#let your children read
harmcityherald · 4 months
An absolutely scathing review of Ancient Evenings" by Norman Mailer. published in 1983. when I saw @davidhudson 's post and birthday mention the memory of this novel came flooding back with its sexual overtones and the juxtaposition of gritty violence and spiritual connection. We should all thank Mr. Hudson for this invaluable resource he provides. without him we would forget everyone's birthday. He deserves a Tumblr Grammy award all his own.
I truly remember the character as honey pot but my memory has suffered too many chariot battles. I will seek that tag and correct it. One passing note, I read this book in high school. I checked it out of our school library. I distinctly remember, chariot battles be damned, I was excited to read it. Ancient Egypt being a pet love of mine. I started the book in class and quickly engrossed myself on the way home on the bus ride. I was last stop which all rural kids should relate to. my bus driver, a wonderfully powerful man, would let me smoke after all the nits were gone. I digress, it was on this ride when I hit the first gay blow job, forced by ramses onto the hero. "....and ramses cock was in his mouth." This was my introduction to mailer. and I did look up from my book to driver, book to driver a few lurid times. after that my bus driver was now ramses in my phantasm world. He never knew that, of course. Pity really. I'm sometimes reminded of him when I watch "Mars Attacks". Pharaoh in a bus. (what a weird fantasy) Funny to be reminded of it today. (he really missed out)
Then after diving headlong into the book my heart lept to honey balls defense. why I remember her as honey pot I dunno. but I reread this book a few times lol. on the library card there was my name, my name, a girl, my name, my name, lol, that was me outing myself and not realizing it. I look back and think I am damn glad I had access to this book. It was pretty cool my school had this in '85 no less. That's why libraries and books are so important. Especially school libraries. This was validation for me. I wasn't an alien because I was bi and those finds were great. Another fine book like this hidden on my school library shelves was a science fiction novel "Dhalgren" by Samuel R. Delany. but that's another post. I recommend it. It scored high on my bi chart and again it was hidden on a shelf and passed over by the white bread majority, making it a good find indeed, but again thats another post. My point is these books helped me along the way. they didn't entice me or 'lead me from the path of righteousness' lol. No, they were quiet affirmations of what was already a tumultuous storm inside me, letting me know that what I was experiencing wasn't new or unknown. someone else, somewhere, knew just how I felt. I was not a creature that needed to hide.
That's why they want to take these books away too. To rob kids like us of that affirmation. we tend to think that those who want to ban books must be less intelligent than ourselves, when in reality, they are very calculating and very driven to do harm and isolate those they deem worthy of isolation. I wonder if any school shelves still dare to carry these gems. I commend my rural high school on Maryland's eastern shore for its courage in 1985. They were banning books way back then too. reagan was at the helm and they were shooting bibles at us with canons. That's when Frank Zappa and Dee Snider went to bat for us in congress. look that shit up. Dee is saying terfy shit now so I cringe to mention him but he did do that shit back then. maybe he will wake up again. We can hope. Anyway, it spurred my thought and I stand corrected on my oldtimmer's brain induced mistake, but I did remember who I fell in love with in that novel and it wasn't ramses cock. it was honey pot or honey balls. that girl got mistreated in the old world. I wanted to save her. Again an important lesson about misogyny that would be lost on a young man's ears. The very ears it should reach. If we ban every book with those lessons and replace them with 3,000 year old concepts its no wonder we get the fucked up world we have today.
from above article....
"The modern obsession most absurd in its appearance in ''Ancient Evenings'' has to do, predictably, with female sexuality as a wound. It surfaces in the extended chronicle of Menenhetet's passion for an overweight concubine named Honey-Ball, ''the greatest little queen of them all,'' whose ''hips were like the hips of a horse'' -a person who once displeased the Pharaoh and, for punishment, had a toe amputated. Impossible to summarize this story in neutral tones. Powerfully drawn to each other, Honey-Ball and the Charioteer are nevertheless unhappy about their lovemaking until, by accident, a breakthrough occurs. Angered one afternoon by his beloved's ''bawdy mirth,'' the Charioteer seizes the woman's foot. Immediately she begins kicking him, and the Charioteer, taking a good deal of ''punishment around the head,'' is confused -has he ''committed some terrible act?'' Light shortly arrives. The foot in the Charioteer's mouth is ''the one with the missing toe.'' And it emerges that the place of the missing toe is a G-spot."
I can almost taste the fat phobia in that paragraph. This guy (writer) has obviously had too much bible for lunch. Maybe its not honey balls at all and that's an intentional typo. And maybe, instead of perceiving mailer as a male chauvinist prick, we should look at it as presented as a lesson many missed. starting with this reporter.
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ride-a-dromedary · 8 months
Just thinking about the implications of this, but Halsin's way of indicating that his family has long passed is: "save for [him], [his] line perished a long time ago".
Aside from it being a decidedly more old fashioned and more eloquent way of indicating what happened (as is shown in shades in Halsin's speaking patterns, which is likely trying to illustrate his age as well as push the "wise mentor" angle), by stating that his line has ended with him, practically, it means both sets of grandparents are gone, both parents are gone, and either Halsin is an only child (unlikely considering Wood Elves, but possible), or any and all of his siblings are gone, too. And if you stretch what you consider part of a line, rather than just keeping direct, that could extend to aunts and uncles and cousins as well (though it's hard to say concretely what Halsin includes in a familial line).
