#lightners are hard to say yes to
Deltarune's themes of escapism and why they hit me hard
I was going to do some Deltarune art based around this and then just have the definition of escapism under it, but I can't think of what to draw, so I'm just going to ramble about it instead.
Deltarune, as I'm sure many many other people have pointed out before, has strong themes of escapism in addition to its themes of control, freedom, the narrative, etc. The Dark Worlds transform objects into people, rooms into environments, high school students into heroes. They seem to bring to life the sorts of games you played as a kid, with your toys and your friends, making up a story that played out in your mind, enhanced by your imagination. It's theatre of the mind, helped along by the toys and props and whatnot - like when you're playing D&D, too. This sort of thing is mainly in Chapter One, with the game pieces and cards and toys. I remember playing make-believe with practically everything as a kid - I made up stories with chess pieces a few times, that was fun. Castle Town and Card Kingdom are both reminiscent of a very traditional form of escapism: fantasy.
The Cyber World is a little different, but it still holds the same sort of idea - hell, we're all here on Tumblr, we know what it's like to bury ourselves in the internet, in videos and memes and posts, and forget the world for a little while. This is emphasised by Queen's commentary - I can't find the exact quote, but it's something about being worried that the Lightners will become depressed without the 'bliss' of the internet, which isn't currently working in Hometown. We also know that Chapter 3 will take place in Toriel's lounge room and seems to be specifically based around the TV (and, this is off topic, but I literally just realised Mike could be, like, mic, as in microphone, and Tenna could be short for antenna), which can also be a form of escapism for people. I know that my mum, for one, watches TV most nights.
There's also the specific characters who fall into the Dark Worlds - Kris, Susie, Noelle, Berdly.
Kris seems to be considered weird by most of Hometown, where they are the only human and don't seem to have many - or, well, any - real friends apart from their brother, who was the town's golden boy, who everyone keeps talking about and seems to hold in high regard, whose side of the bedroom holds trophies and pictures and colour while Kris' is bare and grey (they also have Susie now, but she only became their friend during the first Dark World). In the Dark World, however, Kris gets to be a hero, sword and shield raised, saving the world with their friends. Everyone in Castle Town loves them. The room Ralsei built for them has trophies aplenty. And then there's the matter of Ralsei, who looks so much like Toriel and Asgore and Asriel, who is so nice and so supportive of Kris, who has pink horns like maybe a certain red headband faded (yes I headcanon that Ralsei is Kris' old horn headband and will continue to do so until proven wrong).
Susie, who drinks milk from back alleys and threatens to eat people's faces, who didn't actually call home when she had a sleepover with Kris, who gets uncomfortable around the block of flats in Hometown, who doesn't seem to know how to react when shown kindness or friendship, who considers herself the 'bad guy'. Well, she gets to be that bad guy, strong and powerful and scary, with a big axe and sharp teeth and enemies to defeat. And then she gets to have friends, she gets to have food, she gets to be the hero and maybe that's not so bad after all if she does it alongside people she cares about, people who care about her. We can see how much happier she is in the Dark Worlds.
Berdly, who tries so hard to be perceived as smart, who loves videogames. I don't have as much to say about him, honestly, but his Dark World design is quite distinctively Cyber World when compared to the other Lightner's more fantasy-inspired designs, and being in the Dark World gives him the chance to be a hero, even if he's not great at that for most of Chapter 2.
And Noelle. Noelle, whose sister seems to be missing or dead, whose dad is in hospital, whose mum is the town's mayor and works a lot and has an icy personality. Noelle who searches for bugs and secrets in the games she seems to love. Noelle who wishes she had magic to heal her dad. Noelle who seems to feel powerless to help someone she loves, who doesn't stand up to Berdly or her mum. Once she's in the Dark World, she can heal people. She stands up to Queen, who is a sort of mother figure. She gets to spend time with Susie. She gets to see the city lights that Dess promised her.
All this to say that Deltarune in general and the Dark Worlds specifically have some not-so-subtle themes of escapism.
Now, the 'why it hits me hard' bit. Escapism has always been one of my main coping strategies, and even beyond that, I love fantasy, I love stories, I love burying myself in another world. It's much easier to be in a world where there's magic and quests and maybe there's struggles and strife and people still get hurt and mess up and go through bad things, but eventually there's a happy ending because that's how stories work, they don't have the constant uncertainty of real life. And, you know, if I could go to a Dark World, I would. I can understand why Susie likes the Dark Worlds so much, why Noelle and Berdly wanted to make another. Escapism is something that I can understand, especially after having struggled with my mental health for a few years (I'm a lot better now though). The world can be messy and complicated and hard, and wouldn't it be nice to be in a different world for a bit, one where you can be who you want to be and you don't feel lost anymore?
So, uh... yeah lol.
