#like April is smart and when she knows she can’t handle something she finds a way around it
oddly-casual · 1 year
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I love her with all my heart and soul but genuinely what was she thinking trying to walk into an isolated space where a thief stole her scooter and she was just gonna???ask for it back???
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octolingkiera · 10 months
this is a part of @sariphantom's Rise August prompts
check out the fic on ao3 to get the full experience!!
Prompt: Day 5: Mayhem
April O’Neil is usually a cool, unflappable person. She confronts the weird and dangerous head on with a smile on her face and a laugh in her voice. She meets any challenge she’s given with determination and enough guts to power a small city. She’s confident and smart and resourceful.
She’s the girl with the plan, after all.
Right now though? She’s panicking.
Mayhem, her beloved friend slash pet slash companion, has gone missing.
Words: 3,627
April O’Neil is usually a cool, unflappable person. She confronts the weird and dangerous head on with a smile on her face and a laugh in her voice. She meets any challenge she’s given with determination and enough guts to power a small city. She’s confident and smart and resourceful.
She’s the girl with the plan, after all.
Right now though? She’s panicking.
Mayhem, her beloved friend slash pet slash companion, has gone missing. Normally, it’s not unusual for him to wander off for a day or two, only to come back totally fine, acting as if nothing happened. He’s a big cat-dog-thingy, an independent Yōkai that April feels privileged to have living by her side, and she trusts him to know how to handle himself in most situations.
But he’s been gone so much longer than usual this time, and she’s really worried something might’ve happened him.
It’s been about two weeks since the whole Shredder incident, and April really wishes life would chill out for just, like, a minute please. They’ve all barely recovered from that whole thing and now there’s this to deal with? Why can’t the universe just be cool for once?
She’s at her wit’s end here, and unfortunately, she’s about to make it someone else’s problem. Four someone elses, actually. As much as she would love to spend all her time looking, she’s still in school and her parents are getting on her case about how much she’s missed recently. She can’t afford to skip any more classes, and even with Sunita’s help with homework and class notes, she’s in danger of falling behind, which is an absolute no-go.
So, April needs to bring in the big guns.
On Sunday afternoon, after spending the last two days searching high and low for her beloved little buddy, she makes her way to the lair, for their weekly end-of-weekend dinner. April has a harder time visiting the boys during the week, due to school and, in more recent years, all of the part-time jobs she’s had and subsequently lost, so several years ago, Mikey came up with a solution to make sure they always got to spend at least a few hours together every week: Sunday night dinners.
These dinners were the perfect solution, as it gave April some last-minute little brother time before she had to go spend her weekdays in classes with her fellow humans, and it was a nice, consistent, scheduled event that all of them could look forward to every week, one that allowed some flexibility for time and location. Sometimes their dinners are homecooked, with specific dishes tailored to their family’s vast tastes dietary needs, but other times they order enough takeout to feed a small army. And if an evening meal absolutely can’t be done, they make up for it with breakfast or lunch.
No one really cares what or when they eat, so long as they’re together.
Usually, these dinners are fun, light, and full of banter and good cheer, but April knows her news will drag down the mood. She hates to do this to them, but she’s getting desperate. With every day that passes, the more she feels like Mayhem has gotten into some trouble he can’t find his way out of.
April does her best to keep her spirits up throughout dinner, but from the looks that Leo and Mikey are giving her over their pizza, she must not be as good at pretending as she thought she was. She waits until everyone’s finished eating and the empty boxes are stacked beside the trash to turn to her boys, fold her hands on the table, and tell them, “Hey guys… I need some help.”
Leo and Mikey nod, having clearly expected this, and Raph looks at her, eyes wide and confused. Donnie arches a brow at her, but doesn’t look up from his phone. “What’cha need, Apes?” Mikey asks, tapping his palms on the table to a beat only he could hear.
She sighs and slumps over. “Mayhem’s missing,” she says, getting straight to the point. The boys all straighten up, giving her their full attention. Before they can say anything, she says, all in one breath, “He wanders off all the time, and usually I’m okay with it, because he always comes back, and y’know, he can teleport, but it’s been almost two weeks, and I can’t find him, and he’s usually back by now so I’m worried that something’s happened to him.” She bites her lip and rounds her eyes, sending the turtles a pleading look. “So I need your help.”
Raph and Mikey are already nodding, having started before she finished speaking, and she can practically see the gears of Leo’s clever mind turning behind his narrowed eyes as he absorbs her words. Donnie is already typing into his gauntlet, brow furrowed as he thinks. “Two weeks…” Leo mumbles, gaze distant. ���So since we beat the Shredder?”
April blinks and everyone turns to look at Leo, realization blooming across their faces. “Oh man, I didn’t even consider…” April frowns. “Do you think that has anything to do with him being missing?”
“I dunno,” Leo says with a shrug, leaning back in a nonchalant pose that doesn’t fool her for a second. “Maybe, maybe not. He is a Yōkai after all, and you know him best.”
Donnie flaps a hand to grab their attention, eyes trained on his gauntlet. “Everyone shut up. It’s my turn now.” He purses his lips as he scans whatever he’s looking at. “Okay, so I looked over the security cameras in the area around April’s apartment, and from the looks of things, Mayhem left the building at approximately 9:47 in the morning the Tuesday after the Shredder incident, ducked into the nearest alley, and promptly teleported away. My scans aren’t picking up any sign of him returning to this point since he left.”
“Do you think he might’ve gone back to the Hidden City?” Mikey suggests, looking between all of them as if looking for support.
“Maybe,” April allows, crossing her arms. “I haven’t looked there. I didn’t think it was a good idea for me to there alone.”
“We would’ve gone with you,” Raph says, eyes big. “All you have to do is ask.”
“Thanks big guy,” April says, smiling up at him. “That’s sorta why I’m bringing this up. I can’t keep looking for him because of school, so I was wondering if you guys would look around for me.”
“Absolutely!” Mikey chirps.
“Say no more,” Leo says, waving a hand.
“What do you think I’m doing?” Donnie asks, gesturing at this wrist tech.
“The Mad Dogz are on the case,” Raph tells her reaching across the table. April give him her hands and he cradles them between his own. “We’ll help you find him, don’t worry.”
April gives them all a grateful smile. “Thanks, guys. I really appreciate this. I’m really worried about him.”
“Don’t worry, April, I’m sure he’s fine!” Mikey says with a big smile, sliding around the table to wrap her in a tight hug. “I’m sure it won’t take us long to find him!”
Famous last words. Mikey shouldn’t have said them. Really, he regrets that they ever even crossed his mind, and a tiny, petty part of him is mad that his brothers didn’t stop him from saying them. Is that unrealistic? Yes, absolutely, but Mikey is willing to play the blame hot potato game.
They’re split into two teams for now, and by luck of the draw, Mikey’s paired with Leo to check around the Hidden City for any clues while Raph and Donnie are searching around New York in any places April might’ve missed. They’ve been looking for hours, only to find a whole lot of nothing.
At least Mikey’s getting the chance to explore the Hidden City. Not a total loss. Leo seems to be enjoying that part of it too, even if he seems to know his way around a bit better than Mikey. He can’t help but wonder why that is, but it’s not important; he can ask later.
Too bad all this searching is mind-numbingly boring.
They’re taking a break in an alley when Leo groans and slumps against the wall. “This sucks. We don’t even know where the little guy is, and we don’t know our way around. How are we supposed to find anything?”
“Everything here is so confusing,” Mikey whines, crouched against the opposite wall.
The Hidden City is nothing like New York. None of the buildings have any sort of uniformity in either shape or size, the streets are meandering and wide, and there’s Yōkai milling about in every way possible. On one hand, that makes it way harder to stealth here than topside, but on the other hand, no one looks at them twice for their appearances, too busy to care and too used to weirder shit.
It’s undeniably cool, but it also means their normal methods of getting places quickly by running across rooftops isn’t an option.
“You think Donnie and Raph are having any better luck?” Leo asks, scanning the crowds milling about. They’re at some kind of outdoor market, and if Mikey wasn’t on a mission, he’d be clamoring to check it out.
“I dunno,” Mikey replies, sighing. “I doubt it.”
“How are we supposed to find a guy that can teleport?” Leo grumbles, crossing his arms. “This seemed like it’d be a lot easier when we agreed to help.”
Mikey doesn’t want to agree, but he does. Of course they want to help April, and of course they want to find the little guy, but Leo has a point; Mayhem can teleport. Who’s to say none of them are just barely missing him? Mikey’s not sure of the range of Mayhem’s powers, but Leo and Raph told him and Donnie about their little adventure saving April’s school from Hypno and how Mayhem teleported them there straight from the lair, so it has to be pretty far.
If there is a limit. If there’s not, then they may be running around like idiots for no reason.
“C’mon,” Mikey says, rocking to his feet with a yawn and a stretch. “We might as well keep going. Even if we don’t find Mayhem, we might see something interesting anyway.”
“True.” Leo pushes off the wall and gives himself a shake, bouncing on his feet for a second. He inhales deep and huffs it out quick, looking much more energized and lively. He flashes Mikey a megawatt smile and steps over to hook an arm around his shoulder. “Let’s get moving then!”
God Leo is so cool. Too bad Mikey can never tell him that.
Raph is starting to think that maybe they’ve gotten ahead of themselves this time.
“See anything yet, Donnie?” Raph calls up to his younger brother. Donnie is flying a good thirty some feet overhead, using his hovershell to get an aerial view of the rooftops and alleyways while Raph checks any nooks and crannies from below.
The system is working as well as it can, considering they’ve found nothing. Not even a clue.
“Nope!” Donnie’s voice is tight with frustration, like he’s talking through gritted teeth. “Not a thing.”
Raph grimaces. He was afraid of that. He sighs and scans the rooftops again, then tilts his head up to look at the sky. It’s never truly dark in New York, what with all the buildings and people and billboards, but even through all the light, he can tell the sun is starting to poke over the horizon, which means it’s time to pack it in for the night.
“We need to start heading home,” Raph says, waving Donnie closer. Once Donnie’s feet are planted on solid ground, Raph tells him, “Can you get in touch with Mikey and Leo? Tell ‘em we’re goin’ back.”
“Sure,” Donnie says, pulling out his phone and typing quickly. Raph feels his own phone buzz in his pocket once, then again a moment later, then a third time. “Leo wants to know if they should keep looking.”
“Have they found anything?”
Donnie sends out another message, buzz, and gets a reply quickly, buzz. “Seems they’ve had as much luck as us.”
Raph frowns and crosses his arms, thinking. They’ve been looking around everywhere they can think of—and everywhere April suggested—just about all night, and they’re no closer to finding Mayhem now than April got after several days of searching. Maybe they need to adjust their strategy? Or they need to ask around instead of just looking themselves. Who knows where the little guy could have gotten off to.
“Raph?” Donnie prods, raising a brow at him. He shakes his phone slightly when Raph looks over at him, a silent question.
With a sigh, Raph shakes his head. “Tell ‘em to meet us at home. We need a new plan.”
When he and Donnie get back to the lair, April is waiting for them, pacing a line back and forth through the projector room, backpack sitting in Splinter’s chair. She looks up when they come in, eyes hopeful, and asks, “Did you find him?”
Raph grimaces. “Uh, not exactly.”
April slumps with a groan. “Dang.” She bites her lip and crosses her arms. “What about the others?”
Before either Raph or Donnie can answer, there’s a bright flash as a blue portal opens up a few feet away and Leo and Mikey step out, looking just as worn out as the rest of them. Mikey spots April first, and bounces over to her with a grin and a hug. “Hi April! Sorry, we didn’t find anything. The Hidden City is really confusing and big.”
Leo muffles a yawn and nods. “Yeah, we looked around as best we could, but we had no idea where he could be, so we just hit up a few places and hoped for the best.”
“Well, thanks anyway, guys. It really means a lot to me,” April says, reaching over to tug Leo into their hug, Mikey still clinging to her front.
“I wish we could be more help,” Leo says, squishing close. “Turns out, being the portal guy does not, in fact, help you find little guys that can teleport.”
April chuckles and rubs his head as if ruffling hair he doesn’t have. “Well, duh. But thanks for trying anyway.”
Donnie clears his throat to pull everyone’s attention, then says, “So for tomorrow’s search, I was thinking we could search different areas. Branch out more topside, and scour the less populated areas of the Hidden City.”
Raph nods, crossing his arms and furrowing his brow as he thinks it over. “Sounds like a plan. A’ight Mad Dogz, let’s get some rest. We have another busy night tomorrow, so we need the energy to stay alert.”
Leo heaves a heavy sigh and nudges April with his head, then pulls away and begins the process of extracting Mikey. Mikey whines but complies easily enough, hanging limply in Leo’s arms like a stuffed animal. “Night April,” the two chorus as Leo takes them out of the room.
Donnie frowns at his gauntlet, clearly distracted, as Raph leans in to exchange hugs and goodbyes with April. She slots right into his arms, as easy as ever, and sighs against his plastron. “Thanks again, big guy,” she murmurs, tapping her fingers against him.
“Any time,” Raph replies, rubbing his chin on the top of her head. As he starts to pull away, there’s a static ringing buzz and a flash of blue-white, and Mayhem materializes in the air above April.
Unfortunately for Raph, he’s also directly under the little Yōkai.
Mayhem screeches as he lands on Raph, flailing and scratching without abandon as Raph yelps and tries to move the little guy way from his face. His claws are still as needle-sharp as they were the last time he attacked Raph, and he sure isn’t lacking in the energy department.
The noise draws Leo and Mikey back into the room, the two of them poking their heads around the doorway with matching expressions of alarm. “What’s going on?” Leo demands.
“We left for like ten seconds!” Mikey adds.
April calls out a cheerful greeting and holds her arms out for Mayhem to leap into. Raph sighs in relief as Mayhem jumps away from him and curls up in April’s arms, making his strange chittering noise. He looks perfectly content with his lot in life, as if he hasn’t caused almost a fortnight’s worth of worry and a handful of shallow, stinging injuries.
“Mayhem’s back,” Donnie says, entirely unnecessarily.
“Aww, there you are! I missed you so much!” April cries, burying her face in his neck. “Please don’t disappear like that again.”
“Ohmigosh!” Mikey gasps and points at something on Mayhem’s side as he steps back into the room. “He’s hurt…”
April pulls away to give Mayhem a thorough examination, brushing her fingers through his yellow fur. “Oh no… What happened?”
Mayhem whines and his large ears lay flat. He twists in April’s arms to give a better view of the wound, then chitters again, high pitched and pained. It looks like some kind of burn or scrape, the fur worn away in a line down his side as if he was hurt while moving past something.
Raph coos in sympathy, despite his own injuries, and Mikey hisses and scrunches up his nose, clenching his hands in and out of fists. “That looks like it hurts,” Raph says, just a step above his baby voice. He’s learned his lesson about using it on the Yōkai.
Leo sweeps forward then, portable first aid kit held in one hand as he uses the other to shoo Raph and Mikey out of the way. “Don’t worry, I’ll do what I can. I dunno about wrapping it, but we can disinfect it at least.” Leo gives Mayhem one of those practiced smiles he thinks is super charming but accidentally comes across as a little condescending. “You’re a smart little dude. You’ll let me know if I’m doing something wrong, won’t you?”
Mayhem nods as April moves to sit in Splinter’s chair. She holds him steady and comfortably as Leo crouches in front of them and pops the kit open, pulling out some bottles and tubes. Raph places a hand on Mikey’s shoulder as he watches his little brother play doctor—vet?—on their friend’s little buddy, and he’s entirely unprepared when Leo turns to hand him a little square packet. “For the scratches,” he says, with another grin. This one looks better on him, Raph thinks. More real.
Raph sends him a smile of his own and opens the packet to find a damp antiseptic wipe. Before he can do more than pull it out of the foil, Mikey snatches it from him and crooks a finger at Raph, beckoning him closer. “Thanks, big man,” Raph says, leaning down to Mikey’s level. As Mikey begins swiping over the various scratches, Raph watches Leo and Donnie out of the corner of his eye as they work together to wind a bandage around Mayhem.
Once all the injuries are taken care of, and the first aid materials are packed away, April sighs and moves to stand. “As much as I would love to stay, I still have school today, so I gotta get going.” She looks down at Mayhem and asks him, “Are you gonna be able to get home on your own?”
Mayhem gives her a big nod, ears bobbing, then vanishes in a flash of blue sparkles.
Once he’s gone, Leo slumps with a big yawn. “Well, that’s a relief. I dunno about you guys, but I’m beat. And since Mayhem’s okay and we don’t have to go looking for him anymore, I’m not setting an alarm.” He throws up a peace sign as he leaves, calling out, “Have a good day, April,” as he goes.
Donnie mutters something to himself as he shakes his head. “He left the first aid kit,” he says, looking down at where it’s sitting on the floor. “Dum-dum.” He steps up to April and gives her a quick hug, then grabs the kit and turns to leave himself. “If anyone needs me—please don’t—I’ll be in my lab. I need to brainstorm some solutions to some problems.”
“Nerd!” April shouts after him.
“Dork!” comes the reply.
“I’m so glad Mayhem’s okay,” Mikey says around a yawn. “I was worried about the little guy.”
“Me too,” April says, scooping up her backpack. “I wonder where he went that got him hurt like that. It wasn’t all that bad, and it obviously didn’t stop him from moving around, but what was he doing all this time?”
Raph shrugs, and picks up Mikey, cradling him in one arm. “I dunno. I wish we could understand him.”
“It’s too bad we don’t really have anyone we can ask about this Yōkai and mystic stuff,” April says. “Maybe then we wouldn’t be running around like idiots.”
Mikey sighs and slumps into Raph. “Leo asks Hueso stuff sometimes, but I dunno if the guy actually likes us or just puts up with us because Leo’s annoyingly persistent. Plus, like, we’re always bugging him at his job. It feels kinda rude sometimes to just barge in and ask him for help.”
“And Pops sure won’t tell us anything,” Raph grumbles, only a little put out.
“Oh well. I’m sure it’ll all work out eventually.” April smiles at them both and pulls them in for another hug. “Now, I really gotta go! See y’all later!” With that, she runs out, waving over her shoulder.
“Mayhem sure is living up to his name, huh?” Mikey asks.
Raph laughs. “He sure is.”
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whoacanada · 3 years
(Hey, look! That Zimbits AU where Jack goes into PR after retiring from the NHL and NHL!Bitty comes looking for advice about coming out!)
“Your ten-o-clock, remember?” April gestures to the conference room with her pen. “The cutie the Hurricanes coughed up for Pride Night outreach? He’s here.”
Jack tugs down the blinds with a cautious finger and zeroes in on the handsome blonde sitting awkwardly at one end of their large conference table, conspicuously alone. “There’s always suits for outreach talks,” Jack hazards, looking back at his receptionist over his shoulder. “They never send players alone.”
“It’s what we’ve got on the books. Eric Bittle, Carolina Hurricanes. No plus ones.” April whispers, checking her calendar. “Well? Get in there, Boss; and buckle up, he’s got an accent.”
Eric Bittle looks up, his dark brown eyes wide and unfairly attractive as Jack extends his hand, Bittle rising to take it. Everything about Bittle is polished and perfected; suit tailored, hair coiffed so neatly Jack would posit he’d gone in to have it trimmed before he’d arrived this morning. He’s pulled together so tightly, in fact, that Jack can’t find any loose threads, and if he remembers his time in The Show correctly, no loose threads means Mr. Bittle’s probably hiding something.
“Eric? I’m Jack Zimmermann. It’s great to meet you.”
“Oh, I know who you are,” Bittle chuckles, and Jack’s heart would skip a beat if he wasn’t so certain there’s a huge piece of context still missing from this meeting. “It’s still very nice to meet you in person.”
