#like between him and Gally
islayhawkin · 8 months
Let me take care of you
Newt x f!reader (clint x jeff mentioned- if you don't ship it just ignore it lol)
Summery: newt accidentally overhears you talking about liking him but he thinks you were talking about minho
Request: Hello can you do a newt x fem!reader when the reader is a medjack and talk about (I forget if it’s Clint or Jeff) how she is love with him but she didn’t realize he was behind her ? Please
Misunderstandings; hurt/comfort, angst
A/N: okay this escalated pretty quick into angst whoops
Can be read as a part 2 of 'let me help you'
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It was a usual morning in the glade. The runners were getting ready to start their rounds. Alby started to wake everyone up and frypan made breakfest ready.
You and jeff on the other hand were already in the med-hut to check up on a slicer who almost got his arm chopped off yesterday. Jeff held his fingers to the boys neck.
"He's still alive."
You hummed in relief.
"Lost much blood?"
You collected the things to change the bandage on the young boys arm.
"Nah seems pretty good."
You handed jeff a container of warmed up water and a cloth. "Thanks" jeff muttered as he began removing the blood soaked bandage from the arm. You sat down next to the bed and gave jeff a helping hand whenever he needed.
"How are things with clint?" You gave Jeff a teasing grin. Jeff sighed.
"There are no 'things' between me and clint." But he gave up long ago to deny it convincingly in front of you.
"You looked shucking cute cuddled up yesterday evening." You grinned as you took the dirty cloth and water bowl from him.
Jeff scoffed. "Oh yeah what about you lovebirds then? I'm pretty sure you two were the ones cuddled up. Half the glade was probably jealous." He took the new bandage from your hand. A blush coated your cheeks but you smiled softly at the memory. "Yeah we were quite close yesterday."
You realised that the boy jeff was currently treating was still fast asleep. "Nothing wakes him up does it?" You pointed to him.
Jeff chuckled. "He sleeps like a rock. But don't try to distract me. I'm telling you, you need to ask him out."
"Because you're the expert in that?" You raised your brow.
Jeff rolled his eyes and sat down too after finishing the bandage. "No. Because it is so clearly obvious to everyone. Do you know why the boys don't try anything anymore with you?"
You blinked confused. "No...?" "Newt threatens them. They're afraid they'll be banished or beaten to a pulp if they try something with you."
You were speachless for a moment. "What...? No newt doesn't do that... I know he's protective. That's why they set up the rules but he never uses violence."
"Well he does when you are involved. You remember how gally was brought in with a bashed in face? That was newt. Gally, as gally is, apperently said a lot of disrespectful stuff about you which he could not tolerate."
Your heart beat a bit faster. Newt did this for you? You knew newt avoided violence and stuck to order as much as he was capable off. And that he completely neglected these believes as soon as you were involved was weirdly...sweet.
"So I'm telling you- he cares about you very deeply. Almost concerningly so. And everyone of the boys is aware how you two look at eachother."
You couldn't contain your bright smile. "I never knew that. That is very sweet." You sighed dreamily. "He's just so adorable."
Jeff laughed quietly. "I tell you he's beaten someone up and you call him adorable?"
You glare at him with a pout. "You know that's not what I mean. He's just- so handsome. Even when his hair is touseled of sweat at the end of the day. I don't know how he does it. I could listen to his voice all day too. Every time I see him I just want to squeeze him out of excitment."
"I'm sure he is." Jeff muttered with a grin.
"He always looks out for everyone and rather neglects his own needs than others. I'd rather he wouldn't but I like that about him. He also has everything in control. I mean alby is the leader but he's the leader in the background. He always notices when something is wrong and asks about it. When he laughs he has these really cute crinkles on his nose. Sorry I'm rambling."
Jeff leaned forward. "Then do something about it. Honestly in the eyes of everyone you're already-"
Newt cleared his throat as he stood awkwardly in the doorway of the med-hut. He had walked in a minute ago and heard you talking about someone. At first he thought you might actually be talking about him but his self-consciousness told him you were probably talking about minho. You two always were so close. Minho was a phisical guy. He was muscular. Had great humor. Of course newt understood why you'd fall for minho. After all it was his best friend. But it still stung. A lot.
Newt didn't mean to eavesdrop but he couldn't really find a good moment to interrupt until he couldn't stand hearing more.
His face showed a friendly expression but his eyes wouldn't meet your face.
You on the other hand were turning around to look at newt with wide eyes. You didn't know how long he stood there. How much he heard. If he even heard anything so you tried to slow your heartbeat and act normally.
Jeff glanced between you two as if he was watching a very interesting story unfold before his eyes.
"I uh. I need to get some supplies for the runners. They're about to start. But maybe you'd like to bring it yourself to minho?"His eyes were lowered to the ground.
"Yes of course. No problem." You hastily stood up and collected the small supplies for the runners. As soon as you finished speaking newt was already gone again.
You stilled as you realised this and turned to jeff with wide eyes. "Do you think he heard?"
"He heard something."
"Why did he storm off then?"
Jeff raised his shoulders. "You should probably go talk to him."
You did try and talk to him but after the encounter Newts behavior changed. He clearly tried to avoid you. He was a lot more in his room. Even locked up so alby couldn't get in to sleep. He almost worked aggressively hard as a track-hoe. Not stopping to work at dinner time and starting to work before the others were even up.
The others noticed too of course. Newt was the glue after all. Without Newts full help the glade got into a more chaotic state. Alby needed to scream around a lot more. He even seemed to be angry at newt for acting this way.
He didn't come to the med-hut anymore. Neither for his limp nor to pick you up for sleep.
For you and frankly everybody else it was a unreasonable change of behavior. You knew the things he overheard in the med-hut were the trigger for this but you could not fathom why he'd be so distraught because of it.
But to Newt it was perfectly reasonable. You were in love with minho and the latter obviously in love with you. The whole glade seemed to be. You were the only girl. What chance did he have.Newt saw it clearly. You always were with minho. Sometimes even disapearing with him into the woods. He didn't even want to think about what you did. You always kissed minhos cheek. Hugged him a lot. Minho always flirted with you.
And it was even worse that minho was his best friend. He loved minho dearly. They've been through everything together. And he couldn't bare the thought of losing you both when you two were so close.
This reaction to the pain he felt in his chest may have seemed overdramatic to a outsider but to newt it wasn't only about 'not getting a chance with you'. It made him realise that the love he felt for you, the hope you gave him, was all in his head. He needed your love. Desperately. And he didn't know how to cope without it again.
This worried you. A lot.The behavior reminded you of the time after his incident. How you first got to know him after waking up in the glade. He seemed broken then and he did now.It made you realise that nothing really changed about newt. He was still that small kid that you first met.
What worried you even more was his self-harming behavior. Not taking any consideration about the state of his body.
He didn't stop working even when alby told him to. Sometimes he didn't show up for dinner because of it. You always took a extra ration from frypan and brought it up to his room.
You knocked softly on the locked wooden door. "Newt?" There was no answer. "Newt I brought you dinner. You need to eat something."
You almost layed the plate down in front of the door again when the door opened a bit.
Newt couldn't help but take that glimpse of your care.
You gave him a smile. "Hey." You held the plate out in front of you. "Here. You missed dinner."
Newt took the plate from your hands hesitantely and scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "Thanks."
Before he could close the door again you held the door open with your foot. "Newt what's wrong? I know I've been asking this constantly the last few days but I worry about you. The whole glade does. You're not acting like yourself." Your voice was soft.
He shrugged carelessly. "Maybe I just have my period." He tried to joke. You were glad he attempted a joke again. But you also knew it was his way of distracting of the matter at hand.
You gave him a look. "We both know that is not the reason."
Newt sighed. "There is nothing wrong. I'd like to sleep."
You scanned his face desperate for a answer. "Is all this about what you heard me talking about?"
Newt froze up. "I never heard anythin'. Good night." He closed the door and locked it. He leaned his back against the door and took deep breaths. Blinking away tears.The situation didn't stop him from defending you though. On the contrary. He got more angry. More irretable. The usual calm and collected newt was overcome with a more emotional one.
Minho and alby gave you a explicit instruction to get throught to him at breakfast table that morning.
And you were determined to do so today. This has been going on for a few days too long for your liking. When you made your way over to the gardens in search of him the sign you were met with made a stabbing pain in your heart. Newt was working in the garden as usual. Pulling vegatables out, getting new fertilizer, sowing new ones. You normally loved watching him work. But today the pain was evident on his face. His limp finally catching up with the pressure he was constantly putting on it. You saw him stumble a few times but he pushed through obviously.
Until he just...collapsed. His leg gave out under him. You could see him staying layed on the ground. His face on the earth. Exhausted. Suddenly his lanky frame you oh so loved looked a bit too skinny for your liking.
You hurriedly made your way over to him. When he noticed you he tried to scramble up fastly which only made his limp buckle under his weight again. He cursed under his breath.You kneeled down beside him and gripped his arm and a hand around his waist. "Shuck newt. What are you doing..."
"I'm fine. I'm fi-" he struggled to get up again with the few strength he had left.
You pulled him down against you by the waist again. "Stop it." There was a plea in your voice. "Stop it newt. You're hurting yourself."
He still struggled against your hold. "Let go. There is nothing...wrong" his voice cracked.
You didn't let him go. He turned his head away from you as a tear rolled down his cheek and he started to shake slightly.
Everything hurt him. His body. His mind. Only your soft touch gave him comfort.
"Shh." You turned his head to you gently. He didn't meet your eye but you could see in them the pain he was in. You wiped the tear away with your thumb.
"Come on. I'll take care of you." You stroked a dirty strand of hair out of his face and helped him stand up. A lot of his weight leaned on you as you led him into the med-hut. Clint looked up startled when he saw you carry a half limp newt in.
"Out." You ordered him but added a thankful smile.
Clint nodded with a glance at newt and scrambled out of the hut. Newt let himself fall down onto a bed. You took a blanket and tucked him into it, started to boil water on the fire and pushed another pillow under his head.
"I will be right back. Don't go anywhere." Newt watched how you gave him a sweet smile and made your way outside again.You came back with a bowl of food and a bottle of water, shut the door to the med-hut to build as much privacy as possible.
You sat yourself down on the side of his bed and showed him your loot. "What do you want?" A loving smile thrown his way.
"Carrot" he cracked out.
You put the rest of the food aside and handed him the carrot. He moved up to rest his back against the wall and hesitantely began to eat the carrot under your careful watch. The silence engulfed the room for a while only the cracks of the carrot being heard.
You made a heating pad with the boiling water meanwhile and pulled the leg of newts trousers up to gently lay the warm pad onto his throbbing knee.
You did what you always did. Care for him. Take care of him. He had missed this terribly. But he hadn't forgotten what had happened.
He looked at you a long moment. Watched your every move. He felt like he hadn't been able to look at you proberly for way too long. "Do you-" he swallowed. "Do you like my voice too?" His voice was timid. He wasn't sure why he chose that detail to ask.
"What?" You ask perplexed and looked up at his face.
"Nevermind" his voice was still raw.
"Of course I like your voice. How do you come to that question?"
Newt didn't know how to answer that question so he stayed silent.
You sighed and slid nearer to him on the bed. "Newt what's wrong? Please tell me. You are in a horrible condition. I'm worried. Everyone is worried."
"I- heard you. The other day. Talking about minho. You should give him a go if you feel that way about him."
You blinked. To you his talk was making none sense at all.
"but uh-" he swallowed. "Can I still come to you if you...?"
You frowned. "I'm not sure what you're talking about newt. Of course you can come to me. Always. You know that. But what has this to do with minho-?" The words now registered completely in your brain. "You think I was talking about Minho?"
Newt looked away painfully. "Yes I suppose it was obvious for a while..."
You shook your head in realisation. "Newt."
His eyes snapped up to yours. "I wasn't talking about minho. I was talking about you."
Newt thought he hadn't heard right. "W-what?"
"Yes. I mean minho is great. I love him too. But he's not you."
"You like all that about...me ?"
"Of course. You are...amazing." You laughed quietly.
Newt was speechless.
Your heart was beating a lot more faster than normally but you tried to ignore it. Taking a deep breath. "May I...lay with you?" You whispered.
He never wanted- needed anything more. But his brain was in freeze and he could only nod his head.
You cautiously layed down next to him and crawled your body under the blanket too. You were very clode to eachother. You could feel the presence of his body next to you. He felt himself relax in the presense of your body next to him. Your small breath tickling his cheek.
You decided to let your instincts take over and slid your hand around his waist gingerly. Newts body tensed up and he sucked in a small breath at the sudden contact.
"Thank you." He breathed out. His body relaxing again.
"For what?" You whispered.
"Loving me. Pulling me out. Caring for me. Without you I'd probably would have taken another go at that jump long ago." His self humor shone through.
You smiled but lightly squeezed him. "Don't joke about that. I'm glad you feel that way. Thank you too."
"For what?" He retorted my own question back.
"Being you. Looking out for me. I heard the boys were threatened by you?"
A blush formed on his cheeks. "Yeah they were saying disrespectful stuff and I can't let them wander around thinking they can try whatever they want with you."
You smiled. "Always holding the order up."
"It's my job." You looked at his big brown eyes.
"Please don't punish yourself like this again. Don't shut yourself off like this. I'm not sure why you're punishing yourself. You don't have to tell me. But I don't want you to do it. Please? At least talk to me."
"I'll try."
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lollibumblebee · 1 year
Hiii!! can i please request some dating minho headcannons, female reader? also including some spice/smut if you are comfy
alsoooo, first time requesting!
a/n: NP, here you go! takes place in the glade, b4 thomas
WARNINGS: spicy shit and smutty shit idk bro
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Since you are quite literally the only girl in the glade, all eyes are on you
whether in a romantic aspect or not, everyone adores you
Minho would tend to get a bit possessive.
Since he's always in the maze, he can't really see who's getting up close and personal (or trying to)
he would probably appoint threaten gally to watch out for you,
it works out since you're a builder and everyone is terrified of gally, and minho for that manner
the sheer amount of shouting matches and fights this man has gotten in because someone was hitting on you is unbelievable.
Alby can't even put him in the slammer cause that's his best runner
you guys were pretty close b4 you started dating,
like to the point where you would go off work early and wait for him at the entrance
gally ALWAyS shipped you guys (shocker) he didn't let it show, but he would let you go off work to wait for him and shit.
He confessed at a bonfire one random ass night
y'all ended up making out drunk as all get up behind the homestead
you guys didn't become official until months later
but you did have random make out sessions
Obviously, no one knew that was happening
good ol' Benny was tryna slide in and minho got PISSED
like there was an argument and punch on
in the med jacks later, he said that he loved u and wanted to make shit official.
When you guys go get to have quality time together, his hands are always on you, on your waist, around your shoulders, on your thighs, holding your hand, you name it.
You will be on his lap on bonfire night, I assure you
This man is obsessed with your thighs, he loves them so much
like when y'all are making out, he is grabbing them like no tomorrow.
