#like everything is black and or gray
femmeboyhooters · 2 years
Why does life ALWAYS have to be shit
#summer was fine except for everything that started breaking in here#this winter has been fucking dark#and i wanna fucking die#crying tonight because my skin fucking burns and rashes every time i wash my face at night bc everything in the bathroom is moldy#like everything is black and or gray#i barely even shower because it smells so bad in there#it wasn't supposed to do this and we have the theory this place was moldy when we bought it#especially the bathroom bc the shower wasn't finished and we've been too broke to fix it at all#the mattress has black mold everywhere even on the outside of a sealed mattress protector with an antimicrobial coating#my hormones and health have been fucked up since November#weather wise this is one of the coldest and wettest winter in this area in like 40+ years#the last three days i have had to stay up all night to make sure the water doesnt shut off freeze in the pipes or flood managing that 24/7#bc on valentines day it dumped more snow than an average winter should have here in 24 hours and then dropped below freezing#i got my psoriasis and eczema back#i have thrush now#i can't breathe most the time bc my throat has been reacting like anaphylaxis and my airways start to close#oh and on top of that my husband just hasn't been working for a month bc there's no work at his job so we have all of 0.54 cents in account#we gotta pay rent in a week hopefully we don't get kicked out og where we're parking#and bc of the work stuff we can't move for a few months till we can get enough saved to do that and so im stuck here#i live in abject squalor#oh also did i mention everything i own has to fit into two cupboards now due to the mold ruining all our shit#and all the cupboards but two are rotted out#and the floor in our room is peeling up and breaking off bc of the mold#we both are having an incredibly hard time mentally#my txt
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min-kit · 5 months
the twitter fandom having absolutely 0 media literacy when it comes to Tommy Kinard frustrates me so bad whewww boy if i still got into arguments on twitter(dot)com i'd have my freaking fists up
just awful AWFUL people
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queensparklekitten · 4 months
time princess players how do y'all picture the MCs of every story
like since every set and piece of official art has a different hair colour, length, and style with every picture of them, and sometimes there's descriptions that don't match the images, which one do you go with
and do you make half of them look like your avatar or have your own designs
#dutp#time princess#when playing/viewing it through the ''story traveler'' lens#i often justify the hair colour changes in-universe by headcanoning that it's story kingdom magic that allows you to change your hair colou#by default i make half the mcs look like (taller versions of) me/my avatar (who's designed after me but with purple eyes) to some extent#but there are exceptions#like if the mc isn't white i'm obviously not gonna base her design off myself#except Maybe giving her my/my avatar's hair length#and if a spinoff shows the mc i'll often use that design#i always pictured zoya blonde until the salvia spinoff story came out and showed her with the light brown hair from that one set#it also described zoya as having black eyes which i went with#i didn't have a locked in eye colour headcanon for her before but i didn't really picture her with eyes that dark#probably because none of the album art gave her black eyes#though eye colours tend to be inconsistent in this game#nastia's described with gray eyes but that one album art gives her blue eyes#and on the flipside charlotte's described with blue eyes in one side story but her model doesn't have blue eyes#nor does at least one album art of her#i give virtually every mc long hair just because most of the hairstyles in those sets require it#i always picture cordelia with dark hair and ocean green-blue eyes#like a vivid teal colour. just fits someone whose name means ''daughter of the sea''#and sometimes i have her stop shaving her legs when she becomes a pirate because a) she lives on a boat#and b) representation of her leaving behind that gilded-cage life of fancy etiquette and ''you must become a perfect wife and mother''#in which she did everything society demanded of her at the expense of her own happiness#like yeah after escaping that i Will make cordelia stop shaving her legs. for the symbolism. and the fact that she lives on a pirate boat.#i always give aurora that pastel-almost-white shiny gradient dyed hair#because a) it's in half the sets b) it looks so so so cool c) it looks great next to the companions i ship her with#matches with novi and gives her a light-dark duality with selene's dark purple hair#idk her natural hair colour but i also give her the creepily pale eyes from Silent Night Rebirth#to match the pastel clothes she's so often in. this is not her natural eye colour either. hey that's p clearly a common thing in this city#i strongly doubt that selene's eyes are naturally that bright blueish purple
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Finally got the 2012 Stockman-Fly figure & gave him a very long overdue repaint.
