#lightning x cameron
Cameron, to Lightning: At McDonald's last night the guy gave you the wrong kind of McFlurry, so you screamed at him, "YOU MCFUCKED UP."
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venturelovebot · 12 days
All I'm saying is that Venture would never judge you for the body type you have. They're just so supportive of you and always building you up and complimenting you regardless of what you wear– they would absolutely kiss your scars, your stretch marks, your freckles (which they affectionately refer to as skin stars) and even if you just rolled outta bed and threw on sweat pants they would call you gorgeous and smother you in kisses.
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totaldrama-head-canon · 8 months
Total drama Parent Au Part 3 (⚠️This idea is not going to make sense at but I just wanted to throw it out there⚠️)
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So if anyone had to be Scary girl Mom it would 100% be Dawn since they look similar (making a bet Dawn gene is dominant) and Scary girl hair is dyed so it possible that she can have blonde hair but then I was thinking who can be her dad? It going to be hard to figure out If Dawn genetic is dominant so I tried to do it based on personality. (Btw i picked the guy she interacted with the most on her team)
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Option one is Scott: I mean Scott does like to scheme and cause trouble just so he can win while Scary girl tries to hurt her teammate to hear them scream so it would make the most logical sense . Though Scott is only is like this because he wasn’t held enough as a child, if that the case he would definitely do his best to be better then his parents were and to make sure Scary girl wouldn’t turn out like him but end up failing I also think he would be afraid of Scary due to how extreme she can be. (I can imagine this would cause Dawn and Scott to a lot argue since they would both would blame each other for her behavior)🦊
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Second Option is B: Tbh I feel like B wouldn’t be her biological dad and no it doesn’t have to due with skin color, like I mentioned before if Dawn gene are dominant then it wouldn’t matter what the father eye color or hair color is since in the end she would look like Dawn (unless she a natural brunette). The only reason I think B wouldn’t be her biological dad is because he give more stepdad vibe. I feel like if this was the case Scary girl Dad would of never been in the picture to begin with leading B to become as her new father figure which he does a good job since his silence make her feel comfortable and safe. (Dawn and B would have a normal quiet relationship where their love language is action due to B still not speaking)🐻
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Last option is Lighting: Both him and scary girl have a few thing in common, they are very athletic, their both are extremely strong and They can get angry/violent when someone offends them. Lighting definitely would teach her self defense move and sign her up for gymnastics as a sport. Also Lightning calls Dawn Creepy girl all of the time so it wouldn’t be surprising if he gave Lauren the nickname Scary girl, But despite her behavior Lighting would still care about her and wouldn’t judge her behavior unless it damage his reputation which hasn’t happened.⚡️ (Dawn and Lighting would have a good relationship, I like to believe they would have a Yin Yang relationship)
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(Btw this is just a random idea you don’t have to take seriously but I do think if Dawn was her mom scary girl would have mommy issue due to how different they are and Dawn not approving of Scary girl violence)
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tetragonia · 2 months
A Wave of Feelings
Rafe Cameron x F!Pogue!Reader
Blurb: Rafe and (Y/N) got into an argument for God knows how many times, about literally anything when they breath the same air, ranging from a small accident to a heated one about their cultural beliefs. But something in the air was different this time. Or was it only in the air? Not something in their heart and mind when the two of you finally realize something big that could change your lives?
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Note: I have always wanted to write an angst especially for this character and it has occurred to me one day that arguing/miscommunication plot is kind of my fave trope so here we are lol.
Warning: angst, hurt/comfort, miscommunication, argument, bad writing lol English isn't my first language. also, soft!Rafe in the end!
Words: 1490
The sun hung low over the Outer Banks as Rafe Cameron and you found yourself embroiled in yet another heated argument. This was clearly not the first time you both got into an argument. Some of them were heavy like that one time when your best friend asked you to go to the party just to talk to Rafe (which she did) but then he dumped her after the party and she cried for weeks on your shoulder, or some Kook-owned properties that limited your access, or some insulting banter between Rafe and your friends (that got you realized how much he hated JJ).
But most of the time it was just about silly things: when he knocked up your beer accidentally, when you sailed in front of him and accidentally splashed some water (it didn't even make his already oily hair wet), or when you were napping in a near beach and he claimed that it was his territory (he was in the Cut area, for God's sake!). You two always found a way to argue.
This time, your voices clashed like crashing waves, echoing off the walls of the old shipwreck where you had sought refuge.
"You're impossible, Rafe! Always acting like you own this place, roaming around thinking that you're so much better than us Pogues," you exclaimed, your voice tinged with frustration. Pogues always owned this place, not some rich snobby kids like him, you thought.
Rafe's jaw clenched, his temper flaring and pride wounded. He hissed, "Maybe if you Pogues have some ambitions, you wouldn't be stuck in the same place your whole life!"
Oh, this was definitely one of those heavy arguments.
Your fists clenched at your sides as took a step forward. Your voice trembling with emotion. "You have no idea what it's like to struggle, Rafe. You've always had everything handed to you on a silver platter."
For a moment, you needed to convince yourself that you saw Rafe's gaze softened. You wanted to believe that a flicker of remorse crossed his features before he quickly masked it with a defiant glare. "At least I don't have to scrape by just to survive. Maybe if you Pogues worked harder, you'd actually amount to something."
His words struck deep, a painful reminder of the challenges you and your community faced every day. You recoiled as if struck by a lightning, your eyes stinging with unshed tears and your face was red, "You don't know anything about me, Rafe. You don't know what I've been through."
Your argument drew the attention of Sarah who was nearby with John. She was one of your best friends and you felt nothing but pity every time you realized that she shared the same blood with Rafe. With a furrowed brow, she stepped between you two, her hands raised in a gesture of peace trying to calm you down.
"Hey, what's going on here? Can't you two go five minutes without arguing?" Sarah pleaded, her voice filled with concern and annoyance. She must be tired with all these arguments, you thought. But those were all about Rafe's incapability to control his temper! And that might or might not be your issue as well...
Rafe shot you a scorching glare before turning his attention to Sarah. "Stay out of this, Sarah. This doesn't concern you."
Your eyes flashed with defiance as you stepped forward beside Sarah. "You're the one who concerns everyone with your existence!"
"What did you say to her, Rafe?!" Sarah looked at you with a concern. You were one of her strongest friends and she rarely saw you tremble like this. "Come on, talk it out like an adult, will ya!"
Rafe's fists clenched at his sides, his frustration boiling over. "Talk? What's there to talk about? I said, stay out of this, Sarah."
His gaze turned to you, "You think you know everything, (Y/N). Being the weaker one of the community, blaming us for having some money. If you said that I don't know anything about you, then you also don't know anything about me!"
His words cut like a blade across your pain. Your expression softened, a hint of hurt flickering in your eyes and you were not sure whether Rafe realize that or not. "Let's just cut it out. You would never understand what I've been through. What we have been through. Let's go, Sarah. Let's get out of here."
Sarah watched the exchange with growing concern, her heart aching for her brother and her best friend. She knew there was something deeper at play here, something that neither of them wanted to admit.
"Come on, you two. Let's take a step back and calm down, especially you, Rafe," Sarah suggested, her voice gentle yet firm. She glared at his brother. His face was as red as you, his forehead frowned deep.
You and Rafe exchanged a wary glance before reluctantly exhaled a deep breath. As much as you hate him, as much as you didn't want to admit, you really want him to apologize. The tension in the air began to dissipate, replaced by a palpable sense of unease.
Sarah sighed, running a hand through her hair as she tried to find the right words. "Look, I know things have been tense lately, but I really can't bear another sight of you guys bicker over things. If you still want to do that, please not where I can see you. I need you two to be in your best behavior when I'm around. Especially with you, Rafe. I have enough of you already."
Rafe's gaze softened as he looked at his sister, a pang of guilt tugging at his heart. "You're right, Sarah. I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier."
Sarah still held her concern, but she relieved to see them finally finding common ground. "It's okay. Now I'll leave it up to you. I can't mom you around like this, geez."
She walked away from you both. She lived long enough with both you and Rafe and there was no way she did not realized that beneath the surface, there was a different kind of tension simmered—a tension born from unspoken feelings and unacknowledged desires.
You stood still, refused to meet his gaze. The wind blew your hair as the sun began to set. You started to feel the chill and instinctively hug your own body, fixing your shirt together. You accidently drew a sharp breath when a cold wind sent chills down your spine. You sniffed and looked over the horizon. Refusing to take even the tiniest glance at him, you kept looking at the sea while stroking your upper arm.
Despite the heat of your argument, Rafe couldn't ignore the way the cold seemed to seep into your bones, making you appeared small and vulnerable against the vast expanse of the beach. His heart ached at this view.
You didn't see that he wanted to reach out, to wrap his arms around you and shield her from the biting wind; his hesitation to offer you warmth and comfort in the midst of your argument.
But his pride held him back, a barrier he had built long ago to protect himself from vulnerability and pain. Yet now, standing on the windswept beach with you before him, he couldn't ignore the truth any longer.
With a heavy sigh, Rafe took a step forward, his voice barely above a whisper as he spoke. "(Y/N), I... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those things. I was out of line."
Your eyes widened in surprise at Rafe's apology, your anger momentarily forgotten as she regarded him with cautious curiosity. You had expected him to be stubborn, to be the usual Rafe: to dig in his heels and refuse to back down. But instead, here he was, standing before you with such humility you'd never seen before.
For a moment, the two of them stood in silence, the only sound the crashing of the waves against the shore. And then, slowly, hesitantly, you took a step forward, closing the distance between them.
"Rafe," you said softly, your voice barely audible above the wind. "Thank you."
And with that, Rafe's resolve crumbled completely. Ignoring the voice of doubt in his mind, he opened his arms and pulled you into a tight embrace, provided you with the warmth of his body against yours. He could feel the softness of your hair against his cheek and he kissed your head softly it almost gave you a heart attack.
So you were not hallucinating all this time. The glances, the gestures, the underlying concern for her.... He felt the same way, too.
In that moment, with the cold wind whipping around them, you knew that he had finally acknowledged his feelings for you. And as you stood together on the windswept beach, you both vowed to never let your pride stand in the way of your connection again.
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sunraies · 6 months
could you do "I can't breathe." and "Hear my heartbeat? Just focus on that.", where rafe and reader despise each other but reader is having really bad anxiety?
lovelovelove your writing💓
Thank you hun, 😊 I tried to get a little bit of the despise each other in there x
Of course out of all the people in the world, the one to find you in the dark corner was Rafe Cameron.
Power outages and thunderstorms were common in the Outerbanks. Combine them together in the middle of a party in an old abandoned Manor house was not you idea of fun.
Out of all the places Topper could choose throw a party, this was the worse. Ghost stories had been told about this house for years. People would be dared to spend the night alone. It was the typical horror movie set up.
You were trying to focus on your breathing as people around you fumbled for phone lights or candles. While others made spooky noises or screamed as friends made them jump or lighting flashed.
Holding a hand to your chest as you tried to calm your heart. You willed Rafe to walk away but he didn't.
"You look like you're about the pass out" He commented as his lighter gave him a soft glow.
You just hummed and nodded before jumping as thunder boomed and lightning flashed again.
"You ok? I've never seen you so quiet" He seemed almost genuinely concerned
Normally you would have told him to piss off the moment he was walking over. But in you fearful state you couldn't be bothered with the spiteful back and forth you normally exchanged.
