#life ring life boat life raft life. what the fuck are they
bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
ass too big skirt can’t contain it google what do
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p0ssywhippedcream · 1 year
hey girlypop!! glad you're better now!!!! could you pretty please write a percy jackson angst where he keeps choosing annabeth over the reader (she's his ex) and at one point he calls you pathetic and a bitch when you're arguing over her so you just run away crying?? not like a toxic relationship, just that he's in love with her while being with you! ty my love xox
baby love, I hate to break this to you but this is toxic. if you've ever been through this irl or are going through it, get the fuck out of that situation because you deserve so much better. I'm gonna change a few things cause it seems a little OOC but I will write it, just like promise me you understand that this is fictional and if somebody ever does this to you, you block them, call a friend and cry until you don't need to.
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"Percy, just listen to me!"
He whirls around, his frustrated pacing bringing him close enough you can smell saltwater. "I am! It's ridiculous! You expect me to just be over her?"
"Yes!' You cry, throwing your hands down, "Because you're with me now and it's not fair that you're just now telling me that maybe you still have feelings for her!"
"I was with her for three years, y/n! You know what we went through together, she was my whole life."
Your energy is draining fast, you've been going in circles for hours now. "Perce, it's been a year. I understand that she meant a lot to you but romantically, that's over and I'm supposed to be the one you feel this way for!"
"Well how can I, y/n? You're not her." His face is flushed, eyes frantic and lips trembling with a rage that shakes the pipes of his apartment.
The air is electric, emotions bouncing around like molecules fighting for space. Like you, fighting for a space that's not yours, never yours. A space with someone else's name on it.
"And I thought that was okay." So many things want to come out of you, you want to beat on his chest with closed fists until he understands the pain beating inside yours. " I thought that I could mean to you what she did."
Percy rolls his eyes and huffs, turning his back on you as he resumes pacing. "You could never take what she means to me."
You wanted to say that's not what you were trying to do but really, how can you. You wanted to be a part of his life the way Annabeth was, you wanted to paint your name on her place and be what he needed, what keeps him going. You wanted to compare to the girl he went to hell and back for, you wanted to matter just barely a fraction what she did.
"I can never matter to you the way she does, can I?" Your voice is horse and tired and you just need one last confirmation. One last chance is handed his way, thrown into crashing waves like a prayer on a dead man's tongue.
The ocean swallows your hope, the storm is silent as the anger rages on around you. You stand in the eye, driftwood raft held together with half-baked compliments and forgotten I love yous.
"You're just not Annabeth." And it's the way he says her name that splits your makeshift boat straight in two. He says it like she carried each bucket of water from heaven and filled the sea, pouring every pinch of salt herself. She created the marine life from kisses and stars and designed them to make him happiest, she mans the lighthouse for lost sailors. She floats on a yacht in calmer waters as you go under, wondering why you left shore for an empty promise.
"Okay." You're drowning, the current much too strong. No matter how hard you fight, the sea was never going to forgive you for the sin of trusting it.
You're gone, fish food to him. You've left and you've walked and you're never going back to the apartment you loved in. He's sat down, head in his hands thinking of the one girl who survived his hurricane. He picks up the phone and she picks up on the second ring.
"Annabeth, hey."
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sageworld · 3 years
Maniac Part 2; Rafe Cameron
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Warnings; Physical & mental abuse, gaslighting, toxic Rafe, Ward & Rose.
Part 1; Here
-The one where Rafe goes manic, part two !
You had been trapped on the boat for about two hours, Rafe leaving you to attend to something. That’s when you had a glimmer of hope.
“All members aboard please report to the tween forward haul, that’s an order.” Rang over the loud speaker, you know that there’s no way Rafe would leave you trapped in this room that had been locked from the outside.
It doesn’t take long for you to hear a loud bang, followed by the door opening to reveal Rafe, that manic look on his face, heavy breathing as he calls to you. “Come on baby, let’s go.” He holds his hand out, you grabbing it. The two of you leave the room, him dragging you along. “You know I’m sorry right?” He stops & turns to you. “I didn’t mean for it to have to go this way but you just wouldn’t listen & I know what’s best for you, you just can’t see that. It’s okay though because no matter what mean things you do, or say to me, I’m always going to love you, okay?” His hands now holding your face, bending down to you level, for a glimmer of a second, you believe him before the realization of what’s going on around you comes in, he’s trapped you on a boat, forcing you somewhere you that you’ve never been, drugged you. He’s never cared.
Yet you agree, it didn’t take much for you to convince Rafe, it never did. You place a soft kiss on his lips, he smiles & continues forward without a word.
He drops you off with Rose before going off on his own simply telling you that he’ll back back for disappearing off into a room below. “Where’s he going?” Wheeze questions Rose. “I’m not sure but you two stay close.” She pulls you two closer, trying to avoid the sweaty men.
That’s when it hits you, no Rafe, no Ward, if you run fast enough Rose can’t catch you. Surely these guys can’t be doing more than giving the Cameron’s a ride. “Oh my god what is that?” You exclaim out pointing, making Rose release her grip on you two before you run off. “Stop her.” You hear Rose yell & a loud commotion of obeying captains urgent orders begins.
You’re not sure where you’re running to but you’re running, climbing up ladders before finding yourself coming to the brim of the boat. You instantly spot Rafe, grabbing onto a rope, trying to pull the cross you had heard so much about back on board.
“Help me! Come on help me!” He screams & you hear a gun shot go off, you look up to see Pope Hayward jumping off the boat and into a life raft, the other pogues along with Sarah aboard it, JJ not looking very well.
“Hey.” You yell out to the pogues, wanting to go with them, anything to get away from Rafe. “Help me, please help me.” You cry out to them sounding like something straight out of a horror movie. The thing you had failed to notice was the cross now on ship & Rafe coming towards you at full blast.
You don’t notice him until you hear the pogues scream for you to watch out but it was already to late. Rafe hit you over the head with a hand gun, making you dizzy before grabbing onto your face. “What the fuck did I tell you, huh? How many times do I have to tell you before I can get it through this skull of yours.” He yells in your face, eardrums ringing but you can make out the sounds of the pogues getting farther away but still calling out for you.
“Rafe just leave her alone please.” You hear Sarah yell, “You’re a monster Rafe.” Her yells don’t stop but are blocked by Rafe’s hands on your ears.
You feel your body being pushed away and backed into another. “Take her back down to her room & don’t lose her this time, Rose.” Ward instructs. “Please, no.” You whimper out.
“Hey, hey, I’m sorry I have to do this but you’re going to be okay. I just need you to cooperate.” Rafe let’s go of your hand that you didn’t even realize that he had. “Okay?” He asks.
“Fuck you, Rafe.” Is all you can slur out before you feel yourself forced to sleep for the 2nd time today.
Sorry that this is so short I caught the delta variant of covid & feel absolutely horrid. I might make a part three tomorrow based on how i’m feeling.
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teddy06writes · 4 years
Pirate/Mermaid AU
requested by this anon: “Alright. Hear me out. Pirate Sapnap x Mermaid(fem) Reader. Finna Sapnap and the bois end up in a shipwreck and then reader tosses them all on shore and nurses them back to health type beat. Idrc, I just need that pirate AU. Please and thank you!”
{*Pulls out notebook of mermaid lore, with folk lore from everywhere around the world including tumblr, fresh vs salt water mermaids, shallow vs abyssal mermaids, mermaid sizes based on sightings, and legends, and lets it drop onto table* Boy oh boy have I been waiting for this}
{Like seriously tho} 
Pirate!Sapnap x fem!mermaid!reader
trigger warnings: swearing  mentions of drowning
premise: pirate sapnap and his crew wined up in a shipwreck, and naturally, since your passing by, you figure you might as well save them. As you help them recover, you can’t help but revel in the stories Sapnap tells of traveling around the high seas, well you’ve never been able to leave your cove. Eventually, when the time comes, there is a choice to make
Days since you washed over the Reef 323:
You floated lazily alongside what was left of the wrecked ship as Sapnap moved about, trying to find more worth scavenging. 
“I thought you got everything out of there.” You said, twisting to lean your fore arms on the now sideways knee wall of the ship. 
“Well, we’ll need all of it if we want to make anything that can make it proper back to the smp.” He explained, dropping some of the less water logged planks onto the raft.
You nodded, still looking up at him quizzically, “Where will you go? After the smp of course.” 
Sapnap paused, sitting down on the edge of the boat, “Mm, probably back further south, it’s nice down there.” 
“Where's your favorite place out there?” You implored. 
“There's lots of cool places,” He chuckled, running a hand through his scraggly hair, “I suppose the land Karl rules over, he calls it party island. Its quite a good time.” 
“Sounds interesting.” You smiled, letting your chin rest on your arms.
“It’s one of the only places that doesn’t have a constant warrant out for our arrest, so that's good enough, even if the locals are- strange.” 
“Stranger than you?” You smirk. 
A grin crossed his face as he reached down to flick water your direction, “Stranger than merfolk.” 
“Hey!” You protested, raising your tail to splash water back at him. 
He laughed, “You wouldn’t dare!” 
“You underestimate me!” You brought your tail down on the surface of the water, splashing him.
Still laughing Sapnap went back to gathering what he could find out on what was left of the main deck, dropping it back down onto the raft before climbing on, “Lets go get Ranboo then.” 
You nodded, grabbing hold of part of the raft and beginning to swim across to the other half of the wreck, where the other boy had been doing scavenging of his own. 
“Ahoy there!” The younger mans voice rang out from the back side of the wreck, “I’ve found a way into the hold!” 
“Where?” Sapnap asked, eagerly climbing off the raft and onto the rocky reef the ship had been sunk on. 
“Round over here!” Ranboo finally appeared from the side of the wreck, “You have to swim a little, but there's a hole in the ship, I made it big enough to get through!” 
“How water logged is everything?” 
“Ehh, not too bad, we can probably get a decent amount of it.” Ranboo itched at the back of his head. 
Sapnap grinned, immediately scrambling across the rocks towards the other side of the ship, “Lets go then!” 
 You sighed as they both disappeared, pulling yourself up to sit on the raft,  long tail still half dipped in the water, glumly calling, “Good luck.” 
“Don’t sound so upset! I bet if you really wanted to you could get over here!” Sapnap’s voice came muffled from somewhere within the hold. 
You scoffed, “Yeah, and get myself so busted up on those rocks that I can’t keep you fools out of trouble.”
Ranboo’s head appeared again, as he heaved a chest up and onto the reef, “We don’t need to be kept out of trouble.” 
You cocked an eyebrow, “You two were the ones who got in a shipwreck.”
“Your the one who got stuck in this cove,” Sapnap pointed out, coming back into view with a chest of his own, “Fish in a bowl.” 
“Well at least I had an excuse for getting thrown over this damn wall.” You snapped. 
After that it was quiet as you climbed off the raft, carful not to knock anything to the water as they loaded up the chests, quickly going back for another round and stacking them on the raft. 
You sighed, holding the raft steady as they tried to find a way to get everything to balance, “At least one of you is going to have to swim. This isn’t gonna work.” 
Ranboo and Sapnap looked at each other for a moment before Sapnap nodded at the raft, and Ranboo climbed on, almost reluctantly, “You know if I swam too we could get more stuff on here.” 
“Too late,” You said, letting go of the raft and letting yourself sink back down into the water for a moment, quickly reemerging as Sapnap went to jump from the reef, “Be careful. I’m not dragging your dumb ass back to shore again.” 
He rolled his eyes, “You worry too much.” 
“No one said I was worried.” You scoffed. 
Off to the side Ranboo faked gaged, grabbing one of the planks to use as a makeshift oar and began to paddle away, “You guys are the worst!” 
You chuckled, quickly moving out of the way as Sapnap jumped down into the water yelling, “Race you to shore!” 
Rolling your eyes you began to swim, “There's literally no way for you to beat me!”
Sure enough you quickly pulled ahead, grabbing a hold of the raft to pull it with you, chuckling as Ranboo began to yell joking insults back toward Sapnap, then as you drew closer to the shore, Karl joining in, despite having no clue what was going on. 
As the water grew shallow Ranboo jumped off the raft, pulling it up to shore, Sapnap hurrying to help him upon reaching the same depth. 
Karl waved at you before grabbing the first of the chests, pulling it up onto the shore before beginning to rummage through its contents. 
Smiling you slowly began to drift back out away from the shore, pulling yourself up onto one of the few smooth rocks that littered the cove, sudenly tired from the trips back and forth, content for now to just relax in the sun. 
Days since you washed over the reef: 325
Your dreams of the terrible storm that had landed you trapped within the cove were interrupted by a soft call of your name. 
“Hmm?” You rubbed at your eyes, sitting up to see that the sun had mostly set, and to see Sapnap standing at the end of the rickety pier that they had built during there first week stranded. 
“Hey.” He smiled. 
“Hey yourself.” You slipped off your rock, quickly swimming over to him. 
He sat down at the edge of the dock, offering a large piece of watermelon to you, “This is the last of the watermelons, Karl’s already started planting the seeds but hopefully we won’t be stuck here that long.” 
