#like consent & respect in h/c...trying to be there for someone while still letting them have the reins on their own life
karliahs · 1 month
going through my old bnha drafts and there's like 5k of bullying-related hurt/comfort that's maybe 80% finished? and I'm annoyed bc I want. To read the end. Who would be so cruel as to abandon this without a conclusion. 25 year old me you have a lot to answer for
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flying-nightwing · 4 years
Fluff Alphabet - Jason Todd
Hello guys! This is my first alphabet because I saw everyone do it and i wanted in. I took this alphabet. I had a lot of fun to indulge in Jason, because well. Do I need to explain? 
Anyhow, enjoy this little thing inspired by my feelings for Jason Todd!
Disclaimer: This is my vision of the character and in no way an universal truth
Check out my masterlist in bio // pinned!
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Your eyes. Jason could get lost in them by a simple glance. They say eyes are the windows to the soul, and he found it to be very true the second he met you. He will sometimes doubt he’s worth your love, but your gaze is enough to reassure him at every turn. He also can’t get enough of that spark that lights up when he makes you laugh, it draws him in. Your eyes are so kind and loving, the rest doesn’t really matter to him.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Let’s be truthful here, Jason is terrified of having kids. Everytime the discussion gets even close to the topic of family, he gets vivid images of his own father with him and it fills him with dread that he'll end up just like him. Then, he thinks about his lifestyle and how just being the Red Hood (or having been, as a matter of fact) could endanger his family. But I think deep down he craves having a family, having kids (whether they’re biologically his or adopted), because he’s just that natural caring person.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
Continuing on that natural caring person wave, Jason will usually cuddle as the big spoon. His large frame makes it ridiculously easy for himself to wrap around you completely, and he loves to see you curled up around him, safe and comfortable in his arms. He likes to know he’s shielding you from any potential danger, it just eases his conscience. But sometimes he’ll have a bad day, or a rough patrol, and he’ll wordlessly slip in your hold in bed. It surprises you every time how small he can make himself, with his head on your chest above your heart and latched around your waist holding for dear life. Then, he’ll rely on you to make him feel safe, and he’ll fall asleep like that (he also likes when you play with his hair when he gets like that).
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Jason is insanely romantic, nobody can prove me otherwise. With the amount of novels and books he read, it would be hard not to know how to be an exemplary lover. However, doing grand gestures in public and/or expensive shits is not his style. So it isn’t rare to come back home from your job after a tough week, to see Jason lighting up candles on a rose petals covered table, smiling at you and telling you to get changed in your pajamas and relax a bit before he finishes cooking (probably one of you favourite meals, or something new he knows you’ll like to surprise you). Dancing on your building’s rooftop or driving outside the city to take a walk under the stars are also his ideas of dates. It’s always something private and meaningful and a proof Jason is a hopeless romantic.
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
“You are my reason to keep going on.” I believe at some point after he came back from the dead, Jason had a really hard time finding a reason to keep living (finding out he was replaced as Robin, that Batman didn’t kill the joker, etc…). He was in a really dark place and numb to everything. But then, he met you and suddenly life wasn’t so terrible. After a while, he even finds himself excited to get up in the morning (or early afternoon if he’s been on a long patrol) and smiling at random times. He wants to make an effort for you, because you deserve his best self and the least he can do is try (you still love him at his worst though, and he still can’t wrap his head around it but he’s insanely grateful for it).
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
One night, Jason woke up in sweats and screaming his lungs out. He had a nightmare where you were kidnapped and tortured by the joker the way he was; it was the first time you were the victim in his nightmares (usually it was faceless people or himself, and even sometimes his brothers. But never you). He found himself wanting to have you in his arms, needing to have you in his arms, and that’s how he knew it wasn’t just a crush anymore, that he was in deep with you.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
People have this misconception that Jason is rough, judging by the everything about him. But you would have never foreseen him to be so delicate and gentle with you. He is very strong and can be rash sometimes, but with his lover, he is always careful. He has enough pain and hurt in his life there is now way he’d put the most important person in his life through that. You have to almost beg him to be rough with you, and he’ll only let go if he’s 100% sure you’re okay with it.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
Absolutely. He’s not big on PDA but he always wants to hold your hand, especially in public. He can get uncomfortable if there are too many people around, and the little subconscious squeezes of your hand never fails to bring him back to reality and help him focus on you instead of feeling trapped. Also he’s afraid of losing you in a crowd, even if he’s tall and could spot you easily. So yeah, his hand in yours is a constant.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
Depends on how you met really. It’s hard to say really, he might have seen you as an angel, or as a simple acquaintance until he discovered your character and you grew on him. He’s a versatile boy in the people he falls for.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Not jealous per say, but insecure. Everytime he sees you talking with someone who seems to be (subconsciously or not) flirting with you, he gets this feeling you’ll suddenly realize you could do much better than him and leave him for someone less broken, less messed up than him. It creeps in his chest and hurts like a heart attack, and it only dies down when you inevitably come back in his arms and look at him like he’s your world. Then, the storm dies and he knows he at least got one more day with you. And as much as the idea of Jealous Jason showing you who you belong to (wink wink) is appealing, I don’t think it would happen unless it has been established both of you were into that kind of foreplay and he knows for sure you’re in for the long haul with him. Then it becomes a game rather than an actual insecurity thing.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
Jason’s kisses are soft and wholesome. You can feel every ounce of love and admiration he has for you, and even if they do get emotional or even dominant at some points, it’s never forecefull. Who initiated the first kiss is nebulous, I think it was more of a mutual thing than an unilateral decision. I like to think it happened in a magnet effect, where both parties met halfway because Jason is a very respectful person in general (except if you piss him off for real) and he wouldn’t make you uncomfortable by kissing you without your consent.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
It’s gotta be you. Jason, who’s afraid of saying it and getting rejected/mocked would definitely not want to get his feet wet first (what if you laugh? What if you leave?). He will show it in his way, but he’d wait for you to say the words first. But once it’s out there? Hooty hoot. He’ll say it like a mantra. He’ll never ever stop saying it at every occasion he gets. 
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
At the fair in your city. Spending the afternoon going from attraction to attraction, having fun in the small roller coaster you were pretty sure was one heavy loaded train away from toppling down. After sun down, you went from game booth to game booth, collecting small and colorful stuffed animals and eating everything sugary and fat you could get your hands onto. You were convinced you could beat the rigged shoot the duck game, and when you couldn’t, Jason stepped in and absolutely made the smug smirk drop from the guy’s face. You walked away with a giant Panda, sleepy as hell after you sugar rush, and Jason had to carry you out of the car bridal style. That picture you took on top of the ferris wheel is on his nightstand and is his favourite possession of his. 
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
No, he’s not that kind of guy. I think he’s much more into meaningful acts and gestures than buying your love. He would sometimes spoil you if the occasion came to it, but I don’t think he’d be the type to open up his wallet as a demonstration of love.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Aqua blue. No other reason than the fact it’s probably the color the most opposite to red. While he absolutely loves to see you wear red things (it drives him crazy in the sweetest way), he doesn’t want to associate you with the darkest part of him. You’re the beautiful blue to his glaring red, because you’re the best thing in his life and he wants to outline and highlight you out as much as possible.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
I don’t think he has a signature pet name, he probably uses one that fits with the object of his affections and the history he has with them. He’d also be mindful of what you like and don’t like, and adjust them accordingly. 
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
Libraries. The old ones that smell of paper and leather. The ones with the shelves that climb up to the wall and the old worn seats that are just perfect to sit into and read for hours. Jason loves a calm environment and a quiet victorian library does the trick just well.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Read, cuddles, adult cuddles... ;) I think Jason likes rainy days because it gives him an excuse to spend time with you at home. He’d probably bake something in the afternoon and you might or might not turn it into a flour war, make a mess in the kitchen but make a bonding activity of cleaning it up after (he and you know when to be kids and when to be mature and you both respect the line, and that’s why it’s so fun). Rainy days are domestic days and nothing is more pure or adorable than domestic Jason. It’s a hill I’ll die on. 
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
That’s a tricky one, because when Jason spirals down he has trouble getting out by himself. But when you are down, Jason will go to hell and back to make sure you feel better. He’ll cook you your favourite thing, skip patrol to stay by your side, do a dumb tik tok dance to put a smile on your face or hear you laugh. He’d be attentive to your needs and do everything in his power to help you.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Everything. Jason is a smart boy, he’d enjoy either talking about art, or about larger questions in the universe, or maybe about the birds that made a nest outside. Jason is incredibly easy to talk to when he’s receptive to the person talking to him, and that surprises anyone who knows him on the surface or less. 
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Massages, but only by you. He trusts you, he is as comfortable as he can get with you seeing him shirtless with his scars (no professional masseur/se will ever get up close to him), and with you touching him in perhaps more sensitive or vulnerable places. He’d close his eyes and let involuntary moans when you’d unknot the tension in his muscles (and you’d secretly enjoy having such a force of nature all putty and soft under your hands). Then it’d be cuddle time and he would be relaxed as he’s ever been.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
That’s simple: you. You’re his beautiful partner, the only one he has eyes for, so the world should see how great you are. He’d find a way to place you in every conversation, whether it would be to point out that hey, you can do that too, or because he just can’t shut up about you. That earns him infinite teasing from his family on how soft he is for you, but he can’t bring himself to care because he loves you so much. 
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
Jason wanted to marry you, and you had talked about it enough as a couple that he knew you wanted it too. But he wanted to wait for the right moment and he couldn’t plan that. The proposal probably happened at an unexpected moment, like when you tried to make him soup when he got injured and ended up messing it up bad. You came back to the couch and apologized to him profusely, and with stars in his eyes he asked you to marry him. Or when one of his enemies tried to take you while taking out the trash, but you chucked the garbage bag AND the metal lid to them, and Jason got down on one knee the second you finished recounting the story, out of breath from running back inside. The wedding was a private affair (Roy was his best man) somewhere quiet and meaningful, without too many artifices or big set up. It was perfect for you two.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
This is a hard one. I feel like Jason would be into soul/jazz, in the style of Marvin Gaye, Nat King Cole or Frank Sinatra. To some extent he is a very old school person, and I believe music is one of the topics that falls into that old school side of him. It’s just a feeling, it’s how I imagine Jason. Unforgettable by Nat King Cole would be his to-go song when it comes to you. 
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Oh yea. Jaybird’s got the ring in mind as soon as he knew you were the one. See Wedding above.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
I don’t think he’d want a pet, because he can be absent often, or he wouldn’t have enough time. But if he’d have to, he’d get a cat, I think. Walking a dog morning and night would get a little bit much, especially since sometimes he might have trouble getting out of bed after patrol. But a cat, a rescue stubborn older cat who has seen others, that would be a match. The cat would be distant at first, but one morning he’d wake up with his grump of a feline curled beside his pillow and purring, or after a rough day the cat would bring him its toy and Jason would just. Cry. Because this little creature became his friend. And it’s so pure. (Also Jason building cat trees and climbing installations for the cat? Satisfying image).
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midnightmoonkiss · 4 years
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Witch!Izuku Midoriya X Fem!Reader
Summary: What was a witch, exactly? Someone who casts spells? Dabbled in medicine? Fought in battles? You didn’t know. That was, until you met one.
WARNINGS!: Soft!Dom!Izuku, Face-sitting, Fingering, Potion-play
Category: Smut
Word Count: 7.3k (more than half is like.. pure smut..)
A/N: The final day of the Izumonth Collab!
P.S. I really love Witch!Izuku, idk if you can tell,,, Also, I made the witch!collage above! ‘Tis just to suck you into the mood. And sorry this was.. a bit late.. heheh,,,
Just To Clarify:
You’re both consenting adults
Witches, though actually fairly rare, are seen as common beings
Witches aren’t human
Fantasy-ish au!
Tag List:
@coupsieddori​ @desia2​ @strwbrry-lia​ @my-bnha-things​
Every castle has a witch.
It’s been that way for as long as you, or anyone else, could remember.
It was normal.
Mundane to some.
Just something you’d hear about time and time again.
They were workers, just like you. 
But yet, that never stopped your sense of wonder.
They never were in plain sight, not for a peasant such as yourself, anyway.
It always brought up so many questions whenever you’d stop to think about it. 
What did they look like?
Were they nice, or wicked?
How did their magic work?
What did they wear?
Depending on the kingdom, most witches were treated like royalty, especially those who worked in castles.
Of course, how could someone so powerful not have such a title?
It made you question if it was given out of fear, or respect.
It wasn’t until you met the witch of Thidel castle, the ever-so-generous Izuku Midoriya, that your questions were all willingly answered.
You truly weren’t anticipating meeting him during such a catastrophe of a day. Looking back, it was quite embarrassing.
You were the baker’s assistant, tasked with making the batter to elaborate sweets for the King’s ball that evening.
The flour was freshly ground from the mill, the vanilla was as pure as a white daisy, the sugar ever-so-sweet, eggs fetched that morning, everything was perfect.
In fact, everything was running all nice and smoothly, until the King decided to ask for triple the amount of baked goods he had originally requested.
Not only did that mean running to town and back in shoes already falling apart, but that also meant stirring and stirring and stirring until it felt as if your arms were on fire and about to melt off.
You were covered in ingredients and sweat, the other bakers and assistants were running around, spilling things on each other, and making large messes as they pulled their hair out to get everything done on time.
It was chaos.
And that’s when he showed up.
You forgot what he was originally there for, herbs, perhaps?
Batter smudged on your cheek, you were carrying a large sack of flour to the mixing station when the door opened.
You slipped comedically on an egg that had fallen on the floor, and of course, you had to slam into this sudden brick wall of a man.
White powder flew everywhere, and the clock stopped in your head as you watched in horror as the last bag of flour you had was just about to spill all over the dirty cobblestone.
That’s when you saw it for the first time.
He had simply flicked his wrist and all of the flour was back in its bag, and such a high ranking individual was on his knees, sputtering apologies to you.
To you, of all people.
A lowly peasant.
It felt unreal.
But that was how you met him.
He looked up and the first image he had of you forever imprinted in his head was wild (H/C) hair coated in sweat and flour, cheeks smudged with chocolate and dried batter, eyes wide with panic, and cheeks a burning red.
He never let you live it down, the bastard.
That night at the ball, you met him again. He had the gall to note how you cleaned up fast, all while sheepishly smiling at you like you were the only girl in the room.
You wanted to punch him at the time. Or die of embarrassment. He was still the witch after all, and never before had someone so high class spoken to you before. You were filled with so many emotions that night, you were sure you were going to throw up.
Instead, you smiled, offered him a pastry, and walked away.
He just had to follow you, though.
His reason being, “I was looking for some entertainment at such a boring event.”
It had made you laugh, as IF you were any entertainment. From then on, though, after having spent an entire night chatting the time away, he was as hooked on you as you were with him.
Nowadays, you got to frequent his studies often.
A privilege not many had, as apparently- witches were quite stubborn with letting people into their sanctuary and touching their things.
Perhaps it was a possessive trait of theirs, one that kept them from misplacing important potions, books, and ingredients, but nevertheless you were absolutely honored to be allowed somewhere so.. otherworldly.
The King and his youngest son were the only ones besides yourself allowed in.
But stepping inside would always be a slap to the face, no matter how many times you actually did enter.
It wasn’t exactly clear to you how he did it, or how the witch before him did it, but the small study tucked away on the east wing of the castle wasn’t a small study at all.
The old, heavy brown door was signed with words of a language unknown to you and others, the hinges creaking ever so slightly as you pulled it open, only to be met with a two-story home inside.
Your nose was always immediately hit with the earthy scent of rain and plants, no doubt from the plethora of the heavenly greens hanging about the place, glowing orbs of light hovering near the ones doomed to never touch true sunlight.
The place was cluttered yet neat, parchments piling up in one corner, yet another where they laid organized.
It was almost like a different world crafted by steady and loving hands.
Old maps were tacked to one of the walls, scribbled writing and red circles pointing out certain areas of the land beyond the one you knew.
Witches apparently had their own realm, or at least, “a pocket of Earth hidden away from humans by magic”, as Izuku had thoughtfully explained one night as a thunderstorm raged on outside.
Old books smelling of age are scattered about, the large bookshelf barely able to contain them all.
Candles lit by a green flame surround a large wooden table, herbs such as chamomile, ginger, ginseng, valerian, lavender, and saffron are neatly placed by a bowl, wrapped in bundles. Clearly, he was going to try and make some more anti-depressant mixture for the prince again.
He was more of a naturalist when it came to the sick, unless worse came to worse.
He was essentially a glorified doctor who was far more knowledgeable on plants rather than bone structure and types of sickness.
He was a sweetheart who helped all he could.
Hell, he was even taken to some battles as a last defense.
Despite looking so innocent, with his baby fat still hugging his cheeks and freckles splattered all about, the definition of youth, he was quite powerful.
Scarily so.
You had heard hushed whispers from fellow servants about how he had taken down armies alone multiple times before, coming back with nothing but burns and a broken bone or two.
He was terrifying to those who didnt take a mere second to glance at him.
But those who did were greeted with nothing but a warm smile and the fleeting wave of a busy man.
It was a mystery how you had managed to capture his undivided attention, enough so that he had made you his, the plain-looking bracelet made from leather string holding an emerald sealed with magic signifying that.
You were untouchable.
Once gutted with fear, you walked the polished grounds of the castle freely.
After all, not even a King would so much as dare to harm witches beloved, lest he wanted to be burned alive by immortal flames and sent to the ninth level of hell.
A level solely made by strong users of the past, the ones who carved the road for witchery, having bent time itself to do so.
Truly terrifying how powerful they could be, but yet it was so mystifying.
You’d be lying if you said you haven’t spent nights wide awake listening to him ramble about their history, about how they came to be and how they flourished.
They didn’t start off as human-like creatures, they started off as a ball of magical light in a land filled with nothing.
It was said that witches built the Earth from the ground up until greed overtook the lands and the humans overpopulated them.
And yet, they work harmoniously together.
Humans fearful of their power, and witches just naturally seeking to help people and continue their craft in harmony with all those who share the lands they grew from scratch.
 It truly was a peaceful existence they led, you couldn’t help but admire it.
Just like you always have.
Pulling the door shut, it locked behind you as you stepped over some paper with doodles, knowing better than to mess with his disorganized things without him in the room to see it.
Speaking of, you were asked here this evening, something about wanting to try out a new potion he had made.
He was always making new things, an inventor of sorts, but never one to have you as a test subject.
Of course, it piqued your curiosity and had you quickly cleaning up the mess you had made in the kitchen when the day was officially over just to get here as fast as you could.
The large window covered in vines holding a small couch beneath it glistened with the light of a crescent moon, casting the room lit with an array of colors in a cool glow.
Smoke from the candles blurred the light, only to collide with the wooden floor above them.
Humming, you grabbed an orb sitting on a side table,  holding it in the moonbeams so it would absorb its brightness. A candlestick of sorts made from magic. You weren’t going to risk going into complete darkness again.
He was obviously not in his work area, so he was probably upstairs.
And so, as quietly as you could, you crept up the old stairs, holding your breath and biting your lip whenever you came to a creaky step. You wanted to scare him, or at the very least surprise him
He was so easy to scare, and he always made the cutest of noises when you did it.
It was hard not to try everytime you were given the chance.
