#like ‘well i guess you’re just stuck like this good luck’ is basically what i got from that
haechannabelle · 2 years
ok personal venting in the tags time. giving u my TMI like stray kids said
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mitsvriii · 1 year
Lost Child
TW’s: mentions of child abandonment
Pairings: Kaedehara Kazuha x reader
Word Count: 930+
A/N: I might do this scenario with other characters.
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You were aiming to have a good day today, not to have some random child clinging onto your leg like he was going to die if he let go.
He didn’t even tell you his name, he just saw you and quite literally tackled you. And ever since then he hasn’t let go. So cue you walking around with a child stuck onto your leg.
You groaned in annoyance as you looked down at the kid, he wouldn’t tell you what his name was so you were searching around for anyone who might be looking for a child.
Much to your dismay there seemed to be no one looking for one. Did they perhaps drop him off permanently? You hated to think so but that could well be the case.
You sighed as you stopped walking, causing the kid looked up at you. “If you won’t tell me your name this is going to take longer”, you crossed your arms.
The kid shook his head as he buried his face in your leg, still clinging onto you. You sighed again and went to pick him up, which he gladly complied to. This kid seemed almost, familiar with you.
You brushed it off as you adjusted him on your hip. You continued on you quest to find this kid’s parents, despite knowing it might all be in vain.
“Okay then little buddy, I guess we’re doing this the hard way”, you made your way done to the port. Maybe a sailor had seen something related to this kid.
You asked around for a few minutes, but ended up with as much information you had started with. You could ask Mr. Zhongli, he was the most knowledgeable man in Liyue after all. But he was down with a cold that you didn’t want you nor the kid to get.
Beidou could know something then? Maybe so, she’s basically know everyone in Liyue. She could know if someone had a child that looks like the one you’re holding. Let’s see…she should be back from her venture to Sumeru. If you’ve counted the days right, that is.
You decided to see if you were right, and it seemed so because a few feet down the port was The Crux. You breathed out in what seemed to be relief as you head there with the kid still clutching onto you. He was a quiet kid for someone his age.
And just your luck, you didn’t see Beidou anywhere on the ship. Nor on the port. Great.
”Dove?” You heard the familiar voice speak. You turned around to see Kazuha looking at you in somewhat confusion, “Are you…Is that your child?”
Your eyes widened as you remembered why we were here in the first place, seeing Kazuha caught you off guard. “Oh, no! It’s um, I found him. I was looking for Beidou because I thought she might know some people who had a kid that looks like him.”
Kazuha nodded, seemingly understanding the situation now, “I’m afraid she has already left for the Jade Chamber, but I can be of assistance.” He put his hand to his chest and smiled.
“That would be wonderful, thank you”, you smiled back as you glanced down at the kid who seemed to he fascinated with Kazuha’s maple haori.
“Let’s see, where have you looked so far?” Kazuha asked, stepping closer to let the child tug on his haori. Of course he would notice the child’s gaze on it.
“All around the harbor, and I would’ve tried the villages but I doubt a kid this small would’ve made it from there to here unscathed.”
Kazuha nodded at the information, “I don’t mean to be harsh, but have you considered this child to be an orphan?”
“What? What do you mean?” You glanced between Kazuha and the child. You hadn’t thought of that, actually.
“Well for example, he seems to be clinging onto you tightly. A child that had parents would he looking for them as-well, and not seeking comfort from a complete stranger. He also seems to be quite skinny, perhaps he’s homeless, too.”
Kazuha met your gaze, “I also believe if the parents did throw out this child, then someone would’ve saw it and reported it to the Millelith. Liyue is far from empty, dove.”
Your mouth formed an ‘o’ shape as you took in Kazuha’s words. He was right because it all makes sense. But what would you two do with the child? You could just drop him off with the Millelith but he seemed so safe and comfortable with you…
“Kazuha would you be up to keeping him?” You question caught him off guard as you stared sr you. “I know how it sounds but he seems so safe with me…and I’d hate to have to drop him off with the Millelith.”
Kazuha’s brows furrowed in thought, “I suppose we can, but I am away with The Crux often…I would have to move in with you if that’s the case.”
“I’m fine with that”, you responded quickly, “yeah you can move in.”
Kazuha nodded as he moved in to kiss the top if your head, “I’ll go inform Beidou of our plans. Does he have a name?”
You looked down at the kid who was glancing between you and Kazuha. You thought for a moment before responding, “Hajime, for a new beginning.”
Kazuha seemed pleased with the name before he nodded and left to go see Beidou. The child looked up at you, a small smile on his face. You smiled back, before watching Kazuha disappear in the crowd.
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This is Part 3 of the Magnetic Attraction series. 
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Content Warnings: Fantastic Racism, Internalized Homophobia, Suggestive Content, Mild Language, Canon-Typical Violence.
Summary: Rev receives some friendly advice from Tech after a mistake of his is brought to attention. Desperate to prove that he took Tech's words to heart, he seeks the aid of his other friends to improve himself before the evening is over.
Unfortunately, he missed the most crucial piece of advice that Tech tried to convey.
Word Count: 27,277
Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (Link to Chapter on Ao3)
Chapter 1
Word Count: 3598
Notes: This is part 3 of the Magnetic Attraction series. If you haven’t read the previous parts you will probably be confused. Feel free to skip the rest of these notes if you don’t care about the content warnings. 
(Continued under the cut)
Content warnings are similar to the previous fics, with the same themes of racism and internalized homophobia. As for new warnings: 
You might have noticed this fic is rated “T” rather than “G”. That’s mostly due to some suggestive humor, and 90% of it is contained in chapter 2. Basically, I joke about the sexualized nature of modern pop music. A character also says a mild swear and there are allusions to blood (that’s not actual blood) in chapter 4. 
There is a comment in the third chapter that is mildly transphobic. Honestly, I don’t even know if “transphobic” is entirely the right word. A well meaning character (you can guess who) voices some bad assumptions. I’m trans myself and I’ve dealt with well meaning people saying worse. Compared to literally everything else in the fic it feels pretty minor. 
Lastly… I don’t know if this deserves a warning, but I hope you’re prepared for various characters to make some dumb decisions. 
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy, and feel free to give me comments and/or criticisms.
“Oh wow! Three apples! Can all of you count to three? Let’s do it together!”
“Tengo que confesar. ¡Estoy enamorado de tu prima! Eres maravilloso, pero él puede correr tan rápido…”
“Are those lions, tigers, and bears you see? Of course they are! Because this is channel 4 news, and this is our annual conservation special!” 
“That’s right folks; This entire evening is dedicated to the zoos of Blanc and all the wonderful creatures contained within.”
Tap. Tap. 
“So get cozy, because you won’t want to miss all the amazing animals and the stories behind bringing them back from the brink!” 
Tap. Tap. Tap. Taptaptap. “UGH! What the heck?!” 
Duck mashed the channel up button a few more times before tossing the remote onto the coffee table. 
Ace glanced over his book, otherwise not moving from his casual position on the opposite lounge sofa. “The batteries probably died.” 
“I know that the batteries probably died. I’m not an idiot.” Duck crossed his arms. “But now what?! I don’t wanna be stuck watching some stupid news channel.”
“You wouldn’t mind if we were still in Acmetropolis.” 
“Will you ever stop bringing that up!?” 
Ace shrugged. “If you don’t wanna watch the news then just get up and change the channel on the TV.” 
“Absolutely not! I’m not walking all the way over there!” 
“It’s like ten feet. Also, you can teleport.” 
“The buttons on the TV have a delay.” 
“So does the remote.” 
“I’m not going to get up and use the TV buttons like a loser.” 
“Well, there are plenty of other TVs in HQ. Just go find one with a working remote and watch TV there.” 
“But-! Uh…” Duck hummed, looking away. “The uh… lighting is better here. Yeah. I don’t want to go where there’s not… good lighting.” 
“I guess the sunset does look pretty nice with all the big fancy windows. That still means you’re out of luck, though.”
“Don’t remind me.” 
Ace went back to reading his book while Duck sat cross armed and frowned petulantly at the TV. 
“What you see here is the Tiger Terrace Zoo, home of the best captive breeding program in all of Blanc. Thanks to the efforts of all the wonderful staff, the incredible Blanc tiger climbed from extinct in the wild, all the way up to endangered!”
“Bor-ing. Who cares about the stupid tigers? They just chase things half the day and sleep the rest! What are they even useful for? Nothing. That’s what.” 
Duck looked over to Ace, who wasn’t paying attention.
“Fine! I’ll just get Tech to give me some new batteries!” 
Ace poked his head up. “Actually, I think I remember Lexi buying some the-” 
But Duck warped away before he could finish. 
“Oh, well, nevermind I guess.” 
Duck appeared near instantly in front of the lab door and began pounding on it. 
“Tech! You in there? Open up and give me some batteries!” He continued pounding on the door for a few moments. “Hello?!” 
A few seconds later, he crossed his arms.
“I’m coming in!” he announced, deciding to warp inside. “YEEEOUCH!!!” And immediately he warped back in front of the door.
“What the-! Oh right. The security thingamajig. Ugh. How am I supposed to find Tech?” 
The sound of metallic equipment clanking against itself toward the entrance got his attention.
“Bingo,” he said, teleporting over. 
Suddenly he was in front of the main elevator, pointing triumphantly and shouting, “aha!” However, his celebration was a little premature. 
“Uhhh, hi Duck,” Lexi greeted with mild confusion. 
“Hello,” Slam greeted as well. 
“Dang it!” he exclaimed. Then, his eyes trailed down to the things they were carrying. “Uh, what’s that?”
“Hurdles, balance bars… Just some gymnastic equipment to get our blood pumping!” 
Slam nodded enthusiastically. 
“Eugh. Isn’t it too hot outside for exercise?”
“Oh, we actually set everything up inside. The 2B storage room has loads of space. Nothing in there but an old refrigerator and a few floor fans. As a nice bonus, it’s a little harder to hear the rest of HQ while I’m in there too.”
“But isn’t the door busted?” 
“Just the opening mechanism,” she explained. “Slam’s strong enough to pull it open himself, even if the steel is a little slippery for him to grab onto.” 
Slam shrugged.
“Hm.” Then Duck jolted, his mind getting back on track. “Wait, have you seen Tech around?” 
“Not recently. I think he hasn’t left the lab much since last week. Probably caught up in a project or something.” 
“Just great. His security system stops me from quacking in and he won’t answer the door.” 
“Why do you need to see him?”
“The TV remote died and I need new batteries, and with Tech being a nerd he’s bound to have some.” 
Lexi perked up. “Oh, actually I-” 
“Wait! I bet he’d open the door for Rev! I just gotta find him, and he’ll get Tech to lend me some batteries.” 
“If you would-!” 
And Duck teleported away. 
Lexi and Slam looked at each other and shrugged, before continuing on. 
At Rev’s bedroom door, Duck began pounding on it similarly to how he did in front of the lab. 
“Rev?! You in there?!” 
“Oh! Yeah. The security is off and the door is open but give me a sec to-”
Upon opening the door anyway, “AHH!” a mountain of papers fell out and completely buried Duck. 
In a flash Rev was by the door. “…clean up.” 
Duck popped his head out of the pile and glared at him. 
Rev chuckled sheepishly. “Honestly I tried to warn you and considering how fast I talk I’m surprised you didn’t manage to hear my entire warning before opening the door.”
“Yeah. Yeah. Whatever.” Duck wrestled his arms free of what was apparently a post-it note pile and picked one up. “What were you even doing? You’ve hardly been around for the past week.”
“Oh uh, just some research.”
Duck squinted at the chicken scratch covering the note. “Public opponents of the 1989 ICZN Opinion 1567 ruling regarding Case 2607,” he squinted harder, “-the moving of Canis latrans sapiens to Latrans sapiens under family… can-did-ay,” he tilted his head concernedly, “rudely wore shirts depicting a coyote with stink lines in protest.” Duck looked up and grimaced at Rev. “…What the heck kind of research is this?” 
“Um, well, you know…” Rev quickly swooped over and gathered the pile of post-its in a big bunch before shoving them in a corner of his room. 
Duck got up and brushed himself off, then followed Rev inside. “I really don’t. That paper was covered in weird nerd stuff.” 
Rev chuckled nervously. “You see, I recently realized that some of my views and behaviors regarding Tech were… not fair, so I made a small effort to remedy that.” 
The incredulous frown on Duck’s face grew as he failed to find a single space in Rev’s room that wasn’t plastered with colorful notes. Actually, no. Duck quickly spied a framed photo on Rev’s nightstand with Tech not so subtly left visible in it. But besides that, there was a nauseating amount of colorful papers absolutely everywhere. “‘Small’?”  
“I… wanted to be thorough.” 
When his eyes returned to Rev, he noticed a few dozen notes covering him as well. “Have you tried not being stupid?” 
Rev huffed. “This is me trying not to be stupid.” 
“Well, hopefully you’ve at least figured out that Tech didn’t want to eat you, then.” 
Coughing awkwardly, Rev looked away. “How… do you know about that?” 
“Lexi told me you came flying past her screaming about it.” 
“Oh… I… guess I should’ve asked her not to say anything…” he cleared his throat. “But uh, yes. I do know that Tech wasn’t trying to eat me.” 
“Great. And since we’re already talking about Tech, can you get me into the lab so I can talk to him?” 
“I can see if he’ll let us in. But what do you need to see him for?” 
“I need some new batteries.”
“Oh! I have some batteries!” Rev ran to his desk and pulled open a drawer, inadvertently flinging some post-its into the air. “I’ve got Double A, Quadruple A, A Twenty-Three, C Cell, D Cell, Nine Volt-”
He stopped his rummaging. “Yeah?” 
“Any Triple A?” 
Rev glanced back into the drawer for a moment. “Oh, uh, no.” 
“Then can you open the lab already?!” 
“Sure. I’ll meet you there.” 
In an instant, Rev was gone. Duck soon followed. 
When he appeared directly in front of the door, Rev was off to the side speaking through the intercom. 
“Are you sure, Tech? You kinda sound like you don’t want me or especially Duck to come in.”
“It’s… fine. Just open the door.” 
Rev inputted some kind of overly elaborate code onto the keypad and the door slid open. 
“WAH!” And Duck was buried in papers again. He warped upward and landed on top of the paper pile. “Geez Tech!” came Duck’s scolding as Tech walked closer. “Have you ever heard of a folder?” 
“Yes. But I’ve also heard of staples.” And like that, Tech used his power to yank all of the papers out from under him, landing Duck straight onto his butt.
“OOF!” Getting back onto his feet and brushing himself off, Duck scowled. “Any reason you had a pile of paper precariously placed right at the door?”
“Genuine mistake,” Tech stated through a smirk before walking his paper tower further into the lab.
“Whatever,” Duck huffed, following him inside with Rev shortly behind. “The TV remote’s dead. I need Triple A batteries for it.”
“Alright. Hand me the ones in the remote.”
“Okay.” Duck teleported.
And immediately he was right back where he teleported from. 
“You didn’t turn off the security thingy?!”
“It takes a while to shut off, so I didn’t bother. Sorry that I forgot to mention it,” Tech said with faux innocence. 
“You’re despicable.” Duck sharply turned and walked out of the lab’s door, before teleporting away properly this time. 
Rev brought his attention to Tech. 
“Something happen between you two?” 
“Not really. I’m still mad about something he said last week… even though I probably shouldn’t be by now.”
“What’d he say?”
“Eh, it’d take too long to explain. Long story short, he gave me some dumb advice I’d never use in my right mind.”
“Well that definitely sounds like something he’d do.”
Duck appeared at the doorway again and stomped inside. “Here’s the batteries,” he said, practically shoving them into Tech’s hands. “Now, give me some new ones.”
“I don’t have any.” 
“I used the last of the ones I had a while ago. You’ll just have to wait for these ones to recharge.” With that, Tech walked over and set them into the battery charger on his desk. 
“How long will that take?!” 
“A few hours, at least.” 
“You can’t be serious?! How am I supposed to go without the remote for that long?!” 
Rev stuck up his pointer finger triumphantly. “Actually! You know what? I just remembered; While I was grabbing a quick snack the other day I think I overheard Lexi talking about-” 
“Would you quit yackin? Some people have real problems to deal with.” Duck groaned, stomping back to the door. “I guess I’ll have to find some batteries myself! You literal and not-literal love birds enjoy your freaky nerd nests; I’ve got some battery hunting to do.” 
“We’re not-!” And Duck was gone before Rev could finish. 
Tech crossed his arms. “You know, he’s just trying to get under your skin.” 
“But-! He can’t just… keep saying stuff like that!” 
“Just ignore him. Don’t give him the satisfaction of thinking you’re actually listening.” 
“I… Yeah. You’re right…”
Tech looked around his lab, papers in towers all around. “I guess this would qualify as a ‘nerd nest’,” he said. “Duck made it sound like you had one too?” 
“Yeah. I’ve been doing some research on-” Rev’s words got caught in his throat. “Uh, stuff.” 
“Y-Yeah. Just… nothing weird or… I don’t know.” 
Tech took a few steps closer, and Rev held his breath. 
Then Tech snagged a post-it caught up Rev’s crest and brought it into his vision. 
“You said it was nothing weird, right?” 
“I-I did, but-” 
“Then why can’t I see what you’ve been up to?” 
“I… well… I don’t know. Something doesn’t feel entirely right… but as far as I can figure out it’s okay…” 
Tech raised the note into his view, reading it aloud. “In a 2165 speech, the governor of New New Jersey was quoted saying that coyotes were cunning and untrustworthy, contributing to the spread of these stereotypes.” His gaze returned to Rev, giving him an expression of mild concern. “This is what you’ve been doing for the past week?” 
“Well not entirely. I mean I did spend a bit of time on it as I wanted to be thorough but I did have to eat and sleep and…” Rev cowered. “Did I screw up?” 
Tech handed Rev back the note. “Doing some research is a good idea, but if your room is looking anything like it does in here, you might’ve gone overboard.” 
“Um…” Rev looked around, avoiding eye contact. “Anyway, what have you been up to? You said you were working on something but you’ve been pretty quiet about it all week.”
Tech sighed, deciding to ignore Rev’s sidestep for now. “Well…” His ears drooped. “I wanted it to be a surprise, but nothing's come of it so far. When you asked to come in I figured that… I couldn’t keep you out forever…”
Rev stepped over to one of the stacks of paper and took a stapled group off the top, scanning through. “Oh!” Rev perked up with a bright smile. “You’re experimenting with your potential electromagnetic abilities!” Slowly, his smile dropped. “But… you said nothing’s come of it?” 
“Yeah… I haven’t managed to generate a single watt, let alone a circuit frying EMP.” Tech turned away, sighing wearily. “It should have been so easy. Magnetism and electricity are intrinsically linked, and I used both so effortlessly just last week. Yet… stacks documentation and experiments later… and I think I’ve lost all hope of figuring it out…” 
“Aw, I’m sure you can do it eventually! Maybe you just need to come at it from a different angle.” 
“Different angle?” 
“Sure! How’ve you been trying to create electromagnetic energy so far?” 
“Well…” Tech motioned Rev to his main work table, which had a few stacks of paper and a simple energy monitor attached to some loose wires on it. “I know that, mechanically, all that I should have to do is rapidly oscillate my magnetic fields near some conductive material to generate electricity, so I hooked up some wires to an energy monitor and tried to do just that. If I managed to generate even a single watt, I’d be able to see it. So far though… no luck.” 
“Hmm…” Rev leaned down and tilted his head, looking at the simplistic set up. “This kinda seems like a cold and mechanical way of figuring things out.” He straightened up and turned back to Tech. “What about the emotional part? Didn’t you say you’d figure out what you were feeling when you produced the EMPs and try to replicate the circumstances?” 
“I’m… still not entirely sure what specific emotion correlated to producing the EMPs, or if that correlation even exists or matters at all.” Sighing, he wiped his face. “Nevertheless… I have tried inducing various emotions through different means, but the longer I continued, the more the utter failure of these experiments got to me and possibly influenced the results…” 
“Maybe you should try something else like- Oh!” Rev rushed out of sight, then came back with a simple LED lightbulb. “It’ll take very little energy to get this to light up, and when it does, you’ll have a quick and easy indicator that you’re on the right track!”
Taking the lightbulb offered to him, Tech turned it in his hands with an unsure expression. “Even if LEDs are more efficient than other bulbs, it’ll still take more energy to produce results than creating a current through the energy monitor.”
“That’s true, but a lightbulb is easier to carry around, and getting out of the lab might help things feel a little less stagnate.” Rev stepped around and started ushering Tech to the door. “And I don’t know about you, but I would have never learned about the full potential of my powers if nothing changed. Running faster, sure; I already run everywhere. But flying? That was entirely different territory. I looked into the sky and wondered if I could, and after many failed jumps, it wasn’t until I stopped thinking about the ground that I finally took off.” 
After a moment to hum in thought, Tech shrugged. “I did only discover my powers when I wasn’t thinking about them. Mostly because I had no idea I even had them. Maybe a short break will help me clear my mind a bit.” 
“That’s a great idea!” They stepped out of the lab and the door automatically locked behind them. “Once you’ve cleared your head a little I just know you’ll figure everything out! Maybe I can even throw you a party once you do! Complete with nice clothes and everything. But, since it’s been like a week since you’ve left the lab, before all that you could probably use a good meal and-” Rev sniffed the air and gagged, “uh, maybe a shower.” 
Nodding with a shrug, Tech continued forward a few steps before noticing that Rev had gone entirely still. He turned to him in curiosity and was met with a mortified expression. 
“I’m really sorry if that was mean or uncalled for! I wasn’t even really thinking about what I said and then it came out and I don’t know why it even did because I’d never mean to-”
“-hurt you even a little because I’m supposed to be your best friend but I should’ve known better and-”
“Rev!” Tech shot his hand out toward Rev’s beak, but stopped himself before actually grabbing it. Thankfully, the movement was enough to get Rev’s attention, cutting his rant short. 
“I’m… sorry…” Rev summarized quietly.
Tech crossed his arms. “Well, I’d like to know what for, because I’m entirely lost.”
“Wait you don’t even-” Rev paused. “Uh, maybe it’d be better if I didn’t elaborate…”
“After how much you just freaked out? No. I really think you should explain yourself.” 
“Oh…” Rev rubbed his arm, his eyes locked on the floor. “Well, there were quite a few records of people assuming that coyotes smelled and I don’t want to be one of those people…” 
Tech rolled his eyes, sighing with a neutral expression. “Okay… It’s great that you did some research, and also great that you’re making an effort to be more considerate,” 
Rev froze with dread of what was coming next.
And there it was. That sharp stab to the gut.
