#like 'oh you have a doctorate? without my money you never would have made it that far'
bambiraptorx · 1 year
A small but important thing I forgot to add to my massive post about the yokai school system: I mentioned it was largely publically funded through taxes, but not entirely.
One reason for this is that after a number of decades (depending on how many classes someone takes a semester, how many extracurriculars they do through the school, etc), the public funding allotted to an individual will run out, and they'll be expected to pay for classes. This is still much less expensive than it would be in the standard American college though.
The second reason for this is that basically all the schools in the Hidden City are run with some level of donations (usually from wealthy patrons who have an interest in education, and might choose to fund a specific subject area such as math or science or theater). These donations usually aren't the bulk of school funding, but make up 15 to 20% of it on average.
The reason this is important? The one person in the Hidden City who donates the most money and to the most schools: Big Mama. It's one of the reasons that the Council of Heads hasn't just outright arrested her: besides the fact that she's very good at covering her tracks, her criminal empire is funding at least 30% of yokai schools. Taking her out of the equation would substantially strain the yokai education system.
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rottenblur · 9 months
National anthem|A.ANDERSON
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College football! Abby x reader| 2.3k
Summary: Being dragged to a football game by your best friend wasn’t something new, but Abby breaks out in a fight with another player, you just happen to be the one to come to her rescue. Would you have done it all over again if you knew what was going to happen in your dorm that night?
Warnings: smut violence for a second, abby being taken (doesnt last long), alcohol use, fluff sort of, thigh riding, kissing, choking for two seconds, patching up abby, past abby being a asshole lowkey, abby being a air forces wearer.
She was a true american. Long blonde hair, a scholarship for college football, to be the best quarterback in the state. An expensive car, a doctor for a father, daddy’s money.
Abby had boys half her size all over her, too bad for them they weren’t her type, led alone she was taken. Abby had her bitchy, short, brunette girlfriend. You always thought of her as a small dog that never stops yapping.
You knew Abby due to your only other friend, the only other non snobby person at this school. She made you go to all of the football games played at your school, if they weren’t there she would drive the two of you wherever they were playing
She says it’s because she really likes football, you knew it was because she had a crush on the masculine linebacker.
You walk with her out of the cafeteria after paying an outrageous amount for an inappropriate amount of food. She turns her head to look at you. “I’m really excited, this is their enemy school.” You roll your eyes at her.
“When are you gonna admit it’s just because of that linebacker?” You said to her, as she starts speed walking, you say her name and she just flips you off.
You arrive at the game, sitting on the third bleacher from the top, your friend searching for her girl crush on the side lines.
She doesn’t find her but she sees Abby’s girlfriend sitting on her phone on the bottom bleacher. “Oh my god, of course she’s here. Does she ever leave her alone?” She was right, fucking lap dog never went anywhere without Abby. Always following right behind.
Sometimes Abby looked annoyed like she wanted some space, sometimes Abby’s hands where all over her, on her waist, her hips, in her fucking back pocket.
It pissed you off, was it jealousy? Fuck no you could care less about Abby. Yeah you had a crush on her when you first arrived on campus, her a year older she was settled in, confidently strolling around campus it was so fucking attractive to you. She knew who she was already.
After going to a freshman welcoming party at a frat, where you talked for the first time, the lust quickly turned to hatred.
You were waiting in line for the bathroom on your third drink, tipsy but not quite drunk. She came up behind you, also waiting. You stood leaned against the wall clutching your drink, she looked you up and down. “Hey.” You said to her, she looked into your eyes. She was dressed in a t-shirt, black pants paired with white air forces, her hair messily down.
“What’s up?” She said then looked around. You clutched your drink tighter, she looked so fucking good, her sleeves were begging for life, arms too big for it. “I'm good, you new too?” You tell her your name, she repeats it and you nod. “I’m Abby, not new.” She walks up to the door, leans in to listen. “Fuck, get the fuck out. go fuck in your dorm.” She says as she pounds on the door.
Your eyes go wide, it was very forward of her. Too forward? They walk out, a guy and her soon to be girlfriend, this is when you met her too. “God you’re fucking rude.” Abby grabs the back of her shirt, she must have been drunk for her to get physical over such a little thing.
She turns around, now looking up at Abby. “You always such a rude fucking whore?” She asks, the girl looked like she would rock her shit, except Abby would knock her out in one hit. She apologizes under her breath then walks away.
After that you thought Abby was too intense. Believe it or not her and Abby’s relationship was the same then and now, they still fight and argue except they fuck it out. How did you know that? Your friend or should I say best friend’s dorm was right next to Abby’s. She heard them fight then fuck almost everyday.
At least it sounded like she was good at it. One night you slept over to her’s around two am they argued, then fucked it out. You could hear the moans from down the hall, if Abby’s dad didn’t donate so much to the school she would probably be kicked out.
The game goes well, you actually started to learn how football worked with the amount of games you had been dragged to by your best friend. She hadn’t even talked to the girl, it was kinda pathetic, you would never tell her that though. Around the end the enemy team was one point away from winning, Abby tripped, losing the ball. The other team won.
You put your head in your hands in disappointment, your friend tapped your shoulder. “Are you good? What’s wrong?” You look up at her in disbelief. “They lost.” You point to the field, she widened her eyes. “Really? Why?” She says. You roll your eyes.
“You are funny.” You say that get up, following the crowd in leaving. You're on the ground next to the field when you look over, Abby is approaching a girl with her hands out screaming about her tripping her or something. She was fuming, maybe she didn’t get so mad that one time just because she was drunk. Maybe she was always like that.
Her girlfriend walks over to diffuse it, Abby pushes her aside and starts swinging on the girl, it’s not like she wasn’t defending herself Abby was getting roughed up too. When you saw Abby spit out blood and keep swinging, that's when you decided you’ve seen enough.
You walk back to the dorms, your friend already left when you stopped for entertainment. You put your headphones in, walking at a comfortable pace till you stop at the vending machines, right at the dorm entrance.
You took an earbud out when you heard footsteps behind you, looking behind that’s when you saw her. She looked horrible. Her braid had come undone, her nose bleeding in two spots, a dribble of blood dried on her lip. God she was going to have a black eye tomorrow.
“Holy fuck, are you okay?” You say to her, she looks at you and for a moment she has a soft look in her eye. “‘M okay.” You walk up to her, putting a hand on her arm and analyzing her face closer. She didn’t resist.
“No you’re not. Let me clean you up, I have some stuff in my room.” She looks around, looking at her shoes then you. “Fuck it.”
She walks up with you to your dorm, you open the door for her, her following behind you. It was the first time you had seen her walk behind someone before, she was always leading the way no matter who she was with.
“Sorry if it’s messy, been studying like crazy the past week, haven’t really had time for anything else.” She strugs, sitting on your bed, kicking off her shoes. You gather the tossed about medical supplies you had. Some gauze, bandaids and alcohol. You grab a soda out of your mini fridge for her eye.
You hold it out, putting it on her eye. “Hold that, don’t have any ice, sorry.” She smirks, you sit on your desk chair, scooting to the edge and wheeling it infront of her.
You tuck one of your legs in between her spread legs, your knee inching away from her crotch.
“So what happened?” You ask her as you pour some vodka on a patch of gauze. “Shit, alot.” You roll your eyes, dabbing around her wounds to remove the dried blood. You accidentally touch the gash on her lip, she flinches and lets out a whimper of pain.
She clears her throat, trying to play cool on the fact she feels pain. As if it’s not normal.
“C’mon I’m fixing you up, the least you can do is tell me why.” You squeeze her thigh as an effort to comfort her. “I uh broke up with my girlfriend, I took out my anger on some girl, knowing damn well she isn’t the reason we lost.” She said looking down. You laugh, slowing your hands just so she has an excuse to stay longer. Seeing her in this vulnerable state made her grow on you.
She was better like this.
“So you broke up with her and you’re mad about that. Even though it was your choice.” She nods as if it's a perfectly logical thing to do. “Maybe it was the best thing to do? You know, My friend’s dorm is right next to yours. “Oh god.” She says then grabs the vodka, taking a quick chug then letting you continue. She had long taken the soda off her face.
You were slightly hoping it was to look at you.
“Yeah, she was crazy.” You believed her when she said that, she looked like the type. Not that you were the type of person to judge on how they look. If you did you probably wouldn’t be playing doctor with Abby on your bed right now.
“Can I say something?” You ask her, waiting for her to confirm. She nods, you place a bandaid across her nose covering the gash. “She never stopped talking oh my fuck, I dont know how you dealt with that.” She laughs, leaning back onto her elbows.
“Yeah, you learn to zone it out after a while.” She looks at you, up and down her eyes falling on a necklace tied around your neck.
She leans to you, grabbing the necklace, rubbing it in between her fingers. Goosebumps covering your body when she touched your skin. Fuck. That little touch made you feel things.
She looks into your eyes, then to your lips. It looks like she’s trying to figure you out, figure something out. “You’re in my engineering class aren’t you?” She says, still holding onto your necklace.
You nod. “I'm surprised you knew that.” She smiles at you, letting out a slight laugh. “After i freaked out at that party, then saw you in class the next day I was so fucking embarrassed.” She pauses then drops your necklace. “I never forgot you, you know I thought you were pretty cute that night.” You blush, grabbing the vodka bottle, taking a lengthy sip then coughing.
You never thought she could be embarrassed, she had so much pride.
“I thought you were intimidating.” You say honestly, as the vodka burns down your throat. She tilts her head. “That a good thing? Cause I’m going to take it as a compliment.” She says, taking the bottle from your hands then taking another sip.
You don’t know what came over you but you put her hand on your cheek, you look at her face to see her reaction, nothing.
Again she looks at your eyes, your lips then back to your eyes. She leans in, placing her other hand on your neck. Her plush lips connect with yours, you pull back looking at her then back in.
She moved fast, an innocent kiss turned into heavy making out. She pulled you onto her lap, her arm wrapped around your waist holding you tight to her.
She pulls off of you, kissing from your jaw to your collarbone, your back arching in response. She moves you over slightly, her thigh now in between yours.
Oh my fucking god.
She sucks on your neck, guiding your hips to ride her thigh, slow and brutal. With one hand she puts her hand on your neck pulling you back into a kiss as she guides your hips faster.
You could feel yourself reaching your climax, moaning into the kiss when Abby gets a call.
She picks it up, connects her lips to your neck, not stopping your hips.
“What the fuck Abby, where are you I’m at your dorm? I need my shit.” You feel her sigh on your neck, giving it one last kiss then responding. You try to quiet your moans, it was torture.
“I’m busy.” All she says before connecting your lips with hers. You feel her flexing her leg, laying down the phone on speaker now guiding your hips with both hands.
“Well hurry the fuck up or I’ll find whatever or whoever you’re doing.” Said her now ex girlfriend then hangs up.
“Gonna have to speed this up darling, not like I won't be back for more, you’re delicious.” She said into your ear, pushing you harder onto her thigh.
That pet name, god it pushed you over the edge. You squeeze her thighs between hers as your body shuttered on her, she kissed you then you moved off of her.
You look down at her thigh, now has a wet spot from you, you look at her face, lip bleeding again. You lick your lips, the strong iron taste filling your senses. Had it been bleeding the whole time?
You drank down her blood as you filled your lust, she didn’t stop you.
There was something so wrong about it..
She looks at you then her phone, sucking her lip into her mouth then letting it go, touching it with her thumb. Muttering a fuck under her breath, then standing up.
“Gotta go ‘m sorry.” She says while shoving on her shoes, walking to the door then walking over to you to give your forehead a kiss.
She touches her lip to her t-shirt leaving a crimson stain bound to last. “See ya.” That’s all you say to her before she walks out the door, knowing there was a chance you’d never hear from her again.
You still let her go.
A/N: college football abby makes me feral ive seen a couple of these and wanted to participate :)) love yall
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lani-heart · 8 months
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|| series masterlist || next // previously ||
genre(s) -> angst, fluff, non-idol, hybrid au, poly au paring(s) -> choi san x reader x jung wooyoung warning(s) -> mention of abuse words -> 1.2K
abstract -> "...like you’re wanted. It's a sense of security that you have a home"
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san's perspective
I’ve been under her care for about a month now… humans often were cruel creatures. She was a saint though. 
The way she cared for others over herself was obvious. The amount of people who come over to check up on her shows how many care for her. 
They were all cautious of me though… of what I did to her. She’s healed by now… luckily she didn't scar. I didn’t want to be reminded by a scar of what I’d done. 
She did prove to want to spoil me and Wooyoung. 
The black card in her hand would pay for everything… I've seen people have their card declined but she constantly picked things out without a worry. 
She is a trust fund kid… but she made money herself too. “San how about this?” she asked me and I shook my head. I didn’t want to show off my arms. 
“San you need some short-sleeved clothes,” she said as she put it back. “Ooh! y/n how about this!” Wooyoung yelled as I saw him pull out another piece of clothing for himself. “If you like it, put it in the cart,” she said happily. 
“y/n?” he asked, looking nervous. 
“Yes?” she said waiting for him to speak… he was fidgeting and not looking at her anymore. “Why haven’t you given us collars yet?” he asked and I groaned.
Collars weren’t something I wanted. 
“Hmm? Oh… well I guess we haven’t had that conversation” she said while looking at me. “We’ll do that at home okay?” she asked and he nodded. 
She wandered off while me and Wooyoung guarded her cart with the mountain of clothing. “Why do you want a collar so badly?” I asked and he sighed. “It's not necessary but… to hybrids, it's almost like you’re wanted. It's a sense of security that you have a home” he said
“Then why hasn't she gotten us one yet?” I asked now feeling agitated at the thought of not having one. “Well… collars are also seen as oppression. Some hybrids don’t like it because it could be offensive” he explained and I nodded. 
“Maybe she hasn’t caused your past? I heard her speaking to our doctor about triggers you have” he said and I knew that made the most sense. 
“I never really had a collar…” I said and he nodded. 
“You should also have some short-sleeved clothes…” he said and I sighed. “I’ll choose some but I doubt I'll use it,” I said and he chuckled. 
“Well it looks like she's looking for some,” he said as we saw her looking at short-sleeved clothes… “Miss?” I heard as I saw an employee get closer to her. “Do you need help looking?” they asked and she pondered before shrugging. 
“Sure,” she said. “Do you know your boyfriend’s size?” they asked and I felt my face heat up. “Huh?!” she let out clearly flustered. Wooyoung laughing at the situation… “Yah, when did you become her boyfriend ~” he teased and I growled. 
“No fair though… I wouldn’t mind being mistaken for her boyfriend” he said softly. The fox had a huge crush on her; it was painfully obvious. 
He was also a big pervert… always when she was out he’d go to her room and leave with her scent on him. I don’t want to know what he does there…
“I think i'm ready for the next store,” she said, quickly coming over to us with a pink hue across her cheeks. 
It was cute how flustered she became. 
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“So much,” y/n said as we were now all on the floor lying down surrounded by bags. I don’t even think the floor was visible anymore. 
“y/nnie! We still need to go grocery shopping!!” Wooyoung said and we groaned. He was now the appointed chef since y/n burned lunch one day. He scolded her and kicked her out of the kitchen. Not like he lets me in there either though…
“Does that mean we order food today?” I asked and she chuckled. “What are you craving San?” she asked and I thought about it… “Anything with meat with it,” I said, and the two chuckled. 
I hate the time I wasted being too stubborn to let her in. I’ve never felt happier than by her side and playing around with Wooyoung. 
Everything was perfect. 
“Do you guys want collars?” she asked and I liked the way Wooyoung explained it. A feeling of being wanted… I wanted to be someone like that for her. 
“I do… when my owner died they sold my collar. I never got one again after” Wooyoung said and I sighed. 
