#liam jay x reader
lnchicagosreads · 5 months
Main Accounts:
TV Show : @samantha-chicago F1 : @lnlightning81
I shall be reposting fics I have read on this account rather than on my main account so authors still get the credit they deserve without me sharing them over my own fics.
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igotanidea · 5 months
Different lives: dad!Jason Todd x wife!reader
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Request: Family au, I believe that Jason Todd is a family man and he would totally have 2 older boys like 15-13 a five year old daughter who has him like wrapped around his finger and the wife and Jason get like a call from the school saying there was a fight and Jason is all like hey no no we don't do that but then asks who won
It seemed like they were dancing at Dick and Babs’ wedding only five minutes ago.
Holding onto each other for dear life, like they knew that that person in their arms were the one. Like this little celebration, that was not really little, and not even theirs, made them think about future much more seriously.
And for the first time ever, Jason actually believed that maybe there was something more for him in this life. Something more than rejection, pain, fear and constant loneliness.
Of course, given the fact that he and Y/N had been together for a while, he knew that before. But at that moment, in the middle of the giant dancefloor, surrounded by other couples and guest and yet – having eyes only for her – he knew.
Two different things.
When he came back home from his work (he had regular work now! That scrawny kid and rebellious young adult turned into a responsible head of the family, though the moment of change somehow skipped them both) Y/N was on the phone with a concerned face expression.
“Yes. Yes, I understand. I’ll be there right away. Yes. Yes, absolutely.” She turned to Jay and send him a smile, tired if not exhausted, but a smile regardless.
He let her talk, instead focusing on his little princess daughter playing on the blanket next to her mother’s feet. That little being totally had him wrapped around her finger and all it took was a sight of her pretty eyes that looked so much like her mother’s and he was dropping everything and rushing to the girl’s side.
“What happened?” He asked taking Leah on his knees and settling on the couch next to Y/N, wrapping an arm around her shoulders trying to relieve the obvious tension. He had his girls therefore he had everything and there was not a single thing he wouldn’t do for them.
“It’s Liam and Dylan.” Y/N sighed pinching the bridge of her nose.
“Oh, right” Jason smirked at the thought of his two older sons. 15 and 13 now, looking and acting just like him at this age. Causing troubles wherever they showed, not taking anyone’s bullshit, but with a deeply hidden heart of gold. He was so proud of them, even if saying that out loud was a rare occurrence. “What did they do this time?” he chuckled, mischief dancing in his eyes.
“This is not funny!”
“Of course it is! They are boys, they are allowed to-“
“I’m warning you, do not finish this sentence!” she placed both hands on Leah’s ears “I don’t want my baby girl anywhere near trouble.”
“You know she’s got our blood in her veins, so that gives her a lot of genetic burden in the troublemaker area?”
“What?” he shrugged casually “It’s true and you know it.”
“Mhm. Yeah, we’ll see how you act when he grew up on causing troubles with boys-“
“WHAT?!” Jason jumped off the couch, holding Leah’s little body close to his chest, his grip on a girl tightening significantly. “Over my dead body! That’s my little girl! No one is taking her away and-“
Y/N only laughed observing the jealous dad display and fairly enjoying the show of care. It was heartwarming, seeing Jason put so much care into someone. And him having it reciprocated as Leah nuzzled into his body with multiple happy chuckles playing with the fabric of his shirt, fisting and twisting it mercilessly.
“Daddy…” she chuckled enjoying his embrace. Even as a child she was always calmer when he was holding her.  
“Shhh, shh baby. Daddy’s gotta have a word with mummy.” He caressed Leah’s hair and kissed the top of her  head. “Stop laughing at me Y/N, this is serious shit! I need to start planning my predicaments for boys who might want to steal her heart and-“
“She’s five Jason!” Y/N laughed even more “I think you have a little bit of time.”
“This is serious!” he perked up.
“Of course. The same way it’s serious with Dylan and Liam.”
Jason grunted in annoyance seeing how she tricked him.
“Dammit Y/N…” he grinned immediately flinching inside at the thought Leah heard the cussing. “Sorry, pumpkin…” the little kiss planted on girl’s forehead did not stop her from repeating the word however.
“Dammit!” Leah cried out the word on the top of her lungs happily.
And that was how Jason knew he was up to a serious conversation with his wife.
An hour later, all the family was sitting in the car, Jason driving, Y/N shotgun and the kids on the backseat, with Leah in the middle being simultaneously entertained by both her older brothers. Under  any other circumstances Y/N would probably let her motherly instincts come to the fore, but this time was different.
“Liam, Dylan, stop using my soft spots and family love for your own purposes.” She warned “you may love your sister, but you’re still in trouble.”
“We didn’t do anything!”
“Liam Thomas Todd!” she almost turned around ‘you got into a fight at school.”
“But it was not our fault mom!” the other son, immediately came to his brother rescue, having his back, which – again – awakened her motherly pride. A feeling she was not going to subdue to. Those boys needed a little reaming out regardless of siblings’ solidarity.  “That guy just came at us and –“
“Dylan Roy Todd. Violence is not an answer and-” She said, with conviction at first but then stopping, having realized that those kids did in fact have Jason’s and hers blood and those words were a hypocrisy in purest form. Fuck. She hissed to herself, hesitating in the middle of the sentence. A mistake Jason was more than willing to jump at.
“A fight huh?” he smirked looking into the rearview mirror to sneak a glance at his sons. Liam with already bruising eye and Dylan with a swollen nose, clutching it tightly to prevent any blood stains on upholstery. “So, did you use those blows and punches I’ve been teaching you?”
“WHAT!?” Y/N turned from facing her sons to facing her husband so fast that something snapped loudly in her neck. “JASON PETER TODD!”
“Y/N, Y/M/N, Y/L/N” Jason grinned in response, not paying her that much attention too curious of his offsprings response “Who won?”
“You should have seen the other guy” his boys smirked in the same way he was, and his fatherly heart could not be bigger at that moment.
Even if he knew Y/N was already planning her revenge on them all.
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𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙲𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚜
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Summary: Jay White is a wicked man, of that the entire wrestling industry is aware of. What they’re not aware of though is how the heel becomes a soft baby face the minute he steps inside his home.
Pairing: Dad!Jay White x Fem!Reader
Warnings: +18, fluff, smut, dirty talk, mild degradation
Tags: @theworldofotps , @writtingrose , @aerynscrichton , @daddyhausen , @melissahausen , @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin , @sophiewolfheart-blog , @sultryfandoms , @new-zealand-chic , @crowleysqueenofhell , @thealliasylum , @legit9thlunaticwarrior , @baysexuality , @josiewrites , @seeingstarks , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch , @whenimakeitshine1234 , @moxkindagirl , @sunshinevirus , @im-just-a-mississippi-girl , @ripleyswhore
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At the first sight of Jay by the front door, Autumn screamed and ran there to meet him.
“Daddy!” She grabbed his legs and began to climb him up. Jay laughed and soon picked her up in his arms before she could fall. “Hi, monkey!” He kissed her cheek and placed his suitcase on the floor at the same time Ivy tried to follow her sister’s footsteps by climbing up his legs.
“Hello, my other monkey” Jay cackled, grabbing her up with his free arm and kissing from one daughter to another as he walked to the couch.
The girls instantly began to cry, the mixed feelings of longing and happiness finally taking over them. “No, monkeys, don’t cry. Daddy’s home now” He hugged them tightly and in an attempt to make them stop crying, Jay threw each kid on top of the gray cushions of the couch.
The girls bounced and instantly began to laugh hysterically as Jay made his way to the bathroom to wash his hands.
Grabbing our one-year-old Liam from his crib, I walked down the stairs to the living room, to find our five and three-year-old jumping on the couch while waiting for Jay to return from the bathroom.
As I reached the last step, he opened the door and smirked “Finally! The last girl I was dying to see” Jay closed his arms around my waist and kissed my lips softly, but too long for the kids' liking.
Autumn shrieked “Yucky” and Liam tugged on Jay’s beard hard while pulling him closer to his chubby face, successfully placing his little open mouth on top of Jay’s lips, mimicking the kiss he just saw.
“Hello, my little prince” He chuckled and softly unwrapped Liam’s fingers from his beard as he took him in his arms. Jay laced our fingers and walked back to the couch “So, what my little monkeys were up to while I was away?”
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After dinner, the kids snuggled up with Jay on the couch while I finished doing the dishes. Whenever he was home, the kids got incredibly clingy and wanted to be around him 24/7. Which sometimes made our “alone couple time” get quite tricky to come by but we always managed it well.
The scent of his lemon and mint shampoo was the only warning I had of his presence before his arms circled my waist.
“And what were you up to while I was away, huh?” His sultry voice sent shivers down my spine. Calloused hands caressed my exposed thighs and his soft beard tickled my neck. “Made a good use out of my little gift?”
A lazy smile crossed my lips at the mention of the clitoral stimulator toy he shipped with the note *FaceTime me when you use it ;) Miss you. Love, Your King xoxo* .
“Oh, I loved it!” I purred while remembering the perfect air suction of the toy on my sensitive bud and whispered “I’ve never came so hard so fast before”.