Once you made it to the top, fingers clasped tightly around the carved wooden railing, you looked around the darkened hallway, searching for the room he’s most likely to be in.
None of them had any lights on, which was eerily odd.
He never was much a fan of complete darkness.
It only raised questions as to if he wasn’t here yet, or if he was leaving you high and dry.
No, he would never do such a thing. Perhaps you’re early?
Chewing on your thumbnail, you stood dead at the top of the stairs, waiting for a sign that he was here.
“ARGGHH!” you shrieked, jumping away from the noise only to have your back slammed against the wall.
Horrified, you snapped your head to the direction of the noise, only to find a giddy Izuku covering his mouth with a leather-gloved hand, holding away his giggles.
Huffing, you placed a hand on your heart, ignoring the laughs that seeped out of him.
“Geeze, you scared me!” You chided, glaring up into his playful green eyes.
“Oh, like you weren’t trying to do the same to me just now.”
Laughing still, he bent down in front of you, offering you a hand to help you up.
Ever the gentleman.
Placing your palm into his own, he easily pulled you up to your feet, holding you against his muscular chest in a welcoming hug, to which you eagerly returned, arms wrapping around his slender waist.
Though you didn’t know the common body type of a witch, you had to admit, he was certainly buff. Not that you minded.
He could easily throw you over his broad shoulder, and you loved it.
Completely defenseless and vulnerable.
Oh, how sweet it was to trust fully in someone.
His foreign clothes were soaked in his familiar thick scent, the smell of the forest after it had just rained, dewdrops in the early morning sun, a hint of pine, and his own natural musk that always had your head spinning. He tends to travel the forests in the kingdom often, collecting natural herbs and stones he found interesting.
He had jars and jars of rocks and stones, sometimes cracking them open to reveal crystals tucked away inside. He’d always make little trinkets out of them, giving them to people he deemed as friends as a sign of gratitude. You only had one, made from the rarest crystal he had ever found, taaffeite. 
“So, why did you need me?” You mumbled against his chest, cheek rubbing against his familiar warmth.
“Firstly, I always need you.” The sap.
“Mhmm..” you hummed out, letting him pull away and grab your hand, taking the glowing orb and tossing it up and down as he led you down the corridor.
“Secondly,” he trailed off, leaving the orb to float in the air as he unlocked his bedroom door, pulling you inside.
“It’s a bit of a personal thing I can only trust you with testing.”
Smiling to yourself, you sat down on the edge of his large bed, running your fingers over the soft wool that made up his thick comforter.
Never one to use dead animal pelts.
“Is that so?” Your eyes naturally follow his being as he walks around the room, shuffling through different materials before snapping his fingers to light the stone fireplace off on the other side of the room, providing more light, as well as warmth, so he could see where he was going and not trip on the books scattered across the floor.
He didn’t like the windows in his bedroom open at night.
“Y-yes..” he stuttered, fumbling around with a few glass jars on his desk, muttering to himself as he examines the label on each one. Seemingly finding what he was looking for, he turned back to you, proudly showing that he had found it before making his way back to the bed.
“What is that for?” Curious, your fingers brushed against the cool glass containing the shimmering magenta liquid as he sat beside you on the bed, mattress dipping enough from his weight that your sides knocked together.
“A few weeks ago, Shōto had asked a familiar question, if I possessed the ability to make every potion out there. Of course I- I can’t exactly, but I’ve enough skill to make some rather.. exotic potions. He questioned if I ever tried something different than just potions to heal the sick or offer beauty, and I haven’t. I don’t know why, but realizing that upset me. As if my skill set was limited to just some average joe healer,”
“So for a while now, I’ve been branching out. Trying different types of potions and having him as the tester.”
“Is that why he’s been acting different these days?”
“Precisely. I’m just lucky I haven’t gotten in trouble for turning him into a frog yet..” he chuckles, rubbing the back of his head as you took the glass from him to ogle it.
“So what is this then?”
“Um..” Embarrassment was creeping up his neck and resting on his cheeks as he averted his shy eyes, “I have a hunch of what it might do. But.. secret?”
You pout at him, “Shouldn’t I know what this is?”
“You’ll know soon! I promise it won’t harm you, darling.” Leaning down, he pecks a kiss on your cheek, large arm wrapping around your waist to pull you into a side hug.
Taking the glass from your hands, he pulled the cork out, glittery, pink mist floating out like smoke from a blown-out candle.
“So, what do you say? Will you try it?” It was almost as if he was giving you no option other than yes with those big puppy eyes of his staring into your soul.
Licking your lips, an action his eyes followed, you gulped the nervousness away.
What had you to fear? This was Izuku after all. Had he ever done you harm? Absolutely not.
You had no reason not to trust the man who held your heart.
Joy lit up his face, smiling so widely his eyes crinkled.
Huffing out a laugh, you took the bottle from him again, curiously sniffing its fragrance.
“Chocolate and.. maca?” The scent was certainly familiarly tasty, having worked with the foods before, being a baker. Judging how the liquid didn’t resemble them at all, it was off-putting. How had he managed to trap such a delicate smell inside?
“Mhm! That’s right! Apparently, when made, the potion takes on a heavenly smell. Most are usually bitter.”
“Ahh..” Trailing off you eyed it up one last time before finally bringing it to your lips, a shiver running down your spine at just how cold the glass still was, despite being in a warm room.
Tilting the glass up, the liquid glimmering in the light of the fire traveled down the shoot, pouring into your awaiting mouth, feeling as if you were swallowing a runny syrup.
It had the slightest hint of sugar and cinnamon to its flavor, but nothing else. How odd.
Gulping it all down just to get it over with, your eyes that unknowingly closed fluttered open as he pulled the glass away.
Feeling perfectly fine, you stared up at him with confusion, about to speak before his lips cut you off, tongue poking out to lick the renaming liquid from the corner of your mouth.
The clink of the bottle being set down echoed around the room before his gloved palm delicately cupped your cheek, tilting your head as to deepen the kiss.
His tongue eagerly explored the wet cavern of your mouth, as if he was drinking the little essence from his own creation left over.
Pulling away with a wet pop, his forehead rested against yours, mesmerizing green eyes staring softly into your own, waiting.
Waiting for what was what you didn’t know, perhaps for the potion to take effect.
You were eager to find out just what it was, but you had a semblance of a guess considering the position you found yourself in.
“How do you feel?” he whispered breathlessly against your parted lips.
Just as you were about to reply, your words got caught in your throat as your body began to heat up in a familiar way.
“I..” You pant, grip on his cotton shirt tightening as your gut suddenly twisted with a burning need for HIM.
Your (E/C) eyes glaze over with lust in front of his own, pupils dilating as your body began to shake, whimpers escaping your throat.
Thighs rubbing together to offer friction you didn’t know you desperately craved until now, you looked at him helplessly, so close to falling apart if it weren’t for his large hand on the small of your back holding you close to his steady figure.
“I-I feel hot.. Izuku..”
You whined, chewing at your lip as you wiggled beneath his excited stare.
Suddenly, his lips connected with yours once more, drawing a stuttered moan from your throat at the contact you unknowingly began to crave more and more as your lips connected again and again.
You clung to him like a koala, kissing him fervently like you would never be able to again, desperate to have his undivided attention.
Hands sliding to your hips, he pulled you onto his lap, legs hugging his own as hot breaths mingled together with the wet sound of kisses.
“Ah..!” You squeaked against him, your hips involuntarily grinding down onto his crotch, greedily searching for the pleasure your body desperately craved.
“M-mmm.. Izu.. I-” Your apology was cut off with a nip to your neck, “Don’t apologize,” he scolded. Grip still on your hips, he pulled you down rougher against his hardening dick, his hips thrusting up to meet your own, eliciting a sharp cry from your being as your head threw back at the sudden pressure where you craved it most.
He was quick to chase your lips, dragging you back into your heated makeout, swallowing every moan you let out as you both humped each other like horny dogs, the eagerness from him only adding to the pool of moisture leaking out of your body.
The button on his trousers was rubbing deliciously against your clothed clit, making your hips stutter every so often as you fought to maintain that hard surface.
Saliva began to drip down the side of your mouth from the intense kissing, but you hadn’t a care in the world.
No, your mind was too fogged to even think about it.
All you craved was him.
You yearned for him like he’d been gone a decade, and your body acted on it in a way you were typically shy about.
Biting your lip, he pulled away from the kiss, dragging a whine of protest from you before he hushes you by licking the outer shell of your ear, breath fanning across it only adding to the tingles of excitement shooting down your arched spine. “Hush,” he commanded, and as if you couldn’t disobey him, your words of protest died on your tongue, leaving only a parted mouth and heavy breaths.
Licking down the column of your neck, nose brushing against you, he searched for that familiar sweet spot on you, teeth grazing your flesh.
Still grinding on his hard cock covered by pants, a wet spot no doubt leaking past the underwear you wore beneath your hiked up skirt and onto him, you gasp once he found the place he was looking for.
Smirking, he nibble gently, holding you still as you began to wiggle once more.
Your head tilted to the side to give him more room as he sucked on your skin, teeth repeatedly nibbling at your sensitive flesh. Biting down harshly, you cried out with pain and pleasure, hips grinding down so hard onto him he groaned, the vibration making your heart jump in your throat.
“A-ahh… hnng.!” Moans poured salaciously past your thoroughly kissed lips, holding onto him for dear life as he controlled your being with every fiber of his own.
A button on your blouse popped open, and your foggy gaze traveled down just to see his fingers expertly undoing each one without looking, letting your bare breasts bounce out above your corset.
Not giving you a second to cover yourself out of embarrassment, his large hand cupped one of your tits, massaging it gently just to feel the soft flesh as your chin rested against his grounding shoulder, small moans now directly in his awaiting ear.
“You’re such a good girl, (Y/N).” He praised, eyes filled with nothing but love as he got to watch your unusually heated body search for the pleasure it craved.
You were usually so shy in bed, but with this potion pumping through your veins, he hoped it’d help give you the confidence boost you needed.
Though, that wasn’t the only thing it did.
He was filled with anticipation, if his throbbing member was anything to go by.
Thumb circling around your cute, perky nipple, he took the bud between his thumb and forefinger, pulling gently and rolling it between them, dragging high pitched whines from you.
You couldn’t help but pull away from him again, body constantly shifting from the delicious pleasure you were being given.
Fully pulling your blouse off, he left your chest completely bare, giving him the chance to dip his head down and latch onto the opposite nipple, lathering it in attention with his warm muscle, sucking softly and continuously rolling your other nipple with his hand.
It left you craving more, fingers threading through his messy green curls, pulling as to not lose yourself, only eliciting yet another deep groan that vibrated on your skin.
Feeling yourself slowly start to come undone, you desperately ground against him, pants becoming high pitched and moans being louder.
He could tell you were getting close, and from grinding alone no less, it made him feel so damn good to know he could get you to come purely from grinding.
But he didn’t want you to cum like this.
Certainly not.
And so, he fell back on his back dragging you with him as his lips found yours again.
Gripping at the hem of your skirt, he yanked it down, pulling it off your legs. Using a little handy magic, he effortlessly pulled your own shoes off, already working your underwear down your quivering thighs, eyes zeroed in on the drip of wetness attaching your core to them for a split second before they were across the other side of the room.
Corsets were always his worst nightmare.
He couldnt think too clearly to untie the knot in the back as your now bare crotch rubbed against his own, so without thinking, he ripped it off, the bare display of strength having you keening against him.
“Princess,” he whispered against your lips, dragging your hips upwards, “please, sit on my face.”
How vulgar of him to say, with a smile no less, but nonetheless it scent a throb of want to your stomach, and you found yourself, once again, unable to disobey him.
Your body burned red from embarrassment as you crawled up his own still fully clothed one, but you weren’t given the chance to dwell on it before he moved your hips directly over his face, tongue poking out to lap at your dripping folds.
“Gaah..!” You cried, fingers digging into the blanket beneath him as your hips once again helplessly sought the pleasure you craved, unafraid to press down against him.
Your juices tasted so sweet, he eagerly lapped at you like a dog deprived of water.
He had to hold you still against his face, drinking in the image of your breasts jiggling like jelly with every shuttered breath you took, head flung back and eyes shut tight as you focused purely on the way the flat of his tongue licked you up like a sugary treat.
He couldn’t help but occasionally press a kiss against your sobbing flesh, teasingly avoiding your clit begging for attention each time you moved against his mouth.
Your cries of pleasure filled the room, only sending his mind into a state of hunger, wanting to drag every noise out of you he could, along with the loud licking that caused your essence to drip down his chin.
His aching cock was straining against the flimsy button of his pants, desperate to be released and buried deep inside your soul-sucking pussy again.
Tongue dipping inside you and lips pressing against your sensitive, pink labia, he ate you out with earnest, squeezing your hips tightly with his fingers as he fought to control himself from shoving you to the blankets and fucking you raw without finishing his dessert first.
A choked sob tore from your throat with his lips finally encased your puffy clit, the tip of his tongue tracing around the bundle of nerves before flattening his tongue against it.
Your hips bucked involuntarily against his face, pressing him harder against you just so you could cry out his name like a sinful prayer.
His heart was full of love for you as he observed your reaction did everything blissful he did.
You were in heaven, walking on clouds as wet squelches from your own body surrounded your ears.
“Z-Zuku..!” You cried as he sucked on your clit like candy, enjoying the rough treatment. The tip of his tongue traced his name possessively over your button, marking you as his forevermore, silently vowing to never let another man do the same.
“I-I’m close..!” You cried, tears of pleasure falling down your flushed cheeks, dripping onto the thighs squeezing his head like warm earmuffs.
He hummed against you, dragging his tongue across the expanse of your womanhood before enclosing around your clit again, lathering it in the attention you needed to be pulled over the edge.
Your thighs clenched around his head, his hair tickling you, body stilling as you screamed out in pleasure, back arching and giving him a lovely view of your demise.
You came on his tongue, the stimulation he gave you throughout your orgasm sending you higher and higher in that clouded head of yours.
When you finally came down and slumped forward, catching your breath, he licked up the mess you made, pulling away from your lower lips and running a tongue over his own to greedily savor your delectable taste.
Placing you off to the side, giving you a second to calm down,, he hurriedly shuffled out of his clothing, throwing his cloak, gloves, and various other things on his person to the floor, kicking his boots off that landed with a heavy thump, leaving his underwear on as he crawled over on top of you.
Dazed, you stared deliriously up at him, a bashful smile on your lips, watching as he wipes your juices away with the back of his wrist before licking it clean. He was so sinful and messy.
The warm fire crackling in the corner hugged at his soft skin, making his eyes blown wide with lost twinkle like starlight. He looked so in love as he stared at you as if you were the only person in the world.
Breathing heavily, you reached out for him, and he was happy to lean in so you could wrap your arms around his neck, toying with the shorter curls at his nape as he kissed you again, your taste still on his tongue as your tongues intertwined. You weakly fought against his intrusion, teasing, only for him to grab a handful of your ass, making you gasp and effectively losing the battle.
He flooded your being with everything he had, his scent, his love, his passion, adoration, everything.
His knowledge on your own sexual human anatomy astounded you, but always left you moaning against him, much to his utter pleasure.
His thumb circled your twitching clit, bringing your attention back to his actions and the way you clenched helplessly around thin air, waiting for him.
You hungrily eyed the bulge in his underwear, licking your lips at the spot of wetness where his dripping head was.
You wanted to feel him inside you again, to clench around the very thing that drove you insane other than his skillful touch.
“P-please..” You begged, detaching yourself from him, pleading for mercy under his sharp gaze as he soaked up your wrecked self.
He loved hearing you beg.
“Please what?” he drawled out, running his lips down the side of your face and neck, pressing kisses against your collarbone. Moving his thumb previously giving you what you desire to your thighs, he held them in his grasp just to feel your smooth, warm skin against his rough, scarred palms.
You whined, shimmying your hips to draw his attention to them. He ignored your advances, peering up at your face with a glare and crooked smile that shot sparks down your body, “Tell me.” 
As if on cue, and unable to disobey his words that squeezed your heart, you sputtered a response, barely able to maintain eye contact, “P-please touch me..! M-more.. I, I need more, please! I want..” your breath was stolen from your lungs as he began to grind his clothed crotch against your wet core, “I want you! I w-want you to fuck me, please..! I- I can’t take it anymore.. Please, Izuku..!” More tears fell from your eyes, falling onto the mattress below you, “Please fuck me..!”
Happy with your response,  but still not quite ready to give in, he pulled away, circling your clenching hole with his middle finger, watching as your head flew back with tears as you meekly thrust upwards.
As much as he wanted to pull himself out right now and fuck you until his bed broke from the sheer force, he couldn’t risk hurting you.
Even if the potion was designed to make you ready for everything sexual, willing to comply with his every demand, you still were his princess, his angel, and he was going to treat you like one.
He didn't want you to wake with the soreness of not being properly prepared, even if he could heal you a minute after. That minute of you crying from the pain that HE selfishly caused would always be stabbed into his heart, and he certainly didn't want that, nor you to experience it.
“Sorry, love..” he apologized, finally plunging his thick finger inside you after thoroughly coating it with your slick, moaning at how tight you were for him. 
“Fuck..” he whispered under his breath, keeping your thighs splayed wide open as he sat back on his haunches to watch you react to him.
Your back was arched, begging for more as you gripped the sheets below you, cheek pressed against the mattress as low moans trickled out your sinful mouth like water.
Face hot, a boyish smile fell on his face as he added another finger, observing how you hotly throw your head back as he pressed against the spongy spot inside your walls.
“Aaahh..! T-there! R-right there..!”
“I know, darling, shh, shhh.” He cooed at you, curling his fingers against your G-spot with each thrust in and out of your sopping pussy. His fingers made wet clicks inside of you as they rubbed against your walls, dragging more and more moans out of you as you ground down on his large digits.
His eyes couldn’t leave the view of you sucking him back in every time he pulled his fingers out, it left him imagining more and more scenarios in his head.
God, how he wanted to destroy you.
Have you screaming his name so loudly you broke the sound barrier he had set up ages ago, letting all of the castle and its snobby guards know he was fucking the love of his life and doing it damn well.
He bet they would be jealous.
Those thoughts of it made his adrenaline spike, adding a third finger to the squelching party mixing your insides up, leaving you at their utter disposal.
Arousal poured from you like a steady stream, gushing down and leaving a wet puddle under your ass.
You were so wet for him it was hard to bear, but you felt so, so good.
Your mind was so muddled with lust, you couldn’t think straight, all that entered your mind was ‘more, more, more.’ 
You were being greedy, but you couldn’t help it.
Deciding you were prepped enough, his fingers pulled fully out of you, putting on a small display of licking them clean as you watched with wide, doe eyes, stuttering out about how dirty that was.
“More dirty than you using my face as a seat, my lady?” He teased, tucking his face into the crook of your neck.
He chuckles at your flustered response.
Pulling his underwear down, his cock slaps against his toned stomach, fully erect and dripping with precum.
Throwing them off to the side, he noticed the way your eyes greedily looked at his body, confidence burning his veins as he sees the impatience in your eyes as you stare at his member.
He was tempted to say, ‘like what you see?’ but he himself was far too eager and impatient to wait any longer.
