#let’s control ourselves for season 3
thesirencult · 6 months
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This time of the year our spiritual senses are heightened. Possibilities, the past and the future, for a few nanoseconds we are in the in between. Throughout 2024 we will all be transformed. In this reading I will go over which parts of your psyche will be touched by the year that holds the meaning of number 8, transformative and abundant.
"New Year" readings ar available for 25€. If you are interested just shoot me a private message.
Hope you enjoy this general reading and may your soul find the guidance it has a thirst for... S
“The psyches and souls of women also have their own cycles and seasons of doing and solitude, running and staying, being involved and being removed, questing and resting, creating and incubating, being of the world and returning to the soul-place.”
― Clarissa Pinkola Estés, quote from Women Who Run With the Wolves
Dear Pile 1,
2024 will transform the way you see change . Up until now you may have been resistant to changing certain aspects of your life. This could have something to do with your childhood and the way you, transforming and letting your emotions and intuitive sparks control, got you shamed and alienated.
This year you will learn the power rebranding has. It is never ever too late to change our direction and to let our instincts take the wheel for a change.
You will be transformed and blessed through the need for constant change and movement this next year and your ability to adapt will be sharpened.
At the end of the year, you will no longer see change as something that cause insecurity and fear. You will see it as the catalyst of the process of creating, YOU.
I know that right now you might be scoffing 1. Getting out of your safe zone is not easy for you. You may have prominent cancer on your chart, Saturn touching your moon or a strong moon placement.
Trust the process and let your soul go through the movements and cycles of transformation. Growing pains.
“Asking the proper question is the central action of transformation- in fairy tales, in analysis, and in individuation. The key question causes germination of consciousness. The properly shaped question always emanates from an essential curiosity about what stands behind. Questions are the keys that cause the secret doors of the psyche to swing open.”
― Clarissa Pinkola Estés, quote from Women Who Run With the Wolves
Pile 2, we are all in this together.
I picked this pile too and I want to tell you how this energy makes me feel. Everything is possible, until you ask the question you want to ask and make your choice. Let me break it down for you.
We are in need of a deep self-searching period. For the next few days, until December 31st take your time to ask the right questions. First and foremost ask yourself "What do I really want and need?"
2024 will transform us because it will make us ask questions. Question everything and everyone. Having questions is not bad. Be humble. We don't have to know it all. This makes me feel like we are going to be learning something new this year that will put us in the position of "the student".
This year you will come closer to your inner child because, guess what? Children ask a lot of questions and they are the OG philosophers.
This is how philosophy and science came to be in our world, per Plato and Aristotle. Because humans dared to ask questions.
This year will transform you to your core. Be delusional.
The key theme here : This year will transform the prism through which we look at life. We will realise that it is much better to guide ourselves as a student and look at life as a big wonderful world. Believe in the impossible. Curiosity killed the cat but WISDOM brought it back to life. Take good care fellow Plutonians 🫡.
“When a woman is frozen of feeling, when she can no longer feel herself, when her blood, her passion, no longer reach the extremities of her psyche, when she is desperate; then a fantasy life is far more pleasurable than anything else she can set her sights upon. Her little match lights, because they have no wood to burn, instead burn up the psyche as though it were a big dry log. The psyche begins to play tricks on itself; it lives now in the fantasy fire of all yearning fulfilled. This kind of fantasizing is like a lie: If you tell it often enough, you begin to believe it.”
― Clarissa Pinkola Estés, quote from Women Who Run With the Wolves
This is your fake it till you make it year. Big imposter syndrome vibes will follow you around like a rainy cloud.
"Do I deserve all the good things which are happening for me?", you ask. The question you should be asking yourself is "Should I read Pile 2, too?" 😂. All jokes aside learn to question that voice that says that you don't deserve as seat on the table.
You are a master at setting the table, now it is your time to sit on your lil chair and relax while others bring you the food.
2024 will put you in a position of authority. You hold the wheel now so do what you gotta do and don't blame your little self (are you a Virgo/Scorpio/Capricorn?) for not getting all the way there. Little by little the castle gets built 🏰.
Disclaimer :
Tarot readings are for entertainment purposes only.
Tarot readings are subject to interpretation and should not be taken as absolute. A tarot reading is never 100% accurate. All tarot readings given by me are for entertainment purposes only, and no guarantee can be given as to the accuracy of a reading. A tarot reading does not replace professional medical/legal/business opinion and advice. It will not force you to follow a particular course of action, or attempt to exert any form of control over your free-will and common sense. The contents of a tarot reading are not legally binding. Any decisions made, or actions taken by you as a result of your tarot reading are your sole responsibility and have not been forced upon you, by me, your tarot reader. I assume no legal liability for any damages, losses, or other consequences of any client decisions, subsequent to, or based on, my tarot readings. Please use your own common sense and judgment at all times. Tarot readings are also copyrighted and their creative content belongs to the creator.
As always, you CONTROL your life.
You have FREE WILL.
Freedom comes with RESPONSIBILITY.
Anyone that tells you otherwise doesn't have your best interest in mind.
Lots of love and kisses xoxo ❤️
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maskyish · 6 months
Re:vale LIVE 2023 WINTER FESTIVAL!! - After Talk (Part 3)
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PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3
Please note: I am NOT a professional and my level of JP is very, very basic. I do this for practice and to share with other fans for fun. Please take my translations with a grain of salt as there may be mistakes. If you see any, please let me know and I can correct them. If anyone else has this card and wants to translate this at any time then please feel free to do so!
Momo: Yuki, did you grab a drink?
Yuki: I got one. 
Momo: It seems like the staff got the memo too! 
Momo: So now, once again we’d like to thank you for coming to our live today! 
Momo: Thanks to all the fans and the staff, we were able to have the happiest time! 
Momo: I feel lonely thinking about the seasonal stages coming to an end, but IDOLiSH7, TRIGGER, and ZOOL were all able to have such great performances! 
Yuki: I agree. We were able to enjoy ourselves because of how much thought went into the stage productions for all the seasons. Thank you for supporting us until the end.
Yuki: So, let’s have a toast with everyone who’s watching this special video. 
Momo: Yeah! Let’s cheers! 
Re:vale: To Re:vale! 
Momo: *Gulp*....! Momorin is always the best after a live! It makes my whole body feel all bubbly….! 
Yuki: Fufu, you really do seem to enjoy it. As they say, a drink after finishing a show is extra special. 
Momo: You get it! Just like rice and stuff! Everything just tastes so much better! 
Yuki: Now I’m getting hungry since you started talking about food. 
Momo: Ahaha! Then before Yuki’s stomach starts growling, let’s get to the topic of our next segment!
Yuki: Our topic is….. “In honor of the New Year, if you could be a god, what kind of god would you like to be?” 
Momo: OH, what a good question! I mean, we’ve been planning to build a Re:vale shrine on the roof of our building! (1)
Yuki: To worship the God of Entertainment. 
Yuki: Oh, but we’re not becoming gods. 
Momo: Right! We’d just be the worshippers! 
Momo: If we were to become gods……. Oh, Yuki! Since we’re talking about it, should we just say it at the same time? 
Yuki: Sure. Have you picked an answer? 
Momo: Yeah. So then, on three. One….Two….Three! 
Momo: God of Happiness! 
Yuki: God of Omniscience and Omnipotence. 
Momo: Ah…. It’s very Yuki-ish! 
Yuki: Fufu. Yours, too. I knew you would say that. 
Momo: Ahahah! We’ve been exposed! That’s how it is, but if I could, I’d like to be a god that makes everyone who worships him happy! 
Momo: Even if you were having a bad day, if you relied on Momo-sama then everything could be resolved! I could instantly bring a smile to your face! 
Yuki: I think you already make people happy enough even without needing to become a god. 
Yuki: Everyone smiles just by looking at you, Momo. 
Momo: Yuki…..!! 
Momo: You’re like a genius who can make me happy with a single word! 
Yuki: Fufu. Thank you. 
Yuki: I couldn’t really think of anything on the spur of the moment, so I just randomly picked something that felt strong. 
Momo: But being omniscient and omnipotent is so cool, it has that Yuki vibe! 
Momo: To be honest, even your face alone gives a sense of being all-knowing and all-powerful. 
Yuki: My…. face?
Momo: Even just seeing your handsome face makes me happy! All my troubles will be completely blown away! 
Momo: Actually, it’d be really dangerous if someone with this face also had the power of a god. 
Yuki: Power, huh…. If something like that existed, I would use all the power I had to make Momo even happier. 
Momo: Could you make me happier than I already am?! 
Yuki: Yup. All the lights would turn green whenever you get to a stoplight, and the rain showers would stop only where you walk. 
Yuki: And you would always get an extra drink from vending machines. (2) 
Momo: Ahaha! That really is the best! I’d pray for something like that every day! 
Momo: And if I became a god, I’d control the temperature of the world to make it easier for Yuki to live! 
Yuki: That’s the God of Happiness for me. 
Momo: Even as a god, is that kind of favoritism okay?! 
Yuki: It’s fine, isn’t it? I’d be a god for Momo, and Momo would be a god for me. 
Yuki: It feels like Re:vale. 
Momo: That’s true. So to summarize, we’d be a God of Happiness and a God of Omnipotence and Omniscience with favorites! 
Yuki: Thanks for watching this far. We hope you enjoyed it. 
Momo: From now on, we’ll continue to bring you the happiest times! 
Momo: We look forward to seeing you all again! 
Yuki: See you later. 
~End of RabbiTv.~
TL Notes: 
It’s been mentioned in a few side stories that Re:vale wants to build a shrine on the rooftop of Okazaki Agency because their fame makes it hard for them to do their shrine visits, so it’s been an ongoing saga with Re:vale and New Years lol (For example, I know the End of Year Stories in 2019 and 2020 both have mentions of their planned shrine.) 
Yuki literally says here “And you would always win the vending machine roulette.” In Japan, some vending machines have a “roulette” feature that is sort of similar to a slot machine and if you win you can win an extra drink.
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flowerflowerflo · 4 months
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꒰ the 12 universal laws ꒱
one's guiding principles for a happy life <3
ೀ law of divine oneness
the belief at every thought, action, and event is interlaced and connected with anything and everything else in this world. this law involves the recognition that we are all one and connected, & in turn must provide love, compassion, acceptance, and understanding for one another.
ೀ law of vibration
the belief that our vibrational frequency affects our reality. everything is in constant motion in a specific frequency at all times. the higher your personal vibration, the more love you both give & receive, the more luck you encompass, the more joy you obtain, and vice versa.
ೀ law of correspondence
the belief that patterns and systems repeat throughout the universe. this law feeds back into the law of divine oneness where it states everything is connected. this law states that our reality is a mirror of our internal state. if we feel low and depressed, the world around us will seem the same way. if we feel peaceful and calm, the world will too, and so on. this shows how our mindset bleeds into the way we perceive the world.
ೀ law of attraction
definitely the most well known~ the belief that what you give, you receive. you give love, you will receive love. what you focus on, you attract. this also links back to the law of vibration, as vibrating on a high frequency will attract things of a high frequency. put into the world what you'd like to receive back, believe you can attain your desire and all will come to you.
ೀ law of inspired action
the belief of trusting in real, reasonable, and actionable steps to get you where you wanna go; similar to the law of attraction. becoming open to every possibility, letting go of the need for control and trusting our internal guidance, inspiration, and intuition is always the best way forward.
ೀ law of perpetual transmutation of energy
the belief that everything in the universe holds energy that is constantly fluctuating, moving, and evolving, and that every thought has the power to manifest into a reality. high frequencies transmute low frequencies when applied with intention and vice versa. everything is constantly moving and growing and evolving, both people and energies.
ೀ law of cause and effect
the belief that everything you do has an effect- think the concept of karma. even if you do not immediately see said effects, whatever you put out into the world comes back around, similar to the law of attraction but in a broader sense. if your actions come from a place of bitterness or jealousy, you can trust that you will be impacted down the line. intention is everything.