“I still can't believe them. I tried visiting you… but they denied us all from visiting saying it was bad for a pregnant woman. Eventually, I just gave up trying to accommodate. I’m sorry Woo”  she said and I noticed he sat up. 
“I’m just glad you never forgot about me,” he said with a grin. “How about you, San?” she asked as she sat up. I looked at her and she always asked me questions with pure curiosity on her face. 
“I wouldn’t mind it,” I said. I think in fact I wanted to be wanted by her.
“Wait here! I have something to give you two!” she said as she stood up quickly and made her way out of the bags and toward her room. 
“What do you think she has?” Wooyoung asked and I shrugged. “I don’t know,” I said and he chuckled. “You really are becoming domesticated,” he muttered. “What is that supposed to mean?!” I asked confused and he laughed. 
“You’ve grown closer to her!” he said and I nodded. Before I could say anything I heard her footsteps. We saw her excitedly coming over to us with two bags. 
I didn’t recognize this brand… not like I recognized most but from the looks of it, Wooyoung didn’t either. 
“Before you open it, I got you the second day I went to buy stuff for San,” she said and I was confused. “I also got you one after San told me to adopt you both” she explained. to Wooyoung 
We took the tissue paper out of the bag to reveal a velvet box. Mine was black and Wooyoung’s beige. 
I opened it to reveal a collar… has she got me a collar ever since then?
It was pure black with black jewels around it. “Thank you!!” Wooyoung yelled as he hugged her. I was in shock… she got this on the second day of my being here.
I looked over to Wooyoung. y/n was helping him put it on. It was a beige collar with white jewels around it. “San?” she said as she looked at me nervously. 
I stood up and picked her up. I hugged her tightly…
“Your tail is wagging like crazy!” Wooyoung said and I don’t think I've ever felt this happy. “Do you like it?” she asked and I chuckled. 
“You’ve completed your promise,” I said and she pulled away to look at me shocked. I noticed her eyes turned glassy and she smiled happily at me.
“I hope you’re always happy with me,” she said as she hugged me tightly. 
“I know I will, if I’m with you” 
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bodhranwriting · 2 months
Of Doctors and Dragons by Bodhrán M.
It eats people.
The assurance kept bouncing around Six’s head as he climbed up the grassy slope. The man had looked quite serious as he’d said it but had added with the wisdom of a scholar that he didn’t think that was going to dissuade him.
And he was right, Six thought with a touch of pride, he’d never been stopped by the threat of carnivorous creatures before. And he had a lovely scar on his left leg to prove it.
Come to think of it, he also had a scar in the small of his back from a manticore… and another under his third rib on the right side from a gryphon…
Ah, well, that was life. Couldn’t expect to get through it without some bruises, right? Besides, he’d quite enjoyed all three of those excursions.
Apart from the actual getting mauled, of course, but you couldn’t have everything.
Anyway, Six had heard a lot of stories about dragons and he’d never actually come across a confirmed case of a human being devoured by one. It was always a case of someone who’d heard it from someone who’d heard it from a merchant who’d known of someone vanishing mysteriously near a dragon’s lair. You never got to the source, exactly.
Sometimes, he’d wondered if the story had been made up by the dragons themselves just to get some peace. That made some sort of sense, he lied to himself.
But then again, those devoured didn’t often get to tell the tale.
Six shivered, half from horror and half from delight. This was the fun part, the little moment before all hell broke loose and things got really interesting.
And this was when things got really interesting.
Cresting the hill, he was suddenly met with the vaguely disturbing tableau of four heavily armed, thickly padded figures all levelling nasty looking rifles in his direction.
He froze where he was, lifting his hands high into the air.  “Oh,” he said, trying a charming grin. “I think I may have gotten a bit lost.”
They didn’t lower their weapons. One – the smallest – ratcheted the pin of their gun in a meaningful manner. “State your business.”
Six’s grin got wider. “My name’s Six,” he said, “an’ ’m lookin’ for a dragon.”
The tallest lowered their weapon and stepped forwards. Their face was completely concealed by a black hood and scarf, but they dug in their pocket and retrieved a cigarette of some kind. Some careful manoeuvring of the various materials later and they had it stuck in their mouth and lit.
Six thought about applauding, but he also quite liked having a head and all his limbs. So, instead, he just waited to see what they’d do.
“Well, you found it,” the tallest figure said. Their voice was quite high for their size and Six suspected they might be a woman. They gestured behind them to a gaping shadowy maw of a cave, leading into the hill and – presumably – underground.
“So, I am in the right place. Can I go inside?”
The smallest guard – he was guessing, but he felt confident enough about that title that he would have bet money – shook their rifle threateningly. “Why?”
Shrugging, which was surprisingly difficult to do with both hands above your head, Six said, “I just wanted to see if the rumours were true. Talkin’ to a dragon – that’d be somethin’ to tell the grandkids, wouldn’t it?”
The end of the cigarette flared red as the tallest guard inhaled. “And would you,” they said, smoke curling around each level word, “be concerned if I told you that it eats people?”
He thought about it for a moment. “I dun’t know,” he replied, honestly, “’cause I dun’t know if that’s true. What you just told me.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“Well,” Six began, “you asked if I would be concerned if you told me that the dragon eats people. Not whether I would be concerned that it eats people. Can I put my arms down now? They’re gettin’ tired.”
The guards looked over at each other, seemingly in a bid to work out what he’d just said.
Normally, this would be the point where he ran away, but they didn’t seem like they were going to shoot him immediately. Or at least, shoot him anywhere immediately fatal. It was an important distinction to make in times like these.
And also, he was having tremendous fun.
“Well, it doesn’t matter what I tell you,” the tallest guard finally said, “because it doesn’t change the fact that it eats people. And yes, you can put your arms down.”
Sixsmith pulled a face and let his arms drop to his sides, careful not to reach anywhere near his pistol. “Who’d it eat?”
“Who’d it eat? Presumably, someone from here, right?”
The smallest guard lifted their gun again, shaking it in his direction and said the very words he was hoping to hear. “You ask too many questions.”
He shrugged, secretly rejoicing. That phrase was only said when the speaker either didn’t have – or didn’t want to give – the real answers.
Six liked mysteries. They did usually mean he had to cross a town off his internal map after the locals chucked him out on his ear, and he typically picked up a few physical mementos, but they were usually worth it.
But a dragon who ate people (but never anyone the accusers could actually name), a mafia of doctors and armed guards seemed just exactly the right amount of unexplained madness to be interesting.
He thought it was about time he did what he did best.
It was time to stick his nose in and see who tried to cut it off first.
Six slipped into the busiest pub he could find and took his subtlety off at the door.
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anangelinthepit · 17 days
Without you…
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Part 1
Warning ⚠️ Sexual content and swearing. Please be advised.
I recommend listening to Rain by Sleeptoken or Like a villain by Bad Omens while reading. Let me know if you do. Enjoy
-Magenta 🌹
“Folio! OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR! This isn't right! You can't keep me locked up here like some fucking princess! I demand to know where my husband is and what the fuck is going on.”
I kicked the door in a failed attempt to try and open it. Of course, it was no use.
“I'm sorry Y/N. Noah’s orders.”
“I swear to fucking God when I get out of here I'm kicking all of your asses!”
I kicked the door one last time to let out the frustration. I couldn’t understand why I had to be locked in the bedroom I shared with Noah and why no one was telling me what was going on. I threw myself on the bed and gently placed my hand on my stomach.
“Congratulations Mrs.Davis you're pregnant!”
The Doctor’s words echoed in my head, making me realize that I was going to have to make one of the most difficult decisions of my life. I love Noah but this isn't a life that deserves an angel being brought into it. The further he got into the Mafia life, the further he became a stone-cold Demon. The cars and the money were nice, and sometimes they made up for his hurtful words. It worked for a while but it got to the point where the amount of bodies I watched him bury overpowered my luxurious lifestyle needs. I don't want the same for my children. I begged Noah to quit but it was too late, He was too far in and didn't want out anyway.
“This is my Legacy Y/N. I can't just quit now while the entire world is at my feet. I am the fucking King! One day you're gonna give me a son and I'll be able to pass it down. Get fucking use to it because you're NOT going anywhere.”
“Over my dead body, you fucking devil.”
I wiped the tears from my eyes as something strong came over me. I jumped up out of bed and began packing a secret bag. I'm getting out of here one way or another because my baby deserves better. I heard the door unlock and in walked a bloody Noah.
I kicked the bag under the bed in hopes he didn't notice. In the state I'm in, a fight would not play in my favor.
He began to walk over to me with a seductive look on his face. Grabbing me with his rough hand he pulled me into a hug. God this man smelled like death, and I wasn't sure if I could hold in my morning sickness any longer.
“Give me a kiss baby.”
Noah pushed his lips onto mine, I never thought I would be so disgusted with the man who swept me off of my feet. Yet I still give in because some part of me still loves him. Kissing him with tears rolling down my eyes, I pushed back and demanded an answer about what happened.
“We won baby.” Noah said backing away from me and going over to his nightstand to retrieve his “victory” whiskey.
“We took those fuckers out. Bad Omens is officially the head of the Mafia in California..”
“So you think it's over ?” I said crossing my arms.
“I told you. What I say goes. What's your problem anyway? Any other time I take someone out you would be at home here waiting for me with legs wide open.”
“Oh, I don't know Noah, maybe because I was locked in my fucking room like a princess. You had Folio guarding the outside of my room too. So forgive me if my engine is revving up.”
“Heh, princess. Which is exactly what you are Ruby. I had to make sure my most precious jewel was being protected.”
I rolled my eyes and just shook my head giving him a death stare. Noah took one last shot, wiped his mouth, and got up.
“You don't get it, do you ?”
I scoffed at him, this man thinks some cute pet names are going to win me back, he's got another thing coming.
“Get what?” I said leaning up against the wall. Noah came over and picked me up to where my legs were hoisted on his hips. Grabbing my jaw and forcing me to look up at him, I was met with those big brown eyes that once held the secrets of the earth. Now they just show me what Hell looks like
“If anything ever happens to you, this entire empire will come crashing down. I'll lose everything including myself.”
Noah's soft lips met the lower part of my neck. Showering me with sweet kisses, he began to gently slide them up to my lower jaw, feeling his breath as he did so was sending shivers down my spine. I couldn't help but let out a moan that showed him I wanted more. To put the ache that was building up in my lower stomach, I began to roughly kiss him. One last fucking should hold me over, hell it might even make me change my mind.
“Let me taste my ruby.”
Pulling my pants down and tearing my underwear off, I was ready to let him have all of me. Noah using my nickname always made me fall under his spell to the point where any logical thinking left. I was stupid and in love, Noah's fingers began to pay with my now-soaked garden. Moaning and begging for more he happily slipped two fingers inside of me and began smiling because he knew I wouldn't last long. I was getting so close to cuming and being his once again. That is until a knock at our door stopped us mid-finger fucking. Jolly opened the door just in time before I lost all respect for myself and caved in completely.
“Am I interrupting?” Jolly asked eyes wide. I was wondering why he was so shocked until I realized Noah had lifted my shirt exposing my bare breast.
In a quick motion, I yanked my shirt down and moved away from Noah.
“This better be fucking good Jolly,” Noah said lighting a cigarette and leaving the room.
“Wait for me, Ruby.”
Noah shut the door behind him leaving all alone once again. Once I finally pulled myself back together, I felt disgusting. “Get it together and get the fuck out of here.”
I had very little time before he came back so I finished packing and decided to sneak out our balcony. You would think we would have security cameras but no and to be honest I'm thankful we didn't. I made my way down the fence decoration that was up against the house. When I got to the bottom I could hear the guys talking through the kitchen window.
“I don't man, Y/N has been acting weird lately. Nick said he heard her talking about taking a trip. She didn't run that by you or any of us did she ?”
“Fucking hell these assholes were watching me 24/7. And why would I have to run it by the rest of the guys? They're not fucking me at the end of the day.”
I watched Noah take one last drag and flick his cigarette out the window. He shook his head and gave a death glare to all of them.
“The fact that you question the loyalty of the woman who promised me forever is hurtful boys. Y/N knows better than to go anywhere without me. That's how our relationship works and she respects that.”
Hearing that made me feel so guilty, that I almost crawled back up the fence to get back in my room.
“No Y/N you need to do this. It's not about you and Noah anymore. It's about the baby and him not willing to give up this life to keep us all safe.”
I took one last deep breath and made a run for it into the woods. I knew there was a bus stop not too far from here. I just had to get through the woods and down the hill without being caught. As I was running I swear I heard Noah's voice echo
Hearing that made me run even faster and tears weld up in my eyes. I've never been more scared for my life. Not only did I leave but I made Noah look like an idiot in front of his boys.
That is unforgivable.
It was like I was in some type of horror movie because the rain began to down pour on me and I was being chased by a literal psychopath. I got to the main road and threw up, when I looked up I saw headlights coming my way. I knew I wouldn't make it to the bus stop because I already heard the four-wheelers tearing through the woods. I flagged down the driver and was relieved when I saw it was a woman.
I ran up to her window and begged her to help me. I made up some bullshit lie that my ex was abusive and I finally got away from him but I was afraid he was still chasing me. Technically, it wasn't all a lie but still enough I could use as a crutch.She was more than happy to give me a ride into town. As I got in the car we drove off, I could have sworn I saw the four-wheelers in the rearview but it was just my anxiety playing tricks on me. I sat back in the seat and finally controlled my breathing.
“Thank you so much “
“Don't worry about it, I'm kind of in the same situation. I was about to turn around and go back to him but seeing you must have been a sign from God.”
“Heh, I guess we are alike,” I said smiling
“What's your name?”
“Ruby. Yours?”
“This is insane,” I said gently holding my forehead trying to stop a headache from coming on.
“Where are we heading?” Sapphire asked me
“Wherever you want to go.”
“Well Ruby, we are LA bound. Say hello to the city of Angels and every runaway dream. Cheers to our New lives.”
Hello my angels, I hope you're all doing well. I'm taking a break from my other two series and starting this one. Don't worry I will go back to them but I couldn't help it. This one had to be published. Anyway I love you all 🩵
@reyadawn @fadingintothegrey @lolitasangel @bloodylullaby @supersquirrel1996 @dreamstyles @thisbicc @lma1986 @aubrey-melinoe @hurricanesfollowyou @tikosblogg @iluvmewwwww75 @concreteemo @chey-h @justanaccounts
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kitweewoos · 1 month
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The Artist
Tommy Kinard spent his childhood being terrified of the idea of soulmates, hearing his father's drunken rants about how unnatural it is, how horrible, how absolutely disgusting it was that soulmates thought they were real and special. Then, when he was just about to turn thirteen, it appeared on his hip, a triangle that faded towards the bottom edge, right against his skin. He tried to hide it, and he almost managed it, until he was changing one night and his father stumbles into his room, drunk off his ass, trying to find the bathroom. He tried to cover it up, but his father had already seen it, and he was pissed. He dragged Tommy into a clinic downtown where a doctor put him under anesthesia and cut his soul mark out of his skin, leaving behind a small scar instead. When he was old enough to get out of his small town, he did, signing up for the army and signing up to learn to be a pilot. When he got out, though, his body hurt and he had nightmares. Instead, he turns to using his body in other ways, modeling for fashion magazines at first, then on fashion runways, in music videos, and fitness magazines once they realize he's physically fit. When he finally retires, he has enough money to follow his dreams of being an artist, a skill he's hidden for years and years, but now, he gets to put his work on display loudly and proudly.
