#like crying sobbing punching my pillow
thememeartist-kat · 1 year
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So apparently today is LFLS birthday! Or at least, it is where I'm at ^^''
Anyway, I made this piece as a token of my appreciation. I love LFLS, it's an amazing fic and one of the first I read when dipping my toes into the fandom. So thank you @eternalglitch for opening my eyes to a whole new level of pain
Happy Birthday!
PS: This was originally going to be a full body drawing but i scrapped due to time. If y'all wanna see it, ask and i will send the original sketch ;D
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chastiefoul · 1 year
stood up pt. 2
characters: alhaitham & ayato
read part one here!
a/n: cannot thank u all of you enough for how well-received the first fic was, hope you can enjoy the second part just as much!! also i hope you can forgive my limited knowledge of flora (and the things i made up) on haitham's part!!
tags: comfort / summary: wallowed in guilt, how will they make it up to you?
“You look like shit,” Kaveh commented nonchalantly, as if currently watching some character on a show. “Shut it,” Alhaitham replied, having zero intention in dealing with his roomate. It has been a week since he finished his research, but relief didn’t wash over him at all, it was the same day as he had cruelly stood you up, making you wait for three whole hours before he finally came. There were a lot of upsetting feelings he’s been experiencing through for the past few days, but lately he felt giving his past self a good punch for forgetting such an important day. In a way too he had blamed the research that’s been occupying him. Although he quickly perished that thought, since it’d be too easy—blaming something other than himself. When in fact he is wholly at fault for forgetting the date.
Everyday Alhaitham had been coming to your house, wanting to talk to you but what always greet him was your roomate, telling him that you’re busy. Feeling like he had no right to push it further, he left it at that. With clenched fists and a pang on his chest everytime, he was forced to go home. Today he was at his wits’ end, he had no idea what to do and how would he make you to meet him even for a second. Other than forgiveness that he’s looking for, he missed you terribly. With all the times he could’ve spent with you taken by the damn research, he longed to embrace you, to see your smile, and listen to you rambling about what’s been happening in your life.
Alhaitham wasn’t really one to be experienced in ‘love’, he knew that, you knew that. That’s why he loved your patience in guiding him through this thing, but now the only person that would be able to tell him what to do was the very one person he couldn’t talk to. Alhaitham groaned, thinking if you were in his position you’d probably know to do—scratch that. If it’s you, Alhaitham was sure that you wouldn’t even allow yourself to do such a careless act.
“He’s here again,” your roomate claimed, seeing him from the window. “Just tell him the same thing,” you said, hugging your knees as you sat on the couch. It's true that Alhaitham looked horrible, but you weren’t any better. You’ve been crying yourself to sleep every night, it especially hurt, when you had to hold back the sobs over a pillow that your throat hurts; since you didn’t want to disturb your roomate. What happened that day was like a slap to the face, that you were forced to recognize a fact that perhaps you love Alhaitham way more that he loves you.
Your rommate just nodded to what you say and went to the door. Not long she came back bearing a message. “He said he’d wait for you outside until you feel like talking to him.”
“Just leave him be then, I’m sure he’d go back soon, it’s especially cold outside today.” You said, really having no idea just how stubborn the gray-haired male is going to act. “Well, just keep an eye out.” Your roomate went back to her room. Tell that to him. You thought. You turned the television on to distract yourself, but you couldn’t help but peek outside the window every few minutes, to see if he’s still there. And he always was.
And that went for more than an hour, until you felt like you couldn’t do it anymore. You were mad at him, but you’re not heartless. You couldn’t be. However you didn’t intend to forgive him so easily, you told yourself that you were only meeting him to send him home and to not come back everyday.
You approach the front door and opened it.
There he stood, with an hand behind his back. When he saw you, his eyes lit up, but it quickly turns into a look of concern and guilt mixes, seeing your swollen eyes.
“What do you want?” You curtly said, taking a good look of the man in front of you who’s in terrible shape. His complexion doesn’t look good, there are bags under his eyes, he hasn’t been taking care of himself at all. A part of your chest twinge at the fact that not being able to see you was the cause of all this. You weren’t used to seeing Alhaitham so all over the place, when he always showed a perfect picture of a man who got it all together.
“I’m sorry,” He quickly cut to the chase, afraid that you’ll be out of his sight yet again as he revealed a purple hyacinth, handing it to you. The flower that represented regret and remorse. Then he continued meekly, “Of course, I don’t expect you to forgive me with one lousy flower, but I hope you will believe me when I said I truly regret that I had forgotten about our date, it seethes me with terrible anger to remember that I let myself be so caught up in my business, resulting you had to stand in the snow for hours; hours of you thinking of the reason why I didn’t come, and hours of doubting my feelings towards you. It must’ve felt terrible, I am so sorry.” His voice was close to trembling, however he knew to hold it in, since the one who should be upset was you. “I understand if me being in your vision may infuriate you, but please, please don’t shut me out.” He pleaded, it’s the most vulnerable expression you’ve ever seen on him that it tugs on your heartstrings.
Of course the truth is you missed him as much as he does, but you had to be sure of his feelings towards you. And seeing him now yet again after many failed attempts of meeting you over the days with a flower you didn’t even know where it came from since every field should be covered in snow and a heartfelt all-over-the-place apology, you couldn’t help but soften up. You reached to take the flower. “Come in, let’s talk inside.”
You both sat on the couch, your right hand went to rub his cheek. It was incredibly cold. “What were you thinking, standing in the cold like that? What if I hadn’t come out?” You mumbled gently. “It was nothing compared to what I put you through, I would’ve wait even for days.” He frowned as you leaned in to your touch, putting his hand atop of yours. Oh how he missed this. However he didn’t indulge on the touch thinking it was forgiveness, it’s just because you were that kind.
“You really hurt me,” you started, as he listened. “I had been looking forward to the date for days and then seeing you late looking like you just barely woke up—it made think that maybe you didn’t love me as much.��� Your voice sounded so small as you reached the end of your sentence. Alhaitham felt pricks on his heart at the confession, swiftly pulling you into a tight hug. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” He kissed your temple. “I’m sorry I made you feel that way. But I can assure you that was not the case. I was so caught up on my research that I mixed up the date of our meeting, though that’s not an excuse for such a careless act.” He paused.
“(y/n), I love you very much.”
Alhaitham was really having trouble telling you just how much he loves you. If you’d asked, he would wait on the cold for days until you’re ready to talk to him, even today he thought that it was okay if it was only a second, he had to see you, to know you’re doing fine and well, that was what he thought the most important thing. Just the way he kissed you so gently at the top of your head, you thought that you had a grasp as to how much he loves you. “Thank you for letting me see you,” he smiled, he cupped your face planting kisses on each of your swollen eyelids.
“Promise me you’ll make up for it, haitham,” you said softly. A chance. Alhaitham felt an unexplainable tingle feeling on his chest, “I promise.” He then said kissing you gently on the lips, as he made a mental note to always, always pick you up at your place for the dates that are more to come.
“The flowers? I.. went to Tighnari first thing in the morning, I asked him about the language of the flowers and what they meant. I came across it as I read a book, fortunately I could find the one I was looking for.” He explained, strangely bashful.
Flower picking? On this weather?
“But where did you even get it, isn’t everything either covered in snow or had withered already?” You asked genuinely curious. “Well Tighnari said there would be some on the cliffs of The Chasm, so I went there.” He said.
Cliff? The Chasm? That terribly dangerous place? Of course it’d be nothing for Alhaitham, you thought. But still, traveling that far and so quickly just for a flower.. you couldn’t help but smile.
“Thank you, I like it.” You smiled, the one where it made Alhaitham’s inside all tingly and warm. At this he felt like he really could do anything, as long as you were the one who asked for it. “Tell me what kind of flower you want on our next date, I’ll definitely bring it to you.” He took your hand, trailing little kisses along your fingertips to your wrist. Your stomach fluttered. You really do love him.
As if lesson was strictly learned, from that day forward Alhaitham had never once made you wait anywhere anymore at all. He's always ready in front of your door, sometimes with a flower, sometimes with something that you'd nonchalantly said the day before; for instance a food you were craving for, a necklace that you stared a second longer than the other that were on display, or even a stuffed toy you mentioned was cute even though you only said it to make a conversation.
Before, Alhaitham usually passive, most times always being the receiving end by your spoiling, but it was because he didn't want to take initiative, he just didn't understand how. Now, he understood just how delightful it was to see his loved one smile because of the things he did, and he only had you to thank for that.
“My lord?” Thoma’s voice snapped the blue-haired male train of thoughts. “Ah, yes just leave the tea there Thoma.” He said. “Did something happen, my lord? You’ve been pretty out of it all week.”
“I’m fine, you can return to your duty,” Ayato calmly said. The blond housekeeper only nodded and went out, understanding very well that it was futile to probe any further. Ayato looked blankly at the unattended pile of papers he needed to take care of, he hasn’t been working well—or even at all. Since everytime his mind would wander off to you, to your meek voice that day telling him that you were tired, with a tone so hurt his heart couldn’t help but ache. This regret, this remorse; he wondered if he even had any right to feel them? When even to this day he unconsciously stilll waited for you to barge in to the estate, wanted to see you smile happily while greeting him without a care in the world. But that didn’t happen, of course it didn’t.
Ayato shut his eyes with an unpleasant expression for the nth time that day, remembering the date he had forgotten. For how long you were waiting for him? What were you thinking while waiting for him on such a harsh weather? What was it that finally made you give up? All these questions swirled inside his mind as he couldn’t even imagine how terrible you must’ve felt that day. Ayato was a formidable man, he was responsible and someone with a strong conviction, it was what the political people said at least. But he knew you’d laugh, if you hear it. Responsible? That Ayato? Who made his lover wait for him out in the cold for hours?
He didn’t even realize he’s been clenching his fist until he saw the crinkled paper scattered across his desk. Why the hell did I forget such an important day? He fumed, gritting his teeth. But the truth was he had no excuse, he had simply forgotten, perhaps he could blame the endless meeting he had to go through, but even then he was the one who made the promise that he could come. The guilt overwhelmed him, he hoped it would just swallowed him alive, but it wouldn’t be fair to you. He considered calling one of his soldier to try and punch him in the face so he could feel a little free from the binding shame, but only to realize the person who even had the right to do that was none other than you. So Ayato was determined that he’d do anything to beg for your forgiveness.
But more than forgiveness, he’s been worried about your health. He thought that if you hadn’t forgiven him, at least you could be well and healthy, though it was extremely hypocritical to say since he was the one who made you sick in the first place. Ayato stood up, planning to go to your place yet again even though his work was piling up, there are meetings that are waiting to be attended. But at the moment it was clear to him that nothing else matters except seeing you.
This was truly the worst.
Lying down with a fever with nothing to do, surrounded with nothing but unpleasant thoughts roaming around your mind. You blinked the tears away once again as they keep coming occasionally, remembering that day.
You sighed, your head was throbbing and you couldn’t really sleep as you just woke up an hour ago.
As if on cue, a familiar voice called out from the door. “(y/n)?” Ayato called out. Another tired sigh escaped. Does this man not know how to take a hint? You’ve been driving him away for the past few days, his face was the one thing you couldn’t stand to see.
“Please (y/n) open the door, even just for a few second.” His voice was now strained, laced with desperation and plead. You got up all wobbly from the headache, body still feeling sluggish. “What?” You said, frowning.
Seeing your condition Ayato’s expression contorted into utter displeasure, as if you being this way had hurt him too. What a joke, you almost laughed out loud. He looked like he wanted to say something based of how he gaped and closed his mouth like a fish, still finding the right words to say.
“Your few seconds are up,” you said, already on your way to closing your door. “No, no, please.” He hold the door, and of course with your condition and his ridiculous strength, there’s no way you would win that one. “Can I come in?” He finally said. “Why?” You said, leaning on the doorframe intending to look intimidating as you crossed your arm, but really you needed the support to stand up straight on your currently weak body. This didn’t go unnoticed by the sword-wielder of course as the worried expression deepened across his face. “Please, sweetheart let’s talk inside, I’m worried you’ll faint any minute with your condition.” You let off his slip of a tongue, too tired to reprimand him on that. And honestly you wanted nothing more than to return to your bed but you still had something to say. “Worried?” You laughed mockingly, and Ayato had never felt smaller. “Yes.” Still, he managed to say. “Would’ve been nice if you were worried when I was waiting for you in the snow for hours.” That one stings, and Ayato knew he deserved that.
Too tired to chase him away, you just return to your bed and inside your blanket. Ayato just stood awkwardly near the bed. “Have you been taking medicine? How is your head? Would I be allowed to check your temperature? What do you want to-“
“Ayato.” Your tone was chilling, felt like a definite warning—Ayato knew, it was a warning. Right now he doesn’t have any right, there are other matters he should be groveling to take responsibility of, he thought.
“Will you be willing to listen to me?” He kneeled beside the bed, putting his hand on the edge of it, hesitating whether he should touch your hand or not. Your back was still facing him, but you were quiet. Assuming that it was a permission, Ayato continued to talk.
“First of all, I apologize. I couldn’t even begin to tell you how I regret my action, that you had to stand there alone waiting for me—who stupidly didn’t even remember, I apologize.” He whispered, his voice was weak. “No, even way before that the way you always come to the estate to visit me and stood by my side no matter how crazy my work got and how I never thought how it would take a toll on you, I truly truly apologize.” You felt a little part of your heart melted at how meek his voice was.
“I took your unconditional kindness and patience for granted,” he said. There was silence after that, “you did,” you finally said. “I’m sorry.” Ayato repeated once again. He then very hesitantly grabbed your hand, and as soon as he saw that you gave the okay he brought it to his face, kissing your palm very lovingly. You turned your head to him as you were lying down, he looked disheveled.
“Don’t go to the estate anymore.” The blue-haired male announced suddenly, your stomach dropped as he quickly continued.
“From now on I’ll come to you.”
You blinked. “I’ll make sure to be here every day, greeting you first thing in the morning.” Ayato smiled, determined. He was sure on his decision to do this. “As of now, I know very well I don’t deserve your kindness, so I’ll try hard to do better, to do my best, for you.”
Your heart softened at his words.
“Can you please give me this chance?” He was desperate. Your anger slowly dissipated, a warm light like a candle flickered inside your chest, a hope. “Okay.” Ayato was over the moon hearing the response, that he couldn’t help but kiss your temple. Your stomach fluttered, it knew you missed his touch. “For now can I ask you to eat and take medicine?” He asked while gently tucking your hair behind your ear. You nodded, as he got everything ready. He ended up beside you all day, taking care of your needs.
Since that day Ayato did not break his promise even once. Always coming in the morning, sometimes with gift on his hand, other times with breakfast all ready. Then he shared his schedule with you for the day, and even then he’d always be the one to visit you when he was free, showering you with such overwhelming love. It was clear that the man love you very very much, and now he didn’t let you forget that.
“Ayato, thank you.” You said, on a random night. He just looked at you, adoration was apparent on his expression. “Anything for you, love. I mean it, anything.” He kissed your lips gently, the nightfall continued comfortably.
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i can't seem to tag some of you guys, perhaps it's something to do on the accoun't settings? regardless hope you can still find this fic and thank you all for the interest <3
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yzzyhee · 5 days
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PAIRING: bff!sim jaeyun x yn
WARNING: pet name (angel, baby) lmk if i missed anything, slight angst..? a lot of feelings involved, kinda mean heeseung??
WC: ~5k more or less
SYNOPSIS: jake has always been there for you through thick and thin — he was always there to take away your hurt, as he was your cure, but when were you going to realise?
PLAYLIST: 5sos - heartbreak girl
A.N: hi everyone i just wanted to say quickly that it’s my first written fic, i have no idea what im doing tbf but i just really really liked the idea for a while and decided to give it a shot .. i truly accept any constructive criticism you might have idm this will probably be the first and last time i post something but ! do let me know what you guys think, it would mean a lot !!
ps. this one is dedicated to my wife @ja3yun seriously couldn’t have done it without ur advices so seriously tysm bb!!