“Hey, rude! What about my skills?!” He joked and laughed before rubbing his semi-hard bulge against my ass and sucking on the sweet point on my neck “It looked like you were having fun” Jay smirked against my skin as the memories from last Friday flooded his mind “I’m glad I chose it well”.
“Oh, you did! Trust me, that’s one of the best toys we have”.
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“What kind of toys do you have, Mommy?” Autumn’s voice coming from behind Jay, made us both jump in fright. “Can I please play with them?”
“Not as long as I live” Jay chuckled and I softly slapped his forearm as a silent warning for him to behave.
“Why?” She pouted
“Daddy’s just joking, pumpkin” I narrowed my eyes at Jay while stepping away from his embrace to help her fill up her Minnie Mouse cup with more orange juice.
“Can I play with the toys then?” She squealed in excitement
“Tums, why don’t you go upstairs and grab the picture you drew for Daddy yesterday at preschool?”
She nodded and clapped excitedly as she ran upstairs to her bedroom.
“Smooth. I’ll give you that” Jay smirked
“You’re walking on thin ice right now, White. I’d be careful if I were you” Was the only warning I gave him before he chuckled, “Just commenting on your maneuvering skills, honeybee”
Before I could say anything else, Autumn burst into the kitchen while waving her drawing at Jay. He took it and grabbed her up in his arms while walking them back to the living room.
“Wow, Tums. You drew Daddy in the ring?! That’s a beautiful drawing, baby! Oh my goodness, you even drew Daddy’s new gear?! You’re so talented, monkey! Thank you so much”
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While Jay tucked the kids in bed and read them a bedtime story, I took the time to take a nice, long, hot shower to relax. And once I grabbed a black tank top from the wardrobe I heard a small snarl coming from behind me “Fuck, I’m one lucky bastard” Followed by Jay’s hands on my exposed ass cheeks.
“Did you finish the bedtime story?” I giggled at the feeling of his full beard against the nape of my neck
“They fell asleep in the middle of it”
“Jay, they’ll wake up”
“No, they won’t” His muffled voice stated from behind me, his tongue already finding its way to my neck.
“Oh trust me, they will!” I chuckled and as if by coincidence, Autumn called for him from her bedroom.
Jay groaned “But they were asleep!” And soon after Ivy also began to call for him with a cry.
“Rule number one, my love: Always finish the bedtime story” I chuckled and Jay stepped away from me to run towards the girls' conjoined bedroom.
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The digital clock marked 12:27 am as Jay walked back into our bedroom. Placing my book down on the bedside table, I asked “Did you get them settled?” With a small cackle.
The girls had called for Jay at least six times in the last four hours since they went to bed. Tiredness was taking over his features and jet lag was finally hitting him.
“Yeah, the bedroom was too hot now” He chuckled and plopped down on the bed with a dramatic sigh “Am I crazy for missing this?” A satisfied smile was plastered on his face and I leaned down to peck his lips “No, you’re not” I giggled.
“Did Tums tell you about the Father and Daughter’s dance at preschool?” My hand came down to rest on his chest as I pressed my chin on the back of my hand
“Yeah, she did” His smile grew bigger “She’s so excited about it”
“Are you gonna be able to go with her?”
“Fuck yeah, I wouldn’t miss it for the world” His hand found the curve of my hip and he settled for drawing circles on my exposed skin.
“You better enjoy those little moments because she’s growing up so fast and before we realize it she’ll be going to prom”
Jay’s brows furrowed at the thought of his little princess growing up “Fuck no! That will never happen! She won’t grow up, I won’t allow it! She’ll stay my little five-year-old princess forever!” He huffed and seconds later we heard:
“Daddy” Autumn’s crying voice came in loud sobs through her partially open bedroom door.
“Okay, spoke too soon. I take that back”. He joked, making me laugh. And more than quickly he stood up and left our bedroom while whispering loudly enough so she could hear him saying “Daddy’s coming, monkey”.
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The next morning, the warm rays of sunshine peeked through our white sheer bedroom curtains. My beautiful husband - who was still asleep - was laying on his stomach, with his arm tossed around my waist and his leg placed between mine. His soft snores along with the birds singing were the only sound that could be heard at such early hours of the morning. I placed my hand on his hair and softly caressed his chestnut brown wavy locks, being careful to not wake him up - which proved to be pointless - since minutes later, his sleepy voice purred: “Hmmm, I love waking up to this”
“I should’ve known I would end up waking you”
I took my hand away from his head and at the loss of contact, Jay’s gray eyes sprawled open. He quickly grabbed my hand and placed it right back on his head “Don’t stop” He grinned “I spent five long weeks without my morning cuddles”.
Jay pulled me closer to his body and his breath became deep and steady. After a few minutes, I wondered if he had fallen asleep again, when he asked, “What time is it?”.
Glancing over my shoulder to the digital clock behind me on the bedside table I answered “Six o’clock. Why?”
“The kids aren’t up until seven, right?”
“Yeah, sometimes not until eight”
He smirked and quickly placed himself on top of me, pinning me down on the mattress.
“What are you doing?” I giggled when his beard tickled the sweet spot behind my ear
“I also spent five long weeks without my daily dose of morning sex, honeybee”.
“No, Jay! We’ll wake up the kids”
“Keep it down, then” His muffled voice stated from the crook of my neck. My hands gripped the back of his head before my nails scraped down his back “As if we have to worry about me keeping it down. In case you don’t remember, handsome, you are the loud one, not me!”
Jay hissed at the light scratches “Hmmm, but that’s your fault, honeybee. If you weren’t such a fucking goddess in the sheets and didn’t fuck me so good, I wouldn’t be so loud”.
A sly smirk spread across my lips “A goddess, huh?” as I pushed him off me and to the side so I could straddle his hips.
“A fucking goddess, my goddess! Hands down the best pussy I’ve ever had! Three babies, and hopefully a fourth one in the making, proves just how crazy I am for you”.
I chuckled before leaning down to kiss his lips “I missed you so much”, my hips circled his clothed erection, making him grunt in return, “Such sweet words only come out of your mouth when you want to fuck” He teased as his hands gripped my hips and established a new rhythm to our dry humping.
“True” I teased back with a giggle. His eyes held that sparkle of amusement and lightheartedness that I loved so much, “And here I thought you truly loved me when in reality you just want me for my dick and its skills. Rude”
“You’re making me sound like a bitch” The smirk playing on my lips made Jay let out a breathy laugh, “I love when you’re a bitch” He growled playfully, sinking his hands in my disheveled mane that now falls around his head like a halo.
“My amazingly sexy and deliciously sinful little bitch” Jay’s teeth scraped against my chin, softly biting the bony area before capturing my bottom lip between his sharp grip.
My hands caressed his chestnut hair, pushing it away from his face so I could look into his stormy gray eyes as the next words left my lips “Are you gonna make me your good little bitch, baby?”
“Fuck yes” His grin was playful and light, a loud contrast to the deepness of his firm gaze. Jay closed his arms around my waist and quickly turned us around so that now I was resting on my back. “Gonna put you back in your place, woman” He joked, pinning me down on the mattress with his weight and making it impossible for me to move.
“Manhandling me, I see” I teased back, moaning softly when Jay rubbed his clothed erection against my already leaking core.
“You say as if you didn’t love this shit” Jay’s hands gripped my wrists and rested them underneath my lower back, adding more of his weight to prevent me from pulling my hands away from my body. “You even got me fooled the first time we met. Such a sweet poster girl for good manners on the outside but such a nasty, dirty, willing little whore on the inside who’s more than pleased to beg to be used. When we first had sex and I saw that nice little girl begging me to fuck her like a slut and slap her in the face, it almost made me cum right away”. Jay continued to rub his erection against my folds, the friction was already making me whine with need, “Baby, you’re making me hornier” I moaned lowly against his lips and the confession made Jay grin widely.
“Yeah? Am I making my sweet girl needy? Do you need some cock in you to make you feel better, little bee?”
“Aww, poor thing” Jay pouted in mockery “Beg for it, honeybee. Beg for my cock like a good, little whore” He growled, already beginning to push his boxer briefs down his muscular thighs.
“Please, sir. Give me your cock”
Jay used his tip to rub my bundle of nerves, the skin-to-skin contact made me let out a soft sigh of need. His grin grew bigger after my non-verbal plea, “Do you want me to fuck that tight, little pussy, honeybee? Want me to use it and stretch it out for you, beautiful?”
“Yes, sir”
“Then beg me one more time, baby. Let me hear you” Jay’s voice was hoarse with desire, his crown was softly pressing against my entrance, just waiting for my next words to fill me up.
“Please put your cock inside me, sir. Give it to me like only you can”
Jay’s animalistic growl was muffled by my kiss, he slowly sank into me, giving me some time to adjust to him after the last five painful weeks without him. His tongue circled mine, moaning as his hips gained speed.
“We need to organize our second honeymoon, little bee. Because I’m dying to make you scream my name for at least a week” Jay mumbled with a moan as he turned me around to lay on my stomach, he pulled me up to my knees and his torso came down to rest upon my back, he intertwined our fingers together and I turned my face to the side to kiss him.
