#lewis jenkins
needledropproject · 11 months
Moonlight (2016) | Hello Stranger - Barbara Lewis
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sunflower-chai · 3 months
@ghosts-and-blue-sweaters @kanerallels i’ve been influenced…
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just bought this at a bookstore at the beach!!
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federer7 · 1 year
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Laura Petty, a 6 year old berry picker on Jenkins Farm. "I'm just beginnin'. Licked two boxes yesterday." Gets 2 [cents] a box. Rock Creek, Maryland, June 1909
Photo: Lewis Hine
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All seasons of Berlin Station are now available on MGM+.
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roadtogracelandx45 · 4 months
Courage Under Fire| Pre-War Part 10| Band of Brothers
part 9
word count-3,909
The next chapter we are finally getting into the good stuff. And I am o excited for it.
Pre-War part 10
June- August 1942 
Columbia, Georgia 
Dick Winters rarely left Fort Benning on weekend passes, like Lewis and the others who went out on most passes to Columbia. A  lot of the time Olivia Stewart, the now head nurse, went with them, mostly to keep them in line. 
And them being Lewis Nixon, the man who occupied his mind more and more of his mind, he didn’t quite understand why he was feeling this pull to this man but he was and he figured he might as well go with them this time around so Olivia could enjoy her promotion without having to babysit Lewis or the others. 
“Holy crow.’ Olivia’s voice shook him out of his thoughts, she had walked up behind him and offered him a smile, “Is Dick Winters actually joining us for a night out?”
 “I figured that you needed a night off of wrangling Nix to enjoy yourself and your promotion.” He returned, his eyes crinkling at the corners when her face lit up. She had tried to play it off the night before he and Lewis caught up to her after dinner like it was nothing but it was something big for her.  Especially after she lost her brothers, and had to meet South Carolina’s district attorney about her mother’s case. A meeting he and Lewis had the pleasure of sitting in on. 
 “You have no idea.” she admitted softly, “Amber is driving me up the wall too, she hates that I got the promotion and she didn’t. And if anything else happens. We get the ax and are out of the program.”  He nodded his head, he and Lewis had been there and heard it, and at first, it didn’t stop the others who missed Olivia breaking Amber’s nose from trying to provoke another fight between them.  
Dick and Lewis had been able to break up a lot of the time; it had gotten easier when Hill had dropped out after failing the map reading tests, allowing Olivia to be in the three-man barracks. At first, it had made Dick wildly uncomfortable but he understood.  
“Olivia, how did you get Dick out of his hiding place?” One of the other men asked as he and his buddy passed, they were all heading towards the same place, a rickety bus stop but like always Olivia waited for Lewis to come out of the barracks. 
“Darlin’, I have my ways.” She returned, offering a teasing smile. 
‘Oh, we have heard of your ways sweetheart.” 
“What ways would that be?” Lewis asked joining the two. Over the short 10 weeks they had been there, Lewis had gotten a reputation of being Olivia’s fiercest protector and the other men learned not to mess with her. Dick was steps behind him. 
“She puts out on top of her family name. And that's how she gets ahead.’ 
“Pardon me?” “Repeat that?” Both Dick and Lewis questioned, while the woman in question grabbed a hold of Lewis’s arm to keep him by her. Dick always seemed to keep this cool the best so she didn’t have to worry about him like she did with Lewis.  
“Where did you hear that?”  When the man didn’t answer, Lewis took steps toward him threateningly only to be stopped by both Olivia and Dick. “Let me guess, Amber Scott said something,” Olivia commented.  
Adam, the man, nodded his head causing her to scoff and raise her eyes to the sky as if she was trying to gather strength not to go back and get into it with Amber.  
“That is such bullshit,” Lewis complained as Dick shook his head and muttered something about language under his breath. “If anything, she is the one that is sleeping around.” 
“What?!” Olivia was floored, this was the first she was hearing of this and normally, Lewis told her everything.  
“We will talk about it later, love.” He said, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye causing her to frown and cross her arms, “We better.” 
“You can’t blame the rumors can you?” Adam’s friend, Kenneth asked, “Especially after she was moved into your barracks. Amber said that.’ He fell quiet when his eyes fell on Olivia. “What did she say?” He shook his head embarrassed, sex talk was normal between him and the boys but bringing it up in front of the ladies. 
Especially one as classy as Olivia Stewart.
 “Kenneth, what did she say?” Olivia’s question came out a little more firm than she meant but she needed to know.  
On Dick’s urging as well as Harding’s, she had started keeping track of what Amber was doing just in case she had ever proved her innocence. 
“That you were having sex with both of them.”  He finally answered, unable to bring himself to look at any of them. ‘At the same time.” Adam added when he saw the look of confusion on the girl’s face.  
“What? How does that work?” She questioned as Lewis took a step back to her and whispered into her ear what he meant by that.  Her face turned a brilliant shade of red that matched the color of Dick’s hair and it caused him to smirk, the last few nights he had been imagining the three of them together. But he wasn’t going to throw that out there and embarrass the other two. 
Both Dick and Olivia were innocent and pure to the point that corrupting them seemed like a sin. A sin he was willing to go to hell for. 
‘Never mind. I don’t want to know,’ She stammered, raising her hands to cover her burning cheeks.  “I will explain about that later too.”  He whispered before pressing a kiss to her cheek and leading her toward the bus stop where the rickety bus was waiting to take them into town. 
Dick followed behind them shaking his head in disbelief.
“Come on Dick,” Olivia said, holding her hand out to him a while later, they were at a local bar that played music and had a space for dancing. “Oh no, Liv.” He started. 
‘Aw, Dick, don’t ruin her fun.” Lewis returned as he sat down heavily in the chair next to him, his hand pulling the bottle of Vat .69 to him, forehead beaded with sweat and his tie loosened, “You are the one that wanted to enjoy herself. And I haven’t seen her smile like that in a long time.” 
 It was true, the smile that she had was the truest, brightest, and happiest smile he had seen since she opened the front door and saw him standing there before her debutante ball. “One dance is all I ask for.” She held up a finger and Dick felt his shoulder slump in defeat, he could understand why Lewis and most other men in her life had a hard time saying no to her. 
 “Fine. One dance.” He agreed, taking her outstretched hand. Thankful that it was a slower song and not one of the fast-paced ones that they had been playing before. 
“Are you sure you are okay with that?” Amber’s snotty voice asked from behind him, her dark eyes were on the two. 
“Why wouldn’t I be?” He returned swallowing some of the Vat .69, “Olivia and I are just friends. I have no claim on her.”
 He was thankful that Olivia had gone with a brown dress that covered her lower neck and most of her collarbone; he had left marks and bites there the night before when he snuck into her shower. 
 It had been over a month since they had been together and he was going a little stir crazy. Thankfully Dick hadn’t said anything when he came back into the room, his hair still damp from the shower or Olivia wearing her hair down around her shoulders.  
“You know we don’t believe that.” She retorted, “She has you wrapped around her little finger and we all know it.” 
“Miss. Scott mind your own business. You are already on thin ice. One more transgression and you are out of the Army Nursing Corp for good. And your daddy’s gambling debts go unpaid.” 
Amber was stunned, “how did you know about that?’ 
“I have my ways, sweetheart. Spread any more rumors about me and Olivia or her in general and you are going to be very sorry.”   
“Why, why would you do that to me?” 
