sunskate · 1 year
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artbyblastweave · 1 year
Gideon The Ninth Liveread, Chapter 18
Teacher’s order at the end of the last chapter to bring the bodies up isn’t followed by a jump cut to the parlor scene, as it easily could have been; instead, we get some insight into the logistics of getting two mutilated corpses and an unresponsive cavalier up a narrow ladder. The physical comedy implied by the process of getting Colum up the ladder is good bathos, but the fact that this takes them over an hour seems salient; whatever boogeyman Teacher was afraid of had over an hour in which to attack prone targets. And it didn’t show up for the hours on end that the houses spent attempting necromantic workings. My inclination is that either Teacher is feigning ignorance in order to scupper the investigation, or Teacher is genuinely afraid of something that still lies dormant and is projecting his longstanding anxieties onto the first blank crisis that presents itself.
Corona is very casually cited as one of the Colum liftees, alongside Gideon, which I feel like reading into a little. A quick runthrough of who’s even left reminded me that Corona actually is one of the most physically capable people remaining at Canaan house- Magnus being dead, Colum being in his state, Pro being attached to Dulcinea at the Hip, the teens being pubescent, Babs being mildly eaten…. Corona is, like, one of the taller/stronger people in the assemblage, right? But this gives off the vibe of a task that you’d assume, from her social butterfly persona, that she’d get someone else to do. And she’s doing it in her nightie, as well.  I pegged her and her sister coming down in the skimpy nighties as… not a head game, exactly, but part of their attention to presentation. This is not body-hauling attire. But she switches modes without hesitation, with only one word of textual acknowledgement that she’s the one who knuckled down. She actually spends a good bit of time in this chapter abruptly cutting the bullshit and knuckling down to try and address the situation at hand. I’m starting to like Corona.
The Second House were the ones to run and get Teacher. I’m reiterating my initial read on them; they’re there to keep up with the Joneses, with limited investment in the trial outcome or their own path to ascension through it. The Necro/Cav pair are barely visually delineated from each other, in contrast to basically every other dyad. They are not Of Necromancy, beyond its utility; they are Of The Military. They have limited respect for Teacher’s religious edicts about lines of communication off-world, and while it’s difficult to tell how much stock any of these people put in the theology vs how much they’re going along to get along, it’s telling that they lead the push to undermine the foremost religious authority in deference to military authority.
As an aside, I’m well-versed enough in this series via tumblr osmosis to know that the Emperor is, like, very much all that, and his personal power eclipses and obviates what any other house could hope to bring to the table, so usurpation as a goal is unlikely. Adherence to his religion is less like a matter of doctrine and more like acknowledging the sun’s ongoing contribution to the ecosystem. But inter-house infighting isn’t unheard of; the Eighth has it out for the Ninth, after all. I wonder if we’re witnessing an internal fracture between the military dynasty and the hardline religious elements of the empire; if this attempt by the Second to call things off and bring in reinforcements isn’t JUST a practical plan but is also them finally making the kind of power grab they actually know how to make.
“A Second captain don’t outrank a Third official.” Wait. Is Naberius supposed to have, like, a genteel southern drawl? Also, interesting that this is where Ianthe chooses to intercede on his behalf. “Prince Tern, if you please.” The Third does circle the wagons against outside threats.
Alright, Key ownership rundown. The Sixth has a key, Dulcinea’s gambit using Pro to brute-force check all the doors apparently netted her a key. It turns out that both mine and Harrow’s suspicions were correct; Silas did cue Abigail and Magnus in on the facility, using both the rationale that they aren’t NOT supposed to work together, but also under the rationale that the hated Ninth can’t be allowed to be the only ones with access to the facility. Unfortunate that Harrow does have someone ready and willing to validate her paranoia.
