line. but he can’t. not with you.
he loves how you take care of the flowerbeds when no one else cared to do so, he makes sure the water pail is filled all the way up for you. he loves how you have an extra quil for him, he makes sure your notes are in order since he knows you can be a bit frazzled and misplace them. he loves how you always partner up with him at potions, he’ll make sure to help you with their class work, after all, he’d never partner up with no one else but you.
“rin? riinnn? are you there?” you wave a hand in front of his face, gently smiling to him as you see him break out of his trance. “you okay? didn’t know bumping into me would put you through a different universe.” you mused.
clearing his throat he fixed his posture and (horribly) tried to hide the ever growing blush on his face as he guided you through the busy hallway with a hand on your back, “nonsense, you’re much too light to have affected me physically. besides you need to be more careful.” you raise a brow but let him scold you, “if it wasn’t me who bumped into you someone else surely would’ve pushed you to the floor.”
grinning to yourself you lightly bump your hip to his, “ohhh? itoshi rin is worried about me?”
‘tch’ing’ at you he ruffles your hair and lightly pushes you forward so that you wouldn’t see how RED he was! “merlin you’re insufferable.”
oh he’s got it badddd.
KAAAAAAAAYYYLAAAAAAAAAAAAAA @_@ ohhhhh my god THIS IS GOLD ..... HE'S A SLYTHERIN HE IS !!!!!!! and he makes it look so good ong </3 THE PINING !!! THE CRUSH !!!!!!!!!! he's so cute w a hufflepuff girl too :(((((((( PLS the way this ignited this deep carnal need to reread hp again kjfhakfahk THIS IS SO SWEET i am literally just o_o giggling at work reading this !!!!!!!!!! kayla the queen of all au's i dont make the rules ! >_<
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thehoneybeet · 2 years
three things self-rec
Thank you to @moonflower-rose (3 things here) for the tag, and I thought this might be fun even though I'm terribly late and I actually only have three things posted (lol)!
My most popular fic is Euphoria (2021, 35k), a fic that I wrote for last year's Erised. It's mostly a murder mystery, but also involves Draco and Harry as exes fake-dating, and unraveling the reasons why their prior relationship fell apart. I'm proud of my take on the Department of Mysteries in this one. I loved writing Unspeakable Draco, the pining, inventing my own potion and a villain with a cause :)
If you give it a go please take care and mind the tags, because there are some rough themes in this one. There is a happy ending, though!
Hidden gems:
My hidden gems aren't very hidden. I guess the main one would be plant me in your garden (and watch me grow) (2021, 5.5 k), which is the first completed fic I wrote and posted on ao3. I wrote it in almost a dreamlike state, in present tense. It's set in eighth year, has a limited cast of characters (exactly three), and explores magical theory, plant magic, and gender in a way I'd love to return to someday. I was lucky enough for this one to be recced by the incredible @phoebe-delia here.
The other one is a WIP that I haven't updated since 2021, so I hesitate to rec it. But if you're willing to be patient with me, I haven't forgotten it, and the rest of the story is in here, somewhere. It's Hey Moon (currently around 20k), in which Harry is a newly turned werewolf seeking solace by listening to Draco's incognito nightly radio show.
I also have an anon work (literally hidden) that I can't wait to reveal in due time, which will increase my published fic count to a total of four 😂
I'm just going to assume most people have been tagged already or done this, but if you haven't, this is your sign and pls let me know so I can check them out! but since rules are rules, tagging @amywaterwings @violenttulips @phoebe-delia @the-fools-errand @corvuscrowned @etalice just in case :)
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cyprus-green · 2 years
Dominant!Draco Prompt List
Pairing: Draco x Hermione
TW: BDSM, Kinky, Rough, D/s, DaddyDom, CNC, Degredation, Pregnancy Kink, Teasing, Gentle Dom
🔞 Minors / 18- DNI
What happened to that big brain of yours, Granger?
Too much for you? Too bad.
How very naughty of you.
Who does this belong to?
Can you say, 'please' ?
Shut the fuck up.
Needy, aren't we Granger?
I always get what I fucking want.
So brave, Granger.
Tell me to stop.
Every. Single. Drop.
Wanna make a bet, Granger?
Scared, Granger?
You're perfect. So perfect.
You don't stop until I say.
And what happens to bad girls, Granger?
I. Dont. Care.
Don't move. Don't. Move.
Practice makes perfect, Granger.
Where do you think you're going?
You'll have to do better than that.
You're a virgin?
Don't you fucking dare.
Good Girl
You belong to me, and me alone.
What's wrong? Kneazle got your tongue?
You're so pretty when you cry.
Not done with you yet.
You're going to wear it all day.
I know you need it.
I'm going to ruin you, Granger.
Let the neighbors hear you, Granger.
