#like grows feathers during the colder seasons
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New Tweaked Designs for the Bosses, as well as some up-to-date headcanons for them! it's a bit long so it's going to be under a readmore-
His voice is actually high pitched (like the vocals in the actual song) he doesn’t see any issue with it, but if someone starts giving him shit about it he will get annoyed and start getting hostile
Borderline blind, has to actively focus in order to see things clearly, so he mostly relies on his energysense to get around for the most part. 
He actually likes kids, despite his grumpy demeanor, and he’s pretty good with them too, one of the best folks to leave your kids with if you don’t mind the trek to get to his den in the caves
Actually leans more on the feminine side for other centipede shapes, since he's larger than most (this tends to be a trend with arthropod shapes, larger individuals leaning more towards the female side of the shape gender spectrum) 
Semi-transparent midsection with less plating than normal for centipedes, allowing you to see some of his bones (you can’t see his spine, or any of his organs, since they’re deeper in, though sometimes if his stomach or crop is really full, or if there’s something glowing brightly enough in there you might be able to somewhat see it through his skin, it’s more reliably seen with his crop though-)
Territorial towards places and people that he likes, you can tell if he likes you even if he doesn't tell you since he'd start getting lowkey territorial in regards to you
as close to cold-blooded as a shape can get, but it's offset by his general chunkiness and the fact that he dresses warmly
Collar is a comfort item that he almost always wears (also the spikes on them are made with carved treeangle wood, normally they absorb the excess beat-energy he produces, the corruption however overwhelmed them)
if he gets too cold he can go into torpor, sometimes quite suddenly (longest time he's been in torpor has been a month)
has a instinctual behavior pattern of eating more and starting to bulk up during colder months/seasons, even if he doesn't go into torpor during the season. (sometimes he can get pretty mindless with it. Try to avoid being around him if you happen to be small and roughly food-shaped.)
Surprisingly soft, good to cuddle with (as long as you ignore the scattered small plates along his back) don’t expect him to start cuddling unless he likes you though, he’s more likely to straight up eat or maul you, especially if it’s sudden and you startle him.  
Likes to dig and burrow, if you can’t find him, just start looking for the big holes in the damp dirt.
He eats rocks and dirt sometimes, no real reason for it, he just wants to-
Rarely washes his clothes, washes his modified boots even less. 
He normally keeps his mandibles tucked into his mouth, but if he wants to paralyze someone with his venom or just eating they tend to pop out. (if you get on his nerves enough he can and will bite with intent to paralyze and leave you there) 
If he’s feeling strongly about something he starts growing spikes and more plates along his body. 
Those ‘spikes’ along his tail are actually tiny centipede legs, they don’t really get used except as a pouchlet or in his shape form, but they’re there.
He actually knows how to make clothes, kinda had to in order to modify his own to fit his needs better. (most of his clothes are made of denim to last longer)
Thrives off of chaos and like the goose from untitled goose game, they will cause problems*… on purpose (*minor problems, more mischievous rather than actual problems)
Grows ‘petals’ (they feel closer to feathers) during spring and winter, after that they tend to shed, leaving them with only their short fur
They are a carrier of the shape version of the vitiligo gene, which while meaning that they aren’t actively vitiligo, if certain conditions are met, the gene can get triggered and cause their colors to start to change, a condition/coloration that’s often referred to as ‘False Vitiligo’ (true vitiligo turns the shape white, gray, or black) in their case, their corruption triggered the gene, and after getting purified their fur and petals gradually started turning magenta. 
They’re one of the few shapes that Bitis actually tolerates/likes, since they know when to shut up and calm down when needed. Plus they’re warm, and willing to act as a living heater for them.
Very loyal to their ‘pack’ which is mainly Fresh, Bitis and themself, though they have a few others that they consider as ‘pack’
Has a tendency of burying things, and also likes to dig, just to make holes
High energy, social, and a ball of furry chaos in general, prone to affectionate biting and scratching as well, not enough to break the skin, but still-
They do like being pet, and will invade people’s personal space, but tends to be leery and wary of people they don’t know petting them
Their sense of smell and hearing is really good, and can often be driven crazy by things like dog whistles and can hear and smell things that some others can’t
They can in fact howl, and sometimes they have the instinct to howl back when they hear it, it’s a impulse thing and they can resist it sometimes, but if they get caught off guard they will howl if they hear another howl
Will affectionately bully the folks that they like, but will cut it out if they upset them or if they’re not in the mood.
Their corruption essentially swapped their purple/magenta colors when it came to their markings
An ‘ew people’ type of introvert who only tolerates a few shapes, everyone else can fuck off in their opinion
They’re a sea snake, so they do spend a good deal of time swimming and hunting fish to eat. 
VERY venomous, and fatally so if too much gets put in, which is why they tend to keep their mouth sealed unless they’re actively using it. 
Their venom is paralytic, and they mostly use it to hunt
However the instinct to bite something that startles them is still there, which tend to mean that if you startle them you are going to get headbutted, which is going to hurt both of you-
As close to cold-blooded as a shape can get, however, they can’t go into torpor to hibernate through the colder moths like fresh can, so they just stick to the volcano and bundle up in their ‘sweater’ for the most part. They don’t tend to leave the volcano at all during the colder months. 
Shorter lengthwise than most serpent/snake shapes, but they’re built more powerfully and thicker as a compromise. Makes them actually pretty fast in the water, if somewhat less agile and harder to fit into crevices. 
While it is possible to create a anti-venom for their venom, that involves having to interact with other shapes, and Bitis would rather not have to subject themself to being forced to interact with other shapes if they can avoid it. 
Scales are smooth, to the point that it’s hard to find where one ends and another begins. 
Keeps their hair braided, keeps it out of the way and in one place, since it constantly looks wet/greasy and is slightly heavier than the average. (the braid is what’s causing it to puff up into that hood shape around their head, nobody knows why and Bitis doesn’t care to figure it out) 
Aro/Ace and gets annoyed/disgusted if people start talking about things like relationships or sex in front of them. You will get forced out one way or another. 
Their serpent attacks are structures, and they do in fact have a few pet snakes as well, that are well taken care of. 
Prone to stress-shedding random scales, which can be good when pressed underwater by something dangerous, distract the thing with sudden swarm of shiny scales, but it leaves that area without scales until they shed. 
They can and WILL pop out their fangs and start threatening if someone starts getting on their nerves enough, and if they don‘t get the message they’ll do a ‘dry bite’ that normally gets other shapes to fuck off- 
There’s no proof but there was slight increase in drownings when they first arrived, though honestly, Bitis straight up told people that they’re venomous, that it’s paralytic and that they want to get left the fuck alone unless they like you when they first arrived, so if you go swimming/flee into the water after getting bitten by them it’s kinda on you? (def still manslaughter/shapeslaughter though)
Prefers to live off of the land in the caves, there’s plenty enough big bugs and other animals that they can feed off of, so she really only tends to go into town for supplies she can’t find or make in the wilderness
Makes her own silk cloth with her own thread/silk and makes clothing and other cloth things like bags. 
Gets along pretty well with Fresh, and will ask him to babysit occationally while she does something. 
Def a milf, and can be quite flirty, though understands if people are a bit anxious about her, it’s only natural. (Arthropod shapes do have a tendacy to have… slightly cannibalistic urges, especially ones that are female/more on the female side of the spectrum, and DEFINATELY while gravid, even if the eggs aren’t fertile/fertilized)
Pretty chill and laid back. she knows that she’s one of the largest shapes on paradise and that most things can’t threaten her, so she’s pretty laid back
Do NOT threaten her kids though, she can go from 0 to 100 on a pin drop if her kids are involved. 
Speaking of her kids, she has a decent amount of them, not a large amount (at least for arthropod shapes) but a decent amount, roughly around 8 of them currently, and a good few others which are fully grown now.
Currently single, and yeah she’s open, though generally isn’t fond of marriage, she’s not against the concept, but she likes having multiple partners that she can dote on
She’s very doting and affectionate with her partners and her kids, can and will pick people up and carry them around. 
Her voice is chirpy and relatively high pitched, and sounds like it belongs to something far smaller than her. 
Will affectionately nibble on folks that they like as long as they’re comfortable with it (no mandibles though since that’s where the venom’s kept)
Her venom is a flesh-melter (she does have anti-venom on her so if she accidentally envenoms someone it’s dealt with quickly) which helps her feed her kids (most pouchlets can only eat fluids or soft foods at first, and spider shapes can have some difficulties eating solid food sometimes)
Yeah, they’re a bit bonkers because of their isolation in the tree/level void:™: and are desperate for company, food, and touch- (they need a good amount of therapy) 
However their unstable mental state and their starvation often results in… well… bad outcomes for most who come into contact with them in the level void- 
Fossilized is really the best way i can describe what’s happening to their beat-energy- since their beat-energy is still the same but it’s gradually getting well… replaced or petrified by the ambient energy of the tree void- 
if they were to die in the tree void:™: their energy would still stick around it would just… decay or regress into something that’s more similar to the levels (yes that’s my headcanon about the tutorial levels, the tree’s gotta eat too-) until eventually fading away into the background
However, since they’re a spirit and elemental hybrid, they can feed off of things that other shapes can’t, specifically since they’re a fire elemental, they can feed off of anything that’s flammable, things like clothes for example (which is why they don’t have any clothes) and spirit shapes can essentially parasitize off of other sources of energy, and in their case, they’re feeding off of the energy in the level void itself. It’s not the best, and they are still very much starving, but it’s enough to keep them alive. 
Due to their isolation and general insanity, they don’t really remember anything about themselves from before their entrapment there, they can only get glimpses or blurred sensations occasionally, though once they’re freed they do start to remember a bit more
Their mind is actively suppressing their memories to avoid trauma (they were very attached to the rest of their group, which well… aren’t alive anymore- save for antimony’s ‘familiar’ which is prolly the only thing keeping them sane… or as sane as they can be after their release, and tree help you if you are a threat to their only remaining link to their friends their companion)
Pyromaniac (they had this condition before, but being trapped there made it worse and caused them to start trying to set everything on fire just so there’s something else apart from the darkness there) it gets somewhat better after their release but they still have urges to set everything on fire- 
VERY touch starved, but wear something flame-resistant or fire-proof because they WILL become VERY hot temperature-wise VERY quickly
Oh yeah since they’re a fire elemental they can control their body temperature, but it normally runs hot enough to burn people without protection (at least internally) and it tends to be a bit wonky due to their mental state as well, sudden highs and lows along with their mood and current state of mind. If they focus they can control it somewhat, but they have to re-learn how to do it, since it’s so unpredictable now. 
They can phase through objects and walls since they’re a spirit hybrid, but anything that they have on them that isn’t made with their own beat-energy will get stuck on surfaces unless they actively surround it with their own energy and sorta ‘falsify’ it being part of them
This does mean that they can sometimes get stuck in walls after eating or drinking something. 
They are VERY clingy and a bit obsessive towards those who they enjoy the presence of-
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painmiau · 1 year
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talullah birthday :3
it's a crime that i've never drawn her before
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yellosnacc · 9 days
I have a question about the Slomen Do they come in different colours/fur length or are they all brown-ish with short fur?
Here a quickie
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Slomen have feathers! Or the closest thing to feathers.
Unless counting seasonal changes, their coat length is constant. This does mean short head-feather people can't just grow them out, the next molt will be the same. While ones with long head feathers will often shorten them for fashion.
Ethnicities native to colder regions are more likely to have longer feathers overall and their coat changes more visibly during seasons (I have yet to draw that).
Patterns and colors can be complicated. Sloms can vary a lot in one ethnicity and often have mutations making their coat irregular or patchy. The different ethnicities also very commonly procreate tho it's culturally complicated. But simply, patterns and colors mix, and while things such as 'eye ring with the inner being lightest color' are almost always there, the look of the brows/ring can get silly.
But yes they are pretty brown/yellowy/orangey. Melanism is rarer than leucism but they happen.
Look at the cool oc of @factorybought here!
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Other ocs. Even the silly patterns of the kid can appear on adults, just less fuzzy and darker. It's rarer but hey, sloms can be silly. I could try to do some interesting mutations and such sometime.
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infranthrax · 6 months
a memory is being recorded… hold on… ✨
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neuvillette x gn! reader
synopsis || as the spring nears its peak, neuvilette is once again coddled by the melusine to take a break from his work. little does he know that this break would land him in inazuma… but for what reason?
disclaimer // might be ooc— first time writing for neuvi.
word count :: 2.5k words
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spring— the time of year in which the flowers bloom back, the grass turns green, and the weather briskly warms as the colder days of winter slowly come to an end. fontaine is beautiful during all times— seasons irrelevant. the icy lakes are prefect for ice skating, the trees are at their most vibrant during autumn. but one thing is for sure… neuvillette is about to witness something he’s surprisingly never seen before.
in late march, spreading out into may, inazuma has a floral celebration dubbed hanami, in which the cherry blossoms bloom. starting in the southern regions of the island, and blooming northbound, the trees are a sight to behold. during this time, inazuma becomes a popular tourist attraction as the peaceful nature of the said cherry blossoms is quite the peaceful experience. the people of inazuma gather in parks underneath the trees, accompanying the blossoms’ petals as some shed when they bloom, flowing delicately in the wind as the parks’ visitors enjoy small snacks with tea, card games, and overall, a tranquil time viewing the cherry blossoms.
and you always make time to visit inazuma during this part of the year. you’re making your way to a park with a blanket and a basket in tow, along with your floating friend, paimon, who’s just as eager as you, yet with a slight sarcastic edge. floating beside you however, they smile playfully. “paimon never understands why you come here every year— we’ve seen the flowers dozens of times.” they would say in their high pitched voice. you would turn to them and smile. “i know. but i never grow tired of it, no matter how many times i celebrate.” “oh well…” paimon sighs as you make your way to a park.
this park was right by yoimiya’s firework shack, about half a mile or so away. it was a little hilly, nothing to worry about though, the uneven terrain is nothing to you. you set your stuff down and settle into your spot, which you had previously designated, away from the crowds of people that would eventually form later on in the afternoon. prepping your basket next to you, you feel a set of eyes on you that aren’t paimon’s. a feeling of unease settles into your chest… and then it goes away. nevertheless, you look around, and over to your right, not so far away, you see a man with long, silvery shiny white hair and delicate cerulean feather like horns that fall down behind him. you knew that color scheme from anywhere. he probably saw you and his eyes lingered for a bit too long.
“monsieur neuvillette? he’s here?!” paimon shouted, quite surprised. upon hearing his name, he looked towards you and paimon, before you blinked and smacked them on their small shoulder with your two fingers. he flashed you a small smile, covering it up with the back of his hand. a flash of pink spread across your cheeks— not out of fluster, rather slight embarrassment. “go say hi, go say hi!” paimon would pester as they would push at your back to try and get you up on your feet. you would grow even more embarrassed at this, and reject their words, “paimon, no—“
“go say hi to him!”
“no, stop that crap!”
“oh come on, traveler! get your butt up there and talk to him!”
“I don’t wanna! stop it, paimon I swear to the archons—“
“you scaredy cat! you scaredy scaredy cat! paimon knows you like him!”
