#levy day
heartonxions · 2 months
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i have nothing new to post for levy day/girlfriend (mine) day/yaoi day but i do have a plethora of drawings that ill dump on yall … some you have seen, some only a select few of yall have seen.. and a few sketches that i don’t know if ive ever posted yet!!
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acnologias-ass · 1 year
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Happy Levy Day to my favorite girl!! 💙📖
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maprron · 2 months
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It’s Levy Day so that means it’s time to show my favorite girl some love🤍
Ofc click for better quality why does tumblr do this :(
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lorengirl · 2 months
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Some gajevy.
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caissa-scribbles · 1 year
Girl Talk by the Sea (Levy Day 2023)
Finally - and only a day late - my gift for you for Levy Day 2023!
Ship: Gajevy (kind of)
Content: Lucy urges Levy to have a severe girl talk during their training camp.
Akane Beach. Spring X791
Akane Beach was just the perfect place for a spring time training camp. The weather was like a dream. The sun rose brightly to an azure sky, warming up the sea while a soft breeze soothed away the burning heat.
Besides, everybody knew that training in the sand was very efficient. That was common knowledge, not an excuse for a relaxed beach holiday – especially if you had only three months to make up for a loss of seven years of training.
This thought crossed Lucy’s mind while she was standing in the sparkling water up to her knees, fishing for the water ball Levy had just tossed to her. A wave had caught her friend in her red-and-white striped bikini in mid-action, leading her to throw the ball completely astray, but they were laughing anyway. It was just such a great time.
“Of the Tenrou group that came to the training camp, this is it?“ Lucy wondered, tugging at her flowered bikini bottom.
Erza, Juvia and Wendy were enjoying themselves at the beach, Natsu and Gray were taking a nap in their lodge, Happy and Carla were dabbling next to her in their floating tyres, and even Jet and Droy were roving around somewhere nearby. Nobody else had joined them.
However, Levy was as well informed as always.
“It seems like the others are having their own training camp somewhere else,” she explained, dripping all over with sea water. “It seems like Mira’s group went to the mountains. Laxus and his crew went somewhere else as well.”
Lucy dropped the ball and put her finger to her chin pensively. The numbers didn’t seem right yet.
“Hm… I feel like we’re forgetting someone…” she realized, when Levy furtively grabbed her elbow with her other hand and started to stare at the sea, where a lot of other tourists were enjoying themselves swimming and playing. But of course, Happy had to spoil everything, as usual.
“Gajeel and Lily!” he added importantly, bobbing up and down in his green tyre. That little blue furball was just as unempathetic as his partner!
Even Carla started to think now.
“Now that you mention it, I haven’t seen them lately.”
Of course not, they had already gone on their own journey two days ago. Gajeel’s laughter was still ringing in Levy’s ears.
“Ye want ter join us, shorty?” he had mocked her. “Forget about it! We’ll do some serious training, no foolin‘ around. Ya better go play with yer attachments and the bunny girl instead.” And then he had just left her standing there, turning on his heel.
She pressed her lips together before she admitted, “They said it was some sort of secret training! I tried to go along with them, but they turned me down…”
Lucy looked up, frowning.
“You tried to go along? Oh… Leeevy-chaaaan….” she drawled, giving her friend an intensive look and crossing her arms below her chest.
The script mage startled. Damn! How could she have spilled the beans?!
“N-no..!! It’s not like that at all! Come on already! Give me a break, Lu-chan!”
She dipped both her hands into the water to splash Lucy with a glittery gush, and soon they were having a wild water fight. The girls laughed and squealed happily for a bit, and Levy was relieved that she had made a narrow escape.
But after a while Lucy suddenly grabbed her friend by the arm and dragged her along with her to the beach, ignoring the Exceeds’ baffled looks.
“I think we need to talk, now. Follow me.”
Levy grumbled while she trailed behind Lucy, splashing through the waves, but she did not refuse.
Maybe… maybe confiding in her best friend would really help her to sort things out and clear her troubled mind? Best friends constantly did these kinds of things in books… Unfortunately, Levy had no experience at all with situations like this, as she had never had a best friend before, nor had she ever gone through such a chaos of feelings.