ೀ law of compensation
the belief that the hard work you put in will always come back even better. the time you work, the tears you shed, the hours spent always pay off. have faith in this and the fact all your efforts contribute to your goals and will come back to you better than you'd ever imagined. "you reap what you sow", as it were.
ೀ law of relativity
the belief that everything is permanently based in neutrality. though we as beings are designed to compare, assign meaning, and search for similarities in everything, overall, everything is reliant on our perception and perspective. this further reinforces the fact mindset and viewpoint is the backbone of our world.
ೀ law of polarity
the belief that everything is two sides of the same coin. good and evil. joy and sadness. love and fear. hot and cold. quick and slow. everything we know is just one side of a whole coin. similar to the law of relativity, this too just shows that mindset is everything. if you're in a difficult situation, remember how the opposing side looks; a lesson to be learned and experience to be gained.
ೀ law of rhythm
the belief that, like the law of correspondence & the law of cause and effect, the world moves in cycles and rhythms. similar to the earths seasons, we work in cycles and repetitions. learning these when it comes to ourselves and our world is very important in enlightenment and understanding.
ೀ law of gender
the belief that energies both masculine and feminine exist in all things, and finding the balance between these two divine energies creates the ability to live truly and authentically. masculine energy includes more hustling, working, structure and discipline, whilst feminine energy includes more emotion, freedom, love and sensitivity.
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gingerlurk · 3 months
Lovers' Crest | Chapter 19: The Bloodied
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Din Djarin x f!Reader
Summary: In this time and place, as war descends, it all changes.
Word count: 5.6k
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, slow burn, non-canon (the Razor Crest never gets destroyed, it also gets upgraded with a cabin), post season 3, Big Epic Battle, return of the Razor Crest 💙, violence, blood, passing allusion to post-traumatic stress, ho so much action, and so much lore bullshitting just go with me here.
A/N: The walker described in this isn’t any specific canon version. Somewhere between an AT-AT and an AT-ST let’s say. I dunno, picture whatever you want. Thanks for reading!
The room fills for the final muster. 
It’s a scene similar to the first time you’d been in here, but now you’re witnessing it from the other side. Armoured and armed soldiers file into the chamber, an audience gathering before the conflict begins. 
This time though, rather than hiding in the shadows by the forge, you’re among the congregation, seeing the Armourer up front waiting as everyone files in. You stick to the back, find yourself shuffled along a row to stand uneasily by Fennec Shand. She leans a shoulder against yours, a gesture of staunch reassurance.
We got this.
Your eyes move over the backs of many helmets, scanning until you spot him. The man you miss more than you would breathing air must have been first in here. Front and centre, Din stands with his back to you and just a little side on. From your vantage point, you can make out the edges of the familiar heat sig sensor on his helmet’s right side. You can’t see any of the T visor, so he wouldn’t spot you staring at him unless he turned full to the right.
He must know you’re in here though. Whether he cares or not, you have no clue anymore.
Over the many broad shoulders between the two of you, you can’t tell if Grogu is with him.
Still, you whisper a silent entreaty, ‘please let them both be okay…’
Footsteps and shuffling whittle down to silence. Everyone waits. The striking figure at the front of the procession pushes her shoulders back, runs a gaze across the crowd, and speaks. 
‘War is here,’ she says. ‘And we are ready.’
The room fills with the beating of wrists. You and Fennec join in, tapping your comms cuff to your new wrist guard. As the sound fades to quiet again, the honorary battle commander continues.
‘We stand on the frontlines to defend our homelands. Mandalore. Concordia. Every place Mandalorians have come together to build a future. Every place the old, dead empire has tried to take from us.’
You can tell her words are meticulously chosen, because the room swells with an earnest pride and a thrum of determined energy.
‘As the Watch,’ she continues, ‘we’ve nurtured foundlings, raised warriors, and preserved our cultures. We have long held true to the words of the Creed. And it has led us through the dark. Now, we each of us have stood in the Living Waters. By the miracle of liberating Mandalore, we grow brighter. The bonds we forge and the strength we gain from them will continue to lead us.’
‘And it is with this revival that we must learn to reach into new space. We honour the Creed, as it speaks of ourselves and our past.’
She reaches behind her and once again draws out that familiar device. The one containing the texts of the Creed, its originals, its translations. The controlling lore of the people collected here. She places it down on her table.
‘Yet we have come to learn that there is more to our ancient Way than we knew. Now we have learned that the Creed goes further. It speaks of our future. And with the royal Clan Kryze guiding us, we have the way forward to meet it.’
The air pulses like a beating heart. The flames of the forge dance across the ocean of beskar. Everyone holds.
‘Bo-Katan Kryze is our leader, and she is also our guide, it is time we followed her on the path to walk both worlds. Each and every world.’
You’re puzzling over what this reverent monologue could possibly mean – what worlds? – when the woman standing before her people does something that beats the breath from your lungs and sends dizzying electric shocks through your body.
The Armourer, the devout and steadfast leader of almost every person in this room, reaches up and – with a soft hiss that echoes over the hushed crowd – lifts her helmet up, and off. An angular face, large eyes and a wide mouth. She nestles the golden mask under an arm and watches.
It remains deathly quiet for a long, agonising stretch. 
Slowly, just one at a time, and then a few, and then everyone in the place is lifting their hands to their own faces. The air is filled with the sounds of unclasping, pressure releasing. Beskar sings against itself as removed helms are cradled and caressed in gauntleted arms.
You look side to side with eyes wide and mouth agape, in crude contrast to the stoic and steady facial expressions of those around you. The unknown features of people you’ve lived and worked with for weeks are still and focused. Like they knew. Like they were prepared.
Then you’re searching. Over the arms raising and heads shaking out hair and sweat, you strain to see it. The helmet you’d held between your own hands and the man behind it. But he’s obscured. Too far away. You’re just not tall enough. Desperate, you raise onto your toes, craning your neck over the crowd.
‘Here,’ Fennec grabs your wrist and drops to a knee. You gawk for a second but she smacks her thigh with the other hand. ‘Up,’ she mouths.
This is ridiculous but you don’t even pause. You accept her boost, grasp her shoulder and let her hoist you up above the heads of the group. Fortunately everyone is distracted, some unspoken rule that no one looks around rippling across the congregation. They all stay focused front and centre, where the Armourer looks at each and every one of her people in turn.
Not at you yet though. From the very back, toppling a little, shaking violently, you sweep your gaze over to the spot you know him to be standing.
And you see it. You see him.
Dark curls. Damp and sticking to the nape of his neck and around his right ear. 
Huh. He has dark, brown hair. The sight slots into the image you’ve tried to hold in your head all this time. The sketch you’d traced out with your hands. 
Din is holding eyes front as well. All you can see of his face is the slight edge of a sharp jawline and nose. The fuzz of a scruffy beard. Hardly enough. Not enough.
Despite yourself, knowing it to be futile, you will him to look around. Look, I’m here, Din. Please, I’m here.
But you have to drop down before the Armourer, or anyone else, spots you. Giddy and a little nauseous. The grip on your forearm tightens as Fennec stands again. She leans in.
‘See what you needed to see?’ she asks.
You just let out the breath you’d been holding, hold up a trembling hand and stare hard at it. Try to steel yourself.
You hadn’t. Not at all.
A long, high-pitched siren cuts into the reverie that had engulfed the room, sweeps across the people who had just taken a step to change forever.
The Armourer speaks, clear voice projecting to every corner of the room, ‘Go, and bring glory to Mandalore.’
The whole room moves as one, helmets going back on and everyone proceeding to their assignments. Perfect, regimented, united.
Fennec Shand claps a hand to your shoulder and peels off, going to her mission, whatever that may be. Jolted back to reality, reminded of your mission, you cast about for Ari Wren, knowing you have to follow her into whatever comes next – no matter what. You spot her helmet first as it lifts up and over her head, spy just a hint of short cropped blonde hair as the mask locks back into place. She sees you too and strides forward.
‘This way,’ she instructs, fully composed like she hadn’t just uprooted her whole identity. ‘Stick with me.’
You let her guide you, all the while still looking back over your shoulder, just trying to get one more glimpse, one more look, just one.
You don’t see him again.
The first phase of the attack is nothing more than a battle of attrition. The enemy throws waves of ground troops at the Mandalorian defences. You stick with Ari Wren, barely holding onto awareness as pure adrenaline and instinct course through your veins and grant you unimaginable speed and strength. 
‘Stay in step,’ she yells. 
Shoulder blades pressed to the hot metal of her jetpack, you move as she moves. Your footwork is doing double-time to keep up with her rapid twists and lunges, the sword and shield seemingly featherlight in her hands. Each time laser fire comes at you, she’s there – shielding and deflecting.
In turn, you incapacitate anyone that gets under her guard. The close quarters lets you take soldier after soldier by surprise, sending them screaming to the ground clutching at ruined limbs.
The two of you make your way across what’s become the battlefield, move through the acrid air and across the ash-soaked scorched earth. Smoke rising all around, you position yourselves in the anticipated trajectory of their ultimate weapon. It hasn’t emerged over the embankment yet, but it’s only a matter of time.
You remain dimly aware of the rest of the battle – cover fire soaring overhead, the other fighters moving in your forward lines, and a pitched dogfight rending the sky above. But for all the chaos that has erupted since the imp forces descended, the world may as well be you and the Mandalorian yanking you out of the path of an oncoming pulse blast.
But then disaster strikes. It’s your fault. A trooper comes at your duo wielding a bayonet-clad phase rifle, the long nasty blade on its barrel glowing red hot with energy. They lay down attack fire on approach and, as Wren deflects each shot, move in to take a swipe with the sharp, searing edge. Your companion bats it to the side. She brings her own sword around fast, but the enemy manages to parry, twisting side-on.
Seeing an opening, you duck under Wren’s extended arm and take aim at a kidney. But she wasn’t expecting it and you’ve moved under her centre of gravity. You stagger each other and the split second of imbalance is enough for your foe to rend a long slice up Wren’s outer thigh, carving a line along the outside edge of her beskar.
She falls to a knee, then slumps back with an agonised cry. The assailant squares up as you stumble to regain balance. Before you can do anything, he’s drawing his rifle up to your face.
‘N--!’ Your cry is cut off by the soldier in front of you jerking sideways, a violent twist as he drops dead to the ground. Behind him, two more troopers are sprinting toward you, weapons drawn. But again, first one then the other jolts as if struck and falls.
Whirling and twisting, scanning the perimeter, your eyes finally look up and you see it. The long barrel of a sniper rifle and the curved sights of the assassin’s helmet peak over the far ridge.
Fennec Shand.
You stare for a moment until Wren barks your name. It pulls you back and you see you’re being surrounded by a rank of attackers, all sporting savage-looking shock batons. Some are already being taken out by Fennec’s pinpoint cover fire. But if you don’t fucking move soon, you and Wren are doomed.
One of the squad lunges in to attack.
Reaching back, the gaffi stick slung across your shoulders swings free and you connect it with the on-comer’s chest plate, the slugged end caving it in and sending him flying backwards. You spin to slice the barbed spear across another’s throat, blood making a crescent streak across the air.
Fennec hits one in the knee and, as he drops, your weapon rises to meet his face. The helmet shatters and your blood roars.
One after another, you never stop rotating. Cries of pain from your weapon and grunts of shock from the impact of a rifle blast work the group circling you down to the ground.
When it’s clear, you look back to Fennec, hoping she can see your nod of acknowledgement through the scope. She raises an arm to you.
Then you fall to Wren’s side, where she’s gripping her wound and cursing in fury.
‘Wren,’ you start, dropping your weapon and trying to assess the damage. ‘Hang on—'
An ear-splitting siren rips the air apart. Its meaning runs your blood cold. The walker is incoming. Wren tugs at your arm, a ‘help me up’ gesture. But you shake your head, lay your own hands over hers at the top of her thigh where blood spurts from the edge of the armour plate. 
‘No, no,’ you urge her back. ‘Don’t move.’
‘Have… to…’ she grits through her helm. But even the small movement she just made causes red to well between your fingers. 
‘Shit!’ you cry. ‘Gods, Wren. Hang on… Help!’ You look around frantically, yell into the deafening chaos of battle. ‘Help!’