You frowned, “How you gonna get out of here?” 
“We’re gonna try to make a ship that’ll hold together long enough to get to Boomerville. We should be able to figure things out from there.” He explained, looking out to the open ocean. 
“Your gonna make a ship?” You looked up at him, confused, “How? There’s only four of you.”
Sapnap shrugged, “We can salvage parts of the ship, and we can cut the trees from the island. Bad thinks we could swing it.” 
You sighed, hauling yourself up onto the pier, Sapnap scooting to the side to make room, “You really think you can get out of here?” 
“Yeah,” The dock was quiet for a moment, the only sounds coming from the waves lapping at the shore before he offered, “You could come with us, if you wanted.”
You looked over at him, “How? I don’t even see how you could get a boat out of here, let alone me.” 
“Well, you know how yesterday everyone was gone?” He rubbed at the back of his neck sheepishly. 
Your brow furrowed, confused, “Yeah?” 
“We were kind of exploring the other side of the island. There's a gap in the reef, we should be able to get through.” 
You looked at him for a moment longer before looking down the coast of the island, you’d been trapped here for nearly a year and had never been able to find a way to the other side, “How am I meant to get to the other side of the island?” 
 “I’m sure we could figure out something,” Sapnap shrugged, almost chuckling, “I mean unless your lying and you’ve lived in this cove your whole life.” 
“Why would I lie about that?” You demanded. 
He held up his hands in defense, “Woah woah woah! I just figured the reef extends out away from the island, surely you’d gone around far enough to find the gap!”
You half wrapped your arms around your torso, “The reef isn’t in a perfect ring, it ellipses up to the shore, you should’ve seen that. Plus, There’s a wall where the rocks extend out to the coast south from here, none of the gaps are big enough for me to fit though.
“I may not be an abyssal mermaid but I’m not the same size as whoever made those. Fucking shallow water mermaids. Never take anyone else into consideration.” You huffed. 
“What?” He laughed. 
You couldn’t help but glare at him, “They’re inconsiderate! Just because they have less space to swim in doesn’t mean that the rest of us have the same sized tail!” 
Sapnap just kept laughing, so you moved to climbed back off the pier and into the water, starting to swim away, laughing even as you called, “You’re an asshole!” 
Days since you washed over the sea wall: 334
Since the castaways had gotten the idea to make a ship they had only spent there days felling trees and working them into planks, as well as trying to salvage more boards from the wrecks.
You watched as they toiled, offering help where you could, though you still doubted there plans. 
Now you were perched back on the pier, quietly wrapping a bandage around Karl’s arm, “I told you all that those rocks are dangerous.” 
He shrugged, “We didn’t think they were that bad. Besides we’ve climbed over them like that before.” 
“If you could climb those easily without getting cut I’d be long gone from here.” You muttered bitterly. 
“We’ll find a way to get you out of here,” Karl smiled sympathetically, chuckling, “I doubt Sapnap would let us leave without you.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You asked, looking up at him. 
He giggled, glancing back up toward the wood where the shelter had been made weeks before, “Nothin.”
“mhhhm.” You hummed warily, tying off the bandage and  setting down your supplies before slipping back into the water, “Try not to get that wet.” 
He nodded absently, looking at the material before looking back at you, “I guess it was lucky that trunk was sealed. Hey, what did you do before we found those- to keep the cuts clean that is.” 
“Oh uh- kelp works, just about the same. That’s what I used on you guys after you landed here, and when I ended up here.” You explained. 
“You put sea weed on us instead of bandages??!” Bad yelled from up the shore, “That's not sanitary!” 
“It was kelp! Dude its like basic first aid! That’s all we had!” You retorted. 
“Ewww sea vegetables!” Ranboo yelled dramatically. 
“Dude shut up kelp is literally the most versatile thing! As long as you have kelp your set for life!” You argued, barley holding back giggles.
“But its weird!” Ranboo argued. 
You chuckled to yourself, turning and diving into the water, reemerging to swim closer to the beach, tossing a long piece of kelp to hit him in the face, “Kelp!” 
Everyone began to laugh as you retreated back into deeper water, swimming back and forth as Ranboo pealed the kelp from his face, “That was just plain rude!” 
Sometime later, after everyone had gone back to the shelter you found yourself slowly swimming back to the underwater cave that had been serving as your home since you’d ended up here.
You laid back on one of the rocks, stretching your tail and flexing your fins as you shuffled down to get comfortable, tugging a random drifting piece of hair out of your face you stared up at the ceiling.
Following the pattern of the rocks you sighed, what would happen when the ship was built, if ever? would they find a way for you to go with them? Or would they just leave you alone again?
Your thoughts slowly spiraled, going over the limited possibilities of what could happen, thinking of being alone again, when something knocked against the mouth of the cave. 
Slowly you rose, swimming the small distance to look out and see the bottom of the raft. 
A moment later you were swimming up and hauling yourself up onto the raft next to Sapnap, wringing water from your hair, “What’s up?”
“Stars are out.” He mumbled, gesturing up to the sky.
You nodded, leaning back to prop yourself back on your elbows, “Used to watch them, every night. From where ever I was staying that night. Now I don’t really see reason too.” 
“Why wouldn’t there be reason to?” He asked. 
“There always the same stars here. I used to be able to travel far enough to see different stars every night, but now there always the same.” You searched the heavens as you spoke.
He  glanced over at you, “We’ll see new stars once the ship is built.” 
You really think that building a ship will work?” 
“Maybe,” He murmured, “We’re trying to find a way to get you over there.”
“I don’t want to be alone again.” You mumbled, turning to look at him. 
Sapnap looked you in the eyes, “You won’t be, if I can help it.” 
“And if you can’t?” 
He opened his mouth, but made no reply, instead staying focused on the sky. 
You sighed, moving to slide back off the raft, “At least some stars remain.” 
Days Since You Washed Over The Sea Wall: 378
You swam back and fourth anxiously, today was it- today was the day that they made the attempt to sail from the cove. 
As far as you knew, the ship, which was apparently little more than a shoddy row boat, had been completed through much work, and today was the day they ventured out. 
Despite many weeks passing, no one had been able to come up with any plan to get you across the island, so now you were left in wait, hoping to see the boat come around the island, to try to find a new way to get you over the wall. 
Time seemed to pass slowly as you stared out over the sea wall, wondering if they had abandoned you completely. 
The sun had fully risen in the sky and yet they still weren’t appearing, your thoughts spiraling, coming to the conclusion that they truly had just left you. 
Taking a shaky breath you swam up to the sea wall, moving along it to what you made was where it held the least width, searching the wall almost desperately. 
A wave, almost larger than one you’d seen in a while rolled over the wall, pushing you back before re exosing the top of the wall, and with another deep breath you grabbed a section of the wall, ignoring the way it cut into your hand, and beginning the slow process of hauling yourself up. 
Just getting to perch on the wall found cuts on the palms of yours hands, and a scrape across your side, as well as a dull ache in your tail from where it slapped across the rocks. 
Still the shipwrecked pirates were no where to be seen. 
You continued to struggle across the rocks, slowly making your way to the ocean, dropping off the wall and into the water to feel a large pain across your back, still you ignored it, desperately starting to swim forward. 
The ocean was rougher than you excepted it to be, after all it had been over a year since you’d left the protection of your cage. 
You dived down, the stinging of pain from your cuts overtaking the feeling of freedom as you slowly resurfaced, only to be met with yet another huge wave. 
By the time the ‘ship’ had finally made it around the island, fighting against the rougher sea, you were no where in sight. 
“(y/n)!” Sapnap yelled, looking over the cove. 
“(y/n)!” Ranboo echoed. 
Bad struggled against the rudder, “Hurry up!” 
“(y/n)! Where are you? We’ve gotta go!” 
There yells were all in vain, not one of them reaching your ears, deep under the water, mostly unconscious in the cave that you’d barley managed to drag yourself into. 
~~ Days Since You Washed Over Sea Wall: 421
You sighed, carefully pulling yourself up onto the rickety old pier, rubbing gently at the scar that now crossed your torso, before laying back and staring up at the sky, trying to remember the way it had been to not be alone. 
The physicals wounds had healed, sure, but still the mind numbing loneliness was beginning to get to you yet again.
You stared up at the sky, wishing that at least the stars were there, but you were met only with the sun. 
You shot straight up as the familiar call echoed in your ear, “What the fuck?” 
“(y/n)!” The yell came again. 
“You mother fucker!” You shouted, dropping off of the pier and swimming as fast as you could out into the water. 
(y/n)!” Was repeated yet again as you all but crashed into Sapnaps arms.
“You fucking asshole!” You repeated, looking from the pirate to the ship that had laid anchor outside the reef, already starting to pull him toward the shore, “I thought you weren’t coming back! I went out there after you! Busted myself up!” 
He glanced over your various scars, both the older and the newer before hugging you again, not worrying as you continued to tread water, “I didn’t mean too.” 
“What the hell though? I Thought you left me.” You repeated.
“I told you not if I could help it.” 
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comebeonetwothree · 3 years
Blog #8: Country Roads
Currently driving through roads where pro-life billboards are placed in front of graveyards… we are officially on the road back home.
Traveling fast but seeing the most we have while covering 1,500 miles and two time zones in the last week. 900 miles to go. We jumped from Portland to northern and southern Montana then all the way through to Chicago… our last stop ;(
We met some really nice people out here- the kind of people that want to take time out of their day to interact with you. People actually smile at you and mean it when they say “have a good day.”
There were a lot of experiences this week that were indescribable. All senses were at full throttle from sleeping in the heart of Portland to camping in National Parks.
Being our last stretch of the trip, it has been hard to not feel sad when we are closing such a big chapter of our life. It’s a weird feeling of being sad but also still being so excited for the next stop. I hope the excitement doesn’t end.
Who is ready to rumble…
In Portland we got to meet up with Maya’s cousin, Michael and his daughter Thea. He moved out there 13 years ago and never looked back.
He was telling us he did a similar trip with his college buddies back in the day and fell in love with the city, so moved there shortly after the trip.
Sounds fun, might fuck around and move…
Batman was ready to rumble, and fumble and everything in between. While whitewater rafting in Glacier National Park, we had the pleasure of riding with Batman The Guide. Batman, because you can’t change who you are but if you can always choose Batman.
He had been living in Montana for 17 years after moving from Oregon. He had previously worked in the park as a shuttle bus driver and recently switched over to a whitewater rafting instructor.
He was a funny fucking dude; the whole crew was super hyped but he had a comedic sense that made it an entertaining day.
While on the water, we were joking around and splashing the neighboring rafts, an independent rafter said they will bomb us with beers if we splash them. One of the other people on the boat yelled back, “Are they full beers?” and they responded by launching three full miller lite beers at our raft.
At the end of our tour, Batman gave us the three beers then we dedicated those three beers to him with a funnel.
More Friends!!! Its wild how many people we got to see throughout this trip. Hitting Yellowstone National Park, we met up with Mayas friends from home: Cole, Jamie and Declan.
They were just starting their cross-country trip from Nyack, NY, hitting the Northern route to the southern, vs our trip ending in the North. Funny coincident.
We camped out with them for two nights… it was too beautiful to just stay one night, so we pushed back our trip to badlands and stayed the extra night.
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We were all out at this joint called Buffalo Bar, it had a great outdoor area with corn hole, ring toss and puppiesss. There is something so fulfilling in petting random dogs with a beer in your hand.
This one dog I was petting had an exceptional owner who was traveling him across states to bring him home. I spoke with the owner for quite a while, she was so friendly about letting me pet her dog. She really was doing it all, back at home she has three kids and two other dogs.
When people hear about our travels, their reactions usually make us realize how cool it is to have the opportunity to do a trip like this.
Many times they wish they did the same when they were our age, *cough, cough, go travel right now, cough, cough.*
This woman explained how she jumped right into working out of school and has always regretted it. Her children were already teenagers so I told her she should get out there and do it. Traveling her new dog home was a great start to the on-the-go lifestyle, she seemed to be enjoying it.
I later found out she picked up our tables tab… thank you Jennifer, you have a heart of gold and a generous soul. She explained her hopes that her kids will one day get out there and see the world like she always wished, and we were accomplishing. It was a pass it forward request, when I am able to cover the bill of a lovely traveling stranger. I hope I cross paths with this family eventually and pay it forward for her children that may travel.
What a reality…
The National Park pass is something you buy and are given access to all the national parks in the US. We got one in the beginning of the trip knowing we would be reaching quite a few parks. Unfortunately, we lost it after just seeing the Grand canyon.
It fell in a black hole… the area where your dashboard and windshield meet. Remember this when you put shit on the dashboard. It can slide right down to its death, the only way to get the shit out is by taking off the windshield.
Those passes are irreplaceable, of course.
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In badlands, we posted up around 10 p.m. in our hammocks. It was a new experience for us, we thought hey its our last time camping, lets try it a new way. 