“I love you, honeybee” He moaned
“I love you too, Jay” I bit his bottom lip before smiling “Now fuck me like your dirty whore, baby”.
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remussl0vers · 3 months
requesting guide
updated: 17.06.23
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please make sure to read this before requesting anything — i'm hoping that you'll respect my boundaries on what am i comfortable with and with not writing.
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I tend to curse often in my fics, and are usually comfortable with covering more serious topics, so make sure to check the content warning before hand. I always write warnings when I believe they're needed, but do let me know if you think something should be added!
also senders may request as many as they want <3
I tend to write oneshots over 1000 words, so if you want feel free to specify if you want a long or short story.
sensitive / triggering topics
smut / spice
most tropes ( best at friends to lovers )
I'm pretty comfortable with writing sensitive topics as well as angst ( anyone who's read my works before will know that they're the things I write best ) however, if I'm not comfortable with the topic as a whole I will DM you, or possibly put it off for a while.
*If you have a writing prompt from somewhere as well, feel free to send it through !!
male reader / ftm
gender neutral
original character
I do not write female readers / characters anymore. If there aren't specified pronouns then I will write it as a male character.
There are also some characters I only feel comfortable writing for with a male reader/character and vice versa, which I'll note who.
love interests
polyamorous ships ; depends on the character
support of homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia, racism, sexism, pedophilia, incest ; if they're mentioned in a request in terms of the character being bullied / abused ( in the past ) then i may write it but NOT explicitly, only a mention
a pairing against a character's canon sexuality
female reader
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charles rowland
edwin payne
niko sasaki ( not romantic )
crystal palace ( not romantic )
ben beast
harry hook
carlos de vil
mal bertha
evie grimhilde
anthony lockwood
lucy carlyle
george karim
quill kipps ( friends / family only )
remus lupin
sirius black
regulus black
james potter
lily evans ( not romantic )
evan rosier
barty crouch jr
marlene mckinnon ( not romantic )
dorcas meadows ( not romantic )
pandora lovegood ( not romantic )
mary mcdonald ( not romantic )
peter parker / spiderman ( tom and andrew )
loki laufeyson
kate bishop
yelena belova ( not romantic )
steve rogers
bucky barnes
pietro maximoff
wanda maximoff
valkyrie ( not romantic )
natasha romanoff
tony stark ( not romantic )
gwen stacy ( emma stone )
gwen stacy ( atsv )
*marvel and particularly the mcu is a fandom i'm more comfortable with than most, so if there is a character not listed, then i may or may not write for them
prince caspian
peter pevensie
edmund pevensie ( only during dawn treader )
kaz brekker
inej ghafa
jesper fahey
wylan van eck
nina zenik
alina starkov
nikolai lantsov
genya safin ( not romantic )
matthias helvar
steve harrington
jonathon byers
max mayfield
robin buckley ( not romantic )
stiles stilinski ( *i will take most/all dylan obrien characters )
isaac lahey
scott mccall
liam dunbar ( not romantic )
allison argent
malia tate
lydia martin ( not romantic )
kira yukimura
derek hale
finnick odair
peeta mellark
katniss everdeen
logan howlett
charles xavier ( james mcavoy )
jean grey
erik lehnsherr ( not romantic )
wade wilson / deadpool
kitty pryde
bobby drake
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solesommerso · 2 years
Oooh I just saw your writing for CPD now too 🤩 could I pls request a Jay Halstead x Reader where they have to go undercover as a couple? They're dating secretly, but the secret comes out when they're just too convincing during their undercover work? 🥹
PS I ❤️ your writing! 🥰🥰
Secrets | Jay Halstead x Reader
a/n: ah I think I did this justice but I’ve never written for Jay on his own so idk
warnings: canon typical drug related mentions, guns, secret relationships, reader in a skirt (still kept g/n), swearing, slight nsfw (thigh grabbing/kissing)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚
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You hiss at the microphone digging into your chest, shifting your shirt around for the umpteenth time to try and ease your discomfort from how badly Hailey had set your tech-wear up.
"I shoulda just done it myself." You groan towards Jay, watching how your partner shakes his head only to be cut short as he nods towards the door, the man you've been tracking walks in, a girl in tow with a tray of drinks in her hand.
"Would you two like anything to drink?" She asks, bending at the waist to pick up the past glasses left on the table in front of the couch you reside on, both of you shaking your head to the woman's question. The man that you're here to see, Liam Smart as you've come to learn, tsks his tongue at Jay.
"You don't want to buy your pretty friend a drink?" It almost has you rolling your eyes, you would if this undercover case wasn't so important.
"They're alright." Jay replies, sliding his hand onto your thigh, it brings heat to your cheeks in an instant, you pray nobody on the team can pick up on it through all the cameras.
"Okay then. Shall we get this thing going?" Liam quirks a brow, at least he wants to get this done and over with just as fast as you and Jay do.
"So what's your plan?" Smart leans his elbows onto his knees, smirking when Jay protectively pulls you in closer as the angle Smarts at gives him a clear view to try and stare up your skirt.
"We get three kilos now and three more in a weeks time." Liam throws out a laugh, adjusting his pants which makes your hand drift over to Jays hip, his guns there and while yours is tucked into the back of this skirt, Jays is closer.
"I don't know you. I can't trust you, but you expect three kilos right off the bat?" You both knew it was ambitious but hoped Liam would be dumb enough to agree.
“We have a lot of clients.” You say in your best fake sweet tone, Jays hand squeezes your thigh which means he must pick up on it.
“I see, and where are your clients?” Liam slumps back against the red leather couch you’re all sat on, it circles around a table in a way you can only describe as ‘cliché’, straight out of a bad crime movie.
“North side, they’ll pay top dollar.” Jay builds up on your story and Smart must be drunk enough to believe you two as he smile small.
Soon enough everything is going to plan and you’re slipping into a back room to retrieve the three kilos Jay requested. Liam has definitely gotten more than a few drinks in him as he’s getting more and more talkative, gushing over how north side moves product quickly and blah blah- you don’t care anymore.
While this is very much a work outing, Jays hand has been drifting around your thighs throughout the whole endeavor, not to mention how you’ve been leaning into him, your anxiety’s spiked about the team maybe figuring out you two aren’t so much lying about your relationship. Voight’s already gave up on the ‘don’t date your coworkers’ rule with Adam and Kim but you’re newer, and Jay has a history with Erin, no matter how long it’s been since she was even in Chicago. It could cause some issues.
“You guys aren’t very touchy for a couple.” Liam comments in his drunken state. It has you and Jay making split eye contact, his gaze filtering down your body then back up to your lips, and god what you would do to abandon this all and climb into the back of his truck.
“Go on, kiss them.” Smart might be drunk but you can’t complain about his words, Jays hand slips up the side of your jaw, pressing his lips heatedly against yours, instantly dropping his other hand to pull your waist in and let you wrap your arms around him.
It last longer than it should.
A fair bit longer, with a lot more tongue than you’re sure any of the team appreciate. But you get the drugs and the next meet set up, so job well done- kind of- the smirks across your fellow officers faces make you have some regrets. Aside from Voight who’s just shaking his head and beaconing Jay into his office, no doubt about to get a lecture about telling Voight things like this, and dating another coworker. Jay will be fine.
“So when did that start? Hm?” Kevin comes to tease you, you shove at his shoulder and shake your head.
“Shut it.” You huff, looking away from Adams fake kissing lips that has Kim throwing her hand onto his chest in protest.
“So it is official then?”
“Shut up!”
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phoenixrising0308 · 2 years
Living with loss
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Books: The Royal Romance 1-3 to Royal Heir and cross-over characters from other choices universes.
Rating: M (18+) Sexual situation and adult themes.
Trigger Warnings in this chapter: Miscarriage and infertility.
Pairing: Liam Rys x Jessica Garcia (MC)
Agent Phoenix Forged in Fire Series premise: This is a canon divergent series set after TRR 3 Tariq is never found. Liam’s duty to his country forces him into marriage. Jessica and Liam enter into a Cordonian arrangement. Both of them wanted to have a life together. However, various obstacles prevent him from a divorce and having the life they both want together. With dreams of a future crushed, Jessica leaves Cordonia. Despite a five-year absence, they are still heartbroken and unable to forget each other and the life they once shared. When Jessica’s career path takes an expected turn, her duty to her country pushes her to Cordonia, back into the society that burned her, and back into Liam’s sights. Will she rise from the ashes or once again go down in flames? Catch up here
A/N: Today is a fanfic writer appreciation day and I wanted to pull something out that I wrote almost two years ago today that remains one of my favorite pieces. I dusted it off and edited it to match the style I now write and it is a part of Jessica and Liam's story and details will be revealed later in a mini also previously published under my old handle called "Build a life"
A/N: this oneshot was first published in August 2019 by this blogger under a previous handle that no longer exist under the title 'Too much baby talk'. It was revamped 2021 under another handle that is no longer in use and renamed 'Living with loss'. It was transitioned to this new active blog on Oct 2022.
No beta readers today... so I will die with my typo's run sentences and tissues.