"I'm f-" You breathed out before shaking your head. Your eyes stung with tears as your heart thumped "I can't breathe"
Rafe looked you up and down, noticing your rapid breathes, shaking hands and teary eyes. He knew that feeling and he knew what it was leading to.
With last than moments thought, he gently wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close. You cheek pressed against his chest. "Hear my heartbeat?" He asked softly "Just focus on that"
He steadied his breathed and hoped his heart wasn't hammering away in his chest.
"Wh-what? Are you doing?" You asked but did as he said. The rhythm was oddly comforting.
"Trying to calm you down" He stated "before you have a panic attack"
You were about to question him again before someone screaming made you jump. You squished your eyes tightly shut as you focused on his heart beat.
"It's ok. That's it" He whispered and held you close. Subconsciously you copied his breathing.
It was nice in his warm embrace and slow everything seemed less intense in the safety of his arms.
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dracowars · 8 months
astraphobia | rafe cameron
pairing: rafe x reader
word count: 1,5k
summary: where y/n is scared of thunder
a/n: my first ever rafe cameron fic, omg!!! i truly hope you like it 🤍 reblogging and feedback is always appreciated!! fun fact, which is more just a fact and not so much fun: i’m indeed scared of thunders & my parents always wanted to watch the lightning with me.. welp, guess i'm traumatized now lmao
warnings: angst, astraphobia
universe: outer banks
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An incredibly loud bang rips through your bones, ripples through your entire body and you startle, your eyes widening and your heart racing. It takes a moment before you realize where you are and what you just woke up to. A heavy storm is raging outside and the masses of water falling from the dark sky are pattering against the window panes, breaking through the previous silence.
Trying to calm yourself down, you breathe in and out slowly and evenly, pulling the covers up to your chin even though the hot summer's day temperature has not cooled down in the night at all. You regain control of your body after a few seconds and all your muscles relax again. That is until the room brightly lights up before your eyes and the same loud, if not even louder and deafening than before, bang sounds immediately afterwards.
The thunderstorm must be right above you.
Anxious, you cling to the soft duvet, your body tense from top to bottom, but you do not dare to move a single muscle. Your gaze wanders through the all too familiar room that lies in front of you in the dark. You know you are safe here. After all, you are inside a house, or rather in Tannyhill - in other words: there really is no better place in the entire Outer Banks to be when a severe thunderstorm is raging outside. And even though you also know very well that nothing will happen to you, you can't help but be afraid. Incredibly afraid.
Even as a child you were abnormally afraid of thunderstorms and lightning in general and apparently this fear has only deepened over the years, still accompanying you. Back then, your father always wanted to watch the lightning with you that bathed the sky in such a bright blue light, but you immediately broke into a crying fit that lasted for hours and did not get better. At least it gives you a peace of mind knowing you are not alone in today's storm.
Well, at least not entirely.
A soft snoring sounds - only audible with great effort due to the loud rain - from next to you and knowing that your boyfriend is right beside you, with you, calms you down a bit. Once another bang rings through the room, you slide fully under the heated covers to hide, bumping your legs into Rafe's accidentally, but he does not budge. This thunderstorm does not seem to bother him at all anyway.
Tears well up in your eyes and your body is already shaking slightly while so much fear pours through you, pumping through your veins at the thoughts of what could happen.
What if lightning strikes? And the lightning rod does not work?
Freaking out on the inside, you try to tame your bad thoughts and instead think about something positive, literally anything else than rain or storm or lightning. And when that does not work, you just try to focus on Rafe's regular breathing, blocking out the world around you. At first, this method actually works quite well and your heart rate drops, but unfortunately it only lasts until the next thunder rumbles over your head, the room turning bright as daylight for a few seconds.
This time, your whole body jerks up and you end up covering your ears with your hands, but even that does not calm you down now. More unconsciously than you want to, you cuddle up to your boyfriend, whose body radiates a pleasant warmth as you come closer. Rafe is on his stomach, one of his arms hanging over the edge of the bed while the other, which he used to hold your hand tightly when you fell asleep, is next to your pillow. You snuggle up against him carefully, trying not to wake him, although, deep down, you kind of hope for him to do so.
You know Rafe would want you to wake him up if you were feeling down or needed help. But you swore to yourself you would not wake him. He has had a busy week and once again had to endure a heavy, undeserved lecture from his father today. You spent the whole evening comforting him until he finally fell asleep in your arms, and so did you, although you must have missed the storm warning.
Your panic and fear of thunderstorms suddenly take the initiative without you being able to stop yourself. You need him.
"Rafe", you whisper softly and barely audible as you put your hand on his bare shoulder and shake him lightly. "Babe?"
No reaction and the storm continues to wreak havoc outside.
"Rafe? Babe, please wake up", you almost beg him, on the verge of crying now, and you are about to give up and just get through the night when he suddenly shows signs of stirring. His shoulders tense under your hand as he takes a deep breath until you shake him again. "Please."
Apparently he has finally noticed you and slowly turns to face you, running his hand through his already disheveled hair. He looks at you with tired, half-closed eyes, but you are not sure if he is actually awake.
"Hm? What's wrong, baby?”, comes out of his mouth softly, his voice hoarse and groasy from sleep as he runs his hand over his face, confused. "What time is it?"
"Rafe, I'm scared", you admit, and your words seem to flip a switch inside of him, instantly activating his protective instincts that overlook even his sleepiness.
"What? What's going on?”, he asks you, worried but still not quite sane, his mind still caught in a dream world. He narrows his eyes tightly so that he can even make you - or rather your outline - out in the dark room in front of him. Before you can explain why you woke him up in the dead of night, however, your entire body gives a violent start again as a loud rumble of thunder resounds directly overhead. After that, it does not take words for Rafe to understand what is going on.
"Are you serious?", Rafe chuckles lightly to himself, as if he can't believe this is the reason you robbed him of his precious sleep. His words hurt you deeply and make you realize that you really shouldn not have woken him up.
"I'm sorry, I-", you start to apologize, but are promptly interrupted by a lightning strike that was probably very close by. The loud bang makes the walls shake and the rain falling from the sky intensifies. You huddle in fear, your head down, clutching the covers tightly.
"Oh, come here", Rafe chuckles, pulling you into his arms, his warmth welcoming your tense body. He gently lays your head on his chest so he can wrap his arms around you and hug you tight, giving you the protection you so desperately sought. As he stares at the ceiling and you just wait for another shock to go through your body, he draws patterns on your back, which is still hidden under the covers, with the tips of his fingers. How you can still lie under the covers at these temperatures remains a mystery to him.
"You are trembling, darling. Are you cold?", Rafe asks you softly, pressing his lips against the top of your head, gently tugging you closer and readjusting the blanket on top of you.
With a slight shake of your head you deny this, although you are not even sure if it is true. Your body is so tenee and your nervous system on fire that you can't tell whether you are warm or cold right now. But what you do know is that Rafe's closeness and mental presence somehow makes it better. The storm outside is not getting better by any means, but your heartbeat slows down a bit now as you focus on the patterns Rafe is still drawing on your back.
His other hand wanders over your lower body and finally slips under your shirt, which is way to big for you as you borrowed it from him to sleep in. His hand splayed across your stomach feels warm and you close your eyes for a moment, until the next thunder rumbles and makes you flinch.
"Shh, calm down. I'm with you. Nothing can happen to you here", Rafe whispers to you carefully, kissing the top of your head again and again while you listen to his regular heartbeat. "Not in my arms anyway."
"I know but.. Please, if it is okay with you, just hold me like this until the storm has passed", you ask him, cuddling up to and squeezing him even tighter, putting one leg over his waist.
"Of course, Baby. You don't have to ask me", he smiles softly and also hugs you tighter so that you face the raging storm outside together, almost forgetting the loud thunder as you listen to each other's breathing until you finally drift off into a deep and well-deserved slumber.
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yagirlwrites · 2 months
Drinks & Misunderstandings
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Hiii! It's been a while! Here's a little The Sounds of a Good Boy blurb about another encounter where Rafe makes a fool of himself and she thinks he's a dumbass🙈 this is set right after The Night We Met ❤️ Hope you like it!
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Series Masterlist
My work is my own; it’s not to be copied, transferred or translated. Reblogs are welcome! Happy reading!🥰
Drinks & Misunderstandings
It had been exactly a week since their encounter at the party. Rafe had been able to think of very little except her. It was extremely inconvenient and fucking frustrating. He thought about the way she looked at him in the kitchen more times than he could count and it ended up making his pants get tighter every time. He didn’t understand what it was about her that made him so obsessed. He was also incredibly angry and tired of her running through his mind given the fact that she spoke exactly three words to him- when he asked if her friend was okay. Oh but her voice was stuck on repeat. He had felt butterflies in his stomach when she finally spoke to him.
It hadn’t mattered that she only said “I don’t know.” He was so taken aback that he didn’t even manage to respond before she left. She seemed distressed and he wanted to ask more, to offer to help -something! But she was gone before he could process and he spent all night kicking himself for not being quicker. Though he knew she probably wouldn’t have wanted his help anyway, given that she had ignored him all night.
This Saturday, the usual frat party scene was exchanged for a birthday bar hop for one of his frat brothers. Rafe wasn’t really feeling it. Though the alcohol was welcome, the company and the loud music was not. He had been drowning his sorrows all week, barely paying attention to his classes. His mind always on her. He wondered what happened to her friend, if she was okay; wondered if he’d ever see her again. He mostly wondered why the hell he was wondering about all those things in the first place. He couldn’t make heads or tails of the situation, not understanding how she managed to have such a hold on him when he didn’t even know her name.
The bar they were currently in was one of the classier establishments they visited that night. If the interior hadn’t made it clear the prices of the drinks left no room for doubt. It was crowded and hot but at least the music wasn’t as loud as in the bar they were in last. He was starting to feel a headache coming, so he welcomed the slightly queieter albeit pretentious environment they were in now.
The guys had spent all night circling the group for drink duties, he had befallen the faith of getting the next round. He was already feeling the effect of the alcohol as he made his way to the bar to order more drinks. Slightly leaning onto the counter for support after stumbling a little on his way over, he bumped into the person to his left, throwing a quick sorry as the guy glared at him.
Waiting for the bartender to notice him he lazily ran his eyes over the girl to his right. Her back was facing him as she leaned on the bar, almost mirroring his position. She was hot. Wanting to see her face, he leaned slightly closer, hoping she’d turn around if she senses his presence. Her perfume hit him and he swore he smelled it before but his drunk mind couldn’t place it.
Just as he expected, she could feel him behind her so she turned around to glance at him. As soon as their eyes met he felt like he had been struck by lightning. It was her. The same girl who had been plaguing his thoughts for a week straight, same girl who made him feel small that night, same girl he hoped he would run into again. And there she was, standing right in front of him, wearing a sexy little black dress and looking at him again.
He could see recognition in her eyes and he felt a rush of excitement at the prospect. She remembered him. If his mind had been slightly less hazy he might have considered that wasn’t the best thing, that perhaps if she hadn’t remembered him he would have had a chance to start over, not make a fool of himself again. But all he could feel was excitement because she was there and she remembered him.
When she turned to see who had so blatantly given himself the right to stand so close to her, the last person she expected to see was him. The guy from last week’s party, same guy who had annoyed her that night, same guy who surprised her by showing concern for her friend, same guy she had thought of more times than she would ever admit to herself over the last week.
