#like I need to be mad about things I can put energy into changing
antimatteruniverse · 1 year
the older I get, the more I find some of the things I used to put huge stakes in just aren’t worth getting worked up over. Like, there’s a lot of anger worth having, I gotta direct my shit the right way.
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leilanihours · 4 months
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pairing: paige bueckers x ex-gf/iowa!reader
word count: 4880
warnings: suggestive content, arguing
summary: your "rivalry" with a certain uconn blonde has its speculation, but no one knows what happened behind the scenes.
⭑ from lani: why is every single thing ive posted based off of a song..anyways..hope yall enjoy this as much as i enjoyed writing it
masterlist !
AS YOU SLIP into your black jersey, adrenaline courses through your veins. you and your teammates have successfully carried iowa to the final four of march madness. you've all come this far and refuse to break the streak.
but similar to your previous game against lsu, there's a lot of speculation surrounding the tension on the court with uconn. people are going crazy over the paige bueckers and caitlin clark face-off, but they’re going even crazier over your own heated interactions with the blonde.
the internet has decided to constantly pit you two against each other after observing your intense taunting and confrontations in previous years. they believe that it’s merely competitive tendencies but they have no idea where it all actually stems from.
you haven’t always been a hawkeye. for your first two years of college, you were a husky through and through. the public knows this, of course, which adds to the stigma around your name. but after a season-ending injury, you decided you needed a change of pace and environment. it was nothing personal against your teammates, coach, or school in general, you just felt like uconn wasn't where you were supposed to be.
so after you were in the transfer portal, everyone went ballistic. there was a plethora of reactions - some encouraging and supportive, others targeted and calling you a "traitor."
that's what the public is aware of. but they have yet to discover the deeper scars.
"you gonna lock in, y/n?" one of your teammates asks from behind you. turning around, you are met with caitlin, the other hawkeye under extremely close observation tonight.
"i gotchu," you smirk, "what about you? you gonna carry the team again?”
"you already know," she says, mirroring your expression. the two of you have gotten very close over the past couple years, which honestly makes the whole paige situation worse as people make comments like "caitlin and y/n versus paige is crazy" or "ready for this 2v1 game tonight!” they piss all three of you off but really just add to the hype and buildup of the game.
soon enough, your coach is ushering all the girls out of the locker room and onto the court. screams and cheers fill your ears as the crowd observes your entrance. and damn, if your ego wasn't high before, it definitely was now.
the two sides of the arena were filled, one side a sea of navy and white, the other a myriad of gold and black. music blasts from the speakers and makes the walls shake with energy. as you make your way over to the bench, you raise your arms repeatedly to get the crowd going. gaining an immediate reaction, you smile big and put your hand to your ear to play into the praise.
your teammates shake their heads at your antics. they know how competitive you can get. you tend to interact with the crowd and cameras a lot, but no one (especially fans at home) complains.
the crowd before you quiets down for a split second as you focus back onto what your coaches are saying in the huddle. suddenly you hear echoes of booing and other taunts as everyone turns around to see the uconn girls run out excitedly. the last one to come out is none other than paige bueckers, blonde hair in her signature braids and ponytail immediately catching your eye.
part of the reason people always compare you to her is because of how similar you are. your game style, skill set, and energy has always resembled the husky's, but you never understood it until she does the exact same hand motions you did but to the uconn supporters.
as she turns away from the crowd, her eyes dart around to find yours, doing so in a matter of seconds. her icy blue eyes send a chill down your spine as she holds intense contact. fuck. she knows exactly what she's doing. 
you can tell from the few seconds your eyes are glued to hers that she still wants you. you just know. there's too much emotion behind the stare, saying everything that needs to be said and more.
coach bluder gives the run-down on defensive assignments quickly and explains some of the plays. somehow, by some force of nature, you're stuck guarding the one person you were conflicted with: number five, paige bueckers.
your teammates all turn to you as soon as the words leave your coach's mouth. they are well aware of your special history with the blonde as well as your complicated relationship now.
"you got that, y/n?" caitlin asks you.
"yeah," you shrug, "you don't have to worry about me. i'm good." and you meant it. you were sick of being compared to paige all the time and were ready to show people who's better.
did you still care for the girl? of course; you always have and always will. but will you let that get in the way of your winning streak? hell no.
the referee beckons each team to the center of the court for the tip-off. hannah sets herself up for the jump ball, standing across from aaliyah edwards on uconn's side. 
you confidently walk over to where paige is standing. your eyes meet hers once again as you wordlessly dap her up, offering a civil front. you already know you'll being seeing the clip on your feed a lot tomorrow morning.
despite the cordial interaction, your mind is running wild at the feel of paige's long fingers brushing against yours. you missed her like crazy, but were also upset with her for multiple different reasons. right now you were enemies, opponents, rivals. but in a few hours after the game? well, you would have to wait and see.
the ref throws the ball in the air and aaliyah manages to get her fingers on the ball first to swat in her teammates' directions. uconn almost immediately turns it over due to paige missing kk's pass as the ball goes out of bounds. it's just too easy.
the buzzer sounds loudly, signaling the end of the second quarter and halftime. you and your teammates jog to the locker room, sweaty and out of breath. the score was currently 32-26 with uconn in the lead.
you had to admit, that definitely wasn't your team's best first half but you were ready to come back twice as hard.
"c'mon guys," lisa yells, "we gotta seriously up our game right now and fight against their defense. keep giving them as many fouls as possible.
"caitlin, we're gonna try to give you more threes, so everyone else, if caitlin has the ball, set those screens, got it?"
you all nod wordlessly as you pay attention to her words. your coach turns to you, looking you directly in the eye, her stare deadly.
"y/n, you gotta push bueckers more, don't direct all your focus on getting cait the ball. really use that energy that i know you have."
"yeah i hear you," you pant as you wipe your forehead with a towel. 
one of the coaching assistants hands you a waterbottle, so you immediately squeeze the ice cold water into your mouth without putting the nozzle on your lips. it's a habit that you have whenever you're in a rush or busy thinking about something.
"and one more thing, y/n," you hear your coach call you before you make your way back on the court, "please, for the love of god, leave your emotions out of it tonight."
the words shoot a prick in your chest, not expecting such a direct statement. nonetheless, you nod firmly, agreeing with her as you jog to where your team is lingering.
you may or may not have had a few...touchy altercations with a certain number five.
like in the middle of the first quarter...
"bueckers with the lay-up, does she get it? no! it is rebounded by l/n!"
your hands grasp the ball tightly under the net but before you can make your way over to the opposite side of the court, another set of hands on the ball stops you.
you look up to see paige also grabbing the ball as it sits in your hands, starting to fight to get it in her possession. with the two of you pulling back and forth, the refs whistle blows to put an end to the quarrel.
however, you two continue to push until one of your teammates wraps their arms around you to pull you off. walking away, you laugh, energized by the interaction. you put your hands up in surrender as kate releases you from her grip.
you turn your head back around to see that paige has also been forcefully pulled away by one of her own teammates with a similar expression on her face, clearly as equally as fired up as you.
and the middle of the second quarter...
you flex your arms and let out a proud yell. it's your fourth score of the night and you feel amazing. your teammates clamor over to you, patting you on your back and bumping you with their chests.
paige failed to block your attempt, putting her arms up and jumping but not being able to reach the ball before it falls in the net.
seeing her tough front falter for a second, you point a finger to her just to spice up the game a little more and get the crowd really going. she shakes her head and chuckles darkly, waving you off with a hand.
"did you see that? bueckers and l/n back at it again with their supposed rivalry, what a dynamic duo, am i right?"
time flies rapidly as the clock runs down. it's the last quarter of the game and tensions are at an all time high. with less than ten seconds left, iowa has the lead 71-69. it's way too close for comfort.
everyone's on edge. the announcers narrating the game for folks at home, coaches, benched teammates, the audience on either side of the court.
when uconn forces a turnover, you stand out of bounds waiting to pass the ball in. 1.1 on the clock. paige stands with her back to you. no one could've predicted your next move. 
you take advantage of her guard let down and quickly bounce the ball off of her, chopping the time in half as she fails to catch it in time and lets it out of bounds once again.
you feel a second of remorse once you catch the defeated look on her face. but you couldn't let the game slip out of your hands that easily. not without a fight.
less than one second on the clock, there's no way for uconn to win. caitlin passes the ball to gabbie who simply throws it high in the air to run down the clock.
the buzzer sounds as you and your teammates run into a group hug, screaming and cheering. you have a small celebration before going to the handshake line. as you pass and commend the uconn coaches and players, you allow your fingers to linger on paige's for a second longer than others.
when she meets your eyes there’s a look of hurt apparent in them, yours filled with guilt. you know how important that game was to her, to her entire collegiate career. but this game was also important to you, she had to know that.
your teammates insisted on celebrating at a nearby bar and restaurant, feeling high off the recent victory.
you were obviously down to go with them, but decided to take a little extra time in the locker room showers just to get some peace and quiet to yourself. you tell the girls that you'll catch up in your own car.
so now you're changing into a fresh set of clothes in a dim, empty locker room. some people might find the setting eerie but you enjoy the stillness of it all, especially after the day you've had. 
you’re wearing a basic white crop top and a muted purple skirt, a thick black leather jacket draped over your shoulders to protect yourself from the cold evening air. as you grab your backpack and make your way out to the gym’s parking lot, you spot a familiar figure wandering around aimlessly.
of fucking course i'm left here with her, you think.
you let out an irritated sigh as you continue to rub a small towel against your head to dry your hair.
the sound of your shoes against the pavement catches paige's attention and causes her to turn around. when she observes your relaxed, freshly showered figure, her chest tightens. whether it's from hatred or attraction, she doesn't know.
"hey," she yells to you, stalking over.
you look up to her direction and laugh, "you look like a lost puppy, bueckers."
"damn," she says, "first you decide to beat me and now you're insulting me and calling me by my last name? way to kick me when i'm down, y/n.”
you try not to display how flustered you feel when she says your name like that, “i didn't decide to beat you, i just did. deal with it."
"attitude much? i'm just tryna be civil, ma, no need for the hostility."
that fucking nickname.
"did you need something from me? i'm just tryna meet up with the team so spit it out."
"you heading to the bar?"
"yes," you say skeptically, "how the hell do you know that?"
"i'm heading there too, dumbass," she replies.
"what the hell are you talking about?"
"your team invited mine to hangout," of course they did, "is that a problem?"
"might be," you respond shortly, "so why are you here if the rest of your team is at the bar?"
"i could ask you the same question, l/n," she mocks the way you say her last name.
"i asked you first."
"eager to hear me talk i see." before you can reject the idea she interrupts you, “it’s okay, i know how much you love my voice."
she's not wrong, of course, but you would never admit it to her face. you ignore the question with a roll of your eyes.
"i took a longer shower than everyone else,” you shrug, “told 'em i'll just meet them there. your turn."
she laughs nervously before answering, “uh, i was actually supposed to get a ride from azzi but i guess she forgot," she says as she looks around the empty parking lot. now it's your turn to tease her.
"that's crazy," you laugh and shake your head, "your own friends don't even wanna be around you."