“no— no i don’t paimon, what the hell???”
neuvillette spectates this scene before him of you trying to push paimon away, despite their restless pestering, and finds slight amusement in it. he chuckles to himself, stifling his sounds with the back of his hand and a closed mouth. it may not seem like it but sometimes, he’s actually happy to see you. the poor guy just doesn’t know how to go about showing it at times. his formal rigidness takes grip of his rare social interactions as he prefers to be alone, but… he can’t help himself. he removes his hand from his mouth and takes in a breath, calming himself and bringing his calm composure back to the forefront.
“traveler,” you hear his crisp voice being carried by the spring wind. all commotion comes to a swift halt as he speaks, as if to quell the chaos. he is the ludex, after all— one that is tasked to keep order and justice. almost like a title that follows him everywhere he goes, the air of him being strict, yet merciful and calm— elegant… beautiful… you slowly blush in your thoughts, as his voice takes your brain and wraps it up in a pretty, light glaucous ribbon. you see his mouth move, and you hear him, but you don’t process him.
“traveler,” he calls out about two more times before he sighs to himself and walks towards you, abandoning his space on the ground. he snaps his fingers in front of your face as he tip toes behind you. this makes you jump and fall back, to which neuvillette catches you before your back hits his feet. helping you to a stand, he kind of dusts your shoulders a bit with a meek little smile plastered on your face.
“Are you alright? You seemed to space out for a second, I thought you had been seeing something.” Quickly blinking, you stuttered over your own breath, making you sputter out a throat clearing cough or two. paimon playfully pushes at the back of your shoulder, wasting no time to push a response up out of your mouth, “i… i’m alright! yes… yes, I was just… surprised to see you here is all. i didn’t think you’d be interested in things like this.” he smiles a little, being slightly entertained by your nervousness. “Don’t you remember when I told you that I plan on traveling the world sometime?”
it took you a minute, but you did remember that. he did tell you that once. you felt like an idiot— a bumbling, babbling, idiot. you knocked on your head softly. “Yeah— duh, i remember… haha..” you let out another nervous giggle, feeling your cheeks warm up as he steps in front of you. out of instinct, you step toward him as paimon floats in back. “would you like to walk with me a bit? i admit, it would be nice to catch up with you.” you looked back at paimon, who giggled a bit behind their tiny hands. pouting at them, you gave them a bit of a playful glare, but you were interrupted when they turned you back around. “of course, monsuier neuvillette! they would love to join you for a walk! don’t worry, traveler— you can trust me to guard our little space while you are away!”
you hesitated and tried to speak, but every time you would, paimon would be there to cut you off at every syllable, gently pushing you along with neuvillette as he walked with you. “don’t you fret, traveler, you go and have fun!~ go have fun!!~” the little floater chirped happily as they shoved you away finally, and you looked at neuvillette, which he simply smiled at you… a calm, gentle smile. you walked with him as you both wandered around through the empty part of the park that he put himself in, past his designated spot. there was a river close to where he sat himself, a walkway with a bridge built above the water. the river’s path was surrounded on each side with cherry blossoms that were already in full bloom, harmonizing with the gentle breeze. you both walked the bridge, at first in silence.
“hey, neuvillette?” you finally spoke up against the wind that softly blew in your faces. he hummed, acknowledging you. his purplish, iridescent eyes looked beautiful in the soft light of the slowly setting sun— like a hazy purpley blue. they looked towards you, draconic slit the pupils a pure white within that beautiful sea of light plum iridescence. “other than your desire to travel, what brought you to inazuma?”
neuvillette stopped when you both were midway across the bridge and looked out to the river ahead of him. standing where you had stopped, your eyes followed his form as his body partially leaned against the frame of the bridge. his hair and skin glowed to what looked like a golden sheen when reflected by the gentle ripples of the water. “the melusines were trying to get me out again. they were saying something about a festival in inazuma, and they figured it would be a good time for me to ‘take a break,’ as they said.” you nodded, and walked over to his spot on the bridge, leaning next to him. he smiled down at the water that calmly babbled underneath the bridge, flowing and rippling up over the rocks. the wind had picked up for a brief moment, catching his hair and yours. cherry blossom petals started to shed from the trees surrounding the two of you, floating by delicately in the soft current of the breeze. it was truly a breathtaking sight— one that shouldn’t be wasted away. “it’s good to get away sometimes, you know? it’s never a good thing to remained cooped up with your work all day, every day. i understand you have a job to fulfill as the ludex of fontaine, but,” you stop yourself out of fear of overstepping. he looks at you with a blink of his dark, thick eyelashes, his lips gently parting. your eyes meet and you could feel your cheeks slowly glow into a dark crimson. my my, what to say now? swallow yourself— you’ll be okay. you clear your throat, stifling away your stammer, “but… it’s always good to… to step back… you know?” you asked him endearingly. he looked at you for a minute, sitting in silence. neuvillette has always had the flaw of not being able to properly read human emotion, as he is unfamiliar with the concept of humans to begin with. but, one thing is clear— he’s been around you long enough for him to be able to understand you.
and you know that well enough too, don’t you?
he held your tone in his head, slowly forming a small smile on his lips as he stood up straight, turning towards you and… patting your head. that’s what humans do right? to show their admiration? he let his gloved hand softly ruffle on the top of your head, before a few cherry blossom petals got stuck on the frame of your face. he blinked at this and went to straighten your hair back out, clearing it of the cherry blossom petals. you smiled cheekily at him, letting out a small laugh as his hand leaves your head. he returns your smile…
the air is getting sweet between the two of you, isn’t it?
“oh… i remember, i made you something as a thank you for your gift at the lantern rite.” you tugged at your messenger bag that you had been wearing, opening it and pulling out what looked to be an hour glass. each side of the our glass looked like an otter on each side holding the bottoms of the two glasses, and the glass on the bottom was filled with water with a slight blue tint to it with a hint of glitter to mimic how water glistens in the sun. you flipped it around a few time to show him, and then he slowly took it from you. looking at the hour glass, he smiled a bit. “did you make this?” you nodded, gripping at the strap of your bag that laid tenderly against your form.
“i made it to—“
“i apologize, i must interrupt,” neuvillette says softly, putting the hourglass in his pocket. that smile of his is truly infectious— a beauty with no flaws. you blinked as a few petals tangled themselves in his hair due to the wind making them collide with him. “I understand that, while i believe it may be customary, it is not necessary… you are enough for today, and i would like to remind you that i appreciate you, and all you have done.” you look at him with stars glittering in your eyes as your cheeks once again flush. a giddy smile messily plasters itself on your face as you take both of his hands in yours, a move that leaves the hydro dragon quite startled at the sudden action, yet it wasn’t unfavorable. it felt quite nice actually.
“thank you, traveler..” he clears his throat as his cheeks give off a pale flush. he’s not used to people being this close to him with the exception of furina, and even then he still didn’t like his bubble invaded, however this invasion didn’t leave him with a sense of discomfort, but a warm feeling… a nerve wracking feeling, like butterflies flying amok in a field, all up in his gut. autopilot took over your mind as you acted out of desire with no strings attached, getting up on your toes while using his hands for leverage, his arms stiff as you boost yourself up.
a kiss.
you kissed him— the hydro dragon.
he was shaken, sure, but he slowly returned it, caving in and holding you close. you used his coat for leverage as you attempted to keep yourself leveled with his towering height. his lips were cool to the touch, yet they were so soft and light, his touch airy and delicate, purity in his form. it was like magic, this moment. you pulled away after a short while, moving one of your hands to clear his silvery hair of the flower petals still tangled in. with a smile, you let out a calm exhale…
but… hey, was that the sound of a camera shuttle?
you turned to see your floating fairy friend holding your camera in their hands with a mischievous smirk, bouncing up and down in the air as they giggled to themselves as the photo they snapped slowly processed out of the camera. a little polaroid— one that seemed giant to them. you looked at paimon and your eyes widened. looking back at neuvillette, you saw him immediately pull away with a deep blush spreading across his cheeks like a tide, retaining his normal air of modesty. turning to the small, floating entity that was looking at the photo, paimon looked back at you and their eyes widened.
“oh… oh, you look angry…”
“if the archons can put the fear of celestia in you, so can i.”
there was a sudden pause, before you started to chase after paimon as they floated away quickly, polaroid still intact in their grip. amongst the cussing and the shouting and the teasing that erupted from you and paimon, slowly fading off into the distance, neuvillette watched you run off as he took the hourglass out of his pocket, shook it gently, and flipped it into his other hand, watching the glittery water fall into the bottom— trickling down like a tap. he smiled, and watched it, sighing through his nose as the petals blew around him. setting the hourglass down on the bridge’s arm, he leaned over closer to it.
maybe… getting out wasn’t so bad after all.
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thenixkat · 6 months
[Contains some spoilers]
More Early Riser!Tallmen au
Laios thinks his winter coat is boring. His fur is a few shades darker than his hair with white fur on his belly. No stripes or spots or cool patterns. He keeps his hair trimmed and stays clean shaven even after his coat grows in bc he refuses to look like a clone of his father.
Falin's winter coat has a diluted calico pattern. She gets a little smug about it when she notices that Laios is jealous of her. Post canon the parts of her body that don't grow feathers will still grow fur and her feather parts grow a thick layer of down feathers when it gets colder.
Falin and Laios share a room in a cheap old dormatorium that they make their year-round residence when not going on expeditions in the dungeon.
Toshiro's coat is dark grey with a white belly. His attempts to get Falin to spend the winter with him are stymied by the fact that every time he extends an invitation Laios is there and very excited to winter with him.
Kabru's coat is black and tan and curly like his hair. Due to being quite charming with a lot of people infatuated with him or otherwise willing to extend favors, Kabru has an easy time packing on weight for winter hibernation. He tends to winter with Rin. To help fall asleep he listens to audiobooks on wax cylinders on the day-to-day economics of the major cities of the world.
Kabru, Rin, Toshiro, and Toshiro's tallmen retainers live at the same higher-end dormatorium on the island but live at opposite ends of the building and rarely run into each other.
Kiki and Kaka have black winter coats with Kaka having a more blueish tone to his fur than his sister and Kiki having white spots on her belly and chest. They have no memory of ever wintering or aestivating in a dormatorium. Since they were adopted by the Flokes they hibernate at home. Magic circles keep their rooms at the correct temperatures when they hibernate.
The half-foot union has dominated the dormatorum custodian roles on the Island and even won hazard pay from the Lord of the Island. During winter when adventuring slows down by a lot due to every party that is majority tallmen or tallman led having to stop for the season, custodian work is the thing for half-foots to fall back on.
Chilchuck has been the head winter custodian of the dormatorium that Falin and Laios live in for longer than they've known him. He's survived two occasions where he'd been attacked by disoriented early risers trying to eat him.
Due to being a cat beastkin Izutsumi doesn't need to hibernate and has difficulting staying asleep for more than a week or two at a time. She finds the experience to be alienating.
Marcille grows a thin coat of white fur on her back in the fall and tends to put on a few dozen extra pounds around winter. She's quick to try and lose it come spring. And will try not to gain it in the first place if she's expecting to spend a lot of time with elves that aren't her mom.
Due to the seasonal plumpness and fur growth, folks figure out that she's a half-elf a lot faster.
Marcille often visits Falin (and by technicality since they share a room, Laios as well) during the winter and will comb her fur or read out loud to her when she's feeling lonely after coming to the Island.
Since they won't die from starvation but will sleep if it's cold enough, Thistle takes advantage of being able to control the climate of his dungeon when the citizens of the Golden Country start getting unruly and trying to escape. He doesn't keep it cold the whole time b/c inevitably the cold weather will bring back unpleasant memories (even if those memories started having holes in them as to why they made him feel bad)
If you ask Nemari if thigh squish from leather pouches on plumper tallmen legs does anything for her, she'll turn red and refuse to comment.
One of the reasons that Nemari left the Touden party was to try and join a party with fewer tallmen on it to have a longer work season.
Since the meat of the plot is set in March, Laios, Falin, and the other tallmen still have their fur coats though since they've recently woken up from hibernation they don't have much fat on them. Laios notably puts on some weight from eating Senshi's cooking.
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vinesoy · 1 year
I should start catching my creature posts up on tumblr to where they are on twitter teehee
Expect more from me soonish, maybe even later today idk
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"Xerqyi (Zehr-ch-yee) are one of the largest oviraptorids of Shaikel, only rivaled by the Emperor Cockatrice of the Southern Continent, Tonjuikea. Xerqyi are Caenagnathid Oviraptorosaurs, they live in the dense forests of Wojuikea in large herds, these herds comprising of on average 1 rooster, 5 to 8 hens, and a varying ammount of chicks depending on the season, or Batchelor or Bachelorette groups of up to 10 individuals.
Xerqyi are territorial, especially when chicks are nearby so studying them has been dangerous but we have gathered as much information as possible.
Xerqyi are omnivorous, they are highly generalist animals and feed on all manner of plants and predominantly scavenge meat, although im sure Xerqyi hunt small animals and young on occasion. Xerqyi males have vibrant head crests covered in feathers, this display is made up of blues and greens, their wings are black and the spots in the feathers are a loud iridescent yellow that reflects light to a degree it could temporarily or even permanently blind any potential predator, this is suspected to be the reason both males and females possess these display feathers. Both sexes are predominantly dark brown and white, they patterning on their bodies helping them blend in to their forested homes, presumably mainly used by young to hide as adults can easily fend off troops of Polar Sphinx and packs of Black Dashers. Xerqyi chicks are forced out of the flock during late adolescence and often continue living with their siblings until reaching early adulthood where they split off to form their own herds.
Xerqyi take about 8 years to grow to adulthood and live up to nearly 40 years. Xerqyi nests and the nests of other polar oviraptorosaurs are different from those of more tropical species, polar oviraptorosaurs, commonly known as Snowy Cockatrice typically build their nests out of insulating twigs, foliage, and integument scavenged from other animals. These nests are used more as places to store eggs than to incubate them, eggs are overall safer and warmer being carried by their parents, Snowy Cockatrice hold their eggs close to their bodies to ensure they are warm and safe, Snowy Cockatrice chicks are also often held by their parents to avoid losing them in deep snow, however these chicks hatch with long legs to aid in avoiding that once they start walking.
Xerqyi and other Snowy Cockatrice are covered in dense, shaggy feathers made for trapping heat, as well as having complex nasal passages to warm air as it enters the animal's body, chicks are especially fluffy to keep warm, as adorable as they are it's worth pointing out again that approaching a Xerqyi will most definitely end in you being mauled by one or more very angry elephant sized parents.
It is unknown whether or not Xerqyi are directly related to Earth's Gigantoraptor but studies show they're most likely not, it's more likely Xerqyi are descendants of much smaller Caenagnathids that adapted to living in the colder regions of Shaikel before growing large, it's suspected this large size was only aquired due to the absence of large Saurolophin Hadrosaurs in the region after a minor extinction, however Xerqyi now face some competition from the Moosegeese that grew in their place, as well as the relatively newly arriving Royal Camels, a giant species of camel adapted to the cold." - Shaikei Naturalist, Alver Swan
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holyfurnace · 2 months
About - Lute
Name: Eleanora
Nickname: Lute (preferred), Lily
Title: Exorcist Lieutenant
Age: 9227
Species: Angel
Description: 6'2", pale blue skin, gold eyes, white and grey hair, white wings, broken nose, scars across her neck and on her side
Verse: Lute - Main
Lute is the right-hand of Adam, and second in command of the Exorcist army as his Lieutenant. She's been by his side for thousands of years, having worked as just his assistant at first before they became friends and she was able to really speak her mind with him. During the year between Exterminations, her job is to train her fellow Exorcists and do lots of paperwork, taking care of her little sister Daisy in her free time.