“I’d really like it if you didn’t make things awkward, alright? Like I already said; If you say something uncalled for, I’ll let you know. And when I let you know, then you can say sorry, and then we can move on. Got it?” 
“Got it…” 
“There’s no need to overreact if you say the wrong thing to me. I can handle it, I promise. So, unless I make a big deal of whatever you say, just treat the situation like you would any mistake you’d make. Alright?” 
Tech smiled warmly, stepping forward and giving Rev a few pats on the shoulder. 
“You’re on the right track, so just relax and have some confidence in yourself already. Everything is going to be fine. Okay?”
Finally, he pulled away. “I do need to take a shower though. Afterward, maybe a nice walk around HQ will help me figure out my powers. So, I’ll talk to you later, Rev.” 
He started walking away. 
“Later, Tech. I promise I’ll take your advice to heart.” 
With a thumbs up, Tech stepped around the corner and out of sight. 
Finally alone, Rev sighed, rubbing his arm. 
“Dang it… All that research… and it still wasn’t enough to stop me from screwing up…” A warbled breath left his beak, and Rev immediately straightened up and cleared his throat. 
“No. Tech wouldn’t want me to cry. I just… need to never make another mistake, and then I’ll never hurt his feelings again, and then I’ll never feel the need to cry. Everything will be fine. Just… think… Where did I go wrong…” 
He started pacing back and forth, though, at a characteristically fast speed. A few post-its jostled off and fluttered to the floor. 
Abruptly, his feet came to a halt. 
“Confidence! Tech said I needed to have some confidence in myself! I’m not quite sure how confidence will help me avoid hurting his feelings, but Tech knows what he’s talking about so getting some confidence will definitely work. Now… how to get some confidence…” 
Another brief bout of pacing later and he triumphantly raised a finger into the air. 
“Lexi’s got confidence in spades! I’ll just go ask her how to get some confidence and then I’ll be the most perfect best friend that Tech could ever hope to have!” 
And with that, Rev dashed across HQ to find her, more post-its fluttering to the ground in his wake. 
Link to Oversight Chapter 2 ->
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Reupload because I had a weird dream where the ending of this fic looked messed up letters so I deleted and reuploaded, once again hesitant to call this boyfs but basically last fic I wrote but in Jeremy’s perspective
Obviously Jeremy missed Michael. They had been best friends for years, squip or not, and when they stopped talking it hurt like hell.
But a strange part of him felt some sort of relief. Like, it was painful to be miss Michael, and not to mention there was still guilt there for everything that happened.
In a strange way, though? The whole situation gave him an opportunity to grow. Jeremy got to branch out more and make new friends, even if it meant losing his first ever friend.
Things with Christine didn’t entirely work out. There was nothing wrong with that, even if it also hurt, but they still stayed close. Life just kind of goes on that way.
That part also hurt, almost as bad as when he and Michael first stopped talking, but what could he do now? It felt artificial to reach out more now besides the happy birthday texts (the last one sent had Michael respond with “you too” for some reason?) and wishing each other well on holidays.
But it had been a few years, and it had started to hurt less. Sometimes, though, Jeremy wondered if Michael still thought about him.
“The date I had with that girl went really well.”
Jeremy looked up from the menu he was holding, smiling up at his friend. “Hello to you too, Sydney.”
Sydney took her seat and grabbed one of the menus from the table, laughing slightly when Jeremy looked back down at his own. “What was this girl’s name again?”
“Eleanor.” Sydney hummed and tapped her foot slightly. “Really nice girl, works at that aquarium nearby.”
Jeremy put down his menu once he decided what he was going to get, nodding slightly to show he was paying attention. “That’s great, I’m glad that’s going good for you.”
“What about you?” Sydney asked, still looking at her own menu. “Any luck recently with anyone?”
“I mean, not really.” When he and Christine broke up, it’s not like Jeremy stopped dating forever. He went on some different dates with a lot of different people. A few with girls, and a few with guys, it just didn’t always lead to anything specific.
“Well, no big deal. You don’t have to be in a relationship, not a requirement to be happy.” the green haired girl shrugged and put down her menu. “Personally, I’ve been on too many dates.”
“You get too many bitches?” Jeremy teased, and Sydney stuck her tongue back at him for a second.
“No need to insult me, Heere. Terribly wounded. But I’ve plenty of experience with the ladies, you’re correct.”
Jeremy rolled his eyes, and that’s when the waiter came around. After ordering drinks, his attention went back to her. “I’ve had plenty of experience, too.”
“Oh, really? Did you date anyone else outside of Christine that I didn’t know about?”
Jeremy paused for a minute. He shouldn’t have paused, he really hadn’t dated anyone before Christine.
But what he and Michael had was something. Not romantic or platonic, but something.
“I mean, I guess I didn’t really date anyone, but I did kind of have my first really bad heartbreak before Christine?”
Sydney raised an eyebrow, intrigued and leaning forward. “Really? Oh, I’ve got to know more.”
“You know Michael?” Well, obviously Sydney wouldn’t know Michael personally. However, with how long Jeremy and him were friends for, it was inevitable he would come up in a few childhood stories.
“Wait, he was your first heartbreak but you didn’t date? You had a crush on him then?”
He nodded, adding a short hum at the end. “I mean, it was really short lived, but yeah.”
The thing with Michael is he knew he liked boys for a long while. Jeremy’s discovery of liking boys came from a sleepover in seventh grade, in which he and Michael had been making microwave pizza rolls.
It had been a little while before Jeremy liked Christine, and so brief that he barely even counted it as anything. But it did happen.
“It’s kind of weird, looking back on it?”
“Crushing on your best friend? Kind of a classic recipe for queer romance if you ask me,” Sydney teased a little, earning a small giggle from Jeremy.
“No, I mean, even outside of the brief time I liked him, he was kind of my whole world. I didn’t think there would be anything outside of him for a long time.”
It was just Michael and Jeremy. Past, present, future. Only them, and the thought of anyone else being between them used to sometimes make Jeremy sick to his stomach.
Which felt especially ironic now, considering the fact he eventually went on to want more. Not like that was a bad thing, it was actually probably good for both of them to get a break from each other.
“I don’t understand whether or not I was genuinely into him or not, because even after I started crushing on Christine we kind of stayed really connected? Like he was just me but in a different form.”
“Huh..” Sydney listened, the waiter soon bringing the drinks out and asking what they were ready to order actual food. “I think we need a few more minutes, thanks.” She responded politely and turned back to Jeremy as the waiter walked away.
“Michael was what made me feel safe and secure for most of my life. He was consistently there.” Jeremy continued, fidgeting around with his hands. God, why was talking about this so nerve-wracking for him?
“You mentioned before you guys stopped talking after you got a girlfriend, right? Was he jealous or something?”
“I don’t think so..” Jeremy wasn’t for sure. At least, he’s fairly sure Michael wasn’t jealous. The whole situation of them no longer talking came from the squip, but who would believe him if he told them?
That’s when Sydney’s phone buzzed and she pulled it out. “Oh, it’s Eleanor, do you mind if I respond real quick?”
“Oh, no.” Jeremy smiled and pulled out his own phone as Sydney messaged Eleanor, scrolling through his own texts until he found Michael’s name.
‘You too’ was still kind of a funny response to the happy birthday message Jeremy had sent, in his opinion. After looking up at Sydney for a few moments, he started to type.
Hey, how are you doing
That’s when the waiter came in, the pair putting their phones away after Jeremy backspaced on the message.
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sunookkii · 3 years
Hi there! I saw your request are open if you don't mind could you do enha reaction to arranged marriage with fluff ending ^^. Thank you so much also sorry if I disturbing you. May you always have good day. ↖(^ω^)↗
a/n : SORRY THIS TOOK LIKE AGES I HOPE YOU ENJOY THOUGH ,, currently tryna clear out my inboxes as much as I can ; requests are still open ;))
Enhypen with an arranged marriage 💍
Genre : arranged marriage 😺👍
Warnings : I don’t think there’s any but if there is plz feel free to lmk !!
Requested : yes tyty !!!!
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So his parents were like yeah she’s gonna be your wife and you can’t do anything abt it 😹😹
So he was basically just like uh okay ??
Probably a bit annoyed abt how his whole marriage was arranged without his permission
but like yk this is just a business relationship ntg more than that
‘let’s just meet the girl my parents set me up with’
His rich parents reserved a spot at a really fancy dinner to have dinner with your family to let you and Heeseung meet each other for the first time
When he first sees you his first thought abt you was stunning, beautiful
And surprisingly you two get along really well, a little too well
You guys were stuck to eachother like glue for the rest of the night
His parents notice how he looks at you differently, he can’t contain his smirk/smile ever since he met you
You two ended up living a happy life together with no regrets <3
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At first he wasn’t really happy.....
he barely gets into fights w his parents cuz yk jay is very respectful
might even raise his voice a bit
Convinced himself that he will hate you
Probably not interested in you what so ever
but tbh he is interested to see who’s he’s stuck with for at least two years until the contract is over-
hehe,, little did jay know...
for some reason when he met you at the party he was feeling nervous ??!?? THE jay park feeling nervous bc of some girl *gasp
ngl you two really did have some sort of chemistry
After a while it was hard for you not to fall in love with his personally so here you are head over heels for the boy
And to your luck he felt the same
jays parents : “see this isn’t so bad is it”
will definitely end up keeping you 💪
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ngl he was pissed off when he figured out that he wasn’t able to make any decisions abt the arranged marriage
Probably really really annoyed but knows he can’t do anything about it. His rich parents wanted him to marry a girl who was also rich as him so two families can become powerful.
Most likely to rant to Layla how he doesn’t want to meet you because he thinks you’re probably going to end up being own fo those snotty rich girls
But oh boy was he wrong
You were the most humble sweet funny girl he could ever imagine, you were beyond his expectations
Yeah he met a lot of hot/pretty/cute girls but all of them had horrible personalities
he found it attractive how you were different
you two ended up having so much in common and wouldn’t be able to separate for the rest of the night
Anywhere there is jake there will also be you ;)
So I guess you can say you guys got along well
you got along really really well..;) a little too well..........
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Mad to the point that he’d ignore everyone and not speak at all. Pissed off to the extent !!
Tbh he probably didn’t even want to meet you, scratch that he didn’t even want anything to DO with you.
Like jays parents they reserved a spot at a expensive seven star restaurant
The whole dinner he was cold, rude and arrogant. Would sigh a lot and glare 😺
though you were a totally opposite personality of him. You’re were bubbly, sweet and cute
even though he wanted to hate you he couldn’t he hated to admit but you were really adorable
he might even sneak a smile, well not sneak cuz when he smiles everyone seems to notice. (Lets just pretend he’s cold too every girl he meets but w u it was different lolol)Sunghoon has such a cute smile
As days goes by living with you he learned how much he cared for you and that his feeling grew ever single the day he met you
Ice prince finally now had an ice princess
after two years had passed the contract was over but he was already in love with you by then, you two ended up getting married properly this time
You guys were a match made in heaven 🌥
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I don’t think he’d mind, he might just be disappointed but tbh idk I don’t think he’d care.
As long as you’re not one of those stuck up bitches !!!!
but like he would definitely be surprised when he heard the words ‘arranged marriage’ his face would be like 😯 huh???
Actually kinda excited to meet you, he loves meting new people
when he finds out that you’re cute beautiful smart and kind. He knew that you two would get along quite well
You guys matched each others energy so well, you guys quickly became best friends so you didn’t mind living with him
He was a great cuddle buddy
so after a while of all this skinship and spending so much time together being able to be yourself you soon fell for him and viseversa
You two are blessed to have eachother, you guys ended up being soulmates until the next life and so on forever
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Like sunghoon he would be super cold
He wouldn’t even wanna meet you nor have anything to do w you
He’s mad at the universe that he never got a chance to find his soul mate on his own
But little did he know he was abt to meet her at *wink wink your house
Was actually forced to be here, and already planned out in his head that he wasn’t going to talk to you and have his poker face one the whole time
you ended up being really pretty, sweet and funny.
He forgot all about his plan to try and push you away instead he unintentionally did the opposite 😭😭
You two exchanged phone numbers, he put your name under as ‘future wife ❤️’
It was supposed to be a business relationship but he ended up having a really big crush on you
boy can never ever keep his smirk to himself
He’s just so adorable himself how can you not fall for him 😞😞🤲
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Another one that would be pissed and disobey their parents
Would probably “run” away to some convenience store nearby to get some bungeopang where he bumped into some girl that was tryna grab the last snack
He wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone and neither were you
You two ended up bickering whether who gets to keep the snack when you suddenly blurt our “IM NOT IN A GOOD MOOD MY PARENTS JUST TOLD ME THAT IM GOING TO BE IN AN ARRANGED MARRIAGE WITH SOME GUYS NAME RIKI SO JUST ELT ME HAVE IT PLEASE”
Then he’d be like “really you too??? I’m riki”
He lets you have the snacc cuz he sorta likes you even though he just met you :,)
You two ended up talking to eachother for the rest of the night until one of you had to go home
Ended up realizing how funny and cute you were. Comes home with a big ass smile in his face
that’s how he met his future wife
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thebibliosphere · 3 years
Feel very free to ignore this but yea . I'm starting to think I may have been underestimating how generally ill I am and that I may have something medically significant going on and it would be an understatement to say that its freaking me out a little bit. I grew up with my mom being chronically ill so I got it drilled into me that I basically had to grin and bear shit bc at least it wasnt as bad as hers. Any tips on dealing with this mindfuck lmao
Solidarity, friend. I grew up with a visibly disabled sibling, and it's still a mental slog sometimes to get past the whole "but at least you're not as bad as X" I get from some people just because I'm not as visibly affected.
It took me years to stop internalizing that too. I still struggle with it, sometimes.
Therapy helps a lot. I go to grief counseling. It helps with both acceptance and also managing rapid cycling emotions. This is often something we experience when we first realize Something Is Wrong and we could have been having help this whole time and entirely normal. I also find mindfulness (yes, really) and radical acceptance to be helpful.
Going to put this under a cut because it's long :)
Some people mistake radical acceptance to mean "guess I'll just give up then" when what it actually means is to stop fighting things you cannot change, accept them as reality and focus your energy elsewhere.
For me, that meant giving up on the idea that I'd ever be a healthy, able-bodied person. For the longest time, I was sure if I got the right diagnosis and treatment, I'd eventually be healthy and my suffering would stop. It was my motivation to keep pushing through the medical abuse and gaslighting and, honestly, all that kept me alive sometimes. I needed to name the beast so I could kill it and claim my life back. And then I got diagnosed with two genetic disorders that can't be cured, lol.
Not gonna lie, struggled for a bit with that: both with the idea that I'd been allowed to suffer for decades through medical negligence, and also that now, even knowing the name of what was wrong, I was stuck with it forever. It could be managed, but it couldn't be cured. And that's where radical acceptance can help. Which for me looks like:
"I have (at least) two genetic disorders that cause lifelong problems that cannot be cured. There is literally nothing I can do to change this. This is a fact I cannot fight. But, with treatment and self-care, they can be managed and my quality of life can be improved, which is incredibly important! So that is where I will focus my energy. On improving my quality of life for the person I am, not the person I could have been."
It sounds simple, but internalizing it is another matter.
As for mindfulness, whenever I catch myself in a negative thought spiral of "I should do more because I am not X enough", I force myself to pause and ask: If this were happening to a friend, would I urge them to rest, or would I tell them to keep going even though it's harming them? No? Okay, so why am I not offering myself the same care and compassion?
This can apply to many aspects of life, but mostly I use it to herd myself into being kinder to myself because, goodness knows, someone needs to be kind to this body and it might as well be me.
This is like... not even remotely enough to help with everything you will be experiencing. But I hope it's a helpful start in pointing you in the right direction. Good luck and take care!
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atlabeth · 3 years
let it snow - john b routledge x fem!reader
summary: a handsome stranger makes your time stuck at the airport a whole lot less miserable.
a/n: this idea has been in my head for a while and my boy jb always needs more appreciation so here u go. i did this instead of my gov chapter. things are not canon here btw as its implied that both jb's parents are alive and together and there's no mention of obx plot. just a fun lil christmas fic
also don't worry about why john b is in new york. we'll just say he goes to one of the cuny's idk
warning(s): none!
wc: 2.7k 
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“Attention, all passengers for flight 375 to Norfolk — we regret to inform you that due to inclement weather, the flight has been delayed an additional 90 minutes, until 7:30 PM. If you have any questions, please see the front desk at your gate. We apologize, and thank you for your patience.”
You heaved a sigh and let your head fall back against the airport seat that became increasingly uncomfortable with every hour that passed. As you closed your eyes, you were ready to resign yourself to the fate of being stuck in LaGuardia for the rest of your life. Not even the Starbucks that you had decided to treat yourself with was helping, as like the rest of New York (and probably the United States), it had gone cold.
“With a reaction that bad, you’ve got me thinking our flight’s been delayed again.”
You hardly bothered to move your head as you opened your eyes, nodding solemnly to the stranger who was unfortunate enough to be in the same boat as you. “If you’re on 375 going to Norfolk, then yeah. For the fourth time.”
The stranger grimaced and checked his phone. “Ouch. Guess this is what we get for trying to fly in December, huh?”
You chuckled and finally adjusted your sitting position back to normal, trying not to let your eyes linger on the surprisingly attractive boy that was definitely around your age striking up conversation with you. “Yeah. My parents are gonna be so pissed — I can’t wait for all the ‘I told you to fly home earlier!’ and ‘you should’ve just stayed home for all of winter break!’”
He laughed. “Good luck with that.” He shrugged his backpack off so it hung over one shoulder and gestured at the seat next to you with his head. “Do you mind?”
“Not at all,” you said with a flourish of your hand towards it. “If I’m gonna be stuck here for another hour and a half, I’d prefer someone like you over my midterm essay.”
He smiled and settled in next to you, placing his bag on the floor and extending a hand for you to shake. “I’m John B, by the way. Figured you should know the name of the guy you’re gonna be stuck with for the next while.”
You shook his hand and said your name as well, though a slight crease formed in your brows. “John B, huh? What’s the B for?”
John B cracked a grin. “Booker. It’s my middle name — my dad’s John too, so it’s a way to tell us apart. I’m from a pretty small place, so it’s just stuck.”
You sat back as you nodded thoughtfully. “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, John Booker. What’s got you stuck in LaGuardia on December 24th?”
He shrugged. “Goin’ home for winter break, just like any other college kid. It’s just that I ended up spending a lot of time with my college friends, which means that my OBX friends are gonna be even more annoyed that I’m coming home so late.”
You grinned. “No way.”
John B raised his eyebrows, his mouth raising in that cute little half smile that he seemed to be fond of. “What?”
“What are the odds?” you asked with a small laugh. “I’m headed to the Outer Banks too.”
This time, he let out one of his own. “Wow. Small world, huh?” But then he frowned, pulling one of his legs up to his chest in the chair. “But like I said, the OBX is a pretty small place. I know basically everyone there, but I’ve never seen you before. What’s up with that?”
“I’m not from there,” you explained. “I’m a New York native, actually — just south of Rochester. My dad goes all over for business, and recently it landed him in the Outer Banks. That’s where home is for now, so it’s where I’m going too.”
John B nodded again, turning his grin on you. “That makes sense, because I definitely would’ve remembered seeing you around.”
You laughed, averting your eyes as you felt a rush of heat to your cheeks. “Smooth.”
“I try.” His eyes twinkled a bit and he nodded at your laptop. “What’s your paper about?”
“Oh, god,” you muttered, attention trailing back to what should’ve actually been important as you tapped the touchpad a few times to turn your laptop back on. “It’s a very long, very boring writeup of the lab I did for the first part of my midterm. Trust me, you don’t want to hear about it. I’m trying not to think about it, honestly.”
John B let out another bright laugh as he dropped his leg back down to the ground, then leaned his elbows on his knees to get a better look at your computer screen. After about thirty seconds of his lips moving soundlessly and an increasingly confused expression blooming on his face, he sat back. “Yeah. I uh, I understand about zero percent of that. More of a history guy myself.”
You blew out a loose sigh and shook your head. “Don’t even talk to me about history. There’s a reason I’m a chem major.
He scoffed and pulled back. “God, don’t talk to me about chem. It’s a miracle I ever passed that class in high school.”
You chuckled, and though you were about to continue the quips, you instead looked him in the eyes with a slightly wondrous smile. “Y’know, I don’t think I’ve ever shared this much about myself with a random stranger.”
“Probably a combination of airport madness and my effortless charm,” he said with a wink.
As he got another laugh out of you, you closed your laptop and leaned over to zip it back into your bag. At this rate, with this guy, you were never going to get anything else done. “It’s a shame that we only met because the weather fucked us over. I’m having a really great time with you.”
“Hey,” John B shrugged. “If another delay means I get to keep hanging out with you, then I say let it snow.”
Another round of heat rushed to your cheeks as you sat up, the grin on your lips becoming an apparent staple of conversation with John B. “Let it snow indeed.”
The remaining delay passed by a lot quicker than the others with the company of John B, the two of you talking and trading stories the entire time. When they announced that they were finally boarding, you were almost disappointed. Part of you hoped that your seats would be next to each other, but you had already checked. Unfortunately, they weren’t.
While it might’ve been tragic for you, it was most definitely the better outcome for your chemistry paper. Without a handsome stranger distracting you, you were able to finish the rest of your writeup in an hour, leaving enough time for you to proofread, jot down some friends to send it to to get their opinion once you had WiFi again, and pray to the gods that this would get you a good grade.
The second you stepped off the plane, you were met with an onslaught of text messages and missed calls from both of your parents. You lingered long enough in the gate trying to decide how to respond to them when you heard your name being called, and when you looked up you could already feel the beginnings of a smile forming.
“I’m surprised you waited for me,” John B said as he came to a stop next to you. “You seem like a woman on a mission.”
You grinned and turned your phone off. Those texts could wait. “I am. It just so happens that you’ve become a part of that mission.”
He raised his eyebrows. “Oh?”
You nodded. “The baggage claim. Very hard to conquer.”
Thankfully, he caught your drift and he mirrored your serious expression. “Oh, one hundred percent. You’re lucky that we get to go together, otherwise we might not make it out of here.”
“I’m forever indebted to you.” You started walking and he joined you, a comfortable but steady pace setting in. “So, how was your flight? Have you gotten any shit from your friends yet?”
John B laughed. “The flight was boring, and yes. From my friends and my parents, about ‘where the hell are you you’re gonna ruin Christmas bro.” He turned his phone off and put it back in his pocket once he finished reading one and chuckled. “Word for word from JJ.”
