i love posting even though no one sees these anyway i would sell my soul to avina st graves her book “deaths obsession” has a CHOKE HOLD on me i have re-read it well over 10 times it’s just so good
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vanillabnuy · 6 months
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my favorite book :)
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alpineshift · 3 months
Prompt 5 please, it’s my lucky number 🍀
Hope you are well!
Lucky number 5!! thank you anon, I hope you're doing well too 💕 I'm taking this in a bit of a space opera direction for fun, bear with me 🪐
5.  “Just take me home.”
It's been three long hours since Jack disappeared behind the Lonely Emperor's heavy doors with the rest of the Centurion Commanders, and Nico is getting antsy.
He doesn't outwardly show it; he's way too well trained, way too professional to show anything but solemn, stern diligence, but the longer the meeting drags on, the more agitated he becomes.
The rest of the guards in the waiting room loiter about in varying states of apathy or professionalism; a few have started a tabletop game with a battered pack of spitback cards, others are sitting rigidly off by themselves, and some are obviously gossiping. Nico keeps to himself by the window, staring out at the holographic loop of a beautiful waterfall in a deep forest.
It's a pathetic attempt at covering up the veritable bloody wasteland just beyond the computerized screens. It's also a poor reminder of the lush greens and endless mountain ranges back in Valais. Nico hasn't seen it in over ten years.
A subtle pinging bell has all the guards scrambling to attention. They fall into line outside the doors as they open up and the commanders come marching back out.
Jack's a younger face and a slighter frame amidst the older leaders. Nico spots him instantly and immediately falls into step after him, a precise one-and-a-half paces after Jack's walking pattern, always within arm's reach.
Jack offers a quick glance behind him, expression placid, and Nico just knows that the meeting had gone to absolute shit.
They don't talk until they return to their shuttlepod. Jack climbs into the passenger side (never in the back) and activates the blackout screens as soon as Nico slide into the driver's side and starts the engine.
"Seven more solar years," he says without preamble, and Nico's hands slip on the console controls. "Seven more years of Letum, this hell-planet, seven more years of blood, seven more god damn years of losing soldiers to the most pointless war in existence. Fuck. Fucking fuck."
"I'm sorry, Centurion Hughes," Nico says after a moment, because--what else is he going to say? Sorry it'll be seven more years before you see your parents again? Sorry it'll be seven more years before you can keep your promise to your brothers? Sorry you'll waste seven more years of your youth on a greedy man's war, sorry the chances of you seeing Earth ever again will only ever grow slimmer over the next two thousand, five hundred and fifty five days?
Jack whips his head around to stare at him, expression flinty, angry. "What the fuck are you sorry for, Hischier? You should be spitting at my feet, cursing me out. I promised you a return ticket to Switzerland after this rotation, and instead I've just condemned you for a fourth time. You should be fucking furious."
"You know I'm not," Nico tries, but Jack snarls and turns away from him, glaring at the window. Nico can see his tormented expression reflected in the glass, and he sighs and pulls away from the port dock. The flight back to their quarters is quiet for the first half, both men lost in their own thoughts.
"I expect to see your resignation on my desk by tomorrow morning," Jack finally says, the same thing he's said after their first campaign renewal, then their second, then the third. There was a time he'd shout it at Nico every other day, a demand, an order, and then a desperate plea. Then terrible, sulky silence when Nico remains stubbornly by his side, immovable as a mountain.
"You won't," Nico replies, the same as he's said every time.
"You should go back to Earth."
"I'll go back when you do."
"There's nothing for you here. You'll die on this planet."
"I'll die when you die," Nico says, and his grip tightens on the console when Jack lets out a stifled, wounded sound. "From flesh to bone to ash to stardust, Centurion Hughes. I swore it when I entered your service, and I will honour it until the very end."
Jack is silent and still for a long, long time. So still that Nico had to glance over to make sure he's still breathing.
Finally, Jack exhales, burnt out and deep, like a tired old man. "Just take me home, Hischier."
Nico knows he's not talking about their infantry headquarters on Letum.
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parricidalis · 5 months
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“What if these two saw each other again after a century of one of them thinking the other was dead” aah post. I finished this the other day but forgot to post it here lol
Also this took me 17 and a half hours and me selling my soul to the art gods to finish uhh. There’s a lot of tiny details in this that are mostly lore related 🤲
OCs: Letum [They/Them], Robur [She/Her]
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novankenn · 9 months
Corpse Queen
For over 100 years Morrigan Letum Balor, watched over and served the small quiet village that had sprung up near her forest home. It had been nearly 200 years since the kingdom she once served had fallen into antiquity. This new life, was all that she wanted...