Hells, think clearly, would you? You shake yourself and smack your comms. ‘I need help! Wren is down.’
Within moments, two Mandalorians have landed on either side. One, in medic garb, shoves you aside and begins to tend to her leg. They tap the ground to indicate she needs evac and you hear her grunt in abject frustration. Tries to wave them off.
‘No…’ she moans. ‘Need to…’ She tries to sit up but jolts with a cry of agony. She grips a fist tight before shaking herself and slapping her own comms, muttering into her helmet. You can’t hear who she’s talking to – why is she on a different comms channel?
Another siren has you whirling, then craning your neck up, back. A huge mechanised leg raises over the first fortifications only hundreds of feet in front of you, stomps down with a thundering crash.
You cradle your ears. Terror shoots through you. Whipping around, you look for another jetpacked fighter who could get you up there. Someone, anyone. But they wouldn’t know where to place the charges. How to time it. You sense your plan being blown to hell and panic sets in. This is it – that thing is going to wipe you all out.
Another gargantuan limb brings the monster closer and sends a garrison into full retreat. The horrifying sound of the thermal cannons warming up fills your ears with a sickening buzz. There’s no way to stop it. You look up to the heavens with defeat heavy on your chest. 
That’s where you see it. A pinprick at first, but growing larger. The gorgeous old gunship streaks across the sky, threading the needle through cannon fire and laser blasts. In a sharp nosedive, the Razor Crest is on full burn on its approach to you. It turns to make a low bank and passes over your heads. A figure drops from the hold, in a rapid descent to the field of battle not far from you.
Din hits the ground with a forward roll and releases a salvo of his whistling birds into the waiting war troopers. He’s incapacitated them in a matter of seconds as you sprint toward him. Up and fighting any and everything between the two of you, he makes his way to meet you in the middle. You can’t stop yourself from barrelling into him.
He just plants a hand on your waist and pulls you close, ‘Hang on!’ he yells.
You wrap your arms around his shoulders and try to stifle your cry as his jetpack engages and rockets you both upwards, soaring toward the body of the walking terror. Nothing but empty air below and laser fire raining all around, you bury your face into his neck. Through the haze of fear and adrenaline, you feel him pull you tighter.
The underside streaks toward you. He manoeuvres to ascend up the thing’s body but, just as you come level with it, the rockets on Din’s pack cut out. Suspended in the air, weightless for one terrifying moment, a scream begins to bubble up as you anticipate a precipitous drop. 
But Din fires his whipcord ahead, planting its grapple at the top and swinging your bodies into the side of the massive unit. He twists his weight so he lands squarely against the side, shielding you from impact. Dangling together from the façade of the stalking, swaying machine, he nudges at you.
‘Climb!’ he yells, urging you upwards. 
‘Your jetpack!’ you shout back. ‘What’s wrong?’
‘I’ve got it, just climb now,’ he pushes. You reach up and grab the whipcord. His free hand helps you along, grabbing your legs and heaving upwards to give you purchase. You don’t know how his shoulder isn’t being torn from its joint, but he seems to be holding on. So you grit your teeth, ignore the cord cutting into your hands, and climb.
You hand over hand with the cord and plant your knees into the vertical surface. Push every shred of fear away and focus on what’s in front. Halfway up you glance back and almost scream again. Hundreds of feet below, the monstrosity steps through more barricades, nearing the centre of the fray. But you also see Din, who’s holding fast, looking up, watching you. You turn around and keep climbing. 
The second you reach the top, the whipcord whizzes back. You’re already scrambling toward the pilot hatch when Din’s voice crackles over your comms piece. ‘Just like you planned – you take the personnel, I’ve got the undercarriage.’ 
Gods, so he had been listening. 
Wind whips your face and the roar around you is deafening, but you get to the hatch and pop a thermal charge into the lock. Crawling back and shielding your head, you wait for the ‘croom ’ then leap forward, grip the edge of the opening, and swing yourself inside. The smoke and noise from the explosion has stunned your cabin buddies. They only manage a short shout of alarm before both find their necks snapping at unhappy angles.
You surge onto the portal, jabbing at controls and resetting target maps. The walker groans under the strain of turning 180, but the cockpit’s sights swing around until the advancing forces come into view. You set the target locking system and throw the lever into full drive before sending a quick blaster shot into the control panel. The guns below the cockpit begin a continuous barrage. You watch for a moment as squadrons scatter and tanks implode.
You back away and make for the hatch. Scrambling up onto topside, you hit comms.
‘Din!’ you cry. ‘We gotta go! Din?’
Instead of a reply, the Mandalorian rockets up over the edge and plants his feet metres from you. He strides forward, holding one hand to his helmet, shouting at R5 to bring in the Crest, and reaching his other arm out to you.
You don’t pause, moving in and resuming your grip on his shoulders. He holds for a second, then you’re fighting panic again as you launch upwards. This time though, you manage to keep your eyes trained down. 
You see the walker, marching back into its own lines, sending explosions into troopers and hovercannons. Then, perfectly timed, the detonators Din planted on the underside go off, buckling the legs and sending it tumbling into the central armoured column.
Then your vision is obscured and your momentum arrested. You start in alarm before making sense of the scene. The Crest has sailed elegantly into your line of ascent and Din has cut the jetpack, landing you both on the aft entry of the old gunship. It’s a heavy impact and the only reason your knees don’t collapse is the strong hold he has on you. You both stumble back into the hold of the ship.
As soon as you’re steadied, he lets go and makes for the cockpit. You give in to a brief moment of uninvited despair when he looks over his shoulder and barks, ‘C’mon!’ Then you’re following.
You allow yourself little beats to revel in being on the Crest again, but not for too long. The janky locker door that never quite shut all the way. The peeling paint on the ladder. The access panel that always flickered and whirred. Gods, you’d missed it so much. 
As you enter the cockpit, Din is taking his seat and engaging the controls from R5. You spot Grogu tucked in his pod, which is securely strapped into his flight seat. He looks over at you and waves his arms, burbling in excitement.
The seat on the other side, your seat, sits empty.
Your heart aches at the sight.
As if the ship senses it, the Crest groans and lurches nose down for a moment, forcing you forward. As Din rights its moorings, you flop back into the chair.
‘Get strapped in,’ he yells over his shoulder. He punches at the controls and brings the ship around to witness the skirmish taking place in the sky. The cockpit’s windows afford you a view of the aerial battle, so high up you can see the curvature of this moon and the combat below looking like a crawling insect colony. The fighters up here are intercepting and taking down enemy craft on approach, preventing any from breaking through to attack ground forces.
‘Just in time,’ Din says. ‘The Guild has arrived.’
‘Oh shit,’ you say, pulling the straps around and craning your neck out the window. You spot it. A hefty old transport frigate, Leaf Ghogal’s little army of bounty hunters, plugging a descent toward the edge of the fray, getting ready to drop a mess of bloodthirsty fighters right into the thick of it.
But Din seems unfazed. It puzzles you for a second before he flips the cockpit comms on and speaks to someone on the other end.
‘You’re up,’ he says.
‘Copy that, Mando my man,’ comes a reply – a painfully familiar voice. ‘Our frenemies will be taking a one-way jump to buttfuck nowhere in 3- 2- get goin’ hahaha.' 
Still eyeing the transport a ways off, you have a perfect view of it shuddering for a moment – the hyperdrive straining in the high atmosphere. With a massive shockwave, it shooms into nothingness. The energy fallout from its rapid departure collects the edge of a soaring tiefighter, taking its portside wing and sending it careening to the ground. 
‘Woo! Two fer one!’ The disembodied voice hollers and it hits you. 
‘Wha— Torre? ’ you sputter.
‘Hey dove,’ Torre’s voice echoes around the cockpit. ‘You made it.’
‘What are y-- what is-- what?’ 
‘Making up for my bullshit, hon,’ he says. ‘Or a little of it, at least.’
Din interrupts, like you aren’t in a full tailspin over this little fucking alliance going on right now.
‘Another mercenary outfit inbound,’ he says.
‘On it,’ Torre chirps, the clacking of keys being hit in rapid succession accompanying the transmission. 
You start to say ‘where?’ but Din just points. Another transport carrier trundles just behind where Leaf’s ship was. Your eyes track it as the Crest banks across the range. Huge, fit to carry upwards of two hundred combatants. Worlds, you think. If they land it’ll be a bloodbath.
But Torre’s counting down again and the boat – blip – bends out of existence. Just like that. 
‘That’s cleared,’ Din says.
‘Roger, roger,’ Torre responds.
This is too surreal. ‘Torre,’ you shout. ‘ What-- why are you doing this?’
A long sigh slips from the speakers.
‘Your Mando came and got me,’ he tells you over the comms. ‘Told me about how that fucker Cephlate used me. And how he got to you. Fuck. For that, and for the rest… Well, ‘m sorry.’
A beat of quiet as you absorb that. Then the Crest chimes in with its alert system, alarms blaring around you.
‘And speaking of the Devil,’ Torre says. ‘His craft is inbound.’
‘What?’ you yelp. ‘Cephlate is here?’ 
‘Indeed,’ Torre answers you. ‘Got his private little army in on this shitshow.’
Ice slides up and down your spine and sends cold shards to your extremities. The freeze of a carbonite unit crawls over your skin. Him. Your side aches right where your scar has steadily faded away. But it now throbs as if fresh. Your face, where he’d held onto your chin and threatened you, burns.
The only thing stopping you from succumbing to wild panic is the T visor that’s swung round to stare at you.
‘He’s not gonna touch you,’ Din snarls low. ‘Ever again.’
You lean into your chair, breathing deep into your belly as he turns back to the ship’s controls.
‘What can you do about it?’ Din asks.
‘Not much, I’m afraid. I’ve tried hacking in but he knows my tricks. All I can give you is something to aim for.’
A string of data rolls across the Crest’s targeting system, forms into a ship holo. An ugly, heavy-duty gunner-craft. Cannons and railguns weigh the beastly thing down. The holo rotates to reveal a glowing patch on the underside. Small and tucked against the exhaust latchings. You lean forward to get a good look at it. 
‘The stitch that will unravel his shields,’ Torre explains. ‘Aim for that. And he’ll be done.’
‘Okay,’ Din says. ‘I think you’re good then.’
‘Copy that.’
‘You gonna cause trouble?’
Torre’s chuckle rumbles over the speakers. ‘No worries there,’ he says. ‘Old mate Greef here hasn’t taken his pistol’s sights off me for a single second.’
‘I’ve got him, Mando,’ the high magistrate’s voice follows on. ‘We’ll take him back when the fight is over, won’t we IG?’
‘Bye then, dove,’ Torre’s voice sinks into you. ‘I’ll always be sorry.’
The transmission cuts.
Distracted by the insanity of what just happened, you miss Din’s question. He’s fiddling with settings on the HUD and, at your silence, looks back.
‘Huh?’ you ask.
‘I can’t aim for something like that and fly at the same time,’ he says. ‘So which do you want to do?’
‘Which do I--?’ You notice for the first time an addition to the instrument bank next to the flight chair you’re buckled into. A set of ship controls, twins to the ones Din’s got a hard grip on up front. Protruding just within reach. 
‘Had to get another ship mechanic to help install it, ‘m sorry,’ he says, watching you. ‘It was fiddly. The Crest did not want to cooperate. But we did it.’
‘Wh--,' you’re speechless. You reach over and they glide easily outward so you can orient them in front of you. Giving each an experimental twist, you feel the hefty tilt and take in the trigger buttons just by where your forefingers rest. ‘Oh wow… Din. But- I can’t--’
‘You can,’ he says. ‘I know it.’
Aware you can’t waste time on doubt, you heave a deep sigh. Looking at the ship holo, at the tiny opening Torre’s given you, your fingers hover over the triggers. Something inside you makes the choice. 
‘Aim,’ you say. ‘I’ll aim.’
Nodding, he spins back around and flips a switch. The controls under your palms hum with energy and a HUD blinks in front of you. The Crest shudders as its weapons system primes itself.