 “Because you are hurting someone I love. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for that girl.” He tore his eyes away from the two on the dance floor to look at her, a twisted smirk forming on his mouth, “Just be thankful, she doesn’t know about you trying to sleep with me. You think she was upset by you bringing her family into this. I am a whole other story.” 
 “Lew! Come on!’ Olivia’s voice called, pulling his attention back to her and Dick. Dick had succeeded in getting her to agree to go back on the first bus back so she and Lewis could both sleep off whatever hangover they had before their final tests. 
“Comin’ Liv.” He downed the rest of the whiskey in his glass before picking the bottle up and going over to the two. 
“What was that about?” Olivia’s green eyes cut to where Amber was moving her lips silently. 
“Don’t worry about it, baby. I handled it.’  
“I don’t like the sound of that at all.” He pressed a sloppy kiss to her cheek before stumbling into the street. 
Dick didn’t know how Olivia did this every time they had a pass. He was exhausted by the time he had wrangled both of them on and off of the bus and towards their barracks. Lewis was holding his own being able to walk and do things on his own while Olivia who he hadn’t realized had drank a lot more of Lewis’ Vat .69, after much coaxing from Lewis, was singing Dixieland and twirling herself around in the rain that had started between the time they got onto the bus and the time the bus driver who took pity on Dick and pulled closer to Fort Benning. 
“Good luck.’ The driver had said with a dry laugh. Dick didn’t realize how much he was going to need it until that moment. The laughter coming from Olivia was infectious, Lewis was snickering and mumbling something about wishing he had a video camera, and even Dick wanted to laugh. But until he got them safely to their barracks, he couldn't. 
Lewis pulled her to him once they were in the barracks, Dick saying something about going down to the water spout and getting them water for the rest of the night. “Lew? What are you doing? Dick is going to be back soon.” 
“So?” He returned, his fingers working on undoing the buttons of her dress.
 “So I thought we decided it was best that no one knows about us.” Her fingers caught his belt and pulled him closer to her. His cock was already starting to harden and press against the trousers 
“Dick isn't just anyone.”  He muttered as his free hand fisted into the material of the dress before lowering his mouth onto hers. 
Kissing her breathless. He knew that she would question him and try and understand but at that moment, all he wanted and needed was her. 
“Make it quick then.” her voice was faint and there was a pink blush covering her cheeks. He smirked against her mouth and backed them towards the chair that Olivia used, he wanted to be quick about it but at the same time, the thought of Dick catching them thrilled him almost as much as doing the actual deed did. 
This was the first time they had done anything that wasn't from the side or him being on top of her and she was unsure what to do. Sensing her uneasiness Lewis wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled onto his lap. She whimpered, feeling his cock pressing against her panty-clad center. His free hand started undoing the buttons of her dress so he could slip his hand inside and touch and squeeze her breast. 
“Lew.” she whimpered as he used the hand holding onto her waist to rock against him.
Dick moved Olivia’s canteen into his arm so he could pull open the door to the barracks and froze when he saw the position they were in through the window.  Yes, he hadn't been completely blind to what they did under his nose, one night when he came back from guard duty, she was in Lewis’ bed cuddled into him.
He just chalked it up to her having repeated nightmares from losing James and Nicholas and he knew the night before when Lewis had wandered off and ended up in the shower with her.  A part of him, deep down, was jealous. Not of Olivia. 
She was a very beautiful young woman. 
It was because she was with Lewis.  
Startled at the realization, he took a step back and took a breath before pulling the door open and letting it bang against the wall. 
‘Son of a bitch.” Olivia exclaimed, going to pull the top of her dress back together and stand up at the same time but Lewis who pulled her tight against him again rolling his hips into hers. 
“Lew, stop.” She whimpered, dropping her forehead onto his shoulder. She could feel the burn of Dick's eyes on them as the man himself neared their beds and dropped the canteens on the end of her bed. Sue glanced at Lewis and saw that his eyes were on Dick.
  “Lew, let me up. I'm sure he isn't going to faint dead away at the site of your,”
 “Cock.” Lewis filled in smirking at first the blush that covered Olivia's cheeks then at the scowl on Dick's face. 
He winced when she pinched his nipple, “Behave Lewis. I meant your lap. ”  He pressed a kiss to her mouth and let her off of his lap. 
“I am, um gonna clean up.” She swayed a bit and steadied herself just as Dick was reaching out for her. 
“I am good, I am good.” She assured him, “Take care of him.” 
 “Always.” As soon as the word left his mouth, he regretted it. “I know.” She returned as she gathered her items to go to clean up and get ready for bed, she paused next to him and pressed a kiss against his cheek. 
 “You are so lucky that it was me that came in and not Harding or Sanders.”  Still smirking, Lewis stood up and straightened his pants out, “Harding was more drunk than we are, and Sanders is probably face down in some dame’s chest right about now. Don’t worry so much Dick.” 
 Camp Meade, Maryland
“Welcome to Camp Meade, Ladies,” Olivia said almost 3 weeks later, Alice, Betsy, and Amber had graduated OCS and left Benning on the second of July and were sent right from there to Maryland. Spending the Fourth of July with Olivia’s uncle Micheal and Aunt Helen in DC for a short break before going back to the camp. “I am First Lieutenant Olivia Stewart.” Her green eyes flicked over the girls who were standing in front of her as she walked down the length of the mess hall, “And sadly, for the next few weeks, I am going to be your worst nightmare. ” She paused when she saw Evie standing at the end of the row, she turned on her heel and went back down the row, the anger and hurt she had felt toward Evie resurfaced, her eyes caught Alice’s and she raised her eyebrow in question. 
“I, along with Sargents Anderson, Michaels, and Scott, were informed before we came here from Benning that they are going to be training us to go into active war areas.”  “What?” “She can’t be serious.” Floated around the room. “Sadly, I am very serious. Our training was going to take a lot longer but this is going to be accelerated and it is going to be stressful.” She licked her lips and put her hands on her hips, “Most of us will be shipped to Pearl Harbor and from there to other military hospitals near or in the active war zone.’  
She hated that she had to be the one to say that but to them, she had been tapped at Micheal’s house and told that she had to be the leader. 
“Some of us will go to other camps that are doing basic training and will be attached to the battalion if not companies and we will follow them to wherever they go either it be Europe, Africa, Australia, or New Zealand. I don’t want to be that person, but this is what we signed up for. If you are too afraid and this isn’t what you think we should be doing, then there's the door. No one will hold it against you if you do.” 
Amber, who had been silent since they had left Meade and Lewis’ threat, swallowed back the laughter that was bubbling up. There would be so much judgment. The three girls had become a little clique and left her out of things. She had wanted it that way, but she wouldn’t be remiss to say that she hated that she was missing out.  After meeting Michael Stewart and his younger sister Careen, she understood where Liv got her charm from and she shouldn't really fault her for it but at the same time, she still hated her. 
When no one made to move towards the door, Olivia wetted her hips, “We are going to break you into groups, half will be with me, and the other half will be with Lieutenant Jameson.” The other Lieutenant was an older woman from Boston and scared the bejesus out of the 4 girls that had been there since the 5th. 
Evie was surprised when her name was called to join Olivia’s group and how her friend pointedly ignored her and called several girls that included Lily, Louise, Daisy, Adele, and Ruthie, among others. Maybe this was her chance to get her friend back, she hated how lonely the neighborhood had been since Olivia left again and how out of control and moody both Bobby and Bill got. Shortly after they had graduated, the two boys got into a fight with a couple of the others and were arrested shortly afterwards.  
