#like france’s cheese lol
olympeline · 9 months
Now my Hetalia passion has flared up again to early 2010s levels I’m feeling the itch to get back into writing fanfiction…which I really shouldn’t because I’m so bad at finishing things unless they’re one-shots 😂
EITHER WAY I’ve got an idea for a FrUK fic where Arthur’s magic gets so fed up with his centuries of endless tsundere posturing that it rebels against him and starts showering Francis with embarrassing affection. Because magically powerful but inept wizard Arthur is always fun and “character A is in denial about their love for character B, but it comes out through their magic anyway” is a trope I LOVE
It starts small. Arthur tries to hand Francis a pen and it poofs into a red rose when it touches Francis’s fingers. Arthur is flustered but manages to brush it off (Arthur’s Death By Mortification level: 5%)
After a brief scuffle over who gets the last chair with padding (“HAHA SUCK IT, ASSTOWN FRENCHY!!” - the former nation of Prussia) Francis tears his favorite silk shirt. He bemoans it to Arthur…only to find it’s suddenly fixed itself. Arthur denies all responsibility and says France just made a mistake as usual. France is adamant he didn’t (Arthur’s DBM level: 15%)
Francis, already one of the world’s prime gourmets, invites the G7 to dinner and his cooking jumps up another notch to stratosphere levels after Arthur takes his first bite. Everyone notices (Arthur’s DBM level: 30%)
Whenever Arthur visits France the country is blessed by mild winters, springs that would stun a poet, glorious summers, and radiant autumns. Meteorologists are baffled but no one is complaining! Except Arthur. The UK meanwhile suffers constant dark, glowering skies and sulky storms (Arthur’s DBM level: 50%)
Francis and Arthur stroll through the French countryside, Francis points out a historical excavation sight, and oh look what do you know: they just happen to pull out some ancient treasure that will be a crown jewel of the Lourve. Francis ecstatic (perhaps it was even something he lost centuries ago). Arthur quickly excuses himself and runs home (Arthur’s DBM level: 70%)
Pre-meeting, Arthur overhears Francis sighing that the Italy brothers are a shoe-in to take the world prize for best cheese this year (because that’s a real contest that France and Italy have an annual slap fight over) since the French cheese makers have had a bad year. Only oh no they actually haven’t! Seems there was a late entry that blew the judges socks off and gets France another gold. Francis is ecstatic again…and getting a little suspicious by this point. Arthur hides in a closet and wishes nations could know the sweet release of death (Arthur’s DBM level: 85%)
Francis brings up the Olympics at a World Conference and Romano, still sore over the cheese, loudly remarks that of course France will top the medal board with England “helping” so much with his “fucking Harry Potter wizard BS.” Suddenly all eyes on Arthur, France included. Kill him. Kill him now (Arthur’s DBM level: about 5 million)
Arthur’s magic: Nah fuck you, man *Flips him off twice and gives Paris another tourism boost*
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mumintroll · 1 year
my fav thing about going on holiday is going to foreign supermarkets tbh i find it so interesting to see how different things are
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get-more-bald · 2 years
I hate being a picky eater and trying to balance my meals....
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rotzaprachim · 2 months
the thing about “secret israeli restaurants” is americans are generally more positive to israelis than arabs so a vague restaurant is more likely to be hiding arab origins than israeli
pretty sure the og tweet poster was Canadian but yeahhhhh I read it and blinked about the antisemitism but I also read it and blinked about the fact that like bro… are you…. are you that fucking unaware about the extent of anti-Arab and anti-middle eastern racism in the us&canada? Are you that fucking obtuse? Oh my god. It literally doesn’t fucking matter what “origins” the restaurants are “hinting at” but I couldn’t fucking process how a white Canadian would think that “people who simply describe themselves/their business establishment as “middle eastern” or “Mediterranean” are inherently sketchy” is in any way a productive idea to have for literally anyone
a) a restaurant/establishment describing themselves as “Mediterranean” or “middle eastern” would be inherently sketchy and suspicious (as loaded as “middle eastern” itself is, “Mediterranean” can often be taken more positively in the west and anglophone/francophone worlds, after all nutritionists have been going on about the “Mediterranean diet) for a while) but also
B) that those people would inherently be (in his opinion) Zionists and/or Israelis
also feel this person has big “have never interacted with middle eastern person in my life” because as much as xenophobia and various other issues pushes people to go for either the “Mediterranean/middle eastern” marker, there’s plenty of other reasons why establishments go for those identifiers like.
1) a lottttt of Mediterranean diaspora families, due to immigration and intermarriage, really are franco-lebanese, or palestinain-Greek, or Ashkenazi Jewish and Algerian, or Moroccan Spaniards, or something like that, (check the Arabs, Jews, and Italians of the greater nyc area lol) and
2) in diasporic situations one (1) grocery store or deli often services OR competes with others for a broader market share, I’ve lived places where I regularly shopped at a Turkish/greek/arab grocery store (Labelled itself “Mediterranean”) and a Persian/armenian/arab grocery store (Labelled itself “middle eastern groceries”) because it would be dishonest to say that these grocery stores are for any one “nationality!” Walk into many a Mediterranean or middle eastern grocery store or deli and you’ll see Turkish products from Germany, maghrebi Jewish products from France, halal versions of jamón and chorizo, and labneh from lebanon next to Greek and Persian yogurt. My favorite local market once had an entire NOT HALAL!!!!! Fridge Labelled in three languages to store the frozen pork products for the Greek and Romanian markets next to the general halal cheese boreks.
