#level your pu$$y up
Race: *tap dancing on the table*
Newsies: Is he gonna jump from there???!
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captainsophiestark · 8 days
A New Man
Colin Bridgerton x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: Bridgerton
Summary: Colin has had feelings for his best friend for some time now, and has decided his new skills in charm and flirting are the perfect way to win her over. He is unfortunately very mistaken.
Word Count: 4,713
Category: Angst, Fluff, Humor
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"This is by far the best part of these society events," mused Benedict, one of my best friends, as the two of us perused the dessert table. "Sometimes it even makes putting up with all the marauding mamas worth it."
I laughed and picked up a delious looking cupcake.
"The mamas must be truly terrible this season if the food only sometimes makes them worth putting up with."
Benedict sighed. "You have no idea."
I nudged him with my shoulder, smiling as we stepped away from the dessert table together.
"Well, you have no need to worry, Benedict. As long as I am unattached, I am more than happy to act as a shield for you, especially when society dictates you must find a partner and dance."
"Thank you. You are a true friend. I know I can always count on-"
"Colin!" I turned to grin sheepishly at Benedict in the wake of my outburst and found him staring at me with a mocking, raised eyebrow. But I couldn't quite bring myself to care, since I'd just seen my absolute best friend in the world, Colin Bridgerton, standing across the lawn chatting with a group of ladies.
He'd left England this summer for another lengthy international trip, and I'd missed him terribly while he'd been gone. He looked different now, too, a little more sure of himself and wearing a style that had clearly come from somewhere on the continent rather than from here. And if my heart raced a little at the sight of him, well, that could easily be chalked up to excitement at the prospect of seeing a friend. I couldn't keep a smile off my face at the sight of him, even as I turned back to Benedict and found him with crossed arms and doubly raised eyebrows.
"When were you going to tell me that Colin had returned?" I demanded, completely ignoring Benedict's judgey look and barely managing to keep my voice at a socially acceptable level. Benedict just sighed and rolled his eyes.
"It is why I came over here in the first place, but then you distracted me with talks of friendship and cupcakes. And now I see it was all a lie, as you are clearly about to abandon me to the whims of this social event to go rush over and talk to my brother."
"Sorry, Benedict," I said, giving him a grin. "But I saw you throughout the summer. It has been much too long since I last saw Colin, so he takes precedence for the day. But I promise you I will come to your aid if you find yourself cornered by the mamas, or any other dangerous creature roaming the society grounds."
Benedict snorted, but I didn't give him the opportunity for a comeback as I turned back to Colin and walked quickly across the gravel paths, the smile growing on my face the closer I got to him. He didn't notice me as I approached, wrapped up in conversation with the handful of ladies in front of him, and my smile grew even more at the thought of his face when he finally caugh sight of me.
"...will be fighting over you," I heard Colin saying as I walked up to join the group. "I cannot compete."
All the ladies in the circle giggled, giving me perfect cover for my smile as I came to a stop in front of Colin. He turned to face me, a beaming smile on his face, then froze a bit as his eyebrows shot up when he realized who I was.
"Lady Y/L/N!" he said, the shock melting back into his charming smile. "What a pleasure it is to have you join us."
"Mister Bridgerton, what a pleasure it is to have you back in England with us."
Colin dipped his head, the corner of his mouth pulling up in a roguish smile before he returned his gaze to me.
"Believe me, Lady Y/L/N, the pleasure here is all mine."
Rather than the earnest excitement I'd been expecting, Colin's demeanor and voice dripped with a slick charm I didn't recognize. I'd been expecting his usual earnest, genuine emotion, not... this. I gave Colin a little frown of confusion, but quickly let my expression return to normal as he returned to addressing our entire group. He had an energy about him that I couldn't quite place, but it was much different than the Colin I'd gotten to know so well before he left. Still, we were in public. Neither of us were allowed to be anywhere near as effusive and close as we would've been in a more private setting.
"We were just discussing the season," Colin said, including me seamlessly in the conversation I'd joined between him and the other ladies. "Truly, it is amazing to me that all of your dance cards are not already full of suitors."
All the ladies around me giggled, hiding behind their fans and fluttering their eyelashes at Colin. I just stared at him, letting my brow furrow again as I watched my friend. He met my eyes, a smooth smile on his face and his eyes roaming me with an interest and flirtation they'd never had before. If Colin had looked at me like that when I'd last seen him, my heart would've started doing backflips. But his new demeanor made the gesture seem much less sincere, and much more shallow. I let my frown deepen.
"So..." I started, trying to clear the air of whatever strange energy seemed to be lurking here. "Mister Bridgerton, tell us of your travels. You sent so few letters this time, I have simply been dying to hear about everything you saw and did."
Colin flashed me a brilliant smile that didn't totally reach his eyes.
"This time, my stories from abroad are not suitable for such tender young ladies." Everyone around us giggled into their fans again, but Colin's eyes never left mine. "Were I to tell you even the tiniest adventure, well... I'd be forced to marry you."
He delivered the final few words with dramatic flourish, as if expecting for them to have some groundshaking impact. And with the way he stared at me with a simmering gaze, the words clearly intended to make every lady in earshoot swoon, he accomplished his goal. I couldn't hold back a snort of laughter, which I quickly hid as a cough behind my fan.
Colin looked shocked when I glanced up at him, but I still couldn't keep another laugh from bubbling up. He was being so ridiculous, so arrogant and flirting with everyone in sight like he was God's gift to the women of England, and I truly couldn't take him seriously this way.
I cleared my throat and straightened back up, keeping it together just enough as I faced Colin and the other ladies, giving each of them a shallow curtsey.
"Forgive me. I think... something in the air, it must have gotten to me. Excuse me, please."
With that, I turned on my heel and didn't look back. I walked quickly across the garden, seeking out and immediately finding Benedict among the crowd once again, hovering by some shrubbery in an attempt to hide from the ladies and their mothers. I sped up to reach him, the giggling smile returning to my face as I approached.
Benedict must've heard me coming, because at the sound of laughter in a semi-high pitched register he turned on his heel and started moving in the other direction without looking to see the origin of the sound. I walked faster, until I was close enough to call out to him without drawing undue attention.
"Relax, Benedict, it's just me!"
His shoulders slumped as he stopped and turned to face me, relief written in every line of his face. After a moment, however, his expression changed to one of confusion.
"What are you doing back here so soon?" he asked. "I thought you would spend at least the next hour with Colin, catching up on all his travels and making every eligible lady here incredibly jealous of the two of you."
"Well, I planned to catch up with him, but... Benedict, you will never believe what he said." Benedict raised an eyebrow, so I glanced around to make sure no one was eavesdropping, then took a step forward and lowered my voice all the same. Laughing about Colin with his brother was one thing, but I didn't want anyone in the rest of the Ton talking behind his back. "He said he couldn't possibly tell me his stories from abroad, because they weren't 'suitable for tender young ladies'."
Benedict scoffed. "Truly?"
"Truly! Benedict, he's come back from abroad strutting around like some peacock, as though he is God's gift to eligible young women everywhere. You know I love him, as you do, but... I cannot take him seriously with his new attitude. I do not think I could if I tried."
Benedict smiled and shook his head, staring over my shoulder, presumably at Colin. Then he turned back to me.
"Did he seem to be directing his newfound charm at anyone in particular?"
I frowned. "No, not that I noticed. It seemed to be more like buckshot, just aiming with broad strokes at everyone in range. Why? Are you joining the side of the mamas in trying to help your brother find a match?"
"No," Benedict sighed, sounding truly tired. "Simply trying to guague exactly how long I may have left before I am the only eligible Bridgerton son for the mamas to focus on."
I laughed. "Do not worry, Benedict. I think you have some time yet."
Benedict didn't respond, but I thought I heard him mumble something into his drink that sounded like, "we'll see". When I raised an eyebrow at him and prepared a question, however, he quickly changed the subject, and I let him. We spent most of the rest of the afternoon together, hiding out from societal obligations and occasionally laughing about how strange his siblings could be sometimes.
After the garden party, I didn't get much of a chance to speak with Colin again until Lady Danbury's ball. He'd approached me once or twice when we'd seen each other in passing at other events, but we'd always been interrupted by other ladies, and Colin seemed suddenly incapable of interacting with me without his base layer of extreme, over the top charm. I would've felt bad for how little time I'd spent with him since he'd returned home, but every time I'd tried to ask him about his travels or how he was doing, he turned it into a truly ridiculous line of flirting, the likes of which we used to make fun of other suitors for before his most recent summer travels.
As a result, when Lady Danbury's ball rolled around, I didn't seek Colin out the way I would've last season. Instead, I found Eloise, Benedict, and even Francesca for a while when she clearly needed a break from her first season out in society. I danced with a few of the men who were tolerable, and otherwise enjoyed my time at the refreshments table and talking to people I knew. Colin didn't seek me out for the first half of the ball, either, so when I heard a familiar voice trying to get my attention after I'd found a spot along the wall for a bit of a break from the rest of the party, it was more of a surprise than it should've been.
I turned around with a smile to find Colin standing behind me, a grin on his own face. We were out of earshot of the rest of the party, so we could dispense with some of the titles and formality that had lost all meaning between us long ago.
"Colin, hello! I was beginning to think I might not see you at all during this ball, such your other engagements seemed to be."
"Well, I could never let my other engagements prevent me from conversing with the most beautiful woman at this ball, could I?"
He said it with an easy smile and a charming sincerity, but I'd seen him use the same attitude and similar words on enough other ladies in our few interactions this season that his words didn't work to sway me the way they seemed to sway others. My smile slipped, and I fought to hold back a sigh.
"Yes, well..."
Colin smiled at me for another moment, and when I didn't pick up the conversation, he gave an easy chuckle and fixed me with another roguish grin.
"As delighted as I am for any opportunity to spend time with you, my lady, I did come over here to ask you if you might do me the honor of a dance. I truly cannot think of a partner I would rather have than you."
I fought a grimace, barely managing to turn it into a polite smile. I looked around briefly to make sure we were still out of earshot of any other party-goers or servants, which we were. I turned back to Colin with a sigh.
"Colin... I am going to tell you this because I truly care about you, although that may not seem to be my motivation at first glance."
"...Alright," said Colin, blinking a few times and trying to hide any confusion with another easy smile. I took a deep breath.
"I do not wish to dance with you." The smile dropped off Colin's face and his eyebrows knit together as I continued. "I never thought I would say such a thing, as quite often dancing and laughing with you were the only things that made attending society events bearable. But ever since you've returned home from your trip, Colin... it has been nearly impossible to talk to you.
"The man I thought I knew, my friend, whom I deeply cared about and whom I could talk to about anything, seems to have gone. And in his place I have found a Colin Bridgerton who not only flirts with anything that moves, but who does so in a way that is incredibly condescending and impossible to have a meaningful conversation with. Your letters from your previous travels were wonderful, Colin, and when you returned we were able to discuss them at length. You know I have an interest in learning and the world at large, and yet now, whenever I bring the subject up, I am told I could not possibly handle hearing about the things you saw and did, since I am but a fragile woman. Your sincerety and genuine expression of yourself has become cloaked in an oily layer of false sentiment and charm, directed equally at everyone you speak to, no matter your relation to them or your true feelings. I have no idea what brought about this change in you, Colin, but I am sorry to say I do not enjoy it the way the rest of the ladies here seem to."
Colin just stared at me, blinking and gaping like a fish. I frowned, feeling a big guilty, but lying to him would serve no purpose for either of us. Still, he was my friend, and I did care about him regardless of his recent changes. Choosing to ignore society for a brief moment, I put my hand out and rested it gently on his arm.
"Do not mistake my words as an insult designed to hurt you, Colin. You are my friend, and always will be. I have simply... found it harder to be around the person you have become recently. I am truly happy for you and your newfound confidence, but it seems to have extended a bit beyond confidence and into something more challenging, especially with ladies. Even ones you've known as long as you've known me."
I gave him a tight smile, which he seemed too stunned to return. I gave him a moment, but when he still didn't seem capable of a response, I curtsied and took a few steps backwards.
"Well. I will... take my leave. I do hope you enjoy the rest of the ball."
Colin just watched me as I took another few steps backwards. Finally, I turned on my heel and walked away. I wasn't sure how I'd been expecting him to take my statement, but complete speechlessness certainly hadn't been my prediction. I could only hope I hadn't wounded him too badly, and that he might come around enough to be the man I remembered as my friend and confidant, who could discuss the world with me as an equal and laugh with me through anything.
Thankfully, no one at the ball seemed to have noticed our exchange. Colin kept his distance from me for the rest of the evening, although I did notive him staring in my direction once or twice.
I debated finding Benedict to ask him his opinion about what I'd said to Colin, and how Colin might be feeling, but eventually decided against it. No matter how true my words had been, or how I'd tried to keep them from sounding harsh or designed to hurt, Colin would likely need his space for a time while he processed. And sending his brother in as my proxy would be the opposite of giving Colin space.
I expected Colin to keep his distance from me for a few days at least, if not for much, much longer. But as I took my seat in the sitting room of my family home the next morning for the start of the calling hours, I turned out to be quite incorrect. Before the clock had finished chiming to mark the start of the first hour, none other than Colin Bridgerton came striding through the door, ahead of the butler who normally would have announced him.
"Lady Y/N," he said, bowing to me and then to my mother sitting on the couch next to me. "I have come to call on you, if you are willing to entertain my company."
He still walked and spoke with confidence, but the layer of charm that had honeyed his words since the first day he'd returned for the season was gone, replaced by a directness and frankness that felt like taking a breath of fresh air. I gave him a small smile.
"I would be more than happy to have your company, Mister Bridgerton."
Colin gave me a small smile in return, and the two of us moved to the other end of the room, still able to be chaperoned but out of immediate earshot. I settled into the couch, Colin sitting right beside me.
"Y/N... thank you for being willing to speak to me. I had to see you, to apologize... and to explain."
My eyebrows shot up. Now that we were sitting closer together, I noticed a few irregularities in Colin's appearance. He had a few shadows under his eyes, as though he hadn't slept well, and his hair wasn't as neatly quaffed as I was used to seeing it. His shirt was rumpled in a few places a maid or a butler or a hovering older sibling might've insisted on fixing if they could've, and although Colin's new confidence appeared to be mostly intact, the charm had been replaced with a nervous energy I'd hardly ever seen from him.
"Colin... are you quite alright?" I asked, leaning a bit closer to him as I studied his face. When I looked up to meet his eyes, I found them instead scanning my face, until he apparenlty snapped out of it and met my gaze. He took a deep breath and sighed.
"Yes. Well, no. Perhaps. I am not sure, I think my wellbeing may depend a bit on the outcome of this conversation."
"Colin, before you begin, if I was too harsh on you the other night then I must apologize-"
"No! No. You were not." He took another fortifying breath, closing his eyes for a moment and dropping his shoulders from where they'd been creeping closer to his ears, before meeting my eyes again. "I have been quite different since I came home. I found myself while I was away from society, in a way I have never felt able to do here. But... I also learned the kind of charm that most of the Ton enjoys. It worked so well from the moment I got back, I did not think much of it. But I should have. And I am sorry if our relationship suffered as a result of my attitude."
Colin paused to take a deep breath, and I took the opening to reach out and rest my hand on his forearm.
"Colin, you do not-"
"Y/N, please. Please allow me to get all the way through this. I need to say it all, and I may not be able to get it out if I have an opportunity to change the subject."
I leaned back a little to stare at Colin, though I didn't remove my hand. His eyebrows were knit together with worry and his eyes never left my face. Slolwy, I nodded. Colin let out a sigh.
"Thank you." He squared his shoulders and sat up straighter, resting his hand on top of my own. "I understand why my approach was... not appreciated when we spoke in the garden and at Lady Danbury's ball. But the sentiment behind what I was saying was genuine. I have been searching for the way to tell you this for years, and I thought the charm and flirtation I learned abroad would be the way to finally do it. Clearly I was wrong. You should have seen the face Benedict made when I talked to him last night..."
Colin trailed off, shaking his head and apparently lost in thought. After a moment, I took a breath to say something else, but the noise must've been enough to jar Colin out of his memories. His stare snapped back to me, eyes slightly wider than usual.
"I love you. I have been in love with you for years, and when I returned home from this trip, I decided to finally do something about it. I thought the charm that worked so well on everyone else would work just as well for you, but... clearly I was mistaken."
I huffed a laugh. That was certainly an understatement.
"I wanted everything to be perfect, to come home changed and sweep you off your feet, but I've already failed at that, and I cannot keep my feelings to myself a moment longer. I love you, and I want to share everything with you. You are my best friend, my confidant, and the only woman I could possibly imagine spending the rest of my life with. Is there even the slightest chance you may feel the same way?"
Colin looked at me with the most open, vulnerable expression I'd ever seen, from anyone. My heart raced in my chest, and all I wanted to do was throw my arms around him and never let go. But I forced myself to take a moment, rather than letting my emotions run wild.
"I need you to answer two questions for me, Colin," I said, trying to keep my voice calm and level. Unfortunately, I didn't totally succeed. Colin nodded quickly.
"First... how were your travels? Where was your favorite place to visit?"
Colin huffed a laugh, relaxing and leaning into me slightly as a faint smile pulled onto his face. My heart raced, but I forced myself to keep a neutral expression.
"I apologize for even making this test necessary, but my travels were... incredible. I may ask you not to share details with the rest of the Ton, but anything you ask, I will be happy to share with you. And my favorite place was Paris. I could not stop thinking about the two of us returning someday to visit together. It is a truly romantic city."
Colin's words removed any hope I had at keeping a smile off my face. I leaned into it, grinning at him and squeezing his hand a little as my heart began to race.
"Well then, I look forward to hearing all about them."
"And I look forward to telling you. Your second question?"
"...Did you truly go to Benedict for help with this last night?"
Colin groaned and threw his head back, which made me laugh. He shook his head as he met my eyes again, but he was smiling all the same.
"Yes, as a matter of fact, I did. I know you are close with him, and I noticed you going to speak to him after you abruptly left our conversation at the garden party. I thought he might have some insight, and I was right. It just came at the cost of quite a bit of mocking."
"You truly must be serious to give Benedict such ammunition to use against you for the rest of your lives."
"I am incredibly serious. And I would brave the teasing of every one of my siblings if, at the end, it brought me to you."
"Colin, that may be the most romantic thing anyone has ever said to me."
"Does that mean... you return my affections?"
I smiled. "Yes, Colin. It does. You are my best friend, and I cannot think of anyone I would rather spend my time with than you."
Colin absolutely beamed at me. He began to lean forward, then thought better of himself even as his eyes still strayed to my lips.
"I cannot begin to tell you how desperately I wish we were alone in this moment," he said, voice low and husky. My heart did a backflip as I felt myself flush.
"Hopefully we will not have to wait long," I replied. We stayed there together, the tension and heat growing between us, until my mother cleared her throat from across the room and we were both brought back to reality. We leaned slightly further apart, although we didn't let go of each others' hands, and shared a grin.
"So... does that mean you will marry me?"
I laughed. "Colin, you cannot be serious! You began courting me a handful of minutes ago!"
I met Colin's eyes, expecting to share the joke, but instead I found him staring at me with a burning sincerity to go with his words.
"I am happy to wait as long as you need me to," he said, voice lowered slightly. "But I would also happily announce our engagement today."
I smiled and shook my head, my heart pounding in my chest so hard I thought Colin might actually be able to hear it.
"I may ask you to wait at least long enough for us to spend an evening or two together while courting, to see what it may be like to have a different relationship, rather than to spend time together as friends. But... I do not predict you will need to wait long."
The grin that spread across Colin's face was blinding, rivaling the happiest looks I'd ever seen from anyone in my life.
"That is good to hear. There are quite a few things I can hardly wait for, all of which come with engagement and marriage."
"Hm. Thank goodness we are both of positions and family that allow us to disappear for months on a honeymoon, finally sharing some travels around the world together. Among other things."
Colin squeezed my hand, and I could see him fighting back a handful of inappropriate responses and actions. I just grinned back at him, the two of us settling into our usual ease on the couch togehter after a moment so I could finally get Colin to tell me about the things he'd done on his travels. Hopefully, no one else would show up during the calling hours, and Colin and I could spend every moment of the day together just like this.
I'd meant what I'd said about wanting to wait, at least a short while, before announcing an engagement, and I did think it was a good idea. But I also couldn't imagine anything coming between Colin and I again after this. My best friend was back, and we were in love. What more could I possibly ask for in a match than that? Even if Benedict would be insufferable, claiming to be the one who'd set us up. It would be worth it, especially because we would weather the storm of his siblings together. Just like we'd do everything else that came for the rest of our lives.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989 @space-helen
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cherry1sblog · 9 months
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PAIRING: Lee heeseung × fem!reader
GENRES:smut, fluff, bullying, alcohol,party, unprotect ed sex (rember to wrap your Willy so the out come won't be silly
WARNINGS there is bullying in this heeseung is basically a dick to y/n and nothing in this story is real!!! This is fan fiction and the way I write about heeseung is not the way I portray him as he's a person himself this is simply for entertainment only !!
