#lies and truths duet
manonblackbaek · 1 year
Pick what character you like better in each battle to get an accurate list of your favorite book boyfriends from the group. Note: hitting 'no opinion' or 'I like both' frequently will negatively affect your results. Note: If you make a mistake DO NOT click backspace unless you find extremely necessary. It will erase all your progress.
please, like or reblog if you enjoyed the sorter. credit me on twitter @cresswellslover if you post it there — thanks <3
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vanona-camp · 2 months
I think this is the most depressing year I have ever witnessed. An era is over. The rinaverse is over and the dark verse will end soon.
I'm crying
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warriorowan · 2 years
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lies & truth duet / reinaasher headers. please like or reblog if you save.
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bookboleynreads · 2 years
Cover Reveals! The Filthy Feck Duet by Serena Akeroyd
Cover Reveals! The Filthy Feck Duet by Serena Akeroyd
Serena Akeroyd has revealed the covers for the Filthy Feck Duet!Releasing: December 8, 2022 & December 15, 2022Cover Design: Letitia Hasser from RBA Designs Filthy Lies Star’s my penguin.She doesn’t know it.She took off. Sure. I’m mad at her. Sure. But that’s her charm.She’s ornery.Difficult.Impossible to love, but I see her BS.And I call her on it.I’ll chase her from the North Pole to…
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theresattrpgforthat · 3 months
Hi folks, it’s Mint.
I’m on a mini-vacation this week so I’m going to be releasing some recommendation posts for things that aren’t related to requests (easy to queue), and I’ll be back to doing regular rec posts when I get back!
THEME: Mysteries.
I love love love mysteries. I think mysteries might be one of my favourite things to do in a TTRPG; presenting players with a problem and watching them piece together a solution is so fun! There’s a number of different ways to run mystery games - maybe you will find a helpful new tool in the list below! You can also look at the folder of mystery games that I’ve compiled on Itch, if you want more.
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The Lurking Fear, by Lyme.
The Lurking Fear is a free, lightweight, simulationist investigative horror ttrpg in the style of classic horror tabletop games. You can use it to run most systemless horror adventures or, with a little work, most adventures for popular horror games.
The Lurking Fear is an exercise in running investigative games through an OSR framework, complete with rolling randomly for your stats, weapons that have dice attached for damage, and a roll-under mechanic to determine whether or not you succeed at any given task. Characters have a Stability track and an Energy track: Stability is lost when they fail to bolster themselves in a stressful situation, while Energy can be lost when you are subjected to paranormal consequences. The game has rules for magic (spells found in tomes), but no spell list, so you’ll likely need to write your own spells or get inspiration from other OSR-style games. Spells are costly, time-consuming, and cost Energy to cast, which I think will make successes feel hard-won and satisfying.
If you want a challenging game that has just the bare bones so that you can scaffold over it, you might want to take a look at The Lurking Fear.
Public Access, by The Gauntlet.
A roleplaying game of analog horror, based on the Brindlewood Bay mystery system!
Public Access is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of people in 2004—the Deep Lake Latchkeys—who find themselves investigating strange mysteries in and around the town of Deep Lake, New Mexico. In the ‘80s and early ‘90s, Deep Lake was the home of a notorious public access television station called TV Odyssey, the history and fate of which—the station literally disappeared—is the source of much speculation in certain corners of the internet. As the Latchkeys conduct their investigations in Deep Lake, they will become increasingly aware of the central role TV Odyssey plays in everything that’s going on, and will have to face whatever terrible truth lies at the heart of the infamous station...
This one is for the horror fans, especially if you like found footage-style horror. You’ll be playing a bunch of adults returning to their hometown to try and find answers about the disappearance of a television station. Similar to other Carved from Brindlewood games, Public Access uses a day/night cycle, will give you certain moves and repercussions unique to the mode of play you’re currently in. If you like collaboratively creating a mystery as a table, you might want to check out this game.
Suspect 2e, by Arcane Atlas Games.
SUSPECT is a catch-em out game of character creation, memory and mystery. A crime has been committed, and you have to work together to create and then solve it. In Suspect the players take it in turns to play as the investigator and the suspects. The investigator asks questions and the suspects answer, building an ever more complicated web of events. As the suspects slip up and make mistakes the investigator challenges them until they finally accuse the culprit.
This is a great option if you want to try out a duet mystery game, with one person playing the Investigator, and the other playing the Suspects. Each role has special abilities and rules. For example, the Investigator is the only one who has access to the timeline of events, allowing them to sort through the clues and rule out false leads. The Suspects player can use a special ability to shift the Investigator’s suspicion onto a different character, introducing new facts to complicate the case. The game feels like it would be great at replicating Columbo-type stories, with the Investigator slowly going over the facts until they find the only solution that makes sense.
The creator is also collecting different mystery cases that you can play through for this game, which can be found in the Suspect Cases collection. If you love procedural detective fiction, (or maybe if you want to create a mystery for people to play) you might want to check out Suspect 2e!
Junk Noir, by JadeRavens.
You are a malfunctioning robot detective solving mysteries in a noir retro-future.
Junk Noir is a cooperative, zero-prep, GM-less mystery game for 2 or more players.  Players share control of Tracer as the titular robo-sleuth investigates mysteries, visits Locations, meets Characters, finds Clues, and triggers Events. In Junk Noir, you'll dramatize scenes, form connections, make moves, and play to see what happens! 
When you reach a consensus, roll the dice to test your theory. Maybe your theory is correct and you have one last scene to prove it and risk it all! Or maybe your theory is just that, and things are more complicated than you thought. It's time to challenge your assumptions and continue your investigation…
Junk Noir uses similar mechanics to Brindlewood Bay or Paranormal Inc, allowing the players to generate the mystery as they play. However, the game is meant to be run without a GM, all the players embodying the persona of a single robot detective. If you like the noir genre and you want to add a little bit of robot flair, you might want to check out Junk Noir.
Let Justice Be Done, by Mynar Lenahan.
Let Justice Be Done is a one-shot murder mystery game inspired by Brindlewood Bay, Eat The Reich, and Blades in the Dark.