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cutest-silly-nb · 1 year
a story that has been fermenting in my brain is one where kris and ralsei find themselves on the castle roof. there's no adventures to be had. the two of them overlook castle town, and a breeze sweeps through the cold, forever-night air. "do you ever think about dying?" kris asks, more to fill the silence than anything. "Oh, all the time." says ralsei almost immediately. kris doesn't expect this answer, and doesn't really know what to say anyway. there's a few moments of uncomfortable silence. the breeze suddenly feels colder, the stars seem slightly darker. ralsei tries to explain, and hastily says "I often find myself wondering what will happen to the world after I do. Or if I will." kris doesn't understand. they say as much. "Well, I'm not all that important, right? Once I've completed my role in the prophecy, the world won't need me anymore. So-" kris cuts ralsei off before he can continue. "what do you mean?" kris says. they also sometimes feel the world doesn't need them. they're not even entirely sure why they're asking. "Oh, well, that's why I'm here, to guide you and fulfill the prophecy. Once that's done, I'll have done all I need to. And I guess I'll just be... alone again. And then I guess somewhere after that, I'll die." ralsei pauses there. it's a short pause, but kris notices. it's the sort of pause they get every night when they feel particularly existential. after a bit, they say "that's... a really depressing way to think about it." "What?" "the way you say it, it makes it seem like you'll have died long before your brain stops working." ralsei doesn't know what to say to that. "you aren't born with one specific purpo-" "Yes I am. I exist to guide you, and be your friend. It's all in the prophecy." "maybe that's why you were created," kris says, not entirely sure what they're saying. they feel like the words are coming from a place of pure emotion now, and the feeling is new. "but now you're not just a guide. you're... you, you're ralsei. just like susie is susie and noelle is noelle and my brother is my brother." "I... think I see what you mean, but you're all Lightners. I'm a Darkner, and I was created to be your guide. I can't just-" "yes you can. you're alive now. you can do anything." a tiny laugh comes from kris's pocket. both kris and ralsei pretend to not have heard it. "you have meaning just because you're you." and as they say it they realize it's true. "...I... ..." ralsei is silent for a while. "I've... never had meaning just for being me before." "i don't know what life was like before we came along, but you have meaning. you always will, too. you're meaningful in so many ways." kris is a little surprised hearing their own voice. they've never talked with this much emotion before. "you don't have to be a guide, or a friend, or anything else. you're just ralsei, and you always have been." there's a long silence. kris's brain catches up with what they've said. ralsei starts to cry. it's a quiet sort of cry, the sort of cry you make when you're embarrassed about your crying but can't hide it so you're not trying to hide it too hard. "Having friends... is a lot of pressure..." "yeah it is. but since you're alive, here's the cool thing. you have friends to support you." they're parroting something noelle told them once, and the truth of it is only sinking in now. "It's a lot of pressure because... if I'm just me, and all of me, and I'm alive and can do anything... what should I do." "what you think is right." noelle said that too. kris wraps ralsei into a hug. "this is right, i think. it feels right." it does.
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big-snot-1997 · 1 year
An Unusual Deal
Spamton x Reader
---18+ ONLY---
1000+ words
Contains: Sneeze kink, nose kink, contagion, cold, touching noses, handkerchief, sniffling, cuddling, flirting, literal sleeping together
Additional Descriptors: Reader is a Lightner, Reader is gender neutral, Reader is not Kris, Reader gets sick, No use of (Y/N)
Synopsis: You pay Spamton to get you sick.
AO3 Link
You're sitting on a bench in Cyber City, half lost in your thoughts and watching cars go by. You've had a long and tiring day, and you're trying to figure out what to do for the remainder of the evening. Finally, you decide to go and see that handsome salesman who lives in the dump. His constant huge grin and enthusiastic personality always cheer you up.
As you enter his shop, you see that Spamton is leaning against the counter with his head in his hands. When he glances up and sees who you are, he immediately perks up.
"WELL,, IF IT ISN'T THE LIGHT nER!! HOW'S MY [[Favorite customer]]?"
"I've been better. Today kinda sucked. How's my favorite salesman?" 
"I'M [Alright Alright Alright Alright Alr] BUT I'V3 GOT A HHHhh...SNF HHH- HEH'TCHIEW!" He sneezes into a handkerchief decorated with a pattern of dollar signs and then wipes his long, red nose with it. "SNF I'VE GOT A [[Cold]]..."
You open your mouth to speak, but he continues.
"BUT [Don't worry about] ME!! I'M SORRY TO HEAR YOU'vE HAD A [$!$$] DAY. I'LL TELL YOU WHAT. I'VE GOT A [[Specil Deal]] JUST FOR YOU [Little sponge]. LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU WANNA [Buy Now] AND I'LL SELL IT TO YOU FOR [[The low low price of   ]]."
A blush spreads across your face, and it takes you a moment to respond. "...anything?"
"YES!!! DO YOU WANT [Hyperlink Blocked]? DO YOU WANT [[HotSingle]]?? SNF WHAT'S YOUR [[HeartShapedObject]]'S DESIRE ??"
"I want your cold."
"WHAT?" He responds with a puzzled look on his face. "TRYING TO GET OUT OF A [Host Your Meeting Online for Free], ARE YOU??" He pauses to consider this. "ANYTHING FOR A [[Valued Customer]] LIKE YOU. 100 KR0MER," he declares before placing his used handkerchief on the counter.
You shake your head, and blush harder. "I...want to catch it straight from you."
"HUH..." He thinks for a moment and finally understands what you're after. He takes the handkerchief back and smirks. "THAT 'S GONNA COST YOU A LITTLE MORE [[Cash Money]] [Angel]. 200 KrOMER."
You nod and place a bundle of Dark Dollars on the counter. He takes it and puts it into the cash register.
"4LRIGHT. LET'S GET [Start Free Trial Now]." He puts up a sign to indicate that his shop is closed for the day and locks the door. "SO, LIGHT nER..." He begins to speak as he approaches you. "YOU KNOW I ALW4YS MAKE SURE A CUSTOMER GETS THEIR [Product] AND [[100% Satisfaction]], RIGHT??" You nod in response.
He leans in very close to you - so close that the tip of his nose is touching yours. "YOU PAID [Hard-earned] [Dinero] TO CATCH MY COLD, AND I'M GOING TO MAKE SURE THAT HAPPENS. [Okay]??" You nod again and smile excitedly.
"EHEHEHEH..." He chuckles at your reaction. "COME WITH ME." He takes your hand and leads you to the back of his store, where he has an old, beat-up couch. "OKAY. NOW MAKE YOURSELF [Comfortable]." You get onto the tattered couch and lie on your back. Spamton climbs on top of you, and the two of you are face to face.
"SNDFF I FEEL A [Sneeze] COMING ON," he says, looking into your eyes flirtatiously as he rubs his nose with one finger. He moves his face even closer to yours and positions himself so that his nostrils are touching your nose. It's surprisingly warm to the touch. His position also draws attention to just how big his nose is compared to yours - it must be at least a foot long.