Chapter Summary: Jessica is overwhelmed when she is out with friends and calls her brother.
Word count: 2,219 *please excuse typos and grammatical errors*
Reading time: 8 Minutes
Song inspiration: Small Bump - Ed Sheeran, Happy - P!nk, and Beam me up - P!nk
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Jessica would often be lost in her thoughts. It was hard to focus; every one of her college friends were engaged or married. Some even started their families. She spent five years by Liams side, and they lived an entire life together, but she had nothing to show for it. Just promises they made to each other and promises Liam couldn’t keep. She decided to drown herself in her studies and finish her dissertation, hoping to complete it this term and get her Ph.D. and perhaps at least fulfill her dream to teach at a university it was after all that she wanted for herself before she put her life on pause for Liam and she desperately wanted to get back to that life again. Jessica foolishly thought that she could somehow move forward in life by starting back at one. But she wasn’t the same person, and she realized in the middle of it she would never be that person again.
After making her case for readmission with the Provost to be readmitted after five years, it was decided that the best topic for her paper would be “Criminal Sentencing Trends for Crimes Prosecuted Under the Jurisdiction of Constitutional Monarchy Versus The United States Federal Government - An examination Criminal Justice Systems.” The topic passed the committee approved unanimously. Her time in Cordonia and all the books she read studying with Leo to become a Barrister would come in handy. The paper could write itself all Jessica needed to do a little leg work in the library and write all 500 pages of it. This paper was a moment in between; even if he wasn’t there with her, it was something that connected her to him. If she was honest with herself, she loved him just as much as she did the day she left.
Jessica filled her days between student teaching and a private room in the Lloyd Sealy Library at John Jay College. When all was said and done, she would collapse in her bed and cry herself to sleep, thinking about him and wondering if he was missing her while he rolled around in bed with Madeleine performing his duty to the crown.
After an evening class, she was invited to dinner by her friends Daniel and Thomas. She hadn’t seen them since their wedding, lied about her sudden return, and she avoided going out with them for weeks upon her return, but this time they wouldn’t take no for an answer. She got on the train at Columbus Circle and made her way to Bleecker and Lafayette. She googled the restaurant finding it ironic that it was a Moroccan Restaurant. She plastered a smile and walked over to her friends. After hugs and kisses, Daniel said, “Want a drink?”
Jessica said, “Yeah, that would be great.”
Daniel said, “Okay, so what can we get you?”
Jessica mumbled, “I’ll have a… Scotch neat.” Ordering scotch was like second nature to her, it was Liam’s favorite drink, and it was always at the house. Ordering it was a slip of the tongue. She liked it, but she wanted to do away with all things Liam and quickly changed her mind and said, “Actually, I will take Rum and Coke.”
Daniel said, “So, how’s the Professor?”
Thomas said, “Oh yeah. Jessie, I liked him, and he was all over you. We are so excited when you are guys setting a date? We have never been to Cordonia, so it would be nice.”
Jessica took a deep breath and said, “Ummm, we broke up. I just wasn’t ready for that type of commitment.”
Thomas’s face dropped as he said, “Oh, I’m really sorry to hear that.”
Daniel looked confused, “Jessie, how? When? Why? You told me that you were finally looking to settle down.”
Jessica said, “Oh Danny, these things just happen. I probably just got carried away. Everyone’s getting married or having kids and shit, so I just wanted for a sec, that’s all.”
Daniel said, “Oh, okay…. So, here is our big news; we just wanted to share it with you first our surrogate is pregnant! Her name is April, and she is fantastic.”
Jessica swallowed a lump in her throat and tried her best to put on a brave face and said, “Wow, a baby, how sweet! That’s so great. I’m happy for you.”
Jessica thoughts trailed off to a moment in between with Liam … her first date with Liam.
Jessica said, “But what’s your dream? What’s your heart’s desire?”
Liam said, “More than peace and prosperity for Cordonia?”
Jessica said, “I’m talking to Liam, not the Prince.”
Liam said, “Maybe this is sentimental, but it’s been on my mind lately. Especially given … Well, never mind that. What I really want is to have a family. Maybe not this year or the next, but eventually and not the type that most kings have but one where we’re close and listen to each other. I’ve never mentioned it to anyone before. It’s a pretty mundane dream, now that I say it aloud.”
Jessica said, “Liam, I think it’s sweet.��
Daniel said, “Jessie, Jessie?” and she was snapped out of her memory.
The topic of children was delicate for her. As for many women in the world, the clock was ticking. But for Jessica, it was ticking fast. Having children while she was younger would improve her chances. Jessica wanted children of her own desperately, and there was a real possibility of infertility. It would affect her. Her mother passed away from ovarian cancer when Jessica was fourteen, she was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome when she was sixteen, it meant she would have a hard time conceiving on her own, and she might have to seek out medical interventions, but even if she did, that might not result in pregnancy.
Sacred, it was a deal-breaker with Liam. She told him and he simply said, “Jess, it’s going to be alright. We will cross that bridge when we get to it if it doesn’t happen on its own.” And that night at the maze garden, he put those fears to rest again when he said, “I will get you the best doctors we possibly can from anywhere in the world if we need to if you want to explore having naturally born children with me. I will love you and them just the same. However, they come. You are perfect; they will be too. It will happen. I will try so hard to make it happen for you. We can try right away when we are married if you want to.”
Life took a turn from them and what they didn’t know was when Liam got married they were actually expecting. A gift from a magical moment in the Yu Garden in Shanghai at the Koi pond. They hated the idea of calling the baby “it” and wanted to keep the tradition of not knowing the royal heir sex. Although the baby at that very moment wouldn’t be named an heir nonetheless, it was to them, and they called their baby Koi. But just as soon as their dreams come true, they lost their baby one sunny Sunday morning, never hearing a heartbeat or seeing an image but having just enough time for them to think of a home and how they would decorate a nursery. In all the times they were together after their loss, she never got pregnant again. Jessica started to cry at the dinner table. She wanted so badly to have a piece of her and Liam out in the world, something theirs and living proof that their love could be a living, breathing person.
Daniel said, “Are you okay?”
Jessica hastily wiped her eyes, “Oh no, don’t mind me! These are happy tears! I’m just so happy for you guys.”
Thomas said, “Oh Jessie, I ordered for us. They serve family-style here, so we just ordered Chicken Tagine.”
Jessica said, “I’m so sorry. I’m gonna go to the bathroom and freshen up. I didn’t wear waterproof mascara, and I’m sure I look like a mess right now. I will be right back.” Jessica walked to the restroom and got into a bathroom stall, and completely lost her it for fifteen minutes. She had just been at the restaurant for 30 minutes and found herself lying to her best friend about everything from her break up, to her not wanting a commitment to the real reason she was crying, so Jessica did what any little sister would do called her brother.
“Adam… I can’t take it anymore. Everyone is talking about babies and getting married. It’s just too much baby talk right now for me.”
Adam said, “Jessie, please stop crying; I can barely hear you. Do you need me to get you?”
Jessica’s voice cracked, “Adam, I will never be a mom.”
Adam’s voice softened, “Jessie, don’t say that.”
“Adam, it’s true. I will never be a mom, and I really wanted to. I really wanted that with Liam.”
Adam said, “I know, and we all wanted it for you too. Jessie, you are smart, brave, and you are the kindest person I know.”
Hearing his little sister cry broke his heart, and so he started to cry with her over the phone. “It’s gonna happen for you when the time is right, Jessie, I promise.”
Jessica said, “Adam, can you get me, please. I can’t be here right now. Daniel and Thomas are gonna have a baby; I can’t sit through dinner.”
Adam said, “Where are you, Jessie?”
“510 LaGuardia Pl in the city place is called Le Souk.”
Adam said, “I’m working, but I’m gonna get you, okay? Stay put. Give me a few minutes; I’m gonna put the sirens on.”
Jessica said, “Unmarked.”
Adam said, “Honda Civic Black 2017. Then she heard his radio “This is Detective Garcia. I’m on a 10-63” The dispatcher said, “That’s a 10-4.”
True to his word, her older brother made it to her with sirens sounding in front of the restaurant.
Jessica pulled herself together, walked over to Daniel and Thomas’s table, and said, “I’m so sorry, but I have to go. Something came up.”
Daniel said, “Everything okay, Jessie?”
Jessica said, “Oh, it’s fine, I just can’t stay. We will talk soon, okay.”
Thomas said, “Is that Mateo or Adam in the front?”
Jessica said, “Adam.”
Daniel said, “Tell him we said hi.”
Thomas said, “Jessie, text us when you get home, okay. I hope you feel better.”
Jessica said, “I hope so too.”
As Jessica walked out of the restaurant, Daniel turned to Thomas and said, “She is lying; she is not okay. She loved that guy a lot.”
Thomas said, “It was written on both their faces; I hope they sort it out. But we can’t push. It’s her story to tell, and when she is ready, she will tell us.”
Daniel said, “Well, at least she is talking with Adam. Mateo is hard on her and will interrogate her about why she is crying till she breaks down. At least Adam is calmer.”
Jessica got into her brother’s car.
Jessica said, “I’m defective. It’s probably why he is with her and not me. Who wants someone that can’t give you a kid?”
