#lexxie's writing
lexxierave · 7 months
Well the poll is closed and the results are in!
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Which means today you lucky ducks get the update of "I Don't Need You" and if I have the free time possibly "When Fate Intervenes" will be next today....
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ask-sebastian · 1 month
*casts Evanesco on the 'not's*
So I black out the sun The only way I know how to trust someone
People talking without speaking People hearing without listening People writing songs that voices never shared And no one dared Disturb the sound of silence
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alotofpockets · 11 months
I saw you write for alessia now. Could i maybe request a lexxi x reader fic where reader is overworking herself and is under constant pressure and does not know how to deal with it?
Yes, I love writing for her! Thank you so much for the requests. You can read 'Overworked' here, I hope you like it!
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Incorrect quotes from Library of Lies modern AU which I don't have the brain power to write down
Erin: Two bros! Jaxon: Chillin' in a hot tub! Erin and Jaxon, in unison: Zero feet apart 'cause we're GAY AS FUCK!
(they are though)
Jaxon: Oh, so you two are getting along very... cordial now? Lexxie: Cordial? Nah, we're friends. Jaxon: Friends? Lexxie: Yeah. After you stopped us fighting, we got to talking. Seems like we have some common interests. Loralie: We both love butterflies. Erin: Aww– Loralie: And beating people up. Erin and Jaxon: Oh, okay.
(Like addoptive mother like addoptive daughter)
Loralie: Are you drunk? Mathew: Only on the spirit of Christmas! Lexxie: And the spirit of whisky.
(Mathew’s drunk not Lexxie, Lex is 12)
Lexxie, opening a Capri Sun: Guess I'll drink my sorrows away.
(Lex is twelve and even in her original fantasy based so very losley off midevil times universe and not the curent modern au she is in those under 18 can not drink)
Koi: Hey, it’s your turn to wash the dishes. Lexxie: I’ll wash the walls red with your blood. Koi: Okay, but before that, wash the dishes. Also, use soap this time.
(they hate each other just not when jaxon’s around)
Mathew: I’m not mad, I just need to know why you two had a fake ID. Jaxon: Incoherent mumbling Mathew: Huh? Lexxie: …You need to be 18 to hold the puppies at PetCo.
(Jaxon just wanted to hold puppies, Lexxie wanted to comite a crime)
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thegempage · 2 years
i was gonna write more but i think the universe has decided i will be sleepy instead so have a few quotes from the thing i'm working on
"It didn’t matter which of them made the first move. It was never going to matter, really, between the two of them, because this was no finale to their dance, no; this was the sign that the curtains were falling between acts, allowing the actors to change and prepare and get into position, a kiss that would surely pretend it had lead into something more once the curtains went up again and the audience roared to life -- except the only audience here was a cat scurrying into the kitchen as fast as her six legs could carry her, as this couch was not meant to hold two grown women sitting on top of each other, and Lexxie had better plans for her evening."
"Kyria’s shift away almost drew a protest, but that died in her throat when it turned out that Kyria was pulling her shirt over her head to toss to the side (how many times, in idle moments, had Mary wondered what those clothes would look like on her bedroom floor?), revealing the bandeau hiding underneath. The marble lines ran down her chest, her stomach, tantalizingly below her waistband, generations of history and lived experiences painted across her skin, the sort of thing she’d dismissed in novels as --
Well, at least something was accurate about them, and she dared not hope for more."
"A sharp sting radiated out as Kyria’s teeth tightened just a little more before they dislodged, lust stayed by decorum, leaving not points but tears in their wake. Mary did not need to see her blood bead like morning dew and start to lazily make its way down her collarbone because its cyan hue was splashed across Kyria’s teeth and lips. It was beautiful, it was enticing, it set her wounds aflame with the heat of adrenaline rushing to fill the gaps where thoughts used to be."
"Their eyes met, Kyria’s chest heaving; Mary tried, as much as she could, with the power of all four of her eyes, to beg Kyria to meet her again, to bite her again, to bed her under the light of the moon."
