#lexa <3
quotidian-oblivion · 11 months
ask box trick or treat
Hellooooooooo! 'Kay, so i posted a snippet from a wip here, so i think imma share an unpublished fic idea. I didn't pursue this one cuz it was fun thinking about it, but I didn't actually want to write it.
Jason Todd is a teacher at Gotham City High School, a school for kids who are from below-middle-class families or families in poverty. He teaches English. 
Before the analysis assignment, his class has to do, he decides to set up a formative assignment to get them warmed up on analysis. He teaches them basic English skills like literary techniques (metaphors, similes etc.) language features, stylistic features and all that. 
The catch is. 
The text isn't just any old text. It's fanfic. And some kids recognize it. The others are just confused as to why the teacher is on his knees, laughing while trying to explain and a few other kids are in hysterics too. Even some of the quiet kids and—the popular group of boys and one of the popular girls too? 
The whole class is in hysterics, but there is actual analysation happening. 
Jason hands out an *ahem* downloaded PDF copy of the, uh, story and the kids analyse that. 
Then Jason says at the end to submit their analysis to them then when he looks over them and gives it back, they'll have to copy and paste it in this little box for, uh, extra credit. And everyone wants extra credit of it's so easy so they do it.
Then he asks which of them liked the story, and most of the class raises their hands. The other kids weren't big readers and didn't really enjoy reading or just didn't like analysis and thought this was just some other story. But Jason tells the students who raised their hands to press kudo for, uh, statistical data. Thus, the author gets extra support.
Yeah, it was fun to think and giggle about at 1am, but not really write it all out lol
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lomltrentarnold · 9 months
omg your new theme!! i love it😍
thank you my love! <3333
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butmakeitgayblog · 14 days
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Teach Me
Ch. 7
Test days
God, she hated test days.
The mind-numbing minutiae of it.
The waste of time that could be better spent actually learning. 
The way she had to show up to do… absolutely nothing. 
Pacing an ambling line from one end of the lecture platform to the other, her eyes swept the darkened room before checking her watch again.
“You have thirty seconds left to finish your thoughts for this piece, and then we're moving on to the final slide,” Lexa called out, remembering to soften her tone so as to not make the more consumed writers of the class jump nearly a foot out of their desks.
The screen overhead flipped from ‘ The Column of Trajan’ to ��� The Arch of Constantine’, and the clock on the wall ticked on.
A few more minutes passed in relatively dull silence as Lexa mentally flowed through the lesson plans she had presented thus far, combing the downturned sea of faces and mentally shouting what she hoped the students had taken from them. 
Because she wanted them to do well.
Because she measured her own success as an educator by her student's every success.
Because if she had to read one more essay this semester that contained the words “lit” or “potato quality” in reference to ancient carvings, she just might tear her own hair out.
She really hated test days. 
Mind buzzing with thoughts of stylistic contrasts between High Empire versus Late, and wondering who among her pupils would draw the correct conclusions for why each piece represented on the test was chosen, Lexa felt her pocket vibrate as she settled down on the edge of the table at the head of the room.
Fishing her phone out, she glanced down and froze at the preview that flashed bright across the screen.
“That is a very tight vest you have on Professor”
Schooling her face despite the heat that bloomed bright hot in her cheeks, Lexa checked the timer she had set and barely hesitated before opening the message.
“Shouldn't you be focusing on your test?”
“Just finished a minute ago. Now I'm wasting time until class is over.”
“Shouldn't you want to leave then?” she thumbed out. As if on cue, she pressed her phone to her chest and nodded as a student traipsed up to the front and deposited their test booklet on the table before slipping out of the lecture hall without a sound. “It's a beautiful day. Go enjoy it instead of pretending to look busy.”
“But the view's so good right here…”
Straightening up from her slouched position, it felt like a herculean task to keep her eyes from beelining to the front row and exactly two seats to the left. 
Instead she made another lazy loop around the dais, scanning the crowd for moving pencils (and any obvious signs of someone having fallen asleep.) 
The dull squeak of graphite on paper had her winding back around to stand behind the safety of her podium.
“That's highly inappropriate. Remind me why I let you sit in the front row?” she typed back the second her hands were out of sight. 
She snuck another glance out into the dimmed lecture hall and waited.
“Because I'm your very favoritest student Professor Woods,” she read when another message popped up right below it. “And because when I wear this outfit you can almost see up my dress.”
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ffshipbracket · 1 year
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taschamonnii · 11 months
Take My Breath Away
Clextober23 Day 3 Annual Fall Festival
Here is the title song: Take My Breath Away (WLW)
SMUT 18+
Just a lil Meet-Cute that gets a little Spicy and ends in…
Clexa X Harlivy 
Clarke is dressed up as Harley Quinn 
Lexa is dressed up as Poison Ivy
(If you haven’t watched Harley Quinn the Animated 2019 Series you MUST! It’s sooo good the gays win in it! Harlivy stan!)
