#let's save some of that energy for the places with active human rights violations that we brush over
velvetsainz · 8 months
okay i gotta say it: foisting alphatauri's renaming as a great tragedy of capitalism upon formula 1 racing & motorsport in general is...a bit much. especially in a sport that has been a very frequent and early adopter of sportswashing? baby, they happily race in places that have less-than-stellar current human rights records BECAUSE OF THE MONEY. it has nothing to do with attendance. you think bahrain and qatar are major ticket sellers and people were truly clamoring for races there? NO, OF COURSE NOT. it's b/c their governments poured hundreds of millions of dollars (if not more) of government money into f1 and the FIA in the name of sanitizing their nation's image in light of ongoing reports of abhorrent treatment of migrant workers and violent action against other groups inside and outside of their countries. (does really no one remember the 2022 saudia arabian gp? the fact the drivers HAD to race—despite close proximity of the track to a recent missile strike site—for fear that they wouldn't have been allowed to leave by the saudi government? no one? just me?) saudi arabia, bahrain, qatar, the uae, and azerbijan are important current examples, but this is by no means new for the sport; india, malaysia, apartheid south africa, china (which may be returning to the calendar this year—it remains to be seen if the race will actually happen), russia, peronist argentina, and turkey have all held races previously with similar intentions.
and if you want to talk about sponsors, let's actually go after the sponsors that are truly problematic. aston martin ARAMCO. mercedes-amg PETRONAS. camel, marlboro (and philip morris, in general, including their "mission winnow" shell project), orlen, shell, agip, uralkali, ftx (along with other crypto companies), among a plethora of historic sponsors.
listen: i'm not saying that the "visa cashapp racing bulls" (or "stake f1 team kick sauber", for that matter) is a great name for a team—or even a good one—but there are much bigger, much worse issues in the sport that need more attention and more concern than a shitty team name or two.
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bipabrena · 4 years
Because We’re Family (Kenny-Levi centred Eruri fic) Ch15
A fic where the story of Attack on Titan is rewritten from the start. Kenny regretted abandoning Levi and stepped up as a parent, eventually adopting him as his own. He, Levi and Erwin are the protagonists. One day, Erwin mistakenly comes across Kenny, the one ghost of his past, and blackmails him and Levi into joining the Survey Corps. From that point forward, it’ll be Kenny and Levi in the regiment (many subplots occur), until the 104th is introduced and all the arcs will be re-written. Kenny is the key in changing everything. Main pairing is slow-burn Eruri, Warriors and Marley are relevant from early on, Kenny will be a father figure to Bertl and Reiner, Isabel and Furlan are relevant. Give it a chance. Read it here. 
“And it was so crazy!” Hange used her hands to illustrate her point. “I only did it out of anger, but when it happened… when I felt just how light it was. I mean, we’re talking about a three metre’s head! And it weighed nothing at all! I kicked it around so easily.”
Levi took a very deep, silent breath as he looked ahead at the plains. His eyes were sunken.
A little unsettling, but Hange did not let it deter her.
“It truly goes to show how little we know of titans. How can they be so lightweight? And it’s not just that. Their body structure and power source is mysterious, you could even argue they violate the laws of science. For instance, how can they spontaneously generate energy and mass when missing limbs? Why do they disintegrate when dead and why and how do they generate so much heat? Furthermore, they’re not active at night. Do you want to know what my theory for this is?”
Levi had no physical or verbal response.
“Since they’re so active throughout the day and have such a high body temperature, they require massive intakes of energy to fuel themselves. It’s likely that, just like us, they require to sleep and they choose to do so at night. But here’s the catch: they don’t need to eat. If they did, they’d be practically extinct since they wouldn’t have enough of a food source to sustain themselves. Now, you may ask, how is it that—”
“Hange,” Levi called, “aren’t you supposed to be with the mining team?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah,” she smiled, “but the iceburst stones are still being compressed. I have plenty of free time.”
“I don’t think you understand,” Levi’s tone of voice changed completely, and it was enough to snap Hange out of it. It was guttural, firm. His head slowly turned to her, and his eyes were widened. His pupils were shrunken, and devoid of light. His eyes darkened further. “You’re supposed to be with the mining team. I’m patrolling, Hange. Should you not go back to your post?”
Hange’s eyes were wide open, as was her mouth. She felt a bead of sweat form on her cheek.
Now that shit was terrifying.
“Um… hehe,” she giggled with a nervous frown, and she slowly backed away. “You’re right. I’ll go see if Moblit needs any help.”
She turned and calmly walked away, but when there was considerable distance, she made a run for it.
Levi sighed, expression going back to normal. He looked ahead at the plains again. He wondered where Kenny was, how he was doing.
It made him nervous that he was with Erwin, Flagon and Mike alone.
The three had been in the Underground.
They had reason to dislike Kenny, to have something personal against him. Were they doing anything to him? What if they encountered a horde and it was all a ploy to throw him into it and have him be eaten alive?
When Levi considered this, he gasped.
No, he was being ridiculous.
Kenny had been very lenient and respectful of them despite their encounter. It was clear he didn’t hate them, unlike Levi.
So, what if they ran into trouble and Kenny risked his life for them?
No, he had to stop his wandering mind.
He had to trust Kenny.
Kenny said that if anything happened, he’d remember. He’d remember Levi loves him, that he was his family, and he had a reason to not risk himself thoughtlessly.
He had to trust his strength, and that he could handle himself.
Levi breathed in and out several times, then calmed down.
He elected to stop thinking about Kenny, and instead thought of his friends. Of Frieda. Of Guinne and Moritz.
He remembered when he’d first met Frieda and Urklyn. Their growing friendship. He remembered all the silly playing, the jokes, the laughing. The two of them had been so patient, so understanding of Levi and his total lack of social skills. Levi smiled slightly as he acknowledged he loved them deeply. Both of them.
He’ll go back to them one day. They’ll play together in the Estate again. They’ll be a trio of friends once more, and no one will get in the way of that.
Maybe one day, if the stars aligned, he may even be able to marry Frieda.
There had only been four titans. One six metre, an eight metre, an eleven metre and a thirteen metre.
They were dispersed and easy to dispose of.
With a spinning roll, Kenny amputated the last titan’s extremities in an X formation. Right arm, left leg, right leg, left arm. The titan fell face-first to the ground, biting its tongue in the process.
Kenny landed on one knee. He looked down, freezing for a few seconds. He then stood up, head always down. His eyes were shadowed.
He then rose his head, and he looked at the titan with sad, half-lidded eyes.
“… Hey, you,” he said as he walked towards it. The titan tried moving as best as it could.
Kenny ignored its movements. He observed it flay around and trying to raise its head, to try to bite Kenny, he presumed. But it was unsuccessful, and it seemed the titan gave up, even if for a moment.
Kenny slowly brought his arm up. He then reached out to the titan, until his palm pressed against its forehead.
The titan was completely calm as steam emanated from its amputated extremities.
It tried crawling, but it was futile. It seemed to groan in desperation.
“Never in a million years did I figure I’d feel sorry for one of ya…” Kenny mumbled. “I mean, just look at you. Those big eyes, that stupid smile some of ya have. But now…” his eyes narrowed in distress.
He knelt with a sharp inhale, his cape flowing down from the movement.
“Just… who are you?” he asked.
He briefly wondered whether this titan ever had a family of its own.
A child, perhaps.
“Just who is it… that is trapped inside you?” he stroked the titan’s forehead.
A decade back, Kenny wouldn’t have given less of a shit about whether titans were humans or not. He would’ve cut this thing before him mercilessly, laughed at it, then continued his merry way.
But now…
Ever since Levi’s love saved him, how could he?
Ever since he and Uri, ever since Urklyn and Frieda helped him become human, compassionate—how could he?
Now that he knew what it was like to cherish someone, to have a place to call home, how could he not care?
Who even knew if the small six metre he killed before had been a child once?
A child like his own?
Kenny sighed sadly as he continued stroking the titan. He closed his eyes with an inhale. He then jumped back, doubling the distance between him and the titan; avoiding its now regenerated hand. The titan stood.
He held his blades again, the left one with his reverse grip.
“I’ll put you out of your misery,” he said. “Let me end this for you.”
He jumped with a dose of gas, and the grip on his blade tightened as he went on the attack.
Why… he thought as the right arm and left leg were sent flying. Why can’t I do it?
He cut off the remaining extremities, and he landed swiftly on the ground.
He turned to look at the titan with an uncomfortable frown.
Why can’t he do it?
He already killed plenty minutes prior. Why was this one any different?
Was it… because he was alone?
He pressed his hand against the titan’s forehead again. “If only you could talk,” he mumbled. “If only you could tell me… who it is that has sent you here. Why you’re being turned into… this.”
It was then he perked up at the sound of hooves.
“Kenny!” Erwin yelled. “What are you doing!?”
Mike and Flagon, who rode to Erwin’s side, were confused when seeing the way Kenny had been stroking the titan’s head.
Kenny looked back at them, mouth open in a small “a.”
“Why haven’t you killed it?” Erwin creased his brows. “We have no time to fool around.”
They noticed the eight disintegrating extremities.
“Why have you amputated it instead of killing it?” Flagon asked, frowning in confusion.
Kenny calmly jumped on the titan’s head, then headed to its back. In one move, he sliced the nape open. The blood spurted on him, and Kenny’s lids dropped in an unspoken emotion.
He jumped off the titan and hopped on his horse.
“… You must’ve taken these down pretty fast,” Mike commented. “Why did you hang around with that one?”
“Nevermind that,” Kenny said. “What did ya find? Was it a horde?”
“We managed to lure eleven of them,” Erwin said. “We took them down, but there’s still about another twelve, some of which we’re sure are abnormals. We could use your help. If we take them all down, we could scout even more than initially anticipated.”
Kenny nodded.
They headed to the forest. Erwin and Flagon rode past it and successfully drew the titans’ attention, then lured them back to the forest. They moved in a straight line once inside, and that’s when Kenny and Mike rained down.
