#like Gina…. don’t
cherryview · 9 months
i don't won't to won't her AT ALLLLLLL. but she's a tall hot dark-haired rockstar. WHO KEEPS HINTING THAT SHE FINDS YOU ATTRACTIVE.?#$%?#$ passes out and one of those little soul escaping you animations pops out
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kiwipineappleparasol · 3 months
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Things I thought were Amusing to scribble at some point that Revolve around Gregson for some reason ….?
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espeartz · 1 year
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My work never ends (the work is making my silly little textposts)
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rinaforreal · 1 year
Yeah I love how unabashedly romantic hsmtmts is, it’s so refreshing having a girl put in a position between ambition and career or the boy she loves and her saying no I’m not choosing I get both, I get to have it all. It spits in the face of every cynical narrative out there and I’m so grateful and happy it was Gina Porter who got to be the face of that story.
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cakemousse · 1 year
yes, this is in light of the debate about marinette’s height
thank you @sariahsue for converting them to imperial, i have zero clue how to do it 😂
leave in the tags if you hc her to be short or tall too! where you’re from too if you don’t mind sharing!
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frostluvrs · 1 year
that writers room genuinely hates rini because almost every big moment they’ve had has been stomped into the ground by a rina scene …. 😭😭
having gina be the reason he even decided to sing i think i kinda you know to nini at the auditions. the love confession scene in s1 being immediately followed by a rina scene (that they filmed in s1 mind you) they kept for s2 to show rina’s story wasn’t over (also the fact gina walked in right after nini left and after he said he doesn’t know what will happen when they walk out that door). ruining their valentine’s day duet by revealing ricky did actually get those chocolates for gina. having him say in 3x06 he regrets letting gina slip through his fingers which implies he regrets getting back with nini (also going back to the flashback scene when the transition for it was him staring at his dog tag necklace in deep thought ….).
then finally in the s4 finale with paralleling him running to the girl he wants to confess to but with nini he was singing a song where the lyrics were saying “i don’t not love you” and still not being able to say it confidently vs singing a song called love you forever to gina singing about how he knows he’s in love and how he’s so sure about it and no matter what he’ll say it first; and you can tie that into the reveal in 4x06 that she recommended he do that type of grand gesture first.
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daphnebowen · 1 year
so I’ve seen a lot of things where people who ship portwell say that ej lost two girls to Ricky/ricky stole two girls from ej. and while yes in the first season Ricky was actively trying to break nini and ej up that is not the case at all in season three. He stepped back because he saw how happy Gina and ej were together in that moment. he knew that that’s what Gina wanted then and did everything he could bear to help that out. he helped Gina with her promposal. He didn’t throw Gina under the bus after rcosl because he wanted them to figure it out for themselves. and again, he didn’t throw Gina under the bus when she was upset about ej missing her basketball thing. He tried his best to stay out of their relationship and let them figure themselves out when they were going thru problems because he had 👏🏼 character 👏🏼 growth 👏🏼 he didn’t want to meddle. it kinda goes back to season two when Ricky’s mom says “if you truly love someone sometimes the best thing you can do is to let them go” (or something like that, I don’t remember the exact wording). Ricky believed that he should let Gina go. And so he did! he didn’t meddle as season one Ricky would have. he could have confessed to Gina about his feelings at the end of prom but didn’t because he saw that she was hurting. and again, later, he had the opportunity to do so again and didn’t because he found out Gina and ej had broken up. he loved Gina even if he didn’t realize it and only kissed her once she made the move first. They had a whole MONTH in between the end of camp and the documentary trailer premiere! And I saw someone say that it’s “lazy writing” and portwell had been built up from season one with everything and rina only had like ten scenes with zero chemistry at all… uh, bffr. Coming from someone who worshipped rini, all I can say is that I never felt any chemistry between ej and Gina. yes I will admit the things they did were borderline cute but as someone who went from not trusting Gina to loving her, I was team Gina, to be quite honest with you. I just wanted her to be happy. And if that’s with ej, if that’s with Ricky, whoever(but not Mack) then there you go. the writers decision not mine. but the people who say that “rina really didn’t have anything in season one or two” don’t understand the point of a mid game ship. They don’t understand that Ricky had given up on Gina. Ricky and nini barely interacted post homecoming! until Gina left. Ricky thought she was gone forever, Gina thought she was gone forever, and so I hate to paint nini as the “only choice left” but the fact remains that Ricky regressed and undid all of the growing he had done with Gina to be with nini. and they were not gonna last, as I said, I loved them dearly, but by the first episode of season two you could tell it wasn’t going to be the same. and then Gina and Ricky barely interacted over the course of season two. why? Because Gina was heartbroken, obviously, and they never got closure over her post finale confession. she wanted something so bad but saw that she couldn’t have it so she found someone who made her feel an inkling of what she felt for Ricky. and people say that ej did this and this and this and constantly supported her but like… he brought her a granola bar to pick her up at the airport. um, okay, skip on to the next please? they had a heart to heart where Gina basically inflated his huge ego (I’m sorry, I love ej but he was a lil cocky in the first couple seasons) and… what else? “Saved” her in the hallway? by pretending to be her boyfriend? and portwells can say all they want but the fact remains is that the confession scene from Gina was filmed in season one, the post homecoming scene in Ricky’s car changed everything for tim and the rest of the show, rina won, and everybody’s happy. because ultimately, that’s all I’ve wanted for anyone on this show. I just wanted them to be happy. and if you truly love this show you’d be wanting that for the characters too.