Oh, fuck me.
You know I can tell when you're lying.
Brats don't get nice things.
Going to get you pregnant.
Don't cry. You know it just gets me hard.
'No', isn't your safeword, now is it.
Lucky for you, I'm feeling generous.
Daddy's not here today.
Look at the mess you made.
Is this funny to you, Granger?
Did you forget who you belong to?
I don't think it's going to fit, Granger.
You'll be the death of me, Witch.
Oh, you want to play games?
Cry all you want. I'm still going to fuck you.
Tsk. Tsk. Where are your manners?
Oh, you'll make such a perfect pet.
I don't care, I'll buy you new ones.
Darling, you're never getting out of here.
Mmm yes, say it again Granger.
Was that enough of an apology for you?
You have everyone fooled. Not me, Granger.
What is a little swot like you doing here?
You think a little blood is going to stop me?
Tell them you're busy servicing your Sir.
This collar means you're my property.
I'm going to take such good care of you, Kitten.
You did so good, Princess.
Send me a prompt number from this in my ASKS and I'll reply with a 100+ word drabble based on it. Pls make sure to say which prompt list you're using. This is Dom!Draco prompt list.
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lidiasloca · 22 days
saw u write for harry potter i dont know if u do but could you write something about draco malfoy i find very little on tumblr of draco x reader thank youu
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when you know, you know
draco malfoy x reader
a/n: send more request for harry potter characters pls loves
summary: a rare potion reveals Draco the name of the love of his life, and, after seeing his reaction, you are eager to know more about how he's made it (and who it is).
It was sad being alone this very day, but you told yourself he would be back home as early as he could. 
You decided to wander through your house as you waited upon his arrival. The thought of seeing his greeting smile already made you overjoyed as you browsed through your messy room.
Your eyes stumbled upon something. It was utter boredom that gave you the urge to open your memories' trunk. It was yours and his secret trunk, filled of things that you didn’t use nor see ever, but you hold them so dear you weren’t able to let go of. 
You opened it and a small wrapped box greeted you. You remembered not seeing that before. But again, it had been a very long time. Curiosity got the best of you, and you proceeded to unwrap it gently. 
And there it was. A simple little flask. A piece of glass so ordinary to everyone. Everyone but you, him, and the walls of Hogwarts potion classroom… 
“What?!” you blurt. 
“I’m telling you, Y/N. Lena from fourth grade has made it!”
“How would a 14-year-old accomplish to make The Curious Hoax? It is known to be nearly impossible.”
Saoirse leans in, a cunning smile blooming in her face. “Exactly,” she whispers in your ear. “Nearly impossible.”
The Curious Hoax. But how?
“Students!” Professor Slughorn cuts your wondering instantly. You and the rest of the students follow his instructions, stepping into the Potions Classroom. “That’s it. Take your books. Careful, Ron!”
Lost in your thoughts, you look around. The room never seems to lose its charm. Cold and old stone walls isolate you from the warm Hogwarts you remember. It is nice, though. You’ve always appreciated the magical spell these shelves filled with all types of jars and potions have on you. 
“But how? I mean - you spoke to her, what are the steps?” you ask eagerly. The Curious Hoax had always been your priority goal since you’ve heard of it. It wasn’t only the rareness of the potion that called you to it. The reason of your interest was far more humiliating.
Your friend knows that. “Ah - you are now so interested, huh? Will you tell me why?” Saoirse asks mockingly. “Come on, let’s make a deal.”
“A deal about what?” You turn to the brusque voice next to you. 
Him, of course.
“Draco,” you say plainly, disgust running your tongue as you speak. 
But he takes no offense. The blonde boy turns to you, pride and sharpness in his piercing stare. “Y/N” You’ve never known if it’s simply the thrill of hearing your name out of his lips that sends your heartbeat to a high, or if it’s the sweetness in the tone he uses that confuses your heart. 
That is not the matter to worry about. Now, the only thing that matters is winning him.
“Oh, here they go again with the staring contest. What are you - eleven?” Saoirse asks, rolling her eyes and making Blaise chuckle. Draco turns to the joyful sound in an instant, giving a stern look to his friend. 
“You’ve lost,” you taunt with a grin once Draco turns to you. 
His eyes kill you with their intensified anger. “Shut up, Potter.”
You bite your lips, trying not to slap him. Or strangle him. 
Or poison him.
Your jaw is rigid with anger as you lock your eyes with him. It is a call to challenge. To defiance.To temptation.
“Oh, here they go again,” your friend complains. “Stop that already, Slughorn is talking.” You both ignore Saoirse. “Guys. Draco and Y/N will you please stop that.”
“Let them,” Blaise tells her teasingly. You take a mental note to gossip with Saoirse about the smoldering glace his given her. She’s been head over heels for the boy ever since you two were sorted to slithering six years ago and took a seat next to him. Him and Draco.