Hells, how are you going to fucking do this.
‘I’ll draw him onto us, tell me when you’re ready and I’ll give you an opening,’ he says. Without further ado, he pulls his own controls back and the Razor Crest soars. 
How are you going to do this.
The Mandalorian pilots his ship through a mess of crossfire and the occasional spacecraft trailing smoke and plummeting to the earth. The menacing looking ship of the outer-rim warlord comes into view and Din positions the Crest right in front of it, racing ahead and catching the enemy crew’s attention. Pulls serpentine manoeuvrers to dodge the laser fire that begins a bombardment.
How are you—
Static crackles over the comms and the sickly, savage voice of the figure you’ve had nightmares about fills the space. Delighted, arrogant and bloodthirsty. Cephlate waxes lyrical about finally having the opportunity to ‘destroy you Mando, and all you hold dear’.
But you’re barely taking it in, fixated on the targeting system and trying to fathom how you’re going to do this.  
How, how, how—
Spiralling thoughts are interrupted by a feather-soft tendril of energy nudging at the edge of your mind. It swirls against your consciousness and seems to await permission. 
You look over at Grogu, whose eyes are shut tight and hands twitch with power. The sense of connection within you grows brighter, promises aid. Begs entry.
‘Ready?’ Din calls.
‘We have this,’ you shout. Looking at the child, you let him and the Force flood your mind, whip through your senses and snake into your arms and hands, held firm on the controls. They hum harder, some awareness deep in the bowels of the ship slips into you, a quiet there you are, where have you been? You set your shoulders and shout, ‘Now!’
Din hurls a lever back and reefs on the controls. The Crest drops into a free fall. The rear thrusters cut and tip the boat so you’re looking up into the sky. Laser fire passes overhead as does Cephlate’s ship. The glint in the underside, the break in the shield, is plain as day to your heightened senses.
You, Grogu and the Crest lock onto it and your fingers move of their own volition, releasing a single pulse that streaks ahead. Where it hits home, exactly on target, a burst of crackling, festy grey energy widens from the spot, shimmering over the whole ship. The entire shield system drops away in a few heartbeats.
‘No!’ the warlord bellows. ‘You--!'
Din smacks the comms to another channel over the top of his cries. ‘Move in,’ he commands whoever’s on the other side. To you, ‘Keep firing!’
You’re already setting up to unleash an angry broadside along the bottom of the vessel. He hauls the thrusters back on and gives you a perfect bank for the barrage to take out its engine array. When the Crest clears the front of the ship, it wheels around and you can take aim at the top-mounted cannons.
You see several other Mandalorian jets and fighters move in weapons free, your little T-Wing among them. It and the rest send explosions to impact on all sides of the vessel. Your ship makes another turn and you get to pass again – feeling feral, you zero in on the bridge and send the bow of the ship up in flames.  
It’s not long before the monstrous dirigible is listing, tilting away from the centre of the fight, toward the chordal coast where the imps’ forward party had been encamped. It disappears over the rim of the small mountain range bisecting the landscape. Moments later, a spectacular explosion reaches toward the skies.
You watch it as the Crest’s trajectory evens out, sails across the cleared air. You scan the radar, friendly craft soar around you. 
Only the roar of wind and the groan of the ship fill the cockpit. You loosen your grip just slightly on the controls as a wide grin spreads across your face. You glance up at Din, seeing his shoulders steadily drop as he relaxes. You laugh.
‘Well that, felt incredible,’ you say. He starts to turn toward you.
A burst of static covers what he says back. A boisterous voice thunders over the speakers, declaring glorious victory and the imp forces scattering like baby womp rats, the jet-packed Mandalorians running them down with ease.
You listen, fidgeting a little as a weird pang starts to bother your side. 
The comms cuts to reports of mopping up but Din turns it to low, moving dials and flipping the landing gear into standby.
You keep your hands on the gunner grips in case any last-minute moves are needed, but try to sit up a little straighter to stretch out the tightness that is drawing your abdomen into a knot. The tension of the fight setting in, maybe?
Din leans back. ‘Guess we can head in,’ he says, moving to turn to you again. Your heart beats harder, damn near straining against your chest. ‘And maybe we can t—’
The tiny, panicked shriek from Grogu causes you both to whip around to him. Your concern twists your guts. A strange nervous vibration is working its way up your spine, into your skull and clouding your vision. Your mouth is filling with icy shards and your ears start ringing. 
‘Grogu?’ you say. ‘Baby, wha—’
‘No!’ Din surges from his chair.
‘Is he okay?’
‘Oh Gods, no, no, no!’
That’s when you realise that he’s not lunging at Grogu but toward you. And Grogu is fine, but he’s pointing to your middle with fear-filled eyes.
Din kneels before you and chants your name. ‘Hang on. Please just, hang on, love. Stay, stay with me, hey! Stay with me!’ His confusing demands grow fuzzy and further away as he talks.
You finally look down. The haze and hot tendrils clawing at your eyes make it hard to see, but that’s definitely something sticking out of your stomach. You move a hand to it. It’s hot, and vibrating with a quiet menace. Your fingers come away bloodied. ‘Ohhhh wha…’ You fade out.
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Forgive me.
Thank you so much for reading this weird little story.
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saras-devotionals · 3 months
Quiet Time 3/19
What am I feeling today?
Tired but excited and grateful! Today is my last clinical rotation on the stroke unit and as much as I enjoyed it, I’m really looking forward to being able to rest and have my Tuesdays open!
Bible Plan: Spiritual Wilderness
In my younger years, it was hard for me to continue my devotions when I didn’t feel His presence for a while. It was discouraging, but I have learned a few things that have changed my perspective.
One thing I learned is that God promises to reward those who fervently seek Him, not who only find Him. We don’t seek God because He is lost. He is always near to us because His Spirit lives within us. We go to prayer not to find God but to be with Him. With that said, there are seasons in life where it seems and feels like His manifest presence is gone.
During these seasons you must understand that God is building up your faith since Jesus is the author and perfecter of your faith. Without faith, it is impossible to please God, and this faith gets stronger as your feelings get weaker. You are forced to rely only on God’s Word, not on your feelings or experiences. In seasons of your spiritual wilderness, only faith can help you come closer to God. If you live by your feelings, you will feel distant from God. When you go to God’s throne in spite of your negative feelings, you are building your faith.
I find it encouraging that He is not a rewarder of those who feel or experience Him but of those who do their best to seek Him.
King David was called “a man after His own heart”. God didn’t say that David had His heart; he was simply after it. David was in constant pursuit of God. In reading the Psalms that he wrote, we see his heart’s journey into the presence of God. At times he would complain that he didn’t feel God, yet he was still seeking after Him. God likes that. He wants us to pursue Him, even when we don’t feel like it.
In fact, not only does God love that we pursue Him, but He also rewards us. This truth has been the source of my encouragement. I don’t submit to my feelings, but I let my faith grow by going to God no matter what’s happening in my life.
There’s so much to get from this and I thought it was incredible! First off, seeking Him over finding Him. You can find God once because He’s not far from any one of us, but seeking Him is a daily thing. You have to consistently go after Him day after day, acknowledging Him when you feel like it is not biblically sound.
Additionally with the seeking, relying on His word instead of your feelings. The heart is deceitful and your feelings are not always accurate. We can sometimes let ourselves be controlled by our feelings and let them direct how we operate but that can lead us down the wrong path. God’s word will always be right and ready for you, so read it, use it, apply it, keep it in your heart!
1 Samuel 13:13-14 NIV
““You have done a foolish thing,” Samuel said. “You have not kept the command the Lord your God gave you; if you had, he would have established your kingdom over Israel for all time. But now your kingdom will not endure; the Lord has sought out a man after his own heart and appointed him ruler of his people, because you have not kept the Lord’s command.””
For reference, this is Samuel rebuking Saul and the one who talks about in regard to who the Lord has sought out is David. Even though David struggled a lot, He always sought after God, seeking Him daily and I really want to imitate that as best I can.
Hebrews 11:6 NIV
“And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.”
I mean this is very self explanatory and emphasizes the importance of our faith and seeking after God every single day.
Hebrews 12:1-2 NIV
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
“Let us run with perseverance” -> I want to place some emphasis on this. We can get tired and weary in our walk with God, especially when we’re in the spiritual wilderness where even our own emotions can be attacking our faith. But God wants us to persevere, we need to have our hearts set on the goal of it all, to be reunited with God after death! Also, Jesus is meant to guide us in this! He’s the perfected of our faith! Without him, we’d have no chance in having a relationship with God and it’s important to remember and be grateful for what he did for us on the cross.
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aboutiroh · 6 months
I'm not sure if this is something that has been discussed before, but the pacing of book 3 has always bothered me a little (not enough to consider the writing as less than phenomenal, but still). There's actually a few things that I think could have been handled better and I just grouped them under 'pacing issues' as an umbrella term, even though it's not always the most fitting term. Most of these aren't even really issues, but just my personal preference.
For instance, I always thought it's a pity we didn't get more episodes with the Gaang after Zuko joined the team. I love the fieldtrip episodes, but we barely got to see team avatar travelling together (and Toph didn't even get a fieldtrip!). There's a lot of untapped potential there and we're free to explore that ourselves of course, but having more canon storylines would've been nice and I think it wasn't impossible. (This is a segue into issue nr. 1):
Book 3 spends too much time preparing for the invasion.
The Gaang spends half a season to prepare for the invasion (they mostly just travel to the meeting point). This makes no sense to me as we, the viewers, know that Azula knows all about it (as King Kuei so nicely tells her about those plans in 2x19 "The Guru"). (Which btw, he could have mentioned to the Gaang after learning that Azula was not a Kyoshi warrior, but I'll let that slide as Kuei is canonically a useless person).
They build up towards a fight that we know is doomed to fail and that on itself is okay, but that moment could've happened earlier in the season (not so early that Zuko doesn't have the time to finally understand what his destiny truly is). If the invasion failed earlier in the season, Zuko (and Suki) would have joined earlier. Many episodes in early book 3 could easily take place after the invasion (thinking of "The painted lady" or "The puppetmaster", maybe(?) "Sokka's master" and "The runaway", though some elements would have needed altering, e.g. the Sparky Sparky Boom Man subplot (I say we get rid of it entirely)).
Conversely, there's one episode, or rather conflict, that should have occurred before the invasion. (Segue to issue nr. 2!):
2. What even was the invasion plan, really?
After the invasion fails, we learn during a beach party that the Fire Lord is planning to literally burn the entire world when the comet arrives, so the Gaang's new plan of discretely hiding and training until the comet passes turns out to be pretty pointless. Aang suddenly has to face the Fire Lord much earlier and more importantly, when Ozai's at his most powerful, which is less than ideal. So the combat training recommences. It is at this point that Aang suddenly realizes he's not willing to kill Ozai. He's of course right to feel conflicted about it, and it's understandable that his friends don't completely understand just how important this is for him. It's a necessary and significant moment in the show, but it's just strange that they haven't had the discussion before.
Aang knows he has to defeat the Fire Lord pretty early on. Throughout book 1 and book 2 he's preoccupied with learning to bend the elements (when he's not riding animals or escaping imprisonment or facing whatever other problem the plot throws his way). It's too early to think about the technicalities of what that defeat exactly entails because priorities, I totally get it. But by book 3, they have a pretty elaborate plan to invade the Royal Palace. It's just never explained how they will defeat the Fire Lord. Hakoda explains the plan as follows:
The eclipse only lasts eight minutes, not enough time for the whole invasion. And the Royal Palace is heavily guarded by firebenders. So that's where we'll need the eclipse's advantage the most. When this is finished, the Avatar will have defeated the Fire Lord. We will have control of the Fire Nation capital, and this war will be over!
Assuming the plan was not to kill Ozai (because Aang would have felt conflicted about that), how exactly would Aang defeat the Fire Lord in those eight minutes? Was he just supposed to knock him unconscious and then immediately put him in a cooler cell? If that's the case, I didn't see them carry one around. Aang had thought about the possibility of not coming back from the battle (as he tells Katara just before leaving), so it would only make sense for him to consider the possibility that it could be Ozai who would not make it out alive because of him.