We set our hammocks up underneath this podium and slept there. It was perfect for a quick and easy set up/clean up. There was a solid amount of people around us, so we weren't too worried about getting attacked by coyotes again. 
When driving to Portland we drove through the Redwood National Forest. This made me realize how long this Earth has been around.
Trees take a while to grow, and these trees were as thick as three full grown pine trees and as tall as two stacked on top of each other.
Neck breaking tall.
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After crossing through, we hit the upper west coast and traveled on route 101 until we hit Portland. It was filled with jaw dropping views, so much so I woke Mary and Maya up every 5 minutes to show them the views. Most times it was the same view as before, just with a new massive rock to look at.
It was a relatively foggy day, so we couldn’t see certain lookout points, but there was something so majestic about the fog within the forests and hanging on the coast.
There were points where you cross over a bridge and there was nothing around you, just white. It appeared as being stuck in a dream or driving my bitchass to heaven.
Arriving in Portland, we stayed at a place in ChinaTown. It was so cute and located on top of a great deli, Charlie’s Deli.
We checked out a bunch of shops and stores while in Portland. While we were walking around, this coffee shop had the sweetest workers. They enjoyed interacting with their customers and weren’t just looking to take your money.
Portland is filled with mockingly friendly people, they weren’t mocking anyone though, they were just that fucking friendly. They actually want to converse with people... what a concept.
For dinner we went to this food truck pod place, which is about 15 different food trucks serving food, with a communal sitting area to eat the food.
We met up with Maya’s cousin there for a drink and to catch up.
Hitting Glacier National Park, we started our camping excursion. We started off sleeping in our car since we arrived late to our campground after driving 10 hours to get there. It was pretty comfortable and with the knowledge of bear attacks in the area, it was a secure place to sleep.
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While in Glacier, we decided to go whitewater rafting, a whole new way of seeing the parks. It was so dope, the rapids were on the weak side since the heat waves.
After rafting, we found a great lake front public access point where we hung our hammocks up and took a nice long nap.
There are lakes EVERYWHERE here in Montana and great fishing! Let’s travel and fish all over Montana, okay? Cool.
We waited until 5 p.m. when the park lets you in without a pass, to do a sunset hike in the park. We took Going-to-the-sun road to the highline hike, where we got to see some wild animals!
In the parking lot we got to see a horned sheep (looks like a ram) and more mountain goats!! We saw three full grown goats and one baby goat.
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This horned sheep actually stormed at us and we had to jump into our car. The people that parked in the spot before us left their cheetos on the ground. This guy was hungry as fuck I guess. Relentless to say the least. 
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This National Park is my new favorite spot-on Earth. Spread my ashes here. Moseying through the park was a full body experience.
All your senses are involved, the smells of the forest are beyond refreshing. The touch of the crisp air brings goosebumps to your skin, and the taste of wind in your face emphasizes the overload of oxygen in that area.
There are no commercialized areas for hours outside the park. Just a fuck ton of trees.
The sounds of different birds chirping harmonizes in your ears with the wind blowing and the rocks falling below you. Your sight is spiked the highest out of the senses. These views seemed so unreal they appeared fake. When you finally touch the grounds around you, you realize how really unreal this land is.
Heading to Yellowstone the following day brought a similar element of nostalgia. We camped right outside the park, on the state border lines of Wyoming and Idaho.
Our friends we stayed with luckily still had their national park pass, so we all took our car and got into the park early that next morning. We got to see some bison! Fun Fact: Bison and Buffalos are actually the same thing.
There were so many beautiful trees and hot springs throughout the park. So many cool colors to see. We also watched Old Faithful blow her hole!!
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Getting to Badlands eventually, we got a campground directly in the park. Since we got there later than five it was free. We posted up our hammocks for our last night camping on the trip ;( when we woke up, the views were so cool.
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Badlands is a shit ton of clay forming giant sandcastle hills all over. But there is so much green for a desert it was an interesting combination.
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When can we shower…
We have completed so much of the drive home its wild. We stayed in an apartment for the first two nights in Portland and then spent the rest of the week camping.
We hit our record of days without a shower… 5 full ass days. I’m so proud of Mary and Maya, they really can’t stand being dirty.
When driving long ass 10 hour plus drives for a week you find yourself enjoying nothingness. Head empty is such a vibe after jamming to music and listening to murder mystery podcasts for hours on end.
Our music ranges widely, depending on crashing periods. Whenever Mary is driving, she is either blasting screamo edm music or 2000s pop music.
Maya plays some bomb bops; I really don’t know any of the songs, but it has opened my mind to all these new artists!!
I personally love the murder mystery podcasts, there were a few times I had to change it though because it got too spooky. In the case of this week, we were driving to camp in Montana and a murder mystery came on about the Montana Child Killer… dope.
I have ruled out ever living in a city. From the driving on busy ass streets to the dirty smells everywhere, I will happily reside somewhere in the country. Where? Still have no idea… Why? Because there are so many pros and cons to all these places we saw.
I guess i'll just have to come back out here!
I’m really thinking somewhere up north on the west coast. The west coast will forever hold my heart, but I really don’t have the money or the ability to live in a city out there. Maybe one day with a bombass money making job.
Coming back to the East has made me realize how much nicer people are out west and how much slower of a pace it is.
How are we coming up on our last spot…
We are hitting our last stop… Chicago. Shoutout to my cousin for going to school here and letting us use and abuse his apartment! Hehe just kidding we will take care of it for ya, Owen!
It feels so strange to be this close to New York. Our license plates being from New York is no longer that cool.
I’m going to miss people peeping our plates and asking us about our travels and/or wishing us luck!
Thanks everyone throughout, we are almost accomplished with this chapter!
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gendryatrash · 5 years
To be honest, is Gendry really good enough for Arya?
A big fat YES, anon. I strongly believe so. Out of all the characters in asoiaf, I’d argue that Gendry is the perfect character for Arya Stark who isn’t her relative (Jon) lmao. In answering this, I’ll mostly refer to book!gendry since show!gendry is so different from him aside from the fact that they both love Arya. Nonetheless, despite all their differences, I still believe that Gendry himself in whatever life or medium his character is portrayed in truly deserves to be with Arya.
So here are the reasons why Gendry is ‘good enough’ for his lady:
In answering the question whether someone is good enough for a person, I think it’s important to first consider the character with whom they are being linked to. In this case, the character we’re analyzing is that of Arya and-
1. Arya Stark loves who she loves.
When it comes to building relationships, I believe that Arya is the kind of character that isn’t caught up with other people’s place in the social ladder or in social hierarchy in itself. Since I think that this is mostly the reason why people would believe they shouldn’t be together given that she’s obviously a lady and Gendry, aside from being an unrecognized bastard, is only a blacksmith (which isn’t bad in itself but is still considered lowborn). I strongly believe that Arya is not the kind of character to base her affections on people’s station in life since the text itself says that Arya befriends and protects people from all walks of life as she did with the butcher’s son Mycah to Weasel a young girl she had no responsibility of taking care of but did. In short, Arya Stark loves who she loves. It was never a question of who you are for her, she loves people for the reason of loving them. Arya’s heart and compassion for different people is seen in the books and I believe that this extends with who she might choose to end up with in the future. She already thinks highly of Gendry and actually considers him to be a friend and companion of hers that it really broke her heart when Gendry decided to stay with the Brotherhood Without Banners. Arya, in letting people into her life, would never let any social status stop her from admiring and choosing a person she already confides with and thinks highly of. 
Now onto more reasons why Gendry is awesome!
2. Gendry is literally a pure human bean 
Aside from the fact that Arya doesn’t give a damn about labels, Gendry himself as a character is one of the purest in the whole story. I mean, this dude who had zero idea about who Arya is, decided to help her protect herself from bullies that wanted to take advantage of a small and seemingly defenseless kid. He literally could’ve minded his own business because he seemed indifferent as fuck when he was first introduced through Ned’s pov but that wasn’t what happened here. Gendry was literally that supportive friend you have who coaches you where the next punch is coming from to help you protect yourself. From the get go, it’s established that Gendry and Arya are equals and it’s amazing (there’s more to this but i’ll shut up about this for now). Moreover, Gendry doesn’t want to hurt a single hair in Arya’s body whether accidental or not as seen in this passage: 
 “Want to fight?” she asked the Bull. She wanted to hit something. 
He blinked at her, startled. Strands of thick black hair, still wet from the bathhouse, fell across his deep blue eyes. 
“I’d hurt you.” 
“You would not.” 
“You don’t know how strong I am.”
“You don’t know how quick I am.” 
“You’re asking for it, Arry.” He drew Praed’s longsword. “This is cheap steel, but it’s a real sword.” Arya unsheathed Needle. “This is good steel, so it’s realer than yours.” 
The Bull shook his head. “Promise not to cry if I cut you?” 
“I’ll promise if you will.” (ACOK)
It’s adorable that despite his size and intimidating appearance, Gendry is such a softie who doesn’t want to hurt his friends even though it’s unintentional. And let’s also not forget that Gendry literally gets all flustered and dumb whenever girls are in the equation. Dude blushes just from the thought of girls and literally walks out when a girl shows interest. Like. What an adorable awkward Boy!! It’s real cute that Gendry is so innocent about sex and romantic relationships because in that way, his youth was highlighted. And paired with Arya who grew up with him in that same level of innocence, they make a hecking adorable example of literally childhood friends who could turn into so much more when they grow older.
3. Gendry is not only a skillful smith, he’s also a smart boy
Now let’s talk about how Gendry is good at his craft. It’s said in the books that he was still an apprentice to Tobho Mott when he was taken by the Night’s Watch to go to the wall. But even with this, Gendry clearly possess the skills and passion it takes to make a great smith and armorer in the future.
Almost shyly, the boy led them to his bench, and a steel helm shaped like a bull’s head, with two great curving horns. Ned turned the helm over in his hands. It was raw steel, unpolished but expertly shaped. “This is fine work. I would be pleased if you would let me buy it.” (GOT)
“I did my work, is all. Bellows and tongs and fetch and carry. I was s’posed to be an armorer, and one day Master Mott says I got to join the Night’s Watch, that’s all I know.” Then he’d go off to polish his helm. It was a beautiful helm, rounded and curved, with a slit visor and two great metal bull’s horns. Arya would watch him polish the metal with an oilcloth, shining it so bright you could see the flames of the cookfire reflected in the steel. Yet he never actually put it on his head. (ACOK)
As she passed the armory, Arya heard the ring of a hammer. A deep orange glow shone through the high windows. She climbed to the roof and peeked down. Gendry was beating out a breastplate. When he worked, nothing existed for him but metal, bellows, fire. The hammer was like part of his arm. She watched the play of muscles in his chest and listened to the steel music he made. He’s strong, she thought. (ACOK)
 Gendry was only spared because he’d admitted to forging the horned helm himself; smiths, even apprentice smiths, were too valuable to kill. (ACOK)
“Master Mott said it was time I made my first longsword. He gave me a sweet piece of steel, and I knew just how I wanted to shape the blade. Only Yoren came, and took me away for the Night’s Watch.” (ASOS)
 “I could shoe him for you,” said Gendry, all of a sudden. “I was only a ’prentice, but my master said my hand was made to hold a hammer. I can shoe horses, close up rents in mail, and beat the dents from plate. I bet I could make swords too.” (ASOS)
From this, we could see that it wasn’t only Arya who saw Gendry’s skill and passion for smithing. We get to see this sentiment repeated coming from different characters like Ned and Tobho Mott. 
And Yes, despite all the jokes about Gendry being a stupid bastard, he’s actually quite smart especially considering that he hasn’t really acquired formal education like one taught by maesters since he’s only a bastard boy. But looking at passages from the books, Gendry was the voice of reason in their gang and he actively joins in on conversations and adds his own input and suggestions.
Look with your eyes, Arya wanted to shout at the men below. “Can’t they see we’re no lords or knights?” she whispered. “I don’t think they care, Arry,” Gendry whispered back. And she looked at Ser Amory’s face, the way Syrio had taught her to look, and she saw that he was right. (ACOK)
“They would have burned the lake if they could have,” Gendry had said,
and Arya knew he was right. (ACOK)
It was Gendry who thought of the lord’s towerhouse and the three that Yoren had sent to hold it. (ACOK)
“There’s nails,” Lommy pointed out. “And there’s trees all around. We could build us all boats.” Yoren spat. “You know anything ‘bout boat-building, dyer’s boy?” Lommy looked blank. “A raft,” suggested Gendry. “Anyone can build a raft, and long poles for pushing.” Yoren looked thoughtful. “Lake’s too deep to pole across, but if we stayed to the shallows near shore … it’d mean leaving the wagons. Might be that’s best. I’ll sleep on it.”  (ACOK)
Gendry wanted no part of any roads, and even Hot Pie and Lommy saw the sense in that. (ACOK)
 “The river bends and loops,” said Gendry. “This is just a shorter way, I bet. Some secret outlaw way. Lem and Tom and them have been living here for years.” That was true. Arya bit her lip. (ACOK)
“If there’s people, there’s food,” Hot Pie said, too loudly. Gendry was always telling him to be more quiet, but it never did any good. “Might be they’d give us some.” “Might be they’d kill us too,” Gendry said. (ACOK)
Gendry frowned. “Knights and lordlings, they take each other captive and pay ransoms, but they don’t care if the likes of you yield or not.”  (ACOK)
These are just some quotes showing us how street smart and perceptive Gendry is. And I really believe that if he was only given the chance to have proper education, he would have been knowledgeable about other subjects too since even without it, he’s already seen as someone with valid and reliable suggestions.