“You looked away,” Draco states, sneering. “You. Lose.”
You breathe deep, holding back the slap your body aches to give him. “Shut up, will you.”
“You shut up.”
“No. You shut up, Malfoy.”
“Shut up, the both of you!” Soirse yells. “You act like kids, I swear.” You watch in shock as the whole class turns to her rants. But she doesn’t seem to care as she angrily turns to Draco. “She was just asking about The Curious Hoax, because she’s spent her whole live daydreaming about the love of her life! Now shut up already!” And she stops right there, her eyes wide open, moving to find yours in instant regret as she realizes what she's confessed. “So that is that,” she mumbles, almost inaudibly.
You know you look visibly flushed as your eyes dart around, trying to hide your embarrassment. But acknowledging every set of eyes on you doesn’t help one bit. 
But what certainly doesn’t help is the obscurity in Draco’s face. “Ah, well - what an even more pathetic thing you turn to be.”
“Watch your mouth,” your friend barks in your defense.
“What? She can be this stupid, but I can’t comment on it?” he says. There’s still in his face a darkness you can’t quite understand. He is not being mean for mere rudeness. He is truly angry. But why for? 
You feel chocked up, your eyes on the verge of tears. No words in your personal defense seem to escape the chains of your throat. 
But someone unexpected is there for you. “Mr. Malfoy,” Slughorn says in a scolding voice. “What is exactly so pathetic in the will to make such an extraordinary potion? A potion that could reveal the one true love of the maker. Could you explain to the whole class, please?”
Draco is silent, anger with a hint of humiliation in his stupid face. 
“No?” the professor asks, monetarily turning to give you a friendly wink. You smile slightly, the pressure of before, now less crushing. “Then I take you appreciate its value all the same as your classmate, Y/N?”
“I-” the boy starts, but is quickly interrupted.
“Very well. Then, I have great news for you.” He turns to the class and adds, “Today, Mr. Malfoy will be the first to try it.”
Said boy swallows audibly. “Try what?” he hurries to ask. 
“Why - Making The Curious Hoax, of course,” he says evidently. 
“Great! First, go take the cherry leafs…” 
It’s been about ten minutes of Draco following obediently every Slughorn instruction in front of the class. A bit of ‘take this, put this, mix that’ and now, “The final step…” the professor said, happiness irradiating from him as a result of his love for this subject. 
You don’t know what surprised you more. How okay, even happy, Draco is with doing this, or that the potion is simple as this. You were told only a few people had succeeded in making it, but there he was Draco, one last step from making it.
You wonder, is he nervous? Excited to know who is the love of his life? 
You are. Of course, not for who is his love. Of course. You are nervous to find out yours.
“I must tell you,” Slughorn says to all. “The last step may seem frustrating to the ones who reach with their hand for the top of the mountain, yet happen to be farther than what they had expected.”
You watch Draco sight at the professor’s enigmatic words. The truth is, you had been watching him very carefully. It is not often that he was concentrated enough to not pay attention to your curious eyes set on him. And it is quite an opportunity and relief to be free to watch him from afar with no mean words coming your way. 
It is simply a relief to look at him, so lost in his inner world. 
“What is the last step, professor Slughorn?” the Weasley boy asks.
“Well,” he replies absentmindedly. “Once the ingredients are mixed, you must write on an ordinary piece of paper the name of the love of your life. Who you think it is. Only the correct answer will lead to the making of the potion.”
Surprised and disappointment fill the classroom and your heart.
“I don’t understand,” you say. “Then the potion makes no sense: You must know the very same thing you want to learn from the potion. If you knew already who the love of your life is, you wouldn’t need the potion in the first place.”
“Exactly.” Slughorn gives you a knowing smile. “The curious Hoax, Ms. Y/N. It is a hoax.”
You look around confused, but stop when you find his eyes on you. Draco immediately looks away, flushed, almost hiding from you.
Could today’s class turn out more odd?
“Then what’s the stupid point in making it?” Blaise asks. 
You realize Draco hasn’t said a word in complaint yet, which is shocking. Is he really interested in knowing his true love?
“Well, even being conscious about this last step, many wizards have spent years trying to make it, trying name after name, and the one’s that have made it claim that the potion is worth everything.”
“Professor,” your friend says. “I’ve heard that if you drink the Potion once it changes color, you will see your happiest memory with your love.”
“That I've heard before - yes. But I fear you shall check it for yourselves. Now, everyone around a table! You know the steps.”
“We are all going to try to make The Curious Hoax?” Ron asks in disbelief.
“Yes, of course, Ron, or do you expect to find out by me telling you who she is?” Slughorn asks playfully as he glances visibly to the girl next to Ron. Nor him or the now blushed girl, Hermione, miss that look. 