SUMMARY:heeseung had always bullied you through your 3 years of Highschool but never let anyone touch you other then him and if he found out someone did that was the end of it you were basically marked as his toy that's until the summer of your junior year you had enough you were done with him always making fun of you and you hated the fact that after all he did I to you you still adored him and liked him but it dosent matter cause you wanted to leave your senior year with a banger so you were no longer your nerdy self still smart asf obvi but appearance wise different you got contacts new clothes thank god you guys didn't have a dress code and most importantly you spent all summer learning how to do your makeup..
“Heeseung hyung do you know why y/n just left?” Sunoo asked “we had an argument cause she was being a bitch again “ sunghoon heard heeseungs remark and was upset “heeseung I know it’s your birthday but fuck you dude y/n was the one who organized everything with sunoo” “yeah hyung she even spent all night planing the decorations I know that you only do this to get her attention but we’re not in 7th grade anymore bulling her isn’t and was never going to work so stop being such an asshole “ heeseung washed with guilt he felt bad yes but sometimes he didn’t know any other way to show you how he felt and right now he felt really bad and realized how messed up he was being to you leaving his own party in his car trying to find you he realized it started to rain as it was the middle of October he knew you weren’t home yet cause the drive was around 20 min so the walk would be twice as long he felt the horrible now realizing you were walking in the rain but then he doted you sitting on a curb on a couple minutes from jakes house crying concer he got off and walked to you being to your level “hey y/n why don’t we go into the car it’s rai-“ you had pushed him he landed on his ass and now his butt was wet upset but not saying anything besides picking you up and putt you in the car slamming the door “what the hell heeseung “ “doll please just let me take you home it’s the least I can do enless you wanna walk in the rain” you hated how he had a point but you really didn’t wanna walk in that rain you were already soaked “here my coat “ he handed you his coat realizing that you were going in the opposite detraction of your house “hey my house isn’t this way” “my house is closer” you were gonna argued with him but you really just wanted to get out of these clothes “oh and um t-hanks for setting up my party “ you were surprised they Lee heeseung was saying thank you not even caring that he found out you were the one who planned it all “wow they Lee heeseung is thanking me “ he laughed “don’t get ahead of yourself now “ he said as you guys pulled into his driveway and hell heeseung house was big not as big as jakes but still really fucking big “are you coming inside or just gonna chill in the car “ running to his front step cause of the rain “my parents aren’t home there on a business trip so you can spend the night “ nodding at him admiring the decorations in his house followinghim up stairs and into his room “uh I don’t really have anything that will fit you” he said as he handed you some pj pants and a t shirt “thanks “ you said him just nodding thinking he was gonna leave or go change in his bathroom but he just looked at you “um where can I change” “oh right sorry you can change in my bathroom” walking into his restroom you not I’d it was a lot more clean than you thought everything was organized you put on the clothes as they were obviously super big but that was fine walking out you saw heeseung changing you covers your eyes “you can open your eyes “ peeping realizing he had clothes on now cheeks red as you just saw heeseung shirtless “sorry I was. Just about to get my shirt “ “not its okay” he laughed at you “what’s so funny “ he just shook his head “havent you seen a guy naked before or without a shirt? You saw sunghoon without one so what’s the big deal “ you’ve obviously seen guys shirtless before many times in porn at the beach but for you to see them all alone with just the two of you it made you nervous your stomach turend with butterflies and sometimes you thoughts being in the gutter “I have obviously but still” he lifted his brow “but still what exactly?wait don’t tell me your….” You don’t under stand what he meant you looked at him as he smirked and laughed you didn’t get it “ wow doll are you still a virgin” you got embarrassed “ you really had me thinking you were actually a lit when really your just a innocent bunny” you scoffed at his words “you didn’t even let me answer” “ go on then answer
He told you but you had no idea what you were going to say so you just blurted anything “we’ll um if you reallly wanna know I’m not a vigrin anymore I’ve had a lot of sex before and given amazing head “ he look like didn’t believe you one bit with he shouldn’t you felt so stupid you says yeah I’ve given so much head before ughh “um okay? Yeah doll it’s okay if your a virgin it’s natural “ you shook you head “ but I’m not I just told you I’ve-“ “ then show me “ you didn’t know what to say mouth hanging open “ if your so good at giving head then show me “ you really didn’t know what to do only what you’ve seen on porn but you weren’t going to let heeseung win so you were just gonna try and reenact what you’ve seen on porn “ u-um okau” he say on the bed man spreading you walked over kneeling down infront of him undoing his belt but he grabbed your arm stoping you “ wait I know your lying y/n it really is okay i was just messing with you “ he looked at you with sorrow “ I don’t want you to do something and feel forced into it it’s okay to be a virgin and this is something you should lose with someone special “
You smiled at him knowing he cared but you were already infront of him so you might as well do it so then you could maybe learn “ I’m already infront of you and I want to do it you can help me along the way “ he looked confused “wait a minute you want me to be you what sex guide?” You nodded “ only if your sure “ you were sure and on the inside heeseungs heart was pounding and now growing hard thinking of you around his cock just as he always wanted you nodded to his question he released your arm you rubbed your palm over his pants as you seen the girls do before heeseung crowed to it throwing his head back you slowly zipped his pants down ridding him of his sweats and then you saw the tent in his boxers the outline already scared you heeseung saw that panick in you face “you don’t have to continue doll if you don’t want “ you shook your head your wanted to do this you pulled his boxers down and he was so pretty that your mouth started to drool “ so big” you started to moved your hand up and down spitting on his shaft moving up and down then adding your mouth to his tip swirling on his slit his eyes rolled back “fuck y/n you feel so good “ he bunged your hair “may I “ you nodded he started to fuck your face he was so big he had you stuffed gagging on him he kept rolling his eyes back “ah fuck you like being a slut for me don’t you “ you didn’t say anything but you were getting wet “my own slut my doll so I can use you whenever I want right” you gagged on him again and he can you couldn’t breath but it was worth it he came all in your mouth you swallowed it he pulled out of your mouth “did you swallow doll” you stuck out your tounge to show him “did I do good “ he grabed your jaw “you were amazing “ he placed you gently on the bed your heart was racing you were nervous and I’m pretty sure heeseung can tell by the way your eyes were closing “hey pretty girl look at me we don’t have to do this we can take it slow okay “ he looked at you like you were the most important thing to him you felt wanted by him “I want to do it “ you said it but with hesitation he held your hand “look we’ll see if you wanna go thrue with the rest after I’m done eating this pretty little pussy” you smacked him as he giggled he slowly took off your pants seeing the wet patch on your cute pink underwear rubbing his finger over you there was a barrier you needed more it felt to good already “he-heeseung m-ah” he licked a strip on your underwear sliding your underwear done now feeling a bit exposed you closer your legs “don’t hide from me cause now this pussy belings to me and only me okay doll” you nodded he went down on you he licked sucked and fucked your hole with his tounge and fingers and it felt so good but you wanted more you wanted him as close to you as he could be “ah hee-“you moans so loud as he started to go faster you were close “please heeseung don’t stop feels so fucking good “ your eyes rolled back you couldn’t hold it any longer cumming all over his tounge “ you taste so good doll” you blushed at his comment “heeseung please “ “please what baby?” You go shy you didn’t wanna say it “use your words or I don’t know what you want “ checks turning a bright rosy red as you told him what you wanted “please fuck me need it so bad seungie “ the nick name was knew to him but he loved it
Aligning hip tip with your entrance before he put his tip in he was so big in you he could feel just how tight you were “holy fuck your so tight” heeseung and you throwing you heads back as he bottomed out “tell me when I can move baby” you didn’t want to wait anymore “please just fuck me heeseung “ and with that he slowly thrusted not wanting to hurt you witch it felt werid at first but it felt so good after awhile “omg fuck” heeseung starts kissing you slowly “been wanting to do this for so fucking long always have that big ass mouth of yours “ you couldn’t say anything other than “fuck y-“ heeseung started to pound into “what’s wrong doll I swear you were saying something “ you were to fucked out to say anything you felt a coil in your stomach but at the same time it didn’t feel like how it felt when you would touch yourself so you had no idea what was happening it felt so strong “omg wa- ah” heeseung pressed on your stomach wear his duck was bulging from it felt so god that right then I’m the the coil broke it felt so good your body felt so warm “did you cum baby” heeseung starts kissing down your neck and still keeping his pace you feel sensitive but I’m a good way “fuck keep clenching on me doll” and you did you could feel heeseungs dick twitch inside you and then you felt the warmth of his cum you felt so full heeseung panting both of you out of breath as he laid besides you “holy shit that was amazing “ you said “wait shit “ heeseung looked at you confused realizing that you just slept with heeseung your biggest enemy it was too late now but you didn’t want anyone to know “can we maybe keep this beetween us?” Heeseung seemed hurt “uh yeah sure” you didn’t understand why but he did but he always makes stupid remarks of course “ wait is it cause you don’t want people to know how dumb fucked you were over my dick” playfully hitting his chest “no heeseung cause I don’t want people knowing my business but I’m tired can I sleep now “ he nodded giving you a shirt and holding you while you slept
//The next morning \\
You woke up in heeseungs arms and it actually felt nice you didn’t want to get up but you had to you slipped as careful as you could not wanting to wake him as he looked so peaceful grabbing his and your clothes and making way to find his washer and dryer you went to go washed up from your pervious night activities and by the time you were done you undies were done drying slipping them on and throwing one of heeseungs black shirts on going to make breakfast but before that you wanted to wake heeseung so you tried to wake him up by tapping on him but that didn’t work so you set on him and slowly started to kiss his lips then his cheek and then his jaw you were going down more but he stopped you “doll it’s too early for you to be acting bad “ you faced him “all I wanted to know was if your hungry I wanted to make you some food “ he smiled at you and pecked your lips the rest of that day you spent with heeseung not answering anyone just the two of you together until someone showed up at his door you opened the door not knowing who it was but you found out it was Sunghoon you were fucked “y/n? What are you doing at heeseungs place “ you didn’t know what to say at all “um he took me here after I left cause I was walking home in the rain so he said it would be bad for him to just leave me in the rain “ he didn’t seemed like he believed it not one bit “so where’s heeseung then “ the dort opend more “right here “ heeseung said as he showed himself “why are you just standing at the door come in werido “ you were so confused heeseung was acting to normal “I’m the werido you had everyone thinking you two were dead “ and really hit you your parents but then also realizing your parents weren’t home either they too were on Bissnens trips “well I’m not see we’re standing perfectly fine “ sunghoon rolled his eyes “well I can see that now but if he just wanted to make sure you don’t get sick why are you still here then it’s like 6 pm not only that you wearing hyungs shirt ?“ you looked at heeseung sunghoon got you both there I mean to everyone eles you guys are enimes in reality heeseung should have just left you there to walk in the rain but this isn’t like that At all “uh that’s a good question “ heeseung looked back at you both no knowing what to say but before sunghoon could speak you interrupted him “ I stayed because both are parents are on trip right now so we thought it be better to stay together cause I get scared being home alone and I wasn’t going to sleep in my dress duh “ you were hopeful he believed that “oh ok I mean I Gusse that makes sense but why haven’t you guys answered anyone “ see we’ll for the past like 8 hours you and heeseung have been bing watching the summer I turend pretty so that wasn’t something you had to come up with
“y/n wanted to watch the summer I turend pretty and I thought it was stupid but it’s actually a really good show we’re almost finished with it wich you actually interrupted” Sunghoon honestly was questioning why he’s even freinds with the both of you but sunghoon also came to say that “we’ll another reason I came and why we’ve been calling you nonstop is cause jake got into a fight with someone at the party “ you were conceded Scince jake was super nice like a golden retriever and seeing him hurt would upset you “WHAT is he okay????” Sunghoon nodded assuring he was fine but the other guy was not “ I don’t get it what was it wall about? Why did they even fight “ sunghoon sighs “well actually I think it good that y/ms here now but it’s a bit upsetting” you were confused what’s so bad that invoked Jake getting into a fight cause of you “the guy I Guess was taking pictures up girls dresses and skirts and you were one of them “ you were grossed out your heart sank you felt like you were gonna puke tears forming at the corner of your eyes “but there’s more I Gusse he had posted the pics he took of girls on accident and a bunch of people are calling all the girls whores “ you were definitely upset but still didn’t get why jake got into the fight “not only that but the guy got all up in jakes face cause he called him out for it and then he said some stuff about you being a whore “ heeseung looked at you to see a reaction they both did “I’m. Not sure what to say who tf is this guy?” He wasn’t really sure either he saw him but didn’t know who he was “apparently your freind soobin knows him but the dude is like a complete loser his name is minje that’s all I really know “ Minje that name sounded so familiar to you but you don’t know why after that sunghoon ended up calling the boys and chu and some of the other girls so everyone was at heeseungs you all decided to have a game night
“During the game “
“Fuck you this ain’t fair jake hyung keeps Stealling my money “ it’s been 30 min into the game and the boys were already arguing “it’s not my fault you don’t notice this monopoly dosent have rules so suck it up” everyone was laughing at them but this game was gettin absolutely no where so you asked if they wanted to play a diffrent game “what game did you have in mind?” You were think but you didn’t really know “uh I’m not sure this game is boring that’s all I know “ “oh oh wait I have an idea “ chu said “how about we play spin the bottle scince there’s a good number of us “ there were 7 girls and 8 boys so chu was right we all went into a circle heeseung grabbing a beer bottle placing it in the center “okay who wants to go first “ Jake being jake he went first “oh shit I’m scared “ Jake said but it landed on chu every one in the room went ooooooo chu and jake ended up kissing but you guys weren’t in middle school anymore so you suggested a little more “istead of just a kiss why don’t we do make outs scince well kissing is a bit boring “ everyone agreed with you beomgyu went he needed uo kissing yerim and then jungwon went he kissed Yuna and then it was your turn you were nervous but exited you kinda were hoping for heeseung but you landed on sunghoon it’s not like you haven’t kissed before but you guys didn’t really understand what you were anymore more confusing at the fact that we’ll you had slept with heeseung nothing really made sense to you about this but it’s just a game right no actual feeling involved right? “Do I have to come to you or ?” You spaced out but went to sunghoon and he just grabbed your wait and pulled you in you guys probly made out for a good minute but when you went back to your spot you could see heeseungs death glare at you after 2 more people went it was heeseungs turn he  spined  the bottle and what do you know thank you lord for making this more awkward then it had to be you were really reconsidering your life “holyyy shit y/nnie your got two kissies in one night” but then as sunoo said that jake smacked him “shut the fuck up sunoo rember there not the best of freinds “ everyone kinda gose silent “hey if you don’t want to y/n it’s ok “
Sunghoon said “no it’s fine I mean it’s just a game after all” you said it’s so nonchalant but you were nervous for some reason acting like you didn’t just sleep with heeseung “hurry up doll your taking to long “ heeseung was sitting down man spreading as you went to his side of the room with the couch you say on his lap you knew he was tryna be a bit of an ass but no everyone was kinda shocked that you were being so bold before heeseung could even initiate the kiss you grabed his jaw and started to make out with heeseung for a good 2 min “okay okay we get it stop before I bulge my eyes out “ jungwon said “I felt like I was watching the intro to a porn “ Everyone laughed at yunas comment “okay well I thinks it’s time for a movie no” everyone got exited but offfff course it had to be a scary movie you liked scary movies but y’all were gonna watch the nun but honestly something even scary happend the fact that you were sat tight in between sunghoon and heeseung you wanted to kys in that moment but something happens while you and sunghoon were giggle to the point where heeseung just didn’t wanna sit next to you guys anymore wich was werid “I’m actually gonna head up to bed you guys I’m getting tired but feel free to do whatever “ you guys all looked confused but continued with the movie
\\half way thrue the movie//
You had gotten scared 3 times and by this time sunghoon suggested you just on his lap instead of jumping on his lap like 70 diffrent times so you were seated on top of him sunghoon was grabbing onto your shirt but cause we was also trying to cover his eyes and then “BAM” you all jumped and screamed chu thru all the popcorn on the floor “ your so fucking stupid we should have known you didn’t have to pee” yuna told Jake “first of all that’s was rude second of all you all looked like you shit yourself” you were moving so much you forgot you were sitting on sunghoon put his hand on you thigh and squeezed it “please stop moving “ thats when you felt it you felt bad but also felt butterflies you didn’t stop moving through the movie it wasn’t like sexual it’s just when a scary scene came up you’d move more then you needed too that’s when “hey y/n come get more drinks with me “ you looked at him confused “huh?” But everyone ofc wanted a drink but no one wanted to get up “ommggg get me another soda please “ chu said so you went with sunghoon as you walk in sunghoon closed the kitchen door and went behind you whispering in your ear “you think your little game is cute huh?” You were confused “what game “ you said defending yourself “I know you and heeseung fucked if he really only let you borrow his clothes he woulda gave you some pants “ you were caught in your own lie you were fucked “so you let heeseung fuck you before me “ he said as he started to kiss your neck you turned around to get him off of you a bit “cmon pretty gurl I already know it obvious let me make you feel good hm”……….
I’m so sorry this took so long. I know you guys have been waiting for this so I try to make it as long as possible there was a lot going on so I didn’t have as much time but I hope you guys enjoy this in the meantime. also this is a proofread inside so long, but I have been wanting to start another series so for the next part of this might be may be a bit longer or maybe sooner but I’ve been wanting to start a new series so I’m trying to figure out some stuff, but I think you guys will be very patient and I love you all so much🩷
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ilovewriting06 · 5 months
Hello I have a question do you do requests if you can you do one of Chris Argent is dating Lydia's older sister of 23 years old and they are in the woods standing guard and form one moment to the next they are having a smut moment ( if you do ) and she finds out she is pregnant
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Loveeeee the idea, I tried my best lol. Lydia’s sister is human but knows about the supernatural and she’s going to college to become a lawyer. In this Y/N is 23 and Chris is 38, so there is a 15 year age gap.
I hope you enjoy it Anon!!
The darkness of night settles on the woods leaving the only light to be provided by the full moon and the stars that are breaking through the trees. The only noise is the occasional chittering squirrels and a few different birds squawking and if you focus the calm even breaths of two different people.
“So, why exactly are we standing around in the middle of the woods together?”
Chris looks at me and raises an eyebrow, "To stand guard incase that omega comes back through the territory."
I snort, "I know that part. I meant, why are we out here together? I didn't think you liked me. You always avoid me so I'm just a little surprised you would willingly spend time with me."
His ever-present frown deepens as he takes a few steps coming closer to me with each one, "Y/N, I don't dislike you, it's just that you, well, it's a little complicated to explain."
I cross my arms and raise and eyebrow, "Are you telling me I made the, Chris Argent speechless?"
The corner of his lip ticks up just a little before falling back into his frown, "No, I just don't think you'd appreciate what I have to say, or understand it."
I furrow my eyebrows and shrug, "Lay it on me, I'm on my last year of law school, I think I have a pretty good understanding. That and I don't know what on earth you could say that I wouldn't 'appreciate' as you like to say." I put air quotes around appreciate before sending a small smile his way hoping he'd finally tell me why he treats me like the plague 98% of the time.
He closes his eyes and looks up to the sky deciding whether to speak before he finally looks at me, "You make me feel things I shouldn't feel for a 23 year old kid, things I haven't felt since my wife died, and even then it wasn't this strong."
My eyes widen in surprise because out of a thousand and one theories I had, that never once crossed my mind, but I'm not mad about it, I've liked Chris ever since I met him but I didn't think he would ever feel the same way.
I swallow around the lump in my throat trying to stutter out a response, "Oh-okay, well, that was not one of my theories. I'm not mad about it though, other than the part where you called me a kid."
Much like mine did, his eyes widen before he speaks, "You shouldn't be okay with this and to me you are a kid, you're fifteen years younger than me. You're only six years older than my daughter. It's wrong on so many levels."
I take a step closer to him until I'm only about a foot away from him before softly speaking, "What if I don't mind? What if I told you I felt the same way? What if I don't care about the age gap?"
"That doesn't change the fact that I'm fifteen years older than you. So many people would have problems with it."
"Maybe people would have issues with it, but why does it matter to us. I'm 23, I'm old enough to make my own decisions and I know what I want, and I want you."
In the blink of an eye my back is pushed against the bark of a tree as Chris's arms cage me in with a hand on either side of my head. My breath catches in my throat as I look into his lust blown eyes as he whispers, "This is your last chance to walk away. One last time to change your mind. I don't walk away from these things, Y/N. I'm all in and you need to decide if that's what you want."