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Word Count: 6,363
It's October Clarke Griffin's favorite month not only because it's her birthday month but because it's Halloween! Clarke has always loved Halloween. Her friends Raven and Octavia know that October is peak Party Griffin season and know she won't turn down a chance to dress up. Luckily there are tons of festivals and parties and clubs to attend. Clarke is full of excitement there is something in the air she just knows this will be a great October and she can’t wait to wear her Harley Quinn costume. She is an artist for the cartoon series and absolutely loves Harlivy and the show really favors them as well. Kaley Cuoco and Lake Bell play Harley and Ivy perfectly and she just loves how much they also love the relationship. She truly loves her job as an artist on the show and for the series-related comics. She has always loved the characters since 1993 when they first interacted on Batman the Animated Series. She loved comic books and animation as a kid and drawing those characters was her favorite thing to do as a kid and now she gets paid to do it.
Lexa Woods is not a people person in fact she kind of hates most people. She thinks holidays are the worst because they all encourage wasteful consumerism. Her sister Anya, however, loves to party and refuses to let Lexa be a grump at home. The persuasion was difficult but Anya is a pro and told Lexa she could even dress up as one of her favorite nerdy comic book characters. Little did Anya know Lexa would pick a character that is basically just a green version of Lexa’s nerdy self. Lexa chose her career because of Poison Ivy. She got into Environmental Biology solely because of the 1993 animated series. Watching Poison Ivy be brilliant while being this untouchable goddess well it was everything Lexa wanted to be as a kid. Not to mention the Harley Ivy episode which made her realize she was so incredibly gay. Now as an adult, her inner child is happier than ever. There is a GAY animated series dedicated to Harlivy and comic series and she is actually helping the environment the way she always dreamed. Obviously, she had to dress up as Poison Ivy. 
The Spooktacular Arkadia Festival is always fun but always crowded even on off days. The gang is navigating the crowd with ease though since this is their favorite event they know all the tricks to have the best time and experience everything the festival has to offer. The gang's all dressed up in DC characters to support Clarke's work and because they actually love the show! Raven is dressed as Bane which is no surprise to anyone since she “Loves Sploshions!” Of course, she has adjusted his costume slightly instead of a mask she painted her face. Octavia convinced her boyfriend that they are alternate reality Cat Woman and Bruce Wane/Batman where their races are reversed. Jasper and Monty are the Riddler and Clock King. Murphy is Clayface. Nathan is King Shark. As a group, they look amazingly nerdy and have been receiving compliments all night. Some people even recognized Clarke as an artist for the show and asked for her signature. They have gone through all the haunted houses and played all the games. Ate and drank everything pumpkin flavored and is currently headed for the haunted corn maze since the sun has finally set. 
The maze is huge and full of creepy surprises around every corner. As the group gets farther into the dark maze the sounds of the festival become distanced and muted. The eerie sound of the wind through the corn stalks and distant screams surround the group. The calm before the storm.
A loud crash of metal trash cans falling in their path has the groups scrambling and running from the “monsters”. It’s all fun and games until Raven sets off a smoke bomb making it impossible to see. The group gets separated as they cough and attempt to escape the chaos. Raven ends up with Octavia and Lincoln while Monty, Jasper, Nathan, and Murphy flee back the way they came in leaving Clarke alone in the dark maze. She doesn’t scare easily but it's definitely not as fun alone. She curses Raven under her breath; she should have known to check the Latina’s pockets before leaving Octavia’s house. 
Clarke decides she will outsmart all of the scare traps and sneak around rustling the corn to scare other groups. She is lurking around when she sees a woman standing alone looking down at her phone.
Bright red hair is illuminated by the blue light of her phone screen. Clarke can’t help but soak in every detail of the woman in front of her. Well as best as she can in the dim lighting. Green tights with elaborate vines stitched up the sides making long legs seem like they go on forever. Black Doc Marines give the woman some height making her taller than Clarke by just the right amount that Clarke's thoughts drift to how perfectly her head could rest on the woman's shoulder. She shakes her head trying not to lose herself but it has just been forever since she’s felt any kind of way about anyone let alone a stranger, a beautiful stranger. The black jacket the woman wears hugs her thin but toned frame perfectly and Clarke doesn’t miss the tiny details of stitched green stripes. This woman is perfectly dressed as her Ivy. Clarke can’t help herself and takes a few steps forward, the hay on the ground crunching beneath her makes the other woman fully turn to face her. 
Wow is all Clarke can think of as she takes in the jawline of the woman and her delicate features. Her eyes she thinks may be a gray color but it’s too dark to tell. All Clarke knows is this woman is absolutely stunning and she can’t stop staring. Luckily it seems the woman is also awe-struck by Clarke.
Lexa is shocked and stunned beyond belief. When she heard footsteps she had been hoping it was Anya. Never in her life was she so grateful that it wasn’t her sister. It took her maybe a second to recognize the woman in front of her. Lexa thought she must be dreaming. There was no way Clarke Griffin, one of her favorite illustrators, was standing in front of her in the middle of a corn maze. Not only standing there but staring at Lexa like she was a work of art or something. All while dressed up as her favorite version of Harley Quinn. The red and black Converse and knee-high socks. The incredibly short black and red shorts hugged thick muscular thighs. The cropped tight red and black top presented ample cleavage in the most incredible way. Her makeup was done with the classic blue eyeshadow on one lid and pink on the other to match the dyed ends of her pigtails one pink and one blue. She looked incredible. It truly didn’t help that Lexa already had a deep appreciation for Clarke Griffin the artist and Harley Quinn the character. The combination in front of her was everything and if she wanted to believe in love at first sight this would be it for her. 