"YOU KNOW, [Angel]," he begins as he caresses the side of your face with one hand. You lean into his touch contentedly as he speaks. "I'VE BEEN SNEEZING [[All Day Estate Sale]] AND IT' S ONLY GONNA TAKE [One (1)] LITTLE SNEEZE TO GET YOU AS [[Totally Sick, Dude!]] AS I AM..."
"Mmh, I can't wait," you respond quietly. He smirks, hearing the excitement in your voice.
You feel his nostrils twitch against your nose. "HHH...SNF I'M GETTING [Closer]," he says, his voice sounding congested. You bite your lip.
"SO, YOU'RE FROM [[Heaven]]...HAVE YOU EVER HAD A [Cyber Cold] BEFORE ??" he asks.
"Can't say that I have," you answer, and he laughs softly.
"W3LL, [[Number 1 Rated Salesman1997]] IS HONORED TO GIVE YOU YOUR [Congratulations! 1st Prize]. Y0U'rE IN [4] A [Treat]." He winks at you.
"What do you mean by that...?"
"OH, YOU'LL SEE [Little Sponge], YOU'LL SEE." You feel his nostrils twitch again. "HHHH-! IT'S C-cuhh-COMING LIGHT nER. ARE HHhh- ARE YOU [Ready] ??"
"Yeah," you respond breathlessly. You place your hands on the sides of his face and tilt your head so your nostrils are against his.
"HHHhgh...hhHG'TSHOO!" he finally sneezes, directly into your nose. You inhale deeply and sigh.
"THERE YOU GO, [Angel]. SNRGF ARE YOU [[100% Satisfied]] ??"
"Mhm," you answer and give him a gentle kiss on the cheek. He smiles a bit sheepishly and blushes.
"LIGHT nER<, IT'S GETTING [[Late]]...WOULD YOU LIKE TO [Stay the night]? YOU KNOW...SO I CAN MAKE SURE YOU [Catch it]."
"That's a great idea, Spamton." You gently wrap your arms around him and close your eyes.
"I'M [Glad(TM) Garbage Bags $6.99] YOU THINK SO." He settles on top of you. "GOODNIGHT, [Angel]."
You wake up groggily from a dream you can barely remember. It feels like a few hours have passed since you fell asleep. You see Spamton still asleep on top of you, and it takes you a minute or so to remember what happened. It must be the middle of the night now. Another minute passes and you notice how badly your nose tickles. You don't want to sneeze and wake Spamton up, but you can't help it. "hgHHHH'Tchiew!" Immediately, you hear a familiar yet jarring voice inside your head.
"Liberty Mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need."
"What...?" you say out loud, perplexed.
"OH, WAS THAT A SNEEZE? YOU'VE GOT MY [[Cold]] ALREADY ??" Spamton says drowsily. "I MUST BE PRETTY GOOD." He winks.
"Snff...Did an ad...just play in my head?"
"I TOLD YOU [[Cyber Colds]] WERE [Specil], DIDN'T I? WHAT DO YOU THINK ??"
"Mmm...it's different, but I could get used to it," you respond, already falling asleep again. It isn't long before Spamton drifts off as well.
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friendsdontleave · 10 months
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Ralsei Diary Entry #15 + Thoughts
Midway through Ch 14
Transcript + Scene under cut
[They don’t like me. I’ve waited all this time for them to arrive hoping that they might. But it seems I’ve ruined that chance.
I have one more thing I’d like to try. Maybe if they don’t like me they can still have each other. Provide that comfort that I cannot.
I see now that I have been incredibly selfish. Likely I saw the entire time but I did not wish to address it. My purpose is to serve the Lightners and yet I treat them like this. I put my desires first.
Does this now mean that I will stop?]
…Everything is fine. Of course, it always has been. There’s no need to put that in writing. No everything is normal and as it always has been.
He hovers a paw hesitantly over his arms, allowing them to settle into a hug. Comfort, comfort. That’s him. He’s always been his only comfort. He thought things would be better. With friends. That maybe they could be comfort to each other. He’d help them and they’d… smile. A smile would be enough, but he hasn’t seen one of those in a long time, even on his own face.
He exhales, taps the feather against parchment. What is there to say?
“They don’t like me. I’ve waited all this time for them to arrive hoping that they might. But it seems I’ve ruined that chance.”
Approaching them is like approaching a wild animal, not just Susie anymore. He shivers. Any wrong move, too close, too sudden, too upset. He does not like the feeling of flesh tearing in directionless rage, of scrubbing the red from his fur. It’s good that Susie doesn’t bleed. He’s not sure how he’d stomach cleaning that up…
“I have one more thing I’d like to try. Maybe if they don’t like me they can still have each other. Provide that comfort that I cannot.”
The obvious idea hangs over his head, but he does not address it. Does not think about it. The thought of letting them go is dangerous, now that he’s run out of reasons to justify not doing it. It’s pure selfishness.
Selfish. That’s what he is, isn’t it?
“I see now that I have been incredibly selfish. Likely I saw the entire time but I did not wish to address it. My purpose is to serve the Lightners and yet I treat them like this. I put my desires first.
Does this now mean that I will stop?”
He sighs heavily. The prophecy. Will they really resolve things like this? Can they be bold heroes from inside a cage? Perhaps he is simply the villain that inspires their determination.
Oh what a horrible phrase in his mouth. A villain? He would not like it ascribed to himself at all, and under typical circumstances, never would. But this has gone beyond that, hasn’t it?
Yes surely they must think it of him.
A prince from the dark. What if he was never meant as part of their merry band? He was left to be an oracle of the prophecy, but not its deliverer.
This story is not about him. Of course he cares for the end of the world, of the angel’s curse, but it’s quite hard to resist when you are the angel’s favorite. Yet not its chosen. No no that isn’t your role, don’t get so ambitious to think yourself important in that way.
But they like me. They might even possibly love me. Or maybe they just stare in morbid fascination. Either way, it’s something he hasn’t yet lost. If he can keep its eye, perhaps even its approval, entertain, perhaps then he will not fade into the shadows, and he won’t need to be so alone.
