#like gurl chill its not that deep..
trossibop · 10 months
hello so daily complaint about the religious sisters owning the student residence who are condescending and mean for no reason at all which makes the whole place unbearable to live in
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justice4billiam · 2 months
So I know everyone's always talking about nsfw with Billy and that's great but what if a girl just wanted to be his bsf? She (forcefully) move dhim in with her and she gets him Christmas presents, and she bakes and cooks for him and just loves him like soulmates, but not romantically??? You think he'd like this???
Now that I've dumped my Brain on you hi I'm Lillie <3 you don't have tow rite this tysm!
Billy Hargrove x PlatonicFem!reader
Word count: 6,083
Warnings: Nothing too bad. Just Billy being Billy. So, cussing but maybe even a little less of himself actually.
Author’s Note: GURL, I am so sorry. I held onto this for SO long and I didn't mean for it to be over 6k words lmao I am so hard on myself when it comes to writing but I decided to just let it free. Nice to meet you, Lillie. ❤️ I hope you like it.
Platonic Soul...Whatever
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“Get in here,” you snapped, yanking your best friend into the living room by the scruff of his jacket.
He’d been holed up in the spare room, hiding out like an antisocial pussycat.
Billy huffed, his eyes rolling, clearly pissed at the night you’d planned. But he kept his mouth shut, letting you drag him in without a fight.
You were in the middle of having a housewarming party for the new apartment you moved into last week and the whole gang was there much to Billy’s dismay.
“What’s going on?” you asked, keeping your voice low to keep it just between you two.
Billy was always weird at the get togethers, but he had been getting better at it. Friendly even. But today he was different. Something was eating at him, and it was worrying you.
“And don’t give me ‘nothing.’ I’m not dumb.” You shot him a look that meant business.
He scrunched up his face, lips pressed tight, and looked at you like he was weighing his words.
“It’s nothing,” he said at last. “Just… the usual crap back home.” He shuffled his feet, looking anywhere but at you.
“Billy…did he—” you started, your eyes scanning him for any sign of trouble.
He shook his head quickly.
“No, not this time. But I gotta head out early tonight, okay?” His blue eyes were hard when he looked at you.
To anyone else, it might look like anger, but you knew it was something else. Sadness. And it looked all kinds of wrong on him.
You wanted to dig deeper, but now wasn’t the time, not with everyone else around.
You gave him another once-over, didn’t see any harm, and nodded.
“Alright, Hargrove.”
He let out a sigh of relief, probably glad he didn’t have to spill it all.
You noticed his hand twitch toward his pocket, then drop. He remembered the no-smoking rule in your place. You couldn’t help but smile.
“Alright,” you said, fixing his jacket and giving him a pat.
“Go have your smoke. When you’re ready, come back in.” You winked, letting him know it was cool.
Billy’s head shake was subtle, his face drawn tight. “But, its colder than balls out there.”
It was early December, and the chill was just setting in—nothing compared to what was coming. But Billy always had a thing against the cold. You almost laughed, suddenly thinking back to last winter when he’d ended up ass-first in a snowbank outside your old place.
The guy never gave a damn about rules, but here he was, actually listening to you for once.
You sighed, half-exasperated, half-resigned.
“Fine, light up in the spare room, but for God’s sake, open the damn window.”
He gave a snort, that smug look taking over.
“Cheers, darlin’. The fine women of Hawkins will be singing your praises for saving my… assets from frostbite.”
Classic Billy, always with a line.
“Ewe, dramatic much?” you muttered, rolling your eyes as you headed for the kitchen.
As it grew late, the place began to clear out. Nancy and Jonathan, along with their group, were among the first to leave.
You couldn’t help but feel an excitement for Nancy and Jonathan—they’d just spilled they were heading to Emerson College in Boston after the summer.
Nancy’s grip was firm, her eyes like deep pools in the dim light.
“You sure you won’t come with?” she pressed, searching your face for a sign.
Jonathan was all half-smiles and shrugs as he stepped up beside her.
“We could hide you in a suitcase,” he joked, his arm finding its home around Nancy’s shoulders.
You let out a laugh, a short, sharp sound.
“I’ll stick to my own bed, but thanks,” you shot back, catching Billy’s eye for a moment. He was leaning against the wall, a silent lookout.
You weren’t about to ditch without Billy. He was anchored here until Max was done with high school.
That was the unspoken rule between you two. Max was in the dark, but you and Billy had spent a night diving deep into that conversation—his fears of leaving her to deal with Neil alone.
Billy and Max’s relationship had gotten better since that October at the Byers’.
They still snapped at each other like firecrackers, but that was just their way. You’d grown to love having them around.
Max was like the scrappy little sister you’d picked up along the way.
But Billy was different.
He was your solid ground, your constant. You didn’t need to spell things out for him; he just got it. He could dial down your stress with a glance, and you could temper his anger without a word.
It reminded you of something you’d read in a dog-eared book that you checked out from the library: platonic soulmates.
That was the label for what you had with Billy—no bullshit, no fuss, just an unspoken understanding that ran deep.
Billy scoffed at the soulmate idea, brushing it off as a load of crap. But when the book you’d been quoting mysteriously disappeared after that heart-to-heart, you didn’t need three guesses to know who’d snagged it. You let it slide, settling the library fine without a word. It was a small price to pay for the bond you shared with your so-called platonic soulmate.
“The offer’s open,” Nancy reiterated, her voice trailing off as she and the others made their way out.
Mike and Will managed half-hearted waves from the doorway, while El gave you a tight squeeze around the waist before moving on to Billy.
He tensed up, his eyes darting to you in a silent plea for rescue as El’s arms wrapped around him.
You stifled a chuckle. El was the only one brave enough to tackle Billy with affection.
Maybe it was her history with real monsters that made Billy’s temper seem trivial. Or perhaps it was her upbringing with Hopper, another man known for his temperament.
Billy cleared his throat, a hint of discomfort in his voice.
“Okay, don’t need all that,” he mumbled, gently disentangling himself from El’s embrace and stepping back.
His expression grew even more puzzled when El simply beamed at him.
Max stepped in, her arm around El, guiding her towards the door.
"Yeah, El, don't you know?" Max exclaimed, looking over her shoulder at Billy, mischief twinkling in her eyes.
"He's like the Grinch or whatever." She continued, her hands waving about as they walked to the front door.
"He doesn't want to be hugged and cared for because his heart will grow too big for his body, and if you haven't noticed, he already has to worry about falling over with all that hair on top of his head." Her smirk was infectious.
Billy shot Max a flat, unamused look, but you and Mike couldn’t contain your snorts of laughter, which you tried to mask with a cough as Billy’s gaze turned to you.
El, puzzled, studied Billy’s unruly mane and then glanced at Steve’s voluminous hair in the kitchen.
“I don’t see any problem,” she commented innocently.
‘If anyone should be worried, I think Steve would fall over first.’ She glanced between Max, Mike, and you, her eyes wide with uncertainty.
You rolled your eyes as you watched Billy smile smugly as Steve turned toward them upon hearing his name.
Steve looked over, his eyebrow raised in question.
“What’s this about my hair?” he asked, his hand automatically fluffing his locks.
Mike, clearly over the day, rolled his eyes.
“Let’s go, El,” he said, taking her hand and leading her out after the others.
“See ya,” Will murmured softly, his voice barely above a whisper as he followed behind, giving a small wave to the remaining group before disappearing into the night.
You caught a glimpse of his downcast eyes and wondered what could have made him so down.
Steve exhaled a weary breath, the kind that’s been through too many late nights and too early mornings. “Gotta head out,” he said, a half-hearted grin on his face. “New job at the Hunting & Camping store starts tomorrow morning.”
Your eyes narrowed, a quick glance thrown to Steve, then to Robin, who was playing cards at the kitchen table with Lucas and Dustin.
“What about Family Video?” you asked, your voice edged with a hint of suspicion, but it was Robin you were counting on for the truth.
You also worked at Family Video, but whispers of Steve quitting hadn’t reached your ears.
The thought alone was enough to unsettle you. Work with him was one of the few highlights in a job that could often be boring. You really hoped he wasn’t; you genuinely enjoyed working with your two close friends.
Robin didn’t even look up from her cards.
“Don’t worry, he’s still with us,” she called out, her voice steady over the clatter of the game.
“Royal flush!” She stood up, her shout a victory cry.
“Deal with it, boys!” she taunted, pointing at the boys who just shook their heads in defeat.
Lucas was all frustration and disbelief.
“How does she always pull this off?” he muttered, throwing his hands up in surrender.
Dustin’s chair scraped loudly as he stood, his face a mix of annoyance and admiration.
“She’s got some kind of magic or she’s cheating!” he accused, his finger jabbing in Robin’s direction.
Robin’s laugh was sharp and bright.
“I’m not cheating,” she shot back, her hands on her hips, her stance all defiance. “It’s just you two dinguses can’t play.”
A smirk tugged at the corner of your mouth.
“Take it easy, you three,” you said, the sarcasm dripping from every word.
You turned back to Steve, your expression softening just a bit.
“Two jobs, huh?” you said, the tease clear in your voice. “Looks like Harrington’s playing the adult card now.”
Steve’s smile was a blend of resignation and a challenge.
“Dad’s cut me off,” he admitted, a hard edge to his voice. “All about ‘earning my keep’ now. So, I’m doing it my way.”
You nodded, feeling that familiar tug of empathy.
Your own parents had given you the boot when you ditched the college route. They couldn’t wrap their heads around why you’d stick around this nowhere town.
Your fingers twisted together, the old sting of ‘failure’ creeping back up. But then there was Billy, his hand finding yours, giving it a reassuring squeeze. It was his silent way of saying, “We’ve got this.”
You looked up, catching Billy’s eyes. They were a clear, steady blue, like the sky after a storm. His smile was quick, a silent conversation passing between you two without a word.
“Well, anyway…” Steve’s voice broke through as everyone started to pick up their stuff.
The goodbyes were thrown around, even Billy’s nod to Steve was surprisingly chill, a small sign that maybe, just maybe, there was some common ground to be found. You clung to that hope, that small nod, as the night came to an end.
After the rest left through the front door, you caught Steve’s arm before he could leave.
“Hey, I gotta tell you, I’m really proud of you,” you said, your voice carrying the weight of genuine respect.
“It’s tough, starting new,” you added, a glance at the nearly empty space to signify you really did get it.
Steve’s smile was quick and sincere.
“Thanks, Y/n. Means a lot, you know? And hey, we’re overdue for that movie night,” he suggested with a playful wink, pulling his jacket closer as a cold draft slipped through the open door.
Your eyes fell on the new TV, with its built-in VHS player—Steve’s housewarming gift to you.
It was a generous thought, but it felt like too much. You’d insisted he take it back, but the bulky set remained, a silent testament to Steve’s stubbornness. He’d assured you it was no big deal, that it was better off here, getting some use.
You acknowledged his gesture with a nod, your face stoic but your eyes hinting at a silent vow to make the most of his gift with endless movie nights.
As Steve’s grin widened, he stepped out into the night, his laughter blending with the voices of Robin, Dustin, and Lucas as they disappeared down the street. You watched from the doorway, the figures of your friends growing smaller in the distance.
Billy’s voice cut in from behind, a dismissive edge to his tone. “Count me out for movie night.”
You turned, a smirk playing on your lips.
“Too bad, Billy,” you retorted, the playful challenge clear in your voice. “You’re coming, whether you like it or not.”
He was about to argue when Max’s anxious voice interrupted.
“We should go too,” she said, her eyes darting around, signaling something was wrong.
A wave of concern washed over you.
“What’s the rush?” you asked, your voice laced with worry. “It’s not even eight.”
Billy’s curfew was a constant shadow, ten o’clock sharp, a little later if Max was with him. You knew the rules too well, had seen the consequences on his skin—bruises and cuts he’d dismiss with a hollow laugh.
But there was that one night, the truth spilling out in the dark, his voice a low rumble at your window. “My dad,” he’d said, the words heavy with unspoken pain.
“Max, get your coat,” Billy’s voice was tight as he flung the door open again. He pulled out his cigarettes, his movements tense.
His hands shook as he tried to light one, and you stepped in, your hand steady, lighting it for him.
“Billy,” you said, your voice low, “everything alright?”
He glanced away, then back at you, a forced smirk on his face.
“Just gotta be home early,” he lied, smoke trailing from his lips.
You nodded, the unspoken words hanging heavy.
“If you need anything…”
He gave a small nod, a silent understanding.
“I know. See you later,” he said, and then he was gone, his figure blending into the night, Max following close behind.
You closed the door, the silence of the apartment heavy around you.
In the quiet, you made a silent vow to always be there for Billy, to stand by him as you had that night he confessed. It was a promise made without words, one you intended to keep.
The clock’s red glare read 1:27 a.m., the only light in the otherwise dark room.
The soft creak of the door was like a whisper, but it jolted you awake.
Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you sat up, squinting into the darkness.
The light from the hallway cut a sharp outline around a familiar figure—Billy, the only other person with a key to your place.
“Billy?” Your voice was thick, still wrapped in the remnants of sleep.
As your hand reached out for the lamp, his figure moved closer, a shadow in the half-light.
“Don’t,” he murmured, his voice a low rumble, and his hand was on yours, guiding it away from the lamp. His touch was cold, sending a shiver up your arm.
“Are you okay?” The words were barely a whisper, concern threading through them as you climbed out of bed, reaching into the darkness towards him.
He sniffed, a sound so faint you might have missed it if the room wasn’t so deathly quiet.
“I’m…” he started, his voice barely there, then clearer, “No.” It was a stark admission, cutting through the silence.
“Oh, Bill…” you breathed out, your arms finding their way around his rigid form. Your hands rested gently on his neck, and you felt him lean into the embrace, his own arms wrapping around you.
A shuddering breath escaped him, betraying the facade of control he always tried to maintain. His head rested heavily on your shoulder, and you could feel the tension in his body beginning to unravel.
The silence was broken only by his occasional shivers, and you felt the dampness on your shirt where his tears had soaked through.
“We’ll get this sorted,” you said, trying to infuse your voice with confidence as you reached out to touch his cheek.
But he pulled back sharply, a quick intake of breath hissing through clenched teeth.
You flicked on the light, and the room was suddenly too bright, too real.
The sight made you pause—a large, open cut above his eye, blood running down, sticking to his lashes, pooling around his now swollen-shut eye.
He raised his hand, a silent plea for patience.
“It looks worse than it actually is,” he insisted, his voice strained. You noticed his lip, swollen and split, distorting his words.
You stood there, the gravity of the situation sinking in.
This was more than just a late-night visit; it was a cry for help. And you were determined to answer it.
“Let’s clean you up,” you said firmly, ready to do whatever it took to help your friend.
“We’ll figure out the rest after.” The promise was unspoken but as solid as the ground beneath your feet. You were in this together, no matter what.
Billy’s nod, small and pained, told you he understood.
After the long, meticulous process of cleaning him up with the first aid kit, the two of you now sat at the dining table, the silence filled with the soft clinks of the kit being put away.
The tension had eased somewhat, replaced by the quiet understanding that always seemed to exist between you two.
Billy’s face, now cleaned of blood, showed the stark reality of his life at home, but here, in the safety of your apartment, he allowed himself a moment of vulnerability.
You were just about to speak when an urgent knocking on your door cut through the stillness.
You exchanged a puzzled look with him before you got up to answer it, Billy close behind you as you did.
Max stood there, her eyes wide with concern.
“I had to make sure he was okay,” she said, her voice trembling slightly.
Billy’s expression hardened for a moment.
“What the hell are you doing out so late, Max?” he asked, his tone a mix of anger and concern.
Max’s gaze flickered to you before settling back on Billy.
“I couldn’t sleep not knowing if you were… if you were safe,” she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.
You stepped aside, letting her in, and she moved directly to Billy, her small hand reaching out to touch his arm gently.
Billy’s initial irritation faded as he looked at his sister, his eyes softening.
“I’m here, I’m okay,” he reassured her, his voice more gentle than you’d heard in a long time.
The three of you sat around the table, a makeshift family in the middle of the night, bound together.
You watched them, the siblings who had been through so much, and felt a fierce protectiveness rise within you.
“We’re going to figure this out,” you said, your voice firm, catching both their gazes. “Billy’s staying here now. He’s not going back to that house.”
Max’s eyes filled with tears, but she nodded, a look of relief passing over her face.
Billy just sat there, his eyes on the tabletop, his jaw clenched.
You knew he was wrestling with the decision, the weight of years of abuse and control not something he could shrug off easily.
But you also knew that this was the only way forward.
“You’re safe here, Billy. This is your home now,” you said, reaching across the table to place your hand over his. “We’re in this together.”
Billy looked up, his blue eyes meeting yours, and in them, you saw the flicker of hope that had been absent for so long.
He nodded, a silent acceptance of the new reality.
Max stayed for a while longer, until her eyes grew heavy with sleep, and you set up the couch for her to crash on.
As you turned off the lights and headed back to your room, Billy followed.
The room was silent, the kind of quiet that feels heavy, almost tangible.
Billy lay beside you, his body a rigid line of tension and unspoken pain. The darkness seemed to press in closer as he hesitated, then spoke into the void between you.
“Are you sure about this?” His voice was a low rumble, barely more than a breath. “Me living here… and Max. What if something happens when I’m not there?”
The question hung in the air, and for a moment, you let the silence answer. You thought about the weight of his words, the gravity of the decision he was facing. It wasn’t just about him; it was about Max, too, about breaking away from the life he knew, no matter how broken it was.
“I’m sure,” you finally said, your voice a soft but firm counterpoint to the darkness. “You can’t keep putting yourself through hell. And Max… she’s safer with us than she is in that house.”
He was silent, and you imagined you could hear the cogs turning in his head, weighing your words against his own fears and doubts.