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farfromstrange · 1 year
Foreigner's God Masterlist
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PAIRING: Matt Murdock x OFC
AO3 — Spotify — #foreigner’s god
❝ Sometimes, the greatest power lies not in what we can control, but in what we can uncover within ourselves. In the depths of darkness, secrets await, and it is our choice to embrace them or let them consume us. Together, they embarked on a journey to unearth the truth, unaware that love, like a tempest, would shatter all their plans and rebuild their world anew. ❞
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She was born with the ability to manipulate reality and the world around her. Hydra raised her and turned her into their deadliest weapon until the Avengers saved her and offered her a chance at a better life. A dark past often comes with secrets that demand to be uncovered. There might actually be more to it than meets the eye, a kind of power that’s been sleeping deep within her, waiting to be discovered. But how does one get over losing everything without losing themselves?
One reckless night on a rooftop, a bad decision leads the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen right into her arms, and he decides to tag along on her journey down the past.
As it turns out, Matt Murdock is a man unable to take no for an answer when he has set his mind to something, and once she decides to let him into her heart, all the plans she made for the future fall apart.
Or, in which a troubled Avenger forms an alliance with Daredevil to fight a common enemy and save their city, but they end up saving each other instead.
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SLOW BURN, Canon typical violence, ANGST, EVENTUAL SMUT, light BDSM, Oral sex, daddy kink, praise & pain kink, blood & cum play, Switch!Matt, toxic behavior, language, severe mental illness, PTSD, implied/referenced torture, substance abuse disorder, self-harm, mentions of sexual assault, Hydra, age gap, religious imagery and symbolism, eventual romance, some fluff, mutant powers, mentions of child molestation, near-death experiences, catholic guilt, NOT TONY STARK FRIENDLY (at least until chapter 40 or so), turning good characters into bad guys, not completely canon compliant
-> There will be chapter-specific warnings before each chapter because they tend to vary with each one!
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Hello everyone! I didn’t expect this to blow up the way it did, so I decided to edit the entire Masterlist and repost it while I continue editing the chapters on AO3 and here, too. Welcome to everyone who’s new here!
Likes and reblogs are always appreciated!
I’m trying not to describe any specific physical traits like body shape, hair color, etc. (although I think I called her skin “pale” once or twice in reference to her lack of sun exposure) in any of the chapters. The character was assigned female at birth and also identifies as female with she/her pronouns, but other than that, I do not give her any traits other than her name – Eliza Bennett. Her looks are entirely up to your imagination! So you can view this as a reader insert or not, whatever you want. It’s up to you how you interpret this story.
-> Series takes place in early season 2 and continues from there on.
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-> This work is 18+ ONLY!
[the asterisk (*) indicates explicit sexual content; (^) indicates the chapter has been edited to fit the new style]
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chapter one: I Did Something Bad (^)
chapter two: Raise A Little Hell (^)
chapter three: I Think He Knows (^)
chapter four: This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things (^)
chapter five: Hold Me While You Wait (^)
chapter six: Ivy (^)
chapter seven: right where you left me (^)
chapter eight: doomsday (^)
chapter nine: Block Me Out  (^)
chapter ten: 1 step forward, 3 steps back (^)
chapter eleven: New Invention (^)
chapter twelve: It’s Nice To Have A Friend (^)
chapter thirteen: Devil Town (^)
chapter fourteen: Family Line (^)
chapter fifteen: So it goes…* (^)
chapter sixteen: Do I Wanna Know?* (^)
chapter seventeen: Look Who’s Inside Again (^)
chapter eighteen: Anti-Hero (^)
chapter nineteen: You’re On Your Own Kid  (^)
chapter twenty: Innocent* (^)
chapter twenty-one: Green, Green Dress*
chapter twenty-two: mirrorball*
chapter twenty-three: The Avengers (pt.1) 
chapter twenty-four: The Avengers (pt.2) 
chapter twenty-five: For Real This Time 
chapter twenty-six: Black Out Days 
chapter twenty-seven: Dear Reader
chapter twenty-eight: Look What You Made Me Do 
chapter twenty-nine (Bonus Chapter): Haunted
chapter thirty: Hayloft II
chapter thirty-one: Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God)
chapter thirty-two: Chasing Cars
chapter thirty-three: How To Save A Life
chapter thirty-four: Foreigner’s God(*)
chapter thirty-five: long story short*
chapter thirty-six: this is me trying*
chapter thirty-seven: New Romantics*
chapter thirty-eight: Lavender Haze*
chapter thirty-nine: As It Was*
chapter forty: Monster*
chapter forty-one: Daylight
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chapter forty-two: I’ll Get The Coffee*
chapter forty-three: She Knows*
chapter forty-four: Cold As You 
chapter forty-five: Bird Set Free 
chapter forty-six: Human*
chapter forty-seven: Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve (^)
chapter forty-eight: Bad Blood (^)
chapter forty-nine: Dark Paradise (^)
chapter fifty: Meet Me In The Hallway (^)
chapter fifty-one: Demons (^)
chapter fifty-two: Say You Won't Let Go (^)
chapter fifty-three: I Will Be Your Remedy (^)
chapter fifty-four: Dancing With The Devil (^)
chapter fifty-five: Why Am I Like This? (^)
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catherine-sketches · 2 years
You know what? I don’t hate what they did with Lucerys and Aemond story line. In fact I think I even like it. Here are the 3 reasons why:
1) Fire and Blood is written like a history book. A collection of different accounts, some from people who were there, some who were not there, some of them heavily exaggerated, ALL OF THEM BIASED.
So us, the audience, know what happened because we are in the air with the two of them. The people on the ground? They just saw Vhagar nerf that little dragon out of the sky with murderous intent. So to any onlookers yeah Aemond just murdered his nephew in cold blood.
(And let’s be honest with ourselves, do we really think Aemond is going to be spreading around how guilty he is about Lucerys? He may tell his mom it was an accident, but I think that’s it. He is keeping all his emotions right here, and one day he will die. Outside of his mom and probably Haelena, everyone will call him a murderer and a kinslayer and he is going to let them. Not one word to disprove or in defense of his actions.)
2) Aemond’s regret.
This is a guys that is an amazing fighter, skilled and deadly…. He also never killed a person, especially someone he grew up with. People can talk big game about killing someone you have beef with, especially if that person is a relative, but one thing is words the other is the actual deed. He may know what death is, but it’s another can of worms being a accessary to murder.
This reminds me of Sansa’s reactions to death. When it was a death in a tourney she barely reacted. It was a tourney, that death was brushed off and they moved on. It was a spectacle, like a death in a movie scene for us. But when it was her father’s death it suddenly became all too real.
That was his nephew. He grew up with him. And eye for a life is not a worthy trade. The scales are off.
3) A Dragon is not a slave.
Have you ever road a horse? Did you know that, if the horse notices that you don’t know what you doing they will just ignore your commands? The horse I was trying to ride would not obey me for it’s life because he knew I had no power over him. I had no experience and was anxious and had barely got on the saddle because I could not grip it right and had noodles for arms at the time.
Dragons are intelligent (the intelligence of a five year old if I remember the lore correctly). A person can bond with them, train them, ride them… but if you believe they have fully control over them you never raised a pet in your life. They WILL do shit against your will, especially the smart ones.
This is something we see in the books; Daenerys has a hard time controlling her dragons, the only one she can ride is Drogon (and she has to use a whip),
in Fire and Blood (possible spoilers for future seasons) Joffrey tries to ride Syrax to save his dragon. But Syrax is not his dragon, it’s his mom’s. So, as you can imagine, it went to shit pretty fast.
I once had a dog (RIP Leo, we miss you) and he was a delightful pitbull. He would answer to my commands, he would help me with hide and seek (he would stand in front of his house as I hide inside it) he was friendly and lovable… and the “Leo don’t jump on people as a way to say Hi” command was ignored Every. Single. Time.
Kira, Leo’s mom, hated everyone that was not my Grandma, her owner, and didn’t answer to anyone except my Grandma and tried her dammest to bite our asses off. Hell even Grandma didn’t come of without some bit marks through the years.
Now I have cats and we all know that trying to command cats is a exercise in futility.
So now imagine dragons, giant dogs with fire breath and wings. Each one of them with their own personalities, each one more deadly than the other.
Arrax, a young dragon, in a panic, tried to attack Vhagar.
Vhagar, an older, battle hardened dragon, retaliated.
The scales, as a said before, are off.
It’s like watching a baby kitten try to attack a old tigger and the tigger retaliating by biting.
Because of sheer size, the tiger bites the kitty’s head off.
This show is a tragedy. And the bread and butter of any tragedy are the “If onlys”
And now, as the Dance unravels around him, Aemond will have to live with his.
“If only I hadn’t gone after him…”
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Yeah so I'm an Amber apologist until the day I die.
I do think there's potentially a minor writing hiccup but I'm gonna set things out as best I can from my understanding.
What a lot of people don't pick up on, and what the show tries to convey in episode 5, is that Mark has been a phenomenally shitty boyfriend to Amber. We only see a few brief snippets of him cancelling some dinner plans, but this has been a constant, unfaltering issue for 3 months. 'He's late, he doesn't show, and he always has some shitty excuse.' From Amber's point of view, it wouldn't be unreasonable for her to think she means nothing to him.
But she recognises that the situation is complex, and she cares about him, and she sees that he IS trying, if not enough. So she gives him second chance after second chance. Honestly far longer than she should have done.
But yeah, their relationship is on the ROCKS for a LONG time. But since we see Mark superheroing throughout most of that, we can't put ourselves in her shoes.
So then, flash forward to Upstate U and the reveal. My controversial theory, but the one I think most makes sense in terms of writing, is that Amber didn't know Mark was Invincible until he tells her.
Amber is visibly startled when she sees Mark flying in her room. Granted she would be even if she knew, but it leans more to her not knowing than the contrary.
Amber does not know who Invincible is at Upstate U, and she never refers to him by name in the confrontation: 'I know you're a superhero', 'fly away, flyboy'. If she had known 'weeks beforehand' a cursory google would have been likely. She would be more likely to refer to him by name.
Amber is very intelligent, she's quick-witted, she's an expert at putting up walls as a defence mechanism and she hates being lied to. She would be capable of concealing her surprise, and wouldn't want to lose control in the conversation, but honestly she doesn't have to. Because her reaction seems genuine, even if its less premeditated than she puts on.
Amber goes into that interaction thinking Mark is a liar, a coward, a flake and an asshole. That interaction recontextualises him as a liar, a flake and an asshole. In different ways sure, but the end result is the same. Amber's whole issue is that she doesn't feel valued by Mark, and she's just been told that he was hiding an entire secret life from her because he didn't trust her. Also, Mark is not 'trusting her now': he's using Invincible as a retroactive get out of jail free card for being an asshole for 3-4 months. He frames it in a way that, even if its unintentional on his part, makes her out to be small, and petty, and irrational: 'because im out saving lives or protecting the planet.' It sounds like he's blaming her for being mad at him, and he's SO SURE she'll forgive him everything in that moment. She doesn't want to let him off the hook for being shitty, and Mark's behaviour isn't helping. This is supposed to convey that the way he treated her isn't ok even if he was a superhero, and he shouldn't expect it to be.
And she isn't happy about being angry with him! The scene ends with her looking pensive, conflicted, because the walls she put up in that scene do not reflect her character! She goes back to Mark to make sure he's alright, because she sees his actions in a different light, and bear in mind, at this point, Mark is still viewed by the public as someone who played a pretty substantial role in killing around 50,000 people at a guess. She's not going back to him because he's a hero now. He's public enemy number 2. That is an INCREDIBLE amount of integrity and dedication, traits she's displayed repeatedly throughout the season through her grassroots support of local communities.
William literally says in his pep talk to Mark:
'But you were a shitty boyfriend to Amber and you got what you deserved'. This is Mark's number 1 fan. Laying it out in front of us.