“Don’t say that word.” He just knew that his little sister needed a hug, so he gave her one and said, “You are not. Maybe you just might need a little help, but you’re not defective. Anyone who is worth it sees you, Jessica. They would see….” Adam swallowed a lump in his throat and said, “That is not the only part of you. There is so much more to you and life than having a baby.”
Jessica said, “I really love him.”
Adam said, “I know. Jessie, I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.”
Adam drove her home that night. She stared mindlessly out the window as the street signs and lights passed her, and all she knew at that moment is that she would need to learn how to live with loss. Loss of Liam, loss of the little life inside of her that never was, loss of her future with him, and loss of the time she spent chasing an impossible dream. Jessica leaned against the window, and her eyes felt heavy, and she fell asleep.
Mateo had already had enough and was ready to board a plane and kill Liam for breaking his sister’s heart, whereas he was mad for Jessica; Adam was heartbroken for her. Seeing her so upset with no solution in sight, he was left with one choice. Help her move on by picking up the pieces of her broken heart and help put her back together. If she couldn’t be brave at that moment, he would be her rock. He would be a safe place for her, a place to let her be her wounded self and not judge her; he already judged her enough for living with a married man for five years. Adam decided Jessica needed a friend, brother, and shoulder to cry on, not someone else telling her she is wasting her life away crying over Liam.
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winters-hysteria · 2 years
my requirements to write a ship req-
description of yourself
personality traits?
i don't need your age but it is appreciated so i don't ship underage people with overage characters and underage characters with overage people
what show would you like me to write from?
do you want nsfw/sfw hc, or one or the other?
my req for full fanfic/small blurb-
i need an idea and a character.
i need your oc (if you wish) or it automatically becomes an x reader :D
i need to know if you'd like it to be sfw/nsfw
my req for an x oc
just which oc
x your oc or x reader?
who i write for!
i write majorly for marvel.
any characters
i only write dad!tony stark
nsfw/sfw upon request
harry potter!
any characters except older peter pettigrew, remus, sirius, snape and dumbledore because i view them as either father figures or just don't feel comfortable writing for them.
nsfw/sfw upon request
disclaimer because some of you think i'm supporting J.K. Rowling-
I do NOT in ANY WAY support her. I like the characters and simply the characters from the movies because they are pretty and i am simply too lazy to do research on the actors. please don't attack me over this.
mostly jinx my beloved
sometimes vi/caitlyn
umbrella academy
any characters as long as they're aged up besides yk pogo and reginald
oh and dolores i won't write for her
also i write for viktor not vanya
stranger things
no i will not write for vecna, but i write for 001/henry creel. other than that any character
my ocs-
all of them, but here's the few i'm writing for atm
obsydian - she/they. afab, a 16,000 year old demon who im human years/form appears to be about 16
nix - 17 year old, amab, he/him they/them. green hair with light brown skin with a tongue piercing
jay - amab, genderfluid, any pronouns - brown haired teen who appears late 20s and is actually 18
asani - nonbinary afab, she/her - dark skinned goat horned cutie who is 19
dusty - afab female, she/her - 16 year old chaos ball with grey hair and blue eyes, porcelain skin
daisy - afab nonbinary, she/they - blonde sweetheart with light skin who as her name states loves daisies and she is 12 so no nsfw/shipping them
damien - afab transmasc, he/him - a 25 year old guy who's been on t for 9 years now and has already had top/bottom surgery. brown hair with three blonde streaks in the front and back
spencer - nonbinary amab, he/they - a teenage dirtbag who wears pigtails much like sal fisher. green hair and purple eyes, their skin has a pinkish undertone
liam!! - amab male, he/him - 17 year old weirdo who's scared of everything and everyone besides his siblings ace and anna (they're triplets. brown fluffy hair and pale skin.
there'll be pictures of them soon
i write heavier themes upon request such as smut, yandere, gore, horror, attempted sa/non con and su!cide themes.
i also will write fluff and small blurbs whenever i feel the need, comfort and angst is totally on the table too
just request it!
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Young Love ~ Liam Jay
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Liam Jay x Reader
Warnings: none
A/N: So i have been slacking in writing at the moment and i feel so goddamn frustrated as i want to provide you guys with fics but every time i look at a draft, ready to write i just stall until i just lose inspiration. I am so sorry for the drop in activity however i will try to post a bit more!
Requests are open and feedback is highly appreciated!
“Hurry up babe, i’m freezing here.” Liam called from his place in my bed as i finished up in the bathroom. I walked out to see him sat against the pillows with the duvet tucked around his waist and my laptop in front of him displaying the end credits of the film we had been watching. 
He spotted me and quickly shifted over so i could crawl under the soft coverings. Once i was settled against his side, Liam pulled my body even further to his with his arm around my shoulders. The same warm feeling i always got when cuddling with is began to set in, bringing me pure bliss. 
Liam lent over and placed my laptop on the floor and the two of us snuggled down into the bed. I felt his fingers lightly dance across my upper arm while his head rested on mine. Despite the room being dark from the absence of my room lighting, his face was still in good view thus allowing my to lose myself into a gaze and wonder how someone can be so handsome yet so soft. 
“Staring again?” He smirked down at me. 
I nodded against his shoulder and left a kiss. “Can you blame me Li, you are pretty damn fine.” 
His chest rumbled with a soft chuckle as he pushed hair away from my face. “Says you, the most gorgeous girl on campus, who by the way is insanely intelligent too.” 
Liam and I had met after i helped him catch up on his courses during a lecture neither one of us really wanted to attend. We had been going strong for over a year now and i could whole-heartedly say that my fondness for him grows even stronger as we progress. 
“Very cheesy but i love you.” I whispered into his ear and left a kiss just under his lobe. 
His hand moved to my cheek pushing my face level to his and pressed his lips against mine in a deep and loving kiss that made my heart melt. My own hand made it’s way into the hair at the base of his scalp, cupping his head so he knew not to pull away. 
Once we finally broke apart he whispered, “I love you too.” We settled back down, my head on his chest, his arm holding my body close to his, and allowed sleep to to us over. 
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artemiseamoon · 3 years
Writer Wednesday Entries
Now that my masterlist is nice and clean, I’ve been organizing lists for easy finding. This is a list of all my entries for writer Wednesday hosted & created by autumnleaves1991-blog. These can be found on my masterlist as well, under the fandom.
🌺 fic, in progress
🌼 oneshot, drabble
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The Joyous Delight of Pleasure | Ezra x f reader 🌼
Under the cover of darkness | Liam x f reader 🌼
Solatium | Ezra x Ofc 🌺
Bandits in the Wind | Ezra x ofc 🌺
Card game | Max Phillips x f reader x Veracruz 🌼
Simple Delights | Benny Miller x f reader 🌼
Solis Terra | Pero Tovar x ofc x Oberyn Soon!
+ Week 1 of Jey���s pride celebration
Opals & Sapphires | Ellaria x F reader 🌼
+ Week 2 of Jey’s pride celebration
A symbol of hope | Valkyrie x f reader 🌼
+ Week 3 for Jey’s Pride celebration
By Your Side | Fennec Shand x Black f reader 🌼
+ Week 4 for Jeys Pride celebration
The Calmness of Space | Nebula x f reader (mcu) 🌼
+ Week 5 for Jeys Pride celebration
TBA | Fennec Shand x WOC f reader 🌼
Promises | Will Miller x ofc 🌺
Solitude & Longing | Lu Fox x woc reader (Garrett Hedlund) 🌼
Not like me | Dave York x f reader 🌼
The Man In Black | Part of the Tell Me No Lies universe | Marcus Moreno x Supervillain OFC 🌺
Pancakes | Fennec Shand x F reader 🌼
The Note | Zach Wellison x reader (soon) 🌼
A date, really? | Billy x f curvy /plus size reader (skeleton twins) 🌼
New! @ writer-Wednesday page
Second chances | Marcus pike x f reader
Dreamland | Jay Castillo x f reader
The best gift | Ez Reyes x f reader
Untitled | Billy Russo x f reader
A little bit of hope 1 | Santi x f reader (ft the guys & another possible romantic pairing)
The real you | Jack Whiskey x f reader
Wrap party | ofc & Minx crew
Soft mornings | Santi x f reader / or read as OC
37 letters | Llewyn x ofc x Johnny five
Love on the green | Ezra x ofc
Let’s be rebels | Benny x GN reader
Vampire Frontier | Santi x ofc, Tf guys x ofc
No love too intimidating | F reader, bi Ezra & bi Poe
To catch a thief | The thief, ofc, Dieter Bravo
Cherry blossoms in Chicago | Carmen B x f reader
A03 - writer Wednesday list * ⬅️ (more)
I am no longer posting fics on tumblr, only previews. Read works on A03 now.
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I think this is in order 🤔 if not, sorry about that. I’ll update this as works are written.