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spamtonology · 2 years
I’m really curious about your view on the whole “a darkner’s purpose is to serve lightners” and how it might apply to Spamton!
Do you think he’s aware of this inclination? And if he is, do you think he despises it in the way it can be seen as something else out of his control?
Or do you think it’s just something he doesn’t really question? Which… probably might not be the case? He rlly wanted to reach heaven and that matched with the whole inhabiting a lightner’s creation PLUS wanting to take a soul for themselves is just… fascinating. Like in the oh man is this borderline blasphemous? sort of way—since lightners basically created darkners and so on and so forth.
But then there’s the whole conclusion at the end of the regular/pacifist route where he decides to help out the fun gang and even becoming an item that can be used by the party—which is like a total 180 to how he was perceiving them before?
Don’t mean to add on a second question to this already super long ask but: what do you think is his opinion on lightners in general?
Idk. I apologize if I’m rambling! This has just been on my mind for quite some time and I’d really love to see someone else’s opinion on it!
Don't apologize for rambling, I like asks that make me think. I will apologize here for taking so long (see previous ask).
Before I get into anything here, I want to say that my friend, who I discussed this with, pointed out that 3 out of 4 of these questions are easily answered by playing (or watching a playthrough of) both chapters. This isn't meant to be a rag on you or anything, just a reminder that in case you really don't know, try to look back at the source material because you might already have the answer!
Spamtonology is really just for fun, but "look back at the source material if you don't know" is generally a good rule of thumb in academics that you should follow. Second and third party sources can be unreliable (even if you think it's well done), so you really always have to make sure. Where were you getting most of your sources from for these questions to appear? It's a common fandom effect that the easily explained canon can get obscured in the way of fanon.
Honestly, you can even see this in academic settings. Imagine you have an essay due for Hamlet, but instead of looking at the source material for canon answers, you read Sparknotes...or more egregiously, watch the Simpsons parody. Extreme example, I know, but it's there.
This is already getting long, so I'll put it under a readmore.
Yes, as my friend said, this is the whole motivator behind the Darkner's actions, from Ralsei to King to Jevil and Spamton to the Addisons. Everyone is aware of this (Lancer only had to be told because he is a small child. Think of it as like a 5 year old in a Christian upbringing having to be told that God exists and all that and therefore he has to behave well).
As for the next bit about Spamton despising this fact...this is literaly answered in the text. Going back to my previous analogy, imagine asking your English teacher "Do you think Hamlet despises that his uncle murdered his father"? This is something that is answered straight away in the text and doesn't need to be asked if you already read the story/played the game. Spamton's speech can be hard to understand, but you surely could understand that he hates all of this by his actions in-game. A common theme that unites the secret bosses and other Darkner antagonists in the game is how they've been viewed as "useless" to Lightners, such as being a joker card (Jevil) or spam email (Spamton). This is much of their motivation behind their actions, and it's quite clear in the text so I am unsure as to how you missed that.
Notice that Spamton speaks in an entirely different manner and tone during this scene. For a majority of the chapter, Spamton is a character trapped by his mental and physical limitations and the fact he is an "useless" Darkner. He had lost his mental stability and is obviously not in the right mind up until his last scene in the pacifist/neutral route. Adding on to that, he relates so heavily to Kris and saw them as a similarly trapped soul, a puppet, that is why at the very end he lends them his strength (even to their friends, since he saw that they still had friends willing to back them up as opposed to Spamton's "friends" that left him long ago).
His opinion on Lightners is probably quite mixed, Spamton is a man who can't really keep his word, he's full of contradictions. I think whatever is happening to him or whatever is in/convenient for him at the time, he will have a different opinion on Lightners depending on that situation.
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officialralsei · 2 years
two main questions: would a darkner be able to heal a lightner’s mild cold or scratch if they were powerful enough? would a very good healer be able to heal more severe things?
secondly, if you drew a picture of something, say, a smiling flower, would it be sort of like a magical scribble? (so sorry’s doodle enemies, basically) or would the flower be like.. real, i suppose? physical?? 3d??? you get what i mean, right?
while i assume it has to do mainly with the fountain maker’s intentions, unless they drew it, i feel like that’s just not a thing you worry about when making a fountain
Assuming the Lightner was in the Dark World, yes, a healer could easily do something like that! Even non-healers can use their bullets to heal the minor injuries of others. And for more severe things... um, you would have to be a healer class specifically, but yes, it's possible! I'm going to have to train to be as good at it as I can be, haha. My output is currently capped, but someday, with the presence of the PLAYER, I know I'll grow into one of the best Darkner healers who has ever existed!
So, um, don't worry, okay? If anyone gets hurt or sick in a Dark World, I will be right there to help them!
And for the second one, um... I would assume it would be a scribble, since that's an accurate reflection of its host object, but Dark Fountains can be weird! It might just be a flower Darkner. It might even become an item! The Dark Fountain interprets the unconscious will of its creator in very odd ways sometimes, haha. I'm kind of a good example of that... um, so what I mean is that it's hard to predict!
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officialancer · 2 years
(Transcribed by Prince Ralsei)
Kris hesitates, then raps the bars.
KING: We have NOTHING to talk about.
RALSEI: Um, actually, Mr. King… we do have something to talk about. You see, Lancer—
SUSIE: Shut up. Let me do the talking.
RALSEI: Um… but I was thinking we could try a more, um, diplomatic approach? ….Kris, why don’t you decide?
SUSIE: You good, dude?
KRIS: Let Ralsei do the talking.
SUSIE: …yeah, whatever. Go for it.
RALSEI: Oh, okay! Um… Mr. King, as I was saying, Lancer… well, he’s missing, I’m afraid. Could you tell us anything about that?
KING: I know not of which you speak.
SUSIE: Huh? You don’t?
SUSIE: But he…
RALSEI: Well, you see, we, um, have reason to believe Lancer ran away because he was… worried about you. We’ve been trying to find him, but we don’t even know where to start! Are you absolutely sure you won’t help us?
