#like 18 and 19 year olds out here putting the fear of GOD in these war machines
bruciemilf · 11 months
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“You remind me of somebody. Know any Ghost?”
“Like, personally?”
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diabolicalcunt · 5 months
I feel the need to pin this cause I’ve always been notorious for people loving me when they first meet me, and then finding out that my political views are not extremely liberal. So here’s all the reasons you will hate me once you get to know me. Or not. I honestly don’t care I’m just sick of the ‘You aren’t who I made you out be in my head!’ conversations.
So my unpopular opinions in no order-
1. They/them is something that’s being encouraged by big brother to see yourself as non or less human.
2. DID isn’t real and you just disassociate a specific way. I look like I’ve been drugged cause I fall down ‘inside’ myself like a well and have no reaction time and can barely speak. I’m like a sloth. You pretend to be a anime character. It’s just coping.
3. The concept of trans genocide is fear mongering by big brother and means to keep boundaries between social groups.
4. To build off 3, the push to medically transition underage children is a move by big pharmaceutical companies to create a permanent customer. Because whether you decide to stay transitioned or de transition, you’re going to be on medication for the rest of your life whether you like it or not. There’s also the whole issue with child exploitation. You’ll be judgmental against Dance Moms, but you won’t say anything about a mom who transitioned her child when they were two years old and made them a social media star.
5. Trans men and women who have been charged with a crime belong in LGBT prison wings. Because we have created a culture where male rapists can put on its dress and be rewarded with a permanent stay in the hen house where they can victimize more women and the system will just cry transphobia and call the victims liars. You got a problem with that? I have never seen a trans man pushing to get put in men’s prison. I wonder why… 😐
6. Blair White is queen.
7. I will fight Henry Cavill on sight. I don’t give a shit how bad you want motorboat him. He’s a fucking pedophile.
8. Same goes for David Bowie. When I get to the afterlife I’m gonna make him wish he could die again. Ask me if you want my full on sight list. 😂
9. I stand with Palestine. Yes I think Islam is a horrible religion that is anti woman. I still don’t think kids should die for the grievances of adults and I think it’s fucked up Israel is doing the same shit Nazis did to them and expect us to nod and smile!
10. Qu**r is just as much of a slur as f*g*t or n*gg*r. I don’t use it and if you do I will block you no questions asked. Say gay! Say lesbian! Say…bisexual! 😱
11. Butch women are valid as fuck and I adore y’all . They aren’t trans men, fuck your lesbian phobia.
12. To build off 11, the new LGBT movement has been infected by woke homophobia and the new trans movement is nothing but conversion therapy in a mask.
13 . Radical feminists are women’s last hope.
14. Marvel movies always sucked, we were just kids and ate up the pretty colors.
15. Dune is a white male savior story.
16. Your fave is not autistic, trans, gay or whatever. You just need validation cause you have no confidence.
17. The Boys should have never cast Jensen Ackles and the Supernatural fandom needs psychological help.
18. Too many of y’all try to primp and posture as the gods of your fandom and yes I say that as someone who did the same and stepped away when I realized how cringe I was. Lording over autistic adults and actual children is pathetic. Get therapy and a real hobby.
19. While gender neutral fanfiction has its place. The trend that all fanfiction needs to be gender neutral is literally killing the creativity and frankly the spice to fanfiction. I hate this trend where piece of media needs to be sterilized so it can be consumed by anyone, even people just passing by. It goes against the concept of creating at its core. Sometimes things are made for specific groups. Sometimes it’s made just for you. The things you create do not need to be sanitized to the point there’s no substance, just a hollow consumption. Think of it this way. Would you rather have a hot pizza of your preference or would you prefer to just drink a bowl of water because someone on the other side of the world might not like pizza?
20. The WWE Divas belt was iconic. I get the whole take women wrestlers seriously movement and I agree! But god damn it, it’s a Bratz belt!!! Gimme!!!!!
21. I fucking HATE koalas. They literally only exist because humans have dumped millions of dollars and keeping them alive. If natural selection were allowed to take his course, they would’ve died off 100 years ago. The food they consume has so little nutrition that they have evolved to have the smallest brain to cranium capacity of any animal to create a built in helmet!! Why? Cause they are so stupid they literally fall out of trees and drop their infants!!! They shit on their young and have permanent diarrhea due to the 0 nutrition thing. They carry chlamydia. They’re so fucking stupid they can’t fuck and have to be artificially inseminated to continue the population. If I couldn’t get laid on my own, the government would not drop millions of dollars into making sure I do!! So why did koalas get it? Literally a waste of resources that could be going to feed thousands of hungry children and instead we’re keeping a fucking retarded (I’m on the spectrum fuck you) animal alive who should have gone extinct hundreds of years ago cause it’s supposedly ‘cute’!! God! I hate koalas!
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old-men-yaoi-lover · 1 year
I had a friend with whom I had like the craziest 3 am convos, now we're drifting apart so I'm gonna like document some of that weirdness, some jokes
1. Universe was created last Thursday
2. Peppa pig is 2m tall
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3. I classify my memories by places, not time. Time isn't linear it's geographical
4. Ego finished before it could fester, the universe doesn't allow me
5. From the depths of Mushroom kingdom, emerges a man with a moustache so long
He's got a plan, he's got a scheme
Warrior, wario the money making Machine!
6. Will he cry, a broken man for all he has lost? Will they live or will they roam about with their hearts dead and brains shrieking?
7. Never be vanilla. Always be so extra and dramatic that you put Ursula to shame
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8. We could just be immortal sentient jellybishes, floating in the ocean all day, but nooo
9. Rodrick from the live action movie is way too fine
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10. A: I don't have friends
B: wait what about m- (starts fading away)
11. Confused OONGA BOONGA intensifies
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12. I want to pour mouthwash on my eyes
13. A: Haha you're so old.
B: old, ancient, a dinosaur, even.
14. I pity myself, an eternal doormat who keeps trying to help people despite being ignored by them.
I'm a beta male, sonic
15. A: hey come onliiine
B:Who dares summon me, The Great Naga, king of the serpentssssssss
16. I broke into a children's park to play on the swings, I'm a criminal
17. Without even a semblance of awareness of any conciousness
18. Never feel guilty for eating chocolate
Feel guilty for being alive instead!
19. Thanks bro, you keep me undergrounded
20. After everything that has happened, if I don't get in my favourite college, I'm gonna be so pissed off that even the Gods will worry. The simulated Matrix should be sweating rn. They better not distract me.
21. I forget I'm alive sometimes
22. How can I sleep when the world is briefly magical for a moment which seperates the days? ✨
23. Haha suffer peasant
24. A: i grow, not grow up
Cosine so fine Constantine
Always alone, post Malone, Sylvester Stallone
All these rich people always act they busy
All I ever want in my life is pu-
I'm sorry, I got carried away, i don't where that came from
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But like there's so much symbolism in this ryt, socioeconomic disparity, immaturity and-
B: Yea the pussy is a metaphor for how you were in a dark cave in your life
25. Mongolian throat singing ensues
26. Let's lie back and stare at the stars as last of the lights are put out
27. Mike wazhousekey
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28. Ye have been blessed, kill some people in your dreams
29. I wanna die while somersaulting into the mouths of sharks in a lava pit volcano
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30. A: my neck hurts so bad
B: want me to break it
31. Why am I like this?
When did I become like this?
32. You can feel the 12 year old girl energy from the screen
All my friends have personality of a toddler
33. Being buff and anxious is wayy better than being anxious
34. You're one sarcastic and a pleasant funny chap good sir
A hoit a toit
35. The theological conclusion to an eternal saga
36. And her skin the colour of coffee but only with milk because she was white (talking about how there were little coloured people in standards of beauty thing)
37. Atleast you try, my beloved
38. A: do my laundry
B: here have monekys
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A: ...
B: special helicopter swings for shirts too
39. That attention seeking, two timing bubonic barnacle rat
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40. There is no gender
There is only cockroach and those too filled with fear to face it
Anyways they have their own whole life and they seem happier without me so Saying goodbye i suppose haha sed lyf
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dailyaudiobible · 1 year
4/16/2023 DAB Transcript
Josh 13:1-14:15, Luke 18:1-17, Psalm 85:1-13, Proverbs 13:7-8
Today is the 16th day of April, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian, it is wonderful to be here with you today, as we greet a brand-new, shiny week that is out here in front of us friends. Here we are sitting around the Global Campfire, looking out over this brand-new week and it, it's all clean and pretty. It's all out there, nothing, nothing has really happened yet, we haven't lived it yet. We will tell the story of this week, by writing it with our lives, with our thoughts and our words and our deeds. So, we are doing well to center ourselves in the Scriptures and take the next step forward into this week together. And our next step will lead us back into the Book of Joshua. We’ve seen twice now that a bunch of kings allied themselves together to attack Israel, only to be defeated. This is how most of the conquest of the Promised Land happened. Armies gathered together to eradicate Israel and then were unsuccessful, Israel, thereby taking over the land. And so, we will read from the New International Version this week and pick up the story where we left off, Joshua chapters 13 and 14 today.
Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You for this brand-new week. And like we were thinking about at the very beginning, it's out in front of us. And we need You. We sit here out in front of this week and look into it and yeah, it’s shiny and sparkly, but we can make a mess of things. We have done plenty in our lives to make a mess of our days and weeks and so, we know what that looks and feels like. And yet, at the beginning of a new week, each week, here we can reflect upon what is out in front of us and choose to follow You, choose to slow down and consider where You are leading. And so, Holy Spirit, come and lead us on our steps, lead us in our interactions with others. Help us to remember that we are to love one another as we love ourselves. Help us to have that posture toward each other. This posture of humility that we were talking about this past week in the Gospels of humbly doing our service. Help us in the choices that come our way this week. Some of them may be really big and consequential, and some of them may be small that lead to big things and we don't always know, we need Your leadership. Help us in our communication, may we soften our hearts, so that our language may be softer and kinder, not just for the sake of aa humble posture, but so that we may bring life through our words and not death. Come, Holy Spirit, we pray, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Prayer and Encouragements:
Good afternoon, DAB Family. This is Justify Now in North Carolina. It’s April 7th, Good Friday. Just wanted to call in and say that I’m so grateful and appreciative for what Jesus did for us so many years ago. He sacrificed His life for you and me and He paid that price for our sins and I’m so grateful. And I’m so glad to be saved. Just wanna thank Brian for that wonderful commentary today about this hurricane of worry that we live in. It resounded with me so much. You hit so many points that was so spot on, Brian. That word says fear not what is blocked but ___ good pleasure to give you the kingdom. God bless you Brian and I pray for you and your family and all the DABers. Pray that ya’ll have a very blessed resurrection day. Love you now. Bye bye.
Hi, my name’s Andrea. I’ve been listening for a couple years, and I called in once before. I’m not sure if it got posted but I really need prayers for my son Jayden. He is 19 years old. He’ll be 20 in October. He’s away at college and he’s on his second round of Accutane. This isn’t a mild case of acne; it came out of nowhere the first time. We thought we had it under control. He went away to college and his face exploded. He came home around Christmas time and was put back on Accutane. His severe scaring from the first round and now his face is so blown up he can barely eat on either side of his mouth. They put him on a steroid to try to calm it down, they’ve lowered the dose, now they’re lowering it again. It’s just so bad that it’s causing him issues in his own life. I don’t even know if I could go outside the way he looks, it’s heartbreaking. He’s one of the kindest people I know and has a heart for God and prays. And my heart is breaking for him. No one should suffer like this, and I don’t know what’s causing it. They don’t know why it won’t stop. Just pray for my son. As a mother, it’s hard to watch your son struggle, being so far away, having to blood work and getting bloody noses and it’s just painful. Very painful to watch. Something is causing this, and they don’t know what to do. High doses of the stuff is dangerous for your body, long term. And the scaring is horrible. So, please I’m just asking that you would all pray for my son, Jayden, and lift him up. That God would heal whatever is causing this condition to happen in his body. I appreciate it very much. Thank you DAB family. I love you, bye.
Hi, everyone, this is Janean from Washington. I hope you all had a nice Easter. And this morning I wanted to lift up Garret in prayer. I was very touched by his call this morning. And so, Father, we just lift up Garret to You. Thank You for his life. I thank You for his desire to serve You. And I just thank You for his honesty in sharing his struggles with depression and alcoholism. And today, Lord, I just ask that You would pour out Your mercy and Your grace and Your love upon him. I pray that he would know how much You care about him, Father. And for all of us, You’ve removed our sins, as far as the East is from the West. And I thank You for that, Lord. And just assure him of that love and forgiveness that You have. And, and moving forward, Father, I just pray for just great strength for him as he faces different issues in life, as we all do, Father. Would You just give him the grace and strength to reach out to You and when the enemy tries to tempt him to turn to alcohol, Lord, just may he just run to You and to Your word, to other Christians who can support him. And so, Father, I just ask for Your grace and mercy once again, to be upon him today. And just strengthen him and encourage him. Thank You for his desire to walk worthy of the calling You’ve given him. I pray that You’d help him to do that, Lord, by Your strength and Your power. And we just lift him up today now, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Hello, Daily Audio Bible Family, this is Diana, His Dearly Beloved in Washington State, formerly from Minnesota. I just heard from Justin, which made my heart so happy. Justin, formerly of Southern California, now of Memphis. I’ve been praying for you for years, dear brother. And many others, that I keep waiting to hear from again. So, my heart was so blessed in hearing from you. I’m very sorry for the challenges that you’ve been having and, but you know, as you said, if you’re looking for truth, you’ve definitely come to the right place. So, I will continue praying for you. Super excited that you called in. And I would also like to ask for prayer for an upcoming surgery for me. I had a surgery last week. I had pancreatitis and had four stones removed from my common bowel duct, because I no longer have a gull bladder, that was removed in 2001. And now have a surgery for an abdominal hernia. I’ve had multiple surgeries over the last two years and, and I had a nine-pound baby in my past and I’m over 60. So, I’m now kind of struggling with some structural weakness of my abdomen. So, I’m gonna have an elective surgery to help put in a mesh binder to hopefully fix that. So, anyway, just wanted to, I was so happy to hear from Justin. I love you all. I hope you had a blessed Easter. Take care. Bye.