“So, tell me about Pride Night,” Jack pops the button on his suit jacket and settles down across the table. “What, exactly are the ‘Canes thinking about doing that involves you coming to see us?”
Bittle bites his lip briefly, gaze darting off before coming back to settle on Jack, and Jack is reminded of so many media training sessions it’s like he’s back in Vegas again.
“I may have, ah, fudged the reason for my visit a bit. Yes, we have Pride Night coming up, yes I’m the designated sacrifice, but I’m more here on personal business.”
Jack eases the tip of his pen from the legal pad, recognizing an off-the-record admission is coming. “How personal?” He questions. “Are we talking potential legal trouble or just potential social trouble? Or no trouble at all.”
“I’m gay.” Bittle says plainly. “Whatever trouble that may be. My team knows it, my family knows it, and I want to come out — I need to come out — and I can’t mess it up.”
Jack is grateful for his game face, reaching for the coffee carafe near him to couch his surprise and no small measure of his excitement. “Oh, you mean like I did?” Jack jokes, earning a soft smile.
“No active player has come out since you retired,” Eric skirts Jack’s comment, taking the mug before gingerly amending, “Not voluntarily, at least. I’d like to break that streak. Given your experience, and what you do now, it seemed like the smart move to come speak with you.”
“Well, I’ll be the first to admit my behavior didn’t lend itself to much confidence with the public at large, but that’s why I’m where I am today. Making sure people like you can learn from my mistakes.”
“And you made a lot of mistakes,” Bittle murmurs, taking the mug from Jack gingerly, glances back out the window as he takes a sip, and Jack fights a smile when he realizes what’s happening.
“Are you . . . chirping me?”
“Makes me less nervous,” Bittle admits, apologetic. “But that was rude, I’m sorry.”
Bittle’s eyes are bright. His smile is bright. Everything about him is warm, inviting. Jack might be biased, though, he’s always had a soft spot for compact blondes.
“Don’t apologize.” Jack leans back in his chair, feeling lighter than he has in weeks. “You might be the only one in the whole league right now that doesn’t need to apologize.”
“I think I need to have a partner,” Eric clears his throat. “I can’t come out without a reason, otherwise what’s the point.”
“That answers one of my first questions, gives us a place to start. Yes, a boyfriend gets you points, but not in the way you’re thinking. If you come out with a guy on your arm, the story becomes maintaining the relationship, not that you have one or that you are ‘out’ at all. The scandal is the relationship falling apart, or you flirting with a fan when you have your partner at home, that kind of drama.”
“And if I just say, ‘hello, I am a homosexual’ people will think I’m promiscuous, or just trying to get laid.”
“Maybe. Are you?”
Bittle’s expression turns indignant, lips twisting into a judgmental frown that reminds Jack of his grandmother before a scolding.
“What kind of question is that? Yes, of course, but they don’t need to know that. But that doesn’t — You know, you gave me hope?”
Jack doesn’t quite startle, he’s well beyond the jumpyness of his youth, but he has no clue where this conversation is about to go.
“When you came out, when you were drafted, your cup season . . . every time you succeeded, beat the odds, it made me think, maybe, I could do it, too. I could be a professional athlete, I could play hockey, and it didn’t matter who I wanted to be with.”
Jack knows there’s a ‘but’ coming, he can feel it; so he gets there first.
“But . . . then I overdosed.”
“Then you retired.” Eric corrects. “Two years before I signed with Carolina, and you just gave up. I was going to be the first out NCAA men’s hockey captain, you ‘retired’ in scandal, and suddenly the trustees didn’t want the attention. Back to square one.”
“Eric, I wasn’t well.” Jack defends gently, knowing Bittle isn’t trying to be cruel.
“You let them get to you! You were supposed to be untouchable. I needed you to be untouchable.”
“I’m sorry,” Bittle looks down at his hands, the table, anywhere but Jack. “I genuinely didn’t intend for any of this to come up so quickly, you’ve been nothing but charming and here I am dumping all my baggage on you like we’ve been talking for years . . . ”
“It’s actually alright. I’ve made peace with what happened to me, what I put myself through, and I wasn’t kidding that I’m very intent on making sure I can help others avoid the same pitfalls. So, what do you need from me right now?” Jack asks, genuinely curious. “An apology? A hug? You wouldn’t be the first to ask.”
“I want . . .” Bittle huffs, closing his eyes and evening his breathing. “I want dinner.”
“I’m sorry?”
“I’ve loved the idea of you since I was sixteen, but now I actually need your advice on how to do this without losing my mind, and I can’t plan my future from a boardroom, so, I want you to take me to dinner. I want to hash this out like two normal, well functioning adult men. Also, maybe alcohol.”
“Speak for yourself on the well-functioning part,” Jack chirps himself, “but I think dinner can be arranged. I assure you, you’ll have my full support moving forward. The firm’s, as well.”
Bittle’s lips quirk, holding Jack’s gaze. He caught the slip, and now there’s nothing to do but own it. They lapse into a gentle silence. Jack sipping his coffee, Bittle doing the same. Jack isn’t sure what he���s waiting for, the puck is at the end of his stick. He flashes a smile. Bittle blushes.
“So,” Jack begins. “Do you like Burmese?”
They part ways and April’s eyes are huge with suspicion. “Should we discuss fees?” she asks. “Do we need to start billing? Sounds like it went well.”
“Nah, we’ll talk later about payment,” Jack replies, folding his jacket over his arm, hiding the slip of paper with Bittle’s personal number and trying not to stare as the forward walks away. “I have a strong feeling I might be handling this pro bono.”
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forever-rogue · 3 years
could you do a blurb in fatws where bucky and the reader have feelings for each other and zemo is trying to flirt with the reader?
Warnings: use of pet name [bunny], mention of toys, references to sex, possessive!Bucky, language, minors dni
A/N: Yuh, I would love to have Bucky and Zemo fight over me so here we are 😇
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You looked at Bucky’s back, biting your lip as you contemplated your next actions. You know what Zemo was trying to do; his half-masked attempts at flirting were not exactly subtle. And for some reason...you weren’t totally abhorred by the thought of Helmut Zemo making a move on you. He was handsome, that was easy to see, and it had been a while since you’ve had...anyone. Quite frankly your hand and toys weren’t cutting it anymore.
It wasn’t like you could wait for Bucky for forever. At some point you’d have to accept that either he didn’t feel the same way or he just wasn’t ever going to make a move. Over the past year your little back and forth with him continued to grow but it never amounted to anything besides a lingering touch here and there or longing looks thrown in the other’s direction when you thought they weren’t looking, and very flirtatious banter. But still...you could make a move on your own, but you were too stubborn - just like him.
Maybe Zemo wasn’t a bad choice after all. He’d been more friendly lately, making his desire for you known to everyone. In some ways it was a little bold and exhilarating; to have someone be this brazen in their desire for you. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t warmed up to the possibility of having him.
“Tell me,” you accepted the drink he slid across the island at you, leaning over on your elbows so he could see down the front of your loose shirt. It wasn’t a subtle move, but at this point it didn’t matter, “when’s the last time you’ve been with anyone, Baron?”
Zemo almost looked startled by your question - almost. He kept his cool and took a long drag of his drink, finishing it off and setting it back down on the cool granite. The corners of his lips pulled into a wolfish smile as he studied you for a moment. You put on your best poker face as you tried not to let any of the cracks show, “it has been a while. Why little bunny? What’s got you so interested?”
“You look like you know how to touch a woman,” you threw back the rest of your drink, hoping it would work like liquid courage. Despite not being particularly loud, you could sense that Bucky heard you across the apartment, seeing his head turn slightly from the corner of your eye. This was a dangerous game indeed, and yet you were thrilled with it, “like you know just how to give me what I need.”
“Have you ever been with a man?” he asked suddenly as a tingle spread throughout your body. He took a step closer, slowly making his way over to you, “or have they all been boys?”
“Umm,” you were speechless as he leaned over and put his hand on your face, slowly stroking his thumb over your cheek. Your lips parted as you looked at him like a deer in headlights. He was close enough to where you could smell his aftershave and count every little freckle. He really was handsome, “n-no.”
“Are you scared little bunny?” he leaned in so his lips were just shy of yours and part of you was screaming to close the gap and kiss him, “you weren’t so shy before. Or are you afraid that you can’t handle it?”
“I-I can handle it,” you gasped as he ghosted his fingers along your jaw and down the column of your throat before lightly putting his whole hand around your throat. He was squeezing ever so slightly, but it was just enough to dizzy you and leave you wanting more, “please.”
While the two of you stared at each other, it was like the world had stopped existing and Bucky wasn’t in the adjacent room. He’d overheard every word, seen every little moment, attempting to compose himself, but it was getting harder with each passing second. You were his, not Zemo’s.
“You have such a smart little mouth,” he said slowly as he licked his lips, “I wonder if you’re able to put it to good use for something other than talking back. Are you going to let me-”
“Get your hands off of her,” the voice was cold as ice as the two of froze and slowly turned to find Bucky standing there, nothing but anger in his eyes. You swallowed the lump in your throat as Zemo removed his hand from your throat and crossed his arms over his chest, “she’s mine.”
“I wasn’t aware she belonged to anyone,” the two men stared at each other intently as you weren’t sure what to do, “I think the little bunny is free to do whatever she wants. Tell James what you want.”
“I…” you stared at the floor for a moment, studying your feet while you felt the two men studying you intently, “I...dunno.”
“Come on little bunny.”
“Umm…” you slowly looked up and then found your eyes wandering over to Bucky. He met yours with a steely gaze that caused a shiver to run down your spine and a tingling in your lower belly, “James.”
Zemo tuttled lightly, a small sound of disappointment as he looked between the two of you. He took a step back and nodded; the Baron was a lot of things, but he wasn’t about to impose or force himself on anyone. As soon as his name had left your lips, you seemed surprised that you’d said anything, a warm flush creeping into your neck and cheeks.
“And so she has made her choice,” Zemo said as he poured himself another drink, unfazed by the whole situation, “if you should ever choose to come to a different conclusion little bunny, do let me know.”
Without another word, he nodded at the two of you before clutching his drink and walking out of the kitchen, humming quietly under his breath. It was almost dead silent as he retreated and closed the door to his bedroom, leaving the two of you to stare silently at each other. Bucky’s gaze was unwavering and intense, and you felt as though you were slowly coming undone in front of him. When the silent became too great, you cleared your throat, ready to scramble away to your own quarters.
“Just where do you think you’re going?” Bucky reached out and grabbed your arm in gentle, but firm grip, effectively stopping you in your tracks. You swallowed thickly as you turned to look back at him with nervous eyes. When you didn’t say anything, he raised an eyebrow, “I asked you a question: where do you think you’re going?”
“I…” you trailed off as you watched him look at you with hungry, dark eyes, pupils completely blown with lust, “just leaving.”
“I’m not done with you yet,” he practically growled as you left all of that go directly to your already aching cunt, “I meant what I said - you’re mine.”
“I thought you didn’t feel the same,” you were looking at much with such surprised innocence that it was a miracle Bucky didn’t take you then and there, “you never-”
“Guess I jus’ needed that asshole to remind me of how much you mean to me,” he released his grasp on your arm and gently reached up to touch your face. After all this time - you’d never been reading the signs incorrectly at all, “just the idea of him touching you disgusts me.”
“What are you going to do about it then, Buck?” you gripped his wrist and pulled his hand away, a challenging look on your face as you tilted your head to the side, “so far you’ve been all talk.”
Maybe the alcohol was suddenly working as a confidence boost. Normally you would have shied away or let him take full control but today you were feeling...confident. The fact that two grown men had all but fought over you didn’t hurt either.
“You want this?” he licked his lips as his eyes instinctively fell to yours. Of course you wanted this; you’d practically been throwing yourself at him for the last year. You nodded slightly and his smile just grew, stretching from ear to ear, “you better be real sure sweetheart. I won’t be gentle and I won’t be nice. You are mine in every way and you will do what I say. Understood?”
Your jaw was clutched in his hand and his grip was practically bruising. Your whole body was burning with lust and desire, wanting him to use you and mark you up as his, “I’m yours, Bucky. Use me as you please.”
“I’m going to like this,” this was a side you’d never seen before of him and you suddenly wondered why you’d never tapped into it before. Despite his words, you knew he would never truly hurt you, “you’re such a good little bunny, aren’t you?”
“Mhmm,” you sighed, head already empty except for thoughts of him and what you wanted him to do to you, “I’ll be good.”
“Then on your knees,” he insisted as you readily complied, letting your knees hit the cool tile of the floor, “and do as I say.”
“Good girl.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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New Beginnings
Will halstead x nurse!reader
Summary: you find out your pregnant surprising you and Will.
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a/n: i literally can't stop crushing on fictional characters. This is based on the episode where April is pushed by that one guy but this happens to the reader, so yeah. Also slight inspiration from the office when Jim and Pam find out they are expecting. Hope you enjoy it! also I want to make a part two but I'm not sure lol :)
You and Will being together was a bet everyone was a part of these days. You two just had something, but you two being so oblivious had no idea. You were a great team in the ed, knowing all of his moves, and treatment plans. You were his secondhand and he couldn't be more grateful. He of course started to grow feelings for you quite fast. He just couldn't handle how smart you were and of course beautiful.
“She likes you too,” Maggie said as Will frowned, “what?” he asked as she giggled, “you know what i'm talkin about. Everyone sees how you look at her, just ask her out.” she said as he shook his head, “oh no, i'm not doing that. You don't even know if she does like me.” he said as Maggie laughed, “aha so you do like her! Finally took me months to get it out of you,”  She said as Will tried to hide his smile as he nodded “okay yeah, fine i do like her, but we are colleagues, it wouldn't work out.” he said as Maggie shrugged, “you never know if you don't try.” she said walking away and leaving him alone with his thoughts.
There were moments where you two would join forces and figure out what was going on with patients. It almost looked like there were two doctors, you had a lot of knowledge in your head, sometimes you even forgot you were just a nurse.
“How do you know all this? You're smarter than me.” he said as you giggled “i just read a lot, Will, also not to brag but i was at the the top of my class. They were even surprised when it told them i would be a nurse, said i would excel in surgery.'' you said as he smiled, “well you would. Me and you make a pretty great team.” he said as you giggled getting back to your diagnosis.
These feelings he had for you of course had developed in you as well. You probably felt something for him the first time Maggie introduced you to him. You were slightly nervous, which was so obvious to Maggie. April was also in on it too, wanting you to just tell him what you were feeling.
“You know your crushes are better than the tv drama I am watching.” April said as you frowned looking at her, “what?” you asked as she giggled, “don’t play dumb with me, you like Will.” she said as you shook your head and began to blush, “no i don't, we are just friends.” you said as she shrugged, “if you say so, but i see the way he looks at you. He always chooses you to help him with patients.” she said as you sighed, “that's not true, i help Ethan too, and corner. I alternate all the time.” you said as she pulled out a tally of the times he asked you to help.
“Explain this, you can't say it's nothing because it's dated too,” she said as you laughed looking at her as if she was serious, “April, are you a nurse or a stalker.” you said as she laughed, “I'm serious, you should just tell him how you feel. He likes you back and I know it.” she said as you looked at her, “how do you know?” you said as she shook her head, “not saying, just do it.'' she said as Ethan called her over as you were left with all the tools in hand.
Months later Will had asked you out and you said yes of course. One date had turned into two, and well you were now 1 year into your relationship. Of course Maggie and April had no idea of this. You were surprisingly very secretive. They had no idea about you, nor did they suspect anything. You two did your own thing in the hospital and once you got to your apartment your hands were on one another after a day of no touching.
Once you enter your apartment, his hands were all over you as he brought you lips onto his. You smiled as you placed your hands on his hair, missing how soft it was. He missed your touch, he was so deprived. You were the only thing that kept him alive as he would like to say. Barely making it to the kitchen he placed you on the kitchen counter as you legs were on his waist as he took your shirt off and kissed you some more. He knew all your soft spots. His touch made you feel safe, no matter what. You took his shirt off as he kissed you some more as he took you to the shower, where you two caught up with the eachothers touch that you couldn't feel when working, not even a hug or kiss.
As you walked into the ed alone, Maggie had looked at you weirdly, you looked over at her and touched your face, “what is something on my face?” you asked as she shook her head, “no, you just look a little pale, you okay?” She asked as you nodded, “I feel fine, I was a little nause this morning, but I'm okay.” you said as she nodded “okay, you sure?” she asked as you nodded. You headed over to patients making sure they were all okay and stable and had everything they needed.
Just then two guys walking in caught your attention and Will’s as well, “y/n you busy?” he asked as you headed over, “I'm with you.'' you said as you were putting gloves on to see blood on the guy as you headed to treatment three.
“Alright fellas, im dr. halstead, follow me.” he said as the guy spoke, “don’t need this.” he said very slurred as the friend answered, “hey, just let him take a look.” he said as you turned around motioning him in, “im fine,” he said as you spoke, “alright come on, let's get you on this bed.” you said as he replied, “no, no, just wanna go home.” he said as he sat on the bed, “okay what happened,” Will asked as the friend answered, “we went out to party after the game, and he sees these cards fans..” he said as the guy on the bed answered, “douchebags wearing a ‘cubs suck’ shirt. Yet we won. How could we suck douchebag?” he said getting up from the bed as you placed him back, “sir sit down.'' you said as he was back on the bed and got up again, “stay on the bed.'' you said as he turned to you, “let me go!” he said as he pushed you to the side as you hit the door on your abdomen, Will quickly gave orders to the friend and to security, and was quick by your side, “you alright y/n?” He said seeing your face for any expression as all you could do was nod and bring air back into your lungs.
“Give him five of haldol.” he said as he picked you up and took you two treatment 2 so he made sure you were all fine.
“Your lungs are fine,” he said as you sighed, “okay, can i get back to work?” you said as Miss Goodwin, Maggie and April were there just to be sure you were fine, “just hold on.” Miss Goodwin said as he was examining you some more.
“Will, I'm fine.'' you said as he pushed around your abdomen, “does it hurt here?” he said as you flinched, “ow,” you said as he smiled,  “okay on a scale from one to ten how bad was the pain?” he asked as you spoke softly, “three?” You said as April spoke, “That means it's  seven or eight.” She said as you rolled your eyes, “I'm fine, really.”
“You're probably okay, but i would like to get a chest x-ray to be safe.” he said as you shook your head, “no way.'' you said as he became serious, “y/n, you have some pain and tenderness. A broken rib could have punctured your liver or your lung, I want to make sure you don't have a pneumothorax.'' he said as you scoffed looking over at the girls, “y/n, we don't want to see you wheeled back here in a gurney.'' Maggie said as you spoke, “guys I'm fine, you are all over acting a bit.'' you said they all eventually convinced you to do it along with some tests of course to rule out everything else that could be bad.
With your x-ray, nothing bad was seen, but Will being very cautious placed the tests in order as he waited with you. Luckly the curtain covered you two so he laid on the bed nearby, he was very worried you could tell, “Will...honey, I'm okay. The x-ray showed nothing, so it's probably nothing.” you said as he nodded “well if it's nothing, there is no harm in doing tests. I just want you to be okay.” he said as his voice grew shaky, “Will I’m not going anywhere okay? I'm here. I'm healthy.” you said as he nodded. “Yeah I know.” he said as you wiped his tears away and kissed him, “i'm here for the long haul.” you said as he smiled.
Minutes later, Natalie was back with your tests along with ob, “hey y/n, so your tests look well, nothing is wrong, however we do have some good news for you.'' she said as you frowned, “okay, why is ob with you?” you said as natalie looked at you with a smile, “well that's the good news, you are 5 weeks pregnant. Congratulations,” she said as you grew shocked, eyes widened as you smiled, “woah, really? I- um, i don't know what to say.'' you said as she smiled, “well i'm hopeful this is good news, did you want to call the father? she asked as you looked over at Will who was shocked as well.