I let out a small noise as I arch my back to rub against him, "I want it, god I want it."
Without another thought lips are pressed to mine and I'm pushed farther into the tree. I moan when his hands dig into my hips pulling me impossibly closer to him as I wrap my arms around his neck. We separate only when we need to breathe and even then his mouth continues planting little kisses across my jaw and down my neck until he hits the sweet spot on the juncture of my neck.
I can feel him smile against my sweet spot before he gently bites, careful not to leave any marks but hard enough that I could feel it.
I throw my head back against the tree and cup the back of his head with my hand as his hands find their way under my shirt and up my ribcage, "Can I take it off?"
I hum as I nod, "Mhmm, take whatever you want off. This is me giving consent for you to do whatever the hell you want from here on out."
Like that snapped something in him our clothes start disappearing and before long we were both naked with one of my legs hitched around his waist as our tongues fight for dominance.
The hand that isn't holding my thigh against his hip is slowly getting lower and closer to where I crave him. I whine and wiggle, "Chris, please."
His mouth, which is now on my collarbone hums against my skin as his deep gravely voice speaks, "What do you want, Baby?"
I grab a handful of his hair and tug him back to look at me before half begging and half demanding, "Fuck me. I want it. I want you and the thought of you inside me is causing me to fucking drip, so please, please, please, fuck me."
He growls before kicking my right leg, the one not wrapped around his waist, so that he had easier access to my core. I shiver as a cool breeze blows against the sensitive area before shuddering as his cock brushes my clit, "H-holy s-sh-shit."
I'm not usually this sensitive but unlike my sister I haven't had sex for over a year. Luckily she's only sleeping with one guy and I have a feeling this one's gonna last a long, long time. God bless, Stiles, he must have the patience of a saint for dealing with her.
My thoughts are quickly brought back to the here and now when Chris thrusts into me with little to no warning. I let out a cross between a whine and a moan as he hits my g spot on the third thrust. He smirks as he brushes my hair out of my face, "There it is. Come on pretty girl, sing for me." He enunciates his words with a hard thrust that has me moaning for him.
I whine and dig my nails into his shoulders as he groans, "Fuck, this is better than I ever could have imagined. How long you gonna last, Sweetheart? I can't imagine it's too long, you're already quivering."
I whimper and squeeze around him earning a delicious sounding moan from his lips. I surge forward and kiss him before pulling back just enough to whisper, "So close, feels 's good."
He smirks before pulling me back into a heated kiss never slowing his thrusts. Just when I thought I couldn't feel anymore pleasure there's suddenly a thumb tracing figure eights on my clit eliciting a gasping moan as my manicured nails drag down from his shoulders to his biceps leaving behind red lines with little specks of blood along his skin.
He pulls back from the kiss and manages to get out a question around his heavy breaths, "Where do you want me?"
I pull him closer and pant, "In-inside, on, on the pill. Mm, fuck, I'm so close."
He grabs my other leg around the thigh before hoisting me up to completely wrap around him. When my back slams back into the tree I can barely register the pain because it feels like his thrusts got ten times deeper and he's kissing my cervix with his cock just enough to send pleasure coursing through my veins.
I throw my head against the tree as my legs start to shake, "C-Chris, I'm c-cumming."
The pressure on my clit increases as his dick twitches, "Come on Baby, cum for me."
I open my mouth in a silent scream as my orgasm crashes over me followed by Chris'. He rides us through our highs before his thrusts stop and he leans his forehead against my shoulder. As I'm coming back to earth I notice a flash of two blue eyes in the distance.
My breath catches in my throat and Chris looks at me in worry but I gently whisper, "Omega, behind you in the bushes." His eyes widen as he processes what I said before he slowly and gently pulls out of me and sets my feet on the ground. Once he's sure I can stand on my own he slowly bends down to pick up the pistol with wolfsbane bullets that he laid by the tree.
It all happens in a blur one minute Chris is picking up his gun, the next I'm yelling at him because the omega is running at him, and then there's a gunshot followed by the unmistakable growl of a wolf before his body hits the ground with a dull thud.
He turns and runs to me gently grabbing my arms, "Are you okay?"
I turn to him and give him a quick kiss, "I'm perfect. Coulda done without the bloodthirsty omega but other than that, it was perfect."
He pulls back with a chuckle and kisses my cheek, "God, you're the perfect woman. Come on let's get dressed before I call Scott."
It's been about a month since the night in the woods with Chris and we've been seeing each other ever since. I don't head back to college for another month so we decided we would wait for a little bit and see if it's going to go anywhere before we tell anybody.
Lydia being Lydia and a nosy little sister figured out I was seeing someone within a week and has been trying to figure it out on her own. Luckily, Stiles, who I'm seriously contemplating replacing Lydia with, has taken on the role of distracting Lydia to get her off my back.
However, he can't always be around which led to the stare down currently happening in my bedroom, "Lyds, just drop it already. I'm not telling you."
She narrows her eyes and stomps her foot like a toddler, "Why not? I'm your sister, you're supposed to give me these details. I told you about Jackson, and Aiden, and that one other dude, and then Stiles."
I roll my eyes before scoffing, "I also remember telling you when you started dating Jackson, Aiden, and that one other dude, that it wouldn't work and you were going to marry Stiles. And look where you are now. Also, he is such a sweet sarcastic boy isn't he. You know you should really go call him, maybe fight over baby names again, see if you can get him to cave and name your first son Jasper."
She blushes at the mention of marrying Stiles and turns a darker shade of red at the mention of baby names, "You heard that?"
I nod once and smirk, "I'm just saying, you could do a lot worse, sometimes I contemplate replacing you with him but that's because he doesn't stick his nose in my business."
She huffs and rolls her eyes, "Fine, if you want to get brutally murdered by some stranger or get a raging STD you go ahead, see if I care."
I stand and gently yet forcefully push her out the door, "Goodbye, Lydia. Thanks for stopping by but go back to your room and text Stiles or something."
She huffs, "Whatever, maybe I'll just call Allison and see if she wants to hang out or something."
I stiffen at the mention of my boyfriend's daughter before nodding, "Uh, y-yeah, you do that I'm gonna go down and make lunch."
Not even ten minutes later Lydia comes prancing down the stairs and stops abruptly when she sees me, "What the hell is that?"
I look down at the island before looking back up and shrugging, "Peanut butter and pickle sandwich."
Her mouth drops, "Haven't you been throwing up the last couple days? Why the hell would you eat pickles and peanut butter together?"
I shrug before taking a bite, "I feel better."
She blinks and then squeaks, "You don't even like pickles and you aren't a huge fan of peanut butter either. Are you sure you're okay?"
I wave her off before walking towards the couch to watch Spongebob, "I'm fine. I assume you're going out with Allison so be careful and have fun."
Lydia's POV
"Allison I swear she's being all secretive and it's weird."
Allison shrugs before taking a sip of her sweet tea, "Maybe she really likes the dude and wants to see if it's serious before she says anything, or maybe she's just having a summer fling and doesn't see why she should tell you."
I shake my head and set my fork down, "No, you don't get it. Ever since I was little we were always open and honest with each other, she has always told me about boyfriends, and hookups, one night stands, or summer flings. It just isn't like her. What if he's a criminal or like a pedophile or something?"
Allison roles her eyes before patting my hand in a reassuring manner, "Relax, I highly doubt she's dating a pedophile, more than likely she's probably dating someone older and doesn't want to say anything because she's worried you and everyone else won't approve."
I perk up and smile, "Yeah, yeah that makes sense. That definitely sounds like something Y/N/N would do." I frown as a thought hits me, "Why would she be worried I wouldn't approve? She could be dating a 50 year old and I wouldn't care as long as he treated her right and she was happy."
Allison just shrugs before digging back into her cheeseburger.
As Allison and I are walking around the mall I stop walking when I see a woman that looks similar to Y/N except her hair is a different color, but that isn't what caught my attention, the huge baby bump is. "Oh my god."
Allison stops and lays her hand on my shoulder, "Lydia, what's wrong? Are you okay?"
I tear my eyes off the baby bump before looking at Allison, "Yeah, I just realized that Y/N/N hasn't been feeling good so I was gonna make a stop for her. Do you mind if I go ahead and leave. I feel bad leaving her when she's sick, she was always there for me so I feel it's only fair that I'm there in case she needs something."
Allison smiles and nods, "Yeah, go ahead. Let me know when you get home."
I promise I'll text her before rushing out of the mall and to the small drugstore not far from the house. As I stand looking at all the options they offer for pregnancy tests I huff before grabbing two different kinds just to be sure.
As I'm paying for them the cashier is giving me a once over and I roll my eyes, "They aren't mine, I think my sister might need them. Trust me, no baby for me until after I graduate." She nods and then rings me up before she finally speaks, "Don't know what news your sister wants but I hope she gets the result she wants."
I smile and thank her before speeding home deciding if I get pulled over I'd pull the whole 'do you know who my boyfriend is' card and get out of a speeding ticket.
When I get home I barge into her room holding the bag from the drugstore scaring Y/N. She's on the phone but she hurriedly whispers to the other person on the phone before hanging up.
I throw the bag at her and bite my lip a little nervous, "I think it might be a good idea if you used them."
She tilts her head before looking in the bag and her eyes widen more than I thought possible.
I jump as Lydia bursts through the door before quickly ending the call with Chris. When I look up I get ready to ask her what the hell she's doing when a white bag gets thrown at me.
I look in the bag and feel my eyes widen and my stomach become queasy because, holy shit the symptoms fit, and then holy shit my sister just bought me pregnancy tests and she was with...oh my god, "Did you buy these with Allison?!"
She shakes her head before sitting on the edge of the bed, "No, no of course not. I figured you wouldn't want anyone to know so I ditched her a little earlier than planned telling her you weren't feeling well before stopping at the drug store for you."
I breathe a little easier before realization sets in that I could be pregnant with my little sister's, best friend's father's baby. "Oh god, this wasn't the plan. This wasn't supposed to happen. FUCK!"
Lydia jumps a little before laying her hand on my leg, "Hey, it's okay, no matter what the results are I'll support you either way." I nod before asking, "Will...will you stay with me?"
She smiles and nods before pulling me towards the bathroom while i carry the bag in a death grip, "Go ahead and do your thing and I'll wait here for you to be done."
After I come out of the bathroom my hands are shaking and my palms are sweaty because somehow, deep down, I know what the results are and it terrifies me yet excites me and I feel guilty for feeling excited.
Lydia stops my pacing and pulls me into a hug and we stand like that until the timer on her phone goes off. She pulls away from the hug before looking at me, "Do you want me to look at them first or do you want to do it?"
"I-I'll do it, just, can-can you stand with me?"
"Of course."
I take a deep breath grabbing one of the tests in each hand before flipping them over revealing with one revealing a plus sign and a line and the other showcasing the blaring word that reads 'Pregnant.'
I clutch them to my chest before sliding down the wall as I feel sobs start to wrack my chest. Within seconds there's a small hand on my shoulder before a head of red hair is laying on my shoulder as Lydia tries to calm me.
After I've calmed down and we're just sitting in silence I whisper, "How am I supposed to tell him?"
I feel Lydia shift so she's leaning across the sink to look at me, "I don't know. Who is he?"
At her words I feel my tears starting anew, "You're gonna hate me. Oh god, this wasn't supposed to happen like this."
She rubs a hand on my shin as she speaks, "I'm not going to hate you unless you're sleeping with my boyfriend but I know you view him as your little brother so it would be like incest."
I scrunch up my nose and let out a small chuckle before I look down and whisper, "Chris."
And just like that Lydia's touch is gone and she's staring at me with a slack jaw and wide eyes, "C-Chris? Allison's dad Chris?!"
The tears start overflowing again as I nod, "I swear he's not just a hookup." I hiccup as Lydia scrambles to her feet and walks out of the room, "I-I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you, it wasn't supposed to go like this."
Realizing Lydia left the room the tears fall harder and the sobs come out quicker and slowly get louder before I can't breathe. I don't process what's going on until I feel someone kneel in front of me and hands cup my cheeks wiping away the tears, "Hey, it's okay, I'm not mad, I promise I'm not mad come on Y/N/N, calm down for me."
I lean into the touch as my breathing turns back to normal and my vision clears I notice that Lydia is kneeling in between my legs with a box of tissues by her knee. After a few seconds my breathing's back to normal and I'm blowing my nose with one of the tissues.
"I'm sorry Lydia. I'm sorry for lying to you and then losing my shit like that."
She shakes her head so hard her hair flies in her face, "No, don't apologize, I'm sorry. I overreacted and I shouldn't have walked away like that. I should have told you I'd be back but I was a little mad and figured a small walk to grab tissues would help me calm down and I realized something, you know what that was?"
I shake my head and she smiles, "I realized that you've been through everything with me, you've sacrificed your happiness for me time and time again. When Mom and Dad were fighting you'd always comfort me and have this brilliant idea to listen to these cool new songs you just found or have a movie marathon so I wouldn't hear them screaming. When it was really bad and you couldn't shut them out anymore you got in between them so that they'd stop. You helped me study for school so I could get good grades and you wouldn't leave for college until I gave you permission and told you that I'd be okay. You love me and you'd give everything up for me and the one time you really needed me I walked away. So, I'm not mad and I'm happy for you because the last few weeks you've been happier than I've ever seen you and it would be wrong of me to take that away from you. I'm sorry and I love you."
I sniffle and pull her into a hug, "I love you too Little Red."
She pulls away and has a dreamy smile on her face, "I call Stiles, Little Red a lot because he runs with the wolves and he always wears this red hoodie, which is like literal magic. It's so soft and it smells like him and it may be my favorite thing ever."
I snort and ruffle her hair, "You're down bad little sis."
She shrugs with a lovesick smile, "And so are you."
As the minutes tick by Lydia and I don't move from the bathroom floor as I try and process everything. "I don't know how, I'm on birth control."
Lydia hums before asking, "You remember my friend Violet from middle school?"
I nod before Lydia continues, "Well, last year she got pregnant and I know she was on birth control because she had an alarm set for it so she wouldn't miss a dose. When she found out she was pregnant she freaked out and came to me crying because she didn't understand how she could get pregnant because they were so careful. Sometimes birth control doesn't work but if you're keeping the baby I would stop taking it."
I frown, "Wow. I hope she's okay, I really liked Violet, she was a sweet girl."
Lydia nods with a smile grabbing her phone off the sink before scrolling through it and turning it around to me. There was a picture of a smiling Violet holding a baby that looked to be a few months old and in the picture was a boy with dark hair and eyes that matched the baby’s.
Lydia chuckles, "Everything worked out in the end, her and James got married a few months after she found out she was pregnant because her parents and James's parents pretty much disowned them. She was a little upset about it but they got married and moved to New York to live with her grandparents, which are ecstatic to have another little girl to spoil."
I smile and hand the phone back to Lydia, "I want the baby, but I don't know what Chris will say. What if he doesn't want it, what if he's mad at me."
Lydia turns her phone off before setting it on the floor, "Y/N, everything will work out in the end. Just like Violet the beginning will probably be a little rough but in the end you'll be happy."
I let out a deep breath, "Yeah, but what if I don't get the happy ending? My luck I'll get stuck with the crappy ending where everyone hates me and it's just me and the baby."
Lydia snorts before grabbing my hand, "That's not gonna happen, you're going to get a happy ending because you deserve one."
I smile and lay my head on her shoulder before sighing, "I think I'll tell him tonight, just so I can get it over with."
I put the car in park outside of Chris and Allison's apartment before taking a deep breath, "You can do this Y/N, just calm down."
I take my keys out of the ignition and shove into my purse that also holds the two pregnancy tests, before getting out of the car and walking into the apartment building.
I knock on the door while maintaining a death grip on the strap of my purse before taking a deep breath to prepare myself as I hear footsteps walking towards the door. When the door opens I come face to face with a surprised Allison, “Oh, hi, Y/N! Lydia told me you weren’t feeling well.”
A small yet genuine smile tugs as my lips as I reply, “Oh you know Lydia, she’s overprotective. I have been sick but I’m feeling a little better now. But, uh, I actually came by to talk to your dad about something important, is he here?” I know the answer to the question because I got off the phone with him about an hour ago and he was about to get in the shower then so I know he hasn’t went anywhere.
Allison opens the door a little wider looking a bit worried before stepping to the side, “Yeah, yeah come in. Is this something that is life threatening or just something else?” I lick my lips before forcing a smile, “Oh no, Ally it’s just something else, nothing supernatural right now.”
She nods and leads me into the living room before going down the hall to knock on Chris’s bedroom door, a bedroom door that I have been through more times than I can count and pinned against almost as much. “Hey dad, can you come out here, someone’s here to talk to you?”
There’s a muffled response before the door swings open to reveal Chris dressed in grey sweatpants and a grey t shirt. When he follows Allison into the room he stops and his eyes widen slightly at the sight of me standing in the middle of the living room, no doubt looking like an emotional wreck. “Y/N? I wasn’t expecting you, is everything okay?”
I force a smile and a nod before speaking, “Uh, yeah I hope so. Can we talk, privately, please?”
He ushers me to his office as Allison resumes watching whatever tv show I interrupted her from with my arrival. Chris closed the door and locks it for safe measure before turning to me, “Sweetheart, what’s wrong? You look like you’ve been through hell.”
I sniffle before apologizing as tears well in my eyes, “I am so, so sorry. I swear I never meant for this to happen, please don’t hate me. Don’t leave me.”
He takes two giant steps forwards before gently grabbing my arms, “Hey, hey, it’s okay, relax. I’m not going to hate you, there’s nothing you could say or do that could make me hate you. Now, deep breaths and then tell me what’s wrong.”
I do as he says and take a deep breath before stepping out of his grasp. I set my purse on the desk so I can dig through it easier before grabbing the two little white sticks that have brought me more emotions in an hour than anything else ever has. With shaky hands I pull them out before walking back over to Chris and handing them to him.
He takes them with confusion on his face before he looks away from my eyes to actually look at them. The moment he realizes what he’s looking at his eyes widen and his hand tightens around the sticks turning his knuckles white.
There’s a beat of silence followed by another before I whisper, “Say something...please.” I can’t stop the tears and emotions from altering my voice as I speak but it seems like it got his attention.
For the first time in what feels like hours, he looks up at me and I can see the start of tears in his eyes. He clears his throat and shifts slightly, “I thought, how? It was only the one time we didn’t...” He doesn’t have to finish what he’s saying because I know what he’s thinking, it was only the time in the woods that we didn’t use protection.
“I know, I’m on birth control, well, I was. I don’t want to hurt the baby so I’m going to stop taking it, but I don’t understand how it happened either.”
There’s more silence before I swallow, “Chris.” He looks at me expectantly so I continue, “I-I, I want to keep it. I don’t know what you want but I’ve always imagined having kids, and although it was never supposed to happen like this I can’t just get rid of them. It’s my child, hell, it’s yours too, but if you ask me to-to get rid of it, I can’t and I won’t.”
His eyes widen and he steps closer so he cup my face with his empty hand, “No, no, I want it too, I want you. I’d be an idiot to get rid of you, and I've always wanted more kids.”
My eyebrows furrow in question because I remember having a conversation with him one night after dinner where he told me that they never tried for other kids after Allison. He seems to pick up on my confusion because he reaches around me to drop the tests back in my purse before pulling me closer to him, “Victoria was the one who didn’t want anymore kids. I however always wanted a big family. A nice house with four or five kids running around, maybe even more, but after Allison was born and Victoria decided she didn’t want anymore kids I thought that I’d never have more kids. Then the craziest thing happened, I met this woman, this strong, beautiful, intelligent woman and it felt like I was given a second chance, and now she’s standing in front of me telling me she’s having my baby.”
I blush as happy tears flow down my face but my heart explodes at his next words, “And I swear to god and any other higher power there might be, that I have never been more in love than I am right now.”
My heart stutters and my stomach fills with a thousand butterflies as I smile and lean into his embrace even more before I respond, “I’ve never been more in love than I am right now either. I want it all with you Chris, the big house and a bunch of kids, I’d love to give you what you’ve always dreamed of.”
He brushes his nose against mine as he whispers, “Baby, you already have.”
A/N...again: I'm thinking about writing a part two where they tell Allison and maybe even small little milestones of Y/N's pregnancy so let me know if you want a part 2!
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mymoodwriting · 8 months
Because You're Mine
Female!Reader x Werewolf!SKZ
Genre: A/B/O
Warning: Insomnia, Anxiety, Panic Attack, PTSD, Pheromones, ABO Dynamics, Mentions of Assault, Physical Assault, Restraints, Gags, Abuse, Physical Abuse, Verbal Abuse, Bullying
Words: 4.6K
Chapter One
(//Next) (@starillusion13)
Prompt: With omegas completely removed from society, they needed their own communities and institutions to grow. All your life you had lived and gone to school alongside your fellow omegas, and orphaned alphas. You had managed to keep yourself together, but now at the university level, keeping your secret had grown impossible. You had to face your fears and make friends with an alpha eventually, and now was the time.