“And what about Neil?” His question was a whisper, but it might as well have been a shout in the stillness of the room.
You took a deep breath, feeling the resolve settle in your bones.
“We’ll deal with Neil if we have to. But you… you need to be safe first. We both know if you stay there, it’s only going to get worse.”
Billy shifted beside you, a rustle of movement in the dark. “I just… I don’t want to leave her alone with him.”
“Max won’t be alone. She’s got us, and she’s got you. And she’s always welcome here, anytime. This place is as much a home for her as it is for you.”
There was a long pause, and you felt the moment stretch out, a bridge spanning the gap between fear and hope.
“Okay,” he said at last, the word a small surrender to the inevitable. “Okay.”
You reached out, finding his hand in the darkness, and squeezed it. It was a promise, a vow made without words, that you’d stand by him, come what may.
The night deepened around you, but in that shared silence, a new understanding was forged. You and Billy, against whatever the world might throw your way. Together. And that was enough. For now, it had to be.
Your apartment was filled with holiday atmosphere, the first true place you both made your own. The smell of pine mixed with the smell of pasta sauce that was cooking, a new recipe you were trying out in hopes it would become an annual thing.
Christmas was right around the corner, and the excitement was as heavy as the garland hanging on the walls.
Billy was due back any minute from his second job at the auto shop, a position he’d taken up since moving in. The days were long, and the work was hard, but Billy told you he enjoyed the job. That was all that mattered, you supposed.
You had the day off and had spent it transforming the apartment to feel more festive.
Billy’s arrival was indicated by the sound of the door swinging open, his frame filling the entryway as he stepped in from the cold. His eyes scanned the room, taking in the festive transformation with a raised eyebrow.
“You’ve been busy,” he said, a smirk playing on his lips as he shrugged off his jacket, revealing the smudges of grease on his forearms.
“Yeah, but I left the tree for us to do,” you said, gesturing towards the undecorated tree standing in the corner.
He grunted in acknowledgment, a sound that was almost a laugh, and headed for the shower, leaving heavy footprints in his wake. You seized the moment to call Max, knowing she’d jump at the chance to join in.
When we finally sat down for dinner, the table was like a little patch of food surrounded by all the crazy decorations.
Billy’s first bite was met with a nod of approval.
“This is way better than Susan’s cooking,” he declared, the corners of his mouth turning up as he chewed.
Max chimed in, her voice muffled by a mouthful of pasta, “Yeah, beats the hell out of it.”
“If you keep cooking like this, I’m gonna end up fat,” Billy joked, patting his stomach, though his tone suggested he wouldn’t mind that outcome.
“That’s what the exercise equipment’s for,” you quipped, pointing towards the hulking mass of different metals that dominated half the living room.
When Billy first lugged his gym gear into the apartment, neither of you had really thought through where all of it would go.
The living room quickly became a makeshift gym, with dumbbells, a bench, a barbell, and weight plates claiming their spots among the furniture. It was a bit of a mess, but it was a lived-in mess, a sign of life happening in real-time.
You didn’t mind, though. In fact, you found a certain charm in the chaos. With the holidays approaching, you got creative, weaving tinsel and garland through the iron grips of the weights and draping festive cheer over the cold steel of the barbell. It was an odd juxtaposition, sure, but it worked. The living room was transformed into a space that was uniquely ‘you and Billy’—a little rough around the edges, but full of heart.
After dinner, the three of you approached the tree. Billy picked up an ornament, examining it with a critical eye before hanging it on a sturdy branch.
“Never had much use for these things,” he said, his voice betraying a hint of nostalgia he’d never admit to.
Max laughed, reaching for a trinket. “Come on, it’s not so bad. Looks good, even.”
The evening wore on, filled with the clinking of ornaments and the occasional deep chuckle from Billy as he recounted stories from last year’s Christmas you all celebrated together then too.
You noticed the way his eyes softened when he looked at the tree, the way his rough exterior gave way to a quiet appreciation for the moment.
It was a simple night, but it was laced with the promise of many more to come.
As you all stepped back to admire the now-decorated tree, Billy’s arm brushed against yours, a silent acknowledgment of the shared experience.
“Not bad for our first tree,” he said, and you could hear the unspoken thanks in his voice.
The oven’s chime signaled the cookies were ready, a sweet aroma mingling with the crisp winter air that Billy let in each time he cracked the door for a smoke.
He stood in the doorway, a barbell in hand, half-watching the MTV countdown, half-engrossed in his workout.
“You’re letting in a draft,” you said, pulling the cookies out and setting them on the stove.
Billy took a drag from his cigarette, the smoke swirling around him. “Well, if someone would let me smoke inside…”
With a playful roll of your eyes, you walked over to him.
“You know the rules,” you reminded him, standing close enough to feel the cold air he was letting in. “Besides, I don’t want our cookies tasting like smoke.”
He chuckled, the sound deep and warm.
“Wouldn’t want that,” he mockingly conceded, taking one last drag before you nudged him out the door with a laugh, quickly shutting it behind him to keep the warmth in.
You darted away, but Billy was quick, shoving the door open and dropping the barbell with a thud as he chased after you.
His laughter mixed with yours as you ran down the hallway, the playful chase a familiar dance between you two.
You ducked into his room, thinking you’d won, but a misstep had you tripping over something unexpected. Both of you tumbled to the floor, a mess of limbs and uncontrollable laughter.
“Clutz,” Billy teased, but there was no heat in it, just the warm humor that had become a staple of your interactions.
“It’s not my fault, it’s this—” you protested, sitting up to see what had tripped you. In your hand was the missing book, Platonic Soulmates. You turned to him with a triumphant smirk.
“I knew it!” you exclaimed. “You did take it!”
Billy scoffed, trying to maintain his innocent facade.
“Must’ve gotten mixed up with your stuff,” he said, but the sheepish look in his eyes betrayed him.
You shook your head, the smile on your face impossible to contain. Billy sighed, rolling his eyes in mock annoyance.
“Alright, maybe… maybe we’re like platonic… soul… whatever,” he grumbled, finally admitting to the bond you both knew was there.
The laughter had died down, leaving a comfortable silence in its wake. You both lay on the floor, the carpet’s coarse fibers imprinting on your skin.
Billy stretched out beside you, his presence a solid comfort as you both stared at the ceiling, lost in thought.
The world outside seemed to fade into insignificance, leaving just the two of you in a bubble of tranquility. It was a rare moment of stillness for Billy.
Then, his voice broke the silence, soft yet carrying a weight that filled the room. “Thank you.”
You turned to look at him, surprised by the sincerity in his tone. “For what?” you asked, genuinely curious.
Billy’s voice was gruff, a stark contrast to the softness of the moment.
“Thanks for stickin’ around,” he said, his eyes fixed on the ceiling as if he was addressing the room rather than you.
“Seems like everyone’s always after something. Neil… he wanted me to fall in line. People at school just wanted to ride the wave of whatever popularity I had. And the girls, well, they didn’t look much past the surface, did they? But you… you’re different. You never wanted anything but to hang out. That means something. So, yeah… thanks.”
Billy’s words hung in the air, raw and unfiltered. They settled around you, heavy with the weight of a life that hadn’t been kind. You felt a surge of something fierce and protective, a sadness for the battles he’d fought alone.
“You don’t owe me thanks, Billy. That’s what friends do,” you said, your voice low and steady, cutting through the emotional fog.
Billy’s gaze met yours, a silent conversation passing between you. His eyes, a clear blue that had seen too much, held a gratitude that was raw and real.
You both took a moment, a silent acknowledgment of the weight of his words. It was a pause that said everything without a single word spoken.
“You’ve got me, no matter what,” you said, the promise as solid as the ground beneath you.
After a deep breath, you stood up, offering Billy a hand.
“Come on, I baked you cookies,” you said, a gentle nudge towards the simplicity of everyday life.
Billy took your hand, rising to his feet.
“Alright,” he conceded, a hint of a smile on his face. He paused, a playful challenge in his eyes.
“So, about smoking in the house—”
“Nope,” you cut him off with a chuckle, already heading to the kitchen. “Not happening, Hargrove.”
He followed, his chuckle a low rumble that filled the room.
“Worth a try,” he said, the mischief still alive in his voice.
Christmas morning broke with a spirited truth that no holiday movie could capture.
The apartment was quiet, except for the soft hum of the heater and the distant sounds of the outside world waking up.
You were determined to share this moment with Billy, to give him a taste of something genuine and heartfelt before the chaos of the party preparations began.
You found Billy still buried under his blankets, his room a stubborn sanctuary of everyday life among the holiday transformation of the rest of the apartment.
“Billy, come on. Just one present before we start the day,” you insisted, your voice cutting through the silence as you tugged at his arm.
His response was a gruff murmur, an indication to his dislike to mornings.
After a bit of coaxing, he relented and followed you into the living room, his body language a silent complaint against the cold that greeted his bare skin.
The room was dimly lit by the soft glow of Christmas lights, the tree standing like a flare of the season’s good spirits.
Billy, hair tousled and eyes half-closed, slumped onto the couch, clad only in his red plaid sleep pants.
You joined him, draping a throw blanket over both of you to fend off the chill. Then, with a gentle motion, you placed a small, wrapped gift onto his lap.
He eyed the present with a mix of curiosity and a hint of that guarded look he always had.
“You didn’t have to get me anything,” he said, his voice still rough with sleep.
“Of course I did. You’re my best friend,” you replied, watching as he unwrapped the gift with hands that were more used to handling tools than delicate wrapping paper.
The keychain, a small silver house, caught the light as he held it up. It was a simple thing, but it was heavy with meaning.
“It represents us finding our place. Our home,” you explained, your voice low but clear in the quiet of the room.
Billy was silent for a long moment, the keychain turning slowly in his hand.
“I’ve never really had something like this,” he admitted, his voice a low rumble. “A place that actually feels like home.”
You smiled, feeling a warmth spread through you.
“Well, you do now. And we’re going to make sure it’s a damn good one.”
Billy’s smile was a rare sight, his brows furrowing as if he wasn’t quite sure how to handle the softer emotions.
He stood up, the blanket falling to the side, and shuffled out of the room with a gruff, “Hang on.”
You watched, curious and touched, as he disappeared down the hall. Moments later, he returned, something concealed in his hand.
“Got something for you,” he said, his voice rough around the edges.
“What is it?” you asked, leaning forward with interest as he sat down across from you.
“Just… give me your hand,” Billy instructed, his usual brass demeanor faltering slightly.
You complied, placing your hand in his, feeling the calluses on his palm—a testament to his hard work.
“Close your eyes,” he added, a hint of command still in his voice.
You rolled your eyes but did as told, a smile on your face. “Always so dramatic,” you teased.
There was a pause, and then Billy’s voice, softer now, “Alright, open.”
When you opened your eyes, you were met with the sight of a bracelet made of sea glass on your wrist. The colors were a myriad of blues and greens, like the ocean he so loved.
“You made this?” you gasped, your eyes lifting to meet his. He looked back at you, a mix of pride and something similar to vulnerability.
“It’s from that beach in California I told you about,” he explained, his fingers gently turning the bracelet on your wrist.
“That place was my escape, you know? And now, well, you’re kinda like that for me here.”
You sat up, touched by his words and the sentiment behind the gift. “Thank you, Billy. This means a lot.”
He shrugged, the corners of his mouth twitching up in a half-smile.
“Yeah, well, don’t get used to it,” he joked, but you could tell he was pleased.
In response, you reached out and pulled him into a hug, a gesture that spoke volumes more than words ever could. It was a thank you, a promise, and an acknowledgment of everything you’d been through together.
“Now come on, get ready,” you said, standing up and pulling him to his feet. “You’re helping me with the Christmas party food, whether you like it or not.”
Billy grumbled, a mock scowl forming on his face.
“You just like bossing me around,” he said, but there was no real annoyance in his voice, just the comfortable banter that had become the foundation of your friendship.
“Don’t be ungrateful,” you laughed, giving his arm a playful swat.
Billy’s laughter, deep and genuine, filled the room.
It was moments like these that reminded you why being Billy’s friend was worth every second.
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nyxfleuret · 7 months
Kenji (Rush Hour 3) X F!Reader
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Warnings: smut (lmao), breeding kink (kinda), daddy kink (kinda too lol), swearing and a little surprise in the end.
Word count: 1770
|Author's note: I had to write about him. I just remembered the existence of Rush Hour 3 and I went to google and searched for cast and then, BOOM! HIROYUKI SANADA IS IN THE MOVIE! So I went like: Yeah gurl, go for it! I mean, I didn't see anyone writing for him so I had to do it. Lmao, I'm sorry, I hope you all enjoy it.|
"Soon, Lee will be here with Genevieve and this will all be over, don't worry." Kenji said, stroking your chin with the gentle touch of his fingers as he adjusted his black shirt beneath the white suit he was wearing.
You were tied to a chair by ropes, looking around to try to find a way out that wasn't the elevator door, failing miserably.
Yes, you were trapped inside the Jules Verne restaurant, inside the Eiffel Tower, which luckily for Kenji, that day, was empty.
The view from up there was wonderful, nothing could compare to it, but none of that relieved the tension you were feeling.
Kenji's idea was to use you to bring Lee and Genevieve to the restaurant, getting 'Shy Shen' back.
His henchmen had found you in Los Angeles, trying to escape to the airport but little did you know it was too late.
Without meaning to, Lee and Carter got you into this mess and now, you didn't know how to get out of it.
"Good girl." Kenji smirked, raising an eyebrow as his piercing gaze met yours. However, you felt chills and a slight warmth in your belly, making you sigh and look at him with your fearful look, but with a touch of... lust.
It was very strange to feel that way about someone who (maybe) wanted to kill you, maybe it was that 'Stockholm Syndrome'.
You don't remember the last time you saw someone as attractive as Kenji or who made you feel that way, but one thing was for sure: This felt so good.
These sensations did not go unnoticed by Kenji, who soon began to take advantage of the situation, teasing you.
"It seems that my little kitty liked being called a good girl, if she continues to behave she will receive a very good reward." He got closer to your face, his warm breath fanning against your cheek before he leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on it.
You sighed again, trying to shake off the feelings you had for him but deep down, you knew you couldn't do that.
One of Kenji's men knocks on the door and they enter, speaking in Mandarin as he warns his boss that Lee has been spotted with 'Genevieve' somewhere far away from the city, which means they are already on their way.
While the two were talking, you see a switchblade on the table, close to where you were and silently, you reach behind your back to try to pick up the object.
"Thank you, withdraw." Kenji waves his hand in the air as the man retreats, leaving the two of you alone again. He realizes what you were trying to do and then looks at you with that same penetrating gaze, making you stop in the middle of the action.
"Tsk Tsk Tsk." Kenji shakes his index finger, taking the switchblade with his other hand and placing it in his suit pocket. "Bad girl...I think you need to learn a lesson."
You swallowed hard, looking at the tall, slender man in front of you, his gaze dropping down to look at your form, your curves.
"I think I'm going to have to punish my kitten." Kenji licked his lips erotically, almost making you choke on your own saliva. He untied the ropes that were holding you to the chair, lifting you by the collar of your shirt and positioning you in front of the table, your covered breasts meeting its icy surface.
"Daddy will teach you a lesson." He smiles pretentiously, caressing your jeans-covered ass with both of his hands, his breathing getting heavier by the minute.
You self-consciously rub your ass against the erection already visible in the white pants he was wearing, yearning for more.
“Please…” You breathe heavily, increasing the pressure of your rubbing.
"Please what?" Kenji slaps one of your cheeks, giving it a squeeze soon after.
"P-Please, I-I...I need you to fuck me." You lower your head, resting the weight of your body on your forearms.
"There was one little thing left to say, dear." He slaps your cheek again hard, but this time, caressing it.
"I need you to fuck me, daddy!" You sigh, arching your back after feeling Kenji rubbing himself against you.
"Good girl." He kisses your right cheek, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
Kenji unbuttons the belt of your pants, lowering them and finding your completely wet panties as he makes small circles on your clit with his index and middle fingers, spreading the wetness there and receiving light moans from you.
At that moment, words couldn't be uttered by you, your brain started to fail, only focusing on the pleasure that Kenji was giving you.
You were still in that same position, supporting your body on your forearms while your forehead was in contact with the cold table material, heavy sighs leaving your mouth as you tried to control yourself in the Japanese man's presence.
Kenji stopped and pulled down your panties, finding your wet pussy as a mischievous smile forms on his face.
"You're already so wet...And I haven't even started." Kenji opens up more space, separating your cheeks with both hands and licks a strip, leaving trails of saliva along the way.
"Oh shit." Surprised, you moan loudly and your legs start to feel wobbly as you try to compose yourself.
Kenji caresses the soft pubic hair of your pussy, placing light kisses on your intimate area before licking two fingers and penetrating you with them, at the same time working with his tongue, pumping them at the same time.
You turn around, laying your back on the table, arching it as Kenji continues licking and penetrating you with his fingers, feeling you close against his fingers.
"Shit...I'm coming..." You moan and grip the edges of the table, feeling your orgasm reaching its peak. You cum on his fingers and tongue, which continues working on your pussy in an attempt not to waste any drops of your juices.
He moves his face away from your intimacy, looking into your eyes as he lifts his two fingers and takes them to his mouth, licking and sucking them, closing his eyes as if enjoying your taste.
"Mmmm, nothing compares to this." He opens his eyes and smiles at you, giving you a little wink. You look at him, blushing a little as you breathe heavily, feeling him come closer and give you a passionate kiss, making you taste yourself.
When he breaks the kiss, a string of saliva connects between your lips, soon to be broken by Kenji with his tongue.