And last, but of course, not least,
Guys she's fucking seventeen cut her some slack jesus christ she's not a calculator
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swearyshera · 1 year
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I'm somehow only now realizing the climactic scene at the Heart won't have the same "I love you" confession cuz it's been explicit status quo here since the word go. So that's gonna be fun.
Also this kind of thing unironically scares the living shit out of me. Characters that just can't let go of admiring/loving/helping someone who's repeatedly hurt them, to the point of putting themselves in harms way for their sake make me feel so goddamned helpless and angry, even when I understand why they would personally or thematically do so. It is terrifying on an existential level. Even if I know its the heroic or "kind" thing to do or will work out for the best in the end, it fills with so much fucking suffocating dread because it makes me think how much of what we feel towards people who hurt us is outside our control and we'll just leave ourselves open to being hurt in the same way over and over. I know Adora and others like her are supposed to be making a powerful choice to follow their heart and do what's right, and she definitely chooses over and over afterwards to not accept the same kind of treatment as before, but I'm always left with the fear that they never a real choice at all.
I'm already resigned to the climax in Heart not being as good as the original - how could it ever match up? I've gone through a few different ideas for it though. Initially I thought Catra could propose for real but... eh, not really a fan of that one now. There was also the thought that it could be about Catra selflessly telling Adora to stay for Etheria and not her, but again, that doesn't really work. Current idea picks up a little bit of an ongoing thing around Adora... but I'll keep my cards close to my chest!
And it's very interesting that you point out characters who just can't stop putting themselves in harms way for that one person, because there's a line in this episode that's basically that - and I have not been normal since I wrote it 18 months ago. It's true, though, that sometimes we do love people who are not right for us - or, as we see here, we love people who are right for us, but not ready to be. I think that hurts more, when someone who you know can be so, so perfect with you is on a bad path.
I did lean on the idea of choice in season 3, where Catra would only focus on the choices others made and ignore her own bad ones. I like to think she's matured since then, and will make better choices (once she's back from Prime-ification, anyway)
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heelsandhalos · 13 days
Good morning everyone. I hope you all are having an amazing Thursday so far. Lets get into our devotional.
Subject: Trust in God's Timing
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." — Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)
Life often presents us with situations where the path forward is unclear. We may face uncertainty in our careers, relationships, or personal goals. During these times, it’s tempting to rely solely on our own understanding and try to control every outcome. However, Proverbs 3:5-6 encourages us to place our trust in the Lord instead.
Trusting in God means believing that He knows what is best for us, even when we cannot see it ourselves. It requires us to submit our plans to Him, allowing His wisdom to guide our steps. This kind of trust is not passive; it involves actively seeking God through prayer, reading His Word, and being open to His direction.
When we trust in God with all our hearts, we acknowledge that His timing is perfect. We learn to wait patiently for His plans to unfold, knowing that He is orchestrating everything for our good. This trust brings peace, even in the midst of uncertainty, because we know that our lives are in the hands of a loving and sovereign God.🌸🙏✨️
As we navigate through different seasons, let us remember to lean on God’s wisdom and trust in His timing. We are not alone in our journeys; He is our constant guide and support. By trusting in His timing, we open ourselves to new possibilities and the wonderful plans God has in store for us.
Reflection Questions:
1. How have you experienced God’s guidance during times of uncertainty in your life?
2. What are some ways you can deepen your trust in God when His timing seems unclear?
3. How can you support others in your community who are waiting on God’s timing?
Dear Lord, thank You for being our rock and refuge in times of uncertainty. Help us to trust in Your plans and to submit our ways to You. Give us patience and faith to wait on Your perfect timing, knowing that You are with us every step of the way. Strengthen our hearts and minds, and help us to support one another through all of life’s seasons. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
Group Activity:
Spend a few minutes sharing personal stories of times when you had to trust in God's timing and how He worked through those experiences. Offer words of encouragement and pray for one another, asking for God’s continued guidance and strength. 🙏🌸✨️
I'll leave my answers in the comments and I would so love to see your answers as well.🌸
Photo by Heels and Halos (@heelsandhalosofficial)
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beautifulblooms · 2 years
Fighting Together to the End - Eddie Munson x Male!Reader - Part 1
Male! Reader, he/him used, so fuck the canon, it broke my heart, MEGA FUCKING SPOILERS FOR PART TWO OF SEASON FOUR, anyways, fluff, angst, this is pretty much a rewrite of season 4 because I need to recover after the traumatizing events of part 2
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
CIS Women and Female Aligned people, please DNI, this story and all of my others are for non-binary, masculine aligned and male readers!
Why had it been Eddie who got caught up in all this? He isn’t a bad person, he sells some bad shit but he’s not bad. If Chrissy had just found some other seller at the school it wouldn’t have been an issue. If the town didn’t believe my boyfriend was a freak and a cult leader it would've been better. Granted I’m not in much of a better situation being his boyfriend, firstly it’s Hawkins, secondly we’re gay, need I say more.
Eddie and I hid together after Chrissy got snapped apart in the living room, honestly not surprised his supplier was out by lovers lake. If anything it’s smart, constant sales from teens passing by and it’s secluded enough to not draw attention. Getting discovered by Dustin and the rest of them wasn’t exactly fun, we both nearly killed two of them. In our defense, Steve jabbed Eddie in the face with his oar.
“So what you’re saying is that there’s an entire upside down version of Hawkins, and there’s a guy who’s controlling people mentally to kill them?” Having to process Chrissy was enough but now there’s a whole other world we have to understand and somehow get rid of????
“Yes, exactly, see? Someone understands me!” Dustin was a little too excited to be understood, which means he’s had to explain this far too much already.
“Well what the fuck are we supposed to do about it? We’re both being hunted for murder that we obviously didn’t commit.” Eddie blurted out from beside me, equally as tired of this shit as me.
“We didn’t think that far yet, we’re still trying to figure out how he’s attacking people.” Steve chimed in next, rubbing his neck after Eddie nearly stuck his switchblade into it.
“In the meantime, how about y’all get us some food, seeing as we can’t really go anywhere without getting recognized and then attacked, arrested, or killed. Hell I’ll even give you cash to cover it.” Pulling out my wallet I gave Nancy about 60 dollars for food, she seems like the most responsible to give cash.
“What are we supposed to get?” Nancy just looked at me confused.
“Anything really, nothing that needs a fridge, that’s not really an option right now.” I gestured around us at the rest of the boat house we had found ourselves in.
“Great, c’mon guys, let’s get the murderers food.” Sarcasm dripped off her words but Eddie and I still let out dry chuckles.
“Oh! And a six pack!” I looked to my left at Ed’s.
“Really, beer?” He looked almost offended.
“We need provisions, don't we? Beer is a liquid, and we need water to survive.” A deadpan replaced my previously confused expression.
“That’s not the same thing dumbass.” I lightly smacked the back of his head and he let out a small whine in response.
“What should we do while we wait for them to bring back stuff?” Eddie laid back against the walls behind him, looking up at me through hooded eyes.
“Um, wanna take a nap?” I shrugged my shoulders not really sure what to do without the usual stuff we had at his trailer or my house.
“What a fantastic idea my love, now get down here with me!” Grabbing my shoulders he dragged me down against the floor of the boat house to cuddle.
“Ya know I could’ve laid down on my own babe.” A smile spread across his face that I couldn’t even think about being mad about.
“I’m sure you could’ve, but that was more fun. Now, we sleep!” Giggling at his antics I wrapped my arms around his middle and quickly pressing a kiss to his lips before letting the sweet grasp of sleep wash over me. It was only a few hours later that we were rudely awakened by Dustin screaming.
“We have your food, stop being cutesy, it's gross!“ If it wasn’t Dustin yelling at me I would’ve kicked him in the shin and let him fall to the floor.
“Henderson, you're walking a fine line right now.” I only opened one eye to look up at him, but he got the message and took a few steps back.
“What all did you get?” Eddie groaned out sitting up from where he was laying in my arms.
“Um, the six pack, honeycomb, spaghetti-o’s, pasta, some random fruit Nancy picked up, uhh and some other stuff I think.” Steve started going through what he remembers from the shopping trip.
“Eddie, you're not drinking this early, it’s only 3:30.” Looking down at my watch to confirm the time before looking back up at him.
“It’s 5 o’clock somewhere babe, c’mon it’s been a rough couple of days, just this once?” Damn him and those beautiful brown eyes, as soon as he looks at me with a smile I can’t say no.
“Fine, just this once.” Sitting up I rubbed my eyes before looking at everyone again.
“So while you guys were gone, did you come up with anything? Like ya know, a plan maybe?” At this point I just wanted to go back to before everything happened, I just wanted my normal back.
“Well, this would be so much easier if we still had El and she still had her powers.” Steve mentioned this girl again, apparently she’s some super hero with magic.
“Okay this is like the third time you’ve mentioned this kid, who is she?” I still looked tired as shit but I couldn’t give two fucks anymore.
“Oh, Eleven is this crazy cool kid with like telekinesis, she can like invade people's minds, and she helped us deal with the last few times we’ve had issues.” Dustin tried explaining again, but somehow made it harder to understand, especially for someone who got woken up only a few minutes ago.
“Well I’m still lost, but we don’t have this magic kid, so what are we gonna do now?” Eddie said back to Dustin trying to wake up enough to open his beer.
“Still haven’t gotten that far yet, but if we can get into the upside down and kill Vecna it should solve the problem. Only issue is we don’t have a gate, we don’t know where Vecna is, or when or who he’s gonna go for next.” Dustin chimed in again to explain what we needed to do.
This was gonna be one hell of a shit show, I just know it.
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mantra4ia · 11 months
I mean no offense to the people who enjoyed "The Witcher" Season 3: Vol 1 on Netflix. No judgement. And also no offense to the cast and crew who I am sure worked hard to bring this to the screen.
I love the Witcher, mostly from the books and some gameplay, so from my own personal perspective...
What in the actual hell did Netflix do?!
There's so much eloquent dialogue in the source material to draw upon and this steaming pile of ****e is what they came up with? It telegraphs so much without a whiff of subtlety or craft— not unlike Sabrina in 3x5— that I want to puke, the only exception being that Yarpen Zigrin is still no nonsense and true to form.
Emhyr, as is evidenced by his cringe, overlong speeches and dull drawl, is not written as cunning or menacing by any stretch of the imagination as he ought to be, and the lack of a strong villain does nothing to drive the pace of the season.
Why are we waxing on about Vissena to try and strum up audience feels? We don't need to revisit that unless it serves a purpose for the characters. It doesn't. If the audience has been watching any of the previous two seasons, we don't need Geralt's childhood memories of his mother to impress upon us that he takes newfound parenthood seriously and would spill blood and make sacrifices for his family.
If that weren't painful enough, Yennefer — who we know is cunning when she schemes— lacks all of her razor edged wit when "groveling" before the Brotherhood to form a conclave. The recycled dialogue with Tissaia about chaos and control has lost its potency, as lukewarm as the mages' council of armchair tapping, and even her speeches to Ciri like "my ugly one" have so much wasted potential because there's a speed run montage about how much Yen and Cirilla care for eachother in episode 1 rather than letting us growing into the emotions ourselves, so that by the time we get to Yennefer disclosing her past, the emotion is lost. Also, Cirilla is supposed to be in a little awe of Yen and her power of influence, which is what makes "ugly one" so endearing, because it's the ends way of saying that Cirilla is powerful but magic isn't all she is / she doesn't need to rely on it like the mages rest on prolonged youth. It's her way of saying I love you, and for all the exposition that season three uses to elaborate feelings, this most essential part is completely lost. It's like we're playing house with emotions that haven't been earned their screen moment. "Lilac and gooseberries, now that I can tolerate," but I cannot abide these trash conversations.
These were the action sequences, the fight choreography, and the monster concept visualization they came up with? Like, for example, a failing mass of conjoined limbs and disembodied heads! The idea of Ciri's doppelganger from the books has been so corrupted.
On top of that, the cuts from scene to scene are so rough it's like whiplash. Chase scene - recycled Geralt /Ciri hug - dark portal nonsense - crash through ceiling. No finesse.
