#like INSANE
overlordneptune · 3 months
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professorllayton · 1 year
ronan is literally ganseys guard dog. he's so insane he's literally like bark bark growl hackles raised like he's insane he's literally. he's literally his guard dog . and when gansey held his hand out in the universal sign for down boy and ronan backed down and when ronan was sitting w his feet up and gansey was like ronan feet down and ronan put his feet down and when blue was like get out of my face and ronan did not get out of her face so gansey was like Ronan. and then ronan got out of her face. and when ronan was like ill be right here gansey waiting for u to tell me where to go. and lucky for u mr gansey I know just want your dog needs and what is it my dog needs? and ronan smiled and that's right call your dog he said it like either ronan or gansey should be offended by it and when ronan was being an asshole and gansey was like sorry smths wrong w his diet or he didn't get enough exercise and ronan loving smth so much he wants to destroy it and that being applied multiple times to gansey like he's his most beloved chew toy and. anyways I just think they're literally fucking insane . like insane
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mrsreinhart · 5 months
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sincenewyorks · 4 months
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insane face card
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amalias-whatsoever · 3 months
I just finished the king's men and I can't quite wipe the smile of my face
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sassylegshayne · 2 years
support your local caffeine dealer chapter six
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chapter six if finally here, revealing how the aftermath of the night together will shake out eeeeeee okay yay enjoy!! mwah xx oh yeah it's 3.5k and has some little pieces of spice btw
series masterlist
You awoke slowly, the sun peering through the curtians of your living room window. You move around a bit, confusion flooding your mind as you feel something tough below you.
Your heart races as you open your eyes, your view falling upon a sleeping Shayne, his arms wrapped around your waist. Soft snores leave his mouth as he slumbers.
Your view does nothing to calm your beating heart, your hands shaking a bit as your tried your best not to wake him. You wanted to freak out, like you were internally, but you didn't think you could handle the conversation you needed to have with Shayne right now.
So you slowly, very slowly, remove yourself from him, making sure to replace the blanket, keeping him warm.
You find yourself tiptoing through your own home as you inch toward the kitchen; attempting to brewa pot of coffee as quietly as you could.
You find yourself sat at your dining table, mind racing a million miles a minute as you sipped your coffee; at this point, you were hoping the caffeine would work some magic spell, drawing your memories forth.
Not working.
The last thing you remembered was saying your goodbyes, and getting into Shayne's car, which now seemed like a black hole, sucking all your thoughts away.
Stirring from the couch sent your head quickly turning to face it, a small smile on your lips as you took in Shayne's disheveled look; his hair tousled, clothes a bit askew, his lips quite pink... oh my god.
You didn't..did you? You really hadn't thought of that possibility until now; did you make a move on him? Did you two fuck?
He rises from the couch, stretching his hands above his head as he yawned. The movement tugged his shirt upward, your eyes quickly darting to his abs, the small happy trail downward not helping with your still racing heart.
A small chuckle pulls you away, meeting his eyes shamefully before you quickly turn to sip from your mug as Shayne moves slowly toward the kitchen.
"Well, good morning, Y/N." He trailed off, his heartbeat matching yours as he smiled at you, you still not meeting his eyes. You hummed softly in acknowledgement, nodding towards the coffeepot, an empty mug sitting beside it.
"I've got a couple creamers in the fridge that you can help yourself to." You spoke quietly, still refusing to look at him.
Shayne chewed on his raw and chapped bottom lip as he moved around the counter, pouring his coffee to his liking as a silence fell over the two of you. As hesitantly approached the table, his mind finally helping him to decide the best way to go about this awkwardness, his phone buzzes in the coffee table.
He sighs softly, watching as you turn to the noise. Shayne grabs his cell, lan's name showing on the screen.
He declines the call, shooting a quick text to lan, asking him if it could wait. He felt like you two really needed to talk about last night, he wanted to assure you that he didn't think last night was anything short of friendly, nothing happened, it was nothing. He assumed the two of you were on the same page, he wouldn't have guessed that you were nervous that you had done something worth remembering, and now it was nothing.
lan quickly responded.
"Chanse is sick and we have to shoot today. can you please come in? the shooting schedule is gonna be fucked if we miss this"
Shayne sighed, running a hand through his hair as he shot a quick text back, telling lan to give him an hour and he'd be there. He turned to you, smiling as his eyes finally met yours.
Your mind and heart had both calmed a bit, trying your best to accept every possible outcome, roll with the punches. "I'm sorry." His heart hurt as he saw your smile falter at his words. "Chanse is sick, and -I, uh, gotta go shot for the channel." He trailed off, embarrassed to find himself the one refusing to look at you now.