"man, shut up," she scoffs.
there's a beat of silence before you begin to walk to your car, getting the hint that the conversation was over.
you hear paige groan behind you before asking, "yo..do you think you could give me a ride?"
the nerve.
"excuse me?" you say incredulously as you unlock your car door and slip into the driver's seat. the blonde jogs up to your car, resting an arm on the frame of your door. you become hyper aware of how close you are, and how good she looks.
for the first time since you started talking to her, you take in her appearance. she's wearing a light blue cropped tank top, almost like a sports bra, and dark gray distressed jeans. there's a white uconn hoodie in her hands.
the amount of skin exposed makes your body heat up. the way her arms are flexed against your car makes you think back to the many times they've been flexed underneath your weight.
“can i. get. a ride.” she staggers out, like it’s painful to ask you for a favor. you take advantage of her position immediately.
“i dunno, can you?” you smirk.
“i fucking hate you, do you know that?”
“i dunno, do i?”
you throw your head forward in a laugh, shoulders shaking at her irritation.
“you’re so easy to piss off, i love it.”
“yeah well there’s a lot of other things about me that i know you love but we don’t have to talk about that.”
“do you want a ride or not?” you deadpan, “’cause if you’re gonna act like this all night i don’t want you at the bar, bro.”
“‘bro’? that’s what we’ve come to? that’s even worse than just bueckers, y/n.”
“just shut up and get in the car.”
“yes ma’am,” she says with a mock salute as she closes your door and jogs around the front of the car to the passenger seat.
as you turn on the engine, paige settles into the spot next to you and immediately reaches for the aux cord .
“um,” you pause, “what are you doing?”
“blessing you with my awesome music taste? what do you think i’m doing?”
“absolutely not,” you say, “my car, my rules.”
“um, no. the ‘rule’ is that the passenger chooses the playlist while the driver sets up the queue. we’ve been over this.”
“okay but,” you start carefully, “that was when we were together.”
“so do you want the ‘late night drives’ playlist or the ‘oldies but goodies’ playlist?”
“you heard me.”
she brushes over your comment painfully fast. you had no idea why. you refuse to leave it at that.
“just put on our playlist."
more silence. you gotta be kidding me.
“i don’t-“
“don’t even try, paige, i know you still have it.”
“don’t fight me on this. all i want is to celebrate with my team and get a drink so can you please hurry up so we can go?”
“shit,” you hear her say under her breath, “yeah.” she pushes her hips forward as she gets comfortable in the seat.
your eyebrows furrow at the reaction. this girl is so fucking complicated. you weren’t sure if you wanted to curse her out or take her right there.
“y/n!! you made it!” jada squeals as you walk into the bar, “and…paige? wait. are you two back together??”
“hell no.”
“definitely not.”
you and paige turn to each other.
“oookayy..” jada trails as she pulls you away from the blonde in the direction of where your team was sat.
the girls cheer your name as you take a seat next to caitlin. you can tell they’ve already had at least two drinks each.
“hey,” caitlin says with a warm smile, “you got some catching up to do. let’s go get you a drink.”
she ushers you to the bar where you are able to sit and observe the environment. the venue is fairly dark, the ceiling lights dimmed to a warm hue with a few candles on each table. the stools at the bar were a cold metal that gave you goosebumps. all the table booths have dark brown leather couches on one side and wooden chairs with intricate designs on the other.
“so,” caitlin starts after she’s ordered you a drink, lord knows what it was, “i saw you and paige walk in together. that mean anything?”
“please,” you scoff, “i’m done with her, cait, like seriously.” she stays silent, waiting for you to continue, “i mean, she’s so annoying and cocky and confusing, it’s exhausting - i hate her.”
“you sure about that?”
“then why do you still put up with her?”
“what do you mean?”
“i mean,” she says as the bartender delivers two of the same drink, one for you and one presumably for herself, “just stop talking to her. ignore her.”
you pause to think. “but she’s always the one starting these dumbass petty fights.”
“then don’t answer her?”
“i have to.”
“and why is that?” she eggs you on, sipping on her drink.
“because,” you sigh, “i can’t let her win.”
“or,” caitlin smirks as the two of you get up to head back to your table, “you still like being around her.”
“as if.”
“okay. tell me this then - why do you two still smile at each other like nothing has changed?”
“we almost never see them, cait.”
“no, i know but…i saw the way you looked at her today. you still like her, y/n.”
you two have returned to your seats with the rest of the team. you find yourself looking for a particular blonde (again) across the room. the uconn girls were sitting at a similar table to the one you were currently at, just on the other side of the bar.
to your relief, caitlin drops the conversation to engage in one with kate about the game. you quietly sip on your drink as you continue to stare at paige. she’s smiling - laughing - with azzi and aaliyah. you missed them. you missed her. you didn’t acknowledge it until now, until caitlin knocked some sense into you. you did enjoy being around her, mainly because it reminded you of how it was before you transferred to iowa. even though your conversations consist of constant jabs and insults, it was better than radio silence.
but you also hated it. you hated how you couldn’t be with her like you used to. you hated how you left. you hated how she treated you when you left. you hated how she acted like nothing happened. that’s why you have to win every time you’re up against her - literally and figuratively.
paige scored four three-pointers in a game? you score five. paige got six rebounds? you got seven. paige had eight assists? you had nine. it wasn’t just for yourself, it was for the media. with how they constantly have a magnifying glass on your life, you can’t jeopardize your career. so you have to be better than her.
your jaw clenches at the thought of the pressure, the expectation. you down the rest of your way too light cocktail and make your way back to the bar for a stronger drink.
“hey,” you say to the bartender, “can i get a sex on the beach, please?” he nods with a polite smile as he walks away to make your order.
“still rockin with those?” you hear an all-too-familiar voice say.
“if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” you mutter, not bothering to turn to her.
she scoffs. what is her problem now? you think.
“you’re so damn predictable,” she laughs, “it’s hilarious.”
“at least i’m reliable,” you retort, “when’s the last time you had any stability in your life?”
“when i was with you,” she says immediately.
that makes you turn your head. you are greeted with paige’s cold eyes and an unreadable expression.
“what are you doing, paige? what are we doing?” you sound exhausted.
“you tell me. i never got a good explanation when you…left.”
“i tried. you wouldn’t let me. didn’t think you wanted to hear from me after our last conversation.”
“don’t pin this on me,” she says pointedly, “you left me.”
“i didn’t have a choice, paige, you have to understand that.”
“but did you have to leave me? you know we could’ve worked it out.”
“could we have?”
she sighs. the conversation has elevated quickly. you didn’t expect her to open up like this now, to bring all of this up now. maybe it was the ambient atmosphere or the influential alcohol, or both. the man behind the bar sets your drink down on a small napkin in front of you, but you decide against going back to your table.
“so…” she says quietly, “have you been seeing anyone? i know how the fans like to twist shit, but is any of it true?”
“wouldn’t you like to know,” you laugh.
“hey, i’m just tryna gauge where you’re at right now. scope out the competition, you know how it is.”
“‘scope out the competition’?”
she shrugs.
“have you been seeing anyone?”
“have you heard that i’m seeing anyone?”
god, this girl could not give a simple answer to save her life. but two can play that game.
“maybe i have. maybe i haven’t. and maybe i’ve seen you with a certain husky named azzi?” you have no clue where you got this idea knowing damn well that they’re nothing more than friends.
“and what if i am? you jealous, ma?” they’re nothing more than friends…right?
“that’s not a no.”
“no, it’s not..” you mumble under your breath, turning away from her to avoid her burning stare.
“good.” what the hell is this girl getting at? her avoidant yet suggestive responses set something off in you. “you never answered my question.”
“i am with someone,” you lie through your teeth, wanting to get a reaction out of her.
her breath hitches, “who?” her tone is targeted with a hint of…anger?
“why do you care? you’re with azzi right?”
“i never said that.”
“but you didn’t deny it,” you point out, using her own tactics.
“i am now. i’m not with her. so who are you with?”
“i don’t need to tell you anything.”
“so you’re not with anyone?” she laughs. this girl.
“i am.”
“then tell me.”
“fine. be like that,” and suddenly she’s pulling you up from the barstool and into a poorly-lit hallway.
“where are we going?” you demand as you two turn a corner, the only light is the distant hue from the main part of the bar.
“we need to talk about this.”
“talk about what?”
“this,” she motions between the two of you as she pushes you against a wall, one strong arm preventing you from leaving.
“there’s nothing to talk about.”
“i’m not gonna let you keep dodging this, y/n. you left me to go to whole different state with no explanation whatsoever.”
“because you ghosted me first! what was i supposed to do?”
“we were supposed to work it out. remember? when we were teammates on and off the court?”
“you shut me out.”
“because, y/n,” she sighs deeply, “i knew i couldn’t handle it if i had to say goodbye to you. i would’ve-“ she stops herself.
“you would’ve what?”
after about ten seconds of silence, she whispers, “i would’ve begged you not to go - not to leave me.”
your eyes shoot to hers, but she’s looking down at the floor. her head is almost resting against yours as you observe her adamant yet vulnerable state. you’ve never seen her like this.
from what you’ve seen online, paige seemed to have the time of her life after you transferred. you assumed that she moved on so easily, so quickly. you didn’t consider that it was all just a front.
“what?” she barely gets out, still avoiding your eyes.
“look at me,” she doesn’t, “please.”
her head flies up at that, “what?” she repeats.
you don’t know what to say, you just needed to see her - really see her. her eyes are filled with such clear emotion yet you can’t put your finger on what she was feeling. from her body language you can tell that she misses you. and as you realize you subconsciously put your own hand on her waist, you body is telling you that you miss her too. 
you contemplate your next move for a second, questioning if all of this is worth it. but she’s worth it. in the time you’ve spent apart from her, you grew and matured. you also realize that you need her like you need oxygen. you come to the conclusion that you always have, but it took distance and space to accept it.
not wanting to get too in your head, you smash your lips onto hers as your shoulders instantly relax. you feel paige pause but eventually melt into the kiss, moving her hands up to the nape of your neck. you bring your other hand up to her wrist, resting it there as you relish in the feeling of her lips finally against yours after almost two years. you guide her hand down to your thigh as you move to grasp her shoulders. she glides over your upper thing, riding up your lilac skirt.
she breaks the kiss for a moment, “i’ve always loved you in purple.”
before she can resume the heated kiss, you push against her and observe your surroundings. to your left is the open area you just came from, all your friends oblivious to your activities. all the way down to your right is a door leading out to the back lot and a closer door - presumably a supply closet.
you weigh out your options: do you want to stop the interaction completely, drag her into your car all the way outside, or simply shove her into the closet and have your way with her?
smirking up at her, you pull her into the closet as she laughs at your desperation but follows you nonetheless. 
yes, there were still broken pieces in your relationship. yes, you have always claimed to hate each other. but no, you weren’t leaving without her, even if you had to use handcuffs.
she was never not yours, and you were never not hers.