He was looking dumbstruck and she knew he remembered her. She expected him to look sheepish or even smug but he actually looked... happy? He looked like he was happy to see her. She thought it might have been an act but seeing the way his eyes were glazed and he was supporting himself on the bar, she realised he was genuine, clearly drunk and not capable of hiding his emotions. It was pretty damn adorable. She was sure after their last encounter he wouldn’t be happy to see her but there he was - right in front of her, smiling like a little kid. It took her some effort not to smile at the sight. He looked so innocent, with his bright dimply smile and his floppy hair- but she knew better.
If a by-stander had been watching them they might have noticed they were both standing there, staring at each other for a beat too long. The little moment interrupted by the bartender laying down the drinks she ordered in front of her. She broke eye contact and reached for her wallet. As she was taking it out of her purse an arm reached in front of her, black card making it to the man’s hand before she could process it.
“Drinks are on me” he said. The bartender made quick work of scanning the card and handing it back to him. He looked to her, hoping for a smile. He finally got a second chance to make a better impression on her and he jumped at the opportunity. Being a gentleman, buying her and her friends their drinks.
Her face though, wasn’t happy. She looked pissed, in fact. If this were a cartoon, Rafe imagined steam would be coming out of her ears in that moment. He didn’t understand what happened. Paying for expensive cocktails as a peace offering seemed like a good idea. Now he wasn’t sure what her problem was. Maybe she was just a miserable person.
She took the drinks in her hands, trying to balance them on the little tray. She felt like she could burst. The nerve of this asshole. The entitled douchebag. A total prick. That’s what he was. Any trace of her prior thoughts about seeing him again went out the window. The gall of this guy to just pay for her without bothering to even ask. Like she wasn’t capable of it. Like he had the right. Flashing his daddy’s black card like he owns the place, like owns her. Hell no.
She was quite done with him now.
So without looking back she took off toward their booth. The plan to get away from him as fast as possible before she caused a scene hindered by the fact that she had to walk carefully not to spill the drinks on the tray. Damn it.
As she turned and started walking away without a word his confusion grew and his annoyance resurfaced. What the hell? He wasn’t gonna let her blank him again. No way.
A hand wrapped around her bicep effectively stopped her in her tracks. His grip was firm and he pulled her back slowly, making sure the drinks she was holding didn’t fall on her. Her anger was bubbling up dangerously by now and him putting his hand on her pushed all thoughts of not causing a scene out of her head.
The look she gave him when she turned around was one that could kill a man, or at least chill him to his very bones. But Rafe was angry and he hadn’t realised the huge warning sign so he opened his mouth. Had he been less drunk he would have known that would be a terrible mistake.
“Are you serious? Not even a thank you?” He asked her, not releasing his grip from her arm. The longer his touch lingered on her skin the hotter her anger burned inside. Untill it spilled. And boy it spilled.
“Excuse me?” Her tone was dangerously low, she was barely keeping it together.
“You’re just gonna walk away again? No thank you or anything? What is your problem?” Big mistake. Huge.
“My problem?” She took a step closer, close enough so the tray ended up pressed against both their chests, the metal object the only space between their bodies. “What’s my problem?”
“Yeah. Usually people say thank you when someone buys them a drink, you know. Let alone five.” He pressed on.
“You know what. You’re right. How rude of me.” She spoke sarcastically. “Thank you so much for going over me to settle my tab without asking me, like I wasn’t even there. Thanks for thinking I need you to pay my check and swoon over you for swooping in and saving me 60 bucks. I really appreciate it.” Her voice had risen and at this point the people around them were paying attention.
“I was just being nice-“ he tried to reason.
“Nice? Doing things for me -that I’m fully capable of doing myself by the way-without my consent, is not nice. It’s patronizing. Acting like I should have no say in something, like I have as much agency as that barstool over there is not being nice- it’s being a dick. So is this.” She motioned to his hand still wrapped around her arm. At that he let go. She took a step back. His face a picture of confusion and frustration.
“Normally I would leave the drink but these are for my friends. I’ll let them know you spent a whole $20 for their cocktails, maybe one of them will give you their number.” With that she turned and walked away. This time he let her.
Taglist: if anyone wants to be tagged in future work let me know; @r0und3bitch @lovelornanonymity @mentallynot-here @wishing-i-was-rafes-princess @clinelyn @magnificantmermaid @mannstarkey @harringtonstudios @totallynotkaibiased @popcrone818 @fangirlwithlou @rafesxgold @malfoytargaryen @theyluvmesblog @withbeautyandrage @sierrahhh @harrys-humble-housewife @piceous21 @ditzyballerina @xoxo3m1ly @jessmaybank @palmwinemami @dustbunniess @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @starkowswife
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fandomxpreferences · 1 year
Ten Seconds
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x female!reader
TW:none I don't think
Summary: Who knew life could change so quickly?
Word Count:3.3k
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One. Rafe's eyes land on your features, taking in your plump lips that shine with strawberry-flavored lipgloss and the mild sunburn dusted on your cheeks.
Two. He takes a deep breath and for the first time, feels like his lungs can fully expand to take in the salty sea air in all its glory. 
Three. His heart thrums in its cage, seemingly unlocked by a key he wasn't aware existed as it flutters away and lands in the palm of your hand.
Four. Your sweet scent intoxicates him, hitting his bloodstream like a drug that smells like tanning oil and cotton candy. 
Five. The tension dissolves from his body as your energy engulfs him like a down comforter, and muscles he's never felt before unwind and go lax.
Five seconds is all it takes for Rafe's entire world to shift, and you disarm him without even knowing he exists. 
Six. Your laugh floats to his ears like a summer melody that drips with sticky sweetness like a melting popsicle, and he decides it's his favorite treat.
Seven. His knees nearly buckle when a smile brighter than the sun graces your features, chasing away the darkness that shrouds him.
Eight. Your head tilts back and the hues from the setting sky dance off your exposed neck with an angelic glow, and suddenly pink is his favorite color. 
Nine. His eye catches a glint of gold and his attention is drawn to the rings scattered on your right hand, suddenly he wants to add an even shinier one with a diamond that could be seen from space to your left. 
Ten. Your lip quirks up as you catch him admiring you from afar, and the breeze that's thick with sand and hushed whispers that he previously inhaled is sucked from his constricting throat.
Ten seconds is all it takes for Rafe Cameron to believe in love at first sight. Time stands still altogether as he watches you excuse yourself from your friends and make your way toward him.
He notes that you seem to float instead of walk, moving oh so gracefully as if you're a celestial being and he's about to have a religious experience.
Your gaze never leaves his, the eye contact so intense that it sends fire racing through his veins, burning so hot it leaves a scorching trail in its wake. 
He's frozen in place, utterly entranced by the way your long eyelashes fan across your face when you blink. 
Another ten seconds is all the time it takes to cross the few feet of distance that separates the two of you, and his head swims at the close proximity. 
Your aroma is even stronger up close, and he's sent reeling as he wonders if it could be bottled up and turned into a candle. 
He doesn't even know your name and has never heard you speak, yet somehow you feel like home. It doesn't make any sense, but then again, neither does falling in love with a stranger. 
You watch him for a moment, eyes raking over his chiseled jawline and backwards baseball cap. There's a few strands of sun bleached hair poking out and ticking his tanned skin in a way that reminds you of a character in The Outsiders.
He looks boyish and rugged at the same time, and your interest is fully piqued. He's easily the most attractive man you've ever seen.
Your melodic voice rings out like a siren song that's calling just for him, and the ever-present violent storm that rages just under the surface relents. 
"Do you always lurk like a stalker or am I just that special?"
There's that smile again, unabashed and erasing any logical thought from his brain. You wait for a moment, your eyebrows shooting up expectantly as he stares down at you like he's been struck with lightning. 
Rafe scrambles for words, begging his mind to string together a coherent sentence that will keep you within arms reach. 
"Uh, sorry. You just-"
He cuts himself off and your grin widens. 
"What? Do I have something on my face?"
He's painfully aware you're teasing; you don't make a move to wipe your mouth and your smile doesn't falter for a second. 
"You're stunning."
He breathes a sigh of relief as words finally find him and your features soften in a way that makes his heart skip a beat. 
Despite the stench of stale peanuts and sweat, you still feel like you're in the center of rom-com. There's shitty music playing, yet you hone in on the dizzying rasp of his voice.
"Stunning?" You question, and he nods his head slowly.
"Exquisite, actually. Downright bewitching if I'm being completely honest."
Rafe has never used those words before; he's never seen anyone or anything that warranted them. You most certainly do. 
You laugh lightly and in a split second, he makes it his life mission to get that sound out of you as often as possible. 
It's a fleeting moment; a blip in the universe, but it feels like an entire lifetime as he studies the look in your eye.
It's a mix between enamored and mischievous, and he can't even begin to comprehend the feeling it gives him. 
"Those are big words. I figured someone as gorgeous as yourself would get by on pretty privilege."
He ignores the blush crawling up his neck, tilting his head with a smile of his own. 
"Are you saying I look dumb?"
He's used to women being flustered around him, his sense of humor usually throwing them for a loop. You don't miss a beat though, and his stomach does a somersault.
Your head shakes from side to side and he fights the urge to run his fingers through your hair that looks a little too soft to be real.
"No, I'm saying you're attractive enough that you could be dumb and no one would fault you."
His smile only grows at your quick wit and ability to match his energy. He's quickly learning that your tongue is sharp as a knife, and he loves the way it cuts him.
"I'll take that as a compliment."
You study him for a moment, pondering your next words.
"Do you have a name? Or should I just call you pretty boy?"
He pretends to think for a moment before taking a step closer. He's elated when you don't move back, and rests his hand dangerously close to yours on the table. 
"Rafe. Though pretty boy works just as well."
He's about to ask you the same when you offer it up on a silver platter. 
"I'm Y/N. Though if you have a fitting nickname, you can use that too."
Your voice holds a teasing lilt and he lowers his head so it's only a couple inches from your ear. 
"I'm sure I could think of a few."
In fact, he could think of more than a few. He doesn't want to come on too strong though, and much to your displeasure, he backs away just as quickly as he advanced. 
He wonders for a second how he hasn't seen you before and worries that you're a touron. It's a fleeting thought, quickly swept away when your hand grazes his. 
"Hopefully I get to hear them."
He doesn't miss the lust that causes your voice to turn sultry and shifts a bit as his pants grow tighter. 
"Where are you from? I haven't seen you around."
He changes the subject to something more innocent in an attempt to distract himself from his growing arousal and you tsk.
"I'm from right here in OBX, but I didn't go to the academy and I generally stay away from figure eight. I kinda ride the line between kook and pogue."
He nods his head, the decades-long class war nowhere near the forefront of his mind. 
"So I take it you know who I am?"
It's a pointless question; anyone who grew up within a twenty-mile radius of Kildare knows his family. 
You give a timid smile and nod.
"Yeah, I just didn't want to be too presumptuous. Your reputation kind of precedes you."
His heart sinks as he feels any chance he had with you drifting away. 
"So then why are you talking to me?"
There's an underlying sadness in his voice that you catch, and your eyebrows furrow. 
"I never believed in judging people without knowing them. Besides, I know that picture-perfect family stuff is bullshit. Everyone has their skeletons."