KING: Hmph. The boy is no concern of mine.
RALSEI: I… don’t think that’s true. You may have been distant, but he’s still your son, isn’t he? I mean, I know you’re, um, angry at him, and that he hasn’t, um, been talking about you, a-and… well, I mean…
KING: Is there a point to your blabber?
RALSEI: Sorry, it’s hard to think while I’m writing, but… well, what I mean is that I—I think there’s good in you still! And I really do believe that deep down, you care about Lancer, and that you want him to be safe. So, could you please tell us where he might be?
RALSEI: Yes? Anything at all you could tell us would truly help!
KING: Hah hah hah… Interesting. You, Lightner-worshipper… so invested in the boy’s fate? Are we not, in your feeble mind, meant to serve? Tell me—why should you care?
SUSIE: You, uh… don’t gotta answer that.
KING: Then his questions shall go unanswered as well.
RALSEI: Well, um… o-of course Dark World beings are meant to serve the Lightners, particularly the Heroes of Light, and as one of their closest companions, Lancer is very important! It would devastate them if he were to be… hurt. If that happened, well. Really, it wouldn’t be very good for, um, morale, and they do need—
KING: Hah. As I expected… you only care for my son in relation to the Lightners.
RALSEI: H-huh?! No, that’s—that’s not what I meant! I… our duty is… well, we are supposed to—I mean, um… Listen, Lancer, he… Okay. Lancer is… strange. He says and does things that don’t quite make sense, and he’s always getting into trouble, and he’s, um, tried to thrash me several times before, but… isn’t it just lovely that he’s him? He’s funny and smart in his own way, and he’s ever so brave, and he cares about all of his… his friends, and he always makes sure that I—that we—what I mean is—I would be sad. If something were to happen to him. Not just because of my friends, but because—because I’d be sad. …a lot. A-and I think you would be sad too! I really, really do!
SUSIE: Hey, Ralsei… you, uh, okay?
RALSEI: Oh, of course! Just, um… could you tell us anything, anything at all about where Lancer might have gone? Please?
KING: …Very well.
RALSEI: Oh, I knew you’d make the right decision!
KING: Before he left, he said that he wanted to find a society.
RALSEI: That could be important, Kris! What did he say was in the society?
KING: Nothing.
RALSEI: Huh? That‘s all? You must know something!
KING: I have shared my knowledge.
SUSIE: Arright. Place to start, I guess.
RALSEI: Right. Um… did Lancsr say anything else? Why he wanted to find the society?
SUSIE: Or, like… how he was doing?
KRIS: We live in a society.
RALSEI: Please, if there’s anything you can think of…
RALSEI: Well, that’s all right. I suppose we’ll be going now… er, thank you ever so much!
The Heroes of Light leave the dungeon.
SUSIE: The hell was he talking about? What society?
RALSEI: If only he’d told us what else Lancer had said… maybe then we’d know where to go!
KRIS: We know where to go.
SUSIE: Uh… if you say so.
RALSEI: I do feel like there’s something we’re missing…
SUSIE: Yeah, well, maybe next time, we can try, like… bein’ more aggressive. Can’t just let people walk all over us, right?
RALSEI: Maybe! But it’s better to be polite, don’t you think?
SUSIE: Hey Ralsei?
RALSEI: Yes, Susie?
SUSIE: You know you can stop writing everything we say down now???
RALSEI: Oh! Right! Haha.
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acaciapines · 2 years
what are your takes on what kris and ralsei's character development will be going forward in the game itself?
well obviously i hope kris does SOME species-questioning (i mean. the whole 'wearing a horn headband as a kid bc you thought you were a monster' has to be leading to something right) but more realistically i can see their arc being about, like...okay idk the word for it. but like, i think there's going to be something there with the soul/player, and like, both what that means for us (players) playing a game, and kris, as a character in said game but also like, hmm.
i know toby fox said somewhere that you get to be friends with everyone in deltarune, and that has to include kris. so maybe, like--something about coming to terms with who you are? with where youre living? kris isnt a monster. (unless they are and they're otherkin but while thats the direction i go in my stories i doubt deltarune itself is going there). the soul, us, the players, whatever you want to call it--even if we stop playing the game theres still, like, kris, who is left, and has to do things on their own, now.
like, in the beginning of chapter one, toriel holds their hand and walks them into school. maybe thats what the soul is like? i usually take a more...negative view in my own writing but i think there is something really interesting in the soul being more morally gray than that. and like, we're gonna have to be able to talk to kris at some point, right? please?
basically i think kris's arc is going to tie into ideas of agency and control and the lack of it and figuring out who the fuck you are when nothing seems to fit right (i think there's a lot that can be said about us controlling a HUMAN soul. we dont control kris. we control the human soul. something something otherkin kris <3)
for ralsei, i think i have a lot more concrete ideas on her arc. for one i think it would be GREAT if trans girl ralsei is canon but im um. not counting on it ngdfg. but! even if it isnt it still ties in with where i imagine her arc is going to go, which is like, learning how to live outside this set role you were given, figuring out how to be on equal ground with these people you have imagined existing for so long, only to meet them and realize its like, way harder to be friends than just have some nice things to say?
ralsei brushes worrying things under the rug a lot. i imagine she's going to have to work on that. also she's like, a really good character to deal with the whole 'hey so darkners are kinda fucked up if you think about it too hard yes yes?' like, how they're there to make lightners happy....fucked up! i think ralsei might realize this is fucked up. i could also see her playing an antagonistic role (at the very least to kris) as she tries to cling to the prophecy/her set role even as things change to a point where that isnt possible, but i think she'll get through that.
im also a big 'ralsei is kris's red horn headband' truther so i think their arcs are going to intersect due to that. something something idealized versions of self.
is this anything? i hope this is something. i have a lot of deltarune thoughts but mostly i express them via fanfic.
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controlkris · 2 years
Kris. Kriskriskris. I think that's [[TARGET ACQUIRED]]. I do not trust this at all.