Grabbing himself, he ran his thickness between your lips, gathering your arousal on him before leading himself to your entrance.
“Ready?” He asked whilst kissing the skin below your ear.
You nodded, hips wiggling in anticipation.
“A-ahh! Fuck!” You cried out as he fully sheathed himself inside you with one thrust, bottoming out immediately.
He bit at your skin, concealing the deep moan that rumbled in his chest as you strangled his weeping dick at last.
You were so intoxicating, you sweet aroma wafting off you with every breath.
Grinding himself inside of you, he waited patiently for you to adjust, leaving hickeys all over your skin with each passing second.
Gulping down air, you thrust upwards, dragging him out of his blissed-out state just to moan heavenly deeply in your ear.
“Naughty girl..” he seethed, making you giggle, only to be shut up as he pulled out and slammed his hips back into your own, drawing out a garbled moan.
Skin slapped wetly against skin with each rough thrust he relentlessly delivered, drinking up your cries for more.
Leaning back to watch you with hungry, dark green eyes, pupils blown wide with lust. He pinned your arms to the bed above your head, a punishment for catching him off guard.
His cock was truly a godsend, thick and long, curved upwards just to slam repeatedly into your soft g-spot over and over.
You could only hold on for dear life as he fucked you good and hard just like you wanted, just like you craved.
“O-Ohh!!! Izu!! Izuku-! Ahh.! F-fuck..!” You moaned with each thrust inside your wet self, body being pushed back from the sheer intensity of which he fucked you with.
He knew your body so well by now, he knew each and every way to make you fall apart by his own doing.
He knew how to break you in the most sinful way possible, and he loved it.
Your face was lewdly contorted with pleasure, eyes looking back, eyebrows pinched together, (H/C) baby hairs plastered to your sweaty forehead, and mouth gaping wide open so he could hear every slur of words and every noise you emitted.
He wanted to hear everything you had to say, every reaction to the way he fucked you.
He could feel you growing tighter around his throbbing cock, juices coating his thighs with each heavy thrust inside of you.
He loved how much he could turn you on, even if right now it was all thanks to the potion that added pink hearts to your innocent (E/C) eyes.
The same potion that had you openly moaning unashamedly, whereas you previously would have held them in by biting your lip and hands.
He was so happy to hear how good he made you feel.
At long last.
“(Y/N)..” he panted heavily, peering deeply into your glossy eyes, movements becoming more and more sloppy as he lost himself to the pleasure, a burning pressure building up in his gut with each shallow and deep thrust.
Falling down on top of you, he held you close to him, letting your arms go so you could dig your nails into the flesh of his toned, freckled back flexing with each movement.
The bed banged loudly against the wall, he momentarily worried it would leave a dent- but he couldn’t think about that now. Not when you were crying out his name so sweetly.
“I’m here, I’m here..” he soothed as you clung to him.
Your hips began to move in circles, drugging him with intense ecstasy as he thrusts into you. You kept him wanting more and more. He was addicted to you. 
Pushing your legs back against the mattress, he reached so deep inside you, you swore you could feel his head kissing at your womb. 
You were so helpless to the waves of infinite pleasure he washed you over with that all you could do was take it.
“You’re doing so.. hah… so good, baby..” he praised breathlessly.
“Gnnn! Gaahhah..! Izuku!!”
“Let me hear it.. let me hear you, princess.” He smiled against your skin as you let out an onslaught of sultry moans, fueling his inner fire.
“I’m..! I- gwaahhh..! I’m so c-close..!”
“Me too, me too..” He fervently pressed kisses to your cheek, letting his other hand travel down to coat his thumb in your spare wetness, just to rub circles on your puffy clit, applying the right amount of pressure that always drove you insane.
Drool dribbled down the side of your mouth as your tongue flopped out, breasts bouncing with each and every thrust, constantly captivating him as he could feel their softness against his pecs.
Holding you flushed against him, he let magic crackle to life on his hand, green sparks lighting up the area around the two of you just barely. His hand began to vibrate, magic he learned was good for massaging muscles, but of course, it had.. other uses..
The vibration against your clit, added to the pounding of his cock expertly slamming against your G-spot, sent your head flying back, white vision going black as your pussy strangled his cock like a python.
“Haaahh.! Aah!” You cried his name out so loudly it burned your throat, leaving you to cum harshly on his dick, the strange sensation of liquid squirting from your body making your mind go numb as all you were left with was burning hot stars in your eyes.
The display alone was enough to drag him over the edge as well, slamming his cock into you once more before warm ropes of cum spurted into you, completely coating your walls and spewing out from the sheer amount as he let out a silent moan.
His thighs twitched and his stomach felt empty when he finally came down from his high, the same time as you.
Love filled his gaze as you both peered into each other’s eyes, enraptured by the souls sealed within.
Heavy breaths blew past your lips, desperate to calm down your racing heart.
“How was it..?” He questioned lightly, moving hair out of your face so he could get a better look.
“How was… what..?” Your mind was still clouded. You hadn’t any idea how he could still think straight.
Giggling, he rubbed his nose lovingly against your own. 
“The potion. Could you feel its effects..?”
Staring at him in bewilderment, it took a second to register his words. 
The potion.. what had it done again..?
You slapped a hand over your mouth, pulling away from him. “Oh gosh..!” 
You were so embarrassed! 
Gah, to be so loud!! You wanted to hide in a hole..!
“Don't be shy, my love,” He pleaded sweetly, placing a kiss on your sweaty forehead, “it’s just me.”
“That's the point!! I-it was embarrassing to- to be so.. lewd in f-front of you…”
“You say that, and yet I’m still deep inside you,”
“Izuku..!” You groaned, shoving his smiling face away with both hands, only for him to grab your hands and place gentle kisses on them.
“I.. I liked hearing you..” he flushed, bashfully looking away.
Though he could be quite the dominant man in bed, it was always endearing how he was still the shy witch you fell in love with at the end of the day.
“W-well I..” You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, “Well I’ll be louder for now o-on then..!” Your declaration surprised him, shock resting on his features before he broke out in another smile, flopping on top of your sweaty body just to hug you to his own equally as sweaty body.
“I love you, (Y/N)..” he sighed blissfully, burying his nose in your hair as he cuddled you, the crackling of the blazing fire just now reaching his ears.
“I love you too, Izuku.”
Though he could be a handful at times, with his insistent drive to be better and push himself beyond his current limits, as well as running headfirst into danger and getting littered with scars, you still loved him.
You always would.
He was your kind witch, and you, his darling beloved.
And nothing would ever get between a witch and the one he called his.
“So, are you going to pull out? I feel a little messy.”
“In a minute..”
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faulty-writes · 4 years
A set of headcanons of Tamaki, Mirio and Midoriya with an SO that still calls them by their last name with -san at the end despite that they're a couple now or how many times they're told to call them by their first name or a cute term of affection. But then one day they're smoochin' a lot over and over and in a haze of bliss and love between kisses their SO calls them 'my sweet baby boy' without meaning to, freezes up, and just wants to DIE afterwards.
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Tamaki was beginning to think it was strange that you continuously called him by such an honorific title, usually, san was reserved for someone you had great respect for. While Tamaki was a member of The Big Three, which gained him a lot of respect from lower classmen. He didn’t exactly like feeling as though he were above you, considering how much he cared for you. Though he had mentioned you could call him Tamaki or address him by a pet name, considering he called you “Bunny,” frequently. But, somehow it seemed “Amajiki-san” would be his forever title. 
That is until the day you were getting somewhat heated, Tamaki was rather hesitant when it came to affection. Always asking for consent before doing much of anything, but he was feeling venturous and began to kiss a trail down your neck. Occasionally, nipping and lapping at the skin with his tongue. Those noises you made were getting him more excited by the moment and he loved the feeling of your hands tugging on his hair, the way you threw your head back as if inviting him to do more, however, he paused completely when you moaned “My sweet baby boy,” before immediately going red in the face and an awkward silence filled the air. 
While Tamaki was happy you addressed him by another name, it was clear the two of you were a little embarrassed to talk about what had happened. But, somehow he found the bravery to bring it up. “B-Bunny, um, it’s okay...I r-really liked being called b-b-baby boy, um...” he trailed off and his cheeks began to flush a soft pink color. “C-Could you maybe...d-do it again...uh, p-please?” honestly, you were still a little embarrassed. But, if Tamaki truly enjoyed it. You couldn’t take away his happiness, so you swallowed your pride and shyly glanced at him. “O-Okay...baby...boy,” you said hesitantly, but Tamaki only smiled in return. “Thank you, B-Bunny,” 
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Mirio was the energetic type, always willing to go that extra mile and happily. He was caring and kind, there was never a moment where he wouldn’t be willing to lift you back up when you fell. He’d never speak ill of those he cared about, but he was close to interrogating you about the fact you continued to call him “Togata-san” he was flattered you thought so highly of him, but he was modest when it came to praise of any kind. “You know sunshine, you can just call me Mirio or maybe babe or cutie? Heh, I’m not great with nicknames myself, but just think about it, okay?” he encouraged before kissing your cheek. 
Of course, this didn’t stop you from calling him “Togata-san” and he decided to put an end to it. Yet, sticking your tongue down someone’s throat might be argued as a strange method to end anything. But, that’s exactly what Mirio did. His lips attacked yours repeatedly and the feeling of his body against yours had your legs shaking. “Mm, sunshine...” Mirio whimpered before kissing along your jawline, you took a shaky breath and curled your fingers into his shirt. A cry left your lips when he latched onto your ear, allowing his teeth to sink into the soft flesh. “My baby boy...sweet baby boy, please,” you begged before your eyes widened and your hands immediately covered your face. 
Some might just let something like that slide, but Mirio was more or less determined to let you know just how much he appreciated it. In fact, despite your embarrassment. Mirio brought it up, “You know, you don’t have to be worried about calling me that. In fact, I like being called baby boy. Only by you, of course. I don’t think I’m very deserving of being called Togata-san and if we’re dating, wouldn’t that make us equals?” he questioned as he reached over to take your hand with a smile. “U-Uh...I guess,” you replied, “I’m glad to hear that, you’ll be my sunshine and I’ll be your baby boy!” he declared, sometimes you wondered how he could be so enthusiastic. 
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“Uh...” Izuku wasn’t sure how to talk about this, he understood you were shy, heck you both were. But, such an honorary title. He wasn’t sure it suited him and you had been dating long enough to at least have pet names established. But, it seemed like he’d be stuck with “Midoriya-san” for a while. “I mean...I get if y-you’re embarrassed by pet names and all, but...please c-can you at least try? I think people are getting concerned that you k-keep calling me, you know...” he trailed off though you were more upset he brought it up to begin with. You couldn’t call him anything else, sure he was your boyfriend. But, he was the most honorable hero and person you knew. Any other name for him would just be disrespectful. 
Izuku hardly ever displayed anger, but one day he had invited you to his home. His mother was out and it was just the two of you. Izuku seemed to be getting angry that you continued to call him “Midoriya-san” and his way of solving this was dragging you by the hand and into his All Might themed room. You cried out when he slammed you against the door, effectively pinning his body against yours. “I-If you’re going to keep calling me that, I guess I’ll...I’ll have to play the part or make you submissive enough to call me something else,” you didn’t understand what he meant, but the next that you knew. His hand was holding your chin and his lips slammed over yours. 
A soft cry escaped your mouth as Izuku continued to kiss your lips, somehow you two had found your way onto his bed. The normally shy boy was on top of you and your arms were wrapped around him. “Mm, do you like this?” he questioned before attacking your neck, as soon as his teeth sank into your skin. You cried out, “Yes! Sweet...sweet baby boy I-” your eyes widened and you practically pushed Izuku off of you. “H-Hey!” he protested and grew a little confused when he saw you bury your face into his All Might pillow. “Uh...” he reached out for you, placing his hand on your shoulder. “I-It’s okay...if you w-wanna call me that, I...I k-kind of like it...” he confessed as his own cheeks became flushed. 
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lovinkiri · 4 years
NSFW Alphabet ~ Katsuki Bakugou
Warning: Obviously, there shall be smut. Anything you'd expect from Bakugou.
A = Aftercare (Do they take care of you afterwards? How?)
Katsuki's actually pretty soft after sex. He'll run a bath for both of you and carry you into the bathroom. He'd gently rub the wash cloth against your skin.
He'd use a soap with a soft scent, so the smell of lavender or maybe light strawberry is filling the room.
You definitely get sleepy, I mean you were already exhausted but now this? And he lets you lean back against his shoulder and drift off.
"Don't worry bout it, I got you."
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of yours? Of themselves?)
He loves your ass. Bakugou is an ass man and I stand by that statement. He loves to have you over his knee and spank you. He loves simply smacking it when you walk by. He loves the red prints he leaves on it and seeing you struggle to sit 😂
His favorite body part on his own body? Definitely his hands. One, he needs them to properly fight and they do that pretty well. Two, he loves touching you with them. Running his hands up your sides, squeezing your tits, and of course smacking dat ass 😏
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum)
He cums a lot. A bit more than average. Like, one load his spilling out of you in a small stream.
And speaking of which, he prefers to cum inside of you and to fill you up. It's kinda like marking his territory, you know?
If that's not something you're comfortable with, he'd rather cum in your mouth. He'll force your mouth open and watch you swallow it down.
"That's right, swallow it down, slut."
D = Dirty Secret (A dirty secret of theirs)
Definitely has urges to fuck you in public. Whether it be in front of your friends or just on the train, the thought of everyone watching as he takes you against a wall gets him going.
Especially if he notices someone flirting with you. Depending on how hard said person is flirting, this may go from a dirty secret to a funny (hot) story.
E = Experience (Any past experience?)
Nope. None. Before you, Bakugou never even thought of dating, let alone sex. He didn't see the point, he didn't care enough. You were just special.
He was simply a natural and got the hang of things pretty quickly. What'd you expect? Katsuki Bakugou doesn't lose! Not even at sex!
F = Favorite Position (What's their favorite position?)
Face down, ass up. He loves shoving your face into the mattress and towering over you, fucking you senseless. He feels powerful.
His hand will definitely curl into your hair or he'll grip the back of your neck.
G = Goofy (Are they serious or silly during sex?)
I mean, he grins.. While teasing you. So I wouldn't say silly because he's pretty serious on pleasuring you. But not completely serious because of his cockiness.
He definitely laughs at you sometimes.
Like "*laughs* Are you shaking? You needed my cock that badly?"
H = Hair (How well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes?)
He keeps it pretty neat down there, he just prefers go trim it. And yes. Yes. The carpet does indeed match the drapes, my friend.
I = Intimacy (Are they romantic?)
Yes. I mean, he's not exactly gentle with you, but he's not destroying into next week.
It's more of deep, passionate strokes as he holds you against him.
If he's really trying to get romantic, he'll wrap his arms around you as you straddle him and just slowly thrust up.
J = Jerk off (How often do they do it? What do they think of?)
Before you two get together, he did it maybe a couple times a week. Often times, he'd think of hearing your cute sounds. He'd visualize you doing a slow, sensual strip tease for him.
After you two get together, he doesn't do it as often. At least not alone. He definitely does it with you sometimes. If not with you, its a bit more frustrating. He gets so used to your pussy that his hand isn't as satisfying as it used to be.
K = Kinks (One or more of their kinks)
Degradation, BDSM, Daddy, Spanking, Choking, Biting (or marking in general), hair pulling, there are more.
By the way, all of which can be reversed. Don't be afraid to dom Katsuki. He secretly wants it ;)
L = Location (Favorite place to do it?)
Usually happens in your own rooms, but will definitely take his time with you in the kitchen.
What if someone walks in? He doesn't care. He's too busy making you both feel good. And after a while, you wont care too much either.
M = Motivation (What turns them on?)
A pair a shorts. Bending over while cleaning or something. Making out. Giving him light touches. Hell, even stroking his ego!
Say the right things and he's ready to go.
Trail your hands down his chest and he loves it.
So to put it simply, boi lowkey has a praise kink lol
N = NO (Something they wouldn't do? Turn offs?)
I feel like it depends. Like, for the most part, he likes voyeurism. As long as he's not the one watching.
Though, even that depends. He will only share you with someone he completely trusts, like the Bakusquad.
Realistically, he wouldn't care for Somnophilia. And unless you're both drunk or your just tipsy, won't touch you like that if you're trashed. Lack of consent is, and should always be, a big turn-off.
O = Oral (Would they rather give or receive?)
He would definitely rather receive than give. Like, he doesn't mind giving. And will definitely let you sit on his face. But he loves fucking your throat senseless, its just 👌🏾
P = Pace (Fast? Slow? Gentle? Rough?)
He's only gently when your having a bad day. Unless what you need is to be taken roughly, then he'll deliver.
He's usually rough, but always passionate. He likes to switch it up sometimes though. When teasing, he'd definitely more slow and sensual though.
Q = Quickie (How do they feel about quickies?)
He loves them. He loves the possibility of being caught somewhere, the rush. He loves shoving you into a small space and clamping his hand over your mouth.
He loves when you quickly grind against each other to chase your orgasms. You're both just in a frenzy and things start getting hazy.
R = Risks (Do they like taking risks? Do they like to experiment?)
Oh, he lives for it practically. Nothing scares Katsuki Bakugou. He'll take you almost anywhere and just hope you aren't too loud.
Definitely the type to finger you under the table at dinner with your friends.
Definitely loves cockwarming during movie night under the blanket.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go?)
Typically, he'll only go 4 rounds at the most. Out of respect for your body, you know?
After a bad day, he can go all night. Everything is so much drawn out. Teasing, thrusts, orgasms.
T = Toys (Do they use/own toys?)
Katsuki himself doesn't own many toys. And he's not a fan of using them for the most part. He definitely owns handcuffs and and a paddle. And he'll definitely use your own vibrator on you.
He finds pleasure in fucking you and watching you squirm with the vibrator pressed against your aching clit.
U = Unfair (Do they tease?)
Yes he does.
He teases like crazy. No matter what, he finds a way to tease. Its in his nature.
V = Volume (How loud are they? What sounds do they make?)
It depends, really. If you're dominating him, he's moaning roughly. Well, its a mix of a moan and a growl. Tease him enough and he'll start whimpering quietly.
If he's dominating you, not too many moans. It's mostly groaning and grunting, definitely growling. Usually though, he uses his voice talking. Sometimes he'll moan when he cums.
W = Wild card (Random scenario)
His cock pushed deeper into you and his hand found its way into your hair, roughly yanking on it. You yelped and moved back against him feverishly. His hips stilled and you whined instinctively. "What's wrong? You were talking all that crap just before. What, does it take a nice cock to shut you up?" He teased, a growl in his voice.
X = X Ray (Length, size)
This man is long and thick. I emphasize on thick, by the way. He fills you up in all the best places. There's a slight curve up.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
You guys go at it slmost every night. He can't help you! How dare you look so good all day? The way you licked your lips earlier, you did that on purpose didn't you? You wanted attention so badly? Now you got it.
Z = Zzz.. (How quickly do they fall asleep afterwards?)
He falls asleep quickly. He'll pull you close on top of him or he'll nuzzle your neck. He loves having you against him as you fall asleep, skin against skin.