He straightens up at this, genuinely taken aback at the lack of judgment in your voice.
"And what if I told you the rumors are true? That I am some violent asshole that rains terror on those around me?"
The words leave his mouth before he fully processes them and he kicks himself. Is he trying to scare you away? 
Your bubbly smile returns and his breath hitches as you take a step closer.
"I'd say I haven't seen it yet. Besides, underneath the scariest fighters is usually a big softie that's misunderstood."
Rafe's chest squeezes, and he can't believe how in five minutes you've got him figured out better than his lifelong friends. 
"You're something special, you know that?"
And he means it. There's a gravitational pull that calls out to him, and despite his usual attempts to push people away with a giant wall lined with barbed wire, he doesn't want to do that with you for even a second. 
"So I've been told. Though to be perfectly candid, it means a little more coming from you."
He goes to respond when your attention is ripped away by one of your friends telling you it's time to go. 
You turn back to him with an apologetic smile and even though you're still right in front of him, he already misses you. 
"Can I get your number?"
He's nervous as he asks, another new revelation. Usually, he's smooth and practiced. However, the idea of you turning him down makes his stomach lurch.
"About time."
He pulls out his phone and watches as you text yourself a heart so you have his number as well before you turn away and saunter off into the night.
Rafe doesn't even make it thirty minutes before texting you, any thoughts about it being too soon overpowered by his desire to see you again. 
His heart soars when you respond almost instantly, equally as eager to talk to him. 
How's the rest of your night going?
He shoots it off without a second thought, genuinely interested in the answer. He frowns when you text back immediately. 
Shitty, to be honest. Got dragged to this party and I'm bored, but don't have a ride home.
He types out his reply and hits send without considering that it may be creepy. 
Send me your location, I'll come get you.
He watches as three bubbles pop up and then disappear, that new nerve-racking feeling overtaking him once again. 
At the party, you stare down at the screen and contemplate your options. You're really not having a good time, but letting a man you met two hours ago pick you up doesn't seem wise.
Still, something in your core that you can't explain trusts him and you finally answer. You don't bother telling him he doesn't have to, something in you just knows that he doesn't mind.
Rafe jumps off the bar stool and beelines toward his rover when it pops up that you shared your location and he starts toward the address that's wedged between the cut and figure eight. 
He hops out and is instantly hit with the stench of beer and weed, loud bass causing his chest to vibrate. 
His face scans the crowd for your face as he weaves through drunk idiots doing keg stands and yelling a little too loudly. 
He finds it in seconds, and his feet carry him forward as if they have a mind of their own. 
You smell him before you see him, his expensive cologne that smells like vanilla and whiskey cutting through the sweat and vodka.
"Hey, pretty girl."
Your heart leaps at the pet name, and you have a feeling it's just the first of many. 
"You actually came."
Part of you believed he was bluffing, but you're beginning to realize that when Rafe says something he means it.
"You called."
Something about the simple statement gives you goosebumps. He said it with such conviction; as if he'd find you even if you were across the ocean on another continent. 
You shoot your friends a quick text to let them know you're leaving before grabbing your bag and standing. 
You try not to focus on the way your skin burns as he places his hand on the small of your back to lead you away, the gesture feeling too natural for someone you don't even know. 
Rafe drives you home, comfortable conversation flowing with ease the entire ride. 
You try, and fail, not to swoon when he walks you to your door and kisses you on the cheek. You're not usually the type to kiss on the first night, but if he'd asked, you'd have taken him straight up to your room and let him do whatever he wanted. 
You fall asleep easily, your psyche filled with images of a blue-eyed man that swept you off your feet. 
The next week is filled with non-stop texting and time spent surfing as the two of you grow closer. 
You've come to the conclusion that you were right; Rafe is massively misunderstood. 
He's confided in you about things he's never told a soul, and as ridiculous as it sounds, you could easily find yourself falling for him. 
He's told you all about his abusive father and the pressure he's under, about how his mom died when he was ten, and how he feels like he's always the second choice. 
You don't tell him that he'd never be your second choice, how you'd choose him first in a crowd of a hundred million people. 
Instead, you lend a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on, something else Rafe has never done before you. 
You're sat on the beach between his legs now as sand digs into your bare thighs, but it's a small price to pay to be in his arms. 
It's an unusually hot day, the sun rays beating down harshly on your glistening skin. You've just finished surfing, now relaxing as the two of you hydrate with ice-cold Gatorade and much on cheez its.
Your back is pressed into his firm chest comfortably, his free hand snaked around your front and resting just below your belly button. 
"You know," he starts and you shift to lay your head so you're peering up at him. His eyes stay focused on the waves ahead, eyes swirling with an emotion you don't recognize. 
"I've never met anyone like you. You make me feel safe and calm. All the noise in my head fades away and I'm at peace finally."
He pauses and you wait patiently for him to continue, pressing a chaste kiss to his bare pec as silent encouragement.
"You make me feel special. Like I'm worth it."
Your heart clenches at the admission and you turn around fully so you're seated in his lap. His arms wrap around your waist as if it's second nature, and your hands come up to gently grasp his jaw. 
"You are worth it, Rafe. I'm sorry the people who are supposed to love you have made you feel like you aren't."
You don't miss the way tears gather on his waterline and you lean forward slowly, giving him time to pull away. 
When he doesn't, you continue and the world stops on his axis as your lips mold with his. 
Everything else melts away and your mouths move in sync, only the two do you existing in this little bubble. 
Your ears tune out the sounds of seagulls crying and screaming kids, the heat from the unforgiving sun giving way to electricity that sparks every nerve ending in your body. 
His tongue tangles with yours, the flavor of spearmint and fruit punch mingling on your tastebuds. 
You pull back and give him one last short kiss before returning to your original resting position, both of you desperately attempting to catch your breath.
One month is all it took to officially become Rafe's girlfriend. You told each other your darkest and silliest secrets, quiet whispers and unspoken promises in the dark of the night. He became your best friend and boyfriend, consuming all your senses. 
Two months is when you gave yourself to him completely, sweaty bodies writhing in unison under fairy lights and the glow of the moon. You would have given in much sooner, but Rafe insisted on taking it slow, wanting to do it right. You're glad he did, the wait was worth it. 
Three months in, you introduce each other to your friends and family. Ward actually took a liking to you immediately, boasting about how good you've been for his son. You found a sister in Sarah, the two of you having girl's days regularly and laughing at Rafe's expense. Your parents and friends accepted Rafe with ease, him finding the father figure he always craved in your dad.
Four months is when you finally said what you've both been feeling since week five. A quiet confession while tangled together as a movie played in the background. 
"I'm in love with you." You whisper it so quietly, your voice thick with emotion. 
"I'm in love with you too. So much so that it's maddening."
Five months into your whirlwind relationship, the two of you moved in together. Rafe was itching to get away from Tannyhill, and in a shock to you both, Ward offered up one of the estates to be your new home. 
It's your safe space, a perfect combination of the two of you with carefully chosen throw pillows and pictures lining the walls. 
Six months is when you knew without a shadow of a doubt you wanted to spend the rest of your life with Rafe by your side. The two of you are well established now, the honeymoon phase long past and replaced with a much sturdier and ironclad love and respect. 
Seven months in, Rafe surprised you with a two-week-long vacation. It's an all-inclusive trip to Italy, the time spent sightseeing and eating local cuisine that still makes your mouth water.
Eight months is how long it took for him to convince you to quit your job and let him take care of you. It doesn't take much persuading by this point, you know that he's not going anywhere and you trust him when he says you'll never lift a finger again. 
Nine months in, he takes you on another trip; this time a month-long adventure in Greece. You see the world and he buys you anything you show the slightest interest in. You're happy and comfortable, more content with your life than you ever imagined. 
Ten months after your chance meeting, he buys you a new car. He'd absolutely insisted that you deserve the best of the best and your old beat-up Civic doesn't meet the mark. You cried, and the two of you drove up the coast for a blissful long weekend. 
Eleven months is when Rafe planned an elaborate party and dropped to one knee. You nearly collapsed with joy as he placed the four-carat Cartier diamond on your left hand and celebrated with your closest friends and family. 
That night was spent in bed talking about the future, shared desires of having kids, and settling in OBX. It took you a while to wrap your head around the fact that at just twenty-one and twenty-two years old, you'd found the one you belong with. 
Twelve months after your friends forced you to go out, you eloped and married your best friend. One year is all it took for you to believe in soulmates, and become a Cameron. In 365 days, your life did a 180 and you're married with a new Lexus and a house that's more than you could have dreamed of.
But really, all it took was ten seconds for your life to change forever. 
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v1olentdelights · 9 months
Fic Recommendations
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a/n: another update... probably my last one for a while, college starts in like 3 days so yeah :) give some love to the authors and I completely understand reading a fic without reading tags (I do it all the time) but please please pleeeeeease read the trigger warnings. Also idk if you like... tag authors in these anymore, bit I am going to.
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Lockwood & Co
Hear the Crackle of the Radio, I Know I'm Home - Lockwood x reader - @writtenontheport
drives me crazy series - Lockwood - @tangledinlove
heart eyes - Lockwood - @tangledinlove
I Need You - Lockwood - @genieofthebooks
Walk Me Home? - George Karim - @writtenontheport (every part)
My Fearless Mate - Azriel - @k-daydreams
Spiders - Azriel - @danikamariewrites
Stitch up - Azriel - @florence-end
blushing - Lucien - @honeybeefae
Unexpected - Lucien - @profound-imagination
A voyage come to rest - Azriel - @unknownbyme
Shattered under your skin - Azriel - @jemandderkeinenusernamenfindet
No More - Azriel/Tarquin - @redheadspark
Outer Banks
intimidated - JJ - @goldenroutledge
The Witcher
Home - Geralt - @lightning-hawke
The Summer I Turned Pretty
Dating Cam Cameron - @kaicubus (cam needs more love!)
taylor swift? - cam cameron - @suckerforprettyboys
Criminal Minds I know I have a spencer reid problem
Stardust - Spencer Reid - @imagining-in-the-margins (Im so sorry in advance)
New Traditions - Spencer Reid - @railingsofsorrow
the nice guy - Spencer Reid - @ebullientheart
afternoon nap - Spencer Reid - @in-another-april
tenesse whiskey - Spencer Reid - @evansflowers
im sorry - Spencer Reid - @gizmo-writes
meeting the team - Spencer Reid - @tinyluvs
meeting Diana - Spencer Reid - @tinyluvs
dad reid - Spencer Reid - @radiant-reid
JJ x Daughter!reader - jj - @tacotruckxveniceb1tch
Father Figure - Spencer Reid - @imagining-in-the-margins
Viral Video - Spencer Reid - @imagining-in-the-margins
Anticipation - Spencer Reid - @imagining-in-the-margins
I won't let go - Aaron Hotchner - @0and0its0doctor0
running to safety - Spencer Reid - @gizmo-writes
You're Losing Me (pt 2) - Aaron Hotchner - @14buddy22
glasses Reid!! -Spencer Reid @luveline
Hair cut - bau/derek - @luveline
fainting - Spencer Reid - @luveline
Harry Potter
seven minutes in heaven - slytherin gang - @azrielscrown
Neville Longbottom blurb - @sarahisslytherin
IF I CANT HAVE YOU BABY - Mattheo Riddle - @earthgirl616
Theo Nott - @veryberryjelly
baby, won't you be my girl? - Theo Nott - @azrielscrown
Pretty Crier - Mattheo Riddle - @ancientparsnips
Theo blurb - theo nott - @suugarbabe
butting heads - Lorenzo Berkshire - @s1ater
Theo Nott HC - @evergone
LOVEBITES AND POTIONS - Theo Nott - @caramelcal
romance by the season - Theo Nott - @anakinellie
389 notes · View notes
cameronspecial · 5 months
Before The Last Petal Falls (Part 9)
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Mention of Getting Sober and maybe Drugs
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 2.4K
Summary: A little snooping helps Y/N come to a major realization that changes the cousr of her life.