Okay DABers, this is Eyes of a Dove. I had to wait all day to call you guys. I’ve been fairly emotional, numb, kind of shell shocked actually. All be 47 years old this July. So, I guess I’m not a young one, right. However, I know that the Lord has designed me for eternity, and I don’t believe it’s my time to leave this earth, anytime soon. A couple days ago, I went in for my yearly mammogram. And this morning, Monday morning, I received a message that they have found a 1.3-centimeter mass in my right chest, with blurry edges, I guess, or uneven edges. It’s oval in shape. And it’s about half the size of a pea. I don’t know how to feel. It’s 30 days before my wedding and the enemy is just doesn’t want, doesn’t want this marriage to happen. Oh man, we’ve just had it. It’s just been overwhelming friends. Every single day there’s been something. Nearly semi-breaking down, trying to find a car for Braden, every car breaking down. The car we bought; they scammed us. And we’re trying to make the best of a situation, take it day-by-day. But this one just bulldozed me. I still have my young ones. It’s not time. And I know that that’s a small tumor, right. And I don’t receive that it’s anything but benign, in Jesus name. But yeah, I’m afraid. They can’t get me in until the end of April. And they would be one and half to two-hour extensive imaging appointment. But at the end, the doctor will give me results as to where I’m at. And I’m praying that I can get in sooner and I’m praying that it will be benign. And I pray for healing. Will you join me?
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wolint · 9 months
Proverbs 23:18
Happy New Year! Welcome to the new year!
Welcome to 2024. You made it! Glory be to God.
Tick-tock, tick-tock! The clock is ticking! Can you hear it? It feels just like yesterday we were all shouting “Happy New Year” into 2023, where did the time go? Here we are again proclaiming “Happy New Year” 24.
Did you achieve all you set out in 23? Did you make a dent in those goals and plans? Never mind, there’s still time to get them done. Tick-tock!
A lot of people started 2023 with New Year’s resolutions”. The things they intend to either do or don’t. Sadly, not many see this through. Some don’t even last until the end of January. And here we are again for so many to do another cycle of “Resolution”. Did you know that God changed the calendar just before He freed the Hebrews from Egypt? He made that month of deliverance the first month of the year!
It's good that we all should be born again on the first day of January. Starting with a fresh page. Forgetting last year's struggles, desolation, heartaches, fears, pains, disappointment, everything according to Isaiah 43:18, jump-start the year with new hope, new heart, new outlook and new desires.
If you’re to make a New Year’s resolution, let it be one resolution this year: to anchor ourselves to God’s grace. To chase after God, to seek Him and desire Him above all else. Let’s be like Moses who saw and experienced the glory of God.
It’s always good to start the year with plans and preparation but we must remember that as Psalm 37:5 says, only God can make our plans what they ought to be if we commit them to Him.
The Bible encourages us to examine our lives and resolve to change them if necessary (although not just at the beginning of a new year but continuously). Psalm 17:3 say that we should resolve to keep our speech pure saying: “I have planned no evil; my mouth has not transgressed”.
Ephesians 4:22-24 encourages us to put off our old selves. The “old self” that refused to trust and serve Christ earnestly. But we should be renewed or transformed in the mind according to Romans 12:2 as we study and apply God’s Word and begin to think in new and right ways.
The new year should be a new beginning for us in many ways, especially in spiritual things. Time is ticking, there’s no time to waste in pursuing spiritual goals. We should endeavour to enter and remain in the new year with renewed minds.
So many of us walked the proverbial wilderness in the last year, wishing, praying and hoping that God would do something new for us and God promised in Isaiah 43:19 that He is, and will do something new for us, something unprecedented and wonderful, not just for the new year but always.
We make resolutions that are often too unrealistic, however, so many of our resolutions fail. Resolutions are sometimes wishful thinking, with no way to make them happen but when we plan with God as Proverbs 16:9 states, He directs and establishes our plans and paths, with little or no chance of failure. Even if you made resolutions, who holds you accountable for keeping them? No one! All too soon, we find ourselves falling off the bandwagon. But when we make godly plans, the scriptures hold us accountable to obedience.
We must remember that according to Romans 7:18, the real problem with not being able to sustain carnal resolutions is within us—within our hearts and minds. We’d all like to be better people, but no matter how hard we try, we find ourselves tripped up by our moral failures and weaknesses. Even Paul experienced this: “I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out”.
Deuteronomy 7:13 says obedience to God’s covenant leads to blessings, everything we need, want and desire in the new year is in God. May it be a wonderful one.
PRAYER: Thank you Lord for the privilege of seeing another year, thank you for the gift of life. I commit my life and everything into your hands so that you may perfect all that concerns me this year in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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andwewerehappy · 2 years
“nineteen year olds are adults and should be treated accordingly” beloved what a truly insane thing to believe. i just read one of the worst takes i’ve ever heard in my life on here so i went to their page and it said they were 19 and therefore i immediately forgave them. hot take but 18-19 yr olds are actually dumber than 14-15 yr olds. and honestly a lot of it comes from being told at that age that you’re now an adult and what you say and do Matters and is the Real You. like respectfully no it is not i am more mortified by what i said and did when i was 17-20 than by what i was doing at 12-15. and maybe that’s me telling on myself but like. god we really need to start treating young “adults” in the 18-21 range with a whole lot more grace and forgiveness. at least i know i do with myself. my deepest regrets and guilt spirals i put myself through are from when i was that age and said or did things current me would never dream of doing and i’m so guilty and shameful of it now and just like. i know i need to stop but that’s the mental illness and maybe it isn’t like this for other people/everyone and this is mostly for me but even if it is. it needs to stop. we need to learn to forgive ourselves. and a lot of the fear and guilt stems from the fact that it was or could have been online and documented and there are “receipts” and could be found and seen and people will find out and think i still think or do or say that and i know that’s the paranoia to an extent but it also might not be. this is getting off point but whatever. people say and do and believe awful things and i think the important thing is how they react and respond and change once they learn and understand. and on a fundamental level 17-21 yr olds just don’t have a fully developed understanding. of anything. so much of your life which up to that point is your childhood is learned from your immediate surroundings and family and community and once you get out into the world and experience it more you learn how to be more and more and you learn that your younger self did not have all the facts and insight and it’s just. we need to practice more forgiveness. we need to treat one another and ourselves with more grace. i personally probably need to see a therapist but that’s beside the point. and there is no one on the planet who needs to understand this more than the 17-21 yr olds of the world.
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swtki · 4 years
Dancing Days - Edward Cullen x Reader Smut
Anonymous said: 19&24 on edward smut? love ur writing!
A/N: Thank you so much :) also I’m so happy everyone is h*rny for Eddy. I decided I want to explore more period times with Edward, changing his persona in a certain decade, but still ultimately being in the same universe as cannon. This will play into the readers character a tad bit.
19: “Fuck me like you want people to know”.
24. “Thing is, I’m a virgin”. 
I brushed my hair into its usual part, making sure I looked flawless. The year was 1976, I was a senior in Highschool. It was a wonderful time to be a teenager, no longer afraid that my friends would die in Vietnam. Even in my dinky little Washington town, the culture was becoming our own. 
The Led Zeppelin record playing on my record player stopped suddenly, alerting me that I was no longer alone in my room. I turned, my expression soft as I saw my boyfriend, Edward.
“Whats up with you and this album? Everytime I come in, its always House of Th Holy on repeat.” I rolled my eyes, lifted the record in question off of the tray, and put it back snuggly in its case. 
“I can’t help it, Ed. Robert just speaks to me. I’m sure you’re like that with Louis Armstrong.” I waved my hand, walking back to my mirror to finish getting ready. 
“Maybe, but the music you listen to it’s...” Edward paused for a moment, sitting on my bed. “It’s suggestive, Y/N.” I turned to him, my eyebrow raised.
“Suggestive? What’s that supposed to mean?” I placed my hands on my hips, and waited for him to explain.
“Well, for one that one song says ‘Sipping booze’, I quite think that is blatant alcohol reference.” I looked at him, dumbfounded. Then, I started to laugh, and I walked over to him. Instinctually, he pushed his head into my chest, enjoying the comfort it brought him. 
“I love you, but god are we from two different Mars.” He chuckled, sending a rumble through my chest.
At school, I was an average kid. Fair grades, many friends, many ex friends. When Edward was paired up with me in math, I got through his cold, stone skin. At first, he was annoyed when I would fuck off, leaving him to do the work himself. Understandable, and once I realized how rude I was, I stopped. I talked to him, prodded him truthfully. I would ask him once we started dating if he had noticed me previously, because I had never noticed him. 
“Yes, I noticed that you were the only one who didn’t acknowledge me. Ironic I guess.” 
A year into our relationship, I would never let him go unnoticed. We walked the halls, hand in hand. Our outlooks were so different when it came to life. He was modest, I was free spirited. Edward was different from my boyfriends previously, I didn’t want to fuck things up, and I refused to even risk it. 
School went slowly that day, possibly because my head was focused on what I would ask Edward, my boyfriend of one year, about sex. About us and sex. 
I hadn’t told him that I wasn’t a virgin, I was worried he would only want a virgin girl, after all they can never look at you disappointed and say “I’ve had better.” A definite plus. Many a nights I tried to imagine him, moaning completely under my control. I wanted him, but I didn’t know if he wanted me. Surely in 50 years he had found a good fuck. I worried that he would be into someone else, forever tied to a vampiress. 
The end of the school day couldn’t have come sooner, my anxiety rising as I got into Edwards car, starting a long silent car ride. I tried to keep my mind off of it, an attempt to avoid the conversation until we were at my house. I kept my mind busy with the lush scenery outside of the passenger side window. 
“So... I know you want to ask me, and I know the answers to what I would ask you.” He said blatantly, putting the car in park outside my front lawn. 
“I don’t wanna talk out here Ed, lets go inside.” I swung my bag onto my shoulder. Thats the thing with Edward, I never have to say anything, just as long as I think it. 
My house was empty, making it easy for Edward to follow me upstairs to my room. I shut my door behind us, then turned to him. Unsure of what to say, I breathed in deeply.
“How long have you known that I wasn’t...you know?” He smiled, sitting on my plush navy sheets. 
“Y/N, I knew before I met you what I was getting into. Your ex had a lot of thoughts about that one night where you guys-” 
“Oh my god okay ew.” A blush rose upon my face, and I saw Edward laugh as he watched my body fill with embarassment. “Well why didn’t you say something?” I asked.
“I figured if it needed to be brought up, it would be. You and I aren’t exactly a physical couple so I didn’t worry too much.” I walked over to my bed, taking a seat next to him.
“I see...I mean it wouldn’t be a big deal for me so if you want to...” I bit my lip at him, his gaze turned to the other direction.
“Thing is, I’m a virgin.” My expression went from a seductive look, to a puzzled one. I wondered if I had heard him correctly. “I’m old school, Y/N. It wasn’t like how it is now when I was human. People didn’t just have sex in highschool, unless they were married because the man was off to war. So, it hasn’t been on the menu for me. You’re the first girl I’ve dated in fifty years, you know. And no, there was no vampiress or anything.” I smiled.
“Well, I don’t wanna scare you or push it or anything. It’s just you know-” 
“You want to touch me, to be touched by me.” his eyes trailed back to mine, looking deep into my soul.
“Yes, I want you, Edward.” I pressed my lips to his, pulling away jut as it got intense. I could feel his disappointment. “I want to...but I can’t let you down. Tomorrow night. I’ll call you and we can talk about everything we want out of it, I’ll give you a fucking fairytale, my love” I chuckled.
I called him that night as I had said I would. We talked about my first time, and everything I liked, followed by what he had seen on video, what he wanted to try, and his fears.
“I don’t want to kill you, darling.” He said.
“Then don’t. I won’t let you.” He laughed at me, enjoying my lack of seriousness.
The next night rolled along with a quick pace. I looked at the clock and saw that it was time for me to start getting ready. 
I made myself look simple, a small bit of makeup and hair product, but otherwise just a tank top and jeans. Sometimes, dating an old fashioned guy was a pain in the ass. Always complaining about suggestive behavior. But other times, my shoulders counted as being half nude.