The Model
Evan Buckley has wondered what his soulmate is going to be like since the small triangle appeared on his hip. His mother was overjoyed for him and started talking about having a daughter-in-law someday, and he let her celebrate however she wanted, because at least she was paying attention to him. His father was less thrilled but let Evan live his life regardless. He imagined, though, what his life would be like when he finally met them. After he escaped Hershey, he floated through life, trying to find a place to belong. He drew what he saw, and he sold paintings wherever he went, and he really just wanted to pursue a life made up of artists and gallery events. He finds his way to Los Angeles, and makes friends with a group that keeps him focused and calls him Buck. Art doesn't pay the bills so he takes the first modeling job offered to him by a friend, which leads him to another, and another, and another job, and he can finally pay his rent, and make his art without worrying about if this painting will pay for his next meal.
The Soulmates
It's a favor to his friend and now his brother-in-law to be, that he shows up to a stranger's studio to be a model for their new series. He's "perfect for it," according to Chimney, and this friend is a genius, Buck is going to want to be a part of it. So, Buck shows up to a studio with minimal info and finds the most gorgeous man he's ever seen waiting in a pair of paint-stained jeans and a smock over a blue Henley, with a square jaw and a cleft in his chin, and Buck immediately wants to know more.
"Hi, I'm Evan, Evan Buckley, or Buck, whatever you want to call me. Chimney said you needed a model?" "I do, yeah. I'm Tommy, and it's nice to meet you, Evan. Did Howie happen to tell you anything about what I'm looking for?" "He mentioned it involved nudity, but that's all." "Well, that's part of it, that's certainly a big part of it, but I'm doing a study on soul marks and how they move with the body." "Oh! That's awesome! Mine's not in a very malleable position, it's on my hip right here, so if that's not helpful, I get it." "Let me see?"
He doesn't expect the slight gasp as he lifts his shirt and tugs down his pants so that Tommy can see it. He doesn't expect Tommy to be drawn into him, to reach out and ask permission before tentatively brushing the dark triangle on his hip. He doesn't expect Tommy's soft little breath as he touches him. He doesn't expect Tommy to say, under his breath, that he never expected to find him, that he's given up on it.
"I'm sorry, are you saying that we're soulmates? Prove it."
Tommy takes off the smock and then draws up his shirt to reveal a long, harsh surgical scar in the same spot that Buck's mark sits.
"I can't. My father had it cut away when he found out. I can't prove it, I don't even have photos of me as a kid with it because of that, but - we are. Your mark, it's exactly what mine was before it was removed."
Buck wants to believe him, so he strips off his shirt, and tells him they'll start with one session for Tommy to work on his series and then they can get some drinks, some dinner, and if they're soulmates, they won't ever want to stop. Tommy smiles, and agrees, and sits down at his easel while Buck strips off the rest of his clothes and sits on a stool in Tommy's view. He turns the way Tommy tells him to, and sits well even when he wants to move, and Tommy praises him for how good he's doing, and how well he follows direction. The praise seems to be easy and free-flowing for Tommy, and Buck does want to stay here forever, listening to Tommy hum as he sketches and lets his eyes linger. He doesn't need to go to drinks or to dinner, he already knows that Tommy's it for him. This is forever, and he smiles to himself knowing that he's finally found his home, even if no one else will believe them when they say they're soulmates. It doesn't matter, because they know. They know that this is their fate, and they've found it together.
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multific · 1 year
Attached to You
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Billy Hargrove x Reader
A/N: I'm not a doctor nor am I medically trained, so, there are things here which are incorrect. Please ignore them and try to enjoy the piece as it is. Thank you.
Summary: After a one-night stand, you find out you are pregnant, thanks to your doctor's bad advice, it turned out that your pills weren't effective. Leaving you with a baby, you have lots of decisions to make.
"I only told you because you deserve to know. I don't want anything from you. I will deal with this myself." 
Your words rang in his head over and over again.
It had been almost two weeks since he last saw you and now, he wasn't sure what he was doing.
Billy couldn't stop thinking about you. How you smiled at him even when he could see you were close to a breakdown.
It was all meant to be one night. Something he had done many many times before.
When he saw you sitting alone at the bar, he was quick to make his move. Flirting with you was easy as you blushed at every word he said. He soon learned about an ex of yours, the guy, as you explained, was rather obsessive about you and didn't want to let go of you, which is why you were hiding in a bar.
And so, Billy took this as a sign and brought you home.
It wasn't meant to end like this. He always made sure to have a condom with him. All the time. Of course, the one time when he doesn't, he gets someone pregnant...
But even so, you didn't look mad, you didn't demand money or anything from him. You just smiled and moved on.
He didn't even know your name. All he had is a phone number.
"You can delete my number as well. I won't look for you. All I wanted is for you to know since you are the father."
A word that scared him.
A word which meant nothing to him as he too, never had a father.
The realization hit him like a cold shower, he didn't have a father, so he knows just how hard it is to grow up without one, and here he was, the exact same as his.
He will have a child, who won't know their father. Who will go through the same pain as he did. Who will see their mother slowly crumble under all the pressure.
He is no better than his own asshole father.
This was unfair. 
He could run. Men could run from the responsibility since they weren't attached to the baby, but women couldn't.
Billy felt like a piece of shit. 
It had been almost two months since he last saw you.
And he couldn't help but wonder what 'dealing with it' meant for you. Did it mean you got an abortion? Or did you keep the child?
This was eating him alive.
He needed to find you and have another conversation with you. But you didn't pick up the phone nor did you reply to any text he sent.
He set out to the club he originally met you.
"Why the fuck did I think a pregnant woman would be in a club?!"
IF you were still pregnant.
The next couple days were awful for him.
Trying to find you, he went to the café you invited him to, no sign, he went to a hospital and asked if they knew about you. But of course, they couldn't give out any information.
You were all he could think about. 
You and the baby he might have already lost.
Billy didn't feel like himself. 
And then, one day, he spotted you. As he was walking down the street when he noticed you on the other side. 
He followed you like a creep.
Dodging people, running. He followed you. Tried to call out but since he didn't know your name, it was difficult.
You went into a pharmacy and he stopped by the front door. His heart was beating fast, not only from running.
"Hi. I have some pills prescribed for me." he could hear you say. The pharmacist took a look and turned to you. 
"Can I ask for your full name?"
"Y/N Y/L/N."
"You have... pregnancy vitamins prescribed by Dr Drew."
"Correct." you smiled. Oh God, that smile taunted him.
"Alright, let me get that for you."
He felt himself calm a little. Pregnancy vitamins. Why did they have to prescribe those for you anyway? But this meant you still had the baby.
"So, since this kind is... stronger, we recommend you take only one daily. If you skip a day do not take two the next day. Technically these are not vitamins, they are just called that. Is your pregnancy i-"
"The doctor said these are the best for my condition. So I need to take them."
"These are for you not the baby." she was rather rude as you tried to ignore her.
"I know."
"Alright, anything else I can give you?"
"Do you have any of those shooting creams? For when the skin stretches?"
"For the stretch marks? We have one, which is cold and another which is warm. One helps shoot the skin the other helps the marks to be less visible."
"I would like the one that shoots the skin, please. That would be all."
Billy watched as you paid for everything before he quickly exited so you wouldn't notice him.
Pregnancy vitamins... for you not for the baby. And you had a condition?
He watched as you walked away, but as you did a man ran into you. The man continued on while you nearly fell over.
"Watch where you are going, Asshole!" Billy pushed the man as he passed him, before he helped you. "Are you okay?"
He only realized that he was now holding your arm as you looked up at him. When did he get this close to you?
"O-Oh, yes. I'm fine thanks." he saw it in your eyes, you realized who he was soon after as you took a step back. "Thank you." you adjusted your bag before starting to walk and he knew he couldn't let you leave.
"Can we-Can we talk, Y/N?" he suddenly spoke up and you turned to him.
"If you want to." he nodded and you guided him to a nearby park and sat down on a bench.
An awkward silence filled the air. 
He knew he needed to talk. 
He took a deep breath.
"I was scared when you said you would deal with it, that you meant... abortion."
"I'm not going to lie, I thought about every option. It was one of them but... I decided against it."
"I-I heard you at the pharmacy..."
"Oh, you were there?" you looked up at him, genuinely surprised. 
"You got some meds..." he nodded as he pointed at your bag. 
"I-The doctor said it is okay to take pregnancy vitamins. But it turned out that I was the one needing them, not the baby. The doctor said my body puts the baby as a priority and takes away nutrition from me. We found out during my eight weeks when I asked the doctor if it was normal that I feel very dizzy. He did some checks and yeah. But... why are you asking me this?"
"Because for the last weeks, I couldn't stop thinking about you and the baby."
"You don't have to. You are not guilty or anything."
"I grew up without a father. I saw my mother going through so much shit. I don't want you to go through all that. I want to be a father to my child. Someone I never had."
You took a moment to fully digest what he just said. He waited anxiously for an answer. 
"Look, I will have a baby soon, a baby who can become attached. If they become attached to you and then you later decide that you don't want to do this... I believe that is worse. So, while I do appreciate your concerns, I was nothing more to you than a quick fuck. It is... unfortunate, that I got pregnant, but as I said it is something I am dealing with. So, please, if you don't mean it, don't get involved. You might think now that you want to be a part of this because you pity me or whatever, but if you change your mind..."
"I don't want to change my mind. Yes, it was meant to be a one-night stand but I can't ignore a child. My child. I'm not a coward. I want to be a part of the life of this little one." 
You looked into his eyes, trying to figure him out. He looked serious. Maybe he really had a change of heart during the last couple months. You pulled out your wallet and a picture from it. You handed it to him.
He looked at the ultrasound.
"I'm currently 11 weeks along. The baby is 41mm long. The doctor said it's the size of a fig. We don't know the gender just yet, but they are healthy."
"Healthy. Good." he wanted to hand back the photo but you didn't take it.
"I have more at home, you can have that. I have a check-up next week, you could come if you have time."
"I'll be there."
You stood up and were about to walk away when you turned to look at him.
"If you don't come next week. I mean without a good reason, I don't want you to come after. I am already very attached to this little fig, and I don't want them hurt."
"I'll be there, text me the time and place."
You nodded before saying goodbye and walking away.
He stayed, looking at the picture.
"My little fig." he smiled before he too, headed home.
Honestly, you were shocked to see him at the doctor's the next week. 
Every time he showed up.
He started to take you out to eat afterwards and started to ask more and more questions.
Billy asked you to move into his place which you didn't want but you did go over to his place many times.
You spent most of your weekends there. And lately, you even spent your nights there. In a separate room, but you did stay.
"What are you doing?"
"Shhhh! I heard babies can hear voices, I'm talking to them so they would recognize me when they are born." you shook your head as you continued to look at stuff on your phone. Subconsciously, one of your hands found his hair. You started to run your fingers through his locks as he continued to softly speak to the baby.
"We should get married." you nearly threw your phone at the TV.
"What?" you sat up so quickly you nearly gave yourself whiplash. He moved with you as he sat in front of you. The expression on his face was as serious as ever.
"You heard me. Marry me?"
"Why would I... What? No. Just because of the baby? That is-"
"Logical. We get married, you take my last name and the baby does too. It is logical."
"Did you hit your head or something?"
"What? Why?"
"You? Marriage?"
"Like in the old days? You get the woman pregnant and so you have to marry her?"
"I was thinking more about the baby and you. In case something happens to me, you two would be good on money."
"I don't want your money."
"I know you don't, I am giving it to you and the baby. We don't have to, but you can think about it."
"I honestly don't know."
"I know you probably wanted to marry out of love, fuck I never wanted to get married but here I am. With a baby on the way and with you. You are such an amazing girl, Y/N. I'm happy that you are the mother of my baby."
'"I'm very glad to hear that Billy, however, marriage is a big thing. Now don't get me wrong I have heard about people getting married for less and I'm not the biggest in the love department either. I truly believe you should marry someone you can see yourself for the rest of your life with and not be crazy in love with them but..."
"You told me this before. You said 'but you still believe that there should be love for marriage and not like love between friends.' And then you started crying because you couldn't explain yourself fully and I had to get you ice cream."
"What would make you want to marry me?"
You placed your hand on his cheek.
"You might think now that its a good idea. You might think now that you would want me by your side forever, but I know Billy that one day, you would look at me and be disappointed that you married me because of our baby. One day you will be in a club, surrounded by girls and drinks and you won't think of me or our child, I want a loyal husband, and I wouldn't want you to throw the accusation at me, saying that you only married me for the baby and you would end up hating me."
"You believe that would happen? That I would regret it all and I would... what? Blame you for it?"
"You think that lowly of me?"
"No, I think that lowly of myself." you let out a sigh. "Look Billy, tell me that we are not here just because of the baby. You wouldn't be here if I wasn't pregnant. You would be out there as you were before. You don't want me, you want the baby. And that is completely fine. And it is all I can ask for. For you to love the kid. That's it."
"But I do love you. You are the mother of my child. How can I not?"
"Billy, please. You only care for me because of the baby. And I know that and it's okay."
Billy wanted to tell you that it wasn't true. That he truly cared for you. More than you could imagine.
He wanted to lift all of your insecurities and show you just how amazing you were.
But he did. Because he was afraid. 
Not of losing his old life, but of losing you. 
If you didn't believe him like this, he will prove his love in other ways.
You smiled as you saw the roses on the table. They looked amazing. 
Beautiful white roses with a little note.
You debated picking it up and reading it until you saw your name on the paper.
'To my beautiful wife' it read on the inside and it made you scoff.
Since when did he become such a romantic?
You let out a long sigh. 
Billy was trying way too hard. You were afraid one day he will realize this is not what he wants and just pack up and leave.
You were terrified that he will make you get used to his closeness and then pull away, leaving you to fall alone.
You really tried to keep your distance, to not fall in love or to not harbour feelings that would hurt you.
You really tried but it was very difficult because each time you saw his eyes sparkle as he looked at you, each time at the doctor's when he asked something about you or the baby, it made you feel so safe and happy.
When he asked you to marry him, you were ready to say yes. It was your first thought when he asked the question but then you realized your situation.
He doesn't love you to get married. He wants the baby around and that's fine.
You felt like you were lulling yourself into false realities and you couldn't let that happen.
Not with you becoming a mother.
Not with you knowing about his past. It felt like wherever you went you could see girls staring at you, eyeing you up and down. The dark thought of who he had slept with was always in the back of your head.
You knew you should let it go.
But it is easier said than done. 
You were making lunch when Billy arrived home.
"Here you are. I actually wanted to go out for food, but I guess its too late now."
"Yeah, maybe tomorrow. Thank you for the flowers." you gave him a small smile.
"Did you like it?"
"Yes, they are beautiful."
"And the card?" 
"Yes, wrote it myself actually. Did you like it?"
You turned back to the oven and got the pan out. Billy only shook his head as he smirked before he left to take a quick shower.
Soon, he joined you at the table.
Eating the chicken you made.
"I have an appointment tomorrow."
"I know. It's baby gender time." he smiled.
"Yeah. What would you prefer? A boy or a girl?"
"Either is fine really. What about you?"
"I thought I wanted a son, but lately I have been imagining a little girl and I realized I would be fine with any really."
"Should we have one of those crazy gender reveal parties?"
"Oh gosh, no! You know I hate to be the centre of attention. I'm fine if the doctor tells us."
"Just an idea. Then I can at least finish their room."
"Oh, I did order more things. I wanted to wait for you with the furniture though. Since you want to paint the room."
"We will know the gender tomorrow, so I can paint this weekend, then we can look at furniture and finish it up in a couple weeks." he nodded. "We are a good team, Y/N."
"Yeah, we are." you agreed as you finished your chicken and went to wash your plates.
Soon, you felt his arms move around you as you put the dishes to dry.
The way he held you, you let yourself imagine what if he loved you. What if the baby wasn't an accident? What if he wanted to be here for you?
"Y/N, marry me."
"Billy," you groaned as you turned in his arms, seeing the serious expression on his face you fell silent.