Jake sighs as his phone buzzes. Picking it up he sees your caller ID and for a split of a second he doesn’t want to pick up the call. As he glances at the phone he lets himself wonder what a different life would be like; if somehow in another life he could stop caring and ignore you.
He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath — that could never be a possibility. He’s sure that if that another life actually exists, the universe would somehow bring him together with you and all of this would eventually happen.
“Y/N?” he answers, trying to keep his voice steady.
“Jake…” you manag to say even though your friend can barely hear your voice. “He broke up with me.” you said as a sob escaped from you.
Jake feels like his own heart is shattering. Not for your and Heeseung’s relationship that was over for now but mostly for himself. He’d seen you go through this too many times, always falling for the wrong boys and always ending up heartbroken.
“It just hurts so bad, Jake..” you cry, your voice breaking.
As you continued crying and uttering words that made Jake’s heart drop at how you seem to hate yourself now, he feels like he could punch Heeseung if he were to see him now. Even though he has been there for you through many of your previous heartbreaks and also fights with Heeseung he never heard you cry so bad.
“Hey, Y/N.. Listen to me. Take deep breaths, stop crying, angel, please.” Jake says softly and it makes you stop crying over the phone for a bit.
“You’re more than just a pretty face, okay? Don’t listen to him. You’re smart, you’re kind and you’re wicked funny.. And I guarantee there’s a guy out there who will see what I see, okay?”
You take a sharp breath and nodd but quickly mutter a “Yes” as you realize he can’t see you through the phone.
“I just.. Why does this keep happening, Jake? Why are all the guys I end up with always such assholes?”
“It’s not you, angel. You’re really amazing, you know? Sometimes people like him… just don’t realize what they have right in front of them until it’s too late. He will definitely come crawling back to you in no time.” Jake says in a playful tone but his words held some truth — even through your fights Heeseung always came back.
You chuckle and it makes Jake smile. He hates seeing or hearing you cry, especially when it’s about your relationships and how you always deem yourself unworthy of love from anyone when it’s your boyfriends who just can’t appreciate you.
“Thank you, Jake. Thank you for being a friend. It’s so late right now..I’m sorry for bothering you.”
Jake chuckles as well. “You never bother me, angel.”
“I’ll call you tomorrow at 10.”
Then the phone call abruptly comes to an end and Jake sighs for the second time that night. He knows you won’t call, especially if Heeseung puts his ego aside and comes back to you tonight.
He takes the pillow from under his head and places it on top, muffling a scream as his own mind and especially you liked to play him in circles again and again.
“Okay, enough.” Jake says as he looks away from you and Heeseung’s display of affection. “I’m seriously happy you got back together but I am still third-wheeling here…” he lies gritting his teeth.
To you it looks like he is actually happy for you and just annoyed by your public display of love with Heeseung but in reality? No, in reality he simply can’t stand seeing you act so in love with the boy when just three days ago he insulted you, called you mean words and broke it off. Just for him to come back to you, act all sad, say sorry and you forgive him just like that.
You push Heeseung slightly off you and lean closer to Jake to take his hand in yours, giving it a small squeeze. “I’m sorry, Heeseung just really wanted to come to the drive-in movie and I couldn’t say no..”
Heeseung drags you back into him and puts a hand over your shoulder while the other is sneaking between your thighs. You giggle and slap his hand away while muttering that “Jake is right here”. Jake quickly adverts his eyes, finding the movie on the playing suddenly interesting.
“Oh, it’s getting rather chilly…” you say after a few minutes and look longingly at your boyfriend, hoping for him to get the message and give you his jacket.
“I told you to bring a jacket, dummy.” Heeseung says, rolling his eyes but making no move of giving his jacket to his girlfriend. “How about you go get us some drinks, baby? Maybe if you move a bit you can get warm.”
Jake shakes his head at his words and scoffs. He takes off his jacket and puts it on your shoulders. “Here, Y/N.”
You smile gratefully at Jake, your eyes softening. “ Thank you, Jake. You’re the best.”
“Anytime,” Jake replies, his voice gentle. He glances at Heeseung, his expression hardening. “You should take better care of her, man.”
Heeseung shrugged, not even bothering to spare Jake a look. “She’s fine. She can handle herself.”
Jake clenches his jaw, resisting the urge to say something more. He hates how Heeseung keeps treating you, how he takes you for granted and never caring. He treats you so bad and he’s so good to you — it just wasn’t fair.
During the movie that Jake paid no attention to , he couldn’t help but compare himself to Heeseung. What does Heeseung have that he doesn’t? Is it the hair, the stupid leather jacket he always wears, the bambi eyes, the way he carries himself with such confidence or the way he seems to effortlessly attract attention wherever he goes?
Or maybe you just happen to like the way Heeseung makes you feel after all. The excitement of the chase, the push and pull, the high and low that came with every fight and every word in it, making it hurt but also giving you a rush feeling.
But he knows you. In the long run you don’t actually want all of that. As he steals a glance at the two of you, he feels like he could scream out right now that you could be with him now. He could offer you love, stability. He decides to push off that idea out of his mind as fast as it came. You are happy with Heeseung for now and that’s all that matters.
He feels a hand on his shoulder, a gentle touch that brings him back to the present. He looks up to see you, seeing your soft smile but when he looks into your eyes he sees sadness lingering behind them.
“Hey, we’re going to head out… Heeseung needs to meet up with some friends.” you say quietly to Jake, your voice barely above a whisper.
Jake frowns, feeling frustrated. “You can stay, can’t you? You love this movie!” he exclaims, his voice louder than he intends, hoping that Heeseung can hear the disappointment in his voice.
You purse your lips and shake your head. With a low voice you mutter an apology and start to take his jacket off to return it to him but he stops you.
“Keep it.” Jake tells you offering a smile that doesn’t quite reaches his eyes.
You nod, getting up quickly and follow Heeseung to leave the drive-in movie location. You take one look back to wave goodbye at Jake, seeing him standing there, his eyes locked on you.
Jake watches you leave, the weight of unspoken words heavy on his heart. He waves back, his smile fading as soon as you turn away.
He closes his eyes and looks up at the sky, the cool night air brushing against his skin. The stars twinkle above, indifferent to his inner turmoil. He takes a deep breath, the chilly air filling his lungs, and lets it out slowly, his breath visible in the night air.
In the silence of the drive-in, the sound of distant car engines and the murmur of people leaving fill the background, but Jake is lost in his thoughts. He thinks about all the moments he’s shared with you, the laughter, the tears, and the quiet times where just being near you was enough. He thinks about the way Heeseung treats you, and it makes his chest tighten with frustration and longing.
Jake opens his eyes, the stars still sparkling above, offering no answers, no solace. He knows he can’t keep this to himself much longer. The longer he waits, the more he sees you getting hurt, the more it eats away at him. But he can’t do it. He knows you need to know that someone out there loves you deeply but what if it his feelings would ruin everything for good? For now, all he can do is be there for you, as he always has been. He turns away from the screen, walking slowly to his car. As he gets in and starts the engine, he glances back at the empty space where you had been sitting, the memory of your sad smile etched in his mind.
Jake sits in his room, the soft glow of his desk lamp casting long shadows across the walls. His mind is a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, his heart heavy with the weight of unspoken words. For weeks now, he’s been wrestling with the idea of confessing his feelings to you, his best friend and the person he cares about most in the world. But every time he tries to gather the courage to tell you how he feels, his fears and insecurities hold him back, trapping him in a cycle of doubt and self-pity.
“Hey, Jake, are you listening?” your voice takes him out of his thoughts. You get up from the bed and go sit on the desk chair next to him.
“No, sorry.” Jake smile sheepishly. “You were saying?” he attempts to play it off.
You roll your eyes. “I was talking about this new book coming up…” you trail off, talking about the upcoming release of your favourite author.
Jake can’t help but let himself watch you. He thinks about the way you smile, the way your soft giggle fills the room and makes his heart skip a beat and the way your eyes light up when you talk about something you’re passionate about just like now.
And as he listens to you talk, he can’t help but feel a sense of longing wash over him, a longing to tell you how he feels, to lay his heart bare and risk it all for the chance at something more.
“Y/N I-“ Jake suddenly interrupts you but his bravery doesn’t last long.
As the moment passes, the words stick in his throat, suffocating him with their weight. He wants to tell you, he really does, but the fear of rejection holds him back, paralyzing him with its grip.
“Yes? Did you want to say something?” you ask him and look up to him just to see him shake his head and motioning for you to continue talking about the book.
And so he sits there, silent and still, watching you with a mixture of adoration and regret, wishing he could find the courage to take the leap and tell you how he feels.
As you continue to talk, oblivious to the turmoil raging within him, Jake can’t help but wonder what it would feel like to hold you in his arms, to kiss you under the stars, to whisper words of love into your ear. But for now, all he can do is watch and wait, hoping that one day, he’ll find the strength to confess his feelings and take a chance on love.
“You will come with me, right?” you say to him suddenly. “To the book release? Heeseung doesn’t want to come, he thinks it’s silly..”
Jake's heart skips a beat at your words, his mind racing with a mixture of excitement and nervousness but also anger towards Heeseung — how could he think your passion, your hobby is something silly and telling you that to your face nonetheless? Jake keeps those thoughts of your boyfriend to himself. However the thought of spending time alone with you again, of being by your side as you indulge in something you love and hanging out just like old times, fills him with a sense of warmth and anticipation.
“Of course, Y/N,” he says, his voice soft.“I’d love to come with you.”
A smile spreads across your face, and Jake feels his heart swell with happiness at the sight. For a moment, everything else fades away, leaving just the two of you, lost in the moment together.
And as you talk excitedly about the upcoming event, Jake can't help but feel a sense of hope stir within him. Maybe this is his chance, his opportunity to finally confess his feelings and take a chance on love. And as he looks into your eyes, he knows that no matter what happens, he'll always be there for you, ready to support you and cherish every moment you share together.
“Heeseung, what’s gotten into you?” you ask, frustration clear in your tone as you watch him pace around your living room.
Heeseung stops and scoffs. “Are you serious?”
You fight the urge to roll your eyes. Ever since he tagged along to the the drive-in movie hang out between you and Jake and then found out you went with Jake to your book release event he started to act out. He rejects your ideas to go out on a date, he rejects initiating any kind of intimacy to you — even refusing to hold your hand, something he’s never done in your 6 months relationship.
You can’t help but feel confused and hurt by his sudden change in behaviour. He used to be so affectionate even if you had a fight and was always eager to show you off on dates and such but now he seems like a completely different person.
“Seriously, Heeseung. Talk to me, what’s going on?” you press, your voice tinged with worry.
Heeseung looks at you and steps closer. “You’re in love, baby.” he says while putting a strand of your hair behind your ear, smiling softly. “But not with me.”
“What?” you say, your mind racing as you try to process what he just said.
“I think you should give Jake a call.” Heeseung continues, his expression earnest though you can’t help but feel puzzled by his sudden insight. Heeseung chuckles. “C’mon, baby. Did you think I wouldn’t notice? How your eyes always light up when he’s around or how you always talk about him when he’s not and bring him up whenever there’s an opportunity? Or how you always compare what I do with what he does?”
You part your lips slightly, caught off guard by his observations. His words hit you like a bolt of lightning, sparking a flurry of emotions within you.
“But… I…” you stammer, struggling to find the words to express the tumultuous thoughts swirling in your mind.
Heeseung reaches out, gently cupping your face in his hands. “It’s okay, Y/N,” he says softly. “I understand. Hell, I’d fall in love with the guy too if he were to always drop everything and be at my beck and call. How did you not realise everything sooner? I swear, he has been so obvious the past weeks.” he chuckles. “Actually, did you know he had a presentation on the day you went with him to the book release? He talked with his professor to present it earlier so he could come with you.”
Heeseung’s words hit you like a sudden gust of winter wind, cutting through the air with their sharpness and leaving you feeling exposed and vulnerable. His observations about Jake’s actions leave you reeling, the realization sinking in like a heavy weight on your chest.
“I… I didn’t know,” you whisper, your voice barely above a whisper as you struggle to process the information. “I didn’t realize he was going out of his way for me…”
Heeseung’s hands drop from your face, his expression softening with understanding. “It’s okay, Y/N,” he says gently, his voice a comforting presence in the midst of the storm raging inside you. “Sometimes, it’s hard to see things clearly when you’re too close to them.”
You nod slowly, feeling a sense of guilt wash over you at the thought of all the times you may have overlooked Jake’s gestures of affection. How could you have been so blind to his feelings, so oblivious to the depth of his love for you?
Heeseung leans in closer and kisses your forehead. It’s a tender, lingering kiss, filled with a mixture of sadness and acceptance. He pulls back, looking into your eyes one last time with a strained smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. The weight of the moment hangs heavy between you, and you can feel the finality in his actions. He turns and walks towards the door.
You watch him leave, your heart aching as he steps out of your apartment. The door closes behind him with a soft click, and you stand there, feeling a profound sense of loss. Part of you wants to run after him, to call him back and somehow make everything right. But you know that some things can’t be fixed with a few words.
You move to the window and peer out, hoping to catch a glimpse of Heeseung, hoping he would turn back and give you one last look. But the street below is empty, and the cold night air feels like a reflection of the unresting feeling inside you.
For the first time after a break-up, you don’t call Jake. You take the night to yourself, the silence of your apartment enveloping you like a cold winter's night. Your mind is a whirlwind of confusion and heartache, the echoes of Heeseung's words lingering like a biting chill.
As you sit alone, wrapped in a blanket on the couch, your thoughts turn to Jake. The realisation that he might have deeper feelings for you sends a shiver down your spine. You’ve always seen him as your rock, your dependable best friend, but now, faced with the possibility that his feelings might run deeper, you feel an icy grip of uncertainty and fear tighten around your heart.
You think about all the moments you’ve shared with Jake, the late-night conversations, the inside jokes, the way he’s always been there for you. How could you have been so blind to his feelings? The thought of potentially hurting him, of disrupting the comfortable dynamic you’ve always shared, fills you with a sense of dread. It’s like stepping out into the harsh winter wind, unsure if you’ll be able to find your way back to the warmth and safety you’ve known.
You wrap the blanket tighter around yourself, seeking comfort in its embrace, but your mind continues to spiral. What if you don’t feel the same way? What if your feelings for Jake are merely a reflection of your gratitude and dependence on his unwavering support? The thought of leading him on, of giving him false hope, sends a pang of guilt through you. The guilt eats at you for not noticing sooner, for being so wrapped up in your own relationships and dramas that you missed the quiet, steady love that Jake might have been offering all along. It’s a chilling thought, realizing how much you might have overlooked in your pursuit of fleeting romances with others.
Your heart and mind feel like a frozen landscape, barren and cold, with no clear path forward. You can’t deny the flutter of something more when you think of Jake, but it’s buried under layers of confusion and fear. You’ve been through so much heartache, and the idea of risking your most cherished friendship for a chance at something more feels like walking on thin ice, fragile and treacherous.
The night wears on, and the cold, empty silence of your apartment presses down on you. You long for the warmth of Jake’s presence, his soothing voice and reassuring words, but you know you can’t run to him this time. You need to sort through your feelings, to understand what’s real and what’s born out of loneliness and a desire for comfort.
As the hours pass, you come to a bittersweet realization. You need to protect Jake from potential heartbreak, to shield him from the uncertainty that’s freezing your heart. You care for him too much to risk his happiness on your unresolved feelings. And so, for the first time, you decide to face this winter storm on your own, hoping that in the process, you’ll find clarity and the strength to either embrace or gently let go of what could be.
Tomorrow, you’ll see him, and maybe the warmth of his smile will melt some of the ice around your heart. But tonight, you wrap yourself tighter in your blanket and let the winter winds of your emotions rage on, knowing that some answers can only be found in the stillness of the cold.
You don’t see him tomorrow. Instead, you chose to run from him, from his feelings and your own. The weight of your confusion and fear makes you retreat further into yourself, wrapping the cold, comforting solitude around you like a protective cloak. You bury yourself in college work, books and anything that can keep your mind occupied. Yet, in the quiet moments — those still, silent spaces between the busyness — your thoughts inevitably drift back to Jake.