In it, you play ingenious Consultant Detectives who use their skills of deduction to discover (and invent) Clues to frame the wealthy for crimes they absolutely didn't commit. But be careful: If your suspects start to figure out exactly what you're up to, you could find yourself in a world of trouble that they absolutely will not let you escape…
This is a delightful twist on the typical murder mystery, allowing you to construct a false crime as a form of revenge. Pull from a variety of colourful backgrounds to add dice to your roll, using a resolution system similar to Forged in the Dark games to achieve success. This is a great homage to the Benoit Blanc movies, especially Glass Onion. If you bought the TTRPGs for Palestine bundle, you already own this game!
BubbleGumshoe, by Evil Hat.
Someone stole my kid brother’s bike…Someone sabotaged the pep rally…Someone destroyed the Homecoming queen’s reputation…
The world is full of mysteries. It’s up to your group of intrepid teen sleuths to solve them. In BubbleGumshoe, players step into the shoes of high-schoolers solving mysteries in a modern American small town. Discover clues, solve problems, and throw down with enemies in this streamlined RPG based on the GUMSHOE system.
BubbleGumshoe is for the Nancy Drew lovers, mixing the drama of teenage social life with (typically) mundane mysteries. It is built off of the GUMSHOE system, which ensures that players will always find the clues necessary to figuring out the mystery, but rewards successes with more specific or helpful information.
In BubbleGumshoe, your relationships are an integral resource, which you can leverage to get access to locations you might not typically be able to go, knowledge from various experts, and favours from people who like you, or at the very least, owe you one. If you like tropes that involve leveraging social capital in order to bring local troublemakers to justice, you might like BubbleGumshoe.
Myths & Mysteries, by CrlBox.
This is a diceless and rules-light ttrpg.  Encounters receive a difficulty number, which will be determined by cards. Skills are used to reach the difficulty number, without rolling dice. It is just a matter of how much you will exhaust yourself to succeed…
The system doesn't rely on stats, which makes it very conversion friendly.
This is a genre-agnostic ttrpg, allowing you to explore eldritch horror, fantasy intrigue, or Scooby-Doo style adventures. Using a deck of cards, you build your hand and use your cards to determine whether your not you can succeed. Your character has a few things to make certain actions easier: an occupation, which gives you a +1 for any task related to it, and skills, which can be used and/or discarded to give you a temporary bonus.
The entire game can be printed on a brochure, which makes this game easy to travel with and probably also easy to pull out and teach for a one-shot or pick-up game. If you want simple mysteries that you alter to fit whatever genre you like, you might want to check out Myths & Mysteries.
Other Mystery Games I’ve Recommended
Eureka: Urban Investigative TTRPG, by ANIM.
Brindlewood Bay and The Between, by The Gauntlet.
Unlikely Investigators, by Luciano Correa
EYE: A Murder Mystery Generator, by Zak Makes Games.
Fedora Noir, by lessthanthreegames.
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kairiscorner · 1 year
Don't mind me, just gonna drop off the idea of a duet with Punk Miguel and his itsy bitsy spider babe to this song https://open.spotify.com/track/404tBtHfLmr8eOvzZEmLC2?si=vwg3-oyyQT2RVaG3rcz0nA
Totally not loving the idea of her surprising him with her own ability to sing, no sir not at all ~🍄
EEEEEEEEEEE omg suddenly the idea of punk!miggy with a shy!singer!reader entered my mind (gonna make a separate fic on that !!)
punk!miguel x singer!fem!reader
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your euphonious singing voice enthralled miguel as he played the bass, trying to keep up with you as you let the music his band was playing carry you away into the zone. you were blissfully singing your heart out as the band's beat continued into the night. miguel's bandmates were glaring at him whenever they noticed he was faltering or out of beat with the rest of them—the guitarist had to nudge him to get him back to reality. he couldn't help himself, though, you were just too... ethereal when you were singing; almost as if you were born to sing and steal the hearts of all those who'd listen.
"she's like... a siren." miguel murmured as you sang the chorus with everything you had in you. the keyboardist heard him amid the noise and chuckled. "they're that good when you get mig of all people to compliment you." they joked as miguel rolled his eyes and strummed harder on his bass and stuck his tongue out at the keyboardist. "never said it was meant to be a compliment." he lied as they laughed, the music and your own singing voice drowning out their laughter.
miguel wishes he could revisit this moment forever, replaying your smile and gushing giggle in his mind as the audience applauded you and gave you a standing ovation. the band praised you and thanked you for filling in for their absent vocalist, and the last one to thank you for all your efforts was none other than that strikingly... attractive bassist. he smiled at you all casually and gave you a high five, chuckling at how small your palm felt when it slapped his. "you were wonderful out there. i never expected... you to be this good. what say you that i quit the band and be your mr. everything?" he offered you with a cocky grin. he leaned down over to you, his nose brushing against your cheek whenever he turned this way and that, and whether on purpose or not, you were guiltily indulging him like this. "i can be your bassist, guitarist, keyboardist, drummer, triangle player—i can everything you want me to be, morra. just say the word... i'll be there, mi pequeña sirena..." he whispered with a wink to you and a broader smirk.
he was a mysterious and punk man, one that would probably be dangerous to associate with or even think of pursuing anything more than an acquaintanceship with him—but he liked you so, so much; h can't let tonight be the last time he hears your hypnotic, silky voice. he really means it, he'd drop everything worthwhile to him right now and join you; all you have to do is say the word, and he's yours. you're clearly more worthwhile than everything else, and whether you believe him or not, he knows this is the truth: you're more worthwhile than anything he's had, has, or will ever have in the whole universe.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @hearts4gabri @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok @fictarian @yuridopted0 @simsrandomstuff @luvstarrstruck @popeheywardssecretgf @meeom @arachnoia @melovetitties @fable-library @ophanimgold @smokeywhalee @capnshtfce
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polaroid-petals · 4 months
🌿 Tangled in Dreams of Light and Shadow — Masterpost
This is a masterpost for my fics, artwork, and ideas in this verse. It will regularly be updated with artwork and new information. Last updated on the 1st of July 2024.
Stranger merely exists as a concept. A functional metaphor for the human conscience. A figment of the imagination, an allegory, a dream—call it what you will, he is not real. Since the day Blackspace spat him out as a clever visualisation of the Dreamer’s guilt, he has known more than anything that he is but a theoretical concept devised with a single goal. An existence he scarcely questions, for it is not within his nature to stray from his purpose. With Omori defeated, Basil is assigned to tending Headspace as its gardener groundskeeper. The Dreamer is rebuilding his dream to be more reflective of reality without being the escape it was meant to be. His purpose was met and the boy he serves may start his journey towards recovery, but when Stranger finds himself not only alive, but banished to the dark realm he was born from, he can’t help but wonder. Why did he persist? Why has the Dreamer allowed him to stay even after his work is done? And if he is nothing more than a theoretical concept, then why can he think? Why can he feel? Hurt? Love? What is he?