“You look stunning, as per usual.” Edward said, stepping into my room. He was tense and barely moved. “I don’t know what to do..what usually happens with it if I’m not the one doing everything.”
If he had any blood flow, he would have been blushing right about then.
“We don’t have to do anything you know. We can just lay down and watch a movie if you want to, I just want to make you happy, Edward.” I walked over to him and put a strand of his messy auburn hair behind his ear. Without hesitation, he pressed his forehead to mine.
“I want to, thats the part that’s been eating me away ever since I met you. I want to make you feel good, I just don’t know if I’ll lose it and-“ I cut him off with a kiss.
“Even if you break my pelvis into pieces, I’ll still be happy. I’m always happy when I’m with you.” we both smiled, and suddenly the thick tension that once filled the room vanished. “I’ll take care of you tonight, just as long as you’re doing it for you. I just need to know you’re doing this for you, and you need to be sure you wont roll over afterwards and hate me.” I said, my hand clasped in his marble one.
“I want you, Y/N. I have no doubts that I’ll want you afterwards, too.”
I pushed his head down, level to my own. Our kiss was deep, filled with a years worth of hunger. My hands tugged on his hair, making him whimper. Suddenly, I felt my feet lift off the ground as Edward carried me to my bed. With a soft thump, the plush sheets surrounded my body. It was a contrast of warmth on my back, and Edwards cool body on my top.
His hands were balled into fists, clutching my duvet as if his life depended on it. I pulled away, panting for air.
“Sorry, I forget you need air.” He smirked. I rolled my eyes in response.
“Well, its a shame you don’t. Because I intend on taking your breath away.” we both made small laughs at my remark.
“What now?” He looked at me for guidance.
“Get on your back.” I said.
We switched positions, he was now on the bottom. My legs straddled his torso, I sight he visably enjoyed. I slithered my hands up to his head, cupping his face as I kissed him again. My left hand left its post, reaching down to the buttons on his shirt.
I paused, looking up at him once I got to the last button.
“Does it...work like normal or...” He threw his head back and laughed.
“It doesn’t have spikes, I can assure you its just like a humans. But Emmet did tell me to pull out so...I’m kind of worried about the implications of that but-“ I leaned down to shut him up with a kiss.
His hands were still at his side, resting on the bed. I picked up his wrists, and placed them on the side of my thighs. He squeezed them lightly.
My hands roamed over his bare chest, cool to the touch. I lached my lips onto his neck, causing his back to arch below me. I could feel his excitement beneath me, it gave me a big self esteem boost. His hand reached along my waist, tugging at my shirt. His eyes lit up at the sight of my bare chest. He reached for me but I pulled away to slide down onto my knees.
He looked confused, like I had left him high and dry.
“Sit on the edge.” I said softly, my knees burning slightly due to the rough carpet underneath them.
He rid himself of the unbottoned shirt, slidding over to me once finished. My hands slowly stroked his thighs, he was desperate for some type of touch.
I smiled, tugging on his belt until it came undone. He stayed silent, looking at me like I was the only thing in the world. I unbottoned the trousers, tugging on them. He kicked them off and was left in his breifs.
“Is it okay if I..” I looked up at him and he nodded frantically. I palmed him over his underwear, feeling how hard he had gotten from kissing. My fingers latched onto the waist band, pulling them down to reveal a pale yet pink cock. It wasn’t too big, but deffinitley satisfactory. I ran my finger over the tip, earning a small groan from the vampire. My eyes trailed up to him, so I could see him when I took him in my mouth.
He let out a breathy moan, eyes focused on my mouth. His lips were parted ever so slightly. I bobbed my head, and grotesquely sexual sounds arose from my throat. I felt Edward move a strant of hair out of my face, he looked at me like I was a god.
“Fuck..Y/N if you keep doing that there wont be anything for you, dear” He said in a breathy moan. I pulled back, my mouth feeling sore and tired. “Do you still want to?” He asked, grasping his hands on my waist.
“Yes, I fucking need you.” I threw off my jeans, I would worry about finding them later, I needed him. He layed back down, propping his head up on my pillows. Our lips collided in another kiss as I leveled myself with him.
“Are you sure?” I ask him, stroking his hard member.
“I’m sure.” He pecked my lips again as I got ontop of his lean figure. I spat in my hand, lubing up my needy hole.
“How do you want me to do this? I mean like slow? What do-“ He said with genuine worry.
“Fuck me like you want people to know” I whispered, “ Fuck me like you want the entire neighborhood to know that I’m yours and yours only.”
“I can make that happen, love.” He flipped me over, now being back to where we first started. He lined up his cock with my hole, running it around the tight area. I put my fingers in his hair, making a slight tug as he pushed into my body.
Pleasure filled my body as he filled me up, his cock stretched my insides in the right ways. Without pausing, he started to push his hips into mine, making sure not to hurt me.
He reached down to suck on my neck, adding to the pornagraphic moans in the room. My hands travled to his back, scratching my nails down the cold stone like skin. His moans echoed in my ear.
“Y/N, I can’t be on top I’m going to crush you” I laughed at him, tapping his side so he fell onto the bed. I swung my legs over him, sitting on his perfect cock.
“Perfect, fucking amazing.” He said as I steady myself onto him. His face was in a euphoric expression, the most relaxed I had ever seen him.
I began to rock my hips, sliding him in and out of me. His hands grabbed onto my hips, guiding me. Everything was a euphoric experience. My gut filled with that wonderful sensation.
“Edward I’m gonna cum, oh my god” I moaned out, picking up my pace.
Suddenly, the world went still. My eyes went black and I saw stars as my orgasm washed over me. My moans echoed in the room as my body twitched. A few thrusts up into my body and Edward pulled out of me, rubbing his cum out onto his hand.
I layed there panting while he sped to the bathroom, and came back with a clean cloth, wiping down my body. He put the cloth down, pulling up his underwear and handing me mine. I slipped the fabric on, slipping under the covers.
“Get in here, I wanna kiss you”
He laughed, obeying and slipping beside me. Our lips reunited in a soft clash.
“I love you so much, dear.”
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accursedkaleeshi · 2 years
Fyerri’s Last Stand
TL:DR: Here is how the rest of Fyerri’s life turned out. Stormtroopers learn the fear of god when the trees start talking. Bentilias san Sk’ar guest stars as blazing hubris.
·     11 years old when dad exploded
·     14 years old when Clone Wars ended
·     18 when Weyla disappeared
·     19 when Bryaru left planet to form her intel group (Thrummer network)
o  Worked with mom for a couple years. Got homesick
o  There was more imperial activity on Kalee than when he’d left
·     22 years old formed his own rebel cell. The name translated to Storm Sirens.
o  Initially they monitored stormtrooper activity & warned communities, hence like sirens for the storm(troopers)
o  Eventually, inconveniencing them was not working well enough & the Imperial leadership was getting cocky about it.
o  The Storm Sirens switched to straight bodying troopers at any opportunity.
o  Fyerri had come to embody the nickname his father had given him, being the main hub of many communication networks on-world. He picked this up with his mother’s dealings then, upon returning home, got Ìgira & Ayaan to teach him about comms.
o  Fyerri also had a reputation as a trooper killer. He used mainly at least one blurrg-1120 won from an imperial officer, but was pretty handy with improvised weapons. He wore decorated pieces of their armor & scavenged tech. His ingdoré was the skull of the ground commander that was part of a platoon deployed to establish a presence in Mertenzi’s home ports to the Jenuwaa Sea. He also wears Commander Stibbens’ high-viz shoulder pauldron & usually has his helmet on his person. They only know his name was Stibbens because it was written in his helmet.
·     By the time Fyerri was 28 the Imperial activity waned & had almost no presence on the planet thanks in large part to the Storm Sirens & their influence. Not that it took much sway to convince kaleesh to protect what was theirs.
o  Fyerri had been watching a straggling imperial holdout in the west’s rocky southern tip. He grew suspicious of the Empire leaving their secret-whatever-the-fuck operation without local intervention.
o  Not long after they received word that the kaleeshi colony on nearby planet Oben had been snuffed from orbit by an Imperial Star Destroyer. That was the colony settled by Bentilias san Sk’ar’s brigade shortly after he had miraculously returned from the dead. Not unlike Grievous had. From the same wreckage.
o  For months the Sheelal family had to believe all kaleesh on Oben had died. This included hunt mother Twarxii, sister & bataar to Sk’ar. Until Bryaru received reports that Sk’ar was alive & a newly minted imperial general.
·     Bryaru would come to regret telling Fyerri what had become of Sk’ar. She was just so mad. She had always shared her outrage to those around her & her first born son had always hung on every word.
o  But Fyerri had his father’s anger. He made himself sick with indignation. He obsessed over Sk’ar. He put the family in danger by feverishly searching imperial chatter without proper comm blocks. They had a bit of an intervention for him after there was a firefight at the stables & Kevanru had to crunch a man to death with his own speeder.
·     Fyerri agreed he was out of line. His solution was to strike out on his own with the most dedicated of the Storm Sirens. While Bryaru was usually the first to start a riot, she had learned a lot about what leading people meant. This time, instead of the burning glory of justice, she was met with a cold pit in her stomach. It was too dangerous. Sk’ar was a new toy, too close to the Empire’s watch. Fyerri’s small band would just be a footnote in the guard logs.
o  He could not be swayed. He wanted to make sure Sk’ar knew what he was forsaking & he was willing to tell him with his dying breath.
o  He & Jerenru were close, having been born in the same year. He gave her his helmet & told her to look after Stibbens.
o  He told Ìgira & Ayaan to watch out for everyone.
o  He told his mother it was his highest honor not to be the son of Grievous, but the son of Bryaru. Then he left.
·     Fyerri & his men spent over a year maneuvering through the outer territories where the Empire was unleashing General Sk’ar upon unsuspecting populations. It was 3 BBY & he was 30 years old when the Storm Sirens finally got the jump on Sk’ar’s fleet.
o  They sped to the next planet on his list. It took too long to convince the planet’s ambassador to believe the news of impending invasion. The people would remember their warning as altruistic but Fyerri knew that Sk’ar would make contact with the leadership first, whether to negotiate a change of guard or to make a bloody example of them.
o  So there the Storm Sirens were, on a completely foreign planet fighting alongside its foreign people against an unreasonable amount of firepower. Fyerri was good enough to scramble their ground frequencies, having held out until he was sure Sk’ar was on the surface. It was not hard to tell. Even from a klick away Bentilias san Sk’ar was an imposing tower of sheer muscle, standing nearly 10 feet tall like an obelisk of rage among his new, shiny white brigade of little men.
·     Fyerri sent one last call out to the enemy comms, demanding Sk’ar. General Sk’ar was a bit confused as to why there were kaleesh here. For him? There was barely a kamen of them with the mewling locals. What did they think they were going to achieve?
·     “General Bentilias san Sk’ar-“ Fyerri began in native kaleesh, calling out Sk’ar’s entire formal title as it had been before giving his own, “I am Fyerri Spine-of-Fire, Commander of Storm Sirens, Soldier Scorcher, & Son of Grievous. I come here to make sure you know: Though you are the Empire’s biggest dog, this path will still see you die on a leash. Just like my father before you.”
o  That was all he said before killing imperial ground comms. Sk’ar did not like that. Sheelal’s spoiled little boy wanted to play with the warriors he will die like a warrior.
o  The Storm Sirens fought ferociously even as the outcome became clear. Sk’ar’s stormtroopers had no idea what was going on. The one’s that put a couple pieces together were definitely intimidated to be fighting other kaleesh. But as with the Separatist army before them, the Empire had numbers.
·     Fyerri had taken several bolts by the time Sk’ar had steamrolled his way to the front line. Fyerri took one charged shot with his blurgg-1120 that knocked Sk’ar’s helmet askew atop his fearsome ingdoré. Sk’ar bellowed a roar & snatched the younger man up by the neck, dashing Fyerri’s mask to the ground & stepping on it.
o  “Your empty-souled family sent the crooked-tusked runt to put me in my place?” Sk’ar had rumbled in Basic, with a painfully fake sympathetic tone. Fyerri gazed unblinking into the behemoth’s blazing red eyes. Eyes he had shared with Twarxii’ma.
o  “My ancestors will accept me without shame, Uncle Benny, can you say the same?”
·     Those were Fyerri’s last words. Sk’ar snapped his neck with no effort & threw his body into the only two remaining Storm Sirens.
o  “Deliver that child home dishonored. Tell his family he failed,” Sk’ar shouted.
·     Sk’ar went on to fatally punch the ambassador & takeover his assigned planet with no further problems. He never spoke of the incident, even with prodding from higher up officers. It may well have never happened as far as the Empire was concerned.
·     The Sheelal family put their boy in their temple. His friends told them everything. They assured him he did not fail.
·     Bryaru was pissed.
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mfpeace · 3 years
@justbeingedgy @weird-colombian-gurl You asked me to elaborate on the "Ches already has a kid" theory in the notes of that one mf analysis post (which I really liked, go check it out!!), so that's why I'm making this one, cuz notes are a bit too restricting for what I want to talk about!