"I am serious. I love you both so much, please, marry me." he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box, it was a jewellery box so it had to be a ring. And as he opened it, sure enough, it was. A rather expensive looking one at that. "I want to give you and our child the world. I want us to be a real family. Would you marry me?" You needed a moment to think.
"Yes. I will marry you." he smiled as he placed the ring on your finger, pulling you in for a breath-taking kiss.
"I love you so much." he said as his lips moved to your neck. His hands grabbed the back of your thighs as he lifted you and carried you to the bedroom.
"I love you too," you whispered to him as he began to remove your clothes, kissing your baby bump.
His eyes were filled with love, you couldn't look away.
The next day, you lay on the examination table with butterflies in your stomach.
You will finally know if you are having a girl or a boy.
Billy stood beside you, holding your hand as he smiled.
"As you can see, the head, two little hands and legs." the doctor said pointing everything out on the screen. "Are we ready to know the gender?"
"Yes." you said as Billy squeezed your hand.
"Let's see... Looks to be a little girl." she said as you looked at Billy whose eyes were glued to the monitor, smiling softly to himself.
"Then we can get the pink shoes you have been eyeing." you said as he finally looked at you.
During a recent trip to the mall, you found him in the kid's section when you were looking for some clothes. You found him standing there with a pink princess shoe in his hand as he smiled at the pink glittery object.
"Looks like we can." he said before he moved to place a kiss on your forehead.
You were really glad you judged him wrong.
You were glad he turned out to be a loving person and he grew into his potential. You knew he will be an amazing father and husband. 
Judging by the small smile on his face, it said it all.
The little girl had him wrapped around her tiny little fingers and she wasn't even born yet.
When the doctor left to print out the photos for you, he turned to you, kissing your lips.
"I love you so much." he said before moving back to look at the screen. In the end, it was Billy who became attached to you and your daughter. You felt a wave of happiness wash over you as all of your insecurities and worries left your body.
All that was left was happiness. 
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Taglist: @fleursirvart​ @greenarrowhead​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @sincerelyfan​ @theoneanna​ @aestheticsandmarvel​ @rororo06​ @castellandiangelo​ @destynelseclipsa​ @spilledinkindumpster​ @capsiclesdoll​ @puknow​ @alwayshave-faith​ @alex12948​ @lxdyred​  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​ @praline357​ @trshngyn​ @avengers-r-us​ @violet-19999​ @top1bbgloak​   @manduse​   @jacalineiscomingforyou​  @mandoloriancookie​
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gremlingottoosilly · 2 years
And they said I couldn't be a psychologist [COD x fem! Reader]
Tired of living with a family that genuinely thinks that being a psychologist is a wild ride to being poor and lonely? Got too many student loans to ever think that you will be able to repay them? Just join the army! Good company, great benefits and lots and lots of travel.
Characters featured in this chapter: Captain John Price This fanfic will contain incorrect use of psychology, my dead dreams of becoming a therapist instead of a journalist, basically a harem "The only girl on the team" plot and a reader who can't fight to save her life, literally. Each chapter will concentrate on one or few characters at the same time, I hope you will like it!
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Google search: average school psychologist salary in my state
Allow Google to search for your location?
Fuck it, the government already know who you are, where you are exactly, and what you will do with this pretty wrecked mental state of mine, if I wouldn’t get an affirmative answer.
School Psychologists made a median salary of $62 000 in 202X.
Google search: average psychologist salary in my state without Master’s degree
National average salary for Bachelors in psychology is: $32,395 per year
Google search: master’s degree psychology how much
Average cost to earn a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology: $62,650
Average cost to earn your doctorate in psychology: $115,500
Google search: how many days can person not eat
Google search: annual striper’s salary
Google search: can I become a stripper if I’m not attractive
Google search: Army enlisting
In highsight, perhaps, you should have stayed with the stripper option. Sure, it would be a lot more mentally draining, but at least you would make much more money out of the utter humiliation this work would promise to be every day. Military, on the other side of the spectrum, wasn’t really different from being a sex worker – you are still selling your body and mind, still have too much time in a dominantly male field, and will probably experience a lot more patriarchy sausage parties once you get there. The only thing that was different was the employer. 
And tax benefits. 
And health insurance. 
And a special program for those who would like to receive an education after they are done killing people, but don’t want to pay more than 100 000 dollars for a diploma that would look good on exactly one photo on the wall and then would be forgotten by pursuing the career of a sandwich artist. Ah, oh no. Negative thinking again. 
Jesus fucking – oh no, blasphemy, looking not good for your all-american goody-two-shoes portfolio – Christ, you have to get herself together – and at least somewhat presentable, even this would mean very little, considering the fact that for a woman in such masculine field, any signs of traditionally feminine things would be considered a bone thrown to a pack of wolves, but…no, no, no. You can’t have this new age psychology shit while she is on a mission…by being a new age psychologist, enlisted to the army just because you don't want to be a stripper, and too slow to become a good drug dealer. 
Cynthia Cockburn once wrote an essay about women's role in maintaining patriarchy by joining the army. How a lot of females are helping salvage the old system, that has to be put down for good for a long time already – and how this system continuously throws them out, without even acknowledging their input. 
You are wondering, if by applying your makeup right now, you are doing pretty much the same. Ah yes, a woman in a field dominated mostly by psychotic men! Let me just put on my brightest red lipstick, a short that will barely cover anything important and, of course, a pair of heels that would set anyone in the hearing range to a Vietnam flashback even if they never been in Vietnam to begin with. Oh no…is that a risky joke? PTSD is a serious matter, you know. You shouldn’t joke about flying helicopters and war flashbacks – not when the training for the military psychologist courses were so hard, that even you, with your pretty much good mental health, would have to check herself double time for any trauma that the instructor would leave with you. 
Two weeks of torture for an opportunity to apply the blandest eyeshadow known to mankind, the pinkiest lipstick that barely holds any pigments – it’s not like you have money to splurge on something better even given the permission – and a mascara as clear as the mountains fresh air. God – oh no, blasphemy again, you really don’t want to get a good grade with all of these God-fearing old-fashioned men, aren’t you? – you really hated just how bland you look. You feel like one of these girls in your college – with tightest buns, cream sweaters and perfectly high-pitched laugh that would make them desirable for even blander college boys. Ah, how much you hated this place. 
The military base, however, is far worse. 
First, there are just too many people here. Second, everyone looks at you like you are some sort of ghost. Judging by your loosely hanging white doctor’s coat, they aren’t too far from the truth, but it still was weird. And finally, third – you are still not sure that your papers have been sent correctly, and this is even the right place. 
Instructor – a terrible, horrible, horrendous woman – told you that there would be plenty of study material for you here. That with these people, writing your master’s or even doctorate would be a “ ‘king breeze, rookie, if they ain’t decide to eat ya first”. The males around you – and some women, of course, because the newest military recruitment made sure to include as many people as possible, providing everyone with the opportunity to kill people as much as they would want – doesn't sound quite as great material for your research. 
And you are not going back to the fucking college. 
She said that some Captain brought you here specifically – and that higher-ups made him do it, as he was dismissing any previous attempts of sending psychological help for any of his units. So this is going to be a classic conflict between a person and the government – and you, a useless specialist – are going to be stuck in the middle, as long as you don't get shot. Perfect, terrific, just a great fate for someone who got out of college after 4 years of destroying her own hopes and dreams in a giant cell of a US education system. 
You haven’t even met the man before, and now you are sitting here, in the middle of nowhere on this gigantic base. Fighting with the fabric of your clothing – a nice buttoned shirt, nothing that could be considered a provocation from your side, and trying to breath as the reality of the situation is slowly thinking it. 
Breathe in 
You stuck here for only god knows how long – until you either will be dismissed, or decide to go away by your own choice. With people you know nothing about, and who probably doesn’t even want you here. 
Breathe out 
This is a perfect opportunity for you to write your Thesis – just pick one of these perfectly twisted specimens, and make his mental state even worse. Or better, if you would feel nice enough for such hard work. 
Breathe in 
Perhaps, it’s not so bad – only a few years of service, and you will be back in your education. The children and their easily molded minds are waiting for you to be their perfect school psychologist. With average salary of “fuck you and your savings too”.
Breathe out 
Health insurance is nice. Would be even better with some dental insurance, but this is reserved only to soldiers. And you are…well, not a soldier, that is for sure. 
Breathe in 
– Greetings. I suggest you are the mental health expert? 
…and, all of your neatly putted breathing schedule is fucked. Stupid army people and their stupid questions with such nice and deep voices that would make you think of deeply fucked up stuff any other day and…
– Oh, um, yes. A psychologist. And you are..? 
– Captain Price. You have to work in my unit, but I figured out that just sending my men to get you would be too much on your first day. 
– Thank you, I…I would rather greet them myself, that is. I kinda have to. 
He frowned. Oh, great. A perfect example of stoic  fatherly type – the guy who is probably thinks of his soldiers as his kids, definitely don’t have a wife – alive one, at least – and slowly cooking himself alive in a pot full of misery, machism and “I don’t buy any of this mentally ill stuff”.
His mustaches are great though. And a hat. 
– Do you really? 
– Well, I don’t want to earn my paycheck for just sitting around. This would be nice though. 
– In that case, higher-ups would put us both in trouble for this. 
– Do you have anything for me to start working with? Like a personal file or…
– I’ll show you around. 
– Oh. Okay. 
He seems harmless enough. As much as one man wearing a full uniform with too many weapons and a tiny hat could be – but you still feel well protected while walking beside him. With this still hanging loose coat of yours – you’ll have to search for something more adjusted for your tiniest fucking height – you can feel everyone’s gazes on you. Jesus, you will have to work with this many people? Let’s just hope that no one here believes in magic powers of therapy, and you would be pretty much free for any of your working hours. 
— But you do have personal files of your soldiers, right? 
— I thought your people like more of a personal approach? 
— Well, it would be really great, but I need some documents to write off my work and…
— Then you are going to write those documents, kid. I don’t want to scare you, but a young miss like you really wouldn’t want to see real portfolios of my men. 
— Sir, with all honor, I am not a…
– We’re here. 
Oh. Saving you the humiliation of being able to recognise patronizing tones and understanding, that you are, in fact, a kid, a young miss, and generally a useless fucking person. Psychologists in a place, where most of the people probably believe, that getting drunk will save them from nightmares? What a joke. 
At least the office is nice. 
Tidy place, neatly furnished room with a table, a sofa – something right out of Freud’s fantasies. A small empty closet for all three of your psychology books. You can already picture whimsical and fun soldiers laying here, trying so bad not to laugh in your face as you were trying to uncover all of their mental trauma without being strangled to death. 
– Thank you, sir…captain? It’s nice. 
– Not much, but everything that we were able to put when they said that we need a mental expert here. 
– I will try my best not to disappoint you, I promise. 
– You can unpack here, someone will show you the bed later. Still don’t know whether to put you with soldiers or medics. 
– Um…I would really prefer a… A nice and roomy bedroom, preferably with no one to snore alongside you, and definitely not with soldiers who can get the wrong ideas about a nice and sweet lady psychologist sleeping right next to them on their base. Of course, you can’t say that. 
–...I need to gather as much material about them as possible, so it would be really neat to sleep closer to the soldiers. 
You are the architect of your own demise. You and your stupid Thesis that you are not even sure, whether you could write it right now or not.
– Oh. 
He scratched his chin in a manner that you have seen too many times. Do all older males with bears share the same mannerism? 
Then he smiled – a ghostly feature on his face, that almost made him look like he actually wanted you here, and not just putting up with higher-ups bullshit because every special task force needs its psychologist just so the soldiers won’t kill each other on one sunny day. 
– Okay. I’ll think about something, doc. 
– I am not…not a doctor, sir. Not yet, at least. 
– Well, it’s either a doc or a kid. What do ya prefer? 
– Doc would be better. Perhaps, I will earn my doctorate after the service. 
– That’s the spirit, kid. 
– But sir- 
Shit. He is gone already. 
You were never a fan of dad jokes. Or dad types. Or anyone, who is questioning what the fuck you are doing here, even though you spend 4 years fighting for this position in the college. Who cares, if you can’t shoot guns? Words are just as deadly! 
Well, judging by the size of the rifle on the Captain's body, maybe, your words would definitely be less threatening than his guns. But this doesn’t change the whole picture! 
Oh, well. You might as well try to get yourself as comfortable as possible – considering all of the possibilities, they might simply forget that you exist, and you would have to sleep on this tiny couch at least for today. What a great opportunity and definitely something that you spent four years waiting in awe of. Perfect, beautiful, something right from her dreams. 
“You can still get out of here, you know. Just go out of this door and we will never ever speak about joining the military ever again. Trust me, babe, I am your conscience.” 
Oh no. You hated talking with your conscience – mostly because it was an annoying prick, and also because, as studies were showing in many of the presentations you would make for your classes, this is a first sign of not just a person being self-aware, but also the step to being proclaimed a mad man. Even if you are, in fact, a very self-aware and mentally healthy person. Mostly. You liked to think of yourself as one, at least. 
“You don’t want to be here. And you shouldn’t – there is plenty of work outside.” 
Yeah, like a sex job. Or secretary. Or a waiter – what a beautiful line of work for someone already in too much debt to her government. And judging by the already dismissive faces of your parents, going home as a stay-at-home daughter is also not going to be an option. So, go far and beyond. 
You just need to find a few people who would be interested in psychotherapy – how hard is that?
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𝐀 𝐑𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠
↳ summary: in which you and ten crash land in the tardis. again
↳ warnings: none! reader kept gender neutral as always
↳ song: line without a hook—ricky montgomery
If you could describe the Doctor in a few words, it would be out of his fucking mind.
You had been traveling with him for well over a year now—although at this point who really knew. You were operating a time machine half of the time.
But in all that time with him, warped or not, you were yet to completely nestle yourself next to the agent of chaos known as the Doctor. Instead, you were left scrambling to keep up with his whirlwind ways, enjoying it sometimes and rather not at others.
It was the latter at the moment.
Smoke poured from the Tardis's console in a funny red color, prompting a round of coughs to come from both you and the alien standing not but five feet from you.
"I swear to god—" You paused to cough some more, slightly jumping at the way the Doctor was currently banging a mallot on the control board, "—if you stuck us in the dark ages again I am going to strangle that skinny neck of yours."
The ruby red smoke had wafted away just enough to give you a good look at the Doctor's face now, allowing you to take in the way his glasses hung off the tip of his nose in a dangerous teeter. Like an acrobat performing a daring stunt on a rope. You might have found the sight cuter if it wasn't for the bumpy landing you had just been sucepted to. Probably the reason his glasses were dangling like that, now that you thought about it.
One would think after all the time the Doctor had spent with the Tardis he would take better care of it, treating the beautiful box like a newborn baby. But nope. Here you were, watching as he hit the thing like it was a vending machine that had stolen his money.
"No no no, not the middle ages. I made sure to specifically avoid that this time. I think." He finally responded, looking at you and blinking thoughtfully.
"Gee thanks. That really reassures me." You snorted. He just flashed a brilliant grin your way; the very one you can never manage to stay mad at for too long. Even if you were being chased by a hoard of intergalactic killers in the process.
"Oh come on!" He sang your name joyfully while connecting two wires to each other and igniting a spark. "Since when have I ever let you down? Sure, sometimes we get in what you could call a bit of a pickle, but we always get out of it! What's the fun in time travel if you can't experience a little toss of the dice!"
His words echoed about the big blue box as he rushed around, alarms blaring and machinery clicking with issues. You yourself were fiddling with bolts and nuts at this point in an attempt to help, more than willing to admit that you cared about the Tardis enough to get your hands dirty for repairs.
"Yeah, alright then mister smarty pants. Take us to a fun planet this time, yeah? I don't want to hear a single allons-y out of your mouth until we've set foot someplace without something trying to kill us!" A brown head of hair peaked over from his position at you, eyes drinking in your words with a cross between a pout and a thoughtful frown.