“Well, you can tell JJ that he can blame the weather for ruining Christmas. You’ve already made my Christmas better.” If you hadn’t chosen to look down at your phone at that moment, you would’ve seen the intense blush blooming on his face. “Wow. Apparently they sent my brother to pick me up — can’t tell if they’re that annoyed at me or if they just don’t want to have to drive two hours at night.”
“Probably both.” His eyes flicked up to the sign pointing in the direction of the baggage claim and he casted a glance at you. “Might wanna let him know you’re gonna be a while. The bags haven’t even started coming yet.”
You sighed and rubbed a hand against your forehead. “Great. Looks like the true danger of the baggage claim is the boredom from waiting thirty minutes. Got any brilliant ideas to follow through with our plan of conquering?”
John B made a show out of his thought process, staring off into the distance with wistful eyes before turning them on you again. “We could always just talk more about ourselves. 20 Questions?”
You tutted and nodded slowly, as if you were considering it. “I do love to talk about myself. But I don’t think that’s how 20 Questions works. More of a yes/no thing.”
He shrugged. “Then we just ask each other 20 questions. Or talk until our bags come. Whichever one comes first.”
“Sounds like a plan,” you said. You turned a scrutinizing gaze on him, looking him up and down in mock contemplation. “Alright, I got my first question. Why have you told so much of your life to some random girl you met in an airport?”
A slight smile tugged at his lips and he thought about it for a second. “I dunno. You just happened to be there when I was coming back over from charging my phone, and once we started talking there was just something about you that made me trust you.” As John B met your eyes again with that half smile of his, they almost twinkled. “It’s already paid off.”
You smiled shyly as you played with one of the rings on your finger, and he continued. “I guess that’s my question too, then. Why have you told so much of your life to some random guy you met in an airport?”
“It’s pretty simple,” you said. “I had already been stuck in the airport for like, the entire day, I was trying to work on my lab writeup and it was boring me out of my mind, and then the flight got delayed again. I think it’s safe to say that talking to you has been the most interesting thing to happen to me today.”
John B pressed a hand to his chest, and for the first time you noticed the freckles dotted around his face. “I’m honored.”
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t hold back your amusement. “You should be. Next question: What should I expect for my first time in the Outer Banks?”
He raised his eyebrows. “You’ve never been?”
“Nope,” you said, popping the ‘p’. “My dad struck the deal right when my freshman year of college started — there was so much going on at NYU that he told me not to worry about the move. We’ve spent all the holidays until now with family in other places, so this Christmas is my first time calling the OBX home.”
John B grinned and rubbed his hands together. “Oh, you are going to love it. I mean, technically you’re a kook, but from what I know about you so far I know that you’d fit in with me and my crew way more.”
You frowned. “The hell’s a kook?”
“Sometimes I forget people don’t know about it,” he chuckled. “The island’s divided into these groups, pogues and kooks. You said that your dad’s there for business, and— I mean, you go to NYU. I’m gonna assume you’re pretty loaded.”
“I mean, I wouldn’t say that we’re loaded—”
“Anyone who says that is loaded,” he joked. “But it’s not a huge deal. At least not right now, because you’re actually a decent person. My friends would love you, I can already tell.”
You laughed and adjusted your bag, then gestured towards the conveyor belt that now had bags on it. “Save your psychoanalysis for later, Freud. I see my bag.”
Once you lugged your suitcase off the conveyor belt and walked back over to John B, he sighed. “Damn. And we only got through three questions.”
You shrugged as you took out your phone, shooting a text out to your brother to ask him where he was, then looked back at him. “I guess we’ll have to get stuck in another airport next Christmas to finish the other 37.”
“We will see each other again, y’know. We don’t have to wait for another delay.” John B stuck his hands in his pockets and smiled. “Besides, if you’re that worried about finishing our game, you can always give me your number.”
You laughed, and this time the heat rushing to your cheeks was expected. “Smooth.”
“Smooth enough to work?”
The two of you waited at the claim until John B got his own suitcase, and then the two of you set off for the final half of your journey. Unfortunately, a select text from your brother in response to the one you sent earlier wasn’t really what you wanted to hear.
You groaned, coming to a reluctant stop just before an escalator that was now going to take you in the completely wrong direction.
“What is it?” John B asked as he came to a stop next to you.
You shook your head, letting go of your suitcase to rapidly tap out an annoyed response. “My brother’s not even waiting inside, apparently. He’s out somewhere in the middle of the parking garage, and I’ve spent the last ten minutes going the wrong way.”
“That sucks.” He checked his watch and shook his head. “9:30. Looks like we’re gonna make it home on Christmas day.”
You sighed, not even wanting to think about the ride home as you gave him sad eyes. “It also looks like this is where we part ways, John B.”
“It was a pleasure to be by your side, my lady.” He gave an extra flourish of his hand and stepped out in a mockery of a bow, and you laughed.
“There was no one I would’ve rather traveled with on this treacherous journey,” you responded in kind as you started to walk backwards. “Merry Christmas, John B. Have a good night, drive safe!”
“Merry Christmas — you too.”
You opened your mouth to say something else, but you didn’t know quite what to say. Maybe you wanted to keep up the vibe the two of you had created over the span of the day, or make a move, or just anything to make this moment last a little longer, but… you didn’t. For whatever reason, you closed your mouth and nodded, then turned around.
You’re a second away from the doors leading back into the main terminal when you hear your name being called again. When you turn around, John B is staring right at you with an almost desperate look in his eyes.
“When you’re done celebrating with your folks—” he ran a hand through his hair with a small smile, eyes flicking down in a split second of uncertainty because meeting yours again, “—make sure you shoot me a text. I’d love to show you around.”
You grinned at him and gave him a mock salute with your free hand. “Sounds like a plan, John Booker.”
perm tags: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin @maruchan77 @simonsbluee
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evacado3 · 3 years
Hey 😃 can I request about Vasco with s/o who taller than him? Thanks 🏃🏻‍♀️
Ngl, was kinda surprised when I received this. Me myself is not very tall sooo it might be a little confusing, I’ll still try but don’t judge too hard 😅
To him it doesn’t matter, nope
Though Jace kinda sees you as a threat
You might have been mistaken for the leader instead
Will try the hair pulling thingy again with you after seeing little Daniel succeed
Will challenge you to touching the door frame
Wanna teach you how to fight, but respects your hobbies
Jace thanks you cause Vasco's not crying for girls no more, and you actually drilled some common sense in him
If your Tabasco's girlfriend, unfortunately you are officially burn knuckles' queen
So don't too surprised if a group of tattooed guys follow you every where, come on they're only checking if you're safe
Be aware of the ceiling though, will kneel with their head down if you ever get hurt
Burn knuckles will not need a order from Vasco if anyone tries to hurt you, all of them will go berserk
Shopping havoc
Word count: 1213 one-shot
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It's been a month of dating the head of burn knuckles, and you're still convinced that he likes kangaroos more than you. No he really made plans to adopt a kangaroo when you agreed to date him.
The scene was basically you blushing after accepting his confession, but only to hear his dreams of having that large animal when he gets married, leaving you very flustered in public.
Though what embarrassed you more, ever since you were young, was the fact that you are taller than the young man before you. You could see he doesn't give it a single shit about that, but insecurities don't leave after a day.
For the last month, every time you made a comment about your height, he'd make a baffled face. "I think it's cool, what are you talking about your height is perfect." No he really doesn't understand why you have it hard on yourself.
Did you fall in love, obviously, yes. Though Vasco doesn't comprehend the reason behind you're insecurities, he assures that not only is it normal, it's beautiful, you're beautiful. Some height ain't gonna scare homeboy away!
So that's why today you wanted to take your relationship on to the next level, the 'normal' level.
I know, the 'normal' level is very correct. Come on does Tabasco really understand the concept of kissing?
Yes, he might have given his umbrella to you on a rainy day, he might have pinned you to the wall just to ask "You do want McDonald’s or KFC?"
Obviously you knew he doesn't have any experience, so fine, you waited. But after another two weeks it came to you that if you don't bring it up to him, he will never figure that out.
So what better to do than teach him on a date? You've planned out all the possibilities and the events that might occur, it took days to work up the nerve to ask him on a date, alone.
Ok, alone. Not with some big group of guys following you, you even begged Jace to make it clear. Alone. He said yes after seeing your desperation, using his detective skills straightforwardly.
"Good luck on that, you might have to even show him a video on how to kiss."
Fine don't ask what video you chose. Anything to open up his eyes to this current problem.
So you weren't sure why, along with your boyfriend who showed up in a nice loose tee and jeans, you felt seven more pairs of eyes following you.
Are you kidding me?
"Hey Vasco, how you doing today?" you asked faintly, despite your height, you're a softie at heart.
"Hey, I'm great, so we going to get some clothes? I could use some new pants."
Yes he does, have yall seen him running around in pajamas?
You tried hard to ignore those guys at the back, what happened to Jace's promise? They all gave out a suspicious aura, everyone was basically looking. And it's whatever if they walked far behind, they're literally stuck to their leader's ass, not even leaving one meter of space.
You could say the date proceeded well on Vasco's side, it was a regular date and you even picked out some nice pants for him. But on your side? Uh... not too great.
Every time you tried to make a move, there just has to be something that stopped you.
"So babe, umm I was wonder-"
"Mister, we are having a sale this month, would you like to pick out another pair to get 30% off?"
As if that wasn't enough, the boys would send you looks of encouragement at the back like it would soothe your embarrassment.
Sighing, you stepped into the final store you wanted to go in.
"I'm gonna pick out some clothes for you too ok? Wait here." he said with enthusiasm, already running off without hearing out your response. Obviously you couldn't trust his choices, but let the boy have fun.
So you minded your own business waiting for him to come back, but why did the receptionist look at you like that. Wait, she turned back to her friend while pointing your way. What's going on?
You could see them giggling after exchanging some words. They both spun your way, one of them making her way to you and the other one just laughed trying to woe her back.
"Hello, yes you over there. How tall are you?" she snickered.
It was almost as if she was the one over towering you when she stared at you curiously. "Uh... I-I'm not too sure." you replied softly, wishing she'd leave you alone.
"Hey no need to lie, damn your voice doesn't suit you at all. I thought you'd sound like a man! You must be at least 180 miss girl!" she exclaimed, though everyone who heard knew, that was spoken disrespectfully.
But you could only nod and fidget a little, not wanting to cause a scene. There was already a few people looking over to you, but shooting glares at the clerk. You were happy that they knew she was the one trying to disturb you.
"Your little boyfriend over there, isn't he bothered? If it was me I definitely would be disgusted. Are you sure he isn't just playing? Oh, do you play basketball?" her ranting agitated the customer, but still showed no signs of stopping.
Your blood ran cold as she kept speaking, what did she say? Isn't Vasco bothered with me?
What if the reason that he hasn't shown me affection was because he was disgusted?
On the verge of tears, you muttered out, "please stop."
"Stop, I do not feel comfortable with you speaking to me like this." you expressed clearly.
She scoffed when she recovered from shock, "hey lady, I asked-"
"I'm not." Vasco stated, popping out by your side. You flinched in surprise, but immediately blushing after he gently wrapped his arm around you.
"I heard what you said, and I'm saying I'm not disgusted or bothered by her." He said with a hint of anger. "Please return and do your job, my girlfriend will not like to speak with a girl like you."
Honestly, no words can express how happy that made you, your man stood up for your insecurities while being respectful. How did I end up with such a good man like this?
The girl gasp with an offended look, but looked down after meeting Vasco's eyes. She stuttered out a weak 'sorry' then fast-walked back to the counter.
Ignoring the cheers of other customers, he walked you out of the store. You were still dazed, eyes focused on the man whose eyes where ahead. Maybe the date was good after all.
But before he kept walking, an unexpected sweet peck landed on your cheek. Your face now resembles a tomato.
Wait, what was that
You saw in the between those guys, Jace sent you a sneaky wink.
"Was that ok?" Vasco asked, he doesn't look shy at all. Does he even realize what that means?
"Wait Vasco, continue no more, the queen is heating up!"
"The queen is all red!"
"Vasco you killed someone!"
Guess who got assorted out the mall today.
Forgive me for putting this in two parts and releasing it so late, I was busy memorizing the periodic table 😀
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captains-simp · 3 years
Can I have Yelena Belova "I'll stay as long as you need me too" or Fluff number 3?
I think i got the right prompt but it's definitely fluff.
If you still are accepting these requests and you haven't already done this one yet.
Chskdjks I didn't think anyone was actually going to request anything, this sparks so much joy (all of the requests are amazing and I'm working on them all). Soft Yelena let's gooooo
"I'll stay as long as you need me to."
Warnings: injury detail and my extreme lack of knowledge regarding medical treatment
2k words
[ masterlist ]
Buy me a coffee ☕
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Hearing someone knocking at your door at 11:48 pm was never something you took much comfort in. Especially when there was no previous heads up about it.
You considered not opening door, telling yourself to continue watching your show and not think about the fact that you didn't live in the best neighbourhood.
When the knocking continued you wondered if you should call someone, anyone, but the faint and very much strained sound of your friend's voice had you sprinting across the apartment to open the door.
Yelena was leaning against the door frame, frighteningly pale and looking as tired as someone who had just fought a war on their own. Given her line of work you guessed you weren't that far off.
"Lena you...what happened?" Your eyes fell to her stomach where she was holding her blood stained shirt. You felt faint imagining how bad of an injury she had sustained.
You stumbled backwards and motioned for her to come in before you shut the door behind her and rushed to the bathroom to get your well-stocked first aid kit.
You had meant to go back to the front door to help Yelena into the bathroom but she had already made her way towards you.
"I love that you have such a small appartment." She breathed out. You smiled weakly and supported her weight as you helped her manage the final few steps to your bathroom and sat her on the edge of the tub.
"You should be thankful for the friend that owns it too." You joked as you knelt down infront of her.
"I am." Yelena was quick to say. "I really am." You smiled up at her took her hands away from her shirt before you slowly peeled it away to expose the gun shot wound. You took a sharp intake of breath at the sight of it.
"You need to go to a hospital." You said as you tried to examine it without causing your friend any extra discomfort.
"I can't." You knew better than to push that. It no doubt had something to do with her mission, which meant you weren't allowed to know.
Yelena had never made it a habit of coming to you for medical assistance - especially as you weren't a doctor or nurse. The first time you had done so was when you picked up on her strained walk. You kept bugging her about it until she finally showed you the gash on her calf. It had been easy to clean and healed quickly. After that was a deep cut on her arm, then a burn on her back, then another cut. All of which you noticed. It was only when the injuries were bad that Yelena asked for your help. Too stubborn to ask anyone else and smart enough to know she needed assistance.
You never told Yelena, but you had gone out of your way to learn a little more than the basics on dealing with injuries. Once or twice you had to sneak away from her in your bathroom to double check one of your books to make sure you were doing everything right. Whenever she asked how you knew so much you made up some lie about watching a lot of TV...okay so maybe that wasn't a complete lie.
"Where's the bullet?" You asked, confused by the absence of an exit wound.
"I took it out." Yelena mumbled, she was starting to look worse now.
"Yelena!" You scolded. "No wonder you're bleeding so much." Yelena knew better than to do that but you decided you would investigate that further another day.
You placed a cloth against the wound and held it there with one hand and bit your lip as you glanced up at her.
She's lost a lot of blood...really needs a hospital...are stitches enough?
You didn't want to leave Yelena's side for a second to check one of your books. You weren't sure stitches would cut it, the wound should have been cauterized but you had no experience with that and didn't want to try your luck. Stitches would have to do.
You prepared the needle and thread as Yelena held onto the cloth. Your hand was shaking slightly in anxiety over the situation. You wanted to hear about the mission, about who shot the blonde you cared for so deeply. She wasn't meant to tell you anything, but you needed to hear her voice and it would help her stay conscious so you tried.
"Did you get the jackass who shot you?" You asked as you started to hold the skin in place. Yelena hissed sharply before speaking.
"Of course." Even bleeding out she was smug, what else would you expect from her?
"Mmm, and the mission was a success?"
"It was." You were surprised at the confirmation. "Besides getting shot." She added. You had been trying to keep her attention off of that fact.
Yelena gripped the bathtub tightly and groaned. There had been no time for anaesthetic.
"Almost done." You assured.
You stayed in a concentrated silence as you finished the last stitch. It wasn't perfect, but you had done a good job.
You got up to get a bottle of painkillers from the cabinet and handed them to Yelena with a glass of water. She waved them away at first until she begrudgingly accepted them after a firm look from you.
You carefully cleaned the blood off of her stomach with half a dozen wipes and placed a dressing over the wound as gently as you could manage. It would need constant attention for a while and you could only hope that Yelena would stay with you in that time. You wanted her by your side until she was well. You wanted her by your side when she recovered too. That was a convosation you weren't ready for.
"Thank you, y/n." Yelena said as she struggled to keep her eyes open.
"Let's get you to bed." You said, lifting her arm over your shoulder again to help her up.
"No, you don't have to-"
"Doctor's orders." You insisted, not in the mood to deal with Yelena's stubborness when she could have bled out in your bathroom. There was still a chance that could happen. She could sense your slightly agitated tone - she was superspy and your best friend of years, so of course she could.
"Not a doctor." She muttered as you guided her to your room. You rolled your eyes but didn't manage to stop the small smile creeping onto the corner of your mouth.
"I'll take the couch." She made a move to separate from you but you held onto her waist perhaps a little too desperately to lead her to your room.
"No way."
"It's your house." Yelena said, trying to look at you but you kept your eyes forward, afraid of what she would discover when she read you.
"Then we'll both take the bed." You sighed. Yelena managed a sly smile at your words and you gently nudged her side as you sat her down on your bed. "It's not like we haven't shared a bed before." You said that to yourself more than Yelena, trying not to think about how close you would be during the night and how that would probably keep you awake.
You handed her a spare pair of pajamas and went to leave for the bathroom to change and clean away when you noticed her struggle.
"Let me." You muttered in the least pitiful and condescending tone you could, knowing if she thought she heard some she would reject any further help from you. She nodded so you lifted the stained shirt over her head as carefully as you could, using her breathing patterns as a guide to tell you if she had any discomfort.
"You want that off too?" You motioned to her sports bra and averted your eyes a little too obviously from her toned stomach.
Yelena huffed when she noticed the sports bra, clearly thinking about how much of a literal pain it would be to get off.
"Just get me some scissors." You nodded and grabbed some from your desk and handed them to her, instantly turning on your heals to leave to avoid a sight that would be stuck in you head for the rest of your life.
God, y/n. Don't be such a perv. You mentally scolded as you cleaned and cleared everything away before quickly getting into your pajamas.
You knocked on your bedroom door and heard Yelena tell you you could come in.
Her discarded and very much ruined beyond saving clothes were in a surprisingly neat pile on the floor, you would deal with that the next day.
Yelena was wearing one of your shirts, which looked much better on her, and hadn't bothered with the pajama bottoms. You gulped as you realised you would be sleeping next to her in that.
"You always have your heating on way too high." Yelena mumbled, you smiled sheepishly and let the complaint go as she was clearly not having the best of days.
"I get-"
"Cold easily. I know." Yelena smiled knowingly at you as she pulled the covers over herself and layed on her side facing your side of the bed. You got in next to her and mirrored her position.
"Please don't go disappearing as soon as I fall asleep." You said with a slight pout. It wasn't like she hadn't done that before.
"I'll stay as long as you need me to." Yelena smiled reassuringly at you. You wanted to believe that, but it seemed much more likely that you would wake up without Yelena next to you the next day.
The blonde must have picked up on your skepticalism, she placed a gentle hand on your hip and the other snaked around your back. Together, they pulled you closer to her slowly until you were pressed against Yelena as she moved onto her back. One of her legs even tangled around yours to keep you close.
You didn't move for a moment, almost not trusting yourself, but eventually you gave in to what you were craving and rested your head in the crook of her neck and wrapped your arms firmly around her.
Her familiar scent engulfed you in a way that was much more reassuring than her words. This was amplified when Yelena kept her hand on your hip while the other combed through the top of your hair in the most comforting gesture you had ever seen from her much less received. You felt yourself sink into her more as you fully relaxed.
You couldn't contain the smile on your lips. Nor could you ignore the butterflies throwing a rave in your stomach. It definetly didn't help you get a handle on your ever-growing feelings for your friend, but there was no way you were going to pull away from the embrace.
In the warmth and security of Yelena's comfort it didn't take long for sleep to overtake you. You knew she was safe, as you kept brushing your fingers lightly across the part of her shirt concealing the dressing, and you knew she was there with you. It put your mind at rest better than anything else ever had.
But just as you slipped into your deep sleep you could have sworn you felt Yelena's soft lips on your forehead.
Maybe there was a chance you could fall asleep in her arms more often and maybe it could be when she was unharmed. You were unsure about a lot of things in life, but that was something you felt confident on.
And rightly so.
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merakiui · 4 years
hii could we get an angsty scenario/hcs of xiao and scaramouche/any characters you prefer! who are basically head over heels for someone but that person keeps getting with the wrong people and constantly getting their heart broken? Preferably with a good/fluffy ending but it’s up to you!
cw: angst + heartbreak  note - decided to go for scenarios! (❁´▽`❁)*✲゚*
One Call Away—
The sudden shout of his name had brought him out into the open, where he finds you sitting in a field of wildflowers, your head hung and quiet sobs racking your hunched form.
“You called?” The gruffness in his voice startles you and your head snaps up. He notices your pained expression and the tears that refuse to cease, and it gives birth to a strange feeling within his chest. “What happened? Surely I am not too late.” And then he shakes his head. “No, I’m never late.”
“Ah... I’m sorry.” You sniffle, pitifully rubbing at your eyes. “I guess your name slipped out. I didn’t mean to bother you. I just didn’t mean to call for you either.”
Xiao raises a brow and then surveys the surrounding area. “Well, it doesn’t look like you’re in any mortal peril. In that case, I’ll leave you to—”
Your sudden shout startles the both of you, with you drawing back and Xiao’s eyes widening ever so slightly. He wonders why you’re crying when beautiful scenery surrounds you. Are you truly that pathetic? Are mortals usually this weak-hearted? Xiao can’t wrap his head around the idea of grief; he’s an immortal who has seen plenty of hazardous scenarios worth grieving over. Yet with the passage of time he has learned to let such emotions drift away on a wind current. Emotions are useless to an adeptus.
But now he’s stuck with them.
“D-Don’t go...” Your voice wobbles and you wipe at your reddened eyes. “I don’t want to bother you, but could you stay here with me? For a little while, at least. It’s all I’ll ask...”