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Y/N heard Rafe was released from the hospital and she hasn’t been to see him since she found the chain, which she still is wearing. She’s been thinking over everything and trying to sort out her emotions before she offers her help to him in a conscious state. She decides she is finally ready to face him and knocks on the door of Tannyhill. Sarah is the one to answer the door with a smile on her face. She reaches over to give Y/N a hug, “Hey, how are you?” Y/N returns the hug with a small smile. “I’m okay. I mean with everything going on, it’s as good as it is going to get. I’m actually here to talk to Rafe. Could you get him for me, please?” Sarah just shakes her head apologetically, “I’m sorry, but he isn’t here right now. But you can wait in his room if you want.” Y/N takes the offer and heads up to Rafe’s bedroom. 
Waiting in the room she used to consider her own gets a little boring, so she decides to be her nosy self and look around. She knows she shouldn’t, but curiosity gets the best of her. She wants to see how much his room has changed since they broke up. The exploration begins with his dresser drawers. He still keeps it organized how she rearranged it one lazy afternoon. She then moves onto his desk. Paperwork litters his desk and picture frames can be found on the back edge of the desk. She notices that a few are empty and others are filled with family photos. She opens the top drawer to find photos of her and him. The ones that used to be in the picture frames on the desk. She gives a sad smile at the memories they made. 
The final place she looks at is his bookshelf. There are a lot more books on it than the last time she saw it and she beams at the idea of him keeping the hobby even after they broke up. She glances over the books they read together, fingers trailing over the spines. Her fingers stop at a familiar-looking book set that is missing the first novel. It was the special Percy Jackson book set, which matches The Lightning Thief that Rafe annotated for her eighteenth birthday. She knew he probably got the other books in the set, but never really put any thought as to what he did with the other books. She takes one out of the books out and flips through the pages. She is surprised to see the same blue ink from her first annotated book. The page she lands on is the one where Percy talks about printing out the picture Annabeth sent him. Rafe had written: ‘I totally did that to every single photo Mason sent me with you in it. I definitely didn’t know that was why I did it, but subconscious me totally knew I was in love with you.’ 
Y/N didn’t know she was crying until her tears started to fall on the page. She closes the books to check the other ones for annotations. Every single one she opens is also annotated and not sparse. The pages are filled with blue ink, which Rafe uses to bare his soul to her. Even after their breakup, he still continued the gift that she loved so much. How did she know that he didn’t annotate the books with the one he had given her? Well, it’s because he had talked about the break-up in his annotations. He talks about how much he is hurting. How turning toward drugs helped him forget about her. How much he misses her. It’s all in there within the pages of four books. Her emotions run wild at the honesty in these pages because some of his comments aren’t sugar-coated. 
Waiting for Rafe feels as though it is taking forever and with the overwhelming feeling she has right now, she needs to find him. And she knows exactly where he is like she is being pulled in by a fishing line. 
She finds him exactly where she thought she would, sitting on the sandy beach. He is looking out to the sea so his back is facing her. Rafe hears her footsteps approaching, but he doesn’t turn toward her. She sits down beside him and brings her legs to her chest. He glances over to her, noticing his rose chain fall out from under her shirt. “So that’s where that went,” he ponders out loud. Y/N gives a shy grin, turning away from him to try to hide her embarrassment of being caught, “Yeah, sorry about that. I didn’t know you kept it, let alone still wore it.”
“Uhh, yeah. I… umm… tried to get rid of it, actually. I came down here when I was back home for Thanksgiving and threw it into the ocean. But I quickly realized how much I still needed it and spent hours looking for it in the water. I kept it as proof that you actually loved me.” 
Y/N turns to him with unbelieving eyes, “Of course I love you. Cameron, you are my first love.”
“Y-you love me? As in you still do?”
“Yeah, I do and I think you do too. Cameron, I found the other annotated books.”
“The one in my room? The Percy Jackson ones?”
“Yes, I may have done a little snooping when I went to check on you at home first.”
He lets out a little chuckle and takes a chance by bringing her closer with his arms. She allows him to do so and rests her head against his shoulder. “It became like my therapy after we broke up. Every year, the day before your birthday, I let myself think about you in any way that I wanted. I didn’t try to suppress my feelings and instead, let myself feel them,” he explains to her. She nods her head in understanding. There is a moment of silence before Y/N breaks it,  “I thought we lost you, Cameron. I was so scared when Mace called.”
“I know, my rose. I am so sorry that I scared you like that. I didn’t mean to scare you.” 
They both smile at the usage of their old nicknames. They let themselves take in the feeling of nostalgia. It all feels so familiar and warm. “Cameron, you need to get sober. For good this time. We can’t go through a scare like that again, especially if we actually lose you. This time, I’m going to help you though. I promise that I won’t let you go through this alone,” she tells him, looking into his eyes. 
“I know, you’re right. I want to get sober, not only for you but for myself. I have to let myself start feeling my emotions again. And I think your help would really be good for me. I think we are good for each other.”
“Just because I’m helping you with this, it doesn’t mean we are getting back together. I may have put a pause on my relationship with Cole, but I am still with Cole. I just think we are too different from each other. We aren’t a good match.”
She turns away from him to look at the ocean. He places his finger under her chin and turns her towards him. “That isn’t true. I know we have our problems to work through, but, my rose, there is no one else I’d rather work through my issues with. I know we are meant to be with each other and if I have to wait an eternity for you, then I will. Not that I’m trying to pressure you, but you are it for me,” he promises to her. Y/N looks into his eyes with tears swelling in hers, “If we do this, then we have to make some serious changes. You would need to get sober and I would need to learn how to talk to you about my feelings. We can’t keep making the same mistakes. We would have a lot of things to work through. Together.”  “I can work with that.” He grins at her and begins to bring his lips closer to his, but she stops him. 
“I know that I said we could give us another shot, but I am still technically dating Cole. Before we do anything, I need to break things off with him officially. Is that okay?” she asks. Rafe just smiles at her placing his lips on her forehead, “That is more than okay.”
Cole knew what was coming before Y/N even opened her mouth. The pitiful smile she gives him as she enters the restaurant is a dead giveaway of her plans. She sits across from him in the booth and takes his hands into hers. “You’re breaking up with me,” he states without a single hint of it being a question. Her smile turns tight-lipped and nods,  “I’m sorry.” 
“It’s okay, I’m just lucky I got my time with you. At least I can say I dated a famous author. But I knew it was always going to be him.”
Y/N gives a little laugh at the joke he gives but gives him another small smile, “It’s funny how everyone keeps telling me that.”
“Well, anyone can see it. You guys would do anything for each other and I should’ve known the universe would eventually bring you guys back together.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. Cole, I hope you know that I really am sorry about breaking up with you. You don’t deserve how I treated you while we were dating and when we went on a date in our first year.”
“Hey, don’t say that. You gave me all the love that you could and it is not your fault that you just didn’t have the same amount that I have for you. Maybe, if I had met you first, we would’ve been together. I like to think that in another lifetime, that’s what happened to us.” 
“That would be nice, but in this lifetime, my prince is waiting for me at the beach.” 
Rafe didn’t wait for Y/N the whole time on the beach like he said he would. Instead, he went to Tannyhill to get something he thought he desperately needed. He is back on the beach by the time she returns. She sees him down by the water with his feet in the water and takes off her shoes to join him. She runs into his arms. He picks her up and twirls her around as she giggles. He stops the twirling but keeps her up in the air. Y/N places her forehead against his and grins at him. He reaches up to kiss her and this time she lets his lips press onto hers. Rafe puts her back down on the sand. 
“Let’s dance,” he whispers to her. She gives him a questioning look, “Cameron, there isn’t any music.” “That’s okay, the waves can be our music. Just dance, please,” he begs, taking her into his arms. They sway to the sound of the waves, her skirt gently kissing the sand as they move and his hair being blown in every direction from the light breeze. The moment is the most perfect one they’ve had since the break-up. They both don’t want it to end. However, for what Rafe is about to do, he needs to stop the moment. He pulls away from her and gives her a nervous smile. His nerves make her anxious. When he gets down on one knee, she finally understands why he looks that way. 
“I know that you probably think I am crazy for doing this right now and that we just got back together. But I have known that I was going to marry you since I was five years old and I was blown away by your pettiness. Now, you are probably worried about this affecting how I get sober, but I promise we don’t need to get married until I am sober for however long you deem. So here I am, asking you to marry me because you are truly the only one for me,” Rafe proposes, pulling out the ring box.
He opens the box to reveal the engagement ring and she is astonished at the ring sitting within it. The ring that sits inside the box is one she recognizes from when they were twelve. Y/N, Mason, and Rafe went to the jewelry store with Cassie. She needed to get her wedding ring cleaned. The children were looking at the rings while Cassie was occupied with the store employee. Y/N had pointed out a unique engagement ring which had a red garnet gem instead of the traditional diamond. She loved that the gem was her birthstone and declared that she wanted her own engagement ring to be like the one in front of her. What she didn’t know was that after they left the store, Rafe returned the day after and bought the ring with the allowance he had been saving up for a new watch. 
Y/N stares at the ring and feels the tears falling down her face. She drops to straddle the one leg propped up and wraps her arm around his neck. “I would love to marry you. I can’t believe you found a replica of the ring from when we were twelve,” she watches with loving eyes as he places the ring on her finger. He wraps one arm around her waist to keep her steady and awkwardly scratches the back of his neck with the other. “Umm, this is actually the same ring you saw. I went back the next day and bought it with the money I was going to use for my watch,” he admits. She looks down at him with a smile, “Cameron, you didn’t?! I remember how excited you were about getting that watch. If I remember correctly, it took you a year after we visited the jewelry store to get that watch.” “It did, but it was totally worth it if it led us to this moment right here. I got my fiancée and the watch, so I think I won,” he jokes. Y/N shakes her head and nudges his shoulder. 
The two let out a laugh and looked into each other eyes. This moment feels like the entire world has been shifted back onto its axis. It feels so right and filled with love that they can’t remember what it was like when they weren’t together. They give each other another kiss to celebrate the moment they become soon-to-be wife and husband. 
Taglist: @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @gillybear17 @f4ll-for-you @winterrrnight @maggiecc @magicwithaknife @loves0phelia @jiarapamuk @blisslove @baby19sthings @thelomlisrafecameron @nonbullshit-toleratingkindagirl
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itneverendshere · 5 months
you're burning - rafe cameron (one shot!series)
pairing: rafe cameron x pogue!reader (fem!reader; criminal!reader); part iii of the you're no good series
word count: 1859
WARNINGS: sexual tension; asshole!rafe and sort of soft!rafe; enemies to coworkers?? for now; sort of canon!rafe; rafe is horny; lots of cursing; mentions of blood and violence; perhaps smut in very very future chapters.