The exchange between Silas and Dulcinea is fascinating. Silas clearly likes Dulcinea; everybody does. When he finds out it was the Seventh Cavalier who put him out, he seemingly takes this in stride, and he’s unwilling to sic Colum on Dulcinea… but he is willing to have Colum duel Pro, which Dulcinea (and Gideon, by extension) gets predictably up in arms about. Dulcinea and Silas run parallel in that they’re both radically reliant on their cavalier to get anything useful done, more so than any other necromancer we’ve seen; Silas requires Colum for soul siphoning and general henchman work, while Dulcinea uses Pro as a caretaker and mobility device. Silas is significantly more, uh, cavalier about imperiling Colum over petty bullshit than Dulcinea is; the charitable read is that Dulcinea’s reliance on Pro gives her a significantly greater appreciation for him. The uncharitable read is that anything happens to Pro, she’s going to be in a pickle; he’s already saved her ass once by putting Silas out, and the crisis has barely started.
Coronabeth puts her foot down; “The Golden Butterfly was gone.” Her rousing speech noticeably gets everybody moving in the direction of productive action- The Second Cav passive-aggressively entertaining Teacher’s theory, Isaac committing to hunting a monster if it exists, with Palamedes putting on the brakes on his enthusiasm with a commitment to a scientific autopsy, an implied deference to Coronabeth’s call for unity, and a (not unreasonable!) entertainment of the possibility there really is a horde of vengeful ghosts in play. He even folds in Harrow and Silas’s dispute by making it clear that collaboration on the murder issue isn’t incompatible with continuing to compete in the lyctor trials. Third House’s hat, so to speak, is that they’re the rulers and governers- but Sixth house were previously mentioned to be the house with policy wonks, and there’s a synergy there! Palamedes knows how to align himself with Corona for maximum productive effect.
Ianthe admits to being in possession of the last key, distressing both Babs (who she took the key from) and Corona, who expected to be privy to this information. Something I find interesting about this is that Ianthe is pretty clearly a Machiavellian operator; if nothing else, she had the key, and kept that fact to herself. But! When it comes down to it, she’s also willing to come clean and put her cards on the table in a crisis situation. She was in the trenches necromancing right along everyone else; there are parallels here be drawn here to her sister’s willingness to drop the butterfly routine in the name of getting the situation under control. On the other hand, it’s also possible that this is a rehearsed ruse; Ianthe, as the obvious evil Twin, publicly taking the fall by positioning herself as the only one from Third House who hypothetically could have had access to the facility at the time of the murders. This is conceivable even if the Third genuinely have nothing to do with it; an implementation of a general strategy they’ve worked out amongst themselves, painting Ianthe as the heel in contrast to the Great Golden Butterfly, establishing the narrative that Coronabeth doesn’t have complete control over what Ianthe does. Campy Wickedness as a cultivated affect, overlaying a subtler, realer scheming nature. “Ianthe is a Vriska,” “Ianthe is Rancid,” all these no-context Ianthe posts have got me going full Charlie Kelly over here. 
The meeting adjourns. Palamedes works off Coronabeth’s cue to lead all interested parties to the freezer, including the Second and Seventh houses. Gideon chalks this up to Seventh Houses broadly morbid tendencies, but it also strikes me as likely that Dulcinea might have applicable medical knowledge as an outgrowth of constantly dealing with her condition, or at a minimum could effectively rubber-duck for Pal while he talks out the implications aloud. Second House I’m assuming are along for the ride because they realize they live in a universe where they have to at least begrudgingly entertain the ghost thing, but they want to be in the room concurrently with any autopsy that might reach “ghost murder” as its conclusion, to make sure there’s no funny business going on.
Pal, conspicuously, stops to have a word with Harrow. Harrow is characteristically concerning; her singlemindedness (on display in full force at the end of the chapter!) is poorly suited to such a radical shift in the circumstances. She’s the least willing to change her focus during the meeting beyond what’s necessary to avoid getting fingered as the murderer, and Pal’s word might very well be words of warning or reprobation that he had the tact not to deliver in front of the peanut gallery.