"Not over yet." Kenji caresses the inner part of your thigh, separating your two legs, exposing your intimacy. He starts by taking off his white suit, throwing it on the floor, unbuttoning the black shirt that was underneath, then taking it off, giving a view of his toned chest and finally, he unbuttons his belt and the buttons on his pants, lowering them. and showing the bulge still present inside his black boxers.
Your eyes can't look at anything other than his clothed dick, which is already dripping with pre-cum, visible in the wet spot at the top of his boxers.
Kenji pulled down his underwear, his dick popping out, full of veins and having little hair at its base, which in a way, gave beauty to his figure.
There was no denying it, that man was simply perfect in your eyes.
"Kenji...I don't think it will fit." You swallow hard, not looking away for even a second.
"Don't worry princess, I'll make it fit." He spits into his hand and starts pumping his cock, steady movements up and down, as he rubs the tip of his cock at your entrance.
"Ready?" He asks as you nod, preparing yourself for what would come next.
He rubs himself against her pussy for a few more seconds and then slowly enters, giving your vagina time to accommodate his large bulge.
You moan and look at him, feeling the caress he made on your cheek, in an attempt to ease your pain. It hurt a lot, but you knew that with time, you would get used to it.
Kenji started with light, gentle movements, not wanting to rush anything. He knew it wouldn't take much longer for Lee to arrive and so he thought about what his adoptive brother would think if he saw him in this position.
The thought excited him, turning him on. The man pulled your shirt over your head, meeting your bare breasts.
"No bra? I didn't know you were that naughty." Kenji smiles and laughs lightly as he takes one of your nipples into his mouth and caresses the other with one hand, holding your waist with the other, receiving more of her moans.
The sounds that came out of your mouth were music to his ears. It was clear that he was experienced and had already slept with other women, but NONE could compare to you, your beauty, your moans, everything about you was perfect for him.
He moves away from your breasts and starts giving harder thrusts, making your breasts bounce with each thrust.
"Nngh...I'm going to come again." You close your eyes, your mouth opening again to let out more moans as Kenji approaches your neck, his warm breath hitting your skin and finishing with kisses and hickeys on your neck.
"Wait for me, I'm coming too, princess..." He smiles and moves away from your neck, finishing with one last, stronger thrust, spilling his hot, dense seed inside you, both of you reaching the peak.
He caresses your belly, kissing your cheek again and letting out a light laugh.
"If I die tonight, I will die happy knowing that there will be someone to carry on my legacy." He caresses your neck and his gaze is no longer penetrating but full of love. "I love you."
"I love you too." You kiss him, happy with what had just happened. You didn't know how you got there, but you didn't even care, since your goal from now on, the only focus on your mind, was to continue Kenji's lineage.
"Holy crap." Lee interrupts the moment, looking at the two of you in shock.
"Oh, looks like we traumatized someone." Kenji laughs.
Thanks for reading!
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cardboardheartss · 8 months
NEWJEANS Members Tarot Reading Analysis
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Today I will be doing an analysis on NWJNS members energies and their openness!
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Hanni is really sweet ngl!
She is one very shy person, I mean… you can tell with her body language on camera lol!😭
Hanni seems really honest and gets down to the nitty gritties! She will not sugarcoat at all!
Hanni MIGHT also not enjoy being in the spotlight too?! I think it might be because of all eyes being on her, K- roaches , and just the downsides that come with fame!
Overall, her energy is REALLY chilled!
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Firstly… I need her to go on HIATUS ASAP! She is one stressed pookie!
I randomly do readings on how BLACKPINK and BTS members view NEWJEANS members, and for her cards… it’s always in rx… every single time.
She may have that sunshine personality but in reality, she’s very overwhelmed! But with her being Dani, she will continue to show off her brighter side to make Bunnies happy.
Ms Gurl even has 4 plants in her room! 4 GINORMOUS PLANTS, in every corner and that means she’s really working on protecting her energy!
But I hope she’s okay tho!☹️💔
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This girl talks!!😭
Like she will talk, and stand up for herself, she don’t gaf…
When I ask her to pull out a few cards, 10 of them end up flying out about 10 times a row. And that time I have no energy to read all of that lol 😭
also… she needs to be VERY careful! She should NOT be trusting of anyone and everyone, because we all got snakes lurking in our yards.🐍
she better make all her “friends” sign NDA’s like… SERIOUSLY! I don’t really know her friends, but she needs to be very very VERY careful!
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I’m actually surprised with this girl
she’s just like Hyein! She talksssss!
she’s really blunt as well !
Haerin is really all about getting that bag! And she happy with her status rn!
She’s like REALLY proud!!!
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very guarded! Difficult to read and get answers out of!
She feels overwhelmed and tired, SHE NEEDS A BREAK!
also happy for that bag too!
good at making connections with people.
she also feels like she doesn’t have enough space for herself?!
As you can tell, I couldn’t even get too deep because she’s VERY guarded! I wish I was like her ngl!🥲💔
NEWJEANS as a group overall
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I don’t wanna get into tooooo much detail but…
I just need them to start working together properly and more maturely.
This industry is TOUGH! And hella competitive! They need to learn to at least stick to each other and be each others support system.
And I’m not saying they aren’t a good team! I just need them to be more lenient on one another!🤎🐌
Thank you for reading!📦
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thegoodsinblog · 7 months
Brooklyn's Journey [3]
Summary: This story centers around a woman, Brooklyn, in her mid-20s who enjoys the company of others and lives her life as she sees fit. One day, she decides to explore her sexuality after having several not-so-satisfying experiences.
In this chapter, Brooklyn and Charity discuss their roommate and her not-so-great behavior.
Word Count: 1,040
Reading Time: ~4m
Warning: None
Chapter 3: Clingy Much?
Charity took a deep breath before she began her story. “Well, as you know, Sarah was in town for a few days, so naturally, I wanted to spend time with her. It’s rare that I ever get to see her, you know.”
 I nodded.
“So, we made plans to go to that pub you like on 17th. I told her it was the Brooklyn hotspot,” she giggled. “Anywho, Sharon asked me the other day if I wanted to go bowling with her the same day I planned with Sarah. I told her I couldn’t because I already had plans to spend time with a very dear friend of mine. 
“When I tell you she was visibly upset ….” Charity shook her head. Without interrupting her and wanting to hear more, she continued, “Then she was like, ‘She can come too if she’d like.’ And I was like, 'No, we’ve already made plans to go out. We’re actually going to a pub.’ Then she said she’d tag along.”
“But you didn’t invite her,” I stated. 
“Right,” Charity answered.
“And she thought she could just invite herself and third wheel? So typical.”
Charity nodded. “I told her I just wanted it to be the two of us because it’s been so long since we’ve seen each other, and I really wanted to bond with her and make the most of this visit. Brooklyn, she was so mad. Like, so upset.”
“Girl,” I began, “don’t pay her ass any mind. You just do you. I don’t know why she is always up your ass. Maybe she likes you.” I laughed.
“Honestly, I think she does. Why else would she act that way? It’s becoming too stressful and unmanageable at this point. Like, being around her is just taxing now, and I’ve noticed that I try to avoid her when I can.”
Oh, this was getting bad. At first, I thought Sharon and Charity were close. They always took walks and hung out together. Then, a couple weeks ago, Charity said something about Sharon always wanting to be in her space even when she needed alone time. She and I were the same regarding our alone time, so I understood how important it was to her. So, I knew Sharon was clingy and loved being around Charity all the time, but I did not realize the severity of it. I gave the universe a quick thanks that I did not have to go through this.
“Have you said anything to her? You know, sit her down and tell her that you need space?”
Charity exhaled. “I’ve tried, but she gets so defensive. I just try to ignore her. It’s the only thing I can think of since being an adult about this isn’t working.”
“I mean,” I started, “she’s definitely not the most mature person, so I figured she’d be upset when you mentioned it, but I thought she would at least respect your boundaries. Oh boy!”
We were silent for a moment as we continued to eat our breakfast. The faint sound of Sharon and her boyfriend of the week climaxing made its way to our ears. I looked out the window and saw the neighbor’s cat, Stinker, sitting on the porch looking at us. Then I noticed the sun shining brightly outside and the birds chirping. It was such a beautiful day.
“Do you work today?” I finally broke the silence.
“I don’t, actually!” Charity said cheerily.
An idea came to me. “Would you like to get away for the day? Maybe just chill out somewhere. You know, just a little escape from …” I trailed off as I looked toward the stairs.
Charity caught my drift and nodded.
“Cool! Maybe we could go to Monique’s and see what she’s up to,” I suggested.
“If I’m not mistaken, I believe she is off. I could be wrong, but that’s the vibe I got from her post this morning,” Charity said. “I’ll text her.”
Hey Monique! You workin' today????
Naw gurl! I’m chillin' today. What you up to, boo?
Brooklyn and I wanna get away from our crazy roommate for the day. We may want to see your face, too. Whadya say? 😉
I’m down
Cool! We’ll see you in 30. Your place.
“Monique is off. I told her we’d be there in thirty minutes.”
“Fabulous!” I was excited to see our friend. “I’ll throw on something comfortable yet presenting, and then we can head out.”
“And I will put the dishes in the dishwasher and change as well,” Charity said. 
We had to make haste since it was only a matter of time before Sharon would notice we were gone. Usually, if her company spent the night, she’d like to get one more romp in before they left. I rushed, assuming it was their last romp before his departure. I put on my Maryland University sweatsuit, grabbed my pink mini-cat backpack and keys, and ran to the stairs. As I descended the stairs, I could hear Sharon’s bathroom door open and the sounds of kissing. 
I went to Charity's room and gave the door a quick knock before I walked in. I didn’t bother to wait for a response. We were friends, after all. 
“They just exited the bathroom,” I spoke into my wrist like a secret agent. “We maybe have ten minutes before the temp boo thang leaves. Then, the ambush. 10-4!”
Charity giggled at me as she tossed a shirt over her head and slung her arms through the sleeves. Then she spoke into her wrist. “Uh oh! My slow ass! I think I can make it, though. 10-4!”
“Copy that! Over and out!” I said.
“Over and out!” said Charity.
We laughed at each other as Charity searched her room for her bag and keys. 
“Alright! I’ve got everything. We taking my car or yours?” Charity asked.
“Let’s take mine,” I said. “I feel like I ever use it to go to work and back.”
Charity and I made haste to the back door, and as we closed the door behind us, we could hear footsteps descend the stairs. 
“Looks like we missed them by a hair,” I said with a grin.
Author's Note: No smut this time around! Maybe next time. 😉 Thank you for taking the time to read this, and as always, comments, likes, and reblogs are welcome.
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fortycumber · 1 year
so I somehow talked myself into watching a turkish drama, son yaz or the last summer to be exact (definitely not because I've been crushing on the main actor for quite some time now 😂), and let me tell you I have this weird love-hate relationship with turkish dramas due to the fact that where I come from, it's almost mandatory to find a random one broadcasted on every single TV channel ever, it's honestly annoying. Most of the dramas shown here are beyond mediocre, so I was kinda skeptical to start this one even because of the actor, but I did end up watching some of it nonetheless so yeah. I do love what I've seen so far, even though the show obviously has its own problems, from editing, to camera angles, to the TOO many inconsistencies in the plot, unlikable two dimensional characters and all that jazz. What saves it is the ABSOLUTE STELLAR performance by the main actor (😍) and I'm not saying this because I am so in love with him haha, but because this guy is literally ACTING THE SHIT OUT of this role OK? He's a poor little meow meow, a fucking wreck of a man, crying and having fits of anger all over the place, breaking shit, being irrational, making even more irrational decisions and suffering the consequences of them, yet beside all of that he's such a softie and an overall sunshine like I would give the world to him if I could OK? The chemistry between him and the main actress is also PALPABLE I love them together. Her character, despite being surprisingly clever and brave and somewhat of a breathe of fresh air compared to other female characters in turkish dramas (from what I've seen so far, don't know what happens to her after ep 10), falls flat and turns into the standard damsel in distress who's our main guy's ultimate rock, a shoulder to cry on and develops into his greatest weakness as well aka your usual cliche female protagonist that can be found in any drama regardless of the country. I don't feel obliged to write about the rest of the characters, the actors are great, I just don't feel any attachment to their characters whatsoever, especially those supporting ones like the aunt, the cousin, the annoying NPC boyfriend turned ex boyfriend, the cartoonish villain (?) Soner who seems to have a little crush our main guy, like the way he talks to him is diabolical sometimes, you can feel it despite the horrid Google translate subtitles. Like babe, time and place OK? He's hot I know, but still, chill. And don't even get me started on the mother! OH! Miss Gurl you KNEW WHAT YOU WERE GETTING YOURSELF INTO, AND YOU ALSO, BEING INTO A SIMILAR FIELD AS YOUR HUSBAND, SHOULD OUT OF ALL PEOPLE KNOW THAT HE'S GONNA MEET SOME UNSAVORY PEOPLE AND END UP IN SOME DANGEROUS SITUATIONS, why tf are you making a great deal out of it? I understand prosecutor daddy is a bit too involved into his job and often neglects his family, but still help the poor guy a little, have some understanding, he's under so much pressure and for God's sake don't pit his children against him, not when he's genuinely a decent human being and a good father (well as good as he can be, this guy isn't a saint at all let's be clear on that).
With all that being said I think I will continue watching this regardless, hopefully I can brave through the terrible subtitles, I swear it most of the meaning behind the dialogues is lost (like they mention poems, they sometimes say some deep and poignant things that, due to the bad subtitles are conveyed in a completely different way instead of what their meaning was intended to be by the writer), I'm sure the people subbing this did their best, no hate to them. I hope some major platform like netflix picks it up and I'll be able to watch it and actually understand everything.
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nattikay · 3 years
So I saw this post while browsing toa tags the other day. While I don’t think being obsessed with the school mascot automatically makes Toby a furry (though it is funny to joke about lol) since “being a furry” actually just means “being a fan of anthropomorphic animals” and doesn’t necessarily require any form of costuming or interest in such, it did get me thinking, hmmm...if he was a furry, what would his fursona be? 🤔 And from there I started wondering what Jim’s and Claire’s would be as well because y not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  
BUT WAIT, I hear you say--haven’t you already drawn the trio as werewolves and wolfwalkers etc.? Wouldn’t those be their fursonas??
Well yes....but actually no.
I guess it’s a little hard to explain, but there’s a nuance between “[person] but as an animal” and a proper “fursona”. While a fursona is an animal character used to represent its person, it doesn’t have to physically resemble them at all as you would expect [person]-but-as-[animal] to. For example, if you were to design me but as a cat, you’d probably give it light brown fur and green eyes like I have irl. But my fursona, unlike my human self, actually has blue fur and purple eyes. You can give your fursona matching physical traits to your own if you want to, and some people do, but most use only a pinch of their irl appearance, if any at all.
The choices people make when designing their fursonas vary wildly from “it looks like me irl” to “it looks like who I want to be”  to “I just really like this color scheme” to “this particular color/marking holds deep personal meaning to me” to “this particular pattern represents a particular defining moment in my life” to “idk it looks cool and i vibe with it” etc. etc. etc. Everyone has different reasons of varying depth for the decisions they make in designing their fursona.
Therefore, to design a fursona for Toby etc., it’s less a question of “what would this character look like as [insert species here]?” and more of “how would this character choose to present himself with his own [animal] character?”
And that’s a much trickier game than just transferring a character aesthetic to a new species. ^^; We have to kinda dive into the characters and makes some guesses about how they, if given infinite creative freedom to design an animal avatar with no rules or limits, would choose to present themselves.
So all that said, here’s what I came up with:
Starting with Toby because he’s the one who inspired the post. I think Toby might choose a wolfdog fursona. A lot of people who choose wolves as fursonas consider themselves to be overwhelmingly loyal to their friends, a trait that fits Toby very well. However, while Toby likes to be “cool”, I don’t think he really thinks of himself as much of an “alpha” type--he’s more of a sidekick, and he knows that, and he’s ok with that. He’s the wingman. So what better way to incorporate that than to add dog into the mix? Man’s best friend=Jim’s best friend. Sociable, humorous, and unwaveringly loyal. Wolfdog it is!
With the species decided, we can move on to the design itself.
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I can’t imagine any form of Toby in anything other than warm colors. This is extra emphasized by the flamelike patterns on his legs and tail, which both speaks to his desire to be totally awesome-sauce as well as acts as an allusion to his flaming warhammer. It’s fairly common (not universal, but common) for people to give their fursonas a more “ideal” physique than the person actually has as a sort of way to live by proxy physical goals or fantasies they’ve been unable to attain irl for whatever reason. Given that we’ve seen Toby struggle with fitness from time to time, it wouldn’t shock me to see him take this route. His wolfdog self is still relatively short and stocky, but it’s all muscle, babey. 
This fursona is strong, fun, boisterous, and generally just kicks butt. Concentrated awesomesauce flows through his veins. Just don't mess with his friends, or you’ll feel the flames!
Moving on to Jim. Jim was the hardest to nail down, and most definitely the hardest to keep my personal biases out of oof. Which I may have failed to do anways because yes, ok, I made my favorite character a blue feline, sue me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  But hear me out first!
For Jim I ultimately settling on a cheetah/lion hybrid.
Cheetahs, in a way, are sort of the underdogs (er...cats?) of the feline world--at least, in their local ecosystems. They are built wholly for speed, not strength--and as such, just about every other large predator in their environment has them beat when it comes to raw strength. Remind you of a certain Trollhunter? plus the long lanky legs. don’t forget those lol
However, because of this disadvantage, cheetahs...usually surrender. They know it’s not worth it to defend their kill from larger, stronger opponents, so they’ll give it up and just catch something else. This aspect doesn’t quite fit our protective, selfless protagonist all too eager to risk everything to save his loved ones--so a pure cheetah may not be the right choice.