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jenomark · 4 years
A-Z Analysis of Johnny
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💚 Smut
💚 18+
💚 This is only fantasy
💚 Big boy 😉 
A ⇥ Aftercare
  After sex, Johnny takes a warm shower with you. As he winds down, he turns into someone who wants to do everything for you: washes your body, hugs you from behind, laughs with you, and looks at you lovingly. He touches you sensually and kisses you deeper, pressing you against the shower wall for a make-out. 
B ⇥ Body Part
  His abs and arms are the most favorite parts of his body. He’s worked hard to keep himself in shape, and he hopes you notice. On you, there isn’t anything specific. He’ll let you know what he likes when he touches you, when his eyes drift to you during certain times of the day.
C ⇥ Cum
  He loves the thought of coming inside of you. There is something romantic about the togetherness and intimacy of it. He loves it when you swallow him and show appreciation for his cum. He wants to hear that his taste is better than anyone else you’ve been with.
D ⇥ Dirty Secret
  Johnny has many dirty secrets. His most dirtiest secret is that he wants to fuck you while other people are watching. He wants to show them how well you take his cock, and he wants them to feel jealous of him. He likes performing. He likes for other people to hear you want him. Though he’s a good boy, he desperately wants to be bad.
 E ⇥ Experience
  He lost his virginity in high school. He was very excited the first time and didn’t last long. Wanted to fuck every chance he could get when he was young. As he’s gotten older, he’s realized how much he likes adding romance to sex. 
F ⇥ Favorite position
  His ultimate favorite position is you riding his big body. He likes getting to hold you if you move too fast, likes to slow you down and touch your body. He likes leaning up to meet your lips and have you ride his lap. His second favorite position is having you lay on your stomach and fucking you from the edge of the bed while he holds your legs.
G⇥  Goofy
  Sex with Johnny always feels free of the pressure. He just wants you to enjoy yourself. He wants you both to try new things and be okay if you fail, or if one of your bodies makes a funny sound as you’re getting fucked. He makes the atmosphere feel fun and rewarding. Laughs once you both come, his grin infectious. 
H ⇥ Hair
  He wonders if you like his body hair. He has a lot of it, and there is something about him keeping it that feels manly and strong. Trims his pubic hair for only you. On you, he doesn’t care. Hair isn’t going to stop Johnny from making you feel good about yourself.
I ⇥ Intimacy
  In the moment, he’s warm and attached. The connection during sex is what keeps him interested. He often realizes how much he loves you when he can feel your heart beating beneath his chest. Even before the sex, Johnny is ticking every box you’ve ever wanted. He’s romantic and respectful, only becoming loose when you’re making love.
J ⇥ Jack Off
  He masturbates in his computer chair whenever his roommate is gone. He masturbates in the shower when he can visualize something he finds attractive. He needs complete alone time to touch himself. He likes to send you videos of him stroking his cock with hopes that you’ll send one back.
K ⇥ Kink
  Besides wanting to fuck you while someone else is in the room, Johnny’s kinks are pretty normal. He would like to try handcuffs on you, would like subtle shades of dominance here and there. Doesn’t want anything too overwhelming. 
L ⇥ Location
  Johnny would love to have sex in public. He thinks about it a lot and isn’t above asking for it. Has fantasies about fucking you in his car. Doesn’t want the world to stop him from having fun.
M ⇥ Motivation
  Johnny is turned on by a tight dress. He wants to think about what little fabric is between you and him. He’s turned on by people who are forward and a little mouthy. He’s turned on if you take the lead. Instant hard-on if you can tell him what to do and when to do it.
N ⇥ No
  He’s turned off by shyness. He wants a little aggression, so anyone too timid starts to feel like a friend. Is turned off by people who don’t completely consent to sex (because he’s respectful). 
O ⇥ Oral
  Johnny can’t control himself when you’re sucking his cock. He’ll be loud and unable to keep his hips pinned down to the bed. Loves to fuck your mouth while he holds your chin. Loves to go down on you and tease you. Loves to eat your ass.
P ⇥ Pace
  He’s quick when he wants to be. Once the passion starts, Johnny finds it hard to keep still. He loves to drill you, loves to flip you over, and he won’t wait for you to catch your bearings. 
Q ⇥ Quickie
  Johnny loves quickies. He loves when you take him out of his everyday responsibility, with a hand over his cock, or a kiss on his neck. He’ll roll his head around, grab the back of your neck and take you in whatever position is possible. 
R ⇥ Risk
  He toes the line between risk and safety. He has to be feeling particularly dangerous to pull over the car and fuck you in broad daylight, but he would do it.
S ⇥ Stamina
  Johnny can last a long time. He’s good at directing himself when you want him to. Wants to go multiple rounds, and is always the one ready to please you until you clamp your legs shut.
T ⇥ Toy
  He would use toys on you. He would find it thrilling to watch how you respond to each one. He would also enjoy the use of putting ice cubes on your nipples and guiding the cube down your stomach until it melts on your pussy.
U ⇥ Unfair
  Johnny will tease you, but he’s hoping you’ll reciprocate. He likes foreplay the most, because he likes the build up of pleasure until he bursts. He wants to close his eyes while your lips are on his body, your tongue licking every inch of it.
V ⇥ Volume
  When he orgasms, his moans are guttural. The sound they make as they get stuck in his throat make you want to kiss his adam’s apple.  Instead of his moans being loud, the way Johnny moves is loud. He has no idea how loud the bed squeaks are.  Emotional or angry sex makes him quiet and thoughtful.
W ⇥ Wild Card
  His big body feels so small sometimes. Johnny lays crouched. You kiss him and he stretches his long, naked body. His cock is growing, even before you touch it. “Good morning.” he ‘ll say. You kiss his forehead, his nose, his chest, and the line of hair leading down to his cock. You sit on his body, your own nakedness unashamed and honest. “Morning.” you say, not to him but to the thing between his legs. You take Johnny’s cock and slip it between your thighs, holding him until he’s fully inside of you. No foreplay. No words. Johnny’s body comes alive, his hands reaching out for yours. You rock yourself over him and lose yourself in the hazy morning light. 
X ⇥ X-Ray
  His cock is much bigger than average and is in proportion to the rest of his body. It’s thick and circumcised. It points forward when he’s hard and is very hard to deep throat. 
Y ⇥ Yearning
  Johnny’s sex-drive is more than enough. Ideally, he would fuck every day of the week, but he’s happy with breaks. Can’t go too long without sex or he feels like you don’t find him attractive.
  After you’ve both showered, he wraps you up in a towel and wipes you dry. He’ll barely make it into his pajamas before he stretches himself across his bed and falls asleep, his wet hair sticking to the pillow. 
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ladyblogger-margie · 3 years
James “Bucky” Barnes – NSFW Alphabet
***GN!Reader (Let me know if I slipped up anywhere)
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A = Aftercare (What are they like after sex)
He frankly isn’t the most attentive after sex. He tells you the experience was great and gives you a kiss when you’ve both finished, but he leaves you to clean yourself up and wanders away to do his own thing and work out the remaining aderline by getting some water or washing his face. But he will have a smile on his face for the rest of the day just thinking of how your bodies came together so perfectly.
B = Body Part (Their favorite body part on themselves and on their partner)
He loves his thighs. They are strong and support his and your weight without shaking. He struts when he walks, and his thighs are front and center of that confidence display.
He loves your eyes. He feels like you are the only one who can truly see him, the real him, and those eyes just bore into him so knowing, so lovingly. He loves to watch you sleep and his heart grows so soft when he sees you lashes fluttering as you dream.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum - I am a disgusting person)
He wants to come on your face whenever possible. He loves leaving a mess you clean up with you hand and push into your mouth. If he gets some in your hair in the process, he will not tell you and let it stay there until the next time you shower, the thought of that making him hard again instantly.
D = Dirty Secret (What do they secretly want)
He would love to have a threesome with you. The gender of the third doesn’t matter, just wants to find someone that’ll make you happy too. He wants to watch you fuck someone else and he wants you to watch him fuck someone too. A threesome is the top of his special request list, even though he’s worried it would offend you to know that. You’ll really have to develop that bond and sense of understanding before he’ll feel comfortable enough to know that you won’t be upset by his request. It’s absolutely not that you’re not enough for him, it’s just about escalating the experience for you both and creating a shared experience.
E = Experience (Do they know what they are doing?)
He’s not as experienced as you might think. He may be over 100 years old but his time as a brainwashed Hydra agent was not spent exploring his sexuality. His experience before the war was varied, but he still has a lot to learn, especially when it comes to all the new inventions in toys and roleplay that have occurred during his time out of practice. He is an eager student though and happy to explore uncharted territory and experiment with you.
F = Favorite Position (Self explanatory)
He loves to 69. He loves how your mouth feels around his cock as he draws an orgasm out of you. It also is inline with how much he loves to finish on and around your face.
G = Goofy (Are they serious during sex or goofy?)
He’s a pretty serious person. He can be a little flirtatious which sometimes comes across goofier than he means, especially when roleplaying. Most of the time though he is as dark and brooding as ever.
H = Hair (Are they well groomed?)
No, he is not a detailed groomer. He is clean, but he does not manscape and is all natural. He likes his partner however they’re comfortable, regardless of if that is completely hairless or full bush. But he does love himself some pubic hair to get absolutely lost in, but will never force a choice on his partnet. He expects his partner to respect his grooming choices equally.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment?)
Most of the time when you two are intimate it is primal and urgent leaving his emotional connections feeling a bit detached from your physical actions. He is all about the release for both of you and that’s his clear objective. He shows his emotional attachment to you in different ways. At first it caused you some insecurity, but as you got to know him better you understood that his compartmentalization actually created different ways for you two to connect rather than to keep you apart.
J = Jack Off (Do they masturbate?)
He jack’s off almost constantly since he returned from his brainwashed state. He loves mutual masturbation as well. He sometimes uses his metal arm for a unique, almost out of body experience when it comes to self-pleasure. Though he’d always pick time with you over going solo.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
He is very into spitting. He always spits in his hand before he jacks himself off and if you’re masturbating together, he’ll insist you spit in his hand for him. He loves to spit in your mouth and if you’re riding him, he begs you to spit in his mouth. It’s filthy and he loves it.
L = Location (Favorite place to do it)
He loves to fuck you in public. You’ll find a secluded path just off the trail and drop your pants to your ankles as he pushes you against a tree. He’ll cover your mouth with his hand and expect you to drool and pant into it as he thrusts into you hard and messy. He’ll be hard the rest of your walk as he knows his cum drips out of you as you continue forward.
M = Motivation (What turns them on or gets them going?)
It doesn’t take much to get him going to be honest. He’s always ready whenever you are. He especially likes when you slyly reference a previous encounter in a vague way in front of other people, faking innocence to your inside double entendre.  
N = No (Something they will not do. Turn offs.)
He does not want to engage in anything related to a piss!kink. It is just one of those things he can’t understand why people are into it, and while he respects everyone’s right to explore their own sexuality in their own way, it is just not something that appeals to him or turns him in. He supports it, but only for other people and not for his own experience.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skills, etc.)
He loves to give you pleasure, no question, but he never comes harder than when you give him oral. Something about him looking down at you with your lips around his cock just pushes him over the edge like nothing else does. He loves when you touch yourself while he fucks your face. He never lasts as long as he means to when you tease him like that.
P = Pace (Are they fast or rough? Or slow and sensual?)
He is a fast and hard kind of fuck. The kind of fuck that leaves your breathless and bruised unable to walk. He wrecks you so completely and so thoroughly so quickly that you don’t even mind that he leaves you whimpering and trembling alone on your bed when he’s finished with you because you’re so overstimulated by the time he’s done you don’t think you could handle much more.
Q = Quickies (Their opinions on quickies rather than regular sex)
He is the king of quickies. If anything, he prefers them. They keep him from getting too caught up in his own thoughts and insecurities and force him to be entirely in the moment where all that matters is your shared pleasure in whatever time span you two have available to you without interference from the real world.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He is up for anything you want to try. After discovering internet porn he came to you every day with a new idea to test out. Sometimes they end in complete bliss, and other times they are complete failures, but he loves the process and learning new ways to worship each others’ bodies.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go? How long do they last?)
He is a super soldier; he can last much longer than you with more rounds in him than you can take. Some days you are totally beyond spent that he finishes himself off and cums on your face as you lay there and take it as a blissed-out shell of your regular self.
T = Toys (Do they own or use toys on themselves or partners?)
As part of his experimentation, you and he buy every toy that piques your interest until you have quite an elaborate and varied collection. His favorite is a remote-control vibrator that you use on him when you’re out in public. He likes the exhibitionist nature of that and he likes that you are in control of him in ways no one actually knows.
U = Unfair (How much do they like to tease?)
He thinks he is a big tease, but he can’t help himself when you’re naked in front of him. He’ll send you naughty messages with details on what he will do to you later in order to build up the anticipation, but when the time comes, he is full steam ahead at a rapid pace.
V = Volume (How loud are they? What sounds do they make?)
He is a grunter for sure. Doesn’t say much, but he makes animalistic, unrestrained grunts that awaken something primal deep within you. He sounds absolutely feral sometimes and it’s the best kind of dangerously sexy.
W = Wildcard (Random headcanon for your character)
He hard to get to know, but once he lets you in he becomes extremely clingy. He will never admit it, but it’s not a coincidence that he always happens to be in the same room as you and just happens to need to brush his teeth while you jump in the shower, or he decides he needs a snack while you’re in the kitchen baking, or why he decides to read in the living room while you doing yoga instead of in the library/den. When you’re working from home he has never been happier knowing he can be in the same room with you literally all day every day.
X = X-ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
He’s surprisingly average, not that average is bad. Frankly though all that matters is how he uses it which is exceptionally well. He fills you just right and always leaves you feeling good. He isn’t flashy in appearance, but who needs flash when there’s substance and commitment to pleasure.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He is horny all the time, he is always ready whenever you are and can get feral if denied too long. He always respects your consent of course, but he is all over you all the time. If you ever ask him to fuck he’s naked before you can finish your request.
Z = ZZZ (How quickly do they fall asleep afterwards?)
He usually gets up and putters around right after you two finish as he works some of the leftover adrenaline out of his system. Which is why you often find him passed out, snoring and drooling on the couch or slumped over at the kitchen table just crashing where he lands when he comes down from his high.
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so-nightmary-ul · 4 years
Y/N is eight-year-old Julius’s ward.
Y/N is a twenty-year-old girl from our world who died. Her soul moved into the girl’s deceased body (it looks exactly like hers in childhood), from which, as a result of an illegal experiment, magic was taken away and thereby killed her in the world of the Black Clover. Y/N retained all her memories, including the plot of the anime. Julius took custody of her (let's be honest, Y/N just had no choice).
How it actually happened:
You were brought to the Clover castle almost at night. Supposedly secretly.
Marx met you, and then you both went to Julius.
Surprisingly, your conversation with him wasn't in his office, but in some room with a fireplace.
You were seated in one of the armchairs. Julius was sitting in the exactly same armchair opposite you.
In short, it all happened somehow like this:
You, in your thoughts: 'Perhaps I can replay this situation in my direction. It is only necessary to invent a story, how I–'
Julius: «You have the magic seal of reincarnation on you, so I know that you most likely don't belong here. You can tell me everything.»
You, worried, still in your thoughts: 'oh,  s h i–'
Apparently, he understood everything from your face, so he just laughed and offered to calm down and drink some tea.
Your bare feet, and in principle whole of you, were cold (you were in one tattered dress, in which you woke up in this world). You agreed.
During the conversation, you told him about yourself, and how did you die. You even accidentally blabbed that you know some things about their world. And only God knows why you told him all this at all. You could simply be stubbornly silent, well, or at least lie.
Maybe there was something in this tea. Maybe.
By the way, Julius even used Marx, who had been standing at the door all this time, so that he would use his Memory Magic on you. With your consent, of course.
After all this, Julius offered to stay here. By «here» he most likely meant both «in this world» and «in this castle».
Marx, in the background: «Wha– Lord Julius!»
It's not like you were paranoid, but for some reason it seemed very suspicious to you. Too good option. Too tempting offer to refuse.
But since you also weren't too stupid and understood that you don't and will not have any other shelter (besides, a child not trained in magic, there is no place safer than under the wing of the Wizard King, right?), you agreed.
Although you had a growing feeling that you had just, like a nice little girl, been wrapped around little finger.
But it was necessary to come up with a story of how the hell a poor eight-year-old girl settled in the Clover castle (and not by order of someone, but by the Wizard King!).
What options just didn't sound! And the niece, and the extramarital daughter (Marx: «Lord Julius, PLEASE, everything but not THIS!»     You: «Extramarital? So you have children from marriage?»     Julius: «WAIT, THIS IS NOT WHAT I MEANT–»), and the goddaughter, and the student, and the adopted daughter.
You all agreed on a ward, who was left alone after the death of one of Julius’s close friends, and over whom he took custody in memory of this friend.
You mentally apologized to Zora and his father.
After that you all parted. Marx took you to the guest room, wished you a good night, and left.
In this way, you turned out to be the ward of Julius Novachrono, the 28th Wizard King.
Being in the world of the Black Clover:
The next morning, you were PRETTY sure that you were simply wrapped around little finger, without even a choice.
Therefore, the first thing you did when Julius took custody of you was making a deal with him. He works for at least a couple of hours, and you tell him a little about magic from other worlds (anime, manga, TV shows, and etc) for twenty minutes. And then everything repeats.
So that he doesn't think that life is sweet, and Marx has less stress. After all, it’s can't be just only one Julius who's being cunning, right?
But then you realized that this deal was even profitable for him. Because Julius was ready to do a lot for the knowledge about magic. And given the fact that now he knows that you know what kind of person he is…
You realized that you had been wrapped around little finger by the same person twice already.
After that, you gave up trying to somehow outwit the Wizard King. Mission is impossible.
However, now, even though earlier Marx didn't agree with the idea of ​​leaving you in the Clover castle, he is ready to take his words back. Your new ally in this world.
Sometime later, you already began to curse your little body. Because with such height it was very difficult to reach something. And you didn't want to call someone and ask to reach it, because
You: «…and this proud independent woman is a little ashamed.»
In addition, you considered yourself smart enough to build a stable construction and reach something by yourself. And when you finally took the thing you needed in your hands, you realized that you weren’t smart enough to think about how to get down from this construction before climbing on it. And there was nobody around.
In this way, you met Owen, the royal healer. Because jumping from four large and tall chairs onto a slippery tiled floor with a scream «BANZAI!» was definitely not your best idea.
Marx, who came at the call of the servants: «Y/N! How did this even happen?! I understand that you might need a chair to reach something, if nobody is around, but…»
You: «It was a bookcase.»
Marx: «…FOUR chairs?!»
You: «It was a HIGH bookcase, and the book was almost on the top shelf.»
You: «I'm sorry, this will not happen again…»
In general, you were remembered by the royal healer as a quite smart little troublemaker.
At first you were afraid to leave the room once again, and if you left, you tried not to encounter people. But then you sent everything to the devi– hell. They can't blame you for anything.
We all know that Julius is 42 years old. Men at this age are usually tend to splashing out their paternal instinct on someone small, like a child (even if the body of this child contains the soul of a deceased and reincarnated twenty-year-old girl from another world, yeah). In general, that's why Julius gives out some EXTRA attention to you.