I’m not saying this is the case everywhere or like it’s all peachy perfect in diaspora but this just comes across as someone who has a lot of political Ideas about Mediterranean & middle eastern people but haven’t met them in real life. Also it’s a love letter to the diaspora grocery store with 6+ ethnicities inside them and an entire wall of tomato pastes. If there’s one in your city you should patronize them! (Also note the fantastic phenomenon of the “Black Sea” grocery, the mass halal Mart, and the particular greater London “Indian Bangladeshi Sri Lankan Persian Pakistani polish” mart
Also lol gonna have to lol at the “I’m so angry these diaspora Israelis would hide their nationality in order to avoid harassment because I want to boycott and harass them”
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gifsbysimplysonia · 1 month
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Steph Curry solidifying Team USA's 🏅 medal status at the 2024 Olympics in Paris while his teammates marvel
Men's Basketball Gold Medal game - USA vs France
August 10, 2024
Personal waffling behind the cut
So, once upon a time, my Ma was a fanatic. My alleged origin story is that while heavily pregnant with me, she was at a pro wrestling event with her big brother in the front row, and she stood up and started jaw jacking at Bruiser freaking Brody. And this was back in the day there were NO GUARDRAILS JUST A ROPE separating talent from fans!
She also apparently was super into basketball, which should not surprise me because in 3rd grade i was obsessed with the Chicago Bulls; I could have given you the jersey number and average points shots, rebounds made and assists per game of every player on the roster. Horace Grant was my dude.
My Ma has been Olympics obsessed this year, but through that, I was reminded of her ability to be fanatical. During the Men's Basketball Gold Medal game, I was in the room. And lo and behold, this woman was SCREAMING at the TV, YESSSSSing when USA scored, berating players, literally WOO HOOing ... like, it was truly incredible to behold.
And I was like ... who are you? And she was like...don't you remember? Meaning her watching games and getting SO INTO THEM that she had to STOP cuz she was too emotional. And I have Swiss cheese for a brain so I was like no but ... it makes all the sense. I know what she is like in life and it's always full throttle. But her having removed herself from the game, I haven't gotten to see that side of her in many years.
She really likes Steph Curry and I bet she'd start watching games to follow him wherever he plays. She had all the praise for him, as did my dad who had to watch games by default cuz they share a room lol. My dad telling me during the gold medal game, "That little guy? He's REAL good!" Was absolute chef's kiss. I don't know Steph Curry outside of the fact he has a SITCOM with Max from Happy Endings coming out soon, but my brother who knows more about ball than me assured me, yes, "the little guy is very good."
All this to say, please don't ever forget who you are and what brings you joy. I mean, if you're like us and gonna give yourself a literal heart attack cuz you don't know how to scale the emotes back? Maybe add meditation into the mix so you don't hurt yourself physically.
But just...try not to let time, expectations or life steal your joy. Indulge as often as you can because if something lights you up, it's good for you and you deserve that slice of happy. And don't ever be ashamed of being who you are, loving what you love, and being as loudly over passionate as you can!
You're never too anything to be a fan and be loud about it.
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mediocreshake08 · 8 months
Mmmmm BLU team headcanons/lore...
Scout: one of Scout's brothers, because somewhere, its said our Scout has 6 older siblings, as he could have the same mother as Scout which is implied in "Meet the Spy"
Solider: was actually quallified in the army and even finnished academy, but left a war ended, and could have an actual name that isnt "unidentified female corps" like our Solider
Pyro: after (or during the comics) when all the other mercs were fired, Pyro moved in with his teams Engineer who realized that only he had pyrovision because of his goggles. After several hours of reconsiliation, Pyro has demoted himself to a life without violence, and became an exterminator to help pay their rent.
Demoman: scored a job at a company deducated to keeping earth's energy uses as stable as possible, something like a company named GRN or something
Heavy: he joined the international boxing league and became a heavyweight champion. After several title fights, he decided to retire from his position as heavyweight champ and went to spend time with his family.
Engineer: after being fired, he realized he was running low on money. So he decided to get an apartment in New York and make a debut album. Eventually, Pyro found Engie, helped him pay the rent, made the album and released it to the Public. The album, "Pybros in Arms" made millions and the two were so happy with the results
Medic: moved back into Germany and actually finnished academy and did get a medical license to become a real surgeon. Using the Quick Fix to invent in a whole new method of healing. He even got interviews with several big reporters around the world.
Sniper: The Aussie went to an excavation site, where he locates a chunk of australium, the last piece on earth, for real this time. He learns that it can be used to power life extending devices. He knows that he can't hold on to it forever, so he locates the current location of the Engineer, he takes his huntsman and attaches the piece of australium on to and arrow with a note that says: "From BLU to RED". He shoots it, it reaches the balcony, and hence the last, small piece of australium in Engie's hand in issue 6.
Yeah i had nothing for Spy lol
Went to France and eats a grilled cheese?
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lesbiangummybearmafia · 9 months
The gilded age 02x08, In Terms of Winning and Losing, my thoughts...
Please excuse any spelling errors. My brain is sleepy so its not working too well. 😰
I'm still having feelings over last night season 2 finale. We can't say they didn't pack the episode until it nearly burst that's for sure.
I'm going start at the end because it still tickles me that Aunt Ada is now head of the Van Rhijn household. (They went omg free fall everything ending, to oh wait we're fine. One oh the fastest turn around ever). Which will now be known as Fronte household. Thank you, Mr. Bannister for pointing it out. Because truthfully I was clueless as every body else until he asked Aunt Ada if it ok. Than it all clicked... Omg Aunt Ada is now the big cheese! The look on her face was brilliant! In that moment we seen her take her power, completely imbody it. We clearly see her mind calculating on all the changes she's going to make. It one exceptional piece of acting from Cynthia Nixon. She doesn't utter a word during it, it's all in facial expressions and her body movements. It's just as powerful. She's so very talented!
