phoenixyfriend · 8 months
I’m actually interested on your thoughts on stewjon-or any other sci-fi or fantasy land- being “space!scotland”.
I’m Scottish, and it actually kinda turns me off of a fic? Like, it gives me an uncanny valley feeling?
Part of it is due to it, most of the time at least, leaning heavily on the English stereotypes of Scotland? Like. We’re not people who think and feel and integrate people from other cultures, we’re not our better social support and services than england, we’re not people who can enjoy the land *and* be modern people, no.
We’re tartan wearing redheads speaking in a “terrible accent” that can’t be understood, whispering about fae stories and superstition, simultaneously getting in fights in Glasgow and carving Glasgow grins, and huddling in stone huts playing bagpipes and carding wool.
It’s uh, dehumanising a bit. And I didn’t realise I had that big of a rant, feel free to ignore this I was just curious from how you were talking about the Moses!obiwan thing.
That tracks! It's a wider problem that incidentally managed to get picked up and spread in a really unfortunate way by fandom, presumably in large part by Americans who Don't Know What They're Doing when they just want to, idk, fantasize about Ewan McGregor speaking in his natural voice.
I think a weird but important note is that, regardless of the Space Scotland thing, I don't usually see Stewjon portrayed, like... positively? It's a shitty background element (infanticide backstory with the barest explanation), a fantasy misogyny place (a lot of the royalty AUs, especially the omegaverse ones, and especially smut), or a general underdeveloped, low-tech, backwater nightmare (also usually used for the smut). I've seen combinations of all three, and it's a toss of the coin if the author includes the Space Scotland element in addition to the above.
(I've seen one or two that seem to take way more inspo from a mix of Imperial China and 17th century France, for instance, or just keep it vaguely European.)
Even the ones that I think try to do the Space Scotland thing respectfully, I can't really comment on because, uh, I'm not Scottish by any stretch and don't know what degree of what element is reasonable.
(I think I can sort of relate in terms of Serbian representation in Western media? Such as it is. Generally we get to be gangsters, sad orphans, an evil priest selling babies to aliens, vampire-inspired cannibals, or Belgrade gets to be a setting where there is literally not a single Serbian character. Not the same thing but I wanted to give some examples to explain why I feel I can relate when people talk about this sort of thing.)
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suzukiblu · 4 months
Do you have an index for your Wips? I was trying to find the claybaby mae thing to reread cause I love it (the way the whole of young justice is just “okay we’re parents now” is amazing) but I could not get it to come up on searches of mae, clay, claybaby, clay baby, etc
I do, yes, it's here! You can find it in my blog's sidebar, when Tumblr isn't being a jerk and refusing to display that kind of thing.
Also, in hopes of being helpful, hah, here's the direct link to the tag for Cassie makes a claybaby. Though fair warning, these links are all chrono links, so they won't work right on mobile. If you just want the non-chronological tag for claybaby and you're willing to scroll a bit, that one's here.
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Ok so. What if questions. I admit I came across your blog by a fic linking to you while I was looking at all the spite fics, so my perspective may be shifted.
1. What if Bella was terminally ill. I know Edward would be full on for her dying human, but would his family agree? How aggressive would disagreements get? Especially since almost everyone in the family has the “was turned to save them from death” story that Bella would now be in the prefatory stages of
Pfft, well then, what a recommendation. I.. am now vaguely curious how that even occurred.
But onto your question.
What if Bella Was Terminally Ill?
Well, things get complicated.
And this is actually canon.
Canon, What You Talking About Willis?
We have two instances where this occurs, one is implicit and one is very explicit.
I'm going to focus on the implicit one as I think it best answers your question.
(The explicit is when Bella's carrying Renesmee and quite clearly dying of starvation, internal bleeding, organ failure, and god knows what else.)
The New Moon Vote
The implicit one is at the end of New Moon. Bella has been to Italy and personally met the Volturi, they ruled that she could return home but that she must be turned and that they would be checking in very shortly.
As of that meeting, Bella and the coven itself have a guillotine hanging over their heads.
Bella no longer has a human future: she will either be murdered by the Volturi or the Cullens will turn her.
Bella, no longer trusting Edward alone on this matter, takes it to the Cullens and puts it to a vote: is she turned or is she not.