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You’ve never been one for violence, always steering clear of it. 
It might seem ironic given your line of work, but it’s true. You only resort to it when necessary—whether it's cleaning up your father’s messes or when the common pea-brain-sized kooks try to put their hands on you. 
It's always a matter of self-defense if you think about it. You’ve always hated getting your hands dirty; touching scum is the last thing you want.
Information and influence are your weapons of choice, and you've honed your skills in the delicate art of control.
Rafe Cameron, on the other hand, was the most impulsive motherfucker you’d ever met. His wild demeanor and unpredictable actions drove you up the walls because he seemed incapable of any coherent thoughts when he was angry. You know him better than what you let on; you’ve paid attention over the years, even before he set his hands on you.
It's your job. Isn't it?
His actions have always been driven by raw emotion rather than careful calculation, and it's both a blessing and a curse. When he's happy, the world lights up around him, but when he's angered, it feels like standing in the eye of a storm, wondering when the next lightning strike will hit. You’ve seen him shed more blood than criminals you’ve known for years.
That’s why you’re not the least fazed by his appearance right now.
Your passenger seat door swings open, revealing a disheveled Rafe Cameron standing next to your beat-up truck. His usually pristine appearance is marred by streaks of crimson, his face bearing the brunt of his earlier encounter. He looks incredibly angered, if not downright homicidal.
You glance at him with an indifferent expression, unimpressed by the mess he's made.
But he does look hot. 
Rafe slumps into the seat, his breathing heavy and erratic. The air in the truck thickens with tension, but you maintain your composed demeanor, eyes fixed on the road ahead.
Your voice is steady and unwavering when you speak, “You look like you went through a meat grinder.”
Rafe grumbles something unintelligible, his gaze fixated on the dashboard. You shift the gear, pulling away from the dimly lit alley. His breathing is still ragged and he can’t contain his shaking body.
The streetlights cast a sporadic glow on his battered face, revealing the extent of his injuries. Blood trickles down from a split lip, staining his shirt collar.
“’M going to kill them,” he brushes a hand through his blood-matted hair, nonchalantly wiping some of the dried stains from his face. There’s an unsettling quality to the way he throws his head back and unleashes a string of chuckles, “Gonna burn that house down with those dirty Pogues inside.”
So fucking dramatic.
You can't help but roll your eyes at his theatrics, letting out a sigh, the monotony in your tone unwavering, “No, you’re not.”
His throaty laughter fills the air. You don’t have to look to know the corners of his lips curled, his twisted amusement painting his face. You just know one of his hands his itching to punch the dashboard. It should send shivers down your spine, and scare you, but it doesn't.
“Why? You’re gonna stop me, huh? It’s not like anyone would miss them.”
This time, you look. He’s staring at you, unmoving, head still tilted back, eyes on you as he visibly swallows, a subtle yet noticeable shift beneath the skin of his throat. The blue in his eyes seems to shift into a more piercing, steel-like hue. His arms are crossed, still seething with anger.
Why the hell do you find him more attractive when he’s covered in blood? Let alone threatening the life of his own sister? Sick.
You meet his intense stormy eyes with a stoic expression, ignoring the unnerving flutter in your chest. Heavy bags under his eyes and a bruise blossoming under his collar. He rubs his temples, eyes flitting up to avoid your scolding.
"Is this what you do? Lash out when things don’t go your way?"
You know it is.
He leans closer to you, face contorted into a grimace; bushy eyebrows furrowed into deep shadows around his eyes. You can feel his steady breathing before he speaks, low and rumbling.
"That's your game, not mine. You always play it safe, don't you? Always calculating, never taking any fucking risks."
You tighten your grip on the steering wheel, your knuckles turning white. Little does he know; that you're taking a risk right now. Rule number one with narcissistic assholes? Don’t let them get to your head.
Your response is a nonchalant shrug, “Okay, so you kill them, then what, hm?”
Rafe's gaze narrows as he studies your expression. He knows you're right, he's just being a bitch like always.
"Then what?" You repeat, your tone cutting through the tension in the truck. "You think killing them will solve everything? You can’t get your hands on the gold if you’re in jail.”
Neither can you. 
He runs a hand through his blonde tousled hair, the bloodstains now forming a dried crust, fingers rubbings his temples, “Yeah well, I haven’t exactly planned along, have I?”
“That’s your problem, you don’t fucking think.”
He scoffs, a mixture of frustration and defiance. "And you're always thinking too fucking much."
If you were someone else, he'd be punching them in the face. But it's you, so he relents. 
“Thinking too damn much has kept me alive,” You press on, determined to steer the conversation in a more rational direction. "Look, I get it. You're angry, and you want payback. But we need to be smart about this if we want to come out on top."
He glances at you and the intensity in features momentarily softens. Rafe can barely focus on what you’re saying because the sight of you so strict stirs something in him.
He must've taken a good hit to the head. 
"Smart, huh sweetheart? That's your thing."
Now, you’re a strong girl. But you can only do so much when Rafe Cameron praises you. The irony is palpable. It's sickly sweet, and a line that wouldn't usually work on you.
The corners of your cheeks warm unexpectedly; you clear your throat, attempting to maintain your composure, hoping the dim lighting in the truck conceals your involuntary reaction.
Your attitude falters for mere seconds, “Promise me you’re not going to do anything stupid.”
A genuine smile graces his lips, the tip of his tongue lightly poking at his cheek. “Well, smart looks good on you."
Fuck, he knows he’s practically drooling. He just about forgets you had a gun aimed at him just weeks ago.
"Flattery won't distract me from the task at hand."
"Who said I was trying to distract you?" He teases, and you must remember you’re driving; you can’t just stare at him.
You roll your eyes again, but this time, a small smile tugs at the corners of your lips, “Promise me.”
“Promise what, sweetheart?”
“What’s the point in promising something if you don’t trust me?”
“Trust is earned.”
Your eyes trace the slope of his nose and plush lips. As if he can sense it, he glances over in your direction and you look away hastily. And for a moment, there's a vulnerability that flickers across his expression. 
"Alright, then." His raspy voice almost makes you slam on the brakes, muscles tensing at the sensation. “I'll earn it.”
A coy smile plays on your lips as you lean in, “Good, because next time you get blood in my car, I’ll set you on fire myself.”
Rafe's eyes linger on yours, a spark of something deeper than anger or frustration igniting in his eyes. You clear your throat, breaking the lingering gaze, but the heat in the truck lingers, a subtle undercurrent beneath the surface.
“I’d only burn for you.”
You look everywhere but his eyes, tracing the curve of his collarbone.
“Shut up. This is a one-time thing only, don't let me being nice to you get to your head."
“Yeah? Cause I remember you being awfully nice to me before,” Rafe says with a click of his tongue. From the corner of your eye, you spot his eyes trailing down, focusing on the apex of your thighs, barely covered by your flimsy shorts and his thumb swiftly swipes against the side of your cheek.
“So nice.”
Every memory cell in your body responds to him autonomically, as if his proximity has reawaken memories you buried away years ago. He’s getting into dangerous territory, leading you to a place neither of you can just return from.
You shift in your seat, “Still don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He groans and runs a hand over his face. “This is the second ride you’ve given me.”
Although his expression seems innocent his eyes are playing an entirely different game. 
You’re going to crash the car against a light pole and hope for the best. 
“You’re such a fucking asshole.”
Pure amusement is written all over his annoyingly handsome face, seeing it as a challenge. You know you fucked up when his calloused hands grasp your thigh, goosebumps arising as his fingers tightened his hold, “Don’t worry sweetheart, I can freshen up your memory.” 
His touch, unexpected and bold, sends a shiver down your spine, but you maintain your focus on the road. You might actually lose it if you look at him right now.
"Hands off, Cameron.” You warn, your voice carrying a stern edge. You've danced this dance before, and you're well aware of the risks that come with it. 
But Rafe Cameron doesn't seem to care about boundaries.
He smirks, the corners of his lips curling up as his fingers trace a slow pattern on your thigh. "I thought you liked it when things got a little risky."
Your jaw clenches, frustration building. "This is strictly business.”
Rafe chuckles, the sound low and husky, reverberating in the confined space of the truck. “Sometimes, it's just about the pleasure."
You grit your teeth, resisting the urge to swat his hand away.
Focus on the road! You remind yourself of the delicate balance of information and control that you've cultivated over the years. Rafe, however, seems determined to throw that balance into disarray.
The truck rumbles along the darkened streets. His hand continues its exploration, daring you to acknowledge the undercurrents of your past that threaten to surface.
But you're not one to be easily swayed. 
"Keep your hands to yourself, Cameron, or I'll drop you off right here," you assert, your voice cutting through the charged atmosphere.
Rafe stops moving, a playful glint in his eyes, but he complies, withdrawing his hand. 
As you pull up to your destination, the darkened silhouette of TanneyHill, Rafe’s head tilts towards the window, watching the already black sky. The moonlight streams down upon his tan skin.
"You're no fun, sweetheart."
You ignore the comment, putting the truck in park, "Remember. No impulsive moves."
The corner of his mouth twitches into his cheek. It transforms him from someone cold into someone you wish you knew better. 
"Scout's honor."
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sarahmysweetie · 2 years
Rafe Cameron x reader
This was a request but i lost it somewhere! Thank you for making a request, i hope you like this<3 and sorry if this is too short!
Summary: the reader is afraid of thunder storms and Rafe comforts her.
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Rain trickles down the car window. It's getting darker as Rafe drives us back to Tanneyhill. We were golfing when it started pouring rain. My hair is wet and my clothes cling to my body. I shiver and Rafe turns up the heat. 
"Are you cold?" he asks and glances quickly at the backseat. 
"We left that blanket in here once", he mumbles and tries to find the blanket with his hand and focus on the road at the same time. 
"No, no Rafe focus on driving, i can grab the blanket myself", i say and look at him, smiling. Rafe pulls his hand back to the steering wheel and i turn my body and grab the blue blanket from the backseat. I pull it over me and sigh. 
"Let's try golfing again tomorrow", Rafe says and smiles at me. 
"Yeah, i really want to see you pull a hole-in-one at that golf course like you always say you will”, i laugh. Rafe laughs with me and squeezes my knee. I lean over and kiss his cheek. Rafe turns his face to me, trying to kiss me. I don’t kiss his lips, but turn his face back to the road. 
“Rafe keep your eyes on the damn road! Don’t wanna die today!”
As we run to the frontdoor of Tanneyhill, i suddenly hear thundering. I freeze, but Rafe grabs my hand and pulls me through the door. He greets his dad and leads me upstairs to his room. He closes the door of his dim lit room and pulls my body against his. Rafe wraps his arms around me and strokes my head. 
"I don't like thunderstorms", i mumble into his chest. 
"I know y/n", he whispers and hugs me tightly. I let myself relax and melt into his embrace. I lift my head to look at his eyes. He smiles at me gently, and strokes my cheek with his thumb. Suddenly a lightning strikes down somewhere and lights up Rafe's face. My body jolts closer to his as i gasp. 
"Rafe that was really close", i whisper, my voice almost shaking. The lightning is soon followed by a deep thunder that i can feel in the bottom of my stomach. 