So what animal is brave and protective? That’s where the lion part comes in, of course!
Why not just make him a pure lion? Well, a little similar to making Toby a wolfdog instead of a pure wolf. A straight-up lion feels a little too “chad” for our sweet Jimbo. Too much of a jock. 
Jim has the humble underdog nature of a cheetah as well as the bravery and fierce protective drive of a lion. Cheelion? Leetah? idk, but let’s design it!
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Like Toby and warm colors, I don’t think I can possibly associate Jim with any color but blue. While it’s never directly stated, given that we’ve never really seen him wear any other color (with the exception of the Eclipse armor), I think it’s pretty safe to assume that that’s his favorite. Blue sweater, blue jeans, blue shoes, even his backpack and bedsheets are blue. So naturally, his fursona would be predominantly blue as well! Plus some yellowish accents to (somewhat) match the natural colors of his chosen species(s).
I imagine he originally designed the character without horns, but then added them after becoming the Trollhunter, since it became such a major and impactful aspect of his life.
His lion’s mane also continues down his back in imitation of the “mantle” found on baby cheetahs. This youthful feature could subtly represent the fact that he’s been forced to grow up too fast and take on so much responsibility so young--so his fursona can still be young and carefree as long as he likes even while his real self struggles with the weight of the world on his shoulders.
This fursona is relaxed, calm, and confident. He’s not just cool--he’s crispy!
Lastly but not leastly, we have Claire. Out of the three, I think Claire was actually the easiest to choose--or at least, I had the clearest idea of what I thought she might go for.
Claire is a bit of an interesting duck, because while she’s shown to be fairly popular at school, she’s definitely far from the stereotype of The Popular Girl™. Yes she’s smart and pretty, but she’s also a little spunky or even a bit quirky--she’s a theatre kid, she’s a huge fan of hard rock band Papa Skull, and while I wouldn’t quite call her “rebellious” per se, she’s certainly willing to bend some rules if she feels the situation calls for it (not telling her parents that she was going to the concert with Steve, literally sneaking into Jim’s basement to try to find out what was up with him, etc).
That said, I think Claire might go for a hyena fursona--something a little out of the box, but not totally out of left field. (she also shows a slight Gurl Power™ streak here and there “the staff was not meant to be wielded by man--” “I am not a man!!!”) and if you know anything about hyenas...well, yeah lol)
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I think Claire would lean into her punk-rock “rebellious” side with her fursona design. This character is completely free of the pressure of being the councilwoman’s daughter and having to maintain her mother’s public reputation, and thus allows Claire to express a less restrained side of herself. She has a bold semi-edgy color scheme with bright accents (and some earrings to match her person’s hair clips) while still remaining feminine and (her own brand of) fashionable. 
This fursona is spunky and sassy; she’s spicy and sweet all rolled up into one. She knows what she wants and she’s not afraid to chase it down. She lives her own life and she’s dang proud of it.
....sooooo yeah there’s my take on what Toby’s, Jim’s, and Claire’s fursonas could hypothetically be. And I guess since this post was inspired by a joke about Toby’s infatuation with the school mascot, here’s just some quick thoughts on how they might approach fursuiting to end us off:
Jim I don’t see as much of a suiter. He might try it once or twice if given the opportunity, but at the end of the day it’s not really his cup of tea--he’d rather act as the “handler” for his friends, if anything.
Toby and Claire, on the other hand, I could definitely see as suiters. In fact, with her interest in acting, Claire would probably particularly enjoy it--she’d be one of those suiters who really gets into character, absolutely refuses to break the magic publicly (outside of any actual medical emergency), and popular at cons because she just performs so well. 
Toby, meanwhile, would be the more chill type--uses his normal voice in-suit, isn’t really too stressed about “breaking the magic”, just kinda hanging around like he would normally except “look I’m a talking dog, cool right?”. 
also while I was typing this it occurred to be that since Eli is canonically a cosplayer then he could be a fursuiter as well; in his case i imagine he actually made his own suit it’s a protogen and it’s full of little LEDs and other electric gadgets, it’s not the prettiest thing ever as sewing is not his forte but boy did he try!! good for him. good for him
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Imagine Levi Confessing his Love for You
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HERE IS A TIMELINE /  EXPLANATION / BACKGROUND INFORMATION BECAUSE CASE THE TIME SKIPS OF THIS STORY ARE CONFUSING: I’m sorry for that everyone, I know the dates are sloppy and as a whole this fic doesn’t make too much sense; I tried to edit this piece as best I could to make the story as easy to follow as possible, but seeing as I can’t unpublish part 1 or 2, the cleanup still leaves things bit unclear. These imagines were originally chapters of a longer Levi x Reader fic that I decided to discontinue, which is why there are so many loose ends. Here was my original intention for this story, broken down for the few who choose to read the Author’s Notes lol.
We are going to do this in the order of the 3 part fic (I also put attached all the links to the titles)
Part 1: Imagine Relating to Mikasa About Loving Someone in the Military
The scene is set during the events of SEASON 1 of Attack on Titan, BEFORE the Female Titan Arc. (Y/N) was also hand selected by Levi to be part of the original Special Operation Squad; she bit her hand at the dinner table along with Petra, Gunther, Eld, and Oluo to show their dedication and understanding towards Eren wayyy back in the beginning of the series. The Survey Corps is making preparations for their first attempt to go to Shiganshina since the Fall of Wall Maria and not only uncover the mole who killed captive titans Sonny and Bean, but also to get to Eren’s basement.
Part 2: To Love Another
The flashback and opening scene in the beginning of this writing piece (where (Y/N) and Hange are talking to each other) occurs shortly after (Y/N) wakes up in the infirmary room, before anyone breaks the news that she, aside from an injured Levi, is the last surviving member of Squad Levi after Annie killed the others in the Forest of Giant Trees in her female titan form. Hange’s intentions were to bring the (Y/N) and Levi together so they would be able to support each other during this mutual loss. But alas, (Y/N) accepts his rejection and the two suffer the aftermath of this tragic news alone. To read this arc for context/bonus content to get a better understanding of this mini series, see my posts (as a sort of prequel, if you will) Imagine Levi Finding you Injured on an Expedition and Imagine Being the Last Member of Squad Levi To Survive to fill that time gap :)
In real-time, all of Season 2 and Season 3 Part 1 have gone by with limited interaction between (Y/N) and Levi. This part of the story is occurring during Season 3 PART 2, (spoilers) after the Coup D'etat, and after Historia becomes Queen. (Y/N) is no longer an active soldier, having sustained injuries too severe to be reliable in combat. She remains useful to the Corps as a battle strategist, however, which allows her to stay. The Scouting Regiment is currently preparing to go to Eren’s basement in their second attempt, knowing Reiner and Berthold will be waiting for them there.
Part 3: Imagine Levi Confessing his Love for You (YOU ARE HERE)
This part takes place pretty much a week or so after the events of “To Love Another.” It is revealed how much (Y/N) has isolated herself in the months between Parts 1 and 2 from not only Levi, but Hange, the only one besides Mikasa who knew about her feelings for Levi prior to their falling out. (Y/N) confesses her feelings for Levi before the mission to Shiganshina in Season one, and the fic parallels itself and comes full circle once their final interaction occurs before the second and final mission to Shiganshina, for which, (Y/N) is unable to go for her death would be almost certain. She seen to be more valuable inside the walls, where she can carry on the duties of the Survey Corps should the entire regiment collapse during the mission. This is the final part :)
requested by @a-single-uwo @dracq and @little-diva-gurl and a lovely anon who def isn’t the happiest that this took so long. Deepest apologies! Hope this was worth the wait. I also hope this post finds everyone safe and in good health during these crazy times <3
Dread bottled up in the bottom of your stomach, which threatened to fall down to your knees. Even Hange’s eyes brimmed with concern when she informed you that Levi requested your presence in his office; all of which was out of the blue, uncharacteristic, after months of him being accustomed to giving you your space.
Feigning annoyance, you stared at the soldier dummy two paces ahead, dented heavily with the marks of your punches. The sun was beating down on the early autumn day, and heat waves rose from the ground. It illuminated the glistening perspiration sliding down your figure, torso rising and falling in short breaths of exhaustion.
Hange watched you carefully from a distance. She noticed your tense muscles, clad in a sports bra and boxing shorts; the lack of attire made it impossible to hide the sudden tension and stiffness embedded in your lean muscles, a tell tale sign of distress. As a creature of observation and analytics, the Squad Leader could sense your discomfort as if it was written across your forehead.
The brunette watched you wipe the sweat off your forehead and yell in frustration, turning towards her direction and moving to land a kick at her head.
Unfazed and in possession of sharp reflexes, Hange took a step back, only to watch as you twisted mid-air and landed a 360 Crescent kick to the dummy-shaped bag, which broke open on impact under the force of the blow. Sand poured out of its opening and spilled onto the ground in a steady stream that grew less heavy as the seconds passed.
“I’ll have to admit, you are getting better, but (Y/N), don’t get your hopes up,” Hange cautioned. “The problem does not reside in your muscles. No matter how well you learn to fight like you used to, Annie crushed your ribs and threw you to the ground: it's your lungs that will never recover. You can’t come with us to Shiganshina tomorrow like this.”
Hunched over with hands on your knees, you regained a regular breathing pattern and began to feel the explosive pain in your chest. Airways blocked, you began coughing, willing the oxygen to enter your body.
“Let me humor myself, Hange-san. If I don’t try, I might go insane.”
It was almost tragic that such a young soldier was out of commission; you were full of promise, rivalling Mikasa in skill. Hange knew you were itching to do what you trained for your whole life: Coming to Shiganshina and putting it all on the line had always been your number one goal. You didn’t want to be left behind again, to die bitter and alone without the only people you cared about.
“Regardless, (Y/N), you’re stalling,” Hange smoothly shifted the topic of conversation back to what brought her to you in the first place. “He still has that power over you, huh?”
"It'll pass eventually," you sighed, hoping the words were true.
You bowed towards the tall female. She smiled in return, shaking her head softly.
Whilst pacing away, said person stopped you once more.
“(Y/N). For what it’s worth, I stand by what I said before. Don’t look so nervous, okay?”
Her words replayed in your head, a haunting ghost of the not-so-long ago past. Time was strange, that way. It seemed like everything happened yesterday yet in another lifetime, all at once. “He loves you, more than he’s ever loved anyone. Surely you know that.”
Stupid, you thought, how I might have believed it once.
As you made your way down the hall, numbness crept into your body once again. You were too proud to admit you were afraid, especially with the Section Commander’s radiating sympathy, but everyone knew the once friendly dynamic between you and the Captain transformed into one more distant and cold. With each step towards the door, you felt the icy chill grow and that fact alone shook you to the core. 
But it didn’t matter, seeing as Levi was of superior authority. There was no way around it.
Your hand shook as it raised to knock.
“Name and business,” Levi spoke, voice muffled by the closed door.
“It’s (Y/N), sir. I was hoping to speak with you.”
There was a pause, and in that time you considered the option of fleeing back to your room and retreating back to a life of emotional safety, normality. It wasn’t too late to forget.
It had been a week since you spoke to Mikasa on the rooftop, after realizing the deep shit your heart decided to put you in. You didn’t think Levi would notice the distracted nature of your behavior-- tried to make it as subtle as possible whilst you figured out what you felt for him. 
But before you could explore other options, Levi muttered a stern “enter.” You knew with the first expedition back to Shiganshina tomorrow, and the prospect of death closer than it has ever been on a mission, it was now or never. 
The room was dim, small, warm, and thick with building tension. Shadows danced across the Captain’s face, sharp features lit by an orange flame. Only candlelight, sourced at his desk, assisted your adjusting eyes. 
Your nose was hit with the smell of tea and cleaning products upon entry. This fact made you smile despite your bundling nervous energy. It was a familiar place, filled with memories of late night conversations (granted, of mostly you speaking and him listening), witnessed only by the large piles of paperwork. It started here and resulted in a natural, growing fondness kept secret to all except you two and the moon looking in from the window. 
This man was your squad leader, your commander, your trusted comrade. There was no need to be afraid-- Not unless of course, you held the potential to shatter such damn a delicate relationship.
And you did. 
Was it worth it?
Your gaze gravitated towards the center of the room where the Lance Corporal sat. And in that instant, your smile evaporated instantly. He placed his pen down, gracefully resting his cheek on his fist and lazily tossing the raven locks out of his eyes-- they landed on you, piercing yet drowsy and indifferent upon first glance. He was beautiful, as always. The allure was nearly sickening; unfair to the rest of the world.
Looking closer, however, he was anything but relaxed. The observant eye could see his countenance stirred something different. He seemed sharp and focused, ready to dart out and wrap himself around your heart, squeezing tighter with every breath you took. And you felt it-- the heart palpitations, which got worse at the sight of him.
He seemed… different. Dangerous, like a storm stirring in the distance, and the inevitable downpour that comes with it. The dark circles under his eyes told tales about the insomnia; a fresh cup of caffeinated black tea even rested on his left, steam rising out of it. And whilst attraction was undeniable, your concern always came first.
Levi was never quite good at getting proper rest before a mission.
“(Y/N),” The word was breathy, yet his voice was rough.
You shuffled in your spot, your name on his tongue making your stomach churn with desire.
Levi seemed to pick up on your affliction, getting out of his chair and gliding towards you. Everything happened fast and slow all at once, starting off with a momentaneous rush of air and  the collision of your back with the office wall. A small shriek filled the air, out of place against the silence; was that your voice? The pain should’ve been there, but it wasn’t.
Then the seconds dragged out. Levi was a new person, setting your skin aflame as he gripped your wrists and pinned them against the wall. His lips brushed your eartips, which turned red the instant the raven’s breath fanned over them. This normally reserved, disciplined man unleashed something you had never seen before.
“Finally ready to talk to me about why you’ve been acting so strange, brat?” he whispered.  
This wasn’t supposed to be so dirty. He was angry, but the mood was established in layers: something more sinister existed beneath.
The scent of fresh pine filled your nostrils until your brain went foggy. Levi was close--so close, and with the fact that you’ve been avoiding him mixed in with the fact that you missed him for it, all bets were off: there was no stopping the words that came out of your mouth next.
“There’s something I need to tell you,” you whispered back, looking him dead in the eyes, no fear this time.
His grip on your wrist slackened.
You took in a deep breath, ready to leave it all on the line, and spoke.
“I like you a lot, sir. And not in a comradery type of way. I-I just thought I’d tell you before, you know, we leave tomorrow.” Your gaze found the floor again, too timid for your own good. But the statement was said, and it was finite; there was no turning away from it.
The Captain’s eyes went wide and gleamed brightly at you. His chest felt lighter and as he looked down at you in speechless awe, staring at anything but his face in your adorable embarrassment, he realized exactly why your absent look irked him those days ago. Why your lack of enthusiasm and lighthearted-ness gave him a strange sense of frustration. 
Levi never felt more awake, more hyper aware of his surroundings. 
The feeling of your chest pressed against him, the heat of those rosy cheeks, the pounding within his ribcage, the moon hitting your pretty face. With your figure in his arms, after the blissful seconds passed, everything felt, for once, okay.
Until it wasn’t.
Gaining the courage to look back up at him, you all but tore apart at the scowl on his face as demons flitted through his beautiful brain and polluted the image of happiness. Levi grew more indignant by the second, all but throwing your arms he held back at your sides like they were poison to the touch. 
Tears pooled in your eyes as the soft expression you didn’t get to see turned sour, disgusted-- the Captain’s lips curling into a snarl as he imagined what he could lose if he opened up his heart for this girl in front of him to take. The risk and pain of falling for someone, in the world the two of you lived in. And all the stoic man could think was how he allowed this charade to come so far.
No, he wouldn't allow it.
“Get out, (L/N)” he commanded, harsh and unforgiving.
You were trembling, body feeling detached from reality as it moved, convincing itself that it was simply a nightmare. Levi’s cruel demeanor all but shattered you as you looked wide-eyed and his anger grew, the short man pacing behind his desk and bringing a hand over his face. His free one crumpled into a fist, knuckles turning white as he slammed it on the wood, the loud bang making you jump; the fear, grief, confusion coming all at once until it choked you and your vision spotted black.
“I said GET OUT!”
The room stilled and Levi looked up to face you cowering near the door, a single tear rolling down your cheek. He stilled at the sight, the weight of his words dawning upon him.  
“I-I’m sorry,” you gasped before racing out of the room.
Had you looked back, you would’ve seen Levi’s outstretched hand betraying his body, desperately reaching out for you, gray eyes filled with pain.
But you knew now you’d never be dumb enough to spare him that second glance-- and maybe that was the right call, seeing as his feet moved in the direction you left, only to shut the door left askew in your wake.  
The Captain’s gaze was on you more than necessary, but it was clear the two of you had the same thought: You focused everything into this discussion, melting into the emotionally-detached soldier your duty commanded, just like Levi did. His words had no ulterior motive, no deeper meaning. They were monotonous and empty.
Or so you thought.
Levi stood up the second you came in, but your gaze fell to the ground in submission.
“Hange said you needed to see me, Captain?” your voice was small and weak; you kicked yourself for it. How pathetic.
“Damn you...”
The man said nothing more, brushing his fingers along your cheekbones and you everything hit you like whiplash, the memories. Levi ran them along your face, down to your chin to lift it gently, so that for once you’d let your eyes meet instead of looking at the ground like a coward.
When they did the man’s breath hitched in his throat, because although your (eye color) orbs were no longer as vibrant, they were still beautiful and entrancing; why hadn’t he ever appreciated them before? 
"I missed you, brat," he spoke firmly.