Now, it's never explicitly brought up there that what they're really choosing is "Bella is murdered by vampires and we all die" or "Bella is turned and not murdered by vampires and none of us die". It, in fact, likely doesn't occur to most of the characters sitting at that table because... It's just not something they're inclined to think about.
Regardless, Bella is mortal and mortals die. It may not be immediate, but sooner or later, it's coming and a decision must be made.
We get the exact breakdown there on who sides where on the issue.
Edward chooses humanity and throws a fit when Carlisle, the patriarch and the one who will be doing the turning, votes against him and then spends the next novel trying to weasel his way out of that bargain.
Carlisle chooses to turn Bella for a variety of reasons but also in part because Edward has made it clear that as soon as Bella dies he will commit suicide and still intends to do this. If Carlisle chooses to allow Bella to remain human, he not only murders her and probably his family, but also murders Edward as well.
Alice chooses to turn Bella as she's been pro Bella being a vampire from the beginning and is convinced that this is the only legitimate and enviable future for the family. Edward just has to get with the program.
Rosalie chooses humanity as she projects onto Bella Swan and wishes for her to have the choices and future that Rosalie never had. Now, I don't think it quite registered for Rosalie that the Volturi are coming, there is no human future to be had here, but she nevertheless made the argument.
Jasper chooses vampirism as he doesn't want to eat Bella.
And we go on down the list.
The disagreements were... relatively mild but only because Edward then went behind the Cullen council's back.
Rosalie told Bella very dark trauma about her past in the hopes that Bella would reconsider and understand and Bella said "Cool story, bro, still gonna get myself vamped." And that was about the end of the conflict there as Rosalie more or less gave up and didn't talk much to Bella until the Renesmee debacle.
Carlisle thought Edward was going to attempt to turn Bella per Edward and Bella's agreement. He very likely thought that meant sooner rather than later and I'm sure he had extreme doubts regarding the very public wedding Edward and Bella had followed by the honeymoon of Man of Steel vs. Woman of Kleenex. But life is hard for Carlisle and then he got to spend a month faking Bella's parasitic infection while desperately trying to keep her alive when she decides she does want to carry Rosemary's Baby.
Edward decides to use his turning Bella as leverage to both delay the turning and get her to marry him first. In Breaking Dawn he's attempting to have Bella delay her transformation for several years, at least through university.
I have no doubt those goal posts would somehow keep moving until Bella remains human forever.
He later suggests that Jacob could supply her with children if she so desired. And also, of course, notes that the Volturi are old vampires who don't know a decade from a few weeks: they won't check in. (They had, in fact, sent Bella a wedding gift in the mail, reminding them that they remembered her and seen her two weeks earlier as of Breaking Dawn when Jane notes with some mild annoyance/bemusement that Bella's still very human.)
So, Your Question's Kind of Answered
There are disagreements but they're surprisingly mild in part because Edward kept his running afoul of the family decision on the sly from the family and Rosalie never had much hope for convincing Bella to begin with.
We also get Edward plotting Rosalie's dismemberment with Jacob so he can forcibly abort Bella, in part to keep her human, but I guess it never came to that...
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caparrucia · 2 years
Ok so I *really* want to know how the Lucians manages to get the wall going to stop the LCs going nuclear whenever they felt like the nobles were getting a bit too uppity
For this particular verse? The Wall is the thing that keeps the LCs from going nuclear on uppity nobles. It's a constant drain that keeps them relatively weakened, and if they ever try to bring it down themselves, they know their collateral will be killed.
Their collateral being either their spouse or their children.
They don't die and then crown a successor, they crown a successor when they're too old to support the wall, and their successor doesn't know it's a trap until they've tethered themselves to it. It's a shitty system that has somehow managed to survive almost 200 years by the time Regis is king.
In the fic, Titus is grumping because Regis allows the invasion of Insomnia, allows Iedolas to steal the crystal, allows himself to be presumed dead, and he doesn't understand why. (Titus is a spy sent by Mors, to disrupt the Glauca project, and by the time he comes back Mors is dead and Regis takes him in, in secret, as his get out of jail free card he's spent fifteen years waiting for the right time to play.)
The moment Noctis is out of Insomnia and the Crystal is taken, the wall collapses and Regis is assumed to be dead.
And then he summons the Old Wall and works out his anger pummeling the diamond weapon into tiny chunks of nothing, into what official sources assume to be his dying move.