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mxliv-oftheendless · 4 years
Writer’s Month Prompts Day 17
Day 17: Quarantine
Brief announcement here: as of tomorrow the crunch time starts for packing and moving back onto my college campus, so the stories will probably not be written until later in the evening. Just to let y’all know! 
This is yet another request from ME!! It’s also a sequel to @cosmicrealmofkissteria ‘s Quarantine story, because I just can’t get enough of that story. Enjoy!
Indigo Tiger turned around to find Black Dahlia approaching her. “Yes, Dahlia?”
“Would any of our Sisters be willing to donate their hairbrush?”
Indigo frowned curiously. “What for?”
Black Dahlia pressed her lips into a line hesitantly. “… I am afraid people will refuse if I tell them…”
Looking warily at her friend, Indigo Tiger crossed her arms. “Why? What would you be using the hairbrush for?”
Dahlia finally sighed. “The four we have quarantined… one of them asked if I could give him a hairbrush.”
A look of disgust crossed her face. “Are you serious? Why would you want anything to do with them?”
“Our paths have crossed.”
“You’ve encountered them from when you and the Prince were betrothed?” Indigo remembered that time well; it had been a sad day when her best friend had to move out of the Temple to the castle.
“Yes, that’s right,”
Dahlia shrugged. “I’m not sure how effective my tactics were to get them off my back. But apparently I am the first woman to show no interest.”
“What could any woman see in them?”
“Your guess is as good as mine. But anyway, about the hairbrush… I should probably get him a mirror as well, because it will be one less person whining if he’s occupied with those.”
“A hairbrush and a mirror are all he needs to keep him occupied?”
Dahlia nodded. “They’re certainly a strange bunch,”
Indigo thought about it and sighed. “I suppose if it means one less man badgering and harassing our Sisters… I can lend you my hairbrush and a small mirror.”
Sighing, Dahlia smiled. “Thank you,”
“I want a new hairbrush, and the mirror decontaminated after they’re gone,”
As they headed for Indigo Tiger’s bedroom, she thought of something. “What are you going to do about the other three?”
A sly smile came to Black Dahlia’s face. “Oh… nothing,”
“But aren’t you worried they will… do something to our Sisters?”
“I was going to ask the High Priestess if I could take over for our Sisters. And perhaps suggest Priestess Black Rose as well. She is so cold towards men she could freeze alcohol.”
Indigo Tiger smiled. “I’d like to see their reaction to her,”
Black Dahlia chuckled. “So would I. Now that is a woman that would scare them.”
A little while later, after putting on her protective gloves and raising the hood of her cloak, Black Dahlia entered the room housing the four imbeciles. She could hear shouting from what sounded like Satchel, as well as Lexxi’s voice.
“But… But I need a hairbrush!” she heard Lexxi whine.
“And I need to get fucking laid, shut the fuck up about your hair!”
“It looks… better than yours…”
Dahlia snorted quietly at that.
“Fuck you, Lexxi!”
“I thought you… wanted to fuck a… chick.”
“Didn’t take you as one to swing both ways,” Black Dahlia decided to speak loudly as she approached the barrier.
“Fuck you, I don’t—” Satchel turned around, and froze. “Oh, hey, if it isn’t our favorite Sister!”
“If it isn’t my least favorite boys,” Dahlia shot back.
“Aw c’mon, babe, don’t be like that!” Michael called, grinning. “All the chicks dig us!”
“This chick doesn’t. And don’t call me babe. I have something for…”
Everyone perked up. “Me?” Stix asked before she could continue. “Is it food?”
“No, me! Booze!” Michael shouted.
“Fuck you, it’s me! Chicks!” Satchel yelled over him.
“… Lexxi,” Black Dahlia finished, turning to the man in question.
Lexxi frowned, turned to briefly look over his shoulder, then pointed at himself. “Me?”