And even if, when he pampers you or has some baby-talk with you, your gaze literally told «what the hell are you doing». It breaks his little, poor, fatherly heart a little.
By the way, after Julius heard about your healing from Owen, he asked the servants to collect, according to your instructions, the books that you would like to read. A mini library in your room.
In general, you suspected that a child’s body sometimes still somehow affects your mind. Like «child mod». Because the former you would think twice– no, three times before doing something like that. You haven't seen another explanation.
Since there was absolutely nothing for you to do in this world, everything you did around the clock was walking around the territory of the Clover castle, reading, and sometimes talking with Julius outside his working hours.
By the way, the first time you opened a book, you realized that you don't understand almost a single letter. And you were surprised to find a book with the alphabet and basic grammar rules in the royal library (exhale, Marx, it was at an accessible height). Apparently, there is really everything in this all-praised royal library.
Julius was really upset that you didn't give him a chance to teach you how to read and write, since you did it by yourself.
But then you discovered drawing, and that was all.
DrAwInG fOr EvErYoNe
Yes, Marx, and for you.
Yes, Julius, and for you too. Don't make such a sad look.
By the way, about one of the consequences of Owen’s healing. You were ashamed of such childish rash behavior. Especially in front of Marx. Therefore, since then, sometimes you ask him for some work for yourself to at least help him a little with his work. Usually it's just taking something to someone, that is, the work of a messenger.
+1000 to Marx’s respect
There are days when Julius’s fatherly instinct pierces the sky. On such days, he comes to wake you up, although you usually wake up on your own. Then you have breakfast together (and Novachrono will not miss the chance to softly joke on you for something). You go to his office, where he works, and you either sit on his lap or draw or read while sitting next to him. Have lunch and dinner together. Then, by nightfall, Julius reads something out loud to you, like fairy tales, and can even kiss you on the forehead.
This is very kind of you, Julius.
But please don't do this anymore.
Julius doesn't hear your thoughts and sometimes continues to do so.
Once you got a little sick, and it was a  c h a o s.
Then was your Birthday. Just a few months later. And there are two options for the development of event: 1) you don't tell them about it, and they somehow know about it themselves (it's impossible to hide something from the Wizard King)  —>  Julius’s fatherly instinct is sounding an alarm  —> literally the best Birthday; 2) you tell them about it  —>  Julius’s fatherly instinct is sounding the alarm  —> literally the best Birthday. In the end, it all ends the same way.
At some point, it dawned on you that you feel like Asta, looking at people using their magic.
Although the body of the girl, which was occupied by your soul, was emptied of magic, apparently, this didn't apply to your soul.
No matter what your type of magic is, this man is THRILLED.
Then the holy  c a n o n  and the intrigues of the Eye of the Midnight Sun began, during which you, singing a quiet melody, painted «Licht» and his three-eyed gang. Then, with a sweet smile on your face and a creepy chuckle, painted over the whole sheet with black paint. And then burned this sheet in the fireplace.
Even knowing what would happen with Julius during the insurrection of the elves, it was painful.
Well, Julius’s fatherly instinct was now more like the older brother’s instinct. It bothered you a lot less. It, obviously, suited you more.
Now you and Julius are a team. Team We-do-not-look-at-our-chronological-age LOL
The captains of the Orders of the Magic Knights:
You didn't plan to meet with the captains of the orders for at least some more time, but then they had a meeting, and at the same time you mistaken the door, and here we are.
Frightened, when all eyes turned sharply on you, you wanted to apologize and quickly get out, but then Julius said cheerfully: «Oh, Y/N, it's you! Feel free to come in! Oh yes, you are not familiar. This is Y/N. She is my ward.»
Novachrono (the cunning, as he is) didn't even try to conceal you.
The first phrase, which instantly ended the dead silence in the room, belonged to the captain of the Black Bull.
Yami: «Damn, old man, when did you have time?»
Hearing «ward», they ALL thought not about what Julius really meant. But Sukehiro voiced this idea first and only.
You almost started to make excuses, but Julius spoke first in time. He explained the situation to them, and for some reason almost all the captains exhaled synchronously with relief.
The meeting could be officially considered interrupted, because c'mon, guys, this is the ward of the Wizard King.
If you are an introvert and don't like large crowds, then RIP
Rill was the first to come, as, apparently, the youngest of them. He began to chatter quickly and indistinctly, at the same time shaking your hands. From his monologue, you only understood that he was the captain of the Azure Deer, that he was nineteen, and that he was very glad to see you. Upon knowing that you like to draw (You, in your thoughts: 'It's not like I like it, I just don't even have much to do'), he began to speak even more merrily and to shake hands more intensely. Charlotte saved you from a dislocation of both arms. Stepping closer, she told Rill to stop, after what he, upset, fell behind.
You and Charlotte just stared at each other for a while. But then you had the urge to poke a finger into her cloak and say: «This is my favorite color.» After that, her face twitched for a second, and then she smiled a little. Charlotte gave you a blue rose created by her magic. When, having accepted the flower, you smiled broadly at the woman (you really like blue roses), the sound of a cracked heart was heard by you. But you still don't understand who it was coming from: Julius or Charlotte.
«Oh God, queen of thorns, what kind of expression that was now? Is your nerve pinched?» it was that phrase with which Yami came up to the two of you. Charlotte blushed, you looked at Sukehiro’s formidable face (he was your favorite character in the anime because of his jokes). When you coughed because of tobacco smoke, someone instantly exclaimed: «YAMI, PUT OUT THE CIGARETTE.» He was dissatisfied, but didn't put it out, but just moved away. This upset you a little.
Jack is creepy by himself, and now that you are standing right in front of him, and he, with his enormous height, hangs over you, you were scared three times more. You really froze, thinking that if Jack confuses you with a statue, he will lose interest in you. You could well have passed out because of fear, but Fuegoleon saved the situation.
He greeted you fairly adequately, asked for your name, and then called his. You thought that he was raising Leopold, so he has some communication skills with children. But Fuegoleon was strangely curious (which you thought was especially unusual for him). He asked about your hobbies, magic, and how do you generally live in the Clover castle. You liked to communicate with him.
Nozel didn't even get up from his place, content with what he was observing from the side. He only said (quite proudly) his name and then asked about your past parents. Julius answered him for you, on the go inventing that they were not from the nobility and other. Knowing that you're not from the nobility, he seems to have quickly lost interest.
William was the last to come. He squatted in front of you (the only one, by the way) and, smiling, called his name. Julius whispered to you: «William loves kids.» Knowing the plot of the Black Clover, you also smiled awkwardly at him, clutching Charlotte’s rose more tightly in your hands. You looked intently into his eyes, apparently trying to find something of Patri’s soul, but failed. And then you realized that for a long time you was indecently staring at a person and hastened to make excuses, blurting out the first thing that came to mind: «You have beautiful eyes.» William was surprised at first, but then again smiled only somehow differently. You thought you would die because of shame.
Dorothy and Gueldre didn't talk to you much. Well, that is, Unsworth snuffle something, but you didn't understand anything. And Poizot silently looked at you somehow strange, because of what you quickly looked away. These were the eyes of a crook merchant.
A few headcanons about the captains:
If you think Julius’s fatherly care is the most awkward care you ever received, then take your words back immediately.
One of the captains could well lend you one of their Magic Knights, if you need to go, for example, to the city.
Sometimes you and Rill draw together. Honestly, you're a little depressed by the fact that he draws 100 times better than you. And if you suddenly get the opportunity to be with him when he uses his magic, the «child mod» is switched-on in you, and you start to advise him what to draw in order to win. There is no need to say that he likes you very much, right?
At one point, Charlotte realized that you looked a bit like Yami. She, you and Yami appeared in her head. F A M I L Y. Charlotte’s heart cracked a second time.
At first, Sukehiro for some reason didn't like you too much. But then, when you became interested in his katana and muscles, perhaps he became more favorable a little. Perhaps.
You still stare a little suspiciously at William when you see him. Absolutely unaware of what was going on in his head.
Patri, don't make such face. Yes, she has the magic seal of reincarnation on her. Patri?.. PATRI, DON'T YOU DARE–
But William knows how to make good wood figures.
If one day someone decides to kidnap you or something, he is better off using all the luck he has. Because when he blunders, no one will ever see him again.
You really like spending time in the World of Dreams with Dorothy.
At some point, you became aware of yourself braiding Fuegoleon’s hair. You wanted to pinch yourself to make sure that it was just a dream, but decided to still watch this fascinating dream, while there is a chance.
Soon you realized that you were not sleeping.
You gave almost all of them a drawing of themselves.
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softyoongiionly · 4 years
NSFW A-Z List (La Grande Maison! Taehyung)
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***This contains smut, 18+ only please***
“It’s really no surprise that all of you were asking for me ha. You heard a bit of my story and, read some things you liked didn’t you? I wish I knew what the big deal was honestly. Is it the French? Or is the fact that you know I could probably fuck you so good that you’d be ruined for other men? Maybe it’s a bit of both. Either way, if you like this, let me know. I don’t spill secrets for free.”
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex):
“It depends on who I’m fucking. If it’s a one night thing, I usually go outside for a cigarette. I’m not really into cuddling after sex. I’m too sweaty and too sensitive. If I’ve been playing with a partner, I make sure they’re alright. Subspace is a hell of a drug ha. I’ve made some people go cross eyed so, I have to take care of them while they’re coming down. Forehead kisses usually do the trick.”
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s):
“I’m not into this question. A person’s body isn’t what I find attractive. I’m only down to fuck you if you intrigue me somehow. I want to know what goes on inside your mind, what makes you tick. Otherwise, I’m bored. Hot people are fucking boring most of the time aren’t they? They’re all the same.”
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person):
“Most guys like when their partners swallow but, not me. I like to watch it drip down their chin, their face… it doesn’t matter. I wanna see it all over the place. I want to see that they like the taste of me.”
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs):
“I don’t have any dirty secrets haha. I’ve got nothing to hide. I mean, I have a thing for sleeping with married people, men or woman, that shit is hot; to know that I’m too tempting to resist. Most people probably think that’s fucked up but, I can’t help myself.”
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?):
“I am very experienced but, that doesn’t mean people don’t surprise me sometimes. I had a girl that wanted to try flogging recently and, I hadn’t done it in a while so, I had to figure out how to do it right so, we’d both be enjoying ourselves. It made me cum in my pants and, she was begging for me by the end of it so, I guess you could say I figured it out.”
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual):
“My favorite position is when my partner’s wrists and ankles are bound. They can truly let go this way and, let me do what I do best.”
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc):
“I mean, I can laugh quite a bit during play sessions. It’s kind of cute honestly, watching someone beg for you. They know it doesn’t work but, they do it anyway. I can’t help but laugh. They know they don’t get to cum until I say but, they ask me anyways. They should know by now that begging only makes it worse for them.”
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.):
“I don’t shave and, I don’t care if other people shave. Body hair is a boring topic.”
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…):
“I’ve never been in love before so, I can’t really provide much insight into this question. Being someone’s dominant is pretty intimate I guess but, I don’t know. Uh…next question…”
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon):
“I barely jack off and, if I do, it’s for money haha. If I’m horny, I find another consenting adult and, we fuck.”
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks):
“I mean…I think you can guess from my previous answers right? My main kink is definitely control. I like knowing that someone is willing to give themselves to me and, once we discuss their boundaries and, safe word, I fuck their shit up ha. Consent is important though so, for all of my fellow doms out there, make sure your respecting your playmate. Or I’ll fuck you up too.”
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do):
“Before I had the money for a proper play room, my favorite place was in the University library. I used to fuck one of the law professors there pretty regularly. She just got out of her 18 year long marriage and, holy shit she was incredible. She made me cum so hard, I almost forgot my fucking name ha. It’s usually me doing that to other people but, fuck, she really knew what she was doing.”
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going):
“My motivation is to ruin your life for a little bit. If you aren’t screaming for me by the end of it, then I’m doing something wrong. As far as what turns me on, I like intelligence. I won’t fuck anyone that isn’t aware of what their getting into and, I won’t fuck someone who’s emotionally distressed. I may be a bit of a sadist but, I’m not an asshole. But yeah, if you’re smart and, you like art. Hit me up. I’m bored.”
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do):
“I don’t have any limits ha. As long as it isn’t shit or vomit, I’m probably game. As long as we discuss it beforehand. I’ve done some crazy shit.”
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc):
“I like both but, I prefer giving rather than receiving. “
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? Etc.):
“I mean, if you’re fucking me, you’re going to get a bit of everything. Slow, fast, rough, gentle, I do it all. It depends on the situation, I can finish us off in 10 mins or, I can fuck you for hours on end. I prefer the latter though, it’s more fun that way.”
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.):
“Quickies are fun. Especially when my partner is really ready for me. Shit, that’s really hot actually. Just pinning someone up against wall and, fucking them still they go cross eyed? Sign me up.”
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.):
“Fucking isn’t fun if it isn’t risky.”
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…):
“I cum whenever I want and, as many times as I want. If I want to cum at the start of the session, I will. If I want to wait until we’ve been at it for 3 hours, I will. It just depends on how I’m feeling. “
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?):
“I have pretty much every toy you can think of. I just had a new St. Andrews cross made for my playroom, it’s black marble, you know to commemorate our favorite little sociopath from the Upside.”
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease):
“I will tease you until you’re a dripping, whimpering little mess and, then and only, then will I decide whether or not you deserve relief.”
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make):
“I don’t make a lot of noise unless I’m giving you a command. Sometimes, shit gets a little intense for me too though and, I want my partner to know how good they are making me feel.”
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice):
“I want to fall in love so bad but, it terrifies me. How’s that for a fucking wildcard?”
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words):
“I have a massive dick if that’s what this question is referring to.”
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?):
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards):
“I don’t fall asleep after sex. I have to make sure my partner is ok and, then usually I go back out or I have to make sure they make it to their room ok. Guys who fall asleep after sex need to work on their stamina.”
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randomfandomz · 5 years
Im not sorry–
Depressed as f*ck so he doesnt have the modivation to take care of himself
He drinks mainly to forget, and to releive stress
Not only that but he H A T E S water(not as much as Baxter does, but he still avoids it like the plauge)
He never showers until he absolutely has to
Like his fur is always matted and alchohol scented
And he thinks licking himself clean like non-demon cats do is absolutely out of the question, it is gross and undignified, he doesnt want to lick himself and water makes his fur feel heavy and cold and he w i l l argue with you about this
He hates having fur. He just hates it. Its hard to take care of and things get stuck in it, it gets caught in things and just hhhh h h h H H - NO
Will straight up refuse to shower until Charlie makes him
Everyone in the hotel knows about shower day
The day when they make Husk take a shower because e w g r o s s o l d m a n -
Baxter somewhat sympathizes with him about his hatred of water
Not like he actually shows it or does anything to help him though- because 1) Bax really doesnt give a flying f*ck, he just wants to do science and this doesnt concern science so he couldnt care less, and 2) He doesnt wanna speak up because s o c i a l a n x i e t y . S o c i a l i n t e r a c t i o n ? N o t h a n k y o u .
Hes literally a cat, so he hates water with a burning passion
Husk's self image is kinda... ehhhhhh- I mean, its not like he really is that bad looking, if anything he looks pretty damn cool, but he honestly finds himself pretty unattractive. "The fur and wings d o n t h e l p "
Doesnt care if you call him old unless youre trying to be offensive; Hes proud of his age and experience
Even though he acts like an old man(well, he kinda is, but-) hes actually younger than Baxter, Mimzy, Alastor, Angel, and Nifty
Only Vaggie and Crymini are younger than him
When Husk first arrived at the hotel he didnt really wanna interact with anyone; New places kind of stress him out, so it took a long time for him to adjust and not snap at every little thing
Dont get me wrong, hes still a pissy alchoholic^tm, but the anger is less serious/genuine and more just because thats how he is
Husk fought in the vietnam war, and he attempted(and failed) suicide multiple times after the war until he was eventually beaten to death outside of a bar
He turned to alchoholism and gambling as a coping mechanism
Husk suffers from PTSD(Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), along with the obvious alchoholism and gambling addiction
He is very salty/sad that he's a war vet but died in a bar fight, and wouldn't be remembered for his fighting but rather for being beaten to death in a bar while trying to drink away the feelings he had about not being welcomed home because of the way the media portrayed him and his fellow soldiers that fought in Vietnam
Upon learning that Husk is a vietnam war vet(he mentioned it while drunk off his ass- more than usual) one patron who attended the hotel for a short time told him "Welcome home doc!". Husk was surprised, as he had come to terms with the idea that he would never be thanked or welcomed for his services, but he did make sure to be maybe a bit less pissy to that particular guest. He will never forget them. It meant more to him than he would like to admit.
((I can't really think of a better reason as to why Husk would bring it up, but having seen one or two instances of someone saying "welcome home" to Vietnam war vets, I really wanted to add this. The "Welcome home doc" thing was me referencing a specific instance of this ive seen. Im so sorry if I'm wrongly portraying this in anyway, I tried to do enough research first before typing this part out, but I just wanted to point out that I tried my best to be respectful while talking about the subject.))
Moving on- L A S E R P O I N T E R S
One time Angel was just casually messing around with a laser pointer, out of boredom or something
"That DAMN RED DOT where the FUCK did iT gO!?"
He HATES that he does this, but he really cannot help it
Being a cat demon, and being Husk, his hunt and kill instinct is through the roof(hunt and kill instinct is why cats chase laser pointers btw)
Was VERY pissy for the next few weeks after this incident
Husk will purr involuntarily whenever someone pets him or strokes his fur
He WILL murder anyone who attempts to pet him or make him purr without consent(*COUGH COUGH* ANGEL *COUGH*)
Same goes for the wings DO NOT TOUCH THE WINGS, JUST DONT-
In his room, Husk's bed is literally a mound of blankets and pillows inside a box
Even he needs to get warm and comfortable after a long day
He never lets anyone in his room
Like n e v e r
Angel snuck in one night- Husk's half asleep drunken a*s shoved him out and yelled at him, waking up practically all the hotel staff and a few guests
In his defense, Angel, upon seeing the sleeping Husk, scratched behind his ears. Husk started to purr, but then snapped to somewhat conciousness, and realized what the f*ck was going on-
Yes, Husk is v e r y defensive
Give him a compliment? He wont accept it under any circumstances. He will probably be flustered and claim that the other is either lying or just kissing up to him
"You know you dont have to kiss my a*s to ask me something, right? The fuck do you want?"
Charlie honestly finds his reaction to compliments very sad
Has a kind of "well ya didnt need to point it out" attitude towards insults
Alastor insults him with the worst names in the book? He accepts it and couldnt give less f*cks
Even if its someone either than Alastor insulting him, usually even if he acts offended and p*ssed off, somewhere in his mind he just accepts it
Usually Alastor is the one insulting him, but in a "best friend rights" kind of way
He likes being creative when it comes to colorful language
"Look out to my sea of f*cks, and see how it is barren"
Doesnt have a "soft spot" for kids like Angel, but doesnt mind lessening the swearing a bit and doing a few magic tricks for the occasional child that somehow found their way to the hotel
If Husk is hissing at you you better f*ckin rUN-
He usually refrains from hissing- its part of him rebelling against his cat-like nature, but if he is openly hissing at you it means he is at his wits-end and is honestly P * S S E D .