The scene with Silas starting the process of bringing back Colum is interesting; I think that Silas’s utmost confidence in Colum’s ability to make it back is the first time we see any expression of regard from Silas towards his Cav, and while it’s a strong endorsement of Colum’s capabilities, it’s part and parcel with the extent to which Silas is taking Colum for granted. Earlier I drew parallels between the necro/cav dynamics of the Seventh and Eighth houses, but there’s also a strong parallel between the Eighth and Ninth houses- each with a zealous, thoroughly stick-assed Necromancer , each of whom are paired at the hip with a Cav with a stoic demeanor and a frosty-and-best attitude towards their Necro. This line of thought is causing me to re-evaluate the lens through which Gideon has been assessing Eighth house; no Necro/Cav pairing is remotely Normal About It, but Eighth and Ninth have some parallels in their dysfunction. The key difference being that Silas routinely, habitually makes use of his Cav, and Gideon’s beef with Harrow is at least partly informed by the fact that, up until very recently, Harrow gave her absolutely no opportunity to be of use. Colum represents the path not taken, the grass that’s greener, and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Gideon pays so much attention to the Colum situation right before Harrow shows up to drag her off towards another once-longed-for stint as an accomplice. Is Harrow’s attention an improvement in her circumstances, or has she this whole time unwittingly been dodging Colum’s sorry lot?
The sequence with Jeannemary is heartbreaking. They’ve hit the hero-worship beat a couple times now, the idea that she’s looking up to/admiring/(crushing on?) Gideon. It’s interesting that the “Bad Teen,” up till now an irksome background presence, is the one to finally break Gideon’s composure in a semi-public, not-technically-a-live-emergency setting- quietly and quickly enough that the illusion is probably still largely intact, but it’s a significant break! Also significant is Jeannemary’s insight into a suspicious detail nobody else seems to have touched on in the meeting; Abigail specialized in Ghost magic. Jeannemary’s love of Abigail means that her awareness of this fact cashes out as a belief that Abigail should have been able to defeat a ghostly threat regardless of magnitude. But the unstated second truth is that whoever or whatever killed Abigail, simultaneously got rid of the necromancer best suited to the necromantic forensic work everyone else was struggling with in the last chapter. This doesn’t feel like a coincidence. 
Harrow’s barreling forward on the heels of Colum’s return to the land of the living feels like a great for-want-of-a-nail moment, and another example of Harrow’s too-clever-by-half tendencies snipping a thread that she really, really should have followed up on. Jeannemary has an important insight here! If Colum had been seventeen minutes late instead of fifteen, Harrow might have limped into the middle of a very illuminating exchange.
In closing, I’m pretty sure we’re looking at two memes in one here. Harrow’s “I’m sick of these people” bit reads to me like a reference to Dr. Manhattan’s, “I tire of Earth. These people” monologue and the resultant meme panel. “An admirable attempt at comedy in these trying times” reads like a reference to the Egg bit from It’s Always Sunny. Bonus points because the specific Dr. Manhattan line that I believe is being referenced here comes during his myopic dark night of the soul, where he’s conflating his own depression with the true meaning of the universe and letting his heartfelt belief that he already knows everything important blinker him to some important fucking details he hasn’t noticed. Just like how Harrow is overlooking potentially massively important information in her rush to capitalize on her perceived information advantage. Assuming I’m correct that this is a reference and not just random apophenia, this is, like, sliding past the point of mere pop-cultural meme reference into the realm of meaningful literary allusion. Which is a real good way to integrate your meme references! Nothing there just to convey that you’re hip and with it, everything acting as a character beat or a thematic vector. I’m going to go right ahead and adopt a hardline policy of treating every apparent meme reference as an indicator of deliberate thematic depth, and there is absolutely no way that this might potentially cause me to spill over 500 words of ink over something that just turns out to be a vaguely similar sentence construction to another work.
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hardtchill · 1 year
When Stina lifts her teammates
Viv: wtf is happening Jen: It’s cute that you tried Lia: well, that’s a bit inconvenient Laura: hey, i can see Austria from up here  Katie: PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT, i’m a lifter not a liftee Beth: WEEEEEEEEE 🎵 we’re soaring, flying. There’s not a star in heaven....  Leah: interesting  Kim: as captain i should be allowed to re-instate flogging  Manu: ‘brick wall of silence’  Frida: ..... Steph: HUGGGSSS
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dykepuffs · 7 months
There is a (very good!) Post going around about how to lift someone up off the ground, but the companion piece to it feels like it needs to be written: how to be lifted.