“Uh well, actually he is in this room, he's just shocked as i am.'' you said as natalie gasped along with the ob. You weren’t sure if Will wanted kids this early in your relationship, so this was a surprise to the both of you. He then began to worry wondering if the hit you took hurt you more than it should.
“Is she okay? Are they okay? It's just they both took a hit, she got pushed and hurt her abdomen.” Will said as Natalie nodded, “well that's what we are hoping to see. There is nothing that indicates, but we wanna do an ultrasound to be sure,” she said as you both nodded.
As they showed you your small creation you were both in awe, Will was probably more excited seeing that you were pregnant. And of course now your relationship was public.
“Everything is fine, the fetus is well, and the placenta seems to be great. I'm so happy for you guys! We will give you guys some space, congratulations again!” she said as her and the ob left giving you time to process this.
Will sat beside you as he placed his hands on his face and gave your knuckles a kiss. He was filled with joy. You were having a baby, his baby.
“You okay Will?” you asked as he nodded, “yeah, i'm just, i'm gonna be a dad.” he said softly as you nodded, “yeah you are, sorry i worried you.'' you said as he shook his head, “no, the good thing is that you are both fine. y/n, you have no idea how happy i am.'' you said as you smiled as you placed his hand on your belly that would soon blossom.
“I'm happy, over the moon to be exact. I just, when she said that i worried, since maybe it's too soon.'' you said as he shook his head, “no, it's not too soon. This is our timing. Might be in the wrong order, but don't worry, I'll put that ring on your finger soon.'' you said as you blushed playfully slapping him, “im serious honey, before you know it you'll be Y/n Halstead.'' you said as you smiled, “does have a nice ring to it.'' you said as you kissed him and from afar, Maggie and the others were all happy. Maggie, being the winner of the bet, had been collecting her money. She knew it the whole time. There was no doubt you two were in love. So in love that you were starting a new life with one another. It was meant to be.
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laurie-stark · 4 years
Unwanted-Peter Parker
Summary: Y/n Stark gets more than she bargains for when she joins her Pops, Captian America, for the civil war of the century.
Pairings: Tony Stark x Daughter!Reader, Natasha Romanoff x Daughter!Reader, Steve Rogers x Daughter!Reader, Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Warnings: swearing, fighting
A/N: Just so you don't get too confused, Y/n is Tony Stark's biological child, however, she was raised by the Avengers and refers to Natasha and Steve as Mama and Pops. Also I wrote this a year ago LOL. Enjoy x
Part Two
New York, 2016
This was bad. Very, very bad. I had seen the secretary come in the compound over the screen of the security monitors. He marched into my home, unannounced and unwelcome, holding himself with purpose. I followed him over the screens, tracking his movements. I watched as he was led through the building, up the elevator and into...the conference room? Oh this was bad. Very, very bad.
I raced as fast as I could. By the time I got the to conference room, the whole group was already sitting in front of the secretary. I saw Wanda first. Her back was to me, but I could see her rigid frame and I knew something was happening. My  father saw me approaching through the glass walls. He shot me a look that said "Don't do it. Don't come in here." I didn't obey.
The secretary stopped speaking abruptly when I walked through the doors. He gave me a quizzical look, did a once over and immediately looked at my father. Surely I don't look that much like Tony.
"Sorry I'm late, no one informed me about this team meeting," I gasped, short of breath from all the running. Of course, this was pushing it. As much as I wanted to be a part of the group, fighting was not my style, so I often got left out of important Avengers activities. I got to live with them, but that was it. Tony rose from his seat. He mumbled an apology to the secretary and gently ushered I out of the room. I would have fought back, but seeing the look on my father's face was enough to shut me up. And I never shut up. The secretary resumed his story. Something about golf and a heart attack.
My dad turned to face me. "Look kid, I get that you want to know what's going on, and you will, but today isn't the day."
"Okay," I said. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be, it's okay to be curious," he replied, walking back into the meeting. "Stay upstairs, okay hun?" I nodded and started the trek back up to my room. I shut the door and flopped onto my bed. Out of my long list of pet peeves, this was number one. Sure, I didn't want to fight, but come on family, I should at least get to be in on what's going on! Maybe I could help. I have powers for God sake. I am more than capable of helping the Avengers. But they always saw me as the little girl who needs protection.
"April, pull up security footage of the conference room please," I asked. April, the AI I built, that was modeled after Friday, projected the video surveillance from the ceiling. "Volume up." The group was in the same position as from when I left. The secretary was passing around the room. There was a thick white book being passed around the table.
"The Avengers were formed to make the world a safer place," Steve said quietly. "I feel we've done that."
The secretary looked down at him. "Tell me Cap, do you know where Thor and Banner are right now?" What? You were so confused. Why did the secretary care where my uncles were? No one answered the secretary's question, so he kept talking. I racked your brain to find the answers on my own. "...this is the middle ground." The secretary pointed at the book, now lying untouched on the table.
"And if we come to a decision you don't like?" Natasha asked.
"The you retire," the secretary responded. With that, he left the room and I scurried back downstairs.
Everyone was in the living room. I sat in the stairwell, again being uninvited to this group discussion. I listened to them fight. I figured out what was going on. The United Nations were being ungrateful little bitches and hated that they didn't have control over my family. So they gave an ultimatum: give in or give up. From the sounds of it, Uncle Rhodes, Vision and two of my four parents were in agreement with the accords. Steve and Sam were against it. Wanda hadn't said a word. Tension was growing high, I could feel it. I heard my father conclude that he won and a thud of the accords being tossed on the coffee table. Someone got up and left. Before I had the chance to act, the door to the stairwell was torn open. Steve pushed through and nearly stepped on me.
"Eavesdropping?" He smiled.
"You kicked me out, what else am I supposed to do?" I retorted. I noticed the tears welling in Steve's eyes. "Pops, what's wrong?"
Steve's glance fluttered to the ground. "Peggy. She, um..." was all he said. All he had to say. I  was smart enough to read between the lines. I stepped forward and hugged Steve. He smiled, grateful that he had me. I knew how much Peggy meant to him. When I was little, he'd always tell me the story about how they met, how they never got that dance. And every time I would make him dance with me. He even took me to visit her once. I was ten and it was Christmas time. Steve told me that he wanted his favorite girl to meet his favorite niece. Now that was all but a memory. I held him tight before telling him to go. It was okay, I could handle the others. He left without a second glance.
Within days the team was scattered. Steve and Sam had gone to Peggy's funeral. Natasha was off to the signing of the Accords in Vienna. And then all hell broke loose when the bombs went off at the signing ceremony. As always, I  were left home. I had no idea what was going on. At first this break in the team was about the Accords, but somehow Steve's old pal Bucky got involved. I didn't know what to think. The next thing I knew, everyone left for Berlin to rescue Steve and Sam from jail, leaving myself, Wanda and Vision at home.
When night fell, I was in my room, sulking as one would say. I was spending my evening flipping through Tumblr. There was a new superhero everyone was talking about. He called himself Spider-Man. New York based, focused on small neighborhood crimes. By YouTube footage alone, it was obvious he was a rookie. Soon enough, though, I accidentally conducted a full fledged search on this guy. He seemed shady. Sure, he's helping old ladies cross the street and all, but he just has a vibe. I couldn't put my finger on it. April broke me out of my research when she told me that there was a security breach in the compound. I pulled up the security camera footage and saw Clint Barton in my living room with Wanda levitating a knife at his nose.
I rushed downstairs. When I got to the living room Vision was holding Clint by the neck. I watched in silence as Wanda used her powers on Vision. She made it look easy. Slowly, Vision sunk to his knees. Wanda pushed further and the floor gave way. Vision was pushed through all seventy-four thousand levels of the compound. Wanda and Clint were about to turn to run out when you revealed yourself.
"Now was that really necessary?" I smirked. "We just had the floors waxed."
"Y/n," Clint warned.
"I'm not sitting on my ass," I said. Clint smirked and nodded. He knew he couldn't stop me anyways.
One car ride, plane flight and van trip later, I was in Germany. As it turns out, Steve wanted Clint and Wanda on his side, along with some ant dude named Scott. Scott was cool. Him and I sat together on the plane ride and watched Die Hard. He was asleep in the van when we pulled over in the airport parking lot. Clint told me to stay in the van. For once, I listened. I heard voices belonging to Steve and Sam. Clint slid open the van doors abruptly, shaking Scott awake. I chuckled to myself as he fangirled over my Pops. A voice over the intercom said something in a language I didn't know. A voice I didn't recognize said that the airport was being evacuated.
"Stark." Sam muttered.
Scott looked puzzled. Clearly he hadn't been filled in either. "Stark?" he asked.
I step out of the van. "Yes?" Steve and Sam look at me with wide eyes. Clint gave Steve a sheepish shrug. Behind their little blue car stood Bucky Barnes. I knew who he was. I learned about him in school. I knew he was some evil super soldier that attacked Natasha and Steve. He looked scary. He looked exactly like the type of guy to hurt my Mama and Pops. I held his glance until Steve spoke up.
"Y/n, what are you doing here?" Steve whisper-shouted. His voice always got quiet when he 'yelled' at me.
"I hitchhiked." I replied, knowing that at this point Steve didn't have the time to argue with me. He shook his head in defeat and took a deep breath.
"Suit up."
The airport was huge. Our group got suited up and started for the runway. I didn't know how Steve knew where to find my dad, but I followed him anyways. Before I could get any closer, Bucky held me back.
"It's, uh, not gonna be safe. You should stay here and keep low," he said. I frowned. I did not come all this way to not fight. But even still, I nodded. Bucky scared me. He and Sam took off in another direction to find the getaway jet. I laughed. This whole thing was ridiculous. My attention turned to the sound of my father and Rhodey flying down from the sky.
"Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in," Tony started. "That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?"
"You're after the wrong guy," Steve replied nonchalantly.
"Your judgement is askew. Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday-"
"And there are five more super soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find 'em first Tony. I can't."
"Steve," Natasha approached him slowly. "You know what's about to happen. Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?"
I took this as my cue. "No, but I will," I said, emerging from my hiding spot. I looked at the faces of your family. My gaze fell on Tony and my smile dropped. He looked angry.
"You brought my daughter into this?" Tony yelled, turning to Steve.
"Technically, I brought myself," I said. "You really think you were gonna leave me out of all the fun?"
Tony pinched his brow. "Y/n, this is serious."
"No it's not," I objected. "No, this got personal the second you thought you were gonna loose Pops to Bucky." No one moved after I said that.
"Alright, I've run out of patience," my father finally spoke. He cupped his hands around his mouth. "Underoos!"
Before I had a chance to process, a red and black blur whipped past my head. It landed on top of a nearby van. It was Spider-Man. As in the Spider-Man. He had taken Cap's shield from him. I said nothing. My father could have recruited me, but instead he chose this little neighborhood nobody. That hurt a little. The Spider-thing and my father bantered for a minute. So he's never even been in a real fight before, I thought.
"You've been busy," Steve smirked.
Tony turned back to Steve. "And you've been a complete idiot. Dragging in Clint and Y/n, rescuing Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave, a safe place. I'm trying to keep-" he paused, sighing. "I'm trying to keep to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart."
"You did that when you signed." Steve kept his cool. My father did not.
"Alright, we're done. You're gonna turn Barnes over, you're gonna come with us, now, because it's us! Or squad of J-SOC guys with no compunction of being polite. Come on."
Everyone stood still, waiting. Steve put his web-cuffed hands in the air. Clint shot them free from a mile away. I saw Scott -or a tiny version of him. Spider-Man noticed too, right before Scott grew and kicked him in the face. My dad flew off to retrieve Wanda and Rhodey was ready to take on Cap.
"Hey Mr. Stark, what should I do?" Spider-Man asked. He sounded young.
"What we discussed, keep your distance, web 'em up!" My father barked, as he flew towards Clint and Wanda.
"Okay, copy that," Spider-Man replied. He shot a web at me first. It caught my arm and I got whipped to the ground. I glared at him.
"Really?" I hissed.
"Just following Mr. Stark's orders," He said before swinging off after Bucky. I was left on the ground once everyone dispersed. I tried pulling my hand out of the sticky material that was shot at me, but it was stronger than glue. I was forced to watch the action unfold and wait until Natasha ran past me.
"Mama, a little help here?" I called out to her.
She stopped for a second. "Sorry honey, I really don't want you getting hurt." She ran off and I groaned. No one ever wants me to get hurt. I suppose I should be grateful, but in a moment like this, gratitude is hard to find. I started toying with the web. I wondered if I could break down the molecules. Surely there had to be some sort of H2O compound in it somewhere.
My power surged through me, the current flowing to the hand webbed to the ground. I managed to manipulate the water out, just as I predicted I would. The substance melted off my hands. Gross, I thought. I wiped the remaining web on my pants and got up. The water from the webbing fell to the ground with a splash.
I stood up and examined my surroundings. Natasha was on the ground fighting Scott, who shrunk down and flipped her over her own head. The Black Panther was on the other side of the roof, battling Steve. I didn't move. As much as I wanted to be included, I couldn't bring myself to fight. Not now at least.
The two teams assembled, divided by a line on the pavement. How cinematic. I was on Cap's side. I never meant to fight against my father. If anything, I thought it was funny. I looked out at the team in front of me. They were all lined up, Rhodey, the cat, Tony, Nat, the Spider-brat. Vision hovered above them. A bead of sweat trickled down the back of my neck. I were scared. I wasn't made to fight.
"What do we do Cap?" Sam asked.
"We fight." Steve moved first. We followed in suit. My dad's team mimicked my team's actions and walked closer. We  broke into a jog and then a full out run. This was really about to happen. I hoped that my family would go easy on me. I knew what I was doing. I reassured myself of that. I have done a bunch of training, especially with Wanda. I could move the freaking elements with my mind and manipulate gravity! As if the Spider-Man could beat that. I am Y/n fricking Stark. I can do this.
I put a smile on your face, contrasting everyone else's bitter looks. "I call the spider!" I yelled, just as everyone began the battle. Spider-Man heard me and slowed down just a bit. I cocked an eyebrow. He resumed his pace and ran straight for me. I ran headfirst towards him. He threw out his arm to web me, but I was faster. With a swish of my hands, I changed his gravitational pull and made his feet flip out from under him. He landed on his back with a hard thud. As gently as I could, I morphed the pavement under him to trap his hands. "Careful there, Spider-boy. Don't wanna get stepped on." I walked away. I made it about ten steps before I heard the sound of concrete cracking. I turned around and saw that Spider-Man was breaking free of his restraints. I was shocked. He has super strength. Great. I should have moved out of his way because the second he got one hand free, I was webbed against a truck.
"For the record," he said, getting up in my face. "It's Spider-Man." He swung off into the airport through a glass window. I watched the glass rained onto the ground. Taking a deep breath, I quickly removed myself from the webs. I needed a plan. A strategy. I thought about at the opposing team. Everyone was scattered around the airport. I thought about who would be easiest to fight. But then I realized, the strategy wasn't about how they'd fight, but who. There was no way in hell that my parents or Uncle Rhodey would even think about fighting me. The Black Panther didn't know me, so he was a threat. The worst Vision could do was pick me up and fly away, so he was in thr safe zone. That left the spider. I smiled to myself. Rematch time.
By the time I found Spider-Man, he had already webbed Sam and Bucky to the floor. He was perched on top of a light post, saying something about impressing my father. Sam's mini falcon whizzed past me and grabbed Spider-Man by the web. He got pulled out a window, banging his side into the pane on the way out. I ran over to Sam and Bucky. Quickly, I destroyed the webbing and helped them up. They both gave me a quick "Thanks kid," before running back out. I followed them, staying loose on their trail.
Once I got outside my eyes scanned the area for the Spider. I saw Wanda piling cars on my father and Natasha fighting Clint. Then I spotted him, fighting Cap. He was underneath a jet bridge . Cap threw his shield at the support beams and the whole thing fell on top of Spider-Man. He caught it of course, but Cap ran away. I formed my plan.
"Hey!" I called out. I walked around the collapsing jet bridge. I stood in front of the struggling boy. Or man, I didn't know. "Remember me?"
"Heh, how could I forget such a pretty face," he grunted, starting to fold under the weight of the jet bridge. "You wanna give me a hand?" I glared at his face comment, but lifted the jet bridge anyway. He ran out and I let it fall. Both of us stopped for a minute, gasping for breath beside the rubble. He was close enough to hit. So I did. Without warning I threw a punch of air at him. It hit him right in the chest and he got blown back into the side of a van. "What the hell man?" He got up and shot a web at me. I dodged and threw another gust of wind. It shot him out of the air. He webbed at a pole and swung past my face. I redirected his gravitational pull, but not before he got a kick to my face. We both got thrown in different directions. I landed hard on the ground, pain shooting up my spine. I got up first, now angry. Forgetting about my powers, I lunged at him and threw a punch. I missed and he shot webs at my feet, holding me down. Immediately, I dissolved them and Spider-Man's eyes widened. Well, his mask's eye holes did anyway.
"How did you do that?" He yelled. "What kind of witchcraft-"
"Its not witchcraft," I spat. "It's called manipulation of the elements, look it up. I figured there had to be some water compound in this and I was right. All I had to do was remove it."
"That's so cool! And how did you do the foot thing earlier? Was that just the wind you do or do you have telekinesis too? Are you like the Scarlet Witch?" He rambled on. I took this to my advantage and caught him off guard. I used the van he'd hit earlier to become his gravitational pull and yanked. He went slamming into it and groaned. When he tried to get back up, I was already five steps ahead of him. Morphing the earth metals in the van, I contorted it into a shell that crushed Spider-Man until he was covered and stuck.
I heard Scott say that he was gonna tear himself in half over the earpiece. I got distracted from holding Spider-Man down and turned to see a giant Scott. Spider-Man broke free. He tore the shell off himself and threw it at me. I was wacked across the side and fell the the ground again.
"Holy shit!" he says, looking at Scott. His back was to me and I gave him one last wind push. He fell on his face and I laughed. "Oh come on, don't you have some dolls to play with or something?" I just scoffed and walked past him, stepping past his hand that was on the ground. He let out a yelp and you kept walking. Dolls, I thought. I'm thirteen I don't play with dolls. I watched as the rest of the battle went down. I wasn't quite sure what to do. I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
Natasha was standing just behind me. "Come with me." We started jogging off. It was natural for me to listen to her. I realized about five seconds in that technically she was my enemy right about now, but I shrugged it off. I ran through the fight, past the big Scott and towards a warehouse. I could see the outline of a jet get bigger as I approached it. Natasha stopped behind the entrance. She was waiting.
"So what do we do?" I asked.
"We wait to fight," She replied, not taking her eyes off the horizon. I came to realize this probably means I would be fighting her. Maybe she wanted to use me as a hostage or something. No, that's silly. Right?
Steve and Bucky got closer to the building I was in. They nearly made it until Vision laser beamed the shit out of a nearby communications tower. Wanda caught it before it fell, giving the two men time to race towards the jet. I stepped out to help Wanda. The both of us were able to hold the rubble long enough for Steve and Bucky to get through. I panted, proud of myself for getting this far.
A searing pain sliced through my brain. Both myself and Wanda fell to the ground, screaming. I could barely look up to see that Rhodey was sending some sort of wave through the air. The tower fell and Natasha was quick to haul me out of the way before I got crushed. I might be better than Spider-Man, but I definitely don't have his super strength.
Steve and Bucky still managed to get through the falling paces of metal and concrete. Natasha left my side and marched swiftly towards the two men. I couldn't hear them, but I could sense the tension from a mile away. Natasha lifted her arm, taser aimed and ready. Steve held his shield up in defense as Natasha shoots....the Black Panther? I guess she's on our side now? The jet started to take off and you watch an Natasha continues to battle the Panther. I fell to my side, wiped out.