Look on Aunt Agnes face made giggle as she realizes the role in her own house have reversed on her. That her little sister is now in charge. I don't mean in unkind way whatsoever. The relationship and dynamics between these two sisters have been certain ways for most likely all their lives up to this point, but now Aunt Agnes is going to have to listen to Aunt Ada in way is never did before. I personally think it's going to good for the whole household. Aunt Ada is kind and compassionate that will benefit everyone in that household especially Aunt Agnes.
I did love When Aunt Ada ask Marian if finally broke off her engagement with Dashiell, because she know he wasn't right for her. Lol it was too brilliant. I love Aunt Ada so much!!
So yes finally Marian broke off her engagement to Dashiell!! I cheered when that happened!! It's like damn woman took you long enough. But after he called her by his dead wife's name, creepy that was the last straw. No one can blame the man for still being in love with his dead wife. We all know that heart doesn't work that way, just because their no longer here doesn't make our love just stop. It's ultimately more to what Marian said, that their not well matched, they don't want the same things and their not in love with each other. I'm just glad she found her back bone and got out before it was too late.
I'm personally so happy about that kiss bewteen Marian and Larry, I was yelling kiss, kiss, kiss the whole time! I think their well matched in every way. Larry definitely be ok with Marian teaching or anything else she wants to do. Now thanks to Aunt Ada she won't come penniless to the whole thing because we know Aunt Ada won't allow that!! I'll put odds on it! Only issue as we all know may be Bertha. Perhaps not though so much with Larry, she does like Marian. We'll see... I did like the little scene bewteen Marian and Frances. I felt quite a bit of empathy for Frances, she was just a little girl looking for a mom. I'm glad Marian was able to reassure for her that she will still be very much in her life just not as her step-mother.
I'm so happy for Jack that he got his patent approved. It was such a brilliant idea of Peggy's that he go talk to Larry about it. That Larry wants to go into business with Jack on his alarm clock. Love it. It was so amazing what happen then.
Peggy deciding to leave her job at The Globe was probably the only way to deal with her feelings for her boss
I'm sad for her because she was doing something she loved. But he was just too casual about the whole cheating on my wife no doubt done more times then Peggy would of ever found out about. She deserves so much better. This also showed that she as alot of self respect, self worth, and self confidence. To not only not fall for his bs, but to walk away when she clearly had feelings but knew it was a bad situation for her. Women now a days can learn alot from her. I was also nice to see perhaps the rift bewteen Peggy and her father may be softening. That her mother and father are getting back to loving terms with each other.
I was very sad to see Mr. Watson go but to know that he'll be part of his daughter and grand children lives makes it a happy going. I'm glad his daughter let her wishes known and kinda defy he husband by going to talk to her dad.
Now the opera war. I never thought Bertha wouldn't pull it off. There's just something about that woman that scream WIN. I'm not surprised she got the Duke back, because she something or someone Mrs. Astor doesn't that alone I knew would enough to turn the Duke back to her side. That is Gladys of course. Now am I ok that's a good chance that Bertha sold Gladys into marriage with the Duke no I'm not! I love Bertha I truly do. However her own ambition I feel is an issue, it's a blinding thing, it's all consuming, it power over everything. I fear what that will do to her in future. Ambition can be good until it takes complete control of a person. Because the need to win, to be number one, to defeat those against you makes you forget about who truly loves you. I don't want to see that be the path for Bertha. Because at her core I don't believe she's her ambition. If she was she wouldn't of done the nice gesture for Mrs. Bruce by giving her the tickets to opening night of Met. Bertha does show incredible care and kindness to her staff. Which is something I truly love about her. Always the way she is with the people she's made friends with. Unlike Mrs. Astor who treats everyone like they should be kissing her ass. Bertha genuinely nice, kind, sweet and funny. So I want to her ambition hurt the rest of her, hurt her life, completely destroy her relationship with her daughter, her son and her husband. Because her ambition isn't worth losing her family that loves her. Alright enough said on that. To good stuff.
Seeing Mrs. Astor lose was brilliant! She at more than half empty Academy still trying to pretend everything's fine...while a death rattle could heard in the background. I wanted to tell Aunt Agnes and Oscar to get the fuck out of there, go with Mrs. Fish, save yourselves!!
Turner fuming was hilarious and her husband being completely over it just made all the better. I got feelings he just wanted to say to her could just sit down and shut it already damn for some peace and quiet. All day and night it's Mrs. Russell this and Mrs. Russell that. Should never marry you fuck!
I loved both Bertha and Gladys gowns. The colors were beautiful. Especially like how the colors deep green pattern against lighter green of Bertha's made her stand out in her box at Met, couldn't miss her if you wanted too. Marian gown was very cool I really liked ruching by shoulders and neck. But I think my favorite gown belonged to Aurora, blue and white and sparkly it was gorgeous. That's one I would've wanted to wear.
I so did love seeing Bertha get her moment, she was floating on air there. Especially when she walk through the doors of her central box after nearly crying because George got back for her. To the whole of the Metropolitan filled. Although the boxes where bigger then I thought they be. All I could recall was when I watched The Age of Innocent because that begins at the opera, it's very much in a similar time frame as The Gilded Age. But I like the ones at the Met better, they can call over and talk to each other like friends do. It seems less stuffy and more social and fun. One of my favorite moments was when Bertha caught sight of Mrs. Bruce and Mr. Baudin and gives them a little wave, it was so cute and endearing.
Mrs. Bruce was very cute through out being at an opera house for the first time.
I'm so sad it's the final episode of the season. All I know is HBO better renew for 3rd season!! Because it's official my favorite series, I don't want it going anywhere for a long long time!!