The Belletyn festival, which is so meaningful and beautifully described in the books, was butchered in execution of costume (Yen's is a season 1 throwback but never underwhelming way), with ridiculous "masks" (it irks me so much that Yennefer tells Cirilla had to cover her eyes and hair for a low profile and then we speed cut to the next scene where neither occurs and the costume department decides that they aren't even going to attach Cirilla's mask to her face, she just carries it around in her hand because that makes sense), unnecessary mazes to separate our characters and engineer a sense of peril, the whole lot. They used Belletyn as a setup to engineer a subsequent bait scene, which was an appallingly insult to intelligence and fight choreography. PS: Yen can I do more than throw a knife, can we please utilize her a little better?
Speaking of choreography, Ciri descending from mid air to stab the CGI aeschna in 3x4 with the overlong shot pull of monster blood on her face was so poorly edited I wanted to fast forward the entire episode thereafter.
Lastly, this farce for humor is what they came up with?! They made layered source characters like Dijkstra into single line fodder, and they wasted so much time on sitcom rubbish like Queen Hedwig's Redanian funeral, and Phillipa's bedroom shenanigans, and Fringilla as a drunken poison tester. I want to slap someone. It's as if the whole of season 3 thus far is a live-action adaptation of Ciri and Jaskier's satire of Yen and Geralt. Except that no one left the audience in the joke.
Also, for a series called The Witcher there is surprisingly little in the way of meaningful dialogue and action for Geralt to do, and that's a shame
I'm angry.
Season 1 was fantastic, season 2 was good but with notable divergence to character integrity, and Season 3 so far is the refuse pile of Aedd Gynvael. The only highlight was Ciri telling Valdo Marx to shut up, like I wish I could do for the rest of the dialogue in the series. After "Sherrawedd" I kept thinking to myself, it will get better. Ironically Sherwood was probably the best episode so far because at least it kept the essence of idea in "dear friend" from the literature as a foundation. After which it kept sinking down into chaos.
But more than angry, I'm disappointed. I'm sad that the Yennefer/Jaskier frenemy dynamic ("Hello again witch) —a highlight of season 2— has been shirked; the only decent byproduct of which is the Ciri/Jaskier relationship. And I'm depressed that this is Henry Cavill's sendoff as Geralt.
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newwinslowma · 2 months
Pre-Series Playlist #2 "In Boston"
Meanwhile, Cleo and Andrew are in Boston. Which is a couple hours in the car away from New Winslow, but might as well be on another planet.
Dog Days Are Over - Florence + the Machine
"Leave all your love and your longing behind / You can't carry them with you if you want to survive"
2. The Only Living Boy in New York - Simon and Garfunkel
"Hey, I've got nothing to do today but smile"
3. Under Pressure - David Bowie and Queen
"Can't we give ourselves one more chance / Why can't we give love that one more chance?"
4. Dangerous - Rumer
"You want me to let go / Well I don't wanna lose control"
5. Devil in U - Sad13
"First though your thoughtlessness was just aplomb / First thought best thought / I must have got the sequence wrong"
6. Barlights - fun.
"But the green of your eyes say, 'go, leave it all behind'"
7. Only Physical - Matthew Connor
"I'm not asleep, I'm listening to the sounds of the street"
8. God is a Dancer - Tiësto & Mabel
"God is a dancer / yeah, I heard it on the radio"
9. Into the Mystic - Van Morrison
"When that foghorn blows / You know I will be coming home"
Some spoilery discussion below the cut, including some sexual talk.
If I have any regrets for how this series has gone, I honestly wish I'd included on-screen sex from the start. There's plenty of discussion and innuendo, as well as a few fade to black moments, but the closest I have is an episode in S7 when Roman and Celine finally get some alone time, but it's fade to black repeatedly cut through with chaos. But sex is such a major part of this story, and I feel like this playlist out of all of them showed this even back in 2019 when I made it.
(and yes, I've written some sex scenes that didn't end up staying in. And there's one in particular between Noah and Jude [neither of which are a part of this playlist] that I'm particularly happy with. It's all healing and care and yes, bondage. I alluded to it in the squirrel funeral scene in S4, so it's canon. But dropping the scene in after 4 seasons of a particular style wouldn't have worked well.)
But the playlist. Again, mostly vibes like the New Winslow one.
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antimattercontainment · 8 months
🩷🩵💔 - for the TMNT ask game!
Thanks for the ask! I'll be drawing from TMNT 2003 and Rise to answer these, as those are the two iterations that I know best. So! In no particular order:
🩷 - Top 3 moments that warm my heart:
TMNT 2003 S02E25: The Big Brawl (Part 3)
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Donatello: "Don't even think about touching him!"
At this moment, Donny still suspects that Usagi was the one who poisoned Leo, so he's pretty prickly with our favorite rabbit samurai. I love this scene because it's a great example of Donny being protective of his family. Plus, there's just something about the turtle who's generally regarded as the weakest fighter of his family fiercely protecting the one who's regarded as the strongest.
See the rest under the cut vvv
Rise of the TMNT: S01E15a: Mind Meld
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Raph: "Is it my skate-hawks idea? You see, they're hawks! That we strap to ourselves! And then--!"
Leo: "You say the word, I'm ready to go wrangle some hawks!"
This is obviously a silly little moment, but I love that Leo is just immediately ready to support Raph in his plan. Leo really was an excellent right hand man to Raph before he was thrown into leadership (and Raph was thrown out of it).
TMNT 2003 S01E03: Attack of the Mousers
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Raph: "This is it! It's been fun, guys."
Mikey: "Even me, Raph?"
Raph: "Even you, Mikey. Especially you."
Raph and Mikey bicker all the time, but their love language for each other is razzing each other. When it comes down to the wire and it looks like they might not make it out alive, Raph is honest in the fact that he is so damn fond of his baby brother, no matter how much he drives Raph crazy.
🩵 - Top 3 moments that make me laugh:
TMNT 2003 S02E25: The Big Brawl (Part 3) (again)
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Mikey: "Why? Does my talking bother you? Am I distracting you somehow? Making you lose focus? Messing up your concentration?"
What can I say? This episode has The Range. This is just before Mikey defeats Raph in the Battle Nexus, by irritating him badly enough that he gets sloppy. I love how Mikey weaponizes his goofball behavior like this. He is 1000% aware of what he's doing to Raph, and I love it. Especially since Raph went into this fight absolutely certain that he was going to beat Mikey.
Rise of the TMNT S02E02a: Man vs. Sewer
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Mikey: "Someone could get really hurt on this."
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I mean... just look at it. It gets me every time 😂
TMNT 2003 S03E02: Space Invaders (Part 2)
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Mikey: "So, do these work like Earth grenades?"
Mikey: *pulls the pin on one of the Triceraton's grenades and runs to cover just before he explodes*
There's just something inherently ridiculous about the comic relief character cracking a joke and then grusomely murdering an invading alien soldier. This Triceraton blows up off-screen, but just barely.
💔 - Top 3 moments that make me cry:
TMNT 2003 S04E14: The Ancient One
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Leo: "I'm sorry. I did the best I could. I did. The best. I could! There WASN'T! ANY MORE! I COULD HAVE DONE!"
This moment--where Leo is unknowingly fighting a physical manifestation of his guilt--is the amazing resolution to Leo's season 4 PTSD arc. In the previous season's finale, the only way he could think of to keep the Shredder from leaving Earth and going to conquer the stars was to blow up his ship... with his whole family still on it. The Utroms saved them at the last second, but for 13 episodes, Leo has been struggling with the guilt of not being good enough to win at an acceptable cost. This scene is the first time we see him start to forgive himself for that--to recognize that he had done everything he could, and that the fact that there were forces outside of his control wasn't his fault.
Rise of the TMNT: The Movie
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Yeah, yeah, obviously when the portal to the Prison Dimension closes, but I mean this exact second. When the camera pans from the New York side of the Technodrome explosion to the Prison Dimension side, the music suddenly gets all quiet. Gone is the gravitas of the deep low brass, and all that's left is a drawn out note by the strings. Yes, they've beaten the Krang, but that doesn't mean that they won. Not in a way that is worth the cost.
TMNT 2003 S03E21: Same as it Never Was
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Donny: "My brothers... my poor brothers. This world... this future... it's a nightmare.
I couldn't make a list of top 3 TMNT moments that made me cry without "Same as it Never Was". The part immediately after Donny kills the Shredder always gets me. It should be a triumphant moment, but all of Donny's brothers are dead because of his plan. It isn't anything except solemn. I'm pretty sure SAINW was the original "bad timeline where everyone dies" of TMNT. And Sam Riegel's voice acting here adds so much to it.
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andreajingling · 9 months
Howdy. ~ | I'm Andrea, a Trans Female, I run this ship that is this blog, so let's get some introductions out of the way: | ~ ~ | If you're looking for RP intros and such, scroll down it should be there, but it would be much appreciated and valued if you would read the entire intro. | ~ ~ | Asks are, of course, open when labeled to be. Please try not to bring anything absolutely heinous in there that isn't in character of some sort. | ~
~ | Primary Interests { ones you'll see the most of around here } Include: | ~ Five Nights at Freddy's { This includes Fangames } Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends Trains/Locomotives in General Model Railroading Cars Planes/Aviation Team Fortress 2, Valve Games in General Pokémon
The Christmas Season { hence the branding practically year round }.
~ | Secondary Interests {ones you'll see every once and a while, the odd like and such} Include: | ~ MLP Minecraft The Nightmare Before Christmas
~ | I have a Youtube Channel of the same username which also posts stuff relating to interests, linked here: | ~
~ | And if you choose to support me in any way, be it Kofi, Patreon {both linked below}, or just simply interacting with posts/videos on my channel, it is extremely appreciated and valued. | ~
~ | Roleplay Info Below the Cut! | ~
~ | Now, onto another side of this account, the 'Semi-Character' Aspect. | ~
~ | I've been performing characters in online spaces for over 10 years now, starting in 2013! | ~ ~ | Let's start with the most important piece of any RP related account, the timeline they live in: | ~ ~ | The Andreaplex | ~
~ | To try to explain the entirety of the Andreaplex is to try to explain the entire history of the world I guess. There just isn't enough time, so let's go over some bullet points of the basics:
Multiple Franchises are present in the same universe, each corelating with one of my largest interests. It's basically the crossover episode of the multiverse, except they don't interact very often.
Most of the locations and popular places regarding events in the series are placed in the region of the Pacific Northwest, mainly Oregon however as it's my own home state.
The Timeline is made up of 3 others, each with different franchises present within, Timeline A holding 'Real Life', Timeline B holding FNAF, MLP, TF2, and others, and Timeline C holding TTTE and Pokémon. This is an event that occurred in the past, though does still haunt the present in multiple ways, including the way the three merged in an event called 'The Collision'. Three Into One, A Grand New Creation.
A LOT has changed from the norms of the franchises present, such as my own headcanons, major events IN my own AU Headcanons {such as the North Western Railway closing and eventual relocation to Oregon, again it's wild}, and changes to different elements of the franchises present {such as the added element of spiritual and physical aging in ghosts and spirits who choose to remain down on Earth. Example of this can be if someone dies when they're 5, and choose to remain down on Earth for 5 years, they would be 10 by the time those 5 years passed. Physical aging can go however the spirit wishes to present themselves, unless they have a body that more tangible than their spirit.}.
There are sort of, omnipotent beings that can sometimes be at the head of things called 'Writers'. Mainly it's just me and my friends personifications of ourselves, though most have chosen to allow their characters free will. Speaking of which:
Each Character is of their own free will in this Timeline, disconnected from 'Strings' that once held them in control of the Writer. Andrea being a part of this world said it best, 'I've seen their perspective. And I'm going to fix this.'
There are characters of varying power levels within the world, each harnessing a different brand of it. Speaking of that though:
One of the most common groups of power is Magic, though it has several subvarients, such as 'Equestrian', 'The Knowledge of the Fourth', 'Gold Dust', 'Witchcraft', 'The Black Arts', and other such examples that exist. Anyone can harness some types of magic with enough training, while others are only genetic or given to a select few.