My father flew into the warehouse just as the jet leaves. You thought maybe he was going to fight Natasha for betraying him. I was wrong. He was coming for me. He landed beside me and dropped to his knees. His helmet closed and I could see the worry plastered on his cut up face. He knelt beside me and gently held me up.
"Are you okay?" he asked. I nodded, not really able to make words. He looked over at Natasha, who was looking at us. She had an apologetic look, but I know she doesn't regret letting Cap go. My father let me go and charged off after the jet plane. I lied down, enjoying the feeling of cold concrete against your skin. I closed my eyes.
I paced around the living room, driving Nat crazy. I knew that the second my father got home I would be in deep shit. So when Friday alerted me that Tony was home my heart rate went up 29373%. The battle, this fight, it ended worse then I could have imagined. Natasha told me that my father could have died. Rhodey was paralyzed from the waist down. I had no idea if I'd ever see my Pops again. This was bad. Very, very bad.
I slowly walked down the main hall towards the front doors. I was scared. My hands and the back of my neck were sweating. I knew exactly what was coming. Every time I had asked my dad if I could be an honorary Avenger, I got the same lecture. That it was too dangerous, I didn't have the proper training and it's too much for his little girl to handle. Even when I asked to just be a part of the business side of the team, Tony laughed and said no. I've broken a lot of my father's rules, but this was the line. And I had gone so far over.
As I approached the front door, I could hear my father speaking. I heard another voice too. My heart dropped. It was Spider-Man. Why was Spider-Man here? I ducked behind a wall and listened in to the conversation.
"...outstanding job kid. Your fighting technique was on par. And, listen, I know we're not allowed to have kids on this team, but if we need you again, we'll call." I heard my father say.
"Thanks Mr. Stark. This was so cool," Spider-Man replied. I wondered if he had his suit on or not. I wanted to know who this guy was. I revealed myself from behind the wall. The two looked at me. I looked at my father first and fought the urge to burst into tears. He looked awful. His face was all cut up and the black eye he got was still a little swollen. I glanced at the figure beside him and frowned. Spider-Man was a kid. He looked like he was my age. He had a mop of curly brown hair and doe eyes. He was almost equally as beat up as my dad and I gracefully took credit for that.
"Y/n, this is Peter. He's, uh, one of my interns. Kid, this is Y/n," Tony said. My annoyance turned to anger. Now my father was lying to me?
"How old are you?" I asked, eyes narrowing. I knew that I sounded rude, but this kid had kicked me in the face twice. I didn't think he deserved my manners.
"I'm fourteen," Peter gulped. A year older than me. And I kicked his ass, I thought. "You gave me quite a fight back in Berlin."
"Yeah and I beat your ass doing it."
"Speaking of which," Tony spoke up, "I have to talk to Y/n about that. Happy will take you home Peter." Peter nodded and said goodbye to my father. He said goodbye to me, to which I didn't reply. Peter frowned at that as he walked out the door.
My dad turned to me when the door shut. "What," he began, "were you thinking?"
"Well I-"
"No. This is where you listen. Do you know how dangerous that mission was. Do you know how many people got hurt? You saw what happened to Rhodey, that could have been you!"
"But it wasn't" I retorted.
Tony's frown deepened. "That is not the point. You put yourself in serious danger, and for what? So you could feel a little more included? You could have died. This was my one rule, my one ask of you, and your broke it."
"Oh, come on now, I'm a Stark, it's in our blood to not listen to our fathers." My father gave me the coldest look and I shut down. I took a deep breath. "Look, I didn't know that it was gonna be this bad. You know me, daddy, I'm not a fighter, I'm not some hero. You think I would have gone if I knew it would turn out like this? I thought this was just gonna be another one your you and Pops' stupid fights. And yes, I could have gotten hurt, but I think I handled myself pretty well. You saw what I did you that little protege of yours. I beat him to the curb."
"Y/n you were reckless. Peter was prepared for this, he was ready."
"And I still beat him."
"Y/n you're not listening to me. This is why I chose Peter over you. I would have taken you if I knew you wouldn't do something stupid. But you did anyway." And with that he walked away, leaving me, teary-eyed in the front hall.
Tony came by my room later that night to apologize. He said that he was sorry for being harsh, that he just cared about me and I scared him. I knew he meant it and I forgave him, because that's what we do. Besides, it wasn't Tony I was angry with. This is why I chose Peter over you. Tony's words echoed through my head. I knew that he loved me more, I'm his daughter, he had to. But I were jealous. Jealous that stupid Peter Parker got the praise for the work I've wanted to hear for ages. And mad at that stupid spider for being stupid.
This is when I decided that I hate Peter Parker.
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slowpoke-fics · 3 years
The Good Doctor
Fandom: The Walking Dead
Pairing: Negan x Reader
Summary: You're the doctor in Alexandria and Negan comes on a supply trip, taking something that doesn't belong to him
Warnings: depression, death, mentions of off self, gets a little triggering, I know I'm missing some, Negan is off character, nothing is exactly right in this, it's writing for writings sake
A/N: This is my first fic in years please forgive me for mistakes, it's just me in this operation, probably gonna be a whole series, here is part two!
May 20th
Negan's trucks roll into Alexandria again, loudly pushing past the gate and up to the medical center. Your insides start to rumble at the nervousness you have to see the ruthless man who knows no bounds. You reluctantly step outside and wait for him at your door, not doing well at hiding your displeasure of the loss of supplies.
When Negan and his men get out of their loading trucks, Negan shoots you his oh so dangerous smile before directing his men to their collections, keeping two of his men with him, he finally approaches you. "Well good fuckin' morning Dr. Y/L/N," he holds the door open for you, "after you, doll."
You moved past him, smiling at him, and walked to the stockpile of medication you had collected yourself helping Daryl on runs. "Please, only take what you are owed." Negan's men glared at you viciously, "We will take whatever we damn well please." Negan turned to face his men, "Now, we have a peaceful agreement here with the nice fuckin' doctor, get the supplies n lets go." You smiled at him, "Thank you for keeping your end of the bargain." Negan nodded, "I may be a fuckin' prick, but I am a man of my fuckin' word, ain't that all that fuckin' matters nowadays?" You nodded, waiting in silence for the men to complete their tasks.
After the men went through the supplies that laid before them, they pulled Negan to the side, obviously keeping their conversation private, one of them turning to you and flashing you a gut wrenching smile, you leaned on the gurney, waiting for the problem. Negan turned to you, scratching his chin, laughing lightly, "See doc, my men seem to really think that you've tried to short us this week," your eyes went wide, remembering what happened to the last person that tried to short Negan and his group, "I know you wouldn't fuckin' do that so can you just clear this shit up for us."
Scanning over the pages in front of you, "No," you cleared your throat, "I'm not short, its all documented here," you handed Negan the clipboard. As he scans over it, looking at your logs for every pill that comes in and out of this faux medical center, every date and name, the two men he placed with him rips your bag from your shoulders, dumping it out on the table, displaying the contents. Negan glances up, taking in the items on the table; a knife, a ripped up pack of spearmint bubble gum, a few pens, a small first aid kit, a few hair ties, stray items and a small leather bound notebook.
Negan slams the clipboard down, smiling at you, "I'll be damned she's fuckin' right boys, pack it up, it's all in the goddamned charts." You let out a breath of relief, a little worried to be Negan's next lesson. One of the men came close to you, pushing you backwards toward the gurney, "Don't test me bitch," backing away while still staring at you, he picked up your knife and waved it at you, "mine now, doll." The nickname reverberated evil inside you, at least when Negan did it, it felt at least flattering, but this man dripped poison from his words. At that though, Negan perked up, "Come on, shithead we've got things to do." You panicked, "No!" They all turned to you, "You cannot have my fucking knife," you backed up a little when the man stared you down, "please, it means a lot to me." The man started to say something, obviously furious you would even try ordering him, but Negan stopped him, taking the knife and handing it to you. The man he took the knife from grumbled and picked up your pack of gum, "Fuck you, keep your knife bitch, I'll take something sweet." Flashing you his smile, Negan was gone.
As you watched his trucks leave Alexandria, you finally returned to your work, cleaning up the mess his hooligans had made. Straightening the bottles, subtracting inventory, picking up your bag and sighing at the small amount of happiness you had as you realized that was the last pack of gum that you could find in a 50 mile radius. As you were putting away everything on the table, you started to move frantically looking for your notebook, under the table, around the table, even been looking all over the room. You couldn't find it. Your coping mechanism for the world moving at a pace that you just couldn't handle. A sense of dread washed over you as you realized, Negan.
He just couldn't help himself, just has to know what makes the good doctor fuckin' tick. Now, he just happens to have an all access pass to your thoughts in the zombie apocalypse. Humming to himself and relaxing into his seat, he peeled the book back at the marker for your most recent entry, picked a random nearby page and began reading.
April 23rd
celebrating yet another round of people. at some point I hit my limit, just can't keep meeting and greeting. feels pointless, I never see half of them, and when I do they normally die in my clinic. is this what it's become? death after death? mercy after mercy?
April 30th
every time someone dies in my clinic and I slide a knife through their skull it just reminds me this is how it will end for us all. we'll all just be the walking dead in the end. when's my turn? when do I get to finally stop running this rat race and throw in my damn towel? everyone else gets to say goodbye seems fair
Goddamn, Negan thought to himself, there's an entry here for every fuckin' day. He readjusted, taking in where they were at and how long he had to read for now, planning to figure out how you worked. No shame in wanting the pretty doctor.
May 4th
so fucking stupid, absolutely incompetent, couldn't even find antibiotics. couldn't find any gauze or even disinfectant. what a waste of gas, we're beginning to pick clean every building, car and trash can in a 50 mile radius. how long do we have left with the saviors breathing down our neck
May 12th
found some supplies, couldn't find enough, not enough, people treat the medicine like it's never ending but I just can't keep up there's nothing left, there has to be something that I can do, has to be something out there for me to find, it can't just be all gone, I'm not thinking of something, there is something out there I just have to be fucking smart enough to find it
May 15th
risk is worth the reward, I finally found some more antibiotics, and hit the fucking jackpot, found some chewing gum, melted Twix for Judith, and a knife for henry after I lost his in that horde, indescribable emotion when I had that first piece of gum that reminded me of how it used to be, when I was surrounded by support and family, gotta make it last
May 16th
henry was carried in by rick and daryl. henry was conscious, talking, don't let me turn, he begged. rick said he fell from a third story window. daryl grabbed alcohol and gauze, rick grabbed the stitch kit while I cut open henrys shirt, glass, at least two dozen pieces, please be manageable. I grabbed the tweezers and pour alcohol on henry's chest, his screams. half an hour in, he's seizing, rick grab buccal midazolam, place it in his mouth, hold him still until it stops, wait for a beat, no beat, cpr, one hundred twenty seconds in, can't let him turn, wait for beat, no beat, knife.
had to be something more.
henry was carried in by rick and daryl. henry was conscious, talking, don't let me turn, he begged. rick said he fell from a third story window. daryl grabbed alcohol and gauze, rick grabbed the stitch kit while I cut open henrys shirt, glass, at least two dozen pieces, please be manageable. I grabbed the tweezers and pour alcohol on henry's chest, his screams. half an hour in, he's seizing, rick grab buccal midazolam, place it in his mouth, hold him still until it stops, wait for a beat, no beat, cpr, one hundred twenty seconds in, can't let him turn, wait for beat, no beat, knife.
Negan shifted uncomfortably, this went on for at least ten pages, questioning every move you made, reliving putting down a good friend of yours, is this how you mourn?
May 17th
This is it. surrounded by death, my turn.
Fuckin' christ, Negan thought, now realizing that the good doctor is too fuckin' hard on herself. Realizing that you had your own horrible demons, and that this world is starting to get to you.
May 19th
Guess not.
Negan felt horrible for taking this, he felt like he had taken a piece of you, just trying to figure out which buttons to press to make you want him like everyone else, he definitely didn't expect this. He had to give it back, had to find a way to make it better, and he just might have a plan.
May 21st
You woke up feeling empty, just going through the motions, getting dressed, brushing out your hair, brush your teeth, quarter of a piece of gum- no. Walk to the clinic, not hungry today. You sat in your chair, clipboard on lap, staring at the door, waiting for your next victim to come through. After about two hours, you hear a few bikes pull into the gate and getting closer. Taking a peak out the window, you see Negan at your clinic doors with a relatively large backpack on, and the same two men he had with him yesterday, and an extra woman who you had never seen before.
Negan walked into your clinic, the woman standing at the door but not stepping in, and you couldn't do anything but get your knife out. "What the fuck are you doing back here?" You pointed the knife at him, not going to let him take anymore of your hard earned supplies. "You raided yesterday and stole from me! The kind of nerve a selfish prick like you-" Negan pulled out your book and an unopened pack of spearmint gum. You lowered your knife, looking at him like a confused puppy, and then jerked the book out of his hand, leaving the gum. "It's a fuckin' peace offering, doll," Negan held out the gum, but you didn't take it, just stared at him. "I don't want it, you don't get to take all of our lessening supplies and steal from me after I've been nothing but honest trying to keep our deal for no violence and then just come offering a pack of gum your henchmen stole from me! I worked for that! I worked for all of this! I was good to your men! I was good to you, Negan!" You started tearing up and turned away from him, mindlessly putting your journal back in your bag, sighing in great relief that it was returned to you.
"Doll, I didn't fuckin' mean to upset you, I didn't fuckin' know what it was-" Negan stepped closer, setting the bag he carried on your table, "it's not the only peace offering, I've got two more." He sat the gum next to the pack and took your place in the chair, spinning around. You emptied the pack, meds, gauze, a Twix bar, and a few cases of extra supplies. You immediately turned to him, eyebrows raised, "What's the fucking catch? Nobody gets anything from you without a catch." Negan smiled, scratching through his beard, that trouble causing smile, "You gotta come back with me." You scoffed, gawked at that. "Are you serious? You want me to come back with you, with the saviors? Why? That's not even possible, I-I'm needed here, I'm the only one whose been studying the medical books, only one that can tell their ass from their end, that's just stupid-" Negan stands and points to the woman at your door. "Cue the next fuckin' offering, Amelia. She knows what she's fuckin' doing, she's a good one and fuckin' despises my fine ass, so I know that your fuckin' people are in good hands. You only gotta come for a week, just a fuckin' week."
You sighed, not sure what to do, but only had seconds to figure it out, "Okay," you moved closer to him, "on two conditions." Negan smiled, turned on by your big balls of courage to demand something from the man who mercilessly beat the shit out of people with a barbed wire bat. "I have today to train her on how to keep things in order while I'm gone, and next week, you leave Alexandria alone, and no taking extra in two weeks, we get to keep our extra supplies for next week." Negan scoffed, unbelievable that you'd demand that, he's gotta run his own group, "Are you fuckin' joking sweetheart?" You laughed, packing up the supplies and giving the bag of supplies back to him, "No, I am not," you pulled back and crossed your arms, "so how bad do you want me, Negan?"
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in-flagrante · 3 years
Michelle Dockery Dazzles Both On Screens Big And Small This Season
By Phebe Wahl | March 16, 2022 
Michelle Dockery dazzles on both the small and big screen this season, returning to her role of Lady Mary Crawlet in Downton Abbey: A New Era and a new thriller series, Anatomy of a Scandal.
As the voice of Lady Mary Crawley comes on the line, my spine straightens. The poise and quick-witted composure of Michelle Dockery demands that you sit a little taller and listen intently. The English actress is whip smart and her brilliant brain moves beautifully fast. Blink, and you might miss an important plot twist revealed through the subtle adjustments of her expressive eyes or slight intonation of her tone. The Lady commands the room—and screen—no doubt.
“When you find something that you can’t put the script down—you know that you’re onto a good thing,” says Dockery of her latest project, a new limited television series, Anatomy of a Scandal. The six-episode Netflix series slated to drop mid-April was developed by David E. Kelley (Big Little Lies, Nine Perfect Strangers) and Melissa James Gibson (the playwright behind episodes of House of Cards and The Americans) and is based on the novel of the same name by Sarah Vaughan. Dockery stars as prosecutor Kate Woodcroft alongside Rupert Friend and Sienna Miller, who play a privileged parliamentary minister and his wife whose perfect lives quickly unravel as the scandal unfolds. The captivating series is thrilling, but also touches on timely topics of entitlement, truth and consent.
“After reading the script, I was instantly drawn to Kate,” Dockery says. “She was so unreadable in the early episodes, and the arc of her character—just brilliant, and really unexpected.” Dockery notes that while the series is a highly entertaining and fictional thriller, the topics are intensely important. “I think after the #MeToo movement we are much more sensitive to the conversation around these issues. You go on this journey with these characters and see it from their perspective. The show’s shot in that way, to see it from a different character’s perspective for this complex issue,” she says. “I think it’s handled really well in the show, and I think it will create conversation, particularly about privilege and consent.”
This spring, Dockery also returns to her role playing Lady Mary Crawley of Downton Abbey. “It was like going home, like it always is. It’s wonderful to s pend time apart, and then we’ll come back together because we are like a family,” she says of reuniting with the cast to film. “I love playing her. And I love... each time we do it, what Julian [Fellowes] comes up with for each character. It’s always so unexpected and something new. And there’ll be a challenge here and there.” The historic and wild success of Downton has been a continued surprise for Dockery. “We were thrilled that the first film did so well. It got such a great reception and there was such an appetite for the second film.”
While the role and characters might be familiar, the new Downton film takes the audience on a journey—both to t he south of France and into a new era. “I think anytime that you take the characters out of Downton, it’s really interesting to see how they behave in another environment, and when they’re taken out of their comfort zone. So that part made it really fun to see played out, particularly in Carson being in a different place.”
When asked if there are any Downton secrets or spoilers for the new film that she can reveal, Dockery coyly shares, “We have a couple of crew members who appear in the film. … I w on’t tell you what characters they play.” Dockery says seeing these longtime Downtown crew members on camera was quite moving, as was seeing the transformation of their beloved “castle” (the historic High-clere Castle used as the main set for Downton Abbey). “We don’t actually live there, but it felt like our home being turned upside down.”
She shares that the returning role felt like a welcome respite after the intensity of Anatomy of a Scandal. “It’s rare, actually, as an actor, to go back to something so often,” Dockery muses of her good fortune to play Lady Mary. “Most of the time, you’re meeting new people. … It’s a new character, a new cast and crew—and you’re constantly starting again. The freshness of that is great, but it’s lovely to b e able to step back into shoes that you’re really comfortable with and be with your gang. We’re all so close and mates for life,” she says. In fact, Dockery recently released a folk album with Downton co-star Michael Fox. “We started writing that together six years ago,” she says, sharing that one of their songs appears on the Downton EP. “We obviously have worked together on Downton for many years, and it started out by us both having guitars on set and jamming between themes, and then it just grew from there.”
“I think the story is always ongoing,” Dockery says when pressed if we can expect more from Downton after this spring’s film. “Julian always managed to do that, in that the ending always has a beginning in some way.” I straighten again to scan Dockery’s voice for any nuanced tells. “It’s all about the audience’s appetite. So, they will wait and see."
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andilovetowrite · 3 years
Party Favors P.P
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: When trying to convince Peter to go to a party with you, a few secrets are revealed about a certain web-slinger’s crush, with your dad hanging onto every word. Total fluff here, guys!
Using the prompt: “come on, I can’t go to the party alone!”