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“Can you believe it!? Tomorrow is graduation…”
“… yay…”
“Could you be any more excited?”
You sighed, staring up at the blank ceiling. You had honestly been dreading this day for years now, but it finally caught up to you. Graduation should be something to celebrate, but it just meant things were going to get harder for you. It was the reason why you were still awake so late into the night. You were anxious about tomorrow, whereas your roommate and best friend Jisung was excited. Even if he was making a joke he knew what was on your mind.
“Y/n… after graduation we’re gonna be moved to a different campus, a bigger one, and there-”
“I know.”
“You’re gonna get found out sooner or later… you should tell someone so-”
“No. I’m fine.”
“Y/n… you can’t hide this forever…”
“You can’t tell anyone!”
“Promise me, Jisung.”
“I promise I won’t tell anyone… but I am worried about you…”
“I’ll be fine. I’ll figure something out.”
“Don’t forget I’m here for you.”
“I won’t. Thanks, Jisung.” 
“We should probably get some sleep though.” Jisung chuckled. “Big day tomorrow.”
“Yeah… good night, Jisung.”
“Good night, y/n.”
Even if you only slept a few hours you still needed to be up early for graduation. You woke up before Jisung, letting him sleep in a bit more before getting him out of bed. Both your outfits were simple, but you still had to check in early at the ceremony site. It was kind of weird to have such a big celebration considering no one was here to see you. All the alphas and omegas here were orphans, never having known their parents. Besides faculty and staff, and the graduates themselves, no one else would be present. It made it feel like something was missing, but then again you just wanted this whole thing over with. After the long ceremony everyone was given a few hours to refresh and rest before the big party would begin. Of course you had no desire to attend, so you were just glad you could turn in early and enjoy a quiet night.
“Are you really not going?”
“It’s not her scene, Felix.” Jisung explained. “You gonna be alright?”
“Yup.” You smiled. “The whole dorm is gonna be quiet, so it’s like I have it all to myself.”
“That doesn’t sound bad at all. I’ll message you when I’m on my way back.”
“Cool. Now you two have fun.”
“Will do.”
Besides Jisung, you didn’t have many other friends. There was Felix who you knew pretty well, but he was more Jisung’s friend than yours. You were just fine with your mini circle of friends, although you weren’t sure how it would develop going forward. After graduation everyone got a week to just do as they pleased before the moving began. No one really had much to their name so when it came time to move it was fairly easy. You got lucky that Jisung was still your roommate, and you both loved the spacious upgrade to your dorm situation.
While in your high school years your dorm was pretty small, and for omegas only, the alphas had their own building. The school itself was also a decent size that could accommodate everyone that was there. For those couple years the alphas and omegas were separated with a few classes being co-ed. It would still be the same at the university level, but there was more of a choice. The alphas still had certain classes to take that were only for them, but omegas could pursue any type of knowledge by either taking omega only classes, or the co-ed ones.
The campus itself was also different. There were more students around in general. Those a year ahead of you, and also other incoming freshmen from other academies. It did feel a bit overwhelming, but you had a plan to make things easier for yourself. Besides the classes, there were some omega only spaces, and you’d be sticking to those. You wanted to pursue science and learn more about your world, whereas Jisung was excited to get into the arts. He was always very creative and passionate so you were excited to see where things went for him.
You took omega only classes, and afterwards you’d continue your studies in the library. There was an omegas only section there, and you always reserved a study room for yourself. On occasion Jisung and Felix would join you, having homework they needed to do. If you weren’t in class or at the library you’d simply go back to your dorm. There were plenty of omega only activities that you could participate in, but you preferred to keep for yourself. Although you were glad there was an arts class you and Jisung shared, Felix too.
“Y/n, you’re not looking too good.” Felix commented. “Are you okay?”
“Hm? I’m just tired, stayed up late last night studying.”
“Why did you choose science? It can be pretty hard.”
“Yeah but there are some questions I want to find answers for.”
“But aren’t the more advanced classes co-ed?” Jisung mentioned. “You’d only be able to go so far.”
“I know.”
“What does that mean?” Felix questioned.
“Nothing.” You assured. “I’m gonna head back to the dorm and catch up on some sleep. You guys can use my study room reservation if you need to.”
“Thanks.” Jisung smiled. “You get some sleep.”
“Will do. You two stay out of trouble.”
“No promises.”
When you got back to your dorm you put your bag down and dived into bed, snuggling the sheets. Luckily sleep came easy, so you got some good rest. You woke up a few hours later, checking the time and seeing you still had some daylight. You got out of bed to freshen up so you could do your assignments. While you were in the bathroom you heard the door unlocking, a bit surprised to hear that Jisung was back so soon. Usually he’d barely be getting out of a class at this time.
You stepped out to go greet him, and then the scent hit you. Jisung wasn’t at the door, it was an alpha. You quickly scrambled back to the bathroom and locked the door. You were already finding it difficult to breathe but you needed to calm down in order to hide yourself. You had no idea why an alpha was in your dorm, or how they got a key, but you didn’t care for it. All you wanted was for them to leave. You heard some rummaging around, and then things got quiet. You thought maybe they had left, but then you heard the bathroom door knob jiggle, followed by a knock.
“Are you okay in there?”
The voice was not Jisung at all, nor was it anyone you recognized. Of course it wasn’t anybody you knew, you didn’t socialize with alphas.
“I’m fine!” You stammered out. “Please… please leave…”
“Are you sure? You sound stressed and your scent-”
“Go away!”
You wanted to get away from the door and wound up tripping over the floor mat. You hit your head against the wall, reaching over to the wound and feeling the throbbing from the pain.
“Are you okay!”
Now the alpha was trying to open the door again with far greater urgency. Your vision was a bit blurry, but hearing the alpha try to break in shot your fear up to eleven. With the pain in your head, and the feeling of impending doom it was becoming very hard to breathe or focus. You screamed when you heard the alpha throwing themselves against the door. You were frozen in fear, starting to cry, and desperately hoping they’d hear your cries for them stop. It didn’t help though, and soon enough the door swung open. You couldn’t see the alpha through your tears, but they didn’t hesitate to approach you, even if you tried to push them away.
“Let me see. Are you hurt?”
The alpha pulled you into their arms and moved your hand away, examining your head. Thankfully you weren’t bleeding, but now that they were close they could smell the fear and panic on you.
“What’s wrong? Did someone-”
“Go away!”
You tried to push the alpha away from you again, but they only grabbed your hands which made you squirm all the more. You desperately tried to pull away but they kept their grasp firm, and only pulled you closer to them. They spoke softly to you, looking at you with sincere concern on their face.
“What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” The alpha asked. “It’s okay, you’re not bleeding. You’re not hurt, you’re just fine.”
You continued to scream and thrash, just wanting the alpha to leave you alone and go away but they weren’t listening. Instead they pulled you into their embrace and wrapped their arms around you, trying to sooth you.
“Deep breaths, it’s okay, everything’s going to be okay.”
You couldn’t get away from their scent now that your face was buried in their chest. They smelled nice, and you could definitely tell they were trying to calm you down but it was directly clashing with your desire to escape. You were still trying to fight, but their scent was getting to you, turning your screams into silent cries.
“There, there, you’re okay, you’re okay, I got you.”
Jisung returned to the dorm out of breath, looking around in a panic while calling your name. Soon enough he found you in the bathroom and his eyes went wide.
“Let her go, Chan!”
Without hesitation Jisung pulled Chan away from you, shoving him out of the bathroom and focusing his attention on you.
“Are you okay, y/n? Hey, can you hear me?”
“… jisung… is that… you…”
“Yeah, yeah, it’s me. Are you okay? I’m so sorry.”
“… jisung…”
You were still scared and out of it, your eyes were starting to tear up again. You could barely talk through your sobs.
“It’s okay, I’m here, it’s okay. Let’s get you out of these clothes and into a shower.”
Jisung got up to turn on the shower head, making sure the water was warm before putting you under it. He got you out of your shirt, and took off his own jacket, holding it out to you.
“Here. That’s my scent, just take a deep breath. You’re okay.”
“Get out!”
Jisung got up and pushed Chan away, shoving him out of the dorm. The other boy didn’t fight him, but was very confused over the situation.
“Jisung, what-”
“Get out before security realizes you’re here. And not a word of this to anyone!”
“What just happened!?”
“Nothing, now go.”
Jisung shut the door and took a breath before getting back to you. He found you with your face buried in his jacket, now completely soaked from the water. After a while he helped you out of the shower, drying you off with a towel and tossing your wet clothes in the corner. You leaned against him, resting your head on his chest, breathing in his scent and gradually calming down. You felt much better now.
“I’m sorry.” Jisung apologized. “It slipped my mind that you were in the dorm. I thought it’d be no problem to have Chan come and get something of his while I was in class. This is all my fault, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s fine… nothing bad happened…”
“I’ll talk to him, make sure-”
“It’s okay, Jisung. I’m glad you’ve made friends.”
“You can be mad at me, you know.”
“Why would I be mad?”
“I don’t know. I put you in danger…”
“It wasn’t your fault.” You assured. “How did you meet this alpha anyway?”
“Oh, we’re in the same class and share a couple interests. So we kind of hit it off from there.”
“Look at you, making friends.”
“Stop it.”
“Just saying. I’m happy for you.”
It took a bit but you were able to put the whole thing behind you and continue with your life. Jisung didn’t bring it up again, but he was a bit more cautious around you. The only difference was that every now and then you would see Chan around Jisung. You knew they were friends and nothing bad was gonna happen, but you still felt uneasy. Whenever Chan would notice you around you’d quickly avoid his gaze and hurry along with your business. Besides all that you didn’t think anything would come of the previous incident, but you were wrong.
“Ms. y/n?”
“Uh… yes… how can I help you?”
“The headmaster wants to see you.”
“Wa… what for…”
“Please come with us.”
After one of your classes two faculty members, along with a security guard, approached you. Just seeing them put you on edge, so the fact they were asking for you specifically made it worse. You had no choice in the matter but to go with them.
Felix came running into the cafeteria, finding his friend at one of the tables. He interrupted the group conversation but he didn’t care. He took a moment to catch his breath before speaking.
“What’s up?”
“It’s y/n…” Felix breathed. “I saw her being escorted by faculty and security.”
“What!? Why!?”
“I don’t know, but she seemed scared.”
“Scared… what would-”
Jisung stopped in his tracks and looked over at Chan. The boy was silent, but a glint in his eyes told Jisung everything.
“What did you do!”
“There’s something going on with your friend and I’m trying to help.”
“You’ve done the opposite of help.” Jisung snapped. “Fuck!”
There was only one place you’d wind up. Jisung got up, leaving his things behind and bolting out of the cafeteria. Chan chased after him and caught up to him, holding him back.
“Where are you going?”
“None of your business!”
“Jisung, whatever’s going on isn’t good.”
“You don’t know anything!”
“All I know is that she was panicking for no reason and I wasn’t actually helping.”
“You have no idea.”
“Then explain it to me.”
“It’s not my story to tell, and it’s too late now. So let go!”
“You’re not gonna get her out of this.”
“I know that, but she’s also not gonna be able to speak for herself.”
You nervously sat outside the headmaster’s office, fidgeting with your hands and shaking your leg. This could be nothing related to what you were thinking, but at the same time it could be. If that was the case, well, Jisung always told you that you’d get found out in the end. While thinking of him you suddenly heard your name called.
Jisung came running down the hall towards you. He was out of breath but still took your hand, pulling you onto your feet and into a hug.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m scared…”
“I know, I know, but everything’s gonna be okay.”
“Deep breaths. I’m here with you.”
Jisung took his jacket off and put it on your shoulders, pulling you into his arms. Just then the door to the headmasters office opened. The secretary asked for you to step in, but Jisung wasn’t going to let you go in alone. He kept a hold of your hand and pushed his way into the office with you.
“What’s going on?” Headmaster Shim asked. 
“I want to ask the same thing.” 
The headmaster raised a brow and Jisung quickly apologized. Even if he had the strength to stand up for you, the headmaster was still an alpha and held power over any omega.
“… sorry… I… I need to know why you called y/n here.”
“The matter may pertain to me. I’ve been her roommate since high school.”
“I see. This may pertain to you as well. Sit. Both of you.”
You both sat down in front of the headmaster’s desk, Jisung still holding your hand. You couldn’t make eye contact with the headmaster, and kept your head low. That way Jisung’s scent was right in your face and could keep you calm.
“Now. I received a report of unusual, and concerning, behavior in regards to y/n. I’m beginning to understand the reason for the report. So, which of you will explain?”
“That depends. You-”
“Mr… what was your name again?”
“Jisung. Han Jisung.”
“Mr. Jisung, you seem to know more about this incident than anyone else. I’m not happy with what I am seeing right now, and I need to know what is going on in order to fix it. So please, tell me what is going on.”
Jisung glanced over at you. He couldn’t imagine how you felt right now being so close to an alpha, but he could feel a slight tremble coming from your hand. He knew there was no hiding this anymore. For your sake he needed to speak the truth, no matter what happened. Jisung got up and pulled you into his arms again, softly rubbing your back.
“It’s okay, everything’s going to be okay.” Jisung took a breath. “Headmaster Shim.”
“Y/n was assaulted her sophomore year of high school.”
“Excuse me?”
You buried your face into Jisung’s chest, trying to focus on his scent and not his words. You couldn’t help the tremble in your body, biting your lip to hold back tears. You thought you could forget that horrible night, but it always lingered in the back of your mind. You feared the day it would come to light as you had no idea what the consequences would be.
“We told you to back off!”
You were always a loner that kept to herself. You only managed to make friends with your roommate Jisung, and were kinda friends with his friend, Felix. Besides that you stuck to yourself. You didn’t cause trouble, and you never wanted to, but it wound up finding you. There was this alpha in your class. Super pretty and very popular. He had both alphas and omegas fawning over him. You weren’t interested, but apparently he was interested in you. Because of that you had a target on your back
Just because alphas and omegas were meant to end up together, it wouldn’t stop them from dating one another while young. Even then one didn’t know what the future held. It made sense for omegas to fawn over alphas, but the opposite wasn’t so common, especially when it was an alpha crushing on an omega. What upset everyone the most is that you weren’t already crushing on the alpha, so the others felt like you didn’t deserve his affections. You only thought he was being nice to you, and you were grateful for that, but you didn’t think there was much else to his kindness. Although you’d soon learn it didn’t come with consequences.
You’d always stay late after classes to get your assignments done. So by the time you left the library the school would mostly be empty. After one of your study sessions you were making your way through the empty hall when you were suddenly attacked. A bag was placed over your head and you felt multiple hands grabbing you and dragging you away. You didn’t know what was happening, but you knew you were being taken down some stairs. Then you had your hands tied behind your back, and your legs tied together. The bag over your head never came off, but it was pulled up in order to gag you.
Once you were restrained things got quiet. You could hear multiple heartbeats around you, and some low whispers. Then you began to catch scents. You couldn’t identify anyone at the moment, but you knew that they were all alphas. You had never been afraid of alphas before, or saw them as greater than you, but this was seriously scaring you. After a long while you felt this crowd approach you, someone kicking you over onto your back. You moved over to be on your side but got shoved onto your back again, someone putting their foot on your chest to keep you still.
“You should’ve known better.”
“An alpha like that wouldn’t choose someone like you. So what did you do!”
“She’s just a desperate omega trying to get attention.”
“If you want the attention of an alpha there are plenty others to choose from.”
“So how are we gonna teach this omega a lesson?”
“I have an idea. Got this from the infirmary.” 
“What is it?”
“No idea, but it’s not meant for students.”
“Are you sure it won’t kill her?”
“Doubt it, but we can give her a little bit just to be safe.”
You started squirming again when you heard them talk about giving you something, but the pressure on your chest only got more severe. You already felt like you couldn’t breathe, and the panic you were feeling only made it worse. You felt the bag over your head being lifted up, followed by a pinch on your neck. You started desperately thrashing around to no avail, and soon enough you began to feel uncomfortable in your own skin. It started off gradually, like a fever, but it was soon becoming unbearable. You didn’t want to cry, but you were certainly screaming into the gag, desperate for anything to make this feeling go away.
You could hear laughter though. Everyone had stepped back to watch the show, to watch you suffer. After a while you stopped screaming and were just crying for help, but they all ignored you. Sometimes they’d step forward to kick you, wanting to see your reaction. Your head was spinning, and your body was tired from fighting the restraints. You were certain you were going to pass out soon enough, but they weren’t gonna let you go quietly. Now that you had calmed down they got closer, poking at you softly. Even if they were so close you couldn’t identify anyone, all you had was a mixing scent of alphas and no one else. They kept bothering you until you actually passed out, realizing you were no fun unconscious.
Even when you woke up later you had no idea how much time had passed. You were still in the dark, your body sore and aching all over. You couldn’t even bring yourself to cry or scream, everything having been rung out of you. In this situation you weren’t even sure if anyone would find you, or if the alphas that did this would drop a hint as to where you were. The thought of dying there crossed your mind, it was so grim, but you had no idea what those alphas were capable of doing. At some point you must have passed out again, but with the bag over your head it was hard to figure out if you were really awake or not.
You heard your name being called, and even though you were exhausted your body tensed up. You were trembling from fear, whimpering as well. When you felt a hand on you your body flinched.
“I’m sorry… just…”
You felt the bag come off your head and immediately shut your eyes. You needed a second to adjust to the light. Whoever was here helped you sit up, giving your arms a bit of a break. You slowly peeked your eyes open, coming to find a familiar face. You felt tears well up in your eyes, your body relaxing a bit as well.
“What happened to you…”
Jisung undid your arms and legs, getting the gag off you as well. Once you were free you started crying and Jisung gently pulled you into his arms. Breathing in his scent further put you at ease, and he just held you for however long you needed him to. You’d later find out it was the next morning. After missing two classes Jisung ditched the next to go looking for you. Everyone thought you were sick but he wasn’t buying it. After all, he was your roommate and knew you weren’t in the dorm. Not to mention when he went to sleep and woke up you weren’t there. He retraced your steps and followed your fading scent from outside the library, finding you in a wretched situation in the basement.
You were in no condition to be going to class, although you pleaded with Jisung to just get you back to the dorm instead of going to the infirmary. Despite his better judgment he did as you asked. Back at the dorm you took a cold shower, wanting to wash everything away. You broke down again and Jisung held you, doing his best to assure you that everything was going to be alright. When you were strong enough you told him what had happened to you. He wanted to go to the headmasters office now more than before but you didn’t want to make a big deal of this or get them in trouble. You sounded crazy to him, but you begged him to keep quiet.
Jisung kept your secret, but he also kept a closer eye on you. He didn’t leave you alone after that, and he could also see how you changed. You avoided the alphas from the class, all of them. You didn’t know who was responsible but the scent of an alpha alone would make you panic. Jisung was weary of all the alphas too, but he just focused on looking after you and getting through the rest of the year. Over time you were able to be like your old self, but he knew you’d never be the same again. You still avoided all the alphas, even the teachers. You were doing okay, but Jisung knew that the truth would get exposed one day.
“Why wasn’t this reported earlier?”
To say that headmaster Shim was angry was an understatement. For a second Jisung tensed up from the shift in scent, but they quickly composed themselves.
“I… she didn’t… she didn’t want to get anyone in trouble…”
“The reason for the OCPD is to look after omegas. If any alpha were to go against that ideal then they are not fit to be agents.” Headmaster Shim took a breath. “I will gather a list of the alphas from your high school class and we’ll need to-”
You were shaking your head, trembling in Jisung’s embrace. The incident may have been nearly three years ago but it felt like just yesterday for you.
“I’m overlooking the fact that you didn’t report this to me when it happened, but the guilty party can not go unpunished. Miss y/n here may not be the only victim to this type of cruel behavior. Not to mention a staff member from the infirmary failed to report a supply discrepancy. This goes beyond just the two of you.”
“I… I’m sorry…” You mumbled. “I’m sorry…”
“What happens then?” Jisung asked. “After you catch those responsible.”
“They’ll be removed from the institution and miss y/n needs to begin therapy.”
“She’s been trembling since she set foot in here because I’m an alpha. And her records show she avoids any interaction with alphas in general, not to mention her behavior in regards to the recent incident. You also need to explain that one. An alpha shouldn’t be in the omega dorm.”
“For now the priority is with miss y/n. We can have a separate conversation later.”
“Of course, but I don’t want y/n going through any of this alone.”
“I appreciate that, but you are also an omega like herself. Part of her therapy will involve reworking her relationship with an alpha. I’ll need to find someone to-”
“Chan…” You whispered.
“Huh?” Jisung questioned. “What did you say?”