The Brotherhood attacked razing the village and slaughtering to the soul everyone who dwelt there. It was done to save their souls, from her supposed corruption... her vengeance was as swift as it was brutal. But even as powerful as she was, she was but one against armies of fanatical followers.
With her phylactery shattered, and having suffered a mortal wound, she vanished into an abandoned mine... to work her final magic.
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(Images generated using perchance AI text-to-image)
Jaune had run from Beacon. For weeks now, the feelings of helplessness and uselessness built upon themselves, as did the apparent apathy of his friends to his suffering. So hours later, cold and alone he wandered trying to figure out what was going on with his mind.
None of the recent weeks made sense. Especially now that he was away from everyone. It was if a fog had been lifted from his mind. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw what looked like an injured little girl near the back of an alley. Noticing no one else doing anything he entered the alley and moved towards huddled figure.
A pain blossomed in the center of his chest, and slowly he sank to his knees as a sadistically twinkling pair of heterochromia eyes started into his own...
/== Volume One Chapters ==/ ONE - TWO - THREE - FOUR - FIVE - SIX V1 (Reader Ask) - SEVEN - EIGHT
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lupinus-sanguis · 1 year
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fun with lights and shadows :)
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askthelegendsreborn · 9 months
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Letum’s turn! Their ref gets a bit more detail than others
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bicolor-art · 1 year
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Doodled my FFXIV character :> I started the game 2 days ago and I am so very lost BUT I made a tall fluffy haired lesbian. So it's a win
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arcxnumvitae · 1 year
15, 22, 43 for Veritas
@thewolfisawake || Character Development Questions: Hard Mode || Not Accepting
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15. Is your character preoccupied with money or material possession? Why or why not?
Money but only to the extent of "I want money because I need it to survive." It's not to the length of an obsession or anything to a serious degree, just a practical need. Aside from that, she doesn't care much otherwise for material Stuff.
22. What does your character like in other people?
The bar is actually kinda low for Veritas believe it or not. As long as she can gel with them, it doesn't matter what they're like so long as they're not a horrendous person or anything like that. Maybe I should say that intent is the key. If they want to be a bother and cause issues for her, then there's going to be a problem. Otherwise, regardless of how loud or quiet or bombastic or shy they are, if they're genuine in their good will towards her then that's all she needs.
43. Has your character ever had a dependent figure who was not related to them?
Nope. It's always been her and Letum.
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roombagreyjoy · 2 years
Enough pairing that black cat guy with a golden retriever boyfriend. What about a husky/cat combo. Boyfriend who yells a lot and is extremely insufferable at times and boyfriend who gives him the side eye while looking pretty
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necr0-mantix · 1 year
// @bloodiedpetals sent: "“Come now, did you not miss your mother?”" request: mod AU
-- "No." There was a slight hint of bitterness to his voice, but there was no energy to it; the morning - or, late afternoon as it actually were - was not his time to think, and to think he did not want. The only question that repeated internally was how did she find me? He knew the why, however, and he wasn't going to partake in her shenanigans. It had been made abundantly clear several times over, but Lilith was never a mother known to take no for an answer. At least, when it came to her own desires.
"...don't I have a restraining order?" Not as if that'd do anything. She was above law.
Linarian stood expressionless, still garbed in velvet ebon lounging robes, his tense grip on the verge of shattering the handle of his - admittedly silly skull shaped - mug. He'd inhale sharply, not allowing her a chance to speak a mere second later - cutting her off at any attempt to do so with a weary groan as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, "What do you want?"
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je-suis-problematique · 3 months
Death's Obsession if it was written by us
Okay so forget Lilith the main character is a Catholic priest named Vincent. Don't worry he is just as mentally ill if not more and he's got a dark past of his own that haunts him. We like to think that he's hurt people before becoming a priest, maybe even killed someone (or multiple someones), but our ideas range from first degree murder to a drunken hit-and-run. In his earlier designs Vincent was a cult leader with a considerable body count and we don't want to scrap that concept COMPLETELY so I'm thinking first degree murder of an abusive partner with the help of an accomplice but Vincent never got convicted because Vincent lied in court or something and made his accomplice take the fall. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Look I'm brainstorming here okay it's not gonna be perfect. Anyway this one murder is enough to make Vincent unhinged but I want more drama so why not make it so death followed Vincent everywhere he went after that murder meaning whatever friends and family he had started dropping like flies. What if strangers he interacts with end up dying shortly after under mysterious circumstances. What if whatever pets he tries to adopt or house plants he tries to grow just die off without any explanation. And what if the accomplice Vincent doomed to a life in prison manages to break out of prison because he's pissed off and wants to hurt Vincent. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Or he gets set free because he convinces the court that he can help lead them to and convict the REAL killer (which was Vincent) and they give him a chance? Imagine the possibilities, imagine the DRAMA.