Warnings: Nothing terrible, a swear word or two, I think. Just a lot of Flustered!Peter….. Oh, and Liz Allen being a prominent wing woman. Some suggestiveness as well. Sprinkles of angst but ends in fluff
Posted: April 30, 2021
Word Count: 3.2k
Here is my Masterlist in case you wanna read some more work of mine. Also, my requests are open :)
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“Pleaseee”, you pleaded, begging your best friend, “pretty please?” Peter Parker, the neighbour hood’s protector, Spiderman, an Avenger and your best friend stood in the middle of the room, arms crossed while he indignantly shook his head.
“Nope. Now way Y/N”
“C’mon, Pete. Just one time? Please, please, please?”
Peter sighed, raising his chocolate brown eyes to meet your Y/E/C eyes. “Is it necessary? Like life and death?”
“Yes! It is! Well, it saves lives and prevents death. And I need your help with this.”
Peter pursed his lips, looking a whole lot like a family member of yours you recently spoke to. “What’s in it for me?”
“Well, for starters, payback… Like the time I had to tell the press that ‘intern’ Peter Parker was doing a brilliant job working for my dad.”
“Yeah, I guess. But could you blame me? Y/N Stark saying to the world that I do a great job working as an intern was a sure way to make Flash shut up.”
“Ah, I get it. You’re just using me for my name!” you said, clasping a hand to your chest, faking hurt. Pretending to wipe off a tear, you whispered sorrowfully, “Another one bites the dust…”
“Uh-huh. And we are sure the amazing Y/N Stark didn’t have fun winding up Flash the next day at school when you strolled in and gave me an Intern Of The Month award in front of him?”
You laughed, remembering the moment fondly. “That was one of your better plans…”
Then you snapped out of your memories, smiling slightly. “Nuh-uh. You don’t get to make me reminisce about cute stories and get out of this deal. It’s happening.”, you said, gesturing to the two of you.
Peter groaned, falling back on your chair. “Dang it. I thought that would distract you for a while. But seriously? Do you want me to get killed?”
You rolled your eyes playfully, walking over to him. “Nobody is going to kill you! The party is at Liz’s house, and you’re Spiderman! Nobody can kill you.” For some reason, Peter face flushed pink when you mentioned Liz’s name.
But then he retorted. “Well, I’m not worried about our classmates. Or my enemies. I’m worried about… Mr Stark.” Peter said this almost worriedly, looking around, eyes locking onto his suit, which he grabbed, throwing it up into his attic.
Doubling over in laughter at his expression, you shakily walked over to your bed, jumping on it. “Why- why would you be afraid of my dad?!”
“Well, he specifically said you aren’t allowed to go to parties, but you want me to go with you to one of the biggest parties of the year.”
“Okay, well… that’s the reason you are coming with me. My dad said, and I quote. If one, just one, smart person attends that party, then you are allowed to go. And that’s where you come in. You are the ‘smart person!”
Peter chuckled, scratching the back of his neck, obviously relieved. “Uh, I don’t think that’s what he meant.”
“Oh, I know. But we are Starks. We never mean what we say.”, you say, backhandedly. “So, are you in?”
“Y/N, you know I love you, but…”
“Peter. I’m so sorry I have to do this, but… I’m going to have to use the best friend card.”
Peter gasped, looking at you in shock. “No, you didn’t.”
“Well, come on, I can’t go to the party alone!” you exclaim, jumping on the bed.
“Why can’t you go alone?”
“Why don’t you like parties?” you shoot back, turning to look at him, admiring the small clusters of freckles that adorn his face.
“I-I like parties. Just not Liz Allen’s parties.”
“Oh really?” you say, propping yourself up on your elbows, “that’s not what I heard when you and Ned went to her party in Freshmen year.”
“That… was different.”
Smiling victoriously, you let out a giggle. “Sure it wassss” He turned bright red again, turning away from you. You felt a pang in your heart, wondering why he was acting strange. “Wait, Peter, do you still like her?” You asked this, feeling your stomach sink down.
He flipped around so quickly; you. were sure he could’ve broken something. “No, NO, not at all.”
You squinted, trying to figure out what was wrong, but gave it up, vowing to figure it out later. “Alright, so will you come with me to the party?”
Peter looked at me, breaking into a grin. “Of course, I shall accompany you to the party, m’lady.”
“Well, thank you so much, my good man.”, you said in a horrible British accent. He smiled at me, his eyes crinkling as he glowed in the evening light. And as the two of you laughed, falling back into the bed, you wondered if you should tell Peter that you liked him.
Soon, the day of the party arrived, and you honestly couldn’t wait for it. You bought a short dark blue dress, pairing it with some golden accessories and a pair of sneakers. Slipping them on, you headed into the driveway, making sure no one was around before activating your suit, flying off the ground and to Peter’s house. As you arrived, you knocked on the door, shifting from side to side, worried if you had worn too much for a casual party, but you were pleasantly surprised to see Peter dressed up nicely, dark blue jeans and a white shirt, a comfy sweater hanging off his shoulders.
“Woah,” Peter said, looking at you with adoration in his eyes, “you look amazing Y/N!”
You blushed, looking down. “Thanks, Pete, you look great as well.” Peter became red at your comment, not saying anything but holding his arm out to you instead. Looping your elbow through his, you went down to the car where May was going to take you to Liz’s house.
Arriving there, the music was blaring loud, the clinks of glass bottles in the air, while about 50 students and friends stood around the vast house, chatting and drinking.
“Hey guys!” Liz greeted, smiling warmly at us. “Come on in. We have drinks and snacks at the pool, DJ in the living room and a game of truth or dare upstairs.”
“Let’s do truth or dare”, you said, looking at Peter to see if it was alright. He nodded, letting Liz lead the way. Walking upstairs, we came into a guest bedroom, where about ten,eople were sitting in a circle, looking totally wasted.
“Is there alcohol?”, you asked, worried.
Liz laughed. “No no, they just all gotta act drunk. Gave them the dare.”
“Ah alright.” Peter said, glancing at me. Going over, you sat down, seated between Flash and Peter.
“Heyy Penis Parker. Hey there Stark.” He said, spitting out Peter’s fun nickname, but said yours flirtatiously. Almost glaring at him, you muttered back.
“Hello, Flash. What horrible thing are you doing on this evening?”
“Oh, nothing much. Just wondering why you walked in with Penis Parker here and not someone who can actually handle you. And your wealth and fame.”
Scoffing, you turn towards Peter, whose face is almost red with fury. You could see him clenching his fists, which he rarely does. You knew he was minutes away from punching Flash, but you didn’t want to make a whole scene, so you did something you never would have thought to do.
You grabbed Peter’s hand and kissed the back of it, leaning into him. You felt him tense behind you, breathing heavily. “Well Flash, who else would I come with if not the guy I have a crush on? Only seems fair rather than someone who makes a fool out of your best friend.”
Flash’s eyes went wide, looking between Peter and you, but then he cackled. Yeah, you said cackled. It’s what it sounds like. He doubled over, hitting his knee. “No way. I love this. Y/N Stark making Peter Parker, an intern of her multi-billion dollar father, and pretending to date him! There is no way in hell Penis Parker could get someone like you.” Flash said this maliciously, glaring at Peter.
You felt Peter lose his crip on you, taking in a sharp intake of air. “He’s right”, Peter whispered softly into your ear, his voice shaky and choked.
“Peter no!”, but it was too late. He stood up, walking out of the room at lightning speed. You glared at Flash but didn’t wait around, instead of running to find Peter. You ran to the stairs, where you saw him ask MJ where Liz was. Confused why he might want to talk to Liz, you walked down the stairs, staying out of his sights for the moment. You followed him as he walked into Liz’s room, leaving the door ajar. Tiptoeing to stand outside the room, you leaned against the wall, trying to make out what Peter was saying to Liz.
Peter’s POV
I ran down the stairs, quickly asking MJ where Liz was. I could hear someone’s heartbeat loud and clear, but I just assumed that it was my own. Ugh, I hate Flash. But it’s not like he was wrong. Y/N wouldn’t ever like me. She was just being a good friend by sticking up for me to a guy I should’ve beaten up long ago. I could feel my teeth grit together as I walked to Liz’s bedroom, knocking.
“Hey Peter, what’s wrong?”
I wiped my eyes on the back of my hand. Explaining to her what happened, she sat me down on the bed, rubbing my back. I could see the fury in her eyes when I told her about Flash.
“I have half a mind to go out and kick him out of my house.”
“It’s fine. But how do I tell her?”
Liz thought for a moment, and then lowered her voice down a bit, quickly glancing over to the door. Scruching my eyebrows, I wondered why she was now whispering but went along with it.
“Why don’t you pretend I’m Y/N. Tell her how you feel. Trust me, she will say yes.”
“Uh okay”, I said, not having too much of a problem, since I had this infront of the mirror dozens of times. “Hey-y. I just wanted to tell you something. I really really like you!”
“Louder”, Liz said, looking at me then at the door.
“Um, I really like you. Well, not just like. I literally love you. I love the way that you are sweet and charming, but also hard and firm. You look like a goddess, whether you are working out or going out in the city. Whenever you come over next to me, my senses go crazy because I am just so in love with you. I know you probably don’t think of me this way, but I had to get it off my chest.”
I finished rambling, when I saw Liz’s wide eyes. “Why? Was that too much?” I was worried, standing up quick.
Liz saw my expression, shaking her head hard. “No no, you’re good. But you gotta come with me right now. I-um know a way to get you and Y/N to like each other by the end of today”
Grabbing my hand, she pulled me up, pulling me quickly through the crowd, into a small closet at the end of the hall. “Okay, wait here”, she said, running off. I stood there, bouncing from side to side, wondering what Liz was doing. But I got my answer quite quickly when she ran back, basically pulling Y/N. “Come here!”, she said, pushing her to me.
“Okay, guys. I hope you two don’t hate me but this has to be done”, was all Liz said before she threw open the door behind us, pushing us both in with shocking strength and closing us in darkness. I reached to open the door but found it locked.
Peter looked at the door, then glanced back at me. “It’s locked”, he said simply, scratching his neck, something he did when he was nervous.
“No shit sherlock. But did you forget, you are Spiderman? Just break it.”
He shook his head, mumbling something about not wanting to break Liz’s stuff. You rolled your eyes, sighing. You rummaged through your pocket, finding a small hairpin. Pushing him aside, you jammed it in, nudging it around until you heard a little click.
“There, it’s now open”, you said sarcastically, leaning back.
“Woah, I’ve never seen you do that!”
“Yeah, well, I don’t usually break open locks, do I?”
Peter picked up on your attitude, leaning back as well, sitting on the floor, making me look at him expectantly.
“Why don’t you just go back to your girlfriend?” you said bitterly, turning away from Peter. He scrunched his eyebrows, confused.
“What girlfriend?” he asked, trying to make space in the small closet.
“Liz. I heard you telling her how much you loved her earlier. An entire freaking speech if I remember correctly.”
He looked confused until his eyes lit up in recognition. “Wait-you thought, what- me and Liz, huh?”
“Yeah, aren’t you and Liz together? Or did she turn you down?”
Peter chuckled, eyes softening as he looked at me. “I don’t love Liz. I don’t even like her. What you heard earlier was Liz helping me out. Practising if you might.”
“Who was Liz pretending to be?”, you asked, disappointed.
“Well, she is smart, kind, badass and absolutely ethereal. She has such a strong spirit and is great at bringing people up. I have loved her for three years. Which, ironically, is how much time we have been best friends. By the way, her dad’s also Tony Stark”, Peter says this, coming closer to you, one hand coming up to hold your cheek gingerly. Searching in your eyes for confirmation, he leaned closer slowly, giving you enough time if you wanted to move away, but you didn’t, instead of moving up the last few inches and making your lips collide with his.
Time stopped as you pressed your lips together, hand finding its way to his curls, roughly holding on to them, while Peter held your waist, not wanting to let you go. You could’ve kissed Peter forever, but the need for oxygen became too much.
Pulling away from Peter, you rested your forehead on his, smiling contently. “I love you”, Peter whispered, cupping your face lightly, holding you at arm’s length.
Giving a small laugh at his nervousness, you kissed him softly, feeling him relax against you. “I love you too, Peter Parker.”
Peter grinned back at me with his signature smile, but the moment ended when we heard a loud bang from outside. “What the hell?” you exclaimed, running to the door; Peter following your footsteps. You could see Peter from the corner of your eye pull his shirt back slightly, revealing a pair of web-shooters he had underneath. Pushing a hand inside your pocket, you could feel the silver ring you carried with you. Slipping it on, you held your thumb over it, waiting for the moment to activate your suit. But when you and Peter burst outside, hands up to fight, you saw your dad, pacing the area, right now talking to a very scared looking Flash.
“Where is my daughter? You have one minute until I blast you off the face of this planet. And trust me when I say it, because bitch please, I’ve been to space.”
Covering your mouth with your hand to stifle your laughter, you walked closer, coming up behind your dad. “I think I might know where your daughter is”, you say in a solemn voice.
Tony whirled around quickly, looking you up and down. Pulling me into a hug for a second, he let go as soon as he did, holding you at arm’s length. “Why the heck are you at this party?!” he asked firmly.
“Well, dear father, you did say that at least one smart person had to be at this party, and that’s why,” you moved out of your dad’s grip, pushing Peter forward, “he is here.”
Peter came forward awkwardly, waving at Tony. “Hey, Mr Stark. How are you and Ms Potts?”
Tony nodded at Peter, clasping his hand on his shoulder. “We’re fine, Underoos. How are you and my daughter? You didn’t try anything with her, did you?”
Peter spluttered, mumbling at your dad. “N-n,o of course not Mr Stark. I-I respect and lo-love your daughter very much. We just kissed for a bit- and I mean, it felt terrific- wait, that’s not why I’m with her. I’m not wi-with her for her beauty. I mean-she i-is beautiful, but I don’t want that. Wait-uh-”
Giggling at what Peter was saying, you threaded your fingers through his own, squeezing them to give him some strength and to tell him to shut up before he said anything else. Tony sighed, giving an ‘I’m too old for this shit’ face.
“Okay, thank you for telling me about your love life, kiddo, but I’d rather not hear it. Both of you, meet me in the car. We can stay at the compound today, and I’ll tell Happy to text May.”
Tony turned around, walking to the car, while you and Peter stood there in shock. “Do you think he’ll let us sleep in the same room?” you asked Peter, nudging him playfully.
“NO”, your dad shouted from across the street, turning to look back at Peter, doing the ‘I’m watching you’ sign. Peter visibly gulped from beside you, making you chuckle.
“Hey! Peter, Y/N!” Liz called out, running from inside the house. “I saw your dad. Are you heading home?”
Nodding defeatedly, you confirmed it. She smiled lightly before telling us to wait here, running back in. In a minute, she ran back out, a small bag in each hand. “Here, a small return gift.”
“Aw, thanks, Liz!” Peter said, smiling at her.
She smirked. “You’ll like it even better when you find out what I put in yours, Peter. For a fact, both of you can use it.” She winked at us, making me worried.
“Wait, you what did you-”
“Face masks. Get your mind out of the gutter Y/N”, Liz said, laughing. Peter scoffed from beside me, laughing as well.
“Anyway, gotta go, Liz. See you at school.” Hugging the girl goodbye, you and Peter made your way to the car.
“That was nice of Liz”, Peter commented, looking up at the stars.
“Yeah, but I got my party favour”, you said simply, putting your hand in Peter’s, pulling him down to give him one sweet kiss under the night sky.
“HEY HEY HEY, NO KISSING INFRONT OF ME!” Tony yelled from the car.
“Wait, how did Mr Stark know we're together?”
“YOUR SUIT OBVIOUSLY!”, Tony yelled, getting the car upfront.
Peter groaned, banging his head against the window. “I knew it!”
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks for reading this, guys! Hope you enjoyed this small fic. I loved writing it, plus it’s one of my longest ones, so expect more one-shots like this. See you till the next one!
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operationcavill · 3 years
Professionals 5 - August Walker
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August Walker is hired by Parker Industries to protect the companies most important assets; Mr. Stephen Parker himself and his workaholic, do-it-all executive assistant.
 *Mature Content in this chapter*
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
He nods and runs back to his disaster area. "Now, you, come over here." August looks toward Y/N and expects her to walk forward, "Huh-uh, handsome; I'm talking to you." 
He reluctantly walks to her, "Yes?"
"I've heard you've made a confession this evening," His mouth feels dry, "I told you, I know that look." She puts her hands on her hips, "What are you gonna do about that little rat Wayne?"
"I plan to leave him in a dark room with even less mercy than he showed her." August's face shows no ounce of sarcasm. He means it. He fully intends on giving that sorry excuse of a man the beating of a lifetime.
Instead of shock or questions, Annie responds with a simple, "Okay." She sits down with Jacob and Y/N, sighing as she hits the couch," So, I guess we're all home, huh? I bet Steve is handling this well."
Y/N shrugs, "He was level-headed when he found out that no one could find Jack."
"Oh, I mean with Mr. Tight Ass over here," she tilts her head in his direction, "he already blames himself for what happened because he introduced you and Jack. He introduced you two, too. He's—Steve has never been good at these things." 
Annie and Steve were always fond of each other; they were probably even in love with each other at one point. Annie had too much pride and, Steve had too much money and women chasing after it.
Jacob pipes in, "He got a bottle of wine and went to his room."
Annie sighs, "He's so dramatic, I swear it." 
Y/N watches August spin a wheel on one of the many toy trucks, he's no doubt zoning out on some revenge plan, and she notices. "Follow me," They end up in the pantry, and August is confused once again.
"Are you okay?"
"Why did you say that?"
"Say what?"
"That you loved me."
"It just came out."
"Did you mean it?"
"Yes," She reaches up to a shelf and reveals a notebook, her journal. "What are you doing?" She flips through the pages until she finds it.
She hands him the book, "Here."
April 2
I think I'm falling in love with August Walker and his stupid mustache.
"This is from 4 weeks ago."
"So, you're giving me shit for feeling the same way as you do?"
"I'm not giving you shit."
"Than say it."
"Say you love me."
"I love your mustache." Within seconds he kisses her, knowing that she meant she loved him. She's then thrown over his shoulder, making her squeal.
"Be quiet!" She's finally dropped and leaned up against a wall in his bedroom. 
"What the hell!" She wants to smack the smirk off his face.
He kisses her until she's out of breath, "You have to be quiet."
"Quiet? What–" His hand quickly goes to her underwear; he doesn't have time for teasing, "Jesus, August!" She's pleasantly shocked but nervous due to the setting of things.
"We can't do this right now."
"And why is that?"
"Anyone could walk by."
"Well, no ones coming in here,"
"You don't know that."
"It's my room, and there's a lock on the door." 
"Yes?" Oh, that look. He acts as if he's perfectly innocent in his actions as if his fingers aren't prodding and rubbing against her. 
"You're awful."
"I know, sweetheart. Now, go sit on the bed." She obliges, and it feels like ages when he finally stands in front of her. His hands delicately put her hair in a ponytail, and he kisses the top of her head, "I have something for you. Do you want it?" She nods and watches him pull his belt from his pants, then the unbuttoning and the sound of the zipper. He rubs atop the fabric briefly before pulling himself out, "Open up." 
Her mouth falls open, tongue gladly welcoming the warm tip of his dick. Once he feels the back of her throat, he grasps her hair and pumps in and out. It isn't until her hands come to rest on his backside that he knew he was indeed in danger. He was no longer in control, and he didn't care. He stops thrusting into her mouth and lets her hair go. Y/N doesn't stop; in fact, she speeds up. 
"Holy shit." August reaches over to steady himself on the wall, and another hand goes back to her head. "You need to slow down." She gives him a muffled noise of opposition. He looks down at her and meets her eyes, a wrong move on his part, "I'm going to come if you don't slow down." 
She then takes him in her hand, smiles, licks him from base to tip, "Good," and swiftly goes back to her bobbing. 