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seariii · 10 months
Cont of my other post, but this one has yonah spoilers
the difference on how she slaps her hand on the table on t1 to make Es snap out of their identity crisis vs on T2 going in and comforting them
Kotoko has said that she would forgive someone who did the same thing she did.... so.... do you guys think that if she knew exactly about Amane's murder she would forgive her? Because.... If she knew the circumstances and everything she had to endure and all of that, she would notice Amane was one of the people she needed to protect.... But makes me wonder since on deep cover she calls her out on her cult thing, so... Would she be a hypocrite and be like "you did good but you had the wrong mentality, so you should be punished" or would she still accept and forgive her... Like, I understand that her views are black and white, which is what brought me to that question. How heavy are the person's motivations on her books when doing something that she'd consider good...
killing someone isn't inherently good or evil. I love my morally gray wife... But makes me wonder... At first it appeared like she was guiding herself on this, and on Es' judgment "these are guilty, so these are evil" but she dissed on everyone... And basically said everyone should be guilty... I was wondering why she said that on t1 and then turned around and came to this conclusion and I think that's one of the things that her inno verdict radicalized her on. SHE can see who did evil and who didn't, SHE isn't in the wrong, SHE was right all along. I still believe she's throwing a tantrum because Es doesn't want to play with her anymore, and she is like "but you said I was right! You are soft! You are turning on me!" That's what she felt...
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field-guide-to-mud · 1 year
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emryyyyyss09 · 7 months
conan grey and olivia rodrigo are so sirius and lily coded. their friendships are just 🤌.
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oozeandgoo-art · 7 months
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Sketched a very old oc before class.
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pathetichimbos · 10 months
I completely understand why it's inappropriate and wrong to police peoples internet experience and how they view their favorite characters and what not but it's also extremely important to understand that if someone throws away a character's personality and important traits away to shove their own ideologies and beliefs into them to 'mold' them into a 'perfected' version of themselves then it's often a tell tall sign of how they treat their personal relationships.
The internet has become a fictitious reality with virtually no consequences and a lot of people can no longer dictate fiction from reality.
Obviously this does not apply to everyone, just because someone molds and changes a character in fiction does not guarantee they will do it in real life, but also be aware that reality dictates fiction, and if they're willing to do it (to the extreme) in fiction, some part of them would be willing to try it in real life.
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bmpmp3 · 1 year
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dave drawings!!!
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razzledazzle-pop · 9 months
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I am full of girlish whimsy and a hatred of white interiors.
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writer-of-worlds · 11 months
Someone: This person did/said something bad.
Me, who sees black and white: So they're awful people and I should cut ties with them. Got it.
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c28hunter · 1 year
To be fair, if I've ever met Joker Out in a "normal" conditions (classes, neighbours, ecc) I would've been absolutely afraid of them
I have a tendency to judge people (mostly men 😒) very harshly based off their appearance and especially Bojan, Kris and Jan fall into "DO NOT TALK TO AT ANY COST" category. I wouldn't have even talked to them but give them the worst traits ever. Only Jure looks like someone that I'd see and go "oh yeah, he looks like a nice human!"
So it is kind of confusing for me when I see them being the way they are (obviously I don't know them personally, but they just don't seem to be... this bad as I thought)
Why am I saying this? I dont know, I've just woken up and I'm anxious so maybe this is it
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peridot-tears · 2 years
The case of Jennifer Scott
Something that has haunted me since I finished the Black Flag game and novel all those years ago is: What the fuck happened between Edward meeting Jenny and the events of AC: Forsaken?
Chronologically, AC: Forsaken came first, and then the Black Flag game and novel. We have Haytham's perspective, we are introduced to Jenny as someone who's upset that their father wouldn't train her as an assassin and, ostensibly, Edward and Tessa just want to marry off. Haytham is a bit of an unreliable narrator, because the adults try not to argue in front of him, so we don't know if getting rid of Jenny is what Edward really wanted, but the idea that she doesn't belong in the household is pretty well-established at this point.