The thing is Regis doesn't give a shit about Insomnia or his court or his "people". His "people" have been enslaving his people for two centuries, he's more than happy to watch them burn. The only reason he's shoving his weight around in the story is because the real root cause of it all is Bahamut's bullshit prophecy and the dumbfuck implication that his son should be slaughtered to save the world and good lord, he has things to say about that.
Titus hates that he finds that blisteringly hot.
Clarus is just happy his family made it out in one piece, honestly. As far as he's concerned, anyone who pisses off Regis has whatever happens to them coming and then some.
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charlottedabookworm · 5 months
Is uh. I don’t know ffxiv. But. I misread Ardyn decendent “rothfield” as “redfield”, which is the surname of a resident evil character? Even though I don’t really know the games that have those siblings as protagonists, I do love the idea of game mechanic “you can be attacked and loose health and not become a zombie” being because they’re host to an ancient eldrich goo plague that eats boring genetically engineered zombie virus’s for *breakfast*?
so i also know very little about resident evil (mostly watched some challenge runs of the re4 remake and then the coverage of re8 when it came out) so it took me literally an hour to remember that redfield is chris’ surname
but you are 100% rigjt that that is a really cool game mechanic
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10 characters, 10 fandoms, 10 tags
Tagged by @garbria. Thank you!
Nyx Ulric, Final Fantasy XV/Kingsglaive
Whiskeyjack, Malazan Book of the Fallen
Granny Weatherwax, Discworld
Kotallo, Horizon Forbidden West
Isabella Trent, A Memoir by Lady Trent
Emil, Nier: Replicant
Geralt of Rivia, The Witcher
Zack Fair, Final Fantasy VII/Crisis Core
Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride
Zagreus, Hades
Tags (no pressure though): @sileneschoenkind, @agent-jaselin, @lightsaberwieldingdalek, @rayearthdudette, @priestess-accursed-heir, @laternenfisch
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blackkatmagic · 4 years
I found a couple of fics shipping Fox and Riyo Chuchi , and it really fits more than I expected. I know you tend to do Quinlan and Fox, but I do like the combination of outwardly mismatched pair of sweet small pantoran ambassador and big grizzly Clone in armour, and the inward similarities of being hopeful cynics, if that makes sense- aware of the universe and what it can be like (eg. “We’re not people”) yet still trying to make things better.
It’s not my thing, personally, sorry. 
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thebibliosphere · 5 years
Who’s Jessica Yaniv? If you’re not busy, please could you point me to the news site(s)/articles I could find out, because if she’s a Internet personality of any level, all google will give me is her defences or instagram or whatever.
I honestly only found out about them a few hours ago so I’m not the best person to ask, like, at all. I have no idea why people think I’d know anything either.
It looks like they’re a self-proclaimed LGBT activist from Canada involved in a lot of controversies, including what looks like grooming minors through social media. All google gave me this morning was a lot of anti-trans rhetoric, but as the day went on more things have come out it’s not looking good.
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esamastation · 5 years
So you prefer Kassandra as the protagonist of ac Odyssey rather than alexios? I played through as Kassandra first and got really attached, then tried to play as alexios, but just got really weirded out by dangerous Deimos whom I managed to redeem suddenly having an different personality that I couldn’t get much beyond the first cutscene.
I have not played AC odyssey, I care not one jot about either one yet.
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sparklecryptid · 5 years
Re: the antler crown. Now I’ve got loads of ideas for a Game of Thrones au focused on Regis’s generation, where Regis is reincarnated as Robert Baratheon, and Aulea as Lyanna Stark, and when a poncy prince fails to romance her, and moves to the plan b of kidnapping, she kicks him in the nuts through plate armour, and steals his best mate (Cor is really weirded out by this Reincarnation thing but at least Arthur Dayne has a decent sword)
hmmm im not too fond of the idea of regis as robert until we do a complete 180 on roberts personality 
but the idea of aulea stealing cor away from regis is hilarious and i love it
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theperidotshade · 5 years
Re the trans!ardyn thing- it’s more I could see potential in an Ardyn and Gilgamesh baby, and is seen some stuff with Ardyn with a womb but nothing with Gilgamesh with a womb, and I don’t really like straight up mpreg, and then I realised it would add an extra layer to the somnus coup if they had male biased succession laws so a daughter who says she a son now, even if accepted by family, would sort of look like power grab
Oooh, interesting.  That would be an extra layer of political screwiness for sure, assuming that early Lucis practiced male-preference primogeniture.  My versions generally go for just straight up primogeniture b/c I headcanon Ardyn and Somnus’ mother as the royal one between their parents, but I also write cultural tensions between Solheimr and Early Lucians, and if the latter were male-biased, that could add some major cultural tension.