Verse: Lute - Commander
Set after season one of the show. Lute has become the new leader of the Exorcists, and she is merciless. She's gotten a prosthetic arm made out of angelic steel to replace the one that she tore off, and is able to change its appearance between modes for casual use and battle. She's a lot colder than she was before the failed Extermination, and snaps at others much more harshly, whenever she isn't burying herself in her work to distract herself from everyone that she lost.
Verse: Lute - Down in Disguise
Often the Observation Sphere is inaccessible, sometimes the drones are too obvious, occasionally Lute just wants a break from Heaven's niceties. On these occasions, she secretly takes herself down to Hell in disguise as a demon. She calls herself Viola on these trips- not her own idea, another string instrument for a name when she's supposed to not be herself- but she was called that during a trip when some other angels had joined her and it had stuck.
Verse: Lute - Pre Exorcist
Anytime from her childhood to when the Exorcists were formed. Known mostly as Lily back then, she was a lot kinder to others than she is today. In her youth she helped her parents with the acres of forest that they took care of, then as she got older she gave flight lessons to fledging angels and new Winners before starting to work as an assistant for angels of higher rank.
Verse: Lute - Never held a Blade
Lily wasn't chosen all those thousands of years ago to be Adam's right hand. Without taking that path in her life, she instead stayed on her family's acres to care for the forest, as well as continuing to give flight lessons to young fledgling angels; and later, any new Winners that came her way. These days she can still be found doing exactly that, along with happily taking care of her little sister and just helping out and around Heaven wherever she's needed.
Verse: Lute - Fallen
After the final failed Extermination, the Exorcists were disbanded. As Adam's Lieutenant, Lute was given all the blame by the people of Heaven for the events and was punished by Falling. Her body changed to be more bird-like as she Fell, her wings turning red and more feathers of the same color growing from her neck down, and her face became her Exorcist mask, horns and all. Lute tends to keep her wings underneath a cloak that she wears now- even with how much her body has changed, they're the one thing she can't bear to look at much anymore.
Verse Offshoot: Lute - Fallen to Grace
Some time after her Fall, Lute was found injured by a member of the Ars Goetia. She was healed by the demon, though of course still didn't trust her immediately. This would change over the next several months, though, after Lute was offered a job as a guard- a role the former Exorcist accepted solely so that she wouldn't have to go back to living out on the streets. She may have still despised demons at that point, but the room and board was much better than how she'd been living prior.
Verse: Lute - Hellborn
Lily is an imp/succubus hybrid, the succubus genes more obvious despite more of her heritage being from imps. She was born and raised in the Wrath ring, working on her family's farm as she grew and joining a local militia in her teen years. She stayed there until around her mid-twenties before moving up to Pride, primarily taking freelance security jobs and occasionally doing some small violin performances on her free days, as well as taking care of her little sister Daisy in recent years. Over the years in Pride, Lily's managed to train herself out of her Wrathian accent most of the time, believing that she sounds more professional without it.
Verse: Lute - The Pomegranate Accord
After Charlie's appeal to Heaven's court to give her hotel a chance, the Exterminations were put on hold and a treaty was signed to give her time to prove that it worked. As part of this treaty, the Ars Goetia offered an arrangement: One of their own lesser nobles, Duedephelon Noctua, to wed a servant of Heaven- this being Lute- and the two of them to move between the two realms every six months.
(more in-depth verse description here)
Verse designs below
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Down in Disguise
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pestprosie · 9 months
Moth Mayhem: Safeguarding Your Wardrobe This Autumn
Moth infestations can strike Dublin households without warning, particularly during the autumn months. As the season shifts and temperatures begin to dip, these winged insects seek refuge in warm, cosy homes and become unwelcome guests. This common problem can result in extensive damage to clothing, upholstery and other fabric items, leaving residents frustrated and at financial loss. The higher frequency of these invasions during autumn underscores the need for effective prevention strategies and heightened awareness among Dublin residents.
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Preserving the integrity of our wardrobes from these minute saboteurs is of utmost importance. Irreplaceable clothing items such as heirlooms or expensive garments can quickly become ruined due to a single moth infestation. Additionally, these pests pose a risk to the overall hygiene and cleanliness of our homes. Therefore, taking preventive measures to protect our wardrobes is not just about safeguarding our personal belongings, but also about maintaining a clean and healthy living environment.
Section 1: Understanding Moth Infestations in Autumn
As summer draws to a close and autumn rolls in, the moth population tends to surge. The reason moths become especially problematic during the colder months is quite simple – they’re in search of warmth and shelter. Like many insects, moths are cold-blooded and require external sources to maintain their body temperature. Hence, as the autumn chill sets in, the warm, cosy interiors of Dublin homes become a tempting sanctuary. Additionally, the change in season is often accompanied by the accumulation of clothes and fabrics within homes, providing moths with an abundance of food. Therefore, understanding the biology and behaviour of these unwanted guests is crucial to controlling their autumnal invasions.
Moth Species Threatening Dublin Wardrobes
In Ireland, and specifically Dublin, two types of moths are predominantly responsible for damage to our wardrobes: the Common Clothes Moth (Tineola bisselliella) and the Case-bearing Clothes Moth (Tinea pellionella).
The Common Clothes Moth, as the name suggests, is the most prolific and well-known of the fabric-eating pests. It is small and yellowish-brown in colour, with the adult moths usually seen fluttering around in infested areas. However, it is their larvae that cause the actual damage as they feed on fabric, fur and feathers.
The Case-bearing Clothes Moth is less common but equally damaging. These moths are distinguished by their unique behaviour of carrying a small, silken case around with them as they grow, hence their name. The larvae of this species also feed on a variety of materials, wreaking havoc on clothing and textiles.
Both these species are adept at hiding in dark, quiet areas, making your wardrobe an ideal habitat. Recognising these invaders and understanding their habits is the first step towards safeguarding your belongings from their destructive tendencies.
Section 2: Identifying Signs of Moth Infestation
Being able to identify the early signs of a moth infestation is essential for effective pest control. Here are some signs you should look out for:
Visible Moths: Adult moths are often the most noticeable sign of an infestation. However, remember that it is the larvae, not the adults, that cause the most damage. If you see adult moths flying around, it’s a clear indication that they may have laid eggs somewhere in your wardrobe.
Damaged Clothing: The most obvious sign of a moth infestation is damage to your clothing or textiles. If you notice small, irregular holes in your garments, especially in those made from natural fibres like wool, silk, fur or feathers, this is a sure sign of moth larvae at work.
Larvae and Cocoon Cases: Moth larvae are cream-coloured caterpillars which can be found on clothing or the corners of your wardrobes. In the case of the Case-bearing Clothes Moth, look out for small, silken cases: these are the cocoons in which the larvae develop.
Moth Droppings: Moths leave behind tiny droppings that resemble coarse sand. If you notice this on your clothing or at the bottom of your wardrobe, it’s a strong sign of a moth infestation.
Early detection and action is key to controlling a moth infestation. By regularly inspecting your wardrobe for these signs, you can keep your cherished garments safe from these destructive pests.
The Types of Damage Caused by Moths
Upon inspecting your wardrobe, if you find your once pristine clothes riddled with tiny, irregular holes, this is a clear sign of moth infestation. Moth larvae are notorious for their voracious appetite, preferring natural fibres such as wool, silk, cashmere, fur and feathers. They feed on these materials, resulting in distinctive damage that can potentially ruin garments and other textiles.
Items of clothing which are infrequently worn or stored for longer periods are particularly at risk. Moths have an uncanny ability to infest these items without being detected, causing considerable damage before it is discovered. This is especially true for expensive garments and heirlooms, which are often stored away for long periods and provide a perfect food source for the larvae.
Apart from visible holes, another common form of damage is the weakening of fabric. This is due to the larvae eating through the threads of the fabric, causing it to become thin and fragile. In severe cases, this can lead to garments literally falling apart at the seams when handled.
Moths are also attracted to stains and body oils left on clothing, including those invisible to the naked eye. The larvae can feed on these, causing further damage to the fabric. This is why it is recommended to thoroughly clean items before storing them, as moths are less likely to infest clean clothing.
In summary, the types of damage typically caused by moths to clothing and fabrics can be diverse, encompassing everything from visible holes and weakened fabric to unexplained stains and deterioration. Understanding these damage types can help you better identify and deal with a moth infestation.
Section 3: Preventative Measures to Protect Your Wardrobe
Protecting your wardrobe from moth infestations requires a combination of vigilance, cleanliness, and smart storage techniques. Here are some tips on how to keep your wardrobe moth-free:
Regular Cleaning: Regularly clean your wardrobe and the area around it. Moths are attracted to dust and dirt. Vacuuming and dusting your wardrobe can help eliminate any eggs, larvae, or adult moths that may be lurking.
Store Clothes Properly: If you’re storing clothes for an extended period, ensure they are clean before storage as moths are attracted to stains and sweat. Using moth-repellent sachets in storage boxes or hanging them in closets can also help deter moths.
Use Mothballs or Cedar Balls: The smell of mothballs or cedar balls can repel moths. However, mothballs should be used cautiously as they can harm pets and children.
Regular Inspection: Inspect your clothes regularly, especially those that are stored away. Look for signs of moth activity, like holes, larvae, or cocoons. Early detection can help prevent a full-blown infestation.
Professional Cleaning: Consider professional cleaning for valuable items that are difficult to clean at home. Professional cleaners have the appropriate equipment and knowledge to eliminate moth eggs and larvae without damaging your garments.
Remember, prevention is always better than cure. By adopting these measures, you can protect your wardrobe and keep your clothes safe from destructive moths.
The Role of Natural Repellents in Preventing Moth Infestations
Natural repellents such as cedar, lavender, and mothballs play a pivotal role in preventing moth infestations. These substances possess specific aromas that are unappealing to moths, thus deterring them from occupying your wardrobe.
Cedar: Cedar wood, especially red cedar, contains natural oils that produce a scent which is repugnant to moths. Hanging cedar blocks or placing cedar sachets inside your wardrobe can therefore serve as an effective moth deterrent. However, remember that the effectiveness of cedar diminishes as the scent fades, so these items will need to be replaced or refreshed with cedar oil periodically.
Lavender: Lavender’s sweet fragrance, while pleasant to humans, is another scent that moths find unsettling. Sachets or pouches filled with dried lavender can be hung in the wardrobe or placed amongst your garments to keep moths at bay. Additionally, lavender has the added benefit of giving your clothes a fresh and calming smell.
Mothballs: Traditional mothballs contain naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene, which are both toxic to moth larvae. However, they come with a strong, often overwhelming, smell and can be harmful to pets and children. As an alternative, consider using natural mothballs made from cedar or other essential oils, which are less harmful and more environmentally friendly.
These natural repellents, while effective, are only part of a comprehensive strategy against moth infestations. Their use should be combined with regular cleaning, good storage practices, and frequent inspection of your clothes and wardrobe spaces to ensure the best protection against these persistent pests.
Section 4: Effective Solutions for Existing Moth Problems
If you’re already dealing with a moth infestation, don’t despair. There are several effective strategies for eliminating these pests and restoring your wardrobe.
Intensive Cleaning: Start by giving your wardrobe an intensive cleaning. Remove all items and vacuum the wardrobe thoroughly, paying special attention to corners and crevices where moths could hide. Wash all clothing and fabrics in hot water if possible, as this can kill any eggs or larvae present. For delicate items that cannot withstand hot water, consider getting them professionally cleaned.
Pheromone Traps: Pheromone traps are a non-toxic solution that targets clothes moths specifically. These traps contain a synthetic pheromone that attracts male moths, trapping and killing them to interrupt the breeding cycle.
Insecticides: If the infestation is severe, you might consider using a targeted insecticide spray. However, bear in mind that these chemicals can be harmful if not used properly, so always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and take the necessary precautions.
Professional Pest Control: For large or persistent infestations, it might be necessary to call in professional pest control services. These experts have the tools and knowledge necessary to deal with severe moth problems effectively.
Once the immediate problem is under control, continue implementing the preventative measures outlined in Section 3 to keep your wardrobe moth-free in the future. Remember, consistent vigilance and care are your best defences against moth damage.
Deciding when to call professional pest control services in Dublin for severe moth infestations can be a daunting decision. As a general rule, you should seek professional help if your infestation persists despite your best efforts at cleaning and prevention.
Signs of a persistent infestation may include continued moth sightings, new damage to your clothes, or finding moth larvae and cocoons after you’ve already conducted a thorough cleaning and treatment. Additionally, if the infestation is extensive, affecting multiple rooms or large areas of your home, it’s prudent to call in professionals.
Pest control services have access to professional-grade products and have the necessary expertise to ensure that the infestation is fully eradicated. Remember, the sooner you act, the less damage the moths can do, and the sooner your wardrobe will be safe again.
Section 5: Long-Term Strategies for Moth Control
Keeping moths at bay is an ongoing endeavour that requires consistent and proactive action. Here are some long-term strategies to ensure that your wardrobe remains moth-free.
Sustained Cleaning: Continuing the practice of regular cleaning is an effective way of preventing future infestations. This includes vacuuming your wardrobe, dusting off shelves, and washing your clothes regularly. Remember, cleanliness is a deterrent for moths.
Vigilant Monitoring: Regular inspection of your clothes and wardrobe is extremely crucial. Look out for any signs of moth activity such as holes in clothes, larvae, or cocoons. Early detection can prevent a minor problem from becoming a major infestation.
Consistent Use of Repellents: Continuously using natural repellents like cedar blocks, lavender sachets, and mothballs can help keep moths away. Remember to refresh or replace these items periodically for them to remain effective.
Seasonal Storage: When storing clothes seasonally, ensure they are clean, as moths are attracted to stains and sweat. Also, consider using moth-repellent storage bags for additional protection.
Regular Professional Cleaning: For valuable and hard-to-clean items, consider regular professional cleaning. This not only maintains the quality of these items but also ensures that they are free from moth eggs and larvae.
Inculcating these practices into your routine can go a long way in protecting your wardrobe from moths. Remember, consistency in these preventative actions is key to effective moth control.
Maintaining a moth-free environment is critically important, not just for the longevity of your clothes, but also for overall hygiene. Moths, specifically their larvae, are notorious for eating through fabric, causing significant damage to your clothes, especially those made of natural fibres like silk, wool, or cotton. Furthermore, moths can also infest carpets, upholstery, and other fabric-covered items, resulting in extensive damage that is often costly to repair. From a hygiene perspective, moth infestations can lead to a build-up of shed skins, faecal pellets, and white cocoons, which can trigger allergies and exacerbate respiratory problems. A moth-free environment, therefore, is integral to preserving the health and quality of your clothes and maintaining a clean, hygienic living space.