“Chan… he… he’s okay…”
“Is that your choice?” Headmaster Shim asked. “You’d like him to assist with your situation going forward?”
“… yes…”
“That’s good. It gives us a good starting point.”
“You want to hang out with Chan?” Jisung wondered. “Really?”
“He was nice…”
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familyvideostevie · 1 year
hi love! could I request a boyfriend!sirius where maybe you’re shopping together or doing some mundane tasks but he keeps flirting and distracting you but you’re not really mad bc he’s so cute?
thank you for requesting! this is short and sweet and a little suggestive, hope you like! | fem!reader, flirty jokes, fluff, 0.7k
"I genuinely think this looks like James," Sirius says, nudging you with his elbow. You look away from the oranges and see that he's holding up a misshapen sweet potato. 
You just raise your eyebrows at him and bite the inside of your cheek. He wiggles the spud and clears his throat. "Oh, Lily, I swear I didn't mean to break my glasses again," he says, voice pitched up in a deliberately poor imitation of James's lilt. You flare your nostrils in an attempt to keep your expression neutral.
"It hasn't got glasses," you say. "Actually, it kind of looks like you." Sirius's eyes go wide and his jaw drops in mock offense. 
"I'm wounded," he cries, pressing a hand to his heart. "My own girlfriend thinks I look like a potato." The corner of your mouth twitches and you turn away from him to put the fruits from your list into your cart. 
"Don't be dramatic," you say, pushing your way around the produce section of the store. "Potatoes really are quite versatile."
Sirius hooks his chin over your shoulder to take a peek at the list and to say, softly, "Are you saying I'm easy, darling?" You can feel his stubble on your neck, smell his cologne over the sterile air of the supermarket.
"I'm saying that I like potatoes," you tell him. He laughs suddenly, delighted at your flirting, before crossing the aisle to grab garlic. 
"I'd hope so," he says. "Otherwise it's going to be real awkward when we get home and you have to share a bed with me." You roll your eyes and continue through the store. 
He tugs your hand as you leave the fruits behind and you stop. "You know, pineapple is supposed to make your pu--"
You level him with a glare and he stops talking, though his grin is smug and not at all sorry. "Don't think I won't leave you here," you say.
Sirius taps your chin with a knuckle. "You'd miss me." His eyes crinkle at the corners, like he can't help but smile when he looks at you. 
You sigh like the most put upon girl in the world. "Unfortunately," you drone. "Go get some cereal and I'll meet you by the bread." He presses a quick kiss to your cheek and spins on his heel.
Idiot, you think, but you're smiling. Every moment with Sirius is heightened, is more alive than you thought possible. He's practically spilling over with whatever he's feeling at any given moment and it spreads to you. His excitement, his flirtation, his love. Even this -- going to the grocery store -- is a small adventure. 
He's only gone for a few minutes, finding you in front of the pasta before you've made your way to the bread. He always finds you, somehow. He gasps when he sees you. 
"Fuck me," he says. "You've gotten prettier since I last saw you. How did you manage that?" You ignore him, studying the options on the shelf instead, but your mouth turns up at the edges. "There she is," Sirius says, softer. "Got you."
"You're incorrigible," you mutter. He moves to stand beside you, tucking his hand into your back pocket. 
"Oh, big word," he says, breath hot on your ear. "Talk dirty to me."
"If you keep distracting me we're never going to get home," you tell him. He shrugs. 
"This would not a bad place to live, actually. Lots of food. Shit to do. I'm sure there are break rooms with couches we could fu--" You level him with the same glare from the fruit aisle and he laughs again. "Sorry, sorry, I'll behave. And then we can go home to our couch." He leans in to kiss the corner of your mouth. 
"I'll believe it when I see it," you say. He plucks the list from your hand and gives it a once-over. 
"Meet you at the check-out in 10 and I swear I'll have all of this stuff." Before you can say another word he's off.
"Ridiculous," you say to the pasta. I love him, you think, cheeks starting to ache from your smile.
thank you for reading <3 reblog, send feedback, masterlist here!
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unicreamuwu · 2 years
Itadori's Little Sister
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Warning: Platonic Love, "Very" strong brother and sister love, Reader is a child *aka. a minor*, Please do not ship her with any characters in JJK
*In this story, Y/N will look like Itadori, but with your skin color.*
A voice called out.
Then, a young teenager woke up from his slumber and looked around his surroundings. There was some Japanese traditional stuff such as toro and ofuda. Then, his gaze finally met the man in front of him.
"So, which one are you right now?" the man asks.
"Aren't you...?" he mumbled out.
"Gojo Satoru," the man introduces himself. "I'm in charge of the first years at Jujutsu Tech."
"Jujutsu...Fushiguro...Senpai...Y/N...-" the teen mumbled out.
The teenager's eyes went wide when he realized something.
"My sister! Where is she?!"
He pulled himself, but something caught him by doing so. he looked behind him and saw that he was tied up.
"What is this?" he asks.
"Don't worry about your sister, she's fine. She's just sleeping in a room somewhere. I'm not sure you should be worrying about others, Itadori Yuuji," Gojo tells him with a smile.
"It's been decided that you'll be executed."
The sound of a house phone rang across the inside of a small home that is owned by the Itadoris.
"Hello, Sugiawa Hospital."
"Oh, this is Itadori."
The same young teenager, who goes by Itadori Yuuji was in the room, calling the hospital.
"I just called earlier...Yes...Yes...I'm sorry to keep calling, but how is my grandpa doing?"
"Huh? I thought they already told you...Oh, please hold on. I'll go ask myself."
The nurses at the hospital stared at the nurse who contacted Itadori to walk off.
"Itadori-san never uses his call button."
"It's actually scary that he doesn't."
"Oh! I just remembered! It's Y/N san's birthday tomorrow, isn't it?"
"Oh yeah, it is! I wonder if her brother remembers it."
"Of course, he would. Itadori is such a good brother."
They were cut off by the loud voice of an old man.
"Leave me alone! Tell him not to come! He should go to his club and celebrate Y/N's birthday right after alone with her!"
There was brief silence for a moment.
"What? What's going on...? You heard him. What club are you in, Yuuji-Kun?"
Itadori pulled the phone away for a moment before placing it back against his ear.
"I heard. I'll come by tomorrow evening."
Itadori was getting ready to go to school before he heard light footsteps running toward him.
"Big brother, wait for me!"
He turned to see a small little girl who looks a lot like him. He smiled when he saw her. He kneeled down at her level and pats her head.
"Y/N, I know what you're going to say and no you can't go to school with me."
The little girl pouted and made a cute angry face. Itadori notices that she was holding a basket, looking like she was holding a school bag.
"But, I want to go with you! I hate staying at home all the time!"
Itadori was sweating a bit and let out a sigh.
"Alright, tell you what. How about after I visit grandpa, I'll take you to school where me and my friends will be doing something. But, you must stay right next to me."
Her eyes brightened up with joy as she nodded in a fast pace.
"You better keep it, okay?" she said, raising her pinky.
He smiled and wrapped his pinky around hers.
"I promise."
The afternoon came around pretty quickly today.
Y/N was laying down on the wooden floor, looking up at the ceiling. She sighs as she saw the ceiling fan swaying around over and over again.
She always wondered why she couldn't go to school or play at the playground like the rest of the kids she saw in her neighborhood.
Her brother always told her that it was not safe to be by herself.
Her thoughts were cut off by a doorbell ringing across the whole house.
She rose herself from the ground and thought to herself for a moment. Itadori always told her not to answer the door when he was not at home, but she wanted to do things by herself for once. Y/N got up and walked up to the door.
When she arrived, she puffed out her chest and made a fishy face. Then, she let out a big breath.
Finally, she opened the door.
The moment she opened it, she was a tall figure looming over her. She looked up at him as he looked down at her with his dark, scary-looking eyes.
'Scary' she thought.
"Um, hey, uh...are you from the Itadori family?" he asks her.
She nods slightly.
"Um, do you have this in your home?" he asked as he showed her a picture on his phone.
She looked at it. It was a picture of a box and inside, there is a very old-looking finger. It had the color of a gross looking green and has a crusty nail attached to it.
"That looks gross," she said.
"Mhm, it does. It's a cursed object. I have to find it, so I can bring it back to someone. Since I know I think it was your brother who might possibly have it, I was wondering if you have it here."
He turned away for a second.
"Damn it. Of course, she wouldn't know. She's a kid. Who am I kidding?"
It's true. Y/N had no idea what he was talking about as she looked at him with a blank face. Then, she remembers something.
"Actually, my big brother might have that. He likes those types of things," she tells him.
He turns to her quickly.
"Wait, your brother? Do you know where he is right now?!" he asks her.
"He's at a hospital right now," she tells him.
"Okay, which hospital?" he asks her again.
Now, she was kinda scared of the man, so she tried to find something that would make her leave him. Her eye caught a clock on the wall near her.
"Oh! Oh! I have to go, mister! I have to go to big brother's school to celebrate my birthday today!" she told him.
"O-Oh, well, uh-I have to at least come in-," he was cut off by her running off.
However, in slow motion, he felt and saw an aura around her as she ran past him. His eyes widened.
"H-Hold on, is this-?"
When he looked towards the way she ran, she was already long gone.
"How do these two run so fast...?"
"I told you not to come. Stop buying flowers to bring with you all the time," Wasuke tells him.
"You always say that. Besides, these aren't for you. They're for the nurses," he told him.
"All the more reason not to, you fool! And what about Y/N? Go back home and celebrate her birthday!" he exclaims at him in a scolding tone.
"Oh, chill out. After I visit you in my free time, I'll go back home and take her to my club to celebrate," Itadori calmly tells him.
"Good. Then listen to me, since I've got free time, too," Wasuke tries to talk to him.
"Not interested," he replies back, quickly.
"Just listen well. There's something I want to tell you before the end. It's about your parents," he continues.
"I said I'm not interested," Itadori says in an annoyed tone. "Grandpa, could stop trying to act all cool before you die?"
"Every man wants to go out in style, you know! Get a clue, you useless grandson!" he exclaims at him.
"Quit snapping over everything. You can just be yourself," Itadori tells him while putting the flowers in the vase.
Wasuke looked at him for a second before turning to the other side of the hospital bed.
"Tsk. Lax upbringing."
Itadori turned toward his grandfather with a curious expression.
"You're a strong kid, so help others. Including Y/N. Even if it's only those closest to you, just save the people you can. It's okay if you lose your way, and don't worry about whether they'll thank you or not. Just save as many people as you can, even if it's only one. When you die, you should be surrounded by people. Don't end up like me. And, please...protect Y/N at all cost."
Silence filled up the room.
A phone beep filled up the nurse's room.
"Yes, what's the matter?" a nurse asked.
Silence was all she heard.
"Hello? Itadori san?!" she asks.
The teen who was on the other line was trying to hold in his tears.
After a long silence, he finally spoke up.
"My grandpa...is dead."
It took a pretty long time when the nurses took away Wasuke's dead body.
Itadori watched as they left with him and went back to his room and packed all his things.
The next thing that happened is Itadori filled up some paperwork.
"Okay. That's all of the necessary paperwork.
"Okay. Thank you for everything," he thanked the nurse.
"Are you sure you're okay?" she asks him.
"Well, this is my first time dealing with something like this, so it doesn't feel right yet. Grandpa would snap if I kept moping around forever, though, so I'll just have to laugh as I roast him up," he tells her.
"That's so sweet of you. Also, how's your sister, Y/N?" she adds.
"W-Well, she's alright. She's been learning a lot recently. Now she can write a full paragraph.
"Phrasing! Also, here," she said.
She takes out something that looked like a small pastry box.
"I picked this up on my way here. I heard that today was Y/N's birthday, so I wanted to give this to her. But, I can see that she's not here, so I suppose I can let you give this to her," she said with a gentle smile.
Itadori takes the box from her hand and looks inside. It was a bunch of strawberry and matcha mochi. He slightly smiles as he looks down at it.
He remembers when he gave her a mochi when Y/N was a baby. She usually puffs out her cheeks when she eats them.
His moment was cut off by a voice calling to him.
"Yuuji Itadori, right?" a voice asks.
Itadori and the nurse turned to the figure.
"I'm Fushiguro from Jujutsu Tech. I'd like to have a word with you. Now," he told him.
"Um, I'm in mourning right now," Itadori tells Fushiguro.
"Sorry, but there isn't time. The cursed object you possess is very dangerous. Hand it over to me right now," he tells him.
"Cursed object?"
Fushiguro takes out his phone and shows a picture of something that is wrapped.
Itadori takes a closer out at it.
"Oh, yeah, yeah. I found that" he tells him.
Fushiguro's eyes widened by what he heard.
"I don't mind either way, but my senpai took a liking to it. What do you mean by dangerous?" Itadori asks him.
"The number of unexplained deaths and missing people within Japan exceeds 10,000 a year on average. Most of those are the result of curses," Fushiguro explains to him.
"Curses?" Itadori asks.
"I don't care if you believe in them or not. They're real. I'll go on."
"Large pools of negative energy form especially easily in schools, hospitals, and so on. Hardship, regret, shame...The negative emotions of mankind become the source of curses. That's why most schools secretly keep a cursed object such as a protective talisman. The object you found is one of them," Fushiguro continues to explain.
"If it's protecting us, shouldn't we be grateful for it?" Itadori asks.
"let me finish."
"Placing a cursed object of greater evil is a deadly poison that keeps other curses away. It's a bad practice that only claims to protect. Over the years, its seal weakens, and then it becomes bait to lure in and fatten up other curses. The object you found is a dangerous one, classified as special grade. Hand it over before people start dying," he finishes explaining.
"Hey, I already said I don't mind that. So, go tell it to my senpai," Itadori said as he tosses him the box.
However, the moment Fushiguro opened the box, it was empty.
"It's empty? But...that little girl told me that he had this along with the object."
He notices Itadori leaving, so he stopped him.
"Where are the contents?!" he asks him.
"Look, my senpai has it! I have to go quickly. My sister is waiting for me!" he tells him.
"She's not!" he exclaims at him.
Itadori's eyes widened.
"How do you know that?" he asks.
"I went to your residence earlier and I saw her answering the door. I asked a question about the cursed object, but before I can ask more, she left and said that she went to your school," he tells him.
Itadori starts to slightly panic, cursing to himself.
He has to go now.
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mouschiwrites · 7 months
Hi hi!! I’m starting a new series on AO3, and I just wanted to post the first chapter here in case any of you were interested!! :D
It’s a FNAF Security Breach x Reader fic :)
Word count: 1.6k
FNAF Security Breach - A Temporary Commitment
It’s just a summer job. Four months, max. Words you told yourself as you approached the tantalizing supercomplex looming at the other end of the parking lot. It was the size of a warehouse; taller, though, by your own estimate. Perhaps comparing it to a mall would be more accurate. Yes, you decided, it was quite like a mall—the decorative exterior, the noise coming from inside, the families pouring out of every exit like pus from an infected wound. You shuddered at the comparison. Okay, Y/n, enough with the analogies.
You offered a little smile to those you made accidental eye contact with as you pushed your way inside, going against the heavy flow of people. Dodging and weaving between kids and their parents, you finally made it to the entrance.
Stepping inside, you were greeted with relative quiet. The last of the families had cleared out, leaving the place void of human voices. There was music playing somewhere, the sound being carried acoustically through the entire massive space. You felt small looking up at the high ceilings, glimpsing down the gaping corridors, trying to make out the neon signs sporadically placed along the impressive lengths of the walls.
You were turning as you walked, trying to drink in every detail of this 80s-esque wonderland. It very much reminded you of an arcade, with the dark carpets and unnatural neon lighting.
You nearly jumped out of your skin when you ran straight into something—no, someone.
Whipping around with a yelp, you instantly felt your face heat up when you were met with the amused face of an employee.
“Sorry,” they said, giving a good-natured chuckle. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”
“I’m so sorry,” you replied immediately. “I wasn’t watching where I was going.”
The employee looked around, taking in the environment themselves. “I don’t blame you.” There was a twinkle in their eye when their gaze returned to yours. “This place is pretty striking.”
You stepped back, realizing how close you were still standing to them. With a proper distance established, you were able to get a full look at them.
Shorter than you by a couple inches and stocky in build, they stood with a relaxed posture, though you wondered if this was the result of a long shift. Their square face had a little smile that dimpled their full cheeks but didn’t fully reach their eyes. There was amusement in those dark brown pupils, but it was clearly directed at you and not indicative of their general mood. From under their cap you could see loose brown curls poking out, darkly contrasting the skin of their forehead.
They stuck out their hand. “You must be the new hire. I’m Asher.”
“Y/n,” you gave their warm hand a hardy shake, electing to ignore the vague stickiness.
“Nice to meet you. So, you want a tour?”
“I’d love a tour.”
An arcade, a stage, laser tag, mini golf… you were mesmerized with each exhibit and its unique neon sign. You were also noticing certain characters appearing in multiple signs, giving you the impression that these characters were the place’s mascots or something.
Going from attraction to attraction, there was quite a bit of walking between. The massive appearance of the outside was not deceptive; the place was just as huge on the inside, if not bigger because of the multiple levels. You could see yourself getting lost already.
“Sometimes I work days, sometimes I work nights. Hopefully I’ll be able to quit working nights now that you’re here, though,” Asher was explaining while you walked towards a bright sign reading “Roxy Raceway.”
While you were glad to get to know your coworker, you wished they’d tell you more about the Pizzaplex (as you had just now learned to call it). The extent of their explanations was a finger jabbed in the direction of the attraction and a reading of the obvious sign above it.
“Roxy Raceway,” they said, pointing as you walked past. “You ever worked at a place like this?”
You shook your head, and Asher laughed. “Probably should’ve expected that answer. There definitely aren’t that many places out there like this. Especially not with the animatronics.”
You perked up. You’d seen countless images of the mascots on the tour, and their names were featured in many of the bright signs.
Asher noticed your interest, and they seemed eager enough to play into it. “Yeah, each one is more than six feet tall and way heavier than you and me combined. They’re supposed to be mostly independent, so they walk around on their own and stuff. And they perform, of course. Pretty impressive engineering, if you ask me.”
“They walk around?”
“Oh yeah. They talk, too. And blink.” They leaned in a little to whisper, as if one of the animatronics might hear: “It’s kind of uncanny, how human-like they can be sometimes.”
“Can I see them?”
“We’ll probably run into one sometime soon. Though they might be in their rooms already. If they are, you’ll see them when we walk down Rockstar Row.”
You weren’t sure what you expected when Asher said they have rooms, but it certainly wasn’t the celebrity-style, decked out, individual rooms you saw down Rockstar Row. One of the walls for each room was glass, turning the spaces into exhibits. By now you recognized the mascots that were supposed to be inside. You peered eagerly into each room, disappointed to find each one empty.
Asher didn’t even note this. They just kept on walking and talking about their experiences. You might have been a little more interested if they were about experiences with the animatronics, but alas, they were mainly talking about unruly customers. Which you wouldn’t have to worry about, since you’d be working the night shift.
You were nearing the end of the tour. Asher was taking you into the employee area when they suddenly slowed down. You saw their teeth flash in the light as they winced.
“Ooh—there’s something I should warn you about.” They tilted their head so that they could murmur in your ear, and you leaned in a bit to hear. But instead of a quiet secret, you heard a snappy voice erupt from behind you.
“Asher! Have you done any closing tasks?”
Asher shot you a look that seemed to say “that’s what I was trying to warn you about.”
“No, Vanessa, I was giving the newbie a tour.”
“Newbie?” Vanessa spotted you at last. Her hard expression faltered for half a second. “Go finish up closing. I’ll take it from here.”
Asher pat your arm assuringly before departing to go do whatever it was that Vanessa was so worked up about. You were now alone with this cranky blonde.
“Y/n, right?” She didn’t wait for a response, walking past you into an office that she unlocked with a key. You followed her inside, finding the plainness of the little space a stark contrast to the rest of the massive and bright Pizzaplex.
“So, you already got a tour? Good. I’ll show you to your station.”
Vanessa pushed past you, shoving a uniform she fished out of a locker into your chest as she brusquely walked out of the office and further down the little corridor.
She came to a plain metal door and, using her key again, unlocked it. “I gave you a keycard that should unlock these doors.”
Fingering the uniform, you found said keycard in the breast pocket.
“What did Asher tell you about this job?”
You stammered, struggling to keep up with Vanessa as she rapidly descended flight after flight of concrete stairs, which were somehow even more plain than the office. “Um, it seems like they deal with a lot of fiesty parents. And sticky children.”
“You won’t be doing any customer service. The job I’m giving you requires you to stay in the basement.”
You felt both relieved and disappointed when she said that. While this did mean you wouldn’t have any horror stories like Asher’s, you doubted you’d get to see much of the animatronics that you were dying to meet.