4. Gendry is honorable and loyal
Gendry is one of the few characters in the series who is actually honorable. Right from the start, he doesn’t see the point of changing who he is just for the sake of other people, be it noble or not. He lives and works for his own, not feeling the need to ever take advantage of someone just so he could feel better about himself. Before his and Arya’s path crossed, he worked peacefully and kept to himself, expecting others to do the same. To quote a scene i previously mentioned,
Ned turned the helm over in his hands. It was raw steel, unpolished but expertly shaped. “This is fine work. I would be pleased if you would let me buy it.” The boy snatched it out of his hands. “It’s not for sale.” Tobho Mott looked horror-struck. “Boy, this is the King’s Hand. If his lordship wants this helm, make him a gift of it. He honors you by asking.” “I made it for me,” the boy said stubbornly. “A hundred pardons, my lord,” his master said hurriedly to Ned. “The boy is crude as new steel, and like new steel would profit from some beating.” (GOT)
While Tobho Mott thought that it was rude of Gendry to act the way he did, personally I see this as Gendry being true to himself by being honest regardless of the social pressure he constantly face to bow down to nobility. 
Moreover, loyalty is another one of Gendry’s characteristics that makes him such a good partner for Arya. While his father, Robert, couldn’t keep his pants on for the life of him, Gendry couldn’t even handle being flirted by other girls. The only time we could see Gendry flirt with anyone openly and happily is with Arya.  He even fled the scene when Bella was tempting him back at the inn and this gets to show that Gendry is the exact opposite of Robert, implying that he would be a loyal partner even in the future. Additionally, he also shows his loyalty through his commitment to the masters he thought are fair starting from Tobho Mott and ultimately with the Brotherhood Without Banners.
A sword’s a sword, a helm’s a helm, and if you reach in the fire you get burned, no matter who you’re serving. Lucan’s a fair enough master. I’ll stay here.” (ACOK)
 “A smith can find a welcome most anywhere. A skilled armorer even more so. Why would you choose to stay with us?” Arya watched Gendry screw up his stupid face, thinking. “At the hollow hill, what you said about being King Robert’s men, and brothers, I liked that. I liked that you gave the Hound a trial. Lord Bolton just hanged folk or took off their heads, and Lord Tywin and Ser Amory were the same. I’d sooner smith for you.” (ASOS)
Later in ASOS, Gendry is shown to take account of the fairness of the brotherhood and it influences his decision a lot. Thinking that being with Arya while she’s highborn and he’s not to be too painful, he opted to serve for a cause he believes to be just. He seeks out honorable men and this mirrors how honorable he is too.
5. He respects Arya Stark. BIG TIME.
Right from ACOK, Gendry and Arya’s tandem was built on insulting each other but still listening to one another’s opinion. Now what I love the most about these two dorks is that deep down, they really do respect each other. Moreover, he does not only respect her by following what she says but he also shows it by keeping her secret safe and by protecting Arya in a way that doesn’t invalidate her skills. We could see this from the very moment they met after Arya whacked Hot Pie in the face for wanting to take Needle from her,
The Bull shouted, “Behind you,” and Arya spun. Hot Pie was on his knees, his fist closing around a big jagged rock. She let him throw it, ducking her head as it sailed past. Then she flew at him. He raised a hand and she hit it, and then his cheek, and then his knee. (ACOK)
Here’s more instances when Gendry protected Arya while acknowledging that Arya knows what she’s doing and he just wants to let her know that he’s there ready to kick some ass if ever she needs it
Broken Nose guffawed. The officer looked her up and down. “Put the blade away, little girl, no one wants to hurt you.
“I’m not a girl!” she yelled, furious. What was wrong with them? They rode all this way for her and here she was and they were just smiling at her. “I’m the one you want.” “He’s the one we want.” The officer jabbed his shortsword toward the Bull, who’d come forward to stand beside her, Praed’s cheap steel in his hand. (ACOK)
Arya edged backward away from the wagon. When she felt the hand on her shoulder, she whirled, bringing up her stick sword again, but it was only the Bull. “What are you doing?” He raised his hands defensively. “Yoren said none of us should go near those three.” (ACOK)
“Lommy could steal, if it wasn’t for his leg,” said Hot Pie. “He was a thief in the city.” “A bad thief,” Arya said, “or he wouldn’t have got caught.” Gendry squinted up at the sun. “Evenfall will be the best time to sneak in. I’ll go scout come dark.” 
“No, I’ll go,” Arya said.“You’re too noisy.” 
Gendry got that look on his face. “We’ll both go.” 
“Arry should go,” said Lommy. “He’s sneakier than you are.” 
“We’ll both go, I said.” (ACOK)
I noticed how Gendry was literally Arya’s sidekick and I see that as him helping her protect herself because Gendry believes in Arya and he doesn’t see her as a fragile object that might easily break.
And lastly, Gendry not only respects Arya Stark’s skills and opinions. He respects her feelings too. And we clearly get to see this when he apologized to Arya for wanting to stay with the Brotherhood (even tho we all know he did that partly because of his belief that he’s way too lowborn for his milady),
 As Arya was cinching her saddle girth, Gendry came up to say that he was sorry. She put a foot in the stirrup and swung up into her saddle, so she could look down on him instead of up.You could have made swords at Riverrun for my brother , she thought, but what she said was, “If you want to be some stupid outlaw knight and get hanged, why should I care? I’ll be at Riverrun, ransomed, with my brother.” (ASOS)
The quotes i’ve included here have been quoted many times already and my answer is getting too long now but all I know is that Arya deserves someone who respects her, including all the skills, opinions, and feelings that she have. And I know for sure that Gendry is the kind of man to do so because he’s shown time and time again how much he respects his lady and everything about her. Gendry is a skilled smith, an honorable and loyal person, and most of all, he respects and cares for Arya Stark. And due to these reasons, Arya admires him and I believe that’s enough reason for me to think that Gendry indeed, deserves to be with his lady.
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toongrrl-blog · 4 years
The Mommy Myth: Threats from Without (Part One)
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This will be a doozy folks...
Razor blades in apples and cookies during Halloween. Day cares run by child molesters and Satanists! Flammable pajamas! Car seats not installed properly! Cavities from bottles! Child Porn! Kidnappers! Toys choking kids! Alar in apple juice! Peanuts stuck in windpipes! Stalkers! Rapists! Radiation from household appliances! Murderers! Gangs! Fetal Alcohol Syndrome! Car jacking! Tylenol causes liver damage! Milk Cartons with missing kids! If you fuck up just a little, your kid is screwed!
Welcome to the 1980s where childhood danger became the new obsession along with designer goods, buns of steel, big hair, cell phones, and greed being good. In many decades that traced the growth of mothers in the workplace (check the 1940s), there was moral panic about juvenile delinquents and latchkey kids going bad, there were 19.5 million working mothers by 1984, also 6/10 women with children under eighteen. Mothers of preschool children working had doubled since 1970 and it was 15% higher for African-American women because unemployment for black fathers was 10.2% compared with 5% for white fathers. And these women were not making the big bucks to afford clothes and lifestyles seen on Dynasty and Falcon Crest, where they’d mostly work in retail, clerical, service, or factory positions and daycare workers earned less than most clerks of liquor stores. 
In 1984, aside from the fictitious case of the disappearance of Barbara Holland and the re-appearance of the thought to be dead Will Byers the previous year, there were two media events that captured the public fascination with child endangerment: the McMartin daycare scandal and the premiere of The Cosby Show (it was a more naive time) which was a typical sitcom except it featured two parents who worked outside the home in white-collar professions and focused on an African-American family. It showed the contradictions of what 1980s moms lived with: you can’t trust your kids with just anyone or leave them alone, you can have a demanding job and the loving family made for tv, act as paranoid as an FBI agent, be the spontaneous mom, and be constantly aware.
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These media panics also happened around the same time the Reagan Administration was a big thing; he was aided by the regressive STOP ERA and Religious Right which led to a huge anti-feminist backlash in policies and the media. Women’s magazines scared moms about what could go wrong with their kids and exploited the fears of the public. Around the same time the McMartin daycare scandal was a thing, the government refused to fund daycare centers for millions of kids and was a result of such coverage. The War Against Women had started and programs benefiting women and children were in it’s crosshairs as being “too expensive” and “trickle down economics” will help anyways. So while the Chrysler Corporation and the Savings and Loans industry were given financial life rafts, programs like WIC (Womens, Infants, and Children) were cut mortality rates for infants of color (which declined in the 1970s) started climbing again and family leave was virtually non-existent. Parents magazine published a later-debunked warning in 1982, that children in daycare will become hoodlums. Moms were also warned kids will pick up lice (also in Little League or in the classroom) from daycares. 
The roots of this sensationalization of childhood perils stared in the mid 1970s with it’s peak a decade later, where Ladies Home Journal dumped Bruno Bettelheim for Geraldine Carro’s “Mothering” column where she was a mom giving guidance to other moms where she acknowledged that “motherhood rates mixed reviews” and she promised to offer opinions rather than impose them as “For too long, we’ve been living by other people’s books” and featured short pieces with titles on how to pick a pediatrician or teach the kids to cook safely. What was meant to soothe and offer empowerment ended up striking terror with warnings about all the things that could kill kids and that summer camps were the sources of “close to 100 deaths and 250,000 accidents” in 1974 and moms were urged to investigate the camp’s accreditation, the camper-counselor ratio, the number of life preservers in boats, all the codes were met by state standards, the lifeguards had Red Cross training, and all the counselors were experienced. Imagine what happened when Friday the 13th and Sleepaway Camp came out...
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If you tossed your baby in the air, you could risk whiplash and hemorrhage of blood vessels feeding into the brain. But kids can’t get new babysitter and crib on the same day or kid will freak and kids got poisoned a lot from eating plants and flowers. Also kid’s sleepwear had to be flame retardant but washed with warm water, high-phosphate laundry detergent, no soap or bleach, no fabric softener or they will be rendered non-retardant. Ages where kids need to learn swimming was disputed, even Santa was scary or teaches them to lie, buy simple toys, costumes needed to be flame retardant and have reflective tape strips on the costumes and bags, kids needed flashlights or can only trick or treat in the daylight hours, kids can’t wear masks anymore, and all treats need to be examined.  Then in 1977, Carro asked how parents can protect kids without making them fearful. Hrrrrmmmmmm......
There have been missing children before in the past, even in that sweet long ago when people hardly bothered to lock their front doors at night, one of the most notorious early cases that have been exploited by the media was the Etan Patz case where 6 year old Etan was kidnapped in downtown New York City on May 1979, before getting on his school bus, there was a huge effort to find him locally and in the media but the case has remained unsolved until 2010 when his killer was found and it was 9 years since he was declared dead. Perhaps the most influential case was that of Adam Walsh, son of John Walsh from America’s Most Wanted, who was kidnapped from the toy department at a Florida store and was made into a TV movie. In March 1984, the missing for a month ten year old Kevin Collins made the cover of Newsweek magazine. The media had exploited these tragic cases with wildly exaggerated figures soon circulated in the media, what was a small number of cases became sensationalized to make people think kids were being snatched every time they took a breath.
On March 28 1984 NBC’s Tom Brokaw reported “The fear is thick around Denver these days. A number of kidnappings have made everyone nervous--parents, children, and police.” Parents were driving their kids to school rather than let them wait on the bus stop and left the school after seeing their kid enter the building, such stories hardly explored what could be done as a society and community to protect children. No you were on your own.
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Late March 1984, headlines talked about a daycare on Manhattan Beach, California, this daycare being McMartin Preschool where seven nursery teachers were arraigned on over 100 counts of child molestation. Virginia McMartin, age 76 and on a wheelchair, presided over the day care center where she and her family members allegedly drugged, fondled, and molested at least 125 children and killed cuddly animals in front of them. 90% of Los Angeles residents surveyed believed that Ray Buckey and his grandmother Virginia to be guilty. Children were interviewed by therapists where they were videotaped and used puppets. As it turned out, the children were badgered by therapists who used leading questions and threats to get the kids talking. From 1989 to 1990, California received at least 440, 000 reports of child abuse, 84% deemed to be unfounded, and 8,448 of the cases were defined as sexual abuse. Suddenly, as the media warned, you couldn’t trust very many people with your children. In other news, the founder of Children’s Theater Company in Minneapolis, John Clark Donahue was forced to resign after allegations of molesting three boys and Little Rascals Day Care in North Carolina became notorious when it was the owner and cook (owner’s conviction was overturned). There was news of fathers molesting their daughters. On May 21st, there was a Los Angeles teacher brought to court on charges of molestation at the elementary school and both ABC and CBS reported that a religious boarding school for boys in Walterboro, South Carolina had beaten and abused boys. Then in June, CBS and ABC reported on a fundamentalist commune in Island Pond, Vermont that was raided with 100 children taken from their homes because it was alleged their elders and parents abused them. The FBI got involved, saying groups of people abuse kids and circulate a book titled “How to Have Sex with Kids”. Obviously these stories had the subtext that no place was safe. In 1985, CBS announced that a church run day care had children suffering broken bones linked to violence (a total of eleven broken arms and legs) and Missouri exempted church run centers from licensing. 