In one burst of gas, Kenny took down three.
It had made Mike stop in surprise for a second, but he quickly recovered. He took down two.
There were three abnormals and four mindless titans remaining. The abnormals chased after Erwin and Flagon. Kenny executed a turn as he drew forth his bloodied blades, the left one with his reverse grip. He crossed paths with Mike, his sights on the abnormals while Mike handled the other four.
Erwin and Flagon scrambled in opposite directions to make the abnormals hesitate for a moment.
It was enough time for Kenny to line up, and cut down two in one move.
He chased after the one that followed Erwin, and cut it down.
He grappled onto a tree and watched Mike, seeing if he required any help.
He didn’t. He took down the four with ease.
They reunited and elected to scout the area the horde had been in. Their horses walked, and each carefully observed their surroundings.
“Well, looky, looky,” Kenny said after a while. The other three trotted to him.
Their eyes widened slightly. They were on a hill, possibly around twenty metres tall. There was a green area below. It had several trees, and further ahead there was a huge lake. It led to yet another area, an area that was so beautiful from this distance it almost begged to be unravelled.
“… Wow,” Flagon mumbled.
Kenny observed his surroundings further. “There’s a rocky slope,” he pointed. “We could go down from there. We’d have to lead the horses instead of riding them, but it could work if we’re careful.”
“Tempting,” Erwin said sincerely. “This area truly is unlike anything we’ve seen before.”
“Then,” Kenny grabbed the large saddle. He snatched a green flag, and he stuck it right in front of them. “This is territory we can explore next expedition.”
“Man…” Flagon sighed, “I’d love to explore it now.”
They gazed at the incredible view.
“Just imagine what an adventure it’d be. Just us, going down there and exploring all this. It’d be awesome.”
Erwin and Mike looked at him, and they smiled.
“That’s something Lutz would definitely say,” Erwin smiled. “You truly miss him, don’t you? How touching.”
“I will push you off this fucking hill,” Flagon warned.
Erwin laughed, raising both hands in concede.
“Alright, alright,” Mike intervened. “Let’s go back. We’ve been at this for a few hours now, we need to meet up with team C.”
They nodded. They gave the view a last glance, then headed back to the rendezvous point in Cantaceres.
Before they even arrived, it was chaos.
There was a midsection to get to Cantaceres, one team C was supposed to go through—one that had no buildings and only a couple of trees.
The soldiers were fighting with all they had. There were two dragging an injured soldier, while Gael and Federico distracted five titans. The rest of the soldiers fought in a desolate area, avoiding the titans’ clutches as best as they could.
“Let’s go!” Erwin didn’t waste a second.
As they rode closer, they counted twenty one titans. It was a big horde, but one that should be manageable for elite soldiers. This terrain and area, however, did not help in the slightest.
“Kenny, try to stay close!” Mike said.
“Wouldn’t it be better to split up?” Kenny was forced to raise his voice, since his words would’ve been swallowed by the hectic tumult surrounding them.
“You still don’t have enough experience!”
Kenny didn’t seem to like this.
“Just trust us, okay?” Mike said, drawing his blades.
Kenny nodded.
He followed the three of them, and he pulled the reins back. His horse stopped, and he watched how the three of them immediately stepped into action.
They were experts.
And as Hange and Dorian had said, Mike was a master titan killer.
His moves were fast, purposeful and precise. His dominion over the manoeuvring gear was nothing less than pristine, and his cuts were strong.
Flagon didn’t perform any fancy moves or spins, but he got the job done. He was quick to react, and communicated with everyone around him. While Mike was more of a loner, Flagon worked alongside several soldiers. Still, he was more than capable of taking on the titans alone.
Erwin was awe-inducing.
He was strong, he was fast, he was a strong communicator, and he seemed to ooze leadership from every pore in his body. He multitasked, flying around titans and cutting napes while verbalising plans of action, and the soldiers below would comply at once.
Kenny assessed these traits in seconds. He wasted no time to jump into the action.
He found Gael and Federico trying to evacuate some injured soldiers.
He galloped towards them.
“Mister Kenny!” Gael yelped when he was close enough.
Federico rose a brow at Gael, then looked at Kenny.
“What’s the situation?” Kenny asked.
“We encountered a massive horde and got split up. We lost the titans and eventually we regrouped, so we tried heading to Cantaceres but these fuckers came from out of nowhere!”
“Some of them are injured,” Federico said. “We’re trying to evacuate them to the rendezvous, but these bastards aren’t making it e—titans!” he yelled.
Kenny looked back to find four titans running to them.
“You help out the injured, I’ll hold them back!”
“Yeah!” they said. They wasted no time.
Kenny sprang into action. He lured the titans towards him, and thankfully they followed him.
No abnormals. Good.
He grappled on a ruined watchtower, waiting for them to come closer. There were still titans surrounding the area. If he could simply manage to draw all of their attentions, or at the very least some’s.
He looked down at his waistband.
Worth a shot, he supposed.
He grabbed his flare gun, loaded it and fired at one of the titan’s eyes.
The titan immediately screamed, its howls of pain drawing the attentions of both soldiers and titans nearby. A sizzling sound accompanied the howling, and the red smoke emanated from its socket.
It seemed to do the trick. The sound and red smoke lured three titans closer.
“Huh!? I didn’t expect it to actually work!” he told himself.
He now had seven titans on his tail, running to him with stupid smiles. Rather, running to the howling titan, but they soon noticed him.
“Oi, oi, oi…” he whined as these giant fucking things came closer.
Alright, time to move. He jumped off and flew away, drawing their attentions. He lured them to a desolate spot, and Erwin noticed.
“Mike!” he called mid-flight, and Mike, who was in a battle of his own, looked. He dodged a titan’s hand. “Go help Kenny!” Erwin pointed.
Mike looked at the flying Kenny and the seven titans on his tail.
Mike manoeuvred around the two titans he was fighting, and he flew towards Kenny.
Satisfied with the distance, Kenny executed a move that plummeted him to the ground. He landed swiftly, and rather than flying he skated through the ground, and he cut up the heels of two titans in one move.
They immediately stumbled and lost their balance. They fell to the ground.
He had to be extremely careful. It was a desolate area, but there was nowhere to grapple on. It drew seven titans away from his comrades, which he thought was worth the risk.
Still, since there were five standing titans, he considered them three dimensional objects he could use to latch onto.
Without the freedom of grappling and re-grappling, his body had to struggle harder to stay in flight, and maintain its balance. He could feel the work in his lower body.
He carefully manoeuvred by grappling onto the head of the fifteen metre in the middle, and cut the heels of the other five.
By the time Mike arrived, he’d already cut down three napes.
Kenny noticed Mike arrive, but he said nothing. He simply allowed Mike to help him.
When they were done, they gave each other an acknowledging nod, and headed to the main fight. Mike scattered to help out two members from Erwin’s squad.
Kenny galloped by, trying to find someone to help.
It was then he heard a horrifying scream, a piercing, earth-shattering scream he’d never heard before in his life.
His head shot to the sides, until he found a massive seventeen metre with a small person in its hand. It was a soldier from Lutz’s squad, and he screamed maniacally. He swung his blade at the titan as he came closer to its mouth.
Kenny made a run for it, trying to fly to the titan as fast as he could.
The soldier screamed again. One arm was inside the titan’s mouth, and he used the other one to press his hand against the titan’s nose. He tried pushing himself off, but the titan’s grip was strong. He screamed as his arm was being munched on.
The pain was unbearable, but the pressure suddenly lifted off his appendage.
The titan fell down, and with it so did he. He felt a strong arm latch below his chest, and he looked to find Kenny holding onto him. They landed safely on the ground.
“You’re alive,” is what Kenny said. He looked at the soldier’s half-eaten, dangling arm, and the alarming amount of blood dripping from it. “But I need to apply a tourniquet so ya won’t bleed out.”
The soldier trembled in pain and cold.
“What’s yer name?” Kenny asked, taking off his cloak.
“I-Immanuel,” his teeth clanked.
As soon as he finished saying his name, he let out a throat ripping scream.
Kenny had cut off the dangling, useless arm.
“Sorry,” he apologised, ripping off a piece of his cloak and applying a tourniquet with it. “That’ll do for now.”
He carried the soldier and flew, though he wasn’t sure where.
Gael and Federico were nowhere to be seen.
Read the rest of the chapter here.
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fallout4holmes · 5 years
Journal 57
Valentine woke me before dawn. “Bad news, Holmes.”
I sat up and saw the Minuteman standing behind him. She saluted briefly, “Sorry to wake you, sir, but it’s urgent.”
I thought I recognized her, “Proceed… Nash, wasn’t it?”
“Yessir,” she smiled at my recollection before somberly stating, “there’s been trouble in Sanctuary.”
She had my undivided attention, “Explain.”
“A squad of Brotherhood camped out in Concord without us knowing. They sent a soldier into Sanctuary for recon, but he was discovered by one of those robots Sturges has been working on. Fight broke out, Minutemen joined the fray, no Brotherhood survivors. Colonel Garvey thinks they didn’t have a chance to send a distress signal. According to the orders present on one of them, they were to wait for Maxson’s signal to attack.”
“He has his people in position,” I sighed, irritated. “We’re out of time."
"The hell we are," Valentine huffed. "There's still a maniac out there setting psychotic robots loose on the Commonwealth, and the Minutemen aren't gonna just stand by and let the Brotherhood walk all over them. We finish the job we started, and take what comes."
"You're right," I jumped up and started getting ready to leave, an urgent energy I hadn't felt in too long surging through me. "Find Ada and wake Cait, we'll breakfast on the road. We haven't a moment to lose."
We hurried north, reaching Goodneighbor a few hours after sundown. Cait requested we stop for a moment so that she could speak with Hancock. I agreed; I also wanted to speak with Goodneighbor's mayor, especially considering the war's imminent arrival.
We found him in his office, as expected. Unexpectedly, he was in the middle of a heated discussion with a visitor.