Somehow Lexa seemed to pull herself out of her head and use her words. Unfortunately, her words were just as embarrassing as her staring. “Wow, you’re Clarke Griffin! You’re even prettier in real life-oh my god-not that you are not pretty in photos and videos! Not in a creepy way, I'm a fan of your art! Oh my god LEXA shut up!” 
Lexa managed to stop rambling for a second just long enough for an amused Clarke to smile at her. “Lexa, was it?”
Lexa nodded. Clarke smiled wider “Lexa, take a deep breath you are as red as your hair.”
Lexa nodded once more and gave Clarke a shy smile that made it hard for Clarke to focus on anything other than the other woman's plump lips. Lexa took a deep breath and decided to attempt to salvage the situation. “I’m sorry. Gawd I just talked at you. I am so sorry.”
Clarke smirked “I thought it was kind of cute, actually. The costume suits your body and your personality it seems.”
Lexa could feel the heat rise on her cheeks all the way to her ears. DID CLARKE GRIFFIN JUST FLIRT WITH HER! Pull it together!
Lexa bit her bottom lip as she let her gaze travel Clarke’s body down and then back up to meet intense blue eyes. “Your costume seems to fit you perfectly as well.”
Clarke tilted her head with a grin. “Is Poison Ivy flirtin’ with lil old me, Harley Quinn?”
Clarke teased trying her best to mimic the character's voice. Lexa swallowed hard this woman might be the death of her. Lexa took a step closer now standing toe to toe. Only a few inches between them “Maybe I am.” Lexa Husked. 
Clarke’s knees buckled but before she could trip Lexa reached out grabbing both her hands in hers.
Something was in the air, a sort of magical feeling like this was destiny or fate that they just happened to meet here and now like this. There was a magnetic pull between them that they could both feel. There was no denying the attraction it was written all over their faces. It filled the air around them with an eclectic buzz. 
Clarke leaned up and Lexa leaned down. Their lips brushed with a tingling spark in a soft kiss. Lexa moved her hands to wrap around Clarke’s waist to pull her flush against her as she sucked on Clarke’s bottom lip lightly. Clarke tangled her hands in thick red hair as she matched Lexa’s lips and melted into their bodies being flush against each other. 
The feel of Lexa's warm soft hands caressing the skin of her lower back made her dizzy. Clarke forgot where they were and that this woman was basically a stranger. But this felt too right to care. Clarke licked at Lexa’s bottom lip and Lexa met her with her own tongue making Clarke let out a soft hum of a moan. She tugged harder on red hair. She needed more of this woman. 
They both needed so much more. 
They both jumped at the sound and looked around while holding each other. Lights flashed in the row over and screams followed. 
The moment seemed to bring them back to reality. "We should probably get out of this maze," Lexa said.
Clarke nodded in agreement "I lost my friends because my idiot best friend set off a smoke bomb."
"That was your friend? I lost my sister because of the smoke."
"Yeah, Raven is really into explosions. She's actually dressed as Bane and my friends are all dressed as DC characters."
"That is amazing! I'd love to meet them. I'm a huge fan of the show. I've loved Harley and Ivy since I was a kid."
"They will love your costume. Me too, was it the 1993 animated series for you too?" 
"Of course! It was so gay without being gay!" Lexa said happily. 
"Ugh, I know right? I'm so happy Harlivy is a real thing now!" 
“Right it has taken ages of teasing the couple for it to actually fully happen and your show does it so well! For once the problem in the queer relationship isn’t homophobia it’s that they are both troubled and complex characters. I love the way they are not perfect but constantly strive to be the best versions of themselves for the other and how much love they have for each other. I’m sorry I’m rambling. I just love the show, and your art is incredible!”
Clarke couldn’t contain her smile, the conversation was light and natural and she honestly didn’t want to stop talking to this woman. Lexa seemed to feel the same if her excitement for the conversation was any indication. 
Fuck Lexa was adorable when she rambled and it took everything in Clarke not to pull at the collar of the woman's jacket and crash their lips together once more. “Don’t apologize. I love seeing people love the show as much as I do. Plus, you are really cute when you ramble.”
The blush that crept up Lexa’s neck was priceless. Clarke really couldn’t help herself now. She grabbed the collar of Lexa’s jacket and quickly pulled her down into a kiss. Their lips fit so damn perfectly. Clarke didn't let it last; she couldn't start something here. "Let's get out of here."
Lexa blinked as Clarke straightened her jacket and released it. Lexa was in awe of this woman. She quickly took Clarke’s hand making the blonde glance at their joined hands. Her blue eyes were light when her gaze traveled back to meet Lexa’s. The smiles that took over both of their faces as Clarke squeezed Lexa’s hand and interlaced their fingers could have lit the entire cornfield if this was a cartoon. 