You felt a churn in your abdomen as you watched his eyes study the details of your face and take in every feature, committing it to memory painfully slow. You were paralyzed, his face inches away from yours and forcing buried emotions to resurface as months of restraint came undone. He didn’t speak, holding you delicately after not being this close for far too long and discerning what he’s been missing.  
“Um, Captain? What are you...?"
You bit your lip, feeling puzzled and confused as you remembered the hate in Levi's orbs the last time you saw him like this.
All you could see now was how quickly his emotions shifted from serenity to fury that fateful night, and as you recollected the way Levi lashed out, all chaos and fury, he retracted his hand.
And you flinched away.
The Captain froze.
“Don’t-- don’t fucking do that,” he growled, his urgency startling. “I would never hurt you, (Y/N).”
Your eyebrows furrowed, all inhibition thrown out the window the second Levi’s countenance flashed with hurt at your response to his touch. You let your fear go and emotions free at the irony of the raven’s statement. Your mind went into overdrive, recounting every instance you wanted to give up and leave, drown in yourself, give up on finding purpose in the aftermath of rejection and Squad Levi’s death and your permanent injury changing your way of life. Things you faced alone, because instead of rekindling any semblance of a relationship, Levi tossed everything away and berated you for feeling.
The man who resided here cut your heart expertisely like the countless swords he wielded then disposed. He did not have the right to look at you so kindly; did not have to right to fan the flames of false hope. But here he was, procrastinating until the very last day to take initiative regarding those actions.
“Why are you doing this?” you whispered, forgetting your composure.
“I’d advise you not to speak in riddles,” Levi spoke in a low and even voice, no real malice as he addressed you and tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
You took a deep breath and fought to remain calm, grabbing Levi's wrist to keep him from touching you.
“Please don’t toy with me, or mock my feelings like this. Why did you call me here? You made it plenty clear how you feel about me, Levi. What else is there to say?" you begged, the lack of closure driving you insane.
This was the first time you used his name, an unprecedented amount of spite and pain expressed through it, because you wanted Levi to remember this moment. It was over: that time of feeling sorry and ashamed of yourself for being nothing other than human. The remorse was gone, and the heartache was fleeting.
“Tell me, dammit!”
His was overflowing.
“You want to know how I really feel about you, (Y/N)!?” the Captain shouted, voice rising because for a man who relied on impulse and action on the battlefield it was fucking frustrating, watching the woman in front of him live this way for the simple reason that he was not good with words. "The thoughts that go through my head when you can't even bear to look at me?!"
"No, that's not what I asked. I already know that you don't--"
"--Fuck this."
Relying on instinct to guide him, Levi leaned forward and kissed you.
The second his lips met yours, you melted on the spot, knees giving out beneath you. Tongue sliding into your mouth, Levi simultaneously lifted you into the air, feeling lightheaded as you moaned into him, eagerly returning the kiss. His hands were everywhere, grasping at your waist, clutching the back of your head, running down your thighs. You were in such a state of euphoria that nothing else existed.
Your own digits threaded through Levi’s raven locks and pulled needily, emitting a growl from his throat as he bit down on your lower lip. He reveled in the feeling of your legs around his waist as your soft lips worked against his own, hungry and relentless. The kiss was passionate and you’d imagined it a million times over, but this-- Levi successfully ruined you for any other man.
The need for oxygen pulled you apart, Levi’s strong arms keeping you in the air as his eyes remained shut; he pecked your lips once, then twice, savoring the moment until it mournfully passed.
He was hesitant to break the silence, but you deserved it. You waited long enough to hear the truth, and he knew his time was running out; you weren’t going to wait for him forever.
“(Y/N)...” he began to speak, forehead resting on yours as he panted softly to catch his breath. “I dreamt of you last night. I have been for days.”
“--Just listen,” he interrupted, unable to stop himself from kissing you softly once more. “Neither of us are running away this time.”
You fell silent as the man let you down, pulling you into his solid chest as you buried your face in his shirt, patiently listening. His calm heartbeat thrummed soothingly in your ears like a metronome.
“Isabel, Farlan, Oluo, Petra, Gunther, Eld. They all knew that what they meant to me. And I them."
One of the only things that made it easier to say goodbye, you thought with a bittersweet pang in your chest.
"With us, it's different. I died in every dream, (Y/N). Every one. And in every single one, you lived on believing I never loved you. Call me selfish, but I...”
You pulled away from the stoic man, searching his gaze as he trailed off. Shyly, you interlaced your fingers, his larger hand enveloping yours and you prayed to whoever was listening upstairs that all of this was real.
“I just can't leave until you understand...”
He clutched you impossibly tighter, eyes squeezing shut.
"...that you, are everything."
~~~ Extended Ending ~~~
A soft hum filled the air, the tune dreamy and sweet as you repeated the melody once again. You smiled warmly as hands wound around your waist, pulling you closer to a toned and shirtless Captain Levi, silken sheets tossed haphazardly on top of the two of you. His breath sent goosebumps on your neck as he kissed your shoulder gently, warmth deliciously intoxicating. 
Giggling now, you turned around to face him, the man’s onyx hair ticking you softly. You captured your lips in his with one smooth movement and snuggled closer, taking in the small slice of heaven that was home in his arms, legs tangled together. Feeling unbelievably content, like your heart might burst, you leaned forward and rubbed your nose against Levi's. 
Although he wasn't smiling, the look he was giving you revealed his own sensation of happiness.
“I never thought you’d be the cuddling type,” you remarked devilishly, scrunching up your nose as you teased him. 
Though your tone was lighthearted, you were painfully aware that the moment was ending. You internally cursed the sun as it started to set, orange light peeking in through the window shades to signal the coming of night. Levi said nothing, looking deeply into your eyes, and like always, it felt as if he could read the contents of your soul. 
But it wasn’t vulnerability you felt: on the contrary, you knew you would never find as safe a place as here. With him. Finally.  
“Levi...” you swallowed, humor all but gone. “Now you have to come home.” 
To emphasize your point you sat up on the bed, legs tucked neatly underneath you as you stared imperatively at your lover. 
“Mhm. We’ve wasted enough time,” he agreed, taking you by the wrist to pull you back on top of him, to bask in this personal paradise if only for another minute. 
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honeyhan-123 · 4 years
Doctor Doctor
Summary: With a bullet in his arm, Bucky seeks medical attention and a certain surgeon catches his eye. 
Warnings: non-con, gun play (gun fucking), biker!Bucky, minor descriptions of blood and bullet wounds. 
Word Count: 3k
AN: This was written for the incredible and lovely @the-soulofdevil​ and her 500 follower writing challenge. Congrats gurl, I’m so proud. My prompt was a doctor au. Also, I’ve been watching wayyyyy to much Grey’s Anatomy, pls help me. 
Squares Filled: Biker!AU & Knife/Gun play
My Masterlist 
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Exhaustion held your body captive as you dragged your feet, your eyes fluttering shut every few steps. Your entire body was sore, your neck cricked from looking down at the body on your operating table for so long and your hands were slightly cramping. The CABG surgery had taken far longer than you had expected, and now nothing was sounding better than going home, opening a bottle of sauvignon blanc and taking a long hot bath. 
You eyes the door for the stairs disdainfully. Deep down you knew you should take them. The attendings lounge was only two floors up but you were dead tired so instead, you plodded along to the elevator, jabbing the up button. Looking back on it you really should have taken the stairs.
The elevator finally dinged on your floor, the doors opening slowly and without even looking, you jumped inside. You only noticed the other occupant after the doors had slid closed. He was tall, impressively built, and his eyes were a stunning shade of cerulean blue. You hated yourself for wondering briefly if he was here visiting a girlfriend. 
However you could tell there was something off about him but, maybe that’s what attracted you. You had always had terrible taste in men. You could feel his body come closer, invading your personal space. A hand reached out to your name tag, his eyes flickering over it. 
‘A surgeon huh? So I guess you know your way around the body.’ 
‘Excuse me?’ The words were barely out of your mouth before he reached into the waist bands of his jeans, pulling a gun from it with one hand, his other pressing the shutdown button on the elevator panel.
‘I need you to do me a favour Doc. I need you to get this bullet out of my arm.’ You stared down the barrel of his glock, your mouth going dry as he continued to speak. ‘Here’s what’s going to happen. I’m going to press the start button and then the elevator doors will open. You’ll take me somewhere private and you’ll quietly and stealthily get whatever you need to get the fuckin’ bullet out of me. If you even think about calling for help I will blow the brains out of whoever is around. Clear?’ Your heart thudded like a hummingbird’s wings and the turtleneck underneath your scrubs felt far too tight around your throat. 
‘I said. Are we clear?’ He pressed the gun directly between your eyes, forcing the cool metal against your heated skin and you nodded. 
‘Yes.’ You barely managed to squeak out your assent.
‘Sir.’ He added for emphasis. 
‘Yes Sir. I understand.’ 
‘Good girl. Are you ready? And remember, if anyone dies, it’s your fault.’ You nodded once more and watched as he pressed the green start button, the elevator coming back to life. He stowed his gun back into the waistband of his jeans, sending you a look that clearly said he could whip it back out faster than you could scream. But his look was unneeded. You weren’t going to call for help. The people that worked at this hospital were like your family. There was no way you were going to risk any of their lives.
You lead him through various hallways, picking up an abandoned supply trolley as you went until you came across an empty patient room. You gestured for him to sit on the bed as you pulled on a gown and gloves before wheeling the stool over and sitting in front of him. 
He grunted in pain as he pulled his leather jacket off, his t-shirt following soon after. Under normal circumstances you would have cut the material away but seeing him in pain gave you a sick sense of glee. But as you stared at his now bare chest, any sense of joy quickly seeped from you, dread taking its place. It shouldn’t have been as much of a shock as it was to see the pitch black ink staring back at you. He had waved a gun in your face for crying out loud. But still, seeing the dark outline of a wolf on his chest sent a chill through you. Of course this man was a White Wolf. 
‘Scared of a little ink doc?’ The man before you teased a smirk taking over his plush pink lips.
‘Of course not Sir.’ You quipped back. It was only half a lie. You weren’t afraid of the tattoo itself, more of what it represented. You had seen far too many victims of the White Wolves over your time working at Seattle Grace Hospital. ‘I’m going to have to go in blind, I hope that’s okay as I assume you don’t want to be checked in?’ You asked even though you knew the answer you would get. 
‘Obviously.’ His voice was a monotone as he rolled his eyes, your hands sweeping over the blood surrounding the torn skin. The bullet didn’t seem to be too deep which was lucky for him. It would make extraction a lot easier. Once the site was clean you pulled over the IV kit, standing to attach the morphine to the drip before picking up the needle and making for his other arm. ‘No.’ He yanked his arm out of your grip with such force that you stumbled. 
‘Excuse me?’ You were confused as you sat back on the stool, the needle still in your hand. 
‘No drugs. Just get it out now.’ He pulled the needle from you, chucking it across the room as he did so.
‘I’m sorry sir but I have to insist. The drugs will help you stay still through the pain as I extract the bullet.’ No matter how much his pain earlier had helped ease your own you weren’t a sadist. 
‘I said no. I don’t want any drugs, I can handle the pain. Just get the fucking bullet out now.’ He growled and you submitted, scared that the commotion might attract unwanted visitors. Quickly you organised your tray and held the tweezers up to the bullet hole. 
To your surprise, the man barely flinched as you pressed the metal against the tender flesh, searching for the bronze bullet that you could barely make out. You had expected him to yield, allowing you to administer the painkillers but he barely reacted, the occasional hiss or grunt escaping his lips was the only sign he felt anything. 
Finally the bullet came free and there was a clink as you disposed of it in one of the metal bowls. Next you started working on patching him up. Some more blood had spilled from the wound as you had worked and he would definitely need stitches. As you worked you heard your parents voices echo around in your head, telling you horror stories of the White Wolves. 
The gang had been haunting Seattle since the early forties and were often used as bedtime stories told to young children to make sure they didn’t stay out too late. While you had taken your parents warnings seriously growing up, you had always thought they exaggerated the cruelty of the gang. Working in the hospital had changed your mind. Their cruelty was unparalleled and perhaps if you weren’t so afraid of what they would do to your family you might have thought about “accidentally” clipping his axillary artery. He would be dead within minutes but you knew the other Wolves would come around sniffing for answers. 
You struggled to keep your hands steady as you worked but finally you did the last stitch and bandaged his arm. ‘You’re going to have to wear a sling for next 4-6 weeks to make sure it heals properly and isn’t jolted around because you don’t want to be pulling your stitches. Also no strenuous exercise for at least two weeks and after then only light exercise such as going for a walk.’
‘What about fucking?’ Your lips parted involuntarily, shocked at how blatantly he had asked the question.  
‘Erm, well that would count as strenuous exercise but after the two week mark perhaps depending on umm… on how you… on your chosen, erm, position then it should be okay.’ You felt your cheeks heat in embarrassment. You talked about sex and other embarrassing topics all the time in post-care but something about the way his cerulean blue eyes were staring at you so intently had you stumbling over your words like a school girl. 
‘Hmmm… that’s a shame. If I had known this morning was going to be the last time for a while I would have made it something special.’ He mused to himself, his eyes drifting over your dark blue scrubs as you pulled off the gloves and gown. ‘But since I’m here, you could always fix me back up if something happened. Couldn’t you doc?’   
‘Excuse me?’ You asked in confusion, blood draining from your face as he got off the bed and began stalking towards you. You backed away quickly, your hands fumbling with the door as you tried to pull it open only to have his uninjured arm slam it back shut. He twisted your body around so your back was pressed against the wood, both his arms pinning you against the wall as he leaned in. 
‘I think you heard me doc. The same warnings apply. Scream and I’ll kill anyone who walks through that door.’ His breath tasted like cigarettes and his body was hot and hard against you. When you gulped and finally managed a nod, he pulled you from the door, bringing you back over to the bed, forcing you to lean over it. 
He pressed his growing bulge against your ass as he pulled your scrub top over your head, the pale blue turtleneck and your bra following soon after. You squirmed in his arms but despite his injury his grip was steel tight. He groaned against the shell of your ear as he palmed your breasts, kneading them until your nipples began to harden. His breath was hot and heavy against the skin of your neck as his hands moved lower, down to the waistband of your scrubs. He slipped one hand in underneath your panties and groaned out. 
‘Oh Doc, you’re already so wet for me.’ He breathed out and you shuddered against him, trying to squeeze your legs together as tightly as you could. He tutted you, pinching your ass through the scrubs. ‘Behave. You don’t want to know what happens to bad girls.’ You choked back your sob as you nodded and allowed him to push you back against the bed, Your chest resting on the cold sheets. He slipped your scrubs down your legs and continued to play with your clit, rubbing it harshly as you tried to force your body not to react. One hand grabbed both your wrists, pinning them both at the small of your back as he moved.
‘One thing I’ve learnt from girls like you is that you always need something inside of you to feel full don’t you?’ You felt him shift behind you and then suddenly something very cold brushed against your thigh. You struggled in his hold even harder, thrashing your body around the cool metal brushed against your heated lips. You didn’t have to see it to know what it was.
He swirled the barrel around, coating it in the slick that had involuntarily pooled along your lips. ‘No. No! Stop it! Get off of me.’ You tried to buck him off but his grip remained like iron, holding you down against the mattress with one hand as the other eased the barrel inside of you. You thrashed wildly as the cool metal juxtaposed the heat between your legs causing an odd sensation to form. 
You hated the way the edges of the gun moved against your walls, making you feel every tiny ridge in the metal. You hated the way your body was responding to it even more. 
You barely managed to hold back your moans as his pace picked up, becoming unrelenting. The urge to roll your hips back onto him had you shuddering with disgust. Your body shouldn’t be responding like this, it shouldn’t be enjoying it as much as it was. But you couldn’t help it anymore, not when he called you his good girl. Praising you for taking his gun so well. 
The moans started tumbling from your lips and soon enough the coil in your belly had snapped and you pulsated in his arms. Your body convulsed as he slowly edged you down from your high. 
‘See? That wasn’t so bad. I’ve always wanted to have a cunt on the end of my gun.’ You shivered at his words, your senses slowly coming back to you. ‘Here, taste yourself.’ He forced the metal by your face and you wanted to shrink away in disgust, yet the tone of his voice told you that wasn’t an option. Hesitantly, you moved your head towards it, licking a small stripe along the side, praying that was enough to satisfy him. ‘Not like that. Suck it like it's my cock.’ You shuddered and cringing inside, you angled your head to take it like he wanted, terrified that his finger would slip on the trigger. 
You forced yourself to slowly bob your head going up and down the gun’s length, his groans echoing in the room as he rubbed himself against you in time with your movements. Suddenly, the gun was gone and you heard the tell-tale clink of his buckle, the fly of his zipper following. 
‘Please you don’t have to do this. I won’t tell anyone, please.’ You could no longer hold back the tears and they fell onto the mattress beneath you, darkening the white sheets. 
‘I’m sorry Sweetheart, but that’s just not how the White Wolves work. You see, when we see something we want... ’ his face dipped down next to your ear as he whispered into it, ‘we take it.’ And with that he entered you with one long thrust. You cried out at the intrusion. Although you were shamefully wet, you hadn’t been prepared for the sheer size of him. ‘Oh fuck doc. Your pussy’s so fuckin’ tight.’ 
There was no gradual build up. Just straight hard fucking. His balls slapped against your ass as he rutted into you, his pace unforgiving. You screamed out underneath him as you felt one hand wrap around your thigh, circling your already sensitive clit. ‘That’s it sweetheart. That’s such a good girl.’ You moaned as his deep sensual voice penetrated your ears. 
You felt his grip on your hands loosen before it wrapped around your throat, pulling you up against his chest. He felt even deeper like this and your tears ran down your cheeks freely. You hated how every stroke of his cock made you shudder in the best way possible. 