Tangled in Dreams of Light and Shadow is a Stranger-centric exploration of Omori's good ending, and what happens to headspace and its denizens after the final fight with Omori is over. 
Sunny’s creativity is far too pivotal to his identity to simply abandon the fantasy world he has been building for the past four years. Confession or not, his trauma cannot simply vanish overnight, and so neither will the two guides who have brought him to this point in his life. Not only does Omori persist after that final duet, but as a representation of Sunny's conscience and his still-to-be-resolved guilt, so does Stranger. And inexplicably, whenever the two are asleep at the same time, Basil's real-world consciousness seems to join Sunny's in his headspace dreams.
Central stands the philosophical question of what it means to exist, especially when one’s existence is intrinsically subjected to another’s fickle fantasy and nothing about one’s life is real—or should be real in the first place.
🌿 Characters
This story focuses on Stranger, Sunny, Omori, and Basil.
✷ Stranger
The dark star. The forgotten polaris. The admission of guilt, grievance, and conscience.
No creature on earth has had its path in life carved out more clearly than Stranger. Nameless and faceless, sculpted in approximation of someone who matters—yet never graced to be the one who does. When he finally achieves what he was made to do, the promised end to his miserable theoretical existence is ripped from his weary hands. Even when his final task as a jailer presents itself to him, he finds misery over success. An eternal anomaly, it’s a mystery why anything would ever be so cruel to allow him his existence, yet he persists. Even through exile. Even through death.
No man could ever hope to kill his conscience, but what difference does it make if it lies forgotten in nightmares with a reminder of what it once failed to do? Tormented by questions of purpose and fate, the bitter sting of being neglected and abandoned by his dearest Dreamer bites almost as venomously as the knowledge that he has regressed to his old ways that created the very being he now represses.
One day—if he dares uphold foolish optimism—the Dreamer might remember that there still lives an entity within the darkest recesses of his mind and offer an answer to the existential mystery of Stranger’s sapient nature. 
And if not, Stranger may have to reclaim his role as an unwanted guest in this sickeningly perfect dream.
☼ Sunny
The Dreamer. The wayward lamb. The eternal sun that has blown life into this flourishing world.
Sunny may have forgiven himself and faced the truth, but that doesn't mean that he stops dreaming. All the work that was put into headspace, all these colourful characters and whimsical worlds—he simply can't abandon such a formative creative project, even if it is rooted in a foul darkness. The emotional damage would far outweigh any benefit.
As he navigates his new life in the city, his dreams remain a sanctuary for him to take refuge in. Headspace is disjointed, but his renewed interactions with his friends and his endeavours in therapy help make way for a more mature dream that means to explore his psyche rather than suppress it.
Like he has in the past, blackspace and its denizens were pushed out of headspace, this time not to suppress but to organise for cleanup "when he is ready". He has not been ready for some time, and people are starting to notice. If he wants to get better and avoid falling back into old habits, he will have to unchain his nightmares eventually and find a way to live with them in harmony.
It's a question of whether he's prepared to continue facing himself and learning during this arduous journey.
☾ Omori
The misguiding shepherd. The domineering puppet. The guardian who broke his vow to attain his god-given goal.
Omori was once meant to be a protector—and when he carried out his role with so much precision that it nearly ended his ward, he was instead vanquished and removed from his precious Dreamer’s vicinity. But as Sunny’s trauma cannot vanish overnight, neither could Omori, no matter how deep the coils of the nightmare they tangle him up into may be.
Just as the Dreamer will always dream, Omori will always find his way back to him, regardless of how well he is imprisoned. He does not meet the scorn he expects and is instead extended a hand. In this new world, separate from the Dreamer yet able to follow in his footsteps, Omori is more than a little lost. After having spent so long constantly wary, tasked with maintaining and repairing a volatile dream under constant attack by monsters, this second chance in the form of retirement has him more on edge than it soothes him.
Though he was once the embodiment of a child’s trauma, his physique seems to have begun to change as the Dreamer works through his issues. Stunted as he may be compared to his original, he appears older and wiser with each passing day. He maintains that the Dreamer made a mistake and that he is in grave danger, but everything he learns about his new life seems to contradict his worldview. He is no longer the carapace of that scared little kid who needed someone to keep him safe, now his own person. Worse, he seems weaker, burdened with the harrowing effects of his own post-trauma and his newfound human emotions that torment him every chance they get.
A warden cannot operate without an endangered ward, so Omori may seek out new threats elsewhere when none present themselves.
☘︎ Basil
The flower boy. The tender gardener. The one whose eyes once glowed an eerie red.
From the moment he guided Sunny home and gave him his blessing to tell their friends the truth, it was evident that his bond with his best friend ran deeper than was apparent on the surface. Their joined coma may have been the first time they dreamed together, but it would be far from the last. More and more frequently, Basil finds himself inhabiting a colourful scape when he goes to sleep, and no one can quite explain why or how.
That hasn’t gotten him out of the bad spot he’s been left at since he gouged out Sunny’s eye and drove his shears into his abdomen. Having faced not only the fallout of Mari’s death, but also the aftermath of Sunny’s confession head-on, it will take time for him to come to terms with his actions. Unlike Sunny, he hasn’t managed to forgive himself, and the journey towards accepting his past may be tough. He’s older and wiser now as he navigates his trauma and recovery with Sunny, but that doesn’t change how much he has suffered during those four years.
Still, as the one who chose reality over fantasy, Basil has been given a curative role in headspace. He tends to Sunny’s dream, ensuring that he can’t use it for the wrong purposes again and that he uses it to support his life in the waking world, not avoid it. He has met some odd versions of people he knows, including his own, and this dreamscape is quite puzzling, if not downright terrifying—but he must have been given this opportunity for a reason.
If he supports his friend on his journey towards recovery, maybe that can serve as the atonement he needs to finally redeem himself.
🌿 Relationships
All of the main four have ties to the others, be they platonic, romantic, or the blazing embers of hostility from whose cinders may yet flourish new bonds. 
The relationship between Sunny and Stranger as creator and creation stands central. The main romantic relationships are Nightshade (Stranger/Omori) and to a lesser degree Sunflower (Sunny/Basil).