Lexa reached into her pocket for her phone and pulled up Google Maps again. Clarke took Lexa’s phone in her free hand. “This is cheating, Lexa.” She teased. 
“No. Hey! What are you-” Clarke interrupted her “I’m texting myself so I don’t lose you if we get separated.”
Clarke closed Google Maps and observed the background with a smile finding Harlivy art. She recognized the picture, the two characters were lying in some greenery holding hands and lovingly gazing at each other. Lexa could not get any more adorable. She quickly opened the text app and typed in her number and typed a message to herself. She hit send and pulled maps back up then handed the phone back. 
Lexa looked at the map and then around “This way looks fastest.”
“Lead the way, Red.”
Lexa laughed, “This is not my natural color.”
“No! You’re telling me you don’t have fire truck red hair, naturally?”
Lexa bumped her shoulder against Clarke’s laughing lightly as she said, “fuck you.”
“Buy me a drink first.”
“Okay, what are you drinking?” Lexa said, tugging Clarke faster towards the exit of the maze. 
Clarke couldn’t stop her laughter if she tried. They made it out of the maze faster than Clarke thought was possible and wow was it attractive to watch a determined Lexa lead the way. Lexa led them to one of the drink stands and Clarke smiled. “What would you like to drink?” 
“I was joking, Lexa. You don’t have to buy me a drink.”
Lexa smiled dorkily. “I know but I want to even if it’s just a drink and conversation.” 
“You are something else. Seriously, how are you so cute and sexy at the same time?”
“I’m a woman of many talents.”
“I bet you are.” Clarke bit her bottom lip, unable to stop her mind from wandering to naughty places. 
“What can I get you ladies?” The cashier interrupted their silent eye contact.
Lexa broke eye contact first smiling at the guy behind the counter. “Oh hi, um can I get the Pumpkin Spooktacular dark brew, please? And whatever this beautiful woman-” Clarke interrupted Lexa softly, “I’ll have the same thing.”
Lexa smiled at Clarke then looked back at the guy as he asked “Anything else?”
She looked back to Clake who shook her head. “That’s it, thanks.” 
Lexa paid and they got their adorable pumpkin-flavored coffees and found an empty table under one of the trees that was decorated with sparking lights. Lexa is quick to pull out Clarke’s chair and then sit next to her. Clarke can’t handle how Lexa is treating her. It has been far too long since she's even just had a one-night stand let alone been on a date and this feels like a date. No, it felt like more than just a date. It felt like they were already girlfriends and this was just a cute Saturday date night. It all just felt so comfy, familiar, and right. She felt like she could get used to this. She sipped her coffee and sighed at the warmth and tasted happy she got something warm. The cool night air was starting to get to her exposed skin. 
Lexa watched Clarke trying to soak in the comfortable feelings of ease the blonde gave her. She honestly felt like she must be dreaming. There was no way this was her life. Clarke Griffin is sitting across from her happily sipping on a pumpkin-flavored coffee. Face illuminated by the twinkling lights that seemed to make blue eyes sparkle. She was in awe of the woman before her. 
Clarke held her drink in both hands and had been glancing around but she felt eyes on her and smiled when her gaze met intense green orbs. Wow was all she could think. She had never seen green eyes like Lexa’s before. They are the kind of green that changes hues in different lighting and, gawd the twinkle lights made them shine like the sun on a lake the reflection of lush green trees surrounding the water. Clarke couldn't stop the shiver that ran up her spine. 
“Are you cold?”
Clarke cleared her thoughts as she returned to earth. “Oh, uhm, a little but this is helping. Thank you.”
“It’s colder than I thought it was going to be and I’m wearing more clothes than you here.”
Lexa got up removed her jacket and draped it over Clarke’’s shoulders.
Clarke despite herself sunk into the warmth the jacket offered and the sweet woodsy scent that was so very Lexa. She couldn’t help her smile even as she said. “I can’t take your jacket.”
Lexa could almost melt seeing the beautiful woman melt into her jacket and smile at her. “It looks good on you.”
“Not as good as you.” 
Clarke flushed as Lexa peered down at her from her standing position. She knows the angle gives Lexa a perfect view of her boobs. Lexa doesn’t even try to hide the fact that she’s staring. Clarke is definitely warm now. 
Lexa forces her gaze back up to meet those mesmerizing blue orbs. “You are so beautiful, Clarke.” 