“Yes, you. I was able to get a hairbrush for you.” Dahlia held up the items. “And a little mirror as well.”
Brightening, Lexxi got up and eagerly hurried over to the barrier, while Stix, Michael, and Satchel sighed in disappointment. Black Dahlia slid the items through the barrier so he could take them. He smiled. “Thank you…”
“You’re welcome,”
“Man, what about us?” Michael complained.
“Fuckin’ suckup…” Stix grumbled, glaring at Lexxi as he happily went back to his spot to sit down and start brushing his hair.
“We’re not gonna survive here!” Satchel whined.
Black Dahlia rolled her eyes. “Oh, grow up. Two weeks in quarantine will not kill you.”
“Yeah, it will!”
“Well, it’s either that or leaving you to die a horrid painful death as your untreated disease sets into your system and slowly eats you from the inside out.” Black Dahlia raised an eyebrow. “Would you rather have that happen?”
Satchel stared at her, and for a moment she seriously thought he was going to say yes. Then he flopped down on his bed and crossed his arms, looking like a pouty child. “Fuck off…”
“Gladly. Now sit tight, boys. It’s nearly dinnertime…” She almost felt bad for letting them perk up before continuing. “… but unfortunately you will not be served meat for at least a week.”
“The fuck?” Michael whined out. “Why not??”
“You will be served food that will help detoxify your systems. It will help clear you for release faster.”
“Good,” Satchel muttered.
“Are we gonna get some fuckin’ vegan shit?” Stix asked.
“No. We only wish to help you get cleared for your release faster. So I suggest if you do not want to be here any longer than you have to, you eat and drink everything.”
After a chorus of reluctant “Fine’s” filled the room, Black Dahlia nodded and fixed her hood. “Well, I best be off. Enjoy quarantine, ‘gentlemen’.”
Michael sat up as she turned to leave. “You’ll be back to see us, right?”
“Perhaps. Perhaps not. I do have duties to perform besides babysitting you idiots. Be glad this time it was me and not Priestess Black Rose.”
“Who’s she?” asked Satchel. “Is she hot?”
“Don’t get your hopes up. She’s more likely to curse you than ever let you take a chance on her.”
“Sounds hot,”
Black Dahlia sighed. “Whatever lets you sleep at night.” Without another word, she left, not wanting to spend more time there than she had to. She heard voices behind her as she walked out.
“Fuckin’ shit, what’s with these chicks? It’s like none of them like us!”
“That can’t be right, all the chicks like us! Dahlia likes us.”
“Nah, dude, she tolerates us. Whatever. I got enough self-respect to realize when a chick isn’t into it.”
“What chick wouldn’t be into this, though?”
“I think… the Sisters are nice…”
“You only like ‘em because they gave you your hairbrush,”
“And you… only hate them because they… won’t drop their… panties for you.”
“Fuck you, Lexxi,”
“O… kay.”
“Ugh, what the fuck?!”
Dahlia snorted as she headed down the hallway. She definitely hated those idiots, but maybe she could learn to like Lexxi.
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opalandwoof · 2 years
Short bit of a story
You might be a trigger in here so proceed at your own risk
Gust stood on the doorstep with a shit-eating grin spread wide across his face. He tilted his hat revealing his eyes which almost seemed to glow. “Wouldn’t you say hello to your old man?”. Gust looked down upon Woods and Lexxie standing inside the inn right in front of him.
He walked into the inn like it was his to ruin, Gust walked into the lives of others just to ruin them too. He didn’t seem to mind that Woods was glaring daggers at him and the look of fear in Lexxie’s eyes. Gust had closed the door behind himself with a creak. Woods and Lexxie were trapped.
Suddenly, Woods grasped Gust by the neck and slammed him against the locked door. “Get out” Woods sneered at Gust while tightening his grip around his neck.