— leilani signing off ! 📁
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dearsnow · 8 months
Can you do the outsiders reacting to you doing the orange peel theory (asking them to do a small task you can do yourself) I love your writing‼️
- in which you ask the greasers to complete simple, unassuming tasks that you can easily do yourself. (the outsiders x gn!reader, fluff)
a/n - this is so cute omg 😭 the orange peel theory is so trivial but it’s a very neat concept and i love writing things like this. and thank you!!
includes: johnny, ponyboy, dally, sodapop, & darry
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“Oh shoot, I dropped my pencil. Could you get it for me, please, JOHNNY?”
Johnny does it without hesitation. He doesn’t question it, even though the pencil is way closer to you than to him, and he has to bend at an awkward angle to pick it up. You could ask him for almost anything and he’d try his best to do it. He lives and breathes to help you.
“Yeah, I got it.”
“Hey, PONY, can you flip this page for me? My hands are real tired.”
Ponyboy is a bit confused, considering your hands are resting on the sides of your book already. However, when he thinks about it, you might’ve hurt your hands somehow or maybe you just don’t have the energy to complete a task that is seemingly very simple. In any case, he’ll put his thoughts aside and do it for you.
“Sure. Are you okay, though?”
“DALLY, could you peel this orange?”
He snorts and asks if you can’t do it yourself while taking the orange from your hands. He throws it from hand to hand over your head, and when you reach to take it from him, he’ll pull it back and peel it. He’s not bothered by it, but he will take half of the orange for himself as compensation.
“Done. Need help peeling off anything else of yours, now?”
“Wait, SODA, would you wipe the frosting off my cheek?”
When you ask this while making a cake with him, Sodapop assumes you’re playing around. He licks it off your cheek instead then bounces away before you can berate him for being gross. He would also do pretty much anything for you in his own way- as long as you don’t get too pissed at him.
“Hah! You can’t get mad, you asked for it.”
“DARRY, can you cut my hangnail for me?”
You ask, handing him a pair of nail clippers. He’s confused, astounded, and mildly amused by your proposition. He asks you if you can’t just do it yourself, but halfway through talking to you he changes his mind and gently grabs your hand. He’ll act annoyed, but secretly he enjoys taking care of you in these little ways.
“Can’t you… fine, fine, give me the clippers.”
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bratzforchris · 6 months
I love dad!Chris, but what about dad!Matt?
Dad Energy ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
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Dad!Matt headcanons because he would genuinely be the best father in the world and I have baby fever 😋 No warnings! Enjoy<3
𐙚 matt sturniolo is 1000000% a girl dad. argue with a wall.
𐙚 he genuinely gets so excited when you tell him you're pregnant. he's always wanted to be a father, and now he gets to do it with the love of his life<3
𐙚 since multiples are genetic, you'd probably end up with little twin girls
𐙚 shopping for and decorating the nursery is probably the most fun you two have ever had together and matt definitely goes overboard with the toys and decorations
"matt, we have a lamb stuffed animal for both of them, babe"
"but this one has a bow"
𐙚 doing belly photoshoots every week and he always makes sure there's a photo of him kissing your belly because he wants your girls to know that he loves them in every way, shape, and form
𐙚 matt's the most supportive husband during labor; feeding you ice chips, wiping your face with a cool cloth, and holding your hand the whole time. even the nurses and doctors comment on how in love with you he looks and acts
𐙚 he definitely cries the first time he holds your daughters and he isn't ashamed of it
𐙚 "you're going to grow up to be just like me and your uncles"
"oh god, i don't think the world can handle that"
𐙚 when he does the dad walk out of the hospital carrying the carseats and wearing the other parents bracelet...
𐙚 having twins is not easy, but matt is so supportive of you and his babies. whenever they wake up in the middle of the night needing a feed or a change, he gently presses a kiss to your head and tucks in you, saying that he's got it
"you just rest, hun. they'll be okay with daddy for a while"
𐙚 matt always makes funny faces at the girls to make them laugh
𐙚 once they start getting into the toddler stage and are able to play with toys and stuffed animals, he gives them his stuffed animals from when he was a kid<3
𐙚 the twins look just like him with the same fluffy brown hair and bright blue eyes
𐙚 speaking of toddlers, the terrible two's aren't as bad when you and matt handle it together
"how did they get spaghetti sauce behind the refrigerator..."
"they take after chris"
𐙚 both of your daughters are so attached to matt. they love giving him makeovers, making him play barbies and tea party, and every art project they do in preschool says "to daddy!!!" in their baby scrawl
𐙚 matt never, ever raises his voice at them. he knows how bad it can feel to think someone's mad at you, even as a little kid, so he always uses gentle voices and soft coaxing when parenting
𐙚 they LOVE to color in his tattoos and "make them pretty"
𐙚 even though the girls are twins, you and matt both make sure to spend quality time with each of them
𐙚 matt is there for everything. he doesn't miss a single ballet recital, soccer game, or school fair
𐙚 he's not ashamed to do "girly" things either. he'll sit through manicures, hair styling, and come to every daddy/daughter dance
𐙚 "you're the best dad ever, you know that, right?"
"what can i say? marylou raised me well"
𐙚 you definitely have to hold him back the first time one of your daughters get their heartbroken
𐙚 matt never makes his daughters feel bad or weird when they start going through puberty. he loves them just the same and reminds them that it's totally normal. sometimes, he'll even bring them some extra chocolate
𐙚 both girls get matching tattoos with him on their 18th birthday
𐙚 matt would genuinely be the sweetest, most supportive father and husband. he always puts your and your daughter's needs before his own, because he knows he signed up for that, and he's glad to fill those shoes<3
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tags ♡: @aemrsy @jake-and-johnnies-slut @mattsfavwh3re @suyqa @chrissturnswife @mbsbaby @stingerayyy2 @strnlvr @sunsetsturniolos @mimi-luvzyu @mayhem-72 @faygo-frog @oobleoob @idek3000hi @runasvengence
note ♡: if you'd like to be added to my taglist, click here <3
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cozycottagetarot · 2 months
Messages From Your Pet
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How To Pick A Group:
I recommend going with the image you find you keep coming back to after giving each of the piles a once over.
Thank you @getbellsgetbitches and @bowtothemallard for suggesting this reading. 💕
This reading is for entertainment purposes only. ✨
LINKS: Reading Masterlist | Dividers | Ko-Fi | Patreon | Paid Readings — Open 🫧
Pile 1 (Corgi)
You are in such a productive season right now, so use it to your ability to propel yourself forward so you can transform. You think you’re protecting yourself by not acting, but not really. It’s normal to be a little bit fearful and have your reservations. However, the thing you’re sitting on is the thing that can change the game for you. Where’s that sense of hope you used to have? That sense of hope you still have buried within. You loved to dance or loved when I danced, and loved when I did tricks for you. It always put a smile on your face. Do the same for yourself. Get out there and act! You are not meant to stay in this state; you’re meant to transform.
Pile 2 (Cat)
Stop pouring into other people, please! You deserve to give yourself your love and your energy. Stop trying to please everyone. What about you? Who’s trying to please you, hmm?
It’s time to set and stand firm in your boundaries. Who cares who says what? If they don’t like that you’re taking care of yourself, then that’s too bad!
There’s an opportunity (likely creative) waiting for you, bestie. But unless you start focusing on yourself, it’s going to pass you by. I know you might be worried they’ll get mad at you, but if they’re meant to be in your life, they’ll be in your life. No sweat. And at the end of the day, it’s better to walk away knowing you can heal rather than stay and deteriorate. New beginnings are on the horizon, but first, you’ve got to do you. Trust that it’s going to all work out for you.
Notes: I hear the lyrics "They just want my love and my energy. You can’t talk no shit without penalties." 🎵 There's a bit of a hyperactive energy. My yoga mat also randomly fell near the end as if someone pushed it and then I heard little feet skittering by.
Pile 3 (Bunny)
Sweetness, I know you dream of love, and love awaits you. But you have to put yourself out there—out into the world. There’s no need to keep hiding away under the guise that you must be fully healed before the one you want can find you, for healing is a never-ending process. What matters most is that you are at peace. You know yourself well enough to understand what strengthens and weakens that inner peace you’ve worked so hard to acquire.
You are beautiful and lovely as you are now; anyone would be lucky to have you. You only need to believe in yourself as you move forward. I know you’ve been hurt before, but don’t let the pains of the past limit you. Just breathe.
Notes: It felt like a whisper. A loving grandparent type of energy so maybe this could be a grandparent's bet or a pet that’s been around for a while. It also reminded me of Julie Andrews in Bridgerton (Lady Whistledown’s voice). Very doting energy.
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dragon-kazansky · 5 months
Heart of the Dreaming
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Morpheus x Female Reader
Soulmate AU
You are the daughter of Rodrick Burgess. You find out about the "demon" in the basement and decide you want to see it. Things take an unexpected turn when your soulmate connection is made with the man you find down there. You are the one he has been waiting for, and you're being taken away from. Not for long. Dream will protect his soulmate.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Chapter Two - Take my hand
It was starting to get light outside. Alex had left you locked in your room all night. You could hear voices outside your door, but you didn't care to even try and listen in.
Since your father died, Alex had become a stranger to you. He was nothing like the boy you once knew.
You're not sure exactly how much time had passed. You had resulted in laying on your bedroom floor listening to the mumbled voices and the footsteps, as well as thinking about the man in the basement.
The way he looked at you. It was like he knew you. The man from your dreams...
You hadn't fallen asleep at all, so you had no idea if you were still able to dream of him. You wanted to know why you were dreaming of him.
There was so much you didn't understand.
Eventually, the door to your room opened. You looked up with tired eyes to see Alex coming into the room. You summoned what energy you had to push yourself up into a sitting position.
Alex closed the door behind him and leant against it. He looked down at you with an expression you couldn't read. You could see his frown clearly, though.
"Come to scold me?" You ask quietly.
Alex doesn't say anything for a while. He just stares at you. He then lets out a huge sigh.
"You shouldn't have gone down there."
"Who is he?" You ask.
Alex stares at you.
"Who is he?" You ask again, demanding an answer.
"Some kind of Dream Lord."
"Dream Lord?" You look at him curiously. You can tell Alex doesn't want to answer. "Why is he trapped in out basement?"
"Because father failed to trap Death. They're siblings or something... Look, I don't know the details, but we can't let him out. He could hurt everyone."
"Hurt everyone? I assume he'll only hurt those who have kept him prisoner. He didn't look like he wanted to hurt me."
"He couldn't. There's a difference. He needs to stay down there." Alex speaks firmly.
"Who put you in charge?" You ask, glading at him.
Alex clenches his jaw and pushes off the door. He grabs the doorknob and looks at you again. "Do not ever go down there again."
He leaves you alone once more.
Security in the house doubled. The basement was never unattended. Any time you moved around the house, you were constantly being watched. You were never able to get down into the basement again.
Something had changed in you.
Alex had gone mad with anger when he realised.
You had stopped aging.
While everyone else in the house grew older as the years began to pass, you didn't. By your 30th birthday, you had stopped ageing. Alex had gone down into the basement one night and demanded to know what the Dream Lord had done to you.
Morpheus never uttered a word to him.
That angered Alex even more.
"You will never get out of here."