August only groans. It was no secret he loved a challenge, but a woman like this was a whole new situation. She listened but knew how to get what she wanted out of it. He didn't realize how much he craved it until Y/N, though. He holds her head in place and exhales. Her hands gently rub his thighs as she feels him fill up her mouth, "You're something else." 
Y/N pulls away, wiping her mouth just in case. She sits further back on the bed and begins to take her clothes off. "Come play with me." 
He eagerly lays with her, kissing her while she rids him of the rest of his clothes, "if you're not careful, I might just let you have your way with me." She's always thrilled when he gets like this. He so rarely shows this side, even to her. 
"You're hard again," She runs her finger down his body to his crotch, very softly rubbing a circle on its head. 
"I wonder why," he pushes his thigh between her legs and aligns his mouth with her nipple, "ride it." Y/N begins moving against his thigh, and he removes her hand from his cock, then places it on his chest. This gives her extra leverage and gives him the pleasure of both her tits closer to his face. He can feel how wet she is, how wet she is for him, "That's my girl," he kisses her nipple, "such a good girl." 
She almost cries out when he begins to nibble and suck on her breasts. The combination of growing pleasure between her legs and the pain in her nipples becomes something similar to euphoria. "August," 
"Mmm, what do you want, bunny?"
"I wanna come."
"You don't have to ask permission tonight. Make yourself feel good; you're doing go well," August kisses her hand and places it back on his chest. 
"No, I want you to make me come," her hand presses into his chest as she stops her movements on his leg.
He whispers, "And how do you want me to do that?"
She straddles him, both hands on the side of his head, so he has to look at her, "Fuck me."
He closes his eyes in delight, "You been taking your pill?" She nods, "You want me in you?" She nods again. He flips her on her back, making her giggle, "Show me what you want."
Y/N reaches down and grasps him, teasing her folds before aiming him at her entrance, "You're turn." He slowly pushes in, and they both moan, his surprisingly louder than hers. Her hand comes to cover his mouth, and she smiles when she feels him grin against it, "You have to be quiet." 
August will only allow her to mock him, no one else. "If you're gonna be smart, I'll leave you in here all by yourself." He kisses her cheek and begins to move his hips. She pretends to pout and whine, but her face quickly twists into pleasure. Her hands grip his neck and hair, "I like when you do that."
She can barely get out words, "Hmm?"
"My hair," He grinds his body into her when she tugs at his hair.
"Do that again."
"Yeah?" Y/N moans into his neck, peppering sloppy kissing all over. With the pressure inside her and the perfect friction on her clit, she begins to whimper. She clenches around him when she hears him let out a deep groan, "your pussy feels so good."
"August," the slightest amount of dirty talk could throw her over the edge, and he was determined. 
"Put your arms above your head for me." One of his hands grips her wrists while the other grips her leg. He watches her face scrunch, "You're so damn cute," he kisses her nose but then begins to speed up his trust. He feels her thighs twitch, and her breathing quickens Y/N tries to free her hands from his hold, but he doesn't budge; he only thrusts harder, "Use your words like a big girl."
"Let me touch you." He releases her hands, and to his delight, she wraps her legs around him and pulls him even closer. 
"Jesus," her body moves to match his, and August is done for. He's so close that he can barely warn her, "gonna come."
She reaches her hand between them and roughly rubs herself, "don't stop." 
He tries his best to prolong himself, but the second she begins to come, he releases, "fuck." 
He can feel her spasm and writhe, and when she says, "Auggie," he closes his eyes and bites his lip. He's never had any kind of nickname, and this was something she had never said before. And, this was her name for him. Y/N removes her hand from herself and buries her face in his neck again.
"Auggie, hmm?"
"I couldn't help it."
"You can call me whatever you want." 
*I apologize for any mistakes! Sometimes you stare at something for so long you end up missing things.
[Tagged: If you’d like to be tagged, just shoot me a message or ask!]
@igotkatiepowers  @xxxkatxo  @lunedelorient  @heartfelt-pen  @omgkatinka  @viking-raider  @summersong69  @hell1129-blog  @lilzebub  @mansaaay  @henryobsessed  @harrysthiccthighss  @cavillshmavill @wheretheriversrunintothesea​ @imnotcreativeenoughforausername
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remmushound · 3 years
Rise/bay 23!! @brightlotusmoon @errorfreak88 @selfindulgenz
Donnie ran out of his room in an excited frenzy. His feet tip-tapped the happy dance he always did when he found a discovery. The light in his eyes, the flutter in his heart. The warmth overwhelming him. He ran right over to the cuddle pile, hesitating only to eye the strange scene curiously before prodding Donatello’s forehead.
“Mm?” Donatello’s eyes opened in an angry scowl at being disturbed.
“Hey!” Donnie was beaming, his eyes shimmering like dark pools of shiny chocolate, “Hi— here— here take a look at these!” 
Donatello grumbled through his sleep-heavy state and ignored the pictures shoved in his face, covering his muzzle with his arms to block out the light.
“Wha— hey, come on! I think I found your April!”
Donatello hardly heard him, and the fuzz of his mind wasn’t sharp enough yet to care. As the bickering continued with Donnie’s mouth running like a motor trying to wake up the sluggish softshell, Raphael opened his own heavy eyes and started to listen in. 
“Ugh! Make it stooooop!” 
Leonardo reached over and prodded Donnie where his tail would have been under the pants, making the box turtle yelp and fall forward. 
“There.” Leonardo snuggled back in against Raphael, “I found the off switch.”
Raphael was fully awake now and slowly started to untangle himself from his brothers. When he stood, the absence of his immense form made Michelangelo and Leonardo roll suddenly and slam into Donatello on either side. None of the three seemed to care. Raphael gave himself a minute or so to stretch and pop his joints before positioning himself behind his brothers, low to the ground. He sucked in a good deal of air, and then belched it back at his brothers.
The reaction was immediate. Screams of terror as the scent overwhelmed them and the panicked scrambling as his brothers tried to escape the stench. Their feet scrambled helplessly on the floor for a minute as the slick floor held them in place. Michelangelo was the first to find his footing, then Donatello, and lastly Leonardo. All scrambled to different corners of the lair.
“You’re up now, antch’a?” Raphael laughed. “Whatchu got for us Don?”
“What? I don’t have anything for you.” Donatello answered.
“He meant other Don, Don.” Leonardo nudged his brother in the side, “Maybe we should mark you with paint or something— Don 1 and Don 2.”
“Not funny, Nardo!”
“No, it is extremely funny.” Leonardo laughed continuing to prod Donatello playfully.
“Nardo, if you keep doing that I’ll—“
“You’ll what?” Leonardo stuck out his tongue and bounced between legs as he continued to poke Donatello and avoid his swatting hands.
“Eh, ignore them.” Raphael smiled as he rubbed his neck and turned to address Donnie, craning his neck over to look at the pictures the box turtle reluctantly offered. “You found something?”
Donnie squeaked at the closeness of the snapping turtle’s head to him and pulled away quickly, dropping the photos in his panic. Raphael picked them up and his eyes lit up once he located the reason for the images.
“That’s April!”
That simple declaration was enough to make the other three forget about their playful bickering and hurry to Raphael’s side. The mutant held the proof of April low enough for his brothers to be able to look comfortably. Cheers sounded off seconds later.
“That’s April!”
“Oh, she’s okay!”
“Looook!” Leonardo prodded a finger against the paper at April’s chest, “She’s got the orb!”
“Ohh I hope she’s okay!” Michelangelo piped, crawling to hang over Leonardo’s shoulder.
“Time stamps from an hour ago.” 
“Do you know where she is now?”
“Can we get a pizza on the way to find her?”
The smaller mutants started to swarm Donnie with their questions, but Raphael was quick to separate them and give the box turtle some space.
“This is the last I saw of her— she was heading into an alley and I can just kinda see her going up the fire escape.” Donnie said finally.
“Hey, isn’t that where dad was?” Leonardo pointed out.
There was a symphony of agreement.
“I didn't see her come back down though, so she’s probably still up there.” Donnie said, “Unless she found a different way down, which I don’t see why she would…”
Donnie gave yet another yelp as Raphael’s hand fell onto his shoulder. Raphael laughed.
“You’re a jumpy one arencha?” He gave Donnie a few comforting pats to try and reassure him, “Great work Don! You don’t know how much this means to us.”
Donnie’s eyes glimmered with astonishment at the genuine praise.
“Yeah, that big head is good for something after all.” Despite the insult, Donatello’s words came off as a good-natured joke as he circled around Donnie and leaned his head on the box turtle’s shoulder.
“You’re one to talk, peanut head!” Leonardo laughed, “Your head looks like Stewie Griffin’s in reverse!”
“Ha ha.” Donatello faux-laughed, “Very funny, Leon.”
Donnie shivered as Michelangelo scrambled up his shell, using the older turtle’s tech for hand and foot holds. “You’re so smart, other Donnie!”
“Uh— heh— thanks?” Donnie’s cheeks hurt from smiling so wide. 
Raphael whistled, and his brothers all dislodged themselves from Donnie to heed his call. “Come on, Mad Dogz! April needs us!”
Another uproar of agreement sounded.
“I have an ideeeahhh!” Donatello purposely exaggerated the last word, “Let’s take the turtle tank!”
That suggestion sparked a series of cheers. 
“You do have a turtle tank right?” Donatello asked, his brothers excited cheering still sounding behind him.
“Well— yeah— but—“
“Great!” Donatello didn't let him finish, and Donnie couldn’t help but wonder if it was on purpose.
“Wait— you’re not really supposed to…” Donnie’s voice only got softer as the cheers drowned him out and the other four set off searching for the tank, “Take it out of the lair without… oh never mind.”
Donnie followed reluctantly after them. 
When they finally found the room they had been searching for, Leo blocked their path before they could enter. While the rest of the brothers stared at Leo— Donatello annoyed, Michelangelo concerned, and Raphael confused— Leonardo was quick to confront the box turtle.
“Hey guy, we were trying to get through there you know.”
“I know.” Leo crossed his arms pointedly.
“What, you the new door? Cause I’m not really seeing any working handles.” 
Leonardo pretended to look all around Leo for a handle before returning to stand in a similar stance as the older shinobi, except more relaxed. 
“Waiiiiit~ Are you like the sphinx? Gotta answer a riddle to get past you and if we get it wrong you just stare at us disappointedly!” Leonardo said the last part of the sentence in a low voice that tried to mimic Leo, standing up a little straighter and making sure to be loud. “Waitwaitwait, lemme guess: What’s green and uglier than a half-drowned mutant mole rat? And the answer is you! What’s my prize?”
Leonardo cupped his hands together and batted his eyes innocently, standing on one foot as he posed.
Leo didn't even address the annoying slider. “Donnie. What are you doing?” He asked slowly.
Donnie’s head shrank slowly into his shell. “Sorry Leo… I tried to stop them.”
“He spotted our April.” Raphael explained calmly.
“And so you thought you could just bully my brother into taking you out to get her?” Leo pulled up to his full height to try and tower over Raphael, even if the difference was only a few inches.
“Wha— bully?” Raphael frowned, not flinching at the attempt at a threat and looking more concerned for Donnie than for what Leo could do for him, “I didn't mean to bully him— did— did I?” 
Raphael looked back at Donnie with soft eyes. Donnie was looking incredibly guilty, his eyes locked on the floor as he sniffled softly and adjusted his glasses. Raphael gave a long, almost mournful sigh and approached Donnie.
“Gee, I’m sorry. I didn't mean to press you into anything.” Raphael apologized, “I just really wanted to find our April.”
The rest of the collection of mutants muttered similar apologies, Leonardo even giving a bow to the box turtle. Donnie looked to Leo to make sure he wasn’t the only one made uneasy by this strange situation. Leo seemed to carry a similar sentiment.
“Don’t worry— we’ll go out and find your April.” Leo said finally when he was able to, “But you all need to stay here.”
“Stay here?” Leonardo shot back, “Why?”
Leo was more than happy to challenge the slider again, almost glad he finally got the mutants attention. “My brothers and I know this city better than you.”
“Yeah, and we know our April better than you! And you’re not my leader!”
At a simple touch on the shoulder from Raphael, Leonardo immediately calmed down. “We won’t get in your way.” Raphael addressed Leo.
“You better not.” Leo said after a hesitation, so used to an aggressive remark that a kind one threw him off guard for a moment. “Suit up Don. We roll out in five. You two as well!” Leo called across the lair to Raph and Mikey.
“What?” Leonardo turned to Raphael with a hushed voice, “You can’t be serious!”
“I’m not.” Raphael whispered softly out of the corner of his mouth. “I said we wouldn’t get in their way, and we won’t. Never said we weren’t going.”
Leonardo understood immediately and gave a soft laugh, punching Raphael playfully in the shoulder. “April, here we come.”
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barschter000 · 3 years
Baiko Omori – Ultimate Lucky Student
"My name is Baiko Omori, I am here as the Ultimate Lucky Student. The pleasure of meeting you is mine, my dear friends! There are actually quite many things that I'm talented at and hopefully, this academy helps me find my 'true Ultimate.'"
  Birthday: March 11th (Pisces)
    Blood Type: A+
    Height: 165cm / 5'4”
    Weight: 67kg / 148lbs
    Likes: vintage 50s music, street food, grocery shopping
    Dislikes: cockroaches, the smell of gasoline, betrayal
Baiko never means harm as he values life over everything else. He is friendly and considerate, always smiling. He offers help where he can, sometimes coming off as intrusive but never does something that would put him at a disadvantage. He has the habit of calling everyone his “dear friend” and is in general, quirky and a little detached from normality. When you're around him, you can't help but feel like there's something off but Baiko is too nice for you to bring that up.
Ei Hagakure – Ultimate Ghost Whisperer
"Name's Ei Hagakure, Ghost Whisperer. Sup? My gramps went to this school back in his days. Sadly didn't inherit his spiritual powers, so guess I'll substitute with a bit of science."
Birthday: April 29th (Taurus)
Blood Type: B+
Height: 177cm / 5'8”
Weight: 57kg / 126lbs
Likes: bad television shows, abandoned buildings, the pizza they have on Wednesday at her university's cafeteria
Dislikes: family fights, doctor's appointments, olives
Ei is a laid-back young scientist that leaves the world of academics in wonder at her more or less successful inventions. Her greatest goal is to prove the existence of ghosts based on scientific findings. Despite Ei's grand ambitions, she is relaxed and calm and just weird enough to get along with almost everybody.
Hideaki Yukiyama – Ultimate Mathematician
"Yukiyama Hideaki, Hideaki Yukiyama, Mathematician and the Ultimate at that! This class looks pretty alright so far. You shitwits seem like the type a smart boy like me can have fun with, hehe."
Birthday: May 2nd (Taurus)
Blood Type: 0+
Height: 156cm / 5'1”
Weight: 62kg / 137lbs
Likes: the feeling of chalk, messy notes, his own laugh
Dislikes: boredom, sitting straight, school uniforms
Contrary to what his talent might lead you to believe, Hideaki is actually a brat. Constantly in the search for mischief and entertainment, he likes to ridicule and annoy others. His genius lies hidden in his complicated speech and spectacular knowledge that he uses to confuse the people around him. All negativity and criticism towards his character simply bounces off him. It is not easy to befriend him as he believes that friends hinder him but deep down, he wishes for someone to get through his irritating personality to know him better.
Ichini – Ultimate Robotics Engineer
"My model's name is 1.2, that's Ichini for you. Ultimate Robotics Engineer. Be prepared to have that weirded-out look wiped off your faces, meatbags! Someday I'll drown this world in chaos and rule humanity with my machines!"
Birthday: August 13th (Leo)
Blood Type: 0-
Height: 210cm / 6'8”
Weight: 132kg / 291lbs
Likes: the smell of electricity, children's' shows, energy drinks
Dislikes: being photographed, asparagus, humanity
Ichini is a mean cyborg that has rejected humanity and all its aspects. Xe thinks xemself superior to everyone around xem because they are still human and will not survive the overthrow of the machines that xe is planning. Despite xir large, armed metal body though, Ichini is all bark, no bite and wishes to be more courageous and confident in xir choices.
Jun Nagao – Ultimate Escapologist
"My name is Jun Nagao, I'm the Ultimate Escapologist. There's nothing much about me, really. Sorry."
Birthday: September 25th (Libra)
Blood Type: AB-
Height: 171cm / 5'6”
Weight: 63kg / 139lbs
Likes: flower bouquets, art from the Romantic era, freshly laundered clothes
Dislikes: skin tight clothing, reading out loud, overcrowded subways
After his face was paralysed in a kidnapping incident, Jun has adopted the perception of him being emotionless and cold. As he usually dismisses others and their feelings, Jun is a loner. Because his talent stems from his continued abductions, he finds it distressing to be enrolled at Hope's Peak Academy but accepts his fate to ensure his own safety.
Kaida Tsutsumi – Ultimate Stock Broker
”Kaida Tsutsumi... Ultimate Stock Broker... That is all.”
Birthday: January 9th (Capricorn)
Blood Type: AB-
Chest: 82cm / 32”
Height: 153cm / 5'0”
Weight: 58kg / 128bs
Likes: coffee, Paganini, listening to the rain while falling asleep
Dislikes: the cold, bitter coffee, wool sweaters
Kaida is a small and timid girl, so shy that it is hard to imagine that she works at the stock market. Kaida is great with numbers and probabilities and rather spends time with diagrams and prices than with people. She only speaks as much as necessary and gives her answers clear and direct. Because of her reluctance to talk about herself, she is mostly seen alone but will get extremely attached to you the moment you show that you acknowledge her. It feels like she holds a secret that she can't reveal.
Kyo Kido – Ultimate Horror Author
"My name's Kyo. Uh, Kyo Kido, that's probably how you know me. I'm the Ultimate Horror Author? I'd offer to give out some autographs but my hands are kinda shaking right now cuz– Wow– Hope's Peak, y'know! So it's gonna look kinda ugly, ahah."
Birthday: November 21st (Scorpio)
Blood Type: 0+
Height: 180cm / 5’9”
Weight: 79kg / 174lbs
Likes: romance novels, romantic comedies, the clacking sound of typewriters
Dislikes: ink stains on his hand, sharp pencils, soup
Kyo is really just a normal teenager with a knack for writing; at least, that's what he believes. Like every other teenager, he is a little awkward and shy and, in contrast to his talent, not at all scary. However, Kyo's books manage to evoke such terror in his readership that it's dubbed and loved as 'Kido's curse'. Kyo is flattered but honestly can't handle the fame.
Maxis von Läuterbach – Ultimate Knight
"My name is Maxis von Läuterbach, wielding the title of the Ultimate Knight. It is not often that you see someone as wondrous as me, so my lieges, I am ever at your service."
Birthday: June 21st (Gemini)
Blood Type: AB-
Height: 182cm / 5'9"
Weight: 75kg / 165lbs
Likes: stained glass windows, historic castles, Belgian pralines
Dislikes: blisters, ignorance, ill-behaved children
Growing up surrounded by ruins of glorious pasts and with the wish to set themself off from their peers, Maxis chose to walk the path backwards and do everything in their power to become a historically accurate knight. Unfortunately, Maxis had miscalculated and noticed that a knight lives to serve, not to be served but there is no turning back now.
Shiori Ishimaru-Owada – Ultimate Team Captain
"I'm Shiori Ishimaru-Owada, proudly bearing the title of the Ultimate Team Captain! I'm excited to get along with y'all! Honestly, I don't really know why I'm at this academy, but as long as I make my Dads proud, I'm probably doing the right thing!"
Birthday: December 14th (Sagittarius)
Blood Type: AB+
Height: 185cm / 6'0”
Weight: 79kg / 174lbs:
Likes: racing games, exercise, cooking
Dislikes: reading, hospital stays, basements
Shiori is an intense and upbeat girl. She is a capable leader with strong beliefs that she defends well and at times, imposes on others without noticing. While not being truly talented at a singular sport, she has tried out many things and has always effortlessly attracted a group of allies around her, no matter where she went. She is kind and motivational and, strange for a teenage girl, very attached to her parents.