Crymini has a blog documenting all the cat-like things Husk does, and she sometimes does the classic "THIS IS A HUSK IN ITS NATURAL HABITAT" or "LETS SEE HOW THE KITTY REACTS TO THIS NEXT THING" bit, and Husk honestly finds it insulting as f*ck
Crymini pranked Husk with a cucumber(you know how cats on the internet are terrified of them) and Husk was actually scared of it, and he ran up a f*cking tree and wouldnt come down for a solid hour, partly put of legitimate fear, and partly out of spite from seeing the slightly guilty look on Crymini's face after the first 20 minutes of him hiding up there
Being a cat demon, alchohol is actually slightly toxic to him, and he is prone to alchohol poisoning. He usually drinks beer, which has low ammount of ethanol(5-7%)[ethanol is what makes alchohol so toxic to cats]
Baxter has a spray bottle to use on Husk if he is being particularly stubborn or bothersome. Charlie sometimes uses her own spray bottle for similar purposes, but she usually says something like "Bad kitty! No!" Along with it to tease him. Husk finds it humiliating and hates when his fur is wet, so surprisingly the spray bottle thing usually works.
He is demi-panromantic and asexual
H A T E S being touched, like under any circumstances
"The last time I voluntarily made physical contact with another being was in 1970 and it was while I was loosing a bar fight. It was also the day I was beaten to death and setenced to hell."
Angel: Hey kitty~! Wanna cuddle~?
Husk: The last time I voluntarily made physical contact with another being was in 1970 and it was while I was loosing a bar fight.
Angel: Oh really? *snickers* And how'd that work out for ya'?
Husk: Well, it was also the day I was beaten to death and put in hell. So I dunno. You tell me.
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ambivalent-auguries · 3 years
C, F, H for Steve / L, R, V for Jaume / A, M, T for Roger / E, N, U for Hudson / D, F, Y for Yamato
Smut headcanon game
C: Compliments (Mid- and post-sex compliments)
Steve loves to compliment his partners - absolutely lavish them in affection and praise. And he is sincere about it all as well, when he says he loves the way you look in this light, he does it with the sweetest smile and a gaze full of adoration.
F: Firsts (First time having sex together)
Steve is really big into consent and he will quite literally ask about everything every step of the process... It kinda takes the like excitement out of things, but he would rather ask and make sure you are 100% happy with everything that’s happening rather than assume and make you uncomfortable ;; And that applies more so when he’s intimate with someone for the first time. 
H: Handsy (When they can’t keep their hands to themselves)
In the morning loool he loves waking up to his partners and starting the day right lol Also, if you’re wearing his shit and looking all sleepy and stuff oh boy just give that image to wake up to and he’ll get REAL handsy lol 
L: Likes (What they like in the bedroom)
Give him rough and dirty, give him a bit of a fight, give him aggression lol He responds to anger and violence, honestly, that’s how he communicates jegshg Cause he’s a what? Yes, a heathen lol But yes, he likes sex rough, he likes to kinda break people and watch them just take it. 
R: Ruttish (Signs that they’re horny)
Is he awake? Then he’s horny lol Jaume is always 80% angry, 100% horny ajgdsg LOL I’m kidding... He usually just initiatives things, he’s a very dominant top, you won’t have a problem trying to read his mind, he will grab you and tell you straight to your face ‘we’re fucking now’ loool But also, biting/marking, rougher touches, holding onto you tighter - those are good non-verbal indicators. 
V: Videos (Sending NSFW videos to each other)
He has absolutely no issue with that jasbdsv He’s not in relationships enough to get to a stage where that is a thing lol But if he does, you bet he’s the kind to want to film it all and get off to the tape meshvs 
A: Aphrodisiac (What encourages or entices them to make a move?)
Roger is stupidly visual as a person, like... If you’re good looking and he’s attracted to you, he will make a fucking move and he will make one fast loool He’s always at like 25% flirty anyway, so it’s super easy for him to turn it to 120% and start simping lol 
M: Morning (Describe morning sex)
It’s probably lazy, but not in what he does - he’s still extra, even in the morning. But a bit more chilled out, taking his time, full of soft touches and smiling and almost chaste kisses all over your face ;; 
T: Teasing (Who’s the tease in the relationship? What do they do? How often?)
ROGER ALWAYS GETS TEASED kjhhgv Because he’s entirely too weak for the people he likes to they could legit do anything and play with him a lil and yeah lol he can retaliate but always ends up being weak and a fucking simp for his partners lol
E: Experimenting (Trying something new)
Hudson is legit the type to try anything once lol He’s pretty open to most things, aside from like intense pain or being controlled to the extreme. But aside from that, shoot, he’ll go with the flow lol 
N: Never (Things they would never try)
Being incapacitated or not having a say in how things go. He’s a bit of a top leaning switch and while he’s not like massively dominant, he is more on the dominant side and also so not into being controlled or tied up or anything like that - let the man be free lol 
U: Undressing (Strip teasing a partner)
Nah if you want to get him going, dirty talk is where it’s at loool He’s less of a visual person and more a sound based person lol 
D: Dancing (Describe when dancing gets a little dirty….)
What is dancing?... No, I’m kidding, he can like slow dance, but he’s honestly so respectful and like... REPRESSED he would never dare turn nice dancing into something dirty lol 
F: Firsts (First time having sex together)
He would take it very seriously and kind of tackle it like a job loool Methodically. Also quite in his head about stuff and afraid of performance anxiety or worried he won’t enjoy it. You need to get him out of his head a bit and after that he is a good lover ;; 
Y: Yawn (How they sleep post-sex)
Wraps his partners in his arms and has almost this like protective thing about them lol Aside from that, he sleeps WELL lol 
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doctorgerth · 5 years
Contest Winner (Third Place)
Winner: @arkanfire
Prize Choice: Full NSFW Alphabet with any character
Description: Full NSFW Alphabet with Eustass Kid; female mentions and pronouns
Rating: 100% filth
Warnings: extra extra smutty, like, all the smut
Note: Sorry to post these prizes out of order! I have the one shot for second place winner a little over half way done, it’s just taking a bit longer because it is a one shot. I went ahead and worked on this today and it didn’t take very long so I wanted to go ahead and post it! Hat, I really hope you enjoy this, my love! It was really fun to write! I need a shower now... x 
Full NSFW Alphabet (Eustass Kid)
A = Aftercare (What they're like after sex)
- Depending on if it's a one night stand or someone he truly loves, aftercare can actually vary
- With one night stands, he's pretty quick to tell them to get out, or quick to leave if he's at their place; he has no interest in cuddling or exchanging in pillow talk with someone he's never going to see again, let alone someone he doesn't really give two shits about
- With someone he loves, he's of course more inclined to stay; he's still not very cuddly as he usually gets really hot to the touch after his sessions so he'll ask his partner to stay on their side of the bed for a moment until he cools down
- he'll either grab a glass of water or perhaps some whiskey, and probably some food as well, not caring if he's walking around the place completely naked; if he's feeling particularly generous he'll ask them if they want anything while he rummages through the kitchen
- once he's ready, he'll allow his partner to cuddle him, usually he'll just lie on his back and let them cuddle up on his chest
- he doesn't really participate in much pillow talk as he's pretty quick to fall asleep after
- he'll pretty much always be honest and tell them if their session was good or bad, no matter who his partner was for the night
- cleanup is a bit messy as he usually leaves to clean himself off, measly throwing a towel or shirt or whatever at his partner to clean themselves
B = Bodypart (Their favorite body part of their's and also their partner's)
- he's of course mega proud about his cock, is anyone surprised?
- he's conquered many ladies with it, made quite a few cum all over it, what's not to be proud of?
- it fuels his ego immensely when a woman praises his cock, god he can't get enough of that
- he's also quite proud of his torso, how broad and toned it is; it's usually what wins the ladies over initially
- as for his favorite part on a woman? definitely the ass, everyone knows Kid is an ass man
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)
- Kid's cum is a bit on the thicker side, really really sticky
- It's not the best tasting cum by any means, but it's not the worst
- Kid usually prefers to cum on his partner's ass or in their mouth, but he's really not picky as seeing his partner drenched in his cum is gonna excite him either way
- He actually has pretty good aim too, he's not really clumsy when shooting his seed, if you tell him not to get it in your hair he's pretty good at following your orders
- If his partner asks him to cum inside, he's honestly really turned on but also really terrified as he doesn't want any kids right now
- unless it's with a partner he really trusts, he'll usually just ignore them, pretending he didn't hear their request and jizz literally anywhere else
- his pull out game is immaculate; no babies for Eustass  
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
- It's not much of a secret but it is dirty nonetheless: Kid loves anal sex
- Penetration, rimming, anything that can be done to the booty he's gonna do it because he just absolutely loves it
- The extra tightness, the view of the ass, the naughty sensation of doing anal just really turns him on so much
- He doesn't care how taboo it is, it's a thrill to him and he's gonna keep doing it
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)
- Kid has a great amount of experience, but not nearly as much as he likes to put off
- He's had a handful of one night stands, some really great, some absolutely shitty, but by now he definitely knows his way around a woman
- He likes to be in control 99% of the time, so he'd of course need to know what he's doing in order to be the leader
- There's some gray areas where he's a bit unsure, so his partner needs to be able to explain it to him well to his understanding or he's not interested; sex isn't meant for trial and error, he's going to fuck you like he knows how to
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying)
- Literally any variation of Doggy Style
- it brings forth a sort of primal desire in his being when he gets to fuck someone from behind; there's so much power, so much carnal energy from taking a woman from behind
- bending a girl over and just pounding into them is definitely his favorite way to have sex; he'll usually grab fistfuls of their hair, or smack their ass until his hand prints are littered on their skin
- he's an ass man, so he needs to see that ass when he's fucking
- Reverse Cowgirl (in the rare instances he lets his woman top)
- Kid isn't totally against a woman topping him, if she knows what she's doing and just how he likes it, he'll let her take control
- it's just such a rare occasion for a woman to keep up with his pace while riding him, plus he gets frustrated with all the teasing so he usually throws them off and goes back to taking the reigns
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they more humorous)
- If you ever laughed at Kid while having sex with him, he'd get instantly pissy and probably storm out; the mood is just ruined for him in general
- Sex is no laughing matter; it's time for him to make the both of you feel good, chase after your respective highs, what's so funny about it? Are you saying he's doing so poorly he's making you laugh at him? No one laughs at Kid!
- He takes it way too personally honestly, and gets real butt hurt about it, so laughing during sex is a no go
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
- The carpet definitely matches the drapes
- His dark red pubes are insanely curly
- He honestly gets really frustrated with the shaving, he cuts himself like every time due to his impatience, so he doesn't really shave all too often
- He trims his hairs down when they get too wild for his liking, but that's about it
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect)
- Romantic? Yeah right
- Sex isn't romantic to him, he doesn't get the whole "emotional connection" that comes with it, so he doesn't see sex as a big deal really
- It's just two people trying to gain physical pleasure
- I can see him having "romantic" sex with the absolute love of his life if she asks him to, and obviously sex with someone he loves does mean something to him, but other than that, he's not very intimate in the bedroom  
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
- Kid has been whacking it since the age he first learned how to
- His masturbation habits may be a bit over the average Joe's, but he needs to release his anger and stress somehow
- He literally has no shame in where he masturbates, when the urge arises, he's gotta do it then and there; he'll usually just sneak off to the nearest private room
- Needless to say, Killer and the rest of the crew have walked in on him plenty of times
- If possible, he'd like to stare at some suggestive magazines or maybe a picture of his lover (if he had one), but his mind and hand really do all the work themselves
- Just like with sex, he curses a lot during the process and he's a bit loud when he cums
- He'll usually just jizz into his hand or a spare shirt or sock; the floor of his bedroom is full of cum clothes, smh
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
- Humiliation Play
- calling his partner a whore or a slut or whatever other degrading name really gets him going; the way they react to it, whether they moan in delight or growl in annoyance will always turn him on
- don't ever try to humiliate Kid in bed though, he'll get ticked off easily; he expects you to praise him, telling him how good he's fucking you
- Pain
- Kid is always a bit rough when it comes to sexy times; the pain felt or inflicted just sends an adrenaline rush through his body that ignites the sexual fires inside his veins, making for some intense, rowdy sex
- Choking, gagging, spanking, hair pulling, biting, etc. are all things he enjoys in the bedroom
- He's even okay with his partner slapping him around a bit, it doesn't ever hurt him, but it stings just enough to fuel that rush
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
- Kid could really care less where he has sex just as long as he's getting some
- From the most private quarters to the more public areas, he's gonna take his partner when he's in the mood (also with consent bc Kid believes in consent gdi)
- I'd say some of his favorite places are the bedroom, his study, public restrooms, and alleys
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
- The adrenaline after a fight always manages to make blood rush down to his member
- That victory after defeating someone/something or even the energy after a fight with his partner always makes him hot and heavy, eager to get nasty with them
- Seeing his partner either flustered from his teasing or pissed off from his antics also makes it easy to pop a boner
- Revealing clothing is a bit more difficult, as yes he enjoys seeing the more risque side of his partner, but he's also pissed to see them flaunting their stuff for everybody to see
- Either way, it's motivation nonetheless, whether it's motivation to praise their sexy body or motivation to punish them for being so scandalous; they're gonna end up having sex either way
- Public teasing is also another way to get him in the mood
- But let's be real, this boy is practically always in the mood
N = NO (Something they won't do, turn offs)
- Cuckolding or threesomes with another guy
- No other man is ever going to have the chance to fuck his woman, that is not okay in his books; his lover is his and only he can make them scream in pleasure
- Being submissive
- Kid doesn't have a single submissive bone in his body so don't expect him to bend for you
- Although he can appreciate a woman taking charge every now and then, he has to have the ability to regain control whenever he wants, so he's not really interested in being cuffed or tied up
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
- Kid actually has a pretty short tongue, his clit game is ridiculous but as for eating out? it's not his best work really
- Due to this, plus his own selfish ways, he much prefers receiving than giving
- That won't stop him from asking his lover to come sit on his face though
- 69ing is probably his favorite way to do during oral, that or having his lover on their knees for him, sucking him off
- He loves some good face fucking, so be prepared for him to grab you by the hair and pound his dick into your mouth
- He won't deny that he loves the feeling of someone gagging on his cock, it makes him feel massive and he just basks in the feeling of them practically choking on his member
- Cumming in his partner's mouth is one of his fav ways to blow a load
- He finds it hot as hell if they swallow; watching them clean up and swallow his mess is always a gateway to some intense fucking
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
- Slow and sensual are words that just don't belong in Kid's sexual dictionary
- His pace is 99.9999% always going to be rough, relentless, and animalistic as that's just in his nature
- He needs a strong woman that can take his eager pace as he's never going to go easy on them
- His pace is roughest during quickies or when his partner has been teasing and tormenting him all day
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
- Quickies are definitely a thing with Kid, though they're not preferred like you would think
- Kid likes to give his all in everything he does, sex included, and you can't really do that with quickies so they're not his preference
- But he's definitely not opposed to them either, if a quickie is all he can get right now, it's a hell of a lot better than nothing so he'll take it
- Quickies are usually the roughest sex you'll get from Kid; as he usually just completely skips any kind of foreplay and jumps straight into pounding into you like a wild animal
- Up against the wall quickies are his favorite  
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
- Kid isn't really into experimenting; he's had his rounds, he knows what he likes and he knows what he's good at
- His sexual ways are enough to satisfy him, so he won't settle with a partner who expects more out of him
- I can see him willing to experiment with a partner he truly loves and trusts, but he'll probably complain the whole time lmao; and there's just certain things he'll definitely say no to, like pegging or golden showers or just weird things
- As for the taking risks, the idea of getting caught by someone while doing the do is a major turn on for him, so I'd say he enjoys taking those kinds of risks
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last)
- On a good day, Kid could probably go about 3 or 4 rounds
- Usually though, he makes his sessions long enough for them to be absolutely exhausted after, so just one more round to seal the deal is usual his go to
- Kid has impeccable stamina, and can last for a pretty long time to no one's surprise
- He knows when to quit it though as he can tell when his partner is getting exhausted; so typically, he'll go for however long his partner will allow him
- That's not to say it's impossible to make him cum because there are quite a few talents that can make him bust easily
- Blowjobs are an easy way to make him nut, especially if you can manage to deepthroat his cock; the sensation of someone gagging on his cock always brings him right to the edge
- Strict attention on his head will always make him cum quicker than usual as it's just so sensitive
- Kid never really lasts long during anal sex either as the extra tightness around his dick is just too much to handle
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
- Toys with Kid are a no go
- He owns a fleshlight, thanks to a gag gift from Heat, and he used it once but it wasn't nearly as good as his hand so it just kinda sits in his drawer
- If he can't bring himself pleasure from his own personal skill then there's something wrong
- With a partner, the same rule applies; if he can't make them scream his name and cum all over him with his own body and skills then he's not doing a great job
- He firmly believes they don't need toys to have good sex
- The furthest I can see him going are small toys he makes himself like maybe nipple clamps or something idk
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
- Kid isn't much of tease during sex as he likes to get straight to the point usually
- Most of the teasing happens beforehand like when Kid is trying to insinuate he's in the mood and he's trying to test to see if his partner is in the mood as well
- A lot of his teasing happens in public, whether it be groping, toying with her lady bits under a table, or slamming her against the wall and grinding his member against her, then just casually walking away
- He definitely knows what he's doing when teasing, as his actions pretty much always lead to a sexually frustrated partner that is more than eager for him when they get a chance to sneak away, begging him to fuck her
- He'll appreciate a partner who reciprocates this form of teasing but he doesn't like a teaser in the bedroom; he's way too impatient for that
- If you want really frustrated Kid sex (which hey you just might) then tease the hell out of him and he'll show you no mercy
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
- Kid is loud as fuck and he kinda hates it about himself because he of course wants to hear the moans from his partner rather than his own
- But between the cursing and the spanking and the grunts and the "Who's fucking you so good?" kind of chants, anyone within ear shot is gonna know what's going
- His voice is low, but he's just a naturally loud and boisterous man so of course his groans of pleasure are gonna be loud, like distant roars of rolling thunder
- He tends to curse and grunt a bit louder once reaching climax
W = Wild Card (Random headcanon)
- Kid finds it absolutely sexy to see his lipstick smeared all over his partner
- If the situation allows, he'll sneak away to apply some more on (he's always got it on him) just so he can smear the lipstick all over his partner's body, littering her skin with his red marks
- He might look a little ridiculous with smeared lipstick on his face, but he could care less as the markings on her body truly make her look divine
X = X-Ray (Let's see what's going on in those pants)
- His dick is pale just like the rest of him, but with a big, blush pink tip that's really sensitive
- I'd say he's about average size (for his height), probably about 6 inches or a lil less than that
- What he lacks in length he makes up for in girth; his dick is thicc af, and he's quite proud of the way he stretches women so well, but it's a bit painful for virgins or anal sex tbh
-  It has a couple of prominent veins, but other than that, it's really smooth
- slight curve upward
- more of a shower than a grower
- his balls are about average in comparison to his penis size (they're also really sensitive)
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
- Way too fucking high lemme tell ya
- This man is a literal walking sex machine, ready to shove his dick into something literally any second of the day
- He's got so much built up anger and stress he needs to release, so he's like horny 100% of the time
- He honestly needs a partner that is ready to get it anytime and anywhere
Z = ZZZ (How quickly they fall asleep afterwords)
- Because his sessions are long and intense he's pretty quick to fall asleep after due to overexertion and the blissful feeling of coming down from his high
- He's pretty good about cleaning up before falling asleep, but honestly sometimes he just crashes right after rolling off of them
- He hardly cares about getting dressed before crashing, as I said before he gets really warm after sex, so he'll allow himself to cool off before rolling over and pulling his partner into him
- If he's staying with a stranger (very very rare) he'll just roll away from them and start snoring immediately
- With a loved one, he'll try his best to stay awake, talking about whatever they want, but sleep ultimately takes him within five minutes after sex
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hbostolemysoul · 5 years
Band of Brothers fluff alphabet: Denver ‘Bull’ Randleman
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Bull has this calm presence about him that makes you feel secure, which some may initially question given his hulking height and stature. But he has never once made you feel anything but safe and loved. On particularly sunny days the light brings out the flecks of grey-blue in his eyes, it reminds you of the sky beginning to clear after a storm.