A little way down the beach the girls finally found themselves a quiet place between some white rocks where they dropped to the sand. The sea was lapping the shore peacefully; the shouting and laughter of the people were suddenly muffled and very far away. Just a few seagulls were arguing above them on a cloudless blue sky.
Levy hung her head and leant her back against a rock, hugging her knees tightly with her arms. She really didn’t know what to say.
But Lucy, who had settled down cross-legged next to her, wouldn’t let her off the hook.
“Alright. Time for some girl talk,” she began, leaning over to Levy so she couldn’t avoid her gaze. “What was that thing about Gajeel a moment ago?”
The script mage nervously gnawed on her lip for a while before she finally came up with a starter for their conversation that wouldn’t give away too much already.
“Did he seem any different to you lately?” she asked cautiously, as she first wanted to test Lucy’s reaction to the topic that was weighing so heavily on her heart. The latter raised an eyebrow in surprise and folded her hands in her lap before she answered, “Different? You mean, other than ruthless, condescending and self-centered?”
Levy nodded. “Yes. No! Oh Lu-chan, you’re really tripping me up. Why is your opinion about Gajeel all negative?”
“Let me think – because he was a brutal thug who played dirty on our guild? Especially on my best friend?” Lucy replied in exasperation and tossed a handful of sand against Levy’s thigh, who again avoided her eyes. Instead, she picked up a small pink seashell from below her legs and put it on Lucy’s knee, almost like a peace-offering.
“He hurt you badly, too,” she admitted embarrassedly. “I haven’t forgotten that. But I think he might be changing slowly, you know. Fairy Tail is doing him good.”
“Changing? What do you mean?”
Lucy was still very sceptic, but she was willing to listen. She circled the seashell with her index finger without taking her eyes off her friend, who was staring at the sea absent-mindedly.
“Something is different about Gajeel. I’ve thought about it for a while now. And I think it started when Laxus almost hit me with a bolt of lightning upon his return-“
“What did Laxus do?!”
“It wasn’t on purpose, more of a ricochet when the guys were fighting each other. I was completely stunned with fear, I couldn’t move at all. And then all of a sudden Gajeel was in front of me and caught the bolt with his body. I mean, it wasn’t even necessary. He could have just pushed me down to save me. Then he wouldn’t have been harmed and I would merely have got a few scratches. But he took the full blow and all the damage. Just to protect me. And then he did it again when he and Natsu fought Laxus in Cardia Cathedral. When we were attacked by Grimoire Heart on Tenrou Island he fought so hard, all alone to give me more time to warn you all. You saw him. He received such severe injuries, because he wanted to protect us all.”
She breathed out heavily and ran both her hands through her dishevelled hair before she turned to Lucy with a painful expression on her face. Her eyes were shimmering watery again.
“Lu-chan… something happened during the S-class test. I think… I… I’ve fallen in love with Gajeel.”
Lucy’s lower lip slowly sank down as she stared at her friend in utter disbelief. The soft sea breeze gently blew her pigtails into her face.
“Oh no… That’s just what I was suspecting when you blabbed out you’d wanted to join him. My poor Levy. Why Gajeel, of all?!”
Levy raised her shoulders in desperation, as if she wanted to hide from her feelings between them.
“I don’t know!” she cried out miserably and dug her toes into the warm sand. “I’ve tried to wrap my head around it for nights on end, but I don’t get it! He’s so annoying. I hate how he always teases and rejects me. He never takes me seriously at all! That bloke is just impossible. But when he’s not around me, I feel so… so…”
She cut off helplessly, close to tears already. Lucy came to her knees and gave her friend a long sympathetic hug, who gratefully leant on her shoulder.
“I don’t want this,” she mumbled. “At least I don’t think I do.”
The look on Lucy’s face became even more worried.
“Gosh, you’ve really got a crush on him. I don’t like that, Levy. It feels like you’re dating a guy who’s beating you.”
Levy took a deep sigh. The comparison was really not so far-fetched, regarding her history with the iron dragon slayer.
“I know. I don’t understand it myself. I’ve never been in love before. Shouldn’t your first crush be a wonderful experience? He just spoils everything!”
Lucy sank back on her heels and started to think out aloud.
“Could this be that so-called Acrifa syndrome? You know, where a hostage falls in love with their kidnapper?”