This section will be gradually updated as each dynamic gets its art and story
Omori & Stranger
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Linked fic — Brittle
To an outsider, one might consider that there is very little love between Omori and Stranger. Gestures and words that mimic love, perhaps, but no actual love. 
Whether what they have is sane or lovely matters very little to either. Despite having once been adversaries, Stranger and Omori are two sides of the same coin, and they were always going to drift together eventually. Even if they still clash frequently. Even if their relationship is more than volatile.
They may not share a traditional relationship, but they treasure what is there. It matters very little how others judge their bond.
Stranger → Omori
Stranger has never hated Omori. He’s been frustrated by him, and he has on many occasions wanted to wring his neck and torment him until he’d let go of the Dreamer. He has faced him as a vessel and eventually an antagonist, yes, but within that complex matrix of feelings he holds for him, hatred has never been one. 
The truth is that Stranger quite adores Omori and can’t help but to dote on him, no matter how often his efforts get rejected.
It has never been Stranger’s purpose to hold feelings or opinions, yet Omori was the first to make him understand that perhaps he came with a defect. His grievances, his fury at the Dreamer, and his desire to see him rise above his weaknesses only ever served to attain his goal. But not what he feels for Omori. It seems to serve no purpose, and yet his soft spot for Omori has been visible from day one.
Stranger’s intrinsic love for the Dreamer seems to have carried over to Omori, but their unique bond’s effect is that Stranger has fallen for him despite all the hard-to-love parts of Omori. And in the end, Stranger is his own person. He has chosen to embrace these feelings as his own, not some disembodied copy foreign to himself.
Their relationship is rocky, in part due to Omori’s purpose, in part due to their past, but being given another chance in headspace has offered them the room to grow closer. You could even say that Stranger is happy with Omori.
Omori → Stranger
To say that Omori hates Stranger is an understatement. To say that Omori loves Stranger is an equal understatement.
Stranger is a conundrum that frustrates Omori. He doesn’t make sense. Omori’s feelings about him don’t make sense. One moment he’s smug that he’s left behind in blackspace, the next he’s crawling through nightmare guck because he’s worried about him. When did he become so weak?
Maybe it has to do with his shifting age, or maybe he deals with Stranger differently now that the threat is gone. Whatever happened, Omori isn't so sure if he's happy with this change.
But he can’t deny that when he lets Stranger in, his life is better. Despite having once been staunch enemies and Stranger having led the Dreamer to his doom, Omori can’t deny that the outcome of closing the distance between them isn’t so bad. So long as Stranger keeps the affection that Omori is very well entitled to coming.
Might still claw out Stranger’s eyes.
🌿 Links
AO3 series
Brittle (Omori & Stranger)
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radashes · 5 months
Book recommendations with 'Powerful Male Lead X sweet soft Female lead' dynamic
You know how some readers are into those Cold ML X Soft FML dark romance stories? Well, count me in! I have some recommendations for you. Please let me know if you have any recommendations as well.
Let's get into characters.
Male lead: I'm all about those tales where the guy's got this intense, possessive streak, loaded with cash and power. He's got this whole vibe, this aura that screams power. Everyone's shaking in their boots around him. But here's the twist: he's icy to everyone except for this one girl.
Female lead: She's the complete opposite—soft, sweet, not into playing the tough card. And you know what? I'm not into it when she tries those cringey, embarrassing stunts to outsmart him. No thanks. I'm more into the submissive kink, where she's polite but definitely not stupid. Smart, knows when to use her brain.
It's like this delicate balance between power and innocence, dominance and submission. Alright, for all my fellow readers of the "Cold Powerful Male Lead X Sweet Female Lead" trope:
When She Unravels by Gabrielle Sands (My favourite female lead. Mafia romances can feel repetitive/overdone. This felt fresh and different to me. The plot was interesting and I enjoyed Vale. She’s exactly how I like my fmc in a Mafia romance. Sure, she was a caged princess but she had a backbone and stood up for herself.)
The Mafia And His Angel series by Lylah James (Mafia X Runway fml ends up working as maiden in his house)
Hooked by Emily McIntire (Club owner X Enemy's daughter. Female lead was surely sweet)
Stolen Heir by Sophie Lark
Stolen Beauty by T.O. Smith
Broken Whispers (Perfectly Imperfect, #2) by Neva Altaj (This Russian mob is addicting and devilishly good. Age gap. Single Dad. “Touch her and I’ll kill you.” Damaged, unloveable hero and a mute heroine.)
Hidden Truths (Perfectly Imperfect #3) by Neva Altaj
Stolen Touches (Perfectly Imperfect, #5) by Neva Altaj
Burned Dreams (Perfectly Imperfect, #7) by Neva Altaj
Silent Lies (Perfectly Imperfect, #8) by Neva Altaj
Darkest Sins (Perfectly Imperfect, #9) by Neva Altaj (Female lead is the most understanding character. She stumbles upon a stranger with a gunshot wound and saves his life, thinking she'll never see him again. He stalks her for months, then cuts his forearm open just so he can have a reason to go talk to her again.)
Tempted by the Devil (Kings of Mafia #1) by Michelle Heard
Craving Danger (Kings Of Mafia #2) by Michelle Heard
Hunted by a Shadow (Kings of Mafia #3) by Michelle Heard
Beauty and the Assassin by Nadia Lee
An Improper Deal (Elliot and Annabelle #1) by Nadia Lee
The Darkest Temptation (Made, #3) by Danielle Lori
The Maddest Obsession (Made, #2) by Danielle Lori
Twist Me: The Complete Trilogy by Anna Zaires
Once You're Mine duet by Morgan Bridges
The Sordid Duet (Sordid, #1-2) by Nikki Sloane
The Annihilator (Dark Verse, #5) by RuNyx (It's somehow little bit like Hunting Adeline. I'll admit this was different, but the similarities.. Shadow man, Roses, Stalking, Human trafficking, Heterochromia. It just feels TOO similar.. Granted, this was way lessss dark compared to Hunting Adeline.)