In conclusion
Prevention and control of moth infestations require a combination of strategic measures. Regular cleaning, proper storage, and consistent use of natural repellents such as cedar blocks and lavender sachets are crucial aspects of prevention. In the unfortunate event of an infestation, a thorough cleaning, use of pheromone traps, and even professional intervention might be necessary. For long-term control, remaining vigilant through regular inspections of your clothes and wardrobe, refreshing repellents regularly, and opting for professional cleaning for valuable items are beneficial steps. Above all, remember that consistency in these actions is the key to keeping your wardrobe safe from these persistent pests.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed or need expert advice, don’t hesitate to reach out to Pest Pros. Our team of seasoned experts is always ready to provide tailored advice and effective solutions to keep your home moth-free. Remember, peace of mind is just a call away with Pest Pros. Contact us today and let us assist you in safeguarding your wardrobe and home from unwelcome pests.
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rainywerewolfmoon · 11 months
Rule of Fairyland
Ao3 link Rule of Fairyland - Chapter 25 - Princessmh9 - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own]
Chapter 25: Winter's Arrival and Frosty Beauty
{The transition from fall to winter brought a noticeable change to the Enchanted Forest. The once-vibrant leaves had fallen from the trees, leaving barren branches silhouetted against the gray winter sky. A quiet stillness settled over the forest, broken only by the occasional rustling of wildlife or the soft crunch of snow underfoot.
Winter had arrived, and with it came a layer of frost that adorned every surface with delicate, crystalline patterns. The air grew colder with each passing day, and a thin blanket of snow covered the forest floor, transforming it into a glistening wonderland.
Despite the chill in the air, the Enchanted Forest retained its magical allure. The trees stood tall and majestic, their branches dusted with snow, and the frozen streams and ponds sparkled like diamonds in the winter sun. The animals that called the forest home had adapted to the changing season, their fur and feathers thickening to keep them warm.
In the heart of the forest, the castle of Oberon and Titania stood as a beacon of warmth and light. Inside, fires crackled in the hearths, and the halls were adorned with evergreen wreaths and festive decorations. The enchanted creatures that resided in the castle added to the merriment, their antics bringing joy to all who visited.
As winter settled in, the Enchanted Forest took on a different kind of beauty—a serene and magical landscape that promised adventure and enchantment for those who were willing to explore it. And within the castle's walls, Ash and Genevieve prepared for the arrival of their child, eager to welcome the newest member of their enchanted family.
Genevieve sat on her throne that Oberon and Titania had made for her and Ash uncomfortable. The pregnancy was starting to affect her sleep and instead of playful kicks they were getting more forceful, almost painful jabs. She sighed, trying to adjust herself on the throne to find a more comfortable position. Despite the discomfort, she couldn't help but smile as she thought about the little life growing within her.
Genevieve had always known that ruling the Enchanted Forest would come with its challenges, but she had never imagined that being pregnant would be one of them. She glanced at Ash, who sat nearby, his concerned gaze fixed on her.}
{Ash} Are you alright, my love? You seem... uneasy.
{Genevieve} (with a reassuring smile) I'm fine, Ash. It's just that our little one seems to be quite active today. I can hardly believe that our child will be joining us soon.
{Ash} (smiling back) Yes, our family is growing, and I couldn't be happier. But I worry about you, Genevieve. You've been through so much lately, and this pregnancy has been more challenging than we expected.
{Genevieve} (gratefully) I appreciate your concern, Ash. I know it hasn't been easy, but I also know that our child will be worth every moment of discomfort. And we have the support of our family and the entire Enchanted Forest.
{As she spoke, Genevieve felt a reassuring kick from within her womb, a reminder that their child was very much a part of their world. She knew that despite the challenges, they were about to embark on a new and wondrous journey—one filled with love, magic, and endless joy.
Titania leaned over from her throne and looked at Genevieve with worry.}
{Titania} If you need to rest and take the rest of the day off then please do.
{Genevieve smiles warmly at her} No I be ok Queen Titania. Besides Court will wait for no one.
{Titania nodded, her concern evident. She admired Genevieve's determination and sense of duty, but she couldn't help but worry about her well-being. Titania knew that ruling the Enchanted Forest came with responsibilities, but she also understood the importance of taking care of oneself, especially during pregnancy.}
{Titania} Very well, Genevieve. Just remember that if you ever need a break or assistance, you have the support of all of us.
{With a reassuring smile, Genevieve acknowledged Titania's words. She knew that the royal court would be there to help her whenever she needed it. As she settled back into her throne, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the loving family and community she had around her, ready to welcome their new addition with open arms.
The royal court continued with its proceedings, and Genevieve, despite her discomfort, fulfilled her duties as best as she could. The members of the court knew her condition and were considerate, making the meetings as brief as possible while ensuring that important matters were addressed.
As the day progressed, the frost outside grew thicker, and the Enchanted Forest seemed to embrace the coming winter. Genevieve couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation as the time for her child's arrival drew nearer. She had been through many challenges and adventures, but nothing could have prepared her for the journey of motherhood that lay ahead.
With the support of her loving family and friends, Genevieve faced each day with determination and grace, knowing that her child's birth would bring new joy and hope to the Enchanted Forest. And as the winter's chill deepened, the Enchanted Forest awaited the arrival of its newest and most precious resident.
After court Genevieve carefully stood up as Ash approached Genevieve with a gentle smile, his eyes filled with warmth and concern. He extended a hand to help her as she rose from her throne, mindful of her condition.}
{Ash his voice filled with genuine care.} Are you feeling alright, my love?
{Genevieve nodded, placing a hand on her gently swelling belly.} I'm alright, Ash. Just a bit tired, but that's to be expected. I am going to visit the horses.
{Ash nodded, understanding her need to take a break and spend time with the horses.} Of course, my love. The horses will be delighted to see you, I'm sure. And I am sure Shadow will be happy to see you as well.
{He offered her his arm, ready to escort her to the stables.} Shall we go together? I'd love to join you for a walk.
{Genevieve smiled; her heart warmed by his thoughtful gesture.} That sounds wonderful, Ash. Let me go get my cloak from our chambers.
{Ash nodded with a smile.} Of course, my love. I get mines as well.
{In their chambers, Genevieve retrieved her cloak while Ash did the same. He couldn't help but notice how her movements seemed a bit slower, and he felt a mixture of concern and admiration for her resilience. Once they were both ready, they left their chambers and made their way to the stables.}
{Ash with a gentle smile.} Lean on me if you need to, my love.
{Genevieve smiles happily at him.} Thank you love.
{As they arrive at the stables Hanner sees them while grooming midnight. He climbs down the stool and walks over to them and bows to them.}
{Hannar} Your highnesses. What can I do for you?
{Genevieve} We came to see the horse. And more importantly my darling Shadow.
{Hanner nods at this his dwarf bead hitting the snow as he bows.}
{Hanner} Of course your highnesses. They are in the paddocks.
{Ash} Thankyou Hanner.
{Holding Genevieve's arm, they walked to the back of the stables where the paddocks were. In the snow Shadow was kicking up his heels and galloping as fast as he could with Steel next to him the Andalusian stallion coat gleaming in the grey of the sky. Spirit Ash's stag pranced over when he saw Ash and Shadow galloped as fast as he could to the fence.
Genevieve enjoyed the sight of Shadow's graceful movements and the way he interacted with Steel, Kendra's Andalusian stallion. It was a moment of serenity amidst the responsibilities of the royal court and the challenges they faced.
Spirit, Ash's majestic stag, joined the gathering by the fence, his antlers towering above them. Ash reached out a hand to pet the creature's velvety nose, a silent greeting between companions.}
{Ash softly} You've missed this, haven't you, old friend?
{Genievieve chuckling} Hello you cheeky boy Shadow.
{Genevieve smiled as Shadow nuzzled her gently swollen belly. The horse's gesture was both heartwarming and a testament to the bond they shared.}
{Genevieve softly} He knows, doesn't he? He knows there's someone special in there.
{Ash nodded; his eyes filled with affection as he watched Shadow.}
{Ash} Animals have a way of sensing things we can't always explain. He's been with you through thick and thin, my love. He'll be a loyal protector for our little one.
{As Genevieve stood there, caressing Shadow's velvety nose, she couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for the creatures that shared their lives. Her connection with Shadow was more than that of a rider and her horse; it was a bond that ran deep, forged through countless adventures and shared moments.}
{She turned to Ash; her eyes filled with love.} Thank you for bringing me here, my love. These moments mean the world to me, especially now.
{Ash smiled warmly and reached for her hand, gently squeezing it.}
{Ash his gaze filled with adoration.} I'll always make time for moments like these, for you and our little one. The snowy paddocks felt like a world apart, a serene oasis in the midst of their royal duties and the challenges they faced. Genevieve, Ash, Shadow, Steel, and even Spirit, all enjoyed this tranquil moment together, basking in the simple joy of each other's company.
The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the snow-covered landscape. Genevieve could feel the chill in the air, a reminder that winter was settling in. She knew she needed to return to the warmth of the castle soon, but for now, she relished the sense of peace and contentment that enveloped her.
As they made their way back to the stables, Genevieve couldn't help but smile, her heart full of love for her husband, her loyal steed, and the precious life growing within her. No matter what challenges lay ahead, moments like these gave her the strength to face them with unwavering determination and grace.}
{The dining hall was aglow with the warm light of the crackling fireplace, casting dancing shadows on the stone walls. The long table was adorned with a sumptuous feast fit for the fae royalty. Delicate dishes of enchanted foods filled the room with tantalizing aromas, and goblets of sparkling nectar stood ready for toasting.
Fruits and vegetables, seemingly plucked from the garden moments before, gleamed with vibrant colors. Exquisite pastries and cakes, adorned with edible flowers, beckoned to be savored. The air was filled with the sweet scent of honeyed mead and roasted meats, making mouths water in anticipation.
Oberon and Titania with their children were sitting down and eating when Genevieve and Ash entered the room. Oberon smiled at them as Ash helps her sit down.}
{Oberon} How was the stables?
{Genevieve settled into her seat with Ash's assistance, offering a warm smile in response to Oberon's question.}
{Genevieve} The stables were lovely, as always. Shadow seemed to enjoy the snow, and we spent some time with him.
{King Oberon nodded, his eyes reflecting his fondness for the royal stables.}
{Oberon} It's good to hear that. Our stables have always been a place of solace and connection to our realm's natural beauty.
{Genevieve} After dinner I am going to head down to see Apricot. She said she had something for the baby.
{King Oberon and Queen Titania exchanged glances, curiosity dancing in their eyes. It was clear they were both intrigued by this news.}
{Oberon} Maybe she has made some clothes for your little one?
{Genevieve taking a sip of her mead} Maybe.
{Ash} Well whatever it is, I am sure our little one will love it.
{Titania} Indeed, whatever it is, it will be filled with love and magic, just like Apricot herself. I can't wait for you to see it.
{As the conversation flowed and laughter filled the dining hall, the sense of family and togetherness was palpable. The impending arrival of Genevieve and Ash's child was a source of joy for everyone, a reminder of the enduring magic and love that bound the realm together.
Genevieve's swollen belly made her movements slower and more deliberate, giving her the feeling of waddling rather than walking. She had just finished dinner and was eager to visit Apricot in her sewing room. As she reached the door, she gently pushed it open and stepped inside.
Inside the cozy sewing room, a warm smile graced Genevieve's face as she spotted Apricot engaged in a conversation with Kendra. The soft hum of their voices filled the room, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and intimacy.}
{Kendra looking up smiling} Genevieve you came.
{Genevieve sits down on a chair} Well Apricot said she had something for the baby and I do love visiting here I do.
{Apricot} (excited) Oh, Genevieve, I've been working on something special for your little one! I can't wait to show you.
{Kendra} (nodding) Yes, Apricot has poured her heart into this project, and it's truly enchanting.
{Genevieve} (intrigued) Well, you've piqued my curiosity. I'm eager to see what you've created for my little bundle of joy.
{Apricot} (opening a beautifully adorned chest) Voila! It's a set of exquisitely crafted fae garments. Each piece is woven with love and enchanted with care.
{Genevieve} (gently running her fingers over the delicate fabrics) They're absolutely enchanting, Apricot. Thank you so much.
{Apricot} (with a warm smile) You're most welcome, dear. I wanted to create something truly magical for your little one.
{Genevieve} (teary-eyed) This is so thoughtful, Apricot. I'm incredibly touched.
{Apricot} (hugging Genevieve) It was my pleasure, dear. May these garments bring joy and enchantment to your little one's life.
{As Genevieve went over each garment carefully her smile filled the room. Kendra and Apricot smiled proudly at this. As Genevieve stood up to take the box to the nursery, she suddenly stopped walking and dropped the box as she clutches her stomach.
Apricot and Kendra's smiles turned to expressions of concern as they saw Genevieve clutching her stomach in pain. The room fell silent, and Apricot rushed to Genevieve's side, her voice filled with worry.}
{Apricot} Genevieve, are you alright? What's happening?
{Kendra} (equally concerned) Genevieve, please tell us!
{Genevieve winced, her face contorted in discomfort as she took slow, shallow breaths.}
{Genevieve} (painfully) I... I think... I might be having a contraction.
{Kendra rushing out of the room} I get Reed.
{Apricot nodded anxiously as Kendra hurriedly left the room to fetch Reed.}
{Apricot helping Genevieve to a chair} Come on deary. Let's sit you down.
{As Genevieve settled into the chair, Apricot continued to offer soothing words and support. She held Genevieve's hand gently, knowing that the expectant mother needed all the comfort she could get.
They wait for a few moments when Kendra rushes in with Reed.}
{Reed} Hello Princess Genevieve, Kendra said you were experiencing a contraction.
{Genevieve nodded at this.} Thats right Reed.
{Reed} Let me take a look.
{He starts to use his magic to check her over. After a few moments he smiles as he looks at her.}
{Reed} You going to have one healthy baby but not tonight your highness.
{Genevieve confused} But I felt it Reed like back when the Court of Shadows made me go into labor.
{Reed} I understand your concern, Princess Genevieve, but sometimes contractions can occur as a result of various factors. It doesn't necessarily mean you're going into labor right away. However, it's always better to be cautious. If you notice any further signs or if the contractions become more frequent or intense, please don't hesitate to call for me immediately. For now, it seems your baby is content to stay cozy a bit longer.
{Genevieve} (relieved) Thank you, Reed. I appreciate your expertise and guidance. I'll be sure to contact you if anything changes.
{Reed} Of course, Princess Genevieve. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any concerns. In the meantime, take it easy and get some rest. It's important to conserve your energy as you approach your due date.
{With that, Reed bid farewell and left the sewing room, leaving Genevieve, Kendra, and Apricot to breathe a collective sigh of relief.}
{Kendra} (smiling) Looks like the little one isn't quite ready to make an entrance just yet.
{Apricot} (grinning) That gives us more time to prepare, dearie.
{Genevieve} (nodding) Yes, and I'll cherish these moments of peace before the baby arrives. Thank you both for your support and the beautiful baby clothes. I'll make sure our little one wears them with pride.
{With gratitude in her heart, Genevieve slowly stood up from the chair and, with the help of her friends, picked up the box of baby clothes. As they made their way to the nursery, she couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement and anticipation for the new addition to her family. The nursery was bathed in soft, warm light as Genevieve and her friends entered.}
{Kendra} (gently) This room is so beautiful, Genevieve. It's filled with so much love.
{Apricot} (smiling) Your little one is going to have the most wonderful start in life.
{Genevieve} (teary-eyed) Thank you, both of you. I can't express how grateful I am to have you by my side during this journey. I'll treasure these moments and the love that surrounds us.