"I know, it probaby struck on that Rose's ugly metal “art piece.”" Rafe says quietly. I just hum, burying my head to his chest. Rafe moves us gently to his bed and sits me down. 
"Can i take this off?" he whispers and tugs on my shirt. I nod, and he slides the wet shirt off my body, being careful with my hair so it doesn’t tangle to the shirt. Rafe throws the shirt on top of his bathroom door to dry. He roams through his closet, looking for something for me to wear. I hug myself, shivering there with a damp bra on. 
“Here you go”, Rafe says as he finds a blue hoodie from his closet. 
“Too big for ya but what can you do”, he says and smiles. I smile as he helps me to put it on. 
“Hey, you forgot these last week”, Rafe says and throws me a pair of sweatpants. I stand up and put them on. Rafe walks to me and holds my cold hands between his. 
“I’m tired”, i whisper. 
"We can go sleep if you want", Rafe whispers. I smile slightly and walk to his bed. I slide under the bedsheet, Rafe lying down next to me. The thunder roars again, but this time not so close. 
“I think the storm is moving away”, i whisper. Rafe wraps his arms around my body, pulling me close. I look at his face and touch his cheek. I stroke his face, studying his feautures. 
“What are you doing?” Rafe asks smiling. 
“You’re pretty. Like you are very beautiful”, i whisper. Rafe laughs. 
“Don’t laugh, it’s true!” i push his elbow slightly. 
“Okay, okay!” Rafe says, still smiling. 
“You are very pretty too. Like, inside and out. I mean, you have a beautiful heart”, he says and touches the side of my face. 
“Oh this is deep”, i whisper and widen my eyes. 
“Shut up”, he laughs and kisses me. I kiss him back, wrapping my arm around his neck. Rafe holds my face in between his hands and pulls me even closer. Suddenly he breaks the kiss. 
“Sorry for saying shut up.” 
“Shut up”, i breathe out and pull his face back, returning my lips on his. We kiss passionately until i pull away. We are both out of breath. 
“I love you Rafe, i love the way you make me feel loved, i love the way you look at me, and i love being with you. I love being your girlfriend. I love us”, i ramble, my voice shaking. I just need him to know how he makes me feel. Rafe just stares me, his eyes getting glossy. He blinks quickly, and then kisses me again. It catches me off guard, but i kiss him back. When we separate again, i am actually gasping for air. 
“I don’t think i can do that again, my lips are gonna fall off”, i tell out of breath. 
“I love you too. I love being your boyfriend”, Rafe says. I smile. 
“Aren’t we just cute?” i laugh and rub my nose against his. 
“See? The storm is gone. You did it honey, you’re okay”, Rafe says gently. He is right. The storm is gone. I smile and close my eyes. I feel his heartbeat slowing down with mine, until i fall asleep.
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her-favorite · 8 months
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WARNINGS: SMUT, this is so cute - basically just soft sex with cam!!
WC: 3184
A/N: Requested! - that middle picture that i screen shotted actually has me going insane. INSANE.
SUMMARY: A sweet date night in was always ideal. But the way it ended was even more romantic.
The rain hitting against the transparent window was calming. The occasional flash of lightning was recurring over time, growing to become comfortable watching it light up the night sky. The lighting inside was soft; not too bright, not too dark. The candle on the table you and Cameron sat at burned slowly as the wax melted and puddled down on to itself. The room smelled of cinnamon as the scent wafted through the area, relaxing the both of you further.
It was perfect. 
Cameron sat across from you as he picked up the food you made on his fork and let his teeth scrape it off. The rain outside was calming as it slid down the surface, the marks that it left being joined by more.
It was late in the evening. It wasn’t pitch black outside, but it was getting there. The wine that sat on the table in front of you might of been the reason why you couldn’t remember. Or maybe it was because of Cameron. He looked beautiful in the lighting as it hit his features perfectly. His green eyes being hidden away and then revealed to you every time he blinked. His round nose suited his face well as if it were sculpted to be made just right. His pink lips were pouted as he took bites of his food, the lines next to his mouth becoming less faint as his lips curled up. The light orange scruff that was starting to come in around his jaw and above his lip was scratchy when it touched you, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t like the way it looked on him. Everything about him was perfect.
“You there, Y/N?” His deep voice broke you out of your admiration, startling you slightly. Cameron’s smile became wider as you reached back up to the surface and nodded.
“Yeah, I was just admiring how handsome you look.” You said it teasingly, but you knew that you were being honest. It was hard not to be captivated by him when he looked the way he did. He was sculpted by a god.
“Aw, you’re gonna make me blush.” The redhead teases you back, but his mocking words contradict themselves as a light pink hue settles on his cheeks. His eyes soften as they search your face, taking note of the gentle smile on your face and the happy look in your eyes. He could always read you perfectly.
“You look beautiful, Y/N.” Cameron’s voice was lower than before as his words proved his honesty. You couldn’t help but feel your body heat up at his sentence, looking away from his prodding gaze. He always looked at you like you were the only person in the world; like you were all that mattered to him. Cameron never denied that thought whenever it started to plague his mind, after a while he started to entertain the notion and eventually began to realize that it was true. You were always his first priority.
A loud bang was heard outside as the sky lit up shortly after, catching both of your attention. The rain never let up as it grew rougher, smacking against the window in a rhythmic tune. It was easy to get used to as it kept going, becoming calming as it filled up the quiet room. Nights like these were rare, but neither of you let them go to waste. With Cameron’s busy schedule, it wasn’t often that you both got to have date night, or much else for that matter. But when his days were clear, days and nights like these were cherished and they were always flawless. The only times expectation’s were outdone by reality.
“You full?” Cameron asks as he notices your plate finished. He reaches forward and grabs the glass bottle that sat in font of his plate and brings the red liquid up to his lips. It leaves a faint mark on his lips, making his mouth darker. Words faded from your mind whenever you looked at him; nothing could compare. Nothing could truly describe how beautiful this man was. His lips looked so kissable as they pout slightly, bringing the glass away from his mouth.
You nod as his answer, putting down your fork and copying his actions. One last sip from the drink and it’s gone. Maybe that’s enough for tonight, you didn’t plan on getting drunk. As you place down your glass, you recite his question to him and wait for his answer.
The candle burned lower and lower as the scent occupied the space in the room. The dark lighting inside would be filled with the bright flash of light outside for just seconds as it passes by.
A small smirk starts to curve on to Cameron’s face. He takes his hand away from his glass and pushes his empty plate forward slightly. He shakes his head and his light curls move with him. “I’m still hungry for something else.” The playful tone in his voice is noticeable as he teases you. A laugh sounds from your mouth at his words and he joins you, enjoying the way your smile broadens and the sound of your laugh echoes through the room.
“You’re such a dork.” You chuckle and get up from your seat. His smile widens as he watches you walk over to him, his eyes scanning down your body to your legs and then back up. You both had decided beforehand that you would dress up for your date night only because it was the first, out of months, that you got to have with each other. Neither of you were wearing anything too fancy since you were staying inside your house, but Cameron’s appearance was even harder to look away from than usual. He wore a dark red button up with a button or two undone and a black blazer that matched with his pants. You had coincidentally matched with him as you wore a black dress, slightly above your knees and showing just enough to keep Cameron wanting more.
“You love it.” He winks as you move to straddle him, his hands immediately moving to the outside of your thighs. Another chuckle escapes your lips at his words and you agree. You lean your head down to press your forehead against his, your hands moving up to rest on the juncture between his neck and jaw, one of your thumbs coming up to glide across his bottom lip. “Kiss me, baby.” Cameron’s voice was quiet as he whispered to you, not finding any reason to be any louder. Trying to stifle down a smile, you lean forward and press your lips against his and he immediately follows. It was intimate and slow, and perfect. It was something you would see in a movie, the amount of passion that the both of you felt was overwhelming.
“I love you.” It almost surprised you when it left your lips. The smile that overtook your boyfriend’s face was all you needed to relax your body against his. His hands squeezed your skin lightly.
“I love you so much, Y/N.” Cameron notices the way your lips curl up and his started to hurt as he smiled wider. He leans in quickly, too enamored with you to be away from you for too long. His pink lips take yours as the kiss grows deeper, the feeling of his tongue licking across your lip becoming present. You quickly give him access.
His big hands move up your body, leaving goosebumps in his wake as they land on your hips. He squeezes your skin and it makes your hips jolt forward and against his lap. A groan was heard inside the kiss, not sure who it was coming from; maybe the both of you. Your hand traveled up a small amount to his hair and you tug his orange locks slightly. He pulls away from the kiss with a moan and breathes heavily, looking up at you from his position on the chair. His lips were swollen from your kisses, a light pink tint circling his mouth.
A whimper escapes your mouth when he leans forward and pressed his lips against your neck. His pale hands would occasionally move up and down, feeling the way your curves melted into his palms. Every now and then, he would squeeze your skin which made your hips lurch forward and grind against his growing arousal.
His white teeth graze your skin as you feel his tongue lick over a certain spot. Your body felt hot as you sat on his lap, feeling his hardness against you. No matter how many times you guys have done this, it always feels like a new sensation. Cameron made you feel something different every time you both were together. He always made sure you were doing okay and that you were feeling as much pleasure as him. His concern towards you always made it so much hotter.
With a sudden movement, you feel him bite down and you immediately knew that it would leave a mark. An involuntary moan left your lips at his fast action, feeling his smirking mouth against your now bruised skin. He sucks lightly and licks over the mark before pulling away, leaving one last kiss on it. His hands pressed down on your hips, silently signaling to you his nonverbal demand. You lean down and kiss him, opening your mouth and sharing your taste with him.
He moves back down to your thighs as his fingers curve around it tightly. “C’mon, baby. Let’s go to bed.” Cameron’s voice made a shiver go down your spine. It was deep and seductive, it set your nerves on fire. You nodded quickly, wrapping your legs around his waist once he pushed forward slightly. As he stood up, his hands were placed under your thighs, supporting your weight easily. The small show of strength this showed made your thighs clench around him and he noticed. He looked down at you with a smirk as he walked through the doorway of the bedroom.
“What’s got you so excited, babydoll?” Cameron teases, putting a hand on your back and leaning forward to lay you down on the bed. The soft comforter underneath you made you relax into it as it engulfs your body. Cameron strips his coat jacket off and throws it over on to the empty desk that stood a few feet away. He hovers over you, letting the dress shirt fall forward slightly, letting you see the bright patch of orange hair that lead down farther into his pants.
“You.” It was an immediate response as your hands moved up to undo the buttons on his shirt, your ears bathing in the sound of his soft laugh. Once you’re done unbuttoning it, his shirt falls open and reveals his toned torso. His abs are clenched as he leans over you and his sharp v-line seemed more noticeable in your state of lust.
“You’re such a tease.” Cameron smirks and leans down to kiss you passionately. It was open mouthed as he welcomes his own tongue in your mouth, his long fingers traveling down to the straps on your dress. They hook under them, moving his lips back just inches as he asks for consent. “This okay?” His voice was breathless, an evident sign as to what you both were just doing. With a nod, he shrugs the straps down your shoulders and lets the dress fall off of you. Taking the fabric in his hands gently, he places it on the nightstand for now, knowing how much you loved that dress (and how much he loved it).
“So beautiful.” His eyes ogle your body, taking in the perfect image in front of him. Cameron could never get enough of your body, naked or not. The sight of you splayed out for him, waiting for him is something that could’ve made him cum alone. His hand teased up your thighs, making goosebumps form under his touch.