“You’ll be watching for stray animatronics. Sometimes they end up here while they wander. You’ll patrol the basement and the utility tunnels, and if you see any animatronics, you see to it that they get back to the main level. They usually respond to verbal commands, but I want you to walk with them to make sure they don’t get lost.”
So you would get to meet some animatronics! You tried to hide the sudden giddiness that invaded your chest.
“This is the nearest bathroom. Get changed in there after I show you your station.”
You were feeling too elated to be disappointed when you saw your station. The word “station” was really an exaggeration for what you saw. A folding table against the wall in a storage room. That was it. You didn’t even see it until Vanessa pointed it out.
“You can stay in here between hourly patrols.”
How generous, you thought sarcastically. You smirked at your little quip, still too happy to let the disillusionment set in.
Vanessa proceeded to recite a long list of dos and don’ts (with much more of the latter, you noted) before crossing her arms conclusively.
“Any questions?”
Your head was already spinning trying to commit her words to memory. But you just shook your head.
“Good. Now go get changed, and you can start your first patrol,” she held out a flashlight and a walkie-talkie. She made a face that you interpreted as a smile when you accepted them. She gave a small nod, turning around and ascending the stairs, leaving you alone in the cold concrete storage room.
Okay, night one. Let’s do this.
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Thank you for reading!! Let me know if you guys are interested in this; I can cross-post it on here if you are :]
(divider by saradika)
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tau1tvec · 2 years
Every slider I use, all nicely organized into one, easy to navigate list.
This will come in handy for one of two reasons, one being you might just be in need of some sliders in your own game, two being I might decide to get off my ass and share some sim bases soon, in which you’ll need these. Now, you’ll also need a mod to use all of these together, or at all really since the game’s slider amount limit is pretty unreasonable. I use nraas Master Controller and the Integrated add-on. I also have my Face Sliders and Body Sliders set to x3. How to use this list…
Click the creator link up top, download the zip and sort out the one’s I’ve listed, or in the case of OEM, go through each section and download the ones I’ve listed. Misc. section is pretty simple, just click to be directed to the download link.
OEM Sliders
Breast X scale
Breast Y scale
Butt-waist height
Chest out  [ ADDED 8/14/2020 ]
Chest width  [ ADDED 8/14/2020 ]
Leg height
Body height
Thigh distance
Shoulder level
Shoulder bone width
Shoulder bone thickness
Shoulder bone twist
Shoulder bone depth
Butt mass
Brow rotate
Brow bend
Brow width outer
Brow width inner
Brow mid thick
Brow height inner
Brow height outer
Brow height center
Brow depth inner
Brow depth outer
Brow depth center
Cheekbone Y size
Cheekbone X size
Cheekbone distance
Cheekbone depth
Cheek width
Chin bone height
Ear width
Ear height thickness
Ear stretch
Upper eyelid shape
Lower eyelid shape
Eyelids width
Eyelids length
Face width
Neck width
Jawline depth
Jaw height only
Upper lip split [ 2016 ]
Upper lip tug
Lower lip tug
Upper lip curve
Lower lip curve
Mouth corners width
Upper lip depth
Nostrils scale depth
Nostrils depth
Nose tweak
Nose tip width
Nose tip Y scale
Nostril curve
aWT sliders
Forehead depth
Eyebrow-brow depth
Septum sliders
Jaw-Jawline sliders
Ahmad sliders
Jawline width
Chin width
Neck height
Upper lip height
Lower lip height
Nose tip height
Middle upper lip width
Upper lip corners width
Lower nose height
Eyebrows distance
Jonha sliders
Head size
Head shape
Shoulder width
Waist size
Hip size
Leg width
Cmar sliders
Ears pointed
Ears pointed back
Ears tilted
Simtanico sliders
Greek nose bridge
Inner nostril definition
Nose bridge mid width
HBB cheek [ M ]
Pu+Chi House face shape sliders
Silumeo’s eyeshape 1
Wideset jaw
Nose tip smooth
Top nostril height
Nostril length
Nose tip Z
Nose tip Y
Nostril drop
Lower nostril width
Silumeo’s jaw enhancer conversion
Jowl Width [ added 4/14/23 ]
Eyelid Inner Height [ added 4/14/23 ]
Eyelid Inner Position [ added 4/14/23 ]
Eye Socket Inner Height [ added 4/14/23 ]
Jowl Width [ added 4/14/23 ]
Nostril Shape 1-3 [ added 2/22/2024 ]
Pitheinfinite sliders
Mouth corner
Eyebags 02
Outer eye corner
Loose eyelid
Eyebrow height
Asian eyes
Jasumi lip fatness slider
Jasumi invert nose slider
s-club eyelash sliders
aWT eyeball sliders for all ages by buckleysims
Pu+Chi house face normals slider
Lewing arms and hand sliders
Editsim earlobe slider
HaiHaiHaiBucuo’s cheek slider [ F ]
potato-ballad-sim’s upper neck slider
Silumeo’s ear length slider
Gruesim’s jaw smooth
Gruesim’s cheek smooth
Gruesim’s face shift [ added 9/3/22 ]
Gruesims's face shift eyelash [ added 9/3/22 ]
Cyberryeezus’ Lip Sliders [ added 4/14/23 ]
My Blue Book’s Chin Cleft Slider [ added 2/22/24 ]
270 notes · View notes
relatable-trxsh · 2 years
What We Came Here To Do pt.2
Chapter one: Pilot Pt. 2
Summary: The 100 is officially on the ground and some are making their way to mount weather when the unexpected happens to Y/n Kane.
A/n: Jesus im so sorry this took so long for me to get out I had my wisdom teeth removed and then had writer's block.
pt.1 pt.3
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On earth
Clarke's incessant worrying about everything was driving you nuts. Not to mention Finn was hard-core flirting with her even tho Raven was up on the ark probably worried sick about him. 
“I got to know what you two did to get busted.” You look up from the ground, eyes shifting between the boys. Monty smirks. 
“Sumac is not the only herb in the garden if you know what I mean.”
“Yeah, but Someone forgot to replace what we took.” Monty playfully rolls his eyes. 
“Someone has apologized, like, a thousand times.
“How about you, Octavia? What'd they get you for? Jasper asks curiously.
 Octavia's demeanor changes quickly. “Being born.” Everyone gave her a sympathetic look before Finn breaks the silence.
“You wanna know what I wanna know? Why did they send us down here anyways, why after all this time why now?” Octavia scoffs. 
“God who cares? We were all rotting in cells this morning and now look at us.” 
“Do you think they received like a secret transmission from the satellite on mount weather?” Clarke shakes her head and you bite the inside of your lip. 
“It wasn't a satellite. The Ark is dying. At the current population level, there are roughly three months left of life support, maybe four now that we’re gone.” 
“That’s why they kept you in solitary huh floated your dad?” You felt your eyes water at the mention of Mr.Griffin. Finn's eyes go wide and he looks at you. 
“That’s why they took you out of gen pop too huh? It wasn’t just because you were a threat to the guards, you were a threat to the council.” You do a little bow. 
“I studied under Clarke's father. I was there when he made the discovery about the arch dying.” Clarke looked at you with an unreadable expression, you always suspected she was jealous of you and your relationship with her father. I mean the two of you were close, you had been studying under him since you were 13. 
“You guys were gonna go public,” Clarke stated. “But the guards showed up before they could.”
“Wait so if Y/n was the one studying under your old man, then why did you get locked up?” Finn asked, you noticed he seemed very interested in Clarke and that worried you because of Raven. But you were going to keep your mouth shut for now.
“I found out and was going to help them go public. But Wells snitched and now my fathers dead.” You knew Wells wasn't the cause of Jake's death. It was Abby. She got scared and told Jaha in a moment of weakness, but you weren't going to be the reason Clarke hates her only living parent. So you keep your mouth shut.
“We have to warn them.” Finn says, you see his hand twitch a little like he wants to reach out for Clake. Stupid stupid boy. You think to yourself. 
“That's what my father said.” You try to hold back a gag at the mushy fest happing in front of you.
“Guys look!” Monty points in front of you guys, you follow it and see a lake with crystal blue water. “Oh my god!” It seemed like you and Octavia had the same thought because it wasn't long before you both were undressing leaving only your underwear and undershirt on. She looks at you excitedly. “Go for it, you were the first person on earth in 100 years, now be the first person to enter a body of water on earth.” 
“Hey what do you guys think you're doing?” Clarke asks angrily. 
“Living Clarke, that's what we came down here to do isn't it?” Before she could get another word in Octavia jumps forward and into the water. Everyone runs to the edge of the cliff watching for Octavia.
“I can't swim.” Monty says panicked.
“None of us know how to swim dingus.” You giggle at the boy's banter. Octavia stands and everyone cheers.
“Should we all go in?” Finn asks. 
“Absolutely not. We need to get to Mount Weather.” Clarke says clearly putting her foot down.
“Mount Weather will still be there when we're done Clarke.” She scoffs.
“Octavia get out of the water.” Jasper says panicked. You whip your head around.
“See thank you jasp-” You cut Clarke off.
“No there's something in the water. Octavia get out!” You get on your knees and reach out a hand for her to grab but the thing grabs her first, yanking her under. 
“Fuck!” You shout still trying to reach for her.
“What the hell is that?!” Monty yells.
“I'm going in I have to save her.” Jasper kicks off his shoes.
“Wait maybe if we distract it, it'll let her go.” You stand up looking at Clarke. “ wait that's not a bad idea. There's a big stick over there we can use that to hit the water and then Jasper can get in and grab O” Everyone but Jasper helps you grab the stick and jasper prepares to run into the water. You drop the stick into the lake and like clockwork, the thing drops Octavia, jasper runs in grabbing her.
“Hurry it's coming back!” Monty Yells. 
“Come on hurry Jasper!” You Use the stick and keep smacking the water trying to keep the thing distracted. Finn and Monty run over, helping to pull Jasper and Octavia out of the water. They lay on the rock in each other's arms. 
Once everyone calmed themselves and the sun had dried them off they continued their way to mount weather. 
“Come on Jasp you said you wanted to go first.” Finn spoke softly.
“I-I dont think I can.” Jasper hands the rope to finn and steps back. 
“Ill go.” You step forward. “Ill go first and Jasper you can come right behind me once you see everything is okay.” Jasper nods and Finn hands you the rope.
“Always the badass Y/n.” Finn smirks. You shrug and giggle before kicking off the rock swigging across the water. 
“WOOOHOOO!!!” You stumble a little but stick the landing. You look down and see a metal sign, immediately you pick it up and show the group on the other side of the water. 
“WE MADE IT TO MOUNT WEATHER!” Everyone cheers but before Jasper could grab the rope a spear shoots down and stabs you right in the chest knocking you into the tree.
@severa-kane @jesslanza
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jehilew · 9 months
So, I’d declared my love of the Sahejul ship last night, and announced that I even had a fic in the works. Even, that I was almost finished with it.
Well, I have a teaser to show for it. Likely won’t finish the fic today, I got fun family shit to do this afternoon. It probably won’t get finished this weekend either, I’m about to start my work week. But I’ll just leave this here to get you in a mood. It’s not new material, though I did take liberties with dialogue. It’s just.. just a little snack til I get back and show you how I like to break canon 😘
*Marionetta episode 40 spoiler*
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POV: Imagine walking in on the person you’re falling ass over teakettle for, and seeing this. Even knowing he can’t die…
“Sahed! You were right! Tonny is—!”
She’ll never, as long as she lives dead, forget barging into his room, feelings hurt, heart broken, and so angry, just in time to catch him on his knees, shoving a blade through his chest.
The look of complete surprise etched into his beautiful features, the ‘oh fuck!’ widening of his stunning gray eyes thrown at her horrified expression, knowing exactly how shit looks.
“Uhnnn…damn,” he gasps, his whole face pinched with pain, falling forward to his hands.
She screams. She screams a scream to curdle blood in anyone’s veins within a 20 mile radius.
“Heh, yeah,” he manages weakly through gritted teeth, “Julia… wasn’t expecting—fuck, this hurts—company just now.” He’s dragging in ragged breaths, and she can see the point of the sword poking up through his back, blood welling up thickly at the opening of deep, smooth skin.
“What are you doing?!” She screams at him again, dropping to her knees beside him. Panic threatens to choke in her chest and it twists her guts. I’m going to puke, she thinks dumbly, he’s going to fucking die, and I’m going to fucking puke.
Of course, he won’t die; they’re already dead. But her brain saw what it saw, and his is a fatal wound, end of story, no logic accepted.
“You’ve got a goddamn sword in your chest! Did you.. did you stick a goddamn sword in your chest?!” She continues, feeling completely useless as his head hangs from his shoulders, and he gasps in agony and spits out blood. “Why in the hell would you do that?!”
“Uhhng…” he groans, rolling over onto his back, “so, I can’t…explain now…fuuuuuck, it hurts!”
“What do you want me to do?” She yells, useless hands gesturing wildly over him.
“Pu-pull it out,” he stutters, face scrunched up tight, only the eye in his forehead remaining open.
“O-okay! So, grab the sword?? Like this?!” She knows she’s asking stupid questions, but dammit, she doesn’t want to cause him more pain—
“C’mon,” he snaps, and she can hear the blood squelching in his voice, “this shit hurts like hell!”
“Y-yeah, okay! Hang on!” She grasps the hilt of the sword, the movement causing blood to poor out of the wound. “One…two…”
She yanks it out of his chest before three, throwing her whole body upwards to her feet. He yells, chokes, and then pants with relief as his body starts the immediate healing.
She’ll probably never understand how they can heal when they’re dead. It’s definitely a magic thing. Perhaps he knows?
“Ah… it’s uh… it’s out now,” she grins triumphantly between heavy snatches of breath, shaking from head to toe.
Then she flings the stupid sword away like a hot potato, and feels faint. She slides to the floor in a graceless heap, her head spinning, eyes starting to roll up.
She hears him chuckling softly beside her, and she opens eyes with an irritated flick over the stupid man still on his back. “You’re…you’re all terrifying here. Terrifying,” she adds for good measure as he keeps chortling like an imbecile at the ceiling.
“Nah, you just happen to have spectacularly bad timing,” he manages. Then he tips his head back to aim one of those panty-drenching grins at her. “But you did great.” His eyes flick to her mouth, then back up to catch her gaze. “Thanks for saving me, pretty girl.”
She flushes horrifically at his leveled flirting, her pulse skyrocketing in response. God, he’s hot as hell, she thinks, and he is. He’s utterly, mouthwateringly, devastatingly, beautiful. She’s aware that she is, indeed, a pretty woman, but christ, the man could have anyone, why did he pick on her?
“Don’t call me that,” she snaps at him, rolling onto her belly.
“Why not?” He asks lightly, rolling up onto his side toward her, head propped on his hand. He’s so close! “It’s true. You’re a very pretty girl.”
“Ahh,” she stammers, cheeks burning, “thanks? I guess?”
She refuses to answer his question though. Because her reason is stupid. Him calling her that turns her insides slick and her brain to pillow stuffing…
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theshinazugawaslut · 7 days
i love your prom photos so sad you took them down
was wondering if you could give us your skincare routine and if you could tell us what products have and haven't worked for you?
and your skincare prep for b4 makeup?
a/n: hello! of course i'm willing to do that — I'll link everything as well. it'll be separated into a few different sections: products i use (separated into different sections, and w/ a 'review'), products i tried but didn't like, morning + night routine, make-up skin prep routine. all products from LIKESKIN (check out their website)
SKIN TYPE: dry, acne-prone (I'm prone to pustular acne, cystic acne, and hormonal acne) & MY SKIN CONCERNS: hydration, acne, blemishes, scarring, and hyperpigmentation
Retinol 2-3x a week Vitamin C 2x a week Mask 3x a week Exfoliating toner 2-3x a week
cleansers -
[IUNIK] Calendula Complete Cleansing Oil ;; gets make-up and sunscreen off, gentle and sensitive skin friendly, doesn't break me out.
[BEAUTY OF JOSEON] Green Plum Refreshing Cleanser - doesn't dry me out, gentle, foams up well, and cleanses my skin properly!
toners -
[ANUA] Heartleaf 77% Soothing Toner - hydrating and soothing, helps take down my redness and blemishes
[NEEDLY] Daily Toner Pad - helps with texture and acne
[NUMBUZIN] No.5 Vitamin-Niacinamide - helps with acne scars and any darkness i have, i tend to put these on my cheek area and leave them for awhile
[BEAUTY OF JOSEON ] Green Plum Refreshing Toner: AHA + BHA - this is a light exfoliating toner that overall helps keep my rejuvenated
[DEAR KLAIRS] Supple Preparation Unscented Facial Toner - extremely hydrating, i use this every day and night so matter what, somewhat viscous
[SOMEBYMI] 30 Day Miracle Toner: AHA + BHA + PHA - exfoliating toner, don't use this if you have sensitive skin, but this helped me get rid of my pustules (acne filled with yellow pus)
serums -
[AXIS-Y] Dark Spot Glow Correcting Serum - mixed feelings on this serum since it helps a lot with my dark spots BUT it works on new scarring + if I use it too often, it triggers my acne.
[SKIN1004] Madagascar Centalla Asiatica Ampoule - incredibly soothing and hydrating, helps keep my acne under control
[The Ordinary] 10% Niacinamide Serum - started using this recently and i love it so much, helps the skin shine, removes texture, reduces acne and pore appearance
[The Ordinary] 0.5 Retinol - helps me extremely with acne; i worked up from 0.1% to 0.2% and now at 0.5%
[BEAUTY OF JOSEON] Retinal Eye Serum - i just love this one so much, very plumping
moisturisers -
[BEAUTY OF JOSEON] Dynasty Cream - i love this so, so much; hydrating, lightweight, and doesn't trigger my acne
[IUNIK] Centella Calming Gel - like the axis-y glow correcting serum, over-using this causes me some acne so i tend to use this once or twice a week, and it works wonders!
[COSRX] Centella Blemish Cream - HOLY GRAIL PRODUCT! this is genuinely one of the things that helped me clear my acne to extraordinary levels, especially when i had a huge breakout EVERYWHERE! i also use this as a spot treatment, repurchased this like seven times now
[DEAR, KLAIRS] Freshly Juiced Vitamin E Mask - using this with vitamin c works wonders and it overall enhances any dark spot removing products! very lightweight, jelly-like texture!
[I'm From] Vitamin Tree Water Gel - i adore this one so much; such a cooling, soothing moisturiser, and it targets almost every skincare concern ever, totally underrated!
sunscreen -
[AXIS-Y] Complete No-Stress Physical Sunscreen - only sunscreen that didn't make me break out and doesn't have white cast!
masks -
[I'm From] Mugwort Mask - i love this because everytime i have a breakout, it just helps me so much with redness.
[I'm From] Honey Mask - a miracle mask for an acne-prone person! one of my all-time favourite products! gives the skin a gorgeous shine as well! when i run out of this, i also just use manukka honey and oats!
/ so most of the products i use are anti-inflammatory, soothing, and target blemishes/texture/scarring; most people tend to forget that you should try and avoid anti-inflammatory products if you're not acne-prone because it may just end up triggering a breakout! all our skin is different! so here's PRODUCTS THAT DIDN'T WORK FOR ME:
(disclaimer: some of these products were good but i wouldn't repurchase!)
[BEAUTY OF JOSEON] Relief Sunscreen: Rice + Probiotics - sunscreen - triggered my pustular acne but was incredibly lightweight, super sad it didn't work out for me :(
[HARUHARU WONDER] Black Rice Hyaluronic Toner For Sensitive Skin - toner - i just didn't like this, it didn't do anything for me and caused my skin to itch.
[AXIS-Y] Mugwort Pore Clarifying Wash Off Pack - mask - i used all of this up and came to the conclusion it just didn't do much for me and was also incredibly difficult to wash off.
[BEAUTY OF JOSEON] Glow Serum: Propolis + Niacinamide - serum - now, i genuinely loved this but it only gave me a glow and was very small, ran out too quickly! much better products that do the same job with more product and more cheap!
[BEAUTY OF JOSEON] Glow Deep Serum: Rice + Arbutin - serum - this triggered my pustular acne so bad that i threw it away almost immediately, nuh-uh!
[MIXSOON] Bean Essence - serum - this isn't bad per se, but i feel like it's a very overhyped product and doesn't do much other than boost hydration, i use it but i wouldn't buy it again
[NUMBUZIN] NO.3 Skin Softening Serum - serum - i have such mixed opinions on this one because it really does help with texture but not if you keep using it? so i'm not sure if i'd repurchase.