The Finisher (Dark Verse, #4) by RuNyx
The Predator (Dark Verse, #1) by RuNyx
Beautifully Cruel #1 by JT Geissinger
Lorenzo by Sadie Kincaid
His Pretty Little Burden by Nicci Harris
Deadly Vows by Haley Stuart
Captured by a Sinner (Sinners, #5) by Michelle Heard
Stolen by a Sinner (Sinners, #3) by Michelle Heard
That's all that's on my mind right now. I'll add more later if anything else pops up. And, if you've got any recommendations for books with that "Cold Powerful Male Lead X Sweet Female Lead" vibe, hit me up!
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indigo-grimoire · 2 years
Hi-Fi RUSH theory rambling time
I was writing this for a wiki but why the hell not post it here too -
Chai's music player deliberately chooses songs that fit his emotions at the time. The game already implies that the music player's grafting to Chai affects more than his physical abilities and reacts to stress (like when The Rush starts playing when he's hit by the SBR-001), so it's entirely possible that this includes picking the song that would be the most personal.
With the streamer mode songs, that might even include the lyrics; even before the surgery, Chai is listening to "The Beacon" which is about being rescued from a dark, lonely place (possibly his own life prospects and hope about Project Armstrong), so it could be emulating the same habits. Notably, that song in specific could be suggesting he had depression or some sort of breakdown before the events of the game, but since Chai never shares about his life before this, no way of knowing.
(spoilers under the cut, to go into the songs individually:)
"I Got This", which only starts playing after he's started his escape, is about Chai's euphoria in getting freedom and attention, and having no intention of letting his new arm be taken away from him.
"Too Big To Fail" is similar, focusing on Chai's determination to fight anything that wants to take away his newfound freedom.
"Captive Normals" adds an extra layer to the ableist angle that being called a "defect" seems to have on him, as it insists on not submitting to anyone just to be "normal", even if that means acting well out of line. The lyrics have a LOT of ableist imagery mentioned (asylums, being shoved out of conversations, being “bed bound” and forgotten) further supporting that Chai has a lot of restrained anger about it.
"Buzzsaw" is Chai's first genuine act of teamwork instead of being mostly self serving, and the lyrics reflect a need to make it count despite the odds.
“This’ll Be Rough” speaks for itself; climbing Wing 2 is a pain and a break would be nice, but Chai is gonna do it anyway; fits his character well.
"My Heart Feels No Pain" seems to specifically relate to Mimosa's contribution to Chai joining the project. The female vocals insist it can't be a lie if he took the risks knowingly, while the male vocals have a realization that it was a mistake but it's not too late; culminating in the duet talking about Chai being truly free from her propaganda as the last bit of truth about Vandelay was fully revealed in the previous Track - not even Project Armstrong was Kale's idea in the first place, and his "coolness" was all manufactured through altering the truth about his family.
"Surfacing" is a reply to "The Beacon", having realized that a miracle wouldn't turn his life around, and instead Chai had to make the best out of his situation through effort.
"In a Blink" starts out mild as the music player is malfunctioning, describing a moment of hesitation leading to being manipulated (much like SPECTRA, but with the song playing at all, it’s clear Chai still had a little resistance left in him); but once 808 breaks him out of it, the song kicks in at full force, repeatedly telling himself to "snap out" as there is too much at stake, and face Kale head on.
EDIT: I saw a different interpretation of In a Blink’s lyrics that doesn’t match up at with the previous, so putting this alt here: assuming the themes use the vampirism allegory, it actually changes the context to something far more gay I mean vengeful. Kale put Chai in a world of lies set up to be a tool; but now that Chai is part of it, “it's my turn to feed”, as in, he’ll make full use of it to turn the tables instead of becoming the puppet. No seriously the vampirism angle only makes this more gay
In constrast, "Negotiation" and "Reflection" have no lyrics whatsoever or a licenced counterpart, as Chai is focusing on the task at hand fully.
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cirrusoftheclouds · 4 days
R O U N D 24
Through the anticipation of Cirrus.
Season 39. Thirty-two entered. Of those, eight are left, reduced to a mere fraction of the whole, betraying the corruption of this cruel game. In due time, one alone shall remain. Only fate will tell the outcome.
What once was a beautiful garden now lies a graveyard, the remaining flowers decorating the tombstones.
A garden with one flower isn’t a garden at all.
A cemetery without flowers remains a cemetery.
Cirrus doesn’t know how to feel. Simply put, a lot is happening. Perhaps too much? No, that is an absolute. Too many people are dying. Everything goes by so quickly, not giving even a moment to catch your breath. Is that what it means when people say ‘blink and you’ll miss it’? Cirrus understands now.
Not long ago, they were unfamiliar with death. They’re more than acquainted now. They stared death in the face and lived. Others were not so lucky. That is the nature of the game they play, mere pawns in a grander scheme.
Winning is hardly what could be considered salvation. Winning is standing on a mountain made of the corpses of friends. Sickening.
The fame is not worth it, one could simply be slotted into the game again. A paradox. A circle has no start or end, only a continuation of what is and will remain.
Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. A common phrase among humans in past times. There is no satisfaction found in death. Perhaps that’s why the phrase ‘ignorance is bliss’ was frequently mentioned as well.
Cirrus is not familiar with the technicality of humanity, or much in general. They saw the surface of the ocean not knowing they’d be plunged into depths beyond their understanding. They were never taught how to swim.
Cirrus’ heart beats loudly in their ears each night as they try to succumb to sleep. It used to be somewhat of a nuisance but is now the only reminder that they’re still alive. Not many others could say the same. It’s pessimistic, one could say, but it is nothing short of the truth. Lies have no place here.
Azure. Moran. Stasya. Min. Rose. Tallis. Ji Woo. Minori. Evon. Flor. Vii. Saachi. Toon. Castor. Lark. Onyx. Noora. Vermillion. Daiki. These are the names that the living once bore. As for Solei and Aurien, nobody knows what happened. Others perished off the stage. It’s not an easy task to keep track of them all, but the names run in Cirrus’ mind endlessly.
What was that word again? Oh, right. Kenopsia. The feeling of a once lively place now deserted. It fits perfectly and will only grow more familiar as time progresses.
That feeling is more than a stranger, even in Cirrus’ dreams. Nightmares? What even is the difference, anyway? It’s the truth.
Maybe they should have opened their eyes. Maybe they should have looked at everyone’s faces. They should have, but it’s too late. Time marches on, and Cirrus can’t match the tempo.
ROUND  24 would be so different from ROUND 1. 23 rounds apart, and it’s finally Cirrus’ time in the spotlight once more. They understand now, what it means to die. They did not before. That was a mistake. It won’t happen again.