Your hands clutched at his around your throat as black dots started to appear in your vision. Between how breathless you were from the fucking and the crying, it was no surprise that you were struggling to breathe. 
‘C'mon sweetheart. Scream my name for me. Let everyone know who’s fucking this pussy so right.’ He didn’t seem to care that you could barely breathe or that he hadn’t even bothered to give you his name so you choked a meager Sir. He seemed to realise his mistake as he grunted his name into your ear. 
‘Bucky….’ Your voice was hoarse. 
‘Louder.’ He growled and you repeated yourself. ‘Louder baby, louder.’ 
With air you didn’t know you had, you screamed his name for him, the waves of pleasure crashing inside of you reaching their peaks as you did. He groaned into your ear as he kept rutting, riding you out through your orgasm as your body collapsed back on the bed. He thrusted a few more times before hastily pulling out, his seed dripping down onto your ass as he moaned unashamedly. 
‘Well fuck doc. How was that for strenuous  activity?’ You couldn’t respond as he laughed, fabric rustling in the background as he dressed. ‘Didn’t even pull any stitches either.’ He mused to himself and you couldn’t bring yourself to move. Shame washed over you like a tidal wave, pinning you in place. 
You saw him walk around the bed, kneeling down as he came into view. ‘Get dressed.’ His voice was firm, leaving no room for argument, but still, you didn't move. ‘Fine. Stay like that and let the next guy who walks in see your wrecked cunt. Like I give a shit.’ It was only at his brusque words and the reminder that this is in fact your workplace that you finally stood sorely. Your hands reached up to brush away the tears on your cheeks and you see him fiddling with your phone that had been in your pants pockets as you dress. 
‘What are you doing?’ You barely manage to get the words out. 
‘Just getting your number. You never know when having a doctor on call will be handy in my line of work.’ You tried to hide your scoff and failed. 
‘Your line of work? You mean terrorising the streets of Seattle.’ You have no idea where this fire has come from and if you knew better you would have definitely kept your mouth shut.
‘No, I mean running a multi-million dollar enterprise.’ You gulp, swallowing thicky as he stands his chest nearly touching yours. 
‘Running?’ You question, even though you’re not sure you quite want his answer. 
‘Yeah sweetheart. Running.’ His hands lift up and he slides your phone back into your chest pocket. And with a wink sent your way he slips out from the room, leaving you with a sense of dread for the next time your phone will ring. 
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gloomyhearts · 4 years
Mellillla || Owen P. Joyner
Chapter one~ I'll be dead
High school sweethearts as their friends called them but they were never in a relationship. Several years passed them when their life moved on. Will their paths meet again?
AN: Hey guys.. so here's my first Owen Joyner x fem!OC. Hope you enjoy it :)
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The brunette girl hurried through the hallways to her next class, many other students stood by their lockers chattering with one another. Her flow was interrupted as someone grabber her arm making her stop.
"Why are you running, Dahl?" A breath of relief escaped her lips when she saw Lilith.
"We have a class in like two minutes," she argues.
Lilith let out a chuckle. "We have lunch you idiot" her chuckle grow into a loud laughter.
"What really?" Dahlia turns her left wrist to see the watch.
"What the.."
"You're hilarious," her hand resting on her abdomen from laughing.
"That's not funny," Dahlia's index pushed her glasses further on her nose.
"Come on, let's get you some food," the red haired girl grabbed her wrist pulling her to the cafeteria.
When they arrived there her graze felt on her group of friends sitting on one of the tables near the wall as always.
"You made it, D. Finally," Samuel raises his hand for her to high five it.
She came to a halt and her hand met a wet one.
"Why.. what was that," she groans bringing her hand up to her nose. It didn't smell at all.
"Chill it was just water" he holds his bottle up.
Dahlia rolled her eyes while sitting down.
"So what's your plan for the weekend?" Chloe asks.
"Well, I have volleyball on Saturday and Sunday there's this school play where the bands playing," Dahlia explains as she steals some carrots from Lilith.
"And after that?"
"Serious? After that I'm dead" she knitted one of her brows.
"There's a campfire at Josh's," Jacob suggests.
"Feel free to go" she gestures with her hand.
"Not without you D." He states.
"I'm not coming"
"Please Dahl," Emma had her puppy eyes as she pleaded.
"Guys.. fine, maybe" Dahlia grabs her backpack.
"Where you're going?"
"The break is over in a few. I'm just eluding the big crowd." She winked at them and made her way over to the door.
"She really left. What a girl" every single one at the table began to laugh.
After her last class the brunette had her last rehearsal for the show on Sunday. Her feet steps into the room and her eyes laid abruptly on this special person.
His cap was turned around and held most of his hair back yet single strands of his blonde hair were falling into his face as he played enthusiastic the drums.
She walked over to the piano and took a seat. Her finger run softly over the ivories. A shy small smile suited her lips, deep in her thoughts. Dahlia didn't noticed that someone walked over to her, she shrieks slightly as the shadow laid over her.
"Hey gurl," the familiar voice spoke.
"Val," Dahlia was on her feet again throwing her arms around her.
"I thought you wouldn't come"
"I can't miss this. You know" she rolled her eyes with a smile on her lips.
"Didn't saw you during break" she points.
"I came just for this" the blonde explains.
"Cause I couldn't do this without you"
"We're just rehearsing," Valerie laughs.
"I couldn't do it either," she retorts.
"I know."
"Please take your seats," the teacher shouts.
"We begin with song 3 cause y'all suck at it."
Dahlia was the first to play in this, she nervously let her fingers fly over the keys again. Then the drummer began quietly, giving it all a rhythm and then the rest. Their teacher was somewhat disgusted but also kinda hopeful that her class could do it just good.
"Dahlia, a little louder please," the named girl hit the keys a little harder and her teacher send her a thumb up.
The chords of the last song echoed through the room and the students as well as their teacher seemed pleased.
"Great guys. Go home and get some rest before sunday," the teacher suggests suggests as the music stops.
All the students gathered around the drums giving the person behind various compliments. Dahlia herself moved to the door already out of the room as her teacher calls after her.
"What's wrong?" She arrived at the table.
"You sure about the scholarship?" He questions.
"Yeah, I think I suck too much. I wouldn't make it in the business," Dahlia insists.
"Whatever you say sweetie. I don't wanna push you into something," he states.
Her graze falling on her hands.
"But it'd be a loss," Dahlia's view rose up.
"Thanks but.. I really don't know," she shrugged her shoulders.
"It's okay, Dahlia, really," he gave her a resuring smile. Dahlia nodds and waved to her as she made her way out.
"What did he wanted?" Valerie throws her arm around her shoulder guiding her to the exit.
"Just the scholarship thing"
"Just? Are you serious? Are you stupid? Actually don't answer. I thought we'd have a girl night. At 7 at mine?"
Dahlia nodds as an answer and went to her mother's car.
"See you baby," Valerie shouts after her, Dahlia just winked at her.
"Hi mom," she opens the passenger door and threw her backpack in, following it shortly after.
"Hey hun."
"Can I sleep over at Val's?"
"Yeah of course but don't forget your game tomorrow"
"She'll drive me there."
Actually Valerie is a senior like most of the people in the band but Dahlia is allowed, due to her outstanding grades and well playing, to be in the band. At first her parents were suspicious because the kids were all two til three years older than her innocent Dahlia.
But surprisingly the others hadn't a problem with her joining the band they were even keen. Mostly all of them.
"Can you maybe bring me to her?"
"Your sister said she's going to a friend too, she'll drop you there," she explains.
"Great," she comments. Well since Dahlia joined the band at the end of her freshman year, her sister hears her name more often from her friends having no spare time of her.
"I don't know where your problem is"
"Well since I joined her some of her friends in the band she hates me."
"She doesn't mean it like this. I think she's scared you're stealing her friends."
"That was a year ago and I haven't, not even one. Just Val," and that was the point.
Valerie and Serena were friends, best friends until high school started for them but Valerie and Dahlia became friends after two years off their "break up".
It wasn't pretty , it was filthy to be honest but it was Serena's fault mostly but that's yesterday's news.
"You're breaking the news to her," the young girl says as she exits the car.
When Dahlia entered her room the first thing she does is to put her glasses into its case, the second thing is to pack her suitcase for the weekend, during the drive home she clarified that she'd stay the whole weekend at her friend's house.
"I'm not driving you there," her sister rushes into the room.
"Well good afternoon to you too, sister," she comments.
"But it's literally on your way. You're even driving her road," dahlia adds.
"But I have to stop right in front of her home," Serena argues.
"I'd jump out the car," the brunette suggests.
"That's a great idea," she turns around and leaves as fast as she got in.
She's so dump Dahlia thought.
"I'm leaving on 6.30" Serena shouted through the door and a smile creeped on Dahlia's lips. She continues to push her things into the suitcase.
"You're moving out?" Her younger brother questions as she wandered to the stairs.
"Shut up."
"Just that you know. Mom says if you blow up the house she puts you up for adoption," she announced as her feet steps on the first stair.
"You ready?" Dahlia nodds and followed her sister behind.
The car ride was covered with silence, neither of them said a single word until they arrived at the front of Valerie's house.
"Thanks for driving me Serena," Dahlia gave her a weak smile as she grabs her suitcase and moved the way to the front.
"You're finally here," Valerie throws the door open and pulled her inside.
"Had Serena really droped you here?" Dahlia nodds, waving Val's parents as they walked past them.
"Hello dear. Nice to see you again," her mother greeted the brunette.
"You'll find us upstairs," she tells them.
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ukthxbye · 4 years
This is All I’m Asking For
a slightly cracky fun Christmas Sherlolly fic
on ao3
Greg Lestrade welcomed the warmth of the nightclub as he stepped in. December is already icy and bleak, and for once the stuffy club a blessing from the chill.
 John stayed posted near the door with a nod to him and Sherlock as both men pocketed their gloves. Greg handed his coat to the coat check, but Sherlock kept his as usual.
  Greg scanned the room, eyes adjusting to the mixture of darkness, coloured lights, fairy light strands, and glittery clothes. Two Drag queens on stage set the crowded room into rolling laughter. Greg listened to their set and cackled at the banter.
 Sherlock remained at his side, silent and wholly uninterested. Greg elbowed him in his side. 
 “We’re supposed to look like we’re out here after work.”
 “Yes… we really look the type, don’t we?” Sherlock said with a mocking shake of his head. 
 Greg squinted and waved his hand,  “Oh shut it.’
 Sherlock spoke low near Greg's ear. “Yes.. plan is, the suspect in question slips out during the show. That’s the suspicion, anyway. John has the front covered.”
 “And Sally the back,” Greg said, rubbing near his mouth to obscure in case there was a lip reader in the crowd. “We’re set. Talked to one performer yesterday, and they said they got a big holiday number tonight. The suspect was pretty miffed they were cut from it for a new girl, apparently. They’ve been stealing all the performers’ tips, but they got motive tonight,” Greg said with a smirk as he looked around Sherlock checking John’s location. 
 Sherlock shrugged as if in boredom, and Greg rolled his eyes as he sighed. “Look, it’s petty crime, but apparently they know some people in something bigger.”
 Greg shrugged, considering taking the jacket off of his dark grey wool suit. “Yeah… drugs maybe? Hey, the performer I talked to said they chat about having a boyfriend in some sort of criminal organisation.” 
 “Hmm” is all Sherlock said with a sniff and returned to the mobile. 
 “You know something then?”
 “Yes, your information is… well… but I’ll let you suss it all out. Consider it a Christmas gift.”
 Greg shook his head but turned to see their informant approaching. He’d met the person out of drag, but Greg’s jaw dropped a little at the vision before him. Very fishy as the drag queens say, Greg mused as the informant slinked over in a red sequin gown. 
 She leaned against the bar, and Greg mirrored her.
 “Hey darling, not sure if you remember—”
 “Yeah… DI, after all, got to remember faces, even in disguise,” Greg said, flashing his boyish grin. “What do I call you tonight?”
 “Anything you like if you keep smiling like that,” she grinned back with a wink. 
 Greg snickered, “So when does the show start?”
 “Baby, the only show you need is right here,” the queen said. “Ms Shantala is a star just standing. You should see me dance.”
 “Do I get that pleasure tonight?”
 She bit her lip, tapping his arm lightly as she raised an eyebrow.  “Later darling… or even later later if you like a different sort of—”
 But another queen who rushed up whispering in Ms Shantala’s ear and with a quick nod she hurried off, blowing him a quick kiss.
 Greg watched her walk away intently. Sherlock shot him a look and Greg shot one back chin raised.  “What? I ain’t got a date for Christmas. You never know...”
 “Hmm,” Sherlock murmured as she took off his scarf and placed it in his coat pocket, and glanced and raised an eyebrow at Greg.
 A disinterested Sherlock wasn’t unusual, but tonight it irritated Greg.
 “You got a date for Christmas so you can insult me?” Greg smirked.
 Sherlock’s eyes widened and narrowed as he swallowed hard.  Greg spied it and frowned.
 “Of course I do not… anyway irrelevant… can we be seated for the show ?”
 Sherlock pushed past him to avoid a group headed to the bar. 
 He contemplated the change in his friend but stored it away for later and put his thought to the task ahead. 
 Greg settled into his seat, and Sherlock beside him just in time for the stage lights dimmed out as the crowd cheered and clapped.
 A small curtain opened as the song began, the tinkling notes of a familiar song. “Mariah Carey then” Greg murmured.
 The spot landed on a figure on stage dressed in a red fur trimmed hooded floor length coat with their back to the hushed audience. They turned, but their face except for cherry red lips obscured as they moved their hand to their hood.  On the lyric of “you”, they looked right at Sherlock and pointed. The piano and music came in and they lifted the hood.
 Greg gasped and coughed.
 Molly Hooper, dancing and lip syncing, right before them.  Heavy makeup with smokey eyes and false eyelashes, but no denying it's her as she shimmied across the stage. Greg hardly noticed the two drag queens, including Ms Shantala, also spotlighted as the backup singers. Or the two shirtless male dancers, one dressed as an elf and the other as a reindeer.His stare locked on Molly dancing as she opened up the jacket revealing a body suit of red velvet with fur trim and a very low cut. 
 Greg’s elbow connected with Sherlock’s ribs but no response made him slap his arm until Sherlock slapped back.
 Sherlock gritted out, “Why are you hitting me?”
 “Sherlock. It’s Molly” Greg mouthed with exaggeration and pointed. 
 Sherlock rolled his eyes. “Yes, I can see that clearly.”
 Greg glanced back at her, as she dropped the coat down to just the bodysuit which the low cut matched in the back as she twirled around and she danced to the other side of the stage for a setup with a prop with a fake fireplace one of the mail dancers wheeled on. The reindeer one wheeled a Christmas tree on the other side. Shock washed over Greg on multiple levels as she slid down the side of one dancer and back up seductively as they lifted her up under her arms.
 Greg turned to Sherlock, not sure if he should even stare at Molly dressed like that, dancing like that, and Greg’s blood boiled immediately. Sherlock’s eyes on his mobile and typing. 
 He reached across with two hands on Sherlock’s mobile. They tugged, staring at the other silently. Greg struggled, but he whispered, “Look!’ and gripped hard, yanking away the device by the time Molly danced back around to in front of them. They both glanced at her, Greg shooting her a quick smile as she looked his way. But he stared back at his friend.
 Sherlock bared his teeth at him.  
 Greg whispered, risking leaning in.  “I’m gonna kick your ass.”
 “Sure, Graham,” Sherlock mocked.
 “Fucking hell, I swear to God—“
 “You can glare all you want,” Sherlock huffed.
Greg looked back as the two dancers dropped fake snow on top of her.
 “I’m throttling you after the song.” Greg demonstrated it with his hand as he whispered it loudly. 
 “O-kay” Sherlock smirked and rolled his eyes. 
 “Jesus Christ...Sherlock. ” 
 Defeat washed over Greg as he leaned in so Sherlock could hear him. “God dammit man, she’s singing it to you, you fucking twat.”
 Sherlock frowned deep. “Its lip-sync not singing you can clearly see by her breath she’s—”
“That’s it. Oh, no… mmm no ok I’m kicking your ass after this” Greg folded his arm and then unfolded them. 
 ‘Wasn’t there a case you were supposed to do something?" Sherlock huffed. 
 “Well, this is more important now.”
 “Is it?”
 “Yes, pay... attention.” Greg pointed at the stage, holding Sherlock’s stare.
 “If I do... will you give me my mobile back?”
 The last line of the song approached. “ Make my wish come true”  and Greg sucked in a hard breath. “I’m gonna kill you. “
 As the last “ You ” note started, Sherlock leapt up on stage and kissed her at the high note, holding her tight to him. 
 Crowd whooped and hollered and Greg sat stiff still with his jaw nearly on the floor. 
 Greg’s, and Sherlock’s mobile buzzed. Text from John about the criminal being in custody. Greg cocked his head to the side in thought, trying to piece it all together. 
 When he looked up at the stage, he saw the reason the crowd cheered again. Molly jumped up and wrapped her legs around as Sherlock placed his hands under her bum for support. Greg’s smile crept in despite the confusion and he clapped, forgetting the mobiles in his hand and nearly dropping them before shoving them in his pocket.
 Ms Shantala cackled into the mic,  “Yaaasss gurl yaasss! Climb him like a tree! We love love! Merry Christmas indeed, Sherlock Holmes!”
 Greg stared at the couple now still clinging to each other but chatting with Ms Shantala as they exited the stage with a bow to much uproar and whistling from the crowd.
 He smugly strode around the crowd to find Sherlock helping Molly put the coat back on. 
 Greg chuckled as he folded his arms “So—”
 “We’ve been dating 6 months.” Sherlock smirked.
 Once more thrown off. “What?” He glanced back and forth between Sherlock and Molly.