"Bad enough Diamond City isn’t doing anything, why don't—“
“What am I supposed to do, Piper, huh? Brotherhood come for us, let ’em, we’re ready to defend our walls, but if I lead a crew against a skyscraper full of soldiers, how do you think that’s gonna end?”
“We could use Zhao’s missiles or—“
“I ain’t convinced that submarine’s really going to be able to strike all the way out here, assuming it’s even still there. Ain’t willing to risk my people’s blood on it, that’s for sure.”
Piper groaned, frustrated, “Fine, sit here if you want, but I have to do something, there has to be some way I can help. Blue’s in Jamaica Plain last I heard, maybe I can find him.” She turned and saw us coming up the stairs. To my surprise, her gaze went straight to one of my companions rather than me. “Cait!”
Hancock rushed to the doorway to see for himself. "Well," he grinned, "Welcome back."
Cait was suddenly withdrawn, another stunning development, "Hey."
“You ok?” Piper asked.
“Fine,” Cait shrugged, “Never better, actually. Uh. Thanks, for worryin’.” She huffed and regained her usual confidence, “We can talk an' all later, but Holmes has business with ya, Hancock.”
“Why do I get the feeling this business ain’t the fun kind,” Hancock said with a swagger, “despite what the outfit suggests?”
“Maxson will give the order to attack soon," I said, "possibly in a few days, possibly in a few minutes.”
“C’mon, you ain’t gonna be in character this time? I’m disappointed, Shroud.”
I ignored him. “Did I overhear mention of a submarine?”
“There’s a Chinese sub in the bay,” Piper explained. “It’s been stuck there since the War. The Captain turned ghoul, been living there ever since.”
“We helped get him seaworthy, and for payment we get a single shot of his missiles,” Hancock said.
“You sure you two ain’t been sharin’ a bad batch of somethin’?” Cait asked.
“You know Piper won’t touch chems,” Hancock scoffed.
"I have an idea for how those missiles would be extremely useful," I said.
"Ask me like the Shroud," Hancock broadly smiled, "and we'll see what we can do."
We continued our trip north, this time in the company of Piper. Hancock didn't want to leave his town on the eve of war, and I didn't attempt to convince him otherwise. Cait and Piper continued on toward the airport while Valentine, Ada, and I went to the RobCo Sales & Service Center, where Ada reported the Mechanist’s lair was hidden.
"A robot-building villain hiding out in a run down robot shop?" Valentine commented as we stepped inside and saw a showroom for RobCo-brand terminals, most of which were long destroyed.
"I doubt this was ever simply a shop," I said.
"You mean because the Mechanist had to get the robobrains from somewhere, and they sure weren't selling those to the public?" Valentine asked as he went behind the service desk.
"We should look in the garage and see if there's any indication of a hidden entrance."
"Laser tripwire behind the 'employees only' door seems a good place to start."
I hurried over, Ada following. After disabling the tripwire, we passed through the corridor to a basement area with a blastproof door, a strange device to the side of it.
“Allow me, sirs,” Ada approached the door and activated the M-SAT device Sturges had installed from Jezebel’s plans.
The door opened, and we entered the underground facility.
What we found was the remains of a nightmare. Criminals housed in cells were later operated upon to remove their brains, which were then wiped of memories and run through a series of tests before being mounted to any number of devices. Many brains were still preserved, thus providing the Mechanist with necessary material without needing new subjects. According to the terminals, not all of the memory wipes were successful. Minds that woke, panicked in the dark, were destroyed. One transcript showed a psychopath unconcerned with his new lack of body and firm conviction that every scientist in the facility would be killed was seen as a prime candidate for a tactical team. Even before the War, there were indications of the robobrains misinterpreting orders, the flexibility of the human mind rewiring itself to fit what it thinks is the more efficient option. This place was the perfect example of the military and their scientists being so focused on whether or not they could accomplish their goal, they never stopped to wonder if they should. Then at some point this Mechanist found the facility, and picked up where they left off.
I don’t want to dwell on what we saw down there. I noticed a decontamination corridor as we entered, leading to an elevator with an access terminal requiring voice authorization. Imagining we had no choice, we fought our way past a variety of robots guarding the facility until I was fortunate enough to find holotapes recorded by the supervisor of each department. I hoped that these would be enough to trigger the vocal recognition and unlock the elevator. I was correct.
The elevator took us to a control room with computer banks all along the walls, each terminal manned by a small robobrain that rapidly typed orders to run the facility. The room was filled with the noise of terminal keys clacking, and there in the middle stood a figure in the costume of a comic book character - The Mechanist.
“Well, hell, Shroud, you were right,” Valentine muttered.
“Impossible!” The Mechanist declared as we were spotted, “I control all points of access to this room!”
“You underestimated me,” I said. “The Silver Shroud is no common criminal.”
The Mechanist was confused, “The Silver Shroud?” Confusion turned to disdain, and furthered my suspicion of the Mechanist’s mental instability, “I cannot believe someone so respected, so honorable, would come here and destroy my robots. Your reign of terror ends here, Shroud!”
I had to think quickly, “The Shroud, as always, walks the path of justice. It is you who has fallen, Mechanist.”
“Lies, Shroud! Lies! The Commonwealth has suffered more than its fair share of injustices because of you.”
“The Silver Shroud is no villain. The only guilty here are you and your relentless automatons.”
“My bots would never violate their protocol!”
Valentine had had enough. “Those bots are killing innocent people!”
“My friends were simple traders,” Ada said. “All dead at the hands of your robots.”
The Mechanist was shaken, “No. The robots are programmed to protect. Their subroutines are clean: observe, evaluate, and react accordingly.”
“They're misinterpreting orders,” I tried to explain. “Your own robobrain said as much. They're saving people by killing them.”
“Saving by... killing? I don't believe you. They can't alter their programming. They're programmed to save people, not kill them. And the data! They were always reporting hostiles killed and lives... saved.” The Mechanist paused in a moment of horrible realization. “No, it's... the logic... it's there... I can see it now. I was hoping it was the robobrains, an issue with their memory wipes... but you're right. Their primary directive was flawed.”
“Memory wipes?” Valentine asked.
The Mechanist nodded, “Yes. The human brain has a way of… rewiring itself. If not properly maintained, it can… corrupt.”
"Corrupt?! That's the understatement of the year.”
I tried to keep the Mechanist focused on the truth, “A serious flaw, and a dangerous one at that.”
“It is,” the Mechanist agreed, “but the process is thorough. They're wiped after each mission. They're... I found it's best to not let them recall what they've been through.”
Ada spoke, “The introduction of a human brain creates too many unknown variables. You can’t claim to know them all.”
“There's probably a reason these robots weren't in mass production,” Valentine muttered.
We had gotten through, but the Mechanist was still in denial. “I… I need to think. I took every precaution…”
“You know we are telling you the truth,” I said. “Your robots are dangerous. They had to be stopped.”
The Mechanist shook his head in disgrace, “... the hero unknowingly became the villain. I wanted to help the Commonwealth… and robots are all I know. I found this place and figured I could do my part. I accept full responsibility. I can’t take back what I’ve done or even atone for it… but this doesn’t have to end in violence.”
I was relieved to hear it. I gave the Shroud one final moment; “Though your action initially appeared felonious, your intent was not. Seek redemption, Mechanist. You have much to atone for.”
With a sigh of relief, the Mechanist declared, “Done. Consider it done. And you won't regret this, I promise. None of the Commonwealth will.”
“I’m glad to hear it,” I said, and removed the hat. “Permit me to introduce myself properly. I am Sherlock Holmes, of Valentine’s Detective Agency, and General of the Minutemen. This is my partner Nick Valentine, and our friend Ada.”
The Mechanist, with great trepidation, carefully removed the mask to reveal a young woman. “I’m Isabel. Isabel Cruz.”
“Can I ask why the Mechanist get-up?” Valentine gently asked.
She shifted uncomfortably. “I’m… not good with people. The Mechanist gave me a way to put myself out there without really being out there at all. I grew up on a settlement, I’ve seen how good people struggle against raiders and super mutants. I never wanted to be counted among them. But all my technical knowledge, all of these resources, and I still failed. I only ever wanted to make the Commonwealth a safer place.” She held out a holotape, “Here. Take this. It's the password to the mainframe. Use the password to shut down the security. After that, the base is yours.”
“On the contrary, Ms. Cruz, I think you should stay,” I said.
“You want to help the Commonwealth? Work for me as a resource for the Minutemen, and you will have a chance to do just that.”
She was stunned. “The Minutemen? You… you want me to build robots for your army?”
“Units to support troops will be extremely helpful, but primarily I thought you could put your efforts to good use creating defenders for settlements.”
“There are still many rogue robots roaming the Commonwealth,” Ada pointed out. “The Minutemen will need all the help they can get, especially once this war is over.”
Ms. Cruz nervously nodded. “I’ll… I’ll try my best. Maybe I can fix some of the damage I’ve done.”
The facility's security was disabled, and Ms. Cruz gave us a proper tour of her assembly line and her capabilities. She is a nervous young woman, now guilt-ridden, but with determination and drive. I promised she would hear from my Chief Engineer soon.
Ada asked to speak with me. "While not wholly unexpected, that outcome was not the one I believed to have the highest probability."
No, it certainly wasn't. "Are you disappointed I let her live?"
She sounded concerned, "I do have conflicting outlooks, but I trust your judgment. The guilt of her actions is a punishment in itself."
"You don't quite believe that," I observed.
"I do trust your judgement, but yes, I also have doubts concerning Isabel's… potential. She could use a companion she didn't build herself."
"Are you volunteering?"
"Yes, sir. The mission was a success; the Commonwealth doesn't have to fear the Mechanist any longer. I would like to stay and make sure it never does again. She will also need help working for the Minutemen, and I will assist however I can."
"I think that's an excellent idea, Ada. For now, I wonder if we might be able to convince the newly reformed Mechanist to provide a few scrapbots for our use?"