Everyone takes place and starts with the making. You try to keep some distance, but your curiosity makes you pick a spot on the table close to Draco. He seems determined to not look your way.
You don’t give much thought to that. The priority now is succeeding in this. You’ve always wanted to know who the love of your life is. Now you have the answer right in front of you. 
The little cauldron is almost entirely filled, every ingredient you’ve meticulously thrown into and mixed have now given their results. But not the ultimate result. The potion must turn blue to indicate it is well. And it will only turn blue if you throw into it the correct name.
Of all the people who could be, how on earth would you be able to guess. You realize soon, it will be impossible to make the potion go blu-
“Look! Draco’s made it! His potion’s turned blue!”
You quickly look up to him. But he’s already staring your way. Eyes wide open in surprise, just like yours. Of course, guessing who his love is must have left him crazy. Making one of the most difficult potions must have left him crazy. 
This time, not like the others, his eyes don’t move. Like your staring games, he’s just there., looking at you as if the world around him was no more. 
“Very well done, Mr. Malfoy!” Slughorn congratulates. “Great! Great.” He grabs a simple little flask and starts puting the potion inside carefully. “And… here you go. Consider yourself a very lucky boy, Draco. Not many in this world will have the opportunity to visit their happiest memory as you do.” And he hands the flask to the boy.
But his eyes are still on you. And yours are still on him.
Eventually, the whispers of surprise and disbelief of your classmates subside, and you chose to seize the calmness to walk to him.
“How?” you ask Draco. Most of the class had given up on the Potion. You were nearly about to. “How have you done it?”
He’s oddly silent, not even looking at you. He stares at the flask in between his hands. He hadn't drunk it yet. Maybe he didn’t want to. 
“Draco,” you call, and it’s almost like pleading. At that, he moves his timid eyes to you. He is acting so weird. Was the truth of the Curious Hoax so heavy on a person?
“I just - I just did it. I wrote a name, and it worked.”
“What? Just one name?” you ask, even more shocked that what you were seconds ago. “How did you - what?”
He sighs, looking down at the flask again, gone into his inner world. 
“Draco, please. It is the thing I most want. To know it myself. To make this potion.”
He looks up, finding your eyes with such gentleness it makes your breath caught. “Y/N.” Again, that sweetness in his tone. But now, more genuine, more vulnerable. 
“What?” you persisted eagerly. “What is it, then?”
He is silent for some seconds, then he puts his flask in a pocket of his uniform and moves to leave. You swiftly grab his arm before he’s able to. 
He says no word as he turns to look at your hand touching his skin. He says nothing as he absentmindedly lifts his hand up to yours, and almost like in a tender caress, traces its knuckles. It’s different from any touch you’ve felt.
Then he closes his fingers over the back of your hand and pulls it gently away. He doesn’t let it go as he takes a step closer to you. He is so close. So close. You watch his dark pupils, realizing you have no need to give a step back. Only an urge to take one closer. But you would be too close. 
You feel his warm breath before he closes his mouth, as if he was trying to suppress words trying to get out of his lips.
So you try to push him. “Tell me,” you whisper, and it’s so tender and soft it seems to convenience him.
He doesn’t continue, so you plead,” Please. Tell me, Draco.”
“I just knew exactly what to write on that paper.”
“But how?” you question.
His lips curved into a timid smile. Never had you seen him so… you don’t even have words to describe it. 
“You just know, Y/N.”
“Draco…” you start, still not satisfied with the ambiguous answer.
“When you know, you know.”
And then he manages to smoothly slip away from you, walking away. But then he stops and turns.
“What?” you say, trying to understand his odd behavior. Trying to understand the smile on his face. 
“Please, tell me when you know. Don’t keep me waiting for too long.”
Tears run through your cheeks once the memories flow back to that little flask. That day. This flask. Draco.
“You’ve found it,” your husband says, and you quickly turn to him. 
Draco is at the door of your bedroom, staring at you as if waiting for your reaction. The flask, it was his birthday present to you. 
“And here I was, thinking you would never find it there,” he tries to joke, but you clearly see he is nervous.
“Draco…” you whisper, but you are not able to form words. So you run to hug him. He catches you, firm arms wrapping around your waist. “My love, I’m so sorry. I’ve ruined your surprise," you mumble.
“So do you like it, love? And no, you did not ruin anything.” 
“Like it?” You move to look at him, making him see in your face how grateful you are. How much you love him. “Draco it’s perfect. You - you’ve kept it all these years.”
He smiles sweetly. “Y/N, that potion. When I drank it - I saw this. You and me, today. I saw myself holding you just like this, watching your beautiful face like you were the only thing in this world. I saw that when I was at a terrible point in my life, and it gave me strength to keep going. Seeing your eyes watching me as if you loved me, it told me life was worth living, it told me great things were to come. You were to come.”