The look in Jake’s eyes when he’s with you haunts you. It’s a look filled with warmth and unspoken words. A look that now seems so painfully clear in hindsight. It’s as if he’s always been there, offering you a love as constant and reassuring as the summer sun, yet you were too caught up in the fleeting, cold winter winds of other relationships to notice.
Jake’s feelings for you feel like a warm summer day. They’re gentle and persistent, bringing light and comfort into your life without demanding anything in return. His love is the kind that warms you from the inside out, melting away the icy barriers you’ve built around your heart. But now, the fear of stepping into that warmth, of risking the friendship you hold so dear, keeps you trapped in a winter of your own making.
Meanwhile, Jake is left adrift, confused and hurt by your sudden withdrawal. He tries to seek you out, to understand why you’re avoiding him, but every attempt is met with distance. He feels like he’s chasing shadows, reaching out for something that slips further away with each passing day. He even tried to talk with Heeseung, hoping that the man knows something of why you’re acting this way towards him but much like you, Heeseung avoided him.
As the days turn into a week, the winter storm within you begins to show signs of weakening. The relentless busyness that you’ve thrown yourself into can’t keep the feelings at bay forever. In those quiet moments, when you’re alone with your thoughts, you start to feel the warmth of Jake’s love seeping through the cracks in your icy defenses.
You remember the way he looked at you, the gentle, unspoken promises in his eyes. The realization that you’ve been running from something so genuine, so pure, starts to thaw the fear and confusion that have held you captive. The warmth of Jake’s love begins to melt the ice around your heart, and you start to see things more clearly.
You know you can’t avoid him forever. The thought of hurting Jake, of causing him pain with your indecision, is unbearable. You decide that it’s time to face your feelings, to confront the truth that you’ve been so afraid of. You owe it to Jake, and to yourself, to be honest about what’s in your heart.
With a deep breath, you pick up your phone and send him a message, asking to meet. The anticipation of seeing him again fills you with a mix of dread and hope. You know the conversation ahead will be difficult, but it’s the only way to move forward.
As you wait for his response, you feel a sense of clarity. The journey ahead might be uncertain, but you’re ready to step into the light, to embrace the summer warmth that Jake’s love promises. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll find that the path you’re most afraid of is the one that leads you to the happiness you’ve been searching for.
“Ofcourse. When and where?”
His response is immediate, no hesitation, no hint of the confusion and hurt you know he must be feeling. The simplicity of his words, the readiness to meet despite everything, brings a small, bittersweet smile to your face. You suggest a quiet café near campus, a place you both know well, and set a time for the next afternoon.
The next day, as you make your way to the café, your mind is a whirlwind of emotions. The warmth of the spring sun on your face feels like a promise, a gentle reassurance that everything might just be okay. You take a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves, and step inside.
Jake is already there, sitting at a corner table. The sight of him sends a rush of emotions through you — relief, nervousness and a profound sense of familiarity. He looks up as you approach, and his puppy like smile is like a beacon of warmth cutting through your lingering uncertainty.
“Hey,” he says softly, standing up to greet you.
“Hey,” you reply, your voice a little shaky. You both sit down, and for a moment, there’s an awkward silence. Jake’s eyes search your face, and you can see the questions and concern in them.
“I’m sorry I’ve been avoiding you,” you start, your voice barely above a whisper. “I just needed some time to think.”
Jake nods, his expression understanding but guarded. “I’ve been worried about you,” he admits. “I didn’t know what was going on, and I… I missed you.”
His words hit you like a gentle breeze, warm and reassuring, but also filled with a depth of emotion that makes your heart ache. “I missed you too,” you confess. “I needed to figure out some things… about us, about my feelings.”
Jake’s eyes widen slightly, a flicker of hope and fear crossing his face. “Us?Your feelings?” he echoes, his voice tense with anticipation.
You take a deep breath, gathering your courage. “Jake, you’ve always been there for me. You’ve been my rock, my best friend, and… I’ve realized that maybe, I’ve been blind to something that’s been right in front of me all along.”
His eyes are locked onto yours, and you can see the hope growing, the warmth in his gaze like the sun breaking through the clouds after a cold cold winter day. “What do you mean?” he asks softly.
“I mean…” you struggle to find the right words, the right way to express the tumult of emotions inside you. “I think I’ve been so caught up in my own fears and insecurities that I didn’t see what was right in front of me. You’ve always been there, and I’ve come to realize that… that I care about you, Jake. More than just as a friend.”
There, it’s out. You think as you let the words out of your mouth. The words hang in the air between you, a confession that feels both terrifying and liberating. Jake’s expression softens, a mixture of relief and overwhelming emotion flooding his face.
“I’ve cared about you for a long time.. I’m surprised you didn’t notice sooner,” he admits, his voice shaking slightly. “I didn’t know how to tell you without risking what we have. But hearing you say that… it means everything to me.”
You reach across the table, taking his hand in yours. The simple touch feels like a lifeline, grounding you in this moment of vulnerability and honesty. “I’m scared, Jake,” you confess. “I’m scared of losing what we have, but I’m more scared of never knowing what we could be.”
Jake squeezes your hand, his grip warm and reassuring. “We’ll figure it out together,” he promises. “We’ve always been there for each other, and that won’t change. I want to be with you, Y/N. Not just as your friend, but as someone who loves you.”
His words are like the first true warmth of summer, melting away the last of your fears. You smile, a genuine, hopeful smile, and nod. “I want that too, Jake. I want to see where this goes, with you.”
As you sit there, hand in hand, you feel the ice around your heart finally melt away, replaced by the warmth and promise of a new beginning. The journey ahead might be uncertain, but with Jake by your side, you know you’ll face it together, one step at a time.
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jordanstrophe · 4 months
Abandoned whumpee
CW: Whumper turned caretaker, injured whumpee, defiant, restrained, angst
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Whumpee awoke in their enemies infirmary.
An IV was pricking their arm and the lights were dimmed. They twitched as their wrist ached from the handcuff binding them to the bed.
"You're awake? I was getting worried about you." Whumper hummed, sitting by their bedside with a large cup of coffee. Whumpee shakily rose their hand as the handcuff clinked.
"This isn't necessary." Whumpee tiredly mumbled.
"My my, you've been awake for ten seconds and already making demands." Whumper chuckled. "But I'm afraid we're not on that level of trust yet, I can get you something for the bruise."
Whumpee tried to sit up, everything felt like it was moving in slow motion. 
"I'm a w-wounded prisoner. It's not like I know my w-way around here-" Their voice hitched as their arm gave in as they collapsed. Whumper was quick to pull them up and put a pillow behind their back.
"Easy now, you're still healing. -And don't downgrade yourself, you could still pack a punch, I know how you were trained." Whumper scolded, fixing the blanket around them.
"How could you possibly know that." Whumpee squinted. Whumper ignored their question and waved someone over; they were handed something whumpee couldn't see from the bed. Whumper moved towards them whumpee tried to scamper as far as the handcuff could go.
"Hey! Hey, calm down. It's not going to hurt you." Whumper lulled, placing a plate with a full meal on their lap. "Look, it's just a peace offering."
Whumpee's face flushed with a hint of pink as they lowered their shoulders. Hospitality was the least they expected from their enemy's leader. "You're feeding me?" Whumpee tilted their head.
"Of course I'm feeding you. I saved your life, I'm not going to waste it all by starving you. Gracious, eat your dinner." Whumper scoffed. 
"This is dinner? How long did you sedate me?" Whumpee suddenly perked up.
"I didn't sedate you, you were exhausted. That's just how long you slept. Now eat, you'll feel better." They nudged, taking their wrist and putting a plastic fork in whumpee's hand.
"If I didn't know any better," Whumper chuckled, "I would guess your beloved team wasn't feeding you either-"
Whumper felt movement and grabbed whumpee's arm before they attempted to plummet the fork into whumper's neck. They glared at each other as Whumpee was panting and pouring with sweat.
"Sweetheart, that is a plastic fork you're holding." Whumper glared.
"I know. But it's got three sh-sharp points and that's good enough f-for me." Whumpee grunted, still attempting to stab them. Whumper grabbed their collar and yanked them mere inches away. Whumpee pushed and tried to back-peddle as whumper held their collar.
"That was a cute try." Whumper whispered in their ear. "But you don't have the strength to fight just yet, little lamb. Should have eaten first." They plucked the fork out of Whumpee's hand and released them. Whumpee fell back and winced, holding their wound as it pulsed. They could feel the stitches underneath their shirt, staying intact at least...
"You honestly can't believe you'll keep me here like this! I don't want to be here- I'm not your pet to tease!" Whumpee shouted at them.
"You're not my pet. If you want to be that way, then sure; you're like a lamb running for the cliffs that I have to keep pulling you away from." Whumper straightened their jacket and rubbed their neck.
"You're only keeping me alive so you can torture me later, I've told you from the start I won't ever give up my team-"
"-No." Whumper cut them off.
Whumpee suddenly quieted and closed their lips. "... What do you mean no?" They quietly asked.
"I'm not gonna hurt you, your head is so full of lies it sickens me to know what they've taught you! You want to know why I stayed by your side all day? You woke up throughout the night and cried yourself right back to sleep!"
"I wasn't crying!" Whumpee sobbed, covering their face and fell silent. Whumper shut their mouth and leaned back, realizing they had corned them. "I'm sorry. I uh ... I'll give you some space. I'll come check on you later." Whumper quickly stood. They craned their head back to see whumpee was now curled on their side facing away from them.
Whumpee flinched when they heard a "clink" as the handcuff fell off their wrist. It was a feeling of pure light and relief. It was a surprising gesture, even for the stunt they pulled with the now-revoked plastic fork.
This wasn't the ruthless enemy whumpee was expecting; whumper speaks as if they know more about their own team than whumpee does. If they got trusted enough to freely walk around, they would get to find their own answers deep in the core of their enemies base. 
 Perhaps this was an opportunity.
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@parasitebunny @starzabove @frog-hat-fa-ggot @morning-star-whump @memepsychowhowantsuperpower-blog @mommymarichatfurever​  @isita-torrrres @tobiaslut
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whathebeep · 8 months
Okay so like the perma death of Tav and how it would affect the party-
Just cause my Tav died during the end boss and it got me thinking (SPOILERS FOR SURE) (definitely romance centric around poly Tav/Astarion/Halsin)
The party definitely doesn't fully comprehend it at first. Oh it's fine, Shadowheart has revivify- no? It won't work? Right okay we have the scrolls- oh. Okay well we can bring them back to Withers- what do you mean you can't?
That's it. That's the end, and Tav is dead and gone, cold to the touch.
Astarion is in shock. He doesn't believe it, won't believe it- he gets angry at Withers. Yells and screams until his voice his hoarse and angry hot tears are running down his face until he drops to his knees and sobs. Tav's body is on a bed or a stone slab, and he just kneels and cries next to Tav. Squeezes their hand, begs, pleads with them for you to come back. Don't take them, take me- let them live, let them stay, I can't do this without them. Halsin stays with him, by your side, the two comforting each other through their tears and the loss of their love. He cries until he's weak and tired and can't bring himself to move- Halsin feeds him and brings him to bed. He cries at the smell of you on his pillow; you were his sun and now you were gone.
Gale is quiet. Gale comforts the others, makes sure everyone else's needs are being met. He makes Tav's favourite meal that night for everyone at camp- probably something like a nice hearty stew with potatoes and beef. After he's sure everyone else is fed and has drank water/blood, he returns to his tent to eat alone. He closes his tent and quietly cries. He doesn't eat.
Wyll? Wyll carries Tav back to camp- perhaps with the help of Lae'zel. He feels how cold your skin is, and he does his best to hold it together. He sees how deep your wounds are, how blue your lips are. He's unsure if you died before you hit the water, or if you succumbed to your injuries before Halsin pulled you out- but he feels the weight in his chest. You were a hero. Baldur's Gate deserved the privilege to know your face, to hear your laughter. You would've been knighted, you would be a hero to the people. They couldn't of done it without you, and now you were gone. He knew it before they even reached Withers. Wyll didn't sleep that night, rather staying up and tending to the fire.
Shadowheart knew it too. When she tries to revivify Tav and there was nothing, she knew there was no hope. She lingered when the party started back to camp with your body. Shadowheart made her way back to the now empty house of grief and picks night orchids. She takes her time coming back. Camp is quiet when she returns. She feels the familiar wisps of sorrow grasping at the edge of her mind- she is reminded of Shar, and the urge to forget. She won't go back- both for herself and for you. She brings you the night orchids and leaves them in your hands.
Halsin pulled you from the water. He was the first to realize you hadn't surfaced and swam down for you. Minsc realized quickly too and helped him bring you back to shore. Upon the return to camp and the cold hard truth from Withers, he's hurting. His heart hurts. Halsin falls into old habits, hard. He comforts Astarion first and foremost, putting his needs second. He did this at the grove, too. He realizes this and finally breaks, crying as he holds Astarion, the two at your bedside. He lets them fall, he hugs Astarion close, he prays to Silvanus- not to bring you back- he of course knows you are gone. He prays to Silvanus to meet you someday again, be it in the afterlife or if your soul comes back to this plane as something else. When Astarion is too weak to move and needs to go to his bed, Halsin carries him back to his tent. He holds Astarion as Astarion feeds on him, before laying him down to sleep. He leaves, returning with wildflowers to weave into your hair, before returning to bed with Astarion.
Karlach rages. She's violent for hours on end- punching trees, her upgraded engine burning so hot that her tears sizzle if they fall on her skin. She spent 10 years in the hells, 10 goddamn years with absolutely no one- you were the first person to give her a chance. You were her friend. You stood up for her time and time again, you saved her from needing to go back- and now you're gone. She punches a tree and scratches at it and yells angry things in infernal. Her rage only simmers when Scratch and your owlbear cub come to her- she collapsed against the tree and holds them both, crying as her engine starts to cool.
Lae'zel is quiet. She helps Wyll carry you back- she might not be the best at reading emotions, at telling what is happening- but she's seen death before. She realized you were gone when Minsc and Halsin pulled you out. You were a hero- you saved her people, you saved her prince, you saved /her/. And now you were gone. She wonders if you felt as scared as she was, when the tadpole was the greatest threat to them back on the Nautiloid. She knows she didn't say it, but she considered you a true friend. She comes to you later in the night to lay your weapon in your hands. She notices the orchids, and leaves them within your hands as well before going to sit at the fire with Wyll. She's quiet.
Minsc? Minsc is optimistic. He's not stupid- he holds out hope you'll be fine, reassuring the others while they walk back to camp. Surely you were fine, Withers would make sure of it! But when Withers tells everyone the truth, Minsc isn't angry. He feels the sadness, Boo does too- they go to the shore and sit to stare at the water. Minsc has been around for awhile- he knows the finality of death. He, in a way, knows Tav will be okay. That you will return as a bird or a baby or maybe you won't, and you'll await them all in the final death- and he and Boo mourn you.
Jaheira is the one to arrange the coffin for Tav. She's familiar with the process- she's done it many times before for Harpers. She's gone all night getting an oak coffin for your burial, and returns with a few men in the early hours of the next morning. They move Tav into the coffin, careful not to disturb the weapon you held and the numerous flowers. Jaheira sheds tears for you- she brings you medicine, laying the plants in your casket around your head. Lilacs and lavender, cedar and sage cradle Tav's head in the coffin. She thanks you for the lives you saved, the ones you've avenged- for doing what you could.
When the funeral happens, the cathedral is full. When the dust settled and word of your deeds, of your battle, of your sacrifice spread across the city, hundreds come to mourn Tav. Tav the great, Tav the hero, Tav the brainslayer. Tav is knighted before the burial, and is buried in a cemetery in the upper city amongst other heroes of Baldur's Gate. Church bells ring, and taverns are filled with people drinking and singing in Tav's honour. Bards have somehow already come up with songs of Tav and the group- and truly, while the party will remain together, their hearts bleed for the leader they lost.
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oneforthemunny · 3 months
I will take an argument with literally any of them. break my heart pls (but not too bad bc I am not doing too great pls & ty)
my punching bag today will be older!eddie.