Even “Rockwellian”, small-town, Christian (and White) American places were dens of abuse. Jordan, Minnesota featured 24 defendants (factory workers, housewives, and a grandma) who were part of a “sex ring” and charged with more than 400 counts of sexually abusing dozens of children including their own kids. As Michaels and Douglas noted, a central theme was the failure of government agencies to oversee day care centers and catch molestation in time but Reagan’s administration kept their fingers in their ears singing “La la la can’t hear you la la la”. Geraldo Rivera did a sensationalist show on Satanism that played on adult fears of their teens. And Priests were being outed as having molested altar boys and other young men, like a priest in Henry, Louisiana where he admitted sexually abusing at least 35 boys and was sentenced to 20 years hard labor. The media was talking childhood abuse more seriously with 22% of adults saying they were victims of sexual abuse as children who never told anyone or when they did, nothing was done to the abuser. 
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Back to old Virginia McMartin, follow-up stories assuring people that child care centers weren’t dens of rampant abuse weren’t publicized for example. Raymond Buckey’s defense attorney found two doctors who said that one of the children told them that it was his own father who “poked” him in the anus and the boy’s mother Judy Johnson who circulated the charges against them was known to be mentally ill and had trouble distinguishing between what’s real and what’s not. She also accused a Los Angeles school board member of molesting her son and claimed kid was injured by an elephant and forced to drink baby’s blood. The children initially denied abuse, Kee MacFarlane the therapist had the kids name gas station attendants, community leaders, and store clerks as molesters and she came up with the name “naked movie star” for a game the teachers supposedly made the kids play. Jurors viewing the tapes of the interviews were appalled and it turned out Kee had an affair with Wayne Satz, television reporter for KABC who broke the McMartin story. After nearly 6 years and $15 million, Ray Buckey and his mother were found not guilty and there was a hung jury and still not found guilty. Sadly he was viewed as a loner who liked to go commando in shorts and a mama’s boy with more shorts than brains. Virginia died in 1995, Peggy McMartin Buckey died in 2000, and Ray Buckey who was incarcerated for five years during the trials later went to law school and changed his name and moved elsewhere to have a family. Meanwhile in Jordan, cases were falling apart with one couple getting aquitted and vowed to regain custody of their three sons. Only one person plead guilty: James Rud, who lied and implicated others. 
“It was all Momma’s fault!” I’m exaggerating but the public imagination linked day care centers with child sexual abuse, molesters targeted kids from “broken homes” (read single moms not like dysfunctional families with distant parents) and you couldn’t trust Mr. Wilson next door. The subtext clearly targeting working mothers or moms considering going into the workplace and leaving their kids in programs after school before picking them up. Of course Susan Faludi in her book Backlash, revealed that kids were twice as likely to be abused at home than in day care but media panics tend to focus on what’s juicy rather than facts. In her study of working moms in magazines, Kathryn Keller stated:
Each negative image of day care and the implication behind it that women should not be working but should be at home with their children was countered by a positive image.
Moms were surrounded by mixed messages that served them guilt and paranoia, it was nice that issues that were swept under the rug were given the attention they deserved, but it was used as an indictment of non-traditional family structures and women not feeling they have to sacrifice their autonomy at the service of their families or stay in terrible marriages for “the good of the children”. It’s best I leave this dreary part (before heading to sitcoms and humor and magazines) with Tamme Dawson from GLOW to empower all women and snap back at the powers that be.
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hobiheavenly · 6 years
Karma’s Cravings (part 2)/ MYG
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✧ Min Yoongi x Reader
✧ Multichapter, Coffee Shop AU, E2L
✧ Warning: Min Yoongi’s throbbing hard on
✧Word count: 3.8k
✧ Summary: Your life is going idyllically with your business with the exception of having to work with Min Yoongi who disapproves of your comercial tactics. but when one day a medium tells you he is to be the love of your life you are quick to shut her down but running away from fate can come with cause consequences.
✧A.N: and finally part 2! I had this ready since Thursday and I know I normally post on Sunday’s but I really don’t mind having it out now, I promise there will be more action next time son bear with me I wanna build up the sexual tension. Please let me know what y’all think.
Parqt 1 / Part 2 /
It was almost midnight when you closed the doors of "Constant Cravings" and crossed the garden to go to the parking lot that consisted of a building with many floors to reach. The smell of the rain was still in the air because of the sudden storm that had appeared out of nowhere. You began to curse those stupid weather reporters for lying. "Cloudy with low chances of rain MY ASS!" You thought bitterly . Lucky for you, it rained just when the party had started reaching its end. Actually, the rain helped the sales since everyone went to the shops at the space to shelter from the rain, so they went to "Constant Cravings" for both shelter and a hot cup of coffee.
Even as your feet felt sore and your back was aching like hell, it was all worth it! You had a made sales record and had three jobs lined up for next week. By 10 o'clock, after putting the "CLOSED" sign on the door, you had begun to make the materials for the batch of cookies you had to bake tomorrow morning and after looked into the paperwork you had piled up in your office. It might not be the most romantic way to spend a night on Valentines Day, but at least it was less troublesome than men usually gave.
By the time you had finished it was close to midnight so you decide to call it a day. After closing shop and locking the door, you went to the elevator of the parking structure and pushed the button to call the elevator. It was then when you heard a car turning on and seconds later a red sports car pass by you on his way to the exit. Once the car passed you immediately saw the driver, Min Yoongi.
“Good night to you too” you said sarcastically when he had already passed. It was more than obvious that he had spent the night of Valentines Day in his office. It didn't really surprise you that a man like him didn't have a date on the most romantic night of the year. "You don't have a date either missy!" a voice in your mind coldly reminded.
So what if you didn't have a man! You were sure that Seokjin would have gone boy-crazy trying to find you a date and the guy would be a total weirdo or too self-centered. You were sick of first dates and having to put up with them. "I guess my hopes have just disappeared with the time" you thought.
What the hell was happening to the elevator? By now 5 minutes had passed and you didn’t see any response. You pushed the button again but still no answer.
“JUST GREAT!” you yelled, no choice but to carry your purse and walk up the stairs. Fuck! Six flights of stairs were enough work out for a year! Finally you see salvation as you get to the floor where your car is at and placed the key in the ignition. You twisted the key, but no answer. You tried it one more time and still no answer. Stuck with a car with a dead battery, at midnight, and on a parking lot! just. Your. Luck! You took out your cell phone and wouldn’t you know it your phone battery was dead as well. Now that's odd coincidence because you had made sure to have it fully loaded in the morning and you had not used it all day so it should be at least at mid charge. "FUCK! CAN THIS GET ANY WORSE!"
And it could! Because you had to go down the six flights of stairs and once in the ground floor you saw the universe’s answer to your question. The shining red sports car was stuck in the entrance way, Min Yoongi standing outside of it passing his fingers through his hair in evident frustration. He was all messy, with his shirt untucked, his tie loosened, and without his jacket. He almost seemed human!
“What are you doing here?” You both asked at the same time.
“The battery of my car is dead, what's your story?”
“My car has no gasoline. Which is odd since I filled it last night. I'm guessing those Gas Robbers I heard on the news who did it! GOD! I have a car that won’t work, my cell phone battery died as well and I'm stuck here!”
“Calm the Grump Hump, dude! We’re on the same boat here” As much as you enjoyed annoying Yoongi you could also understand his frustration, you were too tired and annoyed to even fight back or retort.
“I'm sorry” Yoongi sighed and rubbed his temples, “I'm tired, it's been a long night, and it just gets longer and longer.”
“I also have a deceased cell phone. Isn't that a coincidence” you said sarcastically.
“Coincidence indeed.” He agreed slowly looking at you with stern eyes. Deep in thought as he was getting a realization.
“Yeah, it's almost as if we were cursed…”
You remembered Madame Karma's words. "Karma doesn't lie. Plus, you can't escape Karma. If you try to escape from it, you will be forever cursed. And trust me, you don't want that to happen"
"Ridiculous!" You thought. It was ridiculous to think that Yoongi was the man of your life. You looked at him and noticed he kept looking at you strangely.
“Is something wrong?” You asked.
“No. I was only thinking of something the medium to me earlier” he shook his head, “It doesn't matter.”
Something Madame Karma told him? Holy god. Did she tell Yoongi the same things she told you? That you were the woman of his life? It couldn't be true. That was way humiliating. Even when you knew the answer, you just had to ask…..
“Yoongi, did Madame Karma mention me when she read the cards?”
He looked at her cautiously, confirming your suspicion.
“Why do you ask?”
“Because she mentioned you in my future. She said something about matching Auras and things like that…”
“Things like that? What do you mean by "Things like that"?”
“Gibberish. That we are compatible.” You scoffed using air quotes.
“Perfect for one another?”
“Now that's silly!” He scoffed to giving a half laugh and rolling his eyes
“Yeah! The greatest silliness I've heard in years.”
“Exactly. Did she tell you that if you fight against it you were going to be cursed?”
“Yeah” You said as you tried to smile but just couldn't.
“Do you think that the broken down cars and the dead cell phones are because of the curse?”
Yoongi was lost in thought for a moment even just a fraction of a second but came back and laughed it off, “Of course not. I don't believe on that silliness. Shit happens. I don't believe in that medium either. I bet she is just a hoax.”
“I read an article in the New York Times, and it says she has been very certain with many couples and she has helped the police in many cases. But when she talked about me I just didn't believe her.”
“Me neither” he smiled weakly, trying to convince himself that was true.
“Look, I'm going to go to the store to call for car assistance, if you want you can come to the store too.”
“I was going to offer you to come to the office.”
“But in the shop there is hot coffee and I have cookies” you insisted and rubbed the bridge of your nose, “Don't argue with me. The night is horrible without you and me arguing.”
“You're right. I'm sorry.” He said avoiding your eyes.
“Damn, you're not sorry, you are lame at lying” you laughed.
You walked through the garden and took a shortcut through the grass. Suddenly a click. Both of you stood still a second.
“What was that?” asked Yoongi.
“ No clue” you said. Suddenly a bunch of tubes came from the ground and began to come out water “Goddamit the sprinklers! Great! My ass is wet! Can anything worse happen?”
“Don't say that because I've discovered that many worse things can happen. Well, might as well get out of this water” He grabbed your wrist and dragged you out of the garden. You did your best to keep up, Yoongi just pulled you even closer trying to help cover you as much as possible with his body to no avail. When you reached "Constant Cravings" just before getting to the door, you fell and grabbed herself to Yoongi. It was supposed to keep you in balanced but it made you both fall causing him landed just on top of you.
As you looked up, you were able to see Yoongi's face more closely. During a couple of seconds you could have sworn you felt as if the oxygen was being taken away. It actually felt...nice to have him on you.
“____” he incorporated himself with his forearms and the inferior part of his body was brushing against yours “Are you ok?”
"No I’m not! I’m horny and wet and it's all your fault!" You thought. You tried to move but when you noticed how your wet body just slipped under Yoongi, you froze completely. He kept looking at you and stayed completely still, but a part of his body was moving independently.
Oh My God! Wasn't cold water supposed to have a calming effect on men? Either Yoongi had a huge pickle in his pants or your theory was completely wrong! He got off and pressed his teeth.
“Are you alright?”
You just nodded and sat up, “I'm ok, wet and cold, but otherwise ok.”
“I'm glad. Now let's get out of here before we need a raft to get out.”
You tried to get up but felt a sudden a pain in your ankle.
“OW!” You shouted “I think I twisted my ankle.”
“Does it hurt?”
“Hell yeah! Or I wouldn't have shouted”
Suddenly Yoongi bent down and grabbed you as he carried you bridal style.
“What are you doing?” The evident blush ringing your cheeks.
“I think it's obvious” he said “I'm taking you in my arms to the store.”
“I can walk!” You said defending yourself as Yoongi raised an eyebrow in disbelief “or at least I can jump on one foot till I get there”
“Yeah but it would take you a week to get to the door” he laughed, heading directly to "Constant Cravings".
“Not bad for a guy that spends his days behind a desk” you said smiling.
“I do not spend all day behind a desk!”
“ Yoongi you gotta start learning to take a joke” you giggled.
“You're so…..”he shut up in the last minute and looked at you up and down. He tightened his teeth and looked at her eyes, avoiding thinking about any part of your body that seemed to affect him with just the slightest touch “Where is your key?”