"You haven't heard of the town?" Mettaton furrows his brows. "It's just back there- not hard to miss... Are you new?"
"I travel a lot." Ey smiles. "... Oh, my, forgive my manners but... you are Lightners, aren't you?"
"Yes, I... think we are!" Mettaton says, beaming with pride. Kris eyes up the new person. (... target acquired...? what do you mean?)
"You must have had a long journey, then... all the way from the heavens... please, allow me to invite you inside for some tea."
Mettaton hesitates a moment then nods. "It would be lovely for you to do so, t-thank you!"
Kris perks up. "Will there be food."
"Of course!"
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kinggoldthetrueone · 1 year
SCD! Deltarune Season 1 part 9
Larry:.... 😑
Chris: O well let's go
Stephanie: See...you later funny looking guy
* At King of Hearts's castle *
Hearts: Hmm 🧐 quite big
King of Hearts: Hello, you are back I haven't seen you for a few
Jarry: Hello the King of Hearts
King of Hearts: Why are you here? I have been brought news about you having a lot of trouble with a Joker?
Jarry: It doesn't matter now heh there been new LIGHTNERS at this place.
The King of Hearts: Wow have the LIGHTNERS been deadly
Jarry: No they're defense and attack is very small
The King of Hearts: Good this is perrrrfect
Jarry: I should go back and bring them to you
The King of Hearts: Nah you have to send weaker troops and send only people who are below in specialty
Jarry: Why
The King of Hearts: Don't you understand? If you bring them up here yourself the hope of there souls are weakened
Jarry: Huuuuuuuh
The King of Hearts: If they come up here by themselves then there souls would be all of hope then I the King of all hearts will make the hope disappear
Jarry: Annoying
The King of Hearts: Hearts
Hearts: Y-Yes King
The King of Hearts: Be unmercifully striking them stick with Jarry, and sidekick you to
The King of Hearts: If the Lightners are too weak to eventually battle me then.....it will be bad to see the fate of the Lightners
Hearts: I will
The King of Hearts: I will capture the Lightners then....I will get my hopes HEHAAAAA Hahahahaabahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha
* The fields of hearts *
Stephanie: Where are Jarry?
Chris: Well we are here
Jarry: Stop right there
Stephanie: Wait a minute
Jarry: Prepare for thyself's my challenge
Hathy: Hello
8Heart: Hullo
* Encounter starts *
Chris: Hmm 🧐, let me just attack * Attacks Hathy and does 33 damage *
Stephanie: Let me just compliment * uses act and selectes compliment * You are so beauttttttiffffffuuuul that I can't even look at you at a straight face
Hathy: * Blushes *
Larry: That actually worked
Chris: Time to stop hurting please....* Selects act and uses buuug* You don't look normal
4.4 Heart: Why would you say that * misunderstanding and attack and defense were up by 5 *
Larry: Why would you say that?
Stephanie:.... 😬
Hathy: * Is sparing Larry *
8heart and 4.4 heart: * Uses a attack that has a lot of hearts and strikes *
Stephanie: * Dodges some but gets hit by 5 and gets 40 damage * Why does everyone do so much damage
Larry: * Fails and gets hit by almost....well a lot * Yep just 4 hp... 😬
Chris: * Destroys all the hearts *
8Heart: Good job
Larry: * Spares Hathy *
Stephanie: * Heals Larry *
Larry: Thanks
Chris: * Selects act and uses bug * Hello well is it that am the only actual goodest around here
8Heart: 😡
4.4 Heart: Let's just end this Lightner
8Heart and 4.4Heart: Challenge
Larry: * Uses act and selects calm * Let's not challenge anyone
Chris, 8Headt, and 4.4Heart: Let's do this
Hearts: This is a nice snack :)
Jarry: I got it from a nice person
Hearts and Jarry: * Watches *
8Heart and 4.4Heart: * Uses a hard move and is undodgable and does a lot of damage *
Stephanie: Did they just skip my turn?
Chris: * Blocks it all *
8Heart: This Lightner is skilled
4.4Heart: Take this * Swings his sword *
Chris: Heh....* Deflects *
8Heart and 4.4 Heart: That's it you may be skilled but......prepare for our Ultimate attack * Uses a hard to dodge attack and uses a attack called Heart destructive power and attack and defense are increased 99 *
Chris: * Looks at the attacks of attack and just hides in a corner *
8Heart and 4.4Heart:....
Chris: Dodged it 😊
8Heart and 4.4Heart: You dodged it unfair you hid in a safe place and stood there while our attack is literally just a attack that's only going you know straight :(
Chris: 😊
8Heart and 4.4 Heart: You are strong and you are quite a good dodger, so you are able to spare us
Chris: * Spares 8Heart*
Larry: * Spares 4.4Heart *
Jarry: Wait a minute. How did you do that?
Chris: They wanted a fight
Jarry: You spared them. WHY, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 💢. I gotta do something heh. Everyone let's go
Hearts: But I am eating my cheese sandwich
Jarry: * Throws the cheese sandwich away *
Heart: Why =(
Larry: Bye
0 notes
kingbluetheamze1 · 1 year
Mv! Deltatale part 2
Kris: Well this place looks.... wonderful 😲
Ralsei: Yes it does, but know I must help you with.....this dummy, this handsome looking dummy
Kris: Why does it look like you?
Ralsei:....Ehh it's because....I made it, I didn't want it to look like a normal dummy
Kris: Well I like it
Ralsei: Well, thanks 😊
Kris: What do I do now?
Ralsei: You have to encounter it
Kris: Ok-
* Encounter starts *
Kris: Ummm * Sees buttons and presses act * hello
Ralsei:......I geuss sense it's a dummy it can't speak 😐
Kris:....Why did I do that? I feel so dumb
Kris:....... Alright * presses mercy and uses flee *
Ralsei: Alright...I geuss we should go now, but it's good you know how to flee it will be helpful
Kris: Heh.....* Feels very dumb *
Ralsei: O yeah I have to tell you something very important.....
