blissfali · 2 years
cdream breaking down all of ctommys defiant “walls” in exile with the show of putting his items in the hole. yes, it was about keeping him weak. yes, it was about stripping him of any physical power, but it was also about stripping him of any mental power that he used to have. ctommys mouth is literally his best weapon even though he prefers swords, because, well, he doesnt talk people into a corner like cwilbur does, but he sure does annoy the ever-loving fuck out of them and doesnt shut up or stay quiet. ctommy is very defiant and he doesnt bend to people. he is literally a silly band do you know what i am talkign about? you can pull and tug the bands in any direction but at the end of the day, they always return back to the same shape, and thats how tommy was until exile essentially. meticulously is not the word i would use for what cdream was doing each day, but he definitely did like. achieve what he wanted, you know? he beat ctommy down until he stopped fighting back with his words. every time tommy gave in to dream and dropped his items, that was basically his autonomy being taken from him, thats one of the things that literally cracked a plate over the head of his decision making, down and down until suddenly he was apologizing for not giving dream his armor in a timely manner. 
as tommy's exile went on, he went from defiant to feeling as if he was "gifting" cdream by letting him blow up his armor. at the start, he said no, he sweared, he did not want to do at all. the second time he was hesitant, he said no, and went on with it after being threatened. each time, he let his guard down more and more. dream asked him to ignite the tnt and while ctommy was hesitant, he ended up doing it. tommy THANKED dream for gifting him armor after blowing up his own hard earned armor. he blew up the gift slippers phil gave to tommy with no remorse. tommy went on genuinely beleiving he was doing dream good by giving him his armor and tools. when dream never asked for his armor at the beginning of his exile beach party stream, he APOLOGIZED to dream and gave him his armor, and thanked dream for letting him keep it. cdream conditioned him to feel as though giving up his physical protection was a gift and in turn ctommy lost his own mental protection. does this make sense
none of this is new obviously I just wanted to talk abt this cause it’s been on my mind since i literally first watched exile !  
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tired-biscuit · 5 months
BUSCUIT!! the way you write yuuji…i’m gonna implode. if you have any more thoughts i am literally all ears 🧏🏽‍♀️
i sure do!
i think that if you fuck and he cums and you don’t, he doesn’t act insecure about it and leaves you hanging, but rather moves between your legs to finger you until you reach climax like the good boyfriend he is.
so it’s just him hovering over you, still sweaty and flushed in the face from your previous endeavors, intently studying your features for every reaction and looking at you with pure, endless love as he moves his fingers in and out of you at the pace that suits you most.
the cum that he’s spilled inside you earlier dribbles down his fingers and makes you glisten between your legs; it lets the circles that he gently rubs into your clit — after getting some help of finding it from you — run easier and stimulates you even further.
you’re both panting even if only you are on the receiving end this time. to be completely honest, you’re not even all that surprised by it, and that’s because you’re aware that pleasuring you pleasures him just the same. after all, he’s just so giving by nature. he’ll always try his best to make you feel good and to match the level of satisfaction that you bring him with your own actions in bed.
and it’s not like the entire thing doesn’t make him feel good as well. you reach out and wrap your arms around his neck and dig your fingers into his hair so that you can pull him close enough to kiss him, and he feels like he’s on cloud nine. the way your nails drag across his scalp and down the nape of his neck makes him want to shiver, it feels so fucking good.
he picks up his pace as your tongue glides over his front teeth, watches you arch your back when he pulls away slightly and a thin string of saliva breaks the contact between your mouths. his girl is so pretty, he thinks. full of his cum, fucking herself on his fingers, clinging onto him like your life depends on it because maybe it does — you love him that much, that’s for sure.
heat rises inside your tummy, it spills throughout your body and makes you close your eyes from how overwhelming it all is; all that love and stimulation he’s giving you. he’s there, talking you through it with a gentle, “there we go” and “you’re so pretty, you know that?” until your heart feels like it’ll burst from the genuine affection. christ, your pussy is so sticky; how on earth does he turn you on so much?
you eventually moan his name out when you finally break down, this content sigh of bliss accompanied with amazing, warm pleasure that sucks the air right out of your lungs, and he feels blood rushing south again at the sound, feels a new wave of arousal hazing his already fickle mind as you tug on his hair, grabbing firm fistfuls. it all brings his blood to a simmer once more.
so here he is, ready to go again, and here you are; mere putty in his hands because he’s so goddamn generous.
will either of you ever catch a break?
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oifaaa · 1 year
Can't believe people have cognitive thoughts after seeing across the spiderverse all my brains been able to do for the last hour is buzz with various intervals of oh my fucking god that movie!!!