“In my bag…..that I left when I fell down!”
“Why didn't you pick it up?”
“I would have, but you carried me like a sack of potatoes all the way here” you smirked.
“Well, I'm sorry for helping you” he said ironically “next time I will let you soak yourself in the ground.”
“Alright, you're right. I'm sorry and I thank you for your help.”
“Did you hit your head when you fell” he raised an eyebrow.
“Ha, ha! No. But I know when to say I'm sorry when I'm wrong.”
“Apology accepted. Now going back to the topic of your purse...” he turned around and saw the little lump that was getting wet.
“DAMN! That purse was new!” You moaned in discontent over the loss of your new purse
“Moan later. I have to go for it and that means I have to leave you in the ground” he gently placed you down being careful not to touch any skin or dangerous areas but once you were down still held you close “Did I hurt you?
His gaze was paralyzing. And his voice, so deep like he had just woken up from a long night of passionate sex. You felt his breath so warm on your lips and noticed how close those lips were. You experimented a extracorporeal sensation as you were getting closer and closer to his lips. But as soon as you blinked, the image went away.
“_____ , did I hurt you?” He asked again, hearing the tone of concern in his voice that sent you back to reality. You shook your head in response.
“I'm fine, go” you said as you tried to get up and incorporated yourself against the wall “Go!”
"Yeah, go before I put my arms around your neck. Oh god how I wanted to touch your chest and abs to see if they are as spectacular as they seem! And I also wanted to see inside your pants to see if what I felt back there was true!" You thought.
He sighed, nodded, and went back to the garden for your purse. There was no doubt that Min Yoongi had an awesome body but Madame Karma was crazy if she thought he was the man of her life.
Why were you even affected by this? It was way to just ignore it pass off the tension as just creative differences but now you couldn’t stop seeing Yoongi in a different light.
Yoongi was on his way top grab your purse as he thanked the cold shower that the sprinklers were giving him. What the hell was he doing? It was a ridiculous question since he knew exactly what was going on. The problem was that he could still feel the sensation of your body on him. He could still see the expression on your face and the erotic sensation of your body slipping underneath his. He could remember the scent of sugar on your wet skin, a mixture of sugar and flowers that shouldn't seem so attractive, but it seemed to be the sexiest perfume ever.
He couldn't remember the last time he was so ecstatic over a woman so easily. With just one the look into your eyes and just one look at your sexy, wet lips he went from zero to a hundred in just one second. A physical reaction you noticed right away. That he couldn't stop. And that he couldn't understand nor explain. Without a doubt you were an attractive woman. But why was this woman that made him so angry all the time the one that was making him feel this way?
He tightened his teeth. All this was the medium's fault! Ever since she read his future, he wasn't able to forget her words. It was madness, because he didn't believe in those things. He supposed she googled him to know about his professional life or maybe Hoseok told her about his personal life. But what she said about his future, that he had the love of his life all long right in front of him.
A strange sensation overpowered him when the medium said your name. He had told the medium she was wrong, but she just focused her dark eyes and kept on about how his and your auras matched and some things like that. A load of gibberish!
He went down to pick up the purse and ran back to "Constant Cravings", where you were still waiting for him. From where he was he could see how your white blouse was now stuck to your body almost like it were a second skin. Under the moonlight you had a hot and sexy aspect that seemed to fire up Yoongi and make the situation even worse than what it already was.
When was he ever going to stop thinking about that? He was thinking of taking your wet clothes off and kissing your sexy lips. Although to be sincere, he had those thoughts even before he went to seeing the medium. Ever since the day you offered him a "Slow Trip to Pleasure". Luckily, in that moment he could set aside that thought most of the day. Maybe his thoughts were going wild just because you were wet. A wet woman can make a man fantasize a lot. Once you got dry everything was going to go back to normal. Hopefully.
He went to you and handed the wet purse.
“Thanks” you mumbled.
Once you opened the door of the shop, he carried you again in his arms taking you inside the store, trying hard not to think about how wonderful it felt to have you in his arms.
“It’s not necessary for you to take me in your arms” you whispered, but your protest was not sincere. Actually, the way your voice came out was much deeper and sexy than you had intended to but still sparked a chill in Yoongi’s body.
He looked as your huge ayes, your luscious lips, your long hair, and felt captivated. He did a huge effort to stop looking at you as he entered the store and closing the door with his foot.
“It may not be necessary taking you in my arms, but I brought you here and I'm not going to die if I take a couple more steps” That wasn't all true, because having your body so close to his WAS, in fact, going to kill him. “Come on, Let me check that ankle, then you can talk about if you need help to walk or not.”
He headed to the sofa that was placed in the left side of the store but you stopped him in the act.
“Not there, I don't want to ruin the sofa. Take me to the counter, I can manage there.”
Yoongi obeyed and took you to the counter as you sat by the cash register.
“Where is the light switch?” he asked.
“Next to the door, in the right side.”
Yoongi went back to the door and switched the light on. When he went back he saw you with her leg pulled out and making circular movement with her ankle. Drat! Even that looked hot! He forced himself to look away but his eyes were glued on you. That dreaded white blouse was stuck to your body like cellophane paper. "No, STOP! Stop thinking about it and don't look at her directly"!
“So how is it?” He asked.
"Hard and painful" a voice in his mind answered his own question but tried to ignore it.
“Its ok, look, I can move it!” You continued to make circular movements “ I think it was only the pain of the moment. At least I'm glad I wasn't wearing a skirt when I fell.”
-“Oh really?” he said softly, "Cause I would have seen your ass" he thought. Then his mind wandered off, what underwear was she wearing? Would she be wearing a combination with her bra or maybe she wasn't wearing anything at all….
“ Yoongi, are you ok?” You woke him up from his train of thought.
"No" “Yes!”
“You look rather red.”
“It's the light…..and the fact that I'm a bit tired after carrying you through the garden.”
“Are you saying I'm fat?” You pouted.
“No, why do women always ask that?”
“Because men always make commentaries that are interpreted to believe so.”
“Well, just so you know I wasn't calling you fat, you're…”
“What?” You smirked waiting for him to make his usual snarky remark.
"Great, sexy, you make my heart pound so fast and so hard that I think my heart is going to fall" his mind was at a full buzz trying to contain himself, luckly he had always been one for self restraint
“Are you looking for a compliment Ms. ______?”
“A compliment? From you? I highly doubt that! I would be completely silent if I ever heard you say a compliment from you.”
“Well if it's the only way to get you to close your mouth, I'll try it. You have great curves.”
“Wow, thanks. You must get a lot of women with that phrase” you said sarcastically, “Well, thank you, I suppose. I should get some ice.”
“Ice. Yeah. That's a good idea. Something cold is what I, I mean, you, need” Yoongi saw how you almost came down from the counter to look for ice but he stopped you on your tracks “You, young lady, stay right here and let me take a look at your ankle”
Yoongi was regretting those words as soon as he left. If he looked at you ankle, that would mean he would be very close to your body. And that was the last thing he needed. But even though he was denying getting close to you, he still came back and grabbed your ankle softly.
“May I?”
You put her hands on the counter and extended your leg a little. The image of you reclining on the counter like that burning a hot flame inside him.
“I never thought you would be the polite boy that would ask permission before he could touch.”
“I guess you don't know much about me. Now let me see your ankle” Yoongi tried to stay steady and press the ice on your ankle. He was surprised by his great skill of auto control. You continued to have your eyes glued on Yoongi with a lot of curiosity, like a cat.
“So what does a manager know about broken ankles?” You asked to break the ice.
“I stayed at a camp as a monitor and in a rescue team for many summers. It’s been a long time since that happened, but I can still remember how to fix a broken ankle” he made slow circular movements with your ankle “Does it hurt when I do this?”
He could feel the weight of your stare as he was moving your ankle. A beautiful ankle he had to let go. He looked up and saw you face as you smiled.
“So what?” Yoongi asked in a daze.
“So what's the situation?”
"I'm guilty of having a huge desire as a cause of a transitional mental derivation. And I don't know how long I can last without having to explode"
“My ankle?” You asked as you saw that he wasn't answering your question.
“Oh… yeah it’s alright” he said, coming back to reality. He began to massage your feet “There's no need to call a surgeon.”
“That's….” You moved her ankle in Yoongi's hand “Ohh! What a joy!” she closed her eyes and made a moan, that made Yoongi become hard again “What a joy!” You screamed in pleasure
Yoongi stood still again and he could see the excitement in your eyes.
“Yoongi….I think we should take our clothes off.”
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classic-rock-roller · 6 years
1. Kevin only drinks diet soda and Bonham constantly asks him why. “That stuff tastes like shit why do you drink it?” She must have asked him that fifty times before he says, “I drink diet soda so I can eat regular cake.” How do you, Randy and Bonham respond?
Me: Well, I mean it works but there’s no such thing as diet cake. 
Randy: That’s the stupidest thing I’ve heard. 
Bonham: But diet soda still sucks just drink regular. 
Kevin: And cut down on my cake intake?! Never!
2. Your band is in an interview with a prep of an interviewer. At one point he asks you with a hint of disgust, “Why do you wear…that?” Bonham’s been being sarcastic the whole time and she answers him with, “Cause it fits.” How does the interviewer respond and how do you and your band react?
Interviewer, looking us up and down: You sure? It’s a little outdated and inappropriate. 
Me: Well, then you don’t have to look. If you find it offensive. We like it and it fits the tone of our band well. 
Erik: I like it. It looks good on me and is not outdated.
Daryl: I’ve never looked this good in my life 
Linus: It’s better than us going out naked. Would you like us to do that?  
3. You and Kevin got your first apartment together and it’s a terrible color so you hire someone to paint it. The company turns out to just be two ladies, an older one and one just about your age. They get to work in separate areas, and after a few minutes the younger one asks you, “Would it be alright if I turned on the radio?” You say, “Of course, go for it.” She turns on the radio, and after a while a Quiet Riot song comes on. Kevin says, “Hey cool it’s us.” and the painter says, “Aw man this song kicks ass!” and starts singing along. She keeps up with Kevin’s vocal track effortlessly, and when the song ends, Kevin says to you, “That chick’s amazing, you have to talk to her, you said you wanted to start a band with someone. I won’t let them leave without talking to her.” How do you respond, and what do you do when the ladies finish working?
“Well, I don’t know. I don’t want to bother her and you know I act fucking awkward when talking to people for the first time.” He physically pushes me at her when they’re done and goes, “She wants to ask you something.” I’d glare at him but start talking to her and we’d strike up an amazing friendship that did eventually turn into a band. 
4. Your band and Crue are in the studio working on your collab, and Bonham’s noodling around on her clarinet. Vince walks in and just stands in the entryway staring at her. “What?” she says. He responds with, “Damn Bonham, you have some massive stripper titties.” She just gasps and kind of sputters, “Wh…what?” How do you and the rest of Crue respond?
Me: Vince, you’re such a creep. Don’t say that!
Tommy: Whoo! He’s so right though. 
Nikki: Everyone pretty much notices, here at least. 
Mick: You three stop being creeps and leave Bonham alone. 
5. The sax player from that hole-in-the-wall bar in Colorado joined you, Kevin, and Randy on your road trip. You get to a shoddy hotel at about one in the morning because it took forever to get her and Randy to stop talking at the bar. There’s no one at the desk, just a sign and the little bell, “Ring for service.” The sax player, who you’ve nicknamed Bonham, immediately goes up and starts spamming the bell. How do the three of you respond to this strange little woman?
Me: That’s one way to get it done. 
Kevin: Or a way to get us kicked out without even getting a room first. 
Randy: I don’t know it might work, maybe we’ll get a room for free or something. 
6. You and Kevin are just hanging out one day when Bonham bursts into your house unannounced. “There’s this new thing, it’s called knocking.” Kevin says. Bonham just throws her phone at you. “They’re making pops of you guys! You’re going to be toys!” How do you and Kevin respond?
Me: Really? I want a pocket Kevin!
Kevin, opens his arms: Why would you want a pocket Kevin when you have the real thing? (Before he pulls me in for a hug and kisses me)
7. You’re hanging out with Bonham one day and Kevin struts into the room like a peacock. “What the hell are you doing?” Bonham asks. Kevin just says, “I just got out of a speeding ticket because the cop likes Quiet Riot. My life is complete.” How do you and Bonham respond?
Me: As long as you didn’t have to suck his dick I’m completely ok with that. 
Bonham just bursts out laughing at my comment and then the two of us giggle for a solid two minutes. 
Kevin: haha very funny. 
8. You get back home from being the featured artist on Crue’s latest album, and surprisingly enough, Rudy’s the first one to greet you. The first thing out of his mouth is, “I need to tell you something,” no hello or anything beforehand. “You and Randy have been gone for a while and Kevin and Bonham have been spending a lot of time together…an…awful lot of time together. You should check into it.” How do you respond, and what do you do?
“Rudy, I trust Kevin and Bonham. I love Kevin and he loves me and he wouldn’t do anything with Bonham because Bonham loves Randy too much to do anything to hurt him.” Rudy would end up dragging me to my house where Bonham and Kevin are and demand that they tell the truth, which they do and surprise nothing happened. 