Clarke is a fairly confident woman who has grown to love her curves and womanly figure but Lexa is all lean fit muscle with delicate yet sharp facial features. Clarke is pretty sure Lexa is the most gorgeous woman she has ever had the pleasure to lay eyes on. Hearing Lexa so genuinely compliment her is too much. She grabs the hand that still lingers on her shoulder and pulls lightly. Luckily Lexa gets the hint and leans down to kiss Clarke. It feels far too intimate but also so natural. They keep it short and Lexa returns to her seat. Clarke grabs the chair and scoots Lexa to be tucked in closer to her and leans into the warmth and comfort. They observe the crowd in a comfortable silence watching teenagers scream and laugh. Observing awkward first dates and seeing families smile for pictures. The atmosphere is something out of a Hallmark movie. It’s the cheesy annual Halloween Festival regardless of how cheesy it all is Clarke and Lexa soak up every last bit of it. They have some casual conversation and sip their delicious drinks before a loud group is heard calling their names. Clarke looks around to see her friends wandering about looking for her. Clarke looks back to Lexa “I take it that is your sister walking with her arm over my friend Raven's shoulder.” 
Lexa glances over to the group and smiles “Wow, you weren’t kidding all your friends are dressed as DC characters! They look awesome!”
“I don’t joke about my friends' enthusiasm.” Clarke Laughed. 
“That’s my sister alright, it seems Anya has her sight set on your friend. Wait, that's my cousin Lincoln with the short brunette.”
“Raven looks like a smitten kitten! Damn, how are all the people in your family so attractive?”
Lexa snorts out a laugh that is downright adorable. It makes Clarke want to keep her forever. 
The group hasn’t noticed them yet and Raven keeps yelling both their names. “Should we run and hide or?” Clarke teased.
“You can have me all to yourself later, Clarke.” 
Fucking hell Clarke really loves the way Lexa says her name. Clarke licks and then bites her bottom lips softly. Dropping her voice an octave to whisper huskily, “You promise?”
Lexa swallows the lump in her suddenly dry throat. “If you want. I will follow you anywhere.”
Lexa has never been more confident in her feelings towards another. She thinks maybe she was always meant to find and love this woman. Clarke seems to be feeling something similar with the way she’s visibly swooning. Clarke leans in close to Lexa and softly presses their foreheads together, their lips are almost touching. “Damn, you’re going to be the death of me.” Clarke husked. 
Before Clarke could say or do anything else Lexa closed the space between them softly capturing a top lip right where that adorable beauty mark is. Clarke automatically melted into the kiss sucking lightly on Lexa’s plump bottom lip. Hands tangled into thick red hair. While slender fingers rested on pale thighs. 
To anyone who didn’t know they would assume the two were a long-time couple. Unfortunately, the people who noticed were all too aware that the two were not dating. Raven whistled at them as the rest of the group cheered. The loud group made them part from their kiss but Clarke tugged lightly at the curls on the back of Lexa’s neck. “You better keep your promise.”
Lexa squeezed Clarke’s thigh “I never break a promise.”
The two detangled from each other just in time for the group to get to them. Anya is the first to say something “You ditched me in the maze to make out with a girl?”
“I didn’t ditch you. I lost you in the smoke.” Lexa turned to Raven “Thanks for that by the way, Raven.”
Raven smirked, “I see Clarke has told you about her awesome step-sister/mom!”
“Oh my god Raven shut up you can’t be my step-sister and stepmom!”
“I can’t help the fact your mom is hot Griffin.”
“Oh you have a thing for older women do you?” Anya lifted her brow at Raven. 
“Uh yeah, have you seen yourself!” Raven smirked. 
“Raven cut it out, we haven't even properly met Lexa yet.” Octavia tried.
Raven rolled her eyes at her friend. “Your boyfriend's cousins are going to have to learn how to deal with this madness if they want to be part of the group.” 
Lexa and Lincoln waved to each other silently observing the friends. Octavia rolled her eyes right back “Just because Anya seems to like you doesn’t mean you get to act insane.”
“Oh, you like me, cheekbones?”
“I never said that.”
“But you didn’t not say it either.”
Nathan spoke up “Can we be introduced so we can continue the fun?”
Clarke smiled at Nathan and grabbed Lexa’s hand. She stood up leading Lexa to stand next to her “Everyone this is Lexa!”
Lexa waved “Hi!”
“You know Raven now and your cousin's girlfriend is Octavia.”
Both girls waved at Lexa. “You can call me O. Everyone does.” 
“Nice to finally meet you O. I have heard a lot about you. My cousin is mad about you.”
Clarke pointed at the two guys holding hands, “That's Jasper and Monty.” She pointed to the other two, “That's Nathan and that's Murphy.” 
“It’s nice to meet you all. I love the costumes!”
The group all greeted Lexa with open arms appreciating her costume and nerding out with her about the show and characters. It made Clarke dizzy with what she could only call affection for the woman. She fit in so perfectly! Honestly Lincoln and Anya seemed to fit in as well and something about it all just seemed like it was written in the stars. The whole group seemed to feel it too. 
The night air was crisp, the company was perfect, and the place was everything. The last activity was always the group's favorite. They reserved a private firepit and always got the s'mores package deal. This year they reserved early enough to get a lake-side pit and it was worth every cent. 
The firepit was lit for them by an employee and they gathered around the cozy fire. The light illuminated the shore. Clarke pulled Lexa over to one of the benches and gave her back her jacket. “It looks so much better on you and really completes your outfit.”
“I will only take this back if you let me keep you warm.”