Morpheus watched him go in silence. Angry didn't quite cover how he felt. He was already planning his revenge for being trapped so long, but if you've been hurt in process too, Dream had no intention of showing mercy.
Too much time had passed, and you hadn't aged a day. Alex couldn't stand it. He was getting old. He now looked much older than you. It wasn't normal.
Alex had celebrated his 70th birthday party.
You had not been permitted to attend, not that you would have wanted to if you had. Alex had kept you locked in his room. Only he and Paul could enter your room.
He didn't want anyone to see you.
You weren't even allowed into the garden. The most fresh air you got was through your window, which only opened a little bit. Your life had been the worst it had ever been.
Still, every night, you dreamt of the Dream Lord. However, the dreams had changed slightly. It felt like he was looking right at you in them now. Like he could see you.
Many mornings, you have woken up, heart racing.
If he was a dream lord, then surely could sense your dreams. Him being trapped is what made dreaming so rare.
You look down at the scar on your wrist. It healed itself, but every so often, you could feel the burn. When it bothered you, you would cover it gently and press down on it. The burning would subside. You were certain it had something to do with him and that he could feel you through it... Or you could just be making things up to cope with the fact you were also a prisoner in this house now.
Alex stares at your door. Paul had been pushing him in his wheelchair toward the basement when he asked to stop a moment. Very few people knew of you and your "condition," as Alex called it.
He was going to go down into that basement one final time. He swore this would be the last time. He was going to attempt to bargain with the thing down there again.
Alex refused to acknowledge him as anything other than a thing. Not after everything that's happened in this house.
Rodrick, Ethel, you.
"Let's go." He says firmly. Paul pushes him the rest of the way to the basement. Alex had checked his pocket for the key to your room. It was there. Good.
You could hear them leave through your door. You wait until it goes quiet, and then you hear another set of footsteps. You smile. You knew Alex was going down to visit the man from your dreams again.
Alex underestimated you, or perhaps he was just neglectful in his old age. Despite being confined to your room, you could hear an awful lot. Be it from conversations taking place just beyond your door or words spoken in the garden within earshot of your open window.
He also underestimated some of his guards. How easy they were to bribe. As long as they got paid, they would do anything. The master key to the house was kept in the office. Alex never locked the office. His first mistake. His second was giving the guards access to the entire house. The third was thinking you were harmless in your room.
A trade. Money, which you still had access to, for the key to your room.
That exact key slid under your door, and you slide the money through. You hear the guard walk away, and you pick up the key.
You're careful as you unlock the door and poke your head out. Just because some of the staff can be bribed doesn't mean that some aren't loyal to Alex.
Some of them pitied the woman Alex kept locked away in her room.
Down in the basement, Alex stared at the strange man who had been down here since he was a boy. This was the last time he would come down here.
"I could have asked you for wealth or power, like my father did. But all I ever wanted was for my sister and I to be free of you."
Dream stated at him silently.
"Surely you want that too."
Dream remains silent. All he can think about is what he would do if he could get out. How can he get to you? You deserve better than this family.
"Alex, darling, please." Paul pleads.
Alex sits back down in his wheelchair, but before he lets Paul take him away, he turns back to Dream. Morpheus only follows his movements with his eyes.
"She stopped ageing. That was your doing, right? That day my sister came down here, you did something, didn't you?"
Dream does not reply per usual, but his brows do crease together slightly.
"Leave her alone. That's all I ask of you now. I won't be coming down here again."
The circle that kept Dream trapped had been broken by the wheel of the wheelchair. Paul glanced at it but said nothing. The two men left.
You waited for the opportunity. You would need to wait for Alex to go to bed before you went anywhere. There was also the issue of the guards down in the basement.
You hadn't thought that far ahead, but yo were determined to see that man again. You had questions that you couldn't wait to ask anymore. Alex wasn't going to answer them, so you had to ask him.
You didn't have much time to come up with a plan, but as it would turn out, you wouldn't need one. Not exactly.
Alex had gone to bed. You were certain of it. With your key in hand, you unlocked your door and poked your head out. You heard foot disappearing at the end of the hall but saw no one else. You step out and close your door behind you.
You're about to make your way down the hall when the sound of gunshots echoes from the basement. The sound is so loud that you're certain everyone can hear it.
You hear voices behind you and run for it, putting in the code for the door you had memorised and disappear down into the basement. You come to a halt at the bottom of the stairs.
One guard had his gun raised at the sphere, which had now shattered. The other guard was trying to calm the other, but she soon stopped when the man inside the sphere stepped out.
He was tall. Very slender. Pale. Handsome.
His eyes had locked onto yours. You felt like the air had once again been stolen from your lungs. You stare at him as a portal opens up beside him.
You're afraid.
He stands there, harsh wind whipping at him from the portal, his hand raised out toward you. He doesn't utter a single word, but you understand.
You don't, can't, move.
He lowers his hand and turns to the portal. He leaves.
You gasp softly, finding yourself able to breathe again. Whatever power he seems to have over you, it feels almost suffocating. You doubt you'll see him again, but your scar burns and you have to wonder.
You had retreated back to your room before anyone realised who you were or what you were doing down there. You had been unable to sleep.
The house has been the most awake you have ever heard it. Paul had called loudly for a doctor. Guards had been running back and forth constantly through early hours of the morning.
You had kept to yourself in your room. By the time the sun came up, your door was unlocked and opened. Paul was standing in your doorway. You sat up on your bed and looked at him.
He had definitely looked better.
"He's gone."
You stare at him. "Who?"
You knew who.
"The man. He's gone. Alex is... he won't wake up..."
You feel something heavy in your stomach. Alex wouldn't wake up? That sounded like that sickness people had. Did the man do that?
"I... I know what to do."
You let the silence hang between you both. What could you say? You used to like Alex when you were children, but after Rodrick died, he became just the same.
"Look, I know you didn't like him for keeping you locked up in here, but look at you. You're not... normal. The man did something to you."
"He didn't do anything," you defended him. Despite knowing nothing about him, you chose to defend him.
"He must have. Can you even die...? Something happened to you. Magic, or something."
You scoffed.
"I'm not going to ask you to leave. You can stay here. I won't even lock the door anymore."
"How kind of you," you say dryly.
Paul realised this wasn't going anywhere. He had told you what happened and that was it. Paul closes the door behind him but doesn't lock it. He leaves you alone.
You let go of your tough front and feel the tears fall gently. You wipe at your cheeks and curl up on your bed.
Now, what are you supposed to do? You have nowhere else to go. No one to rely on. Not even your dream man.
You were alone.
@deniixlovezelda - @missdreamofendless - @kpopgirlbtssvt - @meganlpie - @thoughtsfromlayla - @ladyjbrekker
@mwaaaaaugh - @bluespecs14 - @intothesoul - @lady-violet - @navs-bhat - @krahk - @oldsoulmagic
@rubyrose2014 - @lorkai - @roxytheimmortal - @thescarletwitchjobro - @intothesoul - @gemini-mama - @whotperlinda
@dreamingblueberries - @the-shadow-of-aurora - @novavida - @blackgirlmagicforever
@permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 -
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letarasstuff · 11 months
Female Rage
(A/N): Initially, I wanted to end this one on a hopeful note. But fighting the war of equality and equity can be pretty hopeless. I tried to be as inclusive as possible, but it's came out in a very binary way. I'm sorry for that and I'm readyto change anything.
Summary: Spencer learns from his daughter how much the patriarchy really sucks.
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: the utter feeling of hopelessness in today's patriarchy, unwanted advances, some men suck
“Hey, what’s with you today?” Spencer asks after hearing his daughter slamming the front door shut.
Her stomping feet bring her towards the living room, where he sits on the couch with a book in his hands, deciding whether or not he’ll include it in his next class. Looking up from the written words, he instantly spots all the emotion running over (Y/N)’s face.
Now, being a father to a 16 year old teenager wasn’t always easy and especially since puberty started it’s becoming increasingly difficult to decipher his child, but Spencer knows right away what kind of emotional cocktail is playing here: Anger, hurt, a pinch of shock and layered under all of this is a certain type of fear. Which one is up to (Y/N) telling him.
“What’s with me today?” She asks him in an incredulous tone. “With me? What about you? Or your entire gender. No, seriously. How can you men go around, trumpeting how you are the stronger, the smarter, the better, the most superior gender? And mean that? Even going as far as to believe that bullshit”
(Y/N) stops, taking in a deep breath. Her father looks at her with waiting eyes, thinking that she now will calmly explain to him what her whole tirade is about. But it seems that this was just the prologue. Because she continues with even more vigour in her voice than she started with.
“For real, what makes you even think that? Stronger than a person, who was assigned female at birth? Just because you are able to build muscles faster than we? Or lose weight faster than us? You know what I call that? An evolutionary problem, because while I got emergency fat to feed off in the case of, I don’t know, an apocalypse, you will freeze to death.
“Our bodies are, for the most part, able to grow an entire functioning human being. We literally take a breakfast bar and build fingers with that energy.
“And for the smarter part? No, absolutely not. So many findings in history have been stolen from women by men, who greedily put their name on it and call it a day of science. Without women, cars probably would still drive around with windshield wipers. Mary Anderson has been laughed at for that idea, despite being one of the first women to hold a patent. And as soon as it expired, suddenly wipers were installed in all cars. Out of nowhere, it stopped being a dumb idea? Just because you weren’t able to attribute it to a woman?!
“But what more to expect from a gender that made protective gear for their testicles in hockey mandatory a hundred years before doing the same thing with a helmet. Who would have thought that brain cells need protection, too? A woman definitely.
I don’t wanna say one gender is better than the other or that there should be a particular fight between any gender at all, but men make it out like that. Damn it, they make women compete with each other to garner their attention. All those “pick me” girls you make fun of? They are the product of internalised misogyny.
“The baseline is wanting to be different from the “typical girl”, right? Well, what is a typical girl, who defined her and why is it so bad to be typical. Who do I want to be different for? Who is mad that I’m dressing up, putting makeup on or having good friendships with other girls?
“Men apparently, because they don’t want a different girl. They don’t want a well dressed, put together woman for the sake of love or so. They want someone easy. Nothing complicated, not someone, who asks them if these pants do look better with that shirt or this blouse. They don’t want to be confronted with problems. That’s why they made up a narrative of how a woman is supposed to be, solely for their own interest.
“And this whole thing eradicates the beautiful experiences you can have as a woman. I don’t talk about these silly and partly belittling things like girl dinner or girl maths. I’m talking about hyping each other up. Bathrooms in a club are fun, because there are a bunch of strangers, talking another stranger up to shoot their shot. Or down from texting their ex. There is unity.
“So where do men get their audacity?!”
Ending her whole rant with this question, (Y/N) stands in front of her father, seething and looking like she is about to overthrow the patriarchy with her own two hands. Right here, right now.
Meanwhile Spencer has started to shrink into the sofa and looks as physically small as possible.
“Uhm, the audacity for what, Sweetheart?” He asks hesitantly, scared for her reaction, but also knowing that this is something his daughter needs to get out of her system.
(Y/N) falls down on the sofa face first, next to her father. He rubs her arm up and down in a soothing manner, trying to take the fall after her burst of warranted female rage.