{Together, they carefully placed the box of baby clothes near the crib, a visual reminder of the joy and anticipation that filled the room. Genevieve couldn't help but place a hand on her gently swelling belly, feeling a connection to the little life growing within her.}
{Genevieve} (whispering) We're going to be okay, little one. We have so much love waiting for you. And your daddy can't wait to meet you as well.
{As Genevieve whispered her heartfelt words to her unborn child, she could feel a profound connection growing stronger with every passing moment. The anticipation and love in the room were palpable, creating a magical atmosphere that enveloped them all.}
{Apricot} (with a smile) This little one is going to bring so much joy into our lives.
{Kendra} (nodding) And we'll be here to share in that joy every step of the way.
{With a sense of serenity and unity, they continued to bask in the tender moment, knowing that their bond would only grow stronger as they awaited the arrival of the newest member of their family. In that nursery filled with love, they could feel the promise of a beautiful future.}
{Genevieve} (softly) We'll cherish every moment, won't we?
{Apricot} (gentle smile) Absolutely, dear. Every single moment.
{Kendra} (nodding in agreement) We'll be here for you and your little one, Genevieve, every step of the way.
{Together, they shared a moment of unity and reassurance, knowing that the love and support surrounding Genevieve and her unborn child would guide them through the challenges and joys of the days to come. In that peaceful nursery, they found solace and strength in each other's presence.}
{Genevieve} (whispering) Thank you, all of you. I couldn't ask for better companions on this journey.
{With their hearts filled with love and hope, they continued to prepare for the arrival of the new life that would soon join their family, united by the unbreakable bonds of friendship and kinship.}
{Ash lay in bed, listening to the sounds of Genevieve's movements with a heavy heart. He loved his wife deeply, and her pregnancy had brought a mix of joy and worry into their lives. The complexity of human pregnancies weighed on his mind, as he couldn't help but feel a sense of helplessness at times.}
{Ash gently and softly} You ok love?
{Genevieve sobbing} I can't get comfortable Ash and I feel like I am a dwarf as well.
{Ash} (softly) I know, my love. It's been a challenging journey, and I can only imagine how uncomfortable it must be. But you're not alone in this. I'm here with you, every step of the way.
{He reaches out to caress her cheek gently.}
{Ash} And remember, it won't be much longer before we get to hold our precious little one in our arms. You're doing amazing, Genevieve, and I'm so proud of you.
{Genevieve leaning into his caress} But I am so tired and so ugly Ash. I can barely walk let alone train.
{Ash continues to gently stroke her hair, his love and understanding shining in his eyes.}
{Ash} Genevieve, you are the most beautiful person I know, and I've never seen you as anything less than radiant. I understand that you're tired, and I admire your strength in carrying our child. You're not ugly; you're a mother, and that is the most beautiful thing in the world. As for training, you have a whole kingdom of people to protect you now. You don't need to fight anymore; you've done your part. Rest, my love, and let the others take care of things for a while. Your well-being and our child's are what matter most to me.
{Genevieve sniffling} But I am a warrior, Ash. I am the granddaughter of Merlin and it's my duty to protect this realm.
{Ash cups her face in his hands, his expression filled with love and determination.}
{Ash} And you will always be a warrior, Genevieve, but for now, your duty is to protect our child and yourself. You're not abandoning your responsibilities; you're simply shifting your focus to what matters most. When the time is right, you'll return to the battlefront, but for now, I need you to be healthy and strong. Our child needs you. Merlin would want you to prioritize your well-being too, I'm sure of it. We'll find a way to balance it all, but for now, please rest.
{Genevieve's tears flow freely as she gazes into Ash's eyes, overwhelmed by his love and understanding.}
{Genevieve} (whispering) You're right, Ash. I need to remember that our child is my first duty now. I just... I worry about the realm and the Court of Shadows. They're still out there, plotting and scheming.
{Ash kisses her forehead tenderly.}
{Ash} We have Reed, Kendra, and the rest of the court to handle things for now. We'll stay vigilant and keep the realm safe together, just as we always have. And when our child is born, we'll teach them the ways of a true warrior. They'll have the best teachers—both their mother and their father.
{Genevieve's eyes sparkle with gratitude as she leans in to kiss Ash, their love and unity stronger than ever.}
{Genevieve} Thank you, Ash. I love you more than words can express.
{Ash smiles warmly and kisses her deeply.}
{Ash} And I love you, Genevieve, more than all the stars in the sky.
{Their kiss deepens, a testament to their unbreakable bond and the strength of their love. In that moment, they find solace in each other's arms, knowing that they will face whatever challenges come their way together. The trials and tribulations of life in the magical realm may be daunting, but as long as they have each other, they have the strength to overcome anything.
The night continues to envelop them, a tranquil and soothing presence that lulls them into a peaceful slumber. Wrapped in each other's love, they drift into dreams, ready to face a new day filled with hope and determination.}
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manifestingsage · 2 years
  Hi, my loves and welcome to WiccaNow. I’ve been covering some of the Wiccan Sabbats recently, like these posts on Samhain, Imbolc, Imbolc symbols, Imbolc recipes and most recently a post about Ostara. I’d like to continue on in this vein by sharing one of my favourite Ostara rituals with you. Ostara is a time to celebrate the balance between the seasons and to really farewell the colder months and welcome the arrival of longer days and shorter nights. This time of year, everything is starting to spring back into action. The trees probably have leaf buds on them (if not leaves), the first spring flowers are coming out and the days are definitely getting warmer. Mother nature is waking up out of her winter sleep and as mentioned many times previously, it’s one of my favourite times of the year! This is basically me in spring. This Ostara ritual is a simple way to acknowledge the Sabbat and to say thanks to the earth for its sustenance and coming abundance as well as opening yourself up to the flow of new ideas and possibilities. I prefer to complete this ritual outside, at dawn if I can get myself out of bed early enough. Witches and Wiccans celebrating Ostara will often make a point of watching the sunrise on this festival, it’s become something of a tradition to herald the longer days which are coming by seeing the first rays of sun stream out from the horizon. Obviously it’s not always possible to watch the sunrise, and it’s totally ok if you don’t manage to do this! Complete the ritual at any time of the day where you feel it makes the most sense for you and don’t think you have to follow a prescribed method just because it happens to be traditional (if you’re a ceremonial witch, however, ignore what I just said and follow your stricter set of guidelines). This ritual involves a little bit of candle magic, if you haven’t done this before, I’d suggest having a quick read of this candle magic 101 that I wrote so that you’re familiar with the ideas behind it and understand the basics. Your Ostara eggs represent fertility and abundance. Ostara Ritual I really like this Ostara ritual because it strengthens my connection to the spring and to the earth while also bringing to the fore all the new ideas I’ve had simmering over the winter. To me, Ostara is all about the fertility of ideas and trying to harness the new and vibrant energy of spring to help these idea and thoughts grow to fruition. Ostara Ritual Ingredients 3 candles in colours of your choosing. White works for anything, so use those if you don’t have anything else available. I like to use a green candle to acknowledge the abundance of life that spring brings, yellow for the sun and it’s warmth and pink to represent the gentle love of nature and to call on healing powers for the planet (it needs it at the moment). If you want to learn more about candle colours so that you can choose your own, check out this post. I would choose candles that have a 1/2 hour burn time here, that way you definitely have time to let them burn down completely. An egg – decorate this egg if you want, in keeping with the Ostara tradition. You can paint it, dye it or even bedazzle it with jewels and feathers. Let your creativity flow if you want here, it’s actually quite a fun way to be a little bit crafty. Be aware that you may damage your decorations during this ritual so if you want to make a super pretty egg, keep it to decorate your Ostara altar. A piece of raw amethyst A small bowl of water A lighter or matches Ostara Ritual Method Head outside when you feel the time is appropriate. As I said, dawn would be the traditional time and it is really lovely to see the sunrise but if this doesn’t suit you, pick a time that does. If the weather is bad, you can complete this ritual inside too. Make sure you are wearing warm clothes as it’s still relatively cold in the mornings this time of year! I prefer to go somewhere where I can sit o
n the grass or the earth, but last year I went onto my roof (I’m lucky enough to have access to a small roof terrace) because I didn’t want to be disturbed. You’ll want to pick somewhere a little bit sheltered so that you can actually light your candles and so they’ll stay lit. Sit down and place your bowl of water and crystal on your right-hand side. Place the egg directly in front of you, then place the 3 candles in a semi-circle around the side of the egg furthest away from you. Take 5 deep breaths and calm and relax your mind. With your eyes closed, focus on the smell of the morning air, on the dewy chill on your skin, on the feeling of the ground underneath you. Connect to the elements around you and focus on how they feel. Think about all the life underneath you, waiting to burst out. All the seeds in the soil waiting with anticipation to push out their first shoot, all the roots getting ready to soak up nutrients for the explosion of...   Click here to read this complete article. Disclaimer : This article is originally published in WiccaNow.com. All the rights of content are owned by WiccaNow.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.
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yanderenightmare · 4 years
Birds and cats hybrinant right? 🤷🏿‍♀️ what if hawks shinso SO did? Sleepy winter tiiiime
Wintertime for pets
goodiebag WARNINGS: yandere, dubcon/noncon hinting, abuse hinting, animal abuse, Stockholm syndrome
Winter has come, anon!
So, cats, though they are sensitive to seasonal-change, don’t actually go into hibernation, however their schedules are highly volatile due to changes in their appetite, sleep pattern, and energy, things that are usually provoked by the seasons, winter most of all.
However, cats sleep fifteen to twenty hours a day, no matter the season. Which calls for plenty of sleepy, cuddly and soft times cooped up in the bed, with no other thoughts then resting and stretching out her limbs every once in a while, purring as Hitoshi pets over the fuzzy fur of her ears, her body inching closer to his as her drowsy state allows her no sense of pride.
Wild cats, as predators need to be active during nocturnal hours, such as twilight, where their prey is most likely to be easily caught. And as a survival method, their energy needs to be spent on hunting. Domestic cats however, such as Hitoshi’s darling, adapt their sleeping pattern around mealtimes, where not much energy is needed because no hunting is required, leaving plenty of energy for Hitoshi to prioritize and abuse on other things…
Another thing I can see happening during colder months, is growing thicker fur. Bigger puffier tail for Hitoshi to play with and twirl around his fingers as his little couch-kitten sleeps on his lap, allowing Hitoshi time to humor and plan what fun activities he’s going to subjugate her to once she finally awakens from her soft-snored slumber.
Quick lil update: I have decided! Keigo darling’s quirk is swan-inspired. Swans are semi aquatic birds, and highly aggressive which fits with how I’ve described her so far! Also they have neat tear-ducks, quite like Keigo.
Birds, as well as cats, do not go into hibernation. While some species of birds go into a hibernation-like state called torpor where the body temperature and heart rate lower in order to conserve body heat, most species of bird migrate to milder climates during the winter on the account of finding sufficient food sources when the water in rivers and lakes freeze-over, rendering the feeding-ground inaccessible.
Birds who stay during winter-times usually grow extra feathers in the months leading up to colder weather. Meaning both Keigo and his darling will have thicker wings during winter, making them clumsy to accommodate for the uneven or unusual balance. Their instinctive bodies will react to the change of temperature and instigate the false need to store fat in those first winter-days to keep themselves warm during the long nights. Meaning: Keigo will gain more mass, remaining both physically strong as well as having achieved a more encompassing frame, much more intimidating then when he’s lean and lanky during normal times of the year.
I expect that migrate-instincts, habitat-necessities and flock-tendencies will be more important for Keigo’s darling than the actual change winter provides. She’ll be restless being cooped up in the same house, it not feeling natural to her in the slightest, begging Keigo to take her outside at every given opportunity. This need not only being provoked by evolution telling her to move to a milder climate, but also because Swans are aquatic beings, she’d want to go out, smell the lake, glide upon the water, feel the cool water rush past her fingers, throw diamond droplets into the air by ruffling her feathers while swimming. 
But, even more than the longing for another existence outside Keigo’s mansion, she feels the vicious feral bite of loneliness tug at her heartstrings, where she eventually has no strength but to fall prey to Keigo’s dangerous affection. Despite every nerve of her body telling her by the look of his red wings that he’s predatory and dangerous, her other instincts pull at her to give in, because quite like Red-tailed hawks, swans mate for life, and the thought grows eerily more welcoming and pleasant and inescapable the longer she spends with no one else as company.
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Mo(u)rning Dove
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@spnarchangelweek <3
Rating: Teen & Up (Gen Lucifer & Gabriel)
Warnings: Major Character Death, Derealization
Fic & Playlist available on AO3! (feel free to read under the cut, however!)
   Dendrite; His wings are like crystallized dendrite, Lucifer notices.
   Intricate patterns of iridescent gold branches engraved in each fulgent feather of his. Rays of daylight that dare reflect off the Messenger’s butterscotch wings are ardently absorbed to preserve his internal light—He burns far brighter than any star could begin to comprehend.
   Lucifer can feel his warmth when he allopreens Gabriel’s dendrite-etched feathers. The thriving fledgling squirms uncomfortably under his working hands, his budding golden feathers twitching with each gentle pluck. His petite form leans away from Lucifer’s algid touch, and he whines with a callow pout when Lucifer prudently guides him back. Lucifer attempts to soothe his baby brother, amicable words of a story falling from his polar lips to allay Gabriel’s discomfort; Gabriel always loved his stories.
   The gold expands as he develops. Complex veins of sunlight-drenched sheen contour the coverts of his pinions. The shinier they get, the brighter he burns and the more pleasant light he intakes. Gabriel emits brilliant luminescence like no other, and his sun-kissed wings like dendrite are proof.
   Lucifer combs through gold with every softly recited word of a tale. Gabriel has grown to melt into the Morningstar’s wintry touch, listening attentively to the plot of his elder brother’s story. He is eagerly expectant; His big brother always comes to him with newer, longer, better anecdotes during preening season. Gabriel adores every one of them, though when he feels Lucifer culling the last of his unkempt and grimed feathers, he pleads with full, star-struck sky eyes to hear the lullaby that first lulled him to sleep, long ago. Lucifer teases him with fondness in his irises, but he gives in—He always does. It’s hard to say no to Gabriel when he looks that jubilant.
   “... dream on, dear little child…”
   Gabriel has already complied to the lullaby’s verses by the time Lucifer adeptly tweaks the last sliver of gold. The Morningstar’s waning notes fade out, though his boreal fingers still find themselves in between honey, dendrite-embedded feathers. Gabriel snores like a little beast, and Lucifer can’t help but grin at him as he gingerly caresses his slumbering brother’s effulgent wings.
   The luster of his gold is brightest against the pristine cream of misted clouds. By the time Lucifer teaches Gabriel to fly, he’s become a beacon in the night. Lucifer’s frosted fingers tag one of his younger brother’s radiant wings, sniggering as he calls out “you’re it!” and soars swiftly in the other direction of Heaven’s lilac skies. As much as he tries through his giggles, Gabriel can’t keep up, and they both know it.
   He’s growing too fast. At times, Lucifer reminisces on the distant era he was able to hold Gabriel in his arms. His dendrite-pattern had hardly blossomed then, and Gabriel’s gold hadn’t shimmered as bold. As he looks at his younger brother now, he sees curious divinity. Gabriel’s getting old enough to where Lucifer can’t shield him from danger, and it makes the elder angel anxious.