Though next time think twice before asking me to talk about something I'm interested in, because you never know when you're gonna wake up lovecraftian horrors!! :DDD you'll see what i mean when you press read more :))
So, I'll say it right now - this post is largely inspired by the second story highlight of this Instagram user (sorry, I don't know their name, only that their Instagram handle is dee_girl_metalfamilyfan), it's in Russian though, so keep that in mind
Alright, so I'll break this theory into two parts: the first one will be all about Ches, and the second will be about his potential child (spoiler: you might've seen her!)
Without any further ado, let's get to the Ches part:
1. The creators said that they're gonna explore Ches' character in the second season. Obviously, it doesn't mean anything on it's own, but just wait.
Dima: Let's talk about the second season a little. Of course, the seconds season will show development of the old characters, as well as new ones. That's in short. As you see, Ches looks a bit different here.
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Alina: Yeah, we'll show a bit more about Ches at the ages of 18 to 20. His past. We'll reveal a bit more about his complex character, as much as it's possible.
(The source of the translation) Also I think they also said at one point that adult Ches will get some character development too? But that's probably a given, considering that we wouldn't see his youth if it wouldn't have affected him in the present, flashbacks without any relevance to the overall story don't sound so good
2. Not sure about this one (we don't know how much in character it was) but I can't not mention it.
Alina: Actually there was this one fanfic that I really liked. I don’t remember what it was called, but it was about Ches having a daughter, which is a cool topic. It was relatively in character and truly interesting. It’s great when people focus not just on sexual relationships of the characters, but also try to look at their development. That was a really interesting one. That’s it.
(UnityCon '19)
3. This one's a pretty big one, in my opinion. So, this is what they said on ArtWave '19:
Dima: Ches also has flaws.
Alina: [to Dima] Don’t spoil stuff.
Dima: His flaw is that he's very... irresponsible, let’s say.
So, maybe, just maybe, Ches does have a child but he, you know... left them? As the Instagram highlight from the beginning say: "he might be irresponsible enough to leave his child, and he's probably irresponsible enough not to use any contraception" (rephrased, not the exact quote)
4. Alright, so, the only mention of this one I can think of right now is the aforementioned Instagram highlight. The Metalfamilyfan says:
I contacted Korg/Корж, (admin of @ metal_yama [and I believe one of the organizers of the Metal Family Meetup in Moscow]) and she asked Alina on one of the meetups: "if Ches were to be a father, what kind of father would he be?"
And she said: "The kind of that would say "kid, look at that birdie over there!" an then he would run away"
Someone's words are not the perfect source, but they did tag Metal Yama and from what I know they didn't disagree with what the author of the page said. if anyone has anything to say about this (disprove or definitely prove what I said) feel free to do so in a reblog, notes, DMs, send me an anonymous ask, or in any other way you feel comfortable with
5. Ches has literally been through the same thing, and we know how important the theme of the cycle of abuse is in Metal Family (or, in this case, the cycle of neglect? Abandonment? Idk)
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You managed to hide your PREGNANCY from me! AND you've been hiding the child from me for a whole year!
YES, because you would've insisted on aborting him!
6. Here we can see Ches with a blonde girl. Nothing too special, probably just a one time hook up. He doesn't seem to be interested in her, and she seems to be annoyed with him.
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But wait...
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What is this?
Like, it doesn't even matter if there's actually a punk/rock/whatever band named MOM or not, I just think it's pretty weird to put it in this particular drawing of Ches and this random woman who is implied to have slept with him. It's not integral to Ches' character as, for example, Korol i Shut is. It's just... there. For some reason.
Alright, now, finally let's get to the second part of the theory: who is, exactly, his child?
The short answer is, according to this theory, her:
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First, let me list every single instance of her appearing in canon (and by canon I mean everything made by the creators. Even with this definition of canon it's not much, I promise): The screenshot you can see above on the left (it's a screenshot from the second season and it appeared here), an instagram story posted by Alina (above, right), and two drawing with a lot of characters where you can spot the girl which I'm gonna call her PinkHair or PH for short, I'll mention them later I feel like I should mention this, comparing the sources of the images and the dates when they were posted, it's safe to assume that the screenshot in the classroom has the latest and final version of her design. The red hair most likely doesn't mean anything
1. Alright. So. we've seen Dee and PinkHair in a classroom together, so they're most likely related in some way, or at least they know each other. Their exact relationship doesn't matter here, because all that matters here is that they're related story-wise
Let's look at the first image. This is the banner of the main Metal Family channel. Ches is near Heavy (they get along quite well and I'm sure Heavy aspires to be like Ches in many ways), Dee (we can see his classmates/friends near him, they're all about his age), and we can see people related to Glam on the left side of the image (including Ches!), and Vicky's - on the right side (notice how the hell sign is also there)
Now, I'm not absolutely sure about this one, but it's still kind of weird - look at the image on the right (it's from ArtWave 2021 btw) - wouldn't it make more sense to put PinkHair near Dee? Also, Curiously enough, not only is she not close to Dee on this image, but she's also standing next to Ches.
Though this whole thing could be explained by art theory (too many small things in one corner of your drawing isn't great composition wise lol sorry PH) but I still can't quite skip this point
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2. Remember the "MOM" lady? Fun fact, she has the exact same pearl earring that PinkHair has on the screenshot.
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3. I'll put all similarities with her supposed parents in this point: Mother: * She's also pretty uh.. glam? for the lack of a better word? Or feminine in a traditional sense, yeah I think that's a better way to put it. Like colors they prefer to wear for example, and jewelry. Characters like that aren't common in Metal Family * She's gotta be a blonde. I can't imagine her being anything but blonde. If she manages to maintain that hair color as a brunette I'm just straight up assuming her character arc is gonna be killing God because these kind of people are capable of anything. I fear them with every fiber of my being. * I can't say for sure because of the shading, but it seems like they both have gray eyes, and she also has darker skin compared to most MF characters. Though, it's likely that Mom just applied a lot of fake tan Ches: * We know that Ches for sure has darker skin * AND grey eyes * There's also some possible personality similarities but I'm not sure if you can compare a child to a parent they've never really known in this way
That's about it, I suppose, I hope there isn't that many grammar mistakes and logically unfinished parts and whatnot in this post I forgot to edit lol x) I'm not sure how to end this post other than to remind you guys that almost all the points in this posts are inspired by the "тупая теория" highlight on the dee_girl_metalfamilyfan's Instagram page, so go check them out and subscribe, they post Dee x The Quest Girl fanart and and always credit the artists. Without them this post would be much, much shorter.
Thanks for reading this post, please feel free to let me know your thoughts on this post <3
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scuttling · 3 years
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairing: Aaron Hotchner/Latina OFC Sophie Cortes Word Count: 1,077 Tags: 18+, NSFW, Pre-relationship, Loss of virginity stories, Jealousy if you squint Summary: Aaron overhears an interesting conversation on the jet. Collection: Sophie Cortes timeline, 7-12 Months at the BAU (See Masterlist for reading order) Link to AO3 or read below! Sometimes, Hotch’s team can be so impressive, so professional, so formidable, that it makes all the other bullshit—the constant bureaucratic red tape, the endless protocol, dealing with other law enforcement, even his divorce—actually worth it.
Sometimes, they act like a bunch of sixteen year olds, and it’s almost a nightmare.
“Oh come on, I want to know how Miss Emily Prentiss lost her v-card,” JJ says one night when they’re flying home from a case, too wired to sleep. Hotch takes care to pay absolutely no attention to the tales being shared of how the members of his team lost their virginity, because it just seems… wrong.
He is not only their superior, but far older than them at forty-four, and while he’d prefer they weren’t having this conversation at all, the least he can do is do his best to ignore it.
“Ugh. Mine is a long story, and a little unusual,” he hears Cortes say after a couple of minutes; his ears perk up at her voice, and he’d say he’s not sure why, but he’d be lying to himself. She always captures his attention, no matter the setting.
“Sweetheart, nothing about you is usual,” Morgan replies, and it earns a laugh.
“Thanks, I think.” He risks a glance, and she’s shifted forward in her seat, clearly prepared to tell a story. “So three things to remember going into this: I was 19, so I was stupid; I was 19, so I was horny as hell; and, you know—I’m small. So anyway, I was dumb and horny, and when a few of my friends found out I hadn’t had sex yet they acted like it was a huge deal, which we know as adults is not the case. But I said, okay, if it’s such a big deal, then help me have sex. It’s not like I didn’t want to.”
“So why did you need help? I’m sure you were cute as a button,” JJ teases, and Cortes scrunches her face like she’s embarrassed to admit it.
“Because I was stupid, and small, and... afraid of big dicks?” Hotch is glad he’s good at keeping a straight face, but the others don’t bother, laughing out loud and making her shriek. “Hey! It was a very rational fear! You don’t know what’s going on down here, or you’d understand,” she says, gesturing to her pants. “So anyway, they went on a mission to find me someone who would admit to having a small dick, which is fucking impossible on a college campus, because people like to overinflate their egos and proclaim to be gigantic.”
“Sophie, no.” Prentiss frowns, exaggerated, and Cortes nods.
“Yeah, it was so embarrassing. They didn’t name me or anything, but they described me, and it was pretty obvious. Anyway, they did eventually get a taker, a professor; he wasn’t my professor—or not at the time, anyway, but that’s another story.”
“A professor? Naughty girl,” Morgan chides playfully, and Cortes groans.
“Yeah, I know. He was 30, so it should have been weird, but he was really cute and shy and sweet. He took me out to dinner, and then we went back to his place, and… you know. His dick was like training wheels. Now when I sleep with someone I hand out one of his business cards after. ‘Like the sex? Thank Professor Lambert.’” The part about the business cards is clearly a joke, but he can’t believe the rest of the story either.
“I can’t handle you. Afraid of big dicks,” JJ says with a grin. “So was it any good? Did you, you know… feel it?” Cortes raises her eyebrows, smirks a little.
“It was really good. He knew what he was doing with what he had, which is honestly the most important part. And, uh. I figured out what I was doing too,” she says, a little self-conscious; she puts a hand in her hair, one of her tells. “I don’t have a very long list, but he’s easily the best so far. We made it kind of a thing for a couple of months, until he actually became my professor.”
“He could have been a psycho,” Reid chimes in, surprisingly enough, and Cortes laughs.
“So could someone I met on a dating site, or in a coffee shop,” she points out, but Reid makes a face of confusion, wrinkles his nose.
“But he was just… signing up to have sex with a girl he didn’t even know. Out of nowhere. That’s weird.” She leans in to look at him specifically.
“What if there was someone out there who was looking for a guy just like you, in particular, for some reason; you wouldn’t go for it?”
“I think I’d feel a little weird about it.” Hotch tends to agree, but he’s not in the habit of policing what other people do with their bodies, even if he doesn’t like this particular story.
“Well that’s okay, but he didn’t, and I didn’t. And it was mutually beneficial: He’s a little chubby and had confidence issues about it, and I helped him get over it. Apparently having a girl all up on you in every position known to god will do that to a guy.” She leans back in her seat, and Morgan smirks. Hotch makes it a point to unclench his jaw.
“So is he, like, ripped now? Your magic virginity unlocked the key to washboard abs?” She scoffs, shakes her head.
“No, he’s still chubby, he’s just happy with himself as he is. I follow him on Instagram.”
“Do you guys ever meet up?” Prentiss asks with a wiggle of her eyebrows, and although it’s a question part of Hotch doesn’t want to know the answer to, he can’t help being curious.
“No, he’s married now, but I might if he wasn’t. I’m telling you, it was memorable.”
“Okay but the real question is: did you get over your fear, or are you all about that small dick life now?” Morgan asks with a grin. This, of all things, is what makes Cortes blush.
"Let's just say I learned that with a little extra preparation, all things are possible.”
“Okay, okay. You get the award for best loss of virginity story. Can’t top that,” JJ says, and they shift to topics a little more comfortable, but Hotch has lost all focus and can barely make sense of the words in front of him.
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It was all a lie | Part 2
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Possessive Father Shawn Mendes x Male Reader x Boyfriend Tom Holland.
(couldn’t come up with a good title. also why does Tom look sick in the photo I picked?) 
Shawn is 32. You and Tom are 19. 
Warnings: Not that many. slight yandere behavior. 
Summary: your name is M/n Mendes and you are the son of Shawn Mendes. You thought he was like any other dad, but that changed when you turn 13. He began to tell you not to play with your friends and how they didn’t care about you. He began to isolate you so you could depend on him. Now you are 18, and your father’s obsession grew. But what he doesn’t know is that you have a boyfriend and his name is Tom Holland. 
M/n: Male Name
L/n: Last name
Word Count: 2256
Not a Poly-relationship by the way!
Hope you enjoy! sorry if it bad! This was rushed so there is going to be a lot of grammar mistakes!
FLASHBACK (Nine Years ago. When the reader is 10 and Shawn is 23.)
Shawn’s POV
I was walking down the path, the autumn leaves were blowing in the wind, I could hear the dogs barking, probably at a squirrel they saw, and the cheers of kids playing in the playground. 
I always wanted a kid. A perfect kid, but I could never find the right girl. I was walking pasted the playground when I noticed a young boy who looked at least 10 years old. He was playing and I could see his parents watching him. 
I, of course, stopped staring or I’ll alert his parents who were looking around. ‘I want him… I want him to be my kid. But how, I’m going to deal with his parents?’