"Delilah, no." Eddie's voice was stern, steady and full of authority, stilling the toddler from her terrorizing tirade.
Her little lip jutting, eyes rounding like they always did when she'd get scolded. You cringed at her suck of breath, a warning that the wailing sob was nearing.
Your temples throbbed at the sound, a dramatic, crocodile teared wail, diving straight into your leg with a pitiful, teary cry. "Mama!" Delilah sobbed, dramatic as ever, you knew it. She was upset she'd been stopped from smacking the small vase off the coffee table.
"Can you just put it up?" You huff, cradling a sobbing Lilah to your shoulder, her cries fading with disinterest, distracted by something over your shoulder.
"She'll never learn." Eddie huffed, his own nerves grating with agitation. The same argument found it's way back to the two of you.
"Can't just give into her all the time."
"I'm not." You snapped, teeth grit in annoyance. "I just don't want her to get hurt. She could knock it over by accident, so just put it up."
Eddie's eye roll nearly sent you into a rage, body tensing, blood boiling at his scoff, putting the vase under the TV stand.
You waited until Lilah went to sleep that night to bring it up, angrily turning down the bed with a harsh shove. "You know, you don't have to be so condescending to me." You sneer. "I do know what I'm doing."
Eddie huffed and you could hear the eye roll in his sharp breath. "I never said you didn't-"
"-No, you just act like I don't. Like I can't possibly know what to do-"
"-When did I ever say that, hm? I never said that." Eddie growled, tone rising in irritation, fingers curling around the throw pillow, launching it in the corner of the room. "But you gotta teach her not to do shit like that. Can't just let her get away with murder."
"See?" You snap, throwing a hand out towards him. "This. This is what I'm talking about. That fucking condescending tone-"
"-Condescending? I'm not being condescending. I'm just telling you-"
"-You think I don't know? Do you seriously think I don't fucking know?" You tried to swallow the shrill in your voice, keep it down so Lilah wouldn't wake up. "I know that, Eddie. I was trying to give her a chance to make a choice. You can't just yell at her the whole time, she'll think everything she does is wrong-"
"-I didn't yell at her-"
"- Oh? You didn't? Explain to me what that was then?" Your hands find your hips, fingers digging into your cotton pajamas.
Eddie's lips twitched, pinching in a tight line. "You know I have done this before, right?" He countered. "I have raised a kid before. Did a pretty good job at it, too. I do know what I'm doing."
"So do I." You boomed, the room falling silent at your tone, filled with defensive insecurity.
Eddie's chest tightened, face falling slightly. The way your eyes cut away, lip tucking in to hide the wobble that threatened to fall, arms wrapped around yourself.
"I know what I'm doing too." The crack in your voice made his heart tear.
Eddie was unsure what to say, head swimming with panic, cursing himself for not seeing this sooner. After Lilah's birth, you'd fallen into a slump- baby blues, the doctor, Wayne, everyone had told him with a solemn but reassuring shake of their head.
"Honey," Eddie's voice softened, dropping to a nearly hushed, raspy coo. "I know you know what you're doing-"
"-So why do you talk to me like I don't?" You snap, eyes cutting with that same rage.
"I-I'm not trying to." Eddie was unsure. He didn't want to upset you any further. "But parenting is supposed to be both of us, baby-"
"-So you act like it first. Treat me like a parent for once, and not like I'm some stupid, incapable person." You huffed, snatching your pillow off the bed, stomping out of the room with a shaky huff, leaving Eddie standing with a sick, heavy feeling settled in the pit of is stomach.
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I'll come pick it up after pt.10
John Egan X Female! Reader
Sumarry: When Egan doesn't come back from a mission. His nurse reads the letter he left for her.
Warning: Sadness/ mention of death/ historical inaccuracies/ crying/ Swearing/ use of y/n/
Word count: 980 words.
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When she saw that only one plane was coming back, her heart sank. Harry Crosby was next to her; he hadn’t gone up because he got promoted to a desk office. ‘’That’s it?’’ he breathed out. She didn’t respond, she was in shock, where was he? This was the plane of Major Robert Rosenthal, but the guys called him Rosie. Bucky didn’t come home, all the guys except Rosie’s crew didn’t make it. When she saw the look on the boys faces, it said it all. Lemmons was trying to get information. ‘’Anyone else?’’ he asked. Y/n snapped. ‘’Do you see anymore planes Lemmons?!’’ she pointed out, her voice breaking in the process. Luckly, Rosie’s crew only had one man injured, so she could let the girls handle it. While she was going to go get Bucky’s letter.
7 hours earlier
‘’Darling, listen to me, if something goes wrong – ‘’ Y/n cut him off, she didn’t want to hear what he had to say, especially if it concerned his death. She sook her head, tears rising in her eyes. ‘’Don’t say that Bucky, you’ll come back, you always do’’ she said. He took both of her hands and kissed them; it was hard for him too. ‘’Please, listen to me, I know you don’t want to hear what I’ve got to say. Please listen’’ he pleaded. A tear rolled down her face, she knew this mission was going to be different than the others. ‘’If somethings happen to me, I want you to go get the letter that I wrote for you. It’s under my pillow. Read it only if I don’t come back.’’ He was fighting the urge to cry himself, the idea of breaking her heart if he didn’t come back was eating him alive. ‘’Promise me, darling.’’ He said, looking in her eyes. She avoided eye contact, he’d seen her cry before, but it wasn’t because of him. Now, she might lose him, and it was breaking her heart. ‘’I promise, but promise you’ll do everything to get back to me’’ she sobbed. ‘’I promise’’ he said. They hugged for what felt like hours, she sobbed in his arms, he cried in silence.
Harry Crosby accompanied her to Bucky’s bed; he was kind of a moral support and he had to make sure she knew where his bed was. ‘’Do you want me to leave?’’ he asked her. ‘’No, but can I have privacy?’’ she said, louder than a whisper. He nodded and waited for her outside. She slipped her hand under his pillow and saw the envelope with her name written on in. She took a shaky breath before opening the letter.
My dear Y/n,
If you’re reading this, something went wrong. I’m either dead or a war prisoner. I’m sorry for not coming back, darling, I know I promised you to. I want you to know that I love you more than anything in the world. The second I laid my eyes on you; I knew that I was head over heels in love with you. Meeting you was like listening to a song for the first time, and knowing it was going to be my favorite. It’s not every day you ask your co-pilot to punch you for a girl. I was too scared to tell you that I love you or ask you to be my girl, even though I think it was clear that you were mine. I loved being with you. We had a way of being quiet together, like the silence between us was enough to say everything, like in your office the other day. Y/n, if I’m dead, I want you to know that my last thought was of you, and the beautiful night we spent together, that’s the night I knew that I wanted to have you in my life. If I’m in a prisoner’s camp, trust me, I’m already planning my escape to come back to you. In the envelope, you’ll find my necklace. I want you to have it, it looked better on you anyway, you’ll also find a ring, it was my grandmother’s. She gave it to me one day, saying I should give it to the girl that I’m sure to marry, and that’s you. So, if I come back, we’ll get married, and if I don’t come back, you have the ring anyway, because I want to marry you. Take care of Meatball for me. I love you, darling, you're all I wanted love to be.
Forever yours, John ‘Bucky’ Egan.
Y/n whipped her tears as she folded the letter again, she looked inside the envelope, seeing his necklace and the ring. She put the chain round her neck and the ring on her ring finger. It was a simple gold ring, with a pearl on top of it. It was really pretty, and it fitted her perfectly. In her heart, she hoped he was in a camp, so he could come back to her, her heart couldn’t bear the idea of him dead. Harry Crosby heard her wailing, his heart broke, she was usually a happy person, she was a real sunshine, hearing her cry like this made him sad. When he entered the room, she was lying on her side, hugging his pillow, it smelled like him. She was sobbing till the point that her body started to shake. He sat on the bed in front of her. ‘’I couldn’t tell him that I love him’’ she sobbed. ‘’I’m sure he knew it’’ he whispered.
He was in fucking Germany! Surrounded by water and plants, with two men chasing him with guns. But he must live, for her, he promised her he was going to get back, he will. He has to marry her; he can’t let her alone. That’s what he was telling himself: Get back to Y/n. He had too.
Part 11⬇️
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sgojoenthusiast · 1 year
gojo x reader
gojo coming home to you after nineteen dreadful days without him.
cw: slight angst (if you being very upset counts as angst idk i’m kind of new here lol) & very miniature fluff, new chapter spoilers, daddy’s home
word count: 0.7k
likes, comments and reposts are deeply appreciated! <3 enjoy.
You couldn’t believe your eyes.
Nineteen days of cooking two meals, only for one to be discarded for the bin. Nineteen days of reaching behind you in bed to find a heartbreaking emptiness and an empty pillow. Nineteen days without hearing the jingle of his keys in the door, the warming, and loud, announcement of his arrival that never failed to make you smile, his soft kisses and delicate touch. Nineteen days of solitude and sorrow.
Somehow, this streak appeared to have been broken. You looked up from your untouched plate of food, an identical one sitting opposite you, at the sound of a knock on the door.
You dragged your feet towards the door unenthusiastically, all hope of it being the one you dreamed it would be, having dwindled gradually after every time you opened the door to a face that didn’t belong to Satoru Gojo. Each time just as much of a knife to the heart as the last.
But there he was. At first, you weren’t sure if the grief of his being gone and all other of the recent events were messing with your mind, but when he spoke, when you touched him, it all felt so real.
“I lost my keys, I’m sorry.” His voice was weak and sad.
All he had thought about was you. How you were doing, if you were in danger, if you were alive and protected as he couldn’t ensure it himself.
You had infested his mind constantly and without failure made him lose his mind with agony at the lack of your gentle fingertips trailing his skin and through his hair.
He pulled you into his arms immediately, having misunderstood the pain of not being in your touch for so, so long.
“You told me you’d be careful.” you sobbed, pulling away and punching him weakly in the chest, though he didn’t flinch, he just stared into your glassy eyes with his own a he caressed your cheek and pulled you back into his embrace as he muttered apologies
“I know baby-“
“No you don’t know Satoru!” all the pain that's been built up over the past two weeks finally being disentangled from your chest, crawling over him as he drowned in your misery. You pulled away from him again, taking a few steps back to take him in as he closed the door behind him and leaned against it.
“I haven’t been able to breathe or think or- I just-" you stuttered, not being able to get the right words out. "I missed you so much it hurt. I didn't know when you’d- I didn’t know if you’d come back and that killed me over and over again. The thought of losing you forever killed me.”
The feeling of him not being with you was so overwhelming. You couldn’t explain the grief you found yourself trapped in these nineteen days. Everything was a reminder of what you didn’t have. The reverberating silence of your shared home, the music you’d listen to together, the meals you’d cook together (mainly you, as he can’t cook to save his life). Everything hits you at once.
He kept his head down as though the site of your pain alone was enough to hurt the strongest.
“If I could take all this pain from you and put it in me, I would, a thousand times over if I had to and I really wish I could because seeing you cry and knowing I caused it I-“ he walked hesitantly up to you and took your face in the palm of his familiarly warm hands.
"I missed you. I missed you so fucking much." he muttered, placing his forehead against yours.
"I love you, Toru. Please don't leave me again, I don't think my heart could take it." you whispered back.
"I promise. Never again."
He had struggled immensely too, but all of his suffering only intensified at the idea of you being in so much despair at losing him, knowing you'd been rotting from the inside without your light to keep you flourishing.
You never once let him go.
When he carried you to the sofa and stood up to grab you some water, you refused, no matter how dry your throat was from all the crying. You couldn’t be apart from him for one second, in case it was all a dream that would end in the morning. And if that was the case, you wouldn’t dare waste a single precious second away from his protective and loving arms.
Everything felt so real, so when you woke up the next morning to the same spot that had been empty for the past nineteen days being occupied by the one you loved, your heart melted as your head nestled into his chest.
edit: help i dont remember writing this and i’m scared to reread it
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joeydoeeyes · 13 days
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ J's Lullaby 🧸 ༊*·˚
Bf!Joe x reader
When you can't sleep, Joe is always there to come to your aid ꒰🛏꒱ wc; 1.1k
Warnings: None
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You truly felt that you were beginning to go insane, laying between your white bedsheets. The hours had slowly slipped away from you, and you were still wide awake. One in the morning, two in the morning, three in the morning, four in the morning… the clock now reading 5:38 in the morning. Joe was going to be up in a few hours, and you were still here tossing and turning.
At times like these, you never failed to feel envious of Joe. The sound that his head hit the pillow, he was fast asleep, peacefully dozing like he didn’t have a care in the world. You could hear him snoring gently next to you, and while part of you was glad that at least someone was sleeping, part of your exhausted brain wanted to turn around and punch him in the face, it felt so unfair that he got to sleep when you felt so miserable.
The sound of bird song and the world slowly beginning to wake up began to fill the bedroom through the open window that was blowing the morning breeze in. Drivers making their first deliveries of the day, the early birds making the morning commute, buses passing on the street outside, but it only made you feel worse about being awake.
Everything was driving you up the wall, you felt like just tearing your hair out. You slumped back down against the bed, turning to face away from Joe this time, instead facing the white wall with the framed photo of you and Joe at his parents last Christmas, both of you very tipsy. No amount of holding it in could stop the lump you were beginning to feel forming in your throat, a physical manifestation of your frustration and anger at the world, at your brain, and yourself.
Before you could stop yourself, you felt the salty tears welling in your eyes and beginning to trail down your cheeks. You felt defeated and pathetic, wiping your eyes against your sleeves, soaking through the grey sleeves of the jumper than you’d stolen off Joe, turning the light grey dark. What you were even crying about, you didn’t know, if it was out of frustration, sleep deprivation, if you were angry, sad, mad, you couldn’t place your finger on a reason so your fingers wiped your tears instead.
You desperately tried to stop yourself from sobbing, but it was no use. Still in the middle of your tears, that was when you felt Joe’s big arms wrapping around your waist, beginning to pull you into him. You managed to turn over in bed to face him, so your chest was to his chest. He was wearing his white tank top, so his bare arms were against you. He had clearly just woken up, and he rubbed his eyes to adjust to being awake. “What’s wrong, my angel?” He asks, his voice low and rumbly in his chest.
As much as you tried, you couldn’t find an answer for him, instead just burying your head into his soft chest, clinging onto him like a lifebuoy in a storm, feeling his warmth radiating against you, his scent surrounding you. Joe let out a gentle ‘aww’ sound under his breath, as he tightened his arms around you, stroking your hair gently like he was petting a cat.
“Oh… oh, my darling,” Joe cooed to you gently, his hand continuing to stroke your hair as his other hand moved to rub your back soothingly. “Shush… shush… it’s alright,” He whispers softly. “I’m here,” He whispers, the sound of his shushing reverberating from his chest, relaxing you instantly, listening to the deep vibration of his voice as you were pressed so closely against him.
“I’ve got you. I’m here now… it’s okay, my love, I’m here. Not gonna let my baby go,” Joe assures you again, kissing your forehead delicately as he encases you within his arms, until you can’t see, hear, or think about anything other than him, him, him. Those deep, kind brown eyes look into yours with his expression soft and full of fondness for you, a face you think you could look at forever and die happy. 
“I-I… I… I just can’t fucking-,” You begin to stutter out, unable to find your words to express your frustration, before he shushes you again, wrapping the covers and blankets around you like he was swaddling a baby. “I know, baby. I know. You can’t sleep. You don’t need to tell me, I know,” Joe assured you.
He knows. Joe always fucking knows.
Admittedly, this wasn’t the first time that Joe had woken up to you being wide awake, and frustrated with yourself that you couldn’t sleep. He kissed your forehead again, as your head moved closer to the left side of his chest, and you could feel his heartbeat through his white tank top. The rhythmic sound soothed your tired head, giving you a constant sound to listen to, to focus on rather than your rapid thoughts, and you shut your eyes to zero in on it.