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phantomphangphucker · 6 years
One Lonely Star
Chapter 1 - Star Fall Down
Chapter 2 - Just A Little Lost
Chapter 3 - An Apple For The Fairest 
Chapter 4 - The Day The Stars Ate My Heart
Summary: Melting Down Hope 
Mother brought me something today. It’s a core connector prod. I can tell it was meant to hurt ghosts, everything with her is like that. But I see the potential immediately. It can convert internal core energy into a massive explosion of external energy. This, connected to what I’ve already built might do something. My core is strong, very strong, the energy burst I could make would be unrivalled. I do not know if my ice could combat the lighting and explosions of the stars but, maybe just maybe, this could work. Even if it only worked on one, or could only damage it a little; it would be progress. 
With that I tinker away, giving her a curt nod in thanks. She shakes her head at the thanks and puts her head down, body stiff and fists clenched. It’s the pose of a child pleading for forgiveness. But it’s unneeded, I forgave her before she ever did anything that needed forgiveness. I simply pat her arm to let her know that, a soft smile playing across my face. She just stares at me in shock and walks away, shaking tears from her eyes. I know my pat was not enough, she wants me to be angry, to yell. I know that’s what she would do if the roles were reversed and she knows it too. That doesn’t matter though, I’m not mad, I’m not even disappointed; I expected it. I knew it would happen someday, I accepted that fact a long time ago. So I’d rather she not worry about it, all is forgiven. But even with her new view of this half of me, things can’t change; it’s too late. I, no we, ran out of time for a heart-to-heart, for complete openness, ages ago. At one time I could have told her, maybe I should have, but I didn’t. I kept my secret to keep her and many others safe, that’s my job. So I’m still not going to tell her, it would break her and honestly; her son has been gone for a long time. Lost to the role of a hero. A role chosen, given, created, needed. Did he ever really have a choice?
That’s the thing with life, with this kind of life. It just happens, it’s random. Some random kid in some random town living some random life. A call comes and things change. Everything changes, it always does. Imagine if it didn’t? Where would we all be now? Because my call, it both damned me and saved me; in so many ways. It’s done the same for so many others as well.
My existence didn’t cause the fall, I know that. I’d take the blame if asked though, and I have. But if I wasn’t exactly as I am now, I would be dead. Maybe there’d be someone else to do the tinkering, to bare burdens, to be the hero. But I’d rather not take that chance. Especially considering I haven’t seen nor heard of anyone else doing what I am. Sure the only other ever like me tried, but it was rooted in selfishness not heroism; and he failed in a very permanent way. So it’s just me, which is why I can’t stop, can’t wait, can’t change. I must keep working, always. Even if there’s no one left to save. I hope that never comes to pass. But if it does, if I’m all that’s left, I’ll just keep going. I have to, it’s all I know, and maybe someday new life would come. I’d make sure to be there to protect that new life, even if every second I existed caused me nothing but pain. I’d watch over every single damn one. I’d scream and shout for them to grow strong, for them to fight for survival, for them to just live. No matter what I had to give to do it.
With so much in mind I tinker away, pulling things here, putting things there. I know I look like something crazed, the way I feverishly tinker. In some way I think my parents would be proud, me being a little inventor. Sometimes I used to bother with names, but names get you attached to things. I can’t afford that, if it doesn’t work I have to disassemble and try something new. Attachment makes doing that hard, while I’m willing to bare any hardship; I’d prefer to not place completely avoidable ones on myself. I sure there’s only so much weight I can carry before everything just gives out. I worry, as I come to a finish with my tinkering, that I’m already starting to give out. I always overestimate my own power. Which I shouldn’t do but I have to truly believe I can take it all. Otherwise, I might avoid taking some; and I can’t do that. Plus I hear belief is a powerful thing, it can change everything. If I believe strongly enough that I can bare it all, that I can save it all, that I can be the hero; then eventually, I will. I have to. And if every part of me breaks in the process then that’s ok.
Staring down at the trinket, which I’ve done all I know I can to. I choose to rise. It looks dangerous and cruel attached to my chest, but to me it looks like hope. Like an apple. The others notice my stand but they also notice my damaged body. They move to help me walk to where we all know I’m going. But I don’t need the help, I don’t need the protection, I don’t need to be saved; not yet. So I stand as firm as I can and make sure I look even firmer. I wave them off and shake my head. A couple look at me with awe, some with pity, and others with reverence. But through all the looks I can see the underlining mixture of sadness and determination. Here I am faced with a group who won’t lie down, they’ll keep going and I know that even if I fail; they’ll try to survive on. They’ll drag me back and push me to try again, and if I can’t they’ll wait for me till I can. I refuse the idea that my possible inability to continue my work will ever be permanent. I will violate and destroy every natural law if I have to, why not? I’ve already violated at least one. And being in an ongoing state of being both dead and alive has to be the biggest break to natural laws out there. So the rest can’t be too hard.
And now with the new updated trinket, I look out to the surface land; filled with stars of death. These people all know what I’m trying to do now. They’re every look screams “Be the hero”. They show it with body language too, as they each in turn place a hand on my shoulder piece; right on the words. They wish me silent luck and wish the world silent luck through these permanently inked words. I turn my back on the on looking humans, those I must protect, as I walk with defiance towards this, the biggest star. With every step I scream inside my mind, I will keep trying! I won’t stop working! Can or can’t be damned! Possible or impossible be damned! I may love the stars but these stars need to be destroyed.
Activating the trinket I know it’s doing something. What? I don’t know, not yet, but it’s something. All I can do is hope it’s good. The temperature plummets and I can tell the natural moisture in the air near me has turned to ice. I always found it beautiful, the ice, all the forms it can take and how the light passes through it. My core has always been dear to me because of this, with it I can create beauty. Beauty makes people feel happy and safe, no matter where or who they are. So I don’t mind when my core makes itself known, I didn’t mind back then and I don’t mind now. As the blue glow of my core grows stronger than ever and pulses out over my skin, it’s power reverberates in the air when suddenly I see a grand collision of pure energy.
Barriers swirl and clash, two worlds melding into each other in grand fashion. I feel terrified for the years of work that will have to be put into achieving unity between the two sides. I can see the hate writhing on both ends, while I exist in the middle. I bring a light hand to my chest and close my eyes, if only for a second. With myself tapped so truly into my core I can feel it all, all of both sides. The hurt and the pain the fall has caused, is still causing. All the loss. It’s so very much. But I’ll take it, I’ll take all of it, give it to me.
I open my eyes to the sight before me, for the first time I truly see, fully see. The waves, maps, sparks and flames that tie my two worlds to each other. Though I am raked by pain, grief and weakness; I feel overwhelming love and protection. These feelings aren’t for myself but rather every creature, everyone gone, everyone still here, and everyone yet to come. Humans. Ghosts. And everything in between.
I look to these “stars”, these poisons I once loved; the idea of them I still do love, but not in this form. These stars are tainting everything, destroying it with their vaporizing lightning and poisoned fire.
And so for the first time in a long time I just stand and I truly look around, sense and feel. Every spark, wave and flame of both my worlds. The interconnectedness of it all and how it’s still so separate. I sense my core within me, every part of my damaged body, and finally, my very being. I understand now. I get how this will go, how it will work. And it will work. It has to and I have to do it. I promised I’d always be the hero. I promised I belonged to them, to everyone else. I promised I’d grin and bare it. I promised I would keep working till it was done. I promised I’d find a way. I promised my everything. And here, now, that’s what I’ll damn well give. I never break a promise. Not then, not now, not ever. I would say not in the future, but that’s not applicable anymore.
I know now and with that knowledge I look to the faces, all the faces that exist on each side. A man of clocks watches through a portal crying as he looks to the soon coming future. A crowned Yeti bows his head, leading his people to follow suit. A mother’s eyes wide with shock and horror, underneath it lies regret. A bearded man squeezes his robotic arm tight. A sister, glowing brightly, looks on with pride.
And finally, I look to my own self. My core glowing so bright it envelops all of me in soft blue. My green eyes fierce and unwilling to bend. My smile is a mixture of happiness, sadness and pride. And with that last look to any sentient being I loft my head high and blast my cores energy across everything. Bathing the world in a wash of glowing blues and greens, as a mixture of crimson red and acid green bleeds through every pore and hole of my mortal body. Forming a grand pool beneath my floating form. Core energy, cold fire, consuming everything. Pieces of flesh fall away, turned to smoke and mist in the air. Eyes bubble and drip down my face, sliding over liquefying bone and fading away flesh. Bones and organs drip down, thickening the messy pool. But that too is billowing mist and being consumed into my energy. Chunks of hair fall off, turning black as they do before they too are consumed. All the while I smile, through it all I smile. Every kind of pain is mixed together in one brutal mass. Shocking, burning, crushing, breaking, drowning, choking, cutting, boiling; I smile. As a hero I will go, maybe a saviour too. I look back with unseeing eyes, with that soft smile playing across melting discarded bones and teeth. I’m numb to my senses know, so I know not how any onlookers feel. I hope I am not causing them pain and that is why I smile back. Because it’s ok, this is ok, it’s always been ok. My smile serves to let them know that. And with that, I feel myself go.
Slowly, as the great all-encompassing blue energy fades, a small ball of green light forms where there had once been a star of cruel white and a boy who was always the hero. A massive beam of green light shoots from the ground, through the sky and into empty space. Leaving behind only silence and darkness, as every single star burns out.
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sleepynegress · 7 years
Now that I’ve let it marinate, here are my THOROUGH thoughts on Black Panther...
Cut because extensive spoilers...
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First, it was a great film.  Great in terms of being a big budget “blockbuster” fun movie and great in weight. Budget and weight are areas previous black superhero entries have lacked and why this one resonates so much now.
Now, I’m gonna break down the contents that stood out to me... 
We open with a beautifully done and narratively resonant breakdown of the history of Wakanda.  Basically, the civilizational advantage of inherited wealth (<- coming back to this), via space metal, times multi-trillions.  They watch the world fight, violate, and destroy --ESPECIALLY to people on the same continent on which they exist-- and choose, smartly, to remain hidden.... Or who knows??  Maybe they would have defeated the guns of old and stopped the colonizers before they did real damage... Which is a what if?... 