I maintain that the skill of "How to be picked up off the ground" is something that is taught to some people during puberty: Teenage flirting having, as one of the options for innocent-ish physical touch being "Let me pick you up! Give me a piggyback!" - and handwave of heterogendersex- the people who usually do the lifting are boys and the partner of the pair who is "more masculine" and the one who is "the girl" or "more feminine" is usually the one who is lifted.
But this means that for most raw children being beaten into boyshape, at some point in their childhoods they stop being picked up regularly, so if they want to be lifted up as an adult it's difficult - They have to learn a whole new set of bodily controls, without the slow on-ramp of learning as a teenager. And for many raw children being beaten into girlshape, they just continue to be lifted as they get larger, and learn how to help the person lifting them gradually.
Being picked up is a skill that can be taught, and the relative size of the person doing the lifting often isn't too relevant- I weigh just short of 60kg (125lbs), and I can lift my 95kg (210lbs) partner with ease... Now that they know how to be carried. When I was first trying, it was like trying to hoist 200lbs of wet laundry.
So, prospective liftee, what do you do?
You're trying to put your centre of gravity as close to your partner as possible, and above theirs, and to distribute your weight evenly on their torso - You want to be more like a coat or a backpack, than like a box.
Front to front or on-the-hip carry:
Put your arms up, and place your hands on their upper back or shoulders, above their arms- You will hold on by pressing in on their upper back with your hands and wrists, or pressing down on their shoulders with your upperarms, not too tightly, but tight enough to keep your torso's weight leant onto them, with about the same kind of firmness as a strong hug. When you lift off the ground, brace your own shoulders, so that your upperarms are supporting your weight. Once you're up, you'll be able to release one arm at a time to use for other things, but otherwise just keep them up there.
Get your hips slightly higher than theirs - If they know what they're doing they'll crouch down slightly- and with your feet slightly apart press your crotch into their belly, either straight in the front, or slightly off to the side over one of their hips for a hip carry. They'll put their arms around your back. When they lift, lean forwards, just fully push your weight into them through your hips.
You can just keep your legs dangling, but if you intend to be carried for a while, gently lift your legs (can be both, or just one!) And wrap them around above their hipbones- you'll feel the points on the back of your thighs, and your legs will smush into their love handles a little. Don't pinch too hard - think the kind of way you'd sit on a saddle, not like locking your legs around someone to wrestle. Keep your belly relaxed and lean onto them.
When you want to get down, just reverse the process- point your feet down, begin to tense and straighten your back and belly, then only when your feet are down, let go at the neck.
Happy uppies!
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rbnyw · 2 years
How to track progress without losing your mind:
Consistency of habits
Daily activity level
Gym sessions complete
Nutritional improvements (portions of fruit and veg, focus on protein)
Measurements (waist, thigh, arm)
Exercise performance (strength, weight lifteed, workload increased)
Weight (take daily measurements, get weekly averages and assess at the end of the month)
Progress photos
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zero-witch · 1 year
BREAKING NEWS: Trans liftees in Montana
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one-rad-maven · 1 year
Journal Entry 03/31/2014
Yesterday was the best day of my life, so far :)
I haven't really wanted to write anything down because I guess I was afraid of Jinxing all of the amazing things that have happened in the past year.
K and I may have had a bit of a rough start but his perseverance and determination to have me in his life is what really stuck with me. He never gave up and that is what I love the most.
Fast forward a little and we had moved in together after dating for only a few months. We lived, fell more in love, and then made another big decision together. We started thinking about adopting a dog. We looked and searched and looked some more. At one point K wanted to give up entirely because it had started becoming overwhelming. Do we adopt a puppy? Maybe an older dog would be better? Should we get a big dog? What if we can't give it what it needs? All sorts of questions started coming up and it just made it harder to pull the trigger. Finally I just decided to go look at two different puppies I had found online. One of them was a very cute, goofy, and rambunctious puppy named Rocky. I instantly fell in love and so did K. It was inevitable after that. No question could keep us from adopting him. Just like that we became a family.
Soon after we moved to a new place and just began to live in our routine, except that we both no longer wanted to be boyfriend/girlfriend. We began talking about getting engaged. I told K I had no idea what kind of ring I was really wanted. Okay I thought I did but when we started looking it turned out I had no clue. We spent an entire afternoon looking. Finally we came upone a place that had the style ring I wanted. K wanted it to be perfect so he decided that it had to be made so that, ultimately, he would know I loved it.