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singing-show-alums · 3 years
Singing Shows and Eurovision: Sweden 🇸🇪 (Introduction)
I know it’s been a loooooooonnnnnnggggg time since I’ve posted anything on here, but that’s about to change. This is the start of a new series I’m planning to do on this blog, and I will be reblogging these on my Eurovision side blog, @american-eurovision-nerd. Some say that the Idols format was, in part, inspired by Eurovision. And although the Idols format has fallen in popularity in recent years, artists who first made their name on the format have found their way onto the Eurovision stage, a stage that has made and broken many a singer over its six decades of existence. I’ll be profiling different singing competition formats, specifically Idols, The X Factor, and The Voice, the countries where one or more of those formats may be popular, and their contributions to Eurovision.
In my first posts of this series, I’m going to be profiling what is likely the most successful country when it comes to Idols alums crossing over into Eurovision: Sweden 🇸🇪.
Sweden first began airing its version of Idols, Idol ____ (the blank there because the official title of the show uses the year that each season is taking place), in 2004 with Daniel Lindström crowned its first winner. Since then, it has run for 17 seasons, taking a one-year break in 2012 when The X Factor aired instead. The X Factor Sweden was canceled after one season and Idol 2013 returned the following year. Over 17 seasons, 12 men and 5 women have won Idol Sweden (and women have never won in back-to-back years on this particular version).
The male winners are: Daniel Lindström, Markus Fagervall, Kevin Borg (the only Idols winner to ever come from Malta), Erik Grönwall, Jay Smith, Kevin Walker, Martin Almgren, Liam Cacatian Thomassen, Kristoffer Kläfford, Sebastian Walldén, Tusse Chiza (originally from the Democratic Republic of the Congo), and Birkir Blær (full name Birkir Blær Óðinsson, who is originally from Iceland).
The female winners are: Agnes Carlsson, Marie Picasso, Amanda Fondell, Lisa Ajax, and Nadja Holm.
Some American readers may recognize Erik Grönwall (who appeared as Simon Zealotes in NBC’s concert production of Jesus Christ Superstar) and Christoffer Kläfford (who would later compete on America’s Got Talent in 2019, where he made it to the Semifinal rounds before being eliminated).
This particular version of Idols has also produced a whole bunch of non-winning alumni who have gone on to great success, thanks in no small part to Melodifestivalen. Melodifestivalen (Swedish for “The Melody Festival” or “The Song Festival”) is the Swedish national selection competition to choose its entry for Eurovision. It was first staged in 1959, for Sweden’s second Eurovision appearance (its debut the previous year is the only time that Sweden has ever used an internal selection to select its Eurovision entry), and since then Melodifestivalen (also affectionately known to fans worldwide as “Melfest” or “Mello”) has taken place almost every year except for three: 1964 (cancelled due to an artists’ strike, which led to Sweden withdrawing from Eurovision that year), 1970 (when the Nordic countries boycotted Eurovision over the 1969 Contest ending in a four-way tie with four winners crowned because there was no tiebreaker), and 1976 (due to protests arising after Sweden hosted the 1975 Contest; Sweden ultimately withdrew from the 1976 Contest and returned the following year). Melfest for much of its history has made stars of up-and-comers and has either validated established stars or nearly ended their careers. Melfest has produced a total of six Eurovision winners (four of those coming before Idol’s debut in Sweden) and 24 Top Five placings at the Contest.
So...with that out of the way, let’s take a look at how many Idol Sweden alums have gone to Melfest, and then we’ll cover the Idol alums who have actually won Melfest more in depth. We’ll be looking at the overall alums season by season, with those reaching the Melfest Final at least once in bold. Those who also won Melfest are in bolded italics. The highest finishing contestant from each season is listed first, followed by finalists and then semifinalists (if any). All alums listed went to Melfest as performers. If they competed at Melfest under a stage name, it will be shown in parentheses.
Season 1 (2004): Darin Zanyar (Darin), Lorén Talhaoui (Loreen)
Season 2 (2005): Agnes Carlsson, Sibel Redžep, Måns Zelmerlöw, Ola Svensson
Season 3 (2006): Erik Segerstedt, Danny Saucedo (Note: both competed once as part of the trio E.M.D., and each competed at least once more as a solo artist)
Season 4 (2007): Daniel Karlsson (The Moniker), Mattias Andréasson (Note: as part of E.M.D. as well as solo), Christoffer Hiding
Season 5 (2008): Alice Svensson, Robin Bengtsson, Anna Bergendahl, Loulou Lamotte (Note: as both a backing singer for John Lundvik and as part of The Mamas, a group formed from those singers), Linda Pritchard
Season 6 (2009): Mariette Hansson, Eddie Razaz
Season 7 (2010): Andreas Weise
Season 8 (2011): Robin Stjernberg, Molly Pettersson Hammar (Molly Hammar)
Season 9 (2013): No contestants from this season have appeared in Melodifestivalen as of 2022.
Season 10 (2014): Lisa Ajax
Season 11 (2015): Martin Almgren, Axel Schylström
Season 12 (2016): Liam Cacatian Thomassen (LIAMOO), Rebecka Karlsson, Renaida Braun
Season 13 (2017): Hanna Ferm
Season 14 (2018): Kadiatou Holm Keita (Kadiatou), William Stridh, Natalie Brydolf
Season 15 (2019): Tusse Chiza (Tusse)
Season 16 (2020): No contestants from this season have appeared in Melodifestivalen as of 2022.
Season 17 (2021): No contestants from this season have appeared in Melodifestivalen as of 2022.
If you’re keeping count, Idol Sweden has produced 32 Melodifestivalen contestants, 7 Melodifestivalen winners, and among those 7 winners, 2 of them went on to win Eurovision: Loreen and Måns Zelmerlöw.
So, in order of their appearances on Idol (and in the case of season 5, the order they won Melfest), we’ll be learning a little more about those 7 alums who have gone on to win Melodifestivalen and grace the Eurovision stage. For each one, I will include a pic from their Idol run and a pic from their Eurovision appearance.
This series will be spread out over three posts: the first post will cover Loreen and Måns Zelmerlöw, who both appeared on Idol Sweden earliest in its run as well as won Eurovision. The second post will cover the three Season 5 alums who have gone on to win Melodifestivalen a combined four times: Anna Bergendahl, Robin Bengtsson, and Loulou Lamotte. The third and final post in this series will cover the two alums who competed latest in Idol Sweden’s run to win Melfest: Robin Stjernberg and Tusse Chiza.
You won’t have to wait long for Part 1, as it will be posted (and hopefully reblogged to my Eurovision side blog) tomorrow to mark the First Semifinal of Melodifestivalen 2022! The other two parts will each be posted on the next two Saturdays after that.
Stay tuned for Part 1!
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shelby-love · 5 years
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One-shots (1k words or more)
Drabbles  (below 1k words)
Headcanons (bullet point fics)
Blurbs (below 500 words)
Imagines (gif + a little blurb, around 500 words)
1.0 RULES:
Request via ask.
Always include what type of request you want me to write.
Specify because specification is very important as it helps me make your request as pleasing as possible, but try not to be too specific as I like the element of surprise.
If you want me to write something from my prompt list (click here): include the name of said character, category of the prompt and the prompt’s respective number (e.g. Jay Halstead, fluff 7). 
1.1 Note: If you don't include what type of request it is that you want me to cook up, I will choose the type myself so don't come at me if you wanted a 2K worded piece of work and instead got an imagine with 200 words!
1.2 Note: Mixing the prompt with a plot line of your own is allowed, just make sure to follow the rules (1-3). 
Unless asked for, I will be writing with the Female!reader in mind (I like to exclude any gender relation and make it so that both genders could read and enjoy).
I respond to asks when the request has been qued to post and released on Ao3.
The maximum number of request you can send is 2. I know there is an option to send them in anonymously, but I really hope you will stick to this rule. Give others a chance to submit their wishes, and don’t make the line too big with by mass requesting (I close requests after I get around 30 requests).
Requests sent during seasons I have not watched or for characters that have yet to make an appearance in the show will not be written (exceptions exist).
I write one-shots but not a whole series unless I can see/want a continuation.
Themed requests (Christmas, Valentine's Day, New Year etc.) can be only sent during that time. I don’t accept Christmas requests during the month of May. The same goes for the rest.
I have every right to delete every request that does not fit within the rules stated above, or I feel uncomfortable writing. Also, it’s important to note that I don’t have inspiration to write every request that’s sent. It’s normal to not have inspiration, and because I prefer quality to quantity, if I see that I don’t have inspiration for a request then I will not write it.
Requests will be deleted if sent while my request box is closed. I won’t answer them as I feel like there is no need. On almost every informative post (+my bio, and if you’re on PC my theme under ‘blog status’) it will say whether the request box is closed or not.
English is not my first language but without digging myself my own grave this early on I want to say that I'm proud of how much I know, given that I never speak English unless in school.
Be nice because only constructive criticism is allowed. If you spot a grammatical error or a paragraph/sentence/word etc. that doesn't make sense, let me know. But be nice!
LGBTQ+  topics/relationships (because I feel like I wouldn’t do a good job) 
Real people, send only requests for characters in my writing list
Ships or OC, send only reader inserts
NSFW (mature content stories)
Romanticized mental illnesses
S*icide scenes
R*pe scenes
2.1 Note: P*dophilia, r*pe, s*icide might be mentioned in my Chicago P.D, Fire, Med shots (or other), but I will never explicitly write about those subjects or write about anything that is about/centered around them.