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OKAY, so for nano this year, I started a new project because I hate myself, and honestly, I am kinda impressed with it (?) because I am spending time refining it. Also I am hella stupid, because do you know what level of dumbass you have to be to not work on the idea you have had for years, and have spent time perfecting, and insTEAD START A WHOLE NEW THING?! Because lemme tell ya: it is pretty fuckin stupid.
Worst part is: I write by the seat of my pants and I am pulling the drama, dialogue, and plot; all from my ass. So give it up for dAY 15 Bois.
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fddarchive · 3 years
Girls’ Day by Shelli-Jo Pelletier [One-shot, complete]
Girls’ Day - From the Stories we are in page of Lily, Phinomon, and Parthemon's Digital Realm - (Originally from cunomon.topcities.com/)
By Shelli-Jo Pelletier
Disclaimer: This fic came to me when I realized two other online friends have crushes on Izzy. (Not that I have a crush on him!) Lily and Phinomon belong to [email protected]. Eve and Tentamon belong to [email protected]. Cunomon and Lexx, of course, are mine, as is the story itself (though it was inspired by pictures drawn for me by [email protected] and [email protected] which are below). Please do not use these characters or this fanfic without permission from the owners.
"Cunomon, why in the Digiworld did you. . . ." The speaker stopped herself to yawn, then finished. ". . . .wake us up to come out here at six in the morning? You interrupted a purr-fectly good catnap."
"I’d like to know that too!" snapped a red and black insect with triangular wings. "Now that MaloMyotismon is gone, it’d be nice to sleep in once in and while!"
The sky blue dragon with yellow spikes rolled his eyes. "Don’t be so lazy, you guys. Just because the evil’s been banished doesn’t mean we don’t have a purpose! Our Digi-Destined still have to be protected. Why, there are evils here in the real world just like there are in Digiworld. Don’t forget—"
"Yes, Phinomon?" He looked at the four-footed, purple cat.
"Shut up!"
Tentamon, the insect Digimon, chortled as an extremely offended expression appeared on Cunomon’s face. "So, did you bring us here just to preach?" the bug asked, feelers twitching in amusement.
"No!" barked the blue Digimon sharply. "I asked you guys to meet me here because today is the third of March!"
Phinomon and Tentamon looked at one another, then looked around at the little corner of the park where they had assembled. Neither provided clues as to the importance of the date. (The three Digimon were hiding under a picnic table.)
"So?" Tentamon finally asked.
Cunomon snorted. "Don’t you know what March third is?"
The two other Digimon shook their heads.
"It’s Girls’ Day!" shouted the dragon, exasperated.
He had hoped this would make everything clear, but he was mistaken. "What’s Girls’ Day?" Phinomon wanted to know.
"Arg! You two are hopeless!" Ignoring their black looks, Cunomon continued. "Girls’ Day is a holiday here in Japan where girls get presents and discounts at clothing stores and stuff! Mom—Lexx’s mom—was telling me all about it!"
"Ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh," said Tentamon and Phinomon together. Silence fell, as the other two stared at the wingless dragon.
"Uh . . . so?" the insect Digimon asked a moment later.
Cunomon’s face took on an evil smirk. "So, all three of our Digi-Destineds are girls. We should get them a present, right? And I know the perfect one. . . ."
The three crowded together, planning.
* * *
Had Tentomon been awake that morning, he would have heard a strange series of sounds issuing through the Izumi apartment:
"Wha? Who’d be up this early?"
Footsteps from the kitchen, past the bedroom where the insect Digimon was sleeping, down the hall, to the front door.
The door opening.
"Er . . . can I help you guys—AAAHHHHH!"
But, snoring away, Tentomon didn’t hear any of it.
* * *
A girl with black hair, wearing shorts and a purple vest, checked the note she had found on her kitchen table. Yup, it said to be here at noon. Why, though? That was the question. She glanced around at the tiny corner of the park and made her way over to a girl sitting at a picnic table. "Hey, Lily. Do you know what this is about?"