Kris: What is it?
Ralsei: The guy....the caretaker is actually....not me but someone who likes Lightners like you and really tries to protect them
Kris: O...what is his name?
Ralsei: Well it's the guy I was talking about before...his name is Roulx kaard
Kris: That sounds hard to say
Ralsei: Heh....well you will soon meet him and what is your name?
Kris: My name is Kris
Ralsei: How old are you?
Kris: Well... it's 10
Ralsei: Well ok, I am....14
Kris: O ok
Ralsei: Well let's go
Kris: Well....ok
0 notes
phosphini · 2 years
book asks: 6, 18, and optionally, 2
Book Asks
6. Okay. Okay so, you gotta understand. I don't have a job and have a lot of free time on my hands. And listen to a lot of audiobooks while multitasking. So. With that understanding. The books I've read so far this month;
Two books I started reading before this month but finished this month: -Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer -Dracula by Bram Stoker (yes i was Dracula Dailying) Warrior Cats: (Look, some people watch The Bachelor or Say Yes to the Dress. I read Warrior Cats. Sometimes you just have to.) -Shattered Sky -Darkest Night -River of Fire -The Raging Storm Graphic Novels -Clementine: Book 1 by Tillie Walden -Other Ever Afters: New Queer Fairy Tales by Melanie Gillman -Delicious in Dungeon World Guide: The Adventurer's Bible by Ryoko Kui Fiction -Princess Floralinda and the Forty-Flight Tower by Tamsyn Muir -Tomorrow, and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin -Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie -Ancillary Sword by Ann Leckie -Ancillary Mercy by Ann Leckie (found out theres a new book set in the world coming out and reread to brush up!) Nonfiction -The Escape Artist: The Man Who Broke Out of Auschwitz to Warn the World by Jonathan Freedland -Chokepoint Capitalism: How Big Tech and Big Content Captured Creative Labor Markets and How We'll Win Them Back by Cory Doctorow and Rebecca Gilblin Started but Haven't Finished Yet: -Mason Bee Revolution: How the Hardest Working Bee can Save the World one Backyard at a Time by Dave Hunter and Jill Lightner -How am I Doing?: 40 Conversations to Have with Yourself by Cory Yeager -The Found and the Lost by Ursula K. Le Guin (This is a collection of novellas so technically, that's uh, several more books sdgfh)
18. Historical novels... hmmm, I do read them but I don't think that I tend to favor any particular time period. Looking through books I've read a lot of them are WWII era but I think that's largely due to there being a whole fucking lot of books set in that time period, and they were really popular at the library I worked at so I read a lot of them so I could give recommendations. 2. Top 5 books of all time... This is fucking hard. 1. All Systems Red by Martha Wells. Goes without saying. This book is everything. 2. Tales From the Inner City by Shaun Tan. I cried at the dog poem. (I had to think hard to choose between this one and The Arrival tho, ...now I'm second-guessing myself, The Arrival is fucking mindblowing) 3. Slaughterhouse-Five, or the Children's Crusade by Kurt Vonnegut, but SPECIFICALLY the graphic novel adaption by Ryan North and Albert Monteys. The best adaption of a book to a graphic novel I've ever read. It's art. 4. A Closed and Common Orbit by Becky Chambers. All the books in this series are great but you know me I love an AI protag. 5. I Want My Hat Back by John Klassen. This is a children's picture book. And it's so fucking funny. I love it.
0 notes
kscs-the-radiostar · 2 years
[ Ask for YELLOW ] ...You alright, Swing? [🍃]
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The music continues to play, the next song going without pause. The casual comfort the playlist would bring now holds a prolonged anxiety, a ghost at the mic. Then the next plays.
Then the next... 4 minutes... 13 minutes...
And the mic bloops in, softly, "Hello caller..." he mutters. He doesn't sound quite all there.
||anon asks||
A long, gentle laugh, barely picked up by the mic, comes over the audio. Like a bittersweet cousin of a laugh.
"Yes, caller, I'm fine. I'm just remembering a warmer time... before my brothers," he bemoans. There's a silent debate going on in the booth, to an audience of you."...before the f[@#$]ing Addisons-"
His words are cut short by a fist to the desk. The only sound before the familiar silence is a sharp, gritted draw through his teeth. It's hard to call it anything but a strangled sob, whether out of anger or sadness is harder to tell.
". . . . . . I'm sorry. I'm sure it wasn't all of the addisons." He releases the button, but you hear him say:
"None of them cared, anyway, so s'not like I can point out a good one..." he cries through gritted teeth.
The mic comes back on.
"We are all darkners, regardless of the past, right? So don't forget to lift your sisters and brothers out there today. This is sadly the end of your late night Lightner Radiostar marathon, so I'll see you all again in a week. Stay classy, stay funky, and as always, be a light~"
A pleasant, rising tune pops in to end his air ceremoniously. But the moment the mic turns off, there's a mess of sounds, clatters, and a loud
*B A N G* ...and the slow dial of a phone.
You can hear the room echolessly contain the sounds of a broken man, begging to a memory, and as the phone connects, he is praying mercy to someone... someone you know.
"I can't do it again, please not again... not this week- not now. I need a week. Galvan, please, I can't do it. I would rather you killed me-"
Through the grit of the phone, just barely audible,
"Can't do that, Geegee. See you on Monday~"
The on-air sign clicks grimly off, a doldrum to a dying man.
:this line has been disconnected:
:please call a different line:
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chalkeater · 2 years
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In light of the recent just hanging out screenshots
(featuring @krislet)
bonus clown version
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firethekitty · 2 years
Condensed version of a way too wordy description. That this ask is still so long is... concerning. I don't care whether or not you post this ask, so no pressure. (Only considers the main route, I don't know enough about the weird route.)
I have no clue if my interpretation of Spamton NEO is common or not because the fandom at large scares me. It might be your interpretation, too, at least partially.