2.2 Note: Explicitly written smut is a no, I will not write that. Try to refrain from requesting steamy scenes too, as I will only put them in myself were I to deem it necessary for the WIP.
Fluff/ WAFF
Fusion/ Crossover
Here is me trying to explain what kind of requests I also take [x]
2.6 Note: It’s hard to list but to make it easier for you guys, I will write about almost anything as long as it’s not on my 2.0 bullet.
Posts are usually posted between 01:00 A.M. and 05:00 A.M. CET (Central European Time).
Check schedule to see what's been qued to post.
3.1 Note: This account is NOT my work place. Everything here is written when I have time and I feel like writing. Requests that I find more interesting will most likely be written and qued to post sooner. I advise you to follow my blog, check regularly and sit tight until you see that it's qued. You can always check my navigation page and click on 'schedule'. Or simply click here.
3.2 Note: I am not a doctor nor a firefighter nor a policeman. I research whatever I can before I start writing and sometimes that takes hours. Nothing is 100% accurate (especially for events set in Chicago Med) although I hope it is.
3.6 Note: Requests are currently OPEN for all fandoms!!!
3.7 Note: Your requests do not have to be strictly romantic (Sibling!Reader or other are also (obviously) allowed).
---More shows and characters will be added through time
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✏ TV SHOWS (alphabetical order)
9-1-1 (✓)
Evan Buckley
Eddie Diaz
Bobby Nash
Howard "Chimney" Han
Simon Basset
Anthony Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
Prince Friedrich
Kelly Severide
Matt Casey
Peter Mills
Jimmy Borelli
Christopher Herrmann
Brian “Otis” Zvonecek
Joe Cruz
Antonio Dawson
Adam Ruzek
Kevin Atwater
Jay Halstead
Hank Voight
Alvin Olinsky
Connor Rhodes
Will Halstead
Ethan Choi
Noah Sexton
Crockett Marcel
James Lanik
Blake Carrington
Jeff Colby
Liam Ridley
Michael Culhane
Guzmán Nunier Osuna
Samuel García Domínguez
Christian Varela Expósito
Leopoldo Benavent Villada (Polo)
Thomas Shelby
Arthur Shelby
John Shelby
Finn Shelby
Ada Shelby
Polly Gray
Alfie Solomons
Michael Gray (I currently cannot stand this dude)
Scott Mcall
Stiles Stilinski
Isaac Lahey
Liam Dunbar
Derek Hale
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Finn Mikaelson
Marcel Gerard
Rebekah Mikaelson
Number Five
Diego Hargreeves
Luther Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Stefan Salvatore
Damon Salvatore (hate him)
Alaric Saltzman
Lorenzo St. John
Tyler Lockwood
Matt Donovan
Jeremy Gilbert
Katherine Pierce
Elena Gilbert (hate her even more)
Caroline Forbes
Bonnie Bennett
Benny Watts
Harry Beltik
Geralt of Rivia
See under ‘Marvel Universe’.
Oliver Wood
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Draco Malfoy
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Percy Weasley
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Neville Longbottom
Cedric Diggory
The Marauders era
James Potter
Sirius Black
Peter Pettigrew
Remus Lupin
Severus Snape
Tony Stark / Iron Man
Bruce Banner / Hulk
Steve Rogers / Captain America
Natasha Romanoff
Clint Barton / Hawkeye
Nick Fury
James Rhodes / War Machine / Iron Patriot
Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier / White Wolf
Sam Wilson / Falcon
Scott Lang / Ant-Man
T'Challa / Black Panther
Peter Parker / Spider-Man
Stephen Strange
Peter Quill / Star-Lord
Pietro Maximoff
Edward Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Emmett Cullen
Alice Cullen
Jasper Hale
Rosalie Hale
Jacob Black
Seth Clearwater
Embry Call
Lee Christmas
Barney Ross
Billy The Kid
Hale Caesar
Yin Yang
Toll Road
Gunnar Jensen
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lorirwritesfanfic · 5 years
Author's note: This is the last Liam x MC prompt for Choices August Challenge. Read the warning [All characters are owned by Pixelberry Studios] Book: The Royal Romance Pairing: King Liam x MC (Jade) Rating: M Word count: 1024 Summary: Liam helps Jade overcome another situation in which her insecurities get the best of her. Based on the prompt: Choices August Challenge Day Twenty Eight - Speech
Warning: This piece contains subjects (psychological trauma, anxiety attack, mentions of violence) which may be disturbing for some people. Reader discretion is advised.
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Jade glanced at the notes of her speech, trying her best to concentrate on them, going over all the points she was meant to speak. Despite the little relevance of the award she was going to receive, her advisors and her husband emphasized the importance of that ceremony visibility to help launch her project. 
However, enduring snob people in a foolish award ceremony wasn’t exactly what she had in mind. Would they take her seriously? A cold shiver ran down her spine and she began to hyperventilate. What if I fail? The frivolous chatter, the laughter, the music, the glass clinking... Everything around her was making her anxious.
"My love?" Liam asked, placing his hand atop hers.
She turned to him, her complexion going pale under the immaculate makeup look embellishing her face. Her palms were sweating, her heart pounded in her chest, her stomach fluttered. "I can't do it," she whispered.
"Of course you can, Jay," he squeezed her hand gently.
"Liam, I can't do it. I can't," she shook her head nervously as her eyes glowed. She was about to burst into tears.
Liam stood up helping Jade to her feet and excused himself to take a stroll outside with her. As their security detail cleared the perimeter, they went to a quiet spot in the garden, sat down on a patio bench and she sobbed in his chest, tugging on the lapels of his tuxedo jacket, pulling him closer. "Shh... It's okay. You can cry now. It's just us here," he said, stroking her back gently.
When she was calmer, she rested her head on his shoulder, hugging his arm. "I can't go up there to talk about this."
"Why not?"
"Because it hurts. It hurts too much, Liam," her lips trembled.
"I can imagine," he said kissing the top of her head. 
"Can you make the speech for me?" She asked, her glossy eyes begging him.
He remained silent for a moment, then replied. "I don't think I should." 
"You know what needs to be said as much I do."
"I know the main topics, I don't remember the details like you do."
"Liam, please..."
"Okay..." he sighed. "I suppose I could tell everyone you're indisposed and make the speech for you."
Jade frowned, looking down at her hands.
"But before I do that, remind me again why are we here?"
"I was going to use this pretentious award I won to talk about a real cause," she said, still avoiding eye contact.
"Every woman has suffered some sort of violence in her life and society always pushes it under the rug, belittling a serious matter."
"And what did you tell me about non-female people talking about feminist issues?"
"They can support the cause, but women are the ones should lead the protests, talk about their experiences and show the world we all need to fight for this to happen."
"Is that all?"
"This is my cause and I have the power to talk about it," she said, her voice going stronger as she enunciated every word.
"So... Do you still think I should go on that stage to receive a silly award on your behalf and talk about your cause?"
He smiled. "That's what I thought."
"I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. I just... panicked," she sniffed.
"I understand. It can't be easy for you to talk about it. But you did all the research, you wrote every single word of the project, you've met all the specialists of the field to talk about it. You're ready."
"What if I forget something? What if I panic again and just make a fool of myself?"
"You won't. You are my fierce queen, you own every room you walk into and you'll fight for this cause not just for yourself, but for other women who suffered with it."
Jade nodded, fishing a small mirror and a tissue from her dress pocket to check her makeup and fix anything could be smudged. "Okay."
Liam stood up and extended his hand to his wife. "Are you ready to receive your first shallow award and make it something meaningful?"
She laced her fingers with his and stood up. "Yup." She smiled. "Thank you, Li." 
"You're welcome, my queen." He smiled and led her back to the ballroom. 
About half an hour later, Jade was called to the stage, gave a small smile as she received the award and turned to the crowd. "Thank you. I'm flattered to be recognized as a trendsetter, though I can hardly say I zipped up any of my dresses. I have maids to do that for me."
The crowd dissolved into laughter.
"I owe to closest friends, my trusty fashion designers, and Pinterest all the credit for my Pictagrams OOTD posts." 
Applause and laughter filled the room.
"Everyone likes to tell me how lucky I am because I went from a waitress of a dive bar in New York to Queen of a wealthy kingdom in one year, how fate has blessed me with royal blood, beauty, a real-life prince charming as a life partner," she smiled at Liam, who beamed at her from their table in the front. "But I wasn't always this lucky. Misogyny usually has a way to ruin things for me, especially when it includes random noble jerks harassing me, ruthless paparazzi and press media judging my actions based on mere rumors or former abusive boyfriends who enjoyed putting my life at risk just for the kicks."
Whispers and gasps filled the room.
"And in case any of you is shocked with this fact about my life, I'd like to tell you I'm merely part of statistics."
As Jade continued to speak, Liam smiled, gazing at his wife with newfound admiration. Very few people knew all the effort it took for her to be there talking about one of her most traumatic experiences and providing a solution to help other people. But there she was, showing her ideas to some of the most influential people in the world. He was more than happy to stay on the sidelines and let her have that moment. He was there to support her.