[NUMBUZIN] NO.5 Goodbye Blemish Serum - serum - feels heavy, doesn't do shit other than trigger my acne and make my skin itch
[SOMEBYMI] 0.1% Retinol - serum - definitely a great beginner-friendly retinol but far too light for me and my acne-infested skin :(
cleanser (green plum refreshing cleanser from Beauty of Joseon
toner (i'll switch between the ANUA Heartleaf one and the Dr, Klairs Supple one)
serum (i'll tend to use a soothing serum such as the SKIN1004 centella asiatica one or a vitamin C serum)
moisturiser (dynasty cream or vitamin-tree water gel)
double cleanse (IUNIK cleansing oil + BoJ green plum refreshing cleanser)
mask (either honey or mugwort mask, leave for twenty minutes)
toner pad (leave on for five minutes minimum)
toner (usually an exfoliating toner at night-time or a hydrating toner)
serum (tend to opt for niacinamide + retinol at night)
moisturiser (usually the vitamin e mask OR dynasty cream)
spot treatment (COSRX Blemish Cream)
(this is what i did on the day of prom as well!)
toner pad (leave these on for ten minutes and rub around face, this helps hydrate the skin; i use the numbuzin ones)
niacinamide (helps tighten pore appearance and just helps in every single way)
soothing serum (centella asiatica to overall help the skin!)
/ i hope this helps!
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isabellavolere · 1 year
Transformers Prime—Part 4: Humans, Meet Autobots
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<-Previous Part
Next Part->
The tunnel empties into a massive room and as your brain catches up with your eyes you impatiently jab your finger on the button that rolls down the window. You stick your head out and stare in an awed silence.
The base looks like it had once been a missile silo; the walls look like they are made out of reinforced concrete. Far above, you can see long metal trusses housing bright lights. A raised platform stands in the center of the room with a wide staircase that leads to a faded yellow couch and small tv. Another staircase off to the right of the tv leads to a tall elevator that goes to the top of the base and has many walkways leading to different parts of the base at each level. To the left of the raised platform is a strange large glass circle with some sort of metal contraption in the center. In front of the glass is a sort of medical center with several small monitor screens overlooking a large bed. Far off to the right of the base, three large green computer screens that are big enough for the robots to use has been set up with a few human sized computers to the right of those. A white and orange robot stands in front of the large computers, fingers poised over a keyboard. He turns around when you come through the tunnel and your eyes meet. The bot gives you a strange look, then quickly returns to his work. You look to your left and see a strange tunnel with a glass floor that only goes 10 feet into the wall, and you wonder what the purpose of that tunnel could be. A big forest green colored autobot stands in front of you as Cliffjumper slows to a stop. He opens the door and you quickly snap off the seatbelt, exiting the car and looking around you. You slowly turn in a circle, wanting to take in every single detail around you. Everything is so big, and you suddenly felt like you had shrunk to the size of an atom. 
Raf and the Camaro pull up behind you with Jack and the new girl not far behind. The white and orange robot turns around again and notices the other kids. 
“I thought you said there were three of them?”
“Haven’t you heard?” Arcee says with a hand on her hip, “Humans multiply.”
“I’m Raf,” the little boy says, holding his hand out. 
“I’m Miko! Who are you?” Says the Asian girl as she stares up at the big green autobot.
“Bulkhead,” he replies gruffly.
“Are you a car? I bet you're a truck! A monster truck! Do you like heavy metal? How much do you weigh? Ever use a wrecking ball for a punching bag?” Miko peppers the bot with questions, and he looks flustered. You didn’t blame him either. 
“If you’re all robots, then who made you?” Raf asks.
“Pu-lease!” The white and orange robot scoffs. 
“So, um, what are all your names?” you ask.
Cliffjumper points to each bot in turn and says their names.
“The yellow and black one’s Bumblebee, the green one’s Bulkhead, the grumpy orange and white one’s Ratchet,” Cliffjumper promptly receives a glare from the robot, “you know Arcee, and-“
Just then the ground begins to shake, and you look behind you as the enormous form of a red, blue, and gray robot towers over you and the other kids. 
“Well I’m sure you remember the head honcho, Optimus Prime,” finishes Cliffjumper.
Wow. If I didn’t feel small earlier, I certainly do now.
The robot kneels down on one leg so he becomes eye level with you and the others. 
His bright blue eyes look at each kid but you notice his piercing gaze remains on you for longer than the other kids, and you feel as if you are being x-rayed.
“We are autonomous robotic organisms that come from the planet Cybertron. Also known as Autobots.”
“So why are you here on Earth?” you ask.
“To protect your planet from the Decepticons.”
“They were the ones who attacked me when we first met, right?” You ask, furrowing your eyebrows.
“That is correct y/n.” Replies the Autobot. 
“So why are they here?” Jack asks.
“A fair question, Jack. They are here in part because our planet is uninhabitable. Ravaged by centuries of civil war.
“Why were you fighting a war?” Raf asks.
“For most, over control of our world’s supply of energon. The fuel and life-blood of all Autobots and Decepticons alike.”
Something in Optimus’ eye shifts, and it seems like he’s reviewing an old memory.
“The combat was fierce and endured for centuries. In the beginning I fought alongside one who I considered a brother. But in war, ideals can be corrupted. And it was thus that Megatron lost his way.”
Miko stifles a yawn and asks “Is there going to be a quiz?”
You give her an incredulous look.
How can she be bored? There is so much more about this war that I want to learn about.
“So what does Megatron or any of this have to do with us?” Jack asks.
“Megatron has not been seen or heard from in some time. But if his return is imminent as I fear, the results could be catastrophic.”
Optimus lets his words sink in for a moment before continuing.
“And since you now know of our existence, I fear that as of last night the Decepticons now know of yours.” Optimus finishes. 
“I think that’s a given, considering the fact that they attacked me again last night.” you say, clenching your fists. “If Arcee hadn’t been there to save me…” you let the sentence hang in the air. 
“Got it, if we spot any strange vehicles, call 911. Can we go now?” Jack asks.
“Are you kidding me?” Miko asks incredulously. “I am living a dream here in bots-wana, and I will not allow you or anyone else to shatter it!” 
“It is best that you four remain under our watch,” explains Optimus. “At least until we can determine our enemies' intentions.”
The bot turns to Ratchet, who takes Optimus aside to talk.
“With all due respect, the human children are in as much danger here, than anywhere.”
“Children?” You ask with an eyebrow raised.
“They have no protective shell! If they get underfoot they will go squish.”
To make his point, Ratchet takes an ominous step closer to you and the others, making them take a wary step back.
“Then for the time being, Ratchet, we must watch where we step,” says Optimus. 
Suddenly an alarm system goes off, and the green tinted computer screens flash. You jump a little, caught off guard by the sudden alarms blaring through the base.  
“What’s that?” Asks Jack, and Bumblebee makes a series of beeping noises. 
“Proximity sensor. Someone’s on top,” Raf translates.
“How did you-?” You start but Ratchet cuts you off.
“It’s Agent Fowler.” says Ratchet, pulling up a monitor that shows a man in a dark gray suit climbing out of a military helicopter.
“I thought we were the only humans who knew about you guys?” you ask.
“Special Agent Fowler is our designated liaison to the outside world, as he tends to visit only when there are issues.” Optimus Prime explains. “It may be best if you do not meet him at this time.”
You follow the others to the edge of the raised platform where you can’t be seen and wait for Agent Fowler to enter the base. You glance over to Cliffjumper and he meets your gaze, rolling his eyes and sighing slightly. You grin, but a small ding brings your attention back to the elevator. The doors open and you can hear heavy footsteps as the agent walks up to the railing of the level next to the one where you hide. 
“Seven wrecks, thirty-four fender-benders, a three hour traffic jam, and on particular note, numerous reports of a few teens taking a joy ride on a speeding motorcycle of unknown make, and a black and yellow custom muscle car.” 
You smirk and look over at Jack, who meets your gaze looking less than thrilled with the attention.
“So, anything you care to get off your tin chest Prime?” Asks Agent Fowler.
Curiosity getting the better of you, you peek around the corner to see if you can catch a glimpse of Agent Fowler. You see a slightly overweight man in a crisp suit and tie. He has a strong jaw and short, black curly hair. Just then you feel a hand on your shoulder pulling you away from the edge of the corner. You turn around and see that it was Jack. He shakes his head quickly and you understand. Don’t! You’ll get caught. You ignore him and poke your head out again, making sure not to stick out too far.
Optimus speaks, and you can see that he is right in front of the agent. 
“We have the situation under control, Agent Fowler.”
“They’re back, aren’t they?” Asks Agent Fowler.
“If you are referring to the Decepticons, I have doubts that they ever left. Your planet is much too valuable.”
“Then it’s time to wake up the Pentagon.”
At that sentence your eyes widen, and your mind swirls with questions.
Did he say the Pentagon? Like, the Pentagon? Oh man what have I gotten into? You know for such a small man, compared to the Autobots of course, Agent Fowler talks a big talk. I can see why Cliffjumper doesn’t like him. 
“Hey fleshie,” Bulkhead calls out. “Did anyone get splattered on that freeway? Team Prime knows when to use force,” he says as he picks up a robotic-looking arm from the medical center. “And how much to use.”
The big bot squeezes the arm and the top pops off with a spark of electricity. 
“Bulkhead, I needed that!” Ratchet whines.
“Enough,” Optimus calls out. “Military involvement will only result in catastrophe. Perhaps you can condone widespread human casualties, Agent Fowler. I however, cannot.”
“Then do us both a favor and handle this, Prime. Under the radar.” Agent Fowler walks back to the elevator, pressing a button on it so the doors begin to slide shut. “Or I will.” 
Well that sounded kinda ominous.
“Pretty big bearings, for a human,” says Bulkhead after Agent Fowlers’ helicopter left the base.
“Agent Fowler is concerned for his world Bulkhead, as he should be,” replies Optimus.
Just then the computers make a beeping noise, this time different then the one for the proximity sensor. 
“There’s a fresh energon signal,” says Ratchet, pulling the coordinates up on one of the screens.  
“Ratchet, prepare the groundbridge,” says Optimus.
“Hey!” Exclaims Miko, and Optimus turns to face her. “What can we do?”
“Remain with Ratchet,” says Optimus. 
“Aww!” Miko whines.
“Aww.” says Ratchet, less than thrilled with getting babysitting duty.
He pulls a lever, and that weird half tunnel thing you saw earlier lights up, flashing green and purple light. You look back to Optimus and see a silver war mask cover his face.
“Autobots, roll out!” His deep voice booms. 
You look over to Cliffjumper, and your eyes meet. He lifts a mischievous eyebrow and winks at you before he transforms, speeding through the strange whirling vortex. 
You watch open-mouthed as he and the rest of the Autobots all transform and drive through the portal, then gasp in amazement when the lights from the groundbridge dim and the bots aren't there.
“What just happened?” Asks Jack, eyes wide.
“I transported them to the designated coordinates via the ground bridge,” Ratchet answers.
“What’s a groundbridge?” Asks Raf, and Ratchet makes an irritated noise.
“A scaled down version of a space bridge technology. Since we don’t currently possess the means or the energy required for intergalactic travel.” Ratchet explains as if to a group of three year olds. 
“You're stuck here on Earth?” Jack guesses.
“With the likes of you, yes. But I constructed the ground bridge to enable travel from here, to anywhere on your planet.” says Ratchet. 
“Woah. Does it work for humans?” Asks Raf.
“Naturally,” replies Ratchet, and you thought you could hear a note of pride in his voice. 
“You mean I can just shoot on over and visit my parents in Tokyo?” Questions Miko.
“Within moments.” says Ratchet, his face inches from Mikos’ 
“In fact, allow me to send you there immediately, all four of you!” 
Miko puts her hands on her hips and says “Watch it Ratchet!” 
Well this is just great. Cliffjumper and the other Autobots are going on a cool mission while I’m stuck with this cranky bot who clearly doesn’t like being made babysitter. Oh and on top of that we’ve only been around him for 20 minutes and he’s already trying to ship us off to Tokyo! I sure hope Cliffjumper’s having a better time than I am.
With all the Autobots gone there wasn’t much to do, so most of the kids wandered off to the tv to see if they could get a signal. Ratchet is working by the large computer monitors, so you climb the yellow ladder to stand next to him on the platform. As you look at the computer, strange figures zoom across the screen. You assume that these are letters in the Autobots’ alphabet. The curves and angles fascinated you, and you can’t help but stare at the figures as they fly across the screen. This seems to bother Ratchet because every few minutes he would look over his shoulder. After a while Ratchet stopped typing and turned around. 
“Wouldn’t you be more comfortable around the other children? I believe they are watching cartoons on the tv.” He says.
“Actually, I want to watch you work, if you don’t mind.” you say, leaning over the railing to get a better look at the screens and keyboard.
“But you couldn’t even begin to understand our language. Surely you are bored of watching meaningless characters fly past the screen?” Asks Ratchet incredulously. 
You shake your head and say “I might not understand it, but it still interests me. I mean, there’s so much I want to learn about you guys.”
Ratchet turns around and is silent for a long time. You think you have upset him until he turns around and looks at you, clearly wanting to say something. But then Ratchet turns to look at Miko, who is messing with a broken piece of technology.
“What is this anyway?” She asks.
“Broken, don’t touch,” says Ratchet, turning back to face the computer screen. 
Miko extends her finger to poke at the device again when Ratchet calls out “don’t touch that either!” From over his shoulder.
“Is there anything here we can touch?” Jack sarcastically asks.
Just then an error message pops up on the large computer monitors and Ratchet groans. 
“How come you're using human computers?” Asks Raf, who had climbed the ladder to stand next to you on the platform you were standing on.
“Well it certainly isn’t by choice!” Exclaims Ratchet. “It was handed down by our previous tenants when we inherited this former missile silo.”
Aha! So it was a missile silo.
“I make modifications as I see fit,” says Ratchet.
And because one error message wasn’t enough, about six more messages pop up on the monitor, promptly receiving another groan from Ratchet.
After looking from the large computers to the smaller computer screens Raf says “I think I can fix that!” 
“Reeally!?” Says Ratchet sarcastically. “You know this is complex technology, don’t you? I mean it isn’t a child’s toy.” 
After a bit of typing from Rafs’ computer, he looks up to Ratchet and says “Now try.”
Ratchet turns back to the computers and to his astonishments the error messages clear from the screen.
Raf just shrugs and unplugs his laptop from the computers.
All of a sudden Optimus’ voice comes through the computer system.
“Ratchet! Bridge us back! Use the arrival coordinates now!”
The orange and white bot locks onto the coordinates then pulls down a white lever that activates the groundbridge. The tunnel lights up and the Autobots screech to a halt in front of Ratchet. Then Optimus comes through the groundbridge, flying through the air. He twists and slides across the floor, using his hands to slow himself down.
An explosion of bright blue flame follows, and Ratchet closes the groundbridge just in time.
“Cutting it a bit close.” The bot says, looking over the other Autobots to make sure they aren’t hurt.
“Su-weet!” Exclaims Miko. “What was that explosion? Was there a fight? Can I come next time?”
“He-hey Miko, let's go see what the bots are hiding in their sock drawers,” says Jack, leading Miko towards a hallway.
“Seriously?” Asks Miko in an unamused tone.  
You see that Raf follows and you think about going with them because you’re curious yourself about the rest of the base, but decide to stay with the bots, instead walking over to Cliffjumper. You can’t help but wonder what happened either. As you walk closer you notice that Cliffjumper looks sort of unsteady on his feet.
“So, you gonna talk about that big explosion that nearly killed you, or?” You ask him.
 Cliffjumper laughs and says “That wasn’t even the best part.” 
You also notice that his laugh doesn’t meet his eyes, and you see a strange expression cross his face.
“Cliffjumper and Arcee, what did you see?” Asks Optimus, turning to face them.
“I saw the cons I had shot down at the crater. The ones that tried to kill y/n,” says Cliffjumper.
“Even the one I threw a rock at? No way, they had to have been different!” you reason. 
Cliffjumper just shook his head, brows furrowed.
“I had doubts myself. Until I saw a rock sticking out of one of the cons’ chests.”
“It was wedged in his spark chamber. Or where it’s supposed to be. I saw it too.” says Arcee in a haunted voice. “But those cons were different.” She continues. “They were mutilated; butchered.” 
“Like something from those Con’ experiments during the war,” adds Cliffjumper.
Arcee clutches her head and sinks down onto an empty crate. Your eyes widen and you rush over to check on her.
“I’m fine! Just dizzy,” she says, but no one believes her. 
“Robots who get dizzy?” Miko questions.
“Robots with emotions,” Raf adds.
“Robots…who can die,” Jack says.
Ratchet rushes over and scans her body with a device on his arm, a blue light moving up and down until a red light shines on Arcee’s hand.
“Robots who can die…” you repeat quietly to yourself.
“What is this?” Ratchet asks.
You look closer at the back of her hand and see a glob of purple-looking goo that smoked ever so slightly. 
“Don’t know. The cons were covered in it,” explains Arcee.
“Leaking it,” adds Cliffjumper.
“Go take a decontamination bath,” Ratchet says to Arcee as he scrapes the goo off with a medical scalpel. “You too.” He says to Cliffjumper after scanning him. 
Robots who got dizzy? Who have emotions? I mean sure they can take a hit, I’ve seen it myself, but being able to be affected like that by something so small as that purple goo? I hadn’t thought about it before, but they could probably die, just like humans. 
“Um, O-Optimus? I-I hate to bug, but-no bars.” says Jack, holding up his phone. 
“A security precaution.” Optimus states.
“The reinforced concrete isolates the EMF radiation, so you would pick up little to no signal here,” you explain.
“That is correct, y/n,” Optimus nods.
“Riight,” says Jack, giving you a strange look. “Well, if I don’t call my mom like, now, I’m pretty sure the cops will be out looking for me.” He says, rubbing the back of his neck. You noticed he did that whenever he felt uncomfortable.
“Have you broken a law?” Asks Optimus, leaning closer to Jack.. 
You catch Mikos’ eye and burst into fits of silent laughter.
“Curfew,” replies Jack, catching the reaction between you and Miko and frowning. “It’s after 10pm.”
“I better get home too, or I’ll be grounded for a year,” Raf pipes in.
You just shrug your shoulders and say “I guess my mom might worry too.” 
Optimus furrows his eyebrows. “Earth customs. I hadn’t considered. But the issue of your safety remains.” 
Turning to Bulkhead, Optimus says “Bulkhead, accompany Miko home.”
“Awesome!” Exclaims Miko. “My host parents will freak!”
“And maintain covert surveillance in vehicle form.”
“Curbside duty. Got it.” Replies Bulkhead.
“Bumblebee, you’ll watch over Raf.”
The two smile at each other.
“Arcee, you’ll accompany Jack,” continues Optimus, noticing Arcee stepping out of the glass cylinder that you noticed earlier.
“Mmh, still dizzy,” says Arcee, putting a hand up to her head.
“You're fine, says your physician.” says Ratchet.
“Busy!” Interrupts the bot.
“Cliffjumper, you will take y/n home.”
“You got it boss,” says Cliffjumper as he looks at you and smiles. 
You return the smile and walk over to where he is standing. 
“You ready to go?” He asks, raising an eyebrow before transforming and opening the passenger door. You hop in the seat and are about to close the door when he says “I got it!” Cliffjumper shuts the door and then buckles your seatbelt and you feel the material pull snugly around you. He pulls out of the base and drives down the tunnel that leads outside. As Cliffjumper reaches the road, he slows down to a stop. 
“Is something wrong?” you ask. 
You feel the seat belt tighten slightly, and then feel your body sink into the seat as Cliffjumper slams on the gas. You whoop in delight and feel your heart race. You hear Cliffjumper laugh, and feel your lips curve into a wide smile.
“I thought you might enjoy a bit of speed, now that we’re not being attacked by those lousy cons.” He says, and you can practically hear the grin in his voice.
You and Cliffjumper coast down the road, talking and laughing as you drive through the hot Nevada desert. 
“What are the odds that I would run into you while dirt biking, and accidentally discover an entire race of metal robots? I mean, I’ve gone dirt biking hundreds of times and have never encountered anything like this!” you muse. 
“What are the odds that the first human kid I accidentally run into happens to be some Con’ slaying warrior who saves my life?” Cliffjumper jokes.
“I’m far from a warrior, and if anyone saved anyone's life it was you who saved me. Besides, I’m sure anyone else would have done the same thing.” you say, trying to downplay what you did. 
“Anyone else would have run away…so why didn’t you? He asks. 
You are quiet for a moment, thinking about the question.
I could have run away. I probably should have. But, why didn’t I? 
“I, I dunno. I guess I couldn’t just leave when I knew I could have done something to help you. I mean sure, those cons were five times the size of me, but if I hadn’t thrown that rock, you could have gotten hurt. Maybe even killed.”
Cliffjumper was quiet for a moment, thinking about your answer.
“It takes a lot of guts to stand up to someone like the cons,” Cliffjumper says, his tone serious. “But, if you hadn’t met me, then I would probably be stuck in that base with the likes of Ratchet.”