 Molly bit her bottom lip and grinned, “It’s true. It was all part of the setup.”
 Greg huffed. “Well, I was certainly distracted but not so sure about the suspect—”
 “It’s really simple, George—”
 “Greg,” Molly said, smacking Sherlock in the chest with her free hand.
 Sherlock smirked at her, and then back at Greg. “Gregory, the suspect knew you were here, but he thought you would have arrested him. Us watching the show so intently, he saw your preoccupation and assumed he could leave unencumbered. He did not however bet on me, or John or Scotland Yard you placed outside.”
 Greg rubbed his forehead and down his face, smiling wearily. “You could have just told me... any of it… all of it. I mean, congrats. God, I’m chuffed but… helluva way to find out. Next time just tell me.”
 Sherlock glanced down at Molly, and they shared a mischievous smirk together. 
 Molly looked back at Greg, “Well now where’s the fun in that?”
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berrifuu · 3 years
so i just found something to obsess over again and yes i will talk about because this needs to be released from my puny body or else i am going to burn down someone’s house 🤠
ok fist off i gotta just gush over the visual aesthetic of the game overall. ITS SO WELL MADE??? LIKE HOW??? EVERYTHING IS SO DAMN DETAILED BUT IT WORKS??? THIS IS PROBABLY THE MOST VISUALLY PLEASING PIECE OF MEDIA I’VE EVER COME ACROSS! and the ligHTING?? gorgeous. this whole game is just 🤌🤌🤌
anywho, next is getting the plot outta the way. now i’m not fully done with this game (i’m following NicoB’s play through since i don’t have a PS4 :,( ) and i’m currently halfway done with episode 16. i’ve been binging this ish non stop yet i absolutely cannot make sense of what the fuck is going on. like there’s time travel but it might not be time travel and also mecha’s and alien robots who aren’t really aliens and who in the fuck is the bad guy here why is there like 10 different Iori’s and whAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING SHIBA??? all i know is that this game is one giant ass mind fuck and i love it.
next is the characters (literally the best aspect of this game) and since there’s a lot of them i’m just gonna-
Juro Kurabe: NOT Juro Izumi, uhh so far i just feel bad for this dude. like give my mans a break he just wants a normal ass life 😭🤚. also he reminds me of Hajime Hinata from SDR2 so i have a personal liking for him 😳
Megumi Yakushiji: get away?? from?? juro please?? like gurl leave the poor guy alone 😭. also what’s with her whole Madoka Magica aesthetic?
Natsuno Minami: she’s so cute and for what? i just wanna be friends with her tbh
Ei Sekigahara: i absolutely ADORE him and i have no clue why. i think it’s just that his design is definitely one of the best ones in the game, but he’s also pretty interesting ngl
Keitaro Miura: tbh i thought him and Sekigahara were siblings when i fist saw them but they’re not which makes me kinda sad cause their friendship is cute. i haven’t seen much of this guy so i don’t have that many opinions on him
Shu Amiguchi: this dude is literally so chill and i love it. lowkey reminds me of Oikawa from Haikyuu so you know i’d love him. also i love is hairstyle
Yuki Takamiya: *deep inhale* i’m so fucking gay for her
BJ: he’s cute, especially whenever he pops his head out of Natsuno’s gym bag
Renya Gouto: dude appears like once and when he does he’s shot by Megumi, definitely needs a break and some coffee. nice voice tho 😳😳
Iori Fuyusaka: i like her design but she’s too much of a “Pick Me” girl so idk. and she literally simps for anyone and it’s staring to kinda get on my nerves
Tomi Kisaragi: she’s so sassy and i love it. also i love how whenever she’s walking you can see her braids just flowing in the air
Nenji Ogata: reminds me of Josuke from JJBA 🙈🙈. his relationship with Kisaragi is SO GODDAMN CUTE??? I LOVE THEM SM!
Ryoko Shinonome: BEST DESIGN IN THE WHOLE GAME!! but not the greatest personality unfortunately. idk it’s just creepy to think that she simps for a guy in his 30’s
Takatoshi Hijiyama: poor guy, mans just wants to enjoy some Yakisoba Pan and not be embarrassed by the fact that he fell for a trap😭🤚
Tsukasa Okino: literally the best charcter in the whole ass game, and i am so salty that he’s not a playable charcter. this dude literally has the balls to put on a skirt play dress up and fuck around with not one, not two, not three, but four (maybe even more) guys’ hearts and then just dip out. i adore this man
Miwako: literally too cute to put into words pleASE MARRY ME-
and that’s really all the charcters i can remember and/or care about. i’m tired so gn 💗
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My Evermore first listen through
Willow - love the bouncy strings kinda wistful but also lively? Water and ships agaaain. The reverb works well on this production. "Take my hand wreck my plans" is so cute. "Come out stronger than a 90s trend" hello style parallel. FOLLOWED BY A SPEAK NOW ONE "wait for the signal and I'll meet you". Literal chills listening to this song. "Every bait and switch was a work of art" hello hoax!!
Champagne problems - explicit and I'm here for it. Back to trains, interesting. Her voice is so soft. Love the stripped back feel. Crestfallen. Picture in your wallet, migrated from locket in SBT. "Your heart was glass and I dropped it".... heartbreaking. The run on celebrating is *chefs kiss*. Adding the strings and the "aahs" is a lovely build up. "She'll patch the tapestry I shred" wowowow.
Gold rush - feels like confetti of gold? Idk how else to describe the beginning. The beat is solid. The way the words hit the beat is very different for her. And the arrangement is also unique for swift music. "What must it be like to grow up that beautiful" - ask yourself that ms swift. The high notes are kind of reminiscent of haunted? I love the vibe and the idea of the two songs being sides of the same coin
'Tis the damn season - angry righteousness is the vibe. "You can run but only so far". Love the harmonies in the chorus. Her range is so delicious. "The road not taken looks real good now". "Only soul who can tell the smiles I'm faking" this is the opposite of IOMWIWY fight me on this
Tolerate it - melancholy vibes. "Use my best colours for your portrait" "I know my love should be celebrated but you tolerate it". This is such a sad song. "Threw blankets on my barbed wire" this is so sad, theres not much else to say. Of course this is track 5.
No body, no crime - excited for the haim feat ngl. Sirens and an ominous beat. Oof the country vibe but the "he did it" and that sauciness. Oooh this is so vengeful and dark I loooove it. WHAT HAPPENED TO ESTE? Nooo. Though I love the switch from este saying "I think he did it but I just cant prove it" to the singer saying it. Oooh shit the switch AGAIN. She just cant prove it. Also get "before he cheats" vibes from this.
Happiness - soft and slightly unsettling vibes. "Havent met the new me yet". I love the switch between happiness being because of/in spite of you. This song is striking a chord in me. The imagery of the sunrise. "Eyes leak acid rain" ooof. "But I think she'll give you that". There is happiness honey, you get that happy.
Dorothea - bouncy but subdued vibes. "You always know me" is so cute but kinda possessive? Like, she out there living her best life. The ooohOUUooos are nice.
Coney island - "did I shatter you?" touches my soul. There is such a regret vibe in the music and the lyrics. You can almost feel the chill via the musical arrangement? "Like the mall before the internet" ❤ the tree imagery keeps recurring and I love it "did I paint your bluest skies the darkest grey" I SEE YOU MS SWIFT. Getting chills at this end part.
Ivy - no intro, inchresting. Sounds like a story by a campfire. "Grieving for the living" "my pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand" "putting roots in my dreamland". Ughh the imagery! I love the ideas in this song. "So yeah" and "you started it" make me chuckle for some reason.
Cowboy like me - sway and suave feel. Dancing is a dangerous game. Who is the backing vocal (william bowery or jack?). Not feeling this as much as the others, bit slooow. The lyrics are nice but its not moving fast enough imo.
Long story short - reminiscent of muted gun shots. Love the vibe and the way the it flows. "Clung to the closest lips, was the wrong guy". "They once held the keys too" - hello LWYMMD. "But if someone comes at us this time i'm ready" YEEES GURL. Also wonderland vibes, JUSTICE FOR WONDERLAND. Might be my fave so far tbf. Ugh chills from head to toe at the nemeses part 🥰🤗👀. I can see myself dancing to this with my friends. I want someone who makes me feel this way. "Long story short I survived" is very tattooable
Marjorie - "never be so kind you forget to be clever" and then switched, ms swift why are you calling me out again? "Never be so polite you forget power" and the switch again, holy heck I love the word play in this song. Probably not one I'll have on repeat, but I do love the imagery.
Closure - punkish vibe, and sort of futuristic too. A bit disjointed. The way she sings also reflects that feel. Interestiiiing. Her emphasis is very different and I'm here for it. "I'm fine with my spite". GO IN. "It cut deep to know ya" I am vibing hard with this song. Chills at the end oof ms swift you did it again.
Evermore - her singing the same melody as the piano is also something different, and then switching to a place where she slightly deviates and coming back to the melody. "Catching my breath...catching my death". "This pain would be for evermore". This is sad but hopeful? Chills AGAIN "cant remember what I used to fight for". "On the very moment all was lost, sending signals to be doublecrossed". The piano doubling down when she sings "evermore" is so lovely. Oh hello changing pace and hello bon iver! Then fading back to the piano is so gooood. "This pain wouldnt be for evermore" classic swift shift and I am here for it.
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lovingxreader · 5 years
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Is It Because I’m A Woman
Chapter Three: I want a horse
Rated M
Word Count: 1.4k
WARNING!!!! This chapter includes strong language, a bad fight scene and a salty jaskier
A/N: Hello everyone! Thank you so much for liking and reblogging chapter two! I hope everyone’s day is going well also! Just wanted to put this out there, I do have a tag list so if you want to be notified when the next chapter is leave a comment below saying you want to be added. Anyway enjoy!
Just behind the workshop was a trail leading to a small clearing in the woods. During the summer, sunflowers would grow and I would sometimes sneak away to lay amongst them. It was now fall and a chill had begun to set in, the beautiful sunflowers had died as it was now an empty field. Roach was beside Jaskier as the opening of the clearing as Geralt and myself stood opposite of each other. Jaskier let go of Roach’s reins before approaching me speaking, “Are you sure you want to go through with this? You just had a bloody beating from your father. Are you wanting to risk it?” He handed me one of Geralt’s swords. I felt the weight of the blade in my hand taking a step away from him. I swung the blade around slowly to feel the balance. I nodded my head before handing Jaskier back the blade. He looked at me confused as I pulled a leather strap from my skirt pocket, using it to pull my hair up into a messy ponytail. My elven ears showing as the full moon above gave enough light for both of them to see. Grabbing the sword back from Jaskier, I took deep slow breaths as I raised my blade. I spread my feet shoulder width apart. I nodded my head once signaling I was ready. My body was still aching from the abuse by my father and my side screamed in pain from the broken ribs. Geralt was the first one to move once I was ready. He came towards me swiftly, once close enough he swung his blade towards my knee. Stepping back and blocking his attack, quickly I moved his blade before going in for a strike. This went on for quite some time. Me going in for a hit and him blocking it and vise versa. The sound of clashing metal echoing through the grove of trees. His moves were swift and hard, I was struggling to keep up with his attacks. There were times where his blade would nick my skin, through the thin fabric of my tattered clothing. Suddenly my foot slid out from under me as I went crashing to the ground. Yelping I propped myself up on my elbows. My muscles screamed in pain as I tried to force myself to keep fighting by they refused. Geralt approached me as I struggled to bring myself up to my feet as I breathed heavily from exhaustion. As soon as I would get to a standing position my knees would give out and I would go crashing to the chilled earth. I was kneeling on the ground when I looked up at him pointing his blade at me signalling my defeat.
“Just kill me.” I spoke between pants. “I’ll be dead as soon as he realizes I lied and I have means to leave.” I said with and eerie calmness in my voice. Closing my eyes I await the final moment of blissful death… but he doesn’t strike . I open my eyes to see him holdstering his blade before reaching his hand out to me. I stared at his hand in confusion before taking it as he helped me stand back on my feet. This day being the most physical contact I’ve had with anyone besides my father.
“You have some skills, I’ll give you that.” Geralt complimented as he walked back over to Jaskier and Roach. “A deal is a deal… A word of advice… Keep your ears covered.” He said before mounting his horse. Nodding my head I stood there in the now empty area as I watched him ride off back into the woods with Jaskier following behind. Once I couldn’t see them through the trees anymore I collapsed to the ground. I pulled my knees to my chest ignoring the pain from my ribs as a sob racked through my body. Instead of holding it in, I let it spill out in cries of pain.
The moon was low in the sky as it began to change colors at the coming dawn. I was limping down the dirt path to the back of the workshop. The smoke from the night’s fire was faint. Opening the door I stepped inside the shop, then walked over to the darkened embers of what was left as I warmed my numb fingertips. The room was quiet as I sighed in relief from the warmth as I could slowly begin to feel my fingers once again. Stepping back I looked around the shop slowly cleaning it up when I saw a piece of parchment lying beside my cloak on my work table. Walking over I picked up the paper, in what could almost be the scratch marks of a chicken were words saying ‘West gate at dawn.’ My heart began to race with excitement as I whipped around grabbing my work apron, removing the coin purse from one of it’s pockets. Sliding the purse into my skirt’s pockets I went over to the fire pit, carefully picking up the bag of enchanted fire salts making sure not touch them in fear of burning my fingers. Going back over to my work table I grabbed my cloak putting it on. Swiftly I moved towards the door before stopping. Stepping outside of the workshop I went around the side of the building to the hay pile before picking up a large amount of it and bringing it back into the building. Carefully and methodically I spread the hay around the shop. Going out to the hay pile to grab more until I was satisfied with having it spread out in the shop. Using my tongs I grabbed a still burning ember from the fire and walked outside the shop with it. Taking a deep breath I placed the ember onto the hay. Kneeling down towards the ember I blew on it reigniting the lit piece of wood. Slowly the little fire began to grow, it spread its way through the shop before not long later the whole building was up in flames. Large black clouds of smoke began pouring out from the now burning building as I stood a safe distance away. Using the rising smoke as a distraction I hid my long hair under the hood as I made my way to the stables at the main house. My father owned a beautiful black mare, he had named her Celestia after his late wife. The mare stomped her hoove at me as I approached. Nodding my head towards her I ran my fingers through her mane as I whispered.
As we slowly approached the west gate I nodded my head to the guards as I passed them. I could hear Jaskier’s voice complaining about not having gotten a wink of sleep as I rode up. It looked like they had set up a small camp at the treeline between the city and the rest of the forest. Upon hearing the sound of horse hooves clopping closer both their heads turned towards the sound. Pulling down my hood releasing my hair from the ponytail concealing my ears once more as I gave them a small smile. Upon seeing who it was Jaskier promptly turned towards Geralt placing his hands on his hips before whining, “How come she gets a horse?”
Tag list: @queenblueoffire @fandomsfanman @geraltsadventures @alwayshave-faith @ya-gurl-stephy
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spacegaywritings · 4 years
Warming Paws and melting Walls (5/8) “Territorial Revenge”
Summary: Nobody responded within a week and so Remy made sure to inform Emile so they could repaint the office. Virgil does not like being alone for long, especially when it is unexpected.
Luckily, the two are quick to make up.
 Tags: animal waster, cat litter box, urine, descriptions of urine smell, cleaning, a bit of fighting bc this is an upset kitty, food and eating mention, feeding, late nights, metal clanking sound, vaccine mention, vet mention, slight restrictions of breathing? Pining mention, auditory triggers, migraine mention, somft feelings, more snuggles and cuddles, kitty gone bad boi,
i do not think there is any more to be applied. If you need me to add anything, please contact me here or on my tumblr (spacegayparty, spacegaywritings)
My KoFi  - Support me ♥ or Commission me
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 Story under the cut: (Wordcount ~3,1k)
Metal clattered together as the key within the lock pressed deeper into it and started turning in order to open the door at last. The light sound filled the cool air. Eventually, the metal keys fell against the dark colour, wooden door and with a particularly loud ‘knack’ of the door, the lock gave way and the way was free.
Remy finally stepped into his home.
It was dark already but that did not stop him from wanting to go home, it encouraged him even further. He was the kind of person to change the night but with Virgil waiting for him, there was an intense urge to just be with the little pet. The darkness outside his apartment was driving him to be faster when the hours passed and passed.
 He had cleaned everything with Emile, right after fucking painting it all and reorganising two fucking offices. It was work. It was a lot of work but it was paid extra work on top of that, yet Remy was not exactly a fan of it. The man liked doing his thing, being left alone a bit but also having some non-annoying or intrusive/persistent social interaction. But.. working with Emile all day was as lovely as it could be exhaustive.
That pal did not gossip enough! Remy wanted to talk about chill things, not how he hated or did not hate his parents and whatnot.
 Sometimes he wondered whether people moved away and went to other therapists so they would be safe from all their dreadful puns. Maybe it helped in therapy? He did not know but it made him feel fluttered and warm all the same. Still, it would get him to feel nauseous after some time. Maybe Emile played into his auditory triggers - too many words in too little time.
 Remy stepped into his home and closed the door.
The sound of shutting it echoed through the vast emptiness in his apartment. Actually, there was so much nothing, it really filled the complete living space.
 All he could notice was a certain smell.. a pungent, intense smell. It was odd and he could not quite place it.
It sort of reminded him of...
 Oh no.
 He carefully switched on the light.
Whenever he used his lights, he could not help but be glad about having found proper lamps that did not cause too much eye strain at once. People who developed and invented ideas for dim light bulbs and lamps that were made to be comfortable rather than stinging in illumination were simply saints and he would never back away from this opinion. Those were fucking heroes because they helped the dumb minorities like him that was too Extra (tm) to live with regular things.