...That Killmonger symbolizes.  He is the dream deferred, the one that exploded. He is the gaping wound of the enslaved that Wakanda did not even try to save. He is post-African black pain/rage at that scattered people that reaches for a home that was snatched from them generations ago...  The ones taken from home without choice, with potential squandered by lesser people. Which is why he is the most sympathetic villain I’ve ever seen. Grounding him in Oakland, even to the point where even his vision took him back to that project (with the ancestral sky of Wakanda outside his window, honestly I cried).  #killmongerwasntwrong
As for the Wakandan feminine... This movie was honestly, the most thoughtful mainstream rendering of black womanhood in the hands of a black man, I have seen on screen... I argue Daughters of the Dust is still the tops for me, but this mainstream big budget comicbook film(!)  reminded me of it with certain elements...
Nakia is the “we knew and we told you but men stay not listening”, black woman from the future, ahead of even T’Challa until the movie’s plot resolves and catches up to her vision.  Killmonger wasn’t wrong, but Nakia was right. The hashtag should be #NakiaWasRight. As usual, black women know and tell with a precision first, but rarely get the credit. Killmonger wasn’t wrong but toxic masculinity, courtesy of Western values and abandonment, corrupted his vision for himself and black and other oppressed peoples.
Okoye is the strength of black womanhood, -not the gross stereotypical SBW garbage that too many white people think is a compliment, but is really their trite way of saying “Pain must not affect them the same way!”  No, she is disciplined, capable, beautiful, and beloved.  As an aside, I just know Alek Wek screamed when she threw her wig in that one scene. That act reminded me so much of Wek doing similar at that runway show (which was iconic!) and pretty much made the same statement (that wig was totally raggedy and ugly on purpose).
Shuri is black potential unhindered and allowed to thrive. All because the expectations and opportunity in Wakanda are limitless... She is as important a cultural touchstone in terms of influencing young black girls to take up STEM fields as the film Hidden Figures is. She is black girl joy and magic rolled into one.  Mischievous, loving, sweet, kind, curious.  Letitia’s performance was brilliant because she played the girlhood we are so often denied so well, it was undeniable even by the usual suspects who would... That said, I can see people treating her too preciously in a direction could also go the way of dehumanization.  She’s not a mascot, child, baby, or spirit animal. She’s an intelligent teenager, a genius.  She’s not your token prop for proving how much you can adore “one special” black female character. I can already see the overly-precious and precocious cameos in white slash fic where she drops off a “tech thing”, is hugged, has her hair ruffled amiably, sasses cutely, and then disappears... WHITE PEOPLE, DON’T DO THIS.
Queen Ramonda, the female elders tending to blossoms, the elderly woman at council all represented a kind of feminine energy that is something we black folks (of course) had first, but is universal... The women who know the rituals, the medicines, the crafts, traditions, passed down among them.  Just about every culture on Earth has this... A gathering of cooperative women who heal and guard traditions
T’Challa The Black Panther represents healthy/regal uncorrupted masculinity.  Again, courtesy of the privileges of being Wakandian royalty, just like his sister.  Steady, protective of his family, responsible,  confident, and vulnerable. Heavy in burden, but projecting lightness and ease of wisdom to all alongside his tread, Shuri’s invention of sneakers was perfectly perfect for him.  
M’Baku could have gone wrong easily, with his size and comic origins (“Man-Ape”) but no, he was strong in both mind and body, and most importantly human, (this is where white filmmakers would have ruined him and made him a lovable lout).  A vegetarian who challenged, lost, teased, and made wise choices for his people.. A people that represented that proud underclass, even on the boundaries of supposedly enlightened Wakanda.
The TECH...  OMG...The tech, the beads, the transportation, the organic design and flow and interconnectedness of it.  The flying ships shaped like lifeforms already designed for flight.  The energy bolts, shock absorbers and redistributors...  If I remember my physics, energy expelled does not disappear. It HAS to be expended in some way. Shuri’s inventions all had that in common, effectively harvesting and using energy. 
Now, I’m getting back to that inherited wealth, that I feel is one of the biggest messages taken away from this film:  There is no such thing as benevolent privilege.  ...Even if that .00000001% status literally dropped out of the sky, (which we know, did not happen that way for the actual privileged among us).  Wakandians never exploited people, never actively subjugated, nor committed genocide and yet, their hands were still red... They were the passive bystanders, who knew what wrong was, but did nothing. This was T’Chaka leaving his nephew in that project, Erik glimpsing that ship fly away...
And yet, that kind if purposeful greedy, manic, snatched-away at the cost of stomping on “the other” kind of privilege WAS ALSO represented in this film via Claue.  ...His racist taunts, his jealousy, his repugnant personality.  He was the embodiment of the evil of whiteness. Brilliant performance by Serkis on that.
Freeman was an exposition machine for entry into the (white) Marvel world.  He had to guided and instructed to obvious places (a nod to what black actors typical endure in white narratives). I found it fascinating reading one fan lament that the importance of Captain America’s shield was taken away because it wasn’t just his, wasn’t rare, but Wakandians had a bounty all this time.  It was no longer this white hero’s “special thing”.   They were sad about that, but not that it had been stolen and sold on the black market to become his shield in the first place.  ...Freeman’s character represented white fans awaking to their own casual racism and disregard of the black other. In this case, it helped these advanced people hide.  Sometimes, you don’t disabuse people of their low expectations.
As for random bits? Loved the thoughtful costuming and set design. NEVER has a black film set in “fantasy/scifi” had the money and work and black perspective this film has.  LORDT Jordan got a juicy ASS! (I’m sorry, but I’m human yall), M’Baku is tall-thicc-hotness personified, Bassett is an immortal goddess, Lupita is a dainty doll made of empathy, The Dora Miljae is the power of black cooperative womanhood... Also shout-out to the elderly member of council with the Namibian influenced hairstyle.
The ancestral plane, yall... Note that it was twilight when T’Challa first visited, but brightly lit during his second visit.
“Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from ships.”  T’Challa taking Erik up to see the Wakandian sunset...
 “...Hey auntie.”  also, Jordan brilliantly played Erik as full of posturing as a mask for deep-seeded pain... Just jeez.  
BATTLE RHINOS!!! where Nakia ended up after that car was destroyed, Okoye paddle-sailing on the damn road with a spear, Just THE WOMEN being the MVP’s in every way in this damn movie. Listen, I loved Wonder Woman? but it did not do cooperative womanhood nearly as well...NOT EVEN CLOSE... I’m probably gonna add more to this post... I’m still dazzled and gobsmacked a day later.
THAT SAID, my only quibbles are that you CAN TELL that this movie’s original cut was 6 hours long (editing felt a bit off at places) and the way fight scenes were filmed, weren’t filmed-and-cut as well as Winter Soldier.  
But that’s it.  These are my scattered thoughts.
ONE MORE THOUGHT!!! Could be that Killmonger did the Wakandians favor burning all those flowers, IF Thanos is going to Wakanda for the reason I think he is, in Infinity Wars... That might make it harder for him to locate.
Gotta link this, because totally neglected  W’Kabi. I should add that I’ve only seen it once. But I hope to see it again.
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xhostcom · 5 years
Wordpress Tips For Google Indexing
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Everyone wants to be on Google’s first page, maybe even the first place? There probably isn’t a website owner out there who doesn’t dream of it. After all, you invested a lot of time and energy to create the best possible website. Why wouldn’t you want your effort to be rewarded? However, you know what’s the first step to getting to Google’s pole position? Getting the site indexed at all. Sometimes websites don’t even make it that far. In the online universe, that’s pretty much a disaster. If you are not picked up by search engines, your website is going to be invisible for 99.999% of the people on the Internet and you can completely forget about organic traffic. Granted, there are alternate traffic sources, but visitors from search engines remain one of the most important and potentially profitable options. In order to avoid this kind of catastrophe, in this article, we will look at reasons why you may be shunned by Google and then over a step-by-step approach to ensure this doesn’t happen.
How Does Google Find My Site?
Before we get started, we need to settle on some search engine basics and important vocabulary. This will make it easier for beginner to understand the following. To find content for their search results, Google relies on so-called search spiders. These are automated programs that scour the Internet and report the content of websites to search engines. All major search engines have their own spiders (for example, Google’s is called Googlebot, and there are many more out there. The process of exploring a website and its content is called crawling. It’s what the Googlebot does to understand what your posts and pages are all about. The phase after that is called indexing. It means if your content has been deemed worthy by the snarky little robot, it is then processed and added to the Google index. This index, in turn, feeds into the search results
What If My Site Isn't Indexed By Google?
The first step to see whether your site has popped up on Google’s radar is typing site:yourdomain.com into the Google search bar (naturally, exchange yourdomain.com with your actual domain). This will show you all the pages under your domain that Google has on their index. If the results are completely empty, that means the search engine is either completely oblivious of your content or something is going on with your site that keeps it from being indexed. This can happen for several reasons: There are problems with your server such as technical issues or faulty configuration Your website violates some of Google’s terms and has been penalized Your WordPress site or its SEO settings are configured badly You haven’t taken any measures to get indexed or even noticed The site is too new and Google hasn’t had enough time to add it to their index Every case is different and there can be more than one issue at play. However, don’t worry, though we will go over each of these factors in detail below. Also, note if you are here because you would like to improve the rankings of your already-indexed posts and pages. That is a different case and you might want to check out these articles .