The girl was dressed in a purple T-shirt, with light brown hair broken by darker strands. She stopped typing on her yellow laptop and glanced up. "Oh, hi Lexx. Nope. No idea. Did you—"
"Get a note from my Digimon saying to come here? Uh huh." She held up a piece of paper covered with almost unintelligible scribbles.
"Me too." Lily held up her own message.
"Me three!" The two girls looked up as a third person came jogging up. Her long brown hair, hanging past her waist, rippled as she ran.
"You too, Eve?" Lexx asked, as the girl smoothed out her green skirt and took a seat at the table. This was getting curious.
Eve nodded and held up her note. She giggled. "I feel like we’re members of a secret club, and these are our passes."
"Our secret club isn’t so secret anymore," noted Lily, going back to her typing. "Everyone in the whole world knows about the Digimon now."
"I think it’s better this way," Lexx said. "Our worlds will be stronger together. Diversity is the spice of life."
"Digimon and humans together are about as diverse as you can get!" agreed Eve.
"Well wouldja lookit that?" drawled a voice. "They showed up on time for once!"
The trio of girls sought out the speaker, and spotted three familiar figures sitting in a row at the edge of the cleared area where the picnic table was set up. All three wore identical, toothy smiles.
Eve snorted. "What drugs are you three on?" she demanded suspiciously, crossing her arms.
Lily peered over the top of her laptop. "Whatever you did, we’re not helping you get out of trouble."
"Eve!" Tentamon cried, looking hurt. "We’ve been working on a surprise for you!"
"And we weren’t getting in trouble, Lily!" insisted Phinomon, swishing her black-tipped tail.
Lexx merely stared hard at her Digimon, until his cheeky grin turned into a slightly guilty one. "Uh, right," he coughed. "Anyway. . . ."
Tentamon and Phinomon produced gleaming trumpets out of nowhere, and played a short "tah dah!" fanfare. Cunomon bowed, then all three of them chorused, "Happy Girls’ Day!"
Eve, Lexx and Lily looked at each other, perplexed, as their Digimon jumped backwards into the thick bushes. A second later a squirming, red and orange bundle was shoved into the open.
The girls stared.
"Mmmrph!" the bundle shouted—or tried to shout. It was hard, since he was bound and gagged and topped with a big red bow.
"Izzy!" The girls leaped forward to untie him.
Cunomon, Tentamon and Phinomon sat back, quite pleased with themselves. Their Digi-Destined weren’t paying attention to them at the moment, but they were sure when they were done they’d be very thankful.
"Oh, girls! I got something for you too," Cunomon spoke up, grinning. Looks of surprise appeared on Phinomon’s and Tentamon’s faces. "In thanks for helping me out today. Besides, I’m sure Girls’ Day counts for girl Digimon too." Repeating what had happened seconds ago, Cunomon jumped back into the bushes and pushed out a tussed-up package.
"Tentomon!" the girl Digimon squealed, descending on the insect Digimon to cover him with kisses.
Cunomon snickered as Tentomon wailed and tried in vain to escape their attentions. It hadn’t been easy sneaking away and returning to the Izumi apartment without Phino and Tenta noticing, but it had been worth it. Look how happy he had made everyone! Well, almost everyone.
The four Digimon turned to find four humans standing over them. Arms crossed, glowering, anger radiating off of them in waves. In short, not very happy.
"What?" Cunomon asked innocently.
"Help me!" wailed Tentomon.
Tentamon and Phinomon giggled and kissed him again.