Tears well in your eyes again at his words. “I was already there, remember?” you joke, grinning despite your wet cheeks. 
Draco smiles lovingly as he wipes your tears. “I remember, my love. You were always there, and I always knew - somewhere in my heart, I always knew it was you.”
-Chacters by J K Rowling
This is not proofread yet, but i wanted to post itttt. now lets talk: IVE JUST WRITTEN MY FIRT DRACO FIC WHAAAAT. im so happy, and expecting to write more harry potter characters yeees. plsss send more requests for harry potter, speacialy for short fics :) hope you like this one, and the rest to come. loveyaa.
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starchildren220 · 5 months
Eyes Don't Lie Prologue
Eyes Don't Lie Masterlist
Severus Snape x OC x Lucius Malfoy
Charlotte Bren was a 17 year old who had to bear loosing her mother, then loosing her father to alcohol, she ran away to London where she met Draco Malfoy, her new best friend, what happens when he relationship with her professor and her best friends parents grows into something unexpected.
The first like six or seven chapters are gonna be background and relationship building yk I will also be making up potions, potion ingredients and stuff like that cause I don’t want to do my research, some will be actual plants and stuff but it I’m wrong abt anything just ignore it pls
The timeline is gonna be changed a bit so Draco’s year is gonna be in fourth year but with all the same teachers as the second year and it’s the same year, 1992. Charlotte is 17! If you don’t like that do not read.
Also, this will not follow the books and movies obviously, but it will have parts of the books and movies. I'm probably gonna change a lot though so just be prepared
Getting the news was hard but what was harder was seeing the man she admired spiral into a cycle of work and drinking himself to death. At many times she had to drag him inside from the cold or tuck him into bed from the sofa in the living room.
Life was never like this, before her mother died her life was practically perfect. Caring mother, loving father, something she wished with all her heart to come back hoping all of this was just a nightmare and she’d wake up to her mother and her father watching tv in their living room.
Charlotte Bren was a sixteen year old who had an amazing life until a drunk driver crashed into her and her parents while they were on the way back from her birthday dinner. The truck that hit them killed her mother and injured both her and her father.
She had been in a coma for a few days then was let out about a week later her father being released almost right after her. On top of the grief her father had to work over time to pay the hospital bills, causing her to almost never see her father sober on the breaks when she was home from her wizarding school, Ilvermorny. She decided to leave her father and travel to Europe to find a better life for herself.
Upon arriving she was almost out of the money she borrowed from her father, causing her to find a job in Diagon Alley at Flourish and Blotts Bookseller. Working there everyday she lived in one of the rooms in the Leaky Cauldron. She lived like this for about a year saving every galleon she didn’t need for her housing and food.
Applying to Hogwarts, the nearest school available, hoping they’d take pity on her and let her finish her last years, a few days after she get her acceptance letter she meets a man getting school books with his son.
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thatdammchickennugget · 9 months
The Slytherin Boys as Demigods
just my opinions pls don't come for me. also I made these with the PJO versions of the gods in mind.
and sorry, but no tom because I feel like I don't know him that well and couldn't decide. I was thinking hermes (ambitious, resourceful, driven and cunning) maybe?? let me know your thoughs <3
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theodore nott - son of hades
♢ Theo is quiet and reserved, more introverted and likes to stay in the background and would welcome blending in with the shadows
♢ He's really observant and smart, and would rather sit and watch the people around him than be in the spotlight himself
♢ Even though he doesn't like the attention being on him, he is still super protective and would bring down hell to defend the people he deems worthy
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enzo berkshire - son of dionysus
♢ Enzo is really extroverted and sociable, he loves a good party and meeting new people
♢ He's very easy going and all about having fun in life, not taking anything too seriously
♢ He's also super hyper and energetic, especially once you get a couple drinks in him
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blaise zabini - son of athena
♢ Blaise is super confident, like this guy knows he's smart and hot and he will make sure you know it too
♢ He's also really organized and responsible, often acting as the mother of the group and trying to keep his friends in check
♢ I also think he loves learning and getting lost in his studies, maybe not necessarily with his schoolwork, but he would be obsessed with random topics he's interested in (I strongly believe he's a history buff and would love anything mythology related)
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mattheo riddle - son of apollo
♢ Mattheo was a hard one, but I believe he's outgoing and confident, as well as really passionate about the things he cares about and it suits apollo well
♢ I also strongly belive he LOVES art and expressing himself through art (he's not good at expressing feelings verbally). he's artistic and can often be found sketching or doodling, always carrying around pencils and his sketchbook in his bag
♢ Also he can be really dramatic
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draco malfoy - son of ares
♢ Draco is extremely proud and determined, even though beneath the surface he often doubts himself
♢ He constantly feels like he needs to prove something, not only to his parents and other people around him, but also himself
♢ In a group he will instantly assume he'll act as the leader and try to obtain that position (in their friendgroup it's actually blaise, but blaise is fine with draco believing it's him)
♢ I also believe he's really good at thinking tactically, always trying to be aware of all possible outcomes of a situation and planning how to bend it to his benefit
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drarrylovebot-blog · 7 years
Who Are You?