This is no longer a duet. This is a trial. And they don’t know if the prize is worth the price.
Nonetheless, the show must go on. And thus, it shall, shining a new light upon everything they have ever known. Nothing is the same anymore. No longer human, they are animals clawing at their chance to live.
This is Alien Stage.
Tagging @rockwgooglyeyes !
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sapphic-agent · 7 months
You know, Santana wasn't wrong when she called Finn a hypocrite. It's also one of the reasons I hate his character. But how many instances of him being a hypocrite are there? Let's get into it.
2x09 (the very episode Santana called him out on it):
"I knew you were a lot of things, Rachel, and I loved you because and in spite of all of them, but... I never thought you were mean."
This is when Rachel confessed that she made out with Puck to get back at him. Mind you, this is after she lied to a younger foreign exchange student and tricked her to going to a crack house. And... that's not mean to you, Finn? It was surely vindictive and borderline cruel. Not to mention the comments she's thrown around that could definitely constitute as mean. Why is Rachel only mean when it pertains to how she hurt him specifically?
"Well, Santana has a point. Just trying to be honest."
"Hey, ever notice that when the Beiste gets all fired up, her underpants go right up her butt?"
So, you know how in season 3 where they (both the show and the fans) attempt to justify Finn outing Santana by pointing out that she body-shamed/bullied him. Well, surely, Finn didn't also body-shame/make fun of Coach Bieste in season 2. Which, yes Sam, Mike, and Tina were also guilty, Finn was the one who started it. And he didn't apologize because he was wrong, he apologized because Bieste was going to quit and "the football team was finally doing well." There's also the instance where Finn laughs at one of Santana's insults towards Rachel, then agrees with her.
Again, he was fine with Santana's bullying until the minute it was directed towards him.
2x09 (again):
"Look, I'm all for pumping up the team, making everyone feel special, but that's for practice. You don't take the star quarterback out before the big game."
Oh, but what was that in season 1? Where Finn admits he wasn't putting in as much effort into Glee because Jesse was being given the spotlight. Or in season 3 when he was openly jealous of and threatened by Blaine's talent. Also, earlier in season 2 when he prayed to be put in the game instead of Sam who was the better player. He was fine with others being pushed aside when he was the favorite, but God forbid it happen to him.
(Also, who was the one who threw Nationals with that kiss? It certainly wasn't Sam or Quinn or Santana)
"...you got to admit the truth. You didn't do this because you love Glee Club. You did it because you love yourself more."
I'm not going to lie and say that Finn's wrong here. However, it's only a few episodes later in 2x04 that he's doing almost the exact same thing. Strong-arming Kurt into not dueting with Sam under the pretense that it's for the good of Sam and the club, when it's actually because he's still uncomfortable with Kurt being gay and projecting that onto Sam. Screw what Sam and Kurt want, screw that Quinn didn't even want to duet with or date Sam, it's all about what Finn (and Rachel) wants.
"No! They're both lying to me!"
Remember how (understandably) hurt and angry Finn was when he found out that Puck was the father? Remember how he was angry at Puck and refused to speak to him for months? Remember how their friendship was never the same after that?
So then why- after perpetuating the guise of being his friend and looking out for him- did he push Quinn into cheating on Sam with him? True, there was no pregnancy or baby involved, but that was still shitty. And unlike Puck, Finn faced almost no repercussion from Sam after that (even when he was being accused of seeing Quinn behind Finn's back later, he never threw that back in Finn's face).
"Make you stand up and show everybody how much of a crazy liar you are? Yeah."
Fun fact, Finn lied and said he was disabled to get a job at a restaurant in season 1. So it's actually interesting how mad he is that Quinn was "faking" being in a wheelchair (she wasn't faking, she was exaggerating, but she still couldn't walk well after her accident).
"Rachel, I'm sorry. I want to, but I can't."
Also fun fact, Finn quit the club and condemned Rachel in season 1 because she was protecting her (and the club's) reputation by hiring a show director that harped on them for their flaws. It's funny how when it came to protecting Kurt who was being continuously harassed and assaulted, Finn cared more about saving his reputation.
"Santana, stay out of this."
I need two hands to count the number of times Finn's inserted himself into business that isn't his. Hell, this very episode he was eavesdropping on Mercedes trying to convince Santana to join the Troubletones. He reported Rachel to Schue when she was seeing Jesse, chimed into the conversation Mercedes was having with Schue, tried to control Sam's entire social life, etc. And, he was trying to push Brittany into making a decision because he didn't like the choice she had already made in this very moment. What Brittany does is none of Finn's business.
"Yeah. All the guys in Glee Club call me that. And you're the leader, so that makes you the worst of them all."
It's interesting that Brittany pointing this out doesn't ignite the same rage from the fandom as Santana's fat shaming. The guys in the Glee Club- including Finn, who definitely shouldn't be one to talk- have been collectively calling Brittany an idiot for years at this point. How is that any better than Santana calling Finn fat? Why is only she a bully? Why are Finn's feelings the only ones that matter?
And before anyone says "well it's true," so? That means Santana calling Finn fat is also justified because it's true, right? Brittany doesn't deserve to be mocked repeatedly just because she isn't as smart at the people around her. That's ableism.
"Guys whisper behind our backs about how we girls look every day. They objectify us all the time."
Speaking of the fat-shaming, why don't we rewind to why Santana started it in the first place. The Glee guys- including Finn- are (again) just as culpable of talking about the girls' bodies. Finn especially has done this consistently throughout the show (most of which being centered around Rachel, y'know, his girlfriend). It's so interesting that no one ever brings this up. Almost like it's acceptable for men, but the moment women cross that line, it's intolerable.
Finn is a hypocrite who's fine with allowing and participating in rotten behavior until the very moment he's on the receiving end. No, I won't be taking criticism. Argue with the wall.
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sunekichi · 1 year
My Favorite Episodes That Are Centered Around Suneo
i would like to clarify that these are not in a specific order but rather random. and yes, i love giving y'all titles in japanese and release dates so you can find the episode. there's probably more but i can't remember them right now.
☆ "suneo's luxuriously poor birthday" (豪華!スネ夫の貧乏バースデー, 2010)
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i think that, among the birthday specials this is the most known one, correct me if i'm wrong! it's a classic in my book and it's also one of the best birthday specials.
