alphacmt · 11 months
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Ever wonder how your work would look like in a more upscale setting? Presented as premium works or accents that exude luxury? I did.
So I tried some art staging. And I learned some things along the way. I always thought I was a minimalist, but when scoping out upscale interior environments I found out quickly my work looks best in lived in, eclectic spaces that effectively used objects to sell a aspirational lifestyle. Which is ironic to say the least, considering my personal ideology and aesthetics.
So for the record, before doing it the hard way I peeped several apps that you could use to stage your work in various home decor spaces. I opted not do that do due to the bait and switch tactics of the apps. They bait you with great photos of spaces, but the switch comes when you find out the "free" side of the apps only have the most basic of set ups. That beautiful living room that they lured you with in the first place? There's a monthly subscription fee for that.
Look, everyone's' personal financial situation is different, but me personally? I'm not trying to hear that.
So we're doing it the hard way. I scour Instagram for modern living spaces that speak to me and I get to work. And with Clip Studio Paint I go all in, adding frames and mattes, shadows, and in some cases adding reflections and adjusting light sources. Admittedly, it can take a little bit of time, but I find the process weirdly cathartic and relaxing.
Doing it the hard way actually turned out to be a good thing. You see, I credit and tag the original interior designers and photographers. And whenever I can, I use Black and People of Color interior designers as inspiration. It's been a great way to break the ice, and every interior designer has loved what I've done with my art remixed in their spaces. Who knows? Future art staging collabs with designers I love and respect? Win win baby!
Anyhoo, here's a few of my favorite art staging works! Enjoy
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icndm · 4 years
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Youtube Vid Audi Website
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alexisdefined · 4 years
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What tall, dark and loves their belly....👀 🤣 get ready to check me out soon in the new #kydmagazine i was given the great opptunity to curate some fun easy dishes inspired by my love of culinary and the people i hold near and dear to me i am so excited 😁 its "ONLY GOODNESS" #instagood #culinary #fashion #lifystyle #fitness #inspiration (at Trinidad and Tobago) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGOHZBRHgsI/?igshid=199pa3nz4vcap
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itscristyen · 6 years
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mich-elay · 6 years
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rocky6031 · 2 years
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Spend 20 hours to Kaohsoung waiting for a ferry ticket. No ferry ticket, means no car. No car, means no bike. No bike, means no race. . . . 花了20小時只為了一張票! 買不到船票,就無法運車! 沒有自行車,比賽就DNS了! 無論如何也不能GG! 該死的蚊子🦟,我跟你拼了! . . . #z3r0d_taiwan #ironman #ironmantaiwan #penghu #2022 #kaohsoung #lifystyle #226 #swimbimerun (在 高雄港) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cbsgg3wP-Nd/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sara-dipa-blog · 6 years
Gli errori del passato tornano mascherati sempre pronti a fregarti nelle tue debolezze.
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walkerwarley · 6 years
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a esperança na outra margem.
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likeproducts-me · 4 years
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Fascination and Beauty
More appealing individuals evoke more sure initial feelings.
This impact is known as the appeal corona, and it is shown when passing judgment on those with more alluring faces, bodies, or voices.
Besides, it yields huge social results, remembering benefits to alluring individuals for areas as sweeping as sentiment, kinships, family relations, schooling, work, and criminal equity.
Actual characteristics that increment allure incorporate energy, evenness, commonness, manliness in men, and gentility in ladies.
Positive articulations and practices additionally raise assessments of an individual's engaging quality.
Social, psychological, transformative, and overgeneralization clarifications have been offered to clarify why we discover certain individuals alluring.
While the developmental clarification predicts that the impressions related with the corona impact will be precise, different clarifications don't.
Albeit the exploration proof shows some precision, it is excessively feeble to sufficiently represent the positive reactions appeared to more alluring individuals.
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cryxsxndx · 7 years
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bazinlover · 4 years
"The best time to get and stay healthy is before you face annoying and inconvenient problems and before you develop a serious health condition. Why not create lasting change now, before you find yourself in a doctor's office, holding a prescription for meds because you've developed an illness - or worse, being rolled on a hospital gurney for an invasive surgery."
The Hormone Cure
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linoleum-magazine · 6 years
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São diversas camisetas estampadas, meias, moletons e muito mais no sale da Linoleum!
Entre em nosso site ou conheça nossa loja na Vila Madalena!
Rua Fidalga, 590 - São Paulo
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pacioniauto · 4 years
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Inspirando e realizando sonhos Venha conhecer o mais novo ponto de encontro para apaixonados por automóveis em Indaiatuba Somos uma empresa inovadora que surgiu da simples necessidade de se encontrar veículos com preços mais acessíveis sem atravessadores e sem sair de casa. A partir desde contexto criamos a loja PACIONI AUTOMÓVEIS que é um verdadeiro site para apaixonados por automóveis na internet, disponibilizando veículos com livre negociação das partes - comprador e vendedor. Nós, da Pacioni Automóveis, temos o prazer de oferecer-lhe um acesso rápido e imediato em busca do carro que você quer comprar. Temos em nosso catálogo uma grande variedade em automóveis de todas as marcas e modelos. Damos a você, usuário, a condição de procurar o seu futuro carro sem ter que sair de casa. E o mais importante, anunciamos automóveis com fotografias originais e detalhadas de cada veículo. #2021 #lifystyle #indaiatuba #indaiatubacidademaravilhosa #sonhos #metaspara2021 #porsche #audi #mercedes #rangerover #volkswagen https://www.instagram.com/p/CMfi2rqsbfv/?igshid=82uqmn7bpz3r
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itzdevyb123 · 7 years
Hi all my beautiful followers! I hope everyone is having a great year so far and working towards your fitness goals for 2018! Remember every step forward is moving you closer to a healthy, new improved you. Take it one day at a time and know that you will make it to your goal one day soon if you haven't already. Don't give up! This year is the year!! 🙌🏽💪🏽
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aksararaksa · 4 years
Minimalist Life Style : Having a value in your life
Gimana sudah bosen apa belum di rumah?. walaupun sudah diperbolehkan untuk bisa melakukan kegiatan tetap patuhi protokol kesehatan dan menerapkan gaya hidup kebiasaan-kebiasaan baru. Dengan begitu semoga kita semua dilindungi oleh Tuhan dan bisa terus sehat. 