 When the dim lights, he loved so much, showered the hallway in golden warmth, he noticed.. a weird bit of something on the floor.
 Please please no.
 He called into the void, for the void.
Nothing came back.
 Was the cat okay?
 Remy carefully made his way over to the weird something on the floor. It looked like spilled liquid, somewhat translucent and odd.
Did... Did Virgil vomit or pee onto the floor? Holy fuck, it smelled awful in the most indescribable ways. He did not want to describe it anyway, let alone sniff it enough to figure out certain components of the smell or any similarities to other scents.
 ...Oh dear fuck.
The smell - It was cat pee. Virgil had decided to fucking ruin his floor right in front of the little cat toilet he had put up.
 Well... that was it, he supposed. It had been a dream that Remy did not really have to “potty train” the kitten since it came with a lot of good manners already. That was so much of an indicator that the cat was from somewhere, that they were civilised and socialised.
Still, after weeks of no answers, Remy had cut the search and was happy to call the cat his own (albeit he never said so but the smiles on his face were more frequent than before and even his migraines seemed more at ease - not to mention how rare they had become).
 But it was too nice to have a cat - a first pet - that just was clean and trained and would use the litter box accordingly.
 “I swear, you are going to kill me, Queen. I just cleaned it in the morning. It cannot be that bad, can it?”
 He already moved to open a few windows and make sure the horrible smell would yield to the fresh air of the evening.
Maybe he should not have been outside for so long without sending anyone over to check on Virgil and catsit after all. Remy admitted he should look into some silly students who needed the money and would be happy about just cuddling a cat and being able to have some WIFI and such.
 But really, he had not planned to stay outside for that long. He had wanted to run over and check in on the dust ghost during his lunch break. Sadly, Emile did have that sort of amnesia effect on him. His horny brain went dumb and forgot all the important logic and memory. Therefore, he had been too stupid from love to really think about Virgil needing him at that moment.
Next time, he would discuss this with Emile beforehand. One mistake was alright as long as nobody was hurt and he learned from it.
 With black bags under his eyes and shades perched up on the top of his head, he grabbed a few tissues, gloves and a mop and got ready to clean up. Excitement as great as it could have been in such a situation, he got down to clean up and once done, he finished up over there and tended to the litter box.
 Nearly empty. There was like, the usual stuff but it was not much because he had cleaned it in the morning - on purpose!
 “Are you fucking kidding me? Virgil, why would you do this?”
 A deep groan of annoyance split his lips. He got up to remove the bit of waste that was still residing inside. It just took a few moment and it was already done. He disposed of the dirt properly and put his cleaning utensils into the dedicated space. 
A tinge of worry hit him as he did so. The cleanness was achieved at last but what about Vi- Just then, a streak of black crossed his view.
 His tone was low, touching a bit into the territory of a parent. Specifically, when a goody two shoes did something wrong and the parents got all “I am not mad, just disappointed”.  
The kitten ducked away and whipped its tail down before slowly swishing it from side to side.
They almost looked ready to fight and as if Remy had provoked it, the void suddenly jumped at his black boot - yes, just one. This was one smol individual and they had yet to be tol enough to attack two Remy feet at once. Soft paws drummed onto the shoe and the ball of charcoal furry was hissing and scratching.
 “Hey! Ow-”, Remy hissed back in surprise and slight aggravation, “Virgil, what the fuck!”
 The cat jumped back and Remy quickly dropped his jacket, revealing a black sweat shirt he was wearing underneath.
 The angry cat hissed at the man and ducked and arched their back. Then, they went in for the fight, now aiming at his knees. A pair of claws jumped at him, so Remy committed himself to the idiocy of catching the cat and picking them up.
 Virgil did not get his knees but they did catch some skin of his arms.
 “What is wrong with you, gurl? Do you want to play? This is some shit way to tell me about it, queen. You pissed on my floor.”
 Virgil hissed again and Remy blinked in incomprehension. He should learn more about cats or something. Like, take a course in cat training because this whole behaviour was too sudden and confusing for him to make sense of it. These acts were so contrary to what they had done before to him. Even at the start of their relationship they had been somewhat loving towards once another.
 He did not want to admit it but.. the cat rejecting him kind of stung. Yeah, his attacked shoes were also a point of inconvenience he did not really approve of but they were manageable.
The cat was down on the ground again but definitely not down-to-earth. They were already spitting fireballs at the belated arrival and Remy was cursed with being puzzled forever since they could not communicate and explain what happened.
 Remy was unfortunate to think of Virgil as playfully fighting him. By instinct or whatever.
 “Hey Queen, if you wanna play, can you just give me a minute or two, so I can eat? I want to exist, too, and you need to eat as well.”
 He collected the food and water bowl and made sure to fill everything properly. Virgil had abandoned him again in favour of creepily staring at him from afar. The tail was swishing like a clock’s ticking arms. And they were counting his time until being brought to justice by Black Cat Law, aka The Void Law.
 The cat owner emerged from the kitchen, filled bowls filling his hands.
Dry food, just a bit - minimal amounts. Wet food - the main source of sustenance for the kitty cat. Water - because kitty cat got free bowls of water twice a day, thrice when at work with him.
Remy put it back into place and the kitten quickly returned to retrieve the food.
 “Yeah, now you are happy, are you not?”
 The cat very much ignored him so they could feast upon the bouts of food brought to them. Finally their slave human was working again and feeding them as he was supposed to.
Rude to just take an unannounced break.
 “Yeah, I should have expected you to be bitchy without food. You are just like me, are you not, little honey?”
 A chuckle could be heard as he took a little moment to relish in the sounds coming from the Void of Darkness and Fire (tm) purring and chewing. The noises were barely audible but Remy has started picking up the most silent ones. It helped him detect the kitten’s feelings or locations when he needed to tend to the cat. Also, it made finding the cat easier for when he wanted to give them a little goodbye-snuggle before going to work.
 The urge to cuddle the cat right now was strong but he made sure to not do it.
Cats hated that, as much as sources told him. Sources were the internet and people and also a book he had gotten by now. And the vet he had visited once more after he decided to keep the cat since nobody seemed to care enough. Also, vaccines.
Other than that, Virgil also scratched him once he tried to snuggle them while eating. This was only legal when Virgil was already snuggled up to him due to pure pity they felt for him. Such a Queen.
 “You are too good for anyone, kitty. I am sorry for leaving you alone for so long.”
 No answer - but the black blob of fur seemed to be at ease with the food and water. This was a start, he thought to himself. Remy still felt guilty for leaving them alone for so long. Then again, he had expected to have the time and get home for a little bit during his lunch break but that did not work out, somehow. And going after his official working hours was not okay.
 He should give someone his keys so they could look after the little Queen of Salt for a bit when he had to stay away longer.
What if an emergency ever came up?
 His head shook the thoughts of darkness and anxiety away. Instead, he busied his empty hands with the simple task of reheating some food he had made before. Tomorrow he would get some chicken for his kitten to make up for being so neglectful and thoughtless. He needed to be more considerate and accept his responsibilities. After all, he was some kind of caretaker right now - a cat parent, if you will.
 Remy leaned back and took a deep breath.
 “Virgiiiiil ~”, he cooed softly and took out a little kitty treat.
 Just one.
It was not just for his guilty conscience but also for the cat to know he did not mean to. Virgil needed assurance and the stability of life. Giving him some sort of praise for being alone all day - for literally at least 10 hours - was appropriate, he supposed.
 The kitten was already done with their bowl of food and was currently drinking when the smell of more food and the sound of Remy’s - their owner’s voice - reached them. They sensed being called over and looked up from their bowl, licking their muzzle and nose with a satisfied look on their face.
 “Kitty cat”, he purred again and the void gently let their tail swish just a bit above the floor for a few single strands of their fur to trace over the dark ground.
 They purred back in solidarity. Soft paws sunk into the similarly dark floor. The kitty took one step after the other and slowly progressed, body slightly lethargic from the recent intake of food. The ball of fur and mischief made their way over to Remy and sniffed the air.
A determination ruled their fine movements.
 Ah, yes. More food.
Good human.
Their eyes sparked at the man, radiating praise and appreciation.
 Remy smiled in return and carefully nudged his hand close enough for Virgil to nibble at the treat. Immediately, they welcome it into their mouth. Without realising it, the owner visibly relaxed, the air standing in his lungs was flowing out of his nostrils and allowed him to inhale deeply. His posture eased up and his shoulders were now more straightened and calm compared to before. St a few moments ago, the weight of guilt tore down his body and forced his back to be crooked along with pushing his shoulders into a hunching position.
No more guilt was crushing him anymore, though. The cat had accepted his apology and was carefully pushing their head into Remy’s idle palm. The feeling of warmth, a bit of dampness and furry delight was tickling the receptors in his hand. The warmth travelled up to his chest, spreading throughout all of his body in the process.
 “You are too good for me. Aw, Virgil. Little Queen of Salt”, he purred and gently shifted to lean over and started brushing over the smooth and slightly shining fur of his little companion.
 His left was holding the curious head of a peculiar kitty cat and he gently started scritching their chin - well, the underside of their chin. It was a bit lighter than the rest of their body. At least, this is what it seemed like to him. It felt warmer and more brownish, yet just as lovely as the rest of them.
 Peaceful purring filled the room with soft sounds and calming noise instead of haunting silence
 “I love you too”, he chuckled.
 Maybe he did not know everything about cats, nor did he understand all his little sass-bean was trying to express with their general body posture, the position of their torso or their tail either - really, he did not know much at all - but he was still trying his best. He certainly was getting better at it and this counted, did it not? Also, it was not like he did not try to educate himself. His workplace naps were replaced by reading in his “cat bible” and literally taking notes.
 Hands gently curled around the food-filled body of a satisfied little void. Cradling the coal cat in his arms, he held them close to his heart and walked over to their couch.
 “Does my little storm cloud want to cuddle?”
 His voice was a low coo and the kitten responded with audible purrs and an enthusiastic bonk when their heads crushed together again.
... He would totally never get used to cats showing affection like that. 
 Well, still worth it.
Apparently, cats did that to show love or some trash. Whatever, Virgil barely ever did it but it got more and more frequent after their first days together. Now it was more often instead of rarely but it certainly was not the most usual and common thing between them.
Still, it could change. At the moment he just wanted to relish in the warmth of their cuddles and the comfort of their intimacy.
 Remy flopped onto the couch and left the cat on his chest while he simply laid down flat onto his back like a lazy plank swimming in the water. Just floatin’... simply going with the flow, adapting to any wave.
 The cat returned the action by softly pushing their paws into his ribs. Lungs complained due to the compromised volume for more precious and essential oxygen. Not that Remy cared.. nor did Virgil have the cognitive ability to care.
 “You having fun there, kitty?”
 This cat was royalty and Remy would continue to lay around and simply have them run up and down his body. All he wanted to do was.... just take off his pants and such and put on a more comfortable and flexible pyjama. Falling asleep in tight jeans was not as great (they were great for getting some looks from his boss, though). The idea of moving around right now was just as unpleasant as the idea of falling asleep and waking up in the pants he had worked and sweated in all day.
 Unfazed by anything, the void was simply preparing their human bed for a little longer before settling down onto his ribcage...warm and pressing. Just a tad uncomfortable.
 “Okay, there you go-”
 Yes, this was love.
 Remy was too exhausted and comfortable to feel too bothered by his air flow being obstructed. Slowly, he felt himself drift off. The man was soon in a light version of a slumber and gradually become a victim to the sweet relief of a little nap. The discomfort of sweaty and smelly clothes was forgotten when exhaustion took over. The overwhelming state of being physically drained got the best of him.
All good sentiment was forgotten when the comfort of a good cat and a warm home hugged him.
 Bye bye meal he had wanted to have. He was already satisfied in other way.
He was home.
 This was heaven.
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Computer Crew as Vines
Jay: Who’s the hottest Uber driver you’ve ever had?
Palace: *panicking* Um, I’ve never been to oovoo javer
Eighty: *while high* Oh, gurl, lemme give you a kiss, that is good, mwah! That is beautiful- WOAH! *trips and falls* I FELL ON MY BOOTY!
Jay: *dancing awkwardly and falls on his face*
River: *recording* OH! He needs some MILK!
Some Squip: *waddles awkwardly over to toddler Palace*
Palace: Daddy?
Some Squip: DO I LOOK LIKE-
Jamie: *over the loudspeaker* Palace to the foyer? I have a little surprise for you!
Palace: *gasping at baby pig* Is that a chicken??
River: *stoned* On all levels except physical, I am a wolf
River: *barks*
Jay: Yo what are we about to do
River: Yo drink this vodka down the hatch, come on
River: *drinks vodka*
River: *nearly cries, spits it up, aggressive flapping*
Jay: I’m just chilling in Cedar Rapids
Eighty: When there’s too much drama at school, all you gotta do is *mad riff* WALK AWAYAYAYAYAYAY
Eighty: I brought you frankincense
Palace: Thank you
Aussie: And I brought you myrrh
Palace: Thank you..?
Aussie: MYRRH-DER!
Palace: *gasps* AUSSIE NO
Jay: Two shots of vodka
Jay: *pours the whole fucking bottle*
James: Hi my name is James, I have a basketball game tomorrow, well I’m a point guard, I got shoe game
Eighty: Hey Dad! Say “Who want lasagna?”
Palace: Who want lasga- *trips*
Palace: Mothertrucker dude! That hurt like a buttcheek on a stick!
Eighty: *after hours of everyone arguing* I DONT GET NO SLEEP CUZ OF YALL! YALL AINT NEVER GONNA SLEEP CUZ OF ME!
Palace: *hiding in the closet from a killer*
Aussie: ...Red Robin~
River: Airhorn prank!
River: *honks airhorn*
Palace: *after zoning out* Did someone say something?
Eighty: *while high* My favourite screamo band is probably Big Time Rush?
Jay: *tears up and clutches heart, also high* oh my god
River: *walks in wearing his boxers* Hi welcome to chili’s!
Jay: *high* Get to Del Taco! They got a new thing called Fresha- Freeee- FRE SHA VA CODO
Aussie: we all die you either kill yourself or get killed
Aussie: *dancing* What you gonna do? What you gonna do?
River: How much did you pay for that taco?
Jay: eyy you know dis boi’s got his free taco- *falls over and kills taco*
Jay: *lipsynching to Smooth Criminal*
Eighty: *dances by in the background*
Palace: *rides in on a hover board covered by a carpet, dressed as Aladdin* I CAN SHOW YOU THE WORLD-
Aussie: It’s an avocado! Thaaannnksss..
Eighty: *with spoons over his eyes* I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there. I was too busy blocking out the haters
River: *slides down a frozen ramp on his feet* Good evening
Jay: *walks through the cereal aisle at the grocery store*
Jay: *kicks a box of Kix*
Aussie: *trips*
Eighty: Woah! You good, man?
Aussie: *sobs while shoving spaghetti back into her pocket*
Aussie: Back at it again at Krispy Kreme
Aussie: *does some awesome gymnast shit and breaks the sign*
Jamie: *awkwardly* Okay
Jamie: *awkwardly* OJ
Jamie: *awkwardly* Crochet
Jamie: *awkwardly* Obey
Jamie: *awkwardly* Jose
Eighty: *downstairs* YO LETS GO
Jay: Okay I’m calling shotgun!
Jay: *picks up a remote*
Jay: Hey I was just wondering if I could sit in the front seat
Aussie: Sure son
Jay: Thanks
River: What’s better than this? Guys being dudes
Eighty: *singing high notes loudly*
River: SHUT UP
Eighty: Yes
Palace: What would you do if there was a child right in front of you?
River: *yeets child to the side*
Jay: *high* Ooo I like your accent, mmm, where you from?
River: I’m Russian
Jay: Oop- my bad- I’ll let you keep going, hurry up!
Aussie: *running away* A KNIFE
Palace: NO
Eighty: *giggling and skipping to the couch*
Eighty: *flops down* River! Sup?!
James: *cant play the recorder right* God damn!
James: oh- I’m sorry- *does an apology prayer and continues*
Aussie: *high* Why you mad? Why you sad? When you could be glade *sprays air freshener everywhere*
River: Go ahead and introduce yourself!
Palace: My name is Palace with a B and I’m scared of insects
River: Stop stop stop
Palace: Hm?
River: Where?
Palace: What?
River: Where’s the B?
Palace: THERES A B E E ? !
James: *strums guitar*
James: *screams*
Jay: *done with his shit* It’s the dollar store, how good can it be?
River: Cabetsu, cabetsu, ca-bet-su
River: *now joined by the other squips* LETTASSU, LETTASSU, LET-TASS-UUUU
Eighty: I don’t care about my haters, and if you wanna fight me, then fight me
Jay: I have no soul. Have a nice day!
River: I don’t have one either
Game show host: Do you have anyone in the audience?
Jamie: My boyfriend Neil
James: *awkward wave*
Eighty: Hey I’m lesbian
Jay: *high* I thought you were american?
River: That is not correct. Because according to the encyclopaedia of *weird tongue noises*
Palace: Release all of the sounds that are trapped in your mind
Jay: *deep breath*
Jay: *screams*
Eighty: Hello Aussie
Aussie: Hi Eighty
Eighty: Those shoes look familiar
River: SHUT U P
Aussie: ¿A quién le estás diciendo que shut up? ¡¿ME ESTÁS DICIENDO QUE SHUT UP?!
Jay: *spills oil on the floor*
Jay: *slips and shatters the oven door* SHIT
Jay: So I’m sitting there
Jay: Barbecue sauce on my titties
Eighty: *w h e e z e*
River: When you’re in the hotel room and you have to pay for the water
River: *yeets water bottle* SHUT THE HELL YOUR MOUTH
River: *at the sink* THERE’S FREE WATER RIGHT HERE
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