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frodothefair · 5 months
I have to wonder, just how much do you think hobbits experience/experiment making foods from other cultures - elves and dwarves and men and such? Like on the one hand news travels slow and ideas travel slower in the written post and library era of information traveling, but the thing is that people were very *clingy* with what cultural novelty they could have in similar times, you know? If you were someone who found like a recipe card from another *state*, much less another country or culture, you would put that shit in the most secure place you possibly could! Er, well, at least my family did, lol. This would be why there is a family in northern Kentucky that's been making fresh pasta for the last like 100 years or so with no relation to Italy whatsoever. Long story, lol
💐 ASK ME about my headcanons about hobbits and the Shire! 💐 Want to know if yours has been answered? Check here.
Unfortunately, I don't think hobbits are particularly fond of foreign food, and don't readily incorporate it into their diets. I base this solely on Sam's line "I don't usually hold with foreign food, but this Elvish stuff, it's not bad," as well as my general understanding of hobbits as insular and rather distrustful of all things foreign.
That said, once hobbits do try something, their love for food is likely to eclipse all other considerations, so I suspect that if they tried a foreign food at the encouragement of a friend, they are likely to enjoy it. Does this necessarily translate into asking for the recipe or trying to reproduce it at home? Not necessarily. I think it depends on how much the hobbit likes the food and how "adventurous" they are.
I do have a headcanon, however, that the four hobbits who visited Minas Tirith ended up trying various mediterranean-style dishes, since climate-wise Gondor is similar to Italy or the south of France. As such, the Gondoreans likely cultivate olives and catch fish, and both of these products lend themselves relatively well to being canned and preserved.
...Do you see where I'm going with this?
The hobbits probably tried antipasto dishes of various kinds, including tiny sandwiches of cold cuts, olives, sardines, caviar, vegetables and cheese. I also think that elevenses is traditionally a finger food type of meal in the Shire, though I have no particular basis for thinking so; I just do. Be that as it may, however, since olives, sardines, and caviar can be canned and transported over long distances, the four hobbits might have easily had some brought to the Shire, and incorporated into their appetizer platters, and shared it with all their friends.
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astarkey · 9 months
So I was tagged forever ago by my lovelies @archeryqueen95, and @bloodychamber, that I decided to combine the tag games since they're basically the same thing. Thank you so much for tagging me guys, and I'm so sorry I'm now getting around to doing them! 🙏🏽💖 The last few months have not been so kind to me at all 😔
Last movie: Scandal (1950)
Last show: I Dream of Jeannie
Last song: Pure Morning // Placebo
Song stuck in my head: Foe // Blackmail
Favorite color: Purple and black
Currently reading: Nothing at the moment
Currently watching: Seinfeld, Wellington Paranormal, Dexter's Laboratory, King of the Hill, Garth Marenghi's Darkplace, The Mighty Boosh, The IT Crowd, Sweet Home (even though I'm having a hard time trying to go through this latest season since I stopped halfway into episode 5. Idk how to feel about it 😔), Community, Alice in Borderland and The Wayans Bros.
Next on your to watchlist: Bargain, The Bequeathed, and Shining Vale
Currently consuming: Well I was consuming some Ruffles sour cream & onion chips lol.
Currently craving: Beef lo mein and general tso's chicken from Szechuan, even though I don't think I'm going back there to eat for a while.
Sweet/spicy/savory: Sweet and savory :p
Relationship status: Still single, even though I tried to change that status last year 😣 Still trying this year.
Current obsession: I think the Yakuza series. Like I was obsessed with it's spin-off Judgement series last year, which I guess is in that same universe, and now I got into Yakuza just because I was curious and wanted to know more about the universe since I finished the Judgement games.
3 favorite foods: Mac and cheese, tacos, and cheese pizza.
Last thing you googled: avatar netflix
Dream trip: Take a road trip across the country to go to the west coast. Maybe travel to Spain, France, Italy, or Japan.
Anything I want right now: For my dad to be okay and to make it through another night at the hospital 😔
I'm tagging (no obligations!) @onyxheartbeat, @bonnielass23, @heatherannchristie, @the-highest-most-exalted-one, @eizagonzalezs, @alwaysupatnight, @lilmissuncreative, @astriferias, @georgieharrisons, @musicrunsthroughmysoul, @esteblogsiesp0rn0, @mediumrarefallingcow, @bustedandblue, @camiladnne, @userlestat, @bentcoppers, @weloveachother and anyone else who wants to do this! 💕
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lycomorpha · 1 year
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The Flora of AC Valhalla: Food plants in Avaldsnes and Stavanger
I want to talk about the edible plants we see early on in ACV in Norway, because they're such an integral part of human existence! However...
Crops/economic botany is not my area of expertise
Neither is Norwegian food history
As a very part-time interloper and not an Actual Norwegian, I do not want to end up in an argument about grøt
The secret to a long and happy life is... Don't argue with; your Yorkshire relations about parkin, French friends & fam about butter, or Norwegian folks about grøt (which is porridge, but more so.) Trust me on this. But since we often forget to notice the plant materials that feed/clothe/shelter us every day, I'm gonna wade in anyway and link to more expert folks on porridge (bc I know my limits, lol.)
One other fun thing to note is that there's a reconstructed viking-era farm at present-day Avaldsnes, on the island of Bukkøy (which is also represented in-game as a small wooded island full of deer, just off Avaldsnes.) So if by chance you ever found yourself in the area in summer when it's open, you could find out a lot more on what the settlement and its crops might have looked like IRL.
Cultivated plants in Avaldsnes
We see crop plants as soon as we sneak into Avaldsnes. The first thing I noticed is a field of oats, and nearby is a cart with bundles of oats and another grain - probably barley or rye rather than wheat in this time period. This is where discussion of grøt & other skjemat (literally "spoon-food") would come in if I was feeling brave or foolish... Instead let me point to this lovely piece on the history of porridge as a staple in Norway, which includes links to recipes. Also here's an explainer of skjemat. One way or another I'm betting Eivor ate a lot of porridge, savory and sweet, because it's good stuff.