Kali ini, mau berbagi sebuah hal yang cukup lumayan penting buat gue sendiri ditengaj pandemi kaya gini. Hal pentingnya berkaitan dengan netflix. Kenapa penting, karena dari netflix i learn something new yang mudah-mudahn berguna buat kehidupan gue dimasa depan dan buat orang lain juga yang baca ini. Setelah mengkhatamkan drama korea “Its Okey Not To Be Okey” yang juga bikin gue sangat nambah wawasan juga bahwa k-drama sekarang ga cinta-cinta doang kaya dulu, nambah perspektif tentang tema yang diangkat juga. Karena gue udah ga tau manu nonton apa lagi, gue iseng-iseng aja ngetik “Minimalis”. Hasilnya keluar beberapa film dokumenter yang berkaitan dengan keywords yang gue ketik. Gue tertarik dengan judul film “Minimalism : A Documentary About Important Things” durasinya kurang lebih 1 jam lebih. 
Gue akan mencoba merangkum apa yang mereka bicarakan dalam film ini. Jadi, film dokumentar ini menceritakan perjalanan  Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus atau dikenal dengan The Minimalists, mempromosikan buku yang mereka tulis tentang gaya hidup minimalis. Selain dua orang tersebut, ada beberapa orang juga yang berbagi cerita mereka dengan latar belakang yang berbeda tentang konsep hidup ini. Juga ada beberapa pakar yang berbicara dalam film ini. Mereka berbicara tentang bahwa pikiran orang bahwa jika kalau ada orang yang sudah  kaya, banyak duit, mobil mewah, rumah besar, itu udah bahagia banget. Tapi ternyata tidak. Salah satu quotes yang mereka kutip, gue lupa dari siapa tapi orang itu dari kalangan orang terkenal dan kaya. Dia bilang “Saya ingin sekali orang lain merasakan bahwa hidup dengan kekayaan dan dikenal orang itu tidak membagiakan”. Selain itu yang gue tangkep dari film ini adalah, kadang kita cuma tergiur sama iklan, gengsi, mengedepankan quantity diatas kualitas, dan diperparah dengan sifat manusia yang ga pernah puas akan apa yang dimiliki. Itu yang bikin kita ga pernah nanya sama diri kita A sendiri “Gue beli barang ini pentingnya apa ya?” “Apa gue happy atas apa yang gue punya, atau apa yang gue beli”, “Tujuan gue beli barang ini itu apa ya, buat gue sendiri, atau buat bisa dipamerin ke instagram, atau alasan lainnya”, “Kok udah punya kerjaan dengan posisi setinggi ini, gue belum happy kenapa? alasan awal gue dulu kenapa kerja disini”. Hal-hal simpel seperti ini, kadang lupa kita lakuin ketika kita udah terbutakan oleh itu semua. 
Inti dari film ini adalah, sesuatu yang berlebihan itu ga baik, kalo merasa kurang terus dengan apa yang kita miliki itu juga ga baik. jadi hidup seimbang dan merasa cukup atas apa yang dimiliki merupakan sebuah hal yang harus setiap orang punya di zaman yang semakin gila ini. Itu pembelajaran banget yang bisa gue ambil dari film ini, menurut gue pola pikir merasa cukup dan seimbang seperti ini salah satu usaha yang bisa membuat kita tetep waras dan on track saat ini. 
Gitu aja cerita netflix dari gue semoga bisa bemanfaat. gue lagi nonton salah satu series netflix yang masih berkaitan dengan itu judulnya “Tidying Up With Marie Kondo” ini juga hal yang ga pernah gue nyangka gimana beberes hal-hal dirumah itu ga cuma beberes aja, tapi juga bisa mempererat hubungan antar anggota keluarga, bisa bikin berkurang stresnya, bisa bikin orang belajar buat ikhlas. Its a good series tho. Kalau udah selesai nonton bakal gue share lagi disini.  Aksaraksa
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diegormb1-blog · 4 years
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. 🍷 Son momentos que jamás olvidaré. . . . ¿Cómo olvidar el pasado? Para tener mejor presente . . 😃Simplemente respirando profundamente y dar gracias por lo que tienes hoy, y paso a paso construiras un futuro maravilloso.. . . . #emprendedores #polancoméxico #lifystyle #disfrutatuvida #inversion #libertadfinanciera #empresariodigital (en Porfirio's Restaurante) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDt55hCgL8K/?igshid=1ei3nej30xoye
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