The rain outside kept pattering against the windows, now becoming a background noise. The recurring flash that would shine into the room wasn’t surprising as you both got used to it, only adding to the calming feeling of the situation.
Cameron leans down and presses his lips against your lower stomach, the feeling tickling your skin. Your dominant hand reaches forward and rests gently on the back of his head, your opposite fisting the sheets in your hand. He teases kisses on your underwear, getting farther down until he presses his lips against your covered clit. It makes you take a sharp breath in, the smirk on your boyfriend’s face noticeable between your legs.
“Cam, please,” Your voice was quiet, matching the mood of the room. He hums soundlessly, moving down to tease kisses around your thighs. He purposefully avoids where you need him and licks a stripe from the middle of your thigh up to where your underwear starts on your waist. He places more across your covered pelvis, pressing one more kiss in the center before hooking his fingers underneath.
“I’ve got you,” Cameron’s reassuring words take your breath away, only adding to it once he slips your underwear down your legs. The air was warm, in contrast to the cool wind and rain outside. The smell of the candle wafted its way inside the bedroom, warming the room with the soft scent.
“Fuck, you’re so pretty.” His words seem to tumble out of his mouth as he leans back down and immediately licks a stripe up your center. A moan leaves your mouth in response, his actions so quick you weren’t expecting it. Cameron groans as he tastes you, savoring the unique flavor. His hands envelop your thighs, pushing them apart so he could spread you out. His lips wrap around your clit, sucking on it lightly, his eyes looking up at you. The eye contact he held made your thighs want to clench together, but he holds them apart with a strong grip.
As the band inside you starts to tighten, your hand on the back of his head pulls harshly. He groans loudly, his mouth stopping its hard work on you.
“I wanna come with you.” Your voice was breathless as you spoke, your throat becoming scratchy from the moans you were letting out. The smile that Cameron wore made all of the breath that you once gathered disappear.
Your lips found his quickly, surprising him. Without much thought, you wrap your leg around his hip and switch your positions, straddling his lap. “You’re wearing too much.” Your hands moved down to his belt, skillfully undoing it and taking it out of its loops. Cameron watches you with a smirk, taking note of your urgency. Once you place your hands inside his boxers, holding both bands, you pull then down and throw them on to the ground, beside the bed. He chuckles as he eyes you.
You straddle his bare lap and place your hands on his tough chest. One of your hands progresses down his body, taking him in your palm and stroking. A breathy groan escapes his throat at the action, his large hands gripping your hips and pulling you closer to him.
“C’mon, baby.” His tone was the perfect mix between demanding and begging and it made you follow through instantly. Moaning as you sank down on him, his nails dug into your skin in response. “Fuck,” He curses at the sensation, his adam’s apple bobbing. “Doing so good, baby.” He praises as he waits for you to get used to his size. Once you do, you start to move up and then back down, the slow, teasing feeling starting to get to you. Cameron groans quietly as you get faster, moving up from his laying position to sit up. He held you against him tightly, your hands on his shoulders as his hands never leave your hips.
He watches the way he leaves and enters your body, then back up at the way your breasts bounce in front of his eyes and then at your pleasure filled face. The look on your face makes him moan and he thrusts up, hitting that perfect spot inside you. A loud moan leaves your lips as you open your eyes and look at him.
Cameron’s eyes were the most beautiful shade of green and they bore into yours, speaking more words than either of you could right now.
“You’re doing so good, baby. Such a good girl.” He whispers, his voice deep. The pleasure he was feeling was evident through his words and the pressure of his nails were getting tighter.
“You feel so good, Cam.” Your voice was quiet still, the overwhelming feeling of the pleasure you felt becoming too much. Cameron’s right hand moved away from your hip and travels up your body, squeezing your breast in his hand. Endless sounds come out of your mouth as you move on him, the tight grip he had on you bringing you closer to the edge.
“Fuck, baby,” His words were tight as he talked, taking one last glance to the place where you both connected and groaned. He leaned up quickly and pressed his lips against yours, pushing your head back as he opened his mouth and stuck his tongue in yours. The kiss was desperate and hungry as you both reached your highs together. “Squeezing me so tight, shit,” he breathes heavily against your lips. “Feels so good.” No other words come to his mind as he repeats himself, so lost in the pleasure he felt in the moment.
“M’close, Cam.” Your voice cut through the sounds of heavy breathing and the bed rocking. He hummed as his right hand moved away from your breast down to your clit, starting to rub it in circles. Your nails dug into his broad shoulders as the knot inside of you was pulled tight, making you let go. Moans of his name left your lips as you climaxed. Cameron watched you in awe as he saw your face contort in pleasure and the sound of his name singing from your lips was music to his ears. Watching you brought him to his finish quicker than he had expected, shocked when he felt the band inside him snap completely. He let out a guttural groan and whispered your name, impaling your skin with his small nails, pushing you down on his lap.
As you both breathed heavily and slowly came down from the intense high, you rested your head on his shoulder. His hands moved away from your hips as his right hand rubbed over your back gently.
“You did so good, baby.” Cameron whispered into your ear, kissing the shell of it. A sexed out grin took over your lips as you pecked his shoulder lightly.
After cleaning up, the both of you lied in bed together, listening to the soothing rain outside mixed with the booming of the thunder. Everything was as you hoped for.
It was perfect.
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joron1a-stardustlor · 5 months
Do you have scottbing hcs because im starving
the way i very audiably gasped and started jumping up and down when i saw this
Dont you worry fellow bretherin i'll feed the few scottning shippers out there;
SCOTTNING HCS [Scott x Lightning]
(Miniscule warning for child abuse/neglect and toxic relation ships*)
-Hmmm calling them either muscledirt or stardirt and nobody can stop me
-nobody would really be suprised if they were told scott and lightning were dating, but they never made it official, everybody knows but they just dont mention it
-Evil power couple who do very mean shit together
-their relationship has about three moods they are either fighting,making out or crying
-Lightning gets cold easily, so often he cuddles up to Scott for warmth, heas always suprised at how warm his skin is
-Scott is an unhinged farm boy, the biter even, will often wait for lightning to walk into a room to merely jump out from above and attack as a form of affection
-On the other hand Lightning does it at the most random moments
-Unless your're Sam or Brick who constantly encounter them doing this, you wont know if theyre serious or just messing with eachother
-For the most part they do this for fun and like to think of it as their own special way of showing affection
-Mommy issues x daddy issues exclusively*
-Going off from the last one Lightning always wanted to talk about what happened between him and his dad to Scott but he wasnt sure how to
-Scott then proceeded to tell Lightning about his Ma and how she used to beat him on how for most his childhood had deal with her liking his sister and treating him like shit to help him feel more comfortable
-Lightning's Dad always had high expectations and put a lot of pressure on him and ignored him when he failed, how after Cameron won, His dad had been ignoring his existence to the present
-The two often bonded over their parental issues
-Scott grew up eating dirt and gruel, the most he can cook is toast, bacon and eggs on the other side lightning is can cook amazing steaks and salads
-Scott of course pretends to hate Lightnings cooking, but in reality he made the best steak and salad you could ever dream of
-Lightning always calls out Scott for how skinny he is and always forces him to eat more steak
-Scott often replies to this with when is all the muscle in your body you get from steak going to work on his brain
-Lightning was willing to teach Scott how to properly cook a meal, leaving him a few simple ingredients to which one lightning since he realized he was missing some, when he came back Scott already burned himself and caused a fire
-they were supposed to be making hot dogs that night
-Scott likes tell Lightning hes a shmuck for being all rich and succesful and dare him to spend a week with him on the farm, to which of course Lightning said yes
-He quit after learning that all they had for breakfeast was a can of corn
-The amount of internalized homophobia i can fit in these two
-The two were very nervous to tell their parent about dating amother man but both their families were supportive
-Lightning started to fall for scott around the time he and courtney broke up
-Lightning and the other members of team dude were trying help Scott cope with the fact that courtney was just using him
-On the inside Lightning was kinda happy they broke up, mostly bc he knew courtney wasnt good for Scott
-Scott and Lightning insult eachother as a form of flirting with the other however the two arent too big on regualr flirtjng and compliments unless they feel like it
-They bust out the good tunes on saturday nights with some imagine dragons bursting through the radio/j
-As I have mentioned before, Scott and Lightning arent too big on regular romance but they do have their moments,
-Scott tried to cook something for Lightning bc he was having a bad day, and completly messed up and burnt the thing to a crisp, he was near tears at this so they just wrapped themselves up in blankets and cuddled for a while
-Both Lightning and Scott have scars after roti and they often caress the others scars as a form of comfort or reasurrment
-Scott has undiagnosed PTSD and depression, he often feels the need to push his feelings down and cover up anything he might make others feel like he is a nuisance
-He often has Nightmares or Panic attacks of Fang, Lightning feels guilty bc he is not good at comforting people and often needs Sam's help to make sure Scott doesnt hurt himself,faint,or hyperventilate too much
-In these situations the best thing Lightning can do is hug Scott and hope it calms him down
-Lightning likes watching sports live on tv or even better in the actual stadium, his favorite sports to play/watch are Football and Basketball, Scott despite not playing it himself argues with Lightning saying Baseball is better
-Lightning responds saying if he likes baseball so much to name every baseball player
-They enjoy doing stupid shit together, shit that could get them in trouble with police, stealing things,shoplifting,jaywalking, well thats Scott for the most part, all Lightning has ever done is steal a really expensive motorcycle
-They enjoy the others hobbies a lot, Scott always goes to Lightnings games and Lightning is always up for watching Scott hit and break bottles with a baseball bat
-Scott is Pansexual
-Lightning is Bisexual
Srry idk how to end hc lists but ty so much for asking me to make one
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Dinner has been served :3
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melodicaprils · 8 days
anyone wanna be super epic moots :3
uh im a huge total drama fan rn (specifically mike n gang 100% mike n gang)
td characters i especially like (havent seen rr):
duncan sorta idk he has his epic moments
the singer girl i forgor her name
katie + sadie (cannot be separated)
mike n gang (EEEEEE MY BAE <3333 i mean whar)
sierra (i do not support her actions i swear)
ships i luv
zoey x mike system (platonically for chester obv)
gwen x courtney
chase x zee
wayne x raj
sam x dakota
chris x chef
sierra x heather (i think their dynamic would be cute ig it could be a rairpare not rlly)
noah x cody (mostly for the meme)
julia x mk
lindsay x tyler
uh im writing a regretevator fic + a mike fic so thats cool
for the mike fic i need like a mike fan who has did (who preferably ships zoke) to proofread it cuz my neurotypical (i think that means i believe i have no mental disorders) ass cannot relate to anything in the fic :3
dms open :3
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vikkirosko · 1 month
Masterlist Second Generation
💎 Anne Maria 💋
🧰 B 💬
🪖 Brick 🥾
👓 Cameron 🤖
🦋 Dawn 🐾
📱Dakota Milton ☢️
🏋‍♀️ Jo 🏃‍♀️‍➡️
⚡️Lightning 🏈
Lightning x Reader headcanons Like Octavia
👥️️ Mike 💭
🗨 Staci 🎀
👓 Sam 🎮
🐀 Scott 🚜
Scott x Reader headcanons Like Octavia
🏹 Zoey 🌺
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