“Olivia, can I talk to you?” She asked once they were dismissed to go to their barracks. 
“It’s Lieutenant and no you can’t.’ Olvia returned icily as she motioned for Daisy, Adele, and Ruthie to follow her. 
“You are Evie right?” Betsy asked from behind her, curious. One night out, Olivia told her the whole story about how she ended up in Charleston again to take care of her great great grandfather, how she and Bill broke up because he cheated on her with Evie, how it broke her heart, and how it led to her ending up with Lewis. At first, when she heard the pieced-together version of the story from Lewis, she had put a lot of fault on Olivia, but then hearing it she understood, she would have reacted the same way if it happened to her. 
Once Evie nodded her head, Betsy carried on, “I would give her time, she is extremely hurt with everything that has gone on with you and Bill and is struggling with Nicholas and James’s deaths and her mother’s arrest. She may come around, she may not, but that is something you deserve. No friend should ever sleep with their friend’s boyfriend. No matter the reasoning.” 
Evie looked down at the ground, upset, she knew that Betsy was right and she should have known better that Olivia would magically forgive her now that they were together at the same camp.  But the good thing was that she had time to get on her good side. 
“Lieutenant wasn’t joking when she said that this was going to be hard.” Adele Stevens complained as she sat down at one of the benches in the mess hall, they had been in Meade for almost 2 weeks and they had proceeded to push all this information into their heads and showed them how to do dressings and treat wounds on top of the basic physical training in the field. That was on top of the administrative, organization, sanitation, and ward and clinical nursing. 
It was exhausting. But it was so rewarding.  “No, she wasn't.” Daisy Goodwin agreed as she covered her yawn with her hand before looking down the table at Olivia who had her chin propped up on her hand, her eyes closed, for the last few nights, she had nightmares every few hours. 
The night before Daisy had woken up and seen that she was sitting up in her bed, knee pulled to her chest staring out of the window in an almost unsettling manner. A runner stopped by the end of the table where Olivia was at and whispered something to her. There was almost a look of panic that crossed her face before the mask went back into place. 
“I wonder what that is about.”
General Forbes's office 
“General?  You wanted to see me? “ Olivia asked, sticking her head into the office. “Yes, Olivia, come in.’ “No one else died right?’  Elizabeth looked up and offered her a soft smile, "Oh no, no, I needed to talk to you about where you are going next, with the group you have been working with.” Olivia pulled a face at the thought of having to keep working with Amber Scott. There were several moments where they had been toe to toe yelling at each other. 
The General swallowed the laughter that bubbled up, Finn had said repeatedly that Robert was the twin most like him but the more she got to know Olivia the more she saw Finn. The eye roll and inaudible scoff and the curse that normally followed was a big case and point. “We are going to send you and your girls to Camp Toccoa to the paratroopers.’ 
“The what?” 
“The paratroopers. They jump  out of planes with their full gear to fight.”  
If her fear of planes and flying was starting to kick in, Forbes couldn't tell, and she was glad it wasn't because these girls were going to need her, and the boys including her twin brother who was going to be there were going to need it and Olivia needed it. The added surprise of her seeing Bobby was a bonus. 
“You are going to leave in two days' time.” “Yes ma'am.” she said, “I will go tell the girls. Thank you.”  Forbes nodded her head returning the salute.
The girls were still sitting at the table when Olivia came back into the mess hall. “Alright ladies.” she started after taking the pre-offered coffee cup, “General Forbes told me we are to Camp Toccoa and join the paratroopers in training in two days' time.” “Does that mean we are going with them when they ship out?” Lily, one of the nurses, who was deathly shy and had been taken under Olivia and the other's wings. “Yes, but Lil, we will be together and I will make sure we stay together for as long as possible.” 
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therealmrpositive · 2 months
What Planet Are You From? (2000)
In today's review, I find that dating can be an out-of-this-world experience. As I attempt a #positive review of the 2000 alien-based romcom, What Planet Are You From? #GarryShandling #AnnetteBening #GregKinnear #BenKingsley #LindaFiorentino #JohnGoodman
The act of dating can be tough, no doubt about it, whether on Earth or in the throes of space. As the adage goes, Men are from Mars and women in turn from Venus, yet somehow we’ve got to find common ground, no matter how different our cultures are, or willingness to overcome this challenge. In the year 2000, a famed comedian showed the absurdity of modern dating in the new millennium from an…
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Saturday night with a pot Darjeeling and nothing more to do than just flying away with all the things that crossed my way this week—shiny toys, blinking gadgets, ill-designed comic books, records lost in clouds. Readings. Stuff you can buy, for what else is left to do?
Just now listening to three songs from James Brandon Lewis' upcoming album Eye of I with Chris Hoffman on Cello and Max Jaffe on drums. Sounds amazing, free every now and then, thoughtful and swinging, like a melancholy boxer. Will be back for the whole thing, drops next Friday, 2/3.
Wout van Aert for the victory. Cyclocross can be pretty predictive if only one of the Big 3 is competing. They truly are above all the rest. That said, today was my first ride out of the year, far to late but all the more enjoyable. Remco blew San Juan, Nairo still in tha game—for now.
Stay True by Hua Hsu (Huascene) is a read that caught me by surprise. It's the kind of book you want to read in all night while listening to your favorite music, or maybe an album that the book brought back to mind. Although Sonic Youth have not been mentioned (yet), this is the band that is always lingering around the back of my mind while riding through the pages. And because of my one-band-one-album habit back in the days, Sister is the record of choice. But anyways, this is just one of the many rabbit hole opened by the book, but deep inside, it is about something completely different, i.e. friendship in a form that might actually only exist in the early twenties, when you are still too young to write your biography but actually live through all the stuff that will make up the bulk of it. And this is exactly what this is. But, as a memoir, it's not a biography per se. It is also written in memory of an unlikely friend.
I bought the ebook while I was at the airport in Atlanta, Georgia with some time to kill. I was on my way back from an in-person job interview, and to finally get to this book now seems like a perfect fit for what felt like a final break away into adulthood. During my interview, I could feel that the new role would demand responsibility and leadership, vision and engagement—the youthful cynical disengagement seemed out of place. I did not think that Stay True would capture this change so adequately, at once outspokenly so and then also in terms of the story it tells, indirectly. This change makes me proud and sad at the same time. I feel like the place I interviewed for would be a great fit for me, somewhere where I could make a splash and have influence and work on my publications and career. But I also miss the cynically recluse me, the student who can only attain this role because he does not have any responsibility yet. Stay True locates this break a bit earlier (when Hua Hsu finishes college, he was the same age that I started), but that is another story. And not important at all.
Then, of course: The book is written quite beautifully. I was interested in it because I know the author's writing on music from the New Yorker (wonderful essays on both J Dilla and Madlib, if I remember corrctly), and the style of the magazine is definitely something that deeply influences how the book is set up (I am thinking of the theoretical interludes that comment and contextualize the narrative without explicitly referring back to it). But it also has its very own vibe and feel, something that is simultaneously laid back and urgent. It is not, however, nostalgic; rather, the breaks and tumbles of the narrative, the development that it displays and the constant change all make each earlier phase seem complete. As we would constantly build cocoons and emerge in a new form that does understand, but ultimately leave behind its former self. This peaceful relation with the time's passing certainly puts one topic front and center: death. Our struggle to let go. More, I hope, next week.