Levy jolted up angrily. Cana and Erza had just recently teased her with that disease, and although they had really upset Levy with it, they had also managed to plant a tiny seed of doubt about her own feelings in her mind.
“Oh no, not you, too, Lu-chan. Do you really think I’m sick?”
“No, not really. I know!” Lucy exclaimed, slamming her fist into her palm with a thud. “Probably you aren’t even in love. You rather think he’s hot and you’re just mixing things up. That’s completely understandable if you’ve never been in love before, how should you know the difference? I mean, if you imagine away all those piercings, Gajeel’s not that bad-looking at all, is he?”
“I don’t mind the piercings,” Levy said with a faint smile, immediately lost in thought as Gajeel’s features appeared before her inner eye. “And I like his hands. So strong and sinewy.” Her fingers had started to draw little heart-shaped patterns in the sand without her even noticing it. Lucy raised her eyebrows and gently poked Levy’s forehead.
“Sure, and you haven’t even noticed his abs and all his other well-trained muscles at all, have you? You definitely need a good cooling, girl. That’ll help.”
Then she jumped to her feet and laughed, pulling her friend up by her arm and started spinning around with her. And before Levy even knew it, Lucy let go. Snorting and spluttering, she landed headlong in the sea.
Far away from Akane Beach, high up in the mountains, Panther Lily barely dodged a stray blow of Gajeel’s. His sword arm had suddenly changed directions when the dragon slayer had started sneezing, and now he could hardly stop.
Reference: FT 31, chapter 261: The One Magic, following the English translation on mangadex.com
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catmadeofsalad · 6 months
Asmodeus: *playing with MC'S hair*
Beelzebub: *holding MC*
Belphie: *sleeping on top of MC's legs*
Mammon: *buying MC more blankets for their pile*
Leviathan: *putting in a funny movie for MC*
Lucifer: Why are you crowding MC so much?
Asmodeus: Their toxic ex tried to manipulate them into getting back together, and our dear human started to panic so we deemed this a necessary solution.
Lucifer: Then where is Satan?
Mammon: *grins* Hunting
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cluelessjellyfish · 1 month
Levi enjoying his winter 🤭
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Follow-up of this
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rainofthetwilight · 2 months
when you slow down this scene, there's a little detail that–while not really noticable–arin's reactions are a little later than the rest, and his facial expressions shift alot moreso than the others, showing how he's probably pretty unfocused
and with that detail, kai seems to be the one who's the most focused, as even nya and lloyd's expressions occasionally shift (lloyd being the most out of the three of them), while he stayed unchanged the entire time
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lucyheartfiliqx · 9 months
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They’re so smushable
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one thing about ik is that she will always reach out
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heartonxions · 1 year
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[rev·er·ie —(n.) a state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts; a daydream]
a daydream i never want to wake up from
bestest girl in the whole wide world day!!!
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l3viat8an · 6 months
MC: You...seem like a person whose brain doesn't react to women.
Mephisto: Are you saying that there is something wrong with my pituitary gland?
MC: Not exactly…
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rivangel · 10 months
The floorboards whisper creaks under your feet as you step into your and Levi’s bedroom.
Only for you to stop just to smile at the sight before you. It didn’t take you more than a minute to get a glass of water before bed. Levi was pulling on a sweatshirt when you left; he’s slightly curled up under the covers, and now that it’s winter, he’s more of a shapeless lump. The puffy white duvet on top rests below his chin. With his eyes peacefully closed, fewer creases show than usual.
He doesn’t open his eyes. “Stop leaving.”
“I only left once…” you chuckle. "Awe, did you miss me?”
“No…” he mumbles. His eyes are still closed.
You feign a small ecstatic gasp as you walk over to him, setting down the water, and then placing a light kiss on his forehead.
“Are you sleepy already?”
He grunts unhappily. “Answers come at a cost.”
“And that is?”
“Getting in bed.”
You stroke his hair, still smiling. This placates him a little.
"Bathroom. I'll be right back, okay?"
You wander to the bathroom, but stop in the doorway, to sneak one more peek. He’s suffered rampant sleeplessness in all the years you’ve known him, in part by force. So seeing him this carefree and relaxed…
You count yourself lucky.