He pocketed his phone before moving back toward the kitchen, chugging a bit of his coffee before placing his mug in the sink. Shayne found himself wrapping his arms around your shoulders from behind you as you still sat in the chair a bit. You leaned into his chest, smiling.
Shayne placed a chaste kiss to the crown of your head, giving you a gentle squeeze. "I'm sorry, really.. text you later, okay?" Shayne spoke softly as you nodded. You chuckled a bit, tilting your head back to look up at him. He grinned down at you, laughing softly.
talk to you later. maybe." You chuckled, shrugging as you let your head fall forward again, hearing as Shayne chuckles, gathering his things before silently exiting. What the fuck was that? A kiss on the head? Was that just an excuse to get himself out of talking about it?
You groaned, letting your head rest on the tabletop.
You'd like to say you'd done a good job at distracting yourself from constantly thinking about Shayne and last night, but you'd be lying. You started a book sitting in your 'to be read' pile, and then you started a different one because the first wasn't helping. The second one wasn't better.
You settled on TV, throwing on a movie as you sat cuddled into your couch cushions. The same one's that you and Shayne had woken up On.
You did the dishes, only to find the empty mug he left behind before he rushed out of your door.
You didn't expect to spend your day off as a personified ball of anxiety but you can't pick your battles.
He said he would text you, too, but nothing. It'd been hours since he left with a promise of messaging you again.
He'd get to it, he was probably busy with his shooting. Or with whatever else he might be doing.
It's not a big deal, you're totally fine, he'll message you if he wants to, it's his loss if he doesn't.
Shayne felt like the day couldn't be longer, regretting leaving his phone at his desk throughout the shoot, desperately wanting to text you or call you, anything to make sure you were on the same page.
He couldn't stand seeing you like you were this morning, stuck inside your own head, seemingly weary about the situation. Shayne just wanted to make sure that nothing changes between you two over last night, not wanting to lose the little bit of you that you allow him to see.
He's been having a hard enough time with being your friend, he wasn't sure how bad he'd take it if he lost you entirely. Damien could tell something was off, Shayne was quiet after every shoot, barely doing more than reading the script.
Once they'd wrapped on the day, Damien had caught sight of Shayne quickly moving to wardrobe. He hadn't realized his friend quick on his heels until Damien had fallen into stride beside him.
"Shayne, why are we in such a hurry?" Damien asked as the two entered into the small room, grabbing their clothes to change into. Shayne quickly changed his shirt, thankful he wasn't in a full costume for the last shoot. Damien quickly changed after asking for Shayne to wait, surprised that he'd kept his Word.
"Im sorry, I just was in the middle of something this morning that I'd really like to get back to and finish up." Shayne tried his best to remain neutral, the irritation still evident on his face. know it's hard to talk, but so is hiding how you feel." Damien offered, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
"Okay, yeah let's.. let's go talk.." Shayne mumbled, heading towards his friends desk, hesitantly passing his own, his phone sitting patiently in the drawer. The two settled into their respective seats, few people around them.
kay, Damien, I'm just gonna say everything as best as can and we'll go from there, okay?" Shayne looked worried as he spoke, rubbing his hands on his thighs as Damien nods, giving Shayne the open air.
"Okay, so, Y/N and have been texting for a while, chatting a bit whenever go in, and think really like her. She doesn't see me that way, which is fine and respect it, like, she made it clear. Like, her and I rode together last night, I picked her up from her place, we were texting earlier and she asked if I was offering a ride so l'd have someone hot to show up with, Shayne found himself rambling quietly, his eyes avoiding Damien's as he spoke but he still saw his friend nodding along.
"I told her no, we joked around a little bit. Then when I picked her up she asked if she was playing the role of a fake girlfriend, then told her no again, and she said she wanted to play the role of just my friend." Shayne couldn't help but sigh as your words ran through his mind yet again.
"But... but then I had a great time with her, I took her home and she showed me around, she wanted me to stay and watch a movie, so agreed to one. Then she wanted to cuddle, she kept telling me how to move so she could be comfortable, then she laid on me and she fell asleep, and guess did too." He trailed off chewing his lip.
"This morning, she woke up before me and she didn't say a word until after lan called me, all she did was tell me goodbye. I haven't talked to her at all, and now I'm freaking out that she's just worried it changed our friendship. And I kissed her head this morning, Damien, I don't think that helped me at all. I can lose everything, I just can't lose her, yanno?" Shayne felt like he'd run a marathon once he finished talking, out of breath from everything he had to say. When he finally meets his friends eyes, he finds Damien with a small smile on his face. Damien was excited to finally hear about Shayne's crush, to hear how nervous his friend was about his feelings.