Flirting bro
he loves it
even before you guys started dating, he would flirt to the ends of the earth,
This man has no problem making you all flustered and shi when he's flirting, but the moment you flirt back he is speechless, an absolute mess of a man.
he would be so top energy but the moment u grind on him, it's all over folks, he is WHIPPED
he is weirdly good at this type of shit, like
eating out king bro
loves to be in between your thighs
when you guys had your first time, he was on cloud nine bro
he hadn't even jacked off b4, and that kinda pleasure was unmatchable
let's just say minho is vocal, very vocal
everyone else is traumatised
I feel like he would love it when you sit on his face, and you pull his hair
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wife-of-all-dilfs · 11 months
could we get some gally headcannons please?👀
Whatever you want to write🩷
Thank you ❤️
gally in a relationship headcanons
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finally some gally love <3 idc what anyone says, his eyebrows are beautiful. NSFW BELOW.
the glade
enemies to lovers type shit. i'm talking y'all would go as far as avoiding meal times just to avoid seeing each other.
he'd always be staring at you—from across the glade, through the bonfire, literally all the time.
sooo many interactions would end with y'all being up in each other's faces and throwing petty insults.
you'd slap him if he says anything that borders on sexism. he eventually learns what's what.
'there's a thin line between love and hate'.
other gladers would get so annoyed by how much he talks about you. his favourite excuse: "she just pisses me off so much".
but there's no excuse for jerking off to the thought of you late at night.
honestly, he would probably realise he likes you when you scull his secret recipe drink in front of him.
he'd ignore his feelings until you're the only thing on his mind and it infuriates him so fucking much.
you would be arguing one time and then suddenly he kisses you. the kiss would be aggressive, heated, and most likely up against a tree or hut.
suprisingly, his confession after would be very vulnerable and tender.
everyone is confused the next day when you're practically glued to each other's sides
gally would be very protective and borderline possessive. he'd hate it whenever other guys stare or talk about you.
would probably end up in a fistfight over it.
he'd be a rough/passionate kisser.
he'd be very into thighs. his hands are big and calloused so he'd enjoy wrapping them around the plush of your thighs, kneading the soft warm skin in his hand.
despite his gruff and harsh demeanour, he would always hold/touch you with utmost delicateness, apart from heated moments.
guards you whenever you shower.
would break so many rules for you. reluctantly, of course.
y'all know the term 'sleeper build'? that's gally. he might not seem extremely muscly at first glance, but once he starts heavy-lifting and building, his arms are legit bulging.
your first time together wouldn't be too great, but once you practice more, it gets good. like, really good.
love love loves receiving but also thoroughly enjoys making you come and knowing only he can do it.
his favourite sex position would be holding you up against a wall. he likes feeling strong.
arguments would almost always end with him taking you into the forest and fucking you against a tree.
when he gets stung, he would probably fight through the changing to tell you he loves you one last time before getting speared. oop.
the last city
when y'all reunite, you'd both collapse to the floor in each other's arms kissing and crying which surprises you. the gally you knew was not a crier or favoured public affection.
gally changed a lot since you last saw him, emotionally and physically. he is taller, more muscular, and has a more level-headed and calmer attitude.
he'd be more emotionally available and willing to be open and vulnerable with you.
the first thing y'all do when you're alone is have sex. and he even fucks differently.
the better wording would be 'make love' instead of 'fuck'.
he is much more gentle and loving and focuses on your needs wayyy more than his own. he couldn't believe how aggressive he previously was with you, how selfish he was.
he would worship your body and show you how much you really mean to him.
you would make him leave his mask on one time while y'all fuck. its hot af.
would always be touching you—an arm wrapped around your waist, holding your hand, your thighs, etc.
the hugs, man. he'd literally pick you up and engulf you in his arms. all the time. this mf had a severe epiphany and realised his love language was touch.
would always be complimenting you. "you're beautiful, you know that?", "god, you're a fucking angel.", etc
wouldn't get mad if other guys talked to or stared at you anymore. he would probably joke about it with them instead.
well, maybe he would be a little aggressive.
"yeah, ha-ha, careful or i'll throw you to the cranks".
trusts you to be able to take care of yourself but is still a major worrier, especially during the war within the city.
after arriving at the safe haven, he would build a house for you. you would enjoy watching him because, well... muscles.
all in all, gally would be an extremely different man compared to the one you first met, making your love for him stronger than it had ever been.
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 5 months
Pinch Me
Gally x reader summary: Gally isn't dead after all. In fact, he's very much alive. And so is that weird feeling in your stomach whenever you look at him.
a/n: god the lack of maze runner fics on my blog is unbelievable!!! needed to change that desperately
maze runner masterlist | main masterlist
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You eye Gally carefully from the side as you wait. There's only one telescope and it's not like you're gonna line up behind Thomas to use it - no, you take the time to sit down on the ground and narrow your eyes at the newly un-dead glader next to you instead.
He's taller than when you'd last seen him. You'd noticed how much he'd grown the very first second you'd lain eyes on him. But he's got broader, too. He looks older, much older. More like an adult now. And that hoodie suits him. A little too well, actually.
"You're staring", Gally says, pulling you from your silent assessment of him. He doesn't even turn to look back at you. Some voice in the back of your head pipes up, tells you that you should probably feel embarrassed that he's caught you - but you don't, somehow. Instead, you hum in agreement. Yeah, you had been staring. You are staring.
"Are you trying to check if I'm real or what?", he asks with a chuckle, one that's surely supposed to cover up the fact that he sounds quite a bit nervous underneath. It doesn't really help. You hear the shake in his voice anyway.
It has you grinning just a little.
"Honestly?", you smile, trailing your eyes along him once more. "I kind of am."
He looks back at you then, finally, turns his head to yours and meets your eyes.
"You wanna pinch me to make sure?", he asks, seemingly serious with his eyebrows raised, but with a twinkle in his eyes that you've rarely seen in them. Your grin widens even further.
Without another word, you lean forward and pinch his arm. Just like that.
He doesn't even flinch.
He's warm under your fingertips, warm despite that thick, woolen hoodie he's wearing that looks so comfortable you honestly want to steal it from him. You pull back with a satisfied grin.
"Very much real", you approve, and then the corners of his lips tug up and you almost black out. Your heart really skips a beat. Just because he's smiling back at you. Oh, lord.
You settle a little further back and let out a breath.
"I'm glad you're not dead, Gally", you mutter, trying to keep your voice down so Newt and Thomas won't necessarily hear you. It's not that you want to keep it a secret, you just want to keep it private. It doesn't concern them. This is something between you and Gally. Something personal. Something that tugs at you and pulls you to him.
You don't know what it is exactly.
Maybe just relief, relief that at least one other glader is alive after you've already lost so many others. Maybe it's happiness, happiness to see an old friend. Or an old acquiantance? An old.... God, you don't even know what you and Gally were back then. Two people who threw glances at each other, who smiled at each other, who... Did barely anything else for the three months you'd spent there before Thomas had come up the box. Two people, three months and absolutely nothing that happened.
But now he's back. And that something that never happened? That's back now, too.
You're nowhere near safe, really. You're anything but safe. You're the absolute, complete opposite of safe. You're running through a city on fire, your legs burning, burning, burning with the strain of carrying yourself- Fuck, fuck, fuck!
You can see the aircraft already. It's right there, you just need to run a little faster. If you had any oxygen left in your lungs, you'd shout for Minho and Gally to check if they're still right behind you - but you don't have the oxygen and you don't have the time either, so you push on, on and on until you're close, closer and closer and then, finally, inside the aircraft. You collapse onto the floor and gulp down what feels like a litre of air.
"Serum", you wheeze. "Serum. Newt."
You hear a body collapsing close to you, then another. You force your eyes open and turn your head to one side - Gally, his chest heaving and his eyes squeezed shut as he tries to calm down.
You're safe.
He's safe.
And you're both still alive.
Your ears ring so loudly that you barely hear how Jorge starts the aircraft. You don't care, either.
You're safe. And alive.
For the moment.
And that's all that matters.
So you steady a palm against the floor, heave yourself up and reach over him. Your hand comes down next to his head just as he opens his eyes.
Your heart is racing. You don't know if it's him or the adrenaline. You're not really bothered to think about it either, to be honest. He's too close to think. So close. Closer than ever before.
And you truly are drunk on adrenaline. Which is definitely the only goddamn reason for why you lean down, just like that, and press your lips to his.
You catch him off guard. You catch yourself off guard, too.
He tastes like sweat and blood, bitter and metallic and absolutely perfect considering you're still very much in a life-threatening situation, blood rushing in your ears and minds reeling with the heaviness of everything that's happening.
You shouldn't be kissing him. You shouldn't be planted half on top of him, with your hands shaking and your body so heavy you almost collapse. And then his fingers close around your waist and you do collapse, right on top of him.
He's broad and tall and most definitely more comfortable than the floor. Fuck, his hands on you feel so good. They're so wide and big and he's such a good kisser, his lips against yours so perfect.
God, how have you never done this before? He's always been right there, you've always felt that tug. And now that you've given into it, you never ever want to stop again.
He's heavenly. And he's holding you so firmly, so easily on top of him. He's so broad and tall and comfortable and firm and perfect and-
Jorge's voice startles you so hard you flinch away from Gally, your head jerking up, your eyes searching the inside of the aircraft -
Everyone's staring at you.
Absolutely everyone.
Oh, god.
Oh, lord.
Oh, fucking hell.
Heat rushes to your cheeks. With a start, you push off of Gally and turn onto your back again. Your eyes squeeze shut as your breath evens out. Slowly, but steadily. Ever so steadily.
You can't think.
You're exhausted. Simply and just exhausted. This entire day has been too goddamn exhausting. And it's not even over yet. It's nowhere near over.
But as Gally reaches out for you, as he slips his hand into yours and interlocks your fingers... Yeah, you'll be fine. You'll be just fine.
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mae-gi-writes · 5 months
Arch-nemesis . Gally (themazerunner)
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There's a thin line between love and hate, especially when it concerns Gally.
A/N: I've re-watched the three Maze Runner movies and now I'm obsessed and getting back onto the TMR fantrain so bear with me and the future fics I've already got saved in my drafts TT 3 TT ------
You hate him with all your heart.
Truthfully, honestly. There isn’t anyone you hate more than this stupid asshole that thinks that he’s the centre of the earth.
You met him only when he’d been brought in by Lawrence and a few of his other guys, having been there just for a few weeks prior. Thinking that this might be your chance to make a new friend, you’d sidled over to him with a small smile as you asked for his name. That didn’t go as smoothly as you thought when he just grunted out his name in response and turned away from you like you were a pest instead.
But it isn’t just that. It’s the way he says your name in that really aggravating tone that grates at your nerves. It’s the way he always insists it’s your fault when you’re out on missions and come back with no updates. It’s the way he bullies you and calls you names whenever your paths cross and it makes you want to gouge his eyes out. It’s enough to say that you know Gally now and you know exactly what he’s made of. That, and the fact that you’d stay far away from him as you possibly could if that was an option.
“You’re loading it up wrong shank-face,” he’d tell you as you were re-filling your gun.
“Shut up Gally, I’m doing it properly.”
“Don’t come crying to me when the gun doesn’t work.”
“It’s none of your business if it doesn’t work.”
“It is my business if you’re gonna—“
“Right that’s enough,” your mentor and leader called Jared had to step in, like he did numerous times, to get you to cool off. You’d storm away in a fit of annoyance and irritation, hating how easily Gally got under your skin.
It’s been a few weeks since weird sightings of stray immunes have circulated the area and in reply to this, Lawrence had set you up for a mission with Gally to scout the outer walls of the Last City. That had only caused you to grumble about the unfairness of the situation.
“Why do I have to go?” Your eyes narrow at the familiar tall figure lingering in your peripheral. Gally is busy setting up his weapons as you try to plead your case, seemingly uncaring about your protests, “and with him of all people? We don’t work well together Lawrence—“
“Everyone else is taken or busy with other tasks. Meaning that only you two are free,” Lawrence cuts you off without a hint of sympathy, “so either you do as you’re told or you can leave Y/N. As simple as that.”
In the end you have no choice but to abide by his rules, strapping up your weapons and defenses before Gally calls out your name. You turn just in time to catch the water bottle he sends your way, yelping in the process.
“You’re looking a little distraught, shank-face,” he smirks at you from where he stands loading up the provisions, “scared of what you’ll find out there? If you ain’t good enough, just don’t come and waste people’s time.”
“Nobody asked for your opinion, ugly brows.”
“I’m just worried you might slow me down. I’m not a goddamn babysitter.”
“I didn’t ask for one, now will you shut up and stop talking?”
“I’m surprised these two haven’t killed each other off yet,” murmurs one of Lawrence’s men.
“Killed or kissed you mean,” Jared lets out a chuckle.
These words are enough to cause the others to look at him with shocked faces, “what do you mean?”
“Isn’t it clear?” Jared motions towards the two currently bickering, “bet that by tomorrow night these two will get together.”
“I bet they last a week before they kiss.” Another says.
“Oh come on, I’m betting two weeks. Gally isn’t that type of guy.”
“What about me?” Gally’s voice causes them all to shut up, looking at him with guilty smiles and with shakes of their heads.
“Nothing to worry about Maze boy,” Jared flicks him off with a wave of his hand, “now off you go, both of you. And I expect some good news when you return.”
“Of any kind,” someone adds quietly, to which they all cackle.
You’ve toured the city a million times before in search of any kind of entrances that might lead to the inside, where all of Wicked laid. So it’s nothing out of your depth to follow Gally around as you survey the area and scout for more sources of information.
In all honesty, touring with Gally isn’t that much different from anyone else. On the contrary, Gally’s determined nature conjoined with his natural physical ability to excel just renders him an even more ideal battle partner. Not that you’ll ever tell him that. It will surely come bite you in the ass later when you least expect it.
You’re almost at the perimeter when you notice something off about one of the citizens. It’s a little girl, her face contorted in a grimace as she holds her hands in front of her tummy. For a moment, she sways in the middle of the crowd and you’re about to dismiss it, when another figure stalks in and takes a swipe at her with a stick.
The girl yelps as the stick hits her knees, crumbling to the floor like a sack of bones.
Before you know it, you’re sprinting towards her, anger flaring through your chest as your hands steady themselves on the gun. You barely hear Gally’s voice as you stumble in front of the kid just in time to point your weapon at the older man.
“What do you think you’re doing?” You hiss at him.
The man’s eyes widen. He takes a step back, “no no, get away from her, you don’t understand—“
“Understand what? That you were going to beat her to death?” You click your gun into place, “nice try old man, now tell me—“
“Get away from her!” He yells at you, “she’s not normal! She’s—“
And a growl erupts from behind you. You swivel around in panic, eyes going wide upon noticing for the first time the dark patch close to her eyes.
The Flare.
The girl twitches. A small sob falls from her mouth. Your heart jumps to your throat, stumbling back half a step as weird animalistic noises echo from her mouth.
And then, she pounces.
You yell out something— you’re not too sure what — and are about to knock her on the head as she throws herself at you—
A bullet explodes on the right side of her brain and she falls to the ground like a puppet.
You stare at her for a minute. One more.
Your gaze slowly trails up to see familiar booted feet.
“What were you even thinking?”
Gally’s voice is usually deep. But this time, even you can’t stand up to the anger simmering in his voice. It’s dark and holds some kind of laced savagery that makes your toes curl in apprehension.
He takes your silence as guilt before grabbing onto your arm and roughly pulling you out of the crowd. He doesn’t stop and for once you don’t fight him, still not over the shock of seeing that poor girl’s face, the crazed look in her eyes. You’re so deep in your thoughts that you don’t realize you’re at your truck until Gally practically throws you against its side.
Your back digs into the metal and you grunt at the impact, the ache stinging your spine. But before you can do anything else, huge palms come to a rest on either side of your head.
Gally leans into you, so close that you can feel the heat radiate off him in waves.
“What the fuck was that about?” He growls, voice dropping even lower.
Somehow, it causes a shiver to run up your spine. Not one of fear, something else. Something that makes your stomach squeeze into knots.