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 2 months
i really, really feel like we don’t talk enough about the columbiahalle performance of standing next to me
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kimaisalloren · 10 months
This song please I couldn’t stop LISTENING to it till I drew this I spent my WHOLE WEEKEND ON THIS!!!!! I’m going INSANE??? Please I did this for you tumblr bcuz the Saiki k fandom ten times better here
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wondering about Frank and insects but specifically about how it looks like the WH insects are highly stylized, so does Frank even know anything about real butteflies/insects?
& if he saw a real one, would he recognize it? are all of the species names he applies to the WH bugs real, or are they all made up like "Vibrant Eyespot" or "Fluttering Heartwing"?
and then there's the question - does the neighborhood have some of the more 'undesirable' bugs like moths, worms, roaches, spiders? does it have bugs outside of the generic groups of beetles and butterflies? like are there mantids? leafbugs? dragonflies? weevils? or are those too specific/complex/not-cute for the Playfellow Workshop to have included?
and then there's the question of what are the bugs? props? puppets? are they alive or do the neighbors just perceive them as such? Do they even exist outside of art, storybooks, and animated segments? I highly doubt they're alive like the neighbors are, since in the gif of Frank's head spinning, the framed butterflies' wings are moving. which is kind of horrifying if you think about it for more than a second.
just... the critters Frank loves so so so much being a complete fabrication... every piece of knowledge he prides himself on / delights in knowing being utterly Untrue... oof
#by not-cute i mean that most bugs dont sell well as marketable plushies#cute butterflies? round adorable beetles? those fit right in with a vibrant puppet-y world#so it'd make sense if those are the only two bug groups that exist#along with like. caterpillars of course. i can also see bees being a probable candidate for Existing In The World#AGHHHHH THIS HAS BEEN EATING AT ME FOR DAYS NOW#been questioning how the neighbors' consciousness and awareness manifests as well#might make a different post on that since this one has a Topic and id like to Stay On It for once#well. its related. but that deserves its own Pondering#welcome home speculation#i dont know what else to tag this as!#absolutely unprompted#ALSO ALSO are there any animals outside of insects?#does the neighborhood have birdsong but no birds? if one listens real hard to it will they notice it looping?#do they have squirrels? critters in general? is that why wally doesnt know what a rat is? he'd have no reason to.#in his world they simply don't exist.#anyway but i wonder how frank would react to seeing a real butterfly (& insects in general)#the WH ones are gigantic in comparison and overly-colorful and friendly & cutesy#wouldnt it be painful if he was scared of them. if they look too alien. would it be the spongebob butterfly episode all over again#many many thoughts tonight....#but also....#what if he tried to frame a real one. expecting it to be Fine and Alive when he pins it bc they always have been#theyve always been perfectly happy fluttering in their frames#but a real one would fucking die. so. yikes#traumatic core memory unlocked! frank frankly has discovered Death
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slashingdisneypasta · 11 months
Flirty!MultiVillains x Clueless!Reader || Excerpts / Reactions
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Plot: The friendzone is a many splendored thing... not. (You friendzone them) Includes: Candy Pop, Dark Link, Inkubus, Long John Silver, and Oogie Boogie. Warnings: Sexual references!! Derogatory and degrading statements!! These are mostly from the villain’s point of view. Feminine pet names used (Especially in Silver's. He consistently uses 'lass'). Oh also Inkubus may have some sinister intentions... but they are not disclosed and honestly what do we expect. Unedited as of yet. Tagging: @asperol-with-izzy , @disney-android-foundation , @lady-love88 , @marinerainbow , @masqueradeball , @miss_understood , @moxiiscool , @ryantryan6969 , @spookiifi , @thecourtofgraywaves , @yesthetrashbin , and @your-mxnd-is-mxne . Hi all! ^^ Please head the warnings, its meant to be comedic, but Candy Pop and Dark both make some very gross comments 😅 Hope y'all enjoy and have a great day ^^
Candy Pop:
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You walk away quickly after that, giving him that sweet kiss on the cheek and saying he’s such a lovely friend to you, and he wonders for a split second whether that was on purpose. “-Excuse me?!?” Surely you know that he wants his hand down your pants? “Hooooold on hold on hold on- “ You can’t be this dumb. Surely! Almost immediately Candy Pop whips around and follows you right down the hall- quickly catching up to you and skipping ahead, walking backwards in front of you, making you smile. “Love! Love, love- what was that last part??”
“I’m glad to have you, Pop.” You grin back, giggling at the befuddled look on his face. It does not clear up.
“Uhuh… as??... “He prompts you carefully, waiving his hand in a ‘go on’ sort of gesture.
“A friend! A wonderful friend.”  
“… hah, sorry, again? I just can’t wrap my head around those words. Must be our language barrier.”