“I apologise. I know, there is nothing I can do against all of what you just said. I also know, like you, that we are talking about a structural problem. It’s nothing that can be solved by a few words. It sucks, knowing that your right to vote is younger than the patent on the first motorised vehicle. It’s not right that you always have to stick up for your rights, while mine will never be threatened.
“Nothing about all of this is fair. That I have to raise you in a way to remind you that any man out there could hurt you. It’s not fair that you have to go tell other men making advances at you about an imaginary boyfriend, because they rather believe in the legitimation of a fake male than your no. That you have to say no more than once, just because someone wants to “make sure you really mean it”.
“I can’t do anything right now that will satisfy you.
“But I can promise you that I will always listen to you. Listen to what makes you mad about this system. I will listen to other people, telling me how the patriarchy failed them. I promise to uplift the women in my life, give credit where it’s due and try to be the best feminist I can be.
But you need to promise me to tell me how I can support you the best in a world that wants to diminish your opinion, your rights and you. Can we do that?”
A short moment of silence gives Spencer the opportunity to think about instances, where he had to endure how (Y/N) being born female made her life more difficult. May it be boys pulling your hair on the playground and the teacher saying that they show love in this abusive way. May it be being called emotional or being told to stop being dramatic while talking about her problems. May it be in simply enjoying stereotypical girly things and being called basic because of that.
“Yes, I promise, I’ll keep you in check. And if you start rambling about how men are superior, I’ll ship you off to the worst retirement home I can find,” (Y/N) says, voice a bit muffled by the couch pillows.
The family continues sitting in silence, the feeling of deep and utter unfairness seeping into their bones.
If you have come this far, please consider a reblog or a comment. Not holding you at gunpoint or anything, but it would be pretty neat.
All works:
@venomsvl @kneelforloki @ssa-uglywhore27 @bibissparkles
Criminal Minds:
@averyhotchner @herecomesthewriterwitch @ash19871962 @ellyhotchner
General Spencer Reid:
@mayoanddelight (sunny, you seriously need to tell me when you change your url, this list had such an old one in it)
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mysticheathenn · 7 months
What Would Make You Happy?
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Hi, Hexlings!
This pick-a-card reading is about what will make you happy in your life right now with your current energy.
Remember to take what resonates and leave what does not. This reading does not supplement your need to seek professional help.
Take your time when choosing your pile. Ask yourself the question and choose the picture that you can’t stop looking at. Listen to your intuition.
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Pile l:
What Would Make You Happy? Tarot: 6 of Wands (reversed), 10 of Swords, The Hanged Man, King of Wands, 8 of Wands, 7 of Cups (reversed)
Two words: Life Purpose & Rapid Movement. You want life to get to the good part pile l. Some of you could be struggling with your circumstances and feel that you don't have any other options in life because you either lack money, a support system, or you just can't see anything past your limiting belief system not knowing that the world is your oyster. You want life to literally stand at the side of the road like a cartoon character holding up signs of what path, direction, or what should happen next so you can help progress and bring in more of what you want in your life because you are tired of being in the same place. You are tired of feeling defeated like nothing you do is helping your situation. I Need a Hero (Shrek 2 Version) is playing in my head. Overall you just want to begin living your life in your purpose if not purpose you want to feel as if you are meant something on this earth like you aren't just here taking up space. You want to live a passionate and fulfilling life where you don't feel drained, anxious, unstable, or limited in the things you want to do, and even to some you want to be of service to those around you/community.
Extra Messages: Moonology Manifestation Oracle Deck Oracle: Step into Your Power & Work Through Your Feelings
"Achieving anything is nearly always part inspiration and part hard work. Believe that you can create whatever you want. Be You! Take action and be smart but also bold."
Some of you just need to ask for help. Your guides have been trying to communicate with you but you either are a) passing everything off as a coincidence or not believing that the path being shown to you is for you because you lack confidence or b) You need to be more grounded and meditate, do some yoga, journaling, whatever it is that you do to ask your guides, ancestors, the universe for help. That may even look like prayer for some of you.
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Pile ll
What Would Make You Happy? Tarot: Queen of Wands (reversed), Ace of Cups (Upright), 7 of Cups / 4 of Swords / 5 of Wands (All reversed)
One Word: Fulfillment. You may have been drawn to pile l, pile ll. A Boondocks quote came to me "Huey: Grandad, what do you do when you can't do nothing and there's nothing you can do. Grandad: You do what you can. " Like pile l you are tired of life trying to knock you down every chance you get but for a lot of you, this is more of a mental thing than life doing anything. Most of you may feel that you aren't good enough, there is someone better than you, believing in imposter syndrome, or even anxiety. Not knowing that all you need is a change in your mental health. Stop believing in the voices in your head, the nay-sayers that told you once 10 years ago you would never amount to anything or even the results you see from lack of clients or progress. You are your own enemy, only you can put a stop to your madness and begin believing that you can achieve greatness and the fulfillment you want out of your life. Your thoughts reflect your reality. If you feel you aren't good enough...why should others believe you are too? If you believe your art, craft, or services are crap...life is going to prove to you with no sales, clients, etc because you believe it is true.
Extra Messages: Moonology Manifestation Oracle Deck Oracle: Open to Change, Take A Reality Check, Lighten Up
Be open to having a reality shift pile ll. What is the worst thing that could happen if you believe in yourself? Seriously what bad thing could happen if you decided to be your own cheerleader and believe you are worth more than what yourself and others have to say to you? Bet on it - High School Musical (Song link: http://tinyurl.com/262djrbw ) is playing in my head.
"I'm not gonna stop, that's who I am I'll give it all I got, that is my plan Will I find what I lost? You know you can Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it (Bet on me) I wanna make it right, that is the way To turn my life around, today is the day Am I the type of guy who means what I say? Bet on it, bet on it, bet on it, bet on it
The answers are all inside of me All I gotta do is believe"
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Pile lll:
What Would Make You Happy? Tarot: 9 of Swords (Upright), Knight of Swords, 7 of Cups/ 7 of Pentacles / 6 of Cups (All reversed)
One Word: Self Care. You have a lot of mental and emotional turmoil going on inside of you, pile lll. For most of you, this is limiting beliefs, anxiety, and depression. But overall I am sensing that you just want to feel not only appreciated but to not feel the burdens of everyday life on your shoulders. You may be the type who takes on way too much even the struggles and worries of other people. You need to release those worries and struggles. They are not yours to carry, if people around you don't care enough to do something for themselves why should you?? That is not yours to worry about. I know you are probably thinking well someone has to care...yea..but that person can't be you pile ll. You are literally tearing yourself down for other people just for them to what....get back with their toxic ex, overspend their budget asking you for money, etc etc..cut the cord. You need to worry and focus on yourself. You need you more, now than ever. Pamper yourself pile lll. Do a DIY spa day if you are short on money. Make a face mask or buy those $5 ones at the store, soak your feet in some Epsom salt, and play your favorite childhood movies. Relax. Maybe even get a massage if you have that kind of money. If you can turn off your phone for a weekend and focus on nobody but yourself. Ask yourself what do you want to do?
Extra Messages: Tarot: Judgement, Ace of Wands / The Chariot (reversed), Strength, 4 of Cups.
(Short Message for a very few) What you want is yours for the taking. All you have to do is ask....but you need to be sure what you want you have the strength for. Whatever this is for you pile lll just know that you are the only person in the driver's seat. It's time for you to decide what you want, where you want it, and when can you start. It's up to you to answer the call.
I hope this reading was insightful and gave some clarity or even guidance. Thanks to everyone who likes, reblogs my posts, and joins my Patreon. I always appreciate you <3.
Until Next time stay blessed and be safe.
The next pick acord reading will be for my Cosmic Stargazers on Patreon...not sure when it will be up but most likely before Monday or Tuesday.
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steddietogo · 2 years
Eddie finds Steve’s green sweatshirt one day after getting surprise dunked in the pool at Casa Harrington by his own sheep. It’s soft and worn like it was once Steve’s favorite thing to wear but now it lays forgotten at the back of his closet.
Eddie doesn’t think much about it, just picks it up and pulls it on. Its just him and Steve in the kitchen when he gets back. The others are arguing about which movie to put on while Steve heated up dinner for all of them like a dutiful housewife. The thought makes him laugh.
Steve turns around at the sound of his voice. “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing, just. You pretend to get mad when the kids call you mom but here you are, being all—” He waves his hands about trying to convey his point but Steve is already distracted.
“That sweatshirt,” Steve has a frown on his face, but it’s not exactly a bad one. Eddie wonders when he learned to read Steve like that.
He gives Steve a twirl. “Do I look good in it?” Steve smiles, doesn’t deny it.
“You know, I fought my first demogorgan in it,”
“Woah,” Eddie looks down at it, feeling something akin to wonder when he smooths his palms over the fabric.
“God, Harrington,” Eddie looks up grinning. “You gotta keep a priceless artefact like this safe,” Steve rolls his eyes and goes to pull the pizza out of the oven. He’s still smiling though.
Eddie follows, then plants his butt on the counter so he can see Steve’s face. “Is that why you don’t wear it anymore?”
Steve’s cheeks puff out like a chipmunk when he sighs heavily. Eddie has the sudden urge to pinch them.
“Kinda, at first,” He doesn’t look at Eddie when he speaks. “I don’t even know why I kept it, you know? I kinda just wanted to burn every evidence of that night,”
Eddie nods and goes to gather plates for everyone. He should say it. Steve trusted him enough to share, Eddie should too right? He hasn’t said it out loud. Not to Wayne, not to the upside down scientists approved therapist. But he could tell Steve. Steve gets it. And Eddie so badly wants to talk about it, maybe cry a little. Because out of all the things that had happened, this one really breaks his heart.
Eddie startles when a hand softly presses into the small of his back. “You okay there?” Steve has his head tilted to the side to see Eddie better and this time the frown on his face spells worry.
“I can’t play my guitar,” he blurts out. And the words rush out of him all at once. “I can’t do it, I mean I get nightmares and shit, you know. And sometimes my scars hurt so much at night that I can’t even sleep. But this one really takes the cake, like, I pick her up and my heart starts racing and I can’t breath—” It’s happening again. His chest tightens to the point that he struggles to draw in a breath and his vision blurs out as his eyes fill with tears and— oh god he’s going to die in Steve’s kitchen.
“No, Eddie you’re not going to die, I promise,” says a steady voice firm enough that he almost believes it. Then warm hands pull him into an even warmer body. Eddie squeezes his eyes shut, listens to Steve telling him how to breath and slowly, after a long while, the knot starts to loosen and breathing comes easier. Steve doesn’t stop running a soothing hand over his back as Eddie sags into him, suddenly winded. His fists are balled into Steve’s shirt like a scared little kid.
“Sorry,” Eddie mumbles when he’s gathered enough energy to start feeling embarrassed at how quickly he fell apart.