☆ "goodbye, suneo..." (さようならスネ夫, 2008)
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ok one thing about the reboot, they're gonna give you a good episode with suneo as the main character, i'll give them that, although i'm an ōyama doraemon girl. anyway my favorite scene from this wonderful episode is the one where gian tells suneo that if anyone in italy bothered him he would come and beat their asses up. 🥺 this episode also made me say "he's just like me fr" when nobita asks suneo if he's gonna miss his friends once he moves to italy, and he answers "no, on the contrary, i'm happy i won't have to see your ugly faces anymore".
☆ "counseling note" (カウンセリングノート, 2003)
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once again, suneo lies to someone about his life to impress them, this time it's not a relative but a boy he met on vacation. what i appreciate about this episode is that in the end, despite trying to use a gadget to fool said boy into believing his lies, he gives up and reveals the truth, which is something that doesn't happen in the episode(s) with sunetsugu. i could write about how it would be more important for your sibling to know the truth than some holiday sweetheart but that's for another day.
☆ "the lie speaker" (アトカラホントスピーカー, 1986)
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speaking of ōyama doraemon, i haven't discovered this episode until a few months ago, it's hilarious! especially when tsubasa asks who's the guy taking pictures of her from the backyard and suneo calls gian a poor fellow-
☆ "suneo's romance" (スネ夫のロマンス, 2002)
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suneo is living my dreams here, y'all have no idea how many times i have dreamed of meeting celebrities at night and then i woke up and was so disappointed bc it was just a dream... i have watched this episode a thousand times last summer, that's how obsessed i was! most people know luna from moon exploration but this is THE luna!
☆ "the rich kid mambo" (おぼっちゃマンボ, 2011)
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honestly this is THE suneo episode. every person who calls themselves a doraemon fan has seen this episode. and please don't get me started on the song... just flawless and life changing!!
☆ "gian & suneo, a miraculous duet!" (奇跡のデュエット!ジャイ & スネ, 2012)
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"friends of the heart" is a serve too and at this point, if the episode starts with suneo being forced to sing you already know the song is gonna be a bop, because he can do it all.
☆ "i want to meet eri-chan" (えりちゃんに会いたい, 1992)
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boys know luna from moon exploration, men know luna from suneo's romance, and legends know eri miyagawa. this is another episode where i look at suneo and say "he's just like me fr", when he gets a fever because he can't meet this popstar.
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betterthanthemovies · 8 months
books read in 2024:
out on a limb - hannah bonam-young
keeping 13 - chloe walsh
picking daisies on sundays - liana cincotti
done and dusted - lyla sage
flawless - elsie silver
funny feelings - tarah dewitt
call it what you want - brigid kemmerer
a love letter to whiskey - kandi steiner
once upon a broken heart - stephanie garber
mile high - liz tomforde
night shift - annie crown
heartless - elsie silver
afterglow effect - alecia gabrielle
too wrong to be right - melonie johnson
just go with it - madison wright
powerless - elsie silver
just friends - tiffany pitcock
magnolia parks - jessa hastings
twisted love - ana huang
the duet - hailey gardiner
love redesigned - lauren asher
happily never after - lynn painter
camp let you go - kristen lucero
more than just us - allie otoski
the infinity between us - n.s. perkins
older - jennifer hartmann
wild love - elsie silver
diving in - bianca miller
funny story - emily henry
the seven year slip - ashley poston
the rule book - sarah adams
next of kin - hannah bonam-young
twice shy - sarah hogle
rewrite our story - kat singleton
the truth & lies duet - c.w. farnsworth
just for the summer - abby jimenez
the deal - elle kennedy
the cruel prince - holly black
the consequences of falling - liliana rose hastings
the summer of perfect mistakes - cynthia st. aubin
the right move - liz tomforde
the summer of broken rules - k.l. walther
this summer will be different - carley fortune
catch the sun - jennifer hartmann
every last word - tamara ireland stone
like i never said - c.w. farnsworth
a thousand broken pieces - tillie cole
caught up - liz tomforde
the art of breathing - cali melle
she followed the moon back to herself - amanda lovelace
the cinnamon bun book store - laurie gilmore
where time stands still - n.s. perkins
the irish goodbye - amy ewing
blue sisters - coco mellors
all too well - corinne michaels
reading goal: 55/50
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amorettopedri · 9 months
can i have a list of ur fav books/series 🙏 or just some reqs
babes incoming long list of book recs, soz in advance (I tried to make it shorter but I read a lot of books, I still left out some favourites but for now, this list will do).
● The book thief by Markus Zusak
● The poppy war trilogy by R.F. Kuang (please check the trigger warnings ⚠️ it's very morbid and graphic throughout the trilogy but especially in chapter 21 of the first book.)
● Babel by R.F. Kuang
● The raven cycle series by Maggie Stiefvater
● The silent patient by Alex Michaelides
● This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
● The Blood of Stars duology by Elizabeth Lim
● Six of crows duology by Leigh Bardugo
● Arc of a Scythe trilogy by Neal Shusterman
● Caraval series by Stephanie Garber
● Wild Beauty by Anna-Marie McLemore
● Warcross duology by Marie Lu
● The lunar chronicles by Marissa meyer
● The hunger games trilogy & The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins
New Adult book recs -
● Devil's Night series by Penelope Douglas
● Camorra Chronicles by Cora reilly (its recommended to read the previous interconnected series Born In Blood Mafia Chronicles first but my favourites are from the second series).
● The Royal Elite series by Rina Kent
● Legacy of God's series by Rina Kent (its recommended to read Royal Elite series and other interconnected side series: Lies and Truth's duet, Thorne duet, and Deception trilogy because mmc/fmc's parents are from these series).
● All Saints High by by L.J. Shen (would recommend to read their parents books which is Sinners of Saint series).
● Off-Campus and Briar U series by Elle Kennedy
I'll stop for now lol.