“I—“ for once, you don’t seem to have any words. Instead your head turns away from Gally’s eyes as you bite down onto your lower lip, “I’m sorry.”
“Sorry? You’re sorry?” He scoffs, laughs to himself before his gaze hardens once more, “sorry for what Y/N? For almost getting yourself killed? Are you insane?! She could’ve literally infected you and you—“
“I didn’t know she was infected.” You tried to protest.
That seems to aggravate him even more, “You didn’t even bother to check!” His nostrils flare.
“Well I said I’m sorry!”
“Sorry’s not going to cut it if you turn into one of those Cranks you stupid slinthead! You need to be more responsible! I literally turn away for one minute and you’re—“
“Oh stop exaggerating Gally. I was trying to protect her—“
“Yeah and look how that ended!”
You snap, “why are you so pissed? It was an accident and I already said sorry!”
“It’s not just that Y/N!” He yells with such emotion that his face flushes red, “What if I wasn’t there? What would you have done then?!”
“Why the fuck do you care? You wanted me gone—“
Your words cut off in mid-conversation when his large hands suddenly cup your face before pulling you in to crash his lips against yours.
Your eyes widen, brain freezing, as butterflies erupt through your stomach.
Is this what a kiss is?
And this is Gally, kissing you like he means it.
It's almost like time has stopped.
Heart pounding, your body slowly melts against his. You’re in a trance-like state, watching yourself crumble under his fingertips that he places right under your jaw, his other hand sliding down to your hip to pin you in place.
The kiss is surprisingly gentle yet firm. His mouth moves slowly, hesitantly, almost like he fears breaking you. And yet, when you respond with a soft movement of your own, the rumble of his chest has your stomach squeezing with adrenaline.
You’re not too sure what’s happening. Here you are, with the world’s biggest dick, kissing him like he’s your lover when all you’ve ever wanted was to kick him in the face for being a class A asshole.
But it’s weird because this, however, feels so right. Like you’re meant to be locking lips, like he doesn’t want anyone else in his arms but you. And when he cages you in his hold with even more intensity it makes you gasp, causing him to slip his tongue into your mouth with an ease that has you parting like melted butter.
Slowly, your hands trail up to his chest, grabbing hold of his dark tunic and tugging slightly as his teeth suckle onto your bottom lip. A noise echoes from the back of your throat and he growls in response, pressing you even harder so that your head tilts back against the truck’s surface.
You need air at some point and so break away from him with a small gasp, chest heaving.
Gally doesn’t hesitate. He dives down to press a kiss to the side of your jaw, down your neck, imprinting his mouth over your skin over and over again in a way that has your body shuddering with delight. Big hand sliding down to the back of your neck to pull you even closer into him, the young man’s lips find a soft spot at your pulse point, causing a whine to fall from your lips at his action.
His chest rumbles in satisfaction and before you know it he’s back to kissing you. This time it’s more heated; mouths clashing and teeth clicking and tongues battling.
And then, the reality of the situation hits you straight in the face.
You freeze. What in the shucking world are you even doing?
You’re making out with Gally, right beside your truck. In broad daylight.
The thought alone makes your hands push him away and your lips disconnect with a small ‘pop’ sound.
You’re gasping for breath at this point, eyes wide as they flutter up to lock onto his own and you’re surprised at what you find there.
There’s some sort of softness, genuine care and something more, something darker that you can’t really put your finger on.
It makes you want him.
You want him.
Shuck’s sake.
“Y/N—“ Gally starts but you’re already moving out of his hold, slipping away from his warmth and suddenly it feels a little too cold.
You shake your head at him, decide it’s best to keep your eyes away as you open the door to the passenger seat, “let’s go. We have a mission to finish.”
You don’t want to talk about it.
It’s been days.
Days since the incident.
Days since you’ve been trying to get Gally out of your head.
You don’t understand why he’s having such an effect on you. Theoretically speaking, you should’ve bashed his head in and turned him over to Lawrence for sexual assault.
But you haven’t, and he’s also probably questioning why.
As a result, you’ve done everything in your power to avoid him. You wake up thirty minutes earlier to eat your breakfast so that you don’t have to bump into him at the table, you take the first errands that come to you — the boring ones like refilling tanks and getting the food supplies and guarding their premises. All that so that you don’t have to deal with Gally’s bullying.
Well, not that you’ve heard from him much either.
“What happened between you two?” Jared asks one evening as you help him move the supplies fresh from the last raid from the Last City.
“What?” You stare at him blankly, “what are you talking about?”
“You and Gally. You had a fight or something?”
“When are we not?” You snort, though you can’t deny the flush creeping up your neck as the memory of Gally’s body against yours resurfaces.
“Well I know you fight, but you’ve been ignoring each other.”
“And? Why is that a concern? Shouldn’t you be glad there’s less noise?”
“You’ve got a point I suppose.”
You don’t tell him it’s because you’re nervous of all the things that keep flashing through your head. You don’t tell him about how you keep on thinking of Gally’s mouth on yours, the lingering taste of him like a ghost along your lips. You don’t have to and you don’t want to, because you know that it’s going to entertain an idea far too surreal and ridiculous for you to think about.
It isn’t until a few days after your little mishap that Gally finds you in the storage room. You’ve woken up early to help the newest recruit unpack the food supplies just loaded into the main building dock, only to find out that he had this massive crush on you.
So you’ve been trying to bat him off all morning despite his most desperate attempts.
“Just give me a chance Y/N,” he says as he takes a box from your hands with a wink, “I promise I won’t make you regret it.”
You snort, “no thanks,” and turn back to keep unloading.
But he makes a grab for your hand. You yelp, pulling it out of his grasp, “what do you think you’re doing—“
“You think you’re so tough huh?” He makes another grab for your forearm this time and cages you into his grip. You try to wriggle out to no avail, his fingers squeezing so hard that you let out a cry of pain, “ow—“let me go, asshole.”
“Not until you agree.”
Your glare deepens, “I said no.”
He pulls you closer, stinky breath washing over your face and making you want to barf, “did I tell you how sexy you are when you try to act all tough and shit? I mean that’s literally—“
“Get your hands off her.”
He freezes. You do too. You recognize that voice. You could've recognized that anywhere. Your head tilts over.
Eyes widening at the sight, you quickly pull your arm away when the newbie drops it in shock.
“Move away,” Gally’s voice drops an octave and causes a string of butterflies to erupt through your chest, “now.”
The newbie frowns, “Who’re you to boss me around?”
“I said: Now.”
And maybe it’s the fact that Gally seems to straighten when he says it so it looks like he’s towering over the other boy, but the latter mutters a curse word under his breath and finally relents, throwing you a scowl in the process as he ducks out of the storage room.
You can’t help but lock eyes with your savior, though quickly averting your eyes in embarrassment as you resume stacking boxes after boxes. You hope that he’s just going to turn around and act ignorant, just like these past few days.
You don’t answer, resolutely trying your best to act busy.
Maybe it’s the way he says your name that makes you turn impulsively. Your eyes flit to his face, then look back down to his chest. A safer bet, “what?”
He takes a step closer, and another, and another. You swallow thickly, feeling your throat clog up with emotion as you stumble back against the boxes until no escape seems available.
Why is it that you’re always getting trapped by him?
“W—What is it?” You stammer out in hopes he can’t hear how wild your heart is beating, "What do you want?"
He lets out a soft sigh and seems to drop his shoulders in defeat, opening up his palms in a sign of defeat, "I just--I think we need to talk."
"There's nothing to talk about."
"No Gally," you whip around then with eyes narrowed into slits and your fists curled beside you, "if this is about what happened in the Last City, I don't want to talk about it. It was a stupid shucking mistake and--"
"Stop using Glader slang," he interrupts like a smart-ass and you all but growl at him in irritation, "it doesn't suit you."
"Oh shut up already," you whip around and decide that it's useless to try and have a civil conversation. You'd rather focus your energy on finishing off your task.
But seems that he's determined to bug you, for you feel the warmth of his hand imprint itself on your forearm before he's tugging you. Not too harshly, gently enough that you could've stopped if you wanted to.
You let yourself turn around, cursing inwardly at how the closeness between your two bodies is rendering you a little breathless, a little weak in the knees. He's so close that you have to tilt your head up to look at him, and what you see in his gaze makes your heart skitter.
"It wasn't," he murmurs, "a mistake."
"It was a mistake," you shoot back straightaway, "we can just forget about it--"
"I don't want to. I--" he clears his throat, looks away for a second. And when his eyes find yours once again you feel your breath catch in your throat because he's looking at you in a certain way. That way. With the same kind of tenderness that makes you want to wrap your arms around him and bury your face into his chest and smell the earthly, Gally scent that had wrapped around you back when you'd kissed--
You almost smack yourself, horrified. What in the world are you thinking?!
"I like you, Y/N." Gally’s voice jerks you back to reality, “I like you a shuck lot and—“
“Don’t,” you press a finger to his lips as you try desperately to put some distance between, shaking your head in horror, “no no, you don’t like me. You like me ‘cause I’m the only girl around here and it’s just your hormones talking—“
He shakes you off, “what are you on about?” He frowns before grabbing both your hands to cage them in his grip, “I know what I feel Y/N. Don’t tell me otherwise—“
“Gally please,” you scramble for coherent thought but logic is slipping away by the second. Even more so when he’s tugging you gently to him, even more when his face is a picture of softness and affection, “we hate each other’s guts—“
“I never said that.” He pauses to read your expression, fear suddenly flickering in his expression, “do you hate me?”
“I—“ the words get tangled in your mouth. You want to tell him you hate him, loathe him with all your heart and that you just want him gone and that you hates his kiss.
But you can’t.
Because it’s a lie, the truth is that you think your heart beats for him. You’re not sure since when, but that kiss had confirmed it surely enough: you like Gally more than you think you do. And that thought is terrifying.
You’re so close to him that if you let your hands drop they’ll brush against his chest, so close that you can feel his warm breath fanning across your skin and the heat of his jody permeating to yours.
Ducking your head in embarrassment, you bite down onto your lower lip.
“Answer my question, Y/N.”
You swallow thickly, “I—I don’t know.”
Gally looks down at you still, not giving you the easy way out you would’ve preferred and you find yourself crumbling under his stare.
“No,” you whisper, “I don’t hate you.”
He shifts a little closer still, eyes flitting down to your lips in a silent question.
Your breath catches. Your mouth parts. His scent wraps around you like a soft cocoon.
And then you’re lifting yourself up to kiss him.
He makes a noise of surprise at the back of his throat and you grin to yourself, loving that you caught him off guard. But that doesn’t last, for his big hands quickly drop yours to wrap around your waist before pulling your body to his and kissing you like he hasn’t seen you in ages, like he’s missed you, like he wants to do this forever.
Gally, you soon realize, kisses with his entire intention, not leaving one part of your mouth untouched and adamant on making you go pliant in his hold. You allow yourself to back up as he prods you, until your back hits one of the storage boxes hazardly stacked one atop the other, and Gally doesn't hesitate to press his chest against yours as a soft moan echoes from the back of his throat.
As his lips curve against yours in the most intimate of manners, your hands seem to take on a life of their own as they travel up his chest, caress the broadness of his shoulders, before wrapping around the back of his neck and teasing the soft baby hairs found there. You feel him grinning into your mouth and soon enough you're grinning too, foreheads pressed together as you catch your breath.
"Not bad at all," Gally murmurs, stealing a kiss from you and causing your face to flush deep red, "for someone who can't load a gun properly."
"I can too load my gun properly," you pinch him playfully and he responds with laughter.
That's when you hear your mentor's voice booming with surprise from the front entrance of the storage room:
"Well look what we have here! I told you guys they wouldn't last a week!"
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lowkeyrobin · 6 months
NEWT ; the night we met
summary ; newt is new to the glade & you're there when he regains his name
warnings ; language, alcohol, very pre-thomas era (about three or four years)
track ; the night we met ; lord huron
word count ; 1.3k
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Newt, with his arrival to the glade in the box, was a frightened little Greenie. He was merely fourteen years old, about 5"7, with dirty blonde hair just barely hiding his eyes. He seemed awestruck, as usual Greenies were, and obviously scared and confused.
Alby sadly didn't have any answers for him, many, at that. He just had the rundown of the Glade to give him and the rules and to introduce him to the other Gladers out and about. He wouldn't be able to introduce him to you or Minho, seeing as you were both running the maze right now.
The second the poor boy heard the word maze, he nearly had a panic attack. It was like something in the back of his brain had been triggered, reminding him of something he couldn't remember.
But as the cool, green forest faded into an orange-y warm fire, the sun set above, leading you and Minho back to the Glade to join the monthly Greenie bonfire. There was work to be done, tasking you with business before you could join.
The fifteen year old Minho begged you to hurry up, but you had to map out a new section of the maze. There was no fooling around for you at the moment. So, he leaves without you, curiosity stabbing him as he jogs back into the main Glade, away from the Deadheads.
You, finally, were able to join around eleven or so, the moon nearly centered in the dark sky above.
You had a cup of Gally's secret juice in your hand as you rest your back against a tree, a nice view of both the fire and the little fight-circle. You take your time to enjoy the peace and intoxicate yourself, ridding yourself of any worries.
You lay your eyes on the new Greenie, a light, inviting smile as he looks back at you. He was standing all alone, staring at the fire like he was trying to think long and hard about his past. He joins you, seeing that you were also alone, watching the fire and the other boys talk and have fun.
He sits criss-cross next to you, an awkward little hi slipping from his mouth.
"Know your name yet, Greenie?" You ask him, taking a sip from your cup.
He shakes his head, a slight twinge of sadness twinkling in his eyes.
"Don't worry," You pat him on the shoulder, "You'll get it back soon"
He nods, basking the two of you in a calm silence, listening to the fire crackle and the boys cheering and whooping a few yards away. He speaks up after a few minutes, having been conjuring up a question for you.
"How long have you been here?" He asks, question and curiosity dripping off his tongue.
You shrug, "Seven months. Same thing every day, all day. It's nice after a while, I guess."
He nods, watching Gally and Alec tussle and shove each other around the fight circle. He looks down at the mason jar in your hand, seeing you cringe as you feel the sour taste hit your tastebuds.
"What's that?"
You deviously smile, "Gally's secret concoction." You hold out the glass for him, giving him a look to try it.
He looks between you and the glass jar filled with the dark yellow liquid, seeking approval in your eyes. You nod, silently urging him to try it.
"It's good for the nerves"
He's silent for a moment before he takes it in his hand and takes a quick swig of it. He cringes as he hands the jar back, coughing up a fit as he rubs his mouth with his wrist.
You lightly laugh, watching his dramatic reaction.
"Good for nerves?" He repeats, smacking his lips to try and rid the taste from his mouth. "What is that, bloody hell!"
You giggle, setting the jar down in the grass with a little twist so it'd stay. "Dunno, ask Gally"
"Which one is Gally? Good God" He lightly coughs, "It tastes like piss!"
You stand up, a hand out to help Newt up. "I'll show you around, hm?"
He nods, taking your hand as you walk around the bonfire.
"Y'know Alby and Fry, right?"
He nods.
"Cool. Well, that's Minho, my best friend. He's a runner, as am I. He's Keeper of the Runners, though, very down to Earth and stuff. There's Gally and the other builders. They're strong but dumb." You shrug. "Winston is Keeper of the Slicers. He and that whole crew are wonderful. Zart and Jeff are the Med-Jacks. Go to them if you have a splinter or a cold, they'll help you out"
The blonde nods, following your gaze and finger as you look to and point the others out.