The biggest fact by far is, since Timeline A was 'Real Life', and merged into the Timeline that is The Andreaplex due to the collision, by proxy, Y O U are canon to the Andreaplex Y O U exist!
~ | Next, let's take a look at the colorful world of characters that make the world what it is, specifically the ones that have this account's login info, starting with the Brunette herself, | ~
~ | Andrea 'Goldsmith Shores' Bliss { She/Her } | ~
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{ Massive credit to @kilusion2011 for the ref sheets, and Kennith Stoker on Twitter for the other assorted pieces, check them out here: https://thegamefanatic.carrd.co . Trainer Card made with Pokecharms. }
~ | Andrea is a sort of, self insert in a sense. A being of practically unlimited power and energy due to one of the timelines merging to form her being one of a Writer {self insert moment i know}, as well as many other sources of power being pumped into her in the other 2 timelines that collided. And yet, she just owns a massive rail company, delivering promise to all in Oregon via the Pacific North Western Railroad Company. | ~ ~ | Andrea's presence is represented by a 🎄 on the top of posts. Her brackets of choice are { }, and preferred color is Red. | ~ ~ | A short list of key events, powers, tidbits of info, and drawbacks for her include: | ~
Andrea is 30 years old, born on April 30th. Due to timeframes getting absolutely FUCKED in the Collision, the year is uncertain but they put it down as 2003 as that's the one date that Andrea remembers as her birthday.
Andrea's 6 foot 1 inches.
Andrea is canonically a trans female. During her time she had to have breast reduction surgery due to their size being too painful in combo with Pectus Excavatum.
Andrea is pansexual, and happily married to Cassidy, told about below. Though in recent times the two have gone through some issues regarding their relationship due to both of them kinda not knowing how love works sometimes. They struggle but they're important to one another.
'Shores' was originally her selected last name {as she had several due to several of herself colliding into one another}, but eventually she settled on Bliss when adopting her second child.
Andrea's childhood {at least for her} is a blur. She doesn't remember much of it thanks to The Collision messing with things regarding her long term memory.
She holds near infinite amounts of power, being able to twist a timeline to nothing but red code if she wanted to, but after several events, have led her to not use it a lot, if even at all.
Most uses of her power is out of desperation, or extreme measures that would cause harm to those around/very close to her, such as family, and innocent bystanders.
Holding all of the cards at once for her is extremely overwhelming, and has resulted in her already present feelings of depression, anxiety, and extreme emotional tendencies to rise at extreme rates at times. Time has helped her slowly cope but it, it's a very slow process.
Andrea was gutted at one point by some very hostile robot bear spaghetti, a burnt clown, a burnt rabbit, and a burnt black bear, leaving the large scar on her torso. Like I said before, it's wild.
Andrea's only wish, if she were to get one that is guaranteed to come true, is to possibly experience what Death feels like, as she could never achieve it herself in any manner.
Andrea has adopted two children, ones you'll be seeing later in this thread.
Andrea's bond with her locomotives is like family, she grew up hearing their stories, and now she gets to make new ones with them. It's an honor to her.
Andrea's favorite season is Christmas. I mean, why else would the branding exist? Regardless, she loves the warmth, happiness, and above all, Hope that it gives the world. Hope for a brighter tomorrow. Hope that there is still good on this Earth. Hope that will last for eternity.
One of Andrea's first true friends in her younger days was the fourth in command of Mr. Kris Kringle himself, Vixen. The two are still best friends to this day, and often have one or the other come to their home to celebrate the holidays, at least up until Christmas Eve, then Vixen's got work. Maybe she'll pop in every now and again year round, but most of the time she appears during the holiday season.
If you were to give Andrea a theme, it would be the Rapture Rising Remastered piece from J.T. Music.
~ | Now that's my girl. My little woman. Now onto her beloved spooky ghost woman. | ~
~ | Cassidy Dani Goldsmith { She/Her/They } | ~
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{ Credit to PalaKeda on Twitter for the ref sheet, and Kennith Stoker for the large piece of Andrea and Cassidy together being the women lovers they are. Trainer Card made with Pokecharms. }
~ | Ah Cassidy, the vengeful spirit turned business owner turned, back to vengeful spirit for a while, turned back to business owner with the addition of being a mother of two. Girly has been through a L O T , from her own death, to the entirety of the FNAF Timeline, to the shenanigans that brought her here, to even a near divorce with the woman she wanted to spend eternity with. Let's get to it. | ~
~ | Cassidy's presence is represented by a 👻 on the top of posts. Her brackets of choice are { }, and preferred color is Yellow. . | ~
~ | A short list of key events, powers, tidbits of info, and drawbacks for her include: | ~
Cassidy, much like her wife, is 30 years old, however she was born at some point during the mid 1970s, meeting her unfortunate death at around the age of 11. This is a reminder here that souls can age in this timeline, hence her appearances on her ref sheet including a teenage and child version.
Cassidy has genetic origins in Asia, specifically Japan and Korea. And yet her family chose to live in Utah. Curious. /lh
Cassidy stands at 6 foot 3 inches, around two inches taller than her wife.
One of her greatest hobbies is ironically dancing to her own music. She often pulls Andrea in for dances when she wants to, or when a situation is perfect for one.
As hinted at in the opener piece above, yes, this is THE Cassidy from the FNAF timeline, but my own rendition of her, as well as the timeline itself. Maybe one day I'll go into that can of worms.
Yes, Cassidy is dead. Not Andrea type dead no, she's just. Dead. She's a ghost. Can phase through walls, haunt things, possess her broken up Fredbear animatronic to scare people, that stuff.
Cassidy is a full on Lesbian and is currently in a loving marriage with Andrea, lasting from December 25th of 2021 { I believe the year's right can't remember exact dates } until now. Sure there's been scares and possibilities of divorce here and there, but hey when does that not happen.
Cassidy owns and manages 'Fredbear and Friend's', a restaurant literally right next door to the house she and Andrea own that both provides good old fashioned animatronic entertainment, but preserves vintage equipment and creating replicas of said equipment from Freddy Fazbear's Past, from Fredbear's all the way to the most recent restaurant, the Mega Pizzaplex. Each era of Freddy's has it's own gallery as well as subsections for different historical sections { such as an exhibit showcasing both the Security Breach and Ruin elements in full context }, so for example in one you can see Roxanne wolf, then walk to another and see the Toy Animatronics. This is ALSO another huge can of worms. Currently, this restaurant is Post-Ruin, so The Mimic's in a glass case, and the Ruined's are around on static display.
One other element about the Restaurant she has a more close connection with is 'Cassidy's Game'. Basically, take Ultimate Custom Night, and put every single animatronic from every single game in there { with a few exceptions ofc we ain't letting the mimic hunt people, that's just, no. }.
Cassidy is the backup vocalist { though does get some main vocalist chances } and lead bassist of 'The Missing Ones', an indie band comprised of the original five spirits involved in the Missing Children Incident back in 1985. They mostly do covers, but recently did a rock/metal cover of 'The Northwest Passage' sea shanty, heavily inspired by Johnathan Young's own cover. This was for a special celebration Andrea asked them to attend, as well as providing her own vocals as a special guest.
Cassidy's favorite holiday is, of course, Halloween. Her idol is Jack Skellington, for his expertise in scares and how to get them out of people in the best of ways.
Speaking of Halloween, Cassidy also goes a bit scare crazy around that time of year, due to the Mortal Plain being closest to the Spiritual Realms of Heaven and Hell, as well as Limbo and The Land Between. At this time of year, she opens the Restaurant later, as a sort of Haunted House experience, like that one FNAF Haunted House down in Vegas. Fun Fact I went to that. Was a WILD time. She also pops out and scares anyone she can for that sweet feeling of scaring someone.
Cassidy sort of dislikes the Christmas season for it's overwhelming forcing into your home type attitude. She wants to be spooky but then as soon as November comes around, Mariah Carey is free. She isn't a full on Grinch though. Yet. That arc's coming later. In the past when the two were just dating, Cassidy went out of her way to buy Andrea a full on sleigh for Christmas. Like. Full Sleigh. Full stop no additions. She just bought her a sleigh cause she noticed Andrea loved the season so much.
~ | Well ain't that lovely. Now let's move onto someone with a LOT less info about them, then to someone else small, but first let's get, | ~
~ | Maddie 'Shores' Bliss { She/Her } | ~
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{ Used a Picrew for her, will eventually figure out WHICH this was from but honestly i might never cause i'm kinda lazy, and Trainer Card made with Pokecharms. }
~ | Maddie, a close relative of the Brunette known as Andrea, was originally part of another side of the family before being thrown to the curb due to a demonic possession. Eventually she found herself in the state of Oregon, and finding the Residences Andrea calls home. | ~ ~ | Maddie's presence is represented by a 🔪 on the top of posts. Her brackets of choice are [ ], and preferred color is Green. | ~
~ | A short list of key events, powers, tidbits of info, and drawbacks for her include: | ~
Maddie is an Asexual Biromantic.
Maddie stands at around 6 foot.
Maddie is 23 years old at the time of this original post {September 20th 2023 PST}. Her birthday is November 16th, 2000, one of the few birthdays in the family with a direct year confirmed.
Maddie is one of the few members of the Bliss Family that isn't immortal.
The results of Maddie's Possession gave her a demonic form she can shift into and out of whenever she wishes.
It also, however, gave her a specific Iron Intake she needs to meet with each thing she eats, which cannot be met with any supplements on the market at the moment, rather with human blood and flesh {think something like something from Tokyo Ghoul, except she CAN eat other stuff, just has to have that flesh and blood/iron intake factor} .
Maddie's Possession is a family curse, her mother held it before her, and her grandmother before her, and, well you get the drift. Blame her Great-Great-Great Grandmother {who may pop into this account every so often as a cameo} .
~ | Ain't she a gem. Now, onto our {currently} last individual that can access this account, | ~
~ | Mary Bliss { She/They } | ~
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{ Again made with another picrew I can't remember the link too i am sorry, and Trainer Card made with Pokecharms. }
~ | Mary, the youngest of the Bliss Family, was adopted after she was tagging along with the embodiment of Death {one that tries to get the ghostly residents to ascend}, yet chose to stay behind with the family rather than moving on, gaining an approving family they never got. | ~ ~ | Mary's presence is represented by a ❄ on the top of posts. Their brackets of choice are ( ), and preferred color is Purple. | ~
~ | A short list of key events, powers, tidbits of info, and drawbacks for them include: | ~
Mary is 14 years old as of writing this original post {September 20th, 2023 PST}. Their birthday is March 17th, 2009.
Mary stands at about 5 foot 7 inches.
Mary is NonBinary and AroAce.
Mary is a Freshman in High School.
Mary's has a gunshot scar on her skin where her heart is, which she keeps hidden under her clothing as best as she can. It brings up bad memories of her former family.
Mary's father killed her in cold blood for her own choices of who she was. I will not be going into detail, as honestly it makes even me upset to recall that bit of her. Might retcon it honestly. Who knows.
Mary is the character with the least amount of story built up for her, so she is very experimental at the moment.
~ | Well that was fun! Got to know each of the funnies on here! Now onto the last bit of the matter, their current status! This is just a way for people to know WHO is able to access the account at a given moment. This WILL be edited over time. | ~
~ | Characters that have Access: | ~ ~ | Andrea | ~ ~ | Status: Home. | ~ ~ | Able to Access: Yes | ~ ~ | Cassidy | ~ ~ | Status: Home. | ~ ~ | Able to Access: Yes | ~ ~ | Maddie | ~ ~ | Status: Home. | ~ ~ | Able to Access: Yes | ~ ~ | Mary | ~ ~ | Status: Home | ~ ~ | Able to Access: Yes | ~
~ | And with that, at LONG ass last, this post is OVER!! Thank you to anyone who read this far down, and hopefully I can both enjoy some fun moments on here regarding roleplay, as well as spread a bit of positivity regarding other topics! Might even bring in some actual like, accounts dedicated to stuff in the future, who knows! | ~ ~ | With that, time for me to go have a rest god this took way too long. Andrea, out! | ~
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