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mimymomo · 1 year
Do portwell/EJ stans not realize that Gina didn’t get together with Ricky until AN ENTIRE MONTH passed after she broke up with EJ? And pws entire relationship only lasted for around 2 months?? How long was Gina supposed to wait before it was acceptable by your standards to get in a new relationship?
I swear the way some of you fans treat and talk about Gina like she was the problem in that relationship (she in actuality she was the one putting in the most effort to FIX that failing thing more that Elton John ever did) is so gross.
Gina was one of the most supportive girlfriends and constantly forgave and encouraged EJ all throughout season 3. I will gladly name off every instance if you want me to. And she only lost her patience after he lied, hid the truth from her and constantly broke his promises to her. And no, before anyone says anything, EJ WAS NOT WORKING HARD JUST FOR GINAS SAKE! IT WAS FOR HIS OWN TO PROVE TO HIMSELF AND HIS DAD THAT HE WAS CAPABLE OF MAKING A NAME FOR HIMSELF! EJ in the show and Matt Cornett in interviews stated as such! It’s why since the beginning of the season EJ was so stressed - he wasn’t prioritizing his relationship with Gina before he got the letter from his dad so you can’t blame his actions solely on trying to save in relationship and stay in salt lake.
Also just so people in this fandom know because some of you seem to really not: PEOPLE ARE ALLOWED TO BREAK UP WITH THEIR SIGNIFICANT OTHER FOR ANY REASON! It doesn’t matter what EJ did in the past, Gina wasn’t happy in the direction their relationship was heading and decided to end it early to spare both of them further pain and she isn’t the bad guy for it.
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coachbeards · 4 months
ted saying that beard doesn’t do long term relationships and prefers them to be 5 minutes long is funny when you think about how like EVERY time we hear about a breakup beard’s been through, it was him getting dumped 💀
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litrallytyrus · 1 year
look i literally don’t go here but i peeked into the hsmtmts tag and you’re telling me ricky showed up to visit ej at his college? isn’t that a direct parallel to troy coming to see gabriella at stanford?
i’ve never even seen any of the high school musical movies but man that just speaks even more to the caswen tragedy ….. they have a fucking romcom set up every time they’re interacting with parallels to a canon couple and then disney still wants to slip in the ‘brother’ word ……… it’s like they’re making fun of us at this point
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27emailsicantsend · 1 year
there’s been a lot of discourse that rina probably kissed in frozen because of the script and uhhh… if it’s canon that there’s a kiss in beauty and the beast… this means that ricky and ashlyn probably kissed too
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dyke-ulaura · 8 months
These are all I can find on it but shit it’s nice it’s different it’s unusual.
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frogs-in3-hills · 14 days
honestly if aa7 isn’t about athena i might just. not play it
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manitapaleta · 1 year
Randomly decided I wanted to draw out my König face design bc I got a TikTok about the glitch with his face model again!!!
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After seeing it I actually really liked the facial features of his model and incorporated that into how I imagine his face
(I also always knew I wanted him with really short hair but I didn’t go as far to make him bald bc that would b too much like his VA lol)
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rinaforreal · 1 year
No omg yeah when you really think about it, Ricky never really knew what nini wanted from him so he did hesitate a lot in their relationship and instead of asking her he ended up asking Gina, (which is crazy in of itself) (because it was easy to talk to her, he valued her opinions, and he never felt judged or self conscious with her) he ended up learning and discovering all the things that Gina would want and like in a relationship (and when he tried to apply that to his relationship with Nini everything backfired(because she wasn’t Gina)) but then he ended up applying that to his and Gina’s relationship (because he was always doing things with Gina in mind anyways.) like that’s actually crazy.
Every girl likes a sweet gesture: singing her the mark and spark theme song (Ricky’s version), decorating her trailer, Writing a song together.
Going behind your back but for a good reason: the chocolates, trying to help her be less stressed and have Dani take over as Gabriella.
If you love her don’t you think you should make your song a little more public: singing her love you forever.
Never say give up your dreams and stay with me forever: Again, sings her a song about how he is going to LOVE her FOREVER.
HES NEVER FORGOTTEN A THING SHE HAS SAID, like the proof is in the pudding.
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starrrbakerrr · 1 year
rina/song spoiler below read at your own discretion🥺
cause this is so much more than puppy love
so i’ll say it first no matter what the cost
here i am full heart, full stop
i love you
i never knew that i could feel so sure and so strong
how can three old words feel so brand new
i’m in love, i’m in love, i’m in love and i know it
so right, so right, right here in this moment
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