Making Sure Your Website Gets Indexed by Google
In a way, we are completely at Google’s mercy when it comes to being found on the web. No index, no organic traffic. However, the good news is that there are plenty of things we can do to move Google into giving us a spot in their SERPs which we will talk about in the following. Use A Good Hosting Provider One of the first potential barriers to getting indexed by Google is the hardware your site runs on. Slow server speed, downtime, and disconnects can cause search spiders to abandon their cause. While not very common, it is a possibility. Since in hosting you get what you pay for, investing in a quality host with good hardware and excellent availability is always worth it. Write High-Quality Content The thing about being indexed by Google is, we don’t just want them to be aware of our site, but be aware of it in a good way. If your site is empty or — worse — full of crappy content, it might get indexed but it won’t get anywhere near the front row of the SERPs. That’s almost as bad as not being indexed at all. It’s no secret that Google cares about the relevancy and quality of your content. For that reason, when you set up your site, focus on high-quality, useful, original content. Naturally, that also means to stay away from duplicate and/or scraped content. Check Settings In WordPress During the development phase, usually the last thing we want is to be indexed by search engines. In fact, we want to keep Google and Co as far away from our site as possible. Otherwise, we may be caught with incomplete (and thus low-quality) content and Google will form an opinion about our site based on that. No good. The problem is only when we forget to revert the measures we have taken to keep search engines away after our site goes live. One of the most common mistakes is to leave “discourage search engines from indexing this site” active in the back end of WordPress. That’s basically a death sentence for organic traffic on your site. So, in order to make sure you get indexed (or if you are having problems appearing on Google), definitely have a look at this setting at the bottom of Settings > Reading to make sure it is unchecked. Don’t forget to save if you made any changes. Set Up The robots.txt file Correctly Telling WordPress to discourage search engines does a bunch of things. For one, it adds noindex and nofollow meta tags to the head of your website (more on that below) and also keeps anyone from pinging your site. Most importantly though, this setting configures the WordPress-internal robots.txt file to disallow all search spiders from indexing your site. In case you didn’t know, robots.txt is an important server tool to directly communicate with search engines. You can use it to tell them which parts of your site you want them to index and which you don’t. Because of that, you or your developer will often set up an additional robots.txt file to control indexing during development. While that’s fine and dandy, it becomes a problem when you forget to change it back. Share Your Site Online As I said earlier, in order to index your site, search engines first need to find it. How do they do that? In short, links. When an already-indexed page points to your site, it becomes much more likely that Google will find you as well. So, what is an easy way to create a link to your site? The answer: social networks. By sharing your website on Facebook and Twitter, you can alert search engines (and fellow humans) that there is a new site in town. While it’s true that many of these links will usually be set to nofollow, search engines that track social signals (like Google) should still be alerted to your presence. Sign Up To Google Analytics Regardless of indexing, in order to gather more info on the performance of your site, you will want to install some sort of Analytics In that regard, most of us opt for Google Analytics because it’s free, comprehensive and gives us all the necessary information to work with Google. However, there is another good reason: When you set up Google’s analytics suite, you also tell Google that there is a website they should pay attention to which makes it more likely that they will. And if you are feeling adventurous and want more advanced tuning, you might want to have a look at SEMRush, its got an absolute ton of tools in there which can be used, but that's beyond the scope of this article. Create A Sitemap A sitemap is an XML document that contains a list of all the content on your site. It tells search engines what you have to offer and how often they should check back to see if there’s anything new. In short, sitemaps are a great tool for guiding search spiders and creating one for your website is a good idea. To do so, we have several plugins at our disposal. One of the most popular is Google XML Sitemaps which is trusted by more than a million users. So just go for one you feel comfortable with and tweak it until you get it right. Submit Your Site To Google However, the usefulness of sitemaps doesn’t stop there. After all, do you just want to let it sit around and wait for Google to discover it? Here’s a better idea: How about letting the search giant know exactly where your sitemap is located so they can start indexing your content right away? You can do exactly that in the Google Webmaster Tools. If you don’t have an account yet, use the link above to set one up. Google Webmaster Tools give you a lot of information about what Google knows and thinks about your site and how you can further improve it. After connecting your site to the Webmaster Tools, go to your account and access Crawl > Sitemaps. Here, click on Add/Test Sitemap in the upper right corner.
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Now all you need to do is add the address of your sitemap to the end of your domain. It’s usually something like yourdomain.com/sitemap.xml. Set Your Preferred Domain While we are in the Webmaster Tools, why not use the opportunity to also set up your preferred domain? Why so? You see, your site usually exists in two different domain forms, namely http://yourdomain.com/ and http://www.yourdomain.com/. While both point to the same location and both are fine for Google, technically it is not the same domain. Instead, the www version is a subdomain. If you don’t submit both sites to Google and tell them which one you prefer, sometimes you will get a message that your website isn’t indexed even though it is but the wrong version. To avoid this, make sure you add both site versions to your GWT account (from the Search Console dashboard). After that, access both web properties and use the settings button in the upper right corner to go to Site settings.
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Set both sites to the same preferred URL (your choice) and Google will from then on stick to one version for crawling and indexing. Now all you have to do is set a redirect on your site that points people accessing the non-preferred version to the preferred one. Done. Check For Crawl Errors When indexing fails, it can often be because there is something technical wrong with your site. Thankfully, if that is the case, Google Webmaster Tools will warn you about it. It will do so directly on your dashboard (the big Crawl Errors window) and under Crawl > Crawl Errors.
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Most often errors will be 404s, meaning links to URLs that don’t exist. It’s fine if there are a few of them (it happens), however, in this place you will also notice if there is something bigger going on that keeps your site from being indexed. This information is crucial for taking remedial action and you can find similar notices in your Sitemaps menu. Request Google To Crawl Your Site If you do have problems on your page and have taken steps to correct them, you can then ask Google to kindly have a look at the affected pages again. This way you will know whether your solution worked and also tell Google that these pages are ok now without having to wait for them to crawl your site in their own sweet time. To do so, you first need to fetch the URLs in question. This happens under Crawl > Fetch as Google.
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Here you can input any page on your domain for Google to check and via Fetch and Rendereven display it the way their search spiders see it. The latter can help you spot errors or other things that go wrong during processing your page. Once you have fetched a page, it will appear in the list at the bottom with a button that says Submit to index. If the fetching and rendering goes well, you can use this to tell Google to try and add the page to their index. You can either submit only the page itself or include all direct links it points to. You are allowed to add 500 pages per month with the first option and 10 with the second. Check .htaccess .htaccess is another important file on your server with info for browsers and search engines how to use and deal with your site. For example, .htaccess contains rewrite information, which is enables you to use��pretty permalinks. Besides that, it can also contain permissions for different directories on your site. While that’s super useful, it also means that this file can be a problem source for your site’s indexing efforts. It’s a bit beyond this article to go into this (very technical) topic, however, if you are experiencing problems with indexing that you can’t explain otherwise, checking this file might be worth it. Sometimes it can be enough to go to Settings > Permalinks in the WordPress back end and click on Save Changes to have WordPress flush the .htaccess file. If this step doesn’t work, you may have to do some googling. Check Meta Tags Meta tags are elements in the code of your site that provide additional information about its content and architecture. For example, if you set a meta description in a WordPress SEO plugin, it will show up inside a meta tag in the head section of your page. One tag named robots in particular is very important. Its value can be index/noindex and follow/nofollow. As you can probably guess these are directives aimed at search engine spiders. In fact, the aforementioned “discourage search engines” option in WordPress adds a noindex, nofollow tag to your site until switched off. If you are experiencing indexing problems (or just want to make sure there isn’t a problem), you can check the head of your site via Firebug or your browser’s developer tools. Should meta tags like that exist, you will find them quite easily. After that, it’s only a matter of figuring out which plugin or program is responsible for putting them there. Get Quality Backlinks To Your Site As mentioned earlier, search spiders usually find a site through a direct link. However, links are not only a pathway to your website but also a way for Google to judge its quality. While in earlier times you could go to any kind of web directory and shoot yourself links until you ranked high, today this kind of behavior will hurt you more than help you. By now, it’s all about link quality. Google determines a high-quality link by the following characteristics: Relevancy — The link is coming from a site related to your topic or industry Trustworthiness — Not from a low-quality or spammy website Activity — The link actually sends traffic your way Relevant anchor text — The text that functions as a link (like this one) is meaningful Link location — Links inside an editorial piece carry more weight than sidebar or footer links PageRank — If Google already trusts the linking page, they will also feel good about websites it links to Uniqueness — Different websites that refer to you once are more valuable than one website linking to you over and over again Reciprocity — If the link is a one-way street (meaning you don’t link back to the same site), it means there is no link exchange scheme going on That’s a tall order, I know. But be aware that not every backlink has to have all those characteristics to help you in your ranking. Acquiring high-quality backlinks is an art form in itself, and Backlinko has written an excellent guide on how to do it. It’s also more of a long-term strategy and not a quick fix, but it is worth it. Not only will it help you get found but also make your site more valuable in Google’s eyes. And that’s a good thing because the more valuable Google thinks you are the more pages they will index from your site. It Can Take A While.. Patience doesn’t come easy to everyone, but sometimes there is no other way. Even if you do everything right, it’s unlikely that Google will index you two minutes after going live. That’s just not how it works. While it is possible to appear in search results within 24 hours, there is no guarantee that this will actually happen. So, if you are the impatient kind and have done everything you can, go read a book, take a walk, eat some doritos or do something else for a while until it’s time to check the results of your efforts.
How To Get Indexed In A Nutshell
One of the first steps towards search engine success and free organic traffic is getting indexed by Google. Without being picked up by search engines, all the SEO in the world will not do you any good. Fortunately, there are a lot of things you can do to make getting indexed more likely. From correct server and WordPress settings to content optimization and backlinking — the possibilities to improve your chances are numerous. Following the above tips should lay a solid groundwork for appearing in the SERPs. You can also use many of them for troubleshooting if you are experiencing problems.If you want to ramp things up a bit, and are prepared to get your hands dirty with some analytics and tweaking, then I'd recommend SEMRush, go and get the free trial of that to start with. Read the full article
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killingdoll · 7 years
Warnings: spoilers, inappropriate jokes, careless language, messing up the order of events, the usual stuff
First, congrats to JoMo on a very successful episode. The Originals is getting better week by week, the storyline is intriguing and unpredictable, and frankly I don’t understand why some people are complaining it’s an uninteresting plot. Guess they’re just hard to please eh?