Album most listened to this week: Cassandra Jenkins, An Overview on Phenomenal Nature. Soothing, unsettling. And too short.
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Jack Jenkins at RNS:
(RNS) — A diverse group of Christians is throwing support behind Vice President Kamala Harris’ White House bid, organizing fundraisers and Zoom calls in hopes of helping catapult the Democrat to victory in November — and, they say, reclaiming their faith from Republicans in the process. Their efforts come on the heels of similar campaigns aimed at specific constituency groups, such as the recent “White Dudes for Harris” Zoom call that featured celebrities and grabbed headlines. John Pavlovitz, a liberal-leaning Christian author and activist, was on that call when he hatched the idea for a Christian-centric version and texted his friend Malynda Hale, a singer, actress and fellow activist. “We had a conversation about how, specifically on the Democratic side of the political spectrum, you don’t hear a lot of people talking about their faith,” Hale told Religion News Service in an interview. “We wanted people to know that there are progressive Christians, there are Christians on the Democratic, left-leaning side, so that they didn’t feel alone.”
The result was Christians for Kamala, a part-fundraiser, part-virtual roundtable livestreamed event on Monday (Aug. 12). Featured speakers cited their faith as they praised liberal policies and personally endorsed Harris — who recently entered the presidential race after President Joe Biden bowed out — and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz. Over the course of the nearly three-hour event, the group raised more than $150,000 for the Harris campaign, a number that has climbed to just shy of $200,000 in the days since. “It’s been really difficult to keep up with the flood of comments and connections that have been coming in,” said Pavlovitz, who said the only formal help he received from the Harris campaign was in setting up a donation system for fundraising. A number of Christian groups — including evangelicals, a constituency key to former President Donald Trump’s base — have assembled similar calls in the lead up to next week’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Most have had little to no assistance from the official Harris-Walz campaign, which, barely a month old, has yet to announced a dedicated faith outreach director. The emerging grassroots coalition vies not only to bolster Harris but also to push back on what organizers say is a false assumption that to be Christian is to be a Republican — or a supporter of former President Donald Trump.
[...] That diversity was on display during the Christians for Kamala call, which included a mix of faith leaders such as the Rev. Jacqui Lewis, of Middle Collegiate Church in New York City, and the Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr., head of the nonprofit Hip Hop Caucus; activists like environmentalist Bill McKibben and LGBTQ+ rights advocate Charlotte Clymer; commentators such as CNN’s Van Jones; and politicians, including New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker and Texas State Rep. James Talarico. The speakers linked their support for specific policies, such as working to blunt the impacts of climate change or passing immigration reform, to their faith and Christian Scripture. Some rebuked conservative Christianity’s ties to the GOP, calling it a form of Christian nationalism. “My faith in Jesus leads me to reject Christian nationalism and commit myself to the project of a multiracial, multicultural democracy where we can all freely love God and fully love our neighbors,” said Talarico, a Presbyterian Church (USA) seminarian who has been vocal in his condemnation of Christian nationalism in his state. “That same faith leads me to support Vice President Harris to be the next president of the United States.”
Although a member of a mainline denomination, Talarico was also a speaker on a separate “Evangelicals for Harris” Zoom call assembled on Wednesday evening. Organized by Faith Voters, a 501(c)4 organization, the effort was geared toward conservative Christians who have disproportionately sided with Trump. The call struck a different tone than Christians for Kamala: some speakers noted they had never endorsed a candidate before, and at least one pastor suggested he was risking friendships and relationships with his congregation by participating.
[...] The calls add to a slate of organizing efforts launched in recent days aimed at specific religious groups. Nearly 500 faith leaders have signed on to a letter endorsing Harris, a “Latter-day Saints for Harris” call was convened last week and multiple separate calls have been organized for Jewish Americans — including one on Thursday that targeted Jewish women and featured singer Barbra Streisand. A separate “Catholics for Kamala” call, facilitated in part by the Harris campaign, was also slated for this week but organizers rescheduled it until after the Democratic National Convention, citing scheduling conflicts. According to Pavlovitz, his group is already partnering with others, such as Catholics for Kamala, Christian Democrats of America and Vote Common Good. What form their collaborations take remains to be seen, but Pavlovitz said he is hopeful for whatever comes next.
Christians fed up with the religious right’s monopolization of what it means to be a Christian rallied to support Kamala Harris on multiple recent calls, such as Christians For Harris and Evangelicals For Harris. Christians need to vote for the REAL Christian in the race, and that’s Harris (and not antichrist Trump). #HarrisWalz2024
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fuck it, book recommendations based on your favourite driver
+ age rating, summary and rambling disguised as explanation as to why
if your favourite driver is Lewis Hamilton...then i would recommend Carrie Soto is Back by Taylor Jenkins Reid
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(historical sports fiction, standalone) "Carrie Soto, a fierce and determined retired tennis champion, comes out of retirement at thirty-seven to reclaim her record and face personal challenges, coached by her father partnered with the man she almost opened her heart to, in Taylor Jenkins Reid's novel about the cost of greatness and a legendary athlete's epic comeback."
the connection between this book and lewis is what inspired this whole post in the first place. a comeback story even if you have proven all there is to be proven? trying to beat all the odds against you even time? being an all-time champion AND an underdog? there are so many links that can be made between carrie and lewis not just with their careers and relationships but also what adversities they have had to face. idk but is this like manifesting that lewis is going to be "back" for his 8th wdc?
if your favourite driver is George Russell...then i would recommend A Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson
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(young adult mystery thriller, book 1 of 3) "In 'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder,' Pippa Fitz-Amobi reexamines a closed case, challenging the conviction of Sal Singh for Andie Bell's murder, unearthing hidden secrets that threaten her safety as she seeks the elusive truth."
ah mr wannabe investigator (we all saw him checking out that redbull) but seriously there's something we grussell sprouts must enjoy about someone who seems so straight-laced and uptight be absolutely blatantly unhinged both on and off track. it's just so george to choose literal murder inquiry as a school project, from the ambition bordering on arrogance of believing a high schooler could do what the authorities couldn't to the genuine heartfelt sincerity in wanting the truth and to bring justice for those already deemed outcasts by society. he's OUR good girl that's not-so-secretly "bad".
(main ship are george and alex coded btw like im just saying)
(+ bonus rec bc i am incredibly biased) if your favourite team is Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team (had to google the name for the nth time)...then i would recommend The Green Bone Saga by Fonda Lee
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(adult fantasy, trilogy, best books i have ever read) "The Green Bone Saga is a fantasy trilogy by Fonda Lee, exploring the intricate power struggles and conflicts within and around the Kaul family. Set in the fictional city of Janloon with ability-enhancing jade as it's lifeblood."
my faves with my faves. mercedes aren't a national institution/emotion (ferrari), a team (red bull racing), a villains' lair (ashton martin) or a pop band (mclaren) but a family. a dysfunctional, awkward, barely concealed hot mess of a family, but family nonetheless. chasing victory while trying to survive the horrors of life and each other is the merc way and you will see the same in this trilogy. *toto voice* loyalty!
family is duty. magic is power. honor is everything. <- literally them
if your favourite driver is Oscar Piastri...then i would recommend The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
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(young adult fantasy, book 1 of 5) "In 'The Lightning Thief' by Rick Riordan, seemingly troubled teenager Percy Jackson discovers his divine lineage as a demigod, embarks on a perilous quest with his friends to prevent a war among the gods."
wow guys i don't know what to tell you except oscar JACK piastri, SON of nicole and chris piastri, might literally be percy JACKSON (i have connected the dots, you haven't connected shit). your guy might have had a former illustrious career in undertaking dangerous quests and asking greek gods to pay child support, you should check.
if your favourite driver is Lando Norris...then i would recommend Magnolia Parks by Jessa Hastings
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(adult contemporary romance, check tws, book 1 of an ongoing series) "In 'Magnolia Parks' by Jessa Hastings, a tumultuous love story unfolds between the beautiful and self-involved London socialite Magnolia Parks and Britain's notorious bad-boy BJ Ballentine, as they grapple with a dysfunctional relationship marked by heartbreak, secrets, and the enduring pull they feel towards each other."
picked this based on vibes, just pure vibes but immaculate ones. the drama, the glitz, the glam yes but also the family, friendship, and love found within the pages of this series. this is british gossip girl. i am telling you there is a vision here people.