He must think you’re gone. He curls up more, lips pulling down in a small pout as the outline of his arm under the cover descends to help along his bad leg and the pillow it’s propped on. But the annoyance fades from his expression soon after pressing his cheek into the thick pillow under his head, making it squish. He sighs softly.
It's so blatantly adorable that you stand there for a moment, unsure of what to even do with yourself.
You finish up in the bathroom as briskly but as quietly as possible. It's a little silly for how mundane it is, but you don't want to miss even a moment of this for the world. When was the last time Levi snuggled up under covers or mumbled on the edge of dozing off without a care? Never?
You switch off the light, so all that's left is the small lamp glowing gently on your side. Before rounding the bed, you let yourself take in the sight for a beat longer.
When was the last time you smiled to yourself without a care like this? Never.
You switch the light off and pull down the covers as subtly as possible before joining him, curling up at his back. When you drape your arm around his waist, he makes a tiny chirrup sound like a cat.
When you're all settled, you kiss the top of his head, sighing softly. His hair is so soft.
He sighs the same. Lazily, he takes your arm and nudges it tighter around his middle, before his breathing falls deep.
You smile once again.
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wortverlust · 10 months
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keery · 5 months
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
Sigh. Okay. Here's the Levi demon form smut. I don't think it turned out very good, but I'm tired of messing with it. And I spent time writing it, so I figure I might as well post it. I'm sorry, Levi, I swear I'll do you justice one day~
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GN!MC x Leviathan
Warnings: penetration (reader receiving), Levi being silly and blushy and anxious, demon form, tail stuff (I'm struggling with how to label this - the tail wraps around MC, MC sucks on the end of it, and it also stimulates MC but doesn't penetrate... okay that'll have to do I guess), sexy potion (briefly mentioned and Levi drank it lol), cockwarming, biting, man I hope that's it
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Leviathan was already bright red. He kept his eyes squeezed shut, but the blush covering his face was so sweet. He was in his bathtub, back against several pillows and you in his lap. Two piles of clothes were on the floor nearby. He'd been nervous from the start, even though you had done this before. You tried to get him to relax, but it was clear that most of the things you did only made it worse.
You ran your hands over his chest as you pushed back against his erection.
You put your hand on his cheek. “Please, Levi?”
“M-MC!” he protested.
You had asked him if he would shift into demon form and the idea of it flustered him so bad he couldn’t look at you.
You kissed his warm cheeks. “I just wanna see you,” you said as you trailed your lips down his neck.
Levi shivered at the light touch, but he still couldn’t open his eyes.
You sighed and sat up a bit, so you could cup his face with both hands. You rubbed your thumbs across his skin. “Look at me, Levi.”
Obediently, Levi opened his eyes, but it was still difficult for him. He turned his face away, like he was trying to only see you in his periphery. You turned him back to face you.
"Whatever you think about yourself doesn't matter," you said. "I want to see all of you. You can do that for me, can't you?"
Something seemed to shine in Levi’s eyes. Not tears, but a confidence you knew he often didn't feel. And then he was in demon form, confirming that your words had boosted him enough to feel comfortable granting your request.
You watched as the complex horns emerged and the black and indigo coloring splayed across his neck and shoulder. You could feel the tail wrap around your waist. You shifted slightly so the scales rubbed gently across your skin.
You traced your fingertips across the pattern on his neck and the way he whined in response filled you with satisfaction. You leaned back down to press kisses along where your fingers had touched, enjoying the way he began to squirm beneath you.
You rolled your hips, grinding yourself down on his erection, making him cry out.
“A-ah!” Levi’s fingers were suddenly digging into your arms, a sensation you found you liked. His tail tightened around your waist. “MC! Please!”
You smirked and looked down at him. “Please what?”
But Levi couldn’t say it. You knew he would be too embarrassed to. He squeezed his eyes shut again, pressing his lips together and shaking his head.
You laughed a little because his reaction was so cute. You ran your hands through his hair, letting them slide gently up his horns, enjoying the way he shuddered in response. Then you kissed him, running your tongue along those tightly clamped lips in an attempt to get him to relax. It worked. He opened his mouth for you, letting out a little gasp as your tongue slipped inside.