“Oh, that was the plan, Lex.”
Clarke snuggles into Lexa grabbing her arm to drape around her. They shared s’mores and laughs and the best conversations. The group took a bunch of pictures and before they knew it the night was coming to an end. The witching hour had come and it was time to go but Lexa and Clarke didn’t want the night to end here. The group split off into their different cars. No one was surprised to see Anya and Raven leave together and so no one even questioned when Clarke left with Lexa.
The drive to Lexa’s was filled with an electric anticipation in the air. They both felt it. Lexa drove faster than usual but was still careful. Lexa placed a hand lightly on Clarke's thigh. It was too much and not enough for Clarke so she slid her hands around Lexa’s and held it in her lap. It’s comfy, familiar even but more than that it’s electric. 
They arrived at Lexa’s apartment complex and only disconnected long enough for Lexa to get out and walk around to Clarke’s door. She opened it and offered Clarke her hand which Clarke happily took.
They walked close, fingers interlaced and locked. The elevator ride up was silent but again so comfortable and normal. Lexa led the way unlocking her door and ushering them both inside. She shut and locked the door behind them, never letting go of Clarke’s hand. Clarke stayed basically attached to Lexa’s side as she took in the spacious open apartment. Lexa squeezed her hand “Well this is basically it. Would you like some water?”
“It’s beautiful. Yes, please.”
Lexa guided them into the open kitchen. She turned to face Clarke fully. She was going to ask her something else but was distracted by those eyes and then by the slightest movement just a few inches lower. She watched helplessly as Clarke licked her lips and then she snapped her gaze back up to meet dilated pupils. Lexa couldn't help but lick her own lips and Clarke noticed right away. 
Clarke is quick to pull Lexa in and kiss those ridiculously soft lips. Her hands tangle into Lexa’s hair and Lexa finds her balance by holding Clarke’s hips. She presses the blonde into the counter of the island and it makes them both groan. Lexa moves her hands lower and hooks them around soft thighs. She lifts the blonde with ease and sets her on the countertop. A sound escapes Clarke that is delicious and Lexa is desperate to hear more. The cool stone under Clarke does nothing to ease the heat surging through her entire body. 
Clarke wraps her legs around Lexa and pulls her flush against her. She pulls strong shoulders to get those lips back on hers. They moan into the kiss as their bodies are tightly fitted together. Lexa’s hands are on silky thighs massaging the firm muscles there. Clarke can’t help but move her hips in a sad attempt to get friction but they are so tightly pressed she can barely move. It fills her with need and she pulls off Lexa’s jacket then her shirt then her bra. Lexa quickly catches up unclasping the tight top that somehow supports Clarke’s ample breasts. She pulls the straps down slowly and moves her kisses to follow as more silky smooth skin gets revealed. Clarke throws her head back in a moan when lips ghost down her neck and collar bones and teeth scrape the soft sensitive skin. “You smell so good, can I taste you?”
“I like that word on your lips.”
“Fuck please, Lexa!”
“Oh, that’s even better. Fuck Clarke say my name again.”
Clarke didn’t expect the brunette to be so talkative but fuck if it wasn’t making her so much wetter than she’d ever been before from someone just talking. Lexa trails her tongue down Clarke’s neck stopping at the crook and sucking lightly. “You taste so good.”
“Fuck Lexa!”
“Can I kiss your breasts?”
“Gawd yes!” 
Clarke arches her back pushing her exposed chest out. Lexa kisses down the center and palms both full breasts in her hands. They fit perfectly and feel gloriously heavy in her slender hands. 
She runs her thumbs over stiff nipples making them stiffer. She kisses around each one and then finally wraps her lips around a stiff bud and lightly runs her tongue over it. She pinches the other as she begins to suck and bite the nipple in her mouth. She moans at the taste and Clarke moans at the feeling. Images of that mouth and tongue lower make her clit throb. Lexa is lost devouring Clarke’s beautiful breasts. Until she feels Clarke leaning back. She reluctantly detached herself from Clarke’s chest to look at her worried she did something wrong. “Are you okay?”
Clarke stops and grabs Lexa’s face “More than okay. I just need these off.”
She moved her hands to her shorts. Lexa bit her bottom lip “I need those off too, here lay back.”
Lexa guided Clarke to lie on the cool stone; it made Clarke shiver and that caused her breasts to bounce. Lexa is so thankful for gravity. Green eyes are intense as her gaze rolls down. Lexa hooks her fingers into the waistband of tight shorts and pulls them down. She takes a deep shuddered breath when she discovers nothing underneath but slick wet skin. “Oh wow, Clarke!”
“It’s all because of you.”
“Mmm in that case is it all mine to taste?”
Clarke whimpers at the thought of the deep raspy neediness of Lexa’s voice. “Fuck, Lexa yes.”
Lexa quickly lowers herself and wastes no time. Her lips press against Clarke’s clit and she is instantly addicted to the taste and rushes to get more enthusiastically licking and sucking. She can’t get enough; she explores and makes some of the most vulgar sounds as she fully loses herself in the taste and feel. 