"And those are the Track-Hoes. They're gardeners, very sweet, that's Sam, Keeper of the Track-Hoes" You finish, giving him a warm smile as you look back at him.
He goes silent for a moment, looking dazed and zoned out before you snap him back to reality.
"Greenie? Hey, dude?"
"Newt" His lips curl into a smile, eyes twinkling as he looks at you. "Newt. My name is Newt"
You widely smile and chuckle in excitement, both of you with your hands on each other's shoulders as you bounce around, both buzzed off of the alcohol you'd been served.
"Greenie has a name!" You shout, looking to him for him to shout out his name, the whole Glade looking at you two.
"My name is Newt!" He smiles, looking to you for approval.
In your buzzed state, you convince him to jump on your back as you loop around the large fire, the boys chanting his name.
"Welcome to the Glade, Newton!"
"It's gotta stand for something!"
The boys continuously chant and holler his name, a smile painting his freckled face. You had all of him now, his kind, friendly and trustworthy personality, his dirty blonde hair, his freckles, and his dorky name.
He felt his brain take a photo of the scene as he looked slightly down at you, a hand on your scalp, the other formed in a fist which he held in the air. From the crackling fire beside him, to the feeling of the warm air against his face, to the boys in a circle watching as you proudly carry him on your shoulders. The smell of the bitter drink passed around the bonfire haunted his nose, and the way you gripped onto his ankles for safety did as well.
After the bonfire, the drunk boys return to the Homestead one by one, leaving you, Minho, Newt, and most of the builders by the fire. Minho struck up a conversation with Newt by the fire, sitting on a log together while you sit at the log on the right of them, sipping on Gally's secret drink. You weren't shitfaced but you weren't buzzed either, just the right amount of kind of out of it. You wanted to rid your life of any stress tonight, considering your friend and your new friend, Newt, were getting along and no one had tried to kill each other today, a win in your eyes.
Minho, wanting to embarass you, buzzed, brings up how you requested a guitar from the box and actually received it, although you never touched it afterward because you didn't want to be made fun of. Newt found this interesting and began begging you to play, even just for a minute. He never heard any real, genuine music before, and to experience it from you, his first actual friend would've been a memory he'd remember for a lifetime and more.
You eventually comply, striking a deal that if you play, you wouldn't be singing. You walk back and forth from the fire to the Homestead, retrieving the guitar, re-tuning it on your walk back to the two boys. You sit down again with a dramatic sigh and strum on the strings once to make sure it was properly tuned now.
Newt watches with a smile as you strum away, humming along to the rhythm.
The same rhythm that he could decode one certain phrase from underneath the warm, orange light of the fire, which was now dying out.
Take me back to the night we met.
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m30wk1ttycat · 3 months
I get it is hard to write if you are not writing ur first language.
i literally love u u're so sweet omg.
here u go luv. i hope i got it right <3
pairing: possessive!newt x fem!reader
warning: cussing, alcohol mentions/consumption, fingering, oral (fem receiving), horrible writing skills on my behalf
summary: newt gets jealous when he hears the greenie ask if you have a boyfriend, so he makes you scream his name just in case the greenie didn't hear him say that you're off limits.
i rewrote this so many times, and i'm still not satisfied. oh my fucking god what the hell is going on with me. i swear, it's the caffeine addiction catching up to me.
the monthly celebrations were possibly the only thing keeping the gladers sane, with the amounts of fun you got to enjoy on the special nights that came with the arrival of a greenie. this month, it was a boy named joshua, who you grew close to during the night.
too focused on your new friend, you didn't notice newt glaring at him from afar.
"careful!" you scolded, the boy ignoring all your warning and proceeding to gulp down the moonshine, wincing as the liquid went down his throat. it was safe to say that he'd wake up suffering, as this was his fifth one.
"whattt?" he laughed, setting the jar down. "s'good."
the boy had to have been someone with non-functioning taste buds - or an alcoholic before he arrived to the glade. with all due respect, the beverage tasted like absolute shit. but on the other side, it was the only booze the gladers had, and if you said something about the taste, you'd probably offend gally, and you didn't need to get on his bad side after earning the privilege to call him a best friend of yours.
"right," was all you said in response. you saw him lean against the log you sat on, while he remained sitting on the ground, even after your attempts at convincing him to sit down next to you.
turning back, you watched gally pummel a poor boy out of the circle, the other gladers around cheering them on.
"who do you think is gonna win?" joshua asked.
"gally. gally, for sure," you answered him.
"wait," he started, "which one of them is gally? the blonde one?"
"both of them are blonde, josh," you reminded, trying not to laugh - which was hard, since the greenie was just looking dumbfounded, gazing up at you.
"oh." he cleared his throat, "the guy with the buzzcut?" he guessed.
"mhm," you nodded.
the whooping and hollering only got louder when gally's opponent landed on his butt.
again, joshua reached for his jar, swigging the rest of his moonshine.
and during one point in the night, when most of the gladers were already asleep, the rest that stayed decided to play truth or dare.
"greenie, truth or dare?" ben asked.
"truth!" the boy slurred out.
ben hummed in thought, trying to think of a question. "how do you like it in the glade so far?"
"s'fun. especially with y/n over here," he gestured, smiling widely,
newt's jaw clenched, and his gaze remained on the greenie, eyes narrowing with each little movement the boy made. he hadn't met anyone as infuriating as he was, and whatever this feeling was that he felt, he hated it. he was supposed to be the sweet, understanding second-in-command that the gladers can rely on for advice, not someone who had the overwhelming urge to just bash some random dude's teeth in.
"y/n," joshua leaned in. too close, too damn close for newt's liking.
"truth or dare?"
shifting, you tried to keep more of a distance between you and the boy, beggining to get uncomfortable. but you guessed it might have just been the alcohol. "truth," you answered.
whatever it was that you were expecting him to ask, it certainly wasn't 'do you have a boyfriend?' right in front of your fucking boyfriend, who looked as if he'd pounce on him and beat him to a pulp.
"y/n's off limits," newt answered for you, tone harsher than intended.
the boys exchanged a look, silently praying for the newbie to shut his trap before this escalated any further.
"says who?" he had the nerve to ask.
oh, fuck.
"her boyfriend."
the greenie's expression suddenly went blank. and before he could apologize or say anything else, newt had already grabbed your arm and started to drag you back to the homestead, away from the bonfire, and most importantly, him.
"newt," you called. "what's going on with you?"
"nothing. i just didn't want to be there," he told the half truth, leaving out the part where he was jealous, and if he spent another second with that dude anywhere near you, he'd probably send him to the slammer - in the best-case scenario.
shrugging, he pecked your cheek, his lips curving up slightly. "it got weird. and you looked uncomfortable."
"and you were jealous?" you pointed out, leaning on his shoulder.
"maybe," he answered, sounding almost hesitant about admitting to it. he got jealous, sometimes too easily. not because he was insecure or anything, he just wanted your attention to be on him. perhaps it was a bit selfish, but he wasn't planning on sharing you. not now, not ever - and that wasn't changing anytime soon.
"maybe a bit more," he admitted a bit sheepishly, still smiling subtly.
he let go of your hand once you were in your shared hut, pressing a soft kiss to your temple. "love you."
"love you too, newt." you giggled as you let him pepper kisses on your face, which eventually escalated to him assaulting your neck, nibbling and biting, leaving purpleish marks over your skin while his fingers pumped in and out of you.
curling them, you raised a hand of yours to cover your mouth as an attempt to muffle the sounds slipping past your lips, which newt noticed, pulling your hand off of your mouth. "don't do that," he scolded gently, his tone not matching the merciless pace of his fingers.
"let me hear your pretty sounds, hm?" he cut you off before you could even attempt to protest.
as he pressed the heel of his palm against your clit, your breath caught in your throat.
"'m close," you babbled. the knot in your stomach only tightened as he increased the speed of his long digits, eliciting a lewd moan from you and a bonus scream of his name. coming on them, he pulled them out, popping them in his mouth to lick them clean. shamelessly, he sucked on your juices coating his fingers, slipping them out with a 'pop' - knowing you were probably watching him.
but he wasn't done there.
spreading your legs a bit further, he dipped his head between your thighs, making sure not a single drop was wasted.
patting your thigh, he looked up at you. "is it okay if i dress you?" he asked, to which you nodded.
he grabbed you a new pair of underwear, carefully putting them on. grabbing a loose shirt of his, he slipped it past your head, being gentle.
you spent the rest of the night giggling as newt kissed over the hickeys he left on the collumn of your throat, whispering sweet nothings until you both fell asleep, wrapped in eachother's arms.
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(The Maze Runner) He Gets Jealous
Author’s Note:  In my fics/imagines/headcanons, Gladers are aged up, and also movie version...  Also please bear with me, I’m getting the hang of Thomas’ character.
Thomas: He trusts you, and he knows you care for him, but he gets jealous on occasion.  He doesn’t want to make a big deal out of nothing, so he will quietly watch you and who you’re interacting with, distracted from whatever job he is currently occupied with.  He might ask you later in passing what you were talking about, but won’t say anything more.  He is more worried for your safety than anything.  Sometimes he’ll warn you about being alone with certain gladers, or check on you every now and then if he hasn’t seen you for a while.  He really doesn’t want to smother you or seem overbearing, he just worries.  If anyone makes you feel unsafe, he is bold in protecting you and making sure no harm comes to you.
Newt: He’s generally chill, but once in a while, an interaction in particular with another glader will bug him.  Maybe the guy was getting a little too friendly, or maybe you laughed just a little too hard at a joke he made.  Either way, Newt’s not going to make a scene.  He’s more on the petty, subtly possessive side.  If he’s not already in the vicinity, Newt will make his way over and inject himself into the conversation.  He wants not only your attention, but to also to shoo the other glader away and lay a silent claim.  If the person in question that’s giving you attention is being so forward as to make you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, Newt won’t hesitate to jump to your defense and be direct in telling them to back off.
Minho: He is rather confident in himself, you, and the relationship in general.  He isn’t one to really get jealous or possessive.  He actually finds it funny when greenies have crushes on you, and he’ll let them know you’re not available with a chuckle and a playful clap on the back.  He might even throw in some humorous bragging for good measure.  If someone means you any harm or discomfort, there will not be a trace of amusement in his eyes.  He will undoubtedly put himself between you and the threat, expression hard and intimidating.
Gally: He gets jealous rather easily in the Glade.  Early on, he has some insecurities to work through, so it’s a process.  He finds himself less tolerant of other gladers getting too friendly, and he gets irked when greenies come right out of the box staring at you.  He’ll get petty with you over it from time to time, but most of his anger is directed at the person who makes him feel threatened in some way.  One of the more level-headed keepers who he trusts will give him advice, and it’ll finally dawn on him that behaving like that will only push you away.  His patience and confidence begin to build from there.  He still gets jealous, but he doesn’t respond to it in such an unhealthy way.  He even starts teasing the greenies who are crushing on you, and relaxes a bit.  He still doesn’t hesitate to show others you’re his and lay claim.
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ruewrote · 5 months
𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡 𝑟𝑢𝑖𝑛𝑠.
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PAIRING: tdc!gally x fem!reader WARNINGS: gally's death, no use of y/n GENRE: angst SONG INSPIRATION: i miss you by adele WORD COUNT: 928 A/N: this was really fast paced but i've had the end part in my mind for weeks now so sorry if its rushed :)
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they could never make you hate him, even after what happened to chuck.
as much as you wanted to, you just couldn’t do it. he had been your best friend, your crush, your rock, your lover. 
it was so good at first, maybe too good to be true, whatever it was it felt right with him. gally was the only thing in the glade keeping you sane, whole.
with thomas grabbing you by your waist, pulling you away from his body. gally giving you a last “it’s okay,” before you were snatched away from him. 
tears streaming down your cheeks as you reached out for him, squirming in thomas’s hold trying to free yourself, as you were both tugged through the exit by others in full combat gear.
you were finally out of the maze, but at what cost?
after his death, you were distant from the others except from newt. he always made sure you were eating and drinking, checking up on you when distanced yourself from everyone.
newt was like a brother to you, having him close helped, but then again what could he do for what only felt like heartache. 
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your eyes swollen and puffy as tears rolled down your cheeks, trying to keep your sniffles muffled by the sleeve of your jacket as the others slept.
time heals. well that’s what people used to say, but you think that’s complete utter bullshit because how does this ever get better?
everytime you closed your eyes you could see him, his hand shakily holding the gun in thomas’s direction, his eyes full of tears, the infection spreading across his skin. then bang! jilting yourself out of bed, chest tightening, tears. it was the same cycle every time you slept.
feeling as it was almost selfish, you got to live, you got a chance to try to survive, but here you were here moping. losing winston only added to your heartache.
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nearing the last city the sound of angered shouts echoed far, definitely too many for the eight of you to take on, so you got closer to figure out what to do next. 
gently pushing through the crowd, trying to get to the front to see what was happening. a hand covered your mouth, muffling you crying out for help. the other around your waist as the person who grabbed you lifted you off the ground.
the others were still ahead of you, not noticing what was happening, until it was too late. out of nowhere mini missiles were getting shot at the ground beside you, making the person who had you fumble, almost letting you go.
another person in a gas mask watched this happen, they started to grab your legs and dragged you towards a truck, if you were gonna go, you were gonna go kicking and screaming all the way.
“get off of her!” newt yelled, dragging the man who had your feet off of you, but another two came up behind him and got him too.
both of you were soon thrown into a beaten down blue truck, leaving you sat side by side, breathing heavily. a certain are you alright? look shared between the two of you before staring down the three armed, masked people in front of you.
the car ride tense and rocky as the vehicle drifted around corners, making you bump shoulders with newt. 
it soon came to an abrupt stop, the doors being pulled open and the two of you nudged out of it. looking around you, you could see an abandoned car park, thomas and brenda, multiple guys with masks.
the sounds of muffled fighting could be heard in the van beside you, then bursts out jumping on the person, jorge punching them.
shouting about where brenda was, but soon stopped when he found her.
“it’s alright, we’re on the same side,” 
thomas stepping closer, pushing you protectively behind him, “who the hell are you?”
after a long pause the unknown leader takes off his mask, “gally?” you mutter in disbelief, peeking out from behind thomas.
his eyes soften at the sight of you, “hey sweetheart,” giving you that familiar smile that you had missed so much. 
it doesn’t take long for you to bound up to him, throwing your arms around his neck, bringing him into a bone crushing hug. he hugged you back even tighter, lifting you off of the ground with ease.
you moved back just enough to look at his face, a soft smile danced over your lips as tears filled your eyes once again, “what the fuck. how is this real?”
“i’ll explain everything inside, c’mon,” he placed you back on the ground, grasping your hand in his own as he signalled the others to follow him.
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you were now cuddled up in bed with gally. your head on his chest, legs intertwined, his arm wrapped protectively around your waist pulling you closer to him.
“i never thought we’d have this again,” speaking softly as you looked up at him, “i really thought i lost you.” 
he gazes down at you, brushing a piece of hair behind your ear, “whether you like it or not, i'm not going to give up on you…on us.”
“that’s what i like to hear,” you joke, playfully elbowing his side with your arm, earning a chuckle from him as you cuddled closer to each other.
for the first time in months you’d finally be able to sleep peacefully with him by your side again.
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comments and reblogs are appreciated ♡
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© ruewrote 2024.
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semicolonsspace · 10 months
Yes, ma'am/sir/mx!!! Just because you asked so nicely <3
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Warnings: Praise kink, heated make-out, handjob, teasing
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Y/n was frustrated all day long. She was constantly getting picked on by all the boys of the gladers. She was quite Ornery. Even Gally was picking on her, sometimes even attempting to advance on her. She had enough, the next person who tried she just might become violent.