Anyway, let's get to the good part.
Little did I know that the weekend we went to Mammoth would be the weekend he would propose!
We had planned on going already. We were staying in the Quality Inn and I must say it has been one of the best places we have stayed at so far. We got in Friday night and we decided to go out for a couple drinks and nachos because K just loves them. Well we ended up partying the night away. First, we met some dude named Ardie (but when we asked him how it was spelled he said R.D. ... smartass). Then we met a group of people who worked on the mountain as liftees. Two of them were gay and said so right away. The other was Sarah and she was a lot of fun since she was out celebrating her 25th birthday. The night started at Laka Nuki and finished at John's Pizza at about 1:30 in the morning. Needless to say we were not in a well enough state to go skiing. However, K really wanted to go up to the top. We made our way over to the village to see if we could get tickets just as a walk on. The top was definitely closed due to extreme winds. So we spent the afternoon walking around. We did a beer flight at Mammoth Brewing and had pizza and soup at Campo, then went back to the room and took a nap. I let K sleep until 5:30-ish and then got him up to get ready for dinner. He had been a little grumpy all day but I thought it was because of the hangover. We had an amazing dinner at Smoke House. The wine was the best, Neil Ellis 'Sincerely' Shiraz.
We got up early on Sunday to go skiing for sure. Packed and ready to headed up to go skiing in the fresh powder. We are trying to find a place to park and finally K asks if we should just do a scenic ride and not go skiing. I say sure because I feel like he isn't in the mood to go anyway. Tickets bought we get to McCoy where people are waiting to get to the top to ride the freshies. After a half jour they give the all clear and we head up. Once at the top I get the camera out and we start wandering around taking pictures. At one spot we stop. It is a stone monument. I climb on top and continue to take pictures. I can hear K behind me wrestling around with his jacket. Suddenly he says, "Lindsay turn around" and there he is down on one knee. I instantly start crying tears of happiness and shaking while saying over and over "YES!" It's true when they say you don't hear anything because I know K said something but it's really fuzzy as to what it was. I just remember, "The rest of our lives" "I love you", and "Many more adventures together."
That is why it was the best weekend and the best part? I love that crazy funny adventurous man and the ring was perfect :)
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cradlecarryi · 7 years
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#liftcarry #cradlecarry comment you are a #lifter or a #liftee
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Do not neck lift babies.
Logan at Remus at some point, probably.
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obstinaterixatrix · 4 years
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p good, I made a bowl of whipped cream to go with it. here’s the cake recipe if you want to try it out
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emmieships · 6 years
I know I say this every 5 minutes but King of the Clouds owns my ass
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sunskate · 1 year
Watching the videos of Madi lifting Gabi made me think about how important it is to fully trust your partner while being lifted on the ice and how amazing it is that (truly just thinking about VM here) Scott never dropped Tessa and how many quotes there are from Tessa about Scott never dropping her or about her never being worried about her safety. Not saying at all that women can’t lift other women (or men/men), and I’m really glad that Madi and Gabi are modeling safe development the way they are and inspiring so many people! It just goes to show how much again, I think, you have to fully trust your partner and how safe people who have reached the top and are constantly pushing the sport must feel in their partners arms as they are doing acrobatic lifts on ice! On ice! It’s crazy. And it’s beautiful.
you don't often see skaters genuinely opening up what the sport is, but gabi and madi are - i love it. that's using your influence and your entire being to lead the way ❤️
all credit to scott for keeping tessa safe for 22 years - he has the protector streak in general which is times a million towards tessa (that time during TYCT when she was across a circle of skaters from him and fell where kaetlyn osmond might have ran her over, it was like he'd been electrocuted, he reacted so viscerally) - he probably would have sacrificed his own safety for hers. but there was also a little bit of luck involved-
because sometimes accidents happen. it sounds like solene and marko had a fluky fall on an easy transition - he caught a rut, i think? it doesn't make him less trustworthy. and i never saw such a fast rotational lift as marjo and zak's in their cha cha slide, but he says he hates lifts and they make him nervous. so although feeling safe in your partner's arms can be romanticized, any team who has that earned it step by step with consistent work and conscientious professionalism.