“Fuck! Lexa OH! Slow down. You’re going to make me cum AH!”
Lexa doesn’t ease up, Clarke's words encourage her. 
Lexa hums and then whispers hotly “You taste so good, Clarke.”   
The combination of heated breath and vibrations has Clarke trembling. “Mmm So, Fucking, Good.”
Lexa latches on with more pressure sucking and it sends Clarke barreling over the edge. “IM CU UH AH AH FUCK Oh FUCK LEXA!”
Lexa doesn’t let up as Clarke’s legs tremble forcing Clarke to pull her up by her hair. “Jesus Lexa!”
“I can’t help it, Clarke. I could do that all day. I love your pussy.”
“I love your tongue but fuck I need to feel and taste you too.”
Clarke sits up and wraps her arms around Lexa and Lexa follows along wrapping her arms around Clarke. She picks her up, almost losing her mind at how wet pussy presses against her abs as her legs wrap around her tightly. She takes them to her bedroom. She lays Clarke down but the blonde keeps her locked in her embrace pulling Lexa down on top of her. She flips them over and straddles Lexa’s hips. “You are far too dressed.”
Clarke moves to stand and pulls Lexa’s Leggings off. She licks and bites her lip when her gaze falls to the little green lace that is soaked through. She takes a shaky breath “Ffuuck, Lex.”
She is quick to remove the lace and even quicker to kiss up long smooth legs. “Gawd your legs!” 
Clarke bites and sucks at inner thighs coaxing whimpers from the woman below her. “I love the little sounds you're making. Be louder for me.”
She moved her kisses up and sank into the taste of Lexa. She had never tasted anyone so divine. Lexa moaned louder as Clarke explored. “Fuck! Clarke!”
Clarke hummed against her and repeated the actions that had Lexa unraveling underneath her. She quickly found the right pressure to make long legs tremble and relentlessly repeated it until Lexa arched off the bed “Oh Fuck! Oh MY FuCkInG CLARKE! YES!” 
Clarke couldn’t get enough and Lexa had to tug her up by the hair just like she had done earlier to her. Clarke happily laid over Lexa pressing their bodies together. They both moved in for a kiss and moaned at the combined taste. Their bodies were far from sated; they needed more. More of each other. More of this moment. More. 
Clarke moved her legs to slot with Lexa's. Lexa adjusted and pressed her thigh up between Clarke's legs. She moaned at the feel of just how wet Clarke was. "You like this? Do you feel how wet I am? I'm dripping down your thigh." 
"I love it! Gawd Clarke, it's so hot."
Clarke moved her thigh to press against Lexa and sighed out a shaky breath. "Fuck Lex." 
Clarke held herself up slightly to look down between them. "You're so fucking wet! Can I?"
She adjusted her position and hovered her own pussy just above Lexa's. Lexa looked down and swallowed hard. "Please!"
Lexa grabbed Clarke's hips and pulled her down. They both moaned at the contact. Their hips moved slowly. Slick filthy wet noise filled the room. "Fuck Lexa! Can you cum like this?" 
"I could cum just watching you, Clarke."
Clarke smirked as she pressed into Lexa. "It's my boobs, isn't it? I knew you were a boob girl."
"I mean you have gorgeous breasts but Clarke it's all of you."
Lexa's gaze traveled over every inch of Clarke's body. Green landed on deep blue and they stayed locked. Lexa bucked her hips up slowly. Clarke matched her movements. "It's all of you too, Lexa. Gawd I think you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen!"
Their hips bucked harder. "Fuck, Clarke!"
"Yes faster!"
Hips bucked, breasts bounced, skin glistened. It was just enough to have them both unraveling quickly. It wasn't enough. Clarke groaned as she came. Contracting around nothing. "Please Lex, I need more!"
Lexa quickly flipped Clarke over and hovered over her. "What do you need, Clarke?" 
She trailed her fingers down down down. "I need those fingers inside me. I need my fingers inside of you."
Clarke snaked her hand between them and didn't wait for Lexa. Her fingers slid into Lexa with ease. 
"Fuck! Clarke!"
Lexa's arm buckled and she lost her balance. She fell beside Clarke. "Shit sorry! Fuck!"
Clarke let out a soft laugh and moved to lie on her side facing Lexa. "Come here." 
Clarke scooted closer leaning in for a kiss. Lexa happily met her lips. Clarke took Lexa's hand and guided it to her hip and then between them. Lexa bit Clarke's bottom lip and sucked on it as she took control of her hand sliding her fingers through slick folds. She circled Clarke's clit softly and it made her shiver. "Don't tease me please, I need you inside." 
Lexa couldn't help but obey. She pressed her fingertips softly to her tight entrance and could feel Clarke pull her in. "Fuck, Lex!"
Lexa leaned in for another kiss and swallowed Clarke's moans as she curled her fingers and pressed her palm against Clarke's clit. Clarke snaked her own hand between them and slid her fingers into Lexa curling them the same as Lexa's and pressing her palm against her clit. She kept her palm in place and curled her fingers staying mostly inside timing the spongy front wall. Lexa mirrored the movements of Clarke as Clarke captured plump lips once again. The kisses got messier as moans escaped them. Teeth scraped against lips until all they could do was moan against each other's lips hot breath filling the space between them. 