“Nothing to be sorry about, I swear, happens to the best of us,”
Eddie snorts, “Okay mom,” Steve swats at his arm. Eddie finally pulls away after a while. “Think I really needed that,”
“Hey, if you want, you can come over and trying playing over here?” Steve shrugs. “Maybe a change of location can help, I’ll even hold your hand through it,”
“How am I supposed to play if you’re holding my hand, dummy,” Eddie snarks, hiding his smile behind his hair. “But I’ll think about your offer,” There’s literally nothing to think about, what was he going to say, no? Steve’s answering look tells Eddie he knows too.
And if Eddie leans into Steve when he put his arm around Eddie in the sofa while sharing a blanket, well that’s his business.
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nogenderbee · 6 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕋𝕖𝕒 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: hihi! platonic blade, welt, jing yuan and dan heng with a lynette (genshin) teen!reader?
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Hii!! Sure, here it is! I don't think I know Lynette the best but I tried my best so hopefully it's kinda alright!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ platonic
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✧ Dan Heng is most than happy to have someone calm around, he already has to deal with 2 energetic kids so having 1 calm is a nice change
✧ he definitely took notice if how sly you can be, with sneaking sweets here and there for example
"You're observant... alright, run away and hide as soon as you can as well. We're being chased, so if they see you, they'll chase you too."
✧ but when he sees it in much more impressive action, he's happy to see you know how to get out of sticky situation and won't say no to you helping him if he happens to be in one himself
✧ he doesn't mind tea so of course he doesn't mind little tea parties with you either!
✧ but he'll act like a parent when he sees you getting your 5th sweet
✧ he for one cares about your health but if you tell him simple "later", he'll just sigh and leave it to someone else to get sweets away from you today
✧ and even when your cat features come in, he doesn't really mind! If anything, he thinks it's useful that you can most likely hear better
✧ he'll make it clear for others to not treat you like an animal but a living being if anything like that will take place
@miya-akane @toyaswif3y - come get your quiet but scary trabilazer!
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✧ Welt is honestly glad to see you're so calm, because that only means less problematic kids for him, or so he thought...
✧ you are indeed calm and quite smart, but apparently very sly too... March spilled out one time that you were distracting Welt just so she could spend more time on a planet and... he couldn't even be mad, he was just impressed how he didn't realized that
✧ he now definitely is more caucious around you and keeps the thing that needs to be done this day in mind, to not accidentally forget it
✧ but as if it wasn't enough... he also needs to watch over sweets with you...
✧ don't get him wrong, he doesn't mind if you resch for little treat from time to time but 5 A DAY?! Even if you brush your teeth and exercise often enough to catch up for it, he's still worried about your health...
"Which chocolate bar is it for you today? That's it then. You can eat more tomorrow, for now let's put it away and maybe go on a walk?"
✧ but something he doesn't mind is your love for tea! Himeko often makes coffee so water stays for you to make tea instead~ and he finds it better than if you were to drink energy drinks or so...
@vodka-glrl - come get your father of the express!
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✧ Jing Yuan definitely took a like of you rather quickly
✧ you were certainly a nice teenager to had around and who knows? Maybe even Yanqing could use some company of someone younger but wise?
✧ tea parties are a MUST with you, he's definitely tea enjoyer as well!!
✧ during these he usually catches up with any rumors going around that he failed to hear and you in exchange get a little sneak peaks on his side~
✧ he thinks you're wise so he won't mind telling you about a bit more serious stuff as long as you won't spread it around, but there are still some stuff he doesn't tell you obvs
✧ he finds your ability to always get our of sticky situation and know what's going on despite just arriving impressive and sometimes also amusing
"Oh? Exit? How nice... I was just thinking of looking for one. Thank you, young one."
✧ and if you happen to have any sticky connections smth aka Fatui he'll most likely know even before you met but chose to give you a chance and he wasn't disappointed so he now had more trust, but still hides some stuff in case you'll be forced to say everything you know
@miya-akane - come get your soft general~
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✧ Blade is happy from someone calm and wise finally but your slyness is sometimes still a bit unbearable for him
✧ don't get him wrong, if you want to flee, feel free, he's never gonna take your advice buuut at least you're not persistive with it!
✧ he's quite observant so if you all of the sudden start showing around you because of a mission for someone (Fatui alike) he'll notice, even if you're being stealthy as much as you can
✧ but if that doesn't happen and you stay on neutral ground, which believe is a lot for someone like him, you should be able to avoid his death stares
✧ he doesn't really like tea as much as you but he did tried it once and now he'll SOMETIMES agree to have a cup with you
✧ and cat features? He couldn care less. It's just part of you... he has ears on sides of his head, you have on top, if anything he thinks you should be proud from having better senses
✧ despite him so "not liking you", if someone gives you a hard time, he won't mind giving them a quick glance to shut them up and never approach you again
"Who said that? .... Go get ice cream with Kafka, I'll go clear the area."
@vodka-glrl - come get your cold man!
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crxss01 · 1 year
— Rosa Pastel (2)
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pairing ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ 42!miles morales x reader
summary ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ after four months of having broken up with miles an event leads you right back into his arms.
warnings ✧˖ ° gaslighting, manipulation, toxic relationship, threatening, unwanted flirting, miles is a major red flag, violence, mentioned murder, stalking.
m. list, main m. list.
translations ✧࿓☾ princesa: princess, mi angelito: my little angel, bonito: handsome/pretty boy, los mataré, entiendes?: i'll kill them, understand?
a/n . . ◟੭ here’s part one! heyy, loves! i’m sorry for the long wait, i have been busy writing other fics and with real life things!
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four months.
it has been four months since you left miles and you couldn't feel anymore miserable, your entire world had revolved around him and it was like it stopped the motion the moment you broke up with him.
he hadn't tried anything to approach you or even contact you, part of it made you mad but the other part was relieved because you didn't know what you would do if miles tried to explain himself again while you were still vulnerable.
you have tried to go on multiple dates since then, but they turned out really badly since either the person was the rudest one you have ever met or stood you up. you were tired of that, what was wrong with this people? asking someone on a date just to treat them like shit, then never trying to speak with you again or not show at all.
now you were getting ready for a party, almost done with your look. you had spent most of the time stressing out on what to wear because you wanted attention but not that much attention so you had to figure out something fast.
after deciding which dress to wear you did your makeup and hair, before putting on some short heeled stilettos to finish off the look. you sighed looking at the mirror, maybe today you could forget about him for a while and focus on having fun for once.
grabbing your purse and double checking that everything you needed was inside of it, you left your house. breathing in the fresh air, you started walking to the convenience store, wanting to buy something before calling an uber.
however your plans changed when you noticed a group of men standing there drinking, smoking and looking crazy. you turned, deciding to just make your way back home and call the uber. the streets were dangerous ever since captain morales died and you didn't want to fall victim to any of this men.
"hey, sweetheart! where you going?" one of them noticed you and called out.
you cursed under your breath, squeezing your eyes together and walking faster.
"now, why are you walking so fast? huh?" the same one that had talked before had ran towards you and caught your arm in his grasp.
"please, leave me alone." now you were scared.
"and why would i do that?" he eyed you from head to toe. "aren't you a doll, wanna go back to my place?"
it sounded like a question but you knew that it wasn't. "listen, i just wanna go home."
"i can go home with you too." he laughed and the others, who you didn't notice had gotten closer, started laughing too.
five grown men surrounding you. this night couldn't get any worse. the one holding you took out a pocket knife and ran it across your face.
"let go of me!" you said, trying to keep it together and not show any fear.
"i don't think so." the man shook his head with a sick grin on his face, lifting the knife from your face and shaking it as well. "now—"
there was a loud slashing sound and suddenly the man was on the floor, blood pooling around him, four deep slashes across his back.
you knew who it was from and you didn't hesitate to run, it was hard on heels but you made it home, locking the door behind you and putting a hand over your mouth to muffle your sobs.
miles had just killed someone. right in front of you, he just killed him. you slid down the door, your hand still covering your mouth as tears fell down from your eyes.
"don't cry, mami." the voice scared you but you had no energy to jump at the sound or to start yelling at him for what he did. "that man ain't worth it."
"just leave me alone, please..." you managed to say.
"what if someone tries to break in?" miles asked, kneeling in front of you. "what if you get harassed again? won't you want me there for you? to protect you?"
you finally looked over at him, a claw was laying beside him, covered in blood and his suit had some fresh blood on it.
"you killed them all?" you asked.
"of course i did," he nodded with a sweet smile, making him appear so innocent. "one laid his hands on you while the others just watched. they all deserved what they got."
"you killed them."
"yes, and i would do it again to protect you."
"miles, you killed." you took a shaky breath. "because of me."
"no, princesa." he shook his head. "i killed for you. there is a difference."
"what difference?" you asked angrily. "it's all the same. for me, because of me. it's my fault they died."
"no, it's their fault for messing with what's mine." miles corrected. "i was just protecting you, princesa. if i had let them live they could have attacked you again or another person."
you thought about this, he was right. "they could've attacked another person." you repeated and nodded. "you're right."
"of course, i'm right." miles smirked, knowing that he was breaking through. "i always make sure you're okay, even checking in on the guys you set up your little dates with."
"what?" you asked confused.
"well, some of them weren't nice to my princesa so i had to take care of that. and others didn't deserve a date with you." he shrugged.
"but you only did that to protect me, right?"
"of course, mi angelito." he nodded.
"everything that you have done was for that too?"
"yes," miles nodded, encouraging your thoughts of you needing him. "so will you take me back?"
"yeah," you nodded, wiping your tear stained cheeks with a smile.
"good," miles nodded and grabbed your chin with the same hand he used to kill, pulling you in to leave a peck on your lips. "you are never going to leave me again, understand?"
you nodded.
"i asked if you understand?" he said more forcefully.
"yes, bonito." you answered verbally this time.
miles smirked. "good."
he pulled you back in for a real kiss this time, his mouth coming in contact with yours into a blissful kiss. his tongue pushed its way inside your mouth, fighting yours and winning, exploring every inch of the place he missed so much.
"don't ever think about going out with other men again." miles said between kisses. "los mataré, entiendes?"
"yes." you nodded and pulled him back in to kiss him.
you just missed him so much. why were you so stupid to leave him in the first place? all he wanted was to protect you.
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taglist: @anikaluv @janaeby @queerponcho @laylasbunbunny @onginlove @all444miles @banqnaz @yourlocalstranger123 @weirdomcu @ilovemiguelohara28 @tlatziuh @edgyficuselastica @hoseokslefteyebrow (i added the people who were interested in a part two)
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ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ reblogs are really appreciated!
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pinkthrone445 · 9 months
Hey sweetheart, can you write a Melissa x reader
Reader is a math teacher in Abbott but for a reason cause the reader is dyslexic and some teachers kind out and start making fun of them. Melissa doesn’t like that and stops it real quick. As someone with dyslexia it really hits lol
-I'm here to help-
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender:fluff, short
Warnings:strong words
Summary:Melissa doesn't like it when she hears other coworkers make fun of you and decides to help you.
Hi gorgeous, I'm dyslexic too hahaha, I wrote this from my own experience, I hope you like this and that I fulfill your expectation, thanks for the request 💕
Abbott elementary, a school where children had opportunities to learn when elsewhere they had been rejected. It was an inclusive school, the teachers with their low budget, did everything possible to give the best to their students. Some children lacked many things in their day-to-day lives, so you as teachers got involved, sometimes too much, so that they did not feel lacking anything in which you had the opportunity to help.