You smile to yourself as you imagine Cliffjumper annoying the heck out of Ratchet as he’s trying to work. You pass the sign marking the beginning of Jaspers’ city limits, and you point in the direction of your house. As you ride you can’t help the questions circling in your head.
What if this is it? What if the Autobots see that I won’t need protection anymore? What if, after all I’ve been through, Cliffjumper drops me off and it’s just like, ‘see you later kid, now you have to pretend that you never knew that any of us had ever existed!’ I don’t want to forget the Autobots, especially not Cliffjumper.
As your house comes into view you try to shove these thoughts to the back of your head. You solemnly unclick your seatbelt and step out of the car.
“So, is this where you drop me off and tell me to forget that I ever saw you?” you ask tentatively.
“What? No! What gave you that idea?” He asks, laughing. 
“We-well, I don’t know! I-I just thought-well-“ you shift from foot to foot uncomfortably.
“You can’t get rid of me that easily kid! You're stuck with me for the long haul.”
Relieved, you place your hand on Cliffjumpers’ hood, next to the single metal horn that is mounted to the front of the car. 
Was it only a week ago when I saw those Decepticons knock the other horn off of his head? It feels like so long ago.
“I’ll be right here if you need me, then in the morning I’m taking you back to base.”
“Well, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then.” you say, relief washing over you.
“If you need anything give me a holler,” says Cliffjumper warmly.
“Good night Cliff,” you say as you lift your hand from the hood. 
“Goodnight y/n. Sleep well.” says Cliffjumper, his voice warm and smooth. 
You smile again and walk into the house, heading for your room. You look out your window and see the dark outline of Cliffjumper waiting by the curb. As you lay down in your bed, you can’t help but feel safe with an Autobot watching over you.
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scripturekiddie · 4 months
World of Nerds, WinkleVi, & the Reality Challenged
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By ScriptureKiddie
Disclaimer: If you offend easily (stop being a pu**y) TURN BACK
Do you ever wonder why you feel so disconnected and lonely while living in a world with eight billion plus “intelligent” beings? The fact that most humans buy into intellectual superiority over any other of God’s creations may succinctly recapitulate the sum of glaring historical failures in every facet of our existence on this planet. Humans decadently guzzle their homemade, flavorless Kool-Aid until they convince themselves it is top shelf quality hydration. If you are offended by that truth, then stop reading now because this pill is jagged as fuck.
The world is loud, unnecessarily busy, riddled with red tape, wrapped in policy, with a policy to that policy on top of its policy, smothered in misinterpretation of misrepresentation and outright lies. Any of the few who fluently speak and comprehend reality (truth) feel the disconnect, the rest revel in the bro-ness of connectivity. The geeks and weirdos behind the wondrous blockchain and the idiocy that has ensued take this shit to a whole other level of fuckery, though. This is not a history paper so I will not delve into the faceless moron who started all this stupidity (I wouldn’t want anyone to know how big a failure I was either with this garbage). Well intended or not, the proof is in the Fonzarelli of Ponzi schemes known as crypto and Web 3.0 that click baiters from all walks of the lower rung of media can’t help but splatter all over the land of fake believe.
Meet The Fockers
I will not go deep, because TLDR is a waste of (y)our more precious than thou time, but let’s have a high-level gander at the cast of characters. It is pretty telling that some of the biggest names in nerdom have been handed or are awaiting lengthy (you think your juice box got jacked in high school) prison sentences. Names that I do not care enough about to research for recognition because who really cares? While they focus on the art of steady and firm grips on soap bars, we will cover the ones who will most likely practice the butthole pucker at a later date.
Let’s begin with the oddball, malnourished, (I am on the spectrum, so I get to dismantle others on it) Russian sheet stain, the godfather of gouging, ahem, gas fees, Vitamin Butterfinger. The aforementioned, faceless, Satoshi (I am probably not Asian but want a name that makes me appear wiser in the ways of merging tech and finance) Shamalamadingdong, who was gone like a fart in the wind upon learning what scalability meant. The familiar faces from the boomer gen of geriatrics that refuse to retire, gam gam and gampy who publicly criticize technology while privately having their grandchildren lace em up with streams of income directly from such, leveraging assets acquired by not having to pay 15 dollars a grocery item. And last but not least, Gen(der) Z, the 9th place ribbon wielding, everyone a winner, 10 billion gender bending, soft and oft offended by: lifting fingers, shit that’s none ya business, work, and business in general, plus anything that begins with re and ends with sponsibility. Honorable mention goes to the WinkleVi brethren simply because it is almost as humorous as it is sad to watch these lovable losers scratch and claw for relevancy in a world that wants nothing to do with them. Just because Hollywood portrayed you as such, you aren’t Armie Hammer, Bruhs. Not even if there was a special ed version. Not even if there was a fire. (Random but necessary Step Brothers)
Harsh assessments, maybe, but do your homework on any of them and you will understand that equalizers exist in this world to remind the wicked of who they truly are. Though I am not proclaiming I was sent, I will absolutely be dealt with by The Creator for the judgment of others, I am necessary. My sins versus any other person, are equal in weight to God but since humans have a different measurement system, at least I am not stealing from people by way of lies and manipulation. The sheer volume of Russian players and investors should be all the warning needed to steer clear of this insanity. That Russian in the shadows of the underbelly sure looks like a square businessman to me said no one ever.
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By ScriptureKiddie
The Labyrinth
Smoke and mirrors, a boomer simplicity passed on as genius to a generation of identifiers of magical meows, void of gold royalty, and entrepreneurial owners of nothing. A “decentralized” web of dubiety, dumb contracts, and tens of thousands of fly by night, backed by jack “currencies” that have zero value to anyone trading tangible items. The exception being drugs, which, hey, you had something. Untraceable currency, until it was traceable. Hence, fail, fail, fail, and N FAIL T. Since we are now obligated to not hurt the feelings of those who fail, you get a pink ribbon of FAIL. Oh, but you are all wealthy, self-made (that word alone will spark my next blog as I school you on why you own nothing, have no talent, nor control a thing aside from the grace given of Whom you probably deny), and probably even conned some real humans into giving you nice things based on the ledger of lies you call a “Blockchain” huh? See how bought in they are when your system implodes, and they come looking for real things to collect to cover the debt for your Maybach bro. The point is, no matter how much complexity you wrap bullshit in, it is still bullshit. Nothing more, nothing less. The value of which is equivalent to the depths of your morals and ethics.
Why It Isn’t Expanding
So, you have this exciting new galaxy of anonymity and opportunity. Fundamentally based on a “level” playing field free from the oppression of Illuminatic (I identify that as a word now before you open your mouth Sir Poops with Kitty Kitties) dark forces and oversight by the blind, yet you are not growing at a pace commensurate with the lies of allure you are pumping into the ether. You woke though bro, so how is it not knocking you upside your mis-shaped/guided noggin?? Perhaps you had a realistic shot if you hadn’t outsmarted your own stupidity by creating a matrix of protocols too intricate for you to even explain in layman’s about how to send your “currency” from one shady entity to the next. This custodial wallet does this and supports this network of noncustodial sham dams which can bridge to that flatulent DEX to the one you can’t use in America but is being heavily promoted to Americans, so yea we are working on that, but you need to call Biden. Advise the poster child of confusion to fix it so we can share digital nothingness across invisible international lines of ignorance? You have the face and brain capacity only a mother could love. I won’t even mention, except I will, that Vitamin McForehead’s gas fees more oft than not exceed the transactional value being placed. Brilliance on levels of epic never before seen in the history of mental you know the R word. *** So as not to be canceled by the generation that ignores the fact that God is THE ONLY ONE who can cancel anything ***
Allow me a moment to google how to speak in idiot so I can break it down for all the “illuminated” minds who will more than likely be stuck at the first analogy wrapped fuck you I have placed throughout this un and necessarily pointed reality check. Suzie homemaker and simplistic business Bob aren’t down with it bruh. The seniority of Millennials are getting older and beginning to realize the massive mistakes made coddling you into the problem you have become. They do not have 35 hours a day to learn how to buy the drugs needed to cope with you on the dark web with the latest meme scam coin. Drug dealers do and will continue to exist in the flesh. Younger Millennials still buying in will begin having children that require resources bought in places that do not support Shima Uba Fluffy tokens. Biden gets confused tying his shoe and the boomers ultimately will fade into the afterlife for which they have prepared by faith and works (or lack thereof) during their lives (Trump is stuck on 2nd grade arithmetic so I wouldn’t get my hopes up). Gen X would rather send you to oblivion by way of banishing you to a nature preserve and placing bets on how many days (hours) will pass before corpses start surfacing. Do I need to elaborate any further?
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By ScriptureKiddie
Novel Idea with Shady Intentions
The idea behind blockchain technology is sufficiently relevant and necessary. The problem is, you aren’t operating any differently than the evil scum that you claim to be building impenetrable walls against. The transparency is of paramount importance, that of which is the only protocol decently in place. Anyone with basic reading and comprehension skills can ascertain that financial, corporate, and government entities are nothing more than transparently in bed swapping syphilis, gonorrhea, and herpes amongst one another. Inserting complexity into elementary processes in an effort to line beneficiary pockets has been employed by bureaucrats since humans magically morphed into intelligent beings from tsetse fly excrement 200 billion trillion fillion years ago per the rocks and shit. Right after the bang that came from absolutely nothing. You are doing the same thing.
The cryptocurrency infrastructure is no different and it is a system destined for inevitable failure as referenced by every other innovation bred by human greed. You aren’t going mainstream with the status quo. Granted there are ways to profit with Bitcoin (at this point you need some money to play with), the Ether business model is a not so cleverly concocted Ponzi scheme staying glued together by a generation of creatively challenged copy/paste bloggers and untalented bags of douche known as influencers. It is not set up for the average Joe to do anything other than dump real money in and “HODL”, stake (scam), and mint (scam) NFT’s so the whales can gobble up the proceeds.
I intentionally did not dive into Web 3.0 because every other point renders it useless as is constructed. A collection of Atari inspired landing pages offering more confusion into the madness will last as long as the blockchain it is built on. The concept has merit, but you mofo’s are way off right now. If you would just surrender your life to God, you wouldn’t have to trick people into thinking you are relevant and swindle them for money they actually earn, remove all value from it, then turn into a bag of magic beans. You have only managed to take something worthless and make it worth less. I will give you a first-place ribbon for that shit.v
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marlasomething · 1 year
(my) Mag a Week: Ashes To Ashes, Dust to Revenge
Hello there!
I am participating in the "a mag a day" idea by @a-mag-a-day  which is BRILLIANT and I decided to do "statement a week", rolling dice with the characters and fears that were ftw that week in the episodes I have listened.
For today I rolled Archivist!Gertrude Robinson and The Desolation (Eps. 133-139).
As usual, please do forgive my quick tipper and non-native speaker mistakes, Marla
CW: major character dead, romantification of pain and self-harm, jealousy, toxic relationship, swearing, child-abduction
Also on AO3!
Statement of Jude Perry, regarding the pleasure obtained from destroying not only those who hurt you, but also one-self.
Audio recording by Gertrude Robinson, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute.
Statement begins.
 I know you are reading this, Gertrude. I know you are breaking your rule of only using your abilities when completely necessary just to assure I have such a good handwriting.
Don’t bother: it’s Diego’s. He transcribed it for me in exchange of not killing off his new best friend, that supernatural you-tuber who went crazy on a live stream? Yes, that’s the one. I admire her looks and how loyal she is to herself, but that is about everything I can tolerate from her, even our methods of serving The Divine Flame are quite…different from each other: she’s weak and sentimental, I am not.
If I were, I wouldn’t have done what I am about to tell you.
 This is your entire fault, you know? If you haven’t chosen for once in your despiteful existence to actually take pity on one of your victims, Agnes would still be here, by my side (not in a hundred years you could have won her fair and square) and not…and not completely erased from the planet, turned into pure ashes (bones included) while I made sure Barnabas drowned in pure acid that she still could watch through the flames.
Do you know how much fire, how much heat, is necessary to destroy to such a root level someone born and raised to embody the element on itself? By the end of it, I had to crawl outside the building, for my legs had melted completely.
But this is all flavour for the ending of my tale, a tale of which you only know the preamble.
 As you know, being destructive has always been my thing; you even called it out when I first threatened you if you dared to even though about killing my beloved Agnes… Now, I wish you would have done so.
However, there was one thing in my life I was certain I just simply couldn’t tarnish as everything else on Planet Earth: Agnes Montague.
You cannot begin to imagine how she was when I first met her [y tú tampococomo era ella antes de años de ser tratada como un mono de feria, psicópata de los cojones], so filled with glorious purpose, so willing to enjoy even the most mundane of destructions…she used to love going to the beach and observe for hours how people waste time and effort on building gorgeous castles and then, when they hadn’t calculate well enough the tides, those where destroyed either before they could be completely finished or they could take a picture to remember them by.
From that to lighten up the thoracic cavity of a beautiful person; all was wonderful for her and exhilarating for me.
Then, something happened. Something that needed to happened,but was still as bad as if it had been a crushing accident with no victims nor any unrepairable damage: Arthur came to remind us that the time for our Ritual was coming close and Agnes had to focus on her tasks, to stop being so random in the trail she left by serving The Lightless Flame. So, just like that, what used to be a willing activity became an obligation; soulless, all marketed for one objective and one only.
She even had to do what was basically pledge and pageantry, for fuck’s sake! All so our troupes would grow, so more people would see our side of things…
…even though, not only. Sometimes, she had to play the, ugh, the bad guy: she had to be herself without the light in her eyes of pure joy, just ice-cold (as paradoxical as that is), to be seen being just purely cruel for the sake of being cruel. That way, those who would never join us,as well as those who might, but who we needed and wanted to pray upon, could be scared of her, of us, of what we meant to them.
Look; I do enjoy being feared. I enjoy being hatred, but Agnes…Agnes was created and raised to be our Idol, our Mesiah… It, it wasn’t easy on her and she…started to question things, beginning even to wonder what was so marvellous about those sand castles that were never accomplished on its totality.
We began to lose her.
And, then, you approached her and…cast your fucking spell on her. Made her wonder about all the things another type of life could offer her. I don’t even think it was on purpose, I honestly believe I have more emotional intelligence than you. Still, the point remain that you messes with her heard, somehow, it went both ways.
Because, instead of killing her when you got the chance, you let her go. I bet that, if you hadn’t known what her touch could do to you, you would have offered her more than just emotional corruption hid as guidance.
You killed my Agnes and gave birth to that pathetic imitation instead.
 You know the part that hurt the most? My Agnes [nunca fue tuya Jude, admítelo de una jodida vez] was still in there, and I could see glimpse of her the few times I tried to get her back…until it was clear she would never join us again.
After she burned half of Barnabas’ face and, afterwards, instead of coming back or taking the easy road (I come from a Wall Street job-like background, I have seen hanged people out of being overwhelmed by the consequences of their actions plenty of times), she went looking for him and, what is even worse, he took her back.
And puff! Just as in that Disney movie, our wonderful Beast was turned into a pretty dull-looking prince. One that could touch you without burning you from inside out.
 As you know, many years have passed since, but I finally decided to locate her and her dreadful partner a few months ago. She had aged; not terribly, but nor gracefully either, and she had a child. A child she had the shamelessness to call Gertrude Barnabas; just a baby, but somehow, I can see a future of destruction on her eyes.
Therefore, this is how events proceeded: I arrived to her place and faced them. Of course, I didn’t kill them, I just starting burning down all the foundations, then the paper walls, I made sure they saw (as scared as they were) how everything was being slowly but steadily destroyed by yours truly, then I lightened up the cradle of their baby and, there, there is where my Agnes came back and I could see all the will to break the world possessing her once again.
I smiled, as I felt hope growing inside of me as her own pain and hatred made Jack begin to burn from the hand they were holding until, in the very last instance, the part of his face that had already being treated by Agnes’ fire before. He died next to her and she didn’t even notice. Just as she didn’t notice her baby was still crying, as if it wasn’t surrounded by pure fire.
Ups, did I described the death of Jack differently before?
Very important fact about me dear Gertrude: I lied, it’s funnier that way.
 She came for me; her decisions managing to make me afraid for a hot second and then…her mouth opened in a completely unnatural fashion and her skin started to stretch in all the wrong angles. Her body began to bulge with swelling blister filled with liquid fire until her very knees were consumed by the heat, making her still alive remains felt to the ground with a completely wrong sounding thud.
I tried to brush it off: pathetic, she had become so normal that even half of her essence coming back to her had been enough to take her down because she could even attempt to hurt me…
…and, just like that, I realised: there was a new feeling inside of me, a strong sensation I had never felt before: my wax internal organs were becoming the mouldable mass it used to be before hosting my very soul. I couldn’t stand in two feet.
Still, there was apparently nothing wrong me. Physically. I had been destroyed by Agnes’ passing, even if I already knew she was gone, even if I had come to end her myself…was what those sandcastles building felt anything like this?
Wasn’t it this delicious, to have that desolation so strongly tied to yourself you could just feed on your own body, gorging on the dreadfulness of your pain?
Agnes couldn’t have given me a better gift…only, that she did.
Baby Gertrude had kept crying the whole time. Apparently, whatever was within Agnes, passed on to them.
I am likely never going to see our End of Times, but I really hope I do, because that would mean you will see you do too. Your precious Agnes’ offspring turning into what you prevented her to become.
It is the very least you deserve.
 Statement ends.
 That bloody…sorry, I don’t want to lose my manners too much. Jonathan, I know you do revise everything I record, if you are not actively listening to me right now; that it is.
Martin Blackwood had to go; after he chose not to surrender to that unfortunate offer from The Slaughter or, instead, join The Web…he became too powerful. I couldn’t allow someone that made Annabelle Cane seem mild go free.
Well, maybe I should, had I known his<e/m> tiny boyfriend could be such a menace with a strong tendency towards my very patron…strong enough for my former boss to take a liking to him and send him as director since I quite made his primary option, that Peter Lukas, quite indisposed in a permanent manner too.
Are you bonding over the loss of your terrible partners? Is that why you chose to leave the statement describing Agnes’ death to me?
At least I have the consolation of knowing that horrible cop, Tonner, having brutalised Jude until not even being made of wax was enough for her not to suffer beyond all measures of comprehension.
You will never have that,
  Be sure of it.
End recording.
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creativefuturesza · 1 year
Best Sex Toys For Guys
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Sex toys are the perfect addition to your bedroom play arsenal. From Fleshlights to male strokers, these sexy devices can help you feel more passionate and intense during sex and solo sessions. They’re also a great option for partners, as they’re often remote-controlled and can be used to stimulate each other during the sex experience.
The best sex toys for guys range from expensive full-sized dolls to have sex with, to mini strokers and masturbators that are easy to hide. They’re typically made from soft rubbery materials and can mimic the feel of a human pu$$y or anus.
One of our most popular recommendations for new sex toy buyers is the Tenga Flip Zero, which has multiple vibration modes and is designed with grooves, bubbles and cutouts that can trigger different sensations in your genitalia. It’s also a favorite of several experts we spoke with, including Steve V. Rodriguez, the creator and host of the Talk About Gay Sex podcast.
It’s also waterproof and floats in water, making it the ideal choice for aquatic adventures. It’s safe to use in the shower or bath, and is completely discreet so you don’t have to worry about anyone finding out.
Another popular recommendation is a “ring” toy, which can vibrate or pulsate and provide a new and exciting experience. Zachary Zane, a sex writer for Men’s Health, recommends them because they provide stimulation to the whole body while adding a new level of intimacy. Duran likes them because they’re versatile, and can be used with or without an erection.
Love Gloves
Masturbation gloves are a great way to add a little more excitement to your playtime, but they can be a bit too bumpy for some people. These soft, rubbery textured gloves are usually very affordable and are easy to hide, although they don’t feel as good as real masturbators.
Glass Toys
There are some pretty cool glass sex toys out there, and they’re a great option for those who are looking to mix things up. They’re available in a variety of shapes and sizes, including wands, dildos, and anal plugs. They’re made from borosilicate glass, which is the same stuff Pyrex is made of, so they’re durable and not likely to break down anytime soon.
Fun Factory ‘Manta’
The Manta is an award-winning stroker toy from German manufacturer Fun Factory, which has six vibration speeds and patterns to offer intense sex. It can be used on your own for stroking and head vibration, or with a partner to stimulate oral sex and penetration.
This sex toy is a favorite of some of our top sex experts, including Kit Richardson from the Museum of Sex and MoSex Shop, who says it’s perfect for people who want to take their sex to a new level. It has a flexible silicone head that flexes around the penis, and it features ridges along the inside that keep lube in place for longer, more satisfying glides.
from Automatic stroker https://automaticstroker.com/best-sex-toys-for-guys-2/
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