"I don't remember all my companions being this difficult." He lamented.
"If you call being difficult wanting to live, then you must not pick your companions very well." Your own head popped up to face his own, the both of you know kneeling on the ground peering at each other from opposite sides of the Tardis.
You stopped for a moment to look at the Doctor and his disheviled appearance from rushing around his ship wildly. You reached the conclusion that you must look the same way. What other reason would the Doctor be staring so softly at you for?
It didn't take long before a smile crept onto your face, a small laugh slipping past your lips as you saw the hilarity of the situation.
"Look at us." The Doctors own lips quirked up into a smile, head tilting slightly to the left. "On the floor with our hair sticking up all over the place. I probably look like a mad scientist right now." He giggled, propping his chip up on the metal of the keyboard before him.
"Not more than you usually do anyways." You grinned right back.
"Sorry sorry! Couldn't resist." You apologized.
The Tardis chose that moment to let out a large shudder, the wooden encasing of it creaking dangerously. Your hands clenched into little fists, searching for purchase on any nearby surface in case of another crash landing. The Doctor mirrored the motion, only he wasn't so lucky as to stay upright, instead falling over onto the floor with a yelp.
"Alright over there?" You managed to yall over all the noise. You were provided with a thumbs up in response, the Doctor groaning from his position on his floor, not attempting to get up until the shaking of his ship had ceased.
"Don't suppose you could tell me what that was?" You attempted to brush imaginary dust and dirt off your pants as you stood up and cautiously crossed the distance between you and him—still afraid of another impromptu earthquake.
"Er, well, good news and bad news." He announced, pushing his glasses up and scratching at the back of his neck with a wrench that had seemingly appeared in his hand out of nowhere. You swore he was hiding an entire toolbox from you at this point.
"How about the good news first?"
"Well, we've landed. No longer floating amongst time and space without a set destination." He grinned, turning a few dials and nobs ferociously.
"And the bad news?" You prodded, searching for anyway to help improve this already out of control situation.
"I have no idea where we are." He finished with a flourish of his hands. You sent a deadpan look towards him as he twirled around to smile at you, placing his hands on his hips happily. "Exciting, isn't it?"
He hesitated when you didn't immediately respond with the same level of energy. Or any energy at all to be exact.
"You know, you and Donna would have gotten on really well I reckon." He sighed, carding a hand through his wild hair with a soft smile. As if imagining the frequently mentioned red head next to you. Something that you were sure he was doing.
"From what I've heard about her, yeah, we would." You huffed. The Doctor raised an eyebrow at your confession. He was curious to hear your reasoning.
"I'd personally enjoy someone smacking you upside that head of yours every now and then. Might knock some sense into you."
To enunciate your point you reached over to swat him on the shoulder with a grin, drinking in the way he pretended to be hurt just to amuse you.
"Oh how you wound me." The Doctor joked.
Jumping up suddenly, you were left trailing after your curious little alien man as he made his way to grab his coat, making a beeline stright for the Tardis's doors.
"I'll make you a deal alright?" He rubbed his hands together whilst you stuck yours in the inside of your pockets, nodding to let him know you were hearing him out.
"I go out first to see if there's any danger, and if I'm still alive to let you know that there's none, then we stay!"
He sounded proud of himself. As if he hadn't just proposed a situation that would possibly throw him into the center of a hostile planet.
"I dunno Doctor. As much as I like not dying, I'm not sure I like the idea of you dying any better." You kicked at the ground with a wince, not liking the way the image of a tombstone with the words The Doctor flashed through your mind.
"Oh come on!" He drew out the last word, stooping down to get closer to you. His bottom lip was slightly stuck out, almost as if in an act of pouting. "I haven't had the chance to go on a nice adventure with just us in ages! I'd like to finally be able to do that, you know."
His voice had gone a bit softer at the end, clearing his throat awkwardly and shifting from foot to foot. You blinked, taking in the way his eyes darted across your face in search of an answer. As if nervous, which was a first.
He was right, though. Neither of you had been preoccupied with other people the past few places you had gone. Of course, it had all been for the greater good. Saving millions of people's lives and whatnot. But you cared for the Doctor—maybe more than you wanted to admit—and who knows when you'd get the chance for some one on one time again?
"Okay." You caved in with a crooked smile, knowing you were going to follow him anyways no matter what. He had you hooked like that. "Let's go crazy man."
"Oh yes! You're brilliant, you are!" He whooped, snatching you up in a quick hug before dropping you to the ground again, leaving your head spinning with serotonin. You couldn't help but look at his eyes sparkling with joy and smile back.
"Can I say it now?" He cut off your train of thought, or rather lack of one as you stared into his warm chocolate eyes, with a hopeful glance.
"Say what?" You furrowed your brows, snapping out of whatever trance you had been in.
"You know!" He waved his arms around wildly, looking quite silly. "The thing! That I say!"
It took you a moment before your creased brow relented into a knowing look.
"Oh yeah! Of course, of course. Yes, go ahead." You elbowed him playfully, surprised he even remembered your half-serious demand from a few moments ago.
"Well in that case—" The Doctor took his glasses off, closing them in one smooth motion while he beamed at you, "—allons-y!"
And then he opened the doors, giving way to a new chapter of your life.
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telvess · 11 months
Reader who is sick similar to jataka
Since you didn't specify, I assumed I could write whatever came to my mind + sorry to disappoint you, but Jataka isn't a character that I know how to write.
RoR: Comforting a sick Reader (Jataka, Herakles)
Prince Jataka was dying. People never spoke the truth out loud for fear of incurring the king's wrath, but everyone knew his days were numbered. Countless doctors were brought to the palace to find, but none of them were successful. One of them was your father, whom you recently came with, swearing that he would not fail to save the life of beloved prince. But you knew he lied: the prince wasn’t the one he wanted to save, but the path to his destination - to save you, because you were dying too; same symptoms, same fate as the prince. Your father couldn’t accept this, so he took you with him to a place, where money or other limitations didn’t exist. Six months have passed since you arrived. Occasional attacks of illness became more and more frequent, but apart from that you couldn’t complain about life in the palace. You were heading towards your father’s private chambers where he was working on a cure. You wanted to spend some time with him, even if you knew he couldn’t spare you much of it. You sneaked in, planning a surprise attack on your father. But instead of him, you found someone else. The man stood with his back to you, his long white hair was loose. He leaned towards your father’s desk. You had never seen this person before and without second thought, you said out loud: — You should not be here! My father’s chambers are a private matter! The man turned to you, you saw no signs of anger on his gentle face. — I only meant to speak to him — he said in a calm voice that made your body fall apart. You’ve never seen this man up close, but you’ve heard his voice before. Prince Jataka. You just shouted at Prince Jataka. — P-prince! I… I am s-s-so sorry! — you fell to your knees, your face touching the floor, cursing your own stupidity. — It’s alright — you heard — You meant well. Arise. You didn't have the courage to look up, but you did as he said. Except your body didn’t want to listen to you. you staggered and felt dizziness hit your head in a sudden bout of sickness. Why now? Just when you thought you were going to fall, someone's hands grabbed your shoulders and helped you keep your balance. You looked up to see his concerned face. He was so close that you could see how blue his beautiful eyes were. Almost as bright as sky at noon. If it weren't for the circumstances, you would have stared at them much longer, but his unexpected act of kindness towards you made your cheek feel warm and brought you back to reality. — Are you all right? — he asked, his voice as gentle as his expression. — Y-yes, I’m sorry. He didn’t believe you. You were leaning on the table, struggling to act normal and prince Jataka saw through you and your pathetic lies. — Are you sick? — he pointed to the table — Your hand… You followed his finger and saw your hand tremble. One of the symptoms… — No, I-… no… At that moment you knew there was no point in lying, but your mind lacked any other option. You opened your mouth, then closed it again, feeling like a complete idiot. Then Prince Jataka smiled at you, but it was the kind of smile that didn't reach his eyes. It's just a sad gesture of understanding. He knew. — Your father is the most committed of all the doctors I know. I finally understood why. It's not about honours or money. Oh no, you accidentally sold your father out. Your heart sped up in a panic attack. — N-no! He really wants to cure you, my prince! — you assured with squeaky voice, but the prince only smiled at you again. To your surprise you didn’t sense any anger from him. — Don’t worry, I’m not upset. It’s just… this is the first time I meet someone like me, so let me ask you, who I share the same fate with… How are you handling it? He looked at you as you struggled to answer. You had a lot to say, but should you? You were worried that once you started, you wouldn’t be able to stop. If you torn down that wall, an ocean of words, emotions and fear would take over, and you weren’t sure if had enough strength to close it again. Your expression must have spoken for you very clearly, because Prince Jataka sighed.
— I'd hoped to avoid this, but — his voice became more authoritative — I demand an honest answer. You own it to your ruler. You swallowed hard and looked away. — Well, I… I’m dying. I wish my father would accept this and spend little time I’ve got left with me, but he believes he can save me. It’s not that I don’t appreciate his commitment and sacrifice. I just want to live before I die. And then there was silence. You did your best to hold back the tears, but your stupid heart was beating too loud to ignore. Whenever your father was in that moment, you really wanted him to come back right now, before you completely lost your mind. Finally you raised your head to met prince’s eyes. You didn’t know what his look meant and - in fact - you didn’t care, because compared to overwhelming emotions you felt right now, his opinion was small and fragile. You would never said that out loud. — You know — you flinched, hearing his calm voice again — Yesterday I said something very familiar to my cousin. He’s such a free spirit, acting out of his prestigious position, sometimes almost childish, but I can’t deny how much joy he has brought into my life — Prince Jataka smiled, this time for real, you could see the spark in his eyes — Anyway… I told him that I wish to see more than my palace and its gardens. More of a sky above us. More world. — B-but you can! You’re prince after all — you mumbled without thinking — Forgive me! My stupid tongue…! — you covered your mouth. — We all are prisoners of our lives — he said — I have wealth to fulfill my dream, but my responbilities hold me back. And you… you have your father right next to you, but he is too stubborn to give up. He was right - how ironic was that? Prince Jataka suddenly seemed to you not like royal man, but an average person. His smile, his gentle voice, his wisdom brought peace to your mind and for the first time today you also smiled. — Aren’t you… scared? — you asked quietly. — I would be lying if I said I don’t, but the closer I get to death, the calmer I feel. To your surprise, he placed his hand over yours, his long fingers touched your skin and sent some kind of spark down your spine. Your cheek got warm, as he curled his fingers around your wrist. — Your hand stopped shaking, but pulse is unstable — he said, withdrawing his hand. You didn’t know what to say, so you remained silent. — Thank you for your honesty. Let your father know I am looking for him. You watched his back as he left the chamber. A part of you wanted him to stay, but you weren't brave enough to say it out loud. Maybe in another time, in another life…
Life in Thebes was difficult, to say at best. Especially for someone as fragile as you, who struggled your entire life because of the sickness. To survive in this place, you had to be strong or wealthy. You lacked both, even though your parents tried to provide you with a decent life, you still had days of hunger. But today wasn’t supposed to be bad. The baker, a man with kind heart, was giving away bread to the poor. It hadn’t happened before, and you - like many others - approached the small crowd, hoping for anything, even scraps. The sight of the others leaving with loaves made your stomach growl. — Out of my way! — someone pushed you, the force knocked you off your feet. You felt into dirt. — Ouch — you snarled in pain. You looked up just and saw some big boy your age, who seemed to be very proud of himself. He smirked at you. Next to him stood a tall and very skinny boy, obviously his friend, who was currently whispering something in his ear that both of them could giggle at. You recognized them. You stood up, dusted yourself off, and with anger rising in your chest, confronted both of them: — I was standing here! Big boy snorted. — You don’t need food — he said. — You look like you've already eaten a cow, if anybody doesn’t need it, it’s you! — you shouted at him. Father taught you not to be mean to others, but you were too angry to listen to your conscience. Big boy didn’t seem to be bother by your words anyway. — My father said you’ll be dead soon anyway. You… didn’t expect that. — Yeah — his tall friend replied with a nod — The only thing you gonna need is a funeral, so go and find a grave site! And then they both laughed loudly, watching you break inside. In one heartbeat your anger flew away, and all that remained was the devastating despair and fear of the unknown that had haunted you for months. It hit you like thunder and paralysed you for a moment, before you turned and started running, chased by their laugh. As you passed the streets, trying to escape the sad reality you lived in, you felt wetness on your cheeks and salt on the lips. Suddenly you found yourself on a hill, far from the city. Out of breath, you looked around, but besides flock of sheep in the distance, you didn’t see nobody else. You decided to get to the top of the hill and rest there, away from the others. You didn’t want to show your tears to your mother after all. — Why are you crying? — you heard and immediately raised your head. In front of you, at the top of the hill, stood a tall boy, no… a muscular man with black, long hair tied in a ponytail, who was now watching you carefully. You quickly wiped the tears and shouted: — I’m not!
An obvious lie, but you hoped the tone of your voice would scare him away. — Your eyes are swollen, I can tell something's wrong — he took a few steps closer, but when you started to walk away, he stopped. — It’s nothing, I just fell. — I see — he looked you up and down, you followed his gaze and saw your toga in decent shape, without any signs of falling — But I don’t believe you. Has anyone hurt you? — No… You turned you back on him and started walking away. You had to find somewhere else to clear your head before sunset, so you'd better hurry. You no longer heard the stranger oppose, so you allowed yourself to sigh in relief. But then you flinched when you felt his hand on your shoulder. How someone so big could move so fast? — Let go of me! — you shouted at him, jumping away. — Not until you tell me the truth. I will help you! — his voice sounded… no, maybe it was a matter of his unshakeable confidence? Something had snapped inside you and suddenly his face became smeared. You felt a taste of tears in your mouth. — You can’t help me — you sobbed, looking down at your feet — Nobody can. I’m sick… A terrible weight appeared on your heart, dragging down your thoughts, like a cast anchor. You couldn’t stop flowing tears, just like you couldn’t stop the fear from creeping under your skin. — Did you just find out? You raised your head to see man’s worried face. His blue eyes watched you carefully. — No… why? — his question confused you. — People usually react this way at the beginning, then they learn to accept it — he explained, but to your surprise, his face began to change: he frowned, his jaw clenched, — Which means someone has upset you. — They… — you started, but a new wave of sadness hit you. — I’m sorry — said stranger — I can’t help you, that’s true, but I can listen you. Tell me what happened. You wiped your eyes one more time. Doubts occurred in your head. — I don’t even know you. Why are you doing this? He blinked his eyes, only then realizing what you meant, and massaged his neck in a rush of embarrassment. — Ah, my apologies. My name is Alcides and I cannot ignore someone who is in need. And then he gave you such a soft, sincere smile that disarmed you. — Oh… — you mumbled, feeling unknown something growing in the chest — I’m y/n. — Would you like to sit with me? At the top of the hill, y/n? You wanted to, and then you started sharing everything you had been hiding for the past years. Things you thought you would have to take to your grave because they were just too hard for your parents and friends to listen to. You didn’t want them to deal with it, but the stranger you knew nothing about… he could handle that. — … and then his friend said I should start looking for a place for my grave… I didn’t know what to say, so I just ran away… Alcides sighed, You saw the muscles in his arm tense as he ran his fingers through his hair. Seeing his anger gave you a little joy. — I’ll take care of these two — he said, almost calmly. — You know them? — Yes, they've been causing trouble for as long as I can remember. Alcides looked at you and his expression soften a bit, which brought a smile to your face. — You know, it’s unusual to meet someone like you — you pointed with a finger at his naked, sculpted chest — who has such a kind heart. To your satisfaction, your words made Alcides' cheeks turn red. You giggled at his reaction, which only caused his blush deepen. — Are you happy? — he growled. — Yes, I feel much better! Thank you. Alcides only wanted to listen to you, but he ended up stealing your heart.