Adorably confused, you tilt your little idiot head at him; Eyebrows knitted together. Oh god, he thinks. Are you not joking after all? “Candy Pop, you’re English.”
… Right… okay- “Yes, well, English used to be quite different in my time, right??” Yeah, that’ll do for an excuse. Sure. “Anyway- again?? You love me… as??”
Sighing, you stop walking and reach out to put a hand on his arm; Making him stop, too, and guiding him towards you. Theirs a gentle, concerned look on your face and your touch makes him feel weak, makes the skin under your fingers light on fire, and he just wants to shove you against the wall and taste you under his tongue. All over. But- “Candy Pop. Whatever you’re thinking… stop.” Holy shit you’re not joking!! You’re truly a dumbass!! What is he going to do!?? He wants to shove his tongue in your asshole, so this- he can’t- this won’t- this is just not going to work!?? “You are lovely- to me, at least.” You give a giggle, and its enchanting, you’re enchanting, but he has never wanted to squeeze you more then right now. Even with your pretty hand on his arm and your pretty eyes on him and your pretty voice in his ears. “and I do love you. Believe it, bud.”
Then you give him another soft, maddening kiss on his painted cheek, and leave again. This time he does not follow. This time he’s too gobsmacked.
Slowly he brings a hand up to his mouth, chewing on his nails and staring at the floor… oh my this is a disaster.
Dark Link:
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“Mmm, y’know Y/N,” As the movie begins the play, after you’ve opened your jumbo bag of doritos and settled down beside Dark on his bed, he takes the opportunity to throw an arm over you. He’s close, now, just like he likes it, and he can see you stuff your face with artificial cheese in detail, sure, but eh- you’re a cute pig. You pull it off. Good on you. “This is a pretty freaky flick… if you get scared, be free to get cozy with me… BEN’s not gonna be here, tonight.”
At least he better not; Dark paid the little weasel handsomely in Hostess cakes and threatened his little man if he did show up. Tonight is the night Dark makes his damn move on you. A real move. One you won’t be able to write off a joke or just friendly. You’re obtuse, but you’ll get it this time. He’s sure.
… because honestly if you don’t, he’s going to lose what’s left of his ever-loving mind. He may have to fuck BEN, or Jeff, if you don’t get it this time. Any dank, warm hole will do but he hopes it’ll be yours. He’s going insane using his hand and wishing it was you. This trying to fuck you thing, has been an ordeal. He’s actually exhausted. You’re dumb as a box of rocks and he wants to feel you so bad. It’s killing him.
You’re killing him.
“Oh,” You pop a dorito in your mouth, looking at him with those pretty (clueless) eyes. “Where’s he gonna be?”
“Don’t know, don’t care. Anyway- “
“That’s a shame.”
“Yeah whatever. So like I was saying- “
“Are you sure he’s not coming around?? I’ll wait- “
“New conversation babe. Stay with me. I just want- “
“I have a bit of a crush on him… “You confess then, awkwardly, a nervous look on your face- but also relieved, like you’ve been wanting so badly to tell him this for a while.
… And Dark sputters, losing his entire train of thought entirely and just staring at you; Under his arm, looking adorable and shy, picking at one of the corners of your dorito bag and telling him… what!? The sound of blood curdling screams erupt from the horror movie then, which is fitting. “… C- Uh, c- come again please?”
You look bashful, before groaning and hiding your face in your hands. Dark follows your face with his eyes, not moving because he’s in shock. “You couldn’t tell?? Aghhh, I feel like I act like a total loony tune around him.”
“… Nope, baby, I couldn’t tell… “
“Oh you’re just saying that!”
“No, babydoll, I promise I am not.” … I guess I’m fucking Jeff tonight then. Goddamnit.
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… He feels like he’s being filmed. Leaning back suddenly, Inkubus brushes a few leaf’s from your annoying pot plant aside and glances behind it. Camera crew?? Secret hidden videographers?? Hello??
He looks swiftly back to you, and you’re still gushing! And yes, you are gushing, right now. To him. That is how he would describe it because that is the correct word. You’re positively glowing, right now, and you certainly don’t notice how disorientated he has gotten- almost feeling dizzy, of all the pathetic human ailments, because this has never happened before, things have never gone this horribly wrong-  
“- oh sorry!! I’m talking too much, aren’t I??” Inkubus watches you tuck hair nervously behind your ear, as innocent as ever, and barely restrains the urge to roll his eyes- or snarl. You’re still completely what he wants, still clean and pure and perfect for his needs. Just your scent puts a sweet taste on his tongue. He can’t… he has to have you. “You don’t want to hear about this… hahah… “
He absolutely can’t believe it. … what are you? If you’re human, which he’s sure that you are, then you shouldn’t be immune to his charm’s. You should be physically compelled. And even if he wasn’t using his powers, you still shouldn’t be able to resist him. He has had a long time to perfect his act, and women - as well men, and everyone else, anyone he wants, - usually fall at his feet. It’s just… the way that it is! Si... What- What- What!?-
But you’re completely in love with someone else. That’s clear.