Prompt: “I don’t even know who you are anymore.”
It has started with some very simple, simple things. Harry doesn’t take his tea with cream anymore. He starts drinking it with sugar only. Once Draco tries to make him his usual tea, Harry refuses. And then it escalates to be worse.
At first, Draco ignores all the changes Harry has made, but then it becomes more ridiculous by weeks, and now Draco is worried. Harry stops putting fresh hydrangeas on their dining table. Harry stops taking his tea with cream. Harry stops giving Draco good morning kisses. Harry gets angry if Draco makes a simple tiny mistake, like dropping a mug. Last night, Harry gets angry when Draco tries to cuddle him – he just wanted to help Harry to sleep. Oh, Draco is hurt, so very hurt, but his concerns for Harry overpower every other emotion in his mind.
After a month, Harry becomes miserable, more miserable than what he lets Draco to believe. He closes his personal space, and doesn’t let anyone in, except for the occasional gentle coax from Draco, which he returns with curt one word answers. Draco knows a lot of side of Harry Potter, what scares him is this side looks awfully similar to Harry Potter three months after the war. Cold, calm, but vicious. You touch the wrong button, he’ll bite your hands off. Draco also knows there’s pain and sadness under that dull green eyes. Merlin, how he missed the twinkle in that eyes.
Draco has kept his silent for over a month, but when a shitfaced drunk Harry decides to get home after 2 in morning, then Draco cannot stay in silent any longer. Harry noisily slams the door open and closes it again gentler as the sound hurts his head. Draco is sitting in the sofa, being worried out of his mind, only to be surprised because his fucking boyfriend decides to get drunk without telling him anything. Draco is angry –no, he’s fucking furious he could bite someone’s head off, so he sits silently, watching Harry’s drunken antics with a murderous glare. Harry staggers a little bit, before tripping on his own feet, and lands with his bum on the floor, effectively facing a livid Draco. He has the audacity to grins.
“Hey…o, Malfoy!” Harry slurs his words while grinning. Draco is stunned for a second; Harry is back to calling him Malfoy, but there’s no malice in his eyes. “Youu.. look angryy.” Harry states.
“I am angry.” Draco mumbles as he stands up and walk to Harry, trying to help him stands up.
“Why?” Harry finally asks with his big green eyes, bearing innocent curiosity that almost gets through Draco’s anger. Harry stops walking before tugging Draco’s sleeve with his free hand so that Draco stops to. Draco sighs heavily before looking at the person whom supposed to be his boyfriend. Harry’s eyes stares deeply into Draco’s grey one. “Why?” he repeats in the same tone.
“Because you do this, and because you’re doing whatever you’re doing for the last month and a half.” Draco answers before tugging the hand that is around his shoulder to make them move again. They keep their silent, until Harry is safely tucked on the bed and Draco is leaving the bedroom. Harry catches Draco’s hand before he can move away from the bedside
“Where are you going? Why aren’t you staying?”
“I can’t, Harry, we both know I’ve been crawling out of this bed every midnight to sleep downstairs for the last week.” Harry looks utterly confused and sad.
“Why are you sleeping downstairs? We’re boyfriends, are we not?” Draco sighs again.
“Yes, we’re boyfriends –at least we were until you started pulling all of this stunts.” He mutters the last part. “Doesn’t always mean you want me by your side every night, Harry, and I don’t want to disturb your sleep, as little as it is every night.” Draco answers wearily, this whole thing is hurting him more than he will ever admit. He misses his Harry. “I’m going downstairs, okay, we’ll talk about this tomorrow, please?” he begins pleading –huh, he never thought he can be more pathetic than he already is, but Harry’s expression stutters and he finally lets his vulnerability shows. All Draco’s will to leave is dumped in the nearest bin. Harry’s lower lips start trembling and his green eyes start producing tears, sad eyes stare into Draco.
“I don’t want you to leave. Don’t leave me, please.” His voice cracks and Draco is already kneeling on the floor, holding Harry’s hand tightly while his other hand brushes away the tears. “Don’t leave me, Draco.” Drunken Harry starts to panic. Merlin, what happened to him?