Tamae Shiroma – Ultimate Whistleblower
"I'm Tamae Shiroma, Ultimate Whistleblower. Pleasure. Before I get any complaints later: Know who you're talking to, alright?"
Birthday: May 21st (Gemini)
Blood Type: B+
Height: 159cm / 5'2”
Weight: 73kg / 161lbs
Likes: hot baths, spicy food, her sister
Dislikes: reality TV, sugary food, caterpillars
Famous for her small but well-placed leaks, Tamae is the tiny thorn in the side of many politicians. In the shithole that she considers the world, Tamae tries to find the truth as painful as it may be to some. She is wary and never fully trusts anyone, knowing that how dirty people play for their achievements. While talking to her, it always seems like she knows more than you've told her. That is probably true. At the cost of her anonymity, she is attending Hope's Peak where she is promised security. Her talent is her duty, whether she is happy with it or not.
Etsuya Iwata – Ultimate Opera Singer
"My name is but fleeting. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, a song of any other melody would sound as fine. For now, call me Etsuya Iwata, forever I am the Ultimate Opera Singer. Allow me to bring pleasure to your ears, my darlings!"
    Birthday: July 9th (Cancer)
    Blood Type: B-
    Height: 174cm / 5'7”
    Weight: 65kg / 143lbs
Likes: being on stage, tea, sightseeing
Dislikes: having to keep secrets, incompetence, boring drama
Etsuya is a charming lad that likes to bathe in the spotlight. He comes from renowned music schools and stages and he is aware the extend of his talent such as his vocal range, performance abilities, musical expertise or the languages he is fluent in. However, Etsuya is not arrogant, he rather aims to make people happy with his performances. It's easy to fall for his appeal and compliments but it's just as easy to notice that he is moody and picky and overall dramatic, and terrible at lying.
Rokuro Nakatani - Ultimate Fraud
"Rokuro Nakatani, sixth son of my generation. This school calls me the Ultimate Fraud yet there's no actual evidence for this claim. I fear they might have given me that title based on my sisters who were arrested for theft and forgery. Well, these are only two of my eight siblings, black sheeps aren't uncommon, right?"
Birthday: April 14th (Aries)
Height: 167cm / 5'6"
Weight: 66kg / 146lbs
Likes: lucky charms, rabbits, looking stylish
Dislikes: noisy places, manual labor, seaweed
Rokuro comes from a family of forgers and grew up in criminal ranks with limited contact to a normal life. He is used to being assessed and given a value and, just like everyone else in his clan, is a perfectionist through and through. His talent, artistic skills and his eye for detail all came naturally to him without much effort. Rokuro is the poster child of his family, earning him prestige and confidence but also pressure and envy from his parents and siblings. Towards others, he is condescending and belittling. Despite his standing in the Nakatani family and with his crafting abilities at hand, Rokuro often wonders if there is a way for him to create something original.
Miyoko Iwata – Ultimate DJ
"Miyoko Iwata, Ultimate DJ! The lil' hodgepodge I'm wearin' on my face isn't actually a laser or sumthin', it just helps me see. So no worries, I don't bite! Or at least, not that often."
    Birthday: July 9th (Cancer)
    Blood Type: B+
    Height: 172cm / 5'6"
    Weight: 68kg / 152lbs
    Likes: bass, crowds, playing violin
    Dislikes: the quiet, being lonely, salty instant meals
Miyoko is a young music producer that is known for her remixes and features and grew her large international fanbase through social media. With how many experiences she has made in so little time, she has matured quickly and developed a sort of maternal protection over those she holds dear. However, that protection often slips into violence. Miyoko lashes out and threatens people, sometimes pulling the knife she carries on her. There seems to be something hidden underneath her visor and neon clothes that Miyoko doesn't wish to talk about. She says that she is looking for something.
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tmnt-mags · 4 years
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Raphael x Fem!Reader
Part 2/ ??
Just a reminder that the timeline and ages have been adjusted so that i don't feel uncomfortable. Also the reader will be 18 by the time anything starts happening.
Warnings: some mention of sexual stuff but not really.
Im completely new to TMNT fanfic. Please be nice I’m just doing this for fun.
I stared at the 4 large turtles and they stared back. April sighed and guessed what I had come out of my room for. She stepped back to the kitchen to go into the laundry room and grabbed my sweater. She brought it to me and gave me a push to my room.
“Go put on some clothes.” she said as I stumbled back to my room in shock. I heard some voices in the living room.
“What the fuck April?” one of them said.
“What? I never said It would be just us and you never asked if she would be here.” April said and I could practically see her shrugging.
“You never mentioned she lived here.” It was a nervous slightly higher voice that spoke this time.
“Oh I didn’t?” That voice sounded far too innocent to be innocent. I pulled on some shorts and pulled on the sweater. I rubbed my hair with the towel and walked back out only to see that they appeared to be leaving.
“Sooooo, is this why you said they were shy and didn't like meeting new people?” I asked. The brothers stopped and turned toward me. I probably looked like a mess. My hair was a wet and tangled and my face was probably red from the warm water and exfoliating scrub I had used.
“Do you have any questions?” April asked and turned to the boys, “sit down, you're being rude.” The boys sat back down, and I shuffled my feet feeling awkward.
“Well yeah, but I'm not sure how to ask them without them sounding mean.” I moved my hands behind my back and fidgeted.
“You can ask me anything you want baby angelcakes.” The short one with an orange mask said.
“Ummm okay. Well....” I took a deep breath.” okay so... Right okay.” I started and stopped a few times looking between all of them.
“It's okay, you can ask us anything.” The nervous voice said. It belonged to a very tall turtle who had a purple mask and glasses on.
“Right! Okay,” I bit the inside of my cheek and thought about the best way to start.” So you’re green.”
The boys nodded as I cringed at my very obvious observation. I looked over at April.
“These are your new friends?” my sister nodded and I turned back to the brothers.” You- you’re all very big.”
“This is some real smart conversation.” The biggest one in red said gruffly. I looked up with furrowed eyebrows.
“You’ll have to forgive me. I didn't expect to walk out of my room to this. This is very confusing and new and I don't wanna be rude so I’m trying to think of how to ask things with being that.” I said looking at him.
“How about we introduce ourselves first.” The turtle in blue suggested and I nodded my head, “My name is -”
“Allow me!” the orange one interrupted. He was suddenly right next to me with an arm around my shoulder. “I’ve been working on an introduction!” He motioned over to the purple one who gave a small smile. “Donatello is over there in the purple, he's a technical genius, who is technically a genius!”
He turned me and moved his arm to point at the big one, “Raphael’s in the red, he's like a big cuddly teddy bear, if big cuddly teddy bears were incredibly violent.” Raphael shook his head and scoffed.
“This is Leonardo. He's in the blue. Our fearless leader, silent but deadly.” This turtle rolled his eyes at the orange one. He suddenly let go of me and with a flourish presented himself.
“And I'm Michelangelo, sporting my signature orange. I'm a triple threat... Brains, brawn, and obviously a dazzling personality,” he leaned in and wiggled what I guessed were eyebrows under the mask. “ Ladies like to call me Mikey.”
“Are you done?” Leonardo asked. Mikey shrugged and smiled.
“Well it's nice to meet you. April told me alot,” I looked over at my sister, “obviously not everything though.”
“Would you have believed me?” my darling sister asked me.
“Ummm, no probably not.” I looked at the turtles and my eyes widened. “They are the vigilantes aren't they! The ones you came home freaking out about!”
The boys looked over at April who gave a simple yes as an answer.
“Okay, so you are turtles right? Or like maybe aliens?” I questioned.
Donatello spoke up.“We are mutant turtles”
“And we’re ninjas.” interjected Raphael.
“Huh,” I looked down and tried to process it, “Somehow I feel like aliens would have been easier to accept. We have this kind of science?” I looked back up at the glasses wearing turtles.
“Oh there's lots of science that the public doesn't know about!” He said it much too cheerfully for my taste.
“That's kind of a terrifying thought.” I sighed and moved past the brothers and sat in a chair. They all rather hesitantly sat down too. “This is kind of a lot to process.”
“You’re doing better than April did.” Leonardo said helpfully.
“Seriously? What did she do?” I was eager to find out.
“She fainted.” the deep voice of Raphael said. I laughed out loud and turned to look over the chair at April who groaned.
“You went out looking for the vigilantes and passed out when you found them?” I giggled.
“It's not my proudest moment. Do you want some pizza?” She walked out of the room.
“Don’t try to distract me with food, but yes please!” I turned back to the brothers.”God I wish I could have seen that.”
“I probably have a video of it. I record a bunch of our patrols.” I wiped my head over to donatello.
“If you do I swear to god I will kiss you.” I said excitedly, not really noticing the way the turtles all suddenly looked. “Oh do you guys go by your full names or do you all have nicknames like Mikey?”
“Uh-” Leonardo cleared his throat, “Yeah I go by Leo,” He pointed at Donatello, “He goes by Donnie.”
“And I go by Raph.” I looked up at him.
“You know, that name suits you.” I turned my attention to the plate of pizza that was now being presented to me by my sister.
We all settled in and talked. They told me about how they met April and how they found out they actually already knew her. I wasn't happy when I found out she had anything to do with the Sacks building and I didnt know how to handle finding out that not only was she thrown from the top of the building but also was on the spire as it fell to the ground.
Leo, Donnie, and Mikey all seemed to relax as the night went on, but Raph didn't. At least not in a way that I could notice. We hung out until late and I didnt remember falling asleep but I woke up the next morning on the couch.
“Wow, I can’t believe we met Donnies future wife.” Mikey joked as the jumped rooftops to get home.
“Shut up Mikey!” Donnie yelled back.
“I bet your gonna start looking for that video right away so you can get a kiss~” Mikey sang gleefully
“Shut up mikey!” Raph warned his brother. He wasn't sure why but the idea of it made him mad.
“Oh but dudes! When she came out in that towel! All dripping wet and barely covered! My shell felt tight.”
Enough Michaelangelo!” Leo snapped at his brother, “That’s April's little sister and I don't think she would want you talking like that.”
“Oh fine! But she was hot dudes. Like seriously hot!” Mikey yelped as Raph punched him in the arm and went ahead. The shortest turtle whined and followed after Raph complaining about his arm. When they got to the lair Donnie grabbed Leo.
“Do you think that she would really kiss me if I had that video?” He didn't want to get any hopes up but the opportunity was almost too good to pass up. Leo stopped and looked at his brother.
“I don't know Donnie. Maybe. She seems like a nice girl so maybe she would or maybe she was joking.”Leo shrugged, “but you can certainly try.”
The two walked off and didn't notice raph glaring at them. He didn't like that either, and He wasn't sure why he felt so upset about it. He thought back on tonight. How careful she was with her questions so that they wouldn't sound mean, how she didn't really freak out or run away when she saw them. Mikey was right too, she looked so good when she came into the living room, and he was kind of happy that April didn’t tell her they were coming over. Then when she came back out in the large green sweater, he wasn’t ashamed to admit that his shell also felt tight. She was small and pretty, and April was right; she did have curves for days. She looked soft and warm. She was sweet with a bit of sass. Raph sighed as he laid down and thought of (y/n).
She was their age. The first person they had met that was so close in age to them. It was strange but really nice. He wanted to get closer and he wondered how close she would let them get. There was just something he really didn't like about the way Mikey talked about her or Donnie actually wanting her to kiss him.
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Aaron Burr and his umbrella misfortunes
Home at 4. Caught in the rain, having yesterday left my umbrella at Brentford—no doubt lost. Dinner, B. and K. Read out the review of the "Life of Washington" by Marshall and Ramsay. The review is full as stupid, and as illy written, as either of the books.
- December 6, 1808 
Loses umbrella for the first time. (Bonus throwing shade on Life of Washington and its review.)
Rose at ten. Such is the mode in London. Sor. at 1. Going up Haymarket, met Madame O., and walked with her half an hour. Went to the stage-house in Piccadilly to inquire for my umbrella, but with little hope. It was there, brought by the coachman; 1 shilling 6 pence. How very honest people are here, and yet I am cheated most impudently every hour!
- December 7, 1808
Finds the umbrella, has to pay to get it back.
Rose at 6. Set off at 7. I sleep very soundly in these stage coaches. By sleeping, however, forgot to ask for my umbrella, which I had left at Stanmore.
-  December 14, 1808 
When he seemingly forgets it again.
Stayed to dinner. Out at 10; raining, took K.'s umbrella, having lost my own. Koe overtook me, having run all that way in the rain; sent by Bentham to bring me back to sleep, he not suspecting that I was going off. Apologized.
- February 8, 1808
And again.
As I was writing the concluding line of the preceding page last evening (about 1 o'clock) an ill-looking fellow opened my door without knocking, and muttering in German something which I did not comprehend, bid me put out my candle. Being in no very placid humor at the moment, as you see, I cursed him and sent him to hell in French and English. He advanced and was going to seize the candle. My umbrella, which had a dirk in the handle, being near me, I seized it, drew the dirk, and drove him out of the room. Some minutes after I heard the steps of a number of men and looking out at my windows saw it was a corporal's guard. It then occurred to me that this Erfurt, being a garrison town with a French governor (de Vismes), there might probably enough be an order for extinguishing lights at a certain hour, and I had no doubt but the gentlemen I had just seen in the street were coming to invite me to take a walk with them. So I bundled up my papers and put them in my pocket to be ready for a lodging in the guard house. It was only the relief of the centinels' going round and who the impertinent extinguisher was I have not learnt.
- January 9, 1810
So much to unpack here I don’t know where to even start. I don’t know if my favourite thing is
that there was a stranger barging into his room insisting he puts out the candle,
that he crankily attacked him with a knife,
that the knife was hidden inside the handle of his umbrella,
that he suddenly remembered there was a law forbidding light after a certain hour
and was afraid the guards passing by might be coming for him
...or that he had a rare stroke of luck and nothing happened
Sor. 11 to the umbrella-mender; nothing done.
- April 20, 1810
I had no paraplui² and was resolved not to take coach if one had offered. Got home wet to the skin, from head to foot. Jul. made me a good fire, for my chimney was reformed a little. Changed clothes. Caf. blanc, and am quite refreshed.
2 For farafluit. Umbrella.
- October 18, 1810
Deliberating on the state of my finances, found that this sans sous state was not only inconvenient, but dangerous; for instance, this morning I hit a glass window with my umbrella, and had nearly forced it through one of three large panes. In such a case you have only to pay, and there's an end of it; but had I broken the pane and not been able to pay for it, I must infallibly have been taken before a commissionaire de police to abide his judgment.
- December 10, 1810
Burr what were you doing
Thence to Vanderlyn's to get more newspapers. While there it set in to rain; had no umbrella, and got wet.
- December 12, 1811
A brilliant morning. Sun shining bright for this hemisphere. Went out without my umbrella. Before I got one hundred yards it began to rain. Went back for the umbrella.
- February 13, 1811
At least you went back for it this time I guess?
Very grave and philosophical, and full of good resolutions. Have lost my umbrella! But it is better to begin in the usual form.
- February 18, 1811
Had breakfast at 6. Was sitting in the parlor below reading a newspaper. Received a smart click on the head. It was Madame. "Mais vous etes la tout tranquille. Vous laissez tous vos hardes pele mele. Voila votre paraplui. Vous ne pensez a rien. Vous etes come un enfant. Le diligence va partir et vous ne faites rien"².
2 For "Mais vous êtes là tout tranquille. Vous laissez toutes vos hardes pêle-mêle. Voilà votre parapluie. Vous ne pensez à rien. Vous êtes comme un enfant. Le diligence va partir et vous ne faites rien." "But you are quite at your ease there. You leave all your clothes lying pell mell. There is your umbrella. You don'tthink of anything. You are like a child. The diligence is going to leave you and you are doing nothing."  
- May 18, 1811
After the fireworks were done, Mr. L. proposed that he and I should walk along the river and about the palace, to see the various illuminations. F. recommended this; we saw her in the carriage, and she went off; we were to take our chance for a hack. Mr. L., not being well acquainted with the ground, and the confusion produced by the variety of light, led us astray, and when we reached the river found ourselves 1/2 mile above the bridge. It now began to rain hard; we had no surtouts or umbrellas. When we reached the bridge, there was nothing to be seen which we had not before seen from a better point of view. We, therefore, took shelter in the first house we could get in ; but the crowd was so immense that even this was difficult. At length we had room to stand up under cover. Mr. L. then went out to hunt a carriage. All were engaged. He went in another direction, and, after an hour, returned without success. He was not to be discouraged. Out he went again. A guinea was asked for a seat to town, about six or seven miles; and then you must be crammed in with six or eight drenched people. At 1/2 p. 1 he returned with a carriage; at what price I know not, for he would not let me interfere.
- June 23, 1811
I should say this was the same day as, or shall I say directly after the “got brain freeze and thought he was dying” episode. Burr just can’t catch a damn break.
The chevalier led me au P. R., after strolling an hour, in a caffe into a cellar, which I will describe as well as I can. We took ice-creams. There was music and a ventriloquist. We agreed to neglect Madame F. At 1/2 p. 10 I got home. [...] Mem.: Left my new umbrella at that confounded ventriloquist's and am sure shall never see it again.
- June 30, 1811
My umbrella is lost; lost 32 francs. Paid for our ice-creams 3 francs.
- July 1, 1811
To near Luxembourg 5 to get an umbrella which some one, unknown, left in my room a fortnight ago, and which has, therefore, become my property by prescription. Paid for mending it, 3 francs.
- July 11, 1811
Score! Gains an umbrella instead of losing it for once.
The morning appearing fine, went out without my umbrella and got well wetted. It is against my conscience, you know, to hire a hack.
- January 29, 1812
Set out for Lincoln's Inn Fields, but hard rain coming on, and having taken no umbrella, the morning being fine, turned about and stopped a few minutes at Godwin's. Continued in all the rain; by musing, lost my way and got wet to the skin. Home at 4. Changed and made a great fire.
- January 30, 1812
Burr. Burr.
And here is where the fun begins:
Got home at 4, and discovered that I had lost my umbrella; a most serious misfortune, and little hope of recovering it, as I have no recollection where I stopped. It is impossible for me to buy one or to do without one.
- February 18, 1812
Slept near seven hours last night, and did not rise till 8. My umbrella hung heavy at my heart. Went to hunt for it. Walked back on the track I came from J. H.'s yesterday, and called at the places I had been; but no umbrella. It is finally lost, and I must submit to the inconvenience of getting wet and of spoiling my clothes. 
- February 19, 1812
Then home, following again the track of my poor lost umbrella, but to no purpose. 
- February 20, 1812
I had intended to have breakfasted at J. B.'s, for the purpose of taking the retorts early to friend Allen; but in the first place I slept till 9, and in the next it rained in torrents and you know my umbrella is on a voyage. [...] The rain setting in again, bought me the cheapest umbrella I could find that was large enough. Cost 10 shillings and 6 pence.
- March 2, 1812
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And the last chapter of the first volume! Though technically there’s after-chapter content that will be in a separate post from this, but for now, what matters is finishing up the quirk assessment and getting into the battle trial!
Honestly, it’s a good thing that I just shoved all the opening arcs from before the USJ together into one tag, because this chapter literally goes from the quirk assessment into the beginning of the battle trial stuff, and trying to separate them out would have been a mess and a half. Better to just have it all in the ‘opening arcs’ tag.
...weird title for something that only comes at the end of the chapter, but whatever, it’s not like we don’t see that happen later on in the series as well.