one thing i notice- safety isn't only the lifting partner's responsibility, it takes two - tessa kept herself safe in part by being strong enough that scott didn't have to do all the work - she was balancing him, she was moving herself into positions so he didn't have to. they always presented a traditional woman/man dynamic as a team, so this idea that he kept her safe fits that, but it's funny how they rarely talk about or are asked about how good a liftee she was and how that contributed to him being able to keep her safe. her praising him for this i feel like is acknowledging how much he cared as much as the fact that he never dropped her
oh, and safety issues are even more crucial in pairs, where the physical risk is higher. i did see one pair at a couple competitions last season where i didn't think the man had enough regard for his partner, like he would get visibly annoyed when she made a mistake, and she would take it as if that was her due 👀 so i always worry about them when they compete. unlike rikuryu - if you watch their warmups, he often practices miming the lifts without her, like he's mentally and physically going through the motion of the lifts, and he's another who's very very protective
but anyway, you're right- it's amazing that they do these feats on ice. and a team with real care and connection, like madi and gabi, is beautiful🥺🥰
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alustriel-the-star · 2 years
Itachi's Crow : Itachi x Fem!Reader
Warning: 18+ mdni, just some smut ;)
Play list for this one: Playlist 🔥 and the pic for this one 😈
Captain...." his lips caressing your folds. Tongue stroking. His cheeks slightly rose, that gorgeous face between your thighs. Your captain was taking the very best care of you. Moan slip pass his lips, vibrating against your skin.
"Captain...." those soft lips of his making your thighs shiver in pleasure. He pressed them again against your folds. Oh how you loved that talented mouth of his.
"Call me by my name" the only command he gave you at the moment.
He closed his eyes, his lower lip making its way up teasing your skin, his palms resting on your hips. Your sweet scent and the taste of your nectar made his even more hard and eager to have you.
But it wasn't always like that. You came long way to have him the way you have him now. That night he scar his hands with murder, with blood. When you caught up to him, he gave you two choices to die by his hand right there where you stand or to come with him and live the rest of your life in darkness. It was all just his attempt to scard you and make you go away . You did opposite you went with him. Became Akatsuki. You ran that line over the leaf symbol. Swearing aligance to Akatsuki leader. But nor you or Itachi ever forgot the leaf . Deep within you, both swore no matter what you'll be protecting each other. You were med ninja. That turned tables for the both of you, especialy for Itachi. Sasuke survived and Naruto became hero. There was no reason for Itachi to sacrifice himself. New road opened up for you both when Akatsukiwere destroyed . You two slipped away like a ghosts....for the world you both were dead...
You were free....
In those black eyes you could see love, gratitude, compassion, appreciation, but there was also lust, possessiveness, need to make you his over and over again....no man was like him-you loved the fire, the Uchiha.
Your moans echoed trough darknes of the night as his mouth sucked your swollen bud. That beautiful face was between your thighs. His necklase caressing your skin, those slender beutiful fingers caressing your hips as he pressed your legs flat down. The sight of you, of your wet, ready body made him moan against your skin. He didn't know what was turning him on more. Was it your breathy melodic moans? Or was it the wet sounds your body made as he kept toying with your folds? His own arousal became unberable, he could feel it twich and burn with only one need....to be plunged deep into that spongy, wet heat between your thighs.
Your thighs trembled. Uchiha gave few strokes to your inner thighs with his lips, then teeth teasingly nipped, grunt escaped his lips that were still pressed against your skin. You wanted...wanted him back to...to your bud you needed him there. He was teasing you his lips howering just above you. Hungirly his tongue finally caressed your folds. He drank your sweet nectar. His mouth locked on your body, he was gulping you arousal. Flicking of his tongue became faster . He opened his eyes to look at you to see just how far you are gone. The red of the sharingan capturing all...all of you.
He wraps his arms arund your legs locking you down. Holding you like that, he had toatal and absolute control. Not letting you to rock your hips against his face.