The sound of their movements was porn worthy. They were both so wet so close to cuming. Each press of fingers just made more wet squelches. 
"Fuck Lex I'm gonna cum! Cum with me?"
"Yes fuck yes! Oh Clarke!"
"Ah, Lex! Lex! Yes ah ah!"
Walls contracted and gushes of slick heat spilled over palms and thighs. Finally sated at least for the moment exhaustion settled between them. They lazily kissed slow and sweet. They pressed their foreheads together and sighed contently. “We should rinse off.”
“We should but I can’t move.” Big blue eyes pouted.
Lexa got up and quickly picked up the blonde and carried her to the shower. They rinsed off and languidly kissed. They took turns washing each other softly and did the same as they dried off. Lexa removed the comforter that was soaked and grabbed a clean one. “Do you want a shirt and shorts?”
“No. I need you to feel you. Have you close.”
Lexa helped Clarke into bed and snuggled into her. They both felt the exhaustion settle in their bones tired yawns and slow breaths were lulling them to sleep. 
It was the most blissful sleep either of them had ever experienced. It would become the only way they could sleep. Wrapped up in each other. That’s the thing about soulmates once you find your person everything changes. Fall would have a whole new special place in Clarke’s heart. Another reason to love it. Lexa too. The Spooktacular Arkadia Festival would remain a tradition for them, their children, and their grandchildren. Soulmates in this little life and in so many others. Forever Clexa lives on. <3
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danewthang · 6 months
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Guys this face has nothin to do with this tbh
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Also I got more doodles ^^
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I like turtles. 🐢.
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Plus this lil cutie 🤭✨
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Even tho I didn't Boop anyone (Or didn't even know how 👀) I hope you have an awesome Taco Tuesday 👍
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galerion · 2 years
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“I’m afraid you'll break my heart.”
↳ LEGEND (1985)
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gayforoctaviablake · 1 year
Not gonna lie, I'd take the chip to the city of light in a fkin heartbeat.
"how's your arthritis"
Gone bitch
"hey how do you feel about (insert person who led me on for 3 YEARS)"
Blissfully, WHO?
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wonderswritings · 11 months
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𝕀. Wanheda pt. 1
𝕀𝕀. Wanheda pt. 2
𝕀𝕀𝕀. Ye Who Enter Here
𝕀𝕍. Watch the Thrones
𝕍. Hakeldama
𝕍𝕀. Bitter Harvest
𝕍𝕀𝕀. Thirteen
𝕍𝕀𝕀𝕀. Terms and Conditions
𝕀𝕏. Stealing Fire
𝕏. Fallen
𝕏𝕀. Nevermore
𝕏𝕀𝕀. Demons
𝕏𝕀𝕀𝕀. Join or Die
𝕏𝕀𝕍. Red Sky at Morning
𝕏𝕍. Perverse Instantiation pt. 1
𝕏𝕍𝕀. Perverse Instantiation pt. 2
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bi-badass-geek · 3 months
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"Distraction" by @sanscarte
Read Up : Ao3
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quotidian-oblivion · 11 months
Hi, Quo!
MMB biker gang rest stop progress!
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ACK- *chokes on air* /pos
Link to the post being referred
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lomltrentarnold · 1 year
omg hi you’re back!! i was actually starting to get worried🥺
also you’re not alone lol i missed the 7-0 match back in march bc i was at a birthday and i’ll never get over it🥲
hi baby stop ilysm 😭😭🫶 AND OMG THATS PAIN 🥲
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c-nv-s07 · 1 year
The Commander
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xxseason3xx · 2 years
I think one of my favourite things about warrior nun is that it’s brought the old Clexa fandom back together. Like I see all the same accounts who used to make candle jokes and invented a different metric system making gif sets and art about Avatrice now and it was ridiculous but it brought me so much joy and I thought I’d lost that forever. the energy right now feels like 2015 on tumblr but we’ve all grown up
(I think most of us were in the Supercorp fandom but after that everyone kind of split off into smaller fandoms and I haven’t felt the sapphic internet this united in a very long time)
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cjvno · 4 months
SPA & CENTRO DE BIENESTAR  ·  Alexa dijo: "¿Crees que podramos salir a caminar por Santorini?" / @alexxv
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"¿Te gustaría?" inquirió al girarse un poco para verla, juno no pudo evitar sonreír al imaginarlo "me encantaría, pero tenemos que encontrar al asesino" se lamenta casi enseguida, dejando ver que para ella el deber estaba primero, y no era porque no quería pasar tiempo con la adversa, todo lo contrario, pero ahora sentía que se lo debía a su equipo "Pero, si se puede en la noche, ya que termine el día podríamos salir" no tardo en agregar creyendo que a la noche sería más fácil.
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lexa-griffins · 8 months
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Lexa and baby Evie from @lg-wifey4lifey The Werewolf, The Human and The Baby AU 🩷
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