He feels like he should decline your desperate plea before it spreads its perplexing roots throughout his system. The words are practically on the tip of his tongue and he struggles to verbalize them. If he could, he’d shake his head and vanish from your sight. There’s something about your expression that forces him to stay, and he truly detests the way his emotions run wild at the prospect of something he can’t quite comprehend.
And so Xiao listens to you. It’s something he does best; his eyes and ears are open as he gives you his full, undivided attention. Half of him observes your reactions as you explain what happened and the other half zeros in on the way your subtle hand motions. While he might not be anywhere near a cupid—and he would never be caught giving out relationship advice to mortals, which is something he couldn’t do even if he tried—he is still a being of immense power. From what he’s able to understand from your explanation, your loved one decided to part from you because they believed it just wasn’t working. And you, having been struck with an immense sadness, failed to call out to them to clear up any misunderstandings.
Eventually, after internally wrestling with his own thoughts and feelings, he asks, “Do you want me to teach them a lesson? Should you need them to feel the same amount of despair you’re feeling—”
“Oh, no! No. No. They don’t deserve to be punished for that. I understand now that our feelings weren’t the same. We really weren’t working and that’s okay. It just...hurts.”
Xiao tilts his head, an innocently childish show of confusion. “Where?”
“It’s not a physical pain, Xiao. I mean, it could be. But...this is more emotional.” Your hand reaches out, fingers wrapping around his wrist. He stares down at your hand and he almost pulls away. Before he can even consider what’s happening, you’re guiding his hand to where your heart is. “In here. It hurts now, but I’ll overcome it eventually. I’m used to it anyways...”
The straight-faced adeptus remains still as he feels the fast-paced beat of your heart. Mortals have always been weak in his eyes: feeble beings who break at the slightest inconvenience. Although you don’t seem close to shattering and that confuses him more than he’d like to admit. Perhaps you are one of the more resilient humans he’s come across in recent years. It’s strange when he feels your heartbeat, so very certain and alive with the sour feelings a heartbreak brings. He’s never understood that either. Heartbreaks and relationships. The differences between friendship and romance. Both can be seen through to the very end, if fostered healthily.
So then why are you so sad?
Truthfully, you’ve always seemed sad to Xiao. As an adeptus, he’s never been able to fully grasp the meaning behind human emotions. They’re insignificant in his eyes, mere flashes of feeling that can hurt and blind. They’re troublesome and useless—certainly not something he would ever want to experience. But those emotions can heal and bring cheer. They’re not all entirely bad, nor are they as evil as he seems to think they are.
Xiao realizes his hand has been on your chest for a while now and he’s been staring at you so much that you’ve begun to shrink away, partially embarrassed to have him analyze you with so much scrutiny.
“Is...something wrong?”
He shakes his head slowly at first before retracting his arm. And then he notices you’ve stopped crying. He’s not sure when this happened, but he’s oddly relieved to see your neutral expression. Somehow your crying face is painful and it wounds him in a way he never would have imagined.
“Thank you for listening to my rant. I know this is probably meaningless to you, since you’re an adeptus and all, but it really means a lot. So I’m glad I was able to get these things off my chest. I feel a lot lighter now.”
“You’re not sad?”
“Ah. Well...” Your gaze flickers, eyes darting to and fro while you struggle to look at him. “I’m still sad, but I’ll get over it! Don’t worry! I’m resilient!”
Xiao’s brow furrows in confusion. As he has thought plenty of times before, mortals are far too complex. Eventually he sighs and says, “It’s okay to cry. Don’t keep that inside, okay? You’ll just hurt yourself even more.” Now he’s avoiding your gaze and there’s a barely noticeable tinge of pink dusting his pale cheeks. He’s really not good at consoling humans.
“Oh, Xiao.” You pull him in for a hug and he stiffens, trying to squeeze out of your arms like a cat near water. But then he feels your fingers digging into his arm and he realizes that you might actually need this hug. Despite the fact that he’s not used to freely giving out hugs—or even cheering up mortals, for that matter—he is definitely out of his element. “Really, thank you. I promise to make you an Almond Tofu as thanks.”
“There’s no need for that.” Hesitantly, as if he’s worried he’ll break you, he wraps his arms around your form. “I’m just helping you because you called my name. That’s all.”
But that’s not the full truth. Hidden in those words is the real reason why he even bothered to stay despite the false alarm. And it worries Xiao when he thinks about the implications. He really does like you and this admiration has surpassed platonic love. As long as you’re okay, though, he’ll swallow his feelings in favor of making sure you’re always happy. It’s one of his duties as your friend.
Friend. A word Xiao never thought he’d ever use, but it feels nice. He likes it.
Yet The Distance Remains Harrowing.
To Mend a Broken Heart—
You’re spilling your emotional guts in front of the Sixth of the Fatui Harbingers, tears freely running down your cheeks like two faulty water faucets. It’s a pathetic sight, really. Scaramouche witnessed this exact show just a few weeks ago when you were so certain that that fisher was the one. Now, after meeting and getting together with someone else for a short time, you’ve come out of yet another relationship, unhappy and unsatisfied.
He’s jealous. There’s no denying the envy he feels when you talk so highly of these people and then wail about them a few days later. It’s a vicious cycle of mending a fragile heart and then breaking it into pieces all over again. With no end in sight, you fall victim to your own demise in the pursuit of love. He wonders if you’ll ever learn to choose your next partner carefully rather than settling for anything with a pulse.
“This is exactly what I said would happen, was it not?” he says with a sigh. “Oh, woe is you. If you were smarter, this last relationship might have lasted longer.”
“That’s rich coming from you. I’ve never seen you in a relationship before,” you mutter, wiping angrily at your eyes. His eyelid twitches at the not-so-subtle jab. “Ugh!I hate being so unlucky! This is the worst.”
“Rather than your foul luck, I think the problem lies within you and your taste in partners.”
Sniffling, you lower your head onto the table, hoping to just melt into the crafted wood before you end up making even more of a fool out of yourself. It’s rare to be in the company of Scaramouche, considering how often he’s assigned missions that require swift travel and a covert profile. But whenever you do find yourself sitting across from him, indulging in light snacks and tea, it’s always because you’ve lost your latest lover; and your own sadness requires the nullifying effects of Scaramouche’s cynicism.
“They’re good people! I just don’t know why it never works out. We’re happy and we both like each other—it doesn’t make any sense. Am I missing something? Is it my fault? They probably got tired of me because I’m not a good person.“
“Perhaps.” He takes a moment to sip his tea and you muster a weak glare. Only Scaramouche can delight in his beverage while you’re holding back another onslaught of tears. “Your crocodile tears are hardly flattering and your apparent need for consistent affection might come off as clingy. And you have a tendency to find flaws within yourself whenever something doesn’t go your way. Adding onto that, you doubt yourself a lot and you’re always quick to take the blame for things that are out of your control. In a way you are partially—”
“I get it. I’m not a good person.”
“I never said anything of that sort. Now you’re just asking for pity.”
Oh, how close you are to punching that smirk off of his face.
“Then since you seem to know everything, my oh so helpful friend, why don’t you tell me what I’m missing?”
“With pleasure.” His cup finds the surface of the table as he ponders your demand for a moment. “You’re missing someone who meshes well with your personality.”
“That’s not true. Everyone I’ve been with so far—“ His skeptical look makes you stop short. “Okay. Maybe we forced it because we thought it was love. But that’s besides the point! There was still an attraction! I think...” You huff and bury your face in your arms, nearly almost sprawling on the table. You’re too depressed to even consider how impolite your actions look, and Scaramouche scoffs at your poor display of manners. “Where am I even going to find someone who ‘meshes well with my personality,’ hm?”
“I’m sure you’ve already found them.” He clears his throat, tracing a finger along a sanded knot in the wooden table. “You’re sitting across from him.”
Whether he intended for you to hear that whispered part, you can’t say for sure. But your head perks up and you fix him with a lopsided grin. “You’re kidding.”
“Me and you, a couple?” A small giggle escapes your lips and you swipe the remaining tears out of your eyes. “Don’t joke about that. I’m trying to be sad here!”
It wasn’t a joke, he almost says and he catches himself, suddenly self-conscious.
“I don’t think we’d work out,” you continue, motioning between you and him. “We’d hardly see each other and you don’t seem like the type for romance. Besides, I’m not attracted to you in that way. You feel the same, right?”
Scaramouche stares into his cup before he meets your gaze, a tight smile gracing his expression. “Of course. Your inability to settle isn’t all that attractive.”
Your eyes roll and you finally pick up your own cup to take a large gulp of lukewarm tea. The bitter Harbinger observes your actions with narrowed eyes. There’s a distinct pain that taps at his hardened soul, splitting it apart as your words echo within his spinning head. I don’t think we’d work out. I’m not attracted to you in that way. Why is he suddenly feeling...upset? He’s not one for pitiful emotions; he’s a Harbinger, not a lovesick fool! He ought to glare at you and storm off, demanding the two of you never speak again. But he won’t say that because he doesn’t want to hurt you. Because he cares for you. Because he loves you.
You feel the same, right?
No, that’s not right. This is the love he’s been wallowing in since he first got acquainted with you. It’s strange when he remembers every event that has led up to the blossoming feelings that reside deep in the epicenter of his heart, but it’s even more strange that he can’t find the courage to voice his own opinion.
“We wouldn’t mix,” he reaffirms your statement with a cold tone. There is no warmth in his eyes. “After all, your taste in tea is as bad as your taste in partners.”
And even though he wishes you could see through his walls—just this once he’ll allow you to tear them down for the sake of a half-baked confession—you just sit there and grin, no longer teary-eyed and forlorn. How odd. His heart feels far heavier than it’s ever been before. And you’re already scanning your surroundings, hungry for a love that will never keep you sated. Perhaps you weren’t even sad in the first place.
Upon realizing this, Scaramouche wants nothing more than to disappear into the wood like a feeble worm and never come back out.
You Must Break Another.
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skiesofthesketchy · 3 years
36, 60, and 71, if you can combine prompts for one request! was thinking like an accident happens, and jj’s freaking out, but there’s a happy ending obviously. If you only want 1 prompt, let’s go with 60 :)
congrats on 1k lovely!! you deserve it, and keep up all your amazing work ❤️
thanks for the request!! i kinda went in a different direction but i hope you like this! :)
1k celebration blurbs
Tumblr media
60. So I accidentally told her that I loved her. What do I do?
71. I didn't know how to tell you [before].
“Shit, shit, shit,” JJ murmured under his breath. His thoughts were running wild but he couldn’t process a single one of them. The confident and easy-going pogue had turned into a nervous mess, and he had nobody to blame but himself.
“JB, you better fucking answer,” he panted into his cellphone that was pressed to his face. He waited impatiently as he heard the ringing in his ear, all while basically running in the direction of the Chateau.
Right as JJ was about to hang up and try again, his best friend John B. finally picked up.
“Hey, what’s up, man? Are you coming by later? Pope and Kie are already here and we got the beer--”
“JB, I fucked up. I fucked up, I fucked up, I fucked up.”
“Woah, JJ, relax. What happened?” John B. immediately had a thousand different ideas of the trouble his friend could be in and ultimately assumed the worst. He had stopped everything to listen intently to JJ on the phone.
JJ sighed, still feeling like he wasn’t in complete control of his body. “JJ. What is it?” John B. asked again. He was getting more scared by the second about what could possibly be wrong. Did JJ do something to his dad? Is he running from the cops again?
“I accidentally told her that I love her. What the fuck do I do?” His tone was desperate, eyebrows creased in worry. He needed his best friend to tell him what to do.
JJ was a quick thinker, always able to escape trouble when he needed to. But this was different. Years of friendship out the window. He was convinced he had just ruined everything and that you would never want to see him again.
John B., of course, knew exactly who JJ was referring to. JJ only ever had feelings for you. Even with the string of random girls coming and leaving JJ’s bedroom, nobody compared to you.
Much to JJ’s dismay, he could hear his friend’s booming laughter through the phone. “Hey man, that’s great! Good for you,” John B. laughed. He was relieved that it wasn’t something actually bad, and was thankful JJ’s situation was amusing instead.
“It’s not great, and it’s definitely not funny,” JJ grumbled. “Can you be serious for a second? My life just blew up in my face and it’s my own damn fault.”
“Hey, seriously, you need to relax. Did she actually reject you?” John B. asked carefully.
“She would have if I would’ve stuck around to hear it.”
“What does that mean?”
“I ran away, okay?!” JJ yelled. “I got the hell out of there before she could even say anything.” Yep, he wanted to punch himself in the face for that. But he didn’t mean to spill his feelings all over you. It was all just a huge mistake.
It was something that couldn’t be helped, though. There you were, standing on the beach looking as beautiful as always. Your hair blew softly in the breeze as the golden sun gave your figure a gracious glow. The sight of you was enough to knock the air right out of JJ’s lungs.
Your smile lit up your pretty face as you told your good friend JJ all about the guy you were going on a date with tonight. The handsome stranger had been charming, and you had to admit you were a bit smitten. Not many guys have had the courage to walk up to you to ask you out.
JJ could tell you were excited, but a burning jealousy seeped into his bones. He willed himself to keep his mouth shut, but JJ had never been the best at self-control.
“I don’t think you should go out with this guy,” he said.
You looked at him confused. “Why not?”
He sighed, already kicking himself for speaking up. “Y/N, you don’t know him. He could be a murderer. He could be an asshole just wanting to get laid.” He was prepared to go on, but you cut him off.
“JJ, I’m a big girl. I can handle myself.” You couldn’t read him. You were used to JJ being protective, but he was acting strange. You could tell something else was on his mind but you couldn’t even begin to guess what it was. He couldn’t even look at you.
You grabbed a hold of his hand so that he would look back at you, finding his bright blue eyes clouded in anger? Disappointment? “What is this about?”
“What about for me? Would you ditch this guy for me?” Oh god, he’s already said too much, but it’s too late now. His gaze was fixed on you as you furrowed your brows in confusion.
“I don’t understand...”
“What if I told you I was in love with you?” It felt like the whole world stopped as he waited for your reaction. “Would you ditch him then?”
You didn’t think you heard him right. Did he just say he’s in love with you!? No, you must have water in your ears or something.
The short silence from you was the only answer he needed. With a nod and a frown, he tore himself away from you. “Just forget it,” he grumbled, already marching away.
“JJ, wait!” you called after him. He was already running from the situation and you hardly even had two seconds to process it all. “JJ!”
He didn’t listen to you and continued fleeing as fast as possible, wondering what the hell he had done.
That brings us back to the present. JJ had finally made it to the Chateau. John B. had filled Pope, Kie, and Sarah in on the situation, making JJ’s ears and face burn in embarrassment. At the same time though, he didn’t care what any of them thought. He only cared about you.
What were you calling after him for? What would you have said if JJ hadn’t run away? Do you want him out of your life because he made things weird?? Are you about to fall madly in love with this stupid guy you’re going out with right now???
“JJ, it’s okay. Come sit down and chill,” Kie brought JJ out of his wild imagination for a brief moment. It felt as if his heart was still beating much faster than it should. He felt restless but also like there was nothing he could do to fix any of it.
He only sat down in the hammock because Kiara had dragged him there. JJ felt like he was in a daze, not really paying attention to the world outside of his mind. Pope had handed him a beer and JJ gulped half of it down without even thinking about it. Conversation started up around him but he didn’t hear anything... until someone said your name.
“Oh look, Y/N’s here,” John B. announced, shoving JJ’s shoulder. “And she looks pissed.” JJ whipped his head around quickly and sure enough, there you were, beautiful as always, but fuming and marching right toward him.
“What the fuck, JJ?!” you yelled, making it obvious that you were about to either chew him out or kick his ass.
“Good luck, bud,” John B. whispered to JJ, chuckling under his breath.
“Fuck you,” JJ replied as he watched everyone go inside, leaving him alone to face your wrath. He didn’t know what the fuck to do, how to fix the mistake he made, how to make things not weird between you guys, but holy shit, he didn’t expect that you’d be so angry.
It was like he was watching you in slow motion, feeling every one of your stomps on the ground as you approached him, eyes ablaze and lips pulled into a frown. “What was that back there?” you finally asked, now standing right in front of the boy who looked scared shitless.
“I-- I know, Y/N. I’m sorry! It was a mistake--” he tried to explain rather desperately, but you cut him off.
“You can’t just dump all of that on me and then run away!” JJ finally stood up from the hammock and now towered over you, reaching for your arms without even thinking about it, wanting to make you feel calm.
“I don’t know why I said any of that! It was an accident! I'm sorry, we can talk about this--” You interrupted him yet again, but this time by launching yourself forward and crashing your lips to his.
With hands cradling his jaw, you did your best to put all of your emotions into the kiss, the one kiss that could change everything. JJ was more than surprised, freezing as you pulled him in closer, but within two seconds had relaxed and gave in-- he'd be an idiot not to. His hands fell to your waist and pulled you flush against him as his lips finally matched your ferver.
You don’t even know why you got so angry. Perhaps it was because the man you had loved since forever had told you he shared the same feelings, but then left before you could make the same confession, freeing yourself from years of secrecy. You didn’t want to hide it anymore. You needed to be sure he felt the same, like he said he did.
It almost didn’t matter now, as you poured every bit of passion you had into someone you called your best friend. He smiled against your lips, bringing his hand to the back of your neck to deepen the mind-blowing kiss. His mind was in a daze as his senses became clouded by you. In this moment, he had no doubts of his feelings for you. He was undeniably in love with you and couldn’t do a single thing to change that.
You had allowed yourself to get lost in him, but in a split second you were pulling away, not able to pull too far with JJ’s arms wrapped around you. His eyes trapped you in his gaze as you both took a moment to catch your breaths. You didn’t want to come down from the high you were experiencing, but you had to ask...
“Did you mean it?”
His brows furrowed wondering what you meant before it clicked. “Every word,” he said, only confidence and honesty in his voice. After that kiss, he wasn’t scared anymore. In fact, he felt fucking fearless. “I didn’t know how to tell you before.”
“Well, I'm glad you did,” you replied with a smile, dragging your fingers through his locks of hair before kissing him once more. The sounds of loud cheering made you pull away much sooner than either of you would have liked.
The pogues were watching from the window, cheering and making dumb kissy faces at you guys. JJ promptly flipped them off while you laughed, then he turned so that he was shielding you from the prying eyes of your friends. He loved the sound of your joyous laugh accompanied by your radiant smile.
“Next time you just wanna kiss me, can you not come over looking like you wanna kill me?” he asked, and you laughed with heat flooding your face. “Very mixed signals. I was scared for my life!” he added with a chuckle.
“Oh, shut up. I had a right to be mad at you!”
“But not anymore, right?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows. You rolled your eyes and shook your head at him before throwing your arms around his neck and kissing him again. You could definitely get used to this.
“You’re an idiot,” you mumbled against his lips. “You’re lucky I love you too.” He grinned, feeling higher than the clouds now that you finally said the words he was dying to hear.
He picked you up and spun you before kissing you again. “The luckiest in the world.”
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309 notes · View notes
xcertaindarkthingsx · 4 years
make you mine
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pairing: jealous!mando x fem!reader
summary: you’ve been traveling with the Mandalorian for a while now as a healer and caretaker for the Child.  one day, the Mandalorian needs your specific skills to help him catch a bounty, and needless the say he is NOT happy about it.  
warnings: two idiots that don’t know they like each other, some fluff and yearning, a smidge of possessiveness/jealousy, canon-typical violence, swearing in basic and mando’a, brief mentions of unwanted touching, mentions of taking care of injuries/stitching and blood, SMUT 18+ (minors BEGONE), porn w/ plot i guess, thigh riding, finger sucking, grinding, a lil’ dirty talk (if i miss any just please let me know!)
word count: 7.6k (i’m soRRY)
a/n: WHEW OK so i originally wrote this for #dincember but because i suck at deadlines and take forever to write it just turned into something else. reader is a lil insecure but mando makes it all better (self-projection, anyone?) ummm, this is my first time writing for din AND my first time writing smut but i hope you guys like it! comments/likes/reblogs/feedback are completely welcome and much appreciated! i apologize if this is a mess kladjflkd but shoutout to @a-dorin and @princessxkenobi for being wonderful beta readers and helping me when i got stuck.  i am planning on making this a two parter, so if you want to be added to my tag list let me know! if you prefer to read on ao3 you can do so here . mando’a translations at the end!
gif credit: @bestintheparsec
Soft coos filled the air inside the Razor Crest as you desperately tried to rock the Child back to sleep.  You were almost certain he was starting to get hungry, but you were out of snacks and Mando had told you not to leave the ship under any circumstances.
You had been traveling with the Mandalorian for a while now, after being picked up on Arvala-7. You were a healer—a pretty damn good one, if you had anything to say about it—and had patched him up after a bounty hunt gone wrong.  
The Mandalorian thought your services would be helpful if things ever got a little dicey again, so he asked you along for the ride (the reality was you had nagged and scolded him so much about how cauterizing was not the answer for every wound, that he eventually caved just to get you to stop). There wasn’t really anything tying you to Arvala-7, so you agreed.
Plus, the Child had taken a real liking to you, and how could you say no to that precious face?  
The Mandalorian was an odd man—well, no.  Not odd.  More like intriguing, and you were drawn to it.  It had been quiet and awkward the first few months.  He was a rigid man of few words, never speaking more than necessary (unless he thought he was alone with the kid; the way he spoke with him made your heart melt).  But after countless late nights together of taking care of the Child and constantly tending to his injuries, you were surprised to find there was a sense of gentleness under all that beskar.
The Mandalorian had been just as surprised as you when he found himself warming up to your presence.  It was all the little moments that had snuck up on him, the stolen glances and lingering touches, and now his heartbeat seemed to quicken every time you were together.
Little did he know, yours did too.  
At the sound of the hatch door opening, you looked up.  You watched as the Mandalorian walked up the platform, admiring his strut.  How someone could look so good just walking, you had no idea, but it was maddening.  
“No bounty?” you called out, turning the kid in your arms so he would be facing out towards his dad.  It was unusual that Mando hadn’t found the target yet, but you were just thankful he was in one piece for now.  He shook his head.
“Not yet.  I ran into some… complications,” he huffed and even though his voice was laced with frustration, it put you at ease.  Being on the ship alone for nearly the whole day, sometimes you just missed hearing that husky baritone filtering through his modulator.  
Not to mention you thought it was sexy as hell.  
You quirked an eyebrow at him.  “Complications?”  
He heaved a deep sigh, lifting a hand for the Child to grab, which he took happily.  “Hey, kid,” he whispered, and you smiled as the Child babbled back.  Mando turned his helmet towards you and continued.  “Yes, but I found a contact who should be able to give more information.  I came back for you and the kid first.  I know you guys must be hungry.”  