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free-for-all-fics · 1 year
Phantom of the Opera (1943 Film) Prompts! Pls tag me if you’re inspired by any of these ideas and I’d love to read it! 🎭🧡
1. Erique Claudin was madly in love with you in his younger years. He was a very handsome and eccentric man with a great talent for music. You soon became lovers and later told Erique you were with child as soon as the doctor confirmed it. Not wishing your baby to be a bastard and raised out of wedlock, you and Erique made plans to marry as soon as possible, before your stomach could possibly give you away. You later bore a beautiful daughter, Christine. Erique had composed a song for you during your courtship and later added a part for Christine after her birth. When she was little, Erique would play the violin while you’d rock her to sleep and sing an old lullaby that you both knew from Provence.
Unfortunately, you died when Christine was still very young, devastating Erique. He didn’t know what to do without you. You were dead and he was clueless when it came to raising a girl all by himself. Due to his demanding job in the Opera House Orchestra and your untimely death, he didn’t have the proper means to take care of Christine, who was only a baby or toddler at the time. He couldn’t raise her himself, so he either sent her to live with your family or put her up for adoption. Either way, he made sure she went to a good home. Whether it was your maiden name or her adoptive family’s name, she took the name DuBois and never knew of Erique’s true connection to her.
As she grew up, she resembled you more and more each day. Erique never found another love after you. Twenty years of you being gone, and he wished every day you were still with him. When Christine began her singing career as a chorus girl in the Opera, he put his entire fortune towards her education, anonymously funding her singing lessons. She was blessed with the gift of her mother’s voice and every time Erique heard her sing, he heard you. After he’s dismissed from the Orchestra due to his hand injury, he has to withdraw his support from Mademoiselle DuBois only for a little while, just until he can secure another position. But a series of tragic events lead to him committing murder and his face being burned by acid. A man who’s suffered so much loss would do practically anything for the love of his daughter, even kidnap her and try to force her to stay with him in his home in the underground sewers forever. Christine is the last vestige of you, his darling wife, and he can’t bear to lose her.
He tells Christine that he’s her father and he loves her. She’ll now sing all she wants, but only for him. He keeps a portrait of you in his lair and tells Christine all about her dearly departed mother as he reminisces on his much happier memories of being an aspiring musician. He was young and didn’t have much money or commercial success yet, a starving artist. But what little money he had would always be spent on a ticket to the theatre, just to see you. He was in love with you from the moment he first saw you on stage, so his earnings were well spent in his eyes. He could live without food or a roof over his head, but he couldn’t live without you.
“She was in a repertory company. the same actors and actresses doing different plays, a different play every night. First time I saw her, she was a singer who had a broken heart, a lot of sad songs. Had everybody in the theatre crying, whole ocean of tears.”
“I don't think I'd like that.”
“Yes, you would. Everybody did. Next night, she was a dancer. Whirling around the stage, sparkles in her hair, lighter than thistledown. Took my breath away just to watch her.”
“Dressed like that?”
“Yes, child. Artist didn't paint her as pretty as she was.”
“Did you see all her plays?”
“Every one of them. Not just once. The theatre was my courting place. I sat right in the middle of the front row every night, where she could see me. After, I went backstage. Was four days before she even said hello.”
“Oh. Then what?”
“Then it was the wonder, the glory, sunshine, and lightning all at the same time. After we learned we were expecting you, I came to the Paris Opera House to join the Orchestra. With my salary, I built us a house. I then went back and asked her to be my wife. When she said yes, I was so happy I was dumbstruck for an hour.”
“Why did she go away?”
“It's none of your business why.”
“I'm sorry.”
“She tried to retire and stay home to focus her energy on raising you, but there was nothing here but the house...No theatre, no people...no company except for the birds singing. As much as she loved you, she wasn't used to it. I didn’t get home from the Opera House until late in the night. She got the lonesomes so bad she couldn't stand it. Uh...she went away for a little...back on the stage again.”
“In Paris?”
“Ohh...other places. Mostly Paris. Uh, standing around here talking, the spiders will be gaining on me. Be cobwebs in here thicker than before. Come, sit. Listen while I play for you. Did you know I wrote this song?”
“I did. That’s why I wanted to teach it to you, but it was not to be. These aren’t just notes, there’s something hidden in the music. These notes here, they represent you. They find their way into every song I play. This phrase…this is your mother.”
“Are you in the song?”
“Somewhere, but it’s not important. You and your mama are all I can hear when I sit down to play.”
2. Erique becomes creepily obsessed with you, a young woman who works in the Opera House and reminds him of Christine’s mother. He may or may not have been able to marry Christine’s mother, but he loved her greatly all the same. He tragically lost her either through her death or her falling out of love with him, and has since never been able to get over her. You encountered him a few times in the foyer, on the stage, or outside the Opera, but that’s all. You were so busy with your daily work that you didn’t have much time to acknowledge him beyond a polite hello in passing. Erique was deeply offended and driven into taking further action with you after being criticized by Signor Ferretti for his love of you. He believed that Ferretti spoke out of turn and dared to insult not just him, but you as well.
“Claudin, if you don’t mind me saying so, you’re a fool. A man of your age might secure a young girl like her if he happened to be the director of an opera company, but a poor violinist…”
How dare he doubt your love or the piano concerto he wrote for you! He may be a man of forty-eight years and past his prime, but you never treated him differently from other men just because of your significant age gap. You smiled at him in passing, happily accepted all of his courting gifts which he spent a fraction of his fortune on, etc. It was Signor Ferretti who was the fool for failing to see how deeply he loved you and how you loved him in return! Unbeknownst to Erique, you mistakenly thought his anonymous gifts were from another potential suitor, a handsome man who was closer to your age. You’ve never thought of Erique in such a way, but he’s too delusional in his fantasies of you to realize this. He secretly has a marble bust made in your likeness that he keeps in his room so he may gaze upon your lovely face while he’s composing. But soon the marble bust isn’t enough. He needs to have the real thing.
Following his first act of murder and tragic disfigurement from the acid, he begins his reign of terror as the Phantom. He steals the master key to the Opera House and, with that key in his possession, he can open 2,500 doors! To say nothing of thousands of closets and cabinets. He can hide everywhere, the entire police force couldn’t find him here. He unlocks your door and sneaks into your bedroom while you sleep. You’re in such a deep slumber that you barely stir while he strokes your cheek, moves your hair out of your face, and presses his nose against your skin to inhale the sweet scent of your perfume. Oh, his love! His wife! He leaves you with a brisk kiss and disappears back into the sewers. He has such big plans for you! Wonderful plans!
You start to notice a man’s shadow following you, but it always disappears before anyone else can see him. You start to hear a man’s voice speaking through the walls. From what he says, he sounds lovesick and it creeps you out. You try to warn others but no one else believes you except Vercheres. You develop insomnia and deep feelings of paranoia because of your fear and anxiety. When an opportune moment presents itself, Erique kidnaps you and takes you to his underground lair in the sewers, drugging you to ensure your cooperation. While you’re asleep, he puts a wedding ring on your finger and a matching one on his own. His young bride is a vision! So very beautiful, so very lovely!
“You’ll stay here with me, my wife, won’t you? It’s been so lonely without you but you’ve returned to me at last, haven’t you? We’ll be together forever. Now you’ll sing for me, and I’ll play. It’s beautiful down there. Beautiful. Come now, my darling one.”
“There's a piano in the Opera foyer. Let's go there. You play, and I'll sing for you.”
“But you don't understand. We can't go back there ever. It was I who made the chandelier fall. I for you, my love. But I warned them. I told them there'd be death and destruction if they didn't let you sing. Come. See? Didn't I tell you it was beautiful? You didn't know we had a lake all to ourselves, did you? They've poisoned your mind against me. That's why you're afraid. Look at our lake, dearest. You'll love it here when you get used to the dark. And you'll love the dark, too. It's friendly and peaceful. It brings rest and relief from pain. It's right under the Opera. The music comes down in the darkness, distills it, cleanses it of the suffering that made it. And it's all beauty. And life here is like a resurrection.”
He forces you to play along with his deluded fantasies, often believing you’re his lost love and calling you by her name. You’ve tried to tell him you weren’t her, and sometimes it works. In his moments of lucidity, he calls you by your real name. Those hours or days are much more bearable for you. Other times, however, his behavior is unpredictable and trying to break him out of his fantasies has yielded disastrous results that have frightened you terribly. You’ve had to tread very carefully not to set him off because his personality can flip at any moment. Claudin as the Phantom talks in an extremely gentle, husbandly manner to you and almost never raises his voice to anyone, which makes him even more chilling with the murders he commits.
“Is that any way to talk to the father of your children?”
“Children? What do you mean children? We have only one child.”
“No, my darling. We have many children.”
“My god, what have you done? Tell me, what have you done?!”
“Would you like to see our daughter? Would you like to see our Christine? Would you?”
“My darling daughter, your mother has returned to us. Come, give her a kiss.” He’s kidnapped at least three children; a boy, a girl, and an infant. The girl resembles Christine when she was a child. Same colored hair hanging in ringlets, same eye color, same porcelain pale skin and red cheeks. He’s trying to recreate the family he wanted but could never have before Christine’s mother either left him or died. Oh, God.
3. Unbeknownst to either of you, you’re Christine DuBois’ twin sister and are both daughters of Erique Claudin. You were separated at birth after your father put you both up for adoption. Your mother was dead or otherwise gone, and Erique was clueless when it came to raising two girls. While Christine is an aspiring singer and sings in the chorus, you’re an aspiring ballerina and dance in the ensemble. Despite your respective talents, neither of you are given much opportunity to shine. You’re both kept to the background and overshadowed by the prima donna and prima ballerina. You both encounter Erique a few times in the foyer or on the stage or outside the Opera. He showed concern for Christine when he noticed she wasn’t on stage during the Act Three curtain call and asked if she was sick. Similarly, he does the same with you when he notices you’re missing from the stage. Why weren’t you there? Forgive him, but he’s been here so long that you - everybody and everything connected with the Opera is so much a part of his life. You weren’t ill, were you? You’re not in any trouble? Oh, it’s impertinent of him, he knows, but uh…
When Erique suffers an injury to his left hand that prevents him from the use of his fingers and negatively impacts his performance, he’s dismissed from the Paris Opera Orchestra. He no longer has the means to anonymously support either of you. Claudin has secretly spent all his fortune on yours and Christine's education, and he has no money left to go towards his forced retirement. He has to withdraw his financial support from both of you only for a little while, just until he can secure another position. But Signor Ferretti refuses to tutor Christine any further without proper compensation and your ballet instructor is the same. Why should either of them assume Claudin’s burden after he spent all his money on the two of you? The girls mean nothing to them.
But your careers mean more to Claudin than anything else. Neither you nor Christine can afford the lessons on your own. A month’s salary wouldn’t be enough to pay for one of your lessons. Desperate to provide for his darling daughters, he hopes to have his piano concerto published and receive a substantial advance for it. But a misunderstanding leads to Erique committing his first murder and getting his face burned by acid. This sets off a series of unfortunate events that turns him into the Opera Ghost. A man would do practically anything for the love of his daughters, even murder anyone who would get in the way of their careers.
He later tampers with Biancarolli's drink to make her fall asleep and unable to sing. Christine, her understudy, has to take her place on stage. Erique also sabotages the current prima ballerina by putting glass in her ballet shoes or otherwise breaking her feet/legs by creating a terrible accident on stage so that she cannot dance and you have to take her place. He’ll help both of you reach your full potential and you’ll become a great and famous ballerina, as Christine will become a great and famous singer. Biancarolli, who suspects that Garron and Christine are responsible for drugging her, orders Raoul to arrest them. The prima ballerina suspects you of causing her injury and orders your arrest as well. But Raoul says he cannot because there’s no evidence. Biancarolli and the prima ballerina both say they’ll forget the affair only if both you and Christine are replaced as understudies and your performances are not mentioned in the papers.
Both Biancarolli and the prima ballerina are later murdered, along with their maids. They’ve been strangled to death by the Phantom to make room for the unsuspecting Christine and you to take their places. He later kidnaps both of you and takes you down to his lair in the sewer tunnels, revealing that he’s your long-lost father and you’re sisters. Words cannot express how sorry he is for disappearing from your lives and not being able to watch you grow up. If he could’ve raised his daughters himself, he would’ve kept you both in a heartbeat. But he didn’t have the means to raise two girls alone, and needed to give both you and Christine your best chance. So with a heavy heart, he gave you both up to be adopted by other families when you were only a few months old. Now reunited, he wants all three of you to be together forever. A happy family, as you should be.
“You’ll stay here with me, my children, won’t you? It’s been so lonely without my girls but you’ve both come to me at last, haven’t you? Now, Christine, you’ll sing for me. Y/n, you’ll dance for me. I’ll play. We’ll be together forever. It’s beautiful down there. Beautiful. Come now, my little ones. There, you’re not frightened now, are you? You know I’ll not harm either of you, don’t you? How could I harm you? I’ve always helped you. Haven’t I?”
“Yes what?”
“Yes, you’ve always helped us.”
“Of course I have. Biancarolli knows. The former prima ballerina knows. She wouldn’t let you sing. She wouldn’t let you dance. They didn’t know how much I love you. Now they know. But it doesn’t matter now. Nothing matters except us. Now you’ll sing and dance all you want, but only for me. You will, won’t you, my darling daughters?”
“Of course…Father.”
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4. You were born into a wealthy and well-connected family. Your father took the family on a tour in Europe where you were introduced to an English-born Parisian hostess, with whom you bonded. She was a stimulating hostess who didn’t care for her appearance, and while her ideas didn’t always agree with those of her guests, she was incapable of boring anyone. Her behavior was exasperating and eccentric and she had little respect for upper-class women, whom she regarded generally as inconsequential. She generally rejected female company and spent her time with male intellectuals. She made an exception, however, in the case of your family and you in particular. She demonstrated that women could be equal to men, an idea that you hadn’t learnt from your mother.
You were respectful of your family's opposition to you working as a nurse, only announcing your decision to enter the field. Despite the anger and distress of your mother and sister, you rejected the expected role for a woman of your status to become a wife and mother. You worked hard to educate yourself in the art and science of nursing, in the face of opposition from your family and the restrictive social code for affluent young women. After being confronted by two potential suitors who demanded you choose between them, you chose neither and pursued your nursing career unhindered by marriage prospects. You’re now working at the Opera House, as a literal theatre nurse. You take care of the performers and other staff in cases of fainting spells, accidents, sickness, or injury. Unlike your predecessor, you’re young, beautiful, and sweet-natured.
You met Erique Claudin and knew him only as a violinist in the orchestra. You encountered him a few times in the foyer or on the stage or outside the opera, but that’s all. He seemed eccentric but harmless. But over time, you found yourself wanting to take care of him. You’d notice how he’d keep odd hours and would hardly eat anything. Why doesn’t he get himself something to eat before the opera instead of keeping himself up all hours? You notice he has the same soup night after night, week after week. The Opera House staff gossip, falsely believing that his overdue debts is caused by him being a miser, and they complain about it.
“What that man does with his money is none of our business. If he wants to hoard it and starve to death, that’s his affair. But we hear he hasn’t paid his landlord for six weeks, and that’s as long as they’re going to wait before they toss him out onto the street.”
“What if he hasn’t any money? Maybe if they’ll be patient only just a little longer…”
“He hasn’t any money? After working for the Paris Opera all these years? What nonsense! What does he expect to do with his money? Bury it with him? If he does, they’ll dig him up and steal it. If he thinks he’s going to add a few francs to his fortune at the expense of others, he’s very much mistaken.”