It was late at night and she and Newt sat at by the edge of the forest called Deadheads. It was her favorite place, the Gladers barely went there.
Unfortunately, Gally saw them and began walking his way toward her-Not her best friend Newt. She threw her head back in a groan at the sight of him. "Fuck off, Gally! I don't want to fight you in the circle!"
"How about fighting in a bed?" Gally asks suggestively. The Y/n stood up slowly and offered him a hand. He was shocked at first was Newt- then took her small hand into his. Then she pulled him into her knee and kicked him between the legs. "If any of you! Ask me that STUPID QUESTION again! I WILL THROW YOU IN THE MAZE MYSELF."
Newt was quick and pulled her off of Gally. As he was being held up by her he fell to the ground and gruntled, turning over to regather himself. Newt shoves his best friend into the trees away from prying eyes. He looked mad, but he wasn't mad at her. To the Gladers it looked like he was going to give her a talking to and maybe throw her into the slammer. But- he could never do that to her. He admired her too much.
The deeper they went, the calmer she got. It was just the two now. It was refreshing as she was always stuck between these walls with the wretched horny boys.
Y/n stopped and sat against a tree, out of breath from being dragged by her limping friend. "I'm sorry Newt," She cries, her voice slightly breaking. Newt sits down next to her and pulls her to his chest.
"Don't be sorry, love. That shank deserved it," He hummed. He kisses the top of her head and moves the hair out of her eyes. "I'm sorry that the boys are constantly bothering you... Tomorrow I will make a meeting for you to never be bothered again," He declared holding her tightly to his chest. He had a teasing smile on his face that Y/n adored. Y/n straddled his lap and cuddled into him. Newt thought nothing of this as they always were this affectionate.
"I appreciate you, Newt. You're the only one that I feel safe with," Y/n whispers, her voice as soft as the wind. It was a bit cold from the breeze but that just gave her more of a reason to snuggle into him.
"I appreciate you too," Newt whispers. He plants a small kiss in front of her ear and she giggles. He kissed her again and it was on her jaw. He was now laughing as he continued to kiss her.
"That tickles!"
"Good! You have to be punished!"
Y/n whimpers and tries to get away from him. Y/n was now on the ground and Newt was on top of her. He was tickling her and she was laughing loudly. She hears something and they both look at the owner. Newt sees the owner and chuckles before guiding her face to look at him with two fingers. "It's just a squirrel, love." Y/n's heart flutters and begins to hyperventilate a bit. He looked so fascinating. So Charming above her.
"Newt?" She croaks.
"Yes, dear?" Newt asks with a small smirk.
"Would you be mad at me if I asked you to kiss me?" Her voice was softer now, barely being able to be heard. But he heard her just fine. His hand now cups her face chin, "Never," he responds huskily. And then he kisses her, slowly tasting her every drop of nectar that rested in her mouth. He was entranced. He wanted to kiss her since she arrived here and was finally able to. He wanted to kiss her for an eternity. But he knew he was human and needed oxygen to survive.
He releases the kiss with a giant gasp for air. He lets her breathe for a second and goes in again. This time she moans from not expecting it. His pants become tighter, so he situates himself where his knee rests between her legs. This gains him more access to the kiss. He couldn't help but tease her, his knee pressed up against her mound. He didn't expect anything from the kiss, he just wanted to feel her lips on his. But he got more than he wanted. She flips him over, his back now against the same tree they sat against. "You're teasing me," She states the obvious. He nods and pulls her into his lap. "It's in my job requirements."
"Oh, yeah?" She purrs and points to his hard-on. "Is this in there as well?"
Newt flushes and looks away at a twig on the ground. "It's not my fault; It's a bodily function that I do not control, love."
Moments go by, Staring into each other's eyes. "I know I said that I would throw someone in the maze if they asked me that question but you haven't asked yet." Her voice was everything but innocent. It was filled with desire, luring him in like a magnet.
"Do you want me to ask you?" He asks daringly.
"If you don't, I will."
Then Newt kisses her again; He groans the second his tongue enters her mouth. His hands roam her body, exploring it like he was a scavenger in a jungle. His hands Memorize her curves, wanting to be engraved in his brain forever. So that way W.C.K.D can never take it away.
She takes off her shirt, her lips leaving him temporarily. Now, Newt memorizes her skin, the texture of her torso, the scars, freckles, and moles. It burns into his brain. Then he only kisses her with more need. Her hand reaches down to his trousers and palms him slightly. "You're going to kill me if you keep touching it like that," Newt murmurs. Y/n says nothing and silently begs him to take his shirt off by tugging on the hem. He takes it off with one hand swiftly. Her hands roam his chest, admiring how he looked. She also wanted to remember every detail, every perfection, and imperfections that littered his body. "Stop staring," He mumbles. She kisses his chest, "Never." She licks the spot she kisses, sucking on it as she looks up at him with innocent eyes. His chest was moving quickly. He pets her hair, smiling almost like he is exhausted. His eyes were hooded with lust as he stared at her marking his chest.
Subsequently, some clothes were removed as they kissed and felt each other. Their breaths were so heavy; The kiss was too. The kiss was so long that they had to stop for air numerous times. Newt couldn't keep his slender fingers off of her. He was so enamored by how alluring she looked. She was like a siren and he was the pirate amongst the beating sea waters; except at this point she was the seawater, she felt like it anyway.
"Newt... Please," Y/n whimpers. Her hands were above her head, pinned to the soft dirt ground. His calloused lanky hands had pinned them, his body grinding against each other like desperate animals.
"Patience, dear... Wanna take my time with you," he responds with a crass, rough voice. He plants kisses under her ear, trailing down to her clavicle. Her beady eyes flutter at him doing so, never having felt such wonderful pleasure. She let out a satisfied moan, making him respond with a deep chuckle.
"Just wait until we continue."
Y/n's hands find his hips, his stomach, and then down to his member. He shudders when her soft small hands toy with with his red tip. "How is this on waiting?" Y/n purrs bawdily. His mouth falls open and he nods. Her stomach fills with butterflies, feeling like they were riding on roller coasters.
"Oh, don't stop," Newt moans with urgency. Y/n smiled innocently at him, assuring she wasn't going to. Her hand twists on him slowly, massaging the sensitive head as she gives him direct eye contact. His hood eyes trained on hers, fluttering to stay open as it felt too phenomenal.
"You look so handsome," Y/n praises in an attempt to tease him. He groans lowly, "Shut up... I'm so close-" Then Y/n speeds up, wanting him to feel that sweet relief. She also wanted to feel that release splatter all over her stomach. "My handsome boy," she murmurs as her free hand tickles his bicep that is holding his body up. Then she feels warmth on her abdomen, concurrently as he whispers her name repeatedly with a high-pitch moan.
(All alright I'm sorry if this is short, but I've been stuck on how to continue this for a while so here is this... Let me know if you think of anything specific and I'll try to write it// or add it to this)
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blue-sadie · 11 months
Glow Of The Embers
Newt x Greenie Reader
Summary: the warmth of the fire can make you quite tired
Warning: kinda short
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3rd person pov
The fire was slowly dying the remaining light giving the ground around it a golden glow, there was only a few remaining the rest had all gone to bed.
You and newt were sitting by the fire against an old log gally and his 'boys' pulled out the woods, newt was rambling on about the maze and glade as he started into the fire not realizing your slowly slouching figure.
"I'm even pretty sure sure gally shat his pants his first day stupid buger" he laughed glancing at you only to see you half asleep, he smiled to himself as he stared at your face.
This was the first time he actually could get a good look at you and he hopes it won't be the last, he noticed how calm you looked and how your fingers twitched in your sleep.
He gently wrapped on one his arms around your shoulder and guided you to lay your head on his shoulder, his chests blushed a light red as he turned his gaze back to the fire.
The flames were no more then little flickers now but the embers still glowed a deep red giving the warmth they needed, newt mouthed 'goodnight' to minho who was the last one to leave so it was just you and him.
He glanced at you, you seemed so familiar like a distant memory but it was on the tip of his tongue, his body tensed as you snuggled into him letting out soft snores, he immediately relaxed and bowed his head his chest vibrated with a quiet laugh.
He slowly went back to racking through his mind trying to see if he could remember anything before the maze but all he could remember was blurred faces and fuzzy voices the only one he can really make out sounded like yours but it was distant.
It sounded as if the distance between him and the person was getting bigger like they were being pulled away, the words he heard clearly were "don't forget me I'll find you" and then all he could hear was ringing.
He leaned his head onto yours slowly, breathing in the last of the warmth as he too started to feel tired his eyes lids started to feel heavy and every few seconds he let out a few yawns.
"Even though I do not remember I hope we can make more memories together"
@neteyamyawne @sweetirilly @greekgods15
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newts-limp · 4 months
Somthing WCKD can't take away
Warnings: smut (*yayy*) mild curse words
Summary: y/n, the only girl in the glade is sick of boys teasing her. Her best friend Newt decides to take matters into his own hands...
Y/n was frustrated all day long. It was the night of the bonfire and she was constantly getting picked on by all the boys in the Glade. Even Gally was picking on her, sometimes even attempting to advance on her. She had enough. The next person who tried....she just might become violent.
It was late at night and she and Newt sat at by the edge of the forest called the Deadheads. It was her favorite place because the other Gladers barely went there.
Unfortunately, Gally saw them and began walking his way toward her and her best friend. She threw her head back in a groan at the sight of him. "Piss off, Gally! I don't want to fight you in the circle!"
"How about fighting in a bed?" Gally asks suggestively, hiding a smirk. Y/n stood up slowly and offered him a hand. He was shocked at first, so was Newt. He took her small hand into his. Then, suddenly, she pulled him into her knee and kicked him between the legs, pulling away fast before she could get a receiving blow. "If any of you," she started, turning to face the rest of the Gladers, "Ask me that stupid question again....I will throw you in the maze myself!!"
Newt was up quickly to pull her away from Gally before she could harm him more. As he was being held up by her, he fell to the ground and gruntled, turning over to regather himself. Newt shoved y/n into the trees away from prying eyes. He looked mad, but he wasn't mad at her. His anger was towards the Gladers. It looked like he was going to give her a talking to and maybe throw her into the slammer....But he could never do that to her. He admired her too much.
After Gally groaned once more and limped off to the Homestead, Newt softly took y/n's hand and led her deeper into the woods.
The deeper they went, the calmer she got. It was just the two of them now. It was refreshing to be alone, as she was always stuck between these walls with the wretched horny boys.
Y/n stopped and sat against a tree after a while, slightly out of breath. "I'm sorry Newt," She said quietly, her voice slightly breaking. Newt sits down next to her and pulls her to his chest.
"Don't be sorry, Love. That shank deserved it," He said in a low voice. He kissed the top of her head and moved the hair out of her eyes. "I'm sorry that the boys are constantly bothering you....Tomorrow I'll make a meeting. I'll make sure you're never bothered again," He declared, holding her tightly to his chest. He had a teasing smile on his face that y/n adored. She straddled his lap and cuddled into him. Newt never thought of her affection as awkward or embarrassing. They always were this affectionate. Besides, everyone needed someone in the Glade.
"I appreciate you, Newt. You're the only one that I feel safe with," y/n whispers, her voice as soft as the wind. It was a bit cold from the breeze but that just gave her more of a reason to snuggle into him.
"I appreciate you too," Newt whispers. He planted another small kiss on her forehead and she giggled. He kissed her again and it was on her jaw. He was now laughing as he continued to kiss her.
"That tickles!" She laughed
"Good! You have to be punished for hurting Gally"
Y/n whimpered as she tried to get away from him. She was now on the ground and Newt was on top of her. He was tickling her and she was laughing loudly. She hears something and they both look at the . Newt sees the owner and chuckles before guiding her face to look at him with two fingers. "It's just a squirrel, Love." Y/n's heart flutters and she begins to hyperventilate a bit. He looked so fascinating. So charming above her. His chocolate brown eyes staring at her and his messy, sandy blonde hair falling over his eyes.
"Newt?" She said, just above a whisper.
"Yeah, Love?" Newt asked with a small smile.
"Would you be mad at me if I asked you to kiss me?" Her voice was softer now, barely being able to be heard. But he heard her just fine. His hand cupped her face gently. "Never," he responded huskily. And then, before she knew what was happening, he kissed her. Slowly tasting her every drop of nectar that rested in her mouth. He was entranced. He wanted to kiss her since she arrived in the Glade and now was finally able to do that.
He released the kiss with a giant gasp for air. He let her breathe for a second and went in again. This time she moaned from not expecting it. His pants were slowly becoming tighter, so he situated himself where his knee rested between her legs. This gained him more access to the kiss as well. He couldn't help but tease her, his knee pressed up against her. He didn't expect anything from the kiss, he just wanted to feel her lips on his. But he got more than he wanted. She fliped him over, his back now against the same tree they sat against. "You're teasing me," She stated the obvious. He nodded and pulls her into his lap.
Moments went by, staring into each other's soft eyes. "I know I said that I would throw someone in the maze if they asked me that question," y/n said, breaking the silence. "But you haven't asked me yet, Newt." Her voice was everything but innocent now. It was filled with desire, luring him in like a magnet.
"Do you want me to ask you?" Newt asked daringly.
"If you don't, I will."
Then Newt kisses her again; He groaned the second his tongue enters her mouth. His hands roaming her body, exploring it. His hands memorizing her curves, wanting her to be engraved in his brain forever. So that way W.C.K.D can never take it fully away.
Y/n pulled away from the kiss once again, her hands moving to her shirt. She started to slowly take off her shirt as Newt gazed at her lightly tanned skin. Now, Newt memorized her skin, the texture of her torso, the scars, freckles. It burns into his brain. Then he only kissed her with more need. Before Newt could resist, her hand reached down to his pants and started to palm him slightly. "You're going to kill me if you keep touching it like that," Newt murmurs against her lips. She says nothing and silently begs him to take his shirt off by tugging on the hem. He takes it off with one hand swiftly. Her hands roam his chest, admiring how he looked. She also wanted to remember every detail, every perfection, and imperfections that littered his body. "Stop staring," He mumbled. "Never." She smirked.
Newt held her closely and moved his lips down to her neck, kissing it softly. Licking the spots he kissed, and sucking on it as she looks down at him with innocent eyes. His chest was moving quickly. He comed his fingers through her hair, smiling almost like he is exhausted. His eyes were filled with lust as he stared at her markings on her neck.
Subsequently, all of their clothes were removed as they kissed and felt each other. Their breaths were heavy; Their kisses were too. The kiss was so long that they had to stop for air numerous times. Newt couldn't keep his hands off of her. He was so enamored by how alluring she looked. She was like a siren and he was the pirate amongst the beating sea waters; except at this point she was the seawater, she felt like it anyway.
"Newt... Please," She whimpers. Her hands were above her head, pinned to the soft dirt ground. His calloused, firm hands pinning them, their bodies grinding against each other like desperate animals.
"Patience, Love.... I wanna take my time with you," he responds with a crass, rough voice. He plants kisses under her ear, trailing down to her chest. Her beady eyes flutter at him doing so, never having felt such wonderful pleasure. She let out a satisfied moan, making him respond with a deep chuckle.
"Just wait until we continue." Newt managed out.
Y/n's hands eventually found his hips, his stomach, and then down to his member. He shuddered when her soft small hands toyed with with his red tip. "How is this on waiting?" She purrs bawdily. His mouth falls open and he nods. Her stomach fills with butterflies, feeling like they were riding on roller coasters.