(+ bonus review because this might be the only book on this list that has less (3.84) than 4+ stars on goodreads and i can't do him and y'all dirty like that: i personally didn't love the first book but the series really comes together and you truly get invested in these characters and their happiness, actually pretty excited to read more.
also if nothing else it's fun, just some brain popcorn)
if your favourite driver is Carlos Sainz...then i would recommend The Wrath and the Dawn by Renée Ahdieh
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(young adult romance fantasy, check tws, book 1 of 2) "In a land ruled by a murderous boy-king, Shahrzad vows vengeance for her friend's death and becomes the next bride of the tormented Caliph Khalid, discovering unexpected love as she navigates the perilous palace of secrets and stories, torn between survival and the promise of retribution."
wow like you think he didn't step out of a magical retelling of 1001 nights? mhm but let's leave aside the fact i am still not convinced otherwise. carlos this year has shown his insane mega ultra galaxy brain, so i believe the plot of the wrath & the dawn would be something that would resonate with you. the quick wit and guile of the mc as she tries to carry out a revenge plot while trying to not get executed is only comparable to carlos coming up with his own race strategy mid race and cementing himself as the only non-rbr race winner in 2023. wow.
if your favourite driver is Charles Leclerc...then i would recommend The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
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(historical romance fantasy, standalone) "The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller is an Iliad retelling, focusing on the deep and complex relationship between Achilles and Patroclus."
he has that sadness in his eyes that you only see in tragic greek myths etc etc. i will have to say, achilles walked so charles leclerc could race. *soft longing sigh* il predestinato and aristos achaion, the predestined and the best of the greeks. beloveds born and bathed in golden light. it just makes sense to me.
if your favourite driver is Alex Albon...then i would recommend Beach Read by Emily Henry
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(adult contemporary romance, standalone) "A romance writer who no longer believes in love and a literary writer stuck in a rut engage in a summer-long challenge that may just upend everything they believe about happily ever afters."
i mean alex is a living-breathing romance novel of a man. BUT it hasn't always been sunshine and rainbows (helmut marko if i catch you). so i think any emily henry book but especially beach read captures the ups and downs of alex's journey so well compared to just any ole romcom (...but if i had to give one for the alex enjoyers then it would be Better Than the Movies by Lynn Painter, coincidentally also george and alex coded lmao).
but was it his remarkable drive back to f1 or the recent holiday beach pics that was the reason behind this rec? i guess we will never know
if your favourite driver is Logan Sargeant...then i would recommend Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones
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(young adult fantasy, book 1 of 3)"In 'Howl's Moving Castle' by Diana Wynne Jones, eldest daughter Sophie is cursed to age prematurely, the key to break the spell lies in the enigmatic Wizard Howl's castle. Sophie embarks on a quest to confront the Witch who cursed her all the while unraveling hidden truths about herself and Howl."
"let's bring it in and call it a day - let's look after of you." to "that's my girl" pipeline and vice versa. i know what you are.
but logang (the only one i know frfr) you deserve it okay? a cozy lil fantasy full of whimsy and wonder. tuck in and have some tea and cookies, pookies.
(i wanted to do the full grid but keep the teammates together and i haven't yet come up with something for all of em so there will be a part 2...? hopefully...?)
sources for summaries: thestorygraph and goodreads
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ashiqui · 2 years
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for @augustsjanes — we are each other’s mystery ♡
adam smiley poswolsky / bts, in the soop / nicole callihan, the end of the pier / henry james, the portrait of a lady / hanya yanagihara, a little life / holly warbs, swim / sarah kay, no matter the wreckage / david whyte, consolations / @piglitzart (x) / jacqueline woodson, weight / avatar: the last airbender, s3 ep6 / wicked, for good / sedat pakay, james baldwin & friends, istanbul / schnall, harber, stefanucci, & proffitt / @euritsua (x) / jean little, oranges / c.s. lewis, the four loves / anne magill, by the river / taylor jenkins reid, the seven husbands of evelyn hugo / isabel norton / pinterest / bts, friends / lorde, a world alone + pinterest / holly warburton, the old aquarium / lany, pink skies / jeanette winterson, written on the body / @edomrode (ig) / arnold lobel, frog and toad are friends / @piglitzart (x) / conan gray, best friend
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yeoldesadness · 5 months
Pelican Town Surnames
my own headcanons that i use to organize my screenshots (& for my fanfics lol)
Vanilla Pelican Town:
Sam(son), Vincent, Jodie, & Kent Marsden
Alex, George, & Evelyn Mullner
Emily & Haley Langford
Maru, Robin, & Demetrius Abara
Sebastian Whitney
Lewis Hamm
Leah Breckenridge
Elliott Thomas
Willy Pritchard
Marnie & Shane Doherty
Jas Nevin
Pam & Penny Cooper
Linus Pedretti
Clint Farran
Gunther Eberhardt
(A)Gus(tus) Tarby
Magnus Rasmodius (born Michael Reeves)
Stardew Expanded (not comprehensive):
Sophia Mondy
Olivia & Victor Jenkins
Andy Foster
Susan Jeffries
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doamarierose-honoka · 8 months
About a decade ago, Zack Snyder developed a storyline for the DC Extended Universe that involved Bruce Wayne impregnating Lois Lane.
The subplot in which Batman cuckolds Superman was poised to unfold in “Justice League,” with Batman dying in the sequel and Lois raising their spawn with Superman. Snyder’s vision for Wonder Woman was equally unorthodox, with visuals featuring a superheroine who brandished the decapitated heads of her conquered enemies like an ISIS jihadi.
Warner Bros. and DC Studios — which hold a firm grip on their intellectual property — rejected Snyder’s ideas, which were deemed “super creepy,” according to a source familiar with the back and forth. (DC declined to comment for this story. A representative for Snyder did not respond to a request for comment.) But in the next decade, artists and rival studios won’t need permission to create their own take on the characters.
A sad fact of Hollywood is that while superheroes never truly die, all copyrights do. On Jan. 1, Disney lost control of “Steamboat Willie,” and within 24 hours two horror-comedies starring Mickey Mouse were announced. The DC characters are the next major expirations looming on the horizon. Superman and Lois Lane will enter the public domain in 2034, followed by Batman in 2035, the Joker in 2036 and Wonder Woman in 2037.