"So you're assuming that she's upset about it? Did you talk much either?" Damien questioned, shrugging after Shayne solemnly shakes his head. "So you were nervous for the complete opposite reason that you're assuming she was nervous for?"
Shayne groaned, rubbing his face. He sat in silence for a few minutes, his mind rattled. "Okay, the issue still lies that there's something her and need to talk about, that is obvious, but feel like it's something that needs to happen in person, but don't know if she'd want to see me or."
"Okay, hold on. What if you just text her asking to come over, or invite her over for dinner or something? A way to show her that you care and want to make sure she knows it Damien argued, hoping that you two would quickly overcome whatever issue sat between you.
Shayne sat with his head in his hands, groaning softly as he thought it over, hoping for another option to pop into his mind.
"Yeah.. yeah guess that's worth a shot."
"hey, wanna come over for dinner tn? we're done shooting so it'd probably be in a couple hours, if you're down"
What the fuck? That's all you get? A part of you was angry with Shayne's first message to you, time stamped at 4:57PM.
Okay, he was busy at work, and maybe he wants to talk? That's what this was, that's all. You were going to ask what happened, he was going to tell you, damage control from there. It Would be fine.
"hey, yeah I'm down, send me your addy and see you in a bit "
You found yourself stressing as you dug through your closet in desperate search for anything that felt right to you. So far you'd narrowed down the jeans, ripped black denim, and were searching for a top. Eventually you setle on a cropped graphic tee, assuming that dinner as his place would be casual.
You were admittedly very nervous. You didn't want to assume the worst, but the thought that you could've done something to change Shayne's perception of you was scaring you.
You took your time with your hair and makeup, hoping to calm your nerves with the distractions before you drove to Shayne's apartment.
When you had finally found a parking spot, you exit your car to find Shayne smiling from his balcony, offering you a small wave before he headed inside.
You chuckled softly as you headed upstairs, finding him standing in his doorway, a smirk on your lips.
"Were you waiting on me? thought that was my job." You poke, laughing softly as Shayne steps aside, inviting you in. You slip off your shoes as you glance around his apartment, taking in his simple decor. "Don't worry, I won't give youa drunken tour." Shayne chuckles, winking at you before he heads into the kitchen. You tried to match his chuckle, an awkward feeling settling over you. Did you give him a tour of your apartment last night? Your bathroom was a disorganized mess and your room didn't look much better; you wanted to turn around and leave. You thought you two could talk and everything would be fine, but maybe acting like you two never met would be easier than this embarrassment.
Shayne stood at the stove, stirring a pot before he motioned you to sit at one of the barstools near him.
"Do you like spaghetti? I'm not a great cook, but make a very mediocre spaghetti." Shayne smiled as he faced you for a second before turning to grab plates.
"Spaghetti's good, very reliable dish so respect that move." You laughed, realizing that you two would talk when the time is right, enjoy whatever happens until then.
Shayne plated your dishes, offering you an array of drinks before moving to sit with you on the couch. The two of you settled in, eating quietly as some music played off of the TV.
After a few songs played, you set your plate on the coffee table, sitting back as you chewed your lip. You couldn't stop you mind from racing with the silence between the two of you.
"You okay?" Shayne asked softly, noticing your fidgeting, moving to set his plate next to yours. "Shayne, okay," you turn, spinning to face Shayne, your back against the armrest. As you open your mouth to speak, he copies you, mirroring your searing with raised brows.
"Okay, I want to say I'm sorry, I'm really sorry; want you to know that I'm so embarrassed about this but, I don't remember some of last night." You looked to him with worried eyes searching his face for any kind of emotion.
"Wait, what do you remember, then?" Shayne adjusted himself, sitting a bit upright. Every way he expected tonight to go just blew away in the wind, he never once thought that you didn't remember it.
You widened your eyes a bit as you read his tense body language, fearing you may have done exactly what you thought.
"I remember leaving the bar, I remember getting into the car, and I remember you asking me what thought about everyone; I have like fuzzy bits and pieces, like know you walked me upstairs and there was a movie playing. The next thing I remember was waking up in your arms." You couldn't help but chuckle a bit, hoping you'd feel weight off of your shoulders, but instead you just felt worse.
"Okay." Shayne said after a few beats of silence as he meets your eyes, your concern visible. "Do you want me to tell you what happened?" You nodded your head, fearing your voice might fail you at this point.