Decades down the line, after Reginald Birch kills their father and Haytham saves his sister, Jenny says in her own words that that was the case:
"I hated him. All his talk of freedom—spiritual and intellectual freedom—didn’t extend to me, his own daughter. There was no weapons training for me, remember? No ‘Think differently’ for Jenny. There was just ‘Be a good girl and get married to Reginald Birch."
Then Black Flag the video game releases a year later in October 2013, and Black Flag the novel releases in December 2013 two months later. It's already been well-established that Edward was a flawed father to Jenny.
The Black Flag video game ends with this girl having the guts to travel across the fucking ocean all alone to meet a father she's never met. She's the milestone. She's Edward's commitment to a new life and fostering a child's view of the world.
Let's look at the Black Flag novel. This man addresses his first-person life story (the novel's narrative framing) to Jenny. Like Haytham does with Ratohnhaké:ton, he tells her his background, and is even honest with how was cast out by his own mother when he came back to Wales. Oliver Bowden wrote out Edward's adoration and willingness to stick with his daughter knowing full well of the eventual gap in their relationship.
Meta-wise, we know the writers probably wanted to make Edward as flawed as possible, and also tragedy is like candy to Ube Softee.
In-universe, what the fuck happened between the events of Black Flag and Forsaken to make Edward neglect Jenny?
Maybe while he was trying to rebuild his life, he couldn't spend as much time with her as he wanted. And when Tessa came into the picture, and then Haytham, well. Even if you still love your kids equally, the way you treat them is different. Jenny was probably neglected.
I'm not dissecting this in the context of Edward-drinks-respect-women-juice or whether or not you can call him a feminist, because I think those are really broad terms for someone who's lived in at least three different worlds with different rules all before he's 40. That deserves its own post.
But it seems wild to me that Edward -- someone who married a woman who matched his energy and stood up to drunken assholes to help other people; someone who in his own words respected Mary Read more than anything; someone who took counsel from Anne Bonny and trusted her to be his quartermaster -- wouldn't train his ballsy daughter to be an Assassin, and instead groom his son to be one instead. Where did that double-standard come from?
Did he want to protect his child from that world? Maybe he changed his mind by the time Haytham came along, but it was too late for Jenny.
It could go back to how he neglected Caroline too. He left to seek his fortune, out of selfish personal glory but also because she'd given up her inheritance to live a humble life he was ashamed to put her into. And because she eventually left him because all he could do was dream about it. He left his parents -- and in a sense, his wife -- to chase his dreams. Maybe that pattern repeated with his daughter. Once he started building a new life in England, with a new woman, there just wasn't space to consider training her anymore.
I think he decided on a certain life for her -- married, with a good reputation in high society -- and dismissed her when she wanted to become an Assassin, because he'd lived that life and didn't want it for her. Even though...that's incredibly myopic of him. Did he really think that the girl who, as a kid who'd just lost her mother, crossed a pirate-infested ocean to be with him would want to be a housewife? She said herself to Haytham:
"I once told you that our lives were mapped out for us, remember? ...I was born to serve men, and serve men is what I have done."
And did he really, truly just want her out of his life when she got older? Or was forcing marriage on her a way to ensure she lived in comfort, the way he wanted for Caroline?
And here's the part where we could comment on misogyny -- maybe he felt that he had to protect the women in his family, and couldn't wrap his head around the fact that she could decide for herself. Mary Read and Anne Bonny were pirates he met and befriended. Caroline and Jenny are his family, under his charge.
I think it's a combination of selfish and selfless reasons, of course, but I wish I could have seen what happened while Jenny grew up.
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elmelloill · 2 years
what if i just did the lowest-budget 90%-thrifted el-melloi ii cosplay for the one day of AB that i can maybe go to. what would you do if i did this.
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planetamarte · 8 months
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i have to keep writing shadomega one way or another and this time its in comic format
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