“There we go, love. That’s it. You can just focus on the sound of my heartbeat, yeah? Just focus on that sound, and fall asleep for me. I’m not going to let you go, my darling,” Joe whispers gently, as he cradles you in his arms like he was rocking a baby back to sleep.
You’ve finally found the most comfort that you’ve found all night, allowing every other thought to drip out of your mind, until all you can focus on is him. The feeling of his soft bare chest against you, the soft fabric of his tank top, the feeling of his stubble against your skin as he rests his chin on your forehead, the sound of his heartbeat, the warmth of his skin, the feeling of his stomach moving up and down under you, the soft sound of his breathing.
Finally, you could feel that you were beginning to fall asleep, all the noise in your brain finally beginning to fade out into nothing. Joe looks down at you with a soft expression, seeing that you were finally drifting off for him. He took pride in that, whenever he could take care of you, in any way he could, especially when he saw you so peaceful in his arms. He could feel himself getting sleepy too, letting his head relax against the pillow once more.
“Sweet dreams, my love,” He whispered, before letting his own eyes close, as the both of you finally began to drift off.
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A/N: I hope you all enjoy my first fic, just a quick little blurb from my insomniac self 🤭
taglist: @ceriseheaven (comment to be added <3)
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soggyriceee · 11 months
Gosh that would be so good what you think?
red handed pt 2 | Yandere!Konig
summary: what the request says above :P
warnings: murder, mentions of blood, Yandere!konig and f!reader, unprotected p in v, oral, fingering(f receiving)
about 6 months had passed since Konig's killing. you both moved out of state, yet to hear of anything regarding a dead body. it was still nerve wracking of course, but you and Konig were so fucking obsessed with each other you hadn't had time to realize it. Konig was still as crazy as he was before. he hadn't gone as far as to kill someone just yet, but you'd happily watch him beat the shit out of the drunk guys who tried to take you home. sometimes, you'd end up flirting with a guy on purpose just to watch Konig fuck him up.
"why do you d-do this to me mommy" he would whine into your neck as he fucked into you faster, pressing you further against the wall of the club you were both in. the guy he just beat up twitching beneath you both, watching him fuck into you. he'd always done that. drag the guy out into the alley way right beside the club, fuck him up and then make him watch you get absolutely fucked by him.
when you both moved you had a serious conversation with Konig about freedom. and he agreed, wanting you to ultimately be happy. but under the condition he'd be everywhere you are, no matter what. you needed to use the bathroom in public? he'd make sure it was a one person bathroom. you wanted to try a dress on? he was in there with you. he would be glued to your hip, never letting you go so far as a foot in front of him.
so if confused and hurt you when you saw him from the living room, talking to another girl outside your home. in her hand was a big basket of cookies. you couldn't hear the conversation all that much, but you knew it must have been something amusing considering the large smile on her face. and for the first time ever, in the years you both have been together, you felt genuine anger ; jealousy even. and that feeling only grew when she handed him two cookies in a stupid little ziplock bag.
when he walked into the house, your eyes remained glued to the girl as she made her way back down the street. " mommy some girl gave me cookies. would you like to try one?" he asked, hopping over to sit next to you on the couch. but you simply got up, tears of anger burning your eyes. you walked quickly into your shared room, slamming the door and locking it. Konig was not too far behind, asking you what was wrong, what did he do?
you didnt like feeling this way. it was an emotion you've never had to experience before in your life. you weren't ignorant to the fact your boyfriend was attractive. I mean, what woman doesn't love a 6'10 man, who looks like he can kill someone with one punch? it scared you a bit, the weight on your chest growing as you tried to figure out how you felt. why jealousy and anger felt so bad, mentally and physically.
"mommy p-please talk to me." you heard Konig cry from outside. but you couldnt bring yourself to talk to him right now. why did he take the cookie? why was he even talking to her? was she pretty to him? so many thoughts were running through your head, it made your chest feel even more heavy, but your head light. you laid onto the bed, letting the sobs come out into the pillow. and Konig was quick to hear them.
"why are you crying? what happened? did I do something, was it me?" he asked, banging on the door. and for some reason that angered you more. how could he not know what he did wrong? was it only okay for him to talk to girls, while you couldnt even look at a guy before hes put to the ground in a bloody puddle?
you were so in your head, you hadn't realized how heavy Konig's attack on the door had become. you jumped up when the door snapped in half in an uneven horizontal line. I mean, what wooden door had even the slightest chance against Konig? you wipd you eyes as you watched him kick open the door more, allowing himself in. " k-konig our fucking security deposit is-" "I dont care about that. your locking yourself in a room crying, thinking I won't fucking break in?" he cut you off, striding over to you. his own eyes were red, wet with tears. "why are you shutting me out.. what is going on?" he asked as he sat next to you.
you sniffled and wiped your eyes, looking into his chest. " the girl.. why do you have to talk to her?" you mumbled, feeling the anger crawl right back up into you, thinking about her smiling up at him. with those big brown eyes. she had her makeup done and everything, something Konig had asked for you to do only on special occasions. " oh mommy.." he whispered, scooting closer to you. he pulled you into his lap, your thighs on either side of his. he smiled up at you, wiping the last few tears that dropped from your eyes. " she was asking me around the neighborhood. thats all I swear." "then why was she smiling so hard." you counter attacked, looking into his eyes now. " because I told her the streets can be a bit confusing. which they are, aren't they? we get lost all the time coming back from our dates." he replied calmly, taking your hand and pressing a kiss to each knuckle.
you watched as he continued to press kisses onto your hand, flipping it over and placing one on your palm. you sighed and smiled at him, the anger you felt completely gone. "Ill throw the cookies away. they dont even look that good anyways mommy." he finally said after a few moments of silence. you smiled down at him and nodded, giving him a quiet 'thank you'.
the week got no better though. in fact, it got even worse.
" hi Konig~" you'd hear her say from the front door. you were in the kitchen, making you and Konig dinner. but when he answered the door, your eyes immediately shot up. and your grip on the knife grew stronger when you heard her stupid voice.
" I just wanted to invite you to my party. my 21st.." she said. from the kitchen you were able to see her hand him an envelope. "oh th-thank you but uhm.. I dont really do parties." he said, looking at the envelope in her hand. but she was persistent. she took his wrist, placing the card in his hands. she kept her hand on his wrist for a while, too long for comfort. " well it will be fun. and plus.." she was now in the doorway, pressed against his chest. of course, Konig had backed away slowly, but that didnt stop her from entering in more.
it was amazing how the knife in your hand wasn't already lodged into her throat. " you never know what type of fun you could have." she said, letting his wrist go. Konig's eyes moved up to your quickly, watching how you stared her down. and she didn't follow his gaze too long after. " oh, hi! are you his.. sister?" she asked, giving you a small wave. but you didnt say a word. you were too focused on not cutting her throat open. she looked awkwardly away, mumbling an 'okay' before turning back to Konig. " well I hope to see you there." she said, grazing his hand as she walked out the house.
you watched the door absentmindedly, the skin on your knuckles feeling like it could rip open. " mommy im not go-" you turned away from him talking, clenching your jaw to try and stop the tears from falling out. he quickly made his way over to you, the card being tossed right into the trash. he turned you around, grabbing your face to look up at him. " im not going. im sorry she said that to you I should've said something. please dont shut me out again." he said, his eyes darting across your face.
but your chest felt heavy all over, the hot tears stinging your eyes. you pulled out of his grasp, walking away from him. he followed after you, telling you to stop and listen to him. but you couldnt shake the sight of her being so close to him, calling you his sister. it formed a whole new feeling of rage, worse that last time.
just as you got to the bathroom he gripped your arm, pulling you into his chest. " I dont wanna talk to you get away from me." you said, shoving him back. well, trying to. but he stayed put, looking down at you try and push him away. "just stop for a minuet." he finally said, pushing you against the sink counter. you yelped in pain, your back instantly hurting from the force. he barricaded you between him, his arms on either side of you. " why are you acting like this to me mommy? I-i told you I dont like her.. I won't go to the party." he said, his tone softer than it was a few seconds ago.
but you couldnt give him a response. cause you didnt even know why yourself. it confused you, made you feel like you were crazy. or maybe you were crazy, just as crazy as Konig. he lifted your chin, looking down at you with teary eyes. " cant you see this is hurting me? when you shut me out like this?" he said softly. "please mommy just.." his eyes again went to darting around your face before her backed up, grabbing your hand. he led you to the room, shoving you onto the bed. he laid beside you, pulling you into his chest. "im never ever going to leave you. ever. I promise. so please, stop shutting me out when this happens.. please mommy." he said softly, wrapping you in his arms stronger.
you felt bad, crying over some girl you knew he'd never leave you for. he killed a man for you for crying out loud. what says I love you more than that? you nodded your head, giving him a meek 'okay'. but that didnt stop the urge to want to hurt her. hurt her for touching him, coming in your house. but you kept that to yourself.
~~ Konig had fallen asleep with you in his arms, snoring softly in your ear. and as much as you wanted to stay here with him, you couldnt shake the image of her in your house. it had been hours since it happened, you laying in his chest. and he had thought you'd fallen asleep. but you've been waiting for him to fall asleep instead, mentally preparing for what you were about to do. you knew it was wrong. and you scared yourself just thinking about it. but there was something in the back of your head that told you this was the right thing to do.
prying his arms off of you, you scooted off the bed. the clock read 11:42 PM in bright red letters. people were asleep by this time, right? you made your way to the kitchen, reaching into the trash where Konig threw the invitation. you took the mental note of the mini herts around her name, Jasmine. opening it, you scanned the card for her address.
" got it." you mumbled to yourself. throwing the card back into the trash, you made your way deeper into your kitchen. at first you just wanted to give more of a warning to just ease off of him. but in case that didnt work, you had a second plan. you weren't even worried about breaking into this woman's house, murdering her in her bed. and that is what kinda scared you the most. the lack of care or worry you had. you simply just wanted to get any potential threat to your relationship gone. plus, Konig did this for you. maybe he'd find it just as hot as you did.
you scanned the kitchen, searching for anything that would do enough damage, but was small enough to hide. you also began to think about how you'd go about this. you couldnt hide her body in her own home, that would be you asking to get caught. cant hide her in your own house. you then remembered the lake that was about a 15 minuet drive from your house. you smiled to yourself as you decided thats where you'd hide her body.
in that same moment, you found a pair of metal scissors, large round circles at the top to act as handles. perfect. sharp and long enough to stab her deep. shoving them into your pockets, you made your way to the front door, putting on your shoes. you needed to be quick, you knew. but the bigger issue was getting the car over to her house without waking up Konig.
you grabbed his keys from the mail desk and quietly made you way out the door, sure to keep Konig from waking up. when you were outside you quickly made it into his car and drove off, heading right for this Jasmine girls house.
~~ the windows were surprisingly open, a bit of an idiot move on her end. but you were assuming it was because of the heat outside. you made your way to the side of the house, finding a window open enough for you to slide in. you peeked inside, looking around to see if she was around. when you determined she wasn't, you squeezed your way through the window, landing flat on her rug.
almost like it was scripted, she walked out into the living room, jumping and screaming when she saw you. but you shook your hands, trying your best to shush her. " oh my GOD what are you doing in here?" she yelled, picking up a tiny vase that was on her table. "its your neighbor. I just needed-" she cut you off with a "yea I know who you are.", looking up and down at you. you bit the inside of your cheek. " if you needed something the door was right there for you to knock on you creep." she said, gripping the vase move.
the word 'creep' made you almost giggle. how were you a creep? you were simply protecting what was yours. " I just came to tell you to back off of Konig. he doesn't like you, and we've been together for a few years now. woman to woman, you need to respect that." you said, eyeing her down with the most serious gaze you can make. " oh please, im visibly younger than you, hotter too. Konig would be blessed to have me in his bed at night than you." she smirked, pushing her hair behind her ear.
she was right, about her being younger. but more attractive was what stuck with you. Konig always called you beautiful, sexy, pretty. every adjective to describe a good looking person. so it wasn't that you took offense to what she said. it was more so her stupidity and ignorance that got to you. " konig wouldn't spend 10 minuets with you alone Jasmine. so im asking you kindly to back off." you said, trying your hardest to keep your composure. cause its not like you want to kill her, but if your message went unreceived then..
"listen here lady, I dont have time to deal with your insecurities. if I want him ill 100% get him. now get out my house before I call the police." she said, her tone changing into a more angry one. for a moment you almost charged at her, but you had a different idea in mind.
"fine." you said, walking towards her front door. she eyes you down the whole time, watching to see if you made any sudden movements. and when you got to be right in front of her, you stopped. " im giving you one last chance.. keep away from him." she smirked, tilting her head to the side. " or.. what?" she asked.
your hands practically moved themselves now, smashing the vase in her hands to the ground, pushing her onto the floor. you placed one hand over her mouth, trying hard to not have her screams wake the whole neighborhood, the other digging in your pocket for the scissors. you sat your body on her legs to stop her kicking, her arms reaching up trying to push you off.
"just stay fucking still" you mumbled, your hand coming from your pocket to land a punch onto her face. she stopped, holding her now bruised cheek. " your f-fucking crazy" she cried, looking up at you. you ignored her comment, grabbing the scissors from your pocket. her face went pale, watching you smile at the shiny, silver weapon in your hand.
" I wouldn't say im crazy.. just possessive over whats mine." you said, trailing the scissors down her body, starting at her chin. her lip trembled, tears threatening to fall. " o-okay ill back off." she shuddered, her body tensed up. a small smile spread to your lips, your eyes meeting her scared ones. " oh but I gave you that chance a while ago.. " you said, eying her body trying to determine where to lodge the scissors into first. "I-i know but im serious I will just please.. please" she cried, her arms trying to cover her body.
you looked at her and for a moment, you felt sympathy. but the memory of her walking into your home, touching Konig, calling you his sister. it all made the anger come right back into you and you couldnt stop the scissors from lodging into her throat. blood shot out immediately, your hand grasping firmly around the scissors. her mouth fell open, a silent scream escaping her. and you just watched her, watched as the dark red blood poured out from her neck, her mouth too. it was satisfying to see a potential threat to your relationship gone.
you pulled the scissors out again, her blood flooding out faster now, squirting onto your face and neck. her hand reached over to cover it as best she could, her gaze still on yours. you watched as she struggled, choking on her own blood. so much so, you hadn't heard Konig's voice outside her window.
your body jerked up from the slowly dying body below you, looking out the same window you came from. outside, Konig stood, his eyes wide. and a part of you didnt feel scared. or worried. you felt proud sticking up for what was yours. you crawled off her body, placing the scissors down as you walked to the window. "mommy.. what did you do?" he asked, looking at you.
"I uhm.. I" you didnt have much to say, despite the lack of care you felt for the girl. but he didnt look angry, or scared. he just looked shocked. " can you let me inside?" he asked, nodding to the front door. as you walked past Jasmine, you realize she had completely stopped moving now, her hand laid flat on her side. blood still gushed out the side of her neck, the living room filling with the smell of blood.
opening the door, you looked into Konig's eyes. " I-im sorry.. I got jealous and- no. im not sorry" you were just talking at this point, rambling on about how you felt like what you did was right, and she deserved it. and Konig simply listened, leaning against the door frame, looking down at you with the softest smile you've seen from him yet. " a..are you not mad?" you whispered, looking to his chest.
and for a moment it was quiet. until his hands griped your waist, lifting you into his arms. before you could say much else, his lips pressed onto yours, his teeth clashing against your own. his tongue slid right into your mouth, his thumbs rubbing circles on your hips. Your arms flung around his neck, scissors still in hand.
kicking the door closed, he made his way to the living room, placing you on the couch. " did that for me mommy?" he mumbled, moving from your lips to your jaw. you nodded quickly, watching him move down your body. " so cute mommy.. just like me huh?" he keened, his fingers slipping under the waistband of your pants. his fingers wrapped right around your underwear, pulling them from your sticky, wet cunt. he flicked it back, sighing at the sound of your slick combining with your wet panties. " so wet mommy.. my goodness." he whispered.
he slid his hand from your pants, pulling them down right after. he moaned at the sight of your soaked panties, his fingers tracing over the spot. bucking your hips up, you let out a whimper, needing more than just his light touch. and he knew it, thats the whole reason he was doing this. " mommy you just killed someone.. think you deserve a reward now?" he cooed, looking up at you from between your legs. you nodded your head, the scissors in your hands dropping. "please.. please" you whimpered, pleading with him. he chuckled, licking his lips.