   The snow of the Morningstar’s fingers drag further, deeper into gold. Gabriel’s wings are evolving, the golden bliss of his spirited light washing vividly over Heaven. The Messenger no longer leans in, nor away from Lucifer’s preening; He simply hums, swaying in rhythm with the breaths of Lucifer's story. No matter how old he gets, he always loves to listen to his big brother’s voice. When Lucifer is nearly finished grooming auric feathers, he happily anticipates Gabriel to plead with him to sing their lullaby. Instead, Gabriel turns to him, and his golden light seeps through his wide smile, a trickle of celestial sun through pearly teeth.
   "Luci, can I pretty please do yours?"
   Lucifer is taken aback. Gabriel has never offered to preen his feathers; Lucifer's wings hadn't been preened since Michael had taken up his part of Heaven's responsibilities—It had been a long time. Lucifer’s matured wings flex automatically in thrill at the mention of grooming. Gabriel acknowledges it, and he brightens, if possible. His little brother is giving him that look, one of so much inspired euphoria with such a rush of nostalgic innocence that he looks no different from the very first time Lucifer preened his teensy, yet complex feathers.
   Lucifer can’t refuse. 
   His wings of vermillion are far larger, though far more disheveled than Gabriel’s have ever been; The young Messenger has always had Lucifer to care for him. Gabriel’s clement hands are profoundly gentle, like refreshing spring rain drizzled on feverish skin or a tenderhearted baby dove nuzzling gratefully against its mother. Even at viscid spots where his vermillion adheres in thickly bedraggled clumps as a result from neglect, Gabriel’s touch remains serene and delicate. Lucifer feels more tranquil than he has in centuries—It’s as if he’s mindlessly drifting amongst endless indigo seas of winding galaxies and Gabriel is sweetly guiding him by the hand through the silver of stars. Lucifer now understands why Gabriel loves Heaven’s preening season.
   A faint ghost of a mellifluous melody draws him from his wafting reverie. Gabriel is humming, a saccharine purr carrying a familiar harmony; It’s their lullaby. Lucifer picks up on the part his baby brother is humming, and he nimbly sings along. He watches intently with a splitting simper when their sitting shadows in front of him swell as Gabriel’s golden light brightens merrily at the pleasant sound.
   “... in the sky, stars are still fading away…”
   Gabriel’s effulgence is rapidly dawning to be more blinding than any entity in existence. His stellar golden feathers branch out further and his daedal dendrite details seem to crystallize in a more radiant fashion. Lucifer genially revels in his bright brilliance everytime they unite. Though, it’s far from the only thing that’s improving in Gabriel; He’s much quicker than before. Lucifer has to exert all of his energy to keep ahead when briskly gliding away from his little brother after he tags his butter-flushed wings. He deliberately assumes that Gabriel will inherit his Heavenly duties soon, with his speed approaching the potential Father saw when he named him as Heaven's Messenger.
   Gabriel isn’t the only one who’s changing.
   Lucifer is altering—morphing—wavering. The Mark of Cain is an irritant upon his ivory skin, his grace, his mind. He’s growing colder, and he feels the need to be enigmatic. Father is never wrong, because Father is absolute. It’s firmly ingrained in his mind, and it’s been that way since he was a fledgling. Lucifer repeats it to himself as he observes Lilith, the first woman, refuse subservience to her created equal, Adam. He watches silently when she leaves the perfect haven Father had meticulously created for her, and he watches in bemusement as a flock of his determined siblings attempt to forcibly return her to Eden. She is resilient, and Adam is egotistical and very flawed; Lucifer desperately tries to comprehend why his Father, instead of establishing that they are equals, creates Adam a new partner and banishes Lilith from ever returning to Eden.
   Father is wrong. When the belief dawns on him, Lucifer has an epiphany—a twisted thought follows. The Mark of Cain sears like it never has before; A scorching white fire that engulfs his entire being, scalding the abundance of all his infinite eyes and fiercely igniting his vermillion wings in grandeur flames. Despite the famished embers from within, he feels frozen and trapped under a bulky sheet of ice, breathlessly viewing his life continue without him as he drowns in desolate, boreal seas. 
   Lucifer has unequivocally changed; He is different. Gabriel is the first to notice. 
   Preening season has arrived. Lucifer is much colder, and the raw bite of his frost elicits a vicious shiver when his fingers pluck gold feathers. His cautiousness is replaced by dissociation, the younger angel is wincing. Lucifer feels distant, and Gabriel thinks he is lightyears from his brother despite him being mere inches away. 
   Lucifer abstractly traces dendrite when he’s nearing the final unkempt clot of feathers, absentmindedly humming a familiar tune. This time, Gabriel says nothing. His scintillant wings tense up at bitter ice fingertips picking at his golden light.
   “... down here, a dying dove crawls…”
   The lyrics have changed. Lucifer feels numb; Gabriel feels scared.
   It’s the last expression Lucifer sees from Gabriel, and it’s the last thing he remembers when he returns from Eden. He is abruptly a liar, he is a liar without deceiving. He is no longer the Morningstar. He is the Serpent.
   Michael’s rigid voice is echoing, lightning is cracking, angels are wailing. His Father's—his Father who is wrong—light feels cold. Lucifer can’t hear, feel any of it. The thrum of a familiar lullaby is beating in his ears. All harshly fades away when he promptly perceives that the burning white fire that had smouldered within him is suddenly reality, and it is reflected on vermillion wings. He is physically falling, a lightheadedness clouding his consciousness, and when he forces open his forlorn eyes against the whizzing wind, he sees smoke. Lucifer screams.
   Vermillion is ablaze. He is frightfully alone as he fleetly plunges into an unknown abyss, an alien place that is farther from home than he can begin to comprehend. A despairing attempt to frantically flap his wings ensues, but they only twitch. He tries again in a panic, and the insatiable white flames tease him with a hungry smirk. The Serpent relents in his feeble attempts to salvage his wings, squeezing his eyes shut again and dreadfully awaiting impact.
   Lucifer can’t help but wonder if gold would be more successful.
   He is going to be the dove. He is the dove.
   Gabriel is grown; It’s Lucifer’s first observation.
   A foolish little part of him expected him to never age, forever remaining the same sweetly innocent fledgling that Lucifer once held lovingly in his arms. Forever lasting the same playful angel that struggled to tag him back. Forever retaining the same ambitious persistence to hear his big brother’s stories. Forever seeping golden washes of sunlight through his toothy beams, harboring the brightest light in existence within his being.
   This time, it's Gabriel who has changed; He has dimmed significantly. Lucifer misses his light.
   Lucifer maps the faint outline of his brother’s golden wings with his eyes, burnishing cracks through the universe’s perceptibility to accommodate him. Lucifer had frequently thought about the refined softness of the gold between his fingers when he was imprisoned, and he’d pondered about who would care for them while he was away. Who would pluck his fledgling’s feathers during preening season, who would tell him stories and lull him to sleep? In this moment, Lucifer can see that nobody has; Gabriel’s gold is matted and besmirched.
   Gabriel was alone, just as he had been.
   He wields a blade, Lucifer acknowledges. Gabriel intends to kill him, despite the blatantly obvious fear in his true form's numerous uncertain azure eyes. Lucifer can sense it from miles away. It’s the same look he’d worn when Lucifer had last allo-preened his brother’s butterscotch wings—The look he’d bore when Lucifer sang the last notes of their lullaby, one he’d twisted to mirror his emotions at the time.
   Gabriel’s hands slightly tremble as he raises his blade behind his brother, reluctantly creeping forward. Lucifer’s tarred wings twitch like they did when he fell, and he imperceptibly rubs at the deity blood stuck between his fingertips in anticipation.
   He doesn’t want to be the dove again.
   He turns. The fear in Gabriel’s irises is more decipherable, so visible that Lucifer can nearly catch up on all the millennia he’d missed in this very moment. Lucifer is catatonically speaking, though he barely understands it himself. The blade is resting like bait against Gabriel’s skin, a tense pressure that Lucifer can almost feel against his own chest. 
   Lucifer wants to see his baby brother’s light again.
   He does. The blade is abruptly buried in Gabriel’s being, and his brother’s fear is gone. Intense radiance of pure, euphoric sunlight envelops Lucifer as Heaven’s Messenger’s last flicker of light shines, just as he was meant to do. Brilliant light is blinding; Gabriel’s is alluring. Lucifer is warm for the first time since his wings were searing, and he thinks he hears the memory of Gabriel humming their lullaby. Gabriel feels like home, he feels like the fledgling he once knew. Lucifer feels like himself again. He sees gold.
   It’s over as quick as it began.
   Lucifer is alone again. Though, now, he stands over the fledgling he’d raised, the fledgling he cherished, the fledgling he loved—His fledgling. His wings are no longer gold, no longer luminous. They are gloomy, blackened shadows against the hardwood floor. Lucifer’s stomach twists in knots, spurts of swelling emotions he hadn’t felt in years swirling sourly in his being, and he drops Gabriel’s blade. 
   Gold is black. Gabriel is gone.
   That same foolish part of him expected there to be nothing but raw sunshine where Gabriel now lies, for his vessel to evaporate and his grace to rejoin the bright star he was created from. Instead, he sees vermillion; a thin stream of it dripping in blots against the floor.
   Lucifer can’t help but notice the way his blood oozes in a familiar dendrite pattern. Dendrite; Gabriel, a grand cluster of light so brilliant, his gold wings streaked with crystallized branches of it.
   The Serpent leaves, the whispers of a certain tune in his head. He hopes it can conceal the shrieking sound of his own convoluted thoughts.
   He doesn’t want to be the dove again. Gabriel takes his place.
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theeternalblue · 3 years
She’s never been the outdoorsy type. With that she means she loves a stroll around the park specially during colder seasons but she hates running and the thought of camping makes her shudder. The idea of a picnic wasn’t inviting — why would anyone enjoy to eat around bugs and dirt?
A gust of wind plays with her hair and she fixes it, taking the book she’s reading with one hand, index finger between the pages. She pushes a lock of hair behind her ear and looks down at the peaceful face of whom is resting is head on her lap.
Archie’s eyes are closed and there’s a half smile on his lips while he strums the guitar in some sort of blissful state.
Veronica smiles too. She hated picnics. Now she sits with her boyfriend at the park, after having a light lunch and now enjoying the sun and pleasant breeze off the afternoon.
She touches his forehead gently, feather like.
His eyes flutter open, and his smile grows wider.
Veronica giggles. “Hey,” she says, caressing the light stubble on his face. His grown older but yet his eyes have the same light from the moment they first met.
He stops playing and takes her hand in his to kiss the palm of her hand and then the ring he put on her finger just two weeks ago.
“I love you, Ronnie,” Archie says, still holding her hand.
There are things she’s learned to love with time, but others she’s loved from the start.
“I love you too, Archiekins.”
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skekheck · 4 years
All About the Seven Clans: the Stonewood
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Clan Index: Dousan Drenchen Grottan Sifa Spriton Stonewood Vapra
The Stonewood, once known as the Woodland Folk in ancient times, lived in the Endless Forest (or in other versions called the Dark Wood). Made strong and resilient from their environment, they were the perfect soldiers and constituted the majority of the skeksis army. While they were a warrior clan, the Stonewood were peaceful who valued gelfling culture and songs. Their hometown, Stone-in-the-Wood, was the site of major historical events throughout Thra’s history. 
The Stonewood totem animal was the Fizzgig and their core elements were fire, the hearth, and keeping of the song and essence of gelfling culture. Their clan color was red, their sigil was beige and green with earthy tones, and their pennant color was red with green and yellow detail. 
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The Stonewood were some of the strongest and hardiest of all gelfling. They had an olive complexion with green or greenish-blue tinting. Like gelfling from other clans, Stonewood tints were visible on the face but were restricted to the forehead, temples, and around the the eyes. Hair was black, brown, or a mix of both with highlighted sections of blue and/or green. Styling was very minimal with some braiding and styled up in ribbons or clips, but were mostly kept loose. Eye color tended to be blue or various shades of brown. In the J.M. Lee book series, Stonewood wings came in a variety of colors. Shoni, Rian’s mother, had brown and red wings with two large black eyespots accented by other dapples of orange, gold, tan. Maudra Fara in this version had dark burgundy and gold wings.
Stonewood clothing was described to have browns and other natural foresty shades like greens and grays. They preferred to wear leathered armor over regular civilian clothes regardless of their profession. They were also known to carry light weapons on them at all times. 
Strength, courage, and hardiness were traits the Stonewood valued and emphasized, especially towards other clans. The Stonewood way was to remain put and endure so they grew strong and prospered. All of these values made them perfect warriors. But despite this, the Stonewood were very peaceful. Much like the Fizzgig, their totem animal, they only fought to defend themselves. There was a heavier focus on the community as well as culture and song. 
The Stonewood had great respect for nature, but were also aware that they lived in one of the most dangerous regions on Thra. They understood that no gelfling was on top of the food chain and had to adapt to an eat or be eaten world. They favored a hunter-defender archetype: to understand the cycle of life and have the knowledge to protect oneself as well as their loved ones. But they chose to abide by the laws of nature and frowned upon things like hunting for sport.
The Stonewood Clan had the second largest population of all seven clans, only succeeded by the Vapra. Thanks to an abundance of resources provided by the forest as well as by other clans and the skeksis, their population flourished during the Age of Division. There were smaller Stonewood villages spread out all over the forest to compensate for the clan’s size. This process was difficult for them to accept as it went against some of their traditional values. The Stonewood were known to be slightly more advanced than other gelfling clans as they had sophisticated weaponry and armament to protect their homes with. 
Daily Routine
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A Stonewood’s day started off with the sound of clangs of blacksmith hammers early in the morning. The maudra and her elder council assigned daily tasks to all adult gelfling. Those whose jobs took them outside of the village said their good byes and departed early. The others that stayed met with their groups to discuss the day’s plan. Work continued until sunset when the clan’s hearth is lit for the communal supper with the accompaniment of a song or two. Lanterns full of firebugs were kept alighted for gelfling working nightshifts. 
Aside from nightly songtelling, the Stonewood had other pastimes. The most notable of them were sports and competitions. Regardless of whoever won, all Stonewood showed great sportsmanship and encouraged one another. A popular pastime among childlings were Ipsy battles. During mating seasons, the otherwise peaceful male Ipsy would fight other males for the affection of the female. Childlings would collect Ipsy males and staged battles between them. When the battles concluded the childlings would return the unscathed Ipsy males back to the forest. 
As a large industrious community, the Stonewood Clan had a variety of jobs. There were blacksmiths, woodcrafters, stoneworkers, firekeepers, gardeners, hunters, and a dozen other specialists. Unlike in most clans, songtellers were seen as integral to the Stonewood as other occupations. The clan had unique professions as well. One were wayfinders: they were responsible for helping travelers on their journey and kept them from getting lost within the Endless Forest. Sometimes, a wayfinder would spend days aiding a gelfling. Another was staba-senta or “wood watchers”. They were more keenly aware of the balance of creatures within the wood and were charged with maintaining and upholding it. 