‘I’ll play a good guy for now.’ I walked over and sat down on the bench where his parents were. They look like nice people and they were. “Hey, there young man.” I heard the lady say. “Hey,” I said waving and giving my iconic smile.
Time skip (30 minutes)
I and the kid’s parents have been talking for at least 30 minutes. They told me all about their kid, how he is smart, and how he is responsible. ‘I knew he would be perfect.’
Then I heard little footsteps coming our way and a little kid’s voice. “Mom, Dad!” the kid said while running over to us panting. “Yes, sweetie?” the mom looked over at her my-- well almost my son, her son. 
“Can we go home--.” the kid stopped mid-sentence when he noticed me. He just stared, giving me that stank eye. I mean I don’t blame him, seeing a stranger talk to your parents, and then they have to introduce you to them. But I decided to talk.
“Hey, there kid! The name is Shawn. Shawn Mendes. Nice to meet you.” I gave my hand out. He hesitantly looked at me before shaking my hand. “My name is M/n. M/n L/n.” it looked like he didn’t want to see me. 
“Ahh, yes sweetie we can go home.” the mom said while walking to her car, the dad and the kid followed. I just watched while they walked away. 
Time skip (3 months)
It’s been 3 months since the last encounter we had. It has been 3 months since I’ve been plotting. And now today is the day I get to have you as my kid. 
I was getting ready. The sun’s rays didn’t peak through my window. I had pictures of the family with x’s on the parent’s faces. My main goal was to have a perfect family, and getting that kid is step one in the process of it becoming reality. I went as far as buying a house for my family 
After putting on my black attire, I grabbed my knife and put it in my pocket. I went downstairs to see boxes with my stuff in them, and they’ll be transported to the new house. I grabbed my car keys off the counter and made my way to my car with black tinted windows. Pulled out of the driveway and took a 2-hour drive 
Time skip (2 hours)
I and mom and dad are having my F/D. My mom’s cooking is the best, sometimes. We were just talking about random things like how I’m doing in school, and you know how your parents say, “Soooo, has anyone caught your eye.” like Mom, I’m only 10… why?
Anyways, we were just eating until we heard a knock on the door. “I’ll go see who is at the door.'' Dad got up and walked to the door. I could hear his footsteps getting closer. I just stared and she stared as we were wondering who was at the door.
Just then we heard something hit the ground, it sounded like a body. Then we heard footsteps coming closer, I could hear my mother come up from the chair and grabbed me. In the kitchen was a man dressed in all black. 
My mother quickly pulled me and we went to the master bedroom. “Sweetie, I need you to stay here. Whatever happens, you don’t come out until I tell you to. Okay?” I was already crying but I nodded. She pushed me into the closet and closed the door but she kissed me on the forehead. “I love you, sweetie.” “I love you too mommy.” tears and snot were coming out. 
I looked through the little slit (is that the right word?) in the door. I could see my mother grab something out of the drawer. It looked like scissors.
Just then the door to the master bedroom busted open. “Ahhhh.” I could see mom trying to fight the man with the scissors. But it didn’t work, he stabbed her in the neck. Mother collapsed in front of the door. I could see the life in her eyes fading away. 
I held my breath trying not to attract the stranger. Then I heard the fire alarm go off. I still try to hold my breath but I hear the man’s footsteps getting closer. Then the door to the closet opened. The man grabbed me, knocking me out. 
M/n POV 
I woke, finding myself in a room that looked like my old room, but the window was boarded up with steel. I got up and went to the door trying to open it. The door was also locked from the outside. I was in complete isolation. 
After an hour or two of looking at the ceiling, the door opened. Shawn walked in. I charged at him but he quickly pulled out a taser and he shocked me with it. “You shouldn’t disobey your dad like that. going into his room where he told time and time not to go in there. But what did you do? You went in there anyways. Now, look where you are now.” Shawn said just looking at me with an unreadable expression. He then pulled something out and put it around my neck. 
“What the hell is this?!” I yelled, touching the metal that wrapped around my neck. “Why, it’s a collar. But not just any collar. This collar cuts your head right off if it detects that you have left the house!” your mouth dropped at this and you looked at him with disgust. 
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” you yelled trying to get it off but it didn’t work. “Nothing is wrong with me. I’m just preventing you from leaving me.” he smiled like nothing was wrong, and then he just walked out. ‘Tom please come save me....’
Meanwhile with Tommy.
Tom POV.
It took an hour before I arrived. I made sure that M/n dad isn’t. Lucky his car wasn’t in the driveway. 
I got out of the car, beginning to walk up the stairs. The floor creaked as I walked giving an eerie vibe. I knocked on the door but I realized it was opened. ‘Weird… why is the door unlocked?!’ 
I walked in calling out. “HEY! M/n I’m here!” my voice echoed as I called out. I expected him to come running down the stairs, but he didn’t. ‘He’s in his room?’
I walked upstairs to go to his room but I noticed his father’s office room door was opened. ‘Weird. Why is it opened? Didn’t he say, he wasn’t allowed to go in there?’ I decided to investigate like how white people do in the movies. (This is not meant to be racist! It's just a joke!) 
I opened the door to see nothing but M/n’s phone on the ground. ‘What the-?’ when I walked to the desk, I saw pictures? It looked like M/n when he was young. Then I saw pictures of two unknown people. The more I look at it, the more these people look like M/n!
I always thought it was weird how M/n looks nothing like his father. I began to put the pieces together. These people were his real parents! I immediately called 911.
“911, what’s your emergency?” the operator said on the other line. 
“Ahh, I would like to report a kidnapping. My boyfriend, he's not here!” I said panicking.
“Alright calm down. What’s your address?” 
“Uhh, the address is [insert random address]” 
“Okay sir, help is on the way. Stay on the line for me.”
“Okay.” I was calming down a little but my anxiety was still soaring through the roof. My only thought was is M/n alright? ‘Don’t worry M/n I’ll find you.’
Time Skip (5 months)
No one POV
It's been 5 months since you were kidnapped by your “father”. 5 months and Tom was urging the police to continue the search. But during those 5 months, you were planning how to escape. 
Of course, you couldn’t escape physically cause the collar would kill you instantly. But you’ve been a “good boy” so Shawn would sometimes let you out. Only on certain days though. Today was Wednesday, the day he would let you out. 
He would leave for work and you have the house to yourself. You went downstairs to see Shawn’s phone sitting on the counter. ‘He left it here?’ you smiled as now you could call Tom, but you gotta hurry before Shawn realizes that he left his phone.
You dialled Tom’s number and the phone was calling him. “Hello, this Tom. who is this?” you felt at peace as you heard his voice after 5 months of being apart. 
“Tom it's me M/n!” I yelled through the phone. “M/n is this really? Oh my god! Are you alright? Where are you?” Tom said frantically as he finally heard your voice. “I’m alright Tommy. I can send you the location. Please send help.” you hung up and sent Tom your location. It turns out that you were only 5 hours away. (Plot purpose.)
You quickly went upstairs to pretend you’ve been there. 
Time skip (5 hours and 58 minutes later)
You heard the door open downstairs. Then footsteps running up the stairs, Shawn busted into your room. “You’ve been a bad boy. Don’t act like I knew what you did,” he said looking into your eyes. 
You began to cry fearing what was going to happen but then you heard it. Police sirens. Then arrived. “This is the police! Come out with your hands up or we will use force!” you could hear him shouting. 
“Shit!” Shawn said under his breath. He went outside into the hallways and opened the window to escape. You just sat there knowing. “This is your final warning!” the door busted open with policemen coming in. They scout the whole house looking for you and Shawn.
You see a policeman come into view and he alerts the others of his finding. You smiled as you were free but the only thing that was holding you back was the collar. You see Tom walk, and he immediately hugged you crying onto your shoulder, you hugged him back. 
“After 5 months, I finally found you! Come let's get you out of here.” Tom said grabbing your arm but you told him to stop. He looked at you wondering why you weren't coming with him. “Tom, I need you to get this collar off of me. If I go out… it will kill me!” Tom went down to get officers. 
He came back to you after 10 minutes. “Don’t worry, they said they’ll get a tech guy to come and get it off,” he said smiling at you. He put his head against your head. Then he pulled you in for a kiss reassuring that it's going to be alright. 
Time skip (7 months later)
It's been 7 months since the incident. They removed the collar after a good 2 hours. You decided you couldn’t live in the US anymore because you feared that Shawn would find you. 
Tom invited you to come to live with him in Britain. You gladly accepted his offer. Your life has returned to normal. 
You were far from the man that killed your parents and kidnapped you. But one day you got a call from the police. You were relieved at what they said. “Shawn Mendes has been found and he is being trialled for his crimes. But since there is a lot of evidence of his crimes, he’ll be found guilty.” 
You told Tom the news and he was glad that man got what he deserved. Even though you were lied to about your life. You wouldn’t let that stop you from living happily. 
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#percy jackson runs on ‘no thoughts head empty’ mode a good 50% of the time just to maintain some semblance of sanity but the other 50%? oh b
My Top Posts in 2021
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Some designs for a new project!
Homewrecker All Might AU (based on cyber-phobia’s AU and inspired by jades2356 fic ‘They Should Have Seen It Coming’!!
It’s a Tsubasa lives AU! And he has more bat-like mutations in this, with his design being based off of a fruit bat!
White Haired Izuku AU, because this is also a DFO universe....
Tsubasa and Bakugou had the fear of god put in them as kids and decided that hey not messing with Midoriya’s dad was probably a good idea and over the years built up a proper friendship between the three of them!!!
183 notes • Posted 2021-04-30 19:46:36 GMT
And here folks we see a perfect example of how to not get tricked by non-entities into suspicious deals
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270 notes • Posted 2021-07-21 18:56:42 GMT
A classic Humans are space orcs or Humans are space Australians theme is being absolutely down to imprint on any friend shaped creature we find and everyone being freaked the fuck out by it.
But like... rightfully so?
An apex predator race living on a death planet sees a death shaped animal and says something along the lines of "it's so cute!" Which you take to be a compliment, only for it to be followed up with "I want to give it scratches all over!"
Bow to you and mean that means tot give it affection. To an Aliens that sounds like we're looking at something cute and immediately proclaiming we want to mutilate it.
324 notes • Posted 2021-08-10 08:59:27 GMT
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Bro what if we both cried and held hands? Ha ha jk.... Unless?
439 notes • Posted 2021-07-29 19:42:17 GMT
Danny Phantom/DC crossover idea where Constantine is an 'old colleague' of the Fenton's from like one odd job they both took at the same time but the Fenton's think he's a quack because he uses magic rather than science.
Like whenever the Fenton kids are dragged to ghost conventions, Constantine is always lurking in the corner just to gather information and stuff but always ends up as the cool uncle who let's the kids bitch about how stupid they think the convention is. They don't really believe in magic until Amity Park starts getting haunted and they just phone him up like "Uncle John? Yeah so there's a portal to hell in the basement."
572 notes • Posted 2021-08-31 10:22:17 GMT
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brian-in-finance · 3 years
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After spending the first four months of the COVID-19 pandemic in Glasgow, Scotland, Caitríona Balfe was wondering when she would ever be able to work again when she received, as she put it, “a gift from the post-lockdown gods.” That gift was a supporting role in Belfast, Kenneth Branagh’s semi-autobiographical love letter to his hometown in Northern Ireland—and it was an offer the Irish actress knew she couldn’t turn down.
“When I read the script for the first time, it was just so beautifully written by Ken,” Balfe tells BAZAAR.com during a video interview from Los Angeles. “I was sobbing by the end of it. I have such a love for the people of Ireland, and I think when you have left, sometimes, it can be quite a complicated relationship you have with your home.”
Inspired by Branagh’s own childhood, Belfast tells the origin story of the Troubles—the deadly, 30-year civil conflict between Catholic nationalists and Protestant loyalists—through the lens of a nine-year-old boy named Buddy (Jude Hill) and his tight-knit, working-class family. Balfe plays Ma, a devoted wife and mother of two who is steadfast in her love for her family and desire to stay in their benevolent Belfast neighborhood despite mounting threats of violence in the late 1960s.
While she was born in Dublin and grew up in Monaghan, both about an hour or two away from Belfast, Balfe has a personal connection to the Troubles: Her father, a police sergeant, was transferred to a small village just south of the Northern Ireland border when she was a young child, and her mother, who has eight siblings, decided to leave her own extended family to join him. The tumult completely uprooted all their lives, and the 42-year-old actress recalls going through British army checkpoints regularly to go to the grocery store or the dentist.
“There’s a lot of my mother in my understanding of Ma,” Balfe says with a smile. “I wanted to honor the amazing Irish women that I know and love, who love very fiercely and are quick to laugh and quick to enjoy life—but also quick to anger.”
Having left Ireland at the age of 18, Balfe says that, while traveling has become a foundational part of her career and everyday life, she understood Branagh’s sense of loss and longing for a place that has dramatically changed in his absence on a personal level. “Traveling is like a rolling stone gathers no moss in some ways. I think I can never go back to the Ireland that I grew up in, because it doesn’t exist anymore,” she explains.