You nodded at the same time the little green bean gave a resounding coo, earning a soft chuckle from the both of you.  “I’ll get the pram ready.”
After a quick stop in the marketplace for supplies, Mando had led you two into what seemed to be the only bar in town.  It was only late afternoon, leaving it nearly empty, save for a few older patrons lazily sipping on glasses of ale.  You ignored the way the Weequay behind the bar seemed to look you up and down.     
Mando set you and the kid up with two bowls of soup at a table nearby while he talked business with his contact, who happened to be the bartender.  Sipping your soup, you tried not to eavesdrop as the two began to fall into what you would call a heated discussion.  On Mando’s end.  Apparently, this was a particularly “difficult” target.  
“Lucky for you, he’s got an eye for pretty girls,” the bartender drawled, jutting his chin at you.  “She’ll do fine.”
Your head snapped up from your task of feeding the child, spoon mid-air.  “Excuse me?”
“No.  Absolutely not,” resounded Mando’s gruff voice from under the helmet.    
“Listen, Mando.  This guy is high-profile, practically untouchable, bodyguards with him at all times. And I’m not talkin’ your run of the mill pair of idiots that can’t shoot for a damn, I’m talkin’ highly trained mercenaries.”  The Weequay sighed.  “I don’t doubt your skills as a Mandalorian, but you’re just one man.  You need to get him alone, and she is your only way of doing that,” he insisted.  
“I said, no,” Mando gritted out.  You were non-negotiable.  
The bartender just shrugged.  “Then consider this a loss, cause you’re not getting anywhere near him.”
Your heart hammered in your chest listening to the two of them argue. Embarrassment flooded your cheeks, remembering the way the bartender eyed you when you walked in.  All you wanted to do at this point was bury yourself in the confines of your room in the Razor Crest.
Mando seemed final in his decision, and you couldn’t help but wonder if it was because he didn’t want you involved or if he thought you simply lacked the skills to do so.  He could probably tell you weren’t really the seducing type, and truthfully the thought of trying to do was mortifying.    
But Mando needed this, right?  You thought of all the things he’s done for you, how he’s protected and provided for you.  This was the least you could do for him.  You could deal with one night of potential discomfort so he could get his bounty.  It was a lot of credits.  
“I’ll do it.”
Mando snapped his head around at you so fast, it was a miracle he hadn’t hurt himself.  “For the last time, I said you are no—”
“I’m doing it,” you said a little more forcefully, cutting him off. You didn’t need to see his face to know he was staring daggers into you from underneath the helmet, but it was going to take more than a dirty look to get you to change your mind.  
“Excellent!” the bartender’s cheery voice cut through the tension in the room.  “Come on back, I’ve got an old dress an ex-girlfriend left behind that you could probably use.”
The dress in question was a slinky black number that had you freezing your ass off in the cold of the desert night.  
The dress was too… everything.  Too short, too revealing, too tight; but the only other thing you had to wear were some oversized t-shirts and utility pants, which aren’t exactly sexy, so you were shit out of luck.  
Mando nearly choked when you came out of your room, thankful for the helmet for hiding his widened eyes and agape mouth. You looked absolutely ravishing, the black fabric clinging to all the right places on your figure.  His eyes roved over the valley of your chest, the curve of your hips, the length of your legs, and his hands balled into fists, just aching to hold you.  It’s as if your skin was begging to be touched.  
You cleared your throat, feeling incredibly exposed and wondering what in the blazes Mando was looking at because you were certain you looked absolutely ridiculous.  The noise shook him out of whatever daze he was in and he quickly shifted his gaze.  
“Not a word,” you warned, wobbling down the platform.  As bad as the dress was, the heels it came with were somehow worse.  “I feel ridiculous.”
“You shouldn’t,” he answered a little too quickly. “You look…” words were lost on him as he tried to find the right one.  One that wouldn’t make it obvious that he was losing his kriffing mind in front of you.  “Good,” he finally decided on, and mentally kicked himself for it.  Good?
You gave him an exasperated look.  “I know you’re just being nice.”
He opened his mouth to argue but was interrupted by an ill-timed fit of babbling from the kid.  You had bent down as best you could to give him a little pat on the head and he could feel a lump forming in his throat.  
Mando couldn’t express how much he didn’t want you to do this.  And well, he tried.  The whole way back to the ship, in fact.  But for some reason you were completely hell-bent on doing this for him, and he didn’t know how to explain that you and your safety meant more to him than a few thousand credits.  
The reality was, Mando wanted you.  He never thought he’d be so fond for someone besides the Child, but you were the exception.  And even though he wanted to make you his, he knew it would be selfish of him to pursue you, to claim you, when he couldn’t give you everything you deserved; his Creed prevented him from doing so.  
But Mando was a greedy man, so he took what he could get.  He drank up all the kindness you so freely gave him, like a parched soul wandering in the desert, and cherished every little moment the two of you shared. They probably meant nothing to you, but they were everything to him.  And he wanted more.
Not only was he a greedy man, but a stingy one as well.  The thought of anyone other than him seeing you in that dress was enough to send his thoughts into a jealous frenzy.  
“You don’t have to do this,” he tried to reason again.  
You placed a gentle hand on the soft spot between his pauldron and neck and offered a small smile.  “Don’t worry, Mando.  Everything will be fine.”        
Everything was, in fact, not fine.  
The night had started well enough.  After all of Mando’s failed attempts at dissuading you again, he had finally resigned to silently stewing in his disapproval rather than voicing it.  
You entered the bar while he stayed behind and watched closely from the outside.  He had given you a comms device, that, with the push of a button, would let him know you were alone with the bounty and it was time for him to step in.  
“Just press it, and I will be right there,” he assured, his gloved fingers pressing the device firmly into your bare palm. Something about the protective tone of his voice stirred something in you.  You nodded before looking away, trying to ignore your racing heart.  
The bar was rowdy that night, patrons hooting and howling from the booze.  The smell of stale spice and death sticks wafted in the air, making you wrinkle your nose.  Your newfound bartender friend had waved you over, pointing out the target with a nod of his head.  
Your eyes fell on a Pantoran man across the bar with a drink in his hand, dozens of black suits surrounding him.  His associates—a Rodian and another Pantoran—seemed to all be talking business.  The bartender wasn’t kidding about this guy’s security.
How the hell am I supposed to get this guy’s attention?  You desperately racked your head for subtle ideas but came to a halt when his eyes met yours.  Kriff, he had caught you staring.  So much for subtle.  Trying not to panic, you flashed your best coy smile before turning back towards the bar.
Somehow, that was enough to give him the courage to approach you.  
Cocky bastard, you thought as he swaggered on up to you, leaning in close, leering.  With his chiseled features and striking yellow markings, you would’ve called him handsome— if you didn’t already know what a sleazebag he was.  An air of arrogance surrounded him, the type that made him think he could get whatever he wanted with a flash of those pearly whites. Typical douche.  You wanted to smack him for being so close.  
Instead, you flashed another winning smile. Placing a hand on his shoulder, you leaned in close and with a breathy whisper of, ‘Let’s get out of here’ he was tossing credits to the bartender and signaling to his guards that he was leaving with you.  
The Weequay had shot you a knowing look as he watched you leave; a warning.  You assured him that everything was fine with a slight nod of your head.      
The asshole had his arm snaked around you, hand on your ass, as you made your way to the motel just across the street.  You fought back the urge to throttle him, instead fawning about how, ‘I can’t wait to be alone with you, darling.’    
Your hands began to clam up as he retrieved the keys from the clerk, and you tried to convince yourself that everything would be fine once you clicked the button on your comm from the inside of the room.
Immediately after the Pantoran locked the door, the unease in your stomach began to grow.  Bile rose in your throat at his grinning face, the way he fidgeted and licked his lips as he pressed you into the wall.  A hand landed on your bare thigh, trailing dangerously high, where you shuddered in disgust at the feeling.  
“We’re gonna have so much fun,” he whispered, and that was your cue to press the comms device you were desperately clutching in your small purse.  Your mistake was failing to mask the faint beeping noise it emitted.  Your companion stiffened at the sound, pressing you further into the wall.  
“What the hell did you just do?” he growled, using the other hand to rip your arm from your purse.  He stared at the comms device with contempt, before turning his attention back to me.  “You bi—”
He never got to finish, because the next thing you knew your Mandalorian was crashing through the door, blaster in hand.
The scene Mando had walked in on nearly made him sick.  That osi’kovid’s hands all over you, and worst of all, the look of pure fear on your face after being made.  He’d planned to put a quick end to the whole ordeal, but the bounty had plans of his own.
Mando rushed him, shoving him into the wall and away from you.  As expected, the Pantoran went flying before crumpling onto the floor.  What Mando hadn’t been expecting was for him to be armed. He didn’t peg him as the type to get his hands dirty.  
The Mandalorian was about to release the fibercord whip from his vambrace when the bounty rose from the floor with a sneer, a small combat knife in hand as he lunged at Mando, before wrestling him to the floor and sending his blaster skittering.  
You watched in frozen horror as the two fought for the upper hand. At one point, the bounty had tried to charge at you, slashing wildly, but Mando was already there blocking his blows. The knife caught on the cowl above his chest, slicing the skin underneath with a sickening noise.  That seemed to kick your brain into overdrive, and you dived for the fallen blaster on the ground.  
You took a steadying breath before you aimed and shot once, twice, at the bounty’s leg.  He cried out from his place above Mando before clutching his leg and finally falling over.
Mando rose and immediately released the fibercord, imprisoning the bounty.  He held his hand out for his blaster, and you watched with wide eyes as he smacked the butt of it into the Pantoran’s face once, twice, three times.  The third time ended with an appalling crack, his head lolling forward, and leaving him unconscious.  
You stared as Mando stood in front of the bounty, seething.  You could have sworn his hands were shaking.      
“Stars, Mando, your neck,” you murmured, breathless.  The room was dim, but you could see the dark stain of blood that was beginning to drench his cowl.  Your hands went to inspect the wound, but he quickly brushed you off.  
“We need to go,” he grunted, gathering the rope and heading towards the back entrance of the room.  The two of you hadn’t exactly been quiet and the bounty’s guards were bound to notice their boss had been gone for too long.  When you had opened your mouth to argue, to insist that you needed to check his injuries, he was already out the door.
Adrenaline still coursed through your veins as you walked back towards the ship.  You pulled your arms tight across your body in an attempt to quell your trembling hands; guilt, bubbling up in your stomach as you replayed the events of the night in your head.  
You had been the one to volunteer yourself for the mission.
You were the one who had repeatedly insisted that everything would be fine.  
And now, your Mandalorian was bleeding profusely from a nasty wound on his neck.  
“Mando,” you pleaded, trying to keep up with him in your ridiculous heels.  Instead of acknowledging you, your words fell to deaf ears.  He was stomping his way back to the ship, the unconscious bounty in tow.  
Worry bloomed in your chest.  The wound had looked bad back at the motel, but it was as if he couldn’t even feel it.  You could hear his ragged breathing from behind; whether it was from the fight, the long walk, or the wound, you weren’t sure.  
“Mando,” you tried again, this time raising your voice as you approached the hatch of the ship.  
He let out another grunt as he hauled the bounty onto the ship, towards the carbon-freezing machine.  You pursed your lips, jaw clenching in his direction. You did not appreciate being ignored, especially after just half-saving his ass just moments before.
Granted, you were the one that had put him in that position, but that was besides the point.
His back was to you and you stepped closer, ready to unleash a piece of your damn mind, when you stopped.  You took in his brooding stance and clenched fists.  The tremble in his hands.  Anger seemed to roll off the Mandalorian in waves, making you falter.  
What the hell was his problem?
“Mando, can you kriffing listen to me?  I need to treat you, you have no idea if he nicked an important artery or something.  I don’t know what you’re so worked up about, but you’ve been bleeding for a few minutes now and I just need to look—” annoyance rose in you as he continued to prep the carbon machine.  “Maker, can you even hear me?”
The Mandalorian couldn’t hear you, not clearly anyways.  Blood was still rushing in his ears, his vision still tinged red.  But with another call of his name, you were finally able to get through and he suddenly whipped around.  
“He touched you,” he gritted out, seething and shaking. “That skanah had his hands all over you and I swear if I didn’t need him alive for the bounty, he’d already be dead.”  He punctuated the last word with the slam of a button on the machine.    
You took a step back, eyes wide and brows furrowed. Something warm tightened in your chest and belly.  Wh-why did he care so much?  A lump had lodged itself into your throat.  “Mando, I—I’m fine.  Alright? I’m okay,” you tried to assure.  “So, can you please calm down and let me just—"
But the Mandalorian already had his back turned again.  You threw your hands up in the air, groaning in frustration as he continued to work.  Another minute passed and with a faint whoosh, the bounty was finally set in carbonite.  
A shiver ran through your body as the cool night air blew its way into the Razor Crest, raising goosebumps on your exposed skin.  Seeing you tremble in the cold seemed to break Mando out of whatever angry stupor he was in.    
In all honesty, he hadn’t meant to ignore you, but something in him snapped back at the motel.  The image of that skanah touching you had made his blood boil, and his sole goal was to get him back to the ship and be done with it.  
“You’re… cold,” he stated, the words coming out slow and soft, like pulling them out of a dream.  You must have been freezing in that dress.    
Your head snapped up at him.  “I—what?”
“Let me get you a blanket or—” He hesitated when he saw you pinch the bridge of your nose, eyes screwed shut.  
You couldn’t believe this idiot.  
“Mando, seriously?”  Your heart and your brain were having a hard time deciding whether you should be flattered about him caring so much or pissed off because he didn’t seem to give a damn about himself.  
You chose a mix of the two.
“Mando,” you sighed, looking up at him.  “I promise you I’m fine, thank you.  Really.”  You gave him your most genuine, caring look to show you were thankful for his concern, and then quickly replaced it with a hard one.  “But if you don’t get up into that cockpit right now and let me treat you, I’m going to use that damn pulse rifle on you.”
And just like that, you had managed to dissolve the lingering traces of anger in his mind.  His lips twitched under the helmet.  “That supposed to scare me?”
You glared.  “Don’t push it.” You could have sworn he was laughing under there.
The Mandalorian would have laughed if the wound on his neck hadn’t began to ache.  Instead, he begrudgingly nodded, throwing his hands up in mock surrender before disappearing into the cockpit.  
He began to input the coordinates back to Nevarro into the navicomputer, warmth unfurling in his chest as he listened to you check on the Child.  A tiredness had begun to settle in his muscles from the fight earlier, and he grimaced as he reached for a lever on the control panel.  The pain on his neck was getting worse, and if he was being honest it burned like all hell, but he was not going to admit that to you.
The door behind him slid open and you stepped in frazzled, medkit in hand.  Even with your hair in disarray and scrapes littering your arms and legs, he thought you looked breathtaking.  
“Uh, so bad news,” you began, gesturing at the medkit.  “They didn’t have any at the market earlier, so we’re out of bacta shots and spray.  I’m gonna have to stitch it closed depending on how deep it is.”  You shot him an apologetic look.
He nodded, putting in the last of the coordinates before removing his chest plate to give you easier access, and turning his chair to face you.  You closed the space between the two of you, quickly going to work.  Careful hands began to peel away at the fabric stuck to the wound, a hiss of pain at the tip of his tongue as you ripped off the last of it.
“Sorry,” you whispered, inspecting the fabric before discarding it.  “You’re definitely gonna need a new cape.”
He shrugged.  “At least now you’ve got a new blanket.”  You always had a habit of curling up into all his old stuff.  
With a smile, you returned your focus to the task at hand, mentally sighing in relief as you began to clean the wound.  It could have been worse, but it was still very deep.  An inch to the left and just a smidge higher, and you would have had quite the problem on your hands.  
“Idiot,” you muttered.
“What was that?”
“Lucky,” you corrected, biting back a smirk.  “You got lucky.  Any higher and this would be a lot messier.”  You tossed the last of the gauze out and prepared the needle and thread.
Mando took in your awkward stance as you tried to bend down and begin stitching.  Standing was fine for when you were cleaning, but for something this intricate it wasn’t the best position.  You cursed and tried again, trying to get the angle right, but it was no use.  The thought left his mouth before he even had a chance to filter it.  
“You can sit on me if that’s easier.”
Heat blazed on your cheeks at his words, nearly dropping the damn needle.  “Oh—um—” Coherent thoughts didn’t seem to be forming in your head at the moment.
Panic flooded the Mandalorian’s brain as he took in your shocked expression and realized his mistake.  “I—well, not like that—what I meant was—” he spluttered, trying to find the right words, thankful that his helmet hid his mortified expression.          
“No, no it’s okay I—I know what you meant,” you managed to choke out after picking your jaw up off the floor.  It would have been comical—the certain and capable bounty hunter struggling to regain his composure—but his words had flooded your mind with some less than innocent thoughts and images, ones that left you heated and flustered.  You swallowed hard in an attempt to relieve your suddenly very dry throat.  “I can, if you’re okay with it?”
He slowly nodded, mentally kicking himself for being so daft.  He held his breath as you stepped closer, bracing a hand low on his chest as you perched yourself on his lap.  You cursed, trying to your best to maneuver yourself onto him without being inappropriate.
Finally, you were situated, hovering precariously over his thigh.  You breathed deep, willing your mind and body to calm down. Being in such close proximity to the Mandalorian was… dizzying, but you had a job to do.  And so, you went to work.  
A few minutes in, Mando could feel the tension rolling off your body, the tremble of your thighs as you tried to hold yourself above him.  “You can sit if you need to.”
The thought had crossed your mind, but truthfully you were afraid of how your body would react if you did. Eventually you gave in, shivering at the cold kiss of beskar on the insides of your thighs as you straddled his leg.  A knot was forming in your belly, low and warm.  
Maker, help me, you thought.
The change in position had slid your dress higher and Mando’s eyes began to wander again, taking in the exposed skin where your dress had hiked itself up, the material bunching around your hips.  His hands felt that pull again, that ache to touch you; to dig his fingers into the soft, plump flesh.  
Osik, he cursed, trying to control himself.  In his mind he conjured up the image of a blaster, mentally taking it apart and putting it back together as a pitiful attempt at a distraction.
You had fallen into a steady rhythm of stitching and knotting, your hands absentmindedly working.  The Mandalorian had fallen into a dull haze in the wake of your delicate touches, despite the sting and pull of the needle.  But when your hands brushed the edge of his helmet, he snapped to attention, reflexes kicking in.
A strong hand had immediately encircled your wrist, forcefully locking it in place.  Your breath seized at the realization of your colossal fuck-up.  How could you be so stupid?
“Shit, shit, I—I’m sorry,” you stammered out.  “Mando, I—I promise I wasn’t going to take it off, I just needed to adjust it to get the needle under.”  Your heart thundered against your chest, and you swear you could hear it in the empty silence of the cockpit.  The iron-clad grip he had on your wrist was starting to hurt, biting into your skin.  
Mando saw the flash of fear in your eyes, the way you had flinched at his touch and loosened the grip on your hand.  Regret began to bubble up inside him.  He opened his mouth to apologize, it had just been his instincts, but you beat him to it.  Your next words caught him off guard.  
“Do you trust me?”
He swallowed hard. Of course he did.  There was no question about it.  You were the one constant in his life besides the kid; the one he found he could rely on time and time again for anything. You had never betrayed him, in Creed or otherwise.  He took a steadying breath before answering.  “Yes.”
You tried to ignore the burst of warmth in your chest at his admission and what it implied. Instead, you nodded, slowly allowing yourself to move again and continue your care.  “Lean back,” you whispered and he obliged, fully baring his neck to you. It was a vulnerable position, but the cautious movements of your hands crushed any anxiety that threatened to well up in him.
And maybe it was that cautious, careful touch that had begun to wear down his walls; the tenderness you so freely gave that softened his heart and opened him up.  He wanted to make up the last minute to you, to show that he really did trust you.  Maybe that’s why he couldn’t stop the next thing that tumbled out of his mouth.
You paused mid-stitch, confusion flickering on your face.  “What’d you say?”
His heart felt like it was going to fly out of his ribcage.  “My name.  It’s Din.”
Confusion slowly morphed to shock at his revelation.  He had just shared his name with you; something incredibly personal and dear to him. Knowing it felt… intimate.  How many people actually knew his real name? You couldn’t stop that slow smile that had begun to spread on your face.  
“Din,” you repeated, hushed as if someone else would hear.  His heart skipped at the sound of his name on your lips; the soft way your voice curled around the short syllable.  Your eyes peered into his through the visor of his helmet, a question behind them. “Just ‘Din’?”
“Din Djarin,” he corrected.  
You repeated it again, delight clear on your face.  “I like it.”
I do too, he thought.  Especially when you say it.  “You can use it whenever, as long as we’re alone or it’s just the kid.”
“Of course,” you nodded, then added a soft, “Thank you.”  For trusting me.
The two of you had settled back into a comfortable silence, his hands resting comfortably on your hips, and Din couldn’t fathom why you kept biting back a smile.  You were the first to break it.  
“I’m sorry, for all this.”
“It’s fine, it’s not that painful.”  
You shook your head.  “No, I mean—” you gestured at his neck and then to you. “He was aiming for me.”
He scoffed.  “You’re out of your mind if you think I’d let anything happen to you.” You could hear the anger beginning to simmer beneath his words again.  “No, I… I would protect you every single time.  Besides, that osi’yaim got what he deserved in the end.”  
Your eyes flicked to his visor again and you tried to ignore the way the knot in your belly tightened at his promise to you and the shiver his low voice sent down your spine.  Instead, you tried to change the subject.  “Osi’yaim?”
“A useless, despicable person.  A waste of space.”
A soft laugh escaped you lips.  “You need to teach more Mando’a.  Something besides the bad words.”
Din’s heart clenched at your request. Something about you asking to learn his language stirred something deep in him.  “Of course,” he managed to reply, but it came out more strangled than he had meant it to.    
You continued with your task, getting lost in the repeated movements of your fingers.
Watching you work had always fascinated Din.  You granted each injury the same amount of attention, whether it was as small as a papercut or as big as the gash he had now.  It was endearing.  The meticulous way you ensured every stitch, every bandage, was perfect and in place. The adept movements of your fingers, steady with every touch.  The way you bit your lip and furrowed your brow as you concentrated.  
He was captivated by it, and you, every time.
His gaze was concealed by his helmet most of the time, but tonight you could feel the weight of his eyes on you.  Your cheeks began to burn at the thought of him staring at you so closely and you thanked the maker that he couldn’t see the crimson hue painting your face.  
“Are you warm?” he asked, the low rumble of his voice startling you.  