"We got to your apartment and wanted to walk you upstairs to make sure you got in okay, but you held my arm and invited me. You brought me around your apartment, showing me your room for a few seconds before you went to the couch. I said I was gonna leave, but we agreed to watch a movie, and we did." Shayne noticed how embarrassed you felt, leaving out a few details at the end to spare you at least a small amount of your dignity. You sighed deeply, shaking your head a bit.
"Shayne, why'd we wake up like that, though?" Everything felt right in Shayne's telling, but it felt like something was missing.
"Well, alright. You wanted to cuddle when sat with you, then you just told me how should sit, then you told me to lay down and you laid on me." Shayne smiled, biting back a nervous laugh.
You feel a giggle building as you watch Shayne cover his mouth. Quickly the two of you fall into laughter.
You had to laugh in disbelief at your actions, you were embarrassed, but no where near as badly as you thought you'd be. Shayne was laughing as he still wasn't over just how this played out, he never could've guessed you spent your day confused and probably anxious over the unknown.
Once you both had settled, taking deep breaths, you found yourself launching towards Shayne with open arms, pulling him into a hug.
"Thank you, Shayne. That's no where near as bad as thought it was going to be." You buried your face into his shoulder, his arms around your waist as your continued.
"I thought we had slept together or something."
Shayne tensed, his laughter faltering a bit at your words as he felt his body tense. After another squeeze, you pull away, sitting back as you had been previously.
"Tm not saying that like we would, yanno, sleep together, that's why I'm glad to know." You trailed off awkwardly, shaking your head as you smiled at Shayne.
He'd felt that pain of rejection in his chest again. You were that worried because you thought you'd slept together. You really, really didn't want him to think that you wanted that. But you did, and your eyes raking over his body was a giveaway in your mind, but was confusing in his mind. The two of you fell into a more comfortable silence, letting each other process their feelings. Shayne trying his best to ignore his pain as he offers you a soft smiling, asking about throwing on a movie. You both settle into the couch, a bit of deja vu hitting both of you, despite the gab betwe your bodies.
You find yourself initiating small touches with Shayne, your hand resting on his thigh each time you laugh at something, sitting closer when you return from the bathroom, leaning into his side.
Once Shayne places his arm over your shoulders, holding you close to him, he starts to think maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea. His mind starts to wander, thoughts of his nails digging gently into the soft skin of your hips, your nails dragging down his back, his lips leaving trails between your thighs.
"Did you hear me?" Shayne looks to you, brows furrowed as he shakes his head, willing to admit he'd been a bit distracted. said I'm probably gonna head home since the movies over" you nod toward the screen before leaning up, pressing you lips softly to his cheek before rising.
The two of you were in an awkward limbo of small touches and displays of affection, words left unspoken when fngers linger, or when hugs last a bit longer than needed. You hoped you left Shayne with the impression you wanted to; you liked Shayne's company and found him attractive, he could take that information and do what he pleases.
All Shayne was really left with as he watches your car pull out from the parking spot was confusion. He wanted to give you space, keep his distance so as to not scare you, but you just wanted to do the opposite.
He'll see you tomorrow and try to wrap his head around you, figure out what you want from him.
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sceletaflores · 3 months
bbygirl I’ll pay you good money for a sneak peak of your Patrick fic 💅🏻 also pls revive the older Patrick fic!!!! Give me the angst!! Give me the angry sex!!! Give me choking give me dominance GIVE IT TO ME PLEASE
i’ve officially brought older!patrick angst back to life…beware of dog…it’s serious now
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sorry the quality is lowkey ass lmao my ss was fighting me
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anothermansjeans · 4 months
it's crazy how felons aren't allowed to vote but are allowed to run for president
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lover-of-mine · 7 months
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That's my emotional support goalie who stopped 45 shots in his 4th straight start this week including a back to back your honor
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asyor · 2 years
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not my fault ♡
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lethologicaee · 1 year
As a Christian person I'm so happy to see Catholic Jason art. Your art is beautiful
thank you! i think his flashpoint priest arc is very silly and interesting in what it could imply! also i went to italy over the summer and my brain exploded
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land0fmilkandhoneyy · 2 years
almost fucking crashed my car cause i was staring at the brightest rainbow i’ve ever seen
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splatsey · 12 days
i have a new laptop so im gonna go wild writing my universe and little fandom oneshots
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hyewka · 9 months
2 hyuka asks in a row i fear im gonna luck out soon 😩
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inquisitor-apologist · 6 months
tangerine and sea foam!!
Asssasfrdfsddssadfhj thank you!!!
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effervescentdragon · 7 months
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True Detective: Night Country 4x05
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