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starrybobatea · 2 years
megarox as taylor swift lyrics
because it’s my duty as a taylor swift fan to link whatever couple i obsess over with my favorite singer’s lyrics
if you don’t like tswift feel free to ignore tho
I find it dizzying, they’re bringing up my history but you weren’t even listening - Lavender Haze
So you were never a saint and I’ve loved in shades of wrong, we learn to live with the pain, mosaic broken hearts // You’re my Achilles heel, this is the golden age of something good and right and real - State of Grace
You’ve ruined my life by not being mine
And I’m so furious at you for making me feel this way
Ocean blue eyes looking in mine, I feel like I might sink and drown and die
You make me so happy it turns back to sad, there’s nothing I hate more than what I can’t have, you are so gorgeous it makes me so mad
- Gorgeous
You say that we’ll just screw it up in these trying times, we’re not trying
Said “I’m fine” but it wasn’t true, I don’t wanna keep secrets just to keep you
“I love you”, ain’t that the worst thing you ever heard? He looks up grinning like a devil
- Cruel Summer
And when we had that fight out in the rain, you ran after me and called my name, I never want to see you walk away - ME! (lbh this THE megarox duet)
I once was poison ivy, but now I’m your daisy
And baby, for you, I would fall from grace just to touch your face, if you walk away, I’d beg you on my knees to stay
- Don’t Blame Me
Cursed the space that I needed; I trace the evidence, make it make some sense why the wound is still bleeding
You were the one that I loved, don’t need another metaphor, it’s simple enough
Dreams of your hair and your stare and sense of belief in the good, in the world, you once believed in me, and I felt you and I held you for a while, bet I could still melt your world, argumentative antithetical dream girl
- Hits Different
Tell me that it’s not my fault, tell me that I’m all you want, even when I break your heart
Sorry that I hurt you; I don’t wanna do, I don’t wanna do this to you; I don’t wanna lose, I don’t wanna lose this with you
- Afterglow
Flashback to my mistakes, my rebounds, my earthquakes, even in my worst lies, you saw the truth in me - Dress
And it’s fine to fake it til you make it til you do, til it’s true (lol)
But your eyes are flying saucers from another planet, now I’m all for you Janet, can this be a real thing, can it?
Are we falling like snow at the beach? Weird but fuckin beautiful
- Snow On The Beach
This is the first time I’ve felt the need to confess, and I swear, I’m only cryptic and Machiavellian cause I care
You knew that I’m a mastermind, and now you’re mine, yeah all you did was smile, cause I’m a mastermind
- Mastermind
I want you for worse or for better, I would wait forever and ever; broke your heart? I’ll put it back together, I would wait forever and ever - How You Get The Girl
“He’s not all bad like his reputation”, and I can’t hear one single word they say
And I watch you fly around the world, and I hope you don’t save some other girl
I watch Superman fly away, you’ve got a busy day today, go save the world, I’ll be around forever and ever
- Superman
Take a deep breath and jump then fall into me, cause every time you smile, I smile, and everytime you shine, I’ll shine for you - Jump Then Fall
There you’ll stand, ten feet tall, I will say “I knew it all along”
There you’ll stand, next to me, all I want, the rest is history, your eyes wider than distance, this life is sweeter than fiction
- Sweeter Than Fiction
I once believed love would be burning red, but it’s golden like daylight
I don’t wanna look at anything else now that I saw you, I don’t wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you
I’ve been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night, but now I see daylight, I only see daylight
- Daylight
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wthisw · 2 years
Plot Holes
I horde too many clothes They fill every chest & drawer Of a home that I don't own Every workday's buttoned down Each end's rests left still pressed Hung in an alter to Sunday dress What if I force both to fit? I'll wear away my loneliness
Swollen wardrobes store dual lives Only one of which steps outside
I sway alone without memories Of who you are or I used to be Waltz with plot holes & fall swiftly Twist my ankle, ice with whiskey Pick up my skirts, tip into the pit Meet me down in Tartarus Maybe if I turn to face this Plot holes cave in
Cold coals & profuse poetry be my lonely company Candles promise me concessions Rafters cackle at my questions I do not eat, I do not keep The garden laid out front In my boudoir I wain of want Lie back a lush covered in dust Condemned to my cabin of consciousness The cracks in my mirror cannot conceal The badged Blackbird's bad luck
I sway alone solo with my score of curio antiquities Pluck the pen from my corpse & compose your histories Pick up my skirts, tip into the pit Meet me down in Tartarus Maybe where query won't exist Plot holes cave in
Eyes mulled over, coughing up cork in haste Swathed in someone else Who won't reach past my waist Truth be known I size thirteen Lables babble trinities Pick at truths til holes are seen I'll lap up proofs til clues leave me be I sway alone! Without memories Of who you are or I used to be Waltz with plot holes & fall swiftly Twist my ankle, ice with whiskey
Apollo's jumped chariot out of sheer embarrassment Constellations tumble like lead My moon's a tumbler turned on it's head She shines on my lips akin to epiphany Choking me slow between twilight's knees
Pick up my skirts, tip into the pit Meet me down down down in Tartarus Where under the weight of temptation! Plot holes cave Like a stack of bricks with mortar omitted I quake at the stakes of my lack of foundations Swallow this house Sink it all down! Into the mouth of Magdalene She knows her own name but not faces I know my own home but not this place
Broken windows Rotten floors! Obstinate hinges Open drawers! Knitted, fraying Entryway mazes the Beauty that babbled away from my memories Keep asking questions Answer me, dammit! Let me understand Maybe my identities only read vertically Trip & fall for continuity Of the woman who became of me I long for you, dawn's truth, to bury she But there's no grief where there lies no peace!
Forget me not! labor's lover left me fraught Such haste ever chase after old wanton loss! Food for thought left stomachs starved Paper tastes ever addled, spat ink spells out dabbles So clear to me like charcoal on chalkboard Who is this woman hung in my wardrobe? With gowns sewn from scorn Her girdled throat swore! Lifelines to nevermore Fallen to her knees to grieve garments never worn Her gilded fingers cling to Devil Palm's Apollo But she's a fools gold widow with no stone to show for I found cold vows between the floorboards Engraved to 'other half's' But who the fuck is that?!
I sway alone without memories Who let moth holes eat our love story? Shot of sorrow, chase with dissonance Disregard heartbreak, dance in ignorance Picked up our skirts, tip into damnation The long way down she's beckoning "Half's whole, jump in..."
Final speck of loyalty Hung on an apostrophe O, don't you turn away from me! Sweet duet of lost miseries You forgot your damn'd Eurydice! Alone I shriek obscenities!! So close at once so out of reach You never did belong to me...
Entwined in lace at false alters Tell me my name you gardener Show me your face in Tartarus Maybe if you turn to face me Forget me knots be unwoven
Waltzed with my woes awoke so cold Alone on old floors of our home I don't own Hidden in a chest Tucked beneath the bed I found twin wedding gowns One silken white, one satin red Which one was worn? And which Did you run away with?
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