“You’ve been shivering since you started, but… you’re all flushed,” he explained.
Your eyes widened at his words, heart stopping.  “Wait—how can you see my—”
“Heat sensors.” Din couldn’t help but notice the way the heat on your face spread even more, down the soft slopes of your neck and chest.
Of course, heat sensors.  You were absolutely mortified, a nervous laugh erupting from your chest.  May as well be honest.  
“No, not warm, more like embarrassed,” you tried to explain, unable to meet his eyes.  
Din tilted his head, trying to understand.  “Why?”
You scoffed.  “’Cause I just realized I’ve been sticking my ugly mug in your face for the past 20 minutes.”      
Din was dumbfounded.  Ugly? The mere thought of you seeing yourself in that way made his heart ache.  How could you think such a thing when he saw you as the most radiant thing in this galaxy?  That, every time he saw you, he had to remind himself to breathe?
He had no idea what the in blazes he was doing, but he knew that he couldn’t let you go on thinking such things about yourself.  Din reached out and tilted your chin up towards him, making you meet his eyes.  
“Cyar’ika, you are the furthest thing from ugly that someone could be.  I—you are absolutely stunning.  Do you—do you know what seeing you in that dress tonight did to me?” he confessed, letting out a breathy laugh.  The front of his pants tightened in reminder.  “I’ll teach you something new in Mando’a right now.”  He paused, letting his fingers brush over your chin. “Mesh’la.”
It felt like you were on fire at that point, burning under his gaze, but somehow you found your voice underneath all the flames.  “What does it mean?” you breathed, unable to mask the tremble in your voice.
“Beautiful,” he murmured. “You’re beautiful.”    
Your body betrayed you, melting into a puddle with just a taste of his touch and the boldness of his words.  It was a devastating effect, and there was no denying the dampness that had pooled between your legs now.  You managed to stutter out a, ‘thank you’ before trying to finish the last knot of his stitches.
“All done,” you whispered.    
Din watched as you admired your handiwork and noticed that you made no move to remove yourself from him.  Instead, your hands were softly dragging across the planes of his exposed chest, leaving a trail of fire wherever they went.  It was such a foreign feeling, flesh against flesh on such a shielded part of his body.  He couldn’t remember the last time anyone had touched him there, let alone so gently.  
A strangled sound caught in his throat as you brushed over a particularly sensitive spot, just above the other side of his collarbone.  It was almost too much, the shot of electricity that singed his nerves, but it felt good.
His body involuntarily bucked at the sensation and his hands gripped your hips roughly, pressing you flush against him.  
You gasped at the sensation, of your clothed core dragging against the beskar plate on his thigh, your knee brushing against the bulge that had tented his pants.  Your hands scrabbled to find something, anything, to anchor yourself from the blinding pleasure that fizzled through you.
“Maker,” Din murmured, letting out a shuddering breath.  “Osik, cyar’ika, I’m didn’t mean to touch you like that but—”
“But what if I want you to?” your own voice sounding foreign to your ears.  You did not miss the way his breath hitched, caught in the modulator of his helmet.  
Din’s mind was reeling. “You—you want me to?” he swallowed thickly around the ball of shock that was caught in his throat.  
And you’re nodding, eyes dark and body and mind clouded with need, leading his hands up your torso and chest; but Din, he needs to hear you say it.  “Use your words, cyar’ika.  I need to hear you.”
“Yes, Din.  Please,” and that’s enough to dissolve any shred of self-control he thought he had.  The sound of you saying his name like that, a plea for him and only him, was maddening.  
His hands were on you in an instant; hands that you had seen nearly beat a man to death just for touching you, but on you they were soft, gentle.  Desperate, but tender.  Rough, but passionate and loving.  The contrast was making your head spin.  
“Din,” you whimpered. “You have to be careful, your cut—”
“I don’t care,” he rasped.  “Do you know how long I’ve wanted to touch you?  Make you mine?”  He pulled you closer against him, hands grasping at anything he could reach.  He wanted to erase any trace of the bounty from your presence.
You tried to answer, but you were a mess, filling the cockpit with soft moans and mewls as you bucked your hips on his thigh.  
“I want to watch you make yourself feel good, can you do that?  Just like this?”  You frantically bobbed your head.  “Good,” he answered, stroking your cheek.  “You deserve it after tonight, sweet girl.”
The sound of ‘sweet girl’ sent wet heat straight to your core.  If anything, you thought he was the one that deserved to be taken care of right now.  But you were not about to argue with the Mandalorian who insisted on you using him to get yourself off.    
Your hands pawed at his chest again, struggling to find some kind of purchase to anchor yourself. They finally settled for his biceps, nails digging deep.  He watched as you grinded down on his thigh, eyes screwed shut.  His hands fingered the strap of your dress and you nodded, giving him permission to slide it down.  
Din took in the sight of your bare chest, your nipples pebbling in the cold air of the cockpit. He ached to take them into his mouth, hear you whimper and moan against his tongue, but he settled for brushing his gloved fingers over them and watching you arch.  
You ground down harder, desperate you get the friction you needed.  Din’s hands slipped from your breasts down back to your hips, stilling them.  A high whine escaped your throat and it was almost pitiful.  
“Up,” he instructed, confusion marring your face as you lifted yourself off his leg.  He gripped the thigh plate and dropped it to the ground, promptly setting you back onto his thigh.  “Wanna feel you,” he growled, and you could only moan in response.  
Soon enough, your arousal had seeped through your panties and onto the fabric of his pants.  The heady smell hit his nose and his mouth watered, desperate to know what you tasted like, to know what sounds you would make if he buried his face between your thighs.  
You guided his hands back up your chest, up to your neck.  His fingers cupped your face again, thumb brushing the bottom of your lip. You held his hand in place, biting the leather tip of his glove and slowly slid it off, letting it drop between you.
The feeling of his bare thumb resting on your lips sent another wave of arousal through you.  “Wanna feel you,” you breathed, grinning before taking his thumb into your mouth and sucking hard.  Din’s eyes rolled back and he groaned; the sight of your hollowed-out cheeks and the sensation of your tongue on the pad of his thumb nearly sent him over the edge.  
One hand trailed to the base of your neck, tangling itself softly in your hair.  He took in the way your eyes were screwed shut, the furrow in your brows as you chased your high.  You had taken your bottom lip between your teeth, biting hard and almost splitting it from the pressure.  It was almost the same concentrated expression you wore as you tended to his injuries, though it was clear you were concentrated on something far more rewarding now.  
“Mesh’la,” he commanded.  “Look at me.”
You wretched your eyes open, fixing your gaze on him.  
Din watched, enraptured, as you continued to pleasure yourself.  You were a sight before him; pupils blown, mouth agape, chest heaving as you tried to ease the ache in your belly.  He was lost in the way your eyes sparkled, perfectly matching the dark galaxy you were set against just outside the viewport.  
Your moans filled the cockpit, desperate sounds and pleads of Din’s name as he sent delicious licks of pleasure throughout your body.  You held on for dear life, panting as he brought you closer and closer to the edge.
He feels the tension simmering from your shuddering figure, like a coil just waiting to spring.
“Are you close, mesh’la?” he whispered, his words and the rasp of his voice sending you higher and higher.  “Are you going to come for me?”
And you’re a wreck, whimpering and pleading, yes, Din, yes; and all Din can think is he can die happy knowing how you moan his name.  He shifts you, pulls you right onto the straining bulge in his pants and you both gasp, the sensation pulling you even closer to your orgasm.  A bare hand snakes between where the two of you are pressed against each other and he presses right onto your clit.  
A sob tears from your throat and stars burst behind your eyes as you’re pushed off the edge; and you’re falling, waves of ecstasy washing over you and burning straight to your toes. Din holds you close as your body continues to shudder, a steady hand on your back coaxing you down from your high. He lets out a groan when he feels evidence of your orgasm seep through to his clothed cock.    
Fog clouds the bottom of his helmet as you softly pant, the pleasure lulling to a dull thrum in your veins. He’s admiring your sleepy eyes, the flushed cheeks of your afterglow.  You give off a shy smile, peering into his visor.  “Beautiful,” he murmurs right next to your ear.  “Just like I said.” 
“Thank you,” you hum, pressing a searing kiss onto his bare neck and sliding a hand over the hardness trapped beneath you.  
Din hisses at your touch and you laugh, trying to ease the ache between his own legs.  “Mesh’la,” he warns, grunting at the loss of contact as you lift yourself off him and slide between his knees, kneeling.  
“Yes?” you respond, sliding your hands up and down his thighs, and pausing at the button of his pants.
“You don’t have to—” he starts, but you quickly cut him off.
“But I want to, Din,” you assured.  You rest your head on his knee, peering up at him with wide, innocent eyes, awaiting his permission.  “Wanna return the favor, wanna taste you,” and you grin at the strangled sound that leaves his throat.  He couldn’t deny you even if he wanted to.  
Finally, he nods, spreading his legs wider to accommodate you.  Your smile grows and your nimble fingers make quick work of the buttons on his pants.  You’re just about to free him from the confines of his boxers when an alarm signal sounds from the ship, startling the both of you.  
“Come in, Mando,” Greef Karga’s voice crackled through the small room.  “We’ve got a problem.  I repeat, we’ve got an emergency, please come in.”
Din groans and you throw an exasperated look towards the comms on the control panel.  “Just ignore him, it can’t be that—” and you’re cut off by another sound.
The unmistakable sound of a baby crying.  
“Shit,” you muttered under your breath, pressing your forehead into Din’s knee.  You loved that little green bean to death, but damn him for his horrific timing.  Din softly slid his hand over yours and you looked up.  
“It’s alright, cyar’ika,” he hummed.  “Go check on him,” and you slowly nodded, shooting him an apologetic look before rising from your spot on the floor.
Din watched in mild amusement as you wobbled to the door, before turning his chair towards the control panel and sighing.  His own arousal was almost overwhelming, but he did his best to shove it to the back of his mind.  
Whatever Greef needed, it had better be good, he grumbled in his head.  
mando’a translations:
osi’kovid – shithead
skanah – very hated person, fucker
osik – shit
osi’yaim – cowardly, useless person
cyar’ika – darling, beloved
mesh’la – beautiful
thank you for reading! let me know what ya think!
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leah-bobeea · 3 years
Magazine Girl; Steve Rogers
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You ever start writing a fic about a journalist reader at two am who’s eventually gonna end up doing steeb, over his desk, biting down on his expensive leather belt?
❀ ❀ ❀
Warnings: CEO!Steve x Journalist!Reader, Angst, Steve’s a little mean, Bossy Steve, Shy/Anxious reader, Dom!steve, mentions spanking, oral (m receiving), unprotected sex, coercion (a little teensy bit), Bad writing lol
Word Count: 3.9k
A/N: Terrible writing w/ a terribly rushed ending. Written on my phone, in my notes app, not beta read, and barely proofread.
❀ ❀ ❀
Yes, your hands were busy. Not busy typing out a rough draft of this stupid article on Steve Rogers, not busy calling his secretary to set up a meeting with the man, or the closest to him you could get, not busy doing their job at all. They were busy tapping your pen against the glass tabletop of your desk, successfully annoying Wanda, who sent you an aggravated look from across the room.
“Seriously, Y/n?” Wanda moved from where she was at her desk, clearly not making a breakthrough on her article for this month's issue either. You could only shake your head in reply. Throwing your head back to stare at the ceiling, you starting explaining. “Maria gave me this huge article, Wanda. Cover! And, trust me, I know she’s testing me and doesn’t think I’ll actually be able to do it so she can fire me, or belittle me, or- or something! I don’t know what to do, help me, bestie.” As you finished rambling you looked up at her with your best puppy dog eyes, hoping for some of that amazing advice she gives.
Wanda laughed and pulled a chair over from an empty desk, sitting down and haphazardly throwing her feet on top of your cluttered tabletop. “She wouldn’t give you an article you couldn’t handle, she loves you, Y/n. If it’s truly as difficult as you’re making it out as that means that she knows you’re ready for it, and you’ll do amazing. Who’s it on anyway?”
She was doing such a good job at easing your nerves until she brought up the topic. You whined high in your throat and threw your head to the side before uttering, “Steven Rogers,” you turned your body back to Wanda, “What more do I need to say?” Her eyes widened just a little. “Sheesh...I’d start making phone calls, and praying, maybe?”
❀ ❀ ❀
“Hello, Miss. Carter, um- this is Y/n L/n with Shield Mag-“ “Please hold, dear.”
You pulled the phone away from your head and let it rest on your naked thigh, quickly pressing the speaker button. It was times like this when you were grateful that you let your grandma convince you to buy a house phone. Peggy Carter was the fifth person you’d contacted trying to get an interview with this man and she was the second lady that humored you enough to at least pretend like she’d get back to you.
She’s his main assistant so you might have better luck this time...
Thirty minutes later you had your head inches off the ground and your toes wiggling in the air. Humming the annoying hold music to yourself, you braided, unbraided, and re-braided a single strand of your hair. At thirty-nine minutes you were ready to give up until you heard a click on the other line.
You scrambled to turn off the speaker and press the phone back to your ear.
“Miss. Carter I was hoping to set up an interview with Mr. Rogers, over the phone, in person, or through email, if that’s possible?” You asked, hopeful that she wouldn’t shoot you down immediately like everyone else.
“Well, Magazine Girl, I only do in person. But I am a very busy man, so I need to know right away, what’s in it for me?” Your breath hitched and you almost fell and cracked your head open from how startled hearing his voice made you. Then, you nearly gave yourself a head rush from how fast you sat up.
“Well, um, Sir, you would get a headlining article, and uh, a cover on the June issue of Shield Magazine. That’s um, that’s if you want a cover- you don’t have to be on the cover if you don’t want to, just the interview would be mentioned on the cover, but-“ His chuckle was gritty and vivid, effective in stopping your babble. “I’ll see you Friday around noon. Goodbye Magazine Girl.” He hung up on you before you could even comprehend anything but that captivating laugh.
You rubbed at your eyes and grabbed your planner and pen. “Friday at noon...”
❀ ❀ ❀
The next day you were back in the office, sitting in Wanda’s stiff chair with twin caramel lattes sitting in front of you. That was the thing about you, you’d come to work early bearing gifts just to tell your closest friend your good news. You’re sweet like that.
When Wanda arrived it was fifteen minutes later and your latte was halfway gone. Hearing her black stilettos click on the glossy linoleum made you perk up immediately. As she approached, you stood, handing her the latte and wrapping your arms around her lithe body.
“I got an interview!” You squealed, rocking your bodies side to side. She stilled you and smiled. “Gosh, that’s great, Y/n. How’d you get it?”
“Well, I called, like everyone, and he picked up, Wanda! he picked up! I’m scheduled for Friday, and my Lord, Wanda, his laugh, it's like honey...” You trailed off, sighing at the thought of him. Your head was rested on her shoulder, a faint smile on your face. “You’ve got a crush on him!” Wanda exclaimed, grabbing your shoulders and holding you an arm's length away to get a good look at your bashful face.
You gasped, “No I do not! That would be totally unprofessional!” The cackle that erupted from her made her sound like the wicked witch of the west. And honestly, under her stare, you felt like Dorothy stuck under that house.
When Wanda was finally done laughing maliciously she let you go, plopping down in her desk chair and sipping her latte. She pointed over and your desk and gave you a look. “Better start drafting those questions... we wouldn’t want you to blank on your crush.” “Wanda!”
❀ ❀ ❀
The days leading up to Friday were excruciatingly long, yet the hours until twelve flew past all too quickly.
It seemed as if your wardrobe was never ending, full of clothes that you deemed inappropriate for a meeting with the CEO of American Enterprises. You threw yourself back onto the bed, hair and makeup done but body still wrapped in a fluffy white towel. “Oh Milky, what am I gonna wear?” The soft white kitty glared at you from the pillow she was perched on, meowing at you aggressively.
Ten thirty blinked on the clock and you sat up, glancing at all of the clothes that were scattered on the floor. “I guess this will do.” You picked up the same emerald blazer you had chosen originally and layered it over some basic Levi’s, and gray low cut blouse flowing over your form. A belt was necessary, so you grazed over your options. Brown wouldn’t go, even though it was your only fancy belt. The only black one you had was old, the leather cracked and worn, but it had to do. You slipped on some pretty black heels, lucky that you painted your toes a similar color to your blouse. After accessorizing you sprayed your signature perfume, the one that got you your first college-aged boyfriend, and the same one that you were wearing when you got your first real job.
By the time you were on the Metro, it was eleven o’ six, and you were worried. If you were late you’d lose this chance, and probably your job. The car stopped around eleven fifteen, giving you fifteen minutes to make your way to the building, check-in, and try to not seem so nervous.
Finding the building wasn’t difficult at all, after all, it is the second biggest building in New York City, competing with Stark Tower. The “A” at the top wasn’t illuminated, but it still stood out against the other buildings, cowering over them.
You found that the doors were heavy and if you denied Wanda of going to those burn boot camps you would have extreme difficulty prying them open. The inside was classy, just as you expected. The lamps had blue shades and the front desk lit up with a design that resembled the American Flag, but with less curved stripes and only one large star.
The receptionist was one of the women who shot you down immediately when you called and was a little surprised when you checked in. “Hello, I’m here for Mr. Rogers, twelve o’clock?” She searched for something on her computer, clearly trying to see if the appointment was legitimate. When you were proven correct, she handed you a temporary security badge and a sharpie to write your name on it. “Have a seat over there when you’re finished. I’ll call for you when Mr. Rogers is ready for you.” She smiled, it was fake, but it helped you feel more comfortable.
The red couch was stiff and small, clearly not meant for long periods of sitting. The badge was clipped onto your blouse, not your blazer, and the weight of it was pulling at the already low cut neckline. You thought about moving it, but your attention was quickly turned to the coffee table, where your magazine sat, opened to an article you wrote. Your hands were a little shaky as you went to close the magazine, but you were interrupted before you could grasp the bent pages.
“Miss. Y/n? Mr. Rogers is ready for your interview. Head up to floor thirty six, the door on the right.” Miss receptionist sounded bored, her eyes never left the monitor in front of her. “Thanks.”
Some of the others in the waiting area looked up to you after hearing where you were going, causing you to blush.
You felt lucky to get the elevator to yourself. Thirty-six floors is a long way to go, yet you got there in under three. In the elevator you adjusted your outfit and flattened your hair, hoping it wasn’t frizzy.
The door on the right was clearly not just a meeting room but an office, which you thought was odd. You also found it odd that no one was in the room, you expected to at least be met with his assistant or secretary, if not Steve himself.
Your eyes scanned the room to make sure it was completely empty before taking a seat on the leather chair on the opposite side of the big desk. You opened your notebook and got out your lucky rooster pen before going over your questions once again, hoping he didn’t think they were stupid.
You waited fifteen minutes for him, growing increasingly irked as the minutes built up. When he walked through the door you felt like your heart stopped.
Six-four build covered in a black suit and tie, white undershirt pristine. Blonde hair disheveled and a perfectly manicured beard. The door slammed shut and you heard the clinking sound of a glass being set down. Steve lifted his head and you snapped yours to the front, hoping he didn’t catch you checking him out.
The room was silent besides a rustling coming from behind you. You busied yourself with your notebook, highlighting the questions you wanted to ask most.
“You’re a very patient girl.” He observed. Steve made you wait on purpose. He knew from the first person you called that you wanted an interview, he was friends with Maria Hill after all. But he wanted some entertainment, and after looking into you, he knew you were the right girl. So far he’s made you wait an hour and fourteen minutes for just a smidge of his attention.
“Yes, Sir.” You mumbled, accidentally stopping the highlighter too soon, pressing it down, and letting the pink ink bleed to the next page. He hummed in approval as he rounded the corner, drink in his hand, coat jacket discarded, sleeves rolled up, first couple buttons loose. Finally, Steve sat in the big chair, keeping eye contact with you as he leaned forward, resting his elbows on the mahogany table.
“Give me that.” Your eyebrows furrowed at his statement, “What?” You asked, putting your pen down on your lap. Steve motioned for your notebook, and you opened your mouth, starting to stumble over your words. “Oh? um- Okay?” You handed it over to him and he relaxed back into his chair. A question bubbled in your throat, but you didn’t let it escape. Instead, you watched as his eyes scanned the papers, blue cursive, and pink highlighter, little stars and flowers drawn in the corners. “Mr. Rogers, are you ready to start the interview?” You tapped your watch, twelve twenty four.
He nodded, “Yes, I’m ready.” You cleared your throat and went to ask for your notebook, but he beat you to it. “Miss. L/n, is there an achievement or something that you’ve contributed to me that you are most proud of?” Why was he asking you your own questions? “Sir, I-“ He cut you off once again. “Answer the question, doll.”
You huffed and crossed your arms over your chest. “I- um, no. I haven’t contributed anything to you that I should be proud of, Sir.”
“Is there a particular moment or memory of building this relationship that stands out to you?” He continued with the questions, tilting his head to the side. Why was he twisting the questions onto you? When you didn’t come up with an answer he chuckled, sounding sickly sweet like molasses dripping straight from the sugarcane. “Patience finally wearing thin, honey?” You nodded eyes staring at his chest, you couldn’t quite muster up the courage to look him in the eye.
He snapped your notebook closed and slid it towards your side of the grand desk. “You couldn’t answer my questions correctly, Y/n.” You nodded, eyes now downcast, admiring the pattern on the blue carpet. You felt like you were going to cry. This big scary man was mean and just wouldn’t let you conduct your interview and you didn’t know why. “I’m sorry, Sir.”
“I know you are, doll. But, if you can’t answer my questions how can I answer yours? You have nothing to offer me.” This was it, you were losing your chance. “Business wise, that is.” Your head shook, and your hands were clasped together, your left thumb rubbing your right nail back and forth. “I don’t understand, Sir.”
“I’m friends with Maria, Y/n. If you’re able to get this article done and get me on the cover you’re gonna get a promotion, you want that, right doll?” Your eyes went wide, “Yes, Sir.” Now, he stood, coming around to the front where you are and leaning against the desk. “She said to make it difficult, but I don’t care enough to do all that. So, doll, I’ll answer your questions. They’re quite good actually. And I’ll do a little photoshoot for the cover, but you’ll need to pay me back.” You gulped, hands suddenly sweaty, you felt like a little chihuahua, trembling under his gaze.
“How? Um, how do I pay you?” Gosh, even your voice was shaky. “Stand up. Lose the blazer.” Steve commanded, slowly unbuckling his belt. You could faintly tell from the buckle that it was Hermès. You stood and took off your blazer in a rush, folding it poorly and setting it on the arm of the chair. “Atta girl.”