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bangbangyou · 3 years
staring up at the ceiling and thinking about how the latest Steel Panther Australian tour was supposed to happen in June of 2020, then it got rescheduled til February 2021 then it got rescheduled to October of 2021 and who the hell knows if it’s even gonna happen because of all of the new covid cases down south. Also now Lexxi isn’t in the band anymore like.. not to sound dramatic but I’m legit majorly bummed out about it. I’ve thought about it every single day since the announcement. SP was the first band I was obsessed with when I was like 14. I was so depressed at that time and I used to stay up and watch their videos all night. It was one of the only comforting things to me at a time when I didn’t know what the fuck was going on in my head. They came to Australia for the first time with a music festival and I was terrified at the though of a music festival so I didn’t go. I was so mad at myself that the next year when they came back on their first solo band tour I *had* to go, regardless of how much anxiety was raging in me. I was 16 so I had to go with my Mum. I didn’t even make her listen to them or explain the gimmick, I just said “Mum I need to see this band and the venue isn’t gonna let me in unless I have a parent with me” lol so off we went. That was in October of 2012 and it’s a night I’ll never forget. I’ve been lucky enough to see them a total of 5 times now. I’ve never like, gotten up on stage with them or done the meet and greets or whatever but goddammit, I love those fucking guys and I just hope that they’re all doing good.
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lexxierave · 7 months
Tag List
If you guys want to be added to any stories please fill out this Google Doc Form
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binahs-sinbin · 2 years
Rules + masterlist (wip)
Hello! My my name(s) is Binah/Lexxy/Roxxy/Jester/Eclipse/Cosmo/Aurora
My birthday is 10/31!
Current character limit in request: 4-5
When making requests please specify if you want a ficlet or hcs!
Fandoms I write for
Black Butler
Twisted Wonderland
Obey me
What in hell is bad?
Blush Blush
Crush Crush
Full metal alchemist/ Brotherhood
No scat, vore, ageplay,
I don’t write for readers with a penise, so no amab readers
I will only accept DOM reader request, I’ll occasionally write sub reader stuff when the thought provokes it but primarily I only want/like to write dom reader stuff bc trauma :’)
No nsft of minors, characters will be aged up to at least 18
Breathe play on reader
Kinks I write for, please note I do extreme kinks: (you can ask if there’s a kink you don’t see but want added)
Pact play
Torture/interrogation kink
Role play
Piss play
Anal (minus oral anal/only ok with reader receiving anallings)
Orgasm control (overstimulation, ruined orgasm, edging, etc)
Pain play
Drunk/high sex
Monster Fucking
Breathe play
Pet play
Primal kink
Scent kink
Forced masterbation
Au rules!!
Masterlist for hcs
Twisted Wonderland
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itswriterblr · 7 years
Breath of life
a breath
a piece of life
brought in innocent
expelled changed,
but isn’t that all of us?
Brought in innocent
and we all leave changed.
We are little breaths of life
brought into this world
each different
but we change all the same.
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so I have a book that I'm trying to write it's called Library of Life it's about a queen named Loralie who is marring the king of another contry and his name is Mathew for an alliance to defeat the evil king Leonardo, so to defeat Leo they must seek out the Library of life so they leave just after they leave the nobility area they run into Erin who's a past theif who wants to become a knight and Jaxon who is the son of the leader of the knights they learn of Jaxon's skills in map reading and ofer both of them their dream jobs. they move on to meet lexxie a girl who can heal people but has to lie about her age to be a doctor Loralie take her under her wing to become a doctor if she helps them due to imageries Erin got while on the journey; they go to defeat a dragon whos gaurding the Library of life there they meet Koi who helps them calm down the dragon Koi is an elf and him and Lexxie seem to hate each other. the crew finds stratagy books they go back meeting trops of leos men across the way yadda yadda a war defeat king the dream jobs are achived Koi becomes protector of the animal santuary blah blah marrige of Loralie and Mathew those two also have a kid and they all live happly ever after.
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Do you know people with these names? For each name, say if you know someone with that name and how you know them.