You, as teachers, were also very careful in cases of bullying, sometimes putting an end to it even before it started.
You did everything to take care of the children, unfortunately, very rarely was there anyone who did anything to take care of you.
Problems between teachers were solved by the teachers, no one else intervened or helped, not even if you were the one who was being bullied.
It had been a very long and heavy week, grading exams and daily life had greatly drained your energies. You urgently needed the weekend to be able to rest well and recover. Not only did you feel tired, but the tiredness affected other parts of your being, like your dyslexia, it wasn't usually that bad, but when you were tired it was worse and you didn't even realize it.
As a math teacher, it was rare for your students to notice any mistakes in the equations, but when it was your turn to write or read something, it was easy to highlight your mistakes. Although the children were very kind in helping you see what you had written or read wrong, they didn't do it in a mocking way and that calmed you down and helped you a lot. If it wasn't for them correcting you, you wouldn't realize your mistakes even if you read the word 5 times. There were times when you didn't even notice your mistake, such as letters being moved or letters that were similar to each other being swapped, and other times when you knew you had written something wrong but couldn't see what it was even though you had it in front of you. Sometimes you changed the order of letters and other times you didn't write all the letters of the word skipping some, there were also times when you confused one word with another. It wasn't something that happened every moment of the day, but the accumulated tiredness was affecting you to make it happen more often than usual.
Apparently, some teachers at school found it very funny that you made mistakes because of your dyslexia, many times at lunchtime you would find them talking and making fun of you, stopping whenever they noticed you were in the room. It usually didn't bother you, but you were so tired that you had little patience and things affected you more than usual.
It was already thursday, all you had to do was take the last exam and correct it, so you would close the grades and the children who passed would not have to return the last weeks of the year. But you were so tired that you didn't realize that in that last exam you had several mistakes when writing it, so when it came to correcting and realizing that everyone had made a few many mistakes because of you, you had no choice but to recognize it and cancel the exam and the notes, hoping that the kids will take it again and the parents won't be mad at you.
Sadly, when you realized that mistake, you were correcting in the teacher's room where everyone who commonly made fun of you was. They had already been talking about you and you knew it, but when you noticed the same mistake in all the exams and your face transformed, it caught their attention
-"Look at dydy over there, it looks like she is having an existencial crisis"-They whispered between each other, they called you dydy because they thought it was a funny nickname for someone with dyslexia. You tried not to pay attention to them and rubbed your hands all over your face trying to find a solution, you've never had a mistake this big that affect the kids exams and grades so much. You were so stressed and tired that your eyes filled with tears without you noticing. At the moment when you started crying, Mel walked into the teacher's room, it was weird to see her there, she always went to the room on the first floor and not that one on the second floor. The redhead's eyes immediately landed on you, and her brow furrowed with concern
-"Are you okay hon?"-Mel asked worriedly and you sighed trying to calm yourself down
-"Yeah... It's just that I made a mystic on a test and it affects every kid in my class"-You replied to the redhead and listened as the others laughed and mocked
-"That nickname it's better! Mystic! She said mystic instead of mistake!"-A fool made fun of you and you grunted annoyedly as you got out of your seat
-"You know what I meant! I meant mystic, not mystic!"-They laughed again and you sighed, when someone repeated the words you said wrong, you had a harder time saying it right-"I meant to say mistake!"-You screamed grabbing your papers and walked out of the room.
-"I don't understand how she is a teacher with how stupid she is and all the mistakes she makes when writing or reading. I don't understand how she got her degree"-One of them spoke up, continuing his mockery. Melissa stared at them and took decisive steps to them, if looks could kill, his body would be lost somewhere where it could never be found
-"Look assholes, she got her degree like all of us by studying and giving the best of her, and if she got it it's because she deserves it, I'm sure she deserves it much more than each one of you. Dyslexia is not a sign of stupidity, there are many people with dyslexia who are very intelligent. On the other hand, you are stupid, although you have no excuse for being that way. Her students have some of the best GPAs here at the school, better than any of your classes, do you know why? Because she cares about her students instead of meddling in other people's lives. If I hear any of you once again speaking ill of her, I do not assure you that you will ever see the light of day again, capisce?"-The redhead spoke in an authoritative voice, and everyone nodded in fright. Mel then turned around and started looking for you, finding you in your classroom surrounded by papers
-"Hey hon, how are you doing?"-The redhead asked, entering your classroom, where there were no one else besides you, and she came closer until she was in front of you, but you kept looking at your papers
-"It's nothing Mel, I'm fine"-You answered without looking at her, trying to convince her even though your eyes were still red and watery
-"Don't lie to me, If you don't want to talk, I understand, but don't lie to me. You don't cry when it's nothing, you cry when something hurts. Is it because of what they said? You know that they're stupid, do you want me to come back with my bat?" - Her comment made you get a little laugh
-"Usually it doesn't bother me what they say, but this week has been terrible, and if I already feel like a bad teacher day by day with my problem, I feel worse when they highlight it and make fun of it... Did you know that because they made fun of me, the school made me take a spelling course? Like that's my problem... Usually it's not that bad and I can handle it thanks to a lot of exercises I made, but now I'm tired, stressed, hungry and in a bad mood and that makes me make more mistakes... Like in these stupid exams where I got almost every exercise wrong so the kids also got their answers wrong... Not only do I have to retake the test, I have to revise it 10 times before I take it again or the kids' parents will kill me"-You muttered through your breath annoyed, and Mel sighed at the sight of you
-"Come to my house tonight, I'll help you... And I don't take no for an answer"-She said and walked out of your classroom before you could protest or say anything.
That night you went to her house and knocked on the door with a pot of ice cream in your hands, when the redhead saw you a big smile filled her face and let you in, the house had an exquisite aroma and a beautiful atmosphere. You had been there before with Barbara who was also your friend, but it was different to be there alone, you could pay attention to more things and details.
Mel grabbed your coat and made you sit at the table serving you a plate of food that looked delicious
-"I thought you'd help me with my exam"-you joked and she sat down next to you with another plate for herself
-"And that's what I'm doing, I know that tiredness and not eating well affects your concentration, so first we'll eat so it's easier for you to see the mistakes. I also put on my computer a font that is supposed to help people with dyslexia, the two of us will correct the errors of the exam and then read it between the two of us to make sure it's okay, yes? But first, enjoy your meal"-The redhead commanded and you ate smiling feeling a warmth in your chest, she had not only defended you, she had paid attention to you and kept her promise to help you. And that wasn't the only time, she made sure that whenever you needed help, she was by your side.
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drdemonprince · 3 months
perhaps i'm being very autistic about this, but trying to figure out where i can contribute my time and energy is so hard because there's so many actually important issues. actually important ones. spreading yourself thin isn't helpful, but even if you tune out the roar of people demanding that you care about every last thing, the tug on my heart is still strong. probably another lie capitalism has pounded deep into our minds, that we have to do it *all* even. even knowing that many of these issues are inter-related, and doing the things you *can* is what's important and contribute to unraveling the greater fabric of bad shit. how on earth do you find that spot though? where you don't go mad going in mental circles about what you're *not* doing? idk i can't be alone in this?
I have an instagram post about this with regard to donating to Gazan fundraisers that you can read here.
Here's my take: when we get swept up in not being able to "do it all" or freeze up with complete inability to choose any cause to work toward because we can't decide which one is the most worthy, we are operating out of a highly individualistic framework that positions the self as the agent of change.
It might not feel like it is a self-centered perspective, but it's exactly the kind of isolated, self-as-savior, systems-ignoring outlook that a culture of capitalism and rampant Christian moral Puritanism conditions us to adopt (even if you're not Christian). I have a whole book about this btw.
I have felt overwhelmed with my inability to "help everyone" or address every cause before, and frankly the solution was to get over myself and realize that I have a very limited ability to make a difference and that simply doing my part is my only duty, not doing it "all". I have to trust that I am but one small, relatively insignificant human and that I am surrounded by literally millions of other humans who care and will pick up their small part of the work as well.
it doesn't matter that i select the absolute optimal ideal cause or place into which to put my energy, because frankly i am not important. i just need to show up and pick up some work. there will be plenty of work left for the next person to pick up.
It was absurd main character energy to expect myself to do everything or to be able to "save" people. And yet that was exactly the kind of moral burden I was putting on myself for a very long time. And it led to overcommitment followed by burnout, spreading myself thin, and most crucially failing to make any my efforts part of the work of an enduring, tightly knit COMMUNITY.
A focus on individual effort makes us neurotic, alienated, self-focused, lonely, confused, conflicted, and forever putting our energies into initiatives of limited value with limited potential for payoff. instead, choosing one little lane to do our own bit of work in -- literally ANY lane, so long as it is accessible and motivating to us and plays to our strengths -- will mean that we are actually making a difference consistently and connecting to others who are taking part in the work too.
we must do this work not to morally purify ourselves, which is not possible, but because we see something worth doing and we decide to get up and do it. the arena in which you choose to make a difference can be literally anything from donating to people's gofundmes to sharing other people's fundraisers to feeding your neighbors to blowing up a pipeline. it literally does not matter which particular choice you, specifically, make, only that you do something and keep at it at the pace that is sustainable for you. and trust that literally millions of other people are all around you doing their tiny tiny part too.
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chocoqtelle · 3 months
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pac — what's the drama? (ex edition bc that's all the messages were about 💀)
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@ pile one
your words have HURTTTT someone. if this was someone you had to cuss out, I understand. it caused a lot of growth for them. this was like an awakening for them. they had to realize how they act isn't aligned with how they view themselves. you set boundaries to protect yourself and they weren't having it. they couldn't grasp the idea that you don't have to obey them and they aren't the main character. you went through some kind of heartbreak before this situation started but you actually learned from it. you realized you don't wanna experience that again and did better. you probably operate in a more logical way and hide your emotions until you're really comfortable with someone. after you experienced that heartbreak, you could have gotten into short lived relationships a lot and flings to protect your feelings. they see you in your power not worrying about them and it hurts them even more. don't go chasing them, let them enjoy the situation they put themselves in.
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@ pile two
if you don't let your ex go immediately... there's nothing to like. the drama is that they're a piece of shit and you're still thinking about them. if they cheated once, they'll cheat again. if they used you, they'll use you again. if they replaced you, they'll replace you again. I need you to be so serious, do you really think someone like this is worth your time? you need to stop talking to people about this person and focus on yourself. a lot of people around you are lowkey haters too so you shouldn't be telling them much of anything. do you have any projects/goals of your own right now? besides things to do with them, of course. you're trying to rest but you're still worrying about your ex so how are you relaxing? 😭😭 you need to block them asap. ill tryyyy to be nice since I can see you're going through it but please have some standards for yourself and others. no, dating people like them will not fill that void. YOU need to fill that void by loving yourself enough that you don't need love from random losers to feel worthy. instead of being sad about the things you can't change, work on the things you can.