He placed his hands on your shoulders and then ran them down to your hands, giving them a little squeeze before he hooked his index fingers into your belt loops, pulling you closer. So close that the tips of your shoes were touching. He leaned down to kiss your neck and you stiffened, but when he grazed his teeth over the bruised spot he just created you melted into him, your hands grasping at the pristine white button up, letting out a little whimper.
Steve pushed you back a little and took in your form, then he pulled the little security badge off, tossing it to the side. Like a little kid, he pulled at the neckline of your shirt. “Off.” You would’ve giggled at him if he didn’t look so scary right now. His blue eyes were piercing into yours, left hand so tight on your hip you thought he might leave bruises.
By the time your shirt hit the floor, he was pushing at your shoulders, hinting at you to go to your knees. “Sir, I don’t know-“
You started, knees hitting the carpet underneath you. He shushed you and guided your head to look up at him. “It's okay, baby, you don’t have to know how. I’ll do all the work, doll. Now, undo your bra.” As expected you did as he asked immediately, fumbling with the clasp until it fell down your arms. It ended up next to your thigh as you watched him pull his belt through the loops.
Steve walked around you and kneeled down, belt in his hands. “Put your hands behind your back.” You nodded immediately, so submissive, completely at his mercy. “Yes, Sir.” Steve loved how polite you were. He made quick work of restraining you, tying your hands to rest against your jean clad ass. The metal felt harsh against your skin and the soft, expensive leather snaked up your arms.
When he was back in front of you he sighed and shook his head. “I should’ve had you unzip me first.” Hearing Steve say that finally brought you to the reality of what was about to happen. You watched with big eyes as he undid the button and then the zipper, the sound making you tremble. His dress pants puddled on the floor and you were in awe as he massaged his bulge through his boxers. Slowly, he pulled them down to the middle of his thighs. His cock bounced up to hit his abdomen and he hissed as he stroked it a few times. “Open as wide as you can, honey.”
As always, you did as asked. Your tongue stuck out a little, wetting your bottom lip. He grasped the back of your head and leaned you forward a little, then you felt his blunt tip on your tongue. You gagged and spluttered when Steve was about halfway seated, he pulled out and leaned down, kissing you sloppily. “Breathe through your nose, baby. Don’t forget.” Then he was back at slowly entering your throat. “Fuck...” he grunted, finally fully seated in your throat, your nose pressed against his nicely groomed pubic hair. He caressed your throat then, rubbing the bulge in your throat, resisting the urge to press down and have you choke on his cock even more. “So good, Y/n.”
Steve started rocking into your throat, slowly fucking it as spit leaked from the corners of your mouth. After minutes of abusing your throat, he finally pulled out, adoring the way tears ran down your cheeks and how you hiccupped, wanting to desperately rub at your raw throat to soothe it. Your hands pulled at the belt and your eyes begged Steve to undo it. “Up, doll.”
He hoisted you up from your armpits and bent you over the desk. Steve pressed kisses down your back and reached in front of you, unbuckling your belt and throwing it somewhere to the left of you, then he unbuttoned and unzipped your pants, tugging them down with fervor.
Steve undid your restraints and left more kisses down your back until he reached your ass, spreading your cheeks to reveal your tight hole and glistening cunt. “I’d love to see this ass all bruised and red, but I’ll have to save that for another day.” His index and middle finger ran circles on your clit, your back arching to press into him more. “Sir, please!” You gasped, your hand flying out to the edge of the table and nearly knocking over the glass of whiskey he left on a coaster when Steve finally pushed two fingers into your aching hole.
“Gotta open you up first, doll, get you all sloppy and ready for my cock.” You cried out as he hooked his fingers, rubbing the magic spot inside of you. “Please, Steve, please.” He cooed at you, pulling his fingers out, and instead traced his name over your clit. “You gonna come, baby? Huh? You gonna drench my fingers, little girl?” You were moaning in wanton, hips humping his hand desperately. He brought his other hand down and started fingerfucking you again, giving you just enough to push you over the edge.
Your moans were breathy, your legs twitching, and you were panting by the time your orgasm faded. “I hope you know I’m not done with you yet, doll, I still haven’t come inside you.” That made you whine high in your throat and you tried, to no avail, to slam your legs shut around his hand.
Steve’s right hand fisted his cock a few times, making sure he’s rock hard and dripping with pre-cum, while his left kept your lips spread, showing him your gorgeous pussy. The blunt head at your entrance shocked you, and you yelped at the intrusion. “Sir!”
He leaned his head down and spit where you were joined, trying to make the glide even easier. “Shut up, doll.” He snapped after you cried out. Once he was as deep as possible inside of you he reached for his belt, looping it over as if he was going to spank you, and stuffed it into your mouth. “Bite down,” Steve demanded, a hand snaked around to the front of your neck where he was applying light pressure.
When you tried to push back against him he held your hips down against the wood steadily and started snapping his hips at a fast speed. Each thrust pushed you down onto the table, letting your clit rub against the mahogany wood.
Your vision felt spacey like you could black out any moment as he choked you. Your orgasm washed over you and you had to use all the strength you had in you to keep biting down on the belt. You didn’t want to know what would happen if you disobeyed his and let it go. Steve’s hips harshly snapped against your ass a few more times before he stilled inside of you, filling you with his spunk.
Before Steve cleaned you up and let you leave his office he had to finger his cum back inside of you, making sure none of it went to waste. Then, he made sure you had a way home, and a way to contact him, because, “Now you’re no longer Magazine Girl, but My Girl.”
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sunookkii · 3 years
hey i know request are closed but this idea just got stuck in my mind and i wanted you to write sum about it if you like it 😭 so basically its an enha reaction/scenario ? where they forget your birthday, (maybe not in a bad way but i dont mind if its angst) hope ur good btw !! <3
a/n : OMG WAIT SRY TO ALL THE OTHER REQUESTS BUT THIS ONE FOR SUM REASON REALLY STUCK OUT TO ME i hope you enjoyyy ;) also I wrote so much I’m so sorry- [not really read proof~]
Also i am well ty for asking >.<
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.enhypen imagine ˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
Enhypen forgetting your bday~
Genre : angsty ish
Warnings : mentions of food, crying, one swear word??
Requested : yes ty beautiful person ;)
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Heeseung :
Okay okay so its your birthdayyy and you were really excited for what to happen because you wanted to see what kind of surprise your boyfriend did for your birthday
But to your luck he forgot :(
So you spent all day giving him hints like ‘what day is it’ and at one point you gave up and started pouting really hard
And your face was just overall sad everyone else had remembered your birthday including the members, but for your boyfriend to forget it lowkey hurt
Almost half the day passed and he still didn’t remember
So you ended up going into the room by yourself and started to cry
Your whimpers got louder and louder even though you were trying your best to stay quiet so he doesn’t hear
A few minutes past by and heeseung started looking for you because he sensed something was wrong.
He looked on the calendar really really carefully and FINALLY he came to his realization that it was your birthday but it was kinda too late cuz you hid yourself in your room to cry.
He came into your room to wish you a happy birthday but he sees you curled up into a ball crying to yourself
He hugs you so tight as if your life depended on it, won’t leave you out of his sight for the rest of the day. You’ll be hearing a lot of hbds and ilys for the rest of the day~
^ so yeah 🤕
Jay :
I feel like it’s rare that he forgets these type of dates buut for the sake of tumblr lets pretend he completely forgot 😧
You woke up in a great mood because it was your birthday of course
You were expecting to be receive a hbd wish from your boyfriend, but nope nothing all morning.
You received a bunch of hbd wishes on Instagram and other platforms mentioning you, but none of them were from jay :(
You quickly got frustrated and because it was your birthday and your bf the person you love most didn’t remember really hurt
So gradually your face became wet from heated silent tears. But unlike heeseung he would super quickly notice because he’s on his phone a lot and he dates things like ‘y/ns bday’ (idk but I imagine him dating things on his phone)
He’d then be like OH SHIT ITS YN’s BD
Runs to you soooooo quick just to see your face red and a bit wet.
Once your eyes connected your tears started to come out quicker
After he said that he ran away from you leaving you alone, which made your heart drop thinking that he didn’t care.
But once you finally came out of your room you were greeted with a homemade delicious cake your boyfriend made for you that looked like this
You could tell he felt really bad bc usually he always had a smile on his face while cooking but this time it was a ‘I’m sorry’ face
“I’m really really sorry please forgive me”
All was forgiven bc the cake tasted so mf ing good
Jake :
It was your birthday today, a day that only came once a year so like any other human being it’s a special day for you
You were super excited to see what Jake did for you, because every birthday you had with him was always such a surprise
But today was sort of… different? :(
You saw jake in the living room on the tv and went straight up to him with a smiley face. “GOOODMORNINGGG” 😁
After cuddling for a while on the couch you lifted up your head and asked him If he knew what day it was, he just replyed with a simple Wednesday? With a confused face
I’m pretty sure that one word was enough to make you pretty upset 😅🥲
You started to pout and went back into his chest with a disappointed face.
“Ahh what what, what day is it tell me?” He said playfully, not realizing it was your birthday.
You stayed silent as he checked his phone, ‘y/n’s birthday don’t forget’
When i tell you he gasped he GASPED.
You were already in the verge of tears “IM SO SORRY HBD BABY”
You were still a bit upset at him so you replied with ‘did you really need your phone to tell me what day it was’ 😕
He hugs you tighter while mumbling ‘hbd hbd hbd’
Suddenly let you go of his arms and said he had an errand. Without any explanation he got his car keys to go somewhere leaving you and your thoughts by yourself.
‘Does he not love me anymore that he doesn’t even want to spend time with me on my birthday? ☹️😭”
A while later he comes back and you’re luckily still on the couch where he left you
^^this dude came back with three beautiful cakes from your local cake stores. “I’m bacccckkkk!! please forgive meeeee you know i love you with all my heart 🥺” (okay i hate to use this emoji but there isn’t any other way to describe it TT)
You obviously forgave him because you know it was never his intention to forget,,, “you owe me hugs and kisses for the rest of the day :(“ kindly accepts your request because that is something he’d never complain about #freecuddlesfromyn
Sunghoon :
Okay but like hear me out he’s the type of boyfriend that would ‘pretend’ he forgot your birthday but he actually didn’t
So when he ACTUALLY forgot you just thought he was joking until…
“Hooonieeee, stop joking around I’m seriouss”
“I’m serious too i seriously don’t know what day it is”
You leave him for a bit alone with his thoughts, not even gna lie if he did end up forgetting your bday it would take him a while to remember it
But once he remembers he feels so bad 😭
Tackles you with so many hugs and bday kisses and showers you with I’m sorrys and hbd wishes
genuinely ask himself how he forgot the lohls birthday (love of his life’s) literally beats himself for it
And you have to tell him that it’s fine and that you forgive him~
Brings out the birthday cake and sings you a happy birthday song while clapping and laughing.
Puts cake on your nose
Sunoo :
Idk if he’s the type to forget but like jay I don’t think he’d forget
I feel like to him birthdays are the MOST special thing/ date for a person
Like obviously the rest of the members think that but especially sunoo really like sticks to this
So if he had forgotten your birthday you were sooo hurt you ignored him the whole day keeping your distance until he finally remembered
Once he remembered he went to go find you ASAP where you were hiding int he corner of the bedroom moping
He showers you with hugs cuddles kisses pecks, you name it he does it
He feels so bad that he could forget smtg like this, literally asks himself how he could forget such an important date
If the convenience store was still open he’d run to the nearest store and surprise you with a birthday cake. But not just any cake it’d be a cake that was decorated by the one and only Kim Sunoo
Would prepare it so nicely and even have a lit up candle so you can wish on it.
the type to surprise you with it even though he forgot. Brings it to your room while singing the hbd song.
Puts cake frosting on your nose #2, takes lots and lots of pictures to post on insta later
caption : “happy birthday sunshine~”
Jungwon :
he was on the couch as per usual just scrolling through his phone to keep himself occupied but also updated
Not knowing what day it was,,,,,,,
you come outside of your bedroom excitedly to expect a wishful happy birthday wish from the person you love most
But for some reason it oddly seemed like a normal day
“Wonnniiieee my loveeee, guess what day it is!” You said with a sheepish smile
“Hmm wednesday?” He said looking up at you with a calm face
Your happy smile soon became a little pout
“You really don’t know?”
“Isn’t it just a regular Wednesday? Why is there something special?”
oh my- he broke your heart right then and there
You run back into your room because you feel heated tears about to fall, even though it was something small the thought of him not remembering your birthday the day of your birth hurt. A little.
Jungwon was actually super clueless he genuinely didn’t know what day it is but something about you seemed off and the way you ran to your room was quite odd to him so he went and followed you
Before he opened the door he already heard small whimpers from the corner of the bed, and that immediately triggered him and he was about to beat up anyone that made you feel sad 😠 little did he know it was him who made you feel that way
“Baby what’s wrong? Why are you crying”
He holds your chin and turns it to get a better look
wiping your tears with his thumb, you were being a dramatic his giggles make you feel a bit better even though you were mad at him for forgetting
“You forgot my birthday.” You said to him while crying
You can literally see the gears in his brain start to turn when his face went from 😄 -> 😳
“IM SO SORRY IM SO SORRY” hugs you so tight that you literally can’t breathe
Doesn’t know what to do to make you feel better, “I’m really sorry for forgetting your birthday, I don’t really know what got into me, please forgive me.”< cue the cutest kitty puppy eyes
He kept on rambling on abt how he was sorry and deserves your forgiveness you literally had to shut him up, he was sorry please forgive him >~<
Cuddles you for the rest of the day
Niki :
He was playing video games normally on his phone, until you excitedly stormed into his room “hiiiii babbbbyyyy”
“Well someone is happy today :)”
“Well of course bc u know what day it isss ;)”
😧😦 < that’s what you looked like when he didn’t know, “you really don’t remember?”
“hmm I’m not too sure” he said before going back to his game
you slowly became disappointed and just ‘celebrated’ your birthday by yourself in the kitchen. :,((
he didn’t notice that you were sad at first bc he was busy playing on his phone, around an hour later he went to the kitchen to get a snack when he sees you in the kitchen staring into space rested your chin on you arm.
‘Are you okay? You seemed fine earlier’
You decided to play the silent game and just avoided him... so he tried to get you to talk to him but after a while it didn’t work so he sort of gave up and went to ask his hyungs what’s wrong with you.
“Niki,,, it’s y/n’s birthday omg did you forget??????” Jake said texting niki
and that’s when the lightbulb in his brain turned on
He rushed to the kitchen and back hugged you so tight and gave you so many cheekie kissies to try and make up for ‘forgetting’
But to his luck you were still mad at him
Soooo he came up with the idea of going to the convenience store really quick to get you a bunch of flowers and a nice cake to surprise you~
You ended up forgiving him because he was tickling you threatening you to forgive him
N knowing Niki he’s not a person you can be mad at for long <3
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marauderundercover · 3 years
Taking Chances Ch. 22: Petrichor and Bibliosmia (Library/books)
Marinette frowned at the rain outside of her window. She had wanted to go to the botanical gardens with Harley and Ivy today. But with the rain, both women decided it would be better to just reschedule. They didn’t want her to get sick. Which, to be fair, was sweet. But still upsetting because she really wanted to go to the gardens. She’d planned on using the plants as inspiration to make something for Ivy.
“Tikki, I’m bored.” She says, looking at her smallest friend. Tikki just looks at her.
“You’ve been stuck inside because of the weather before, Marinette. Why don’t you design?” Tikki suggests. Marinette huffs, flopping back down onto the cushioned window seat.
“But there’s nothing inspiring in my room, Tikki.” She mumbles, before shooting back up. “Do you think any of the boys are here?” She asks.
“Only one way to find out!” Tikki says with a smile, obviously relieved to have avoided any more whining from Marinette. She jumps up, throwing one of Dick’s old hoodies on over her t-shirt. She’d always gotten cold easily, and becoming the holder of the Ladybug Miraculous didn’t help. That, and the manor was cold on a good day- it would probably be freezing with how bad the weather was. She slides down the banister, knowing her Dad was at work and couldn’t yell at her.
“Miss Marinette, if you insist on behaving like your brothers, I will have to resort to treating you like your brothers.” Alfred says with raised eyebrows. But she can sense the smile wanting to break through. She just grins apologetically.
“Sorry, Alfred.” She says. “Speaking of my brothers, are any of them here right now?” She asks. If they’re not, she could probably convince Alfred to bake something with her. As long as she promises not to slide down the banister again.
“I believe Master Jason is in the library. Masters Dick and Damian are in the gym and Master Tim is at Wayne Enterprises with your father.” He says and she hums, thinking. She could go do some training with Dick and Damian, or she could go sit and sketch in the library with Jason.
“Thanks Alfred!” She says, giving him a wide smile before turning and walking down one of the many halls. She glances in open doors as she walks. Despite having lived here for nearly a month, she still got lost going anywhere other than her room, the dining room, the kitchen, and the Batcave. They were kind of the places she’d gone the most. She could also easily find her dad’s study and the main sitting room, most of the time. But the library wasn’t really a place she’d spent a lot of time in. And while she loved Dick and Damian, she also knew that they hadn’t gotten time to hang out just the two of them in a while. She’d talked to Dick before, about how when their dad was missing, he was basically Damian’s father. She knew that bonds like that didn’t just go away, knew that neither boy wanted it to. So she figured she’d just annoy Jay instead of barging in on the others’ bonding time.
Finally finding the library, she grins. Pushing the cracked door open a little more, she moves into the room, jaw dropping. The floor to ceiling bookshelves were packed. There were huge overstuffed couches, and the large windows had window seats attached- perfect little reading nooks. Quickly making a mental note to come to the library more, she starts to search for Jay. She knew he had to be in here. Alfred is never wrong. She grins when she spots him, sitting in what looked like an insanely uncomfortable position, but one she knew from experience was the best.
“Whatchya reading?” She asks, walking over and getting comfortable on the couch next to him.
“<i>Pride and Prejudice<i>.” He says, continuing reading for a moment before putting a little scrap of paper in the book and shutting it. “What’s up, Pixie Pop?” He asks, looking at her with a grin. Marinette sighs dramatically and moves so that she’s upside down on the couch.
“It’s raining. And I was supposed to go to the gardens with Ivy and Harley but they canceled because of my ‘health’ and they were ‘concerned’.” She says with a pout.
“And you decided the library was the best place to curb your boredom? No offense kid, but you don’t seem like the type to read.” He says and she huffs.
“I like books! It’s just-” She pauses, remembering the way Lila had teased her for it back in Paris. Her classmates hadn’t joined in, not really. They’d just agreed that she was a little odd.
“You okay, Pix?” Jason asks, his earlier grin replaced with a slightly concerned look. Marinette winces and nods.
“Yeah it’s- I can read. I swear I can. But when I’m looking at a book, or an article or anything with a lot of text, it gets hard to pick out the pieces. Things just kind of swirl together and then I can’t decode it and I get frustrated and just stop reading. It sucks, ‘cause I do like books. I listen to audiobooks while doing commissions.” She rambles, stopping and turning red. Though that may be from hanging upside down on the couch. Sighing, she sits up and shrugs. “Sorry I’m so weird.” She says. Jason’s face morphs into a scowl.
“Just ‘cause you learn differently doesn’t mean you’re weird, kid. Just means you’ve got your own style. Don’t let any of those little shits you go to school with tell you differently.” He says, reaching out and ruffling her hair. She smiles at him, a genuine happy smile. She was so relieved that he didn’t think she was weird. Or stupid. Lila had thrown that word around. That one hurt. Marinette prided herself on her quick thinking and cleverness. And her grades. They were some of the best in the class! So for Lila to call her stupid…
“Pixie.” Jason says, drawing the nickname out in a sing-song voice. She looks at him and raises an eyebrow. “You were zoned out, kid. So, was there something ya wanna do?” He asks. Marinette glances down at the book in his hand and frowns.
“I don’t wanna keep you from reading. I can just sit in here with you. I’ll probably end up grabbing my sketchbook.” She says. Jason waves in a ‘no big deal’ motion.
“I’ve read this book a million times.” He reassures her. She glances at the cover again, realizing it’s not one she’s really heard much about before.
“What’s it about?” She asks. “I’ve never read it.” Jay’s face morphs into a huge grin.
“You said you like listening to books, right?” He asks. She nods. “Well, then settle in because I’m going to read to you.” He says proudly with a grin.
“Oh, you really don’t-” She tries to say. She didn’t want to make him read to her. That was not-
“Oh but I want to.” He says, effectively cutting off her mental ramble before she can complete her meltdown. “Listen Pix, this is one of my favorite books. If you go listen to some dumb audio book, you won’t get my commentary. Trust me, this is the best way for you to read the book.” He says and she snorts, shaking her head lightly.
“Okay, Jay, let’s read a book.”
Finally arriving home after being stuck at the office, Bruce sets off to find his daughter. Since his apology a few days ago, he’d attempted to make an effort to check in on her and see how she was doing. He tried to also do the same with the boys, but they had all given him odd looks, so he didn’t continue. He checks her room, the Batcave, the sitting room- nothing. He finally decides to check the kitchen. If he had to guess, she’d be there baking with Alfred. He walks in and sees Alfred, but no Marinette.
“Good evening, Alfred. Have you seen Marinette?” Bruce asks, silently hoping she hadn’t left the planet again.
“I believe she’s in the library with Master Jason.” Alfred says and Bruce blinks in surprise. He’d never seen her read a book before, while Jason always had a book on him. He supposed it could be a hobby of hers that he just hasn’t noticed. Or, she could have just followed Jason. Which seems more likely. The two of them were all but attached at the hip ever since the Gala. It was surprising, but at the same time welcoming. Thanking Alfred quickly, he walks towards the library. He’d just say hi and leave. No need to make them stop reading if they were having fun. Gently pushing open the library door he walks in and pauses at the sight. Marinette had wrapped herself in a blanket and was almost sitting on the edge of the couch, leaning forward with an intense look of concentration on her face. Jason had his legs swung over the arm of the couch and was reading out loud. Immediately recognizing the book as Jason’s favorite, Bruce slowly leaves the library, careful not to let the door slam. He’d have the chance to talk to Marinette later, but for now, he’d let the two continue reading in peace.
Tag list: @maribat-bdbwm @vixen-uchiha @stainedglassm @liquid-luck-00 @laurcad123 @waiting247 @jayjayspixiepop @mizzy-pop @jjmjjktth @trippingovermyfeet @queenz-z @thepaceperson @iloontjeboontje @toodaloo-kangaroo @ritacrow-blog @deathssilentapproach-blog @kittenmywaythrulife @nerd-nowandforever @tazanna-blythe @jaybird-and-co @jumpingjoy82 @lady-bee-fechin @corporeal-terrestrial
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slashxrose · 3 years
Surprise, love -Duff Mckagan-
Title: Surprise, Love.