Aaron Adam Aisha Alanna Alex: one of my best friends Alexa Alexandria Allegra Allie  Allison: a friend from college, but her name is spelled differently Alondra Amanda: someone I was friends with in middle school Amber Amie Ana Anaïs: wind ensemble pal! Andreas Andrew: one of my bandmates Angela Angelica Anna: someone I knew in middle school and someone I knew in uni, but it’s a common name, so. Annie: my roommate from a writing camp I went to Ari: another roommate from the same writing camp! Ashley: a really annoying girl from elementary school, and also a neighbor Ashna Audrey: my first best friend, from back in kindergarten Austin Becky Ben: one of my cousins Berkeley: Beth: Bobby: Bolor Brendan: my first crush Bridgid: she was in my philosophy class Britney: besides Britney Spears, no one personally Brooke: Cal Callie: book character. Cam Cameron Camille: my big band director from some years ago :D Camryn Carmen: my friend’s old roommate Caro Caroline: someone I’d like to be closer to Casilda Cecile Cecily Chanel Chloe: she was a girl at my church a few years younger than me who always wore really fancy dresses Chris: a friend of sorts Christina Christopher Claire: a girl in middle school who loved to talk about her beach house Claudia: a prof I had Claudine Cole: a knucklehead in my year  Connie: lives in my dorm Connor: the cryptid of my AP Lit class  Courtney  Cyrus: Pokémon? Anyone? Daisy Dakota Dana: my RA Danielle: friend from writing class in high school! David: Delilah Diane  Diego Donald Doug: a book character Duncan Dylan: I knew a Dylan in high school, he was a dick Eleanor Elijah Elise Eliza Elizabeth: old friend from church Ella: a dear friend of mine Elle: Ellie: lives two floors below me Elliot Emerson: my boss at the radio station hehe Emily: hallmate Emma  Eric: discussion partner in a class once Erika: high school band director!!!! the bomb dot com!!! Ethan: a childhood friend Faith: friend from high school, a year above me Fiona: we went to middle school together, she was cool Francesca: Franz George: Ginny: the nice lady at the dining hall ^^ Giselle Grace: my one and only ex Graham: a conventionally attractive Texan from writing camp Hadley Hailey: friend!!! Hannah: a very dear friend Havana Helen: my grandma Henry: pit orchestra person Hugo: we went to middle school together Huma Ilana Indra Isabel: Isabella: I wish we were platonic soulmates Itza Ivy Izzy: Jackie Jacob: old bandmate James: lived in my neighborhood growing up Jamie: one of my best friends Jason Jennifer: one of my best friends, also my aunt Jenny  Jess Jhadha Joe John: one of my cousins Jonathan Joseph: another one of my cousins Joyce J.P.: we had two classes together in high school Jude Julia: neighbor Julie: aunt Justin  Kaan Kai Karina: what a bitch from high school Kat: an Internet friend who I hope is okay Kate: neighbor Katherine: the older sister I never had Kinaya Kira Kristie Lanie Laura:  Lauren: we were in the same first-grade class Leah: someone from choir León Lexxi Liberty Lisette Louisa Luca Luis Lynette MacKenzie: Maddie: elementary school “friend” Maggie: a girl who I went to school with for a long time Makena Manlio Margaret: my humanities professor, my friend’s roommate Margo Maria: my cousin’s friend Marianna Mariely Martha: we have seminar together :/ Martin Mayuri McKinley Megan: the first girl I had a crush on Meredith Mia: my neighbor’s lovably insane dog Michael: Michelle: we rode the same bus in elementary school Mike: uncle Minah Miranda: a character from a book that is close to my heart Molly: a girl from choir Morgan: one of my best friends Nadia Nancy: a friend of my mom’s who I never met, but whose nickname was Ted Natalie  Nathan: TA, what a guy Nathanael Neoma Nichole  Nico: my friend from pit orchestra Nikki Noah: my fish, RIP :( Noelle: a girl I took piano lessons with who went to college early she was