Your kiss became sloppy fast, your hips occasionally rolling languidly downward. Every time you did this, the tail around your waist twitched and tightened just a little.
You pulled away to look down at him again and while his expression was a little more open, the anxiety was still clearly written there.
You pressed kisses across his face, pausing by his ear to whisper, “You’re safe with me. It’s okay to let go a little.”
It was like you had unlocked a secret level. Levi’s hands moved from your arms to your hips and he bucked up into you, letting out a whine that was so needy you couldn’t help but smile.
You rearranged yourself a bit, then sat snugly on his cock. You went slowly, inching down bit by bit so you could hear his noises.
As you went, Levi’s tail wrapped even more circles around you until the tip was brushing against your cheek. You smiled as it edged along your lips then opened your mouth to let it inside.
As soon as the tip of Levi’s tail was inside your mouth, you clamped your lips closed and sucked. You were rewarded by the sight of Levi’s eyes rolling back into his head as he moaned and bucked beneath you.
You steadied yourself with your hands on his chest as you moved your hips, setting a decent pace. Every time his cock was fully inside you, it sent spikes of pleasure through your gut. You moaned around his tail, but didn’t let it out of your mouth. Your tongue was too busy exploring the unusual feeling of his scales.
Levi was a mess beneath you, his hands gripping your hips so tightly you knew there’d be marks later. He couldn’t stop himself from meeting your movements and the lower part of his tail that was wrapped around you seemed to be moving you, too. You found you barely had to do any of the work yourself. You still maintained the pace and position, though, and Levi seemed to be content to let you.
Your heavy breathing filled the room along with the sound of skin smacking against skin and Levi’s soft whines. You decided you wanted to hear a little more, reaching out to pinch one of his nipples.
Levi cried out and you laughed softly around the tail in your mouth. Levi pulled his tail out as it squeezed around you even more. It was almost painful but not quite. You knew he didn’t even realize what he was doing and that made it all the more enjoyable.
“Sorry,” you said between heaving panting now that your mouth was free. “Did that hurt?”
Levi whined. “D-do it again-“
He didn’t have to ask twice. But you decided this time it would be more satisfactory to use your teeth. The tail around you slackened just a bit as you moved your body forward and bit down on the sensitive skin.
Levi was squirming hard beneath you now and you knew it was only a matter of time before he came. You increased your pace, letting your arms rest on his shoulders, pulling him into your body as you focused on your movement.
Everything around you tightened - Levi’s tail, his hands, even his eyes squeezing shut - as he came inside of you.
Levi cried out your name so beautifully as his tail went limp, falling into a heap around you.
Levi kept his eyes closed tight as your pace slackened. You were about to stop when you felt the tip of his tail, still wet from your mouth, finding its way between your legs, just barely touching your most sensitive spot.
It was so unexpected, you gasped.
Levi peeked at you, opening one eye just enough to register the look of surprise on your face. “D-don’t stop,” he said. And his hands gripped your hips hard again, keeping you moving.
“But-!” you protested. “How are you still-?”
The blush that alighted on Levi’s face made you smile. You were about to ask him how he was still hard after he came only seconds ago. There was something going on there, but you felt too good in that moment to pursue it further.
The tail between your legs seemed to have a mind of its own. It was only moments before you weren’t able to form full sentences anyway. You barely registered the look of adorable determination on Levi’s face before you felt that tightening in your gut.
You ended up leaving light scratch marks across his chest as you came, his tail continuing its ministrations as you rode out your orgasm.
You drew in some heavy breaths as you collapsed against Levi, letting your head settle in the crook of his neck. His arms moved to wrap around you, hugging you close to him, and his tail did the same, but not too tightly.
“You’re still hard,” you said, pressing light kisses to his neck.
Levi groaned. “Asmo gave me this potion…”
You laughed softly against his skin. “Oh, was it more potent than you thought it’d be?”
“D-don’t laugh, MC!” he said even as his grip on you tightened.
“I’m sorry,” you said. “Do you want me to help you out?”
Levi was quiet for a long time before he finally said. “A-actually, if you could just… stay like this…”
You were more than content to stay in Levi’s arms and cockwarm him all night if that’s what he wanted. You both fell asleep soon enough, though it would take some time for the potion to fade.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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