Vincent is a drug addict who abuses prescription meds AND uses street drugs. I like the idea of death following Vincent everywhere he goes and Vincent going insane with guilt because of it, on top of the guilt he already feels for sentencing someone to life while he got away scot-free. OUR version of the Grim Reaper is also a-bit-a-lot of a stalker soooo notes/letters, ominous texts, gifts, maybe money and food because it's not like Vincent is rich or anything, clothes, car upgrades, you name it. Vincent's accomplice to the murder he committed is also stalking him, threatening him even – no matter if the guy broke out of prison or if he was set free deliberately he can't afford to hurt Vincent without immediately incriminating himself again so he keeps it at fear tactics for now. Vincent gets nice notes from one stalker and then his tires get slashed by the other, you get the point. The stress of it all just keeps fueling his addiction further.
Our Grim Reaper goes by many names but the human name he chose for himself is Heinrich Grimm oh and yeah, he has a whole ass human form that he uses to eventually pester Vincent in broad daylight. Not in dreams or visions, no – in person. Whether or not other people can also perceive him remains debatable because Heinrich can blink in and out of existence at will so if he wants to remain hidden from someone you bet your ass he'll make Vincent look like he's insane by disappearing mid-conversation so the person Heinrich is hiding from will think Vincent was talking to himself, 10/10. Heinrich is 100% based on Erlok Grael from the Ruination novel both in looks and personality so you KNOW he is a sarcastic petty menace and not the poetic sexyman Letum was supposed to be. Heinrich can still be poetic, romantic, and sexy but like, you know.... In his own way. He IS an immortal being courting an extremely mortal man, their views on relationships aren't really going to align most of the time.
Heinrich's true form is mostly skeletal and he has no face though. Or hair. Or any rippling muscles. In fact he's not particularly muscular in his human form either, he has A Shape but he's mostly just thin and sickly really. Vincent is more muscular than Heinrich's human form.
The first time Heinrich made himself known to Vincent in person, they didn't fuck. In fact I'm pretty sure Vincent threatened Heinrich with a knife or a gun, called him names while slurring his words because he's high as fuck or drunk or both then stumbled over his own feet and fell down, got called pathetic by Heinrich, and then either passed the fuck out only to wake up to Heinrich making him breakfast or something or passed the fuck out and woke up to a note left by Heinrich. Regardless of what actually went down that night it wasn't romantic or sexy but Heinrich starts appearing more and freaking the fuck out of Vincent but Vincent KNOWS this man from somewhere, he just can't remember where.
We don't know how we feel about the whole "Lilith and Letum developed an entire relationship but Lilith forgot about it" thing but I DO like to think that Heinrich revealed himself to Vincent on the night of the murder and then on the event of every other subsequent death that happened around Vincent following the murder. He revealed himself to Vincent first as a glance, then as a presence, then as an interaction, getting closer every time somebody new died. Vincent knows Heinrich intimately but he also doesn't – there is still so much he DOESN'T know. Heinrich knows everything there is to know about Vincent though.
Yes, there have been suicide attempts and yes, Heinrich refused to let Vincent die every time.
Vincent👏 tops👏Heinrich👏 (only as a human though, because in his true form Heinrich tops Vincent)
I really want to go apeshit and incorporate dubcon/noncon into this but I think the only noncon that will be happening is if Vincent gets raped by a different person who ISN'T Heinrich. Since Heinrich is based on Grael we uh – we just can't see Heinrich being the one to do it, sorry-not-sorry. Anyway if Vincent gets raped ever at any point in the story, his rapist/s will be dead the same day/night.
Vincent doesn't have a therapist because he can't afford one despite REALLY needing some therapy. It's okay though, Heinrich is there to save the day. Most of the time.
No big journey through grief here but rather through addiction, trauma, loss of (religious) faith, and guilt. I'm sorry but we don't think Death's Obsession portrayed PTSD or abusive relationships all that well or at least not in the flavor that we experience it so we wanted something that's more accurate to our personal experience with all that shit.