So it leaves me to wonder what happened to reduce an entire elven line to one elf, when Halsin himself is only just approaching middle-age and he pointedly says it happened a long time ago, so it wasn't a recent event, and the lot of them likely didn't die from old age/natural causes. Was his entire village wiped out at one point? Disease or a raid or orcs or a wildfire or what?
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
Hehe I really enjoy your comantary and captions you're so funny, I can't wait until we see Wen Ning again since we left his brief cameo
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I miss him everyday.
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qcomicsy · 1 year
Do I find Damian incredible annoying? Yes Will I fight every single motherfucker who resumes his entire character to violent and 'bad'? Also Yes.
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bedlamsbard · 7 days
okay what I've learned from this semester and this round of grading is that if I ever use an essay prompt about premodern women again (extremely likely) I'll have to say "you cannot talk ONLY about how women were oppressed by the patriarchy or I will fail the essay" instead of "talk about the ideal woman of [insert historical time period + geographical location] vs. the reality of women in [time period/location] based on the evidence that we have" (obvs it was better phrased than that on the actual prompt and it would probably be different in another context).
I...I restructured the entire class so that we'd be able to talk about stuff Greek women actually did based on the evidence. thanks for showing you didn't come to class that day, look at the powerpoint online, or do the reading.
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clonerightsagenda · 4 months
Lockwood's talent meaning he can't communicate with the dead but sees them in more frightening detail goes a long way to explaining his attitude versus Lucy's, and obviously his talent is a direct representation of his PTSD (constantly seeing the aftereffects of violence, viewing everything as more of a threat, etc.) but he's really like "see that sad man missing his wife? we gotta hit him with explosives Lucy. don't be an emotional girl about this"
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jillyfoo · 5 months
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Page 55: Big Spike and Mighty Moe Vs the Golden Wasteland
Last update. Thanks for reading and your support! I didn't originally think that Tumblr was a place to post this back in 2021 when I originally drew all this. Boy was I wrong. You guys have been amazing! Let me know if I should continue this project.
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Yknow, I love Orufrey and if their relationship develops into an undeniably romantic one, I’ll be the first to be on board, but I also really really enjoy reading their relationship and feelings for each other as completely platonic because as an aroace person… they kinda have what I want tbh (minus, yknow, the angst elephant that’s ch 40)
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coquelicoq · 1 year
just had the thought "after i exhaust the french fiction, poetry, and textbooks i own, i could read the french dictionary cover to cover" and got, like, GENUINELY excited about it.
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isfjmel-phleg · 2 months
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20001541 · 4 months
I am both excited for and dreading the next volume cover. excited because afo has a good chance of being on it with his backstory and death happening in the chapters that will be in it. dreading it because they could also just completely leave him out and we'll never get him on the volume cover or they'll pair him with a character I don't like/care for
my ideal cover with afo on it would be something with him and yoichi. of course I prefer his adult self to be on it, but at this point I'll take almost anything as long as he is on the cover. so if I have to have teen afo on the cover then I'll accept it anyways even though I won't be enthusiastic about it.
I wouldn't mind if it was a solo cover either, I actually prefer that if having yoichi on the cover isn't an option.
but the way I see it the cover can go like this
AFO and Yoichi both being on the cover (either as adults, teens or children)
AFO by himself posed dramatically
AFO fighting All Might
AFO fighting various heroes
AFO fighting Bakugo
Someone else that is not AFO on the cover
hopefully he does end up on the cover, if he does then it'll be the second time we've seen him in official colours. fingers crossed he does get one🤞
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set-wingedwarrior · 1 year
People really be talking about peace and love and understanding of others and social justice, then the moment a villain in a children cartoon sees the errors of their way and gets redeemed through love and understanding they yell outraged that they didn't use a guillotine
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casmilton · 5 months
something something early seasons sam&dean when they were looking for john and wondering if he was even alive and then his death and every horrible thing that comes after it with the caption as “But there's no other explanation. He's gone for good.” “You're lying.”“Am I? Do you remember the twentieth century? Think the twenty-first is going any better? Do you think God would have let any of that happen, if he were alive?” something something
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marzipancloud · 9 months
In regards to the list going around about having pro-choice vs pro-life parents,
I think it's a cope for pro-choice people to say they know they're wanted.
A child of pro-lifers knows they're wanted unconditionally. A child of pro-choicers knows their existence is/was conditional.
My parents wanted me regardless of:
My ability or lack thereof
My health or risks to it
My sex
My birth's impact on their jobs, lives, whatever
This fills me with confidence that my parents will choose me no matter what happens in my life. They won't decide I'm too costly or interfering with their careers or too disabled.
Can you imagine being the younger sibling of someone your mom aborted for being disabled and then becoming disabled yourself? Your mom aborted because she didn't have money back then and then goes through an economic crisis when you're young? She aborted to keep the bio-dad happy and now she has a new bf who doesn't like you? So on.
And yeah, your mom would say "it's different. I chose you", but we also know it's not "you" she chose, it was the favorable circumstances you happened to be conceived in 🤷‍♀️
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ungroomedcat · 1 day
Yo being dark skinned is not an insult💀
I Was having a pleasant conversation with a coworker about summer plans and naturally the conversation shifted to the harsh southern sun and the need for sunscreen. I said thankfully I'm darker skinned and she interrupted me with, "aw you're not~" with the same type of awkwardly kind tone you use to tell someone they're not ugly even though you think they are. Girl I'm chocolate colored and proud of it get out of here with your pale ass.
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surpriserose · 2 days
I hate my favorite murder so much btw
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