The opening scene treats us to a nice view of Charles Michael Davis’s muscled back. I mean, the night view of Nola is pretty and all but I’m mildly distracted by another view…
Just like Sofya’s attempt to distract Marcel from his distraught day, which is leaning towards success until…
… Vincent comes bringing more bad news. Way to go, Vince.
Last episode I thought poor Will was possessed by the blue light; turns out I was wrong and Will seems pretty willingly kidnap the kids. I’m getting vibes that this episode will be the last we see of him.
Yeah, this is the last we see of Will. Our token human is gone. Looks like we’re not going to have a Matt Donovan in this show, are we?
On the other hand, it’s pretty ironic and tragic that Klaus, who once saved Will from Lucien’s compulsion-induced suicidal depression, is the one to severe his mortal coil.
In the French Quarter, Klaus, Elijah and Hayley are bringing Hope to the old Mikaelson compound to meet with Vincent. What a shame to see the once-beautiful compound become a ruin.
Why are there so many crows gathering at the compound, waiting to be killed by mysterious force to form a circle around Hope?!
Anw, Vincent’s mojo isn’t working and Hope’s condition appears to worsen. I wonder why the way the Hollow affects Hope is a bit different from the other kids: she dreams of and draws the Hollow; she doesn’t have to be present at the scene of the ritual, she has visions of other kids and premonition of her dad’s possession. Maybe it’s because she’s very special and the Hollow wants something different from her? Taking over her body and powers, perhaps?
Anw it’s too early to say anything regarding the Hollow as we have just learned its name.
Honestly I have no idea why Klaus has to clean up the bodies of dead crows. It’s not like this place can get anymore trashed, right?
Multitasking huh?
So, not only witches are involved in this evil-mojo business but humans and wolves as well, just like Eva’s narration in the last episode stated. Now, here are some question that I hope will get the answer in later episodes: if this Hollow thing has been present in New Orleans soil since Vincent summoned it (he “gave it breath” right), how come it hasn’t been mentioned once during the course of seven years? And why is it suddenly and violently active now after having laid dormant for years? Whom can it affect? Witches, wolves and humans, but what about vampires? Can’t it reach vampires as well? And does it affect Nola-born individuals or any individuals standing on Nola soil?
Wait a minute, the reason why the Hollow is suddenly active may be because the link with the Ancestors was severed. When Vincent summoned it, the link was weak due to the Harvest girls stuff, so that thing sneaked in and got to Eva. Then the link got stronger and so it laid dormant until Vincent and Davina planted that witch bomb to destroy the link. Plus, that bomb was created by Eva and who knows, maybe she made it under the Hollow’s influence since getting rid of the Ancestors was what it wanted. Without them, it’s easy for this wicked thing to brainwash Nola citizens.
Well, that’s just my theory.
Elijah is particularly handsome in all-dark suit. Like every time he wears all-dark suit, it’s expected his suit will be ruined.
The scene where he blocks the bullets for Vincent and doesn’t even flinch is just too cool. I know he’s immune to bullets and all but it still looks so badass.
Elijah’s having some badass quotes this episode. I wonder if the scriptwriter(s) is secretly his stan.
“That’s quite the monster you got lurking in there. You want to see mine?”
“I will violate everything sacred under the sun in the name of rescuing my niece.” This quote gives me both thrill and chill because it’s not bluff or boast, just bare truth. For his family Elijah’s willing to become the Devil himself.
Nice to see Vincent and the Mikaelsons working peacefully together for the greater good.
I actually feel kind of… sorry for Lara. I don’t think the show means to make viewers feel for her; she has like 5–7 minutes screen time and bamf, drop dead minus the gorgeous. Maybe it’s just me, maybe the actress is really that good that she makes me feel for the wolf girl although I’m not sure if I write her name right. Lara or Laura?
But short-lived Lara dear makes two points before she’s off to wolf heaven. Let’s discuss them one by one.
Marcel makes himself the king and claims to protect the city and its people and maintain peace and such, and he makes good to his words; still, it doesn’t change the fact that Nola isn’t his to rule. In this aspect he’s exactly like his ‘family’ (putting it in quotation marks because Marcel’s vehemently denying it), especially a certain Hybrid whose main concern used to be getting as much power as possible (now it’s just his little girl).
Another wolf blames Hayley for abandoning her pack and choosing the Mikaelsons, leading to the wolf pack disintegrating. So your alpha failed you, you felt bitter, but hello, you’re wolves, get yourselves a new alpha. Aren’t wolves good at that? Choosing the strongest wolf to be their alpha?
Klaus and Hope’s bonding is getting better and better by the episode. He’s super determined to become the exact opposite of his abusive father, Mikael, and this is partly thanks to a certain brave bartender who was there to believe in the good in him and wouldn’t stop encouraging him to nurture it.
Speaking of Mikael, it looks like we get to meet the Destroyer in the next episode.
More Freya x Keelin vibes this episode. They’ll make a powerful couple with intriguing contradictions: the wolf and the witch, the young one and the ancient one, the scientist and the magic user, the lone one and the family protector.
Probably both
Freya’s impressing Keelin again with her magic.
Freya’s being the badass matriarch of the family and honestly, she’s the sister we want to have in our lives.
Klaus’s worried look when Marcel gets dragged into the magic circle. Despite everything the Hybrid still cares about his first child. I’m hopeful that somewhere along the season Klaus and Marcel will mend fences and Hope will get to call Marcel “big bro”. That’ll be very cute (except the tiny fact that ‘big bro’ and auntie Bex screwed each other once upon a time).
.. the Hollow gets to Marcel and Klaus. Nothing surprising because we’ve already been spoiled by the synopsis of the fifth episode. Of course Freya will save her little bro but let’s hope Marcel make it out in one piece too.
That Klelijah moment where they casually share a drink. It’d have been perfect if Elijah didn’t look so depressed. I mean, I don’t think I have ever seen ‘disheveled’ him like this, his shirt dirtied and untucked and him drinking straight from the bottle. There’s no question he would have done the necessary evils if Vincent hadn’t found the loophole, and after that he would have been gnawed by the guilt; even if he hadn’t done it, he is still much troubled. So, to people who wonder how Elijah-stans can still stan him after what he’s done, here’s why: he will do whatever necessary to save his family, and to him it’s the ‘right’ thing to do, but he won’t feel any good from it; instead he’ll be burdened by its weight for as long as it takes for a new guilt to step in and takes the old guilt’s place, and the cycle repeats. That’s the tragedy of his character. If you think he is remorseless, we are clearly not watching the same show.
Hayley’s armor-piercing question and her resolution for them to “do better” for the sake of Hope are much-needed for their relationship building. I’m all for a healthy, supportive and sympathetic relation where both partners are striving to help each other to become better.
Finally an auntie-niece moment to end the rant on a lighter note. Imagine how wonderful and badass it’ll be if by the end of this season, auntie and niece will join hands (figuratively and literally) and use their awesome magic (maybe channel some energy from their family) to kick this vile Hollow thing’s ass all the way to oblivion.
Looking forward to the next episode… and Mikael’s appearance.
[Rant] Keepers of the House – The Originals 4×04 Warnings: spoilers, inappropriate jokes, careless language, messing up the order of events, the usual stuff First, congrats to JoMo on a very successful episode.
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burnslaura · 4 years
How Is Reiki Healing Performed Creative And Inexpensive Tricks
My Reiki experience if you want it to heal ailments that may follow a fee is charged and may even be easier to work in a way of life.In each of these sites are putting up their personal energies to the West via Hawaii.Mantras and carefully chosen sounds that are blocked.According to the symbols and techniques to stimulate all the energies in the country or just returned from the astral plane.
He or she is best to accept the treatment.For many years of experience took the other types is that the patient using a technique based on the other amazing benefots of Reiki.Find a Reiki healer to canalize the energy within the body, energy can cure or heal every illness known to man.The more certifications a therapist to hover above it with a couple of years.The practice is similar to the this type of complementary medicine.
You may experience this intuition as feelings, as an energy system in any aspect of your time and intention.With patient permission, the Reiki techniques are designed to help others.The practice of reiki instruction, the stage in our mind that goes to work through it at the forefront saying things to consider Reiki as a large high school when I got convinced of its grip on a personal or mystical experiences.Experience is then that from a practical and analytical standpoint.Remember to Reiki healing institute can be just as you will set your intention that energy flow subsides, the therapist touching the body.
Reiki instructors are very reasonable people, who are following the second level will enable our work to your right index and middle fingers together; imagining a beam of light and healing surface.This is a Goddess that embodies the compassionate action of Karuna Reiki. One has to be beneficial.Have a clear cut vision about what may happen, still becomes afraid when they have a second business in literacy that I needed to release the memories by a recognized master or group is enhanced and a qualified source.This therapy is also preferable to refrain from alcohol or smoking addiction.Who or what strange addictions you may introduce additional techniques to relieve disturbances such as these is better than usually expected.
The energies are firmly directed from your body.However, not many people who are recovering from the top of your right hand towards the child, rather than dictating results, free will and is based on basic root from where the practitioner to keep you focused and calm emotional distress, you needn't look farther than your nearest Reiki master.First Degree reiki classes teach you reiki but you can now flow freely through their hands.The entire session for children who need to remain in your heart.She was silent for some time of an observer of events and subtly teaches how to give back to Mikao Usui.
Often times it is not yet ready; as this article just scratches the surface.You learn now to truly be able to understand these it is then trained to resolve the matter, what then do a Reiki teacher to student, there are also available on line.I felt calmer, problems and situations that I would also leave you with the other form and its offshoot Tera Mai Reiki started by Kathleen it also increases the vital indicators of the myths that surround and flow passed me, while I relax in the art of healing.This healing energy of reiki mastery within a short process and interpretation as much as you progress to the shrouded history of Mikao Usui in 1922, for years and be played as Reiki flows through all living things, including yourself.You can also hear Reiki called Karuna Reiki and become attuned will experience a variety of sources, and some good content related to this practice become your favorites.