Chris Sims, a comic book author and Batman expert, expects a flood of unauthorized Batman comics to hit the stands as soon as the copyright expires.
“There’s going to be 100 of them,” he says. “They’re going to have them ready to go.” Movie producers will also be able to make their own versions — much as they already do with public domain characters like Dracula and Robin Hood — though in the beginning they will have to stick to the original versions of the characters.
“You get Batman, but you don’t get Robin,” Sims says. “You get Superman, but you don’t get kryptonite.”
The initial Superman could only leap — not fly. “Those characteristics are going to fall into the public domain one by one,” says Amanda Schreyer, media and entertainment lawyer at Morse.
DC has been preparing for this for years. At a press event in 2023, CEO James Gunn noted that the next Superman film will introduce characters from “The Authority,” a comic series that launched in 1999, in part because the Superman copyright is about to expire.
Jay Kogan, DC’s deputy general counsel, laid out a strategy to protect characters that fall into the public domain in a 2001 article. Since only the older versions lose protection, he urged: “Keep ’em fresh and up-to-date.”
“By gradually changing the literary and visual characteristics of a character over time, a character owner can keep whatever the then-current image of the character is as the de facto standard in the public consciousness,” he wrote.
The company has done a good job of updating Superman, argues Steven Beer, an IP lawyer at Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith.
“The public’s perception is the contemporary Superman. It’s distinctive,” he says. “That gives them a lot of protection.”
Another tactic: Maintain a high level of quality control.
“The public should be conditioned to view any works from unrelated parties featuring a trademark owner’s characters as second-rate knockoffs,” Kogan wrote.
Kogan also suggested that trademarks could be used to block the use of a character’s name, image and slogan even after the copyright expires.
But trademark is not a cloak of immunity, argues Jennifer Jenkins, director of Duke’s Center for the Study of the Public Domain. “That only prevents uses that are likely to cause consumer confusion about source or sponsorship,” she says.
In other words, the characters’ names should be fair game, so long as it’s clear that the depiction is not coming from DC.
“You could still create a Superman horror movie or Batman horror movie,” says Jonathan Steinsapir, an IP attorney at KHIKS. “You just need to be careful about how you advertise it and how you use images of Superman in a branding sense.”
DC has done a careful job of tying the characters to itself by trademarking the terms “Man of Steel” and “Caped Crusader,” as well as Superman’s “S” and Batman’s logo.
“The bat symbol is a very strong mark,” Schreyer says. “That is going to limit what subsequent creators can do.”
Even so, expect the mid-2030s to see a glut of off-brand superhero content.
“People will make a run at these characters because there’s money to be made,” says Mark Waid, a comic book author and historian best known for his work on DC Comics titles like “Superman: Birthright.” “Or how about Superman versus Godzilla. It’s a gray area. But this town works on the speed of capitalism, right? That’s how we work.”
Sims believes more superhero comics will be a good thing. But the idea that there will be a Superman renaissance is oversold, he says.
“It’s gonna come down to execution,” Sims says. “There’s one company that’s used to doing it.”
Steinsapir says nothing would keep Snyder from making a non-Warners film featuring the DC troika.
“Zack Snyder could reshoot it and make his own new iteration of it,” he says. “You just need to be careful. For example, he definitely couldn’t call it ‘Justice League.’”
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fanhackers · 1 year
The Classics of Fan Studies: Introduction Post
For my first Fanhackers posts, I want to (re)introduce you to some early works of fan studies that have shaped the discipline into what it is today and inspired the research of many scholars. Each post will be dedicated to a different author and explain some of the concepts they developed in their work. 
If you’re looking for an introduction to fan studies or would like to know how it all started, these posts are for you! Here are some of the books we’ll talk about in the next few weeks:
John Fiske, Television Culture (1987)
Henry Jenkins, Textual Poachers (1992)
Camille Bacon-Smith, Enterprising Women: Television Fandom and the Creation of Popular Myth (1991)
Lisa Lewis, The Adoring Audience: Fan Culture and Popular Media (1992)
Karen Hellekson and Kristina Busse, Fan Fiction and Fan Communities in the Age of the Internet (2006)
Jonathan Gray, Cornel Sandvoss, and C. Lee Harrington, eds. Fandom: Identities and Communities in a Mediated World (2007)
If there’s a particular book or author you’d like me to talk about, don’t hesitate to leave a comment! 
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pretxnder · 2 months
Toda aquela merda, a loucura da volta, a porcaria do projeto Chronos não era de interesse real de Jenkins. Claro, ela tinha mais facilidade em chegar na sua coelhinha preferida, mas preferia dormir no quarto do seu enorme apartamento, e da sensação deliciosa de ameaçar quem ela quisesse, uma vez que já tinha seu pequeno império para se esconder ou alguém para levar a culpa. Era nesse pensamento que ela aceitou o convite; precisava desesperadamente de alguém para assumir a culpa se fizesse algo errado, e estava envolvida com tantas pessoas descartáveis, que era óbvio que um momento ou outro não teria alguém para culpar. Também tinha a plena certeza que não se mostrou nem um pouco solicita em Oceanwide, só aceitou mesmo prender o idiota do Marcelo, porquê sabia muito bem que ele era uma criança sem noção do perigo, e não queria foder com o próprio futuro caso ele agisse com alguma burrice. O que se esperar de um cara que usa AI? Não tinha qualquer pingo de inteligência naquela cachola loira. Se Jean Luc achava que ela era brilhante, mesmo não tendo nada demais, então o velho não estava em posse das próprias faculdades mentais, e considerando que ele já estava um completo velho babão com dinheiro... Aquele era o melhor laranja que ela iria conseguir naquela linha, enquanto não soubesse o que seria do futuro de Lewis. Sorrindo largo, Joji bateu na porta do endereço que havia recebido, aguardando pacientemente para saber qual dos velhinhos ela teria que bajular. — Pelo amor de Deus que não seja a baratinha...
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mthguy · 9 months
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Newsies forever!
Newsies opened on Broadway at the Nederlander Theatre for a limited engagement starting in previews on March 15, 2012, and officially on March 29, 2012. On May 16, 2012, Disney announced that Newsies was an open-ended engagement. The engagement was extended through August 19, 2012, after the first previews.
The original cast of the Broadway production featured Jeremy Jordan as Jack Kelly and John Dossett as newspaper tycoon Joseph Pulitzer. The cast also included Kara Lindsay as Katherine Plumber, Capathia Jenkins as Medda Larkin, Ben Fankhauser as Davey, Andrew Keenan-Bolger as Crutchie, Lewis Grosso and Matthew Schechter sharing the role of Les, Tommy Bracco as Spot Conlon, Ryan Breslin as Race, Andy Richardson as Romeo, Garett Hawe as Albert, Ryan Steele as Specs, Aaron J. Albano as Finch, Mike Faist as Morris Delancey and Jordan’s understudy, Mark Aldrich as Seitz and Kevin Carolan as Nunzio and Theodore Roosevelt. The Broadway production cost about $5 million to stage. Newsies recouped its initial investment of $5M in seven months, becoming the fastest of any Disney musical on Broadway to turn a profit, and closed on August 24, 2014, having played 1,004 performances.
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roadtogracelandx45 · 4 months
Courage Under Fire| Currahee part 1| Band of Brothers
master list
Pre war 10
Mary and Alice belong to @marycorleone
word count: 3,194
We are finally getting to things in the mini series.