But you could hardly be still now. You reached with your hand, taking full fist of hs hair pressing him down. He loved that, for he let out a rumbling groan like an avalanche coming out of his chest. You arched against bed, your left leg went over his shoulder, your heel touching his back pressing him down. He lifteed a bit leaving you just on moment. That sensual way..the way he made eye contact with you, while he licked his fingers just before...
You felt two fingers coming inside, his lips to came back to carss your clit. From that blissful attack you received, you could not think, you could not moan you just shook like a leaf on the wind. That sloppy wet sound of him eating you, it was like it was competing with your moans, to see who is louder. That was the last drop, you were undone.
He lifted up coming over you. You loved to see him like this . To see him beng dominant to see him loses all control. You buck your hips up as you felt his lenght run over your folds. it’s not long before he fills you up with his thick lenght.
Your hand went between the two of you. Yiu wanted to touch that warm hard body of his. That muscular smooth velvet and its tip slightly wet. He hissed as your hand fondled him. He breathed out "Let me in"
Your body welcomed him in. The pressure, the way he streches you, it turned you into moaning mess. Your inner walls pulsed and squeezed him. And there it was a pure bliss on that angelic face of his. Face that you had to touch in that moment.
And you plea, again, but this time he just comply without teasing. He pushes against you rocking you together with him. So deep...the sound of skin slapping against skin. Itachi praises you. The feel of your body flutter around his lenght, so tight...so satisfuing warm. As your walls contract around him, he need to focus but its inpossible, hearing you moan, it was all over he came taking you with him. You whine as he collpses over you. That was so satusfuing the feeling of his weight over you.... The two lovers hidden in the dark, with only the moon as witness
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harocat · 7 years
shop-liftee replied to your post: we’ve got to the point that multiple people are...
How??? Is that??? even?? an argument????
It’s a bad argument that makes no sense and fails to understand almost anything about Yuuri. 
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metaphor-cheese · 3 years
Doof and byoof sibling stuff:
-buford going from being the biggest and oldest of his friendgroup and an only child to instantly the baby of the doofenshmirtz family and being VERY angry abt this is hilarious to me. He becomes like a little ankle biting gremlin trying to assert himself in this new dynamic and move up the pecking order. It Never works
-vanessa doesnt have much overt big sister instincts but she will casually distract norm if doofs being mean to him and lets buford hang out with her. Which is usually just parallel playing but they get along so its cool. She also lends him cd’s and doesnt let on she knows he keeps stealing her old teddy bear for comfort when doof begins shouting
-norm detected that buford wasnt a boy before anyone else (including buford) and never treated him as one. Between this and doof always defaulting to ‘kid’ over gendered terms, the doofenshmirtz’s were who helped him realise he was nb. Norm thought it was common knowledge and was like ‘really guys?’ When buford had to tell vanessa and doof
-vanessa never acknowledges bufords attempts to be the Alpha Sibling with anything but amusement or apathy but norm innocently (maybe…) makes it worse by calling buford nicknames like baby sib and squirt
-norm picks up buford a lot. Buford is conflicted cos on one hand
-someone is actually able to lift him
But on the other: if the liftee has now become the lifted then what next? Where does it stop? Will baljeet be carrying him next? This crisis keeps him up at night
Anyway he often rides around on whatever constitutes norms shoulder
-vanessa and norm sing together for fun sometimes
-doof loves buford and is warming up to norm but he still has a favouritism problem so vanessa gets away with much more. Norm and buford have teamed up to prank her to even the scales
-middle child syndrome norm is kinda amusing to me too cos. Look at him. Giant fuckass robot getting overlooked cos vanessa and buford are just THAT loveable (understandable)
-at some point vanessa got turned down at a school dance by a boy so norm danced with her in his stead to cheer her up
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prinxlyart · 4 years
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Insta user @cosmvtic asked for some willuz content that gave me the perfect excuse to draw this thing I’ve wanted to draw since the livestream. 🌺✨
Did you know that if you google images of couples’ ice skating lifts the large majority of results either A) Dont show both partners faces, B) have their blades digging into each other’s torsos, or C) literally have their hands on crotches to support the weight of their partner?
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This is the only good reference pose I could find that didn’t have the lifter’s hand completely covering the liftee’s entire crotch. I respect ice skating as the art and sport that it is, but also hey guys are y’all doing okay out there???????
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