" want your baby boy to fuck you next to her huh? wanna get fucked next to the girl you just killed for me?" he asked, spreading your legs in butterfly position. he blew gently on your wet panties, earning a soft hum from above. " y-yes please.. " you ask breathlessly, looking down at him. he giggled and pressed a soft kiss on your inner thigh, licking a long stripe up to your clothed cunt. bucking your hips up to meet his lips. he shook his head, pressing another kiss to your thigh. " patience mommy.." he muttered, looking up at you.
you cursed under your breath, closing your eyes. you waited for him to touch you, do anything. and finally his fingers slipped under your panties to your throbbing cunt, the sound of your slick filling the once silent room. he gasped, loving how soaked his fingers already were. " so wet for me mommy.. you like killing for your baby boy huh?" he whispered, moving his middle and ring finger up and down your cunt, collecting every drop of slick that comes from you. " y-yes i.. want to prot-tect whats mine" you groaned, waiting for him to go for your clit.
a small whimper came from below you, his fingers slipping over your hole. you clenched around air, your leg shaking in impatience. " Konig please s-stop teasing just.. fuck me." you begged, pushing your hips down to look for his fingers. he smiled below you, sucking his fingers into his mouth. he hummed before sliding them into your cunt, both of you gasping at the feeling. " so slippery mommy.." he cooed, sliding his fingers all the way out before pushing them back in. your head pressed onto the couch, mouth formed in an 'O' shape. "
he curled his fingers up, finding your spongey G spot soon after. " is that the spot mommy? that the spot you need me at?" he whispered, watching how his fingers slide out your cunt, covered in your slick. "y-yes Konig k..keep going" you whined, your hips bucking up.
he was knuckle deep now, slowly finessing in a third finger that made your back arch up. you felt how your cunt expanded around his fingers, prepping you for his dick. your cunt made squelching noises, your slick bubbling out of you. it was embarrassing how wet you were, especially when you just took someones life. but maybe thats why you were so wet. because you were getting fucked for protecting what was yours. " wanna fuck you mommy.. need my dick in you." he whimpered, blowing onto your clit, his fingers picking up pace.
the knot in the pit of your stomach came quick, his fingers thrusting against your g spot, desperately trying to get you to cum. " come on mommy cum on me, I need it.. need it so bad." he begged, watching how his fingers slowly painted white. his begging added to that knot's desperation of letting go, and it only got stronger when you felt his tongue on your clit. you gasped, your hands finding his hair and gripping onto it desperately. " f-fuck Konig~ s'good" you cried, thighs pressing to the side of his head.
he growled at that, gripping the sides of your thighs and pushing them harder against his head. " come on mommy cum for me, please fucking cum for me" he begged, sucking your clit into his mouth. and that was all it took before your hips began to buck against his face, your face twitching in pleasure as his tongue lapped up your cum, his fingers still moving in and out your cunt. your hands gripped onto his shoulders firmly, your thighs still squeezing his head. " thats it mommy.. just like that" he whispered, slowly licking up your cunt, collecting the rest of whatever came from your cunt as it spasmed around his fingers.
he sat up, licking his lips as he looked over to the lifeless body. " come here mommy.. want you to show me just how much I am yours" he asked, sitting back on the couch. he watched you slowly sit up, your body still shaking from the orgasm that just took over your body. as he watched you, he pulled his dick out, watching it hit his lower abdomen.
Konig liked this new side of you. a lot. it made him feel like he wasn't alone in being crazy. he liked to feel like he was wanted as much as he wanted you. it made him fall for you all over again, if that was even possible.
crawling onto his lap, you looked down at him, hazy eyes and wet lips. your cheeks were flushed red, just the way he loved to see you. he smiled, cupping your cheek with his hand. pulling you down for a kiss, he took his other hand, grabbing the base of his dick. " come on mommy.. show me who's dick this is" he whispered against your lips, tugging your bottom lip gently.
pulling away from him, you looked down to his lap. you watched as his tip disappeared into your cunt, only to watch more disappear right in front of you. "f-fuck" you whimpered, feeling him stretch you out whole. " come on just.. a bit.. more" he groaned, pushing you fully down after the 'more'. you let out a silent gasp, looking into his eyes. his eyes were hooded, head slowly falling forward with his bottom lip sucked between his teeth. " s-so warm" he whined, hugging your waist.
you caught your breath, slowly beginning to bounce onto his dick. your hands found his shoulders, gripping them for supports while your chest pressed against his. " come on you can do better than that mommy" he whispered, his arms falling to allow his hands to grip your hips, moving him up and down faster. he leaned back against the couch, watching you from above. " come on mommy.. tell me im yours. f-fuck me like.. like im yours" he moaned, watching himself disappear into your cunt and reappear all over.
you leaned down to his ear, gripping the side of his neck. " y-your all mine Konig.. nobody c-can ride you like this huh? nobody can make you c..cum like I can" you moaned, picking up the pace and finding your own rhythm. your other hand remained on his shoulder, your head lodged into his neck. " no m-mommy... only - fuck - only you" he whined, his hips bucking up just slightly.
leaning back, you gripped his face, forcing him to look at you. your hips stopped as well, his full length inside your sloppy cunt. " d-did I say you can move your hips? take what I give you." you told him, gripping his face harder with the last few words. he whimpered a 'sorry mommy' looking in your eyes with his shiny, big ones. you smiled, resuming your rhythm and slow pace.
it was agonizing for him. having to feel every inch of his dick slowly get the attention he desperately needs. his eyes still looked up at you, pleading with your own to pick up the pace. but you were, in a way, teaching him a lesson. he'd always been rough with you in bed, despite the title he gives you. now it was your turn to act upon that title accordingly. and you wanted nothing less than a whimpering, blubbery mess below you.
" gonna teach you to not talk to another g-girl every again" you mumbled, slowly sliding up and off of him before slamming down on his length, clenching around him. his head fell back against the couch, his mouth ajar. " m-mommy please g..go faster. I need it I c-cant stand this pace" he whined, his arms letting go of you and instead, his hands gripping your waist. he was lucky you were letting him touch you, you wanted to make sure he didnt forget it was a privilege right now.
taking his hands from your waist, you pinned them on either side of his head. he opened his eyes, looking back at you with pleading ones. " no pl-please mommy let me touch you. I fucking need to touch you" he begged, shaking his head. but you only watched him, a smile across your lips as your hips rose and slammed back down onto his lap.
his skin was shiny, a win bulging out the side of his neck. try as he might, he couldnt stop his hips from bucking up. " c-cant take it mommy.. need more" he whined, his hips picking up the pace.
you knew you were weak compared to Konig, but you weren't expecting him to completely over power you. his hands broke free of your grasp, clutching onto your hips and slamming up into you. your head fell back, hands going to grip his shoulders. " thats it mommy take it.. oh fuck take it" he groaned, his head falling into your neck. his lips sucked hickies right onto the most noticeable parts of your skin, pulling and biting at the skin.
" s-so good Konig.. all mine~" you cooed, bouncing your hips to meet his pace. his tip hit the deepest part of your cunt, making you feel so full around his cock. " s'good mommy.. you feel so fucking good" he choked out, gripping onto your hips stronger. " wanted to fucking tease me didn't you? make me beg for your pussy.." he whispered, one of his hands slipping between your thighs to rub your clit. " knowing I can take t-this pussy however I want" he groaned, moving your hips faster.
he looked up into your eyes, blood from your neck coating his lips. " look so good beneath me.." you whispered, clenching around his dick. he whimpered, the image of blood and pleasure covering your face making his dick pulse inside you. his thumbs pressed into your hips, his breathing growing fast and strong. " mommy im so close.. fuck im g-gonna cum" he whined, his head falling back. his Adams apple bounced up and down, his lips parted.
your hand found the back of his head, yanking his head to look at you. " look at me when you cum" you told him, looking into his doe eyes. his mouth was still open, drool coming from his plump lips. " m'sorry m-mommy" he whimpered, looking into your eyes. your clenched around him, loving how submissive he was for you. " its okay baby.. come on cum inside me. fill me up" you cooed to him, giving him a small smile.
his whimpers picked up in consistency, his breathing growing rapid as well. " g-gonna - fuck , o-oh fuck " he cried, bucking his hips up into you. his arms clung to your waist, soft cries coming from him. " f..fuck" he breathed out, slightly loosening his grip on you. but of course you weren't done.
your hips continued to bounce up and down on him, his teeth sinking into your collar bone. " m-mommy wait i.. I cant- cant take it" he cried out, his grip returning on your waist. but you weren't listening to him. your hips instead picked up in pace, chasing after your own high. his cum ran down his dick, adding to his stimulation. " w-well take it" you muttered, hand still holding the back of his head. you pulled his hair so he was looking at you. his eyes were watery, shiny. drool slid down his chin, the blood from your body coating his lower face as well.
with each slam of your hips, Konig gave you a pathetic whimper, his eyes begging you to slow down and give him a break. but you couldnt do it. you felt too good to stop now. his hand that was once on your clit was replaced by your own, adding to the pleasure. " oh g-god" you moaned, head falling back. your boobs bounced in his face, adding to the orgasm that was forming all over for him. " mommy p-please" he cried, trying to hold you down. but you kept going, watching as the tears fell from his eyes.
and for some reason that only added to your stimulation. " awe baby dont.. dont cry" you cooed, letting go of the back of his head. his legs were shaking beneath you, his dick twitching inside you. and you felt close yourself, the way his dick hit your cervix so painfully well, grazing over your spongey g spot. it was perfect.
" mommy I-its too much.. please" he begged, feeling his dick yet again twitch inside you. your fingers rubbed faster onto your clit, watching his body spasm beneath you. " I-im gonna cum again mommy i.. I can't" he cried, another load of his cum shooting inside you. he clung onto you, crying into your chest. his whole body spasmed, still cumming inside you. " good boy s-such a - oh my god~" your body stiffened on top of him, head falling back and mouth ajar. your cum coated his sticky, wet dick, adding to the squelching noises coming from your pussy.
sweat and blood poured down your body, staining your clothes and his. small whimpers left his lips, his hips bucking up into you every now and then. " I l..love it when you use me like that mommy." he breathed out, pressing a kiss to your chest. your smiled, pressing a kiss to his forehead. " wanna help me dunk her in the lake?" you asked, slipping off him. he whimpered at the loss of touch, your cum and his completely glazed over him, dripping down to his balls. it was such a hot scene in front of you.
so much so, you couldnt help yourself from getting on your knees, taking his cock in your mouth. gasping, he tried to pull away, shaking his head quickly. " p-please I cant take it. I c-cant I cant" he cried, his nails digging into the couch. but you for some reason felt like you had to continue showing, or proving to yourself and him, that he was just yours. and will forever be yours. even if it means milking his cock till hes a sobbing mess.
his hips bucked backwards, trying to leave your warm your mouth. but your hollowed your cheeks, swllowing him back inside every time he slid out your mouth. " m-mommy please" he cried, trying to shove your head back. popping his dick out your mouth, you looked up to him, jerking him off to replace your lips. " tell me your mine. only mine" you said, looking up into his watery eyes, tears flowing down his face. " im yours. im all yours I s-swear, I swear" he cried, the sound of saliva and cum against his dick and your hand adding to the pleasure he felt.
smiling, you popped him back in your mouth, taking as much of you could of him down your throat. his head fell back, his chest rising and falling rapidly. it was sobs, sobs and pretty whimpers leaving his lips. his dick pulsed in your mouth, his third orgasm coming up quick. " m-mommy please I cant.. fuck it hurts" he cried, shaking his head, wiping his eyes. but he couldnt stop the cum from shooting into your mouth, his legs raising into the air slightly as he came, his body leaning forward. silent moans left his lips, his mouth still ajar.
humming, you swallowed around him again, earning another cry from him. pulling back, his cum and your saliva ran down your chin, a slutty scene to look at. " p..please mommy I cant anymore" he cried, his body leaning side to side, his eyes hazy and wet with tears. but you smiled up at him, kissing his knee. " I just had to make sure you knew you are mine. just as much as I am yours." you whispered, standing up.
you knew he'd have a hard time carrying the body right now, so you both stayed on the couch, cuddling with each other. " I love you mommy.. more than words can even describe." he said, laying in your chest. you smiled, running your hands over his face, wiping the tears that still brimmed his eyes. his dick was still pulsing, the shock of his orgasms still making their presence known. " I love you more Konig." you whispered, watching as his eyes opened and closed slowly.
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hyunjin angst pt2
pairing: hyunjin x fem reader
genre: angst, happy ending
word count: exactly 1.4k
warnings: none? lots of crying
an: this is a repost from my recently deceased blog hyunjins-orange-slice. may she rest in peace.
masterlist * part 1
the cab ride home was long and miserable. it had started to rain, the drops rolling down the glass, the sky crying with you. you sniffled and wiped at your nose with the sleeve of your sweater. well, not necessarily your sweater. it was chans. you were shivering when you first got in the car and he couldn’t have that. he was next to you in the seat, trying to keep his distance and give you your space, but he wanted to stay close enough so you knew he was there if you needed him. it had been silent ever since the car door shut, no one daring to ask the questions on their mind. until jisung broke the silence, still a little drunk from the club.
“did he really call you a whore?” he asked.
minho gripped han’s thigh in warning.
“ow ow ow, jagiya!” he whined. minho just shot him a warning glare in response.
“it’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it.” chan said. “it’s okay if you do want to talk about it. we’re all here for you.”
you sniffled again and nodded, unable to verbally answer him as fresh tears fell down your cheeks.
arriving home, you beelined for your room. throwing the door open, you froze in your tracks. this was the room you shared with hyunjin. your first thought upon returning home was to fall into bed and cry but now you’re in this room, surrounded by his things. this felt like an extra punch to your already bruised heart. you had no where else to go though. of course one of the other boys would let you cry in their room, but you didn’t want to see anyone or talk to anyone right now. and what if hyunjin was on his way home? he would certainly come to his room. but this is your space too, and you weren’t going to let him force you out of it. you crossed the room, trying not to look at his belongings, but mostly trying to avoid the canvas on the easel. it was a half finished portrait of you, the red and pink colors swirling together to make the painting feel… romantic, in a way. a choked sob broke from your chest and you collapsed on the bed, curling your knees up to your chest, hugging yourself for comfort. the pillow smelled like him. like his shampoo, his cologne. this only made you cry harder, your tears soaking the pillow and leaving your nose clogged.
how could he think that you would ever cheat on him? and even if he did think that, how could he say those things to you? sure, you all had been drinking and hyunjin was for sure a little tipsy, but was that an excuse? you didn’t see any scenario where it was okay for him to call you what he called you. and the fact that he arrived at that conclusion so quickly, without even asking you about it first, and then making a scene in public. you’re sure it’s all over dispatch by now. would this ruin his career? could you live with yourself if it did? is he going to be cancelled because of you? no. he was the one who chose his words and spat them at you on the sidewalk surrounded by nicotine clouds and taxi exhaust. this was his fault, and he deserved whatever punishment the public decided to give him. but… did he? you couldn’t bear to think about it. your mind was racing with thoughts like these as you cried and cried for what felt like hours until eventually you fell asleep.
you woke up to the sound of the bedroom door opening. it was still dark out, the house was quiet. you heard whoever it was, enter the room quietly and then carefully shut the door behind them. they approached the bed slowly, you could hear their feet shuffling on the floor.
"yn.. are you awake?" hyunjin whispered.
you sniffled in response.