The thing Bull truly finds most attractive about you, is how you look at him. You look at him without judgment. You see past the war-hardened exterior, which after returning stateside feels like a rarity where veterans are concerned. You love him despite the ghosts that still haunt him from the war, some days it baffles him that someone like you would choose to be with someone like him.  
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Bull would want to set down roots and have a secure home and financial situation before having children. He remembers how hard the Depression hit his family, he had to drop out of school and move across the state to find work. Being separated from his family and having his education cut short was rough for Denver, he wants to make sure that any children he helps bring into the world will have a better life than he did.
Once you two are ready for children Bull would literally do anything he could to make you comfortable throughout your pregnancy. You are not too hormonal, but there are a few times when you snap at him throughout your pregnancy. He takes it all in stride though. Bull feels that he is responsible for the state you are currently in, and if yelling at him about putting the lid to the pickle jar on too tight helps you to feel better than he is more than willing to take on that role. After all its not like he has a tiny human kicking his bladder 24 hours a day. (Also if he could survive Sobel than he can survive anything HIGH-HO SILVER).
You and Denver end up having 2 children together, and yes, those babies were massive.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
Bull likes to have you laying on his chest, arms wrapped around you. To be completely honest you like it too. The steady beat of his heart has become your personal soothing lullaby. While you did not know Bull before the war the few stories he has shared with you have made you realize how close you could have come to never meeting this man. The closeness is something you both crave.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Bull has an appreciation for baseball. It is something he used to do with the Easy guys during downtime during training and near the end of the war. When the opportunity arises you two try to get tickets to see the local team play. Even if baseball isn’t your favorite thing, seeing how relaxed Denver is during those games more than makes up for it.
E = Everything (You are my __ (e.g. my life, my world…))
“You are the light of my life, Doll”
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
You had taken up the closing shifts at the diner you worked at, as your co-worker was heavily pregnant, and the days had just gotten too long for her. Denver had been concerned about you walking home alone so late at night, and while you assured him that the walk to your apartment wasn’t too far away he had taken to walking you home after your shifts. You would have protested more, but the way his blue eyes clouded over with concern made any arguments you had seemed irrelevant. The man had been through enough, and if making sure you got home safe every night gave him some peace than it was the least you could do.
It was one night in particular when the cool wind had you both leaning into each other as you walked that something just clicked. Denver had been nothing but a gentleman the entire time you had known each other, never touching you without your consent. Honestly, it was sweet.
You gently pulled your hand out of your pocket and intertwined it with his and stopped walking. With his hand intertwined with yours, he turned and gave you a concerned look. You just gave him one of your calm, knowing smiles and pulled him a bit closer. You gently pulled him towards you until your lips met his.    “Thank you, Den”, you whispered against his lips. At that moment you just knew. You were in love with him.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Definition of a gentle giant. Bull has a way of touching you that is both strong yet soft at the same time. As your relationship progresses he becomes more comfortable touching you. He has this way of communicating how much he loves you through simple touches. You two have come up with this unspoken language, which comes in particularly handy when Den is feeling a bit overwhelmed while you two are out. With a simple touch you know he needs you, and from there you can begin to plan your escape.
You can honestly say that you have never been loved, the way Den loves you, and before you met him you didn’t know that such a love could exist.  
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
Fingers intertwined, his large paw of a hand is a warm and comforting presence against yours.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
Bull had walked into the diner you worked at. At first glance, you had immediately known that he was a soldier. There was something different in the way men who had served held themselves compared to those who hadn’t. There was also a distance in his stormy eyes that gave you some indication that he had seen far more hardship than anyone should have to experience for one lifetime. You had however noticed that behind that war veteran exterior, he was quite ruggedly handsome. When you first interacted with Den he was very polite, responding to most of your questions with ‘yes Ma’am’.
He was quiet, but there was something that drew you to him. When you brought him his bill you had scribbled a note on the back “This one is on me. Thank you for your service - *your name*”. He tried to tip you, but you just gave him this knowing soft smile and waved his money away. From that moment on he became a regular, always seeming to sit on your side of the diner.  
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
No. Not with you. In the past Bull has maybe had a handful of experiences where he felt jealous, but never with you. You trust each other completely, a trust he hadn’t felt since fighting alongside his brothers. You would never stray from one and other, you are his, and he is yours. Completely.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
He did, but you had to do some prompting. Denver is a gentleman through and through, and while you appreciated that you just wanted the man to kiss you already. You had worn a particularly enticing shade of red lipstick one night, and it wasn’t until he had walked you to your doorstep that you realized this night was going to end like all the other. With you not being kissed.
With a small smile on your lips and a glint in your eye you just asked,
“Are you going to kiss me Den?”,
There was something endearing about the way his face flushed.
Safe to say he definitely kissed you after that.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
He does. Den had walked you home late one night, it was storming so bad outside that you could not in your right mind allow him to venture through that all the way home. When you asked him to stay he seemed unsure, but through your gentle reassurances, he eventually let you convince him to join you in bed, instead of the small couch you had in your living room.
He had tried to keep a respectable distance from you while you both got under the covers. You, having had enough of this just burrowed into his side. Head resting on his shoulder you whispered goodnight. You didn’t fall asleep until you felt his tense muscles relax and his arm wrap around you.
You woke to the gentle stream of sunlight coming through your curtains, and Den’s soft voice whispering gently against the crown of your head.
You had feigned sleep a bit longer to hear what he was saying, it was quiet, but you could make out some bits of what he was saying. Hearing him whisper those tiny confessions of love and devotion broke something so beautifully within your heart. You looked up, calm eyes meeting his slightly startled blue ones. You pressed a gentle kiss to his lips before returning his loving words with your own.
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
He will never forget the first time you agreed to go on a date with him. The way your eyes sparkled and the gentle smile that never left your lips is like a film reel that plays on repeat in his head. It's such a beautiful, yet simple memory. One he holds particularly close when the dark memories of war try to creep their way back in.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Neither of you are particularly materialistic. On big occasions like holidays and anniversaries, you will both find gifts for the other that are both thoughtful and meaningful.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Silver. You are the thing that brings him peace during the most difficult of times. You are love and peace, and everything that continues to make his life worth living. You are his reason why.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
He will use ‘doll’ occasionally, but most of the time it is some soft abbreviation of your name.
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
Bull has a love of cigars, and while you do not condone excessive smoking, there is something comforting about the soft taste of tobacco on his lips when you kiss him.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
You both like to read. Curled up on the couch together you will have your feet resting in his lap as you both flip through your latest novels.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Bull sometimes just needs the pressure of your hand in his, or the weight of you against his chest. There are moments where the memories inside his mind feel so real that the only thing that brings him back to the present is you.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
It took some time, but Den started to talk about Easy. The stories of Martin’s legendary bitch face are probably some of your favorites, and to be honest you thought Den was exaggerating until you met the guy in person. Bulls stories definitely don’t do Martin’s bitch face justice.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
He likes to go for walks with you. Hand in hand. Something about the fresh air, and the visual reminders that he is not in some frozen country across the pond brings him peace.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
Bull feels proud of you. The fact you chose him, that you love him. He doesn’t feel the need to flaunt you like a trophy though. Simply having you at his side brings him more pride than he thought possible
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
You two have been living together for about 6 months. Things with the contractor business have been going well, and he feels like he can finally ‘provide’ for you the way he wants. Even though you have assured him many times that simply being with him was more than enough.
Your wedding is a semi-large affair. Nothing fancy or over the top, but lots of people in attendance. Mostly men he served with. A giant English mastiff makes a surprise appearance at your wedding. A man names George Luz decided to bring the big fella to your wedding (much to Mrs. Luz’s dismay). It was particularly entertaining to find out that the dog was named “Bull” after your ‘Bull’. Safe to say you and Luz got on pretty well after that.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
In My Veins – Andrew Belle Feat. Erin Mccarley
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Yes, Ma’am. He was just waiting for the right moment. He wanted to know that the life he would share with you would be filled with as few hardships as possible.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
You get a small yappy dog that Den lovingly calls ‘Saint Luz’. 
(It took me forever to get to writing this. I hope it was okay and that it gives Bull the love he deserves) 
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parrishes-writes · 4 years
smutty alphabet: genevieve
Smutty alphabet for my main OC, Genevieve. @ocelotsflatass I had to do this because I was FILLED WITH A MIGHTY NEED
Answers under the cut! 
A - Aftercare (what they’re like after sex) Depends on the kind of sex that was had. If it’s pretty... normal, for lack of a better word, she’ll probably just... rest or curl up next to you, or doze off lightly. If it’s... intense, she’ll clean you up, ask you what you need, and cuddle with you--she’ll bring you food, put on your favorite movie, show, read you your favorite book, whatever helps you decompress and unwind. If she’s the one who needs aftercare, it usually consists of cleaning her up, taking a nap with her, showering, and then some of her favorite food + something stupid to watch. 
B - Body Part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) Viv is, on the whole, very pretty, but her favorite body part of her own are her eyes. They’re highly expressive and a very dark blue, which makes them stand out, because she’s overall pretty fair-skinned. 
As for her partner... it depends on the partner. Viv is bisexual and her preferences change depending on the person, so... for a woman, it’s primarily her face, but their whole body is appreciated, and Viv will make damn sure her female partner knows it. On a man, Viv likes good bone structure and height. Long hair and beards are not required, but are a definite bonus. Was into lumberjacks before they were cool. 
C - Cum (anything to do with cum) Not a huge fan of men finishing on her face or chest, especially if they don’t clear it with her beforehand, but doesn’t really mind them finishing inside her (protection will be used) or in her mouth. For women, if you squirt, she’ll be a) impressed, and b) turned on. Unless your relationship is legitimately serious, if you’re a dude, condom stays on, no exceptions. Viv will 100% ask you about your STD history, even if it kills the mood. 
As for Viv herself... she can squirt, but it’s rare, and it usually only happens when she’s purposefully being overstimulated. 
D - Dirty Secret Viv has a few kinks that she’s a little embarrassed by, not because they’re gross, but because they kind of go against the image she presents to the world, and she feels like she’d have to turn in some of her feminist street cred. 
E - Experienced (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) Viv has had multiple partners over the course of her sexual history, and she made it her business to learn from each one. Although she considers the concept of being “good” or “bad” in bed to be somewhat arbitrary, and not the point of sexual intimacy... she’s good in bed, and knows what she’s doing. She’s very receptive to you and your wants and needs--sex is one of the few places where she’s good at taking directions from another person. 
F - Favorite Position Cowgirl, or any position where she’s on top, really. She can get a little iffy about missionary because it can quickly start to feel claustrophobic or smothering, but for the most part she just likes to be in charge, watching her partner as she rides them, uses her fingers...
Strangely enough, though, she actually quite likes getting it from behind, and it’s one of her deepest darkest secrets. There’s a part of her that likes to be at a... disadvantage, shall we say, but it does take a lot of trust for her to be able to get to this point with a partner. It’s also a position that feels good for her and hits all the right spots, but depending on the size of the dick/penetrating object, she might not prefer to start off this way. 
G - Goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.?)
Normally she’s pretty serious, because Viv only likes to play games when the right mood strikes her, and when that mood does hit it’s always to the... frustration... of her partner. It’s a sign of how far she’s progressed with a significant other that she can chuckle or laugh when they’re in the heat of the moment. 
H - Hot Spots (a place that drives them crazy when touched) Her butt and her hips are particularly sensitive, as is her lower back. Using your nails to scrape ever-so-lightly down her ass is a surefire way to get her to shiver. Her neck is also a go-to area. Nipping it is a good way to get her hot and bothered. 
I - Intimacy (how are they in the moment, romantically?) It depends on how emotionally intimate she is with the partner. Viv does not frequently engage in casual sex, but has done so in the past--those encounters were not what she would call romantic or intimate. Expect a lot of deep, slow kisses and lingering touches if she’s truly into you. 
J - Jack Off (masturbation headcanon) Doesn’t have a problem with doing so while single, but isn’t necessarily inclined to masturbate if she’s in a relationship with someone... unless it’s on purpose. Then it’s a whole other story. 
K - Kink (one or more of their kinks) She doesn’t like to go full dom/sub, but Viv is more than happy to either be in charge of you or, depending on the person, have you take charge of her--she does have a bit of a thing for being bossed around. If she really trusts you, she’d be willing to have you tie her up or blindfold her, and do the same to you. 
Some of her other kinks are edging/orgasm delay, overstimulation, hair pulling, biting, holding her in one position/controlling her movements, a little bit of voyeurism and exhibitionism... 
L - Location (favorite place to do the do) Genevieve isn’t picky. She’ll get it on with you wherever, as long as you’re not interrupted, because she does hate it when that happens. Viv will absolutely start riding you on the sofa, stretch out on the bed, or go along with you if you want to bend her over the kitchen table. She’s down. 
M - Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going?) Letting you be you is usually enough for her, but watching you do something you’re good at or passionate about can get her up and running. Seeing you get really into something is a turn-on, especially if you’re kind of mad, or want to fight (somebody else, not her). For Viv herself, being stressed or anxious can make her instigate a sexual encounter--pounding the bad feelings out of her usually works for a bit. 
N - No (something they won’t do, turn offs) Keep your excrement far, far away from her. She’s not a fan of rape fantasies or roleplays, and will not do them under any circumstances, even dubcon. Viv doesn’t like being hit during sex aside from maybe some light and/or brief spanking and, unless agreed upon prior, she will not consent to being hit with an implement. Lactation kinks are a hard no. Also, don’t ask her to do dd/lg stuff, because it’s gross. Professor/student, however, is on the table, so to speak. 
General turn offs? Rudeness, derogatory language that is out of line or out of place for the situation, switching things up without asking or telling her. She’s usually pretty okay with most stuff a partner might ask, but don’t just flip her over and start calling her a whore, or talking about her holes (yuck), because it won’t fly. Try to at least be present with her, because she hates to feel like she’s just being fucked. Sex should involve mutuality. 
O - Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) Viv will gladly give you oral, and will absolutely delight in making you delirious with pleasure, but she does have a slight preference for receiving oral from her partner. 
It doesn’t mean that she won’t return the favor to the best of her considerable skill, but something about the sight of your head between her thighs, especially if she’s on her back, just makes her ache and melt. If you’re using your mouth to edge her or overstimulate her, you can bet she’s going to go off like a rocket when you finally let her come.
If she’s giving you oral, pull her hair close to the scalp. Don’t yank, but definitely tug it, run your fingers through it. She loves that. Run your finger over her lips. She loves that too. 
P - Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual?) She’ll do either; it depends on the round at hand. She can lean towards fast, though not necessarily rough, because she can get needy and impatient. Viv recognizes the perks of a measured pace, but it’ll be up to her partner to enforce it because Viv will just go for it, if she’s not making a deliberate point out of the slowness in order to tease her partner. 
Q - Quickie (their opinion on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc) Not necessarily opposed, but she would prefer to be able to take her time. Quickies have their uses, but... overall, meh. 
R - Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks, etc?)  For Viv, the only risks that she won’t take are ones that could seriously jeopardize either her job or her sense of security--sex at work, for example, is not happening, even though the risk is what makes it fun. Certain roleplays are off limits because they make her nervous or she finds them gross, even if trust is a key component of them; they’re still not happening. She’s pretty open to try new things, but it takes a while to get to that point, because she has to really trust that a partner will respect her limits and boundaries. 
S - Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)  Viv can go for quite a few rounds, but her stamina is that of a normal human’s compared to, say, Dante’s. She comes quickly, but also recovers quickly, which are the primary two reasons why edging and overstimulation are two of her kinks--forcing her to hold off an orgasm or forcing her to come three or four (or more) times in a row sort of equalizes things. 
T - Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or on themselves?) Overall she prefers to use her own body, but she does own toys because sometimes fingers and mouths can’t quite do it all, especially on a same-sex partner. She doesn’t own many, though, and the ones she does own are extremely discreet. 
Viv would absolutely be willing to, and did, use toys on a partner. Her partner also used them on her--she has a preference for vibrators that can stimulate both the clit and the g-spot, and for ones where the partner can control the setting remotely. She’ll sometimes like a plug in her rear, but rarely. 
U - Unfair (how much do they like to tease?) Oh god, she’s the worst. She loves it. She’ll tease you in ways you never even dreamed possible, both in the buildup and the foreplay and the acts themselves, and even when she’s giving you what you want she’s still teasing you. Viv is literally the worst when it comes to teasing, but give her a taste of her own medicine; she’ll love it. She’ll bitch, but she’ll love it. 
V - Volume (how loud are they? what sounds do they make?) For the most part Viv is pretty quiet--Dante, for example, can turn it into a game where the goal is to get her to let loose and moan or scream or cry out with abandon. The quietness is mostly just out of habit, but some partners have taken it as a indicator that she wasn’t enjoying herself, which wasn’t the case at all. 
Viv isn’t a big talker during sex, aside from curses and dirty talk, and doesn’t really like a lot of talking from her partners either--but if she’s really into you she won’t necessarily mind you telling her you love her, or something similar though. Don’t be sappy, though. Calling her “my love” is a surefire to piss her off. 
W - Wild Card  Viv is secretly a little embarrassed because some of her particular likes make her feel like she needs to turn in some of her feminist cred. She has a Type with men--long hair, beard, way larger than her (Dante, coincidentally, hits all those buttons), a bit older--and has a desire that she has consciously chosen not to articulate to be somewhat dominated by a man of said type. She’s bossy and likes to be in charge, but that doesn’t change the fact that she secretly kind of wants her male partner to be in control some of the time. 
X - X-Ray (what’s going on underneath those clothes) A slender, rather petite frame, but still adequately curvy. Viv actively tries to keep herself in shape and exercises, even though just running around during the day tires her out; she makes it a point to eat well. She doesn’t have a huge chest, but chest size is relative to frame, and her boobs can stick out a bit. Her butt is also quite nice. She doesn’t have a huge ass, but it’s appropriately perky, and looks amazing in high-waisted jeans. 
Viv’s a little insecure about her hips and thighs, because she thinks she has violin hips (she does, a little bit) and that she has thick thighs compared to the rest of her (not really, her inner thighs are just very soft). But overall she’s beautiful, and any insecurities are just that--insecurities. No one would ever look at her and think she has any reason to feel self-conscious. 