… But he wants you.
… Taking a deep breath in and rolling his shoulders gracefully, almost totally inconspicuously, forcing himself to calm down, Inkubus pastes a smile onto his face. “No,” He shrugs. “I don’t mind at all- tell me more.” Eugh. “Maybe we can come up with a solution together, hm? Be free to tell me everything… “
It’s been a few centuries since he has played the long game… but here we go~
Ugh… quaint. Truly.  
Long John Silver:
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... Just shoot me. Put me out of my misery, please. Morphie, pal-
The little traitor just jiggles and bubbles in the air behind the lass's head, silently laughing his bleeding backside off after the mortifying kick in the pants that Silver just received from you. Silver glares at the creature, but quickly smoothens his face back out again when you look back at him.
Agh... just keep smilin'. Jussttt keep smilin'... dont be a sore git about this... it was worth a shot at least, it was.
"Y'know lass," Silver finally manages to speak, hating what he has to say. "I didn't know y'had a lad, back home... Y'never mentioned 'im, before now. Promse ya, I wouldnta asked-... well, I cant say that. Lets just say I wouldnt've come on quite so strong, eh? If I'd known." He gives a playful wink, brushing off the awkward moment for your sake. Its not yer fault you aint got room in your life for an old pirate like him!
"Oh, hah. Didnt I?"
No, ya sure didn't. He'd've remembered. "Nope, but that's okay lass... I'm just gonna be a splash heartbroke, now. Probably cry meself to sleep fer a couple nights..." He jokes, rubbing the skin over his heart and watching you cover your face, in sweet sheepishness. Oh, you're cute. Very cute. Whoever's got ya is one lucky bastard. "... But I'll get over it, promise ya."
"Ohhhh," Bashful and sweet as all hell, you peak out from your hand and look all-guilty up at him. Damn, you are a lovely thing you are. "I'm so sorry... "
"Don't even think on it, love. Now- "Clearing his throat, Silver picks up the huge, heavy stew pot in his two strong hands. "lets get the grub out there for those men, unless we want a mutiny on our hands."
Oogie Boogie:
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"Wha- Friend!???" Oogie immediately throws his body dramatically backwards, hearing that; A hand to his chest. "You see me as a friend!???"
"Well... "Nodding your head, all-wholesome (Blegh), you confirm his suspicion, making the bugs in his stomach absolutely roll. "Yeah, Boogie!- "
"Friend!???" If he had a heart, he would seize it. My god, wasn't he clear?? What does a guy haveta do around here to get some pretty little tail??? The hell is this 'friend' crap!?
"Yes, Boogie!"
"How doya figure that!?"
"Well... " Now you're starting to look kind of hurt. You?? You hurt??? He's the one who's hurtin' now, doll!! What the heck is goin' on here??? "I- I- I mean, I thought so- "
"Pumpkin! I do like ya- but I don't think ya get what's happenin', here!" When you just tilt your head to the side, like a damn puppy dog (Disgustingly sweet), Oogie facepalms. Satan gimmie strength! "... do I have to be painfully clear with you, sweetbean??~~ "
"... Hm?"
"Oh- " Huff "fine." Suddenly Oogie slips in close to you again, curling an arm sneakily around your waist and yanking you against his front. A dirty old smirk tears across his face as he leans into yours. "... this'll be fun, anyway~ Hehehe... Hold on tight to me gorgeous, we're goin for a ride~ And its all or nothin', so keep ya wits aboutcha okay doll?"
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lovelyheartclover · 4 months
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cervideity · 9 months
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theyre like, soooo whateverr. you could do SO much better-!
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artsy-n-smartsy · 1 month
I LOVE that it's canon that Scout likes to draw, I love it I love it so much. Dang it I wish there were more instances of him drawing and doodling.
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chaoticlad · 4 months
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Nervously twiddling fingers as we speak (Really hope I cooked actual good food for once 😅)
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fleshdyke · 9 months
me when my university level course is university level
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 4 months
trying to be normal about the fact i’m seeing miles for the first time tomorrow but in actual fact the inside of my brain is just doing this:
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halfa-failure · 7 months
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Why does Danny look like a stiff wet cat
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hecksupremechips · 1 year
Details that make me FERAL
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helmarok · 1 month
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i'm always thinking about this line
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