9. You and Kevin went to the arcade with Randy and Bonham, and Randy and Bonham are having fun playing the arcade version of guitar hero. They let you and Kevin go off to do your own thing, and after a while there’s a commotion around them. A teenager pulls you aside and says, “The guitarist from Quiet Riot and the sax player from War Angel are playing guitar hero, and she’s schooling him! Check it out!” before running off. How do you and Kevin respond, and what happens when you join the crowd?
Me: Awesome! 
Kevin: Apparently Randy didn’t learn his lesson from last time. 
We’d watch them play and most people are just awed at how good the both of them are. Randy loses again and then has to pass Bonham another fifty bucks. 
10. On your road trip with Kevin, Randy, and the sax player you picked up, you pass by an amusement park on the side of a mountain. The sax player says, “Aw man, we have to go!” Randy immediately pipes up and says, “No way, that park is dangling off the side of a mountain, no thanks.” How do you and Kevin respond?
Me: That looks like so much fun! We should totally go!
Kevin: Yeah at least for a bit. It seems like it’ll be fun. 
We go and it is fun even though Randy is a sourpuss for part of the time. 
11. Halloween’s coming up, and Bonham’s been working really hard on her costume, but no one has any idea what it is. The day before, she comes out dressed as Ozzy, complete with all of his tattoos, drawn on, and the accent perfected. “What do you think, you fuckers?” she says, in the accent? How do you, Kevin, and Randy respond?
Me: That is amazing. You’re such a good Ozzy! 
Kevin: How much time and money did that cost you?
Randy: You look good. 
1) Your singer convinces you, Kevin, and Randy to join her on a white water rafting trip. Before the trip, the instructor gives a speech about falling out of the raft and says, “At least one person will fall out.” You're on your way down the river and before you know it, your singer has fallen out. The three of you watch as she tries to get back and in that time is run over by two other rafts before finally getting on another boat to get back to you guys. What do you, Randy, and Kevin say once your singer gets back into your raft? 
2) You’re driving through a little town in Pennsylvania when Kevin asks, “So why is this place called Jim Thorpe?” Your singer responds, “Oh, well, it’s named after the Olympic athlete I guess they won an auction for his remains and have them buried in a park somewhere here. The family has tried to get them back but the lawsuits have always sided with the town.” How do you, Randy, and Kevin respond?   
3) Your singer is driving you and her sister. You’re in the passenger seat and her sister is in the back. Your singer changes the music because it’s stuff the two of you can’t stand and her sister literally reaches up between the two of you and says, “No, we are listening to this music all of us like it.” Your singer quietly huffs and then white knuckles the steering wheel. She switches it again and her sister does the same thing and your singer roars. “Oh my god! Shut up, this is my fucking car! I can play what the fuck I want and you can’t tell me otherwise. If you don’t like it you can fucking walk!” You’ve never seen her this angry. How do you and your singer’s sister respond?
4) You go over to see your singer at her and Kevin’s house because Kevin and Randy are out for the night. She’s not answering the door, so you use the key in the back to get in. When you close the door and turn around, you find your singer with a thick, heavy book in her hands over her head. She lowers it and goes, “Oh, it’s only you. You scared me. I didn’t know who it was.” How do you respond?
5) Your singer brings you, Kevin, and Randy to her parents’ house for a family party. You’re all sitting on the patio when you hear loud music and look over to the balcony of her neighbor's house to see her neighbor in just his underwear, that pretty much leaves nothing to the imagination, playing air guitar while his girlfriend literally dances around in nothing but panties. Your singer rolls her eyes and goes, “Oh god, It’s only one in the afternoon and Ron and his flavor of the week are already piss drunk. HEY RON GO PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!!!” How do you, Randy, and Kevin respond?  
6) Your singer is asking if you, Kevin, and Randy want to go to a family dinner with her. Randy asks, “Is your sister going to be there?” “Yes, why wouldn’t she be?” Kevin pipes up with, “I don’t know about your sister. She puts the fear of God in people. She even did it to me.” How do you, Randy, and your singer respond?
7) You, Randy, and Kevin are with your singer at a family wedding and it’s winding down. Everyone is going to the bar to drink and your singer pulls the three of you back to a table while the clean up of the ballroom is going on and says, “My family is loud, they curse a lot, and will most likely be drunk. Under no circumstances do you talk to my aunt once she starts offering people food. She gets horny. Kevin, latch onto my other aunt’s husband, Jason, and keep him from getting too drunk. Bonham and I will take every drunk person out of the bar and back to their rooms, even if they’re protesting. Randy, you do damage control.” How do you, Kevin, and Randy respond?
8) You and Kevin are out with Mal getting stuff for your singer for her first mother’s day. The three of you are in line and you happen to look over to see a magazine that says an ‘anonymous source’ told them that Nikki and your singer are having an affair. What do you do and how does Kevin respond once he sees the magazine? And what do you say to him? 
9) Your singer works as a waitress for her uncle some weekends. One weekend you come in with Randy and Kevin and Kevin brought six-month-old Mal with him. You're watching your singer work and this one guy keeps trying to hit on her even though she says, “Sorry sir, I have a wonderful husband and baby at home.” The guy just won’t let up. As you’re leaving that night, your singer is holding Mal’s car seat and talking with Kevin. You happen to turn around just in time to see her cousin, who you don’t really like, football tackling the guy and whamming on him because he followed you guys out to do something to your singer. How do you, Randy, Kevin, and your singer respond? 
10) Your singer is up extra early today when you come out into the kitchen for breakfast. She’s sitting with Kevin at the kitchen table and says, “It’s really muggy outside.” You stop and look at her, “If I go outside and all the mugs are on the front lawn, I’m going to kill you.” She doesn’t say anything but picks up the bowl her coffee is in and drinks from it. How do you and Kevin respond?
11) Your and your singer have just come back from the store to find Kevin and Randy with their heads together at the table. Your singer places the groceries down and rolls her eyes, “God the two of you kibitz like old ladies.” You don’t know what it means and it seems neither do the boys. What do you, Kevin, and Randy say and how does your singer respond? 
@osbournebemydaddy your move, Bonham, love  
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baesopfables · 3 years
life ain’t copacetic.
Imagine swimming in an ocean. Sometimes people are swimming with you and sometimes not. When they aren’t, it’s not too bad just takes some getting used to. You swim and swim, always struggling a little bit. Some days it takes a lot to keep your head above water. Everyone else has floaties or paddle boards or even boats. But you have none of those things. But you try your best to keep afloat and interact with everyone else. This is generalized depression.
Now, you are still swimming but you also have a fear of drowning. You know, logically, it is unlikely because people swim here all the time and there are life guards and boats in case of emergencies. But that doesn’t help the fact that you are swimming 30 feet above the floor of a seabed and 100 feet from any shore. You are still afraid of drowning, you can’t help it, it is just there. Also, so many other animals live in this ocean, not to mention some people who ride their boats dangerously close to you without a care in the world. This is generalized anxiety.
Over time, you start to slow down. I mean, everyone else comes has flotation devices, but all you were given was a suit. They can lay atop the water, laugh with their friends, maybe toss a beach ball around. But you have to keep swimming. Keep moving. Sometimes someone lets you sit on the surfboard or tosses you a ring. But they eventually want it back, so you are back in the wave-it. As time drags on, you become tired. you don’t really see the point anymore. Wouldn’t it be easier to just stop swimming? It seems sinking would be a final release. You arms wouldn’t be sore anymore. You wouldn’t have to pretend you are okay with the constant paddling. You wouldn’t have to rely on others to give you a break. You could just--let go. And it would all be over. This is depressive suicidal thoughts. 
Whip! You are sucked underwater. You are in a riptide and it is pulling you away from everyone else. Generally, there is no reason for it, it just happens. Although there are triggers on rare occasions such as a cold spot that you should have been aware of and taken better caution to avoid. Now you are gasping for breath. People have told you before that when this happens, you have to stay calm and not panic. You have to swim with the flow and hope it lets you out some place where it is easier to swim back up to the top. Of course this makes sense in theory. But they aren’t the ones currently in the riptide getting sucked another 100 feet away from others, the lifeguards, the safe boats. Wonder if it sucks you to the seafloor, then what? You don’t have enough oxygen to make it to the top. So you panic. Sometimes it is a small riptide, maybe brings you down for a short minute. Sometimes it is stronger, bringing you down until you can’t see the sun’s rays through the waves. These are panic attacks.
You finally rise at the surface, relieved for the most part, but you generally feel exhausted. You don’t have the energy to be frustrated anymore or sad or anything, really. You are just tired. You don’t want a break or people to help out, because what is the point? So you can go back in the water and do it all over again? All that does is make you sad because you can’t have it all the time. The highs and lows are pointless. Might as well just stay constant. You might as well just keep moving. Just keep moving. Just keep moving. Just keep moving. Just keep moving. This is ennui.
Eventually the frustration comes back. You don’t want to drown. But you don’t want to keep swimming. But you don’t want a five second break after 6 hours of paddling. You just want to be like them. You want them to understand how the fuck it feels to be you. To struggle constantly. To constantly struggle and struggle and struggle and get more and more and more tired each everlasting second. They don’t understand. They have rafts and boats and floats and rings and you have nothing. It’s not fair. Fuck them. You snatch somebody’s raft and kick them away. “You see how it feels? Sucks doesn’t it!” You sit back and rest finally.. but it’s not really rest is it? You watch as the other person paddles and heaves for breath. They are asking other people to help and they pity them and drag them aboard or give them some relief with their ring. You feel guilty... It’s not their fault they don’t understand. You can’t just lash out at them because they don’t know how you feel. Did it really solve anything in the end? Was not struggling for a minute really worth the overwhelming sense of guilt you feel now? This is a hell of a lot worse because now everyone doesn’t like you. No one will share with you now or help when you need them. The lifeguards return raft back and you are back at square one. Worse off than you started. This is displaced aggression.
All of these feelings are a part of manic depression. You feel the highs and the lows but they always return to a below average state of living. There is no cure. Hurting yourself won’t solve it. Hurting others won’t solve it. Doing nothing won’t solve it. It is a constant cycle of trying to find the best solution, no matter how bad it might feel. Sometimes feeling like shit feels better than nothing at all. At least it is something. Something that makes you feel real. The only thing you can do is try to make the best of the situation. You have to try to make those connections enough where people care about you enough to share their raft and let you play ball and swim alongside you as they hold your hand. You can only hope that there are some people out there who love you enough to suffer a little with you and not judge you when you experience the lows of the never-ending cycle. You hope that they will know that they are the highs. And the highs are all that we have, and we are thankful.
Share your raft. And don’t judge other people for not having one.
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rollforpersuasion · 4 years
The idiots go to Saltmarsh pt. 2
Sept. 16
Illyria glanced up from her novel, a thrilling and eyebrow raising Dwarvish saga, and said hello to the tiny stranger. The goose hissed at the interruption, furious at being woken before dawn.
The gnome, Rackham Byrnne, told them to head toward the deck and lend a hand to the sailors who were struggling to navigate through the burgeoning storm. Cleis immediately sprung to her feet and tossed her satchel around her chest. She was three steps away from the door when Len began tossing on a pair of discarded shoes and a cloak… though as she was lacing the boots she realized absentmindedly that they weren’t hers. 
In moments Illyria was at Cleis’ side, clinging to her arm as if it were a life raft. The pirate scowled and shook the larger woman off as best she could and began climbing the stairs to the deck. Illyria clung tighter and followed her into the night. 
As Len and Talia emerged they heard faintly from the cargo hold, “Where’s my boots? Wait, where’s my cloak?” Len glanced at Talia and shrugged before turning to assess the chaos into which they had emerged. Several sailors that had been sleeping below burst out behind them, one barefoot and cursing his bad luck. 
The sky was black and the waves were rising ever higher, sloshing onto the deck with frequent fury.
They were fucked. 
But the tiny gnome was yelling for them to make themselves useful. 
The wind whipped back and forth and the rain continued to pelt the deck. Illyria let out a soft hum at the sight and then shrugged .
“It’s just, I don’t know, drizzling,” Illyria said. She held up her holy symbol with a smirk, casually remarking that she would be fine before turning back toward the stairs. 
Still clinging to Cleis, Illyria inched closer. She lifted one thin, auburn hand and ran her fingers down the side of Cleis’s face. 
“Bless you child,” she whispered. Cleis stared in rising horror the longer the cheek cupping lasted. Illyria suddenly patted her cheek with a firm pop. The elf cast guidance on her still bewildered counterpart before letting go completely, turning dramatically on her boot, opening her book and descending the stairs back toward her cot. 
Cleis peered up toward the stars, or what few she could glimpse among the rolling clouds. She used her navigation tools and began to quickly calculate a course toward the still invisible shore. Sprinting to the quarterdeck (thank you very much to the roll 17) she was able to discern a familiar constellation. They were 15 degrees too far west. Pointing toward the east she yelled directions and Captain Grendanna Stormbreaker immediately shifted the wheel. Perhaps she was in awe of her confidence, perhaps she had nothing to lose. 