cool Octavio Olivia: next-door neighbor, my cousin’s fiancé Orion: this is what I named my rival in HeartGold. Owen: brilliant dude who went to my high school. Paige: someone I know from college Pam Pat: mum Patrick: a guy from my town who goes to my university Paul: my math TA, what a guy Paula Pauline Peter: a dude in my theatre group who I might have a crush on whoops Phoebe Phong Price Quinn: one of the triplets in my kindergarten class Rachel: we were friends. she moved across the country at one point Rai Railey Raquel Ray Rayne Rebecca: a friend’s friend Rebkah Regina: a camp counselor I had when I was really young and went to day camp Reilly: someone I met in IOP lmao Remy Ren: class clown. Rhianna Robert: dad Rohini Roither Rose Ruby Ruilin Sabrina Sakura Salim Sally Sam: philosophy buddy! Sapna Sarah: cousin Savanah: three of the girls on my best friend’s floor are named Savannah Sebastian: a kid who played tennis Shani Shannon Siena: family friend Snigdha Sofia: classmate from elementary school Sophie: my ex’s sister Soren Spencer Summers Sydney: drama club kid from high school I vaguely knew of Taran Taylor: can’t get the cap off Tessa: upperclassman in my dorm Thea Theo: used to do tennis with me Theresa: came to my high school for a few years as an exchange student Tim: an old friend from middle school. loves cars. Tom Tori: my friend’s girlfriend, although I haven’t met her yet Ural Victoria: a friend from college Viviane Walter Will: sat next to me in Music Theory  Willa William Yujin Yuta Zac Zoe: a cute girl from the other middle school in town
Which names do you prefer? Alice or Allana? Allie or Andie? Alexandra or Anastasia? Anna or Angela? Annie or Angelica? Ana or Ashna? Audrey or Ashley? Ansel or Annika? Brooke or Britney? Berkeley or Bella? Bo Chao or Beatrix?  Camille or Camryn? Cristina or Casilda? Chloe or Courtney? Charlotte or Carol? Cleo or Chanel? Davin or Dillon? Delilah or Dutra? Erin or Elina? Emin or Emerson? Emily or Emma? Erika or Estelle? Faith or Frannie? Fernanda or Francesca? Georgina or Gracie? Gabriela or Gina? Hailey or Hannah? Hadley or Havana? Indra or Isabel? Indiana or Ivy? Jenny or Jessie? Julia or Joyce? Jasmine or Jackie? Jamie or Jennifer? Kimia or Karina? Katerina or Kate? Kira or Kristie? Lia or Lily? Lauren or Lynette? Liberty or Leila? Margaret or Martha? Michelle or Mackenzie? Mia or Michaela? Morgan or Maddie? Maya or Mayuri? Megan or Makena? McKinley or Margo? Nikki or Natalie? Nadia or Nancy? Nicole or Olivia? Rachel or Rebecca? Remi or Rosie? Ruby or Reine? Ren or Sakura? Sapna or Snigdha? Sally or Stella? Sophie or Sydney? Sophia or Solana? Skye or Sierra? Serena or Savanah? Sarah or Sabrina? Tara or Taylor? Vittoria or Yahs? Yoonju or Yukine? Aidan or Austin? Alan or Andrew? Aldo or Alexx? Ben or Brian? Billy or Brodie? Corey or Carlos? Coleman or Connor? David or Dylan? Eli or Eric? Franz or Fernando? Gabe or Graham? Holden or Hudson? Jacob or Justin? Jack or JP?  Jimmy or Jared? James or John? Karm or Kian? Lou or Lenny? Michael or Mickey? Nick or Nathan? Peter or Pierson? Rai or Rafael? Sanjay or Supawat? Will or Wynn? Zachary or Zack?
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awesomeuchuu · 3 years
"Leo, I got something for you!" The Knights producer said before grinning and giving the king the bag of cookie freshly baked. "I was sure to find you composing here. I made some chocolate chips cookies for you. Hope you like them!"
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Leo looked up from where he was scribbling and grinned. "Ah! Lexxie! Thank you, thank you!! Oh, just... Uh... Just put them there! Aaaaaah I still feel it! I feel it! The inspiration...!!" He kicked his legs back and forth, making tiny happy noises as he continued to write down music staffs and music notes in a rapid succession.
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