I do not think Spamton NEO had attacked Kris out of pure malice, and I never have. They have done so much for him at that point, and I think he really does care about them, but this isn't just me trying to see the best in him. The whole tone of the battle suggests something else.
Spamton NEO mainly addresses Kris and talks a lot about how giving "their" Soul to him is going to "free" them, how they're doing this together, even though this would only directly empower him. Talking up NEO as being glorious and powerful, not to intimidate but to impress, and trying to make it sound like having one's Soul severed from one body and bound to another is a small price to pay- sure, this could all be sales instinct, but some offers can be mutual.
I think he thought he was "helping" Kris become (part of) a Big Shot and was power-tripping too hard to care that they didn't want this or thought that they just didn't know what they were missing out on and would forgive him once they know what it's like to be NEO. Darkners can be equipped willingly, what about equipping a Lightner?
This doesn't make any part of that fight okay, of course, just different context for his unhinged behavior. "Is it wrong to bring your Lightner to [HEAVEN] with you?"
oh yeah idk anything about snowgrave either. never played it bc i don’t want to hurt noelle or spamton they are my friends :( but LOL i totally understand being wary of the fandom, it can be fucking insane and i don’t help 🤠
well i definitely agree!!! i don’t think spamton has ever been or ever was truly malicious, regular or neo. but he is desperate, desperate as hell, and he doesn’t really care anymore what he has to do in order to be free.
so i think he does genuinely care about kris! he sees himself in them, how they aren’t truly in control of their actions, and he knows how that feels very personally! and i think he’s been at this for so damn long trying to be free or get a little bit of relief that i think he does honestly believe that what he’s doing is what’s best for everyone involved, for sure.
but just because he doesn’t have truly malicious intentions, as in going out of his way to harm others for no reason, definitely doesn’t mean that his actions aren’t extremely selfish and harmful, obviously. like all this isn’t to say that he doesn’t know exactly what he’s doing. of course he does. he’s extraordinarily good at manipulating others and you, the player. you bought everything he sold to you because he’s so charming! because that’s what salesmen do. it’s actually really interesting how his character has taken the cunning charisma of a salesman and multiplied it by 100 from just trying to sell you garbage to manipulating you in life or death situations.
i haven’t played snowgrave, but i’ve read his dialogue and he actually gets really nasty towards kris! he gets fucking mean!! and i think him knowing that kris themselves has some malicious intentions makes him a lot more likely to say to himself like. “well, if they don’t feel bad about hurting others then i don’t either!”
so as i’m comparing his dialogue in the normal route to snowgrave, i can confidently say that yes, he is absolutely holding back. kris’ kindness in a pacifist/normal route changes his behavior, dialogue, AND fighting style! and man that’s really interesting, Toby is constantly surprising me with his writing i gotta lay down
but back on topic; he’s not stupid at all, he’s just so fucked up and exhausted and desperate, desperate, desperate to get out of the nightmare his life has become that i think whenever he does feel sympathy for someone else, he can turn those emotions off or is able to convince himself that what he’s doing is actually for their wellbeing.
it’s him adapting. he’s been on the streets for god knows how long and he’s learned the hard way that there’s no room for kindness anymore. he’s never received it from anyone else, why should he show it to others? to quote a weird flower from some other game “in this world it’s kill or be killed”
when you show him mercy in the normal route i really do think you get through to him a little. he consciously gives you the dealmaker, he genuinely wants to help you because you really tried to help him and he recognizes that.
ANYWAY yeah honestly i would hesitate to call any undertale or deltarune’s characters villains. Toby is very good at showcasing the different ways someone might come across as “evil” but it’s always so much deeper than that! it’s your decision as the player if you want to show them kindness or not!
this is so fucking long idk if any of it is even relevant LOL but here are my thoughts oughh
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poppubaburu · 3 years
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A Spamton [end of the holiday sales season] of your favorite funny salesman…bot. Also, Happy New Year, 2022! Have [Spamton Lore Artworks] on here instead...to and for the us Deltarune enjoyers community…oh! and the Spamton sim– ehmm! I mean enjoyers out there. Please always link this back and credit back to the artist, me, if wanting to share these on other social media platforms. Thanks.


1. I wanted to accurately as possible portray yours and my favorites sales-Cyber city bot as a collaged timeline. From the pre-1997 days where he’s in his Addison appearance, to Big Shot Auto 1997 and onwards days, and his current form we see in-game. Also, Queen is fun to draw. 
Please check out my initial Twitter post. Consider following me there if you like more of the art contents I share here. There’s more there than posted on this blog.

2. Initially titled: Light in the Darkner Holidays.
 I was initially going to include Lightners holiday sets with the Darkners holiday sets, but got removed to share another time or the Lightnerz winter sets for another post. It’s ye-Boi Spamton as a nutcracker, Ralsei (fluffyboy) Christmas Tree, and Lancer [’s Cookies]. Maybe if this gets noticed enough, I’ll make it into stickers or maybe have updated ones.
Posted w/o captions here: Twitter Post. 

3. I feel as if Noelle and Berdly have already encountered Spamton before the Fun Gang (Kris, Susie, Ralsei, and Lancer) entered Cyber World. I think it would be silly if the two encounters this guy since he has gone all the way out of the city at some point in time to meet Sweet, Cap’n, and Cakes (K_K.). I’m not saying Noelle and Berdly met Spamton in the Cyber World area, maybe in Cyber City as well since the two seems to know how to get around the area on their own too.  Twitter Post. 

4. A bunch of [genuine] and [platonic] posing between Kris, Susie, and Spamton marching into 2022 be like–. 

5. A [lil Big Shot] at making GIFS again of the funny glitchy Spamton G. Spamton. Kris doesn’t really want to be there at the moment. Twitter Post 

 Again, it’s a bit hard to tend to all different [eggs] in multiple social media baskets especially while I’m having (safe) green time rather than screen time in this time of season. I’ll do my best to respond here as I do on Twitter, Instagram, and Deviantart. Be safe out there as of 2022. 
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