[No. 7 - Costume Change?]
And we immediately come back to where we left off, with All Might realizing what just happened and what Izuku did and even why! One of those little peeks that remind us that All Might is very smart! Also god, him with a small fanboy moment over how proud he is of his kid and how cool that workaround was, mmm this is the Dad Might content I signed up for. 
Izuku is still standing firm, even with his finger swollen and damaged, biting back the pain. Ochako is cheering about that record, Tenya notices Izuku’s finger is damaged and thinks back to the entrance exam, calling it a ‘strange quirk’, Aoyama says it’s stylishly done, and Katsuki is brain broke.
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I’m sorry that’s just so fucking funny. He is such a goddamn gremlin, but he’s also completely shook. He thinks about how quirks never manifest past age four, but somehow Izuku has a quirk. 
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He then recalls Izuku saying ‘he earned this’ and gets pissed, blasting forward to demand an explanation while Izuku freaks out-
Only for Katsuki to have his quirk cancelled by Aizawa and also get caught up in the capture scarf. 
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Beauty. Grace. He’ll bite off your face. 
Katsuki notes the cloth is stiff, while Aizawa tells him that it’s a capture weapon made of carbon fibers and a special alloy wire, then tells Katsuki to stop using his quirk already. Which is interesting; can Aizawa sense when people are trying to use their quirks while under the effects of his? If so, is he sensing the aborted movement of whatever quirk factors exist, or ??? 
(All I’m saying is that that is some possible fuel for a Dad For One connection but for Aizawa instead of Izuku… you know, just in case.)
As we sort of saw from the last chapter, Aizawa’s quirk has the side effect of giving him dry eyes (he was putting eyedrops in his eyes after using his quirk on Izuku). Izuku thinks that sucks since his quirk is so awesome. Aizawa lets his quirk and scarf drop, telling the class to prepare for the next event.
Katsuki is standing where he was stopped, glaring at Izuku who is holding his hand while Ochako worries over him and his finger. He’s caught up in a flashback (which again, reminder that this is chapter 7 and we already have flashbacks), thinking about how up to then, Izuku was just another pebble in his path. We get a brief cut to a memory flashback (not a chapter flashback) to when Izuku and Katsuki were still friends, and Izuku was waiting for his quirk to come in still, and then repeats that Izuku was only supposed to be a pebble. Single track mind, much?
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Ah, that good Bakugou discourse. This is why you do this stuff in a server with friends.
Izuku narrates a short passage of time - over the rest of the events - while handling the pain of his injured finger. Aizawa tells them it’s time for the results, with Izuku thinking about how he’s going to get expelled because the only record worth mentioning was the throw, and how the endurance running failed hard because of the pain. Aizawa says he won’t explain the process behind the scoring process, just that they reflect performance.
And then he reveals he was lying about expelling someone. 
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The trio’s faces. Aizawa’s manic smile. The trio’s faces. And Momo there like ‘what did you expect?’ God, I can’t help but giggle.
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Izuku just fucking ascending to a new plane of existance here.
Aizawa turns to leave, saying they’re done there and that the documents about the curriculum and whatnot are back in the classroom. He then calls out Izuku, who is shaking in panic (probably about Aizawa changing his mind again - I wonder if teachers before UA pulled that sort of ‘syke’ on Izuku… yikes.)
Instead, he just gets handed a pass to the nurse’s office (not even filled out fully, incredible) and then turns and walks off.
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The class is left to stare after Aizawa in bafflement, with Izuku’s narration noting that he’s safe for the moment, but still has too much he can’t do, and that he’s literally starting from the bottom - but here’s there to learn so he can get closer to his dream!
Class rankings:
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And- ah, he walked past All Might, who calls him out as a liar. Aizawa either didn’t notice him watching or didn’t know it was All Might specifically who was watching, but either way calls it ‘wasting time’ - which makes sense when all the teachers know about his time limit that he’s spending there watching Izuku the kids do their trials.
All Might notes that April Fool’s was over a week ago, and that the ‘rational deception’ thing falls flat when he expelled an entire class of first years the previous year. Aizawa discards those with zero potential, but he went back on his word here, and then asks if he sensed Midoriya’s potential as well. While giving Aizawa finger guns. Have I mentioned this man is a complete dork yet?
Aizawa catches onto the ‘as well’ bit, and determines that All Might’s supporting the kid - which isn’t his usual style. He then starts walking off again, saying Midoriya doesn’t have no chance, but that’s all he’ll say on the matter. He then says that if the kid had no prospects, he’d cut him loose, since it’s crueler to let someone chase half-baked dreams. 
All Might determines quietly that it’s Aizawa’s way of being kind, but out loud states that they can agree to disagree. Meanwhile, in the background, Sero and Sato notice All Might, which probably leads to class 1a going after him and him fleeing for safety. 
We transition to when Izuku is heading home, with him exhausted because of his trip to Recovery Girl. Tenya checks in on him, and Izuku says he’s fine, with us seeing a temporary flashback to the nurse’s office. Izuku notes his finger’s better, but he’s exhausted all of a sudden (he doesn’t remember last time since he was unconscious). 
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A couple of things:
Kamui Woods pez dispenser 
Oh, so if he doesn’t have stamina he’ll die! Good to know! :)
Anyways, Izuku thinks about how he can’t keep going on like this and has to figure out how to regulate his power fast. Tenya goes on to talk about how Aizawa had fooled them, making them think that was how it was, only for it to be a deception. (The irony that the mercy was actually unplanned all along gets to me.) Izuku is more relaxed around him now that he realizes Tenya isn’t scary, just super serious.
Ochako rushes over to catch up, asking if they’re heading for the station. Tenya calls her ‘Infinity Girl’ and Izuku repeats it mentally in surprise. Ochako introduces herself, and then brings up their names - though she mistakes Izuku’s name for ‘Deku’, because of what Katsuki said during the test. Izuku corrects her with awkward hand gestures, saying his real name and that the ‘Deku’ is just Katsuki being a bully. 
Tenya and Ochako both acknowledge this, with Ochako apologizing, and then mentioning how ‘Deku’ sounds like ‘do your best’, and that she likes it. Izuku goes beet fucking red and immediately replies that Deku is fine, with Tenya chastising him for not showing backbone while Izuku calls it like the Copernican Revolution and Ochako questions who Copernicus is. 
The narration takes over, noting that even if there’s a lot he can’t do, he’ll do his best, but having All Might and even some friends behind him… it’s more than he could have asked for. 
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Good children. Best friends. God, these were the good days… more OG Dekucrew content please and thanks.
We get one panel of Toshinori that Izuku’s got no time to rest, and that tomorrow the real test begins. Then we’re onto the next day, aka the first day of actual classes - and oh, right, UA has clubs, that’s something that’s easy to forget when we never see it with the hero classes. I mean, considering that the actual hero training classes probably overlap the usual club hours, not surprising, but still.
Present Mic is shown to be the English teacher, trying to get the kids in the spirit of class, but pretty much everyone is finding it boring - asides from Izuku, who is actually trying to answer the question mentally, even if not out loud. The narration notes that the mornings are for normal classes, and that lunch is top-notch food for dirt cheap in the cafeteria (as cooked by Lunch Rush), and then hero training is in the afternoon… possibly after lunch? Which isn’t great when people could end up throwing up. Ah well.
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These fucking dorks. Two peas in a quirkless-to-superpowered pea pod.
And of course, more meta from the class on how All Might’s drawn differently.
Anyways, All Might gets into Hero Basic Training, how it’ll mold them into heroes, and that there’s no time to waste as he shows off a card reading ‘battle’ before stating that they have battle training. 
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Have I mentioned he’s a dork? There’s more ham here than in Shatner’s performances in the original Star Trek series!
Katsuki is thrilled with battle training, of course. All Might notes that for battle training, the class will need - as the wall clicks and opens several drawers with numbered cases, each with contents in accordance with the quirk registry and the special request forms fill out before admission - costumes! Which the class is super hyped about. Izuku is holding his backpack in excitement, and All Might orders the students to come out to Ground Beta in ranking order once they’re changed, to which the class agrees. 
As he takes his leave, he notes that looking good is important, and to look alive, because from today on, they’re all heroes! We also get some nice transition moments showing pieces of people’s costumes, with Izuku being the last one out as the rest show theirs off.
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So cool! And what a way to end a chapter and a book! And a nice nod to the prototype costume for Izuku. Time to say goodbye to it before the end of this arc. 
Next time, I’ll try to get through all the bonus stuff for the end of the volume, and then we can get into the battle trial proper! Looking forward to that.
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dongiovannaswife · 3 years
Baby you’re worth it | GioLena
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first part to the two parts giorno’s birthday fic i wrote for this year!! this one is pretty sfw but please read the warnings ♥ 
CW: food mentions, mentions to past abuse (Giorno’s past), tiny bit of something suggestive, but it’s not even that clear.
part 1.      part 2. 
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April 15th, 7:28 PM; Naples, Italy: Gerechtigkeit Law Firm.
Looking at the last intern as he leaves the law firm, Giorno shoves his hands inside his pockets, head thrown back as he sighs. The weight of the day falling upon him. It was never easy to handle cases that hit home, not when he had to witness the process all together: he couldn’t believe it kept happening, again and again. And again. Although it made his blood boil, all he could do was do his job, at least the one where he pretends to be normal man.
Of course, he is not.
Shaking those thoughts off his head as his phone buzzles right over his hand, he looks ahead, green eyes shining yellow as the light from the falling sun hits them, blinding him for a moment before his sight focuses on the multiple buildings around.
He watches the intern drive away, the red car getting lost into the river of cars.
And when his phone stops buzzing and the rage has subsided, he brings the device out of his pocket, looking at the screen as it lights up —the lock screen, a picture of his wife cuddling a sleeping Ares while the twins stare with big bright grins lights him up as he slides his thumb through the screen, reading over the text.
Lena ❀ ❀
Hey love, Franzese is here –he says he has news for us. Please come home as soon as you can, yes? Call me when you do. Miss you ♥
And he sighs, this time, out of yearning. A warm feeling spreads through his chest as he unlocks the device, tapping into the contacts and finding his wife’s number, he taps on it again. Putting the phone against his ear, he lets it ring as he walks up to his chair, picking his suit jacket, and throws it over his shoulder.
The third tone is cut off by the phone being picked up. “Giogio!” she greets, cheerfully. “How are you, babe?”
“I’m good,” he says, taking the elevator. A small smile lifts the corner of his lips as he presses the button to the first floor. “What about you, angel? Did he say anything else?”
She hums at the other side, “No, babe. But…” silence overtakes the call as the faint sound of the twins laughing resounds in the living room. “—I think it has something to do with the Foundation. It’s almost sure the medical branch is keeping something as top secret.”
He frowns, “Aren’t you the head of it here?”
She laughs, bitter. “Indeed I am. The foundation is all around the globe, but each location, to call it that, has its own head. I might be Italy’s head, but someone, from other location, is hiding something.”
“And what do you think it is?”
She hums again, disapproving this time. “Not sure, but I don’t like it. Perhaps Mike has something for us.”
“Yeah,” he nods even if she can’t see him. “I’ll be there in thirty.”
“Okay, handsome. Take care —and Gio?”
“Yes?” he mumbles as he exits the building, locking the doors.
“I love you.”
He smiles, the gesture taking him off guard. Feeling his cheeks warming up as he gets into the Jeep Wrangler, closing the door and leaning against the seat as he sighs, so dreamily. “You’re gonna be the death of me, cutie— “a chuckle rumbles through his chest as he checks the mirrors. “I love you too, I’ll be home soon. Don’t worry about it, yeah?”
She hums, contently. “Of course —together.”
“Always together.” He remarks, toying with the keys. “See you there.”
“See you, babe.”
The call ends. And the rest, is silence.
 Giovanna’s mansion —right after the call.
“Well, that went better than I thought.” Westwood laughs as the Donna puts down the phone. “Though, didn’t you get too engulfed with that lie?”
She nods, feeling the faint sense of guilt rise up. “True, but you know he’ll realize if we don’t distract him with something else.”
“I mean,” Mista gestures around with Jovi’s stuffed animal —like he always does with his gun— as he interjects into the conversation. Jovi staring up at him as he speaks. “You already distracted him for a whole month, Lena. That’s a big accomplishment.”
“You two are too smart, but sometimes I wonder how the— how you get to trick each other.” Westwood comments again, tilting his head to the side.
Playfully rolling her eyes, Lena responds. “We just know each other really well.”
Fugo hums, speaking for the first time. The way he stares into the floor as he nods repeatedly giving a comical tone to his words. “That you do, it’s almost scary.”
“Yup” Mista and Westwood nod and talk at the same time, agreeing with Purple Haze’s user.
“Besides,” Bocelli joins in, holding Dante in his arms as he takes a nap after being fed. “If they get to trick each other that shows how well they work together.”
“Thank you, Dr. Bocelli.” Lena smiles at the old man, walking up to the kitchen with Fugo trailing behind. “Well, gentlemen, time to get ready. This surprise party won’t throw itself.”
“Lena,” Mista screams in a whisper. When she looks around he points at his arms, noticing how Jovi has made himself a bundle by the gunslinger’s side, “I can’t get up. Mini Giogio volume two is asleep.”
She chuckles, “Then stay there, take care of him, please?”
He hums and she goes back to the kitchen.
As Fugo, Lena and Vivienne set the tables with food and cake around the living room, time quickly goes by between laughter and warm conversation.
Suddenly, Pietro’s exaggerated coughing can be heard from the door as it remains closed due to his signal —although not so discrete, it does let the group know Giorno is there.
Gathering around the tables, the group grins as the door opens and Giorno steps in, freezing in his place as he sees them all around. The big birthday sign board hanging from the top of the stairs reads ‘Happy birthday, Giogio!’ —the bright smiles from the people in the room light him up.
And his wife, in the middle of them all, with Jovi on her hip as Mista holds Dante tears a chuckle from him as he steps into the room, grinning with pure joy. Greetings and hugs soon find him and he receives each with the same gratitude, thanking them as they wish the best for him.
Bocelli’s eyes are warm as he pats his back, mumbling how much he’s grow up since he met him when Giorno was only seventeen; and it makes the lump in his throat grow. Westwood’s joke makes him laugh wholeheartedly. Vittorio tries to lift him off the ground with his hug, but he ends up lifting him instead in between the laughter from the men around him. Vivienne’s gentle eyes as she gives him a friendly hug makes him calm down.
Looking around, the sight of the family he’s chosen spending a good time makes him sigh.
It’s the first time someone throws a surprise birthday party for him —that he realizes as he finally stands before his wife, whose eyes glint with happiness and love as she looks up at him. The boy in her arms calls for him, muttering dada again and again.
Pinching the boy’s cheek as Mista silently steps in to give him Dante, Giorno mutters a thank you before he’s looking back at Lena through commoved eyes.
“Happy birthday, babe.” Lena mutters as he leans in for a short kiss. She frowns as she pulls back, tasting the sour taste of the single tear that fell from his eye when he kissed her. “Gio?” she mumbles, trying to understand his reaction.
“No — ‘m okay.” He murmurs, leaning his forehead on hers as the twins stare at them with big, curious eyes. Perhaps surprised with Giorno’s tears. But curious. “Thank you, doll. You… You went through all this for me and I…” he chuckles, the sound both happy and deeper due to the lump in his throat. “I’m speechless.” His eyes close and he allows himself a moment of vulnerability, surrounded only by the people who matter the most to him —although some of them are missing, he’s sure they’re there by spirit.
“Baby,” Lena calls in a whisper, cupping his face with one hand after making sure the baby in her arms won’t be crushed by her grip around him as she tries to hold him tighter in order to do so. Giorno’s eyes open slowly, finding her again, expecting. “You’re worth it.” She finishes, smiling up at him through pink cheeks and kind light brown eyes.
“I hate to interrupt, lovebirds.” Vittorio steps in, carrying a laptop with an ongoing video call. “But you’ve got someone who wants to see you.”
The screen lights up, showing Ariel and Rohan —both with warm smiles as they greet him at the same time; “Happy birthday, Giorno!”
The Don smiles, reaching a hand out to wipe off his tears. With a smile and red eyes, he faces the couple. “Thank you, Ariel, Han.” He then looks down at the bump, adding with a humorous tone on it. “Ellie.”
Ariel chuckles, shaking her head as Rohan speaks up. “Sorry, Gio. You know Ellie could be here in any moment —we don’t want to risk it.”
Giorno hums, nodding at the same time. “I understand, don’t worry. Take care, yes? I’m sure there will be more time to be together, As Bocelli likes to say, there’s more time than life.”
Ariel nods, “Thank you for understanding. I’m sure we’ll get to catch up pretty soon.” Although her words hold a secret, Giorno still pretends not to catch on it, aware of his wife’s intuition.
“Of course,” he plays along, stealing a glance at Rohan as he gives him a quick smile. “Thank you for taking the time to be here, guys. Sorry if the time zone made it hard for you.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Rohan dismisses it with a gesture, giving him a grin as Lena disappears from his side to retrieve something from her purse.
“Right now, Gio.” Ari’s eyebrows arch as she gestures at Lena, now back at his side. “You should open your gift.”
Setting the laptop in the table, Vittorio sits down at the couch, holding a glass of Horchata —his face one pure of joy as he mumbles how he gets why Giorno likes it so much after trying it at Lena’s mom restaurant, but quickly stopping his soliloquy when Fugo slaps his arm, attention back at the couple.
With Jovi trying to take the envelope from her, Lena gives Giorno the small envelope, a bright grin making her features light up.
“Oh?” taking it gently from her, he looks behind him, sitting down as soon as he finds an empty seat. Setting Dante on his lap comfortably, Giorno’s fingers make quick work to open it, taking the contents out. Unfolding the paper, he reads over it quickly, eyes scanning over the words as Dante’s eyes do the same —but instead, the boy is enthralled with the colors and drawings in the paper.
“Lena?” he asks, looking up at her. “What does this picture of Australia mean?”
She grins, “What’s on the picture, baby?”
He looks back at it, taking into it. “An apartment, I believe.”
She laughs, “Surprise, handsome.”
He freezes for the second time in the day. “The couples’ getaway…?”
She shakes her head, with Vittorio laughing in the background (after all, it wasn’t every day that he got to see Giorno so expressive). “That was a distraction, your gift is this birthday party and the apartment.” She presses her lips together by the end, blinking slowly. Like a cat, he thinks, finding the message behind her gesture clear.
His fingers fly to his chin, where he rubs distractedly as he thinks about it for a second, catching on her plan quickly. “You tricked me with the planning the getaway by yourself thing —distracted me with Franzese’s visit and… It’s not even my birthday yet. Which means that you’re planning on leaving today so we get there tomorrow?”
She nods and Vittorio claps, congratulating him in a mocking tone before Pietro glares at him —Square Hammer’s user shuts up quickly upon his husband’s rage.
Giorno smirks, “Well, then we have a party to celebrate —and a flight to take.”
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“Thank you for taking care of them, Dr. Bocelli, Mista, Vivienne.”
“Of course, Don.” Bocelli bows his head, “You deserve a break. I’ve seen you work a lot.” He looks between the couple, “Both of you, in fact, have been working way too much.”
“Eh,” Mista rubs the back of his head, “Just bring me a souvenir and it’ll be good.”
Vivienne nods, mesmerized as Jovi shows her his stuffed animals, almost like he’s showing them off —not so far from them, Dante drifts off in Mista’s shoulder.
“You should go now that they are calm,” Vivienne suddenly speaks up, seeing the boys so calm. “We will take care of them —rest assured.”
“Thank you. Viv.” Lena smiles at the woman as she steps closer, kissing Jovi’s forehead and then, walking up to Dante, she repeats the motion before Giorno does it too.
“See you soon, Gio —happy birthday.”
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