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I also saw some fields out in the distance, past the oats and outside the restricted area...
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And when I got there one was full of conifer saplings, and the other with dried flower or seed heads I can't identify. Most histories (in English at least) associate Norse settlers with deforestation. But there's evidence of them coppicing in England and growing orchards in France. So arboriculture in ACV's world doesn't seem too wild an idea.
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I've no idea what the dried seeds/flowers are, and AFAIK there are few if any written herbals from the era. There are many plants listed in the present day region which have seed heads you could dry, but I recall some Danish research looking at archeological evidence of medicinal herbs used in medieval settlements? I might pick that up with the herbarium folks and see if they know anything - there is at least one person there that has studied old herbal texts and how they were compiled. I'm curious to know what plants Eivor would have known about/used!
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Food plants and herbs in dwellings
In both Avaldsnes and Stavanger, we see food in and outside of the homes. Vegetables include cabbage, onion, and carrots - I like that the carrots are white, which they apparently were at this point in history. Cabbage and related vegetables can grow in quite cold winters (I wonder if the Raven clan would've had the same fkn whitefly problems we get on them, lol!) There's also bread... Some cheese on the shelf to go with I think? Nice.
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I'm not sure what the herbs hanging up are, some look dry and others fresh. No doubt Norse travellers would have brought tasty culinary herbs from their travels, and maybe cultivated them as well as native medicinal/edible species. Seeing fruit & veg food outside in the snow reminds me of hanging milk and fresh food in a bag outside my room on a window ledge when the temperature allowed - so that it didn't get pinched from a shared fridge!
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From a sync point in Stavanger you look can out over the town and see fields of oats here too. Having been to Stavanger, it was cool to imagine the port, new and old town in the distant past. The weirdest thing for me was seeing the coastline very simplified. It's a bit like how some of the counties in England where I've lived (and live now) look oddly glued together in game. Not complaining tho. Obviously there's only so much detail you need/is practical to include in a game! It just bends my brain a little.
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But I did enjoy one joke that is included in the map; a small island for you to practice raiding called 'Ikke en Oy'. The words "ikke en øy" literally mean "not an island" in Norwegian, so I'm guessing that was an amusing way of saying "yeah, we made this lil bit of land up!"
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bright-and-burning · 8 months
got tagged by @albonoooo !! thank u <3
what colour are your eyes?: i have (very mild) heterochromia!! they’re mostly green but my left eye has a little brown stripe :) i guess u could call them hazel (or at least the left one) my mom certainly did for ages idk picture below u decide
(cont under the cut)
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tell me about your pets/your dream pet: i (well. my family) have an orange cat and a porgi (pitbull corgi mix [he’s really just a mutt but we’re like 95% sure he’s got corgi in him somehow]). they are the lights of my life and also the goofiest lookin mfs. i’ve posted pics of my cat before but my dog is like. really distinct looking (see: porgi) but i love him so much … ask me for photos of him n u shall receive…
my apartment is pet free unfortunately. but also taking care of another whole ass being is A Lot so. i’m very chill w not having my own rn
share some interesting fact about yourself: i went to a spanish speaking daycare when i was really young (like toddler aged) and then when i was like 7 i invented my own language (as one does) and half the words were just. spanish. my parents spent ages trying to convince me that i did not just come up w the word espagnol . i swear to god. and i was a stubborn know it all kid and i wasn’t gonna believe them on anything without irrefutable proof (and how do u prove that??) so their efforts were largely fruitless LOL
what was the first fandom you were a part of?: for SURE harry potter. 9 year old me had unsupervised internet access and went craaazy
do you have any phobias?: hm. i Really Really Really don’t like things going near my eyes. it was wayyy worse before i started wearing contacts. like someone waving their hands around within three feet of me would freak me out. i do still get like. inescapable visions of pencils being waved around and accidentally put in my eye when i think abt it/when ppl wave pencils around that i have to physically shake out of
are you a picky eater? if so, what food can't you stand?: YES! texture issues my beloathed… i DESPISE melted cheese. blergh. bad bad vibes. and other funky textured cheeses… i literally just physically shuddered.
do you eat the burger and fries at the same time or one after another?: i consciously choose to eat burger first to get protein in. and THEN fries. if burger too hot then i get to eat two (must be even number) fries at a time until it cools enough to eat
winter or summer: summer <3 i love the beach i love the sun i love 6am runs where it’s already 75° i love swimming i love fun festivals. but also summer is a mindset . if it’s 65° in march im walking around in shorts and a tank top and sitting in the sun the entire day
favourite fanfiction tropes: oh gosh… best friends to lovers… idk i read it all baby. also gonna be honest the f1 interpretations of a/b/o are FASCINATING!!! and have really increased the draw by Far for me
are you studying or working? what do you study/is your job?: working! i am a silly little analyst
what is the last country you visited: canada in june to get drunk by the lake for a week <3
what country would you want to move to after retiring?: france… maybe not. but also maybe yeah. idk i don’t have any other strong connections to places, u kno? and i’d like to travel (fingers crossed i Can retire at an age where i can still travel easily lol)
who was your first crush?: gene kelly in singin in the rain and on the town… formative movies for 3y/o me
how did you get into f1 fandom?: web weavings on tumblr + like three random instagram reels (the mclaren wavelength video being the only one i remember lol) + the empty hole unemployment left me with inside = instant obsession
no pressure tag…. @oscarpiastriwdc @ocontraire @crimsonicarus @lafaerie @mecachrome
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as8bakwthesage · 7 months
I decided to go ahead and do a test of a bunch of Hacker's lines that I made. Basically a "what if Hacker was in the actual TF2 game?"