Warnings: explicit content. 
Summary: I don’t use to do summary of my stories, y’all is gonna love it anyway; enjoy. 
Dirty reading~
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Duff Mckagan is the last person I expect to see on my doorstep, wet from the San Francisco mist, a faded green duffle bag at his feet.
Even years removed my heart still clutches at the sight of his hair, the boyish grin on his face. The smile doesn’t reach his eyes the way it used to, but I’m not able to catch much more of him before he’s pulling me into a bear hug and lifting me off the ground.
To put you all in context, Duff was my best friend ... and the best boyfriend someone could ever had, for most of my life, he was my neighbour when we were just born, little kids, getting to know each other from there and living a whole life together; I watched from when his first tooth fell out to when he had to take his first flight to go with the band to San Francisco, the place where I currently live now.
It surprises me, and it shocks me to see him, so changed after so many years, so many years without looking him in the eye, without knowing anything about him; today he is finally here, standing in front of me.
Trying not to break down in tears the emotions hit my being in a wave; remembering the day he left me at the airport and then never see him again; exactly in 1991, after his great "Use your illusion." I never heard from him again.
“Babe,” he breathes, I press my face into his neck, a laugh bubbling up out of my throat, “I missed you.”
“Yeah,” I manage.
I can feel my eyes pricking because I have missed him, too much. We’ve kept up as much as we could over the years, but with him overseas and my steadily making my way around the country, it had gotten difficult. I haven’t heard from him in a few months, and I haven’t seen him in a few years – probably eight, if I think about it. Instead of thinking about it, though, I wrap my arms tight around him and try not to let myself cry at the feeling of him engulfing me.
“I missed you too, Duff.”
I get him up to my apartment and let him settle onto my couch before I ask him any questions, mainly because I can’t quite find my voice and I can’t believe Duff is in my apartment, right now. He beats me to the punch, settling back into my couch and peeking over at me in the kitchen.
“This place is really nice.”
I nod, filling a glass up with water for him and then looking up at him, a smile on my lips.
“It’s alright,” I shrug, shutting off the tap and making my way over to the couch, handing it to him before I sit down, one leg tucked beneath me. “I got lucky.”
Duff sips the water and looks around, shaking his head. My apartment is nice – it’s got floor to ceiling windows and sleek, modern appliances and a killer view of the Golden Gate Bridge.
“Not luck,” he shrugs. “You deserve it, you worked your ass off for this place.”
I swallow, smiling over at him and feeling my cheeks flush – in part, because he’s right, and in part, because he’s wrong.
“Duff,” I laugh my voice soft. I tuck some hair behind my ear and looks up at him. “How’d you find me?”
Duff shrugs, setting the water glass down on my coffee table and turning to face me, leaning his arm over the back of my couch.
“I went home, first...talked to your mom, she gave me your address for if I ever wound up out west. Figured,” he shrugs, laughing, “It’d be more of a surprise if I didn’t tell her I already knew I was coming out this way.”
I shake my head, pressing my fingertips to my face.
“Oh god… I cannot believe my mum did that after all the things I told her, honestly.” I sigh, dropping my hand and raising my brow. “So, she didn’t know you were coming out here...but you did?”
Duff nods.
“Yes, I did… I’ve gotta come back to the hotel in a couple of hours… We’re flying to Europe, we’re gonna start a new tour I guess, we don’t really know, but I figured I could make a stop before I check into my hotel.” I swallow, watching his fingers flex against the couch cushion.
“Another tour?” I raise my brows. “You’ve been on tour the last eight years.”
“That’s what happens when you’re a famous rockstar babe, you never stop….” he laughs, his voice low. “I’m thinking I’ll be out here a bit, actually, trying to convince the boys to stop a little, I want to see you more often.” I try not to let my reaction show on my face, but this is Duff, so I know I’m not exactly subtle.
I chew on the inside of my cheek as I think about it, about Duff, just half an hour away instead of across the world.
“Wow,” I breathe, smiling over at him. “I’d get to see you, then?”
“If you want to,” Duff shrugs, and I roll my eyes at him, reaching over and swatting at his arm.
We cover the basics with his hand on my knee: I moved to San Francisco alone, I work for a newspaper, and I’m a runner now. He’s been back on tour and he’s not going to go so far away again, and he’s thinking about stop touring a little bit.
I slide my hand over his and look down at it, brushing my thumb against the back and humming softly as I look up at him, a smile on my lips.
“So you’re telling me,” I say, my voice soft, “you’re a big enough deal the boys to stop touring, what they’re supposed to be doing?”
Duff rolls his eyes, glancing down to our hands and then back up to mine, his gaze soft. I try to focus on anything other than the look in his eyes and settles on his mouth, chewing on the inside of my cheek, because I know it’s a mistake immediately. Bad things tend to happen when I look at Duff Mckagan’ mouth.
“I’m telling you I could do it,” he shrugs, and I watch intently as he runs his tongue over his lower lip, his fingers pressing lightly against my leg. “We’ll find out, I guess; Steven’ planning to go to rehab…” He probably saw my intrigued face, so he immediately keeps talking. “I’ll tell you in a bit about it.” He smiles at me and I nod. “Slash has two little annoying but cute kids… so he’s gonna be busy with that, and Izzy… Well Izzy fucking left the damn band, so there’s no problem with him.”
I nod, feeling my lips shift into a soft smile, Wow, it’s surprising how everything changed since the last time I saw him, every one of them were idk… almost 30 years old, playing and joking around, being drunk and high as fuck, I never… I mean, we never thought that the band was gonna become this famous.
“Well,” I say, “I’m happy for you, Duff. You’re all grown up.”
Duff laughs, pulling his hand from my leg and rubbing his hand over his jaw slowly, swallowing.
“We’re both grown up, honey,” he chuckles, and I let myself meet his gaze. I stuck in a slow breath, feeling how heavy his eyes are on mine, letting the feeling wash over me easily. “Easy to see that, right?”
I nod and sit up a bit, settling my hand on Duff’s forearm, brushing my thumb slowly against his skin.
“Easy,” I say my voice barely above a whisper. “Too easy.” I don’t know why sitting here with him like this makes me feel like I could cry.
I squeeze my eyes shut, sighing out a slow breath and tightening my grip on his arm.
“I really missed you. I know we,” I shake my head, “I know we covered that, kind of, but...god, Duff.” I swallow, heavy, keeping my eyes shut so I don’t have to look at him as the words tumble out of my mouth, “I really didn’t know if I would ever see you again, you know? No matter how safe you told me you were, you almost had a fucking overdose… too much alcohol, too much shit.”
Duff doesn’t say anything, but I feel him shifting on the sofa. I feel him scooting closer to me. His breath wisps over my skin, and I feel like I might be shaking. I should stop him – I knows I should, I knows it’s the right thing to do with all of us history, all of the feelings that stretch out between us – but there’s an ache in my chest that I don’t think will let me. I squeeze his forearm, holding onto it with my fingers and hear myself let out a soft noise as his nose touches mine.
“Babe,” he murmurs, and I nod, my eyes still squeezed shut. “I’m good; you don’t have to worry anymore.”
“I know,” I breathe out, and I slide my hand off his arm and slip my fingers into his hair. I pulling him towards me, kissing him in the way I had imagined doing for years, for a lifetime, even. I’d never kissed him like this, so tender and slow, so intentional, so full. I whine into it, feeling tears pricking at the corners of my eyes.
It feels like my heart is whole, even for just a moment.
Duff’s always been the boy I turned to when I was hurting, always been the person who knew me the best, who could make me feel good. This, though, is different – this kiss isn’t sweet, childhood tenderness, its gut wrenching in the most wonderful way. My stomach twists into a knot and then settles as his arm wraps around my waist, my ears rush harshly as his tongue moves against mine, my heart pounds in my chest as I feel both of our cheeks, touch against each other.
This is Duff, the man, safe in his arms, telling me he’s here, telling me I’m his. He hasn’t said it, but I can tell...I can tell from the way he’s kissing me that this was him, standing on her doorstep, asking me to let him in and keep him.
For tonight, at least, I can do that.
I crawl into his lap and press my fingers into his hair, my thumbs dragging along his face, my breathing ragged against his skin.
“Duff,” I whisper, brushing my lips against his, “I have a bed.”
Duff’s breathing is possibly more laboured than my own as he slips his hand beneath the back of my t-shirt, his fingertips pressing lightly into my skin.
“I assumed,” he mumbles, his mouth praying for mine, “This is a big apartment.”
I nod in a smile, grinning against his lips;
“Want to,” I tip my face down, my forehead pressed to his as I move slowly in his lap, my lips just out of his reach, “take a look at it?”
Duff lets out a low laugh, nodding and mumbling,
“Smooth,” against my mouth as he keeps his arm locked around my waist. He stands up, lifting me with him, I wrap my legs around him as he settles me in his grip.
I direct him to the bedroom, settling my feet down on the ground and swallowing as my eyes fall on a picture frame settled on my nightstand.
“Shirt,” I breathe, looking at Duff, who’s sitting on the edge of her bed, staring at me with a dazed smile on his lips, “shirt off, rockstar.” He lets out a low laugh, and I takes a moment to flip the picture frame face down while his shirt is obstructing his view, then tugs at the hem of my own shirt before taking a step forward, pulling it off as I stations myself between his legs.
I settle my hands on his bare shoulders, dragging my hands down along his skin slowly, then moving it back up and cupping his face in my hands. I slide my thumb over his lower lip and hiccups, chewing on the inside of her cheek.
“God,” I whisper, letting my eyes move over his face, taking him in. I’d never felt so full before. My vision blurs as I watch him, feels his hands settle over my waist.
He had changed, years without seeing him… without feeling him, I missed his touch, his kisses, I missed him so bad.
“Honey,” he says, and his voice has that lilt to it – the what are you crying for lilt, and I don’t have an answer. I bit down on my lower lip, shaking my head and trying to stop myself. His hand reaches up to my cheek and I lean into his touch, feeling my tears seep onto his skin.
I want to tell him...about the photo, about the man in the photo, about the way their timing is truly, continually, terrible. Instead, I lean my face down and kiss his palm, swallowing hard as I hear his own breath going wet.
“Come here,” he says, his voice thick, low.
I don’t need him to say it twice. I crawl into his lap and he shifts them back onto the bed, his hands moving shakily along my skin.
He flips them and undresses me carefully, his eyes moving over every new part of me as it becomes exposed. He unhooks my bra and pulls it slowly down my arms, unbuttons and unzips my jeans and tugs them over my hips, hooks his fingers into the waistband of my panties and tugs at them, slowly, his lips pressing to my stomach as he does, the gasp tearing from my throat involuntary, I swear.
Something in my brain tugs, that I should be embarrassed, being so naked in front of this man who’s known me for my entire life, but no. I can’t be, with the way he’s looking at me, with the adoration and want in his eyes. I let my hands slide along his arms, breathing slowly as he looks at me, takes me in, and then I settle my fingers against his belt buckle.
“I can’t be the only one naked here, baby,” I say, my voice soft, and the smile on his lips is so soft that I feel my cheeks flush.
I unbuckle his belt shakily, watching as he gets himself out of his pants, pushes off his boxers. I bites on my lower lip at the sight of him, half-hard for me, then drags my eyes up to his face, smiling at the way his cheeks are flushed. I sit up a little, wrapping my hand around him gently, dragging my fingertips lightly along his length and shutting my eyes, leaning my forehead against his chest because I don’t think I can take the look on his face, the pure emotion rippling through him.
“Fuck,” he bites out, and his hand slides to the back of her neck, his thumb dragging along the base of it slowly. His voice is shaky when he says my name, and I twist my wrist slowly, smiling as I feel him growing harder in my hand.
Yes, honey, I know you like this.
He shifts my back on the bed, pressing my legs apart so he can settle between them and leaning down to kiss me, drawing his tongue slowly over my lower lip as his thumb drags over my inner thigh. The mixture of sensations has me shaking, already, and he hasn’t even touched me where I want him to yet.
He’s gentle with me, at first. His fingers press lightly against my wet folds, testing the waters, working slowly as I breathe out heavy sighs to keep myself calm.
He’s driving me crazy.
His lips press over my collarbone lightly, dragging against my skin slowly as he dips a finger into me, then another. He hums against the hollow of my neck as his thumb circles my clit lightly, and I feel my hips lifting off the bed to find more of him, knowing he isn’t giving it to me yet.
“Oh god-” I groaned.
I come apart on his fingers, shakily, one of my hands gripped tightly into his hair. His mouth is on my neck and I whine, searching for his face.
“I need you.” I breathe, and he lifts his head slowly, grazing his lips over mine.
“You keep driving me crazy as the first day we met.” he murmurs.
I stop him, slipping my tongue into his mouth. I can’t hear him, like this, not right now. I need him to fuck me, need him, before I get too rational and stop him entirely.
This is too much, I can feel it – I’m going to break the both of us, but I can’t possibly end it before I feel him, before I know what it’s like to have him inside me, again.
“Duff,” I moaned against his mouth, lifting my hips and hooking a leg around his waist, trying to pull him closer. “I need you.”
He nods, slow, just once, and I love him for it. I love that he isn’t trying to tease this out, that he’s listening to me, that we both want this so badly that dragging it along isn’t appealing at all. I slide my hands up to his face, holding it and keeping my eyes on him, my heart still hammering. He locks eyes with me as I feel his tip pressing at my entrance, and I suck in a hard breath, watching his face.
He cracks the softest smile, and I feel my resolve breaking.
“Duff,” I breathe, my voice full, my eyes stinging, “please.”
I want him in a way I can’t understand – it’s something about the way he knows me, I think, absently, as his eyes trail over my face, down my body.
It’s about the way he held my hand when I fell off the jungle gym and broke my arm when we were six, it’s about the way he shoved an old friend of mine for calling me a bitch when we were eleven, it’s about the desperate way he kissed me back in her car when we were sixteen, it’s about the way he made me and makes me feel right now. It’s about the fact that he’s the same Duff he’s always been, but something else altogether, too. The boy I’ve always known, and the man I’ve always wanted, hovering above me, about to make me his, even when I belong to someone else.
But I didn’t care.
One of his hands brushes my cheek, and I slide my own to press over his, to keep him there. I hold his gaze as he pushes into me, slow, filling me. I let out a soft laugh, turning my face into his hand and rolling my hips.
“Please,” I murmur against his skin, “I want to feel you, Duff.”
He’s slow, but not in a torturous way. His eyes stick on mine as he rocks his hips into mine, as the fingers of his free hand trail along my leg, over my hip, tracing little shapes. I feel him, all of him, and my legs tighten around his hips to keep him as close as I can. His strokes are long, deep, and I know neither of us is going to last long, regardless of the speed.
“As my queen commands.” Duff softly replied, smirking before kissing my lips deeply as he thrust deep inside me.
The sudden feeling of being filled with a cock as big as him made me cry out in pleasure breaking the kiss as my back arched, I felt his fingers holding my hips lightly, making the movements to go harder. His own groans of pleasure mixed with mine as they filled the room, he started to move slowly, taking his time as our lips re-joined together with our tongues dancing and warping round each other, as our hands roamed each other’s bodies just feeling blindly in a that need to be close.
I feel my walls constricted around him, he started to move faster and found that bundle of nerves that made me touch the sky with my hands, his moans made an echo in my ear, they were loud, he was really enjoying this, making me instantly lose all the control, all sense of who and where I was, right now it was just the two of us; the world outside didn't matter, the day ahead didn't matter everything I can focus on was in him and nothing was going to stop that.
“Oh shit babe, yes.- ” I moaned. “Keep doing that oh god-” I wrapped his curlers in my fingers holding him, his thrusts collided with my body causing a lack of control in all my senses, damn I had missed this.
His movements were wild and erratic but so perfect precise, he knew all the right buttons to press. I open my eyes again to see him above me, his face the clear picture of pleasure and need, I never had seen anyone become so desperate and undone for me. A man like him with such talent showing a side of himself only to me that so few ever got to see, but in truth he would only ever truly become this undone and this vulnerable for me.
My hands slid down from his hair, trailing down his back across his slightly sweating skin as they found that perfect ass of his. His lips moving to my neck again as tears of happiness, love and pleasure fell.
“Oh my sweet babe.” Duff moaned shakily as he continued thrust deep into me, all I could do was cry out with pleasure and need.
“Oh Duff I love you.” I gasp thrusting up to meet his own movement's.
He’s nothing like I’ve ever felt, before – there’s something about the presence of him, of his body over mine, of his eyes watching me, his breath mixing with my own.
“Babe,” he breathes, his face tipping down, his lips finding mine. I sat up a bit, my hips shifting to meet his, to hit at a new angle. I weave my fingers into his curly hair and grips onto it as I kiss him, our tongues pressed together as I feel the heat pooling in my stomach, knows I’m closer than I’d even like to admit.
His hand moves from my leg to dip between them, pressing against my clit slowly, tracing over my nerves delicately before finding a pattern. I can tell he’s close, too, his breathing getting heavier, his thrusts more erratic.
“C’mon babe” I murmur against his mouth, “I want to feel you, Duff, I want to know what you feel about me.” my words fade into a whine as I feel him pressing more firmly to my clit, rolling it between his fingers.
I come hard, around him, feeling him spill into me moments later, our moans mixing together as he presses me down into the mattress.
“Oh damn.” He moans loudly in my ear.
We lay still, for a long while. I scratch sleepily at the back of his neck, Duff start kissing my neck softly as we cling to each other, trying to calm down. He pulls out of me slowly, smiling to himself as I groan at the loss, and I hum as he lays back down, still pressing his weight down against me.
“You’re not allowed to go anywhere,” I whisper, my lips pressed against the side of his head, “until I say so.”
Duff nods. “Got it, you’re in charge,” he murmurs, “so nothing’s really changed, huh?”
I laugh, but I feel the pang in my chest, knowing the truth – because yes, almost everything really has changed, and he doesn’t even know the half of it.
I must fall asleep, because when I woke up it’s dark outside and I hear him moving around...somehow, I just knew in that moment that he knows, now. I sit up slowly, pulling the sheets to my chest and pressing my hand over her face.
He pokes his head out of the bathroom and smiles at me softly. When he steps through the door, he’s got his boxers on, and I feel my heart clench in my chest.
“What’s his name, babe?” He sits on the edge of the bed and pull my hand from my face, lacing his fingers with mines. “He’s got some nice pomades, in there...expensive.”
“Duff,” my voice is hollow, I look up at him with pleading eyes. “I can explain all of this, okay?”
He nods, brushing his thumb over mine.
“I know,” he swallows, his voice thick. “What’s his name?”
I sigh out a breath and casts my eyes upwards, trying not to cry.
“Daniel…” I answer, quietly. “We’ve been...I moved in a few months ago, but it’s been a little over a year.”
I don’t let myself close my eyes, making myself look at him as he swallows, processing my words and looking around the room.
“You love him?”
“Duff,” I don’t know how to answer that question, not right now.
He’s been away for a while, and came here making me feel lost and complete at the same time, now I don’t even know where or who I am.
“Does he make you happy, hun? That’s,” he lets out a soft, wet laugh, “that’s really...what I’m asking you.” I nod, looking down at our hands. “Good.”
“I didn’t,” I croak, and I hate myself for it. “I didn’t know when you...if you,” I shake my head. “I didn’t know, Duff. I didn’t know if I...if–,”
“I didn’t want you waiting for me,” he supplies, shaking his head and looking at me, straight on. “I’m glad you didn’t, I... I slept with a lots of girls too… I can’t blame you for this.”
I feel desperate, scoots myself closer to him and settles a hand on his cheek.
“I’m not,” I breathe, wanting to press my face to his and hesitating. “You’re here, now, Duff.”
Duff nods, and bridges the gap. He presses his forehead against mine, finding my eyes.
“I’m not leaving,” he says, his voice low. “I told you,” he swallows, “I’m not gonna go away without you next time. If I convince the boys…damn.”
I nod.
“And I’ll be here,” I murmur. “But someone else is gonna be here with me…”
He shuts his eyes, squeezing my hand.
“For now,” he shrugs, “and maybe for good, but,” he opens his eyes and looks at me, fully.
My feels tear pooling in my eyes.
“I’m not going anywhere. I...I believe in this, babe. I wouldn't be here if I didn’t.”
I take a long breath, nodding slowly. I realize he doesn’t mean here, my apartment – he means here, in San Francisco...that he wouldn’t be considering this job if it wasn’t for me. I understand his meaning, here: I’m in charge.
“I’m sorry,” I whisper, and he shakes his head, but I stop him. “No, I should’ve told you.”
“His shoes were by the door, babe, I saw them.” he says, his voice soft. “I’m not an idiot.”
I feel something break in me, and I find Duff’s mouth, kissing him softly.
“God,” I laugh, my voice low, my lips pressed to his, “we really can’t get it right, huh?”
Duff kisses me, soft and slow, his tongue tracing my lip before he pulls away. He stands up from the bed and I watch, my eyes wide and soft as he moves around, grabbing his clothes and pulling them on.
“To be determined,” he decides, as he’s buckling his belt.
I chew on my cheek, getting out of bed and finding my robe. I wrap it around me and follows him out into the living room, watching as he grabs his duffel bag.
“You can stay,” I say, my voice hoarse, and he looks over his shoulder at me, shaking his head.
“I won’t leave,” he swallows, and I shut my eyes for a moment at his words. I nod.
“Okay,” I whisper. “So when will I see you?”
Duff sighs out a breath as he pulls the bag over his shoulder, then wraps his arm around my waist. He walks me over to the door before he pulls me against him, leaning his face down, kissing me softly.
“I’ll be here another week,” he says, his voice low, “and then...depending on things, I’ll be here for good. So,” he finds my eyes, “up to you, okay? You call me.”
I nod, my head spinning.
“Don’t disappear on me, okay?” I beg.
He shakes his head, softly, kissing me lightly.
“Promise, I won’t.” He replies.
I feel him pull his arms away, and I wrap my own around myself so I don’t do something stupid, like pull him back into my bedroom. I watch as he grabs the doorknob, opening the door and taking a step through it.
“Call me when you get to your hotel?”
He nods, leaning down and kissing me gently.
“I will,” he breathes against my mouth.
By the time I open my eyes, he’s gone. My phone buzzes on the kitchen island and my heart drops, but when I flip it over, it’s Duff.
‘Miss you already, you know that?’
I press it to my chest and shut my eyes, taking deep breaths – in part, to calm down, and in part, because I did.
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