“When I go back to Ireland now, very often, I feel like a tourist. The country has gone through such a change since I left, and that can be a little disconcerting. Ken has spoken about how when he left Belfast, that was sort of the last time he knew for certain who he was,” she continues. “So when I read the script, I understood the sacrifice they were making, and I understood Ma’s fear from the other side of it. She was afraid that she was going to lose so much, and I understood what that loss was, so it resonated really deeply with me.”
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Before beginning the seven-week shoot last September, Balfe found hours of interviews and news reports on YouTube that chronicled the conflict; “So there’s actual footage from those days in Belfast where people are putting up the barricades,” she explains. There’s one striking clip, for instance, in which an exasperated British soldier is walking from one end of the street to the other in an attempt to negotiate between the two sides.
“Pop [played by Ciarán Hinds] says, ‘If there was only one truth, people wouldn’t be blowing themselves up all over the place here.’ And in a way, that’s the tragedy of Northern Ireland,” Balfe says. “I think the tragedy of this story is that what happened on that day sparked something that continued—and continues, in a way, to this day. Once you let that genie out of the box, it’s very hard to put it back in.”
But instead of dwelling on politics or ideologies, which are common plotlines for scripts about Northern Ireland, Balfe acknowledges that Branagh’s script explored the impact of the conflict on everyday life, while also capturing the unique spirit and vitality of Irish people. “We understand pain, and we understand tragedy, and unfortunately, that’s a very universal experience throughout humanity. One thing that we do use to deal with that, I think, is our humor,” she says.
“We laugh in the face of it quite often, and I think that that is something that even if it’s not in your culture, it’s something you would want to be able to do. I think that’s why people sort of enjoy the Irish dark humor,” she continues. “Being Irish, it’s maybe hard to see outside of ourselves. But I just know that … when people ask you where you’re from and you say Ireland, people’s faces generally light up and you get a smile, and that’s a lovely thing to be able to bring around the world with you.”
That humor was ever present on set, at a time when Belfast was one of the first independent productions to begin filming in London under strict coronavirus protocols. In some ways, Balfe jokes, she still can’t believe she got to improv with Judi Dench, who plays her mother-in-law, or dance multiple times with Jamie Dornan, who plays her husband—all under Branagh’s carefully crafted direction.
“Working with Ken was just such a dream,” she says. “He’s the most gentle, patient director, meticulous in his preparation, which is so lovely to be around, because you always know what you’re doing, when you’re doing it. Being that prepared brings a great calm to a set and allows you the freedom to really just focus on your work, which is really beautiful.”
Working with Dench “was just an absolute pleasure and something that I’ll remember for the rest of my life,” Balfe raves. “The thing about Judi is that she is the most open and down-to-earth person, and she’s so honest. There’s not any affectation with her; there’s no ego with her. She just is the most open and present person you’re ever going to meet, and that is true to her performances. … Obviously, I would love to emulate her in any miniscule way.”
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Despite sharing a similar background and career path, Balfe and Dornan did not know each other personally until two years ago, when director Drake Doremus introduced them at the Toronto International Film Festival. As Ma and Pa, Balfe and Dornan play a married couple fighting to stay together, even as external stressors threaten to break up their family. Their love ultimately prevails, culminating in a dance scene where Pa serenades Ma with a heartfelt rendition of Love Affair’s “Everlasting Love.”
“It’s such a beautiful scene; it’s such a joyous moment. It was so necessary for our characters to have that, and that’s what I love the most,” Balfe says. “There is a chance that they wouldn’t make it through, but this song—this gesture from him—really solidifies and reminds her why she loves him so much, which I think is so necessary at that point.”
Choreographer Aletta Collins created two short dance sequences for the film, and Balfe reveals that, due to the time constraints of the project, she and Dornan spent a lot of their lunch breaks and time between takes practicing the steps behind their trailers. “Jamie thinks he has two left feet—he absolutely doesn’t! And as we’ve seen, he’s danced in several films, so he’s totally full of it,” Balfe says, laughing.
The experience of shooting that final sequence, Balfe recalls, felt like a “real party,” because “everyone had been tested, and everyone there was clean and clear,” and “none of us had been around that many people for months and months” due to the pandemic. The scene also sees Buddy basking in the glow of his family’s love, and Balfe says it was that natural authenticity that made Jude Hill—who was just 10 when they shot the film—a joy to work with.
“Jamie and I have said it before: We both feel like proud parents of him,” Balfe says. “He’s a wonder. He may be small in stature, but he’s a giant in spirit. It’s been amazing to see him shine and amazing to see people respond to his performance. The camera loves him. … He’s such an open kid and such a great kid, and he’s really so talented.”
After rising to fame as a time-traveling nurse on the Starz historical drama Outlander and establishing herself as a veritable Oscar contender in Belfast, Balfe is ready to take on a more contemporary project. But for now, she is reveling in her most cherished role to date as a new mother. “It’s changed my life completely. All of a sudden, it’s not my life anymore. It’s his life, and I’m just along for the ride, sort of fielding any trouble from left, right, and center,” Balfe, who gave birth to her first child with husband Tony McGill in August, says with a laugh.
Having worked with Jodie Foster on the crime thriller Money Monster and now Branagh on Belfast, Balfe has been directed by multiple actors who have gone on to become award-winning filmmakers. The experience of working with Branagh, in particular, was a formative one for Balfe, who has expressed an interest in directing in the future but admits that she doesn’t quite understand “the mental gymnastics of directing yourself.”
“I’ve learned so much, watching him as a director, watching his loyalty towards his crew, the respect he has towards his crew,” she says, smiling. “He was very, very generous anytime I wanted to ask him about what he was doing or what he has done and how he set up things. He’s very encouraging, that’s one thing about Ken: ‘You know, you should do it.’ So who knows? Hopefully, I’ll get it together to do that soon.”
Remember… (about being a new mother) it’s changed my life completely. All of a sudden, it’s not my life anymore. It’s his life, and I’m just along for the ride, sort of fielding any trouble from left, right, and centre. — Caitríona Balfe
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deanwasalwaysbi · 3 years
This post from @crookedcryptid suggesting Dean and Castiel were canonically together from Dean's prayer confession on put a big stupid grin on my face, and then I went off and analyzed every episode that came afterward. So here you go?
Castiel’s in about every other episode from that point. And they are actually separated in the majority of the majority of the episodes, but the way they interact is just loving.
Episode by episode analysis under the cut. 
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At The Trap, Dean confesses to Castiel in his prayer how he really feels (but not like that at least not in Chuck's censured version that we see) while Eileen and Sam split up bc of Chuck. It's late revealed that Chuck sent Sam Eileen and Sent Cas & Dean to Purgatory so they'd lose hope. (Cas must have defied Chuck's plan yet again by stopping Dean from voicing his feelings bc that's the only explanation I have to make this make any sense. (x) )
After Dean's confession, the next episode immediately separates Cas & Dean but Dean pines after the domestic life like Garth has with his family, an alternative lifestyle Dean once saw as unacceptably evil. (x)
But then next episode Castiel goes and finds Jack and brings him home. Brings him home to Dean who does this. (See gif above that lives rent free in my mind /\)
He holds Jack’s face just like he did Ben’s.  He looks into Jack’s eyes, one then the other, as if to verify that it’s really him. Then he looks from Jack to Castiel.
This dad moment. This neck hold and look to Castiel that simultaneously says, “you brought my son home to me” but also screams in Jensen’s headcanon that Dean used to look at Jack and see Lucifer but now he looks at him and sees Cas. 
(Tho that shouldn’t be hard since they clearly cast their combined biological child.)
I’m obsessed with it. It haunt my dreams and inhabits my waking brain.
The fact that this is not before ‘The Trap’ but after is so important. They didn’t set it right between them artificially, by Cas bringing Jack home. Instead, they set it right between them and then they got their son back.  Otherwise, it is the last piece of the puzzle to patch their relationship.  Dean was envious of Garth’s family, and suddenly Dean has his back.
In Galaxy Brain Chuck’s screen shows a view of Dean and Cas sitting super closely huddled together at the kitchen table. (x) Is actually from an earlier episode. There’s also the dadliest dadstiel moment ever, with Castiel letting his god killing, resurrected, super powered, three-year-old win at connect four, which was not in the script, but added by Misha and Sp8. (x)  When Sam and Cas disagree on Jack, Cas backs up Jack and Dean supports Cas over Sam.  The husbands share a whiskey while reveling in how they brought Jack up right,  “I knew it, Dean. When I was with Jack’s mother, she… You know, Kelly just had faith that Jack would be good for the world, and I felt it, too. I knew it. And then, when everything went wrong, and God took him from us… I was lost in a way I’ve never been before. Because I knew the story wasn’t over. I knew Jack wasn’t done. And I was right.” (Even if Dean’s a little too excited about using Jack as a weapon.) (Maybe this line explains what's been up with the Hellers these past 6 months yall.)
This is huge, because Dean was destroyed at the end of last season, imo, bc his idea of Jack was destroyed and he felt the need to cut himself off from all thoughts that he could have that family.  (x)
Cas also wordlessly goes into Dean’s backpack in a moment of routine casual intimacy.
Destiny’s Child & Dean calling Cas an idiot for risking his life yet again- not knowing that Cas felt secure in the knowledge that he wouldn't die bc of his deal. Dean was legit scared to lose him again. (oh no my heart). With that extra knowledge Cas had it's exactly the kind of thing Dean would do. Dean's done this exact thing before both when he was, and was not, suicidal. (S13, S6) They get Jack’s soul back, but first the classic “oh no my child has ingested something”.
Last Holiday- No Cas. 😒
Gimme Shelter - Our boys are separated yet again - Castiel talks to Paster Sexy (recast doctor sexy) who says it’s okay to be gay. We get a lot of charming Cas with Jack moments. Something happens in this episode, it happens off-screen and it's something we've basically have never seen in this series. Jack tells Castiel that he expects to die to defeat Chuck and rather than fall into the pattern we've seen every single season, Castiel immediately tells Dean what is going on, immediately tells Dean everything he needs to know to protect Jack.
Drag me Away From You (ugh oh no and they will) - No Cas
Unity - end of the warm wuvy dov. 
Dean lets Jack think he isn’t family.  Sam discovers that if they let Jack kill Chuck that Billie will kill Eileen, anyone from another dimension or resurrected and Dean. Looks. At. Cas. (x) The fear in his eyes. 
By this point Dean is unhinged. He’s back to the beginning of the season when he was afraid that all of this was Chuck’s control rather than a real relationship between them. This should have been an ‘absolution’ moment for Jack, the one Castiel says here that Jack doesn’t need from anyone but himself. The closest we get to confirmation that Cas has learned that lesson himself. (x) Dean was so destroyed after his idea of Jack died that it split up his marriage …  I mean….  Dean already chose Jack’s life once, even after Mary.  Dean is choosing him over using him as a weapon to kill Chuck is huge considering how spun out Dean was by this point.  I’m convinced that without Cas being there Dean would not have stopped, and might have let Jack sacrifice himself, might have shot Sam giving Chuck his ending.
I’m also convinced that Chuck designed The Trap to have Cas die 8 episodes ago. (x) That Dean was never supposed to have this post trap period with him.  So that he would be hopeless just like he was in episode 19.  That was in the version Chuck wrote back in episode 4. Without Cas, Chuck would have gotten his ending. (x) Woof there is a sentence that hurts in 15x20
18 - skipping this winchester main pain for the mo-
So this all got me thinking about Dean’s face after Cas says he loves him, the little choked up headshake, like maybe that’s just verbal confirmation of something he, on some level, already knew. (x)
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I haven’t hit 15 in my rewatch yet and I’m sure I will find new a different things to piss me tf off when I do. 
Morning erybody?
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forsakenoathkeeper · 4 years
I Am Alive (chapter 19/?)
Chapter 19: The Missing Android
Deviant!Connor[RK800] x (fem!)Reader Rated M(18+) for canon-typical violence and gore, medical procedures, and graphic sexual content
Chapters: 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • 19 • more coming soon
You can also read on AO3 & thank you for supporting me ♥
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The Detroit Police Department had yet to make any substantial progress on the murder that occurred at AlphaBio a few weeks back, before another murder case hit their desks.
Connor stepped past the holographic caution tape into the building where their crime scene was located, immediately noticing the smell of blood was heavy in the air. In response, he turned his scent receptors down from standard to low. A body was sprawled out on the floor, cheek pressed into the pool of blood puddled beneath them.
"Nolin Greene," Officer Wilson stated when he saw Connor walk in. "M.E. estimated dead less than six hours."
Connor nodded at him before scanning Greene's body with his optical unit. He was 52 years old, had never been married, and was previously employed at Cyberlife as one of their esteemed programmers.
Even without scanning the man's corpse, it was obvious he had died from multiple gunshot wounds. One prominent bullet hole left a gaping wound in the back of his head, likely just to ensure he was dead, considering he had a few on his torso in addition.
Hank rounded the corner with a sigh. "All the security cameras were offline. Haven't been since pre-rev," he explained, approaching Connor.
He waited until Officer Wilson stepped away to lean into Connor with his arms crossed. "What did they make here?" Hank asked quietly.
"They used to generate code for androids operating systems and protocols," Connor explained smoothly, matching Hank's hushed tone. "All android manufacturing has been put to a halt. He had no reason to be here."
"Good point," Hank said lowly. "Would they have kept anything here?"