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@ pile three
i wanna start off by saying this pile is not for everyone. then i wanna point out how annoyingggg you and your ex are 😭😭 ive been getting this piles energy all in the other readings even when it didn't make sense with the other piles messages. i swear y'all need to stop being stubborn. if you like them, you like them. I pulled the lovers and kept channeling let em know through this entire pac. i get you guys are all mad at each other but it doesn't even seem like the breakup was that serious. it seems like it was just a petty argument, moving homes, or a fight from way too long ago to still be upset about. you guys might not be realizing the things you did wrong too. im not gonna tell you to text your ex or anything though. just let things happen naturally. you have to maintain a balance. don't deny your clear feelings but don't be obsessed. you're independent but not overdependent. accept how you feel and do your shadow work. there's not a whole lot else besides that to do. if the same cycle is repeating with them then maybe try doing something different. i hate to be one of those "your ex is coming back" tarot readers but y'all are killing me.
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livelaughlovesubs · 5 months
Can we have a loyal MC who after falling in love becom3 loyal all of sudden so now they wouldn't let the demons touch them? Also I wanna see it if its the seraph MC fallen in love with.(lets say this is after the christmas event + random interaction afterwards)
Ohh, so MC who fell in love with the seraphs, and now wants to stay loyal? Sounds interesting~ let’s see.. how would the demons react? Would make for a nice AU
Devils kings + the abbadon boys
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Satan would be so angry with you. You fell in love with the enemies? Seriously? With those feathered bastards? That’s not all, now you suddenly want to stay chaste for them??? Why! The very first rule he taught you was to not hide your desires! Do their believe with ‘staying pure n’ innocent’ wear off at you? Besides being simply angry, he’s also frustrated. Cuz you need devil energy so that you can stay in hell, but now you don’t want to engage in sexual activities with them. He’ll definitely get mad at the angels for seducing you.
Mammon wouldn’t really mind, because you are his master. You are allowed to do whatever you want. And if it’s the angels you desire, he’ll catch them for you. Even if they are seraphim’s. It’d be a lie though to say he isn’t even slightly jealous of your object of admiration, but that’s Levi’s job, he can keep his jealousy under control. But just like Satan, he’ll get worried if your condition starts to worsen due to the lack of devil energy in your body.
Levi, like we all guessed, would be super jealous. But let me put in another aspect, he’d be disgusted. You are so defiant towards him because you fell in love with an angel…? Do you even know how insulting this is to him? Are you saying he is not better than them? Not to mention, how can anyone like those creatures! They only love god after all. He’d think you are stupid, say your feelings are disgraceful or indecent. In the end, it’s all because he’s envious of course, especially so because you are in love with his greatest enemies.
Beelzebub is more the silently judging typ, at least that’s my impression, if you get what I mean. Like he’s the kind to say, “I’m not judging but…” In other words, on first glance he’s approving of you, saying it’s your decision and he doesn’t mind, but then he’d add little comments to shake your resolve. Things like, “oh but they only love god right? Who knows if you’ll have a chance?” Or: “you want to stay pure for him? Do it if that’s what you want. Ahh, but what if your health deteriorates again? Who knows?” What a sneaky bastard huh…
Lucifer would be in shock at first. I mean.. you just told him you are in love with his brother… Then he’d ask why. Of course he’d be curious, he still cares about them a lot. Maybe don’t tell him how you two meet explicitly though. He’d admire your resolve despite the hardships, but he’d also know subconsciously that it wouldn’t work due to how stubborn his brothers are. Though, if you can change the views of the seraphim’s and make them see something other than god, he’d be really grateful to you. 100% would support you! Partly because he doesn’t know about you needing devil energy.
The Abbadon boys won’t understand you. I mean, most of the devils won’t understand you, but they wouldn’t get you the least. Because those are the guys that are sexually the most liberal. Ronove would agree partly cuz the angels are beautiful, especially their wings and he’d love to own a few. That doesn’t mean he’d stay low-key with the erotic stuff. Phenix fucks around a lot and thinks that the best, so he would think it’s a torture to try and stay loyal to only one. What a polygamist king, go for it. And dantalian wants you to take him with you to heaven if you get a chance to go there. He really wants to meet your crush! (And have him nearly kill him!)
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hyunniesgirl · 1 year
So, I know you saw Minho looking so delicious at the VMA's yesterday 🤤. Could I request a blurb of reader and Minho after the show. It can be fluff, smut or whatever you like! I just can't get that man off of my mind, I'll take whatever you give me 😭🫠🫠
Girllllllllll you have great taste and you know it, thank you so much for your request. I hope you enjoy what I did here and please give me some feedback of what you think I should improve.
Summary: Lee Know gets overwhelmed easily when surrended by so many people in an unfamiliar place, though when he sees you all hot and bothered after their performance he thinks of a way to recharge his energy.
Words count: 1,501
Warnings: unprotected piv(use protection people), throat fucking, blowjob(m receiving), pulling hair and dirty talk.
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You were acting weird, you knew it and Minho knew it too. It started when he showed up at your hotel room, he was looking absolutely sinful and you were uncommonly embarrassed of the unholy thoughts running through your mind.
You were staring so intensely he had to snap his fingers in front of your face taking you out of your deep dirty thoughts, a smirk on his lips, "Do I look that good?", he already knows the answer and you nod automatically. He tilts his head cockily. "That's good to know"
After he leaves, you just know you're going crazy tonight. You two couldn't go together to the award event because other than the members no one knows you're dating, so you have to sneak into the backstage to watch their performance.
The problem and what put you in trouble is that you weren't expecting THAT performance. Of course you know they're good but that stage was something absolutely divine, they looked so powerful, so charming, showing everyone how talented they are and Minho was spectacular, looking delicious with his stage outfit.
So after they were finished most of the guys changed and went back to watch the rest of the show. But not Minho, he was seated on a chair with his legs spread looking extremely tired.
"Are you not going to get changed?", you ask, putting your hands on his shoulders trying to massage him.
"I just need a moment", he says, giving a tap on his thigh for you to sit and you do it without even thinking, sitting on his lap and laying down on his chest, resting your head on his shoulder.
Minho starts to caress your thigh getting up and up, until he has his fingers pressing against the material of your panties.
"What's this?", he asks, making you blush, "why are you completely soaked?", he knows it's not just from the little contact you had with him in the few minutes he was in there.
You hide your face on the crook of his neck, you don't want to talk about those dirty things you were thinking, but he knows you so well, he might have an idea.
"If you don't speak I'll think you had someone over to satisfy your greedy pussy", he answers with his voice low and you flinch, sitting straight and looking shyly at him.
"Don't say something like that, Min, you're the only one for me"
"Then do as I say, or are you trying to be a disobedient little whore? Huh?"
You fidget with your fingers and he puts his hand on the small of your back caressing it so you could feel his encouragement.
"You just looked so good", you say blushing, he's your boyfriend you shouldn't be shy when saying this things to him but you never spoke about your desires with him looking at you with such a serious face, "you looked mad all night and I know it's because you were nervous and overwhelmed but I couldn't help to think how I wished I were the one you were mad with so you would bend me over and relieve all your stress on me"
Minho keeps silent, you're afraid to look at him. He looked so anxious before and now you are here talking about being a horny mess.
When you feel the hand he had on your back sliding up, your head snaps at him. You see his eyes dark like the night sky, full of the most pure desire you ever saw, he grabs your hair and pulls your head back exposing your neck.
"Hm, I was so nervous thinking about how I could calm down but I guess you can help me, right, beautiful?", he kisses your cheek.
"I can do anything you want, Min", you say and he smiles, that mischievous smile that shows up when you're in trouble.
Minho starts undoing his belt with just one hand giving a quick nod to the floor, you get on your knees understanding exactly what he wants.
You begin opening the zipper of his pants, but you're trembling so much it's difficult, his eyes never leave you as he follows your every move.
So when you free his hard cock a proud smile grows on his lips and you lick yours in anticipation.
"I don't have all the time in the world", he cocks one of his brows looking impatient.
Hurrying up you put his cock in your mouth taking it all the way to the back of your throat and pulling it out, you feel him twitching and the sound of a really dirty growl grace your ears.
Minho doesn't dare close his eyes or take them out of you. He puts his hand on your head guiding you to the speed he wants and moments later he begins thrusting, holding your head still so he can finally throat fuck you. His moans are music to your ears.
"You're such a good girl, letting me fuck you like this"
You keep looking at him, staring at his handsome face. You want to slide your hands into your pussy and touch your sensitive clit but you know better, if you're good enough he will fuck you so hard you're not going to be able to walk out of that room.
Just as you had that thought he pull your head out of his cock, "get up, I want you in front of that mirror, hands up front and ass up"
You abide by his order walking to the mirror, legs almost giving out not sure how you're going to keep standing when he fucks you.
You see him taking his jacket off and walking to you,  you're already a mess, your lipstick is blurred, your mascara staining your cheeks and your hair all out of place.
You feel Minho's hand on your thigh, his fingers going up taking your skirt together, you see his reflection raising his hand and smacking your ass making you whimper.
"Minho, please, can't you fuck me already?"
He smiles caressing the red mark of his hand on your skin.
"You're so beautiful I can't help admiring you", he says, "you're lucky I can't take it anymore"
He takes his hard dick on his hands and jerks it a few times leading it to your entrance. You feel like you're going to explode with pleasure when he finally thrusts into you, you scream so hard you hope the music outside was loud enough so no one heard you. You can't help moaning again seeing Minho's face, he has his eyes shut and his teeth biting his bottom lip.
"You feel so good, just being inside you is like heaven", you whimper when he begins moving, his hips bucking into yours with the most sinful sound of skin clapping.
He slides his hand to your stomach leading it to your clit and making circles on the sensitive spot, you moan throwing your head back and closing your eyes.
"Look at me", he grunts between thrusts, "look at how good I fuck you, don't take your eyes of me, you're mine", you know he's close because he's trusts are faltering and you sure are no better.
"Please, please, please", you're almost choking on the air, you can't breathe, your orgasm is so close.
"T-that's right, my p-pretty slut should beg", he stammers smacking your ass once more, the moan that scapes your lips is the final straw for him, soon after you feel his hot liquid inside of you. "Fuck"
He doesn't stop the circles on your clit making the knot on your stomach grow bigger and bigger so when you see him lusting after your reflection in the mirror you can't take it anymore moaning loudly as your release takes control of you. Your legs give out but he catches you before you can fall.
He carries you to the chair he was seated before and tries fixing the messy hair sticking in your face. You're breathless with no strength at all. Minho find some napkins and use it to clean you up, you don't even want to think about how you're going to get out of there without people realizing you're fucked out.
"I love you", Minho whispers, trying to fix your outfit too.
You nod, whispering that you love him too and without realizing you closed your eyes letting the fatigue take control.
The next day you wake up feeling like you were run over by a train, aching in every part of your body. You take a look at your phone and see it going off with messages.
Your friends sent you a link to an article and you gasp when you open it. There are pictures of Minho caring you out of the event and putting you in his car with the title "Stray Kids Lee Know caring non identified woman in his arms, dating rumors surface on the internet"
"We are in trouble", you whisper to yourself.
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