“Hey, hey, shh… calm down, yeah? I’m not leaving; I’m not leaving you anywhere.” Draco tries to say in a gentle voice, fingers keep brushing the leaked tears on Harry’s temple. He moves to his side of the bed, and lies down before hugging Harry to his chest, fingers calmly stroking the black hair in a soothing pace. Harry immediately buries his head on Draco’s chest, tightening his arms around his lover’s waist. Right now, Draco can’t leave –no, he won’t leave. Not when Harry is like this. He lets his protective side to take over when once again he sees Harry as a young, vulnerable, lost little boy he once met in Madam’s Malkin when they were 11. This Harry is Draco’s to protect; he won’t let any harm tears Harry down until he is left in that 11 years old boy vulnerable state. They will have to kill him first before they can touch that boy.
“Stay, Draco, promise me you won’t leave me behind.” Harry finally whispers in his chest.
“I’m here, I won’t leave you until you ask me to do so, I promise.” Only then Harry lets himself be swayed by the gentle numbness of alcohol, let himself be consumed by the darkness, knowing with certain that his Draco will pulls him out and saves him.
Draco didn’t sleep at all that night. He waited until the sun rises, before letting Harry goes from his embrace. They need to talk, immediately, and knowing it’s Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy, their talk could be the start of something chaotic. It could be the start of their end. So, Draco sits beside Harry on the bed, and waits until his lover wakes up with a glass of water and a hangover potion ready in his hands. Huh, he must have look like a fright right now.
After a few moments, Harry finally groans before slapping the pillow to cover his head. Judging from his state, he won’t remember anything from last night. Draco decides to be kind and closes the curtain on their windows –not much longer now it will be back to Harry’s windows, or Potter’s window. Draco shoves the phial of hangover potion into Harry’s hand, who finally decides to sit up and drinks the potions and water in a very quick pace until he’s coughing. Draco’s hand moves unintentionally to pat his back, but stops before it can reach anything, afraid that Harry will once again get mad at him, which in the end will delay their talk.
“You okay?” Draco still asks though. Softly, gently, in a careful tone. That’s when Harry’s eyes finally catch Draco’s figure.
“You look like shit.” Harry mutters before snapping his eyes into other directions beside Draco’s eyes. Draco actually smiles at that.
“Yeah, you should look in the mirror.” Harry stays silent, picking at the loose thread on their –Harry’s coverlet. “Harry, we need to talk. And I know your head is probably spitting right now, so please just hear me out. I love you, Harry James Potter, I do, but I cannot stay if you keep these stunts up. I don’t know what happened to you, I don’t know what has gone so wrong until you act like this, and you don’t explain. You shut me out for the last month and a half, you don’t talk to me, you changed your way of life, Harry, you worried me so much, but when I went out of my way to understand and try to fix it, you got mad at me. I want to understand your problems, Harry, I don’t want you to bear it alone, but I can’t do that if one day you just suddenly shut me out like I’m nothing! Who are you? I don’t even know who you are anymore! I am your boyfriend, aren’t I? Then talk to me, let me be a part of your life.” Draco finally stops talking and stares expectantly at Harry. After a few moments, it’s clear that Harry will keep his silent. Draco moves closer to him, forcing Harry to look at his eyes. “If you don’t want to talk, I’ll draw my own conclusion. Don’t blame me, if my conclusion is so far off the truth. I don’t know what happened to you, but I’m sorry if it’s because of me. You won’t let me in, you get mad at me, Harry, your behavior is scarily similar to the Harry Potter three months post war. I want to take off your burden, and judging by your actions, I am that burden. If you want this off, then we can call it off, Harry, I’ll understand, but don’t go so far to push me away and change the way you are. I am not worth for you to change your whole life. I’ll leave you alone if that’s what you want, but don’t hurt me more than it should have hurt. Stop this outrageous behavior, put cream on your tea just as you like it, put those fresh hydrangeas on the dining table just because it smells nice to you, eat your pancake with honey instead of butter, go to that small coffee shop every Saturday morning because of their heavenly Danish. Don’t ever change your life to push someone, especially me, away, I’m not worth it.” Draco stares deeply into the green orbs. He knows he’s crying, but tears be damned, he needs Harry to understand that Harry’s happiness is more important than anything, more than them being together.
For the second time that day, Draco saw the lost 11 years old boy inside Harry Potter. Now there’s no alcohol to excuse his behavior, but Harry still cries and hugs the boy in front of him. His sobs are filling the silent home as Draco crouches down and once again let Harry seeks shelter inside his embrace.
“I’m sorry… I’m sorry…” Harry keeps saying between sobs, Draco can only soothingly run his hand through his lover’s hair.
“It’s okay, Harry, it’s okay… I’ll leave before afternoon, and you won’t be bothered ever again by my presence, yeah? It’s okay, I understand.” Draco says softly while freeing himself from Harry’s tight grip. “Come on, don’t cry, I will pack my belongings, okay?” Draco wipes the tear out of Harry’s cheeks, but Harry’s eyes turns to panic, and before Draco can move Harry already has his arm circling Draco’s waist.