Also, yes, sorry for the mic peeks. This is why this is a test lol
See below for the transcript:
Killing more than one enemy in 20 seconds with their pistol:
Woah!! Did anybody see that?!
Heeheheheheheh, I got the bad boys!
You’re all dead! Whaaaaaaaaat!
Killing more than 3 enemies in 20 seconds with their weapons:
I have no regrets and you all suck!
I don’t think they expected that from lil ol’ me.
The Corvid strikes again. Punks.
Caw caw, motherfuckers
Kill assist:
Thanks, Snips! (to Sniper)
Thanks, Toasty! (To Pyro)
Thanks, Coloniser! (to Soldier)
Thanks, ôgawatasik! (to Spy) (trans: someone who lies in shadow)
Thanks, kakezihlôt! (To Scout) (trans: the fast runner)
Hvala, Braco! (to Heavy very excited)
Thanks, partner! (to Engie in a very exaggerated accent)
Thanks, kakezalkat! (to Medic with a mysterious air) (trans: a lover)
Thanks, Alcoholism! (to Demo)
You are all national treasures. Or international?
Melee Kills/Taunts with Taser:
Hi, I’m Hacker, I’m a diagnosed psychopath. (Michael Reeves reference)
I just wanna electrocute you.
It’s not a taser. It’s not a taser. It’s not- it’s not a taser.
Cheese! (as if taking a photo with someone)
*Maniacal laughter*
“Oh Hacker, it kind of seems like you’re just coming up with excuses to tase people-” Yes.
After Hacking Engie’s Sentries:
Sentry’s hacked!
I’ve converted the sentries!
Dispense these bolts, bitch!
After Hacking a Spy’s toolkit:
You don’t fool me, Second Coloniser
I see you
If you weren’t such a little bitch, I’d be sad
Quick Hack Charge Complete:
I’m in.
Hacker voice: I’m in.
You’ve been hacked, whoops, you have a virus now!
Ah-ah-ah! You didn’t say the magic word?
What? Nooo! Who could have seen this coming? Woaaahh?? (Michael Reeves ref)
Your entire existence is pitiful. I feel nothing for you.
I’m so tired of fucking your moms.
I will put you in my computer. 
You blocked me on facebook and now you’re going to die.
Plan B? Nah, you need plan C.
Dominating a Scout:
Go cry home to mommy!
I never thought he’d shut up
Off to go fuck your mom
Spy may be your dad, but I’ll be your daddy
Loser bitch boy is dead
Dominating a Soldier:
A victory for the Indians!
Fuck your cavelry
I’m embarrassed by how easy it was to kill you
Do all colonisers fall so hard?
Dominated, you useless settler scum
Dominating a Pyro:
There can only be one gender ambiguous lad
When’s your posthumous gender reveal party?
What? I can’t hear you over the sound of me bashing your skull in!
Dominating a Demoman:
Facial Detection? Nah, I prefer Racial detection!
If only we were on the same team
And y’all thought Indians were alcoholics…
Next time, try and get a bit more wasted
This is why the British COLONISED YOU!
Dominating a Heavy:
Nisam ocekivao da ces biti takva budala!
Maybe in another life we could have been friends…. NOT!
I am not sorry for putting a bullet in your skull, fat man
Brains over brawn.
Dominating an Engineer:
You sure didn’t over-engineer this shit
Wamp wamp! I win!
You can build, but you can’t defend
Mission accomplished: killed a shortie
Dominating a Medic:
Why’d you have to die so easily?
You’re cute. But not that cute
I love the kind of man who takes his murder well
I’m going to FUCK you. Wait no, wrong one
Crows are smarter than Doves, dorkass
I’ve proven once again my superiority
Dominating a Sniper:
Yes, yes go! Piss in your jar.
I will piss on your grave
You gonna pee-pee piss yourself, pissboy?
You’re dogshit at hiding, my guy
Dominating a Spy:
*Robotic laughter*
Ding dong the Coloniser is deaaaaad!~
France can rot in a hole, and you alongside it
There’s a Spy among us… and I killed him :D 
Why do women even like you?
Heeheehee, payback
An eye for an eye
I made you regret killing me, didn’t I?
It’s time for me to gloat forever
I remember you
On fire:
I’m on fire!
I’m burning, help!
Healed by Medic:
Thanks, but it’s not like I like you or anything
That feels good!! Thanks!
Ah! I’m glad to live to see your handsome face again!
Thank you, Medic!
Under effects of ÜberCharge:
I’ve never felt more powerful…
I’m fucking invincible!
I won’t be slain here.
Payload cart moves forward (offense):
Any of you boys wanna help?!
C’mooooon, I’m not waiting all day!
Get a move on, asswipes!
Cart goes backwards (offense):
You deserve the death sentence. (Michael Reeves ref)
Who stopped pushing the cart??
Why is the cart going backwards?? It’s supposed to move forward!
Payload cart moves forward (defense):
I’m going to kill you. And then kill you again. 
I will end your existence.
I will slit you all open from mouth to anus and wear you like jackets
Cart goes backwards (defense):
Weeeeeeeeee! Down it goes!
Haha fuck you, BLU/RED team! Now you have to push it BACK UP THE HILL!
I feel like they’re living as Sisyphus… they’re living the dream 
Win a round:
Gasp! We won!
Yayayayayayayay!!! Yaaaaaaay!
I’m so proud of us!
A bunch of murder hobos killing a bunch of other murder hobos… it’s a good day!
Lose a round:
I’m gonna let the depression set in, and I’m going home
Hey, at least we won’t get to the Post part of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?
*sighs* I feel like I’m reliving my ancestors’ history…
Next time, there will be blood. Lots of blood…
Tie a round:
Welp. Fuck me sideways with a chainsaw, let’s a get a drink
Wait, that can happen??
I’ve never felt more confused in my life
Round Starts:
Fuck em up, boys!