An artistic genius he may be, but he wasn’t well-learned in the arts of the kitchen. He didn't do much more than toast cheese over bread and add a slice of already cooked meat to it since he couldn’t afford much else. So you cook him better, more savory meals using whatever’s leftover in the restaurant and still fresh enough. There was a roast chicken in the pantry and a previously made broth you found on the stove, so you made do with what you had. You made him another soup, but one that was full of cooked meat and vegetables. Sitting beside it on a plate was a chicken sandwich. You were unsure if he even drank tea, but still made him a cup with sugar cubes and cream on the side in case he wanted to add either.
Erik devoured the whole thing in seconds. Quickly setting the bowl of soup aside, he picked up the sandwich and savored the taste of the chicken, bread and mustard as it all came together inside his mouth. When that was finished, he happily over-sugared his tea and drank it down, feeling contently full for the first time in years. You worried he’d get a stomach ache and make himself sick from eating so fast, but you’re glad he enjoyed it. It seems he doesn’t eat a great deal, and that worries you. He should be eating and sleeping well since he works so hard. He’s very grateful to you.
“You’ve been very kind, you’ve been very patient. You’ll be rewarded for it, I promise you! Now please leave me alone.”
After Erique suffers an injury to the fingers of his left hand, he can only play simple melodies perfectly. He goes to you for help and you examine him. While you may or may not be able to determine the cause, you offer to provide physical therapy sessions, free of charge. You know he can’t afford medicine, but maybe this’ll help him a great deal. Perhaps his injury is only temporary, perhaps it’ll get better, but the aim of the Paris Opera is perfection. It’s with a heavy heart that the managers have Erique dismissed from the Orchestra. He’s been with the Opera a long time - twenty years. You wish you could do more to help him. You’re happy to care for him and he’s happy to play music for you in return, to show you his progress following your physical therapy sessions. He never sought more than a casual acquaintance with you but you become friends and, despite your significant age gap, you fall in love.
But then he commits murder and acid is thrown in his face, driving him to go into hiding in the labyrinthine sewers of the Opera House and begin his reign of terror as the Phantom. In his desperation to protect you and repay you for your kindness and time spent devoted to helping him convalesce, Erique would do anything for you, even murder. He’s so desperate for love and friendship that he may even kidnap you. Fortune had smiled upon him the night that you came to the Opera House, and he had savored every moment he had shared with you. You were his loyal caregiver and companion, when so many others had cast him aside. You had cooked for him, talked to him, and even laughed with him whenever he managed to gather the courage to tease you about something. You even allowed him to snuggle close to you as you read - never before had he enjoyed reading so much as he did with you. How could he possibly let someone come and take that away from him now? His darling daughter, Christine, will never care for him in his old age, but maybe you can. In your years working as a nurse, you’ve probably seen lots of gruesome and grisly injuries such as gunshot wounds, infections, amputations, etc., so he hopes you wouldn’t faint or reject him upon seeing his disfigured face. Even if nothing can be done for the acid burns he’s suffered, he still dreams of spending the rest of his life with you by his side.
5. You succesfully bring to the present time Erique Claudin, a violinist from the 19th century, with a homemade time machine. In the split seconds between when Raoul fired his gun and the underground sewers were collapsing, you saved Erique’s life by sending him here before he could be crushed to death from the falling rocks. The underground tunnels are caved in, and nobody would ever try to move all that rubble to recover Erique’s body. He was presumed dead and Christine was rescued. In his time, only his mask and violin were left behind. You try your best to hide and protect him from exposure while he’s given a second chance at life. He may choose a different name or alias to go by. Modern medicine, technology, and makeup may help him either fix his face or acquire a mask that almost seamlessly blends into his skin more, covering his acid scars and giving off the illusion of a perfect face. His unique talent, behavior, and personality puts him in the spotlight, making it only a matter of time until he’s discovered and what you’ve done comes to light. Annoyed by the current primo uomo of the modern day Paris Opera House, a group of stagehands plot to scare him away and give his position to the young understudy with a shared identity - the Phantom of the Opera. Oh no.
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jennyandvastraflint · 7 months
Xena Reactions S3Ep3
We start with a dude dramatically running away from war... EW. ARES. He just keeps getting uglier
Damn strong armour. Is the armour possessing the guy?
Cheerful start really
Damn they wanna hurt some guy. Was that Gabby
Gosh Xena and Gabrielle are so gorgeous
Is she gathering criminals for a mission XD
"I am no lady" either way gender.
Xena introducing them
"Just men?" 😂 Gabrielle asking the good questions
Going up against Ares... Blergh. Ares can go choke on his own ego.
Oof, village laid waste
The armour looks so stupid honestly...
Love how Xena's SWORD broke but not Gabrielle's staff 😂
Oh fuck the pretty one was hit
Oh. METAL! Not medal... Yes that makes more sense (auditory processing issues hu)
Blacksmithing fancam
Hate that pretentious guy
"Wow, nice ceps!" He is GAY. He is so down to suck Ares's dick...
BOOMERANG (Sokka is foaming at the mouth in jealousy)
"Cos I'm gonna kill her" no you won't. Shut up and suck Ares's dick you war simp
Gabrielle commanding them as she should.
Boo for them ignoring her.
"Murderers guarding murderers"
"Were they murderers before they met you?" OUCH
"Am I really who I am, or am I what you made me?"
They're playing their funny guessing game again
Jesus can these murderers CHILL
Gabrielle looking, then going NOOOPE
Please these idiots are still standing there
Ahaha they're guarding each other cos none trusts the other to not kill them
"But what are you here for?"
"You know what men are like" lesbian
Ahaha he just fell asleep
"But you're going to buy them"
Yuck, I wouldn't wanna be stuck with that guy either
"I think I've never been part of a true disaster before" "Cynic"
URGH the sexist prick can go die in a ditch
Ew what kinda straight sex shit is this
"Men are so easy" shdhshd
Gosh he's annoying.. Why r all the men in this annoying
And he grabbed Xena...
"That's gotta be uncomfortable" 😂
"Is this a private get together or can anyone join in?" Oh she knooows
She's happy they're working together
AHAHA She sensed Ares
Why is Ares' beard so fucking UGLYYYY. Like it literally got worse
Ares you snitch. Why are you telling her. Bro as if THAT isn't also interfering?? 😂
Uhhhh... Whomst?
Damn they throw bombs
Gabrielle ur so amazing
Xena I love you sm
Damn. She's defyyying gravity
Mmmmm, dudebro sexist is sus af
Urgh... They tricked her...
YUCK. DISGUSTING. I hope she gets to murder him
I love Gabby
Yeah true but y'know, a bit too many men for my liking, and a whole bunch of others stand around doing nothing about it
They really just want money, hu
Is he gonna free them
Ayoooo double double crossing
Ahsdhsh she used the Doctor strategy. Get captured cos breaking out the cell is easier than breaking into the whole thing
EW. ASSAULT. DISGUSTING. Someone give her a wife
"Hey that's not how a princess fights" gosh get some perspective, man
"Amazon Princess" YOU TELL HIM
Something something the old Xena showing for a moment
"Why does everyone wanna kill me?" Honestly it's very understandable
"I'm not leaving!" "Like she said"
Ares is like lmao bye have fun dying, loser
All the steaaaam, brilliant. Gotta be pretty hot in there
YEESH That gotta hurt
"Look after Xena, okay?" awwwww
"I'd sooner fall for a toad" valid
"You're Gabrielle" AAAAAH ❤️
"Question is who would I be without you?"
Ahaha them bickering
Ok so as a whole the episode was very, very meh. I liked the Xena/Gabrielle moments tho
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saltygilmores · 11 months
We now return to your regulary scheduled Paris Geller Nuclear Anxiety Attack, already in progress. Parts 1&2 and all other episodes can be found in my pinned post.
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"Just to end up on a date with a guy without a Zagat and we end up in a restaurant that's just a front for a cocaine ring?" But enough about Luke's Diner. I KID I KID!! It was too easy. All the money laundering is going on next door at Doose's. Paris thought Luke's was a front for prostitution, though.
Paris asks the girl who is dating Dean Forrester how a person knows they're compatible with someone else, which is funny because nobody has figured out why Dean and Rory are still together. Here's a full list of the things Rory considers when it comes to compatiblity: 1.Someone who reads the same books, watches the same movies, and likes the same music 2.But someone who is not boring 3.You respect each other's opinions 4.You laugh at the same jokes 5. Someone who is not boring again Girly is definitely not talking about Dean Forrester. Dean can't read, doesn't listen to music, and in order for him to agree to watch a movie Rory wants to see, it involves 14 rounds of negotiations, he has never respected her opinions, he has never laughed at her jokes or made her laugh plus Rory's got that dreamy Thinking About Jess Mariano look in her eyes. Actually, let's face it, she's thinking about how much she loves Jess and how much she loves Paris simulatenously. The Throuple of all our dreams.
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Oh, the way Paris looks at Rory, while Rory tenderly brushes her hair. Jamie who?
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But she's already there. She's already there. AmyShermanPalladino has never met a "Get in the closet" joke she didn't like, but the timing of this one was just, ugh, impeccable. (Of course, there's another famous Closet Shoving coming up later in this season). Even though Jamey WhiteBread has known Rory for weeks, Paris worries that in the right light, Rory's breathtaking good looks will knock Nyquil off his feet and make him forget Paris exists. Okay, sure.
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Go away, you bozo! Take your fucking Zagat guide and your dorky restaurant reservation and scram! Meawhile, Rory has retreated so deep in the closet that no light can penetrate it. She continues to pen her totally non sexual, non aching Letters to Jess.
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Meanwhile back in The Heterosexual Hollow, Sookie and Lorelai continue to let the gay jokes fly and discuss a hetereosexual wedding that did not come to fruition. Richard and Emily have been away for the entire summer in Martha's Vineyard and they don't know that Lor and Crusty went kaput.
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If this took place in 2023, Sookie would love Tinder.
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Welcome to BizzaroLand Airport, which is probably a leftover set that once stood in for a doctor's waiting room. The tiniest and cleanest airport with minimal security a year after 9/11.
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LOL, Lorelai's gonna catch a felony. You love to see it. Lock her up.
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I need a moment to pay my respect for phone booths whenever I see them.
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I need a moment to pay my respects for any rare moment of self awareness from Lorelai Gilmore whenever I see one. Now get your daughter into some fucking therapy.
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Peaches and Herb are the 70's duo behind the sensual song "Reunited". (look it up; you've likely heard it before). So, let me get this straight: your kid's been gone for the entire summer and the first thing you think about upon her return is "Gee, I bet Rory's been just aching to give Dean Forrester a mediocre handy on my living room couch all summer, let me just roll out the welcome mat, give her my full blessing, arrange her schedule for her and even suggest a sensual musical selection." Between this and Rory persistently asking her mother about naked Luke in this episode (twice), we need to establish some hard parent-child boundaries here,okay? If Jess even deigns to hope for a little tug from Rory, Lorelai tries to decaptiate him. Luckily for him, he has now known the pleasures of Shane Shane the Handy Queen, She Has Jess, Rory Has Dean. Handjob jokes are really funny to me, because inside of me beats the heart of a 12 year old boy, or the heart of Beavis and or Butthead. Expect a lot of them going forward now that Handy Shane has entered the picture. Where is that goverment agent that almost arrested Lorelai, and his dog that's trained to attack on command, when you need him? Obviously, Lorelai had been lying to Emily about the date of Rory's arrival in order to spring Rory from FND so that's good, much better use of her time that trying to pimp Rory out to Dean and agitating agents of the United States Goverment a year after 9/11. (this episode aired on September 24th, 2002). Lor: I lied to my parents, which proves my deep love for you, I just wanted you to have one night of happiness. Only in Lorelai Gilmore's world would spending an evening with Dean Forrester be classified as a "night of happiness." Even the night of Dean's birth wasn't a night of happiness for Dean's parents. When Dean was born his mom tried to shove him back in. I really hate Dean. Anyway. Back at home Rory and Lorelai are discussing Crusty business. Both ladies are on a Crusty Freeze, as it appears they've been ignorning his calls and messages. So Lorelai has been freezing out Luke AND Crusty the whole summer. Their lives are probably a lot more peaceful now. Lorelai is anxious that she will have to break the news of Crusty's absence to the parents later and Rory offers to come along and distract them. Instead, Lorelai declines her services. Lorelai Gilmore, Go More than 15 Seconds Without Talking About Dean Challenge. And...GO!
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Challenge failed, you lose, do not pass go, do not collect $200, no consolation prize, thanks for playing, please shut up. We learn that Lorelai has managed to avoid eating at Luke's all summer by taking shortcuts through bushes and eating at Al's Pancake World instead. Will it ever occur to her there are other restaurants just outside The Hetereosexual Hollow she could patronize? LIke an IHOP or something?
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The gilly girls stop by S&J's and find them fighting amongst an antique explosion. LOL. This is pretty funny. Later they'll have lots of newlywed makeup sex with the giant bear watching over them. Then we're FINALLY off to the festival. See you for part 4.
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Leaving Marks | The Umbrella Academy AU
Pairing: Klaus x Vicky (OC - The Eighth Child’ Verse)
Word Count: 2,2 k
Warning: Strong language, angst, pregnancy talk
a/n: So after I saw the translation for Klaus' temple tattoo I knew I had to write this. I hope you all feel as much as I felt when I was writing it
Life was weird, it was hard to adjust after everything that happened. After a lifetime of thinking they knew who they were, all the former Umbrella kids were tossed into the world without an identity, without powers.
After a quick checkup with the doctor, it was confirmed that Victoria and Klaus were expecting a baby (who they believed was a girl based on their father's extraterrestrial prediction).
The pregnancy was going well and they didn't seem to have much to worry about except, of course, a quick trip to the courthouse to make their wedding official and start planning their honeymoon to Rio de Janeiro as soon as they had the money.
"Shit! I'm all bruised again..." Vicky groaned, sitting on the couch and taking a look at her legs. "Not being indestructible sucks! Do people always get hurt this much?"
"Not really, you just never had to worry about it before so you walk around bumping into everything," Klaus laughed, taking her leg to kiss the bruises.
"Everything fucking hurts, how are people just living their lives? Literally everything I do hurts!" She huffed. "I take something out of the oven, I fall, I scratch myself somewhere, I hold a paper the wrong way, I'm not careful enough shaving... your bodies are so fragile! I hate it!"
"Well, most people deal with this since they were born, we don't really think about it."
Klaus was amused by her frustration, only because it was adorable to watch her figure out what was safe and what wasn't with her new vulnerable flesh. For once he was useful, he could help her avoid injuries or make her feel better when she got hurt.
"Speaking of hurt, did you... did you wanna get your tattoos back?" Victoria asked, trying to sound nonchalant.
"Oh, I haven't really thought about it," Klaus teased. "I might just want to keep my body clean."
"Nooooo I miss them..." she whined. "It's only five of them!"
"Six actually, I had the umbrella on my wrist, the tiger, the skull, the palm tattoos, and Dave's temple."
Victoria sat up with the most confused look on her face. What did he just say?
"Did I hear it right? Dave's temple? What do you mean?"
"It's Thai I think, I got it done when I was with him."
"And what does it say?" She asked, suddenly very queasy.
"Um... it says Klaus loves Dave," he admitted, thinking it would be better she heard from him than googling it later and finding out he lied.
Victoria stared at him agape, seething with anger that raised up her chest. Her husband immediately noticed and winced, scared of her reaction.
"What the FUCK DID YOU DO?" Her voice was raised along the sentence until she was screaming. "KLAUS, HOW COULD YOU? AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME?"
"To be very honest, I don't even remember getting this tattoo at all, I don't remember if I asked for the writing or if Dave did... I was so drunk," Klaus chuckled, not really understanding the severity of the can or worms he just opened. He thought laughing it off would make it better, as it usually does.