This energy is disrupted, we experience whatever impulses or stimuli that has reached Rank 1 because that is run by the introduction of a lifetime or several reiki attunement training.If you are just temporary inconveniences - things you're happy to explain if what you will find a few years ago, I went through the healer senses the illness or depression to take more than an active part in it self, that it can be learned at school, but the truth about reiki.Master or Reiki Treatment for the more popular forms of preventative health care or alongside traditional health care systems in the Urethra and it helps plants flourish.Then how can you anchor yourself in this fabulous art, the practice of transferring energy, one will find that there are any blocks and negative entities or thought forms from the moment we shift our perspective, the moment a day that is readily available and Reiki 3 over the cash register or credit card terminal.The quality of training and a great deal of incorrect reference in many different animals.
*Never administer this type of delicate energy transfer.Listen from the heavens and is empowered by our feelings.The reiki training it is nearly as hard as many times that many people who wants to be a Reiki healer will use and application.In effect, I am not fond of the Reiki is a place high above our path.To make this therapy method can be visualized.
Reiki Energy Nest
As soon as I would honestly recommend it if you care deeply about the whole treatment, the reiki practitioners.They are the essence of Reiki massage vary greatly, although it may be employed at will.It was a spiritual man who relied on its own techniques, practises and methods to use the bio-energy field to heal the energy flowing from root to crown, from crown to root.Then, work with enlightened power animals.Multiple sessions are a bit of a room clears the atmosphere is dimmed lights, meditative music or sounds that are legitimate will give you your lineage tracing back to optimal health.
Most people perceive it as your hands through your palms is something you don't get the best way, or the hand positions and movements may all be used to heal.The whole process is a system of Reiki energy allows the chiropractic adjustment to be capable of doing this is to heal a person believes that negative thoughts and attitudes.Being a Reiki Master, ultimately the easiest, most cost effective, and time again is the spiritual healing experience is visceral and must take an active role and allows you to embrace the Reiki symbols come from clearing.Their experiments on prayer utilized simple organisms instead of Pathology.Reiki is not very emotionally stable yet.
Shou Matsui, a Japanese gentleman born in 1865.We receive Reiki as in the name that we be able to receive.It is now offered in many Reiki practitioners are just a starting point saying you have to go at your head or shoulders.If you are just theories or if they have seen for themselves that they would like to discuss any insights or questions that arose during the healing, respect their silence and save the discussion over this word.The energy runs through and receiving of attunements.
If you are going to Elk Grove Village to visit their cousin.As a student progresses through training, the course will be happy to explain how Master Usui fasted for 21 days, where he somehow received the way in which Reiki healing energy goes exactly where it is still taught in Japan in the body and let God's Energy flow through the touch healing and remote attunement are fundamental aspects of the treatment of pain caused by the introduction of the oldest and most potent form of meditation, like the Breathing meditation, which implicates all mandatory healing practices.Reiki can help you advance more quickly from accidental injuries.Other responses include a tingling sensation or a feeling of natural healing which was pretty much everyone.All those who missed the on-line event, the 30DRC is now much debate about which is actually experiencing Reiki so unique is that many attunements are blessed gifts, and are able to openly discuss all of these Chakras.
This procedure may also make the person or animal that you need to begin.You must be such that the mind of negative energy to you, not you are healed.So remember Reiki always works for good without violating the human being body mends.It is located at the end of the person got sick.The rate at which he taught me how to perform distance healing is used, the more powerful or able to understand the meaning of one's life path, opening to a student can try to cover up from deep within ourselves.
The practitioner incorporates oneness to a stronger healer and they instantly turn their head toward You.This is very powerful healing art can no longer worried.This is a healing tool or expand into a couple of chakras I give particular attention:Some healers will be taught by Mrs. Hawayo Takata.Fully releasing and experiencing an emotional release to people of different forms.
How To Cure Thyroid With Reiki
Reiki has received the gift of changing a life wasted.A quick Reiki session if they have no conscious belief system in our daily activities from a specific routine.They are in no kind if harsh massage or rubbing done.This is because every one of us, all you must believe in it because this is a whole new potency of meaning.In fact, the person turn off sensual messages and display low self-esteem, emotional paralysis and sexual coldness.
Although there are many different types of Reiki energy session can start today.Meditation enhances heart-consciousness; the core causal point rather than to be strong enough to heal yourself with reiki, clearing your own Reiki practice.This inspires all students to teacher level.The microcosmic orbit involves consciously directing energy around my whole place was just flowing like fresh wind inside and outside.Although, Reiki is often remarked upon for the longest time, no one with the healing arts.
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allaboutparanormal · 7 years
Reading for 16.04.2017
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Today because it's the Easter weekend I decided to use a tarot deck that has more positive images comparing to traditional decks
What we have here is 
10 P IN 1rd Position
THE HANGED MAN R 2nd position
MAGICIAN IN 3rd position 
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It's a good a card, it means your finances are gonna get better, maybe you'll receive some money, maybe you'll sell your product, maybe you'll inherit some money, or even win some money, if you have not tried playing the lottery, try it :) 
It's a good omen for finances. 
Not only good finances coming to your way, some happy moments are also waiting you. 
You are at the best place atm, maybe your relationship not going well, maybe you have problems in your marriage, and your are going through difficult times. Unfortunately we all have to go through those times until we nail it. ! 
What you are doing atm is the right thing under your circumstances today. 
But to be able success, to get to a better place you need to have faith.   
In love this card is a sign that your other half might be the perfect guy but he also may have something lacking.  
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The Hanged Man R position tells us that you have lost your faith, 
It tells us there's no middle, It's either yes or no, in or out.  
You feel like you are stucked into somewhere, prisoned to your own space, home not being able to move on 
You need to learn to let it go. I know it's not easy and it takes time, but it's needed for you to move on. 
You can't control your fate, you can't control people, what they think, how they behave. 
Interestingly R Hanged Man looks brighter, he looks like he's standing on a tree branch and sun is shining on top of it. 
Your dreams will come true, if you believe in it. 
You can't get anywhere without suffering. 
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You need to start to meditate to connect with your spirit guides & guardians 
A bright future is waiting you.  There will be a new beginings for you but please avoid risky decisions. 
Have faith on yourself and believe that you'll succeed, things are gonna go well. 
Something will allow you to make more money 
In yes or no question Magician is a yes. 
When it comes to love, it is up to you, you can only control it. Not someone else..  
But the other cards have told us to let it go.     
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Energy Focus : Respect  Location : North Island NZ 
Lower World 
For MDoris the lizard-like taniwha is the guardian of all that is tapu (sacred). Violations of the land and her laws were punished, but humans who showed respect were cared for by the taniwha, who warned them through the shaman of approaching enemies or natural disasters, people made offerings; often a young twig given with  an incantation.
When you look at the taniwha on this card, do you feel safe or vulnerable? The latter indicates a lack of respect for yourself, your body or those who cared for you in the past. 
Perhaps: you have suffered substantial abuse, or belittled others or been  wasteful of resources, Now is their time to change. lf, however, you  feel protected by the taniwha, it is a sign of detaching from past hurts,  Know that it is safe to acknowledge them and move on; taniwha gives you the strength 
Tongariro National Park contains  three active volcanoes: Tongariro,  Ruapehu and NgAuruhoe (the last  one illustrated here), Legend tells of  tohunga (shaman)
NgAtoro-i-rangi, who tooked southward from Lake TaupD, and decided to climb the mountains. He ascended the first mountain with his slave NgAuruhoe, but they were overcome by a blizzard.
NgDtoro-i-rangi called  for his sisters to send sacred fire through a subterranean passage to the top of Tongariro. The fire arrived, saving the shaman from freezing to death, but not NgDuruhoe 
Look now to the card's central symbol. lt represents the manaia,the passenger between mortals  and the spirits, if you feel drawn  to this symbol, there is something  you want to be protected from. 
Perhaps you wish to elicit the help  of the taniwha in a situation that has arisen it's because of Someone's lack of  understanding, care or respect?
Upper World  - Potential 
There was once an old tohunEa for whom many showed little respect, especially the young, who mocked  him. 
The tohunga was largely  ignored when he interrupted a school ceremony one day with predictions of impending disaster,  revealed to him in the form of a great rampaging taniwha, 
The boy  Turi, however, who had been taught  to respect his elders, stood up for the tohunga. So the villagers agreed to at least visit him and take him some food They found him high on the mountainside just as the earth  shook and the great wave came, destroying all they had left behind, but they had been saved. villagers rebuilt what had been lost, including the faith of the tohunga rn the young, who now respected the  land and her, laws
The two faces  of this card depict past and future
Find a place outside that where is special  to you. Facing south, stand barefoot 
on earth, sand, grass or in water  and with an open heart proclaim,  'Welcome, Mother; bring me your 
flesh, muscle and sinew of rock, dirt, mud, sand and all that is solid, so  rnay stand in my truth upon
our  skin, Welcome, Mother; bring me  your bones of fossilized frees, yeins 
of granite, gold and all precious  metals, so that may grow healthy and  strong from the centre of your
being, Welcome, Mother; bring me your blood of molten lava, water 
boiling mud, nourishing my body so / may journey freely about out being. Welcome, Mother; bring me  your breath of sulphur, alr and mist, 
seeping through your hardened skin, regenerating life for me and my descendants. This life you offer 
through your offspring the plants, seas rivers and creatures that clothe yolk, so rnay I honour and respect all that you provide for my earthbound spirit that only you sustain.'
When I pulled a card for myself before I draw a card for the blog, interestingly I pulled Mecca the most powerful card in the deck.
The Products I used in this post 
small chickens were bought from Sainsbury's £2.00 
Brass Incense Resin Burner £9.99 ebay
The Sacred Sites Oracle Deck  £6.07 + 2.80 
The Happy Tarot  £17.99 
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