“No! What are you doing?! Don’t leave, please, don’t leave!” Draco sighs, emotional Harry is something you’ll rarely see but sometimes it can be a pain in the arse, especially when Draco is already hurting enough. Harry looks at the cerulean eyes before making their height equal, eyes to eyes, knees to knees in the bed. Harry cups Draco’s face in his hands. “You promised me you won’t leave me behind.” Harry pleads softly.
“Until you want me to leave, Harry.”
“I don’t want you to leave. Stay, please, I’m sorry, I’ll do anything, but please, stay.” Now Draco gets angry.
“Harry, if you want to play with my feelings, now is not the time. Let me go. I won’t accept your behavior without any explanations, you won’t give me any explanations, so then I took my own conclusions, and now you won’t let me leave? What do you want, Potter? Do you want me to beg so you let me leave? Is that what you need to see?” Draco challenges the green eyes.
“No, I’m sorry, I’ll explain everything, please, I just don’t want you to leave…”
“Fine! Talk to me, then.” Draco detangled himself from Harry’s palms and lands his bum on the bed, waiting Harry to do the same, waiting Harry to open up to him again.
“A month and a half ago, I woke up in the middle of the night, sweating, panicking, because this scar was once again giving me pain.” Harry sighs wearily, his defenses crumble down, and now Draco can see how exhausted Harry has been. His eyes are full of fear, and the bags underneath it give him a haughty look. “I got so afraid. I am still very afraid.” Harry pulls his knees to his chest and buries his face on them. Draco scoots closer, hand finally reaching to give Harry’s arm a squeeze. After awhile, he finally looks at Draco with haunted eyes. Draco hates it. “Then, I remind myself that I have responsibilities, and you are at the top of my priorities. You were right, I wanted to push you away from my life, making you fly far away from here, tucked safely on the other part of the world and not beside me. I need to make sure that you will not be here if Voldemort is actually back.” Draco looks at him with so much pain in his eyes.
“You do understand that this revelation hurts me more than what you have done for the last month, don’t you?” Harry refuses to look at him.
“At least you’ll be safe.” He mutters.
“Harry James Potter, I was a coward once, I won’t let you shaped me into that coward once again. You have no right to choose the battles that I want to fight. If that moment comes, I will stand beside you, righting the wrong decisions I had ever chose. You are never alone, and I won’t let you ever be alone in the war even if you ask for it. When I saw you that day, lifeless in Hagrid’s hands, do you know what thought that comes into my mind?” Harry shakes his head. “I thought what is the point living in a world without Harry Potter? So, I went back to Voldemort, knowing I’ll be dead anyway the next day.” Draco chuckles a bit, “but then you came back to life, so I throw you my wand and fight for the right side. I thought then dying when fighting on your side is worth so much more than dying on the mercy of Voldemort’s hands. So, I fought. And I won’t change my mind if he comes back again, I rather die by fighting him then die because of his mercy, even though you’re dead.” Now Harry looks at Draco with some sort of awe in his yes. Some sort of awe that Draco doesn’t believe he deserves, even until now.
“I thought I was strong enough to let you leave, you know? But yesterday you just looked so angry and so done with me, but even then I can see the concern behind your eyes. I knew then I won’t survive anything if you leave me behind. I cannot live without seeing that great concern of yours directed only for me, I cannot imagine how I would live if one day you look at me with actual hate instead of your concerns –hell I take your petty arrogance and sneer any day instead of hate. So, I beg you to stay, Draco, I’m still begging you to stay.”
“One, don’t choose the path for my life. Two, don’t push me away. Three, you need to make this up for me for the rest of your life. Seriously, you need to be grateful when I bless you with my presence, and you need to please me every day, and just –Merlin, just don’t do any of these stunts anymore or I will hang you by your bollocks from the ceiling.” Draco looks at Harry in half threatening half stern kind of way, and Harry can’t stop smiling.
“Your wish is my command, Your Majesty.” Draco finally smiles.
“Good, now kiss me before I die of your kiss deprivation. Seriously how could you live without kissing me for the last month, Harry, do you even love me?!” Draco starts asking with his dramatic flare, until Harry seals his mouth with a breathtaking kiss.
“You have no idea how hard it is, Draco Malfoy, I love you.”
“I love you too.”
. .
Drarry Drabble for @hogwartsschoolnet‘s Twenty Years of Harry Potter
My very first ship (Hufflepuff Member’s Content)
Also dedicated to @outtacuppa and @alphacentxuri for whom I owe a good story. Not that this one is very good, but it’s a progress from the shitty drabble that I made.
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