Talia glanced around and with a rising wave of determination she strode toward a barrel at the center of the ship. The warlock knew a riveting prayer would rally the gods toward their plight and boost the morale of the crew. She felt it in her bones. And who was she to let the crew down?
She hefted herself up onto the barrel and eyed the hustling sailors. At the top of her lungs she began. 
“We cal—” and immediately Talia fell through the rotten lid. (You see Talia unfortunately had rolled a three). From within the now cracked and sagging barrel she glanced around and thankfully realized no one had noticed. Though that also filled her with frustration. How dare those peons not listen to her call upon the gods?
Rotten potatoes clung to her clothes and squelched inside her shoes as she pulled herself from the wreckage. At least the rain was cleaning the muck from her. She’d have to give her socks a good washing though. 
Len meanwhile had decided her best bet at being any matter of assistance would be to ascend to the heavens. She headed toward the mainmast, determined to lower the highest sails. (Len rolls a 5) Leaping up she grabbed the first and second handles with ease. 
If only Goose could see this, she thought as pride at her own incredible acrobatic skill rose within her.
As she reached for the third peg her hand slipped on the wet wood and she fell, knocking the wind out of her lungs upon the brutal impact. 
An hour passes. Len climbs over and over and never makes it more than halfway up the mast. She was thankful Goose had stayed below deck after all. Talia prays and mutters — perhaps the words “powers that be” and “eternal darkness” slip through — she’ll never admit just who she had attempted to summon to save them. The sailors start to wonder if she is the cause of their obviously celestial damnation. 
Cleis and the Captain plot course after course and fight the wheel as they attempt to remain pointed toward Saltmarsh. Illyria discovers the next chapter has a saucy turn of events she hadn’t predicted and eagerly turns the page. The thin paper slices at her fingertip and she frowns before sucking the gently bleeding thumb and starting the next paragraph. When she reads what was oh-so-thoroughly described her eyebrow raised. 
The waves are now the size of the mast. Captain Stormbreaker yells to her crew, muscles straining to hold the wheel in place. 
“I’ll need everyone to try even harder! We have to work together in order to —”
A wave crashes over the side of the boat sending Cleis face first onto the floor. She banged her head on the wheel on the way down and saw a new assortment of stars when she closed her eyes to block the pain. Illyria went flying from her perch on the cot. Thankfully her quick reflexes shoved her finger inbetween the pages of the book so despite the tumble she didn’t lose her spot. Len and Talia luckily are able to stagger and remain on their feet. 
Captain Stormbreaker grabs Cleis by her drenched black linen top and lifts her to her feet. “Do. Something.” She growls. “Anything!”
Illyria — as if sensing someone else was touching her new favorite creature — runs from below deck up toward Cleis. She possessively rips her away from the captain and holds her face in both of her hands. Gazing into her eyes she asks, “Do you understand boats?”
Frustration wars with disbelief and Cleis glares back at the elf. Her fingers flex, itching to rip the dagger free from its holster in her boot, but when the orange elf begins speaking again she pauses. 
“Tell me what to say and I can use Thaumaturgy to project my voice across the ship,” Illyria promises with a smile as if she had suddenly solved all of their problems with one compassionate gesture.
Cleis hates the fact that she needs her. But the plan isn’t bad so she nods once and closes her eyes in an attempt to abate the murderous thoughts running through her mind. Tapping into the plethora of stressful fights against the sea she’s been a part of over the years Cleis takes a breath, glances at Illyria and turns to the rest of the crew.
“You will listen to me. Listen!” Cleis bellows. 
Illyria raises to her full height and gestures dramatically toward the crew, her voice ringing in all their ears. 
“You will all listen to me! Listen!” She echoes and sends a wink Cleis’ way.
“Sailors all over the world will be looking to us, to the Sharkfin to lead!”
“Sailors! Blah blah blah… Sharkfin! Leaders!” Illyria yells. Her hand gestures intensify. It’s obvious her years of community theatre are paying off. 
“And what will they see? Frightened bilge rats aboard a derelict ship? No! No! They will see free men and freedom!” Cleis continues with narrowed eyes glaring at the elf beside her.
“Umm are they going to see rats? Probably. Maybe free men? Freedom? Not sure how you can literally see that, but alright. You’re the director.” 
“Here’s what you’re going to do,” Cleis said. “Man the stations to which you were assigned at the start of the voyage.” 
“Do this! Actually wait, I don’t understand what she’s saying right now,” Illyria says with a finger raised to her chin. As she taps she mouths the words Cleis had just said as if attempting to solve some ancient riddle.
“Man the fucking stations you were assigned.” Cleis breaths out through gritted teeth. 
“OK, OK I see. Man the stations you were assigned! At the start of the voyage?”
“Do your fucking jobs or we will die!” Cleis says. Her nails dug into the railing as she dares Illyria with the sheer weight of her gaze to screw up such a simple statement. 
“What is fucking?” The elf asks, voice still booming. She turns to the captain. “What is fucking? I don’t know this word. We don’t use it on my island back home. What does it mean?”
“YOU’RE OLDER THAN ME BY SO MUCH!” Cleis yells. “How do you not know what I’m saying?” “You’re older than me by so much!” Illyria echoes to the now staring crew. 
“I’m ending the speech,” Cleis says as she runs her hand over her aching brow. 
“I’m ending the speech!” Illyria repeats before waving her hand and bowing to the crew. (Cleis rolls a 17)
The crew found the performance...  confusing. However, upon watching Cleis’ face turn bright red and a vein emerging along her neck and forehead they began to get the gist of the message, or at the very least the threat behind it. Lightning flashed in her eyes and Cleis’ skin began to turn green with unchanneled magic. 
To say the least they are terrified and the soaked sailors begin to work even faster at their tasks. 
“I think it worked, but you’ll have to explain what a fucking was for me later alright?” Illyria whispers to Cleis as she passes. The half elf grinds her teeth and keeps moving. 
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Hey! can u do a jake x mc where mc dies ? (dark ik) thanks lol (extra angst is always appreciated)
Ah yes, I’m nervous. P.S. I cried while writing this.
I tried to focus on the feeling of the sand underneath me, the cold waves crashing against my feet, the sea breeze enveloping my body. I couldn’t seem to sense any of them. My body was numb, my soul was numb, my heart was numb.
Too many tears have fallen from my eyes the past three days. Too many times I caught myself imagining her in my arms. Too many times had I lied, promising everyone I was okay. I was falling apart, my world had fallen apart.
The day she was taken from me, I found myself questioning my existence. Why couldn’t it have been me? I couldn’t fathom as to why she was stolen from the world, her joy and her love never to be experienced again. She was my light in the never-ending darkness and now she was gone.
I had begged her not to confront Rourke on her own. I felt it within my gut that something was going to go terribly wrong. So when she snuck out from under the warm covers of our bed that night, I didn’t hesitate to follow her. She had navigated through the jungle, eventually arriving at the Celestial. I had silently stalked behind the girl I loved, watching as she made her way towards his office.
His eyes laid upon her immediately as I stayed hidden within the shadows, not wanting to make a wrong move and result in her being harmed. They had quickly begun to argue, my princess blaming him for the catastrophe he caused. As the two continued back and forth, he had revealed the only escape off the island. It was then the cold words dripped from his lips, “Now that you know, I have to kill you,” 
Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. I watched as he pulled the pistol from his waistband, training it on her, on the love of my life. My body emerged from the shadows, sprinting towards her. He fired the gun, the noise causing my ears to ring. I watched as the bullet penetrated her chest, her blood spilling across the floor as her body collapsed. 
I had charged towards Rourke, tackling him into the tiled floor. My fist pummeled into his jaw a countless amount of times, my knuckles bruising as I punched the man unconscious. I was going to kill the fucking man. But her weak voice called to me, “Jake,” I pulled myself from the murderer abruptly, racing towards my princess. 
My body fell to the floor beside her, my hand putting pressure to the bullet wound. I propped her head up with my other palm, her eyes struggling to stay open. “Stay with me princess, please stay with me. You’re going to be okay,” I begged, tears beginning to spill from my eyes.
A weak smile crossed her perfect lips as she spoke, “Get them off this island Jake. For me,” I shook my head in denial at her words. She wasn’t going to leave me, she couldn’t.
“You’re going to get them off this island princess, because you’re going to live through this,” My voice chokes, sobs beginning to rake my body. Her eyelids fluttered, threatening to shut at any moment. I pressed my lips to hers gently, surprised when she responds, her body attempting to reach towards mine. 
“I love you, Jake. Don’t you ever forget me, Top Gun,” She stated, her voice straining as she spoke her very last words. I watched in silence as her eyes shut forever, my body beginning to shake. I had removed my hand from her wound, shocked at her blood covering my hand. I pulled her lifeless body to mine, holding her in my weak arms as I sobbed loudly.
I was there for hours that night, refusing to let her go. She hadn’t really left me. I refused to believe she was gone. As the sun began to rise on La Huerta, the group came sprinting into the office, their mouths agape as they witnessed the pathetic scene before them. The unbreakable man sobbing as he held his dead princess in his arms.
Craig and Sean both had to pull me away, I had fought back like a maniac. They dragged me from the room, leaving the rest of the group to mourn over the one I loved. The pair had to lock me in a random suite, trying to force me to calm down. 
As I was left alone, all I did was sob. I curled up in a ball on the bed and cried for hours. The pain in my chest was too great to ignore, the image of her being murdered replaying again and again in my mind. 
Diego had come to retrieve me from my prison cell. He led me toward the beach, holding my hand as if he was afraid to let me go. As we reached the rest of the group, the sight before me hurt just as much as watching her die. My princess was cleaned of the blood, flowers in her long hair, a silk dress adorning her skin as she lied peacefully on a makeshift boat.
I choked back my sobs, not wanting to cry further in front of the group. Diego squeezed my hand tighter, the sight obviously painful for him too. “I loved her,” I whispered aloud, trying to understand what had happened.
“I know,” Was all Diego had responded with.
Raj began to say a few words about my princess, describing her radiating joy and her admirable courage. Once Raj had finished his piece, the rest of the circle began to speak, reflecting on their favorite qualities of her and how much they would miss her. It was so incredibly hard to hear. 
It soon came to Diego, and he began to speak, my hand still holding his, “As you all know, M/C was more than a best friend to me, she was my family. She had accepted me when no one else had and I’ll forever feel in debt to her for that. Of everything we shared together, I’m going to miss her smile the most. Her smile had the ability to light up the room, no matter what the circumstance. It was enough to make you feel welcome, joyful, and just grateful to be alive.
“I’m happy that she found her true love on this island, that she found her family. And I’m happy that she spent her last moments with him. She didn’t deserve to die as young as she did, but she sure as hell deserved to die happy and I think she got to experience that. I’m going to miss you so much, M/C. Life will never be as happy or as fun without you. I love you with all of my heart,” Sobs began to wrack Diego’s body, and I didn’t hesitate to pull him into a hug. I rubbed his back as he cried into my shoulder, tears falling from the eyes of the rest of the group. He had composed himself after a few moments, pulling himself from me.
I sigh aloud, trying to think of the right words to say. My mouth opens as I begin, “I’ve never really known what love is. I had an idea, but my princess completely changed that the moment I met her. I’ve come to learn that love isn’t just something that happens. Love is something you fight for, and she always did just that. You each all had a special place in her heart and she showed that through everything she’s done on this island. The way she’s led us all, the sacrifices she made, her death, it was all because she loved us and she wanted to save us. I just wish I could have saved her.”
“I was going to marry that woman. I was going to propose to her the moment we got home and spend the rest of my life with her. I don’t know why someone had to take that away from me, but they did. The ironic thing is, I vowed to myself I would never get close to anyone after Mike. I always thought that people are destined to hurt you, but she had to go and try to prove me wrong. And of course, I’m left here breaking apart because she’s gone. I’ll always love her. I’ll always be grateful for her because she taught me to truly love when I didn’t know how. I’m going to miss everything about her. I’m going to miss her touch, her kiss, her ability to see the best in me when I only see the worst in myself. I love you princess so God damn much, and I’m going to miss you for the rest of my life,” 
As I finish, I had begun to cry. Diego wrapped an arm around my shoulders as we watched Craig and Sean push the raft into the bright blue ocean. We all sat along the beach, watching as the white sail of the boat floated far into the distance until it completely disappeared from our sight.
Diego and I stayed on the beach that night. We sat in the sand, we cried, we shared our favorite stories of her. As the moon rose in the sky, we fell asleep in the sand, awaking the following morning. Diego had left sometime that afternoon, I didn’t dare move from my spot.
I sat there for ages, different people bringing me out food and water, forcing me to consume it. After three days, I was still numb. Unable to accept the fact she was gone.
The third day, I stood from the beach, clambering towards the hotel. I had one last promise to my princess that I intended to keep, I was going to get us off this God forsaken island and get us home.
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