"baby.." he said, his voice soft and watery. you squeezed his pillow tighter, clenching your eyes shut. thankfully, you were facing the wall with your back to the rest of the room. hyunjin took another cautious step forward. "princess i am so sorry. i know that’s not enough. and you have every right to be angry with me. but please, just listen to me. you don’t have to say anything." he sighed then, and took a moment to gather his thoughts. "what i said to you.. was awful. i am actually disgusted with myself. i want to blame it on the drinks that i had, but i can’t. i said that to you and i have to live with that. i will never ever forgive myself for that. and you can be mad at me for hours if you want. days or weeks, even. and that’s okay. i deserve that. but i promise you, that i will spend every moment trying to make it up to you. i- i’m so sorry that i broke your trust. i swore that i would never hurt you. and look where we are.." his sentence dropped off a little bit. he took another deep breath. it sounded difficult and shaky. "baby.. i should never have assumed that you were cheating. i know that you would never do that. not you. not my sweet, perfect girl." you heart gave a squeeze at that. "that must just be an insecurity of mine.. i know that it is. i guess, deep down, i worry that i’m not enough. i’m gone a lot of the time for work, and when i am here, i’m super busy with practice or schedules. and you deserve someone who can give you all of their time. i give every free second i have to you. even when i do things for myself, like painting, it always revolves around you. because i love you so much baby. and i am going to prove it to you. not with my words, not with apologies, but with actions. and i promise that i will spend every moment of my life, loving you."
tears were streaming down your face again as you sat up in bed. you turned to face him. he was on his knees on the floor about a foot away from the bed, his head hung low, his hair a mess and in his face. you scooted to the edge on the bed, your legs dangling over the side, your feet on the floor. the sound of the sheets rustling made him look up. he looked at you with red, puffy eyes. his face was swollen from crying and wet with fresh tears. he looked at you for a moment and then sobbed out "baby i’m so sorry." you knelt on the floor in front of him, both on your knees, nose to nose. you reached out and brushed his tears away with your fingers, but new tears fell just as quick as you could wipe them away. "i promise i will fix it." he said, sobbing. "i promise." his body was shaking.
"jinnie.." you whispered. you pulled him close to you, wrapping your arms around him.
he just kept repeating i’m sorry i’m sorry as his body shook in your arms, his tears mixing with yours to soak your shirt. "i believe you baby. it’s okay." you told him, squeezing him tighter.
"it’s not okay." he argued. you pulled back, and held his face in your hands, making him look at you.
"i’m very hurt about what you said to me. but i believe that you didn’t mean it and that you’re sorry. it’s okay, i forgive you. you’re still my jinnie." you leaned in and pressed your lips to his in a very short, watery, messy, kiss. "do you want to lay down with me?" you asked him. he nodded weakly. you both stood, and then cuddled on the bed, your face in his chest. he kissed the top of your head, his crying starting to calm down.
"i love you, yn. i will make it up to you. i promise." he whispered and squeezed you tighter.
"i know, jinnie. i love you too."
you both lay there in silence, the occasional kiss to the top of your head, until you fell asleep in each others arms.
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🚨reminder: this blog is 18+ only. i’ve been getting a lot of new followers (which i greatly appreciate) but if there’s no age identifier on your blog, i’m blocking you no questions asked. (for my own sanity and peace of mind.) ik some people don’t actually go to my page to read the warnings, so im going to start attaching a warning at the bottom of all my posts. thanks for understanding. 💕
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the-iceni-bitch · 6 months
-punches 2023- stop bein’ mean to my Nat. 😡😤
-blows a kiss to 2024- be good to Nat please. 🥰🥰
I really hope next year is better to you, bb. 💜💜💜
but um 👀 maybe #15 hurt/comfort with Ransom? 😍
15. “If you feel safer with me being there, you know I will always be there.”
You’re so sweet, Cupcake, I love you ✨🤍✨🤍
And I love making our sweater boy the softest sweetie on earth.
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Ransom hated getting home so late. He hated it even more than he hated spending time with his fucked up dysfunctional mess of a family. One of these days he was actually going to get up the nerve to blow them off, but today had not been that day.
It was after midnight by the time he pulled into the driveway and he knew you were going to already be asleep. He did his best to be as quiet as possible, the last thing he wanted was to wake you up. But then when he was halfway up the stairs and heard you making soft whimpering noises and he rushed to you.
You were all curled up under the blankets and clutching a pillow to you, tears streaming down your cheeks and making him feel like the world’s biggest asshole even though it wasn’t his fault. When he sat on the bed and brushed your hair away from your face your eyes fluttered open, your bottom lip quivering and a tiny sob escaping from you when he leaned down to kiss your forehead.
“Baby, are you okay?” Ransom hushed you and pulled you into his arms, rubbing your back as he let you tuck your face into his shoulder. “Did you have a bad dream?”
“Yeah.” You snuggled closer to him and gripped his sweater in your fists to try to anchor yourself. “I don’t like having to sleep without you here, I always have bad dreams when you’re not home.”
Ransom held you close and started rocking back and forth, kissing your hair while you sniffled and let yourself cry. When he felt you winding down he tilted your head back so he could kiss the tip of your nose, returning your reluctant smile and kissing the tears from your cheeks.
“There’s my little ray of sunshine.” Now he definitely knew he was going to blow off his family from now on, that sweet look on your face made his chest feel warm. “If you feel safer with me being here, you know I will always be here.”
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⁂❆❅ 𝒥𝑜𝒾𝓃 𝓂𝓎 𝐵𝓁𝓊𝑒 𝐵𝒾𝓇𝓉𝒽𝒹𝒶𝓎 ❅❆⁂
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daisynik7 · 1 year
could you do the most gut punching, debilitatingly soul crushing, hair pulling, tear inducing eren ff
cw: PLEASE READ - extremely heavy content and trauma warning, please proceed with caution. If you are sensitive to topics that deal with traumatic events, please avoid this. I'm being overly cautious just in case! 
Author’s Note: Thank you for the request, anon. Doing my best to give you something that I consider gut punching/debilitating/tear inducing. I’m sorry for the hurt, this was a tough one to write!
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It’s past midnight and you can’t sleep. You’ve been staring up at the ceiling for the past hour, eyes focused on the blank canvas above you, mind unable to shut down the way you want it to. It’s no secret: you’re thinking about Eren again. You haven’t stopped thinking about him for over a year now. And, given your unbreakable track record thus far, you never will.
You call his phone, knowing it’ll go straight to voicemail, clearing your throat as his familiar voice says, “Leave a message after the beep!” The tone rings, signaling for you to start. 
“Hey. It’s me again. I know you’re probably tired of hearing my voice, but if you think that’s going to stop me, you’re wrong. I’ll keep calling until the day you pick up.” You turn to your side, resting your phone between the pillow and your ear. 
“I can’t sleep. I had a shitty week at work. Levi’s been on my ass, complaining about how my desk is so unorganized. You know how he is. I guess it doesn’t help that I’ve been out of it. I don’t know. I wish you were here.” You swallow hard, trying to hold back from crying. It always leads to this, though. Tears streaming down your cheeks, soaking your pillow in sobs and snot. Eren always teased you for being such a cry baby. It’s one of the many things he loved about you. 
“Annie told me I should start dating again. Let go and move on. Told me it’s for the best. Of course, I got upset at her, but I know she’s just worried about me.” You sigh, eyes beginning to water. “Do you still think about me? Because I sure as hell still think about you. All the time.”
It’s inevitable now; the crying, the rush of emotions. “I’m still so fucking mad at you for leaving that night,” you say, sniffling. “So fucking mad for not staying with me. Why did you do that, Eren? Why did you leave me?” 
You sob into the phone, unable to form coherent words any longer. It takes a minute or two to collect yourself, wiping your face with the blanket, eyes puffy, nose runny. As best as you can, you continue, voice trembling. “I’m not actually angry. I promise you. I just miss you so fucking much. There’s not a day that goes by that I’m not thinking of you. I see you everywhere. In my dreams, around my house, whenever I hang out with our friends. You’re always here and always there. I can’t escape you.”
The giant teddy bear he won at that state fair five years ago sits on the bed beside you. You reach out for it, holding it snug in an embrace, the phone still squeezed to your ear. “I know you’ll never listen to this, but I want you to know that I still love you. I’ve always loved you, Eren. I always will.” With that, you hang up, ending the voicemail.
It’s been over a year now since the accident. When you got the call from his parents, you were staring up at the ceiling, exactly like tonight, unable to sleep. Waiting for his call to come through, ensuring you he got home safely. You told him to stay over, but he insisted, knowing he had to be with his family the next morning to celebrate his mom’s birthday. And of course, it’s not his fault for insisting. Eren was always trying to make everybody happy. It’s not his fault for driving that night. It’s not his fault for stepping on the gas pedal when the stoplight turned green. It’s not his fault for not noticing the speeding car with its headlights turned off, driving towards him, running the red. None of it was his fault, and that’s what makes it hurt the most. He didn’t deserve this. Nobody does.
And while he’s still living and breathing, the steady heartbeat pounding in his chest, it’s almost harder than if he wasn’t. For over a year now, you’ve held onto hope that one day, he’ll wake up from his coma. That the past twelve, thirteen, fifteen months have been an unbearable nightmare, and he’ll be back to his normal self. Laughing and smiling with his cheeks rounded, the same electric joy he brings everywhere he goes. It’s that hope that drives you crazy, keeps you sinking down this unending spiral. But it’s the only thing you have left to hang on to. 
It's become routine to visit him every weekend in the hospital. Sitting beside his peaceful form, stroking his hand. Throat stuck with anguish that renders you speechless. That’s why you leave the voicemails for him on his phone, the one that his mom promises to keep charged every day because she knows how important it is to you. You scoot the chair closer to him, the phone held in your grasp, playing on speaker the latest message you left for him just several hours ago. Wishing for a miracle that somehow, he’s hearing this and dreaming of you in his everlasting slumber.
Hey. It’s me again. I know you’re probably tired of hearing my voice, but if you think that’s going to stop me, you’re wrong. I’ll keep calling until the day you pick up.          
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ihavenolife346 · 6 months
❥☆My Girl☆❥
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Pairing: Lars Ulrich and F!reader
Warnings: Swearing and arguing
Summary: James and Lars got into one of their arguments and James finally hit Lars’s breaking point.
James and Lars couldn’t even remember what they were arguing about this time, somehow it got to the topic of Y/N, Lars’s girlfriend and James’s best friend. But everyone could tell it got heated fast. They were in each others faces, they were screaming at one another, Kirk and Jason were amazed neither one of them had punch the other yet.
“Well at least I actually give a shit about Y/N unlike you, her fucking boyfriend!!!” James yelled, watching Lars’s eyes go from angry, to incredibly pissed off.
“The Fock do you mean by that James?!” Lars threw his hand in the air.
“You say you love her, but you fucking don’t! You don’t give a shit about anyone but yourself! You put her through way too much to actually love her!!” James didn’t even know why he was saying that, his anger was getting the best of him.
The second James spoke, Lars wasn’t angry anymore, he felt himself break at James’s words. Did you think he didn’t love you? Did you think he made you deal with to much to actually love you? Lars felt like he was about to cry, he just stood there staring blankly at James. “Fock you man…” Lars mumbled out, turning around to leave the room without another word.
“Not fucking cool man.” Lars had heard Kirk begin to scold James as he hurried out of the building.
Lars knew he was as asshole sometimes, but whenever he was an asshole to you, he always apologized, he never did mean to he a dick, he was typically just having a bad day, you seemed to know that. Lars knew it was late, probably close to midnight, he knew you would be asleep by now, but he needed to get home. He needed 𝘺𝘰𝘶.
Lars felt like the short drive home took years, yet he managed to keep himself together as he walked into yours and his shared home. He tried his best too stay as quite as he could, not wanting to wake you. Taking off his shoes, Lars noticed how much he had been shaking. He had no idea how he kept himself together.
Walking into the bedroom, Lars was met with your sleeping figure. The sight of you being so peaceful made him feel somewhat relaxed. Lars smiled slightly when he saw you were in one of his shirts. Pulling off his own shirt and socks, Lars had quickly changed into a pair of shorts before crawling into bed with you. Lars was trying his absolute best not to wake you, knowing you could be a light sleeper, but his efforts failed. The second he was under the blanket, you had been pushing your head under his arm, curling yourself next to his with your head on his chest.
“Hi baby.” Y/N mumbled, throwing her arm over Lars’s waist, cuddling into his side. Lars had immediately wrapped his arm around the girl, he felt himself break down that very moment.
“H-hi sweetheart.” Lars stuttered out, holding back a sob, not wanting to bother the girl with his problems. Lars couldn’t help but think if you thought he didn’t love you. Hell, he loved you more than he loved anything in the world.
Y/N was immediately able to tell something was wrong. Lifting her head up slightly from his chest, Y/N was not fully awake, “what’s wrong?” Y/N muttered, seeing that Lars was about to break.
Lars finally let himself go, he couldn’t hold it back any longer. “Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” Y/N heard his sobs as she unwrapped herself from Lars, turning to face him fully.
“I-I” Lars couldn’t even get a fully sentence out, burying his face in his hands.
Y/N knew that he didn’t want to talk about it right now, she knew he couldn’t, so instead Y/N laid herself against the pillows and headboard, offering her comfort for Lars. Lars had practically threw himself into her arms, breaking down crying.
Y/N had wrapped her arms around him, stroking his hair, mumbling nothing but sweet words to him until he was ready to talk. They laid there together, 12:45 in the morning until Lars was ready to talk. He was gripping Y/N’s waist like he thought she was just going to disappear, he was holding onto her like a life line. Y/N knew he didn’t get like this much unless something was said in an argument that really hurt, or someone had passed. The last time she saw him like this was when Cliff died.
When Lars had finally pulled himself together he decided to talk. “He said I didn’t love you.” Lars didn’t dare listen his grip on the girl, burying his head in her chest.
“What was that baby?” Y/N asked again, not minding his grip even when she knew that would probably bruise in the morning.
“He said I didn’t love you.” Lars mumbled once again, not moving an inch.
“What?” Y/N didn’t even need to know anything else to know that he was talking about James.
“He said I don’t give a shit about anyone but myself. He said I made you deal with to much shit for me to actually love you.” Lars felt tears build up again.
Y/N just sat there listening, running her fingers up and down his back, providing as much comfort as she could.
“Y-you know I Love you right?” Lars finally picked his head up, looking Y/N dead in the eyes who had already been staring down at him.
“I know you do baby. I know you love me. And I love you too, with all my heart. James doesn’t know shit. He doesn’t know how we work, how we love each other. Don’t listen to him, I know you love me, and I love you.” Y/N placed a passionate kiss on Lars’s lips, feeling him visibly relax at her words.
“I love you, so much.” Lars placed his head back onto her chest.
“I love you too Lars. Go to sleep, you deserve it.” Y/N ran her fingers through his hair, offering the man sleep. Y/N knew her back would hurt in the morning because she was basically sitting upright, but that was the least of her concerns, her focus was Lars right now.
Y/N felt his grip on her slightly loosen, she felt his breathing even out, and finally she heard soft snores. Y/N placed once last kiss on his head before she had decided to go back to sleep herself. She had made a mental note to either slap James or yell at him next time she saw him.
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Piccolo x reader MDNI 18+ Daddy Kink
Was waiting on my fries when i decided to make this.
Piccolo doesnt always understand human traits all the time. Comes with the territory of being an alien he assumes. Some words mean others and multiple phrases can be indicative to a hint. Humans cant really get the essence of not saying whats on their mind, or keeping feelings to oneself. He's never really cared either. Its very easy to ignore the side looks and the tense shoulders when he says something that requires them to be truthful.
He hasnt cared. Not until you.
You twitter around his peripheral constantly. He wants to hear every syllable pass through your lips, he wants it on his darkened skin. To feel the worshipping ply of your laughter against his lips. He thinks that he'd like to learn every word and nuance you have to offer when you look at him like that. He thinks he knows you inside and out, every word ever spoken he has imbedded deep into his mind, carving and slicing- making room for only you.
Its a normal day when it happens. He asks you a question- he cant even begin to imagine what it was now, and you respond off handedly "Sure thing, Daddy". It has him pause briefly. You say it so casually that he doesnt even think you even knew what you said.
He ruminates on it for days, anger, confusion and a indiscernible heat resting in his belly. He knows for a fact that it is termed as a human paternal figure, but the way you say it...has him antsy.