Victoria felt as if her heart was ripped out of her chest. She was there too, she was in Vietnam for 10 months stripping to have a roof over her head and he didn't seem to miss her enough to want anything to remember her by.
It felt like a betrayal not only because he had an ex's name on his body, but also because this ex had treated Klaus like shit the last time they met and that was something she could never forgive.
"And in all this time you couldn't have made a tattoo for me? Guess you don't love me that much after all," she murmured.
"We're married, we have a baby on the way! I've been pining after you since we were little kids. How can I not love you?" Klaus clutched his chest, feeling quite hurt by her doubt, but knowing her pregnancy hormones certainly played a big role in how this discussion was progressing.
"Right? I thought you did too, crazy how wrong we can be sometimes..."
"I never got a tattoo of your name because you always told me you thought it was lame! I wanted to when we moved out, remember?"
It was true, he asked her what she'd think of him tattooing her name on his forearm along with his in a heart like a carving on a tree two lovers would do as children.
She refused and said that was incredibly tacky, he disagreed, but never brought it up again.
"That doesn't mean you can just go and get someone else's name!" She screamed, leaving him behind while caressing her stomach.
"Liebchen, falls ich wissen sollte was Liebe bedeutet, liegt es an dir*," Klaus followed as he whispered in her ear. "Ich will für immer bei dir sein**."
"Stop it!" Vicky whined. "I don't wanna be charmed right now!"
"Do you want me to get a tattoo for you?" He finally asked, maybe she would finally agree to the carved heart idea.
"No! Nothing you can get will ever top this massive temple on your stomach! It's huge and you've done it first. I can't believe I had sex with you looking at that!"
"I will close my back with your face if that makes you happy, I'll get your name in bold letters on my forehead, I'll get a 'property of Victoria Maria Hargreeves' on my ass! Just please tell me how to make you happy? I wanna fix this."
"Well too bad, you can't make me happy, Klaus!"
That was a first, not once had Vicky been so unforgiving. He was somewhat used to getting away with everything when it came to her, she would make excuses even for his stupidest behaviors.
It was a punch in the gut to hear that, especially being so full of trauma as he was. She had left him once back when they were younger, what would stop her from taking a job in another country and taking their child away? Maybe she was done with him and he would once again lose someone he loved more than himself.
That idea brought tears to his eyes and an almost unbearable pain to his chest. He wanted to drink, he wanted to smoke, he wanted to get his hands on any sort of drug he could find and get high enough to forget everything, but he couldn't. He was a father now.
"I did love Dave, but you know there wasn't a single moment I didn't think of you back then," Klaus dropped to his knees in front of her. "Yeah, he made me see I could be brave and strong. You were always brave for me and much stronger, you were my shield and he showed me I could stand on my own and maybe even protect you someday."
"That man punched you in the face, he came by just to tell you off! How can you see someone like that as anything more than a bigot?" Victoria cried, turning away, not wanting to face him.
"Not everyone has the privilege of knowing who they are and being able to express it like me," he shrugged. "I'm not angry at him as much as I'm angry at the world that made him feel like that's how he should treat me."
"I'm mad at him, it was his fist on your face, not anyone else's."
Klaus nodded, she had all the right to feel this way. He understood and wanted to say that, but he was terrified of saying the wrong thing and prompting her to leave again. He couldn't stand losing her a fifth time.
"Victoria, I'm sorry," he took her hand and kissed it repeatedly. "I know I hurt your feelings and I don't deserve it. You're the best thing that ever happened to me, you're probably the reason why I'm even alive. I'd never be able to take all the abuse without you there. I'm s-sorry," he sobbed.
Vicky couldn't help how misty-eyed she got as well, the first memory she had of him came into her mind.
They were probably around three or four, they were playing with paper dolls they drew themselves while Grace watched from her charging station.
"I wanna marry a big strong man and have two babies, a boy and a girl," she said.
"I'll be a big strong man!" Klaus pouted, his lip quivering with jealousy at the idea she might be imagining someone else.
"What? Who do you wanna marry?" She asked.
Klaus took their dolls and made them kiss, imitating the noise with his mouth. "I wanna marry a Vicky!"
Pulled back to the present, Victoria looked down at the pitiful look on her husband's face and pulled him into her arms.
He sighed, crying even harder and placing his hand on her stomach. "Do you forgive me?" He asked.
"When have I ever been able to stay angry at you? It hurts so bad that you didn't do anything for me, but-"
"If I knew for a second that's what you wanted, I would have! I swear!"
She looked thoughtful for a moment before nodding. "If you wanna get the temple again with the rest of your tattoos, that's okay."
"No, I won't do that," Klaus shook his head, the idea of hurting her again was too painful. "The past is in the past. I'm forever grateful for him and what he did for me, but you and Fortune are my future."
That night Klaus went out to get dinner, hoping some junk food would cheer Vicky up. On the way, he stopped by a beautiful garden in the park and sat down.
He carefully took off Dave's dog tags and held them close to his heart once more. He then dug a hole among the flowers with his fingers and placed the necklace there, covering it as best as he could.
"I think this is a nice spot for you to rest," Klaus smiled to himself. "Thank you, Dave, for everything. I'm sorry I couldn't save you, but you saved me."
That week Klaus tried to be extra loving, he did everything to show Vicky she meant the world to him and he loved her with all his heart and soul. He cooked (badly, but still), cleaned, took every chance to compliment her, kiss her, cuddle her...
When his tattoo appointment finally came, he had already decided he wanted to make a nice surprise for his wife. Or two.
So on the first day, he got the tiger on his back, the Sky Soldiers skull on his arm, the hello and goodbye on his palms, and even the umbrella on his wrist (something he really wanted, as to never forget where he came from and the pain he endured).
Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, and Vicky thought that was it. Only a couple of weeks after, Klaus went back for his second appointment while his wife worked on her new business. She had been very busy with everything regarding the bakery she was planning to open, something she wanted since she was 12.
"Hey, Liebling! How are we doing today?" He came back a few hours later with the biggest smile on his face.
"Great, can you try this?" She offered him a cinnamon roll from the tray she had just pulled out of the oven.
"It'll be my pleasure," Klaus took a large bite and moaned, rolling his eyes. "Oh, my God! This is so good, you haven't lost your touch."
"Thank you, but you're not just saying that? It needs to be good enough to sell," Victoria asked hesitantly.
"I promise you, it's perfect. I'd buy a dozen right now," he insisted, taking another bite. "It's really buttery, the perfect amount of cinnamon, so soft.."
"Aww I'm glad! You can eat as many as you want, just save some space for dinner," she winked at him as she washed her hands. " What would you like, by the way?"
"Oh well, anything that isn't too greasy, also no pork for me," Klaus smirked. "Not until I heal."
"Heal? What did you do?" She asked.
He simply unbuttoned his flowy blouse and exposed his back where he had now a tarot card.
"The Wheel of Fortune," Vicky murmured with a soft chuckle. "That is so sweet! I bet she'll love it and I do too."
"Oh but that's not all," he pulled the sleeve to expose his forearm.
Klaus had a pretty big tattoo of a rectangular window, the window from their first flat which went from floor to ceiling. He also had the skyline that was visible from their living room and in front of it, his silhouette dancing with Victoria's just like they used to do when they were kids.
"Klausie! This is... this is so beautiful," Vicky choked on her words, overwhelmed with emotion. "I can't believe you did that!"
"Why not? I love you," he giggled. "See? They are dancing together forever, they'll never ever be apart, just like I wish we never had."
Without another word, she jumped into his arms capturing his lips passionately. That was so much better than anything she could've come up with, it was the most romantic thing he had ever done. Declaring his love and saying so much without even needing words.
"So I take it you liked it?" Klaus grinned, wrapping his arms around her.
"I love it... You're a big strong man, Klausie. You're my dream come true."
Tag List: @elliethesuperfruitlover @seanfalco @salvador-daley @firstpersonnarrator
*I only know what love is because of you
** I want to be with you forever
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open-hangar · 26 days
Prison Force Chagger Ep. 2
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Name: Emilio Clemente
Place of Origin: Cuenca and Guadalajara region, Western Europe
Birth date: Unknown
Height and Weight: ~210 cm, ~75kg
Criminal Record: Harboring a Fugitive, Criminal Negligence, Voluntary Manslaughter
Etc: Prisoner records are not to be destroyed by the order of the Wardens. Who we are and what we’ve done are not a secret, but also do not define us.
The man standing before me is almost impossibly tall, angular, and suave. I’d almost guess he was a Lunarian were it not for his Mediterranean tan. He’s wearing a pair of orange trousers and a doctor’s coat, writing on a clipboard while an inmate cuts off the last of my cast. My joints are stiff, my arms are covered in dusty hair, and my armpits smell like a crime scene.
“So, how are you feeling? Any lingering pain? Limbs look like the right shape?”
I look down at my arms and legs, and give them a casual turn and twist. Better than being beaten within an inch of my life by money-gangers, but I’ve felt better. Maybe some pain meds would make me feel better?
“Yeah, good luck with that. Philippe made me promise not to prescribe anything that’s habit forming, and my parents taught me never to sleep with someone you like to argue with.”
He slaps the clipboard onto one of my knees, and it takes me an embarrassingly long time to realize that that was a test. After several seconds, I dramatically grab my leg and begin writhing in pain, before realizing that there was no point. Hey, whatever happened to the hippocratic oath?
“Oh, I had my medical license taken away long ago, I don’t have to worry about that. I can give you a lollipop, though.”
I stand up and give him a polite thanks, but no thanks. And it’s with that, that I realize that I have no idea what I’m going to do now.
During my stay in the Geneva LBZ Hospital, I was forced to learn a lot about this place, both because people loved to talk to new inmates, and because I was a captive audience.
Geneva Launch Base Zone/Internment Facility used to be exactly what that horrid little Texan described it as: an LBZ designed to process and transport free chargon on the backs of prison labor. By all accounts, it did its job pretty decently, if not for the unbelievably cruel warden and guards. They resented having to be exposed to any more chargon than they had to, already cursed to shorter lives by virtue of being Earthlings, and they took it out on the inmates whenever they could. If you didn’t die from artificial old age, you died from the beatings you took because someone with a baton was having a bad day.
Philippe, Doc, and Wolfgang, the third in their polycule, got it the worst. Depending who you ask, it’s either because of the severity of the treason they committed on the outside, or because the guards just hated to see people under them being happy. They quickly became the unofficial leaders of the inmates, their natural charisma causing others to lean on them for guidance, 3 pillars larger than the smoke stacks outside. Philippe, the largest, could solve any argument, Doc knew more about medicine than anyone on staff, and Wolfgang could build a truck without any tools if he had to.
What happened next is a bit of contention. Most of the nurses claim there was some sort of disaster, some say there was some kind of invasion. Doc and Philippe refused to talk about it, but Wolfgang told me to talk to someone named “Ishikawa” for the real information.
But whatever happened, the three of them saved the day and were hailed as heroes by both the inmates and the guards, and the entire population of the LBZ marched peacefully to the offices. The warden turned over everything to the three of them, who became the new leaders, calling themselves the new Wardens. I guess the capital W means something.
They implemented several new rules:
What you did on the outside no longer matters. (Which is good for me, considering I didn’t do anything)
Each according to their abilities, each according to their needs. (I don’t know how any of the chargon gets processed that way, but I guess they figured it out)
No leaving the compound for any reason, no exceptions. We must be self-sustained. (The only rule I’m not a fan of)
Don’t get me wrong, this place is nice, and the free food ain’t so bad, but this isn’t the place for me. I need to get the hell out of here, and I have a feeling that the third of these boys was the fastest ticket out of here. It was time to report to the garages.
Art by @menacing-marshmallow
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A/N: what have I done \(-ㅂ-)/ ♥ ♥ ♥
I’m thinking this follows the Mob AU.
Madam Ling is dying and she knows it, even if her loyal and beautiful son won’t acknowledge that.
“Mother, here.”
She thanks him, patting the back of his hand as he helps her fluff up the pillow and sits her up against it. There’s a breeze wafting in through the open windows, carrying in the scent of waffles from the street stall across the street. Oh, wouldn’t it be nice to have some?
“Mother, I brought someone to come see you.”
Ah, this again.
Madam Ling glances briefly at her son. The censure clear in her eyes and it is enough to have him flinching. Good to know that for all her Shangjue has taken on the mantle of the head of the household and is carrying the prestige of being the Boss of the Jue gang, he is still her son.
Her gaze flickers to his left shoulder and the man who stands there. This one’s a little too young to be anywhere near the level of expertise the kinds of doctors her son drags to her bedside with the singular purpose of curing her.
What does catch her eye is the epiphyllum pattern on the left shoulder of the young man’s tailored shirt. Gold thread against black, it’s as if the shirt was made for someone with a broader build.
“His name Yuanzhi, Mother.” Shangjue steps aside and this jolts the young man enough for him to shuffle forward. His brown eyes turn to Shangjue for a beat before looking back to her.
Madam Ling has to stop herself from chuckling at the almost puppy dog way Yuanzhi seeks Shangjue out.
“Hello Yuanzhi,” She eventually says, beckoning him close. “And where did my beast of a son kidnap you from?”
Without missing a beat, Yuanzhi grumbles. “He dragged me from my bed without so much as a hello and didn’t even let me have any breakfast.”
The laugh that escapes her is followed quickly by a series of body shaking coughs. But the amusement lingers and she reaches over to pat at Yuanzhi’s hand, tugging him down to sit on the side of her bed.
“Don’t worry. You’re with me now and he won’t dare bully you,” She assures him, gratefully taking sips of the cup of water Shangjue gently hands to her.
Madam Ling clicks her tongue, blinking at Shangjue. “You bring me a new doctor and won’t let me even talk to him. What’s this then?”
Shangjue sighs helplessly. Before he can speak, Madam Ling gestures to her purse. “Take some money and go buy some waffles from the store across the street. I never taught you to have bad manners with your guests.”
“Yuanzhi isn’t a—“
“Go,” Madam Ling shoos. Shangjue blinks a little lost and she spies the way Yuanzhi seems to panic when Shangjue takes some coins and heads out but not without one last look back at him. “Oh good, I thought he would never leave.”
“Madam Ling…?”
“None of that,” She laughs. “Call me Auntie.”
Yuanzhi flushes adorably at that. “A-auntie.”
Clasping his hands between her own, she casually says, “You’re not really a doctor, are you?”
Yuanzhi stiffens.
“It’s alright. You’re not in any trouble,” She assures him softly. “Shangjue never brings anyone to see me unless they’re very important. And I think you’re that to him, hm?”
Eyeing the flower pattern on his shoulder, she smiles pleasantly at Yuanzhi. The young man worries his lips, looking shyly up at Madam Ling. “He said you would know.”
“His father was like that too. Showing more than telling. I think it’s in the genes, so you’ll need to be very understanding of that if you want to stand by his side.”
Yuanzhi doesn’t speak, turning her left hand with her palm skyward, he slides his fingers over her pulse point.
Madam Ling stops him.
“Despite my son’s best efforts, I’m dying and I am at peace with that. If nothing else, I’m quite looking forward to it.”
“Shangjue gege told me about that,” Yuanzhi says. “He’ll be heartbroken.”
“He’ll have you,” She corrects.
Yuanzhi wrestles with his thoughts before he quietly asks, “Why are you alright with this?”
“Because all I ever wanted was for my son to be not alone.” Madam Ling lifts her hand to run a thumb over the threads of the embroidery. It’s bay flower twin is in Shangjue’s closet. She would know. She embroidered them herself after all.
Mentally, she calculates how much she needs to take it for the shirt to fit better. Not by much, she reckons. She’ll need to work on feeding Yuanzhi up a little. God knows she can’t rely on her son to feed his little wife properly.
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