"Don't stop," Newt moans with urgency. She smiled innocently at him, assuring she wasn't going to. Her hand twists on him slowly, massaging the sensitive head as she gives him direct eye contact. His eyes trained on hers, fluttering to stay open as it felt too phenomenal.
"You look so handsome," y/n praises in an attempt to tease him. He groans lowly, "Shut up-....." Then she speeds up, wanting him to feel that sweet relief. She also wanted to feel his release splatter all over her stomach. "Good boy," she murmurs as her free hand tickles his bicep that is holding his body up. Then she feels warmth on her abdomen, concurrently as he whispers her name repeatedly with a high-pitch moan. She broke into a satisfied smile as he released on her stomach. Newt ran his fingers through her hair as he motioned for her to stand up. "Alright, come here, Love," Newt murmured at he motioned for her to stand up. Y/n stood up slowly, in a shy manner. "W-was that ok?" She asked him in a quiet tone. "Bloody amazing, y/n," Newt chuckled and pulled her closer to him once again. "But we're not done yet," He added in a husky and lust filled tone. Y/n blushed and her stomach did somersaults as she heard him say that. All she could do was nod. God, she was excited though.
Newt gestured for her to straddle his lap as he sat up against a fallen log. "You sure you're alright with this, y/n?" Newt inquired, as she was just about to lower herself onto his length. She smiled and silently laughed, "if we went this far, I don't think there's any going back, eh?" Newt smirked at her response, "Then let's get bloody on with it then, shall we?" She nodded and slowly filled herself with his length, stifling a moan. Newts hands quickly gripped his waiste, holding her tightly as she began to move up and down on him. "Shit," he said under his breath as she began to move faster. Y/n hid her smile as Newts hips started to buck slightly, showing her how much he was enjoying himself.
(Shit ik this ends abruptly but I might add more to it later)
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book-place · 1 year
Warnings: maze runner series spoilers, mentions of death, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Thomas x daughter reader
Request: Hi if requests are open I would like to request something for Maze Runner?? Can you please write a Thomas x daughter using the dialogue prompts 18, 20, 28 please? Ps I loved your Matt Murdock story!!!Thank you and 100% your choice
Request by: Anon
*not my gif*
Summary: Life might not have been necessarily kind to you or your father, but he would be there for you. Always.
A/N: This isn’t that good, but it’s also the first piece of writing I’ve posted in months so pls give me a break 😭- also I didn’t do one of the prompts bc it didn’t fit in, sorry!!
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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It had been six years.
Six years since the Gladers had made it out of that godforsaken maze. Six years since WCKED was taken down. Six years since they had found the safe haven.
Six years since Tereasa died. Leaving Thomas alone to raise you, their infant daughter.
Those six years, while nothing but a blessing- a gift of being out of that maze, being free of WCKED- have been years full of hardship.
Not all of it was hardship though, of course, Thomas loved you more than anything in the world. You were a miracle in his eyes.
But after having you, he thought that it would be him and Teresa raising you- together.
Sure, he had all of his friends- his family- to help him. They had done more for him- for you- then they would ever know, but it wasn’t the same.
You never had a mother, and you never knew the difference between having one or not.
There were other children that were about your age on the island, ones from families that had been taken in by Thomas and his friends and offered sanctuary.
So when you all weren’t in the school that was set up, you were all playing off together somewhere.
To Thomas’s knowledge, that’s where you were right now.
“Where’s the little pipsqueak?” A voice sounded from behind the man.
Thomas turned, finding Minho leaning against a wall behind him with his arms crossed lazily over his chest.
The man smiled lightly, leaning back on a desk behind him, “With the other kids, where else?”
Minho's eyebrows furrowed slightly, “The other kids? She’s not with them.”
Despite not having any idea what his friend was talking about, Thomas still felt his heart stutter and pause for a beat.
“What do you mean?” He asked lowly.
It had been six years without any problems that were anything like what they had experienced in the past, but that didn’t mean that Thomas ever forgot what it felt like, ever let go of the past.
Even though he might not look it, there was a part of him that was always on alert. Always tense. Waiting for something to happen.
Minho's face grew more concerned, “All the kids were playing at the bay, n/n wasn't with them. I came over because I wanted to see if she wanted to come help me make dessert with Frypan.”
The room was spinning. The lights were too bright. The air was too suffocating-
Thomas felt for a moment as though he couldn’t breathe.
In reality, it might not have been a big deal, you could’ve just wandered off to talk to Brenda or Gally, but your felt as though he was going into full on panic mode.
Too much had happened in his life, too much had been taken from him, too much had gone wrong.
You couldn’t be next. You couldn’t.
You were the only thing that kept him going after your mother died.
Immediately, Thomas pulled himself back together, and left the room, Minho following closely behind him.
The men fell into step side by side as their heads whipped around, eyes searching for any sign of you as they trekked through the built town of the safe haven.
Frypan emerged from his home, frowning slightly as he looked at the pair and raised his hand to shield his eyes from the sun, “What’s going on?” He called out.
“We don’t know where Y/n is.” Minho answered, Thomas too focused on looking to do so himself.
That was all it took for Fry to fall into step beside them too.
That’s how it went, house after house, until all of the surviving Gladers- plus Jorge and Brenda- were looking all over for you.
You were nowhere to be seen.
The sound of laughter made the groups ears all perk up as they turned to see the kids that had been down by the water running up, shoving each other slightly.
“Kids, have you seen Y/n?” Minho immediately asked.
Quickly, all of the children glanced at each other before shaking their heads back and forth so fast that it looked as though they were going to get whiplash.
The man’s eyes narrowed suspiciously at them, but before he could open his mouth to question them further, they rushed past him and to their respective houses.
The group of adults blinked at their retreating backs.
Thomas felt his heart tighten even more in his chest.
“She’s in the woods.” A small voice spoke up.
They all whipped back around to see one little girl still standing there, kicking her toe sheepishly at the ground.
That was all it took for Thomas to turn on his heel and barrel towards the cluster of trees just on the outskirts of all of the buildings.
His heart was hammering so loudly in his chest that he was sure the others, running a few feet behind him, could hear it loud and clear.
He ran and ran, dodging trees and narrowly missing bushes until a sound other than slamming footsteps reached his ears. It was so faint that he barely even heard it.
Thomas pulled himself to a stop, peering around the tree in front of him, only to see you, with your legs pulled up to your chest and your back against a large rock, crying into your arms.
He heard the others come to a stop behind him, “Thanks, guys, I got it from here.” He whispered, not tearing his eyes away from you.
They were clearly just relieved that you were there, because they nodded and went back the way they came without a word.
“N/n?” Thomas’s voice was soft as he carefully approached, “Are you alright, sweetheart?”
Your head snapped up at the sound of your fathers voice and he felt as though his heart shattered into a thousand small pieces.
Not only was your hair tousled every which way, but your eyes were red and puffy and your cheeks were tear stained.
Quickly, you tried to wipe them away, but Thomas sank into a crouch in front of you and gently grabbed your hands, pulling them away from your face, “What’s wrong?” He asked gently, eyes scanning your face.
Your bottom lip wobbled despite your clear efforts to make it seem as though you were okay, a stubborn trait you no doubt got from him.
Gently, he moved a fallen strand of hair behind your ear.
That was all it took for you to start sobbing once more.
“The- the other kids-“ You stuttered out, hiccuping slightly, “They were being really- really mean. They said it was weird that I don’t have a mom- and- and that makes me a freak.”
The sadness in Thomas’s heart was quickly met with a sea of fiery rage.
“They said that to you?” It took every fiber of the man’s being to keep himself from clenching his fists and setting his jaw.
He knew from experience that if you were upset and he got angry- even if it wasn’t directed at you- it would just make things worse.
So instead of scooping you up and angrily marching to find those other kids and their parents, he sighed gently, “Honey, can I hug you?”
He also knew that it was better to ask, just in case you reacted negatively.
In response, you fell into his open arms and sobbed into his shirt.
“Shh,” He shushed you, combing his fingers through your hair, “Hey, don’t cry on me. They don’t deserve your tears.”
It took a while until you finally calmed down, reduced to hiccups and sniffles.
And Thomas held you until you did, rocking you gently as he comforted you to the best of his ability.
“Honey, listen to me.” He pulled back slightly so he could look you in the eyes, “You are not a freak. You are the kindest, sweetest, most funny girl I know. And if your mother was here, she would think so too.”
Your eyes lit up as you stared up at your father, “Really? You think so?”
He leaned forward and placed a kiss on your forehead, “I know so.” He promised, “Now, come on.” He lifted you so you were propped up against his hip, “I think Uncle Minho would like to bake with you and Fry while I go talk to those kids and their parents.”
Bloody Shanks 🧪- @jvdethirlwall @ineedmorefanfics2 @etanordoesbullsh1t @wolfmoonmusic
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blasphemecel · 6 months
Michael Kaiser, Alexis Ness — Food Analogy
PAIRING: Michael Kaiser/Reader/Alexis Ness WORD COUNT: 3.3k TYPE: Humor, Bad Flirting (it's never been worse), Rivalry WARNING(S): Canon-typical football derangement, tw Kaiser, tw Ness, tw Y/n 💀 NOTE: This is the Dog Walking origin story does anyone remember me hi?
Believe it or not, Isagi never took you for a nutcase. Can your words sometimes be a bit absurd in nature? Over the top, maybe? Yes, but the environment you’re in is easy to blame. Otherwise, you’re a respectable individual, if not aloof, always keeping a certain distance from everyone else.
This is all to say, there is no way Isagi could’ve anticipated the utter nightmare he is in the middle of right now. If there was, he would’ve ran away the moment he heard your footsteps approaching after Kaiser blocked his shot and gave him that shitty speech.
You seem to have witnessed the whole thing, and with Kaiser gone, you wrap an arm around Isagi’s shoulders. “Do you know what he said to you?”
“In German?” asks Isagi, confused. “No.”
“What’s so special about you that one of the New Gen World XI players is picking a fight with you, huh? Because it was the last goal? He didn’t even glance at me and I finished the course before you.” Your eyes narrow at him with easy, second-nature condescension. It’s the first time you’ve hurled such provocations his way. “You’re always hogging the spotlight, you know?”
Isagi huffs, annoyed by your attitude. “Try harder in the next match, then. I don’t know what you want me to do. I’ll devour you either way.”
“Stop telling people you’re gonna devour them, you cannibal. It’s so tasteless.” You click your tongue, bemused by his lack of style — no wonder you get along with Aryu — and then you gesture at Ness and Kaiser in the distance. “Look at him. He even has a servant. It’s not fair. I want someone to do my bidding!”
“Why are you acting so childish right now?”
You push him off of you like you weren’t the one who got so close to him in the first place, then stalk up to Kaiser and Ness with the confidence of someone on a mission. At this point, Isagi knows he should look away, and yet his attention is glued to whatever is about to ensue like he’s a spectator of a car crash.
Ness offers you a fake smile and reaches out to hand you the same translation gadget he’d given Isagi earlier, but, of course, because you’re insane, you decide the most appropriate course of action is to take out one of his and shove it in your ear. He blinks.
“You seem vulnerable and easy to boss around,” you say. Wow, what a first impression. Ness’s smile slips. “I’m looking for a henchman or a goon or something similar. Are you interested?” Then you address Kaiser. “That was a cute little show you put on for Isagi. For how long did you practice it?”
“It was improvised,” he lies.
“Sure it was.”
“Who the hell are you?” Kaiser shoos you away with a wave of his hand. “Third rate actor trying to intrude on my stage. Bo-ring.”
Isagi cannot discern if Kaiser doesn’t recognize you from the U-20 match for real or if he’s just pretending in order to insult you, but his best guess is that you’re going to make him… very aware of your identity after this.
This is, perhaps, the most insulting thing to ever happen to Isagi.
The field falls into a conclusive silence, everyone still lingering by whatever spot they’d been in during the game before it finished. Isagi knows he’s staring at you like a serial killer, eyes drilling holes into your side profile with utmost offense. The football-induced neurosis he usually gets lost in while playing is yet to wear off, which is probably why he’s taking this to heart.
Without a doubt, you were ahead of him at least in the final moment, despite failing to stand out for the rest of the match. You’d predicted he wouldn’t cave in and pass to Kaiser and got in range, jumping in between them out of nowhere, stealing what was supposed to be Kunigami’s goal.
Though what made your outplaying him so galling is that it was all a way of picking a fight with fucking Kaiser. Not even with him, but with Kaiser. His act of relenting — of not trying to score on his own because of concepts like rationality and recognizing limits — became an instrument in this stupid fight you’ve been picking.
Then Isagi watches you figuratively spit in Kaiser’s face because, of course, your obnoxious ass can’t just win and leave it at that. No, unnecessary amounts of gloating seem to be what you run on, and now you grab Kaiser by the chin and mock his introduction, “On your knees, Bastard München.”
This is the worst transgression of Kaiser’s life. You’ve addressed him like he is a dull, unnoteworthy part of a collective, not even bothering to say his name while sporting the shittiest sneer he has ever seen. He’s pissed, and all he can do is stare in confusion. Despite his long going career as an instigator, this response (to his general existence and demeanor) is still somehow unique and, worse, effective.
When you let go of him, you withdraw your fingers from his face like he’s dirty. You shrug, then raise your hands in the air in a victorious manner, and you look happier than Isagi has ever seen you before. “Ta da. All eyes on me.”
But the shitshow doesn’t appear to be anywhere near over because while everyone else is frozen, you’re approaching him now, unperturbed by the attention you’re receiving as if it’s your birthright. Like you were made for the spotlight.
“Isagi, didn’t you say you were going to ‘devour’ me?” you ask once you’re right in front of him, your exterior growing more complacent by the minute. “Didn’t you challenge me? Seems to me like I’m too big for you to chew.”
If nothing else, though, unbeknownst to himself, Isagi, too, is insane. He has unreasonable amounts of determination and loves when things get difficult just so he can chase the satisfaction of overcoming them, among his other eccentricities. “This was just one match. We’re one for one now. I’ll defeat all of-”
“What are you two doing?!” Ness asks through a tight, passive aggressive smile. You hadn’t noticed him closing in on you, too high on your own power trip. He grabs you both, one shoulder in each hand, and squeezes with a death grip. “Do you think this is your show? This is Kaiser’s team, not the figure-out-which-good-for-nothing-is-slightly-better team. Either behave and follow the rules, or face the consequences.”
“Good for nothing? Shut up, little midfielder, you’re too scared to stand on your own feet, so you have to degrade yourself as Kaiser’s boytoy instead. I guess his shadow is a comfortable spot to hide in with how enormous his head is,” Isagi says. His tone is so matter of fact, it leaves minimal room for argument.
“He’s good, though. I can see potential in him to be almost as good as Sae. I want you to pass to me, too, Ness. Right? You can emphasize my star qualities with yours, can’t you, Ness? I can shine on you. It’s fine by me.”
It’s like two predatory animals are staring him down, trying to gauge his taste through smell alone — you with your fake innocent, curious expression, and Isagi, who doesn’t seem to realize he spewed vitriolic insults with the nonchalance of a weather cast announcement.
For sure both of you would’ve gotten a broken ankle each the way Ness is gritting his teeth right now, but emerging out of his stupor, Kaiser intervenes. And when Kaiser speaks, he commands Ness’s full attention, rendering him speechless. He pushes Ness out of the way, deeming this a fitting way to insert himself in the conversation. Then he looks you in the eyes with a… smirk? Isagi was hoping his dolour would last a little longer. “I figured out what your role is.”