Heeheehee, let’s play a game
I wanna play a game
Sudden Death:
I’m dead. Oh no. (coming out of a machine if Hacker is killed while hacking one)
Wee, that was fun!
Thanks, Engie!
You’re the best!
Objective-related responses
After Capturing Intelligence:
Not usually how I do this, but it’ll do!
I’ve hacked reality!
Time to run!
After capturing control point:
Okay, time to stand here!
Wait. Does this technically count as hacking?
Guess an enbie can prove themselves after all!
I claim this point in the name of my people and my ancestors!
Standing on captured control point, firing weapon:
Budalo, get on the point!
Awahodo, get on the stupid point!
You idiots expect this shit to work if you’re NOT on the point??
On the point. Or I will tase you.
I can’t believe you’re being beat by a hacker!
I love knowing I’m smarter than you all
I’m winning and you’re not! Ha!
There’s a Spy among us!
Imposter spotted!
He’s gonna vent!
Guys. I’m. I’m so disappointed.
If I have to come down there!
I’m a hacker, not your babysitter!
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mangostarjam · 3 days
fuji!! how are you doing on this fine day lovely lady? i'm responding to our thread here bc idk what the etiquette is on reblogging long ass conversations on the same thread lmao so to be safe i'll just send u a new ask.
soupmates is so cute and i love when typos become canon jargon in friendships hehe. you've made me crave croissants again and i am wistfully thinking of how we have a rule that while we're in france, if one of us asks "what time is it?" the other is legally obligated to respond "croissant o'clock" and then we go find a boulangerie. this is how we end up eating 8 croissants/day whenever we're there.
wttcsms is on my deep dive list too!! every time i see them on my dash i'm like how does it feel to never be wrong? ack i've just been so busy that the only time i have to trawl tumblr is during my unhinged insomnia hours when i'm only half aware of what i'm keyboard vomiting lmao NO FILTER only screeching.
okay not mushrooms but this weekend i was busy running around the kitchen experimenting with my lil hoard of fig leaves! i made fig leaf syrup, fig leaf oil, and experimented with dehydrating and freezing the leaves for preservation. i also tested different ratios of toasted fig leaves and pandan in creme brulee and panna cotta so i could see how the flavors bloom in dairy in preparation for the idea i had for my cake. then i gave all the excess treats to baristas at our fave local coffee joints bc i'm not a huge sweet tooth and this was tew much dessert! after i found a ratio i thought worked, i made the cake except i'm afraid it's going to turn out hideous (it's still in its cake ring rn) but it's basically a first draft cake and i can refine it next time! you should see the notes i took on it. i always try to start with a neat plan and end up scribbling all over it with ideas and corrections.
tonight we've invited a couple of our friends over so i can do a fig leaf-inspired dinner with hamachi crudo with fig leaf oil, tomato bisque with fig leaf oil drizzle and crouton, slow roasted salmon in fig leaves (finished with a sear from our bernzomatic + searzall bc crispy salmon skin is life), and the fig leaf and strawberry cake. my friend also got cheesybf a new cocktail set for his bday so we can use the fig leaf syrup to make some nice gin cocktails or a fig leaf strawberry mocktail!
right now i'm munching on leftover crying tiger steak and nam jim jaew for lunch with jasmine rice that i steamed with some of the leftover pandan leaves for extra ~aroma. i still have a ton of leaves so i think i'm gonna make a pandan simple for my favorite matcha pandan lattes.
re: urls haha YES chopsticks are the best way to eat flaming hot cheetos and no one can change my mind. i always think of puffins when i think of my own username. those cute lil round birds. with like a lil cheese hat. i also associate you with apples now as we move into fall. but mentally my picture of you is a swirl of the colors in a kent mango, scented by mango skin by vilhelm and just a hint of kilian's apple brandy on the rocks. maybe a waft of mfk 724 and something like clean cotton or a soft white floral.
HAHAHA totally fair i just realized it was getting long maybe i should put my responses under a read more LOL
i'm responding a day (??) late (time is fake) bc i had to recover from how gorgeous your cake looked and sounded tbh. but i'm good!! my new assistant at work is picking things up quickly and has common sense which is sadly in short supply around here lmaooo
there's a vietnamese bakery in my hometown that makes the BEST croissants i've ever had in my life (though tbf i have not been to paris yet!) and they supply all the local taquerias with bolillo so they are Churning Out Breads but i cannot emphasize enough that it's like. a warehouse space. with a door on a side street and the price list handwritten and they only recently started accepting anything but cash. i love them. the croissants are huge and lightly buttery and delicious. i will now be declaring it's croissant o'clock any time we happen to drive nearby haha
wttcsms and dee my beloveds!!! on behalf of all writers though i will say no filter unhinged screaming comments/tags are GREAT to read. i hope your busyness is the good kind!! it's always lovely seeing you pop up on the dash or inbox or wherever but i hope you're having a good time here >ᴗ<
oh my goddddd your fig leaf experiments... divine. glorious. something about the description of "seeing how the flavors bloom in dairy" is just. dreamy?? you sound like a wizard creating your own magical spell book tome with your scribbles and notes and ideas (saying this in SUCH a complimentary way). crispy salmon skin IS life i just had some last night hehe i had to look up crying tiger steak and nam jim jaew but YOOO this reminds me of duk prahok... yum. and oh my god crying tiger steak is like. a summer staple for us. i never knew it had a NAME. not to over share but my family is from cambodia and i have so many recipes in my brain that i just figured were things my dad created LOL
AND I LOVE PUFFINS!!! in like second grade i did a report/presentation on puffins unprompted unsolicited to my class. i read a book about them and was obsessed i wanted everyone to learn about them (yes i am/was a nerd) (bless my teacher for letting me present lmao). and i do love apple scented things mmm. one of my favorite candles ever is autumn air from elder&co (notes of wild apple and pear and fallen oak leaves). i'm so glad it's getting cloudy and cozy season is coming bc i can light my candles without feeling too silly. do you have any favorite candles?? oh these other scents are SO GOOD. i love that!! brb going to find a way to smell these immediately
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suzieb-fit · 2 months
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One more week before heading back home.