Y - Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)  Average to a bit higher than average--there are times during her cycle where she’s particularly prone to feeling horny, but sometimes she’s just Horny.  
Z - Zzz (how quickly do they fall asleep afterwards?)  Depends on how intense the sex was and how many times she came. The more intense and/or the more orgasms, the more likely she is to fall asleep, but it isn’t unheard of for her to take a quick nap after milder or softer activities. She’ll also sleep if you sleep--sex is a good way to get her to fall asleep, actually. Viv has insomnia? Go down on her. 
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crycsis-aa-blog · 5 years
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rules are simple -- sorry they’re so long-winded! But they’re important.
I’m Tea! She/They 27 years old!
Because so little is known about Geten, their portrayal will be HEAVILY HEADCANON BASED.  If you don’t like this, turn away now.
MY PORTRAYAL OF GETEN IS TRANS!! They are Non-binary, so please respect this! You may use he/him and they/them but they are still NON-BINARY.
If you steal my headcanons i’m coming for your kneecaps. Right now there really aren't many of this muse in the rpc, but it’s only a matter of time. I have spent a lot of time on this muse and working these headcanons into their story and developing them so please do not steal my headcanons. ;-;
If we aren’t Mutual’s, don’t like my starter calls, reblog open starters, or send ic asks. These are all reserved for mutuals only.  Anons are encouraged so long as they’re not hateful.
I am selective.  My muse comes and goes and this goes for threads too.  I’m slow as fuck lmao.  I’m also very slow at checking my followers, so if you’re a new follower and haven’t received a follow back it’ll probably take a while. But take note that I am not follow for follow.
I have a life outside of roleplay. I work full-time Monday - Friday, so i’m usually too tired to do much during the week.  Weekends are my only time off, so I try to get around to doing things then --- but even then my activity can be spotty.  PLEASE KEEP IN MIND that just because i’m writing on the dash doesn’t mean i’m always up for ooc interactions.  I’m low energy a LOT, so socializing can be difficult for me.  If I don’t reply, it doesn’t mean I HATE YOU or that i’m IGNORING you.  I’m simply waiting to reply for when I have the energy and inspiration to.
No password. I don’t send in passwords.
Geten and I are both of age.  However I will be HIGHLY SELECTIVE with shipping.  Shipping may or may not occur at all, it really depends on how comfortable I am with you!  I am not actively seeking to ship, but if something happens to form between our characters then i’ll take it.  I WILL NOT BE DOING NSFW CONTENT OUTSIDE OF GORE AND DARK THEMES ON THIS BLOG.
Geten is a villain. They may not exactly see themself as that, and more along the lines of a vigilante trying to CHANGE society, but they certainly have villainous behavior.  Do not expect them to be anything outside of their character.  Bonds may develop with time, or with much consideration and ooc discussion!  Keep in mind that because of the nature of Geten’s beliefs and their character I am HIGHLY selective when it comes to shipping! There 100% has to be chemistry.
If I see you vagueblogging or posting a lot of drama I will either hardblock or unfollow.   don’t approach me about why I unfollowed, it’s usually for a good reason.  Guilt tripping is a no go either.  That’s not going to fly here.  Period.  If I see it on dash or in my DM’s you’ll be blocked.
Oc’s are cool. Multiverse and crossovers are cool.  But if I don’t know how our characters could interact or I’m unfamiliar with your characters universe I likely won’t follow back.  
If you are an OC, please have an about page I can easily find! If I cannot find an about page anywhere on your blog, I will not follow you back.  It can be DIFFICULT for me to interact with OC’s due to bad past experiences. But the easiest way to interact with me is to TALK to me, and plot with me. I have an easier time writing with people I can talk to!
However, there are certain fandoms I will NOT interact with and for my own comfort please do not follow me or interact with my posts.  You will be blocked.
Fandoms I won’t interact with: 
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Steven Universe.
Attack on Titan.
Killing Stalking.
Rick and Morty.
YouTubers/Real Life people.
Hazbin Hotel
No godmodding, infomodding. All that jaz. Respect me and I’ll respect you. Trim your posts.  I’m pretty chill.
Don’t follow me if you age characters up for smut, write smut with underage characters or you actively write or support student x teacher or child x adult ships. That’s nasty. Don’t be nasty.  Don’t interact with my posts either.
DO NOT FOLLOW ME if you are a Yandere stan/support the Yandere trope.  I have BPD, therefore I will not tolerate it.  It's a toxic stereotype often correlated with my disorder and it's incredibly damaging and overall problematic. On this note, I'm okay with Togas following me, but i'll be picky with which ones I follow back.  If I see you romanticizing the Yandere trope/BPD/or anything else related to this topic you will be blocked.
On that note, do not follow me if you ship Twice and Toga.  I don’t care if you age her up, I don’t care if it’s ‘The legal age of consent in Japan’ It’s not an excuse for pedophillia. This should go along with the aforementioned rule of shipping children and adults together, but I feel the need to state it again. If you see them as anything more than a brother/sister dynamic, BLOCK ME.
I will be very selective when following Endeavor blogs.  This also goes for Mitsuki and Kotaro blogs.  It’s for my own comfort.
If you ever notice im interacting with someone who does any of the above, or are problematic, etc.  PLEASE LET ME KNOW PRIVATELY. I do my best to avoid blogs like this, but sometimes I miss them.I have some triggers!
Child abuse - do not interact with me with anything of this nature unless it’s VAGUE (if you’re unsure about something PLEASE ASK).  Do not talk to me about anything of this nature ooc. Please.
Animal death/abuse
Creepypasta (mostly imagery like the horror faces/Jeff the killer type stuff. I’m okay with watching or reading it on my own time, but don’t bring it to me unexpectedly. Seeing it unexpectedly can mess with my anxiety)
Alcohol (please tag any and all mentions)
Real life gore (mostly things like intestines and broken bones and deep wounds where the muscle is visible, etc. things of that nature.)
Religion and politics. Do not talk to me about these things unless it’s relevant to a PLOT or your character. Characters that are heavily influenced by religion or religious themes I likely will not follow.
I’ll add more when I can think of any but these are my major ones.
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@possibility221​ said they would enjoy a commentary on the various ACD canon references in my story A Handsome and Generous People, in which Sherlock Holmes is thrown a few centuries into the future and reads the ACD Holmes stories, looking to see if Watson has any insight on how to get back. There is a fair amount of snarkiness about canon along the way.
Most of the ACD stories referenced in “A Handsome and Generous People” are pretty popular, as I wanted the story to be halfway accessible without knowing a great deal about the canon stories. Thus, if you already know the Sherlock Holmes stories moderately well, this may not be that interesting of a commentary? (Although you may take this as an invitation to argue about canon with me, if you like. Your choice.)
Beneath the cut, spoilers for a goodly number of ACD cases, as well as for “A Handsome and Generous People”...
I had even attempted re-reading A Study in Scarlet... my refreshed memory of what a terrible novel it was.
A Study in Scarlet (STUD), the first of the sixty Sherlock Holmes stories, has a strange narrative structure: right smack in the middle of the novel there is a five-chapter-long flashback to decades earlier on a different continent with characters we’ve never heard of. (The first time I read Scarlet, I thought there had been a printer’s error whereby pages from some random other novel had gotten bound into the middle of the book. It doesn’t help at all that the chapter numbering starts over again with the flashback.) Even worse, that extended flashback is an old-fashioned Western store, and just fyi, whenever Doyle tries to write Americans it gets pretty painful. Fic authors love making fun of STUD for that random gawdawful Mormon section, and I’m no exception.
Wt’sn’s assessment of the novel might be a bit strong -- I personally enjoy the first half of STUD, and STUD was popular enough to get the whole Sherlock Holmes phenomenon started. But it amuses me to imagine that Wt’sn is one of those people who has never managed to make it through the Mormon section of STUD. :-)
The imp in me could not resist: I told him about a place that I had an eye on, one that I thought would suit us right down to the ground.
Wt’sn is quoting Watson and Holmes's first meeting. Watson writes in STUD:
Sherlock Holmes seemed delighted at the idea of sharing his rooms with me. “I have my eye on a suite in Baker Street,” he said, “which would suit us down to the ground.”
“Watson was a terrible liar,” he said. “You’ll be comforted to know I have never once been tempted to poison a fellow lodger.”
In STUD, Stamford introduces Watson to Holmes, but he isn’t prepared to vouch for Holmes’ character. Stamford says:
“I could imagine his [Holmes] giving a friend a little pinch of the latest vegetable alkaloid, not out of malevolence, you understand, but simply out of a spirit of inquiry in order to have an accurate idea of the effects.”
Some authors and adaptations use that line as evidence that Holmes definitely would cold-bloodedly and without consent poison or injure someone for science. For myself, I have never been convinced by that reading, mostly because the convo is raw speculation by a man who admits to not knowing Holmes well. Also, it’s clear over the body of the canon that Watson isn’t above fibbing about Holmes’ character in the early pages of a story for the sake of heightening dramatic tension later.
“You already know Watson was an incorrigible liar. You’ve read the one with the snake, haven’t you?”
In “The Speckled Band” (SPEC), Watson claims that a snake did several things that snakes don’t actually do. (Drink milk, hear a whistle, climb a rope...) The usual theories explaining this is that Watson is a) stupid, b) sloppy, or c) a liar, but there are also a few authors who assert that Holmes messed the case up without realizing it. (I recommend “...Could Fill A Book” by @plaidadder, who sends Holmes back for a second go at SPEC.)
For myself, I generally prefer to presume that Watson was a liar rather than sloppy or stupid, mostly because the narrative possibilities are better in that direction. (Why did he choose to tell that particular lie, and in that particular way?) Whatever the reasons, the impossibilities like that milk-drinking, rope-climbing snake pop up all over canon. The snake is perhaps the most well-known of them, which is why I used it here. “The Creeping Man” is another excellent example of Watson making shit up and attempting to pass it off as truth (albeit a much less well-known example). But we’ll get to Creeping Man soon enough...
“His dates are a disgrace. Always have been.“
You know, I’m not even gonna try to give you a list of all the dates in canon that are out-of-whack. It’s legendary in the fandom, and even Doyle himself admitted that they were a disaster. The man couldn’t even get the internal dates within individual stories right (see the so-called eight weeks between April and October in The Red-Headed League), never mind his failing to cross-reference his dates from one story to the next.
If you spend much time messing around with canon, you either blow off the dating inconsistencies or you build stories around them. I have an unfortunate tendency to roll them into my stories, which is why you occasionally run into a passage like this coming one, sorry. I tried to keep it as brief as I could.
“You fell in 1893?” I asked, consulting my notes... “Dr Watson wrote it was 1891.”
For some unknown reason, Sherlock Holmes in the 23rd Century sets Reichenbach in 1893, whereas “The Final Problem” puts it on May 4, 1891. Yeah, I dunno. But like I said, I tend to roll these things into the story...
“In 1908 Dr Watson published a case of that description including the detail you just gave me, set in March of 1892, titled ‘Wisteria Lodge.’”
According to the two Reichenbach stories, “The Final Problem” and “The Empty House,” Holmes was fake-dead from May 1891 to sometime in 1894. And yet in “Wisteria Lodge,” Holmes and Watson randomly have lunch together in Baker Street in March of 1892. I’m admittedly kind of obsessed with that particular weirdness; more sensible fans shrug and move on.
“The Cox and Company despatch box,” I whispered, reverent.
In the opening lines of “The Problem of Thor Bridge,” Watson writes:
Somewhere in the vaults of the bank of Cox and Co., at Charing Cross, there is a travel-worn and battered tin dispatch box with my name, John H. Watson, M. D., Late Indian Army, painted upon the lid. It is crammed with papers, nearly all of which are records of cases...
People who write case-fic, whether as professionals or amateurs, love to reference that dispatch box. “The box has been found! Here is a case from it!” Even the movies sometimes go there: The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes begins with Watson’s heir being called to Cox and Company to witness the unsealing of the fabled dispatch box.
I personally am not a fan of the dispatch box as a narrative device: I know what my folder of unpublished stories looks like, and it’s much closer to the open-ended, low-context mess depicted in Circadienne’s Primary Sources than the complete, polished, and fully-contextualized stories that allegedly keep bursting forth from that legendary dispatch box. 
“The Musgrave Ritual.”
“The Musgrave Ritual” (MUSG) is pretty much exactly as I describe it: it’s about a treasure map that most people inexplicably fail to recognize is a treasure map. Usually you just have to roll with things like that while reading the canon stories, but here I decided to add it to the list of lies Watson told.
“The abominable Mrs Ricoletti, for god’s sake!”
Watson loved to tease us with cases that he never mentions again; the abominable Mrs Ricoletti is one that he dangled in front of us in MUSG. Yes, I’m doing here pretty much what Watson did: suggesting there’s a good story behind that, and then refusing to tell you about it. :-P
“You are theorising ahead of the facts,” I said...
Wt’sn is paraphrasing Holmes back at himself:
“It is a capital mistake to theorize before you have all the evidence.” (Study in Scarlet)
“It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.” (Scandal in Bohemia)
“I had,” said he, “come to an entirely erroneous conclusion which shows, my dear Watson, how dangerous it always is to reason from insufficient data.” (Speckled Band)
“The temptation to form premature theories upon insufficient data is the bane of our profession.” (The Valley of Fear)
“Still, it is an error to argue in front of your data.” (Wisteria Lodge)
Wt’sn claims to not have read the stories, but given how often Holmes says this kind of thing in canon, I think we can presume that Holmes has kept right on saying it during his years in the 23rd century.
btw, I wrote this story in four days, start-to-finish, and I had no time to look up the actual canon quotes. I was surprised and a little embarrassed to discover while looking the quotes up just now that Holmes usually says “data” and never “facts.” OH WELL.
It was painful to watch Holmes read ‘The Final Problem,’ but ‘The Empty House’ was worse...
Respectively, the story where Holmes fakes his death, and the story where he reveals to Watson that he was alive all along.
...despite my fears that ‘The Dying Detective’ would reignite charges of Dr Watson’s mendacity, Holmes snickered from one end to the other like a schoolboy.
“The Dying Detective” is the one where Holmes fakes a mortal illness, sends for Watson, refuses to let Watson treat him, holds Watson hostage, makes Watson hide behind his bed and then forgets about him, and is generally a manipulative unfeeling asshole from one end of the story to the other. There are a number of stories in which Holmes lies to manipulate Watson (The Hound of the Baskervilles and “The Retired Colourman” both spring to mind), but Dying Detective is nothing but lies and manipulations, and a particularly cruel instance of it, to boot.
Whether Holmes is giggling because Holmes is just so much of a dick as to pull shit like that and laugh about it later (which is what Watson says he did in the similar part of Retired Colourman), or because Dying Detective references a private joke between him and Watson, is reader’s choice.
“He claimed that he was only— He likened himself to my cocaine!”
In “The Creeping Man” (CREE), Watson writes:
The relations between us in those latter days were peculiar. He [Holmes] was a man of habits, narrow and concentrated habits, and I had become one of them. As an institution I was like the violin, the shag tobacco, the old black pipe, the index books, and others perhaps less excusable. When it was a case of active work and a comrade was needed upon whose nerve he could place some reliance, my role was obvious. But apart from this I had uses. I was a whetstone for his mind. I stimulated him. He liked to think aloud in my presence. His remarks could hardly be said to be made to me -- many of them would have been as appropriately addressed to his bedstead -- but none the less, having formed the habit, it had become in some way helpful that I should register and interject. If I irritated him by a certain methodical slowness in my mentality, that irritation served only to make his own flame-like intuitions and impressions flash up the more vividly and swiftly. Such was my humble role in our alliance.
For many of us who love Watson, that’s a painful passage. I always read “others perhaps less excusable” as a veiled reference to Holmes’ cocaine addiction, and then when Watson goes on to refer to himself as a stimulant and a habit... Well.
“And the ape-man was frankly a disgrace, I might have been reading Shelley or Stoker.”
CREE again! Creeping Man is a blatant genre change from the rest of canon, in that it is Victorian science-fiction/horror. Creepy shit happens until it is eventually revealed that an elderly professor has been injecting himself with monkey-serum Viagra and turning himself into an ape-man every few days. (No joke. That is the actual "solution.” Monkey-serum Viagra. Shape-shifting into an ape-man and back.) CREE unashamedly borrows from Frankenstein, Dracula, and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, hence the “Shelley or Stoker” reference.
(ETA: for another view of the monkey-serum thing, see @violsva’s comments here about hormones being a new and exciting thing in 1920s medicine.)
I had enjoyed the jellyfish story, albeit by proxy...
“The Lion’s Mane” (LION) is perhaps the most-reviled story of canon. It’s allegedly written by Holmes (Watson doesn’t appear at all), and Holmes spends the story running around trying to figure out who is murdering swimmers before he belatedly realizes that it’s only a poisonous jellyfish that got itself trapped in the swimming hole. “Behold, the Lion’s Mane!” Holmes shouts, and then crushes the poor thing with a rock.
Yeah, I dunno. The Case-Book is a fucking trip, man. In addition to the jellyfish story, it’s also got the vampire and ape-man stories, both hurt/comfort stories (Watson gets shot in one; Holmes gets the shit beaten out of him in the other), a story in which a lady gets her face eaten off by a circus lion, another with a guy who gets his face melted off with acid... Doyle was fucking tired of writing Sherlock Holmes stories by the time he got to Case-book, and he gave no shits. Also, as Wt’sn suggests in the story, these were all written after WWI, when Doyle was still mourning the horrors of the war, so they run dark.
...the surprisingly racy version of what had happened at ‘Shoscombe Old Place.’
“Shoscombe Old Place” is the second-to-last story in canon. It’s weirdly grotesque in its own right (as is most things in Case-Book), but it has cross-dressing and no murders, which makes it a much better candidate for shenanigans than the horrorshow that is Retired Colourman. 
The illustration showed an elderly gentleman clinging by one arm to an ivy-covered wall, three stories above the ground...
From “The Creeping Man”:
The professor was clearly visible crouching at the foot of the ivy-covered wall. As we watched him he suddenly began with incredible agility to ascend it. From branch to branch he sprang, sure of foot and firm of grasp, climbing apparently in mere joy at his own powers, with no definite object in view. With his dressing-gown flapping on each side of him, he looked like some huge bat glued against the side of his own house, a great square dark patch upon the moonlit wall.
Frederic Dorr Steele’s illustration:
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“Come, find a pencil, you must help me work out the dates...”
There are a fuckton of dates in CREE, to the point that Leslie Klinger’s Annotated Holmes has to organize them into two tables at the end of the story. As per usual with Doyle, the dates don’t quite make sense. More hilariously, Watson says this at one point during CREE:
“As to your dates, that is the biggest mystification of all."
Watson isn’t actually lampshading the nonsensical dates there; he’s only asking Holmes to explain his deductions. Nevertheless, the fandom loves to quote that line whenever the issue of Doyle’s self-contradictory dates comes up. BECAUSE APPROPRIATE QUOTE IS APPROPRIATE.
And with that, we settled in to making sense of Dr Watson’s dates.
Because it would take Sherlock Holmes to make sense of Watson’s dates. Certainly no one else has ever managed it. :-D
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