So he asks. And you widen those pretty eyes and even he can feel the heat of your cheeks as you stutter out that you didnt mean to- it just. He isnt helping himself when he clenches his hands so tight and demands an answer out of you. He cant explain why he's even feeling so- its just a word.
You of course notice the dilemma. Always able to see under the crushed eyebrows and clenched teeth. It's probably best if you help him out.
"Well...you always take care of everyone Piccolo. You're so good to Gohan and the group...and me. You take really good care of me" You know youre playing with fire when you get closer and whisper Daddy into his pointed ears.
And then hes gone.
"Say it again, come on- again fuck" He enjoys breaking you down. Making a crying mess of you on his pillow. Something has him possessed as he punches his fingers into you-uncaring about the way you clench your thighs around his wrist to push him away. He just presses you down wracking a sob out of you when he suddenly pulls away.
"Say it again or I wont make you come" It has you babbling out "please omg daddy please touch me" in a heartbeat, losing complete thoughts when he spreads you wildly and fucks himself deep inside of you.
"Dont cry- you said I take care of you so be good and let me do that"
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ichijager13 · 1 year
Make it up for you
Summary:  After a heated fight, Eren leaves your shared apartment. when he comes back he makes a hell of an apology.
A/N: I’m in love with an imaginary man and he’s making me raising my standards to unreasonable limits sometimes. This is selfindulgent and I’m crying because I know I’ll never have something like this with him. *Sniff sniff*
“Because I fucking told you not to do it”. he yelled punching the wall behind you. “I asked you not to interfere”. you jolted eyes widening and tears threatening to start streaming down your face. Realizing he scared you off, he quickly backs away. You remain there pressed against the wall in a state of stupor. Eren was normally a calm and put-together person. For you to see him like this was quite shocking. You try to get a hold of yourself, take a deep breath and calm down. You walk towards him reaching your hands to him but before you get close enough, he grabs his jacket and storms out of the house slamming the door behind him.
“Eren wait”. You press your trembling hands against your mouth as you fall to your knees crying.
Eren’s relationship with his father and older brother has always been complicated. You chose to stay out of it since the beginning. But that night when Carla called you on the verge of breaking down and told you about what happened during Eren’s last visit and asked for your help to get things fixed between the two siblings you couldn’t turn your back to her.
“Stay out of it”. he simply said wearing a stern look when you tempted to talk some sense into him. but you thought you were doing the right thing. You thought that by inviting Sieg for dinner, things would get better. You pick up your phone and type a text message but then delete it. if he wants some space to clear his thoughts then you’ll give it to him, even if it’s killing you.
With your sobs calmed, you open your laptop trying to finish your next week’s assignment but you are too distracted to focus on what you were reading. You clench your eyes shut trying to sort out your thoughts but when you remember how hard his eyes were and the violence of his actions your tears start falling all over again. You put down your computer, bring your legs against your chest and sit on your couch sobbing quietly.
You have never seen him this angry in the two years you lived together under the same roof. He has always been nice-tempered and easygoing. You were still in your place when you heard the door crack open. You hug yourself tighter making yourself smaller. Your heart starts pounding and your breath catches when you hear his footsteps approaching. You quickly hide your face not wanting to get a glimpse of his angry expression.
“Hey love, I’m sorry for…”. You crawl to the far side of the couch when you feel the dip in the couch next to you. Eren sighs before speaking again. “I screwed up earlier and I’m sorry”. Getting no reaction from you he added. “It’s not your fault, you thought you were doing the right thing”. He ran a nervous hand through his hair pushing back the strands that framed his forehead. “I shouldn’t have shouted and gotten angry at you”. he placed a hand on your knee. “I’m truly sorry for scaring you”. his voice was filled with genuine guilt. He tried to draw you closer but you nudge his hand the moment it brushed your body. You remain there still for a few minutes before he goes out to the balcony to smoke. You stand up and go to your bedroom, slip into your pajama and hide under the bedsheets. You can’t help but start crying when you hear him closing the balcony door and getting into the bedroom. He undresses silently before he takes place beside you. The smell of cigarettes tickles your nose so you bury your face in your pillow.
He can hear you sniffing and it pains him to know that it’s his fault. When your breathing seems to calm down a bit; he scoops you closer spooning you. You feel his muscled biceps tightening around your shaking body. “I apologize for earlier my love”. He breathes against your skin. “I shouldn’t have reacted that way”. He littered your neck with light pecks. “It won’t happen again, I promise”. His hand slipped under your tank top and started drawing mindless patterns. “Please love, forgive me for scaring you like that”. His lips were ghosting your ear shell as he continued to apologize and express his regrets. “I love you”. he whispered nibbling your lobe.
You slowly roll on your side so you could face him. “I’m sorry, I wanted to fix things between you two. I didn’t mean to upset you”. you are stumbling over your words breathing hastily. His calloused hands run up and down your back trying to comfort you.
“It’s alright, it’s not your fault”. He whispers brushing away your tears. “Please, I hate to see you cry”. He pleads before capturing your trembling lips. he continues kissing you until you stop crying. “I love you, my sweet angel”. his words feel like a warm shale wrapped around your soul. you cup his jaw and caress it gently.
“I love you”. you speak voice still quivering from how long you cried. Your lips connect again in a messy and needy make-out. One of your hands slides along his bare chest following the lines of his lean figure. He tilted your face to deepen the kiss before sucking on your lower lip causing a deep moan to escape from you.
“This is the first and the last time I do something like this”. He let out. his voice was husky and filled with urgent need. Bringing your gaze to his, you are met with dark and hungry eyes. Your eyes squeeze shut when he presses his center to yours and starts rolling his hips slowly. “I’ll never scar you like that again”. His hands were molding the fat of your thighs. He is breathing hard and you feel his heartbeat accelerating under your hand. “Let me make it up for you”. he mumbles as his finger hook on your waistband. “Can I?” he asks for your consent before he tugs at it dragging your shorts and underwear along your legs when a shaky yes drops from your lips. you let your head fall back as his fingers go up your legs and brush your inner thighs. “Keep looking at me”. he orders you while massaging your heated entrance. “Wanna see your face shift as I make you forget about earlier”. His middle and index trace the contour of your wet lips and clit before he inserts them inside of you. he groans as your warm gummy walls suck his long digits in. the wet sounds that result from his thrusts make him lose the last threat of sanity he had left in him. he continues stimulating your hungry core as his other hand strip you from your top. His eyes are fixed on your breasts as they bounce while you grind against his hand.
“Eren”. You whine when his mouth closes around your hard nipple.
He catches your hand before it reaches his throbbing shaft. “It’s about you tonight. I’ll take care of that later”. He brought back his mouth to your breasts. He continues massaging your clit with his thumb as his fingers pick up the pace. They go deeper, curling and brushing all your weak spots. Your back is arching underneath him and you are fisting the bedsheets trying to hold on to something. Feeling it’s not enough, you dig your nails into his strong back making him growl. When he feels you clenching around him, he looks up and watches your fucked up face as he makes you reach your peak. “Gorgeous”. He caresses your face flashing you a wide and satisfied grin. “So fucking gorgeous”. He rumbles going down leaving a trail of openmouthed kisses along your body. You gasp and buck your hips when you feel his breath between your legs. He looks up at you slowly dragging his tongue across his lips before he disappears between your burning thighs. He grabs them and parts them further giving him a full view of the mess he made with his digits. He darts his tongue licking your liquids and humming. “And tastes so sweet”. He grits as his wet muscle play with your folds. By the time he pulls away, you are a whimpering and overstimulated mess.
“Eren, enough”. You cried feeling him massaging your intimate part. “Can’t, mmhm, too much”. You slur drunk on what he has been doing to you for the past couple of hours.
“But I’m not done yet”. He pouted bringing his lips against your ear. “I haven’t fucked you yet, I need you to cum on my cock love”. his words made your brain go blank. No matter how many times you had him like this your body always reacts strongly to him. he could fuck you stupid every day and you’d still be a feverish panting mess before he’s even done with you.
“Then quit teasing”. You plead. “Please Eren, I’m tired”. Hearing the magic word, he slammed himself inside of you. you screamed in surprise and pain. With each thrust, he got you stuttering and chanting his name unable to form any intelligible words. He continues moving inside of you even after he cums because he just can’t get enough of the filthy noises you and your cunt are making. When he finally drags his sex out of you, you can barely lift your eyes and look at him when he calls your name.
“So fucked up you can’t even speak huh”. He teases before brushing his lips against your puffy and sensitive ones. “Are you still upset with me?” He asks as he covers your intertwined bodies with a blanket. You slowly shake your head nuzzling his neck. “Good, I can’t go to sleep knowing we’re on bad terms”. He whispers pecking your forehead. “Sleep tight, my angel”. He speaks softly feeling your regular breathing and your body still against his.
“Because I fucking told you not to do it”. he yelled punching the wall behind you. “I asked you not to interfere”. you jolted eyes widening and tears threatening to start streaming down your face. Realizing he scared you off, he quickly backs away. You remain there pressed against the wall in a state of stupor. Eren was normally a calm and put-together person. For you to see him like this was quite shocking. You try to get a hold of yourself, take a deep breath and calm down. You walk towards him reaching your hands to him but before you get close enough, he grabs his jacket and storms out of the house slamming the door behind him.
“Eren wait”. You press your trembling hands against your mouth as you fall to your knees crying.
Eren’s relationship with his father and older brother has always been complicated. You chose to stay out of it since the beginning. But that night when Carla called you on the verge of breaking down and told you about what happened during Eren’s last visit and asked for your help to get things fixed between the two siblings you couldn’t turn your back to her.
“Stay out of it”. he simply said wearing a stern look when you tempted to talk some sense into him. but you thought you were doing the right thing. You thought that by inviting Sieg for dinner, things would get better. You pick up your phone and type a text message but then delete it. if he wants some space to clear his thoughts then you’ll give it to him, even if it’s killing you.
With your sobs calmed, you open your laptop trying to finish your next week’s assignment but you are too distracted to focus on what you were reading. You clench your eyes shut trying to sort out your thoughts but when you remember how hard his eyes were and the violence of his actions your tears start falling all over again. You put down your computer, bring your legs against your chest and sit on your couch sobbing quietly.
You have never seen him this angry in the two years you lived together under the same roof. He has always been nice-tempered and easygoing. You were still in your place when you heard the door crack open. You hug yourself tighter making yourself smaller. Your heart starts pounding and your breath catches when you hear his footsteps approaching. You quickly hide your face not wanting to get a glimpse of his angry expression.
“Hey love, I’m sorry for…”. You crawl to the far side of the couch when you feel the dip in the couch next to you. Eren sighs before speaking again. “I screwed up earlier and I’m sorry”. Getting no reaction from you he added. “It’s not your fault, you thought you were doing the right thing”. He ran a nervous hand through his hair pushing back the strands that framed his forehead. “I shouldn’t have shouted and gotten angry at you”. he placed a hand on your knee. “I’m truly sorry for scaring you”. his voice was filled with genuine guilt. He tried to draw you closer but you nudge his hand the moment it brushed your body. You remain there still for a few minutes before he goes out to the balcony to smoke. You stand up and go to your bedroom, slip into your pajama and hide under the bedsheets. You can’t help but start crying when you hear him closing the balcony door and getting into the bedroom. He undresses silently before he takes place beside you. The smell of cigarettes tickles your nose so you bury your face in your pillow.
He can hear you sniffing and it pains him to know that it’s his fault. When your breathing seems to calm down a bit; he scoops you closer spooning you. You feel his muscled biceps tightening around your shaking body. “I apologize for earlier my love”. He breathes against your skin. “I shouldn’t have reacted that way”. He littered your neck with light pecks. “It won’t happen again, I promise”. His hand slipped under your tank top and started drawing mindless patterns. “Please love, forgive me for scaring you like that”. His lips were ghosting your ear shell as he continued to apologize and express his regrets. “I love you”. he whispered nibbling your lobe.
You slowly roll on your side so you could face him. “I’m sorry, I wanted to fix things between you two. I didn’t mean to upset you”. you are stumbling over your words breathing hastily. His calloused hands run up and down your back trying to comfort you.
“It’s alright, it’s not your fault”. He whispers brushing away your tears. “Please, I hate to see you cry”. He pleads before capturing your trembling lips. he continues kissing you until you stop crying. “I love you, my sweet angel”. his words feel like a warm shale wrapped around your soul. you cup his jaw and caress it gently.
“I love you”. you speak voice still quivering from how long you cried. Your lips connect again in a messy and needy make-out. One of your hands slides along his bare chest following the lines of his lean figure. He tilted your face to deepen the kiss before sucking on your lower lip causing a deep moan to escape from you.
“This is the first and the last time I do something like this”. He let out. his voice was husky and filled with urgent need. Bringing your gaze to his, you are met with dark and hungry eyes. Your eyes squeeze shut when he presses his center to yours and starts rolling his hips slowly. “I’ll never scar you like that again”. His hands were molding the fat of your thighs. He is breathing hard and you feel his heartbeat accelerating under your hand. “Let me make it up for you”. he mumbles as his finger hook on your waistband. “Can I?” he asks for your consent before he tugs at it dragging your shorts and underwear along your legs when a shaky yes drops from your lips. you let your head fall back as his fingers go up your legs and brush your inner thighs. “Keep looking at me”. he orders you while massaging your heated entrance. “Wanna see your face shift as I make you forget about earlier”. His middle and index trace the contour of your wet lips and clit before he inserts them inside of you. he groans as your warm gummy walls suck his long digits in. the wet sounds that result from his thrusts make him lose the last threat of sanity he had left in him. he continues stimulating your hungry core as his other hand strip you from your top. His eyes are fixed on your breasts as they bounce while you grind against his hand.
“Eren”. You whine when his mouth closes around your hard nipple.
He catches your hand before it reaches his throbbing shaft. “It’s about you tonight. I’ll take care of that later”. He brought back his mouth to your breasts. He continues massaging your clit with his thumb as his fingers pick up the pace. They go deeper, curling and brushing all your weak spots. Your back is arching underneath him and you are fisting the bedsheets trying to hold on to something. Feeling it’s not enough, you dig your nails into his strong back making him growl. When he feels you clenching around him, he looks up and watches your fucked up face as he makes you reach your peak. “Gorgeous”. He caresses your face flashing you a wide and satisfied grin. “So fucking gorgeous”. He rumbles going down leaving a trail of openmouthed kisses along your body. You gasp and buck your hips when you feel his breath between your legs. He looks up at you slowly dragging his tongue across his lips before he disappears between your burning thighs. He grabs them and parts them further giving him a full view of the mess he made with his digits. He darts his tongue licking your liquids and humming. “And tastes so sweet”. He grits as his wet muscle play with your folds. By the time he pulls away, you are a whimpering and overstimulated mess.
“Eren, enough”. You cried feeling him massaging your intimate part. “Can’t, mmhm, too much”. You slur drunk on what he has been doing to you for the past couple of hours.
“But I’m not done yet”. He pouted bringing his lips against your ear. “I haven’t fucked you yet, I need you to cum on my cock love”. his words made your brain go blank. No matter how many times you had him like this your body always reacts strongly to him. he could fuck you stupid every day and you’d still be a feverish panting mess before he’s even done with you.
“Then quit teasing”. You plead. “Please Eren, I’m tired”. Hearing the magic word, he slammed himself inside of you. you screamed in surprise and pain. With each thrust, he got you stuttering and chanting his name unable to form any intelligible words. He continues moving inside of you even after he cums because he just can’t get enough of the filthy noises you and your cunt are making. When he finally drags his sex out of you, you can barely lift your eyes and look at him when he calls your name.
“So fucked up you can’t even speak huh”. He teases before brushing his lips against your puffy and sensitive ones. “Are you still upset with me?” He asks as he covers your intertwined bodies with a blanket. You slowly shake your head nuzzling his neck. “Good, I can’t go to sleep knowing we’re on bad terms”. He whispers pecking your forehead. “Sleep tight, my angel”. He speaks softly feeling your regular breathing and your body still against his.
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