It's a fabulous experience. A whole month in France. Could I be any more grateful? Nope. I'm well aware of how lucky I am.
But yes, I am happy that I'm back to life as usual in seven days.
I woke up feeling "bleurgh". Several reasons. None massively serious, just all adding up to me not being too full of life.
So no walk, and no paddle. The sea way much further out than usual, and the shoreline was basically soft, deep mud, lol. Just wasn't in the mood to slop through all of that to get to the water.
But I breathed in the lovely fresh air and gazed at the wonder of a beautiful morning sky.
Back to the van for a short fast breaking apple with cinnamon and peanuts. Lovely, strong collagen and inulin coffee.
I wasn't in the mood to do much at all, but I couldn't allow that devil on my shoulder to beat me outright.
I decided I had to get myself outside for a short resistance band workout once breakfast had settled.
Might not have wanted to, with my current mood, but I knew I needed to. So I got on and did it.
Medium effort, nothing too challenging. But definitely worth doing.
Soon after that, we got out on the bikes.
20 miles, with a halfway cafe stop.
I wasn't happy. Tried very hard to make sure the lady taking my order got what I was asking for. She was very dismissive, waving me off. Gave the impression she knew exactly what I wanted.
But nope. She didn't.
I asked for a bacon and cheese omelette without chips. I got a bacon omelette, no cheese, and a pile of chips. So they obviously got wasted. I hate food waste, but I don't eat that junk.
And this "cappuccino" tasted like nothing more than hot milk with a vague suggestion of coffee. Not good.
But hey, nobody died. It can't go right every time.
The mucus thing has been horrendous for days. Sent the homeopath another update this morning as requested. Exactly the same as every one I send her - "no improvement". Sent that hours ago, and not heard anything back yet.
Yeah, I'm a grumpy grot today, lol.
Fingers crossed for a better day tomorrow!
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princessamyrose87 · 3 months
My q and a for sonic movie universe
Main sonic characters
Ben Schwartz as sonic
Colleen O'Shaughnessey as tails
Idris elba as knuckles
Keanu Reeves as Shadow
Sofia pernas or Anna kendrick as Amy rose
Aubrey plaza as rouge the bat
Team chaotix returns
Cristo Fernández as vector
Troy baker as espio, his va would return
Alan Kim or Taylor lam Wright as charmy, save Taylor from charmy as a preteen in the future
For the post credit for 3rd movie would be
Rasmus Hardiker as sliver with British accent, the guy who played Rudolph sackville-bagg from the little vampire 3d
Ben Schwartz as metal sonic, lol that be great 👍
For the 4th one would be
Rasmus Hardiker as sliver
Frances Berry as blaze with a British accent too aka the girl who played rumba from Maya the Bee 3
Rachel crow as sticks the badger with African American accent
Juliet donenfeld as cream
Like nastya as cheese
Kevin Chamberlin as big
Dee Bradley Baker As froggy and chaos
Plus even the characters for many sonic movies
Danny pudi as Mighty
Jamaal Avery Jr as ray
Emma Berman as marine
Jilliantubehd as Sonia
Evantubehd as manic
Mommytubehd as queen aleena
Jana beth louw as tikal, the girl who played Sophie from headspace 2023 film
Todd Haberkorn as chip the light Gaia
John noble as the black doom
The Babylon returns
Zeno Robinson as jet
Karen fukuhara as wave
Kevin Michael richardson as storm
Human and pet characters
Wanda/Wade's sister
Wade's mother
Olive garden guy aka government
Captain Rockwell
Hope you guys like it 😊💖👌
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deepdrearn · 3 months
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Day six on the Camino: I'm one hell of a slow pilgrim, but definitely one working on the transformational experience lol. Decided to stay another day in the Buddhist cabin just to finish the book. Well, and also to avoid the rain.
Highlight: journaling and finishing the book. It's been a great explanation of the changes I went through mid/late twenties, and it's been a joy to see how I did so many of the things recommended. But reading it in the kind of fragile state I'm in now, it was also a painful confrontation with the idea that I would benefit from reexamining my goals and maybe not have live 6 main goals at the same time. More painful observations: some friends will no longer be my friends in the near future, which was coming since the split from J, but reading on the effects of the people around you I couldn't help but notice they're just not supportive, nor empathetic and they may not have been so, for a really long time.
Other highlight: to walk into the village, ordering four croissants and a big jar of jam and then on the way back telling myself "I'm an adult in France". Also realizing I can't even remember the last time I ate cheese and then starting to wonder after eating the second croissant if I'd soon be ready to start eliminating butter from my diet lol. And while I laugh at that I realize that this is basically the same behavior I had around eating cheese before stopping that so who knows.
I spoke to the Boy at great length last night about the book I'm reading, about the Work Situation, the Political Situation, and well, relationships. We spoke about us, about taking things slow, about J and even AB. There is a lot of talking about relationships these days and I feel like the Beautiful world where are you quote:
Maybe we're just born to love and worry about the people we know, and to go on loving and worrying even when there are more important things we should be doing. And if that means the human species is going to die out, isn't it in a way a nice reason to die out, the nicest reason you can imagine? Because when we should have been reorganising the distribution of the world's resources and transitioning collectively to a sustainable economic model, we were worrying about sex and friendship instead. Because we loved each other too much and found each other too interesting. And I love that about humanity, and in fact it's the very reason I root for us to survive - because we are so stupid about each other.
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