Stone-and-Wood Crafting
Inspired by their environment’s requirements for resilience, the Stonewood turned the trade of stone-and-wood crafting into an art. It was a highly sought out skill for its high difficulty and importance in fortifying the village. Stone-and-wood crafters were able to weave wood, trees, and stone together to create many homes for the clan. It took many trine to learn the skills and even more to execute them. A woodcrafter would spend their entire life growing wood into specific shapes. For stone cravers it took generations to shape a single rock.  
Although some Stonewood used metal swords and the like, hunters and trappers preferred stone tipped spears and finely crafted stone daggers. Stonewood spears, their preferred weapon, were renowned for their durability and perfect balance. 
Stone-in-the-Wood’s Famous Instrument Makers
Among Stonewood’s crafters lived one family who were famous for their instruments. They were often away from the village collecting materials from all over Thra. They built their instruments from ordinary materials like wood and stone, but also mixed unusual ones. Some items included melted crystal sand, Sifan driftwood, fine shards of bone, and hollow feathers. It was said that the materials used in these instruments invoked the voice of Thra itself. Among their instruments, their lyres were the most popular. Even the All-Maudra’s musicians sought them out for their unique sound. Despite being busy, the family took up apprentices so they too could create unique instruments. 
Stonewood Legends: Jarra-Jen
Songtelling and folklore were an important part of Stonewood culture and they had plenty of songs about famous characters and legends to tell every night around the hearth. One of these popular characters was Jarra-Jen the Lightning Born who came from Stone-in-the-Wood. As his epitaph suggested, his birth was heralded by lightning. He was characterized as fearless, charming, and curious with an intensity only rivaled by the forces of nature. Whenever he returned home, he’d always brought treasure and mouth-full of stories from his adventures. Many of his stories were told around campfires and memorialized on the stone slabs found on top of Bolentor’s rise.
Some songs were created to explain the origins of things such as him being the one to plant all seven Great Trees. Others were meant to entertain or teach lessons, whether they were true or not. One favorite epic was called Jarra-Jen and the Horn of Thunder. After passing a series of tasks, Jarra-Jen defeated the tyrant Creghel and freed the gelfling he enslaved. Another song, which was more popular with younglings, was called Jarra-Jen and the Fizzgig King. It taught younglings from digging and accidentally disturbing hibernating fizzgigs during the colder seasons. Jarra-Jen accidentally steps on the Fizzgig King’s tail and was swallowed hole. In order to free himself, the hero tickled the inside of the king’s throat which expelled him. The sound effect of the king’s flatulence was left up to the songtellers to put their own unique signature on the song. 
While Jarra-Jen was a Stonewood legendary figure, his tales were told and celebrated by other clans and regarded as a hero of Thra.
Stonewood Legends: The Hunter
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For every hero there was also a villain and no Stonewood villain was as popular as the Hunter. He went by other names like Bone-Mask and Four-Arms, but many agreed that he was a bloodthirsty one-of-a-kind monster who loved hunting for sport and ate his prey whole. Stories about the Hunter were told to older childlings to keep them from wondering the forest at night, like the short song “Beware the Hunter”. Legends of the Hunter were found all over the Endless Forest and surrounding regions, even finding their way in Spriton and Podling stories. “The Hunter’s Knife” was a notable non-Stonewood myth sourcing the Mystic Valley as the Hunter’s birth place and the noises that came from it was his heart (which he carved out to continue his evil deed unrestrained) who desired to return to his body. Some songtellers, like Kylan, told stories featuring the Hunter and Jarra-Jen together.
Not many Gelfling believed the Hunter existed, but the legends were based on skekMal the Hunter. He was an outcast skeksis whose main hunting grounds were the Endless Forest and its surrounding regions. He was as bloodthristy and fearsome as the songs described him. So skilled was he in his profession that he remained undetected by most Gelfling, with the exception being the Dousan who guided him through the Crystal Desert. SkekMal’s prey didn’t usually include Gelfling unless under certain conditions as he, in his own words, considered weak and preferred stronger creatures. This was different in the book series as he hunted indiscriminately. He bathed in gelfling essence to mask his scent which made it easier for him to catch prey.  He also prevented podlings from expanding outside of the forest and Spriton plains as he hunted them down and delivered some as slaves for the other Skeksis. Regardless, skekMal was always a terrifying force and feared by many even by his own kind. 
SkekMal’s reign of terror finally ended at the Second Battle of Stone-in-the-Wood which was his (at least seemingly) first and last public appearance. Before killing Rian, his latest target, his other half urVa the Archer sacrificed his life in order to stop him. As the two were spiritually connected, skekMal died as well.
A Stonewood diet was varied which included meats from game caught by hunters and the many fruits, vegetables, and other edible plants growing in the dense forest. They would also purchase foods that couldn’t be grown or produced in the Endless Forest. Stonewood dishes were prepared near the clan’s hearth and were commonly roasted, baked, and seared. Food was served in groups and were noted to be jolly, hearty, and unforgettable. 
Peachberries were one of the well known native fruits found in the Endless Forest. It had a sweet and sour flavor that was easy to pick. More dangerous to obtain fruits were that of the bluemouth. The bluemouth was a carnivorous plant that lures prey in with its sweet smelling nectar and were dangerous to Gelfling. The fruit of the Bluemouth Tree was considered a delicacy for that reason. The fruit of the arara (or screaming) tree was less dangerous. As a defense mechanism, it produced poison by screaming. It was deadly to smaller animals, but for Gelfling, it put them in a dreamlike daze.  Other foods included merkeeps, a delicious tuber found in traditional Stonewood foods. 
Stonewoods usually washed down their foods with a cup of cold water from the Black River. Other noteworthy beverages was the Stonewood Brew, a type of alcohol that trickled down from trees into a giant trough called the Brew Trough. Both natives and outsiders alike served themselves or each other with the cups stacked near by.
Stonewood Apothecary and Recreational Poisons
The Endless Forest had the most diverse flora and fauna, including ones that were venomous and poisonous. Stonewood apothecaries had an important role of supplying treatments and antidotes for a variety of inflictions gelfling received. And on the flip side, they found ways to use harmful substances for more benign ones. Even usually fatal poisons could be altered (through fire, water, or soil) and distilled into potable liquids. Plenty of these recreational poisons were traded among themselves and other clans.
One of the more involved distilling methods were from the poisons created by the arara tree. When produced in smaller quantities, it had a relaxing effect. Apothecaries got the help of experienced harvesters who stealthily picked the fruits off the tree before it had time to produce its signature scream. When given to the apothecaries, the berries were placed into bowls of water and the apothecary would scream in the perfect tone of the screaming tree. The berries would react and produced its slime which dissipated. It was later reduced into a measurable substance and bottled. 
Stone-in-the-Wood, Hometown of the Stonewood
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Stone-in-the-Wood was the main village of the Stonewood Clan. Like their namesake, they lived in shell and stone homes interwoven into trees. It was surrounded by mounds of rock and a lake that sat next to the Black River. It had sections for tourists and traders as well as private ones exclusive to Stonewoods only. The Crucible, the clan’s hearth, lied at its center with the Stonewood Great Hall beyond it. 
The Great Hall was the home of the Stonewood Maudra. It had a large chamber where they held court. When a gelfling, or sometimes podling, misbehaved guards would send them into the Rascal Hole. It was a small jail held down beneath the floor of the Stonewood Great Hall and not too far from the maudra’s throne. 
The village was the second largest gelfling settlement. It became a popular tourist and trading site as the village was a necessary stop to go anywhere in the Skarith region. Beyond that, Stone-in-the-Wood was believed to be the original home of the gelfling, making it one of the oldest gelfling civilizations. It was also the location of important historical events in Thra’s history. 
The Historic Battles of Stone-in-the-Wood
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Two historical battles took place in Stone-in-the-Wood. The first battle was also the conclusion of the Arathim Wars. When the Arathim were kicked out of their ancestral home by the skeksis for refusing to join the Alliance of the Crystal, they rebelled. The rebellion was a series of attacks throughout the Age of Division until thirty trine before where Age of Resistance series began. The First Battle of Stone-in-the-Wood began while Ordon and Fara searched for the dual glaive which was rumored to help end the war. The village was evacuated when the Arathim arrived with Maudra Vala and her warriors there to defend it. At first the Arathim had the upper hand, decimating the gelfling forces and inflicting a fatal wound against the maudra. She survived long enough to see Ordon arriving with the dual glaive. After killing several Arathim, he plunged his sword into an Ascendancy of Silk Spitters and drained them of its essence. Ordon promised to let the Arathim live if they stopped their assault on the gelfling. The weakened Ascendancy gave in and retreated from the village but promised this wasn’t the end. This event officially ended the Arathim Wars. 
The Second Battle of Stone-in-the-Wood was the first major battle of the Gelfling Resistance. Stone-in-the-Wood previously had a failed assault on the skeksis in both the TV and book series where the Stonewood were thwarted by the skeksis or the Arathim. The survivors of that failed assault returned to join Rian and his small rebellion ready to fight the skeksis. There were casualties on both sides, including three skeksis and Maudra Fara who sacrificed her life protecting All-Maudra Seladon. But it also brought the return of Mother Aughra and unity of all inhabitants of Thra when the other six gelfling clans and their former enemies the Arathim proclaimed their support of the resistance. This was the gelfling’s first major victory fighting the skeksis. 
Bolentor, the Pride of Stone-in-the-Wood
Also known as the Stone Tower, it was a large mount of rocks weaved together by vines, roots, and trees. The stone’s rise was where Stone-in-the-Wood was positioned. Its top was covered in talking stones featuring the dream-etched legends and folklore of the Stonewood Clan. It told of Jarra-Jen’s adventures, stories of Gyr the Songteller, and Aughra’s teachings. Strangely, many of the rocks that constructed the mound originated from other regions of of Thra like the Claw and Grottan Mountains. Speculation were all over the place from a giant moving the rocks there to being petrified droppings of an enormous bird. 
A favorite theory came from the song called Maudra Melyff the Rock Singer. Though the gelfling in the tale was actually unnamed, many agreed that she fit the description. According to the song, the maudra was so lonely that when she sang the mountains were moved and offered their boulders to keep her company. A different version of this tale was found in the book series and the maudra was named Maudra Ynid the Tree Singer. Similarly alone, she wept at the heart of the Endless Forest and with the Cradle Tree’s blessing, stones multipled from the Earth and became Stone-in-the-Wood. She was also said to be the sister of Mesabi-Nara, one of the Drenchen’s first maudras. 
The Stonewood had a name-day tradition that revolved around Bolentor and was considered a rite of passage. Younglings whose sixth name-day anniversary landed within the same season were sent to climb Bolentor without the guidance of adults with a chisel in hand. Once they reached the top, they found a stone and carved a sigil into it. That sigil became the sign of their name which was memorialized among hundreds of others before them. 
The Crucible
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At the center of Stone-in-the-Wood was the Crucible, both a monument and hearth. Like other gelfling hearths, it was the gathering place of the Stonewood during important occasions. It was where the maudra made her announcements and conducted ceremonies. Traders from other regions would come to the Crucible to be welcomed by the village. 
Within the Crucible were dozens of swords and other weapons. It tied with a Stonewood tradition: whenever the clan returned from a battle, their warriors placed their weapons within the Crucible to be melted until there’s nothing left. It was the Stonewood’s way of leaving their aggressive acts and memories behind and go back to their normal lives. In some cases, the melted remains were used as other symbols. After Maudra Vala died, her sword was melted and forged into a crown. Her daughter and successor Fara wore it as a reminder of the battles that were fought, the cost of peace, and to never forget those who lost their lives.
It was one of many examples of the Stonewood’s relationship with their patron element fire. Gelfling from this clan were described to have “fire in their hearts and whose embers never died”. It’s no wonder that the Stonewood gelfling Rian was the one who lit the fires of resistance and sent out his message of rebellion through the Crucible.
The Wall of Destiny
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The Wall of Destiny was a giant prophecy that foretold the end of skeksis rule. It was discovered by Jen and Kira when they stumbled upon ruins of a gelfling settlement. At least in the book series, its location resided within Stone-in-the-Wood. In that book’s version of the Second Battle, the gelfling defeated the skeksis through song and their combined singing formed the creation of the Wall of Destiny. 
Another version of its creation happened when both Gelfling and Podling were taken as slaves by the skeksis. Dismayed, they looked into the fires of prophecy. Seven circles of seven Gelfling, (which totaled 49 Gelfling), laid on the hilltops at night. With magic their dreams were made into stone and the Wall of Destiny was created. 
It told the Gelfling their quest: to find the lost Shard and heal the Crystal by the next Great Conjunction. However, the skeksis saw the prophecy too and feared the Gelfling would succeed. To stop them, the skeksis sent their Garthim and Crystal Bats to find and kill all gelfling. However, at least two survived: Jen of the Stonewood and Kira of the Vapra. Jen ultimately became the Gelfling foretold in prophecy that reunited the shard with the Crystal and ended skeksis rule. 
Olyeka-Staba the Cradle Tree
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The Cradle Tree was the Stonewood’s patron tree. It towered over all the others within the Endless Forest whose trunk was as wide as the Black River. It was the originator of all other trees and what the forest felt and heard was also heard and felt by the Cradle Tree. It was only a short distance from Stone-in-the-Wood and many gelfling visited it often. Stonewoods sat underneath the tree and hoped to hear its wisdom while others came to inspect it for illness as it determined the health of the entire forest. When one lied beneath it, they would experience a soothing sensation described as being cradled by one’s mother. “The Cradle Tree’s Lullaby” was a popular song sun by Stonewood mothers while rocking their childlings to sleep. 
Like the other Great Trees, the Cradle Tree struggled to keep the darkening at bay. In the book series, the Cradle Tree was so sick with it that it displayed vivid hallucinations which preyed on the fears of the individual. Both Naia and Kylan went through this ordeal with Naia being haunted by apparitions of her brother and Tavra. It also attacked her with vines and roots until she was helped by Kylan. Naia was able to dreamfast with it and healed it of the darkening. 
Relationship With the Skeksis And Other Clans
The Stonewood benefited from the influx of traders and visitors, but it reinforced clan-first mentalities. To preserve a sense of safety, stability, and culture, the Stonewood created public and private sections of the village. The clan was kind and friendly to any outsiders but would treat them coldly if they trespassed on private property, on accident or not. Besides that, they seemed the most susceptible to clan stereotypes, seeing how some were highly suspicious of the Dousan and ignorant of the Grottan. While the Stonewood believed they were tougher and sturdier than other gelfling, outsiders viewed them as aggressive and arrogant.
Being geographically the closest to the skeksis, the Stonewood were frequently called upon to be guards at the castle of the Crystal. In fact, they made up the majority of the skeksis’ army up until the late Age of Division. Plenty of Stonewood were elated to get their recruitment letters as it was seen as one of the biggest honors a gelfling received. Because of this, the Stonewood believed they had a more intimate relationship with the skeksis than other clans. 
That ultimately created some resentment towards the Vapra. Many Stonewoods believed the skeksis were in error by choosing the Vapra as the ambassadors and leaders of the gelfling clans. It wasn’t a secret either as the Stonewood had passionate conversations about the topic. Even Stonewood Maudras would make mention of it while in the presence of Vapran representatives. These vents never went too far as they knew disagreeing with the Vapra was also a disagreement towards the skeksis. Such comments risked their reputation as well as access to resources and valuable supplies. Despite it being a well-known secret, the Stonewoods kept it to themselves. 