“I’m not interested in starring in movies made by incompetent directors.”
“You’re going to be my love interest,” declares Kaiser, not at all fazed by your dismissal. “I’m not that bad,” he continues, because naturally, nice people always have to declare themselves as such. “I can recognize when someone has skills. You’re my darling in distress, and I need to save you from the peasantry of Blue Lock, so your talent can flourish. That’s your role.”
You continue observing him with mild amusement like what he told you was normal. Meanwhile, Isagi is wondering if your stunt earlier gave Kaiser whiplash or vertigo or something. Maybe he went and snapped. Clearly, these aren’t words coming from a sound mind.
Even Ness, who at this point should to some degree expect Kaiser to be deranged, gasps. Whether at his audacity or lack of shame, it’s not clear.
“How unoriginal. Think of a better one.” You shoo him to decline the proposal. “Besides, you already know I’m more interested in your lapdog.”
“What?!” Ness calls out, now moving onto being offended. “Are you rejecting Kaiser? And you- me?! What?!”
Isagi’s entire face scrunches. Did this man seriously not even flinch after getting called a lapdog?
Apparently no longer finding this conversation a proper source of entertainment, you wave them off dismissively and walk away without sparing them a second glance. Isagi watches as Kaiser stares creepily at your retreating silhouette with this little infatuated(?) smile on his face.
What is this lunatic so happy about, anyway? Does he even realize he was the perpetrator of his own public humiliation ritual? Leave it to Kaiser not to understand that he embarrassed himself.
Ness runs after you, yelling objections, but at this point Isagi isn’t even listening. He doesn’t want to listen. Neither are you, if the way you’re picking your ear and not responding to him while ducking out of his way is anything to go by.
After everything cools down a little and everyone has scattered about, Bachira inches towards Isagi. Easy-going as ever, hands interlocked behind his head, he says, “You’re all psychos on your team, huh? Must be fun.”
Oh… Yes, Bachira witnessed all that… Everyone did. Isagi almost forgot. The vortex of the utter absurdity of this situation sucked him in for a second there.
Isagi doesn’t even bother removing his sweaty uniform before he approaches you, looking all determined. He can’t get it out of his head… Did you read him? Or was it a guess? You got there too fast, as if you foresaw what he was about to do before he even decided it. “How did you know I was going to pass to Kunigami?”
“Isagi, don’t ask me narrow-minded questions. We just had a match and I need to revitalize myself,” you tell him as if what you’re saying makes perfect sense. It’s like you make it a point to phrase everything in the oddest way possible.
“Narrow-minded? Could you stop being a pain in the ass and answer me?”
“Well, you weren’t about to pass to Kaiser, and you used to be buddies with the ginger. So, pray tell, where else could the ball go?”
Surely, it wasn’t as predictable as you’re making it out to be?
“You could’ve collided with them, lost your starter spot and cost us the game without even touching the ball. It wasn’t worth the risk.” Isagi isn’t really sure why he’s even saying this. It paid off for you, but he needs to understand the intricacies of all the ways his rivals are ahead of him just so he can overthrow them. You’re another mark on his football hit list.
“Since when are you so trifling? You’re losing me more and more by the minute here.”
“What are you even on about?”
“I’m a striker. I’m sublime. I score. And you’re asking me why I chose to score?”
Isagi tries to glean some hidden wisdom from this statement — there is none — but before he can at least offer a response, Yukimiya intrudes on your conversation by talking about something wholly irrelevant.
Yukimiya berates him. You fade into the background of this conflict, observing, while everyone else makes an attempt to de-escalate the argument. To make matters worse, Kaiser makes an obnoxious entrance and delivers a useless speech about how you all better follow him and blah, blah, blah.
“What a stupid thing to say,” you point out, taking a step forward as if to challenge him. Isagi doesn’t like that he has to bear witness to you and Kaiser making eye contact again. “We’re in Blue Lock. Would the world’s best settle for just surviving?”
“None of you will be the world’s best and I’m here to show you. By the way, I meant what I told you earlier. Don’t go fading into obscurity following the wrong king. I really can’t stand it when someone doesn’t know how to use their talent, and your talent would make a good accessory to mine.”
“The only king I obey is my desire.”
“You say that now, but I’ll get you in the end.”
“Did you walk in here half naked to try and seduce me? You jezebel…”
Isagi makes the wise decision to tune out the rest of your bickering with Kaiser for the sake of his ears and mental clarity. Still, he can tell there is something here which is evading him. If he can identify everyone’s priorities — Kaiser’s need to live out his emperor fantasy, and your hedonism, and Yukimiya’s dedication to his ideals — can he use this knowledge to his advantage and come out on top?
You’re fighting with Kaiser again. It’s not real fighting, though, is it? Isagi has become well-acquainted with all sorts of depravity since the beginning of his stay at Blue Lock — most often had been the victim of it, even — so he can recognize it with ease. Because of this, he pays you minimal attention during the unfortunate moment when he needs to waltz by.
But the next display of obscenity, he truly does not anticipate. He turns around the corner of the hallway on the way back to his room, and what does he realize he’s seeing? Ness peeking his head out from behind the corner to watch you go at it from a distance, that’s what. Why is he even doing this? He’s always doting on Kaiser, so it’s not like it’d be weird if he was there, up close and personal. He’s literally making it stranger than it needs to be.
“What are you doing?” Isagi blurts out, before he can think better of asking.
Ness startles. Apparently he’s been focusing so intensely on… observing you and Kaiser, he didn’t register someone passing by a few inches away from him. He opens and closes his mouth a few times before eventually coming up with, “I, uh… Um, I- I… Uh.”
Isagi almost lets it go, but then Ness says,
“Everyone has their… interests and passions, so… You can’t judge me.”
“Wait, this is an interest and a passion to you?”
“Um, I, uh.” Ness’s face contorts into that reflexive creepy smile Isagi has come to expect of him. “Yes. Now go away, you’re interrupting me.” Oh no, he’s becoming confident in his… Whatever this is.
Isagi exits the vicinity with an unnecessary amount of caution. He can’t tell if the feeling of someone’s gaze burning his back is just paranoia on his part.
Today’s bullshit: another one of your arguments is unfolding, and this time, Isagi doesn’t have the choice to feign ignorance. You’re supposed to be splitting up in two for a practice match. Obviously this devolved into an inane dispute about who the biggest hotshot is. Isagi, holding the glorious title of ‘captain of Team B,’ tries to follow the plot of this whole thing. Mainly to figure out a way to make you and Kaiser shut up and get on with the game already because your voices now automatically register as a cacophony in his head.
“I’m not going on your team unless I get to be the captain,” you say. “And Ness passes to me.”
“I won’t play midfielder if you’re center forward!” Ness protests.
“Come on. We’d be a hit together. Stop pretending.”
“You’re putting yourself on quite the high pedestal there,” Kaiser says. “Is the altitude messing with your head? Don’t give yourself vertigo now.”
“If you died on the field, I’d do a penalty kick while standing on your corpse.”
Leave it to you to escalate things for the sake of getting a reaction out of Ness. He shakes you by the shoulders back and forth while yelling something unintelligible as Kaiser snickers, maybe finding this to be an amusing or god forbid romantic mental image.
Why are they acting like children? Isagi holds back an audible groan or perhaps an onslaught of derogatory words. He’s not sure how to solve this, though. You’ve been going in circles for a few minutes now, and Kaiser got mad when you said you’d be on Isagi’s team, and Isagi got mad when you tried to steal his aforementioned prestigious title, too.
The debate of who the superior striker is — objectively it’s Kaiser, but Isagi admires your dedication to your delusions in the face of Ness’s sectarian wrath — continues. Then, it happens. Something awful to honor your skills.
“What did you call it, Yoichi? Devouring?” asks Kaiser, before turning his attention back to you, sly smile on his annoying face and all. Then he puts his stupid hand over your loony head and pushes it aside, giving a good view of your neck. “I think in that case, I might want to take a bite out of you.”
Oh my god, Isagi thinks, stomach churning, and truly, he might vomit. The state of affairs has never been more dire than this. No way that demented freak just did this without any shame?!
You open your dumb mouth, probably to respond with a snarky remark (which will inevitably somehow make this ten times more inappropriate). Isagi won’t stand for this.
Interrupting you before you’ve even begun speaking, he points an accusatory finger at Kaiser first. “You’re a pervert. Not only are you a pervert, but you’re doing it right in front of everyone. All the time! What’s wrong with you?”
He stares at Isagi incredulously. “What?”
Next, you enter the line of fire. “And you try to provoke him into doing things like this on purpose! Just so you can embarrass him! You’re a pervert in a much more pretentious and obnoxious way. You’re enjoying this!”
“What the fuck,” you blurt out. This is the first time he’s heard you sound defensive. “No, I’m not. We aren’t doing anything.”
“Yeah, we aren’t doing anything,” Kaiser agrees. “Fuck off, Yoichi.”
Isagi ignores these protests. They’re futile, anyway. He knows he’s right. Even if he isn’t, all of you deserve this slander in his opinion. For a moment, Ness makes the mistake of assuming he’s been spared, but, “You’re the worst, though. You like it when they fight over you. You have no self-respect.”
“Wh- What?! But I didn’t even do anything!”
“Yeah, that’s the thing, suck-off.” Isagi grabs him by the wrist and tugs him over to his side, apparently having decided this is the answer. “You’re going to be on my team.” Then he glances at the two of you, and that part of his brain which he tries to ignore when he’s not on the field sends a spark of joy and satisfaction coursing through his veins at the unadulterated indignation on your faces. “Deal with each other, yeah? Since you’re so inseparable.”
Noa tells everyone to hurry up, and the rest of the spectators mutter in agreement before Ness can even regain his senses and put up a fight. His eyes are wide and glossy, his jaw is hanging, and he is looking at Kaiser and then at you and then back at Kaiser with the sadness of a character in a Shakespearean play.
Kaiser looks like he is about to pop several blood vessels.
You huff, cross your arms, and pout. Why does Isagi always win?!
Thyere so embarrassing omfg im laugihing so hard
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under-the-dirt · 10 months
Can we get a fic where y/n & ghost , soap & gaz are in the living area drinking & prices plaything/gf storms out his room because "you were inside me & called out y/n name" like imagine the shock on the team's faces and price fumbling to explain himself I feel like this could be a couple parts.. 😭
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ok first of all so so so so sorry it took forever to do this!! i’ve been struggling with quite a few things including depression and sexual harassment/assault and it’s been a lot!! a reminder, nobody request non-con!!! please i hate it sm. anyways, i was super excited to write this bc i’m a price gallie part two is right here! :3
pairing: price x gn!reader
tags: mentions of sex, military inaccuracies, price is so sexy, mentions of alcohol, masturbation, soap and reader r friends.. UNDER 13 DNI!!!!! I WILL BLOCK U!
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It was a calmer day in the TaskForce, everyone back from their missions and just wanting to relax. What better way to do so than letting your worried drift away in an alcohol-fueled haze?
You sat on the couch in the common room, casually sipping some beer with the others. Gaz was telling some story about him and Soap’s mission. You were giggling and laughing, slight blush on your face as your 3rd bottle began to soak into you, clouding your brain. Price was sat in an armchair, manspreading as always, taking slow sips of his whiskey between drags of his cigar. You always found those habits sexy, albeit unhealthy but the way he blew the smoke towards your face when you giggled or made fun of him was just so hot..
Your fun was interrupted by a squeaky girl running into the room and grabbing Price’s shirt. He huffed and put his cigar and glass down, staring up at the fuming girl with confusion.
“What was that last night?!”She screams, practically an angry squeal, and John just shakes his head. “What do you mean?! Last night!”
“Can you stop yelling? I really can’t deal with it right now,” You say softly, slightly annoyed. This girl was the barracks bunny, everyone knew. She was a little whore, running room to room and projecting pornographic moans across the base. All of you hated her, except for those desperate for a quick fleshlight, no strings attached.
“Oh so this is her?” The woman yells, turning to you and grabbing your shirt, pulling you up and onto the floor. You spill your beer on your shirt and sigh.
“Shit- That was the last good one.”
The woman climbs on top of you and slaps you, and price quickly grabs her and pulls her away. He helps you up and stands in front of you.
“What the hell was tha’?!” He yells, staring down at the woman.
“Last night you said her name, not mine!” She yells squeakily, glaring at him.
“So? You’re jus’ a lil’ whore, no strings attached, thas’ right?”
“B-but- You went to me so often!!”
“No strings attached,” He growls, pointing to door for her to leave. She huffs and pouts, running off with her tail between her legs. “I’m sorry, love,” John coos, walking off and grabbing a towel to clean your shirt. He sighs, walking back to you and handing you the towel.
“No use, that bottle was practically full,” You say, taking off your shirt and cleaning the beer off your wet chest. Price gapes for a moment before returning to his seat and taking a long drag of his cigar. After cleaning yourself up, you plop back down onto a clean part of the couch.
“So.. Cap’n, you wanna explain t’ us wha’ your pre’y plaything was talkin’ about?” Soap asks, a confident smirk on his face. Price blushes and clears his throat, feeling like a little schoolgirl.
“She’s just talkin’ crazy,” He chuckles. “Welp, I’m gonna hit the hay..” He pats his knees as he hops up and walks out, and Soap stares at you.
“Suspicious?” You ask, meeting his gaze.
“Suspicious,” He confirms, and you laugh, hopping up to go to bed as well. You grab your wet shirt and head off to your room.
In your bed, all you could think about was what she said.. Does Price think about you? Does he finish to the thought of you? The thought invoked a familiar warmth between your legs, which you had no choice but to indulge, moaning Price’s name softly…
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okay ermmmmmmmm i might turn this into a little series 🤑 ty ty ty anon and tysm for your patience!! it took a while to convince myself to write this <33 also super sorryz that this one’s extra short i have no motivation to write longer but i’ll work on it <3
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mae-gi-writes · 5 months
Finders Keepers | Gally [TMR] - Part 5
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In which Gally gets soft for one of the boys in the Glade, only…is it a boy? alternatively; In which Mai disguises herself into a boy to fit in the Glade, only to be suspected by the keen eyes of the Builder's Keeper.
taglist: @edynmeyer1 @ss28 @kurowvie @vaugarkel
A/N: omg omg things are starting to roll and I'm so down for all of it. What do you think so far of Gally and Mai?
Also available on Wattpad.
"The shuck you lookin' at?"
"I'm not looking at anything," says Mai as she plops another spoonful of mashed potatoes in Gally's plate, all while keeping a watchful eye on Frypan. The latter is currently grilling sausages and whistling to himself. She pushes the already-filled plate towards Gally and hisses, "just take it."
"You like him," Gally says it like a statement, not even a question. The idea has Mai's ears burn red, "no I don't. Now stop talking to me so I can go back to work."
A few days have passed since the incident and apart from a few weird looks from Jeff and Clint, Mai has escaped their tirade of questions for this month. For now, she's safe and back out of the radar.
Safe from everyone, except for Gally, who seems to have other ideas.
Like right now currently, when he's adamant that Mai has a crush on Minho. It doesn't help that Minho is cute and does make her blush from time to time. But hey, who can blame her? The Runner is a hugger and enjoys physical touch. He does it with everyone, so it's not like she can just ask him to back off without reason. That'll make him even more suspicious.
Gally doesn't think so, "what d'you like about him anyway? He's an asshole and he's full of himself."
"You are the asshole, Gally," Mai flicks her fork at him with a scowl, "now get lost."
She's not one to daydream of such things but she swears that something has changed between them within the past week. Gally somehow feels less aggressive. Oh, don't get her wrong, he still bullies her to death when no one's looking, but Mai likes to think that his actions speak louder than words.