"Considering the audits Cyberlife financers are going through, I would imagine this place was-... scrubbed clean, so to speak," Connor replied, briefly glancing around the office space. Judging by the dust pileup and the damage to one of the windows, this place had likely sat abandoned for months.
"You think it's related to AlphaBio?" Hank asked the android. "Chips were stolen from that plant. This facility creates code. That's a dangerous combination," he observed.
Connor gave Hank an agreeing look before eyeing the room again. Officers had brought in crime scene lights to cast out the darkness, and a flashlight was on the floor, labeled as evidence. It was next to Greene's body and had his fingerprints on it, powered off likely due to dead batteries. It didn't require any detective skills to see the power was cut off completely to the building.
"Greene was likely here to meet someone," Connor observed. "Who made the 911 call?"
Officer Wilson walked back in, careful not to step in any of the evidence. "An android apparently," he answered. "The call is saved in the case file."
"I'll pull it up now," Connor stated, using his HUD to pull up the case files remotely. "Would you like to listen, Hank?" he offered, eyes staring blindly ahead as his focus was elsewhere.
"Go for it," Hank said gruffly.
Connor's lips didn't move, but the sounds came from his mouth. Hank had seen him use his vocal processor like a speaker before; but, he never quite got used to it, and still found it very bizarre to see Connor look dead in the face while making noises that weren't his voice.
"911. What's your emergency?" the dispatcher asked.
Officer Wilson, who had never seen Connor do that before, stopped dead in his tracks and stared at the android in shock.
"My friend has been shot. I'm at-" a feminine voice followed. Seeing as she was an android, making the call with her internal processor, no outside noises could be heard, and there was no way to identify what made her suddenly stop talking.
The recorded 911 call continued in silence for a few more seconds before the android disconnected, giving dispatchers just enough time to locate the GPS coordinates from the call.
Connor stopped the recording and turned to Hank, his expressionless face returning to normal. He ignored Officer Wilson's concerned look.
"The android didn't block her GPS coordinates; so, she definitely wanted to be found," he explained to the lieutenant.
"She could have been the killer? Guy used to work at Cyberlife," Hank suggested thoughtfully. "Pissed off android?"
"Possibility," Connor acknowledged, nodding at the older detective. "However, she did identify him as her friend..."
The android trailed off, using his HUD to run a background check on Nolin Greene. "He belongs to no clubs, publicly, anyway, and has been unemployed since Cyberlife closed down. His former boss still has a primary residence in Detroit."
"Think he's worth a visit?" Hank offered more so than asked. "Let's go."
"I can drive," Connor offered, following the older detective as he headed for the exit.
"Fuck no," Hank immediately declared.
"Are you sure you can afford another speeding ticket?" the android challenged, some tease in his tone.
"I'm not gonna get another speeding ticket," Hank retorted fiercely, climbing into the driver's seat. He eyed Connor as the android shimmied into the passenger seat.
"Keep it up and your ass is walking," he threatened in a tone that Connor had grown rather accustomed to. It sounded sincere, but the android could tell the difference.
"Whatever you say, detective," Connor uttered, knowing full well his relaxed tone and stoic expression would irritate the older detective further.
Hank only grumbled in response.
Arthur Torres lived in a nice house in the posh, suburban side of town. He didn't seem at all surprised to find detectives at his door; however, he couldn't seem to bring himself to stop staring at Connor with blatant distrust and fear.
"You were a head programmer at Cyberlife for years," Hank stated, reciting information Connor had filled him in during their ride over. They had decided to let Hank lead with the likelihood that the man would be untrusting of Connor.
That seemed to be a very accurate assumption.
"Yes," Torres acknowledged Hank's statement.
"One of your former subordinates, Colin Greene, was murdered last night."
Torres was a skittish looking individual, and completely failed to maintain composure at the news. His hands were digging into his lap and he was struggling to keep still, fidgeting in his seat. Both the detectives doubted it was concern over Greene's livelihood, or lack of.
"Was it an android?" he asked, confirming their suspicions of his intentions.
Hank decided to ignore that question. "Greene's body was found at one of Cyberlife's office spaces, where programmers worked on their operating systems," the older detective explained. "We were hoping you could tell us why he would be there."
Connor decided to wear a cold look while he stood there, next to the couch where Hank had parked himself. The android was standing with perfect posture, arms crossed elegantly behind his back. It was clear that Torres was afraid of him. If he was being honest, he was taking advantage of that.
"Must have been the office where we worked," Torres offered quietly, trying to avoid Connor's piercing gaze. "I can't imagine why. The place was cleared out months ago. Did you ask Maria?"
Hank's brow lowered slightly. "Who?"
"Maria. She was a KL900 placed at our office. Nolin had reconfigured her so that she could test our codes. After the-" Torres' eyes flickered to Connor with uncertainty. "-revolution, he took her in - let her live with him."
Before Hank could utter another word, Torres continued, suddenly eager to run his mouth. "She had a lot of our incomplete code saved. I warned him it was dangerous to keep her."
The older detective looked down at his cellphone, that had vibrated quietly while Torres yapped. It was a text from Connor, reading, "the voice on the 911 call matches that model."
Hank tucked his phone back into his coat pocket. "What was their relationship like?"
"Well-" Torres began. "I suppose-... She was unique. He had modded her greatly - well beyond her manufactured purpose. I think he saw her as his own creation, in a way."
Again, before Hank could inquire further, Torres started up again. "She's missing, isn't she?"
Connor spoke up this time. "Are you suggesting she is somehow responsible?" His tone was calm, collected, almost polite, even; however, that was likely even more frightening than if he spoke with anger.
"I-" Torres stammered, eyes briefly flickering up to meet Connor's before immediately shifting back to the older detective. It was bizarre to think that this spineless man was once a lead programmer for Cyberlife.
"You can't think of any reason Greene would turn up dead in your old office?" Hank asked, maintaining the good cop persona he had taken up during this discussion.
"I can't think of why he would be there at all," Torres insisted.
"I would advise you offer something substantial," Connor warned, his tone cold and unyielding. "As of right now, you are our number one suspect."
"W-what?" Torres stammered, his panicked eyes falling on the android. "I haven't spoken to him since we were shut down. What motive could I possibly have?"
Connor's brown eyes remained unreadable, cold and robotic. That seemed to make Torres more uncomfortable than expressing valid emotion. "You said it yourself: he had access to incomplete code. Perhaps he knew something you didn't want getting out. So, you shut him up."
Torres' eyes landed on Hank, his gaze silently pleading, as if he expected Hank to stop Connor. Instead, the older detective wore a faint smirk. "He's got a point."
"No! I would never!" Torres defended himself loudly. "Y-you need to leave. I'm calling my lawyer."
"God, I love when those rich assholes lawyer up," Hank groaned as he climbed into his car. "It's like crying to mommy and daddy."
Connor slid into the passenger seat, a sour look on his face. "I pushed too hard. We probably could have gotten more out of him," he said apologetically.
"Nah," Hank retorted gruffly, silencing Connor's regrets. "We got the only useful thing out of him."
Hank pulled out of the street with a little more force than was necessary, mainly because he wanted to cause a fuss in the posh neighborhood. He could see the neighbors poking their heads out, rich and bored with nothing better to do than gossip. Hank's vintage car screamed detective or organized crime, and no in between.
"Let's check Greene's place. Maybe you can find something to help you locate this android," Hank suggested.
Greene's neighborhood wasn't as posh as Torres'; but, it was still nice, a little noisier with families out and about enjoying the weather. The warrant request had already been received and an electronic key had been sent over to Connor. He used the interface on his hand to let them inside.
The detectives walked around carefully, taking turns examining rooms for clues. The place was nicely furnished and impeccably clean. An android definitely lived here. If there was anything Connor could stereotype androids for, it was cleanliness.
There were a few photos hung up on the wall in the living room. The KL900 in the photos was likely Maria. She was an ordinary looking KL900, everything factory issued. Most of the photos were likely her at the Cyberlife programming facility.
There was one photo of just her and Nolin Greene together. She was wearing civilian clothes and her LED was removed. Their smiles suggested the relationship was a good one.
One of the bedrooms could easily be identified as Maria's room. There was no bed, but a desk with a charging station and a computer with an android interfacing tool in place of a mouse and keyboard. A quick scan of the room showed almost no fingerprints, except for a few on the door handle and door frame, which Connor immediately scanned as Nolin Greene's.
Hank was looking over a study that was likely Nolin's. The dark, stained wood desk was enough of a giveaway without all the golf memorabilia decorating the wall behind it. There was a laptop plugged into the charger. He figured CSI would pick it up later.
"Still waiting on that warrant for phone records!?" Hank called out.
Connor called back, "affirmative!"
"Damn," he grumbled to himself. "What's the holdup?"
The two detectives rendezvoused in the kitchen, exchanging disgruntled looks.
"No signs of a struggle," Hank observed.
"It wasn't a robbery. There aren't any fingerprints in the house not belonging to Greene," Connor explained. "The perpetrator left Greene's wallet and keys on his body... It's almost as if Greene was just... in the way."
The android looked away for a moment, staring off blindly as he searched Greene's employee folder again from Cyberlife's records. There was nothing in there about Maria, unsurprisingly. There were thousands of KL900's in circulation; so, there was no point in searching registered android records.
"Ya' thinking Greene wasn't the target?" Hank suggested.
"Assuming Torres wasn't giving us the runaround," Connor added on, setting a pondering gaze on the lieutenant, "Maria could have been the target; but... who would know that an ordinary looking KL900 has Cyberlife codes?"
"Someone who used to work for Cyberlife," Hank answered.
"It leads us back to Torres," Connor said sourly.
"He wasn't the only one that got bit in the ass," the older detective corrected him. "Lot's'a people out'a work. Lot's'a people facing lawsuits... and lot's'a people losing money. Oldest reason in the book."
"We need those phone records," Connor stated fiercely.
"I'm gonna call CSI. Get them on these damn computers," Hank stated, pulling out his cell phone.
"I could-"
After a long day of field work, Hank, Officer Wilson, Officer Miller, and Detective Collins gathered around a food truck a few blocks from the police station. It was already dark out and the street lights were illuminating the cityscape.
Connor decided to join them.
"You wouldn't fucking believe-" Officer Miller explained, an excited look in his eyes. "I thought this son of a bitch was gonna clock me. Connor came jumping over the roadblock and slam-dunked that motherfucker to the ground like this was WWE."
Detective Collins nearly chocked on his drink, doubling over with laughter. Hank was grinning, having witnessed that, and plenty of other amazing feats from the android, firsthand.
Officer Wilson nudged the android's shoulder. "Damn. Where the fuck were you when that crackhead tried to hit me with a baseball bat?" he teased, shoulders trembling with laughter and a wild, bright smile on his face.
Connor looked bashful, a crooked smile forming on his face.
"That's how you fucked up your hand," Hank added on.
"Small price to pay," Connor replied sincerely.
"Wait - was that how you met your lady friend? That nurse?" Officer Wilson asked, eyeing Connor suspiciously. He shifted his eyes to Miller with a grin. "Maybe I should save your dumbass next time and land me a hot nurse."
"You just need to get hurt," Miller replied with a grin, popping his knuckles dramatically. "I can help."
"I'd like to see you try," Wilson retorted. "You get knocked out by little old grandmas."
"That was Lewis," Detective Collins corrected. "But, it was pretty fucking funny."
"She put up quite a fight," Hank jumped in. "Earned that 'resisting arrest' with honors."
The conversation continued for a while, the men talking in-between eating their meals. Connor was mostly quiet, observing, occasionally jumping in when the moment seemed right. He worked with these guys almost every day and had grown to know them well; still, he found himself struggling to adjust to this - to fitting in.
When it was nearing eight o'clock, the android decided to dismiss himself.
"I'm gonna call it a night," he proclaimed, removing his elbows from the table. He had taken to using more common phrases around his coworkers, and this in particular was one of his favorites.
"Already? You don't sleep," Miller protested casually.
"He needs to get home so he can rearrange his girlfriend's guts," Wilson teased.
Miller and Collins broke out in laughter and Hank rolled his eyes, despite his faint smirk.
Connor stood there staring at them blankly, sincerely confused for a moment. Surely, that sort of thing would kill you. At the very least, it would cause severe damage that would require a surgeon. Why would he want to do such a thing?
A quick internet search, however, showed him that it was slang for rough sex.
He couldn't quite tell, but Connor was certain a faint blush had appeared on his cheeks. He spent 1.61 seconds internally debating if he should deny it or tease back.
At one point in the past, he might have taken this behavior as negative; however, he had grown to recognize banter as common between humans. The impersonality of it was how bonds were formed. Besides, he could easily recognize their teasing was unharmful. If anything, they were treating him like just another human, and that was more preferable.
"Maybe," he said lowly, the corner of his lip curling up slightly.
Connor's eyes reflected a mischievous glance at them briefly before he retreated. As he walked away, he heard the officers hollering obnoxiously at him, an echoing "ooohhh" as if he had declared something profound.
Before he was out of earshot, he could hear Hank grumpily, albeit fondly, telling them to "shut the fuck up".
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passable-talent · 4 years
ya boi is back with a new niche character played by hayden christensen for yall to enjoy.