Of all the clan relationships, none were more well known than the rivalry between the Stonewood and the Spriton. The severity of the rivalry were different between the TV and book series. In the timeline established by the Age of Resistance, the rivalry was seen more in childlings and didn’t go as far as name-calling and rumormongering. With a mix of the skeksis’ meddling and Stonewood’s overall competitiveness kept this rivalry alive. In contrast to the book series, however, was more serious. The Spriton were a warrior clan in this version and fought over territory with the Stonewood over the trine. 
Legacy of Stonewood: Jen
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Although most gelfling were wiped out during the Garthim Wars, their legacies were kept alive by their survivors. Jen was the son of at least one Stonewood parent and seemingly the only surviving member of his clan. He was rescued by urSu the Master who took him to the Valley of the Mystics and raised him in safety. On his death bed, urSu cryptically explained to Jen about his destiny. He was able to succeed in his quest with the help of Kira.
Jen seemed to know some small things about his heritage. He wore the Stonewood sigil on his clothing and was taught how to play the firca. urMaj the Cook attempted to make him gelfling food, but Jen noted it never tasted right  It was possible that what Jen learned he passed it onto future gelfling civilizations and preserved what was left of gelfling culture. 
Notable Stonewood Members
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Rian: Son of Ordon and Shoni who lived during the late Age of Division. He was a castle guard who witnessed his girlfriend Mira be drained by the skeksis. Taking the only proof of the skeksis’ betrayal, he was marked as a traitor and wanted by the lords to keep their secret hidden. Rian started as well became the unofficial leader of the Gelfling Resistance. Like his father, Rian ended up wielding the Dual Glaive. 
Ordon: A veteran of the Arathim Wars and the first wielder of the Dual Glaive. He was promoted to be a captain of the castle guards after his victory in the First Battle of Stone-in-the-Wood. Not knowing that the skeksis were the true perpetrators, Ordon personally requested to seek out Rian in the hopes of curing the supposed sickness that caused his “treachery”. 
Maudra Fara the Rock Singer: The Stonewood Maudra who succeeded her mother Vala during the late Age of Division. She believed in strength and loyalty and did whatever she believed was necessary for her clan. She played a big part in the Arathim Wars as well as being the first maudra who challenged the skeksis when she learned about the truth.
Shoni: Rian’s mother and husband of Ordon who lived during the late Age of Division. 
Jen: The seemingly last surviving member of the Stonewood Clan nearing the end of the Age of Division. Saved by urSu the Master, Jen was raised by the mystics so that he would fulfill his destiny of ending skeksis rule and save Thra. 
Maudra Vala: A Stonewood maudra and mother of Fara. She lived during the late Age of Division and took part in the First Battle in Stone-in-the-Wood where she was fatally wounded.
Thriya: A songteller who lived during an unknown time in the Age of Division. She spent her entire life traveling all over Thra to learn about the cultures and songs of each gelfling clan. 
Mythra: A book series exclusive character. She was the younger sister of Rian who supported him while he was branded as a traitor. She also took part in and survived the Second Battle of Stone-in-the-Wood.
Timtri: Rian’s younger brother who only exists in the book series. 
Maudra Melyff the Rock Singer: Believed to be one of Stonewood’s first maudras. She was credited with the creation of Bolentor which would become the home place of the Stonewood. In some iterations she’s known as Maudra Ynid the Tree Singer and was sisters with the Drenchen’s first maudra. 
Old Ari: An old songteller who lived during an unknown time within the Age of Division. 
[Sources: Song of the Seven Gelfling Clans, the official Dark Crystal website, Shadows of the Dark Crystal, Song of the Dark Crystal, Flames of the Dark Crystal, The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, the Dark Crystal Film, The Dark Crystal Age of Resistance: An Epic Return To Thra, The Quest for the Dual Glaive, Creation Myths, Author Quest: The Gelfling Gathering, Heroes of the Resistance, the Dark Crystal Bestiary] 
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lailoken · 4 years
“Lord of Norfolk, Grey Lord of the Flint
In our magical work, we often visualise the Lord of Norfolk in human form, because that is the way we are best able to approach and comprehend his being. He appears as a huge and ancient grey-clad figure, a hunter with bow and arrows, a strong and powerful builder, a protector and defender of the land, striding along the coastline, beside the meres, across ploughed fields or though the woodlands. Sometimes he seems to emerge so clearly, from the mists of the veil, that it is almost possible to glimpse his features, to make that step towards a richer understanding, a greater knowing; and then the moment passes. Nevertheless, the physical signs of the extraordinary remain with us, for the Lord of Norfolk is there in the stones, in our gardens and fields, as they work their way to the surface, blunting tools or needing to be removed to allow delicate plants to thrive. At other times, we hear his voice as the waves endlessly shift the shingle, back and forth upon the beach, creating smooth and sea-tumbled pebbles, or we catch a sharp reminder of presence on bare feet or careless fingers.
The Lord of Norfolk is embodied by a magical stone indeed. Flint is composed almost entirely of silica, and only diamonds are harder and more durable. Yet because it flakes so easily it can be worked into different shapes (Russell, 2000) and has a multitude of different uses. Although we see the Lord of Norfolk as a Grey Lord, his stone varies in colour, and may be yellow, brown or amber, if iron oxides or other pigments have seeped in through the his of the stone and left their own special magic. pores The core of a piece of Flint is usually smooth, dark and lustrous, while its outer surface, known as the cortex, is less dense and much more porous, and can be seen as a clear white line when a stone is broken open. Once Flint is cut and exposed, the process of cortication often transforms the colour from black to pale bluey grey, although the rate of the change is delightfully unpredictable. On some Medieval buildings, the shiny core is as little changed as on some Victorian buildings. Another process, patination, gives the Flint a yellow or white waxy look, somewhat reminiscent of ivory (Hart, 2000). Such a rich assortment is useful when selecting stones for magical work, as is the range of shapes and textures. Pieces found in Thetford Forest are often angular and rather waxy looking, with blue patterns on them, sometimes surprisingly like broken pieces of Willow Pattern crockery, but also containing runes or other forms of written messages.
The Lord of the Flint's domain extends far beyond Norfolk, and the buildings of the whole region of East Anglia are expressions of centuries of interaction between this magnificent being of the Earth and the ingenuity and skill of human craftspeople, at one with their materials, which come directly from the Source. The Lord of the Flint provides the raw materials for the simple hearth and home of ordinary folk, grand abodes for the rich, the protection of Norwich's city walls, the spiritual aspiration of the great wool churches.
Some of the constructions use "as-found" Flints, sometimes set into mortar, in an apparently random patterning, sometimes in coursed arrangements, where clear horizontal lines are visible. Herringbone patterns are often seen, as is galletting, when small flakes of flint are added to the mortar before it dries, to provide extra packing between irregular shaped stones, or for purely decorative purposes. A rich vocabulary has developed to describe the different kinds of Flint work, which have become part of the Flint Lord's poetry. Knapped work may be "select", "squared" or “rough squared"; it may use "ovals", "scales" or "blocks". In combination with other stone or brick, the patterns formed may be "chequer", "Flemish chequer", "banding", "morse" or "diaper". The names can be read as spells, and indeed used as such, with their "diamonds", "lozenges", "trellises" and "lattices". Flushwork uses the contrasting characteristics of Flint and ashlared freestone, mostly brought to East Anglia, by water, from Lincolnshire limestone quarries, to produce distinctive designs, which are full of symbolism, meaning and magic. The earliest example of this technique is thought to be St. Ethelbert's Gate, in Norwich, built in 1316, although restored in 1815 by William Wilkins (Hart, 2000). Flushwork on other buildings shows seasonal patterns, merchant's marks, the tools of many trades, wheels, foliage, intricate interlaced patterns, heraldic designs and protective or religious or spiritual symbols and even the Glastonbury Thorn. Just like the foliate heads, seen in so many Medieval churches, a wealth of Pagan and magical imagery can be seen in these flushwork designs (Talbot, 2004).
Not only does this Grey Lord represent protection from the weather and from attack, He also provided our ancestors with the means to hunt and grow their food. Arrowheads, sickles, polished axe heads and grinding stones were all made from mined Flint, at that liminal point in our history when we made the gradual transition from being hunter gathers to domesticating animals and cultivating crops (Russell, 2000). In honour of this, we attach Flint heads to the arrows we use on the garlands in some of our rituals.
Probably the most dramatic and focused way to experience the power of the Flint Lord, as he manifests in His Norfolk form, is to visit Grimes Graves, in Thetford Forest, where our Neolithic forebears risked their lives to bring out, from the depths, the most prized, unweathered, black Flint floorstone, which was to be found ten to thirteen metres below the surface, in seams just 20-30cm thick. Although there were lesser Flint workings, Grimes Graves was the largest and most complex in Britain (Forrest, 1983), with 433 shafts, many with galleries radiating out from them. None of this is easily discernible from ground level though. Approaching the site (now owned by English Heritage) along a straight, single-track forest road, one is just aware of an open grassy area of mounds and dips, a car park and a small building, which is the visitors' centre. In the Summer, there are Skylarks all around. The flora of this once industrial area, but now a Site of Special Scientific Interest, is rich and diverse, and there is a discernible crackle of ancient magic all around. Reciting just a few of the wonderful plant names associated with this place is one simple way of alerting the spirits to your desire to be fully present in the enchantment of both the past and the now. Heather, Harebell, Knapweed, Mouse-ear, Stonecrop, Hawk's-beard, Eyebright, Squinancywort, Gentian and Mignionette can all be words of power, which skim the surface and initiate a little quivering, which allows the eye to see more as you attune to what is really all around you.
Once you know what is in the ground beneath you, it is not difficult to picture an underground constellation of deep shafts and star patterns joining them all, in a fantastic, invisible network. The presence of another of the powerful gods of this land, the Norse/Anglo-Saxon deity, Odin or Woden, can also be felt to wander across the strangely- textured surface of the place, as it is by one of his many names that this site is known. There are no representatives of Odin's Ravens, Hugin and Munin, here, but we are reminded of them in the constant cawing of the Rooks, in the distance trees, and the many black feathers lying in the grass amongst the shards of Flint. Besides, both Thought and Memory are important aspects of any visit here.
Fortunately, at the time of writing, it is still relatively inexpensive to buy a ticket, which allows you to go down into the one pit which is open to the public. Visitors are required to wear a yellow hard hat (which would not be my first choice of headgear when going to meet a major deity), but they are permitted to go down unsupervised. The thin metal rungs of the alarmingly narrow, but very stable, ladder are chilly to the touch, and grow colder as you make the descent, passing the various layers of Flint- the topstone and the wallstone - and watching the circle of the sky above diminish, the deeper you travel into this underworld of the ancestors. The tap of antler picks on stone can still be heard by those who are prepared to listen, and the power and presence of the Lord of Norfolk is all around. There is an indescribable tingling when you step off the last rung of the ladder, place both feet on the floor of the chamber, breathe in, and reach out for that magical understanding of ancient power and wisdom. Low arches lead off into tunnels, but these are now barred against physical entry, although it is possible to glimpse into that network of passages which join one pit to another.
Standing there, we think of the many antlers which were used to mine the Flint. These were most often Red Deer antlers, with the crown and first two tines either burned or cut away. When the tools broke, or became blunted, they were discarded, and in just two of the pits, a total of 244 such antlers were discovered, many of which had been worked smooth by the hands of the miners. On some there were even finger prints in the Chalk which covered them (Clarke Clarke, 1937). So, the Lord of Norfolk is most definitely a horned god, and the magic of the Deer is woven deeply into the fabric of the county. Naturalistic depictions of Red Deer, engraved into floorstone, were found during the early excavations of the site, although many commentators now consider these to have been part of a hoax designed to convince people that this was a Palaeolithic site (Russell, 2000). Nevertheless, this does not undermine the depth of the connections between the Grey Lord, the Deer and the landscape of the county.
It is not difficult to imagine the miners making offerings of antlers, carvings and drawings, as well as the exquisitely worked axe heads. Craftspeople of great skill worked the Flint, inspired or guided by the Lord of Norfolk who, millennia later, can still be called upon to give assistance to the county's makers and artists. I think this is one of the reasons why all of the practitioners of Norfolk's Nameless Tradition do some form of art or craft work, drawing on thousands of years of inspiration and magical help, in the development of the skills of hand and eye.
Of course, the process of going down into the pit at Grimes Graves can be done purely in the mind, in meditation or pathworking. Those who are especially skilled at knowing and visualising what they have not experienced with their mundane senses, can even do this without having been to the place in person. For most of us, though, the physical experience is important, and the effort of a regular visit becomes an act of pilgrimage.
On re-emerging from the shaft, a visit to Thetford's Ancient House Museum can provide a moving insight into the skills of the 20th-century Flint knappers. The Museum is home to an exquisite Flint alphabet, knapped by Bill Basham, in his spare time, over a period of two years. He also made a delicate necklace of seventeen circlets and a heart, which he sold, in 1927, for just £10. Sadly, like many of the Flint knappers, Basham died of silicosis, in 1932, at the age of 38 (Forrest, 1983). But the art of Flint knapping is far from lost. Will Lord, the son of earlier custodians of Grimes Graves, is an expert Flint knapper, and continues to teach the skill, as well as running prehistoric experience courses (www.will-lord.co.uk).
The Lord of Norfolk is a being of Fire as well as of Earth, for this everyday, common, yet intensely magical stone also carries within it the stuff of stars, which can light the hearth fire or ignite the divine spark within. The Flint as a strike-a- light is of enduring significance.
However, like so many things, the power of the Flint can be used for good or for ill and has not always been adapted for purely peaceful purposes. Flint arrowheads come in various shapes and styles, ranging from the chunky to the slender and elegant. The sheer numbers which have been found are thought to suggest that people may have used them in warfare, not just for hunting (Wymer, 1994). Indeed, Flint weapons have been said to be Britain's oldest industry, from Neolithic arrowheads from 2000 BCE, to the gunflints made in Brandon, and much prized for use during the Napoleonic Wars.”
Of Chalk & Flint:
A Way of Norfolk Magic
by Val Thomas
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shiftywing · 4 years
how do you think icewing spikes work? like are they attached to the spine or something else, and can they be moved on their own? could an icewing tail turn into a mace given the correct spike arrangement? I've been thinking about this for a few days lmao
so i have this habit of mine to draw their spikes as hair, pretty much. or at least it looks close to it. and while it’s fun and all, canonically it’s not what i imagine their spikes to be like. 
I imagine their spikes to be essentially a bit like feathers, but like how a feather would look like if you took away most of the feathery part of it, leaving the rachis mostly bare, save for a few bits of fluff.
they’d be pointed and stiffed, but icewings can still fluff them up, lay them down, and shake them to make a rattling sound. if they get damaged or pulled out, (as they are connected to their muscles, and not their spine) the new ones can grow in. 
oh! and adding this in last-minute, but during the colder seasons, more fluff grows on their spikes, and more grow on them in general (like around their neck areas and legs etc.) which they molt in spring. coverage also grows thicker for females when they have eggs, to better incubate them.
one last thing: some icewings have naturally more spike coverage than others, mostly due to genetics.
this was fun! honestly had to do a bit of research to answer this ask, but i’m satisfied with this answer overall. :)
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