And it feels as though he doesn't really mind having her around him.
But being friends with Gally also means to be bullied by others because of it. The first time it happened, she'd been busy unloading some meat from her cart when one of the Gladers pushed her over when she wasn't looking. She fell to the ground, eyes narrowed into slits as the Gladers around her laughed, but decidedly ignored them in favour of keeping the peace.
That doesn't stop them from trying to get something out of her.
It happens on an evening where all Keepers had been called to a meeting. Mai had been busy tasked with collecting some firewood for the Kitchens as Frypan needed more for the fires, and had been so engrossed in the task that she is surprised to find that night had fallen before she'd known it.
It's dark out now and with no light to guide her, she grips the sack of branches close to her chest as she treads carefully, squinting to follow the light of the Homestead.
"Oh look what we have here."
She freezes, turns over her shoulder slowly until she comes face to face with one of the Gladers that's been annoying her ever since she can remember; Henry.
He's one of the Builders, just as buff as Gally but short and squat, making him look rounder than he appears. His face makes Mai want to run for it and as he grins, she swears she feels her feet tremble. The desire to run prickles the back of her neck.
"Give it a rest Henry," Mai says flatly. It's been a while and she's not in the mood for this games.
"You know, we're in a Glade full of boys." He advances towards her and from the trees come out more Gladers, ones that she's unfamiliar with. Her stomach clenches with apprehension and she takes a shaky step back, "so we have needs, and sometimes, we need someone to fullfill those needs."
"That's pathetic," she snaps. Fear is pounding at her heart, causing a permanent ringing to thrum through her ears.
"Is it?" His grin widens, "let's find out."
Mai doesn't wait. She turns to break into a run—
But arms grab at her before she can, throwing her to the ground as a cry leaves her lips. Someone swivels her around roughly before she's forced to kneel at the knees.
"Stop it!" She yells out, tears starting to gather in her eyes at the thought that maybe there's no way out of this. Shit. And it's dark, nobody wanders to the forest in the dark.
The other gladers laugh like she's burst out a joke, "he's cute. I like him." One of them says.
"Let's see if he's got more spike than this," and to her horror, Henry starts to unzip his pants right before her eyes.
Mai's head jerks away, "stop it! Help!" She tries to shout as loud as her lungs would go, to no avail. The gladers swarm around her like a pack of Hyenas and she can't help but look at Henry's girth. It's red and throbbing and makes her want to throw up.
No. She begs silently, tears streaming down her face as she tries to push and shove and bite and kick-- anything, anything--
A hand clamps down on her skull, stopping her from moving altogether.
"Let's see what you're made of Greenie," Henry cackles as he advances forward, holding his girth in his hand. He grabs hold of her hair and pulls, roughly, until she's face to face with it. Her eyes squeeze shut as she hears him laugh out like a maniac. It sends chills down her spine, even more so when he squeezed her head--
"Everything all right here?"
The hand freezes. As does everyone.
Mai's throat bobs. A sob breaks out of it.
Through tear-rimmed eyes, she can barely make out two figures at the far end of the forest.
But she feels like she knows this voice. It's one that she hears everyday.
"Gally," Henry is quick to let go, zipping up his pants in the process though still keeping his hold on her hair, "what are you doing here?"
"I should be asking you that," a new voice. Newt's, speaks up as the slim figure advances forward. There's a dangerous tone to it, the kind that's like a warning bell and the other Gladers seem to sense it too, moving back slowly and away from Henry, letting go of her arms in the process.
"Just having a little fun here with the Greenie," he tries to sound confident, but it's clear he fears his Keeper. But his mistake is asking, "what do you say? Wanna—"
His words barely make it out of his mouth before a fist swings out in his direction.
Henry goes down with a cry. A series of footsteps thump along the ground, and there stands Gally, breathless and looking absolutely terrifying. Furious.
"You disgusting shank," he grabs Henry's collar, jerks him up before delivering another blow. And another, and another—
"Gally!" Newt shouts. The said Builder stops in mid-action, looking down at Henry's bloodied face with his jaw still clenched. Newt continues, "that's enough, man. Let him go."
Gally's still glaring, hold tightening even further.
"Gally," Newt repeats more firmly and this time the Builder lets him go, Henry falling to the ground in a heap, "I'll bring them back to Homestead. Let Alby deal with them."
Newt then jerks his head towards the lights, "come on then. Right now."
The gladers have no other choice but to obey the second-in-command with their eyes cast down and away from Gally's furious glare. Not that he notices. He's looking down at Henry, shoving him to the ground with one last threatening curse as the latter yelps and runs as far away as he possibly can.
It is then that Mai's knees give out and she crumples up like a broken doll, chest tight and breaths coming out in small gasps.
Gally turns to her and in his voice she hears a tinge of softness, "hey Greenie."
He closes the distance between them before leaning down so that they're face to face, "are you alright?"
The girl opens her mouth. Closes it. Opens it once more, to realize that nothing can come out. Her limbs are frozen in place, her heart still racing like a horse against her chest. She can feel the tear stains on her cheeks, carving paths down her skin and maybe it's just the shock of it all that causes a sob to echo out of her throat.
She starts crying, and Gally's hand lands on her shoulder.
"Hey hey, it's fine. They're gone," his gentleness surprises her, for he's never been like this. He's not usually, not in their every day life. But sitting here with her as she cries her heart out makes her chest warm despite the earlier events, like a beacon of security, a barrier of protection against the world. That's how Gally feels to her.
Before she knows it, she's thrown herself at him, not caring that he still believes she's a guy. Grabbing a hold of his shirt with both hands, the girl doesn't hesitate to bury her face in his chest as she feels the Builder freeze.
It's only for a moment though, a tiny fraction of a second, before his arms go around her — they're hesitant, unsure — and settle on her back.
He gives her a few awkward pats. She can feel the tension along his neck.
"Right greenie. No need to cry," he says gruffly against her hair, but not pulling away when she nuzzles even closer still. His warmth and scent are addictive, they feel like home in a foreign place. Mai realizes she kind of likes it, "these shanks aren't gonna touch you again, not after Alby's punishment."
But Mai is in her own world, clinging to Gally's comfort like it's the only thing holding her in place, the only stability she has as the emotions tremble through her, courses through her chest and knots in her stomach. It's like a dam finally breaking open and so Gally realizes he has no other choice but to be here for a while, and so decides to pat her on the back, trying not to take note of how slim the Greenie is under his fingertips, how tiny and fragile, almost—
No. No. No. You are not going there.
Mai finally calms down after what seems to be like an eternity, her sobs dying out into sniffles. The Builder's hand has moved up to her head since, smoothing down over her short hair almost absentmindedly. He drops it like he's burnt himself upon realization, pulling a grimace as he does so.
She whispers out his name so softly he barely hears it. He looks down at her with a soft frown, one that's swimming with genuine concern, only to hear the girl say, "thank you for saving me."
He's about to reply when Mai interrupts him by pressing a kiss.
Right onto his cheek.
Mai realizes a bit too late what she's doing.
She jerks away at the same time that Gally's mouth drops open. The girl scrambles back in surprise, eyes wide as she holds up her hands in a defensive stance.
"I—I'm so sorry! I don't know what came over me I—" her squeak dies out as she watches the said young man rub at his cheek, where her lips had been a few seconds prior. He's not looking at her, glaring down at the ground and a flush creeping up the back of his neck.
"Gally I—"
"Forget it."
He's already walking away so fast that Mai has to scramble to catch up to him. Her heart is galloping like a wild horse against her chest, but not for the same reason this time. She feels the permanent blush taking over her face as she tries to stutter through a bunch of excuses, "I'm so sorry Gally, I—It won't happen again it's just— you know, I was scared in the moment and I—"
"I said forget it Greenie," he snaps as he keeps walking.
Mai's shoulders slump. Great, she thinks to herself, way to get him disgusted with me.
The rest of the walk back to Homestead is quiet and Mai decides it's better not to interrupt the peace until they reach the Council room. The gladers responsible are already inside, Henry included. Mai can't help but wince and hide behind Gally's broad back when she feels his dirty eyes on her frame.
Alby is in the middle of giving them their punishment, "—three days in the Slammer, no food, and when you get back from there, you're all gonna be Slicers until you apologize to Mai. Sincerely." He adds coldly, "consider this a merciful punishment. I could've have you banished if I wanted."
The Gladers murmur out their thanks. Not Henry, whose beady eyes are still locked on Mai's frame.
"Mai's lying to us," he suddenly calls out. The room falls silent as all eyes drag to Henry.
Mai freezes on the spot. Oh no. Has she not been discreet enough? Is this what she thinks it is?
Will she be going into the Slammer too?
"What do you mean?" Asks Alby.
Newt is also frowning at the said glader, eyebrows kissing at the center as his gaze trails over to Mai.
"This—" Henry jabs a shaky finger into Mai's direction, "This is a girl! She's been lying to us this whole time!"
"What in the bloody world are you talking about?" Newt asks but it's too late. Everyone has already spun around to look at Mai and each passing second that goes by causes Mai's reality to shatter because the truth is coming out, and the truth— no matter how hard she tries to hide — is real.
Her eyes move from the disbelief in Newt's, to the confusion in Alby's, before finally landing on Gally's blue gaze. His are a stormy aquamarine, something like realization causing the color in his eyes to shift and widen.
She can't deal with it. Not with them all looking at her like she's a sick secret.
So she does what she knows best.
She runs.
The Council room erupts into chaos as soon as Mai sprints away like her life depends on it.
Gally's first, already striding to the door with purpose only to be stopped by a pair of arms.
"Wait," Alby holds onto him with his jaw clenched and tight, "Gally, stop."
"I—" but Gally's thoughts are scattered and nonsensical, the memories of the Greenie, all the shower nights and the suspicious behavior, that one time Mai claimed he had a stomach ache because he was hungover... everything is starting to make sense and he has no idea how to deal with it.
"Gally," Alby's voice brings him back and the Builder allows himself to be pushed into a vacant bench. His fists tighten at his sides as he glares into the ground, one hand unconsciously going up to rub at his face in growing exasperation.
Shit. He's already feeling a headache coming in.
Henry, on the other hand, seems to be delighted at the unfolding of events, "see?! i told you she was a girl! And now she's shuckin' scared for her life because she lied to all of us—"
"Shut up Henry," Newt interrupts, his voice shaking with so much restrained anger that it takes everyone by surprise, "you're still an asshole for what you did to her. So slim it or I'm throwing you headfirst into the maze."
That, coming from Newt, instantly causes the said boy to close his mouth. Alby advances towards him slowly, a certain kind of darkness in his eyes that wasn't there before. He feels like a predator ready to pounce on his prey and all too soon Henry starts squirming.
"What you said about Mai," Alby starts off slow, though the venom in his voice is unmistakable, "that's a very serious accusation, shank. Do you even know what you're saying?"
"I saw her!I swear I did and--"
"So you spied on her?" Gally's rage increased tenfold. He wants nothing more than to wring his petty neck. He feels Newt's hand on his shoulder, a reminder to stay composed, and tries to relax.
It doesn't work.
"Well--I--I mean I had to, to prove my point--" Henry's eyes dart back and forth between the Glade Leader and the Builder that looks like he's going to kill him and place his head on a pike, "listen, the point is, she's not who she says she is. She's a shuckin' liar, a traitor! She's the one that should be thrown into the Maze because she broke the rules!"
"We'll be the judge of that," Alby cuts him off sternly. He turns to Newt, "get these slintheads into the Slammer. And him--" he points at Henry, "he doesn't get out of there until we know what we're gonna do with him."
"What?!" Henry tries to flail away from the other Gladers circling around him to grab at his arms, "I've protected the Glade from this chick. We don't even know what she can do! If she's the only girl maybe she's hiding something--"
But Gally's had enough. His hand jerks out, grabbing a fistful of Henry's shirt before wrenching him close so that they're face to face with each other. And when he speaks, his voice is merely above a growl.
"Listen here, you slinthead," Henry can't help but let out a whimper when Gally tugs him even closer, teeth baring dangerously and eyes so narrow and cold they look merciless, "maybe she did have her reasons for lying to us. And even if she did, that doesn't give you the right to spy on her, or to take advantage of her like that," Gally snarls, "do you understand me?"
"Y--Yes," Henry stutters before a few other Gladers pull him away from the Builder's trembling, raging gaze that speaks volumes.
It is only when Alby's hand drops onto his shoulder that Gally realizes he's gone back into his thoughts without realizing that the Council room is now void of people.
"I think you should go and find Mai," Alby says gently, totally unlike how he'd been a few minutes earlier, "we can't seem to find him -- her."
Truth to be told, Gally wouldn't blame Mai for trying to get away from all this shit show when she's had enough to deal with in one evening. But it's still night and Gally's starting to worry about whether the guy -- girl -- will freeze to death. The Glade is known for being relentlessly cold at night time and if he remembered correctly, Mai had been wearing nothing but a loose t-shirt.
He searches everywhere. The showers, under the kitchen tables, amidst the hammocks. He even goes out of his way to light a torch as he ploughs through the forest with Newt and a sleepy Minho who'd been woken up for the occasion, to no avail. It seems that Mai has just disappeared into thin air and despite the fact that Gally tries to brush it off, he can't quite help the way his stomach knots itself into two at the thought of Mai being all alone in the dark.
That is, until he decides to prowl through the trees.
He finds her then, cooped up amidst a few branches a few feet above ground, high enough that no one would've normally noticed her presence. He catches sight of her tensing as he approaches, the black outline of her figure moving back slowly as if fearing the worst. So he calls out, just in case:
"Hey Greenie," he pauses, waiting. The figure stays immobile, "it's just me."
Nothing. Silence that tears through the open space with the only interruption being the whistle of trees and the groaning of metal from the maze in the distance. It feels like forever and Gally has half a mind to climb up there himself when she finally speaks.
"I'm sorry."
He squints up at her, "don't be stupid. Just get down."
"I've lied. Henry's right," she blurts out, "I am a girl, I just didn't know how to tell you all without you freaking out about it."
"So what?" Gally responds, "Now we know. Big deal. Now get down so we can go back to Homestead to get some sleep."
He inclines his lamp towards hers so that he catches a glimpse of her face, and sure enough, the fear etched into her features is one that is reminiscent of a doe caught in broad daylight, causing something in the pits of Gally's stomach to soften.
She's so fragile. How in the world had he not noticed it then?
No. He had noticed.
He just hadn't wanted it to be true.
"Come on Greenie," Gally murmurs out, extending a hand in the process, "are you gonna keep making me wait?"
"I never asked you to wait for me, or to look for me, for that matter," She shoots back, "you can go back to sleep there and I'll stay here."
He lets out a puff of air, "don't make me come and get you myself."
A ghost of a goosebump shivers up her spine at his words before Mai finally lets out a sigh of her own, "alright fine. On one condition."
"I--" she bites onto her lower lip, chews it for a few seconds before looking back at him shyly. When she speaks next, her voice has dropped to a soft murmur, "can I stay with you? I--I don't feel safe. Not tonight."
Gally's heart almost explodes. Here she is, looking like a pretty thing stranded up in those trees with those big brown eyes looking down with glistening tears, and she's asking if she can stay with him for the night. He wonders whether people die from heart attacks as a result of personal interactions because he swears he can feel his heart almost jumping out of his chest. His skin feels warm to the touch and he wouldn't be surprised if someone were to point out that he's blushing.
Nevertheless, he keeps his voice steady and tender when he answers, "yeah alright."
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