There's more talking and less fucking because no, Heinrich can't and won't solve all of Vincent's problems by fucking him stupid though there's still plenty of that too just.... Heinrich actually communicates with Vincent through more than just the notes he leaves him, helps him process some shit, make some decisions. We actually thought of a scenario where Vincent's accomplice comes to confront him (or the police come to arrest him) and Vincent decides to just go with it and like, confesses everything, takes responsibility for the murder he committed. He gets sentenced to death or something (while his accomplice gets a reduced sentence or whatever I dunno) and he accepts it, doesn't fight it. He knows he'll be reunited with Heinrich once he dies and he tried to kill himself so many times too so like, the execution doesn't scare him. And I like Death's Obsession's take on faith, that the person's soul gets "processed" into whatever afterlife they personally believe in. Vincent used to believe in a Heaven and a Hell but now all he believes in is Heinrich, so that's where he ends up. A bittersweet ending with no real closure for US but Vincent does get HIS closure, kind of.
Also a concept where Vincent kills himself and Heinrich finally agrees to take him because honestly Vincent doesn't have anything left to live for anyway anymore and Heinrich feels merciful for once.
More blurbs/speculations in a part 2 maybe?🤔
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fat-fem-and-asian · 8 months
Nellie/Megan actor as Shivlina love child iktr
okay real as hell !!!!! she kinda looks like dag a little too much
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novankenn · 9 months
Corpse Queen (v1-7)
/== Table of Contents ==/
“Well, we still have other options.” Morrigan offered.
“I transfer myself into a fresh corpse, or a living body without a soul, and then resurrect you as I did Neo.” Morrigan informed Jaune. “Or I can exorcise you while also empowering you with the abilities of being able to become corporeal and interactive with the world about you.”
“Is that it?”
“I can transfer your soul into …” Morrigan stopped talking, as an annoyed look crossed her face. “I shall return.
“Wait!” Jaune shouted, a second too late, as she vanished completely, leaving him alone in the stonework room looking at an empty throne.
“Who the fuck are you and what the fuck are you doing in MY house?” Roman shouted as he leveled his weapon, Melodic Cudgel, at the seated form of Morrigan, who glared at him. “Hey, don’t ignore me… what the fuck!”
Roman dove out of the way as a barrage of bone colored spikes. Roman rolled to the side and then dove in the opposite direction as more spikes flew at him, embedding themselves into the walls. Drawn by the shouting, Neo bust from her room.
“WAIT!” Neo shouted as she charged forward to put herself between Roman and Morrigan. “STOP!”
“Neo, get the bitch!” Roman screamed as he used his cane to deflect one of the spikes
“STOP!” Neo shouted again as he moved to intercept a spike that she knew Roman wouldn’t be able to dodge.
“NEO!” Roman screamed in terror, and despair as he watched her be impaled through the stomach and then pinned to the wall. Whipping about, Roman leveled his weapon as the rising figure. “I’m going to…”
“STOP IT!” Neo screamed in a bloody spray. “STOP IT NOW!”
“Neo?” Roman stammered as he looked at his partner in crime. 
“Why?” Morrigan asked as a dozen glyphs appeared about her, a bone like spike protruding from each.
“This is his house, and he’s my partner.” Neo gurgled out. “This hurts.”
Morrigan nodded, and with a flick of a finger caused all the glyphs, and previously fired spikes to vanish. Which caused Neo to collapse to the floor. Roman was in complete shock for many reasons. One Neo being able to speak. Two, being able to do that after being impaled. Three her standing up as the hole in her gut closed, and four, the strange boy who had been firing off all those spikes.
“What is going on?”
“I was in the middle of an important meeting.” Morrigan replied, “and you interrupted it. I am Morrigan Letum Balor, and you are?”
“I… I… what is going on?”
“It is customary to introduce yourself when asked your name, and considered rather rude when one refuses to do so.”
“I… I’m…” Roman shook his head, adjusted his tie and faced Morrigan. “Roman Torchwick, Gentleman Thief.”
“Well, Mr Torchwick, I have a conversation to finish. I will return, and then we can speak, and I will answer any questions that Neo is unable to.” Before Roman could say another word, Morrigan returned to her original spot, and closed her eyes.
“Neo?” Roman turned to look at Neo. His eyes wandered from her, to the blood smear on the wall behind her, and then back to her petite form. “You can speak now? How?”
“Morrigan fixed my throat when she raised me from the dead.”
“Say that again?” Roman asked, his eyes blinking rapidly in disbelief. “Did you say you were resurrected?”
“Yes. I’m a zombie now.”
Roman’s mouth opened and closed without a sound, before he began to weave on his feet, before his eyes rolled up in the back of his head, and he collapsed.
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lupinus-sanguis · 1 year
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miqo'te pussy got letum acting [redacted]
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