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hello, everyone!
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if you've read my embarrassingly awkward introduction post, you will have come to gather that i am a struggling fangirl with a desperate need for fanfiction. and, well, seeing as i've read most of it, i've decided to make the brave idiotic jump from fanfic reader to fanfic writer. god help us all.
in leu of that decision, i thought it would be useful for my nonexistent followers to have a list of the fandoms and characters that i write for, plus a list of guidelines for requests.
here we go!
fandoms and characters
the avengers universe : tony stark, steve rogers, natasha romanoff, bruce banner, ,, clint barton, loki, sam wilson, wanda maximoff, peter parker, vision, t'challa udaku, erik killmonger, bucky barnes, carol danvers, maria hill, shuri udaku, peter quill, gamora, nebula, drax, mantis, steven strange, scott lang, hope van dyne, valkyrie (brunnhilde), peggy carter (1940's).
the x - men universe : wolverine, professor x, beast, storm, jean gray, cyclops, quicksilver, mystique, magneto
shadowhunters : clary fairchild, jace wayland, alec lightwood, isabelle lightwood, magnus bane, simon lewis, raphael santiago
the 100 : clarke griffin, bellamy blake, octavia blake, john murphy,
divergent : tris, four, peter, christine, eric
the hunger games : katniss everdeen, peeta mellark, gale hawthorn, finnick odair, johanna mason
teen wolf : scott mccall, stiles stilinksi, liam dunbar, allison argent, lydia martin, malia tate, derek hale, brett talbot, kira yukimura, theo raeken
pretty little liars : aria montgomery, hanna martin, spencer hastings, emily fields, alison dilaurentis, jason dilaurentis, mike montgomery, noel kahn
titans (netflix, 2019) : dick grayson, starfire, beast boy, jason todd
riverdale : archie andrews, jughead jones, betty cooper, veronica lodge, cheryl blossom, toni topaz, sweet pea, fangs fogarty, reggie mantle
the chilling adventures of sabrina : sabrina spellman, ambrose spellman, harvey kinkle, nicholas scratch, the weird sisters (prudence, agatha and dorcas)
hp: the golden trio era : harry potter, ron weasley, hermione granger, neville longbottom, draco malfoy, ginny weasley, luna lovegood, george weasley, fred weasley, oliver wood
hp: the marauders era : james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, lily evans
peaky blinders : tommy shelby, michael gray, john shelby, ada thorne, arthur shelby, isaih jesus
shameless u.s : fiona gallagher, lip gallagher, ian gallagher, mickey milkovich, mandy milkovich
sherlock bbc : sherlock holmes, john watson
merlin bbc : merlin, arthur pendragon, guinevere, morgana
game of thrones : daeneys targaryen, jon snow, sansa stark, robb stark, theon greyjoy, jaime lannister
the maze runner : thomas, minho, newt, gally
chicago med : will halstead, connor rhodes, natalie manning
chicago fire : kelly severide, matt casey, brian otis, jimmy borreli, sylvie brett, gabby dawson, stella kidd
chicago pd : jay halstead, erin lindsay, adam ruzek, kevin atwater, kim burgess, antonio dawson, hailey upton, greg gerwitz
criminal minds : spencer reid, derek morgan, jennifer jareau, penelople garcia, luke alvarez, emily prentiss
percy jackson and the olympians : percy jackson, annabeth chase, grover underwood, nico di angelo, thalia grace, rachael elizabeth dare
heroes of olympus : jason grace, piper mcclean, leo valdez, hazel levesque, frank zhang, reyna arellano
attack on titan : eren, mikasa, armin, levi
brooklyn nine - nine : jake peralta, amy santiago, rosa diaz
justice league : superman, batman, wonder woman, the flash, cyborg, aquaman
gotham : bruce wayne, jim gordon, barbara kean, selina kyle, jerome valeska, edward nygma, oswald cobblepot
the hobbit / lord of the rings : bilbo baggins, thorin oakenshield, aragorn, legolas, thranduil, fili, kili, frodo baggins
suicide squad : deadshot, harley quinn, captain boomerang, el diablo, rick flag, the enchantress
no doubt that this list will continue to grow, so if you don't see a favourite character or fandom of yours here, there is every possibility that it will be there at some point in time.
until next time!
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What’s in the box?
Unfinished requests: 20
working on
LOTR: Boromir + 29
Peaky Blinders: John Shelby + 33 & 34
SOA: Happy Lowman + 5 pa
SOA: Happy Lowman + 14 pa
Mayans MC: Bishop Losa + 3 pa
Chicago Med: Connor Rhodes + 16 pa
Chicago PD: Jay Halstead + 23
Chicago PD: Jay Halstead + 51
Harry Potter: Neville Longbottom + 9 pa
Song Drabbles: 
Chicago Med: Connor Rhodes - My escape
Game of Thrones: Robb Stark - Tear in my heart
Marvel: Peter Quill - Don’t stop me now
Marvel: Peter Parker - Teenage Dirtbag
Harry Potter: Draco Malfoy - Demons
Star Trek: Jim Kirk - Hall of fame
Harry Potter: Remus Lupin -  Something New 
Star Trek: Bones McCoy -  Stitches
Chicago PD: Adam Ruzek -  Hard to love
Chicago PD: Adam Ruzek x foreign!reader
Choices: Liam x MC
Chicago Med: Connor Rhodes
Chicago PD: Adam Ruzek
Chicago PD: Adam Ruzek x Halstead!Reader
Chicago PD: Jay Halstead
Chicago Fire: Matt Casey
Chicago PD: Jay Halstead
Chicago Fire: Kelly Severide
Xmen: Alex Summers
Sons of Anarchy: Jax Teller
Chicago Med: Connor Rhodes
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Requests are open!!
Hello everyone, so I really want to write more fics and I would be really appreciative of any requests for the following:
Taron Egerton
Eggsy Unwin
Dennis 'asbo' Severs
Mad teddy smith
Eddie the eagle
Liam jay
Please hit me up!!! ❤❤
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littlemessyjessi · 7 years
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Hey, guys!
So, in response to the overwhelming love for my plus size belly dancing imagines...I've decided to do a little series.  
I can't promise that they'll come out at rapid fire or that they'll all the same tone BUT they'll have a common denominator.
Plus size beauties doing some type of dance/artistic exercise.  
Bellydance, hooping, pole dance, aerial silks, latin dancing, yoga, all kinds of things.
So...send me your dances and ideas!  
Below, I've got a list of love interests in mind but if I'm forgetting something...just let me know!  
Comment and let me know if you're interested in seeing this and please, please, please don't be shy!  
Flood my ask box with requests because that's how I get the writing out to you guys!
Thank you, every one of you, for your lovely words!
I'm so thrilled that all of you like my writing.
It's very humbling and I feel so blessed!
Expect a few other posts within the next few days of some of the things you might see on my blog!
Thanks for listening, lovelies!
Listy listy list!!!
Thor Odinson (Thor) - Completed
Bucky Barnes (Captain America) - Completed
Nick Jakoby (Bright) - Completed
Mick Rory (Legends of Tomorrow) - Completed
Leonard Snart (Legends of Tomorrow)
Ivar the Boneless (Vikings) - Completed 
Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Loki Laufeyson (Thor)
Bruce Banner/Hulk (Hulk and Avengers)
Steve Rogers (Captain America)- Completed
Tony Stark (Iron Man)
Natasha Romanoff (Avengers)
Clint Barton (Avengers)
Pietro Maximoff (Avengers)
Wanda Maximoff (Avengers)
Vision (Avengers)
Rhodey (Avengers/ Iron Man)
Sam Wilson (Captain America)
Sharon Carter (Captain America)
T'Challa (Captain America, Black Panther)
Peter Parker (Spiderman)
Chris Evans
Sebastian Stan
Charlie Hunnam
Travis Fimmel
Tom Hiddleston
Tom Holland (Spiderman) - COMPLETED
Lance Tucker (The Bronze)
Stucky (Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes x reader)
Lee Pace
James McAvoy
Bill Skarsgard
Alexander Skarsgard
Sidney Crosby
Tyler Seguin
Jamie Benn
Geno Malkin
Daryl Dixon (The Walking Dead)
Norman Reedus
Paul Lahote (Twilight)
Emmett (Twilight)
Jasper Hale (Twilight)
Sirius Black (Harry Potter)
Remus Lupin (Harry Potter)
Damon Salvatore (The Vampire Diaries)
Klaus Mikaelson (The Vampire Diaries, The Originals)
Jay (Disney Descendants)
Stiles (Teen Wolf)
Derek Hale (Teen Wolf)
Isaac Lahey (Teen Wolf)
Liam Dunbar (Teen Wolf)
Theo Raeken (Teen Wolf)
Chase Collins (Covenant) - COMPLETED
Chase Collins (Covenant) - Captivated- COMPLETED
Pogue (Covenant) 
Tyler (Covenant) 
TJ Hammond 
Hal Carter (Picnic) 
Basically any Sebastian Stan character because I have no control, lol.  
If I'm missing someone just give me a hollar!
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