Plus the implications that people’s inherent biases would make them continue to view Ardyn as a woman making a power grab instead of the man he is...that could make things very complicated indeed.
I don’t usually write romance between Ardyn and Gilgamesh, just a sort of ambiguous relationship that maybe could have been romantic if shit hadn’t gone down, but I do ship them!  It definitely has some interesting potential.
In short, that’s a really cool idea, if not one I personally would write.  If you want to go for it yourself, I’d be happy to bounce around ideas about the political implications with you!
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suzukiblu · 2 years
Tumblr media
Ahsoka cooing over baby Luke and Leia for @lightsaberwieldingdalek.
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7. I know edwards love for Bella is basically the epitome of the sexy lamp issue (well, smelly lamp, here) but how much power/capacity to combat a vamp could she have before he isn’t able to put that on her? For example, being a telepath of roughly equal strength to him. As long as that’s not an infinite feedback loop or something. The reason he can’t hear her thoughts is because she’s got shielding to keep other people’s thoughts out or something
I'll put it like this.
Bella's gift in the Twilight universe is hilariously overpowered and singlehandedly stops the greatest power in the known vampire world (the Volturi) when all others would have failed.
Bella completely and consistently blocks Edward through their relationship, then blocks Aro, then blocks Jane, as a human when Edward could do shit as a human.
Edward still thinks that her gift is a neat if perhaps lame party trick and before that point didn't think she was gifted at all and thought "she thought funny".
I am hard pressed to think of any scenario where Edward would EVER admit to Bella being in some way more powerful or capable than himself.
The guy doesn't admit that Aro is more powerful. Aro may hear every thought you've ever had but Edward has a two-mile radius! Aro just wishes he could be Edward! Alice may be able to see the future, but Edward can hear that the guy at the other lunch table is thinking about his burrito!
I have no faith in Edward.
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luxroyalty · 6 years
Can you please tell me more about the au where Noctis being the chosen king has actual consequences? The title along intrigues me
Argh this is late but:
The Chosen King is in the Cosmogony. A good part of it is about the Chosen King, in fact. There’s massive paintings in the Citadel about the prophecy, the Chosen King is mentioned everywhere and yet. In the games it’s just kinda passed over.
Their Martyr King, Chosen by the Gods to be given power until the other kings, the King that’s mean to save them from the apocalypse, is one day going to be there.
And they find out it’s Noctis - from a God, even, so it’s not like it can be fake.
The person they’ve been waiting 2000 years to save them is here! 
So, yeah, consequences.
(Noctis is like a God-King to them, holy beyond reason for most. He hates it.)
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charlottedabookworm · 5 years
lightsaberwieldingdalek replied to your post: i miss my privacy you just can’t have a proper...
thats what the toilets are for
dude i’m in dorms there’s no privacy in the toilets either
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Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Ravus Nox Fleuret, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, Titus Drautos | Glauca, Ardyn Izunia, Cor Leonis, Gilgamesh (Final Fantasy XV), Maria (Final Fantasy XV), Original Tenebraean Characters, Original Niflheimr Characters Additional Tags: Tenebrae (Final Fantasy XV), Tenebraean Culture, Rebellion Leader!Ravus, Strong!Lunafreya, Canonical Character Death, War, Rebellion, Violence, Violence against Children, Child Soldiers, What-If, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Languages and Linguistics, Worldbuilding, chapter specific warnings will be at the beginning of each chapter, Family Feels, all the family feels, How to traumatise a child Summary:
(lat.: It is sweet and fitting to die for one's country.)
The Lucian royalty visits Tenebrae and the country burns. But instead of being taken into custody, Ravus escapes. Through a fluke or a twist of fate, he doesn't care. He is still alive and he wants his sister back after he realizes that she didn't escape with the cowardly King of Lucis who ran as his mother was slaughtered in front of him. Ravus wants Lunafreya back and he will do anything to do it. Even fighting a war on the losing side.
Or: What if Tenebrae had an active Resistance against the Niflheimr occupation and Ravus was picked up by them after escaping the grounds of Fenestala Manor.
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