CW: blood, wounds, cursing, piercings, tattoos, guns, fighting, deaths of unnamed characters
AJ x gn!reader - Takers (2010). the stupid hat grew on me.
dedicated as always to @haydens-moles and @iscariot-rising for being my friends and for appreciating hayden as much as I do
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The story of your life, as you loved to explain it, boiled down to a little math joke. Excited five, you called it, or it’s official terminology- five factorial. Written as “5!”, hence the awful pun.
“Factorials,” you’d say, “for those that don’t remember, are a multiplication of every number up to the one that’s being discussed. As such, five factorial is five, times four, times three, times two, times one.”
Your life, your excited five, was as follows: five major scars, four tattoos, three piercings, two eyebrow slits.
“The one is usually ignored,” you’d say, “as it makes no multiplicative difference. That’s why I don’t have a ‘one’.”
In August, 2009, you got your ‘one’. Its a doozy. But we’re not there yet.
Five major scars.
December 25, 1983. It’s your first Christmas. Your parents think you’re just being a cranky infant, but something way more serious is going on- they find out the next day that you’ve got RSV, a respiratory virus that’s especially dangerous for infants. You spend the next three years periodically using a ventilator whenever the coughing acts up. You don’t remember much of it, other than the vaguely crayon-looking piece of the machine, but you can’t forget that it happened, due to the pretty white scar over the bridge of your nose. It’s not such a gnarly wound as it is a reminder- not of the ventilator that wore through your skin thanks to frequent use, but of the virus that almost took your life only a few months after it had begun.
July 28, 1993. You’re seven years old, staying at your grandmother’s house with your cousin, who’s six months older than you. You’re playing cops and robbers- he’s the cop. The forest streaks by as you run the length of the property, slightly faster than him, but he catches you and throws you down. You land on your back on a jagged rock, not only painfully impacting your spine but digging deeply into your muscles beside it. It was the first hospital visit you remember, and the dark, long scar halfway between your tailbone and your shoulders reminds you never to fall without controlling it.
January 15, 1998. You’re in sophomore year of high school, and not the most popular. You like to play by the rules, and some asshole junior decides that he doesn’t like the way you won’t let him cheat off of your trigonometry homework, and decides that a knife is the best way to settle the problem. Those homework answers weren’t worth the long white line over all four of the knuckles of your left hand, but it is a pretty little reminder that lowlifes do what they want. And law enforcement, or whatever your school called the ‘anti-bullying league’, does jack shit about it.
October 30, 2002. You’re almost done with your certification to become a cop- thank god. You couldn’t stand the people who were to become your graduate class. They were so ready to become cops just to bully people, just to get to weild an iron fist and hide their bloodlust behind the law. Not you- you’re here to do some real good. That’s what they don’t like about you. And that’s why Fred Young splits open your cheek when just he’s supposed to be practicing his sparring. It’s an ugly scar, needed six stitches, but it’s a reminder that even the cops aren’t always the good guys.
May 14, 2004. You’re a new cop, working under detective Wells. There’s a robbery of a jewelry store a few blocks from where you’re patrolling, and as you’re making your way to the scene, a man in a fedora runs smack into you, taking you both to the ground. Broken glass digs into your shoulder, but he apologizes, and his blue eyes look so genuine. He’s afraid. You’d not realize until a month later that he wasn’t a scared bystander, but in fact one of the thieves. The fifth of your scars matches your first meeting with AJ- who would, by the end of the summer, become one of the most important people in your life.
Four tattoos.
August 4, 1999- Left wrist, inside knob of the bone. The little symbol had represented something to you when you were sixteen, but it had long lost whatever meaning you’d given it. Now, it was just a pattern to pass your thumb over whenever you got restless.
February 16, 2002- The cap of the right shoulder. It was your bunk number, from when you were training to be a cop. Nothing extravagant, but it was supposed to represent the beginning of the rest of your life- it was supposed to represent your calling.
June 1, 2004- Left arm, the outside of the forearm. Bleeding from your first tattoo was a new one, the largest one on your body. It was geometrical and high contrast, black lines loosely following your veins up toward your elbow, as though that left hand was bringing darkness into your body. It did- you shot with your left hand.
July 17, 2004- Right collarbone. A single, circular monogram, made up of six letters.
T A K E R S.
Three piercings.
April 7, 1989. Your father took you to get your ears pierced, but insisted upon arrival that it was too expensive to get both done, so you only got your left. The assymetrical style would have to grow on you- at six years old, you hated it.
May 19, 2003. You couldn’t have piercings at the academy, they were unprofessional, they were dangerous. So the night of graduation, you went out and got a hole punched into your nostril- the pain made tears well up, but more than anything, it was the satisfaction of giving a pretty little ‘fuck you’ to your superiors, who you’d never see again.
July 18, 2006. AJ takes you to a fancy beauty salon for an eyebrow bar after hearing maybe once that you’d wanted another piercing. You knew you were in love with him- who else in your life had ever paid such close attention to you?
Two eyebrow slits.
June 23, 2004. You leave the police force. You tell Wells that it’s because you’re pissed you can’t find the guys that robbed the jewelry store, but that’s not even close to the truth. You’ve found them- hell, you got a good look at one of them on the very day of the robbery. But you’ve done the looking, and didn’t have the heart to bring them in. They had families. They donated ten percent of every heist to a charity. They did more for the community than the police you worked for, and they did it clean- they didn’t hurt anybody, if they didn’t have to. They did what you’d hoped to do, when you joined the force. What you’d never gotten to do. Eyebrow slits were considered extremely unprofessional, so the moment you were free of your two week notice, you split open your right eyebrow. It would give a good balance to the bar piercing you hoped to put through your left someday.
March 4, 2007. You’re cleaning up your slit when AJ walks into the room and stands behind you so that you can see him through the mirror. You keep your eyes on the trimmer you’re so delicately running over your skin, but when he opens up a little felt box with a pretty ring inside, you whirl around with such panic that you make the slit approximately half an inch wider than it should’ve been. Lilli helped you fill in the gap for the engagement photos, but you decided to keep a second slit on the other end of the unfortunate shave- a little reminder of the evening in which he proposed to you.
“The one is usually ignored,” you’d say, “as it makes no multiplicative difference. That’s why I don’t have a ‘one’.”
On August 27, 2009, you got your ‘one’.
You’d been out of the game for two years, choosing not to take a cut of the winnings. You’d advise, you’d plan, you’d set up, but you did not want to be on site when the heist went down. The boys had it taken care of, and you butted heads with Jesse far too often for anyone’s comfort.
You especially couldn’t work on this project, thanks to a little fucker named Ghost- he didn’t trust you, as a member of the Takers he’d never met, and you didn’t trust him, as a criminal you’d never grown to respect.
You knew that most of them didn’t trust Ghost either, but everything he brought forward checked out- AJ must’ve mumbled the plan thirty times in his sleep in the five days from its suggestion to its fruition. There were no holes. Knowing Gordon and John, they had some ‘insurance’ for Ghost, anyway. In case it went wrong.
Still, you stayed at the Hotel Roosevelt through it all. You were their sitter, keeping the hotel room warm and ready for their arrival. They arrived back one by one- and like usual, AJ got there first. He, Gordon, and John were usually the first to get out, but he always made it back to the room first, because that way he could get some time with you. That way, he could have a private reunion, fresh off of a job.
“Hey, baby,” he said as he closed the door, and you waited for him to turn his eyes to you before you gave him a smile. He threw down his bag onto one of the chairs, and it landed with a heavy thump, but you’d long grown used to the sound of the score. However much he pulled, good for him. You were just happy to slip your arms around his neck and feel him kiss the scar on your cheekbone before sliding his lips to yours.
He always kissed different right after a job- before the boys had all gotten back, before the total was counted. He had a confidence to his movement, but there was fear, insecurity, just a tinge. He wasn’t just a taker, he was a man, who had worries and risks just like every other man.
You were out of the game for a few reasons. They had it taken care of. You butted heads with Jesse. You didn’t trust Ghost. But you knew that you were AJ’s biggest fear- you knew that if you got hurt on a job, he’d never forgive himself.
So he kissed you, he held you close, he reminded himself that you were here, you were fine. His long fingers seems to take up half your back, and his hair was already in his face, as though you’d tugged it there yourself.
With just one more pass of your lips over his, you pulled away.
“How’d it go?” You asked with a soft voice, rolling your first finger through the curls at the back of his neck.
“Could’ve gone better,” he said with a chuckle, “but we got it done.” You heard a knock at the door, and Gordon was the next arrival- then John, then Jake, then Ghost. Jesse came last, and with him, a whole host of new problems.
A bullet splintered the door and caught AJ somewhere under the ribcage. Everyone hit the floor, diving behind couches, and you popped your head up long enough to see AJ launch over the kitchen island. The room shattered into gunfire and feathers from expensive pillows, glass shards littering the ground like raindrops. It all moved so fast, and the air exploded into noise. You could barely track AJ through it all, he was so far away, all the way across the room. And you wanted to keep your eye straight down the barrel of your gun.
“AJ!” Jesse called from beside you, hidden behind a brown leather couch, “You okay?” You looked around the side of it, and saw him ten feet from you, the longest ten feet of your life, behind the kitchen island. He was struggling, on his hands and knees.
“Get up,” you snarled, knowing he’d already taken a hit.
“Out the back!” John ordered from the doorway behind you, and you started to realize the moment, the dangerous, heavy moment. AJ was all the way across the room- he couldn’t cross it. Not with these mobsters holding ground.
“Let’s go!” Gordon shouted, and your eyes connected with AJ’s. He saw the same thing you did.
“Go,” he said, voice calm, and it cut through the chaos of the room, cut through every hardened lesson ever pounded into you, cut through every wall you’d ever built around you, around your heart. “I’m coming.”
AJ was a good liar. But he couldn’t lie to you.
“No,” you growled through gritted teeth, and you made a rash decision.
You’d always been good at gymnastics. You had strong control over the movement of your body, and had, ever since you’d learned from your cousin throwing you down onto that stone that split open your back. You could move and slink and roll and dive in ways that would keep you not only from falling, but even from being noticed.
Using the chaos as your cover, you did a tight diving roll across the room to him, slipping between shelters unscathed. This brought you just a bit closer to the mobsters, but further from the back door exit that Gordon had been trying to guide you toward. You’d chose AJ over your safety any day- the surprise and the fear in his eyes said that he wished you wouldn’t.
Making sure you had enough ammo, you considered your final move- this didn’t end until these mobsters did. There were five of them left, after all this commotion: four in the room, one in the hall. You couldn’t take all five, not with their guns being so much more than yours, but you could take out a few. You could shift attention, you could buy time.
And hopefully, you could stay breathing, too. That’d be nice.
“Stay down,” you hissed, leaving AJ behind the island where he’d be forgotten about, or assumed dead. Then, you rounded the corner and rolled to the feet of the closest mobster. As you came out of the roll you caught his legs in yours, wrenching them from under him and taking him to the ground with one of the first moves you’d learned in basic training. He hit the wall hard, and was unconscious by the time he landed- the same could not be said for his friends.
From your right, you could see Gordon, still firing, still hopeful for your and AJ’s escape. Your shoulders were above the couch, so you knew he saw as you turned your weapon to the second mobster before he could turn to you, and stopped his heart.
Your commotion had caught the attention of the other three who still remained. You whirled around and raised your gun to one of them, but they managed it first.
Gordon had to swallow back his horror as he saw a bullet enter the front of your side profile, and blood explode from the back. He took out the mobster who still had his attention on you- but your shoulders smacked to the ground outside of his view, and he closed the door.
Luckily, their aim was spotty. You now had a useless left arm, but you were still breathing. Not that you’d let the one remaining mobster notice that.
You and AJ played dead, only a few feet from each other, but the kitchen island becoming a thicker wall than any you’d ever been split by. As you stared blankly at the ceiling, taking shallow breaths hidden by the folds of your shirt, you hoped he didn’t think you were dead. You hoped he wasn’t bleeding out.
After what felt like agonizingly long minutes, the shooting finally stopped, and the door opened again. Gordon was the first to enter the room, and rounded the couch to you, grief in his eyes, expecting the worst.
But you could give him a smile.
“Surprise,” you groaned, and he lit up in relief, helping you sit up with your good arm.
“Look at you, playing dirty,” he said with a laugh, “I thought you were gone for sure.”
“AJ,” you heard Jake say from across the room, and finally AJ could sit up from where you’d forced him down. The two of you had both bled straight through your shirts, but there wasn’t any time for sweet reunions- everyone had to get out, and fast.
AJ left his car wherever it was. John gave the two of you a ride to the airstrip where Gordon was going to disappear for a while, and on the way you and AJ attempted to give each other first aid until the personnel on the plane could take care of it.
Eventually, you leaned against his left, and he against your right, your wounds still stinging and sticky with blood, but manageable, for as long as they needed to be.
The night didn’t get any easier, but that didn’t matter- you were home free, they’d managed the job, and Ghost was out of the picture, and neither of you were going to die.
And someday, when you felt brave enough to recount your near-death, near-loss, near-jailed experience, you’d say:
Five major scars, four tattoos, three piercings, two eyebrow slits. And one gun shot wound.
-🦌 Roe
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