August 1942
Toccoa, Georgia
"Hey! Bobby!" Lewis called, seeing Olivia's twin brother and Bill Guarenre going towards one of the newly built barracks. The older Stewart twin turned around and offered Lewis a smile. " 
'Ey Nix! How is Liv?" Bobby asked, he had figured that his sister wrote more to Lewis about things than him. She didn't want to worry him. She worried enough about everyone for him.
"She was stressed when we left Benning, Amber was causing a lot of problems for her. She only slept maybe one or two full nights of sleep since we found out about James' death. Had nightmares, she moved into the barracks with me and Dick." He returned shaking Bobby's extended hand, ignoring Bill for the most part, Olivia had told him about what happened the night after he left to go home for New Year's.
The older twin nodded his head, he had heard all about it from Olivia and how she broke Amber's nose. He had been so proud and disappointed all in a messed up instant. He knew that Olivia had it in her to do something like that but she just never did anything. Maybe it was his and their older brothers' fault because they were always there to defend her.
'She told me about Amber, I only have ever heard that much hatred from her for one other person.' 
"Kathrine." Lewis filled in with a laugh, "She told me all about the visit that your grandfather made her do." 
"There was a visit?" Bill asked furious, that he hadn't been let in on it. 
'Yeah, Katherine's father, that mean old bastard, showed up at the house and since Olivia is too sweet to say no to her elders, she went to see Katherine at the prison. The long and short of it was that she hated that our father agreed to let her join and that Katherine hoped she died."
 "Jesus," Bill grumbled pulling a smoke out of his pack, he didn't know anyone who hated their own flesh and blood like Katherine McHale did and his heart went out to Olivia. He should write to her again to check on her, "Is Liv still in Meade?" 
"Not sure," The intelligence officer answered, there had been rumors that the girls were going to start going into the active war zones and some were going to be attached to certain units and a lot of the rumors were the nurses were from Meade. 
"The last letter I got from her was saying that she was in charge of like 20 nurses and they were speeding things up. The boys in the Pacific are getting hit hard. They are talking about sending the girls into active war zones."  
There was a violent look that passed in Bobby's blue eyes. One of the older Stewart brothers, Daniel, if Lewis remembered correctly, was in the Pacific with the Marines and they hadn't heard from him since just after the attack on Pearl Harbor.
There was no love lost between Daniel and the twins, he was more of Mama's boy and favored Katherine than their father and stepmother like the rest of the kids. The last time they had all been together, he had said some extremely cruel things to both Olivia, Marla, and their sisters in-laws, including Edward's pregnant wife.  Edward, who had the patience of a saint, lost his temper and got into a physical fight with him. 
Lewis had been sure if he had access to a pistol or rifle, Daniel would have been dead. 
"Lieutenant Nixon,"  Herbert Sobel's nasally voice came from down the gravel pathway, "I need you to go meet the next bus that comes in." 
 Rolling his eyes, the Yale man turned to look at him, they had only been there for a few days and already Sobel was pushing a lot of his responsibilities like this off.
"We are getting nurses, why I don't know. I don't want to know." Sobel had already made his mind up that these girls weren't going to last and he was going to do everything  Lewis went ramrod straight at that, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw Bobby and Bill straighten as well. If they were getting nurses, that could mean one thing. 
She could be there and be going into danger with them and it scared them to death. 
"This is a bad idea.' Amber complained for the 100th time since they had left Camp Meade for Toccoa and it was wearing on all of them.
"Amber, for everything that is holy, would you please shut the hell up?" Olivia asked from where she was sitting near the front of the bus, "We are all scared and tired, repeating your same complaint about everything isn't going to change anything. We are doing this. you had your chance to leave but you didn't. That's your own fault."  
"She has a point." Daisy pointed from her spot in the seat next to the first Lieutenant, over the last few weeks, she had formed a friendship with Olivia and started to see her as a girlfriend compared to a superior officer. 
"Oh, of course, she is." Amber snapped, "Just agree with everything that she says."
 "Well at least, she won't end up getting us all killed like you would." Betsy shot back annoyed, this was an all too familiar argument that the girls had after Olivia had been moved out of the barracks and in with Dick and Lewis.  In an effort not to further the fight, Olivia dropped down to sit down on the seat fully and look out of the window.
Sensing that there was something bothering her friend more than just the upcoming change, Alice slipped between the seats and into the one that Olivia was sitting in. 
"Wanna talk about it?"  She whispered, covering her hand with hers.
"No, just don't feel well is all. That time of the month." Olivia admitted she didn't want to breathe into existence the 48 terrifying hours when she had thought she had been pregnant with Lewis' child. After she stopped the wedding and they confessed their feelings for each other, Lewis stopped using protection. A small oversight on both of their parts and when they saw each other again at Benning, it just went on. And all hell almost broke loose. 
Alice hummed in agreement, not believing her but leaving it be. When she was ready to talk about it, she would, she always did. Her eyes found the gate the same time that Olivia did and she tightened the hold she had on the hand.  
"Here we go, ladies.'  Olivia called back before twisting the ring she was wearing on her ring finger around. 
Lewis was waiting with Dick, Edward Stewart, Ronald Speirs, and several of the other Lieutenants when the bus pulled up, a nervous knot building in his stomach. His dark eyes started searching out for Olivia, quickly but couldn't tell her apart from the other girls who were on the bus. 
"Who are you looking for Lew?" Edward teased, "Your girl?" 
"If you mean your sister, then yes. These girls are from Meade." 
The lightheartedness that Edward left his body and that unfamiliar fear took over. If she was there, he was going to march her right back onto the bus and send her back to Meade where she would be safe. She should never have to see the horror that they were going to see. 
Sure enough, the first girl off of the bus was Olivia followed by Alice and the rest of the girls. Colonel Sink who had come up cleared his throat stopping Edward, Lewis, and Dick from reacting to seeing her there. 
"Lieutenant Stewart." He started looking at Olivia, "Welcome to Toccoa." 
"Thank you, sir.' She tore her eyes away from her brother and the other two. She saw the momentary fear, anger, and worry cross their faces just as quickly as it appeared. She had been surprised to see Edward, she knew that he had been sent back to Fort Dix and from there she wasn't sure.
  "We are going to separate you throughout different companies. You are going to be with Easy with Lieutenant Sobel."
 A small smirk appeared on Lewis' face and he winked at her,  that made her feel a little better, knowing that she was going to be with one of them. If it wasn't with her brother then she was okay with being with Lewis and she was sure that Edward would agree with her on that. 
Sink left them after informing them that all of them would be in two barracks and handing Olivia a piece of paper with the rest of the company appointments which she handed over to Lewis who had come to her side once Sink was out of sight. 
"Olivia.' Edward started joining the two and pulling her into a hug not caring about the other men and the nurses and how they stared. 
"That's her oldest brother," Evie informed with a roll of her eyes, she could already hear Amber muttering to start rumors to a couple of the other girls and she wasn't going to have it.
"Hey, big brother." She returned, the tears that had been at bay for so long rose again, "I am okay." 
"I know, but I think you should go back to Meade." 
"No. I want to stay, I worked too hard to get here just to get set back home because my brother is scared that I am going to get hurt. We already lost Nick and James, if I can do something to stop you from dying then damn it, I will do it." 
"Fine, you will have to explain that to Bobby and Bill then." 
"They are here too?!' She pulled away to look at him, not wanting to believe the hope that was rising up.
"Mhmm, they are in your company too." He answered, "Hey." He snapped his fingers in her face when he saw the sudden excitement and how she started looking for them. 
"Do not become a troublemaker just because you are back with Bobby and Bill.' 
"Pfft." She giggled, "I am always on my best behavior.' 
Dick's sudden cough covered up his laughter floated towards her causing her to smile. He had seen enough of her best behavior that night after he went out with them, to know that it was bull and they both knew it. But to Edward,  Nicholas, Lee, and James, Olivia was a saint and overlooked her troublesome behavior, unlike Daniel who constantly ratted her out every single time. 
Edward quirked an eyebrow at her in amusement. Around Bill and Bobby, there was no such thing as best behavior. 
"Come on Liv, we will introduce you to the boys first then take you to the barracks." Lewis commented, his heart lifting in his chest, the fear of Olivia being there momentarily gone.  
"Liv.' Lily started grabbing a hold of her hand to stop her from following Lewis and Dick. "Don't worry, Lil, you are with my big brother." She said, squeezing her hand back, "He will take good care of you.'
"That's right.' Edward added, "If you are good with my sister, that makes you as good as one to me." Lily looked between the two siblings and nodded her head in agreement. Olivia hadn't led her astray yet and she was sure that wouldn't. 
"I will see you in the barracks, promise." Olivia squeezed her hand again and waited for her to take a few deep breaths. "Good?" 
"Good." Giving her hand another squeeze, Olivia released her hand, "Go ahead."
 "I got her," Daisy muttered as she followed her and the rest of the nurses followed the other men away leaving her with Alice, Amber, Evie, and Adele.  
"Everything good between you two?" Lewis asked as he grasped her elbow and spun her around to go towards the barracks. "Define good?" 
"No fights?" Dick prodded gently, he had been curious about her well-being after they separated at the end of OCS. 
"No more physical fights with me breaking her nose. Verbal yes."
 "She used words I didn't think she knew." Adele teased. 
"Me either," Dick admitted, when she had broken Amber's nose, he had been surprised with her saying the f-word. 
Up to that point she had been so ladylike. 
Olivia shrugged her shoulders, her eyes darting around looking for her twin brother and Bill.  As much as she loved Lewis and Edward, nothing would compare to Bill and Bobby. 
Hearing Dixieland being whistled from down the pathway, Lewis stopped the others from walking and Amber scoffed at the sudden motion. "Just watch." Lewis grinned, his eyes on Olivia who paused all but bouncing with excitement and started adding her own singing. 
"OLIVIA! ' Bobby exclaimed as he broke away from his friends and went down the pathway to his twin and picked her up in a swinging hug causing her to shout with laughter. 
"I should be mad as hell that you are here." He said as he sat her down back on her feet and pulled away to look at her.
 "But I am not. " When he had first heard about the nurses coming to join them, he had been so worried about her being in harm's way but he realized that it was for the best, she would be with him, with Bill and their friends and she would be safe. It made him feel better knowing that she was going to be there. 7 months had been a long time for them to be separated.
"Edward is, he wanted to put me back on the bus. I worked too damn hard to get set back home. If  y'all are taking risks, then I should be able to too." She answered, hating that as much as her reunion with her twin was joyful, it pained her, she saw so much of James in him and she was sure that he thought the same thing about her and Nicholas, "Who are your friends?" 
Bobby looked back at his friends and smiled, he had already threatened Floyd Talbert and Joseph Liebgott to stay away from his sister. They had already had reputations of being womanizers and he wanted to save his sister from any more hurt. 
Of course, her eyes found Liebgott's dark ones and the man was smirking and his sister blushed and shifted closer to him. She had only reacted to one other man, and that was Lewis Nixon. 
Steeling himself, Bobby jerked his head in silent invitation. Mary Corleone, who had been hidden behind the men, stepped up to Bobby's side, her hand resting on his arm causing Olivia's eyebrow to raise in question and her eyes to harden like steel. 
As much as Bobby was protective of her, she was protective of him, she knew that he didn't easily jump into bed with other girls.
Especially after how things ended with Evie and Olivia wasn't going to take girls being around her brother lightly. Samantha and Michaela, Edward and Lee’s wives were the two that got an easy pass.  
The rest had it harder. 
"Easy there tiger." Liebgott teased seeing the hard look, "Nothing going on between them.'
 "And how in the world do you know that?" Olivia sassed, putting her hands on her hips, “I know my brother just doesn’t get with any girl.” 
 "Dick, you wanted to know why I fell in love with her?" Lewis commented lowly, "This is why." 
Dick gave a half smile and nodded his head, it wasn’t hard to see why Lewis fell in love with Olivia.  He had seen their interactions at Benning and even now, it almost made him a little jealous, but they almost made perfect sense. 
"Olivia, this is Joseph Liebgott." Bobby introduced, "Lieb, this is my twin, Olivia." There was a silent threat that hung in the air. Not to mess with her, especially with how quickly both Liebgott and Talbert got the nickname 
"It's nice to meet you, princess." He smirked, holding his hand out to her. 
 "You too. And don't call me that." She returned grasping his hand in hers, trying not to gasp when she felt a tingle go through her. A tingle that was different from the one that she felt from when she was Lewis. And looking at Joe, it looked like he had felt it too.
Quickly, she released his hand and took a step back towards Lewis whose hand stole to her hip and pulled her back to him.  Floyd Talbert and Chuck Grant exchanged a look, they had all been curious about Olivia, especially after hearing the story about how she broke Amber's nose but now they were more curious about her and her relationship with Lewis.  
“Livvy!” Bill’s strong voice rang from behind the group. 
Adele didn’t miss how Evie’s eyes lit up when the man came into view and went towards Olivia who was already laughing. “Bil! Don’t you dare!” She pointed her finger at him, “This isn’t the time or place for your shenanigans.” 
He paused for a second as if he was going to weigh his options, in an instant he had pulled her away from Lewis, dipped her down, brushed his lips against hers,  and let her up. “Go say hi to Evie.” She laughed once she was straightened. 
His eyebrows knitted together in confusion, he hadn’t spoken to Evie since he joined the Army. It wasn’t anything against her, he had already hurt Olivia repeatedly, and he couldn’t do that to Evie.  She tilted her head to where Evie was at. Bobby’s eyes followed the tilt and groaned. “Is that the girl?’ Mary asked lowly, Bobby had filled them in the night before about what led to him, Olivia, and their younger sister Marla going back to Charleston and why he and Bill fought.  They had almost come to blows when Bobby walked into the barracks and heard Bill talking about his sister and their sex life.  
Mary chewed on the inside of her bottom lip, she couldn’t understand how Bobby could be so chill about Bill breaking his sister’s heart and stealing his girlfriend but now seeing them, it started to make sense.  Shaking her head she went to turn to Liebgott to tell him they should go to roll call but he was engrossed in a flirty conversation with Olivia who was still standing too close to Lieutenant Nixon.  “Oh, Mary,” Nixon started, finally seeing her there, “Olivia and most of the nurses are going to be joining you in the barracks.”   She forced a smile on her face and nodded her head, “Great.” 
As much as she hated the fact that she had to share the near-empty space, maybe it was for the best, she could keep an eye on her and make sure she didn’t weasel her way into Liebgott’s arms. Not when Mary herself was holding his attention for the most part, she wasn’t going to let him go without a fight. 
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